• The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
    Preston James, Ph.DMarch 10, 2022

    DISCLOSURE: This article deals with the very contentious hard public subjects of religion, racism, hate and bigotry. While, VT does NOT support racism, bigotry, violence, or hate speech, we are an open source uncensored journal and support the right of independent writers and commentors to express their voices. Reader discretion is advised.

    What ‘Q’ Would Never Tell You…The Shocking Truth Behind the Conspiracy Theories

    Editor’s Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.

    The present-day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal.

    The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM), and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press.

    It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it.

    It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union.

    At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism, December 1, 2014 — in his Keynote address, VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel. This disclosure sent shock waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes.

    And the shock waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations.

    We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995.

    The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

    by Preston James and Mike Harris

    100-800 AD – an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria:

    Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. During this time, Khazarians became known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

    800 AD – The Ultimatum is delivered by Russia and other surrounding nations:

    The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith.

    The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood, and eating their hearts.

    The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. This was made the national religion of Khazaria and nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for before.

    Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria. Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities — a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship.

    1,200 AD – Russia and the surrounding nations have had enough and take action:

    About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included the kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. The Khazarian king and his inner court of criminals and murderers came to be known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) by neighboring countries.

    The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped while assuming new identities. In secret, they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals and trusted Baal to give them the whole world and all its riches, as they claimed he had promised them, as long as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for him.

    The Khazarian king and his court Mafia plotted eternal revenge against the Russians and the surrounding nations that invaded Khazaria and drove them from power.

    The Khazarian Mafia invades England after being expelled for hundreds of years:

    To accomplish their invasion, they hired Oliver Cromwell to murder King Charles 1, and make England safe for banking again. This began the English Civil Wars which raged for nearly a decade, resulting in the regicide of the royal family and hundreds of the genuine English nobility. This is how the City of London was set up as the banking capital of Europe and launched the beginning of the British Empire.

    From David Icke’s website www.davidicke.com. David Icke was the first ever to courageously expose the Rothschilds publicly in front of hundreds. This, of course, makes him an international hero and we need more with his kind of courage to break open the coverup hiding the Khazarian Mafia and bring an end to their worldwide illegitimate power.[/caption]

    The Khazarian Mafia (KM) decides to infiltrate and hijack all World Banking using Babylonian Black-Magick, also known as Babylonian Money-Magick or the secret art of making money from nothing also using the power of pernicious usury to accumulate interest:

    The KM used their vast fortune to enter into a new system of banking, based on secret Babylonian black-magic money-magic that they claimed to have learned from the evil spirits of Baal, in return for their many child sacrifices to him.

    This Babylonian money-magick involved the substitution of paper credit certificates for gold and silver deposits, which allowed travelers to travel with their money in a form that offered easy replacement should they lose the certificates or have them stolen.

    Interesting how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them. Eventually, the Khazarian king and his small surrounding court infiltrated Germany with a group that chose the name “the Bauers” of Germany to represent them and carry on their Baal-powered system of evil. The Bauers of the Red Shield, which represented their secret blood-based child sacrifices, changed their name to Rothschild (aka “child of the rock, Satan”).

    The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England:

    Bauer/Rothschild had five sons who infiltrated and took over European banking and the City of London Central Banking System through various crafty covert operations, including a false report of Napoleon winning against the British, when actually he lost. This allowed the Rothschilds to use fraud and deception to steal the wealth of the English nobility and the landed gentry, who had made business investments with the City of London Banking institutions.

    The Rothschilds set up a private Fiat banking system that specialized in making counterfeit money from nothing — charging pernicious usury for the British people, using what should have been their own money.

    This was the black art of Babylonian money-magick; they claimed to insiders that such technology and secret money power was provided to them by Baal, because of their frequent child bleeding-out and sacrifices rituals to Baal.

    Once they had infiltrated and hijacked the British banking system, they interbred with the British Royals and infiltrated and completely hijacked all of England and all its major institutions. Some experts believe that the Rothschilds genocided the Royal Family members by staging secretly-managed illicit and adulterous breedings with their own Khazarian men in order to replace the Royals with their own pretenders to the throne.

    Khazarian mafia
    The Khazarian Mafia (KM) wages an international effort to eradicate Kings who rule by the Divine Right of God Almighty:

    Because the KM claims to have a personal partnership with Baal (aka the Devil, Lucifer, Satan) because of their sacrifices to him. They detest any kings who rule under the authority of God Almighty because most feel a responsibility to make sure their own people are protected from infiltrators and treasonous “Enemies within the Gates.”

    In the 1600s, the KM murdered the British Royals and substitute their own fakes. In the 1700s, they murder the French Royals. Right before WWI, they murder, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand to start WW1. In 1917 they assembled their KM army, the Bolsheviks, and infiltrated and hijack Russia, murdered the Czar and his family in cold blood, bayonet his favorite daughter through the chest, and steal all the Russian gold, silver, and art treasures. Right before WW2, they murder the Austrian and German Royals. Then they get rid of the Chinese Royals and disempower the Japanese ruler.

    The Khazarian Mafia’s intense hatred of anyone who professed faith in any God but their god Baal has motivated them to murder kings and royalty and make sure they can never rule. They have done the same with American presidents — running sophisticated covert operations to disempower them.

    If that doesn’t work the KM assassinates them, as they did to McKinley, Lincoln, and JFK. The KM wants to eliminate any strong rulers or elected officials who dare to resist their Babylonian money-magick power or their covert power gained from the deployment of their human compromise network.

    The Rothschilds create international narcotics trafficking on behalf of the KM:

    The Rothschilds then covertly ran the British Empire and crafted an evil plan to recover the vast amounts of gold and silver the British had been paying to China for its high-quality silk and spices that were unavailable anywhere else.

    The Rothschilds, through their international spy network, had heard of Turkish opium and its habit-forming characteristics. They deployed a covert operation to buy Turkish opium and sell it in China, infecting millions with a bad opium habit that brought back gold and silver into the Rothschild coffers, but not to the British People.

    The opium addictions created by Rothschild opium sales to China harmed China so much that China went to war on two occasions to stop it. These wars were known as the Boxer Rebellions or the Opium Wars.

    The money the Rothschilds gained from the sale of opium was so vast that they became even more addicted to the easy money than the opiate addicts were to the opium.

    The Rothschilds were the funding source behind the establishment of the American Colonies, by incorporating the Hudson Bay Company and other trading companies to exploit the New World of the Americas. It was the Rothschilds who ordered the mass extermination and genocide of the indigenous people of North America to allow for the exploitation of the vast natural resources of the continent.

    The Rothschilds also followed the same business template in the Caribbean and in the Asian sub-continent of India, resulting in the murder of millions of innocent people.

    The Rothschilds start the international slave trade, an enterprise that viewed these kidnapped humans as mere animals — a view that the Khazarians would impose on all the people of the world who were not part of their evil circle, which some called the “Old Black Nobility”:

    The Rothschild’s next big project was to start the worldwide slave trade, buying slaves from crooked tribal chiefs in Africa who worked with them to kidnap members of competing tribes for sale as slaves.

    The Rothschild slave traders then took these kidnapped slaves on their ships in cramped cells to America and the Caribbean where they were sold. Many died at sea due to bad conditions.

    The Rothschild bankers learned early on that war was a great way to double their money in a short time by lending money to both warring sides. But in order to be guaranteed collections, they had to get taxation laws passed, which could be used to force payment.

    The KM Rothschild private Fiat Counterfeit Banksters plot eternal revenge against the American Colonists and Russia who assisted them in losing the Revolutionary War:

    When the Rothschilds lost the American Revolution, they blamed the Russian czar and the Russians for assisting the colonists by blockading British Ships.

    They swore eternal revenge on the American colonists, just as they had when the Russians and their allies crushed Khazaria in 1,000 AD.

    The Rothschilds and the English oligarchy that surrounded them plotted ways to retake America, and this became their main obsession.

    Their favored plan is to set up an American central bank, featuring Babylonian money magic and secret counterfeiting.

    The Rothschild KM attempts to retake America in 1812 on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia but fails, once again because of Russian interference:

    This failure enraged the Rothschild KM, and they once again plot eternal revenge against both the Russians and the American colonists and plan to infiltrate and hijack both nations and asset strip, tyrannize, and then mass-murder both nations and their populace.

    The KM’s attempts to set up a private American central bank are blocked by President Andrew Jackson, who called them Satanic and vowed to route them out by the grace and power of Almighty God.

    The Rothschild banksters regroup and continue their covert attempts to install their own Babylonian money-magick bank inside America.

    Finally, in 1913, the Rothschild KM succeeds in establishing a major beachhead inside America — and an evil enemy of all American enter the gates of America:

    In 1913, the Rothschild KM was able to establish a beachhead by bribing crooked, treasonous members of Congress to pass the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve without a required quorum. The Act was then signed by a crooked, bought off President, who was a traitor to America, like the members of Congress who voted for it.

    The Rothschild KM then create an illegal taxation System in America:

    The KM put an illegal, Unconstitutional tax system in place, in order to make sure that Americans would have to pay for high-level USG spending, approved by a bought-off, crooked Congress and Presidential puppets, put in place by corrupt KM campaign finance.

    It is easy for the KM to garner enough money to elect anyone they want because when you control a bank that is a secret major counterfeiter, you have all the money made for you that you desire. At about the same time that they created their illegal tax system in America, they also bribed members of Congress to approve the Internal Revenue Service, which is their private collection agency incorporated in Puerto Rico.

    Soon afterward, they set up the Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect their banksters, to serve their cover-up needs and prevent them from ever being prosecuted for their child sacrifice rituals, pedophile networks; and to also serve as a covert Intel operation on their behalf.

    Note that the FBI has no official charter, according to the Library of Congress, and has no right to exist or issue paychecks.

    The Rothschild KM deployed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia to extract incredibly savage, bloody revenge on innocent Russians, which they had plotted for many years, ever since Khazaria was destroyed:

    The Rothschild KM pre-staged and engineered the Russian Revolution by using its central banks to pay for the Bolshevik infiltration of Russia and their Revolution on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

    The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long-planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder, and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. This little-known fact explains the extreme violence taken out on Russia as long-standing revenge by the Rothschild-controlled Khazarian Mafia (KM).

    In a well-planned savage and inhuman bloodletting that stunned the world, the Bolsheviks were unleashed in full fury on behalf of the KM to gain revenge on the Russians. This had been planned since the destruction of Khazaria.

    The Bolsheviks, at the direction of the Rothschild KM, raped, tortured and mass-murdered approximately 100 million Russians, including women, children, and infants. Some of the torture and bloodletting were so extreme, we are not going to mention it here in this article.

    But readers who want to know can do some in-depth internet research on the “Red Terror” or the “Bolshevik Cheka” or watch the classic movie “The Checkist (1992)”.

    The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) once again decided to sheep-dip themselves and infiltrated and hijacked all Judaism:

    The Rothschild KM created a master plan to control all of Judaism and mind-kontrol Judaics. The Rothschild KM has hijacked Judaism, patterned it off of Babylonian Talmudism (Luciferianism or Satanism), and gained control over the banking and Wall Street professions in general, Congress, the major mass media; along with most wealth and economic means of success.

    Thus, the Rothschild KM could pass out wealth and success to those Judaics who drank their Kool-aide and use them as cutouts, assets, and Sayanims. In this manner, the Rothschilds hijacked Judaism.

    Their financing of the Israeli Knesset and construction of it using Freemason occult architecture displayed their commitment to the occult and Babylonian Talmudism and all the evil accompanying it, including child sacrifice to their secret god Baal. They set up an NWO system called World Zionism which taught and inculcated susceptible Judaics with a paranoid group delusion of racial superiority, which assumed that all Gentiles were intent on mass-murdering all Judaics.

    Freemasonry architecture was used in the building of the Knesset and the Israeli Supreme Court viewed through windows.

    They called this racially-paranoid mass Judaic delusion of world conquest, “World Zionism”, which is really a form of covert Babylonian Talmudism or Luciferianism that had been unknown to mainstream Judaics. The system was designed to use Judaics as cover, but also to anoint them with Babylonian money-power, in order to use them as cutouts, and to later be sacrificed to Lucifer in two stages.

    The first stage would be their planned WWII in Nazi work camps, cut off from supplies, resulting in the deaths of about 200,000 Judaics from starvation and disease, along with about 90,000 non-Judaic inmates from the same causes, according to respected Red Cross official figures. This number is 5% of what the Khazarian Mafia (aka the World Zionists) claim.

    The second great sacrifice would be a final one, when their New World Order Luciferian King would be placed into power, and when all three Abrahamic religions would be eradicated — especially Judaism, which would be blamed for all the wars and destruction of the world.

    By then, the Rothschilds would once again morph themselves into a complete new identity not associated with Judaism in any form, not even World Zionism.

    It is important to realize that the Rothschild KM took Germany down to nothing after WWI, created a vacuum for Fascism, and then rebuilt it, creating Naziism and installing Hitler as a counter-force to their Russian Bolshevism.

    Hitler became a problem for the KM when he broke free and begin acting in the interests of the German people and the free people of the world, and developed his own banking system free of the Rothschilds.

    Hitler introduced a financial system that was free of usury and beneficial to the working class. This mandated the utter destruction of Germany and the German people because the Rothschilds and the Khazarians could never allow an economic system that did not depend upon usury to exist.

    We see the same thing today with the Khazarian war against Islam because Islam forbids usury. That is why Israel is so vocal and aggressive about destroying the Islamic people of the world.

    The KM expected this to be a large WWII and when they supported both sides, this could be used to industrialize the whole world and maximize their bankster money-power.

    The Rothschild KM then bribed and induced Members of Congress to send American Soldiers to their pre-stage and engineered WWI:

    As a continuance of their well-proven pattern of financing both sides in any war to maximize profits, the acquisition of more federal tax monies, and increased international power, the Rothschild Khazarians once again bribed, blackmailed, and induced members of Congress to declare war against Germany in 1917.

    This was facilitated by a KM false-flag attack with the sinking of the Lusitania.

    The Rothschild KM has since developed the usual pattern of covertly staging false-flag attacks as a standard operating procedure for inducing Americans to fight wars for the Khazarian Mafia.

    After WWII was finished, the Rothschild KM deployed the Cold War and used this as an excuse to bring Nazi scientists and mind-kontrol experts to America under Operation Paperclip.

    This allowed them to set up a worldwide spying and espionage system that far exceeded any of their prior efforts.

    Under this new system, they continue to infiltrate and hijack all American institutions, including the various American church systems, Freemasonry (especially the Scottish Rite and York Rite), the US military, US Intel, and most private defense contractors, the Judiciary, and most agencies of the USG, including most State governments, and both major political parties as well.

    The Rothschild KM sets up Nazi Work Camps as a pretext to later manipulate the Allies into granting them their own private colony in Palestine, using land stolen from the Palestinians:

    The Rothschild KM was able to use their self mislabeled, so-called “holocaust” to serve as a mind-kontrol trigger to thwart and resist any criticism of their Zionist ways.

    The truth of the matter was that the Rothschild KM set up the Nazi work camps to make huge profits for the corporations that ran their work camps and supplied their Nazi war machine.

    Once the Rothschild KM gained their own private homeland in Israel in 1947 through their covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all of Palestine as their New Khazaria, and began plotting how to genocide all the Palestinians and steal all of Palestine for themselves. Their plans include their fantasy of constructing a “greater Israel” by taking over the whole Middle East and manipulating dumb American Goyim to fight and die on their behalf, taking all the Arab lands for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM), so they can asset strip their wealth and natural resources, especially their crude oil.

    Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites, and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian lands in order to build Israeli settlements, and it is the Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians.

    The Rothschild KM decides to morph again and expand their ranks:

    In the meantime, the Rothschild KM realized that they could not stay hidden much longer from the public unless they morphed again and expanded their secret leadership.

    So they worked hard to further infiltrate and hijack Freemasonry and its secret offshoots and inducted top members into their pedophile network and child sacrifice rituals.

    Also, key members of Congress were inducted into their secret satanic network by giving them special power, high USG, military, and Intel positions, accompanied by great monetary rewards and high status. Massive KM espionage fronts using Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens as cutouts were set up inside America to funnel the Khazarian banksters’ counterfeit money to politicians for their election campaigns, in order to own and control them when elected.

    The Rothschild KM decides to Mind-kontrol the American masses to make it much easier to manipulate them into approving their illegal, Unconstitutional unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual wars needed to make huge profits and gain more world power:

    The Rothschild KM decided to gain complete control over all public education by setting up the Department of Education and creating globalist and socialist curriculums based on political correctness, diversity, and “perversion is normal” teachings. Fluoride is added to the public water and toothpaste, and dentists are mind-kontrolled to believe that fluoride prevents cavities, and is not harmful to brain function or thyroid function, which it is.

    The addition of fluoride to the public water supply and to toothpaste is to dumb-down Americans by on average lowering the operational IQ and making folks much more docile than they would normally be. Programs to develop and deploy vaccinations to dumb-down children and create huge numbers of future chronic health problems were initiated.

    Doctors have been mind-kontrolled and misled by biased research that was cherry-picked, ignoring any studies that were negative — and that included most of them. All vaccine cell lines are contaminated with SV-40, a known carcinogenic slow-acting virus.

    The KM used its monetary power to gain control over all of the allopathic medical schools, and set up and controlled the American Medical Association and other medical societies, in order to make sure their agenda based on lies and deceit was continued.

    Part of this massive plan to dumb down and mind-kontrol the American masses was the KM’s buying up and consolidating all the American mass media into six controlled major mass media (CMMM), owned and controlled by their cutouts on their behalf. The CMMM functions as an illegal news cartel, and it should be broken up under antitrust laws and for inflicting espionage and illegal propaganda as a weapon of war against the American people.

    The Rothschild KM Chieftains decide that it is time to use America to complete their final take-down and occupation of the Whole World by instituting a major False-Flag attack inside America to blame on the Islamics whom they want America to wrongly attack their behalf:

    So the KM Chieftains use their top Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens living in America (aka, the PNACers and top NeoCon Cutouts) to plan a major nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.

    Bibi Netanyahu, the operational head of the KM, deployed the Mossad and these Dual Citizens to set up and institute this attack on America which was to be blamed by the CMMM on Muslims.

    They informed their top Rabbis and “Friends of World Zionism” not to fly on that day and to stay out of NYC, as did “Larry Silverfish”, one of the primary men involved in the operation.

    They used their main cutout in the DOD to lure the Able Danger investigators to the Pentagon Naval Intel meeting room, where they would be assassinated by a Tomahawk cruise missile that was fired from an Israeli Dolphin class Diesel submarine bought from Germany.

    Thirty-five of the Able Danger investigators who were investigating and tracking the Israeli theft of 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett nuclear pits out of the backdoor at Pantex in Texas were murdered by this Tomahawk hit, which was timed with the detonation of bombs pre-planted in the Naval Intel wing, which was newly hardened to no avail.

    The Israeli Mossad front company, Urban Moving Systems, was used to transport the mini-nukes made from the stolen W-54 nuclear pits from Pantex (and originally made at the Hanford processing plant), where they were stored in the Israeli Embassy in NYC and transported to the Twin Towers for detonation on 9-11-01.

    Baal aka Moloch, Lucifer, Satan. Take your pick it’s the same evil spirit that wants to mass-murder all humans. In exchange for doing his “dirty work,” he rewards those who allow him to snatch their souls by giving them incredible riches, fame, and power. This is the secret blood contract called “selling one’s soul.”

    The incredibly Evil Secret Agenda of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is now revealed publicly for the very first time by VT’s own Gordon Duff. We now know that Bibi Netanyahu ran the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 and did it as an overall Khazarian Mafia (KM) Agenda.

    Hold on to your chair, this is a very big secret and explains a lot of what has been going on inside America, all caused by Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM) which has infiltrated almost all of America’s institutions of Government and society.

    Now for the first time ever, the very specific secret incredibly Evil Agenda of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is going to be revealed, thanks to an interview that Mike Harris had with VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff on his talk show “The Short End of the Stick” on 3-10-15.

    I have heard a lot of shocking insider’s secrets over the years but this one really takes the cake and explains exactly what Israel and its minions in America have been to us on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) that has screwed up almost every aspect of our lives creating a poor economy, lots of unemployment and underemployment, massive crime, alcoholism and drug, screwed up schools that dumb down the kids, various eugenics programs like fluoride in the public water and toothpaste, and mercury in vaccines which are a big fraud, and rampant political corruption.

    This interview is now sending shockwaves around the world and when you consider the content that Gordon Duff disclosed for the first time anywhere publicly, you will be shocked. And you will understand that Bibi Netanyahu is the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and was the one that ordered and supervised the Israeli Nuclear Attack on America on 9-11-01.

    In this interview, Gordon Duff disclosed from a written transcript of what was said at a meeting between Bibi Netanyahu and an American traitor and some other spies in 1990. Gordon Duff disclosed that Netanyahu was a KGB spy like Jonathan Pollard. And we know now that Israel was started as a satellite of Bolshevik Russia and was quite unhappy when the Soviet Union fell.

    Benjamin Netanyahu was meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording which was witnessed and has been 100% fully authenticated:

    “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

    This is exactly what the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been doing to America since it successfully infiltrated and hijacked America in 1913. Knowledge of what Bibi said on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) should make us all furious and get motivated to drive these evil creatures out of America and take our great Republic back.

    When Bibi Netanyahu mentions god’s will, the god he was referring to is Baal (also known as the Great Owl or Moloch), the god these Khazarians believe requires them to worship him by constant bloodletting and painful human sacrifice and mass-murder and that if they “sell their souls” to Baal (aka Lucifer or Satan) do this they will be rewarded with incredible riches, fame, and great power. When they “sell their souls” what actually happens is that their souls are snatched away and they become inhuman or soulless and take on the characteristics of Baal, that is they become increasingly psychopathic and evil.

    What Bibi Netanyahu was discussing was the upcoming nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01, and when he mentioned “they will just replace us” he was referring to the top Circle of Twelve, the group he answers to that VT’s own Columnist and talk show host Stew Webb disclosed to the World by identifying 11 of the 12 who call themselves the “Illuminati” or “Disciples of Satan.” These men do semi-annual child sacrifices in Denver and eat the hearts of children, drink their blood after they pedophile them.

    Folks, we must get this information out to everyone we can, then unite and drive these soulless Baal worshiping scum out of every nook and cranny of America and bring them all to justice and final judgment for all their incredible evil.

    Anyone who understands what Bibi Netanyahu thinks of Americans as a golden calf to asset strip and slaughter should be enraged and driven to community organizing, and political action against Israeli espionage inside America through the Federal Reserve System, AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the CFR and the like.

    The Rothschild KM planted has 25 nukes in major American cities and other major cities in Europe in order to blackmail the associated government. This is referred to as their Samson Option, and was first discovered and disclosed by Seymour Hersh:

    The Rothschild KM also gained some S-19 and S-20 Warheads from a corrupt Member of Congress assigned the task to buy up Ukrainian Mirvs on behalf of the USG in order to decommission them. Instead, he sold them to the Israelis and split the money with other key Congressmen involved.

    This is high treason and a capital offense punishable by execution. Right after their attack on America, the Rothschild KM told the US Administration that they would detonate city-buster sized nukes in some American cities, including DC if the Administration refused to allow Israel to create their own large police state occupation force inside America, based on the consolidation of all American Law Enforcement and alphabets under one central Israeli control.

    This new Israeli occupation force called Homeland Security (DHS) was initially run by dual citizens and perverts. Former DHS Director Janet Napolitano is being sued for sexual harassment of men working at DHS whom she ordered to move their offices into the men’s lavatory.

    Dual Citizen traitor Michael Chertoff, (a name translated from Russian as “son of the devil”), was the criminal mastermind that set up DHS, along with the former head of the East German Stasi, Marcus Wolfe, who was hired as a special consultant and died mysteriously as soon as his mission was completed.

    The Rothschild KM never thought they would get exposed for their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-11, but they made one of the biggest tactical mistakes in history and overplayed their hand from excess hubris, based on too much easy success due to their extreme money power in the past.

    Soon mainstream America will know that Bibi Netanyahu and his Likudist Party deployed the attack on America on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Rothschild KM:

    They thought that they had complete control over the CMMM and could prevent any of the secret IAEA and Sandia Labs investigations from ever being released to the American public.

    They made a serious tactical error because now the truth about their role in the 9-11-01 attack on America is being published on the worldwide Internet, the world’s new Gutenberg Press. What the Rothschild KM did not understand was the power of the Internet and how truth nuggets published and broadcast on it resonate with the people of the world and spread like wildfire, at the speed of light. Truth is being diffused to the masses everywhere.

    This incredible tactical error by the KM is so great that it will actually doom them to the complete exposure and eventual complete destruction they deserve. Bibi Netanyahu’s order to proceed and deliver the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 will go down in history as one of the KM’s biggest mistakes, and the one that will be blamed for their exposure and destruction by the world that is now ganging up against them.

    The Russians have now leaked the IAEA and Sandia Labs and Able Danger files are given to them by Edward Snowden. Soon all of these files will be provided to all Americans and the world via the Internet, and this cannot be stopped.

    A number of Russians in the High Military Command in Russia, and in the highest positions of leadership in the Russian government realize that it was the same Organized Crime Cabal that organized the Khazarians into Bolsheviks to mass-murder 100 million innocent Russians — and these men want payback.

    That is why they are making sure that the Rothschild banksters will be put out of business, which will decapitate the Khazarian Mafia from its endless, elastic counterfeit money supply. This is why the BRICS Development Bank was created — to replace the US Petro Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, but this one, unlike the US Petro Dollar is backed by gold, silver, and real commodities, with NO counterfeiting allowed.

    The CMMM is failing, and most Americans no longer believe any of their prime-time national stories, especially the under-thirty crowd, who cherry-pick facts from the Internet and construct their own beliefs.

    So many Internet users now reject the CMMM that the truth about the Israelis attacking America on 9-11-01 is becoming easier each day to believe. Soon all of mainstream America will know that Bibi Netanyahu and his Mossad and dual citizens did the 9-11-01 attack on America.

    The American Military High Command knows that Bibi Netanyahu ordered his Mossad and stateside Dual Citizens to attack America using nukes on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM):

    Various deep cover covert operations are now being deployed globally to expose and decapitate the Rothschild KM from their endless, elastic money supply.

    Their days of anti-human power are now limited. The secret, incredibly well-trained US team called the “Nuclear Snake-Eaters” is now hard at work searching all incoming Israeli diplomatic pouches and shipments; driving by and flying over synagogues and Israeli embassies and Mossad safe-houses with high tech gamma-ray and helium-3 neutron detectors, and using ultra-high-tech custom-tuned and -focused satellites to search for any stored nuclear pits, as well as working hard to recover all stolen nuclear pits by the Israelis anywhere in the world outside of Israel.

    This super-elite team was alerted by Michael Shrimpton’s phone call to MI-6 notifying them that an Israeli “City Buster” was planted near the Olympic stadium. This call wrongly has landed him in jail. The City Buster was recovered by the “Nuclear Snake-eaters”, who entered England and recovered and disarmed a large city buster. Sadly MI-6 wanted this nuke detonated in order to gain more power for the Khazarian Mafia in England — their home base inside the City of London Financial District — since it has been losing power fast.

    A secret name for these KM Chieftains which run much of the world out of the City of London is Gog and Magog, despite what so many historians believe is the secret name of Russia which it is not. It is the secret name of the top KM and apparently represents where they originally came from.

    The secret team of super-elite “Nuclear Snake-eaters” is ready to be deployed to Israel anytime, should the nation collapse after most European corporations divest from Israel, and the US cuts off all aid, in order to comply with American law. It is illegal to give aid to a nation that has nukes, and which has not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. Israel has nukes detectable from satellite-based Helium-3 sensors and has never admitted it, nor has it signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. We must all demand that our Congress and Administration obey the law and immediately cut off all aid monetary and military aid to Israel, and arrest all Israeli espionage front directors of AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the “Joint” in NYC, and the ADL, etc.

    It is unknown but suspected that a significant number of these stolen nukes have been already recovered. It has been reported by insiders that a very solemn message was communicated to Bibi Netanyahu and his Likudists, as well as all top members of Israeli espionage fronts in America, like AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the ADL and the like.

    What was this serious warning? If insider reports are accurate, these folks were told that if there is one more Israeli-based false-flag attack, those who ordered it or were involved will be hunted down under American National Security and eliminated, and the Israeli defense structures associated with such will be turned to dust.

    The rest of Rothschild KM history will likely be determined by YOU:

    The future of the Rothschild KM will likely be determined by VT readers and We The People who learn the secret, forbidden history of the Khazarian Mafia that was excised from the history books and libraries by the KM to protect their evil history that no one would accept if it was known.

    So share this story with your family, friends, and associates and take it viral. Be clear about this — unless the KM is able to operate in abject secrecy, it will be attacked from all sides and destroyed forever. So take away their secrecy by exposing their hidden history for all Americans to know and understand.

    That is why they have worked so hard to buy up and control the CMMM and public mass education including colleges and universities, to make sure the people of the world would never find out about their secret evil, which is so inhuman, so homicidal that the whole world would gang up on them and attack them from all sides at every level they exist at.

    The big question remains: Was the true cause of leaders of the Khazarian Mafia’s incredible evil and savagery toward the human race a byproduct of nature or nurture? Some believe that this gross parasitism and inclination to mass-murder, engagement in pedophilia and child bloodletting, and child sacrifice is due to a toxic culture, best described as malignant Tribalism, characterized by a paranoid group racial superiority delusion.

    Others think the leaders of the KM are the bloodline of Cain, that is, “children of Cain”, that are the Devil’s own and have absolutely no soul or human conscience but are pure predators like a wild beast — while at the same time being incredibly two-faced, that is able to put on a good con and a nice face on the outside. Perhaps it could be both factors. In any case, it is time to expose this evil, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced. It is time for the world to work together to deal with this challenge.

    Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of VT, a radio host, a former GOP Finance Chairman, a Gubernatorial Candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long-term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”. Mike was a part of the VT group that attended the Damascus Conference to Combat Terrorism and Religious Extremism. Mike gave about twenty-five televised interviews that were broadcast to millions of viewers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran. In these interviews, Mike emphasized and supported the historical declaration by Keynote Speaker, VT Senior Editor, and Chairman Gordon Duff that the real problem behind World Terrorism is a large Organized Crime Syndicate.

    For those who have time and interest in the Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) Snake.

    Related Articles: The “Little Green Guy Book”

    Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.


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    The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Preston James, Ph.DMarch 10, 2022 DISCLOSURE: This article deals with the very contentious hard public subjects of religion, racism, hate and bigotry. While, VT does NOT support racism, bigotry, violence, or hate speech, we are an open source uncensored journal and support the right of independent writers and commentors to express their voices. Reader discretion is advised. What ‘Q’ Would Never Tell You…The Shocking Truth Behind the Conspiracy Theories Editor’s Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books. The present-day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal. The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM), and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press. It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it. It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union. At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism, December 1, 2014 — in his Keynote address, VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel. This disclosure sent shock waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes. And the shock waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations. We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995. The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia by Preston James and Mike Harris 100-800 AD – an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria: Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. During this time, Khazarians became known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life. 800 AD – The Ultimatum is delivered by Russia and other surrounding nations: The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith. The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood, and eating their hearts. The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. This was made the national religion of Khazaria and nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for before. Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria. Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities — a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship. 1,200 AD – Russia and the surrounding nations have had enough and take action: About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included the kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. The Khazarian king and his inner court of criminals and murderers came to be known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) by neighboring countries. The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped while assuming new identities. In secret, they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals and trusted Baal to give them the whole world and all its riches, as they claimed he had promised them, as long as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for him. The Khazarian king and his court Mafia plotted eternal revenge against the Russians and the surrounding nations that invaded Khazaria and drove them from power. The Khazarian Mafia invades England after being expelled for hundreds of years: To accomplish their invasion, they hired Oliver Cromwell to murder King Charles 1, and make England safe for banking again. This began the English Civil Wars which raged for nearly a decade, resulting in the regicide of the royal family and hundreds of the genuine English nobility. This is how the City of London was set up as the banking capital of Europe and launched the beginning of the British Empire. From David Icke’s website www.davidicke.com. David Icke was the first ever to courageously expose the Rothschilds publicly in front of hundreds. This, of course, makes him an international hero and we need more with his kind of courage to break open the coverup hiding the Khazarian Mafia and bring an end to their worldwide illegitimate power.[/caption] The Khazarian Mafia (KM) decides to infiltrate and hijack all World Banking using Babylonian Black-Magick, also known as Babylonian Money-Magick or the secret art of making money from nothing also using the power of pernicious usury to accumulate interest: The KM used their vast fortune to enter into a new system of banking, based on secret Babylonian black-magic money-magic that they claimed to have learned from the evil spirits of Baal, in return for their many child sacrifices to him. This Babylonian money-magick involved the substitution of paper credit certificates for gold and silver deposits, which allowed travelers to travel with their money in a form that offered easy replacement should they lose the certificates or have them stolen. Interesting how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them. Eventually, the Khazarian king and his small surrounding court infiltrated Germany with a group that chose the name “the Bauers” of Germany to represent them and carry on their Baal-powered system of evil. The Bauers of the Red Shield, which represented their secret blood-based child sacrifices, changed their name to Rothschild (aka “child of the rock, Satan”). The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England: Bauer/Rothschild had five sons who infiltrated and took over European banking and the City of London Central Banking System through various crafty covert operations, including a false report of Napoleon winning against the British, when actually he lost. This allowed the Rothschilds to use fraud and deception to steal the wealth of the English nobility and the landed gentry, who had made business investments with the City of London Banking institutions. The Rothschilds set up a private Fiat banking system that specialized in making counterfeit money from nothing — charging pernicious usury for the British people, using what should have been their own money. This was the black art of Babylonian money-magick; they claimed to insiders that such technology and secret money power was provided to them by Baal, because of their frequent child bleeding-out and sacrifices rituals to Baal. Once they had infiltrated and hijacked the British banking system, they interbred with the British Royals and infiltrated and completely hijacked all of England and all its major institutions. Some experts believe that the Rothschilds genocided the Royal Family members by staging secretly-managed illicit and adulterous breedings with their own Khazarian men in order to replace the Royals with their own pretenders to the throne. Khazarian mafia The Khazarian Mafia (KM) wages an international effort to eradicate Kings who rule by the Divine Right of God Almighty: Because the KM claims to have a personal partnership with Baal (aka the Devil, Lucifer, Satan) because of their sacrifices to him. They detest any kings who rule under the authority of God Almighty because most feel a responsibility to make sure their own people are protected from infiltrators and treasonous “Enemies within the Gates.” In the 1600s, the KM murdered the British Royals and substitute their own fakes. In the 1700s, they murder the French Royals. Right before WWI, they murder, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand to start WW1. In 1917 they assembled their KM army, the Bolsheviks, and infiltrated and hijack Russia, murdered the Czar and his family in cold blood, bayonet his favorite daughter through the chest, and steal all the Russian gold, silver, and art treasures. Right before WW2, they murder the Austrian and German Royals. Then they get rid of the Chinese Royals and disempower the Japanese ruler. The Khazarian Mafia’s intense hatred of anyone who professed faith in any God but their god Baal has motivated them to murder kings and royalty and make sure they can never rule. They have done the same with American presidents — running sophisticated covert operations to disempower them. If that doesn’t work the KM assassinates them, as they did to McKinley, Lincoln, and JFK. The KM wants to eliminate any strong rulers or elected officials who dare to resist their Babylonian money-magick power or their covert power gained from the deployment of their human compromise network. The Rothschilds create international narcotics trafficking on behalf of the KM: The Rothschilds then covertly ran the British Empire and crafted an evil plan to recover the vast amounts of gold and silver the British had been paying to China for its high-quality silk and spices that were unavailable anywhere else. The Rothschilds, through their international spy network, had heard of Turkish opium and its habit-forming characteristics. They deployed a covert operation to buy Turkish opium and sell it in China, infecting millions with a bad opium habit that brought back gold and silver into the Rothschild coffers, but not to the British People. The opium addictions created by Rothschild opium sales to China harmed China so much that China went to war on two occasions to stop it. These wars were known as the Boxer Rebellions or the Opium Wars. The money the Rothschilds gained from the sale of opium was so vast that they became even more addicted to the easy money than the opiate addicts were to the opium. The Rothschilds were the funding source behind the establishment of the American Colonies, by incorporating the Hudson Bay Company and other trading companies to exploit the New World of the Americas. It was the Rothschilds who ordered the mass extermination and genocide of the indigenous people of North America to allow for the exploitation of the vast natural resources of the continent. The Rothschilds also followed the same business template in the Caribbean and in the Asian sub-continent of India, resulting in the murder of millions of innocent people. The Rothschilds start the international slave trade, an enterprise that viewed these kidnapped humans as mere animals — a view that the Khazarians would impose on all the people of the world who were not part of their evil circle, which some called the “Old Black Nobility”: The Rothschild’s next big project was to start the worldwide slave trade, buying slaves from crooked tribal chiefs in Africa who worked with them to kidnap members of competing tribes for sale as slaves. The Rothschild slave traders then took these kidnapped slaves on their ships in cramped cells to America and the Caribbean where they were sold. Many died at sea due to bad conditions. The Rothschild bankers learned early on that war was a great way to double their money in a short time by lending money to both warring sides. But in order to be guaranteed collections, they had to get taxation laws passed, which could be used to force payment. The KM Rothschild private Fiat Counterfeit Banksters plot eternal revenge against the American Colonists and Russia who assisted them in losing the Revolutionary War: When the Rothschilds lost the American Revolution, they blamed the Russian czar and the Russians for assisting the colonists by blockading British Ships. They swore eternal revenge on the American colonists, just as they had when the Russians and their allies crushed Khazaria in 1,000 AD. The Rothschilds and the English oligarchy that surrounded them plotted ways to retake America, and this became their main obsession. Their favored plan is to set up an American central bank, featuring Babylonian money magic and secret counterfeiting. The Rothschild KM attempts to retake America in 1812 on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia but fails, once again because of Russian interference: This failure enraged the Rothschild KM, and they once again plot eternal revenge against both the Russians and the American colonists and plan to infiltrate and hijack both nations and asset strip, tyrannize, and then mass-murder both nations and their populace. The KM’s attempts to set up a private American central bank are blocked by President Andrew Jackson, who called them Satanic and vowed to route them out by the grace and power of Almighty God. The Rothschild banksters regroup and continue their covert attempts to install their own Babylonian money-magick bank inside America. Finally, in 1913, the Rothschild KM succeeds in establishing a major beachhead inside America — and an evil enemy of all American enter the gates of America: In 1913, the Rothschild KM was able to establish a beachhead by bribing crooked, treasonous members of Congress to pass the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve without a required quorum. The Act was then signed by a crooked, bought off President, who was a traitor to America, like the members of Congress who voted for it. The Rothschild KM then create an illegal taxation System in America: The KM put an illegal, Unconstitutional tax system in place, in order to make sure that Americans would have to pay for high-level USG spending, approved by a bought-off, crooked Congress and Presidential puppets, put in place by corrupt KM campaign finance. It is easy for the KM to garner enough money to elect anyone they want because when you control a bank that is a secret major counterfeiter, you have all the money made for you that you desire. At about the same time that they created their illegal tax system in America, they also bribed members of Congress to approve the Internal Revenue Service, which is their private collection agency incorporated in Puerto Rico. Soon afterward, they set up the Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect their banksters, to serve their cover-up needs and prevent them from ever being prosecuted for their child sacrifice rituals, pedophile networks; and to also serve as a covert Intel operation on their behalf. Note that the FBI has no official charter, according to the Library of Congress, and has no right to exist or issue paychecks. The Rothschild KM deployed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia to extract incredibly savage, bloody revenge on innocent Russians, which they had plotted for many years, ever since Khazaria was destroyed: The Rothschild KM pre-staged and engineered the Russian Revolution by using its central banks to pay for the Bolshevik infiltration of Russia and their Revolution on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM). The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long-planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder, and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. This little-known fact explains the extreme violence taken out on Russia as long-standing revenge by the Rothschild-controlled Khazarian Mafia (KM). In a well-planned savage and inhuman bloodletting that stunned the world, the Bolsheviks were unleashed in full fury on behalf of the KM to gain revenge on the Russians. This had been planned since the destruction of Khazaria. The Bolsheviks, at the direction of the Rothschild KM, raped, tortured and mass-murdered approximately 100 million Russians, including women, children, and infants. Some of the torture and bloodletting were so extreme, we are not going to mention it here in this article. But readers who want to know can do some in-depth internet research on the “Red Terror” or the “Bolshevik Cheka” or watch the classic movie “The Checkist (1992)”. The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) once again decided to sheep-dip themselves and infiltrated and hijacked all Judaism: The Rothschild KM created a master plan to control all of Judaism and mind-kontrol Judaics. The Rothschild KM has hijacked Judaism, patterned it off of Babylonian Talmudism (Luciferianism or Satanism), and gained control over the banking and Wall Street professions in general, Congress, the major mass media; along with most wealth and economic means of success. Thus, the Rothschild KM could pass out wealth and success to those Judaics who drank their Kool-aide and use them as cutouts, assets, and Sayanims. In this manner, the Rothschilds hijacked Judaism. Their financing of the Israeli Knesset and construction of it using Freemason occult architecture displayed their commitment to the occult and Babylonian Talmudism and all the evil accompanying it, including child sacrifice to their secret god Baal. They set up an NWO system called World Zionism which taught and inculcated susceptible Judaics with a paranoid group delusion of racial superiority, which assumed that all Gentiles were intent on mass-murdering all Judaics. Freemasonry architecture was used in the building of the Knesset and the Israeli Supreme Court viewed through windows. They called this racially-paranoid mass Judaic delusion of world conquest, “World Zionism”, which is really a form of covert Babylonian Talmudism or Luciferianism that had been unknown to mainstream Judaics. The system was designed to use Judaics as cover, but also to anoint them with Babylonian money-power, in order to use them as cutouts, and to later be sacrificed to Lucifer in two stages. The first stage would be their planned WWII in Nazi work camps, cut off from supplies, resulting in the deaths of about 200,000 Judaics from starvation and disease, along with about 90,000 non-Judaic inmates from the same causes, according to respected Red Cross official figures. This number is 5% of what the Khazarian Mafia (aka the World Zionists) claim. The second great sacrifice would be a final one, when their New World Order Luciferian King would be placed into power, and when all three Abrahamic religions would be eradicated — especially Judaism, which would be blamed for all the wars and destruction of the world. By then, the Rothschilds would once again morph themselves into a complete new identity not associated with Judaism in any form, not even World Zionism. It is important to realize that the Rothschild KM took Germany down to nothing after WWI, created a vacuum for Fascism, and then rebuilt it, creating Naziism and installing Hitler as a counter-force to their Russian Bolshevism. Hitler became a problem for the KM when he broke free and begin acting in the interests of the German people and the free people of the world, and developed his own banking system free of the Rothschilds. Hitler introduced a financial system that was free of usury and beneficial to the working class. This mandated the utter destruction of Germany and the German people because the Rothschilds and the Khazarians could never allow an economic system that did not depend upon usury to exist. We see the same thing today with the Khazarian war against Islam because Islam forbids usury. That is why Israel is so vocal and aggressive about destroying the Islamic people of the world. The KM expected this to be a large WWII and when they supported both sides, this could be used to industrialize the whole world and maximize their bankster money-power. The Rothschild KM then bribed and induced Members of Congress to send American Soldiers to their pre-stage and engineered WWI: As a continuance of their well-proven pattern of financing both sides in any war to maximize profits, the acquisition of more federal tax monies, and increased international power, the Rothschild Khazarians once again bribed, blackmailed, and induced members of Congress to declare war against Germany in 1917. This was facilitated by a KM false-flag attack with the sinking of the Lusitania. The Rothschild KM has since developed the usual pattern of covertly staging false-flag attacks as a standard operating procedure for inducing Americans to fight wars for the Khazarian Mafia. After WWII was finished, the Rothschild KM deployed the Cold War and used this as an excuse to bring Nazi scientists and mind-kontrol experts to America under Operation Paperclip. This allowed them to set up a worldwide spying and espionage system that far exceeded any of their prior efforts. Under this new system, they continue to infiltrate and hijack all American institutions, including the various American church systems, Freemasonry (especially the Scottish Rite and York Rite), the US military, US Intel, and most private defense contractors, the Judiciary, and most agencies of the USG, including most State governments, and both major political parties as well. The Rothschild KM sets up Nazi Work Camps as a pretext to later manipulate the Allies into granting them their own private colony in Palestine, using land stolen from the Palestinians: The Rothschild KM was able to use their self mislabeled, so-called “holocaust” to serve as a mind-kontrol trigger to thwart and resist any criticism of their Zionist ways. The truth of the matter was that the Rothschild KM set up the Nazi work camps to make huge profits for the corporations that ran their work camps and supplied their Nazi war machine. Once the Rothschild KM gained their own private homeland in Israel in 1947 through their covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all of Palestine as their New Khazaria, and began plotting how to genocide all the Palestinians and steal all of Palestine for themselves. Their plans include their fantasy of constructing a “greater Israel” by taking over the whole Middle East and manipulating dumb American Goyim to fight and die on their behalf, taking all the Arab lands for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM), so they can asset strip their wealth and natural resources, especially their crude oil. Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites, and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian lands in order to build Israeli settlements, and it is the Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians. The Rothschild KM decides to morph again and expand their ranks: In the meantime, the Rothschild KM realized that they could not stay hidden much longer from the public unless they morphed again and expanded their secret leadership. So they worked hard to further infiltrate and hijack Freemasonry and its secret offshoots and inducted top members into their pedophile network and child sacrifice rituals. Also, key members of Congress were inducted into their secret satanic network by giving them special power, high USG, military, and Intel positions, accompanied by great monetary rewards and high status. Massive KM espionage fronts using Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens as cutouts were set up inside America to funnel the Khazarian banksters’ counterfeit money to politicians for their election campaigns, in order to own and control them when elected. The Rothschild KM decides to Mind-kontrol the American masses to make it much easier to manipulate them into approving their illegal, Unconstitutional unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual wars needed to make huge profits and gain more world power: The Rothschild KM decided to gain complete control over all public education by setting up the Department of Education and creating globalist and socialist curriculums based on political correctness, diversity, and “perversion is normal” teachings. Fluoride is added to the public water and toothpaste, and dentists are mind-kontrolled to believe that fluoride prevents cavities, and is not harmful to brain function or thyroid function, which it is. The addition of fluoride to the public water supply and to toothpaste is to dumb-down Americans by on average lowering the operational IQ and making folks much more docile than they would normally be. Programs to develop and deploy vaccinations to dumb-down children and create huge numbers of future chronic health problems were initiated. Doctors have been mind-kontrolled and misled by biased research that was cherry-picked, ignoring any studies that were negative — and that included most of them. All vaccine cell lines are contaminated with SV-40, a known carcinogenic slow-acting virus. The KM used its monetary power to gain control over all of the allopathic medical schools, and set up and controlled the American Medical Association and other medical societies, in order to make sure their agenda based on lies and deceit was continued. Part of this massive plan to dumb down and mind-kontrol the American masses was the KM’s buying up and consolidating all the American mass media into six controlled major mass media (CMMM), owned and controlled by their cutouts on their behalf. The CMMM functions as an illegal news cartel, and it should be broken up under antitrust laws and for inflicting espionage and illegal propaganda as a weapon of war against the American people. The Rothschild KM Chieftains decide that it is time to use America to complete their final take-down and occupation of the Whole World by instituting a major False-Flag attack inside America to blame on the Islamics whom they want America to wrongly attack their behalf: So the KM Chieftains use their top Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens living in America (aka, the PNACers and top NeoCon Cutouts) to plan a major nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01. Bibi Netanyahu, the operational head of the KM, deployed the Mossad and these Dual Citizens to set up and institute this attack on America which was to be blamed by the CMMM on Muslims. They informed their top Rabbis and “Friends of World Zionism” not to fly on that day and to stay out of NYC, as did “Larry Silverfish”, one of the primary men involved in the operation. They used their main cutout in the DOD to lure the Able Danger investigators to the Pentagon Naval Intel meeting room, where they would be assassinated by a Tomahawk cruise missile that was fired from an Israeli Dolphin class Diesel submarine bought from Germany. Thirty-five of the Able Danger investigators who were investigating and tracking the Israeli theft of 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett nuclear pits out of the backdoor at Pantex in Texas were murdered by this Tomahawk hit, which was timed with the detonation of bombs pre-planted in the Naval Intel wing, which was newly hardened to no avail. The Israeli Mossad front company, Urban Moving Systems, was used to transport the mini-nukes made from the stolen W-54 nuclear pits from Pantex (and originally made at the Hanford processing plant), where they were stored in the Israeli Embassy in NYC and transported to the Twin Towers for detonation on 9-11-01. Baal aka Moloch, Lucifer, Satan. Take your pick it’s the same evil spirit that wants to mass-murder all humans. In exchange for doing his “dirty work,” he rewards those who allow him to snatch their souls by giving them incredible riches, fame, and power. This is the secret blood contract called “selling one’s soul.” The incredibly Evil Secret Agenda of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is now revealed publicly for the very first time by VT’s own Gordon Duff. We now know that Bibi Netanyahu ran the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 and did it as an overall Khazarian Mafia (KM) Agenda. Hold on to your chair, this is a very big secret and explains a lot of what has been going on inside America, all caused by Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM) which has infiltrated almost all of America’s institutions of Government and society. Now for the first time ever, the very specific secret incredibly Evil Agenda of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is going to be revealed, thanks to an interview that Mike Harris had with VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff on his talk show “The Short End of the Stick” on 3-10-15. I have heard a lot of shocking insider’s secrets over the years but this one really takes the cake and explains exactly what Israel and its minions in America have been to us on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) that has screwed up almost every aspect of our lives creating a poor economy, lots of unemployment and underemployment, massive crime, alcoholism and drug, screwed up schools that dumb down the kids, various eugenics programs like fluoride in the public water and toothpaste, and mercury in vaccines which are a big fraud, and rampant political corruption. This interview is now sending shockwaves around the world and when you consider the content that Gordon Duff disclosed for the first time anywhere publicly, you will be shocked. And you will understand that Bibi Netanyahu is the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and was the one that ordered and supervised the Israeli Nuclear Attack on America on 9-11-01. In this interview, Gordon Duff disclosed from a written transcript of what was said at a meeting between Bibi Netanyahu and an American traitor and some other spies in 1990. Gordon Duff disclosed that Netanyahu was a KGB spy like Jonathan Pollard. And we know now that Israel was started as a satellite of Bolshevik Russia and was quite unhappy when the Soviet Union fell. Benjamin Netanyahu was meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording which was witnessed and has been 100% fully authenticated: “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” This is exactly what the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been doing to America since it successfully infiltrated and hijacked America in 1913. Knowledge of what Bibi said on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) should make us all furious and get motivated to drive these evil creatures out of America and take our great Republic back. When Bibi Netanyahu mentions god’s will, the god he was referring to is Baal (also known as the Great Owl or Moloch), the god these Khazarians believe requires them to worship him by constant bloodletting and painful human sacrifice and mass-murder and that if they “sell their souls” to Baal (aka Lucifer or Satan) do this they will be rewarded with incredible riches, fame, and great power. When they “sell their souls” what actually happens is that their souls are snatched away and they become inhuman or soulless and take on the characteristics of Baal, that is they become increasingly psychopathic and evil. What Bibi Netanyahu was discussing was the upcoming nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01, and when he mentioned “they will just replace us” he was referring to the top Circle of Twelve, the group he answers to that VT’s own Columnist and talk show host Stew Webb disclosed to the World by identifying 11 of the 12 who call themselves the “Illuminati” or “Disciples of Satan.” These men do semi-annual child sacrifices in Denver and eat the hearts of children, drink their blood after they pedophile them. Folks, we must get this information out to everyone we can, then unite and drive these soulless Baal worshiping scum out of every nook and cranny of America and bring them all to justice and final judgment for all their incredible evil. Anyone who understands what Bibi Netanyahu thinks of Americans as a golden calf to asset strip and slaughter should be enraged and driven to community organizing, and political action against Israeli espionage inside America through the Federal Reserve System, AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the CFR and the like. The Rothschild KM planted has 25 nukes in major American cities and other major cities in Europe in order to blackmail the associated government. This is referred to as their Samson Option, and was first discovered and disclosed by Seymour Hersh: The Rothschild KM also gained some S-19 and S-20 Warheads from a corrupt Member of Congress assigned the task to buy up Ukrainian Mirvs on behalf of the USG in order to decommission them. Instead, he sold them to the Israelis and split the money with other key Congressmen involved. This is high treason and a capital offense punishable by execution. Right after their attack on America, the Rothschild KM told the US Administration that they would detonate city-buster sized nukes in some American cities, including DC if the Administration refused to allow Israel to create their own large police state occupation force inside America, based on the consolidation of all American Law Enforcement and alphabets under one central Israeli control. This new Israeli occupation force called Homeland Security (DHS) was initially run by dual citizens and perverts. Former DHS Director Janet Napolitano is being sued for sexual harassment of men working at DHS whom she ordered to move their offices into the men’s lavatory. Dual Citizen traitor Michael Chertoff, (a name translated from Russian as “son of the devil”), was the criminal mastermind that set up DHS, along with the former head of the East German Stasi, Marcus Wolfe, who was hired as a special consultant and died mysteriously as soon as his mission was completed. The Rothschild KM never thought they would get exposed for their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-11, but they made one of the biggest tactical mistakes in history and overplayed their hand from excess hubris, based on too much easy success due to their extreme money power in the past. Soon mainstream America will know that Bibi Netanyahu and his Likudist Party deployed the attack on America on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Rothschild KM: They thought that they had complete control over the CMMM and could prevent any of the secret IAEA and Sandia Labs investigations from ever being released to the American public. They made a serious tactical error because now the truth about their role in the 9-11-01 attack on America is being published on the worldwide Internet, the world’s new Gutenberg Press. What the Rothschild KM did not understand was the power of the Internet and how truth nuggets published and broadcast on it resonate with the people of the world and spread like wildfire, at the speed of light. Truth is being diffused to the masses everywhere. This incredible tactical error by the KM is so great that it will actually doom them to the complete exposure and eventual complete destruction they deserve. Bibi Netanyahu’s order to proceed and deliver the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 will go down in history as one of the KM’s biggest mistakes, and the one that will be blamed for their exposure and destruction by the world that is now ganging up against them. The Russians have now leaked the IAEA and Sandia Labs and Able Danger files are given to them by Edward Snowden. Soon all of these files will be provided to all Americans and the world via the Internet, and this cannot be stopped. A number of Russians in the High Military Command in Russia, and in the highest positions of leadership in the Russian government realize that it was the same Organized Crime Cabal that organized the Khazarians into Bolsheviks to mass-murder 100 million innocent Russians — and these men want payback. That is why they are making sure that the Rothschild banksters will be put out of business, which will decapitate the Khazarian Mafia from its endless, elastic counterfeit money supply. This is why the BRICS Development Bank was created — to replace the US Petro Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, but this one, unlike the US Petro Dollar is backed by gold, silver, and real commodities, with NO counterfeiting allowed. The CMMM is failing, and most Americans no longer believe any of their prime-time national stories, especially the under-thirty crowd, who cherry-pick facts from the Internet and construct their own beliefs. So many Internet users now reject the CMMM that the truth about the Israelis attacking America on 9-11-01 is becoming easier each day to believe. Soon all of mainstream America will know that Bibi Netanyahu and his Mossad and dual citizens did the 9-11-01 attack on America. The American Military High Command knows that Bibi Netanyahu ordered his Mossad and stateside Dual Citizens to attack America using nukes on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM): Various deep cover covert operations are now being deployed globally to expose and decapitate the Rothschild KM from their endless, elastic money supply. Their days of anti-human power are now limited. The secret, incredibly well-trained US team called the “Nuclear Snake-Eaters” is now hard at work searching all incoming Israeli diplomatic pouches and shipments; driving by and flying over synagogues and Israeli embassies and Mossad safe-houses with high tech gamma-ray and helium-3 neutron detectors, and using ultra-high-tech custom-tuned and -focused satellites to search for any stored nuclear pits, as well as working hard to recover all stolen nuclear pits by the Israelis anywhere in the world outside of Israel. This super-elite team was alerted by Michael Shrimpton’s phone call to MI-6 notifying them that an Israeli “City Buster” was planted near the Olympic stadium. This call wrongly has landed him in jail. The City Buster was recovered by the “Nuclear Snake-eaters”, who entered England and recovered and disarmed a large city buster. Sadly MI-6 wanted this nuke detonated in order to gain more power for the Khazarian Mafia in England — their home base inside the City of London Financial District — since it has been losing power fast. A secret name for these KM Chieftains which run much of the world out of the City of London is Gog and Magog, despite what so many historians believe is the secret name of Russia which it is not. It is the secret name of the top KM and apparently represents where they originally came from. The secret team of super-elite “Nuclear Snake-eaters” is ready to be deployed to Israel anytime, should the nation collapse after most European corporations divest from Israel, and the US cuts off all aid, in order to comply with American law. It is illegal to give aid to a nation that has nukes, and which has not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. Israel has nukes detectable from satellite-based Helium-3 sensors and has never admitted it, nor has it signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. We must all demand that our Congress and Administration obey the law and immediately cut off all aid monetary and military aid to Israel, and arrest all Israeli espionage front directors of AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the “Joint” in NYC, and the ADL, etc. It is unknown but suspected that a significant number of these stolen nukes have been already recovered. It has been reported by insiders that a very solemn message was communicated to Bibi Netanyahu and his Likudists, as well as all top members of Israeli espionage fronts in America, like AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the ADL and the like. What was this serious warning? If insider reports are accurate, these folks were told that if there is one more Israeli-based false-flag attack, those who ordered it or were involved will be hunted down under American National Security and eliminated, and the Israeli defense structures associated with such will be turned to dust. The rest of Rothschild KM history will likely be determined by YOU: The future of the Rothschild KM will likely be determined by VT readers and We The People who learn the secret, forbidden history of the Khazarian Mafia that was excised from the history books and libraries by the KM to protect their evil history that no one would accept if it was known. So share this story with your family, friends, and associates and take it viral. Be clear about this — unless the KM is able to operate in abject secrecy, it will be attacked from all sides and destroyed forever. So take away their secrecy by exposing their hidden history for all Americans to know and understand. That is why they have worked so hard to buy up and control the CMMM and public mass education including colleges and universities, to make sure the people of the world would never find out about their secret evil, which is so inhuman, so homicidal that the whole world would gang up on them and attack them from all sides at every level they exist at. The big question remains: Was the true cause of leaders of the Khazarian Mafia’s incredible evil and savagery toward the human race a byproduct of nature or nurture? Some believe that this gross parasitism and inclination to mass-murder, engagement in pedophilia and child bloodletting, and child sacrifice is due to a toxic culture, best described as malignant Tribalism, characterized by a paranoid group racial superiority delusion. Others think the leaders of the KM are the bloodline of Cain, that is, “children of Cain”, that are the Devil’s own and have absolutely no soul or human conscience but are pure predators like a wild beast — while at the same time being incredibly two-faced, that is able to put on a good con and a nice face on the outside. Perhaps it could be both factors. In any case, it is time to expose this evil, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced. It is time for the world to work together to deal with this challenge. Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of VT, a radio host, a former GOP Finance Chairman, a Gubernatorial Candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long-term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”. Mike was a part of the VT group that attended the Damascus Conference to Combat Terrorism and Religious Extremism. Mike gave about twenty-five televised interviews that were broadcast to millions of viewers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran. In these interviews, Mike emphasized and supported the historical declaration by Keynote Speaker, VT Senior Editor, and Chairman Gordon Duff that the real problem behind World Terrorism is a large Organized Crime Syndicate. For those who have time and interest in the Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) Snake. Related Articles: The “Little Green Guy Book” Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://veteranstoday.com/2022/03/10/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/
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  • Israel has killed over 600 in West Bank since October 7th – Day 301
    [email protected] August 4, 2024 Bram Settenbrino, hamas, home demolition, israeli attack west bank, israeli settlement, josh shapiro, netanyahu lying, neturei karta
    One of the latest massacres to take place in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. (photo)
    Israel rains death and destruction on Gaza and West Bank; UNRWA gradually resumes educational activities; anti-Zionist rabbis attend Haniyeh’s funeral; Israeli-American soldier posted videos of Gaza homes, mosque being detonated; Kamala Harris VP contender Shapiro has ties to Israeli military; US aircraft carrier has eyes on Iran; US official says Biden figured out Netanyahu has been lying to him.

    By IAK staff, from reports.

    Israeli attack on school in Gaza kills at least 15 people

    Al Jazeera reports: At least 15 people have been killed in multiple Israeli air raids on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in central Gaza on Saturday, Gaza’s Government Media Office said.

    Many others were reportedly injured in the attack on the Hamama school in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City.

    Reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza on Saturday, Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud said that at least three bombs were dropped on the school as rescuers and volunteers inside the facility were trying to help people escape from under the rubble from a bomb just a few minutes earlier.

    “Those three bombs destroyed the facility completely. This is the tactic that the Israeli military has widely used in the past. The military drops a bomb that partially destroys facilities, namely evacuation centers, killing a number of people, and then within a few minutes, it drops other bombs,” he said.

    The Israeli military said the school was being used as a command centre for Hamas, the Palestinian group that governs Gaza, to hide fighters and manufacture weapons.

    Israeli army bombs university in Gaza City, destroying campus buildings

    Andalou Agency reports: The Israeli army bombed the University College of Applied Sciences in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of southwest Gaza City, completely destroying campus buildings, the Palestinian Civil Defense in Gaza reported on Saturday.

    Civil Defense spokesperson Mahmoud Basal said in a press release that “Israeli occupation forces, which have penetrated the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood, executed operations of bombing and destroying the university buildings, leading to their total demolition.”

    Eyewitnesses told Anadolu that massive explosions were heard around the university premises, and thick clouds of smoke were seen rising from the area.

    Since the onset of the devastating Israeli war on Gaza on Oct. 7, the Israeli army has deliberately targeted and destroyed educational institutions, particularly during ground offensives.

    According to statistics from the Government Media Office in Gaza, Israel has destroyed 117 schools and universities, damaged 332 others, and killed 107 scientists, university professors, and researchers.

    West Bank: Israeli Drone Strikes Assassinate Nine Palestinians Near Tulkarem

    IMEMC reports: Israeli forces assassinated, on Saturday, nine Palestinian young men in two separate drone strikes in the Tulkarem governorate, in northwestern part of the West Bank.

    Media sources said that early Saturday morning, an armed Israeli drone fired two missiles at a vehicle carrying five Palestinian young men on a road northeast of Tulkarem.

    According to the director of the Martyr Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital in Tulkarem, reported that five badly burned bodies arrived at the hospital, only one of whom was identified as Haitham Nour al-Din Balidi, 25, from the Tulkarem refugee camp.

    Meanwhile, at dawn on Saturday, occupation forces invaded the city of Tulkarem, accompanied by four military bulldozers, which proceeded to raze streets and infrastructure in the city, while reconnaissance drones flew overhead.

    Bulldozers destroyed streets and privately-owned property in the eastern part of the city and razed streets and infrastructure inside the Tulkarem camp, amid heavy gunfire.

    The army reportedly opened fire with tear gas canisters towards a group of journalists near the Tulkarem camp, causing at least three of them to sustain inhalation injuries.

    Furthermore, on Saturday afternoon, a second Israeli drone strike killed four more Palestinian citizens while they were present on lands located between the towns of Iktaba and Bal’a, northeast of the city.

    Media sources said that an armed Israeli drone fired a missile at a group of citizens, killing four young men.

    Sources added that a large army force surrounded the site, prevented ambulance crews from reaching the slain men, before confiscating the bodies.

    AL JAZEERA ADDS: Israel is averaging 40 raids per day in the occupied West Bank, a massive increase since the war started.

    West Bank: contrary to Int’l Court ruling, Israel demolished Palestinian structures, approved settlement plans in July

    Andalou Agency reports: The Israeli army demolished 135 homes and other facilities in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in July alone, the Palestinian Colonization and Wall Resistance Committee reported on Saturday.

    According to the committee’s monthly report, “Israeli authorities carried out 98 demolition activities in July, affecting 135 structures, including 62 inhabited homes, 14 uninhabited homes, and 12 agricultural facilities.”

    The report also noted that the Israeli army issued demolition notices for 16 homes and other structures in several West Bank provinces.

    Regarding illegal Israeli settler attacks, the report said “Illegal settlers carried out 196 assaults ranging from land seizures and expansion activities to extrajudicial executions, vandalism, land leveling, tree uprooting, property seizures, roadblocks, and the burning of homes and vehicles.”

    The report stated: “Israeli authorities reviewed 54 illegal settlement plans for the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem in July, approving 20, including one in Jerusalem and 19 in West Bank settlements.”

    Additionally, 33 plans were submitted for future approval, with one in Jerusalem and 32 in West Bank provinces.

    According to the report, Israeli authorities also “legalized three new settlement outposts, adding to the 11 outposts already in the process of legalization since the beginning of the year.”

    Settlement outposts are small communities established by illegal Israeli settlers on privately owned Palestinian land without approval from the Israeli government.

    In a landmark opinion on July 19, the International Court of Justice declared Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian land “illegal” and demanded the evacuation of all existing settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

    UN agency gradually resuming educational activities in Gaza amid Israeli offensive

    Andalou Agency reports: The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) announced on Saturday that it began a gradual resumption of educational activities in some shelters in the central and southern Gaza Strip this week.

    In an interview with Anadolu, UNRWA Media Director Inas Hamdan explained that the resumed activities are part of a longer-term plan, focusing initially on sports, arts, drama, and games.

    She added that these activities will also include psychosocial support for students in various shelters, tailored to the prevailing conditions.

    Hamdan stressed that while this step aims to help children affected by the ongoing war regain a semblance of normalcy, it is still too early to discuss a comprehensive educational plan due to the continuing war and multiple challenges.

    The UNRWA reported earlier this week that 85% of its schools in Gaza, or 477 out of 564 buildings, have been either directly damaged or require significant repairs to become operational again.

    RECOMMENDED READING: ‘Suffering horrifically’: 10 months of Israel’s ‘war on children’ in Gaza

    Anti-Zionist rabbis attend Haniyeh’s funeral in Doha

    Andalou Agency reports: Rabbis from the anti-Zionist Jewish movement “Neturei Karta” attended the funeral of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in the Qatari capital Doha.

    Neturei Karta announced on its Facebook page that “anti-Zionist Jewish Rabbis arrived in Qatar to participate in the funeral procession of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh.”

    A viral video from Haniyeh’s funeral showed these rabbis holding signs reading “Jews are not Zionists.”

    This movement is made up of Orthodox Jews who say Zionism is an ideology that does not represent Judaism.

    “This latest crime was committed amidst the ten-month-long genocide launched on the besieged Gaza, with tens of thousands killed in the brutal aggressive war, leading to a humanitarian disaster within the territory under siege,” the movement said.

    Neturei Karta revealed that its rabbis had met with Haniyeh during a “historic humanitarian visit” to Gaza in 2009, where they “emphasized the authentic Jewish opposition to Zionism and the hope to live peacefully as we did historically.”

    The rabbinic delegation had assured Haniyeh that “according to the Jewish religion, Jews are forbidden to have their own sovereign state and are forbidden to kill, steal, or fight any nation.”

    They informed Haniyeh that “authentic Jews stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people until total liberation” and pointed out that “the State of Israel does not represent the Jewish people, and the nationalistic movement does not represent Judaism, which is a holy religion.”

    Hamas says it has started process of choosing new leader

    Al Jazeera reports: Hamas has issued a statement saying it has initiated a broad consultation process to select a new leader of its movement following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh.

    Haniyeh headed the group’s political bureau. His deputy, Saleh al-Arouri, who was killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut in January, would have been the automatic replacement.

    Several top Hamas officials could replace Haniyeh once the group’s Shura council, the main consultative body, meets.

    NYT ‘completely fabricated’ report saying Haniyeh killed by remote bomb: Hamas

    The Cradle reports: Speaking to The Cradle, Hamas representative in Iran Khaled Kaddoumi called “ridiculous” and “completely fabricated” a recent New York Times (NYT) report claiming to reveal how Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran this week.

    The NYT report from 1 August claimed Haniyeh was killed by an explosive device planted in his room in a guest house controlled by the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC). The bomb was planted two months ago and detonated remotely by Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, NYT report claimed.

    Haniyeh was in the Iranian capital, Tehran, for the inauguration of newly elected President Masoud Pezeshkian.

    In contrast, Kaddoumi stated that Haniyeh and his bodyguard were killed by explosives dropped from the air.

    “I was there, and the wall and ceiling of the place where he was were collapsed. It is clear from the appearance of the place after the attack, and from the body of the martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh, that the targeting was carried out by an air-dropped projectile,” Kaddoumi told The Cradle.

    He noted further, “There are ongoing investigations, and technicians who inspected the crime scene will issue detailed reports on what happened.”

    Israeli-American soldier posted videos showing detonation of Gaza homes and mosque

    The Guardian reports: An American-Israeli man deployed in Gaza with a combat engineering unit of Israel’s armed forces posted videos online that show indiscriminate fire at a destroyed building and the detonation of homes and a mosque.

    One video posted by the man, Bram Settenbrino, and filmed from the shooter’s viewpoint, shows dozens of rounds being fired into the ruins of a building. Another video shows what appears to be an armored vehicle’s fire-control system trained on a mosque before it is razed to the ground. Others depict the detonation of several homes as soldiers cheer.

    It is not clear whether Settenbrino personally filmed the videos or was involved in the acts depicted in them, but the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Settenbrino did not dispute the videos’ authenticity. The videos recently went viral on X, drawing accusations that they showed “war crimes”. Settenbrino wrote in a message to the Guardian that the videos were “taken out of context” but declined to elaborate. “I have not committed any war crimes whatsoever,” he added.

    After the Guardian reached out to Settenbrino and his family, his father published a response attributed to his son through Arutz Sheva, a news site associated with the settler right. “The machine gun fire video in question was suppressive fire in an area cleared of civilians after my team was attacked by Hamas terrorists from that area. The mosque that was blown up was being used to house armed terrorists and weapons stockpiles and used as a base to attack IDF soldiers.”

    The soldier’s father said his son had “sent a congratulatory video dedicating a detonation to honor a friend’s new marriage”, and that the family business had received threats since the videos began circulating.

    Israeli soldiers have shared scores of videos during the 10-month war showing themselves mocking Palestinians in Gaza and destroying Palestinian property. Some have been used as evidence in the genocide case against Israel at the international court of justice (ICJ).

    With thousands of Americans serving in the IDF, potential misconduct documented by soldiers themselves raises uncomfortable questions for US officials about their willingness to enforce federal law against citizens acting in an overseas war the US government funds and supports.

    The extensive destruction of property, when “not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly” is a violation of international law regulating conflict and a war crime under US law.

    Kamala Harris VP contender Josh Shapiro downplays Israeli military volunteer experience

    Times of Israel reports: Pennsylvania Governor and potential Democratic vice presidential nominee Josh Shapiro on Friday sought to distance himself from a recently uncovered op-ed he wrote in college, in which he identified as a former volunteer in the IDF and argued that the Palestinians are too “battle-minded” to pursue peace with Israel.

    “While he was in high school, Josh Shapiro was required to do a service project, which he and several classmates completed through a program that took them to a kibbutz in Israel where he worked on a farm and at a fishery,” Shapiro’s spokesperson Manuel Bonder told The Times of Israel.

    “The program also included volunteering on service projects on an Israeli army base. At no time was he engaged in any military activities,” Bonder added in a statement responding to an inquiry regarding the nature of his volunteer work.

    While Shapiro’s Jewish roots are well established — including his enrollment at the Akiba Hebrew Academy in Philadelphia — the op-ed from his time at the University of Rochester appeared to be the first revelation of such direct ties to the IDF.

    “Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro also wrote in a 1993 op-ed titled “Peace Not Possible.”

    “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own,” added the then-20-year-old student.

    Salon reports that Shapiro’s support for Israel has continued in recent times:

    “On the contentious issue of Israel’s relentless war against civilians in Gaza, Shapiro sounds much less bothered by the lethal violence than by U.S. activists for Palestinian lives, many of whom he has demonized.”

    “In 2021, after Ben & Jerry’s (a company founded and led by Jewish Americans) refused to sell its products in Israel’s illegal settlements, Shapiro, who was then Pennsylvania’s attorney general, threatened the company by urging state agencies to enforce a constitutionally suspect law targeting advocates of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, against Israel over its discriminatory policies.

    Shapiro smeared such advocates by claiming that “BDS is rooted in antisemitism” – although the effort has wide support globally, including from many Jews, as a thoroughly nonviolent tactic aimed at advancing Palestinian rights.”

    After the Oct. 7 attack, critics objected Gov. Shapiro’s one-sided comments: “Not only did you fail to recognize the structural root causes of the conflict,” they argued, “you chose to intentionally ignore the civilian loss of life in Gaza.”

    After Democratic governors in other states had called for a ceasefire in Gaza, Shapiro refused to do so.

    On May 9, Shapiro invoked student “safety” in demanding the encampment be shut down. Police arrested 33 people. In two different interviews, Shapiro seemed to compare campus ceasefire activists, many of whom are Jewish or students of color, to “white supremacists”…

    US aircraft carrier arrives in the Strait of Hormuz: Report

    Al Jazeera reports: Israeli Army Radio reports that the US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt has arrived in the Strait of Hormuz, just 10km (6.2 miles) from the coast of Iran, amid fears of Iranian retaliation for the killings of Hamas’s political leader in Tehran and a Hezbollah commander in Beirut.

    US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has also ordered additional ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers to the Middle East and areas under the United States European Command, as well as a new fighter squadron to the Middle East.

    In April, the US, UK, France and Jordan helped shoot down missiles and drones fired by Iran at Israel in retaliation for an Israeli strike on Iran’s embassy compound in Damascus.

    Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said on Friday that “the Department of Defense continues to take steps to mitigate the possibility of regional escalation by Iran or Iran’s partners and proxies”.

    U.S. Official: Biden Realized Netanyahu Lied to Him About Hostage Deal

    Ha’aretz reports: A senior official in the Biden administration told Haaretz on Saturday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ungrateful toward the United States and disregards the significant amount of aid it has provided to Israel throughout the past 10 months of war.

    The official also said that the last two conversations between President Joe Biden and Netanyahu – one during a meeting at the White House some 10 days ago, the other over the phone last week – were difficult and tense.

    “Biden realized that Netanyahu was lying to him about the hostages,” the official told Haaretz. “He’s not saying it publicly yet, but in the meeting between them, he specifically told him, ‘Stop bullshitting me.'”

    “Netanyahu is trying to prolong the war instead of focusing on how to get to a hostage deal,” the official said. “It’s making it harder for us to continue supporting Israel over time.”

    Netanyahu responded to the reports Saturday night about the tense conversations between him and Biden through a press release attributed to the Prime Minister’s Office that read, “The prime minister does not interfere in American politics and will work with whoever is elected president, just as he also expects the Americans not to interfere in Israeli politics.”


    IMEMC Daily Reports.


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 3: at least 40,186* (39,583 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 603 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
    2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 3: at least 96,818 (including at least 91,398 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 3: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

    Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

    Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org

    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own
    U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal
    Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West
    Searching for Gaza’s missing children
    What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million?
    Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor
    When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’
    Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war
    Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct
    US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington
    Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video)
    Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience
    Gaza genocide denial
    Why the news media’s job is to groom us
    ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children
    Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC
    Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans
    Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza
    Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways
    Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different.
    ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel
    Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes
    If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention
    Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto


    Israel has killed over 600 in West Bank since October 7th – Day 301 [email protected] August 4, 2024 Bram Settenbrino, hamas, home demolition, israeli attack west bank, israeli settlement, josh shapiro, netanyahu lying, neturei karta One of the latest massacres to take place in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. (photo) Israel rains death and destruction on Gaza and West Bank; UNRWA gradually resumes educational activities; anti-Zionist rabbis attend Haniyeh’s funeral; Israeli-American soldier posted videos of Gaza homes, mosque being detonated; Kamala Harris VP contender Shapiro has ties to Israeli military; US aircraft carrier has eyes on Iran; US official says Biden figured out Netanyahu has been lying to him. By IAK staff, from reports. Israeli attack on school in Gaza kills at least 15 people Al Jazeera reports: At least 15 people have been killed in multiple Israeli air raids on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in central Gaza on Saturday, Gaza’s Government Media Office said. Many others were reportedly injured in the attack on the Hamama school in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City. Reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza on Saturday, Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud said that at least three bombs were dropped on the school as rescuers and volunteers inside the facility were trying to help people escape from under the rubble from a bomb just a few minutes earlier. “Those three bombs destroyed the facility completely. This is the tactic that the Israeli military has widely used in the past. The military drops a bomb that partially destroys facilities, namely evacuation centers, killing a number of people, and then within a few minutes, it drops other bombs,” he said. The Israeli military said the school was being used as a command centre for Hamas, the Palestinian group that governs Gaza, to hide fighters and manufacture weapons. Israeli army bombs university in Gaza City, destroying campus buildings Andalou Agency reports: The Israeli army bombed the University College of Applied Sciences in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of southwest Gaza City, completely destroying campus buildings, the Palestinian Civil Defense in Gaza reported on Saturday. Civil Defense spokesperson Mahmoud Basal said in a press release that “Israeli occupation forces, which have penetrated the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood, executed operations of bombing and destroying the university buildings, leading to their total demolition.” Eyewitnesses told Anadolu that massive explosions were heard around the university premises, and thick clouds of smoke were seen rising from the area. Since the onset of the devastating Israeli war on Gaza on Oct. 7, the Israeli army has deliberately targeted and destroyed educational institutions, particularly during ground offensives. According to statistics from the Government Media Office in Gaza, Israel has destroyed 117 schools and universities, damaged 332 others, and killed 107 scientists, university professors, and researchers. West Bank: Israeli Drone Strikes Assassinate Nine Palestinians Near Tulkarem IMEMC reports: Israeli forces assassinated, on Saturday, nine Palestinian young men in two separate drone strikes in the Tulkarem governorate, in northwestern part of the West Bank. Media sources said that early Saturday morning, an armed Israeli drone fired two missiles at a vehicle carrying five Palestinian young men on a road northeast of Tulkarem. According to the director of the Martyr Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital in Tulkarem, reported that five badly burned bodies arrived at the hospital, only one of whom was identified as Haitham Nour al-Din Balidi, 25, from the Tulkarem refugee camp. Meanwhile, at dawn on Saturday, occupation forces invaded the city of Tulkarem, accompanied by four military bulldozers, which proceeded to raze streets and infrastructure in the city, while reconnaissance drones flew overhead. Bulldozers destroyed streets and privately-owned property in the eastern part of the city and razed streets and infrastructure inside the Tulkarem camp, amid heavy gunfire. The army reportedly opened fire with tear gas canisters towards a group of journalists near the Tulkarem camp, causing at least three of them to sustain inhalation injuries. Furthermore, on Saturday afternoon, a second Israeli drone strike killed four more Palestinian citizens while they were present on lands located between the towns of Iktaba and Bal’a, northeast of the city. Media sources said that an armed Israeli drone fired a missile at a group of citizens, killing four young men. Sources added that a large army force surrounded the site, prevented ambulance crews from reaching the slain men, before confiscating the bodies. AL JAZEERA ADDS: Israel is averaging 40 raids per day in the occupied West Bank, a massive increase since the war started. West Bank: contrary to Int’l Court ruling, Israel demolished Palestinian structures, approved settlement plans in July Andalou Agency reports: The Israeli army demolished 135 homes and other facilities in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in July alone, the Palestinian Colonization and Wall Resistance Committee reported on Saturday. According to the committee’s monthly report, “Israeli authorities carried out 98 demolition activities in July, affecting 135 structures, including 62 inhabited homes, 14 uninhabited homes, and 12 agricultural facilities.” The report also noted that the Israeli army issued demolition notices for 16 homes and other structures in several West Bank provinces. Regarding illegal Israeli settler attacks, the report said “Illegal settlers carried out 196 assaults ranging from land seizures and expansion activities to extrajudicial executions, vandalism, land leveling, tree uprooting, property seizures, roadblocks, and the burning of homes and vehicles.” The report stated: “Israeli authorities reviewed 54 illegal settlement plans for the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem in July, approving 20, including one in Jerusalem and 19 in West Bank settlements.” Additionally, 33 plans were submitted for future approval, with one in Jerusalem and 32 in West Bank provinces. According to the report, Israeli authorities also “legalized three new settlement outposts, adding to the 11 outposts already in the process of legalization since the beginning of the year.” Settlement outposts are small communities established by illegal Israeli settlers on privately owned Palestinian land without approval from the Israeli government. In a landmark opinion on July 19, the International Court of Justice declared Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian land “illegal” and demanded the evacuation of all existing settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. UN agency gradually resuming educational activities in Gaza amid Israeli offensive Andalou Agency reports: The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) announced on Saturday that it began a gradual resumption of educational activities in some shelters in the central and southern Gaza Strip this week. In an interview with Anadolu, UNRWA Media Director Inas Hamdan explained that the resumed activities are part of a longer-term plan, focusing initially on sports, arts, drama, and games. She added that these activities will also include psychosocial support for students in various shelters, tailored to the prevailing conditions. Hamdan stressed that while this step aims to help children affected by the ongoing war regain a semblance of normalcy, it is still too early to discuss a comprehensive educational plan due to the continuing war and multiple challenges. The UNRWA reported earlier this week that 85% of its schools in Gaza, or 477 out of 564 buildings, have been either directly damaged or require significant repairs to become operational again. RECOMMENDED READING: ‘Suffering horrifically’: 10 months of Israel’s ‘war on children’ in Gaza Anti-Zionist rabbis attend Haniyeh’s funeral in Doha Andalou Agency reports: Rabbis from the anti-Zionist Jewish movement “Neturei Karta” attended the funeral of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in the Qatari capital Doha. Neturei Karta announced on its Facebook page that “anti-Zionist Jewish Rabbis arrived in Qatar to participate in the funeral procession of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh.” A viral video from Haniyeh’s funeral showed these rabbis holding signs reading “Jews are not Zionists.” This movement is made up of Orthodox Jews who say Zionism is an ideology that does not represent Judaism. “This latest crime was committed amidst the ten-month-long genocide launched on the besieged Gaza, with tens of thousands killed in the brutal aggressive war, leading to a humanitarian disaster within the territory under siege,” the movement said. Neturei Karta revealed that its rabbis had met with Haniyeh during a “historic humanitarian visit” to Gaza in 2009, where they “emphasized the authentic Jewish opposition to Zionism and the hope to live peacefully as we did historically.” The rabbinic delegation had assured Haniyeh that “according to the Jewish religion, Jews are forbidden to have their own sovereign state and are forbidden to kill, steal, or fight any nation.” They informed Haniyeh that “authentic Jews stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people until total liberation” and pointed out that “the State of Israel does not represent the Jewish people, and the nationalistic movement does not represent Judaism, which is a holy religion.” Hamas says it has started process of choosing new leader Al Jazeera reports: Hamas has issued a statement saying it has initiated a broad consultation process to select a new leader of its movement following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh. Haniyeh headed the group’s political bureau. His deputy, Saleh al-Arouri, who was killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut in January, would have been the automatic replacement. Several top Hamas officials could replace Haniyeh once the group’s Shura council, the main consultative body, meets. NYT ‘completely fabricated’ report saying Haniyeh killed by remote bomb: Hamas The Cradle reports: Speaking to The Cradle, Hamas representative in Iran Khaled Kaddoumi called “ridiculous” and “completely fabricated” a recent New York Times (NYT) report claiming to reveal how Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran this week. The NYT report from 1 August claimed Haniyeh was killed by an explosive device planted in his room in a guest house controlled by the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC). The bomb was planted two months ago and detonated remotely by Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, NYT report claimed. Haniyeh was in the Iranian capital, Tehran, for the inauguration of newly elected President Masoud Pezeshkian. In contrast, Kaddoumi stated that Haniyeh and his bodyguard were killed by explosives dropped from the air. “I was there, and the wall and ceiling of the place where he was were collapsed. It is clear from the appearance of the place after the attack, and from the body of the martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh, that the targeting was carried out by an air-dropped projectile,” Kaddoumi told The Cradle. He noted further, “There are ongoing investigations, and technicians who inspected the crime scene will issue detailed reports on what happened.” Israeli-American soldier posted videos showing detonation of Gaza homes and mosque The Guardian reports: An American-Israeli man deployed in Gaza with a combat engineering unit of Israel’s armed forces posted videos online that show indiscriminate fire at a destroyed building and the detonation of homes and a mosque. One video posted by the man, Bram Settenbrino, and filmed from the shooter’s viewpoint, shows dozens of rounds being fired into the ruins of a building. Another video shows what appears to be an armored vehicle’s fire-control system trained on a mosque before it is razed to the ground. Others depict the detonation of several homes as soldiers cheer. It is not clear whether Settenbrino personally filmed the videos or was involved in the acts depicted in them, but the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Settenbrino did not dispute the videos’ authenticity. The videos recently went viral on X, drawing accusations that they showed “war crimes”. Settenbrino wrote in a message to the Guardian that the videos were “taken out of context” but declined to elaborate. “I have not committed any war crimes whatsoever,” he added. After the Guardian reached out to Settenbrino and his family, his father published a response attributed to his son through Arutz Sheva, a news site associated with the settler right. “The machine gun fire video in question was suppressive fire in an area cleared of civilians after my team was attacked by Hamas terrorists from that area. The mosque that was blown up was being used to house armed terrorists and weapons stockpiles and used as a base to attack IDF soldiers.” The soldier’s father said his son had “sent a congratulatory video dedicating a detonation to honor a friend’s new marriage”, and that the family business had received threats since the videos began circulating. Israeli soldiers have shared scores of videos during the 10-month war showing themselves mocking Palestinians in Gaza and destroying Palestinian property. Some have been used as evidence in the genocide case against Israel at the international court of justice (ICJ). With thousands of Americans serving in the IDF, potential misconduct documented by soldiers themselves raises uncomfortable questions for US officials about their willingness to enforce federal law against citizens acting in an overseas war the US government funds and supports. The extensive destruction of property, when “not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly” is a violation of international law regulating conflict and a war crime under US law. Kamala Harris VP contender Josh Shapiro downplays Israeli military volunteer experience Times of Israel reports: Pennsylvania Governor and potential Democratic vice presidential nominee Josh Shapiro on Friday sought to distance himself from a recently uncovered op-ed he wrote in college, in which he identified as a former volunteer in the IDF and argued that the Palestinians are too “battle-minded” to pursue peace with Israel. “While he was in high school, Josh Shapiro was required to do a service project, which he and several classmates completed through a program that took them to a kibbutz in Israel where he worked on a farm and at a fishery,” Shapiro’s spokesperson Manuel Bonder told The Times of Israel. “The program also included volunteering on service projects on an Israeli army base. At no time was he engaged in any military activities,” Bonder added in a statement responding to an inquiry regarding the nature of his volunteer work. While Shapiro’s Jewish roots are well established — including his enrollment at the Akiba Hebrew Academy in Philadelphia — the op-ed from his time at the University of Rochester appeared to be the first revelation of such direct ties to the IDF. “Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro also wrote in a 1993 op-ed titled “Peace Not Possible.” “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own,” added the then-20-year-old student. Salon reports that Shapiro’s support for Israel has continued in recent times: “On the contentious issue of Israel’s relentless war against civilians in Gaza, Shapiro sounds much less bothered by the lethal violence than by U.S. activists for Palestinian lives, many of whom he has demonized.” “In 2021, after Ben & Jerry’s (a company founded and led by Jewish Americans) refused to sell its products in Israel’s illegal settlements, Shapiro, who was then Pennsylvania’s attorney general, threatened the company by urging state agencies to enforce a constitutionally suspect law targeting advocates of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, against Israel over its discriminatory policies. Shapiro smeared such advocates by claiming that “BDS is rooted in antisemitism” – although the effort has wide support globally, including from many Jews, as a thoroughly nonviolent tactic aimed at advancing Palestinian rights.” After the Oct. 7 attack, critics objected Gov. Shapiro’s one-sided comments: “Not only did you fail to recognize the structural root causes of the conflict,” they argued, “you chose to intentionally ignore the civilian loss of life in Gaza.” After Democratic governors in other states had called for a ceasefire in Gaza, Shapiro refused to do so. On May 9, Shapiro invoked student “safety” in demanding the encampment be shut down. Police arrested 33 people. In two different interviews, Shapiro seemed to compare campus ceasefire activists, many of whom are Jewish or students of color, to “white supremacists”… US aircraft carrier arrives in the Strait of Hormuz: Report Al Jazeera reports: Israeli Army Radio reports that the US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt has arrived in the Strait of Hormuz, just 10km (6.2 miles) from the coast of Iran, amid fears of Iranian retaliation for the killings of Hamas’s political leader in Tehran and a Hezbollah commander in Beirut. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has also ordered additional ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers to the Middle East and areas under the United States European Command, as well as a new fighter squadron to the Middle East. In April, the US, UK, France and Jordan helped shoot down missiles and drones fired by Iran at Israel in retaliation for an Israeli strike on Iran’s embassy compound in Damascus. Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said on Friday that “the Department of Defense continues to take steps to mitigate the possibility of regional escalation by Iran or Iran’s partners and proxies”. U.S. Official: Biden Realized Netanyahu Lied to Him About Hostage Deal Ha’aretz reports: A senior official in the Biden administration told Haaretz on Saturday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ungrateful toward the United States and disregards the significant amount of aid it has provided to Israel throughout the past 10 months of war. The official also said that the last two conversations between President Joe Biden and Netanyahu – one during a meeting at the White House some 10 days ago, the other over the phone last week – were difficult and tense. “Biden realized that Netanyahu was lying to him about the hostages,” the official told Haaretz. “He’s not saying it publicly yet, but in the meeting between them, he specifically told him, ‘Stop bullshitting me.'” “Netanyahu is trying to prolong the war instead of focusing on how to get to a hostage deal,” the official said. “It’s making it harder for us to continue supporting Israel over time.” Netanyahu responded to the reports Saturday night about the tense conversations between him and Biden through a press release attributed to the Prime Minister’s Office that read, “The prime minister does not interfere in American politics and will work with whoever is elected president, just as he also expects the Americans not to interfere in Israeli politics.” MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – AUGUST 3: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 3: at least 40,186* (39,583 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 603 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced. 2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 3: at least 96,818 (including at least 91,398 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 3: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured. Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.** Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West Searching for Gaza’s missing children What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million? Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’ Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video) Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience Gaza genocide denial Why the news media’s job is to groom us ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different. ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto https://israelpalestinenews.org/israel-killed-over-600-west-bank-since-october-7th-day-301/ https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/08/israel-has-killed-over-600-in-west-bank.html
    Israel has killed over 600 in West Bank since October 7th – Day 301
    Israeli-American soldier posts Gaza demolition videos; Kamala Harris possible VP's ties to Israeli military; Biden realizes Bibi's been lying
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  • Biden and US are at Bibi’s beck and call – Day 300
    [email protected] August 3, 2024 AIPAC, archbishop of canterbury, humanitarian aid, Rashida Tlaib, sheikh ekrima sabri, US military in the Middle East
    Palestinians in Jabalia Refugee Camp wait in line to receive food distributed by charitable organizations in Jabalia, Gaza on August 1, 2024. [Mahmoud İssa – Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Israel continues to confound aid delivery; unbelievable amount of debris covers Gaza; 85-year-old Al Aqsa mosque preacher detained for mourning Ismail Haniyeh’s killing; several Hamas officials killed; Biden tells Bibi, “don’t count on Washington in an escalation– then sends a dozen warships to the Middle East; Archbishop of Canterbury calls for all to respect ICJ’s occupation ruling; Rashida Tlaib: hero; AIPAC calls on US to support rogue Israeli state; more.

    By IAK staff, from reports.

    Gaza aid is “significantly hindered” by Israeli restrictions, unsafe conditions: UN

    OCHA reports: The UN’s Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says Israeli restrictions, the closure of the Rafah border crossing, continued fighting, and damaged and risky roads are preventing life-saving aid from getting to Gaza.

    OCHA’s latest Gaza report says the Israeli military continues to impose restrictions on the entry of certain humanitarian supplies, including recreational and psychosocial support kits for children.

    “Between 1 and 29 July, an average of 77 truckloads of aid supplies entered Gaza daily, representing a decline of about 42 per cent compared with the daily average of 132 trucks between January and April 2024,” the OCHA says.

    NOTE: Before the war, about 500 truckloads of aid entered Gaza every day.

    “In July, out of 157 humanitarian assistance missions coordinated with the Israeli authorities to northern Gaza, 67 missions were facilitated by the Israeli authorities, 42 were impeded, 30 were denied, and 18 were cancelled due to logistical, operational, or security reasons.”

    Out of 386 aid mission requests to reach areas south of Wadi Gaza that require coordination, 250 missions were facilitated by the Israeli authorities, 46 were impeded, 53 were denied and 37 were cancelled, according to OCHA.

    UN says debris in Gaza amounts to 41.95 million metric tonnes

    UNITAR reports: The UN Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) has said that the total debris in the Gaza Strip generated by the war amounts to approximately 41.95 million metric tonnes.

    The figure is up 83 percent from the nearly 23 million tonnes estimated on January 7.

    The Israeli war has resulted in 14 times more debris than the combined total from all previous conflicts in the Palestinian territory since 2008, UNOSAT said.

    The agency estimated that 114 kilogrammes (250 pounds) of debris were generated for each square metre in the Gaza Strip.

    A view of the destruction after buildings turn into piles of rubble due to intense Israeli attacks in Gaza City [File: Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu Agency]
    A view of the destruction after buildings turn into piles of rubble due to intense Israeli attacks in Gaza City [File: Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Israeli police arrest Al-Aqsa Mosque preacher for mourning Haniyeh

    Middle East Monitor reports: Israeli police, on Friday, reportedly arrested Al-Aqsa Mosque preacher, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, for mourning slain Hamas Political Bureau chief, Ismail Haniyeh.

    Haniyeh was assassinated on Wednesday in Tehran, Iran’s capital. While Hamas and Iran blamed Israel for the killing, Tel Aviv has not confirmed or denied its responsibility.

    One of Sabri’s relatives said that the Israeli police officers stormed into his home in the Occupied East Jerusalem and arrested him.

    Following the Friday prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sabri led a funeral prayer in absentia for Haniyeh.

    “The people of Jerusalem and the environs of Jerusalem from the pulpit of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque mourn the martyr Ismail Haniyeh,” he said during his sermon.

    Following the sermon, the Israeli police said they were probing whether the statement constituted “incitement” and that they would act accordingly.

    The 85-year-old preacher was detained multiple times by the Israeli forces in the past and was banned from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem for several months.

    Sabri is a staunch critic of the decades-long Israeli Occupation of the Palestinian Territories. He had previously held the position of Mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Territories from 1994 to 2006.

    Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had boasted earlier about Sabri’s detention.

    “My policy towards instigators is clear – zero tolerance,” Ben-Gvir said in a social media post.

    UPDATE: Lawyer Khalid Zabarqa was quoted as telling al-Jazeera that Israeli police had decided to release Al-Aqsa Mosque imam, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, after interrogation.

    Sheikh Ekrima Sa’id Sabri, the former grand mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories walks outside an Israeli police station after being summoned for interrogation, in Jerusalem on January 2, 2023. [Saeed Qaq/NurPhoto via Getty Images]
    Sheikh Ekrima Sa’id Sabri, the former grand mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories walks outside an Israeli police station after being summoned for interrogation, in Jerusalem on January 2, 2023. [Saeed Qaq/NurPhoto via Getty Images] (photo)
    Two senior Hamas officials, three from military wing killed in Israeli strikes last week: Report

    Middle East Eye reports: The Saudi newspaper Asharq al-Awsat quoted two Hamas sources as saying that two senior officials of the group’s political bureau, along with another three military wing members, were killed in an Israeli air strike while in a tunnel in Gaza last week.

    The Saudi newspaper named the two senior officials as Rawhi Mushtaha and Samah al-Sarrag, and the other three military members as Abdel Hadi Seyam, Samy Awdah, and Mohamed Hadid.

    The report says Mushtaha is a close associate of the Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar.

    According to the report, the strike hit southwest of Gaza City and targeted an area located above a tunnel where the five Hamas members were said to be residing.

    It said the tunnel had already been damaged at the start of the war on Gaza.

    The five Hamas members were buried on Thursday, according to Hamas sources cited in Asharq Al-Awsat.

    MEE has not been able to independently verify the report.

    West Bank: Paramedic succumbs to wounds from Israeli army gunfire in Balata camp

    WAFA reports: A Palestinian paramedic Friday evening succumbed to his wounds sustained from Israeli army gunfire in the Balata refugee camp, according to the Health Ministry.

    The Ministry announced that Jalal Mohammad Saqr died of the critical wounds he had sustained after being shot by Israeli occupation forces almost a week earlier in the refugee camp.

    Saqr, 21, a volunteer paramedic with PRCS, had sustained wounds while evacuating casualties in an Israeli drone airstrike on a house in the camp last Saturday, which resulted in killing two people and injuring over 20 others.

    Abbas faces backlash for skipping Haniyeh’s funeral after attending Peres’s

    Middle East Monitor reports: A number of activists expressed their objections in the media on Friday to the absence of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas from the funeral of the elected Palestinian Prime Minister and head of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in the Qatari capital, Doha.

    The activists criticized Abbas’s absence from Haniyeh’s funeral after he attended the funeral of former Israeli President Shimon Peres. However, Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that Abbas sent Deputy Chair of the Fatah Movement Mahmoud Al-Aloul and Secretary of the Central Committee of the movement Jibril Rajoub to Doha to participate in the funeral.

    U.S. forces move toward Israel as Iran threatens to attack

    Washington Post reports: The U.S. military is repositioning assets and moving additional forces into the Middle East and Europe to defend against a potential attack on Israel by Iran, U.S. officials said.

    Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the deployment of additional Navy destroyers and cruisers, both with offensive and defensive ballistic missile capabilities, as the Pentagon also takes steps to beef up land-based missile defense, Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said in a statement Friday evening.

    An additional squadron of fighter jets also will be deployed to the Middle East to reinforce defensive air support, she said.

    They will be added to the “broad range of capabilities the U.S. military maintains in the region.”

    The moves come after Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, and Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah vowed to retaliate after the killing this week of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and a senior Hezbollah commander, Fuad Shukr.

    Israel has not claimed responsibility, but U.S. officials privately acknowledge it was behind the killing. Washington was not apprised of the operation beforehand and had no role in it, officials have said.

    Shukr was killed in an Israeli airstrike in a Beirut suburb.

    The events have brought the region closer to full-blown conflict than perhaps at any point since the Gaza war began 10 months ago.

    Biden tells Netanyahu “not to count on Washington” in case of regional escalation: Axios

    Middle East Eye reports: US President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to rely on Washington’s support in case a regional escalation occurred, Axios has reported, citing unnamed US officials.

    In a “tough” phone call, the US president said his country would only help Israel against an expected Iranian attack, following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, but there should be no more escalation from Israel and progress towards a Gaza ceasefire.

    However, the White House has issued an official statement stating that Biden has “reaffirmed his commitment to Israel’s security against all threats from Iran, including its proxy terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis”.

    The Axios story also cited three anonymous Israeli officials as saying there was tension during Biden’s meeting with Netanyahu in the Oval Office last week, in which Biden “raised his voice and said he wants a deal reached within a week to two weeks”.

    Archbishop of Canterbury urges respect for ICJ ruling against Israeli occupation

    Reuters reports: The Church of England’s spiritual head has urged governments to respect the findings of the United Nations top court that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory is illegal, saying the law should be upheld across the board, not in a “selective manner”.

    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) said in an advisory opinion last month that the occupation should be withdrawn as soon as possible.

    Justin Welby – who also heads the worldwide Anglican Communion – said in a statement the ICJ opinion had made it clear the occupation is “unlawful” and must end.

    “At a time when the world is marked by increasing violations of international law … it is imperative governments around the world reaffirm their unwavering commitment to all decisions by the ICJ, irrespective of the situation,” Welby said.

    He added that it was clear to him from many visits in recent decades the “system of military rule” imposed by successive Israeli governments in occupied Palestinian territory was one of “systemic discrimination”.

    Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport’s website is down, Israeli media says

    Middle East Eye reports: Israel’s Channel 12 has reported that the website of Israeli Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv is down because of immense pressure from travellers, amid the current tensions and cancellation of several countries’ airline flights to Israel.

    Several airlines have suspended their flights from and to Israel due to the ongoing tensions in the region

    Rashida Tlaib: A Profile in Courage

    Mark Dimondstein, president of the American Postal Workers Union and “proud Jewish-American,” writes in Common Dreams: During the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., famously said, “The time is always right to do what is right.”

    While she may have been a lone protest voice during Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress last week, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) did what is right.

    Most mainstream news reporting either ridiculed her or only briefly mentioned her silent protest displaying a sign with “War Criminal” printed on one side and “Guilty of Genocide” on the other. Missing was any analysis as to whether she was right.

    While Rashida Tlaib, the one Palestinian-American in Congress, courageously protested inside the Capitol, thousands of us, including this union leader and proud Jewish-American, were peaceably demonstrating outside demanding a cease-fire, condemning Netanyahu’s crimes against humanity, and the U.S. government for continuing to send armaments to Israel.

    I am proud that my union, which deplored the Hamas actions of October 7 and condemned Israel’s barbaric response, called for the release of all hostages and advocates for a permanent cease-fire and for massive humanitarian aid. Recently, our union took further action by a vote at our national convention to demand that our government halt military aid to Israel and joined six other unions, representing over 6 million U.S. unionized workers, calling on President Biden to implement an arms embargo. As the largest arms supplier to Israel, the Biden-led U.S government should use its leverage to stop the carnage.

    We are outraged that the taxes of workers are being used to kill, maim, and slaughter innocent people.

    AIPAC says US must ‘stand with Israel’ against Iran

    Al Jazeera reports: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has suggested that Washington and its allies should support Israel in retaliating against a possible Iranian response to the killing of Haniyeh in Tehran.

    “As Iran plans an attack that could cause mass destruction in Israel and spark a regional war, America and our allies must work together to deter Iran by demonstrating that we will stand with Israel as it responds to any strikes by the Iranian regime and its proxies,” the pro-Israel lobby group said in a message to supporters.

    AIPAC has spent tens of millions of dollars in recent US elections to help defeat candidates critical of Israel.


    The Guardian: AFP must investigate Israel’s killing of Zomi Frankcom after quest for truth and justice goes nowhere

    Al Jazeera: Thousands mourn Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh at funeral prayer

    Al Jazeera: Gaza and the death of Western journalism


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 2: at least 40,071* (39,550 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 591 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
    2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 2: at least 96,548 (including at least 91,280 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 2: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

    Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

    Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org
    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own
    U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal
    Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West
    Searching for Gaza’s missing children
    What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million?
    Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor
    When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’
    Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war
    Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct
    US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington
    Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video)
    Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience
    Gaza genocide denial
    Why the news media’s job is to groom us
    ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children
    Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC
    Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans
    Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza
    Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways
    Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different.
    ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel
    Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes
    If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention
    Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto


    Biden and US are at Bibi’s beck and call – Day 300 [email protected] August 3, 2024 AIPAC, archbishop of canterbury, humanitarian aid, Rashida Tlaib, sheikh ekrima sabri, US military in the Middle East Palestinians in Jabalia Refugee Camp wait in line to receive food distributed by charitable organizations in Jabalia, Gaza on August 1, 2024. [Mahmoud İssa – Anadolu Agency] (photo) Israel continues to confound aid delivery; unbelievable amount of debris covers Gaza; 85-year-old Al Aqsa mosque preacher detained for mourning Ismail Haniyeh’s killing; several Hamas officials killed; Biden tells Bibi, “don’t count on Washington in an escalation– then sends a dozen warships to the Middle East; Archbishop of Canterbury calls for all to respect ICJ’s occupation ruling; Rashida Tlaib: hero; AIPAC calls on US to support rogue Israeli state; more. By IAK staff, from reports. Gaza aid is “significantly hindered” by Israeli restrictions, unsafe conditions: UN OCHA reports: The UN’s Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says Israeli restrictions, the closure of the Rafah border crossing, continued fighting, and damaged and risky roads are preventing life-saving aid from getting to Gaza. OCHA’s latest Gaza report says the Israeli military continues to impose restrictions on the entry of certain humanitarian supplies, including recreational and psychosocial support kits for children. “Between 1 and 29 July, an average of 77 truckloads of aid supplies entered Gaza daily, representing a decline of about 42 per cent compared with the daily average of 132 trucks between January and April 2024,” the OCHA says. NOTE: Before the war, about 500 truckloads of aid entered Gaza every day. “In July, out of 157 humanitarian assistance missions coordinated with the Israeli authorities to northern Gaza, 67 missions were facilitated by the Israeli authorities, 42 were impeded, 30 were denied, and 18 were cancelled due to logistical, operational, or security reasons.” Out of 386 aid mission requests to reach areas south of Wadi Gaza that require coordination, 250 missions were facilitated by the Israeli authorities, 46 were impeded, 53 were denied and 37 were cancelled, according to OCHA. UN says debris in Gaza amounts to 41.95 million metric tonnes UNITAR reports: The UN Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) has said that the total debris in the Gaza Strip generated by the war amounts to approximately 41.95 million metric tonnes. The figure is up 83 percent from the nearly 23 million tonnes estimated on January 7. The Israeli war has resulted in 14 times more debris than the combined total from all previous conflicts in the Palestinian territory since 2008, UNOSAT said. The agency estimated that 114 kilogrammes (250 pounds) of debris were generated for each square metre in the Gaza Strip. A view of the destruction after buildings turn into piles of rubble due to intense Israeli attacks in Gaza City [File: Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu Agency] A view of the destruction after buildings turn into piles of rubble due to intense Israeli attacks in Gaza City [File: Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu Agency] (photo) Israeli police arrest Al-Aqsa Mosque preacher for mourning Haniyeh Middle East Monitor reports: Israeli police, on Friday, reportedly arrested Al-Aqsa Mosque preacher, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, for mourning slain Hamas Political Bureau chief, Ismail Haniyeh. Haniyeh was assassinated on Wednesday in Tehran, Iran’s capital. While Hamas and Iran blamed Israel for the killing, Tel Aviv has not confirmed or denied its responsibility. One of Sabri’s relatives said that the Israeli police officers stormed into his home in the Occupied East Jerusalem and arrested him. Following the Friday prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sabri led a funeral prayer in absentia for Haniyeh. “The people of Jerusalem and the environs of Jerusalem from the pulpit of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque mourn the martyr Ismail Haniyeh,” he said during his sermon. Following the sermon, the Israeli police said they were probing whether the statement constituted “incitement” and that they would act accordingly. The 85-year-old preacher was detained multiple times by the Israeli forces in the past and was banned from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem for several months. Sabri is a staunch critic of the decades-long Israeli Occupation of the Palestinian Territories. He had previously held the position of Mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Territories from 1994 to 2006. Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had boasted earlier about Sabri’s detention. “My policy towards instigators is clear – zero tolerance,” Ben-Gvir said in a social media post. UPDATE: Lawyer Khalid Zabarqa was quoted as telling al-Jazeera that Israeli police had decided to release Al-Aqsa Mosque imam, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, after interrogation. Sheikh Ekrima Sa’id Sabri, the former grand mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories walks outside an Israeli police station after being summoned for interrogation, in Jerusalem on January 2, 2023. [Saeed Qaq/NurPhoto via Getty Images] Sheikh Ekrima Sa’id Sabri, the former grand mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories walks outside an Israeli police station after being summoned for interrogation, in Jerusalem on January 2, 2023. [Saeed Qaq/NurPhoto via Getty Images] (photo) Two senior Hamas officials, three from military wing killed in Israeli strikes last week: Report Middle East Eye reports: The Saudi newspaper Asharq al-Awsat quoted two Hamas sources as saying that two senior officials of the group’s political bureau, along with another three military wing members, were killed in an Israeli air strike while in a tunnel in Gaza last week. The Saudi newspaper named the two senior officials as Rawhi Mushtaha and Samah al-Sarrag, and the other three military members as Abdel Hadi Seyam, Samy Awdah, and Mohamed Hadid. The report says Mushtaha is a close associate of the Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar. According to the report, the strike hit southwest of Gaza City and targeted an area located above a tunnel where the five Hamas members were said to be residing. It said the tunnel had already been damaged at the start of the war on Gaza. The five Hamas members were buried on Thursday, according to Hamas sources cited in Asharq Al-Awsat. MEE has not been able to independently verify the report. West Bank: Paramedic succumbs to wounds from Israeli army gunfire in Balata camp WAFA reports: A Palestinian paramedic Friday evening succumbed to his wounds sustained from Israeli army gunfire in the Balata refugee camp, according to the Health Ministry. The Ministry announced that Jalal Mohammad Saqr died of the critical wounds he had sustained after being shot by Israeli occupation forces almost a week earlier in the refugee camp. Saqr, 21, a volunteer paramedic with PRCS, had sustained wounds while evacuating casualties in an Israeli drone airstrike on a house in the camp last Saturday, which resulted in killing two people and injuring over 20 others. Abbas faces backlash for skipping Haniyeh’s funeral after attending Peres’s Middle East Monitor reports: A number of activists expressed their objections in the media on Friday to the absence of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas from the funeral of the elected Palestinian Prime Minister and head of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in the Qatari capital, Doha. The activists criticized Abbas’s absence from Haniyeh’s funeral after he attended the funeral of former Israeli President Shimon Peres. However, Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that Abbas sent Deputy Chair of the Fatah Movement Mahmoud Al-Aloul and Secretary of the Central Committee of the movement Jibril Rajoub to Doha to participate in the funeral. U.S. forces move toward Israel as Iran threatens to attack Washington Post reports: The U.S. military is repositioning assets and moving additional forces into the Middle East and Europe to defend against a potential attack on Israel by Iran, U.S. officials said. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the deployment of additional Navy destroyers and cruisers, both with offensive and defensive ballistic missile capabilities, as the Pentagon also takes steps to beef up land-based missile defense, Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said in a statement Friday evening. An additional squadron of fighter jets also will be deployed to the Middle East to reinforce defensive air support, she said. They will be added to the “broad range of capabilities the U.S. military maintains in the region.” The moves come after Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, and Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah vowed to retaliate after the killing this week of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and a senior Hezbollah commander, Fuad Shukr. Israel has not claimed responsibility, but U.S. officials privately acknowledge it was behind the killing. Washington was not apprised of the operation beforehand and had no role in it, officials have said. Shukr was killed in an Israeli airstrike in a Beirut suburb. The events have brought the region closer to full-blown conflict than perhaps at any point since the Gaza war began 10 months ago. Biden tells Netanyahu “not to count on Washington” in case of regional escalation: Axios Middle East Eye reports: US President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to rely on Washington’s support in case a regional escalation occurred, Axios has reported, citing unnamed US officials. In a “tough” phone call, the US president said his country would only help Israel against an expected Iranian attack, following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, but there should be no more escalation from Israel and progress towards a Gaza ceasefire. However, the White House has issued an official statement stating that Biden has “reaffirmed his commitment to Israel’s security against all threats from Iran, including its proxy terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis”. The Axios story also cited three anonymous Israeli officials as saying there was tension during Biden’s meeting with Netanyahu in the Oval Office last week, in which Biden “raised his voice and said he wants a deal reached within a week to two weeks”. Archbishop of Canterbury urges respect for ICJ ruling against Israeli occupation Reuters reports: The Church of England’s spiritual head has urged governments to respect the findings of the United Nations top court that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory is illegal, saying the law should be upheld across the board, not in a “selective manner”. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) said in an advisory opinion last month that the occupation should be withdrawn as soon as possible. Justin Welby – who also heads the worldwide Anglican Communion – said in a statement the ICJ opinion had made it clear the occupation is “unlawful” and must end. “At a time when the world is marked by increasing violations of international law … it is imperative governments around the world reaffirm their unwavering commitment to all decisions by the ICJ, irrespective of the situation,” Welby said. He added that it was clear to him from many visits in recent decades the “system of military rule” imposed by successive Israeli governments in occupied Palestinian territory was one of “systemic discrimination”. Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport’s website is down, Israeli media says Middle East Eye reports: Israel’s Channel 12 has reported that the website of Israeli Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv is down because of immense pressure from travellers, amid the current tensions and cancellation of several countries’ airline flights to Israel. Several airlines have suspended their flights from and to Israel due to the ongoing tensions in the region Rashida Tlaib: A Profile in Courage Mark Dimondstein, president of the American Postal Workers Union and “proud Jewish-American,” writes in Common Dreams: During the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., famously said, “The time is always right to do what is right.” While she may have been a lone protest voice during Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress last week, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) did what is right. Most mainstream news reporting either ridiculed her or only briefly mentioned her silent protest displaying a sign with “War Criminal” printed on one side and “Guilty of Genocide” on the other. Missing was any analysis as to whether she was right. While Rashida Tlaib, the one Palestinian-American in Congress, courageously protested inside the Capitol, thousands of us, including this union leader and proud Jewish-American, were peaceably demonstrating outside demanding a cease-fire, condemning Netanyahu’s crimes against humanity, and the U.S. government for continuing to send armaments to Israel. I am proud that my union, which deplored the Hamas actions of October 7 and condemned Israel’s barbaric response, called for the release of all hostages and advocates for a permanent cease-fire and for massive humanitarian aid. Recently, our union took further action by a vote at our national convention to demand that our government halt military aid to Israel and joined six other unions, representing over 6 million U.S. unionized workers, calling on President Biden to implement an arms embargo. As the largest arms supplier to Israel, the Biden-led U.S government should use its leverage to stop the carnage. We are outraged that the taxes of workers are being used to kill, maim, and slaughter innocent people. AIPAC says US must ‘stand with Israel’ against Iran Al Jazeera reports: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has suggested that Washington and its allies should support Israel in retaliating against a possible Iranian response to the killing of Haniyeh in Tehran. “As Iran plans an attack that could cause mass destruction in Israel and spark a regional war, America and our allies must work together to deter Iran by demonstrating that we will stand with Israel as it responds to any strikes by the Iranian regime and its proxies,” the pro-Israel lobby group said in a message to supporters. AIPAC has spent tens of millions of dollars in recent US elections to help defeat candidates critical of Israel. RECOMMENDED READING ABOUT AIPAC: The Guardian: AFP must investigate Israel’s killing of Zomi Frankcom after quest for truth and justice goes nowhere Al Jazeera: Thousands mourn Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh at funeral prayer Al Jazeera: Gaza and the death of Western journalism STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – AUGUST 2: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 2: at least 40,071* (39,550 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 591 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced. 2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 2: at least 96,548 (including at least 91,280 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 2: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured. Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.** Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West Searching for Gaza’s missing children What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million? Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’ Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video) Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience Gaza genocide denial Why the news media’s job is to groom us ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different. ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto https://israelpalestinenews.org/biden-and-us-are-at-bibis-beck-and-call-day-300/ https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/08/biden-and-us-are-at-bibis-beck-and-call.html
    Biden and US are at Bibi's beck and call – Day 300
    Al Aqsa preacher detained for mourning Ismail Haniyeh's killing; Biden tells Bibi: "don't count on WH in an escalation" – then sends warships
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  • Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America
    What Should Be the Fate of the Genocider-in-Chief?

    Anthony James Hall

    The drama unfolding in Gaza, the West Bank, and more generally in West Asia is announcing a new phase in the fall of Western Civilization as we have known it. At the core of the drama is a very public ceremony of human sacrifice in the joint US-Israeli ritual to depopulate Gaza and rid the West Bank of its native Palestinians.

    The conflict is widening geographically, religiously, and ideologically. US universities are becoming major sites of the intensifying turmoil. These places are meant to be devoted to higher learning, open debate and critical thinking. But those ideals are fast giving way to assaults on very promising surges of free expression.

    Attempts are underway to wrestle to the ground the outbursts of liberated articulation. The quest to silence free speech is being done in the name of quelling so-called anti-Semitism. The ironies are great when the real victims of anti-Semitism are the Semitic Arab Palestinians being injured and eliminated in the ruthless onslaughts driving the campus disruptions. The resulting divide is putting influential Jewish people on both sides of the red lines cutting straight through the complex apparatus of higher education.

    While faculty members are becoming increasingly involved, the centre of gravity in the protests so far are the mobilizing networks of students that are aligning themselves against the many-faceted genocide underway in Gaza for half a year.

    The Genocider-In-Chief, Benjamin Netanyahu, seems intent on throwing gasoline on the campus turmoil in the cause of sparking full-fledged civil war. Its amazing to behold the severity of the scolding rhetoric coming from this man who has made himself the champion of the most obscene case of mass murder in the twenty-first century.

    Netanyahu’s defamatory clichés take Zionist accusations of anti-Semitism to new extremes of overheated polemics. Its almost as if Netanyahu is intent on becoming a caricature of himself. In Netanyahu’s deformed worldview, anyone is a terrorist who questions his blood-thirsty crusade aimed at violently depopulating Occupied Palestine of its native Palestinians.

    The leader of the barbaric massacre of Palestinian refugees in Gaza, claims that anyone who empathizes with the plight of Netanyahu’s victims is “intent on killing Jews where ever they are.”

    Netanyahu’s has become so set in his ways of presenting the Gazan genocide as a noble crusade, that he seems intent on widening his blood lust for human sacrifice to include some of the most committed and principled of American’s rising generation of university students.

    Like the reprehensible web site, Canary mission, Netanyahu’s goal seems to be to destroy the life chances of young people by assigning them to blacklists meant to deny them career opportunities.

    Is Netanyahu also aiming to set in motion the creation of concentration camps or worse for those who refuse to fall in line with the bigotry driving his genocidal schemes of ethnic elimination?

    Netanyahu’s ruthless war against the most free-thinking flower of youth is aimed at sabotaging higher education by enlisting its top administrators into a campaign to eviscerate academic freedom. Without free and open debate, serious universities cannot rise to a high standard beyond the level of indoctrination, enforced sloganeering, and institutionalized cronyism. The sacrifice of human potential for partisan advantage cannot end well. Human sacrifice is taking many forms.

    Netanyahu stands at the head of a genocidal project that is embraced and advanced by many Jewish Israelis in the Armed Forces, the Knesset, the media, and the population at large. The backing also encompasses the cultish clique of puppet governors made to appear as if they are in charge of what are, in fact, hollowed-out hulks of the former Western Democracies. Some of the human agents of Zionism’s remote-controlled governance include Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Rishi Sunak, Olaf Scholz, Ursula Von Leyen, Justin Trudeau, and Emmanuel Macron.


    There can be no doubt, however, that Benjamin Netanyahu deserves the title Genocider-In-Chief. I can think of no other figure, not even during WWII, who has pushed ahead the many-faceted genocidal elimination of a people so zealously, so publicly, and so self-righteously. In spite of all the demonstrations calling for his resignation, it has become clear that most Jewish Israelis have few qualms about going along with what many people throughout the world see as the Netanyahu government’s obvious violations of the Genocide Convention.

    The genocidal project currently underway has become a primal national project of the Jewish polity. For now, the mass murder is aimed at the Palestinian inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank. But who can doubt that other Palestinians who are citizens of Israel proper, will be the next targets of ethnic elimination, a concept that has grabbed the fancy of Jewish public opinion in Israel.

    By Israel proper, I mean the part of Israel outlined for a Jewish state by the United Nations’ Resolution 181, not the portion of Palestine set aside by the UN in 1947 for a new Arab state. The Arab state was to include Gaza and the West Bank which were illegally seized through Israeli military conquest in 1967. About 20% of the citizens in Israel proper, are Palestinian. The present legal status of the Israeli citizens who are ethnic Palestinians has been made to seem increasingly fragile and problematic especially over the course of recent months.

    It is well know that Netanyahu has been caught in the grips of legal woes stemming from the kind of petty corruption that the Israeli judiciary can handle even as its members consistently disregard the international laws violated in ways that are woven into Israel’s constitutional fabric. One would think that Netanyahu’s domestic legal problems would be small compared to those created by the Israeli politician’s leading role in the most high-profile case of genocidal mass murder committed in the twenty-first century.

    But no. That is not the case. The intervention of the International Court of Justice in the Gaza debacle has yet to put any visible checks at all on Netanyahu’s massacre that seems targeted especially at women and children. In fact after the World Court’s ruling, the pace and scope of the US-Israel genocide seemed to grow.

    The conflict unfolding in Gaza is not a war, a word that should be reserved for the type of conflict involving clashes of the armed forces of two or more national governments. The invasion of Gaza by the Israeli Armed Forces, an invasion backed up by the full military might of the United States, is a massacre pointed at people who for three generations have been classified in international law as stateless refugees even as they continue to reside in their own native lands.

    Netanyahu claims the “war” is to “eradicate Hamas.” Hamas is the organization whose fighters on October 7, 2023, broke out of the walled Gaza prison to apprehend in disputed circumstances the Israeli captives presently described in the media as “hostages.”

    As we shall see, Hamas is largely a legal and political creation of the Israel government. Nevertheless, Hamas continues to command much loyalty from its Gazan constituents. Who else do the Gazans have to help them in the here and now amidst the genocidal circumstances engulfing them?

    The Apparatus of International Law is More Theatrical Than Substantial

    Even with the limited weaponry at their disposal, the Hamas fighters have been able to mount a resolute self-defence of their own stateless people. The incarcerated condition of the two million Palestinians in Gaza stands as a telling embodiment of the inconsistencies that reside at the core of the system of international law put in place by World War II’s victors.

    While this system may look on the surface as reasonable and viable, it is not what it seems. The juridical element of the international system is more theatrical than substantial in reality. The International Criminal Court is a telling example of the base biases, prejudices and corruption that prevail in some institutional components of international law.

    The ICC’s Chief Prosecutor, Karim Kahn, has been more or less inert in the face of the elaborate crime spree that is integral to the Gazan Genocide. On the other hand, Kahn was quick to charge Vladimir Putin with several trumped-up charges for war crimes in the Ukrainian debacle. By his inaction in responding with substantial investigations and charges to the many crimes permeating the Gazan Genocide, Kahn should face charges for his own complicity in genocide.


    The genocide currently under way in Gaza emerges from the internal contradictions embedded in the apparatus for arbitrating and enforcing international law. This system was purposely set up after WWII to create the fiction that the world is to be run on the basis of due process rooted in the rule of law.

    One of the weak points in this system is the lack of a coherent mechanism for enforcing international criminal law, including the Genocide Convention. This absence of a reliable means for enforcing international law is not inadvertent. It was purposely built into the system as a means of protecting the powerful from being held accountable and punished for their crimes.

    The theatricality of the international system is meant to disguise the reality that enormous latitude has been afforded to the inheritors of wealth and power, both private and institutional, to further expand their fortunes and influence. A primary illustration of the problem lies in the impunity from being charged and punished for violations of international criminal law enjoyed by those in the upper branches of the US and Israeli governments.

    The Zionist capture and protection of Chosenite Judaism epitomizes the institutionalized character of inequality before the law. Alistar Crooke refers to the basis of this phenomenon as “the Zionist project of Jewish special rights.”


    The post-WWII fiction of universal human rights and equality before the law provides cover for the royalty of acquired wealth along with the political clout that goes with it. These upper-echelon plutocrats and their agents are often exempted from the prohibitions and punishments of law.

    From this place of impunity, the Chosenites from many backgrounds can readily engage in the most expensive and corrupt forms of lawfare. They do so even as they retain their licenses to rob, kill and exploit by means of the rigged systems for the apportionment of assets, liabilities and political clout.

    Benjamin Netanyahu understands as well as anyone on earth the disjuncture between the appearance and the reality of the international system. This Israeli-American figure has epitomized and exploited the internal contradictions with gusto. This experience has led him to the strange culmination of a political career that has made him the twenty-first century’s unparalleled genocidaire extraordinaire.

    One would think that Netanyahu’s role as the primary crime boss in the most gruesome mass murder of the twenty-first century would ensnare him in legal troubles far more serious than those attending the corruption convictions he is facing in Israel. So far, however, that appears not to be the case.

    By his actions Netanyahu seems to be indicating that, for him, the domestic corruption convictions he is under are more menacing than the early stages of the charges for the international crime of genocide being pressed against the country he leads.

    Apparently Netanyahu and the Israeli people around him— even those who regularly declare their hatred of him— have plenty of experience to reassure themselves that they are above the law. They seem to be assuming they will therefore continue to enjoy impunity from the enactments and punishments of international law, including the UN’s Genocide Convention.

    Are the assumptions of Netanyahu and those around him correct? What signs are there that anything has changed to replace the theatrics of international law with some actual implementation and enforcement of fundamental legal principles. When it comes to enforcing accountability for the highest levels of blatant criminality, these fundamental principles seem to apply primarily to culprits in defeated, poor and marginalized countries.

    Will victors’ justice continue to prevail? Those on the winning side of conflicts are almost never brought to justice for the international crimes they committed on the way to victory. Going back to the era of the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals, those on the winning side are almost never made to sit on the benches reserved for the accused.

    [See Anthony J. Hall, “A National or International Crime? Indian Residential Schools and the Genocide Convention,” Genocide Studies International, Vol. 12, no 1, Spring 2018, pp. 72-91]

    In fact Netanyahu has already been ordered by the World Court to cease and desist doing the actions that are creating the perception that the government he leads is conducting a “plausible genocide.” This directive, however, Netanyahu obviously regards as empty of substance until the international community get serious about enforcing the court ruling. Netanyahu obviously holds the ruling of the International Court of Justice in contempt.

    Netanyahu continues to face little opposition willing to push against the fiction that he is engaged in a “war” to “eradicate Hamas,” a polity that he played a big role in helping to shape, guide and elevate. Netanyahu continues to exploit the fiction that he is conducting a war against, rather than a massacre of, mostly unarmed, incarcerated stateless refugees, people that the Israeli government has occupied and oppressed for three generations.

    Netanyahu continues to stand by his misrepresentation even as he accelerates the campaign to eliminate the surviving Palestinians now cornered in the southern district of the Gaza Strip in and around Rafah.

    The Engineering of Outrage to Launch the Campaign to Implement the Final Solution to the Palestinian Question

    The overarching trajectory of the genocidal violation contains many crimes within crimes. Some of these crimes are rooted in the fact that the Gazan Genocide is providing a laboratory of life and death for experiments on human subjects.

    These crimes include the mass atrocities committed by IDF soldiers in the process of destroying hospitals, in conducting torture and rape, as well as in targeting for murder many dozens of journalists and hundreds of humanitarian aid workers including UN staff. Every day, it seems, new mass graves are being identified providing abundant evidence of various methods of imposing slaughter, sometimes fast and sometimes with agonizing slowness.



    The Israeli assault on Gazan infrastructure and all means of sustaining life are integral, for instance, to engineered famine, homelessness, dehydration and plagues. We have been witnessing low-tech and high-tech genocide, the multi-dimensional likes of which have never been planned, implemented, seen, heard, and documented on such a scale.

    The crimes extend to the obliteration of universities, schools, museums, recital halls, sports facilities as well as the targeted assassinations of leading figures based in all of the obliterated institutions. The destruction extends to vast arrays of historical treasures including ancient mosques, churches, and public squares that form important parts of the shared cultural and religious inheritances of Palestinian people as well as of humanity as a whole.

    Raphael Lemkin was the inventor in 1944 of the term “genocide” and the main draftsman three years later of the Genocide Convention. Lemkin’s emphasized in his work that cultural genocide is a very important element in the process of eliminating distinct peoples from the international community of nations.

    What are the children of the world supposed to think as they compare the conditions of kids in Tel Aviv and Gaza? Is Netanyahu to be seen as a heroic warrior or as a thuggish serial killer? Who will, and who should, decide?

    Not only has Netanyahu made himself the top General, PR Spin Doctor, and strategist of a bloody interlude of ethnic nationalism gone terribly wrong. He is also the number one suspect in how the events of October 7 (10/7) came to unfold as they did in order to give justification to the quest to finish off the NAKBA (catastrophe), the Arab equivalent of the Hebrew Shoah (Holocaust).

    The genocidal NAKBA began in 1948 with the formal initiation of the new Israeli government’s ongoing campaign to uproot, kill, and eject the native population with the goal of de-Palestinianizing the Jewish nation. Some describe the events of 2023-2024 as a surge in the ongoing genocide that began 75 years earlier.

    Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party have been extremists when it comes to the occupying power’s effort to eliminate Palestinians and to extinguish their legal title to lands and resources. In the current government of Israel, Netanyahu has teamed up with religious fanatics whose anti-Arab obsessions and policies as well as their preoccupation with Jewish supremacism are being well expressed in the current outburst of genocidal mass murder.

    As with the mythology created to cover the tracks of the real culprits of 9/11, the events of 10/7 just happened to hand over to the Zionist extremists exactly the conditions of public opinion they required to spring into preplanned military campaigns at a moment’s notice. In both instances, declarations of war were issued within hours before any formal investigation at all had taken place. In both instances elaborate and irreversible actions were implemented asap resulting in initiatives that altered the course of the global history we are presently living through.

    As reported by the New York Times, the events of October 7 were fully described in the “Jericho Wall” document circulated a year before the prison break of the Hamas fighters actually happened. This detailed report was passed around among intelligence agencies including those of Israel, the USA, and Great Britain.


    Just as similar intelligence was widely distributed among Deep State spooks before 9/11, there was similar anticipation of the events of 10/7. One might even come to the conclusion that overlapping power networks were behind both false flag events that put Netanyahu and his political cronies at, or near, the centre of the predatory actions.

    The events of 9/11 were misrepresented to initiate the so-called Global War on Terror. Similarly the events of 10/7 extended the same demonization of Arabs, but especially of Muslim Palestinians, to dehumanize those on the receiving end of the onslaught by the world’s most massive and aggressive military-industrial-media complex.

    As Simplicius sees it, “all indications prove that this has been an internal Israeli plan long in the making, that the events of October 7 were in fact a Pearl Harbor-esque falseflag tasked with generating the needed outrage which would allow the execution of the ‘Final Palestinian Solution.’ ” (For reference, see link to Simplicius’ Subtack article below)

    Three months before Oct. 7 Hamas fighters were clearly viewed in Gaza practising for the events about to take place. Officials in neighbouring Egypt knew what to expect and signalled the intelligence to national security specialists in and around Netanyahu’s Office. Apparently Netanyahu refused to take Egyptian President, Abdel El-Sisi’s, telephone call on the subject.

    Netanyahu and his Likud predecessors, including Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, and Ariel Sharon, cooperated very closely with Hamas to achieve several objectives including the paramount goal of keeping the Palestinians divided into separate organizations.

    One of their motivations in building up Hamas, a sunni Muslim organization rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood, was to avoid any repeat of the rise of Yasser Arafat and his highly successful secular approach to building up support for the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

    The weight of evidence points to the distinct possibility that Netanyahu helped arrange the easy breakout out of Hamas from Gaza through the enclosure’s extremely high-tech Wall. Netanyahu was then instrumental in preventing the IDF from responding immediately in order to allow sufficient time for atrocities to take place in front of reporters and photographers. Somehow these media figures just happened to be at the right place at the right time to get their scoops.


    This statement from Danny Danon, Israel’s former Ambassador to the United Nations, can be interpreted as a warning to photojournalists that they will be “eliminated” if they do not keep quiet about their prior knowledge of the events of October 7. Prior knowledge of 10/7 seems to have been widespread as it was during the weeks and months before 9/11.

    As Andre Damon concluded on December 2, “These revelations expose the Gaza genocide to be a criminal conspiracy by the Netanyahu regime and its imperialist backers, whose victims include not only 20,000 slaughtered Palestinians, but the Israeli population itself.”


    What would the trial of Benjamin Netanyahu look like if he was charged individually with the international crime of committing genocide as a result of his actions before, during, and after 9/11? What can humanity expect in the future if the individual most deeply implicated in the most hideous and openly performed genocide in recent times can walk away from the crime?

    As it now stands, many perpetrators of genocide in Gaza have a sense that they continue to be immune from charges, trials, and punishments for committing the highest level of international crimes on the books. At the frequently-held Zionist galas for schmoozing, networking, fund raising, award presentations and all manner of self-congratulations, the genocidaires of Gaza might as well be taking bows for the massacre of their captives in Gaza.

    Human Sacrifice Among Aztecs and in the Settler Colonialism of the Americas and Israel

    The US-Israeli role in implementing the current climactic phase of the Gazan Genocide must be considered in a variety of historical contexts including the event memorialized as the holocaust.

    The time has passed when anything to do with this subject can simply be taken on faith without discussion and open debate. No longer do the Zionist proponents of the Genocidal State of Israel get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to demanding the acceptance of their preferred interpretations of history.

    By politicizing the divine directive in the Torah to massacre the Amalekites, Netanyahu is effectively drawing on the blood lust of the vengeful Yahweh in what Simplicius describes as the current “Eschatological Frenzy.” Back in late October he explained,

    “The eschatological fervor of the Palestine crisis is reaching a deafening peak. Officials worldwide are dropping their masks, and inadvertently revealing the Biblical strain of the conflict. At every turn, political figures now soak their proclamations in Biblical reference and allegory. The foremost of which was Netanyahu, who has now invoked an assortment of Biblical prophecies as dogwhistles to stir his people into an eschatological frenzy. Here he not only invokes the prophecy of Isaiah, but frames the conflict as that of “light” versus “darkness” and good versus evil, painting the Palestinians as the Children of Darkness to be vanquished by the Chosen Ones.

    The new form of human sacrifice in the killing fields of Gaza is probably more brutal than any similar ritual performed amidst, say, the pyramid structures of the Aztecs as observed by the conquistadors surrounding their leader, Hernán Cortés. This Aztec ritual was frequently highlighted by those seeking to justify the overturning of the Old World of Indigenous peoples in the Western Hemisphere.

    Popular lore concerning the Aztecs’ blood sacrifice of humans was used frequently to give justification for the conquest and elimination of indigenous societies regardless of the civilizational achievements in Central America of the Aztec, Mayan and Incan peoples.

    Strategically drawn upon was the real or the imagined efforts of some Indigenous peoples to appease the gods through human sacrifices. The aim was rationalize the imperative to create a New World where Native peoples throughout the Americas were subjected to round after round of genocidal elimination and repression.

    This pattern, exported especially from the western-moving frontier of the United States to the Israeli frontier of Palestine, has helped create the historical context for the treatment of the Native peoples in Gaza and the West Bank. One of the main paradigms used to explain this process of expansion was the imperial resort to the paradigm of the ascent from savagery to civilization as pictured through the lens of social Darwinism

    The anti-imperial characterization of the same process is to characterize it as series of manifestations of “settler colonialism” now on clear global display in Gaza and the West Bank. In the current genocide, the warriors of Jewish Israel seem to be competing with the Spanish conquistadors for pre-eminence in ruthlessness.

    At the same time, the agents of the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank are engaged in rituals of human sacrifice far more vicious than that of the Aztecs. As far as I know the Aztecs did not engage in human sacrifice through forced starvation.

    Our Descent from Civilization into Barbarism and Savagery

    The human sacrifices to Yahweh, the God of Greater Israel, are being sent to their death with the intervention of cutting edge Artificial Intelligence whose murderous aroma smells nothing like Lavender. In the twenty-first century, the fast-changing technologies of our times are more and more coming to rule the conditions of both our lives and our deaths.

    The twenty-first century began with a Global War effectively of Terror that continues to engulf us in the culture of militarism as the dominant driving force influencing every aspect of our descent from civilization into barbarism and savagery.

    The life-and-death character of changing technologies, mostly all harnessed in the first applications to militarism, is leaping into prominence as the Gazan Genocide gives rise to warring confrontations. These confrontations mostly emanated from longstanding antagonism since 1979 between Iran and Israel.

    This process of warring interactions kicked into high gear on April 1 when the government of Israel disregarded diplomatic law and protocol stretching back into classical times.

    Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus killing 16 people, including several high-ranking officials in the Iranian Armed Forces and in Hezbollah. Several civilians were also killed. In response, Iranian officials explained that the Israeli attack would have to involve a retaliation. It would have to take the form of some sort of attack directly from Iranian territory on Israeli territory. While Israel has attacked Iran repeatedly within Iran, the reverse of this process had until mid-April of 2024 never occurred.

    The Iranian attack on Israel came on the night of April 13-14. Many parties were given ample prior warning so that they could prepare for some sort of missile attack. The attack was mounted with the goal of avoiding, if possible, deaths and property damage. That objective was met.

    The attack has been viewed from a variety of perspectives. I find most credible the accounts describing three hundred or so drones and cruise missiles used as decoys meant to lure attention away from the primary weapons of attack. The Israeli Air Force and elements of the air forces of the USA, the UK, France, and Jordan shot down the vast majority of drones and cruise missiles.

    Seven of the ballistic missiles have been pictured hitting their targets on the runway of the Nevatim Air Base in the Negev desert.

    Scott Ritter is one of those who indicates that this penetration of what he calls “the most protected air space in the world” has already transformed key facets of global geopolitics. Ritter has described this interpretation, which is probably not the last word in the subject, to British MP and journalist, George Galloway.

    On April 19 Israel attempted a retaliation to hit targets in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the lead up to the attack many questions were asked about the possible role of the Biden government in pressing the Netanyahu government to hold back from hitting Iran hard.

    The quid pro quo, some imagined, would be to give Netanyahu the green light for a major military operation to “eradicate Hamas” in Rafah. It seems that although the US apparently holds the upper hand in terms of supplying the weaponry for the Gazan Genocide, Netanyahu nevertheless dominates in the sometimes mysterious inner dynamics of the deeply integrated Israel-US relationship.

    On April 19 an Israeli attack was reported as something of a non-event where Israeli drone-like projectiles were downed by the Iranian armed forces on the way to their targets in the Isfahan area. The governments of both Israel and Iran decided to not comment in any detail on the event.

    Then on April 20 came a very brief report from journalist Pepe Escobar presenting a dramatically different version of the events of the prior day. The statement immediately became the subject of intense disagreement and conjecture. Scott Ritter is one of those to condemn Escobar’s statement as containing an impossible juxtaposition of events. The reference to EMP that Escobar refers to, stands for Electro Magnetic Pulse. A nuclear-driven surge of EMP, it was claimed, could fry and disable Iran’s entire electrical system.

    Pepe Escobar
    In a statement that was widely reproduced, Escobar reported,

    In an effort to explain himself, Escobar engaged in a discussion with Larry Johnson and Ania K.

    Even before the Iranian demonstration attack on Israel on the night of April 13-14, key figures in the government of Israel have been distraught about the implications for Zionism of the rising importance of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This rise has accelerated in recent years as Iran’s alliances with Russia, China, the other countries of BRICS as well as of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization continue to coalesce.

    Given this background, I can picture how the government of Israel might have pictured the prospect of a retaliation for Iran’s retaliation for the original bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus.

    I can picture Netanyahu and the extremists around him thinking about the possibility of crippling Iran with a nuclear strike to generate a EMP surge in order to fry Iran’s electric grid. Speculation, however, is futile at this point. Few of us are in any position to come to any firm conclusions about what did or didn’t happen on the night of April 19 in the skies over Jordan.

    Just thinking about such an attack, however, points to the kind of human sacrifices being eliminated and being contemplated in the strange and dangerous times through which we are living. Hasn’t the time come to contemplate locking up the likes of Benjamin Nentanyahu and those to whom he answers. Such efforts are needed to protect much of humanity from becoming human sacrifices to the gods of war, torture, and depravity?


    Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America What Should Be the Fate of the Genocider-in-Chief? Anthony James Hall The drama unfolding in Gaza, the West Bank, and more generally in West Asia is announcing a new phase in the fall of Western Civilization as we have known it. At the core of the drama is a very public ceremony of human sacrifice in the joint US-Israeli ritual to depopulate Gaza and rid the West Bank of its native Palestinians. The conflict is widening geographically, religiously, and ideologically. US universities are becoming major sites of the intensifying turmoil. These places are meant to be devoted to higher learning, open debate and critical thinking. But those ideals are fast giving way to assaults on very promising surges of free expression. Attempts are underway to wrestle to the ground the outbursts of liberated articulation. The quest to silence free speech is being done in the name of quelling so-called anti-Semitism. The ironies are great when the real victims of anti-Semitism are the Semitic Arab Palestinians being injured and eliminated in the ruthless onslaughts driving the campus disruptions. The resulting divide is putting influential Jewish people on both sides of the red lines cutting straight through the complex apparatus of higher education. While faculty members are becoming increasingly involved, the centre of gravity in the protests so far are the mobilizing networks of students that are aligning themselves against the many-faceted genocide underway in Gaza for half a year. The Genocider-In-Chief, Benjamin Netanyahu, seems intent on throwing gasoline on the campus turmoil in the cause of sparking full-fledged civil war. Its amazing to behold the severity of the scolding rhetoric coming from this man who has made himself the champion of the most obscene case of mass murder in the twenty-first century. Netanyahu’s defamatory clichés take Zionist accusations of anti-Semitism to new extremes of overheated polemics. Its almost as if Netanyahu is intent on becoming a caricature of himself. In Netanyahu’s deformed worldview, anyone is a terrorist who questions his blood-thirsty crusade aimed at violently depopulating Occupied Palestine of its native Palestinians. The leader of the barbaric massacre of Palestinian refugees in Gaza, claims that anyone who empathizes with the plight of Netanyahu’s victims is “intent on killing Jews where ever they are.” Netanyahu’s has become so set in his ways of presenting the Gazan genocide as a noble crusade, that he seems intent on widening his blood lust for human sacrifice to include some of the most committed and principled of American’s rising generation of university students. Like the reprehensible web site, Canary mission, Netanyahu’s goal seems to be to destroy the life chances of young people by assigning them to blacklists meant to deny them career opportunities. Is Netanyahu also aiming to set in motion the creation of concentration camps or worse for those who refuse to fall in line with the bigotry driving his genocidal schemes of ethnic elimination? Netanyahu’s ruthless war against the most free-thinking flower of youth is aimed at sabotaging higher education by enlisting its top administrators into a campaign to eviscerate academic freedom. Without free and open debate, serious universities cannot rise to a high standard beyond the level of indoctrination, enforced sloganeering, and institutionalized cronyism. The sacrifice of human potential for partisan advantage cannot end well. Human sacrifice is taking many forms. Netanyahu stands at the head of a genocidal project that is embraced and advanced by many Jewish Israelis in the Armed Forces, the Knesset, the media, and the population at large. The backing also encompasses the cultish clique of puppet governors made to appear as if they are in charge of what are, in fact, hollowed-out hulks of the former Western Democracies. Some of the human agents of Zionism’s remote-controlled governance include Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Rishi Sunak, Olaf Scholz, Ursula Von Leyen, Justin Trudeau, and Emmanuel Macron. Genocider-In-Chief There can be no doubt, however, that Benjamin Netanyahu deserves the title Genocider-In-Chief. I can think of no other figure, not even during WWII, who has pushed ahead the many-faceted genocidal elimination of a people so zealously, so publicly, and so self-righteously. In spite of all the demonstrations calling for his resignation, it has become clear that most Jewish Israelis have few qualms about going along with what many people throughout the world see as the Netanyahu government’s obvious violations of the Genocide Convention. The genocidal project currently underway has become a primal national project of the Jewish polity. For now, the mass murder is aimed at the Palestinian inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank. But who can doubt that other Palestinians who are citizens of Israel proper, will be the next targets of ethnic elimination, a concept that has grabbed the fancy of Jewish public opinion in Israel. By Israel proper, I mean the part of Israel outlined for a Jewish state by the United Nations’ Resolution 181, not the portion of Palestine set aside by the UN in 1947 for a new Arab state. The Arab state was to include Gaza and the West Bank which were illegally seized through Israeli military conquest in 1967. About 20% of the citizens in Israel proper, are Palestinian. The present legal status of the Israeli citizens who are ethnic Palestinians has been made to seem increasingly fragile and problematic especially over the course of recent months. It is well know that Netanyahu has been caught in the grips of legal woes stemming from the kind of petty corruption that the Israeli judiciary can handle even as its members consistently disregard the international laws violated in ways that are woven into Israel’s constitutional fabric. One would think that Netanyahu’s domestic legal problems would be small compared to those created by the Israeli politician’s leading role in the most high-profile case of genocidal mass murder committed in the twenty-first century. But no. That is not the case. The intervention of the International Court of Justice in the Gaza debacle has yet to put any visible checks at all on Netanyahu’s massacre that seems targeted especially at women and children. In fact after the World Court’s ruling, the pace and scope of the US-Israel genocide seemed to grow. The conflict unfolding in Gaza is not a war, a word that should be reserved for the type of conflict involving clashes of the armed forces of two or more national governments. The invasion of Gaza by the Israeli Armed Forces, an invasion backed up by the full military might of the United States, is a massacre pointed at people who for three generations have been classified in international law as stateless refugees even as they continue to reside in their own native lands. Netanyahu claims the “war” is to “eradicate Hamas.” Hamas is the organization whose fighters on October 7, 2023, broke out of the walled Gaza prison to apprehend in disputed circumstances the Israeli captives presently described in the media as “hostages.” As we shall see, Hamas is largely a legal and political creation of the Israel government. Nevertheless, Hamas continues to command much loyalty from its Gazan constituents. Who else do the Gazans have to help them in the here and now amidst the genocidal circumstances engulfing them? The Apparatus of International Law is More Theatrical Than Substantial Even with the limited weaponry at their disposal, the Hamas fighters have been able to mount a resolute self-defence of their own stateless people. The incarcerated condition of the two million Palestinians in Gaza stands as a telling embodiment of the inconsistencies that reside at the core of the system of international law put in place by World War II’s victors. While this system may look on the surface as reasonable and viable, it is not what it seems. The juridical element of the international system is more theatrical than substantial in reality. The International Criminal Court is a telling example of the base biases, prejudices and corruption that prevail in some institutional components of international law. The ICC’s Chief Prosecutor, Karim Kahn, has been more or less inert in the face of the elaborate crime spree that is integral to the Gazan Genocide. On the other hand, Kahn was quick to charge Vladimir Putin with several trumped-up charges for war crimes in the Ukrainian debacle. By his inaction in responding with substantial investigations and charges to the many crimes permeating the Gazan Genocide, Kahn should face charges for his own complicity in genocide. https://theintercept.com/2023/05/04/international-criminal-court-karim-khan/ The genocide currently under way in Gaza emerges from the internal contradictions embedded in the apparatus for arbitrating and enforcing international law. This system was purposely set up after WWII to create the fiction that the world is to be run on the basis of due process rooted in the rule of law. One of the weak points in this system is the lack of a coherent mechanism for enforcing international criminal law, including the Genocide Convention. This absence of a reliable means for enforcing international law is not inadvertent. It was purposely built into the system as a means of protecting the powerful from being held accountable and punished for their crimes. The theatricality of the international system is meant to disguise the reality that enormous latitude has been afforded to the inheritors of wealth and power, both private and institutional, to further expand their fortunes and influence. A primary illustration of the problem lies in the impunity from being charged and punished for violations of international criminal law enjoyed by those in the upper branches of the US and Israeli governments. The Zionist capture and protection of Chosenite Judaism epitomizes the institutionalized character of inequality before the law. Alistar Crooke refers to the basis of this phenomenon as “the Zionist project of Jewish special rights.” https://www.unz.com/article/will-zionism-self-destruct/ The post-WWII fiction of universal human rights and equality before the law provides cover for the royalty of acquired wealth along with the political clout that goes with it. These upper-echelon plutocrats and their agents are often exempted from the prohibitions and punishments of law. From this place of impunity, the Chosenites from many backgrounds can readily engage in the most expensive and corrupt forms of lawfare. They do so even as they retain their licenses to rob, kill and exploit by means of the rigged systems for the apportionment of assets, liabilities and political clout. Benjamin Netanyahu understands as well as anyone on earth the disjuncture between the appearance and the reality of the international system. This Israeli-American figure has epitomized and exploited the internal contradictions with gusto. This experience has led him to the strange culmination of a political career that has made him the twenty-first century’s unparalleled genocidaire extraordinaire. One would think that Netanyahu’s role as the primary crime boss in the most gruesome mass murder of the twenty-first century would ensnare him in legal troubles far more serious than those attending the corruption convictions he is facing in Israel. So far, however, that appears not to be the case. By his actions Netanyahu seems to be indicating that, for him, the domestic corruption convictions he is under are more menacing than the early stages of the charges for the international crime of genocide being pressed against the country he leads. Apparently Netanyahu and the Israeli people around him— even those who regularly declare their hatred of him— have plenty of experience to reassure themselves that they are above the law. They seem to be assuming they will therefore continue to enjoy impunity from the enactments and punishments of international law, including the UN’s Genocide Convention. Are the assumptions of Netanyahu and those around him correct? What signs are there that anything has changed to replace the theatrics of international law with some actual implementation and enforcement of fundamental legal principles. When it comes to enforcing accountability for the highest levels of blatant criminality, these fundamental principles seem to apply primarily to culprits in defeated, poor and marginalized countries. Will victors’ justice continue to prevail? Those on the winning side of conflicts are almost never brought to justice for the international crimes they committed on the way to victory. Going back to the era of the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals, those on the winning side are almost never made to sit on the benches reserved for the accused. [See Anthony J. Hall, “A National or International Crime? Indian Residential Schools and the Genocide Convention,” Genocide Studies International, Vol. 12, no 1, Spring 2018, pp. 72-91] In fact Netanyahu has already been ordered by the World Court to cease and desist doing the actions that are creating the perception that the government he leads is conducting a “plausible genocide.” This directive, however, Netanyahu obviously regards as empty of substance until the international community get serious about enforcing the court ruling. Netanyahu obviously holds the ruling of the International Court of Justice in contempt. Netanyahu continues to face little opposition willing to push against the fiction that he is engaged in a “war” to “eradicate Hamas,” a polity that he played a big role in helping to shape, guide and elevate. Netanyahu continues to exploit the fiction that he is conducting a war against, rather than a massacre of, mostly unarmed, incarcerated stateless refugees, people that the Israeli government has occupied and oppressed for three generations. Netanyahu continues to stand by his misrepresentation even as he accelerates the campaign to eliminate the surviving Palestinians now cornered in the southern district of the Gaza Strip in and around Rafah. The Engineering of Outrage to Launch the Campaign to Implement the Final Solution to the Palestinian Question The overarching trajectory of the genocidal violation contains many crimes within crimes. Some of these crimes are rooted in the fact that the Gazan Genocide is providing a laboratory of life and death for experiments on human subjects. These crimes include the mass atrocities committed by IDF soldiers in the process of destroying hospitals, in conducting torture and rape, as well as in targeting for murder many dozens of journalists and hundreds of humanitarian aid workers including UN staff. Every day, it seems, new mass graves are being identified providing abundant evidence of various methods of imposing slaughter, sometimes fast and sometimes with agonizing slowness. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/nearly-400-decomposing-bodies-uncovered-in-khan-younis-nasse?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.vox.com/world-politics/24140794/gaza-nasser-hospitals-al-shifa-graves-idf-hamas The Israeli assault on Gazan infrastructure and all means of sustaining life are integral, for instance, to engineered famine, homelessness, dehydration and plagues. We have been witnessing low-tech and high-tech genocide, the multi-dimensional likes of which have never been planned, implemented, seen, heard, and documented on such a scale. The crimes extend to the obliteration of universities, schools, museums, recital halls, sports facilities as well as the targeted assassinations of leading figures based in all of the obliterated institutions. The destruction extends to vast arrays of historical treasures including ancient mosques, churches, and public squares that form important parts of the shared cultural and religious inheritances of Palestinian people as well as of humanity as a whole. Raphael Lemkin was the inventor in 1944 of the term “genocide” and the main draftsman three years later of the Genocide Convention. Lemkin’s emphasized in his work that cultural genocide is a very important element in the process of eliminating distinct peoples from the international community of nations. What are the children of the world supposed to think as they compare the conditions of kids in Tel Aviv and Gaza? Is Netanyahu to be seen as a heroic warrior or as a thuggish serial killer? Who will, and who should, decide? Not only has Netanyahu made himself the top General, PR Spin Doctor, and strategist of a bloody interlude of ethnic nationalism gone terribly wrong. He is also the number one suspect in how the events of October 7 (10/7) came to unfold as they did in order to give justification to the quest to finish off the NAKBA (catastrophe), the Arab equivalent of the Hebrew Shoah (Holocaust). The genocidal NAKBA began in 1948 with the formal initiation of the new Israeli government’s ongoing campaign to uproot, kill, and eject the native population with the goal of de-Palestinianizing the Jewish nation. Some describe the events of 2023-2024 as a surge in the ongoing genocide that began 75 years earlier. Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party have been extremists when it comes to the occupying power’s effort to eliminate Palestinians and to extinguish their legal title to lands and resources. In the current government of Israel, Netanyahu has teamed up with religious fanatics whose anti-Arab obsessions and policies as well as their preoccupation with Jewish supremacism are being well expressed in the current outburst of genocidal mass murder. As with the mythology created to cover the tracks of the real culprits of 9/11, the events of 10/7 just happened to hand over to the Zionist extremists exactly the conditions of public opinion they required to spring into preplanned military campaigns at a moment’s notice. In both instances, declarations of war were issued within hours before any formal investigation at all had taken place. In both instances elaborate and irreversible actions were implemented asap resulting in initiatives that altered the course of the global history we are presently living through. As reported by the New York Times, the events of October 7 were fully described in the “Jericho Wall” document circulated a year before the prison break of the Hamas fighters actually happened. This detailed report was passed around among intelligence agencies including those of Israel, the USA, and Great Britain. https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-knew-hamass-attack-plan-more-than-year-ago/5842036 Just as similar intelligence was widely distributed among Deep State spooks before 9/11, there was similar anticipation of the events of 10/7. One might even come to the conclusion that overlapping power networks were behind both false flag events that put Netanyahu and his political cronies at, or near, the centre of the predatory actions. The events of 9/11 were misrepresented to initiate the so-called Global War on Terror. Similarly the events of 10/7 extended the same demonization of Arabs, but especially of Muslim Palestinians, to dehumanize those on the receiving end of the onslaught by the world’s most massive and aggressive military-industrial-media complex. As Simplicius sees it, “all indications prove that this has been an internal Israeli plan long in the making, that the events of October 7 were in fact a Pearl Harbor-esque falseflag tasked with generating the needed outrage which would allow the execution of the ‘Final Palestinian Solution.’ ” (For reference, see link to Simplicius’ Subtack article below) Three months before Oct. 7 Hamas fighters were clearly viewed in Gaza practising for the events about to take place. Officials in neighbouring Egypt knew what to expect and signalled the intelligence to national security specialists in and around Netanyahu’s Office. Apparently Netanyahu refused to take Egyptian President, Abdel El-Sisi’s, telephone call on the subject. Netanyahu and his Likud predecessors, including Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, and Ariel Sharon, cooperated very closely with Hamas to achieve several objectives including the paramount goal of keeping the Palestinians divided into separate organizations. One of their motivations in building up Hamas, a sunni Muslim organization rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood, was to avoid any repeat of the rise of Yasser Arafat and his highly successful secular approach to building up support for the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The weight of evidence points to the distinct possibility that Netanyahu helped arrange the easy breakout out of Hamas from Gaza through the enclosure’s extremely high-tech Wall. Netanyahu was then instrumental in preventing the IDF from responding immediately in order to allow sufficient time for atrocities to take place in front of reporters and photographers. Somehow these media figures just happened to be at the right place at the right time to get their scoops. https://www.sott.net/article/485907-News-outlets-deny-claims-they-had-prior-knowledge-of-Hamas-attack-on-Israel This statement from Danny Danon, Israel’s former Ambassador to the United Nations, can be interpreted as a warning to photojournalists that they will be “eliminated” if they do not keep quiet about their prior knowledge of the events of October 7. Prior knowledge of 10/7 seems to have been widespread as it was during the weeks and months before 9/11. As Andre Damon concluded on December 2, “These revelations expose the Gaza genocide to be a criminal conspiracy by the Netanyahu regime and its imperialist backers, whose victims include not only 20,000 slaughtered Palestinians, but the Israeli population itself.” https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/12/02/klox-d02.html What would the trial of Benjamin Netanyahu look like if he was charged individually with the international crime of committing genocide as a result of his actions before, during, and after 9/11? What can humanity expect in the future if the individual most deeply implicated in the most hideous and openly performed genocide in recent times can walk away from the crime? As it now stands, many perpetrators of genocide in Gaza have a sense that they continue to be immune from charges, trials, and punishments for committing the highest level of international crimes on the books. At the frequently-held Zionist galas for schmoozing, networking, fund raising, award presentations and all manner of self-congratulations, the genocidaires of Gaza might as well be taking bows for the massacre of their captives in Gaza. Human Sacrifice Among Aztecs and in the Settler Colonialism of the Americas and Israel The US-Israeli role in implementing the current climactic phase of the Gazan Genocide must be considered in a variety of historical contexts including the event memorialized as the holocaust. The time has passed when anything to do with this subject can simply be taken on faith without discussion and open debate. No longer do the Zionist proponents of the Genocidal State of Israel get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to demanding the acceptance of their preferred interpretations of history. By politicizing the divine directive in the Torah to massacre the Amalekites, Netanyahu is effectively drawing on the blood lust of the vengeful Yahweh in what Simplicius describes as the current “Eschatological Frenzy.” Back in late October he explained, “The eschatological fervor of the Palestine crisis is reaching a deafening peak. Officials worldwide are dropping their masks, and inadvertently revealing the Biblical strain of the conflict. At every turn, political figures now soak their proclamations in Biblical reference and allegory. The foremost of which was Netanyahu, who has now invoked an assortment of Biblical prophecies as dogwhistles to stir his people into an eschatological frenzy. Here he not only invokes the prophecy of Isaiah, but frames the conflict as that of “light” versus “darkness” and good versus evil, painting the Palestinians as the Children of Darkness to be vanquished by the Chosen Ones. The new form of human sacrifice in the killing fields of Gaza is probably more brutal than any similar ritual performed amidst, say, the pyramid structures of the Aztecs as observed by the conquistadors surrounding their leader, Hernán Cortés. This Aztec ritual was frequently highlighted by those seeking to justify the overturning of the Old World of Indigenous peoples in the Western Hemisphere. Popular lore concerning the Aztecs’ blood sacrifice of humans was used frequently to give justification for the conquest and elimination of indigenous societies regardless of the civilizational achievements in Central America of the Aztec, Mayan and Incan peoples. Strategically drawn upon was the real or the imagined efforts of some Indigenous peoples to appease the gods through human sacrifices. The aim was rationalize the imperative to create a New World where Native peoples throughout the Americas were subjected to round after round of genocidal elimination and repression. This pattern, exported especially from the western-moving frontier of the United States to the Israeli frontier of Palestine, has helped create the historical context for the treatment of the Native peoples in Gaza and the West Bank. One of the main paradigms used to explain this process of expansion was the imperial resort to the paradigm of the ascent from savagery to civilization as pictured through the lens of social Darwinism The anti-imperial characterization of the same process is to characterize it as series of manifestations of “settler colonialism” now on clear global display in Gaza and the West Bank. In the current genocide, the warriors of Jewish Israel seem to be competing with the Spanish conquistadors for pre-eminence in ruthlessness. At the same time, the agents of the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank are engaged in rituals of human sacrifice far more vicious than that of the Aztecs. As far as I know the Aztecs did not engage in human sacrifice through forced starvation. Our Descent from Civilization into Barbarism and Savagery The human sacrifices to Yahweh, the God of Greater Israel, are being sent to their death with the intervention of cutting edge Artificial Intelligence whose murderous aroma smells nothing like Lavender. In the twenty-first century, the fast-changing technologies of our times are more and more coming to rule the conditions of both our lives and our deaths. The twenty-first century began with a Global War effectively of Terror that continues to engulf us in the culture of militarism as the dominant driving force influencing every aspect of our descent from civilization into barbarism and savagery. The life-and-death character of changing technologies, mostly all harnessed in the first applications to militarism, is leaping into prominence as the Gazan Genocide gives rise to warring confrontations. These confrontations mostly emanated from longstanding antagonism since 1979 between Iran and Israel. This process of warring interactions kicked into high gear on April 1 when the government of Israel disregarded diplomatic law and protocol stretching back into classical times. Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus killing 16 people, including several high-ranking officials in the Iranian Armed Forces and in Hezbollah. Several civilians were also killed. In response, Iranian officials explained that the Israeli attack would have to involve a retaliation. It would have to take the form of some sort of attack directly from Iranian territory on Israeli territory. While Israel has attacked Iran repeatedly within Iran, the reverse of this process had until mid-April of 2024 never occurred. The Iranian attack on Israel came on the night of April 13-14. Many parties were given ample prior warning so that they could prepare for some sort of missile attack. The attack was mounted with the goal of avoiding, if possible, deaths and property damage. That objective was met. The attack has been viewed from a variety of perspectives. I find most credible the accounts describing three hundred or so drones and cruise missiles used as decoys meant to lure attention away from the primary weapons of attack. The Israeli Air Force and elements of the air forces of the USA, the UK, France, and Jordan shot down the vast majority of drones and cruise missiles. Seven of the ballistic missiles have been pictured hitting their targets on the runway of the Nevatim Air Base in the Negev desert. Scott Ritter is one of those who indicates that this penetration of what he calls “the most protected air space in the world” has already transformed key facets of global geopolitics. Ritter has described this interpretation, which is probably not the last word in the subject, to British MP and journalist, George Galloway. On April 19 Israel attempted a retaliation to hit targets in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the lead up to the attack many questions were asked about the possible role of the Biden government in pressing the Netanyahu government to hold back from hitting Iran hard. The quid pro quo, some imagined, would be to give Netanyahu the green light for a major military operation to “eradicate Hamas” in Rafah. It seems that although the US apparently holds the upper hand in terms of supplying the weaponry for the Gazan Genocide, Netanyahu nevertheless dominates in the sometimes mysterious inner dynamics of the deeply integrated Israel-US relationship. On April 19 an Israeli attack was reported as something of a non-event where Israeli drone-like projectiles were downed by the Iranian armed forces on the way to their targets in the Isfahan area. The governments of both Israel and Iran decided to not comment in any detail on the event. Then on April 20 came a very brief report from journalist Pepe Escobar presenting a dramatically different version of the events of the prior day. The statement immediately became the subject of intense disagreement and conjecture. Scott Ritter is one of those to condemn Escobar’s statement as containing an impossible juxtaposition of events. The reference to EMP that Escobar refers to, stands for Electro Magnetic Pulse. A nuclear-driven surge of EMP, it was claimed, could fry and disable Iran’s entire electrical system. Pepe Escobar In a statement that was widely reproduced, Escobar reported, In an effort to explain himself, Escobar engaged in a discussion with Larry Johnson and Ania K. Even before the Iranian demonstration attack on Israel on the night of April 13-14, key figures in the government of Israel have been distraught about the implications for Zionism of the rising importance of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This rise has accelerated in recent years as Iran’s alliances with Russia, China, the other countries of BRICS as well as of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization continue to coalesce. Given this background, I can picture how the government of Israel might have pictured the prospect of a retaliation for Iran’s retaliation for the original bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus. I can picture Netanyahu and the extremists around him thinking about the possibility of crippling Iran with a nuclear strike to generate a EMP surge in order to fry Iran’s electric grid. Speculation, however, is futile at this point. Few of us are in any position to come to any firm conclusions about what did or didn’t happen on the night of April 19 in the skies over Jordan. Just thinking about such an attack, however, points to the kind of human sacrifices being eliminated and being contemplated in the strange and dangerous times through which we are living. Hasn’t the time come to contemplate locking up the likes of Benjamin Nentanyahu and those to whom he answers. Such efforts are needed to protect much of humanity from becoming human sacrifices to the gods of war, torture, and depravity? https://substack.com/home/post/p-143760594 http://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/04/netanyahu-and-human-sacrifices-in.html
    Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America
    What Should Be the Fate of the Genocider-in-Chief?
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    Liberatores servitutis

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    🚨#REPOST #EVERYWHERE Executive Order 13818 — Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption. You are witnessing the death of the Pedo Elites and their twisted lifestyles. The false idols of the world are falling. It’s finally happening. Celebrity homes for sale: Ellen Degeneres, Johnny Depp, Mathew Perry, Eli Manning, Kat Von D, Shia Lebeouf, The Hemsworth brothers, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Brittany Snow, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Cindy Crawford and Rand Gerber, Gene Simmons, Bella Thorne, Tom Cruise, George Strait, Emily Blunt, Alonzo Mourning, Jemima Kirke, Kevin Jonas, Chelsea Handler, John McEnroe, Tommy Lee, Jason Derulo, Alicia Keys, Frankie Muniz, Keith Richards, Lil Wayne, Peter Thiel, Pharrell Williams, Loris Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, Rosie O’Donnell, Kellie Clarkson, Cheryl Tieg, Joe Pesci, Suzanne Somers, Adam Lambert, Meghan Markle, Sean Diddy Combs, Billy Joel, Gary Levinsohn, Dr Phil, Barry Manilow, Mel Gibson, Diane Keaton, 50 Cent, Heidi Klum, Ryan Seacrest, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Jennifer Aniston, Katharine Hepburn, Christie Brinkley, Nicholas Cage, Ricky Martin, Angelica Huston, Charlie Sheen, Burt Reynolds, Emilia Clarke, J.Lo & Alex Rodriguez, Simon Cowell, Kris Jenner, Jeffree Star, Gordon Ramsay, Jason Aldean, Pamela Anderson, Jerry Seinfeld, Jimmy Fallon, Dave Ramsey, Jon Bon Jovi, LeBron James, Matt Damon, J.J. Abrams, Sugar Ray Leonard, Ellen Degeneres, Sylvester Stallone, David Bowie, Clay Mathews, Michelle Pfiefer, David E Kelley, Shonda Rhimes, Rihanna, Pete Townshend, Britney Spears, Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, Robert Redford, Steve McQueen, Shaquille ONeil, Glen Frey, Sammy Hagar, Stockard Channing, Michael Chiklis, Tom Petty, Serena Williams, Bill Russell, Kathryn Bigelow, Don Rickles, Bruce Kovner, Adam Neumann, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barb Ellison, Alicia Keys & Swizz Beatz, Kate Beckinsale, Robert Herjavic, Josh and Heather Altman , Soleil Moon Frye, Jim Harbaugh, Anthony Kiedis, Fredrik Eklund, Meghan Trainor, Gideon Yu, Hellen Miren, Taylor Hackford, Bette Midler, Todd Phillips, Mitt Romney, Dianne Feinstein, Miley Cyrus, Kelly Clarkson, A-Rod, Bobby Patton-LA dodgers co owner, Dwyane Wade & Gabrielle Union, Michael Amini, B-52 Kate Pierson, Bill Guthy, Victoria Jackson, Will Arnett, Zac Efron, Wayne Gretzky, Katy Perry, Derek Jeter, Mike Piazza, Shane Smith, Bryon Cranston, DJ Khaled, Leonard Ross, Ted Sarandos- Netflix co Ceo, Dustin Johnson, John Fogerty, Melissa Rivers, Jamie Lynn Sigler, Lena Dunham, Lyndsey Vonn, PK Subban, Robyne Moore Cara and Poppy Delevingne, Big Sean, Steph Curry, Chris Bosh, Phil Collins, Liam Payne, Bryan Singer, Tom Ford, Robby Naish, Tom Brady & Giselle Bundchen, Anthony Davis, Emilia Clarke, Clare Bronfmsn-Seagrams heiress with ties to Nxivm, Jane Fonda, Carmen Electra, Morgan Moses, Bobby Cox, Danny Masterson, Evander Kane, Kate Winslet, Mark Teixeira, Jonah Hill, Judd Hirsch, Carlos Santana, Kennet Chesney, Brooke Shields. G. Serpent symbolism is all over the catholic religion. In St. Peter’s Basilica in the vatican the pope literally sits in the mouth of a serpent as the tongue and preaches deception.The Druze bloodline of Jesus are the descendants of “Jethro” ,The Priest of Midian in The Bible & “Torah” (Exodus 2:18). The 16th President Of The United States of America “Abraham Lincoln” descend from The Kahlooni family. To Governments around the world, WE THE PEOPLE have a message for you; For too long you have kept us at bay, indoctrinated and asleep, silenced and used but those times are over! You have used our labor to enrich yourselves at our expense. You have lied to us constantly through MSM to further ur personal agenda of global dominance. You have sacrificed us in wars to for personal gain. You have poisoned us to keep us dependent upon Big pharma You have thrusted satanic idolatry to affect our future generations You have played with innocent lives for too long, that ends now! Liberatores servitutis Join, it's not too late! 👇 https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordJ ✅️
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  • Cruise through Jaipur in style! #Looking to rent a #vintage car.

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    Cruise through Jaipur in style! #Looking to rent a #vintage car. ✨ Planning a special occasion in #Jaipur and want to make it unforgettable? Envision a grand entrance in a #classicvintagecar! That's where you come in, Jaipur! Help me find the #perfect vintage #car #rental #company: Show-stopping selection: A fleet of beautiful, well-maintained vintage cars to choose from. Memorable experience: Reliable and professional service to ensure a smooth ride. Competitive rates: Finding the best value to add vintage charm to my event. Have you rented a vintage car in Jaipur for a wedding, photoshoot, or special occasion? Share your recommendations in the comments! Your tips will help me roll back the years and create a truly magical experience. #JaipurVintageCars #VintageCarRental #PinkCityStyle #TravelIndia
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  • Cruise through Jaipur in style! #Looking to rent a #vintage car.

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  • Cruise through Jaipur in style! #Looking to rent a #vintage car.

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    Cruise through Jaipur in style! #Looking to rent a #vintage car. ✨ Planning a special occasion in #Jaipur and want to make it unforgettable? Envision a grand entrance in a #classicvintagecar! That's where you come in, Jaipur! Help me find the #perfect vintage #car #rental #company: Show-stopping selection: A fleet of beautiful, well-maintained vintage cars to choose from. Memorable experience: Reliable and professional service to ensure a smooth ride. Competitive rates: Finding the best value to add vintage charm to my event. Have you rented a vintage car in Jaipur for a wedding, photoshoot, or special occasion? Share your recommendations in the comments! Your tips will help me roll back the years and create a truly magical experience. #JaipurVintageCars #VintageCarRental #PinkCityStyle #TravelIndia
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    Discover Jaipur marvels with our convenient Vintage Cars hire service in Jaipur. Ideal for weddings, events, pre-wedding shoots etc.
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  • Why Sherpas & Billionaires Don't Get Jet Lag Can Fix Chronic Disease
    Synchronizing biological clocks, GIGO vs QIQO, implications for modern environmental mismatches and healing chronic disease.

    Dr. Syed Haider

    There is no sleep as delicious as jet-lagged sleep.

    But it’s also inconvenient, especially if you need to get back to work, or make the most of precious vacation time.

    Like many living in modern industrialized societies today I have a lot of experience with globe trotting jet lag. I always get constipated for a few days (not the first thing you think of with jet lag, but it happens), and of course suffer through the usual daytime fatigue lulling me to sleep in the afternoon only to wake up again at 2 - 4am.

    Jet lag can also cause a lot of other symptoms in susceptible people:

    Digestive upset including the aforementioned constipation, but also nausea, bloating, and changes in appetite

    Headaches, trouble concentrating, impaired judgment and decision making, memory lapses.

    Irritability, apathy, anxiety, and depression.

    Recovery times vary person to person, but can take as long as a day for each time zone crossed, especially if you don’t make much effort to resist the enticing daytime sleep.

    The advice I’ve gotten over the years to minimize jet lag from hard charging, Type-A acquaintances who can’t suffer the downtime:

    once travel begins, eat on the destination schedule (so decline all the weirdly timed airline food)

    spend a couple hours in the noon-time sun for a couple days on arrival

    get grounded at the destination

    take melatonin

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Numbers 1 and 2 help to get your body on the correct circadian rhythm, though I’ve since learned early morning sun is even more important than afternoon sun for this purpose.

    Grounding is a source of free electrons that are required to run your body's DC bio-electrical currents, and they also have powerful antioxidant effects. Free electrons can bypass inflammatory tissue barriers that can keep out chemical antioxidants.

    Melatonin is thought of as the sleep hormone, though it has many other effects on our biology including immune regulation, direct and indirect antioxidant effects, hormonal regulation, blood pressure lowering, and anti-cancer properties. The melatonin released by the pineal gland at night puts us to sleep, but 95% of the melatonin in our bodies resides within our mitochondria which are the energy powerhouses within every cell.

    Melatonin is only released by the pineal gland in response to darkness. It’s commonly used by shift workers, and globetrotters alike to re-set their circadian rhythms quickly. There are documented side effects of melatonin use including headaches, nausea, dizziness and agitation, which suggest that it may not be as benign as many people make it out to be.

    Generally speaking it’s best not to try to hack biology by exogenous administration of endogenously created substances: if you make it, don’t take it, because there may be unpredictable butterfly effects that are impossible to trace back.

    An apt metaphor for this kind of biohacking is attempting to code a computer in the base machine language of 1s and 0s which is basically impossible for humans to understand. Where the metaphor breaks down is that at least we know how to perfectly map human interpretable languages to machine language (using compilers), but we don’t know all the rules of our own biochemistry, there are missing pieces and the interrelationships in living systems are too unpredictable and complex to model in each patient. It is probable impossible to ever sort it out because humans are not simple automatons. Everything we think, feel and believe affects our biology and biochemistry. How can you model all of that without a direct interface into a person’s mind and heart?

    Organization of Computer Systems: ISA, Machine Language, Number Systems
    All of melatonin’s effects sound great in theory, but you can have too much of a good thing, especially when that thing is part of an intricate network of feedback loops, where exogenous administration artificially affects many other things that suddenly react to greater than expected melatonin levels at the “wrong” time according to the body’s own biological clocks.

    Exogenous melatonin can lower cortisol (pro-inflammatory), suppress fertility, raise growth hormone, cause relative insulin resistance and relative hypothyroid effects. Melatonin is the body’s strongest antioxidant, but we know that antioxidants in excess can exhibit pro-oxidant effects. This might be helpful for cancer since that can kill cancer cells, but it might be harmful as well to regular cells and their mitochondria.

    Excess melatonin will also disrupt serotonin metabolism because Serotonin is the precursor used to make melatonin. If the body gets melatonin from outside then there will be excess serotonin, which wasn’t needed to make melatonin. This is why melatonin is relatively contraindicated in those taking SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) which also increase serotonin levels. Elevated levels of serotonin can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability and gut upset among other things, perhaps helping explain why chronic melatonin use so often doesn’t help patients with refractory insomnia (more on chronic effects of melatonin use towards the end).

    Even short term some of these might help explain negative side effects experienced by some when taking melatonin, and there might be mid term effects that aren’t connected back to the melatonin administration - hypothetically speaking, if you come down with something 2 weeks after taking melatonin how likely are you to make the connection?

    I acknowledge that many people will use melatonin anyway (I used it too in the past), it just goes against my c current understanding of the principles of health.

    But no worries, theres much more interesting stuff below: what private jets can teach us about jet lag and how to prevent it!

    Not All Jets Lag

    A little known and almost universally inaccessible approach to preventing jet lag is worth examining anyway because of what it might teach us about jet lag and what we can do about it (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure).

    I learned from a famous private jet salesman on Youtube (to be clear I wasn’t in the market for a private jet) that flying at lower altitudes with better cabin pressure prevents jet lag because oxygen tension remains higher throughout the flight - if this personal observation is true, it would explain why super-billionaires don’t all fly in Airbus size jumbo jets, but tend to prefer the Gulfstream, which has the highest cabin pressure of any private jet. The Gulfstream G600 can maintain an effective cabin “altitude” of 3,800 feet even at a cruising altitude of 45,000 feet.

    Steve Varsano : The Jet Business - Ultimate Jet | The Voice of Business Aviation since 2008
    Jet salesman Steve Varsano’s jet-interior-shaped office space
    On the other hand commercial airlines usually maintain a cabin pressure equivalent to an altitude of 6,000 to 8,000 feet. So flying in a Gulfstream is easier than staying in Denver Colorado (elevation 5000 ft), while flying commercial is the equivalent of rapidly ascending a tall mountain within a matter of minutes, a feat that can lead to high altitude sickness (HAS) in 25% of those who sleep above 8000 feet, and can cause symptoms in more sensitive people at much lower elevations.

    So maybe jet lag is a subset of mild high altitude sickness (i.e. oxygen/energy deprivation) that makes it harder to adjust to a new time zone.

    That would suggest that treatments for high altitude sickness, or mimicking the physiological changes that occur when someone acclimates to higher altitudes over time might help with jet lag (and be much more accessible than flying private).

    Acclimatization to high altitudes involves several physiological changes that help the body cope with lower oxygen levels. Key mechanisms include:

    Increased Ventilation: Breathing rate and depth increase to intake more oxygen.

    Red Blood Cell Production: The body produces more red blood cells to enhance oxygen transport.

    Hemoglobin Affinity: Hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen adjusts to release oxygen more efficiently to tissues.

    Capillary Density: Capillaries may increase in number, improving oxygen delivery to tissues.

    Mitochondrial Efficiency: Cellular adaptations enhance energy production efficiency under low oxygen conditions.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    The top of the list of treatments for high altitude sickness is obviously just to go back down to a lower altitude and/or get more oxygen (mimicking number 1 - 4 above). Equally obviously in an airplane you’re not going to be able to go back down for the duration, but you could super-oxygenate yourself using a portable oxygen concentrator (available via prescription. details on flying with one here). It’s not safe to use 100% oxygen for prolonged periods, but you could titrate the device to deliver just enough oxygen to counteract the effects of the lower oxygen tension on flights that cruise at effective altitudes of 6-8000 feet.

    Traveling with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (Tips) | 2024
    Running the calculations on a typical flight with cabin pressure set to the equivalent of 6000 feet above sea level we find that you only need about half a liter per minute from the oxygen concentrator in the average person to raise inspired oxygen concentration enough to counteract the effects of altitude and give you the same amount of oxygen delivery you would expect at sea level.

    A more convenient and cheaper alternative to lugging around a portable oxygen concentrator is prescription acetazolamide (diamox) carried by many hikers who’ve had experience with altitude sickness before. Acetazolamide works primarily by removing bicarbonate (baking soda is sodium bicarbonate) from your bloodstream into your urine and therefore causing metabolic acidosis in your body, which stimulates your brain to increase your breathing rate, which then increases your blood oxygen levels.

    There is another little known possibility for the treatment and prevention of acute mountain sickness which is the simple, cheap and readily available chemical ammonium chloride. Its chemical decomposition in the bloodstream leads to the creation of hydrogen ions and CO2. Hydrogen ions bind and neutralize bicarb lower the pH by a different avenue than diamox, but having the same effect to stimulate respiration. Increased CO2 levels will also stimulate increased respiration. So both would tend to raise oxygen levels as a result.

    Apparently useful for a number of indications including kidney stones, digestive trouble, preventing metabolic diseases and to give goats a beautiful sheen on their coat for shows.
    There was one small study published in 1937 where a dozen volunteers took 5 grams of ammonium chloride three times a day with meals (much higher than normal dosing ranges for its one remaining medical indication, severe metabolic alkalosis) while ascending to altitude. Unfortunately the results were weirdly completely the opposite of what you might expect, which raises the possibility that pharmaceutical industry bias creot in as it usually does when any simple non-prescription therapy threatens the status quo. That paper also referenced a few other preliminary research findings that had seemed promising at 1/10th the dose. Given the mechanisms at play it would be interesting if someone revisited this research.

    Traditional herbal remedies for high altitude sickness might be helpful as well, and I suspect gentler and safer than acetazolamide (though none that we know of work exactly the same way it does):

    Sea Buckthorn ("Shan-Ji" in TCM)

    Mechanism: Sea buckthorn is rich in antioxidants, vitamins (especially vitamin C), and fatty acids, which can enhance oxygen utilization and reduce oxidative stress at high altitudes.

    Studies: Research has shown that sea buckthorn can improve high-altitude polycythemia (an increase in red blood cells due to low oxygen levels), which helps in better oxygen transport and utilization in the body.

    Rhodiola algida ("Hong Jing Tian" in TCM)

    Mechanism: Rhodiola algida contains active compounds like salidroside and rosavin, which are known to enhance physical performance, reduce fatigue, and increase resistance to stress. These properties can be beneficial in preventing AMS by improving the body's ability to cope with hypoxia (low oxygen levels).

    Studies: It is traditionally used by Tibetan people to prevent AMS. Experimental studies suggest that Rhodiola spp. can improve acclimatization and reduce symptoms of AMS by enhancing oxygen efficiency and reducing oxidative stress.

    Zuo-Mu-A decoction (no English name found)

    Mechanism: This traditional Tibetan medicine contains various herbs that are believed to work synergistically to enhance acclimatization to high altitudes. The exact mechanism is not fully understood, but it is thought to improve blood oxygenation and reduce oxidative stress.

    Studies: Experimental studies in rats have demonstrated its efficacy in preventing high-altitude polycythemia, indicating a potential benefit in improving oxygen delivery and reducing AMS symptoms.

    Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

    Mechanism: Ginkgo biloba is known for its vasodilatory properties, which can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues. It also has strong antioxidant effects, which can protect cells from oxidative damage caused by hypoxia.

    Studies: Clinical studies have shown that Ginkgo biloba can reduce symptoms of AMS, such as headache and dizziness, by improving microcirculation and reducing oxidative stress.

    Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea)

    Rhodiola: Mental Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More
    If there are no side effects it’s probably not medicinal
    Mechanism: Similar to Rhodiola algida, Rhodiola rosea contains adaptogenic compounds like rosavin and salidroside, which help the body adapt to stress and improve physical performance. It also has antioxidant properties that protect against hypoxia-induced damage.

    Studies: Studies have demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea can enhance endurance, reduce fatigue, and improve the body's resistance to hypoxia, making it effective in preventing and reducing symptoms of AMS.

    Coca (Erythroxylum coca)

    Mechanism: Coca leaves contain alkaloids such as cocaine (so good luck sourcing these, only included here in the interests of being comprehensive, although millions in the Andes regular chew them without adverse effects), which can stimulate the central nervous system, increase oxygen intake, and improve overall physical performance. These effects can help counteract the symptoms of AMS.

    Studies: Indigenous populations in the Andes have used coca leaves for centuries to prevent and treat AMS. Scientific studies support its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of AMS, such as headache, nausea, and fatigue, by enhancing oxygen utilization and reducing oxidative stress.

    These herbs work through a combination of improving oxygen delivery, enhancing physical performance, reducing oxidative stress, and promoting acclimatization to high altitudes, thereby helping to prevent and mitigate the symptoms of acute mountain sickness.

    Along the same lines methylene blue (may need to avoid with SSRIs, severe kidney disease, G6PD deficiency) may attenuate jet lag and is used by biohackers and Long COVID/Vax injury sufferers nowadays because it increases mitochondrial oxygen production (other of the natural acclimatizing adjustments the body eventually makes to prolonged stays at altitude) without the addition of more oxygen. Basically it improves your ability to create energy and that’s really what we need oxygen for in the first place.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    There are other ways to improve mitochondrial energy production, most importantly for this purpose via plenty of direct sunlight before the flight. One way this works is that the key to mitochondrial energy production is proton tunneling, which is required for functioning of the ATPase enzyme in the inner mitochondrial membrane that produces ATP, the chemical energy currency of cells. Proton tunneling is a quantum effect that depends on the existence of coherent quantum domains in water as well as 4th phase structured water.

    Coherent domains are masses of water molecules vibrating at the same frequency, and structured water is a gel like water that forms next to liphophilic (water loving) surfaces in cells and leads to charge separation with one area of water having a negative charge next to the surface and another area having a positive charge. Both of these effects in water are increased by exposure to natural sunlight and the earth’s natural electromagnetic fields, e.g. the Schumann resonances - both of which are missing in flight.

    So another cause of jet lag on the flight is likely missing sun and natural EMFs, while being exposed instead to blue spectrum light and non-native electromagnetic fields instead (as well as increased exposure to cosmic radiation?). It’s usually impossible to get into natural sunlight for the duration of your trip, unless you have longer layovers (sunlight that filters through clear window glass is deficient in balancing UV-A, UV-B and infrared wavelengths that help to counteract the stressful nature of visible blue light).

    The best way to mitigate this may be to have a good tan (melanin in the skin can absorb any wavelength of radiation) and plenty of exposure to sun and natural outdoor electromagnetic fields in the days and weeks leading up to the flight, and after arrival, so as to have a strong reserve of coherent, structured biological water (some people also advocate structuring your drinking water by exposing it to light and spinning it in a vortex prior to consumption) and then replenish it after the flight.

    There is also an herbal cream we’ve found to be helpful for mitigating the effects of EMF on children and others who are particularly sensitive to it that could be used in this situation.

    EMF Mitigating Cream:

    10 parts Castor oil

    6 parts Hemp seed oil

    1 part bee propolis

    1 part neem oil

    1 part rosemary extract

    1 part coriander extract

    I was personally surprised to discover that there was data on EMF protective effects of Rosemary (eg here and here) and bee propolis (eg here). There are energetic reasons to include the other ingredients, but I’m not aware of studies having been done on them. If anyone has EMF sensitivity they should try this cream all over the body and report back any effects. It’s also important to note that many people with chronic diseaes (and jet lag) likely have EMF sensitivity they just aren’t aware of it. See Robert O Becker’s books and The Invisible Rainbow if you remain unconvinced of the thoroughly documented negative biological effects of most man-made non-ionizing radiation.

    Finally dehydration (airplane air is very dry), alcohol, caffeine, stress and advanced age can all play a role in triggering and prolonging jet lag, though older age is probably mostly a marker for more time spent living sub-optimaly, destroying organ reserve and resilience (both of which can be reversed).

    Usually when I take a long flight east my schedule will lag the final time zone I end up in by a few hours. So it’s not like my body thinks its all the way back home, it seems to think its a few time zones over. For example I’ll usually get tired in the afternoon say 3-4 pm and crash, and then wake up at 1-3 am unable to sleep any more. In terms of my origin time zone that translates to falling asleep at 8am and waking at 6pm (to be clear I don’t sleep all day at home, but have a normal schedule). So it would seem that my body thinks I’m a few time zones West of where I actually am.

    On my last 9-time-zone trip halfway around the globe I lost a lot of sleep for a couple days during the flights since I find it hard to sleep sitting up, but had great success preventing significant jet lag on arrival with a few simple interventions.

    I only ate during daytime wherever I was in my travels, and once I arrived I made sure to eat a good breakfast early every morning and didn’t consume anything at the destination after sunset - including food, information, light (i.e. no room lights or screens). I wore a pair of wraparound blue blocker sunglasses throughout the trip to block excess blue light (the darker the better, since light intensity is also important, especially at night). I made sure to get morning and afternoon sun both for 1-2 hours each at the destination.

    I arrived at my destination at 2am and the first day got my morning sun and then fell asleep for a couple hours until the afternoon, then got some more sun, and then slept normally that night until the next morning, which was a first for me after such a long trip and really surprising. The next day I got morning sun, afternoon sun and then took a nap again for a couple hours in the afternoon and again slept normally through the night.

    I was constipated on the flight, but it was less severe than usual, resolving within 24 hours once I landed.

    So basically I had some sleep to catch up on since I slept very poorly on the planes and missed a lot of sleep during the prolonged travel (there were two long layovers), but other than that I had very minimal jet lag without nighttime insomnia or excessive daytime fatigue the first couple days.

    After that I found that I could sleep longer in the afternoon if I let myself, but it wasn’t the usual overpowering, siren-song type of jet lag sleep I’m accustomed to. It was optional. Maybe next time I’ll try changing it up some more with some herbs and/or the EMF skin cream.

    Recent research by Huang et al also confirms that the best cure for jet lag is a big breakfast in the early morning at the destination and plenty of morning sunlight. These two signals help to synchronize central and distal body clocks to the new time zone and eliminate jet lag fast.

    They are also probably the two most important signals to help cure a normal case of insomnia.

    By the way, many people who are trying to fix chronic illness nowadays will try intermittent fasting, and it’s easiest to implement that by skipping breakfast, but this is the worst way to do it because it sends your body the wrong signals.

    The old wisdom that taught us to breakfast breakfast like a King and dinner like a pauper is correct, but I would go further and say skip dinner (perhaps that’s what the saying actually means anyway). Most people throughout human history counted themselves lucky to eat twice a day, let alone thrice.

    You often hear that breakfast was invented by cereal companies, but it was just coopted by them. A healthy breakfast for most people probably looks more like steak and eggs (and some healthy carbs) than an all-out refined sugar bomb and sets you up calorically and hormonally for an active day.

    Steak and Eggs Skillet with Chimichurri and Sweet Potatoes
    The Inputs Dictate the Output, i.e. Garbage In Garbage Out, illustrated via Light, Quantum Coherence, Structured Water, Cold, Seasonal Variations, Deuterium, etc

    Garbage in garbage out refers to the computer science truism that poor quality input, for example when trying to model the likelihood of some outcome, will produce poor quality output, i.e. you’ll probably get the answer wrong.

    The alternative is Quality in Quality Out or QIQO.

    The same aphorism applies to jet lag. If you provide the right inputs at the right times you won’t have jet lag. Jet lag is really a function of decreased resilience due to suboptimal environmental inputs.

    This is the essential truth about all chronic disease that we ignore to our own detriment because it’s easy to just go with the flow. Unfortunately that flow is like a riptide that will carry you out to sea and to your early demise unless you act fast and swim out of it, parallel to the shore. The good news is that once you make the effort and build new habits, they stick with you and it’s a lot easier to continue.

    So the basic prevention and cure for jet lag and insomnia is the same basic prevention and cure for any chronic health dysfunction in the modern world, because our dysfunctions are fundamentally caused by living out of sync with our environments, both external and internal (e.g. physiologically harmful thoughts, beliefs, emotions).

    Our external environments are tailor made for us, or we’re tailor made for them, depending on your perspective and Nature never makes mistakes, though we often misinterpret her perfection.

    On the other hand you could take the lesson that supplemental oxygen cures jet lag and extend that to chronic disease. Supplemental oxygen may also help allay the symptoms of chronic diseases, and be even more effective when taken inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Both in or out of the chamber it works the same way by increasing stem cell production.

    But the easy way out will always come back to bite you in the end. There isn’t really an easy way. It’s an illusion. You can use various means to take the edge off, but ultimately you have to address root causes, because if you don’t the underlying problem will only worsen and eventually overcome the simple fix you found. The easy way is a temporary bandaid.

    Whereas going down a mountain to an altitude you’re more accustomed to makes sense physiologically speaking, using a hyperbaric chamber is the equivalent of going underwater where the partial pressure of oxygen is much higher. Even if you plan to live in a submarine it’s certainly not a natural signal to give your body. We aren’t designed for such high pressures.

    Health is a function of irreducibly complex inputs - i.e. you can’t mimic the sun by taking vitamin D, or even with a sunlamp. Understanding more about the ways this works for external inputs will help us respect Nature and submit to her dictates. In order to do that we’ll consider some fascinating, but little known facts about human biology and the central roles that light and water play in it.

    We already discussed the effect of light on quantum coherence and structuring of water and how that improves the energy production of mitochondria.

    EZ Water: The Fourth Phase Of Water (Part 3) - Live Vitae
    Structured water due to it’s thicker gel like consistency excludes particulate matter and cells, thereby protecting the walls of the blood vessels from damage and inflammation.
    The structuring of water is also the reason blood flows, and blood is what delivers oxygen and nutrients.

    When you have a hydrophilic (water attracting, not repelling) tube, like an artery or vein and you place it in a bucket of water, the water structures itself by charge separating as described above and starts flowing through the tube spontaneously, and so does blood, which is primarily made up of water. Blood circulation in an embryo begins even before the heart forms and starts pumping, i.e. it is not the pumping that moves blood, rather the heart acts more like a conductor, synchronizing the organs of the body (more on this in an upcoming post on the heart).

    Now, both quantum coherent domains and structured water form more easily in cold temperatures, which means you need less light energy to produce them. This means that near the equator where it’s warm all year round you need more light energy absorbed by your body water, and conveniently there is more light available during the year with 12 hour days throughout. Whereas up north you need less light in the winters when it is cold and the days are much shorter. In both of these situations our physiology if it is in sync with the natural environment will get just what it needs.

    Seasonal variations in light also affect weight gain because when temperatures are warmer and days are longer and food is plentiful, the body gets the message that it’s time to store up fat for the coming winter (remember blue light triggers cortisol, appetite, hyperglycemia and elevated insulin). When winter comes the days are short and food is naturally scarcer, and in the cold our bodies are stimulated to produce more heat, and use stored energy to do so.

    The Endless Summer (Remastered) - Official Trailer
    If you want an endless summer, head south.
    However nowadays winter never comes in industrialized societies, even up north, at least the signals that indicate it’s winter never arrive: we don’t change what we eat in the winter, because we don’t eat seasonally, and we don’t change our light environment either, because we spend all day and night indoors in temperature controlled environments with the lights on until all hours - our circadian biology gets the message that it’s always summer, the days are always long, the food always plentiful (you can eat more because you keep the lights on so long) and it’s never too cold.

    Our mitochondria naturally deplete water of deuterium, which is a heavy isotope of hydrogen. Water in the south has higher deuterium content while water up north is already deuterium depleted so our mitochondria may work more efficiently when exposed to it, with less need of the red and NIR spectrums to help boost their functioning, if we are living within a natural environment and drinking the local water up north (while being exposed to the natural temperature variations and seasonal foodstuffs).

    Not much is known about bioenergetics, since there is insufficient funding, but it has been shown that a weak DC electrical current flows in the Qi energy pathways mapped out by the Ancient Chinese 1000s of years ago (it was shown that grounding primarily enters free electrons into the meridians of the Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys, and Urinary Bladder). The energy flows because we are made up of biological semiconductors. Semiconductors hold electrons, and when they are excited by enough outside energy those electrons start to flow as electricity.

    Our biological semiconductors like collagen need to be charged with electrons from food and grounding (more grounding means you need less food), and “turned on” by incident light energy from the sun. Just like mitochondria they work better in the cold, and so need less energy from sunlight in northern winters, when there is naturally less sun available.

    The concentrated blue light we’re exposed to is meant to be stimulatory - it’s the component of natural sunlight that triggers wakefulness, and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to release catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine, which raise alertness, focus, motivation, BP and HR (which is why blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictive nature of much of the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and anyway your eyes and brain will benefit from it).

    Since blue light triggers dopamine, blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictiveness programmed into the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and either way your eyes and brain will benefit from it, since blue light without balancing infrared and UV-A kills retinal cells.
    The other wavelengths of natural sunlight have a balancing effect physiologically: UV-A stimulates nitric oxide which helps relax us and elevate our mood by increasing the levels of beta endorphins, as well as lowering blood pressure. It also affects hormonal and neurotransmitter levels. Red and near infrared wavelengths have healing and anti-inflammatory effects commonly leveraged by photo-biomodulation devices. Blue light is known to be toxic to cells in the eye, but the UV-A, red and NIR wavelengths protect against that by stimulating nitric oxide production, increasing antioxidants, suppressing inflammation and increasing mitochondrial energy production and mitochondrial numbers.

    Excess blue light, unmitigated by the other balancing wavelengths, raises cortisol levels, which lead to elevated blood sugar and insulin. When this becomes chronic it leads to decreased production of serotonin and melatonin, insulin resistance and leptin resistance (leptin is a natural appetite suppressant). The other wavelengths in light help to reduce stress, cortisol, blood sugar and insulin levels.

    Full Spectrum Light Bulb | SAD Lamp for Depression | BlockBlueLight
    However the answer is not to simply outfit all our homes with full spectrum bulbs, or even fancy red lights at night like they hang on the roads near certain beaches to prevent circadian disruption in spawning turtles. The photoperiod, i.e. the length of the day is also important (if you really can’t avoid night time lights then dim red bulbs are the least suppressive of melatonin production, try to keep the lux between 50-100 for the best effects). We need to balance light with dark every day and throughout the year depending on where we are on the earth.

    The natural spectrum of sunlight changes throughout the day. UV-A, red and NIR are most prevalent in the early morning and late afternoon, while UV-B, which stimulates vitamin D production is most prevalent in midday.

    comparing natural light and artificial light - Sunlight Inside
    UV-B is important for stimulating vitamin D production which can increase insulin secretion, inhibit the renin-angiotensin system of the kidney to help lower blood pressure, influence the production of sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, modulate the immune system, and directly affects the expression of over 900 genes.

    UV-B can damage skin, but the effect is mitigated by preconditioning your skin with the protective wavelengths in morning sunlight, and further decreased by getting healing late afternoon sun. These daily variations in light characteristics highlight the importance of getting regular sun exposure throughout the day, whether direct or indirect from reflected light even while in the shade outdoors.

    Knock-on Effects

    Serotonin production is stimulated by UV-A light in the morning, and as mentioned above, it is the precursor to melatonin, production of which is stimulated by darkness. If we don’t get enough light we don’t make enough serotonin, which means we won’t make as much melatonin later on even if we don’t turn on the lights.

    And simply taking melatonin on a chronic basis to fix the sleep problem will lead to other problems as mentioned briefly earlier, most obviously too much serotonin (also seen with SSRI use) since it’s no longer being converted to melatonin.

    Acute symptoms of higher serotonin include restlessness, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, tachycardia and arrhythmias, high blood pressure. tremors, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Chronically elevated serotonin will lead to increased cortisol production, prolactin excess, and altered levels of thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, oxytocin, and insulin.

    Let’s trace out the further implications of just the first of those effects of higher serotonin: chronically elevated cortisol will lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, low immune function, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, mood disorders, cognitive impairment, reproductive hormone imbalances, skin and hair problems, and digestive upset. It does this by affecting the levels of insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, growth hormone, prolactin, adrenaline, leptin and ghrelin.

    And we could keep going down each of these pathways documenting how each disruption spreads outward in every widening concentric circles over time from any unnatural tweak that is made to our physiology.

    This is why we can only effectively speak to our bodies using the natural signals they’ve been designed to understand.

    Health is a function of an irreducibly complex system of environmental inputs. You can never put an irreducibly complex environment in a simple pill.

    Hormonal Rhythms

    All our hormones are also on circadian rhythms.

    So if you get too much light throughout the year (by turning the lights on at sunset) you’re going to burn out your thyroid, adrenals, ovaries/testes, and everything else that is stimulated by light. Just like overeating refined carbs may help precipitate pancreatic exhaustion and diabetes, consuming too much light and the wrong kind of light (especially blue without the rest) will necessarily lead to exhaustion of all the hormonal systems that help you function during the day light hours (and disrupt nighttime-peaking hormones like melatonin, growth hormone, prolactin, and leptin). This will lead to the typical diseases we see all the time in the modern world: insulin resistance and diabetes (via stress, cortisol and glucose), cancer (via the last), hypothyroidism, heart disease (via stress and sympathetic overactivity), “adrenal fatigue,” chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, autoimmune diseases (disrupted POMC), hypertension, etc.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.



    So if you’re struggling with jet lag or insomnia, try eating early and getting your morning sun (and if its a bad case then consider some of the other things above) and let me know what happens.

    And if you’re struggling with chronic disease, try aligning yourself with your natural environment in order to optimize your hormonal cycles and other bodily functions that are designed for the natural environment.

    Finally to close the loop on the title re: Sherpas.

    Why don’t they get jet lag?

    Because they only fly up and down Mt Everest.

    Ha ha.

    Seriously though, there is no research I could find on jet lag differentials by population or background, but it would make sense that if jet lag is in part due to a form of high altitude sickness and is more likely in those living out of sync with their natural environments, then a Sherpa would be less prone to it since they are acclimated to high altitudes and live in touch with their natural surroundings.

    Let me know in the comments what you think!

    Why Sherpas & Billionaires Don't Get Jet Lag Can Fix Chronic Disease Synchronizing biological clocks, GIGO vs QIQO, implications for modern environmental mismatches and healing chronic disease. Dr. Syed Haider There is no sleep as delicious as jet-lagged sleep. But it’s also inconvenient, especially if you need to get back to work, or make the most of precious vacation time. Like many living in modern industrialized societies today I have a lot of experience with globe trotting jet lag. I always get constipated for a few days (not the first thing you think of with jet lag, but it happens), and of course suffer through the usual daytime fatigue lulling me to sleep in the afternoon only to wake up again at 2 - 4am. Jet lag can also cause a lot of other symptoms in susceptible people: Digestive upset including the aforementioned constipation, but also nausea, bloating, and changes in appetite Headaches, trouble concentrating, impaired judgment and decision making, memory lapses. Irritability, apathy, anxiety, and depression. Recovery times vary person to person, but can take as long as a day for each time zone crossed, especially if you don’t make much effort to resist the enticing daytime sleep. The advice I’ve gotten over the years to minimize jet lag from hard charging, Type-A acquaintances who can’t suffer the downtime: once travel begins, eat on the destination schedule (so decline all the weirdly timed airline food) spend a couple hours in the noon-time sun for a couple days on arrival get grounded at the destination take melatonin Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Numbers 1 and 2 help to get your body on the correct circadian rhythm, though I’ve since learned early morning sun is even more important than afternoon sun for this purpose. Grounding is a source of free electrons that are required to run your body's DC bio-electrical currents, and they also have powerful antioxidant effects. Free electrons can bypass inflammatory tissue barriers that can keep out chemical antioxidants. Melatonin is thought of as the sleep hormone, though it has many other effects on our biology including immune regulation, direct and indirect antioxidant effects, hormonal regulation, blood pressure lowering, and anti-cancer properties. The melatonin released by the pineal gland at night puts us to sleep, but 95% of the melatonin in our bodies resides within our mitochondria which are the energy powerhouses within every cell. Melatonin is only released by the pineal gland in response to darkness. It’s commonly used by shift workers, and globetrotters alike to re-set their circadian rhythms quickly. There are documented side effects of melatonin use including headaches, nausea, dizziness and agitation, which suggest that it may not be as benign as many people make it out to be. Generally speaking it’s best not to try to hack biology by exogenous administration of endogenously created substances: if you make it, don’t take it, because there may be unpredictable butterfly effects that are impossible to trace back. An apt metaphor for this kind of biohacking is attempting to code a computer in the base machine language of 1s and 0s which is basically impossible for humans to understand. Where the metaphor breaks down is that at least we know how to perfectly map human interpretable languages to machine language (using compilers), but we don’t know all the rules of our own biochemistry, there are missing pieces and the interrelationships in living systems are too unpredictable and complex to model in each patient. It is probable impossible to ever sort it out because humans are not simple automatons. Everything we think, feel and believe affects our biology and biochemistry. How can you model all of that without a direct interface into a person’s mind and heart? Organization of Computer Systems: ISA, Machine Language, Number Systems All of melatonin’s effects sound great in theory, but you can have too much of a good thing, especially when that thing is part of an intricate network of feedback loops, where exogenous administration artificially affects many other things that suddenly react to greater than expected melatonin levels at the “wrong” time according to the body’s own biological clocks. Exogenous melatonin can lower cortisol (pro-inflammatory), suppress fertility, raise growth hormone, cause relative insulin resistance and relative hypothyroid effects. Melatonin is the body’s strongest antioxidant, but we know that antioxidants in excess can exhibit pro-oxidant effects. This might be helpful for cancer since that can kill cancer cells, but it might be harmful as well to regular cells and their mitochondria. Excess melatonin will also disrupt serotonin metabolism because Serotonin is the precursor used to make melatonin. If the body gets melatonin from outside then there will be excess serotonin, which wasn’t needed to make melatonin. This is why melatonin is relatively contraindicated in those taking SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) which also increase serotonin levels. Elevated levels of serotonin can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability and gut upset among other things, perhaps helping explain why chronic melatonin use so often doesn’t help patients with refractory insomnia (more on chronic effects of melatonin use towards the end). Even short term some of these might help explain negative side effects experienced by some when taking melatonin, and there might be mid term effects that aren’t connected back to the melatonin administration - hypothetically speaking, if you come down with something 2 weeks after taking melatonin how likely are you to make the connection? I acknowledge that many people will use melatonin anyway (I used it too in the past), it just goes against my c current understanding of the principles of health. But no worries, theres much more interesting stuff below: what private jets can teach us about jet lag and how to prevent it! Not All Jets Lag A little known and almost universally inaccessible approach to preventing jet lag is worth examining anyway because of what it might teach us about jet lag and what we can do about it (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure). I learned from a famous private jet salesman on Youtube (to be clear I wasn’t in the market for a private jet) that flying at lower altitudes with better cabin pressure prevents jet lag because oxygen tension remains higher throughout the flight - if this personal observation is true, it would explain why super-billionaires don’t all fly in Airbus size jumbo jets, but tend to prefer the Gulfstream, which has the highest cabin pressure of any private jet. The Gulfstream G600 can maintain an effective cabin “altitude” of 3,800 feet even at a cruising altitude of 45,000 feet. Steve Varsano : The Jet Business - Ultimate Jet | The Voice of Business Aviation since 2008 Jet salesman Steve Varsano’s jet-interior-shaped office space On the other hand commercial airlines usually maintain a cabin pressure equivalent to an altitude of 6,000 to 8,000 feet. So flying in a Gulfstream is easier than staying in Denver Colorado (elevation 5000 ft), while flying commercial is the equivalent of rapidly ascending a tall mountain within a matter of minutes, a feat that can lead to high altitude sickness (HAS) in 25% of those who sleep above 8000 feet, and can cause symptoms in more sensitive people at much lower elevations. So maybe jet lag is a subset of mild high altitude sickness (i.e. oxygen/energy deprivation) that makes it harder to adjust to a new time zone. That would suggest that treatments for high altitude sickness, or mimicking the physiological changes that occur when someone acclimates to higher altitudes over time might help with jet lag (and be much more accessible than flying private). Acclimatization to high altitudes involves several physiological changes that help the body cope with lower oxygen levels. Key mechanisms include: Increased Ventilation: Breathing rate and depth increase to intake more oxygen. Red Blood Cell Production: The body produces more red blood cells to enhance oxygen transport. Hemoglobin Affinity: Hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen adjusts to release oxygen more efficiently to tissues. Capillary Density: Capillaries may increase in number, improving oxygen delivery to tissues. Mitochondrial Efficiency: Cellular adaptations enhance energy production efficiency under low oxygen conditions. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share The top of the list of treatments for high altitude sickness is obviously just to go back down to a lower altitude and/or get more oxygen (mimicking number 1 - 4 above). Equally obviously in an airplane you’re not going to be able to go back down for the duration, but you could super-oxygenate yourself using a portable oxygen concentrator (available via prescription. details on flying with one here). It’s not safe to use 100% oxygen for prolonged periods, but you could titrate the device to deliver just enough oxygen to counteract the effects of the lower oxygen tension on flights that cruise at effective altitudes of 6-8000 feet. Traveling with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (Tips) | 2024 Running the calculations on a typical flight with cabin pressure set to the equivalent of 6000 feet above sea level we find that you only need about half a liter per minute from the oxygen concentrator in the average person to raise inspired oxygen concentration enough to counteract the effects of altitude and give you the same amount of oxygen delivery you would expect at sea level. A more convenient and cheaper alternative to lugging around a portable oxygen concentrator is prescription acetazolamide (diamox) carried by many hikers who’ve had experience with altitude sickness before. Acetazolamide works primarily by removing bicarbonate (baking soda is sodium bicarbonate) from your bloodstream into your urine and therefore causing metabolic acidosis in your body, which stimulates your brain to increase your breathing rate, which then increases your blood oxygen levels. There is another little known possibility for the treatment and prevention of acute mountain sickness which is the simple, cheap and readily available chemical ammonium chloride. Its chemical decomposition in the bloodstream leads to the creation of hydrogen ions and CO2. Hydrogen ions bind and neutralize bicarb lower the pH by a different avenue than diamox, but having the same effect to stimulate respiration. Increased CO2 levels will also stimulate increased respiration. So both would tend to raise oxygen levels as a result. Apparently useful for a number of indications including kidney stones, digestive trouble, preventing metabolic diseases and to give goats a beautiful sheen on their coat for shows. There was one small study published in 1937 where a dozen volunteers took 5 grams of ammonium chloride three times a day with meals (much higher than normal dosing ranges for its one remaining medical indication, severe metabolic alkalosis) while ascending to altitude. Unfortunately the results were weirdly completely the opposite of what you might expect, which raises the possibility that pharmaceutical industry bias creot in as it usually does when any simple non-prescription therapy threatens the status quo. That paper also referenced a few other preliminary research findings that had seemed promising at 1/10th the dose. Given the mechanisms at play it would be interesting if someone revisited this research. Traditional herbal remedies for high altitude sickness might be helpful as well, and I suspect gentler and safer than acetazolamide (though none that we know of work exactly the same way it does): Sea Buckthorn ("Shan-Ji" in TCM) Mechanism: Sea buckthorn is rich in antioxidants, vitamins (especially vitamin C), and fatty acids, which can enhance oxygen utilization and reduce oxidative stress at high altitudes. Studies: Research has shown that sea buckthorn can improve high-altitude polycythemia (an increase in red blood cells due to low oxygen levels), which helps in better oxygen transport and utilization in the body. Rhodiola algida ("Hong Jing Tian" in TCM) Mechanism: Rhodiola algida contains active compounds like salidroside and rosavin, which are known to enhance physical performance, reduce fatigue, and increase resistance to stress. These properties can be beneficial in preventing AMS by improving the body's ability to cope with hypoxia (low oxygen levels). Studies: It is traditionally used by Tibetan people to prevent AMS. Experimental studies suggest that Rhodiola spp. can improve acclimatization and reduce symptoms of AMS by enhancing oxygen efficiency and reducing oxidative stress. Zuo-Mu-A decoction (no English name found) Mechanism: This traditional Tibetan medicine contains various herbs that are believed to work synergistically to enhance acclimatization to high altitudes. The exact mechanism is not fully understood, but it is thought to improve blood oxygenation and reduce oxidative stress. Studies: Experimental studies in rats have demonstrated its efficacy in preventing high-altitude polycythemia, indicating a potential benefit in improving oxygen delivery and reducing AMS symptoms. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Mechanism: Ginkgo biloba is known for its vasodilatory properties, which can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues. It also has strong antioxidant effects, which can protect cells from oxidative damage caused by hypoxia. Studies: Clinical studies have shown that Ginkgo biloba can reduce symptoms of AMS, such as headache and dizziness, by improving microcirculation and reducing oxidative stress. Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) Rhodiola: Mental Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More If there are no side effects it’s probably not medicinal Mechanism: Similar to Rhodiola algida, Rhodiola rosea contains adaptogenic compounds like rosavin and salidroside, which help the body adapt to stress and improve physical performance. It also has antioxidant properties that protect against hypoxia-induced damage. Studies: Studies have demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea can enhance endurance, reduce fatigue, and improve the body's resistance to hypoxia, making it effective in preventing and reducing symptoms of AMS. Coca (Erythroxylum coca) Mechanism: Coca leaves contain alkaloids such as cocaine (so good luck sourcing these, only included here in the interests of being comprehensive, although millions in the Andes regular chew them without adverse effects), which can stimulate the central nervous system, increase oxygen intake, and improve overall physical performance. These effects can help counteract the symptoms of AMS. Studies: Indigenous populations in the Andes have used coca leaves for centuries to prevent and treat AMS. Scientific studies support its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of AMS, such as headache, nausea, and fatigue, by enhancing oxygen utilization and reducing oxidative stress. These herbs work through a combination of improving oxygen delivery, enhancing physical performance, reducing oxidative stress, and promoting acclimatization to high altitudes, thereby helping to prevent and mitigate the symptoms of acute mountain sickness. Along the same lines methylene blue (may need to avoid with SSRIs, severe kidney disease, G6PD deficiency) may attenuate jet lag and is used by biohackers and Long COVID/Vax injury sufferers nowadays because it increases mitochondrial oxygen production (other of the natural acclimatizing adjustments the body eventually makes to prolonged stays at altitude) without the addition of more oxygen. Basically it improves your ability to create energy and that’s really what we need oxygen for in the first place. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share There are other ways to improve mitochondrial energy production, most importantly for this purpose via plenty of direct sunlight before the flight. One way this works is that the key to mitochondrial energy production is proton tunneling, which is required for functioning of the ATPase enzyme in the inner mitochondrial membrane that produces ATP, the chemical energy currency of cells. Proton tunneling is a quantum effect that depends on the existence of coherent quantum domains in water as well as 4th phase structured water. Coherent domains are masses of water molecules vibrating at the same frequency, and structured water is a gel like water that forms next to liphophilic (water loving) surfaces in cells and leads to charge separation with one area of water having a negative charge next to the surface and another area having a positive charge. Both of these effects in water are increased by exposure to natural sunlight and the earth’s natural electromagnetic fields, e.g. the Schumann resonances - both of which are missing in flight. So another cause of jet lag on the flight is likely missing sun and natural EMFs, while being exposed instead to blue spectrum light and non-native electromagnetic fields instead (as well as increased exposure to cosmic radiation?). It’s usually impossible to get into natural sunlight for the duration of your trip, unless you have longer layovers (sunlight that filters through clear window glass is deficient in balancing UV-A, UV-B and infrared wavelengths that help to counteract the stressful nature of visible blue light). The best way to mitigate this may be to have a good tan (melanin in the skin can absorb any wavelength of radiation) and plenty of exposure to sun and natural outdoor electromagnetic fields in the days and weeks leading up to the flight, and after arrival, so as to have a strong reserve of coherent, structured biological water (some people also advocate structuring your drinking water by exposing it to light and spinning it in a vortex prior to consumption) and then replenish it after the flight. There is also an herbal cream we’ve found to be helpful for mitigating the effects of EMF on children and others who are particularly sensitive to it that could be used in this situation. EMF Mitigating Cream: 10 parts Castor oil 6 parts Hemp seed oil 1 part bee propolis 1 part neem oil 1 part rosemary extract 1 part coriander extract I was personally surprised to discover that there was data on EMF protective effects of Rosemary (eg here and here) and bee propolis (eg here). There are energetic reasons to include the other ingredients, but I’m not aware of studies having been done on them. If anyone has EMF sensitivity they should try this cream all over the body and report back any effects. It’s also important to note that many people with chronic diseaes (and jet lag) likely have EMF sensitivity they just aren’t aware of it. See Robert O Becker’s books and The Invisible Rainbow if you remain unconvinced of the thoroughly documented negative biological effects of most man-made non-ionizing radiation. Finally dehydration (airplane air is very dry), alcohol, caffeine, stress and advanced age can all play a role in triggering and prolonging jet lag, though older age is probably mostly a marker for more time spent living sub-optimaly, destroying organ reserve and resilience (both of which can be reversed). Usually when I take a long flight east my schedule will lag the final time zone I end up in by a few hours. So it’s not like my body thinks its all the way back home, it seems to think its a few time zones over. For example I’ll usually get tired in the afternoon say 3-4 pm and crash, and then wake up at 1-3 am unable to sleep any more. In terms of my origin time zone that translates to falling asleep at 8am and waking at 6pm (to be clear I don’t sleep all day at home, but have a normal schedule). So it would seem that my body thinks I’m a few time zones West of where I actually am. On my last 9-time-zone trip halfway around the globe I lost a lot of sleep for a couple days during the flights since I find it hard to sleep sitting up, but had great success preventing significant jet lag on arrival with a few simple interventions. I only ate during daytime wherever I was in my travels, and once I arrived I made sure to eat a good breakfast early every morning and didn’t consume anything at the destination after sunset - including food, information, light (i.e. no room lights or screens). I wore a pair of wraparound blue blocker sunglasses throughout the trip to block excess blue light (the darker the better, since light intensity is also important, especially at night). I made sure to get morning and afternoon sun both for 1-2 hours each at the destination. I arrived at my destination at 2am and the first day got my morning sun and then fell asleep for a couple hours until the afternoon, then got some more sun, and then slept normally that night until the next morning, which was a first for me after such a long trip and really surprising. The next day I got morning sun, afternoon sun and then took a nap again for a couple hours in the afternoon and again slept normally through the night. I was constipated on the flight, but it was less severe than usual, resolving within 24 hours once I landed. So basically I had some sleep to catch up on since I slept very poorly on the planes and missed a lot of sleep during the prolonged travel (there were two long layovers), but other than that I had very minimal jet lag without nighttime insomnia or excessive daytime fatigue the first couple days. After that I found that I could sleep longer in the afternoon if I let myself, but it wasn’t the usual overpowering, siren-song type of jet lag sleep I’m accustomed to. It was optional. Maybe next time I’ll try changing it up some more with some herbs and/or the EMF skin cream. Recent research by Huang et al also confirms that the best cure for jet lag is a big breakfast in the early morning at the destination and plenty of morning sunlight. These two signals help to synchronize central and distal body clocks to the new time zone and eliminate jet lag fast. They are also probably the two most important signals to help cure a normal case of insomnia. By the way, many people who are trying to fix chronic illness nowadays will try intermittent fasting, and it’s easiest to implement that by skipping breakfast, but this is the worst way to do it because it sends your body the wrong signals. LATELIFE MUSINGS...: EAT LIKE A KING The old wisdom that taught us to breakfast breakfast like a King and dinner like a pauper is correct, but I would go further and say skip dinner (perhaps that’s what the saying actually means anyway). Most people throughout human history counted themselves lucky to eat twice a day, let alone thrice. You often hear that breakfast was invented by cereal companies, but it was just coopted by them. A healthy breakfast for most people probably looks more like steak and eggs (and some healthy carbs) than an all-out refined sugar bomb and sets you up calorically and hormonally for an active day. Steak and Eggs Skillet with Chimichurri and Sweet Potatoes The Inputs Dictate the Output, i.e. Garbage In Garbage Out, illustrated via Light, Quantum Coherence, Structured Water, Cold, Seasonal Variations, Deuterium, etc Garbage in garbage out refers to the computer science truism that poor quality input, for example when trying to model the likelihood of some outcome, will produce poor quality output, i.e. you’ll probably get the answer wrong. The alternative is Quality in Quality Out or QIQO. The same aphorism applies to jet lag. If you provide the right inputs at the right times you won’t have jet lag. Jet lag is really a function of decreased resilience due to suboptimal environmental inputs. This is the essential truth about all chronic disease that we ignore to our own detriment because it’s easy to just go with the flow. Unfortunately that flow is like a riptide that will carry you out to sea and to your early demise unless you act fast and swim out of it, parallel to the shore. The good news is that once you make the effort and build new habits, they stick with you and it’s a lot easier to continue. So the basic prevention and cure for jet lag and insomnia is the same basic prevention and cure for any chronic health dysfunction in the modern world, because our dysfunctions are fundamentally caused by living out of sync with our environments, both external and internal (e.g. physiologically harmful thoughts, beliefs, emotions). Our external environments are tailor made for us, or we’re tailor made for them, depending on your perspective and Nature never makes mistakes, though we often misinterpret her perfection. On the other hand you could take the lesson that supplemental oxygen cures jet lag and extend that to chronic disease. Supplemental oxygen may also help allay the symptoms of chronic diseases, and be even more effective when taken inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Both in or out of the chamber it works the same way by increasing stem cell production. But the easy way out will always come back to bite you in the end. There isn’t really an easy way. It’s an illusion. You can use various means to take the edge off, but ultimately you have to address root causes, because if you don’t the underlying problem will only worsen and eventually overcome the simple fix you found. The easy way is a temporary bandaid. Whereas going down a mountain to an altitude you’re more accustomed to makes sense physiologically speaking, using a hyperbaric chamber is the equivalent of going underwater where the partial pressure of oxygen is much higher. Even if you plan to live in a submarine it’s certainly not a natural signal to give your body. We aren’t designed for such high pressures. Health is a function of irreducibly complex inputs - i.e. you can’t mimic the sun by taking vitamin D, or even with a sunlamp. Understanding more about the ways this works for external inputs will help us respect Nature and submit to her dictates. In order to do that we’ll consider some fascinating, but little known facts about human biology and the central roles that light and water play in it. We already discussed the effect of light on quantum coherence and structuring of water and how that improves the energy production of mitochondria. EZ Water: The Fourth Phase Of Water (Part 3) - Live Vitae Structured water due to it’s thicker gel like consistency excludes particulate matter and cells, thereby protecting the walls of the blood vessels from damage and inflammation. The structuring of water is also the reason blood flows, and blood is what delivers oxygen and nutrients. When you have a hydrophilic (water attracting, not repelling) tube, like an artery or vein and you place it in a bucket of water, the water structures itself by charge separating as described above and starts flowing through the tube spontaneously, and so does blood, which is primarily made up of water. Blood circulation in an embryo begins even before the heart forms and starts pumping, i.e. it is not the pumping that moves blood, rather the heart acts more like a conductor, synchronizing the organs of the body (more on this in an upcoming post on the heart). Now, both quantum coherent domains and structured water form more easily in cold temperatures, which means you need less light energy to produce them. This means that near the equator where it’s warm all year round you need more light energy absorbed by your body water, and conveniently there is more light available during the year with 12 hour days throughout. Whereas up north you need less light in the winters when it is cold and the days are much shorter. In both of these situations our physiology if it is in sync with the natural environment will get just what it needs. Seasonal variations in light also affect weight gain because when temperatures are warmer and days are longer and food is plentiful, the body gets the message that it’s time to store up fat for the coming winter (remember blue light triggers cortisol, appetite, hyperglycemia and elevated insulin). When winter comes the days are short and food is naturally scarcer, and in the cold our bodies are stimulated to produce more heat, and use stored energy to do so. The Endless Summer (Remastered) - Official Trailer If you want an endless summer, head south. However nowadays winter never comes in industrialized societies, even up north, at least the signals that indicate it’s winter never arrive: we don’t change what we eat in the winter, because we don’t eat seasonally, and we don’t change our light environment either, because we spend all day and night indoors in temperature controlled environments with the lights on until all hours - our circadian biology gets the message that it’s always summer, the days are always long, the food always plentiful (you can eat more because you keep the lights on so long) and it’s never too cold. Our mitochondria naturally deplete water of deuterium, which is a heavy isotope of hydrogen. Water in the south has higher deuterium content while water up north is already deuterium depleted so our mitochondria may work more efficiently when exposed to it, with less need of the red and NIR spectrums to help boost their functioning, if we are living within a natural environment and drinking the local water up north (while being exposed to the natural temperature variations and seasonal foodstuffs). Not much is known about bioenergetics, since there is insufficient funding, but it has been shown that a weak DC electrical current flows in the Qi energy pathways mapped out by the Ancient Chinese 1000s of years ago (it was shown that grounding primarily enters free electrons into the meridians of the Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys, and Urinary Bladder). The energy flows because we are made up of biological semiconductors. Semiconductors hold electrons, and when they are excited by enough outside energy those electrons start to flow as electricity. Our biological semiconductors like collagen need to be charged with electrons from food and grounding (more grounding means you need less food), and “turned on” by incident light energy from the sun. Just like mitochondria they work better in the cold, and so need less energy from sunlight in northern winters, when there is naturally less sun available. https://robertobecker.net/research/bone-bioelectricity/ The concentrated blue light we’re exposed to is meant to be stimulatory - it’s the component of natural sunlight that triggers wakefulness, and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to release catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine, which raise alertness, focus, motivation, BP and HR (which is why blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictive nature of much of the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and anyway your eyes and brain will benefit from it). Since blue light triggers dopamine, blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictiveness programmed into the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and either way your eyes and brain will benefit from it, since blue light without balancing infrared and UV-A kills retinal cells. The other wavelengths of natural sunlight have a balancing effect physiologically: UV-A stimulates nitric oxide which helps relax us and elevate our mood by increasing the levels of beta endorphins, as well as lowering blood pressure. It also affects hormonal and neurotransmitter levels. Red and near infrared wavelengths have healing and anti-inflammatory effects commonly leveraged by photo-biomodulation devices. Blue light is known to be toxic to cells in the eye, but the UV-A, red and NIR wavelengths protect against that by stimulating nitric oxide production, increasing antioxidants, suppressing inflammation and increasing mitochondrial energy production and mitochondrial numbers. Excess blue light, unmitigated by the other balancing wavelengths, raises cortisol levels, which lead to elevated blood sugar and insulin. When this becomes chronic it leads to decreased production of serotonin and melatonin, insulin resistance and leptin resistance (leptin is a natural appetite suppressant). The other wavelengths in light help to reduce stress, cortisol, blood sugar and insulin levels. Full Spectrum Light Bulb | SAD Lamp for Depression | BlockBlueLight However the answer is not to simply outfit all our homes with full spectrum bulbs, or even fancy red lights at night like they hang on the roads near certain beaches to prevent circadian disruption in spawning turtles. The photoperiod, i.e. the length of the day is also important (if you really can’t avoid night time lights then dim red bulbs are the least suppressive of melatonin production, try to keep the lux between 50-100 for the best effects). We need to balance light with dark every day and throughout the year depending on where we are on the earth. The natural spectrum of sunlight changes throughout the day. UV-A, red and NIR are most prevalent in the early morning and late afternoon, while UV-B, which stimulates vitamin D production is most prevalent in midday. comparing natural light and artificial light - Sunlight Inside UV-B is important for stimulating vitamin D production which can increase insulin secretion, inhibit the renin-angiotensin system of the kidney to help lower blood pressure, influence the production of sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, modulate the immune system, and directly affects the expression of over 900 genes. UV-B can damage skin, but the effect is mitigated by preconditioning your skin with the protective wavelengths in morning sunlight, and further decreased by getting healing late afternoon sun. These daily variations in light characteristics highlight the importance of getting regular sun exposure throughout the day, whether direct or indirect from reflected light even while in the shade outdoors. Knock-on Effects Serotonin production is stimulated by UV-A light in the morning, and as mentioned above, it is the precursor to melatonin, production of which is stimulated by darkness. If we don’t get enough light we don’t make enough serotonin, which means we won’t make as much melatonin later on even if we don’t turn on the lights. And simply taking melatonin on a chronic basis to fix the sleep problem will lead to other problems as mentioned briefly earlier, most obviously too much serotonin (also seen with SSRI use) since it’s no longer being converted to melatonin. Acute symptoms of higher serotonin include restlessness, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, tachycardia and arrhythmias, high blood pressure. tremors, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Chronically elevated serotonin will lead to increased cortisol production, prolactin excess, and altered levels of thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, oxytocin, and insulin. Let’s trace out the further implications of just the first of those effects of higher serotonin: chronically elevated cortisol will lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, low immune function, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, mood disorders, cognitive impairment, reproductive hormone imbalances, skin and hair problems, and digestive upset. It does this by affecting the levels of insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, growth hormone, prolactin, adrenaline, leptin and ghrelin. And we could keep going down each of these pathways documenting how each disruption spreads outward in every widening concentric circles over time from any unnatural tweak that is made to our physiology. This is why we can only effectively speak to our bodies using the natural signals they’ve been designed to understand. Health is a function of an irreducibly complex system of environmental inputs. You can never put an irreducibly complex environment in a simple pill. Hormonal Rhythms All our hormones are also on circadian rhythms. So if you get too much light throughout the year (by turning the lights on at sunset) you’re going to burn out your thyroid, adrenals, ovaries/testes, and everything else that is stimulated by light. Just like overeating refined carbs may help precipitate pancreatic exhaustion and diabetes, consuming too much light and the wrong kind of light (especially blue without the rest) will necessarily lead to exhaustion of all the hormonal systems that help you function during the day light hours (and disrupt nighttime-peaking hormones like melatonin, growth hormone, prolactin, and leptin). This will lead to the typical diseases we see all the time in the modern world: insulin resistance and diabetes (via stress, cortisol and glucose), cancer (via the last), hypothyroidism, heart disease (via stress and sympathetic overactivity), “adrenal fatigue,” chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, autoimmune diseases (disrupted POMC), hypertension, etc. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Conclusion So if you’re struggling with jet lag or insomnia, try eating early and getting your morning sun (and if its a bad case then consider some of the other things above) and let me know what happens. And if you’re struggling with chronic disease, try aligning yourself with your natural environment in order to optimize your hormonal cycles and other bodily functions that are designed for the natural environment. Finally to close the loop on the title re: Sherpas. Why don’t they get jet lag? Because they only fly up and down Mt Everest. Ha ha. Seriously though, there is no research I could find on jet lag differentials by population or background, but it would make sense that if jet lag is in part due to a form of high altitude sickness and is more likely in those living out of sync with their natural environments, then a Sherpa would be less prone to it since they are acclimated to high altitudes and live in touch with their natural surroundings. Let me know in the comments what you think! https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/knowing-why-sherpas-and-billionaires
    Why Sherpas & Billionaires Don't Get Jet Lag Can Fix Chronic Disease
    Synchronizing biological clocks, GIGO vs QIQO, implications for modern environmental mismatches and healing chronic disease.
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  • Pre-emptive Nuclear War: The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran
    Chapter III of "The Globalization of War" by Michel Chossudovsky

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    Author’s Introduction and Update

    In a recent article entitled “A Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran is Contemplated” I focussed on how Israel’s criminal attack on the People of Palestine could evolve towards an extended Middle East War.

    At the time of writing, US-NATO war ships –including two aircraft carriers, combat planes, not to mention a nuclear submarine– are deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea, all of which are intended to confront what both Western politicians and the media casually describe as “Palestine’s Aggression against the Jewish State”.

    “Israel ranks” as “the 4th strongest military” after Russia, the U.S and China. Ask yourself: Why on earth would Israel need the support of U.S. aircraft carriers to lead a genocide against the Palestinians who are fighting for their lives with limited military capabilities.

    Is the U.S. intent upon triggering a broader war?

    “U.S. Warns Hezbollah, Iran. It Will intervene if they Escalate”

    Who is “Escalating”? The Pentagon has already intimated that it will attack Iran and Lebanon, “If they Escalate”. Is the Pentagon Seeking to Trigger one or more “False Flags”?

    Times of Israel, November 9, 2023

    Also of significance (less than 4 months prior to October 7, 2023) is the adoption on June 27, 2023 of the US Congress Resolution (H. RES. 559) which Accuses Iran of Possessing Nuclear Weapons. H.RES 559 allows the use of force against Iran, intimating that Iran has Nuclear Weapons.

    Whereas Iran is tagged (without a shred of evidence) as a Nuclear Power by the U.S. Congress, Washington fails to acknowledge that Israel is an undeclared nuclear power.

    The article below was first published in my book entitled “The Globalization of War. America’s Long War against Humanity” (2015).

    I remain indebted to the former Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad who took the initiative of launching my book in Kuala Lumpur. (image right).

    Firmly committed to “the criminalization of war”, Tun Mahathir is a powerful voice in support of Palestine.

    The article below (Chapter III of “Globalization of War”) provides analysis in a historical perspective of U.S. war plans directed against Iran.

    Numerous “war theater scenarios” for an all-out attack on Iran have been contemplated.

    Dangerous Crossroads in our History

    The current and ongoing US-NATO military deployment in The Middle East — casually presented by the media as a means to coming to the rescue of Israel– is the pinnacle of U.S. war preparations extending over a period of more than 20 years.

    Contemplated by the Pentagon in 2005 was a scenario whereby an attack by Israel would be conducted on behalf of Washington:

    “An attack by Israel could, however, be used as “the trigger mechanism” which would unleash an all-out war against Iran, as well as retaliation by Iran directed against Israel.” (quoted from text below)

    At the outset of Bush’s second term

    “Vice President Dick Cheney had hinted, in no uncertain terms, that Iran was “right at the top of the list” of the “rogue enemies” of America, and that Israel would, so to speak, “be doing the bombing for us” (Ibid)

    The article also focusses on the dangers of a US-Israel nuclear attack against Iran which has been contemplated by the Pentagon since 2004.

    The US Israel “Partnership”: “Signed” Military Agreement

    Amply documented, the U.S. Military and Intelligence apparatus is firmly behind Israel’s genocide. In the words of Lt General Richard Clark:

    Americans Troops are “prepared to die for the Jewish State”.

    What should be understood by this statement is that the US and Israel have a longstanding Military “Partnership” as well as (Jerusalem Post) a “Signed” Military Agreement (classified) regarding Israel’s attack on Gaza.

    Lt. General Richard Clark is U.S. Third Air Force Commander, among the highest-ranking military officers in the U.S. Armed Forces. While he refers to Juniper Cobra, “a joint military exercise that has been conducted for almost a decade”, his statement points to a much broader “signed” military-intelligence agreement (classified) with Israel which no doubt includes the extension of the Israeli-US bombing of Gaza to the broader Middle East.

    While this so-called “signed” military agreement remains classified (not in the public domain), it would appear that Biden is obeying the orders of the perpetrators of this diabolical military agenda.

    Does President Biden have the authority (under this “Signed” Agreement with Israel) to save the lives of innocent civilians including the children of Palestine:

    Q (Inaudible) Gaza ceasefire, Mr. President?

    THE PRESIDENT: Pardon me?

    Q What are the chances of a Gaza ceasefire?

    THE PRESIDENT: None. No possibility.

    White House Press Conference, November 9, 2023

    Lt. General Clark confirms that:

    “U.S. troops could be put under Israeli commanders in the battlefield”, which suggests that the genocide is implemented by Netanyahu on behalf of the United States.

    Everything indicates that the US military and intelligence apparatus are behind Israel’s criminal bombing and invasion of Gaza.

    We stand firmly in Solidarity with Palestine and the People of the Middle East.

    It is my intent and sincere hope that my writings (including the text below) will contribute to “Revealing the Truth” as well “Reversing the Tide of Global Warfare”.

    Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 17, 2023, March 10, 2024

    Pre-emptive Nuclear War:

    The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran


    Michel Chossudovsky


    While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality.

    The international community has endorsed nuclear war in the name of world peace. “Making the world safer” is the justification for launching a military operation which could potentially result in a nuclear holocaust.”

    The stockpiling and deployment of advanced weapons systems directed against Iran started in the immediate wake of the 2003 bombing and invasion of Iraq. From the outset, these war plans were led by the U.S. in liaison with NATO and Israel.

    Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration identified Iran and Syria as the next stage of “the road map to war”. U.S. military sources intimated at the time that an aerial attack on Iran could involve a large scale deployment comparable to the U.S. “shock and awe” bombing raids on Iraq in March 2003:

    American air strikes on Iran would vastly exceed the scope of the 1981 Israeli attack on the Osiraq nuclear center in Iraq, and would more resemble the opening days of the 2003 air campaign against Iraq.1

    “Theater Iran Near Term” (TIRANNT)

    Code named by U.S. military planners as TIRANNT, “Theater Iran Near Term”, simulations of an attack on Iran were initiated in May 2003 “when modelers and intelligence specialists pulled together the data needed for theater-level (meaning large-scale) scenario analysis for Iran.”2

    The scenarios identified several thousand targets inside Iran as part of a “Shock and Awe” Blitzkrieg:

    The analysis, called TIRANNT, for “Theater Iran Near Term,” was coupled with a mock scenario for a Marine Corps invasion and a simulation of the Iranian missile force. U.S. and British planners conducted a Caspian Sea war game around the same time. And Bush directed the U.S. Strategic Command to draw up a global strike war plan for an attack against Iranian weapons of mass destruction. All of this will ultimately feed into a new war plan for “major combat operations” against Iran that military sources confirm now [April 2006] exists in draft form.

    … Under TIRANNT, Army and U.S. Central Command planners have been examining both near-term and out-year scenarios for war with Iran, including all aspects of a major combat operation, from mobilization and deployment of forces through postwar stability operations after regime change.3

    Different “theater scenarios” for an all-out attack on Iran had been contemplated:

    The U.S. army, navy, air force and marines have all prepared battle plans and spent four years building bases and training for “Operation Iranian Freedom”. Admiral Fallon, the new head of U.S. Central Command, has inherited computerized plans under the name TIRANNT (Theatre Iran Near Term).4

    In 2004, drawing upon the initial war scenarios under TIRANNT, Vice President Dick Cheney instructed U.S. Strategic Command (U.S.STRATCOM) to draw up a “contingency plan” of a large scale military operation directed against Iran “to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States” on the presumption that the government in Tehran would be behind the terrorist plot. The plan included the pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear state:

    The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than four hundred fifty major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program develop- ment sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of ter- rorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing –that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack– but no one is prepared to dam- age his career by posing any objections.5

    The Military Road Map: “First Iraq, then Iran”

    The decision to target Iran under TIRANNT was part of the broader process of military planning and sequencing of military operations. Already under the Clinton administration (1995), U.S. Central Command (U.S.CENTCOM) had formulated “in war theater plans” to invade first Iraq and then Iran. Access to Middle East oil was the stated strategic objective:

    The broad national security interests and objectives expressed in the President’s National Security Strategy (NSS) and the Chairman’s National Military Strategy (NMS) form the foundation of the United States Central Command’s theater strategy. The NSS directs implementation of a strategy of dual containment of the rogue states of Iraq and Iran as long as those states pose a threat to U.S. interests, to other states in the region, and to their own citizens. Dual containment is designed to maintain the balance of power in the region without depending on either Iraq or Iran. U.S.CENTCOM’s theater strategy is interest-based and threat-focused. The purpose of U.S. engagement, as espoused in the NSS, is to protect the United States’ vital interest in the region – uninterrupted, secure U.S./Allied access to Gulf oil.6

    The war on Iran was viewed as part of a succession of military operations. According to (former) NATO Commander General Wesley Clark, the Pentagon’s military road-map consisted of a sequence of countries:

    [The] Five-year campaign plan [includes]… a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.6 (For further details, see Chapter I)

    The Role of Israel

    There has been much debate regarding the role of Israel in initiating an attack against Iran.

    Israel is part of a military alliance. Tel Aviv is not a prime mover. It does not have a separate and distinct military agenda.

    Israel is integrated into the “war plan for major combat operations” against Iran formulated in 2006 by U.S. Strategic Command (U.S.STRATCOM). In the context of large scale military operations, an uncoordinated unilateral military action by one coalition partner, namely Israel, is from a military and strategic point almost an impossibility. Israel is a de facto member of NATO. Any action by Israel would require a “green light” from Washington.

    An attack by Israel could, however, be used as “the trigger mechanism” which would unleash an all-out war against Iran, as well as retaliation by Iran directed against Israel.

    In this regard, there are indications going back to the Bush administration that Washington had indeed contemplated the option of an initial (U.S. backed) attack by Israel rather than an outright U.S.-led military operation directed against Iran.

    The Israeli attack –although led in close liaison with the Pentagon and NATO– would have been presented to public opinion as a unilateral decision by Tel Aviv. It would then have been used by Washington to justify, in the eyes of World opinion, a military intervention of the U.S. and NATO with a view to “defending Israel”, rather than attacking Iran. Under existing military cooperation agreements, both the U.S. and NATO would be “obligated” to “defend Israel” against Iran and Syria.

    It is worth noting, in this regard, that at the outset of Bush’s second term, (former) Vice President Dick Cheney had hinted, in no uncertain terms, that Iran was “right at the top of the list” of the “rogue enemies” of America, and that Israel would, so to speak, “be doing the bombing for us”, without U.S. military involvement and without us putting pressure on them “to do it.”8

    According to Cheney:

    One of the concerns people have is that Israel might do it without being asked. …Given the fact that Iran has a stated policy that their objective is the destruction of Israel, the Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards.9

    Commenting the Vice President’s assertion, former National Security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski in an interview on PBS, confirmed with some apprehension, yes: Cheney wants Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to act on America’s behalf and “do it” for us:

    Iran I think is more ambiguous. And there the issue is certainly not tyranny; it’s nuclear weapons. And the vice president today in a kind of a strange parallel statement to this declaration of freedom hinted that the Israelis may do it and in fact used language which sounds like a justification or even an encouragement for the Israelis to do it.10

    What we are dealing with is a process of joint U.S.-NATO-Israel military planning. An operation to bomb Iran has been in the active planning stage since 2004. Officials in the Defense Department, under Bush and Obama, have been working assiduously with their Israeli military and intelligence counterparts, carefully identifying targets inside Iran. In practical military terms, any action by Israel would have to be planned and coordinated at the highest levels of the U.S. led coalition.

    Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Vice President Dick Cheney discuss a vision of peace for Israel and Palestine as they conduct a press briefing in Jerusalem, Israel, March 19, 2002.

    Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Vice President Dick Cheney discuss a vision of peace for Israel and Palestine as they conduct a press briefing in Jerusalem, Israel, March 19, 2002. “It is our hope that the current violence and terrorism will be replaced by reconciliation and the rebuilding of mutual trust,” said the Vice President. (Source)

    An attack by Israel against Iran would also require coordinated U.S.-NATO logistical support, particularly with regard to Israel’s air defense system, which since January 2009 is fully integrated into that of the U.S. and NATO.11

    Israel’s X band radar system established in early 2009 with U.S. technical support has “integrate[d] Israel’s missile defenses with the U.S. global missile [Space-based] detection network, which includes satellites, Aegis ships on the Mediterranean, Persian Gulf and Red Sea, and land-based Patriot radars and interceptors.”12

    What this means is that Washington ultimately calls the shots. The U.S. rather than Israel controls the air defense system:

    This is and will remain a U.S. radar system,’ Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said.

    ‘So this is not something we are giving or selling to the Israelis and it is something that will likely require U.S. personnel on-site to operate.13

    The U.S. military oversees Israel’s Air Defense system, which is integrated into the Pentagon’s global system. In other words, Israel cannot launch a war against Iran without Washington’s consent. Hence the importance of the so-called “Green Light” legislation in the U.S. Congress sponsored by the Republican party under House Resolution 1553, which explicitly supported an Israeli attack on Iran:

    The measure, introduced by Texas Republican Louie Gohmert and 46 of his colleagues, endorses Israel’s use of “all means necessary” against Iran “including the use of military force.” … “We’ve got to get this done. We need to show our support for Israel. We need to quit playing games with this critical ally in such a difficult area”.14

    In practice, the proposed legislation serves as a “Green Light” to the White House and the Pentagon rather than to Israel. It constitutes a rubber stamp to a U.S. sponsored war on Iran which uses Israel as a convenient military launch pad. It also serves as a justification to wage war with a view to defending Israel.

    In this context, Israel could indeed provide the pretext to wage war, in response to alleged Hamas or Hezbollah attacks and/or the triggering of hostilities on the border of Israel with Lebanon. What is crucial to understand is that a minor “incident” could be used as a pretext to spark off a major military operation against Iran.

    Known to U.S. military planners, Israel (rather than the U.S.A) would be the first target of military retaliation by Iran. Broadly speaking, Israelis would be the victims of the machinations of both Washington and their own government. It is, in this regard, absolutely crucial that Israelis forcefully oppose any action by the Netanyahu government to attack Iran.

    Global Warfare: The Role of U.S. Strategic Command (U.S.STRATCOM)

    In January 2005, at the outset of the military deployment and build-up directed against Iran, U.S.STRATCOM was identified as “the lead Combatant Command for integration and synchronization of DoD-wide efforts in combating weapons of mass destruction.”15 What this means is that the coordination of a large scale attack on Iran, including the various scenarios of escalation in and beyond the broader Middle East Central Asian region would be coordinated by U.S.STRATCOM. (See Chapter I).

    Confirmed by military documents as well as official statements, both the U.S. and Israel contemplate the use of nuclear weapons directed against Iran. In 2006, U.S. Strategic Command (U.S.STRATCOM) announced it had achieved an operational capability for rapidly striking targets around the globe using nuclear or conventional weapons. This announcement was made after the conduct of military simulations pertaining to a U.S. led nuclear attack against a fictional country.16

    Continuity in Relation to the Bush-Cheney Era

    President Obama has largely endorsed the doctrine of pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons formulated by the previous administration. Under the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review, the Obama administration confirmed “that it is reserving the right to use nuclear weapons against Iran” for its non-compliance with U.S. demands regarding its alleged (nonexistent) nuclear weapons program.17 The Obama administration has also intimated that it would use nukes in the case of an Iranian response to an Israeli attack on Iran. Israel has also drawn up its own “secret plans” to bomb Iran with tactical nuclear weapons:

    Israeli military commanders believe conventional strikes may no longer be enough to annihilate increasingly well-defended enrichment facilities. Several have been built beneath at least 70ft of concrete and rock. However, the nuclear-tipped bunker-busters would be used only if a conventional attack was ruled out and if the United States declined to intervene, senior sources said.18

    Obama’s statements on the use of nuclear weapons against Iran and North Korea are consistent with post-9/11 U.S. nuclear weapons doctrine, which allows for the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the conventional war theater.

    Through a propaganda campaign which has enlisted the support of “authoritative” nuclear scientists, mini-nukes are upheld as an instrument of peace, namely a means to combating “Islamic terrorism” and instating Western style “democracy” in Iran. The low-yield nukes have been cleared for “battlefield use”. They are slated to be used against Iran and Syria in the next stage of America’s “War on Terrorism” alongside conventional weapons:

    Administration officials argue that low-yield nuclear weapons are needed as a credible deterrent against rogue states. [Iran, Syria, North Korea] Their logic is that existing nuclear weapons are too destructive to be used except in a full-scale nuclear war. Potential enemies realize this, thus they do not consider the threat of nuclear retaliation to be credible. However, low-yield nuclear weapons are less destructive, thus might conceivably be used. That would make them more effective as a deterrent.19

    The preferred nuclear weapon to be used against Iran are tactical nuclear weapons (Made in America), namely bunker buster bombs with nuclear warheads (for example, B61-11), with an explosive capacity between one third to six times a Hiroshima bomb.

    The B61-11 is the “nuclear version” of the “conventional” BLU 113. or Guided Bomb Unit GBU-28. It can be delivered in much same way as the conventional bunker buster bomb.20 While the U.S. does not contemplate the use of strategic thermonuclear weapons against Iran, Israel’s nuclear arsenal is largely composed of thermonuclear bombs which are deployed and could be used in a war with Iran. Under Israel’s Jericho III missile system with a range between 4,800 km to 6,500 km, all Iran would be within reach.

    Radioactive Fallout

    The issue of radioactive fallout and contamination, while casually dismissed by U.S.-NATO military analysts, would be devastating, potentially affecting a large area of the broader Middle East (including Israel) and Central Asian region.

    In an utterly twisted logic, nuclear weapons are presented as a means to building peace and preventing “collateral damage”. Iran’s nonexistent nuclear weapons are a threat to global security, whereas those of the U.S. and Israel are instruments of peace “harmless to the surrounding civilian population.”

    “The Mother of All Bombs” (MOAB) Slated to be Used against Iran?

    Of military significance within the U.S. conventional weapons arsenal is the 21,500-pound “monster weapon” nicknamed the “mother of all bombs” The GBU-43/B or Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb (MOAB) was categorized “as the most powerful non-nuclear weapon ever designed” with the the largest yield in the U.S. conventional arsenal. The MOAB was tested in early March 2003 before being deployed to the Iraq war theater. According to U.S. military sources, the Joint Chiefs of Staff had advised the government of Saddam Hussein prior to launching the 2003 that the “mother of all bombs” was to be used against Iraq. (There were unconfirmed reports that it had been used in Iraq).

    The U.S. Department of Defense already confirmed in 2009 that it intends to use the “Mother of All Bombs” (MOAB) against Iran. The MOAB is said to be ”ideally suited to hit deeply buried nuclear facilities such as Natanz or Qom in Iran”21. The truth of the matter is that the MOAB, given its explosive capacity, would result in significant civilian casualties. It is a conventional “killing machine” with a nuclear type mushroom cloud.

    The procurement of four MOABs was commissioned in October 2009 at the hefty cost of $58.4 million, ($14.6 million for each bomb). This amount includes the costs of development and testing as well as integration of the MOAB bombs onto B-2 stealth bombers. This procurement is directly linked to war preparations in relation to Iran. The notification was contained in a ninety-three-page “reprograming memo” which included the following instructions:

    “The Department has an Urgent Operational Need (UON) for the capability to strike hard and deeply buried targets in high threat environments. The MOAB [Mother of All Bombs] is the weapon of choice to meet the requirements of the UON [Urgent Operational Need].” It further states that the request is endorsed by Pacific Command (which has responsibility over North Korea) and Central Command (which has responsibility over Iran).23

    The Pentagon is planning on a process of extensive destruction of Iran’s infrastructure and mass civilian casualties through the combined use of tactical nukes and monster conventional mushroom cloud bombs, including the MOAB and the larger GBU-57A/B or Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), which surpasses the MOAB in terms of explosive capacity.

    The MOP is described as “a powerful new bomb aimed squarely at the underground nuclear facilities of Iran and North Korea. The gargantuan bomb–longer than eleven persons standing shoulder-to-shoulder or more than twenty feet base to nose”.24

    These are WMDs in the true sense of the word. The not so hidden objective of the MOAB and MOP, including the American nickname used to casually describe the MOAB (“Mother of all Bombs”), is “mass destruction” and mass civilian casualties with a view to instilling fear and despair.

    State of the Art Weaponry: “War Made Possible Through New Technologies”

    The process of U.S. military decision making in relation to Iran is supported by Star Wars, the militarization of outer space and the revolution in communications and information systems. Given the advances in military technology and the development of new weapons systems, an attack on Iran could be significantly different in terms of the mix of weapons systems, when compared to the March 2003 Blitzkrieg launched against Iraq. The Iran operation is slated to use the most advanced weapons systems in support of its aerial attacks. In all likelihood, new weapons systems will be tested.

    The 2000 Project for the New American Century (PNAC) document entitled Rebuilding American Defenses, outlined the mandate of the U.S. military in terms of large scale theater wars, to be waged simultaneously in different regions of the World: “Fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars”. (See Chapter I)

    This formulation is tantamount to a global war of conquest by a single imperial superpower.

    The PNAC document also called for the transformation of U.S. forces to exploit the “revolution in military affairs”, namely the implementation of “war made possible through new technologies”.25 The latter consists in developing and perfecting a state of the art global killing machine based on an arsenal of sophisticated new weaponry, which would eventually replace the existing paradigms.

    Thus, it can be foreseen that the process of transformation will in fact be a two-stage process: first of transition, then of more thoroughgoing transformation. The breakpoint will come when a preponderance of new weapons systems begins to enter service, perhaps when, for example, unmanned aerial vehicles begin to be as numerous as manned aircraft. In this regard, the Pentagon should be very wary of making large investments in new programs –tanks, planes, aircraft carriers, for example– that would commit U.S. forces to current paradigms of warfare for many decades to come.26

    The war on Iran could indeed mark this crucial break-point, with new space-based weapons systems being applied with a view to disabling an enemy which has significant conventional military capabilities including more than half a million ground forces.

    Electromagnetic Weapons

    Electromagnetic weapons could be used to destabilize Iran’s communications systems, disable electric power generation, undermine and destabilize command and control, government infrastructure, transportation, energy, etc. Within the same family of weapons, environmental modifications techniques (ENMOD) (weather warfare) developed under the HAARP program could also be applied.27 These weapons systems are fully operational. In this context, the U.S. Air Force document AF 2025 explicitly acknowledged the military applications of weather modification technologies:

    Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally. … It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather, improve communications through ionospheric modification (the use of ionospheric mirrors), and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies which can provide substantial increase in U.S., or degraded capability in an adversary, to achieve global awareness, reach, and power.28

    Electromagnetic radiation enabling “remote health impairment” might also be envisaged in the war theater.29 In turn, new uses of biological weapons by the U.S. military might also be envisaged as suggested by the PNAC: “[A]dvanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”30

    Iran’s Military Capabilities: Medium and Long-range Missiles

    Iran has advanced military capabilities, including medium and long-range missiles capable of reaching targets in Israel and the Gulf States. Hence the emphasis by the U.S.-NATO Israel alliance on the use of nuclear weapons, which are slated to be used either pre-emptively or in response to an Iranian retaliatory missile attack.

    In November 2006, Iran tests of surface missiles two were marked by precise planning in a carefully staged operation. According to a senior American missile expert, “the Iranians demonstrated up-to-date missile-launching technology which the West had not known them to possess.”31 Israel acknowledged that “the Shehab-3, whose 2,000-km range brings Israel, the Middle East and Europe within reach”.32

    According to Uzi Rubin, former head of Israel’s anti-ballistic missile program, “the intensity of the military exercise was unprecedented… It was meant to make an impression – and it made an impression.”33

    The 2006 exercises, while creating a political stir in the U.S. and Israel, did not in any way modify U.S.-NATO-Israeli resolve to wage war on Iran.

    Tehran has confirmed in several statements that it will respond if it is attacked. Israel would be the immediate object of Iranian missile attacks as confirmed by the Iranian government. The issue of Israel’s air defense system is therefore crucial. U.S. and allied military facilities in the Gulf states, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Iraq could also be targeted by Iran.

    Iran’s Ground Forces

    While Iran is encircled by U.S. and allied military bases, the Islamic Republic has significant military capabilities. What is important to acknowledge is the sheer size of Iranian forces in terms of personnel (army, navy, air force) when compared to U.S. and NATO forces serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Confronted with a well-organized insurgency, coalition forces are already overstretched in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Would these forces be able to cope if Iranian ground forces were to enter the existing battlefield in Iraq and Afghanistan? The potential of the Resistance movement to U.S. and allied occupation would inevitably be affected.

    Iranian ground forces are of the order of 700,000 of which 130,000 are professional soldiers, 220,000 are conscripts and 350,000 are reservists.34 There are 18,000 personnel in Iran’s Navy and 52,000 in the Air Force. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, “the Revolutionary Guards has an estimated 125,000 personnel in five branches: Its own Navy, Air Force, and Ground Forces; and the Quds Force (Special Forces).”

    According to the CISS, Iran’s Basij paramilitary volunteer force controlled by the Revolu- tionary Guards “has an estimated 90,000 active-duty full-time uniformed members, 300,000 reservists, and a total of 11 million men that can be mobilized if need be”35, In other words, Iran can mobilize up to half a million regular troops and several million militia. Its Quds special forces are already operating inside Iraq.

    U.S. Military and Allied Facilities Surrounding Iran

    For several years now, Iran has been conducting its own war drills and exercises. While its Air Force has weaknesses, its intermediate and long-range missiles are fully operational. Iran’s military is in a state of readiness. Iranian troop concentrations are currently within a few kilometers of the Iraqi and Afghan borders, and within proximity of Kuwait. The Iranian Navy is deployed in the Persian Gulf within proximity of U.S. and allied military facilities in the United Arab Emirates.

    It is worth noting that in response to Iran’s military build-up, the U.S. has been transferring large amounts of weapons to its non-NATO allies in the Persian Gulf including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

    While Iran’s advanced weapons do not measure up to those of the U.S. and NATO, Iranian forces would be in a position to inflict substantial losses to coalition forces in a conventional war theater, on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan. Iranian ground troops and tanks in December 2009 crossed the border into Iraq without being confronted or challenged by allied forces and occupied a disputed territory in the East Maysan oil field.

    Even in the event of an effective Blitzkrieg, which targets Iran’s military facilities, its communications systems etc., through massive aerial bombing, using cruise missiles, conventional bunker buster bombs and tactical nuclear weapons, a war with Iran, once initiated, could eventually lead into a ground war. This is something which U.S. military planners have no doubt contemplated in their simulated war scenarios.

    An operation of this nature would result in significant military and civilian casualties, particularly if nuclear weapons are used.

    Within a scenario of escalation, Iranian troops could cross the border into Iraq and Afghanistan.

    In turn, military escalation using nuclear weapons could lead us into a World War III scenario, extending beyond the Middle-East – Central Asian region.

    In a very real sense, this military project, which has been on the Pentagon’s drawing board for more than ten years, threatens the future of humanity.

    Our focus in this chapter has been on war preparations. The fact that war preparations are in an advanced state of readiness does not imply that these war plans will be carried out.

    The U.S.-NATO-Israel alliance realizes that the enemy has significant capabilities to respond and retaliate. This factor in itself has been crucial in the decision by the U.S. and its allies to postpone an attack on Iran.

    Another crucial factor is the structure of military alliances. Whereas NATO has become a formidable force, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which constitutes an alliance between Russia and China and a number of former Soviet Republics has been significantly weakened.

    The ongoing U.S. military threats directed against China and Russia are intended to weaken the SCO and discourage any form of military action on the part of Iran’s allies in the case of a U.S. NATO Israeli attack.

    Video Interview: Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux

    November 2023 Interview


    1. See Target Iran – Air Strikes, Globalsecurity.org, undated.

    2. William Arkin, Washington Post, April 16, 2006.

    3. Ibid.

    4. New Statesman, February 19, 2007.

    5. Philip Giraldi, Deep Background,The American Conservative August 2005.

    6. U.S.CENTCOM, http://www.milnet.com/milnet/pentagon/centcom/chap1/stratgic.htm#U.S.Policy, link no longer active,

    archived at http://tinyurl.com/37gafu9.

    7. General Wesley Clark, for further details see Chapter I.

    8. See Michel Chossudovsky, Planned U.S.-Israeli Attack on Iran, Global Research, May 1, 2005.

    9. Dick Cheney, quoted from an MSNBC Interview, January 2005.

    10. According to Zbigniew Brzezinski.

    11. Michel Chossudovsky, Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel: Are the U.S. and Israel Planning a Broader Middle East War? Global Research, January 11, 2009.

    12. Defense Talk.com, January 6, 2009.

    13. Quoted in Israel National News, January 9, 2009.

    14. Webster Tarpley, Fidel Castro Warns of Imminent Nuclear War; Admiral Mullen Threatens Iran; U.S.-Israel versus Iran-Hezbollah Confrontation Builds On, Global Research, August 10, 2010.

    15. Michel Chossudovsky, Nuclear War against Iran, Global Research, January 3, 2006.

    16. David Ruppe, Pre-emptive Nuclear War in a State of Readiness: U.S. Command Declares Global Strike Ca- pability, Global Security Newswire, December 2, 2005.

    17. U.S. Nuclear Option on Iran Linked to Israeli Attack Threat – IPS ipsnews.net, April 23, 2010.

    18. Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran – Times Online, January 7, 2007.

    19. Opponents Surprised By Elimination of Nuke Research Funds, Defense News, November 29, 2004.

    20. See Michel Chossudovsky, “Tactical Nuclear Weapons” against Afghanistan?, Global Research, December 5, 2001. See also http://www.thebulletin.org/article_nn.php?art_ofn=jf03norris.

    21. Jonathan Karl, Is the U.S. Preparing to Bomb Iran? ABC News, October 9, 2009.

    22. Ibid.

    23. ABC News, op cit, emphasis added. To consult the reprogramming request (pdf) click here.

    24. See Edwin Black, “Super Bunker-Buster Bombs Fast-Tracked for Possible Use Against Iran and North Korea Nuclear Programs”, Cutting Edge, September 21, 2009.

    25. See Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses Washington DC, September 2000, pdf.

    26. Ibid, emphasis added.

    27. See Michel Chossudovsky, “Owning the Weather” for Military Use, Global Research, September 27, 2004. 28. Air
    Force 2025 Final Report, See also U.S. Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, AF2025

    29. See Mojmir Babacek, Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons:, Global Research, August 6, 2004.

    30. Project for a New American Century, op cit., p. 60.

    31. See Michel Chossudovsky, Iran’s “Power of Deterrence” Global Research, November 5, 2006.

    32. Debka, November 5, 2006.

    33. www.cnsnews.com November 3, 2006.

    34. See Islamic Republic of Iran Army – Wikipedia.

    Featured image is from The Libertarian Institute

    The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

    Michel Chossudovsky

    The “globalization of war” is a hegemonic project. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The U.S. military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

    ISBN Number: 978-0-9879389-0-9

    Year: 2015
    Pages: 240 Pages
    Price: $9.40

    Click here to order.
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Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 17, 2023, March 10, 2024 Pre-emptive Nuclear War: The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran by Michel Chossudovsky Introduction While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality. The international community has endorsed nuclear war in the name of world peace. “Making the world safer” is the justification for launching a military operation which could potentially result in a nuclear holocaust.” The stockpiling and deployment of advanced weapons systems directed against Iran started in the immediate wake of the 2003 bombing and invasion of Iraq. From the outset, these war plans were led by the U.S. in liaison with NATO and Israel. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration identified Iran and Syria as the next stage of “the road map to war”. U.S. military sources intimated at the time that an aerial attack on Iran could involve a large scale deployment comparable to the U.S. “shock and awe” bombing raids on Iraq in March 2003: American air strikes on Iran would vastly exceed the scope of the 1981 Israeli attack on the Osiraq nuclear center in Iraq, and would more resemble the opening days of the 2003 air campaign against Iraq.1 “Theater Iran Near Term” (TIRANNT) Code named by U.S. military planners as TIRANNT, “Theater Iran Near Term”, simulations of an attack on Iran were initiated in May 2003 “when modelers and intelligence specialists pulled together the data needed for theater-level (meaning large-scale) scenario analysis for Iran.”2 The scenarios identified several thousand targets inside Iran as part of a “Shock and Awe” Blitzkrieg: The analysis, called TIRANNT, for “Theater Iran Near Term,” was coupled with a mock scenario for a Marine Corps invasion and a simulation of the Iranian missile force. U.S. and British planners conducted a Caspian Sea war game around the same time. And Bush directed the U.S. Strategic Command to draw up a global strike war plan for an attack against Iranian weapons of mass destruction. All of this will ultimately feed into a new war plan for “major combat operations” against Iran that military sources confirm now [April 2006] exists in draft form. … Under TIRANNT, Army and U.S. Central Command planners have been examining both near-term and out-year scenarios for war with Iran, including all aspects of a major combat operation, from mobilization and deployment of forces through postwar stability operations after regime change.3 Different “theater scenarios” for an all-out attack on Iran had been contemplated: The U.S. army, navy, air force and marines have all prepared battle plans and spent four years building bases and training for “Operation Iranian Freedom”. Admiral Fallon, the new head of U.S. Central Command, has inherited computerized plans under the name TIRANNT (Theatre Iran Near Term).4 In 2004, drawing upon the initial war scenarios under TIRANNT, Vice President Dick Cheney instructed U.S. Strategic Command (U.S.STRATCOM) to draw up a “contingency plan” of a large scale military operation directed against Iran “to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States” on the presumption that the government in Tehran would be behind the terrorist plot. The plan included the pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear state: The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than four hundred fifty major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program develop- ment sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of ter- rorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing –that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack– but no one is prepared to dam- age his career by posing any objections.5 The Military Road Map: “First Iraq, then Iran” The decision to target Iran under TIRANNT was part of the broader process of military planning and sequencing of military operations. Already under the Clinton administration (1995), U.S. Central Command (U.S.CENTCOM) had formulated “in war theater plans” to invade first Iraq and then Iran. Access to Middle East oil was the stated strategic objective: The broad national security interests and objectives expressed in the President’s National Security Strategy (NSS) and the Chairman’s National Military Strategy (NMS) form the foundation of the United States Central Command’s theater strategy. The NSS directs implementation of a strategy of dual containment of the rogue states of Iraq and Iran as long as those states pose a threat to U.S. interests, to other states in the region, and to their own citizens. Dual containment is designed to maintain the balance of power in the region without depending on either Iraq or Iran. U.S.CENTCOM’s theater strategy is interest-based and threat-focused. The purpose of U.S. engagement, as espoused in the NSS, is to protect the United States’ vital interest in the region – uninterrupted, secure U.S./Allied access to Gulf oil.6 The war on Iran was viewed as part of a succession of military operations. According to (former) NATO Commander General Wesley Clark, the Pentagon’s military road-map consisted of a sequence of countries: [The] Five-year campaign plan [includes]… a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.6 (For further details, see Chapter I) The Role of Israel There has been much debate regarding the role of Israel in initiating an attack against Iran. Israel is part of a military alliance. Tel Aviv is not a prime mover. It does not have a separate and distinct military agenda. Israel is integrated into the “war plan for major combat operations” against Iran formulated in 2006 by U.S. Strategic Command (U.S.STRATCOM). In the context of large scale military operations, an uncoordinated unilateral military action by one coalition partner, namely Israel, is from a military and strategic point almost an impossibility. Israel is a de facto member of NATO. Any action by Israel would require a “green light” from Washington. An attack by Israel could, however, be used as “the trigger mechanism” which would unleash an all-out war against Iran, as well as retaliation by Iran directed against Israel. In this regard, there are indications going back to the Bush administration that Washington had indeed contemplated the option of an initial (U.S. backed) attack by Israel rather than an outright U.S.-led military operation directed against Iran. The Israeli attack –although led in close liaison with the Pentagon and NATO– would have been presented to public opinion as a unilateral decision by Tel Aviv. It would then have been used by Washington to justify, in the eyes of World opinion, a military intervention of the U.S. and NATO with a view to “defending Israel”, rather than attacking Iran. Under existing military cooperation agreements, both the U.S. and NATO would be “obligated” to “defend Israel” against Iran and Syria. It is worth noting, in this regard, that at the outset of Bush’s second term, (former) Vice President Dick Cheney had hinted, in no uncertain terms, that Iran was “right at the top of the list” of the “rogue enemies” of America, and that Israel would, so to speak, “be doing the bombing for us”, without U.S. military involvement and without us putting pressure on them “to do it.”8 According to Cheney: One of the concerns people have is that Israel might do it without being asked. …Given the fact that Iran has a stated policy that their objective is the destruction of Israel, the Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards.9 Commenting the Vice President’s assertion, former National Security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski in an interview on PBS, confirmed with some apprehension, yes: Cheney wants Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to act on America’s behalf and “do it” for us: Iran I think is more ambiguous. And there the issue is certainly not tyranny; it’s nuclear weapons. And the vice president today in a kind of a strange parallel statement to this declaration of freedom hinted that the Israelis may do it and in fact used language which sounds like a justification or even an encouragement for the Israelis to do it.10 What we are dealing with is a process of joint U.S.-NATO-Israel military planning. An operation to bomb Iran has been in the active planning stage since 2004. Officials in the Defense Department, under Bush and Obama, have been working assiduously with their Israeli military and intelligence counterparts, carefully identifying targets inside Iran. In practical military terms, any action by Israel would have to be planned and coordinated at the highest levels of the U.S. led coalition. Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Vice President Dick Cheney discuss a vision of peace for Israel and Palestine as they conduct a press briefing in Jerusalem, Israel, March 19, 2002. Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Vice President Dick Cheney discuss a vision of peace for Israel and Palestine as they conduct a press briefing in Jerusalem, Israel, March 19, 2002. “It is our hope that the current violence and terrorism will be replaced by reconciliation and the rebuilding of mutual trust,” said the Vice President. (Source) An attack by Israel against Iran would also require coordinated U.S.-NATO logistical support, particularly with regard to Israel’s air defense system, which since January 2009 is fully integrated into that of the U.S. and NATO.11 Israel’s X band radar system established in early 2009 with U.S. technical support has “integrate[d] Israel’s missile defenses with the U.S. global missile [Space-based] detection network, which includes satellites, Aegis ships on the Mediterranean, Persian Gulf and Red Sea, and land-based Patriot radars and interceptors.”12 What this means is that Washington ultimately calls the shots. The U.S. rather than Israel controls the air defense system: This is and will remain a U.S. radar system,’ Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said. ‘So this is not something we are giving or selling to the Israelis and it is something that will likely require U.S. personnel on-site to operate.13 The U.S. military oversees Israel’s Air Defense system, which is integrated into the Pentagon’s global system. In other words, Israel cannot launch a war against Iran without Washington’s consent. Hence the importance of the so-called “Green Light” legislation in the U.S. Congress sponsored by the Republican party under House Resolution 1553, which explicitly supported an Israeli attack on Iran: The measure, introduced by Texas Republican Louie Gohmert and 46 of his colleagues, endorses Israel’s use of “all means necessary” against Iran “including the use of military force.” … “We’ve got to get this done. We need to show our support for Israel. We need to quit playing games with this critical ally in such a difficult area”.14 In practice, the proposed legislation serves as a “Green Light” to the White House and the Pentagon rather than to Israel. It constitutes a rubber stamp to a U.S. sponsored war on Iran which uses Israel as a convenient military launch pad. It also serves as a justification to wage war with a view to defending Israel. In this context, Israel could indeed provide the pretext to wage war, in response to alleged Hamas or Hezbollah attacks and/or the triggering of hostilities on the border of Israel with Lebanon. What is crucial to understand is that a minor “incident” could be used as a pretext to spark off a major military operation against Iran. Known to U.S. military planners, Israel (rather than the U.S.A) would be the first target of military retaliation by Iran. Broadly speaking, Israelis would be the victims of the machinations of both Washington and their own government. It is, in this regard, absolutely crucial that Israelis forcefully oppose any action by the Netanyahu government to attack Iran. Global Warfare: The Role of U.S. Strategic Command (U.S.STRATCOM) In January 2005, at the outset of the military deployment and build-up directed against Iran, U.S.STRATCOM was identified as “the lead Combatant Command for integration and synchronization of DoD-wide efforts in combating weapons of mass destruction.”15 What this means is that the coordination of a large scale attack on Iran, including the various scenarios of escalation in and beyond the broader Middle East Central Asian region would be coordinated by U.S.STRATCOM. (See Chapter I). Confirmed by military documents as well as official statements, both the U.S. and Israel contemplate the use of nuclear weapons directed against Iran. In 2006, U.S. Strategic Command (U.S.STRATCOM) announced it had achieved an operational capability for rapidly striking targets around the globe using nuclear or conventional weapons. This announcement was made after the conduct of military simulations pertaining to a U.S. led nuclear attack against a fictional country.16 Continuity in Relation to the Bush-Cheney Era President Obama has largely endorsed the doctrine of pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons formulated by the previous administration. Under the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review, the Obama administration confirmed “that it is reserving the right to use nuclear weapons against Iran” for its non-compliance with U.S. demands regarding its alleged (nonexistent) nuclear weapons program.17 The Obama administration has also intimated that it would use nukes in the case of an Iranian response to an Israeli attack on Iran. Israel has also drawn up its own “secret plans” to bomb Iran with tactical nuclear weapons: Israeli military commanders believe conventional strikes may no longer be enough to annihilate increasingly well-defended enrichment facilities. Several have been built beneath at least 70ft of concrete and rock. However, the nuclear-tipped bunker-busters would be used only if a conventional attack was ruled out and if the United States declined to intervene, senior sources said.18 Obama’s statements on the use of nuclear weapons against Iran and North Korea are consistent with post-9/11 U.S. nuclear weapons doctrine, which allows for the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the conventional war theater. Through a propaganda campaign which has enlisted the support of “authoritative” nuclear scientists, mini-nukes are upheld as an instrument of peace, namely a means to combating “Islamic terrorism” and instating Western style “democracy” in Iran. The low-yield nukes have been cleared for “battlefield use”. They are slated to be used against Iran and Syria in the next stage of America’s “War on Terrorism” alongside conventional weapons: Administration officials argue that low-yield nuclear weapons are needed as a credible deterrent against rogue states. [Iran, Syria, North Korea] Their logic is that existing nuclear weapons are too destructive to be used except in a full-scale nuclear war. Potential enemies realize this, thus they do not consider the threat of nuclear retaliation to be credible. However, low-yield nuclear weapons are less destructive, thus might conceivably be used. That would make them more effective as a deterrent.19 The preferred nuclear weapon to be used against Iran are tactical nuclear weapons (Made in America), namely bunker buster bombs with nuclear warheads (for example, B61-11), with an explosive capacity between one third to six times a Hiroshima bomb. The B61-11 is the “nuclear version” of the “conventional” BLU 113. or Guided Bomb Unit GBU-28. It can be delivered in much same way as the conventional bunker buster bomb.20 While the U.S. does not contemplate the use of strategic thermonuclear weapons against Iran, Israel’s nuclear arsenal is largely composed of thermonuclear bombs which are deployed and could be used in a war with Iran. Under Israel’s Jericho III missile system with a range between 4,800 km to 6,500 km, all Iran would be within reach. Radioactive Fallout The issue of radioactive fallout and contamination, while casually dismissed by U.S.-NATO military analysts, would be devastating, potentially affecting a large area of the broader Middle East (including Israel) and Central Asian region. In an utterly twisted logic, nuclear weapons are presented as a means to building peace and preventing “collateral damage”. Iran’s nonexistent nuclear weapons are a threat to global security, whereas those of the U.S. and Israel are instruments of peace “harmless to the surrounding civilian population.” “The Mother of All Bombs” (MOAB) Slated to be Used against Iran? Of military significance within the U.S. conventional weapons arsenal is the 21,500-pound “monster weapon” nicknamed the “mother of all bombs” The GBU-43/B or Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb (MOAB) was categorized “as the most powerful non-nuclear weapon ever designed” with the the largest yield in the U.S. conventional arsenal. The MOAB was tested in early March 2003 before being deployed to the Iraq war theater. According to U.S. military sources, the Joint Chiefs of Staff had advised the government of Saddam Hussein prior to launching the 2003 that the “mother of all bombs” was to be used against Iraq. (There were unconfirmed reports that it had been used in Iraq). The U.S. Department of Defense already confirmed in 2009 that it intends to use the “Mother of All Bombs” (MOAB) against Iran. The MOAB is said to be ”ideally suited to hit deeply buried nuclear facilities such as Natanz or Qom in Iran”21. The truth of the matter is that the MOAB, given its explosive capacity, would result in significant civilian casualties. It is a conventional “killing machine” with a nuclear type mushroom cloud. The procurement of four MOABs was commissioned in October 2009 at the hefty cost of $58.4 million, ($14.6 million for each bomb). This amount includes the costs of development and testing as well as integration of the MOAB bombs onto B-2 stealth bombers. This procurement is directly linked to war preparations in relation to Iran. The notification was contained in a ninety-three-page “reprograming memo” which included the following instructions: “The Department has an Urgent Operational Need (UON) for the capability to strike hard and deeply buried targets in high threat environments. The MOAB [Mother of All Bombs] is the weapon of choice to meet the requirements of the UON [Urgent Operational Need].” It further states that the request is endorsed by Pacific Command (which has responsibility over North Korea) and Central Command (which has responsibility over Iran).23 The Pentagon is planning on a process of extensive destruction of Iran’s infrastructure and mass civilian casualties through the combined use of tactical nukes and monster conventional mushroom cloud bombs, including the MOAB and the larger GBU-57A/B or Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), which surpasses the MOAB in terms of explosive capacity. The MOP is described as “a powerful new bomb aimed squarely at the underground nuclear facilities of Iran and North Korea. The gargantuan bomb–longer than eleven persons standing shoulder-to-shoulder or more than twenty feet base to nose”.24 These are WMDs in the true sense of the word. The not so hidden objective of the MOAB and MOP, including the American nickname used to casually describe the MOAB (“Mother of all Bombs”), is “mass destruction” and mass civilian casualties with a view to instilling fear and despair. State of the Art Weaponry: “War Made Possible Through New Technologies” The process of U.S. military decision making in relation to Iran is supported by Star Wars, the militarization of outer space and the revolution in communications and information systems. Given the advances in military technology and the development of new weapons systems, an attack on Iran could be significantly different in terms of the mix of weapons systems, when compared to the March 2003 Blitzkrieg launched against Iraq. The Iran operation is slated to use the most advanced weapons systems in support of its aerial attacks. In all likelihood, new weapons systems will be tested. The 2000 Project for the New American Century (PNAC) document entitled Rebuilding American Defenses, outlined the mandate of the U.S. military in terms of large scale theater wars, to be waged simultaneously in different regions of the World: “Fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars”. (See Chapter I) This formulation is tantamount to a global war of conquest by a single imperial superpower. The PNAC document also called for the transformation of U.S. forces to exploit the “revolution in military affairs”, namely the implementation of “war made possible through new technologies”.25 The latter consists in developing and perfecting a state of the art global killing machine based on an arsenal of sophisticated new weaponry, which would eventually replace the existing paradigms. Thus, it can be foreseen that the process of transformation will in fact be a two-stage process: first of transition, then of more thoroughgoing transformation. The breakpoint will come when a preponderance of new weapons systems begins to enter service, perhaps when, for example, unmanned aerial vehicles begin to be as numerous as manned aircraft. In this regard, the Pentagon should be very wary of making large investments in new programs –tanks, planes, aircraft carriers, for example– that would commit U.S. forces to current paradigms of warfare for many decades to come.26 The war on Iran could indeed mark this crucial break-point, with new space-based weapons systems being applied with a view to disabling an enemy which has significant conventional military capabilities including more than half a million ground forces. Electromagnetic Weapons Electromagnetic weapons could be used to destabilize Iran’s communications systems, disable electric power generation, undermine and destabilize command and control, government infrastructure, transportation, energy, etc. Within the same family of weapons, environmental modifications techniques (ENMOD) (weather warfare) developed under the HAARP program could also be applied.27 These weapons systems are fully operational. In this context, the U.S. Air Force document AF 2025 explicitly acknowledged the military applications of weather modification technologies: Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally. … It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, and storms on earth or to modify space weather, improve communications through ionospheric modification (the use of ionospheric mirrors), and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of technologies which can provide substantial increase in U.S., or degraded capability in an adversary, to achieve global awareness, reach, and power.28 Electromagnetic radiation enabling “remote health impairment” might also be envisaged in the war theater.29 In turn, new uses of biological weapons by the U.S. military might also be envisaged as suggested by the PNAC: “[A]dvanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”30 Iran’s Military Capabilities: Medium and Long-range Missiles Iran has advanced military capabilities, including medium and long-range missiles capable of reaching targets in Israel and the Gulf States. Hence the emphasis by the U.S.-NATO Israel alliance on the use of nuclear weapons, which are slated to be used either pre-emptively or in response to an Iranian retaliatory missile attack. In November 2006, Iran tests of surface missiles two were marked by precise planning in a carefully staged operation. According to a senior American missile expert, “the Iranians demonstrated up-to-date missile-launching technology which the West had not known them to possess.”31 Israel acknowledged that “the Shehab-3, whose 2,000-km range brings Israel, the Middle East and Europe within reach”.32 According to Uzi Rubin, former head of Israel’s anti-ballistic missile program, “the intensity of the military exercise was unprecedented… It was meant to make an impression – and it made an impression.”33 The 2006 exercises, while creating a political stir in the U.S. and Israel, did not in any way modify U.S.-NATO-Israeli resolve to wage war on Iran. Tehran has confirmed in several statements that it will respond if it is attacked. Israel would be the immediate object of Iranian missile attacks as confirmed by the Iranian government. The issue of Israel’s air defense system is therefore crucial. U.S. and allied military facilities in the Gulf states, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Iraq could also be targeted by Iran. Iran’s Ground Forces While Iran is encircled by U.S. and allied military bases, the Islamic Republic has significant military capabilities. What is important to acknowledge is the sheer size of Iranian forces in terms of personnel (army, navy, air force) when compared to U.S. and NATO forces serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. Confronted with a well-organized insurgency, coalition forces are already overstretched in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Would these forces be able to cope if Iranian ground forces were to enter the existing battlefield in Iraq and Afghanistan? The potential of the Resistance movement to U.S. and allied occupation would inevitably be affected. Iranian ground forces are of the order of 700,000 of which 130,000 are professional soldiers, 220,000 are conscripts and 350,000 are reservists.34 There are 18,000 personnel in Iran’s Navy and 52,000 in the Air Force. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, “the Revolutionary Guards has an estimated 125,000 personnel in five branches: Its own Navy, Air Force, and Ground Forces; and the Quds Force (Special Forces).” According to the CISS, Iran’s Basij paramilitary volunteer force controlled by the Revolu- tionary Guards “has an estimated 90,000 active-duty full-time uniformed members, 300,000 reservists, and a total of 11 million men that can be mobilized if need be”35, In other words, Iran can mobilize up to half a million regular troops and several million militia. Its Quds special forces are already operating inside Iraq. U.S. Military and Allied Facilities Surrounding Iran For several years now, Iran has been conducting its own war drills and exercises. While its Air Force has weaknesses, its intermediate and long-range missiles are fully operational. Iran’s military is in a state of readiness. Iranian troop concentrations are currently within a few kilometers of the Iraqi and Afghan borders, and within proximity of Kuwait. The Iranian Navy is deployed in the Persian Gulf within proximity of U.S. and allied military facilities in the United Arab Emirates. It is worth noting that in response to Iran’s military build-up, the U.S. has been transferring large amounts of weapons to its non-NATO allies in the Persian Gulf including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. While Iran’s advanced weapons do not measure up to those of the U.S. and NATO, Iranian forces would be in a position to inflict substantial losses to coalition forces in a conventional war theater, on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan. Iranian ground troops and tanks in December 2009 crossed the border into Iraq without being confronted or challenged by allied forces and occupied a disputed territory in the East Maysan oil field. Even in the event of an effective Blitzkrieg, which targets Iran’s military facilities, its communications systems etc., through massive aerial bombing, using cruise missiles, conventional bunker buster bombs and tactical nuclear weapons, a war with Iran, once initiated, could eventually lead into a ground war. This is something which U.S. military planners have no doubt contemplated in their simulated war scenarios. An operation of this nature would result in significant military and civilian casualties, particularly if nuclear weapons are used. Within a scenario of escalation, Iranian troops could cross the border into Iraq and Afghanistan. In turn, military escalation using nuclear weapons could lead us into a World War III scenario, extending beyond the Middle-East – Central Asian region. In a very real sense, this military project, which has been on the Pentagon’s drawing board for more than ten years, threatens the future of humanity. Our focus in this chapter has been on war preparations. The fact that war preparations are in an advanced state of readiness does not imply that these war plans will be carried out. The U.S.-NATO-Israel alliance realizes that the enemy has significant capabilities to respond and retaliate. This factor in itself has been crucial in the decision by the U.S. and its allies to postpone an attack on Iran. Another crucial factor is the structure of military alliances. Whereas NATO has become a formidable force, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which constitutes an alliance between Russia and China and a number of former Soviet Republics has been significantly weakened. The ongoing U.S. military threats directed against China and Russia are intended to weaken the SCO and discourage any form of military action on the part of Iran’s allies in the case of a U.S. NATO Israeli attack. Video Interview: Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux November 2023 Interview Notes 1. See Target Iran – Air Strikes, Globalsecurity.org, undated. 2. William Arkin, Washington Post, April 16, 2006. 3. Ibid. 4. New Statesman, February 19, 2007. 5. Philip Giraldi, Deep Background,The American Conservative August 2005. 6. U.S.CENTCOM, http://www.milnet.com/milnet/pentagon/centcom/chap1/stratgic.htm#U.S.Policy, link no longer active, archived at http://tinyurl.com/37gafu9. 7. General Wesley Clark, for further details see Chapter I. 8. See Michel Chossudovsky, Planned U.S.-Israeli Attack on Iran, Global Research, May 1, 2005. 9. Dick Cheney, quoted from an MSNBC Interview, January 2005. 10. According to Zbigniew Brzezinski. 11. Michel Chossudovsky, Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel: Are the U.S. and Israel Planning a Broader Middle East War? Global Research, January 11, 2009. 12. Defense Talk.com, January 6, 2009. 13. Quoted in Israel National News, January 9, 2009. 14. Webster Tarpley, Fidel Castro Warns of Imminent Nuclear War; Admiral Mullen Threatens Iran; U.S.-Israel versus Iran-Hezbollah Confrontation Builds On, Global Research, August 10, 2010. 15. Michel Chossudovsky, Nuclear War against Iran, Global Research, January 3, 2006. 16. David Ruppe, Pre-emptive Nuclear War in a State of Readiness: U.S. Command Declares Global Strike Ca- pability, Global Security Newswire, December 2, 2005. 17. U.S. Nuclear Option on Iran Linked to Israeli Attack Threat – IPS ipsnews.net, April 23, 2010. 18. Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran – Times Online, January 7, 2007. 19. Opponents Surprised By Elimination of Nuke Research Funds, Defense News, November 29, 2004. 20. See Michel Chossudovsky, “Tactical Nuclear Weapons” against Afghanistan?, Global Research, December 5, 2001. See also http://www.thebulletin.org/article_nn.php?art_ofn=jf03norris. 21. Jonathan Karl, Is the U.S. Preparing to Bomb Iran? ABC News, October 9, 2009. 22. Ibid. 23. ABC News, op cit, emphasis added. To consult the reprogramming request (pdf) click here. 24. See Edwin Black, “Super Bunker-Buster Bombs Fast-Tracked for Possible Use Against Iran and North Korea Nuclear Programs”, Cutting Edge, September 21, 2009. 25. See Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses Washington DC, September 2000, pdf. 26. Ibid, emphasis added. 27. See Michel Chossudovsky, “Owning the Weather” for Military Use, Global Research, September 27, 2004. 28. Air Force 2025 Final Report, See also U.S. Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, AF2025 v3c15-1. 29. See Mojmir Babacek, Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons:, Global Research, August 6, 2004. 30. Project for a New American Century, op cit., p. 60. 31. See Michel Chossudovsky, Iran’s “Power of Deterrence” Global Research, November 5, 2006. 32. Debka, November 5, 2006. 33. www.cnsnews.com November 3, 2006. 34. See Islamic Republic of Iran Army – Wikipedia. Featured image is from The Libertarian Institute The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity Michel Chossudovsky The “globalization of war” is a hegemonic project. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The U.S. military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states. ISBN Number: 978-0-9879389-0-9 Year: 2015 Pages: 240 Pages Price: $9.40 Click here to order. 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  • Moderna is Planning Another COVID Campaign Starting April 2025

    The COVID-19 vaccine industry is in trouble, with Big Pharma players such as Pfizer and Moderna undergoing significant turbulence. The departure of key sales executives further exacerbates the challenges faced by these companies.

    Endpoints News reports: "[Moderna] reaffirmed its focus on driving Covid-19 and soon RSV vaccine sales, though the former’s sales have been challenged by waning demand. Moderna said last month that it expects Covid sales to “hit a low point” in 2024, while Pfizer recently slashed expectations for its Comirnaty shot by $2 billion."

    "Pfizer also announced an executive shake-up on Tuesday. Chief commercial officer and global biopharma president Angela Hwang will depart after 27 years at the pharma giant as the company creates two non-oncology commercial units.

    …the company prepares to launch its RSV vaccine in 2024 and promises to deliver “multiple products per year from 2025 forward.” The company stuck to its full-year 2023 sales guidance of $6 billion to $8 billion on its latest quarterly call, but said the low end is more realistic, also noting a $1.3 billion write-down for “excess and obsolete” Covid product. Executives expect 2024 revenue to be around $4 billion."

    "However, according to my secret sources, it appears that after an anticipated “low point” in 2024, Moderna expects that covid vaccine volume will steeply ramp up again starting in April 2025. According to an insider (don’t ask me how I got this): Moderna is preparing to launch 15 mRNA products in the next 5 years. Up to four of those could come by 2025," revealed Sasha Latypova, a former pharmaceutical industry executive with 25 years experience in various roles. Her clients included Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, AstraZeneca, GSK, and more.

    Full story:

    Join @ShankaraChetty

    Moderna is planning another covid campaign starting April 2025.
    Employees are asked to donate blood for experiments in exchange for $75 gift cards.

    Sasha Latypova
    According to Endpoints News, covid vax business is in trouble - both Pfizer and Moderna are tanking, and heads of sales have departed:

    [Moderna] reaffirmed its focus on driving Covid-19 and soon RSV vaccine sales, though the former’s sales have been challenged by waning demand. Moderna said last month that it expects Covid sales to “hit a low point” in 2024, while Pfizer recently slashed expectations for its Comirnaty shot by $2 billion.

    Pfizer also announced an executive shake-up on Tuesday. Chief commercial officer and global biopharma president Angela Hwang will depart after 27 years at the pharma giant as the company creates two non-oncology commercial units.

    …the company prepares to launch its RSV vaccine in 2024 and promises to deliver “multiple products per year from 2025 forward.” The company stuck to its full-year 2023 sales guidance of $6 billion to $8 billion on its latest quarterly call, but said the low end is more realistic, also noting a $1.3 billion write-down for “excess and obsolete” Covid product. Executives expect 2024 revenue to be around $4 billion.

    However, according to my secret sources, it appears that after an anticipated “low point” in 2024, Moderna expects that covid vaccine volume will steeply ramp up again starting in April 2025.

    According to an insider (don’t ask me how I got this):

    Moderna is preparing to launch 15 mRNA products in the next 5 years. Up to four of those could come by 2025.

    Review of Moderna’s publicly available full of shit R&D pipeline indicates that indeed, there are 4-5 different mRNA vaxxes for flu in late stages of development, another one for RSV, then different combos of flu-Covid+RSV, etc.

    Also, looks like gene therapies have been renamed into “intracellular therapeutics”. Gosh, all that attention to gene hacking is not great for PR! They still sport old failures like the CMV and zika vaxxes, on their pipeline, including the gene therapy (ahem, intracellular therapeutic) for Crigler-Najar syndrome which conclusively failed around 2012, that’s eons ago! They are claiming they gave it away for free to something called The Institute for Life Changing Medicines. It’s life changing, for sure… the founder of this Institute, Tachi Yamada “passed away unexpectedly” in August 2021. I wonder what was the cause of death? He looked not old and quite healthy… Maybe he partook in the intracellular miracles?

    More from my secret Moderna source:

    There is an email today asking for employees to donate blood to develop assays that will be used to generate key data in their clinical trials. They are offering $75 gift cards.

    Starting April of 2025 the covid campaign [is expected to] kick off, [therefore] by April of 2024 they will be in full covid vax production.

    I find it odd this year [2023] there was no covid vax production, boosters etc were basically left over from the original product runs.

    I am going to speculate here about this interesting timing:

    2024 is an election year! Biden (or a suitable puppet substitute) needs to be installed/reinstalled, and therefore the government’s covid boot should be off our necks since it is associated too much with the current regime. The authorized “freedom” narrative goes like this: Mistakes were made, dolts botched shit, replace those dolts with some other dolts, do some listening sessions to pretend public pushback had some impact. Do some bombshell interviews on Tucker Carlson’s show, where literal truth bombs like “Pfizer lied!!” “FDA didn’t do its job!” and “WHO bad!” are allowed to be dropped. Blame Pfizer for everything! (don’t mention Moderna too often, best - not at all). Even allow somebody to sue Pfizer! Blame the corporate greed, the greedy capitalists, corporations and stuff. Note: the federal government is not at fault, they are saintly incompetent people prone to making many mistakes. They are sincerely stupid, and just can’t see the data! Ask them to look at the VAERS data one more time…

    There is non-zero probability that Pfizer production may be shut down at some point: maybe FDA will “find” manufacturing violations, or maybe AG Paxton will miraculously prevail in his lawsuit in TX for false advertising, maybe investigation by Ron DeSantis will miraculously turn out not to be a fake political stunt - there are several potential scenarios how this will unfold. Note, this post was written and scheduled several weeks ago. Late breaking news: Ron DeSantis’s grand jury is a political stunt and a total joke. In any case, Moderna might become the “exclusive” manufacturer of Poison-19, just like Emergent Biosolutions is exclusive for the anthrax poisoning-of-the-troops elixir. Hence, planning ramped up volumes in 2025.

    Since Moderna is a DOD/DARPA/CDC/CIA company, this should tell us that the government are planning another bunch of false flags, fear mongering and generation of “sentinel cases” (cruise ships, Navy ships, subways, large events, other crowded places) for some “new mutated covid variant” in 2025. Or they are simply expecting the VAIDS to ramp up by 2025. Or all/combinations of the above.

    It should be noted that Moderna doesn’t really make their product, it is made for them by the DOD/CIA’s baby Resilience - a biomanufacturing behemoth, funded and controlled by the federal government. Resilience goes by several names (aka Nanotherapeutics, Ology and a few others), and has many strong links to the CIA and Inqtel (CIA’s “venture fund”). Here is a well made 7 min analysis, click on the link:


    Here is my prediction for the dominant narratives in regard to this for the elections year - R vs D affiliations do not matter. Only the candidates that are beholden to the Pandemic Preparedness Cult (here, here, here) will be allowed to proceed to the actual ticket. So that the DOD/CIA control them no matter what the outcome of the elections. It is crucial for the DOD/CIA to continue making poison, pumping poison and profit from it. Thus, be prepared for your favorite candidate to endorse the idea of pandemics and outbreaks of dangerous pathogens, the idea that the government must “protect” us from these dangers, the stories of dolts botching shit, pointing of fingers at their opponent who was “pro-lockdown and masking”, promises to replace dolts with some other better dolts, even promises to get Pfizer and their corporate greed “brought to justice”, sort of. But do not expect any of your favorite candidates to point at the root cause of the millions of dead and injured - the federal government and its goon agents who built the illegal-legal cage where genocide is completely legal, or at a minimum, impossible to prosecute. That’s because the goal of your favorite political candidate is to align with the interests of that awesome federal government power pyramid in order to be hired as its next sock puppet, not to upset or reform it.

    Art for today: Hydrangea and Sake Bottle, oil on panel, 14x18 in.


    🚨 Moderna is Planning Another COVID Campaign Starting April 2025 💉The COVID-19 vaccine industry is in trouble, with Big Pharma players such as Pfizer and Moderna undergoing significant turbulence. The departure of key sales executives further exacerbates the challenges faced by these companies. Endpoints News reports: "[Moderna] reaffirmed its focus on driving Covid-19 and soon RSV vaccine sales, though the former’s sales have been challenged by waning demand. Moderna said last month that it expects Covid sales to “hit a low point” in 2024, while Pfizer recently slashed expectations for its Comirnaty shot by $2 billion." "Pfizer also announced an executive shake-up on Tuesday. Chief commercial officer and global biopharma president Angela Hwang will depart after 27 years at the pharma giant as the company creates two non-oncology commercial units. …the company prepares to launch its RSV vaccine in 2024 and promises to deliver “multiple products per year from 2025 forward.” The company stuck to its full-year 2023 sales guidance of $6 billion to $8 billion on its latest quarterly call, but said the low end is more realistic, also noting a $1.3 billion write-down for “excess and obsolete” Covid product. Executives expect 2024 revenue to be around $4 billion." "However, according to my secret sources, it appears that after an anticipated “low point” in 2024, Moderna expects that covid vaccine volume will steeply ramp up again starting in April 2025. According to an insider (don’t ask me how I got this): Moderna is preparing to launch 15 mRNA products in the next 5 years. Up to four of those could come by 2025," revealed Sasha Latypova, a former pharmaceutical industry executive with 25 years experience in various roles. Her clients included Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, AstraZeneca, GSK, and more. Full story: 👇 https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/future-outlook-moderna-is-planning Join ➡️ @ShankaraChetty Moderna is planning another covid campaign starting April 2025. Employees are asked to donate blood for experiments in exchange for $75 gift cards. Sasha Latypova According to Endpoints News, covid vax business is in trouble - both Pfizer and Moderna are tanking, and heads of sales have departed: [Moderna] reaffirmed its focus on driving Covid-19 and soon RSV vaccine sales, though the former’s sales have been challenged by waning demand. Moderna said last month that it expects Covid sales to “hit a low point” in 2024, while Pfizer recently slashed expectations for its Comirnaty shot by $2 billion. Pfizer also announced an executive shake-up on Tuesday. Chief commercial officer and global biopharma president Angela Hwang will depart after 27 years at the pharma giant as the company creates two non-oncology commercial units. …the company prepares to launch its RSV vaccine in 2024 and promises to deliver “multiple products per year from 2025 forward.” The company stuck to its full-year 2023 sales guidance of $6 billion to $8 billion on its latest quarterly call, but said the low end is more realistic, also noting a $1.3 billion write-down for “excess and obsolete” Covid product. Executives expect 2024 revenue to be around $4 billion. However, according to my secret sources, it appears that after an anticipated “low point” in 2024, Moderna expects that covid vaccine volume will steeply ramp up again starting in April 2025. According to an insider (don’t ask me how I got this): Moderna is preparing to launch 15 mRNA products in the next 5 years. Up to four of those could come by 2025. Review of Moderna’s publicly available full of shit R&D pipeline indicates that indeed, there are 4-5 different mRNA vaxxes for flu in late stages of development, another one for RSV, then different combos of flu-Covid+RSV, etc. Also, looks like gene therapies have been renamed into “intracellular therapeutics”. Gosh, all that attention to gene hacking is not great for PR! They still sport old failures like the CMV and zika vaxxes, on their pipeline, including the gene therapy (ahem, intracellular therapeutic) for Crigler-Najar syndrome which conclusively failed around 2012, that’s eons ago! They are claiming they gave it away for free to something called The Institute for Life Changing Medicines. It’s life changing, for sure… the founder of this Institute, Tachi Yamada “passed away unexpectedly” in August 2021. I wonder what was the cause of death? He looked not old and quite healthy… Maybe he partook in the intracellular miracles? More from my secret Moderna source: There is an email today asking for employees to donate blood to develop assays that will be used to generate key data in their clinical trials. They are offering $75 gift cards. Starting April of 2025 the covid campaign [is expected to] kick off, [therefore] by April of 2024 they will be in full covid vax production. I find it odd this year [2023] there was no covid vax production, boosters etc were basically left over from the original product runs. I am going to speculate here about this interesting timing: 2024 is an election year! Biden (or a suitable puppet substitute) needs to be installed/reinstalled, and therefore the government’s covid boot should be off our necks since it is associated too much with the current regime. The authorized “freedom” narrative goes like this: Mistakes were made, dolts botched shit, replace those dolts with some other dolts, do some listening sessions to pretend public pushback had some impact. Do some bombshell interviews on Tucker Carlson’s show, where literal truth bombs like “Pfizer lied!!” “FDA didn’t do its job!” and “WHO bad!” are allowed to be dropped. Blame Pfizer for everything! (don’t mention Moderna too often, best - not at all). Even allow somebody to sue Pfizer! Blame the corporate greed, the greedy capitalists, corporations and stuff. Note: the federal government is not at fault, they are saintly incompetent people prone to making many mistakes. They are sincerely stupid, and just can’t see the data! Ask them to look at the VAERS data one more time… There is non-zero probability that Pfizer production may be shut down at some point: maybe FDA will “find” manufacturing violations, or maybe AG Paxton will miraculously prevail in his lawsuit in TX for false advertising, maybe investigation by Ron DeSantis will miraculously turn out not to be a fake political stunt - there are several potential scenarios how this will unfold. Note, this post was written and scheduled several weeks ago. Late breaking news: Ron DeSantis’s grand jury is a political stunt and a total joke. In any case, Moderna might become the “exclusive” manufacturer of Poison-19, just like Emergent Biosolutions is exclusive for the anthrax poisoning-of-the-troops elixir. Hence, planning ramped up volumes in 2025. Since Moderna is a DOD/DARPA/CDC/CIA company, this should tell us that the government are planning another bunch of false flags, fear mongering and generation of “sentinel cases” (cruise ships, Navy ships, subways, large events, other crowded places) for some “new mutated covid variant” in 2025. Or they are simply expecting the VAIDS to ramp up by 2025. Or all/combinations of the above. It should be noted that Moderna doesn’t really make their product, it is made for them by the DOD/CIA’s baby Resilience - a biomanufacturing behemoth, funded and controlled by the federal government. Resilience goes by several names (aka Nanotherapeutics, Ology and a few others), and has many strong links to the CIA and Inqtel (CIA’s “venture fund”). Here is a well made 7 min analysis, click on the link: https://twitter.com/Cancelcloco/status/1735421884395860246 Here is my prediction for the dominant narratives in regard to this for the elections year - R vs D affiliations do not matter. Only the candidates that are beholden to the Pandemic Preparedness Cult (here, here, here) will be allowed to proceed to the actual ticket. So that the DOD/CIA control them no matter what the outcome of the elections. It is crucial for the DOD/CIA to continue making poison, pumping poison and profit from it. Thus, be prepared for your favorite candidate to endorse the idea of pandemics and outbreaks of dangerous pathogens, the idea that the government must “protect” us from these dangers, the stories of dolts botching shit, pointing of fingers at their opponent who was “pro-lockdown and masking”, promises to replace dolts with some other better dolts, even promises to get Pfizer and their corporate greed “brought to justice”, sort of. But do not expect any of your favorite candidates to point at the root cause of the millions of dead and injured - the federal government and its goon agents who built the illegal-legal cage where genocide is completely legal, or at a minimum, impossible to prosecute. That’s because the goal of your favorite political candidate is to align with the interests of that awesome federal government power pyramid in order to be hired as its next sock puppet, not to upset or reform it. Art for today: Hydrangea and Sake Bottle, oil on panel, 14x18 in. https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/moderna-is-planning-another-covid.html
    Moderna is planning another covid campaign starting April 2025.
    Employees are asked to donate blood for experiments in exchange for $75 gift cards.
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  • ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 121: Israel kills more than 1,000 Palestinians since ICJ ruling; U.S. bombs Yemen
    Israeli forces bomb Rafah, where thousands of Palestinians are displaced in shelters near the Egyptian border, as an Israeli minister wishes to “encourage voluntary emigration” from Gaza. In West Bank, settlers attack Palestinian villages.

    Mustafa Abu SneinehFebruary 4, 2024
    An injured child gets treatment at Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip
    Injured Palestinians, including children, are brought to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital for treatment following the Israeli attacks in Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza on February 04, 2024. (Omar Ashtawy/apaimages)

    27,365+ killed* and at least 66,630 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
    380+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
    Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147.
    562 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.**
    *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on Telegram channel. Some rights groups put the death toll number at more than 35,000 when accounting for those presumed dead.

    ** This figure is released by the Israeli military.

    Key Developments

    Israeli far-right National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, says his plan is to “encourage Gazans to voluntarily emigrate to places around the world” by offering them cash incentives.
    Ben-Gvir says he looks forward to Donald Trump’s return to the Oval Office; believes that Tump will give Israel free hand in Gaza, while President Joe Biden is “hampering Israel’s war effort”.
    Israeli forces bomb kindergarten housing hundreds of displaced Palestinian in Al-Salam neighborhood, east of Rafah, which borders Egypt.
    Israeli forces lay siege for day six over Al-Shifa Hospital in north Gaza, preventing people from accessing the facility.
    Israeli airstrikes bomb two inhabited houses in Rafah and kill at least 26 Palestinians.
    Hamas military wing, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, releases video of attack in Al-Maghazi that killed 21 Israeli soldiers last month.
    Hamas also releases video of its fighters shooting an Israeli command officer in Gaza City; fighters firing direct and close hit on D9 Bulldozer in Khan Yunis.
    US and UK bomb 48 targets of Yemeni Armed Forces, led by the Ansar Allah group (unofficially known also as “Houthis”).
    Yemeni Armed Forces spokesperson says: “These attacks will not deter us from our moral, religious, and humanitarian stance in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and will not pass without response and punishment.”
    Israeli authorities and forces kill five Palestinians, demolish 22 properties, detain 163 people, and put 13 under house arrest in occupied Jerusalem in January, according to the Al-Quds Governate report.
    Israeli minister wants to ‘encourage Gazans to voluntarily emigrate’

    Israel has killed more than 1,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip since the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling last week, ordering Tel Aviv to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza.


    Watch now: SUSAN ABULHAWA and FRANCESCA ALBANESE on Witnessing Palestine with Frank Barat
    The Israeli forces have not ceased to bomb the Gaza Strip since October, except for a temporary pause in November to allow for the exchange of captives.

    Gaza’s Ministry of Health said on Sunday morning that Israel killed 127 Palestinians and injured 178 others, committing 14 massacres in the past 24 hours.

    The number of Palestinians killed in the Israeli aggression on Gaza now stands at 27,365 martyrs, and 66,630 were injured since October.

    Meanwhile, some Israeli government ministers and Knesset members are making it clear that their wish is to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza.

    The far-right National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, told the Wall Street Journal that his plan is to “encourage Gazans to voluntarily emigrate to places around the world” by offering them cash incentives.

    Ben-Gvir’s position aligns with the Religious Zionism political alliance, one of the core blocs that makes up Netanyahu’s government. Last week, members of Religious Zionism held a conference in occupied Jerusalem, dubbed “Return to Gaza Conference”, in which they called for building 21 Israeli settlements on top of recently destroyed Palestinian neighbourhoods.

    Ben-Gvir is also looking forward to the day Donald Trump would sit in the Oval Office, believing that he will give Israel a free hand in Gaza, while President Joe Biden is “hampering Israel’s war effort”.

    Ben-Gvir made these statements despite the fact that the Biden administration has stood firmly behind Israel since October 7, authorizing the sale of thousands of munition rounds, rejecting calls for a ceasefire, and supporting Tel Aviv diplomatically and in the UN Security Council.

    The U.S. also called Hamas to free all the Israelis captured during the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood cross-fence attack on October 7. However, Hamas had refused these calls before an agreement on a permanent ceasefire is reached.

    Currently, Hamas is still deliberating over a proposed truce for 45 days and the release of 35 Israeli captives in return for the freeing of thousands of Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails. The deal is yet to be confirmed.

    But releasing Israeli captives is not a top agenda item for some Israeli politicians. Amichai Elhaho, the Israeli Minister of Heritage, who called for nuking Gaza, pleaded to Israelis who protested against Netanyahu to release hostages, to think outside the box.

    “We must get out of mental stagnation that the deal is the only way to free the hostages,” Elhaho told army radio on Sunday. “The Jewish morality does not hold us fully responsible for the release of the captives,” he added.

    Israeli forces bomb kindergarten sheltering Palestinians in Rafah

    Overnight, Israeli forces bombed a kindergarten housing hundreds of displaced Palestinian in Al-Salam neighborhood, east of Rafah, the southern city which borders Egypt.

    Wafa news agency reported that two girls were killed in the Israeli airstrike and dozens injured. Another Israeli airstrike on an apartment in Hassan Salama Tower in Al-Geneina neighbourhood, east of Rafah, killed a child and wounded two others.

    An Israeli airstrike on the house of the Abu Safar family killed seven Palestinians, including children, in the Al-Hakar area in Deir Al-Balah city, in central Gaza. Wafa also reported that several Israeli airstrikes and artillery shelling were launched on Khan Yunis overnight.

    An airstrike on the house of Masran family in Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza injured several Palestinians as Israeli forces continued to bomb north Gaza neighbourhoods, killing at least eight Palestinians in an airstrike on the Al-Rimal area.

    Wafa reported that in north Gaza, medical teams transferred the bodies and the injured to the Kamal Adwan Hospital, while for the sixth day in a row, Israeli forces are laying siege over the Al-Shifa Hospital, preventing people from accessing the facility.

    Last week, Israeli tanks approaching the Al-Shifa Hospital and Al-Rimal neighborhood, forced thousands of Palestinians to flee in panic and fear to the eastern areas of Gaza City. Despite being one of the first hospitals attacked by the Israeli military in its ground offensive campaign, Al-Shifa is one of the few remaining hospitals that are still partially operating in Gaza.

    In Rafah, Israeli airstrikes on two inhabited houses killed at least 26 Palestinians, according to Wafa, and injured dozens. Rafah, the southernmost district of the Gaza Strip, has seen the influx of nearly half of Gaza’s 2 million residents, who were forcibly displaced by Israeli forces. Thousands of Palestinian families are living in tents in Rafah and lack sufficient food, fresh water and heating sources.

    In the past weeks, Israel has been mulling a plan to invade the Philadelphia Axis, a zone which separates the Gaza Strip from Egypt.

    Palestinians are concerned that Israel will use the military operation in the area to push thousands of people out to the Sinai Peninsula under the threat of bombardment and airstrikes. Israel claims that the border area is still a breathing lung for Hamas fighters and has tunnels running underneath it.

    Hamas releases video of attack that killed 21 Israeli soldiers

    Hamas’ military wing, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, released a video of the attack that killed 21 Israeli soldiers last month.

    The attack was the heaviest combat loss the Israeli military has suffered since December, when eight soldiers from the Golani Brigade were killed in Al-Shuja’iya refugee camp, east of Gaza City.

    Since October, at least 562 Israeli soldiers have been killed in the Gaza Strip or during armed clashes with Palestinian fighters, according to the Israeli military. The 562 identified soldiers are, according to the military’s website, the soldiers whose names “were allowed to be published.”

    In the video released by Hamas, fighters fired a 105mm Al-Yaseen anti-tank shell on a two-story building in Al-Maghazi in central Gaza, while another one fired another Al-Yaseen on an Israeli tank, followed by detonating a minefield.

    The Israeli force were preparing mines and explosives to demolish a building 600 meters away from Kissufim, an Israel kibbutz to the east of the Gaza Strip’s fence.

    The Israeli military said one of Hamas’s anti-tank grenades hit the explosives and mines being set up by the Israeli unit inside the building, which led to a massive explosion, killing the 21 soldiers and the collapse of the building, Haaretz reported.

    Since December, the Israeli military demolished several houses and residential buildings along the Gaza fence in a bid to create a “buffer zone” and further push Palestinian neighborhoods to the west away from Israeli towns.

    Hamas also released a video of shooting an Israeli command officer west of Gaza City, with a sniper fire, while in Khan Yunis, it attacked several Israeli tanks and military vehicles, including the D9 Bulldozer with a direct and close hit, while it was destroying Palestinian homes.

    U.S. and U.K. bomb dozens of targets in Yemen

    Overnight, the U.S. and U.K. said that they bombed 48 targets of the Yemeni Armed Forces, led by Ansar Allah group (unofficially known also as “Houthis”).

    These strikes are the second to be carried out by the US in the region in less than 24 hours, following more than 80 strikes in Iraq and Syria.

    Ansar Allah spokesperson said that the US and UK launched 13 airstrikes on Sana’a, nine on Hodeidah on the Red Sea, 11 raids on Taiz, seven on Al-Bayda town, while it struck one target in Saada and seven in Hajjah.

    “These attacks will not deter us from our moral, religious, and humanitarian stance in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and will not pass without response and punishment,” he added.

    Yemen’s Ansar Allah vowed to target any Israel-bound or Israeli-owned ships in Bab Al-Mandab Strait as long as Israeli aggression continues on the Gaza Strip. It added the U.S. and U.K. to the list of targeted ships following a joint U.S.-U.K. airstrikes on Yemen early in January.

    The U.S. Central Command (Centcom) wrote on X platform that it targeted Ansar Allah’s “multiple underground storage facilities, command and control, missile systems, UAV storage and operations sites, radars, and helicopters.”

    On Sunday morning, Centcom said that it shot down an anti-ship cruise missile launched from Yemen against its forces in the Red Sea.

    The U.S. strikes in Yemen, Iraq and Syria are endangering a full-blown war in the region.

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said on Sunday that U.S. attacks are “in clear contradiction with the repeated claims of Washington and London that they do not want the expansion of war and conflict in the region.”

    Kanaani accused the U.S. and U.K. of “fuelling chaos, disorder, insecurity and instability” by supporting the Israeli war on Gaza.

    Israeli settlers rampage Palestinian villages in West Bank

    Israeli forces arrested a total of 6,512 Palestinians from the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem since October, some of them were released later, according to the Commission for Ex-Prisoners’ Affairs and the Prisoners’ Club.

    In occupied Jerusalem, Israel killed five Palestinians since January, demolished 22 properties, detained 163 people, and put 13 under house arrest, according to a comprehensive report by Al-Quds Governate affiliated with the Palestinian Authority (PA).

    A total of 3,405 Israeli settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in the old city of Jerusalem in January.

    In the past 24 hours, Israeli forces raided several Palestinian towns, including Husan, Anabta, Khirbet Tuba, Jericho and Ein Al-Sultan refugee camp, Nablus and Balata refugee camp, Deir Jreer and the Jalazon refugee camp.

    In Ain al-Auja, north of Jericho, Israeli settlers stole ten sheep from a Palestinian Bedouin community, according to Wafa.

    Wafa also reported that Israeli settlers stormed Farasin village, south of Jenin, and vandalized security cameras of shops a poultry farm in the village, and tore down greenhouses.

    The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee said in January, Israeli settlers, protected by soldiers on most occasions, launched 1,593 attacks against Palestinian towns and properties.

    BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever.

    Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses.

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    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 121: Israel kills more than 1,000 Palestinians since ICJ ruling; U.S. bombs Yemen Israeli forces bomb Rafah, where thousands of Palestinians are displaced in shelters near the Egyptian border, as an Israeli minister wishes to “encourage voluntary emigration” from Gaza. In West Bank, settlers attack Palestinian villages. Mustafa Abu SneinehFebruary 4, 2024 An injured child gets treatment at Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip Injured Palestinians, including children, are brought to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital for treatment following the Israeli attacks in Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza on February 04, 2024. (Omar Ashtawy/apaimages) Casualties 27,365+ killed* and at least 66,630 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 380+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147. 562 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.** *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on Telegram channel. Some rights groups put the death toll number at more than 35,000 when accounting for those presumed dead. ** This figure is released by the Israeli military. Key Developments Israeli far-right National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, says his plan is to “encourage Gazans to voluntarily emigrate to places around the world” by offering them cash incentives. Ben-Gvir says he looks forward to Donald Trump’s return to the Oval Office; believes that Tump will give Israel free hand in Gaza, while President Joe Biden is “hampering Israel’s war effort”. Israeli forces bomb kindergarten housing hundreds of displaced Palestinian in Al-Salam neighborhood, east of Rafah, which borders Egypt. Israeli forces lay siege for day six over Al-Shifa Hospital in north Gaza, preventing people from accessing the facility. Israeli airstrikes bomb two inhabited houses in Rafah and kill at least 26 Palestinians. Hamas military wing, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, releases video of attack in Al-Maghazi that killed 21 Israeli soldiers last month. Hamas also releases video of its fighters shooting an Israeli command officer in Gaza City; fighters firing direct and close hit on D9 Bulldozer in Khan Yunis. US and UK bomb 48 targets of Yemeni Armed Forces, led by the Ansar Allah group (unofficially known also as “Houthis”). Yemeni Armed Forces spokesperson says: “These attacks will not deter us from our moral, religious, and humanitarian stance in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and will not pass without response and punishment.” Israeli authorities and forces kill five Palestinians, demolish 22 properties, detain 163 people, and put 13 under house arrest in occupied Jerusalem in January, according to the Al-Quds Governate report. Israeli minister wants to ‘encourage Gazans to voluntarily emigrate’ Israel has killed more than 1,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip since the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling last week, ordering Tel Aviv to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza. Advertisement Watch now: SUSAN ABULHAWA and FRANCESCA ALBANESE on Witnessing Palestine with Frank Barat The Israeli forces have not ceased to bomb the Gaza Strip since October, except for a temporary pause in November to allow for the exchange of captives. Gaza’s Ministry of Health said on Sunday morning that Israel killed 127 Palestinians and injured 178 others, committing 14 massacres in the past 24 hours. The number of Palestinians killed in the Israeli aggression on Gaza now stands at 27,365 martyrs, and 66,630 were injured since October. Meanwhile, some Israeli government ministers and Knesset members are making it clear that their wish is to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza. The far-right National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, told the Wall Street Journal that his plan is to “encourage Gazans to voluntarily emigrate to places around the world” by offering them cash incentives. Ben-Gvir’s position aligns with the Religious Zionism political alliance, one of the core blocs that makes up Netanyahu’s government. Last week, members of Religious Zionism held a conference in occupied Jerusalem, dubbed “Return to Gaza Conference”, in which they called for building 21 Israeli settlements on top of recently destroyed Palestinian neighbourhoods. Ben-Gvir is also looking forward to the day Donald Trump would sit in the Oval Office, believing that he will give Israel a free hand in Gaza, while President Joe Biden is “hampering Israel’s war effort”. Ben-Gvir made these statements despite the fact that the Biden administration has stood firmly behind Israel since October 7, authorizing the sale of thousands of munition rounds, rejecting calls for a ceasefire, and supporting Tel Aviv diplomatically and in the UN Security Council. The U.S. also called Hamas to free all the Israelis captured during the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood cross-fence attack on October 7. However, Hamas had refused these calls before an agreement on a permanent ceasefire is reached. Currently, Hamas is still deliberating over a proposed truce for 45 days and the release of 35 Israeli captives in return for the freeing of thousands of Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails. The deal is yet to be confirmed. But releasing Israeli captives is not a top agenda item for some Israeli politicians. Amichai Elhaho, the Israeli Minister of Heritage, who called for nuking Gaza, pleaded to Israelis who protested against Netanyahu to release hostages, to think outside the box. “We must get out of mental stagnation that the deal is the only way to free the hostages,” Elhaho told army radio on Sunday. “The Jewish morality does not hold us fully responsible for the release of the captives,” he added. Israeli forces bomb kindergarten sheltering Palestinians in Rafah Overnight, Israeli forces bombed a kindergarten housing hundreds of displaced Palestinian in Al-Salam neighborhood, east of Rafah, the southern city which borders Egypt. Wafa news agency reported that two girls were killed in the Israeli airstrike and dozens injured. Another Israeli airstrike on an apartment in Hassan Salama Tower in Al-Geneina neighbourhood, east of Rafah, killed a child and wounded two others. An Israeli airstrike on the house of the Abu Safar family killed seven Palestinians, including children, in the Al-Hakar area in Deir Al-Balah city, in central Gaza. Wafa also reported that several Israeli airstrikes and artillery shelling were launched on Khan Yunis overnight. An airstrike on the house of Masran family in Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza injured several Palestinians as Israeli forces continued to bomb north Gaza neighbourhoods, killing at least eight Palestinians in an airstrike on the Al-Rimal area. Wafa reported that in north Gaza, medical teams transferred the bodies and the injured to the Kamal Adwan Hospital, while for the sixth day in a row, Israeli forces are laying siege over the Al-Shifa Hospital, preventing people from accessing the facility. Last week, Israeli tanks approaching the Al-Shifa Hospital and Al-Rimal neighborhood, forced thousands of Palestinians to flee in panic and fear to the eastern areas of Gaza City. Despite being one of the first hospitals attacked by the Israeli military in its ground offensive campaign, Al-Shifa is one of the few remaining hospitals that are still partially operating in Gaza. In Rafah, Israeli airstrikes on two inhabited houses killed at least 26 Palestinians, according to Wafa, and injured dozens. Rafah, the southernmost district of the Gaza Strip, has seen the influx of nearly half of Gaza’s 2 million residents, who were forcibly displaced by Israeli forces. Thousands of Palestinian families are living in tents in Rafah and lack sufficient food, fresh water and heating sources. In the past weeks, Israel has been mulling a plan to invade the Philadelphia Axis, a zone which separates the Gaza Strip from Egypt. Palestinians are concerned that Israel will use the military operation in the area to push thousands of people out to the Sinai Peninsula under the threat of bombardment and airstrikes. Israel claims that the border area is still a breathing lung for Hamas fighters and has tunnels running underneath it. Hamas releases video of attack that killed 21 Israeli soldiers Hamas’ military wing, Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, released a video of the attack that killed 21 Israeli soldiers last month. The attack was the heaviest combat loss the Israeli military has suffered since December, when eight soldiers from the Golani Brigade were killed in Al-Shuja’iya refugee camp, east of Gaza City. Since October, at least 562 Israeli soldiers have been killed in the Gaza Strip or during armed clashes with Palestinian fighters, according to the Israeli military. The 562 identified soldiers are, according to the military’s website, the soldiers whose names “were allowed to be published.” In the video released by Hamas, fighters fired a 105mm Al-Yaseen anti-tank shell on a two-story building in Al-Maghazi in central Gaza, while another one fired another Al-Yaseen on an Israeli tank, followed by detonating a minefield. The Israeli force were preparing mines and explosives to demolish a building 600 meters away from Kissufim, an Israel kibbutz to the east of the Gaza Strip’s fence. The Israeli military said one of Hamas’s anti-tank grenades hit the explosives and mines being set up by the Israeli unit inside the building, which led to a massive explosion, killing the 21 soldiers and the collapse of the building, Haaretz reported. Since December, the Israeli military demolished several houses and residential buildings along the Gaza fence in a bid to create a “buffer zone” and further push Palestinian neighborhoods to the west away from Israeli towns. Hamas also released a video of shooting an Israeli command officer west of Gaza City, with a sniper fire, while in Khan Yunis, it attacked several Israeli tanks and military vehicles, including the D9 Bulldozer with a direct and close hit, while it was destroying Palestinian homes. U.S. and U.K. bomb dozens of targets in Yemen Overnight, the U.S. and U.K. said that they bombed 48 targets of the Yemeni Armed Forces, led by Ansar Allah group (unofficially known also as “Houthis”). These strikes are the second to be carried out by the US in the region in less than 24 hours, following more than 80 strikes in Iraq and Syria. Ansar Allah spokesperson said that the US and UK launched 13 airstrikes on Sana’a, nine on Hodeidah on the Red Sea, 11 raids on Taiz, seven on Al-Bayda town, while it struck one target in Saada and seven in Hajjah. “These attacks will not deter us from our moral, religious, and humanitarian stance in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and will not pass without response and punishment,” he added. Yemen’s Ansar Allah vowed to target any Israel-bound or Israeli-owned ships in Bab Al-Mandab Strait as long as Israeli aggression continues on the Gaza Strip. It added the U.S. and U.K. to the list of targeted ships following a joint U.S.-U.K. airstrikes on Yemen early in January. The U.S. Central Command (Centcom) wrote on X platform that it targeted Ansar Allah’s “multiple underground storage facilities, command and control, missile systems, UAV storage and operations sites, radars, and helicopters.” On Sunday morning, Centcom said that it shot down an anti-ship cruise missile launched from Yemen against its forces in the Red Sea. The U.S. strikes in Yemen, Iraq and Syria are endangering a full-blown war in the region. Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said on Sunday that U.S. attacks are “in clear contradiction with the repeated claims of Washington and London that they do not want the expansion of war and conflict in the region.” Kanaani accused the U.S. and U.K. of “fuelling chaos, disorder, insecurity and instability” by supporting the Israeli war on Gaza. Israeli settlers rampage Palestinian villages in West Bank Israeli forces arrested a total of 6,512 Palestinians from the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem since October, some of them were released later, according to the Commission for Ex-Prisoners’ Affairs and the Prisoners’ Club. In occupied Jerusalem, Israel killed five Palestinians since January, demolished 22 properties, detained 163 people, and put 13 under house arrest, according to a comprehensive report by Al-Quds Governate affiliated with the Palestinian Authority (PA). A total of 3,405 Israeli settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in the old city of Jerusalem in January. In the past 24 hours, Israeli forces raided several Palestinian towns, including Husan, Anabta, Khirbet Tuba, Jericho and Ein Al-Sultan refugee camp, Nablus and Balata refugee camp, Deir Jreer and the Jalazon refugee camp. In Ain al-Auja, north of Jericho, Israeli settlers stole ten sheep from a Palestinian Bedouin community, according to Wafa. Wafa also reported that Israeli settlers stormed Farasin village, south of Jenin, and vandalized security cameras of shops a poultry farm in the village, and tore down greenhouses. The Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee said in January, Israeli settlers, protected by soldiers on most occasions, launched 1,593 attacks against Palestinian towns and properties. BEFORE YOU GO – At Mondoweiss, we understand the power of telling Palestinian stories. For 17 years, we have pushed back when the mainstream media published lies or echoed politicians’ hateful rhetoric. Now, Palestinian voices are more important than ever. Our traffic has increased ten times since October 7, and we need your help to cover our increased expenses. Support our journalists with a donation today. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-121-israel-kills-more-than-1000-palestinians-since-icj-ruling-u-s-bombs-yemen/ https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-121-israel.html
    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 121: Israel kills more than 1,000 Palestinians since ICJ ruling; U.S. bombs Yemen
    Israeli forces bomb Rafah, where thousands of Palestinians are displaced in shelters near the Egyptian border, as an Israeli minister wishes to “encourage voluntary emigration” from Gaza. In West Bank, settlers attack Palestinian villages.
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  • https://resistthemainstream.com/florida-cruise-passengers-sickened-by-unknown-illness-my-throw-up-was-bright-blue/?utm_source=telegram
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  • My Story - By Professor Gabriel Oon
    "Between 2021 and now, I have lost 34 senior medical colleagues. Most were working in institutions and had been vaccinated with Pfizer."

    Dear Readers, today I bring to you a guest post by Professor Gabriel Oon, retired Professor of Medicine who worked as a WHO consultant and founding President of Singapore’s Society of Oncology. Please feel free to share and distribute!



    My Story - By Professor Gabriel Oon


    These words were relentlessly drummed upon us during our WHO meetings in Geneva from 1983 to 1987, where vaccine manufacturers from around the globe (Netherlands, Germany, China, Singapore, Korea, Australia, US, UK, France, Russia, Sweden, Israel, etc.) came together. The gathering was initiated by the Director of Biologics, Dr. Frank Perkins, and the Director-General, Dr. Karl Mahler MD, who had appointed me as a WHO Consultant.

    Every one of us had created our own variant of the novel hepatitis B vaccine from plasma HBV, employing different inactivation techniques.

    Dr. Perkins reminded us of the two monumental vaccine calamities in history.

    The Lübeck disaster (1929-33) saw many children inoculated with live BCG instead of the killed vaccine, resulting in thousands of children affected and several deaths.

    The Cutter incident (1955) in the USA was when 200,000 received a live polio vaccine; 40,000 fell ill, many became paralyzed, or died.

    Such tragedies were not to be repeated. With the then-unknown threat of AIDS transmitted by infected blood, it became crucial to source safe, uninfected blood for the production of hepatitis B vaccines.

    Advancements in molecular science led to the discovery of the common “a” antigen present in all serotypes in both humans and animals. Consequently, a prototype yeast recombinant HB vaccine was formulated, safety-tested, and implemented in Singapore as a collaboration between the International Agency for Research in Cancer/WHO and the Singapore Government.

    I was then appointed by the Singapore government and IARC/WHO (International Agency for Research on Cancer) to oversee the safety in the manufacture and implementation of the vaccine.

    Then Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, who mandated the directive to me and my team, insisted on "300% safety, not just 100%."

    Together with my team and WHO oversight, we rejected several unsafe vaccines and identified vaccine-escape mutants in plasma vaccines that were over-treated with chemicals, which damaged the epitopes of the “a” antigen. This product was rejected.

    Similar Vaccine Escape Mutants (VEMs) arose with the Pfizer mRNA. Instead of inactivation, nine chemicals were used, including the deep-freezing agent phosphophenolglycol. I believe these VEMs on the Covid mRNA are the cause of the continuous eruption of spike mutants ranging from Delta to Omicron variants seen today, as humans have become reservoirs for these mutants.

    On my 80th birthday, July 4, 2019, 34 years since the WHO consultation, I announced the complete elimination of HBV and associated lethal liver failures and liver cancer at a Duke-NUS lecture (video below).


    In October 2018, my wife and I returned from a Yangtze River Cruise where we had admired the beautiful and ancient industrial city of Wuhan, home to 8 million people.


    We woke to the news that Wuhan was besieged by a lethal coronavirus, resulting in thousands dead daily and several more thousands hospitalized until hospitals reached full capacity. Field hospitals were erected within days. Doctors and nurses arrived from all over China to provide aid; tragically, around a thousand of them died.

    Within a week, top Chinese scientists had determined the molecular structure of the coronavirus, which was dissimilar to any of the known viruses in their archives.

    The molecular structure seemed akin to the USCDC's patented invention (No. 7220852/B1 filed on May 22, 2004), with the addition of an HIV glycoprotein insert in the spike protein (later confirmed by Nobel Laureate Prof. Luc Montagnier).

    China disseminated information on the epidemic and the virus through premier journals and transmitted details to the International Genomic Bank. They invited the WHO in January 2020, who discovered many corona viruses but not this particular virus.


    We learned from the news that SG Prime Minister's wife, Ho Ching, chairman of Temasek Holdings, a Singapore investment company, had invested nearly S$3 billion in Pfizer/BioNTech and had initiated the procurement of Pfizer mRNA vaccines, Moderna, and plans for establishing vaccine manufacturing in Singapore.

    Pfizer and mRNA Vaccines

    Publications in JAMA 2021 showed that Pfizer was 98% effective. Six of my senior academic staff on the board of journals agreed with me that the end points for assessing efficacy were symptoms.

    (Later, a US Texas judge in 2022 ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages showing thousands of deaths and serious adverse reactions. The US Supreme Court in 2022 also accepted Senator Robert Kennedy's charge that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines.)

    These were not the usual endpoints like antibody levels and virus absence in recipients. This was open to "ghost papers," which we had discovered at WHO.

    I alerted our three Ministers who know me and the 14 medical experts, "The Pfizer mRNA vaccines are not safe for mass immunization as the live lethal virus is still present in the mRNAs."

    Mandatory Vaccination

    Then, we received notice from our MOH (Ministry of Health) that all hospital and clinic staff, workplaces, and schools must be vaccinated or they cannot work.


    I was then 82 years old, and my mission after being recalled/returning from Cambridge with an MD in Cancer Immunology was completed. However, with my vast experience with vaccines, I continued to advise our MOH privately, as well as colleagues and friends in our country and worldwide.

    Request to MOH to Release Sinovac

    A full-length inactivated COVID virus vaccine, Singapore had 20,000 doses of Sinovac in stock. When the new Delta variant infected frontline workers in five public hospitals and Changi Airport in May 2021, I advised our Ministers that the mRNA vaccines were not preventative and to use Sinovac lest our hospitals be overwhelmed by infections.

    I also informed Ministers that many individuals with allergies cannot take mRNA vaccines and to release the Sinovac.

    This news was leaked, and I was chastised as peddling fake news by Prof. David Lye of the National Infectious Disease Center and senior Straits Times journalist Shamir Khalid.

    The Future

    COVID will remain for many years as the reservoirs of VEMs (Vaccine Escape Mutates) are evolving from failed protection in millions but causing deaths, delayed deaths, and illnesses.

    The 95% who received Pfizer and other mRNA vaccines, and not inactivated vaccines like Novavax, are developing new mutants.


    Between 2021 and now, I have lost 34 senior medical colleagues. Most were working in institutions and had been vaccinated with Pfizer.

    I lost my eminent elder obstetrician aunt on March 31, 2022, who was infected by a Pfizer-vaccinated caregiver who had contracted the Delta spike mutant. She became too weak, stopped playing mahjong, stopped eating, and five days before she passed, she became blind. She died in my arms.

    I also lost my elder brother, a senior physician at 85, who received Moderna followed by two boosters of Pfizer. He contracted COVID and died two months later.

    How to Eliminate

    Wear masks to reduce aerosol transmission.

    Use antiviral drugs like Tamiflu, 75mg daily for 7 days. It is a potent neuraminidase inhibitor of COVID and the flu. As with most serious infections, take it early at the onset. Usually, ART is negative on day 2-3.

    Vaccine Research - With the many combinations of mutations, we need to find common antigens and make new inactivated vaccines.

    Sinovac and Sinopharm

    My wife and I have had three doses of Sinovac and two of Sinopharm. We have nucleocapsid spike antibodies and are well.

    1.6 billion people, including children in 150 countries, have taken the Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines. They are safe, protective, and have caused no fatalities. Countries can copy or learn from China. Save lives, not politics first.

    Retired, we stay at home and wear masks in crowded areas.


    It's essential to control and eliminate lethal airborne/aerosol infections.
    A healthy population is a robust workforce.
    A healthy youth is the future of our country.

    God bless all,
    Gabriel Oon
    Retired Professor of Medicine
    Former WHO Consultant for Biologicals for Human Use

    Some final comments by Aussie17:
    I am fully aware that there are people who are against any kind of vaccine, people who are against wearing masks, and people who believe there is no such thing as viruses. Whatever your opinion is on these matters, I’d just like to say that I know Professor Gabriel personally, and he does not have a single nefarious bone in his body. The world is such a divided place right now that even when you agree with someone 99%, people start calling names and scolding each other over the 1% disagreement, which only serves to deepen our divisions. I hope we can accept diverse views and come together.

    Signing off for now

    Thank you for reading PharmaFiles by Aussie17. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    My Story - By Professor Gabriel Oon "Between 2021 and now, I have lost 34 senior medical colleagues. Most were working in institutions and had been vaccinated with Pfizer." Aussie17 Dear Readers, today I bring to you a guest post by Professor Gabriel Oon, retired Professor of Medicine who worked as a WHO consultant and founding President of Singapore’s Society of Oncology. Please feel free to share and distribute! -Aussie17 Share My Story - By Professor Gabriel Oon "SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY!" These words were relentlessly drummed upon us during our WHO meetings in Geneva from 1983 to 1987, where vaccine manufacturers from around the globe (Netherlands, Germany, China, Singapore, Korea, Australia, US, UK, France, Russia, Sweden, Israel, etc.) came together. The gathering was initiated by the Director of Biologics, Dr. Frank Perkins, and the Director-General, Dr. Karl Mahler MD, who had appointed me as a WHO Consultant. Every one of us had created our own variant of the novel hepatitis B vaccine from plasma HBV, employing different inactivation techniques. Dr. Perkins reminded us of the two monumental vaccine calamities in history. The Lübeck disaster (1929-33) saw many children inoculated with live BCG instead of the killed vaccine, resulting in thousands of children affected and several deaths. The Cutter incident (1955) in the USA was when 200,000 received a live polio vaccine; 40,000 fell ill, many became paralyzed, or died. Such tragedies were not to be repeated. With the then-unknown threat of AIDS transmitted by infected blood, it became crucial to source safe, uninfected blood for the production of hepatitis B vaccines. Advancements in molecular science led to the discovery of the common “a” antigen present in all serotypes in both humans and animals. Consequently, a prototype yeast recombinant HB vaccine was formulated, safety-tested, and implemented in Singapore as a collaboration between the International Agency for Research in Cancer/WHO and the Singapore Government. I was then appointed by the Singapore government and IARC/WHO (International Agency for Research on Cancer) to oversee the safety in the manufacture and implementation of the vaccine. Then Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, who mandated the directive to me and my team, insisted on "300% safety, not just 100%." Together with my team and WHO oversight, we rejected several unsafe vaccines and identified vaccine-escape mutants in plasma vaccines that were over-treated with chemicals, which damaged the epitopes of the “a” antigen. This product was rejected. Similar Vaccine Escape Mutants (VEMs) arose with the Pfizer mRNA. Instead of inactivation, nine chemicals were used, including the deep-freezing agent phosphophenolglycol. I believe these VEMs on the Covid mRNA are the cause of the continuous eruption of spike mutants ranging from Delta to Omicron variants seen today, as humans have become reservoirs for these mutants. On my 80th birthday, July 4, 2019, 34 years since the WHO consultation, I announced the complete elimination of HBV and associated lethal liver failures and liver cancer at a Duke-NUS lecture (video below). SARS-2/COVID-19 In October 2018, my wife and I returned from a Yangtze River Cruise where we had admired the beautiful and ancient industrial city of Wuhan, home to 8 million people. START OF THE COVID PANDEMIC: January 2020 We woke to the news that Wuhan was besieged by a lethal coronavirus, resulting in thousands dead daily and several more thousands hospitalized until hospitals reached full capacity. Field hospitals were erected within days. Doctors and nurses arrived from all over China to provide aid; tragically, around a thousand of them died. Within a week, top Chinese scientists had determined the molecular structure of the coronavirus, which was dissimilar to any of the known viruses in their archives. The molecular structure seemed akin to the USCDC's patented invention (No. 7220852/B1 filed on May 22, 2004), with the addition of an HIV glycoprotein insert in the spike protein (later confirmed by Nobel Laureate Prof. Luc Montagnier). China disseminated information on the epidemic and the virus through premier journals and transmitted details to the International Genomic Bank. They invited the WHO in January 2020, who discovered many corona viruses but not this particular virus. Singapore We learned from the news that SG Prime Minister's wife, Ho Ching, chairman of Temasek Holdings, a Singapore investment company, had invested nearly S$3 billion in Pfizer/BioNTech and had initiated the procurement of Pfizer mRNA vaccines, Moderna, and plans for establishing vaccine manufacturing in Singapore. Pfizer and mRNA Vaccines Publications in JAMA 2021 showed that Pfizer was 98% effective. Six of my senior academic staff on the board of journals agreed with me that the end points for assessing efficacy were symptoms. (Later, a US Texas judge in 2022 ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages showing thousands of deaths and serious adverse reactions. The US Supreme Court in 2022 also accepted Senator Robert Kennedy's charge that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines.) These were not the usual endpoints like antibody levels and virus absence in recipients. This was open to "ghost papers," which we had discovered at WHO. I alerted our three Ministers who know me and the 14 medical experts, "The Pfizer mRNA vaccines are not safe for mass immunization as the live lethal virus is still present in the mRNAs." Mandatory Vaccination Then, we received notice from our MOH (Ministry of Health) that all hospital and clinic staff, workplaces, and schools must be vaccinated or they cannot work. Retirement I was then 82 years old, and my mission after being recalled/returning from Cambridge with an MD in Cancer Immunology was completed. However, with my vast experience with vaccines, I continued to advise our MOH privately, as well as colleagues and friends in our country and worldwide. Request to MOH to Release Sinovac A full-length inactivated COVID virus vaccine, Singapore had 20,000 doses of Sinovac in stock. When the new Delta variant infected frontline workers in five public hospitals and Changi Airport in May 2021, I advised our Ministers that the mRNA vaccines were not preventative and to use Sinovac lest our hospitals be overwhelmed by infections. I also informed Ministers that many individuals with allergies cannot take mRNA vaccines and to release the Sinovac. This news was leaked, and I was chastised as peddling fake news by Prof. David Lye of the National Infectious Disease Center and senior Straits Times journalist Shamir Khalid. The Future COVID will remain for many years as the reservoirs of VEMs (Vaccine Escape Mutates) are evolving from failed protection in millions but causing deaths, delayed deaths, and illnesses. The 95% who received Pfizer and other mRNA vaccines, and not inactivated vaccines like Novavax, are developing new mutants. Losses Between 2021 and now, I have lost 34 senior medical colleagues. Most were working in institutions and had been vaccinated with Pfizer. I lost my eminent elder obstetrician aunt on March 31, 2022, who was infected by a Pfizer-vaccinated caregiver who had contracted the Delta spike mutant. She became too weak, stopped playing mahjong, stopped eating, and five days before she passed, she became blind. She died in my arms. I also lost my elder brother, a senior physician at 85, who received Moderna followed by two boosters of Pfizer. He contracted COVID and died two months later. How to Eliminate Wear masks to reduce aerosol transmission. Use antiviral drugs like Tamiflu, 75mg daily for 7 days. It is a potent neuraminidase inhibitor of COVID and the flu. As with most serious infections, take it early at the onset. Usually, ART is negative on day 2-3. Vaccine Research - With the many combinations of mutations, we need to find common antigens and make new inactivated vaccines. Sinovac and Sinopharm My wife and I have had three doses of Sinovac and two of Sinopharm. We have nucleocapsid spike antibodies and are well. 1.6 billion people, including children in 150 countries, have taken the Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines. They are safe, protective, and have caused no fatalities. Countries can copy or learn from China. Save lives, not politics first. Retired, we stay at home and wear masks in crowded areas. Lessons It's essential to control and eliminate lethal airborne/aerosol infections. A healthy population is a robust workforce. A healthy youth is the future of our country. God bless all, Gabriel Oon Retired Professor of Medicine Former WHO Consultant for Biologicals for Human Use Some final comments by Aussie17: I am fully aware that there are people who are against any kind of vaccine, people who are against wearing masks, and people who believe there is no such thing as viruses. Whatever your opinion is on these matters, I’d just like to say that I know Professor Gabriel personally, and he does not have a single nefarious bone in his body. The world is such a divided place right now that even when you agree with someone 99%, people start calling names and scolding each other over the 1% disagreement, which only serves to deepen our divisions. I hope we can accept diverse views and come together. Signing off for now A17 Thank you for reading PharmaFiles by Aussie17. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share https://www.aussie17.com/p/my-story-by-professor-gabriel-oon
    My Story - By Professor Gabriel Oon
    "Between 2021 and now, I have lost 34 senior medical colleagues. Most were working in institutions and had been vaccinated with Pfizer."
    0 Comments 1 Shares 13652 Views
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