• The Ultimate mRNA/Spike Detox?
    Whole Blood/Plasma Donation or Chinese Bloodletting

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Hijama Cupping Therapy Kiya hai aur is k Faiyday? Roman Urdu main Parhain
    The mRNA shots deliver toxic lipid nano particles (LNPs), whole spike mRNA, fragments of mRNA and trigger the production of spike protein and antibodies to the same, and possibly fragments of spike protein (see this substack).

    Furthermore both LNPs and spike protein trigger the creation of microclots in blood vessels.

    There are methods for detoxing from spike protein - for example you can take enzymes like bromelain to digest the spike protein, it can be bound up and more easily removed by taking ivermectin, you can induce autophagy to destroy it by fasting, cold and heat therapies and with supplements like resveratrol and spermidine.

    For microclots you can break them down with blood thinners like aspirin and enzymes like nattokinase and serrapeptase.

    But what about the mRNA and LNPs? How can those be removed?

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    The mRNA shot components are taken up by cells throughout our bodies, but also found free floating in our blood, where they join other toxins, including horrific forever chemicals like dioxins, but also many other normal blood components including antibodies, proteins like albumin, red blood cells, white cells, platelets, fats, vitamins and minerals.

    Most of these blood components, except for red blood cells, can passively or actively diffuse out of the blood into our organs and tissues.

    Active diffusion means energy is involved in the process as when infection fighting white cells actively migrate out of the blood into tissues where they have been attracted by inflammatory messaging molecules.

    With active diffusion particles can be moved from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration - something that cannot happen without adding energy to the transport process.

    Passive diffusion means no energy is involved, and the substance in question simply diffuses down a concentration gradient from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, until the concentrations equalize in all areas - think of smoke or cooking smells diffusing out of the kitchen to fill the whole house.

    So when substances like LNPs carrying mRNA enter the blood they will passively diffuse out into other tissues until the concentrations in the blood and those other tissues equalize.

    If a substance is removed from the blood, what is still in tissues will then diffuse back into the blood until the concentration in blood and tissues equalizes again - at a lower level than before, because there is less total left in the body.

    Repeatedly removing a substance from the blood would eventually deplete the whole body stores of that substance down to zero, unless it were being replaced from the outside (like the natural components of blood from diet and supplements).

    1000s of patients around the world have flocked to specialized centers that perform a procedure called H.E.L.P. apheresis in the hopes of filtering out microclots, free circulating spike protein and mRNA from their bloodstreams.

    I spoke with Dr Beate Jaeger for the free online Long COVID Reset Summit about her work with over 1500 long COVID and Vax injured patients, using both H.E.L.P. as well as prescription anticoagulants like plavix and heparin.

    She reported that with H.E.L.P. apheresis 95-99% of patients showed some degree of benefit and over 80% had very significant improvements or even complete reversal of symptoms.

    In one of the most remarkable and fast turnarounds she saw someone who had been confined to a wheelchair get up for the first time after a session.

    H.E.L.P. apheresis is a specialized version of the more general apheresis procedure which is a simple technology for separating blood components.

    Specifically H.E.L.P. stands for: “heparin-mediated extracorporeal low-density lipoprotein (LDL) fibrinogen precipitation”.

    Essentially a heparin infused filter aids in removal of LDL cholesterol, lipoprotein (a) (levels are far more predictive for heart disease than traditional cholesterol tests) and the clotting protein fibrinogen from the blood of patients.

    Historically this was used for patients with high cholesterol that couldn’t be adequately managed with statins and other traditional lipid lowering therapies.

    Now it has been repurposed to help remove microclots and spike protein, which binds to the heparin.

    Unfortunately there are only 1 or 2 centers that perform this in the US for long COVID and Vax injuries, and just a handful around the world.

    The procedure is also expensive - usually at least $1500 per treatment and often many treatments are required.

    Now, the heparin filter may be particularly helpful for binding spike protein, but there is a far more accessible technology called plasmapheresis (AKA plasma donation) which may work similarly.

    Plasmapheresis uses a centrifuge to separate our whole blood by weight from heaviest to lightest component into: red cells, white blood cells, platelets and a mix of everything else - termed plasma.

    Blood components, including plasma, white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells
    The plasma is removed while the blood cells and platelets are remixed with sterile salt water (at the same concentration as normal blood salt levels and added to the cells because the plasma component takes all the liquid and salt with it) and infused back into the person.

    Plasmapheresis (again the exact same procedure as plasma donation) is used therapeutically in a wide range of medical conditions wherein a toxic component (eg an autoimune antibody) is present in the blood.

    These conditions include Guillaine Barre Syndrome, Myesthenia Gravis, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, hashimotos encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, myeloma, severe systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), ap[lastic anemia, acute liver failure, burn shock, complex regional pain syndrome, severe pemphigus vulgaris, stiff-person syndrome, thyroid storm, systemic amyloidosis and many more.

    Of most interest here is the usefulness of plasmapheresis for treating systemic amyloidosis, a disease caused by the buildup of amyloid protein throughout the body, because spike protein toxicity also includes the creation of amyloid inside microclots as well as outside the vasculature.

    There are few contraindications to plasmapheresis including allergies to the common blood thinner heparin (since the tubing is heparinized to avoid blood clotting), low blood calcium levels and ACE inhibitor use within 24 hours.

    Possible side effects are minimal and can include low electrolytes levels including low blood calcium and magnesium (which may require replacement), hypothermia since blood is hot and that heat is removed from the body, and an increased tendency to bleed due to removal of clotting proteins.

    But in general it is a very safe procedure that is conducted on both healthy and ill people daily throughout the world.

    So if everything but the blood cells and platelets are removed we would expect that any toxins would be removed from the blood whether they be circulating forever chemicals, LNPs, mRNA, unwanted antibodies (eg autoantibodies), heavy metals, etc.

    At the same time we would be removing some vitamins and minerals, so if this procedure was done frequently you would want to be sure you focused on a highly nutrient dense diet as well as appropriate supplementation.

    Plasma donation is either free or at some private centers reimbursed at $20-$50 per procedure, because it is sold and used to create medical products.

    Depending on the center donations can be given as often as twice weekly or as little as 6 times a year, and each donation can remove as much as 800ml of plasma.

    Alternatively whole blood donations are only possible every 56 days. In a whole blood donation, nothing is separated or reinfused, you just remove about 500ml of whole blood.

    You'll Decide: Reality-Based Fiscal Policy Or Bloodletting - Colorado Pols
    Bloodletting has actually been used as a therapeutic procedure for millennia throughout the world (perhaps most notoriously it’s been suspected by medical historians that physicians may have killed George Washington by overdoing it during his final deathbed illness).

    There are many different ways it has been done including by leeches and wet cupping (tiny nicks made in the skin covered by suction cups that draw blood out).

    Dean Mouscher is an advanced clinical acupuncturist in Illinois who performs and teaches traditional techniques of blood letting for ameliorating the toughest to treat medical conditions.

    His methods are described in his popular manual, The Complete Guide to Chinese Medicine Bloodletting.

    He explained in a comment on the last post about removing forever chemicals like dioxins that the location of bloodletting may actually be more important than the amount of blood removed:

    “…as an acupuncturist I use many modalities in my practice, but none comes close to the magical efficacy of bloodletting. Chinese Medicine Bloodletting is different from the old Western bloodletting as it is based on taking small amounts of blood from exactly the right point, rather than pints from the cubital fossa. As it happens, Chinese medicine has bloodletting points specifically for detox, right on the scapula.”

    Wet (HIJAMA) Cupping - Holistic Buddha
    This is very interesting, because you would expect that in a structure as complex as the human body, toxins would concentrate in certain areas, so removing blood from those areas might be far more effective (and less draining) than removing large amounts from elsewhere.

    Unsurprisingly there have been no studies that I could find of bloodletting, plasma donation, or even H.E.L.P. apheresis for either mRNA shot detoxification or Long COVID.

    The best we have to go on for now are Dr Beate Jaegers reports and although she is very interested in conducting formal research she doesn’t have the funding to do so.

    The one study I could find that supported the use of whole blood and plasma donation for toxin removal was described in the last Substack on the Ohio train wreck toxic explosion, in this quote taken from a May 2022 Guardian article:

    “A new study published in JAMA Network Open tracked PFAS levels in 285 Australian firefighters, who are regularly exposed to PFAS in firefighting foam and accrue high levels of the chemicals in their bodies. Over a year, one group of firefighters donated plasma every six weeks, another donated blood every 12 weeks, and a third group acted as a control.

    “This randomized clinical trial showed that regular blood or plasma donations result in a significant reduction in serum PFAS levels for participants,” the study’s authors wrote. Blood donors reduced their PFAS levels by 10%, and plasma donors reduced theirs by 30%. Both groups maintained their reduction for at least three months post-trial. The study did not explore whether a reduction in PFAS in the blood necessarily leads to better health.”

    Despite the lack of published evidence some long haulers and vax injured have tried plasmapheresis on themselves and reported impressive results, which are often immediate.

    If you have done this yourself, know someone who has or have more data please drop me a line here on Substack, at my clinic site mygotodoc.com, or on Twitter: @drsyedhaider.



    The Ultimate mRNA/Spike Detox? Whole Blood/Plasma Donation or Chinese Bloodletting Dr. Syed Haider Hijama Cupping Therapy Kiya hai aur is k Faiyday? Roman Urdu main Parhain The mRNA shots deliver toxic lipid nano particles (LNPs), whole spike mRNA, fragments of mRNA and trigger the production of spike protein and antibodies to the same, and possibly fragments of spike protein (see this substack). Furthermore both LNPs and spike protein trigger the creation of microclots in blood vessels. There are methods for detoxing from spike protein - for example you can take enzymes like bromelain to digest the spike protein, it can be bound up and more easily removed by taking ivermectin, you can induce autophagy to destroy it by fasting, cold and heat therapies and with supplements like resveratrol and spermidine. For microclots you can break them down with blood thinners like aspirin and enzymes like nattokinase and serrapeptase. But what about the mRNA and LNPs? How can those be removed? Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share The mRNA shot components are taken up by cells throughout our bodies, but also found free floating in our blood, where they join other toxins, including horrific forever chemicals like dioxins, but also many other normal blood components including antibodies, proteins like albumin, red blood cells, white cells, platelets, fats, vitamins and minerals. Most of these blood components, except for red blood cells, can passively or actively diffuse out of the blood into our organs and tissues. Active diffusion means energy is involved in the process as when infection fighting white cells actively migrate out of the blood into tissues where they have been attracted by inflammatory messaging molecules. With active diffusion particles can be moved from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration - something that cannot happen without adding energy to the transport process. Passive diffusion means no energy is involved, and the substance in question simply diffuses down a concentration gradient from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, until the concentrations equalize in all areas - think of smoke or cooking smells diffusing out of the kitchen to fill the whole house. So when substances like LNPs carrying mRNA enter the blood they will passively diffuse out into other tissues until the concentrations in the blood and those other tissues equalize. If a substance is removed from the blood, what is still in tissues will then diffuse back into the blood until the concentration in blood and tissues equalizes again - at a lower level than before, because there is less total left in the body. Repeatedly removing a substance from the blood would eventually deplete the whole body stores of that substance down to zero, unless it were being replaced from the outside (like the natural components of blood from diet and supplements). 1000s of patients around the world have flocked to specialized centers that perform a procedure called H.E.L.P. apheresis in the hopes of filtering out microclots, free circulating spike protein and mRNA from their bloodstreams. I spoke with Dr Beate Jaeger for the free online Long COVID Reset Summit about her work with over 1500 long COVID and Vax injured patients, using both H.E.L.P. as well as prescription anticoagulants like plavix and heparin. She reported that with H.E.L.P. apheresis 95-99% of patients showed some degree of benefit and over 80% had very significant improvements or even complete reversal of symptoms. In one of the most remarkable and fast turnarounds she saw someone who had been confined to a wheelchair get up for the first time after a session. H.E.L.P. apheresis is a specialized version of the more general apheresis procedure which is a simple technology for separating blood components. Specifically H.E.L.P. stands for: “heparin-mediated extracorporeal low-density lipoprotein (LDL) fibrinogen precipitation”. Essentially a heparin infused filter aids in removal of LDL cholesterol, lipoprotein (a) (levels are far more predictive for heart disease than traditional cholesterol tests) and the clotting protein fibrinogen from the blood of patients. Historically this was used for patients with high cholesterol that couldn’t be adequately managed with statins and other traditional lipid lowering therapies. Now it has been repurposed to help remove microclots and spike protein, which binds to the heparin. Unfortunately there are only 1 or 2 centers that perform this in the US for long COVID and Vax injuries, and just a handful around the world. The procedure is also expensive - usually at least $1500 per treatment and often many treatments are required. Now, the heparin filter may be particularly helpful for binding spike protein, but there is a far more accessible technology called plasmapheresis (AKA plasma donation) which may work similarly. Plasmapheresis uses a centrifuge to separate our whole blood by weight from heaviest to lightest component into: red cells, white blood cells, platelets and a mix of everything else - termed plasma. Blood components, including plasma, white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells The plasma is removed while the blood cells and platelets are remixed with sterile salt water (at the same concentration as normal blood salt levels and added to the cells because the plasma component takes all the liquid and salt with it) and infused back into the person. Plasmapheresis (again the exact same procedure as plasma donation) is used therapeutically in a wide range of medical conditions wherein a toxic component (eg an autoimune antibody) is present in the blood. These conditions include Guillaine Barre Syndrome, Myesthenia Gravis, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, hashimotos encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, myeloma, severe systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), ap[lastic anemia, acute liver failure, burn shock, complex regional pain syndrome, severe pemphigus vulgaris, stiff-person syndrome, thyroid storm, systemic amyloidosis and many more. Of most interest here is the usefulness of plasmapheresis for treating systemic amyloidosis, a disease caused by the buildup of amyloid protein throughout the body, because spike protein toxicity also includes the creation of amyloid inside microclots as well as outside the vasculature. There are few contraindications to plasmapheresis including allergies to the common blood thinner heparin (since the tubing is heparinized to avoid blood clotting), low blood calcium levels and ACE inhibitor use within 24 hours. Possible side effects are minimal and can include low electrolytes levels including low blood calcium and magnesium (which may require replacement), hypothermia since blood is hot and that heat is removed from the body, and an increased tendency to bleed due to removal of clotting proteins. But in general it is a very safe procedure that is conducted on both healthy and ill people daily throughout the world. So if everything but the blood cells and platelets are removed we would expect that any toxins would be removed from the blood whether they be circulating forever chemicals, LNPs, mRNA, unwanted antibodies (eg autoantibodies), heavy metals, etc. At the same time we would be removing some vitamins and minerals, so if this procedure was done frequently you would want to be sure you focused on a highly nutrient dense diet as well as appropriate supplementation. Plasma donation is either free or at some private centers reimbursed at $20-$50 per procedure, because it is sold and used to create medical products. Depending on the center donations can be given as often as twice weekly or as little as 6 times a year, and each donation can remove as much as 800ml of plasma. Alternatively whole blood donations are only possible every 56 days. In a whole blood donation, nothing is separated or reinfused, you just remove about 500ml of whole blood. You'll Decide: Reality-Based Fiscal Policy Or Bloodletting - Colorado Pols Bloodletting has actually been used as a therapeutic procedure for millennia throughout the world (perhaps most notoriously it’s been suspected by medical historians that physicians may have killed George Washington by overdoing it during his final deathbed illness). There are many different ways it has been done including by leeches and wet cupping (tiny nicks made in the skin covered by suction cups that draw blood out). Dean Mouscher is an advanced clinical acupuncturist in Illinois who performs and teaches traditional techniques of blood letting for ameliorating the toughest to treat medical conditions. His methods are described in his popular manual, The Complete Guide to Chinese Medicine Bloodletting. He explained in a comment on the last post about removing forever chemicals like dioxins that the location of bloodletting may actually be more important than the amount of blood removed: “…as an acupuncturist I use many modalities in my practice, but none comes close to the magical efficacy of bloodletting. Chinese Medicine Bloodletting is different from the old Western bloodletting as it is based on taking small amounts of blood from exactly the right point, rather than pints from the cubital fossa. As it happens, Chinese medicine has bloodletting points specifically for detox, right on the scapula.” Wet (HIJAMA) Cupping - Holistic Buddha This is very interesting, because you would expect that in a structure as complex as the human body, toxins would concentrate in certain areas, so removing blood from those areas might be far more effective (and less draining) than removing large amounts from elsewhere. Unsurprisingly there have been no studies that I could find of bloodletting, plasma donation, or even H.E.L.P. apheresis for either mRNA shot detoxification or Long COVID. The best we have to go on for now are Dr Beate Jaegers reports and although she is very interested in conducting formal research she doesn’t have the funding to do so. The one study I could find that supported the use of whole blood and plasma donation for toxin removal was described in the last Substack on the Ohio train wreck toxic explosion, in this quote taken from a May 2022 Guardian article: “A new study published in JAMA Network Open tracked PFAS levels in 285 Australian firefighters, who are regularly exposed to PFAS in firefighting foam and accrue high levels of the chemicals in their bodies. Over a year, one group of firefighters donated plasma every six weeks, another donated blood every 12 weeks, and a third group acted as a control. “This randomized clinical trial showed that regular blood or plasma donations result in a significant reduction in serum PFAS levels for participants,” the study’s authors wrote. Blood donors reduced their PFAS levels by 10%, and plasma donors reduced theirs by 30%. Both groups maintained their reduction for at least three months post-trial. The study did not explore whether a reduction in PFAS in the blood necessarily leads to better health.” Despite the lack of published evidence some long haulers and vax injured have tried plasmapheresis on themselves and reported impressive results, which are often immediate. If you have done this yourself, know someone who has or have more data please drop me a line here on Substack, at my clinic site mygotodoc.com, or on Twitter: @drsyedhaider. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/the-ultimate-mrnaspike-detox https://telegra.ph/The-Ultimate-mRNASpike-Detox-09-17 https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-ultimate-mrnaspike-detox-whole.html
    The Ultimate mRNA/Spike Detox?
    Whole Blood/Plasma Donation or Chinese Bloodletting
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  • Deep Space Groove 004 is out now enjoy !

    Deep Space Groove is an Experimental Podcast that I will publish on Hearthis every second friday of each month.


    Yotto - Something Good Rhythm Of The Night (Extended Mix)
    Product of Us - Apologise Feat Jack Walton (Original Remix)
    Uzun - Distant (Original Mix)
    Mind of One - Redemption (Extended Mix)
    Mainterm - Cloud Surfing (Original Mix)
    Étienne DE - Exodus (Original Mix)
    Tofiq IE - Sense Of Substance (Original Mix)
    Monastetiq Feat Haptic - Soul Fire (Extended Mix)
    Anthony Beckett - Awaken (Orinigal Mix)
    Alexander Popov - Formula (Extended Mix)
    Myon Alissa Feudo - Moon (Myon Hard Extended Club Mix)
    Minicied - Odyssey (Extended Mix)

    Deep Space Groove 004 is out now enjoy ! Deep Space Groove is an Experimental Podcast that I will publish on Hearthis every second friday of each month. Tracklist Yotto - Something Good Rhythm Of The Night (Extended Mix) Product of Us - Apologise Feat Jack Walton (Original Remix) Uzun - Distant (Original Mix) Mind of One - Redemption (Extended Mix) Mainterm - Cloud Surfing (Original Mix) Étienne DE - Exodus (Original Mix) Tofiq IE - Sense Of Substance (Original Mix) Monastetiq Feat Haptic - Soul Fire (Extended Mix) Anthony Beckett - Awaken (Orinigal Mix) Alexander Popov - Formula (Extended Mix) Myon Alissa Feudo - Moon (Myon Hard Extended Club Mix) Minicied - Odyssey (Extended Mix) https://hearthis.at/djeff-renaud-nb/djeff-deep-space-groove-004/
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  • Deep Space Groove is an Experimental Podcast that I will publish on Hearthis every second friday of each month.


    1. Cream – Entropia (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)
    2. ARTBAT – Horizon (Original Mix)
    3. Product Of Us - Herasphere (Extended Mix)
    4. Dosem && Tinliker - Hypnotised (Extended Mix)
    5. Richard Durand && Nicholas Gunn Feat. Raeya - Not Afraid (Extended Mix)
    6. Paul Hamilton && Rick Pier O'Neil - Heaven's Gate (Original Mix)
    7. Pete Tong - Age of Love (ARTBAT Rave Mix)
    8. Supermode - Tell Me Why (Meduza Extended Remix)
    9. Adam Beyer && Bart Skils - Your Mind (Charles D Epic Mix)
    10. Eugenio Tokarev && Bruno Oloviani - Manje (Extended Mix)
    11. Grum && Tigerblind - Shout (Extended Mix)

    Deep Space Groove is an Experimental Podcast that I will publish on Hearthis every second friday of each month. Tracklist 1. Cream – Entropia (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) 2. ARTBAT – Horizon (Original Mix) 3. Product Of Us - Herasphere (Extended Mix) 4. Dosem && Tinliker - Hypnotised (Extended Mix) 5. Richard Durand && Nicholas Gunn Feat. Raeya - Not Afraid (Extended Mix) 6. Paul Hamilton && Rick Pier O'Neil - Heaven's Gate (Original Mix) 7. Pete Tong - Age of Love (ARTBAT Rave Mix) 8. Supermode - Tell Me Why (Meduza Extended Remix) 9. Adam Beyer && Bart Skils - Your Mind (Charles D Epic Mix) 10. Eugenio Tokarev && Bruno Oloviani - Manje (Extended Mix) 11. Grum && Tigerblind - Shout (Extended Mix) https://hearthis.at/djeff-renaud-nb/djeff-deep-space-groove-003/
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  • Glitch Marketing > Glitch, a new L1 blockchain for building decentralized applications (dApps), begins its Phase III launch and has completed the majority of its upgrades. New network and product features around the core blockchain (testnet & mainnet), browser-extension wallet, and explorers. Preparations to allow the public to run a node on the mainnet are underway.
    This is just the beginning…another milestone in the books, Glitchers!
    Glitch Finance is thrilled to announce the successful deployment of the majority of Phase III Von Hayek. The team will continue development and testing to release the remainder of the phase as soon as it is safe to do so.
    Phase III got its name 'Von Hayek' from Friedrich von Hayek, remembered as the Father of Austrian Economics. He believed that society's prosperity was driven by creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation, which is only possible in a society with free markets. His theory on how changing prices relay information that helps people determine their economic plans was an incredible milestone in economics. Most experts consider Hayek as one of the greatest critics of the socialist consensus. Just as Phase III marks a new era for GLITCH — the transition period from an internal to a public mainnet — Von Hayek's achievements changed the environment of economics forever.
    What is now available:
    Testnet: 21 validator support, simple smart contracts and requirements (token), browser-extension wallet and explorer update. Allows developers to test basic functionality of smart contract on testnet using Remix IDE, dApp connectivity, and the new browser-extension wallet. Verify team and community validators on the testnet env, to be increased progressively.
    Mainnet v.1.1: 21 validators support, mainnet explorer. Allows users to explore and access the public mainnet data for the first time. Verify there are three validators live and will be increased progressively.
    Benefits that Von Hayek brings to GLITCH:
    Allows the team flexibility to resolve unknown vulnerabilities while development continues.
    Creates an opportunity to secure the network through agile iterations rather than risk an exploit by releasing it all at once. Once all is secure, technology progression will continue and users will then be able to run a node on the mainnet.
    Glitch Marketing > Glitch, a new L1 blockchain for building decentralized applications (dApps), begins its Phase III launch and has completed the majority of its upgrades. New network and product features around the core blockchain (testnet & mainnet), browser-extension wallet, and explorers. Preparations to allow the public to run a node on the mainnet are underway. This is just the beginning…another milestone in the books, Glitchers! Glitch Finance is thrilled to announce the successful deployment of the majority of Phase III Von Hayek. The team will continue development and testing to release the remainder of the phase as soon as it is safe to do so. Phase III got its name 'Von Hayek' from Friedrich von Hayek, remembered as the Father of Austrian Economics. He believed that society's prosperity was driven by creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation, which is only possible in a society with free markets. His theory on how changing prices relay information that helps people determine their economic plans was an incredible milestone in economics. Most experts consider Hayek as one of the greatest critics of the socialist consensus. Just as Phase III marks a new era for GLITCH — the transition period from an internal to a public mainnet — Von Hayek's achievements changed the environment of economics forever. What is now available: Testnet: 21 validator support, simple smart contracts and requirements (token), browser-extension wallet and explorer update. Allows developers to test basic functionality of smart contract on testnet using Remix IDE, dApp connectivity, and the new browser-extension wallet. Verify team and community validators on the testnet env, to be increased progressively. Mainnet v.1.1: 21 validators support, mainnet explorer. Allows users to explore and access the public mainnet data for the first time. Verify there are three validators live and will be increased progressively. Benefits that Von Hayek brings to GLITCH: Allows the team flexibility to resolve unknown vulnerabilities while development continues. Creates an opportunity to secure the network through agile iterations rather than risk an exploit by releasing it all at once. Once all is secure, technology progression will continue and users will then be able to run a node on the mainnet.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3353 Views
  • Coming Next Month!
    “Sandstorm (ALFAQA Remix)”
    The official remix of my old song Sandstorm, remixed by the Middle-East based producer @ALFAQAOFFICIAL
    Pre-Save below:
    sandstorm #remix #JVRRams #ALFAQA #PRESAVE
    Coming Next Month! “Sandstorm (ALFAQA Remix)” The official remix of my old song Sandstorm, remixed by the Middle-East based producer @ALFAQAOFFICIAL Pre-Save below: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/jvrrams/sandstorm-alfaqa-remix sandstorm #remix #JVRRams #ALFAQA #PRESAVE
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2705 Views
  • OUT NOW! “AREA 51” (ALFAQA Remix)
    Stream now on Spotify ????????
    JVR Rams https://open.spotify.com/track/29HdC3zErAIFp8hju2Fo2x
    Area51 #Remix #DrumandBass #Alien #Aliens #MilitaryBase #ALFAQA #UAE
    OUT NOW! “AREA 51” (ALFAQA Remix) Stream now on Spotify ???????? JVR Rams https://open.spotify.com/track/29HdC3zErAIFp8hju2Fo2x Area51 #Remix #DrumandBass #Alien #Aliens #MilitaryBase #ALFAQA #UAE
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 2469 Views
  • Lawless
    Lawless https://soundcloud.com/lawlessboi/juice-wrld-burn-lawlessboi-remix
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 1942 Views
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