Like I apologized yesterday, I've allowed myself to be weighed down by the vicissitudes of life.I equally said I'm healing now. However, someone like me ought to know better...(I just mean my level of exposure to God and His Word... nothing more.)
I have been unable to really concentrate,and I do know I was hurting myself the more. God can NEVER be more Faithful to any undeserving individual like me. In real time and to my great shame, I'm indeed very UNGRATEFUL TO MY FATHER...and HE REMINDED me of the implications of every carelessly spoken word, no matter the complexities of one's temporary problems(THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE... TEMPORARY PROBLEMS... THEY'LL GO, AND YOU'LL REMAIN, AMEN!)
It is beautiful to witness the Glory of God, the Power of God, and the blessing of God. There is something unchangeable about experiencing Him; once you taste IT, you cannot go back.
Israel has faced challenges in not recognizing its Saviour. Allow me tell us, words have a profound influence on people...they can transform us or define us, they can destroy us or build us up.
Do you remember what Christ Jesus said?
“My words are spirit and they are life.”
This means that every word He speaks carries a spirit; every Word that comes from His Mouth brings a spirit to our life and being.
On the other hand, the words of the enemy bring death and a contrary spirit. Perhaps someone reading this right now(like me writing it), is living under the influence of negative words spoken over them. But today, I come to you(including myself) in God’s name: If one word canceled your(my) future, another Word can and will reopen it. If a word brought a curse into our life, there is a Word today that can change everything, for we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.
Perhaps,one of the reasons I was called to be here(online), is because I'm still battling the consequences of the careless choices I made in the past...So, it's easy for me to relate to the awesome Truth that every believer's suffering in this world has a purpose in God's Grand Final Purpose for that believer, so long he/she NEVER retreats. I CAN CHOOSE TO PAINT MY LIFE IN BEAUTIFUL COLOURS... PRETENDING TO BE WHAT I'M NOT...BUT THEN, I WOULD'VE EARNED MYSELF A STRAIGHT VISA TO.....?You can assist in helping me to complete it,but that will NEVER be my portion in Christ Jesus' Name!
Thus, believe this that, for every carelessly spoken word of ours, that our common enemy is using it to fight us, we will receive a counter WORD that will nullify those careless words as we submit to GOD'S WORD. I lift up my hands in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus and believe wholeheartedly in what God is doing. I urge you to believe same...Amen!
In the book of Matthew, chapter 17, verse 5, It says:
“While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said: ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’”
The Father looked at His Son in the Jordan and declared, "This is my beloved Son."
I speak to us today...to a son, a daughter, or even a young girl whose father never said, "I love you," or "You are important to me." Yes, to every word of rejection, let us lift our hands and tell ourselves this: Heaven has a different version and vision of who we are.
Let me tell you something: Words can destroy the heart, but despite everything, We should yet declare that we are blessed, we are prosperous, and in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus, every destructive word spoken against us is cancelled.
The One who has been with us all this time...the One who has Loved us and Provided for us... Is seated on His Throne, Reigning with Authority. It has not been men; it has been the Father who has sustained us.
Have Faith in God's Transforming Word
Therefore, have faith in God and believe that His word, declared over you, will change the atmosphere in your home.
The Words of God carry LIFE, and today, we are blessed by His Words in the Name of Christ Jesus. The Lord will always lift us up, if we can let go and let God. Say right where you are now;
Christ Jesus,You are the Lord and Saviour of my life,Amen!
Like I apologized yesterday, I've allowed myself to be weighed down by the vicissitudes of life.I equally said I'm healing now. However, someone like me ought to know better...(I just mean my level of exposure to God and His Word... nothing more.)
I have been unable to really concentrate,and I do know I was hurting myself the more. God can NEVER be more Faithful to any undeserving individual like me. In real time and to my great shame, I'm indeed very UNGRATEFUL TO MY FATHER...and HE REMINDED me of the implications of every carelessly spoken word, no matter the complexities of one's temporary problems(THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE... TEMPORARY PROBLEMS... THEY'LL GO, AND YOU'LL REMAIN, AMEN!)
It is beautiful to witness the Glory of God, the Power of God, and the blessing of God. There is something unchangeable about experiencing Him; once you taste IT, you cannot go back.
Israel has faced challenges in not recognizing its Saviour. Allow me tell us, words have a profound influence on people...they can transform us or define us, they can destroy us or build us up.
Do you remember what Christ Jesus said?
“My words are spirit and they are life.”
This means that every word He speaks carries a spirit; every Word that comes from His Mouth brings a spirit to our life and being.
On the other hand, the words of the enemy bring death and a contrary spirit. Perhaps someone reading this right now(like me writing it), is living under the influence of negative words spoken over them. But today, I come to you(including myself) in God’s name: If one word canceled your(my) future, another Word can and will reopen it. If a word brought a curse into our life, there is a Word today that can change everything, for we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.
Perhaps,one of the reasons I was called to be here(online), is because I'm still battling the consequences of the careless choices I made in the past...So, it's easy for me to relate to the awesome Truth that every believer's suffering in this world has a purpose in God's Grand Final Purpose for that believer, so long he/she NEVER retreats. I CAN CHOOSE TO PAINT MY LIFE IN BEAUTIFUL COLOURS... PRETENDING TO BE WHAT I'M NOT...BUT THEN, I WOULD'VE EARNED MYSELF A STRAIGHT VISA TO.....?You can assist in helping me to complete it,but that will NEVER be my portion in Christ Jesus' Name!
Thus, believe this that, for every carelessly spoken word of ours, that our common enemy is using it to fight us, we will receive a counter WORD that will nullify those careless words as we submit to GOD'S WORD. I lift up my hands in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus and believe wholeheartedly in what God is doing. I urge you to believe same...Amen!
In the book of Matthew, chapter 17, verse 5, It says:
“While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said: ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’”
The Father looked at His Son in the Jordan and declared, "This is my beloved Son."
I speak to us today...to a son, a daughter, or even a young girl whose father never said, "I love you," or "You are important to me." Yes, to every word of rejection, let us lift our hands and tell ourselves this: Heaven has a different version and vision of who we are.
Let me tell you something: Words can destroy the heart, but despite everything, We should yet declare that we are blessed, we are prosperous, and in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus, every destructive word spoken against us is cancelled.
The One who has been with us all this time...the One who has Loved us and Provided for us... Is seated on His Throne, Reigning with Authority. It has not been men; it has been the Father who has sustained us.
Have Faith in God's Transforming Word
Therefore, have faith in God and believe that His word, declared over you, will change the atmosphere in your home.
The Words of God carry LIFE, and today, we are blessed by His Words in the Name of Christ Jesus. The Lord will always lift us up, if we can let go and let God. Say right where you are now;
Christ Jesus,You are the Lord and Saviour of my life,Amen!
Like I apologized yesterday, I've allowed myself to be weighed down by the vicissitudes of life.I equally said I'm healing now. However, someone like me ought to know better...(I just mean my level of exposure to God and His Word... nothing more.)
I have been unable to really concentrate,and I do know I was hurting myself the more. God can NEVER be more Faithful to any undeserving individual like me. In real time and to my great shame, I'm indeed very UNGRATEFUL TO MY FATHER...and HE REMINDED me of the implications of every carelessly spoken word, no matter the complexities of one's temporary problems(THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE... TEMPORARY PROBLEMS... THEY'LL GO, AND YOU'LL REMAIN, AMENππ!)
It is beautiful to witness the Glory of God, the Power of God, and the blessing of God. There is something unchangeable about experiencing Him; once you taste IT, you cannot go back.
Israel has faced challenges in not recognizing its Saviour. Allow me tell us, words have a profound influence on people...they can transform us or define us, they can destroy us or build us up.
Do you remember what Christ Jesus said?
“My words are spirit and they are life.”
This means that every word He speaks carries a spirit; every Word that comes from His Mouth brings a spirit to our life and being.
On the other hand, the words of the enemy bring death and a contrary spirit. Perhaps someone reading this right now(like me writing it), is living under the influence of negative words spoken over them. But today, I come to you(including myself) in God’s name: If one word canceled your(my) future, another Word can and will reopen it. If a word brought a curse into our life, there is a Word today that can change everything, for we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.
Perhaps,one of the reasons I was called to be here(online), is because I'm still battling the consequences of the careless choices I made in the past...So, it's easy for me to relate to the awesome Truth that every believer's suffering in this world has a purpose in God's Grand Final Purpose for that believer, so long he/she NEVER retreats. I CAN CHOOSE TO PAINT MY LIFE IN BEAUTIFUL COLOURS... PRETENDING TO BE WHAT I'M NOT...BUT THEN, I WOULD'VE EARNED MYSELF A STRAIGHT VISA TO.....?You can assist in helping me to complete it,but that will NEVER be my portion in Christ Jesus' Name!
Thus, believe this that, for every carelessly spoken word of ours, that our common enemy is using it to fight us, we will receive a counter WORD that will nullify those careless words as we submit to GOD'S WORD. I lift up my hands in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus and believe wholeheartedly in what God is doing. I urge you to believe same...Amen!
In the book of Matthew, chapter 17, verse 5, It says:
“While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said: ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’”
The Father looked at His Son in the Jordan and declared, "This is my beloved Son."
I speak to us today...to a son, a daughter, or even a young girl whose father never said, "I love you," or "You are important to me." Yes, to every word of rejection, let us lift our hands and tell ourselves this: Heaven has a different version and vision of who we are.
Let me tell you something: Words can destroy the heart, but despite everything, We should yet declare that we are blessed, we are prosperous, and in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus, every destructive word spoken against us is cancelled.
The One who has been with us all this time...the One who has Loved us and Provided for us... Is seated on His Throne, Reigning with Authority. It has not been men; it has been the Father who has sustained us.
Have Faith in God's Transforming Word
Therefore, have faith in God and believe that His word, declared over you, will change the atmosphere in your home.
The Words of God carry LIFE, and today, we are blessed by His Words in the Name of Christ Jesus. The Lord will always lift us up, if we can let go and let God. Say right where you are now;
Christ Jesus,You are the Lord and Saviour of my life,Amenππ!