• UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide
    Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)
    On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website.

    Following the publication of my article, I reported that Pfizer and Covid-19 vaccines are aerosolized (using graphene oxide lipid-nanoparticles) in a podcast on October 26, 2021.

    Fast-forward to July 14, 2023, when the FDA confirms that Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after being forced to publish confidential Pfizer documents by order of the US Federal Court.

    Here’s the Pfizer document:

    Here’s Karen Kingston’s Substack on the disclosure of graphene oxide in Pfizer’s poison death jabs.

    Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee has also revealed that up to 1/3rd Pfizer vials contained graphene oxide which Pfizer ignored.

    Please watch: BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent's Devastating Ingredients!

    Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide

    by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

    A shocking new discovery was revealed in April 2021, when Health Canada recalled over a million KN95 face masks containing the highly toxic industrial chemical called GRAPHENE. The poisonous masks came from China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd.

    Following the announcement, Spain recalled millions of masks containing GRAPHENE yet children worldwide are still being forced to wear these poisonous masks in schools.

    I wrote about the GRAPHENE based hydrogels back in April. They’re scientifically called “Nanotubes” or “Nanoworms” and they’re being used in face masks and PCR swabs: Masks And Covid Tests Contain Nanotech Vaccines Without Informed Consent.

    Global Research published this article entitled: Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance.

    GRAPHENE hydrogels are being intentionally marketed to kids as “nano-silver” and sold online in face masks. — See report.


    I was approached by the Spanish-speaking WikiLeaks / Anonymous group in mid-June and asked to look into La Quinta Columna’s extensive research into Graphene Oxide as the potential vector for Covid-19 drug delivery. I especially trust the Spanish Wiki-Anons because they stood beside me when I was wrongfully targeted and cancel cultured by black anons and obvious gatekeepers, in 2019.

    On June 25, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) broke the news on a Spanish television show — El Gato al Agua, that toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE had been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer “vaccine” analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra of Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna. The small group of Spanish researchers is headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano, Investigative Journalist Ramola D. revealed.

    On June 29th, Europe Reloaded covered La Quinta Columna’s analysis of the Pfizer serum under microscopy that was published by Orwell City.

    La Quinta Columna then released a game-changing report on June 30th, demonstrating that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum. It’s evident from La Quinta Columna’s website the amount of time they invested in researching GRAPHENE OXIDE.

    From Quinta Columna’s research, I learned that a company named Nanografi is manufacturing GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanotubes and intranasal vaccines for Covid-19 drug delivery. Nanografi also manufactures face masks! Now that’s very damning evidence!!

    Ramola D. then published an excellent article to The Everyday Concerned Citizen on July 5th, highlighting La Quinta Columna’s discovery and how GRAPHENE OXIDE causes blood clotting and magnetism.

    A second Spanish research team independent from Quinta Columna found GRAPHENE OXIDE as the predominant ingredient in AstraZeneca’s serum, reported State of The Nation.

    Dr. Jane Ruby, a medical professional of 20-years and a pharmaceutical drug development expert, picked up the story and discussed these vital revelations on the Stew Peters Show, on July 14th. She emphasized that the only reason Pfizer’s Covid-19 serum would contain over 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE “would be to mass murder people”.

    Dr. Ruby then returned to the Stew Peter’s Show on July 21st, to release more groundbreaking news about the horrific blood contamination of people who took the Pfizer and AstraZeneca injections. AstraZeneca by the way means “weapon that kills” in Sanskrit.

    A third research team from Argentina analyzed a vial of Moderna’s Covid-19 serum on July 21st and found that it contained 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE under spectroscopy, as reported by Orwell City.

    We now have not one, but three independent scientific studies establishing that the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca serum’s all contain over 98% to 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES!


    All the “Covid-19 vaccines” and now flu “vaccines” are manufactured using the same GRAPHENE OXIDE nano-technology.

    There are hundreds of videos online demonstrating how the vaxxed have become magnetized. The unvaxxed are also becoming magnetized by transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE is a nanoparticle. These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body, according to scientific reports.

    Global Research news channel is also covering Quinta Columna’s research and the magnetism phenomenon: Graphene Oxide Particles in Covid mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Magnetism?.

    World renown scientist and media mogul Mike Adams from Natural News, is also researching and reporting on this developing story where he reveals that: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene.

    This graphene-based fitness patch was developed under the EU’s Graphene Flagship, by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain can measure heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature.
    Nano-tech GRAPHENE OXIDE is superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain, as this scientific paper reveals.

    The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these). They can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely.

    The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called “The Graphene Flagship“ in 2019, spawning nine companies and 46 new GRAPHENE-based products.


    GRAPHENE OXIDE is already being widely used as an industrial chemical. We find it in electronics, aeronautics, energy, agriculture, cosmetics, medicine, textile production (also clothing), food processing, and buildings. The globalists intend to build “smart cities” using this nano-particulate substance and it’s already being sprayed on humanity via Bill Gates “smart dust”.

    Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Are Being Sprayed On Humanity

    GRAPHENE OXIDE has already been aerosolized for dissemination over populations through aerial spraying (chemtrails). Pentagon scientists developed the technology in a Kazakhstan bioweapons lab. Please see this video (2 min.).

    This NATO plane was filmed spraying GRAPHENE OXIDE from above. Please see the video (.17 seconds). And finally, this Italian study provides additional proof that we are being sprayed with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES.

    We’re literally being saturated with this industrial poison which has been intentionally inserted into everyday items such as face masks, food, clothing, water filtration, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, and more. It’s being used in the Covid-19 “testing” swabs and now we know it’s the key ingredient in the “Covid-19 vaccines”. This article highlights 60 uses of GRAPHENE.

    Here’s a one-minute video clip of Moderna’s CEO Stephane Brancel bragging to the World Economic Forum about it taking just two days to create their “Covid-19 vaccine”. How is that possible unless it’s synthetic?


    In recent years, GRAPHENE has been exploited in the biomedical field, particularly for DNA sequencing and the development of biosensors. It’s presently being used for gene delivery and to administer drugs into biological cells.

    This article by Natural News contains links to the exact science papers describing two decades of research into all this: IT’S REAL: Science paper documents “self-assembled magnetic nanosystems” for cybernetic biocircuitry interface and control systems in humans, including “DNA hydrogel” tech.

    Dr. Carrie Madej and I have been reporting on the GRAPHENE Oxide Hydrogels which allow for self-replication, disassembling, and reassembling, and ballistic drug delivery to cells. The programmable nanoparticles also pass through the blood/brain barrier, causing PRION (auto-immune disease).

    WATCH! Graphene Oxide Activates By Cell Phone EMF Frequency Radiation

    The GRAPHENE Hydrogels literally grow a new neural network inside the human body and do so extremely rapidly. This was observed by a Slovakia team of researchers.

    GRAPHENE’s thermal property and electrical conductivity make it a superconductor. The artificial neuron network can receive and transmit signals and can be externally controlled through 5G frequency and AI. GRAPHENE Family Nanoparticles contain drug-chemical payloads for mRNA “gene therapy” and it’s being deployed without Informed Consent. GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for Moderna’s “operating system” and the sad reality is that the vaxxed will transform into genetically modified humans rapidly after inoculation because the technology is very advanced.


    The first human genome project using GRAPHENE was initiated in 2001. GRAPHENE OXIDE was developed by CRSPR, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech as mRNA gene therapy to cure cancer but due to its cytotoxicity (cell death) in healthy cells, this highly toxic industrial nano-chemical was never approved for use in humans.

    CRISPR accelerated the development of the first Genome Sensor, the world’s first DNA search engine that runs on CRISPR-Chip technology. It can literally google genomes to detect genetic mutations and variations.

    The jagged edges of GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanoparticles are super sharp and super strong, easily piercing through cell membranes in human lung, skin, and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do quite serious damage in humans and other animals.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE is great for DNA sequencing (cutting and splicing of genes) and it’s perfect for evil eugenicists who want to pretend to be God’s and genetically enslave the rest of humanity. This substance is extremely dangerous to humans and to the environment.


    Europe Reloaded reports: “Graphene Oxide has a certain magnetic resonance band, beyond which it becomes excited, which in turn leads to rapid oxidization of the material. When the oxidization level exceeds certain body biomarkers, it triggers a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm, typical of “severe Covid-19” symptoms.

    At least 90 scientific studies show the toxic effect of GRAPHENE OXIDE in the human body produces the same clinical effects as Covid-19. These symptoms include programmable cell death, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, clotting, cytokine storms, thromboses, pneumonia (flu-like symptoms), inflammation of the mucous membranes, loss of taste and smell. It blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione, creates a metallic taste in the mouth, destroys the immune system, and magnetizes people, especially at the injection site.

    Please see: Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment

    Also see: Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

    GRAPHENE OXIDE Toxicity was researched and discovered to be a vector for transmission in mice, enabling Pfizer’s “self-replicating vaccines”.

    “The common administration routes in animal models include AIRWAY EXPOSURE (intranasal insufflation, intratracheal instillation, and inhalation), oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection. The major exposure route for GFNs (Graphene Family Nanoparticles) in the working environment is AIRWAY EXPOSURE, thus INHALATION and intratracheal instillation are used mostly in mice to simulate human exposure to GFNs.”

    Here’s a second peer-reviewed study confirming that Graphene Oxide toxicity transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed is airborne. This means GRAPHENE OXIDE is received from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed by inhalation.


    Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO)
    Cytotoxicity depends on the size of the GRAPHENE flakes and the content of oxygen. It’s possible to tweak the GRAPHENE to be more or less toxic. It is in fact possible to get GRAPHENE OXIDE in a clear liquid serum by reducing its oxygen content into a Reduced Graphene Oxide (RHO). By doing so, it will increase toxicity.

    Treating GRAPHENE OXIDE with hydrazine both removes the debris and reduces (both deoxygenations) the dark GRAPHENE sheets. Reduction of a clear GRAPHENE OXIDE solution using Sodium Dithionite will cause the microscopic GRAPHENE flakes to reappear “out of nothing”.

    Reduced Graphene Oxide is sold as a clear serum in India for example, here.

    Conclusion: DEMOCIDE

    These were never “vaccines” against a virus, instead all the time it was a secret nanotech project developed to reach and control the brains of the human population. People have been already magnetized with GRAPHENE which is present in masks, Covid tests, chemtrails, influenza, and Covid “vaccines”.

    We now have three comparative studies proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for the Covid-19 BIOWEAPONS drug/chemical delivery. These are not “vaccines” but mRNA gene therapies and industrial chemicals without authorized use in humans.

    The pharma cartel is finished! People will never trust big pharma again. These companies are making a killing poisoning us and terraforming our environment. Nanoparticles are programmed either for good and healing or for ill intent. These programmable robots aren’t just randomly used. This technology obviously got into the hands of the wrong people (eugenicists) or it was developed with the intent to Democide.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector to carry the spike protein poisons that were cultivated in moths, enhanced, and weaponized in labs. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector for transmission into healthy cells by injection, air inhalation, and medical devices (masks, swabs, needles).

    Transmission is not caused by the shedding of viral loads because there is no virus. “Coronavirus” and Covid-19 are the distractions while governments conduct Democide on all the world’s population. This is a biological attack on our DNA. We are being literally saturated with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES and the only good news is that you can detox it out of your body.

    Our best legal teams, World Freedom Alliance and World Doctors Alliance have advised that we are now beyond Genocide and surviving a DEMOCIDE. This is an extinction-level mass culling. Genocide is when a government targets a specific demographic or religious group like Africans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims or poor people, for example. Democide is far worse than Genocide because governments are targeting the entire population of men, women, and children for worldwide depopulation.

    So please, STOP paying taxes at once! The only way this war will end is when we end it and the only way to do that is to stop feeding the Beast. We must march in droves to ALL federal, state, and local parliaments and city council buildings. Surround those buildings until government leaders come out. We must take back what’s ours. Remember, we own it all. We The People already have the legal backing of Reiner Fuellmich’s team at the World Freedom Alliance.

    Finally, I agree with La Quinta Columna’s assessment when they said, “Every person who has been inoculated with this substance with that graphene oxide nanotechnology has a fuse, dynamite, a time bomb that’s ready to explode by the activation of a microwave.”


    I have two published protocols for detoxing graphene oxide nanoparticles and for boosting immunity. My premium detox protocol and my affordable for all detox protocol.

    Please schedule a health consultation with me for customized protocol support.


    Please see: Latest news release from Quinta Columna here.

    Please see: FEMA whistleblower with Celeste Solum in her latest interview (very important!) on Frequency Wars, here.

    Please see: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Blows Whistle To Reiner Fuellmich and reveals that Covid-19 is aerosolized through the sweat glands.

    Please see: CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic

    Please see: The Vaxxed Are Being Liquefied & Spread On Crops (Video 1 min.)

    UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website. Following the publication of my article, I reported that Pfizer and Covid-19 vaccines are aerosolized (using graphene oxide lipid-nanoparticles) in a podcast on October 26, 2021. Fast-forward to July 14, 2023, when the FDA confirms that Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after being forced to publish confidential Pfizer documents by order of the US Federal Court. Here’s the Pfizer document: Here’s Karen Kingston’s Substack on the disclosure of graphene oxide in Pfizer’s poison death jabs. Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee has also revealed that up to 1/3rd Pfizer vials contained graphene oxide which Pfizer ignored. Please watch: BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent's Devastating Ingredients! Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) A shocking new discovery was revealed in April 2021, when Health Canada recalled over a million KN95 face masks containing the highly toxic industrial chemical called GRAPHENE. The poisonous masks came from China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd. Following the announcement, Spain recalled millions of masks containing GRAPHENE yet children worldwide are still being forced to wear these poisonous masks in schools. I wrote about the GRAPHENE based hydrogels back in April. They’re scientifically called “Nanotubes” or “Nanoworms” and they’re being used in face masks and PCR swabs: Masks And Covid Tests Contain Nanotech Vaccines Without Informed Consent. Global Research published this article entitled: Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance. GRAPHENE hydrogels are being intentionally marketed to kids as “nano-silver” and sold online in face masks. — See report. LA QUINTA COLUMNA I was approached by the Spanish-speaking WikiLeaks / Anonymous group in mid-June and asked to look into La Quinta Columna’s extensive research into Graphene Oxide as the potential vector for Covid-19 drug delivery. I especially trust the Spanish Wiki-Anons because they stood beside me when I was wrongfully targeted and cancel cultured by black anons and obvious gatekeepers, in 2019. On June 25, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) broke the news on a Spanish television show — El Gato al Agua, that toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE had been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer “vaccine” analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra of Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna. The small group of Spanish researchers is headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano, Investigative Journalist Ramola D. revealed. On June 29th, Europe Reloaded covered La Quinta Columna’s analysis of the Pfizer serum under microscopy that was published by Orwell City. La Quinta Columna then released a game-changing report on June 30th, demonstrating that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum. It’s evident from La Quinta Columna’s website the amount of time they invested in researching GRAPHENE OXIDE. From Quinta Columna’s research, I learned that a company named Nanografi is manufacturing GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanotubes and intranasal vaccines for Covid-19 drug delivery. Nanografi also manufactures face masks! Now that’s very damning evidence!! Ramola D. then published an excellent article to The Everyday Concerned Citizen on July 5th, highlighting La Quinta Columna’s discovery and how GRAPHENE OXIDE causes blood clotting and magnetism. A second Spanish research team independent from Quinta Columna found GRAPHENE OXIDE as the predominant ingredient in AstraZeneca’s serum, reported State of The Nation. Dr. Jane Ruby, a medical professional of 20-years and a pharmaceutical drug development expert, picked up the story and discussed these vital revelations on the Stew Peters Show, on July 14th. She emphasized that the only reason Pfizer’s Covid-19 serum would contain over 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE “would be to mass murder people”. Dr. Ruby then returned to the Stew Peter’s Show on July 21st, to release more groundbreaking news about the horrific blood contamination of people who took the Pfizer and AstraZeneca injections. AstraZeneca by the way means “weapon that kills” in Sanskrit. A third research team from Argentina analyzed a vial of Moderna’s Covid-19 serum on July 21st and found that it contained 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE under spectroscopy, as reported by Orwell City. We now have not one, but three independent scientific studies establishing that the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca serum’s all contain over 98% to 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES! MAGNETISM AND MIND CONTROL All the “Covid-19 vaccines” and now flu “vaccines” are manufactured using the same GRAPHENE OXIDE nano-technology. There are hundreds of videos online demonstrating how the vaxxed have become magnetized. The unvaxxed are also becoming magnetized by transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. GRAPHENE OXIDE is a nanoparticle. These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body, according to scientific reports. Global Research news channel is also covering Quinta Columna’s research and the magnetism phenomenon: Graphene Oxide Particles in Covid mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Magnetism?. World renown scientist and media mogul Mike Adams from Natural News, is also researching and reporting on this developing story where he reveals that: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene. This graphene-based fitness patch was developed under the EU’s Graphene Flagship, by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain can measure heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature. Nano-tech GRAPHENE OXIDE is superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain, as this scientific paper reveals. The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these). They can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely. The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called “The Graphene Flagship“ in 2019, spawning nine companies and 46 new GRAPHENE-based products. INDUSTRIALIZED GRAPHENE OXIDE GRAPHENE OXIDE is already being widely used as an industrial chemical. We find it in electronics, aeronautics, energy, agriculture, cosmetics, medicine, textile production (also clothing), food processing, and buildings. The globalists intend to build “smart cities” using this nano-particulate substance and it’s already being sprayed on humanity via Bill Gates “smart dust”. Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Are Being Sprayed On Humanity GRAPHENE OXIDE has already been aerosolized for dissemination over populations through aerial spraying (chemtrails). Pentagon scientists developed the technology in a Kazakhstan bioweapons lab. Please see this video (2 min.). This NATO plane was filmed spraying GRAPHENE OXIDE from above. Please see the video (.17 seconds). And finally, this Italian study provides additional proof that we are being sprayed with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES. We’re literally being saturated with this industrial poison which has been intentionally inserted into everyday items such as face masks, food, clothing, water filtration, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, and more. It’s being used in the Covid-19 “testing” swabs and now we know it’s the key ingredient in the “Covid-19 vaccines”. This article highlights 60 uses of GRAPHENE. Here’s a one-minute video clip of Moderna’s CEO Stephane Brancel bragging to the World Economic Forum about it taking just two days to create their “Covid-19 vaccine”. How is that possible unless it’s synthetic? GRAPHENE OXIDE MEDICAL APPLICATIONS In recent years, GRAPHENE has been exploited in the biomedical field, particularly for DNA sequencing and the development of biosensors. It’s presently being used for gene delivery and to administer drugs into biological cells. This article by Natural News contains links to the exact science papers describing two decades of research into all this: IT’S REAL: Science paper documents “self-assembled magnetic nanosystems” for cybernetic biocircuitry interface and control systems in humans, including “DNA hydrogel” tech. Dr. Carrie Madej and I have been reporting on the GRAPHENE Oxide Hydrogels which allow for self-replication, disassembling, and reassembling, and ballistic drug delivery to cells. The programmable nanoparticles also pass through the blood/brain barrier, causing PRION (auto-immune disease). WATCH! Graphene Oxide Activates By Cell Phone EMF Frequency Radiation The GRAPHENE Hydrogels literally grow a new neural network inside the human body and do so extremely rapidly. This was observed by a Slovakia team of researchers. GRAPHENE’s thermal property and electrical conductivity make it a superconductor. The artificial neuron network can receive and transmit signals and can be externally controlled through 5G frequency and AI. GRAPHENE Family Nanoparticles contain drug-chemical payloads for mRNA “gene therapy” and it’s being deployed without Informed Consent. GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for Moderna’s “operating system” and the sad reality is that the vaxxed will transform into genetically modified humans rapidly after inoculation because the technology is very advanced. CRISPR The first human genome project using GRAPHENE was initiated in 2001. GRAPHENE OXIDE was developed by CRSPR, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech as mRNA gene therapy to cure cancer but due to its cytotoxicity (cell death) in healthy cells, this highly toxic industrial nano-chemical was never approved for use in humans. CRISPR accelerated the development of the first Genome Sensor, the world’s first DNA search engine that runs on CRISPR-Chip technology. It can literally google genomes to detect genetic mutations and variations. The jagged edges of GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanoparticles are super sharp and super strong, easily piercing through cell membranes in human lung, skin, and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do quite serious damage in humans and other animals. GRAPHENE OXIDE is great for DNA sequencing (cutting and splicing of genes) and it’s perfect for evil eugenicists who want to pretend to be God’s and genetically enslave the rest of humanity. This substance is extremely dangerous to humans and to the environment. TRANSMISSION Europe Reloaded reports: “Graphene Oxide has a certain magnetic resonance band, beyond which it becomes excited, which in turn leads to rapid oxidization of the material. When the oxidization level exceeds certain body biomarkers, it triggers a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm, typical of “severe Covid-19” symptoms. At least 90 scientific studies show the toxic effect of GRAPHENE OXIDE in the human body produces the same clinical effects as Covid-19. These symptoms include programmable cell death, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, clotting, cytokine storms, thromboses, pneumonia (flu-like symptoms), inflammation of the mucous membranes, loss of taste and smell. It blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione, creates a metallic taste in the mouth, destroys the immune system, and magnetizes people, especially at the injection site. Please see: Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment Also see: Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine GRAPHENE OXIDE Toxicity was researched and discovered to be a vector for transmission in mice, enabling Pfizer’s “self-replicating vaccines”. “The common administration routes in animal models include AIRWAY EXPOSURE (intranasal insufflation, intratracheal instillation, and inhalation), oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection. The major exposure route for GFNs (Graphene Family Nanoparticles) in the working environment is AIRWAY EXPOSURE, thus INHALATION and intratracheal instillation are used mostly in mice to simulate human exposure to GFNs.” Here’s a second peer-reviewed study confirming that Graphene Oxide toxicity transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed is airborne. This means GRAPHENE OXIDE is received from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed by inhalation. GRAPHENE OXIDE COLOR Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) Cytotoxicity depends on the size of the GRAPHENE flakes and the content of oxygen. It’s possible to tweak the GRAPHENE to be more or less toxic. It is in fact possible to get GRAPHENE OXIDE in a clear liquid serum by reducing its oxygen content into a Reduced Graphene Oxide (RHO). By doing so, it will increase toxicity. Treating GRAPHENE OXIDE with hydrazine both removes the debris and reduces (both deoxygenations) the dark GRAPHENE sheets. Reduction of a clear GRAPHENE OXIDE solution using Sodium Dithionite will cause the microscopic GRAPHENE flakes to reappear “out of nothing”. Reduced Graphene Oxide is sold as a clear serum in India for example, here. Conclusion: DEMOCIDE These were never “vaccines” against a virus, instead all the time it was a secret nanotech project developed to reach and control the brains of the human population. People have been already magnetized with GRAPHENE which is present in masks, Covid tests, chemtrails, influenza, and Covid “vaccines”. We now have three comparative studies proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for the Covid-19 BIOWEAPONS drug/chemical delivery. These are not “vaccines” but mRNA gene therapies and industrial chemicals without authorized use in humans. The pharma cartel is finished! People will never trust big pharma again. These companies are making a killing poisoning us and terraforming our environment. Nanoparticles are programmed either for good and healing or for ill intent. These programmable robots aren’t just randomly used. This technology obviously got into the hands of the wrong people (eugenicists) or it was developed with the intent to Democide. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector to carry the spike protein poisons that were cultivated in moths, enhanced, and weaponized in labs. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector for transmission into healthy cells by injection, air inhalation, and medical devices (masks, swabs, needles). Transmission is not caused by the shedding of viral loads because there is no virus. “Coronavirus” and Covid-19 are the distractions while governments conduct Democide on all the world’s population. This is a biological attack on our DNA. We are being literally saturated with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES and the only good news is that you can detox it out of your body. Our best legal teams, World Freedom Alliance and World Doctors Alliance have advised that we are now beyond Genocide and surviving a DEMOCIDE. This is an extinction-level mass culling. Genocide is when a government targets a specific demographic or religious group like Africans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims or poor people, for example. Democide is far worse than Genocide because governments are targeting the entire population of men, women, and children for worldwide depopulation. So please, STOP paying taxes at once! The only way this war will end is when we end it and the only way to do that is to stop feeding the Beast. We must march in droves to ALL federal, state, and local parliaments and city council buildings. Surround those buildings until government leaders come out. We must take back what’s ours. Remember, we own it all. We The People already have the legal backing of Reiner Fuellmich’s team at the World Freedom Alliance. Finally, I agree with La Quinta Columna’s assessment when they said, “Every person who has been inoculated with this substance with that graphene oxide nanotechnology has a fuse, dynamite, a time bomb that’s ready to explode by the activation of a microwave.” DETOX I have two published protocols for detoxing graphene oxide nanoparticles and for boosting immunity. My premium detox protocol and my affordable for all detox protocol. Please schedule a health consultation with me for customized protocol support. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES Please see: Latest news release from Quinta Columna here. Please see: FEMA whistleblower with Celeste Solum in her latest interview (very important!) on Frequency Wars, here. Please see: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Blows Whistle To Reiner Fuellmich and reveals that Covid-19 is aerosolized through the sweat glands. Please see: CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic Please see: The Vaxxed Are Being Liquefied & Spread On Crops (Video 1 min.) https://drloveariyana.substack.com/p/updated-graphene-oxide-the-vector
    UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide
    On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website.
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    Dealing with clogged or slow drains can be a frustrating experience for any homeowner. While it might be tempting to try a DIY fix, there are clear benefits to hiring a professional drain cleaning service. Let’s explore the top 5 reasons why it's a smart decision to get the experts involved.

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    Professional drain cleaners use specialized tools and techniques that ensure your drains are cleaned thoroughly. While store-bought drain cleaners may provide temporary relief, they often don't address the root cause of the issue. A professional service will ensure that your drains are completely clear, preventing future clogs and keeping your plumbing system running smoothly.

    2. Long-Term Cost Savings

    Many people try to save money by tackling drain issues on their own. However, improper methods can lead to larger problems down the road. A small clog can turn into a much bigger issue, like a burst pipe or water damage. Hiring a professional from the start may seem like a higher upfront cost, but it saves you money in the long run by avoiding expensive repairs.

    3. Identifying Underlying Issues

    Sometimes, a clogged drain is a symptom of a more significant problem, like tree root intrusion, damaged pipes, or sewer line blockages. Professional drain cleaners can quickly diagnose these issues with the help of camera inspections and other advanced tools. Early detection of these problems can save you from future headaches and costly repairs.

    4. Safe and Eco-Friendly Solutions

    Store-bought drain cleaners are often filled with harsh chemicals that can damage your pipes, harm the environment, and even pose health risks to your family. Professional drain cleaning services use safe, eco-friendly methods that are tough on clogs but gentle on your plumbing. By choosing a professional, you’re ensuring the safety of your home and the environment.

    5. Convenience and Peace of Mind

    Trying to unclog a drain yourself can be messy and time-consuming. When you hire a professional, you don’t have to worry about dealing with the hassle. Experts can resolve the issue quickly, giving you peace of mind knowing that the job has been done right. Plus, many services offer maintenance plans that help prevent clogs from happening in the first place.


    Hiring a professional drain cleaning service isn’t just about convenience; it’s about protecting your home, saving money, and ensuring the longevity of your plumbing system. With their expertise and specialized equipment, they’ll tackle any drain issue efficiently and effectively, giving you peace of mind and a smoothly running home.

    For More Information Visit Us
    Email: [email protected]
    Contact : (785) 917–1616
    Location: Lawrence, Kansas
    Website: www.risingsonplumbing.com
    Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Drain Cleaning Service Today Dealing with clogged or slow drains can be a frustrating experience for any homeowner. While it might be tempting to try a DIY fix, there are clear benefits to hiring a professional drain cleaning service. Let’s explore the top 5 reasons why it's a smart decision to get the experts involved. 1. Thorough and Efficient Cleaning Professional drain cleaners use specialized tools and techniques that ensure your drains are cleaned thoroughly. While store-bought drain cleaners may provide temporary relief, they often don't address the root cause of the issue. A professional service will ensure that your drains are completely clear, preventing future clogs and keeping your plumbing system running smoothly. 2. Long-Term Cost Savings Many people try to save money by tackling drain issues on their own. However, improper methods can lead to larger problems down the road. A small clog can turn into a much bigger issue, like a burst pipe or water damage. Hiring a professional from the start may seem like a higher upfront cost, but it saves you money in the long run by avoiding expensive repairs. 3. Identifying Underlying Issues Sometimes, a clogged drain is a symptom of a more significant problem, like tree root intrusion, damaged pipes, or sewer line blockages. Professional drain cleaners can quickly diagnose these issues with the help of camera inspections and other advanced tools. Early detection of these problems can save you from future headaches and costly repairs. 4. Safe and Eco-Friendly Solutions Store-bought drain cleaners are often filled with harsh chemicals that can damage your pipes, harm the environment, and even pose health risks to your family. Professional drain cleaning services use safe, eco-friendly methods that are tough on clogs but gentle on your plumbing. By choosing a professional, you’re ensuring the safety of your home and the environment. 5. Convenience and Peace of Mind Trying to unclog a drain yourself can be messy and time-consuming. When you hire a professional, you don’t have to worry about dealing with the hassle. Experts can resolve the issue quickly, giving you peace of mind knowing that the job has been done right. Plus, many services offer maintenance plans that help prevent clogs from happening in the first place. Conclusion Hiring a professional drain cleaning service isn’t just about convenience; it’s about protecting your home, saving money, and ensuring the longevity of your plumbing system. With their expertise and specialized equipment, they’ll tackle any drain issue efficiently and effectively, giving you peace of mind and a smoothly running home. For More Information Visit Us Email: [email protected] Contact : (785) 917–1616 Location: Lawrence, Kansas Website: www.risingsonplumbing.com
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  • Chemtrails no longer a conspiracy theory, as globalists call it an essential part of their battle against “Climate Change”
    Chemtrails no longer a conspiracy theory, as globalists call it an essential part of their battle against “Climate Change”

    The Communist-Democrat politicians in Washington DC and their globalist cohorts are engaged in a multi-faceted agenda rooted in profound deceit. Using extreme censorship of anyone who questions their agenda, they’ve (literally) gotten away with murder using schemes, plots and propaganda to further their goals of obtaining complete control of the populace, by any means.One way the “powers that be” have manipulated and weakened the population is by having the military spray health-decimating toxins from airplanes flying over cities and farms on a regular basis. Independent media, for decades, has been calling this out and gave it the name “chem-trails” to signify that chemicals are being doused upon the people and the land in an insidious attempt to pollute food, discard hazardous waste, and sicken folks so they need expensive medical care.

    This has been deemed as a conspiracy theory and anyone who speaks about it, posts information online about it, or blows the whistle on it has been labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” Guess what?

    Truth news was right and it’s real, because now, the communists and globalists are outright admitting to it all, claiming it all has a bigger purpose with a positive outcome. Their reason for spraying horrific chemicals, heavy metal toxins, and hospital waste over the skies of America? To battle “climate change.”

    Globalists are willing to admit to chemtrails now because it serves a much larger, more powerful agenda that millions of brainwashed people believe in
    There exists a political ideology (a.k.a. New World Order) where malicious agents, sometimes called globalists, are attempting to create a world government, made up of only a few dozen billionaires, that decides the future and fate of all peoples, use of resources, utilization of all medicine and food, and so forth. One way to accomplish this is to keep the populace sick. This insidious agenda includes keeping toxic fluoride in the municipal tap water supply, injecting the masses with dirty vaccinations and gene therapy injections and spraying toxins, bacteria, and even viruses down from the skies.

    This is very hard for most people to wrap their head around, that governments, especially the U.S. government, could be this evil and warped, but now they are admitting to it, to address a “greater good” concern, global warming. Supposedly, chemtrails are being used to block out the sun’s heat and save all humans from bursting into flames in the next decade or two. This will also keep all the glaciers from melting and the oceans from swallowing up all the continents, while further padding the pockets of the billionaire N.W.O. globalists. It’s all also part of the “Green New Deal” that Kommie Kamala wants to fully execute to destroy all farms, food and human health.

    Why would the government admit to chemtrails now, after decades of calling it a conspiracy theory? It’s a gambit, which is a small sacrifice to gain a bigger advantage. In chess, a gambit is where a player sacrifices a pawn or piece of lesser value to capture a piece of great (or greater) value from their opponent. This requires careful thought.

    So, what’s really in these chem-trails? Why are they so toxic to humanity, including humans, animals and agriculture? A woman who served 9 years in the U.S. Air Force has blown the whistle and told the world EXACTLY what most chemtrails contain, and it will blow your mind.

    In an Instagram video that went viral, Kristen Meghan describes the contents of chemtrails, also termed “geoengineering” or “weather modification,” that the U.S. Air Force had her labeling as hazardous to even handle in small amounts, and now they’re being sprayed over our skies in massive portions.

    Air Force veteran Kristen Meghan worked at a job entitled bio-environmental engineering where she was tasked with engineering these chemicals out of the workplace and substituting them with safer ones. They taught her how to pack, ship and dispose of these hazardous materials that they were spraying all over humanity. She says the chemicals being “injected” into our atmosphere include heavy metal toxins, barium, silver iodide, aluminum and much more. Got respiratory issues? Got dementia? No wonder why.

    Do your own research and don’t use Google. Try the search engine Brave BETA and get more truth news and real information. Bookmark Censored.news to your favorite websites for truth news about the fake “climate change” agenda and what it means to your health and livelihood.

    Sources for this article include:



    Chemtrails no longer a conspiracy theory, as globalists call it an essential part of their battle against “Climate Change” donshafi911 Chemtrails no longer a conspiracy theory, as globalists call it an essential part of their battle against “Climate Change” The Communist-Democrat politicians in Washington DC and their globalist cohorts are engaged in a multi-faceted agenda rooted in profound deceit. Using extreme censorship of anyone who questions their agenda, they’ve (literally) gotten away with murder using schemes, plots and propaganda to further their goals of obtaining complete control of the populace, by any means.One way the “powers that be” have manipulated and weakened the population is by having the military spray health-decimating toxins from airplanes flying over cities and farms on a regular basis. Independent media, for decades, has been calling this out and gave it the name “chem-trails” to signify that chemicals are being doused upon the people and the land in an insidious attempt to pollute food, discard hazardous waste, and sicken folks so they need expensive medical care. This has been deemed as a conspiracy theory and anyone who speaks about it, posts information online about it, or blows the whistle on it has been labeled a “conspiracy theorist.” Guess what? Truth news was right and it’s real, because now, the communists and globalists are outright admitting to it all, claiming it all has a bigger purpose with a positive outcome. Their reason for spraying horrific chemicals, heavy metal toxins, and hospital waste over the skies of America? To battle “climate change.” Globalists are willing to admit to chemtrails now because it serves a much larger, more powerful agenda that millions of brainwashed people believe in There exists a political ideology (a.k.a. New World Order) where malicious agents, sometimes called globalists, are attempting to create a world government, made up of only a few dozen billionaires, that decides the future and fate of all peoples, use of resources, utilization of all medicine and food, and so forth. One way to accomplish this is to keep the populace sick. This insidious agenda includes keeping toxic fluoride in the municipal tap water supply, injecting the masses with dirty vaccinations and gene therapy injections and spraying toxins, bacteria, and even viruses down from the skies. This is very hard for most people to wrap their head around, that governments, especially the U.S. government, could be this evil and warped, but now they are admitting to it, to address a “greater good” concern, global warming. Supposedly, chemtrails are being used to block out the sun’s heat and save all humans from bursting into flames in the next decade or two. This will also keep all the glaciers from melting and the oceans from swallowing up all the continents, while further padding the pockets of the billionaire N.W.O. globalists. It’s all also part of the “Green New Deal” that Kommie Kamala wants to fully execute to destroy all farms, food and human health. Why would the government admit to chemtrails now, after decades of calling it a conspiracy theory? It’s a gambit, which is a small sacrifice to gain a bigger advantage. In chess, a gambit is where a player sacrifices a pawn or piece of lesser value to capture a piece of great (or greater) value from their opponent. This requires careful thought. So, what’s really in these chem-trails? Why are they so toxic to humanity, including humans, animals and agriculture? A woman who served 9 years in the U.S. Air Force has blown the whistle and told the world EXACTLY what most chemtrails contain, and it will blow your mind. In an Instagram video that went viral, Kristen Meghan describes the contents of chemtrails, also termed “geoengineering” or “weather modification,” that the U.S. Air Force had her labeling as hazardous to even handle in small amounts, and now they’re being sprayed over our skies in massive portions. Air Force veteran Kristen Meghan worked at a job entitled bio-environmental engineering where she was tasked with engineering these chemicals out of the workplace and substituting them with safer ones. They taught her how to pack, ship and dispose of these hazardous materials that they were spraying all over humanity. She says the chemicals being “injected” into our atmosphere include heavy metal toxins, barium, silver iodide, aluminum and much more. Got respiratory issues? Got dementia? No wonder why. Do your own research and don’t use Google. Try the search engine Brave BETA and get more truth news and real information. Bookmark Censored.news to your favorite websites for truth news about the fake “climate change” agenda and what it means to your health and livelihood. Sources for this article include: NaturalNews.com Wattsupwiththat.com https://telegra.ph/Chemtrails-no-longer-a-conspiracy-theory-as-globalists-call-it-an-essential-part-of-their-battle-against-Climate-Change-09-13
    Chemtrails no longer a conspiracy theory, as globalists call it an essential part of their battle against “Climate Change”
    Chemtrails no longer a conspiracy theory, as globalists call it an essential part of their battle against “Climate Change” The Communist-Democrat politicians in Washington DC and their globalist cohorts are engaged in a multi-faceted agenda rooted in profound deceit. Using extreme censorship of anyone who questions their agenda, they’ve (literally) gotten away with murder using schemes, plots and propaganda to further their goals of obtaining complete control of the populace, by any means.One way the “powers…
    0 Comments 1 Shares 2827 Views
  • Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly?
    Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly

    Originally published on jeffreydachmd.com.

    What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you...

    Is It Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure ?

    The news media has been reporting the Zika virus as the cause of microcephaly. The story originated in a Monsanto chemical industry press release dated Feb 17, 2016 which was then copied over the news media. The Zika virus was discovered in Uganda in 1947, and there have been no reports of microcephaly in Uganda. A US news article says, according to Associated Press journalists who visited the Zika Forest in Uganda on Feb 1, 2016, local officials have no concern about the Zika virus.(24)

    New England Journal Reports

    A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Zika Virus surveillance in Colombia.(80-81) Of 50 babies reported with microcephaly, only four (8 %) had laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection on RT-PCR. The other 46 cases (92 %) were due to other causes.

    Of 1850 pregnant women reported infected with Zika virus, no babies were born with microcephaly. The authors state: (80-81)

    “maternal infection with the Zika virus during the third trimester of pregnancy is not linked to structural abnormalities in the fetus.”

    Since 92% of microcephaly babies are not caused by maternal Zika virus, perhaps we should be looking for other preventable causes.

    Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam reviewed this same data from the Colombia surveillance study After reviewing this data, Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam concluded in his own report entitled: “Is Zika the cause of Microcephaly?”that there is no direct link between zika virus and microcephaly, and he proposed pesticide exposure (pyriproxyfen) in the drinking water as an alternative explanation(99):

    “This (data) would seem to rule out Zika as a cause of microcephaly. This gives a consistent interpretation that there is no direct link between Zika and microcephaly except for random co-occurrence.”….”An alternative cause of microcephaly in Brazil could be the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is cross-reactive with retinoic acid, which causes microcephaly, and is being used in drinking water.”(99)

    Dr Tiago Baptista Questions Zika as Sole Cause of Microcephaly

    Maternal viral infection with rubella or cytomegalovirus have been known to cause fetal malformation and fetal demise. There is no doubt that viral illness during pregnancy is best avoided.(47-55) However, Dr Tiago Baptista in a 2016 BMJ article questions “whether the surge in reported cases of microcephaly is entirely due to Zika virus infection“(55) He says:

    “The risk of microcephaly after maternal infection is estimated at roughly one in 100 women… This is a relatively low risk compared with other causal infections such as cytomegalovirus.”(55)

    A Distraction From the Real Cause- Exposure to Glyphosate Causes Microcephaly and other Congenital Anomalies

    I suggest that the Zika virus is merely a distraction away from the real cause, agrichemical exposure from Monsanto’s Round-Up Herbicide, glyphosate, (1-4)

    Dr Alejandra Paganelli reported in 2010 that “Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling.” (8)

    Dr Paganelli concludes: “(congenital malformations) “produced by Glyphosate Based Herbicides are mainly a consequence of the increase of endogenous retinoid activity. ” (8)

    Dr Sylvia Lopez

    In 2012, Dr Silvia L. Lopez reviewed the effects of agricultural chemicals, glyphosate based herbicides, in human and animal models.(9) She says:

    “It is very well known that acute or chronic increase of retinoic acid (RA) levels leads to teratogenic effects during human pregnancy and in experimental models. The characteristic features displayed by Retinoic Acid embryopathy in humans include brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, microphtalmia, and impairment of hindbrain development; abnormal external and middle ears (microtia or anotia), mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate.” (9) Note: Retinoic Acid is Vitamin A Derivative.

    Dr Benitez-Leite

    Dr Benitez-Leite reported 52 cases of malformations in babies born of women exposed to agricultural chemicals. The congenital malformations observed include anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, myelomeningocele, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, syndactily all consistent with the well-known and expected syndrome caused by upregulation of the Retinoic Acid pathway.(10) Left image Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contains glyphosate.

    Upregulation of Retinoic Acid Pathway

    A number of reports have linked arial spraying with the mosquito larvicide pyriproxyfen to birth defects such as microcephaly in the crop sprayed towns of Northeast Brazil.(106-108) Pyriproxyfen disrupts retinoic acid (vitramin A) signalling, a known mechanism for microcephaly (106-108) In 1995, Dr Kenneth Rothman reported in NEJM that High Vitamin A Intake causes birth defects. (109)

    Increasing Anencephaly in Yakima Valley in Washington State

    Another mechanism is glyphosate disruption of folate metabolsm as discussed below in the Yakima Washington State case. (35-37)

    Over three years from 2010 to 2013, the Washington State Department of Health reported an unusual increase in anencephalic babies born in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties, four times higher than the national average. (33-34)

    Anencephaply, microcephaly and spina bifida are all related disorders of neural tube closure associated with maternal folate deficiency. Maternal folate supplementation is preventive. Maternal folate supplementation in Yakima was not at issue, as this was similar to the national average. Barbara Peterson, in Farm Wars, makes a compelling case for glyphosate exposure as the cause, since the Yakima river running through the affected counties had been heavily treated with glyphosate for weed control during that time period.(29) Left image Yakima River Washington State.

    Glyphosate Disrupts Folate Metabolism

    Glyphosate disruption of folate metabolism is discussed by Stephanie Seneff in her May 2016 article on Weston Price.(35) Glyphosate acts as an antibiotic, killing friendly bacteria by blocking the Shikimate pathway. These friendly bacterial are also involved in bacterial conversion of folic acid to methyl folate, its active form. Maternal methylfolate deficiency is associated with neural tube defects in the developing embryo.(85-87)

    Glyphosate Disrupts Glycine Metabolism

    Stephanie Seneff’s article then discusses how glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase metabolism, known to cause neural tube defects in animal studies and humans.(36-37)

    Glyphosate is the amino acid glycine with an added phosphate group, so glyphosate may readily displace glycine in various biochemical reactions. Glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase by displacing glycine as a substrate. In addition, glyphosate replaces glycine at insertion sites in amino acid chains during protein synthesis, producing defective enzymes (35). Glyphosate is basically the amino acid, glycine with a phosphate group added on to it.

    Glyphosate is a Patented Antimicrobial, Anti-Folate Drug

    Glyphosate is actually patented as an anti-microbial drug. (83,84) Glyphosate serves as an anti-folate agent working in synergy with other anti-folate drugs.(58,61) Other anti-folate drugs in common use include the urinary tract antibiotic, Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) the rheumatology drug, methotrexate, and the anti-seizure drug Dilantin (phentoin). Maternal exposure to anti-folate drugs such as methotrexate Bactrim and Dilantin increase risk of neural tube defects in the fetus up to six-fold. (85-87) Maternal folate supplementation has been shown to reduce incidence of fetal neural tube defects (NTD), and folic acid fortification in food supply was mandated in 1998. (85-87)(100-103)

    Glyphosate Inhibits the Shikimate Pathway

    Glyphosate’s known mode of action is inhibition of the shikimate pathway in plants, fungi, bacteria and parasites.(58) Glyphosate blocks the pathway which produces Folate, Ubiquinone (Co-Q10), Vitamin K, and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine.

    Government Regulators Deemed Glyphosate Safe for Humans

    Government regulators deemed glyphosate safe for us humans because we lack the shikimate pathway. They forgot to consider that we humans depend on the shikimate pathway in plants and gut bacteria for our folate (vitamin B9), to prevents neural tube defects. If your lunch salad comes from an agricultural field treated with glyphosate which blocks the plant’s ability to synthesize folate, how much folate are you getting in your meal ? If you are ingesting glyphosate in your food, blocking your gut bacteria from synthesing folate, how soon will you be rendered folate deficient? Dr Bekaert says in 2008,

    “Humans cannot synthesize folates (vitamin B9) and thus have to rely on plant food supplying these essential vitamins.“(104)

    Dr Craig Roberts suggests that Glyphosate may serve as anti-folate, anti-parasitic drug ,He says:(58)

    ” it is likely that the shikimate pathway is important for supply of folate precursors in this parasite….inhibitors of EPSP synthase (such as glyphosate) can act in synergy with conventional antifolates and may be a useful addition to the agents used against apicomplexan parasites.”(58)

    A quote from a University of Chicago Press Release 1998 (61) explains that Glyphosate blocks production of folate:

    “Effective new ways to inhibit parasites that cause malaria, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis” June 25, 1998.(61)

    “Dr. McLeod’s team showed that glyphosate, …could block the production of folate, inhibiting parasite growth and survival. Glyphosate proved effective against malaria strains that were resistant to an anti-malarial medicine, pyrimethamine, which interrupts folate processing at a different point. To confirm the finding, they demonstrated that these folate-starved parasites could be rescued, in the test tube, by giving them folate.”(61)

    Brazil Annual Pesticide Sales Surpasses the US

    Left Image courtesy of Reuters. Brazil sales of herbicide (glyphosate) exceeds that of US.(81)

    According to Paulo Prada in her 2015 article, Brazil has a huge appetite for pesticides and herbicides, surpassing annual sales in the US.(81)

    Poalo Prado explains that in Northeast Brazil, irrigation canals were built, transforming previously arid land into fertile farm land. These open air irrigation canals are heavily contaminated with herbicides and pesticides liberally applied to the crop fields. Life is primitive for the agricultural workers who live without piped in water for their dwellings. The local workers use the open air irrigation canals for their drinking water, thus are heavily exposed to herbicide and pesticide runoff.

    House Passes 1.1 Billion Zika Virus Bill. Methyl-Folate is Cheaper.

    Instead of spending 1.1 Billion dollars on a “controversial” Zika Virus Bill, I have a better idea for prevention of microcephaly and neural tube defects. (90) Suppose we instead allocate 100 million dollars to give out free methyl-folate tablets to all pregnant women exposed to glyphosate here in the US, and in Brazil. That would solve the problem at a fraction of the cost, saving a Billion Dollars.(90)

    53 Countries Have Mandatory Flour Fortification with Folate

    Folate fortification of flour for prevention of neural tube defects (anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida etc.) is mandated in 53 countries. Fortification of flour with folic acid was mandated in the US in 1998, the most successful public health measure in history, with reduction of neural tube defects by 36%.(100-103) In 2009, Dr Oakley declared this success story a “modern miracle of epidemiology”.(103)

    Study Blood Folate Levels in North East Brazil

    Why not allocate research funds to study blood folate levels in women in Northeast Brazil at high risk for having babies with neural tube defects? This was done here in the US before and after starting folate fortification in 1998, showing reduction incidence of neural tube defects by 36%.(101) Folate deficiency (blood folate levels less than 3 ng/ml)) decreased from 21% to less than 1% of the population. (101)

    In Australia, mandatory fortification of bread with folate and iodine was introduced in 2009, resulting in a 50-80 per cent reduction in neural tube defects in at-risk indigenous women and teenagers.(100-112)

    Reducing Microcephaly in Brazil with Folate Fortification

    Studies done in Brazil shows folate deficiency is severe, affecting 94% among the poor.(113) Folate fortification of flour in three south American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile) resulted in significant reduction in 52 different fetal anomalies including reduction in microcephaly and anencephaly.(114) Currently all South American countries except Venezuala have mandatory folate fortification legislation.(115) In populations using folate fortification there have been decreases in neural tube defects from 30-50%.(115)

    How is Such an Error Possible ?

    You might ask the obvious question, “how is such an error in thinking possible” that the government would waste a billion dollars on Zika instead of Folate Fortification? This is called CrimeStop or “Protective Stupidity“, aptly described in 1984 by George Orwell (91):

    “The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself….Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak….the Party says the earth is flat’, ‘the party says that ice is heavier than water’—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.”

    “Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…”…”Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”(91)

    Using Fear and Smear Tactics to Distract Attention from Monsanto

    This article in the Huffington Post Feb 16 is typical of the Monsanto tactics to distract attention away from Roundup glyphosate as the cause of the birth defects in agricultural workers in Brazil; A Viral Story Links The Zika Crisis To Monsanto. Don’t Believe It. by Anna Almendrala Senior Healthy Living Editor Huffington Post. Anna’s piece is pure Monsanto propaganda masquerading as journalism, don’t believe a word of it. If you trust anything Monsanto says, then I have a bridge to sell you.

    Monsanto has known for decades that Glyphosate causes birth defects, see this report: Roundup and birth defects. Is the public being kept in the dark ? by Michael Antoniou Earth Open Source June 2011

    Search Google Scholar for articles with key words “microcephaly pesticide“ : you will see 2160 articles pop up.

    Glyphosate is “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans”

    A number of studies show glyphosate exposure doubles the incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.(92) As reported in Lancet Oncology by Dr Kathryn Guyton, on March, 2015, 17 experts from 11 countries met in Lyon France and classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (89)

    Zika Distraction from Glyphosate – The Elephant in the Room

    Certainly, maternal viral illness with Rubella, (CMV) cytomegalovirus and Zika are all risk factors for fetal demise, and fetal malformations, and are best avoided.(93-95) However, the Zika Virus is a distraction from the real cause of the problem, massive glyphosate exposure to pregnant agricultural workers in Brazil. Glyphosate is a patented anti-folate drug, Anti-folate drugs are known to cause microcephaly and neural tube defects in animals and humans.

    Professor Don Huber, GMO Food and Glyphosate

    Increased incidence of birth defects in the population caused by exposure to the anti-folate agent, glyphosate is only the “tip of the iceberg”. The adverse health consequences of GMO food and glyphosate contamination of our food and water supply are much more extensive as outlined in a series of articles posted on the Stephanie Seneff home page. Here is a quote from Professor Don M. Huber:(88) from his document GMO Failed Promises Flawed Science Serious Health Safety Issue

    ” Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticides we did or did not apply, but about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on failed promises and flawed science, just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.” Dr. Don M. Huber

    Link to this article: http://wp.me/p3gFbV-3En

    Jeffrey Dach MD
    7450 Griffin Road Suite 190
    Davie, Fl 33314

    Articles with related interest:

    Dont Ask for HIV Test Ask For Glyphosate Test

    Curing Autism with Antibiotics

    Berberine Antdote for an Epidemic


    For references, please view original publication.
    Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly? Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly Originally published on jeffreydachmd.com. What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you... Is It Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure ? The news media has been reporting the Zika virus as the cause of microcephaly. The story originated in a Monsanto chemical industry press release dated Feb 17, 2016 which was then copied over the news media. The Zika virus was discovered in Uganda in 1947, and there have been no reports of microcephaly in Uganda. A US news article says, according to Associated Press journalists who visited the Zika Forest in Uganda on Feb 1, 2016, local officials have no concern about the Zika virus.(24) New England Journal Reports A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Zika Virus surveillance in Colombia.(80-81) Of 50 babies reported with microcephaly, only four (8 %) had laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection on RT-PCR. The other 46 cases (92 %) were due to other causes. Of 1850 pregnant women reported infected with Zika virus, no babies were born with microcephaly. The authors state: (80-81) “maternal infection with the Zika virus during the third trimester of pregnancy is not linked to structural abnormalities in the fetus.” Since 92% of microcephaly babies are not caused by maternal Zika virus, perhaps we should be looking for other preventable causes. Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam reviewed this same data from the Colombia surveillance study After reviewing this data, Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam concluded in his own report entitled: “Is Zika the cause of Microcephaly?”that there is no direct link between zika virus and microcephaly, and he proposed pesticide exposure (pyriproxyfen) in the drinking water as an alternative explanation(99): “This (data) would seem to rule out Zika as a cause of microcephaly. This gives a consistent interpretation that there is no direct link between Zika and microcephaly except for random co-occurrence.”….”An alternative cause of microcephaly in Brazil could be the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is cross-reactive with retinoic acid, which causes microcephaly, and is being used in drinking water.”(99) Dr Tiago Baptista Questions Zika as Sole Cause of Microcephaly Maternal viral infection with rubella or cytomegalovirus have been known to cause fetal malformation and fetal demise. There is no doubt that viral illness during pregnancy is best avoided.(47-55) However, Dr Tiago Baptista in a 2016 BMJ article questions “whether the surge in reported cases of microcephaly is entirely due to Zika virus infection“(55) He says: “The risk of microcephaly after maternal infection is estimated at roughly one in 100 women… This is a relatively low risk compared with other causal infections such as cytomegalovirus.”(55) A Distraction From the Real Cause- Exposure to Glyphosate Causes Microcephaly and other Congenital Anomalies I suggest that the Zika virus is merely a distraction away from the real cause, agrichemical exposure from Monsanto’s Round-Up Herbicide, glyphosate, (1-4) Dr Alejandra Paganelli reported in 2010 that “Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling.” (8) Dr Paganelli concludes: “(congenital malformations) “produced by Glyphosate Based Herbicides are mainly a consequence of the increase of endogenous retinoid activity. ” (8) Dr Sylvia Lopez In 2012, Dr Silvia L. Lopez reviewed the effects of agricultural chemicals, glyphosate based herbicides, in human and animal models.(9) She says: “It is very well known that acute or chronic increase of retinoic acid (RA) levels leads to teratogenic effects during human pregnancy and in experimental models. The characteristic features displayed by Retinoic Acid embryopathy in humans include brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, microphtalmia, and impairment of hindbrain development; abnormal external and middle ears (microtia or anotia), mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate.” (9) Note: Retinoic Acid is Vitamin A Derivative. Dr Benitez-Leite Dr Benitez-Leite reported 52 cases of malformations in babies born of women exposed to agricultural chemicals. The congenital malformations observed include anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, myelomeningocele, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, syndactily all consistent with the well-known and expected syndrome caused by upregulation of the Retinoic Acid pathway.(10) Left image Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contains glyphosate. Upregulation of Retinoic Acid Pathway A number of reports have linked arial spraying with the mosquito larvicide pyriproxyfen to birth defects such as microcephaly in the crop sprayed towns of Northeast Brazil.(106-108) Pyriproxyfen disrupts retinoic acid (vitramin A) signalling, a known mechanism for microcephaly (106-108) In 1995, Dr Kenneth Rothman reported in NEJM that High Vitamin A Intake causes birth defects. (109) Increasing Anencephaly in Yakima Valley in Washington State Another mechanism is glyphosate disruption of folate metabolsm as discussed below in the Yakima Washington State case. (35-37) Over three years from 2010 to 2013, the Washington State Department of Health reported an unusual increase in anencephalic babies born in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties, four times higher than the national average. (33-34) Anencephaply, microcephaly and spina bifida are all related disorders of neural tube closure associated with maternal folate deficiency. Maternal folate supplementation is preventive. Maternal folate supplementation in Yakima was not at issue, as this was similar to the national average. Barbara Peterson, in Farm Wars, makes a compelling case for glyphosate exposure as the cause, since the Yakima river running through the affected counties had been heavily treated with glyphosate for weed control during that time period.(29) Left image Yakima River Washington State. Glyphosate Disrupts Folate Metabolism Glyphosate disruption of folate metabolism is discussed by Stephanie Seneff in her May 2016 article on Weston Price.(35) Glyphosate acts as an antibiotic, killing friendly bacteria by blocking the Shikimate pathway. These friendly bacterial are also involved in bacterial conversion of folic acid to methyl folate, its active form. Maternal methylfolate deficiency is associated with neural tube defects in the developing embryo.(85-87) Glyphosate Disrupts Glycine Metabolism Stephanie Seneff’s article then discusses how glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase metabolism, known to cause neural tube defects in animal studies and humans.(36-37) Glyphosate is the amino acid glycine with an added phosphate group, so glyphosate may readily displace glycine in various biochemical reactions. Glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase by displacing glycine as a substrate. In addition, glyphosate replaces glycine at insertion sites in amino acid chains during protein synthesis, producing defective enzymes (35). Glyphosate is basically the amino acid, glycine with a phosphate group added on to it. Glyphosate is a Patented Antimicrobial, Anti-Folate Drug Glyphosate is actually patented as an anti-microbial drug. (83,84) Glyphosate serves as an anti-folate agent working in synergy with other anti-folate drugs.(58,61) Other anti-folate drugs in common use include the urinary tract antibiotic, Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) the rheumatology drug, methotrexate, and the anti-seizure drug Dilantin (phentoin). Maternal exposure to anti-folate drugs such as methotrexate Bactrim and Dilantin increase risk of neural tube defects in the fetus up to six-fold. (85-87) Maternal folate supplementation has been shown to reduce incidence of fetal neural tube defects (NTD), and folic acid fortification in food supply was mandated in 1998. (85-87)(100-103) Glyphosate Inhibits the Shikimate Pathway Glyphosate’s known mode of action is inhibition of the shikimate pathway in plants, fungi, bacteria and parasites.(58) Glyphosate blocks the pathway which produces Folate, Ubiquinone (Co-Q10), Vitamin K, and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. Government Regulators Deemed Glyphosate Safe for Humans Government regulators deemed glyphosate safe for us humans because we lack the shikimate pathway. They forgot to consider that we humans depend on the shikimate pathway in plants and gut bacteria for our folate (vitamin B9), to prevents neural tube defects. If your lunch salad comes from an agricultural field treated with glyphosate which blocks the plant’s ability to synthesize folate, how much folate are you getting in your meal ? If you are ingesting glyphosate in your food, blocking your gut bacteria from synthesing folate, how soon will you be rendered folate deficient? Dr Bekaert says in 2008, “Humans cannot synthesize folates (vitamin B9) and thus have to rely on plant food supplying these essential vitamins.“(104) Dr Craig Roberts suggests that Glyphosate may serve as anti-folate, anti-parasitic drug ,He says:(58) ” it is likely that the shikimate pathway is important for supply of folate precursors in this parasite….inhibitors of EPSP synthase (such as glyphosate) can act in synergy with conventional antifolates and may be a useful addition to the agents used against apicomplexan parasites.”(58) A quote from a University of Chicago Press Release 1998 (61) explains that Glyphosate blocks production of folate: “Effective new ways to inhibit parasites that cause malaria, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis” June 25, 1998.(61) “Dr. McLeod’s team showed that glyphosate, …could block the production of folate, inhibiting parasite growth and survival. Glyphosate proved effective against malaria strains that were resistant to an anti-malarial medicine, pyrimethamine, which interrupts folate processing at a different point. To confirm the finding, they demonstrated that these folate-starved parasites could be rescued, in the test tube, by giving them folate.”(61) Brazil Annual Pesticide Sales Surpasses the US Left Image courtesy of Reuters. Brazil sales of herbicide (glyphosate) exceeds that of US.(81) According to Paulo Prada in her 2015 article, Brazil has a huge appetite for pesticides and herbicides, surpassing annual sales in the US.(81) Poalo Prado explains that in Northeast Brazil, irrigation canals were built, transforming previously arid land into fertile farm land. These open air irrigation canals are heavily contaminated with herbicides and pesticides liberally applied to the crop fields. Life is primitive for the agricultural workers who live without piped in water for their dwellings. The local workers use the open air irrigation canals for their drinking water, thus are heavily exposed to herbicide and pesticide runoff. House Passes 1.1 Billion Zika Virus Bill. Methyl-Folate is Cheaper. Instead of spending 1.1 Billion dollars on a “controversial” Zika Virus Bill, I have a better idea for prevention of microcephaly and neural tube defects. (90) Suppose we instead allocate 100 million dollars to give out free methyl-folate tablets to all pregnant women exposed to glyphosate here in the US, and in Brazil. That would solve the problem at a fraction of the cost, saving a Billion Dollars.(90) 53 Countries Have Mandatory Flour Fortification with Folate Folate fortification of flour for prevention of neural tube defects (anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida etc.) is mandated in 53 countries. Fortification of flour with folic acid was mandated in the US in 1998, the most successful public health measure in history, with reduction of neural tube defects by 36%.(100-103) In 2009, Dr Oakley declared this success story a “modern miracle of epidemiology”.(103) Study Blood Folate Levels in North East Brazil Why not allocate research funds to study blood folate levels in women in Northeast Brazil at high risk for having babies with neural tube defects? This was done here in the US before and after starting folate fortification in 1998, showing reduction incidence of neural tube defects by 36%.(101) Folate deficiency (blood folate levels less than 3 ng/ml)) decreased from 21% to less than 1% of the population. (101) In Australia, mandatory fortification of bread with folate and iodine was introduced in 2009, resulting in a 50-80 per cent reduction in neural tube defects in at-risk indigenous women and teenagers.(100-112) Reducing Microcephaly in Brazil with Folate Fortification Studies done in Brazil shows folate deficiency is severe, affecting 94% among the poor.(113) Folate fortification of flour in three south American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile) resulted in significant reduction in 52 different fetal anomalies including reduction in microcephaly and anencephaly.(114) Currently all South American countries except Venezuala have mandatory folate fortification legislation.(115) In populations using folate fortification there have been decreases in neural tube defects from 30-50%.(115) How is Such an Error Possible ? You might ask the obvious question, “how is such an error in thinking possible” that the government would waste a billion dollars on Zika instead of Folate Fortification? This is called CrimeStop or “Protective Stupidity“, aptly described in 1984 by George Orwell (91): “The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself….Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak….the Party says the earth is flat’, ‘the party says that ice is heavier than water’—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.” “Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…”…”Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”(91) Using Fear and Smear Tactics to Distract Attention from Monsanto This article in the Huffington Post Feb 16 is typical of the Monsanto tactics to distract attention away from Roundup glyphosate as the cause of the birth defects in agricultural workers in Brazil; A Viral Story Links The Zika Crisis To Monsanto. Don’t Believe It. by Anna Almendrala Senior Healthy Living Editor Huffington Post. Anna’s piece is pure Monsanto propaganda masquerading as journalism, don’t believe a word of it. If you trust anything Monsanto says, then I have a bridge to sell you. Monsanto has known for decades that Glyphosate causes birth defects, see this report: Roundup and birth defects. Is the public being kept in the dark ? by Michael Antoniou Earth Open Source June 2011 Search Google Scholar for articles with key words “microcephaly pesticide“ : you will see 2160 articles pop up. Glyphosate is “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans” A number of studies show glyphosate exposure doubles the incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.(92) As reported in Lancet Oncology by Dr Kathryn Guyton, on March, 2015, 17 experts from 11 countries met in Lyon France and classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (89) Zika Distraction from Glyphosate – The Elephant in the Room Certainly, maternal viral illness with Rubella, (CMV) cytomegalovirus and Zika are all risk factors for fetal demise, and fetal malformations, and are best avoided.(93-95) However, the Zika Virus is a distraction from the real cause of the problem, massive glyphosate exposure to pregnant agricultural workers in Brazil. Glyphosate is a patented anti-folate drug, Anti-folate drugs are known to cause microcephaly and neural tube defects in animals and humans. Professor Don Huber, GMO Food and Glyphosate Increased incidence of birth defects in the population caused by exposure to the anti-folate agent, glyphosate is only the “tip of the iceberg”. The adverse health consequences of GMO food and glyphosate contamination of our food and water supply are much more extensive as outlined in a series of articles posted on the Stephanie Seneff home page. Here is a quote from Professor Don M. Huber:(88) from his document GMO Failed Promises Flawed Science Serious Health Safety Issue ” Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticides we did or did not apply, but about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on failed promises and flawed science, just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.” Dr. Don M. Huber Link to this article: http://wp.me/p3gFbV-3En Jeffrey Dach MD 7450 Griffin Road Suite 190 Davie, Fl 33314 954-792-4663 Articles with related interest: Dont Ask for HIV Test Ask For Glyphosate Test Curing Autism with Antibiotics Berberine Antdote for an Epidemic References For references, please view original publication.
    Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly
    ZIka Virus or Glyphosate Causing Microcephaly and Birth Defects in NE Brazil?
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  • Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly?
    Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly

    Originally published on jeffreydachmd.com.

    What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you...

    Is It Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure ?

    The news media has been reporting the Zika virus as the cause of microcephaly. The story originated in a Monsanto chemical industry press release dated Feb 17, 2016 which was then copied over the news media. The Zika virus was discovered in Uganda in 1947, and there have been no reports of microcephaly in Uganda. A US news article says, according to Associated Press journalists who visited the Zika Forest in Uganda on Feb 1, 2016, local officials have no concern about the Zika virus.(24)

    New England Journal Reports

    A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Zika Virus surveillance in Colombia.(80-81) Of 50 babies reported with microcephaly, only four (8 %) had laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection on RT-PCR. The other 46 cases (92 %) were due to other causes.

    Of 1850 pregnant women reported infected with Zika virus, no babies were born with microcephaly. The authors state: (80-81)

    “maternal infection with the Zika virus during the third trimester of pregnancy is not linked to structural abnormalities in the fetus.”

    Since 92% of microcephaly babies are not caused by maternal Zika virus, perhaps we should be looking for other preventable causes.

    Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam reviewed this same data from the Colombia surveillance study After reviewing this data, Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam concluded in his own report entitled: “Is Zika the cause of Microcephaly?”that there is no direct link between zika virus and microcephaly, and he proposed pesticide exposure (pyriproxyfen) in the drinking water as an alternative explanation(99):

    “This (data) would seem to rule out Zika as a cause of microcephaly. This gives a consistent interpretation that there is no direct link between Zika and microcephaly except for random co-occurrence.”….”An alternative cause of microcephaly in Brazil could be the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is cross-reactive with retinoic acid, which causes microcephaly, and is being used in drinking water.”(99)

    Dr Tiago Baptista Questions Zika as Sole Cause of Microcephaly

    Maternal viral infection with rubella or cytomegalovirus have been known to cause fetal malformation and fetal demise. There is no doubt that viral illness during pregnancy is best avoided.(47-55) However, Dr Tiago Baptista in a 2016 BMJ article questions “whether the surge in reported cases of microcephaly is entirely due to Zika virus infection“(55) He says:

    “The risk of microcephaly after maternal infection is estimated at roughly one in 100 women… This is a relatively low risk compared with other causal infections such as cytomegalovirus.”(55)

    A Distraction From the Real Cause- Exposure to Glyphosate Causes Microcephaly and other Congenital Anomalies

    I suggest that the Zika virus is merely a distraction away from the real cause, agrichemical exposure from Monsanto’s Round-Up Herbicide, glyphosate, (1-4)

    Dr Alejandra Paganelli reported in 2010 that “Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling.” (8)

    Dr Paganelli concludes: “(congenital malformations) “produced by Glyphosate Based Herbicides are mainly a consequence of the increase of endogenous retinoid activity. ” (8)

    Dr Sylvia Lopez

    In 2012, Dr Silvia L. Lopez reviewed the effects of agricultural chemicals, glyphosate based herbicides, in human and animal models.(9) She says:

    “It is very well known that acute or chronic increase of retinoic acid (RA) levels leads to teratogenic effects during human pregnancy and in experimental models. The characteristic features displayed by Retinoic Acid embryopathy in humans include brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, microphtalmia, and impairment of hindbrain development; abnormal external and middle ears (microtia or anotia), mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate.” (9) Note: Retinoic Acid is Vitamin A Derivative.

    Dr Benitez-Leite

    Dr Benitez-Leite reported 52 cases of malformations in babies born of women exposed to agricultural chemicals. The congenital malformations observed include anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, myelomeningocele, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, syndactily all consistent with the well-known and expected syndrome caused by upregulation of the Retinoic Acid pathway.(10) Left image Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contains glyphosate.

    Upregulation of Retinoic Acid Pathway

    A number of reports have linked arial spraying with the mosquito larvicide pyriproxyfen to birth defects such as microcephaly in the crop sprayed towns of Northeast Brazil.(106-108) Pyriproxyfen disrupts retinoic acid (vitramin A) signalling, a known mechanism for microcephaly (106-108) In 1995, Dr Kenneth Rothman reported in NEJM that High Vitamin A Intake causes birth defects. (109)

    Increasing Anencephaly in Yakima Valley in Washington State

    Another mechanism is glyphosate disruption of folate metabolsm as discussed below in the Yakima Washington State case. (35-37)

    Over three years from 2010 to 2013, the Washington State Department of Health reported an unusual increase in anencephalic babies born in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties, four times higher than the national average. (33-34)

    Anencephaply, microcephaly and spina bifida are all related disorders of neural tube closure associated with maternal folate deficiency. Maternal folate supplementation is preventive. Maternal folate supplementation in Yakima was not at issue, as this was similar to the national average. Barbara Peterson, in Farm Wars, makes a compelling case for glyphosate exposure as the cause, since the Yakima river running through the affected counties had been heavily treated with glyphosate for weed control during that time period.(29) Left image Yakima River Washington State.

    Glyphosate Disrupts Folate Metabolism

    Glyphosate disruption of folate metabolism is discussed by Stephanie Seneff in her May 2016 article on Weston Price.(35) Glyphosate acts as an antibiotic, killing friendly bacteria by blocking the Shikimate pathway. These friendly bacterial are also involved in bacterial conversion of folic acid to methyl folate, its active form. Maternal methylfolate deficiency is associated with neural tube defects in the developing embryo.(85-87)

    Glyphosate Disrupts Glycine Metabolism

    Stephanie Seneff’s article then discusses how glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase metabolism, known to cause neural tube defects in animal studies and humans.(36-37)

    Glyphosate is the amino acid glycine with an added phosphate group, so glyphosate may readily displace glycine in various biochemical reactions. Glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase by displacing glycine as a substrate. In addition, glyphosate replaces glycine at insertion sites in amino acid chains during protein synthesis, producing defective enzymes (35). Glyphosate is basically the amino acid, glycine with a phosphate group added on to it.

    Glyphosate is a Patented Antimicrobial, Anti-Folate Drug

    Glyphosate is actually patented as an anti-microbial drug. (83,84) Glyphosate serves as an anti-folate agent working in synergy with other anti-folate drugs.(58,61) Other anti-folate drugs in common use include the urinary tract antibiotic, Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) the rheumatology drug, methotrexate, and the anti-seizure drug Dilantin (phentoin). Maternal exposure to anti-folate drugs such as methotrexate Bactrim and Dilantin increase risk of neural tube defects in the fetus up to six-fold. (85-87) Maternal folate supplementation has been shown to reduce incidence of fetal neural tube defects (NTD), and folic acid fortification in food supply was mandated in 1998. (85-87)(100-103)

    Glyphosate Inhibits the Shikimate Pathway

    Glyphosate’s known mode of action is inhibition of the shikimate pathway in plants, fungi, bacteria and parasites.(58) Glyphosate blocks the pathway which produces Folate, Ubiquinone (Co-Q10), Vitamin K, and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine.

    Government Regulators Deemed Glyphosate Safe for Humans

    Government regulators deemed glyphosate safe for us humans because we lack the shikimate pathway. They forgot to consider that we humans depend on the shikimate pathway in plants and gut bacteria for our folate (vitamin B9), to prevents neural tube defects. If your lunch salad comes from an agricultural field treated with glyphosate which blocks the plant’s ability to synthesize folate, how much folate are you getting in your meal ? If you are ingesting glyphosate in your food, blocking your gut bacteria from synthesing folate, how soon will you be rendered folate deficient? Dr Bekaert says in 2008,

    “Humans cannot synthesize folates (vitamin B9) and thus have to rely on plant food supplying these essential vitamins.“(104)

    Dr Craig Roberts suggests that Glyphosate may serve as anti-folate, anti-parasitic drug ,He says:(58)

    ” it is likely that the shikimate pathway is important for supply of folate precursors in this parasite….inhibitors of EPSP synthase (such as glyphosate) can act in synergy with conventional antifolates and may be a useful addition to the agents used against apicomplexan parasites.”(58)

    A quote from a University of Chicago Press Release 1998 (61) explains that Glyphosate blocks production of folate:

    “Effective new ways to inhibit parasites that cause malaria, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis” June 25, 1998.(61)

    “Dr. McLeod’s team showed that glyphosate, …could block the production of folate, inhibiting parasite growth and survival. Glyphosate proved effective against malaria strains that were resistant to an anti-malarial medicine, pyrimethamine, which interrupts folate processing at a different point. To confirm the finding, they demonstrated that these folate-starved parasites could be rescued, in the test tube, by giving them folate.”(61)

    Brazil Annual Pesticide Sales Surpasses the US

    Left Image courtesy of Reuters. Brazil sales of herbicide (glyphosate) exceeds that of US.(81)

    According to Paulo Prada in her 2015 article, Brazil has a huge appetite for pesticides and herbicides, surpassing annual sales in the US.(81)

    Poalo Prado explains that in Northeast Brazil, irrigation canals were built, transforming previously arid land into fertile farm land. These open air irrigation canals are heavily contaminated with herbicides and pesticides liberally applied to the crop fields. Life is primitive for the agricultural workers who live without piped in water for their dwellings. The local workers use the open air irrigation canals for their drinking water, thus are heavily exposed to herbicide and pesticide runoff.

    House Passes 1.1 Billion Zika Virus Bill. Methyl-Folate is Cheaper.

    Instead of spending 1.1 Billion dollars on a “controversial” Zika Virus Bill, I have a better idea for prevention of microcephaly and neural tube defects. (90) Suppose we instead allocate 100 million dollars to give out free methyl-folate tablets to all pregnant women exposed to glyphosate here in the US, and in Brazil. That would solve the problem at a fraction of the cost, saving a Billion Dollars.(90)

    53 Countries Have Mandatory Flour Fortification with Folate

    Folate fortification of flour for prevention of neural tube defects (anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida etc.) is mandated in 53 countries. Fortification of flour with folic acid was mandated in the US in 1998, the most successful public health measure in history, with reduction of neural tube defects by 36%.(100-103) In 2009, Dr Oakley declared this success story a “modern miracle of epidemiology”.(103)

    Study Blood Folate Levels in North East Brazil

    Why not allocate research funds to study blood folate levels in women in Northeast Brazil at high risk for having babies with neural tube defects? This was done here in the US before and after starting folate fortification in 1998, showing reduction incidence of neural tube defects by 36%.(101) Folate deficiency (blood folate levels less than 3 ng/ml)) decreased from 21% to less than 1% of the population. (101)

    In Australia, mandatory fortification of bread with folate and iodine was introduced in 2009, resulting in a 50-80 per cent reduction in neural tube defects in at-risk indigenous women and teenagers.(100-112)

    Reducing Microcephaly in Brazil with Folate Fortification

    Studies done in Brazil shows folate deficiency is severe, affecting 94% among the poor.(113) Folate fortification of flour in three south American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile) resulted in significant reduction in 52 different fetal anomalies including reduction in microcephaly and anencephaly.(114) Currently all South American countries except Venezuala have mandatory folate fortification legislation.(115) In populations using folate fortification there have been decreases in neural tube defects from 30-50%.(115)

    How is Such an Error Possible ?

    You might ask the obvious question, “how is such an error in thinking possible” that the government would waste a billion dollars on Zika instead of Folate Fortification? This is called CrimeStop or “Protective Stupidity“, aptly described in 1984 by George Orwell (91):

    “The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself….Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak….the Party says the earth is flat’, ‘the party says that ice is heavier than water’—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.”

    “Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…”…”Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”(91)

    Using Fear and Smear Tactics to Distract Attention from Monsanto

    This article in the Huffington Post Feb 16 is typical of the Monsanto tactics to distract attention away from Roundup glyphosate as the cause of the birth defects in agricultural workers in Brazil; A Viral Story Links The Zika Crisis To Monsanto. Don’t Believe It. by Anna Almendrala Senior Healthy Living Editor Huffington Post. Anna’s piece is pure Monsanto propaganda masquerading as journalism, don’t believe a word of it. If you trust anything Monsanto says, then I have a bridge to sell you.

    Monsanto has known for decades that Glyphosate causes birth defects, see this report: Roundup and birth defects. Is the public being kept in the dark ? by Michael Antoniou Earth Open Source June 2011

    Search Google Scholar for articles with key words “microcephaly pesticide“ : you will see 2160 articles pop up.

    Glyphosate is “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans”

    A number of studies show glyphosate exposure doubles the incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.(92) As reported in Lancet Oncology by Dr Kathryn Guyton, on March, 2015, 17 experts from 11 countries met in Lyon France and classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (89)

    Zika Distraction from Glyphosate – The Elephant in the Room

    Certainly, maternal viral illness with Rubella, (CMV) cytomegalovirus and Zika are all risk factors for fetal demise, and fetal malformations, and are best avoided.(93-95) However, the Zika Virus is a distraction from the real cause of the problem, massive glyphosate exposure to pregnant agricultural workers in Brazil. Glyphosate is a patented anti-folate drug, Anti-folate drugs are known to cause microcephaly and neural tube defects in animals and humans.

    Professor Don Huber, GMO Food and Glyphosate

    Increased incidence of birth defects in the population caused by exposure to the anti-folate agent, glyphosate is only the “tip of the iceberg”. The adverse health consequences of GMO food and glyphosate contamination of our food and water supply are much more extensive as outlined in a series of articles posted on the Stephanie Seneff home page. Here is a quote from Professor Don M. Huber:(88) from his document GMO Failed Promises Flawed Science Serious Health Safety Issue

    ” Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticides we did or did not apply, but about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on failed promises and flawed science, just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.” Dr. Don M. Huber

    Link to this article: http://wp.me/p3gFbV-3En

    Jeffrey Dach MD
    7450 Griffin Road Suite 190
    Davie, Fl 33314

    Articles with related interest:

    Dont Ask for HIV Test Ask For Glyphosate Test

    Curing Autism with Antibiotics

    Berberine Antdote for an Epidemic


    For references, please view original publication.

    Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly? Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure Causing Microcephaly Originally published on jeffreydachmd.com. What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you... Is It Zika Virus or Glyphosate Exposure ? The news media has been reporting the Zika virus as the cause of microcephaly. The story originated in a Monsanto chemical industry press release dated Feb 17, 2016 which was then copied over the news media. The Zika virus was discovered in Uganda in 1947, and there have been no reports of microcephaly in Uganda. A US news article says, according to Associated Press journalists who visited the Zika Forest in Uganda on Feb 1, 2016, local officials have no concern about the Zika virus.(24) New England Journal Reports A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Zika Virus surveillance in Colombia.(80-81) Of 50 babies reported with microcephaly, only four (8 %) had laboratory evidence of congenital Zika virus infection on RT-PCR. The other 46 cases (92 %) were due to other causes. Of 1850 pregnant women reported infected with Zika virus, no babies were born with microcephaly. The authors state: (80-81) “maternal infection with the Zika virus during the third trimester of pregnancy is not linked to structural abnormalities in the fetus.” Since 92% of microcephaly babies are not caused by maternal Zika virus, perhaps we should be looking for other preventable causes. Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam reviewed this same data from the Colombia surveillance study After reviewing this data, Dr Yaneer Bar-Yam concluded in his own report entitled: “Is Zika the cause of Microcephaly?”that there is no direct link between zika virus and microcephaly, and he proposed pesticide exposure (pyriproxyfen) in the drinking water as an alternative explanation(99): “This (data) would seem to rule out Zika as a cause of microcephaly. This gives a consistent interpretation that there is no direct link between Zika and microcephaly except for random co-occurrence.”….”An alternative cause of microcephaly in Brazil could be the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is cross-reactive with retinoic acid, which causes microcephaly, and is being used in drinking water.”(99) Dr Tiago Baptista Questions Zika as Sole Cause of Microcephaly Maternal viral infection with rubella or cytomegalovirus have been known to cause fetal malformation and fetal demise. There is no doubt that viral illness during pregnancy is best avoided.(47-55) However, Dr Tiago Baptista in a 2016 BMJ article questions “whether the surge in reported cases of microcephaly is entirely due to Zika virus infection“(55) He says: “The risk of microcephaly after maternal infection is estimated at roughly one in 100 women… This is a relatively low risk compared with other causal infections such as cytomegalovirus.”(55) A Distraction From the Real Cause- Exposure to Glyphosate Causes Microcephaly and other Congenital Anomalies I suggest that the Zika virus is merely a distraction away from the real cause, agrichemical exposure from Monsanto’s Round-Up Herbicide, glyphosate, (1-4) Dr Alejandra Paganelli reported in 2010 that “Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling.” (8) Dr Paganelli concludes: “(congenital malformations) “produced by Glyphosate Based Herbicides are mainly a consequence of the increase of endogenous retinoid activity. ” (8) Dr Sylvia Lopez In 2012, Dr Silvia L. Lopez reviewed the effects of agricultural chemicals, glyphosate based herbicides, in human and animal models.(9) She says: “It is very well known that acute or chronic increase of retinoic acid (RA) levels leads to teratogenic effects during human pregnancy and in experimental models. The characteristic features displayed by Retinoic Acid embryopathy in humans include brain abnormalities such as microcephaly, microphtalmia, and impairment of hindbrain development; abnormal external and middle ears (microtia or anotia), mandibular and midfacial underdevelopment, and cleft palate.” (9) Note: Retinoic Acid is Vitamin A Derivative. Dr Benitez-Leite Dr Benitez-Leite reported 52 cases of malformations in babies born of women exposed to agricultural chemicals. The congenital malformations observed include anencephaly, microcephaly, facial defects, myelomeningocele, cleft palate, ear malformations, polydactily, syndactily all consistent with the well-known and expected syndrome caused by upregulation of the Retinoic Acid pathway.(10) Left image Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contains glyphosate. Upregulation of Retinoic Acid Pathway A number of reports have linked arial spraying with the mosquito larvicide pyriproxyfen to birth defects such as microcephaly in the crop sprayed towns of Northeast Brazil.(106-108) Pyriproxyfen disrupts retinoic acid (vitramin A) signalling, a known mechanism for microcephaly (106-108) In 1995, Dr Kenneth Rothman reported in NEJM that High Vitamin A Intake causes birth defects. (109) Increasing Anencephaly in Yakima Valley in Washington State Another mechanism is glyphosate disruption of folate metabolsm as discussed below in the Yakima Washington State case. (35-37) Over three years from 2010 to 2013, the Washington State Department of Health reported an unusual increase in anencephalic babies born in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties, four times higher than the national average. (33-34) Anencephaply, microcephaly and spina bifida are all related disorders of neural tube closure associated with maternal folate deficiency. Maternal folate supplementation is preventive. Maternal folate supplementation in Yakima was not at issue, as this was similar to the national average. Barbara Peterson, in Farm Wars, makes a compelling case for glyphosate exposure as the cause, since the Yakima river running through the affected counties had been heavily treated with glyphosate for weed control during that time period.(29) Left image Yakima River Washington State. Glyphosate Disrupts Folate Metabolism Glyphosate disruption of folate metabolism is discussed by Stephanie Seneff in her May 2016 article on Weston Price.(35) Glyphosate acts as an antibiotic, killing friendly bacteria by blocking the Shikimate pathway. These friendly bacterial are also involved in bacterial conversion of folic acid to methyl folate, its active form. Maternal methylfolate deficiency is associated with neural tube defects in the developing embryo.(85-87) Glyphosate Disrupts Glycine Metabolism Stephanie Seneff’s article then discusses how glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase metabolism, known to cause neural tube defects in animal studies and humans.(36-37) Glyphosate is the amino acid glycine with an added phosphate group, so glyphosate may readily displace glycine in various biochemical reactions. Glyphosate disrupts glycine decarboxylase by displacing glycine as a substrate. In addition, glyphosate replaces glycine at insertion sites in amino acid chains during protein synthesis, producing defective enzymes (35). Glyphosate is basically the amino acid, glycine with a phosphate group added on to it. Glyphosate is a Patented Antimicrobial, Anti-Folate Drug Glyphosate is actually patented as an anti-microbial drug. (83,84) Glyphosate serves as an anti-folate agent working in synergy with other anti-folate drugs.(58,61) Other anti-folate drugs in common use include the urinary tract antibiotic, Bactrim (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) the rheumatology drug, methotrexate, and the anti-seizure drug Dilantin (phentoin). Maternal exposure to anti-folate drugs such as methotrexate Bactrim and Dilantin increase risk of neural tube defects in the fetus up to six-fold. (85-87) Maternal folate supplementation has been shown to reduce incidence of fetal neural tube defects (NTD), and folic acid fortification in food supply was mandated in 1998. (85-87)(100-103) Glyphosate Inhibits the Shikimate Pathway Glyphosate’s known mode of action is inhibition of the shikimate pathway in plants, fungi, bacteria and parasites.(58) Glyphosate blocks the pathway which produces Folate, Ubiquinone (Co-Q10), Vitamin K, and the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. Government Regulators Deemed Glyphosate Safe for Humans Government regulators deemed glyphosate safe for us humans because we lack the shikimate pathway. They forgot to consider that we humans depend on the shikimate pathway in plants and gut bacteria for our folate (vitamin B9), to prevents neural tube defects. If your lunch salad comes from an agricultural field treated with glyphosate which blocks the plant’s ability to synthesize folate, how much folate are you getting in your meal ? If you are ingesting glyphosate in your food, blocking your gut bacteria from synthesing folate, how soon will you be rendered folate deficient? Dr Bekaert says in 2008, “Humans cannot synthesize folates (vitamin B9) and thus have to rely on plant food supplying these essential vitamins.“(104) Dr Craig Roberts suggests that Glyphosate may serve as anti-folate, anti-parasitic drug ,He says:(58) ” it is likely that the shikimate pathway is important for supply of folate precursors in this parasite….inhibitors of EPSP synthase (such as glyphosate) can act in synergy with conventional antifolates and may be a useful addition to the agents used against apicomplexan parasites.”(58) A quote from a University of Chicago Press Release 1998 (61) explains that Glyphosate blocks production of folate: “Effective new ways to inhibit parasites that cause malaria, toxoplasmosis and cryptosporidiosis” June 25, 1998.(61) “Dr. McLeod’s team showed that glyphosate, …could block the production of folate, inhibiting parasite growth and survival. Glyphosate proved effective against malaria strains that were resistant to an anti-malarial medicine, pyrimethamine, which interrupts folate processing at a different point. To confirm the finding, they demonstrated that these folate-starved parasites could be rescued, in the test tube, by giving them folate.”(61) Brazil Annual Pesticide Sales Surpasses the US Left Image courtesy of Reuters. Brazil sales of herbicide (glyphosate) exceeds that of US.(81) According to Paulo Prada in her 2015 article, Brazil has a huge appetite for pesticides and herbicides, surpassing annual sales in the US.(81) Poalo Prado explains that in Northeast Brazil, irrigation canals were built, transforming previously arid land into fertile farm land. These open air irrigation canals are heavily contaminated with herbicides and pesticides liberally applied to the crop fields. Life is primitive for the agricultural workers who live without piped in water for their dwellings. The local workers use the open air irrigation canals for their drinking water, thus are heavily exposed to herbicide and pesticide runoff. House Passes 1.1 Billion Zika Virus Bill. Methyl-Folate is Cheaper. Instead of spending 1.1 Billion dollars on a “controversial” Zika Virus Bill, I have a better idea for prevention of microcephaly and neural tube defects. (90) Suppose we instead allocate 100 million dollars to give out free methyl-folate tablets to all pregnant women exposed to glyphosate here in the US, and in Brazil. That would solve the problem at a fraction of the cost, saving a Billion Dollars.(90) 53 Countries Have Mandatory Flour Fortification with Folate Folate fortification of flour for prevention of neural tube defects (anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida etc.) is mandated in 53 countries. Fortification of flour with folic acid was mandated in the US in 1998, the most successful public health measure in history, with reduction of neural tube defects by 36%.(100-103) In 2009, Dr Oakley declared this success story a “modern miracle of epidemiology”.(103) Study Blood Folate Levels in North East Brazil Why not allocate research funds to study blood folate levels in women in Northeast Brazil at high risk for having babies with neural tube defects? This was done here in the US before and after starting folate fortification in 1998, showing reduction incidence of neural tube defects by 36%.(101) Folate deficiency (blood folate levels less than 3 ng/ml)) decreased from 21% to less than 1% of the population. (101) In Australia, mandatory fortification of bread with folate and iodine was introduced in 2009, resulting in a 50-80 per cent reduction in neural tube defects in at-risk indigenous women and teenagers.(100-112) Reducing Microcephaly in Brazil with Folate Fortification Studies done in Brazil shows folate deficiency is severe, affecting 94% among the poor.(113) Folate fortification of flour in three south American countries (Brazil, Argentina, Chile) resulted in significant reduction in 52 different fetal anomalies including reduction in microcephaly and anencephaly.(114) Currently all South American countries except Venezuala have mandatory folate fortification legislation.(115) In populations using folate fortification there have been decreases in neural tube defects from 30-50%.(115) How is Such an Error Possible ? You might ask the obvious question, “how is such an error in thinking possible” that the government would waste a billion dollars on Zika instead of Folate Fortification? This is called CrimeStop or “Protective Stupidity“, aptly described in 1984 by George Orwell (91): “The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself….Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak….the Party says the earth is flat’, ‘the party says that ice is heavier than water’—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.” “Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…”…”Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”(91) Using Fear and Smear Tactics to Distract Attention from Monsanto This article in the Huffington Post Feb 16 is typical of the Monsanto tactics to distract attention away from Roundup glyphosate as the cause of the birth defects in agricultural workers in Brazil; A Viral Story Links The Zika Crisis To Monsanto. Don’t Believe It. by Anna Almendrala Senior Healthy Living Editor Huffington Post. Anna’s piece is pure Monsanto propaganda masquerading as journalism, don’t believe a word of it. If you trust anything Monsanto says, then I have a bridge to sell you. Monsanto has known for decades that Glyphosate causes birth defects, see this report: Roundup and birth defects. Is the public being kept in the dark ? by Michael Antoniou Earth Open Source June 2011 Search Google Scholar for articles with key words “microcephaly pesticide“ : you will see 2160 articles pop up. Glyphosate is “Probably Carcinogenic to Humans” A number of studies show glyphosate exposure doubles the incidence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.(92) As reported in Lancet Oncology by Dr Kathryn Guyton, on March, 2015, 17 experts from 11 countries met in Lyon France and classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (89) Zika Distraction from Glyphosate – The Elephant in the Room Certainly, maternal viral illness with Rubella, (CMV) cytomegalovirus and Zika are all risk factors for fetal demise, and fetal malformations, and are best avoided.(93-95) However, the Zika Virus is a distraction from the real cause of the problem, massive glyphosate exposure to pregnant agricultural workers in Brazil. Glyphosate is a patented anti-folate drug, Anti-folate drugs are known to cause microcephaly and neural tube defects in animals and humans. Professor Don Huber, GMO Food and Glyphosate Increased incidence of birth defects in the population caused by exposure to the anti-folate agent, glyphosate is only the “tip of the iceberg”. The adverse health consequences of GMO food and glyphosate contamination of our food and water supply are much more extensive as outlined in a series of articles posted on the Stephanie Seneff home page. Here is a quote from Professor Don M. Huber:(88) from his document GMO Failed Promises Flawed Science Serious Health Safety Issue ” Future historians may well look back upon our time and write, not about how many pounds of pesticides we did or did not apply, but about how willing we are to sacrifice our children and jeopardize future generations for this massive experiment we call genetic engineering that is based on failed promises and flawed science, just to benefit the bottom line of a commercial enterprise.” Dr. Don M. Huber Link to this article: http://wp.me/p3gFbV-3En Jeffrey Dach MD 7450 Griffin Road Suite 190 Davie, Fl 33314 954-792-4663 Articles with related interest: Dont Ask for HIV Test Ask For Glyphosate Test Curing Autism with Antibiotics Berberine Antdote for an Epidemic References For references, please view original publication. https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/zika-virus-or-roundup-herbicide-cause-microcephaly
    Zika Virus or Roundup Herbicide The Cause of Microcephaly?
    What's causing microcephaly? It might not be what the media is telling you...
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    In what might be the biggest public health scandal ever, four deadly parasites have been found inside vaccines. And it’s not just speculation—it’s a fact. Big Pharma has done everything possible to hide it. But ask yourself: if vaccines are meant to save lives, why are deadly organisms being injected into us? This is real, and you can't afford to look away.

    A Nightmare Unfolding. We’ve been told for years that vaccines are “safe and effective.” But that’s not the full story. What if I told you these vials contain living parasites that can harm or even kill you? Yes, these organisms are inside, and once injected, who knows what damage they’ll cause. This is not some far-off danger; it’s happening right now.

    Dr. Carrie Madej ran independent tests on vaccine vials and uncovered something terrifying—a living Hydra vulgaris parasite trying to escape from the vial. That's right, living organisms, not just chemicals, are being injected under the guise of “protection.” And Hydra is just one of the four parasites found.

    Big Pharma’s Role in This Scandal. Don’t think for a second this is a mistake. Big Pharma is known for putting profits before people. Backed by governments, shielded from lawsuits, and rolling in billions, they have no reason to care about the dangers they’re spreading. The question isn’t if they’d do this, it’s when they already have.

    Cold Storage—The Real Reason. Why were these vials stored at freezing temperatures? It wasn’t just about preserving the vaccine. It was to keep these parasites alive. Once injected and they warm up, they start moving inside your body, ready to wreak havoc.

    Hydra Vulgaris—the Immortal Parasite. This parasite is nearly immortal, with the ability to regenerate itself endlessly. Imagine that—an organism inside your body that can live forever, multiplying inside your bloodstream. This isn’t just scary—it’s a nightmare.

    Trypanosoma Cruzi—the Killer Parasite. Another parasite found in vaccines is Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease. It’s a silent killer, slowly damaging the heart and digestive system over years. How many people have this ticking time bomb in their veins right now?

    Toxoplasma Gondii—Mind Control Parasite. This parasite can manipulate behavior. Scientists have shown it can alter brain chemistry in animals, making them act irrationally. Now imagine this mind-control being injected into humans—millions could already be under its influence.

    The Cover-Up. The media has stayed silent. Why? Because Big Pharma and governments are in on this. They need us to trust vaccines. They’ve silenced whistleblowers, buried the truth, and labeled anyone exposing this as spreading “misinformation.”

    Conclusion: This is the crime of the century, and it’s happening right now. We’re being injected with deadly organisms, all for profit. It’s time to wake up. Don’t let these parasites take over your body or your mind. Fight back—before it’s too late.

    Join and share my channel immediately:

    BREAKING: FOUR DEADLY PARASITES FOUND IN THE VACCINES — IT’S THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY! In what might be the biggest public health scandal ever, four deadly parasites have been found inside vaccines. And it’s not just speculation—it’s a fact. Big Pharma has done everything possible to hide it. But ask yourself: if vaccines are meant to save lives, why are deadly organisms being injected into us? This is real, and you can't afford to look away. A Nightmare Unfolding. We’ve been told for years that vaccines are “safe and effective.” But that’s not the full story. What if I told you these vials contain living parasites that can harm or even kill you? Yes, these organisms are inside, and once injected, who knows what damage they’ll cause. This is not some far-off danger; it’s happening right now. Dr. Carrie Madej ran independent tests on vaccine vials and uncovered something terrifying—a living Hydra vulgaris parasite trying to escape from the vial. That's right, living organisms, not just chemicals, are being injected under the guise of “protection.” And Hydra is just one of the four parasites found. Big Pharma’s Role in This Scandal. Don’t think for a second this is a mistake. Big Pharma is known for putting profits before people. Backed by governments, shielded from lawsuits, and rolling in billions, they have no reason to care about the dangers they’re spreading. The question isn’t if they’d do this, it’s when they already have. Cold Storage—The Real Reason. Why were these vials stored at freezing temperatures? It wasn’t just about preserving the vaccine. It was to keep these parasites alive. Once injected and they warm up, they start moving inside your body, ready to wreak havoc. Hydra Vulgaris—the Immortal Parasite. This parasite is nearly immortal, with the ability to regenerate itself endlessly. Imagine that—an organism inside your body that can live forever, multiplying inside your bloodstream. This isn’t just scary—it’s a nightmare. Trypanosoma Cruzi—the Killer Parasite. Another parasite found in vaccines is Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease. It’s a silent killer, slowly damaging the heart and digestive system over years. How many people have this ticking time bomb in their veins right now? Toxoplasma Gondii—Mind Control Parasite. This parasite can manipulate behavior. Scientists have shown it can alter brain chemistry in animals, making them act irrationally. Now imagine this mind-control being injected into humans—millions could already be under its influence. The Cover-Up. The media has stayed silent. Why? Because Big Pharma and governments are in on this. They need us to trust vaccines. They’ve silenced whistleblowers, buried the truth, and labeled anyone exposing this as spreading “misinformation.” Conclusion: This is the crime of the century, and it’s happening right now. We’re being injected with deadly organisms, all for profit. It’s time to wake up. Don’t let these parasites take over your body or your mind. Fight back—before it’s too late. Join and share my channel immediately: https://t.me/JulianAssangeWiki https://t.me/JulianAssangeWiki/2195
    Julian Assange
    BREAKING: FOUR DEADLY PARASITES FOUND IN THE VACCINES — IT’S THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY! In what might be the biggest public health scandal ever, four deadly parasites have been found inside vaccines. And it’s not just speculation—it’s a fact. Big Pharma has done everything possible to hide it. But ask yourself: if vaccines are meant to save lives, why are deadly organisms being injected into us? This is real, and you can't afford to look away. A Nightmare Unfolding. We’ve been told for years that vaccines are “safe and effective.” But that’s not the full story. What if I told you these vials contain living parasites that can harm or even kill you? Yes, these organisms are inside, and once injected, who knows what damage they’ll cause. This is not some far-off danger; it’s happening right now. Dr. Carrie Madej ran independent tests on vaccine vials and uncovered something terrifying—a living Hydra vulgaris parasite trying to escape from the vial. That's right, living organisms, not just chemicals, are being injected under the guise of “protection.” And Hydra is just one of the four parasites found. Big Pharma’s Role in This Scandal. Don’t think for a second this is a mistake. Big Pharma is known for putting profits before people. Backed by governments, shielded from lawsuits, and rolling in billions, they have no reason to care about the dangers they’re spreading. The question isn’t if they’d do this, it’s when they already have. Cold Storage—The Real Reason. Why were these vials stored at freezing temperatures? It wasn’t just about preserving the vaccine. It was to keep these parasites alive. Once injected and they warm up, they start moving inside your body, ready to wreak havoc. Hydra Vulgaris—the Immortal Parasite. This parasite is nearly immortal, with the ability to regenerate itself endlessly. Imagine that—an organism inside your body that can live forever, multiplying inside your bloodstream. This isn’t just scary—it’s a nightmare. Trypanosoma Cruzi—the Killer Parasite. Another parasite found in vaccines is Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease. It’s a silent killer, slowly damaging the heart and digestive system over years. How many people have this ticking time bomb in their veins right now? Toxoplasma Gondii—Mind Control Parasite. This parasite can manipulate behavior. Scientists have shown it can alter brain chemistry in animals, making them act irrationally. Now imagine this mind-control being injected into humans—millions could already be under its influence. The Cover-Up. The media has stayed silent. Why? Because Big Pharma and governments are in on this. They need us to trust vaccines. They’ve silenced whistleblowers, buried the truth, and labeled anyone exposing this as spreading “misinformation.” Conclusion: This is the crime of the century, and it’s happening right now. We’re being injected with deadly organisms, all for profit. It’s time to wake up. Don’t let these parasites take over your body or your mind. Fight back—before it’s too late. Join and share my channel immediately: https://t.me/JulianAssangeWiki
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4916 Views

    In what might be the biggest public health scandal ever, four deadly parasites have been found inside vaccines. And it’s not just speculation—it’s a fact. Big Pharma has done everything possible to hide it. But ask yourself: if vaccines are meant to save lives, why are deadly organisms being injected into us? This is real, and you can't afford to look away.

    A Nightmare Unfolding. We’ve been told for years that vaccines are “safe and effective.” But that’s not the full story. What if I told you these vials contain living parasites that can harm or even kill you? Yes, these organisms are inside, and once injected, who knows what damage they’ll cause. This is not some far-off danger; it’s happening right now.

    Dr. Carrie Madej ran independent tests on vaccine vials and uncovered something terrifying—a living Hydra vulgaris parasite trying to escape from the vial. That's right, living organisms, not just chemicals, are being injected under the guise of “protection.” And Hydra is just one of the four parasites found.

    Big Pharma’s Role in This Scandal. Don’t think for a second this is a mistake. Big Pharma is known for putting profits before people. Backed by governments, shielded from lawsuits, and rolling in billions, they have no reason to care about the dangers they’re spreading. The question isn’t if they’d do this, it’s when they already have.

    Cold Storage—The Real Reason. Why were these vials stored at freezing temperatures? It wasn’t just about preserving the vaccine. It was to keep these parasites alive. Once injected and they warm up, they start moving inside your body, ready to wreak havoc.

    Hydra Vulgaris—the Immortal Parasite. This parasite is nearly immortal, with the ability to regenerate itself endlessly. Imagine that—an organism inside your body that can live forever, multiplying inside your bloodstream. This isn’t just scary—it’s a nightmare.

    Trypanosoma Cruzi—the Killer Parasite. Another parasite found in vaccines is Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease. It’s a silent killer, slowly damaging the heart and digestive system over years. How many people have this ticking time bomb in their veins right now?

    Toxoplasma Gondii—Mind Control Parasite. This parasite can manipulate behavior. Scientists have shown it can alter brain chemistry in animals, making them act irrationally. Now imagine this mind-control being injected into humans—millions could already be under its influence.

    The Cover-Up. The media has stayed silent. Why? Because Big Pharma and governments are in on this. They need us to trust vaccines. They’ve silenced whistleblowers, buried the truth, and labeled anyone exposing this as spreading “misinformation.”

    Conclusion: This is the crime of the century, and it’s happening right now. We’re being injected with deadly organisms, all for profit. It’s time to wake up. Don’t let these parasites take over your body or your mind. Fight back—before it’s too late.

    Join and share my channel immediately:

    BREAKING: FOUR DEADLY PARASITES FOUND IN THE VACCINES — IT’S THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY! In what might be the biggest public health scandal ever, four deadly parasites have been found inside vaccines. And it’s not just speculation—it’s a fact. Big Pharma has done everything possible to hide it. But ask yourself: if vaccines are meant to save lives, why are deadly organisms being injected into us? This is real, and you can't afford to look away. A Nightmare Unfolding. We’ve been told for years that vaccines are “safe and effective.” But that’s not the full story. What if I told you these vials contain living parasites that can harm or even kill you? Yes, these organisms are inside, and once injected, who knows what damage they’ll cause. This is not some far-off danger; it’s happening right now. Dr. Carrie Madej ran independent tests on vaccine vials and uncovered something terrifying—a living Hydra vulgaris parasite trying to escape from the vial. That's right, living organisms, not just chemicals, are being injected under the guise of “protection.” And Hydra is just one of the four parasites found. Big Pharma’s Role in This Scandal. Don’t think for a second this is a mistake. Big Pharma is known for putting profits before people. Backed by governments, shielded from lawsuits, and rolling in billions, they have no reason to care about the dangers they’re spreading. The question isn’t if they’d do this, it’s when they already have. Cold Storage—The Real Reason. Why were these vials stored at freezing temperatures? It wasn’t just about preserving the vaccine. It was to keep these parasites alive. Once injected and they warm up, they start moving inside your body, ready to wreak havoc. Hydra Vulgaris—the Immortal Parasite. This parasite is nearly immortal, with the ability to regenerate itself endlessly. Imagine that—an organism inside your body that can live forever, multiplying inside your bloodstream. This isn’t just scary—it’s a nightmare. Trypanosoma Cruzi—the Killer Parasite. Another parasite found in vaccines is Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease. It’s a silent killer, slowly damaging the heart and digestive system over years. How many people have this ticking time bomb in their veins right now? Toxoplasma Gondii—Mind Control Parasite. This parasite can manipulate behavior. Scientists have shown it can alter brain chemistry in animals, making them act irrationally. Now imagine this mind-control being injected into humans—millions could already be under its influence. The Cover-Up. The media has stayed silent. Why? Because Big Pharma and governments are in on this. They need us to trust vaccines. They’ve silenced whistleblowers, buried the truth, and labeled anyone exposing this as spreading “misinformation.” Conclusion: This is the crime of the century, and it’s happening right now. We’re being injected with deadly organisms, all for profit. It’s time to wake up. Don’t let these parasites take over your body or your mind. Fight back—before it’s too late. Join and share my channel immediately: https://t.me/JulianAssangeWiki https://t.me/JulianAssangeWiki/2195
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4359 Views
  • Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin.
    PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028.

    There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008.

    Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity.

    Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons.

    Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures.

    This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”.

    I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury.

    Insecticides and nerve agents.

    This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily.

    I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”.

    PREP Act declaration for anthrax.

    PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone:

    We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”.

    What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be.

    Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage.

    For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative:

    Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax

    As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting…

    3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey

    Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity.

    An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops.

    Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

    Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”:

    Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge

    Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm...

    The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China.

    Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor:

    “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows.

    Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too.

    What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors:

    LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa.

    LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa.

    As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer.

    As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized.

    Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA:

    Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit.

    Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019.

    We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies.

    Buy me a Ko-fi

    Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in.

    Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin. PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028. There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008. Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity. Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons. Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures. This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”. I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury. Insecticides and nerve agents. This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily. I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”. PREP Act declaration for anthrax. PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone: We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”. What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be. Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage. For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative: Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting… 3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity. An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops. Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”: Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm... The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China. Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor: “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows. Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too. What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors: LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa. LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa. As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer. As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized. Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA: Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit. Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019. We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies. Buy me a Ko-fi Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in. https://substack.com/@sashalatypova/p-143321979
    Sasha Latypova | Substack
    I could not become a professional artist, so I became a pharma and medical device R&D executive. If you are interested in my art, visit sashalatypova.com
    0 Comments 1 Shares 15046 Views
  • Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin.
    PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028.

    There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008.

    Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity.

    Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons.

    Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures.

    This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”.

    I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury.

    Insecticides and nerve agents.

    This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily.

    I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”.

    PREP Act declaration for anthrax.

    PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone:

    We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”.

    What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be.

    Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage.

    For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative:

    Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax

    As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting…

    3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey

    Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity.

    An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops.

    Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

    Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”:

    Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge

    Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm...

    The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China.

    Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor:

    “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows.

    Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too.

    What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors:

    LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa.

    LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa.

    As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer.

    As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized.

    Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA:

    Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit.

    Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019.

    We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies.

    Buy me a Ko-fi

    Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in.

    Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin. PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028. There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008. Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity. Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons. Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures. This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”. I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury. Insecticides and nerve agents. This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily. I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”. PREP Act declaration for anthrax. PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone: We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”. What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be. Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage. For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative: Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting… 3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity. An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops. Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”: Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm... The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China. Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor: “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows. Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too. What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors: LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa. LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa. As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer. As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized. Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA: Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit. Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019. We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies. Buy me a Ko-fi Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in. https://open.substack.com/pub/sashalatypova/p/some-similarities-between-spike-protein
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  • Watch RFK Jr. Expose Four Toxic Substances That Are in Your Food
    Now that Robert Kennedy Jr. is set to become Trump’s future health czar with a mission to end the chronic disease epidemic, Fox News has finally jumped on the bandwagon, giving him a platform to expose the hidden dangers in our food.

    Kennedy revealed four toxic ingredients—many of them heavily subsidized—that are fueling the chronic disease crisis in America. These ingredients, lurking in everyday items, are wreaking havoc on public health.

    Join 80K+ Substack readers and 1.1 million 𝕏 users who follow the work of Vigilant Fox. Subscribe to Vigilant News for exclusive stories you won’t find anywhere else.

    1. SEED OILS: Kennedy says seed oils are “one of the most unhealthy ingredients” we have in foods, linked to “serious illnesses, including body-wide inflammation.”

    They’re “heavily subsidized” and “almost impossible to avoid” if you eat any processed food.

    2. FOOD COLORING: “Yellow food coloring is a petroleum product” and “associated with depression, autoimmune injuries, and ADHD,” Kennedy explained.

    Red dye is “also very bad.” In Europe, companies use “natural coloring,” but in the U.S., they “can get away with” using synthetic dyes. We have “almost a thousand chemicals in our food” that are banned or discouraged in Europe.

    3. NATURAL FLAVORS: In America, “natural flavors are chemical products,” so “you can't trust what's on the ingredient label,” Kennedy stated. This is another example of how government agencies have been “captured by the industries they're supposed to regulate.”

    4. PESTICIDES: These chemicals used to kill pests have the potential to cause several long-term health issues, including cancer, hormonal imbalances, neurological disorders, and weakened immune function.

    Organic food uses natural, less toxic pesticides in limited amounts, while non-organic food often relies on synthetic pesticides that are more potent and persistent.

    Even foods like kale and strawberries are “contaminated with pesticides,” making them harmful unless they’re “certified organic,” Kennedy explained. What seems like “healthy food” could actually be “hurting you.”

    Watch the Full Video:


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    Watch RFK Jr. Expose Four Toxic Substances That Are in Your Food Now that Robert Kennedy Jr. is set to become Trump’s future health czar with a mission to end the chronic disease epidemic, Fox News has finally jumped on the bandwagon, giving him a platform to expose the hidden dangers in our food. Kennedy revealed four toxic ingredients—many of them heavily subsidized—that are fueling the chronic disease crisis in America. These ingredients, lurking in everyday items, are wreaking havoc on public health. Join 80K+ Substack readers and 1.1 million 𝕏 users who follow the work of Vigilant Fox. Subscribe to Vigilant News for exclusive stories you won’t find anywhere else. 1. SEED OILS: Kennedy says seed oils are “one of the most unhealthy ingredients” we have in foods, linked to “serious illnesses, including body-wide inflammation.” They’re “heavily subsidized” and “almost impossible to avoid” if you eat any processed food. 2. FOOD COLORING: “Yellow food coloring is a petroleum product” and “associated with depression, autoimmune injuries, and ADHD,” Kennedy explained. Red dye is “also very bad.” In Europe, companies use “natural coloring,” but in the U.S., they “can get away with” using synthetic dyes. We have “almost a thousand chemicals in our food” that are banned or discouraged in Europe. 3. NATURAL FLAVORS: In America, “natural flavors are chemical products,” so “you can't trust what's on the ingredient label,” Kennedy stated. This is another example of how government agencies have been “captured by the industries they're supposed to regulate.” 4. PESTICIDES: These chemicals used to kill pests have the potential to cause several long-term health issues, including cancer, hormonal imbalances, neurological disorders, and weakened immune function. Organic food uses natural, less toxic pesticides in limited amounts, while non-organic food often relies on synthetic pesticides that are more potent and persistent. Even foods like kale and strawberries are “contaminated with pesticides,” making them harmful unless they’re “certified organic,” Kennedy explained. What seems like “healthy food” could actually be “hurting you.” Watch the Full Video: Share Leave a comment https://substack.com/@vigilantfox/p-148086896
    The Vigilant Fox | Substack
    Pro-freedom citizen journalist. Editor-in-Chief of VigilantNews.com
    0 Comments 1 Shares 3329 Views
  • Of all the ingredient chemicals that have been demonized over the years, sodium has to be one of the most significant.

    It’s only when you combine a high-salt diet consisting of tons of junk food, with a sedentary lifestyle and generally poor health choices that you get the harmful effects of sodium. 

    Simply put, salt alone is NOT to blame for conditions such as high blood pressure, at least in the vast majority of people. 

    Despite the FDA’s sodium-reduction push, research has proven that not only is sodium not nearly as bad as it’s said to be, but you are actually missing out on the vital benefits of it.

    Join on Telegram channel
    Of all the ingredient chemicals that have been demonized over the years, sodium has to be one of the most significant. It’s only when you combine a high-salt diet consisting of tons of junk food, with a sedentary lifestyle and generally poor health choices that you get the harmful effects of sodium.  Simply put, salt alone is NOT to blame for conditions such as high blood pressure, at least in the vast majority of people.  Despite the FDA’s sodium-reduction push, research has proven that not only is sodium not nearly as bad as it’s said to be, but you are actually missing out on the vital benefits of it. Join on Telegram channel 👇 https://t.me/DrJudyMikovitsHealthSecrets
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1648 Views 0
  • Sugar: The Sweet Truth and the Big Fat Deception
    Obesity and chronic disease are more complicated than we've been led to believe

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Sugar: the demonisation of a product or ...
    Sugar gets demonized a lot. I used to demonize it too.

    Robert Lustig is a famous pediatric endocrinologist and physician researcher specialized in obesity, who, ever since his video, Sugar: The Bitter Truth went viral on Youtube in 2009, has been on a crusade against sugar (I wondered who funds him and could not figure it out).

    He was instrumental in helping formulate the 2009 American Heart Association’s strict guidelines on added sugar: no more than 100 calories per day for women (6 teaspoons) and 150 for men (9 teaspoons).

    Meanwhile this graph recently made the rounds calling into question the correlation between sugar intake and obesity:

    Sugar intake, while still much higher than historic norms, had been plummeting for over a decade by the time Lustig went viral with his anti-sugar message in 2009, yet obesity rates continued climbing as though nothing had changed.

    So what’s going on here? Is sugar really the primary cause of obesity, or just one of many rising causes? Or is it more complicated?

    I’ve found that some people feel best when they eat a lot of carbs. Not just a temporary sugar high, but truly better health all around.

    There’s a whole subculture of Ray Peat aficionados who had often spent years on low carb, no sugar diets and felt terrible - until they started eating more sugar, often in the form of whole food carbs, but also added refined sugar.

    On the other hand there are probably many more people who have been heavily addicted to sugar their entire lives, also feel terrible, and quitting sugar and carbs seems to make all the difference to their health.

    Meanwhile, historically, most human societies have gotten by just fine with a significant amount of carbohydrates in their diets, without obesity - just look at the US, we ate less refined sugar 70 years ago, but still dramatically more than any other civilization in human history, and we were not anywhere near as obese or unhealthy as we are today.

    Sugar Consumption in the US Diet
    Maybe that sorta plateau between 1920 and 1980 was just the furthest limit of sugar consumption we could possibly sustain without blowing up into human balloons?

    That’s certainly a reasonable possibility. Looking at this zoomed out graph you can see that what looked like a precipitous drop earlier, just looks like a dent in the long term uptrend now.

    But there’s another subculture of biohackers and optimizers that has found themselves going from sugar intolerant to sugar tolerant.

    Some people have found that when they correct their metabolic dysfunction and remain lean for long enough, they no longer have to be as strict as they used to in order to avoid regaining excess weight or re-triggering type 2 diabetes.

    They can seemingly miraculously eat a normal amount of carbs and sugar again.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    What could explain these seeming outliers? And could this be something we could all aspire to?

    It may be that sugar intolerance (weight gain, diabetes) is just a superficial problem manifesting due to some deeper dysfunction.

    The best candidate for this deeper dysfunction is vegetable seed oils.

    This toxic trash was never used before in human history, until debt driven fiat monetary inflation made it necessary for governments to identify cheaper cooking oils.

    The reason it was never used before was that it tasted and smelled repulsive.

    As nature intended: you see vegetable seeds are not meant to be eaten. At the most they're meant to pass through an animal’s digestive tract and be planted in the earth to propagate the plant species. So unlike the sweet fruits that plants “want” animals to consume from them, the seeds are very bitter.

    Bitterness is a useful signal to animals: it means this is toxic, don’t eat it. If you do you’ll be sorry, it will make you sick.

    The only way we could make the oils that came from crushing those seeds seemingly fit for human consumption was by complex industrial processes involving heavy machinery and a lot of chemicals to deodorize and sanitize the sludge that had previously only been used by sane people to grease the wheels of other machines.

    Now, what we eat for fat is of the utmost importance because fat is what we use to make the chemical messengers called hormones, and even more importantly it’s like the cement in a city: every single cell wall is built out of fat.

    The right kinds of healthy traditional fats from animals and fruits, like olive and coconut oils, will create cell walls with just the right amount of pliability, stability and durability.

    Whereas cell walls constructed out of vegetable seed oils create the wrong kind of cell walls.

    This changes the function of cells, their ability to respond to their environmental/chemical signals and to produce their own signaling compounds.

    The other problem is that the seed oils are inherently unstable and inflammatory, they develop harmful trans fats and carcinogenic chemicals like acrolein within them due to their processing, and they tend to “oxidize” other normal oils around them, so in a way they “infect” other fats and spread their inflammatory dysfunction.

    Some seed oils are labelled “heart healthy” because they are particularly high in omega 3s, like canola.

    However the other problems far outweigh the supposed benefits of the omega 3 consumption (and even the omega 3s themselves should be called into question when eaten in refined isolation from the living food matrix of the fish or plants they originated within.

    Chris Masterjohn has done some great work suggesting that high dose Omega 3s taken as supplements are initially anti-inflammatory, but later lead to a pro-inflammatory state.

    We need to consider that acute inflammation isn’t bad, and chronic inflammation is not the root dysfunction causing chronic illness. What is triggering the chronic inflammation is the real problem, so simply reducing the inflammation, while it reduces symptoms, is not a solution. It is standing in the way of the solution, and likely increasing the foothold the problem has within you, since the body’s immune response is being hampered).

    So it’s entirely possible that the original metabolic sin is the consumption of seed oils, leading to leptin resistance (spurring appetite), and then insulin resistance (with carb sensitivity) - both of these leading to visceral fat accumulation, weight gain and all other chronic diseases.

    There are other chemical “obesogens,” particularly pesticides, plastics, and xenoestrogens, that tend to make us fat and sick, but none are consumed in the tremendous quantities that seed oils are.

    What makes the problem particularly insidious is that it takes as much as 2 years after stopping seed oil consumption to fully clear the seed oils out of most of the body’s cells and then discover to your surprise that you can tolerate carbs and sugars again without going down the slippery slope of weight gain and chronic disease.

    So, certainly many people need to start with low carb because they do not tolerate carbs at the moment. Carbs do contribute to their weight problem right now. But I consider that only half the battle.

    While strictly avoiding carbs, apparently healthy function may be recovered, but resilience won’t not be, until you can once again tolerate an appropriate amount of carbs.

    It’s not possibly to determine what’s appropriate without first getting healthy by detoxing from seed oils, chemicals, chronic infections/infestations, and heavy metals and then seeing what you can tolerate and feel optimal eating.

    For most people it’s probably not the minuscule amounts allowed on a ketogenic diet. and for many people it could be much higher carb intake than they might expect.

    Paul Saladino became famous with the social media username “Carnivore MD,” which he still uses, but he has long since evolved to eating 300+ grams a day of what he considers healthy carbs from minimally processed fruits, honey and milk.


    He initially felt great on an all meat diet, but after some years began to deteriorate significantly until he added back carbs.

    People who experiment with the other extreme on vegan diets often experience a similar journey of initial profound improvements in chronic disease followed by worsening a few short years later.

    Doing what’s required to get better is hard enough without the trial and error, which is why people save a lot of time and money when they just go straight to someone who knows what they’re doing.

    My choice for people who want an all natural approach that works better than any other alternative, is Hakim Shabaz Ahmed, which is why he now works closely with us at mygotodoc.com/hakim. I can confidently say he is the best in the world at healing people at the deepest levels, because he began with himself and then fine tuned his approach on hundreds of people around the world who were so desperate they had no option but to follow his often difficult to implement advice.

    But what’s difficult becomes easy when you’re certain it will work and not just waste your time and effort. If you can become convinced that after a short but difficult path you’ll achieve everything you ever wanted, it’s relatively easy to decide to pursue it. Doubts are what stand in the way of most people, so it’s a good thing Hakim Shabaz is good at dispelling them. His confidence shines through when he speaks, and he will usually be able to tell patients things about themselves that he should have no way of knowing, because of not only intuition, but a deep understanding of underlying principles, which reveal connections most people don’t even know exist.

    Sugar: The Sweet Truth and the Big Fat Deception Obesity and chronic disease are more complicated than we've been led to believe Dr. Syed Haider Sugar: the demonisation of a product or ... Sugar gets demonized a lot. I used to demonize it too. Robert Lustig is a famous pediatric endocrinologist and physician researcher specialized in obesity, who, ever since his video, Sugar: The Bitter Truth went viral on Youtube in 2009, has been on a crusade against sugar (I wondered who funds him and could not figure it out). He was instrumental in helping formulate the 2009 American Heart Association’s strict guidelines on added sugar: no more than 100 calories per day for women (6 teaspoons) and 150 for men (9 teaspoons). Meanwhile this graph recently made the rounds calling into question the correlation between sugar intake and obesity: Image Sugar intake, while still much higher than historic norms, had been plummeting for over a decade by the time Lustig went viral with his anti-sugar message in 2009, yet obesity rates continued climbing as though nothing had changed. So what’s going on here? Is sugar really the primary cause of obesity, or just one of many rising causes? Or is it more complicated? I’ve found that some people feel best when they eat a lot of carbs. Not just a temporary sugar high, but truly better health all around. There’s a whole subculture of Ray Peat aficionados who had often spent years on low carb, no sugar diets and felt terrible - until they started eating more sugar, often in the form of whole food carbs, but also added refined sugar. On the other hand there are probably many more people who have been heavily addicted to sugar their entire lives, also feel terrible, and quitting sugar and carbs seems to make all the difference to their health. Meanwhile, historically, most human societies have gotten by just fine with a significant amount of carbohydrates in their diets, without obesity - just look at the US, we ate less refined sugar 70 years ago, but still dramatically more than any other civilization in human history, and we were not anywhere near as obese or unhealthy as we are today. Sugar Consumption in the US Diet Maybe that sorta plateau between 1920 and 1980 was just the furthest limit of sugar consumption we could possibly sustain without blowing up into human balloons? That’s certainly a reasonable possibility. Looking at this zoomed out graph you can see that what looked like a precipitous drop earlier, just looks like a dent in the long term uptrend now. But there’s another subculture of biohackers and optimizers that has found themselves going from sugar intolerant to sugar tolerant. Some people have found that when they correct their metabolic dysfunction and remain lean for long enough, they no longer have to be as strict as they used to in order to avoid regaining excess weight or re-triggering type 2 diabetes. They can seemingly miraculously eat a normal amount of carbs and sugar again. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share What could explain these seeming outliers? And could this be something we could all aspire to? It may be that sugar intolerance (weight gain, diabetes) is just a superficial problem manifesting due to some deeper dysfunction. The best candidate for this deeper dysfunction is vegetable seed oils. This toxic trash was never used before in human history, until debt driven fiat monetary inflation made it necessary for governments to identify cheaper cooking oils. The reason it was never used before was that it tasted and smelled repulsive. As nature intended: you see vegetable seeds are not meant to be eaten. At the most they're meant to pass through an animal’s digestive tract and be planted in the earth to propagate the plant species. So unlike the sweet fruits that plants “want” animals to consume from them, the seeds are very bitter. Bitterness is a useful signal to animals: it means this is toxic, don’t eat it. If you do you’ll be sorry, it will make you sick. The only way we could make the oils that came from crushing those seeds seemingly fit for human consumption was by complex industrial processes involving heavy machinery and a lot of chemicals to deodorize and sanitize the sludge that had previously only been used by sane people to grease the wheels of other machines. Now, what we eat for fat is of the utmost importance because fat is what we use to make the chemical messengers called hormones, and even more importantly it’s like the cement in a city: every single cell wall is built out of fat. The right kinds of healthy traditional fats from animals and fruits, like olive and coconut oils, will create cell walls with just the right amount of pliability, stability and durability. Whereas cell walls constructed out of vegetable seed oils create the wrong kind of cell walls. This changes the function of cells, their ability to respond to their environmental/chemical signals and to produce their own signaling compounds. The other problem is that the seed oils are inherently unstable and inflammatory, they develop harmful trans fats and carcinogenic chemicals like acrolein within them due to their processing, and they tend to “oxidize” other normal oils around them, so in a way they “infect” other fats and spread their inflammatory dysfunction. Some seed oils are labelled “heart healthy” because they are particularly high in omega 3s, like canola. However the other problems far outweigh the supposed benefits of the omega 3 consumption (and even the omega 3s themselves should be called into question when eaten in refined isolation from the living food matrix of the fish or plants they originated within. Chris Masterjohn has done some great work suggesting that high dose Omega 3s taken as supplements are initially anti-inflammatory, but later lead to a pro-inflammatory state. We need to consider that acute inflammation isn’t bad, and chronic inflammation is not the root dysfunction causing chronic illness. What is triggering the chronic inflammation is the real problem, so simply reducing the inflammation, while it reduces symptoms, is not a solution. It is standing in the way of the solution, and likely increasing the foothold the problem has within you, since the body’s immune response is being hampered). So it’s entirely possible that the original metabolic sin is the consumption of seed oils, leading to leptin resistance (spurring appetite), and then insulin resistance (with carb sensitivity) - both of these leading to visceral fat accumulation, weight gain and all other chronic diseases. There are other chemical “obesogens,” particularly pesticides, plastics, and xenoestrogens, that tend to make us fat and sick, but none are consumed in the tremendous quantities that seed oils are. What makes the problem particularly insidious is that it takes as much as 2 years after stopping seed oil consumption to fully clear the seed oils out of most of the body’s cells and then discover to your surprise that you can tolerate carbs and sugars again without going down the slippery slope of weight gain and chronic disease. So, certainly many people need to start with low carb because they do not tolerate carbs at the moment. Carbs do contribute to their weight problem right now. But I consider that only half the battle. While strictly avoiding carbs, apparently healthy function may be recovered, but resilience won’t not be, until you can once again tolerate an appropriate amount of carbs. It’s not possibly to determine what’s appropriate without first getting healthy by detoxing from seed oils, chemicals, chronic infections/infestations, and heavy metals and then seeing what you can tolerate and feel optimal eating. For most people it’s probably not the minuscule amounts allowed on a ketogenic diet. and for many people it could be much higher carb intake than they might expect. Paul Saladino became famous with the social media username “Carnivore MD,” which he still uses, but he has long since evolved to eating 300+ grams a day of what he considers healthy carbs from minimally processed fruits, honey and milk. Share He initially felt great on an all meat diet, but after some years began to deteriorate significantly until he added back carbs. People who experiment with the other extreme on vegan diets often experience a similar journey of initial profound improvements in chronic disease followed by worsening a few short years later. Doing what’s required to get better is hard enough without the trial and error, which is why people save a lot of time and money when they just go straight to someone who knows what they’re doing. My choice for people who want an all natural approach that works better than any other alternative, is Hakim Shabaz Ahmed, which is why he now works closely with us at mygotodoc.com/hakim. I can confidently say he is the best in the world at healing people at the deepest levels, because he began with himself and then fine tuned his approach on hundreds of people around the world who were so desperate they had no option but to follow his often difficult to implement advice. But what’s difficult becomes easy when you’re certain it will work and not just waste your time and effort. If you can become convinced that after a short but difficult path you’ll achieve everything you ever wanted, it’s relatively easy to decide to pursue it. Doubts are what stand in the way of most people, so it’s a good thing Hakim Shabaz is good at dispelling them. His confidence shines through when he speaks, and he will usually be able to tell patients things about themselves that he should have no way of knowing, because of not only intuition, but a deep understanding of underlying principles, which reveal connections most people don’t even know exist. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/sugar-the-sweet-truth-and-the-big
    Sugar: The Sweet Truth and the Big Fat Deception
    Obesity and chronic disease are more complicated than we've been led to believe
    0 Comments 1 Shares 10649 Views
  • The Deepest Detox is The Last Mile
    If you're feeling healthy, this is how to stay that way in a modern toxin riddled environment

    Dr. Syed Haider
    What to know about climbing Mount Everest
    The toxins our industrialized societies produce have reached everywhere on earth, from the fish in the depths of the ocean to the deepest Amazon jungle tribespeople, from our reproductive organs to the very wombs within which future generations gestate.

    These toxins destroy us from the inside out, yet they are incredibly difficult to get out.

    Detox protocols are a dime a dozen.

    The problem with most detox protocols is they don’t go far enough.

    You take a few drops of zeolite, or a few capsules of bentonite clay and call it a day.

    Or you just address the last straw that broke the camel's back, like spike protein, and leave all the rest piled up from many years of living in our sadly polluted ecosystem.

    Other protocols probably work to some extent based on changes as measured by symptoms, or by the best available testing.

    But symptoms can recede while leaving the root cause behind to rear its ugly head another day.

    And testing methodologies are so bad that those who rely on them are basically treating a test that is a poor representation of reality and ignoring the first principle of medicine you learn after med school, when your real education begins:

    Treat the patient, not the test.

    Which gets us back to the quandary: if symptoms and disease can recede only to come back later, how can you really know the problem is completely resolved at the deepest levels and not just laying in wait, biding its time?

    The answer is to find patients motivated enough and a practitioner skilled enough that the path to healing doesn’t involve any easy shortcuts. No covering up of symptoms, no half measures.

    Once the symptoms are gone, and the cause is uprooted, true resilience is restored and then the healing protocol can be tapered off without illness returning. At the same time the patient should feel better than they ever knew was possible, because that monkey they’ve been carrying on their back without knowing it for so long, is finally gone.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Most alternative, functional/comprehensive/wholistic protocols go part way, they deal with superficial layers like “inflammation”, spike protein, Lyme, mold, etc. Instead of not only dealing with those, but also dealing with what led to those problems in the first place.

    It’s not that the practitioners are unaware of the deepest layers, it’s usually that the patients are unwilling to go there, because deep change is hard.

    But staring death in the face is great motivation, especially when there is no easy way out.

    Stage 4 cancer, months or weeks left to live, the only mainstream options are far too expensive to even be remotely possible. There is no insurance. There is no safety net.

    This is the situation for the poorest patients on the planet living with terminal illnesses in third world countries.

    Almost exclusively those were the only patients my colleague Hakim Shabaz Ahmed dealt with for years.

    If they had had any other option they would have taken it. If he had been any other doctor he would have relented and given them an easier path to walk.

    But he stood firm on the principle that half measures avail you nothing when dealing with the Final Boss, the Emperor of Maladies, stage 4 metastatic cancer that will eat you up bit by bit until it finally takes your life in one last, inherently insane, kamikaze attack that wipes out the very ground of being the cancer itself depends on to grow in the first place: you yourself.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    In the early days his patients did everything he recommended and went into remission, but the cancer wasn’t actually entirely gone, it was just held in check.

    When some patients went back to their bad old ways (like fast food, smoking, etc) the cancer came roaring right back, usually even worse than the first time around.

    The problem had not been thoroughly uprooted and real resilience had not been regained. The beast had just been asleep for a time waiting for the right moment.

    That’s when he went deeper, and discovered that the remission of cancer, or any illness, is just the first phase of real healing, during which patients have to stop the influx of toxins, but can’t yet trigger the release of all the toxic residues that have built up over their lives and were the creative force behind the problem in the first place.

    It’s not that detox wasn’t involved before, it just hadn’t been thorough enough. It was the superficial kind you find most practitioners recommending, the easier kind. The kind Dr Google might recommend from one of the approved alternative medicine outlets.

    This protocol is the real deal phase 2, after which the illness isn’t just beaten back, held in check, but truly resolved at the deepest levels, by pulling out the physical taproot so it can’t grow back.

    This is a clinically proven detox methodology that pulls toxins from deep within and expels them from everywhere: mostly into your gut, but they can also be mobilized out of your kidneys, lungs and skin.

    One patient shed plastic straight out of the pores of his testicles, and the thick plasticky substance had to be repeatedly peeled off his red, swollen, tender and inflamed testicles for days.

    If that sounds uncomfortable it’s because:

    It. Was. Very. Painful.

    That happened after a month of doing this protocol every day.

    Detox isn’t fast, it isn’t pretty and it’s not for the faint of heart.

    It’s for those willing to go where few have gone before and bear the consequences … because the benefits are so phenomenal.

    The detox reactions on the way can look like almost any illness you can imagine, the worst ones I’ve seen put people into the hospital, and get the conventional doctors frantically recommending steroids, or antibiotics or even surgeries.

    I was in the hospital myself with someone for weeks resisting the surgeon's overtures and providing support and encouragement to push through the extreme pain and discomfort they were experiencing.

    After getting through those interminable weeks of pain, everything changed, and that person now feels better than they ever have in their life. They not only cured their cancer, but they did it the right way. The way that addresses the real underlying root causes creating severe cellular stress that gave birth to the cancer in the first place. The way that won’t come back to bite them in 5 or 10 or 20 years because they left the root cause toxicity unresolved.

    The road less traveled. The journey few can tolerate.

    The Road Less Traveled - Christian Minimalism
    This protocol doesn’t belong at the beginning of a deep healing journey, because when the body is sick it can’t tolerate this level of toxin removal, it’s too weak to expel toxins even if they were mobilized.

    So this is not meant for someone who’s really sick, it’s meant for someone who is feeling generally well already.

    So if chronic illness is where you’re at, first you need to get to the point where you’ve overcome many if not all of the symptoms, cleaned up your diet, lifestyle, opened up your detox pathways (e.g. regular bowel movements), supported your body, and only then can you embark on the last leg of the journey to the deepest levels of healing, which can not only trigger a profound physical reset, but a psychological, emotional and spiritual one as well.

    If you are ready, this is the way.

    Like cresting Everest you should bring a guide.


    Disclaimer: This is intended for generally healthy individuals and should not be attempted by those who are sick or experiencing illness. This regimen should be accompanied by a healthy diet and avoidance of further toxic exposures. Consult an experienced health professional before attempting this. Take it slow. Try a day then skip a few days and see how you feel before attempting this many days in a row. If you start detoxing heavily you can stop the protocol until things calm down.

    This protocol should provide a thorough cleansing and detoxification experience, helping to remove all toxins from your body, including heavy metals, pesticides, biotoxins, difficult to mobilize forever chemicals and microplastics.

    A comprehensive care plan from a skilled practitioner may include other detox methodologies before and after this one, or may even dispense with this particular approach outlined here altogether depending on the specifics of a patient’s case.

    There is no one size fits all approach, everyone is truly unique, even identical twins, and every illness, even if it carries the same name, is different in different people.

    Warning Images – Browse 2,210,247 Stock ...

    It bears repeating: do not try this if you are acutely or chronically ill.

    Patch Test: Before trying this perform a patch test with bentonite clay and castor oil on a small area of skin to check for allergic reactions.

    Avoid Overuse of TSP: Trisodium phosphate is a strong chemical and should be used sparingly. Excessive use can lead to skin irritation. If your skin gets irritated with the recommended dose, lower it. Consider starting at half the dose or less if you are sensitive.

    Stay Hydrated: Epsom salt baths can dehydrate you, so ensure you drink plenty of fluids every day you do this.

    Skin Sensitivity: If you have sensitive skin or any skin conditions, consult a healthcare professional before trying this routine.

    This is information is not meant to be spread around the internet willy nilly, so the actual protocol is hidden behind a paywall, which will prevent search engines from accessing it, however if you are not a paid subscriber and need to receive access without paying, just ask and it will be provided.

    The best way to request free access is by emailing [email protected], rather than leaving a reply on the blog or replying to the email in which this post was sent.

    The Deepest Detox is The Last Mile If you're feeling healthy, this is how to stay that way in a modern toxin riddled environment Dr. Syed Haider What to know about climbing Mount Everest The toxins our industrialized societies produce have reached everywhere on earth, from the fish in the depths of the ocean to the deepest Amazon jungle tribespeople, from our reproductive organs to the very wombs within which future generations gestate. These toxins destroy us from the inside out, yet they are incredibly difficult to get out. Detox protocols are a dime a dozen. The problem with most detox protocols is they don’t go far enough. You take a few drops of zeolite, or a few capsules of bentonite clay and call it a day. Or you just address the last straw that broke the camel's back, like spike protein, and leave all the rest piled up from many years of living in our sadly polluted ecosystem. Other protocols probably work to some extent based on changes as measured by symptoms, or by the best available testing. But symptoms can recede while leaving the root cause behind to rear its ugly head another day. And testing methodologies are so bad that those who rely on them are basically treating a test that is a poor representation of reality and ignoring the first principle of medicine you learn after med school, when your real education begins: Treat the patient, not the test. Which gets us back to the quandary: if symptoms and disease can recede only to come back later, how can you really know the problem is completely resolved at the deepest levels and not just laying in wait, biding its time? The answer is to find patients motivated enough and a practitioner skilled enough that the path to healing doesn’t involve any easy shortcuts. No covering up of symptoms, no half measures. Once the symptoms are gone, and the cause is uprooted, true resilience is restored and then the healing protocol can be tapered off without illness returning. At the same time the patient should feel better than they ever knew was possible, because that monkey they’ve been carrying on their back without knowing it for so long, is finally gone. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Most alternative, functional/comprehensive/wholistic protocols go part way, they deal with superficial layers like “inflammation”, spike protein, Lyme, mold, etc. Instead of not only dealing with those, but also dealing with what led to those problems in the first place. It’s not that the practitioners are unaware of the deepest layers, it’s usually that the patients are unwilling to go there, because deep change is hard. But staring death in the face is great motivation, especially when there is no easy way out. Stage 4 cancer, months or weeks left to live, the only mainstream options are far too expensive to even be remotely possible. There is no insurance. There is no safety net. This is the situation for the poorest patients on the planet living with terminal illnesses in third world countries. Almost exclusively those were the only patients my colleague Hakim Shabaz Ahmed dealt with for years. If they had had any other option they would have taken it. If he had been any other doctor he would have relented and given them an easier path to walk. But he stood firm on the principle that half measures avail you nothing when dealing with the Final Boss, the Emperor of Maladies, stage 4 metastatic cancer that will eat you up bit by bit until it finally takes your life in one last, inherently insane, kamikaze attack that wipes out the very ground of being the cancer itself depends on to grow in the first place: you yourself. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share In the early days his patients did everything he recommended and went into remission, but the cancer wasn’t actually entirely gone, it was just held in check. When some patients went back to their bad old ways (like fast food, smoking, etc) the cancer came roaring right back, usually even worse than the first time around. The problem had not been thoroughly uprooted and real resilience had not been regained. The beast had just been asleep for a time waiting for the right moment. That’s when he went deeper, and discovered that the remission of cancer, or any illness, is just the first phase of real healing, during which patients have to stop the influx of toxins, but can’t yet trigger the release of all the toxic residues that have built up over their lives and were the creative force behind the problem in the first place. It’s not that detox wasn’t involved before, it just hadn’t been thorough enough. It was the superficial kind you find most practitioners recommending, the easier kind. The kind Dr Google might recommend from one of the approved alternative medicine outlets. This protocol is the real deal phase 2, after which the illness isn’t just beaten back, held in check, but truly resolved at the deepest levels, by pulling out the physical taproot so it can’t grow back. This is a clinically proven detox methodology that pulls toxins from deep within and expels them from everywhere: mostly into your gut, but they can also be mobilized out of your kidneys, lungs and skin. One patient shed plastic straight out of the pores of his testicles, and the thick plasticky substance had to be repeatedly peeled off his red, swollen, tender and inflamed testicles for days. If that sounds uncomfortable it’s because: It. Was. Very. Painful. That happened after a month of doing this protocol every day. Detox isn’t fast, it isn’t pretty and it’s not for the faint of heart. It’s for those willing to go where few have gone before and bear the consequences … because the benefits are so phenomenal. The detox reactions on the way can look like almost any illness you can imagine, the worst ones I’ve seen put people into the hospital, and get the conventional doctors frantically recommending steroids, or antibiotics or even surgeries. I was in the hospital myself with someone for weeks resisting the surgeon's overtures and providing support and encouragement to push through the extreme pain and discomfort they were experiencing. After getting through those interminable weeks of pain, everything changed, and that person now feels better than they ever have in their life. They not only cured their cancer, but they did it the right way. The way that addresses the real underlying root causes creating severe cellular stress that gave birth to the cancer in the first place. The way that won’t come back to bite them in 5 or 10 or 20 years because they left the root cause toxicity unresolved. The road less traveled. The journey few can tolerate. The Road Less Traveled - Christian Minimalism This protocol doesn’t belong at the beginning of a deep healing journey, because when the body is sick it can’t tolerate this level of toxin removal, it’s too weak to expel toxins even if they were mobilized. So this is not meant for someone who’s really sick, it’s meant for someone who is feeling generally well already. So if chronic illness is where you’re at, first you need to get to the point where you’ve overcome many if not all of the symptoms, cleaned up your diet, lifestyle, opened up your detox pathways (e.g. regular bowel movements), supported your body, and only then can you embark on the last leg of the journey to the deepest levels of healing, which can not only trigger a profound physical reset, but a psychological, emotional and spiritual one as well. If you are ready, this is the way. Like cresting Everest you should bring a guide. DEEP DETOX Disclaimer: This is intended for generally healthy individuals and should not be attempted by those who are sick or experiencing illness. This regimen should be accompanied by a healthy diet and avoidance of further toxic exposures. Consult an experienced health professional before attempting this. Take it slow. Try a day then skip a few days and see how you feel before attempting this many days in a row. If you start detoxing heavily you can stop the protocol until things calm down. This protocol should provide a thorough cleansing and detoxification experience, helping to remove all toxins from your body, including heavy metals, pesticides, biotoxins, difficult to mobilize forever chemicals and microplastics. A comprehensive care plan from a skilled practitioner may include other detox methodologies before and after this one, or may even dispense with this particular approach outlined here altogether depending on the specifics of a patient’s case. There is no one size fits all approach, everyone is truly unique, even identical twins, and every illness, even if it carries the same name, is different in different people. Warning Images – Browse 2,210,247 Stock ... Precautions: It bears repeating: do not try this if you are acutely or chronically ill. Patch Test: Before trying this perform a patch test with bentonite clay and castor oil on a small area of skin to check for allergic reactions. Avoid Overuse of TSP: Trisodium phosphate is a strong chemical and should be used sparingly. Excessive use can lead to skin irritation. If your skin gets irritated with the recommended dose, lower it. Consider starting at half the dose or less if you are sensitive. Stay Hydrated: Epsom salt baths can dehydrate you, so ensure you drink plenty of fluids every day you do this. Skin Sensitivity: If you have sensitive skin or any skin conditions, consult a healthcare professional before trying this routine. This is information is not meant to be spread around the internet willy nilly, so the actual protocol is hidden behind a paywall, which will prevent search engines from accessing it, however if you are not a paid subscriber and need to receive access without paying, just ask and it will be provided. The best way to request free access is by emailing [email protected], rather than leaving a reply on the blog or replying to the email in which this post was sent. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/the-deepest-detox-is-the-last-mile
    The Deepest Detox is The Last Mile
    If you're feeling healthy, this is how to stay that way in a modern toxin riddled environment
    0 Comments 1 Shares 10079 Views
  • Correcting Vitamin Imbalances From Long Periods of Over-Supplementing Specific Micronutrients
    A, D, E, K, copper/zinc, B complex, selenium/iodine, calcium/magnesium. Also: sunlight, plankton, and your ever-changing, easy-swap microbiome.

    Dr. Syed Haider
    What are plankton?
    Answered a bunch of questions in the livestream Q&A this week, including on long haul shortness of breath, gut issues, methylene blue, how to deal with reactivated viruses, HBOT and muscle cramps. It airs every Wednesday at noon EST (unless I’m traveling) and the recording can also be found on Twitter, YouTube and Rumble (though the entire stream doesn’t always make it through on Rumble).

    The first question was on vitamin imbalances, and it deserves a deeper dive than what I was able to do during the stream:

    “Doctor Haider mentioned that after us all being on C,D, Zinc, Quercetin, etc....that we are all probably needing A,E and the B vitamins as well. Do we need to just switch to a good multi vitamin or add in the A,E and B's?”

    The reason this question came up is because I’ve said that many people took high doses of Vitamin D and zinc for months to years during the pandemic scare, which may have left them deficient in A, E, K and copper.

    So there are 4 fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K (which has important subtypes: K1, crucial for clotting, and K2, necessary for proper calcium metabolism and bone mineralization. K2 is Dr Weston Price’s “X-Factor” that he identified as being absent in industrial diets that led to improper tooth and jaw development).

    It’s generally thought that humans don’t convert K1 from plants into K2, which primarily comes from animal sources like butter. This may or may not be true, but it’s safest to just eat butter, especially grass-fed butter, and for a high-heat cooking oil, you can easily separate the oil from the small amount of solids present to make clarified butter at home.

    The important point in terms of vitamin imbalances is that if you make a point of over-consuming particular fat-soluble vitamins, it may block the absorption of the others, so that over time you may develop a deficiency in the ones you are not supplementing. And the same may happen between zinc and copper.

    Chris Masterjohn, who first identified K2, has some interesting articles discussing why he believes Vitamin A balances out high doses of Vitamin D to prevent D toxicity.

    I added vitamin K2 to my bestseller IMMUNITY [Vitamins] because of a similar concern. The IMMUNITY [vitamins] was a riff on the popular pandemic supplement stack touted by the late Dr. Zev Zelenko who recommended Vitamins C, D, Zinc and Quercetin. The C and D were immune boosting antivirals, and the Quercetin was a “zinc ionophore” that increased the transfer of zinc into cells where it also had a powerful antiviral effect.

    The problem I saw was that the quercetin was poorly absorbed without the addition of bromelain, and vitamin D would increase the uptake of calcium which requires K2 to tell it where to go in the body (bones and teeth). Like Masterjohn I thought it likely that most people living in modern industrialized countries were very deficient in K2.

    Even if it turns out the body can convert K1 from plants to K2, most people don’t even get a lot of K1 from plants. As for K2 from animal products like butter, many people don’t eat enough butter to begin with, let alone the high quality grass fed butter that’s rich in K2.

    So I added bromelain and K2 because there was just enough room in the formulation to accommodate them and I considered those the two most important additions I could make.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    I would have liked to have added vitamins A, E, and copper as well as magnesium (most diets seem to be deficient in this as well which is necessary for hundreds of chemical reactions), but we had already reached the tipping point on price. I wanted to keep it affordable and around the same price as competitors who had not even added the Vitamin K2 and Bromelain. I also saw it as a short term immune booster rather than a long term daily multivitamin type product. I also thought most people were deficient in C and D, and I don’t remember if I was initially even aware of the zinc/copper issue (doctors famously get only a few hours of nutrition training in med school after all, though even that is probably worse than none, given the quality of mainstream nutrition advice). Regardless, I wouldn’t have thought it was a problem for a short term supplement.

    Fast forward a couple years and I hear that some people have been taking these supplements every day just in case.

    Now without evaluating each person individually I can’t say if that’s a good thing or not. It all depends on the specifics of their body and situation, but what I can say is that generally speaking it is optimal to get micronutrients from food, and it may be more important than we could even realize given our modern pseudoscientific assumptions, experimental blinders and overall myopia.

    If we think of everything in terms of information, the body is a super supercomputer (each and every cell is a supercomputer) that processes information from the external and internal environment at all times. That information comes in many forms: light, sound, thought, emotion, food, water, air, temperature, humidity, etc. We process massive amounts of information every minute that we are not even aware of.

    Showing only the known and mapped metabolic pathways in the human body, to display these clearly the photo is usually printed out on an 8 foot x 12 foot poster. In December 2004 Romero and colleagues wrote in Gene Biology: “Of the 1,653 metabolic enzymes, 622 are assigned to a pathway in HumanCyc (comprehensive database of known human metabolic pathways), and the remainder are not assigned to any pathway; we expect that in the future some of the latter group of enzymes will be assigned to some known human pathways not yet in HumanCyc, and to some human pathways that remain to be discovered.”
    To make this all happen internal cellular processes occur at astonishing speeds: mitochondrial motors rotate faster than jet engines, molecules of glucose move at 250 miles per hour inside of cells, and a typical protein molecule will “tumble” around a cell at 60 million RPM). Visualizations like the one below have to remove 99.99% of what would be present to let you see the 0.01% they are focusing on, and slow things down 1,000 to a million times or more, so you can make sense of anything. For example the still image before you play the video shows a kinesin motor protein that looks like a pair of feet dragging a giant vesicle down a microtubule pathway. In the video it’s lumbering along, but in reality it’s high stepping it 100 times a second.

    Our mitochondria, which are the energy power houses of our cells, vary their energy production processes based on the quality of the sunlight and the temperature, which signifies what time of year it is, so that the optimal food for you at any time is what is growing locally. If you’re in a cold place where fruit doesn’t grow in the winter, it would be optimal for your metabolism and health to avoid eating fruit carted in from the tropics. Eating locally and seasonally will provide your body with the food information it has prepared itself to receive based on local environmental conditions.

    The food encodes complex information within a living matrix.

    Nutrients and bioactive compounds in food act as signals, influencing metabolism, growth, and gene expression. Hormonal responses, gut microbiome interactions, and phytochemicals play key roles in this communication. Dietary patterns and environmental factors, like seasonal variations, affect metabolic processes and health. Poor dietary signals can lead to chronic diseases.

    So refining out isolated units like vitamin D from fish oil that was extracted from fish meat and organs could have unexpected effects on our physiology.

    Vitamin D naturally comes from whole foods like fatty fish or our own body makes it using dietary cholesterol and external sunlight. The vitamin D in the ocean originates in plankton that also make it from cholesterol and sunlight, and form the base of a food chain that concentrates D. So vitamin D is a distilled form of the energy of the sun. That energy taken out of context may be harmful. When vitamin D is made in our skin from sunlight, we also receive many other beneficial effects from that sunlight, which alter our physiology. Various wavelengths of light change the characteristics of our blood and mitochondria, and sunlight (especially in the morning, but also throughout the day) helps set our circadian rhythms. The important effects of the sun aside from the creation of vitamin D are encoded in the fish, just as they are in us. If we consume the entire fish we benefit from all the other information, and it affects our physiology in a comprehensive way. If we refine out the vitamin D and take it in the absence of all the other information that usually comes with it, there are bound to be imbalances created.

    So the best way to get vitamin D is probably from sunlight, unless you’re in an environment where that’s impossible like up north in the winter, when UVB doesn’t make it through the atmosphere, in which case you should probably: a. get plenty of sun in the summer so you have adequate D stores to tide you over, and b. eat fatty fish through the winter to top up along the way.

    Another exception to the rule
    Same goes for all the vitamins and mineral. Get them from food or natural sources whenever possible and leave supplements for last minute emergency situations.

    Vitamin A is found in beef liver, which also has high amounts of many B vitamins. Vitamin E can be found in nuts, salad greens, avocados, and asparagus. As mentioned earlier K1 is present in greens and K2 in grass fed butter (also very high in emu oil). Copper and zinc can be found in shellfish, organ meats and beans.

    Eating “nose to tail” is one way to get everything the body needs because an animal like a cow (or even a fish, which is why tiny sardines with the head on are so great) basically has everything the human body needs, and any specific nutrients that are especially necessary for a particular organ will be found concentrated in that organ, so whatever your brain needs will also be found in an animal brain, same for the heart, liver, kidneys, etc. You can also find powder supplements forms of all these, but the real food is always preferable.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    As an overview here are some of the vitamin imbalances we’ve already discussed along with other common ones to watch out for:

    Vitamin D and Vitamin K2

    Vitamin D: High doses of vitamin D can increase calcium absorption.

    Vitamin K2: Insufficient vitamin K2 can lead to improper calcium metabolism, causing calcium to deposit in soft tissues instead of bones, potentially leading to vascular calcification.

    Vitamin A and Vitamin D

    Vitamin A: Excessive vitamin A can interfere with the action of vitamin D.

    Vitamin D: An imbalance between vitamin A and D can affect bone health, as these vitamins work synergistically to regulate calcium levels.

    Zinc and Copper

    Zinc: High doses of zinc can interfere with copper absorption.

    Copper: Deficiency in copper can lead to issues such as anemia, weakened immune function, and cardiovascular problems.

    Vitamin E and Vitamin K1

    Vitamin E: High doses of vitamin E can interfere with vitamin K function, affecting blood clotting.

    Vitamin K1: Deficiency can lead to bleeding disorders due to impaired clotting.

    Calcium and Magnesium

    Calcium: Excessive calcium intake can lead to magnesium deficiency.

    Magnesium: Adequate magnesium is needed for proper calcium metabolism. Imbalance can affect muscle function and cardiovascular health.

    Iron and Zinc

    Iron: High iron levels can interfere with zinc absorption.

    Zinc: Zinc deficiency can impair immune function and wound healing.

    B Complex

    Many B vitamins use similar pathways and transport mechanisms for absorption in the intestines. Excessive amounts of one vitamin can saturate these pathways, reducing the absorption of others. For example high doses of folic acid (vitamin B9) can compete with vitamin B12 for absorption, at the same time folate can potentially mask the vitamin B12 deficiency by correcting B12 deficiency induced megaloblastic anemia without addressing neurological damage that can also be caused by B12 deficiency.

    B vitamins often act as co-factors for the same enzymes in metabolic reactions involved in energy production, DNA synthesis, and neurotransmitter function. An imbalance in one vitamin can disrupt the optimal functioning of these enzymes, affecting the levels of other B vitamins. For example excessive vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) can saturate certain metabolic pathways leading to increased functioning of enzymes that also require vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B3 (niacin), leading to available stores of vitamins B2 and B3 being used up, leading to their deficiency in other necessary reactions. A similar imbalance can occur when over supplementing vitamins B3 or B2.

    Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

    Omega-3: Excessively high intake of omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the body’s ability to use omega-6 fatty acids properly due to their competition for the same enzymes.

    Selenium and Iodine

    Selenium: High selenium levels can negatively affect thyroid function if iodine is deficient.

    At mygotodoc.com we run Chris Masterjohn’s comprehensive functional vitamin panels occasionally for interested patients, but it seems to me that the complexity involved inside the body, along with the inherent inaccuracy of nutritional testing, combine to create a very difficult time for those trying to interpret patient test results and provide actionable insights.

    Masterjohn’s protocols are publicly available for anyone to interpret their own tests and anyone who has reviewed them will notice that there are a lot of ifs, ands and buts sprinkled throughout. Long story short: you won't usually find any definitive answers there. And what definitive answers you may think you have found could turn out to be wrong. We might misunderstand what the bodies getting at by itself creating and perpetuating a particular “deficiency” or “excess” in our best interest given the impossibly toxic situation it’s in.

    With a deep wholistic approach it’s rare to need much if any testing because the signs pointing you in the direction you need to go are more obvious at the macroscopic than the microscopic scale.

    No one reads those signs like my colleague Hakim Shabaz Ahmed and in his vast clinical experience with patients it’s become clear that the best way to uncover your own optimal dietary needs is to first get yourself really healthy and then you will notice very clearly how various foods make you feel and which ones your body is asking for at a particular time in your life (it can vary based not only on you, but on what you’re doing and going through at a particular time). Both stages: the getting really healthy part and then the optimizing foods part go a lot faster with an expert guide.

    One final note: Hakim Shabaz suspects the body and microbiome may be even more flexible than anyone suspects, capable of not only interconverting similar nutrients like K1 to K2, but also very dissimilar micronutrients and minerals. There is some interesting buried research from the late 19th century that seems to back this up (we’re working on an article on this topic).

    We do know that the right bacteria can create perhaps anything we might want or need, which highlights the importance of avoiding the indiscriminate use of broad spectrum antibiotics which have destroyed the microbial diversity of many modern peoples. Maybe we should all visit some jungle tribes once in awhile to gather what they're still carrying with them. Of course every environment has its own unique challenges that intact microbiomes will be perfectly attuned to. We may just need to meticulously avoid antibiotics long enough and optimize our personal habits (food, sun, sleep, EMF exposures, comprehensive detoxification, etc), to allow the beneficial microbes in our environment to recolonize us. If anyone still has them it’s most likely to be those who are still particularly healthy and impervious to modern diseases. It might be a good idea to make friends with as many of those people as you can so whatever beneficial microbes they have can rub off on you too.

    This idea might sound silly and you might think you need a stool transplant, but the research shows microbial transfers actually happen all the time and our microbiome is incredibly responsive and can change rapidly:

    (F)armers have a different microbiome than city workers58…the oral microbiota of sailors is significantly altered by their occupational activities, so that after 120 days at sea, they show a five-fold reduction in alpha diversity and an increase (in) Streptococcus59... Finally, couples who physically interact have a more similar microbiota than people who share the same living quarters but do not physically interact14, indicating that physical interaction influence microbial sharing and hence microbiome similarity, highlighting the effects of social interaction on the microbiome.
    (Gilbert 2020)

    Correcting Vitamin Imbalances From Long Periods of Over-Supplementing Specific Micronutrients A, D, E, K, copper/zinc, B complex, selenium/iodine, calcium/magnesium. Also: sunlight, plankton, and your ever-changing, easy-swap microbiome. Dr. Syed Haider What are plankton? Plankton Answered a bunch of questions in the livestream Q&A this week, including on long haul shortness of breath, gut issues, methylene blue, how to deal with reactivated viruses, HBOT and muscle cramps. It airs every Wednesday at noon EST (unless I’m traveling) and the recording can also be found on Twitter, YouTube and Rumble (though the entire stream doesn’t always make it through on Rumble). The first question was on vitamin imbalances, and it deserves a deeper dive than what I was able to do during the stream: “Doctor Haider mentioned that after us all being on C,D, Zinc, Quercetin, etc....that we are all probably needing A,E and the B vitamins as well. Do we need to just switch to a good multi vitamin or add in the A,E and B's?” The reason this question came up is because I’ve said that many people took high doses of Vitamin D and zinc for months to years during the pandemic scare, which may have left them deficient in A, E, K and copper. So there are 4 fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K (which has important subtypes: K1, crucial for clotting, and K2, necessary for proper calcium metabolism and bone mineralization. K2 is Dr Weston Price’s “X-Factor” that he identified as being absent in industrial diets that led to improper tooth and jaw development). It’s generally thought that humans don’t convert K1 from plants into K2, which primarily comes from animal sources like butter. This may or may not be true, but it’s safest to just eat butter, especially grass-fed butter, and for a high-heat cooking oil, you can easily separate the oil from the small amount of solids present to make clarified butter at home. The important point in terms of vitamin imbalances is that if you make a point of over-consuming particular fat-soluble vitamins, it may block the absorption of the others, so that over time you may develop a deficiency in the ones you are not supplementing. And the same may happen between zinc and copper. Chris Masterjohn, who first identified K2, has some interesting articles discussing why he believes Vitamin A balances out high doses of Vitamin D to prevent D toxicity. I added vitamin K2 to my bestseller IMMUNITY [Vitamins] because of a similar concern. The IMMUNITY [vitamins] was a riff on the popular pandemic supplement stack touted by the late Dr. Zev Zelenko who recommended Vitamins C, D, Zinc and Quercetin. The C and D were immune boosting antivirals, and the Quercetin was a “zinc ionophore” that increased the transfer of zinc into cells where it also had a powerful antiviral effect. The problem I saw was that the quercetin was poorly absorbed without the addition of bromelain, and vitamin D would increase the uptake of calcium which requires K2 to tell it where to go in the body (bones and teeth). Like Masterjohn I thought it likely that most people living in modern industrialized countries were very deficient in K2. Even if it turns out the body can convert K1 from plants to K2, most people don’t even get a lot of K1 from plants. As for K2 from animal products like butter, many people don’t eat enough butter to begin with, let alone the high quality grass fed butter that’s rich in K2. So I added bromelain and K2 because there was just enough room in the formulation to accommodate them and I considered those the two most important additions I could make. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share I would have liked to have added vitamins A, E, and copper as well as magnesium (most diets seem to be deficient in this as well which is necessary for hundreds of chemical reactions), but we had already reached the tipping point on price. I wanted to keep it affordable and around the same price as competitors who had not even added the Vitamin K2 and Bromelain. I also saw it as a short term immune booster rather than a long term daily multivitamin type product. I also thought most people were deficient in C and D, and I don’t remember if I was initially even aware of the zinc/copper issue (doctors famously get only a few hours of nutrition training in med school after all, though even that is probably worse than none, given the quality of mainstream nutrition advice). Regardless, I wouldn’t have thought it was a problem for a short term supplement. Fast forward a couple years and I hear that some people have been taking these supplements every day just in case. Now without evaluating each person individually I can’t say if that’s a good thing or not. It all depends on the specifics of their body and situation, but what I can say is that generally speaking it is optimal to get micronutrients from food, and it may be more important than we could even realize given our modern pseudoscientific assumptions, experimental blinders and overall myopia. If we think of everything in terms of information, the body is a super supercomputer (each and every cell is a supercomputer) that processes information from the external and internal environment at all times. That information comes in many forms: light, sound, thought, emotion, food, water, air, temperature, humidity, etc. We process massive amounts of information every minute that we are not even aware of. Showing only the known and mapped metabolic pathways in the human body, to display these clearly the photo is usually printed out on an 8 foot x 12 foot poster. In December 2004 Romero and colleagues wrote in Gene Biology: “Of the 1,653 metabolic enzymes, 622 are assigned to a pathway in HumanCyc (comprehensive database of known human metabolic pathways), and the remainder are not assigned to any pathway; we expect that in the future some of the latter group of enzymes will be assigned to some known human pathways not yet in HumanCyc, and to some human pathways that remain to be discovered.” To make this all happen internal cellular processes occur at astonishing speeds: mitochondrial motors rotate faster than jet engines, molecules of glucose move at 250 miles per hour inside of cells, and a typical protein molecule will “tumble” around a cell at 60 million RPM). Visualizations like the one below have to remove 99.99% of what would be present to let you see the 0.01% they are focusing on, and slow things down 1,000 to a million times or more, so you can make sense of anything. For example the still image before you play the video shows a kinesin motor protein that looks like a pair of feet dragging a giant vesicle down a microtubule pathway. In the video it’s lumbering along, but in reality it’s high stepping it 100 times a second. Our mitochondria, which are the energy power houses of our cells, vary their energy production processes based on the quality of the sunlight and the temperature, which signifies what time of year it is, so that the optimal food for you at any time is what is growing locally. If you’re in a cold place where fruit doesn’t grow in the winter, it would be optimal for your metabolism and health to avoid eating fruit carted in from the tropics. Eating locally and seasonally will provide your body with the food information it has prepared itself to receive based on local environmental conditions. The food encodes complex information within a living matrix. Nutrients and bioactive compounds in food act as signals, influencing metabolism, growth, and gene expression. Hormonal responses, gut microbiome interactions, and phytochemicals play key roles in this communication. Dietary patterns and environmental factors, like seasonal variations, affect metabolic processes and health. Poor dietary signals can lead to chronic diseases. So refining out isolated units like vitamin D from fish oil that was extracted from fish meat and organs could have unexpected effects on our physiology. Vitamin D naturally comes from whole foods like fatty fish or our own body makes it using dietary cholesterol and external sunlight. The vitamin D in the ocean originates in plankton that also make it from cholesterol and sunlight, and form the base of a food chain that concentrates D. So vitamin D is a distilled form of the energy of the sun. That energy taken out of context may be harmful. When vitamin D is made in our skin from sunlight, we also receive many other beneficial effects from that sunlight, which alter our physiology. Various wavelengths of light change the characteristics of our blood and mitochondria, and sunlight (especially in the morning, but also throughout the day) helps set our circadian rhythms. The important effects of the sun aside from the creation of vitamin D are encoded in the fish, just as they are in us. If we consume the entire fish we benefit from all the other information, and it affects our physiology in a comprehensive way. If we refine out the vitamin D and take it in the absence of all the other information that usually comes with it, there are bound to be imbalances created. So the best way to get vitamin D is probably from sunlight, unless you’re in an environment where that’s impossible like up north in the winter, when UVB doesn’t make it through the atmosphere, in which case you should probably: a. get plenty of sun in the summer so you have adequate D stores to tide you over, and b. eat fatty fish through the winter to top up along the way. Another exception to the rule Same goes for all the vitamins and mineral. Get them from food or natural sources whenever possible and leave supplements for last minute emergency situations. Vitamin A is found in beef liver, which also has high amounts of many B vitamins. Vitamin E can be found in nuts, salad greens, avocados, and asparagus. As mentioned earlier K1 is present in greens and K2 in grass fed butter (also very high in emu oil). Copper and zinc can be found in shellfish, organ meats and beans. Eating “nose to tail” is one way to get everything the body needs because an animal like a cow (or even a fish, which is why tiny sardines with the head on are so great) basically has everything the human body needs, and any specific nutrients that are especially necessary for a particular organ will be found concentrated in that organ, so whatever your brain needs will also be found in an animal brain, same for the heart, liver, kidneys, etc. You can also find powder supplements forms of all these, but the real food is always preferable. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share As an overview here are some of the vitamin imbalances we’ve already discussed along with other common ones to watch out for: Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 Vitamin D: High doses of vitamin D can increase calcium absorption. Vitamin K2: Insufficient vitamin K2 can lead to improper calcium metabolism, causing calcium to deposit in soft tissues instead of bones, potentially leading to vascular calcification. Vitamin A and Vitamin D Vitamin A: Excessive vitamin A can interfere with the action of vitamin D. Vitamin D: An imbalance between vitamin A and D can affect bone health, as these vitamins work synergistically to regulate calcium levels. Zinc and Copper Zinc: High doses of zinc can interfere with copper absorption. Copper: Deficiency in copper can lead to issues such as anemia, weakened immune function, and cardiovascular problems. Vitamin E and Vitamin K1 Vitamin E: High doses of vitamin E can interfere with vitamin K function, affecting blood clotting. Vitamin K1: Deficiency can lead to bleeding disorders due to impaired clotting. Calcium and Magnesium Calcium: Excessive calcium intake can lead to magnesium deficiency. Magnesium: Adequate magnesium is needed for proper calcium metabolism. Imbalance can affect muscle function and cardiovascular health. Iron and Zinc Iron: High iron levels can interfere with zinc absorption. Zinc: Zinc deficiency can impair immune function and wound healing. B Complex Many B vitamins use similar pathways and transport mechanisms for absorption in the intestines. Excessive amounts of one vitamin can saturate these pathways, reducing the absorption of others. For example high doses of folic acid (vitamin B9) can compete with vitamin B12 for absorption, at the same time folate can potentially mask the vitamin B12 deficiency by correcting B12 deficiency induced megaloblastic anemia without addressing neurological damage that can also be caused by B12 deficiency. B vitamins often act as co-factors for the same enzymes in metabolic reactions involved in energy production, DNA synthesis, and neurotransmitter function. An imbalance in one vitamin can disrupt the optimal functioning of these enzymes, affecting the levels of other B vitamins. For example excessive vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) can saturate certain metabolic pathways leading to increased functioning of enzymes that also require vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B3 (niacin), leading to available stores of vitamins B2 and B3 being used up, leading to their deficiency in other necessary reactions. A similar imbalance can occur when over supplementing vitamins B3 or B2. Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids Omega-3: Excessively high intake of omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the body’s ability to use omega-6 fatty acids properly due to their competition for the same enzymes. Selenium and Iodine Selenium: High selenium levels can negatively affect thyroid function if iodine is deficient. At mygotodoc.com we run Chris Masterjohn’s comprehensive functional vitamin panels occasionally for interested patients, but it seems to me that the complexity involved inside the body, along with the inherent inaccuracy of nutritional testing, combine to create a very difficult time for those trying to interpret patient test results and provide actionable insights. Masterjohn’s protocols are publicly available for anyone to interpret their own tests and anyone who has reviewed them will notice that there are a lot of ifs, ands and buts sprinkled throughout. Long story short: you won't usually find any definitive answers there. And what definitive answers you may think you have found could turn out to be wrong. We might misunderstand what the bodies getting at by itself creating and perpetuating a particular “deficiency” or “excess” in our best interest given the impossibly toxic situation it’s in. With a deep wholistic approach it’s rare to need much if any testing because the signs pointing you in the direction you need to go are more obvious at the macroscopic than the microscopic scale. No one reads those signs like my colleague Hakim Shabaz Ahmed and in his vast clinical experience with patients it’s become clear that the best way to uncover your own optimal dietary needs is to first get yourself really healthy and then you will notice very clearly how various foods make you feel and which ones your body is asking for at a particular time in your life (it can vary based not only on you, but on what you’re doing and going through at a particular time). Both stages: the getting really healthy part and then the optimizing foods part go a lot faster with an expert guide. One final note: Hakim Shabaz suspects the body and microbiome may be even more flexible than anyone suspects, capable of not only interconverting similar nutrients like K1 to K2, but also very dissimilar micronutrients and minerals. There is some interesting buried research from the late 19th century that seems to back this up (we’re working on an article on this topic). We do know that the right bacteria can create perhaps anything we might want or need, which highlights the importance of avoiding the indiscriminate use of broad spectrum antibiotics which have destroyed the microbial diversity of many modern peoples. Maybe we should all visit some jungle tribes once in awhile to gather what they're still carrying with them. Of course every environment has its own unique challenges that intact microbiomes will be perfectly attuned to. We may just need to meticulously avoid antibiotics long enough and optimize our personal habits (food, sun, sleep, EMF exposures, comprehensive detoxification, etc), to allow the beneficial microbes in our environment to recolonize us. If anyone still has them it’s most likely to be those who are still particularly healthy and impervious to modern diseases. It might be a good idea to make friends with as many of those people as you can so whatever beneficial microbes they have can rub off on you too. This idea might sound silly and you might think you need a stool transplant, but the research shows microbial transfers actually happen all the time and our microbiome is incredibly responsive and can change rapidly: (F)armers have a different microbiome than city workers58…the oral microbiota of sailors is significantly altered by their occupational activities, so that after 120 days at sea, they show a five-fold reduction in alpha diversity and an increase (in) Streptococcus59... Finally, couples who physically interact have a more similar microbiota than people who share the same living quarters but do not physically interact14, indicating that physical interaction influence microbial sharing and hence microbiome similarity, highlighting the effects of social interaction on the microbiome. (Gilbert 2020) https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/correcting-vitamin-imbalances-from
    Correcting Vitamin Imbalances From Long Periods of Over-Supplementing Specific Micronutrients
    A, D, E, K, copper/zinc, B complex, selenium/iodine, calcium/magnesium. Also: sunlight, plankton, and your ever-changing, easy-swap microbiome.
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  • The Alternative Healthcare Model is the Original One
    Calling all doctors and patients to rebuild the healthcare landscape

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Norman Rockwell Visits A Family Doctor,” A Story, 57% OFF
    Doctors usually make good money in exchange for working way too much, while paradoxically spending way too little time with each patient.

    They’re pinched more and more every year by declining reimbursements from insurance companies, so they have to see more patients in the same amount of time.

    They also have to document visits in excruciating detail and are enslaved to their electronic medical records (EMRs) - which is why you almost never catch the eye of an insurance doc, they are so busy typing everything while talking to you.

    What you see in the visit is just the tip of the iceberg.

    They have more typing and arranging and clicking demanded by the bossy EMR outside the room before and after your visit.

    They also aren’t incentivized properly because the wrong person is paying them. You pay for health insurance and maybe a small copay visit fee, but most of their compensation comes to them via insurance, the middleman, so they are beholden to the insurance companies which are in bed with Big Harm-a (not misspelled).

    So Big Harm-a ultimately dictates what doctors can and can’t do, and via the insurance reimbursements dangles the most tempting bait if the government decides it’s time for something like mRNA shots all around.

    Almost all doctors are trapped in a vise that’s gradually tightening, but they don’t have to be.

    Most think there’s no easy way out, because they’ve never done the math on the rapidly growing alternative practice model.


    Most primary care physicians working with insurance have thousands of patients.

    A 2012 study published in the Annals of Family Medicine estimated that the average PCP has a panel of 2300 patients, and went on to note that:

    “Estimates suggest that a primary care physician would spend 21.7 hours per day to provide all recommended acute, chronic, and preventive care for a panel of 2,500 patients.”

    I have met many doctors with busy mature practices with panels of 5000 patients and above.

    On the other hand, cash pay direct primary care (DPC) docs have far fewer patients, often numbering in the low to mid hundreds depending on how much they charge (usual range is anywhere from $100-$500/month and can be higher for more specialized, exclusive or concierge level services).

    Even a low end DPC doc charging $100/month will clear the same or more than a typical insurance practice with just a few hundred patients (ie as little as 1/10th the patient panel).

    500 patients at $100/month = $50,000/month = $600,000/year.

    Minus typical practice overhead of 50% = $300,000/year take home.

    (And overhead could go even lower in DPC due to no need for back office staff hired just to pester insurance companies to pay what they owe.)

    Depending on who you ask, the average PCP salary in the US is now somewhere between $200k and $260k per year, so $300k would be a really good, above market salary for an insurance doctor carrying a mid range 2300 patient panel, and all the PCPs on the wrong end of the bell curve make a lot less (while doing way more work).

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Any reasonably agreeable, likable doctor with thousands of preexisting insurance patients can easily transition to hundreds willing to pay monthly out of pocket to stay in their practice and get a lot more personal time and attention.

    And a doctor just starting out only needs to convince a few hundred patients to join his practice.

    Until they are up and running they can moonlight weekends at a local hospital to get by.

    For the best advertising/outreach they could just whip up a convincing presentation and go deliver it for free at nursing homes, schools and churches (or just copy one they find from someone else as a start and then make it their own).

    Hand out flyers with a number and link to a simple signup page with more free stuff, like a short video or ebook about simple changes to help finally resolve chronic health issues, optimize health or taper off chronic meds.

    The pitch is simple.

    You don’t need any more proof than your own experience to know that primary care is broken in the US.

    Of course there’s also plenty of data to support it. For example one study noted that “only 8% of US adults aged 35 years or older received all recommended, high-priority, appropriate clinical preventive services.” (Mechley, 2021)

    In any endeavor outcomes matter, but they are especially important in medicine.

    In the US 42% of people now have 2 or more chronic health conditions, and the rates are skyrocketing at the same time that healthcare utilization is shooting up. The more prescriptions and procedures we get, the more disease we have.

    On the other hand studies show that patients in DPC have better health, including fewer hospital stays, better blood pressures, and improved diabetes care.

    It stands to reason that if we cut out the middlemen and pay doctors the way we pay lawyers and plumbers, societal and personal health care costs would plummet because doctors would be incentivized to actually keep you healthy and out of the hospital and have the time to convince you to do what it takes to achieve the best health outcomes.


    Along the way there are some easy solutions for privatizing health coverage for those who can’t afford it.

    It’s estimate that between 6 and 16% of Americans already have some form of DPC or concierge physician and that 8-16% of doctors are currently planning to transition to some form of cash based practice outside the mainstream insurance model.

    So where does that leave the rest of the country? Inflation is making it harder than ever for people to make ends meet, and it’s difficult to find a spare $100/month in most households.

    We don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

    What we used to do to solve this problem wasn’t rely on big government, but for those who could afford it to donate money to groups like churches that built health care systems that treated people for free.

    Those same non profit systems do still exist in many cities, but have been warped by their interactions with insurance companies.

    We need to starve the insurance companies out of existence and transition to local communities supporting themselves again. In order to help cover expensive procedures, people who can afford to pay in to a plan monthly, can choose to join existing nonprofit health sharing co-ops that provide coverage similar to insurance at a much lower cost.

    Physicians should also normalize a culture of pro bono work the way lawyers have. They can provide premium concierge tier services for wealthy clients and a regular DPC tier for those who do have enough money, and another pro bono tier for those who don’t.

    I’ve written about my desire to start an online PCP service before and I’m still looking for a doctor who’s aligned with my own philosophy to help me launch it for mygotodoc.

    I’m also looking into how we can branch out and efficiently find new patients in a hybrid local telemedicine model. If any of you are physicians, NPs or PAs and are interested in starting your own local DPC/concierge style practice maybe we can help you market and launch it.


    Healthcare is the single biggest industry in the US today and like any capitalistic endeavor in a debt driven inflationary economy, it can only get bigger fast or die trying.

    This is a deeper topic, for another day, but you can see this post in the meantime that helps explain why that is:

    In order to grow at the current pace, “healthcare” actually needs to be disease care.

    If everyone who came in for a consult left without their illness, the whole industry would collapse and the bankers wouldn’t get paid back on the loans that keep it all afloat and growing.

    The trifecta of Big Ag, Big Chemical and Big Harm-a create a perfect storm of ever spreading disease.

    In the eye of that storm, there’s a welcoming casino where the doors are always open, that goes by the name of Medical Insurance.

    But medical insurance is far worse than simple gambling.

    Even though many people do get big payouts, the house always wins because disease is what’s incentivized, not health.

    In a casino they comp the room, in the insurance biz you get comped for bad care year in and year out that breeds disease.

    The only way to get rid of the super-sized insurance parasite, is to starve it to death by choosing an alternative system, to flee the roach motel while you still can.

    It will start small, but grow by leaps and bounds once people start to see others doing it more and more and then they too will jump ship.

    It seems like a difficult and dangerous leap, but it really isn’t.

    If doctors think it through and focus on the very reasonable numbers required to make it work it will be a lot more manageable and if patients prioritize their health and take a hard look at their finances, many may be able to swing it until there are more options that help the less fortunate pay for real healthcare rather than disease management.

    In the meantime it is possible to simply take radical responsibility for your health and get well without a doctor. You will find many people on social media who have done it and are more than happy to coach you to do it too.

    At least 90% of health, if not more, is really in your hands and is as simple as making different lifestyle choices: get motivated, increase emotional intimacy and time spent with family and friends without technology, improve emotional health with a gratitude practice, turn off the lights and screens at sunset, sleep early and deeply, wake early, work early rather than late, get direct sun throughout the day and spend as much time outdoors as possible, take walks, sweat a little, eat real, slow food made at home from scratch, avoid vegetable oils, get rid of chemicals from your home, invest in a simple and cheap air purifier (you can even DIY them for 20 bucks, or if you can swing it, a more fancy one like Molekule), etc.

    Sounds like a lot, but take it slow, take baby steps, and it will be easy.

    The Alternative Healthcare Model is the Original One Calling all doctors and patients to rebuild the healthcare landscape Dr. Syed Haider Norman Rockwell Visits A Family Doctor,” A Story, 57% OFF Doctors usually make good money in exchange for working way too much, while paradoxically spending way too little time with each patient. They’re pinched more and more every year by declining reimbursements from insurance companies, so they have to see more patients in the same amount of time. They also have to document visits in excruciating detail and are enslaved to their electronic medical records (EMRs) - which is why you almost never catch the eye of an insurance doc, they are so busy typing everything while talking to you. What you see in the visit is just the tip of the iceberg. They have more typing and arranging and clicking demanded by the bossy EMR outside the room before and after your visit. They also aren’t incentivized properly because the wrong person is paying them. You pay for health insurance and maybe a small copay visit fee, but most of their compensation comes to them via insurance, the middleman, so they are beholden to the insurance companies which are in bed with Big Harm-a (not misspelled). Image So Big Harm-a ultimately dictates what doctors can and can’t do, and via the insurance reimbursements dangles the most tempting bait if the government decides it’s time for something like mRNA shots all around. Almost all doctors are trapped in a vise that’s gradually tightening, but they don’t have to be. Most think there’s no easy way out, because they’ve never done the math on the rapidly growing alternative practice model. THE LIFELINE Most primary care physicians working with insurance have thousands of patients. A 2012 study published in the Annals of Family Medicine estimated that the average PCP has a panel of 2300 patients, and went on to note that: “Estimates suggest that a primary care physician would spend 21.7 hours per day to provide all recommended acute, chronic, and preventive care for a panel of 2,500 patients.” I have met many doctors with busy mature practices with panels of 5000 patients and above. On the other hand, cash pay direct primary care (DPC) docs have far fewer patients, often numbering in the low to mid hundreds depending on how much they charge (usual range is anywhere from $100-$500/month and can be higher for more specialized, exclusive or concierge level services). Even a low end DPC doc charging $100/month will clear the same or more than a typical insurance practice with just a few hundred patients (ie as little as 1/10th the patient panel). 500 patients at $100/month = $50,000/month = $600,000/year. Minus typical practice overhead of 50% = $300,000/year take home. (And overhead could go even lower in DPC due to no need for back office staff hired just to pester insurance companies to pay what they owe.) Depending on who you ask, the average PCP salary in the US is now somewhere between $200k and $260k per year, so $300k would be a really good, above market salary for an insurance doctor carrying a mid range 2300 patient panel, and all the PCPs on the wrong end of the bell curve make a lot less (while doing way more work). Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Any reasonably agreeable, likable doctor with thousands of preexisting insurance patients can easily transition to hundreds willing to pay monthly out of pocket to stay in their practice and get a lot more personal time and attention. And a doctor just starting out only needs to convince a few hundred patients to join his practice. Until they are up and running they can moonlight weekends at a local hospital to get by. For the best advertising/outreach they could just whip up a convincing presentation and go deliver it for free at nursing homes, schools and churches (or just copy one they find from someone else as a start and then make it their own). Hand out flyers with a number and link to a simple signup page with more free stuff, like a short video or ebook about simple changes to help finally resolve chronic health issues, optimize health or taper off chronic meds. The pitch is simple. You don’t need any more proof than your own experience to know that primary care is broken in the US. Of course there’s also plenty of data to support it. For example one study noted that “only 8% of US adults aged 35 years or older received all recommended, high-priority, appropriate clinical preventive services.” (Mechley, 2021) In any endeavor outcomes matter, but they are especially important in medicine. In the US 42% of people now have 2 or more chronic health conditions, and the rates are skyrocketing at the same time that healthcare utilization is shooting up. The more prescriptions and procedures we get, the more disease we have. On the other hand studies show that patients in DPC have better health, including fewer hospital stays, better blood pressures, and improved diabetes care. It stands to reason that if we cut out the middlemen and pay doctors the way we pay lawyers and plumbers, societal and personal health care costs would plummet because doctors would be incentivized to actually keep you healthy and out of the hospital and have the time to convince you to do what it takes to achieve the best health outcomes. LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND Along the way there are some easy solutions for privatizing health coverage for those who can’t afford it. It’s estimate that between 6 and 16% of Americans already have some form of DPC or concierge physician and that 8-16% of doctors are currently planning to transition to some form of cash based practice outside the mainstream insurance model. So where does that leave the rest of the country? Inflation is making it harder than ever for people to make ends meet, and it’s difficult to find a spare $100/month in most households. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. What we used to do to solve this problem wasn’t rely on big government, but for those who could afford it to donate money to groups like churches that built health care systems that treated people for free. Those same non profit systems do still exist in many cities, but have been warped by their interactions with insurance companies. We need to starve the insurance companies out of existence and transition to local communities supporting themselves again. In order to help cover expensive procedures, people who can afford to pay in to a plan monthly, can choose to join existing nonprofit health sharing co-ops that provide coverage similar to insurance at a much lower cost. Physicians should also normalize a culture of pro bono work the way lawyers have. They can provide premium concierge tier services for wealthy clients and a regular DPC tier for those who do have enough money, and another pro bono tier for those who don’t. I’ve written about my desire to start an online PCP service before and I’m still looking for a doctor who’s aligned with my own philosophy to help me launch it for mygotodoc. I’m also looking into how we can branch out and efficiently find new patients in a hybrid local telemedicine model. If any of you are physicians, NPs or PAs and are interested in starting your own local DPC/concierge style practice maybe we can help you market and launch it. AN INSATIABLE APPETITE Healthcare is the single biggest industry in the US today and like any capitalistic endeavor in a debt driven inflationary economy, it can only get bigger fast or die trying. This is a deeper topic, for another day, but you can see this post in the meantime that helps explain why that is: In order to grow at the current pace, “healthcare” actually needs to be disease care. If everyone who came in for a consult left without their illness, the whole industry would collapse and the bankers wouldn’t get paid back on the loans that keep it all afloat and growing. The trifecta of Big Ag, Big Chemical and Big Harm-a create a perfect storm of ever spreading disease. In the eye of that storm, there’s a welcoming casino where the doors are always open, that goes by the name of Medical Insurance. But medical insurance is far worse than simple gambling. Even though many people do get big payouts, the house always wins because disease is what’s incentivized, not health. In a casino they comp the room, in the insurance biz you get comped for bad care year in and year out that breeds disease. The only way to get rid of the super-sized insurance parasite, is to starve it to death by choosing an alternative system, to flee the roach motel while you still can. It will start small, but grow by leaps and bounds once people start to see others doing it more and more and then they too will jump ship. It seems like a difficult and dangerous leap, but it really isn’t. If doctors think it through and focus on the very reasonable numbers required to make it work it will be a lot more manageable and if patients prioritize their health and take a hard look at their finances, many may be able to swing it until there are more options that help the less fortunate pay for real healthcare rather than disease management. In the meantime it is possible to simply take radical responsibility for your health and get well without a doctor. You will find many people on social media who have done it and are more than happy to coach you to do it too. At least 90% of health, if not more, is really in your hands and is as simple as making different lifestyle choices: get motivated, increase emotional intimacy and time spent with family and friends without technology, improve emotional health with a gratitude practice, turn off the lights and screens at sunset, sleep early and deeply, wake early, work early rather than late, get direct sun throughout the day and spend as much time outdoors as possible, take walks, sweat a little, eat real, slow food made at home from scratch, avoid vegetable oils, get rid of chemicals from your home, invest in a simple and cheap air purifier (you can even DIY them for 20 bucks, or if you can swing it, a more fancy one like Molekule), etc. Sounds like a lot, but take it slow, take baby steps, and it will be easy. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/the-alternative-healthcare-model
    The Alternative Healthcare Model is the Original One
    Calling all doctors and patients to rebuild the healthcare landscape
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