• Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics
    Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    Morphology and composition of incrustants in different conditions. (a) Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of bare-polystyrene (PS, 1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates formed in tap water at different temperatures (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 40 mL, 25–100 oC); (b) SEM images of bare-PS (1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates in different water hardness upon boiling (60–300 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); (c) SEM images of bare-PS and incrustant coprecipitates in different PS concentrations (1 μm, 0–5 mg L–1) upon boiling of tap water (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); and (d) SEM images and (e) X-ray diffraction patterns of bare-, carboxyl-, and amino-PS and incrustant coprecipitates upon boiling of tap water (1 and 0.1 μm, 1 mg L–1, 180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC).


    This is a hopeful article explaining the methodology to decontaminate drinking water. This is very important because we do know that all bottled water is contaminated. You can read that study here:

    Study Shows A Quarter Million Nanoparticle Polymers Per Liter In Water Bottles - Same Polymers Found As In Moderna Patent For Covid 19 Shots, Morgellons Filaments, Blood & Rubbery Clots

    The abstract states:

    Tap water nano/microplastics (NMPs) escaping from centralized water treatment systems are of increasing global concern, because they pose potential health risk to humans via water consumption. Drinking boiled water, an ancient tradition in some Asian countries, is supposedly beneficial for human health, as boiling can remove some chemicals and most biological substances. However, it remains unclear whether boiling is effective in removing NMPs in tap water. Herein we present evidence that polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs can coprecipitate with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) incrustants in tap water upon boiling. Boiling hard water (>120 mg L–1 of CaCO3) can remove at least 80% of polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs size between 0.1 and 150 μm. Elevated temperatures promote CaCO3 nucleation on NMPs, resulting in the encapsulation and aggregation of NMPs within CaCO3 incrustants. This simple boiling-water strategy can “decontaminate” NMPs from household tap water and has the potential for harmlessly alleviating human intake of NMPs through water consumption.

    Here is the ACS article:

    Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics

    Here is the sciencedaily write up:

    Want fewer microplastics in your tap water? Try boiling it first

    Contamination of water supplies with nano- and microplastics (NMPs), which can be as small as one thousandth of a millimeter in diameter or as large as 5 millimeters, has become increasingly common. The effects of these particles on human health are still under investigation, though current studies suggest that ingesting them could affect the gut microbiome. Some advanced drinking water filtration systems capture NMPs, but simple, inexpensive methods are needed to substantially help reduce human plastic consumption. So, Zhanjun Li, Eddy Zeng and colleagues wanted to see whether boiling could be an effective method to help remove NMPs from both hard and soft tap water.

    The researchers collected samples of hard tap water from Guangzhou, China, and spiked them with different amounts of NMPs. Samples were boiled for five minutes and allowed to cool. Then, the team measured the free-floating plastic content. Boiling hard water, which is rich in minerals, will naturally form a chalky substance known as limescale, or calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Results from these experiments indicated that as the water temperature increased, CaCO3 formed incrustants, or crystalline structures, which encapsulated the plastic particles. Zeng says that over time, these incrustants would build up like typical limescale, at which point they could be scrubbed away to remove the NMPs. He suggests any remaining incrustants floating in the water could be removed by pouring it through a simple filter such as a coffee filter.

    In the tests, the encapsulation effect was more pronounced in harder water -- in a sample containing 300 milligrams of CaCO3 per liter of water, up to 90% of free-floating MNPs were removed after boiling. However, even in soft water samples (less than 60 milligrams CaCO3 per liter), boiling still removed around 25% of NMPs. The researchers say that this work could provide a simple, yet effective, method to reduce NMP consumption.

    From the paper supplemental information

    Results. Boiling hard water can remove most PS, PE, and PP MPs, and PS, PE, and PP MPs precipitation efficiencies were 95 ± 4%, 81 ± 3%, and 90 ± 3%, respectively, at 100 oC. Increasing temperature accelerated the formation of incrustants on spherical, fragmented, and fibrous MP surfaces. MPs continued to be encapsulated by newly formed incrustants (Figure S2) and finally precipitated under gravity, confirming that spherical PS, fragmented PE, and fibrous PP MPs are able to coprecipitate with incrustants in tap water upon boiling. In concluding, the results with NPs in the main text were also applicable to MPs.

    Here are the polymer plastics found in drinking water throughout the world:

    Thank you to Karen Kingston, who brought this article to my attention.


    Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Morphology and composition of incrustants in different conditions. (a) Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of bare-polystyrene (PS, 1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates formed in tap water at different temperatures (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 40 mL, 25–100 oC); (b) SEM images of bare-PS (1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates in different water hardness upon boiling (60–300 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); (c) SEM images of bare-PS and incrustant coprecipitates in different PS concentrations (1 μm, 0–5 mg L–1) upon boiling of tap water (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); and (d) SEM images and (e) X-ray diffraction patterns of bare-, carboxyl-, and amino-PS and incrustant coprecipitates upon boiling of tap water (1 and 0.1 μm, 1 mg L–1, 180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC). ____________________________________________________________________________ This is a hopeful article explaining the methodology to decontaminate drinking water. This is very important because we do know that all bottled water is contaminated. You can read that study here: Study Shows A Quarter Million Nanoparticle Polymers Per Liter In Water Bottles - Same Polymers Found As In Moderna Patent For Covid 19 Shots, Morgellons Filaments, Blood & Rubbery Clots The abstract states: Tap water nano/microplastics (NMPs) escaping from centralized water treatment systems are of increasing global concern, because they pose potential health risk to humans via water consumption. Drinking boiled water, an ancient tradition in some Asian countries, is supposedly beneficial for human health, as boiling can remove some chemicals and most biological substances. However, it remains unclear whether boiling is effective in removing NMPs in tap water. Herein we present evidence that polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs can coprecipitate with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) incrustants in tap water upon boiling. Boiling hard water (>120 mg L–1 of CaCO3) can remove at least 80% of polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs size between 0.1 and 150 μm. Elevated temperatures promote CaCO3 nucleation on NMPs, resulting in the encapsulation and aggregation of NMPs within CaCO3 incrustants. This simple boiling-water strategy can “decontaminate” NMPs from household tap water and has the potential for harmlessly alleviating human intake of NMPs through water consumption. Here is the ACS article: Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics Here is the sciencedaily write up: Want fewer microplastics in your tap water? Try boiling it first Contamination of water supplies with nano- and microplastics (NMPs), which can be as small as one thousandth of a millimeter in diameter or as large as 5 millimeters, has become increasingly common. The effects of these particles on human health are still under investigation, though current studies suggest that ingesting them could affect the gut microbiome. Some advanced drinking water filtration systems capture NMPs, but simple, inexpensive methods are needed to substantially help reduce human plastic consumption. So, Zhanjun Li, Eddy Zeng and colleagues wanted to see whether boiling could be an effective method to help remove NMPs from both hard and soft tap water. The researchers collected samples of hard tap water from Guangzhou, China, and spiked them with different amounts of NMPs. Samples were boiled for five minutes and allowed to cool. Then, the team measured the free-floating plastic content. Boiling hard water, which is rich in minerals, will naturally form a chalky substance known as limescale, or calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Results from these experiments indicated that as the water temperature increased, CaCO3 formed incrustants, or crystalline structures, which encapsulated the plastic particles. Zeng says that over time, these incrustants would build up like typical limescale, at which point they could be scrubbed away to remove the NMPs. He suggests any remaining incrustants floating in the water could be removed by pouring it through a simple filter such as a coffee filter. In the tests, the encapsulation effect was more pronounced in harder water -- in a sample containing 300 milligrams of CaCO3 per liter of water, up to 90% of free-floating MNPs were removed after boiling. However, even in soft water samples (less than 60 milligrams CaCO3 per liter), boiling still removed around 25% of NMPs. The researchers say that this work could provide a simple, yet effective, method to reduce NMP consumption. From the paper supplemental information Results. Boiling hard water can remove most PS, PE, and PP MPs, and PS, PE, and PP MPs precipitation efficiencies were 95 ± 4%, 81 ± 3%, and 90 ± 3%, respectively, at 100 oC. Increasing temperature accelerated the formation of incrustants on spherical, fragmented, and fibrous MP surfaces. MPs continued to be encapsulated by newly formed incrustants (Figure S2) and finally precipitated under gravity, confirming that spherical PS, fragmented PE, and fibrous PP MPs are able to coprecipitate with incrustants in tap water upon boiling. In concluding, the results with NPs in the main text were also applicable to MPs. Here are the polymer plastics found in drinking water throughout the world: Thank you to Karen Kingston, who brought this article to my attention. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/drinking-boiled-tap-water-reduces https://telegra.ph/Drinking-Boiled-Tap-Water-Reduces-Human-Intake-of-Nanoplastics-and-Microplastics-04-02
    Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics
    Morphology and composition of incrustants in different conditions. (a) Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of bare-polystyrene (PS, 1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates formed in tap water at different temperatures (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 40 mL, 25–100 oC); (b) SEM images of bare-PS (1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates in different water hardness upon boiling (60–300 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); (c) SEM images of bare-PS and incrustant coprecipitates in different PS concentrations (1 μm, 0–5 mg L–1) upon boiling of tap water (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); and (d) SEM images and (e) X-ray diffraction patterns of bare-, carboxyl-, and amino-PS and incrustant coprecipitates upon boiling of tap water (1 and 0.1 μm, 1 mg L–1, 180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC).
    0 Comments 1 Shares 14583 Views
  • More Proof mRNA Shots Edit Human Genome
    New Study Again Shows LINE-1 "Junk DNA" Does The Dirty Work

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Could the mRNA shots edit germline DNA?
    Honest scientists have always been worried about retrointegration of foreign mRNA from “vaccine” shots into our own cellular DNA.

    This fear should have been allayed by rigorous genotoxicity safety studies before the mRNA shots where rolled out, but those studies were waived by the Big Pharma controlled FDA (with the DoD behind the scenes pulling all the strings).

    Previous research showed that this could theoretically occur in a human liver cancer cell line inside a controlled laboratory setting utilizing our own bodies reverse transcriptase enzymes that are upregulated in cancer cells.

    Naysayers still argued that this situation was impossible or at least extremely unlikely to occur in our bodies.

    Unfortunately there is now further proof that this really does occur, either right away after vaccination, or if not, then it’s even more likely to occur once a vaccinated individual catches COVID-19, as long as vaccinal mRNA remains present in the body (so far we know it remains in circulation for weeks and in the lymph nodes for months - likely far longer, since all the studies had to be stopped, presumably due to lack of funding, or out of fear of creating unpublishable papers since the news wasn’t looking good).

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    A new paper by Zhang et al, just released on Feb 13, 2023 proves that at artificially high concentrations in a lab setting, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can retrointegrate into our genome.

    Thankfully during natural infection such high levels of viral RNA do not typically occur, but … (you knew there had to be a “but”)

    … such high levels are induced by mRNA vaccination.

    So what the paper may actually prove in the roundabout way of most modern research (required for publication to ever happen in todays politically charged Big Pharma controlled publishing environment) is that the mRNA in the shots is in fact likely to retrointegrate into our cellular DNA.

    To dig into the details we need to start with a quick basic bio refresher:

    Understanding Genetics
    Nearly every cell in our bodies carries a full copy of our genetic code, or genome (the exceptions are red blood cells that have no genome, and sperm and egg cells that have half a genome since they are meant to combine with half of someone else's genome).

    Our genome is made up of individual genes encoded by DNA and bundled together into 46 chromosomes that are stored in a central compartment of our cells called the nucleus.

    In order to “read" the DNA code and convert it into the structure that makes up our bodies, it is first translated by a “reader” protein that writes it out into a new free floating molecule called mRNA for messenger RNA (the mRNA shots carry this messenger RNA, not modified RNA as some people think).

    The mRNA, unlike the DNA is not stuck inside the chromosome and it can exit the nucleus, going into the larger compartment called the cytoplasm of the cell, where its message is “read” and translated into an amino acid sequence that folds itself into a protein (either a body protein, or in the case of the shots the spike protein, or in the case of an RNA virus infection like SARS-CoV-2, all the proteins of the virus).

    Now going back to the nucleus: some of the individual DNA encoded genes can move around within their chromosomes and have therefore been described as "jumping genes" or technically speaking: transposable elements (TEs).

    Jumping genes!
    Some of these jumping genes (Class 1 TEs) use a copy and paste mechanism and others (Class 2 TEs), like the one in the cartoon depiction above, use a cut and paste mechanism.

    The Class 1 TEs (AKA retrotransposons) that use the copy and paste mechanism do so by translating their DNA into RNA and then converting the RNA back into DNA and inserting it somewhere else in the genome.

    The Class 1 TEs or retrotransposons, include within themselves the genetic code necessary to create their own protein enzyme to convert the DNA back into RNA, which is termed reverse transcriptase.

    Fun fact: retroviruses like HIV can be considered a special subtype of retrotransposon that can not only reinsert inside the same cell, but also travel to other cells “infecting” them and reverse transcribing into their genomes.

    In humans the only active jumping genes are from CLASS 1 TEs/retrotransposons and are called LINE-1 retrotransposons (LINE stands for Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements).

    LINE-1 retrotransposons were once considered to be junk DNA, they are usually inactivated, but can be turned on in aging cells, cancer cells, virus infected cells and in general in any cell subjected to significant stress.

    Junk DNA, which makes up 98.5% of our genome, is still little understood. It may help regulate the activity of the other 1.5% of the genome that does code for proteins, is likely involved in genome evolution, and has been implicated in disease states like cancer, autism and dozens of genetic diseases.

    So, what’s been shown in this new paper by Zhang et al, is that a lab clone of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, when present in very high levels, does turn on LINE-1, which means it also turns on the LINE-1 reverse transcriptase enzyme, which it then makes use of to reverse transcribe itself into our DNA.

    But even worse: genome sequencing found the viral genetic code transcribed into our DNA not only in cells where LINE-1 was actively turned on, or overexpressed above baseline, but even in cells where it was not.

    Is Sangamo's Gene-Editing Approach a Bust? | The Motley Fool
    Then, instead of studying the LNPs and spike protein RNA used in the shots, the researchers (who valued their careers) used a different mechanism of delivering low levels of nucleocapsid RNA into the cells in the lab to see if they also up regulated LINE-1 expression and were integrated into the cellular DNA.

    Turns out this handicapped experiment did not up regulate LINE-1, or get taken up in detectable quantities by healthy cells, though it did lead to genomic uptake in cells that already had LINE-1 upregulated - which again happens in aging cells, cancer cells, virus infected cells or simply in cells under stress (perhaps from LNP and spike protein induced inflammation?).

    The study authors addressed the discrepancy in retrointegration between the viral clone and their handicapped version of an mRNA shot by theorizing there were:

    "...several possible explanations for the differences in the levels of retrotransposition in infected and transfected cells: (i) The relative abundance of viral RNA is almost 2 orders of magnitude higher in infected than in transfected cells which would increase the probability of association with LINE1 proteins; (ii) virus infection, but not viral mRNA transfection, can induce endogenous LINE1 expression; (iii) multiple factors during SARS-CoV-2 infection can inhibit the antiviral/anti-retrotransposition function of stress granules (48–53), which could increase retrotransposition.”

    The first theory is the most concerning.

    Based on what we know from a 2020 study by Xie et al that showed the very high levels of intracellular viral RNA achieved by infectious clones, we can extrapolate that in the current study by Zhang et al the concentration of mRNA achieved by the SARS-CoV-2 viral clone was likely about 1000X greater than the low levels typically found during a natural infection.

    In fact the levels of mRNA in each cell achieved by the viral clone in the current study are actually far more likely to be achieved by transfection into cells of LNPs in the shots carrying spike protein mRNA than they are during a natural infection.

    Life finds a way. - Reaction GIFs
    So if the authors first theory is correct, that the difference in retrointegration rates simply depends on the intracellular concentration of foreign RNA, then retrointegration is very likely to occur due to exposure to mRNA in the shots, and it is likely to dramatically increase in case someone who has received the shot later becomes infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus - since we know it upregulates LINE-1 expression, or if they are put under other stressors including the development of cancer, or by the stress of long COVID, chronic vaccine injury, autoimmune disease, autonomic dysfunction, POTS, MCAS, etc - all of which are also sadly enough triggered by the shot.

    This is less likely to happen in germ cell DNA - our sperm and egg cells - and lets hope it doesn’t happen, since we already know that the shots likely do transmit altered immunity from mother to child, if they also pass on the mRNA coding the spike protein itself then huge swaths of humanity may be forever genetically altered.

    Heres hoping the label “junk DNA” actually applies in this case…

    But, if you’ve been vaccinated: don’t worry!

    At mygotodoc we routinely reverse vaccine injuries and sincerely believe every disease has a cure.

    Fear is more likely to kill you than the shot (but do stop getting the boosters), and I mean that literally: fear destroys the immune system.

    A healthy immune system can keep any illness in check even if from a retrointegrated virus or viral mRNA fragment.

    There are a lot of unknowns, but don’t let that scare you. Take your health into your own hands and start making positive changes today.


    More Proof mRNA Shots Edit Human Genome New Study Again Shows LINE-1 "Junk DNA" Does The Dirty Work Dr. Syed Haider Could the mRNA shots edit germline DNA? Honest scientists have always been worried about retrointegration of foreign mRNA from “vaccine” shots into our own cellular DNA. This fear should have been allayed by rigorous genotoxicity safety studies before the mRNA shots where rolled out, but those studies were waived by the Big Pharma controlled FDA (with the DoD behind the scenes pulling all the strings). Previous research showed that this could theoretically occur in a human liver cancer cell line inside a controlled laboratory setting utilizing our own bodies reverse transcriptase enzymes that are upregulated in cancer cells. Naysayers still argued that this situation was impossible or at least extremely unlikely to occur in our bodies. Unfortunately there is now further proof that this really does occur, either right away after vaccination, or if not, then it’s even more likely to occur once a vaccinated individual catches COVID-19, as long as vaccinal mRNA remains present in the body (so far we know it remains in circulation for weeks and in the lymph nodes for months - likely far longer, since all the studies had to be stopped, presumably due to lack of funding, or out of fear of creating unpublishable papers since the news wasn’t looking good). Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share A new paper by Zhang et al, just released on Feb 13, 2023 proves that at artificially high concentrations in a lab setting, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can retrointegrate into our genome. Thankfully during natural infection such high levels of viral RNA do not typically occur, but … (you knew there had to be a “but”) … such high levels are induced by mRNA vaccination. So what the paper may actually prove in the roundabout way of most modern research (required for publication to ever happen in todays politically charged Big Pharma controlled publishing environment) is that the mRNA in the shots is in fact likely to retrointegrate into our cellular DNA. To dig into the details we need to start with a quick basic bio refresher: Understanding Genetics Nearly every cell in our bodies carries a full copy of our genetic code, or genome (the exceptions are red blood cells that have no genome, and sperm and egg cells that have half a genome since they are meant to combine with half of someone else's genome). Our genome is made up of individual genes encoded by DNA and bundled together into 46 chromosomes that are stored in a central compartment of our cells called the nucleus. In order to “read" the DNA code and convert it into the structure that makes up our bodies, it is first translated by a “reader” protein that writes it out into a new free floating molecule called mRNA for messenger RNA (the mRNA shots carry this messenger RNA, not modified RNA as some people think). The mRNA, unlike the DNA is not stuck inside the chromosome and it can exit the nucleus, going into the larger compartment called the cytoplasm of the cell, where its message is “read” and translated into an amino acid sequence that folds itself into a protein (either a body protein, or in the case of the shots the spike protein, or in the case of an RNA virus infection like SARS-CoV-2, all the proteins of the virus). Now going back to the nucleus: some of the individual DNA encoded genes can move around within their chromosomes and have therefore been described as "jumping genes" or technically speaking: transposable elements (TEs). Jumping genes! Some of these jumping genes (Class 1 TEs) use a copy and paste mechanism and others (Class 2 TEs), like the one in the cartoon depiction above, use a cut and paste mechanism. The Class 1 TEs (AKA retrotransposons) that use the copy and paste mechanism do so by translating their DNA into RNA and then converting the RNA back into DNA and inserting it somewhere else in the genome. The Class 1 TEs or retrotransposons, include within themselves the genetic code necessary to create their own protein enzyme to convert the DNA back into RNA, which is termed reverse transcriptase. Fun fact: retroviruses like HIV can be considered a special subtype of retrotransposon that can not only reinsert inside the same cell, but also travel to other cells “infecting” them and reverse transcribing into their genomes. In humans the only active jumping genes are from CLASS 1 TEs/retrotransposons and are called LINE-1 retrotransposons (LINE stands for Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements). LINE-1 retrotransposons were once considered to be junk DNA, they are usually inactivated, but can be turned on in aging cells, cancer cells, virus infected cells and in general in any cell subjected to significant stress. Junk DNA, which makes up 98.5% of our genome, is still little understood. It may help regulate the activity of the other 1.5% of the genome that does code for proteins, is likely involved in genome evolution, and has been implicated in disease states like cancer, autism and dozens of genetic diseases. So, what’s been shown in this new paper by Zhang et al, is that a lab clone of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, when present in very high levels, does turn on LINE-1, which means it also turns on the LINE-1 reverse transcriptase enzyme, which it then makes use of to reverse transcribe itself into our DNA. But even worse: genome sequencing found the viral genetic code transcribed into our DNA not only in cells where LINE-1 was actively turned on, or overexpressed above baseline, but even in cells where it was not. Is Sangamo's Gene-Editing Approach a Bust? | The Motley Fool Then, instead of studying the LNPs and spike protein RNA used in the shots, the researchers (who valued their careers) used a different mechanism of delivering low levels of nucleocapsid RNA into the cells in the lab to see if they also up regulated LINE-1 expression and were integrated into the cellular DNA. Turns out this handicapped experiment did not up regulate LINE-1, or get taken up in detectable quantities by healthy cells, though it did lead to genomic uptake in cells that already had LINE-1 upregulated - which again happens in aging cells, cancer cells, virus infected cells or simply in cells under stress (perhaps from LNP and spike protein induced inflammation?). The study authors addressed the discrepancy in retrointegration between the viral clone and their handicapped version of an mRNA shot by theorizing there were: "...several possible explanations for the differences in the levels of retrotransposition in infected and transfected cells: (i) The relative abundance of viral RNA is almost 2 orders of magnitude higher in infected than in transfected cells which would increase the probability of association with LINE1 proteins; (ii) virus infection, but not viral mRNA transfection, can induce endogenous LINE1 expression; (iii) multiple factors during SARS-CoV-2 infection can inhibit the antiviral/anti-retrotransposition function of stress granules (48–53), which could increase retrotransposition.” The first theory is the most concerning. Based on what we know from a 2020 study by Xie et al that showed the very high levels of intracellular viral RNA achieved by infectious clones, we can extrapolate that in the current study by Zhang et al the concentration of mRNA achieved by the SARS-CoV-2 viral clone was likely about 1000X greater than the low levels typically found during a natural infection. In fact the levels of mRNA in each cell achieved by the viral clone in the current study are actually far more likely to be achieved by transfection into cells of LNPs in the shots carrying spike protein mRNA than they are during a natural infection. Life finds a way. - Reaction GIFs So if the authors first theory is correct, that the difference in retrointegration rates simply depends on the intracellular concentration of foreign RNA, then retrointegration is very likely to occur due to exposure to mRNA in the shots, and it is likely to dramatically increase in case someone who has received the shot later becomes infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus - since we know it upregulates LINE-1 expression, or if they are put under other stressors including the development of cancer, or by the stress of long COVID, chronic vaccine injury, autoimmune disease, autonomic dysfunction, POTS, MCAS, etc - all of which are also sadly enough triggered by the shot. This is less likely to happen in germ cell DNA - our sperm and egg cells - and lets hope it doesn’t happen, since we already know that the shots likely do transmit altered immunity from mother to child, if they also pass on the mRNA coding the spike protein itself then huge swaths of humanity may be forever genetically altered. Heres hoping the label “junk DNA” actually applies in this case… But, if you’ve been vaccinated: don’t worry! At mygotodoc we routinely reverse vaccine injuries and sincerely believe every disease has a cure. Fear is more likely to kill you than the shot (but do stop getting the boosters), and I mean that literally: fear destroys the immune system. A healthy immune system can keep any illness in check even if from a retrointegrated virus or viral mRNA fragment. There are a lot of unknowns, but don’t let that scare you. Take your health into your own hands and start making positive changes today. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/more-proof-mrna-shots-edit-human https://telegra.ph/More-Proof-mRNA-Shots-Edit-Human-Genome-09-17-2
    More Proof mRNA Shots Edit Human Genome
    New Study Again Shows LINE-1 "Junk DNA" Does The Dirty Work
    0 Comments 0 Shares 20266 Views
  • SV40, a DNA Altering, Carcinogenic Contaminant, found in Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccines
    The ExposéMarch 17, 2024
    It’s not just the spike protein and the mRNA that are a problem. Both Pfizer and Moderna covid injections also have DNA contamination and Pfizer’s covid injection contains SV40 promoters.

    Microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around. This is DNA contamination. He found the contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials.

    During an interview with Peter Sweden, Sasha Latypova said that DNA contamination is “a huge problem because this is replication competent plasmid, it can then invade human cells, it can invade the bacterial cells that live in your gut. So, they go into the bacteria they replicate there, they replicate antibiotic-resistant genes…it can cause sepsis, it can cause cancer, all sorts of issues.”

    The World Council for Health (“WCH”) stated that a red line has been crossed. “DNA contamination of mRNA ‘vaccines’ poses a risk to everyone on the planet,” WCH said. “Replicable DNA, so-called plasmids, in both the monovalent and bivalent vaccines, which should not be there at all … We can only speculate how it will end, but what needs to happen today after the publication of the paper by McKernan et al (2023) is an immediate stop of the ‘covid-19 vaccine’ program.”

    In Pfizer’s mRNA injection, McKernan also discovered Simian Virus 40 (“SV40”) promoters which are tied to cancer development in humans. He emphasised that the SV40 found is a viral piece, it is not the whole virus. However, it still presents a risk of driving cancer.

    SV40 or Simian Virus 40 was the 40th virus found in rhesus monkey kidney cells when these cells were used to make the polio vaccine. This virus contaminated both the inactivated polio vaccine (“IPV”) and the oral or “live” polio vaccine (“OPV”) developed by Dr. Albert Sabin. When it was discovered that SV40 was an animal carcinogen that had found its way into the polio vaccines, a federal law was passed in 1961 that required that no vaccines contain this virus.

    Kanekoa The Great tweeted two audio/video transcripts. One of a recent interview with McKernan explaining his discoveries and another of a Japanese professor expressing his concerns about these discoveries. We have republished these transcripts below.

    Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

    DNA Contamination and SV40 Discovered

    McKernan joined Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz on Friday to warn that there is no quality control in the manufacturing process of these vaccines. If his findings turn out to be widespread, it could portend an even greater risk for anaphylaxis, blood clotting, developing resistance to antibiotics, gene integration risk, and long-term production of spike protein within the body. You can listen to an audio of the interview on Apple podcasts HERE.

    During the interview, McKernan said:

    “It’s in both Moderna and Pfizer. We looked at the bivalent vaccines for both Moderna and Pfizer and only the monovalent vaccines for Pfizer because we didn’t have access to monovalent vaccines for Moderna. In all three cases, the vaccines contain double-stranded DNA contamination. If you sequence that DNA, you’ll find that it matches what looks to be an expression vector that’s used to make the RNA…

    “Whenever we see DNA contamination, like from plasmids, ending up in any injectable, the first thing people think about is whether there’s any E. coli endotoxin present because that creates anaphylaxis for the injected. And, of course, your viewers and listeners are probably aware there’s a lot of anaphylaxis going on, not only on TV but in the VAERS database. You can see people get injected with this and drop. That could be the background from this E. coli process of manufacturing the DNA…

    “At least on the Pfizer side of things, it has what’s known as an SV40 promoter. This is an oncogenic virus piece. It’s not the entire virus. However, the small piece is known to drive very aggressive gene expression. And the concern that people, even at the FDA, have noted in the past whenever injecting double-stranded DNA is that these things can then integrate into the genome. If you’re not careful with how you manufacture these things, and you have excess amounts of this DNA, your concern for genome integration goes up…

    “If you get an SV40 promoter in front of an oncogene, you will end up with a high expression of a gene that can drive cancer, it will be a very rare event, but you don’t need many of these cells to be hit with something like this for it to take off. SV40 actually plagued, granted it was the full viral genome, not just the promoter, but this has plagued previous vaccine programs. The polio vaccine is one of them that they were concerned that this may have contributed to cancer from that vaccine. So, there’s a history of being concerned over SV40.

    “Having the promoter inside some of these vectors isn’t necessary. It seems to be superfluous oversight they could have eliminated, yet it’s still there because they ran this out the door so quickly, they didn’t really have time to get rid of superfluous parts of the plasmid. So, that piece of DNA is something we really need to pay attention to. We’ve made quantitative PCR assays to hunt for this. So several researchers around the globe are now running these assays to look for how much of this DNA is floating around after people have been vaccinated.”

    Further reading:

    Sequencing the Pfizer monovalent mRNA vaccines also reveals dual copy 72-bp SV40 Promoter, Anandamide (Kevin McKernan), 12 April 2023
    dsDNA variance in Pfizer Docs, Anandamide (Kevin McKernan), 20 May 2023
    McKernan, K., Helbert, Y., Kane, L. T., & McLaughlin, S. (2023, April 10). Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/b9t7m
    Plasmid DNA is a Known Pfizer Ingredient – NOT a Contaminant, Karen Kingston, 14 April 2023
    Japanese Professor Expresses Concern

    Japanese Professor Murakami of Tokyo University expressed his concerns over the alarming discovery of SV40 promoters McKernan had made. He said:

    “The Pfizer vaccine has a staggering problem. I have made an amazing finding. This figure is an enlarged view of Pfizer’s vaccine sequence. As you can see, the Pfizer vaccine sequence contains part of the SV40 sequence here. This sequence is known as a promoter. Roughly speaking, the promoter causes increased expression of the gene. The problem is that the sequence is present in a well-known carcinogenic virus.

    “The question is why such a sequence that is derived from a cancer virus is present in Pfizer’s vaccine. There should be absolutely no need for such a carcinogenic virus sequence in the vaccine. This sequence is totally unnecessary for producing the mRNA vaccine. It is a problem that such a sequence is solidly contained in the vaccine. This is not the only problem. If a sequence like this is present in the DNA, the DNA is easily migrated to the nucleus.

    “So, it means that the DNA can easily enter the genome. This is such an alarming problem. It is essential to remove the sequence. However, Pfizer produced the vaccine without removing the sequence. That is outrageously malicious. This kind of promoter sequence is completely unnecessary for the production of the mRNA vaccine. In fact, SV40 is a promoter of cancer viruses.”

    SV40, a DNA Altering, Carcinogenic Contaminant, found in Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccines The ExposéMarch 17, 2024 It’s not just the spike protein and the mRNA that are a problem. Both Pfizer and Moderna covid injections also have DNA contamination and Pfizer’s covid injection contains SV40 promoters. Microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around. This is DNA contamination. He found the contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials. During an interview with Peter Sweden, Sasha Latypova said that DNA contamination is “a huge problem because this is replication competent plasmid, it can then invade human cells, it can invade the bacterial cells that live in your gut. So, they go into the bacteria they replicate there, they replicate antibiotic-resistant genes…it can cause sepsis, it can cause cancer, all sorts of issues.” The World Council for Health (“WCH”) stated that a red line has been crossed. “DNA contamination of mRNA ‘vaccines’ poses a risk to everyone on the planet,” WCH said. “Replicable DNA, so-called plasmids, in both the monovalent and bivalent vaccines, which should not be there at all … We can only speculate how it will end, but what needs to happen today after the publication of the paper by McKernan et al (2023) is an immediate stop of the ‘covid-19 vaccine’ program.” In Pfizer’s mRNA injection, McKernan also discovered Simian Virus 40 (“SV40”) promoters which are tied to cancer development in humans. He emphasised that the SV40 found is a viral piece, it is not the whole virus. However, it still presents a risk of driving cancer. SV40 or Simian Virus 40 was the 40th virus found in rhesus monkey kidney cells when these cells were used to make the polio vaccine. This virus contaminated both the inactivated polio vaccine (“IPV”) and the oral or “live” polio vaccine (“OPV”) developed by Dr. Albert Sabin. When it was discovered that SV40 was an animal carcinogen that had found its way into the polio vaccines, a federal law was passed in 1961 that required that no vaccines contain this virus. Kanekoa The Great tweeted two audio/video transcripts. One of a recent interview with McKernan explaining his discoveries and another of a Japanese professor expressing his concerns about these discoveries. We have republished these transcripts below. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… DNA Contamination and SV40 Discovered McKernan joined Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz on Friday to warn that there is no quality control in the manufacturing process of these vaccines. If his findings turn out to be widespread, it could portend an even greater risk for anaphylaxis, blood clotting, developing resistance to antibiotics, gene integration risk, and long-term production of spike protein within the body. You can listen to an audio of the interview on Apple podcasts HERE. During the interview, McKernan said: “It’s in both Moderna and Pfizer. We looked at the bivalent vaccines for both Moderna and Pfizer and only the monovalent vaccines for Pfizer because we didn’t have access to monovalent vaccines for Moderna. In all three cases, the vaccines contain double-stranded DNA contamination. If you sequence that DNA, you’ll find that it matches what looks to be an expression vector that’s used to make the RNA… “Whenever we see DNA contamination, like from plasmids, ending up in any injectable, the first thing people think about is whether there’s any E. coli endotoxin present because that creates anaphylaxis for the injected. And, of course, your viewers and listeners are probably aware there’s a lot of anaphylaxis going on, not only on TV but in the VAERS database. You can see people get injected with this and drop. That could be the background from this E. coli process of manufacturing the DNA… “At least on the Pfizer side of things, it has what’s known as an SV40 promoter. This is an oncogenic virus piece. It’s not the entire virus. However, the small piece is known to drive very aggressive gene expression. And the concern that people, even at the FDA, have noted in the past whenever injecting double-stranded DNA is that these things can then integrate into the genome. If you’re not careful with how you manufacture these things, and you have excess amounts of this DNA, your concern for genome integration goes up… “If you get an SV40 promoter in front of an oncogene, you will end up with a high expression of a gene that can drive cancer, it will be a very rare event, but you don’t need many of these cells to be hit with something like this for it to take off. SV40 actually plagued, granted it was the full viral genome, not just the promoter, but this has plagued previous vaccine programs. The polio vaccine is one of them that they were concerned that this may have contributed to cancer from that vaccine. So, there’s a history of being concerned over SV40. “Having the promoter inside some of these vectors isn’t necessary. It seems to be superfluous oversight they could have eliminated, yet it’s still there because they ran this out the door so quickly, they didn’t really have time to get rid of superfluous parts of the plasmid. So, that piece of DNA is something we really need to pay attention to. We’ve made quantitative PCR assays to hunt for this. So several researchers around the globe are now running these assays to look for how much of this DNA is floating around after people have been vaccinated.” Further reading: Sequencing the Pfizer monovalent mRNA vaccines also reveals dual copy 72-bp SV40 Promoter, Anandamide (Kevin McKernan), 12 April 2023 dsDNA variance in Pfizer Docs, Anandamide (Kevin McKernan), 20 May 2023 McKernan, K., Helbert, Y., Kane, L. T., & McLaughlin, S. (2023, April 10). Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/b9t7m Plasmid DNA is a Known Pfizer Ingredient – NOT a Contaminant, Karen Kingston, 14 April 2023 Japanese Professor Expresses Concern Japanese Professor Murakami of Tokyo University expressed his concerns over the alarming discovery of SV40 promoters McKernan had made. He said: “The Pfizer vaccine has a staggering problem. I have made an amazing finding. This figure is an enlarged view of Pfizer’s vaccine sequence. As you can see, the Pfizer vaccine sequence contains part of the SV40 sequence here. This sequence is known as a promoter. Roughly speaking, the promoter causes increased expression of the gene. The problem is that the sequence is present in a well-known carcinogenic virus. “The question is why such a sequence that is derived from a cancer virus is present in Pfizer’s vaccine. There should be absolutely no need for such a carcinogenic virus sequence in the vaccine. This sequence is totally unnecessary for producing the mRNA vaccine. It is a problem that such a sequence is solidly contained in the vaccine. This is not the only problem. If a sequence like this is present in the DNA, the DNA is easily migrated to the nucleus. “So, it means that the DNA can easily enter the genome. This is such an alarming problem. It is essential to remove the sequence. However, Pfizer produced the vaccine without removing the sequence. That is outrageously malicious. This kind of promoter sequence is completely unnecessary for the production of the mRNA vaccine. In fact, SV40 is a promoter of cancer viruses.” https://expose-news.com/2024/03/17/sv40-a-dna-altering-carcinogenic-contaminant-found-in-pfizers-covid-19-vaccines/
    SV40, a DNA Altering, Carcinogenic Contaminant, found in Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccines
    It’s not just the spike protein and the mRNA that are a problem. Both Pfizer and Moderna covid injections also have DNA contamination and Pfizer’s covid injection contains SV40 promoters. Mic…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 14175 Views
  • The Shedding Disease
    What's going on and what to do about it

    Dr. Syed Haider

    Back in the 1300s during the Black Death plague outbreak in Europe, people were dropping like flies from this mystery illness. No one knew how it spread or how to protect themselves.

    Imagine their shock when some folks started getting sick without ever coming into direct contact with a plague victim!

    Turns out, the plague was spreading through fleas hitching a ride on rats. Even if you never touched a sick person, a plague-carrying flea could jump off a rat and bite you, infecting you with the deadly disease.

    Huge rat > truly gigantic flea > normal or tiny (?) peasant
    Crazy, right?

    Fast forward to today, and as most of you already know we might be facing a somewhat similar situation with the clot shots.

    For the FOBs (Fresh off the Boat from normie land), hear me out…

    So there's been a ton of stories popping up lately about unvaxxed people, mostly women, having all sorts of weird health issues after being around recently vaccinated folks.

    We're talking things like wacky periods, miscarriages, crazy autoimmune flares, cancers, strokes, etc, all in people who never got the jab themselves.

    At first it seemed like coincidence, but the reports kept piling up.

    It got many doctors scratching their heads (others like me didn’t scratch, we just knew) and wondering, could there be something to this?

    Man scratches head, Not me.
    Could vaccinated people be "shedding" something that's making unvaccinated people sick?

    There's a few theories flying around.

    One is that the spike proteins made by the vaccines are hitching a ride in tiny bubbles called exosomes that are released in breath, sweat, and other bodily fluids. So an unvaxxed person breathes in these exosomes and boom(!), the toxic spike proteins get into their body and start wreaking havoc. Some people seem super sensitive and react to even tiny amounts.

    Exosomes are just little bits of our cells membranes that bud off, and can carry anything inside them. In a way viruses are just a class of exosomes, but carrying genetic material that originated outside us (and then multiplied inside us).
    Another idea is that the vaccines are turning people into stealthy virus super-spreaders without them even knowing it. They might feel fine, but they could be carrying and shedding high amounts of virus to everyone around them. So it's not really something in the shot that's being shed, its that they catch COVID, have no symptoms and then just go around spreading COVID everywhere and it’s the COVID that causes the problem (sounds like Big Pharma cope to me, kind of like: it's all in their heads! So yeah, I’m not buying it either).

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    There's even studies showing the vaccines contain DNA junk from the manufacturing process that might be messing with our microbiome and turning vaxxed people into walking bio-hazards (this is more like it).

    Some theories are farther out there, like it’s some kind of energetic imbalance, or it’s graphene oxide, or even some kind of nanotech (all your cells are belong to us! not very convincing imo).

    This is not real! My take on the "flashing lights" in the nanotech videos: spinning particulate crystals dispersing incident light from the microscope? The apparently self-assembling structures: chemical gardens? The broadcasted MAC addresses? Put that sample in a Faraday cage and check it again.
    Anyway, regardless of the mechanism there’s something strange going on.

    The science is still new (there's not much of a career in studying this stuff), but evidence is beginning to stack up suggesting that this "vaccine shedding" stuff might be legit.

    Researchers are finding vaccine cooties like mRNA, spike proteins, and weird DNA bits in saliva, vaginal secretions, sperm, breast milk, even the air around vaxxed people.

    For the love of God don’t vax the kiddos.
    So what to do?

    Figure out your personal risk level. Some folks seem to be more sensitive than others, especially if you already have health issues (or had spike toxicity before). Might be smart to take extra precautions.

    Rain check: avoid swapping saliva or other Fun Time Activities with vaxxed people if you can, at least for a few weeks to months after they get the shot.

    Feed your body the good stuff to beef up your natural defenses. We're talking clean eats, plenty of Zzz's, and immune-boosting supps like the sunshine vitamin (I mean actual sunshine), as well as actual supplements like C, D, zinc, and quercetin.

    Consider adding some anti-shedding supplements to your arsenal, like

    DETOX [spike buster] to bust up clots or ivermectin to nuke those spike proteins. Work with a dialed in doc (i.e. me) to find the right combo for you.

    If you got mega-dosed with someone's shed, you might need to pull out the big detox guns like plasma donation (which is better tho the paid, or more expensive, less available therapeutic plasmapheresis), ozone therapy, ultraviolet blood irradiation, low-dose naltrexone, microbiome restoration (i.e. stool transplants, probably somewhere in South America or maybe Australia), or IV exosomes. We can help with a custom detox plan at mygotodoc.com (that's me).

    Don't forget to clean your space! Some have reported you can detoxify a room where shedding occurred using hypochlorous acid (Danolyte) or Chlorine Dioxide. UV light systems may also be able to zap any shed cooties floating around (plus they kills normal COVID too, bonus!)


    Bottom line, we need way more research on this shedding stuff ASAP. But until we know for sure it's not a thing, better safe than shedding or shed upon.

    We all have the right to choose what goes in our bodies, and that includes not getting stealth dosed with someone else's vaccine gunk.

    The health bigwigs need to step up and take this seriously stat (yea right - someone needs to take them to the woodshed, or just shed on them).

    Until then (forever?), keep your eyes open, trust your gut, and do what you gotta do to stay safe out there!

    And if you think you got shed upon, speak up and find a doc who will actually listen (again: moi).

    Shedding is no joke, but together we'll get through this and come out stronger on the other side.

    Drop a comment below and let me know if you’ve been shed upon, what you know works and what else we should do (Nuremberg 2.0, anyone?).


    The Shedding Disease What's going on and what to do about it Dr. Syed Haider Back in the 1300s during the Black Death plague outbreak in Europe, people were dropping like flies from this mystery illness. No one knew how it spread or how to protect themselves. Imagine their shock when some folks started getting sick without ever coming into direct contact with a plague victim! Turns out, the plague was spreading through fleas hitching a ride on rats. Even if you never touched a sick person, a plague-carrying flea could jump off a rat and bite you, infecting you with the deadly disease. Image Huge rat > truly gigantic flea > normal or tiny (?) peasant Crazy, right? Fast forward to today, and as most of you already know we might be facing a somewhat similar situation with the clot shots. For the FOBs (Fresh off the Boat from normie land), hear me out… So there's been a ton of stories popping up lately about unvaxxed people, mostly women, having all sorts of weird health issues after being around recently vaccinated folks. We're talking things like wacky periods, miscarriages, crazy autoimmune flares, cancers, strokes, etc, all in people who never got the jab themselves. At first it seemed like coincidence, but the reports kept piling up. It got many doctors scratching their heads (others like me didn’t scratch, we just knew) and wondering, could there be something to this? Image Man scratches head, Not me. Could vaccinated people be "shedding" something that's making unvaccinated people sick? There's a few theories flying around. One is that the spike proteins made by the vaccines are hitching a ride in tiny bubbles called exosomes that are released in breath, sweat, and other bodily fluids. So an unvaxxed person breathes in these exosomes and boom(!), the toxic spike proteins get into their body and start wreaking havoc. Some people seem super sensitive and react to even tiny amounts. Image Exosomes are just little bits of our cells membranes that bud off, and can carry anything inside them. In a way viruses are just a class of exosomes, but carrying genetic material that originated outside us (and then multiplied inside us). Another idea is that the vaccines are turning people into stealthy virus super-spreaders without them even knowing it. They might feel fine, but they could be carrying and shedding high amounts of virus to everyone around them. So it's not really something in the shot that's being shed, its that they catch COVID, have no symptoms and then just go around spreading COVID everywhere and it’s the COVID that causes the problem (sounds like Big Pharma cope to me, kind of like: it's all in their heads! So yeah, I’m not buying it either). Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share There's even studies showing the vaccines contain DNA junk from the manufacturing process that might be messing with our microbiome and turning vaxxed people into walking bio-hazards (this is more like it). Some theories are farther out there, like it’s some kind of energetic imbalance, or it’s graphene oxide, or even some kind of nanotech (all your cells are belong to us! not very convincing imo). Image This is not real! My take on the "flashing lights" in the nanotech videos: spinning particulate crystals dispersing incident light from the microscope? The apparently self-assembling structures: chemical gardens? The broadcasted MAC addresses? Put that sample in a Faraday cage and check it again. Anyway, regardless of the mechanism there’s something strange going on. The science is still new (there's not much of a career in studying this stuff), but evidence is beginning to stack up suggesting that this "vaccine shedding" stuff might be legit. Researchers are finding vaccine cooties like mRNA, spike proteins, and weird DNA bits in saliva, vaginal secretions, sperm, breast milk, even the air around vaxxed people. Image For the love of God don’t vax the kiddos. So what to do? Figure out your personal risk level. Some folks seem to be more sensitive than others, especially if you already have health issues (or had spike toxicity before). Might be smart to take extra precautions. Rain check: avoid swapping saliva or other Fun Time Activities with vaxxed people if you can, at least for a few weeks to months after they get the shot. Feed your body the good stuff to beef up your natural defenses. We're talking clean eats, plenty of Zzz's, and immune-boosting supps like the sunshine vitamin (I mean actual sunshine), as well as actual supplements like C, D, zinc, and quercetin. Consider adding some anti-shedding supplements to your arsenal, like DETOX [spike buster] to bust up clots or ivermectin to nuke those spike proteins. Work with a dialed in doc (i.e. me) to find the right combo for you. If you got mega-dosed with someone's shed, you might need to pull out the big detox guns like plasma donation (which is better tho the paid, or more expensive, less available therapeutic plasmapheresis), ozone therapy, ultraviolet blood irradiation, low-dose naltrexone, microbiome restoration (i.e. stool transplants, probably somewhere in South America or maybe Australia), or IV exosomes. We can help with a custom detox plan at mygotodoc.com (that's me). Don't forget to clean your space! Some have reported you can detoxify a room where shedding occurred using hypochlorous acid (Danolyte) or Chlorine Dioxide. UV light systems may also be able to zap any shed cooties floating around (plus they kills normal COVID too, bonus!) Share Bottom line, we need way more research on this shedding stuff ASAP. But until we know for sure it's not a thing, better safe than shedding or shed upon. We all have the right to choose what goes in our bodies, and that includes not getting stealth dosed with someone else's vaccine gunk. The health bigwigs need to step up and take this seriously stat (yea right - someone needs to take them to the woodshed, or just shed on them). Until then (forever?), keep your eyes open, trust your gut, and do what you gotta do to stay safe out there! And if you think you got shed upon, speak up and find a doc who will actually listen (again: moi). Shedding is no joke, but together we'll get through this and come out stronger on the other side. Drop a comment below and let me know if you’ve been shed upon, what you know works and what else we should do (Nuremberg 2.0, anyone?). https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/the-shedding-disease https://telegra.ph/The-Shedding-Disease-03-20
    The Shedding Disease
    What's going on and what to do about it
    0 Comments 1 Shares 12206 Views
  • ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 156: Israel deploys 15,000 troops in West Bank as Ramadan starts
    Ceasefire talks falter as Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson says Israel is using “deception and evasion.” Israel deploys thousands of troops in the West Bank and Jerusalem ahead of plans to restrict access to Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan.

    Mustafa Abu SneinehMarch 10, 2024
    Palestinians attempt to collect some personal belongings after returning briefly to check on what remains of their homes in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, on March 9, 2024. (Photo: Saeed Jaras/ APA Images)
    Palestinians attempt to collect some personal belongings after returning briefly to check on what remains of their homes in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, on March 9, 2024. (Photo: Saeed Jaras/ APA Images)

    31,045+ killed* and at least 72,645 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
    According to the Gaza Ministry of Health, 25 children in Gaza have died of malnutrition and dehydration since the beginning of March.
    423+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.**
    Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147.
    588 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.***
    *Gaza’s Ministry of Health confirmed this figure on Telegram channel. Some rights groups put the death toll number closer to 40,000 when accounting for those presumed dead.

    ** The death toll in West Bank and Jerusalem is not updated regularly. This is the latest figure according to PA’s Ministry of Health as of March 6.

    *** This figure is released by the Israeli military, showing the soldiers whose names “were allowed to be published.”


    Follow the Mondoweiss channel on WhatsApp!
    Key Developments

    Israel deploys 15,000 soldiers and military police in West Bank and Jerusalem ahead of Ramadan, including 5,000 reservists, 24 battalions, 20 Border Police companies, and two special forces units.
    Hamas’s Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson rules out any breakthrough in ceasefire talks, and describes Israel’s position as “deceptive.”
    Abu Obaida warns that Israel’s campaign of starvation against Palestinians in Gaza is affecting Israeli captives, some of whom “suffer from hunger, malnutrition and dehydration.”
    Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades announces names of four out of seven Israeli captives who died “due to the aggressive Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip.”
    25 Palestinian children have died of malnutrition and dehydration since March. The total death toll in Gaza surpasses 31,000 people, 72 percent of whom are women and children.
    Gaza City municipality says Israel destroyed a one-million-meter square of roads in the Gaza Strip.
    Gaza City municipality needs heavy vehicles and fuel supplies to clean rubble and nearly 70,000 tons of rubbish.
    Rescue teams transfer 37 bodies of Palestinian martyrs and 118 injured people to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir Al-Balah overnight.
    U.S. to send army vessel to Eastern Mediterranean to deliver aid and supplies to Gaza.
    Wafa reports that Israeli bombing of tents of displaced Palestinians killed 15 people in Al-Mawasi area, west of Khan Younis.
    Spain is considering recognizing a Palestinian state by 2027, according to Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.
    Ceasefire talks falter as Israel braces for Ramadan

    The meditated talks between Israel and Hamas have faltered after weeks of expectations and efforts to agree on a permanent ceasefire and the release of hostages and prisoners.

    The month of Ramadan is due to start tomorrow, March 11, and Israel is set to restrict access of Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank to the Al-Aqsa Mosque while it is bombing the Gaza Strip, starving Palestinians, and shunning calls to allow humanitarian supplies into Gaza.

    Ramadan is a month of fasting, prayer, and contemplation for millions of Muslims. But it has an extra layer of holiness for Palestinians in the West Bank, who are barred from entering Jerusalem all year round without an Israeli permit. Ramadan, hence, is an opportunity to reconnect with their capital city and pray in the Al-Aqsa.

    Israel’s plan to restrict access to Jerusalem marks an escalation and will likely lead to violence. Knowing this, the Israeli government has already deployed 15,000 soldiers and military police in the West Bank and Jerusalem since Friday. Those include 5,000 reservists, 24 battalions, 20 Border Police companies, and two special forces units.

    Hamas describes Israel’s position in ceasefire talks as “deceptive”

    It remains unclear if a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip can be reached on Sunday at the eleventh hour. Some Israeli officials appear to be optimistic that this could be done.

    According to Ynet, Israel’s external intelligence, the Mossad, involved alongside the CIA with the mediated talks with Hamas, said on Saturday evening that “contacts and cooperation with the mediators [of Qatar and Egypt] continue all the time in an effort to narrow the gaps and reach agreements.”

    For thousands of families in the Gaza Strip, they will spend Ramadan in tents, shelters, or amid the shattered walls and rubble of what is left of their bombed houses and neighborhoods.

    The 2.5 million Palestinians in Gaza are also barred entry by Israel to visit Jerusalem without a permit. Some of them, who were displaced from north Gaza since October, are now blocked from going back to their houses by Israeli forces stationed on Salah El-Din Street, which splits Gaza into north and south.

    The U.S. has exerted pressure on meditators to convince Hamas to agree to a six-week truce, including the month of Ramadan, in which hostages and prisoners would be released, and sufficient aid would be supplied.

    The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said on Saturday that “the ball is in their court,” referring to Hamas. “We’re working intensely on it and we’ll see what they do.”

    Hamas has been adamant that it will only agree to a permanent truce, which would end Israel’s bombing of Gaza and permit the return of thousands of families to north Gaza.

    During a speech on Friday evening, Abu Obaida, the spokesperson of Hamas’s Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, ruled out any breakthrough in the talks of a ceasefire.

    Abu Obaida said Israel was using “deception and evasion” during the talks, and its position was cloaked with “confusion and inconsistency”. He said that Hamas’s ultimate goal from any truce is “stopping [Israeli] aggression, Gaza’s reconstruction, and the withdrawal of [Israeli] forces” from the Gaza Strip.

    He warned that the campaign of starvation Israel is launching against the people of Gaza is affecting Israeli captives, some of whom “suffer from hunger and deprivation, lack of food and medicine, and suffer malnutrition, dehydration, and emaciation.”

    “The ball is in their court to save whoever of them can be saved,” Abu Obaida said, addressing Israelis and adding that the Israeli government “insists on receiving [the captives] in coffins.”

    Later, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades announced the names of four out of seven captives who died “due to the aggressive Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip, and we have [previously] disclosed the identities of three of them.”

    Rescue teams transfer 37 bodies to Al-Aqsa Hospital

    In the past 24 hours, Israeli forces committed eight “massacres” in various areas of the Gaza Strip, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health on Telegram, killing at least 85 people and injuring 130.

    The total death toll in Gaza has now surpassed 31,000 people, 72 percent of whom are women and children. The ministry added that 25 children have died of malnutrition and dehydration since March.

    Assem Nabih, a member of Gaza City’s emergency department, told Al-Jazeera Arabic that since October, Israel has destroyed one-million-meter square of roads in the Gaza Strip.

    The Gaza City municipality needs heavy vehicles and fuel supplies to clean rubble and nearly 70,000 tons of rubbish. Nabih said that insufficient aid is trickling into Gaza, while water in Gaza’s wells is drying out as summer approaches.

    On Sunday morning, Dr. Khalil Al-Daqran, the spokesperson of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir Al-Balah told Al-Jazeera Arabic that rescue teams transferred 37 bodies of Palestinian martyrs and 118 injured people to the hospital overnight.

    “However, we can’t treat all the injured due to the lack of capabilities and medical supplies,” he said, adding that all hospitals close to the Al-Aqsa Hospital are out of service.

    “What we are offering is modest medical care to the injured as there is not enough operation rooms,” Al-Daqran said, calling international organizations to send medical and fuel supplies urgently.

    U.S. sending army vessel to deliver aid to Gaza

    On Saturday evening, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said it is sending an army vessel to the Eastern Mediterranean, following President Biden’s State of the Union address on Friday, in which he pledged to build a floating pier near Gaza’s shore to facilitate the delivery of aid and food.

    “Besson, a logistics support vessel, is carrying the first equipment to establish a temporary pier to deliver vital humanitarian supplies,” CENTCOM wrote on the X platform.

    The floating pier would take up to 60 days to be built and was proposed by Biden after the U.S. airdropped aid on north Gaza in the past weeks, an expensive and cumbersome method to deliver aid, which killed five Palestinians as the parachutes malfunctioned last week.

    “There are more efficient and faster ways to get assistance to Gazans: Biden can pressure Israel to allow the entry of hundreds of aid trucks that are needed in the territory each day,” Mohamad Bazzi, the director of the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, wrote in The Guardian.

    “Instead, Biden and his administration are complicit in prolonging a war in which a U.S. ally has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians and is intentionally starving the population into submission,” he added.

    Israeli soldiers cheer killing of Palestinian during home raid

    The Israeli aggression on Gaza has entered six months. There is plenty of footage documenting Israeli brutality and acts of genocide. Lately, head-cam footage was released of Israeli soldiers cheering the killing of a 72-year-old Palestinian civilian with four bullets when they stormed a home in Gaza.

    Al-Jazeera Arabic also released Israeli drone footage showing a Palestinian child lying dead on the ground after being shot by Israeli forces near Al-Fakhura School in Jabalia, in north Gaza, in December.

    On Saturday, an Israeli bombing on a house of the Al-Nuwairi family west of Nuseirat camp in central Gaza killed ten people, Wafa news agency reported.

    Wafa reported that the Israeli bombing killed 15 displaced Palestinians in the Al-Mawasi area, west of Khan Younis. One Palestinian was killed and three injured when Israel bombed a vehicle driving on Salah El-Din Street near the city of Rafah, south of Gaza.

    In Gaza City’s Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, Israeli forces killed five Palestinians who were among people waiting for aid trucks to arrive near the Kuwait roundabout on Saturday. In Beit Lahia, an Israeli air raid on the house of the Abu Nasser family killed and injured several people, Wafa reported.

    Thousands of Palestinian students had attended a makeshift school in Rafah. Since October, students in the Gaza Strip have not attended lessons as their schools have either been bombed by Israel or turned into shelters. Palestinian kids were sitting on the ground in a “classroom” made of groundsheets and without a roof, Wafa reported.

    On Saturday, millions of people protested worldwide in cities of Hannover, Berlin, Paris, Tunis, Copenhagen, Milan, London, Manchester, Sarajevo, Seoul, and Auckland, among others, in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, calling for an immediate ceasefire.

    Spain to recognize Palestinian state by 2027

    Spain is mulling the recognition of a Palestinian state, however, by the year 2027, according to Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister.

    Sanchez’s mandate ends by 2027. He said on Saturday that he will put the recognition of a Palestinian state to vote by the Spanish parliament’s lower half.

    “We will do it because of moral conviction, because it’s a just cause, but also because it is the only way that two states – Israel and Palestine – can live together and co-exist in peace and security,” Sanchez wrote on X platform.

    Spain has been supportive of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip since October, and unlike other European countries who suspended funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), Madrid pledged to pay $22m extra to help UNRWA’s aid operations in Gaza.

    In the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces have arrested 7,505 Palestinians since October. Overnight, 15 Palestinians were detained from Nablus, Tubas, Ramallah, and Hebron, Wafa reported.

    A recent Israeli soldier’s arrest of a 7-year-old girl in Jenin was described as “kidnapping.” In released video footage, Israeli soldiers appear to drag the girl from her home into a military jeep as she resisted and pushed her into the vehicle.

    “Israeli army stormed Jenin city, in the West Bank, yesterday and kidnapped a 7 years old girl from her family’s house!” the Palestinian embassy in Romania wrote on X platform on Sunday.

    “This is not a first, they have long history of kidnapping and arresting Palestinian kids,” it added.

    Overnight, Israeli forces stormed Silat Al-Dhahr and Al-Fandqumiya villages, south of Jenin, and confiscated surveillance cameras.

    Wafa reported that Israeli forces raided several houses in the two villages following a shooting and booby trap attack on Israeli soldiers near the illegal settlement of Homesh last week, which injured seven Israeli soldiers.

    BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever.

    Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses.

    Support our journalists with a donation today.


    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 156: Israel deploys 15,000 troops in West Bank as Ramadan starts Ceasefire talks falter as Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson says Israel is using “deception and evasion.” Israel deploys thousands of troops in the West Bank and Jerusalem ahead of plans to restrict access to Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan. Mustafa Abu SneinehMarch 10, 2024 Palestinians attempt to collect some personal belongings after returning briefly to check on what remains of their homes in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, on March 9, 2024. (Photo: Saeed Jaras/ APA Images) Palestinians attempt to collect some personal belongings after returning briefly to check on what remains of their homes in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, on March 9, 2024. (Photo: Saeed Jaras/ APA Images) Casualties 31,045+ killed* and at least 72,645 wounded in the Gaza Strip. According to the Gaza Ministry of Health, 25 children in Gaza have died of malnutrition and dehydration since the beginning of March. 423+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147. 588 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health confirmed this figure on Telegram channel. Some rights groups put the death toll number closer to 40,000 when accounting for those presumed dead. ** The death toll in West Bank and Jerusalem is not updated regularly. This is the latest figure according to PA’s Ministry of Health as of March 6. *** This figure is released by the Israeli military, showing the soldiers whose names “were allowed to be published.” Advertisement Follow the Mondoweiss channel on WhatsApp! Key Developments Israel deploys 15,000 soldiers and military police in West Bank and Jerusalem ahead of Ramadan, including 5,000 reservists, 24 battalions, 20 Border Police companies, and two special forces units. Hamas’s Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson rules out any breakthrough in ceasefire talks, and describes Israel’s position as “deceptive.” Abu Obaida warns that Israel’s campaign of starvation against Palestinians in Gaza is affecting Israeli captives, some of whom “suffer from hunger, malnutrition and dehydration.” Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades announces names of four out of seven Israeli captives who died “due to the aggressive Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip.” 25 Palestinian children have died of malnutrition and dehydration since March. The total death toll in Gaza surpasses 31,000 people, 72 percent of whom are women and children. Gaza City municipality says Israel destroyed a one-million-meter square of roads in the Gaza Strip. Gaza City municipality needs heavy vehicles and fuel supplies to clean rubble and nearly 70,000 tons of rubbish. Rescue teams transfer 37 bodies of Palestinian martyrs and 118 injured people to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir Al-Balah overnight. U.S. to send army vessel to Eastern Mediterranean to deliver aid and supplies to Gaza. Wafa reports that Israeli bombing of tents of displaced Palestinians killed 15 people in Al-Mawasi area, west of Khan Younis. Spain is considering recognizing a Palestinian state by 2027, according to Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Ceasefire talks falter as Israel braces for Ramadan The meditated talks between Israel and Hamas have faltered after weeks of expectations and efforts to agree on a permanent ceasefire and the release of hostages and prisoners. The month of Ramadan is due to start tomorrow, March 11, and Israel is set to restrict access of Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank to the Al-Aqsa Mosque while it is bombing the Gaza Strip, starving Palestinians, and shunning calls to allow humanitarian supplies into Gaza. Ramadan is a month of fasting, prayer, and contemplation for millions of Muslims. But it has an extra layer of holiness for Palestinians in the West Bank, who are barred from entering Jerusalem all year round without an Israeli permit. Ramadan, hence, is an opportunity to reconnect with their capital city and pray in the Al-Aqsa. Israel’s plan to restrict access to Jerusalem marks an escalation and will likely lead to violence. Knowing this, the Israeli government has already deployed 15,000 soldiers and military police in the West Bank and Jerusalem since Friday. Those include 5,000 reservists, 24 battalions, 20 Border Police companies, and two special forces units. Hamas describes Israel’s position in ceasefire talks as “deceptive” It remains unclear if a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip can be reached on Sunday at the eleventh hour. Some Israeli officials appear to be optimistic that this could be done. According to Ynet, Israel’s external intelligence, the Mossad, involved alongside the CIA with the mediated talks with Hamas, said on Saturday evening that “contacts and cooperation with the mediators [of Qatar and Egypt] continue all the time in an effort to narrow the gaps and reach agreements.” For thousands of families in the Gaza Strip, they will spend Ramadan in tents, shelters, or amid the shattered walls and rubble of what is left of their bombed houses and neighborhoods. The 2.5 million Palestinians in Gaza are also barred entry by Israel to visit Jerusalem without a permit. Some of them, who were displaced from north Gaza since October, are now blocked from going back to their houses by Israeli forces stationed on Salah El-Din Street, which splits Gaza into north and south. The U.S. has exerted pressure on meditators to convince Hamas to agree to a six-week truce, including the month of Ramadan, in which hostages and prisoners would be released, and sufficient aid would be supplied. The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said on Saturday that “the ball is in their court,” referring to Hamas. “We’re working intensely on it and we’ll see what they do.” Hamas has been adamant that it will only agree to a permanent truce, which would end Israel’s bombing of Gaza and permit the return of thousands of families to north Gaza. During a speech on Friday evening, Abu Obaida, the spokesperson of Hamas’s Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, ruled out any breakthrough in the talks of a ceasefire. Abu Obaida said Israel was using “deception and evasion” during the talks, and its position was cloaked with “confusion and inconsistency”. He said that Hamas’s ultimate goal from any truce is “stopping [Israeli] aggression, Gaza’s reconstruction, and the withdrawal of [Israeli] forces” from the Gaza Strip. He warned that the campaign of starvation Israel is launching against the people of Gaza is affecting Israeli captives, some of whom “suffer from hunger and deprivation, lack of food and medicine, and suffer malnutrition, dehydration, and emaciation.” “The ball is in their court to save whoever of them can be saved,” Abu Obaida said, addressing Israelis and adding that the Israeli government “insists on receiving [the captives] in coffins.” Later, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades announced the names of four out of seven captives who died “due to the aggressive Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip, and we have [previously] disclosed the identities of three of them.” Rescue teams transfer 37 bodies to Al-Aqsa Hospital In the past 24 hours, Israeli forces committed eight “massacres” in various areas of the Gaza Strip, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health on Telegram, killing at least 85 people and injuring 130. The total death toll in Gaza has now surpassed 31,000 people, 72 percent of whom are women and children. The ministry added that 25 children have died of malnutrition and dehydration since March. Assem Nabih, a member of Gaza City’s emergency department, told Al-Jazeera Arabic that since October, Israel has destroyed one-million-meter square of roads in the Gaza Strip. The Gaza City municipality needs heavy vehicles and fuel supplies to clean rubble and nearly 70,000 tons of rubbish. Nabih said that insufficient aid is trickling into Gaza, while water in Gaza’s wells is drying out as summer approaches. On Sunday morning, Dr. Khalil Al-Daqran, the spokesperson of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir Al-Balah told Al-Jazeera Arabic that rescue teams transferred 37 bodies of Palestinian martyrs and 118 injured people to the hospital overnight. “However, we can’t treat all the injured due to the lack of capabilities and medical supplies,” he said, adding that all hospitals close to the Al-Aqsa Hospital are out of service. “What we are offering is modest medical care to the injured as there is not enough operation rooms,” Al-Daqran said, calling international organizations to send medical and fuel supplies urgently. U.S. sending army vessel to deliver aid to Gaza On Saturday evening, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said it is sending an army vessel to the Eastern Mediterranean, following President Biden’s State of the Union address on Friday, in which he pledged to build a floating pier near Gaza’s shore to facilitate the delivery of aid and food. “Besson, a logistics support vessel, is carrying the first equipment to establish a temporary pier to deliver vital humanitarian supplies,” CENTCOM wrote on the X platform. The floating pier would take up to 60 days to be built and was proposed by Biden after the U.S. airdropped aid on north Gaza in the past weeks, an expensive and cumbersome method to deliver aid, which killed five Palestinians as the parachutes malfunctioned last week. “There are more efficient and faster ways to get assistance to Gazans: Biden can pressure Israel to allow the entry of hundreds of aid trucks that are needed in the territory each day,” Mohamad Bazzi, the director of the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, wrote in The Guardian. “Instead, Biden and his administration are complicit in prolonging a war in which a U.S. ally has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians and is intentionally starving the population into submission,” he added. Israeli soldiers cheer killing of Palestinian during home raid The Israeli aggression on Gaza has entered six months. There is plenty of footage documenting Israeli brutality and acts of genocide. Lately, head-cam footage was released of Israeli soldiers cheering the killing of a 72-year-old Palestinian civilian with four bullets when they stormed a home in Gaza. Al-Jazeera Arabic also released Israeli drone footage showing a Palestinian child lying dead on the ground after being shot by Israeli forces near Al-Fakhura School in Jabalia, in north Gaza, in December. On Saturday, an Israeli bombing on a house of the Al-Nuwairi family west of Nuseirat camp in central Gaza killed ten people, Wafa news agency reported. Wafa reported that the Israeli bombing killed 15 displaced Palestinians in the Al-Mawasi area, west of Khan Younis. One Palestinian was killed and three injured when Israel bombed a vehicle driving on Salah El-Din Street near the city of Rafah, south of Gaza. In Gaza City’s Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, Israeli forces killed five Palestinians who were among people waiting for aid trucks to arrive near the Kuwait roundabout on Saturday. In Beit Lahia, an Israeli air raid on the house of the Abu Nasser family killed and injured several people, Wafa reported. Thousands of Palestinian students had attended a makeshift school in Rafah. Since October, students in the Gaza Strip have not attended lessons as their schools have either been bombed by Israel or turned into shelters. Palestinian kids were sitting on the ground in a “classroom” made of groundsheets and without a roof, Wafa reported. On Saturday, millions of people protested worldwide in cities of Hannover, Berlin, Paris, Tunis, Copenhagen, Milan, London, Manchester, Sarajevo, Seoul, and Auckland, among others, in support of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, calling for an immediate ceasefire. Spain to recognize Palestinian state by 2027 Spain is mulling the recognition of a Palestinian state, however, by the year 2027, according to Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish Prime Minister. Sanchez’s mandate ends by 2027. He said on Saturday that he will put the recognition of a Palestinian state to vote by the Spanish parliament’s lower half. “We will do it because of moral conviction, because it’s a just cause, but also because it is the only way that two states – Israel and Palestine – can live together and co-exist in peace and security,” Sanchez wrote on X platform. Spain has been supportive of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip since October, and unlike other European countries who suspended funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), Madrid pledged to pay $22m extra to help UNRWA’s aid operations in Gaza. In the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces have arrested 7,505 Palestinians since October. Overnight, 15 Palestinians were detained from Nablus, Tubas, Ramallah, and Hebron, Wafa reported. A recent Israeli soldier’s arrest of a 7-year-old girl in Jenin was described as “kidnapping.” In released video footage, Israeli soldiers appear to drag the girl from her home into a military jeep as she resisted and pushed her into the vehicle. “Israeli army stormed Jenin city, in the West Bank, yesterday and kidnapped a 7 years old girl from her family’s house!” the Palestinian embassy in Romania wrote on X platform on Sunday. “This is not a first, they have long history of kidnapping and arresting Palestinian kids,” it added. Overnight, Israeli forces stormed Silat Al-Dhahr and Al-Fandqumiya villages, south of Jenin, and confiscated surveillance cameras. Wafa reported that Israeli forces raided several houses in the two villages following a shooting and booby trap attack on Israeli soldiers near the illegal settlement of Homesh last week, which injured seven Israeli soldiers. BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever. Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses. Support our journalists with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/03/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-156-israel-deploys-15000-troops-in-west-bank-as-ramadan-starts/ https://telegra.ph/Operation-Al-Aqsa-Flood-Day-156-Israel-deploys-15000-troops-in-West-Bank-as-Ramadan-starts-03-11
    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 156: Israel deploys 15,000 troops in West Bank as Ramadan starts
    Ceasefire talks falter as Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson says Israel is using “deception and evasion.” Israel deploys thousands of troops in the West Bank and Jerusalem ahead of plans to restrict access to Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 16486 Views
  • ‘Too big to fail’ was bad enough for the banks. Now we have ‘too many to fail.’
    Last Updated: Feb. 13, 2024 at 1:20 p.m. ET

    People line up outside of the shuttered Silicon Valley Bank headquarters on March 10, 2023, in Santa Clara, Calif.
    Getty Images
    Almost a year after the mini banking crisis in the United States, it is worth revisiting the episode. Was it just a tempest in a teacup? Was there really a systemic threat, or was it just a problem with a few banks? Should the interventions by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury worry or comfort us?

    Recall that three mid-size U.S. banks suddenly failed around March 2023. The most prominent was Silicon Valley Bank, which became the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history, after Washington Mutual in 2008. Roughly 90% of the deposits at SVB were uninsured, and uninsured deposits are prone to runs. Making matters worse, SVB had invested significant sums in long-term bonds, the market value of which fell as interest rates rose. When SVB sold some of these holdings to raise funds, the unrealized losses embedded in its bond portfolio started coming to light. A failed equity offering then triggered a classic bank run.

    It is convenient to think that these issues were confined to just a few rogue banks. But the problem was systemic.

    When the Fed engages in quantitative easing (QE), it buys bonds from financial institutions. Typically, those sellers then deposit the money in their bank, and this results in a large increase in uninsured deposits in the banking system. On the banks’ asset side, there is a corresponding increase in central-bank reserves. This is stable, since reserves are the most liquid asset on the planet and can be used to satisfy any impatient depositors who come for their money. Unfortunately, a number of smaller banks (with less than $50 billion in assets) moved away from this stable position as QE continued.

    Historically, smaller U.S. banks financed themselves conservatively, with uninsured demandable deposits accounting for only around 10% of their liabilities. Yet by the time the Fed was done with its pandemic-era QE, these banks’ uninsured demandable deposits exceeded 30% of liabilities. Though that level was still far below SVB’s, these institutions clearly had drunk from the same firehose.

    Smaller banks were also more conservative about liquidity in the past. At the outset of QE in late 2008, banks with less than $50 billion in assets had reserves (and other assets that could be used to borrow reserves) that exceeded the uninsured demandable deposits they had issued. By early 2023, however, they had issued runnable claims (in aggregate) that were one and a half times the size of their liquid assets. Instead of holding liquid reserves, their assets were now more weighted toward long-term securities and term lending, including a significant share of commercial real-estate (CRE) loans.

    Thus, as the Fed raised interest rates, the economic value of these banks’ assets fell sharply. Some of the fall was hidden by accounting sleight of hand, but SVB’s sudden demise caused investors to scrutinize banks’ balance sheets more carefully. What they saw did not instill confidence. The KBW Nasdaq Bank Index duly fell by over 25%, and deposits started flowing out of a large number of banks, many of which lacked the liquidity to accommodate the sudden outflows. The risk of contagious runs across smaller banks was real, as was the possibly of the problem spreading more widely.

    The Treasury essentially took bank runs off the table, while the Fed provided banks the funds to accommodate the continuing — though no longer panicked — depositor outflows.

    Importantly, as private money flowed to large banks, very little flowed to small- and medium-size institutions. That is why the authorities had to come to the rescue. Soon after SVB’s demise, the Treasury signaled that no uninsured depositor in small banks would suffer losses in any further bank collapses.

    The Fed opened a generous new facility that lent money for up to one year to banks against the par, or face value, of the securities they held on their balance sheets, without adjusting for the erosion in the value of these securities from higher interest rates. And the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks) — effectively an arm of the U.S. government — increased its lending to stressed banks, with total advances to the banking system having already tripled between March 2022 and March 2023 amid the Fed’s policy tightening. Borrowing by small- and medium-size banks from these official sources skyrocketed.

    The Treasury essentially took bank runs off the table, while the Fed provided banks the funds to accommodate the continuing — though no longer panicked — depositor outflows. A potential banking crisis was converted into a slow-burning problem for banks as they recognized and absorbed the losses on their balance sheets.

    Just recently, New York Community Bancorp NYCB, -5.17%, which bought parts of one of the banks that failed in 2023, reminded us that this process is still underway when it announced large losses. With the Russell microcap index of small companies significantly underperforming the S&P 100 index OEX of the largest companies since March 2023, it appears that smaller banks’ troubles have weighed on their traditional clients: small- and medium-size companies.

    Where does that leave us? Although the situation could have been much worse if the Treasury and the Fed had not stepped in, the seeming ease with which the panic was arrested allowed public attention to move on. Apart from die-hard libertarians, no one seems to care much about the extent of the intervention that was needed to rescue the smaller banks, nor has there been any broad inquiry into the circumstances that led to the vulnerabilities.

    As a result, several questions remain unanswered. To what extent were the seeds of the 2023 banking stress sown by the pandemic-induced monetary stimulus and lax supervision of what banks did with the money? Did advances by the FHLBanks delay failed banks’ efforts to raise capital? Are banks that relied on official backstops after SVB’s failure keeping afloat distressed CRE borrowers, and therefore merely postponing an eventual reckoning?

    It is not good for capitalism when those who knowingly take risks — bankers and uninsured depositors, in this case — pay no price when a risk materializes. Despite sweeping banking reforms over the past 15 years, the authorities have once again shown that they are willing to bail out market players if enough of them have taken the same risk.

    “Too big to fail” was bad enough, but now we have “too many to fail.” The mini-crisis of March 2023 was much more than a footnote in banking history. We cannot afford to bury it.

    Raghuram G. Rajan, a former governor of the Reserve Bank of India, is professor of finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and the author, most recently, of Monetary Policy and Its Unintended Consequences (The MIT Press, 2023). Viral V. Acharya, a former deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, is professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business.

    This commentary was published with the permission of Project Syndicate — The Danger of Forgetting the 2023 Banking Crisis.

    More: Regional-bank bondholders seem unworried by New York Community Bank’s problems

    Also read: Recession in 2024? A quarter of economists think it will happen.

    PAR-TY… . https://www.marketwatch.com/story/too-big-to-fail-was-bad-enough-for-the-banks-now-we-have-too-many-to-fail-d89dcdda
    ‘Too big to fail’ was bad enough for the banks. Now we have ‘too many to fail.’ Last Updated: Feb. 13, 2024 at 1:20 p.m. ET People line up outside of the shuttered Silicon Valley Bank headquarters on March 10, 2023, in Santa Clara, Calif. Getty Images Almost a year after the mini banking crisis in the United States, it is worth revisiting the episode. Was it just a tempest in a teacup? Was there really a systemic threat, or was it just a problem with a few banks? Should the interventions by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury worry or comfort us? Recall that three mid-size U.S. banks suddenly failed around March 2023. The most prominent was Silicon Valley Bank, which became the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history, after Washington Mutual in 2008. Roughly 90% of the deposits at SVB were uninsured, and uninsured deposits are prone to runs. Making matters worse, SVB had invested significant sums in long-term bonds, the market value of which fell as interest rates rose. When SVB sold some of these holdings to raise funds, the unrealized losses embedded in its bond portfolio started coming to light. A failed equity offering then triggered a classic bank run. It is convenient to think that these issues were confined to just a few rogue banks. But the problem was systemic. When the Fed engages in quantitative easing (QE), it buys bonds from financial institutions. Typically, those sellers then deposit the money in their bank, and this results in a large increase in uninsured deposits in the banking system. On the banks’ asset side, there is a corresponding increase in central-bank reserves. This is stable, since reserves are the most liquid asset on the planet and can be used to satisfy any impatient depositors who come for their money. Unfortunately, a number of smaller banks (with less than $50 billion in assets) moved away from this stable position as QE continued. Historically, smaller U.S. banks financed themselves conservatively, with uninsured demandable deposits accounting for only around 10% of their liabilities. Yet by the time the Fed was done with its pandemic-era QE, these banks’ uninsured demandable deposits exceeded 30% of liabilities. Though that level was still far below SVB’s, these institutions clearly had drunk from the same firehose. Smaller banks were also more conservative about liquidity in the past. At the outset of QE in late 2008, banks with less than $50 billion in assets had reserves (and other assets that could be used to borrow reserves) that exceeded the uninsured demandable deposits they had issued. By early 2023, however, they had issued runnable claims (in aggregate) that were one and a half times the size of their liquid assets. Instead of holding liquid reserves, their assets were now more weighted toward long-term securities and term lending, including a significant share of commercial real-estate (CRE) loans. Advertisement Thus, as the Fed raised interest rates, the economic value of these banks’ assets fell sharply. Some of the fall was hidden by accounting sleight of hand, but SVB’s sudden demise caused investors to scrutinize banks’ balance sheets more carefully. What they saw did not instill confidence. The KBW Nasdaq Bank Index duly fell by over 25%, and deposits started flowing out of a large number of banks, many of which lacked the liquidity to accommodate the sudden outflows. The risk of contagious runs across smaller banks was real, as was the possibly of the problem spreading more widely. The Treasury essentially took bank runs off the table, while the Fed provided banks the funds to accommodate the continuing — though no longer panicked — depositor outflows. Importantly, as private money flowed to large banks, very little flowed to small- and medium-size institutions. That is why the authorities had to come to the rescue. Soon after SVB’s demise, the Treasury signaled that no uninsured depositor in small banks would suffer losses in any further bank collapses. The Fed opened a generous new facility that lent money for up to one year to banks against the par, or face value, of the securities they held on their balance sheets, without adjusting for the erosion in the value of these securities from higher interest rates. And the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks) — effectively an arm of the U.S. government — increased its lending to stressed banks, with total advances to the banking system having already tripled between March 2022 and March 2023 amid the Fed’s policy tightening. Borrowing by small- and medium-size banks from these official sources skyrocketed. The Treasury essentially took bank runs off the table, while the Fed provided banks the funds to accommodate the continuing — though no longer panicked — depositor outflows. A potential banking crisis was converted into a slow-burning problem for banks as they recognized and absorbed the losses on their balance sheets. Just recently, New York Community Bancorp NYCB, -5.17%, which bought parts of one of the banks that failed in 2023, reminded us that this process is still underway when it announced large losses. With the Russell microcap index of small companies significantly underperforming the S&P 100 index OEX of the largest companies since March 2023, it appears that smaller banks’ troubles have weighed on their traditional clients: small- and medium-size companies. Where does that leave us? Although the situation could have been much worse if the Treasury and the Fed had not stepped in, the seeming ease with which the panic was arrested allowed public attention to move on. Apart from die-hard libertarians, no one seems to care much about the extent of the intervention that was needed to rescue the smaller banks, nor has there been any broad inquiry into the circumstances that led to the vulnerabilities. As a result, several questions remain unanswered. To what extent were the seeds of the 2023 banking stress sown by the pandemic-induced monetary stimulus and lax supervision of what banks did with the money? Did advances by the FHLBanks delay failed banks’ efforts to raise capital? Are banks that relied on official backstops after SVB’s failure keeping afloat distressed CRE borrowers, and therefore merely postponing an eventual reckoning? It is not good for capitalism when those who knowingly take risks — bankers and uninsured depositors, in this case — pay no price when a risk materializes. Despite sweeping banking reforms over the past 15 years, the authorities have once again shown that they are willing to bail out market players if enough of them have taken the same risk. “Too big to fail” was bad enough, but now we have “too many to fail.” The mini-crisis of March 2023 was much more than a footnote in banking history. We cannot afford to bury it. Raghuram G. Rajan, a former governor of the Reserve Bank of India, is professor of finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and the author, most recently, of Monetary Policy and Its Unintended Consequences (The MIT Press, 2023). Viral V. Acharya, a former deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, is professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business. This commentary was published with the permission of Project Syndicate — The Danger of Forgetting the 2023 Banking Crisis. More: Regional-bank bondholders seem unworried by New York Community Bank’s problems Also read: Recession in 2024? A quarter of economists think it will happen. 😎🇺🇸🦅 PAR-TY… 🎉. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/too-big-to-fail-was-bad-enough-for-the-banks-now-we-have-too-many-to-fail-d89dcdda
    ‘Too big to fail’ was bad enough for the banks. Now we have ‘too many to fail.’
    The failures may have been confined to just a few rogue banks, but the problem is systemic.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 14695 Views
  • The Ultimate mRNA/Spike Detox?
    Whole Blood/Plasma Donation or Chinese Bloodletting

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Hijama Cupping Therapy Kiya hai aur is k Faiyday? Roman Urdu main Parhain
    The mRNA shots deliver toxic lipid nano particles (LNPs), whole spike mRNA, fragments of mRNA and trigger the production of spike protein and antibodies to the same, and possibly fragments of spike protein (see this substack).

    Furthermore both LNPs and spike protein trigger the creation of microclots in blood vessels.

    There are methods for detoxing from spike protein - for example you can take enzymes like bromelain to digest the spike protein, it can be bound up and more easily removed by taking ivermectin, you can induce autophagy to destroy it by fasting, cold and heat therapies and with supplements like resveratrol and spermidine.

    For microclots you can break them down with blood thinners like aspirin and enzymes like nattokinase and serrapeptase.

    But what about the mRNA and LNPs? How can those be removed?

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    The mRNA shot components are taken up by cells throughout our bodies, but also found free floating in our blood, where they join other toxins, including horrific forever chemicals like dioxins, but also many other normal blood components including antibodies, proteins like albumin, red blood cells, white cells, platelets, fats, vitamins and minerals.

    Most of these blood components, except for red blood cells, can passively or actively diffuse out of the blood into our organs and tissues.

    Active diffusion means energy is involved in the process as when infection fighting white cells actively migrate out of the blood into tissues where they have been attracted by inflammatory messaging molecules.

    With active diffusion particles can be moved from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration - something that cannot happen without adding energy to the transport process.

    Passive diffusion means no energy is involved, and the substance in question simply diffuses down a concentration gradient from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, until the concentrations equalize in all areas - think of smoke or cooking smells diffusing out of the kitchen to fill the whole house.

    So when substances like LNPs carrying mRNA enter the blood they will passively diffuse out into other tissues until the concentrations in the blood and those other tissues equalize.

    If a substance is removed from the blood, what is still in tissues will then diffuse back into the blood until the concentration in blood and tissues equalizes again - at a lower level than before, because there is less total left in the body.

    Repeatedly removing a substance from the blood would eventually deplete the whole body stores of that substance down to zero, unless it were being replaced from the outside (like the natural components of blood from diet and supplements).

    1000s of patients around the world have flocked to specialized centers that perform a procedure called H.E.L.P. apheresis in the hopes of filtering out microclots, free circulating spike protein and mRNA from their bloodstreams.

    I spoke with Dr Beate Jaeger for the free online Long COVID Reset Summit about her work with over 1500 long COVID and Vax injured patients, using both H.E.L.P. as well as prescription anticoagulants like plavix and heparin.

    She reported that with H.E.L.P. apheresis 95-99% of patients showed some degree of benefit and over 80% had very significant improvements or even complete reversal of symptoms.

    In one of the most remarkable and fast turnarounds she saw someone who had been confined to a wheelchair get up for the first time after a session.

    H.E.L.P. apheresis is a specialized version of the more general apheresis procedure which is a simple technology for separating blood components.

    Specifically H.E.L.P. stands for: “heparin-mediated extracorporeal low-density lipoprotein (LDL) fibrinogen precipitation”.

    Essentially a heparin infused filter aids in removal of LDL cholesterol, lipoprotein (a) (levels are far more predictive for heart disease than traditional cholesterol tests) and the clotting protein fibrinogen from the blood of patients.

    Historically this was used for patients with high cholesterol that couldn’t be adequately managed with statins and other traditional lipid lowering therapies.

    Now it has been repurposed to help remove microclots and spike protein, which binds to the heparin.

    Unfortunately there are only 1 or 2 centers that perform this in the US for long COVID and Vax injuries, and just a handful around the world.

    The procedure is also expensive - usually at least $1500 per treatment and often many treatments are required.

    Now, the heparin filter may be particularly helpful for binding spike protein, but there is a far more accessible technology called plasmapheresis (AKA plasma donation) which may work similarly.

    Plasmapheresis uses a centrifuge to separate our whole blood by weight from heaviest to lightest component into: red cells, white blood cells, platelets and a mix of everything else - termed plasma.

    Blood components, including plasma, white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells
    The plasma is removed while the blood cells and platelets are remixed with sterile salt water (at the same concentration as normal blood salt levels and added to the cells because the plasma component takes all the liquid and salt with it) and infused back into the person.

    Plasmapheresis (again the exact same procedure as plasma donation) is used therapeutically in a wide range of medical conditions wherein a toxic component (eg an autoimune antibody) is present in the blood.

    These conditions include Guillaine Barre Syndrome, Myesthenia Gravis, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, hashimotos encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, myeloma, severe systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), ap[lastic anemia, acute liver failure, burn shock, complex regional pain syndrome, severe pemphigus vulgaris, stiff-person syndrome, thyroid storm, systemic amyloidosis and many more.

    Of most interest here is the usefulness of plasmapheresis for treating systemic amyloidosis, a disease caused by the buildup of amyloid protein throughout the body, because spike protein toxicity also includes the creation of amyloid inside microclots as well as outside the vasculature.

    There are few contraindications to plasmapheresis including allergies to the common blood thinner heparin (since the tubing is heparinized to avoid blood clotting), low blood calcium levels and ACE inhibitor use within 24 hours.

    Possible side effects are minimal and can include low electrolytes levels including low blood calcium and magnesium (which may require replacement), hypothermia since blood is hot and that heat is removed from the body, and an increased tendency to bleed due to removal of clotting proteins.

    But in general it is a very safe procedure that is conducted on both healthy and ill people daily throughout the world.

    So if everything but the blood cells and platelets are removed we would expect that any toxins would be removed from the blood whether they be circulating forever chemicals, LNPs, mRNA, unwanted antibodies (eg autoantibodies), heavy metals, etc.

    At the same time we would be removing some vitamins and minerals, so if this procedure was done frequently you would want to be sure you focused on a highly nutrient dense diet as well as appropriate supplementation.

    Plasma donation is either free or at some private centers reimbursed at $20-$50 per procedure, because it is sold and used to create medical products.

    Depending on the center donations can be given as often as twice weekly or as little as 6 times a year, and each donation can remove as much as 800ml of plasma.

    Alternatively whole blood donations are only possible every 56 days. In a whole blood donation, nothing is separated or reinfused, you just remove about 500ml of whole blood.

    You'll Decide: Reality-Based Fiscal Policy Or Bloodletting - Colorado Pols
    Bloodletting has actually been used as a therapeutic procedure for millennia throughout the world (perhaps most notoriously it’s been suspected by medical historians that physicians may have killed George Washington by overdoing it during his final deathbed illness).

    There are many different ways it has been done including by leeches and wet cupping (tiny nicks made in the skin covered by suction cups that draw blood out).

    Dean Mouscher is an advanced clinical acupuncturist in Illinois who performs and teaches traditional techniques of blood letting for ameliorating the toughest to treat medical conditions.

    His methods are described in his popular manual, The Complete Guide to Chinese Medicine Bloodletting.

    He explained in a comment on the last post about removing forever chemicals like dioxins that the location of bloodletting may actually be more important than the amount of blood removed:

    “…as an acupuncturist I use many modalities in my practice, but none comes close to the magical efficacy of bloodletting. Chinese Medicine Bloodletting is different from the old Western bloodletting as it is based on taking small amounts of blood from exactly the right point, rather than pints from the cubital fossa. As it happens, Chinese medicine has bloodletting points specifically for detox, right on the scapula.”

    Wet (HIJAMA) Cupping - Holistic Buddha
    This is very interesting, because you would expect that in a structure as complex as the human body, toxins would concentrate in certain areas, so removing blood from those areas might be far more effective (and less draining) than removing large amounts from elsewhere.

    Unsurprisingly there have been no studies that I could find of bloodletting, plasma donation, or even H.E.L.P. apheresis for either mRNA shot detoxification or Long COVID.

    The best we have to go on for now are Dr Beate Jaegers reports and although she is very interested in conducting formal research she doesn’t have the funding to do so.

    The one study I could find that supported the use of whole blood and plasma donation for toxin removal was described in the last Substack on the Ohio train wreck toxic explosion, in this quote taken from a May 2022 Guardian article:

    “A new study published in JAMA Network Open tracked PFAS levels in 285 Australian firefighters, who are regularly exposed to PFAS in firefighting foam and accrue high levels of the chemicals in their bodies. Over a year, one group of firefighters donated plasma every six weeks, another donated blood every 12 weeks, and a third group acted as a control.

    “This randomized clinical trial showed that regular blood or plasma donations result in a significant reduction in serum PFAS levels for participants,” the study’s authors wrote. Blood donors reduced their PFAS levels by 10%, and plasma donors reduced theirs by 30%. Both groups maintained their reduction for at least three months post-trial. The study did not explore whether a reduction in PFAS in the blood necessarily leads to better health.”

    Despite the lack of published evidence some long haulers and vax injured have tried plasmapheresis on themselves and reported impressive results, which are often immediate.

    If you have done this yourself, know someone who has or have more data please drop me a line here on Substack, at my clinic site mygotodoc.com, or on Twitter: @drsyedhaider.



    The Ultimate mRNA/Spike Detox? Whole Blood/Plasma Donation or Chinese Bloodletting Dr. Syed Haider Hijama Cupping Therapy Kiya hai aur is k Faiyday? Roman Urdu main Parhain The mRNA shots deliver toxic lipid nano particles (LNPs), whole spike mRNA, fragments of mRNA and trigger the production of spike protein and antibodies to the same, and possibly fragments of spike protein (see this substack). Furthermore both LNPs and spike protein trigger the creation of microclots in blood vessels. There are methods for detoxing from spike protein - for example you can take enzymes like bromelain to digest the spike protein, it can be bound up and more easily removed by taking ivermectin, you can induce autophagy to destroy it by fasting, cold and heat therapies and with supplements like resveratrol and spermidine. For microclots you can break them down with blood thinners like aspirin and enzymes like nattokinase and serrapeptase. But what about the mRNA and LNPs? How can those be removed? Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share The mRNA shot components are taken up by cells throughout our bodies, but also found free floating in our blood, where they join other toxins, including horrific forever chemicals like dioxins, but also many other normal blood components including antibodies, proteins like albumin, red blood cells, white cells, platelets, fats, vitamins and minerals. Most of these blood components, except for red blood cells, can passively or actively diffuse out of the blood into our organs and tissues. Active diffusion means energy is involved in the process as when infection fighting white cells actively migrate out of the blood into tissues where they have been attracted by inflammatory messaging molecules. With active diffusion particles can be moved from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration - something that cannot happen without adding energy to the transport process. Passive diffusion means no energy is involved, and the substance in question simply diffuses down a concentration gradient from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, until the concentrations equalize in all areas - think of smoke or cooking smells diffusing out of the kitchen to fill the whole house. So when substances like LNPs carrying mRNA enter the blood they will passively diffuse out into other tissues until the concentrations in the blood and those other tissues equalize. If a substance is removed from the blood, what is still in tissues will then diffuse back into the blood until the concentration in blood and tissues equalizes again - at a lower level than before, because there is less total left in the body. Repeatedly removing a substance from the blood would eventually deplete the whole body stores of that substance down to zero, unless it were being replaced from the outside (like the natural components of blood from diet and supplements). 1000s of patients around the world have flocked to specialized centers that perform a procedure called H.E.L.P. apheresis in the hopes of filtering out microclots, free circulating spike protein and mRNA from their bloodstreams. I spoke with Dr Beate Jaeger for the free online Long COVID Reset Summit about her work with over 1500 long COVID and Vax injured patients, using both H.E.L.P. as well as prescription anticoagulants like plavix and heparin. She reported that with H.E.L.P. apheresis 95-99% of patients showed some degree of benefit and over 80% had very significant improvements or even complete reversal of symptoms. In one of the most remarkable and fast turnarounds she saw someone who had been confined to a wheelchair get up for the first time after a session. H.E.L.P. apheresis is a specialized version of the more general apheresis procedure which is a simple technology for separating blood components. Specifically H.E.L.P. stands for: “heparin-mediated extracorporeal low-density lipoprotein (LDL) fibrinogen precipitation”. Essentially a heparin infused filter aids in removal of LDL cholesterol, lipoprotein (a) (levels are far more predictive for heart disease than traditional cholesterol tests) and the clotting protein fibrinogen from the blood of patients. Historically this was used for patients with high cholesterol that couldn’t be adequately managed with statins and other traditional lipid lowering therapies. Now it has been repurposed to help remove microclots and spike protein, which binds to the heparin. Unfortunately there are only 1 or 2 centers that perform this in the US for long COVID and Vax injuries, and just a handful around the world. The procedure is also expensive - usually at least $1500 per treatment and often many treatments are required. Now, the heparin filter may be particularly helpful for binding spike protein, but there is a far more accessible technology called plasmapheresis (AKA plasma donation) which may work similarly. Plasmapheresis uses a centrifuge to separate our whole blood by weight from heaviest to lightest component into: red cells, white blood cells, platelets and a mix of everything else - termed plasma. Blood components, including plasma, white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells The plasma is removed while the blood cells and platelets are remixed with sterile salt water (at the same concentration as normal blood salt levels and added to the cells because the plasma component takes all the liquid and salt with it) and infused back into the person. Plasmapheresis (again the exact same procedure as plasma donation) is used therapeutically in a wide range of medical conditions wherein a toxic component (eg an autoimune antibody) is present in the blood. These conditions include Guillaine Barre Syndrome, Myesthenia Gravis, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, hashimotos encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, myeloma, severe systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), ap[lastic anemia, acute liver failure, burn shock, complex regional pain syndrome, severe pemphigus vulgaris, stiff-person syndrome, thyroid storm, systemic amyloidosis and many more. Of most interest here is the usefulness of plasmapheresis for treating systemic amyloidosis, a disease caused by the buildup of amyloid protein throughout the body, because spike protein toxicity also includes the creation of amyloid inside microclots as well as outside the vasculature. There are few contraindications to plasmapheresis including allergies to the common blood thinner heparin (since the tubing is heparinized to avoid blood clotting), low blood calcium levels and ACE inhibitor use within 24 hours. Possible side effects are minimal and can include low electrolytes levels including low blood calcium and magnesium (which may require replacement), hypothermia since blood is hot and that heat is removed from the body, and an increased tendency to bleed due to removal of clotting proteins. But in general it is a very safe procedure that is conducted on both healthy and ill people daily throughout the world. So if everything but the blood cells and platelets are removed we would expect that any toxins would be removed from the blood whether they be circulating forever chemicals, LNPs, mRNA, unwanted antibodies (eg autoantibodies), heavy metals, etc. At the same time we would be removing some vitamins and minerals, so if this procedure was done frequently you would want to be sure you focused on a highly nutrient dense diet as well as appropriate supplementation. Plasma donation is either free or at some private centers reimbursed at $20-$50 per procedure, because it is sold and used to create medical products. Depending on the center donations can be given as often as twice weekly or as little as 6 times a year, and each donation can remove as much as 800ml of plasma. Alternatively whole blood donations are only possible every 56 days. In a whole blood donation, nothing is separated or reinfused, you just remove about 500ml of whole blood. You'll Decide: Reality-Based Fiscal Policy Or Bloodletting - Colorado Pols Bloodletting has actually been used as a therapeutic procedure for millennia throughout the world (perhaps most notoriously it’s been suspected by medical historians that physicians may have killed George Washington by overdoing it during his final deathbed illness). There are many different ways it has been done including by leeches and wet cupping (tiny nicks made in the skin covered by suction cups that draw blood out). Dean Mouscher is an advanced clinical acupuncturist in Illinois who performs and teaches traditional techniques of blood letting for ameliorating the toughest to treat medical conditions. His methods are described in his popular manual, The Complete Guide to Chinese Medicine Bloodletting. He explained in a comment on the last post about removing forever chemicals like dioxins that the location of bloodletting may actually be more important than the amount of blood removed: “…as an acupuncturist I use many modalities in my practice, but none comes close to the magical efficacy of bloodletting. Chinese Medicine Bloodletting is different from the old Western bloodletting as it is based on taking small amounts of blood from exactly the right point, rather than pints from the cubital fossa. As it happens, Chinese medicine has bloodletting points specifically for detox, right on the scapula.” Wet (HIJAMA) Cupping - Holistic Buddha This is very interesting, because you would expect that in a structure as complex as the human body, toxins would concentrate in certain areas, so removing blood from those areas might be far more effective (and less draining) than removing large amounts from elsewhere. Unsurprisingly there have been no studies that I could find of bloodletting, plasma donation, or even H.E.L.P. apheresis for either mRNA shot detoxification or Long COVID. The best we have to go on for now are Dr Beate Jaegers reports and although she is very interested in conducting formal research she doesn’t have the funding to do so. The one study I could find that supported the use of whole blood and plasma donation for toxin removal was described in the last Substack on the Ohio train wreck toxic explosion, in this quote taken from a May 2022 Guardian article: “A new study published in JAMA Network Open tracked PFAS levels in 285 Australian firefighters, who are regularly exposed to PFAS in firefighting foam and accrue high levels of the chemicals in their bodies. Over a year, one group of firefighters donated plasma every six weeks, another donated blood every 12 weeks, and a third group acted as a control. “This randomized clinical trial showed that regular blood or plasma donations result in a significant reduction in serum PFAS levels for participants,” the study’s authors wrote. Blood donors reduced their PFAS levels by 10%, and plasma donors reduced theirs by 30%. Both groups maintained their reduction for at least three months post-trial. The study did not explore whether a reduction in PFAS in the blood necessarily leads to better health.” Despite the lack of published evidence some long haulers and vax injured have tried plasmapheresis on themselves and reported impressive results, which are often immediate. If you have done this yourself, know someone who has or have more data please drop me a line here on Substack, at my clinic site mygotodoc.com, or on Twitter: @drsyedhaider. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/the-ultimate-mrnaspike-detox https://telegra.ph/The-Ultimate-mRNASpike-Detox-09-17 https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-ultimate-mrnaspike-detox-whole.html
    The Ultimate mRNA/Spike Detox?
    Whole Blood/Plasma Donation or Chinese Bloodletting
    0 Comments 0 Shares 19106 Views
  • #PlasmidGate: Biotechnician raises plasmid DNA contamination in covid injections during Austrian TV talk show
    Rhoda WilsonDecember 17, 2023
    Two days after German television station MDR aired a report about foreign DNA contamination found in vials of covid injection, a panellist on a popular Austrian talk show spoke about PlasmidGate; vaccines contaminated with plasmid DNA.

    Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

    On Thursday, Austrian television station Servus TV aired its talk show ‘Talk on Hanger-7’ titled ‘Corona instead of Christmas: Is there a threat of compulsory measures again?’ to discuss whether there is a looming threat of covid restrictions being re-implemented in light of the new Pirola variant of covid reportedly being on the rise.

    Monitoring of wastewater, it is claimed, suggests a record-breaking wave of covid in the country and the number of sick days due to colds and flu is higher than ever. Of course, neither of those is a good enough reason to mandate restrictions which cost lives and livelihoods, and destroy the economy.

    According to a survey conducted in 2021, about 33% of the Austrian population watch a Servus TV programme at least once a week to keep up to date with covid.

    It’s not unusual for Servus TV to challenge the official narrative. For example, the director of Servus TV Ferdinand Wegscheider in his commentary series ‘Der Wegscheider’ explained that the covid injections were “insufficiently tested” and contained “genetically modified substances.” He also mentioned ivermectin as a treatment and regularly speaks of the “plandemic.” Microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi is a frequent guest on Servus TV.

    Michael Fleischhacker hosted the discussion on Talk on Hanger-7 on Thursday. Guests included epidemiologist Klaus Stöhr, medical journalist Werner Bartens, psychoneuroimmunologist Christian Schubert, medical historian Daniela Angetter-Pfeiffer and biotechnician and former VP of German Pharmaceutical firm Boehringer Ingelheim Dr. Monika Henninger-Erber.

    The original talk show is in German and Servus TV is not available outside of Europe. However, Aussie17 managed to obtain a clip and has added English subtitles to it (see below).

    During the discussion, Dr. Henninger-Erber spoke about PlasmidGate. In February, microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid-19 vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around. This is DNA contamination. He found the contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials. Since then, several laboratories around the world have confirmed his findings.

    In September, Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults testified in the South Carolina Senate that his team had found 200 billion pieces of DNA contaminating a single dose of Pfizer’s covid injection.

    “Before you ever say that you are calling on people to get vaccinated again, you should think carefully [and] look at what you have learned in the last few years. And you learned, for example, back in February, this year it was published for the first time that the vaccine was contaminated, namely with plasmid DNA,” Dr. Henninger-Erber said during Talk on Hanger-7 on Thursday.

    “PlasmidGate … that’s not just any idea that someone has, but this is real data from laboratories, repeatedly shown that we are there have a huge problem,” she said.

    Bartens is a Covidian who, according to the programme description, defends the measures politicians have taken and thinks little of populist demands to come to terms with covid. He is the one in the video below with grey hair, wearing a blue shirt and who is looking very uncomfortable with what Dr. Henninger-Erber was saying.

    Talk on Hanger-7: Corona instead of Christmas: Is there a threat of compulsory measures again? 14 December 2023
    Source: Aussie17 on Twitter

    #PlasmidGate: Biotechnician raises plasmid DNA contamination in covid injections during Austrian TV talk show Rhoda WilsonDecember 17, 2023 Two days after German television station MDR aired a report about foreign DNA contamination found in vials of covid injection, a panellist on a popular Austrian talk show spoke about PlasmidGate; vaccines contaminated with plasmid DNA. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… On Thursday, Austrian television station Servus TV aired its talk show ‘Talk on Hanger-7’ titled ‘Corona instead of Christmas: Is there a threat of compulsory measures again?’ to discuss whether there is a looming threat of covid restrictions being re-implemented in light of the new Pirola variant of covid reportedly being on the rise. Monitoring of wastewater, it is claimed, suggests a record-breaking wave of covid in the country and the number of sick days due to colds and flu is higher than ever. Of course, neither of those is a good enough reason to mandate restrictions which cost lives and livelihoods, and destroy the economy. According to a survey conducted in 2021, about 33% of the Austrian population watch a Servus TV programme at least once a week to keep up to date with covid. It’s not unusual for Servus TV to challenge the official narrative. For example, the director of Servus TV Ferdinand Wegscheider in his commentary series ‘Der Wegscheider’ explained that the covid injections were “insufficiently tested” and contained “genetically modified substances.” He also mentioned ivermectin as a treatment and regularly speaks of the “plandemic.” Microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi is a frequent guest on Servus TV. Michael Fleischhacker hosted the discussion on Talk on Hanger-7 on Thursday. Guests included epidemiologist Klaus Stöhr, medical journalist Werner Bartens, psychoneuroimmunologist Christian Schubert, medical historian Daniela Angetter-Pfeiffer and biotechnician and former VP of German Pharmaceutical firm Boehringer Ingelheim Dr. Monika Henninger-Erber. The original talk show is in German and Servus TV is not available outside of Europe. However, Aussie17 managed to obtain a clip and has added English subtitles to it (see below). During the discussion, Dr. Henninger-Erber spoke about PlasmidGate. In February, microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid-19 vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around. This is DNA contamination. He found the contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials. Since then, several laboratories around the world have confirmed his findings. In September, Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults testified in the South Carolina Senate that his team had found 200 billion pieces of DNA contaminating a single dose of Pfizer’s covid injection. “Before you ever say that you are calling on people to get vaccinated again, you should think carefully [and] look at what you have learned in the last few years. And you learned, for example, back in February, this year it was published for the first time that the vaccine was contaminated, namely with plasmid DNA,” Dr. Henninger-Erber said during Talk on Hanger-7 on Thursday. “PlasmidGate … that’s not just any idea that someone has, but this is real data from laboratories, repeatedly shown that we are there have a huge problem,” she said. Bartens is a Covidian who, according to the programme description, defends the measures politicians have taken and thinks little of populist demands to come to terms with covid. He is the one in the video below with grey hair, wearing a blue shirt and who is looking very uncomfortable with what Dr. Henninger-Erber was saying. Talk on Hanger-7: Corona instead of Christmas: Is there a threat of compulsory measures again? 14 December 2023 Source: Aussie17 on Twitter https://expose-news.com/2023/12/17/plasmidgate-biotechnician-raises-plasmid-dna-contamination-in-covid-injections-during-austrian-tv-talk-show/
    #PlasmidGate: Biotechnician raises plasmid DNA contamination in covid injections during Austrian TV talk show
    Two days after German television station MDR aired a report about foreign DNA contamination found in vials of covid injection, a panellist on a popular Austrian talk show spoke about PlasmidGate; v…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7499 Views
  • The U.S. government is poised to withdraw longstanding warnings about cholesterol
    Peter Whoriskey

    Time to put eggs back on the menu? (Deb Lindsey for The Washington Post)
    The nation’s top nutrition advisory panel has decided to drop its caution about eating cholesterol-laden food, a move that could undo almost 40 years of government warnings about its consumption.

    The group’s finding that cholesterol in the diet need no longer be considered a “nutrient of concern” stands in contrast to the committee’s findings five years ago, the last time it convened. During those proceedings, as in previous years, the panel deemed the issue of excess cholesterol in the American diet a public health concern.

    The finding follows an evolution of thinking among many nutritionists who now believe that, for healthy adults, eating foods high in cholesterol may not significantly affect the level of cholesterol in the blood or increase the risk of heart disease.

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    The greater danger in this regard, these experts believe, lies not in products such as eggs, shrimp or lobster, which are high in cholesterol, but in too many servings of foods heavy with saturated fats, such as fatty meats, whole milk, and butter.

    [Scientists have figured out what makes Indian food so delicious]

    The new view on cholesterol in food does not reverse warnings about high levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which have been linked to heart disease. Moreover, some experts warned that people with particular health problems, such as diabetes, should continue to avoid cholesterol-rich diets.

    While Americans may be accustomed to conflicting dietary advice, the change on cholesterol comes from the influential Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, the group that provides the scientific basis for the “Dietary Guidelines.” That federal publication has broad effects on the American diet, helping to determine the content of school lunches, affecting how food manufacturers advertise their wares, and serving as the foundation for reams of diet advice.

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    The panel laid out the cholesterol decision in December, at its last meeting before it writes a report that will serve as the basis for the next version of the guidelines. A video of the meeting was later posted online and a person with direct knowledge of the proceedings said the cholesterol finding would make it to the group’s final report, which is due within weeks.

    After Marian Neuhouser, chair of the relevant subcommittee, announced the decision to the panel at the December meeting, one panelist appeared to bridle.

    “So we’re not making a [cholesterol] recommendation?” panel member Miriam Nelson, a Tufts University professor, said at the meeting as if trying to absorb the thought. “Okay ... Bummer.”

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    Members of the panel, called the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, said they would not comment until the publication of their report, which will be filed with the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture.

    [Here’s what the government’s dietary guidelines should really say]

    While those agencies could ignore the committee’s recommendations, major deviations are not common, experts said.

    Five years ago, “I don’t think the Dietary Guidelines diverged from the committee’s report,” said Naomi K. Fukagawa, a University of Vermont professor who served as the committee’s vice chair in 2010. Fukagawa said she supports the change on cholesterol.

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    Walter Willett, chair of the nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public Health, also called the turnaround on cholesterol a “reasonable move.”

    “There’s been a shift of thinking,” he said.

    But the change on dietary cholesterol also shows how the complexity of nutrition science and the lack of definitive research can contribute to confusion for Americans who, while seeking guidance on what to eat, often find themselves afloat in conflicting advice.

    Cholesterol has been a fixture in dietary warnings in the United States at least since 1961, when it appeared in guidelines developed by the American Heart Association. Later adopted by the federal government, such warnings helped shift eating habits -- per capita egg consumption dropped about 30 percent -- and harmed egg farmers.

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    Yet even today, after more than a century of scientific inquiry, scientists are divided.

    Some nutritionists said lifting the cholesterol warning is long overdue, noting that the United States is out-of-step with other countries, where diet guidelines do not single out cholesterol. Others support maintaining a warning.

    The forthcoming version of the Dietary Guidelines -- the document is revised every five years -- is expected to navigate myriad similar controversies. Among them: salt, red meat, sugar, saturated fats and the latest darling of food-makers, Omega-3s.

    As with cholesterol, the dietary panel’s advice on these issues will be used by the federal bureaucrats to draft the new guidelines, which offer Americans clear instructions -- and sometimes very specific, down-to-the-milligram prescriptions. But such precision can mask sometimes tumultuous debates about nutrition.

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    “Almost every single nutrient imaginable has peer reviewed publications associating it with almost any outcome,” John P.A. Ioannidis, a professor of medicine and statistics at Stanford and one of the harshest critics of nutritional science, has written. “In this literature of epidemic proportions, how many results are correct?”

    Now comes the shift on cholesterol.

    Even as contrary evidence has emerged over the years, the campaign against dietary cholesterol has continued. In 1994, food-makers were required to report cholesterol values on the nutrition label. In 2010, with the publication of the most recent “Dietary Guidelines,” the experts again focused on the problem of "excess dietary cholesterol."

    Story continues below advertisement

    Yet many have viewed the evidence against cholesterol as weak, at best. As late as 2013, a task force arranged by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association looked at the dietary cholesterol studies. The group found that there was “insufficient evidence” to make a recommendation. Many of the studies that had been done, the task force said, were too broad to single out cholesterol.

    “Looking back at the literature, we just couldn’t see the kind of science that would support dietary restrictions,” said Robert Eckel, the co-chair of the task force and a medical professor at the University of Colorado.

    The current U.S. guidelines call for restricting cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams daily. American adult men on average ingest about 340 milligrams of cholesterol a day, according to federal figures. That recommended figure of 300 milligrams, Eckel said, is " just one of those things that gets carried forward and carried forward even though the evidence is minimal.”

    Story continues below advertisement

    "We just don't know," he said.

    Other major studies have indicated that eating an egg a day does not raise a healthy person’s risk of heart disease, though diabetic patients may be at more risk.

    “The U.S. is the last country in the world to set a specific limit on dietary cholesterol,” said David Klurfeld, a nutrition scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Some of it is scientific inertia.”

    The persistence of the cholesterol fear may arise, in part, from the plausibility of its danger.

    As far back as the 19th century, scientists recognized that the plaque that clogged arteries consisted, in part, of cholesterol, according to historians.

    It would have seemed logical, then, that a diet that is high in cholesterol would wind up clogging arteries.

    In 1913, Niokolai Anitschkov and his colleagues at the Czar’s Military Medicine Institute in St. Petersburg, decided to try it out in rabbits. The group fed cholesterol to rabbits for about four to eight weeks and saw that the cholesterol diet harmed them. They figured they were on to something big.

    “It often happens in the history of science that researchers ... obtain results which require us to view scientific questions in a new light,” he and a colleague wrote in their 1913 paper.

    But it wasn’t until the 1940s, when heart disease was rising in the United States, that the dangers of a cholesterol diet for humans would come more sharply into focus.

    Experiments in biology, as well as other studies that followed the diets of large populations, seemed to link high cholesterol diets to heart disease.

    Public warnings soon followed. In 1961, the American Heart Association recommended that people reduce cholesterol consumption and eventually set a limit of 300 milligrams a day. (For comparison, the yolk of a single egg has about 200 milligrams.)

    Eventually, the idea that cholesterol is harmful so permeated the country's consciousness that marketers advertised their foods on the basis of "no cholesterol."

    What Anitschkov and the other early scientists may not have foreseen is how complicated the science of cholesterol and heart disease could turn out: that the body creates cholesterol in amounts much larger than their diet provides, that the body regulates how much is in the blood and that there is both “good” and “bad” cholesterol.

    Adding to the complexity, the way people process cholesterol differs. Scientists say some people -- about 25 percent -- appear to be more vulnerable to cholesterol-rich diets.

    “It’s turned out to be more complicated than anyone could have known,” said Lawrence Rudel, a professor at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

    As a graduate student at the University of Arkansas in the late 1960s, Rudel came across Anitschkov’s paper and decided to focus on understanding one of its curiosities. In passing, the paper noted that while the cholesterol diet harmed rabbits, it had no effect on white rats. In fact, if Anitschkov had focused on any other animal besides the rabbit, the effects wouldn't have been so clear -- rabbits are unusually vulnerable to the high-cholesterol diet.

    “The reason for the difference -- why does one animal fall apart on the cholesterol diet -- seemed like something that could be figured out,” Rudel said. “That was 40 or so years ago. We still don’t know what explains the difference.”

    In truth, scientists have made some progress. Rudel and his colleagues have been able to breed squirrel monkeys that are more vulnerable to the cholesterol diet. That and other evidence leads to their belief that for some people -- as for the squirrel monkeys -- genetics are to blame.

    Rudel said that Americans should still be warned about cholesterol.

    “Eggs are a nearly perfect food, but cholesterol is a potential bad guy,” he said. “Eating too much a day won’t harm everyone, but it will harm some people.”

    Scientists have estimated that, even without counting the toll from obesity, disease related to poor eating habits kills more than half a million people every year. That toll is often used as an argument for more research in nutrition.

    Currently, the National Institutes of Health spends about $1.5 billion annually on nutrition research, an amount that represents about 5 percent of its total budget.

    The turnaround on cholesterol, some critics say, is just more evidence that nutrition science needs more investment.

    Others, however, say the reversal might be seen as a sign of progress.

    “These reversals in the field do make us wonder and scratch our heads,” said David Allison, a public health professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “But in science, change is normal and expected.”

    When our view of the cosmos shifted from Ptolemy to Copernicus to Newton and Einstein, Allison said, “the reaction was not to say, ‘Oh my gosh, something is wrong with physics!’ We say, ‘Oh my gosh, isn’t this cool?’ ”

    Allison said the problem in nutrition stems from the arrogance that sometimes accompanies dietary advice. A little humility could go a long way.

    “Where nutrition has some trouble,” he said, “is all the confidence and vitriol and moralism that goes along with our recommendations.”

    Did the government’s dietary guidelines help make us fat?

    A local's guide to Mumbai, India

    5 simple Indian recipes to make at home

    Scientists have figured out what makes Indian food so delicious

    Ghee has been an Indian staple for millennia. Now the rest of the world is catching on.

    The U.S. government is poised to withdraw longstanding warnings about cholesterol Peter Whoriskey Time to put eggs back on the menu? (Deb Lindsey for The Washington Post) The nation’s top nutrition advisory panel has decided to drop its caution about eating cholesterol-laden food, a move that could undo almost 40 years of government warnings about its consumption. The group’s finding that cholesterol in the diet need no longer be considered a “nutrient of concern” stands in contrast to the committee’s findings five years ago, the last time it convened. During those proceedings, as in previous years, the panel deemed the issue of excess cholesterol in the American diet a public health concern. The finding follows an evolution of thinking among many nutritionists who now believe that, for healthy adults, eating foods high in cholesterol may not significantly affect the level of cholesterol in the blood or increase the risk of heart disease. Story continues below advertisement The greater danger in this regard, these experts believe, lies not in products such as eggs, shrimp or lobster, which are high in cholesterol, but in too many servings of foods heavy with saturated fats, such as fatty meats, whole milk, and butter. [Scientists have figured out what makes Indian food so delicious] The new view on cholesterol in food does not reverse warnings about high levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which have been linked to heart disease. Moreover, some experts warned that people with particular health problems, such as diabetes, should continue to avoid cholesterol-rich diets. While Americans may be accustomed to conflicting dietary advice, the change on cholesterol comes from the influential Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, the group that provides the scientific basis for the “Dietary Guidelines.” That federal publication has broad effects on the American diet, helping to determine the content of school lunches, affecting how food manufacturers advertise their wares, and serving as the foundation for reams of diet advice. Story continues below advertisement The panel laid out the cholesterol decision in December, at its last meeting before it writes a report that will serve as the basis for the next version of the guidelines. A video of the meeting was later posted online and a person with direct knowledge of the proceedings said the cholesterol finding would make it to the group’s final report, which is due within weeks. After Marian Neuhouser, chair of the relevant subcommittee, announced the decision to the panel at the December meeting, one panelist appeared to bridle. “So we’re not making a [cholesterol] recommendation?” panel member Miriam Nelson, a Tufts University professor, said at the meeting as if trying to absorb the thought. “Okay ... Bummer.” Story continues below advertisement Members of the panel, called the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, said they would not comment until the publication of their report, which will be filed with the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture. [Here’s what the government’s dietary guidelines should really say] While those agencies could ignore the committee’s recommendations, major deviations are not common, experts said. Five years ago, “I don’t think the Dietary Guidelines diverged from the committee’s report,” said Naomi K. Fukagawa, a University of Vermont professor who served as the committee’s vice chair in 2010. Fukagawa said she supports the change on cholesterol. Story continues below advertisement Walter Willett, chair of the nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public Health, also called the turnaround on cholesterol a “reasonable move.” “There’s been a shift of thinking,” he said. But the change on dietary cholesterol also shows how the complexity of nutrition science and the lack of definitive research can contribute to confusion for Americans who, while seeking guidance on what to eat, often find themselves afloat in conflicting advice. Cholesterol has been a fixture in dietary warnings in the United States at least since 1961, when it appeared in guidelines developed by the American Heart Association. Later adopted by the federal government, such warnings helped shift eating habits -- per capita egg consumption dropped about 30 percent -- and harmed egg farmers. Story continues below advertisement Yet even today, after more than a century of scientific inquiry, scientists are divided. Some nutritionists said lifting the cholesterol warning is long overdue, noting that the United States is out-of-step with other countries, where diet guidelines do not single out cholesterol. Others support maintaining a warning. The forthcoming version of the Dietary Guidelines -- the document is revised every five years -- is expected to navigate myriad similar controversies. Among them: salt, red meat, sugar, saturated fats and the latest darling of food-makers, Omega-3s. As with cholesterol, the dietary panel’s advice on these issues will be used by the federal bureaucrats to draft the new guidelines, which offer Americans clear instructions -- and sometimes very specific, down-to-the-milligram prescriptions. But such precision can mask sometimes tumultuous debates about nutrition. Story continues below advertisement “Almost every single nutrient imaginable has peer reviewed publications associating it with almost any outcome,” John P.A. Ioannidis, a professor of medicine and statistics at Stanford and one of the harshest critics of nutritional science, has written. “In this literature of epidemic proportions, how many results are correct?” Now comes the shift on cholesterol. Even as contrary evidence has emerged over the years, the campaign against dietary cholesterol has continued. In 1994, food-makers were required to report cholesterol values on the nutrition label. In 2010, with the publication of the most recent “Dietary Guidelines,” the experts again focused on the problem of "excess dietary cholesterol." Story continues below advertisement Yet many have viewed the evidence against cholesterol as weak, at best. As late as 2013, a task force arranged by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association looked at the dietary cholesterol studies. The group found that there was “insufficient evidence” to make a recommendation. Many of the studies that had been done, the task force said, were too broad to single out cholesterol. “Looking back at the literature, we just couldn’t see the kind of science that would support dietary restrictions,” said Robert Eckel, the co-chair of the task force and a medical professor at the University of Colorado. The current U.S. guidelines call for restricting cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams daily. American adult men on average ingest about 340 milligrams of cholesterol a day, according to federal figures. That recommended figure of 300 milligrams, Eckel said, is " just one of those things that gets carried forward and carried forward even though the evidence is minimal.” Story continues below advertisement "We just don't know," he said. Other major studies have indicated that eating an egg a day does not raise a healthy person’s risk of heart disease, though diabetic patients may be at more risk. “The U.S. is the last country in the world to set a specific limit on dietary cholesterol,” said David Klurfeld, a nutrition scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Some of it is scientific inertia.” The persistence of the cholesterol fear may arise, in part, from the plausibility of its danger. As far back as the 19th century, scientists recognized that the plaque that clogged arteries consisted, in part, of cholesterol, according to historians. It would have seemed logical, then, that a diet that is high in cholesterol would wind up clogging arteries. In 1913, Niokolai Anitschkov and his colleagues at the Czar’s Military Medicine Institute in St. Petersburg, decided to try it out in rabbits. The group fed cholesterol to rabbits for about four to eight weeks and saw that the cholesterol diet harmed them. They figured they were on to something big. “It often happens in the history of science that researchers ... obtain results which require us to view scientific questions in a new light,” he and a colleague wrote in their 1913 paper. But it wasn’t until the 1940s, when heart disease was rising in the United States, that the dangers of a cholesterol diet for humans would come more sharply into focus. Experiments in biology, as well as other studies that followed the diets of large populations, seemed to link high cholesterol diets to heart disease. Public warnings soon followed. In 1961, the American Heart Association recommended that people reduce cholesterol consumption and eventually set a limit of 300 milligrams a day. (For comparison, the yolk of a single egg has about 200 milligrams.) Eventually, the idea that cholesterol is harmful so permeated the country's consciousness that marketers advertised their foods on the basis of "no cholesterol." What Anitschkov and the other early scientists may not have foreseen is how complicated the science of cholesterol and heart disease could turn out: that the body creates cholesterol in amounts much larger than their diet provides, that the body regulates how much is in the blood and that there is both “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Adding to the complexity, the way people process cholesterol differs. Scientists say some people -- about 25 percent -- appear to be more vulnerable to cholesterol-rich diets. “It’s turned out to be more complicated than anyone could have known,” said Lawrence Rudel, a professor at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. As a graduate student at the University of Arkansas in the late 1960s, Rudel came across Anitschkov’s paper and decided to focus on understanding one of its curiosities. In passing, the paper noted that while the cholesterol diet harmed rabbits, it had no effect on white rats. In fact, if Anitschkov had focused on any other animal besides the rabbit, the effects wouldn't have been so clear -- rabbits are unusually vulnerable to the high-cholesterol diet. “The reason for the difference -- why does one animal fall apart on the cholesterol diet -- seemed like something that could be figured out,” Rudel said. “That was 40 or so years ago. We still don’t know what explains the difference.” In truth, scientists have made some progress. Rudel and his colleagues have been able to breed squirrel monkeys that are more vulnerable to the cholesterol diet. That and other evidence leads to their belief that for some people -- as for the squirrel monkeys -- genetics are to blame. Rudel said that Americans should still be warned about cholesterol. “Eggs are a nearly perfect food, but cholesterol is a potential bad guy,” he said. “Eating too much a day won’t harm everyone, but it will harm some people.” Scientists have estimated that, even without counting the toll from obesity, disease related to poor eating habits kills more than half a million people every year. That toll is often used as an argument for more research in nutrition. Currently, the National Institutes of Health spends about $1.5 billion annually on nutrition research, an amount that represents about 5 percent of its total budget. The turnaround on cholesterol, some critics say, is just more evidence that nutrition science needs more investment. Others, however, say the reversal might be seen as a sign of progress. “These reversals in the field do make us wonder and scratch our heads,” said David Allison, a public health professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “But in science, change is normal and expected.” When our view of the cosmos shifted from Ptolemy to Copernicus to Newton and Einstein, Allison said, “the reaction was not to say, ‘Oh my gosh, something is wrong with physics!’ We say, ‘Oh my gosh, isn’t this cool?’ ” Allison said the problem in nutrition stems from the arrogance that sometimes accompanies dietary advice. A little humility could go a long way. “Where nutrition has some trouble,” he said, “is all the confidence and vitriol and moralism that goes along with our recommendations.” Did the government’s dietary guidelines help make us fat? A local's guide to Mumbai, India 5 simple Indian recipes to make at home Scientists have figured out what makes Indian food so delicious Ghee has been an Indian staple for millennia. Now the rest of the world is catching on. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/02/10/feds-poised-to-withdraw-longstanding-warnings-about-dietary-cholesterol/?utm_term=.1982832f86fa
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  • A supercomputer is an extremely powerful computing machine with the ability to process massive amounts of data and perform complex calculations at extremely high speeds. These machines are used for tasks that require immense computational power, such as weather modeling, nuclear simulations, molecular modeling, and other scientific and engineering applications.

    Key characteristics of supercomputers include:

    Processing Power: Supercomputers are designed to handle a huge number of calculations per second (measured in FLOPS - Floating Point Operations Per Second). This processing power allows them to tackle complex problems that would be impractical or impossible for traditional computers.

    Parallel Processing: Supercomputers often use parallel processing, where multiple processors work simultaneously on different parts of a problem. This parallelism allows for faster computation and the ability to handle large datasets.

    Specialized Architecture: Supercomputers may have a unique and specialized architecture tailored to the specific tasks they are designed to perform. This can include vector processing, custom hardware accelerators, or other optimizations.

    High-Speed Interconnects: Communication between the individual processors in a supercomputer is crucial. High-speed interconnects allow for efficient data exchange and coordination among the different components.

    Large Memory Capacity: Supercomputers typically have a significant amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) to support the processing of large datasets and complex algorithms.

    Cooling Systems: The immense computational power of supercomputers generates a substantial amount of heat. Advanced cooling systems, such as liquid cooling or specialized air-cooling solutions, are essential to maintain optimal operating temperatures.

    Supercomputers play a crucial role in advancing scientific research, solving complex problems, and simulating real-world scenarios. Organizations and research institutions around the world use supercomputers to tackle challenges in fields like climate modeling, astrophysics, drug discovery, and more. Examples of supercomputers include Summit, Fugaku, and Tianhe-2. The field of supercomputing is dynamic, with new and more powerful systems regularly being developed to push the boundaries of computational capability.
    A supercomputer is an extremely powerful computing machine with the ability to process massive amounts of data and perform complex calculations at extremely high speeds. These machines are used for tasks that require immense computational power, such as weather modeling, nuclear simulations, molecular modeling, and other scientific and engineering applications. Key characteristics of supercomputers include: Processing Power: Supercomputers are designed to handle a huge number of calculations per second (measured in FLOPS - Floating Point Operations Per Second). This processing power allows them to tackle complex problems that would be impractical or impossible for traditional computers. Parallel Processing: Supercomputers often use parallel processing, where multiple processors work simultaneously on different parts of a problem. This parallelism allows for faster computation and the ability to handle large datasets. Specialized Architecture: Supercomputers may have a unique and specialized architecture tailored to the specific tasks they are designed to perform. This can include vector processing, custom hardware accelerators, or other optimizations. High-Speed Interconnects: Communication between the individual processors in a supercomputer is crucial. High-speed interconnects allow for efficient data exchange and coordination among the different components. Large Memory Capacity: Supercomputers typically have a significant amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) to support the processing of large datasets and complex algorithms. Cooling Systems: The immense computational power of supercomputers generates a substantial amount of heat. Advanced cooling systems, such as liquid cooling or specialized air-cooling solutions, are essential to maintain optimal operating temperatures. Supercomputers play a crucial role in advancing scientific research, solving complex problems, and simulating real-world scenarios. Organizations and research institutions around the world use supercomputers to tackle challenges in fields like climate modeling, astrophysics, drug discovery, and more. Examples of supercomputers include Summit, Fugaku, and Tianhe-2. The field of supercomputing is dynamic, with new and more powerful systems regularly being developed to push the boundaries of computational capability.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 8541 Views
  • Fauci Tried to Hide U.S. Funding of Bioweapons Research, But China Openly Bragged About ‘New Era of Genetic Weapons’
    Dr. Anthony Fauci funneled tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to bioweapons research, including experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci and other U.S. government officials continue to deny such experiments are related to the development of bioweapons, but China openly admits that its scientists are using gain-of-function research to create “genetic weapons.”

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
    anthony fauci gain function covid wuhan feature
    Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free.

    Editor’s note: Following is an excerpt from Robert F. Kennedy’s new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race.” The book, published Dec. 5, is available from Amazon and other booksellers.

    Following Obama’s 2014 moratorium [on gain-of-function research], China’s efforts to co-opt NIH’s [National Institutes of Health] bioweapons research were so successful that some forty-four percent of all the gain-of-function studies that NIH had historically funded occurred at the Wuhan lab.

    And as discussed previously, many of those NIH studies occurred under contract provisions that granted China proprietary and exclusive use of the resulting research.

    It is an understatement, therefore, to observe that Dr. [Anthony] Fauci was not a good steward of US taxpayer research dollars. Furthermore, tens of millions of US dollars in funding from USAID [U.S. Agency for International Development] and other US government agencies have exacerbated the ferment of bioweapons research in Wuhan.

    Since the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) only thinly veils its links to the People’s Liberation Army, both Dr. Fauci and Dr. [Peter] Daszak and the spooks at USAID must have known that the WIV is the centerpiece of China’s biowarfare/biodefense program.

    The State Department issued a fact sheet in May 2020 revealing that the Chinese Communist Party has engaged in a national strategy of “military-civil fusion” intended to eliminate barriers between civilian research and the Chinese military “in order to achieve military dominance.”

    As Elaine Dewar told Paul Thacker, “Since Xi Jinping became President, he made it clear that the military and the civilian researchers in strategic areas, such as biotechnology, had to work together. There was no distinction between civilian and military research, from that point forward.”

    No one can hold high positions or conduct research at the WIV without being closely involved with, and supervised by, the military. Until late 2019, the Wuhan BSL-4 lab’s manager was Dr. Yuan Zhiming, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Committee within the Wuhan Branch.

    On January 31, 2020, Pengbai—China’s state-run news outlet—reported that “People’s Liberation Army Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, took over the response to the epidemic,” including “supervision of the WIV.” Dr. Chen is a virologist who “leads the Institute of Bioengineering at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and [is presumptive] head of biological warfare division.”

    As noted earlier, Pengbai described the general as “our nation’s ultimate expert” in biological and chemical weapon defenses, and “a goddess of war.” Her other nickname is the “Wolf Warrior.”

    In contrast to Dr. Fauci’s coy reticence, the Chinese are bracingly frank in acknowledging that their gain-of-function dabbling is straight-up weapons development.

    In 2015, only two years after Chinese scientists used funding from NIAID and techniques they learned from Ralph Baric to triumphantly facilitate a deadly chimeric bird flu, Chinese military scientists from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and senior Chinese public health officials published a 261-page Chinese-language military manual.

    The manual’s publisher is the Chinese Military Medical Science Press—a government-owned publishing house managed by the General Logistics Department of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The book described Chinese success at artificially manipulating animal coronaviruses to infect humans as the herald of a promising “new era of genetic weapons.”

    The 2015 book offers alarming insight into how senior scientists at one of the PLA’s most prominent military universities were thinking about the gain-of-function research that Tony Fauci was already financing in their laboratories. Their thoughts align perfectly with the bioweapons ambitions for gain-of-function science that Ralph Baric unveiled in his 2007 paper.

    The Chinese authors giddily proclaim their ability to enhance the military effectiveness of their new GOF pathogens using major advances in bioweapon delivery systems—including freeze-drying microorganisms—that make germ bombs easier to store, transport, conceal, and aerosolize.

    A section describing strategies for maximizing impacts of biological attacks recommends the deployment of lab-generated pandemic germ bombs during dawn, dusk, night, or cloudy weather to minimize the weakening effects of intense sunlight on the pathogens. Stable wind direction and dry weather—the manual says—are ideal for delivering biobombs, since rain or snow can cause the aerosol particles to precipitate.

    The book advises that favorable climate conditions will allow the Chinese military to float the toxins into the target zone. The authors boast that, in addition to psychological terror, widespread morbidity, and mass casualties, large-scale biological weapon attacks can cause many indirect consequences, including the destruction of target economies, sudden surges of patients disrupting hospitals and healthcare systems, and long-term stress leading to increased chronic mental illness—events all too familiar to Americans these days.

    The editor-in-chief of this book, Xu Dezhong, is “a retired professor of infectious disease with the Air Force Medical University in Xian.” A military epidemiologist, Dezhong received the gold medal of the Military Academy Education Award, and praise as an outstanding party member. He did postdoctoral study in the US at Peter Hotez’s Baylor College of Medicine and at the CDC.

    He led the SARS epidemic analysis expert group under the Chinese Ministry of Health, reporting to the top leadership of the Chinese military commission and the health ministry during the 2003 SARS crisis.

    By 2020, Chinese military researchers, after benefitting from years of NIAID- and USAID-funded research, were developing pandemic coronaviruses that could quickly spread across global populations and were not the least bit embarrassed about it. Even with the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, Chinese scientists were publicly peacocking these expanding capacities.

    In April 2020, seven months after COVID-19 began circulating, twenty-three Chinese scientists—eleven of them from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, the Chinese army’s medical research institute—boasted that they had used gene-editing CRISPR technology to engineer mice with humanized lungs to make it easier to develop coronavirus strains that could infect humans. In June 2021, Vanity Fair reported that United States National Security Council (NSC) investigators determined that “it became clear that the mice had been engineered sometime in the summer of 2019, before the pandemic even started.

    The NSC officials were left wondering: Had the Chinese military been running viruses through humanized mouse models, to see which might be infectious to humans?” Those particular US officials had not yet grasped that this was precisely the sort of research that Dr. Fauci—along with his US military and intelligence agency partners—had been conducting and funding for years at the Wuhan lab. US scientists had developed humanized mice in 2002. NIH-funded scientists like Ralph Baric had been using humanized mice to test human infectiousness of their enhanced pathogens for nearly two decades!

    The Defender on occasion posts content related to Children’s Health Defense’s nonprofit mission that features Mr. Kennedy’s views on the issues CHD and The Defender regularly cover. In keeping with Federal Election Commission rules, this content does not represent an endorsement of Mr. Kennedy, who is on leave from CHD and is seeking the Independent party nomination for president of the U.S.

    Fauci Tried to Hide U.S. Funding of Bioweapons Research, But China Openly Bragged About ‘New Era of Genetic Weapons’ Dr. Anthony Fauci funneled tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to bioweapons research, including experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci and other U.S. government officials continue to deny such experiments are related to the development of bioweapons, but China openly admits that its scientists are using gain-of-function research to create “genetic weapons.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. anthony fauci gain function covid wuhan feature Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free. Editor’s note: Following is an excerpt from Robert F. Kennedy’s new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race.” The book, published Dec. 5, is available from Amazon and other booksellers. Following Obama’s 2014 moratorium [on gain-of-function research], China’s efforts to co-opt NIH’s [National Institutes of Health] bioweapons research were so successful that some forty-four percent of all the gain-of-function studies that NIH had historically funded occurred at the Wuhan lab. And as discussed previously, many of those NIH studies occurred under contract provisions that granted China proprietary and exclusive use of the resulting research. It is an understatement, therefore, to observe that Dr. [Anthony] Fauci was not a good steward of US taxpayer research dollars. Furthermore, tens of millions of US dollars in funding from USAID [U.S. Agency for International Development] and other US government agencies have exacerbated the ferment of bioweapons research in Wuhan. Since the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) only thinly veils its links to the People’s Liberation Army, both Dr. Fauci and Dr. [Peter] Daszak and the spooks at USAID must have known that the WIV is the centerpiece of China’s biowarfare/biodefense program. The State Department issued a fact sheet in May 2020 revealing that the Chinese Communist Party has engaged in a national strategy of “military-civil fusion” intended to eliminate barriers between civilian research and the Chinese military “in order to achieve military dominance.” As Elaine Dewar told Paul Thacker, “Since Xi Jinping became President, he made it clear that the military and the civilian researchers in strategic areas, such as biotechnology, had to work together. There was no distinction between civilian and military research, from that point forward.” No one can hold high positions or conduct research at the WIV without being closely involved with, and supervised by, the military. Until late 2019, the Wuhan BSL-4 lab’s manager was Dr. Yuan Zhiming, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Committee within the Wuhan Branch. On January 31, 2020, Pengbai—China’s state-run news outlet—reported that “People’s Liberation Army Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, took over the response to the epidemic,” including “supervision of the WIV.” Dr. Chen is a virologist who “leads the Institute of Bioengineering at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and [is presumptive] head of biological warfare division.” As noted earlier, Pengbai described the general as “our nation’s ultimate expert” in biological and chemical weapon defenses, and “a goddess of war.” Her other nickname is the “Wolf Warrior.” In contrast to Dr. Fauci’s coy reticence, the Chinese are bracingly frank in acknowledging that their gain-of-function dabbling is straight-up weapons development. In 2015, only two years after Chinese scientists used funding from NIAID and techniques they learned from Ralph Baric to triumphantly facilitate a deadly chimeric bird flu, Chinese military scientists from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and senior Chinese public health officials published a 261-page Chinese-language military manual. The manual’s publisher is the Chinese Military Medical Science Press—a government-owned publishing house managed by the General Logistics Department of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The book described Chinese success at artificially manipulating animal coronaviruses to infect humans as the herald of a promising “new era of genetic weapons.” The 2015 book offers alarming insight into how senior scientists at one of the PLA’s most prominent military universities were thinking about the gain-of-function research that Tony Fauci was already financing in their laboratories. Their thoughts align perfectly with the bioweapons ambitions for gain-of-function science that Ralph Baric unveiled in his 2007 paper. The Chinese authors giddily proclaim their ability to enhance the military effectiveness of their new GOF pathogens using major advances in bioweapon delivery systems—including freeze-drying microorganisms—that make germ bombs easier to store, transport, conceal, and aerosolize. A section describing strategies for maximizing impacts of biological attacks recommends the deployment of lab-generated pandemic germ bombs during dawn, dusk, night, or cloudy weather to minimize the weakening effects of intense sunlight on the pathogens. Stable wind direction and dry weather—the manual says—are ideal for delivering biobombs, since rain or snow can cause the aerosol particles to precipitate. The book advises that favorable climate conditions will allow the Chinese military to float the toxins into the target zone. The authors boast that, in addition to psychological terror, widespread morbidity, and mass casualties, large-scale biological weapon attacks can cause many indirect consequences, including the destruction of target economies, sudden surges of patients disrupting hospitals and healthcare systems, and long-term stress leading to increased chronic mental illness—events all too familiar to Americans these days. The editor-in-chief of this book, Xu Dezhong, is “a retired professor of infectious disease with the Air Force Medical University in Xian.” A military epidemiologist, Dezhong received the gold medal of the Military Academy Education Award, and praise as an outstanding party member. He did postdoctoral study in the US at Peter Hotez’s Baylor College of Medicine and at the CDC. He led the SARS epidemic analysis expert group under the Chinese Ministry of Health, reporting to the top leadership of the Chinese military commission and the health ministry during the 2003 SARS crisis. By 2020, Chinese military researchers, after benefitting from years of NIAID- and USAID-funded research, were developing pandemic coronaviruses that could quickly spread across global populations and were not the least bit embarrassed about it. Even with the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, Chinese scientists were publicly peacocking these expanding capacities. In April 2020, seven months after COVID-19 began circulating, twenty-three Chinese scientists—eleven of them from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, the Chinese army’s medical research institute—boasted that they had used gene-editing CRISPR technology to engineer mice with humanized lungs to make it easier to develop coronavirus strains that could infect humans. In June 2021, Vanity Fair reported that United States National Security Council (NSC) investigators determined that “it became clear that the mice had been engineered sometime in the summer of 2019, before the pandemic even started. The NSC officials were left wondering: Had the Chinese military been running viruses through humanized mouse models, to see which might be infectious to humans?” Those particular US officials had not yet grasped that this was precisely the sort of research that Dr. Fauci—along with his US military and intelligence agency partners—had been conducting and funding for years at the Wuhan lab. US scientists had developed humanized mice in 2002. NIH-funded scientists like Ralph Baric had been using humanized mice to test human infectiousness of their enhanced pathogens for nearly two decades! The Defender on occasion posts content related to Children’s Health Defense’s nonprofit mission that features Mr. Kennedy’s views on the issues CHD and The Defender regularly cover. In keeping with Federal Election Commission rules, this content does not represent an endorsement of Mr. Kennedy, who is on leave from CHD and is seeking the Independent party nomination for president of the U.S. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/anthony-fauci-bioweapons-research-covid-wuhan-cover-up/
    Fauci Tried to Hide U.S. Funding of Bioweapons Research, But China Openly Bragged About ‘New Era of Genetic Weapons’
    Dr. Anthony Fauci funneled tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to bioweapons research, including experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci and other U.S. government officials continue to deny such experiments are related to the development of bioweapons, but China openly admits that its scientists are using gain-of-function research to create “genetic weapons.”
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