• Clarifying Defamation Against Master Peace Zeolites
    Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)
    Defamatory attacks are being waged against Master Peace, a company offering a new and effective zeolite supplement for detox.

    The defamatory content was posted by a woman named “Ria” to a Facebook page called “Ria No Moresilence”. The person running the page is an allopathic practitioner.

    You can see the Facebook page is connected to an online telehealth website called “Long Haulers” which is offering allopathic treatment for vaccine injured and “Covid long haulers”. Ria is a practitioner for Long Haulers.

    The website features Dr. Pierre Kory as the chief Medical Doctor their team is “working in collaboration with”.

    Ria appears to be attacking Master Peace which is a new company offering Clinoptilolite Zeolite infused with Marine Plasma nutrition.

    Ria has claimed that “Master Peace build the graphene oxide filaments".

    Ria goes on to attack the credibility of Master Peace leader, Caroline Mansfield.

    Next, the Long Hauler practitioner further claims that "Master Peace are the building blocks for nanotech and rubbery clots".

    She then references Ana Maria Mihalcea’s article entitled, “Zeolite Use In Nanotechnology Biosensor Applications, Enhancement Of Graphene Quantum Dots Capacity And Increase In Polymer Hydrogel Growth” which reveals a dark underbelly to modern health supplements.

    Ana Maria Mihalcea is not providing her readers with the complete picture of zeolites in her article. She’s using scare tactics to confuse her audience, which serves to deter them from trying more effective natural solutions for detox.

    Zeolites is one of the most effective heavy metal chelator that exist. That is, when this superior natural medicine is pure and unadulterated!

    Zeolites have long been used as a natural treatment to remove heavy radioactive metals from land, water and humans. If you knew that natural zeolites can effectively chelate heavy metals and other toxins, then you might reconsider using Ana Maria’s dangerous pharmaceutical EDTA Acid infusions.

    On the flip side, because natural zeolites are so effective at removing toxic metals from the human body, the market was flooded with contaminated zeolite products leading up to the Covid-19 vaccine democide.

    Already back in 2012, graphene oxide was being attached to the silicalite surface of zeolites, entraping GO nanosheets inside single crystals. In 2015, zeolite nanotechnology was already being tested for drug delivery.

    This patent indicates that aluminum is being mixed into zeolites. Another patent demonstrates that metallic “nanodots” of all kinds can be used in zeolite products.

    But what do these sinister patents have to do with Master Peace zeolites? The answer is absolutely nothing. Master Peace is a natural zeolite supplement that’s sourced from the sea. Master Peace zeolites are volcanic ash harvested from the sea floor bed which is structured and reduced by oxidation to a stabilized nanoparticle size. It’s known as oxygenated clinoptililite. There are no synthetic chemicals used in this process, so essentially, Master Peace is nano minerals, which is not to be confused with harmful nanotechnology.

    A 40-year veteran scientist, Dr. Robert Young, is doing the lab analysis for Master Peace. As the following study shows, the novel oxygenated clinoptilolite efficiently removes aluminum and graphene oxide.

    PLEASE READ: Oxygenated Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) Efficiently Removes Aluminum & Graphene Oxide

    Master Peace zeolites are then infused with sea plasma, which is another essential medicine beneficial for hydration and greater nutrient absorption. It’s a fascinating three-step process worth reading more about.

    So I wonder where Ria the allopathic practitioner got the idea that Master Peace supplement can build graphene oxide filaments and nanotech and promote the growth of rubbery clots? Is Dr. Pierre Kory aware of this defamation? Does Ana Maria have something to do with these false claims, I wonder?

    Listen to Dr. Robert Young on Master Peace and the hexagon via Human Consciousness Support (official channel).

    Follow me on Telegram @drloveariyana.

    Sign up and order Master Peace here

    Clarifying Defamation Against Master Peace Zeolites Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) Defamatory attacks are being waged against Master Peace, a company offering a new and effective zeolite supplement for detox. The defamatory content was posted by a woman named “Ria” to a Facebook page called “Ria No Moresilence”. The person running the page is an allopathic practitioner. You can see the Facebook page is connected to an online telehealth website called “Long Haulers” which is offering allopathic treatment for vaccine injured and “Covid long haulers”. Ria is a practitioner for Long Haulers. The website features Dr. Pierre Kory as the chief Medical Doctor their team is “working in collaboration with”. Ria appears to be attacking Master Peace which is a new company offering Clinoptilolite Zeolite infused with Marine Plasma nutrition. Ria has claimed that “Master Peace build the graphene oxide filaments". Ria goes on to attack the credibility of Master Peace leader, Caroline Mansfield. Next, the Long Hauler practitioner further claims that "Master Peace are the building blocks for nanotech and rubbery clots". She then references Ana Maria Mihalcea’s article entitled, “Zeolite Use In Nanotechnology Biosensor Applications, Enhancement Of Graphene Quantum Dots Capacity And Increase In Polymer Hydrogel Growth” which reveals a dark underbelly to modern health supplements. Ana Maria Mihalcea is not providing her readers with the complete picture of zeolites in her article. She’s using scare tactics to confuse her audience, which serves to deter them from trying more effective natural solutions for detox. Zeolites is one of the most effective heavy metal chelator that exist. That is, when this superior natural medicine is pure and unadulterated! Zeolites have long been used as a natural treatment to remove heavy radioactive metals from land, water and humans. If you knew that natural zeolites can effectively chelate heavy metals and other toxins, then you might reconsider using Ana Maria’s dangerous pharmaceutical EDTA Acid infusions. On the flip side, because natural zeolites are so effective at removing toxic metals from the human body, the market was flooded with contaminated zeolite products leading up to the Covid-19 vaccine democide. Already back in 2012, graphene oxide was being attached to the silicalite surface of zeolites, entraping GO nanosheets inside single crystals. In 2015, zeolite nanotechnology was already being tested for drug delivery. This patent indicates that aluminum is being mixed into zeolites. Another patent demonstrates that metallic “nanodots” of all kinds can be used in zeolite products. But what do these sinister patents have to do with Master Peace zeolites? The answer is absolutely nothing. Master Peace is a natural zeolite supplement that’s sourced from the sea. Master Peace zeolites are volcanic ash harvested from the sea floor bed which is structured and reduced by oxidation to a stabilized nanoparticle size. It’s known as oxygenated clinoptililite. There are no synthetic chemicals used in this process, so essentially, Master Peace is nano minerals, which is not to be confused with harmful nanotechnology. A 40-year veteran scientist, Dr. Robert Young, is doing the lab analysis for Master Peace. As the following study shows, the novel oxygenated clinoptilolite efficiently removes aluminum and graphene oxide. PLEASE READ: Oxygenated Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) Efficiently Removes Aluminum & Graphene Oxide Master Peace zeolites are then infused with sea plasma, which is another essential medicine beneficial for hydration and greater nutrient absorption. It’s a fascinating three-step process worth reading more about. So I wonder where Ria the allopathic practitioner got the idea that Master Peace supplement can build graphene oxide filaments and nanotech and promote the growth of rubbery clots? Is Dr. Pierre Kory aware of this defamation? Does Ana Maria have something to do with these false claims, I wonder? Listen to Dr. Robert Young on Master Peace and the hexagon via Human Consciousness Support (official channel). Follow me on Telegram @drloveariyana. Sign up and order Master Peace here https://open.substack.com/pub/drloveariyana/p/clarifying-defamation-against-master?r=29hg4d&utm_medium=ios
    Clarifying Defamation Against Master Peace Zeolites
    Defamatory attacks are being waged against Master Peace, a company offering a new and effective zeolite supplement for detox. The defamatory content was posted by a woman named “Ria” to a Facebook page called “Ria No Moresilence”. The person running the page is an allopathic practitioner.
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  • The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding
    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorFebruary 23, 2024


    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, 1776

    That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany. And it was America’s third US President Thomas Jefferson, who refused renewal of the Rothschild controlled First Bank of America’s charter in 1811. The American Revolution may have been fought for independence from King George’s British monarchy, but not independence from the Rothschild central banking cartel, whose controlling 70% foreign interests in First Bank of America indebted America’s earliest citizens. At the end of George Washington’s eight years as first US president, in 1791 the federalist Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton installed for the Rothschilds their First Bank of America.

    Not renewing its charter, Jefferson kicked the Rothschild owned bank out of the US, which became the basis for America’s first war as a sovereign independent country, once again facing the same British enemy in the War of 1812. This war fought over financial independence from Britain’s City of London, only caused young America to drown further in war debt, as Nathan Rothschild backing both sides to every conflict he creates was determined to bankrupt the US to force it into recolonization. Despite the hard-fought American military victory, by 1815 with the US war debt nearly tripled at $119.2 million in the red, America financially was already a major debtor nation owing the infamous bloodline banking dynasty. That same year, making a colossal fortune over the Battle of Waterloo outcome by pre-rigging his investment, the gloating crook Nathan Rothschild proclaimed:

    I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.

    Sadly, America’s War of 1812 struggle for financial independence from the Rothschild controllers was lost. A brief excerpt from my Pedophilia & Empire series, Book 3, chapter one on the Rothschild family:

    In 1816 with yet a Second Bank of the United States foisted on American citizens for the next 20 years, in effect, Rothschild was simply seizing his predatory ownership of the United States. And once again, private control over the US money supply tacking on parasitic interest went into the coffers of as many as 1000 foreign investors, with [Nathan’s younger brother] Baron James de Rothschild in Paris holding the controlling shares.

    When the Second Bank of America’s charter was up for renewal 20 years later in 1836, that year Nathan Rothschild died. But France’s James de Rothschild assuming control over both the London and Paris banking branches, battled playing dirty as usual for charter renewal. He met his match as the resolute, feisty President Andrew Jackson was up for the challenge, declaring war on the House of Rothschild:

    You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by eternal God, I will rout you out.

    President Jackson’s turn to oppose the centralized moneychangers ultimately proved successful, kicking the Rothschilds out of America yet again, and the second British dynasty US takeover was again foiled, at least temporarily. However, the year prior in 1835, amidst the battle over the US private central bank, Jackson barely dodged a bullet to literally escape an assassination attempt attributed to Rothschild wrath. From 1836 to 1913, the US was largely free of the treacherous Rothschild leeches from Europe, signifying America’s longest period of foremost economic growth and prosperity in its entire history.

    Having acquired central banking control over Europe and through Nathan Rothschild’s ownership of the Bank of England by early 19th century, the British East India Company monopoly over international trade, including both the drug and slave trade, spanned the globe from Africa, the Indian and Pacific Oceans to North America and Europe, the flourishing international banking cartel consolidated its growing global money lending power over every commercial trade on every continent. But one vast sprawling nation covering two continents over the centuries resisted and eluded the Rothschild clutches. As a result, Russia was repeatedly targeted, as its ruling Romanov monarchy managed to successfully evade the Rothschild predatory conquest, but not without murderous retribution. From author Eustice Mullens’ New World Order:

    After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschilds turned all their hatred against the Romanovs. In 1825, they poisoned Alexander I; in 1855, they poisoned Nicholas I. Other assassinations followed, culminating on the night of November 6, 1917, when a dozen Red Guards drove a truck up to the Imperial Bank Building in Moscow. They loaded the Imperial jewel collection and $700 million gold, loot totaling more than a billion dollars. The new regime also confiscated the 150 million acres in Russia personally owned by the Czar.

    In addition to a century of assassinating Romanov czars by poison, when Czar Alexander II came to the aid of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, which by many accounts attribute Russian support to preserving the Union, the vindictive Rothschild cartel as primary backer of the Confederacy, vowed eternal revenge against the Russia and its royal family. The Rothschilds et al’s war at all cost against Russia today in Ukraine is merely this same long legacy’s outcome.

    Just prior to the Rothschilds’ planned First World War in 1914, a few months earlier in late 1913, they deceptively snuck through Congress their Federal Reserve Act on December 23rd, after most members had already left on Christmas break. The Jekyll Island rendezvous of the Fed Reserve architects included Paul Warburg, the German born chief central banking Rothschild agent moved to the US, ending up the second Vice Fed chairman. Continuity of one thought mind pervades the Warburg clan as Paul’s son James Paul Warburg before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950 emphatically declared:

    We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.

    Thus, the third Rothschild central private bank in America was established to take permanent full usury-debtor system control over the US money supply, through bribery of Washington’s political puppet class, and the American people through their engineered debtor system. 1913 also saw the passage of the Federal Income Tax Act, illegally squeezing tax dollars to rip off hardworking US citizens just to pay off debt interests from all the bankers’ war loans. This vicious control cycle is how Khazarian mafia swindlers have cunningly operated since their identity snatching days of their ancient Khazar kingdom over a millennium ago.

    The Rothschild central banking controllers hired one of their own, distant cousin Karl Marx to write his Marxist Communist Manifesto in 1848. And it was the Rothschild cartel money along with Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff in America that financed his fellow Jews’ Bolshevik Revolution and their plotted murder and theft of Russian Czar Nicholas II’s family in 1917. And that billion plus of stolen Russian gold is said to have wound up stored in Rothschild’s underground chambers at City of London’s Bank of England. A centuries long pattern of covert deception, murder, war, corruption and insatiable appetite for greed and increasing power characterize all that is behind today’s still operating Khazarian mafia bankster dynasty rooted in ancient Khazar more than a millennium ago. Closer to this century historically, one world government tyranny and depopulation eugenics have both reflected the elites’ obsession.

    Rothschild crimes funded all three of the most bloodthirsty dictators in all of human history. The 1917 Russian Revolution spawned the rise of the Lenin-Stalin Communist Soviet Union democide, killing 66 million mostly Christian Russians. Then, since the early 1930s, in addition to Bush, Rothschild and Rockefeller bloodlines also funded the rise of Adolph Hitler. His alleged sacrifice of 6 million Jews in WWII was used coldheartedly as Zionist bargaining chips for the non-Hebrew Ashkenazim false claim of “Israelite birthright” to a homeland in Palestine, promised to Lord Lionel Rothschild in the 1917 Balfour Declaration. Three decades later, the pledge was fulfilled with the establishment of the Jewish State. Despite a non-Hebrew heritage, Ashkenazi [non]Jews that trace back originally to nomadic Turkic tribes, comprise 90% of today’s Israeli population.

    The Balfour Declaration also made another pledge:

    …Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.

    The Jewish State since its 1948 inception, that’s the last three quarters of a century now, has brutally pushed out the true Semite Arabs living in Palestine, their rightful ancient homeland, yet they’ve been systematically destroyed by Israel’s official genocidal apartheid policy. This fact is neither anti-Semitic nor what should be allowed or tolerated by rest of the world, yet with impunity, it has for far too long. This shameful reality is largely due to the Zionist House of Rothschild’s influence and control over Israel.

    Also in the 1930s, the Rothschilds groomed and backed yet another notorious Yale educated dictator Mao Zedong, also covertly supporting his democide against 65 million of his own sacrificed fellow Chinese. Over the centuries, you can recognize a pattern, that these Luciferian bloodline controllers led by the likes of the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties, have had ample practice committing genocides, financing the rise to power of all three dictators responsible for the deadliest genocides in all of history on this planet… that is, until the current unprecedented genocide against today’s human race.

    In 1933 the globalists of the day attempted the first major coup against the United States government in a failed attempt to overthrew the Franklin Delano Roosevelt, singlehandedly prevented by the Medal of Honor and most decorated war hero US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler. His intervention stopped the plotted criminal takeover, exposing it publicly in the press in 1934 as well as in his book. And though his courageous actions successfully averted the treasonous subversion committed by some of America’s wealthiest, most powerful conspiratorial traitors as captains of industry, bankers and politicians, among them heir to the Singer Sewing fortune Robert Sterling Clark and George HW Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, during WWII as a Union Banking Corp. director, Bush’s company was linked to financing, aiding and abetting the US Nazi enemy Adolph Hitler, yet his shockingly treasonous past was covered up and he was sent to the US Senate from Connecticut. Of course, the Bush-Clinton crime families are notorious for getting away with multiple felonies of high treason. Pedophile George Bush senior was implicated in America’s largest publicly exposed child sex trafficking network, tagged the “Franklin scandal” involving Nebraska children some from Catholic Boys Town directly trafficked to the White House during the Reagan-Bush administrations.

    While the Bush crime family are Satanists, their fellow Satanist arrested in this scandal coverup was fall guy Lawrence E. King, though the entire operation was quickly swept under the carpet as ringleader King aided by the likes of Satanist Lt. Col. Michael Aquino hotel drop-off of a cash filled suitcase to King. Like Epstein, Lawrence King was also handed a sweetheart deal with next to no jailtime considering his ungodly crimes. Of course, Aquino always walked free despite being linked to multiple pedo-scandals, protected by his military status high up in America’s MK mind control operation, identified by a number of child victims at the Presidio daycare scandal as well as implicated by Cathy O’Brien as a MK-ultra top programmer. America’s highest-profile pedophile-child sex trafficker is supposedly deceased, Jeffrey Epstein, while his gal pal partner-in-crime Guislaine Maxwell serves her 20-year sentence in a Florida federal penitentiary.

    Whereas the Franklin scandal incriminates the Bush crime family, both the Epstein-Maxwell operation and Pizzagate scandal expose the Rothschild, Clinton, Podesta, Obama, Biden crime families, including Donald Trump touting what “a terrific guy” Epstein was to 2004 New York Magazine, adding how he loves “the young ones,” wink, wink. The fact is, America’s uniparty is infested with hundreds of compromised famous pedophiles and gatekeeping enablers still walking free, despite the tons of cameras capturing the crimes as evidence. Outside of King, Epstein and Maxwell, zero arrests and prosecutions of any prominent guilty pedo-criminals including British, Belgian, and Dutch royalty, prime ministers and presidents, as well as billionaire criminals like Bill Gates, hundreds, perhaps thousands of these blackmailed VIP politicians, judges, police chiefs, generals, CEOs, bankers and entertainers, all guilty of horrific child sex abuse crimes have yet to face their unholiest of unholy karma.

    Multiple chapters in Pedophilia & Empire Book 4 unravel the US pedo-scourge and other scandals throughout the world in the other books. The New World Order, secret societies and the global pedophilia network generating enormous black ops revenue involving colossal amounts of money laundering by all Rothschild private central banks, are explicitly intertwined and fully documented in the five volume series with access to all 50 plus chapters here.

    Because so much accelerated shocking truth is coming out weekly, with a one in 6 billion chance of so many disastrous chemical spill derailments all at once, manmade earthquakes punishing nations aligned with Russia, all are only further incriminating the bloodline controllers and their puppet minions at the highest echelons of Western power. The reason why the Ukraine war is so huge right now, carrying so much at stake, is because the entire New World Order’s one world government scheme is riding on the bloodline controllers’ defeat by Russia in Ukraine as their longtime “devil’s playground” hub gets further exposed to the global public. With all these bloodline criminals vis-à-vis the Rothschild dynasty atop this predatory food chain, busily bribing, blackmailing, and silencing facts and truthtellers through any and all means necessary, it’s to ensure that their psychopathic club of elites remains unreachable and immune from all prosecution and long overdue justice. They know more than enough criminal evidence is out there in the public domain to convict these genocidal killers for their unending crimes and they know that We the People are closing in on them. And because of this, the monstrous beasts are willing to unleash nuclear Armageddon. We are living through epic times, and though millions have already perished and perhaps billions more will follow, in this war between good and evil, we have them on the run, rushing like cockroaches for the cover of darkness. But armed and united by the truth, justice will be done.

    As a consequence of the covert subversive overthrow of the United States government taking place in recent years, both the complete absence of rule of law and rampant treasonous failure to uphold the US Constitution, currently has Americans and people around the world waking up in righteous anger by the thousands every single day. Our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson bestowed fundamental rights of liberty and freedom to every citizen, granting us clear-cut legal justification and guidelines to, in his words, “abolish” the illegitimate treasonous regime occupying Washington today. Taking into account the US government’s repeated terrorist acts constituting democide against its own American citizenry as well as having committed acts of war against US closest allies like Germany via the Nord Stream sabotage, the Biden regime’s intent to destroy both America and West must be opposed immediately.

    A growing majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance as imposter president, more so than any previous president in US modern history during the entire 78 years of presidential poll ratings. After the US Supreme Court declined the Brunson case out of Utah last month for a second time this year, the longshot effort to hold the vast majority of Congress accountable for illegally ratifying a fraudulent, rigged 2020 election has been thwarted. All three branches of government – the executive, legislative and judiciary, have systemically failed Americans by repeatedly violating the US Constitution in clear breech of their sworn oaths to uphold and defend. All three branches have committed treason for destroying our nation through reckless, willful crimes endangering both the American as well as global population, targeted for extermination by the elites. Nuremberg 2.0 needs to immediately be invoked for mass tribunal trials of multitudes of genocidal traitors determined to impose their diabolical, exposed depopulation agenda on humanity.

    The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the president that vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces,” reduce the power of the Federal Reserve and avert a decade long costly war in Vietnam, set the stage for the Deep State to fester and thrive ever since November 22, 1963. Every US president ever since has been a mere puppet for bloodline controllers to rape the earth and humanity in the name of the military industrial security Big Pharma complex. In this century the Khazarian mafia infested and controlled international criminal cabal manufactured their “new Pearl Harbor” 9/11, an Israeli-neocon grand Satanic blood sacrifice after the prewritten Patriot Act straight out of the dialectical “problem, reaction, solution” con-game playbook intended to strip away all Americans’ constitutional rights, a lose-lose our less freedom for less security and win-win for the Satanists, thinly disguised as collateral damage behind their fabricated war on terror against Muslim terrorists they create, train and finance as fake proxy war US enemies, supplementing their ongoing “war on drugs” to destroy African American families for the prison security complex, then when convenient again switch the revolving “enemy” back to the Russians and Chinese in Cold War #2 to drive humanity off the Armageddon cliff with today’s nuclear World War III countdown.

    And now along with the threat of a mushroom cloud, their enemy target today expands to a genocidal war against the entire human species with their fake pandemic/killer jab’s malevolent agenda to destroy national sovereignty via the United Nations’ World Health Organization, subversively imposing more fake or deadly health emergencies possessing an unlimited bioweapon arsenal bringing more draconian lockdowns, more killer mandates, along with their 15-minute smart cities control grid prison enslavement, planetwide mass surveillance, Chinese modeled social credit scores freezing dissidents’ bank accounts requiring digital ID approval and cashless World Bank Digital Currency, all part of their “Great Reset.”

    The globalists’ wet dream is our never-ending nightmare of absolute myopic control over the culled down, beaten down, traumatized, lobotomized population of jabbed, DNA altered, group hived, AI mind-controlled cyborg survivors. This is our bleak Lucifer controlled future if we remain weak, passive, defeated and ignorant. Activism is growing in a planetwide movement protesting against the Ukraine debacle along with the price inflation, smart cities and World Economic Forum’s enslavement. Legal challenges against the technocratic tyranny, the genocide, the wokist insanity. Our enemy is on notice and no doubt will be unleashing more false flags and WMDs at us, but the momentum of growing resistance and opposition is mobilizing for the long war.

    Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

    The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global Research, lewrockwell.com and currently https://jameshfetzer.org. As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at https://pedoempire.org/contents/. Joachim also hosts the Revolution Radio weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).


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    The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorFebruary 23, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, 1776 That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany. And it was America’s third US President Thomas Jefferson, who refused renewal of the Rothschild controlled First Bank of America’s charter in 1811. The American Revolution may have been fought for independence from King George’s British monarchy, but not independence from the Rothschild central banking cartel, whose controlling 70% foreign interests in First Bank of America indebted America’s earliest citizens. At the end of George Washington’s eight years as first US president, in 1791 the federalist Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton installed for the Rothschilds their First Bank of America. Not renewing its charter, Jefferson kicked the Rothschild owned bank out of the US, which became the basis for America’s first war as a sovereign independent country, once again facing the same British enemy in the War of 1812. This war fought over financial independence from Britain’s City of London, only caused young America to drown further in war debt, as Nathan Rothschild backing both sides to every conflict he creates was determined to bankrupt the US to force it into recolonization. Despite the hard-fought American military victory, by 1815 with the US war debt nearly tripled at $119.2 million in the red, America financially was already a major debtor nation owing the infamous bloodline banking dynasty. That same year, making a colossal fortune over the Battle of Waterloo outcome by pre-rigging his investment, the gloating crook Nathan Rothschild proclaimed: I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply. Sadly, America’s War of 1812 struggle for financial independence from the Rothschild controllers was lost. A brief excerpt from my Pedophilia & Empire series, Book 3, chapter one on the Rothschild family: In 1816 with yet a Second Bank of the United States foisted on American citizens for the next 20 years, in effect, Rothschild was simply seizing his predatory ownership of the United States. And once again, private control over the US money supply tacking on parasitic interest went into the coffers of as many as 1000 foreign investors, with [Nathan’s younger brother] Baron James de Rothschild in Paris holding the controlling shares. When the Second Bank of America’s charter was up for renewal 20 years later in 1836, that year Nathan Rothschild died. But France’s James de Rothschild assuming control over both the London and Paris banking branches, battled playing dirty as usual for charter renewal. He met his match as the resolute, feisty President Andrew Jackson was up for the challenge, declaring war on the House of Rothschild: You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by eternal God, I will rout you out. President Jackson’s turn to oppose the centralized moneychangers ultimately proved successful, kicking the Rothschilds out of America yet again, and the second British dynasty US takeover was again foiled, at least temporarily. However, the year prior in 1835, amidst the battle over the US private central bank, Jackson barely dodged a bullet to literally escape an assassination attempt attributed to Rothschild wrath. From 1836 to 1913, the US was largely free of the treacherous Rothschild leeches from Europe, signifying America’s longest period of foremost economic growth and prosperity in its entire history. Having acquired central banking control over Europe and through Nathan Rothschild’s ownership of the Bank of England by early 19th century, the British East India Company monopoly over international trade, including both the drug and slave trade, spanned the globe from Africa, the Indian and Pacific Oceans to North America and Europe, the flourishing international banking cartel consolidated its growing global money lending power over every commercial trade on every continent. But one vast sprawling nation covering two continents over the centuries resisted and eluded the Rothschild clutches. As a result, Russia was repeatedly targeted, as its ruling Romanov monarchy managed to successfully evade the Rothschild predatory conquest, but not without murderous retribution. From author Eustice Mullens’ New World Order: After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschilds turned all their hatred against the Romanovs. In 1825, they poisoned Alexander I; in 1855, they poisoned Nicholas I. Other assassinations followed, culminating on the night of November 6, 1917, when a dozen Red Guards drove a truck up to the Imperial Bank Building in Moscow. They loaded the Imperial jewel collection and $700 million gold, loot totaling more than a billion dollars. The new regime also confiscated the 150 million acres in Russia personally owned by the Czar. In addition to a century of assassinating Romanov czars by poison, when Czar Alexander II came to the aid of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, which by many accounts attribute Russian support to preserving the Union, the vindictive Rothschild cartel as primary backer of the Confederacy, vowed eternal revenge against the Russia and its royal family. The Rothschilds et al’s war at all cost against Russia today in Ukraine is merely this same long legacy’s outcome. Just prior to the Rothschilds’ planned First World War in 1914, a few months earlier in late 1913, they deceptively snuck through Congress their Federal Reserve Act on December 23rd, after most members had already left on Christmas break. The Jekyll Island rendezvous of the Fed Reserve architects included Paul Warburg, the German born chief central banking Rothschild agent moved to the US, ending up the second Vice Fed chairman. Continuity of one thought mind pervades the Warburg clan as Paul’s son James Paul Warburg before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950 emphatically declared: We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest. Thus, the third Rothschild central private bank in America was established to take permanent full usury-debtor system control over the US money supply, through bribery of Washington’s political puppet class, and the American people through their engineered debtor system. 1913 also saw the passage of the Federal Income Tax Act, illegally squeezing tax dollars to rip off hardworking US citizens just to pay off debt interests from all the bankers’ war loans. This vicious control cycle is how Khazarian mafia swindlers have cunningly operated since their identity snatching days of their ancient Khazar kingdom over a millennium ago. The Rothschild central banking controllers hired one of their own, distant cousin Karl Marx to write his Marxist Communist Manifesto in 1848. And it was the Rothschild cartel money along with Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff in America that financed his fellow Jews’ Bolshevik Revolution and their plotted murder and theft of Russian Czar Nicholas II’s family in 1917. And that billion plus of stolen Russian gold is said to have wound up stored in Rothschild’s underground chambers at City of London’s Bank of England. A centuries long pattern of covert deception, murder, war, corruption and insatiable appetite for greed and increasing power characterize all that is behind today’s still operating Khazarian mafia bankster dynasty rooted in ancient Khazar more than a millennium ago. Closer to this century historically, one world government tyranny and depopulation eugenics have both reflected the elites’ obsession. Rothschild crimes funded all three of the most bloodthirsty dictators in all of human history. The 1917 Russian Revolution spawned the rise of the Lenin-Stalin Communist Soviet Union democide, killing 66 million mostly Christian Russians. Then, since the early 1930s, in addition to Bush, Rothschild and Rockefeller bloodlines also funded the rise of Adolph Hitler. His alleged sacrifice of 6 million Jews in WWII was used coldheartedly as Zionist bargaining chips for the non-Hebrew Ashkenazim false claim of “Israelite birthright” to a homeland in Palestine, promised to Lord Lionel Rothschild in the 1917 Balfour Declaration. Three decades later, the pledge was fulfilled with the establishment of the Jewish State. Despite a non-Hebrew heritage, Ashkenazi [non]Jews that trace back originally to nomadic Turkic tribes, comprise 90% of today’s Israeli population. The Balfour Declaration also made another pledge: …Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine. The Jewish State since its 1948 inception, that’s the last three quarters of a century now, has brutally pushed out the true Semite Arabs living in Palestine, their rightful ancient homeland, yet they’ve been systematically destroyed by Israel’s official genocidal apartheid policy. This fact is neither anti-Semitic nor what should be allowed or tolerated by rest of the world, yet with impunity, it has for far too long. This shameful reality is largely due to the Zionist House of Rothschild’s influence and control over Israel. Also in the 1930s, the Rothschilds groomed and backed yet another notorious Yale educated dictator Mao Zedong, also covertly supporting his democide against 65 million of his own sacrificed fellow Chinese. Over the centuries, you can recognize a pattern, that these Luciferian bloodline controllers led by the likes of the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties, have had ample practice committing genocides, financing the rise to power of all three dictators responsible for the deadliest genocides in all of history on this planet… that is, until the current unprecedented genocide against today’s human race. In 1933 the globalists of the day attempted the first major coup against the United States government in a failed attempt to overthrew the Franklin Delano Roosevelt, singlehandedly prevented by the Medal of Honor and most decorated war hero US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler. His intervention stopped the plotted criminal takeover, exposing it publicly in the press in 1934 as well as in his book. And though his courageous actions successfully averted the treasonous subversion committed by some of America’s wealthiest, most powerful conspiratorial traitors as captains of industry, bankers and politicians, among them heir to the Singer Sewing fortune Robert Sterling Clark and George HW Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, during WWII as a Union Banking Corp. director, Bush’s company was linked to financing, aiding and abetting the US Nazi enemy Adolph Hitler, yet his shockingly treasonous past was covered up and he was sent to the US Senate from Connecticut. Of course, the Bush-Clinton crime families are notorious for getting away with multiple felonies of high treason. Pedophile George Bush senior was implicated in America’s largest publicly exposed child sex trafficking network, tagged the “Franklin scandal” involving Nebraska children some from Catholic Boys Town directly trafficked to the White House during the Reagan-Bush administrations. While the Bush crime family are Satanists, their fellow Satanist arrested in this scandal coverup was fall guy Lawrence E. King, though the entire operation was quickly swept under the carpet as ringleader King aided by the likes of Satanist Lt. Col. Michael Aquino hotel drop-off of a cash filled suitcase to King. Like Epstein, Lawrence King was also handed a sweetheart deal with next to no jailtime considering his ungodly crimes. Of course, Aquino always walked free despite being linked to multiple pedo-scandals, protected by his military status high up in America’s MK mind control operation, identified by a number of child victims at the Presidio daycare scandal as well as implicated by Cathy O’Brien as a MK-ultra top programmer. America’s highest-profile pedophile-child sex trafficker is supposedly deceased, Jeffrey Epstein, while his gal pal partner-in-crime Guislaine Maxwell serves her 20-year sentence in a Florida federal penitentiary. Whereas the Franklin scandal incriminates the Bush crime family, both the Epstein-Maxwell operation and Pizzagate scandal expose the Rothschild, Clinton, Podesta, Obama, Biden crime families, including Donald Trump touting what “a terrific guy” Epstein was to 2004 New York Magazine, adding how he loves “the young ones,” wink, wink. The fact is, America’s uniparty is infested with hundreds of compromised famous pedophiles and gatekeeping enablers still walking free, despite the tons of cameras capturing the crimes as evidence. Outside of King, Epstein and Maxwell, zero arrests and prosecutions of any prominent guilty pedo-criminals including British, Belgian, and Dutch royalty, prime ministers and presidents, as well as billionaire criminals like Bill Gates, hundreds, perhaps thousands of these blackmailed VIP politicians, judges, police chiefs, generals, CEOs, bankers and entertainers, all guilty of horrific child sex abuse crimes have yet to face their unholiest of unholy karma. Multiple chapters in Pedophilia & Empire Book 4 unravel the US pedo-scourge and other scandals throughout the world in the other books. The New World Order, secret societies and the global pedophilia network generating enormous black ops revenue involving colossal amounts of money laundering by all Rothschild private central banks, are explicitly intertwined and fully documented in the five volume series with access to all 50 plus chapters here. Because so much accelerated shocking truth is coming out weekly, with a one in 6 billion chance of so many disastrous chemical spill derailments all at once, manmade earthquakes punishing nations aligned with Russia, all are only further incriminating the bloodline controllers and their puppet minions at the highest echelons of Western power. The reason why the Ukraine war is so huge right now, carrying so much at stake, is because the entire New World Order’s one world government scheme is riding on the bloodline controllers’ defeat by Russia in Ukraine as their longtime “devil’s playground” hub gets further exposed to the global public. With all these bloodline criminals vis-à-vis the Rothschild dynasty atop this predatory food chain, busily bribing, blackmailing, and silencing facts and truthtellers through any and all means necessary, it’s to ensure that their psychopathic club of elites remains unreachable and immune from all prosecution and long overdue justice. They know more than enough criminal evidence is out there in the public domain to convict these genocidal killers for their unending crimes and they know that We the People are closing in on them. And because of this, the monstrous beasts are willing to unleash nuclear Armageddon. We are living through epic times, and though millions have already perished and perhaps billions more will follow, in this war between good and evil, we have them on the run, rushing like cockroaches for the cover of darkness. But armed and united by the truth, justice will be done. As a consequence of the covert subversive overthrow of the United States government taking place in recent years, both the complete absence of rule of law and rampant treasonous failure to uphold the US Constitution, currently has Americans and people around the world waking up in righteous anger by the thousands every single day. Our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson bestowed fundamental rights of liberty and freedom to every citizen, granting us clear-cut legal justification and guidelines to, in his words, “abolish” the illegitimate treasonous regime occupying Washington today. Taking into account the US government’s repeated terrorist acts constituting democide against its own American citizenry as well as having committed acts of war against US closest allies like Germany via the Nord Stream sabotage, the Biden regime’s intent to destroy both America and West must be opposed immediately. A growing majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance as imposter president, more so than any previous president in US modern history during the entire 78 years of presidential poll ratings. After the US Supreme Court declined the Brunson case out of Utah last month for a second time this year, the longshot effort to hold the vast majority of Congress accountable for illegally ratifying a fraudulent, rigged 2020 election has been thwarted. All three branches of government – the executive, legislative and judiciary, have systemically failed Americans by repeatedly violating the US Constitution in clear breech of their sworn oaths to uphold and defend. All three branches have committed treason for destroying our nation through reckless, willful crimes endangering both the American as well as global population, targeted for extermination by the elites. Nuremberg 2.0 needs to immediately be invoked for mass tribunal trials of multitudes of genocidal traitors determined to impose their diabolical, exposed depopulation agenda on humanity. The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the president that vowed to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces,” reduce the power of the Federal Reserve and avert a decade long costly war in Vietnam, set the stage for the Deep State to fester and thrive ever since November 22, 1963. Every US president ever since has been a mere puppet for bloodline controllers to rape the earth and humanity in the name of the military industrial security Big Pharma complex. In this century the Khazarian mafia infested and controlled international criminal cabal manufactured their “new Pearl Harbor” 9/11, an Israeli-neocon grand Satanic blood sacrifice after the prewritten Patriot Act straight out of the dialectical “problem, reaction, solution” con-game playbook intended to strip away all Americans’ constitutional rights, a lose-lose our less freedom for less security and win-win for the Satanists, thinly disguised as collateral damage behind their fabricated war on terror against Muslim terrorists they create, train and finance as fake proxy war US enemies, supplementing their ongoing “war on drugs” to destroy African American families for the prison security complex, then when convenient again switch the revolving “enemy” back to the Russians and Chinese in Cold War #2 to drive humanity off the Armageddon cliff with today’s nuclear World War III countdown. And now along with the threat of a mushroom cloud, their enemy target today expands to a genocidal war against the entire human species with their fake pandemic/killer jab’s malevolent agenda to destroy national sovereignty via the United Nations’ World Health Organization, subversively imposing more fake or deadly health emergencies possessing an unlimited bioweapon arsenal bringing more draconian lockdowns, more killer mandates, along with their 15-minute smart cities control grid prison enslavement, planetwide mass surveillance, Chinese modeled social credit scores freezing dissidents’ bank accounts requiring digital ID approval and cashless World Bank Digital Currency, all part of their “Great Reset.” The globalists’ wet dream is our never-ending nightmare of absolute myopic control over the culled down, beaten down, traumatized, lobotomized population of jabbed, DNA altered, group hived, AI mind-controlled cyborg survivors. This is our bleak Lucifer controlled future if we remain weak, passive, defeated and ignorant. Activism is growing in a planetwide movement protesting against the Ukraine debacle along with the price inflation, smart cities and World Economic Forum’s enslavement. Legal challenges against the technocratic tyranny, the genocide, the wokist insanity. Our enemy is on notice and no doubt will be unleashing more false flags and WMDs at us, but the momentum of growing resistance and opposition is mobilizing for the long war. Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system. The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolical pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, like Global Research, lewrockwell.com and currently https://jameshfetzer.org. As a published bestselling author on Amazon of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, his A-Z sourcebook series exposes the global pedophilia scourge is available free at https://pedoempire.org/contents/. Joachim also hosts the Revolution Radio weekly broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed,” every Friday morning at 6AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!). ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/02/the-rothschild-deep-state-cabal-is-imploding/
    The Rothschild Deep State Cabal Is Imploding
    That same momentous year that kicked off the American Revolution, 1776 was also the year that ex-Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria founded his Illuminati Order, sponsored by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as House of Rothschild patriarch in nearby Frankfurt, Germany.
    2 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 52788 Views
  • France: ANY Criticism Of The mRNA DEATHVAX™ Platform Punishable Up To 3 Years Imprisonment And 45,000 Euros
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    The WEF-captured government of France has pushed through a draconian new law entitled Article 4. This Orwellian and unconstitutional color of law power grab is a purposely poor attempt at obscuring the irrefutable slow kill bioweapon death and destruction data.

    What makes Article 4 particularly incendiary is that the majority of the French population has been outright refusing all “vaccinations.” Throttling their free speech as it pertains to gene modifying poisons will only increase the already heightened tensions between the criminal Macron administration and the awakening French populace, by design.

    Between WEF puppet Trudeau in Canada and WEF puppet Macron in France, there is now a race to create the most totalitarian technocommunist nation in the West, with France now taking a slight lead; to wit:

    These policies and “laws” are nothing more than an extension of the ongoing democide, and the associated iatrocide.

    Meanwhile, back in the USSA, the Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) is still at it with their “Trust the Science” mendacity and murder:

    Readers of this Substack fully appreciate the myocarditis and turbo cancer epidemics currently underway — not to mention soaring excess non-PSYOP-19 mortality — since the rollout of the “vaccines:”

    Removing all BigPharma legal liabilities and prosecuting the various “health” agencies like the FDA, CDC, NIH, et al. has never been more urgent.

    France’s Article 4 is just a hint at what is to come, especially if the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty scam ever passes in the various nations that they are attempting to further hijack.

    The VALENTINES DAY "HEART HEALTH" FLASH SALE ends today, so this is your last chance to get 20% off on Doxycycline, as well as Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole by using code VAL20

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline


    France: ANY Criticism Of The mRNA DEATHVAX™ Platform Punishable Up To 3 Years Imprisonment And 45,000 Euros 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The WEF-captured government of France has pushed through a draconian new law entitled Article 4. This Orwellian and unconstitutional color of law power grab is a purposely poor attempt at obscuring the irrefutable slow kill bioweapon death and destruction data. What makes Article 4 particularly incendiary is that the majority of the French population has been outright refusing all “vaccinations.” Throttling their free speech as it pertains to gene modifying poisons will only increase the already heightened tensions between the criminal Macron administration and the awakening French populace, by design. Between WEF puppet Trudeau in Canada and WEF puppet Macron in France, there is now a race to create the most totalitarian technocommunist nation in the West, with France now taking a slight lead; to wit: These policies and “laws” are nothing more than an extension of the ongoing democide, and the associated iatrocide. Meanwhile, back in the USSA, the Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) is still at it with their “Trust the Science” mendacity and murder: Readers of this Substack fully appreciate the myocarditis and turbo cancer epidemics currently underway — not to mention soaring excess non-PSYOP-19 mortality — since the rollout of the “vaccines:” Removing all BigPharma legal liabilities and prosecuting the various “health” agencies like the FDA, CDC, NIH, et al. has never been more urgent. France’s Article 4 is just a hint at what is to come, especially if the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty scam ever passes in the various nations that they are attempting to further hijack. The ❤️ VALENTINES DAY "HEART HEALTH" FLASH SALE ❤️ ends today, so this is your last chance to get 20% off on Doxycycline, as well as Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole by using code VAL20 They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://open.substack.com/pub/2ndsmartestguyintheworld/p/france-any-criticism-of-the-mrna?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=nziiy https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/france-any-criticism-of-mrna-deathvax.html
    France: ANY Criticism Of The mRNA DEATHVAX™ Platform Punishable Up To 3 Years Imprisonment And 45,000 Euros
    The WEF-captured government of France has pushed through a draconian new law entitled Article 4. This Orwellian and unconstitutional color of law power grab is a purposely poor attempt at obscuring the irrefutable slow kill bioweapon death and destruction data.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 8705 Views
  • More severe war crimes of the Zionist state...

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been brutally tortured in Belmarsh Prison (UK) and persecuted for publishing equal war crimes of the U.S. Government in Iraq! And the U.S. Government IS funding the Gaza democide!

    More severe war crimes of the Zionist state... WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been brutally tortured in Belmarsh Prison (UK) and persecuted for publishing equal war crimes of the U.S. Government in Iraq! And the U.S. Government IS funding the Gaza democide! https://x.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1757358867132948930?s=20
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2466 Views
  • Cell phones are accessing people's biometric data and sending it through the cloud to the patent holders, which is a privately held corporation in Tel Aviv. It's highly invasive technology and is NOT legal to use against the human species.
    Governments are directly conducting a worldwide democide through "Covid-19 vaccinations". Worldwide death records show people have died disproportionately in the years following "Covid-19 vaccination".
    This is a highly advanced technology that's intergalactic and inner earth related. I believe this is serpant technology and goes back to our ancesters, Adam and Eve. Many sub-species are also involved. I mean all of it, injections serums, towers and satellites, hand sanitizer, masks and fake swab "tests", WEF, AI generated operating system, bank of targets, etc...

    Cell phones are accessing people's biometric data and sending it through the cloud to the patent holders, which is a privately held corporation in Tel Aviv. It's highly invasive technology and is NOT legal to use against the human species. Governments are directly conducting a worldwide democide through "Covid-19 vaccinations". Worldwide death records show people have died disproportionately in the years following "Covid-19 vaccination". This is a highly advanced technology that's intergalactic and inner earth related. I believe this is serpant technology and goes back to our ancesters, Adam and Eve. Many sub-species are also involved. I mean all of it, injections serums, towers and satellites, hand sanitizer, masks and fake swab "tests", WEF, AI generated operating system, bank of targets, etc... https://t.me/drloveariyana/1651
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1516 Views
  • Doctors don't know the functionality of the immune system.
    Our immune function is perfect. Our bodies are created by intelligent design. Our body is programmed to solve every embalance, naturally.
    In a state of poisoning, also accute poisoning, you must treat the body gently but firm. Only when a person achieves detox by boosting alkalinity can homeostasis return.
    Pharmaceuticals destroy vital functions of our immune system, often permanently. Genetic modifications are occurring and this phenomenon is aerosolized, we know from early studies on CONVID-DEMOCIDE101.
    Unless MD's realize we can work together and accomplish our goals faster (saving humanity one life at a time) then things can begin to change in the world of medicine.
    A patient or client must remain in detox daily to push to self-replication of the nanoparticles back, until the immune system is fully rescued and cancelation is achieved. Then chelation continues for several months with a good protocol, also tackling parasites and bacterium while turbo charging the immune system with superior medicines; essential oils, salts, super antioxidants. The right combo of things is critical.

    Doctors don't know the functionality of the immune system. Our immune function is perfect. Our bodies are created by intelligent design. Our body is programmed to solve every embalance, naturally. In a state of poisoning, also accute poisoning, you must treat the body gently but firm. Only when a person achieves detox by boosting alkalinity can homeostasis return. Pharmaceuticals destroy vital functions of our immune system, often permanently. Genetic modifications are occurring and this phenomenon is aerosolized, we know from early studies on CONVID-DEMOCIDE101. Unless MD's realize we can work together and accomplish our goals faster (saving humanity one life at a time) then things can begin to change in the world of medicine. A patient or client must remain in detox daily to push to self-replication of the nanoparticles back, until the immune system is fully rescued and cancelation is achieved. Then chelation continues for several months with a good protocol, also tackling parasites and bacterium while turbo charging the immune system with superior medicines; essential oils, salts, super antioxidants. The right combo of things is critical. https://t.me/drloveariyana/1613
    Dr. Ariyana Love (new channel)
    Doctors don't know the functionality of the immune system. Our immune function is perfect. Our bodies are created by intelligent design. Our body is programmed to solve every embalance, naturally. In a state of poisoning, also accute poisoning, you must treat the body gently but firm. Only when a person achieves detox by boosting alkalinity can homeostasis return. Pharmaceuticals destroy vital functions of our immune system, often permanently. Genetic modifications are occurring and this phenomenon is aerosolized, we know from early studies on CONVID-DEMOCIDE101. Unless MD's realize we can work together and accomplish our goals faster (saving humanity one life at a time) then things can begin to change in the world of medicine. A patient or client must remain in detox daily to push to self-replication of the nanoparticles back, until the immune system is fully rescued and cancelation is achieved. Then chelation continues for several months with a good protocol, also tackling parasites and bacterium while turbo…
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2975 Views
  • As soon as Netanyahu ends this Gaza democide, he's finished. That's why he won't end it.

    As soon as Netanyahu ends this Gaza democide, he's finished. That's why he won't end it. https://x.com/DoubleDownNews/status/1755380251096441216?s=20
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 291 Views
  • Here's my bio. Everything is here. I never lied to anyone as the defamation story goes. When people ask my qualifications I always tell them. This is who I am and was before 2019 brought us Event 201 and the Covid-19 democide.

    I will be updating everything soon and starting a Substack.


    Dr. Ariyana Love Bio
    September 24, 2023 by Dr. Ariyana Love
    Dr. Ariyana Love is an official Goodwill Ambassador to Palestine. She’s a second-generation natural doctor, investigative journalist, medical and patent researcher, and founder of an international foundation revitalizing traditional Homeopathic medicines.

    Dr. Love uses world renown disease reversing (anti-aging) protocols that detox and reverse vaxx and swab injuries. She is currently advocating for client retribution and compensation.

    Dr. Love’s father, Dr. Eric Love, founded the first natural healing school in Northern California in 1981. Prior to training through the International Association of Homeopathy (Dad’s institute) in her early 20’s, she was certified in various healing modalities from Heartwood Institute of the Healing Arts School. With 18+ years of training and experience in the field of natural medicine and nutrition, she’s currently being mentored by scientist, Dr. Robert O. Young, and Biotech expert, Dr. Judy Mikovitz.

    Dr. Love studied Motion Picture Video (film) at Montana State University and worked in Hollywood for about a year, before opting out of Hollywood and into corporate finance. Mentored in upper-level business management, she spearheaded a financial consulting company with Omega Financial and moved to Finland with her team in 1998, to acquire advanced technologies.

    Dr. Love’s elder son was vaccine injured at the age of two. He was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism (Asperger) at age 7. She applied her medical knowledge and designed a dietary protocol that resulted in a total reversal of her son’s debilitating symptoms by the time he was 8. All of his allergies also disappeared.

    In 2010, Dr. Love began homeschooling on a Native American reservation in the mountains of Northern California, where she lived with the indigenous Hoopa and Karook tribes. She studied traditional Native American Medicine and learned the Brickstitch weave from a generational teacher. Designing beautiful earring patterns is a favorite hobby. She and her sons also learned to track, hunt, skin, fish and forage.

    Dr. Love is originally from the Emerald Triangle in Northern California, where she grew up along the Sequoia/Redwood coast. She has traveled the world learning traditional medicine from indigenous people and harvesting the purest medicines from nature reserves, such as the pine tree and chaparral.

    Dr. Love pilgrimaged to the holy land of Palestine in 2012, and lived in a traditional Palestinian village in the Occupied West Bank for close to a year. She studied the root of Authentic World Judaism, Orthodox Christianity and Islam, and grew a heart felt appreciation for the Palestinian culture and their traditions. She discovered Palestine’s superior harvesting techniques and the many medicinal applications from the blessed olive tree, as well as other herbs and plants from the Middle East.

    Dr. Love’s Ministry in Palestine activated her calling. Witnessing the injustice of Apartheid inspired her journalism and Human Rights Defending. In 2013, she was invited to train with Roger Landry from the The Liberty Beacon (TLB) news network. She Directed and built two successful news channels from the ground up before she was politically targeted and de-platformed across social media, beginning in 2017.

    Dr. Love has been on the front lines in independent media, leading record-breaking campaigns in defense of political prisoners. She collaborated with Palestinian media professionals for 8 years, documenting and publishing Zionist occupation war crimes. Eventually the Palestinian Authorities (PA) and Gaza authorities awarded her with an official Goodwill Ambassador to Palestine role through the International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (ICSPR).

    Julian Assange invited Dr. Love to join WikiLeaks from Belmarsh Prison, in 2019.

    Dr. Love was the first person in the world to read and document all the experimental modRNA “vaccine” patents and report them on Stew Peters Show. She applied her medical knowledge and research skills and designed protocols to naturally chelate heavy metals, cancel nanotech and detox the body from all poisons. Her protocols stop spike protein replication and restore the body’s original design. She’s been detoxing people successfully from jabs and swabs since October of 2020. She applies the Terrain theory to reverse cellular and DNA damage, brain injury, autoimmunity and essentially all diseases because the root cause is always the same.

    Dr. Love’s detox and health protocols are highly sought after worldwide. She is mentored by scientist Dr. Robert Young and Biotech expert, Dr. Judy Mikovitz. Her work is published in Global Research and used by medical and legal teams and natural law tribunals.
    Here's my bio. Everything is here. I never lied to anyone as the defamation story goes. When people ask my qualifications I always tell them. This is who I am and was before 2019 brought us Event 201 and the Covid-19 democide. I will be updating everything soon and starting a Substack. https://ambassadorlove.blog/2023/09/24/dr-ariyana-love-nd-bio/ Dr. Ariyana Love Bio September 24, 2023 by Dr. Ariyana Love Dr. Ariyana Love is an official Goodwill Ambassador to Palestine. She’s a second-generation natural doctor, investigative journalist, medical and patent researcher, and founder of an international foundation revitalizing traditional Homeopathic medicines. Dr. Love uses world renown disease reversing (anti-aging) protocols that detox and reverse vaxx and swab injuries. She is currently advocating for client retribution and compensation. Dr. Love’s father, Dr. Eric Love, founded the first natural healing school in Northern California in 1981. Prior to training through the International Association of Homeopathy (Dad’s institute) in her early 20’s, she was certified in various healing modalities from Heartwood Institute of the Healing Arts School. With 18+ years of training and experience in the field of natural medicine and nutrition, she’s currently being mentored by scientist, Dr. Robert O. Young, and Biotech expert, Dr. Judy Mikovitz. Dr. Love studied Motion Picture Video (film) at Montana State University and worked in Hollywood for about a year, before opting out of Hollywood and into corporate finance. Mentored in upper-level business management, she spearheaded a financial consulting company with Omega Financial and moved to Finland with her team in 1998, to acquire advanced technologies. Dr. Love’s elder son was vaccine injured at the age of two. He was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism (Asperger) at age 7. She applied her medical knowledge and designed a dietary protocol that resulted in a total reversal of her son’s debilitating symptoms by the time he was 8. All of his allergies also disappeared. In 2010, Dr. Love began homeschooling on a Native American reservation in the mountains of Northern California, where she lived with the indigenous Hoopa and Karook tribes. She studied traditional Native American Medicine and learned the Brickstitch weave from a generational teacher. Designing beautiful earring patterns is a favorite hobby. She and her sons also learned to track, hunt, skin, fish and forage. Dr. Love is originally from the Emerald Triangle in Northern California, where she grew up along the Sequoia/Redwood coast. She has traveled the world learning traditional medicine from indigenous people and harvesting the purest medicines from nature reserves, such as the pine tree and chaparral. Dr. Love pilgrimaged to the holy land of Palestine in 2012, and lived in a traditional Palestinian village in the Occupied West Bank for close to a year. She studied the root of Authentic World Judaism, Orthodox Christianity and Islam, and grew a heart felt appreciation for the Palestinian culture and their traditions. She discovered Palestine’s superior harvesting techniques and the many medicinal applications from the blessed olive tree, as well as other herbs and plants from the Middle East. Dr. Love’s Ministry in Palestine activated her calling. Witnessing the injustice of Apartheid inspired her journalism and Human Rights Defending. In 2013, she was invited to train with Roger Landry from the The Liberty Beacon (TLB) news network. She Directed and built two successful news channels from the ground up before she was politically targeted and de-platformed across social media, beginning in 2017. Dr. Love has been on the front lines in independent media, leading record-breaking campaigns in defense of political prisoners. She collaborated with Palestinian media professionals for 8 years, documenting and publishing Zionist occupation war crimes. Eventually the Palestinian Authorities (PA) and Gaza authorities awarded her with an official Goodwill Ambassador to Palestine role through the International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (ICSPR). Julian Assange invited Dr. Love to join WikiLeaks from Belmarsh Prison, in 2019. Dr. Love was the first person in the world to read and document all the experimental modRNA “vaccine” patents and report them on Stew Peters Show. She applied her medical knowledge and research skills and designed protocols to naturally chelate heavy metals, cancel nanotech and detox the body from all poisons. Her protocols stop spike protein replication and restore the body’s original design. She’s been detoxing people successfully from jabs and swabs since October of 2020. She applies the Terrain theory to reverse cellular and DNA damage, brain injury, autoimmunity and essentially all diseases because the root cause is always the same. Dr. Love’s detox and health protocols are highly sought after worldwide. She is mentored by scientist Dr. Robert Young and Biotech expert, Dr. Judy Mikovitz. Her work is published in Global Research and used by medical and legal teams and natural law tribunals.
    Dr. Ariyana Love Bio
    Dr. Ariyana Love is an official Goodwill Ambassador to Palestine. She’s a second-generation natural doctor, investigative journalist, medical and patent researcher, and founder of an internat…
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 21187 Views
  • Professor of African history calls for an inquiry into African governments’ responses to covid
    Rhoda WilsonFebruary 1, 2024
    The assumption that covid would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere was wrong.

    An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nations and foisted onto Africa never takes place again.

    The first mistake was lockdowns, writes Toby Green, a British professor of West African history and global inequality. Lockdowns had already been trialled in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Monrovia, Liberia, during the Ebola epidemic. Esteemed groups such as Doctors Without Borders had counselled against lockdowns and subsequent academic research deemed them to have been ineffective.

    (Related: Covid Lockdowns Caused Chronic Poverty and Starvation in Zimbabwe and South Africa)

    Although the following article refers to covid “mistakes” we know that mistakes were not made. The Great Democide of 2020 was not a mistake.

    Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

    Africa Needs an Inquiry into Covid-19 Mistakes

    The following was authored by Professor Toby Green and was published by TRT Afrika on 29 January 2024.

    It has been four years since the WHO declared covid-19 as an epidemic outbreak of international concern.

    The end of January also marks four years since the African continent first began taking measures against the novel coronavirus: Rwanda closed its borders to flights from China on 31 January 2020.

    In the initial panic over the new virus, many commentators pointed to the experience of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone with Ebola in 2014-15 as a good indicator of how to manage a serious epidemic outbreak.

    However, as time has gone on, it has become all too clear that the international global health industry drew the wrong lessons from that experience. In fact, the covid-19 pandemic response was a disaster in Africa.

    As a covid inquiry gathers pace in the UK, something like this is urgent in Africa. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nations and foisted onto Africa never takes place again.

    Some commentators point to the extremely low death rates of covid-19 in Africa as an indication of Africa’s success in handling the pandemic. However, this is to look at things the wrong way around.

    Ebola Lessons

    With a median age of lower than 20, Africa was always likely to have a low death rate from covid. This is not an indication of success, but instead of the catastrophe that took place when assuming that covid-19 would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere.

    The first mistake came with lockdowns. These were pushed by the WHO, who in their report on their fact-finding mission to Wuhan on 25 February 2020 recommended that all countries with cases of covid-19 follow the Chinese model of lockdowns.

    However, lockdowns had been trialled in Freetown and Monrovia during the Ebola epidemic.

    Esteemed groups such as Doctors Without Borders had counselled against this move then, and subsequent academic research deemed that they had been ineffective – as impossible to maintain in environments where the informal economy is so important.

    Such research must surely have been known to WHO, who nevertheless advised these measures in all cases, regardless of socioeconomic infrastructure.

    A second grave mistake was in ignoring basic demographics. By the end of March, commentators were noting that Africa’s low median age meant covid might well not be too serious there.

    Cramped Spaces

    This research was ignored, in favour of an eradication strategy that could never have succeeded in countries where informal settlements mean disease spread of a respiratory virus is impossible to eradicate.

    Thus, the third mistake came with curfews. Confining people at certain times of day in the cramped accommodation of informal settlements – in Nairobi, Lagos and Kinshasa – had no discernible epidemiological rationale.

    This was a disease which spread more indoors, and by forcing people to share cramped spaces the outcome was certain to be increased virus spread. These can all be deemed scientific errors.

    They stemmed from the fact that scientists with decision-making influence at WHO and other supranational organisations all lived in “wealthy nations.” Apparently, they did not understand the demographic characteristics of social life in urban settings on the African continent.

    This was, in effect, a colonial policy, shaped by the financial dependence of African institutions on so-called foreign donors both in the West and in China. A full covid inquiry in Africa must however not be limited to scientific matters.

    A fourth mistake came in ignoring the social determinants of public health – the social context in which science and medicine takes place.

    Devastated Health Systems

    Social scientists have long known that wealth and health are closely connected. In poorer countries, the relationship between GDP and life expectancy has been clear for decades, elucidated in the “Prescott curve”.

    Effectively, just as increases in GDP raise life expectancy, so reductions lower it. In Africa, the closure of informal markets, transport shutdowns, and curfews, were all policies ensuring increases in poverty. They were policies which could only reduce wealth, health and life expectancy.

    With the World Food Programme now saying that more than half of those experiencing acute hunger entered this condition since 2020, and the United Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”) that 50 million Africans entered extreme poverty during covid, it’s clear that the policies driven by the WHO and powerful supranational organisations in the global health industry devastated public health in Africa.

    Beyond this, there are many themes that must be considered. First, there is the closure of schools and the impact on and child labour. Second, there are the impacts of movement restrictions on harvests and crop-growing cycles.

    Third, there is the “shadow pandemic” of gender-based violence prompted by the measures. Fourth, there is the impact of global transport shutdowns and reorientations of priorities on supply chains of vital medicines including malaria rapid tests, which are still in short supply.

    No doubt that an African covid inquiry will have its work cut out. One thing alone is clear: whoever runs it, it cannot be the WHO or any other supranational institution which cheerleads the imposition of such ruinous policies on the continent.

    Featured image: South African National Defence Forces patrolling in Johannesburg to enforce the lockdown (left). Coronavirus lockdown costs South Africa millions of jobs (right).


    Professor of African history calls for an inquiry into African governments’ responses to covid Rhoda WilsonFebruary 1, 2024 The assumption that covid would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere was wrong. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nations and foisted onto Africa never takes place again. The first mistake was lockdowns, writes Toby Green, a British professor of West African history and global inequality. Lockdowns had already been trialled in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and Monrovia, Liberia, during the Ebola epidemic. Esteemed groups such as Doctors Without Borders had counselled against lockdowns and subsequent academic research deemed them to have been ineffective. (Related: Covid Lockdowns Caused Chronic Poverty and Starvation in Zimbabwe and South Africa) Although the following article refers to covid “mistakes” we know that mistakes were not made. The Great Democide of 2020 was not a mistake. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… Africa Needs an Inquiry into Covid-19 Mistakes The following was authored by Professor Toby Green and was published by TRT Afrika on 29 January 2024. It has been four years since the WHO declared covid-19 as an epidemic outbreak of international concern. The end of January also marks four years since the African continent first began taking measures against the novel coronavirus: Rwanda closed its borders to flights from China on 31 January 2020. In the initial panic over the new virus, many commentators pointed to the experience of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone with Ebola in 2014-15 as a good indicator of how to manage a serious epidemic outbreak. However, as time has gone on, it has become all too clear that the international global health industry drew the wrong lessons from that experience. In fact, the covid-19 pandemic response was a disaster in Africa. As a covid inquiry gathers pace in the UK, something like this is urgent in Africa. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nations and foisted onto Africa never takes place again. Some commentators point to the extremely low death rates of covid-19 in Africa as an indication of Africa’s success in handling the pandemic. However, this is to look at things the wrong way around. Ebola Lessons With a median age of lower than 20, Africa was always likely to have a low death rate from covid. This is not an indication of success, but instead of the catastrophe that took place when assuming that covid-19 would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere. The first mistake came with lockdowns. These were pushed by the WHO, who in their report on their fact-finding mission to Wuhan on 25 February 2020 recommended that all countries with cases of covid-19 follow the Chinese model of lockdowns. However, lockdowns had been trialled in Freetown and Monrovia during the Ebola epidemic. Esteemed groups such as Doctors Without Borders had counselled against this move then, and subsequent academic research deemed that they had been ineffective – as impossible to maintain in environments where the informal economy is so important. Such research must surely have been known to WHO, who nevertheless advised these measures in all cases, regardless of socioeconomic infrastructure. A second grave mistake was in ignoring basic demographics. By the end of March, commentators were noting that Africa’s low median age meant covid might well not be too serious there. Cramped Spaces This research was ignored, in favour of an eradication strategy that could never have succeeded in countries where informal settlements mean disease spread of a respiratory virus is impossible to eradicate. Thus, the third mistake came with curfews. Confining people at certain times of day in the cramped accommodation of informal settlements – in Nairobi, Lagos and Kinshasa – had no discernible epidemiological rationale. This was a disease which spread more indoors, and by forcing people to share cramped spaces the outcome was certain to be increased virus spread. These can all be deemed scientific errors. They stemmed from the fact that scientists with decision-making influence at WHO and other supranational organisations all lived in “wealthy nations.” Apparently, they did not understand the demographic characteristics of social life in urban settings on the African continent. This was, in effect, a colonial policy, shaped by the financial dependence of African institutions on so-called foreign donors both in the West and in China. A full covid inquiry in Africa must however not be limited to scientific matters. A fourth mistake came in ignoring the social determinants of public health – the social context in which science and medicine takes place. Devastated Health Systems Social scientists have long known that wealth and health are closely connected. In poorer countries, the relationship between GDP and life expectancy has been clear for decades, elucidated in the “Prescott curve”. Effectively, just as increases in GDP raise life expectancy, so reductions lower it. In Africa, the closure of informal markets, transport shutdowns, and curfews, were all policies ensuring increases in poverty. They were policies which could only reduce wealth, health and life expectancy. With the World Food Programme now saying that more than half of those experiencing acute hunger entered this condition since 2020, and the United Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”) that 50 million Africans entered extreme poverty during covid, it’s clear that the policies driven by the WHO and powerful supranational organisations in the global health industry devastated public health in Africa. Beyond this, there are many themes that must be considered. First, there is the closure of schools and the impact on and child labour. Second, there are the impacts of movement restrictions on harvests and crop-growing cycles. Third, there is the “shadow pandemic” of gender-based violence prompted by the measures. Fourth, there is the impact of global transport shutdowns and reorientations of priorities on supply chains of vital medicines including malaria rapid tests, which are still in short supply. No doubt that an African covid inquiry will have its work cut out. One thing alone is clear: whoever runs it, it cannot be the WHO or any other supranational institution which cheerleads the imposition of such ruinous policies on the continent. Featured image: South African National Defence Forces patrolling in Johannesburg to enforce the lockdown (left). Coronavirus lockdown costs South Africa millions of jobs (right). https://expose-news.com/2024/02/01/calls-for-inquiry-into-african-governments-responses/ https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/professor-of-african-history-calls-for.html
    Professor of African history calls for an inquiry into African governments’ responses to covid
    The assumption that covid would be an equal threat in Africa as it may have been elsewhere was wrong. An accounting must be made of the mistakes so that such an inept response driven by wealthy nat…
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 14449 Views
  • "More than 300 medical journal articles have disappeared within the last year." ~Dr. Scott Jensen

    The Covid-19 Democide criminals are covering their tracks!
    "More than 300 medical journal articles have disappeared within the last year." ~Dr. Scott Jensen The Covid-19 Democide criminals are covering their tracks!
    0 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 456 Views 2
  • Dear @AndersonAfDMdEP,

    The #EU must stand with the @CIJ_ICJ ruling today and stop all arms sales to the state of Israel, which as a corporation registered in London, is expiring on #March7_2024.

    You can find evidence of
    #GazaDemocide #GazaGenocide on the hashtags.

    Dear @AndersonAfDMdEP, The #EU must stand with the @CIJ_ICJ ruling today and stop all arms sales to the state of Israel, which as a corporation registered in London, is expiring on #March7_2024. 👈 You can find evidence of #GazaDemocide #GazaGenocide on the hashtags. https://x.com/andersonafdmdep/status/1750910386742645134?s=46&t=wKg-ZXV94UavVhVcD_fLmw
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1903 Views
  • The evidence is clear. Netanyahu’s cabinet invoked the Hannibal Directive and killed their own Israeli Hamas prisoners on Oct. 7th. This is how badly they wanted to destroy Gaza and Democide civilians!

    The evidence is clear. Netanyahu’s cabinet invoked the Hannibal Directive and killed their own Israeli Hamas prisoners on Oct. 7th. This is how badly they wanted to destroy Gaza and Democide civilians! https://x.com/propandco/status/1749400307711283705?s=46&t=wKg-ZXV94UavVhVcD_fLmw
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 141 Views
  • Bill Gates Launches Global Tracking Tattoos
    The Gates Foundation Showed Off "Vaccine" Patches at WEF in Davos

    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    This Substack has been exposing the deranged and murderous projects of the One World Government’s errand boy Bill Gates for quite some time; for example:

    HORROR SHOW UPDATE: Are Genetically Modified Mosquitoes That Vaccinate Humans Now Causing U.S. Malaria Cases For First Time Since 2003?

    HORROR SHOW UPDATE: Are Genetically Modified Mosquitoes That Vaccinate Humans Now Causing U.S. Malaria Cases For First Time Since 2003?
    This Substack previously reported on the illicit Bill Gates mosquito eugenics program: And now we have the latest in Statism bioterrorism with the latest mass induced fear campaign involving “malaria:” We know that Bill Gates has been releasing his genetically modified frankenmosquitos in Florida for years now. We may extrapolate that said frankenmosquit…

    Read full story

    Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America
    This Substack has been extensively exposing the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate’s most visible and psychopathic puppet Bill Gates; in fact, just last week he yet again released billions upon billions of genetically modified frankenmosquitos all across Florida, potentially poisoning the entire Sunshine State population.
    Read full story
    From developing aerosolized delivery systems for deadly “vaccines” to blotting out the sun to deploying GMO Frankenmosquitos to manufacturing tumorigenic synthetic meats and so on and so forth, the latest Bill Gates project to enslave the planet into 15 Minute Cities with Nazi concentration camp-like tattoos is almost ready for prime time; that is, IF enough genetically modified slaves comply with this latest insanity.

    by Emerald Robinson

    On April 6th of 2020, I posted a Tweet thread about Bill Gates and the COVID-19 virus that went viral — it was viewed by millions of people around the world — and it became the subject of fake “fact-checking” in various corporate media outlets.

    As most of you already know, I was de-platformed from Twitter in late 2021 for warning people about the undisclosed ingredients in the COVID vaccines. When Elon Musk restored my account in his general amnesty in late 2022, I noticed that my Tweet thread on Bill Gates had been completely stripped of its viewership numbers!

    Here’s the original thread.

    That was four years ago.

    When you place the text of these tweets into Google, just look at all the fake news “fact-checking” that you get!

    Now if there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last few years: all the conspiracy theories are true.

    So, naturally, the hirelings at the Gates Foundation went to the World Economic Forum last week in Davos to unveil their latest invention: the micro-needle patch.

    For “easy vaccine delivery” of course.

    To summarize: I told you exactly what Bill Gates was doing with “quantum-dot tattoos” and “nano-technology” in early 2020 — he was introducing a global digital ID system using vaccines as a pretext.

    I was branded as a lunatic for stating this obvious truth.

    Four years later, Bill Gates announces at Davos that he’s going to do exactly what I told you.

    Who was right — and who was wrong?

    Readers of this Substack appreciate that one of the very best ways to never become a victim of our globalist tormentors and their technocratic democide is to stay as healthy as possible; to wit:

    The Cure for Frankenmosquitos, Malaria, Turbo Cancers, Bacteria, Parasites & Viruses

    The Cure for Frankenmosquitos, Malaria, Turbo Cancers, Bacteria, Parasites & Viruses
    The democidal ecosystem of sociopathic puppet Bill Gates encompasses PSYOP-19 “pandemics,” slow kill bioweapon DEATHVAX™ programs, WHO funding via “nonprofit” money laundering, synthetic tumorigenic meats, sun blocking programs, farmland monopolies,

    Read full story

    And we must now have contingency plans in place on the local level to survive whatever followup tyrannies they attempt to foist on humanity.

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Bill Gates Launches Global Tracking Tattoos The Gates Foundation Showed Off "Vaccine" Patches at WEF in Davos 2nd Smartest Guy in the World This Substack has been exposing the deranged and murderous projects of the One World Government’s errand boy Bill Gates for quite some time; for example: HORROR SHOW UPDATE: Are Genetically Modified Mosquitoes That Vaccinate Humans Now Causing U.S. Malaria Cases For First Time Since 2003? HORROR SHOW UPDATE: Are Genetically Modified Mosquitoes That Vaccinate Humans Now Causing U.S. Malaria Cases For First Time Since 2003? This Substack previously reported on the illicit Bill Gates mosquito eugenics program: And now we have the latest in Statism bioterrorism with the latest mass induced fear campaign involving “malaria:” We know that Bill Gates has been releasing his genetically modified frankenmosquitos in Florida for years now. We may extrapolate that said frankenmosquit… Read full story Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America This Substack has been extensively exposing the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate’s most visible and psychopathic puppet Bill Gates; in fact, just last week he yet again released billions upon billions of genetically modified frankenmosquitos all across Florida, potentially poisoning the entire Sunshine State population. Read full story From developing aerosolized delivery systems for deadly “vaccines” to blotting out the sun to deploying GMO Frankenmosquitos to manufacturing tumorigenic synthetic meats and so on and so forth, the latest Bill Gates project to enslave the planet into 15 Minute Cities with Nazi concentration camp-like tattoos is almost ready for prime time; that is, IF enough genetically modified slaves comply with this latest insanity. by Emerald Robinson On April 6th of 2020, I posted a Tweet thread about Bill Gates and the COVID-19 virus that went viral — it was viewed by millions of people around the world — and it became the subject of fake “fact-checking” in various corporate media outlets. As most of you already know, I was de-platformed from Twitter in late 2021 for warning people about the undisclosed ingredients in the COVID vaccines. When Elon Musk restored my account in his general amnesty in late 2022, I noticed that my Tweet thread on Bill Gates had been completely stripped of its viewership numbers! Here’s the original thread. That was four years ago. When you place the text of these tweets into Google, just look at all the fake news “fact-checking” that you get! Now if there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last few years: all the conspiracy theories are true. So, naturally, the hirelings at the Gates Foundation went to the World Economic Forum last week in Davos to unveil their latest invention: the micro-needle patch. For “easy vaccine delivery” of course. To summarize: I told you exactly what Bill Gates was doing with “quantum-dot tattoos” and “nano-technology” in early 2020 — he was introducing a global digital ID system using vaccines as a pretext. I was branded as a lunatic for stating this obvious truth. Four years later, Bill Gates announces at Davos that he’s going to do exactly what I told you. Who was right — and who was wrong? Readers of this Substack appreciate that one of the very best ways to never become a victim of our globalist tormentors and their technocratic democide is to stay as healthy as possible; to wit: The Cure for Frankenmosquitos, Malaria, Turbo Cancers, Bacteria, Parasites & Viruses The Cure for Frankenmosquitos, Malaria, Turbo Cancers, Bacteria, Parasites & Viruses The democidal ecosystem of sociopathic puppet Bill Gates encompasses PSYOP-19 “pandemics,” slow kill bioweapon DEATHVAX™ programs, WHO funding via “nonprofit” money laundering, synthetic tumorigenic meats, sun blocking programs, farmland monopolies, Read full story And we must now have contingency plans in place on the local level to survive whatever followup tyrannies they attempt to foist on humanity. They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://open.substack.com/pub/2ndsmartestguyintheworld/p/bill-gates-launches-global-tracking
    Bill Gates Launches Global Tracking Tattoos
    The Gates Foundation Showed Off "Vaccine" Patches at WEF in Davos
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 8596 Views
  • @CIJ_ICJ @UN @UNGeneva @UNHumanRights

    @CIJ_ICJ @UN @UNGeneva @UNHumanRights #OpenBoarders4Aid #GazaDemocide https://x.com/openborders4aid/status/1748807806822601127?s=46&t=wKg-ZXV94UavVhVcD_fLmw
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 652 Views
  • NEW – #Mexico & #Chile have invoked the Genocide Convention and are taking Israeli military leaders to the International Court of Justice for the Gaza Democide, along with Indonesia!

    🚨 NEW – 🇲🇽 🇨🇱 #Mexico & #Chile have invoked the Genocide Convention and are taking Israeli military leaders to the International Court of Justice for the Gaza Democide, along with Indonesia! https://x.com/angryman_j/status/1748288981090160892?s=46&t=wKg-ZXV94UavVhVcD_fLmw
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1360 Views
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