• A Deep Dive Into How The Olympic Opening Ceremony and Global Tyranny Are Related
    At First Glance Nothing Is As It Seems


    As many of us have grown all too accustomed to - nothing we see reflected by media - by our global communication system of the internet is as it seems.

    At first it seems impossible that the scandalous opening ceremonies of the Olympics could be related to the now infamous CrowdStrike IT outage which occurred in the past week.

    For those of you who know - this connection will not come as any surprise - as we understand that CrowdStrike - and the Olympics - are tied to the same globalist monster which now has tentacles everywhere.

    But it is perhaps shocking to all of us that it has taken now an X-rated mockery of Christianity to outrage the world.

    Not that such a display should not outrage every thinking and feeling individual.

    It is just a kind of shock that after almost five years that includes a coup d’état to rule the world which few seem to comprehend is even taking place, which has by now killed about 20 million people, following a fake epidemic which forced humans worldwide to wide to display such indignities as forced masking, forced lockdown, and forced social distancing.

    And as if that were not enough the globalist cabal engineered an “educational” narrative sold to the world’s children of transgender ideology - one which involved the sexual grooming of children and furthermore an entire new medical industry which sought to profit from the surgical maiming of these kids.

    We might expect such an alignment of corporate, educational, governmental, and medical institutions from Nazi Germany - but apparently seeing that it is happening as part of a coup d’état to take over the world - our world - our modern civilization - is not acceptable.

    What has happened as physicians, parents, kids and educators rationalize the chopping off body parts and use of dangerous drugs to turn perfectly healthy children into eunuchs?

    What has happened is what any rational individuals may expect - that a devious and dangerous cult has taken possession of this planet - a cult which seeks to achieve the following.

    Fool all humans by carrying out a fake, staged epidemic

    Frighten said humans so much that they will fear death if they disobey

    Insure that all authorities go along with the plan - pay them handsomely to do so.

    Use totalitarian style lockdowns and known ritualistic behavior such as ritual handwashing and ritual wearing of masks - and ritualistic vaccination

    Take over the world’s airways with steady fear mongering propaganda

    Engage in ritualistic shaming of those who fail to go along with this nonsense

    Exclude those who will not comply by using such tactics as encouraging widespread fear of contagion from the unmasked, unvaccinated and noncompliant.

    Even those who go against the sexualizing and trans gendering of children are to be regarded as bigots and anti-gay Nazis.

    Anyone anywhere who goes against the mainstream narrative is regarded as being an anti human and dangerous - even insane - radical - threats to polite society.

    All of these and more have been part of the tactics of this cabal to take over and rule the world while everyone is distracted by worrying about their very survival.

    I am not sure what all this reminds people of - but I do know what it reminds me of.

    It is - in terms of propaganda and political tactics - reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

    There has even been a deliberate campaign to destroy physical property and major cities - even take farmland - and engage in both buying up of public and private infrastructure and in shaping human behavior.

    To commandeer whole medical complexes and entire fields of medicine, whole nation states, governments, institutions, corporations, and all of education, public discourse, and mass media.

    While this modern 21st century totalitarianism did not stage a full on Crystal Night reign of terror against specific groups to scare people into compliance - fear was still used in a novel way to bring absolute control and unquestioned obedience.

    I am not at all sure at this point what it will take for the world to wake up.

    But I am hoping that seeing that these 21st century totalitarians are behind all of this - and by now seeing how far they will go to insure our fearful compliance and obedience to their brand of fascism - that we will come to our senses.

    The Olympic committee did not simply wake up one day and decide they would demonstrate disdain and disgust for the entire world.

    The Olympic committee and just about all other institutions, governments, and corporations are part of the 21st century totalitarian system - as shown by the members of such organizations as the World Economic Forum.

    While this WEF is not the only organization involved they have served as a kind of Davos exclusive country club for many of the ring leaders.

    Their regular meetings around the world are a veritable who’s who of this alliance of stakeholder capitalists and public private partnerships - this Nazi-like cabal of plutocrats.

    Of course there is Bilderberg and Club of Rome to name a few other participants.

    But a look at the roster of WEF will reveal the main allied forces involved.

    It should not be surprising to see that NATO, WHO, CIA, PENTAGON, FBI and leaders of the US government and all world governments are involved.

    It should not be surprising that all tech giants and military and industrial leaders are involved.

    Nor that titans of education, health care, public works and urban planning and development are involved

    And perhaps most importantly the press and entertainment are involved to shape public opinion to fit the ongoing narrative.

    To really comprehend what has happened takes great deal of energy, time and effort to fully see.

    The ruse is well camouflaged and the insurance of our compliance is well policed and backed up by military personnel and local police.

    We may well ask the question as to why these cabal members have been so successful at taking the entire world hostage in this way.

    What do these enemies of the future have - the real actual Nazis did not?

    There is a clear and obvious answer to that question.

    Technology, the internet and the planetary reach of these capabilities and their role in being able to almost instantaneously shape and to manipulate public opinion.

    With technology on their side totalitarian control is a kind of slam dunk.

    This all may seem overwhelming and monstrous - and it is all of that - and more.

    But the overwhelmingly important thing now is that the world wake to the reality of woke and to why these woke agendas have been used as a weapon of political terror.

    It is a hell of a thing to wake up to - but as one brave legal specialist articulated as he was kidnapped and imprisoned in Germany for defending liberty - echoing many of our own observations.

    He said (paraphrasing) - “Maybe these co-conspirators made a big mistake in coming after our children”.

    Maybe that over reach will finally serve as the catalyst which will alert the world and all parents and those who care about our children.

    Maybe in coming after our kids in such obviously deviant ways - they have revealed their own feet of clay.

    As we can begin to see, totalitarianism is incredibly expensive and requires insane amounts of human and financial capital allocated to the manipulation of public opinion and behavior to maintain.

    That this totalitarianism is expensive is an understatement.

    Just the Silicon Valley part of this campaign has already corrupted and destroyed many of the world’s major cities - San Francisco and New York being only two infamous examples.

    Wherever Big Tech has been centered it has so hollowed out and undermined the social and economic fabric of society so as to result in collapse.

    Big Tech and the dangerous compliance with corruption and political correctness they demonstrate are playing a major role in modern 21st century totalitarian regimes.

    If this grand entertainment scheme - intended to dazzle the world into further compliance - has instead served to begin waking us as humans up to reality - then it will have served a noble purpose.

    Let us hope these WORLD ECONOMIC FURERS have finally demonstrated their feet of clay.

    May we the adults of planet earth stand for the kids.

    But beware when the coming American Caesar tells us we will not have to vote anymore - he is saying the globalist agenda - the quiet part - out loud.

    And Vladimir Putin cast as the enemy in all this - he too is simply playing his part - while plotting for himself to help rule the world

    Read Machiavelli - the citizens guide to the mindset of leaders - and learn precisely how we are being mocked, manipulated and owned by tyranny.

    There are people out there who will tell you it is just the West which has become totalitarian - nothing could be further from the truth - as the darling of the WEF is China - and Russia is just as bent on global totalitarianism as is any other 21st century globalist tyrant.

    As Machiavelli made clear back in Medieval Italy - the globalists have no plans to give up any of their power to we the people.

    And when you own all the governments, institutions and corporations- owning the world is pretty much a fait accompli.

    The globalist cabal brings us their version of the reality promised by Revelation - they hearken the literal end of the world by - themselves - becoming our own personal Jesus.

    But of course there are all kinds of ways to exhibit denial of what is really happening here.

    That is mass media’s task to offer up platitudes to keep us all - as global citizens - in denial.

    They are going to now convince all Christians that the new Caesar is the way out of this.

    But if we read Machiavelli we understand that this is simply part of the intended manipulation.

    Vote for Caesar and no one will ever have to vote again.

    Glad that is settled!

    Anyone concerned with real liberty - and those useless ideas expressed in our founding documents - may as well pack up their carpetbags and go home.

    But if you have been reading this stack for awhile you know that when people like us pack up and go home it really will be a fait accompli.

    And then it really will have been all she - or anyone else - ever wrote.


    Leave a comment

    A Deep Dive Into How The Olympic Opening Ceremony and Global Tyranny Are Related At First Glance Nothing Is As It Seems KW NORTON As many of us have grown all too accustomed to - nothing we see reflected by media - by our global communication system of the internet is as it seems. At first it seems impossible that the scandalous opening ceremonies of the Olympics could be related to the now infamous CrowdStrike IT outage which occurred in the past week. For those of you who know - this connection will not come as any surprise - as we understand that CrowdStrike - and the Olympics - are tied to the same globalist monster which now has tentacles everywhere. But it is perhaps shocking to all of us that it has taken now an X-rated mockery of Christianity to outrage the world. Not that such a display should not outrage every thinking and feeling individual. It is just a kind of shock that after almost five years that includes a coup d’état to rule the world which few seem to comprehend is even taking place, which has by now killed about 20 million people, following a fake epidemic which forced humans worldwide to wide to display such indignities as forced masking, forced lockdown, and forced social distancing. And as if that were not enough the globalist cabal engineered an “educational” narrative sold to the world’s children of transgender ideology - one which involved the sexual grooming of children and furthermore an entire new medical industry which sought to profit from the surgical maiming of these kids. We might expect such an alignment of corporate, educational, governmental, and medical institutions from Nazi Germany - but apparently seeing that it is happening as part of a coup d’état to take over the world - our world - our modern civilization - is not acceptable. What has happened as physicians, parents, kids and educators rationalize the chopping off body parts and use of dangerous drugs to turn perfectly healthy children into eunuchs? What has happened is what any rational individuals may expect - that a devious and dangerous cult has taken possession of this planet - a cult which seeks to achieve the following. Fool all humans by carrying out a fake, staged epidemic Frighten said humans so much that they will fear death if they disobey Insure that all authorities go along with the plan - pay them handsomely to do so. Use totalitarian style lockdowns and known ritualistic behavior such as ritual handwashing and ritual wearing of masks - and ritualistic vaccination Take over the world’s airways with steady fear mongering propaganda Engage in ritualistic shaming of those who fail to go along with this nonsense Exclude those who will not comply by using such tactics as encouraging widespread fear of contagion from the unmasked, unvaccinated and noncompliant. Even those who go against the sexualizing and trans gendering of children are to be regarded as bigots and anti-gay Nazis. Anyone anywhere who goes against the mainstream narrative is regarded as being an anti human and dangerous - even insane - radical - threats to polite society. All of these and more have been part of the tactics of this cabal to take over and rule the world while everyone is distracted by worrying about their very survival. I am not sure what all this reminds people of - but I do know what it reminds me of. It is - in terms of propaganda and political tactics - reminiscent of Nazi Germany. There has even been a deliberate campaign to destroy physical property and major cities - even take farmland - and engage in both buying up of public and private infrastructure and in shaping human behavior. To commandeer whole medical complexes and entire fields of medicine, whole nation states, governments, institutions, corporations, and all of education, public discourse, and mass media. While this modern 21st century totalitarianism did not stage a full on Crystal Night reign of terror against specific groups to scare people into compliance - fear was still used in a novel way to bring absolute control and unquestioned obedience. I am not at all sure at this point what it will take for the world to wake up. But I am hoping that seeing that these 21st century totalitarians are behind all of this - and by now seeing how far they will go to insure our fearful compliance and obedience to their brand of fascism - that we will come to our senses. The Olympic committee did not simply wake up one day and decide they would demonstrate disdain and disgust for the entire world. The Olympic committee and just about all other institutions, governments, and corporations are part of the 21st century totalitarian system - as shown by the members of such organizations as the World Economic Forum. While this WEF is not the only organization involved they have served as a kind of Davos exclusive country club for many of the ring leaders. Their regular meetings around the world are a veritable who’s who of this alliance of stakeholder capitalists and public private partnerships - this Nazi-like cabal of plutocrats. Of course there is Bilderberg and Club of Rome to name a few other participants. But a look at the roster of WEF will reveal the main allied forces involved. It should not be surprising to see that NATO, WHO, CIA, PENTAGON, FBI and leaders of the US government and all world governments are involved. It should not be surprising that all tech giants and military and industrial leaders are involved. Nor that titans of education, health care, public works and urban planning and development are involved And perhaps most importantly the press and entertainment are involved to shape public opinion to fit the ongoing narrative. To really comprehend what has happened takes great deal of energy, time and effort to fully see. The ruse is well camouflaged and the insurance of our compliance is well policed and backed up by military personnel and local police. We may well ask the question as to why these cabal members have been so successful at taking the entire world hostage in this way. What do these enemies of the future have - the real actual Nazis did not? There is a clear and obvious answer to that question. Technology, the internet and the planetary reach of these capabilities and their role in being able to almost instantaneously shape and to manipulate public opinion. With technology on their side totalitarian control is a kind of slam dunk. This all may seem overwhelming and monstrous - and it is all of that - and more. But the overwhelmingly important thing now is that the world wake to the reality of woke and to why these woke agendas have been used as a weapon of political terror. It is a hell of a thing to wake up to - but as one brave legal specialist articulated as he was kidnapped and imprisoned in Germany for defending liberty - echoing many of our own observations. He said (paraphrasing) - “Maybe these co-conspirators made a big mistake in coming after our children”. Maybe that over reach will finally serve as the catalyst which will alert the world and all parents and those who care about our children. Maybe in coming after our kids in such obviously deviant ways - they have revealed their own feet of clay. As we can begin to see, totalitarianism is incredibly expensive and requires insane amounts of human and financial capital allocated to the manipulation of public opinion and behavior to maintain. That this totalitarianism is expensive is an understatement. Just the Silicon Valley part of this campaign has already corrupted and destroyed many of the world’s major cities - San Francisco and New York being only two infamous examples. Wherever Big Tech has been centered it has so hollowed out and undermined the social and economic fabric of society so as to result in collapse. Big Tech and the dangerous compliance with corruption and political correctness they demonstrate are playing a major role in modern 21st century totalitarian regimes. If this grand entertainment scheme - intended to dazzle the world into further compliance - has instead served to begin waking us as humans up to reality - then it will have served a noble purpose. Let us hope these WORLD ECONOMIC FURERS have finally demonstrated their feet of clay. May we the adults of planet earth stand for the kids. But beware when the coming American Caesar tells us we will not have to vote anymore - he is saying the globalist agenda - the quiet part - out loud. And Vladimir Putin cast as the enemy in all this - he too is simply playing his part - while plotting for himself to help rule the world Read Machiavelli - the citizens guide to the mindset of leaders - and learn precisely how we are being mocked, manipulated and owned by tyranny. There are people out there who will tell you it is just the West which has become totalitarian - nothing could be further from the truth - as the darling of the WEF is China - and Russia is just as bent on global totalitarianism as is any other 21st century globalist tyrant. As Machiavelli made clear back in Medieval Italy - the globalists have no plans to give up any of their power to we the people. And when you own all the governments, institutions and corporations- owning the world is pretty much a fait accompli. The globalist cabal brings us their version of the reality promised by Revelation - they hearken the literal end of the world by - themselves - becoming our own personal Jesus. But of course there are all kinds of ways to exhibit denial of what is really happening here. That is mass media’s task to offer up platitudes to keep us all - as global citizens - in denial. They are going to now convince all Christians that the new Caesar is the way out of this. But if we read Machiavelli we understand that this is simply part of the intended manipulation. Vote for Caesar and no one will ever have to vote again. Glad that is settled! Anyone concerned with real liberty - and those useless ideas expressed in our founding documents - may as well pack up their carpetbags and go home. But if you have been reading this stack for awhile you know that when people like us pack up and go home it really will be a fait accompli. And then it really will have been all she - or anyone else - ever wrote. Share Leave a comment https://substack.com/home/post/p-147091014
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  • A Deep Dive Into How The Olympic Opening Ceremony and Global Tyranny Are Related
    At First Glance Nothing Is As It Seems


    As many of us have grown all too accustomed to - nothing we see reflected by media - by our global communication system of the internet is as it seems.

    At first it seems impossible that the scandalous opening ceremonies of the Olympics could be related to the now infamous CrowdStrike IT outage which occurred in the past week.

    For those of you who know - this connection will not come as any surprise - as we understand that CrowdStrike - and the Olympics - are tied to the same globalist monster which now has tentacles everywhere.

    But it is perhaps shocking to all of us that it has taken now an X-rated mockery of Christianity to outrage the world.

    Not that such a display should not outrage every thinking and feeling individual.

    It is just a kind of shock that after almost five years that includes a coup d’état to rule the world which few seem to comprehend is even taking place, which has by now killed about 20 million people, following a fake epidemic which forced humans worldwide to wide to display such indignities as forced masking, forced lockdown, and forced social distancing.

    And as if that were not enough the globalist cabal engineered an “educational” narrative sold to the world’s children of transgender ideology - one which involved the sexual grooming of children and furthermore an entire new medical industry which sought to profit from the surgical maiming of these kids.

    We might expect such an alignment of corporate, educational, governmental, and medical institutions from Nazi Germany - but apparently seeing that it is happening as part of a coup d’état to take over the world - our world - our modern civilization - is not acceptable.

    What has happened as physicians, parents, kids and educators rationalize the chopping off body parts and use of dangerous drugs to turn perfectly healthy children into eunuchs?

    What has happened is what any rational individuals may expect - that a devious and dangerous cult has taken possession of this planet - a cult which seeks to achieve the following.

    Fool all humans by carrying out a fake, staged epidemic

    Frighten said humans so much that they will fear death if they disobey

    Insure that all authorities go along with the plan - pay them handsomely to do so.

    Use totalitarian style lockdowns and known ritualistic behavior such as ritual handwashing and ritual wearing of masks - and ritualistic vaccination

    Take over the world’s airways with steady fear mongering propaganda

    Engage in ritualistic shaming of those who fail to go along with this nonsense

    Exclude those who will not comply by using such tactics as encouraging widespread fear of contagion from the unmasked, unvaccinated and noncompliant.

    Even those who go against the sexualizing and trans gendering of children are to be regarded as bigots and anti-gay Nazis.

    Anyone anywhere who goes against the mainstream narrative is regarded as being an anti human and dangerous - even insane - radical - threats to polite society.

    All of these and more have been part of the tactics of this cabal to take over and rule the world while everyone is distracted by worrying about their very survival.

    I am not sure what all this reminds people of - but I do know what it reminds me of.

    It is - in terms of propaganda and political tactics - reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

    There has even been a deliberate campaign to destroy physical property and major cities - even take farmland - and engage in both buying up of public and private infrastructure and in shaping human behavior.

    To commandeer whole medical complexes and entire fields of medicine, whole nation states, governments, institutions, corporations, and all of education, public discourse, and mass media.

    While this modern 21st century totalitarianism did not stage a full on Crystal Night reign of terror against specific groups to scare people into compliance - fear was still used in a novel way to bring absolute control and unquestioned obedience.

    I am not at all sure at this point what it will take for the world to wake up.

    But I am hoping that seeing that these 21st century totalitarians are behind all of this - and by now seeing how far they will go to insure our fearful compliance and obedience to their brand of fascism - that we will come to our senses.

    The Olympic committee did not simply wake up one day and decide they would demonstrate disdain and disgust for the entire world.

    The Olympic committee and just about all other institutions, governments, and corporations are part of the 21st century totalitarian system - as shown by the members of such organizations as the World Economic Forum.

    While this WEF is not the only organization involved they have served as a kind of Davos exclusive country club for many of the ring leaders.

    Their regular meetings around the world are a veritable who’s who of this alliance of stakeholder capitalists and public private partnerships - this Nazi-like cabal of plutocrats.

    Of course there is Bilderberg and Club of Rome to name a few other participants.

    But a look at the roster of WEF will reveal the main allied forces involved.

    It should not be surprising to see that NATO, WHO, CIA, PENTAGON, FBI and leaders of the US government and all world governments are involved.

    It should not be surprising that all tech giants and military and industrial leaders are involved.

    Nor that titans of education, health care, public works and urban planning and development are involved

    And perhaps most importantly the press and entertainment are involved to shape public opinion to fit the ongoing narrative.

    To really comprehend what has happened takes great deal of energy, time and effort to fully see.

    The ruse is well camouflaged and the insurance of our compliance is well policed and backed up by military personnel and local police.

    We may well ask the question as to why these cabal members have been so successful at taking the entire world hostage in this way.

    What do these enemies of the future have - the real actual Nazis did not?

    There is a clear and obvious answer to that question.

    Technology, the internet and the planetary reach of these capabilities and their role in being able to almost instantaneously shape and to manipulate public opinion.

    With technology on their side totalitarian control is a kind of slam dunk.

    This all may seem overwhelming and monstrous - and it is all of that - and more.

    But the overwhelmingly important thing now is that the world wake to the reality of woke and to why these woke agendas have been used as a weapon of political terror.

    It is a hell of a thing to wake up to - but as one brave legal specialist articulated as he was kidnapped and imprisoned in Germany for defending liberty - echoing many of our own observations.

    He said (paraphrasing) - “Maybe these co-conspirators made a big mistake in coming after our children”.

    Maybe that over reach will finally serve as the catalyst which will alert the world and all parents and those who care about our children.

    Maybe in coming after our kids in such obviously deviant ways - they have revealed their own feet of clay.

    As we can begin to see, totalitarianism is incredibly expensive and requires insane amounts of human and financial capital allocated to the manipulation of public opinion and behavior to maintain.

    That this totalitarianism is expensive is an understatement.

    Just the Silicon Valley part of this campaign has already corrupted and destroyed many of the world’s major cities - San Francisco and New York being only two infamous examples.

    Wherever Big Tech has been centered it has so hollowed out and undermined the social and economic fabric of society so as to result in collapse.

    Big Tech and the dangerous compliance with corruption and political correctness they demonstrate are playing a major role in modern 21st century totalitarian regimes.

    If this grand entertainment scheme - intended to dazzle the world into further compliance - has instead served to begin waking us as humans up to reality - then it will have served a noble purpose.

    Let us hope these WORLD ECONOMIC FURERS have finally demonstrated their feet of clay.

    May we the adults of planet earth stand for the kids.

    But beware when the coming American Caesar tells us we will not have to vote anymore - he is saying the globalist agenda - the quiet part - out loud.

    And Vladimir Putin cast as the enemy in all this - he too is simply playing his part - while plotting for himself to help rule the world

    Read Machiavelli - the citizens guide to the mindset of leaders - and learn precisely how we are being mocked, manipulated and owned by tyranny.

    There are people out there who will tell you it is just the West which has become totalitarian - nothing could be further from the truth - as the darling of the WEF is China - and Russia is just as bent on global totalitarianism as is any other 21st century globalist tyrant.

    As Machiavelli made clear back in Medieval Italy - the globalists have no plans to give up any of their power to we the people.

    And when you own all the governments, institutions and corporations- owning the world is pretty much a fait accompli.

    The globalist cabal brings us their version of the reality promised by Revelation - they hearken the literal end of the world by - themselves - becoming our own personal Jesus.

    But of course there are all kinds of ways to exhibit denial of what is really happening here.

    That is mass media’s task to offer up platitudes to keep us all - as global citizens - in denial.

    They are going to now convince all Christians that the new Caesar is the way out of this.

    But if we read Machiavelli we understand that this is simply part of the intended manipulation.

    Vote for Caesar and no one will ever have to vote again.

    Glad that is settled!

    Anyone concerned with real liberty - and those useless ideas expressed in our founding documents - may as well pack up their carpetbags and go home.

    But if you have been reading this stack for awhile you know that when people like us pack up and go home it really will be a fait accompli.

    And then it really will have been all she - or anyone else - ever wrote.


    Leave a comment


    A Deep Dive Into How The Olympic Opening Ceremony and Global Tyranny Are Related At First Glance Nothing Is As It Seems KW NORTON As many of us have grown all too accustomed to - nothing we see reflected by media - by our global communication system of the internet is as it seems. At first it seems impossible that the scandalous opening ceremonies of the Olympics could be related to the now infamous CrowdStrike IT outage which occurred in the past week. For those of you who know - this connection will not come as any surprise - as we understand that CrowdStrike - and the Olympics - are tied to the same globalist monster which now has tentacles everywhere. But it is perhaps shocking to all of us that it has taken now an X-rated mockery of Christianity to outrage the world. Not that such a display should not outrage every thinking and feeling individual. It is just a kind of shock that after almost five years that includes a coup d’état to rule the world which few seem to comprehend is even taking place, which has by now killed about 20 million people, following a fake epidemic which forced humans worldwide to wide to display such indignities as forced masking, forced lockdown, and forced social distancing. And as if that were not enough the globalist cabal engineered an “educational” narrative sold to the world’s children of transgender ideology - one which involved the sexual grooming of children and furthermore an entire new medical industry which sought to profit from the surgical maiming of these kids. We might expect such an alignment of corporate, educational, governmental, and medical institutions from Nazi Germany - but apparently seeing that it is happening as part of a coup d’état to take over the world - our world - our modern civilization - is not acceptable. What has happened as physicians, parents, kids and educators rationalize the chopping off body parts and use of dangerous drugs to turn perfectly healthy children into eunuchs? What has happened is what any rational individuals may expect - that a devious and dangerous cult has taken possession of this planet - a cult which seeks to achieve the following. Fool all humans by carrying out a fake, staged epidemic Frighten said humans so much that they will fear death if they disobey Insure that all authorities go along with the plan - pay them handsomely to do so. Use totalitarian style lockdowns and known ritualistic behavior such as ritual handwashing and ritual wearing of masks - and ritualistic vaccination Take over the world’s airways with steady fear mongering propaganda Engage in ritualistic shaming of those who fail to go along with this nonsense Exclude those who will not comply by using such tactics as encouraging widespread fear of contagion from the unmasked, unvaccinated and noncompliant. Even those who go against the sexualizing and trans gendering of children are to be regarded as bigots and anti-gay Nazis. Anyone anywhere who goes against the mainstream narrative is regarded as being an anti human and dangerous - even insane - radical - threats to polite society. All of these and more have been part of the tactics of this cabal to take over and rule the world while everyone is distracted by worrying about their very survival. I am not sure what all this reminds people of - but I do know what it reminds me of. It is - in terms of propaganda and political tactics - reminiscent of Nazi Germany. There has even been a deliberate campaign to destroy physical property and major cities - even take farmland - and engage in both buying up of public and private infrastructure and in shaping human behavior. To commandeer whole medical complexes and entire fields of medicine, whole nation states, governments, institutions, corporations, and all of education, public discourse, and mass media. While this modern 21st century totalitarianism did not stage a full on Crystal Night reign of terror against specific groups to scare people into compliance - fear was still used in a novel way to bring absolute control and unquestioned obedience. I am not at all sure at this point what it will take for the world to wake up. But I am hoping that seeing that these 21st century totalitarians are behind all of this - and by now seeing how far they will go to insure our fearful compliance and obedience to their brand of fascism - that we will come to our senses. The Olympic committee did not simply wake up one day and decide they would demonstrate disdain and disgust for the entire world. The Olympic committee and just about all other institutions, governments, and corporations are part of the 21st century totalitarian system - as shown by the members of such organizations as the World Economic Forum. While this WEF is not the only organization involved they have served as a kind of Davos exclusive country club for many of the ring leaders. Their regular meetings around the world are a veritable who’s who of this alliance of stakeholder capitalists and public private partnerships - this Nazi-like cabal of plutocrats. Of course there is Bilderberg and Club of Rome to name a few other participants. But a look at the roster of WEF will reveal the main allied forces involved. It should not be surprising to see that NATO, WHO, CIA, PENTAGON, FBI and leaders of the US government and all world governments are involved. It should not be surprising that all tech giants and military and industrial leaders are involved. Nor that titans of education, health care, public works and urban planning and development are involved And perhaps most importantly the press and entertainment are involved to shape public opinion to fit the ongoing narrative. To really comprehend what has happened takes great deal of energy, time and effort to fully see. The ruse is well camouflaged and the insurance of our compliance is well policed and backed up by military personnel and local police. We may well ask the question as to why these cabal members have been so successful at taking the entire world hostage in this way. What do these enemies of the future have - the real actual Nazis did not? There is a clear and obvious answer to that question. Technology, the internet and the planetary reach of these capabilities and their role in being able to almost instantaneously shape and to manipulate public opinion. With technology on their side totalitarian control is a kind of slam dunk. This all may seem overwhelming and monstrous - and it is all of that - and more. But the overwhelmingly important thing now is that the world wake to the reality of woke and to why these woke agendas have been used as a weapon of political terror. It is a hell of a thing to wake up to - but as one brave legal specialist articulated as he was kidnapped and imprisoned in Germany for defending liberty - echoing many of our own observations. He said (paraphrasing) - “Maybe these co-conspirators made a big mistake in coming after our children”. Maybe that over reach will finally serve as the catalyst which will alert the world and all parents and those who care about our children. Maybe in coming after our kids in such obviously deviant ways - they have revealed their own feet of clay. As we can begin to see, totalitarianism is incredibly expensive and requires insane amounts of human and financial capital allocated to the manipulation of public opinion and behavior to maintain. That this totalitarianism is expensive is an understatement. Just the Silicon Valley part of this campaign has already corrupted and destroyed many of the world’s major cities - San Francisco and New York being only two infamous examples. Wherever Big Tech has been centered it has so hollowed out and undermined the social and economic fabric of society so as to result in collapse. Big Tech and the dangerous compliance with corruption and political correctness they demonstrate are playing a major role in modern 21st century totalitarian regimes. If this grand entertainment scheme - intended to dazzle the world into further compliance - has instead served to begin waking us as humans up to reality - then it will have served a noble purpose. Let us hope these WORLD ECONOMIC FURERS have finally demonstrated their feet of clay. May we the adults of planet earth stand for the kids. But beware when the coming American Caesar tells us we will not have to vote anymore - he is saying the globalist agenda - the quiet part - out loud. And Vladimir Putin cast as the enemy in all this - he too is simply playing his part - while plotting for himself to help rule the world Read Machiavelli - the citizens guide to the mindset of leaders - and learn precisely how we are being mocked, manipulated and owned by tyranny. There are people out there who will tell you it is just the West which has become totalitarian - nothing could be further from the truth - as the darling of the WEF is China - and Russia is just as bent on global totalitarianism as is any other 21st century globalist tyrant. As Machiavelli made clear back in Medieval Italy - the globalists have no plans to give up any of their power to we the people. And when you own all the governments, institutions and corporations- owning the world is pretty much a fait accompli. The globalist cabal brings us their version of the reality promised by Revelation - they hearken the literal end of the world by - themselves - becoming our own personal Jesus. But of course there are all kinds of ways to exhibit denial of what is really happening here. That is mass media’s task to offer up platitudes to keep us all - as global citizens - in denial. They are going to now convince all Christians that the new Caesar is the way out of this. But if we read Machiavelli we understand that this is simply part of the intended manipulation. Vote for Caesar and no one will ever have to vote again. Glad that is settled! Anyone concerned with real liberty - and those useless ideas expressed in our founding documents - may as well pack up their carpetbags and go home. But if you have been reading this stack for awhile you know that when people like us pack up and go home it really will be a fait accompli. And then it really will have been all she - or anyone else - ever wrote. Share Leave a comment https://substack.com/home/post/p-147091014 https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/07/a-deep-dive-into-how-olympic-opening.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10563 Views
  • http://www.naturalnews.com/2024-07-24-y2k-predictions-computers-backfires-it-outage.html
    Y2K predictions come true 24 years later as our over-reliance on computers backfires in biggest IT outage in history – NaturalNews.com
    If you were around in 1999, you probably remember all the panic about Y2K. Because the computer systems at the time largely used only the last two digits of years, the concern was switching from 1999 to 2000 would result in a year reading of 00, which might be interpreted by some systems as 1900 […]
    0 Comments 1 Shares 843 Views
  • The Event: Secret Military Tribunals, Gesara Military Law, Castle Rock & Global Powers Unraveled – Inside Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Big Pharma, and Beyond! (“Rods of God”, Q2337)
    By Medeea GreereJune 19, 2024Updated:June 19, 202411 Mins Read

    Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! Stay informed! My gratitude to all my readers!

    Envisioning a grand, almost cinematic scenario reminiscent of biblical proportions, it appears that behind the scenes, there are significant actions taking place. It’s not a global conflict as some might think, but rather a sequence of events that involve activating various military forces, targeting specific landmarks with alleged ties to secretive groups, and implementing GESARA funds, ultimately leading to a collaborative effort to rebuild society.

    It’s often referred to as “The Event,” and it carries a profound sense of importance.

    Some of the key landmarks tied to purported secret societies, as highlighted by various sources, include the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, and two White House locations (in the USA and Germany). There’s also mention of the 3 Gorges Dam in China, and even CERN on the Swiss/French border is suggested as a possible target. The extent of these actions in Russia remains uncertain.

    Another perspective suggests a connection between Big Pharma activities in Wuhan and Israel, implying that Israel, along with the Khazarian group, has influence over the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as well as the media. Allegedly, 34 structures, including buildings and dams, associated with these secretive organizations, will be affected, possibly through unconventional means like the “Rods of God.” »»» PROJECT ODIN + Military GESARA = EBS: A Formula that Will Change the Course of History Forever!

    The unfolding events are predicted to transpire globally over the days leading up to Easter, marking the conclusion of a period with biblical undertones. This includes the grounding of planes and trains, the temporary cessation of power, transitioning to Tesla’s free energy, and the targeting of 34 structures linked to these secretive groups.

    Additional actions are anticipated, such as the shutdown of Bitcoin servers, a significant reduction in the cryptocurrency market, and the creation of a simulated WW3 event, complete with nuclear sirens.

    What is the secret to a long healthy life?
    Water-related events, a stock market crash, and the imposition of global martial law are part of the narrative. A mysterious operation known as “CASTLE ROCK” is mentioned, potentially involving advanced quantum systems and Project Odin, as well as references to Nesara/Gesara/RV, election interventions via military courts, military tribunals, confessions, and a 10-day presentation resembling a movie.

    The narrative also asserts that the Israeli Mossad has extensive control over global media outlets, and the mention of Project Odin is suggested as a potent tool to counter deplatforming. The intention is to shield these new quantum systems from the influence of powerful clandestine organizations.

    There are references to Q2337, which hints at Mossad media assets being removed, resulting in a worldwide media blackout, leading to the adoption of quantum systems. This is said to be the reason for activating the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). Additionally, Starlink is strategically positioned in this narrative.

    An interesting element of this intricate plan is the mention of a TURKSAT rocket launched from the USA in January, with the specific purpose of facilitating military communications to people’s televisions and radios in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Central Asia.

    BOOM!!! Divine Dialogue: Mysterious Secret Phrase UNLOCKS the Power to Have Every Prayer Answered Instantly!

    The so-called “EVENT” is a multifaceted occurrence, including a global blackout to transition to Tesla energy, the disabling of media satellites, the introduction of Quantum Financial Systems (QFS), the application of “Rods of God” on dams and 34 targeted structures, and much more.

    These 34 structures are deemed highly significant and include iconic locations like the White House, royal castles, Buckingham Palace, the Vatican, the Getty Museum, and the Playboy Mansion. The potential outcome is a stock market collapse, as it is viewed as a grand spectacle. The plan also outlines a shift from Rothschild’s central bank notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes, backed by precious metals instead of oil and war.

    WARNING: How True Patriots Can Defend Their Family and Faith from This Latest Attack from The Deep State

    The upcoming days seem to hold considerable uncertainty, with concerns about the discontinuation of free money for banks and bond sell-offs. This prompts the question: Are we prepared for what lies ahead? Fear and anticipation blend together in these uncertain times, but many hold onto faith and belief that promises will be kept.

    Do you remember of a significant power outage affecting up to 10 countries simultaneously by the Space Force in January, preceded by a similar incident in Israel. This suggests that the ability to orchestrate large-scale power outages exists, and this is tied to Tesla’s technology.

    The narrative emphasizes the necessity of a blackout, coinciding with global military exercises such as Defender Europe 21 (COVID-19), which encompasses Europe and Africa, and a similar exercise in Australia, in addition to the United States’ involvement. All of these activities seem to be part of a coordinated, global military operation that aims to transition to Gesara (likely referring to GESARA, an alleged economic reset).

    Shocking Secret EXPOSED: Ex-Big Pharma Employee Discovers Breakthrough Formula: EAT THIS ONCE A DAY TO LOWER BLOOD SUGAR BELOW 100 ALL DAY

    The final stage is suggested to involve a simulated World War III scenario that activates sirens in every national military command center. This fabricated conflict is intended to justify numerous actions that have already been executed in secret, such as Gesara Military Law, secret military tribunals, confessions, and more, with the goal of rebuilding and creating new structures, a symbolic renewal of society.

    WhipLash: What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world. Q showed us them. Vatican, Buchinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible. What about Russia?

    THE RED PILL: Discover The Secret Used By A Former CIA Scientist To Open Your ‘3rd EYE’

    Another Post from WhipLash347

    Big Pharma in Wuhan = Isreal

    Isreal/Khazarians controls CCP.

    The Media etc

    34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall.

    Rods of God

    WORLDWIDE over the coming days to Easter (2024?). Ending of Biblical Period.

    Planes & Trains grounded

    Lights/Power switched off

    Changing over to Tesla Free energy

    34 Satan buildings & dams bombed

    Bitcoin Servers trued off

    99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.

    WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens

    Water Event

    Stock Market Crash

    Global Martial Law

    CASTLE ROCK -Scenario

    Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.


    Election Flipping via Military Courts

    Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie



    The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD’s MEDIA out of the US.

    Attached is Q1871 outlining this.

    Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.

    Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal’s reach.

    Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.

    Israeli intelligence – stand down.


    Media assets will be removed.

    This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites.

    This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems.

    This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.

    Starlink [17] seems to of tactically placed itself at the right time.

    If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV’s & RADIO’s in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA.

    THE EVENT has many facets too it.

    The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS,Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.

    34 Buildings will be in the EVENT.

    They are very significant. In Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like.

    This will surely make the Stock Market collapse. It is all a show, 99.5% of Crypto’s will be removed from existence with the event.

    Swapping from Rothschilds Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars) Tomorrow free money stops for backs. Bonds sell of to get off books. Seems all is lined up for scare event…stay safe.

    Are we still comfy ?

    Or are we scared ?

    A little bit of both is normal.

    Trump keeps his promises.

    Have faith in the Lord Our God.

    He will comfort you through the storm.

    Don’t miss the latest news:

    BOOM! DISCLOSURE (Declassified & Authorized): The Truth About Julian Assange and Wikileaks!

    In a world gripped by uncertainty and shadowy power struggles, one man and his organization stand at the center of a whirlwind of controversy, intrigue, and clandestine operations. Julian Assange, the enigmatic founder of WikiLeaks, has long been a figure of both adulation and vilification. But what if the truth about Assange and WikiLeaks is far more explosive and consequential than we’ve been led to believe? Brace yourselves, dear readers, for a journey into the heart of the most audacious revelations of our time.

    This is the Disclosure: Declassified and Authorized – The Truth About Julian Assange & WikiLeaks

    Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. From their meteoric rise to infamy in the early 2010s to their pivotal role in shaping the geopolitical landscape, Assange and his organization have been both praised as champions of transparency and condemned as enemies of the state. But what if everything we thought we knew about Assange and WikiLeaks was just the tip of the iceberg?

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/boom-disclosure-declassified-authorized-the-truth-about-julian-assange-and-wikileaks/

    DISCLOSURE: Current Wartime President & CIC, Donald J. Trump Declared a Global Defence War – Executed Traitors, Clintons, Obama, VP Biden & Obliterated globalist Deep State

    President Trump’s Defiant Stand Against the Globalist Deep State

    In an unprecedented move that will echo through history, the current wartime President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, has declared a global defense war. Operation STORM 2024 has begun, and its thunderous impact is reshaping the very fabric of our world.

    Today, we stand witness to such a hero in the form of President Donald J. Trump, a man whose unwavering courage and unyielding determination have ignited a global revolution against the entrenched powers of the deep state.

    DISCLOSURE: The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow, yet it is essential for the preservation of our freedom. President Trump’s declaration of a global defense war is not merely a political maneuver; it is a revelation of the sinister forces that have long manipulated the course of human events. From the shadows, traitors have conspired against the interests of the American people and the world at large.

    The Clintons, Obama, Vice President Biden, and their ilk have sold their souls to the globalist agenda, betraying their oaths and their fellow citizens for personal gain.

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/disclosure-current-wartime-president-cic-donald-j-trump-declared-a-global-defence-war-executed-traitors-clintons-obama-vp-biden-obliterated-globalist-deep-state/

    White Hats’ INTEL Expose: EBS, Game Theory Operations, Obama Hidden Agendas, Deep State Operations, CIA Exposure, NATO Collapse, Military Infiltration & Civil Unrest

    Welcome to the center stage, where we unravel the secrets of the White Hats and their relentless pursuit of exposing Barack Obama, his hidden agendas, and the murky world of the Deep State.

    In the murky world of politics, truth often remains elusive, hidden beneath layers of secrecy and deceit. But when it comes to the White Hats, they have made it their mission to shine a blinding spotlight on the enigmatic past and present of Barack Obama. This article delves into the labyrinthine conspiracies that swirl around Obama’s alleged life corruption and agendas, all connected to what they ominously call “Deep State Operations.”

    Tucker Carlson’s Explosive Allegations. Tucker Carlson, a prominent figure in the world of journalism, has recently thrown his hat into the ring. He is spearheading a campaign to expose Barack Obama, alleging that the former President is concealing a significant secret – his sexuality. While such claims might seem outlandish, the White Hats believe this revelation is a pivotal operation that could discredit the Obamas in their potential bid for the 2024 presidential race.

    READ MORE HERE: https://amg-news.com/white-hats-intel-expose-ebs-game-theory-operations-obama-hidden-agendas-deep-state-operations-cia-exposure-nato-collapse-military-infiltration-civil-unrest/

    Awakening Humanity: Even if you Don’t Believe in Q, this is a Must-Watch Video That Defies the Deep State!

    Are you ready to unveil the truth, shatter the illusions, and pave the way for a brighter future? Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, one thing is certain: the time for complacency is over.

    Welcome to a world where the Deep State trembles and the globalists cower in fear.

    Welcome to a movement that refuses to be silenced.

    Welcome to the must-watch video that will change everything.

    The Must-Watch Video That Defies the Deep State!

    READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/awakening-humanity-even-if-you-dont-believe-in-q-this-is-a-must-watch-video-that-defies-the-deep-state/

    Content Redistribution Policy

    The Event: Secret Military Tribunals, Gesara Military Law, Castle Rock & Global Powers Unraveled – Inside Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Big Pharma, and Beyond! (“Rods of God”, Q2337) By Medeea GreereJune 19, 2024Updated:June 19, 202411 Mins Read Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! Stay informed! My gratitude to all my readers! Envisioning a grand, almost cinematic scenario reminiscent of biblical proportions, it appears that behind the scenes, there are significant actions taking place. It’s not a global conflict as some might think, but rather a sequence of events that involve activating various military forces, targeting specific landmarks with alleged ties to secretive groups, and implementing GESARA funds, ultimately leading to a collaborative effort to rebuild society. It’s often referred to as “The Event,” and it carries a profound sense of importance. Some of the key landmarks tied to purported secret societies, as highlighted by various sources, include the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, and two White House locations (in the USA and Germany). There’s also mention of the 3 Gorges Dam in China, and even CERN on the Swiss/French border is suggested as a possible target. The extent of these actions in Russia remains uncertain. Another perspective suggests a connection between Big Pharma activities in Wuhan and Israel, implying that Israel, along with the Khazarian group, has influence over the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as well as the media. Allegedly, 34 structures, including buildings and dams, associated with these secretive organizations, will be affected, possibly through unconventional means like the “Rods of God.” »»» PROJECT ODIN + Military GESARA = EBS: A Formula that Will Change the Course of History Forever! The unfolding events are predicted to transpire globally over the days leading up to Easter, marking the conclusion of a period with biblical undertones. This includes the grounding of planes and trains, the temporary cessation of power, transitioning to Tesla’s free energy, and the targeting of 34 structures linked to these secretive groups. Additional actions are anticipated, such as the shutdown of Bitcoin servers, a significant reduction in the cryptocurrency market, and the creation of a simulated WW3 event, complete with nuclear sirens. What is the secret to a long healthy life? Water-related events, a stock market crash, and the imposition of global martial law are part of the narrative. A mysterious operation known as “CASTLE ROCK” is mentioned, potentially involving advanced quantum systems and Project Odin, as well as references to Nesara/Gesara/RV, election interventions via military courts, military tribunals, confessions, and a 10-day presentation resembling a movie. The narrative also asserts that the Israeli Mossad has extensive control over global media outlets, and the mention of Project Odin is suggested as a potent tool to counter deplatforming. The intention is to shield these new quantum systems from the influence of powerful clandestine organizations. There are references to Q2337, which hints at Mossad media assets being removed, resulting in a worldwide media blackout, leading to the adoption of quantum systems. This is said to be the reason for activating the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). Additionally, Starlink is strategically positioned in this narrative. An interesting element of this intricate plan is the mention of a TURKSAT rocket launched from the USA in January, with the specific purpose of facilitating military communications to people’s televisions and radios in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Central Asia. BOOM!!! Divine Dialogue: Mysterious Secret Phrase UNLOCKS the Power to Have Every Prayer Answered Instantly! The so-called “EVENT” is a multifaceted occurrence, including a global blackout to transition to Tesla energy, the disabling of media satellites, the introduction of Quantum Financial Systems (QFS), the application of “Rods of God” on dams and 34 targeted structures, and much more. These 34 structures are deemed highly significant and include iconic locations like the White House, royal castles, Buckingham Palace, the Vatican, the Getty Museum, and the Playboy Mansion. The potential outcome is a stock market collapse, as it is viewed as a grand spectacle. The plan also outlines a shift from Rothschild’s central bank notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes, backed by precious metals instead of oil and war. WARNING: How True Patriots Can Defend Their Family and Faith from This Latest Attack from The Deep State The upcoming days seem to hold considerable uncertainty, with concerns about the discontinuation of free money for banks and bond sell-offs. This prompts the question: Are we prepared for what lies ahead? Fear and anticipation blend together in these uncertain times, but many hold onto faith and belief that promises will be kept. Do you remember of a significant power outage affecting up to 10 countries simultaneously by the Space Force in January, preceded by a similar incident in Israel. This suggests that the ability to orchestrate large-scale power outages exists, and this is tied to Tesla’s technology. The narrative emphasizes the necessity of a blackout, coinciding with global military exercises such as Defender Europe 21 (COVID-19), which encompasses Europe and Africa, and a similar exercise in Australia, in addition to the United States’ involvement. All of these activities seem to be part of a coordinated, global military operation that aims to transition to Gesara (likely referring to GESARA, an alleged economic reset). Shocking Secret EXPOSED: Ex-Big Pharma Employee Discovers Breakthrough Formula: EAT THIS ONCE A DAY TO LOWER BLOOD SUGAR BELOW 100 ALL DAY The final stage is suggested to involve a simulated World War III scenario that activates sirens in every national military command center. This fabricated conflict is intended to justify numerous actions that have already been executed in secret, such as Gesara Military Law, secret military tribunals, confessions, and more, with the goal of rebuilding and creating new structures, a symbolic renewal of society. WhipLash: What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world. Q showed us them. Vatican, Buchinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible. What about Russia? THE RED PILL: Discover The Secret Used By A Former CIA Scientist To Open Your ‘3rd EYE’ Another Post from WhipLash347 Big Pharma in Wuhan = Isreal Isreal/Khazarians controls CCP. The Media etc 34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God WORLDWIDE over the coming days to Easter (2024?). Ending of Biblical Period. Planes & Trains grounded Lights/Power switched off Changing over to Tesla Free energy 34 Satan buildings & dams bombed Bitcoin Servers trued off 99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens Water Event Stock Market Crash Global Martial Law CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on. Nesara/Gesara/RV Election Flipping via Military Courts Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie Revals Inauguration The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD’s MEDIA out of the US. Attached is Q1871 outlining this. Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool. Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal’s reach. Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites. Israeli intelligence – stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001] Media assets will be removed. This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS. Starlink [17] seems to of tactically placed itself at the right time. If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV’s & RADIO’s in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA. THE EVENT has many facets too it. The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS,Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more. 34 Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significant. In Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like. This will surely make the Stock Market collapse. It is all a show, 99.5% of Crypto’s will be removed from existence with the event. Swapping from Rothschilds Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars) Tomorrow free money stops for backs. Bonds sell of to get off books. Seems all is lined up for scare event…stay safe. Are we still comfy ? Or are we scared ? A little bit of both is normal. Trump keeps his promises. Have faith in the Lord Our God. He will comfort you through the storm. Don’t miss the latest news: BOOM! DISCLOSURE (Declassified & Authorized): The Truth About Julian Assange and Wikileaks! In a world gripped by uncertainty and shadowy power struggles, one man and his organization stand at the center of a whirlwind of controversy, intrigue, and clandestine operations. Julian Assange, the enigmatic founder of WikiLeaks, has long been a figure of both adulation and vilification. But what if the truth about Assange and WikiLeaks is far more explosive and consequential than we’ve been led to believe? Brace yourselves, dear readers, for a journey into the heart of the most audacious revelations of our time. This is the Disclosure: Declassified and Authorized – The Truth About Julian Assange & WikiLeaks Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. From their meteoric rise to infamy in the early 2010s to their pivotal role in shaping the geopolitical landscape, Assange and his organization have been both praised as champions of transparency and condemned as enemies of the state. But what if everything we thought we knew about Assange and WikiLeaks was just the tip of the iceberg? READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/boom-disclosure-declassified-authorized-the-truth-about-julian-assange-and-wikileaks/ DISCLOSURE: Current Wartime President & CIC, Donald J. Trump Declared a Global Defence War – Executed Traitors, Clintons, Obama, VP Biden & Obliterated globalist Deep State President Trump’s Defiant Stand Against the Globalist Deep State In an unprecedented move that will echo through history, the current wartime President and Commander-in-Chief, Donald J. Trump, has declared a global defense war. Operation STORM 2024 has begun, and its thunderous impact is reshaping the very fabric of our world. Today, we stand witness to such a hero in the form of President Donald J. Trump, a man whose unwavering courage and unyielding determination have ignited a global revolution against the entrenched powers of the deep state. DISCLOSURE: The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow, yet it is essential for the preservation of our freedom. President Trump’s declaration of a global defense war is not merely a political maneuver; it is a revelation of the sinister forces that have long manipulated the course of human events. From the shadows, traitors have conspired against the interests of the American people and the world at large. The Clintons, Obama, Vice President Biden, and their ilk have sold their souls to the globalist agenda, betraying their oaths and their fellow citizens for personal gain. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/disclosure-current-wartime-president-cic-donald-j-trump-declared-a-global-defence-war-executed-traitors-clintons-obama-vp-biden-obliterated-globalist-deep-state/ White Hats’ INTEL Expose: EBS, Game Theory Operations, Obama Hidden Agendas, Deep State Operations, CIA Exposure, NATO Collapse, Military Infiltration & Civil Unrest Welcome to the center stage, where we unravel the secrets of the White Hats and their relentless pursuit of exposing Barack Obama, his hidden agendas, and the murky world of the Deep State. In the murky world of politics, truth often remains elusive, hidden beneath layers of secrecy and deceit. But when it comes to the White Hats, they have made it their mission to shine a blinding spotlight on the enigmatic past and present of Barack Obama. This article delves into the labyrinthine conspiracies that swirl around Obama’s alleged life corruption and agendas, all connected to what they ominously call “Deep State Operations.” Tucker Carlson’s Explosive Allegations. Tucker Carlson, a prominent figure in the world of journalism, has recently thrown his hat into the ring. He is spearheading a campaign to expose Barack Obama, alleging that the former President is concealing a significant secret – his sexuality. While such claims might seem outlandish, the White Hats believe this revelation is a pivotal operation that could discredit the Obamas in their potential bid for the 2024 presidential race. READ MORE HERE: https://amg-news.com/white-hats-intel-expose-ebs-game-theory-operations-obama-hidden-agendas-deep-state-operations-cia-exposure-nato-collapse-military-infiltration-civil-unrest/ Awakening Humanity: Even if you Don’t Believe in Q, this is a Must-Watch Video That Defies the Deep State! Are you ready to unveil the truth, shatter the illusions, and pave the way for a brighter future? Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, one thing is certain: the time for complacency is over. Welcome to a world where the Deep State trembles and the globalists cower in fear. Welcome to a movement that refuses to be silenced. Welcome to the must-watch video that will change everything. The Must-Watch Video That Defies the Deep State! READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/awakening-humanity-even-if-you-dont-believe-in-q-this-is-a-must-watch-video-that-defies-the-deep-state/ Content Redistribution Policy https://amg-news.com/the-event-secret-military-tribunals-gesara-military-law-castle-rock-global-powers-unraveled-inside-vatican-buckingham-palace-big-pharma-and-beyond-rods-of-god/
    The Event: Secret Military Tribunals, Gesara Military Law, Castle Rock & Global Powers Unraveled – Inside Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Big Pharma, and Beyond! (“Rods of God”, Q2337)
    The Event: Secret Military Tribunals, Gesara Military Law, Castle Rock & Global Powers Unraveled – Inside Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Big Pharma, and Beyond! (“Rods of God”, Q2337) Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! Stay informed! My gratitude to all my readers! Envisioning a
    0 Comments 0 Shares 15165 Views
  • Interesting to note that #Crowdstrike who're mostly responsible for today's global IT outage are former 'Technology Pioneers' of the World Economic Forum.

    And the next Cyber Polygon 'training' event takes place Sept 10-11.


    FOLLOW US: X | Telegram
    Interesting to note that #Crowdstrike who're mostly responsible for today's global IT outage are former 'Technology Pioneers' of the World Economic Forum. And the next Cyber Polygon 'training' event takes place Sept 10-11. https://crowdstrike.com/press-releases/crowdstrike-named-2015-technology-pioneer-by-world-economic-forum/ 🚨 FOLLOW US: X | Telegram
    CrowdStrike Named 2015 Technology Pioneer by World Economic Forum - crowdstrike.com
    Irvine, CA – August 5, 2015 – CrowdStrike Inc., provider of the first true Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based next-generation endpoint protection platform, today announced that it has been recognized as a Technology Pioneer by World Economic Forum (WEF). CrowdStrike has been honored as one of the world’s most innovative companies for pioneering groundbreaking technology in the […]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1601 Views
  • Connor Jones - CrowdStrike shares sink as global IT outage savages systems worldwide:


    #CrowdStrike #ServiceOutage #MicrosoftWindows #BlueScreenOfDeath #BSOD #SoftwareUpdate #Software #InformationTechnology #ComputerScience
    Connor Jones - CrowdStrike shares sink as global IT outage savages systems worldwide: https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/19/crowdstrike_shares_sink_as_global/ #CrowdStrike #ServiceOutage #MicrosoftWindows #BlueScreenOfDeath #BSOD #SoftwareUpdate #Software #InformationTechnology #ComputerScience
    CrowdStrike shares sink amid global IT crisis
    Emergency services, medical practices, airlines, banks, and more all crippled
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3057 Views
  • Global IT outage causes chaos, disrupting airlines, banks, media, telecoms
    Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike says outage caused by ‘defect’ in software update, rules out ‘cyber incident’.

    People wait for their flights following a global IT outage, at BER airport in Berlin
    A massive technology outage has disrupted businesses and institutions in multiple countries, throwing airports, airlines, rail companies, government services, banks, stock exchanges, supermarkets, telecoms, health systems and media outlets into chaos.

    The disruption was caused by an update to a product offered by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which had caused machines running the Microsoft Windows operating system to crash.

    Reporting from London, Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull said, “CrowdStrike seems to have had some sort of mandatory update to its software that went horribly wrong.”

    The company had reported that the issue was related to its Falcon sensor product, engineers identifying a “content deployment problem”, said Hull.

    “Essentially it happens as you’re sitting in front of your terminal. If your terminal is a Microsoft Windows terminal, it suddenly goes to a blank blue screen. It’s called the ‘blue screen of death’ error. You are locked out of your operating system,” Hull said.

    CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz said on Friday that the outage was not a “security or cyber incident”.

    “We understand the gravity of the situation and are deeply sorry for the inconvenience and disruption. We are working with all impacted customers to ensure that systems are back up and they can deliver the services their customers are counting on,” he wrote on X.

    “As noted earlier, the issue has been identified and a fix has been deployed.”

    Microsoft said on Friday that the “underlying cause” of the global outage had been “fixed”, but the “residual impact” was continuing to affect some Office 365 apps and services.

    A blue error screen on a register is seen at a departmental store affected by a cyber outage in Brisbane, Australia
    A blue error screen on a register is seen at a departmental store affected by a cyber outage in Brisbane, Australia [Jono Searle/AAP Image via Reuters]
    The outages rippled far and wide, forcing some broadcasters off air and leaving customers without access to services such as healthcare or banking. Transport systems around the world among the hardest hit.

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    Weekly Newsletter

    protected by reCAPTCHA
    In the United States, major airlines Delta, United and American Airlines were grounded on Friday morning due to a communication issue, according to an update by the Federal Aviation Administration.

    In Australia, flight information screens at Sydney airport went blank. The airport said that flights were arriving and departing but that travellers should expect delays.

    Melbourne airport said that check-in procedures for some airlines had been affected.

    Airports in the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Malaysia and the Philippines also reported disruptions to services.

    Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, one of Europe’s busiest hubs, was also hit, with a spokesperson saying: “The outage has an impact on flights flying from and to Schiphol,” adding that it was not yet clear how many flights were affected.

    All airports in Spain were experiencing “disruptions”, the airport operator Aena said.

    Air France said its operations were also affected, but that flights already en route were not affected.

    Hong Kong Airport Authority said airlines affected by the outage have switched to manual check-in and flight operations have not been affected.

    Kenya Airways’s booking system was impacted, the airline said, warning customers to expect slower service than usual.

    A cash register shows a blue screen at a grocery store affected by a cyber outage in Sydney, Australia
    A cash register shows a blue screen at a grocery store in Sydney, Australia [Stella Qiu/Reuters]
    Multiple other sectors were also affected.

    Banks and other financial institutions from Australia to India and South Africa warned clients about disruptions to their services.

    Australia’s largest bank, Commonwealth Bank (CBA.AX), said some customers had been unable to transfer money due to the service outage.

    In the UK, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) was hit by a technical glitch that affected its news service and delayed its display of opening trades.

    Media companies also saw their broadcasts severely disrupted.

    Australia’s national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and Network Ten confirmed that their systems had been affected.

    Sky News, one of the UK’s major news broadcasters went off air, apologising for being unable to transmit live.

    Government services were also hit.

    In the UK, booking systems used by doctors were offline, multiple reports from medical officials on X said.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates said some of its systems were impacted, including its “attestation service”, in a post on X. “We advise users to refrain from conducting any transactions until this issue is resolved,” it said.

    In Australia, Victoria’s state police said some internal systems had been hit by the outage but emergency services were operating normally.

    New Zealand’s parliamentary computer systems were affected, according to Rafael Gonzalez-Montero, head of the parliamentary service.

    Amazon’s AWS cloud service provider said in a statement that it was “investigating reports of connectivity issues to Windows EC2 instances and Workspaces within AWS”.

    At the time of reporting, some of the malfunctioning business, companies and computer app systems were beginning to return to normal service, including Sky News in the United Kingdom, which was down for an hour in the morning.

    Services of South African lenders Capitec Bank CPIJ.J and Absa ABGJ.J and airline Airlink have also been fully restored after the outage.

    The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq said markets also worked normally as of midday Friday.

    Major US banks, including Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, also said they had not seen any major impact on their systems or operations.

    A sign notifies customers of a temporary closure due to IT issues at a Liquorland store in Canberra, Australia
    A sign notifies customers of a temporary closure due to IT issues at a Liquorland store in Canberra, Australia, July 19 [Lukas Coch/AAP Image via Reuters]
    Not a ‘malicious act’

    Australia’s National Cyber Security Coordinator said on Friday that it was aware of a “large-scale technical outage” affecting numerous business and services across the country.

    “Our current information is this outage relates to a technical issue with a third-party software platform employed by affected companies,” the agency said in a statement.

    “There is no information to suggest it is a cyber security incident. We continue to engage across key stakeholders.”

    France’s cybersecurity agency said Friday that there was no evidence that the global IT outage was “the result of a cyberattack.”

    “The teams are fully mobilised to identify and support the affected entities in France and to understand… the origin of this outage,” ANSSI, the national cybersecurity agency said.

    A UK government security source told the Reuters news agency that the outage was not being treated as “a malicious act”.

    Hong Kong Express Airways passengers queue at counters in Hong Kong International Airport amid system outages disrupting the airline's operations
    Hong Kong Express Airways passengers queue at counters in Hong Kong International Airport amid system outages disrupting the airline’s operations [Tyrone Siu/Reuters]

    Global IT outage causes chaos, disrupting airlines, banks, media, telecoms Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike says outage caused by ‘defect’ in software update, rules out ‘cyber incident’. People wait for their flights following a global IT outage, at BER airport in Berlin A massive technology outage has disrupted businesses and institutions in multiple countries, throwing airports, airlines, rail companies, government services, banks, stock exchanges, supermarkets, telecoms, health systems and media outlets into chaos. The disruption was caused by an update to a product offered by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which had caused machines running the Microsoft Windows operating system to crash. Reporting from London, Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull said, “CrowdStrike seems to have had some sort of mandatory update to its software that went horribly wrong.” The company had reported that the issue was related to its Falcon sensor product, engineers identifying a “content deployment problem”, said Hull. “Essentially it happens as you’re sitting in front of your terminal. If your terminal is a Microsoft Windows terminal, it suddenly goes to a blank blue screen. It’s called the ‘blue screen of death’ error. You are locked out of your operating system,” Hull said. CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz said on Friday that the outage was not a “security or cyber incident”. “We understand the gravity of the situation and are deeply sorry for the inconvenience and disruption. We are working with all impacted customers to ensure that systems are back up and they can deliver the services their customers are counting on,” he wrote on X. “As noted earlier, the issue has been identified and a fix has been deployed.” Microsoft said on Friday that the “underlying cause” of the global outage had been “fixed”, but the “residual impact” was continuing to affect some Office 365 apps and services. A blue error screen on a register is seen at a departmental store affected by a cyber outage in Brisbane, Australia A blue error screen on a register is seen at a departmental store affected by a cyber outage in Brisbane, Australia [Jono Searle/AAP Image via Reuters] The outages rippled far and wide, forcing some broadcasters off air and leaving customers without access to services such as healthcare or banking. Transport systems around the world among the hardest hit. Sign up for Al Jazeera Weekly Newsletter protected by reCAPTCHA In the United States, major airlines Delta, United and American Airlines were grounded on Friday morning due to a communication issue, according to an update by the Federal Aviation Administration. In Australia, flight information screens at Sydney airport went blank. The airport said that flights were arriving and departing but that travellers should expect delays. Melbourne airport said that check-in procedures for some airlines had been affected. Airports in the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Malaysia and the Philippines also reported disruptions to services. Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, one of Europe’s busiest hubs, was also hit, with a spokesperson saying: “The outage has an impact on flights flying from and to Schiphol,” adding that it was not yet clear how many flights were affected. All airports in Spain were experiencing “disruptions”, the airport operator Aena said. Air France said its operations were also affected, but that flights already en route were not affected. Hong Kong Airport Authority said airlines affected by the outage have switched to manual check-in and flight operations have not been affected. Kenya Airways’s booking system was impacted, the airline said, warning customers to expect slower service than usual. A cash register shows a blue screen at a grocery store affected by a cyber outage in Sydney, Australia A cash register shows a blue screen at a grocery store in Sydney, Australia [Stella Qiu/Reuters] Multiple other sectors were also affected. Banks and other financial institutions from Australia to India and South Africa warned clients about disruptions to their services. Australia’s largest bank, Commonwealth Bank (CBA.AX), said some customers had been unable to transfer money due to the service outage. In the UK, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) was hit by a technical glitch that affected its news service and delayed its display of opening trades. Media companies also saw their broadcasts severely disrupted. Australia’s national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and Network Ten confirmed that their systems had been affected. Sky News, one of the UK’s major news broadcasters went off air, apologising for being unable to transmit live. Government services were also hit. In the UK, booking systems used by doctors were offline, multiple reports from medical officials on X said. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates said some of its systems were impacted, including its “attestation service”, in a post on X. “We advise users to refrain from conducting any transactions until this issue is resolved,” it said. In Australia, Victoria’s state police said some internal systems had been hit by the outage but emergency services were operating normally. New Zealand’s parliamentary computer systems were affected, according to Rafael Gonzalez-Montero, head of the parliamentary service. Amazon’s AWS cloud service provider said in a statement that it was “investigating reports of connectivity issues to Windows EC2 instances and Workspaces within AWS”. At the time of reporting, some of the malfunctioning business, companies and computer app systems were beginning to return to normal service, including Sky News in the United Kingdom, which was down for an hour in the morning. Services of South African lenders Capitec Bank CPIJ.J and Absa ABGJ.J and airline Airlink have also been fully restored after the outage. The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq said markets also worked normally as of midday Friday. Major US banks, including Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, also said they had not seen any major impact on their systems or operations. A sign notifies customers of a temporary closure due to IT issues at a Liquorland store in Canberra, Australia A sign notifies customers of a temporary closure due to IT issues at a Liquorland store in Canberra, Australia, July 19 [Lukas Coch/AAP Image via Reuters] Not a ‘malicious act’ Australia’s National Cyber Security Coordinator said on Friday that it was aware of a “large-scale technical outage” affecting numerous business and services across the country. “Our current information is this outage relates to a technical issue with a third-party software platform employed by affected companies,” the agency said in a statement. “There is no information to suggest it is a cyber security incident. We continue to engage across key stakeholders.” France’s cybersecurity agency said Friday that there was no evidence that the global IT outage was “the result of a cyberattack.” “The teams are fully mobilised to identify and support the affected entities in France and to understand… the origin of this outage,” ANSSI, the national cybersecurity agency said. A UK government security source told the Reuters news agency that the outage was not being treated as “a malicious act”. Hong Kong Express Airways passengers queue at counters in Hong Kong International Airport amid system outages disrupting the airline's operations Hong Kong Express Airways passengers queue at counters in Hong Kong International Airport amid system outages disrupting the airline’s operations [Tyrone Siu/Reuters] https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/7/19/australia-struck-by-major-it-outage-hitting-banks-media-telecoms
    Global IT outage causes chaos, disrupting airlines, banks, media, telecoms
    Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike says outage caused by ‘defect’ in software update, rules out ‘cyber incident’.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10214 Views
  • We’re having a global BLACK SWAN FRIDAY right now!!!

    Many areas of businesses are DOWN all around the world!

    Global IT outage causes chaos, disrupting airlines, banks, media, telecoms

    Delta, United and American Airlines flights grounded due to communication issue, FAA says

    Major US carriers ground flights, strand travelers citing communication issues — hours after Microsoft cloud outage

    Flights suspended at Berlin airport due to ‘technical problem’

    Global cyber outage grounds flights, hits media, financial, telecoms

    Microsoft outage: Flights grounded, IT systems hit as update issue goes global

    European Central Bank: Swift Outage Affected Real-Time Gross Settlement System

    House purchases delayed by ‘global payments issue’

    We’re having a global BLACK SWAN FRIDAY right now!!! 🚨👀🚨 Many areas of businesses are DOWN all around the world! Global IT outage causes chaos, disrupting airlines, banks, media, telecoms https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/7/19/australia-struck-by-major-it-outage-hitting-banks-media-telecoms Delta, United and American Airlines flights grounded due to communication issue, FAA says https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/19/business/delta-american-airlines-flights-outage-intl-hnk/index.html Major US carriers ground flights, strand travelers citing communication issues — hours after Microsoft cloud outage https://nypost.com/2024/07/19/tech/microsoft-cloud-outage-causes-airlines-to-ground-flights/ Flights suspended at Berlin airport due to ‘technical problem’ https://insiderpaper.com/flights-suspended-at-berlin-airport-due-to-technical-problem-spokeswoman/ Global cyber outage grounds flights, hits media, financial, telecoms https://www.disclose.tv/id/rnds782zg9/ Microsoft outage: Flights grounded, IT systems hit as update issue goes global https://www.proactiveinvestors.co.uk/companies/news/1052256/microsoft-outage-flights-grounded-it-systems-hit-as-update-issue-goes-global-1052256.html European Central Bank: Swift Outage Affected Real-Time Gross Settlement System https://www.pymnts.com/news/banking/2024/european-central-bank-swift-outage-affected-real-time-gross-settlement-system/ House purchases delayed by ‘global payments issue’ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/07/18/ftse-100-latest-news-employment-interest-rates-ons-starmer/ @drue86
    Global IT outage causes chaos, disrupting airlines, banks, media, telecoms
    Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike says outage caused by ‘defect’ in software update, rules out ‘cyber incident’.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3692 Views

    At this stage it is unclear how widespread or long-lasting the issue is going to be, however American Airlines and Delta have just asked the FAA for a global ground stop on all flights.

    Businesses including banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, TV and radio broadcasters, and supermarkets have been taken offline following the mass global outage.

    Follow @zeeemedia
    Website | X | Instagram | Rumble
    🚨MAJOR GLOBAL CYBER OUTAGE! At this stage it is unclear how widespread or long-lasting the issue is going to be, however American Airlines and Delta have just asked the FAA for a global ground stop on all flights. Businesses including banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, TV and radio broadcasters, and supermarkets have been taken offline following the mass global outage. Follow @zeeemedia Website | X | Instagram | Rumble
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1758 Views 0
  • A reminder that the WEF states that when a global cyber outage occurs from “Cyber COVID”, the whole world could (AKA will) go into cyber lockdown until a “digital vaccine” is developed.

    Ultimately, mandatory Digital ID is the goal. Truthfully, I don’t think they’re quite ready for that move yet worldwide.


    I have, however, always called this their wild card. Are they using it right now, or is this a test?

    We don’t know at this stage but if you’ve been part of the Zeee Media family for some time, you are likely prepared for anything.

    We will see how this plays out and I will provide any major developments.


    Follow @zeeemedia
    Website | X | Instagram | Rumble
    A reminder that the WEF states that when a global cyber outage occurs from “Cyber COVID”, the whole world could (AKA will) go into cyber lockdown until a “digital vaccine” is developed. Ultimately, mandatory Digital ID is the goal. Truthfully, I don’t think they’re quite ready for that move yet worldwide. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/covid-19-pandemic-teaches-us-about-cybersecurity-cyberattack-cyber-pandemic-risk-virus/ I have, however, always called this their wild card. Are they using it right now, or is this a test? We don’t know at this stage but if you’ve been part of the Zeee Media family for some time, you are likely prepared for anything. We will see how this plays out and I will provide any major developments. Maria🙏 Follow @zeeemedia Website | X | Instagram | Rumble
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2042 Views
  • The Sisi-linked cartel boss in charge of Gaza "file" - Why Egypt is not a friend of Palestine Part 3
    The Sinai Mafia boss and powerbroker linked to the Sisi regime and military

    vanessa beeley

    Ibrahim Al-Arjani (Organi) the Sinai cartel chief in charge of Gaza. Image from FT.

    Ibrahim Al Arjani rose to prominence during the alleged Egyptian war on terror in the Sinai as head of the Sinai Tribal Union. His rise was meteoric and his Empire established almost overnight as the Al Organi group that dominates construction and trade in the Sinai Peninsula. Al Arjani was a smuggler during the Mubarak era but became one of the most powerful men in Egypt under the Sisi regime. According to a 2023 article in Egypt Watch:

    The man whose name was associated with the president’s son, who helps him control the General Intelligence, suddenly seemed to have an empire or, as it is called, the Al-Arjani group, which is a partner of the regime internally and externally and is considered as an ambassador of the “Decent Life” initiative, and one of the warlords who will help the Armed forces in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip.

    Timothy Kaldas, deputy director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, said the nature of the political economy under Sisi “means almost nobody can be a big player in business without co-ordination and some kind of dependence on the regime”. Financial Times

    14 years ago Al Arjani was in prison as a Bedouin tribal leader targeted in the crack down on Bedouin protests against the destruction of their environment as mentioned in Part Two of this series.

    Today Al Arjani is one of Egypt’s most influential warlords with shared business interests and close ties to the son of the Egyptian president, Mahmoud Al Sisi.

    Arjani, who owns some of the largest construction firms in Egypt, takes his orders from Egyptian intelligence – and also a big cut of Egypt's aid to Gaza, and from the movement of goods from Egypt into Gaza, mostly those that pass through the Saladin checkpoint in Rafah.

    Al Arjani has a de facto monopoly in the Sinai development project:

    Al-Arjani is a member of the board of directors of the National Agency for the Development of the Sinai Peninsula, a public economic agency affiliated with the Egyptian Ministry of Defence, which is responsible for granting the right for Egyptians and foreigners to own or use land, as well as managing and investing in land in Sinai.

    Please refer to Part One for information on the international (majority Gulf State) investment in the Sinai. The Sisi regime claims that it has spent $ 12.8 billion since Sisi took power in 2013 on the Sinai development project - headed up by Al Arjani.

    The Treasure Plane scandal

    In August 2023, 2 months before the Israeli genocide was launched, scandal rocked the Sisi strong-arm regime. While the majority of Egypt suffers power cuts, gas shortages, economic uncertainty and corruption a plane carrying millions of dollars, gold and weapons left Cairo and landed in Zambia where it was promptly seized by the authorities. According to a report in Middle East Monitor:

    Such speculation is reinforced by reports of links between the aircraft and Sinai businessman Ibrahim Al-Arjani, who is close to Mahmoud Al-Sisi, the son of the Egyptian president. Al-Arjani is suspected of being involved in the attack on the National Security headquarters in El-Arish last month in an attempt to release detainees belonging to his Tarabin tribe. Some say that those behind the attack were paid back in Zambia.

    This incident exposed the deep corruption within the Sisi regime’s close circle. Millions of dollars being smuggled during a time of severe dollar hard currency shortages in the country and while the regime was requesting yet another loan from the International Monetary Fund point to insider dealing.

    The plane was reported to have carried out multiple mysterious missions over the years. There is potential that scrutiny of these missions will highlight the involvement of regional and even international partners. Political opponents have claimed that the plane is affiliated to the General Intelligence Services and to Mahmoud Al Sisi. Middle East Monitor reported:

    Pictures being circulated show that the location of the aircraft often coincided with the presence of Egyptian intelligence and security delegations. These include officials from the Egyptian intelligence service accompanied by Al-Arjani in Libya, as well as Interior Minister Mahmoud Tawfiq at the head of an Egyptian security delegation participating in the 40th session of the Arab Interior Ministers’ Council in Tunisia in February.

    Al Arjani’s Gaza Monopoly

    Al Arjani’s monopoly extends into the Rafah border and Gaza itself. In 2021 Egypt was given the exclusive contract to rebuild Gaza after the May 2021 Zionist aggression against the besieged enclave that left thousands of Palestinians injured and killed an estimated 250 (probably a much higher number)

    Post-Zionist-aggression billboards were erected along the coastal road in Gaza emblazoned with Sisi’s image. Egyptian bulldozers rolled into the enclave along with construction workers and engineers - their mission to “rebuild Gaza”. Egypt pledged $500 million to reconstruct and to build new roads inside Gaza. An article in Haaretz at the time reported:

    The main beneficiary of the reconstruction plan is the company Beni Sinai, owned by Bedouin businessman Ibrahim al-Arjani, who also heads the Tarabin Bedouin tribe and the association of the tribe's leaders in northern Sinai – which are cooperating with Egyptian intelligence in its war against the terrorist groups in the Sinai Peninsula. Arjani, who owns some of the largest construction firms in Egypt, takes his orders from Egyptian intelligence – and also a big cut of Egypt's aid to Gaza, and from the movement of goods from Egypt into Gaza, mostly those that pass through the Saladin checkpoint in Rafah.

    Egypt was awarded a monopoly over more than just the initial rebuilding efforts. With the consent of Israel, the United States and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar agreed to a new arrangement for transferring its aid: Qatar would pay Egypt for oil and gasoline that Egypt would supply to Gaza where Hamas would have control over the sale of the resources.

    The pretext given by Israel for this change was that it no longer wanted Qatar-managed suitcases of cash being brought into Gaza. Israel has always claimed that Hamas has used a percentage of this cash to fortify the Resistance infrastructure and to buy weapons.

    Egypt would therefore take charge of the indirect distribution of $ 30 million per month. In the past this sum was divided three ways. One part was paid out directly to poor families, another was for buying diesel fuel for the Gaza power plant, and the third was for projects to create jobs and reduce unemployment that has now topped 60 percent.

    The irony is that the Sisi regime benefits from the sale of gas and oil to the Gaza strip while 1. the Egyptian people endure power outages and gas shortages 2. There are 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas sitting 20 nautical miles off the Gaza coastline that Palestinians have never been given access to by the Zionist regime and its allies in the UK and US.

    Please refer to Part Two for Sisi’s deepening ties with Israel.

    The Rafah Border provides blood money for the Sisi regime

    The Rafah border crossing is the only crossing allegedly not controlled by Israel. The reality is a little different, Israel controls Egyptian policy at the Rafah crossing without a doubt.

    In his November 2023 CNN interview, Egyptian Health Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar addresses the challenging situation regarding the transfer of infants from Gaza’s Al Shifa Hospital to Egypt. Despite Egypt’s preparedness, boasting 37 hospitals and over 11,000 beds, the transfer process is stalled due to required clearances from an unspecified authority. When probed about Israel’s potential role in controlling border access, Ghaffar, while non-committal, acknowledges the influence of an external decision-maker. Israel. Watch:

    A young Iranian team of journalists and researchers put together this short report on the intricacies of the 2005 Philadelphi Accords, perceived by Israel as an extension of the 1979 Camp David agreement:

    Al Arjani has control over trade and construction at the Rafah border. That trade extends to the millions extorted from Palestinian refugees, many children, who have fled to Egypt. An adult is charged $ 5000 and a child $ 2,500. An average family of two parents and three children will be forced to pay $ 17,500 to enter Egypt where they are given only a three month visa which does not include a work permit. After three months they are effectively illegal aliens and face expulsion back to Gaza.

    Palestinians desperate to leave Gaza are paying bribes to brokers of up to $10,000 (£7,850) to help them exit the territory through Egypt, according to a Guardian investigation. [..] Belal, a US citizen from Gaza, was told he would need to raise $85,000 to get 11 family members out of the territory, including five children under three.

    Before the genocide, the cost was $ 500. This is a shocking exploitation of human suffering to profit from their bloodshed by Al Arjani and the Sisi regime - while Egypt is portrayed as a peace broker and mediator, it is taking blood money from the most vulnerable Palestinians without remorse.

    When Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry was asked in March whether the government condoned Hala now charging $5,000 for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip, he said: “Absolutely not.”

    “We will take whatever measures we need so as to . . . eliminate it totally,” Shoukry told Sky News.

    Yet weeks later Hala was still providing the service. Financial Times

    Where next for Al Arjani and the Sisi regime?

    A recent report in the Financial Times has detailed the “shuttering” of the Rafah Crossing. The Zionist military occupation of the crossing has dealt a blow to the Egyptian regime’s economic stake in Gaza, controlled by Al Arjani.

    The FT reports that Al Arjani’s response to the crisis was to create the “Union of Arab Tribes” to “work side by side with the Egyptian state” on security.

    In a sign of Cairo’s concerns, Organi, a leader of the Tarabin, Sinai’s largest tribe, last month announced the formation [already formed, perhaps mothballed and revived - my note] of an “Union of Arab Tribes” to “work side by side with the Egyptian state” on security.

    There have been recent reports on social media that Egypt is increasing its military presence in Sinai close to the Rafah border. According to Zionist media, at least 160 armoured vehicles and 140 other vehicles have been deployed to the area. It is wishful thinking to assume that this may be a reaction to halt the genocide that Israel has been conducting since October 7th.

    Instead I believe that this is linked to Al Arjani’s “security” project which is designed to PREVENT the exodus of exhausted, starved and hunted Palestinians from Gaza.

    Experts viewed the move as a sign of an anxious government seeking the support of the Bedouin — once nomadic tribes that inhabit the Sinai — amid concerns that Israel’s offensive could eventually drive Palestinians into Egypt. “It is with one eye towards Rafah and long-standing fears about displacement [of Gazans],” said Michael Hanna, an expert at Crisis Group. FT

    With the effective occupation of the Rafah border by Israel, with very little concrete protest by Egypt - Al Arjani will instead assume the role of policing the Egyptian side of the border with the tribal alliance.

    Sabry said he saw no signs that militias were being re-established, but added that the military was likely to be “trying to organise a locally grown, broad network of spies and informants” to monitor events on the Sinai side of Gaza’s border. FT

    A spokesperson for the alliance made it even clearer:

    Mostafa Bakry, spokesman for the union, has said the alliance would not be armed, adding that weapons were collected from the previous tribal union three years ago.

    But he told a Saudi television channel that the alliance “comes at a very important moment”.

    “We are surrounded by a ring of fire,” Bakry said. “We are facing a displacement plot and the president has been very clear from the start. We will not allow displacement [of Gazans].” FT

    During a televised address on Sunday 30th June, Sisi made the following statement:

    The region is going through serious changes recently amid intense Israeli war in the Gaza Strip and attempts to impose forced displacement towards Egyptian territories.

    The conscience of humanity was absent in this war. The international community remained silent, turning its face away from tens of thousands of innocent victims. (Emphasis added)

    I don’t think I need to spell out the rank and criminal hypocrisy of such a statement in the context of this article and Part One and Two.

    Von Der Leyen and President Sisi in Cairo. Body language says it all.

    Meanwhile European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announces the signing of more than 20 memorandums of understanding between European companies and Egyptian companies worth more than 40 billion euros, covering the fields of hydrogen, water, construction, chemicals, shipping, aviation, and automobiles.

    Egypt is the Ukraine of West Asia.


    Please do consider subscribing to my Substack. My work is entirely dependent upon public donations and I would like to thank everyone who already contributes xxx

    The Sisi-linked cartel boss in charge of Gaza "file" - Why Egypt is not a friend of Palestine Part 3 The Sinai Mafia boss and powerbroker linked to the Sisi regime and military vanessa beeley Ibrahim Al-Arjani (Organi) the Sinai cartel chief in charge of Gaza. Image from FT. Ibrahim Al Arjani rose to prominence during the alleged Egyptian war on terror in the Sinai as head of the Sinai Tribal Union. His rise was meteoric and his Empire established almost overnight as the Al Organi group that dominates construction and trade in the Sinai Peninsula. Al Arjani was a smuggler during the Mubarak era but became one of the most powerful men in Egypt under the Sisi regime. According to a 2023 article in Egypt Watch: The man whose name was associated with the president’s son, who helps him control the General Intelligence, suddenly seemed to have an empire or, as it is called, the Al-Arjani group, which is a partner of the regime internally and externally and is considered as an ambassador of the “Decent Life” initiative, and one of the warlords who will help the Armed forces in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip. Timothy Kaldas, deputy director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, said the nature of the political economy under Sisi “means almost nobody can be a big player in business without co-ordination and some kind of dependence on the regime”. Financial Times 14 years ago Al Arjani was in prison as a Bedouin tribal leader targeted in the crack down on Bedouin protests against the destruction of their environment as mentioned in Part Two of this series. Today Al Arjani is one of Egypt’s most influential warlords with shared business interests and close ties to the son of the Egyptian president, Mahmoud Al Sisi. Arjani, who owns some of the largest construction firms in Egypt, takes his orders from Egyptian intelligence – and also a big cut of Egypt's aid to Gaza, and from the movement of goods from Egypt into Gaza, mostly those that pass through the Saladin checkpoint in Rafah. Al Arjani has a de facto monopoly in the Sinai development project: Al-Arjani is a member of the board of directors of the National Agency for the Development of the Sinai Peninsula, a public economic agency affiliated with the Egyptian Ministry of Defence, which is responsible for granting the right for Egyptians and foreigners to own or use land, as well as managing and investing in land in Sinai. Please refer to Part One for information on the international (majority Gulf State) investment in the Sinai. The Sisi regime claims that it has spent $ 12.8 billion since Sisi took power in 2013 on the Sinai development project - headed up by Al Arjani. The Treasure Plane scandal In August 2023, 2 months before the Israeli genocide was launched, scandal rocked the Sisi strong-arm regime. While the majority of Egypt suffers power cuts, gas shortages, economic uncertainty and corruption a plane carrying millions of dollars, gold and weapons left Cairo and landed in Zambia where it was promptly seized by the authorities. According to a report in Middle East Monitor: Such speculation is reinforced by reports of links between the aircraft and Sinai businessman Ibrahim Al-Arjani, who is close to Mahmoud Al-Sisi, the son of the Egyptian president. Al-Arjani is suspected of being involved in the attack on the National Security headquarters in El-Arish last month in an attempt to release detainees belonging to his Tarabin tribe. Some say that those behind the attack were paid back in Zambia. This incident exposed the deep corruption within the Sisi regime’s close circle. Millions of dollars being smuggled during a time of severe dollar hard currency shortages in the country and while the regime was requesting yet another loan from the International Monetary Fund point to insider dealing. The plane was reported to have carried out multiple mysterious missions over the years. There is potential that scrutiny of these missions will highlight the involvement of regional and even international partners. Political opponents have claimed that the plane is affiliated to the General Intelligence Services and to Mahmoud Al Sisi. Middle East Monitor reported: Pictures being circulated show that the location of the aircraft often coincided with the presence of Egyptian intelligence and security delegations. These include officials from the Egyptian intelligence service accompanied by Al-Arjani in Libya, as well as Interior Minister Mahmoud Tawfiq at the head of an Egyptian security delegation participating in the 40th session of the Arab Interior Ministers’ Council in Tunisia in February. Al Arjani’s Gaza Monopoly Al Arjani’s monopoly extends into the Rafah border and Gaza itself. In 2021 Egypt was given the exclusive contract to rebuild Gaza after the May 2021 Zionist aggression against the besieged enclave that left thousands of Palestinians injured and killed an estimated 250 (probably a much higher number) Post-Zionist-aggression billboards were erected along the coastal road in Gaza emblazoned with Sisi’s image. Egyptian bulldozers rolled into the enclave along with construction workers and engineers - their mission to “rebuild Gaza”. Egypt pledged $500 million to reconstruct and to build new roads inside Gaza. An article in Haaretz at the time reported: The main beneficiary of the reconstruction plan is the company Beni Sinai, owned by Bedouin businessman Ibrahim al-Arjani, who also heads the Tarabin Bedouin tribe and the association of the tribe's leaders in northern Sinai – which are cooperating with Egyptian intelligence in its war against the terrorist groups in the Sinai Peninsula. Arjani, who owns some of the largest construction firms in Egypt, takes his orders from Egyptian intelligence – and also a big cut of Egypt's aid to Gaza, and from the movement of goods from Egypt into Gaza, mostly those that pass through the Saladin checkpoint in Rafah. Egypt was awarded a monopoly over more than just the initial rebuilding efforts. With the consent of Israel, the United States and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar agreed to a new arrangement for transferring its aid: Qatar would pay Egypt for oil and gasoline that Egypt would supply to Gaza where Hamas would have control over the sale of the resources. The pretext given by Israel for this change was that it no longer wanted Qatar-managed suitcases of cash being brought into Gaza. Israel has always claimed that Hamas has used a percentage of this cash to fortify the Resistance infrastructure and to buy weapons. Egypt would therefore take charge of the indirect distribution of $ 30 million per month. In the past this sum was divided three ways. One part was paid out directly to poor families, another was for buying diesel fuel for the Gaza power plant, and the third was for projects to create jobs and reduce unemployment that has now topped 60 percent. The irony is that the Sisi regime benefits from the sale of gas and oil to the Gaza strip while 1. the Egyptian people endure power outages and gas shortages 2. There are 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas sitting 20 nautical miles off the Gaza coastline that Palestinians have never been given access to by the Zionist regime and its allies in the UK and US. Please refer to Part Two for Sisi’s deepening ties with Israel. The Rafah Border provides blood money for the Sisi regime The Rafah border crossing is the only crossing allegedly not controlled by Israel. The reality is a little different, Israel controls Egyptian policy at the Rafah crossing without a doubt. In his November 2023 CNN interview, Egyptian Health Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar addresses the challenging situation regarding the transfer of infants from Gaza’s Al Shifa Hospital to Egypt. Despite Egypt’s preparedness, boasting 37 hospitals and over 11,000 beds, the transfer process is stalled due to required clearances from an unspecified authority. When probed about Israel’s potential role in controlling border access, Ghaffar, while non-committal, acknowledges the influence of an external decision-maker. Israel. Watch: A young Iranian team of journalists and researchers put together this short report on the intricacies of the 2005 Philadelphi Accords, perceived by Israel as an extension of the 1979 Camp David agreement: Al Arjani has control over trade and construction at the Rafah border. That trade extends to the millions extorted from Palestinian refugees, many children, who have fled to Egypt. An adult is charged $ 5000 and a child $ 2,500. An average family of two parents and three children will be forced to pay $ 17,500 to enter Egypt where they are given only a three month visa which does not include a work permit. After three months they are effectively illegal aliens and face expulsion back to Gaza. Palestinians desperate to leave Gaza are paying bribes to brokers of up to $10,000 (£7,850) to help them exit the territory through Egypt, according to a Guardian investigation. [..] Belal, a US citizen from Gaza, was told he would need to raise $85,000 to get 11 family members out of the territory, including five children under three. Before the genocide, the cost was $ 500. This is a shocking exploitation of human suffering to profit from their bloodshed by Al Arjani and the Sisi regime - while Egypt is portrayed as a peace broker and mediator, it is taking blood money from the most vulnerable Palestinians without remorse. When Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry was asked in March whether the government condoned Hala now charging $5,000 for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip, he said: “Absolutely not.” “We will take whatever measures we need so as to . . . eliminate it totally,” Shoukry told Sky News. Yet weeks later Hala was still providing the service. Financial Times Where next for Al Arjani and the Sisi regime? A recent report in the Financial Times has detailed the “shuttering” of the Rafah Crossing. The Zionist military occupation of the crossing has dealt a blow to the Egyptian regime’s economic stake in Gaza, controlled by Al Arjani. The FT reports that Al Arjani’s response to the crisis was to create the “Union of Arab Tribes” to “work side by side with the Egyptian state” on security. In a sign of Cairo’s concerns, Organi, a leader of the Tarabin, Sinai’s largest tribe, last month announced the formation [already formed, perhaps mothballed and revived - my note] of an “Union of Arab Tribes” to “work side by side with the Egyptian state” on security. There have been recent reports on social media that Egypt is increasing its military presence in Sinai close to the Rafah border. According to Zionist media, at least 160 armoured vehicles and 140 other vehicles have been deployed to the area. It is wishful thinking to assume that this may be a reaction to halt the genocide that Israel has been conducting since October 7th. Instead I believe that this is linked to Al Arjani’s “security” project which is designed to PREVENT the exodus of exhausted, starved and hunted Palestinians from Gaza. Experts viewed the move as a sign of an anxious government seeking the support of the Bedouin — once nomadic tribes that inhabit the Sinai — amid concerns that Israel’s offensive could eventually drive Palestinians into Egypt. “It is with one eye towards Rafah and long-standing fears about displacement [of Gazans],” said Michael Hanna, an expert at Crisis Group. FT With the effective occupation of the Rafah border by Israel, with very little concrete protest by Egypt - Al Arjani will instead assume the role of policing the Egyptian side of the border with the tribal alliance. Sabry said he saw no signs that militias were being re-established, but added that the military was likely to be “trying to organise a locally grown, broad network of spies and informants” to monitor events on the Sinai side of Gaza’s border. FT A spokesperson for the alliance made it even clearer: Mostafa Bakry, spokesman for the union, has said the alliance would not be armed, adding that weapons were collected from the previous tribal union three years ago. But he told a Saudi television channel that the alliance “comes at a very important moment”. “We are surrounded by a ring of fire,” Bakry said. “We are facing a displacement plot and the president has been very clear from the start. We will not allow displacement [of Gazans].” FT During a televised address on Sunday 30th June, Sisi made the following statement: The region is going through serious changes recently amid intense Israeli war in the Gaza Strip and attempts to impose forced displacement towards Egyptian territories. The conscience of humanity was absent in this war. The international community remained silent, turning its face away from tens of thousands of innocent victims. (Emphasis added) I don’t think I need to spell out the rank and criminal hypocrisy of such a statement in the context of this article and Part One and Two. Von Der Leyen and President Sisi in Cairo. Body language says it all. Meanwhile European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announces the signing of more than 20 memorandums of understanding between European companies and Egyptian companies worth more than 40 billion euros, covering the fields of hydrogen, water, construction, chemicals, shipping, aviation, and automobiles. Egypt is the Ukraine of West Asia. **** Please do consider subscribing to my Substack. My work is entirely dependent upon public donations and I would like to thank everyone who already contributes xxx https://substack.com/home/post/p-146102703
    The Sisi-linked cartel boss in charge of Gaza "file" - Why Egypt is not a friend of Palestine Part 3
    The Sinai Mafia boss and powerbroker linked to the Sisi regime and military
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9912 Views
  • Babylon Bee - AT&T Customers Unaware Of Network Outage Since They're Used To Not Having Cell Signal:


    #ATT #Cellular #NetworkOutage #NetworkCapacity #ServiceQuality #Telecommunications
    Babylon Bee - AT&T Customers Unaware Of Network Outage Since They're Used To Not Having Cell Signal: https://babylonbee.com/news/vast-majority-of-att-customers-unaware-of-network-outage-since-they-are-used-to-not-having-cell-signal #ATT #Cellular #NetworkOutage #NetworkCapacity #ServiceQuality #Telecommunications
    AT&T Customers Unaware Of Network Outage Since They're Used To Not Having Cell Signal
    EAST GREENVILLE, PA — AT&T customers were surprised to learn there was a network outage affecting most of the company's subscribers this Thursday. Customers noted that they are so accustomed to not having a functioning cell signal that they didn't notice anything was amiss.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3709 Views
  • ️#Solana experienced Yesterday a 5 hours outage.
    ⚠️⛔️#Solana experienced Yesterday a 5 hours outage.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2197 Views
  • A power supply is a device or system that provides electrical energy to an output load or device. It converts electrical power from one form to another, typically from an electrical grid or another power source to the specific voltage and current required by electronic devices. Power supplies are essential components in various applications, including electronics, telecommunications, computers, and more.

    Here are some common types of power supplies:

    Linear Power Supply:
    Converts AC (alternating current) to DC (direct current) using a transformer and rectifier.
    Provides a constant output voltage but can be less efficient compared to other types.

    Switched-Mode Power Supply (SMPS):
    Efficiently converts AC to DC using high-frequency switching.
    Often lighter and more compact than linear power supplies.
    Commonly used in electronics, computers, and other applications.

    Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS):
    Provides battery backup during power outages to prevent data loss or damage to sensitive electronic equipment.
    Can be line-interactive or online, depending on the level of protection required.

    DC Power Supply:
    Supplies a constant DC voltage to electronic circuits.
    Used in laboratories and testing environments for powering and testing electronic components.

    Variable Power Supply:
    Allows users to adjust the output voltage and, in some cases, the current.
    Useful for testing and experimenting with different voltage requirements.

    Battery Charger:
    Charges rechargeable batteries, providing the necessary voltage and current for the charging process.

    AC Adapter:
    Converts AC power from a wall outlet to DC power suitable for electronic devices like laptops, cameras, and smartphones.

    Solar Power Supply:
    Converts sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells.
    Used in off-grid locations or as a sustainable power source.

    When selecting a power supply, it's important to consider factors such as voltage output, current capacity, efficiency, and the specific requirements of the device or system being powered. Additionally, safety features, such as overcurrent protection and overvoltage protection, are essential to prevent damage to connected devices.
    A power supply is a device or system that provides electrical energy to an output load or device. It converts electrical power from one form to another, typically from an electrical grid or another power source to the specific voltage and current required by electronic devices. Power supplies are essential components in various applications, including electronics, telecommunications, computers, and more. Here are some common types of power supplies: Linear Power Supply: Converts AC (alternating current) to DC (direct current) using a transformer and rectifier. Provides a constant output voltage but can be less efficient compared to other types. Switched-Mode Power Supply (SMPS): Efficiently converts AC to DC using high-frequency switching. Often lighter and more compact than linear power supplies. Commonly used in electronics, computers, and other applications. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): Provides battery backup during power outages to prevent data loss or damage to sensitive electronic equipment. Can be line-interactive or online, depending on the level of protection required. DC Power Supply: Supplies a constant DC voltage to electronic circuits. Used in laboratories and testing environments for powering and testing electronic components. Variable Power Supply: Allows users to adjust the output voltage and, in some cases, the current. Useful for testing and experimenting with different voltage requirements. Battery Charger: Charges rechargeable batteries, providing the necessary voltage and current for the charging process. AC Adapter: Converts AC power from a wall outlet to DC power suitable for electronic devices like laptops, cameras, and smartphones. Solar Power Supply: Converts sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells. Used in off-grid locations or as a sustainable power source. When selecting a power supply, it's important to consider factors such as voltage output, current capacity, efficiency, and the specific requirements of the device or system being powered. Additionally, safety features, such as overcurrent protection and overvoltage protection, are essential to prevent damage to connected devices.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7478 Views
  • ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 46: Israeli tanks besiege Indonesian Hospital as bombardment of Gaza continues
    Israeli forces besiege Indonesian Hospital in north Gaza. Meanwhile, two Lebanese journalists were killed by Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon, and Palestinian prisoners continue to face humiliation, abuse and torture inside Israeli prisons.

    Mustafa Abu SneinehNovember 21, 2023
    A young Palestinian boy holds the shrouded body of a Palestinian infant who was killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip. (APA Images)
    During prayers for the dead outside a hospital in the central Gaza Strip city of Deir al-Balah, a young Palestinian boy holds the shrouded body of an infant killed in an Israeli airstrike. (Photo: APA Images).

    12,700 killed*, including 5,350 children, and 32,850 wounded in Gaza Strip.
    216 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
    Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,200
    *This figure covers the casualties from October 7 to November 20. Due to breakdowns in communication networks within the Gaza Strip (particularly in northern Gaza), the Gaza Ministry of Health has not been able to regularly update its tolls.

    Key Developments

    At least 100 wounded and patients were evacuated from the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza City to the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis on Monday evening, in coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
    There are at least 700 patients and medical staff are trapped in the Indonesian Hospital, which Israel claims has Hamas tunnels underneath it. The claims mirror previous allegations Israel made about Al-Shifa Hospital that it has yet to provide concrete evidence of.
    The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement that it was ‘appalled’ by the Israeli attack on the Indonesian Hospital which killed at least 12 people, and injured tens of others.
    Two Lebanese journalists, Rabih Maamari and Farah Omar, of Al-Mayadeen television network were killed in an Israeli strike in southern Lebanon.
    Hezbollah launched four Burkan short-range ballistic missiles on the Israeli Branit Barracks, which houses the Galilee Division 91, inflicting immense damages.
    The total number of Israeli soldiers killed in the Gaza Strip has risen to at least 70 since Israel launched the ground incursion on October 28th. However, some reports suggest that the military casualties could be higher.
    Hamas’ armed wing, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam, launched rockets into Tel Aviv, the largest barrage since October 7, and targeted the Reim military base near the Gaza Strip.
    Hamas Spokesman Abu Obaida: Hamas fighters have hit 60 Israeli military vehicles, including tanks and 10 armoured personnel carriers since Saturday, November 18th.
    Abu Obaida: Israel bombed its destroyed military vehicles from the air when it could not withdraw it.
    Al Jazeera report: Israeli forces abuse, harass Palestinian prisoners and detainees
    Israel has forced 255 Palestinian shops in the town of Huwwara, near Nablus, to close for the past 46 days.
    Israeli forces besiege the Indonesian Hospital

    On the 46th day of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, which has so far killed close to 13,000 Palestinians, nearly half of them children, Israeli forces continued the unabated targeting of hospitals, schools and displaced civilians in Gaza.

    Following the siege, raid and forced evacuation last week of Al-Shifa Hospital, west of Gaza City, Israeli forces moved to target the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahi in northern Gaza. On Monday evening, at least 12 people were killed when Israeli artillery bombed the second floor of the hospital.

    There are at least 700 patients and medical staff inside the hospital who are in talks with the ICRC to transfer them to Al-Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza, as Israeli tanks surround the facility, and were stationed 200 meters away on Monday evening.

    “The Indonesian Hospital staff are insisting they will stay to treat the wounded,” Ashraf Al-Qudra, Gaza’s Health Ministry spokesperson told Al-Jazeera.

    Wafa news agency reported that 100 wounded and sick patients were evacuated from the Indonesian Hospital to Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on Monday evening, in coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

    Israeli forces are claiming that Hamas has tunnels underneath the Indonesian Hospital, which was opened in 2016 following an $8 million donation from Indonesian citizens and groups such as the Indonesian Red Cross Society.

    Israel used similar claims to justify the siege, raid and forced evacuation of Palestinians from Al-Shifa Hospital, west of Gaza City, last week. While the Israeli army has released a number of videos purporting to show the tunnels around Al-Shifa, Israel has yet to provide any evidence of the “Hamas command centre” underneath the hospital.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement that it was “appalled” by the Israeli attack on the Indonesian Hospital that killed at least 12 people, and injured tens of others.

    “Health workers and civilians should never have to be exposed to such horror, and especially while inside a hospital,” the WHO said.

    “No one has been allowed to enter or leave the hospital: there have been reports of shooting towards those attempting to leave but no injuries or fatalities thus far,” it added.

    The Indonesian Hospital faced power outages due to the lack of fuel to generate electricity, and is facing a shortage of water and medical supplies.

    “WHO has recorded 335 attacks on health care in the occupied Palestinian territory since 7 October, including 164 attacks in the Gaza Strip and 171 attacks in the West Bank. There were also 33 attacks on health care in Israel during the violent events of October 7,” WHO added.

    Israeli bombardment continues, targeting refugee camp, schools

    On Tuesday Israel launched an airstrike on a house in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, killing at least 20 people. Journalists Alaa Taher Al-Hasanat and Ayat Khadura were killed when their houses were bombed in Gaza City and in Beit Lahia.

    Wafa said that dozens were killed and injured on Tuesday morning when a school in the Al-Fallujah area and homes in Beit Lahia were targeted.

    The Hafsa School in the Al-Fallujah, west of Jabalia, was housing displaced Palestinians, several of whom were killed and injured in the strike. At least nine homes were hit in Beit Lahia as well, and Israeli bombing targeted communications towers in Gaza City, disrupting internet and phone services.

    Kamal Adwan Hospital announced the death of 80 people killed in airstrikes on Tuesday morning in areas north of Gaza City.

    On Monday evening, Gaza’s Ministry of Health announced that 12,700 Palestinian martyrs were killed, including 5,350 children, 3,250 women, and 695 elderly people, and 32,850 were injured since Israel launched air strikes and bombardment assaults on October 7.

    However, the death toll is higher as hundreds of Palestinians are reported missing or trapped under the rubble, and could not be rescued by paramedics and civil defence units.

    Until November 15, there were 4,500 reported missing persons, 3,500 of them children, who are presumed to be trapped or dead under the rubble of residential buildings bombed by Israeli airstrikes.

    Israeli children sing “annihilate everyone” in Gaza goes viral

    On Sunday November 19th, a day prior to the UN World Children’s Day , the Hebrew-language public broadcaster in Israel, Kan News, released a song of Israeli children celebrating the “annihilation of everyone” in Gaza Strip.

    Footage of soldiers and Gaza destruction appeared in the video while children were singing: “In another year there will be nothing there. And we will safely return to our homes.”

    “Within a year we will annihilate everyone. And then we will return to plow our fields.”

    The song sparked outrage on social media, as people pointed out the reality that thousands of Gazan children have been killed, injured, and have lost their families and homes over the past six weeks.

    Kan News later removed the song, dubbed Friendship Song 2023, from its website and platforms.

    Lebanon: Israel kills two journalists, Hezbollah targets military barracks

    Three people, two of them Lebanese journalists Rabih Maamari and Farah Omar of Al-Mayadeen television network, were killed in an Israeli strike on southern Lebanon on Tuesday around noon local time.

    Last week, Israel banned Al-Mayadeen from reporting from 1948 Palestine,the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, charging the broadcaster with “harming the security of the state of Israel and its citizens,” and of being an “abettor of the terrorist organisation Hezbollah.”

    Maamari and Omar were killed near Tayr Harfa village, almost two kilometres away from north of occupied Palestine.

    “Al-Mayadeen mourns the loss of its martyrs, correspondent Farah Omar and cameraman Rabih Al-Me’mari, who were targeted by a cowardly Israeli attack in South Lebanon,” the channel said in a statement.

    An hour later, four Lebanese citizens were also killed in an Israeli bombing on a vehicle in the Shaytiya area. In total, seven people were killed Tuesday afternoon.

    Last week, Lebanese media crews were targeted with rocket shells near the border town of Yaroun, injuring Al-Jazeera photographer Issam Mawasi. On October 13th, the Lebanese photojournalist Issam Abdullah was killed, and five others were injured after being bombed by Israel near the town of Alma Al-Shaab in southern Lebanon.

    Israel has deployed 100,000 soldiers north of occupied Palestine along the border with Lebanon. Fire exchanges between the Israeli army and Hezbollah fighters have intensified in the past week.

    On Monday, Hezbollah launched four Burkan short-range ballistic missiles on the Israeli Branit Barracks, which houses the Galilee Division 91, inflicting damages.

    Israel fired into several villages in southern Lebanon over the past 24 hours, including Khiam, the outskirts of Alma al-Shaab, Jabal al-Labouneh, Jabal al-Alam, and of Kafr Kila. On Monday, it hit the Church of Saint George in the town of Yaroun, in Bint Jbeil district.

    Since October 8, Hezbollah has been attacking Israel with missiles, drones, and targeting soldiers along the border. At least a dozen attacks have been recorded daily in the past days, with Hezbollah publishing videos documenting it.

    Gaza ground invasion: Hamas claims hits to Israeli military, death toll of Israeli soldiers rises

    On Tuesday, the total number of Israeli soldiers killed in the Gaza Strip rose to 70, since the launch of the ground incursion on October 28th. However, some reports suggest that the military casualties could be higher.

    Israel’s Ministry of Defense’s directors of military cemeteries in Kiryat Shaul and Mount Herzl told Channel 10 on Sunday that they have buried 50 soldiers in 48 hours, and the load of work to open graves has been “unprecedented”.

    On Monday, Hamas’ armed wing, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam, launched rockets into Tel Aviv, the largest barrage since October 7th. It also targeted the Reim military base near the Gaza Strip.

    In an audio statement, Al-Qassam’s spokesperson, Abu Obaida, said that resistance fighters had hit 60 Israeli military vehicles, including tanks and 10 armoured personnel carriers, in the past 72 hours alone.

    Al-Qassam released a video compilation of fighters launching 105mm Al-Yaseen anti-tank shells from a close range, including a shot of fighters planting an explosive on the body of an Israeli Merkava tank. The video also showed Israeli soldiers’ torn and burned clothes after being targeted by Hamas.

    Abu Obaida said that fighters ambushed Israeli tanks and forces in several areas in Gaza City.

    “One of our most prominent operations was an ambush against foot forces southwest of Gaza City last Saturday, where our mujahideen targeted a foot force followed by a Zionist bulldozer with anti-personnel devices, causing certain injuries and hearing the screams of enemy soldiers and their calls for help,” Abu Obaida said.

    “[We] targeted a Zionist troop carrier with an Al-Yaseen shell, hitting it directly, and three soldiers got out of it. Our mujahideen attacked them with an anti-personnel missile. They killed some of them, then the Qassam force lay in wait in the vicinity of the operation, waiting for the Zionist rescue force, which had already arrived, and our fighters clashed with them face to face, inflicting a large number of no less than seven dead, and our mujahideen returned to their bases safely,” he added.

    He also said that Israel bombed its destroyed military vehicles from the air when it could not withdraw them from the Strip.

    Also on Monday, the Yemeni Houthi rebels released footage of their fighters seizing a cargo ship in the southern Red Sea as it sailed from Turkey to India. The Houthis landed with a helicopter on the Galaxy Leader, which is reportedly partially owned by Israeli businessman Rami Ungar.

    “If the US and Israel stop and cease killing the Palestinians in Gaza and allow in water, medicine and food, then they could talk about the Israeli ship. What the [Yemeni] navy did is consistent with the principle of reciprocity,” said Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Supreme Political Council in Yemen.

    Israeli jailers force Palestinian prisoners to kiss the flag and listen to the national anthem

    In the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, 216 Palestinians were killed and 2,800 have been injured since October 7th, according to the Ministry of Health.

    Muhammad Ali Saeed Owais, 25, succumbed to his wounds on Monday evening after he was shot and injured on November 9th during an Israeli raid of the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank.

    Israeli forces arrested 51 Palestinians from Jenin, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Jericho, Nablus, Bethlehem, and Hebron. Wafa published the list of names of those arrested in the past 24 hours.

    Israel is subjecting Palestinian prisoners and detainees to a “psychological torture”, according to an Al-Jazeera report.

    One of the detainees told Al-Jazeera that he was forced to kiss the Israeli flag during his arrest at Megiddo prison. He was forced to listen to the Israeli national anthem, and to say “the State of Israel is Strong”. Israeli jailers will beat those who refuse to obey their orders.

    Other measures taken was the threat of sexual harassment, stripping the prisoner naked, beating, cutting off the electricity, and providing poor quality meals.

    Six Palestinians have died inside Israeli jails since October 7.

    Before you go – we need your support

    At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever.

    Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses.

    Support our journalists with a donation today.

    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 46: Israeli tanks besiege Indonesian Hospital as bombardment of Gaza continues Israeli forces besiege Indonesian Hospital in north Gaza. Meanwhile, two Lebanese journalists were killed by Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon, and Palestinian prisoners continue to face humiliation, abuse and torture inside Israeli prisons. Mustafa Abu SneinehNovember 21, 2023 A young Palestinian boy holds the shrouded body of a Palestinian infant who was killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip. (APA Images) During prayers for the dead outside a hospital in the central Gaza Strip city of Deir al-Balah, a young Palestinian boy holds the shrouded body of an infant killed in an Israeli airstrike. (Photo: APA Images). Casualties 12,700 killed*, including 5,350 children, and 32,850 wounded in Gaza Strip. 216 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,200 *This figure covers the casualties from October 7 to November 20. Due to breakdowns in communication networks within the Gaza Strip (particularly in northern Gaza), the Gaza Ministry of Health has not been able to regularly update its tolls. Key Developments At least 100 wounded and patients were evacuated from the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza City to the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis on Monday evening, in coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). There are at least 700 patients and medical staff are trapped in the Indonesian Hospital, which Israel claims has Hamas tunnels underneath it. The claims mirror previous allegations Israel made about Al-Shifa Hospital that it has yet to provide concrete evidence of. The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement that it was ‘appalled’ by the Israeli attack on the Indonesian Hospital which killed at least 12 people, and injured tens of others. Two Lebanese journalists, Rabih Maamari and Farah Omar, of Al-Mayadeen television network were killed in an Israeli strike in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah launched four Burkan short-range ballistic missiles on the Israeli Branit Barracks, which houses the Galilee Division 91, inflicting immense damages. The total number of Israeli soldiers killed in the Gaza Strip has risen to at least 70 since Israel launched the ground incursion on October 28th. However, some reports suggest that the military casualties could be higher. Hamas’ armed wing, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam, launched rockets into Tel Aviv, the largest barrage since October 7, and targeted the Reim military base near the Gaza Strip. Hamas Spokesman Abu Obaida: Hamas fighters have hit 60 Israeli military vehicles, including tanks and 10 armoured personnel carriers since Saturday, November 18th. Abu Obaida: Israel bombed its destroyed military vehicles from the air when it could not withdraw it. Al Jazeera report: Israeli forces abuse, harass Palestinian prisoners and detainees Israel has forced 255 Palestinian shops in the town of Huwwara, near Nablus, to close for the past 46 days. Israeli forces besiege the Indonesian Hospital On the 46th day of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, which has so far killed close to 13,000 Palestinians, nearly half of them children, Israeli forces continued the unabated targeting of hospitals, schools and displaced civilians in Gaza. Following the siege, raid and forced evacuation last week of Al-Shifa Hospital, west of Gaza City, Israeli forces moved to target the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahi in northern Gaza. On Monday evening, at least 12 people were killed when Israeli artillery bombed the second floor of the hospital. There are at least 700 patients and medical staff inside the hospital who are in talks with the ICRC to transfer them to Al-Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza, as Israeli tanks surround the facility, and were stationed 200 meters away on Monday evening. “The Indonesian Hospital staff are insisting they will stay to treat the wounded,” Ashraf Al-Qudra, Gaza’s Health Ministry spokesperson told Al-Jazeera. Wafa news agency reported that 100 wounded and sick patients were evacuated from the Indonesian Hospital to Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on Monday evening, in coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Israeli forces are claiming that Hamas has tunnels underneath the Indonesian Hospital, which was opened in 2016 following an $8 million donation from Indonesian citizens and groups such as the Indonesian Red Cross Society. Israel used similar claims to justify the siege, raid and forced evacuation of Palestinians from Al-Shifa Hospital, west of Gaza City, last week. While the Israeli army has released a number of videos purporting to show the tunnels around Al-Shifa, Israel has yet to provide any evidence of the “Hamas command centre” underneath the hospital. The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement that it was “appalled” by the Israeli attack on the Indonesian Hospital that killed at least 12 people, and injured tens of others. “Health workers and civilians should never have to be exposed to such horror, and especially while inside a hospital,” the WHO said. “No one has been allowed to enter or leave the hospital: there have been reports of shooting towards those attempting to leave but no injuries or fatalities thus far,” it added. The Indonesian Hospital faced power outages due to the lack of fuel to generate electricity, and is facing a shortage of water and medical supplies. “WHO has recorded 335 attacks on health care in the occupied Palestinian territory since 7 October, including 164 attacks in the Gaza Strip and 171 attacks in the West Bank. There were also 33 attacks on health care in Israel during the violent events of October 7,” WHO added. Israeli bombardment continues, targeting refugee camp, schools On Tuesday Israel launched an airstrike on a house in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, killing at least 20 people. Journalists Alaa Taher Al-Hasanat and Ayat Khadura were killed when their houses were bombed in Gaza City and in Beit Lahia. Wafa said that dozens were killed and injured on Tuesday morning when a school in the Al-Fallujah area and homes in Beit Lahia were targeted. The Hafsa School in the Al-Fallujah, west of Jabalia, was housing displaced Palestinians, several of whom were killed and injured in the strike. At least nine homes were hit in Beit Lahia as well, and Israeli bombing targeted communications towers in Gaza City, disrupting internet and phone services. Kamal Adwan Hospital announced the death of 80 people killed in airstrikes on Tuesday morning in areas north of Gaza City. On Monday evening, Gaza’s Ministry of Health announced that 12,700 Palestinian martyrs were killed, including 5,350 children, 3,250 women, and 695 elderly people, and 32,850 were injured since Israel launched air strikes and bombardment assaults on October 7. However, the death toll is higher as hundreds of Palestinians are reported missing or trapped under the rubble, and could not be rescued by paramedics and civil defence units. Until November 15, there were 4,500 reported missing persons, 3,500 of them children, who are presumed to be trapped or dead under the rubble of residential buildings bombed by Israeli airstrikes. Israeli children sing “annihilate everyone” in Gaza goes viral On Sunday November 19th, a day prior to the UN World Children’s Day , the Hebrew-language public broadcaster in Israel, Kan News, released a song of Israeli children celebrating the “annihilation of everyone” in Gaza Strip. Footage of soldiers and Gaza destruction appeared in the video while children were singing: “In another year there will be nothing there. And we will safely return to our homes.” “Within a year we will annihilate everyone. And then we will return to plow our fields.” The song sparked outrage on social media, as people pointed out the reality that thousands of Gazan children have been killed, injured, and have lost their families and homes over the past six weeks. Kan News later removed the song, dubbed Friendship Song 2023, from its website and platforms. Lebanon: Israel kills two journalists, Hezbollah targets military barracks Three people, two of them Lebanese journalists Rabih Maamari and Farah Omar of Al-Mayadeen television network, were killed in an Israeli strike on southern Lebanon on Tuesday around noon local time. Last week, Israel banned Al-Mayadeen from reporting from 1948 Palestine,the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, charging the broadcaster with “harming the security of the state of Israel and its citizens,” and of being an “abettor of the terrorist organisation Hezbollah.” Maamari and Omar were killed near Tayr Harfa village, almost two kilometres away from north of occupied Palestine. “Al-Mayadeen mourns the loss of its martyrs, correspondent Farah Omar and cameraman Rabih Al-Me’mari, who were targeted by a cowardly Israeli attack in South Lebanon,” the channel said in a statement. An hour later, four Lebanese citizens were also killed in an Israeli bombing on a vehicle in the Shaytiya area. In total, seven people were killed Tuesday afternoon. Last week, Lebanese media crews were targeted with rocket shells near the border town of Yaroun, injuring Al-Jazeera photographer Issam Mawasi. On October 13th, the Lebanese photojournalist Issam Abdullah was killed, and five others were injured after being bombed by Israel near the town of Alma Al-Shaab in southern Lebanon. Israel has deployed 100,000 soldiers north of occupied Palestine along the border with Lebanon. Fire exchanges between the Israeli army and Hezbollah fighters have intensified in the past week. On Monday, Hezbollah launched four Burkan short-range ballistic missiles on the Israeli Branit Barracks, which houses the Galilee Division 91, inflicting damages. Israel fired into several villages in southern Lebanon over the past 24 hours, including Khiam, the outskirts of Alma al-Shaab, Jabal al-Labouneh, Jabal al-Alam, and of Kafr Kila. On Monday, it hit the Church of Saint George in the town of Yaroun, in Bint Jbeil district. Since October 8, Hezbollah has been attacking Israel with missiles, drones, and targeting soldiers along the border. At least a dozen attacks have been recorded daily in the past days, with Hezbollah publishing videos documenting it. Gaza ground invasion: Hamas claims hits to Israeli military, death toll of Israeli soldiers rises On Tuesday, the total number of Israeli soldiers killed in the Gaza Strip rose to 70, since the launch of the ground incursion on October 28th. However, some reports suggest that the military casualties could be higher. Israel’s Ministry of Defense’s directors of military cemeteries in Kiryat Shaul and Mount Herzl told Channel 10 on Sunday that they have buried 50 soldiers in 48 hours, and the load of work to open graves has been “unprecedented”. On Monday, Hamas’ armed wing, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam, launched rockets into Tel Aviv, the largest barrage since October 7th. It also targeted the Reim military base near the Gaza Strip. In an audio statement, Al-Qassam’s spokesperson, Abu Obaida, said that resistance fighters had hit 60 Israeli military vehicles, including tanks and 10 armoured personnel carriers, in the past 72 hours alone. Al-Qassam released a video compilation of fighters launching 105mm Al-Yaseen anti-tank shells from a close range, including a shot of fighters planting an explosive on the body of an Israeli Merkava tank. The video also showed Israeli soldiers’ torn and burned clothes after being targeted by Hamas. Abu Obaida said that fighters ambushed Israeli tanks and forces in several areas in Gaza City. “One of our most prominent operations was an ambush against foot forces southwest of Gaza City last Saturday, where our mujahideen targeted a foot force followed by a Zionist bulldozer with anti-personnel devices, causing certain injuries and hearing the screams of enemy soldiers and their calls for help,” Abu Obaida said. “[We] targeted a Zionist troop carrier with an Al-Yaseen shell, hitting it directly, and three soldiers got out of it. Our mujahideen attacked them with an anti-personnel missile. They killed some of them, then the Qassam force lay in wait in the vicinity of the operation, waiting for the Zionist rescue force, which had already arrived, and our fighters clashed with them face to face, inflicting a large number of no less than seven dead, and our mujahideen returned to their bases safely,” he added. He also said that Israel bombed its destroyed military vehicles from the air when it could not withdraw them from the Strip. Also on Monday, the Yemeni Houthi rebels released footage of their fighters seizing a cargo ship in the southern Red Sea as it sailed from Turkey to India. The Houthis landed with a helicopter on the Galaxy Leader, which is reportedly partially owned by Israeli businessman Rami Ungar. “If the US and Israel stop and cease killing the Palestinians in Gaza and allow in water, medicine and food, then they could talk about the Israeli ship. What the [Yemeni] navy did is consistent with the principle of reciprocity,” said Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Supreme Political Council in Yemen. Israeli jailers force Palestinian prisoners to kiss the flag and listen to the national anthem In the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, 216 Palestinians were killed and 2,800 have been injured since October 7th, according to the Ministry of Health. Muhammad Ali Saeed Owais, 25, succumbed to his wounds on Monday evening after he was shot and injured on November 9th during an Israeli raid of the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank. Israeli forces arrested 51 Palestinians from Jenin, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Jericho, Nablus, Bethlehem, and Hebron. Wafa published the list of names of those arrested in the past 24 hours. Israel is subjecting Palestinian prisoners and detainees to a “psychological torture”, according to an Al-Jazeera report. One of the detainees told Al-Jazeera that he was forced to kiss the Israeli flag during his arrest at Megiddo prison. He was forced to listen to the Israeli national anthem, and to say “the State of Israel is Strong”. Israeli jailers will beat those who refuse to obey their orders. Other measures taken was the threat of sexual harassment, stripping the prisoner naked, beating, cutting off the electricity, and providing poor quality meals. Six Palestinians have died inside Israeli jails since October 7. Before you go – we need your support At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever. Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses. Support our journalists with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2023/11/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-46-israeli-tanks-besiege-indonesian-hospital-as-bombardment-of-gaza-continues/
    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 46: Israeli tanks besiege Indonesian Hospital as bombardment of Gaza continues
    Israeli forces besiege Indonesian Hospital in north Gaza. Meanwhile, two Lebanese journalists were killed by Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon, and Palestinian prisoners continue to face humiliation, abuse and torture inside Israeli prisons.
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