• ‘We are the masters of the house’: Israeli channels air snuff videos featuring systematic torture of Palestinians
    Israeli TV channels aired a number of reports showing the torture and humiliation of Palestinians in Israeli prisons. The videos are consumed by the Israeli public as entertainment, revealing the sadism of Israeli society.

    Jonathan OfirMarch 6, 2024
    Screenshot from Channel 13 report on Palestinian prisoners. (Photo: Jonathan Ofir Youtube Channel)
    Screenshot from Channel 13 report on Palestinian prisoners. (Photo: Jonathan Ofir Youtube Channel)
    Over the past month, mainstream Israeli television channels have aired what can only be described as snuff films. They depict the systematic torture of Palestinians from Gaza in Israeli jails. Such videos have aired on at least three occasions — twice on Channel 14, and once on the public broadcaster, Channel 13. While Channel 14 is considered right-wing, so is about two-thirds of the Israeli public, and the more “mainstream” Channel 13 has shown no qualms about airing similar footage.

    The broadcasts follow prison officials into detention centers to document the mistreatment of prisoners, which seems to be something that the officials — and apparently the viewers — find satisfying rather than revolting. The airing of these snuff films is a demonstration of societal sadism.

    As Yumna Patel has recently reported, several rights groups have sounded the alarm over the widespread and systemic abuse that Palestinian prisoners face at the hands of the Israeli authorities. These groups’ calls have been unintentionally buttressed by Israeli soldiers’ unapologetic videos of themselves torturing or demeaning Palestinian detainees, which they boastfully post on social media. Now, it seems that the phenomenon has expanded to mainstream Israeli television.

    The two aforementioned reports on Channel 14 (threads with subtitles can be found here and here) contained footage of actual interrogation sessions during which torture was used. The Channel 13 report did not, but it exposed some of the worst prison conditions to be broadcast to the public. These conditions include forcing prisoners to live in inhumane conditions and subjecting them to torture and harassment. Here’s the 11-minute video with translated subtitles.

    Israel Channel 13 prison tour 18.2.2024
    ‘The feeling is one of pride’

    “Here, we see the cells in which the Nukhba terrorists are held,” the narrator says.

    The “Nukhba” refers to elite Hamas-led fighters who carried out the October 7 attack. In the cell, viewers notice metal bunkbeds without mattresses, and instead of a toilet, there is just a hole in the floor. The room is almost completely dark throughout the day, and prisoners have their hands and legs chained together.

    We hear attack dogs barking constantly as prisoners are made to kneel while bound and blindfolded, their heads touching the floor.

    “This is how it should be,” a guard says. “This is how a Nukhba prisoner should be…what happened on October 7 will never return.”

    In another scene, a guard shouts at prisoners as dogs continue to bark incessantly. “Heads down! Heads on the floor!” he yells.

    “There are many prisoners here that I personally saw at the [October 7] events,” a prison official says, taking pride in humiliating them. “The difference is that this time, he is afraid, shaking, with his head on the floor…no Allahu Akbar, nothing. You won’t hear a squeak from him.”

    “They have no mattresses,” says a warden shift commander. “They have nothing…we control them 100% — their food, their shackling, their sleep…[we] show them we are the masters of the house.” Even without knowing the background to that phrase, to hear him say it is chilling.

    “Masters of the house” was the election slogan of Itamar Ben-Gvir, the Jewish Power leader and current Minister of National Security. Ben-Gvir declared war on Palestinian prisoners long before October 7, and this has included shutting down bakeries that supply bread to prisoners — described by Ben-Gvir as an “indulgence” — and drastically limiting prisoners’ water use. So now it’s become much worse.

    While one is tempted to believe that all prisoners here are “Nukhba” members, it turns out that many of them aren’t even suspected of that. Rather, they were rounded up in Gaza after October 7, during mass arrests in which hundreds of Gazan men were stripped and paraded in a most sadistic demonstration of power. The mass arrests also included hundreds of women, including pregnant women detained with their babies. Israeli security officials told Haaretz that by their own estimate, “only 10 to 15 percent of the hundreds of the semi-naked and bound Gazan men arrested in the Strip during the recent days are Hamas members or those who identified with the organization.”

    Back to the Channel 13 coverage, viewers can hear the nonstop blasting of the Zionist anthem, Am Israel Hai (“the people of Israel live”).

    “The prison authorities claim that it is meant to boost the morale of the staff,” the narrator declares. “But it is clear that this is another part of the psychological warfare against the prisoners.”

    Torture, in other words.

    It’s hard to imagine the depths to which Israeli society has sunk. The official tells the Channel 13 reporter that “the feeling is one of pride.”

    The reason such sadism has become formalized as a matter of policy is because this is what the Israeli public demands. The Israeli Democracy Institute released a survey last week showing that two-thirds of Jewish Israelis oppose “the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza residents at this time,” even if “via international bodies that are not linked to Hamas or to UNRWA.” For right-wing voters, the opposition to aid jumps from 68% to 80%.

    This is not Israel’s Abu Ghraib moment, because when Abu Ghraib was revealed, most Americans were revolted. Israeli society, on the other hand, is thirsting for genocide. No wonder they consume such videos as entertainment on mainstream TV.

    Thanks to Tali Shapiro, B.M.@ireallyhatyou, Hilel Biton-Rosen, and Dave Reed.

    ‘We are the masters of the house’: Israeli channels air snuff videos featuring systematic torture of Palestinians

    ‘We are the masters of the house’: Israeli channels air snuff videos featuring systematic torture of Palestinians Israeli TV channels aired a number of reports showing the torture and humiliation of Palestinians in Israeli prisons. The videos are consumed by the Israeli public as entertainment, revealing the sadism of Israeli society. Jonathan OfirMarch 6, 2024 Screenshot from Channel 13 report on Palestinian prisoners. (Photo: Jonathan Ofir Youtube Channel) Screenshot from Channel 13 report on Palestinian prisoners. (Photo: Jonathan Ofir Youtube Channel) Over the past month, mainstream Israeli television channels have aired what can only be described as snuff films. They depict the systematic torture of Palestinians from Gaza in Israeli jails. Such videos have aired on at least three occasions — twice on Channel 14, and once on the public broadcaster, Channel 13. While Channel 14 is considered right-wing, so is about two-thirds of the Israeli public, and the more “mainstream” Channel 13 has shown no qualms about airing similar footage. The broadcasts follow prison officials into detention centers to document the mistreatment of prisoners, which seems to be something that the officials — and apparently the viewers — find satisfying rather than revolting. The airing of these snuff films is a demonstration of societal sadism. As Yumna Patel has recently reported, several rights groups have sounded the alarm over the widespread and systemic abuse that Palestinian prisoners face at the hands of the Israeli authorities. These groups’ calls have been unintentionally buttressed by Israeli soldiers’ unapologetic videos of themselves torturing or demeaning Palestinian detainees, which they boastfully post on social media. Now, it seems that the phenomenon has expanded to mainstream Israeli television. The two aforementioned reports on Channel 14 (threads with subtitles can be found here and here) contained footage of actual interrogation sessions during which torture was used. The Channel 13 report did not, but it exposed some of the worst prison conditions to be broadcast to the public. These conditions include forcing prisoners to live in inhumane conditions and subjecting them to torture and harassment. Here’s the 11-minute video with translated subtitles. Israel Channel 13 prison tour 18.2.2024 ‘The feeling is one of pride’ “Here, we see the cells in which the Nukhba terrorists are held,” the narrator says. The “Nukhba” refers to elite Hamas-led fighters who carried out the October 7 attack. In the cell, viewers notice metal bunkbeds without mattresses, and instead of a toilet, there is just a hole in the floor. The room is almost completely dark throughout the day, and prisoners have their hands and legs chained together. We hear attack dogs barking constantly as prisoners are made to kneel while bound and blindfolded, their heads touching the floor. “This is how it should be,” a guard says. “This is how a Nukhba prisoner should be…what happened on October 7 will never return.” In another scene, a guard shouts at prisoners as dogs continue to bark incessantly. “Heads down! Heads on the floor!” he yells. “There are many prisoners here that I personally saw at the [October 7] events,” a prison official says, taking pride in humiliating them. “The difference is that this time, he is afraid, shaking, with his head on the floor…no Allahu Akbar, nothing. You won’t hear a squeak from him.” “They have no mattresses,” says a warden shift commander. “They have nothing…we control them 100% — their food, their shackling, their sleep…[we] show them we are the masters of the house.” Even without knowing the background to that phrase, to hear him say it is chilling. “Masters of the house” was the election slogan of Itamar Ben-Gvir, the Jewish Power leader and current Minister of National Security. Ben-Gvir declared war on Palestinian prisoners long before October 7, and this has included shutting down bakeries that supply bread to prisoners — described by Ben-Gvir as an “indulgence” — and drastically limiting prisoners’ water use. So now it’s become much worse. While one is tempted to believe that all prisoners here are “Nukhba” members, it turns out that many of them aren’t even suspected of that. Rather, they were rounded up in Gaza after October 7, during mass arrests in which hundreds of Gazan men were stripped and paraded in a most sadistic demonstration of power. The mass arrests also included hundreds of women, including pregnant women detained with their babies. Israeli security officials told Haaretz that by their own estimate, “only 10 to 15 percent of the hundreds of the semi-naked and bound Gazan men arrested in the Strip during the recent days are Hamas members or those who identified with the organization.” Back to the Channel 13 coverage, viewers can hear the nonstop blasting of the Zionist anthem, Am Israel Hai (“the people of Israel live”). “The prison authorities claim that it is meant to boost the morale of the staff,” the narrator declares. “But it is clear that this is another part of the psychological warfare against the prisoners.” Torture, in other words. It’s hard to imagine the depths to which Israeli society has sunk. The official tells the Channel 13 reporter that “the feeling is one of pride.” The reason such sadism has become formalized as a matter of policy is because this is what the Israeli public demands. The Israeli Democracy Institute released a survey last week showing that two-thirds of Jewish Israelis oppose “the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza residents at this time,” even if “via international bodies that are not linked to Hamas or to UNRWA.” For right-wing voters, the opposition to aid jumps from 68% to 80%. This is not Israel’s Abu Ghraib moment, because when Abu Ghraib was revealed, most Americans were revolted. Israeli society, on the other hand, is thirsting for genocide. No wonder they consume such videos as entertainment on mainstream TV. Thanks to Tali Shapiro, B.M.@ireallyhatyou, Hilel Biton-Rosen, and Dave Reed. ‘We are the masters of the house’: Israeli channels air snuff videos featuring systematic torture of Palestinians https://mondoweiss.net/2024/03/we-are-the-masters-of-the-house-israeli-channels-air-snuff-videos-featuring-systematic-torture-of-palestinians/?utm_content=buffer5ce81&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=buffer
    ‘We are the masters of the house’: Israeli channels air snuff videos featuring systematic torture of Palestinians
    Israeli TV channels aired a number of reports showing the torture and humiliation of Palestinians in Israeli prisons. The videos are consumed by the Israeli public as entertainment, revealing the sadism of Israeli society.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 20463 Views
  • So what have the “Conspiracy Theorists” gotten right so far….
    1) No Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    2) Hillary Stole the primary from Bernie
    3) No Russian Collusion
    4) Covid was complete bullshit
    5) The Vaccine didn’t work
    6) Everyone is connected to Jeffery Epstein
    7) JFK was an inside job
    8) J6 was a intelligence operation
    9) BLM was a Marxist front
    10) Cancel Cultural was Corporate driven
    11) Smollet was a fraud
    12) Obama spied on Trump
    13) Assad didn’t gas his own people

    So we were right about all of this but we are completely wrong about the 2020 election being rigged and stolen! Gotcha!

    Delve into a reservoir of undisclosed intel and evidence, as we unravel the threads of deception and fraud. Be a part of the quest for truth, backed by insider insights that the world needs to see.

    Subscribe for more:
    So what have the “Conspiracy Theorists” gotten right so far…. 1) No Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq 2) Hillary Stole the primary from Bernie 3) No Russian Collusion 4) Covid was complete bullshit 5) The Vaccine didn’t work 6) Everyone is connected to Jeffery Epstein 7) JFK was an inside job 8) J6 was a intelligence operation 9) BLM was a Marxist front 10) Cancel Cultural was Corporate driven 11) Smollet was a fraud 12) Obama spied on Trump 13) Assad didn’t gas his own people So we were right about all of this but we are completely wrong about the 2020 election being rigged and stolen! Gotcha! Delve into a reservoir of undisclosed intel and evidence, as we unravel the threads of deception and fraud. Be a part of the quest for truth, backed by insider insights that the world needs to see. Subscribe for more: https://t.me/BenjaminSECRETS
    Benjamin Fulford SECRET
    Shocking revelations, highly private data,leaked documents as well as some material that many of you won’t be able to handle.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3080 Views
  • https://www.threads.net/@adriandanailaclassicalguitar
    https://www.threads.net/@adriandanailaclassicalguitar #classicalguitarshorts
    adriandanailaguitar (@adriandanailaclassicalguitar) on Threads
    Adrian Danaila is a Romanian musician who plays the classical guitar He also collaborates with soprano Ana Maria Miga, singing classical music. 22 Followers.
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  • Elon Musk says Neuralink implanted wireless brain chip
    10 hours ago
    CEO of Tesla, Chief Engineer of SpaceX and CTO of X Elon Musk speaks during the New York Times annual DealBook summit on 29 November 2023 in New York City, USGetty Images
    By Patrick Jackson & Tom Gerken

    BBC News

    Tech billionaire Elon Musk has claimed his Neuralink company has successfully implanted one of its wireless brain chips in a human.

    In a post on X, formerly Twitter, he said "promising" brain activity had been detected after the procedure and the patient was "recovering well".

    The company's goal is to connect human brains to computers to help tackle complex neurological conditions.

    A number of rival firms have already implanted similar devices.

    "For any company producing medical devices, the first test in humans is a significant milestone," said Professor Anne Vanhoestenberghe of King's College London.

    "For the brain computer interface community, we must place this news in the context that whilst there are many companies working on exciting products, there are only a few other companies who have implanted their devices in humans, so Neuralink has joined a rather small group."

    However, she also suggested there needed to be a note of caution as "true success" could only be evaluated in the long-term.

    "We know Elon Musk is very adept at generating publicity for his company," she added.

    Among the other companies to make similar advances in the field is the École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne (EPFL), in Switzerland, which has successfully enabled a paralysed man to walk just by thinking.

    That was achieved by putting electronic implants on his brain and spine which wirelessly communicate thoughts to his legs and feet.

    Details of the breakthrough were published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature in May 2023.

    There has been no independent verification of Mr Musk's claims, nor has Neuralink provided any information about the procedure he says has taken place.

    BBC News has approached both Neuralink and the US's medical regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for comment.

    Neuralink testing

    Neuralink has been criticised in the past, with Reuters reporting in December 2022 that the company engaged in testing which resulted in the deaths of approximately 1,500 animals, including sheep, monkeys and pigs.

    In July 2023, the head of the US Department of Agriculture - which investigates animal welfare concerns - said it had not found any violations of animal research rules at the firm.

    However, a separate investigation by the agency is ongoing.

    Mr Musk's company was given permission to test the chip on humans by the FDA in May 2023.

    That gave the green light for the start of the six-year study during which a robot is being used to surgically place 64 flexible threads, thinner than a human hair, on to a part of the brain that controls "movement intention", according to Neuralink.

    The company says that these threads allow its experimental implant - powered by a battery that can be charged wirelessly - to record and transmit brain signals wirelessly to an app that decodes how the person intends to move.

    "[It] has great potential to help people with neurological disorders in future and is an excellent example of how fundamental neuroscience research is being harnessed for medical advances," said Professor Tara Spires-Jones, president of the British Neuroscience Association.

    "However, most of these interfaces require invasive neurosurgery and are still in experimental stages thus it will likely be many years before they are commonly available."


    In another post on X, Mr Musk said Neuralink's first product would be called Telepathy.

    Telepathy, he said, would enable "control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking".

    "Initial users will be those who have lost the use of their limbs," he continued.

    Referring to the late British scientist who had motor neurone disease, he added: "Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal."

    While Mr Musk's involvement raises the profile of Neuralink, some of his rivals have a track record dating back two decades. Utah-based Blackrock Neurotech implanted its first of many brain-computer interfaces in 2004.

    Precision Neuroscience, formed by a Neuralink co-founder, also aims to help people with paralysis. And its implant resembles a very thin piece of tape that sits on the surface of the brain and can be implanted via a "cranial micro-slit", which it says is a much simpler procedure.

    Existing devices have also generated results. In two separate recent US scientific studies, implants were used to monitor brain activity when a person tried to speak, which could then be decoded to help them communicate.

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    Elon Musk
    United States


    Elon Musk says Neuralink implanted wireless brain chip 10 hours ago CEO of Tesla, Chief Engineer of SpaceX and CTO of X Elon Musk speaks during the New York Times annual DealBook summit on 29 November 2023 in New York City, USGetty Images By Patrick Jackson & Tom Gerken BBC News Tech billionaire Elon Musk has claimed his Neuralink company has successfully implanted one of its wireless brain chips in a human. In a post on X, formerly Twitter, he said "promising" brain activity had been detected after the procedure and the patient was "recovering well". The company's goal is to connect human brains to computers to help tackle complex neurological conditions. A number of rival firms have already implanted similar devices. "For any company producing medical devices, the first test in humans is a significant milestone," said Professor Anne Vanhoestenberghe of King's College London. "For the brain computer interface community, we must place this news in the context that whilst there are many companies working on exciting products, there are only a few other companies who have implanted their devices in humans, so Neuralink has joined a rather small group." However, she also suggested there needed to be a note of caution as "true success" could only be evaluated in the long-term. "We know Elon Musk is very adept at generating publicity for his company," she added. Among the other companies to make similar advances in the field is the École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne (EPFL), in Switzerland, which has successfully enabled a paralysed man to walk just by thinking. That was achieved by putting electronic implants on his brain and spine which wirelessly communicate thoughts to his legs and feet. Details of the breakthrough were published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature in May 2023. There has been no independent verification of Mr Musk's claims, nor has Neuralink provided any information about the procedure he says has taken place. BBC News has approached both Neuralink and the US's medical regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for comment. Neuralink testing Neuralink has been criticised in the past, with Reuters reporting in December 2022 that the company engaged in testing which resulted in the deaths of approximately 1,500 animals, including sheep, monkeys and pigs. In July 2023, the head of the US Department of Agriculture - which investigates animal welfare concerns - said it had not found any violations of animal research rules at the firm. However, a separate investigation by the agency is ongoing. Mr Musk's company was given permission to test the chip on humans by the FDA in May 2023. That gave the green light for the start of the six-year study during which a robot is being used to surgically place 64 flexible threads, thinner than a human hair, on to a part of the brain that controls "movement intention", according to Neuralink. The company says that these threads allow its experimental implant - powered by a battery that can be charged wirelessly - to record and transmit brain signals wirelessly to an app that decodes how the person intends to move. "[It] has great potential to help people with neurological disorders in future and is an excellent example of how fundamental neuroscience research is being harnessed for medical advances," said Professor Tara Spires-Jones, president of the British Neuroscience Association. "However, most of these interfaces require invasive neurosurgery and are still in experimental stages thus it will likely be many years before they are commonly available." Telepathy In another post on X, Mr Musk said Neuralink's first product would be called Telepathy. Telepathy, he said, would enable "control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking". "Initial users will be those who have lost the use of their limbs," he continued. Referring to the late British scientist who had motor neurone disease, he added: "Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. That is the goal." While Mr Musk's involvement raises the profile of Neuralink, some of his rivals have a track record dating back two decades. Utah-based Blackrock Neurotech implanted its first of many brain-computer interfaces in 2004. Precision Neuroscience, formed by a Neuralink co-founder, also aims to help people with paralysis. And its implant resembles a very thin piece of tape that sits on the surface of the brain and can be implanted via a "cranial micro-slit", which it says is a much simpler procedure. Existing devices have also generated results. In two separate recent US scientific studies, implants were used to monitor brain activity when a person tried to speak, which could then be decoded to help them communicate. Related Topics Elon Musk Health United States https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-68137046 https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/01/elon-musk-says-neuralink-implanted.html
    Elon Musk says Neuralink implanted wireless brain chip
    The company intends for such chips to eventually help tackle complex medical conditions.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 13967 Views
  • https://www.threads.net/@afshinrattansi/post/Czj0sRsSMRi/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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  • Since the day I joined Hive, I've learned a lot of new stuff. That was in August 2021. I was startled to read taskmaster4450's article about the exponential age because I had never seen such a viewpoint before. It appears as though the author is from another planet.
    Then, from August 2021 to February 2022, I wandered around Hive without realizing the fantastic possibility that this emerging blockchain was offering. Things didn't start making sense until March 2022.
    Beginning that month, my learning process on Hive has increased significantly. You know learning and applying new ideas isn’t easy, especially for an aging man like me. They say it’s really difficult to teach an old dog new tricks.
    Nevertheless, I had several first-time experiences since that month. I think that’s the first and major transition that shaped the way how I grew in my understanding of Hive.
    Participating in LEO Power Up Day (LPUD), buying CUB, joining listnerds.com and @bradleyarrow’s curation trail, and writing about CENT are the new things I learned since that month. That was one year and three months ago.
    The LeoThreads widespread adoption effort launched on May 1 is at a different stage of development from the growth I mentioned above. The image that comes to mind is a price increase brought on by a significant trend.
    ![pexels-anna-nekrashevich-6802042-Price Spike.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/EqdA2yMujkK1KVPcJdt4Bu4X5UWZsMVvL1bQgbM7oFKpNTnwBj8FJN2f1J3Wyk7cBSV.jpg)
    [Photo Credit
    My Hive activity has undergone a significant transformation after the release of LeoThreads on https://leofinance.io/ version 2 (Note: I am at a loss for words to characterize the current condition of LeoFinance). The first thing I now do every day is check the threads. Before, it wasn't like this. Naturally, there are drawbacks to this, such as a tendency to overlook important Hive events like HIVE Power Up Day and writing lengthy content.
    Before the launch of LeoThreads, I have been describing myself as a “treader” though I didn’t make an official announcement about it on social media. My definition of a treader is inspired by a combination of three ideas: walking cautiously, trading, and reading. For non-native English speakers, these two words: “treader” and “threader” might sound the same.
    The latter refers to microblogging and I love it because its content is not confined to a single category; it is open to all types of content. As such, threads make engagement spontaneous and online learning more easily digestible.
    Reasons Why I am Bullish on LEO
    Serving as an alternative to a centralized microblogging platform like Twitter is a good start but not enough.
    The 10,000 USD prize pool that will be distributed within five days from now somehow made the Leo community excited. However, such excitement is short-term if not matched with a long-term vision of the growth and sustainability of the Leo projects.
    Except for the above reasons I mentioned such as microblogging providing an avenue for instant conversation and digestible content, as a Web3 alternative, and the 10,000 USD incentive, the additional reasons why I am bullish on LEO are as follows:
    Last 05 May, I wrote what I believe to be the benefits of making threads. I mentioned there how I agreed with this idea that the bigger transactions on the chain work to the advantage of the Hive network, the Leo tribe, and our tokens.
    Another reason is related to ad revenue. If the income from advertising will be returned to the LEO token, in such a scenario, all LEO holders win.
    A third reason would be LeoThreads operating as a communication hub for all the tribes within the Hive network. As such, threads can be an avenue for your content to find a wider audience.
    Still, another reason is the potential for micro-earnings. We cannot underestimate the power of small things. All big changes in one way or another started with small steps.
    Closely connected to crypto earning, I think if the recent idea suggested by @taskmaster4450 about the collateralization of the LEO assets will be considered for implementation, we have a solid reason to be exceedingly excited about the future of our platform. Given the fact that the world is in bad need of quality collateral as TM repeatedly argues, I think the LeoFinance can enter that space to fill up such a demand.
    Above all, I enjoy the fun of threading in connecting to other Hivers, lions, and other tribes. To conclude this post, I agree with @meitanteikudo’s poetical description of threads:

    a joyful playground, a joyous meeting where everyone’s voice is heard, a friendly tour guide, a vibrant marketplace of perspectives, and even radiant stars that shine brightly in the LeoFinance galaxy.

    Grace and peace!
    What is LeoFinance?
    What is Hive?
    Since the day I joined Hive, I've learned a lot of new stuff. That was in August 2021. I was startled to read taskmaster4450's article about the exponential age because I had never seen such a viewpoint before. It appears as though the author is from another planet. Then, from August 2021 to February 2022, I wandered around Hive without realizing the fantastic possibility that this emerging blockchain was offering. Things didn't start making sense until March 2022. Beginning that month, my learning process on Hive has increased significantly. You know learning and applying new ideas isn’t easy, especially for an aging man like me. They say it’s really difficult to teach an old dog new tricks. Nevertheless, I had several first-time experiences since that month. I think that’s the first and major transition that shaped the way how I grew in my understanding of Hive. Participating in LEO Power Up Day (LPUD), buying CUB, joining listnerds.com and @bradleyarrow’s curation trail, and writing about CENT are the new things I learned since that month. That was one year and three months ago. The LeoThreads widespread adoption effort launched on May 1 is at a different stage of development from the growth I mentioned above. The image that comes to mind is a price increase brought on by a significant trend. ![pexels-anna-nekrashevich-6802042-Price Spike.jpg](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/EqdA2yMujkK1KVPcJdt4Bu4X5UWZsMVvL1bQgbM7oFKpNTnwBj8FJN2f1J3Wyk7cBSV.jpg) [Photo Credit ](https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-person-holding-smartphone-6802042/) My Hive activity has undergone a significant transformation after the release of LeoThreads on https://leofinance.io/ version 2 (Note: I am at a loss for words to characterize the current condition of LeoFinance). The first thing I now do every day is check the threads. Before, it wasn't like this. Naturally, there are drawbacks to this, such as a tendency to overlook important Hive events like HIVE Power Up Day and writing lengthy content. Before the launch of LeoThreads, I have been describing myself as a “treader” though I didn’t make an official announcement about it on social media. My definition of a treader is inspired by a combination of three ideas: walking cautiously, trading, and reading. For non-native English speakers, these two words: “treader” and “threader” might sound the same. The latter refers to microblogging and I love it because its content is not confined to a single category; it is open to all types of content. As such, threads make engagement spontaneous and online learning more easily digestible. Reasons Why I am Bullish on LEO Serving as an alternative to a centralized microblogging platform like Twitter is a good start but not enough. The 10,000 USD prize pool that will be distributed within five days from now somehow made the Leo community excited. However, such excitement is short-term if not matched with a long-term vision of the growth and sustainability of the Leo projects. Except for the above reasons I mentioned such as microblogging providing an avenue for instant conversation and digestible content, as a Web3 alternative, and the 10,000 USD incentive, the additional reasons why I am bullish on LEO are as follows: Last 05 May, I wrote what I believe to be the benefits of making threads. I mentioned there how I agreed with this idea that the bigger transactions on the chain work to the advantage of the Hive network, the Leo tribe, and our tokens. Another reason is related to ad revenue. If the income from advertising will be returned to the LEO token, in such a scenario, all LEO holders win. A third reason would be LeoThreads operating as a communication hub for all the tribes within the Hive network. As such, threads can be an avenue for your content to find a wider audience. Still, another reason is the potential for micro-earnings. We cannot underestimate the power of small things. All big changes in one way or another started with small steps. Closely connected to crypto earning, I think if the recent idea suggested by @taskmaster4450 about the collateralization of the LEO assets will be considered for implementation, we have a solid reason to be exceedingly excited about the future of our platform. Given the fact that the world is in bad need of quality collateral as TM repeatedly argues, I think the LeoFinance can enter that space to fill up such a demand. Above all, I enjoy the fun of threading in connecting to other Hivers, lions, and other tribes. To conclude this post, I agree with @meitanteikudo’s poetical description of threads: a joyful playground, a joyous meeting where everyone’s voice is heard, a friendly tour guide, a vibrant marketplace of perspectives, and even radiant stars that shine brightly in the LeoFinance galaxy. Grace and peace! What is LeoFinance? What is Hive?
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 15189 Views
  • Yesterday, after hitting 50 threads within 5 hours, lightning and thunder started to strike here. This immediately cut off our access to the Internet and that's the reason why I could not complete the 125 threads per day that I set for myself as my daily goal in order to finish that Final Boss Quest with 3,000 threads before the end of this month.
    I thought everything will be fixed this morning only to wake that the problem got worst. No elecricity, no water, and no Internet. What situation can be worst than this?
    So tried using LeoFinance mobile app to catch up with my yesterday's loss but I also have difficulty opening the app for some technical reason.
    By the way, even before I can check the Leo mobile app, I need a way to connect to the Internet using my phone. Unfortunately, even this *143# service doesn't work for it is under maintenance as of now. It's good that our Accounting Staff found a way to send load to my account through GCash. In the end, I was able to use data mobile and that's why I can write this post (hopefully, this will be successful).
    However before I can access PeakD's mobile app, I underwent a few steps and the most difficult is to manually type the posting key into the Hive Keychain app. I am not sure if anyone has tried it before. Imagine typing all those 49 characters one by one.
    Despite all of these setbacks, I am still grateful gor this day. I just wish that I could return to threading ASAP either through the use of mobile or through the immediate restorstion of our Internet connectivity.
    Grace and peace!
    Yesterday, after hitting 50 threads within 5 hours, lightning and thunder started to strike here. This immediately cut off our access to the Internet and that's the reason why I could not complete the 125 threads per day that I set for myself as my daily goal in order to finish that Final Boss Quest with 3,000 threads before the end of this month. I thought everything will be fixed this morning only to wake that the problem got worst. No elecricity, no water, and no Internet. What situation can be worst than this? So tried using LeoFinance mobile app to catch up with my yesterday's loss but I also have difficulty opening the app for some technical reason. By the way, even before I can check the Leo mobile app, I need a way to connect to the Internet using my phone. Unfortunately, even this *143# service doesn't work for it is under maintenance as of now. It's good that our Accounting Staff found a way to send load to my account through GCash. In the end, I was able to use data mobile and that's why I can write this post (hopefully, this will be successful). However before I can access PeakD's mobile app, I underwent a few steps and the most difficult is to manually type the posting key into the Hive Keychain app. I am not sure if anyone has tried it before. Imagine typing all those 49 characters one by one. Despite all of these setbacks, I am still grateful gor this day. I just wish that I could return to threading ASAP either through the use of mobile or through the immediate restorstion of our Internet connectivity. Grace and peace!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3907 Views
  • ![LPUD.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23u62rsLNZjJiyTxVT3nsWZ6m1wPUm5JwGbsUntYu1aYC2UwggTYtsZ2rroeSQRizcGXb.png)
    After the 30th of April when the zealy.io campaign was launched, LeoFinance is taking a great move that I could hardly catch up on during the first few days. I had no idea what was going on. Grateful to @libertycrypto27's article that somehow explained to me in simple terms what the campaign is all about.
    After 15 days, I didn't expect to be included in the list of top 10 threaders:
    ![02-Threads Leaderboard.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23tHZX6g7rX5ddVd8HLPPcyPejNi6Yrb5FqMTM3pGRpGy2mi1WpnT5SCEkH482u369pKv.png)
    As for the zealy.io leaderboard, I suffered a huge drop back to # 60 due to my inactivity for the last two days. I failed to complete the assigned quests.
    Overall, except for the above setback, I am satisfied with my performance. We still have 26 days in this campaign and a lot of surprises can happen along the way.
    Shifting to my participation in today's #LPUD, four days ago, I sold 1,129 #CENT and 445.97 #CTP to buy 71.9 $LEO. Due to such a purchase, I was able to achieve the 300 LEO monthly target.
    Today is my 11th time participating in #LPUD and the fifth consecutive month this year that I have been powering up 300 LEO. The goal is to reach the CUB status by the end of the year with 5,000 LEO Power.
    ![01-LPUD May.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23tbRGFN3JbsxdhrMtaFZRuQej4ZhFzz1Uhkd7yHvRAXuT4oQQ2Vgi4owWCHnGhp5r3L8.png)
    As I write this post, two hours already passed in #LPUD. As usual, I have been early in publishing my post I think for the past three months.
    Just a minute ago, I powered up 300 LEO.
    ![03-300 LEO.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23yxGhCUNqzzgMd5LMqxFbRqEhzyQwCbATEWZpS1KBC2bzaCLooUuVtYu4V1B1NayhiSc.png)
    I now have 2,906 staked LEO and 26.59 liquid LEO in my wallet. By the next #LPUD, I will reach 3,000 plus LEO Power. Here is now the new status of my LEO power:

    Starting LEO
    Ending LEO
    LEO Growth
    % Growth
    Cumulative % Growth

    15 January

    15 February

    15 March

    15 April
    13.00 %

    15 May

    Again, it's my prayer and I hope that I can sustain this growth in the following months.
    Happy threading and an enjoyable #LPUD to everyone and more power to the LeoFinance community!
    Grace and peace!
    What is LeoFinance?
    What is Hive?
    ![LPUD.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23u62rsLNZjJiyTxVT3nsWZ6m1wPUm5JwGbsUntYu1aYC2UwggTYtsZ2rroeSQRizcGXb.png) After the 30th of April when the zealy.io campaign was launched, LeoFinance is taking a great move that I could hardly catch up on during the first few days. I had no idea what was going on. Grateful to @libertycrypto27's article that somehow explained to me in simple terms what the campaign is all about. After 15 days, I didn't expect to be included in the list of top 10 threaders: ![02-Threads Leaderboard.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23tHZX6g7rX5ddVd8HLPPcyPejNi6Yrb5FqMTM3pGRpGy2mi1WpnT5SCEkH482u369pKv.png) [Source](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Qbt_lbeyfSn-Bn3cPHjIpDMrbUcRtAaBPJVkj-YfqnU/edit#gid=0) As for the zealy.io leaderboard, I suffered a huge drop back to # 60 due to my inactivity for the last two days. I failed to complete the assigned quests. Overall, except for the above setback, I am satisfied with my performance. We still have 26 days in this campaign and a lot of surprises can happen along the way. Shifting to my participation in today's #LPUD, four days ago, I sold 1,129 #CENT and 445.97 #CTP to buy 71.9 $LEO. Due to such a purchase, I was able to achieve the 300 LEO monthly target. Today is my 11th time participating in #LPUD and the fifth consecutive month this year that I have been powering up 300 LEO. The goal is to reach the CUB status by the end of the year with 5,000 LEO Power. ![01-LPUD May.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23tbRGFN3JbsxdhrMtaFZRuQej4ZhFzz1Uhkd7yHvRAXuT4oQQ2Vgi4owWCHnGhp5r3L8.png) As I write this post, two hours already passed in #LPUD. As usual, I have been early in publishing my post I think for the past three months. Just a minute ago, I powered up 300 LEO. ![03-300 LEO.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23yxGhCUNqzzgMd5LMqxFbRqEhzyQwCbATEWZpS1KBC2bzaCLooUuVtYu4V1B1NayhiSc.png) I now have 2,906 staked LEO and 26.59 liquid LEO in my wallet. By the next #LPUD, I will reach 3,000 plus LEO Power. Here is now the new status of my LEO power: Date Starting LEO Ending LEO LEO Growth % Growth Cumulative % Growth 15 January 1,406 1,706 300 21.33% 21.33% 15 February 1,706 2,006 300 17.58% 42.67% 15 March 2,006 2,306 300 14.95% 64.01% 15 April 2,306 2,606 300 13.00 % 85.34% 15 May 2,606 2,906 300 11.51% 106.68% Again, it's my prayer and I hope that I can sustain this growth in the following months. Happy threading and an enjoyable #LPUD to everyone and more power to the LeoFinance community! Grace and peace! What is LeoFinance? What is Hive?
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 6980 Views
  • Today’s Threading Activity
    ![Threading Activity.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23sxpMFsAFs2DRUPEWret23p7oHKwAgzd9M9FiRt3Mq9JXUpjY4LjKetb8EyK3VTtnSQp.png)
    I just created a #threadstorm on leofinance.io about the current zealy.io campaign. In my initial post, I accepted my lack of knowledge about what is going on. Thanks to the article of @libertycrypto27 that helps me in my decision. If I would have waited first to completely understand a thing before taking any action, I think nothing will happen.
    I started the first two days of May not knowing exactly what to do. I logged in on zealy.io and tried to figure out what to do. I had a good start with the help of easy to understand guide like the idea of “Calendar Threading.”
    Today is 06 May. We still have thirty-five more days in this campaign. I just read in today’s threads about Hivers joining for the first time and asking if they can still catch up. Of course, the earlier you join and the earlier you understand the mechanics of the campaign, the more it is advantageous to you.
    After four days of active threading, I got curious about the significance of what we’re doing as a community. This prompted me to ask a question about the long-term consequences of threading. I am curious about what way creating threads benefits Hive, the LeoFinance Community, and other tribes.
    I am impressed with the information provided by the community:
    @ifarmgirl-leo quoted @taskmaster4450 saying that more transactions on the blockchain benefit both Hive and its token. She also mentioned that those who participated in the campaign will have an “edge.” I am just not sure of the precise meaning and implication of having such an edge.
    @jossduarte thinks that perhaps the team intended to provide a platform for migration for those who are “fed up” with the dominant social media.
    @forexbrokr gave the most insightful ideas, and I just want to quote them verbatim:

    It's good for the owner of the leofinance.io front-end as more page views mean more ad revenue. If he chooses to drive that ad revenue back into the LEO token, then it will be good for investors.
    It's good for Hive because the more users receive a cut of the HIVE rewards pool, the better spread the governance token becomes. This is key for Hive to remain censorship-resistant.

    @forexbrokr emphasized the importance of token distribution.
    If you will just read the threads during the past four days, you will observe that threaders are having fun with what we do. I responded to one comment saying that though the 10,000.00 USD looks yummy, the fun of participation has its reward by itself. If I can receive even just a tiny portion of that amount, that to me is an additional incentive.
    I am learning new things while threading. If there is something I learn from my study of financial literacy, it is the idea that in focusing your energy on something, your primary concern is not just to earn, but to learn. Most people fall under the category of “working to earn” rather than “working to learn.” Of course, it doesn’t mean that if you fall under the second category, you will take monetary incentives for granted. It does mean that you know your priority and that you are building something bigger than the money you can earn short term.
    Responding to the insights provided by the members of the community, I thought except for making LeoThreads the communication hub for all of the tribes within the Hive network, all layer two tokens will also benefit from the zealy.io’s existing campaign. I think this is more of an aspiration than an actual description of the status of the tribes using the Hive blockchain. If this will be the case, I think as members of the tribes will realize the potential of the campaign to benefit Hive and all dApps built on it, we will see an explosion in threading numbers. In this sense, we could say that threading is not just a senseless engagement aiming for short-term monetary rewards, but will have a long-term impact on the growth and development of Hive. As such, threading is not a waste of time, but a productive activity. Those who see threading this way will prove it not just by creating threads, but also by meaningfully engaging with other threaders.
    Big thanks to @libertycrypto27, @ifarmgirl-leo, @taskmaster4450, @jossduarte, @forexbrokr, and all threaders that I engaged but failed to mention.
    Grace and peace!
    What is Hive?
    What is LeoFinance?
    Today’s Threading Activity ![Threading Activity.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23sxpMFsAFs2DRUPEWret23p7oHKwAgzd9M9FiRt3Mq9JXUpjY4LjKetb8EyK3VTtnSQp.png) I just created a #threadstorm on leofinance.io about the current zealy.io campaign. In my initial post, I accepted my lack of knowledge about what is going on. Thanks to the article of @libertycrypto27 that helps me in my decision. If I would have waited first to completely understand a thing before taking any action, I think nothing will happen. I started the first two days of May not knowing exactly what to do. I logged in on zealy.io and tried to figure out what to do. I had a good start with the help of easy to understand guide like the idea of “Calendar Threading.” Today is 06 May. We still have thirty-five more days in this campaign. I just read in today’s threads about Hivers joining for the first time and asking if they can still catch up. Of course, the earlier you join and the earlier you understand the mechanics of the campaign, the more it is advantageous to you. After four days of active threading, I got curious about the significance of what we’re doing as a community. This prompted me to ask a question about the long-term consequences of threading. I am curious about what way creating threads benefits Hive, the LeoFinance Community, and other tribes. I am impressed with the information provided by the community: @ifarmgirl-leo quoted @taskmaster4450 saying that more transactions on the blockchain benefit both Hive and its token. She also mentioned that those who participated in the campaign will have an “edge.” I am just not sure of the precise meaning and implication of having such an edge. @jossduarte thinks that perhaps the team intended to provide a platform for migration for those who are “fed up” with the dominant social media. @forexbrokr gave the most insightful ideas, and I just want to quote them verbatim: It's good for the owner of the leofinance.io front-end as more page views mean more ad revenue. If he chooses to drive that ad revenue back into the LEO token, then it will be good for investors. It's good for Hive because the more users receive a cut of the HIVE rewards pool, the better spread the governance token becomes. This is key for Hive to remain censorship-resistant. @forexbrokr emphasized the importance of token distribution. If you will just read the threads during the past four days, you will observe that threaders are having fun with what we do. I responded to one comment saying that though the 10,000.00 USD looks yummy, the fun of participation has its reward by itself. If I can receive even just a tiny portion of that amount, that to me is an additional incentive. I am learning new things while threading. If there is something I learn from my study of financial literacy, it is the idea that in focusing your energy on something, your primary concern is not just to earn, but to learn. Most people fall under the category of “working to earn” rather than “working to learn.” Of course, it doesn’t mean that if you fall under the second category, you will take monetary incentives for granted. It does mean that you know your priority and that you are building something bigger than the money you can earn short term. Responding to the insights provided by the members of the community, I thought except for making LeoThreads the communication hub for all of the tribes within the Hive network, all layer two tokens will also benefit from the zealy.io’s existing campaign. I think this is more of an aspiration than an actual description of the status of the tribes using the Hive blockchain. If this will be the case, I think as members of the tribes will realize the potential of the campaign to benefit Hive and all dApps built on it, we will see an explosion in threading numbers. In this sense, we could say that threading is not just a senseless engagement aiming for short-term monetary rewards, but will have a long-term impact on the growth and development of Hive. As such, threading is not a waste of time, but a productive activity. Those who see threading this way will prove it not just by creating threads, but also by meaningfully engaging with other threaders. Big thanks to @libertycrypto27, @ifarmgirl-leo, @taskmaster4450, @jossduarte, @forexbrokr, and all threaders that I engaged but failed to mention. Grace and peace! What is Hive? What is LeoFinance?
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 7760 Views
  • Though clueless, I participated in the Zealy campaign on May 1st. After reading @libertycrypto27’s post, the question in my mind has been clarified. In this post, let me share my experience so far.
    New Activities I Tried
    During the past three days, I explored activities that are new to me. One is the idea of “Calendar Threading” where participants are given a prompt to give a hint in micro-posting. My first two were successful: #mememonday and #greentuesday. I had difficulty understanding #pawfectwednesday and failed to submit an entry for the #travelthursday because I was just staying in my office. Tomorrow, perhaps, I can join again for #foodiefriday is easy to understand.
    See the guide below on what to post each day of the week:
    ![01-Daily Focus.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23tHSiQpPHHtPaWEoiCUUmFEEGHU2b8GgEEvSCCTJT4V9srsVQCVfTZJ14VoTKPd5N1pw.png)
    [Source ](https://zealy.io/c/leofinance-4960/questboard/a7e9542c-cab9-4a5a-b65e-902d8cd07d80)
    This next activity is not exactly new. I have been doing this for quite some time. I am just glad that LeoFinance added this as part of the quest, and that is to share a summary of meaningful articles and to post a comment to check the source of the articles. I selected articles published by @taskmaster4450 and @geekgirl. TM’s article is about the reasons why he believes that Hive can become the largest financial institution in the world. And as for GG, she shares about the growing number of Hive accounts and Hivers increasing their HBD savings. She also added that HBD is just like Hive prepared for mass adoption. That’s very encouraging and motivational that prompted me to start adding to my HBD savings.
    After three days of participating in the Zealy campaign, I never thought I could do it. Despite my hectic schedule yesterday, I was able to complete 63 threads. Though that’s normal for many threaders, to me that is already a very challenging task.
    After yesterday’s activity, today at around 6:38 PM Philippine time, I just managed to come up with 18 threads. Not sure if I can beat the number the previous day.
    The 10,000.00 USD Incentive
    I assume that what many find interesting in this campaign is the incentive attached to it. Imagine having a share even a small portion of that $10,000.00 reward for those who will be joining this promotional campaign. Though it is not clear to me how this incentive will be distributed, I just entered the campaign for fun and exploration, that is, to learn something that I know little about.
    Except for that 10,000.00 USD reward, there are also other ways to win in this game. Unfortunately, I don’t understand the mechanics of how to participate in them. There is this 200,000 HIVE power delegation, NFTs, and LEO Power delegation. I feel lost as to the exact procedure to represent a tribe.
    Growth of My Experience Points
    So far, my Experience Points (xp) jumped from less than 50 to 775 after completing 34 quests. If you are curious about what this campaign is, you can check it by clicking the link below:
    Thirty-seven more days to go before the end of this campaign. If you want to have a piece in the mentioned prize, the minimum steps you can do are just to sign in once a day, accomplish the assigned quests, or simply comment on others’ threads. That’s how my xp grew after three days.
    Grace and peace!
    What is LeoFinance?
    Though clueless, I participated in the Zealy campaign on May 1st. After reading @libertycrypto27’s post, the question in my mind has been clarified. In this post, let me share my experience so far. New Activities I Tried During the past three days, I explored activities that are new to me. One is the idea of “Calendar Threading” where participants are given a prompt to give a hint in micro-posting. My first two were successful: #mememonday and #greentuesday. I had difficulty understanding #pawfectwednesday and failed to submit an entry for the #travelthursday because I was just staying in my office. Tomorrow, perhaps, I can join again for #foodiefriday is easy to understand. See the guide below on what to post each day of the week: ![01-Daily Focus.png](https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rzc24-nftbbg/23tHSiQpPHHtPaWEoiCUUmFEEGHU2b8GgEEvSCCTJT4V9srsVQCVfTZJ14VoTKPd5N1pw.png) [Source ](https://zealy.io/c/leofinance-4960/questboard/a7e9542c-cab9-4a5a-b65e-902d8cd07d80) This next activity is not exactly new. I have been doing this for quite some time. I am just glad that LeoFinance added this as part of the quest, and that is to share a summary of meaningful articles and to post a comment to check the source of the articles. I selected articles published by @taskmaster4450 and @geekgirl. TM’s article is about the reasons why he believes that Hive can become the largest financial institution in the world. And as for GG, she shares about the growing number of Hive accounts and Hivers increasing their HBD savings. She also added that HBD is just like Hive prepared for mass adoption. That’s very encouraging and motivational that prompted me to start adding to my HBD savings. After three days of participating in the Zealy campaign, I never thought I could do it. Despite my hectic schedule yesterday, I was able to complete 63 threads. Though that’s normal for many threaders, to me that is already a very challenging task. After yesterday’s activity, today at around 6:38 PM Philippine time, I just managed to come up with 18 threads. Not sure if I can beat the number the previous day. The 10,000.00 USD Incentive I assume that what many find interesting in this campaign is the incentive attached to it. Imagine having a share even a small portion of that $10,000.00 reward for those who will be joining this promotional campaign. Though it is not clear to me how this incentive will be distributed, I just entered the campaign for fun and exploration, that is, to learn something that I know little about. Except for that 10,000.00 USD reward, there are also other ways to win in this game. Unfortunately, I don’t understand the mechanics of how to participate in them. There is this 200,000 HIVE power delegation, NFTs, and LEO Power delegation. I feel lost as to the exact procedure to represent a tribe. Growth of My Experience Points So far, my Experience Points (xp) jumped from less than 50 to 775 after completing 34 quests. If you are curious about what this campaign is, you can check it by clicking the link below: https://zealy.io/c/leofinance-4960/invite/-SUdNg2GksluXvXyoGd6l Thirty-seven more days to go before the end of this campaign. If you want to have a piece in the mentioned prize, the minimum steps you can do are just to sign in once a day, accomplish the assigned quests, or simply comment on others’ threads. That’s how my xp grew after three days. Grace and peace! What is LeoFinance?
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 9298 Views
  • I think I'm done with traditional social media. I'm one of the few people I know who never had a Facebook account. Well, in a moment of weakness last month, I decided to create an account for Marketplace and reselling. I used the account for a week, didn't post anything though, and just didn't like anything about it. Facebook actually gave me a really bad feeling, like I just shouldn't be there. It was really weird. By the end of the week, I deactivated the account. It just didn't seem worth it and I felt like a sell-out.
    The truly strange part was how wrong it felt. I tend to trust my instincts and my instincts told me to get the hell out of there! That's really strange to me. I've never received those sorts of vibes from a social platform or anything internet related.

    I know some people love Facebook for sharing family photos and keeping in contact with loved ones. It's a great platform for long-distance friends and relatives. There's certainly nothing wrong with that and I totally get it. I really think these social media companies are getting way to powerful though and I'm more than a little concerned about their ability to control narratives and select what we may or may not see. How anyone abides by that, is incredibly alarming to me.
    My one Facebook post read, "Here for Marketplace if we haven't talked in 20-something years, let's keep it that way."
    It's a bit cold but truthful. There are very few people from my past I wish to reconnect with. On top of that, I found all kinds of weird stipulations for using Marketplace. I'll stick with Craigslist. I hope it never gets to a point where we have to have one of these social accounts to buy and sell online.

    Last night, I decided to deactivate my Twitter account. For some reason, I thought you could delete the account when Jack ran the company. Now that Elon took over, I only saw an option to deactivate the account. Is anyone else getting the feeling like these are nothing more than government spy programs? Why can't I delete my data? Pretty sure Facebook is the same way.
    I've had a love-hate relationship with Twitter for a really long time. It was really my first mainstream social media app. The only reason I signed up was for Crypto Twitter. I instantly fell in love with the community. Plus there was a ton of good trading information on there back in 2013 up until around 2017. I think after 2018, the growth of the crypto community brought with it a ton of scammers, bots, and shady people.
    The weird thing was that with over 43K followers I've interacted with the same 10 or 15 people for the last couple of years. Rarely would I get a comment or reply from anyone new. My follower counts also hovered between 42K and 45K followers. A couple of times during crypto hype cycles, the account grew to just UNDER 50K. I found that really weird. The account would come super close to 50K then suddenly lose 5K to 10K followers. This kept happening from the start as the account grew in popularity. Definitely strange, and far too coincidental.
    The Final Straw
    So I quit Twitter several times over the last couple of months. Each time, I'd just check back in when there was something happening in the crypto market. I really use it as a source of crypto news and a way to gauge market sentiment. I'd end up striking up a conversation or two, laugh at a few memes, and start using it daily again. Then get pissed off by all the propaganda in my feed and quit again. Only to return in the next week or so and repeat the entire cycle over again.
    Last night, like much of America, I watched Donald Trump give his speech after his indictment hearing or whatever it was. Just shameful, this is going to be a post for another day, probably tomorrow. After his speech, however, I decided to log into Twitter to see what other people thought. I should state right now, I'm an anarchist, I don't really believe in government but politics affect us all and I do like to stay current and up-to-date on things. My point is, I'm NO Trump lover. I think the guy is a bafoon and really bad for our country. He's his own worst enemy, and even if he could be a good president they just won't allow him to succeed. My feelings for Trump aside, I logged into Twitter to see how others felt about the speech. I'll post my thoughts on his indictment tomorrow.

    When I logged into Twitter I was shocked to see EVERY SINGLE POST being anti-Trump. Pro arrest. There was one post the algo missed that talked about what a dangerous precedent this was setting. ONE POST... Everything else was extremely negative, nothing positive, and just a massive echo chamber.
    Seriously, I wasn't looking for people to agree or disagree with my opinions and thoughts. What I was looking for was a balance of opinions. Twitter was a very PRO-MAGA platform for a really long time. Many of my followers were MAGA people. Maybe they all left the platform, I can't say, I rarely use Twitter for politics. I do know the last time I checked Twitter for politics it wasn't anywhere near as one-sided as what I witnessed last night.
    Keep in mind, this is the front-runner for the Republican party. He still has a ton of supporters in this country. What bothered me, wasn't all the negativity but the fact that there was nothing else. This just isn't possible. It was at that moment that I said, "I'm done" and then went into settings and clicked the deactivate button. It wasn't about the stance, it was about everyone having THE EXACT SAME STANCE in the thread I was looking at and no alternative points of view AT ALL. Not what I signed up for. NOT TO MENTION, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!

    So many people rely on social media for news and to keep current. I have a huge problem with censorship and an even bigger problem with propaganda, data manipulation, and narrative manipulation. The idea that a social media company can control the narrative is outrageous to me. The idea that some people are OK with this is even more horrifying. I can no longer participate. In some ways, I think the manipulation of Covid posts was a test run for future narrative control and censorship.
    Covid was actually when I first realized how manipulated narratives were on social media sites. Until then, I assumed it was all conspiracy theories. I just can't participate anymore. I really hope everyone comes to their senses soon and walks away from these social platforms. They farm our data, spy on us, share it with governments around the world, and sell the data to the highest bidders for profit.
    The irony is, it looks like people will soon begin paying for the privilege of having their data and political narratives manipulated for them. I don't get it... We have alternatives like Hive that allow us to speak freely. Instead of selling our data, we're rewarded in crypto. Yet, people would rather pay a faceless corporation owned by one of the world's wealthiest men, rather than post somewhere that rewards them for their content and allows them to say pretty much whatever they want.
    I'm never going to understand the current times we're living in. I have an Instagram page for my Tarot site. Besides that, I think I'm done with Youtube too. I'm going to try and focus entirely on Hive-centric social media like #SoMee, #DBuzz, #LeoThreads, and Peakd.
    It's time to walk away from these mainstream social manipulators. Frankly, I think they're doing way more harm than good!
    I think I'm done with traditional social media. I'm one of the few people I know who never had a Facebook account. Well, in a moment of weakness last month, I decided to create an account for Marketplace and reselling. I used the account for a week, didn't post anything though, and just didn't like anything about it. Facebook actually gave me a really bad feeling, like I just shouldn't be there. It was really weird. By the end of the week, I deactivated the account. It just didn't seem worth it and I felt like a sell-out. The truly strange part was how wrong it felt. I tend to trust my instincts and my instincts told me to get the hell out of there! That's really strange to me. I've never received those sorts of vibes from a social platform or anything internet related. I know some people love Facebook for sharing family photos and keeping in contact with loved ones. It's a great platform for long-distance friends and relatives. There's certainly nothing wrong with that and I totally get it. I really think these social media companies are getting way to powerful though and I'm more than a little concerned about their ability to control narratives and select what we may or may not see. How anyone abides by that, is incredibly alarming to me. My one Facebook post read, "Here for Marketplace if we haven't talked in 20-something years, let's keep it that way." It's a bit cold but truthful. There are very few people from my past I wish to reconnect with. On top of that, I found all kinds of weird stipulations for using Marketplace. I'll stick with Craigslist. I hope it never gets to a point where we have to have one of these social accounts to buy and sell online. Last night, I decided to deactivate my Twitter account. For some reason, I thought you could delete the account when Jack ran the company. Now that Elon took over, I only saw an option to deactivate the account. Is anyone else getting the feeling like these are nothing more than government spy programs? Why can't I delete my data? Pretty sure Facebook is the same way. I've had a love-hate relationship with Twitter for a really long time. It was really my first mainstream social media app. The only reason I signed up was for Crypto Twitter. I instantly fell in love with the community. Plus there was a ton of good trading information on there back in 2013 up until around 2017. I think after 2018, the growth of the crypto community brought with it a ton of scammers, bots, and shady people. The weird thing was that with over 43K followers I've interacted with the same 10 or 15 people for the last couple of years. Rarely would I get a comment or reply from anyone new. My follower counts also hovered between 42K and 45K followers. A couple of times during crypto hype cycles, the account grew to just UNDER 50K. I found that really weird. The account would come super close to 50K then suddenly lose 5K to 10K followers. This kept happening from the start as the account grew in popularity. Definitely strange, and far too coincidental. The Final Straw So I quit Twitter several times over the last couple of months. Each time, I'd just check back in when there was something happening in the crypto market. I really use it as a source of crypto news and a way to gauge market sentiment. I'd end up striking up a conversation or two, laugh at a few memes, and start using it daily again. Then get pissed off by all the propaganda in my feed and quit again. Only to return in the next week or so and repeat the entire cycle over again. Last night, like much of America, I watched Donald Trump give his speech after his indictment hearing or whatever it was. Just shameful, this is going to be a post for another day, probably tomorrow. After his speech, however, I decided to log into Twitter to see what other people thought. I should state right now, I'm an anarchist, I don't really believe in government but politics affect us all and I do like to stay current and up-to-date on things. My point is, I'm NO Trump lover. I think the guy is a bafoon and really bad for our country. He's his own worst enemy, and even if he could be a good president they just won't allow him to succeed. My feelings for Trump aside, I logged into Twitter to see how others felt about the speech. I'll post my thoughts on his indictment tomorrow. When I logged into Twitter I was shocked to see EVERY SINGLE POST being anti-Trump. Pro arrest. There was one post the algo missed that talked about what a dangerous precedent this was setting. ONE POST... Everything else was extremely negative, nothing positive, and just a massive echo chamber. Seriously, I wasn't looking for people to agree or disagree with my opinions and thoughts. What I was looking for was a balance of opinions. Twitter was a very PRO-MAGA platform for a really long time. Many of my followers were MAGA people. Maybe they all left the platform, I can't say, I rarely use Twitter for politics. I do know the last time I checked Twitter for politics it wasn't anywhere near as one-sided as what I witnessed last night. Keep in mind, this is the front-runner for the Republican party. He still has a ton of supporters in this country. What bothered me, wasn't all the negativity but the fact that there was nothing else. This just isn't possible. It was at that moment that I said, "I'm done" and then went into settings and clicked the deactivate button. It wasn't about the stance, it was about everyone having THE EXACT SAME STANCE in the thread I was looking at and no alternative points of view AT ALL. Not what I signed up for. NOT TO MENTION, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! Danger So many people rely on social media for news and to keep current. I have a huge problem with censorship and an even bigger problem with propaganda, data manipulation, and narrative manipulation. The idea that a social media company can control the narrative is outrageous to me. The idea that some people are OK with this is even more horrifying. I can no longer participate. In some ways, I think the manipulation of Covid posts was a test run for future narrative control and censorship. Covid was actually when I first realized how manipulated narratives were on social media sites. Until then, I assumed it was all conspiracy theories. I just can't participate anymore. I really hope everyone comes to their senses soon and walks away from these social platforms. They farm our data, spy on us, share it with governments around the world, and sell the data to the highest bidders for profit. The irony is, it looks like people will soon begin paying for the privilege of having their data and political narratives manipulated for them. I don't get it... We have alternatives like Hive that allow us to speak freely. Instead of selling our data, we're rewarded in crypto. Yet, people would rather pay a faceless corporation owned by one of the world's wealthiest men, rather than post somewhere that rewards them for their content and allows them to say pretty much whatever they want. I'm never going to understand the current times we're living in. I have an Instagram page for my Tarot site. Besides that, I think I'm done with Youtube too. I'm going to try and focus entirely on Hive-centric social media like #SoMee, #DBuzz, #LeoThreads, and Peakd. It's time to walk away from these mainstream social manipulators. Frankly, I think they're doing way more harm than good!
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  • Japanese infrastructure firm Kandenko blends science and art to make miniature scenes light up using smart-X conductive threads creating this story called "connecting thoughts" a visualisation of how we are all connected.

    Read more: https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2021/09/smart-x-conductive-thread/
    Source of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEUMG4z7JgY
    Japanese infrastructure firm Kandenko blends science and art to make miniature scenes light up using smart-X conductive threads creating this story called "connecting thoughts" a visualisation of how we are all connected. Read more: https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2021/09/smart-x-conductive-thread/ Source of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEUMG4z7JgY
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