    Once more,welcome back!
    Let's refreshen our minds as we continue from where we stopped!

    “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”
    (2 Timothy 3:1.)

    I told us that when we return, we shall be looking into some practical survival strategies for these yet continuously unfolding perilous, difficult and dangerous days in which we found ourselves, as espoused by the last part of the chapter we're studying. Let's go!


    But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, (2Ti 3: 10)

    Follow Godly Leaders(Vs10-13)

    In the vs 10 above, aged Paul specifically set out principles that will help us LIVE A LIFE OF PURPOSE, if adhered to. Paul didn't introduce them... Christ Jesus did...and He lived "them," the same way Paul is saying he has lived "them," since his encounter with Christ Jesus.

    This principle is based on the truth that we become like the people we associate with. If we follow the ungodly, we will become like the ungodly. If we follow the arrogant, we are likely to become arrogant;

    Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. (1Cor. 15: 33)

    And if we follow those who follow Christ Jesus, we are most likely to become like Christ Jesus ourselves(Christlikeness,by virtue of HIS imputed Righteousness in us.)
    In this case, Paul uses himself as an example, and says in effect, “Follow me as I follow Christ Jesus.”

    These are the marks of the godly people we should follow:

    They have nothing to hide. “You know my way of life.”
    They teach the truth. “You know my doctrine.”
    They practice what they preach(not do as I say.)
    “You know my faith, my love and my patience.”
    They aren’t afraid of persecution. “You know my sufferings and my persecution.”

    Paul’s point to us is this; Find people like this and follow them. Regarding persecution, he points to his own sufferings. In Antioch he was opposed. In Iconium he was almost stoned. In Lystra he was stoned and left for dead. But it does not matter because “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” What happened to Paul will happen to Timothy sooner or later.

    What is happening around the world to Christians in Sudan, parts of China, in Indonesia, in Iran,in Nigeria, in many of the Muslim countries, will happen to those who live in the United States, England,and indeed all Christian countries sooner or later.

    NO ONE GETS A FREE PASS THAT ABSOLVES THEM FROM SUFFERING FOR CHRIST JESUS. It may not involve beatings or torture or imprisonment or death; it may involve subtle forms of ridicule, public embarrassment, marginalization, being made the butt of repeated jokes, being passed over for promotion, social rejection, shunning, and being the object of scorn and vicious rumours. That sort of thing happens all too often. When it happens, it is a true form of persecution, even though it leaves no outward scars.

    And while it is happening, evil men will grow worse and worse, deceiving others while themselves are being deceived. The world is filled with religious charlatans who want more than your money, they want your soul. Beware of what you buy and who you buy from;
    11. Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
    12. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
    13. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2Ti 3: 11-13)


    This strategy is extremely practical. STAY THE COURSE. Don’t be distracted by clever-sounding religious hucksters(pastors and evangelists,who are really after what you have to offer.)
    Don’t believe everyone who knocks at your door. For instance, many campuses aren't what they seemed. (hypothetical please)
    They begin by inviting students to Bible studies that seem innocent enough. Soon that Bible study becomes an invitation to a religious system that utilizes high-pressure manipulation to keep everyone in line. What seems so wholesome turns out to be very unhealthy and potentially extremely dangerous. The point is, groups like that can be found everywhere. THE WAY TO RESIST THEM IS TO CONTINUE IN WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT.

    Paul then begins to develop the heart of his own survival strategy for the last days. It involves a proper understanding of the Word of God. In verse 14 Paul reminds Timothy that the Word of God gives confidence in days of difficulty. It steadies the soul by giving us the absolute standard for truth. So Timothy is to remember both what he has learned and also who taught him the truth.
    Think of their sacrifice. That will keep you on the “straight and narrow” when you are tempted to turn to one side or the other.

    In verse 15 he reminds Timothy of his spiritual heritage: “And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” This is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Holy Scripture. Notice how Paul puts it. The Bible brings wisdom that leads to salvation that comes to us through Christ Jesus and is received by faith. Said another way: God’s Word saves us. How?

    By the words that are written down: “the Holy Scriptures.”
    By the Wisdom in the Written Words: “able to make you wise.”
    By the Gospel the Words reveal: “wise for salvation.”
    By the Faith the Gospel Produces: “through Faith in Christ Jesus.”


    The Bible is not an encyclopedia that covers every possible topic in the universe, but IT does tell us everything we need to know about the most important thing in the world: How to know God. The truth of the Word of God can save you, forgive you, justify you, sanctify you, purify you, transform you, regenerate you, and one day, IT will take you all the way home to heaven for all eternity. Everything we need to know about life with God can be found in the pages of the Bible. If we had needed to know anything else, God would have told us.

    The Bible is complete as IT stands, a finished product that will produce in us a new life, a godly life, a growing life, a fruitful life, a loving life, a Christ-like life, eternal life, the very life of God Himself.


    Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed to you, keep (guard) by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.” (2 Tim. 1:13-14)

    The “Sound Words” Paul refers to here include all Scripture, but they refer specifically to the truth of the mystery, that message given by revelation to the Apostle Paul for this present dispensation. Just as God entrusted this message of grace initially to Paul, Paul entrusted it to Timothy, and we are to entrust it to others as well (2 Tim. 2:2). It is vital that we “hold fast” to this truth and “keep” (or guard) it, not in our own power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    We need men and women, young people and children, who will take a stand for God’s Word, who will “not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of Paul, His prisoner” but will be willing to “share in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God” (2 Tim. 1:8),

    16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
    17. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2Ti 3: 16-17)

    May our Almighty God and Father grant us more Grace and Strength to hold fast our Faith even in these trying times, in Christ Jesus' Name Amen !
    EVEN IN A DEVIL MESSED UP WORLD, CHRIST JESUS STILL EXPECTS US TO BE CLEAN! (ROM.2:1) ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ PLEASE, DON'T DOUBT👉 WE'RE NECK DEEP IN THE BIBLE PROPHECIED PERILOUS TIMES! [2TIM. 3:1...] (PART THREE) 🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🎒🪭🪭🪭 Once more,welcome back! Let's refreshen our minds as we continue from where we stopped👇! “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” (2 Timothy 3:1.) I told us that when we return, we shall be looking into some practical survival strategies for these yet continuously unfolding perilous, difficult and dangerous days in which we found ourselves, as espoused by the last part of the chapter we're studying. Let's go! SOME SURVIVAL STRATEGIES TO AVOID BEING TRAPPED BY OUR COMMON ENEMY! [2 TIM.3:10-] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, (2Ti 3: 10) 👉Follow Godly Leaders(Vs10-13) In the vs 10 above, aged Paul specifically set out principles that will help us LIVE A LIFE OF PURPOSE, if adhered to. Paul didn't introduce them... Christ Jesus did...and He lived "them," the same way Paul is saying he has lived "them," since his encounter with Christ Jesus. This principle is based on the truth that we become like the people we associate with. If we follow the ungodly, we will become like the ungodly. If we follow the arrogant, we are likely to become arrogant; Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. (1Cor. 15: 33) And if we follow those who follow Christ Jesus, we are most likely to become like Christ Jesus ourselves(Christlikeness,by virtue of HIS imputed Righteousness in us.) In this case, Paul uses himself as an example, and says in effect, “Follow me as I follow Christ Jesus.” These are the marks of the godly people we should follow:👇 They have nothing to hide. “You know my way of life.” They teach the truth. “You know my doctrine.” They practice what they preach(not do as I say.) “You know my faith, my love and my patience.” They aren’t afraid of persecution. “You know my sufferings and my persecution.” Paul’s point to us is this; Find people like this and follow them. Regarding persecution, he points to his own sufferings. In Antioch he was opposed. In Iconium he was almost stoned. In Lystra he was stoned and left for dead. But it does not matter because “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” What happened to Paul will happen to Timothy sooner or later. What is happening around the world to Christians in Sudan, parts of China, in Indonesia, in Iran,in Nigeria, in many of the Muslim countries, will happen to those who live in the United States, England,and indeed all Christian countries sooner or later. NO ONE GETS A FREE PASS THAT ABSOLVES THEM FROM SUFFERING FOR CHRIST JESUS. It may not involve beatings or torture or imprisonment or death; it may involve subtle forms of ridicule, public embarrassment, marginalization, being made the butt of repeated jokes, being passed over for promotion, social rejection, shunning, and being the object of scorn and vicious rumours. That sort of thing happens all too often. When it happens, it is a true form of persecution, even though it leaves no outward scars. And while it is happening, evil men will grow worse and worse, deceiving others while themselves are being deceived. The world is filled with religious charlatans who want more than your money, they want your soul. Beware of what you buy and who you buy from; 11. Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2Ti 3: 11-13) 👉 CONTINUE IN WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED (VS14-15) This strategy is extremely practical. STAY THE COURSE. Don’t be distracted by clever-sounding religious hucksters(pastors and evangelists,who are really after what you have to offer.) Don’t believe everyone who knocks at your door. For instance, many campuses aren't what they seemed. (hypothetical please) They begin by inviting students to Bible studies that seem innocent enough. Soon that Bible study becomes an invitation to a religious system that utilizes high-pressure manipulation to keep everyone in line. What seems so wholesome turns out to be very unhealthy and potentially extremely dangerous. The point is, groups like that can be found everywhere. THE WAY TO RESIST THEM IS TO CONTINUE IN WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT. Paul then begins to develop the heart of his own survival strategy for the last days. It involves a proper understanding of the Word of God. In verse 14 Paul reminds Timothy that the Word of God gives confidence in days of difficulty. It steadies the soul by giving us the absolute standard for truth. So Timothy is to remember both what he has learned and also who taught him the truth. CONSIDER YOUR TEACHERS. WHO TAUGHT OR IS TEACHING YOU. PONDER THEIR CHARACTER. Think of their sacrifice. That will keep you on the “straight and narrow” when you are tempted to turn to one side or the other. In verse 15 he reminds Timothy of his spiritual heritage: “And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” This is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Holy Scripture. Notice how Paul puts it. The Bible brings wisdom that leads to salvation that comes to us through Christ Jesus and is received by faith. Said another way: God’s Word saves us. How? By the words that are written down: “the Holy Scriptures.” By the Wisdom in the Written Words: “able to make you wise.” By the Gospel the Words reveal: “wise for salvation.” By the Faith the Gospel Produces: “through Faith in Christ Jesus.” EVERYTHING WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT GOING TO HEAVEN CAN BE FOUND IN THE BIBLE. NOTHING IS MISSING AND NOTHING NEEDS TO BE ADDED. The Bible is not an encyclopedia that covers every possible topic in the universe, but IT does tell us everything we need to know about the most important thing in the world: How to know God. The truth of the Word of God can save you, forgive you, justify you, sanctify you, purify you, transform you, regenerate you, and one day, IT will take you all the way home to heaven for all eternity. Everything we need to know about life with God can be found in the pages of the Bible. If we had needed to know anything else, God would have told us. The Bible is complete as IT stands, a finished product that will produce in us a new life, a godly life, a growing life, a fruitful life, a loving life, a Christ-like life, eternal life, the very life of God Himself. 👉 LET THE WORD OF GOD MAKE YOU COMPLETE. Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed to you, keep (guard) by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.” (2 Tim. 1:13-14) The “Sound Words” Paul refers to here include all Scripture, but they refer specifically to the truth of the mystery, that message given by revelation to the Apostle Paul for this present dispensation. Just as God entrusted this message of grace initially to Paul, Paul entrusted it to Timothy, and we are to entrust it to others as well (2 Tim. 2:2). It is vital that we “hold fast” to this truth and “keep” (or guard) it, not in our own power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. We need men and women, young people and children, who will take a stand for God’s Word, who will “not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of Paul, His prisoner” but will be willing to “share in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God” (2 Tim. 1:8), 16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2Ti 3: 16-17) May our Almighty God and Father grant us more Grace and Strength to hold fast our Faith even in these trying times, in Christ Jesus' Name Amen 🙇🙏!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1299 Views

    Once more,welcome back!
    Let's refreshen our minds as we continue from where we stopped!

    “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”
    (2 Timothy 3:1.)

    I told us that when we return, we shall be looking into some practical survival strategies for these yet continuously unfolding perilous, difficult and dangerous days in which we found ourselves, as espoused by the last part of the chapter we're studying. Let's go!


    But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, (2Ti 3: 10)

    Follow Godly Leaders(Vs10-13)

    In the vs 10 above, aged Paul specifically set out principles that will help us LIVE A LIFE OF PURPOSE, if adhered to. Paul didn't introduce them... Christ Jesus did...and He lived "them," the same way Paul is saying he has lived "them," since his encounter with Christ Jesus.

    This principle is based on the truth that we become like the people we associate with. If we follow the ungodly, we will become like the ungodly. If we follow the arrogant, we are likely to become arrogant;

    Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. (1Cor. 15: 33)

    And if we follow those who follow Christ Jesus, we are most likely to become like Christ Jesus ourselves(Christlikeness,by virtue of HIS imputed Righteousness in us.)
    In this case, Paul uses himself as an example, and says in effect, “Follow me as I follow Christ Jesus.”

    These are the marks of the godly people we should follow:

    They have nothing to hide. “You know my way of life.”
    They teach the truth. “You know my doctrine.”
    They practice what they preach(not do as I say.)
    “You know my faith, my love and my patience.”
    They aren’t afraid of persecution. “You know my sufferings and my persecution.”

    Paul’s point to us is this; Find people like this and follow them. Regarding persecution, he points to his own sufferings. In Antioch he was opposed. In Iconium he was almost stoned. In Lystra he was stoned and left for dead. But it does not matter because “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” What happened to Paul will happen to Timothy sooner or later.

    What is happening around the world to Christians in Sudan, parts of China, in Indonesia, in Iran,in Nigeria, in many of the Muslim countries, will happen to those who live in the United States, England,and indeed all Christian countries sooner or later.

    NO ONE GETS A FREE PASS THAT ABSOLVES THEM FROM SUFFERING FOR CHRIST JESUS. It may not involve beatings or torture or imprisonment or death; it may involve subtle forms of ridicule, public embarrassment, marginalization, being made the butt of repeated jokes, being passed over for promotion, social rejection, shunning, and being the object of scorn and vicious rumours. That sort of thing happens all too often. When it happens, it is a true form of persecution, even though it leaves no outward scars.

    And while it is happening, evil men will grow worse and worse, deceiving others while themselves are being deceived. The world is filled with religious charlatans who want more than your money, they want your soul. Beware of what you buy and who you buy from;
    11. Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
    12. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
    13. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2Ti 3: 11-13)


    This strategy is extremely practical. STAY THE COURSE. Don’t be distracted by clever-sounding religious hucksters(pastors and evangelists,who are really after what you have to offer.)
    Don’t believe everyone who knocks at your door. For instance, many campuses aren't what they seemed. (hypothetical please)
    They begin by inviting students to Bible studies that seem innocent enough. Soon that Bible study becomes an invitation to a religious system that utilizes high-pressure manipulation to keep everyone in line. What seems so wholesome turns out to be very unhealthy and potentially extremely dangerous. The point is, groups like that can be found everywhere. THE WAY TO RESIST THEM IS TO CONTINUE IN WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT.

    Paul then begins to develop the heart of his own survival strategy for the last days. It involves a proper understanding of the Word of God. In verse 14 Paul reminds Timothy that the Word of God gives confidence in days of difficulty. It steadies the soul by giving us the absolute standard for truth. So Timothy is to remember both what he has learned and also who taught him the truth.
    Think of their sacrifice. That will keep you on the “straight and narrow” when you are tempted to turn to one side or the other.

    In verse 15 he reminds Timothy of his spiritual heritage: “And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” This is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Holy Scripture. Notice how Paul puts it. The Bible brings wisdom that leads to salvation that comes to us through Christ Jesus and is received by faith. Said another way: God’s Word saves us. How?

    By the words that are written down: “the Holy Scriptures.”
    By the Wisdom in the Written Words: “able to make you wise.”
    By the Gospel the Words reveal: “wise for salvation.”
    By the Faith the Gospel Produces: “through Faith in Christ Jesus.”


    The Bible is not an encyclopedia that covers every possible topic in the universe, but IT does tell us everything we need to know about the most important thing in the world: How to know God. The truth of the Word of God can save you, forgive you, justify you, sanctify you, purify you, transform you, regenerate you, and one day, IT will take you all the way home to heaven for all eternity. Everything we need to know about life with God can be found in the pages of the Bible. If we had needed to know anything else, God would have told us.

    The Bible is complete as IT stands, a finished product that will produce in us a new life, a godly life, a growing life, a fruitful life, a loving life, a Christ-like life, eternal life, the very life of God Himself.


    Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed to you, keep (guard) by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.” (2 Tim. 1:13-14)

    The “Sound Words” Paul refers to here include all Scripture, but they refer specifically to the truth of the mystery, that message given by revelation to the Apostle Paul for this present dispensation. Just as God entrusted this message of grace initially to Paul, Paul entrusted it to Timothy, and we are to entrust it to others as well (2 Tim. 2:2). It is vital that we “hold fast” to this truth and “keep” (or guard) it, not in our own power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    We need men and women, young people and children, who will take a stand for God’s Word, who will “not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of Paul, His prisoner” but will be willing to “share in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God” (2 Tim. 1:8),

    16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
    17. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2Ti 3: 16-17)

    May our Almighty God and Father grant us more Grace and Strength to hold fast our Faith even in these trying times, in Christ Jesus' Name Amen !
    EVEN IN A DEVIL MESSED UP WORLD, CHRIST JESUS STILL EXPECTS US TO BE CLEAN! (ROM.2:1) ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ PLEASE, DON'T DOUBT👉 WE'RE NECK DEEP IN THE BIBLE PROPHECIED PERILOUS TIMES! [2TIM. 3:1...] (PART THREE) 🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🪭🎒🪭🪭🪭 Once more,welcome back! Let's refreshen our minds as we continue from where we stopped👇! “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” (2 Timothy 3:1.) I told us that when we return, we shall be looking into some practical survival strategies for these yet continuously unfolding perilous, difficult and dangerous days in which we found ourselves, as espoused by the last part of the chapter we're studying. Let's go! SOME SURVIVAL STRATEGIES TO AVOID BEING TRAPPED BY OUR COMMON ENEMY! [2 TIM.3:10-] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, (2Ti 3: 10) 👉Follow Godly Leaders(Vs10-13) In the vs 10 above, aged Paul specifically set out principles that will help us LIVE A LIFE OF PURPOSE, if adhered to. Paul didn't introduce them... Christ Jesus did...and He lived "them," the same way Paul is saying he has lived "them," since his encounter with Christ Jesus. This principle is based on the truth that we become like the people we associate with. If we follow the ungodly, we will become like the ungodly. If we follow the arrogant, we are likely to become arrogant; Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. (1Cor. 15: 33) And if we follow those who follow Christ Jesus, we are most likely to become like Christ Jesus ourselves(Christlikeness,by virtue of HIS imputed Righteousness in us.) In this case, Paul uses himself as an example, and says in effect, “Follow me as I follow Christ Jesus.” These are the marks of the godly people we should follow:👇 They have nothing to hide. “You know my way of life.” They teach the truth. “You know my doctrine.” They practice what they preach(not do as I say.) “You know my faith, my love and my patience.” They aren’t afraid of persecution. “You know my sufferings and my persecution.” Paul’s point to us is this; Find people like this and follow them. Regarding persecution, he points to his own sufferings. In Antioch he was opposed. In Iconium he was almost stoned. In Lystra he was stoned and left for dead. But it does not matter because “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” What happened to Paul will happen to Timothy sooner or later. What is happening around the world to Christians in Sudan, parts of China, in Indonesia, in Iran,in Nigeria, in many of the Muslim countries, will happen to those who live in the United States, England,and indeed all Christian countries sooner or later. NO ONE GETS A FREE PASS THAT ABSOLVES THEM FROM SUFFERING FOR CHRIST JESUS. It may not involve beatings or torture or imprisonment or death; it may involve subtle forms of ridicule, public embarrassment, marginalization, being made the butt of repeated jokes, being passed over for promotion, social rejection, shunning, and being the object of scorn and vicious rumours. That sort of thing happens all too often. When it happens, it is a true form of persecution, even though it leaves no outward scars. And while it is happening, evil men will grow worse and worse, deceiving others while themselves are being deceived. The world is filled with religious charlatans who want more than your money, they want your soul. Beware of what you buy and who you buy from; 11. Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2Ti 3: 11-13) 👉 CONTINUE IN WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED (VS14-15) This strategy is extremely practical. STAY THE COURSE. Don’t be distracted by clever-sounding religious hucksters(pastors and evangelists,who are really after what you have to offer.) Don’t believe everyone who knocks at your door. For instance, many campuses aren't what they seemed. (hypothetical please) They begin by inviting students to Bible studies that seem innocent enough. Soon that Bible study becomes an invitation to a religious system that utilizes high-pressure manipulation to keep everyone in line. What seems so wholesome turns out to be very unhealthy and potentially extremely dangerous. The point is, groups like that can be found everywhere. THE WAY TO RESIST THEM IS TO CONTINUE IN WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT. Paul then begins to develop the heart of his own survival strategy for the last days. It involves a proper understanding of the Word of God. In verse 14 Paul reminds Timothy that the Word of God gives confidence in days of difficulty. It steadies the soul by giving us the absolute standard for truth. So Timothy is to remember both what he has learned and also who taught him the truth. CONSIDER YOUR TEACHERS. WHO TAUGHT OR IS TEACHING YOU. PONDER THEIR CHARACTER. Think of their sacrifice. That will keep you on the “straight and narrow” when you are tempted to turn to one side or the other. In verse 15 he reminds Timothy of his spiritual heritage: “And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” This is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Holy Scripture. Notice how Paul puts it. The Bible brings wisdom that leads to salvation that comes to us through Christ Jesus and is received by faith. Said another way: God’s Word saves us. How? By the words that are written down: “the Holy Scriptures.” By the Wisdom in the Written Words: “able to make you wise.” By the Gospel the Words reveal: “wise for salvation.” By the Faith the Gospel Produces: “through Faith in Christ Jesus.” EVERYTHING WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT GOING TO HEAVEN CAN BE FOUND IN THE BIBLE. NOTHING IS MISSING AND NOTHING NEEDS TO BE ADDED. The Bible is not an encyclopedia that covers every possible topic in the universe, but IT does tell us everything we need to know about the most important thing in the world: How to know God. The truth of the Word of God can save you, forgive you, justify you, sanctify you, purify you, transform you, regenerate you, and one day, IT will take you all the way home to heaven for all eternity. Everything we need to know about life with God can be found in the pages of the Bible. If we had needed to know anything else, God would have told us. The Bible is complete as IT stands, a finished product that will produce in us a new life, a godly life, a growing life, a fruitful life, a loving life, a Christ-like life, eternal life, the very life of God Himself. 👉 LET THE WORD OF GOD MAKE YOU COMPLETE. Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed to you, keep (guard) by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.” (2 Tim. 1:13-14) The “Sound Words” Paul refers to here include all Scripture, but they refer specifically to the truth of the mystery, that message given by revelation to the Apostle Paul for this present dispensation. Just as God entrusted this message of grace initially to Paul, Paul entrusted it to Timothy, and we are to entrust it to others as well (2 Tim. 2:2). It is vital that we “hold fast” to this truth and “keep” (or guard) it, not in our own power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. We need men and women, young people and children, who will take a stand for God’s Word, who will “not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of Paul, His prisoner” but will be willing to “share in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God” (2 Tim. 1:8), 16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17. That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2Ti 3: 16-17) May our Almighty God and Father grant us more Grace and Strength to hold fast our Faith even in these trying times, in Christ Jesus' Name Amen 🙇🙏!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1241 Views
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    As we look ahead to 2025, there is no shortage of expert forecasts and predictions for what will happen to the world’s economy, markets, geopolitics, and technology in 2025.

    In this now sixth year of Visual Capitalist's Prediction Consensus (part of our comprehensive 2025 Global Forecast Series presented by Inigo Insurance), Kayla Zhu has summarized the most common predictions and forecasts by experts into a single visual of what they expect to happen in 2025.

    Drawing from our predictions database of over 800 forecasts compiled from reports, interviews, podcasts, and more, the Prediction Consensus “bingo card” and this article offer an overview of the most cited trends and opportunities that experts are watching for the rest of the year.

    Geopolitical Predictions for 2025

    Increased geopolitical uncertainty and volatility is top of mind for many forecasters heading into 2025, as global trade dynamics restructure around tariffs and potential counter-tariffs.

    For many forecasters, President Donald Trump’s return to office is anticipated to escalate U.S.-China tensions, potentially triggering increased economic competition, protectionist policies, and global fragmentation.

    “For now, America’s rivalry with China will manifest itself as a trade war, as Mr Trump imposes restrictions and ramps up tariffs—including on America’s allies”

    – Tom Standage, The Economist

    The geopolitical landscape is likely to become more volatile as both nations navigate a complex and increasingly adversarial relationship, with the U.S. intensifying its protectionist stance under Trump while China looks to strengthening its BRICS partnerships.

    Amid U.S.-China tensions, experts expect the geopolitical landscape to remain fraught as Sudan endures one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, marked by famine and mass displacement with limited aid while Syria faces a precarious transition following the fall of Bashar al-Assad.

    However, some conflicts are predicted to wrap up this year, with a number of experts optimistic that 2025 could mark the end of the Russia-Ukraine war as it nears its third anniversary. Another significant conflict saw a breakthrough as Israel and Hamas reached a Gaza ceasefire in January 2025, offering a brief respite after 15 months of hostilities.

    Along with these ongoing geopolitical issues, several major elections are on the horizon for 2025, including Canada, Germany, Belarus, the Philippines, and Australia.

    Economy and Markets Forecasts for 2025

    Based on the hundreds of economic forecasts and predictions we’ve sifted through, many analysts and experts share matching views on what’s ahead for inflation, interest rates, and economic growth in 2025.

    Global inflation forecasts for 2025: Inflation is expected to continue easing in 2025 across many economies, with global inflation expected to drop from 5.8% in 2024 to 4.3% in 2025. However, some experts predict tariffs could drive acute inflation as firms pass additional costs onto consumers.

    Interest rate forecasts for 2025: Further interest rate cuts are projected for the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank in 2025, while the Bank of Japan was expected to bump rates by 25 bps this year, and has already followed through with their rate hike to 0.50%–a level not seen since the 2008 global financial crisis.

    Global markets forecasts for 2025: Forecasters are quite bullish on the markets, with positive S&P 500 forecasts in the 10% to 20% range and an expected broadening of returns beyond the Magnificent 7 expected for 2025. Consensus expectations see U.S. equities leading earnings while Europe rebounds and Asia softens.

    Gold prices are expected to continue to surge this year, with experts positioning it as both an effective hedge against geopolitical and economic uncertainties and a general portfolio diversifier. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are also expected to see growth as the Trump administration advances pro-crypto policies and global economies develop more structured regulatory frameworks for digital assets.

    Global real GDP growth forecasts for 2025: The outlook for global growth continues to be fairly stable heading into 2025. Global GDP growth forecasts range from 2.7% to 3.2%, squarely in the range of IMF’s 10-year average (2015-2024) of 3.1%.

    “With some shocks set to ease, such as Russia-Ukraine, along with a bonfire of regulations and tax cuts in the U.S. economy, the global economy is likely to perform better than last year.”

    – Mo Tanweer, academic associate Pembroke College, University of Cambridge and consultant to Inigo Insurance

    The U.S. and China are both expected to experience slower growth in 2025, with the IMF projecting U.S. GDP growth at 2.7%, down 0.1 percentage points from 2024, and China’s at 4.6%, down 0.2 percentage points from last year.

    Technology and AI Predictions for 2025

    Advancements in artificial intelligence innovation and infrastructure show no sign of slowing down in 2025.

    Just this January, President Trump announced the Stargate Project, a $500 billion AI infrastructure venture led by OpenAI, SoftBank, Oracle, and MGX, aimed at building data centers across the United States to secure American leadership in AI technology, with an initial $100 billion deployment starting in Texas.

    Significant strides in AI are in the works this year, including agentic AI systems and artificial general intelligence (AGI) which OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei have all stated are well-within possibility in the near future, possibly this year.

    However, as companies scale up their AI operations, both capital expenditures and energy costs are projected to rise, highlighting the need for improvements in energy efficiency and renewable sources in shaping AI’s future and aligning it with environmental objectives.

    Robotics and autonomous driving technology are also expected to continue to advance as AI systems become more sophisticated, with experts forecasting autonomous driving to become “safe and reliable” by 2025 and relatively mainstream across major cities in the United States.

    2025 Forecasts: The Year of Recalibration

    As we head into 2025, notable shifts are taking shape across geopolitical, economic, and technological landscapes. The year stands out as a pivotal moment of global recalibration—where established systems are being challenged, reimagined, and restructured.

    Trump’s return to the White House is expected to dramatically reshape U.S. foreign and economic policy, with a particular focus on trade measures and protectionist strategies.

    His administration’s approach is likely to test international relationships, potentially accelerating economic competition and global fragmentation while simultaneously pursuing domestic market stimulation and supportive policies for emerging technologies like AI and digital assets.

    However, as a whole the world is carefully rebalancing economically. Inflation is gradually cooling, markets show optimism, and central banks are strategically adjusting interest rates. The global economic engine is humming at a steady, if not spectacular, pace, with GDP growth remaining stable despite slowing projections for major economies like the U.S. and China.

    Perhaps most notably, technology—and particularly artificial intelligence—emerges as a transformative and disruptive force. Massive investments in AI infrastructure and predictions about artificial general intelligence signal a technological watershed, but are also being challenged by efficiency and cost innovations made apparent by China’s open source Deepseek R1 model release.

    From geopolitical tensions to technological innovations, the year promises to be a period of strategic adaptation, where countries, markets, and technologies reassess and realign themselves to address the complex challenges of our interconnected world.

    Prediction Consensus: What The Experts See Coming In 2025 As we look ahead to 2025, there is no shortage of expert forecasts and predictions for what will happen to the world’s economy, markets, geopolitics, and technology in 2025. In this now sixth year of Visual Capitalist's Prediction Consensus (part of our comprehensive 2025 Global Forecast Series presented by Inigo Insurance), Kayla Zhu has summarized the most common predictions and forecasts by experts into a single visual of what they expect to happen in 2025. Drawing from our predictions database of over 800 forecasts compiled from reports, interviews, podcasts, and more, the Prediction Consensus “bingo card” and this article offer an overview of the most cited trends and opportunities that experts are watching for the rest of the year. Geopolitical Predictions for 2025 Increased geopolitical uncertainty and volatility is top of mind for many forecasters heading into 2025, as global trade dynamics restructure around tariffs and potential counter-tariffs. For many forecasters, President Donald Trump’s return to office is anticipated to escalate U.S.-China tensions, potentially triggering increased economic competition, protectionist policies, and global fragmentation. “For now, America’s rivalry with China will manifest itself as a trade war, as Mr Trump imposes restrictions and ramps up tariffs—including on America’s allies” – Tom Standage, The Economist The geopolitical landscape is likely to become more volatile as both nations navigate a complex and increasingly adversarial relationship, with the U.S. intensifying its protectionist stance under Trump while China looks to strengthening its BRICS partnerships. Amid U.S.-China tensions, experts expect the geopolitical landscape to remain fraught as Sudan endures one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, marked by famine and mass displacement with limited aid while Syria faces a precarious transition following the fall of Bashar al-Assad. However, some conflicts are predicted to wrap up this year, with a number of experts optimistic that 2025 could mark the end of the Russia-Ukraine war as it nears its third anniversary. Another significant conflict saw a breakthrough as Israel and Hamas reached a Gaza ceasefire in January 2025, offering a brief respite after 15 months of hostilities. Along with these ongoing geopolitical issues, several major elections are on the horizon for 2025, including Canada, Germany, Belarus, the Philippines, and Australia. Economy and Markets Forecasts for 2025 Based on the hundreds of economic forecasts and predictions we’ve sifted through, many analysts and experts share matching views on what’s ahead for inflation, interest rates, and economic growth in 2025. Global inflation forecasts for 2025: Inflation is expected to continue easing in 2025 across many economies, with global inflation expected to drop from 5.8% in 2024 to 4.3% in 2025. However, some experts predict tariffs could drive acute inflation as firms pass additional costs onto consumers. Interest rate forecasts for 2025: Further interest rate cuts are projected for the Federal Reserve and European Central Bank in 2025, while the Bank of Japan was expected to bump rates by 25 bps this year, and has already followed through with their rate hike to 0.50%–a level not seen since the 2008 global financial crisis. Global markets forecasts for 2025: Forecasters are quite bullish on the markets, with positive S&P 500 forecasts in the 10% to 20% range and an expected broadening of returns beyond the Magnificent 7 expected for 2025. Consensus expectations see U.S. equities leading earnings while Europe rebounds and Asia softens. Gold prices are expected to continue to surge this year, with experts positioning it as both an effective hedge against geopolitical and economic uncertainties and a general portfolio diversifier. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are also expected to see growth as the Trump administration advances pro-crypto policies and global economies develop more structured regulatory frameworks for digital assets. Global real GDP growth forecasts for 2025: The outlook for global growth continues to be fairly stable heading into 2025. Global GDP growth forecasts range from 2.7% to 3.2%, squarely in the range of IMF’s 10-year average (2015-2024) of 3.1%. “With some shocks set to ease, such as Russia-Ukraine, along with a bonfire of regulations and tax cuts in the U.S. economy, the global economy is likely to perform better than last year.” – Mo Tanweer, academic associate Pembroke College, University of Cambridge and consultant to Inigo Insurance The U.S. and China are both expected to experience slower growth in 2025, with the IMF projecting U.S. GDP growth at 2.7%, down 0.1 percentage points from 2024, and China’s at 4.6%, down 0.2 percentage points from last year. Technology and AI Predictions for 2025 Advancements in artificial intelligence innovation and infrastructure show no sign of slowing down in 2025. Just this January, President Trump announced the Stargate Project, a $500 billion AI infrastructure venture led by OpenAI, SoftBank, Oracle, and MGX, aimed at building data centers across the United States to secure American leadership in AI technology, with an initial $100 billion deployment starting in Texas. Significant strides in AI are in the works this year, including agentic AI systems and artificial general intelligence (AGI) which OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, and Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei have all stated are well-within possibility in the near future, possibly this year. However, as companies scale up their AI operations, both capital expenditures and energy costs are projected to rise, highlighting the need for improvements in energy efficiency and renewable sources in shaping AI’s future and aligning it with environmental objectives. Robotics and autonomous driving technology are also expected to continue to advance as AI systems become more sophisticated, with experts forecasting autonomous driving to become “safe and reliable” by 2025 and relatively mainstream across major cities in the United States. 2025 Forecasts: The Year of Recalibration As we head into 2025, notable shifts are taking shape across geopolitical, economic, and technological landscapes. The year stands out as a pivotal moment of global recalibration—where established systems are being challenged, reimagined, and restructured. Trump’s return to the White House is expected to dramatically reshape U.S. foreign and economic policy, with a particular focus on trade measures and protectionist strategies. His administration’s approach is likely to test international relationships, potentially accelerating economic competition and global fragmentation while simultaneously pursuing domestic market stimulation and supportive policies for emerging technologies like AI and digital assets. However, as a whole the world is carefully rebalancing economically. Inflation is gradually cooling, markets show optimism, and central banks are strategically adjusting interest rates. The global economic engine is humming at a steady, if not spectacular, pace, with GDP growth remaining stable despite slowing projections for major economies like the U.S. and China. Perhaps most notably, technology—and particularly artificial intelligence—emerges as a transformative and disruptive force. Massive investments in AI infrastructure and predictions about artificial general intelligence signal a technological watershed, but are also being challenged by efficiency and cost innovations made apparent by China’s open source Deepseek R1 model release. From geopolitical tensions to technological innovations, the year promises to be a period of strategic adaptation, where countries, markets, and technologies reassess and realign themselves to address the complex challenges of our interconnected world. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/prediction-consensus-what-experts-see-coming-2025
    Prediction Consensus: What The Experts See Coming In 2025
    From geopolitical tensions to technological innovations, the year promises to be a period of strategic adaptation...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4875 Views
  • New neocon manifesto: Keep US troops in the Middle East forever
    [email protected] January 29, 2025 deal of the century, Elliott Abrams, foreign policy, Iran US relations, neocon

    The ‘Vandenberg Coalition’ wants Trump to prioritize Israel and maintain Iran as enemy number one

    By Jim Lobe, Reposted from Responsible Statecraft

    A leading neoconservative for most of the last half-century has released a comprehensive series of recommendations on Middle East policy for the new Trump administration nearly all of which are ideas that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party would happily embrace.

    The 16-page report, entitled “Deals of the Century: Solving the Middle East,” is published by the Vandenberg Coalition, which was founded and chaired by Elliott Abrams, who has held senior foreign policy posts in every Republican administration since Ronald Reagan (except George H.W. Bush’s), including as Special Envoy for Venezuela and later for Iran during Trump’s first term.

    Created shortly after former President Biden took office, the Coalition has acted as a latter-day Project for the New American Century, a letterhead organization that acted as a hub and platform for pro-Likud neoconservatives, aggressive nationalists, and the Christian Right in mobilizing public support for the “Global War on Terror,” the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the move away from a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, particularly under the George W. Bush administration in which Abrams served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, surviving a number of purges of leading neoconservatives in that administration after the Iraq occupation went south.

    The new report predictably calls for the new administration to “use all elements of [U.S.] national power” to prevent Iran, “the greatest threat to American interests in the Middle East and the cause of most of the region’s security problems,” from acquiring a nuclear bomb. It describes Israel as “our cornerstone ally in the region” to which Washington should provide all “the weapons it needs [to] help it win the war and prevent wider escalation.”

    The recommendations also call for Washington to maintain its military presence in both Iraq and Syria, to suspend all aid to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) “until it demonstrates a willingness to oppose Hezbollah, accelerate U.S. arms sales, and broaden intelligence cooperation with the UAE,” and enhance military and security cooperation with Saudi Arabia provided it “pivot[s] away from China and Russia.”

    It also calls for the Saudis to “increase [its] foreign direct investment commitments in U.S industries,” and “cease public statements” critical of Israel and supportive of Iran. “…[En]hanced cooperation with Saudi Arabia,” the report insists, “should be contingent on their being unequivocal about what side they are on.”

    Washington should also designate Iraq’s Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and related militias as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) and stop engaging with them politically, and work with Yemen’s Saudi-backed Presidential Leadership Council against the Houthis whose designation as an FTO by the Trump administration last week was applauded in the report. On the new government in Syria, the report says that ongoing sanctions, which helped cripple the country’s economy, should not be lifted “unless the new government proves to be a responsible actor,” although it does not describe what that would mean in any detail.

    Aside from Iran’s status as Enemy Number One in the report, special scorn was reserved for Qatar, which has played a central role in mediating between Israel and Hamas regarding the fate of Israelis held in Gaza and Palestinians detained in Israel. Similar contempt is reserved for the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas, for various U.N. agencies, notably “the nefariousness [sic] UNRWA,” which has worked with Palestinian refugees and their families across the Middle East for more than 70 years, and for senior UN human rights officials who deal with the Israel-Palestine conflict in particular. Washington “should immediately cease all funding to UNRWA” and also to UNIFIL, the U.N. peacekeeping force deployed along the Lebanese-Israeli border unless its troops are given the authority and demonstrate the will to confront Hezbollah forces in the area.

    As for Qatar, it “has worked to undermine U.S. interests by cooperating with Iran and sheltering terrorist groups like Hamas,” according to the report. “With much better friends like the Saudis, Washington no longer needs to tolerate destabilizing Qatari behavior,” and thus should move U.S. Central Command’s forward headquarters out of Qatar’s Al Udeid Air Base and revoke Doha’s “Major Non-Nato Ally status unless its behavior changes.” That status should be conferred on the UAE instead, according to the report, provided that it “reduces [its] reliance on Russian and Chinese vendors” of military equipment.

    The report, which describes the politics of the Biden administration in the Middle East on more than one occasion as “appeasement,” mainly of Iran, reminds the reader that Trump declared only last month that “the Middle East is going to get solved,” a phrase that undoubtedly inspired the report’s title: “Deals of the Century: Solving the Middle East.” While the report says it was the product of a “working group of Middle East experts,” no names other than Abrams, Gabriel Scheinemann, and Daniel Samet, the latter two neoconservatives from the Alexander Hamilton Society, appear in the report. Normally, reports by letterhead organizations list their contributors.

    In presenting what it calls “key American interests in the Middle East,” the report puts “preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons at the top of the list” but also expresses alarm at Chinese Communist Party inroads in the region, noting that CCP is Washington’s “key global adversary.” In an echo of the Global War on Terror, Washington, it says, should also “deny jihadi terrorists a safe haven,” a reference in part to the necessity its authors feel to retain U.S. forces in Syria and Iraq.

    But “America’s alliance with Israel is central to U.S. interests in the region, given that it promotes American values within the Middle East and provides the first line of defense against Iranian aggression.” Moreover, Washington should try to expand the Abraham Accords, and “the Palestinian question must not impede Israel’s normalization with Arab and Muslim countries or otherwise compromise its security.” Washington must “ensure Israel has the tools to defend itself.”

    Yet another interest is to expand access of our allies and partners in Europe and elsewhere to the region’s energy supplies, according to the report.

    To increase pressure on Iran, Washington should not only reinstate Trump’s “ maximum pressure” campaign, but include within it convincing Britain, France, and Germany to “snapback sanctions” against Tehran at the U.N. Remarkably perhaps, it offers the possibility of a new nuclear agreement that would “forbid Iranian uranium enrichment beyond the small amounts need for a civilian nuclear program,” something that the 2015 JCPOA, which Trump withdrew from in 2018, actually accomplished before Trump, under the influence of neoconservatives like Abrams, withdrew from in 2018. If a deal can be reached, according to the report, it should be dealt with as a treaty; that is, made subject to a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate.

    With respect to the Palestinians in the wake of the last 15 months of war in Gaza, “American policy toward the Palestinians must prioritize the security of Israel and our Arab partners.” Washington “must impose standards for good governance. The U.S. should “allow an Arab trusteeship to control Gaza after the war.” In words that must warm Netanyahu’s heart, the report notes “the weakness and incompetence of the PA mean it cannot govern Gaza,” and “Israel will need to maintain security control to prevent Hamas from rebuilding but should not and does not wish to govern Gaza itself.”

    Abrams has a long history with both Palestine and Gaza, notably during the Bush administration. After Hamas was an unexpected election victor over its rival Fatah in the 2006 elections – which were hailed as the freest and fairest elections in the Arab world at the time – Abrams and other senior officials encouraged the mounting of an armed coup against Hamas led by Fatah’s local leader and Abrams’ favorite Muhammad Dahlan which, in turn, sparked a brief civil war in the enclave in which Hamas emerged victorious and stronger than ever. After the fiasco, Dahlan moved to the UAE, and there has been much speculation that he stands to play a key role on behalf of the Emirates if the kind of “Arab trusteeship” alongside Israeli security forces is established as recommended by the report.

    Perhaps the most novel recommendation is based on the report’s contention that Iran’s non-state allies in the region typically use non-combatants as human shields — an apparent endorsement of Israel’s defense of its bombing of apartment houses, schools, and other buildings in Gaza and Lebanon during the past 15 months that have killed well over 46,000 people, most of them women and children. “The United States should propose a Security Council resolution that states the use of human shields is a crime under international law and that those who use human shields are responsible for the civilian deaths in which they result,” the report advised.

    Jim Lobe is a Contributing Editor of Responsible Statecraft. He formerly served as chief of the Washington bureau of Inter Press Service from 1980 to 1985 and again from 1989 to 2015.


    WATCH: How Pro-Israel Neocons Pushed for War in Iraq (Alison Weir)
    (2021) Israel loyalists embedded in U.S. government pushed U.S. into Iraq War
    Clean Break II: Iran Hawks Decide to Burn it All Down
    War on Iran?
    Lobe: The role of the Weekly Standard, devoted to Israel, in promoting war
    Every accusation a confession: Israel and the double lie of ‘human shields’
    Gaza has turned into Biden’s most perplexing moral and foreign policy failure

    New neocon manifesto: Keep US troops in the Middle East forever [email protected] January 29, 2025 deal of the century, Elliott Abrams, foreign policy, Iran US relations, neocon The ‘Vandenberg Coalition’ wants Trump to prioritize Israel and maintain Iran as enemy number one By Jim Lobe, Reposted from Responsible Statecraft A leading neoconservative for most of the last half-century has released a comprehensive series of recommendations on Middle East policy for the new Trump administration nearly all of which are ideas that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party would happily embrace. The 16-page report, entitled “Deals of the Century: Solving the Middle East,” is published by the Vandenberg Coalition, which was founded and chaired by Elliott Abrams, who has held senior foreign policy posts in every Republican administration since Ronald Reagan (except George H.W. Bush’s), including as Special Envoy for Venezuela and later for Iran during Trump’s first term. Created shortly after former President Biden took office, the Coalition has acted as a latter-day Project for the New American Century, a letterhead organization that acted as a hub and platform for pro-Likud neoconservatives, aggressive nationalists, and the Christian Right in mobilizing public support for the “Global War on Terror,” the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the move away from a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, particularly under the George W. Bush administration in which Abrams served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, surviving a number of purges of leading neoconservatives in that administration after the Iraq occupation went south. The new report predictably calls for the new administration to “use all elements of [U.S.] national power” to prevent Iran, “the greatest threat to American interests in the Middle East and the cause of most of the region’s security problems,” from acquiring a nuclear bomb. It describes Israel as “our cornerstone ally in the region” to which Washington should provide all “the weapons it needs [to] help it win the war and prevent wider escalation.” The recommendations also call for Washington to maintain its military presence in both Iraq and Syria, to suspend all aid to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) “until it demonstrates a willingness to oppose Hezbollah, accelerate U.S. arms sales, and broaden intelligence cooperation with the UAE,” and enhance military and security cooperation with Saudi Arabia provided it “pivot[s] away from China and Russia.” It also calls for the Saudis to “increase [its] foreign direct investment commitments in U.S industries,” and “cease public statements” critical of Israel and supportive of Iran. “…[En]hanced cooperation with Saudi Arabia,” the report insists, “should be contingent on their being unequivocal about what side they are on.” Washington should also designate Iraq’s Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and related militias as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) and stop engaging with them politically, and work with Yemen’s Saudi-backed Presidential Leadership Council against the Houthis whose designation as an FTO by the Trump administration last week was applauded in the report. On the new government in Syria, the report says that ongoing sanctions, which helped cripple the country’s economy, should not be lifted “unless the new government proves to be a responsible actor,” although it does not describe what that would mean in any detail. Aside from Iran’s status as Enemy Number One in the report, special scorn was reserved for Qatar, which has played a central role in mediating between Israel and Hamas regarding the fate of Israelis held in Gaza and Palestinians detained in Israel. Similar contempt is reserved for the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas, for various U.N. agencies, notably “the nefariousness [sic] UNRWA,” which has worked with Palestinian refugees and their families across the Middle East for more than 70 years, and for senior UN human rights officials who deal with the Israel-Palestine conflict in particular. Washington “should immediately cease all funding to UNRWA” and also to UNIFIL, the U.N. peacekeeping force deployed along the Lebanese-Israeli border unless its troops are given the authority and demonstrate the will to confront Hezbollah forces in the area. As for Qatar, it “has worked to undermine U.S. interests by cooperating with Iran and sheltering terrorist groups like Hamas,” according to the report. “With much better friends like the Saudis, Washington no longer needs to tolerate destabilizing Qatari behavior,” and thus should move U.S. Central Command’s forward headquarters out of Qatar’s Al Udeid Air Base and revoke Doha’s “Major Non-Nato Ally status unless its behavior changes.” That status should be conferred on the UAE instead, according to the report, provided that it “reduces [its] reliance on Russian and Chinese vendors” of military equipment. The report, which describes the politics of the Biden administration in the Middle East on more than one occasion as “appeasement,” mainly of Iran, reminds the reader that Trump declared only last month that “the Middle East is going to get solved,” a phrase that undoubtedly inspired the report’s title: “Deals of the Century: Solving the Middle East.” While the report says it was the product of a “working group of Middle East experts,” no names other than Abrams, Gabriel Scheinemann, and Daniel Samet, the latter two neoconservatives from the Alexander Hamilton Society, appear in the report. Normally, reports by letterhead organizations list their contributors. In presenting what it calls “key American interests in the Middle East,” the report puts “preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons at the top of the list” but also expresses alarm at Chinese Communist Party inroads in the region, noting that CCP is Washington’s “key global adversary.” In an echo of the Global War on Terror, Washington, it says, should also “deny jihadi terrorists a safe haven,” a reference in part to the necessity its authors feel to retain U.S. forces in Syria and Iraq. But “America’s alliance with Israel is central to U.S. interests in the region, given that it promotes American values within the Middle East and provides the first line of defense against Iranian aggression.” Moreover, Washington should try to expand the Abraham Accords, and “the Palestinian question must not impede Israel’s normalization with Arab and Muslim countries or otherwise compromise its security.” Washington must “ensure Israel has the tools to defend itself.” Yet another interest is to expand access of our allies and partners in Europe and elsewhere to the region’s energy supplies, according to the report. To increase pressure on Iran, Washington should not only reinstate Trump’s “ maximum pressure” campaign, but include within it convincing Britain, France, and Germany to “snapback sanctions” against Tehran at the U.N. Remarkably perhaps, it offers the possibility of a new nuclear agreement that would “forbid Iranian uranium enrichment beyond the small amounts need for a civilian nuclear program,” something that the 2015 JCPOA, which Trump withdrew from in 2018, actually accomplished before Trump, under the influence of neoconservatives like Abrams, withdrew from in 2018. If a deal can be reached, according to the report, it should be dealt with as a treaty; that is, made subject to a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate. With respect to the Palestinians in the wake of the last 15 months of war in Gaza, “American policy toward the Palestinians must prioritize the security of Israel and our Arab partners.” Washington “must impose standards for good governance. The U.S. should “allow an Arab trusteeship to control Gaza after the war.” In words that must warm Netanyahu’s heart, the report notes “the weakness and incompetence of the PA mean it cannot govern Gaza,” and “Israel will need to maintain security control to prevent Hamas from rebuilding but should not and does not wish to govern Gaza itself.” Abrams has a long history with both Palestine and Gaza, notably during the Bush administration. After Hamas was an unexpected election victor over its rival Fatah in the 2006 elections – which were hailed as the freest and fairest elections in the Arab world at the time – Abrams and other senior officials encouraged the mounting of an armed coup against Hamas led by Fatah’s local leader and Abrams’ favorite Muhammad Dahlan which, in turn, sparked a brief civil war in the enclave in which Hamas emerged victorious and stronger than ever. After the fiasco, Dahlan moved to the UAE, and there has been much speculation that he stands to play a key role on behalf of the Emirates if the kind of “Arab trusteeship” alongside Israeli security forces is established as recommended by the report. Perhaps the most novel recommendation is based on the report’s contention that Iran’s non-state allies in the region typically use non-combatants as human shields — an apparent endorsement of Israel’s defense of its bombing of apartment houses, schools, and other buildings in Gaza and Lebanon during the past 15 months that have killed well over 46,000 people, most of them women and children. “The United States should propose a Security Council resolution that states the use of human shields is a crime under international law and that those who use human shields are responsible for the civilian deaths in which they result,” the report advised. Jim Lobe is a Contributing Editor of Responsible Statecraft. He formerly served as chief of the Washington bureau of Inter Press Service from 1980 to 1985 and again from 1989 to 2015. RELATED: WATCH: How Pro-Israel Neocons Pushed for War in Iraq (Alison Weir) (2021) Israel loyalists embedded in U.S. government pushed U.S. into Iraq War Clean Break II: Iran Hawks Decide to Burn it All Down War on Iran? Lobe: The role of the Weekly Standard, devoted to Israel, in promoting war Every accusation a confession: Israel and the double lie of ‘human shields’ Gaza has turned into Biden’s most perplexing moral and foreign policy failure https://israelpalestinenews.org/elliot-abrams-neocon/
    New neocon manifesto: Keep US troops in the Middle East forever
    Elliott Abrams, a leading neoconservative for most of the last half-century, wants Trump to prioritize Israel and maintain Iran as enemy number one
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4466 Views
  • Global Single Use Bioprocessing Market Forecast to 2035

    The Global Single Use Bioprocessing Market Report presents an exhaustive analysis of the Single Use Bioprocessing market and offers investors, stakeholders and business strategists’ valuable insights on the forecast period 2023-2035. The global Antiviral Drugs market size was estimated at USD 3.9 Billion in 2023 and is expected to reach over USD 15.5 Billion by 2035, growing at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% in the forecast period 2022-2035. The report guides market participants, emerging players, and stakeholders on how to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This report comprehensively analyzes the impact of the pandemic on the Single Use Bioprocessing market and its major segments. Additionally, the report also includes an analysis of the current and future impact of the pandemic on market growth.

    Research Report on the Single Use Bioprocessing Market Addresses the Following Key Questions:

    Who are the dominant players of the Single Use Bioprocessing market?
    Which regional market is anticipated to have a high growth rate over the projected period?
    What consumer trends and demands are expected to influence the operations of the market players in the Single Use Bioprocessing market?
    What are the key growth drivers and restraining factors of the Single Use Bioprocessing market?
    What are the expansion plans and strategic investment plans undertaken by the players to gain a robust footing in the market?
    What is the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Single Use Bioprocessing market and its key segments?
    Market Overview:

    The report bifurcates the Single Use Bioprocessing market on the basis of different product types, applications, end-user industries, and key regions of the world where the market has already established its presence. The report accurately offers insights into the supply-demand ratio and production and consumption volume of each segment.

    Key Companies Profiled in the Report are Avantor, Cytiva, Eppendorf, Merck KGaA, Pall, Premas Biotech, REPROCELL, Saint-Gobain, Sartorius, Satake Multimix and Thermo Fisher Scientific.

    Scope of the Report

    The “Antiviral Drugs Market by Type of Product (Single use Bioreactors, Single use Mixers, Single-use Media Bags, Single-use Filters, Single-use Sampling Systems, Single-use Connectors and Others), Scale of Operation (Preclinical / Clinical and Commercial) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin-America, Middle East and North Africa and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035” market report features an extensive study of the current market landscape, market size, market forecast and future opportunities for single-use upstream bioprocessing technology and equipment developers during the forecast period.

    Regional Landscape section of the Single Use Bioprocessing report offers deeper insights into the regulatory framework, current and emerging market trends, production and consumption patterns, supply and demand dynamics, import/export, and presence of major players in each region.

    The various regions analyzed in the report include:

    North America (U.S., Canada)
    Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
    Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
    Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
    Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
    To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.rootsanalysis.com/reports/single-use-upstream-bioprocessing-technology-market.html

    The section on the competitive landscape offers valuable and actionable insights related to the business sphere of the Single Use Bioprocessing market, covering extensive profiling of the key market players. The report offers information about market share, product portfolio, pricing analysis, and strategic alliances such as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, partnerships, product launches and brand promotions, among others. The report also discusses the initiatives taken by the key companies to combat the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Thank you for reading our report. To know more about the customization feature, please get in touch with us, and our team will ensure the report is customized to meet your requirements.

    About Roots Analysis

    Roots Analysis is a global leader in the pharma / biotech market research. Having worked with over 750 clients worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, academia, venture catalysts, and strategic investors for more than a decade, we offer a highly analytical / data-driven perspective to a network of over 450,000 senior industry stakeholders looking for credible market insights. All reports provided by us are structured in a way that enables the reader to develop a thorough perspective on the given subject. Apart from writing reports on identified areas, we provide bespoke research / consulting services dedicated to serving our clients in the best possible way.

    The research efforts are driven by a global team. The leadership team brings a wealth of experience within the sector. Their collective experience in pharmaceutical / affiliated domains allows us to tackle various areas of research in a structured way. We also regularly leverage our global network of experts who hold senior leadership positions in reputed firms and organizations worldwide.

    All our analysts are trained to produce high-quality research work. They are continuously mentored by senior experts to present an original, unbiased and informed perspective on pressing issues in the industry. On any particular subject, we bring together the best available resources to ensure highest quality in all our reports.

    Contact Details

    Roots Analysis

    Gaurav Chaudhary

    +1 (415) 800 3415

    +44 (122) 391 1091

    [email protected]

    Website: https://www.rootsanalysis.com/

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    Global Single Use Bioprocessing Market Forecast to 2035 The Global Single Use Bioprocessing Market Report presents an exhaustive analysis of the Single Use Bioprocessing market and offers investors, stakeholders and business strategists’ valuable insights on the forecast period 2023-2035. The global Antiviral Drugs market size was estimated at USD 3.9 Billion in 2023 and is expected to reach over USD 15.5 Billion by 2035, growing at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% in the forecast period 2022-2035. The report guides market participants, emerging players, and stakeholders on how to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This report comprehensively analyzes the impact of the pandemic on the Single Use Bioprocessing market and its major segments. Additionally, the report also includes an analysis of the current and future impact of the pandemic on market growth. Research Report on the Single Use Bioprocessing Market Addresses the Following Key Questions: Who are the dominant players of the Single Use Bioprocessing market? Which regional market is anticipated to have a high growth rate over the projected period? What consumer trends and demands are expected to influence the operations of the market players in the Single Use Bioprocessing market? What are the key growth drivers and restraining factors of the Single Use Bioprocessing market? What are the expansion plans and strategic investment plans undertaken by the players to gain a robust footing in the market? What is the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Single Use Bioprocessing market and its key segments? Market Overview: The report bifurcates the Single Use Bioprocessing market on the basis of different product types, applications, end-user industries, and key regions of the world where the market has already established its presence. The report accurately offers insights into the supply-demand ratio and production and consumption volume of each segment. Key Companies Profiled in the Report are Avantor, Cytiva, Eppendorf, Merck KGaA, Pall, Premas Biotech, REPROCELL, Saint-Gobain, Sartorius, Satake Multimix and Thermo Fisher Scientific. Scope of the Report The “Antiviral Drugs Market by Type of Product (Single use Bioreactors, Single use Mixers, Single-use Media Bags, Single-use Filters, Single-use Sampling Systems, Single-use Connectors and Others), Scale of Operation (Preclinical / Clinical and Commercial) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin-America, Middle East and North Africa and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035” market report features an extensive study of the current market landscape, market size, market forecast and future opportunities for single-use upstream bioprocessing technology and equipment developers during the forecast period. Regional Landscape section of the Single Use Bioprocessing report offers deeper insights into the regulatory framework, current and emerging market trends, production and consumption patterns, supply and demand dynamics, import/export, and presence of major players in each region. The various regions analyzed in the report include: North America (U.S., Canada) Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU) Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC) Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA) To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.rootsanalysis.com/reports/single-use-upstream-bioprocessing-technology-market.html The section on the competitive landscape offers valuable and actionable insights related to the business sphere of the Single Use Bioprocessing market, covering extensive profiling of the key market players. The report offers information about market share, product portfolio, pricing analysis, and strategic alliances such as mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, partnerships, product launches and brand promotions, among others. The report also discusses the initiatives taken by the key companies to combat the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for reading our report. To know more about the customization feature, please get in touch with us, and our team will ensure the report is customized to meet your requirements. About Roots Analysis Roots Analysis is a global leader in the pharma / biotech market research. Having worked with over 750 clients worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, academia, venture catalysts, and strategic investors for more than a decade, we offer a highly analytical / data-driven perspective to a network of over 450,000 senior industry stakeholders looking for credible market insights. All reports provided by us are structured in a way that enables the reader to develop a thorough perspective on the given subject. Apart from writing reports on identified areas, we provide bespoke research / consulting services dedicated to serving our clients in the best possible way. The research efforts are driven by a global team. The leadership team brings a wealth of experience within the sector. Their collective experience in pharmaceutical / affiliated domains allows us to tackle various areas of research in a structured way. We also regularly leverage our global network of experts who hold senior leadership positions in reputed firms and organizations worldwide. All our analysts are trained to produce high-quality research work. They are continuously mentored by senior experts to present an original, unbiased and informed perspective on pressing issues in the industry. On any particular subject, we bring together the best available resources to ensure highest quality in all our reports. Contact Details Roots Analysis Gaurav Chaudhary +1 (415) 800 3415 +44 (122) 391 1091 [email protected] Website: https://www.rootsanalysis.com/ Browse for more related promotions https://rv4tbvnoxdt.typeform.com/to/KukrPvm3 https://hcgdietinfo.com/hcgdietforums/blogs/chris22/vaccine-adjuvants-market-revenue-swot-pest-analysis-growth-factors-2035-a-26273/ https://codimd.fiksel.info/s/xbAfqFWdI https://noi.italiani.it/members/chris-gayle/activity/80413/ https://public.gitlab.polimi.it/DAER/dust/-/issues/136 https://fun4friends.com/profile-3521208 https://sebangsa.com/detail/1883755 https://diaspora-fr.org/posts/10775630 https://contests.socialnetworking.solutions/profile/chris666?tab=540 https://hpad.dataone.org/s/4Eba-YCzVZ https://drukarnia.com.ua/articles/pharmacy-market-size-competitive-landscape-revenue-analysis-2035-YbDv6
    Single Use Bioprocessing Market Size & Share Report [2035]
    The global single use bioprocessing market size is expected to reach over USD 15.5 Billion by 2035, growing at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% in the forecast period.
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