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    Dr. Robert Young on MasterPeace and the Hexagon Tests worldwide confirm the exponential increase in man made pollutants rampant in our ecosystem. Worse, we now live in a world of nanometer sized pollution, capable of intracellular poisoning. Never before have our bodies been host to such bioavailable toxic elements invading us at a molecular level. The biggest player in this assault is heavy metals. These “forever chemicals”, situated, at times, inside the cell cause a displacement of natural minerals mandatory for proper functioning. The king of binders is natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite. And while powdered zeolites have been available for years the quality has been sketchy and they usually don’t get past the gut wall due to particle size. Additionally, zeolite must be properly prepared to be effective. MasterPeace Nano Zeolite Plus Marine Plasma is a Zeolite and Detox Game-Changer. To Purchase MasterPeace or Human Consciousness Support products contact who you heard about us from for their affiliate link! MasterPeace Social Media Groups: Telegram Link: https://t.me/masterpeacebyhcs Facebook Main Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/235836669061851 Facebook Pets Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/784760153290171 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/masterpeacebyhcs/ Gab Social: https://gab.com/MasterPeacebyHCS Videos: Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4748258 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7A49FBlzVcnflG4Nn0tfZQ https://rumble.com/v49v4hc-dr.-robert-young-on-masterpeace-and-the-hexagon.html
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  • Is Gaza Genocide Just Your “Anti-Semitic Imagination”?
    Kevin Barrett, Senior EditorJanuary 18, 2024


    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    Rumble link Bitchute link

    This week’s False Flag Weekly News featured J. Michael Springmann and I discussing the historic story “Israel Busted For Genocide.” Needless to say, we sided with the prosecution.

    Then last night I appeared on Charles Moscowitz’s podcast and heard Charles’ brief for the defense. Though I like Charles Moscowitz, and have a fair bit in common with him both philosophically and politically, I find his take on Zionism infuriating. Moscowitz’s new book The Anti-Semitic Imagination goes over a long list of “conspiracy theories” and absolves organized Jewry of involvement in pretty much all of them. Even the conspiracy to invade, occupy, and ethnically-cleanse Palestine, according to Moscowitz, is really the Palestinians’ fault. It’s also the fault of “radical jihadist Islam.” (Eyeball roll.)

    Below are excerpts from the two conversations.

    Kevin Barrett and J. Michael Springmann on Zionist genocide

    Kevin Barrett: Here’s the top war crime story this week: South Africa is leading the prosecution of Israel for genocide in The Hague.

    Sam Husseini (listen to our interview) has been tirelessly pushing this idea for months. Now it finally happened. Shout out to South Africa for making it happen.

    South Africa presented the case for the prosecution last Thursday, and then Friday was Israel’s response. The prosecution’s five-point accusation included mass killings of Palestinians, bodily and mental harm, forced displacement, a food blockade, destruction of the health care system, and preventing Palestinian births. All of these fit the definition of genocide under international law.

    J. Michael Springmann: I think South Africa has it right. Genocide was defined at the convention in 1948, which the Israelis signed and which they got because of the way the Europeans treated the Jews.

    Now they’re claiming that the Palestinians are engaging in genocide against them, when in actual fact the definition is along the lines of trying to wipe out or displace or remove by threats, by statements, by actions and by killings, a people or an ethnic group or a religious group.

    That it pretty much fits the Palestinians. They’re Muslims. They’re a coherent group of people. The Zionists have been working on this since the 20s and 30s with Plan Dalet cooked up by David Ben-Gurion, one of the terrorist leaders of the Haganah. He became a prime minister and he pushed through the genocide, the Nakba, the Holocaust against the Palestinians, in 1948 and subsequently.

    So I think the case is strong. The court has jurisdiction. The only problem is that it doesn’t have any power to enforce its decisions.

    Kevin Barrett: That’s right. But every nation on earth can say that it is enforcing international law once the decision gets handed down. So that means that, for example, the Yemeni government led by the Houthis would have a strong case that it has the right to impose a blockade on the Zionist entity to stop the genocide.

    And of course, that story has been heating up this week. We have had more drone attacks on Israeli oil tankers. And then the Americans went just yesterday and started bombing Yemen. There have been two rounds of bombings. They’ve hit dozens of targets in Yemen. And the Yemenis are up in arms. There is drone footage of millions of people titting the streets.

    Messing with Yemen is not a smart move, as the Saudis learned to their chagrin about seven or eight years ago. So is this going to be another case of a relatively poor and not that heavily armed country like Afghanistan kicking Uncle Sam’s butt?

    J. Michael Springmann: I think so. They’ve done a good job of flooding the Red Sea, which may become the Iron Bottom Sea if they hit enough ships with their missiles and drones. The foolish Americans and the British and the Canadians and the Australians and the Dutch have got themselves in the middle of a hornet’s nest.

    The Yemenis are battle-tested. Tor 10 years they’ve been fighting the Saudis, backed by the United States, and the Saudis couldn’t win, even though they bombed school buses and funeral processions and wedding receptions and so forth. So the Yemenis are tough, they have weapons, they’re not stupid, they’ve repurposed some Scud missiles to improve them and fire them at the Saudis.

    And of course the lamestream media controlled by the Zio-Nazis—that’s an insult to the Nazis actually—they keep claiming that the Iranians are doing all this, the Iranians somehow are backing Hamas and Hezbollah and the Ansar Allah freedom fighters and the people in Iraq and people in Syria. And you think that Iran is this great octopus, but in fact the Americans and the British are creating more problems for themselves, and sooner or later the Houthis are going to hit some very expensive warships and kill a lot of sailors

    Kevin Barrett: Yeah, and then all bets are off. It could be World War III for all we know. And one of the real shameful things about this is that the United States is officially at war, conducting an act of aggression against Yemen, bombing Yemen, killing people. They already killed Yemenis last week. And they’re doing this to protect a genocide. That makes them war criminals of the highest order. And every American leader with any responsibility whatsoever for this needs to be tried, convicted, sentenced and hanged until dead.

    Israel’s Massacre of Journalists

    Kevin Barrett: The Washington Post is the Anglo-Zionist Empire’s propaganda organ, and even they admit that there’s a horrific massacre of journalists going on. Wael Al-Dahdouh just lost his son. He lost most of his family a month and a half ago. And now the Zionists just targeted a car that his son was riding in and murdered him, too. There was a really touching film of his wedding video, the son’s wedding video, with Wael the Father celebrating the wedding. And now here he is with his son’s corpse.

    The Zionists have murdered over 100 journalists, according to the Palestinian authorities, and at least 79 according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. About one out of every 10 reporters in Gaza has been murdered by the Zionists. I guess maybe there’s something they’re trying to hide.

    J. Michael Springmann: Yeah, they’re trying to hide the truth. And if you notice in the picture there, as in all the other pictures, the journalists that have been murdered, like the Al Mayadeen journalist and her cameraman, were all wearing “PRESS” emblazoned across their their flak vest in English and Arabic on their helmets, and yet somehow that this makes them targets instead of protecting them from the crazed creatures that are occupying Palestine and attempting to destroy the rest of the world.

    Kevin Barrett on Charles Moscowtiz’s Podcast (Excerpts)

    Podcast link

    Charles Moscowitz: Kevin, thanks for joining me.

    Kevin Barrett: Hey, it’s good to be with you, Charles.

    Charles Moscowitz: So before we get into the subjects of the day, I wouldn’t mind hearing a little bit about your story and how you arrived at where you are in terms of writing a book like Truth Jihad, your point of view, how it is you became Muslim.

    Kevin Barrett: It’s kind of a long, convoluted story, but basically, I came from a family of lapsed Unitarians, and that’s as lapsed as it gets. We didn’t even go to church to sing Kumbaya.

    Charles Moscowitz: Can I just interject briefly here, because I did, when I was on conventional radio, I used to do a segment on religions, and I’d have various people from all religions join me, and I had someone from the Unitarian Church join me. And I asked her, could you give me a thumbnail sketch on what it is that the Unitarians believe in? Are there any basic principles? And she said to me, funny, you should mention that we have a convention next month, we’re going to be figuring that out.

    Kevin Barrett: Well, I think they figured it out. And they said, “we don’t have any principles.” They actually have an atheist minister now in Madison, Wisconsin, where I went to church maybe two or three times at the Frank Lloyd Wright designed church in Madison when I was a kid.

    So I grew up in a very secular materialistic family, and I had spiritual experiences as a teenager, and knew there was a lot more to life than what the materialist paradigm was presenting. I read widely, looked into Buddhism as well as all sorts of other things when I was young, but I never really got monotheism. When my parents sent me to go to church with a Catholic next door neighbor to see what the Catholics do, it didn’t make any sense to me at all. The notion of this patriarchal God with Jesus as his son who died as redemption for everybody else’s sins, this whole story didn’t make any sense to me. But at the same time, I understood that there’s a real spiritual dimension to life. And so I looked into Buddhism, which did make a fair bit of sense.

    And then in 1989 through the grace of God, what many would call a coincidence or synchronicity, I happened to walk into a class taught by Dr. Jacob Needleman (and wound up reading Traditionalist authors like Guénon, Schuon and Lings, who became Muslims because they understood that Islam was the best-preserved authentic revealed religion as well as the one that is most rationally defensible).

    And the more I looked into it, the more I was convinced that that was the case. Islam also happened to have a very powerful mystical tradition and Sufism is a big part of that. And I very much related to that as well.

    So that’s how I came to Islam. I said, I better go study Arabic and Islamic studies to figure out what the heck I got myself into. So I went back to graduate school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and spent years learning Arabic and studying comparative religion and mostly Islam in the context of North Africa and Sufism.

    I’d probably still be teaching that stuff today, except 9/11 happened. And in late 2003, I heard David Ray Griffin, one of my great heroes—he’s a brilliant scholar, not so much a theologian as a guy who studies empirical reality and tries to figure out scientific questions—looked into 9/11.

    I looked into it, and I saw they (the 9/11 truthers) were right. And so I was very angry and upset again, and I flashed back to my JFK days and said, am I going to spend 6 or 7 years getting tenure and just let this thing go? Hell no.

    So I started doing teach-ins on the University of Wisconsin campus, became locally notorious. I had the first three mainstream pro-9/11 truth op-eds published in a mainstream newspaper in Madison, the Capital Times, and got involved in 9-11 Truth, brought Dr. Griffin to speak in Madison in 2005. I became kind of a figure in the 9/11 Truth movement.

    And then in 2006, when the opposition research guys decided to try to shut down 9/11 truth, because they couldn’t ignore it anymore, they came after me. And so I was basically beat up in mainstream media as “that evil 9/11 truth professor who’s corrupting the youth of Athens.”

    That made me permanently unemployable in the American academy. I lost a tenure-track job as well as any other possibility of employment. And so since then I’ve just been a freelance troublemaker and alternative media type guy like you.

    Charles Moscowitz: Exactly. And I think that people generally are coming around to viewing 9/11 as having more to it than what we were conventionally fed by the media.

    And in my own experience, when I ran for Congress in 2004 against Barney Frank, I discovered that he had authored this amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act, which basically forbade the United States from denying visas to people who were involved in terrorist activities. And it also had the effect of preventing all of our various so-called national security agencies from talking to each other and exchanging information, which, you know, led me to think that there’s something bigger going on here. There was some kind of an establishment agenda…

    I discovered… there is a peaceful element, or at least an element within Islam, as expressed by the Mufti of Rome, Palasi, who says that Islamic texts, including the Quran and the Hadith, they recognize the, quote, people of the book, which is the Islamic word for the Jews, as being sovereign in that tiny little swath of beachfront known as Israel. And that there’s a religious side to that in that such sovereignty will result in the… I mean, I suppose it’s similar to Christianity in the coming of the Mahdi or the coming of the final prophet and the ushering in of a messianic era.

    And his work has not been refuted by Islamic scholars.

    I don’t think it’s certainly the mainstream.

    But I’m wondering what you think of that, and will you lie, will you come down on that question?

    Kevin Barrett: Well, you and I actually, Charles, are on totally polar opposite sides of that question, even though maybe our philosophical framework isn’t so different. That is, your ideas about the core values of Judaism, which I respect as the core values of Islam and indeed all monotheism…

    (But) I couldn’t come up with somebody who more exemplifies what I would say is the absolutely, just utterly wrong position on Zionism, as you.

    My view of it—and I realize this is probably going to sound shocking or strange to you— agrees with Sheikh Imran Hussein’s interpretation of eschatology. And essentially, as I see it, Charles, Zionism is Antichrist or Dajjal. It’s a false messiah.

    I think that it began with Shabtai Zvi and Jacob Frank, who you agree are false messiahs and false prophets. And I agree with the Neturei Karta people from the Jewish viewpoint that God is asking all of us to be the best people that we can and to offer complete and perfect justice to everybody regardless of their nominal faith or ethnicity or religious affiliation or what have you. And I think Zionism is an expression of a pernicious and toxic Jewish supremacism that has been part of the shadow side of the Jewish faith.

    And from a Muslim perspective, we would say that emerges in part because of what we see as inaccuracies in the Torah, leading to abominations in the Talmud.

    And I think that the notion of a chosen people is, well, problematic. Of course, it can be interpreted in a way that encourages good behavior, which is your interpretation, and I honor that. But it also lends itself to interpretations that basically create a kind of supremacism that denies the rights of others and denies the viewpoints of others.

    And I think your book’s approach to Zionism horrifically denies the viewpoint and the rights and the human dignity of others, non-Zionists and non-Jews, especially Palestinians, who are the victims of genocide. And they didn’t start being the victims of genocide on October 7th. The’ve been victims of genocide nonstop ever since the earliest Zionists, who were mostly atheists and satanists, showed up in Palestine with a supremacist attitude. Rather than being immigrants who were going to work with the local people and help them and be part of their community, these people were supremacists who said, “it’s going to be a Jewish state. Jews are going to rule. Jews are the chosen people here. And we’re ultimately going to have to expel these native Palestinians.” And all the founders of Zionism knew they were going to have to commit genocide, that is expel, destroy, the local Palestinian community.

    Now that’s unacceptable, Charles. And I’ll tell you one of the reasons why. Not only because it requires genocide against the Palestinians, but also because that holy land is holy to all of us. It’s holy to Christians, to Jews, and to Muslims. Whoever has custody over that land has to administer it with perfect justice for all faiths. No special dispensations for any faith.

    The monotheists today consist of about 15 million Jews, 2 billion Muslims, and 3 billion Christians. So there are five billion monotheists today (who honor Abraham and the prophets) who are Muslim and Christian. And there are 15 million who are Jewish. All of those five billion plus people have equal rights to being equal citizens in every possible sense in that holy land.

    If I said, “it should be a Muslim state in which only Muslims are allowed to immigrate there, only Muslims are allowed to have the best property, Muslims are going to put up checkpoints so all the non-Muslims basically have to go through apartheid checkpoints to go to the store every day, Muslims are going to be shooting non-Muslim children for sport, which happens on a regular basis in Israel as the Israeli Defense Forces literally murder Palestinian children for sport on a constant basis and never face any consequences…

    If the Muslims acted like this against the Jews and the Christians in that holy land, it would be an abomination.

    So, the fact that this grotesquely deluded and egotistical and egocentric and arguably tribally psychopathic group of 15 million of the world’s 5 billion monotheists has seen fit to invade the Holy Land and commit genocide against the people who live there and erect a supremacist, apartheid, genocidal entity there and call it some kind of quasi-messianic entity and bow down and worship this genocidal entity as a golden calf–that’s Antichrist, that’s Dajjal, that’s the False Prophet, that’s another Shabtai Zvi.

    So I think that you’ve made a terrible mistake. I think you’re a good man, I think your basic values are good. But I think you’ve made a horrific mistake by grossly misinterpreting Israel, reading the history from a very, very biased viewpoint, an utterly one-sided viewpoint, that denies the story of the other, denies the humanity of the other, denies the facts that we all should be agreeing on, and instead replaces them with big lies and propaganda that are completely false about the history of what’s happened there.

    (How did Charles Moscowitz respond? Listen to the full podcast)

    Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.

    He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN).

    He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.

    Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.

    Archived Articles (2004-2016)



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    Is Gaza Genocide Just Your “Anti-Semitic Imagination”? Kevin Barrett, Senior EditorJanuary 18, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Rumble link Bitchute link This week’s False Flag Weekly News featured J. Michael Springmann and I discussing the historic story “Israel Busted For Genocide.” Needless to say, we sided with the prosecution. Then last night I appeared on Charles Moscowitz’s podcast and heard Charles’ brief for the defense. Though I like Charles Moscowitz, and have a fair bit in common with him both philosophically and politically, I find his take on Zionism infuriating. Moscowitz’s new book The Anti-Semitic Imagination goes over a long list of “conspiracy theories” and absolves organized Jewry of involvement in pretty much all of them. Even the conspiracy to invade, occupy, and ethnically-cleanse Palestine, according to Moscowitz, is really the Palestinians’ fault. It’s also the fault of “radical jihadist Islam.” (Eyeball roll.) Below are excerpts from the two conversations. Kevin Barrett and J. Michael Springmann on Zionist genocide Kevin Barrett: Here’s the top war crime story this week: South Africa is leading the prosecution of Israel for genocide in The Hague. Sam Husseini (listen to our interview) has been tirelessly pushing this idea for months. Now it finally happened. Shout out to South Africa for making it happen. South Africa presented the case for the prosecution last Thursday, and then Friday was Israel’s response. The prosecution’s five-point accusation included mass killings of Palestinians, bodily and mental harm, forced displacement, a food blockade, destruction of the health care system, and preventing Palestinian births. All of these fit the definition of genocide under international law. J. Michael Springmann: I think South Africa has it right. Genocide was defined at the convention in 1948, which the Israelis signed and which they got because of the way the Europeans treated the Jews. Now they’re claiming that the Palestinians are engaging in genocide against them, when in actual fact the definition is along the lines of trying to wipe out or displace or remove by threats, by statements, by actions and by killings, a people or an ethnic group or a religious group. That it pretty much fits the Palestinians. They’re Muslims. They’re a coherent group of people. The Zionists have been working on this since the 20s and 30s with Plan Dalet cooked up by David Ben-Gurion, one of the terrorist leaders of the Haganah. He became a prime minister and he pushed through the genocide, the Nakba, the Holocaust against the Palestinians, in 1948 and subsequently. So I think the case is strong. The court has jurisdiction. The only problem is that it doesn’t have any power to enforce its decisions. Kevin Barrett: That’s right. But every nation on earth can say that it is enforcing international law once the decision gets handed down. So that means that, for example, the Yemeni government led by the Houthis would have a strong case that it has the right to impose a blockade on the Zionist entity to stop the genocide. And of course, that story has been heating up this week. We have had more drone attacks on Israeli oil tankers. And then the Americans went just yesterday and started bombing Yemen. There have been two rounds of bombings. They’ve hit dozens of targets in Yemen. And the Yemenis are up in arms. There is drone footage of millions of people titting the streets. Messing with Yemen is not a smart move, as the Saudis learned to their chagrin about seven or eight years ago. So is this going to be another case of a relatively poor and not that heavily armed country like Afghanistan kicking Uncle Sam’s butt? J. Michael Springmann: I think so. They’ve done a good job of flooding the Red Sea, which may become the Iron Bottom Sea if they hit enough ships with their missiles and drones. The foolish Americans and the British and the Canadians and the Australians and the Dutch have got themselves in the middle of a hornet’s nest. The Yemenis are battle-tested. Tor 10 years they’ve been fighting the Saudis, backed by the United States, and the Saudis couldn’t win, even though they bombed school buses and funeral processions and wedding receptions and so forth. So the Yemenis are tough, they have weapons, they’re not stupid, they’ve repurposed some Scud missiles to improve them and fire them at the Saudis. And of course the lamestream media controlled by the Zio-Nazis—that’s an insult to the Nazis actually—they keep claiming that the Iranians are doing all this, the Iranians somehow are backing Hamas and Hezbollah and the Ansar Allah freedom fighters and the people in Iraq and people in Syria. And you think that Iran is this great octopus, but in fact the Americans and the British are creating more problems for themselves, and sooner or later the Houthis are going to hit some very expensive warships and kill a lot of sailors Kevin Barrett: Yeah, and then all bets are off. It could be World War III for all we know. And one of the real shameful things about this is that the United States is officially at war, conducting an act of aggression against Yemen, bombing Yemen, killing people. They already killed Yemenis last week. And they’re doing this to protect a genocide. That makes them war criminals of the highest order. And every American leader with any responsibility whatsoever for this needs to be tried, convicted, sentenced and hanged until dead. Israel’s Massacre of Journalists Kevin Barrett: The Washington Post is the Anglo-Zionist Empire’s propaganda organ, and even they admit that there’s a horrific massacre of journalists going on. Wael Al-Dahdouh just lost his son. He lost most of his family a month and a half ago. And now the Zionists just targeted a car that his son was riding in and murdered him, too. There was a really touching film of his wedding video, the son’s wedding video, with Wael the Father celebrating the wedding. And now here he is with his son’s corpse. The Zionists have murdered over 100 journalists, according to the Palestinian authorities, and at least 79 according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. About one out of every 10 reporters in Gaza has been murdered by the Zionists. I guess maybe there’s something they’re trying to hide. J. Michael Springmann: Yeah, they’re trying to hide the truth. And if you notice in the picture there, as in all the other pictures, the journalists that have been murdered, like the Al Mayadeen journalist and her cameraman, were all wearing “PRESS” emblazoned across their their flak vest in English and Arabic on their helmets, and yet somehow that this makes them targets instead of protecting them from the crazed creatures that are occupying Palestine and attempting to destroy the rest of the world. Kevin Barrett on Charles Moscowtiz’s Podcast (Excerpts) Podcast link Charles Moscowitz: Kevin, thanks for joining me. Kevin Barrett: Hey, it’s good to be with you, Charles. Charles Moscowitz: So before we get into the subjects of the day, I wouldn’t mind hearing a little bit about your story and how you arrived at where you are in terms of writing a book like Truth Jihad, your point of view, how it is you became Muslim. Kevin Barrett: It’s kind of a long, convoluted story, but basically, I came from a family of lapsed Unitarians, and that’s as lapsed as it gets. We didn’t even go to church to sing Kumbaya. Charles Moscowitz: Can I just interject briefly here, because I did, when I was on conventional radio, I used to do a segment on religions, and I’d have various people from all religions join me, and I had someone from the Unitarian Church join me. And I asked her, could you give me a thumbnail sketch on what it is that the Unitarians believe in? Are there any basic principles? And she said to me, funny, you should mention that we have a convention next month, we’re going to be figuring that out. Kevin Barrett: Well, I think they figured it out. And they said, “we don’t have any principles.” They actually have an atheist minister now in Madison, Wisconsin, where I went to church maybe two or three times at the Frank Lloyd Wright designed church in Madison when I was a kid. So I grew up in a very secular materialistic family, and I had spiritual experiences as a teenager, and knew there was a lot more to life than what the materialist paradigm was presenting. I read widely, looked into Buddhism as well as all sorts of other things when I was young, but I never really got monotheism. When my parents sent me to go to church with a Catholic next door neighbor to see what the Catholics do, it didn’t make any sense to me at all. The notion of this patriarchal God with Jesus as his son who died as redemption for everybody else’s sins, this whole story didn’t make any sense to me. But at the same time, I understood that there’s a real spiritual dimension to life. And so I looked into Buddhism, which did make a fair bit of sense. And then in 1989 through the grace of God, what many would call a coincidence or synchronicity, I happened to walk into a class taught by Dr. Jacob Needleman (and wound up reading Traditionalist authors like Guénon, Schuon and Lings, who became Muslims because they understood that Islam was the best-preserved authentic revealed religion as well as the one that is most rationally defensible). And the more I looked into it, the more I was convinced that that was the case. Islam also happened to have a very powerful mystical tradition and Sufism is a big part of that. And I very much related to that as well. So that’s how I came to Islam. I said, I better go study Arabic and Islamic studies to figure out what the heck I got myself into. So I went back to graduate school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and spent years learning Arabic and studying comparative religion and mostly Islam in the context of North Africa and Sufism. I’d probably still be teaching that stuff today, except 9/11 happened. And in late 2003, I heard David Ray Griffin, one of my great heroes—he’s a brilliant scholar, not so much a theologian as a guy who studies empirical reality and tries to figure out scientific questions—looked into 9/11. I looked into it, and I saw they (the 9/11 truthers) were right. And so I was very angry and upset again, and I flashed back to my JFK days and said, am I going to spend 6 or 7 years getting tenure and just let this thing go? Hell no. So I started doing teach-ins on the University of Wisconsin campus, became locally notorious. I had the first three mainstream pro-9/11 truth op-eds published in a mainstream newspaper in Madison, the Capital Times, and got involved in 9-11 Truth, brought Dr. Griffin to speak in Madison in 2005. I became kind of a figure in the 9/11 Truth movement. And then in 2006, when the opposition research guys decided to try to shut down 9/11 truth, because they couldn’t ignore it anymore, they came after me. And so I was basically beat up in mainstream media as “that evil 9/11 truth professor who’s corrupting the youth of Athens.” That made me permanently unemployable in the American academy. I lost a tenure-track job as well as any other possibility of employment. And so since then I’ve just been a freelance troublemaker and alternative media type guy like you. Charles Moscowitz: Exactly. And I think that people generally are coming around to viewing 9/11 as having more to it than what we were conventionally fed by the media. And in my own experience, when I ran for Congress in 2004 against Barney Frank, I discovered that he had authored this amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act, which basically forbade the United States from denying visas to people who were involved in terrorist activities. And it also had the effect of preventing all of our various so-called national security agencies from talking to each other and exchanging information, which, you know, led me to think that there’s something bigger going on here. There was some kind of an establishment agenda… I discovered… there is a peaceful element, or at least an element within Islam, as expressed by the Mufti of Rome, Palasi, who says that Islamic texts, including the Quran and the Hadith, they recognize the, quote, people of the book, which is the Islamic word for the Jews, as being sovereign in that tiny little swath of beachfront known as Israel. And that there’s a religious side to that in that such sovereignty will result in the… I mean, I suppose it’s similar to Christianity in the coming of the Mahdi or the coming of the final prophet and the ushering in of a messianic era. And his work has not been refuted by Islamic scholars. I don’t think it’s certainly the mainstream. But I’m wondering what you think of that, and will you lie, will you come down on that question? Kevin Barrett: Well, you and I actually, Charles, are on totally polar opposite sides of that question, even though maybe our philosophical framework isn’t so different. That is, your ideas about the core values of Judaism, which I respect as the core values of Islam and indeed all monotheism… (But) I couldn’t come up with somebody who more exemplifies what I would say is the absolutely, just utterly wrong position on Zionism, as you. My view of it—and I realize this is probably going to sound shocking or strange to you— agrees with Sheikh Imran Hussein’s interpretation of eschatology. And essentially, as I see it, Charles, Zionism is Antichrist or Dajjal. It’s a false messiah. I think that it began with Shabtai Zvi and Jacob Frank, who you agree are false messiahs and false prophets. And I agree with the Neturei Karta people from the Jewish viewpoint that God is asking all of us to be the best people that we can and to offer complete and perfect justice to everybody regardless of their nominal faith or ethnicity or religious affiliation or what have you. And I think Zionism is an expression of a pernicious and toxic Jewish supremacism that has been part of the shadow side of the Jewish faith. And from a Muslim perspective, we would say that emerges in part because of what we see as inaccuracies in the Torah, leading to abominations in the Talmud. And I think that the notion of a chosen people is, well, problematic. Of course, it can be interpreted in a way that encourages good behavior, which is your interpretation, and I honor that. But it also lends itself to interpretations that basically create a kind of supremacism that denies the rights of others and denies the viewpoints of others. And I think your book’s approach to Zionism horrifically denies the viewpoint and the rights and the human dignity of others, non-Zionists and non-Jews, especially Palestinians, who are the victims of genocide. And they didn’t start being the victims of genocide on October 7th. The’ve been victims of genocide nonstop ever since the earliest Zionists, who were mostly atheists and satanists, showed up in Palestine with a supremacist attitude. Rather than being immigrants who were going to work with the local people and help them and be part of their community, these people were supremacists who said, “it’s going to be a Jewish state. Jews are going to rule. Jews are the chosen people here. And we’re ultimately going to have to expel these native Palestinians.” And all the founders of Zionism knew they were going to have to commit genocide, that is expel, destroy, the local Palestinian community. Now that’s unacceptable, Charles. And I’ll tell you one of the reasons why. Not only because it requires genocide against the Palestinians, but also because that holy land is holy to all of us. It’s holy to Christians, to Jews, and to Muslims. Whoever has custody over that land has to administer it with perfect justice for all faiths. No special dispensations for any faith. The monotheists today consist of about 15 million Jews, 2 billion Muslims, and 3 billion Christians. So there are five billion monotheists today (who honor Abraham and the prophets) who are Muslim and Christian. And there are 15 million who are Jewish. All of those five billion plus people have equal rights to being equal citizens in every possible sense in that holy land. If I said, “it should be a Muslim state in which only Muslims are allowed to immigrate there, only Muslims are allowed to have the best property, Muslims are going to put up checkpoints so all the non-Muslims basically have to go through apartheid checkpoints to go to the store every day, Muslims are going to be shooting non-Muslim children for sport, which happens on a regular basis in Israel as the Israeli Defense Forces literally murder Palestinian children for sport on a constant basis and never face any consequences… If the Muslims acted like this against the Jews and the Christians in that holy land, it would be an abomination. So, the fact that this grotesquely deluded and egotistical and egocentric and arguably tribally psychopathic group of 15 million of the world’s 5 billion monotheists has seen fit to invade the Holy Land and commit genocide against the people who live there and erect a supremacist, apartheid, genocidal entity there and call it some kind of quasi-messianic entity and bow down and worship this genocidal entity as a golden calf–that’s Antichrist, that’s Dajjal, that’s the False Prophet, that’s another Shabtai Zvi. So I think that you’ve made a terrible mistake. I think you’re a good man, I think your basic values are good. But I think you’ve made a horrific mistake by grossly misinterpreting Israel, reading the history from a very, very biased viewpoint, an utterly one-sided viewpoint, that denies the story of the other, denies the humanity of the other, denies the facts that we all should be agreeing on, and instead replaces them with big lies and propaganda that are completely false about the history of what’s happened there. (How did Charles Moscowitz respond? Listen to the full podcast) Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN). He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host. Archived Articles (2004-2016) www.truthjihad.com ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/01/is-gaza-genocide-just-your-anti-semitic-imagination/
    Is Gaza Genocide Just Your “Anti-Semitic Imagination”?
    A grotesquely deluded and egotistical and egocentric and arguably tribally psychopathic group of 15 million of the world's 5 billion monotheists has seen fit to invade the Holy Land and commit genocide...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 28930 Views
  • Excellent thread debunking IOF bullshit about tunnels they found in Gaza. Of course Gaza has an underground tunnel system - it is not exactly news. I entered Gaza through the tunnels. The tunnels are a lifeline for civilians and under heavy bombing, it is entirely to be expected that hospitals and schools will try to shelter in them if possible or to keep essential supplies safe from IOF destruction. Gaza is actually a city built on top of a city after it was originally destroyed by the Crusaders. Anyway read the thread and make up your own minds....

    1. Not a Borat Sketch! The IDF Spokesman points to a random calendar at the Rantisi hospital as "evidence" of a "hostage keepers' list" with "terrorists' names".

    But the ONLY thing on that "list" is literally the days of the week (Saturday-Friday).

    No tunnels, no weapon stash...

    2. Israel couldn't find any tunnels or weapons at the hospital, so they made up a new lie of "hostages were kept in the hospital's basement".

    But how were those hostages transported out when IDF soldiers & tanks have been fully surrounding that hospital?

    Excellent thread debunking IOF bullshit about tunnels they found in Gaza. Of course Gaza has an underground tunnel system - it is not exactly news. I entered Gaza through the tunnels. The tunnels are a lifeline for civilians and under heavy bombing, it is entirely to be expected that hospitals and schools will try to shelter in them if possible or to keep essential supplies safe from IOF destruction. Gaza is actually a city built on top of a city after it was originally destroyed by the Crusaders. Anyway read the thread and make up your own minds.... 1. Not a Borat Sketch! The IDF Spokesman points to a random calendar at the Rantisi hospital as "evidence" of a "hostage keepers' list" with "terrorists' names". But the ONLY thing on that "list" is literally the days of the week (Saturday-Friday). No tunnels, no weapon stash... 2. Israel couldn't find any tunnels or weapons at the hospital, so they made up a new lie of "hostages were kept in the hospital's basement". But how were those hostages transported out when IDF soldiers & tanks have been fully surrounding that hospital? https://twitter.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1724175188638511544
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3476 Views 0
  • Excellent thread debunking IOF bullshit about tunnels they found in Gaza. Of course Gaza has an underground tunnel system - it is not exactly news. I entered Gaza through the tunnels. The tunnels are a lifeline for civilians and under heavy bombing, it is entirely to be expected that hospitals and schools will try to shelter in them if possible or to keep essential supplies safe from IOF destruction. Gaza is actually a city built on top of a city after it was originally destroyed by the Crusaders. Anyway read the thread and make up your own minds....

    1. Not a Borat Sketch! The IDF Spokesman points to a random calendar at the Rantisi hospital as "evidence" of a "hostage keepers' list" with "terrorists' names".

    But the ONLY thing on that "list" is literally the days of the week (Saturday-Friday).

    No tunnels, no weapon stash...

    2. Israel couldn't find any tunnels or weapons at the hospital, so they made up a new lie of "hostages were kept in the hospital's basement".

    But how were those hostages transported out when IDF soldiers & tanks have been fully surrounding that hospital?

    Excellent thread debunking IOF bullshit about tunnels they found in Gaza. Of course Gaza has an underground tunnel system - it is not exactly news. I entered Gaza through the tunnels. The tunnels are a lifeline for civilians and under heavy bombing, it is entirely to be expected that hospitals and schools will try to shelter in them if possible or to keep essential supplies safe from IOF destruction. Gaza is actually a city built on top of a city after it was originally destroyed by the Crusaders. Anyway read the thread and make up your own minds.... 1. Not a Borat Sketch! The IDF Spokesman points to a random calendar at the Rantisi hospital as "evidence" of a "hostage keepers' list" with "terrorists' names". But the ONLY thing on that "list" is literally the days of the week (Saturday-Friday). No tunnels, no weapon stash... 2. Israel couldn't find any tunnels or weapons at the hospital, so they made up a new lie of "hostages were kept in the hospital's basement". But how were those hostages transported out when IDF soldiers & tanks have been fully surrounding that hospital? https://twitter.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1724175188638511544
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3221 Views 0
  • https://strategic-culture.su/news/2023/11/10/another-snapshot-of-kievs-military-collapse-but-it-aint-over-yet/

    Another Snapshot of Kiev’s Military Collapse: But It Ain’t Over Yet
    The spectacular “success” of Kiev’s counter-offensive has predictably engendered a dogfight.

    ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK.

    Contact us: [email protected]

    The spectacular “success” of Kiev’s counter-offensive, which echoed throughout the geopolitical galaxy, has predictably engendered what everyone with a brain was expecting: a dogfight.

    Enter the Zelensky-Zaluzhny Show – especially after the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) admitted on the record that the war has “reached a stalemate” – code for “we’re deeply in trouble”. He also referred to “positional defense” – code for “we’re gonna keep losing more and more territory.”

    The dogfight comes complete with Mafioso overtones, as in 39-year-old Zaluzhny assistant Gennady Chistyakov “accidentally” detonating a grenade received as a gift, seriously injuring his daughter and duly blowing himself up.

    This might be seen at face value as yet another wacky Pulp Fiction-style sketch involving the top dogs (with no Winston Wolf to “solve problems”). But it does carry an ominous message to Zaluzhny: once again, Mafia-style, from now on he’d better beware of friends bearing gifts.

    As for the “counter-offensive”, the file, for all practical purposes, seems to be closed. There won’t be another one – because there are no more weapons, assets or troops to carry it, except the odd Ukrainian elderly citizens and unsuspecting housewives chased by the “security services” as they exit the supermarket.

    A moral-psychological debacle

    That brings us to yet another snapshot of what’s really happening on the frontlines.

    The attached document, fully verified for authenticity, is a mid-October report to the Commander of the 10th Army Corps of the AFU.

    The report states that the 116th separate mechanized brigade is “incapable of conducting offensive operations because of high losses and high numbers of soldiers that need psychological and medical assistance.”

    The 116th brigade has been deeply involved in military operations in the Zaporozhye region for 5 months already. For 3 months it had been part of the 10th Army Corps, “Tavriya”.

    The report details that the brigade’s losses are 94 soldiers dead; 1122 wounded; and 95 missing. That corresponds to 25% of the total number of personnel.

    When it comes to the moral-psychological front, at least 153 soldiers are deemed in need of immediate psychological rehabilitation.

    This brigade is a quite significant unit; what’s implied is that a moral-psychological debacle is now inbuilt as a System Error at the heart of the Ukrainian military. Consequences, short and middle term, will be dire.

    All that is happening while the flow of foreign mercenaries to the AFU is drying up. No wonder: enter the Perfect Storm of brigades being thoroughly decimated; unspeakable levels of corruption; and better career opportunities in the rekindled Forever War in Israel/Palestine.

    Civilians in Kharkov, for instance, confirm that foreign mercenaries speaking Polish or English are now “almost invisible”.

    None of the above means that things from now on will be a cakewalk for Russia. For instance, the Russian Army still has not been able to destroy the Ukrainian bridgehead on the Dnieper in Kherson.

    Further on down the road, it will be increasingly trickier to expel the Ukrainians from the eastern margin of the Dnieper.

    Russian military media, at the highest level, does its best to sharply focus on serious instances of ineptitude by the Russian Army. That’s their civic duty – and involves creating a groundswell of public opinion, forcing the Russian Army to correct its mistakes and most of all refrain from underestimating the enemy.

    After all, this is far from over – no matter the dogfight now raging in the corridors of power in Kiev.
    https://strategic-culture.su/news/2023/11/10/another-snapshot-of-kievs-military-collapse-but-it-aint-over-yet/ Another Snapshot of Kiev’s Military Collapse: But It Ain’t Over Yet The spectacular “success” of Kiev’s counter-offensive has predictably engendered a dogfight. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. Contact us: [email protected] The spectacular “success” of Kiev’s counter-offensive, which echoed throughout the geopolitical galaxy, has predictably engendered what everyone with a brain was expecting: a dogfight. Enter the Zelensky-Zaluzhny Show – especially after the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) admitted on the record that the war has “reached a stalemate” – code for “we’re deeply in trouble”. He also referred to “positional defense” – code for “we’re gonna keep losing more and more territory.” The dogfight comes complete with Mafioso overtones, as in 39-year-old Zaluzhny assistant Gennady Chistyakov “accidentally” detonating a grenade received as a gift, seriously injuring his daughter and duly blowing himself up. This might be seen at face value as yet another wacky Pulp Fiction-style sketch involving the top dogs (with no Winston Wolf to “solve problems”). But it does carry an ominous message to Zaluzhny: once again, Mafia-style, from now on he’d better beware of friends bearing gifts. As for the “counter-offensive”, the file, for all practical purposes, seems to be closed. There won’t be another one – because there are no more weapons, assets or troops to carry it, except the odd Ukrainian elderly citizens and unsuspecting housewives chased by the “security services” as they exit the supermarket. A moral-psychological debacle That brings us to yet another snapshot of what’s really happening on the frontlines. The attached document, fully verified for authenticity, is a mid-October report to the Commander of the 10th Army Corps of the AFU. The report states that the 116th separate mechanized brigade is “incapable of conducting offensive operations because of high losses and high numbers of soldiers that need psychological and medical assistance.” The 116th brigade has been deeply involved in military operations in the Zaporozhye region for 5 months already. For 3 months it had been part of the 10th Army Corps, “Tavriya”. The report details that the brigade’s losses are 94 soldiers dead; 1122 wounded; and 95 missing. That corresponds to 25% of the total number of personnel. When it comes to the moral-psychological front, at least 153 soldiers are deemed in need of immediate psychological rehabilitation. This brigade is a quite significant unit; what’s implied is that a moral-psychological debacle is now inbuilt as a System Error at the heart of the Ukrainian military. Consequences, short and middle term, will be dire. All that is happening while the flow of foreign mercenaries to the AFU is drying up. No wonder: enter the Perfect Storm of brigades being thoroughly decimated; unspeakable levels of corruption; and better career opportunities in the rekindled Forever War in Israel/Palestine. Civilians in Kharkov, for instance, confirm that foreign mercenaries speaking Polish or English are now “almost invisible”. None of the above means that things from now on will be a cakewalk for Russia. For instance, the Russian Army still has not been able to destroy the Ukrainian bridgehead on the Dnieper in Kherson. Further on down the road, it will be increasingly trickier to expel the Ukrainians from the eastern margin of the Dnieper. Russian military media, at the highest level, does its best to sharply focus on serious instances of ineptitude by the Russian Army. That’s their civic duty – and involves creating a groundswell of public opinion, forcing the Russian Army to correct its mistakes and most of all refrain from underestimating the enemy. After all, this is far from over – no matter the dogfight now raging in the corridors of power in Kiev.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10504 Views
  • The Presidential Advisor Who Introduced Epstein to Clinton Found Dead By Hanging With Gunshot Wound to Chest
    By Vigilant Citizen June 14, 2022
    leadmiddleton The Presidential Advisor Who Introduced Epstein to Clinton Found Dead By Hanging With Gunshot Wound to Chest
    As you probably know, Jeffrey Epstein was a billionaire child trafficker whose 2019 arrest, incarceration, and highly anticipated trial threatened to expose the elite’s sick tendencies. The flight logs of his infamous Lolita Express (the private jet used to transport guests and victims to Epstein’s private island) is a who’s who of the global elite: Politicians, celebrities, scientists, financiers, members of royal families, etc. Dozens of prominent people embarked on the Lolita Express and possibly engaged in unspeakable acts with the young victims that were trafficked by Epstein throughout the years. Bill Clinton boarded that plane over 20 times.

    But that long-awaited trial never took place. Epstein was found dead in his cell in mysterious circumstances. And, since then, several individuals who were close to Epstein also died in mysterious circumstances. For instance, in 2020, Hollywood producer Steve Bing (who was close with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton) died after falling off the 27th floor of his apartment building. While the official cause of death is “suicide”, some claim that he was killed “Russian-mafia style” because he knew too much (read my article about him here).

    Last February, Jean-Luc Brunel – the fashion agent who procured over 1,000 girls for Epstein – was found dead hanging in his jail cell. Again, the official cause of death was deemed suicide. Again, observers believe that he might have been killed because he knew too much.

    And that list of bizarre deaths keeps growing. On May 7th, Bill Clinton’s former presidential advisor Mark Middleton was found dead in the most bizarre of circumstances.

    Extension Cord

    markmiddleton e1655210633404 The Presidential Advisor Who Introduced Epstein to Clinton Found Dead By Hanging With Gunshot Wound to Chest
    Mark Middleton 0n the website of his HVAC company.
    Mark Middleton was a former presidential advisor to Bill Clinton and the financial director of his presidential campaign. He is said to have introduced Clinton to Jeffrey Epstein as he personally invited the billionaire at least seven times to the White House. Middleton also boarded Epstein’s jet multiple times.

    Despite Middleton’s great influence on the President, his career at the White House ended on a sour note.

    “Middleton left the White House in February 1995 and was accused of setting himself up as an international deal-maker, exactly the kind of person that would appeal to Epstein.

    In 1996 an investigation by the White House found that Middleton had abused his access to impress business clients and he was barred from the executive mansion without senior approval.”
    – Daily Mail, Family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene

    On May 7th, 2022, Middleton died suddenly at age 59. He was found hanging from a tree with a cheap Dollar Store-type extension cord around his neck and a gunshot wound to his chest. According to authorities, Middleton trespassed on Heifer Ranch (which was located about 30 miles from his house) and used a table to construct makeshift gallows.

    Perry County Sheriff Scott Montgomery told Daily Mail:

    “I don’t know the man, and I don’t why he picked our county or picked that location to commit suicide. To our knowledge, he had never been there before, and we have no record of him being there before.

    He died from a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the chest. He found a tree and he pulled a table over there, and he got on that table, and he took an extension cord and put it around a limb, put it around his neck and he shot himself in the chest with a shotgun.

    It was very evident that the shotgun worked because there was not a lot of blood or anything on the scene. You can tell the shotgun blast was on his chest, you can tell that because there is a hole in the chest and pellets came out the back of his back. It was definitely self-inflicted in our opinion.”

    According to the sheriff, Middleton was “depressed”.

    Despite lots of unanswered questions, the death was quickly determined to be a suicide. Furthermore, the sheriff stopped speaking with the press due to the fact that the Middleton family filed a lawsuit preventing the release of information regarding this case. The lawsuit states that the family has “a privacy interest in preventing any ‘photographs, videos, sketches (or) other illustrative content’ from the death scene being released”, claiming that this material would lead to “outlandish, hurtful, unsupported and offensive articles’ being published online”.

    This lawsuit did not prevent people close to Middleton from voicing concerns. A business associate of Middleton is now calling for an independent investigation as he cannot believe that the man committed suicide. In an interview with RadarOnline, the associated stated:

    “Everyone that I know here, that has worked with Mark, knows it is physically impossible for Mark to have killed himself.”

    The associate also stated that Middleton dealt with companies close to the Clintons.

    Middleton was actively engaged in financial investments with the same Little Rock characters who allegedly worked with John Glasgow, the chief financial officer of CDI Contractors Inc., the lead firm that constructed the Clinton library.

    Glasgow vanished without a trace in 2008 after reporting financial irregularities with the Clinton library construction costs and his skeletal remains were found at Petit Jean State Park in 2015. His cause of death is undetermined.”
    – Ibid.

    While this story is already incredibly suspicious, it gets worse. A woman linked to Middleton was found dead in a river with a similar extension cord.

    Ashley Haynes

    2022 06 14 09 06 58 e1655212053877 The Presidential Advisor Who Introduced Epstein to Clinton Found Dead By Hanging With Gunshot Wound to Chest

    Haynes was a mother of two from the Little Rock suburb of Maumelle. She vanished on January 12th, after leaving a note on her kitchen counter stating “on the water, love you all.”

    After a massive search, her corpse was discovered four days later by a family friend … submerged in 10 feet of water. The police report stated:

    “Mrs. Haynes had a bag strapped to her leg with a green extension cord. Inside the bag was a large concrete block that measured 16x16x4.”

    Once again, people close to Haynes cannot believe this woman committed suicide in such a matter.

    A source close to Haynes, who worked for a charitable group to feed and clothe the homeless, tells Radar the 110-pound former model turned yoga teacher, would have never taken her own life – let alone paddleboard down the river lugging a 58-pound concrete suicide block!

    “It didn’t make any sense, she would never kill herself,” the Haynes source said. “When I heard she went missing I knew instantly it was foul play. I don’t believe she killed herself. How could she water paddle down the river with a concrete block!”
    – Ibid.

    Months prior, Haynes was seen in Mark Middleton’s office to discuss an urgent matter.

    “I saw her in Mark’s office!” the business associate tells RadarOnline.com. “I was leaving and he (Middleton) was telling me that he had a very important financial meeting – and that’s the woman who came in!”

    “I don’t know if there is anything connection there or not, but I know that it was shocking to me to hear she drowns while paddling in the Arkansas River,” the source said. “Then Mark mysteriously dies a few months later?”
    – Ibid.

    Just like Middleton, Haynes was said to be “depressed” and her death was determined to be “suicide” by investigators, even though neither of them left a suicide note.

    In Conclusion

    Weeks before the death of Jeffrey Epstein, I wrote that he might end up “suicided” because his trial could potentially expose some of the dark secrets of the global elite. Since then, several prominent people linked to Epstein and Clinton appear to have been “suicided” as well. When one analyzes the circumstances surrounding each death, a pattern emerges: No suicide note, no in-depth investigation, and little to no media coverage.

    The death of Mark Middleton fits right into this pattern. The man who introduced Epstein to Clinton was found hanging with a gunshot wound to his chest … and it was quickly deemed a suicide. Furthermore, any kind of investigation relating to the case has been cut short.

    Despite this fact, there’s one all-important detail that strongly hints at a non-suicide: The usage of a Dollar-store extension cord. Why would anyone who is adamant about committing suicide by hanging use a cheaply made, plastic extension cord instead of actual rope? Furthermore, why would a 100-pound woman use the same type of extension cord to attach her leg to a 58-pound concrete block? It simply does not add up.

    If these two individuals were actually “suicided”, the extension cord becomes a code left by the perpetrators. First, this bizarre prop links both deaths in a rather unequivocal matter. Furthermore, the power cord itself might symbolize the reason why they were “suicided”. Maybe it’s because they were both too close to … power.
    The Presidential Advisor Who Introduced Epstein to Clinton Found Dead By Hanging With Gunshot Wound to Chest By Vigilant Citizen June 14, 2022 leadmiddleton The Presidential Advisor Who Introduced Epstein to Clinton Found Dead By Hanging With Gunshot Wound to Chest As you probably know, Jeffrey Epstein was a billionaire child trafficker whose 2019 arrest, incarceration, and highly anticipated trial threatened to expose the elite’s sick tendencies. The flight logs of his infamous Lolita Express (the private jet used to transport guests and victims to Epstein’s private island) is a who’s who of the global elite: Politicians, celebrities, scientists, financiers, members of royal families, etc. Dozens of prominent people embarked on the Lolita Express and possibly engaged in unspeakable acts with the young victims that were trafficked by Epstein throughout the years. Bill Clinton boarded that plane over 20 times. But that long-awaited trial never took place. Epstein was found dead in his cell in mysterious circumstances. And, since then, several individuals who were close to Epstein also died in mysterious circumstances. For instance, in 2020, Hollywood producer Steve Bing (who was close with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton) died after falling off the 27th floor of his apartment building. While the official cause of death is “suicide”, some claim that he was killed “Russian-mafia style” because he knew too much (read my article about him here). Last February, Jean-Luc Brunel – the fashion agent who procured over 1,000 girls for Epstein – was found dead hanging in his jail cell. Again, the official cause of death was deemed suicide. Again, observers believe that he might have been killed because he knew too much. And that list of bizarre deaths keeps growing. On May 7th, Bill Clinton’s former presidential advisor Mark Middleton was found dead in the most bizarre of circumstances. Extension Cord markmiddleton e1655210633404 The Presidential Advisor Who Introduced Epstein to Clinton Found Dead By Hanging With Gunshot Wound to Chest Mark Middleton 0n the website of his HVAC company. Mark Middleton was a former presidential advisor to Bill Clinton and the financial director of his presidential campaign. He is said to have introduced Clinton to Jeffrey Epstein as he personally invited the billionaire at least seven times to the White House. Middleton also boarded Epstein’s jet multiple times. Despite Middleton’s great influence on the President, his career at the White House ended on a sour note. “Middleton left the White House in February 1995 and was accused of setting himself up as an international deal-maker, exactly the kind of person that would appeal to Epstein. In 1996 an investigation by the White House found that Middleton had abused his access to impress business clients and he was barred from the executive mansion without senior approval.” – Daily Mail, Family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene On May 7th, 2022, Middleton died suddenly at age 59. He was found hanging from a tree with a cheap Dollar Store-type extension cord around his neck and a gunshot wound to his chest. According to authorities, Middleton trespassed on Heifer Ranch (which was located about 30 miles from his house) and used a table to construct makeshift gallows. Perry County Sheriff Scott Montgomery told Daily Mail: “I don’t know the man, and I don’t why he picked our county or picked that location to commit suicide. To our knowledge, he had never been there before, and we have no record of him being there before. He died from a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the chest. He found a tree and he pulled a table over there, and he got on that table, and he took an extension cord and put it around a limb, put it around his neck and he shot himself in the chest with a shotgun. It was very evident that the shotgun worked because there was not a lot of blood or anything on the scene. You can tell the shotgun blast was on his chest, you can tell that because there is a hole in the chest and pellets came out the back of his back. It was definitely self-inflicted in our opinion.” According to the sheriff, Middleton was “depressed”. Despite lots of unanswered questions, the death was quickly determined to be a suicide. Furthermore, the sheriff stopped speaking with the press due to the fact that the Middleton family filed a lawsuit preventing the release of information regarding this case. The lawsuit states that the family has “a privacy interest in preventing any ‘photographs, videos, sketches (or) other illustrative content’ from the death scene being released”, claiming that this material would lead to “outlandish, hurtful, unsupported and offensive articles’ being published online”. This lawsuit did not prevent people close to Middleton from voicing concerns. A business associate of Middleton is now calling for an independent investigation as he cannot believe that the man committed suicide. In an interview with RadarOnline, the associated stated: “Everyone that I know here, that has worked with Mark, knows it is physically impossible for Mark to have killed himself.” The associate also stated that Middleton dealt with companies close to the Clintons. Middleton was actively engaged in financial investments with the same Little Rock characters who allegedly worked with John Glasgow, the chief financial officer of CDI Contractors Inc., the lead firm that constructed the Clinton library. Glasgow vanished without a trace in 2008 after reporting financial irregularities with the Clinton library construction costs and his skeletal remains were found at Petit Jean State Park in 2015. His cause of death is undetermined.” – Ibid. While this story is already incredibly suspicious, it gets worse. A woman linked to Middleton was found dead in a river with a similar extension cord. Ashley Haynes 2022 06 14 09 06 58 e1655212053877 The Presidential Advisor Who Introduced Epstein to Clinton Found Dead By Hanging With Gunshot Wound to Chest Haynes was a mother of two from the Little Rock suburb of Maumelle. She vanished on January 12th, after leaving a note on her kitchen counter stating “on the water, love you all.” After a massive search, her corpse was discovered four days later by a family friend … submerged in 10 feet of water. The police report stated: “Mrs. Haynes had a bag strapped to her leg with a green extension cord. Inside the bag was a large concrete block that measured 16x16x4.” Once again, people close to Haynes cannot believe this woman committed suicide in such a matter. A source close to Haynes, who worked for a charitable group to feed and clothe the homeless, tells Radar the 110-pound former model turned yoga teacher, would have never taken her own life – let alone paddleboard down the river lugging a 58-pound concrete suicide block! “It didn’t make any sense, she would never kill herself,” the Haynes source said. “When I heard she went missing I knew instantly it was foul play. I don’t believe she killed herself. How could she water paddle down the river with a concrete block!” – Ibid. Months prior, Haynes was seen in Mark Middleton’s office to discuss an urgent matter. “I saw her in Mark’s office!” the business associate tells RadarOnline.com. “I was leaving and he (Middleton) was telling me that he had a very important financial meeting – and that’s the woman who came in!” “I don’t know if there is anything connection there or not, but I know that it was shocking to me to hear she drowns while paddling in the Arkansas River,” the source said. “Then Mark mysteriously dies a few months later?” – Ibid. Just like Middleton, Haynes was said to be “depressed” and her death was determined to be “suicide” by investigators, even though neither of them left a suicide note. In Conclusion Weeks before the death of Jeffrey Epstein, I wrote that he might end up “suicided” because his trial could potentially expose some of the dark secrets of the global elite. Since then, several prominent people linked to Epstein and Clinton appear to have been “suicided” as well. When one analyzes the circumstances surrounding each death, a pattern emerges: No suicide note, no in-depth investigation, and little to no media coverage. The death of Mark Middleton fits right into this pattern. The man who introduced Epstein to Clinton was found hanging with a gunshot wound to his chest … and it was quickly deemed a suicide. Furthermore, any kind of investigation relating to the case has been cut short. Despite this fact, there’s one all-important detail that strongly hints at a non-suicide: The usage of a Dollar-store extension cord. Why would anyone who is adamant about committing suicide by hanging use a cheaply made, plastic extension cord instead of actual rope? Furthermore, why would a 100-pound woman use the same type of extension cord to attach her leg to a 58-pound concrete block? It simply does not add up. If these two individuals were actually “suicided”, the extension cord becomes a code left by the perpetrators. First, this bizarre prop links both deaths in a rather unequivocal matter. Furthermore, the power cord itself might symbolize the reason why they were “suicided”. Maybe it’s because they were both too close to … power.
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