• Trump Supporters in Panic Mode? Let the Censorship and Revision of History Begin to Serve King Trump
    Published on November 9, 2024

    by Brian Shilhavy
    Editor, Health Impact News

    When I watched Donald Trump’s acceptance speech just after Fox News declared him the winner of the elections this week, I was amazed at how he singled out one person on his campaign team whom he credited his “winning” the elections to the most, Susie Wiles.

    I spent the next two days researching this person, as I had never heard about her before.

    From some of the things I was reading about her, specially that she was a behind-the-scenes person who shunned the spotlight, many in the media who knew about her speculated that she could be Trump’s Chief of Staff, but that it would be highly unlikely, because she did not want to be in the spotlight.

    When it was quickly announced by Trump himself on Thursday that he did, in fact, appoint her to be his Chief of Staff, which would give her incredible sway to decide who the other cabinet members and other heads of federal agencies would be, I decided to publish my research on her, and specifically, that she was a Big Pharma lobbyist. See:

    Trump Announces Former Big Pharma Lobbyist to Run White House Staff

    The graphic I used that shows Susie Wiles connection to “Mercury Public Affairs” where she worked as a lobbyist for Big Pharma vaccine industries, was from Liam Sturgess and his article published earlier this year on The Kennedy Beacon on Substack.

    But when you click on the link to that article where the graphic was published earlier this year, this is what you now see:

    They took it down! My guess is that they were pressured by the Trump Team to take it down, because someone also contacted me and demanded that I take it down.

    Well I am not going to do that.

    Louis Conte is listed as the “Health Freedom Editor” of “The Kennedy Beacon”, and when you click on his name it takes to you to this page:

    I find it ironic, and perhaps characteristic of many Trump MAGA supporters, that “truth” is apparently defined through the person of Donald Trump, and if something that used to be “true” to the extent that Louis Conte actually published an article about the truth of Susie Wiles, is apparently no longer true because it has apparently been removed because it no longer fits the Trump MAGA agenda, especially when it comes to the subject of Big Pharma, vaccines, and the COVID Scam.

    And now it apparently begins, as I predicted, that once Trump got into office we would start seeing some of the most vigorous efforts at censorship that would potentially pale in comparison to the censorship we saw under Trump’s first presidency, when all dangers and reports of how bad Trump’s COVID-19 “vaccines” were being reported, quickly disappeared on social media sites and was heavily censored.

    That part of history is apparently being scrubbed off the Internet and being re-written, because according to most of the MAGA and Trump believers, only Joe Biden did that.

    So after finding the Archive.org copy of the now deleted article on The Kennedy Beacon and adding that back into that article, I next went to Musk’s “champion of free speech” platform X to preserve a link from that article to a clip from an interview with Dr. Drew and attorney Thomas Renz from earlier this year, where they too talked about Trump’s public comments criticizing Robert F. Kennedy’s “Fake vaccine” views.

    Thomas Renz also blamed Susie Wiles for that statement Trump made, and I did not want to lose all this previous blame placed on Wiles back then, as they apparently attempt to censor this information now that Trump is in office, because it will make him look bad.

    Here is the clip that is now on the block chain video platform, Odysee.

    I have a LOT of respect for Dr. Drew and Tom Renz, and I have highlighted their work from 2021 and following about exposing how dangerous and deadly the COVID-19 “vaccines” were.

    You can look up their names on Health Impact News and see the positive coverage I have given to them in the past for their fine work.

    Will they too now try to backtrack or sugar coat the things Trump is doing, and will most certainly continue to do, in putting people like Susie Wiles into power who are Big Pharma supporters and will deny that the COVID-19 shots caused so much death and destruction?

    Tom Renz said about Susie Wiles and her Big Pharma contacts that this is the “single most important one issue for an election in the history of our country“, and “these people are not going to forget, they’re not going to forgive” what was done to them under COVID.

    I hope that doesn’t change, because based on the emails and comments I have received after publishing that article, I know for a fact that many Trump supporters already do give Trump a free pass on this appointment, and ridiculed me for bringing this to the public’s attention.

    As far as I know, nobody else in the “alternative” media covered this news about Susie Wiles like I did.

    And the liberal corporate media most certainly won’t, because while they don’t like Trump, his views on vaccines and the COVID-19 vaccines are actually something they agree with Trump on.

    But there were a few brave souls who picked up my article and exposed it to their readers, and I am sure that they too have paid the price and had many criticize them for doing so.

    These are men whom I do not know personally and have never met, and it goes without saying that I probably have some different views on other issues than what they have.

    But let’s be clear here: to criticize Trump in the “alternative” media is to invite attacks and ridicule, and very few will do it.

    And while the left corporate media will attack Trump on other issues, this is one where they will NOT, because BOTH parties are solidly PRO vaccine, and pro COVID “vaccines.”

    Those who do expose Trump in the “alternative” media, obviously value “truth” so much that they will endure the attacks and ridicule.

    So I want to start giving credit where credit is due to these real “truth warriors”, who decided this was essential information to bring to their readers, while others tried to pressure me to take it down.

    It starts with the other “Q”, not the fake one during Trump’s first presidency that got so much media attention, but the one who apparently is not afraid to publish inconvenient truths that others dare not, and that is Steve Quayle, who has a huge audience and sent thousands of people to our site to read this important information.

    The next one was Jeff Rense, and also Henry Makow.

    I have never met any of these publishers, but the one thing that we now have in common after the recent elections, is that we are not afraid to tell the Truth about Donald Trump, and we are willing to endure the scorn and ridicule for doing so.

    Anyone who participates in censoring negative information about Donald Trump and his criminal enterprises with Operation Warp Speed four years ago, and tries to scrub those truths off of the Internet, does not deserve your readership.

    WE WILL NOT FORGET WHAT TRUMP AND HIS CRONIES DID FOUR YEARS AGO! And we will not give him a free pass in trying to cover this up, as he fills back up the Swamp.

    Stand up for TRUTH, who is a person, and not the one who serves the Father of Lies. Being willing to stand for the Truth, no matter what the cost, is following The Way, the path least traveled.

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

    Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

    For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

    Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits.

    Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?

    So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.

    Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:13-20)

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    Trump Supporters in Panic Mode? Let the Censorship and Revision of History Begin to Serve King Trump Published on November 9, 2024 by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News When I watched Donald Trump’s acceptance speech just after Fox News declared him the winner of the elections this week, I was amazed at how he singled out one person on his campaign team whom he credited his “winning” the elections to the most, Susie Wiles. I spent the next two days researching this person, as I had never heard about her before. From some of the things I was reading about her, specially that she was a behind-the-scenes person who shunned the spotlight, many in the media who knew about her speculated that she could be Trump’s Chief of Staff, but that it would be highly unlikely, because she did not want to be in the spotlight. When it was quickly announced by Trump himself on Thursday that he did, in fact, appoint her to be his Chief of Staff, which would give her incredible sway to decide who the other cabinet members and other heads of federal agencies would be, I decided to publish my research on her, and specifically, that she was a Big Pharma lobbyist. See: Trump Announces Former Big Pharma Lobbyist to Run White House Staff The graphic I used that shows Susie Wiles connection to “Mercury Public Affairs” where she worked as a lobbyist for Big Pharma vaccine industries, was from Liam Sturgess and his article published earlier this year on The Kennedy Beacon on Substack. But when you click on the link to that article where the graphic was published earlier this year, this is what you now see: They took it down! My guess is that they were pressured by the Trump Team to take it down, because someone also contacted me and demanded that I take it down. Well I am not going to do that. Louis Conte is listed as the “Health Freedom Editor” of “The Kennedy Beacon”, and when you click on his name it takes to you to this page: I find it ironic, and perhaps characteristic of many Trump MAGA supporters, that “truth” is apparently defined through the person of Donald Trump, and if something that used to be “true” to the extent that Louis Conte actually published an article about the truth of Susie Wiles, is apparently no longer true because it has apparently been removed because it no longer fits the Trump MAGA agenda, especially when it comes to the subject of Big Pharma, vaccines, and the COVID Scam. And now it apparently begins, as I predicted, that once Trump got into office we would start seeing some of the most vigorous efforts at censorship that would potentially pale in comparison to the censorship we saw under Trump’s first presidency, when all dangers and reports of how bad Trump’s COVID-19 “vaccines” were being reported, quickly disappeared on social media sites and was heavily censored. That part of history is apparently being scrubbed off the Internet and being re-written, because according to most of the MAGA and Trump believers, only Joe Biden did that. So after finding the Archive.org copy of the now deleted article on The Kennedy Beacon and adding that back into that article, I next went to Musk’s “champion of free speech” platform X to preserve a link from that article to a clip from an interview with Dr. Drew and attorney Thomas Renz from earlier this year, where they too talked about Trump’s public comments criticizing Robert F. Kennedy’s “Fake vaccine” views. Thomas Renz also blamed Susie Wiles for that statement Trump made, and I did not want to lose all this previous blame placed on Wiles back then, as they apparently attempt to censor this information now that Trump is in office, because it will make him look bad. Here is the clip that is now on the block chain video platform, Odysee. I have a LOT of respect for Dr. Drew and Tom Renz, and I have highlighted their work from 2021 and following about exposing how dangerous and deadly the COVID-19 “vaccines” were. You can look up their names on Health Impact News and see the positive coverage I have given to them in the past for their fine work. Will they too now try to backtrack or sugar coat the things Trump is doing, and will most certainly continue to do, in putting people like Susie Wiles into power who are Big Pharma supporters and will deny that the COVID-19 shots caused so much death and destruction? Tom Renz said about Susie Wiles and her Big Pharma contacts that this is the “single most important one issue for an election in the history of our country“, and “these people are not going to forget, they’re not going to forgive” what was done to them under COVID. I hope that doesn’t change, because based on the emails and comments I have received after publishing that article, I know for a fact that many Trump supporters already do give Trump a free pass on this appointment, and ridiculed me for bringing this to the public’s attention. As far as I know, nobody else in the “alternative” media covered this news about Susie Wiles like I did. And the liberal corporate media most certainly won’t, because while they don’t like Trump, his views on vaccines and the COVID-19 vaccines are actually something they agree with Trump on. But there were a few brave souls who picked up my article and exposed it to their readers, and I am sure that they too have paid the price and had many criticize them for doing so. These are men whom I do not know personally and have never met, and it goes without saying that I probably have some different views on other issues than what they have. But let’s be clear here: to criticize Trump in the “alternative” media is to invite attacks and ridicule, and very few will do it. And while the left corporate media will attack Trump on other issues, this is one where they will NOT, because BOTH parties are solidly PRO vaccine, and pro COVID “vaccines.” Those who do expose Trump in the “alternative” media, obviously value “truth” so much that they will endure the attacks and ridicule. So I want to start giving credit where credit is due to these real “truth warriors”, who decided this was essential information to bring to their readers, while others tried to pressure me to take it down. It starts with the other “Q”, not the fake one during Trump’s first presidency that got so much media attention, but the one who apparently is not afraid to publish inconvenient truths that others dare not, and that is Steve Quayle, who has a huge audience and sent thousands of people to our site to read this important information. The next one was Jeff Rense, and also Henry Makow. I have never met any of these publishers, but the one thing that we now have in common after the recent elections, is that we are not afraid to tell the Truth about Donald Trump, and we are willing to endure the scorn and ridicule for doing so. Anyone who participates in censoring negative information about Donald Trump and his criminal enterprises with Operation Warp Speed four years ago, and tries to scrub those truths off of the Internet, does not deserve your readership. WE WILL NOT FORGET WHAT TRUMP AND HIS CRONIES DID FOUR YEARS AGO! And we will not give him a free pass in trying to cover this up, as he fills back up the Swamp. Stand up for TRUTH, who is a person, and not the one who serves the Father of Lies. Being willing to stand for the Truth, no matter what the cost, is following The Way, the path least traveled. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:13-20) See Also: Over 12 MILLION Views! New 2023 Documentary Premiere: COVIDISM – Contagious Deception Funeral Embalmer: 85% of Dead Bodies Now Have Strange Blood Clots Since COVID Vaccine Roll-outs BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus COVID-19 “Vaccine” Casualties List 50,663 DEAD and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions Over 96 Canadian Children Ages 2-19 have Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly in the Past 3 Months Triple COVID Vaxxed 25-Year-Old Medical Doctor Dies Suddenly – 132 Canadian Doctors Have Now Died Since COVID Vaccine Roll Out 44-year-old Thai Princess Bajrakitiyabha in Coma After Pfizer COVID Shots – Thailand to Nullify Contract with Pfizer COVID + Flu Shots Injected Together: A Deadly Combo with 147 Already Dead and Over 6000 Injured 55 Performers Collapsing or Dying on Stage or Live Camera in Late 2022 through 2023 Vaccinated NFL Player Wanted Unvaxxed Jailed – Died Unexpectedly at Age 38 NFL Legend Franco Harris Dies Suddenly – Was CDC Spokesperson for COVID “Vaccines” 60,000 Children Injured and Dead Along with 4,571 Fetal Deaths Following COVID Vaccines Pro-COVID Vaccine Authorities Continue to Die or Become Disabled After Mocking the Unvaccinated 48,817 DEAD and 5,107,883 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions “Died Unexpectedly” Cases Surge with More Deaths in 2022 than 2020-2021 as People Continue to Get COVID-19 Vaccines STOP the Infanticide! 5,000% Increase in Fetal Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines! 80 Canadian Doctors DEAD Following COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates as Death Toll Continues to Rise SADS: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” Explodes as Young and Healthy Adults Die Following COVID Vaccine Mandates 76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported in U.S. and European Databases Following COVID-19 Vaccines Injecting Babies with COVID-19 Vaccines: Brain Damage, Seizures, Rashes are Recorded Side Effects in VAERS Official Government Data Record 74,783 Deaths and 5,830,235 Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S. and Europe 45,316 Dead 4,416,778 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is New Category to Deny Vaccine Deaths FDA had Data Showing 82% – 97% of Pregnant Women Injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Their Babies Before Approving the Shots 44,821 Dead 4,351,483 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 Vaccines Recorded Cases of Heart Disease Among Under 40 Years Old Explodes 20,000% After COVID-19 Vaccines Roll Out Killer COVID Vaccines: 4,400% Increase in Deaths Compared to All FDA-Approved Vaccines for Previous 30 Years Millions of American Lives in Danger as Airline Pilots Suffer Heart Problems from Mandatory COVID Vaccines 43,000 Deaths 4 MILLION Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European European Database of Adverse Reactions 1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds 42,507 DEAD 3,984,978 Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions 17,500% Increase in Heart Disease in Children Following COVID-19 Vaccines – This is NOT Rare! 22,000% Increase in Deaths following COVID Vaccines for Adults Over 50 as FDA Authorizes 2nd Booster for this Age Group COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines Moderna Seeks Approval from FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA) to Start Injecting Children Under 6 with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines 41,834 DEAD 3.9 Million Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100% The Thousands of Fetal Deaths Recorded After COVID-19 Vaccines that Nobody Wants to Report and that Facebook is Trying Hard to Censor 65,615 Deaths Now Reported in Europe and the USA Following COVID-19 Vaccines – Corporate Media Refuses to Publish this Data 2000% Increase in Fetal Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines but CDC Still Recommends Them for Pregnant Women Official Government Data: Twice as Many Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines in 1 Year as Deaths Following All Vaccines for the Previous 30 Years California Nurse: “I Want People to Know What I Lost to this Vaccine – I am Living a Nightmare, It’s Not Worth it.” German Health Insurance Claims Show 31,254 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines While Official Government Stats Report Only 2,255 68,000% Increase in Strokes as FDA and HIH Secretly Study Reports of Neurological Injuries After COVID-19 Vaccines 40,000 Deaths Following COVID Shots in European Database as Life Insurance Death Claims Skyrocket 34-Year-Old Canadian Father Drops Dead in Front of His Daughters After COVID-19 Vaccine 6-Year-Old Minnesota Boy Develops Myocarditis And Becomes Severely Injured After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Florida Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated Comedian Collapses on Stage During Joke: “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted, and Jesus loves me most” GENOCIDE! Military Medical Whistleblowers Reveal Miscarriages, Birth Defects, and Infertility Rates Exploded in 2021 Following COVID Vaccines Government VAERS Data Reveal 15,600% Increase in Heart Disease Among Under 30 Year-Olds Following COVID-19 Vaccination COVID-19 Vaxxed Olympic Gold Medalist Dies at 51 but Media Calls Him “Anti-Vaxxer” Over 1 Million Deaths and Injuries Following COVID “Vaccines” Reported in VAERS as Second Year of “Experimental Use Authorization” Begins 2021: COVID Deaths Increase, Flu Deaths Disappear, 400,000+ More Total Deaths than 2020 Actor Bob Saget “Dies Suddenly” 1 Month After Receiving COVID Booster Shot Crisis in America: Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64 Based on Life Insurance Claims for 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Roll Outs Year 2021 was America’s Holocaust: Unprecedented Lives Destroyed by Experimental COVID-19 “Vaccines” One Year Anniversary of President Trump Forcing the FDA to give Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer Shot Registered Nurse Suffers Pericarditis from Pfizer Shot – Put in Hospital Section for Vaccine Injured as She was 7th Patient Admitted That Day for Heart Issues Following COVID Shots #RealNotRare New Website for COVID-19 Vaccine Injured German Study Finds ZERO COVID-19 Deaths in Healthy Children but the Children are Now Dying from the Vaccine 666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots – Less than 2 Cases Per Year Following All Vaccines for Past 30+ Years 7-Year-Old Girl Has Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage 7 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Shot Vaccine Cult Exposed by Government’s Own Data: More than 50% of ALL Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reported for Past 30+ Years Have Occurred in Past 11 Months Following COVID-19 Shots A List Of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly After Receiving a COVID-19 Shot Fully Vaccinated Pro-Vaccine Canadian Senator Dead at the Age of 56 Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought Pfizer’s War on Children Invades Canada and Israel as COVID Shots Begin to be Injected Into 5 to 11 Year Olds Families of South Korea’s COVID Vaccine Victims Mourn Loved Ones During Mass Memorial Service Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired: Who will Run the Hospitals? The Genocide of American Seniors Continues: 8 Dead in Fully-Vaccinated Connecticut Nursing Home Parents in NY Take to the Streets to Warn Ignorant Parents Injecting Their Children with Pfizer Shots as Injuries Among 5 to 11 Year Olds Now Being Reported Parents Sacrifice Hundreds of Thousands of Children Ages 5 to 11 to the COVID-19 Vaccine Gods This Weekend Cardiologist Medical Doctor who Wanted to Punch Anti-Vaxxers in the Face DEAD After COVID Booster Shot Texas Church Injects Young Children with COVID Shot in Halloween Celebration – Christian Churches Now Working with the CDC to Abuse and Murder Children Grieving Mother Who Threatened Health Impact News for Publishing Daughter’s Death following COVID-19 Shot Now Goes Public Do You Have Blood on Your Hands? Tens of Thousands of Children Age 5 to 11 Injected with Gene Therapy Shots 41 Year Old Florida Man Who Cursed Anti-Vaxxers Found Dead in His Home by Neighbors After Second COVID-19 Pfizer Shot 12-Year-Old In Germany Dies 2 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine – 12-Year-Old in Thailand In ICU After Heart Problems Caused By The Pfizer Shot Whistleblower Reveals Fraud in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trials as 5 to 11-Year-Olds Begin to be Injected – Vaccine Deaths and Injuries to Follow Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. to Crimes Against Humanity – CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci are No Shows UK Stats Show 82% of COVID-19 Deaths and 66% of Hospitalizations were Among Fully Vaccinated for Past Month Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse White House To “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11 as Deaths and Injuries Continue to Increase among 12 to 19-Year-Olds Who Received a COVID-19 Shot Evidence Clearly Shows Deaths are Increasing Worldwide After COVID-19 Shots – Major Labor Shortages Loom As Deaths and Injuries to Teens Increase After COVID-19 Shots Pfizer Asks FDA for Emergency Authorization to Inject 5 to 11-Year-Olds Post COVID-19 Injections: The Dead Don’t Speak, but Those with Crippling Injuries Issue Warnings Denver Policeman Crippled After Mandatory Pfizer Shot – Are Law Enforcement the Key to Resisting Medical Tyranny? 1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot Study: COVID-19 Vaccines INCREASE Deaths and Hospitalizations from COVID-19 Based on Analysis of Most-Vaccinated Countries Whistleblower Lawsuit! Government Medicare Data Shows 48,465 DEAD Following COVID Shots – Remdesivir Drug has 25% Death Rate! Mockers of Anti-Vaxxers Continue to Die After Taking a COVID-19 Injection STUDY: Government’s Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers – Young Children Are Next See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here! See Also: Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through American Christians Want a New Jewish King to Become Slaves Instead of Serving Jesus Christ in Freedom Where is Your Citizenship Registered? American Christians are Biblically Illiterate Not Understanding the Difference Between The Old Covenant vs. The New Covenant Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult Jesus Would be Labeled as “Antisemitic” Today Because He Attacked the Jews and Warned His Followers About Their Evil Ways Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”? The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan? https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/trump-supporters-in-panic-mode-let-the-censorship-and-revision-of-history-begin-to-serve-king-trump/ https://donshafi911sars-cov-2.blogspot.com/2024/11/trump-supporters-in-panic-mode-let.html
    Trump Supporters in Panic Mode? Let the Censorship and Revision of History Begin to Serve King Trump
    When I watched Donald Trump's acceptance speech just after Fox News declared him the winner of the elections this week, I was amazed at how he singled out one person on his campaign team whom he credited his "winning" the elections to the most, Susie Wiles. I spent the next two days researching this person, as I had never heard about her before. From some of the things I was reading about her, specially that she was a behind-the-scenes person who shunned the spotlight, many in the media who knew about her speculated that she could be Trump's Chief of Staff, but that it would be highly unlikely, because she did not want to be in the spotlight. When it was quickly announced by Trump himself on Thursday that he did, in fact, appoint her to be his Chief of Staff, which would give her incredible sway to decide who the other cabinet members and other heads of federal agencies would be, I decided to publish my research on her, and specifically, that she was a Big Pharma lobbyist. The graphic I used that shows Susie Wiles' connection to "Mercury Public Affairs" where she worked as a lobbyist for Big Pharma vaccine industries, was from Liam Sturgess and his article published earlier this year on The Kennedy Beacon on Substack. But when you click on the link to that article where the graphic was published earlier this year, you will now get the error message: Page Not Found. They took it down! My guess is that they were pressured by the Trump Team to take it down, because someone also contacted me and demanded that I take it down. Well I am not going to do that. Anyone who participates in censoring negative information about Donald Trump and his criminal enterprises with Operation Warp Speed four years ago, and tries to scrub those truths off of the Internet, does not deserve your readership. WE WILL NOT FORGET WHAT TRUMP AND HIS CRONIES DID FOUR YEARS AGO! And we will not give him a free pass in trying to cover this up, as he fills back up the Swamp. Stand up for TRUTH, who is a person, and not the one who serves the Father of Lies. Being willing to stand for the Truth, no matter what the cost, is following The Way, the path least traveled.
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  • Sadistic Shills | World Crime Syndicate

    Below is a list of shills and they all make money pretending to expose the NWO. The term shill derives from schillings a former European currency. They are all also murderous gang stalking commanders and psychotic egomaniacs who go into narcissistic rages when they are exposed for not exposing real criminals. They use covert tactics to viciously attack me just for posting articles on their channels because exposing what they won't makes them look like liars because it proves they omit the truth. They are blasphemers who make up insane lies attempting to steal credit from others who actually expose the NWO. Most of them get intoxicated off human blood. They are really murderous and ruthless and that is why they do what they do. Steven Crowder is a major gang stalking commander and he is completely murderous and psychotic and his business is making money promoting Conservatism while pretending to be righteous and against evil. The shills on YT are all propped up by YT which is how they get so much attention. It is rigged. They also rig their view counts and pay commenters to promote them because it distracts away from the real people who expose the NWO. None of these shills or alt media agents expose the hundreds of high level criminals running the NWO. They all claim to be against corruption and evil though. They do not expose the leadership of the NWO. None of these shills expose organized crime or the mafia. They neglect thousands of important facts. That is the proof they are 100% shills and liars. Adam Green from Know More News only blames Zionists yet he barely names any high level Zionists. In one of my articles I name dozens of top Zionists he never mentions. He finally named Ronald Lauder after I called him out for it. The other day I heavily exposed Unit 8200 in my article on the Luxembourg royals and the very next day one of his guests made a vague reference to them. That is the first time I have ever heard an anti-Zionist mention Unit 8200. The shills that only blame Zionism are all the same. They repeat the same stuff and lies. They never name most of the high level Zionists, they are some of the biggest liars in the shill spectrum, and they never name any other criminals and if they do they claim they are crypto Jews or agents of Jews while totally ignoring the European royalty and nobility. They also never name non Jewish billionaires. They say things like the Jews run all the media. The Hearst and Disney families are not Jewish and both of them are major media owners. The Hearsts are worth 30 billion. The Murdochs are also not Jewish and own Fox News and worth about 20 billion. The Thomson family own Routers and are non Jewish British nobles that are worth tens of billions. These shills make up absurd claims like the Rothschilds own Routers. They don't but the Thomson family do and they are nobles under the British Crown just like the Rothschilds are. The Rothschilds are also married with Italian Roman Catholic nobles like the Aldobrandinis and Brandolinis. Few ever mention that. There are many Zionist criminals however they are not the only criminals and Zionists are not at the top. They work for the top. These shills all constantly lie and these alternative media shills are as bad or sometimes worse than the mainstream media. Paul Romano is a ruthless pedophile and New Age shill who works for David Mayer de Rothschild and they are both insane and blasphemous. David Icke is another one who mostly focuses on Zionists as well as reptilian aliens which do not exist. This is how absurd they all are. David Icke is one of the most disgusting and blasphemous fiends on the planet and he stinks like a rotting swamp. David Icke is a pedophile and a pathetic joke.

    These shills support and promote things like political parties, politicians, and organized religion. Many of them also make up absurd lies like flat earth, aliens, and interdimensional shapeshifting reptilians as David Icke does. The few that name a some high level criminals or talk about topics like the Black Nobility as Craig Oxley does lie constantly. Oxley made up the non existent Pepe Orsini while not naming actual members of the Orsinis and not naming basically 90% of top families of the Black Nobility and he also wont mention any of the royals and nobles of Germany. Oxley also tells people to drink urine and he is insanely blasphemous and stalks me constantly through his connections with MI6 and the Tavistock Institute. Craig Oxley says "promote the Prometheans" and there is a statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza. The Rockefellers financed the Tavistock Institute which are a psychological terrorist organization and part of British intelligence. Tavistock works with most of these shills as well as gang stalkers. ReallyGraceful is another insane blasphemer who gang stalks men to death for cannibalism and uses her pathetic lying channel as her bait. She also talks like a robot and whenever I am updating my articles with sources she electronically attacks me. Somehow she always knows when I am doing this and that is because she is a criminal working with criminal hackers like all shills do. She works for the Swedish Bernadottes who work closely with the Wittelsbachs which have a portion of command over DARPA. Luke Rudowksi makes daily videos talking about the same thing day after day and never exposes the mafia or actual child traffickers, or mentions murderers and contract killers or any of the royals and nobles. Luke Rudowski works for the Hohenzollerns and Radziwills and he has a Hermetic symbol for his logo. Hermeticism is the occult. The Medicis run Hermeticism and he will never mention them. Rudowski also had staged interviews with Jacob Rothschild and Kissinger and the only reason he was able to do that is because he is one of them. All of them are Tavistock or DARPA agents. Q Anon is a DARPA program. Justinformed said on May 4, 2020 said "A good friend of mine who used to be a code breaker for the NSA" and that video was him claiming DARPA is targeting Trump supporters which is a blatant response to this article. He admitted to be connected with the NSA which actually works with DARPA. They support Trump. Trump is completely corrupt and directly connected with basically every globalized criminal organization there is including the Black Nobility, Sauds, Zionists and Israel, Jesuits, Cosa Nostra, Order of Malta, the Clintons, Epstein, and the Bushs. Q Anon shills could not be any more ridiculous if they tried. Jordan Sather from Destroying the Illusion talks about childish things like aliens and promotes cannibalism with Fiji water from the "Cannibal Islands" with a demonic smirk and takes trips financed by his schillings to Hawaii where he cannibalizes children. Jordan Sather is a horrible person and there is no question that he is a pedophile and cannibal. He promotes Trump. Trump has been kidnapping children and holding them in concentration camps at former Walmarts. All the Trump supporters claim Trump fights the NWO and fights the child traffickers when Trump is a child trafficker. It is completely absurd. Anonymous is a DARPA program and some of them mimic or try to imitate my articles. Another group who is literally copying my articles is Killuminati. They steal my articles and repost them as if they wrote them and then like thugs viciously target me and then start falsely accusing me of stealing from them. They are that ruthless and insane. They do this out of envy. They are criminals who are literal street thugs that worship Tupac or Lesane Parish Crooks. Crooks is his real name and his cult followers are violent, arrogant, and stupid crooks. The shills often command trolls that harass, stalk, and slander me on behalf of them or their bosses. Anonymous are ruthless terrorists that track almost everything write and also target people who read my articles. Brian Young from HighImpactFlix is another shill who pretends to be a Libertarian while promoting Conservatism. Brian Young is also an intellectual thief who steals from others to strengthen his propaganda. They all work for the European royals and nobles. Most of them have paypal accounts and are paid through online bank accounts. All of these shills make money which is what makes them shills. Shill refers to schillings the former European currency. That is who they work for. European royals and nobles. They are all blatant liars and sadistic blasphemers who are directly involved with pedophilia, cannibalism, child trafficking, and child murder, and that is why they do what they do. They are all highly organized and work together and when they get exposed they sacrifice children, get intoxicated off the blood of children, and terrorize people.

    Alex Jones - Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Colonna, and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill

    AMTV - Boncompagni-Ludovisi and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill

    Steven Crowder - Massimo of Roccasecca shill

    Judicial Watch or Tom Fitton - Odescalchi shill

    Tucker Carlson from Fox News - Bourbon-Two Sicilies shill

    Joe Rogan - Wittelsbach and Schwarzenberg shill

    David Icke - Barons of Strange and Oddfellow shill

    Jordan Maxwell - Oddfellow shill

    Craig Oxley - Russell and Tavistock shill

    Leo Zagami - Massimo and Leon shill

    Ed from Outer Light - Esterhazy, Russell and Tavistock shill

    HighImpactFlix or Brian Young - Savoy shill

    Lisa Haven - Boncompagni-Ludovisi and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill

    Paul Romano or Pockets of the Future - Rothschild and Aldobrandini shill

    Adam Green or Know More News - Saxe-Coburg and Gotha shill

    Richie from Boston - Bourbon-Two Sicilies shill

    Aplanetruth or Joe Morgan and Jamie Lee - Schwarzenberg, Bush, and DARPA shill

    A Call For An Uprising - Chigi and Hell Fire Club shill

    A Face Like the Sun - Massimo shill

    James Corbett - Corsini shill
    ReallyGraceful - Bernadotte and Spencer shill

    Dahboo77 - Savoy and Bernadotte shill

    Destroying the Illusion - Savoy shill

    George Webb - Bush shill

    Farmer Jones - Cox and Galli-Zugaro shill

    Lionel Nation - Liechtenstein shill

    Earth Sherriff - Habsburg shill and slanderer

    Zachary K Hubbard - Zionist Goldsmith and Nazi-Wiccan Pacelli shill

    RussianVids or Benjamin P Liashenko - Goldsmith and Bourbon shill

    James Munder - Pacelli shill

    Luke Rudowski - Hohenzollern and Radziwill shill

    Dustin Nemos - Trump shill

    RedPill78 - Trump shill

    PrayingMedic - Medici and Glucksburg shill

    Justinformed Talk - Giustiniani and Savoy shill

    And We Know - Trump/Wittelsbach shill

    In Pursuit of Truth - Trump shill

    X22 Report - Trump shill

    Blessed to Teach - Trump shill

    Amazing Polly - Trump shill

    Tracy Beanz - Trump shill

    SGT Report - Trump shill

    There are many more. It is tiring having to look up and investigate these shills. They are all the same and they are extremely violent psychopaths. They are all DARPA and Tavistock agents and I know this because they have access to electronic weapons.



    List of online agents claiming to be the authors of my articles. The worst one is Lift the Veil from Your Eyes who originally cited my name as the author and has progressively removed my name and is talking credit for all my articles and writings which took hundreds of hours to research and I have been tortured non stop by these criminals. This fiend copies my articles and acts like they are his. It does not get more pathetic and sadistic than that. All they have to do is link where they originally found my article and credit my name. People can repost the information all they want but do not claim to be the author of my writings or I am going to call you out for it and respond with violence. I have psychopaths attacking me constantly claiming ownership of my articles or trolls harassing me constantly falsely accusing me of copying other people writings when I post my articles. I have had numerous websites shut down. I have cyber stalkers tracking my writings and stealing them over the years. How can dozens of different people be the authors of my articles when for one I include my personal experiences in them. My articles are all written in the same format. I include sources for my articles. They are out of their minds to be attempting to claim authorship of my articles. They are violent towards me when they do this too. When enough people start calling them out they go "blasphemy is a weapon" This is how utterly psychotic they are. They admit to it and then months later do it again. They have no honor at all. They have no self respect. They are violent and stupid thugs who think they can use violence to steal from people. If they physically tried to steal from me the way they do with my online writings I would kill them outright. Shoot them dead or cut their throats. They are online cowards. Many of these thieves link my blogs to their sites where they copy my articles. One day they have a link to my blog. The next day they remove it and start claiming it is from them. They put up all my articles and pick and choose which ones they link to my blog. They are inconsistent. I have hundreds of thousands of witnesses to confirm these articles came from me. I had about 600,000 views on my WordPress blog before it was shut down a few years ago and that was with hackers meddling with the view counter. How the hell are they going to try and lie to hundreds of thousands of people. I have at least tens of thousands of people who have read my articles I post on YT for the past 7 years. I was exposing most of this on Infowars going back 10 years ago under the name Zeus until I was blocked after exposing Cliven Bundy. I am going to make this clear. I have never seen anyone expose 95% of the criminals I expose until after I exposed them and most of the time its them copying my articles word for word. When I write something or an article online which is then removed like my last three websites from the past three years I have thieves stealing my articles and writings as their own and then when I rewrite the information or repost these articles I get falsely accused of copying them when they are copying me. That is how blasphemous and evil they are. Kobra and his New Age cult group constantly repost my articles and they use them as bait. They are also trying to incorporate me with them by doing this. Kobra and that New Age cult work for the House of Wittelsbach. It is pure evil. There are several more not on this list. There are new ones that pop up every day doing this. Basically anyone reposting my articles on their sites is a shill. Why not just post a link to my articles. They know what they are doing. All they have to do is credit me as the author yet they don't do it because they are malicious. They are all thuggish fiends.


    Lift The Veil From Your Eyes This fiendish devil has been posting my articles as his own and originally he linked to my name and blog including my blog from 2016-2017 called Return of Zeus and Zeusian Revelations from Wix. Then he copied my articles from my WordPress which was another blog that these criminals shut down. Then I had a Weebly blog which he and many others also copied. There is absolutely no point to doing this other than for malicious reasons. This poser uses my information as bait and has an army of gang stalkers targeting readers.
    Mirrors of Truth who mirrors my articles is not crediting me as the author of my articles which he reposts. The gang stalker and serial killer Seth Rozman works with this shill.

    Unicorn144 is quoting me in numerous parts of this article and probably in other articles while not mentioning me as the author or source of their quotes and mixing it with other info including false information. The witch and gang stalker Alison McCarthy-Senatro works with this thieving shill.

    Nuevodesordenmundial is reposting my articles and claiming they are written by him. I have seen my name mentioned in one of my articles he reposted. Others he claims to be the author.

    The Killuminati cult members constantly steal my articles and claim them as their own. This is the most evil and thieving group of them all. When I still had a Facebook page they would steal my articles and repost them on their accounts all the time. They are still stealing my articles and claiming them as their own. While on Facebook they would collect all my writings and repost them and then they flagged my account until I was kicked off Facebook. They are ruthless thieves and work for Lesane Parish Crooks who faked his death and has been hiding out in Cuba. Killuminati is the most violent group of plagiarists. They are stupid and thuggish fiends.

    We The One People is trying to claim authorship of my articles. He literally claims to be the author of my articles. Often after I expose them they remove their names as authors or later add my name to them. This is all completely absurd and is done to try and discredit me. This is not what I want to focus on however they are causing enough problems to where they need to be dealt with. It is only evil people who would do this.


    This person stole my article and again didn't credit me as the author and researcher.


    Here is another one who stole my article and is claiming authorship of my published writings


    This Dawn Johnson stole my writings posing them as her own.



    It's a very simple concept. Share my articles and writings as much as possible but do not claim authorship of my research articles.

    Example: Lift the Veil From Your Eyes stole a large section of my published writings and then mixed it with some disinfo. All of this below is from my research articles from my Wix blog from 2016-2017 which was shut down. In the link he added some other info below it claiming Black Nobility are Venetian which is not really accurate. No where did he credit me as the author and Lift The Veil From Your Eyes, Aplanetruth, and Tabublog have been together gang stalking me, stealing my articles and slandering me. They are vicious.


    The Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. The European Monarchies like the British Crown are branches of Rome and they manage secret societies like the Freemasons which infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for the monarchs. The SMOM is the top military council and it works closely with the Orders of St John ran by Protestant monarchs. The Knights of Malta are the engineers of war. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of the modernized Roman Empire. The Greek royal House of Glucksburg run the Greek fraternities and sororities and use initiates as their agents. The British Crown controls universities like Yale and Harvard and use them for recruiting Crown agents. Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators and use their universities for recruiting and training Vatican agents. Many Knights of Columbus are police officers, mayors, lawyers, and judges and they protect the Italian Mafia.

    The Italian Mafia are enforcers for Rome involved in extortion, money laundering, murder, and drug trafficking; and they pay their dues back to the Sicilian Mafia which pay dues back to the Black Nobility. Court Jews like the Rothschild, Warburg, Walton, Wallenberg, and Dreyfus families serve the Roman Curia and royal courtrooms like Buckingham Palace and Stockholm Palace. The French House of Bonaparte and Swedish House of Bernadotte control many major European corporations through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and Legion of Honor running the European Round Table of Industrialists. The Holy See is the All Seeing Eye and operates as an intelligence network. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Order of the Ages and is on the US dollar bill and US Great Seal. The Vatican uses Latin as an official language and for documents. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been concealing trillions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. The Este and Lorraine families are top Swiss bankers. The Erlach and Brandi families are Swiss financial tax advisers enabling corruption. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican. The Swiss Cantons have been in contract with the Vatican for centuries and Switzerland is basically a papal state. The Italian Savoy and Austrian Habsburg families oversee Switzerland for the Black Nobility. The Passi de Preposulo and Ferragamo families oversee Hollywood. They own the Holy See which is a corporate entity headquartered at the Vatican City State which was established as a nation in 1929 under Benito Mussolini who was put in power by the House of Savoy. Some top families in the Black Nobility include the Pallavicini, Colonna, Ruspoli, Sforza-Cesarini, Aldobrandini, Odescalchi, Torlonia, Gaetani, and Massimo families.

    Prince Carlo Massimo and Duke Leopoldo Torlonia are running the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo is the President of the Italian Association for the Order of Malta and is the one giving the orders. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a top manager of the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators serving the Black Nobility authorized by the Farnese family’s Pope Paul III. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies family are the continuation of the Farnese family and Farnesivs is engraved on the Jesuit’s headquarters called the Gesu Church of Rome. The Torlonia family own the Kansas City crime family and share ownership over the Pittsburgh crime family with the Borghese family. The French House of Orleans own the New Orleans crime family and the French-British Beaufort family oversee the Dixie Mafia. The Sforza family own the Stidda Mafia clans which operate in their former territory of Milan. The Aldobrandini family are owners of the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey. The Colonna family are running the Knights of Columbus and Colombo crime family as well as sharing ownership over the Chicago Outfit with the House of Capponi. Colonna means column like Colombo and Columbus. The Massimo and Gaetani families own and run the Gambino crime family and Philadelphia crime family. The Massimo family also own and run the Casamonica mafia clan or Roman Mafia and the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari which still exists. The Massimo family of Roccasecca own the Clerkenwell Mafia of London. The Lucchesi-Palli and Pallavicini family own the Lucchese crime family. The Greco-Roman Giustiniani family run the Philly Greek Mob. The European Union is based on the Treaty of Rome and was signed in Rome at Capitoline Hill. The President of the European Central Bank is Mario Draghi who was born in Rome and Jesuit educated at the Massimo Institute. The Erba-Odesclachi with ancestry from Cernobbio, Italy run CERN with Roman born Fabiola Gianotti as the Director-General of CERN.

    The Boncompagni-Ludovisi family run the Casalesi mafia clan which operates in their former dukedoms and also control the Bonanno crime family. The Adragna family of Sicily run many of the N’Drangheta factions along with the Gaetani family and the House of Adragna are part owners of Los Angeles crime family which was built up by the Dragna crime bosses like Jack Dragna. The Odescalchi family run the Detroit Partnership and some Slavic mafias. The House of Savoy own and run the Genovese crime family. Don Vito Genovese was from Naples and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is the Prince of Naples. The Chigi-Albani family run most of the Albanian mafia like the Rudaj Organization. The Corsini, Medici, and Bonaparte families are the owners of the Union Corse or Corsican Mafia. The House of Windsor and German nobility like the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Hohenzollern, Hesse, Furstenberg, and Hanover families run and finance various Neo-Nazi cults and Nazi propaganda while they also control many of the Jewish banking families through their royal courts. The House of Bourbon and Spanish noble families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The German nobility were Nazis. The Windsor and German noble families also run the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas. The Irish Barons run the Irish Mafia and Aryan Brotherhood. The Windsor and Bush families control covert paramilitary organizations and mercenary armies branched off from the military like G4S, KBR, and Vinnell Corporation. The Bush family runs the military industrial complex in the United States with Vannevar Bush founding Raytheon and Wesley G Bush running Northrup Grumman. The Mars and Walton families are mega billionaires and like royalty in the United States. The Islamic royal families were appointed by European royalty in the 19th and 20th centuries and especially after WWI. The Mid East royalty run the oil industry and use their massive wealth to finance globalist agendas for being allowed to rule their nations. The House of Bourbon and Spanish nobility like the Osorio, FitzJames, and Aragon families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The House of Bourbon are the founders and owners of Santander Bank. The King of Spain holds the official claim to King of Jerusalem

    (Then Lift the Veil adds some disinfo)


    Sadistic Shills | World Crime Syndicate SHILLS Below is a list of shills and they all make money pretending to expose the NWO. The term shill derives from schillings a former European currency. They are all also murderous gang stalking commanders and psychotic egomaniacs who go into narcissistic rages when they are exposed for not exposing real criminals. They use covert tactics to viciously attack me just for posting articles on their channels because exposing what they won't makes them look like liars because it proves they omit the truth. They are blasphemers who make up insane lies attempting to steal credit from others who actually expose the NWO. Most of them get intoxicated off human blood. They are really murderous and ruthless and that is why they do what they do. Steven Crowder is a major gang stalking commander and he is completely murderous and psychotic and his business is making money promoting Conservatism while pretending to be righteous and against evil. The shills on YT are all propped up by YT which is how they get so much attention. It is rigged. They also rig their view counts and pay commenters to promote them because it distracts away from the real people who expose the NWO. None of these shills or alt media agents expose the hundreds of high level criminals running the NWO. They all claim to be against corruption and evil though. They do not expose the leadership of the NWO. None of these shills expose organized crime or the mafia. They neglect thousands of important facts. That is the proof they are 100% shills and liars. Adam Green from Know More News only blames Zionists yet he barely names any high level Zionists. In one of my articles I name dozens of top Zionists he never mentions. He finally named Ronald Lauder after I called him out for it. The other day I heavily exposed Unit 8200 in my article on the Luxembourg royals and the very next day one of his guests made a vague reference to them. That is the first time I have ever heard an anti-Zionist mention Unit 8200. The shills that only blame Zionism are all the same. They repeat the same stuff and lies. They never name most of the high level Zionists, they are some of the biggest liars in the shill spectrum, and they never name any other criminals and if they do they claim they are crypto Jews or agents of Jews while totally ignoring the European royalty and nobility. They also never name non Jewish billionaires. They say things like the Jews run all the media. The Hearst and Disney families are not Jewish and both of them are major media owners. The Hearsts are worth 30 billion. The Murdochs are also not Jewish and own Fox News and worth about 20 billion. The Thomson family own Routers and are non Jewish British nobles that are worth tens of billions. These shills make up absurd claims like the Rothschilds own Routers. They don't but the Thomson family do and they are nobles under the British Crown just like the Rothschilds are. The Rothschilds are also married with Italian Roman Catholic nobles like the Aldobrandinis and Brandolinis. Few ever mention that. There are many Zionist criminals however they are not the only criminals and Zionists are not at the top. They work for the top. These shills all constantly lie and these alternative media shills are as bad or sometimes worse than the mainstream media. Paul Romano is a ruthless pedophile and New Age shill who works for David Mayer de Rothschild and they are both insane and blasphemous. David Icke is another one who mostly focuses on Zionists as well as reptilian aliens which do not exist. This is how absurd they all are. David Icke is one of the most disgusting and blasphemous fiends on the planet and he stinks like a rotting swamp. David Icke is a pedophile and a pathetic joke. These shills support and promote things like political parties, politicians, and organized religion. Many of them also make up absurd lies like flat earth, aliens, and interdimensional shapeshifting reptilians as David Icke does. The few that name a some high level criminals or talk about topics like the Black Nobility as Craig Oxley does lie constantly. Oxley made up the non existent Pepe Orsini while not naming actual members of the Orsinis and not naming basically 90% of top families of the Black Nobility and he also wont mention any of the royals and nobles of Germany. Oxley also tells people to drink urine and he is insanely blasphemous and stalks me constantly through his connections with MI6 and the Tavistock Institute. Craig Oxley says "promote the Prometheans" and there is a statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza. The Rockefellers financed the Tavistock Institute which are a psychological terrorist organization and part of British intelligence. Tavistock works with most of these shills as well as gang stalkers. ReallyGraceful is another insane blasphemer who gang stalks men to death for cannibalism and uses her pathetic lying channel as her bait. She also talks like a robot and whenever I am updating my articles with sources she electronically attacks me. Somehow she always knows when I am doing this and that is because she is a criminal working with criminal hackers like all shills do. She works for the Swedish Bernadottes who work closely with the Wittelsbachs which have a portion of command over DARPA. Luke Rudowksi makes daily videos talking about the same thing day after day and never exposes the mafia or actual child traffickers, or mentions murderers and contract killers or any of the royals and nobles. Luke Rudowski works for the Hohenzollerns and Radziwills and he has a Hermetic symbol for his logo. Hermeticism is the occult. The Medicis run Hermeticism and he will never mention them. Rudowski also had staged interviews with Jacob Rothschild and Kissinger and the only reason he was able to do that is because he is one of them. All of them are Tavistock or DARPA agents. Q Anon is a DARPA program. Justinformed said on May 4, 2020 said "A good friend of mine who used to be a code breaker for the NSA" and that video was him claiming DARPA is targeting Trump supporters which is a blatant response to this article. He admitted to be connected with the NSA which actually works with DARPA. They support Trump. Trump is completely corrupt and directly connected with basically every globalized criminal organization there is including the Black Nobility, Sauds, Zionists and Israel, Jesuits, Cosa Nostra, Order of Malta, the Clintons, Epstein, and the Bushs. Q Anon shills could not be any more ridiculous if they tried. Jordan Sather from Destroying the Illusion talks about childish things like aliens and promotes cannibalism with Fiji water from the "Cannibal Islands" with a demonic smirk and takes trips financed by his schillings to Hawaii where he cannibalizes children. Jordan Sather is a horrible person and there is no question that he is a pedophile and cannibal. He promotes Trump. Trump has been kidnapping children and holding them in concentration camps at former Walmarts. All the Trump supporters claim Trump fights the NWO and fights the child traffickers when Trump is a child trafficker. It is completely absurd. Anonymous is a DARPA program and some of them mimic or try to imitate my articles. Another group who is literally copying my articles is Killuminati. They steal my articles and repost them as if they wrote them and then like thugs viciously target me and then start falsely accusing me of stealing from them. They are that ruthless and insane. They do this out of envy. They are criminals who are literal street thugs that worship Tupac or Lesane Parish Crooks. Crooks is his real name and his cult followers are violent, arrogant, and stupid crooks. The shills often command trolls that harass, stalk, and slander me on behalf of them or their bosses. Anonymous are ruthless terrorists that track almost everything write and also target people who read my articles. Brian Young from HighImpactFlix is another shill who pretends to be a Libertarian while promoting Conservatism. Brian Young is also an intellectual thief who steals from others to strengthen his propaganda. They all work for the European royals and nobles. Most of them have paypal accounts and are paid through online bank accounts. All of these shills make money which is what makes them shills. Shill refers to schillings the former European currency. That is who they work for. European royals and nobles. They are all blatant liars and sadistic blasphemers who are directly involved with pedophilia, cannibalism, child trafficking, and child murder, and that is why they do what they do. They are all highly organized and work together and when they get exposed they sacrifice children, get intoxicated off the blood of children, and terrorize people. Alex Jones - Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Colonna, and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill AMTV - Boncompagni-Ludovisi and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill Steven Crowder - Massimo of Roccasecca shill Judicial Watch or Tom Fitton - Odescalchi shill Tucker Carlson from Fox News - Bourbon-Two Sicilies shill Joe Rogan - Wittelsbach and Schwarzenberg shill David Icke - Barons of Strange and Oddfellow shill Jordan Maxwell - Oddfellow shill Craig Oxley - Russell and Tavistock shill Leo Zagami - Massimo and Leon shill Ed from Outer Light - Esterhazy, Russell and Tavistock shill HighImpactFlix or Brian Young - Savoy shill Lisa Haven - Boncompagni-Ludovisi and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill Paul Romano or Pockets of the Future - Rothschild and Aldobrandini shill Adam Green or Know More News - Saxe-Coburg and Gotha shill Richie from Boston - Bourbon-Two Sicilies shill Aplanetruth or Joe Morgan and Jamie Lee - Schwarzenberg, Bush, and DARPA shill A Call For An Uprising - Chigi and Hell Fire Club shill A Face Like the Sun - Massimo shill James Corbett - Corsini shill ReallyGraceful - Bernadotte and Spencer shill Dahboo77 - Savoy and Bernadotte shill Destroying the Illusion - Savoy shill George Webb - Bush shill Farmer Jones - Cox and Galli-Zugaro shill Lionel Nation - Liechtenstein shill Earth Sherriff - Habsburg shill and slanderer Zachary K Hubbard - Zionist Goldsmith and Nazi-Wiccan Pacelli shill RussianVids or Benjamin P Liashenko - Goldsmith and Bourbon shill James Munder - Pacelli shill Luke Rudowski - Hohenzollern and Radziwill shill Dustin Nemos - Trump shill RedPill78 - Trump shill PrayingMedic - Medici and Glucksburg shill Justinformed Talk - Giustiniani and Savoy shill And We Know - Trump/Wittelsbach shill In Pursuit of Truth - Trump shill X22 Report - Trump shill Blessed to Teach - Trump shill Amazing Polly - Trump shill Tracy Beanz - Trump shill SGT Report - Trump shill There are many more. It is tiring having to look up and investigate these shills. They are all the same and they are extremely violent psychopaths. They are all DARPA and Tavistock agents and I know this because they have access to electronic weapons. ---------------------------------------------------------------- INTELLECTUAL THIEVES List of online agents claiming to be the authors of my articles. The worst one is Lift the Veil from Your Eyes who originally cited my name as the author and has progressively removed my name and is talking credit for all my articles and writings which took hundreds of hours to research and I have been tortured non stop by these criminals. This fiend copies my articles and acts like they are his. It does not get more pathetic and sadistic than that. All they have to do is link where they originally found my article and credit my name. People can repost the information all they want but do not claim to be the author of my writings or I am going to call you out for it and respond with violence. I have psychopaths attacking me constantly claiming ownership of my articles or trolls harassing me constantly falsely accusing me of copying other people writings when I post my articles. I have had numerous websites shut down. I have cyber stalkers tracking my writings and stealing them over the years. How can dozens of different people be the authors of my articles when for one I include my personal experiences in them. My articles are all written in the same format. I include sources for my articles. They are out of their minds to be attempting to claim authorship of my articles. They are violent towards me when they do this too. When enough people start calling them out they go "blasphemy is a weapon" This is how utterly psychotic they are. They admit to it and then months later do it again. They have no honor at all. They have no self respect. They are violent and stupid thugs who think they can use violence to steal from people. If they physically tried to steal from me the way they do with my online writings I would kill them outright. Shoot them dead or cut their throats. They are online cowards. Many of these thieves link my blogs to their sites where they copy my articles. One day they have a link to my blog. The next day they remove it and start claiming it is from them. They put up all my articles and pick and choose which ones they link to my blog. They are inconsistent. I have hundreds of thousands of witnesses to confirm these articles came from me. I had about 600,000 views on my WordPress blog before it was shut down a few years ago and that was with hackers meddling with the view counter. How the hell are they going to try and lie to hundreds of thousands of people. I have at least tens of thousands of people who have read my articles I post on YT for the past 7 years. I was exposing most of this on Infowars going back 10 years ago under the name Zeus until I was blocked after exposing Cliven Bundy. I am going to make this clear. I have never seen anyone expose 95% of the criminals I expose until after I exposed them and most of the time its them copying my articles word for word. When I write something or an article online which is then removed like my last three websites from the past three years I have thieves stealing my articles and writings as their own and then when I rewrite the information or repost these articles I get falsely accused of copying them when they are copying me. That is how blasphemous and evil they are. Kobra and his New Age cult group constantly repost my articles and they use them as bait. They are also trying to incorporate me with them by doing this. Kobra and that New Age cult work for the House of Wittelsbach. It is pure evil. There are several more not on this list. There are new ones that pop up every day doing this. Basically anyone reposting my articles on their sites is a shill. Why not just post a link to my articles. They know what they are doing. All they have to do is credit me as the author yet they don't do it because they are malicious. They are all thuggish fiends. http://ltvfye.blogspot.com/ Lift The Veil From Your Eyes This fiendish devil has been posting my articles as his own and originally he linked to my name and blog including my blog from 2016-2017 called Return of Zeus and Zeusian Revelations from Wix. Then he copied my articles from my WordPress which was another blog that these criminals shut down. Then I had a Weebly blog which he and many others also copied. There is absolutely no point to doing this other than for malicious reasons. This poser uses my information as bait and has an army of gang stalkers targeting readers. Mirrors of Truth who mirrors my articles is not crediting me as the author of my articles which he reposts. The gang stalker and serial killer Seth Rozman works with this shill. Unicorn144 is quoting me in numerous parts of this article and probably in other articles while not mentioning me as the author or source of their quotes and mixing it with other info including false information. The witch and gang stalker Alison McCarthy-Senatro works with this thieving shill. Nuevodesordenmundial is reposting my articles and claiming they are written by him. I have seen my name mentioned in one of my articles he reposted. Others he claims to be the author. The Killuminati cult members constantly steal my articles and claim them as their own. This is the most evil and thieving group of them all. When I still had a Facebook page they would steal my articles and repost them on their accounts all the time. They are still stealing my articles and claiming them as their own. While on Facebook they would collect all my writings and repost them and then they flagged my account until I was kicked off Facebook. They are ruthless thieves and work for Lesane Parish Crooks who faked his death and has been hiding out in Cuba. Killuminati is the most violent group of plagiarists. They are stupid and thuggish fiends. http://wetheonepeople.com/orsini-rosenberg-alchemical-mafia-disclosure/ We The One People is trying to claim authorship of my articles. He literally claims to be the author of my articles. Often after I expose them they remove their names as authors or later add my name to them. This is all completely absurd and is done to try and discredit me. This is not what I want to focus on however they are causing enough problems to where they need to be dealt with. It is only evil people who would do this. https://eraoflight.com/2019/07/15/the-house-of-odescalchi-is-the-top-bloodline-of-the-black-nobility/ This person stole my article and again didn't credit me as the author and researcher. https://coldcast.org/posts/13997 Here is another one who stole my article and is claiming authorship of my published writings https://m.facebook.com/groups/173522613059560/posts/307593819652438/ This Dawn Johnson stole my writings posing them as her own. https://m.facebook.com/groups/173522613059560/posts/307593819652438/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's a very simple concept. Share my articles and writings as much as possible but do not claim authorship of my research articles. Example: Lift the Veil From Your Eyes stole a large section of my published writings and then mixed it with some disinfo. All of this below is from my research articles from my Wix blog from 2016-2017 which was shut down. In the link he added some other info below it claiming Black Nobility are Venetian which is not really accurate. No where did he credit me as the author and Lift The Veil From Your Eyes, Aplanetruth, and Tabublog have been together gang stalking me, stealing my articles and slandering me. They are vicious. https://testrun1717679555.wordpress.com/2018/03/14/the-black-nobility The Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. The European Monarchies like the British Crown are branches of Rome and they manage secret societies like the Freemasons which infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for the monarchs. The SMOM is the top military council and it works closely with the Orders of St John ran by Protestant monarchs. The Knights of Malta are the engineers of war. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of the modernized Roman Empire. The Greek royal House of Glucksburg run the Greek fraternities and sororities and use initiates as their agents. The British Crown controls universities like Yale and Harvard and use them for recruiting Crown agents. Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators and use their universities for recruiting and training Vatican agents. Many Knights of Columbus are police officers, mayors, lawyers, and judges and they protect the Italian Mafia. The Italian Mafia are enforcers for Rome involved in extortion, money laundering, murder, and drug trafficking; and they pay their dues back to the Sicilian Mafia which pay dues back to the Black Nobility. Court Jews like the Rothschild, Warburg, Walton, Wallenberg, and Dreyfus families serve the Roman Curia and royal courtrooms like Buckingham Palace and Stockholm Palace. The French House of Bonaparte and Swedish House of Bernadotte control many major European corporations through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and Legion of Honor running the European Round Table of Industrialists. The Holy See is the All Seeing Eye and operates as an intelligence network. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Order of the Ages and is on the US dollar bill and US Great Seal. The Vatican uses Latin as an official language and for documents. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been concealing trillions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. The Este and Lorraine families are top Swiss bankers. The Erlach and Brandi families are Swiss financial tax advisers enabling corruption. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican. The Swiss Cantons have been in contract with the Vatican for centuries and Switzerland is basically a papal state. The Italian Savoy and Austrian Habsburg families oversee Switzerland for the Black Nobility. The Passi de Preposulo and Ferragamo families oversee Hollywood. They own the Holy See which is a corporate entity headquartered at the Vatican City State which was established as a nation in 1929 under Benito Mussolini who was put in power by the House of Savoy. Some top families in the Black Nobility include the Pallavicini, Colonna, Ruspoli, Sforza-Cesarini, Aldobrandini, Odescalchi, Torlonia, Gaetani, and Massimo families. Prince Carlo Massimo and Duke Leopoldo Torlonia are running the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo is the President of the Italian Association for the Order of Malta and is the one giving the orders. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a top manager of the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators serving the Black Nobility authorized by the Farnese family’s Pope Paul III. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies family are the continuation of the Farnese family and Farnesivs is engraved on the Jesuit’s headquarters called the Gesu Church of Rome. The Torlonia family own the Kansas City crime family and share ownership over the Pittsburgh crime family with the Borghese family. The French House of Orleans own the New Orleans crime family and the French-British Beaufort family oversee the Dixie Mafia. The Sforza family own the Stidda Mafia clans which operate in their former territory of Milan. The Aldobrandini family are owners of the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey. The Colonna family are running the Knights of Columbus and Colombo crime family as well as sharing ownership over the Chicago Outfit with the House of Capponi. Colonna means column like Colombo and Columbus. The Massimo and Gaetani families own and run the Gambino crime family and Philadelphia crime family. The Massimo family also own and run the Casamonica mafia clan or Roman Mafia and the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari which still exists. The Massimo family of Roccasecca own the Clerkenwell Mafia of London. The Lucchesi-Palli and Pallavicini family own the Lucchese crime family. The Greco-Roman Giustiniani family run the Philly Greek Mob. The European Union is based on the Treaty of Rome and was signed in Rome at Capitoline Hill. The President of the European Central Bank is Mario Draghi who was born in Rome and Jesuit educated at the Massimo Institute. The Erba-Odesclachi with ancestry from Cernobbio, Italy run CERN with Roman born Fabiola Gianotti as the Director-General of CERN. The Boncompagni-Ludovisi family run the Casalesi mafia clan which operates in their former dukedoms and also control the Bonanno crime family. The Adragna family of Sicily run many of the N’Drangheta factions along with the Gaetani family and the House of Adragna are part owners of Los Angeles crime family which was built up by the Dragna crime bosses like Jack Dragna. The Odescalchi family run the Detroit Partnership and some Slavic mafias. The House of Savoy own and run the Genovese crime family. Don Vito Genovese was from Naples and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is the Prince of Naples. The Chigi-Albani family run most of the Albanian mafia like the Rudaj Organization. The Corsini, Medici, and Bonaparte families are the owners of the Union Corse or Corsican Mafia. The House of Windsor and German nobility like the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Hohenzollern, Hesse, Furstenberg, and Hanover families run and finance various Neo-Nazi cults and Nazi propaganda while they also control many of the Jewish banking families through their royal courts. The House of Bourbon and Spanish noble families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The German nobility were Nazis. The Windsor and German noble families also run the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas. The Irish Barons run the Irish Mafia and Aryan Brotherhood. The Windsor and Bush families control covert paramilitary organizations and mercenary armies branched off from the military like G4S, KBR, and Vinnell Corporation. The Bush family runs the military industrial complex in the United States with Vannevar Bush founding Raytheon and Wesley G Bush running Northrup Grumman. The Mars and Walton families are mega billionaires and like royalty in the United States. The Islamic royal families were appointed by European royalty in the 19th and 20th centuries and especially after WWI. The Mid East royalty run the oil industry and use their massive wealth to finance globalist agendas for being allowed to rule their nations. The House of Bourbon and Spanish nobility like the Osorio, FitzJames, and Aragon families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The House of Bourbon are the founders and owners of Santander Bank. The King of Spain holds the official claim to King of Jerusalem (Then Lift the Veil adds some disinfo) .
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    The FBI just uncovered something straight out of a nightmare: human remains found at a Detroit business tied to McDonald’s meat supply. This isn’t just another rumor – it’s a revelation that could shake the fast-food industry to its core and expose the darkest side of the American food chain.

    What’s Happening?
    A routine investigation spiraled into a horror show when the FBI stumbled upon boxes of human body parts at a business that allegedly supplies meat to McDonald’s. This isn’t a simple case of spoiled meat—this is far more sinister. Human remains, body parts, and a twisted network of illegal activity now at the forefront of this explosive story. If true, this means millions of Americans could have unknowingly consumed products from a supply chain tainted with human remains.

    Corruption Behind the Funeral Industry
    It doesn’t stop there. The business at the heart of this scandal, International Biological, is more than just a medical supplier. It’s allegedly been illegally trafficking human body parts for years, all under the guise of education and medical purposes. And who’s behind this? Art Rathburn, a mortician licensed in Michigan for over 30 years, now exposed as the orchestrator of this gruesome operation.

    What Does This Mean for You?
    Let’s be real: if these remains made it into the food chain, this is the biggest scandal McDonald’s has ever faced. The implications? Terrifying. Think about the consequences of human remains mixing into what’s supposed to be your fast-food meal. This isn't just a fast-food issue; it’s a wake-up call to rethink everything we trust about the food industry.

    The Truth is Unfolding, And It’s Darker Than You Think
    The FBI is still piecing this together, but what we know now should have every American questioning the integrity of what’s really on their plate. Is this just one supplier, or are there more secrets buried in the fast-food empire?

    Join, it's not too late!
    ALERT: FBI UNCOVERS HUMAN REMAINS IN MCDONALD’S MEAT SUPPLY? THE DARK TRUTH YOU WON’T BELIEVE The FBI just uncovered something straight out of a nightmare: human remains found at a Detroit business tied to McDonald’s meat supply. This isn’t just another rumor – it’s a revelation that could shake the fast-food industry to its core and expose the darkest side of the American food chain. What’s Happening? A routine investigation spiraled into a horror show when the FBI stumbled upon boxes of human body parts at a business that allegedly supplies meat to McDonald’s. This isn’t a simple case of spoiled meat—this is far more sinister. Human remains, body parts, and a twisted network of illegal activity now at the forefront of this explosive story. If true, this means millions of Americans could have unknowingly consumed products from a supply chain tainted with human remains. Corruption Behind the Funeral Industry It doesn’t stop there. The business at the heart of this scandal, International Biological, is more than just a medical supplier. It’s allegedly been illegally trafficking human body parts for years, all under the guise of education and medical purposes. And who’s behind this? Art Rathburn, a mortician licensed in Michigan for over 30 years, now exposed as the orchestrator of this gruesome operation. What Does This Mean for You? Let’s be real: if these remains made it into the food chain, this is the biggest scandal McDonald’s has ever faced. The implications? Terrifying. Think about the consequences of human remains mixing into what’s supposed to be your fast-food meal. This isn't just a fast-food issue; it’s a wake-up call to rethink everything we trust about the food industry. The Truth is Unfolding, And It’s Darker Than You Think The FBI is still piecing this together, but what we know now should have every American questioning the integrity of what’s really on their plate. Is this just one supplier, or are there more secrets buried in the fast-food empire? Join, it's not too late! 👇 https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordJ ✅️
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  • Who Owns the World?
    October 29, 2021

    Dr. Mercola, Guest
    Waking Times

    Until recently, it appeared economic competition had been driving the rise and fall of small and large companies across the U.S. Supposedly, PepsiCo is Coca Cola’s competitor, Apple and Android vie for your loyalty and drug companies battle for your health care dollars. However, all of that turns out to be an illusion.

    Since the mid-1970s, two corporations — Vanguard and Blackrock — have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America’s strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind.

    Indeed, the global economy may be the greatest illusionary trick ever pulled over the eyes of people around the world. To understand what’s really going on, watch Tim Gielen’s hour-long documentary, “MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World?” above.

    Corporate Domination

    As noted by Gielen, who narrates the film, a handful of mega corporations — private investment companies — dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. These investment firms are so enormous, they control the money flow worldwide. So, how does this scheme work?

    While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In reality, all packaged food brands, for example, are owned by a dozen or so larger parent companies.

    Pepsi Co. owns a long list of food, beverage and snack brands, as does Coca-Cola, Nestle, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Unilever, Mars, Kraft Heinz, Mondelez, Danone and Associated British Foods. Together, these parent companies monopolize the packaged food industry, as virtually every food brand available belongs to one of them.

    These companies are publicly traded and are run by boards, where the largest shareholders have power over the decision making. This is where it gets interesting, because when you look up who the largest shareholders are, you find yet another monopoly.

    While the topmost shareholders can change from time to time, based on shares bought and sold, two companies are consistently listed among the top institutional holders of these parent companies: The Vanguard Group Inc. and Blackrock Inc.

    Pepsi and Coca-Cola — An Example

    For example, while there are more than 3,000 shareholders in Pepsi Co., Vanguard and Blackrock’s holdings account for nearly one-third of all shares. Of the top 10 shareholders in Pepsi Co., the top three, Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation, own more shares than the remaining seven.

    Now, let’s look at Coca-Cola Co., Pepsi’s top competitor. Who owns Coke? As with Pepsi, the majority of the company shares are held by institutional investors, which number 3,155 (as of the making of the documentary).

    As shown in the film, three of the top four institutional shareholders of Coca-Cola are identical with that of Pepsi: Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation. The No. 1 shareholder of Coca-Cola is Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

    These four — Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway — are the four largest investment firms on the planet. “So, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are anything but competitors,” Gielen says. And the same goes for the other packaged food companies. All are owned by the same small group of institutional shareholders.

    Big Tech Monopoly

    The monopoly of these investment firms isn’t relegated to the packaged food industry. You find them dominating virtually all other industries as well. Take Big Tech, for example. Among the top 10 largest tech companies we find Apple, Samsung, Alphabet (parent company of Google), Microsoft, Huawei, Dell, IBM and Sony.

    Here, we find the same Russian nesting doll setup. For example, Facebook owns Whatsapp and Instagram. Alphabet owns Google and all Google-related businesses, including YouTube and Gmail. It’s also the biggest developer of Android, the main competitor to Apple. Microsoft owns Windows and Xbox. In all, four parent companies produce the software used by virtually all computers, tablets and smartphones in the world. Who, then, owns them? Here’s a sampling:

    Facebook — More than 80% of Facebook shares are held by institutional investors, and the top institutional holders are the same as those found in the food industry: Vanguard and Blackrock being the top two, as of the end of March 2021. State Street Corporation is the fifth biggest shareholder
    Apple — The top four institutional investors are Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation
    Microsoft — The top three institutional shareholders are Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation
    You can continue going through the list of tech brands — companies that build computers, smart phones, electronics and household appliances — and you’ll repeatedly find Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation among the top shareholders.

    Same Small Group Owns Everything Else Too

    The same ownership trend exists in all other industries. Gielen offers yet another example to prove this statement is not an exaggeration:

    “Let’s say we want to plan a vacation. On our computer or smart phone, we look for a cheap flight to the sun through websites like Skyscanner and Expedia, both of which are owned by the same group of institutional investors [Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation].

    We fly with one of the many airlines [American Airlines, Air France, KLM, United Airlines, Delta and Transavia] of which the majority of the shares are often owned by the same investors …

    The airline we fly [on] is in most cases a Boeing or an Airbus. Again, we see the same [institutional shareholders]. We look for a hotel or an apartment through Bookings.com or AirBnB.com. Once we arrive at our destination, we go out to dinner and we write a review on Trip Advisor. The same investors are at the basis of every aspect of our journey.

    And their power goes even much further, because even the kerosene that fuels the plane comes from one of their many oil companies and refineries. Just like the steel that the plane is made of comes from one of their many mining companies.

    This small club of investment companies, banks and mutual funds, are also the largest shareholders in the primary industries, where our raw materials come from.”

    The same goes for the agricultural industry that the global food industry depends on, and any other major industry. These institutional investors own Bayer, the world’s largest seed producer; they own the largest textile manufacturers and many of the largest clothing companies.

    They own the oil refineries, the largest solar panel producers and the automobile, aircraft and arms industries. They own all the major tobacco companies, and all the major drug companies and scientific institutes too. They also own the big department stores and the online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon and AliExpress.

    They even own the payment methods we use, from credit card companies to digital payment platforms, as well as insurance companies, banks, construction companies, telephone companies, restaurant chains, personal care brands and cosmetic brands.

    No matter what industry you look at, the top shareholders, and therefore decision makers, are the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and/or Berkshire Hathaway. In virtually every major company, you find these names among the top 10 institutional investors.

    Who Owns the Investment Firms of the World?

    Diving deeper, we find that these major investment firms are in turn owned by their own set of shareholders. One of the most amazing things about this scheme is that the institutional investors — and there are many more than the primary four we’ve focused on here — also own each other. They’re all shareholders in each other’s companies.

    At the top of the pyramid — the largest Russian doll of all — we find Vanguard and Blackrock.
    “Together, they form an immense network that we can compare to a pyramid,” Gielen says. Smaller institutional investors, such as Citibank, ING and T. Rowe Price, are owned by larger investment firms such as Northern Trust, Capital Group, 3G Capital and KKR.

    Those investors in turn are owned by even larger investment firms, like Goldman Sachs and Wellington Market, which are owned by larger firms yet, such as Berkshire Hathaway and State Street. At the top of the pyramid — the largest Russian doll of all — we find Vanguard and Blackrock.

    “The power of these two companies is something we can barely imagine,” Gielen says. “Not only are they the largest institutional investors of every major company on earth, they also own the other institutional investors of those companies, giving them a complete monopoly.”

    Gielen cites data from Bloomberg, showing that by 2028, Vanguard and BlackRock are expected to collectively manage $20 trillion-worth of investments. In the process, they will own almost everything on planet Earth.

    BlackRock — The Fourth Branch of Government

    Bloomberg has also referred to BlackRock as the “fourth branch of government,” due to its close relationship with the central banks. BlackRock actually lends money to the central bank, the federal reserve, and is their principal adviser.

    Dozens of BlackRock employees have held senior positions in the White House under the Bush, Obama and Biden administrations. BlackRock also developed the computer system that the central banks use.

    Who Owns BlackRock?

    While Larry Fink is the figurehead of BlackRock, being its founder, chairman and chief executive officer, he’s not the sole decision maker, as BlackRock too is owned by shareholders. Here we find yet another curiosity, as the largest shareholder of BlackRock is Vanguard.

    “This is where it gets dark,” Gielen says. Vanguard has a unique structure that blocks us from seeing who the actual shareholders are. “The elite who own Vanguard don’t want anyone to know they are the owners of the most powerful company on earth.” Still, if you dig deep enough, you can find clues as to who these owners are.

    The owners of the wealthiest, most powerful company on Earth can be expected to be among the wealthiest individuals on earth. In 2016, Oxfam reported that the combined wealth of the richest 1% in the world was equal to the wealth of the remaining 99%. In 2018, it was reported that the world’s richest people get 82% of all the money earned around the world in 2017.

    In reality, we can assume that the owners of Vanguard are among the 0.001% richest people on the planet. According to Forbes, there were 2,075 billionaires in the world as of March 2020. Gielen cites Oxfam data showing that two-thirds of billionaires obtained their fortunes via inheritance, monopoly and/or cronyism.

    “This means that Vanguard is in the hands of the richest families on earth,” Gielen says. Among them we find the Rothschilds, the DuPont family, the Rockefellers, the Bush family and the Morgan family, just to name a few.

    Many belong to royal bloodlines and are the founders of our central banking system, the United Nations and just about every industry on the planet. Gielen goes even further in his documentary, so I highly recommend watching it in its entirety. I’ve only summarized a small piece of the whole film here.

    A Financial Coup D’etat

    Speaking of the central bankers, I recently interviewed finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, and she believes it’s the central bankers that are at the heart of the global takeover we’re currently seeing. She also believes they are the ones pressuring private companies to implement the clearly illegal COVID jab mandates. Their control is so great, few companies have the ability to take a stand against them.

    “I think [the central bankers] are really depending on the smart grid and creepy technology to help them go to the last steps of financial control, which is what I think they’re pushing for,” she said.

    “What we’ve seen is a tremendous effort to bankrupt the population and the governments so that it’s much easier for the central bankers to take control. That’s what I’ve been writing about since 1998, that this is a financial coup d’etat.

    Now the financial coup d’etat is being consolidated, where the central bankers just serve jurisdiction over the treasury and the tax money. And if they can get the [vaccine] passports in with the CBDC [central bank digital currency], then it will be able to take taxes out of our accounts and take our assets. So, this is a real coup d’etat.”

    The Spartacus Letter

    Again, I urge you to watch the documentary at the top of this article, and keep an eye out for my interview with Austin Fitts, which will be published in the near future. In closing, I want to highlight a mysterious letter posted by an anonymous individual who goes by the name “Spartacus.”

    “COVID-19 — The Spartacus Letter” was originally posted on docdroid.net, but has since been deleted. Another copy can be found on mega.nz.1 The Automatic Earth2 and ZeroHedge3 have also published the letter in full. The letter starts out saying, “My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough”:

    “We are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight. We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw.”

    What follows is a compilation of data showing the COVID pandemic was a biowarfare attack that has been kept going using sophisticated psychological warfare tactics. It also reviews the dangers of the COVID shots, noting that the virus and the “vaccines” were made by the same entities.

    A summary of Spartacus’ findings is as follows. Each summary point is elaborated upon in later sections of the letter, which you can read in any of the three references provided.

    COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.
    Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder.
    Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.
    Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.
    The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one.
    Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV-2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.
    There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
    COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer interface (‘neural lace’) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China.
    Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present.
    The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables.
    A Criminal Conspiracy

    It’s a long letter, so I won’t reproduce the whole thing here. However, the following sections are of particular interest, with regard to a criminal elite that is orchestrating the destruction of life as we know it, in an effort to usher in a technocracy-led system of global governance and control:4

    “In November of 2019, three technicians at the Wuhan Institute of Virology developed symptoms consistent with a flu-like illness. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Ralph Baric knew at once what had happened, because back channels exist between this laboratory and our scientists and officials.

    December 12th, 2019, Ralph Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement (essentially, an NDA) to receive Coronavirus mRNA vaccine-related materials co-owned by Moderna and NIH.

    It wasn’t until a whole month later, on January 11th, 2020, that China allegedly sent us the sequence to what would become known as SARS-CoV-2. Moderna claims, rather absurdly, that they developed a working vaccine from this sequence in under 48 hours.

    Stephane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, was formerly the CEO of bioMerieux, a French multinational corporation specializing in medical diagnostic tech, founded by one Alain Merieux. Alain Merieux was one of the individuals who was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 lab.

    The sequence given as the closest relative to SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13, is not a real virus. It is a forgery. It was made by entering a gene sequence by hand into a database, to create a cover story for the existence of SARS-CoV-2, which is very likely a gain-of-function chimera produced at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and was either leaked by accident or intentionally released. The animal reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 has never been found.

    This is not a conspiracy ‘theory.’ It is an actual criminal conspiracy, in which people connected to the development of Moderna’s mRNA-1273 are directly connected to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their gain-of-function research by very few degrees of separation, if any. The paper trail is well- established.

    The lab-leak theory has been suppressed because pulling that thread leads one to inevitably conclude that there is enough circumstantial evidence to link Moderna, the NIH, the WIV, and both the vaccine and the virus’s creation together.

    In a sane country, this would have immediately led to the world’s biggest RICO and mass murder case. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, and Stephane Bancel, and their accomplices, would have been indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Instead, billions of our tax dollars were awarded to the perpetrators.

    The FBI raided Allure Medical in Shelby Township north of Detroit for billing insurance for ‘fraudulent COVID-19 cures.’ The treatment they were using? Intravenous Vitamin C. An antioxidant. Which, as described above, is an entirely valid treatment for COVID-19-induced sepsis, and indeed, is now part of the MATH+ protocol advanced by Dr. Paul E. Marik.

    The FDA banned ranitidine (Zantac) due to supposed NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine) contamination. Ranitidine is not only an H2 blocker used as antacid, but also has a powerful antioxidant effect, scavenging hydroxyl radicals. This gives it utility in treating COVID-19.

    The FDA also attempted to take N-acetylcysteine, a harmless amino acid supplement and antioxidant, off the shelves, compelling Amazon to remove it from their online storefront. This leaves us with a chilling question: did the FDA knowingly suppress antioxidants useful for treating COVID-19 sepsis as part of a criminal conspiracy against the American public?

    The establishment is cooperating with, and facilitating, the worst criminals in human history, and are actively suppressing non-vaccine treatments and therapies in order to compel us to inject these criminals’ products into our bodies …

    Conclusions: The current pandemic was produced and perpetuated by the establishment, through the use of a virus engineered in a PLA-connected Chinese biowarfare laboratory, with the aid of American taxpayer dollars and French expertise …

    Either through a leak or an intentional release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a deadly SARS strain is now endemic across the globe, after the WHO and CDC and public officials first downplayed the risks, and then intentionally incited a panic and lockdowns that jeopardized people’s health and their livelihoods.

    This was then used by the utterly depraved and psychopathic aristocratic class who rule over us as an excuse to coerce people into accepting an injected poison which may be a depopulation agent, a mind control/pacification agent in the form of injectable ‘smart dust,’ or both …

    They believe they can get away with this by weaponizing the social stigma of vaccine refusal. They are incorrect. Their motives are clear and obvious to anyone who has been paying attention.

    These megalomaniacs have raided the pension funds of the free world. Wall Street is insolvent and has had an ongoing liquidity crisis since the end of 2019. The aim now is to exert total, full-spectrum physical, mental, and financial control over humanity before we realize just how badly we’ve been extorted by these maniacs. The pandemic and its response served multiple purposes for the Elite:

    Concealing a depression brought on by the usurious plunder of our economies conducted by rentier-capitalists and absentee owners who produce absolutely nothing of any value to society whatsoever …
    Destroying small businesses and eroding the middle class.
    Transferring trillions of dollars of wealth from the American public and into the pockets of billionaires and special interests.
    Engaging in insider trading, buying stock in biotech companies and shorting brick-and-mortar businesses and travel companies, with the aim of collapsing face-to-face commerce and tourism and replacing it with e-commerce and servitization.
    Creating a casus belli for war with China, encouraging us to attack them, wasting American lives and treasure and driving us to the brink of nuclear Armageddon.
    Establishing technological and biosecurity frameworks for population control and technocratic- socialist ‘smart cities’ where everyone’s movements are despotically tracked, all in anticipation of widespread automation, joblessness, and food shortages, by using the false guise of a vaccine to compel cooperation.
    … The Elites are trying to pull up the ladder, erase upward mobility for large segments of the population, cull political opponents and other ‘undesirables,’ and put the remainder of humanity on a tight leash, rationing our access to certain goods and services that they have deemed ‘high-impact,’ such as automobile use, tourism, meat consumption, and so on.

    Naturally, they will continue to have their own luxuries, as part of a strict caste system akin to feudalism. Why are they doing this? Simple. The Elites are Neo-Malthusians and believe that we are overpopulated and that resource depletion will collapse civilization in a matter of a few short decades.

    They are not necessarily incorrect in this belief. We are overpopulated, and we are consuming too many resources. However, orchestrating such a gruesome and murderous power grab in response to a looming crisis demonstrates that they have nothing but the utmost contempt for their fellow man.

    To those who are participating in this disgusting farce without any understanding of what they are doing, we have one word for you. Stop. You are causing irreparable harm to your country and to your fellow citizens.

    To those who may be reading this warning and have full knowledge and understanding of what they are doing and how it will unjustly harm millions of innocent people, we have a few more words. Damn you to hell. You will not destroy America and the Free World, and you will not have your New World Order. We will make certain of that.”

    Like Waking Times on Facebook. Follow Waking Times on Telegram.

    Who Owns the World? October 29, 2021 Dr. Mercola, Guest Waking Times Until recently, it appeared economic competition had been driving the rise and fall of small and large companies across the U.S. Supposedly, PepsiCo is Coca Cola’s competitor, Apple and Android vie for your loyalty and drug companies battle for your health care dollars. However, all of that turns out to be an illusion. Since the mid-1970s, two corporations — Vanguard and Blackrock — have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America’s strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind. Indeed, the global economy may be the greatest illusionary trick ever pulled over the eyes of people around the world. To understand what’s really going on, watch Tim Gielen’s hour-long documentary, “MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World?” above. Corporate Domination As noted by Gielen, who narrates the film, a handful of mega corporations — private investment companies — dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. These investment firms are so enormous, they control the money flow worldwide. So, how does this scheme work? While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In reality, all packaged food brands, for example, are owned by a dozen or so larger parent companies. Pepsi Co. owns a long list of food, beverage and snack brands, as does Coca-Cola, Nestle, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Unilever, Mars, Kraft Heinz, Mondelez, Danone and Associated British Foods. Together, these parent companies monopolize the packaged food industry, as virtually every food brand available belongs to one of them. These companies are publicly traded and are run by boards, where the largest shareholders have power over the decision making. This is where it gets interesting, because when you look up who the largest shareholders are, you find yet another monopoly. While the topmost shareholders can change from time to time, based on shares bought and sold, two companies are consistently listed among the top institutional holders of these parent companies: The Vanguard Group Inc. and Blackrock Inc. Pepsi and Coca-Cola — An Example For example, while there are more than 3,000 shareholders in Pepsi Co., Vanguard and Blackrock’s holdings account for nearly one-third of all shares. Of the top 10 shareholders in Pepsi Co., the top three, Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation, own more shares than the remaining seven. Now, let’s look at Coca-Cola Co., Pepsi’s top competitor. Who owns Coke? As with Pepsi, the majority of the company shares are held by institutional investors, which number 3,155 (as of the making of the documentary). As shown in the film, three of the top four institutional shareholders of Coca-Cola are identical with that of Pepsi: Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation. The No. 1 shareholder of Coca-Cola is Berkshire Hathaway Inc. These four — Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway — are the four largest investment firms on the planet. “So, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are anything but competitors,” Gielen says. And the same goes for the other packaged food companies. All are owned by the same small group of institutional shareholders. Big Tech Monopoly The monopoly of these investment firms isn’t relegated to the packaged food industry. You find them dominating virtually all other industries as well. Take Big Tech, for example. Among the top 10 largest tech companies we find Apple, Samsung, Alphabet (parent company of Google), Microsoft, Huawei, Dell, IBM and Sony. Here, we find the same Russian nesting doll setup. For example, Facebook owns Whatsapp and Instagram. Alphabet owns Google and all Google-related businesses, including YouTube and Gmail. It’s also the biggest developer of Android, the main competitor to Apple. Microsoft owns Windows and Xbox. In all, four parent companies produce the software used by virtually all computers, tablets and smartphones in the world. Who, then, owns them? Here’s a sampling: Facebook — More than 80% of Facebook shares are held by institutional investors, and the top institutional holders are the same as those found in the food industry: Vanguard and Blackrock being the top two, as of the end of March 2021. State Street Corporation is the fifth biggest shareholder Apple — The top four institutional investors are Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation Microsoft — The top three institutional shareholders are Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation You can continue going through the list of tech brands — companies that build computers, smart phones, electronics and household appliances — and you’ll repeatedly find Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation among the top shareholders. Same Small Group Owns Everything Else Too The same ownership trend exists in all other industries. Gielen offers yet another example to prove this statement is not an exaggeration: “Let’s say we want to plan a vacation. On our computer or smart phone, we look for a cheap flight to the sun through websites like Skyscanner and Expedia, both of which are owned by the same group of institutional investors [Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation]. We fly with one of the many airlines [American Airlines, Air France, KLM, United Airlines, Delta and Transavia] of which the majority of the shares are often owned by the same investors … The airline we fly [on] is in most cases a Boeing or an Airbus. Again, we see the same [institutional shareholders]. We look for a hotel or an apartment through Bookings.com or AirBnB.com. Once we arrive at our destination, we go out to dinner and we write a review on Trip Advisor. The same investors are at the basis of every aspect of our journey. And their power goes even much further, because even the kerosene that fuels the plane comes from one of their many oil companies and refineries. Just like the steel that the plane is made of comes from one of their many mining companies. This small club of investment companies, banks and mutual funds, are also the largest shareholders in the primary industries, where our raw materials come from.” The same goes for the agricultural industry that the global food industry depends on, and any other major industry. These institutional investors own Bayer, the world’s largest seed producer; they own the largest textile manufacturers and many of the largest clothing companies. They own the oil refineries, the largest solar panel producers and the automobile, aircraft and arms industries. They own all the major tobacco companies, and all the major drug companies and scientific institutes too. They also own the big department stores and the online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon and AliExpress. They even own the payment methods we use, from credit card companies to digital payment platforms, as well as insurance companies, banks, construction companies, telephone companies, restaurant chains, personal care brands and cosmetic brands. No matter what industry you look at, the top shareholders, and therefore decision makers, are the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and/or Berkshire Hathaway. In virtually every major company, you find these names among the top 10 institutional investors. Who Owns the Investment Firms of the World? Diving deeper, we find that these major investment firms are in turn owned by their own set of shareholders. One of the most amazing things about this scheme is that the institutional investors — and there are many more than the primary four we’ve focused on here — also own each other. They’re all shareholders in each other’s companies. At the top of the pyramid — the largest Russian doll of all — we find Vanguard and Blackrock. “Together, they form an immense network that we can compare to a pyramid,” Gielen says. Smaller institutional investors, such as Citibank, ING and T. Rowe Price, are owned by larger investment firms such as Northern Trust, Capital Group, 3G Capital and KKR. Those investors in turn are owned by even larger investment firms, like Goldman Sachs and Wellington Market, which are owned by larger firms yet, such as Berkshire Hathaway and State Street. At the top of the pyramid — the largest Russian doll of all — we find Vanguard and Blackrock. “The power of these two companies is something we can barely imagine,” Gielen says. “Not only are they the largest institutional investors of every major company on earth, they also own the other institutional investors of those companies, giving them a complete monopoly.” Gielen cites data from Bloomberg, showing that by 2028, Vanguard and BlackRock are expected to collectively manage $20 trillion-worth of investments. In the process, they will own almost everything on planet Earth. BlackRock — The Fourth Branch of Government Bloomberg has also referred to BlackRock as the “fourth branch of government,” due to its close relationship with the central banks. BlackRock actually lends money to the central bank, the federal reserve, and is their principal adviser. Dozens of BlackRock employees have held senior positions in the White House under the Bush, Obama and Biden administrations. BlackRock also developed the computer system that the central banks use. Who Owns BlackRock? While Larry Fink is the figurehead of BlackRock, being its founder, chairman and chief executive officer, he’s not the sole decision maker, as BlackRock too is owned by shareholders. Here we find yet another curiosity, as the largest shareholder of BlackRock is Vanguard. “This is where it gets dark,” Gielen says. Vanguard has a unique structure that blocks us from seeing who the actual shareholders are. “The elite who own Vanguard don’t want anyone to know they are the owners of the most powerful company on earth.” Still, if you dig deep enough, you can find clues as to who these owners are. The owners of the wealthiest, most powerful company on Earth can be expected to be among the wealthiest individuals on earth. In 2016, Oxfam reported that the combined wealth of the richest 1% in the world was equal to the wealth of the remaining 99%. In 2018, it was reported that the world’s richest people get 82% of all the money earned around the world in 2017. In reality, we can assume that the owners of Vanguard are among the 0.001% richest people on the planet. According to Forbes, there were 2,075 billionaires in the world as of March 2020. Gielen cites Oxfam data showing that two-thirds of billionaires obtained their fortunes via inheritance, monopoly and/or cronyism. “This means that Vanguard is in the hands of the richest families on earth,” Gielen says. Among them we find the Rothschilds, the DuPont family, the Rockefellers, the Bush family and the Morgan family, just to name a few. Many belong to royal bloodlines and are the founders of our central banking system, the United Nations and just about every industry on the planet. Gielen goes even further in his documentary, so I highly recommend watching it in its entirety. I’ve only summarized a small piece of the whole film here. A Financial Coup D’etat Speaking of the central bankers, I recently interviewed finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, and she believes it’s the central bankers that are at the heart of the global takeover we’re currently seeing. She also believes they are the ones pressuring private companies to implement the clearly illegal COVID jab mandates. Their control is so great, few companies have the ability to take a stand against them. “I think [the central bankers] are really depending on the smart grid and creepy technology to help them go to the last steps of financial control, which is what I think they’re pushing for,” she said. “What we’ve seen is a tremendous effort to bankrupt the population and the governments so that it’s much easier for the central bankers to take control. That’s what I’ve been writing about since 1998, that this is a financial coup d’etat. Now the financial coup d’etat is being consolidated, where the central bankers just serve jurisdiction over the treasury and the tax money. And if they can get the [vaccine] passports in with the CBDC [central bank digital currency], then it will be able to take taxes out of our accounts and take our assets. So, this is a real coup d’etat.” The Spartacus Letter Again, I urge you to watch the documentary at the top of this article, and keep an eye out for my interview with Austin Fitts, which will be published in the near future. In closing, I want to highlight a mysterious letter posted by an anonymous individual who goes by the name “Spartacus.” “COVID-19 — The Spartacus Letter” was originally posted on docdroid.net, but has since been deleted. Another copy can be found on mega.nz.1 The Automatic Earth2 and ZeroHedge3 have also published the letter in full. The letter starts out saying, “My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough”: “We are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight. We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw.” What follows is a compilation of data showing the COVID pandemic was a biowarfare attack that has been kept going using sophisticated psychological warfare tactics. It also reviews the dangers of the COVID shots, noting that the virus and the “vaccines” were made by the same entities. A summary of Spartacus’ findings is as follows. Each summary point is elaborated upon in later sections of the letter, which you can read in any of the three references provided. COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs. Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder. Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater. Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs. The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one. Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV-2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal. There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer interface (‘neural lace’) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China. Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present. The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables. A Criminal Conspiracy It’s a long letter, so I won’t reproduce the whole thing here. However, the following sections are of particular interest, with regard to a criminal elite that is orchestrating the destruction of life as we know it, in an effort to usher in a technocracy-led system of global governance and control:4 “In November of 2019, three technicians at the Wuhan Institute of Virology developed symptoms consistent with a flu-like illness. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Ralph Baric knew at once what had happened, because back channels exist between this laboratory and our scientists and officials. December 12th, 2019, Ralph Baric signed a Material Transfer Agreement (essentially, an NDA) to receive Coronavirus mRNA vaccine-related materials co-owned by Moderna and NIH. It wasn’t until a whole month later, on January 11th, 2020, that China allegedly sent us the sequence to what would become known as SARS-CoV-2. Moderna claims, rather absurdly, that they developed a working vaccine from this sequence in under 48 hours. Stephane Bancel, the current CEO of Moderna, was formerly the CEO of bioMerieux, a French multinational corporation specializing in medical diagnostic tech, founded by one Alain Merieux. Alain Merieux was one of the individuals who was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 lab. The sequence given as the closest relative to SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13, is not a real virus. It is a forgery. It was made by entering a gene sequence by hand into a database, to create a cover story for the existence of SARS-CoV-2, which is very likely a gain-of-function chimera produced at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and was either leaked by accident or intentionally released. The animal reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 has never been found. This is not a conspiracy ‘theory.’ It is an actual criminal conspiracy, in which people connected to the development of Moderna’s mRNA-1273 are directly connected to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their gain-of-function research by very few degrees of separation, if any. The paper trail is well- established. The lab-leak theory has been suppressed because pulling that thread leads one to inevitably conclude that there is enough circumstantial evidence to link Moderna, the NIH, the WIV, and both the vaccine and the virus’s creation together. In a sane country, this would have immediately led to the world’s biggest RICO and mass murder case. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, and Stephane Bancel, and their accomplices, would have been indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Instead, billions of our tax dollars were awarded to the perpetrators. The FBI raided Allure Medical in Shelby Township north of Detroit for billing insurance for ‘fraudulent COVID-19 cures.’ The treatment they were using? Intravenous Vitamin C. An antioxidant. Which, as described above, is an entirely valid treatment for COVID-19-induced sepsis, and indeed, is now part of the MATH+ protocol advanced by Dr. Paul E. Marik. The FDA banned ranitidine (Zantac) due to supposed NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine) contamination. Ranitidine is not only an H2 blocker used as antacid, but also has a powerful antioxidant effect, scavenging hydroxyl radicals. This gives it utility in treating COVID-19. The FDA also attempted to take N-acetylcysteine, a harmless amino acid supplement and antioxidant, off the shelves, compelling Amazon to remove it from their online storefront. This leaves us with a chilling question: did the FDA knowingly suppress antioxidants useful for treating COVID-19 sepsis as part of a criminal conspiracy against the American public? The establishment is cooperating with, and facilitating, the worst criminals in human history, and are actively suppressing non-vaccine treatments and therapies in order to compel us to inject these criminals’ products into our bodies … Conclusions: The current pandemic was produced and perpetuated by the establishment, through the use of a virus engineered in a PLA-connected Chinese biowarfare laboratory, with the aid of American taxpayer dollars and French expertise … Either through a leak or an intentional release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a deadly SARS strain is now endemic across the globe, after the WHO and CDC and public officials first downplayed the risks, and then intentionally incited a panic and lockdowns that jeopardized people’s health and their livelihoods. This was then used by the utterly depraved and psychopathic aristocratic class who rule over us as an excuse to coerce people into accepting an injected poison which may be a depopulation agent, a mind control/pacification agent in the form of injectable ‘smart dust,’ or both … They believe they can get away with this by weaponizing the social stigma of vaccine refusal. They are incorrect. Their motives are clear and obvious to anyone who has been paying attention. These megalomaniacs have raided the pension funds of the free world. Wall Street is insolvent and has had an ongoing liquidity crisis since the end of 2019. The aim now is to exert total, full-spectrum physical, mental, and financial control over humanity before we realize just how badly we’ve been extorted by these maniacs. The pandemic and its response served multiple purposes for the Elite: Concealing a depression brought on by the usurious plunder of our economies conducted by rentier-capitalists and absentee owners who produce absolutely nothing of any value to society whatsoever … Destroying small businesses and eroding the middle class. Transferring trillions of dollars of wealth from the American public and into the pockets of billionaires and special interests. Engaging in insider trading, buying stock in biotech companies and shorting brick-and-mortar businesses and travel companies, with the aim of collapsing face-to-face commerce and tourism and replacing it with e-commerce and servitization. Creating a casus belli for war with China, encouraging us to attack them, wasting American lives and treasure and driving us to the brink of nuclear Armageddon. Establishing technological and biosecurity frameworks for population control and technocratic- socialist ‘smart cities’ where everyone’s movements are despotically tracked, all in anticipation of widespread automation, joblessness, and food shortages, by using the false guise of a vaccine to compel cooperation. … The Elites are trying to pull up the ladder, erase upward mobility for large segments of the population, cull political opponents and other ‘undesirables,’ and put the remainder of humanity on a tight leash, rationing our access to certain goods and services that they have deemed ‘high-impact,’ such as automobile use, tourism, meat consumption, and so on. Naturally, they will continue to have their own luxuries, as part of a strict caste system akin to feudalism. Why are they doing this? Simple. The Elites are Neo-Malthusians and believe that we are overpopulated and that resource depletion will collapse civilization in a matter of a few short decades. They are not necessarily incorrect in this belief. We are overpopulated, and we are consuming too many resources. However, orchestrating such a gruesome and murderous power grab in response to a looming crisis demonstrates that they have nothing but the utmost contempt for their fellow man. To those who are participating in this disgusting farce without any understanding of what they are doing, we have one word for you. Stop. You are causing irreparable harm to your country and to your fellow citizens. To those who may be reading this warning and have full knowledge and understanding of what they are doing and how it will unjustly harm millions of innocent people, we have a few more words. Damn you to hell. You will not destroy America and the Free World, and you will not have your New World Order. We will make certain of that.” Like Waking Times on Facebook. Follow Waking Times on Telegram. https://www.wakingtimes.com/who-owns-the-world/
    Who Owns the World?
    Dr. Mercola - Since the mid-1970s, two corporations — Vanguard and Blackrock — have gobbled up most companies in the world.
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