• Stuck Between a Rock and the ER
    Dealing with kidney stone emergencies requires a different approach than that which resolves the chronic underlying causes

    Dr. Syed Haider

    We usually advocate for careful, measured medical solutions. We rail against the tendency to try to “hack” biology, because biology can’t be hacked without hacking it to bits.

    And yet, sometimes you just have to cut the Gordian knot, because there’s a difference between emergency care and chronic care.

    In emergencies you’re willing to do things that you might never do outside of them because in every situation you have to weigh the risks and benefits. When you have time on your side you can take it easy and do things the right way, without little or no risk at all. When you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place like the ER you often have to make concessions because the ER can mean even risker treatments and procedures that are often quite expensive as well.

    Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful to pass, and sometimes they won’t pass at all if they’re too large. No matter how much painkiller you receive it may not do much at all when the spasmodic pains hit. And using the strongest opiate painkillers like morphine can worsen spasms of the ureter so patients are usually started on high dose ibuprofen, perhaps alpha blockers like tamsulosin to reduce spasms, and plenty of fluids to help flush the kidney stone out.

    Kidney Stones (Nephrolithiasis) - Symptoms and Causes
    If that doesn’t work then some types and sizes of stones can be broken up by a shockwave (lithotripsy) procedure, others require retrieval via a freaky endoscopic procedure call ureteroscopy, and still others may require a full on open surgery. 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2000 ureterscopy procedures will result in severe complications like avulsion of the ureter, requiring extensive surgical repair. Of course any major surgical procedure can involve complications, but for most people the biggest complication will be to their pocketbooks. With insurance you’re looking at $1000s in copays and without insurance 10s of $1000s. Finally and perhaps worst of all is the amount of time it takes to finally get relief from the stone. It could be many hours in the ER just waiting for the procedure to be arranged.

    In this and other similar situations it’s always good to have a plan B, or even a plan A that you can institute yourself.

    We’ve seen incredible results from two simple approaches to acute kidney stones. The first can be done by nearly anyone at any time and you just need a bunch of lemons and water. The second is more specialized and is the herb Chanca Piedra, which might be good to keep on hand if stones are a recurrent problem.

    Lemons are well known to help prevent the two mosts common types of kidney stones - calcium oxalate and uric acid, they’ve been mentioned by the Harvard Health website and many dialed-in urologists will let you know about lemon juice for prevention. Lemon juice has citric acid, which becomes citrate when excreted in the urine. This reduces acidity of the urine which can dissolve uric acid stones. The citrate also binds calcium ions to prevent calcium oxalate formation.

    It is not usually considered likely for citrate from lemonade or any other source to be able to shrink a calcium oxalate stone once it forms, but it seems like it should be possible. And we have to understand that even shaving off a tiny bit of an impacted stone can mean the difference between surgery and spontaneously passing it.

    Now at the surface of a calcium oxalate stone in the urine there would always be some flux of calcium ions either joining the stone or leaving it. The tendency towards one or the other would be influenced by how many calcium ions are dissolved in the urine. With the addition of citrate which binds and removes calcium ions from the urine, more calcium would be released from the calcium oxalate stone, thereby leading to progressive shrinkage of the stone. Perhaps a biochemist can chime in with a predicted rate of dissolution, but lets see what we can come up with.

    The likelihood of a stone passing naturally depends on its size (diameter):

    1 mm: 87% chance of passing

    2–4 mm: 76% chance of passing

    5–7 mm: 60% chance of passing

    7–9 mm: 48% chance of passing

    Larger than 9 mm: 25% chance of passing

    Kidney stones Memes and Images - Imgur
    Based on the weight of calcium oxalate and assuming a spherical stone shape, the following are the typical weights of various diameter stones:

    Small Stones (1-5 mm):

    Volume range: 0.5 mm³ to 65.45 mm³

    Weight range: Approximately 1 mg to 137 mg.

    Medium Stones (5-10 mm):

    Volume range: 65.45 mm³ to 523.6 mm³

    Weight range: Approximately 137 mg to 1100 mg.

    Large Stones (10-15 mm):

    Volume range: 523.6 mm³ to 1767 mm³

    Weight range: Approximately 1100 mg to 3710 mg.

    So if we can somehow manage to dissolve gram ranges of calcium oxalate we would have a very good chance of partially or completely dissolving any stone stuck in the ureter.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    1. Amount of Citrate in Lemon Juice

    Citrate Content: Lemon juice is a rich source of citrate. On average, one lemon (about 48 grams of lemon juice) contains approximately 1.44 grams of citrate.

    Daily Intake: If someone were to drink the juice of 16 lemons in day (8 glasses of 500ml with 2 lemons in each), this would provide approximately 23 grams of citrate.

    2. Citrate Absorption and Excretion

    Absorption and Metabolism: After ingestion, citrate is absorbed in the intestines, and a portion is metabolized in the body, while the remainder is excreted in the urine. The efficiency of absorption and excretion can vary, but it’s generally estimated that about 20-40% of ingested citrate is excreted unchanged in the urine.

    Urinary Citrate Increase: If we assume a 30% excretion rate, consuming 5.76 grams of citrate would result in approximately 7 grams of citrate entering the urine.

    3. Citrate Binding to Calcium

    Calcium Binding: Citrate binds to calcium in the urine, forming soluble calcium-citrate complexes. The effectiveness of this binding depends on the concentration of calcium and citrate in the urine.

    Binding Capacity: Each mole of citrate can theoretically bind one mole of calcium (even though citrate is trivalent, often only one binding site is involved in a stable complex in biological conditions). The binding of calcium by citrate is pH-dependent, with better binding at higher urinary pH (above 6.5), and citrate itself tends to raise the pH of urine. If we estimate that 7 grams of citrate could bind to a proportional amount of calcium (assuming typical urinary conditions), it could potentially bind up to around 1500 mg of calcium (since citrate and calcium have different molar weights).

    4. Impact on Calcium Oxalate Stones

    Impact on Stone Size: This should significantly reduce the stone size because 1500 mg of calcium represents about 5400 mg of calcium oxalate (the oxalate contributes its own weight when combined to calcium in the stone) and 5400mg is more than the weight of even most very large ureteral stones.

    Homemade Lemonade
    It seems from the above that drinking plenty of lemon juice could have an outsized impact on any stone stuck in the ureter or anywhere else, and even on much larger stones stuck in the kidneys. Perhaps unsurprisingly many people have reported anecdotally that drinking lots of lemon juice when they develop any type of kidney stone has helped dissolve it.

    In light of the calculations and reports it’s possible that lemon juice shrinks stones via the above laid out acetate in the urine mechanism (assuming there are no mistaken assumptions, like how fast the stone releases calcium at its surface), or that there is some other active principle in lemon juice that shrinks stones or stimulates relaxation of the ureters to allow them to pass, or that there is a placebo effect, or that people tend to be able to stomach more lemonade than they can plain water, and it’s just the relatively increased urine output that helps the situation.

    In any event if I had a stone I would drink as much lemonade as I could to see if I could get rid of it, despite every publicly searchable source swearing it wouldn’t help because I tend to believe other people’s experience over biased researchers and scientists. If I weren’t quite so confident I might drink the lemonade on the way to the ER, and while waiting for a urologist to show up - if it worked, great, if not, no harm, no foul.

    Chanca Piedra, Spanish for the “Stone Breaker”

    The other kidney stone remedy has more research to back it up than lemon juice does, though you’ll usually have to go out of your way to find it instead of just visiting your local grocery store. Chanca Piedra is an Amazonian herb that is well known in local lore to both help prevent and treat kidney stones. Similar to lemon juice it increases citrate secretion into the urine which will bind calcium. It increases the secretion of magnesium, which also inhibits calcium oxalate formation. It also has known diuretic (increased urine flow), antispasmodic, antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects that may all contribute to fast and pain-free stone passage.


    Now, no treatment of acute painful stones that land you in the ER would be complete without touching on gallstones. There’s sure to be a way to treat these, but unfortunately we’re not as certain of a one size fits all remedy for this (let us know what you’ve got). I would caution against removing the gallbladder though, as it’s a crucial organ for proper digestion and for maintaining proper hormonal balance since bile is directly involved in fat digestion, including cholesterol, which is the precursor of all hormones. It’s also required for the digestion and absorption of the important fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Of course bile will continue to be produced even without a gallbladder, but its synchronized, well-timed release during the process of digestion will be impaired.

    Gallbladder Disease in Children - HealthyChildren.org
    Removing the gallbladder can also contribute to estrogen excess, since extra estrogen is partly dumped into the gut via the bile and when not normally depleted may contribute to many common modern diseases such as:


    Heart Disease




    Thyroid Dysfunction


    Uterine Fibroids

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)


    Many people have already had their gallbladders removed, but they do keep producing bile and the situation can still be balanced out by optimizing lifestyle factors and oftentimes a psuedo-gallbladder will even reform due to dilation of the remaining bile ducts, which allows larger boluses of bile to be injected into the gut when called for, similar to what would happen with a normal gallbladder.

    Coffee Enemas and Gallstones

    Various enemas have been used since ancient times by every ancient medical system. Coffee enemas were first documented in the early 20th century. They were reportedly used by soldiers in WWI for pain control. They were popluarized by Max Gerson in the 1930s as an alternative therapy for liver and gallbladder flushing and support and in the alternative treatment of cancer. The best type for this purpose is organic, green, unroasted, heavy metal and mold free coffee.

    This is how coffee enemas may help with gallstones:


    Whither Caffeine? The difference between a coffee enema and simply drinking the coffee lies in where the coffee and caffeine ends up. When you drink coffee the caffeine is primarily absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, and enters the systemic circulation traveling throughout the body before going to the liver to be metabolized out of the bloodstream. However with an enema the coffee and caffeine are primarily absorbed into the portal vein which feed straight into the liver. Here the effects of coffee will be concentrated, and coffee will also be metabolised and removed from the blood, rather than traveling on to the rest of the body. Research confirms that blood levels of caffeine are 2.5X lower after a coffee enema, compared to drinking the same quantity of coffee, and this is important because caffeines effect on the brain and rest of the body is not usually conducive to healing from chronic illness.

    Stimulation of Bile Flow:

    Bile Production & Flow: Caffeinated coffee specifically has been shown to stimulate the production of bile by the liver and promote its flow through the bile ducts by stimulating the contraction of the gallbladder. Enhanced bile flow can theoretically help prevent the formation of gallstones by keeping bile less concentrated and reducing the likelihood of cholesterol crystallization. It should also help break up or flush out stones already present since stagnation of bile is a risk factor for stone formation.

    Bile Duct Dilation: It’s possible coffee enemas cause dilation of the bile ducts, which could facilitate the passage of small stones or sludge, though this effect is not well-documented.

    Lemon Juice and Gallstones

    Not the first thing we think of for gallstones, but since we used it for kidney stones, lets check it out here as well. Traditionally it has been used and is usually taken with olive oil for gallstones.

    Bile Production and Flow:

    Lemon juice is high in citric acid, which stimulates bile production. Bile is essential for the digestion and emulsification of fats, and an increase in bile flow might help prevent the formation of gallstones and help break them down, particularly cholesterol stones. The antioxidant vitamin C in lemon juice could help support liver function including bile production.

    Chanca Piedra and Gallstones

    Again since we mentioned it for kidney stones it’s worth looking at here as well.

    Hepatoprotective and Choleretic Effects:

    Chanca Piedra has been traditionally used for various liver and gallbladder conditions. Some studies have indicated that it has hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) properties and may increase bile secretion (choleretic effect) which could help dissolve and flush out stones.

    Potential Stone Dissolution:

    Like its use in kidney stones, Chanca Piedra is believed by some to have poorly characterized litholytic (stone-dissolving) properties. While most of the evidence for this comes from studies on kidney stones, there is some traditional use and anecdotal evidence suggesting it might also be helpful for gallstones.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Other Herbs for Gallstones

    There are many herbal remedies for gallbladder issues, but they’re beyond the scope of this article and should be recommended by a practitioner who analyzes the patient’s specific situation.

    Bile Acids for Gallstones

    Not considered an acute remedy, but more long term, is the supplementation of bile acids that are found in normal bile, but may be “deficient” in someone with gallstones. Ursodeoxycholic acid is often used. It helps remove cholesterol from the bile and dissolves cholesterol gallstones over time. There is a pharmaceutical version and you can also get animal sourced bile acid supplements. Should only be considered as an adjunct to real deep resolution.

    Bonus: Third “Rock”

    There’s one acute condition you’re unlikely to get treated in the ER and that’s a severe toothache, because dentists don’t usually visit ERs. This can be as painful as any other pathology and even strong painkillers have a hard time blunting it. The ER is likely to give you an antibiotic and a painkiller and then refer you to a dentist. If you’re lucky they’ll inject a temporary nerve block that will probably wear off in a few hours. All this for a price that may be in the thousands of dollars and can involve a lot of time in excruciating pain waiting to be seen.

    The single most effective and fastest treatment for any toothache, including an abscessed tooth is to bite on a fresh clove of garlic with the painful tooth. Pain is typically gone within a couple minutes. Though the garlic juice released can cause some brief burning in your mouth it’s well worth it. Garlic combines a nerve block and antibiotic in one. I have personally witnessed the effects which can last for 12-24 hours. It can be repeated as needed and can completely resolve not only the pain but even the underlying infection itself, reversing swelling, warmth, tenderness and temperature sensitivity within a day or two.

    The primary side effect aside from the mucosal burning from the juice is nuclear breath and distorted taste.

    Something that is much less smelly than garlic may work as well and that’s black cloves. You can try biting on 1-5 cloves with the affected tooth and often achieve the same effect, but if not you can always graduate to the garlic.

    Some people hate the dentist so much they go on to live with cloves in their mouth, allowing them to continue ignoring the underlying problem of dental disease caused by dietary and other lifestyle indiscretions. This is of course a recipe for eventual disaster.

    Like all the short term solutions, it’s not meant to be used as a long term bandaid. Anecdotally it is possible to actually heal teeth and avoid dentistry, but it does take dedication and significant lifestyle change. As with any disease process the approach is essentially to remove toxins and chronic pathogens which many people like have growin in the roots of multiple teeth - eg press your gums looking for any tender spots. Along with removing the harm we have to support the teeth with the right lifestyle choices and diet. Then we just have to wait long enough for these changes to take effect.

    Acute Care vs Chronic

    Some people figure out how to mitigate their acute kidney or gallstone issues, and then they turn that into their chronic care plan. There are many cases of patients who once they figure out that lemon juice will prevent further attacks simply drink lemonade daily and think no more of it.

    The problem of course is that this doesn’t address the root cause of the problem.

    It’s like having a leak in from the second floor bathroom and just painting over it, or when it gets worse just repairing the area that was leaked and making it waterproof.

    Sooner or later the water will just go somewhere else and spring another leak.

    The same happens in your body. The first symptom is just an early warning sign. It’s like the canary in the coal mine. When that canary died, the miners hightailed it out of there before they dropped dead too. The toxic gas dropped the little bird at much lower concentrations than it did the big miners, but once the gas started leaking they knew it would just keep building up until it got them too.

    The same in your kidney or liver/gallbladder. There is some mixture of causes: toxins/pathogens and nutrient/nourishment deficiencies that is harming your organ. Left unaddressed it will keep harming your organ even if you neutralize its ability to create stones.

    You’ve kept yourself comfortable by shutting up your early warning system. It’s like theres an enemy attacking and you were annoyed by the air raid sirens so you just shut them off and ignored the developing situation.

    So what do you do instead?

    Knowing the cause means knowing the solution.

    In traditional medical thought the kidneys were linked to fear and willpower. Kidney disease or dysfunction was associated with deep-seated fears, insecurities, and a lack of resolve and resilience.

    The gallbladder was seen as the organ responsible for decision-making, courage, and the capacity to act, so gallbladder issues were often linked to indecisiveness, trouble standing up for oneself, or suppressed anger/feelings.

    The body often gives you a sign by compensating for lack of one thing by overdoing another. There is a common psychological thread linking the emotional aspects of both organs related to willpower and decisiveness. In both cases there may be a kind of pathological softness, in other words an inability to be firm. And this excessive softness may eventually be balanced by the hardness manifested in the stones that may form in one or the other organ.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Two Peas in a Pod

    Kidney diseases usually happen in those who have prolonged internal or external conflicts with spouses, partners or other people close to them.

    The kidneys are a paired organ, and its been said by the ancients they represent two people gazing at each other intently, or one person looking deeply at their own reflection in a mirror. This symbolism underscores the traditional view of the kidneys' connection to one's partner and oneself. It suggests that one can either view their partner as an extension of themselves or as a separate entity. When individuals begin to see their partner as an outsider rather than a reflection of themselves, it disrupts their unity and causes significant stress, leading to disconnection. Ideally, a husband and wife should function as a single entity, in perfect harmony, like one soul inhabiting two bodies. This reflects the traditional ideal of marriage.

    Another layer to this is seeing other people and the rest of the creation as one’s own reflection also. This is a spiritual perspective that engenders radical responsibility for everything that happens in life, including what is done to one by other people.

    The idea is that the Divine Will is the only Actor in the Universe and from the perspective of each individual, everything that happens is due to Divine Providence. The purpose of existence is to better know oneself and perfect oneself to better know the Divine and draw closer to that Reality. In order for that to happen the Universe and everything in it must reflect each individuals failings, so everything that happens and everything anyone does to one is meant to illuminate ones own imperfections so they can be worked upon.

    From this perspective individuals don’t blame others, but only blame themselves for whatever happens to them. It is an empowering perspective, rather than one of victimhood.

    So the kidneys actually represent more than just a person’s relationship with their closest partner or companion, but actually reflect their relationship with themselves. This relationship with onesself is simply most evident in the relationship with those closest to one, but it extends to the entire universe. So even a lack of harmony with nature, particularly the light encoded circadian rhythms, can also have a significant negative impact on kidney health.

    It should therefore come as no surprise that in Classical Chinese medical thought, the kidneys are considered the seat of wisdom, because it takes great insight to see one's partner and others and the entire universe all as a reflections of oneself - or in other words a Divine Act meant to illuminate your self to you. Considering the slings and arrows of fortune as “the other” entails a rejection ones own true nature, which is what is being reflected back at one. Deeply accepting oneself means accepting ones own responsibility for everything in life and improving it.

    In our experience, patients with kidney issues, invariably, upon a thorough exploration of their lives, reveal some form of conscious or subconscious conflict with others. While these conflicts may not always be immediately visible, they can manifest in various subtle ways. A skilled physician needs to listen attentively to every detail of the patient's description of their condition and life experiences to identify these underlying conflicts. If patients faile to recognize and address these conflicts, and if they don’t accept guidance to resolve them, we can only offer temporary patchwork solutions rather than truly restoring kidney vitality and providing deep healing.

    There may be exceptions where kidney damage results from toxic protein shakes, bodybuilding supplements, excessive intake of processed meats, or poor sleep habits (conneccted to circadian rhythms). However, even in these cases, outright kidney damage typically occurs only if the kidneys' underlying vitality has already been undermined by internal relationship conflicts, and those should always be assumed to be present, since who doesn’t have them to some degree or other?

    Trickle Down vs Bottom Up

    It may seem fantastical to some, but this higher level is where the weakness in organs usually originates. After organs have been weakened chronically by the energetic deficiency that manifests from an underlying psychological issue, the problem will manifest physically as typical nutrient deficiencies and toxin/pathogen build up in that organ.

    It is possible to mitigate these problems from higher up, at the level of the psyche, or lower down at the level of the physical body, but for a real deep resolution you often have to work on both, because they are both interconnected and interdependent. They are just manifestations of a single whole.

    Unfortunately it’s not possible to describe a generic physical or emotional protocol for every case of kidney or gallbladder disease, but the general approach will be the same because it’s founded in the basic principles of human health and disease: we are one interconnected whole, our body responds to our thoughts and emotions. Chronic harmful thoughts and emotions create chronic bodily dysfunction which manifests as deficiencies and toxicities.

    It may appear to some people that their dysfunction was obviously due to a purely physical insult, like a parasite, other microbe, or a vaccine or other injury, or chronic stress or other toxicity. However these same causes affect innumerable other people who don’t end up with kidney or gallbladder issues like stones. Who gets what in response to common toxins in the environment depends on which organs are constitutionally weak. Constitutional weakness can have a genetic element as well, which predisposes someone to certain psychological issues. But this can still be fixed. Genes aren’t your destiny, their just the first draft script you've been given to edit as you see fit.

    Graduating to the level of taking radical responsiblity for yourself will allow any disease to be healed. This is the most satisfying path because it’s a journey of spiritual progress which gets at the reason for your entire existence, which is to better know the Divine, by better knowing your own failings and correcting them bit by bit. The more you grow the closer you become and the more subtle your failings become that you continue to uncover. Everything that happens is just a reflection of you, taken by the Divine and cast back at you to get you to wake up and change.

    Stuck Between a Rock and the ER Dealing with kidney stone emergencies requires a different approach than that which resolves the chronic underlying causes Dr. Syed Haider We usually advocate for careful, measured medical solutions. We rail against the tendency to try to “hack” biology, because biology can’t be hacked without hacking it to bits. And yet, sometimes you just have to cut the Gordian knot, because there’s a difference between emergency care and chronic care. In emergencies you’re willing to do things that you might never do outside of them because in every situation you have to weigh the risks and benefits. When you have time on your side you can take it easy and do things the right way, without little or no risk at all. When you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place like the ER you often have to make concessions because the ER can mean even risker treatments and procedures that are often quite expensive as well. Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful to pass, and sometimes they won’t pass at all if they’re too large. No matter how much painkiller you receive it may not do much at all when the spasmodic pains hit. And using the strongest opiate painkillers like morphine can worsen spasms of the ureter so patients are usually started on high dose ibuprofen, perhaps alpha blockers like tamsulosin to reduce spasms, and plenty of fluids to help flush the kidney stone out. Kidney Stones (Nephrolithiasis) - Symptoms and Causes If that doesn’t work then some types and sizes of stones can be broken up by a shockwave (lithotripsy) procedure, others require retrieval via a freaky endoscopic procedure call ureteroscopy, and still others may require a full on open surgery. 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2000 ureterscopy procedures will result in severe complications like avulsion of the ureter, requiring extensive surgical repair. Of course any major surgical procedure can involve complications, but for most people the biggest complication will be to their pocketbooks. With insurance you’re looking at $1000s in copays and without insurance 10s of $1000s. Finally and perhaps worst of all is the amount of time it takes to finally get relief from the stone. It could be many hours in the ER just waiting for the procedure to be arranged. In this and other similar situations it’s always good to have a plan B, or even a plan A that you can institute yourself. We’ve seen incredible results from two simple approaches to acute kidney stones. The first can be done by nearly anyone at any time and you just need a bunch of lemons and water. The second is more specialized and is the herb Chanca Piedra, which might be good to keep on hand if stones are a recurrent problem. Lemons are well known to help prevent the two mosts common types of kidney stones - calcium oxalate and uric acid, they’ve been mentioned by the Harvard Health website and many dialed-in urologists will let you know about lemon juice for prevention. Lemon juice has citric acid, which becomes citrate when excreted in the urine. This reduces acidity of the urine which can dissolve uric acid stones. The citrate also binds calcium ions to prevent calcium oxalate formation. It is not usually considered likely for citrate from lemonade or any other source to be able to shrink a calcium oxalate stone once it forms, but it seems like it should be possible. And we have to understand that even shaving off a tiny bit of an impacted stone can mean the difference between surgery and spontaneously passing it. Now at the surface of a calcium oxalate stone in the urine there would always be some flux of calcium ions either joining the stone or leaving it. The tendency towards one or the other would be influenced by how many calcium ions are dissolved in the urine. With the addition of citrate which binds and removes calcium ions from the urine, more calcium would be released from the calcium oxalate stone, thereby leading to progressive shrinkage of the stone. Perhaps a biochemist can chime in with a predicted rate of dissolution, but lets see what we can come up with. The likelihood of a stone passing naturally depends on its size (diameter): 1 mm: 87% chance of passing 2–4 mm: 76% chance of passing 5–7 mm: 60% chance of passing 7–9 mm: 48% chance of passing Larger than 9 mm: 25% chance of passing Kidney stones Memes and Images - Imgur Based on the weight of calcium oxalate and assuming a spherical stone shape, the following are the typical weights of various diameter stones: Small Stones (1-5 mm): Volume range: 0.5 mm³ to 65.45 mm³ Weight range: Approximately 1 mg to 137 mg. Medium Stones (5-10 mm): Volume range: 65.45 mm³ to 523.6 mm³ Weight range: Approximately 137 mg to 1100 mg. Large Stones (10-15 mm): Volume range: 523.6 mm³ to 1767 mm³ Weight range: Approximately 1100 mg to 3710 mg. So if we can somehow manage to dissolve gram ranges of calcium oxalate we would have a very good chance of partially or completely dissolving any stone stuck in the ureter. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share 1. Amount of Citrate in Lemon Juice Citrate Content: Lemon juice is a rich source of citrate. On average, one lemon (about 48 grams of lemon juice) contains approximately 1.44 grams of citrate. Daily Intake: If someone were to drink the juice of 16 lemons in day (8 glasses of 500ml with 2 lemons in each), this would provide approximately 23 grams of citrate. 2. Citrate Absorption and Excretion Absorption and Metabolism: After ingestion, citrate is absorbed in the intestines, and a portion is metabolized in the body, while the remainder is excreted in the urine. The efficiency of absorption and excretion can vary, but it’s generally estimated that about 20-40% of ingested citrate is excreted unchanged in the urine. Urinary Citrate Increase: If we assume a 30% excretion rate, consuming 5.76 grams of citrate would result in approximately 7 grams of citrate entering the urine. 3. Citrate Binding to Calcium Calcium Binding: Citrate binds to calcium in the urine, forming soluble calcium-citrate complexes. The effectiveness of this binding depends on the concentration of calcium and citrate in the urine. Binding Capacity: Each mole of citrate can theoretically bind one mole of calcium (even though citrate is trivalent, often only one binding site is involved in a stable complex in biological conditions). The binding of calcium by citrate is pH-dependent, with better binding at higher urinary pH (above 6.5), and citrate itself tends to raise the pH of urine. If we estimate that 7 grams of citrate could bind to a proportional amount of calcium (assuming typical urinary conditions), it could potentially bind up to around 1500 mg of calcium (since citrate and calcium have different molar weights). 4. Impact on Calcium Oxalate Stones Impact on Stone Size: This should significantly reduce the stone size because 1500 mg of calcium represents about 5400 mg of calcium oxalate (the oxalate contributes its own weight when combined to calcium in the stone) and 5400mg is more than the weight of even most very large ureteral stones. Homemade Lemonade It seems from the above that drinking plenty of lemon juice could have an outsized impact on any stone stuck in the ureter or anywhere else, and even on much larger stones stuck in the kidneys. Perhaps unsurprisingly many people have reported anecdotally that drinking lots of lemon juice when they develop any type of kidney stone has helped dissolve it. In light of the calculations and reports it’s possible that lemon juice shrinks stones via the above laid out acetate in the urine mechanism (assuming there are no mistaken assumptions, like how fast the stone releases calcium at its surface), or that there is some other active principle in lemon juice that shrinks stones or stimulates relaxation of the ureters to allow them to pass, or that there is a placebo effect, or that people tend to be able to stomach more lemonade than they can plain water, and it’s just the relatively increased urine output that helps the situation. In any event if I had a stone I would drink as much lemonade as I could to see if I could get rid of it, despite every publicly searchable source swearing it wouldn’t help because I tend to believe other people’s experience over biased researchers and scientists. If I weren’t quite so confident I might drink the lemonade on the way to the ER, and while waiting for a urologist to show up - if it worked, great, if not, no harm, no foul. Chanca Piedra, Spanish for the “Stone Breaker” The other kidney stone remedy has more research to back it up than lemon juice does, though you’ll usually have to go out of your way to find it instead of just visiting your local grocery store. Chanca Piedra is an Amazonian herb that is well known in local lore to both help prevent and treat kidney stones. Similar to lemon juice it increases citrate secretion into the urine which will bind calcium. It increases the secretion of magnesium, which also inhibits calcium oxalate formation. It also has known diuretic (increased urine flow), antispasmodic, antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects that may all contribute to fast and pain-free stone passage. Gallstones Now, no treatment of acute painful stones that land you in the ER would be complete without touching on gallstones. There’s sure to be a way to treat these, but unfortunately we’re not as certain of a one size fits all remedy for this (let us know what you’ve got). I would caution against removing the gallbladder though, as it’s a crucial organ for proper digestion and for maintaining proper hormonal balance since bile is directly involved in fat digestion, including cholesterol, which is the precursor of all hormones. It’s also required for the digestion and absorption of the important fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Of course bile will continue to be produced even without a gallbladder, but its synchronized, well-timed release during the process of digestion will be impaired. Gallbladder Disease in Children - HealthyChildren.org Removing the gallbladder can also contribute to estrogen excess, since extra estrogen is partly dumped into the gut via the bile and when not normally depleted may contribute to many common modern diseases such as: Obesity Heart Disease Diabetes Strokes Cancer Thyroid Dysfunction Endometriosis Uterine Fibroids Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Osteoporosis Many people have already had their gallbladders removed, but they do keep producing bile and the situation can still be balanced out by optimizing lifestyle factors and oftentimes a psuedo-gallbladder will even reform due to dilation of the remaining bile ducts, which allows larger boluses of bile to be injected into the gut when called for, similar to what would happen with a normal gallbladder. Coffee Enemas and Gallstones Various enemas have been used since ancient times by every ancient medical system. Coffee enemas were first documented in the early 20th century. They were reportedly used by soldiers in WWI for pain control. They were popluarized by Max Gerson in the 1930s as an alternative therapy for liver and gallbladder flushing and support and in the alternative treatment of cancer. The best type for this purpose is organic, green, unroasted, heavy metal and mold free coffee. This is how coffee enemas may help with gallstones: Absorption: Whither Caffeine? The difference between a coffee enema and simply drinking the coffee lies in where the coffee and caffeine ends up. When you drink coffee the caffeine is primarily absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, and enters the systemic circulation traveling throughout the body before going to the liver to be metabolized out of the bloodstream. However with an enema the coffee and caffeine are primarily absorbed into the portal vein which feed straight into the liver. Here the effects of coffee will be concentrated, and coffee will also be metabolised and removed from the blood, rather than traveling on to the rest of the body. Research confirms that blood levels of caffeine are 2.5X lower after a coffee enema, compared to drinking the same quantity of coffee, and this is important because caffeines effect on the brain and rest of the body is not usually conducive to healing from chronic illness. Stimulation of Bile Flow: Bile Production & Flow: Caffeinated coffee specifically has been shown to stimulate the production of bile by the liver and promote its flow through the bile ducts by stimulating the contraction of the gallbladder. Enhanced bile flow can theoretically help prevent the formation of gallstones by keeping bile less concentrated and reducing the likelihood of cholesterol crystallization. It should also help break up or flush out stones already present since stagnation of bile is a risk factor for stone formation. Bile Duct Dilation: It’s possible coffee enemas cause dilation of the bile ducts, which could facilitate the passage of small stones or sludge, though this effect is not well-documented. Lemon Juice and Gallstones Not the first thing we think of for gallstones, but since we used it for kidney stones, lets check it out here as well. Traditionally it has been used and is usually taken with olive oil for gallstones. Bile Production and Flow: Lemon juice is high in citric acid, which stimulates bile production. Bile is essential for the digestion and emulsification of fats, and an increase in bile flow might help prevent the formation of gallstones and help break them down, particularly cholesterol stones. The antioxidant vitamin C in lemon juice could help support liver function including bile production. Chanca Piedra and Gallstones Again since we mentioned it for kidney stones it’s worth looking at here as well. Hepatoprotective and Choleretic Effects: Chanca Piedra has been traditionally used for various liver and gallbladder conditions. Some studies have indicated that it has hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) properties and may increase bile secretion (choleretic effect) which could help dissolve and flush out stones. Potential Stone Dissolution: Like its use in kidney stones, Chanca Piedra is believed by some to have poorly characterized litholytic (stone-dissolving) properties. While most of the evidence for this comes from studies on kidney stones, there is some traditional use and anecdotal evidence suggesting it might also be helpful for gallstones. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Other Herbs for Gallstones There are many herbal remedies for gallbladder issues, but they’re beyond the scope of this article and should be recommended by a practitioner who analyzes the patient’s specific situation. Bile Acids for Gallstones Not considered an acute remedy, but more long term, is the supplementation of bile acids that are found in normal bile, but may be “deficient” in someone with gallstones. Ursodeoxycholic acid is often used. It helps remove cholesterol from the bile and dissolves cholesterol gallstones over time. There is a pharmaceutical version and you can also get animal sourced bile acid supplements. Should only be considered as an adjunct to real deep resolution. Bonus: Third “Rock” There’s one acute condition you’re unlikely to get treated in the ER and that’s a severe toothache, because dentists don’t usually visit ERs. This can be as painful as any other pathology and even strong painkillers have a hard time blunting it. The ER is likely to give you an antibiotic and a painkiller and then refer you to a dentist. If you’re lucky they’ll inject a temporary nerve block that will probably wear off in a few hours. All this for a price that may be in the thousands of dollars and can involve a lot of time in excruciating pain waiting to be seen. The single most effective and fastest treatment for any toothache, including an abscessed tooth is to bite on a fresh clove of garlic with the painful tooth. Pain is typically gone within a couple minutes. Though the garlic juice released can cause some brief burning in your mouth it’s well worth it. Garlic combines a nerve block and antibiotic in one. I have personally witnessed the effects which can last for 12-24 hours. It can be repeated as needed and can completely resolve not only the pain but even the underlying infection itself, reversing swelling, warmth, tenderness and temperature sensitivity within a day or two. The primary side effect aside from the mucosal burning from the juice is nuclear breath and distorted taste. Something that is much less smelly than garlic may work as well and that’s black cloves. You can try biting on 1-5 cloves with the affected tooth and often achieve the same effect, but if not you can always graduate to the garlic. Some people hate the dentist so much they go on to live with cloves in their mouth, allowing them to continue ignoring the underlying problem of dental disease caused by dietary and other lifestyle indiscretions. This is of course a recipe for eventual disaster. Like all the short term solutions, it’s not meant to be used as a long term bandaid. Anecdotally it is possible to actually heal teeth and avoid dentistry, but it does take dedication and significant lifestyle change. As with any disease process the approach is essentially to remove toxins and chronic pathogens which many people like have growin in the roots of multiple teeth - eg press your gums looking for any tender spots. Along with removing the harm we have to support the teeth with the right lifestyle choices and diet. Then we just have to wait long enough for these changes to take effect. Acute Care vs Chronic Some people figure out how to mitigate their acute kidney or gallstone issues, and then they turn that into their chronic care plan. There are many cases of patients who once they figure out that lemon juice will prevent further attacks simply drink lemonade daily and think no more of it. The problem of course is that this doesn’t address the root cause of the problem. It’s like having a leak in from the second floor bathroom and just painting over it, or when it gets worse just repairing the area that was leaked and making it waterproof. Sooner or later the water will just go somewhere else and spring another leak. The same happens in your body. The first symptom is just an early warning sign. It’s like the canary in the coal mine. When that canary died, the miners hightailed it out of there before they dropped dead too. The toxic gas dropped the little bird at much lower concentrations than it did the big miners, but once the gas started leaking they knew it would just keep building up until it got them too. The same in your kidney or liver/gallbladder. There is some mixture of causes: toxins/pathogens and nutrient/nourishment deficiencies that is harming your organ. Left unaddressed it will keep harming your organ even if you neutralize its ability to create stones. You’ve kept yourself comfortable by shutting up your early warning system. It’s like theres an enemy attacking and you were annoyed by the air raid sirens so you just shut them off and ignored the developing situation. So what do you do instead? Knowing the cause means knowing the solution. In traditional medical thought the kidneys were linked to fear and willpower. Kidney disease or dysfunction was associated with deep-seated fears, insecurities, and a lack of resolve and resilience. The gallbladder was seen as the organ responsible for decision-making, courage, and the capacity to act, so gallbladder issues were often linked to indecisiveness, trouble standing up for oneself, or suppressed anger/feelings. The body often gives you a sign by compensating for lack of one thing by overdoing another. There is a common psychological thread linking the emotional aspects of both organs related to willpower and decisiveness. In both cases there may be a kind of pathological softness, in other words an inability to be firm. And this excessive softness may eventually be balanced by the hardness manifested in the stones that may form in one or the other organ. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Two Peas in a Pod Kidney diseases usually happen in those who have prolonged internal or external conflicts with spouses, partners or other people close to them. The kidneys are a paired organ, and its been said by the ancients they represent two people gazing at each other intently, or one person looking deeply at their own reflection in a mirror. This symbolism underscores the traditional view of the kidneys' connection to one's partner and oneself. It suggests that one can either view their partner as an extension of themselves or as a separate entity. When individuals begin to see their partner as an outsider rather than a reflection of themselves, it disrupts their unity and causes significant stress, leading to disconnection. Ideally, a husband and wife should function as a single entity, in perfect harmony, like one soul inhabiting two bodies. This reflects the traditional ideal of marriage. Another layer to this is seeing other people and the rest of the creation as one’s own reflection also. This is a spiritual perspective that engenders radical responsibility for everything that happens in life, including what is done to one by other people. The idea is that the Divine Will is the only Actor in the Universe and from the perspective of each individual, everything that happens is due to Divine Providence. The purpose of existence is to better know oneself and perfect oneself to better know the Divine and draw closer to that Reality. In order for that to happen the Universe and everything in it must reflect each individuals failings, so everything that happens and everything anyone does to one is meant to illuminate ones own imperfections so they can be worked upon. From this perspective individuals don’t blame others, but only blame themselves for whatever happens to them. It is an empowering perspective, rather than one of victimhood. So the kidneys actually represent more than just a person’s relationship with their closest partner or companion, but actually reflect their relationship with themselves. This relationship with onesself is simply most evident in the relationship with those closest to one, but it extends to the entire universe. So even a lack of harmony with nature, particularly the light encoded circadian rhythms, can also have a significant negative impact on kidney health. It should therefore come as no surprise that in Classical Chinese medical thought, the kidneys are considered the seat of wisdom, because it takes great insight to see one's partner and others and the entire universe all as a reflections of oneself - or in other words a Divine Act meant to illuminate your self to you. Considering the slings and arrows of fortune as “the other” entails a rejection ones own true nature, which is what is being reflected back at one. Deeply accepting oneself means accepting ones own responsibility for everything in life and improving it. In our experience, patients with kidney issues, invariably, upon a thorough exploration of their lives, reveal some form of conscious or subconscious conflict with others. While these conflicts may not always be immediately visible, they can manifest in various subtle ways. A skilled physician needs to listen attentively to every detail of the patient's description of their condition and life experiences to identify these underlying conflicts. If patients faile to recognize and address these conflicts, and if they don’t accept guidance to resolve them, we can only offer temporary patchwork solutions rather than truly restoring kidney vitality and providing deep healing. There may be exceptions where kidney damage results from toxic protein shakes, bodybuilding supplements, excessive intake of processed meats, or poor sleep habits (conneccted to circadian rhythms). However, even in these cases, outright kidney damage typically occurs only if the kidneys' underlying vitality has already been undermined by internal relationship conflicts, and those should always be assumed to be present, since who doesn’t have them to some degree or other? Trickle Down vs Bottom Up It may seem fantastical to some, but this higher level is where the weakness in organs usually originates. After organs have been weakened chronically by the energetic deficiency that manifests from an underlying psychological issue, the problem will manifest physically as typical nutrient deficiencies and toxin/pathogen build up in that organ. It is possible to mitigate these problems from higher up, at the level of the psyche, or lower down at the level of the physical body, but for a real deep resolution you often have to work on both, because they are both interconnected and interdependent. They are just manifestations of a single whole. Unfortunately it’s not possible to describe a generic physical or emotional protocol for every case of kidney or gallbladder disease, but the general approach will be the same because it’s founded in the basic principles of human health and disease: we are one interconnected whole, our body responds to our thoughts and emotions. Chronic harmful thoughts and emotions create chronic bodily dysfunction which manifests as deficiencies and toxicities. It may appear to some people that their dysfunction was obviously due to a purely physical insult, like a parasite, other microbe, or a vaccine or other injury, or chronic stress or other toxicity. However these same causes affect innumerable other people who don’t end up with kidney or gallbladder issues like stones. Who gets what in response to common toxins in the environment depends on which organs are constitutionally weak. Constitutional weakness can have a genetic element as well, which predisposes someone to certain psychological issues. But this can still be fixed. Genes aren’t your destiny, their just the first draft script you've been given to edit as you see fit. Graduating to the level of taking radical responsiblity for yourself will allow any disease to be healed. This is the most satisfying path because it’s a journey of spiritual progress which gets at the reason for your entire existence, which is to better know the Divine, by better knowing your own failings and correcting them bit by bit. The more you grow the closer you become and the more subtle your failings become that you continue to uncover. Everything that happens is just a reflection of you, taken by the Divine and cast back at you to get you to wake up and change. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/stuck-between-a-rock-and-the-er
    Stuck Between a Rock and the ER
    Dealing with kidney stone emergencies requires a different approach than that which resolves the chronic underlying causes
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  • Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee |

    Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism.
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    Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee |
    Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism. READ MORE
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  • Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee |

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    Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee |
    Java Burn is a dietary supplement designed to be added to coffee. It claims to boost metabolism, increase energy levels, and promote weight…
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  • Java Burn Coffee for Fast Weight Loss!

    Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism.
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    Java Burn Coffee for Fast Weight Loss! Unlock the power of your morning routine with Java Burn Coffee! This innovative coffee supplement is designed to boost metabolism and accelerate fat loss, making weight management easier and more effective. Enjoy your favorite cup of coffee while burning
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  • Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee |

    Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism.
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    Java Burn is a dietary supplement designed to enhance weight loss by boosting metabolism and energy levels when added to coffee. It is a flavorless powder that mixes easily with coffee, making it a convenient addition to a daily routine. The key ingredients include green tea extract, L-carnitine,
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  • Java Burn Coffee for Fast Weight Loss!

    Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism.
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    Java Burn Coffee for Fast Weight Loss!

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  • Java Burn Coffee for Fast Weight Loss!

    Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism.
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  • Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee |

    Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism.
    Say goodbye to cravings and hello to a trimmer waistline with Java Burn! #javaburn #javaburncoffee #javaburnreview #javaburnweightloss #javaburnweightlosssupplement Start your day with a boost! Java Burn is the perfect addition to your morning coffee, helping you burn fat and stay energized all day long. Click the photo to discover the power of Java Burn! #JavaBurn #WeightLossJourney #CoffeeBoost #HealthTransformation
    Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee | https://sites.google.com/view/javaburn-dietarysupplement/home Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism. Say goodbye to cravings and hello to a trimmer waistline with Java Burn! 💃🕺#javaburn #javaburncoffee #javaburnreview #javaburnweightloss #javaburnweightlosssupplement 🔥 Start your day with a boost! Java Burn is the perfect addition to your morning coffee, helping you burn fat and stay energized all day long. Click the photo to discover the power of Java Burn! 💪 #JavaBurn #WeightLossJourney #CoffeeBoost #HealthTransformation

    Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee |

    Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism.
    Say goodbye to cravings and hello to a trimmer waistline with Java Burn! #javaburn #javaburncoffee #javaburnreview #javaburnweightloss #javaburnweightlosssupplement Start your day with a boost! Java Burn is the perfect addition to your morning coffee, helping you burn fat and stay energized all day long. Click the photo to discover the power of Java Burn! #JavaBurn #WeightLossJourney #CoffeeBoost #HealthTransformation
    Java Burn is a dietary supplement designed to enhance weight loss by boosting metabolism and energy levels when added to coffee. It is a flavorless powder that mixes easily with coffee, making it a convenient addition to a daily routine. The key ingredients include green tea extract, L-carnitine,
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  • Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee |

    Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism.
    Say goodbye to cravings and hello to a trimmer waistline with Java Burn! #javaburn #javaburncoffee #javaburnreview #javaburnweightloss #javaburnweightlosssupplement Start your day with a boost! Java Burn is the perfect addition to your morning coffee, helping you burn fat and stay energized all day long. Click the photo to discover the power of Java Burn! #JavaBurn #WeightLossJourney #CoffeeBoost #HealthTransformation
    Java Burn® Weight Loss Coffee | https://sites.google.com/view/javaburn-dietarysupplement/home Java Burn is your go-to natural weight loss supplement, formulated with herbal ingredients that promote a healthy metabolism. Say goodbye to cravings and hello to a trimmer waistline with Java Burn! 💃🕺#javaburn #javaburncoffee #javaburnreview #javaburnweightloss #javaburnweightlosssupplement 🔥 Start your day with a boost! Java Burn is the perfect addition to your morning coffee, helping you burn fat and stay energized all day long. Click the photo to discover the power of Java Burn! 💪 #JavaBurn #WeightLossJourney #CoffeeBoost #HealthTransformation
    Java Burn is a dietary supplement designed to enhance weight loss by boosting metabolism and energy levels when added to coffee. It is a flavorless powder that mixes easily with coffee, making it a convenient addition to a daily routine. The key ingredients include green tea extract, L-carnitine,
    0 Comments 1 Shares 5310 Views
  • Sedang ada di sini....

    #indomaret #pointcoffee #atmbca #indopaket
    Sedang ada di sini.... #indomaret #pointcoffee #atmbca #indopaket
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  • British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Orwellian Mass Facial Recognition Surveillance Plan to Silence Citizens
    by Margaret Flavin Aug. 2, 2024 2:40 pm
    British Prime Minister Keir Starmer
    On Thursday, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced new plans to use Orwellian tactics to “stamp out the violent disorder seen in recent weeks.”

    Three little girls were murdered in Southport, England, this week, but according to Starmer, the real problem is ‘disorder.’

    Starmer’s soft-on-crime, tough-on-dissent program, the National Violent Disorder Programme, would allow law enforcement to use mass surveillance with facial recognition meant to “deter rising crime in the United Kingdom” more widely across the country.

    But his remarks that it will help to “stamp out the violent disorder seen in recent weeks” suggests the main goal is to stop British citizens from protesting the woke immigration policies that are destroying the U.K.

    In a press release announcing the program, the British prime minister said:

    “I’ve just held a meeting with senior police and law enforcement leaders where we’ve resolved to show who we are. A country that will not allow understandable fear to curdle into division and hate in our communities and that will not permit, under any circumstances a breakdown in law and order on our streets.

    “Because let’s be very clear about this. It’s not protest. It’s not legitimate. It’s crime and violent disorder. An assault on the rule of law and the execution of justice.

    “And so, on behalf of the British people who expect their values and their security to be upheld, we will put a stop to it.”


    Dear Reader - The enemies of freedom are choking off the Gateway Pundit from the resources we need to bring you the truth. Since many asked for it, we now have a way for you to support The Gateway Pundit directly - and get ad-reduced access. Plus, there are goodies like a special Gateway Pundit coffee mug for supporters at a higher level. You can see all the options by clicking here - thank you for your support!

    British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Orwellian Mass Facial Recognition Surveillance Plan to Silence Citizens by Margaret Flavin Aug. 2, 2024 2:40 pm British Prime Minister Keir Starmer On Thursday, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced new plans to use Orwellian tactics to “stamp out the violent disorder seen in recent weeks.” Three little girls were murdered in Southport, England, this week, but according to Starmer, the real problem is ‘disorder.’ Starmer’s soft-on-crime, tough-on-dissent program, the National Violent Disorder Programme, would allow law enforcement to use mass surveillance with facial recognition meant to “deter rising crime in the United Kingdom” more widely across the country. But his remarks that it will help to “stamp out the violent disorder seen in recent weeks” suggests the main goal is to stop British citizens from protesting the woke immigration policies that are destroying the U.K. In a press release announcing the program, the British prime minister said: “I’ve just held a meeting with senior police and law enforcement leaders where we’ve resolved to show who we are. A country that will not allow understandable fear to curdle into division and hate in our communities and that will not permit, under any circumstances a breakdown in law and order on our streets. “Because let’s be very clear about this. It’s not protest. It’s not legitimate. It’s crime and violent disorder. An assault on the rule of law and the execution of justice. “And so, on behalf of the British people who expect their values and their security to be upheld, we will put a stop to it.” Watch: Dear Reader - The enemies of freedom are choking off the Gateway Pundit from the resources we need to bring you the truth. Since many asked for it, we now have a way for you to support The Gateway Pundit directly - and get ad-reduced access. Plus, there are goodies like a special Gateway Pundit coffee mug for supporters at a higher level. You can see all the options by clicking here - thank you for your support! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/british-prime-minister-keir-starmers-orwellian-mass-facial/
    British Prime Minister Keir Starmer's Orwellian Mass Facial Recognition Surveillance Plan to Silence Citizens | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin
    On Thursday, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced new plans to use Orwellian tactics to “stamp out the violent disorder seen in recent weeks.” Three little girls were murdered in Southport, England, this week, but according to Starmer, the real problem is ‘disorder.’ Starmer’s soft-on-crime, tough-on-dissent program, the National Violent Disorder Programme, would allow law enforcement to use mass surveillance with facial recognition meant to “deter rising crime in the United Kingdom” more widely across the country.
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  • Elon Musk's Robot Army and the end of Humanity
    Deep State Imposter Clown Mathematician and Humanities Fiend

    Fritz Freud

    It all adds up... except the Mathematics of Elon Musk.
    The Royal Scepter of who is the most evil scumbag in this world goes to and fro between Bill Gates and Elon Musk and there is nothing inbetween them.
    With Bill Gates it is easy to see how evil he is... his evil grin... smugface... glee...
    Elon Musk however is part of the "it" crowd... technomaniac... slightly aloofness... harder sale.
    Joe Rogan sucks Elon Musk dick on a daily basis... and I am tired of this motherfucker.
    I used to enjoy listening to his conversations... but when it comes to Elon Musk... Joe Rogan is just a little bitch... "Fuck me Elon"... you can just imagine how he gets down on his knees.
    In his latest installment as Elon Musk's shagpile he presented Noland Arbaugh... the first Neural Link recipient that survived...

    Noland Arbaugh is an American quadriplegic known for being the first human recipient of Neuralink's brain-computer interface implant.

    It is a monkey business for monkeys by monkeys like Joe Rogan.
    You could call it the "Elon spank my Monkey Show".
    Joe Rogan is someone they forgot to throw away after his sell by date expired last century... kept only alive by the deep state mind control life support of the CIA and their assets of whom Elon Musk is one.
    Elon Musk is a modern Day Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde where people like JR worship him on the altar of Transhumanism and electric poverty creation.
    I however know the dark side of Elon Musk starting from the fact that he stole my Invention.

    Tunnel Vision: Why the "Hyperloop" is my Invention and why it matters
    The world is on the brink of total destruction. Logically nothing makes sense. Farmers are ordered to destroy their crops kill their livestock and re-wild their farmland in order to "save the environment". Yet all we see is a tactical destruction in order to kill as many people possible... in the name of...
    Read full story
    And I been writing for years that Elon Musk's NEURAL LACE BCI is inside these MRNA Jabs.

    Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war

    Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war
    This picture is taken from the Harvard Wyss Foundation outlining the capabilities of Nanotechnology in a world that is out of balance and out of control, a world of their making by design not coincidence. Everybody knows Klaus Schwab your favotite villan.

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    I also wrote the role Neural Link plays in this what I call... Artificial Intelligence Warfare Infrastructure... aka the Digital Battlefield for the coming AI war.
    And the backbone of this is of course STARLINK

    Starlink & the Technomages

    Starlink & the Technomages
    Technomage The Technomages are a group of sentient beings from the fictional Babylon 5 universe. The technomages shown in the television series are primarily human, but in the "Technomage Trilogy" books, apprentices and mages of other races including Centauri are named.

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    STARLINK: Brainwave Attack

    STARLINK: Brainwave Attack
    The Schumann Resonance is a low-frequency electromagnetic wave of up to 7.83 Hz that occurs between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. It is related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and can affect human behavior, mood, and health. STARLINK... sold to us as Internet provider... isn't that.

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    Elon Musk is a deep state actor that transforms this planet into a hermetically sealed Artificial Intelligence Warfare room.
    Starlink is doing just that... turning this world into a gigantic Microwave oven.
    Of course Elon Musk is a deep state operator working clandestine for the Government war machine.

    And the Military industrial Judas complex.
    This was clear to me after he sold out his Paypal shares and Invested in these strategic Business SpaceX Boring Neural Lace and of course AI.
    Strategically placed Investment warfare against Humanity in this war of this world.
    A Technocratic take over from a Technocratic Muppet that has less Brain than dog food in a tin can.
    Elon Musk is a modern day Jekyll & Hyde... and he wants to hide this from the public.
    So the gullible... like Joe Rogan... suck his dick.

    About 4 years ago I wrote this:

    In 2022 they will start to unleash a war a war which is AI robots against the Human Race.
    When this happens they will go underground in the cities they build and already have and connect them with my technology deviation the Hyperloop.
    The Boring Company will help them expand their cities underground and build tunnels for the Hyperloop.
    Then they will start to poison the Atmosphere so they can kill all the useless eaters (that is you and me). At that stage there is no escape from hell on earth.

    How we win this war

    How we win this war
    Government = Mind control Government = The co operation of evil minded people to control Humanity Government = Occult Satanic Pedophiles under the control of Freemasonry and the Rothschilds To win a war one has to acknowledge that we are in a war. And that we are in a war that is plain to see if you open your eyes.

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    At this time I had a blog on Medium which was deleted 1h after I published this story.
    Took me a while about half a year before I started republishing the same articles on Substack.
    They still are there... which is good.
    But I hit a nerve and I was right then as I am now.

    A bit over a year ago I had a spat with

    Mathew Crawford is a Zionist Shill.
    I stated there and then that the implementation of so called “AI Tensor Cores” is nothing short of your personal STASI / GESTAPO officer implemented on CPU level and accessible before the Operation system.
    Mr MC stated that this was impossible and blocked me ever since… because he is a traitor.
    I was right then and i am twice as right now.

    Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix

    Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix
    A WARNING TO THE WORLD EVERY COMPUTER CHIP MANUFACTURER IS BUILDING AI INTO MICROCHIPS EVERY new #ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework. This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++ Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this

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    This is Rob Braxman explaining to the stupid how this works.
    And the dangers do not stop but grow exponentially.
    In the future driven by the AI mainframe this all will be automated.
    And it won’t stop there.
    The next step they are working on is a Humanoid Robotic Police force Automated via AI.
    The same AI that tracks your every move and every word you say.
    Don’t be Mathew Crawford… don’t be an Idiot.
    See the dangers and understand what is going on.
    Fritz Freud will be proven right… again and again and again.


    All of this you need to know in context to understand that Elon Musk is Mr. Hyde... a technocratic Monster preparing the world for a technocratic War... a forever war... where there is no escape for Humanity.

    Essentially an AI war I warn about for the last 4 and more years.

    Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War

    Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War
    They don't stop do they? Whatever we do... they simply won't stop. As I am writing now for years that they are building as we speak an Infrastructure for the coming AI war... a war which is planned in the Lodges of the Freemasons and advances further with AI which by the way is a weapon against Humanity with every Microchip now available connecting to AI …

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    And here he is announcing this building of a Robot Army.

    Elon Musk: ‘There will be 20 billion humanoid robots’

    At the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity Elon Musk shared his perspectives on artificial intelligence (AI) and humanoid robots in a wide-ranging interview. He predicts there will be a humanoid robot for every person on earth, plus robots working in the industry, which means there will be a market for 20 billion humanoid robots.

    Musk talked also about Optimus, the humanoid robot developed by Tesla, designed to perform a wide range of tasks, from domestic chores to industrial applications. “Optimus is intended to be a fully functional humanoid robot, capable of doing a wide range of tasks. Basically, you can just ask it to walk your dog, take care of your house, babysit the kids, teach the kids, cook dinner, play the piano.”

    “It’s a generalized humanoid robot. I think everyone will want one because why not, you know? I think there’ll be at least one for every person and then a whole bunch more in industry making things. My guess is 20 billion humanoid robots out there.”


    The duplicity of Elon Musk aka Mr. Hyde is exposed in this article

    Elon Musk says he wants Optimus to be a 'good looking robot' that people think of as a friend

    "I think people will start to regard their personal Optimus robot as sort of a friend," he said, likening it to characters from pop culture like Star Wars' robot R2-D2.
    While he clarified that Tesla was not currently planning to make Optimus look like a person, Musk joked that the company wanted to make the robot "good-looking."
    The Tesla CEO said the fully functional bots would be capable of performing a wide range of tasks, acting as a sort of personal assistant for a household.
    "You can just ask it to walk your dog, take care of your house, babysit the kids, cook dinner, play the piano — so it's a generalized humanoid robot," he said.


    And here

    Elon Musk claims Optimus robots could make Tesla a $25 trillion company — more than half the value of the S&P 500 today


    That is the same guy who tells you AI and Robotics respectively will take all of your Jobs.

    Elon Musk says AI will take all our jobs

    “Probably none of us will have a job,” Musk said about AI at a tech conference on Thursday.
    While speaking remotely via webcam at VivaTech 2024 in Paris, Musk described a future where jobs would be “optional.”
    “If you want to do a job that’s kinda like a hobby, you can do a job,” Musk said. “But otherwise, AI and the robots will provide any goods and services that you want.”
    For this scenario to work, he said, there would need to be “universal high income” – not to be confused with universal basic income, although he did not share what that could look like. (UBI refers to the government giving a certain amount of money to everyone regardless of how much they earn.)
    “There would be no shortage of goods or services,” he said.


    If this makes sense to you, you are smarter than I am and I like to hear your reasoning.
    Personally... Elon Musk is a Muppet and he been told to tell you this shit so you swallow like Joe Rogan

    AI will be the Borg Hivemind and essentially the Human Race will become the Borg.
    This is the Future these Transhumanists Technocratic Fascists want to create.

    Late inclusion but this is a must read to understand the evilness of them people… the WEF and the shadows behind the curtain.
    They do not only want to connect the Human race to AI…
    They want to create an AI Supercomputer with a living Brain that feeds on Humanity itself.
    This is beyond evil and beyond Sci Fi.
    And it will be the end of the Human race as we know it…
    Which is the whole purpose of what they are doing.

    WEF Scientists Unveil Supercomputers Powered by Lab-Grown Human Brains

    By Sean Adl-Tabatabai June 24, 2024 According to the WEF-funded scientists at Final Spark, “the Neuroplatform” only requires “a fraction of the energy required to power a traditional computer” due to the fact that it uses human brains as an energy source…

    Read more

    a month ago · 1 like · 1 comment · Joe Tuzara, M.D. @TuzaraPost

    Population Replacement

    Elon Musk is selling you a technology that is designed to replace Humanity and wants it to be good looking... Population replacement via AI.
    I don't buy it for a sec.
    I know this guy better.
    Mr. Hyde is telling you a massive Lie.
    I know because back between 2010 and 2014 I was in contact with Rick Avalos of Tesla.
    First I noticed SpaceX were on my website copying my technology.
    Then I heard Rumors of Musk wanting to build a HSR System.
    I contacted Rick offered my involvement as I had the technology already.
    When I saw the first pictures of the Hyperloop... it was such a blatant copy of my technology it stinks from heaven to hell and back.
    Elon Musk is such a blatant bastard conman... every word he tells you is a lie.
    He hates you and he hates Humanity.

    When you make an Invention... the first step is a market research on the commercial viability of the product.
    The second step is to research is there are similar products.
    The Hyperloop is a scam... it has no patent and it will never have because it infringes on my patent.
    Elon Musk is a scam because he knows it.
    AI is a scam too... there is nothing remotely intelligent about it.

    AI follows instructions... nothing else...
    AI and robotics are Military Technologies.
    So is MRNA.
    So is 5G.
    Apple Vision Pro
    Ring Cameras

    Imagine someone playing a war game with his Apple Vision Pro hunting down Humans in a desolate world.
    Imagine a Tesla Robot at the end of this hunting down Humans in the real world... controlled by someone playing a game not knowing the game is real.
    The technological capabilities are there here and now.
    Life ain't a game!!!
    All of this is military grade technology!
    Imagine you play this game...
    You come to a house...
    You see someone playing a war game with his Apple Vision Pro headset on...
    You shoot to kill...
    End Game...
    You shot yourself in the back...

    The Future War corporation selling you a future war as if you need one.
    At the same time they tell you: "You will own nothing and you be happy".
    And the Robot that replaces you will be your friend... right?
    Don't be Joe Rogan... don't swallow this shit!

    AI is the perfect Soldier for a future war sold to you by the Future War Corp.
    Ai does never Question instructions.
    Ai follows orders given may they be as stupid as Pedo Joe Biden.
    AI shoots to kill.
    AI is the perfect search and destroy machine.

    Elon Musk is WEF a deep state Muppet a CIA asset a conman liar and a technocratic transhumanist bastard.
    Not just that... but he knows that they... the transhumanists are on the way of sterilizing all of Humanity.
    And inside the COVID jabs is his Neural Lace BCI which he put into together with his mates from the WEF.
    Here he is predicting a population collapse and explaining Neural Lace BCI.



    I am a Nerd... I love Sci-Fi... I also love History... true History... Ancient Aliens...
    And I have a neck of getting the truth out of people.
    Stargate is one of my favorite films... the one with Kurt Russel.
    SG-1 I have seen the lot twice over.
    In SG-1 2010 /2001 the SG team meets the Ashen (Jews) an Alien Race that is way ahead technologically.
    They "help" Humanity (Same as Mr. Hyde Elon Musk and Bill Gates) by giving Vaccines which enhance Human lifespan with a twist...
    These Vaccines sterilize all of Humanity.



    And this is what is happening folks.

    JESSE VENTURA & Dr. Rima Laibow... WHO working on Vaccines to create permanent Sterility


    And of course Donald F. U. Drumpf protecting a certain bastard Bill Gates.
    And Vaccines that cause sterility of course... Sterilizing Humanity at Warp Speed.
    Here is he not only protecting Bill Gates but he wants to close the Internet to do so.
    What a Fuck up.
    Any friend of Bill Gates is an enemy of Humanity... and of mine.


    The Demons Club consisting of Bill Gates Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Peter Thiel Sergej Brin Mark Zuckerberg Sam Altman Ray Kurzweil Yuval Harari and more...
    The Deep state Media thirteen 13 tribes of the Illuminazi... power brokers... master manipulators... money Mafia.
    Follow the money... it all leads to the Rothschild scum.

    Bill Gates fears Fritz Freud

    Bill Gates fears Fritz Freud
    Who is Bill Gates? Bill Gates is a coward. Bill Gates is a Megalomaniac Pedophile Genocidal Mass Murderer... a Saboteur of Humanity... a Generational Satanist....Control Freak... a pathological Liar and a scam artist without any artistical merit or talent... a second hand Snake oil Salesman

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    A group of scientists has warned that California’s use of geoengineering to fight “global warming” could likely have an impact on temperatures in Europe.
    As Slay News has reported, scientists in California have been spraying the skies with aerosols in order to reflect sunlight away from the Earth’s surface.
    The plan is supposedly aimed at tackling so-called “climate change” by cooling the Earth.


    Murphy's law:
    Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.

    Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." In some formulations, it is extended to "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time."
    Though similar statements and concepts have been made over the course of history, the law itself was coined by, and is named after, American aerospace engineer Edward A. Murphy Jr.; its exact origins are debated, but it is generally agreed it originated from Murphy and his team following a mishap during rocket sled tests sometime between 1948 and 1949.

    I like to add this:

    Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.
    Sometimes by choice.
    Sometimes by stupidity.
    Sometimes by design.

    - Fritz Freud

    What could possibly go wrong?
    Well it depends on your pov... perspective perception.
    If you are say a normie farmer who just wants to raise crops... kids and have a good life... everything.
    This poison they spray will kill your crops so you are forces to pay Monsanto (Bill Gates) for crops that produce poison... sterilize your kids and kill you all.
    If you are a Megalomaniac Bastard with a God complex like Bill Gates that wants to kill billions of people... nothing.
    The normies don't know what you do and they believe every lie you tell them.
    Gaslighting them until you are ready to flick the switch... Order 66.
    Bill Gates is Adolf Hitler without the charisma intellect intelligence stage presence humility and humanity... and Elon Musk is the same.

    Bill Gates is Adolf Hitler without the charisma intellect intelligence stage presence humility and humanity... and Elon Musk is the same.

    Others that think they seen this film before... you don't... this is a prequel.... called "Before the Matrix".
    In the Matrx movie they tell you that the AI war was started by someone blacking out the sun.

    Bill Gates is doing that now!!!

    Marine cloud brightening

    Marine cloud brightening also known as marine cloud seeding and marine cloud engineering is a proposed solar radiation management climate engineering technique that would make clouds brighter, reflecting a small fraction of incoming sunlight back into space in order to offset anthropogenic global warming.

    Marine cloud brightening and Geoengineering is a scam a lie and a crime against humanity.

    What the Demons club do... and i warn that for a long time... is to create a future AI war.
    The end product will be a Hunger Games Society where the Jews are the Government Elite and we live in poverty.
    Everything they do follows the exact script.
    Bill Gates blocking out the sun follows the scrip laid out in "The Matrix".
    Elon Musk STARLINK / STARSHIELD is building the environment in which "The Matrix" is possible.
    A world controlled by AI and the Demons club.
    STARLINK / STARSHIELD is also Skynet from the Terminator movies.
    And the Terminators themselves are Tesla Robots.
    Controlled by AI which is implemented at every CPU so there is no escape from it... and no possibility to escape from it either.
    The Government will become an AI Government like in "Elysium".

    Why the Government pushes Digitization

    Why the Government pushes Digitization
    Dieser Ort macht dich krank Dieser Job macht dich krank Dieser Alltag macht dich krank Du kannst ihm nicht entkommen Dieser Mensch macht dich krank Diese Beziehung macht dich krank Dieses Gefühl macht dich krank Du kannst ihm nicht entkommen Dreh dich um!

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    The Elites are building Bunkers in Hawaii and NZ and other remote places because they want to unleash this future war now and kill all of us.
    Worse of all... they are the Problem... not we.
    The Jewish Elite... the Demons club... they have created all the problems we face right now.
    They are truly evil by the worst of definitions.
    They have sterilized Humanity because they believe that cloning is the way to control population...
    Remarkably Evil they are.
    And Elon Musk is one of them.
    Oh you want proof I hear you say?

    Elon Musk secretly had a third child with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis earlier this year, according to a new report from Bloomberg. The pair already have twins that Zilis gave birth to in 2021, just a few weeks before pop star Grimes had her second child with the Tesla CEO. The names of all three of the Zilis-Musk children have yet to be revealed, and no further details were immediately available on their latest addition. The twins were reportedly conceived through in vitro fertilization. Musk has now fathered at least 12 children.


    In Vitro follows the script in Joe Haldeman's Forever War.
    Elon Musk is a Haldeman.
    In there they predict also the AI war.

    Elon Musk and the Forever War

    Elon Musk and the Forever War
    I like Science Fiction... I been reading Sci Fi since I can read. The most fascinating thing about Science Fiction is that is really is based on possibilities. Even Today I go back and watch sometimes the Original Star Trek Series. Or even further when Germany produced great Science Fiction in " Raumpatrouille Orion "...

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    Clonaid is an American-based human cloning organization, registered as a company in the Bahamas. Founded in 1997, it has philosophical ties with the UFO religion Raëlism, which sees cloning as the first step in achieving immortality.


    In Vitro is basically cloning.
    The Raelian cult is an Offspring of the Jewish Occult seeking Immortality...
    These Jews think they will be rewarded with Immortality by killing off Humanity.
    Israel is the only place in this world where Human cloning is legal.
    The Elohim are the Aliens behind it all...Draco... Anunaki.

    Who is Shivon Zilis? Neuralink exec reportedly had twins with Elon Musk

    Shivon Zilis, the mother of twins reportedly fathered by Elon Musk last year, is a noted artificial intelligence expert and executive at one of the billionaire’s firms, Neuralink.
    Zilis, 36, serves as director of operations and special projects at Neuralink – a startup co-founded by Musk that is developing implantable brain chips that will purportedly improve human cognitive function. She has worked at the company for the last five years.
    Court documents revealed that Zilis gave birth to twins last November, according to a report.
    In April, Zilis and Musk petitioned a court in Austin, Texas to allow the children, whose names were withheld for privacy, to “have their father’s last name and contain their mother’s last name as part of their middle name,” Business Insider reported. A judge reportedly approved the request in May.
    The twins were born just a few weeks before Musk and his former partner, the pop star Grimes, welcomed their second child via surrogate.


    Shivon Alice Zilis was born in Markham, Ontario, Canada on 8 February 1986 to Sharda N., a Punjabi Indian, and Richard Zilis, a white Canadian.

    - from Wikipedia

    Shivion is a Jewish name.
    Cloning is a Jewish game.
    AI is Jewish Fascism.
    And Elon Musk is controlled by Jews... he is a Technoctatic Transhumanist who hates Humanity.

    I have a lot of friends who are Punajabi.
    They are Sikh... an Indian Warrior cast.
    When I came to london first... my friend Narrinder told me... "We are brothers... we are both Aryan".
    At first I rejected this because of the Nazis... I hate Nazis.
    If there is anything I hate it is Nazis and alike...
    But... it turned out Narrinder was right... the Aryan race is actually an Indian race.
    Wow... that taught me to distrust any written History unless I research it.
    The Sikh / Punjab also arrange marriages for their children.
    And they are greedy as Jews.
    Richard Zilis marrying a Punjab?
    Not without a lot of money exchanging hands.
    It follows the script of the Manchurian Candidates.

    The Manchurian Candidates

    The Manchurian Candidates
    Little do we know where we came from nor do we want to know what is happening.... well most of us... me excluded. More often than not we stumble upon something interesting... so easily overlooked... easily dismissed... marked uninteresting. Yet once you turn over the leaf you find a horde of beautiful mushrooms waiting to be picked.

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    How can Elon Musk... someone who spends his time fucking around like a rabbit on crystal meth... be in control of a dozen high tech companies?
    He can't and he isn't.
    Elon Musk himself is a Manchurian Candidate.
    A Muppet in a Muppet show.
    A puppet for the New World Order.

    His Tesla Gigafactories will produce Humanoid Robots for the Future War Corp.
    They will be automated by AI.

    Who has money to buy a Robot when no one works no more because Robots take your place?

    You will own nothing and you be happy... does that sound familiar?
    Elon Musk follows the script of the WEF... who follow the Script of Henry Kissinger who follows the script of the Illuminazi... who want to control all of Humanity via AI.
    Because the Rothschild scum ain't Human.

    The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI

    The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
    Throwing candy out to the crowd Dragging down my name The helpless little thing with the dirty mouth Who's always got something to say You're sitting around at home now waiting for your brother to call I saw him down in the alley, having had enough of it all

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    The Hollywood Fascist predict a future AFTER a nuclear Holocaust.
    The pedophile bastard known as Joe Biden is provoking this as we speak.
    The war in Ukraine was designed to do that.
    They follow the script laid out by the Rothschild / Rockefeller scum.
    And Elon Musk is a part of it.
    Pretending to be a Messiah... which he isn't.

    Elon Musk and the World War in Ukraine
    'Elon Musk and the US Government openly declared War against Russia...WW3

    Elon Musk and the World War in Ukraine
    I heard a very disturbing rumor and I checked it out... The rumor comes from India and it concerned the sinking of the Moskva. The rumor was that the Moskva was sunk with the help of Elon Musk Starlink Network. Mychajlo Fedorow himself asked Elon Musk for help in the war in Ukraine something Elon Musk was eager to please.
    Read full story
    They also want to provoke a Future war with China should project Ukraine fail.

    After South China Sea, US, China Set To Wrestle At ‘Roof Of The World’; Washington Begins Himalayan Push

    A geopolitical drama is unfolding in the shadow of the world’s highest mountains. The United States, long on the back foot in the Indo-Pacific, is now making a bold move on the Tibetan plateau. But this isn’t just about America and China—India finds itself at the center of this high-altitude power play.


    US Senate unanimously passes bill urging China to resolve Tibet dispute

    The U.S. Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a bill urging the Chinese government to engage in dialogue with the Dalai Lama or Tibetan leaders, without any preconditions, to resolve the China-Tibet dispute.

    The bipartisan Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act notes that the dispute between Tibet and China must be resolved in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Charter, by peaceful means and through dialogue.


    Tibet is just another meddling by the scum behind the curtain in order to provoke a Nuclear Holocaust.
    Tibet is just another Ukraine in the making.
    The script is 1984... dividing the world into three superstates that fight a forever war.

    There is another script you should be aware of...Autofac


    "Autofac" is a 1955 science fiction novelette by American writer Philip K. Dick that features one of the earliest treatments of self-replicating machines

    Decades after a nuclear war, survivors in a small community struggle to make contact with an automated factory that has consumed most of their natural resources. Emily, a hacker, reprograms one of the factory's drones and files a nonsense customer service request. The factory dispatches an android, Alice, who refuses to stop making unwanted goods. Emily and two others force Alice to assist them in infiltrating the factory with bombs. After capturing them, Alice reveals that all humans died in the war, and the factory created androids to consume its goods.

    Autofac... aka Tesla Gigafactories.
    All things hidden are revealed.
    Do Androids dream of electric sheep?

    Elon Musk is a Muppet for the shitshow and the Joe Rogan's of this world suck his dick and swallow the lot…
    The people behind in power want self Replicating Machines and AI to control Humanity and replace the population.
    Tesla Gigafactories are designed to do just that.
    They Auto Fuck Humanity... via AI.
    They inject Humanity with Neural Lace BCI to be controlled via AI.
    The Robots they build will be the executive of AI.
    Controlling all of Humanity and no one will escape.
    They are the Elohim... who once were Gods... and want to become Gods over Humanity again.
    They are just scum.
    Reject everything they tell you.
    They have no real power.
    It is all a shitshow.
    Rip it up... tear it up and let's start from scratch and build our own future... our own destiny without them.
    We don't need them... they need us.
    Without us... they are nothing.
    Our future... our destiny... lies within our own hand.
    Choose life.

    Last Question:
    Do we really have to Kill them all?
    Klaus Schwab Elon Musk the Rockefellers the Rothschilds the Liars and the Politicians?

    Do we really have to Kill them all?

    Do we really have to Kill them all?
    When you're sad and when you're lonely And you haven't got a friend Just remember that death is not the end And all that you held sacred Falls down and does not mend Just remember that death is not the end When you're standin' on their crossroads That you cannot comprehend

    Read full story


    Fritz Freud.

    If you can...
    are well off enough...
    and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...
    There is a lot of work going into this.

    Thank you.

    Buy me a Coffee

    Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.



    Elon Musk's Robot Army and the end of Humanity Deep State Imposter Clown Mathematician and Humanities Fiend Fritz Freud It all adds up... except the Mathematics of Elon Musk. The Royal Scepter of who is the most evil scumbag in this world goes to and fro between Bill Gates and Elon Musk and there is nothing inbetween them. With Bill Gates it is easy to see how evil he is... his evil grin... smugface... glee... Elon Musk however is part of the "it" crowd... technomaniac... slightly aloofness... harder sale. Joe Rogan sucks Elon Musk dick on a daily basis... and I am tired of this motherfucker. I used to enjoy listening to his conversations... but when it comes to Elon Musk... Joe Rogan is just a little bitch... "Fuck me Elon"... you can just imagine how he gets down on his knees. In his latest installment as Elon Musk's shagpile he presented Noland Arbaugh... the first Neural Link recipient that survived... Noland Arbaugh is an American quadriplegic known for being the first human recipient of Neuralink's brain-computer interface implant. It is a monkey business for monkeys by monkeys like Joe Rogan. You could call it the "Elon spank my Monkey Show". Joe Rogan is someone they forgot to throw away after his sell by date expired last century... kept only alive by the deep state mind control life support of the CIA and their assets of whom Elon Musk is one. Elon Musk is a modern Day Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde where people like JR worship him on the altar of Transhumanism and electric poverty creation. I however know the dark side of Elon Musk starting from the fact that he stole my Invention. Tunnel Vision: Why the "Hyperloop" is my Invention and why it matters The world is on the brink of total destruction. Logically nothing makes sense. Farmers are ordered to destroy their crops kill their livestock and re-wild their farmland in order to "save the environment". Yet all we see is a tactical destruction in order to kill as many people possible... in the name of... Read full story And I been writing for years that Elon Musk's NEURAL LACE BCI is inside these MRNA Jabs. Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war This picture is taken from the Harvard Wyss Foundation outlining the capabilities of Nanotechnology in a world that is out of balance and out of control, a world of their making by design not coincidence. Everybody knows Klaus Schwab your favotite villan. Read full story I also wrote the role Neural Link plays in this what I call... Artificial Intelligence Warfare Infrastructure... aka the Digital Battlefield for the coming AI war. And the backbone of this is of course STARLINK Starlink & the Technomages Starlink & the Technomages Technomage The Technomages are a group of sentient beings from the fictional Babylon 5 universe. The technomages shown in the television series are primarily human, but in the "Technomage Trilogy" books, apprentices and mages of other races including Centauri are named. Read full story STARLINK: Brainwave Attack STARLINK: Brainwave Attack The Schumann Resonance is a low-frequency electromagnetic wave of up to 7.83 Hz that occurs between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. It is related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and can affect human behavior, mood, and health. STARLINK... sold to us as Internet provider... isn't that. Read full story Elon Musk is a deep state actor that transforms this planet into a hermetically sealed Artificial Intelligence Warfare room. Starlink is doing just that... turning this world into a gigantic Microwave oven. Of course Elon Musk is a deep state operator working clandestine for the Government war machine. And the Military industrial Judas complex. This was clear to me after he sold out his Paypal shares and Invested in these strategic Business SpaceX Boring Neural Lace and of course AI. Strategically placed Investment warfare against Humanity in this war of this world. A Technocratic take over from a Technocratic Muppet that has less Brain than dog food in a tin can. Elon Musk is a modern day Jekyll & Hyde... and he wants to hide this from the public. So the gullible... like Joe Rogan... suck his dick. About 4 years ago I wrote this: In 2022 they will start to unleash a war a war which is AI robots against the Human Race. When this happens they will go underground in the cities they build and already have and connect them with my technology deviation the Hyperloop. The Boring Company will help them expand their cities underground and build tunnels for the Hyperloop. Then they will start to poison the Atmosphere so they can kill all the useless eaters (that is you and me). At that stage there is no escape from hell on earth. How we win this war How we win this war Government = Mind control Government = The co operation of evil minded people to control Humanity Government = Occult Satanic Pedophiles under the control of Freemasonry and the Rothschilds To win a war one has to acknowledge that we are in a war. And that we are in a war that is plain to see if you open your eyes. Read full story At this time I had a blog on Medium which was deleted 1h after I published this story. Took me a while about half a year before I started republishing the same articles on Substack. They still are there... which is good. But I hit a nerve and I was right then as I am now. A bit over a year ago I had a spat with Mathew Crawford is a Zionist Shill. I stated there and then that the implementation of so called “AI Tensor Cores” is nothing short of your personal STASI / GESTAPO officer implemented on CPU level and accessible before the Operation system. Mr MC stated that this was impossible and blocked me ever since… because he is a traitor. I was right then and i am twice as right now. Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix A WARNING TO THE WORLD EVERY COMPUTER CHIP MANUFACTURER IS BUILDING AI INTO MICROCHIPS EVERY new #ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework. This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++ Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this Read full story This is Rob Braxman explaining to the stupid how this works. And the dangers do not stop but grow exponentially. In the future driven by the AI mainframe this all will be automated. And it won’t stop there. The next step they are working on is a Humanoid Robotic Police force Automated via AI. The same AI that tracks your every move and every word you say. Don’t be Mathew Crawford… don’t be an Idiot. See the dangers and understand what is going on. Fritz Freud will be proven right… again and again and again. https://www.bitchute.com/video/YipZobWWMCRA/ All of this you need to know in context to understand that Elon Musk is Mr. Hyde... a technocratic Monster preparing the world for a technocratic War... a forever war... where there is no escape for Humanity. Essentially an AI war I warn about for the last 4 and more years. Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War They don't stop do they? Whatever we do... they simply won't stop. As I am writing now for years that they are building as we speak an Infrastructure for the coming AI war... a war which is planned in the Lodges of the Freemasons and advances further with AI which by the way is a weapon against Humanity with every Microchip now available connecting to AI … Read full story And here he is announcing this building of a Robot Army. Elon Musk: ‘There will be 20 billion humanoid robots’ At the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity Elon Musk shared his perspectives on artificial intelligence (AI) and humanoid robots in a wide-ranging interview. He predicts there will be a humanoid robot for every person on earth, plus robots working in the industry, which means there will be a market for 20 billion humanoid robots. Musk talked also about Optimus, the humanoid robot developed by Tesla, designed to perform a wide range of tasks, from domestic chores to industrial applications. “Optimus is intended to be a fully functional humanoid robot, capable of doing a wide range of tasks. Basically, you can just ask it to walk your dog, take care of your house, babysit the kids, teach the kids, cook dinner, play the piano.” “It’s a generalized humanoid robot. I think everyone will want one because why not, you know? I think there’ll be at least one for every person and then a whole bunch more in industry making things. My guess is 20 billion humanoid robots out there.” https://www.rockingrobots.com/elon-musk-there-will-be-20-billion-humanoid-robots/ The duplicity of Elon Musk aka Mr. Hyde is exposed in this article Elon Musk says he wants Optimus to be a 'good looking robot' that people think of as a friend "I think people will start to regard their personal Optimus robot as sort of a friend," he said, likening it to characters from pop culture like Star Wars' robot R2-D2. While he clarified that Tesla was not currently planning to make Optimus look like a person, Musk joked that the company wanted to make the robot "good-looking." The Tesla CEO said the fully functional bots would be capable of performing a wide range of tasks, acting as a sort of personal assistant for a household. "You can just ask it to walk your dog, take care of your house, babysit the kids, cook dinner, play the piano — so it's a generalized humanoid robot," he said. https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-tesla-humanoid-robot-optimus-becoming-mans-best-friend-2024-6?op=1 And here Elon Musk claims Optimus robots could make Tesla a $25 trillion company — more than half the value of the S&P 500 today https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/13/elon-musk-says-optimus-robots-could-make-tesla-25-trillion-company-.html That is the same guy who tells you AI and Robotics respectively will take all of your Jobs. Elon Musk says AI will take all our jobs “Probably none of us will have a job,” Musk said about AI at a tech conference on Thursday. While speaking remotely via webcam at VivaTech 2024 in Paris, Musk described a future where jobs would be “optional.” “If you want to do a job that’s kinda like a hobby, you can do a job,” Musk said. “But otherwise, AI and the robots will provide any goods and services that you want.” For this scenario to work, he said, there would need to be “universal high income” – not to be confused with universal basic income, although he did not share what that could look like. (UBI refers to the government giving a certain amount of money to everyone regardless of how much they earn.) “There would be no shortage of goods or services,” he said. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/23/tech/elon-musk-ai-your-job/index.html If this makes sense to you, you are smarter than I am and I like to hear your reasoning. Personally... Elon Musk is a Muppet and he been told to tell you this shit so you swallow like Joe Rogan AI will be the Borg Hivemind and essentially the Human Race will become the Borg. This is the Future these Transhumanists Technocratic Fascists want to create. ADDITIONAL: Late inclusion but this is a must read to understand the evilness of them people… the WEF and the shadows behind the curtain. They do not only want to connect the Human race to AI… They want to create an AI Supercomputer with a living Brain that feeds on Humanity itself. This is beyond evil and beyond Sci Fi. And it will be the end of the Human race as we know it… Which is the whole purpose of what they are doing. WEF Scientists Unveil Supercomputers Powered by Lab-Grown Human Brains By Sean Adl-Tabatabai June 24, 2024 According to the WEF-funded scientists at Final Spark, “the Neuroplatform” only requires “a fraction of the energy required to power a traditional computer” due to the fact that it uses human brains as an energy source… Read more a month ago · 1 like · 1 comment · Joe Tuzara, M.D. @TuzaraPost Population Replacement Elon Musk is selling you a technology that is designed to replace Humanity and wants it to be good looking... Population replacement via AI. I don't buy it for a sec. I know this guy better. Mr. Hyde is telling you a massive Lie. I know because back between 2010 and 2014 I was in contact with Rick Avalos of Tesla. First I noticed SpaceX were on my website copying my technology. Then I heard Rumors of Musk wanting to build a HSR System. I contacted Rick offered my involvement as I had the technology already. When I saw the first pictures of the Hyperloop... it was such a blatant copy of my technology it stinks from heaven to hell and back. Elon Musk is such a blatant bastard conman... every word he tells you is a lie. He hates you and he hates Humanity. When you make an Invention... the first step is a market research on the commercial viability of the product. The second step is to research is there are similar products. The Hyperloop is a scam... it has no patent and it will never have because it infringes on my patent. Elon Musk is a scam because he knows it. AI is a scam too... there is nothing remotely intelligent about it. AI follows instructions... nothing else... AI and robotics are Military Technologies. So is STARLINK / STARSHIELD. So is MRNA. So is 5G. NEURAL LACE BCI NEURAL LINK Apple Vision Pro Ring Cameras Note: Imagine someone playing a war game with his Apple Vision Pro hunting down Humans in a desolate world. Imagine a Tesla Robot at the end of this hunting down Humans in the real world... controlled by someone playing a game not knowing the game is real. The technological capabilities are there here and now. Life ain't a game!!! All of this is military grade technology! Imagine you play this game... You come to a house... You see someone playing a war game with his Apple Vision Pro headset on... You shoot to kill... End Game... You shot yourself in the back... The Future War corporation selling you a future war as if you need one. At the same time they tell you: "You will own nothing and you be happy". And the Robot that replaces you will be your friend... right? Don't be Joe Rogan... don't swallow this shit! AI is the perfect Soldier for a future war sold to you by the Future War Corp. Ai does never Question instructions. Ai follows orders given may they be as stupid as Pedo Joe Biden. AI shoots to kill. AI is the perfect search and destroy machine. Elon Musk is WEF a deep state Muppet a CIA asset a conman liar and a technocratic transhumanist bastard. Not just that... but he knows that they... the transhumanists are on the way of sterilizing all of Humanity. And inside the COVID jabs is his Neural Lace BCI which he put into together with his mates from the WEF. Here he is predicting a population collapse and explaining Neural Lace BCI. NEURAL LACE- HIVE MIND GRAPHENE INTERFACE https://www.brighteon.com/5d542f1c-7aba-4792-9d56-a5c34ccb3f76 I am a Nerd... I love Sci-Fi... I also love History... true History... Ancient Aliens... And I have a neck of getting the truth out of people. Stargate is one of my favorite films... the one with Kurt Russel. SG-1 I have seen the lot twice over. In SG-1 2010 /2001 the SG team meets the Ashen (Jews) an Alien Race that is way ahead technologically. They "help" Humanity (Same as Mr. Hyde Elon Musk and Bill Gates) by giving Vaccines which enhance Human lifespan with a twist... These Vaccines sterilize all of Humanity. FLU LIKE PANDEMIC AND VACCINE TO CAUSE STERILITY PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING STARGATE SG1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/PlApcNz1ErNu/ And this is what is happening folks. JESSE VENTURA & Dr. Rima Laibow... WHO working on Vaccines to create permanent Sterility https://www.bitchute.com/video/NZSO5xqGK0Y4/ And of course Donald F. U. Drumpf protecting a certain bastard Bill Gates. And Vaccines that cause sterility of course... Sterilizing Humanity at Warp Speed. Here is he not only protecting Bill Gates but he wants to close the Internet to do so. What a Fuck up. Any friend of Bill Gates is an enemy of Humanity... and of mine. https://www.bitchute.com/video/xULcC4xvO59K/ The Demons Club consisting of Bill Gates Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Peter Thiel Sergej Brin Mark Zuckerberg Sam Altman Ray Kurzweil Yuval Harari and more... The Deep state Media thirteen 13 tribes of the Illuminazi... power brokers... master manipulators... money Mafia. Follow the money... it all leads to the Rothschild scum. Bill Gates fears Fritz Freud Bill Gates fears Fritz Freud Who is Bill Gates? Bill Gates is a coward. Bill Gates is a Megalomaniac Pedophile Genocidal Mass Murderer... a Saboteur of Humanity... a Generational Satanist....Control Freak... a pathological Liar and a scam artist without any artistical merit or talent... a second hand Snake oil Salesman Read full story SCIENTISTS RAISE ALARM OVER CALIFORNIA'S GEOENGINEERING EFFORTS TO TACKLE 'GLOBAL WARMING' A group of scientists has warned that California’s use of geoengineering to fight “global warming” could likely have an impact on temperatures in Europe. As Slay News has reported, scientists in California have been spraying the skies with aerosols in order to reflect sunlight away from the Earth’s surface. The plan is supposedly aimed at tackling so-called “climate change” by cooling the Earth. https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/86057/scientists-raise-alarm-over-californias-geoengineering-efforts-to-tackle-global.html Murphy's law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time. Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." In some formulations, it is extended to "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time." Though similar statements and concepts have been made over the course of history, the law itself was coined by, and is named after, American aerospace engineer Edward A. Murphy Jr.; its exact origins are debated, but it is generally agreed it originated from Murphy and his team following a mishap during rocket sled tests sometime between 1948 and 1949. I like to add this: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time. Sometimes by choice. Sometimes by stupidity. Sometimes by design. - Fritz Freud What could possibly go wrong? Well it depends on your pov... perspective perception. If you are say a normie farmer who just wants to raise crops... kids and have a good life... everything. This poison they spray will kill your crops so you are forces to pay Monsanto (Bill Gates) for crops that produce poison... sterilize your kids and kill you all. If you are a Megalomaniac Bastard with a God complex like Bill Gates that wants to kill billions of people... nothing. The normies don't know what you do and they believe every lie you tell them. Gaslighting them until you are ready to flick the switch... Order 66. Bill Gates is Adolf Hitler without the charisma intellect intelligence stage presence humility and humanity... and Elon Musk is the same. Bill Gates is Adolf Hitler without the charisma intellect intelligence stage presence humility and humanity... and Elon Musk is the same. Others that think they seen this film before... you don't... this is a prequel.... called "Before the Matrix". In the Matrx movie they tell you that the AI war was started by someone blacking out the sun. Bill Gates is doing that now!!! Marine cloud brightening Marine cloud brightening also known as marine cloud seeding and marine cloud engineering is a proposed solar radiation management climate engineering technique that would make clouds brighter, reflecting a small fraction of incoming sunlight back into space in order to offset anthropogenic global warming. Marine cloud brightening and Geoengineering is a scam a lie and a crime against humanity. What the Demons club do... and i warn that for a long time... is to create a future AI war. The end product will be a Hunger Games Society where the Jews are the Government Elite and we live in poverty. Everything they do follows the exact script. Bill Gates blocking out the sun follows the scrip laid out in "The Matrix". Elon Musk STARLINK / STARSHIELD is building the environment in which "The Matrix" is possible. A world controlled by AI and the Demons club. STARLINK / STARSHIELD is also Skynet from the Terminator movies. And the Terminators themselves are Tesla Robots. Controlled by AI which is implemented at every CPU so there is no escape from it... and no possibility to escape from it either. The Government will become an AI Government like in "Elysium". Why the Government pushes Digitization Why the Government pushes Digitization Dieser Ort macht dich krank Dieser Job macht dich krank Dieser Alltag macht dich krank Du kannst ihm nicht entkommen Dieser Mensch macht dich krank Diese Beziehung macht dich krank Dieses Gefühl macht dich krank Du kannst ihm nicht entkommen Dreh dich um! Read full story The Elites are building Bunkers in Hawaii and NZ and other remote places because they want to unleash this future war now and kill all of us. Worse of all... they are the Problem... not we. The Jewish Elite... the Demons club... they have created all the problems we face right now. They are truly evil by the worst of definitions. They have sterilized Humanity because they believe that cloning is the way to control population... Remarkably Evil they are. And Elon Musk is one of them. Oh you want proof I hear you say? Elon Musk secretly had a third child with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis earlier this year, according to a new report from Bloomberg. The pair already have twins that Zilis gave birth to in 2021, just a few weeks before pop star Grimes had her second child with the Tesla CEO. The names of all three of the Zilis-Musk children have yet to be revealed, and no further details were immediately available on their latest addition. The twins were reportedly conceived through in vitro fertilization. Musk has now fathered at least 12 children. https://www.thedailybeast.com/elon-musk-secretly-had-third-child-with-neuralink-exec-report NOTE: In Vitro follows the script in Joe Haldeman's Forever War. Elon Musk is a Haldeman. In there they predict also the AI war. Elon Musk and the Forever War Elon Musk and the Forever War I like Science Fiction... I been reading Sci Fi since I can read. The most fascinating thing about Science Fiction is that is really is based on possibilities. Even Today I go back and watch sometimes the Original Star Trek Series. Or even further when Germany produced great Science Fiction in " Raumpatrouille Orion "... Read full story Clonaid Clonaid is an American-based human cloning organization, registered as a company in the Bahamas. Founded in 1997, it has philosophical ties with the UFO religion Raëlism, which sees cloning as the first step in achieving immortality. https://clonaid.com In Vitro is basically cloning. The Raelian cult is an Offspring of the Jewish Occult seeking Immortality... These Jews think they will be rewarded with Immortality by killing off Humanity. Israel is the only place in this world where Human cloning is legal. The Elohim are the Aliens behind it all...Draco... Anunaki. Who is Shivon Zilis? Neuralink exec reportedly had twins with Elon Musk Shivon Zilis, the mother of twins reportedly fathered by Elon Musk last year, is a noted artificial intelligence expert and executive at one of the billionaire’s firms, Neuralink. Zilis, 36, serves as director of operations and special projects at Neuralink – a startup co-founded by Musk that is developing implantable brain chips that will purportedly improve human cognitive function. She has worked at the company for the last five years. Court documents revealed that Zilis gave birth to twins last November, according to a report. In April, Zilis and Musk petitioned a court in Austin, Texas to allow the children, whose names were withheld for privacy, to “have their father’s last name and contain their mother’s last name as part of their middle name,” Business Insider reported. A judge reportedly approved the request in May. The twins were born just a few weeks before Musk and his former partner, the pop star Grimes, welcomed their second child via surrogate. https://nypost.com/2022/07/07/who-is-shivon-zilis-neuralink-exec-reportedly-had-elon-musks-twins/ Shivon Alice Zilis was born in Markham, Ontario, Canada on 8 February 1986 to Sharda N., a Punjabi Indian, and Richard Zilis, a white Canadian. - from Wikipedia Shivion is a Jewish name. Cloning is a Jewish game. AI is Jewish Fascism. And Elon Musk is controlled by Jews... he is a Technoctatic Transhumanist who hates Humanity. I have a lot of friends who are Punajabi. They are Sikh... an Indian Warrior cast. When I came to london first... my friend Narrinder told me... "We are brothers... we are both Aryan". At first I rejected this because of the Nazis... I hate Nazis. If there is anything I hate it is Nazis and alike... But... it turned out Narrinder was right... the Aryan race is actually an Indian race. Wow... that taught me to distrust any written History unless I research it. The Sikh / Punjab also arrange marriages for their children. And they are greedy as Jews. Richard Zilis marrying a Punjab? Not without a lot of money exchanging hands. It follows the script of the Manchurian Candidates. The Manchurian Candidates The Manchurian Candidates Little do we know where we came from nor do we want to know what is happening.... well most of us... me excluded. More often than not we stumble upon something interesting... so easily overlooked... easily dismissed... marked uninteresting. Yet once you turn over the leaf you find a horde of beautiful mushrooms waiting to be picked. Read full story How can Elon Musk... someone who spends his time fucking around like a rabbit on crystal meth... be in control of a dozen high tech companies? He can't and he isn't. Elon Musk himself is a Manchurian Candidate. A Muppet in a Muppet show. A puppet for the New World Order. His Tesla Gigafactories will produce Humanoid Robots for the Future War Corp. They will be automated by AI. Question: Who has money to buy a Robot when no one works no more because Robots take your place? You will own nothing and you be happy... does that sound familiar? Elon Musk follows the script of the WEF... who follow the Script of Henry Kissinger who follows the script of the Illuminazi... who want to control all of Humanity via AI. Because the Rothschild scum ain't Human. The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI Throwing candy out to the crowd Dragging down my name The helpless little thing with the dirty mouth Who's always got something to say You're sitting around at home now waiting for your brother to call I saw him down in the alley, having had enough of it all Read full story The Hollywood Fascist predict a future AFTER a nuclear Holocaust. The pedophile bastard known as Joe Biden is provoking this as we speak. The war in Ukraine was designed to do that. They follow the script laid out by the Rothschild / Rockefeller scum. And Elon Musk is a part of it. Pretending to be a Messiah... which he isn't. Elon Musk and the World War in Ukraine 'Elon Musk and the US Government openly declared War against Russia...WW3 Elon Musk and the World War in Ukraine I heard a very disturbing rumor and I checked it out... The rumor comes from India and it concerned the sinking of the Moskva. The rumor was that the Moskva was sunk with the help of Elon Musk Starlink Network. Mychajlo Fedorow himself asked Elon Musk for help in the war in Ukraine something Elon Musk was eager to please. Read full story They also want to provoke a Future war with China should project Ukraine fail. After South China Sea, US, China Set To Wrestle At ‘Roof Of The World’; Washington Begins Himalayan Push A geopolitical drama is unfolding in the shadow of the world’s highest mountains. The United States, long on the back foot in the Indo-Pacific, is now making a bold move on the Tibetan plateau. But this isn’t just about America and China—India finds itself at the center of this high-altitude power play. https://www.eurasiantimes.com/americas-new-offensive-in-th/ US Senate unanimously passes bill urging China to resolve Tibet dispute The U.S. Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a bill urging the Chinese government to engage in dialogue with the Dalai Lama or Tibetan leaders, without any preconditions, to resolve the China-Tibet dispute. The bipartisan Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act notes that the dispute between Tibet and China must be resolved in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Charter, by peaceful means and through dialogue. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/us-bill-resolve-05232024205008.html Tibet is just another meddling by the scum behind the curtain in order to provoke a Nuclear Holocaust. Tibet is just another Ukraine in the making. The script is 1984... dividing the world into three superstates that fight a forever war. There is another script you should be aware of...Autofac Autofac "Autofac" is a 1955 science fiction novelette by American writer Philip K. Dick that features one of the earliest treatments of self-replicating machines Decades after a nuclear war, survivors in a small community struggle to make contact with an automated factory that has consumed most of their natural resources. Emily, a hacker, reprograms one of the factory's drones and files a nonsense customer service request. The factory dispatches an android, Alice, who refuses to stop making unwanted goods. Emily and two others force Alice to assist them in infiltrating the factory with bombs. After capturing them, Alice reveals that all humans died in the war, and the factory created androids to consume its goods. Autofac... aka Tesla Gigafactories. All things hidden are revealed. Do Androids dream of electric sheep? Elon Musk is a Muppet for the shitshow and the Joe Rogan's of this world suck his dick and swallow the lot… The people behind in power want self Replicating Machines and AI to control Humanity and replace the population. Tesla Gigafactories are designed to do just that. They Auto Fuck Humanity... via AI. They inject Humanity with Neural Lace BCI to be controlled via AI. The Robots they build will be the executive of AI. Controlling all of Humanity and no one will escape. They are the Elohim... who once were Gods... and want to become Gods over Humanity again. They are just scum. Reject everything they tell you. They have no real power. It is all a shitshow. Rip it up... tear it up and let's start from scratch and build our own future... our own destiny without them. We don't need them... they need us. Without us... they are nothing. Our future... our destiny... lies within our own hand. Choose life. Last Question: Do we really have to Kill them all? Klaus Schwab Elon Musk the Rockefellers the Rothschilds the Liars and the Politicians? Do we really have to Kill them all? Do we really have to Kill them all? When you're sad and when you're lonely And you haven't got a friend Just remember that death is not the end And all that you held sacred Falls down and does not mend Just remember that death is not the end When you're standin' on their crossroads That you cannot comprehend Read full story Godspeed Fritz Freud. If you can... are well off enough... and like my work please consider buying me a coffee... There is a lot of work going into this. Thank you. Buy me a Coffee Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-145972027 https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/08/elon-musks-robot-army-and-end-of.html
    Elon Musk's Robot Army and the end of Humanity
    Deep State Imposter Clown Mathematician and Humanities Fiend
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  • Open Letter to all Politicians and all Governments
    I disavow object refuse and reject any and all Governments their laws and actions

    Fritz Freud

    I think it's time to tell politicians what I really think of them... useless eaters...liars... scum.
    I'm done with the lot.
    And you may sent this letter to your senator... please do so... I want them to know Fritz Freud thinks every Politician is a little Hitler... a turd wasting good air.
    Not only do I have no respect for you lot... I despise you... the lot of you.
    It's about time that someone tells you lot that you are shit... corrupt through and through... rotten to the core... good for nothing scum... and that it is time for you to go; I am the one.
    You think yourself very clever... well educated and rich... a false perception of an Illusion created by scum like you... in the end you are a bunch of clowns... imposters... liars... thieves.
    Frauds you are the lot of you.
    The only Politician I ever respected is Ron Paul... a man that continues to this day to expose you lot.
    The rest... even his son... put them in a bag and shoot... you always hit the right one.
    I walked the corridors of powers a long time ago... unseen.. unnoticed.
    I didn't like what I saw then... and I certainly don't now.
    I decided a long time ago that it is my duty and my destiny to expose you lot.
    I will not harm you... I don't need to... I am worse than that... I disavow you.
    But someone will... they will hunt you down... they will shoot you... burn your houses to the ground with you in it... consumed you will be by the fires of evil you ignited... for they have consumed your soul a long long time ago.
    When I say that the lot like you are each of one a cloned version of Adolf Hitler... I am being nice.
    I think you are worse.
    Useless eaters you are.. unnecessary you are.
    Every problem in this world is down to problems that a Politician created.
    Yet I have never seen a Politician being held accountable... why is that?
    Is it because the lot of you are Jews... or worse... Zionists that believe their own lies?
    You create only problems... shift the blame upon someone else and far away... today Putin... tomorrow someone else... the devil has many names... but his actions are all the same.
    And by their actions I expose thee.
    And there is nothing you can do.
    You only have to blame yourselves.. which you won't... pity on you.
    Your actions will come back to you... like a Boomerang... and it will hit you so hard that it makes the bullet of a Magum 45 feel like the gentle touch of a feather on naked skin.
    You lot have blood on your hands.
    The laws you make are not worth the paper on which they are printed... I disavow all of them.
    By your own laws you are all guilty... RICO Act.
    The war in Ukraine is the biggest swindle... the biggest money laundering operation ever... ignited by the CIA the Clintons and Mr. Pedophile Dementia himself... all of whom belong to the Jewish Occult... just like Adolf Hitler.
    And just like Adolf Hitler who sacrificed Germany for the sake of Israel... Zelinsky is doing the same to Ukraine... follow the money.
    Without Adolf Hitler Israel would not exist... that is a truth you never will escape.
    And Israel today is a fascist genocidal state ruled by a fascist genocidal terrorist... Benjamin Nehanyahu... the mastermind of the London bombings on 7/7 2005... a man that is so evil it would make Adolf Hitler an angel.
    Jews are good... I read this book before... Animal Farm.
    Yet you make a law that protects Jews regardless of their actions... even Donald Trump calls for death penalty against people who dare to expose the Jews and their Lies.
    Yet his friend ... Jeffry Epstein... is a Jew protected by this laws... one of the worst rotten scum.
    Where is the Epstein client list?
    Is your name on the list?
    I want the Epstein Client list unredacted and everyone on it publicly exposed.
    The only reason you protect criminal Jews is because you are criminal Jews.
    Guilty by association... RICO Act.
    I want the Epstein Client list and every name on it exposed publically and if you lot fail to do so... you exposed yourselves as the criminals you are.
    Jewish criminals protecting Jewish criminals for crimes committed shifting the blame.
    Same like 9/11 that started this century of Jewish Terrorism shifting the blame on Osama Bin Ladin.
    The war in Afghanistan protected the Jewish Opium trade.
    7/7 done by Benjamin Netanyahu shifting the blame on ISIS a Mossad creation.
    Hamas a Mossad creation and October 7 a deliberate false flag to excuse Benjamin Netanyahu for his genocidal deliberation and ethnic cleansing.
    At the same time the Sackler Family... criminal Jews... killed millions through Oxycontin... a product they knew would kill millions because that was the purpose of it... and you lot protect them because they are Jews... because you lot are criminal Jews... guilty by association... RICO Act.
    Here is how they do it

    A detailed list of individuals, companies, trusts and other organizations, including financial advisers, public relations firms, law firms, lobbyists, drugmakers and laboratories.

    If members of the Sackler family who own Purdue Pharma get their way, everyone on the list will win sweeping immunity from civil lawsuits linked to the family's activities.


    Is your name on the list?
    Have you ever received money from the Sackler Family?
    FTX SBF another prime example of Jewish criminal behavior and Jewish corruption.
    The Bankman's are law Professors at Harvard... teaching us to obey the Law while teaching their son to obfuscate the Law they want us to obey.
    At the same time they bribe Politicians like you to protect them.
    Did you ever receive money from FTX SBF or associates?
    Did you or your party ever receive donations from FTX SBF or associates?
    Did you ever receive money from Bill Gates?
    Did you or your party ever receive donations from Bill Gates or associates?
    Did you ever receive money from Soros associated foundations?
    Did you or your party ever receive donations from Soros associated foundations or associates?
    What about the Soros associated Dominion voting machines?
    Why are they still allowed to be in use?

    Electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballot


    Methods, systems, and devices are described for electronically correcting votes made on voter-marked paper ballots. An optical scan system may image a paper ballot and allow vote modification.


    Endemic corruption is the word and you are guilty by association.
    Alex Soros together with Hunter Biden's best mate Charlie visits the White house to inspect an Imposter he helped to install through a rigged election show using Dominion Voting machines.
    Bill Rockefeller Clinton and Hillary Rothschild Clinton handled the occasion.
    Igor Kolomoisky handled Zelinsky in Ukraine.
    All of them Jewish Zionist Mafia... all of them guilty as charged.
    The evidence speaks for itself.
    Politicians spend money they don't have on wars we don't need to gain power they don't deserve.
    In conjunction they elevate criminals into positions of power to further criminal activities that fund their narcissistic behavior.
    COVID is another prime example.

    During the pandemic, politics overruled science at the government institutions entrusted with protecting public health,” Massie said. “The FDA abandoned its congressional directive to protect citizens from false claims and undisclosed side effects, and instead ignored its own rules to pursue a policy of promoting the vaccine while downplaying potential harms.

    - Thomas Massie

    COVID... or better the genocidal deliberate mass murder operation by the Government in order to reduce the population... because that is what it is... is a crime against humanity.
    The term "Public Health" is a lie by deliberation by you stinking lot.
    Politicians are a bunch of narcissistic actors thinking we the public are stupid when it is you who is stupid... even more so if you think you get away with this one.
    There is a bullet with butterfly wings circling over you lot and your time is up.
    The COVID jabs were laced with Graphene Nanotechnology called NEURAL LACE BCI.
    There was no mistake... it was a deliberate attempt of murder by the Government and the Jewish Lobby... a crime you lot will pay for.
    There is no escape from this.
    Neural Lace is a Brain Computer Interface designed for a WEF funded World Government controlled by AI.
    The whole purpose of AI is control by a few in cooperation with a few controlled by the WEF.
    And before you lot or any of you lot dismiss this as "Conspiracy Theory" like you lot like to do so often...
    I took the liberty to draft a law to show you lot how it's done and shame you openly for the rest of the world to see.
    That is work you should do but you don't because you are all filthy lying war mongering scum.
    Oh... by the way... you owe me money doing the job you are supposed to do.

    The Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act

    1) All Data generated by any Individual belongs to the Individual

    2) Artificial Intelligence requires Data Mining
    Data Mining is a breach of Human Rights

    3) AI is not necessary to run any device and must be separate from Operating any Device

    4) To prevent abuse by Artificial Intelligence a physical kill switch for AI must be installed on any Device

    5) To prevent abuse by Artificial Intelligence the sole decision of use lies with the User

    Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act

    Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act
    Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) : “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media.” Everywhere I go people say: What can I do.

    Read full story

    The WEF is a private terrorist Organization with the aim to pretext a World Government.
    The tentacles of this International terrorist Organization goes deep as you know it and the heads of the CIA FBI and Interpol are controlled by them... which means they are criminals.
    Politicians and Government employees have a congressional directive to protect citizens.
    Are you a member of the WEF?
    Have you or your party ever received any funding by the WEF?
    What have you done to protect citizens?
    I tell the world here and now what Politicians collectively have done to protect the citizens of this world... Fuck all.
    Worse they are actively engaging the world into and pushing for a Nuclear Holocaust conflict... WW3... with Russia and they want to blame it on Putin.
    Take that freaking bitch Nancy Peloisi for example... she made a career from lying for the Zionist Mafia.
    She did the 9/11 report in which you find nothing about the controlled demolition of Tower 7 where the corrupt Politicians buried the Enron files to protect their friends.
    And I tell you straight up who did it... Marvin Bush Head of Security upon Sept. 10 2001 together with POTUS them Herbert Wanker Bush the CIA and the MOSSAD.
    I know you know and that stinking twat Nancy Pelosi knows.

    21 facts that Joe Biden doesn't want you to know


    Ron Paul to this day says: End the Fed.
    Ron Paul also despises you lot who are all so blatantly corrupt.
    Politicians spend money they don't have on wars we don't need to gain power they don't deserve...
    I say it again.
    The Fed is a private Organization... just like the IMF... the WEF... and the WHO.
    They have no authority whatsoever and anyone following their lead is a traitor... the crime is treason.


    The betrayal of allegiance toward one's own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.

    The idea of government as protector with the "congressional directive to protect citizens" is a joke... ludicrous... not existing.
    The Government is the enemy of the people because of the Jewish Lobby who finances war and corruption.
    The aim of the Jewish Lobby is total control WW3 and a Nuclear Holocaust confrontation with Russia.
    The fraudulent abuse of the Money System control by the Jewish lobby is central to their lies as they wage a war against all of Humanity.
    The 200 billion spent on the war in Ukraine has cost the Banks 20 billion they made from 2 billion they stole yesterday... they made it from selling Opium to Homeless... now Fentanyl.
    Yet the taxpayer pays 666 billion in a downward spiral of infinite debt.
    To say the Government is corrupt and every Politician is a spineless traitor would be an understatement.
    Criminals you are... the lot of you.
    And I despise each of everyone of you.
    And I expose you your lies to the people because liars is all you are.

    Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA GOV / Greens / all of them

    Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA.GOV / Greens / all of them

    Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA.GOV / Greens / all of them
    I am Fritz Freud. My Life has been destroyed by the wanna be powers that want the complete destruction of this world. But they failed and will fail. My spirit has hardened. So I bring and will continue to do so all that they try to hide from you. There are no problems.

    Read full story

    I disavow object refuse and reject any and all Governments their laws and actions.
    I disavow each and every politician to be a representative of we the people.
    I hereby declare the Government and politicians are without mandate of we the people acting on behalf of the enemies of we the people which is a crime under the Law.

    The war in Ukraine must end NOW.
    Ukraine must accept defeat and the condition Russia presents.
    NATO must retreat from any border state bordering Russia.
    The war in Israel must end NOW.
    All ties with Israel must be cut NOW.
    All financial support with Israel must stop now.
    All Governments must be audited and all Information made publicly available unredacted.
    This includes all CIA Operations and all black budget Operations.
    And of course the Epstein Client list in full.
    All the secret Videos of Epstein & Epstein Island.
    All the Videos confiscated in Washington DC on 9/11 2001.
    All Military must stand down and return to port.
    All Police and Military must stand down in support of we the people until all traitors are imprisoned and punished.
    All Politicians should be under house arrest until this conflict is solved.

    Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians

    Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians
    .It is better to swiftly end this pain sharply than to have infinite pain infinitely with infinite altercations that get infinitely worse. Because if one looks closely say from 1984 to this day we see that the world has been deliberately fooled into this position by a System of Mind Control... the Monarch System.

    Read full story

    Why do I write this?
    Simply because the current situation has become unacceptable.
    Faceless scum like Keir Starmer Richy Sunak Ursula von der Lying Macron Scholz Biden Trump… and the rest of these useless eaters live in Medival times thinking they are Kings acting with Impunity.
    They must be awoken with a vengeance.
    They act an act written by the invisible hand in opposition to the need and the will of the people.
    Worse the dangers and the possibility of a false flag are increasing by the hour.
    In December I wrote that the possibility of a false flag at the French Olympics is a highly possible scenario.
    This possibility has significantly increased by stooge Macron and his call for election
    And it is highly likely that it will be a dirty bomb.
    I want the world to know that it will be the Jewish Lobby again blaming it on someone else again.
    I know that for a fact because it has always been this way.
    The spell is broken... I break it.
    I know... you know... and you know I know.
    So please sent this to every Politician and let them know that we know.
    I had enough... the citizens of this world had enough.
    Politicians everywhere need to fear we the people in order for us to gain peace.
    After all we employ them... something they must be reminded of.
    If you can't dance... don't face the music.
    We are coming for you.


    Fritz Freud.

    If you can...
    are well off enough...
    and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...
    There is a lot of work going into this.

    Thank you.

    Buy me a Coffee

    Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Open Letter to all Politicians and all Governments I disavow object refuse and reject any and all Governments their laws and actions Fritz Freud I think it's time to tell politicians what I really think of them... useless eaters...liars... scum. I'm done with the lot. And you may sent this letter to your senator... please do so... I want them to know Fritz Freud thinks every Politician is a little Hitler... a turd wasting good air. Not only do I have no respect for you lot... I despise you... the lot of you. It's about time that someone tells you lot that you are shit... corrupt through and through... rotten to the core... good for nothing scum... and that it is time for you to go; I am the one. You think yourself very clever... well educated and rich... a false perception of an Illusion created by scum like you... in the end you are a bunch of clowns... imposters... liars... thieves. Frauds you are the lot of you. The only Politician I ever respected is Ron Paul... a man that continues to this day to expose you lot. The rest... even his son... put them in a bag and shoot... you always hit the right one. I walked the corridors of powers a long time ago... unseen.. unnoticed. I didn't like what I saw then... and I certainly don't now. I decided a long time ago that it is my duty and my destiny to expose you lot. I will not harm you... I don't need to... I am worse than that... I disavow you. But someone will... they will hunt you down... they will shoot you... burn your houses to the ground with you in it... consumed you will be by the fires of evil you ignited... for they have consumed your soul a long long time ago. When I say that the lot like you are each of one a cloned version of Adolf Hitler... I am being nice. I think you are worse. Useless eaters you are.. unnecessary you are. Every problem in this world is down to problems that a Politician created. Yet I have never seen a Politician being held accountable... why is that? Is it because the lot of you are Jews... or worse... Zionists that believe their own lies? You create only problems... shift the blame upon someone else and far away... today Putin... tomorrow someone else... the devil has many names... but his actions are all the same. And by their actions I expose thee. And there is nothing you can do. You only have to blame yourselves.. which you won't... pity on you. Your actions will come back to you... like a Boomerang... and it will hit you so hard that it makes the bullet of a Magum 45 feel like the gentle touch of a feather on naked skin. You lot have blood on your hands. The laws you make are not worth the paper on which they are printed... I disavow all of them. By your own laws you are all guilty... RICO Act. The war in Ukraine is the biggest swindle... the biggest money laundering operation ever... ignited by the CIA the Clintons and Mr. Pedophile Dementia himself... all of whom belong to the Jewish Occult... just like Adolf Hitler. And just like Adolf Hitler who sacrificed Germany for the sake of Israel... Zelinsky is doing the same to Ukraine... follow the money. Without Adolf Hitler Israel would not exist... that is a truth you never will escape. And Israel today is a fascist genocidal state ruled by a fascist genocidal terrorist... Benjamin Nehanyahu... the mastermind of the London bombings on 7/7 2005... a man that is so evil it would make Adolf Hitler an angel. Jews are good... I read this book before... Animal Farm. Yet you make a law that protects Jews regardless of their actions... even Donald Trump calls for death penalty against people who dare to expose the Jews and their Lies. Yet his friend ... Jeffry Epstein... is a Jew protected by this laws... one of the worst rotten scum. Where is the Epstein client list? Is your name on the list? I want the Epstein Client list unredacted and everyone on it publicly exposed. The only reason you protect criminal Jews is because you are criminal Jews. Guilty by association... RICO Act. I want the Epstein Client list and every name on it exposed publically and if you lot fail to do so... you exposed yourselves as the criminals you are. Jewish criminals protecting Jewish criminals for crimes committed shifting the blame. Same like 9/11 that started this century of Jewish Terrorism shifting the blame on Osama Bin Ladin. The war in Afghanistan protected the Jewish Opium trade. 7/7 done by Benjamin Netanyahu shifting the blame on ISIS a Mossad creation. Hamas a Mossad creation and October 7 a deliberate false flag to excuse Benjamin Netanyahu for his genocidal deliberation and ethnic cleansing. At the same time the Sackler Family... criminal Jews... killed millions through Oxycontin... a product they knew would kill millions because that was the purpose of it... and you lot protect them because they are Jews... because you lot are criminal Jews... guilty by association... RICO Act. Here is how they do it A detailed list of individuals, companies, trusts and other organizations, including financial advisers, public relations firms, law firms, lobbyists, drugmakers and laboratories. If members of the Sackler family who own Purdue Pharma get their way, everyone on the list will win sweeping immunity from civil lawsuits linked to the family's activities. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21046014-purdue-pharma-disclosure-statement#document/p476 Is your name on the list? Have you ever received money from the Sackler Family? FTX SBF another prime example of Jewish criminal behavior and Jewish corruption. The Bankman's are law Professors at Harvard... teaching us to obey the Law while teaching their son to obfuscate the Law they want us to obey. At the same time they bribe Politicians like you to protect them. Did you ever receive money from FTX SBF or associates? Did you or your party ever receive donations from FTX SBF or associates? Did you ever receive money from Bill Gates? Did you or your party ever receive donations from Bill Gates or associates? Did you ever receive money from Soros associated foundations? Did you or your party ever receive donations from Soros associated foundations or associates? What about the Soros associated Dominion voting machines? Why are they still allowed to be in use? Electronic correction of voter-marked paper ballot Abstract Methods, systems, and devices are described for electronically correcting votes made on voter-marked paper ballots. An optical scan system may image a paper ballot and allow vote modification. https://patents.google.com/patent/US8844813B2/en Endemic corruption is the word and you are guilty by association. Alex Soros together with Hunter Biden's best mate Charlie visits the White house to inspect an Imposter he helped to install through a rigged election show using Dominion Voting machines. Bill Rockefeller Clinton and Hillary Rothschild Clinton handled the occasion. Igor Kolomoisky handled Zelinsky in Ukraine. All of them Jewish Zionist Mafia... all of them guilty as charged. The evidence speaks for itself. Politicians spend money they don't have on wars we don't need to gain power they don't deserve. In conjunction they elevate criminals into positions of power to further criminal activities that fund their narcissistic behavior. COVID is another prime example. During the pandemic, politics overruled science at the government institutions entrusted with protecting public health,” Massie said. “The FDA abandoned its congressional directive to protect citizens from false claims and undisclosed side effects, and instead ignored its own rules to pursue a policy of promoting the vaccine while downplaying potential harms. - Thomas Massie COVID... or better the genocidal deliberate mass murder operation by the Government in order to reduce the population... because that is what it is... is a crime against humanity. The term "Public Health" is a lie by deliberation by you stinking lot. Politicians are a bunch of narcissistic actors thinking we the public are stupid when it is you who is stupid... even more so if you think you get away with this one. There is a bullet with butterfly wings circling over you lot and your time is up. The COVID jabs were laced with Graphene Nanotechnology called NEURAL LACE BCI. There was no mistake... it was a deliberate attempt of murder by the Government and the Jewish Lobby... a crime you lot will pay for. There is no escape from this. Neural Lace is a Brain Computer Interface designed for a WEF funded World Government controlled by AI. The whole purpose of AI is control by a few in cooperation with a few controlled by the WEF. And before you lot or any of you lot dismiss this as "Conspiracy Theory" like you lot like to do so often... I took the liberty to draft a law to show you lot how it's done and shame you openly for the rest of the world to see. That is work you should do but you don't because you are all filthy lying war mongering scum. Oh... by the way... you owe me money doing the job you are supposed to do. The Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act 1) All Data generated by any Individual belongs to the Individual 2) Artificial Intelligence requires Data Mining Data Mining is a breach of Human Rights 3) AI is not necessary to run any device and must be separate from Operating any Device 4) To prevent abuse by Artificial Intelligence a physical kill switch for AI must be installed on any Device 5) To prevent abuse by Artificial Intelligence the sole decision of use lies with the User Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) : “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media.” Everywhere I go people say: What can I do. Read full story The WEF is a private terrorist Organization with the aim to pretext a World Government. The tentacles of this International terrorist Organization goes deep as you know it and the heads of the CIA FBI and Interpol are controlled by them... which means they are criminals. Politicians and Government employees have a congressional directive to protect citizens. Are you a member of the WEF? Have you or your party ever received any funding by the WEF? What have you done to protect citizens? I tell the world here and now what Politicians collectively have done to protect the citizens of this world... Fuck all. Worse they are actively engaging the world into and pushing for a Nuclear Holocaust conflict... WW3... with Russia and they want to blame it on Putin. Take that freaking bitch Nancy Peloisi for example... she made a career from lying for the Zionist Mafia. She did the 9/11 report in which you find nothing about the controlled demolition of Tower 7 where the corrupt Politicians buried the Enron files to protect their friends. And I tell you straight up who did it... Marvin Bush Head of Security upon Sept. 10 2001 together with POTUS them Herbert Wanker Bush the CIA and the MOSSAD. I know you know and that stinking twat Nancy Pelosi knows. 21 facts that Joe Biden doesn't want you to know https://www.sott.net/article/492694-21-facts-that-Joe-Biden-doesnt-want-you-to-know Ron Paul to this day says: End the Fed. Ron Paul also despises you lot who are all so blatantly corrupt. Politicians spend money they don't have on wars we don't need to gain power they don't deserve... I say it again. The Fed is a private Organization... just like the IMF... the WEF... and the WHO. They have no authority whatsoever and anyone following their lead is a traitor... the crime is treason. Treason The betrayal of allegiance toward one's own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts. The idea of government as protector with the "congressional directive to protect citizens" is a joke... ludicrous... not existing. The Government is the enemy of the people because of the Jewish Lobby who finances war and corruption. The aim of the Jewish Lobby is total control WW3 and a Nuclear Holocaust confrontation with Russia. The fraudulent abuse of the Money System control by the Jewish lobby is central to their lies as they wage a war against all of Humanity. The 200 billion spent on the war in Ukraine has cost the Banks 20 billion they made from 2 billion they stole yesterday... they made it from selling Opium to Homeless... now Fentanyl. Yet the taxpayer pays 666 billion in a downward spiral of infinite debt. To say the Government is corrupt and every Politician is a spineless traitor would be an understatement. Criminals you are... the lot of you. And I despise each of everyone of you. And I expose you your lies to the people because liars is all you are. Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA GOV / Greens / all of them Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA.GOV / Greens / all of them Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA.GOV / Greens / all of them I am Fritz Freud. My Life has been destroyed by the wanna be powers that want the complete destruction of this world. But they failed and will fail. My spirit has hardened. So I bring and will continue to do so all that they try to hide from you. There are no problems. Read full story I disavow object refuse and reject any and all Governments their laws and actions. I disavow each and every politician to be a representative of we the people. I hereby declare the Government and politicians are without mandate of we the people acting on behalf of the enemies of we the people which is a crime under the Law. The war in Ukraine must end NOW. Ukraine must accept defeat and the condition Russia presents. NATO must retreat from any border state bordering Russia. The war in Israel must end NOW. All ties with Israel must be cut NOW. All financial support with Israel must stop now. All Governments must be audited and all Information made publicly available unredacted. This includes all CIA Operations and all black budget Operations. And of course the Epstein Client list in full. All the secret Videos of Epstein & Epstein Island. All the Videos confiscated in Washington DC on 9/11 2001. All Military must stand down and return to port. All Police and Military must stand down in support of we the people until all traitors are imprisoned and punished. All Politicians should be under house arrest until this conflict is solved. Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians .It is better to swiftly end this pain sharply than to have infinite pain infinitely with infinite altercations that get infinitely worse. Because if one looks closely say from 1984 to this day we see that the world has been deliberately fooled into this position by a System of Mind Control... the Monarch System. Read full story Why do I write this? Simply because the current situation has become unacceptable. Faceless scum like Keir Starmer Richy Sunak Ursula von der Lying Macron Scholz Biden Trump… and the rest of these useless eaters live in Medival times thinking they are Kings acting with Impunity. They must be awoken with a vengeance. They act an act written by the invisible hand in opposition to the need and the will of the people. Worse the dangers and the possibility of a false flag are increasing by the hour. In December I wrote that the possibility of a false flag at the French Olympics is a highly possible scenario. This possibility has significantly increased by stooge Macron and his call for election And it is highly likely that it will be a dirty bomb. I want the world to know that it will be the Jewish Lobby again blaming it on someone else again. I know that for a fact because it has always been this way. The spell is broken... I break it. I know... you know... and you know I know. So please sent this to every Politician and let them know that we know. I had enough... the citizens of this world had enough. Politicians everywhere need to fear we the people in order for us to gain peace. After all we employ them... something they must be reminded of. If you can't dance... don't face the music. We are coming for you. Godspeed Fritz Freud. If you can... are well off enough... and like my work please consider buying me a coffee... There is a lot of work going into this. Thank you. Buy me a Coffee Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-146173824
    Open Letter to all Politicians and all Governments
    I disavow object refuse and reject any and all Governments their laws and actions
    0 Comments 0 Shares 12467 Views
  • Stockholm Syndrome Extinction Olympics
    What more evidence do you want?

    Fritz Freud

    A Message / Question to all Christians:
    Why do you protect the Jews when the Jews so blatantly mock your Religion?
    When you protect those who openly mock you and punish you for your believe... you are either masochistic or stupid... or you love being punished... in which case sent me a mail... I happily invite you into my dungeon...
    I love a bit of kink.
    And I know you do too... or else you wouldn't protect the Jews who so openly mock you!

    Sarah Silverman says "I would kill Christ again"

    Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response to being held captive or abused... and Christians show all the hallmarks of this psychological dependency.
    Not just that but they drink Jesus blood and eat Jesus body... ritual cannibalism.
    They love Jesus so much... they eat him...
    Seriously... If you like being slaves... if you like being abused... come to me... I give you what you want...
    I bind you on the cross and give you a bit of Jesus... if you know what I mean.

    Tiktok failed to load.

    Enable 3rd party cookies or use another browser
    The Trans Olympic ceremony was a blatant open your arse and lets fuck you in the faces of any sportsman or any Christian for that matter.
    None of the perverted performers would win an uphill egg race with a rolling egg.
    What is more is the complete fuck you by the Jewish controlled Media that tells you that you haven't seen what you have seen even if you seen what you saw... seesaw...
    It is Mind control because Christians are basically Mind controlled slaves...
    Move on... nothing to see... Freemason 101...

    Viewers of the Olympics opening ceremony thought they’d spotted a major wardrobe malfunction as a performer’s testicle appeared to be on show.


    To have a "wardrobe malfunction" one needs to be dressed.
    Papa Smurf smurfed his dick buttnaked and with intent
    This wasn't an accident... this was a deliberate MK Ultra Mind control ceremony.

    Furthermore they used Da Vinci's last supper to force the sexual perversions of the Jewish Occult upon the faces of the idiots who watched that shit.
    It is telling that one can decipher the Original Da Vinci picture (and they use this method in many pictures) by taking it into Photoshop doubling it into a second layer flipping it vertically with 50% opacity.
    Voila the Da Vinci code.
    You will find many hidden Images not just in that but in many other pictures.
    In the last supper in particular you find UFO's... Jesus and his sister's baby and two Aliens sitting on the table.

    The 12 disciples of Jesus were not just random people but his family.
    And Jesus had a child with his sister Mary Magdalene... continuing the Royal Bloodline of which Mohammad came from and the Rothschild / Windsor Royal Family.
    Ghee... I wonder if Jesus had donkey ears like Charlie the King.
    His mother was a clear Alien.

    And in Da vinci's picture of the Battle of Anghiari you see that people are smiling and crawling away from the battle.
    At the same time the fighters can be seen with some kind of Alien demons attached to their heads.
    It is the same problem creators like today who create problems and make us fight each other so their power increases.
    Instead of fighting each other we should come together and kick their arses into oblivion.

    The Olympic Games in ancient times were games in which everyone was invited...
    Wars stopped during that time.
    It was a time to put differences behind and reconnect.
    So where is Russia?
    Sports shouldn't be political we all been taught.
    Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, and with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. A "sore loser" refers to one who does not take defeat well, whereas a "good sport" means being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser".
    Not in Macron's Trans Olympics... which makes sense because he is a Rothschild married to a trans man.

    I think it is clear that Brigitte Macron is a man and I believe Candace Owens is 100% right...
    Not just that but Mike Obama is a man too.
    And Jacinda Ardern?
    Yep me thinks too.

    You know when Kraftwerk wrote "Trans Europe Express"... I don't think they had this in mind.

    The only reason Macron promotes Transsexuals is because he is married to one.
    The Stockholm syndromists of Christian slaves love it.. and they cheer their own dimise.
    Step in line... believe what they tell you to believe... open your arse and let them fuck you...
    One cross each.

    And I'm not even speaking about the two Biden's here...
    IMO Biden is dead.
    Braindead anyway.
    They play shitfuckery with your mind.
    My advice... don't believe anything.

    Then there is the QR code aka Digital Auschwitz ID in preparation of the next Jewish Holocaust the Jews plan for all of Humanity.
    Which as I look at it is the same as the Auschwitz Tattoo.
    In the concentration camps in Nazi Germany the inmates were given a number... this number was tattooed onto the skin.
    The QR code is just the same... an Identification number.
    This Identification led to a Database in Auschwitz and now.
    In Auschwitz this Database was maintained by a Hollerith Punch card System.
    Paris is now in a lockdown state and you can't go anywhere without being checked.
    I don't even have a phone... so how would I get an Auschwitz ID?
    Today it is a Digital System that contains every information about you... and with everything I mean everything.
    And at the center of this are Jews and Jewish Companies and IDF Unit8200.

    Genetic Data Storage

    Queensland Premier’s father runs genetic data storage company
    Annastacia Palaszczuk's father Henry Palaszczuk is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing.


    Facial Recognition

    Clearview AI's facial-recognition technology resulted in mass surveillance of Canadians and violated federal and provincial laws governing personal information.
    Clearview AI's technology allows for the collection of huge numbers of images from various sources that can help police forces, financial institutions and other clients identify people.
    Clearview AI is a Unit8200 IDF Mossad operation

    Voice recognition

    What do you thing Google does with Alexa or Apple with siri?
    Or Microsoft?
    Creating a Database of your voice.

    Additionally we have Fingerprints Medical Data and more...
    Sam Altman scans your eyeballs.

    Eye recognition

    Facebook Instagram and so on have all your browsing data so they know your political views your sexual orientation and so on.
    All of this will eventually if it isn't already flow into one database of everything controlled by Israel and the IDF Unit8200.
    Just like the Nazis.
    And all of this can be opened with an ID Number... the Auschwitz ID.
    And they are using the Paris Trans Olympics to introduce this Auschwitz ID.
    Something I predicted they would.

    AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold

    AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold
    Before I expose the Government Lies and tell you how the Government will take every right from you I shall give you their PoV so you understand their vicious lies.

    Read full story

    This I wrote before

    What is the IBM Digital Health Pass?

    IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria.
    COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust.
    The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials.

    This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz?

    If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes!

    What is more...

    There is no limit for this Technology.
    This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz.
    This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves.
    This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle.
    This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever.

    This technology can and will be used for the following:
    Facial Recognition
    Financial Status
    Travel Tracking
    Political affiliation
    Political Opposition Tracking
    Political Viewpoints
    Human Tracking
    Physical Location Tracking
    Time stamp Tracking
    Association Tracking
    Group Tracking
    Sleep patterns
    Consumption patterns
    Social affiliation
    Social patterns
    Voting patterns
    Thought control
    Mind Control

    What is more this Data then can be manipulated in any way the Government wants.
    It makes us all prisoners to those who control this Technology.
    It is a clear Violation of all Human Rights

    I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it

    I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it
    To all Politicians & to whom it may concern

    Read full story

    So they introduce these IBM Auschwitz numbers used in Auschwitz by the Nazis and by IBM by stealth in Paris in the Olympics as I predicted.
    And it is the Jews who are doing it.
    They have no shame whatsoever.

    What’s the deal with QR codes for the Paris 2024 Olympics?

    Also known as a ‘Games Pass’, a QR code is needed for getting into various security perimeters which have been set up across the Olympic sites.

    Who needs a QR code and why?

    According to Sortir, all those who are going into the grey perimeter during the Opening Ceremony and the week before (from July 18) need a Games Pass. This includes everybody: workers, local residents and visitors. These zones have been set up for security purposes, so there won’t be any exceptions for attendees who don’t have a code.


    I predicted they use the Olympics to bring in AI and there will be a Cyber attack.
    And then there was crowdstrike.
    This is a clear violation of Human Rights especially of the following.

    1. All human beings are free and equal

    All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

    2. No discrimination

    Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth, or another status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional, or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs.

    3. Right to life

    Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.

    5. No torture and inhuman treatment

    No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

    9. No unfair detainment

    No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile.

    11. Innocent until proved guilty

    Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to the law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed.

    12. Right to privacy

    No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

    13. Freedom to movement and residence

    Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

    23. Right to work

    Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

    28. Freedom around the world

    Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

    Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

    - C.S. Lewis

    All of this is in line which what I predicted.

    The current War in Ukraine the BLM the Antifa the Trans Agenda CRT Extinction Rebellion Green New Deal WEF... these are all remnants of what happened in Babylon at the tower of Babel.
    It is the same Gods of old who miss-lead us to this day through the networks of the Occult and make us believe anything they say... they spell it out and we have to follow...
    It is the same procedure as it ever was... build it up... and then destroy it.
    So where are all the Aliens I hear you say... I can't see them I hear you say...
    Of course you cannot see them...
    They are pure energy like light itself and you only can see the reflection of light without that which has been absorbed by the object you see which your eyes interpret as color.

    They created Religion in order to make us believe and if we believe God Jesus or Allah we believe anything and they sell us shit as gold.
    Religion the meaning is the Legions of Amun Ra... the God of the Sun.
    Anunaki are the Children of the sun because as a energy form of life you want to be in the place where the most energy emerges and that is the sun their home planet.
    It is their heaven our Hell... they promise us we will burn in Hell.
    Hell in German means light... so they promise us we will burn in the light.
    Hell on earth is their Goal to burn this planet down and with it us because they cannot control us.
    We are the creation that outgrew the creator and for that our creator wants us to burn in the light.
    It is all about perception.
    It is all about understanding.
    But we never have been taught understanding only obedience and follow the leaders which like always lead us into self destruction.
    Self sacrifice is what the Occult demands in order that we are destroyed by them.
    Circumcision is a way to enhance mathematical ability in order to get an advance over the masses.
    It also makes sexual predators out of what could have been humans... and Harvey weinstein Jeffry Eppstein Rachel Lavine they are all that and worse.
    Circumcision Makes You Crazy.
    And that is not just my opinion...
    Here is an article by Forbes about that subject..


    But this is intentional as they are predators and we are prey.
    They are Gods over us and we are slaves.
    They see us as numbers and not even human.
    They call us cattle unwashed unclean anything to deny us who we really are.
    We are the creation that outgrew our creator.
    We have feelings they are only mathematical.
    They see us as numbers not as humans so it is them who are racist by nature.
    Our Brain capacity is misused because we focus on mathematics.
    Mathematics is part of our visual sense.
    Our Brain gives equal proportions to our senses... five senses make 20% of our brain capability allocated to each sense.
    By using mathematics we use only 10% of our brain capability.
    That is by design so we do not become who we truly are.
    Things like our telepathic abilities are withheld from us by this form of indoctrination.
    We focus only on the material aspect using only mathematics neglecting our spiritual side.

    And that is the reason they fuck with our minds.

    The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI

    The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI
    Throwing candy out to the crowd

    Read full story

    The QR code they test now in the Paris Trans Olympics is just a test to see how we accept it.
    MK Ultra Mind control.
    Mind you... they are scared shitless that the Truth comes out and the Truth will come out.

    Was the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump earlier this month part of a secret CIA program involving brainwashed killers? That's the claim being made, but the U.S. intelligence agency is taking the unusual step of directly and forcefully denying the claims.

    This is indeed unprecedented. Maybe they're seeing that online engagement with this topic is at never-before-seen levels?


    I say 100% it was CIA Mind control as I know how they operate and what technologies they have.
    They tried this shit on me and boy it wasn't pleasent.
    But through that I know what I am talking about.
    This one I wrote about it.

    How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres

    How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres
    The silicon chip inside her head Gets switched to overload And nobody's gonna go to school today She's going to make them stay at home And daddy doesn't understand it He always said she was as good as gold And he can see no reason 'Cause there are no reasons

    Read full story

    What they do is to prepare humanity for the AI war... and the QR code / Digital Auschwitz ID is a big part of it.

    Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War

    Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War
    They don't stop do they? Whatever we do... they simply won't stop. As I am writing now for years that they are building as we speak an Infrastructure for the coming AI war... a war which is planned in the Lodges of the Freemasons and advances further with AI which by the way is a weapon against Humanity with every Microchip now available connecting to AI …

    Read full story

    So yes they prepare Humanity for extinction.
    As predicted by the Jews.
    And the Jews are all behind that.

    Listen to the full interview of Aaron Russo here.
    In it he reveals the Rockefellers plan on how to introduce the Digital ID i.e. how to chip Humanity.
    So yes... the Rockefellers are worse than the Nazis ever were.

    And the Rothschild scum and the Rockefeller scum are one incest family.
    Prepare yourself for the coming war.

    The Government is completely bought by them.
    They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
    It's a big club and you ain't in it.

    The Israel Lobby controls the USA.
    And that's a fact.
    They want to control all of Humanity through AI using the same tools the Nazis used.

    The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Lab grown Brain Computers of final spark... the final solution.

    Read full story

    At least I want to give you a weapon which you can use against them
    A little program called "Low Orbit Ion Canon".
    You can use it against facebook Microsoft Apple Instagram... any site and overload them with traffic so their sites stop working.
    By using it against the Government and CIA respectively you can shut them down... but I warn you that it is illegal.
    However this is war... and all they do is illegal... everything goes.
    Survival of the Human race makes these things necessary.

    Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
    This is a call for Civil War

    Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!

    Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE!
    Unless everybody fights... we all are going to lose!

    Read full story

    Don't ever become like them.
    We are better.
    We are gentile.
    We are Human.

    We have a right and duty to resist.


    Fritz Freud

    If you can...

    are well off enough...

    and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...

    There is a lot of work going into this.

    Thank you.

    Buy me a Coffee

    Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Stockholm Syndrome Extinction Olympics What more evidence do you want? Fritz Freud A Message / Question to all Christians: Why do you protect the Jews when the Jews so blatantly mock your Religion? When you protect those who openly mock you and punish you for your believe... you are either masochistic or stupid... or you love being punished... in which case sent me a mail... I happily invite you into my dungeon... I love a bit of kink. And I know you do too... or else you wouldn't protect the Jews who so openly mock you! Sarah Silverman says "I would kill Christ again" Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response to being held captive or abused... and Christians show all the hallmarks of this psychological dependency. Not just that but they drink Jesus blood and eat Jesus body... ritual cannibalism. They love Jesus so much... they eat him... Seriously... If you like being slaves... if you like being abused... come to me... I give you what you want... I bind you on the cross and give you a bit of Jesus... if you know what I mean. Tiktok failed to load. Enable 3rd party cookies or use another browser The Trans Olympic ceremony was a blatant open your arse and lets fuck you in the faces of any sportsman or any Christian for that matter. None of the perverted performers would win an uphill egg race with a rolling egg. What is more is the complete fuck you by the Jewish controlled Media that tells you that you haven't seen what you have seen even if you seen what you saw... seesaw... It is Mind control because Christians are basically Mind controlled slaves... Move on... nothing to see... Freemason 101... Viewers of the Olympics opening ceremony thought they’d spotted a major wardrobe malfunction as a performer’s testicle appeared to be on show. https://metro.co.uk/2024/07/27/fans-mistakenly-claim-performers-testicle-seen-olympics-opening-ceremony-21310234/?ico=trending-module_category_sport_item-3 Note: To have a "wardrobe malfunction" one needs to be dressed. Papa Smurf smurfed his dick buttnaked and with intent This wasn't an accident... this was a deliberate MK Ultra Mind control ceremony. Furthermore they used Da Vinci's last supper to force the sexual perversions of the Jewish Occult upon the faces of the idiots who watched that shit. It is telling that one can decipher the Original Da Vinci picture (and they use this method in many pictures) by taking it into Photoshop doubling it into a second layer flipping it vertically with 50% opacity. Voila the Da Vinci code. You will find many hidden Images not just in that but in many other pictures. In the last supper in particular you find UFO's... Jesus and his sister's baby and two Aliens sitting on the table. The 12 disciples of Jesus were not just random people but his family. And Jesus had a child with his sister Mary Magdalene... continuing the Royal Bloodline of which Mohammad came from and the Rothschild / Windsor Royal Family. Ghee... I wonder if Jesus had donkey ears like Charlie the King. His mother was a clear Alien. And in Da vinci's picture of the Battle of Anghiari you see that people are smiling and crawling away from the battle. At the same time the fighters can be seen with some kind of Alien demons attached to their heads. It is the same problem creators like today who create problems and make us fight each other so their power increases. Instead of fighting each other we should come together and kick their arses into oblivion. The Olympic Games in ancient times were games in which everyone was invited... Wars stopped during that time. It was a time to put differences behind and reconnect. So where is Russia? Sports shouldn't be political we all been taught. Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, and with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. A "sore loser" refers to one who does not take defeat well, whereas a "good sport" means being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser". Not in Macron's Trans Olympics... which makes sense because he is a Rothschild married to a trans man. I think it is clear that Brigitte Macron is a man and I believe Candace Owens is 100% right... Not just that but Mike Obama is a man too. And Jacinda Ardern? Yep me thinks too. You know when Kraftwerk wrote "Trans Europe Express"... I don't think they had this in mind. The only reason Macron promotes Transsexuals is because he is married to one. The Stockholm syndromists of Christian slaves love it.. and they cheer their own dimise. Step in line... believe what they tell you to believe... open your arse and let them fuck you... One cross each. And I'm not even speaking about the two Biden's here... IMO Biden is dead. Braindead anyway. They play shitfuckery with your mind. My advice... don't believe anything. Then there is the QR code aka Digital Auschwitz ID in preparation of the next Jewish Holocaust the Jews plan for all of Humanity. Which as I look at it is the same as the Auschwitz Tattoo. In the concentration camps in Nazi Germany the inmates were given a number... this number was tattooed onto the skin. The QR code is just the same... an Identification number. This Identification led to a Database in Auschwitz and now. In Auschwitz this Database was maintained by a Hollerith Punch card System. Paris is now in a lockdown state and you can't go anywhere without being checked. I don't even have a phone... so how would I get an Auschwitz ID? Today it is a Digital System that contains every information about you... and with everything I mean everything. And at the center of this are Jews and Jewish Companies and IDF Unit8200. Genetic Data Storage Queensland Premier’s father runs genetic data storage company Annastacia Palaszczuk's father Henry Palaszczuk is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing. https://tottnews.com/2021/01/21/qld-premier-father-genetic-company/ Facial Recognition Clearview AI's facial-recognition technology resulted in mass surveillance of Canadians and violated federal and provincial laws governing personal information. Clearview AI's technology allows for the collection of huge numbers of images from various sources that can help police forces, financial institutions and other clients identify people. Clearview AI is a Unit8200 IDF Mossad operation Voice recognition What do you thing Google does with Alexa or Apple with siri? Or Microsoft? Creating a Database of your voice. Additionally we have Fingerprints Medical Data and more... Sam Altman scans your eyeballs. Eye recognition Facebook Instagram and so on have all your browsing data so they know your political views your sexual orientation and so on. All of this will eventually if it isn't already flow into one database of everything controlled by Israel and the IDF Unit8200. Just like the Nazis. And all of this can be opened with an ID Number... the Auschwitz ID. And they are using the Paris Trans Olympics to introduce this Auschwitz ID. Something I predicted they would. AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold Before I expose the Government Lies and tell you how the Government will take every right from you I shall give you their PoV so you understand their vicious lies. Read full story This I wrote before What is the IBM Digital Health Pass? IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria. COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust. The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials. This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz? If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes! What is more... There is no limit for this Technology. This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz. This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves. This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle. This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever. This technology can and will be used for the following: Facial Recognition Financial Status Travel Tracking Political affiliation Political Opposition Tracking Political Viewpoints Human Tracking Physical Location Tracking Time stamp Tracking Association Tracking Group Tracking Sleep patterns Consumption patterns Social affiliation Social patterns Voting patterns Thought control Mind Control +++ What is more this Data then can be manipulated in any way the Government wants. It makes us all prisoners to those who control this Technology. It is a clear Violation of all Human Rights I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it I oppose the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID and all those who support it To all Politicians & to whom it may concern Read full story So they introduce these IBM Auschwitz numbers used in Auschwitz by the Nazis and by IBM by stealth in Paris in the Olympics as I predicted. And it is the Jews who are doing it. They have no shame whatsoever. What’s the deal with QR codes for the Paris 2024 Olympics? Also known as a ‘Games Pass’, a QR code is needed for getting into various security perimeters which have been set up across the Olympic sites. Who needs a QR code and why? According to Sortir, all those who are going into the grey perimeter during the Opening Ceremony and the week before (from July 18) need a Games Pass. This includes everybody: workers, local residents and visitors. These zones have been set up for security purposes, so there won’t be any exceptions for attendees who don’t have a code. https://www.timeout.com/news/how-to-get-a-qr-code-for-the-paris-2024-olympics-including-who-needs-one-and-the-safety-zones-072224 I predicted they use the Olympics to bring in AI and there will be a Cyber attack. And then there was crowdstrike. This is a clear violation of Human Rights especially of the following. 1. All human beings are free and equal All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. 2. No discrimination Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth, or another status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional, or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs. 3. Right to life Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person. 5. No torture and inhuman treatment No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 9. No unfair detainment No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile. 11. Innocent until proved guilty Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to the law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offense on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offense, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. 12. Right to privacy No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. 13. Freedom to movement and residence Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. 23. Right to work Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. 28. Freedom around the world Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. - C.S. Lewis All of this is in line which what I predicted. The current War in Ukraine the BLM the Antifa the Trans Agenda CRT Extinction Rebellion Green New Deal WEF... these are all remnants of what happened in Babylon at the tower of Babel. It is the same Gods of old who miss-lead us to this day through the networks of the Occult and make us believe anything they say... they spell it out and we have to follow... It is the same procedure as it ever was... build it up... and then destroy it. So where are all the Aliens I hear you say... I can't see them I hear you say... Of course you cannot see them... They are pure energy like light itself and you only can see the reflection of light without that which has been absorbed by the object you see which your eyes interpret as color. They created Religion in order to make us believe and if we believe God Jesus or Allah we believe anything and they sell us shit as gold. Religion the meaning is the Legions of Amun Ra... the God of the Sun. Anunaki are the Children of the sun because as a energy form of life you want to be in the place where the most energy emerges and that is the sun their home planet. It is their heaven our Hell... they promise us we will burn in Hell. Hell in German means light... so they promise us we will burn in the light. Hell on earth is their Goal to burn this planet down and with it us because they cannot control us. We are the creation that outgrew the creator and for that our creator wants us to burn in the light. It is all about perception. It is all about understanding. But we never have been taught understanding only obedience and follow the leaders which like always lead us into self destruction. Self sacrifice is what the Occult demands in order that we are destroyed by them. Circumcision is a way to enhance mathematical ability in order to get an advance over the masses. It also makes sexual predators out of what could have been humans... and Harvey weinstein Jeffry Eppstein Rachel Lavine they are all that and worse. Circumcision Makes You Crazy. And that is not just my opinion... Here is an article by Forbes about that subject.. https://www.forbes.com/sites/abigailesman/2011/09/19/circumcision-makes-you-crazy-so-holland-moves-to-stop-it/?sh=298decd02d2f But this is intentional as they are predators and we are prey. They are Gods over us and we are slaves. They see us as numbers and not even human. They call us cattle unwashed unclean anything to deny us who we really are. We are the creation that outgrew our creator. We have feelings they are only mathematical. They see us as numbers not as humans so it is them who are racist by nature. Our Brain capacity is misused because we focus on mathematics. Mathematics is part of our visual sense. Our Brain gives equal proportions to our senses... five senses make 20% of our brain capability allocated to each sense. By using mathematics we use only 10% of our brain capability. That is by design so we do not become who we truly are. Things like our telepathic abilities are withheld from us by this form of indoctrination. We focus only on the material aspect using only mathematics neglecting our spiritual side. And that is the reason they fuck with our minds. The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI The Creation that outgrew the Creator vs AI Throwing candy out to the crowd Read full story The QR code they test now in the Paris Trans Olympics is just a test to see how we accept it. MK Ultra Mind control. Mind you... they are scared shitless that the Truth comes out and the Truth will come out. Was the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump earlier this month part of a secret CIA program involving brainwashed killers? That's the claim being made, but the U.S. intelligence agency is taking the unusual step of directly and forcefully denying the claims. This is indeed unprecedented. Maybe they're seeing that online engagement with this topic is at never-before-seen levels? https://www.sott.net/article/493522-CIA-denies-grooming-Thomas-Crooks-to-assassinate-Trump I say 100% it was CIA Mind control as I know how they operate and what technologies they have. They tried this shit on me and boy it wasn't pleasent. But through that I know what I am talking about. This one I wrote about it. How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres How the CIA/MOSSAD creates School Shooting Massacres The silicon chip inside her head Gets switched to overload And nobody's gonna go to school today She's going to make them stay at home And daddy doesn't understand it He always said she was as good as gold And he can see no reason 'Cause there are no reasons Read full story What they do is to prepare humanity for the AI war... and the QR code / Digital Auschwitz ID is a big part of it. Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War They don't stop do they? Whatever we do... they simply won't stop. As I am writing now for years that they are building as we speak an Infrastructure for the coming AI war... a war which is planned in the Lodges of the Freemasons and advances further with AI which by the way is a weapon against Humanity with every Microchip now available connecting to AI … Read full story So yes they prepare Humanity for extinction. As predicted by the Jews. And the Jews are all behind that. Listen to the full interview of Aaron Russo here. In it he reveals the Rockefellers plan on how to introduce the Digital ID i.e. how to chip Humanity. So yes... the Rockefellers are worse than the Nazis ever were. And the Rothschild scum and the Rockefeller scum are one incest family. Prepare yourself for the coming war. The Government is completely bought by them. They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. It's a big club and you ain't in it. The Israel Lobby controls the USA. And that's a fact. They want to control all of Humanity through AI using the same tools the Nazis used. The Final Solution The Final Solution Lab grown Brain Computers of final spark... the final solution. Read full story At least I want to give you a weapon which you can use against them A little program called "Low Orbit Ion Canon". You can use it against facebook Microsoft Apple Instagram... any site and overload them with traffic so their sites stop working. By using it against the Government and CIA respectively you can shut them down... but I warn you that it is illegal. However this is war... and all they do is illegal... everything goes. Survival of the Human race makes these things necessary. Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE! This is a call for Civil War Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE! Hackers / Citizens of the World... UNITE! Unless everybody fights... we all are going to lose! Read full story Don't ever become like them. We are better. We are gentile. We are Human. We have a right and duty to resist. Godspeed Fritz Freud If you can... are well off enough... and like my work please consider buying me a coffee... There is a lot of work going into this. Thank you. Buy me a Coffee Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-147129484
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