• Of Cults, Lies, Covers, and Hiding (Out of Plain View): Nope, Robert Duncan Isn't Dead & DARPA-CIA Brain-Bio-Chakra Hacking of Humans is Beyond Inhumane & Unlawful
    So it’s been a while, I think since news suddenly dropped that Robert Duncan was dead, then that he’d been “killed by a DEW”, then that his “body was found”: don’t believe a word of it.

    Dr. Robert Duncan at the October 22 2022 Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting Conference at Ramola D Reports
    Note, I interviewed him as a whistleblower, as he presented himself, he was present and spoke at the Second Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference online held October 22, 2022 at Ramola D Reports as a whistleblower, and he appeared, over the course of many years, to surface many of the dark technologies and practices of “compartmented” Special Forces inside the DOD-CIA—but looking through his first book again—The Matrix Deciphered—currently, it is clear there is a kind of CIA Coverstory created by and through and in his disclosure, a deflecting and mythologizing—of the kind perhaps that the CIA MockOpsters specialize in, that does need to be analyzed and exposed further. And it is this Pursuance of Coverstory, despite all evidence of an Awakening World, that sadly surfaces here in the sudden “Above Top Secret” Disappearing of a prominent DARPA-CIA scientist such as Robert Duncan. Disappearing people of public renown, in the public eye for a (long) period of time, is apparently an Intelligence ploy—and surely, there is a (bizarre, absurd “intelligent”) reason for it, one which no doubt will surface soon enough.

    “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen
    Pain “Signaling”—say Inflicting—as a Means to Get Into Brains and “Develop Cognitive Models”: Beyond Unlawful

    That Anti-Human Directed Energy Weapons have been developed (over decades, over almost the whole of the last century) by a secretive military prominently headed by the even more secretive CIA and been used, in most primary ways—to create Pain, to create Misery, Suffering, Horror, in Luciferian Human-Sacrifice ways to destroy bodies and lives—on pretty much everyone who has stepped forward to report unethical brain experimentation and massive bio and energy (chakra) hacking is something that Robert Duncan apparently just forgot to report.

    The Mystery of Robert Duncan is the Mystery of the CIA and DARPA and Black Ops Projects Which Should Be Stopped Stat

    Brain Invaders/Screenshot
    Blazing (more prominently) onto the world stage in Jesse Ventura’s unforgettable interview (Brain Invaders/Tru TV, Air Date: 12-17-2012) on targeting, radio neuroweapons, Voice of God weapons, and people hiding under metalware of various kinds (bakeware works—so does rubber, better than leather) as Black Opsters from DARPA, CIA, and all the forces—particularly the Marine Corps of course with their Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate firing opening salvos from Dahlgren Virginia (where their rusting battleships hide in plain view as you drive quickly by)—go wild with whacking people with bio-hacking and brain-hacking and chakra-hacking weapons to achieve all sorts of invasive, intrusive, and all-unlawful “bio-effects,” disabling many, injuring all, killing some (in numbers mounting over the years), Dr. Robert Duncan as he has been termed by many hopefuls, including this writer, who has interviewed him, may not have completed a doctorate but wrote, spoke, interviewed, and published enough to be situated at head of a large, very large train of CIA personas, it appears, each working hard (including in “Media” (say Crimcastia)) to faintly surface the crime while in fact permitting it to continue.

    That show, outfitting former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura with all the full-on, side, and ambience effects of the American Horror Movie genre, thrillingly sconced in “Conspiracy Theory” (you’re meant to equate one with the other) is one to watch if you want to acquaint yourself both with the history of the tech and the history of the cover-up, nicely surfaced here. [#MockOp Media at its finest.]

    Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Brain Invaders
    “I’ve empowered the dark side by some of my work, “ said Robert Duncan, on Brain Invaders. “Technology is Neutral. It can be good or evil. But I’ve worked on projects for the CIA, Justice Department, Department of Defense.” When asked what exactly he did and where he worked “in all this Sensitive area” (one Freemason to another?), he said “That’s Sensitive Information, I can’t tell you that.” Yes, he answered to “Voices in People’s Heads.” Yes, it’s the Ultimate Weapon. They’re called Voice of God weapons.” As in, Yes, the Government’s putting Voices in Heads. “So you know for a fact that these weapons you worked on, they’re being used domestically today?” “Absolutely,” responded Duncan to that.

    Confirmation from the Inside, of the CIA’s Domestic Use of NeuroWeapons on Americans: That’s all the Closure anyone needs, watching, listening—in 2012 when this show was produced and aired—to that question, put to a CIA-DOD-DOJ scientist (How do DOD and DOJ go together, at all?): Are these weapons being used domestically by the CIA-DOD (and DOJ?) today? And the answer is Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes.

    The Blackest of Black of Black Ops: “They Hide in Dark Crevices” “They Can’t be Removed” (Says Who?)

    But it’s there that Duncan drops the CIA-Mythmaking answer. ”Are these people crazy or is the government doing this to them?” First, “The Government is doing this to them,” then, “You have to remember, the CIA has a long history of experimenting on our citizens—LSD…”

    “Sure—You’re talking MK Ultra and things like that going back to the Sixties and Seventies—but we were told all that stopped—is that untrue?

    “Untrue—These programs continue under new names, new budgets…It’s the ultimate weapon…”

    “To your knowledge today, are there citizens that are being abused today with this technology?”

    “Worse than Abused—that’s a light word. They are being Tortured.”

    …”Who are the Controllers? I mean is that the President, the Federal Reserve?”


    “So these are people within our government and they are not necessarily our President or our elected officials?”

    “That’s exactly right.”

    “Wow—that makes it even more difficult. Because that means they can’t be removed.”

    “No. They can’t be removed and they are difficult to find. They hide in the dark crevices of our government.” Earlier: “It’s part of the whole World Domination Strategy: Control the Population, from subconsciously to consciously”—he meant with radio transmissions, ELF (extremely low frequencies, brain frequency transmissions), voices floated over them, sinewaved into people’s heads, insidiously influencing, persuading, dissuading, decimating Self.

    A Techno Influence Op earlier run only by the Ad Men (with English) but now juicy fare for the Neuro Men (with Radio Waves): The ones with the Bow Ties on top.

    And one that’s gone on so long the CIA believes it can go on forever. “They can’t be removed”? Really?

    Says Who?

    “MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

    Has Robert Duncan been cloned or can he just change the color of his eyes? (Some people can.) Did he start up working for the CIA again or did he never leave? Idaho or Sydney, Greenland or Brazil, Robert’s Renaissance education certainly equipped him well to row on both sides of the boat (the Slave Ship we’re all on: EarthPlane, galleoned).

    Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons—inclusive of Spectrum and Acoustic Neuroweapons—have been in recent times exposed in many different ways, through many different means—at military and other conferences, Senate hearings, through declassified documents, by whistleblowers and by military journalists; most crucially, they have been exposed in reports on FOIA-released documents and interviews with whistleblowers and reporters—including by this writer and journalist—as unethical, inhumane, and inflictive of untenable cruelty on people both in the USA and worldwide.

    Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments

    Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments
    Their use by the military having been transferred to “Law Enforcement” & affiliates: Police, both local, state, corrections, border, “community” and “fusion center”, “peacekeeper”/NATO, worldwide, and since then to “Public Safety” and “Public Health” and “Behavioral Health”—without public disclosure, discourse, debate, and frankly, dismissal—for they are anti-human and untenable—has been completely elided not just by him, but all who are currently pushing with vigor this narrative of his death.

    What we are asked to believe is that Black Ops Science, secretive, manic, military, and Intelligence-led is and must and can and should go on Forever, while the scientists at the helm, at the founding, and at the front of the Cover-Up, literally operating in plain view among those unlawfully targeted, non-consensually implanted, stalked by criminals, attacked by criminals, and brain and bio-cannibalized by criminals occupying offices at DOD, DOJ, DOE, DARPA, CIA, MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, DHS, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army, all hospitals, ambulance companies, numerous Primary Care practices, “Mental Health” and “Behavioral Health” centers, and Psycho-docsters (occupying positions of made-up power as “Psychiatrist Dia-Gnosers”) should escape close scrutiny, can be suddenly retired—without full disclosure—or passed into the realm of sudden felling (death), to be ever immortalized as supreme whistleblower, without blemish.

    Brain experimentation—cannibalizing of brains and lives—has been unethical from the get-go and all those working in Robotics, in Artificial Intelligence, in Neuroscience, in Medical Military Madness in the military know it.

    To cast those unlawfully watchlisted by a failed FBI and DHS and sold unlawfully—trafficked—into human slavery under “Black Ops”: Classified Cover, inside the CIA, inside Special Access Programs, Controlled Access Programs to be literally blasted out of their brains and lives with deadly energy neuroweapons while brain decoders, brain stimulators, brain thieves and AP DEW weapon-wielders are placed around them in their own neighborhoods, attacking them nonstop, literally 24/7 and they are subject to “pain signaling” misery requiring cowering and shielding and pain-medication and constant healthcare—as in some way some kind of unique grouping and species—an Acceptable Pariah species, to be gifted a cultic “Juden” “Targeted Individual” label and disappeared as “Delusional, Paranoid, Psychotic, Schizophrenic”—is the height of Crime. It is Military Crime, it is Intelligence Crime, it is Police Crime, it is Medical Crime. It is Human Rights Crime to be firmly, absolutely, completely, absolutely, irrevocably Ended.

    Instead what we have are “Targeted Individual” shenanigans, “Targeted Justice Media”—”Alt Media” gone nuts with the endless cover-up, endless hiding of the Hidden Hand—and a CIA #MockOp mechanism so huge, so spread-out, so invasive (of all journalism) it seeks to steal and cannibalize all it possibly can, inverting and subverting reality to its own crooked ends, imagining it can go on forever.

    The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden

    The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden
    Yesterday I published this article at my website, one which no doubt will ruffle a lot of feathers and has already:

    Read full story
    The sad CIA multimedia efforts here seem to be a kind of pastiche add-on from the Fifties when perhaps they began to get a little cocky about their cover-ups as they blew into Area 51 storytelling, little grey men, cow mutilations (with lasers) being deeply beneficent “experiments” run on Earth species by distant aliens, tall and sticklike and deep-eyed and anally-obsessed no doubt, but oh so magnanimous really, and seeking only to learn and grow (substitute Terrorize and Cannibalize poor gentle cows trying to sleep at night) on their own distant planets far beyond the burning sun (poised exactly 93 million miles away) (gasp!).

    “Conspiracy Theory” has been such an amazing cover for the Cult-Creators out in Intel La La Land.

    We are spellbound, examining their decades-long imploding of journalism.

    For they have shot themselves in the foot now, and nothing they do can get them out of it. Whirl and whirl and whirl deeper into that bizzare convoluted trickster depth of Lies and what have you got? Nothing but “Strategic Deception.”

    Robert Duncan has written a lot of interesting and useful and surfacing-of-the-crime material, his presence at his public talks and conferences and interviews including this writer’s second historic online conference in 2022 (during and after which the CIA almost finished her off—but no one else who attended, now how exactly does that work?) certainly speaks to the horrors of Radio Neural Molesting, “Synthetic Telepathy” (Try Techno Spy Tech, carefully inserted behind the ears in Lasered Incisions of the Skull/or Skin thereof, or any one of the precision sound projection technologies like Holosonic developed by (the CIA probably in conjunction with) private-sector sound technician freaks), Brain Decoding and Acoustic Neuro Net Tech, Brain Computer Interfaces and Computer Brain Interfaces, and other brain invasion tech like Electronic Dreams, Forced Speech, Memory Removal and Insertion of Speech, Sound, Thoughts, Images. But there is a lot of deflective Disinfo mixed in with the news reportage, and how we know this is by perusing the actually released military documents on FOIA.

    That is where we need to go for the real information here—and even that is spiked with vagueness, refusal to reveal all—but clearly, the CIA Media’sters (some operating from right next door to this writer, working hard on keeping their red beards glued to their spying chins) are desperately trying to shore up their losses and bumble on, pretending, posturing, privileging Medicos, selling their cult-setups as “orgs” and their pin-up poseurs as “New Media” (gold on black lettering for you if you Comply: You Must say “Havana Havana Havana” then say “CIA Officers Were Hit” “Yes, CIA” “Very much so, CIA, we, We were Victimized” by guess who? Of course: Russia Russia Russia. [Meanwhile, Russia’s front and center here as New CIA Media.]

    Noticing the CIA May Be the Best Way Forward

    Send the CIA/DARPA set some Letters of Notice of Crime please, for their cavalier invasions of our bodies, brains, and lives, to be published directly online so the whole world can count the letters and read the living text. Then write and keep writing. Speak and keep speaking. Film and keep filming. Do not stop—for Crime never pays, and DARPA-CIA and friends need to be Completely Exposed for their crimes.

    For the Reign of these weapons has ended, and they need to be wrested from all wielders and buried forever, for All Time.

    CIA Shenanigans to Disappear Scientists Involved Reveal the Players

    (1446) Dr Hoffer Reads a Thank You Card from Targeted Individuals for His Unflinching Integrity - YouTube

    Dr. Robert Duncan & Craig Laforest, Australia AI, V2K Technology and Directed Energy (DEW) Torture (youtube.com)

    Of Cults, Lies, Covers, and Hiding (Out of Plain View): Nope, Robert Duncan Isn't Dead & DARPA-CIA Brain-Bio-Chakra Hacking of Humans is Beyond Inhumane & Unlawful So it’s been a while, I think since news suddenly dropped that Robert Duncan was dead, then that he’d been “killed by a DEW”, then that his “body was found”: don’t believe a word of it. Dr. Robert Duncan at the October 22 2022 Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting Conference at Ramola D Reports Note, I interviewed him as a whistleblower, as he presented himself, he was present and spoke at the Second Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference online held October 22, 2022 at Ramola D Reports as a whistleblower, and he appeared, over the course of many years, to surface many of the dark technologies and practices of “compartmented” Special Forces inside the DOD-CIA—but looking through his first book again—The Matrix Deciphered—currently, it is clear there is a kind of CIA Coverstory created by and through and in his disclosure, a deflecting and mythologizing—of the kind perhaps that the CIA MockOpsters specialize in, that does need to be analyzed and exposed further. And it is this Pursuance of Coverstory, despite all evidence of an Awakening World, that sadly surfaces here in the sudden “Above Top Secret” Disappearing of a prominent DARPA-CIA scientist such as Robert Duncan. Disappearing people of public renown, in the public eye for a (long) period of time, is apparently an Intelligence ploy—and surely, there is a (bizarre, absurd “intelligent”) reason for it, one which no doubt will surface soon enough. “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Pain “Signaling”—say Inflicting—as a Means to Get Into Brains and “Develop Cognitive Models”: Beyond Unlawful That Anti-Human Directed Energy Weapons have been developed (over decades, over almost the whole of the last century) by a secretive military prominently headed by the even more secretive CIA and been used, in most primary ways—to create Pain, to create Misery, Suffering, Horror, in Luciferian Human-Sacrifice ways to destroy bodies and lives—on pretty much everyone who has stepped forward to report unethical brain experimentation and massive bio and energy (chakra) hacking is something that Robert Duncan apparently just forgot to report. The Mystery of Robert Duncan is the Mystery of the CIA and DARPA and Black Ops Projects Which Should Be Stopped Stat Brain Invaders/Screenshot Blazing (more prominently) onto the world stage in Jesse Ventura’s unforgettable interview (Brain Invaders/Tru TV, Air Date: 12-17-2012) on targeting, radio neuroweapons, Voice of God weapons, and people hiding under metalware of various kinds (bakeware works—so does rubber, better than leather) as Black Opsters from DARPA, CIA, and all the forces—particularly the Marine Corps of course with their Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate firing opening salvos from Dahlgren Virginia (where their rusting battleships hide in plain view as you drive quickly by)—go wild with whacking people with bio-hacking and brain-hacking and chakra-hacking weapons to achieve all sorts of invasive, intrusive, and all-unlawful “bio-effects,” disabling many, injuring all, killing some (in numbers mounting over the years), Dr. Robert Duncan as he has been termed by many hopefuls, including this writer, who has interviewed him, may not have completed a doctorate but wrote, spoke, interviewed, and published enough to be situated at head of a large, very large train of CIA personas, it appears, each working hard (including in “Media” (say Crimcastia)) to faintly surface the crime while in fact permitting it to continue. That show, outfitting former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura with all the full-on, side, and ambience effects of the American Horror Movie genre, thrillingly sconced in “Conspiracy Theory” (you’re meant to equate one with the other) is one to watch if you want to acquaint yourself both with the history of the tech and the history of the cover-up, nicely surfaced here. [#MockOp Media at its finest.] Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Brain Invaders “I’ve empowered the dark side by some of my work, “ said Robert Duncan, on Brain Invaders. “Technology is Neutral. It can be good or evil. But I’ve worked on projects for the CIA, Justice Department, Department of Defense.” When asked what exactly he did and where he worked “in all this Sensitive area” (one Freemason to another?), he said “That’s Sensitive Information, I can’t tell you that.” Yes, he answered to “Voices in People’s Heads.” Yes, it’s the Ultimate Weapon. They’re called Voice of God weapons.” As in, Yes, the Government’s putting Voices in Heads. “So you know for a fact that these weapons you worked on, they’re being used domestically today?” “Absolutely,” responded Duncan to that. Confirmation from the Inside, of the CIA’s Domestic Use of NeuroWeapons on Americans: That’s all the Closure anyone needs, watching, listening—in 2012 when this show was produced and aired—to that question, put to a CIA-DOD-DOJ scientist (How do DOD and DOJ go together, at all?): Are these weapons being used domestically by the CIA-DOD (and DOJ?) today? And the answer is Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes. The Blackest of Black of Black Ops: “They Hide in Dark Crevices” “They Can’t be Removed” (Says Who?) But it’s there that Duncan drops the CIA-Mythmaking answer. ”Are these people crazy or is the government doing this to them?” First, “The Government is doing this to them,” then, “You have to remember, the CIA has a long history of experimenting on our citizens—LSD…” “Sure—You’re talking MK Ultra and things like that going back to the Sixties and Seventies—but we were told all that stopped—is that untrue? “Untrue—These programs continue under new names, new budgets…It’s the ultimate weapon…” “To your knowledge today, are there citizens that are being abused today with this technology?” “Worse than Abused—that’s a light word. They are being Tortured.” …”Who are the Controllers? I mean is that the President, the Federal Reserve?” “No.” “So these are people within our government and they are not necessarily our President or our elected officials?” “That’s exactly right.” “Wow—that makes it even more difficult. Because that means they can’t be removed.” “No. They can’t be removed and they are difficult to find. They hide in the dark crevices of our government.” Earlier: “It’s part of the whole World Domination Strategy: Control the Population, from subconsciously to consciously”—he meant with radio transmissions, ELF (extremely low frequencies, brain frequency transmissions), voices floated over them, sinewaved into people’s heads, insidiously influencing, persuading, dissuading, decimating Self. A Techno Influence Op earlier run only by the Ad Men (with English) but now juicy fare for the Neuro Men (with Radio Waves): The ones with the Bow Ties on top. And one that’s gone on so long the CIA believes it can go on forever. “They can’t be removed”? Really? Says Who? “MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Has Robert Duncan been cloned or can he just change the color of his eyes? (Some people can.) Did he start up working for the CIA again or did he never leave? Idaho or Sydney, Greenland or Brazil, Robert’s Renaissance education certainly equipped him well to row on both sides of the boat (the Slave Ship we’re all on: EarthPlane, galleoned). Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons—inclusive of Spectrum and Acoustic Neuroweapons—have been in recent times exposed in many different ways, through many different means—at military and other conferences, Senate hearings, through declassified documents, by whistleblowers and by military journalists; most crucially, they have been exposed in reports on FOIA-released documents and interviews with whistleblowers and reporters—including by this writer and journalist—as unethical, inhumane, and inflictive of untenable cruelty on people both in the USA and worldwide. Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments Their use by the military having been transferred to “Law Enforcement” & affiliates: Police, both local, state, corrections, border, “community” and “fusion center”, “peacekeeper”/NATO, worldwide, and since then to “Public Safety” and “Public Health” and “Behavioral Health”—without public disclosure, discourse, debate, and frankly, dismissal—for they are anti-human and untenable—has been completely elided not just by him, but all who are currently pushing with vigor this narrative of his death. What we are asked to believe is that Black Ops Science, secretive, manic, military, and Intelligence-led is and must and can and should go on Forever, while the scientists at the helm, at the founding, and at the front of the Cover-Up, literally operating in plain view among those unlawfully targeted, non-consensually implanted, stalked by criminals, attacked by criminals, and brain and bio-cannibalized by criminals occupying offices at DOD, DOJ, DOE, DARPA, CIA, MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, DHS, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army, all hospitals, ambulance companies, numerous Primary Care practices, “Mental Health” and “Behavioral Health” centers, and Psycho-docsters (occupying positions of made-up power as “Psychiatrist Dia-Gnosers”) should escape close scrutiny, can be suddenly retired—without full disclosure—or passed into the realm of sudden felling (death), to be ever immortalized as supreme whistleblower, without blemish. Brain experimentation—cannibalizing of brains and lives—has been unethical from the get-go and all those working in Robotics, in Artificial Intelligence, in Neuroscience, in Medical Military Madness in the military know it. To cast those unlawfully watchlisted by a failed FBI and DHS and sold unlawfully—trafficked—into human slavery under “Black Ops”: Classified Cover, inside the CIA, inside Special Access Programs, Controlled Access Programs to be literally blasted out of their brains and lives with deadly energy neuroweapons while brain decoders, brain stimulators, brain thieves and AP DEW weapon-wielders are placed around them in their own neighborhoods, attacking them nonstop, literally 24/7 and they are subject to “pain signaling” misery requiring cowering and shielding and pain-medication and constant healthcare—as in some way some kind of unique grouping and species—an Acceptable Pariah species, to be gifted a cultic “Juden” “Targeted Individual” label and disappeared as “Delusional, Paranoid, Psychotic, Schizophrenic”—is the height of Crime. It is Military Crime, it is Intelligence Crime, it is Police Crime, it is Medical Crime. It is Human Rights Crime to be firmly, absolutely, completely, absolutely, irrevocably Ended. Instead what we have are “Targeted Individual” shenanigans, “Targeted Justice Media”—”Alt Media” gone nuts with the endless cover-up, endless hiding of the Hidden Hand—and a CIA #MockOp mechanism so huge, so spread-out, so invasive (of all journalism) it seeks to steal and cannibalize all it possibly can, inverting and subverting reality to its own crooked ends, imagining it can go on forever. The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden Yesterday I published this article at my website, one which no doubt will ruffle a lot of feathers and has already: Read full story The sad CIA multimedia efforts here seem to be a kind of pastiche add-on from the Fifties when perhaps they began to get a little cocky about their cover-ups as they blew into Area 51 storytelling, little grey men, cow mutilations (with lasers) being deeply beneficent “experiments” run on Earth species by distant aliens, tall and sticklike and deep-eyed and anally-obsessed no doubt, but oh so magnanimous really, and seeking only to learn and grow (substitute Terrorize and Cannibalize poor gentle cows trying to sleep at night) on their own distant planets far beyond the burning sun (poised exactly 93 million miles away) (gasp!). “Conspiracy Theory” has been such an amazing cover for the Cult-Creators out in Intel La La Land. We are spellbound, examining their decades-long imploding of journalism. For they have shot themselves in the foot now, and nothing they do can get them out of it. Whirl and whirl and whirl deeper into that bizzare convoluted trickster depth of Lies and what have you got? Nothing but “Strategic Deception.” Robert Duncan has written a lot of interesting and useful and surfacing-of-the-crime material, his presence at his public talks and conferences and interviews including this writer’s second historic online conference in 2022 (during and after which the CIA almost finished her off—but no one else who attended, now how exactly does that work?) certainly speaks to the horrors of Radio Neural Molesting, “Synthetic Telepathy” (Try Techno Spy Tech, carefully inserted behind the ears in Lasered Incisions of the Skull/or Skin thereof, or any one of the precision sound projection technologies like Holosonic developed by (the CIA probably in conjunction with) private-sector sound technician freaks), Brain Decoding and Acoustic Neuro Net Tech, Brain Computer Interfaces and Computer Brain Interfaces, and other brain invasion tech like Electronic Dreams, Forced Speech, Memory Removal and Insertion of Speech, Sound, Thoughts, Images. But there is a lot of deflective Disinfo mixed in with the news reportage, and how we know this is by perusing the actually released military documents on FOIA. That is where we need to go for the real information here—and even that is spiked with vagueness, refusal to reveal all—but clearly, the CIA Media’sters (some operating from right next door to this writer, working hard on keeping their red beards glued to their spying chins) are desperately trying to shore up their losses and bumble on, pretending, posturing, privileging Medicos, selling their cult-setups as “orgs” and their pin-up poseurs as “New Media” (gold on black lettering for you if you Comply: You Must say “Havana Havana Havana” then say “CIA Officers Were Hit” “Yes, CIA” “Very much so, CIA, we, We were Victimized” by guess who? Of course: Russia Russia Russia. [Meanwhile, Russia’s front and center here as New CIA Media.] Noticing the CIA May Be the Best Way Forward Send the CIA/DARPA set some Letters of Notice of Crime please, for their cavalier invasions of our bodies, brains, and lives, to be published directly online so the whole world can count the letters and read the living text. Then write and keep writing. Speak and keep speaking. Film and keep filming. Do not stop—for Crime never pays, and DARPA-CIA and friends need to be Completely Exposed for their crimes. For the Reign of these weapons has ended, and they need to be wrested from all wielders and buried forever, for All Time. CIA Shenanigans to Disappear Scientists Involved Reveal the Players (1446) Dr Hoffer Reads a Thank You Card from Targeted Individuals for His Unflinching Integrity - YouTube Dr. Robert Duncan & Craig Laforest, Australia AI, V2K Technology and Directed Energy (DEW) Torture (youtube.com) https://substack.com/@ramolad/p-149422807
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6340 Views
  • In the world of #cinema where storytelling meets visual art, #movieposters hold a special place. They are the first glimpse into a film's narrative, capturing the essence of a story within a single image. For those captivated by this unique blend of art and marketing, IMP Awards—a haven for movie poster aficionados—offers a treasure trove of visual delights. Here, we explore what makes this platform a must-visit for film enthusiasts and art lovers alike - https://statuslink.digitalpress.blog/the-art-of-cinema-latest-movie-posters-unveiled/
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  • Comprehensive Video Production Services in San Antonio


    In San Antonio, exceptional video production services are just a call away. Our dedicated team of professionals offers a full range of video production services, tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses, organizations, and individuals in the area. Whether you're looking to create a promotional video, capture a live event, produce a training video, or develop a full-scale commercial, we have the skills and expertise to deliver high-quality results.

    From the initial concept to the final edit, we work closely with our clients to understand their vision and objectives. Our services include pre-production planning, scriptwriting, storyboarding, filming, and post-production editing, ensuring that every aspect of your project is handled with care and precision. We use the latest technology and equipment to produce videos that are not only visually stunning but also effectively communicate your message.

    What makes our video production services stand out in San Antonio is our commitment to personalized service and local expertise. We know the San Antonio market and audience, allowing us to create content that resonates deeply with the community. Our team is passionate about storytelling and dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, whether that's increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or simply telling your story in a compelling way.

    With our video production services, you can expect creativity, professionalism, and a final product that exceeds your expectations. We take pride in delivering videos that make an impact, helping you connect with your audience and stand out in a crowded marketplace. Trust us to bring your vision to life with our comprehensive video production services in San Antonio.
    For more info: https://filmproproduction.com/
    Comprehensive Video Production Services in San Antonio Description: In San Antonio, exceptional video production services are just a call away. Our dedicated team of professionals offers a full range of video production services, tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses, organizations, and individuals in the area. Whether you're looking to create a promotional video, capture a live event, produce a training video, or develop a full-scale commercial, we have the skills and expertise to deliver high-quality results. From the initial concept to the final edit, we work closely with our clients to understand their vision and objectives. Our services include pre-production planning, scriptwriting, storyboarding, filming, and post-production editing, ensuring that every aspect of your project is handled with care and precision. We use the latest technology and equipment to produce videos that are not only visually stunning but also effectively communicate your message. What makes our video production services stand out in San Antonio is our commitment to personalized service and local expertise. We know the San Antonio market and audience, allowing us to create content that resonates deeply with the community. Our team is passionate about storytelling and dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, whether that's increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or simply telling your story in a compelling way. With our video production services, you can expect creativity, professionalism, and a final product that exceeds your expectations. We take pride in delivering videos that make an impact, helping you connect with your audience and stand out in a crowded marketplace. Trust us to bring your vision to life with our comprehensive video production services in San Antonio. For more info: https://filmproproduction.com/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3284 Views
  • Alchemist Studios

    Welcome to Alchemist Studios, a UK-based creative agency. We're experts in design, web development, marketing, and storytelling. Our focus is on solving problems, connecting with people, and delivering exceptional results. Let's elevate your brand together. Visit us at alchemiststudios.co.uk.

    Visit Us : https://alchemiststudios.co.uk/
    Alchemist Studios Welcome to Alchemist Studios, a UK-based creative agency. We're experts in design, web development, marketing, and storytelling. Our focus is on solving problems, connecting with people, and delivering exceptional results. Let's elevate your brand together. Visit us at alchemiststudios.co.uk. Visit Us : https://alchemiststudios.co.uk/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1294 Views 0
  • Legacy Movies
    4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201,
    Jacksonville, FL 32224
    (904) 650-2242

    Working Hours:
    Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm
    Payment: cash, check, credit cards.



    If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills.
    The wedding videographers are well-known in Jacksonville and surrounding areas as talented producers who craft emotional, elegant, timeless luxury films and cinematic treasures. We create artistically stunning cinematic wedding films and inspired wedding videos that dynamically capture the true essence of your wedding day.
    Hire local talent with a passion for storytelling and a lens focused on love who are most reviewed and trusted and who can travel to your wedding, corporate, or special event.
    Our award-winning team of photographers and videographers at Legacy Movies will help you capture and preserve the most valuable asset you can share with your family: a short film about your life, your values, your successes, and all the challenges you have overcome. There is no better way to leave a lasting impression on future generations. We make the filmmaking process easy and exciting- guiding you every step of the way.

    Nearby Locations:
    Beach Haven, Isle of Palms, Sans Pareil, Windy Hill, Deerwood
    32217, 32250, 32224, 32246, 32256
    Legacy Movies 4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32224 (904) 650-2242 https://legacymovies.com/jacksonville-fl/ https://sites.google.com/view/legacy-movies/ Working Hours: Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm Payment: cash, check, credit cards. https://maps.app.goo.gl/1N2XSSFiFzrH9RoG8 https://plus.codes/862W7H85+M9 https://www.facebook.com/legacymovies/ https://twitter.com/legacymoviesfl https://www.linkedin.com/company/legacy-movies-fl/ https://www.instagram.com/legacy_movies https://www.youtube.com/@legacymovies1125 https://www.tumblr.com/legacymovies https://www.pinterest.com/legacymovies/ https://www.flickr.com/people/200148840@N06/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/legacy-movies-jacksonville https://www.tiktok.com/@legacy_movies_ https://vimeo.com/legacymovies If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills. The wedding videographers are well-known in Jacksonville and surrounding areas as talented producers who craft emotional, elegant, timeless luxury films and cinematic treasures. We create artistically stunning cinematic wedding films and inspired wedding videos that dynamically capture the true essence of your wedding day. Hire local talent with a passion for storytelling and a lens focused on love who are most reviewed and trusted and who can travel to your wedding, corporate, or special event. Our award-winning team of photographers and videographers at Legacy Movies will help you capture and preserve the most valuable asset you can share with your family: a short film about your life, your values, your successes, and all the challenges you have overcome. There is no better way to leave a lasting impression on future generations. We make the filmmaking process easy and exciting- guiding you every step of the way. Nearby Locations: Beach Haven, Isle of Palms, Sans Pareil, Windy Hill, Deerwood 32217, 32250, 32224, 32246, 32256
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10377 Views
  • Legacy Movies
    4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201,
    Jacksonville, FL 32224
    (904) 650-2242

    Working Hours:
    Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm

    Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

    If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills.
    The wedding videographers are well-known in Jacksonville and surrounding areas as talented producers who craft emotional, elegant, timeless luxury films and cinematic treasures. We create artistically stunning cinematic wedding films and inspired wedding videos that dynamically capture the true essence of your wedding day.
    Hire local talent with a passion for storytelling and a lens focused on love who are most reviewed and trusted and who can travel to your wedding, corporate, or special event.
    Our award-winning team of photographers and videographers at Legacy Movies will help you capture and preserve the most valuable asset you can share with your family: a short film about your life, your values, your successes, and all the challenges you have overcome. There is no better way to leave a lasting impression on future generations. We make the filmmaking process easy and exciting- guiding you every step of the way.

    Nearby Locations:
    Beach Haven, Isle of Palms, Sans Pareil, Windy Hill, Deerwood
    32217, 32250, 32224, 32246, 32256



    Legacy Movies 4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32224 (904) 650-2242 https://legacymovies.com/jacksonville-fl/ https://sites.google.com/view/legacy-movies/ Working Hours: Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm Payment: cash, check, credit cards. If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills. The wedding videographers are well-known in Jacksonville and surrounding areas as talented producers who craft emotional, elegant, timeless luxury films and cinematic treasures. We create artistically stunning cinematic wedding films and inspired wedding videos that dynamically capture the true essence of your wedding day. Hire local talent with a passion for storytelling and a lens focused on love who are most reviewed and trusted and who can travel to your wedding, corporate, or special event. Our award-winning team of photographers and videographers at Legacy Movies will help you capture and preserve the most valuable asset you can share with your family: a short film about your life, your values, your successes, and all the challenges you have overcome. There is no better way to leave a lasting impression on future generations. We make the filmmaking process easy and exciting- guiding you every step of the way. Nearby Locations: Beach Haven, Isle of Palms, Sans Pareil, Windy Hill, Deerwood 32217, 32250, 32224, 32246, 32256 https://maps.app.goo.gl/1N2XSSFiFzrH9RoG8 https://plus.codes/862W7H85+M9 https://www.facebook.com/legacymovies/ https://twitter.com/legacymoviesfl https://www.linkedin.com/company/legacy-movies-fl/ https://www.instagram.com/legacy_movies https://www.youtube.com/@legacymovies1125 https://www.tumblr.com/legacymovies https://www.pinterest.com/legacymovies/ https://www.flickr.com/people/200148840@N06/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/legacy-movies-jacksonville https://www.tiktok.com/@legacy_movies_ https://vimeo.com/legacymovies
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9804 Views
  • Highlight various brand strategies that help to connect a community of audience with your brand, using this fully customizable 5 hey brand storytelling strategies PowerPoint template. You can also use this PPT template to develop an emotional resonance with your audience.
    Watch Now: https://youtu.be/-DzBBZvMBJY
    Download: https://bit.ly/3VbBj43
    #brandstorytelling #brandstory #StorytellingStrategies #storytelling #powerpointpresentation #powerpointtemplates #powerpointdesign #presentation #presentationdesign #ppt #slides #editable
    Highlight various brand strategies that help to connect a community of audience with your brand, using this fully customizable 5 hey brand storytelling strategies PowerPoint template. You can also use this PPT template to develop an emotional resonance with your audience. Watch Now: https://youtu.be/-DzBBZvMBJY Download: https://bit.ly/3VbBj43 #brandstorytelling #brandstory #StorytellingStrategies #storytelling #powerpointpresentation #powerpointtemplates #powerpointdesign #presentation #presentationdesign #ppt #slides #editable
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2963 Views
  • Create an emotional and value-driven connection between the brand and the customer using this fully customizable brand storytelling roadmap PowerPoint template. You can use this PPT template to effectively pitch the brand story to customers.
    Watch Now: https://youtu.be/kFSob3vrpEs
    Download: https://bit.ly/3idEDgA
    #roadmap #storytelling #brandstorytelling #brandstory #powerpointpresentation #powerpointtemplates #powerpointdesign #presentation #presentationdesign #ppt #Pptslides #pptdesign #slides
    Create an emotional and value-driven connection between the brand and the customer using this fully customizable brand storytelling roadmap PowerPoint template. You can use this PPT template to effectively pitch the brand story to customers. Watch Now: https://youtu.be/kFSob3vrpEs Download: https://bit.ly/3idEDgA #roadmap #storytelling #brandstorytelling #brandstory #powerpointpresentation #powerpointtemplates #powerpointdesign #presentation #presentationdesign #ppt #Pptslides #pptdesign #slides
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2943 Views
  • Explore this fully customizable brand storytelling elements PowerPoint slide to communicate with the audience using facts and narrative. You also use this PPT template to successfully engage with the audience.
    Download: https://bit.ly/3GOf1B0
    Watch Now: https://youtu.be/fJ6LnkmZGsk
    #brandstorytelling #powerpointpresentation #powerpointtemplates #powerpointdesign #PPT #presentation #presentationdesign #slides
    Explore this fully customizable brand storytelling elements PowerPoint slide to communicate with the audience using facts and narrative. You also use this PPT template to successfully engage with the audience. Download: https://bit.ly/3GOf1B0 Watch Now: https://youtu.be/fJ6LnkmZGsk #brandstorytelling #powerpointpresentation #powerpointtemplates #powerpointdesign #PPT #presentation #presentationdesign #slides
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2310 Views
  • Instagram Academy Pro is a comprehensive program that aims to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to become successful Instagram influencers and marketers. Developed by a team of industry experts, this program offers a unique blend of theory and practical application in order to help users unlock the true potential of the popular social media platform.
    In today's digital age, Instagram has emerged as one of the most influential social media platforms, boasting over a billion active users worldwide. This presents a golden opportunity for individuals and businesses alike to establish a strong online presence and reach a wide audience. However, with such fierce competition, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of the platform's algorithms, features, and best practices to stand out from the crowd. This is where Instagram Academy Pro comes into play.
    The program is designed to cater to individuals of all skill levels, from beginners looking to build their personal brand to seasoned marketers seeking to scale their businesses. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, starting with the basics of setting up an Instagram account and optimizing its profile for maximum visibility. From there, users delve into more advanced strategies such as content creation, storytelling, engagement, and monetization techniques.
    One of the key features of Instagram Academy Pro is its emphasis on hands-on learning. Rather than bombarding users with theoretical knowledge, the program encourages participants to take an active role in their learning journey. Through a combination of video tutorials, live webinars, and interactive assignments, users have the opportunity to apply the concepts they learn in real-life scenarios. By doing so, they gain invaluable experience and develop the skills necessary to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of Instagram.
    Another highlight of this program is the access it provides to a community of like-minded individuals. Instagram Academy Pro boasts a vibrant and supportive online community where users can interact, collaborate, and share their experiences. This network serves as a valuable resource for guidance, feedback, and inspiration, allowing users to learn from the successes and challenges of others.
    Ultimately, the goal of Instagram Academy Pro is to empower individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to grow their Instagram presence organically and effectively. By mastering the intricacies of the platform, users can increase their engagement, build a loyal following, and ultimately monetize their influence. Whether aspiring to become a full-time influencer, generate leads for a business, or simply enhance their personal brand, this program equips users with the skills and strategies to achieve their goals.
    In conclusion, Instagram Academy Pro is an all-encompassing program that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive on the Instagram platform. Through a combination of theory and practical application, participants gain a deep understanding of the platform's algorithms, features, and best practices. With access to a supportive community and hands-on learning opportunities, users are empowered to grow their Instagram presence and unlock their true potential as influencers and marketers. Whether an aspiring influencer, business owner, or individual looking to enhance their online presence, Instagram Academy Pro offers the necessary tools to succeed in the competitive world of Click here to get it promolink
    Instagram Academy Pro
    #1: Instagram Business Masterclass (The All-In-One, Easy Explained, Visualized IG …
    Instagram Academy Pro is a comprehensive program that aims to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to become successful Instagram influencers and marketers. Developed by a team of industry experts, this program offers a unique blend of theory and practical application in order to help users unlock the true potential of the popular social media platform. In today's digital age, Instagram has emerged as one of the most influential social media platforms, boasting over a billion active users worldwide. This presents a golden opportunity for individuals and businesses alike to establish a strong online presence and reach a wide audience. However, with such fierce competition, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of the platform's algorithms, features, and best practices to stand out from the crowd. This is where Instagram Academy Pro comes into play. The program is designed to cater to individuals of all skill levels, from beginners looking to build their personal brand to seasoned marketers seeking to scale their businesses. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, starting with the basics of setting up an Instagram account and optimizing its profile for maximum visibility. From there, users delve into more advanced strategies such as content creation, storytelling, engagement, and monetization techniques. One of the key features of Instagram Academy Pro is its emphasis on hands-on learning. Rather than bombarding users with theoretical knowledge, the program encourages participants to take an active role in their learning journey. Through a combination of video tutorials, live webinars, and interactive assignments, users have the opportunity to apply the concepts they learn in real-life scenarios. By doing so, they gain invaluable experience and develop the skills necessary to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of Instagram. Another highlight of this program is the access it provides to a community of like-minded individuals. Instagram Academy Pro boasts a vibrant and supportive online community where users can interact, collaborate, and share their experiences. This network serves as a valuable resource for guidance, feedback, and inspiration, allowing users to learn from the successes and challenges of others. Ultimately, the goal of Instagram Academy Pro is to empower individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to grow their Instagram presence organically and effectively. By mastering the intricacies of the platform, users can increase their engagement, build a loyal following, and ultimately monetize their influence. Whether aspiring to become a full-time influencer, generate leads for a business, or simply enhance their personal brand, this program equips users with the skills and strategies to achieve their goals. In conclusion, Instagram Academy Pro is an all-encompassing program that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive on the Instagram platform. Through a combination of theory and practical application, participants gain a deep understanding of the platform's algorithms, features, and best practices. With access to a supportive community and hands-on learning opportunities, users are empowered to grow their Instagram presence and unlock their true potential as influencers and marketers. Whether an aspiring influencer, business owner, or individual looking to enhance their online presence, Instagram Academy Pro offers the necessary tools to succeed in the competitive world of Click here to get it promolink Instagram Academy Pro #1: Instagram Business Masterclass (The All-In-One, Easy Explained, Visualized IG … https://tinyurl.com/mv46a3k9
    Instagram Academy Pro
    #1: Instagram Business Masterclass (The All-In-One, Easy Explained, Visualized IG …
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13677 Views
  • In a world inundated with self-help gurus and get-rich-quick schemes, it's rare to stumble upon a narrative as intriguing as the one shared by Alex Maxwell in his captivating video on wealth manifestation. The hook is simple but compelling: humans use only 8% of their DNA, and the key to unimaginable wealth lies dormant in the remaining 92%. As skeptical as one might be, Maxwell promises a revelation that challenges conventional wisdom about money and success.

    Maxwell introduces the concept of "Wealth DNA," nestled within the supposedly dismissed 92% labeled as "Junk DNA" by mainstream scientists. According to Maxwell, this dormant genetic treasure trove holds the secret to financial abundance, and it's a truth he stumbled upon through an unexpected encounter with a former NASA scientist, Jim.

    Jim's clandestine journey from NASA to a local dive bar, where he reveals the suppressed findings of a secret experiment, adds an element of intrigue to Maxwell's story. The experiment, involving the activation of DNA through sound frequencies, seems like a blend of science fiction and ancient mysticism. The revelation that NASA's interest in Chakras and frequencies was tied to attracting wealth adds a layer of credibility to an otherwise extraordinary tale.

    The connection between DNA and Chakras is a pivotal point in Maxwell's narrative. While Chakras have been part of spiritual discourse for centuries, Maxwell argues that they are, in fact, our spiritual DNA. The link between the 12 strands of human DNA and the 12 Chakra points is a novel perspective that bridges the gap between ancient spiritual teachings and modern scientific discoveries.

    The story takes an unexpected turn as Maxwell and Jim attempt to decode the notes obtained from NASA. The involvement of Maxwell's nephew, a codebreaker at the FBI, adds a suspenseful twist to the narrative. The revelation of specific frequencies, reminiscent of Pythagoras's "sacred geometry" and the power of sound waves, further fuels the story's mystique.

    However, the tale encounters a hurdle when the promised activation of Wealth DNA through audio tracks fails to yield immediate results. Maxwell's candid admission of disappointment and doubt injects a relatable human element into the story. The narrative, despite its fantastical elements, becomes grounded in the shared experience of frustration and skepticism.

    As Maxwell contemplates giving up on the experiment, the audience is left in suspense. The unresolved nature of the story leaves room for anticipation, questioning the legitimacy of the experiment and the effectiveness of the discovered frequencies. It's a cliffhanger that invites viewers to ponder the delicate balance between scientific inquiry and the quest for personal transformation.

    In conclusion, Alex Maxwell's journey from financial struggle to the pursuit of wealth manifestation, intertwined with NASA's secret experiment and the unlocking of Wealth DNA, offers a unique blend of science and spirituality. Whether the tale ultimately leads to financial prosperity or remains a cautionary fable, Maxwell's storytelling prowess keeps the audience engaged, prompting them to question the boundaries of belief and the untapped potential within their own DNA.

    CLICK HERE==>> https://sites.google.com/view/wealthmanifestation23/home

    In a world inundated with self-help gurus and get-rich-quick schemes, it's rare to stumble upon a narrative as intriguing as the one shared by Alex Maxwell in his captivating video on wealth manifestation. The hook is simple but compelling: humans use only 8% of their DNA, and the key to unimaginable wealth lies dormant in the remaining 92%. As skeptical as one might be, Maxwell promises a revelation that challenges conventional wisdom about money and success. Maxwell introduces the concept of "Wealth DNA," nestled within the supposedly dismissed 92% labeled as "Junk DNA" by mainstream scientists. According to Maxwell, this dormant genetic treasure trove holds the secret to financial abundance, and it's a truth he stumbled upon through an unexpected encounter with a former NASA scientist, Jim. Jim's clandestine journey from NASA to a local dive bar, where he reveals the suppressed findings of a secret experiment, adds an element of intrigue to Maxwell's story. The experiment, involving the activation of DNA through sound frequencies, seems like a blend of science fiction and ancient mysticism. The revelation that NASA's interest in Chakras and frequencies was tied to attracting wealth adds a layer of credibility to an otherwise extraordinary tale. The connection between DNA and Chakras is a pivotal point in Maxwell's narrative. While Chakras have been part of spiritual discourse for centuries, Maxwell argues that they are, in fact, our spiritual DNA. The link between the 12 strands of human DNA and the 12 Chakra points is a novel perspective that bridges the gap between ancient spiritual teachings and modern scientific discoveries. The story takes an unexpected turn as Maxwell and Jim attempt to decode the notes obtained from NASA. The involvement of Maxwell's nephew, a codebreaker at the FBI, adds a suspenseful twist to the narrative. The revelation of specific frequencies, reminiscent of Pythagoras's "sacred geometry" and the power of sound waves, further fuels the story's mystique. However, the tale encounters a hurdle when the promised activation of Wealth DNA through audio tracks fails to yield immediate results. Maxwell's candid admission of disappointment and doubt injects a relatable human element into the story. The narrative, despite its fantastical elements, becomes grounded in the shared experience of frustration and skepticism. As Maxwell contemplates giving up on the experiment, the audience is left in suspense. The unresolved nature of the story leaves room for anticipation, questioning the legitimacy of the experiment and the effectiveness of the discovered frequencies. It's a cliffhanger that invites viewers to ponder the delicate balance between scientific inquiry and the quest for personal transformation. In conclusion, Alex Maxwell's journey from financial struggle to the pursuit of wealth manifestation, intertwined with NASA's secret experiment and the unlocking of Wealth DNA, offers a unique blend of science and spirituality. Whether the tale ultimately leads to financial prosperity or remains a cautionary fable, Maxwell's storytelling prowess keeps the audience engaged, prompting them to question the boundaries of belief and the untapped potential within their own DNA. CLICK HERE==>> https://sites.google.com/view/wealthmanifestation23/home
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13681 Views
  • How do I make my content professional in writing (content writing)?

    👉 [Dedicated link to one of the professional writers]

    👉 [A dedicated link to choose the writer and service yourself]

    Invest in content that shines and engages. Choose quality and professionalism with us! ✨📝

    How do I make my content professional in writing (content writing)? 👉 [Dedicated link to one of the professional writers] here:https://bit.ly/zgoundi2 👉 [A dedicated link to choose the writer and service yourself] here:https://bit.ly/zgoundi3 Invest in content that shines and engages. Choose quality and professionalism with us! ✨📝 --- #ContentWriting #ContentCreation #Copywriting #CreativeContent #ContentMarketing #WritingCommunity #SEOContent #DigitalContent #FreelanceWriter #WebContent #Blogging #ContentStrategy #QualityContent #Wordsmith #SocialMediaContent #EngagingContent #BloggersLife #ArticleWriting #Storytelling #ContentCreators
    0 Comments 0 Shares 15992 Views 0
  • 🚀 **Unlock the Best Content Writing Services on Fiverr!**

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    🌐 Are you in search of outstanding and engaging content for your website or blog? Do you want to make your content stand out with quality and resonate with your audience? Look no further – we've got the solution to achieve your goal!

    ✨ **Why Choose Our Fiverr Services?**

    1. **Exceptional Quality:** We provide precision-written, high-quality content that meets audience expectations.

    2. **Complete Customization:** Understanding the importance of unique content, we offer services tailored to your specific needs.

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    📌 **Examples of Our Services:**

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    🌈 **Check Out Our Fiverr Services Today!**

    👉 [Dedicated link to one of the professional writers]

    👉 [A dedicated link to choose the writer and service yourself]

    Invest in content that shines and engages. Choose quality and professionalism with us! ✨📝

    🚀 **Unlock the Best Content Writing Services on Fiverr!** 📝 **Tailored Content Services Just for You!** 🌐 Are you in search of outstanding and engaging content for your website or blog? Do you want to make your content stand out with quality and resonate with your audience? Look no further – we've got the solution to achieve your goal! ✨ **Why Choose Our Fiverr Services?** 1. **Exceptional Quality:** We provide precision-written, high-quality content that meets audience expectations. 2. **Complete Customization:** Understanding the importance of unique content, we offer services tailored to your specific needs. 3. **On-Time Delivery:** We commit to both quality and timelines to ensure customer satisfaction. 4. **Competitive Pricing:** Our services are available at reasonable prices, catering to your budget. 📌 **Examples of Our Services:** - Crafting creative and analytical articles. - Developing effective marketing content. - Writing blog posts to attract more readers. - Creating engaging and effective social media content. 🌈 **Check Out Our Fiverr Services Today!** 👉 [Dedicated link to one of the professional writers] here:https://bit.ly/zgoundi2 👉 [A dedicated link to choose the writer and service yourself] here:https://bit.ly/zgoundi3 Invest in content that shines and engages. Choose quality and professionalism with us! ✨📝 --- #ContentWriting #ContentCreation #Copywriting #CreativeContent #ContentMarketing #WritingCommunity #SEOContent #DigitalContent #FreelanceWriter #WebContent #Blogging #ContentStrategy #QualityContent #Wordsmith #SocialMediaContent #EngagingContent #BloggersLife #ArticleWriting #Storytelling #ContentCreators
    0 Comments 0 Shares 17307 Views
  • Title: Plan for the Second Viking Expansion

    The Viking Age was marked by the first wave of Viking expansion that saw Norse seafarers explore, raid, and establish settlements across Europe and beyond. The second Viking expansion aims to build upon the achievements of the past, seizing new opportunities and expanding Norse influence. This plan outlines the strategic objectives, key actions, and considerations for the successful execution of the second Viking expansion.

    Establish Strategic Objectives:
    a. Expansion of Territories: Identify regions with potential for colonization, trade, and resource acquisition.
    b. Economic Growth: Secure valuable resources, establish trade networks, and exploit new economic opportunities.
    c. Cultural Influence: Spread Norse culture, mythology, and language while assimilating beneficial aspects of local cultures.
    d. Political Power: Enhance the political standing of Norse leaders through alliances and diplomatic relationships.
    e. Security and Defense: Ensure the safety of Viking settlements, establish strong defensive structures, and develop naval superiority.

    Conduct Reconnaissance and Exploration:
    a. Send expeditions to uncharted territories to gather information on geographical features, resources, and potential threats.
    b. Establish contact with local populations to assess their willingness to engage in trade, form alliances, or negotiate peaceful settlements.
    c. Conduct coastal mapping and exploration to identify suitable sites for future Viking settlements.

    Strengthen Naval Power:
    a. Construct new longships and improve existing fleet capabilities.
    b. Train skilled sailors, navigators, and shipbuilders to enhance the effectiveness of naval operations.
    c. Develop advanced navigation techniques, including the use of compasses, astrolabes, and other navigational aids.

    Colonization and Settlement:
    a. Select strategic locations for new Viking settlements, considering factors such as access to resources, defensibility, and trade routes.
    b. Establish self-sustaining colonies with a mix of farmers, craftsmen, traders, and warriors.
    c. Develop infrastructure, including harbors, fortifications, and trade centers to support economic growth and security.
    d. Encourage Norse settlers to assimilate with local populations while preserving Norse cultural identity.

    Trade and Economic Expansion:
    a. Establish trade networks with local communities, focusing on resources that can be exchanged for valuable goods.
    b. Encourage Viking traders to build relationships with local merchants and artisans to facilitate the exchange of goods and knowledge.
    c. Develop partnerships with existing trade routes and centers to maximize economic benefits.
    d. Explore new markets and commodities to diversify trade opportunities.

    Diplomacy and Alliances:
    a. Establish diplomatic relations with local rulers and tribes to secure alliances, ensure peaceful coexistence, and foster cooperation.
    b. Engage in cultural exchange to promote understanding and mutual respect.
    c. Offer military support to local factions in exchange for political influence and trade privileges.

    Military Strategy and Defense:
    a. Establish military outposts and fortifications to protect Viking settlements and trade routes.
    b. Train and equip Viking warriors, archers, and skirmishers for effective defense and raiding operations.
    c. Maintain a standing army and naval fleet to deter potential aggressors and protect Viking interests.

    Cultural Influence and Integration:
    a. Promote Norse culture, art, and mythology through storytelling, poetry, and other cultural expressions.
    b. Encourage intermarriage between Norse settlers and local populations to foster cultural integration.
    c. Adapt Norse religious practices to incorporate elements from local beliefs and traditions.

    Continual Learning and Adaptation:
    a. Establish a network of scholars and explorers to gather knowledge on new territories, cultures, and technologies.
    b. Encourage innovation and the adoption of new ideas and practices
    Title: Plan for the Second Viking Expansion Introduction: The Viking Age was marked by the first wave of Viking expansion that saw Norse seafarers explore, raid, and establish settlements across Europe and beyond. The second Viking expansion aims to build upon the achievements of the past, seizing new opportunities and expanding Norse influence. This plan outlines the strategic objectives, key actions, and considerations for the successful execution of the second Viking expansion. Establish Strategic Objectives: a. Expansion of Territories: Identify regions with potential for colonization, trade, and resource acquisition. b. Economic Growth: Secure valuable resources, establish trade networks, and exploit new economic opportunities. c. Cultural Influence: Spread Norse culture, mythology, and language while assimilating beneficial aspects of local cultures. d. Political Power: Enhance the political standing of Norse leaders through alliances and diplomatic relationships. e. Security and Defense: Ensure the safety of Viking settlements, establish strong defensive structures, and develop naval superiority. Conduct Reconnaissance and Exploration: a. Send expeditions to uncharted territories to gather information on geographical features, resources, and potential threats. b. Establish contact with local populations to assess their willingness to engage in trade, form alliances, or negotiate peaceful settlements. c. Conduct coastal mapping and exploration to identify suitable sites for future Viking settlements. Strengthen Naval Power: a. Construct new longships and improve existing fleet capabilities. b. Train skilled sailors, navigators, and shipbuilders to enhance the effectiveness of naval operations. c. Develop advanced navigation techniques, including the use of compasses, astrolabes, and other navigational aids. Colonization and Settlement: a. Select strategic locations for new Viking settlements, considering factors such as access to resources, defensibility, and trade routes. b. Establish self-sustaining colonies with a mix of farmers, craftsmen, traders, and warriors. c. Develop infrastructure, including harbors, fortifications, and trade centers to support economic growth and security. d. Encourage Norse settlers to assimilate with local populations while preserving Norse cultural identity. Trade and Economic Expansion: a. Establish trade networks with local communities, focusing on resources that can be exchanged for valuable goods. b. Encourage Viking traders to build relationships with local merchants and artisans to facilitate the exchange of goods and knowledge. c. Develop partnerships with existing trade routes and centers to maximize economic benefits. d. Explore new markets and commodities to diversify trade opportunities. Diplomacy and Alliances: a. Establish diplomatic relations with local rulers and tribes to secure alliances, ensure peaceful coexistence, and foster cooperation. b. Engage in cultural exchange to promote understanding and mutual respect. c. Offer military support to local factions in exchange for political influence and trade privileges. Military Strategy and Defense: a. Establish military outposts and fortifications to protect Viking settlements and trade routes. b. Train and equip Viking warriors, archers, and skirmishers for effective defense and raiding operations. c. Maintain a standing army and naval fleet to deter potential aggressors and protect Viking interests. Cultural Influence and Integration: a. Promote Norse culture, art, and mythology through storytelling, poetry, and other cultural expressions. b. Encourage intermarriage between Norse settlers and local populations to foster cultural integration. c. Adapt Norse religious practices to incorporate elements from local beliefs and traditions. Continual Learning and Adaptation: a. Establish a network of scholars and explorers to gather knowledge on new territories, cultures, and technologies. b. Encourage innovation and the adoption of new ideas and practices
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