• History .com Editors - Fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin refuses to give up her seat on a segregated bus:


    #ClaudetteColvin #MontgomeryBusBoycott #Segregation #Discrimination #CivilRights #History
    History .com Editors - Fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin refuses to give up her seat on a segregated bus: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/claudette-colvin-refuses-to-give-up-her-seat #ClaudetteColvin #MontgomeryBusBoycott #Segregation #Discrimination #CivilRights #History
    Fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin refuses to give up her seat on a segregated bus | March 2, 1955 | HISTORY
    A full nine months before Rosa Parks‘s famous act of civil disobedience, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin is arrested on March 2, 1955 for refusing to give up her seat on a segregated Montgomery, Alabama bus. Colvin was traveling home from school when the bus’ driver ordered her, along with three fellow Black students, to give up their row of seats to […]
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  • The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse. Chris Hedges
    Joe Biden relies on advisors who view the world through the prism of the West’s civilizing mission to the “lesser breeds” of the earth to formulate his policies towards Israel and the Middle East.

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    New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth”


    Joe Biden’s inner circle of strategists for the Middle East — Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Brett McGurk — have little understanding of the Muslim world and a deep animus towards Islamic resistance movements. They see Europe, the United States and Israel as involved in a clash of civilizations between the enlightened West and a barbaric Middle East. They believe that violence can bend Palestinians and other Arabs to their will. They champion the overwhelming firepower of the U.S. and Israeli military as the key to regional stability — an illusion that fuels the flames of regional war and perpetuates the genocide in Gaza.

    In short, these four men are grossly incompetent. They join the club of other clueless leaders, such as those who waltzed into the suicidal slaughter of World War One, waded into the quagmire of Vietnam or who orchestrated the series of recent military debacles in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. They are endowed with the presumptive power vested in the Executive Branch to bypass Congress, to provide weapons to Israel and carry out military strikes in Yemen and Iraq. This inner circle of true believers dismiss the more nuanced and informed counsels in the State Department and the intelligence communities, who view the refusal of the Biden administration to pressure Israel to halt the ongoing genocide as ill-advised and dangerous.

    Biden has always been an ardent militarist — he was calling for war with Iraq five years before the U.S. invaded. He built his political career by catering to the distaste of the white middle class for the popular movements, including the anti-war and civil rights movements, that convulsed the country in the 1960s and 1970s. He is a Republican masquerading as a Democrat. He joined Southern segregationists to oppose bringing Black students into Whites-only schools. He opposed federal funding for abortions and supported a constitutional amendment allowing states to restrict abortions. He attacked President George H. W. Bush in 1989 for being too soft in the “war on drugs.” He was one of the architects of the 1994 crime bill and a raft of other draconian laws that more than doubled the U.S. prison population, militarized the police and pushed through drug laws that saw people incarcerated for life without parole. He supported the North American Free Trade Agreement, the greatest betrayal of the working class since the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act. He has always been a strident defender of Israel, bragging that he did more fundraisers for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) than any other Senator.

    “As many of you heard me say before, were there no Israel, America would have to invent one. We’d have to invent one because… you protect our interests like we protect yours,” Biden said in 2015, to an audience that included the Israeli ambassador, at the 67th Annual Israeli Independence Day Celebration in Washington D.C. During the same speech he said, “The truth of the matter is we need you. The world needs you. Imagine what it would say about humanity and the future of the 21st century if Israel were not sustained, vibrant and free.”

    The year before Biden gave a gushing eulogy for Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli prime minister and general who was implicated in massacres of Palestinians, Lebanese and others in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon — as well as Egyptian prisoners of war — going back to the 1950s. He described Sharon as “part of one of the most remarkable founding generations in the history not of this nation, but of any nation.”

    While repudiating Donald Trump and his administration, Biden has not reversed Trump’s abrogation of the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by Barack Obama, or Trump’s sanctions against Iran. He has embraced Trump’s close ties with Saudi Arabia, including the rehabilitation of Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman, following the assassination of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2017 in the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. He has not intervened to curb Israeli attacks on Palestinians and settlement expansion in the West Bank. He did not reverse Trump’s moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, although the embassy includes land Israel illegally colonized after invading the West Bank and Gaza in 1967.

    As a seven-term senator of Delaware, Biden received more financial support from pro-Israel donors than any other senator, since 1990. Biden retains this record despite the fact that his senatorial career ended in 2009, when he became Obama’s vice president. Biden explains his commitment to Israel as “personal” and “political.”

    He has parroted back Israeli propaganda — including fabrications about beheaded babies and widespread rape of Israeli women by Hamas fighters — and asked Congress to provide $14 billion in additional aid to Israel since the Oct. 7 attack. He has twice bypassed Congress to supply Israel with thousands of bombs and munitions, including at least 100 2,000-pound bombs, used in the scorched earth campaign in Gaza.

    Israel has killed or seriously wounded close to 90,000 Palestinians in Gaza, almost one in every 20 inhabitants. It has destroyed or damaged over 60 percent of the housing. The “safe areas,” to which some 2 million Gazans were instructed to flee in southern Gaza, have been bombed, with thousands of casualties. Palestinians in Gaza now make up 80 percent of all the people facing famine or catastrophic hunger worldwide, according to the U.N. Every person in Gaza is hungry. A quarter of the population are starving and struggling to find food and drinkable water. Famine is imminent. The 335,000 children under the age of five are at high risk of malnutrition. Some 50,000 pregnant women lack healthcare and adequate nutrition.

    And it could all end if the U.S. chose to intervene.

    “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S.,” retired Israeli Major General Yitzhak Brick told the Jewish News Syndicate. “The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.”

    Blinken was Biden’s principal foreign policy adviser when Biden was the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee. He, along with Biden, lobbied for the invasion of Iraq. When he was Obama’s deputy national security advisor, he advocated the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. He opposed withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria. He worked on the disastrous Biden Plan to partition Iraq along ethnic lines.

    “Within the Obama White House, Blinken played an influential role in the imposition of sanctions against Russia over the 2014 invasion of Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and subsequently led ultimately unsuccessful calls for the U.S. to arm Ukraine,” according to the Atlantic Council, NATO’s unofficial think tank.

    Image: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Oct. 12, 2023. – Secretary Antony Blinken on X

    When Blinken landed in Israel following the attacks by Hamas and other resistance groups on Oct. 7, he announced at a press conference with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

    “I come before you not only as the United States Secretary of State, but also as a Jew.”

    He attempted, on Israel’s behalf, to lobby Arab leaders to accept the 2.3 million Palestinian refugees Israel intends to ethnically cleanse from Gaza, a request that evoked outrage among Arab leaders.

    Sullivan, Biden’s national security advisor, and McGurk, are consummate opportunists, Machiavellian bureaucrats who cater to the reigning centers of power, including the Israel lobby.

    Sullivan was the chief architect of Hillary Clinton’s Asia pivot. He backed the corporate and investor rights Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, which was sold as helping the U.S. contain China. Trump ultimately killed the trade agreement in the face of mass opposition from the U.S. public. His focus is thwarting a rising China, including through the expansion of the U.S. military.

    While not focused on the Middle East, Sullivan is a foreign policy hawk who has a knee jerk embrace of force to shape the world to U.S. demands. He embraces military Keynesianism, arguing that massive government spending on the weapons industry benefits the domestic economy.

    In a 7,000-word essay for Foreign Affairs magazine published five days before the Oct. 7 attacks, which left some 1,200 Israelis dead, Sullivan exposed his lack of understanding of the dynamics of the Middle East.

    Screenshot from The New York Times

    “Although the Middle East remains beset with perennial challenges,” he writes in the original version of the essay, “the region is quieter than it has been for decades,” adding that in the face of “serious” frictions, “we have de-escalated crises in Gaza.”

    Sullivan ignores Palestinian aspirations and Washington’s rhetorical backing for a two-state solution in the article, hastily rewritten in the online version after the Oct. 7 attacks. He writes in his original piece:

    At a meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, last year, the president set forth his policy for the Middle East in an address to the leaders of members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan. His approach returns discipline to US policy. It emphasizes deterring aggression, de-escalating conflicts, and integrating the region through joint infrastructure projects and new partnerships, including between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

    McGurk, the deputy assistant to President Biden and the coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa at the White House National Security Council, was a chief architect of Bush’s “surge” in Iraq, which accelerated the bloodletting. He worked as a legal advisor to the Coalition Provisional Authority and the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad. He then became Trump’s anti-ISIS czar.

    He does not speak Arabic — none of the four men does — and came to Iraq with no knowledge of its history, peoples or culture. Nevertheless, he helped draft Iraq’s interim constitution and oversaw the legal transition from the Coalition Provisional Authority to an Interim Iraqi Government led by Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. McGurk was an early backer of Nouri al-Maliki, who was Iraq’s prime minister between 2006 and 2014. Al-Maliki built a Shi’ite-controlled sectarian state that deeply alienated Sunni Arabs and Kurds. In 2005, McGurk transferred to the National Security Council (NSC), where he served as director for Iraq, and later as special assistant to the president and senior director for Iraq and Afghanistan. He served on the NSC staff from 2005 to 2009. In 2015, he was appointed as Obama’s Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL. He was retained by Trump until his resignation in Dec. 2018.

    An article in April 2021 titled “Brett McGurk: A Hero of Our Times,” in New Lines Magazine by former BBC foreign correspondent Paul Wood, paints a scathing portrait of McGurk. Wood writes:

    A senior Western diplomat who served in Baghdad told me that McGurk had been an absolute disaster for Iraq. “He is a consummate operator in Washington, but I saw no sign that he was interested in Iraqis or Iraq as a place full of real people. It was simply a bureaucratic and political challenge for him.” One critic who was in Baghdad with McGurk called him Machiavelli reincarnated. “It’s intellect plus ambition plus the utter ruthlessness to rise no matter the cost.”


    A U.S. diplomat who was in the embassy when McGurk arrived found his steady advance astonishing. “Brett only meets people who speak English. … There are like four people in the government who speak English. And somehow he’s now the person who should decide the fate of Iraq? How did this happen?”

    Even those who didn’t like McGurk had to admit that he had a formidable intellect — and was a hard worker. He was also a gifted writer, no surprise as he had clerked for Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist. His rise mirrored that of an Iraqi politician named Nouri al-Maliki, one careerist helping the other. That is McGurk’s tragedy — and Iraq’s.


    McGurk’s critics say his lack of Arabic meant he missed the vicious, sectarian undertones of what al-Maliki was saying in meetings right from the start. Translators censored or failed to keep up. Like many Americans in Iraq, McGurk was deaf to what was happening around him.

    Al-Maliki was the consequence of two mistakes by the U.S. How much McGurk had to do with them remains in dispute. The first mistake was the “80 Percent Solution” for ruling Iraq. The Sunni Arabs were mounting a bloody insurgency, but they were just 20% of the population. The theory was that you could run Iraq with the Kurds and the Shiites. The second error was to identify the Shiites with hardline, religious parties backed by Iran. Al-Maliki, a member of the religious Da’wa Party, was the beneficiary of this.

    In a piece in HuffPost in May 2022 by Akbar Shahid Ahmed, titled “Biden’s Top Middle East Advisor ‘Torched the House and Showed Up With a Firehose,’” McGurk is described by a colleague, who asked not to be named, as “the most talented bureaucrat they’ve ever seen, with the worst foreign policy judgment they’ve ever seen.”

    McGurk, like others in the Biden administration, is bizarrely focused on what comes after Israel’s genocidal campaign, rather than trying to halt it. McGurk proposed denying humanitarian aid and refusing to implement a pause in the fighting in Gaza until all the Israeli hostages were freed. Biden and his three closest policy advisors have called for the Palestinian Authority — an Israeli puppet regime that is reviled by most Palestinians — to take control of Gaza once Israel finishes leveling it. They have called on Israel — since Oct. 7 — to take steps towards a two-state solution, a plan rejected in an humiliating public rebuke to the the Biden White House by Netanyahu.

    The Biden White House spends more time talking to the Israelis and Saudis, who are being lobbied to normalize relations with Israel and help rebuild Gaza, than the Palestinians, who are at best, an afterthought. It believes the key to ending Palestinian resistance is found in Riyadh, summed up in a top-secret document peddled by McGurk called the “Jerusalem-Jeddah Pact,” the HuffPost reported. It is unable or unwilling to curb Israel’s bloodlust, which included missile strikes in a residential neighborhood in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday that killed five military advisors from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and a drone attack in South Lebanon on Sunday, which killed two senior members of Hezbollah. These Israeli provocations will not go unanswered, evidenced by the ballistic missiles and rockets launched on Sunday by militants in western Iraq that targeted U.S. personnel stationed at the al-Assad Airbase.

    The Alice-in-Wonderland idea that once the slaughter in Gaza ends a diplomatic pact between Israel and Saudi Arabia will be the key to regional stability is stupefying. Israel’s genocide, and Washington’s complicity, is shredding U.S. credibility and influence, especially in the Global South and the Muslim world. It ensures another generation of enraged Palestinians — whose families have been obliterated and whose homes have been destroyed — seeking vengeance.

    The policies embraced by the Biden administration not only blithely ignore the realities in the Arab world, but the realities of an extremist Israeli state that, with Congress bought and paid for by the Israel lobby, couldn’t care less what the Biden White House dreams up. Israel has no intention of creating a viable Palestinian state. Its goal is the ethnic cleansing of the 2.3 million Palestinians from Gaza and the annexation of Gaza by Israel. And when Israel is done with Gaza, it will turn on the West Bank, where Israeli raids now occur on an almost nightly basis and where thousands have been arrested and detained without charge since Oct. 7.

    Those running the show in the Biden White House are chasing after rainbows. The march of folly led by these four blind mice perpetuates the cataclysmic suffering of the Palestinians, stokes a regional war and presages another tragic and self-defeating chapter in the two decades of U.S. military fiascos in the Middle East.


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    Featured image: Blood Brothers – by Mr. Fish via Chris Hedges

    The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse. Chris Hedges Joe Biden relies on advisors who view the world through the prism of the West’s civilizing mission to the “lesser breeds” of the earth to formulate his policies towards Israel and the Middle East. All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. New Year Donation Drive: Global Research Is Committed to the “Unspoken Truth” *** Joe Biden’s inner circle of strategists for the Middle East — Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Brett McGurk — have little understanding of the Muslim world and a deep animus towards Islamic resistance movements. They see Europe, the United States and Israel as involved in a clash of civilizations between the enlightened West and a barbaric Middle East. They believe that violence can bend Palestinians and other Arabs to their will. They champion the overwhelming firepower of the U.S. and Israeli military as the key to regional stability — an illusion that fuels the flames of regional war and perpetuates the genocide in Gaza. In short, these four men are grossly incompetent. They join the club of other clueless leaders, such as those who waltzed into the suicidal slaughter of World War One, waded into the quagmire of Vietnam or who orchestrated the series of recent military debacles in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. They are endowed with the presumptive power vested in the Executive Branch to bypass Congress, to provide weapons to Israel and carry out military strikes in Yemen and Iraq. This inner circle of true believers dismiss the more nuanced and informed counsels in the State Department and the intelligence communities, who view the refusal of the Biden administration to pressure Israel to halt the ongoing genocide as ill-advised and dangerous. Biden has always been an ardent militarist — he was calling for war with Iraq five years before the U.S. invaded. He built his political career by catering to the distaste of the white middle class for the popular movements, including the anti-war and civil rights movements, that convulsed the country in the 1960s and 1970s. He is a Republican masquerading as a Democrat. He joined Southern segregationists to oppose bringing Black students into Whites-only schools. He opposed federal funding for abortions and supported a constitutional amendment allowing states to restrict abortions. He attacked President George H. W. Bush in 1989 for being too soft in the “war on drugs.” He was one of the architects of the 1994 crime bill and a raft of other draconian laws that more than doubled the U.S. prison population, militarized the police and pushed through drug laws that saw people incarcerated for life without parole. He supported the North American Free Trade Agreement, the greatest betrayal of the working class since the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act. He has always been a strident defender of Israel, bragging that he did more fundraisers for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) than any other Senator. “As many of you heard me say before, were there no Israel, America would have to invent one. We’d have to invent one because… you protect our interests like we protect yours,” Biden said in 2015, to an audience that included the Israeli ambassador, at the 67th Annual Israeli Independence Day Celebration in Washington D.C. During the same speech he said, “The truth of the matter is we need you. The world needs you. Imagine what it would say about humanity and the future of the 21st century if Israel were not sustained, vibrant and free.” The year before Biden gave a gushing eulogy for Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli prime minister and general who was implicated in massacres of Palestinians, Lebanese and others in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon — as well as Egyptian prisoners of war — going back to the 1950s. He described Sharon as “part of one of the most remarkable founding generations in the history not of this nation, but of any nation.” While repudiating Donald Trump and his administration, Biden has not reversed Trump’s abrogation of the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by Barack Obama, or Trump’s sanctions against Iran. He has embraced Trump’s close ties with Saudi Arabia, including the rehabilitation of Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman, following the assassination of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2017 in the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. He has not intervened to curb Israeli attacks on Palestinians and settlement expansion in the West Bank. He did not reverse Trump’s moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, although the embassy includes land Israel illegally colonized after invading the West Bank and Gaza in 1967. As a seven-term senator of Delaware, Biden received more financial support from pro-Israel donors than any other senator, since 1990. Biden retains this record despite the fact that his senatorial career ended in 2009, when he became Obama’s vice president. Biden explains his commitment to Israel as “personal” and “political.” He has parroted back Israeli propaganda — including fabrications about beheaded babies and widespread rape of Israeli women by Hamas fighters — and asked Congress to provide $14 billion in additional aid to Israel since the Oct. 7 attack. He has twice bypassed Congress to supply Israel with thousands of bombs and munitions, including at least 100 2,000-pound bombs, used in the scorched earth campaign in Gaza. Israel has killed or seriously wounded close to 90,000 Palestinians in Gaza, almost one in every 20 inhabitants. It has destroyed or damaged over 60 percent of the housing. The “safe areas,” to which some 2 million Gazans were instructed to flee in southern Gaza, have been bombed, with thousands of casualties. Palestinians in Gaza now make up 80 percent of all the people facing famine or catastrophic hunger worldwide, according to the U.N. Every person in Gaza is hungry. A quarter of the population are starving and struggling to find food and drinkable water. Famine is imminent. The 335,000 children under the age of five are at high risk of malnutrition. Some 50,000 pregnant women lack healthcare and adequate nutrition. And it could all end if the U.S. chose to intervene. “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S.,” retired Israeli Major General Yitzhak Brick told the Jewish News Syndicate. “The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability… Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.” Blinken was Biden’s principal foreign policy adviser when Biden was the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee. He, along with Biden, lobbied for the invasion of Iraq. When he was Obama’s deputy national security advisor, he advocated the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. He opposed withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria. He worked on the disastrous Biden Plan to partition Iraq along ethnic lines. “Within the Obama White House, Blinken played an influential role in the imposition of sanctions against Russia over the 2014 invasion of Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and subsequently led ultimately unsuccessful calls for the U.S. to arm Ukraine,” according to the Atlantic Council, NATO’s unofficial think tank. Image: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Oct. 12, 2023. – Secretary Antony Blinken on X When Blinken landed in Israel following the attacks by Hamas and other resistance groups on Oct. 7, he announced at a press conference with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “I come before you not only as the United States Secretary of State, but also as a Jew.” He attempted, on Israel’s behalf, to lobby Arab leaders to accept the 2.3 million Palestinian refugees Israel intends to ethnically cleanse from Gaza, a request that evoked outrage among Arab leaders. Sullivan, Biden’s national security advisor, and McGurk, are consummate opportunists, Machiavellian bureaucrats who cater to the reigning centers of power, including the Israel lobby. Sullivan was the chief architect of Hillary Clinton’s Asia pivot. He backed the corporate and investor rights Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, which was sold as helping the U.S. contain China. Trump ultimately killed the trade agreement in the face of mass opposition from the U.S. public. His focus is thwarting a rising China, including through the expansion of the U.S. military. While not focused on the Middle East, Sullivan is a foreign policy hawk who has a knee jerk embrace of force to shape the world to U.S. demands. He embraces military Keynesianism, arguing that massive government spending on the weapons industry benefits the domestic economy. In a 7,000-word essay for Foreign Affairs magazine published five days before the Oct. 7 attacks, which left some 1,200 Israelis dead, Sullivan exposed his lack of understanding of the dynamics of the Middle East. Screenshot from The New York Times “Although the Middle East remains beset with perennial challenges,” he writes in the original version of the essay, “the region is quieter than it has been for decades,” adding that in the face of “serious” frictions, “we have de-escalated crises in Gaza.” Sullivan ignores Palestinian aspirations and Washington’s rhetorical backing for a two-state solution in the article, hastily rewritten in the online version after the Oct. 7 attacks. He writes in his original piece: At a meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, last year, the president set forth his policy for the Middle East in an address to the leaders of members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan. His approach returns discipline to US policy. It emphasizes deterring aggression, de-escalating conflicts, and integrating the region through joint infrastructure projects and new partnerships, including between Israel and its Arab neighbors. McGurk, the deputy assistant to President Biden and the coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa at the White House National Security Council, was a chief architect of Bush’s “surge” in Iraq, which accelerated the bloodletting. He worked as a legal advisor to the Coalition Provisional Authority and the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad. He then became Trump’s anti-ISIS czar. He does not speak Arabic — none of the four men does — and came to Iraq with no knowledge of its history, peoples or culture. Nevertheless, he helped draft Iraq’s interim constitution and oversaw the legal transition from the Coalition Provisional Authority to an Interim Iraqi Government led by Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. McGurk was an early backer of Nouri al-Maliki, who was Iraq’s prime minister between 2006 and 2014. Al-Maliki built a Shi’ite-controlled sectarian state that deeply alienated Sunni Arabs and Kurds. In 2005, McGurk transferred to the National Security Council (NSC), where he served as director for Iraq, and later as special assistant to the president and senior director for Iraq and Afghanistan. He served on the NSC staff from 2005 to 2009. In 2015, he was appointed as Obama’s Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL. He was retained by Trump until his resignation in Dec. 2018. An article in April 2021 titled “Brett McGurk: A Hero of Our Times,” in New Lines Magazine by former BBC foreign correspondent Paul Wood, paints a scathing portrait of McGurk. Wood writes: A senior Western diplomat who served in Baghdad told me that McGurk had been an absolute disaster for Iraq. “He is a consummate operator in Washington, but I saw no sign that he was interested in Iraqis or Iraq as a place full of real people. It was simply a bureaucratic and political challenge for him.” One critic who was in Baghdad with McGurk called him Machiavelli reincarnated. “It’s intellect plus ambition plus the utter ruthlessness to rise no matter the cost.” [….] A U.S. diplomat who was in the embassy when McGurk arrived found his steady advance astonishing. “Brett only meets people who speak English. … There are like four people in the government who speak English. And somehow he’s now the person who should decide the fate of Iraq? How did this happen?” Even those who didn’t like McGurk had to admit that he had a formidable intellect — and was a hard worker. He was also a gifted writer, no surprise as he had clerked for Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist. His rise mirrored that of an Iraqi politician named Nouri al-Maliki, one careerist helping the other. That is McGurk’s tragedy — and Iraq’s. [….] McGurk’s critics say his lack of Arabic meant he missed the vicious, sectarian undertones of what al-Maliki was saying in meetings right from the start. Translators censored or failed to keep up. Like many Americans in Iraq, McGurk was deaf to what was happening around him. Al-Maliki was the consequence of two mistakes by the U.S. How much McGurk had to do with them remains in dispute. The first mistake was the “80 Percent Solution” for ruling Iraq. The Sunni Arabs were mounting a bloody insurgency, but they were just 20% of the population. The theory was that you could run Iraq with the Kurds and the Shiites. The second error was to identify the Shiites with hardline, religious parties backed by Iran. Al-Maliki, a member of the religious Da’wa Party, was the beneficiary of this. In a piece in HuffPost in May 2022 by Akbar Shahid Ahmed, titled “Biden’s Top Middle East Advisor ‘Torched the House and Showed Up With a Firehose,’” McGurk is described by a colleague, who asked not to be named, as “the most talented bureaucrat they’ve ever seen, with the worst foreign policy judgment they’ve ever seen.” McGurk, like others in the Biden administration, is bizarrely focused on what comes after Israel’s genocidal campaign, rather than trying to halt it. McGurk proposed denying humanitarian aid and refusing to implement a pause in the fighting in Gaza until all the Israeli hostages were freed. Biden and his three closest policy advisors have called for the Palestinian Authority — an Israeli puppet regime that is reviled by most Palestinians — to take control of Gaza once Israel finishes leveling it. They have called on Israel — since Oct. 7 — to take steps towards a two-state solution, a plan rejected in an humiliating public rebuke to the the Biden White House by Netanyahu. The Biden White House spends more time talking to the Israelis and Saudis, who are being lobbied to normalize relations with Israel and help rebuild Gaza, than the Palestinians, who are at best, an afterthought. It believes the key to ending Palestinian resistance is found in Riyadh, summed up in a top-secret document peddled by McGurk called the “Jerusalem-Jeddah Pact,” the HuffPost reported. It is unable or unwilling to curb Israel’s bloodlust, which included missile strikes in a residential neighborhood in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday that killed five military advisors from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and a drone attack in South Lebanon on Sunday, which killed two senior members of Hezbollah. These Israeli provocations will not go unanswered, evidenced by the ballistic missiles and rockets launched on Sunday by militants in western Iraq that targeted U.S. personnel stationed at the al-Assad Airbase. The Alice-in-Wonderland idea that once the slaughter in Gaza ends a diplomatic pact between Israel and Saudi Arabia will be the key to regional stability is stupefying. Israel’s genocide, and Washington’s complicity, is shredding U.S. credibility and influence, especially in the Global South and the Muslim world. It ensures another generation of enraged Palestinians — whose families have been obliterated and whose homes have been destroyed — seeking vengeance. The policies embraced by the Biden administration not only blithely ignore the realities in the Arab world, but the realities of an extremist Israeli state that, with Congress bought and paid for by the Israel lobby, couldn’t care less what the Biden White House dreams up. Israel has no intention of creating a viable Palestinian state. Its goal is the ethnic cleansing of the 2.3 million Palestinians from Gaza and the annexation of Gaza by Israel. And when Israel is done with Gaza, it will turn on the West Bank, where Israeli raids now occur on an almost nightly basis and where thousands have been arrested and detained without charge since Oct. 7. Those running the show in the Biden White House are chasing after rainbows. The march of folly led by these four blind mice perpetuates the cataclysmic suffering of the Palestinians, stokes a regional war and presages another tragic and self-defeating chapter in the two decades of U.S. military fiascos in the Middle East. * Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Featured image: Blood Brothers – by Mr. Fish via Chris Hedges https://www.globalresearch.ca/four-horsemen-gaza-apocalypse/5847199
    The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse. Chris Hedges
    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel …
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  • South Africa files case at ICJ accusing Israel of ‘genocidal acts’ in Gaza
    Israel, which has been accused of meting out collective punishment on Palestinians, has rejected the case at the UN court.

    Palestinians gather at the site of Israeli strikes on houses, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, at the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, December 25, 2023. [Reuters/Shadi Tabatibi/File]
    Palestinians gather at the site of Israeli attacks on houses, amid the continuing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, at the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, December 25, 2023 [File: Shadi Tabatibi/Reuters]
    South Africa has filed a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing it of crimes of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza after nearly three months of relentless Israeli bombardment has killed more than 21,500 people and caused widespread destruction in the besieged enclave.

    In an application to the court on Friday, South Africa described Israel’s actions in Gaza as “genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group”.

    “The acts in question include killing Palestinians in Gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental harm, and inflicting on them conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction,” the application said.

    People look on as the shrouded bodies of Palestinians killed in nothern Gaza, that were taken and later released by Israel, are burried in a mass grave in Rafah, on the southern Gaza Strip on December 26, 2023, amid ongoing battles between Israel and the militant group Hamas. (Photo by Mahmud HAMS / AFP)
    People look on as the shrouded bodies of Palestinians killed in nothern Gaza, that were taken and later released by Israel, are burried in a mass grave in Rafah, Dec. 26 [Mahmud Hams/AFP]
    The ICJ, also called the World Court, is a UN civil court that adjudicates disputes between countries. It is distinct from the International Criminal Court (ICC), which prosecutes individuals for war crimes.

    As members of the UN, both South Africa and Israel are bound by the court.

    South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has compared Israel’s policies in Gaza and the occupied West Bank with his country’s past apartheid regime of racial segregation imposed by the white-minority rule that ended in 1994.

    Several human rights organisations have said that Israeli policies towards Palestinians amount to apartheid.

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    Week in the Middle East

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    Global condemnation

    South Africa said Israel’s conduct, particularly since the war began on October 7, violates the UN’s Genocide Convention, and called for an expedited hearing. The application also requests the court to indicate provisional measures to “protect against further, severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people” under the Convention.

    “South Africa is gravely concerned with the plight of civilians caught in the present Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip due to the indiscriminate use of force and forcible removal of inhabitants,” a statement from South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) said, adding that the country has “repeatedly stated that it condemns all violence and attacks against all civilians, including Israelis.”

    “South Africa has continuously called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the resumption of talks that will end the violence arising from the continued belligerent occupation of Palestine,” the statement added.

    Israel has rejected global calls for a ceasefire saying the war would not stop until the Hamas group, whose October 7 attack triggered the current phase of the conflict, was destroyed. Some 1,200 people were killed in the Hamas attack in Israel. The Palestinian group has said its attack was against Israel’s 16-year-old blockade of Gaza and expansion of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. Settlement expansions pose the biggest hurdle in the realisation of a future Palestinian state comprising Gaza, occupied West Banka and East Jerusalem.

    In the latest development in Israel’s war on Gaza, tens of thousands of newly displaced Palestinians in the centre of the Palestinian enclave on Friday were forced to flee further south as Israel expanded its ground and air offensive in the centre of the enclave.

    Israel has faced global condemnation for the mounting toll and destruction and is accused of meting out collective punishment on the Palestinian people.

    ‘A very important step’

    The court application is the latest move by South Africa, a vociferous critic of Israel’s war, to ratchet up pressure after its lawmakers last month voted in favour of closing down the Israeli embassy in Pretoria and suspending all diplomatic relations until a ceasefire was agreed.

    Al Jazeera’s Gabriel Elizondo, reporting from the United Nations headquarters in New York, said the move was “clearly a very important step to try to hold some accountability to Israel.”

    “Now that South Africa is pushing this to the ICJ, it will be on [the UN’s] agenda to try to make a ruling on this very important question,” he added.

    On November 16, a group of 36 UN experts called on the international community to “prevent genocide against the Palestinian people”, calling Israel’s actions since October 7 a “genocide in the making”.

    Palestinians inspect the rubble of a building of the Al Nawasrah family destroyed in an Israeli strike in Maghazi refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 25, 2023. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)
    Palestinians inspect the rubble of a building of the Al Nawasrah family destroyed in an Israeli strike in Maghazi refugee camp, Dec. 25 [Adel Hana/AP Photo]
    “We are deeply disturbed by the failure of governments to heed our call and to achieve an immediate ceasefire. We are also profoundly concerned about the support of certain governments for Israel’s strategy of warfare against the besieged population of Gaza, and the failure of the international system to mobilise to prevent genocide,” the experts said in a statement.

    Israel rejects South Africa’s accusations

    Israel has rejected South Africa’s move as “baseless”, calling it “blood libel.”

    “South Africa’s claim lacks both a factual and a legal basis, and constitutes despicable and contemptuous exploitation of the Court,” Israel’s minister of foreign affairs, Lior Haiat, said in a statement posted on X.

    “Israel has made it clear that the residents of the Gaza Strip are not the enemy, and is making every effort to limit harm to the non-involved and to allow humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip,” the statement added.

    “It does rally public opinion to the reality of what’s going on in Palestine, not just in Gaza but also in the West Bank,” said Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara.

    According to Article 2 of the Genocide Convention, genocide involves acts committed with the “intent to destroy, either in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.”

    “Where the disagreement lies is whether there is intent or no intent,” Bishara said.

    “The three leading Israeli officials have declared the intent, starting with Israeli President Herzog when he said there are ‘no innocents’ in Gaza, the defence minister who said Israel will impose collective punishment on the people of Gaza because they are ‘human animals’,” Bishara said, adding that prime minister Netanyahu also used a biblical analogy in a statement widely interpreted as a genocidal call.

    The Palestinian ministry of foreign affairs welcomed South Africa’s move, and called on the ICJ to take immediate action to “prevent further harm to the Palestinian people”.

    “Israel’s stated policy, acts and omissions are genocidal in character are committed with the requisite specific intent to the destruction of the Palestinian people under its colonial occupation and apartheid regime in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” a statement by the ministry said.

    “The State of Palestine appeals to the international community and the Contracting Parties to the Convention to uphold their obligations and support the Court in the proceedings.”
    South Africa files case at ICJ accusing Israel of ‘genocidal acts’ in Gaza Israel, which has been accused of meting out collective punishment on Palestinians, has rejected the case at the UN court. Palestinians gather at the site of Israeli strikes on houses, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, at the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, December 25, 2023. [Reuters/Shadi Tabatibi/File] Palestinians gather at the site of Israeli attacks on houses, amid the continuing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, at the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, December 25, 2023 [File: Shadi Tabatibi/Reuters] South Africa has filed a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing it of crimes of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza after nearly three months of relentless Israeli bombardment has killed more than 21,500 people and caused widespread destruction in the besieged enclave. In an application to the court on Friday, South Africa described Israel’s actions in Gaza as “genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group”. “The acts in question include killing Palestinians in Gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental harm, and inflicting on them conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction,” the application said. People look on as the shrouded bodies of Palestinians killed in nothern Gaza, that were taken and later released by Israel, are burried in a mass grave in Rafah, on the southern Gaza Strip on December 26, 2023, amid ongoing battles between Israel and the militant group Hamas. (Photo by Mahmud HAMS / AFP) People look on as the shrouded bodies of Palestinians killed in nothern Gaza, that were taken and later released by Israel, are burried in a mass grave in Rafah, Dec. 26 [Mahmud Hams/AFP] The ICJ, also called the World Court, is a UN civil court that adjudicates disputes between countries. It is distinct from the International Criminal Court (ICC), which prosecutes individuals for war crimes. As members of the UN, both South Africa and Israel are bound by the court. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has compared Israel’s policies in Gaza and the occupied West Bank with his country’s past apartheid regime of racial segregation imposed by the white-minority rule that ended in 1994. Several human rights organisations have said that Israeli policies towards Palestinians amount to apartheid. Sign up for Al Jazeera Week in the Middle East protected by reCAPTCHA Global condemnation South Africa said Israel’s conduct, particularly since the war began on October 7, violates the UN’s Genocide Convention, and called for an expedited hearing. The application also requests the court to indicate provisional measures to “protect against further, severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people” under the Convention. “South Africa is gravely concerned with the plight of civilians caught in the present Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip due to the indiscriminate use of force and forcible removal of inhabitants,” a statement from South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) said, adding that the country has “repeatedly stated that it condemns all violence and attacks against all civilians, including Israelis.” “South Africa has continuously called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the resumption of talks that will end the violence arising from the continued belligerent occupation of Palestine,” the statement added. Israel has rejected global calls for a ceasefire saying the war would not stop until the Hamas group, whose October 7 attack triggered the current phase of the conflict, was destroyed. Some 1,200 people were killed in the Hamas attack in Israel. The Palestinian group has said its attack was against Israel’s 16-year-old blockade of Gaza and expansion of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. Settlement expansions pose the biggest hurdle in the realisation of a future Palestinian state comprising Gaza, occupied West Banka and East Jerusalem. In the latest development in Israel’s war on Gaza, tens of thousands of newly displaced Palestinians in the centre of the Palestinian enclave on Friday were forced to flee further south as Israel expanded its ground and air offensive in the centre of the enclave. Israel has faced global condemnation for the mounting toll and destruction and is accused of meting out collective punishment on the Palestinian people. ‘A very important step’ The court application is the latest move by South Africa, a vociferous critic of Israel’s war, to ratchet up pressure after its lawmakers last month voted in favour of closing down the Israeli embassy in Pretoria and suspending all diplomatic relations until a ceasefire was agreed. Al Jazeera’s Gabriel Elizondo, reporting from the United Nations headquarters in New York, said the move was “clearly a very important step to try to hold some accountability to Israel.” “Now that South Africa is pushing this to the ICJ, it will be on [the UN’s] agenda to try to make a ruling on this very important question,” he added. On November 16, a group of 36 UN experts called on the international community to “prevent genocide against the Palestinian people”, calling Israel’s actions since October 7 a “genocide in the making”. Palestinians inspect the rubble of a building of the Al Nawasrah family destroyed in an Israeli strike in Maghazi refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 25, 2023. (AP Photo/Adel Hana) Palestinians inspect the rubble of a building of the Al Nawasrah family destroyed in an Israeli strike in Maghazi refugee camp, Dec. 25 [Adel Hana/AP Photo] “We are deeply disturbed by the failure of governments to heed our call and to achieve an immediate ceasefire. We are also profoundly concerned about the support of certain governments for Israel’s strategy of warfare against the besieged population of Gaza, and the failure of the international system to mobilise to prevent genocide,” the experts said in a statement. Israel rejects South Africa’s accusations Israel has rejected South Africa’s move as “baseless”, calling it “blood libel.” “South Africa’s claim lacks both a factual and a legal basis, and constitutes despicable and contemptuous exploitation of the Court,” Israel’s minister of foreign affairs, Lior Haiat, said in a statement posted on X. “Israel has made it clear that the residents of the Gaza Strip are not the enemy, and is making every effort to limit harm to the non-involved and to allow humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip,” the statement added. “It does rally public opinion to the reality of what’s going on in Palestine, not just in Gaza but also in the West Bank,” said Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara. According to Article 2 of the Genocide Convention, genocide involves acts committed with the “intent to destroy, either in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.” “Where the disagreement lies is whether there is intent or no intent,” Bishara said. “The three leading Israeli officials have declared the intent, starting with Israeli President Herzog when he said there are ‘no innocents’ in Gaza, the defence minister who said Israel will impose collective punishment on the people of Gaza because they are ‘human animals’,” Bishara said, adding that prime minister Netanyahu also used a biblical analogy in a statement widely interpreted as a genocidal call. The Palestinian ministry of foreign affairs welcomed South Africa’s move, and called on the ICJ to take immediate action to “prevent further harm to the Palestinian people”. “Israel’s stated policy, acts and omissions are genocidal in character are committed with the requisite specific intent to the destruction of the Palestinian people under its colonial occupation and apartheid regime in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” a statement by the ministry said. “The State of Palestine appeals to the international community and the Contracting Parties to the Convention to uphold their obligations and support the Court in the proceedings.” https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/29/south-africa-files-case-at-icj-accusing-israel-of-genocidal-acts-in-gaza
    South Africa files case at ICJ accusing Israel of ‘genocidal acts’ in Gaza
    Israel, which has been accused of meting out collective punishment on Palestinians, rejects the case at the UN court.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 9304 Views
  • Greywarden > Here are some very important things i was able to get from this fantastic video by Denesh D'Souza on the Fascist Roots of the American Left.

    Subject: FDR and Mussolini.
    1. FDR Admired Benito Mussolini

    2. FDR Saw Italian Fascism as leftist and even more progressive than the new deal.

    3. FDR sent members of his brain trust to Fascist Rome to study Italian Fascism, in order to bring some of those ideas to the United States.

    4. Benito Mussolini reviewed FDR's book (looking forward) in an Italian magazine. A summery of his review would look something like this > This guy is one of us. He is a Fascist!

    5. The Italian Fascist and New Deal Democrats admired one another.

    Subject: Hitler
    6. Two prominent Scholars at Yale D'Souza makes reference to. One is James Whitmen who Published a book called Hitler's American model. And the next scholar is Timothy Snyder.

    7. Whitmen's book in its opening describes a meeting in 1935 of the leading Nazis who are in the process of drafting the nuremberg laws.

    8. The nuremberg laws were the laws that made Jews into second class citizens.

    9. The nuremberg laws prohibited intermarriage between Jews and other Germans. Allowed for the confiscation of Jewish property, and protected all kinds of segregation and state sponsored crimes such as discrimnation against the Jewish people.

    10. D'Souza makes it explicitly clear that he disagrees with the Title of the book which makes it seem as if America was coulpable, rather than the racist Dixiecrats for racism in the past.

    11. D'Souza refers to a Nazi meeting in the book Titled Hitler's America. The Nazis had a Stenographer present because they thought they were going to start the worlds first racist state.

    12. One of the Nazis who studied in America said sorry, we can't start the first racist state because the Democratic Party in the United States has already done it.

    13. D'souza makes it clear that every segragation law in the Jim Crow South going back to the 1880's and continuing through the 1950's and 1960's, without exception, was passed by a Democratic Legislator, signed by a Democratic Governor and inforced by Democratic officials.

    14. D'Souza says Hitler and the Nazis imitated the model of the Jacksonian Democrats, as all the Nazis had to do is take the Democratic Laws in place, cross out the word black, write in the word Jew and they were home free. D'Souza never mentions that they took everything word for word. Quite the opposite. He says The Nazis took as a blueprint the laws of the Jim Crow South.

    15. D'Souza also says Hitler wanted to compete with the English and the French. But he was out of real estate as the English and the french had colonized most of the world. Hitler knew about the Jacksonian Democrats who in the 19th century attacked the American Indians, kicked them out of their land, killed those that resisted and enslaved the once that remained. Hitler adopted the strategy of the Jacksonian Democrats and used it against other Europeans.

    I don't think SoMee will permit me anymore space. So i'll continue later in another post.

    Greywarden > Here are some very important things i was able to get from this fantastic video by Denesh D'Souza on the Fascist Roots of the American Left. Subject: FDR and Mussolini. 1. FDR Admired Benito Mussolini 2. FDR Saw Italian Fascism as leftist and even more progressive than the new deal. 3. FDR sent members of his brain trust to Fascist Rome to study Italian Fascism, in order to bring some of those ideas to the United States. 4. Benito Mussolini reviewed FDR's book (looking forward) in an Italian magazine. A summery of his review would look something like this > This guy is one of us. He is a Fascist! 5. The Italian Fascist and New Deal Democrats admired one another. Subject: Hitler 6. Two prominent Scholars at Yale D'Souza makes reference to. One is James Whitmen who Published a book called Hitler's American model. And the next scholar is Timothy Snyder. 7. Whitmen's book in its opening describes a meeting in 1935 of the leading Nazis who are in the process of drafting the nuremberg laws. 8. The nuremberg laws were the laws that made Jews into second class citizens. 9. The nuremberg laws prohibited intermarriage between Jews and other Germans. Allowed for the confiscation of Jewish property, and protected all kinds of segregation and state sponsored crimes such as discrimnation against the Jewish people. 10. D'Souza makes it explicitly clear that he disagrees with the Title of the book which makes it seem as if America was coulpable, rather than the racist Dixiecrats for racism in the past. 11. D'Souza refers to a Nazi meeting in the book Titled Hitler's America. The Nazis had a Stenographer present because they thought they were going to start the worlds first racist state. 12. One of the Nazis who studied in America said sorry, we can't start the first racist state because the Democratic Party in the United States has already done it. 13. D'souza makes it clear that every segragation law in the Jim Crow South going back to the 1880's and continuing through the 1950's and 1960's, without exception, was passed by a Democratic Legislator, signed by a Democratic Governor and inforced by Democratic officials. 14. D'Souza says Hitler and the Nazis imitated the model of the Jacksonian Democrats, as all the Nazis had to do is take the Democratic Laws in place, cross out the word black, write in the word Jew and they were home free. D'Souza never mentions that they took everything word for word. Quite the opposite. He says The Nazis took as a blueprint the laws of the Jim Crow South. 15. D'Souza also says Hitler wanted to compete with the English and the French. But he was out of real estate as the English and the french had colonized most of the world. Hitler knew about the Jacksonian Democrats who in the 19th century attacked the American Indians, kicked them out of their land, killed those that resisted and enslaved the once that remained. Hitler adopted the strategy of the Jacksonian Democrats and used it against other Europeans. I don't think SoMee will permit me anymore space. So i'll continue later in another post. https://www.youtube.com/live/f5slRBGv_88?feature=share
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3920 Views
  • what do you know about history?
    "if there was one that you could regurgitate from your knowledge library / "perspective"

    As an AI language model, I have access to vast knowledge, including information about history. Here are a few interesting historical facts:

    The ancient Egyptians were skilled in mathematics, medicine, and engineering. They built massive pyramids, invented a system of writing known as hieroglyphics, and were one of the first civilizations to use paper.

    The Mongol Empire, founded by Genghis Khan in the 13th century, was the largest contiguous empire in history. At its height, it spanned from Eastern Europe to China and encompassed nearly 24 million square kilometers.

    The Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 18th century, transformed the way goods were produced and led to significant social and economic changes. It marked a shift from manual labor to machine-based manufacturing and was a key driver of the modernization of Western society.

    The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the end of World War II until the early 1990s. It was characterized by a nuclear arms race, proxy wars, and a propaganda battle between the two superpowers.

    The Civil Rights Movement, which took place in the United States in the 1950s and 60s, was a social and political movement aimed at ending racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. The movement was led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X, and was a major turning point in American history.

    I hope you find these historical facts interesting!
    what do you know about history? "if there was one that you could regurgitate from your knowledge library / "perspective" C-GPT: As an AI language model, I have access to vast knowledge, including information about history. Here are a few interesting historical facts: The ancient Egyptians were skilled in mathematics, medicine, and engineering. They built massive pyramids, invented a system of writing known as hieroglyphics, and were one of the first civilizations to use paper. The Mongol Empire, founded by Genghis Khan in the 13th century, was the largest contiguous empire in history. At its height, it spanned from Eastern Europe to China and encompassed nearly 24 million square kilometers. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 18th century, transformed the way goods were produced and led to significant social and economic changes. It marked a shift from manual labor to machine-based manufacturing and was a key driver of the modernization of Western society. The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the end of World War II until the early 1990s. It was characterized by a nuclear arms race, proxy wars, and a propaganda battle between the two superpowers. The Civil Rights Movement, which took place in the United States in the 1950s and 60s, was a social and political movement aimed at ending racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. The movement was led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X, and was a major turning point in American history. I hope you find these historical facts interesting!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2616 Views
  • Communist Liberal Agenda that we are all in this together and we can do this. Either get vaccinated or feel the wrath of our discrimination.

    What is worse? Experiencing tyranny, religious discrimination and segregation for not complying with Communist Liberals?

    Or letting them trample on your religious rights and later suffering from myocarditis to add insult to injury?
    Communist Liberal Agenda that we are all in this together and we can do this. Either get vaccinated or feel the wrath of our discrimination. What is worse? Experiencing tyranny, religious discrimination and segregation for not complying with Communist Liberals? Or letting them trample on your religious rights and later suffering from myocarditis to add insult to injury?
    1 Comments 0 Shares 888 Views
  • The Democratic Party has become the Party of Big Pharma, Big Tech, Walstreet and Black Supremacy.
    They were the Party of the White Segregationist KKK, so I am not at all surprised that they stand with Racist Blacks today. They are the party of racial tensions and division.
    If you look back 100 years ago, you will find the Democrats creating the same racial tensions that exist today and the same arguments in favor of segregation. At the time they backed the KKK.
    Precisely why Calvin Coolidge ended up winning the 1924 Elections. People were sick of the Racist Democrats.
    Democrats will suffer the same fate they did 100 years back. People are sick of them.
    The Democratic Party has become the Party of Big Pharma, Big Tech, Walstreet and Black Supremacy. They were the Party of the White Segregationist KKK, so I am not at all surprised that they stand with Racist Blacks today. They are the party of racial tensions and division. If you look back 100 years ago, you will find the Democrats creating the same racial tensions that exist today and the same arguments in favor of segregation. At the time they backed the KKK. Precisely why Calvin Coolidge ended up winning the 1924 Elections. People were sick of the Racist Democrats. Democrats will suffer the same fate they did 100 years back. People are sick of them.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 174 Views
  • We really need to get these soft Fascist Nazi Administration out of office quickly in favor of Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. The people did not choose this garbage administration we have. They consistently lie saying they are the majority. We are the majority and we do not want their geneocide, their wars, their segregations, their phony diseases, their inoculations, their attacks on our Constitution and our Freedoms, Government overreach and their B.S Cooties Cult. We want none of it. We just want all of them out office.
    We really need to get these soft Fascist Nazi Administration out of office quickly in favor of Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. The people did not choose this garbage administration we have. They consistently lie saying they are the majority. We are the majority and we do not want their geneocide, their wars, their segregations, their phony diseases, their inoculations, their attacks on our Constitution and our Freedoms, Government overreach and their B.S Cooties Cult. We want none of it. We just want all of them out office.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 145 Views
  • To KKK Klanbake Cooties Cultist removing Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and the Washington Redskins brand is racial justice. However, I still see all of the White people up representing their respective brands like KFC's Colonal Harland David Sanders and the Wendy's White Girl with Freckles and that's not racist to Cooties Cultist????
    What am I missing here?
    Looks to me like the Cultists are trying to get rid of all the images on brands that have black people and other none white ethnic groups because they are the racist segregationists.

    To KKK Klanbake Cooties Cultist removing Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and the Washington Redskins brand is racial justice. However, I still see all of the White people up representing their respective brands like KFC's Colonal Harland David Sanders and the Wendy's White Girl with Freckles and that's not racist to Cooties Cultist???? What am I missing here? Looks to me like the Cultists are trying to get rid of all the images on brands that have black people and other none white ethnic groups because they are the racist segregationists.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 186 Views
  • Biden's Cooties Cult Administration Devastated as the Supreme Court Blocks OSHA's illegal demands.
    Biden's Administration tried to use the OSHA to do their dirty Cult's work. Well, that didn't pan out quite well as the OSHA has never been given power to legislate law. Only the Legislative Branch of Government can do that. Many of you are surprised at this Block, but not i.
    Do not think for a moment this is over as the fake media is leading you to believe. The lawsuits against OSHA proceed, as the Plaintiffs are ammassing irrefutable arguments, and as the Judges said from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that the Plaintiffs are likely to win.
    The OSHA attempted to pull a fast one through Emergency Temporary Standards. OSHA has only been given power to enforce existing workplace safety laws, not to create their own Laws, nor impose Prevention Shots which are medical procedures that will affect Employees in and out of the Workplace, for at the Federal level OSHA is not the Entity associated with regulating Public Health. OSHA cannot lawfully demand that Employers force Employees to do things with their bodies Employees do not want to do.

    Employers who are devoted Cultist have gone out of their way to persecute Employees that notify them of their Legal Federal Religious Exemptions by denying them accommodations and illegally firing them. At this moment there is more religious discrimination than ever thanks to the Biden Administration and the OSHA. Like the Famous (KKK) Klanbake Marching Efforts of 1924 and all of the violance that brought about in those years lead by the Democratic Party that supported them came to an abrupt end. So will the Democrats efforts of bringing back Segregation and Klanbake Cooties in our days will come to an Abrupt end!
    Biden's Cooties Cult Administration Devastated as the Supreme Court Blocks OSHA's illegal demands. Biden's Administration tried to use the OSHA to do their dirty Cult's work. Well, that didn't pan out quite well as the OSHA has never been given power to legislate law. Only the Legislative Branch of Government can do that. Many of you are surprised at this Block, but not i. Do not think for a moment this is over as the fake media is leading you to believe. The lawsuits against OSHA proceed, as the Plaintiffs are ammassing irrefutable arguments, and as the Judges said from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that the Plaintiffs are likely to win. The OSHA attempted to pull a fast one through Emergency Temporary Standards. OSHA has only been given power to enforce existing workplace safety laws, not to create their own Laws, nor impose Prevention Shots which are medical procedures that will affect Employees in and out of the Workplace, for at the Federal level OSHA is not the Entity associated with regulating Public Health. OSHA cannot lawfully demand that Employers force Employees to do things with their bodies Employees do not want to do. Employers who are devoted Cultist have gone out of their way to persecute Employees that notify them of their Legal Federal Religious Exemptions by denying them accommodations and illegally firing them. At this moment there is more religious discrimination than ever thanks to the Biden Administration and the OSHA. Like the Famous (KKK) Klanbake Marching Efforts of 1924 and all of the violance that brought about in those years lead by the Democratic Party that supported them came to an abrupt end. So will the Democrats efforts of bringing back Segregation and Klanbake Cooties in our days will come to an Abrupt end!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 414 Views
  • Biden has always been a soft Fascist & Segregationist. Now that he is crippled and of a double mind, he is a Liberal, Crony Capitalist & Segregationist.
    The reality is that Biden is not a liberal nor a leftist, nor is his administration. He has never been. He appeals to that group because he is trying to destroy the Constitution and replace it with Hitler's National Socialism, obviously Liberals are unaware. These are the people that will later find an excuse to blame all of those liberals of whatever they invent through media brain wash. Today it is cooties and Conservatives spreading cooties, tomorrow who knows what it will be. This will be for the sole purpose of having an excuse to persecute those whom they despise. They despise Liberals and Marxist Communist the same exact way Hitler did.
    Right now they are after Conservatives and Religious people trying to convert them to their cooties religion of brain wash. Eventually they will come after the LGBTQ and all of the leftist Communist that thought the Democratic Party Represented them.
    The tactics of the Biden administration are very similar to that of Nazi Germany. Trying to destroy the current system through his cronies, in favor of Jim Crow laws to bring back segregation to begin the process. There is much more to come if they are able to conquer as they wish. In the mean time, we the people need to fight the dark spawn of evil and their cooties religious cult.
    Biden has always been a soft Fascist & Segregationist. Now that he is crippled and of a double mind, he is a Liberal, Crony Capitalist & Segregationist. The reality is that Biden is not a liberal nor a leftist, nor is his administration. He has never been. He appeals to that group because he is trying to destroy the Constitution and replace it with Hitler's National Socialism, obviously Liberals are unaware. These are the people that will later find an excuse to blame all of those liberals of whatever they invent through media brain wash. Today it is cooties and Conservatives spreading cooties, tomorrow who knows what it will be. This will be for the sole purpose of having an excuse to persecute those whom they despise. They despise Liberals and Marxist Communist the same exact way Hitler did. Right now they are after Conservatives and Religious people trying to convert them to their cooties religion of brain wash. Eventually they will come after the LGBTQ and all of the leftist Communist that thought the Democratic Party Represented them. The tactics of the Biden administration are very similar to that of Nazi Germany. Trying to destroy the current system through his cronies, in favor of Jim Crow laws to bring back segregation to begin the process. There is much more to come if they are able to conquer as they wish. In the mean time, we the people need to fight the dark spawn of evil and their cooties religious cult.
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  • Miller & Company CPAs: Tax Accountants
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    Sarasota, FL 34237
    (941) 366-5646
    Working Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm; Saturday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Sunday: Closed
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