• My #AwesmeTutorialsContest Entry

    "Your only limitation is the one you set up in your own mind!”

    I first heard this #quote from the Season 1 Alone winner #AlanKay. Upon a bit of research it's attributed to a man named Napolean Hill. I myself have always viewed limits as self inflicted. I've acquired all the many skills I possess, because if I can take it apart, I can probably put it back together and maybe even better.

    Every day of my life I put these words of wisdom into practice and wish that all of humanity would do so as well. Fear is the beginning all the limits we set and every limit makes us more dependent or restrictive in our lives. I never want to lose my independence, nor do I want to live a restricted life.

    Napolean Hill has been called a failure and a conman, but he never quit trying and neither will I!

    #AwesmeTutorials #AwesmeContests #advice #philosophy #WordsToLiveBy #WordsAreNotWeapons #psychology #wisdom #insight #epiphany #Awesme
    My #AwesmeTutorialsContest Entry "Your only limitation is the one you set up in your own mind!” I first heard this #quote from the Season 1 Alone winner #AlanKay. Upon a bit of research it's attributed to a man named Napolean Hill. I myself have always viewed limits as self inflicted. I've acquired all the many skills I possess, because if I can take it apart, I can probably put it back together and maybe even better. Every day of my life I put these words of wisdom into practice and wish that all of humanity would do so as well. Fear is the beginning all the limits we set and every limit makes us more dependent or restrictive in our lives. I never want to lose my independence, nor do I want to live a restricted life. Napolean Hill has been called a failure and a conman, but he never quit trying and neither will I! #AwesmeTutorials #AwesmeContests #advice #philosophy #WordsToLiveBy #WordsAreNotWeapons #psychology #wisdom #insight #epiphany #Awesme
    1 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 6959 مشاهدة
  • My entry for the #Awesme Tutorials 'Best Advice You Were Ever Given' #Contest

    One of the best pieces of advice I was given as a kid was, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me." I didn't realize the truth of this until I was much older, because those names certainly did seem to hurt. It was well after I matured before realizing that it was me who allowed those words to hurt me. The words themselves only have the power I give them.

    After becoming an adult the strength of this saying only became stronger and stronger. This is because before graduating from High School, where you are forced to be around the same kids everyday, there seems to be no escape. As an adult I realized that not only could I chose to or not to work around people like that, but I could also chose who I wanted in my life. It was then that I decided being popular and fitting in wasn't in my best interest and that letting people go made me so much happier.

    Words never hurt me again, because I realized the opinions of others don't matter and never did. It seems today that this powerful piece of advice has been corrupted and now society is filled with a new generation who thinks words are weapons and the decay of our society because of it is very noticeable.

    If you'd like to join in here's the link to the contest announcement.

    #AwesmeTutorials #AwesmeContests #advice #philosophy #WordsToLiveBy #WordsAreNotWeapons #psychology #wisdom #insight #epiphany
    My entry for the #Awesme Tutorials 'Best Advice You Were Ever Given' #Contest One of the best pieces of advice I was given as a kid was, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me." I didn't realize the truth of this until I was much older, because those names certainly did seem to hurt. It was well after I matured before realizing that it was me who allowed those words to hurt me. The words themselves only have the power I give them. After becoming an adult the strength of this saying only became stronger and stronger. This is because before graduating from High School, where you are forced to be around the same kids everyday, there seems to be no escape. As an adult I realized that not only could I chose to or not to work around people like that, but I could also chose who I wanted in my life. It was then that I decided being popular and fitting in wasn't in my best interest and that letting people go made me so much happier. Words never hurt me again, because I realized the opinions of others don't matter and never did. It seems today that this powerful piece of advice has been corrupted and now society is filled with a new generation who thinks words are weapons and the decay of our society because of it is very noticeable. If you'd like to join in here's the link to the contest announcement. https://somee.social/posts/681182 #AwesmeTutorials #AwesmeContests #advice #philosophy #WordsToLiveBy #WordsAreNotWeapons #psychology #wisdom #insight #epiphany
    2 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 5532 مشاهدة