50% of the total #pollvoters believe that the top answer is #Dandelions. Maybe we can give a clue! It has #petals! Oopps did the clue help out?! We guess not. Maybe a little quote will do.
Tomorrow our featured Someeian will post his #TopAnswerReveal- make sure to keep an eye!
It's not over yet! Join by voting our most recent Poll featuring MineYourMind
Poll link: https://somee.social/posts/688775
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50% of the total #pollvoters believe that the top answer is #Dandelions. Maybe we can give a clue! It has #petals! Oopps did the clue help out?! We guess not. Maybe a little quote will do.
Tomorrow our featured Someeian will post his #TopAnswerReveal- make sure to keep an eye!
It's not over yet! Join by voting our most recent Poll featuring MineYourMind
Poll link: https://somee.social/posts/688775
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50% of the total #pollvoters believe that the top answer is #Dandelions. Maybe we can give a clue! It has #petals! Oopps did the clue help out?! We guess not. Maybe a little quote will do.
Tomorrow our featured Someeian will post his #TopAnswerReveal- make sure to keep an eye!
It's not over yet! Join by voting our most recent Poll featuring [MineYourMind]
Poll link: https://somee.social/posts/688775
Check, like and share the #SomeeFeud Page