• How to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Mobile App Development in Dubai

    Unlock Success: Navigating Mobile App Development in Dubai with Finesse. Dive deep into the intricacies of crafting stellar mobile apps amidst Dubai's dynamic landscape. Learn to sidestep pitfalls through strategic planning, cultural sensitivity, and tech-savvy insights. Harness the region's potential while evading common traps, ensuring seamless development journeys. From cultural nuances to regulatory challenges, empower your app's journey with this comprehensive guide, paving the way for unparalleled success in Dubai's bustling market.

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    How to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Mobile App Development in Dubai Unlock Success: Navigating Mobile App Development in Dubai with Finesse. Dive deep into the intricacies of crafting stellar mobile apps amidst Dubai's dynamic landscape. Learn to sidestep pitfalls through strategic planning, cultural sensitivity, and tech-savvy insights. Harness the region's potential while evading common traps, ensuring seamless development journeys. From cultural nuances to regulatory challenges, empower your app's journey with this comprehensive guide, paving the way for unparalleled success in Dubai's bustling market. to know more:- https://uapdailynews.com/how-to-avoid-common-pitfalls-in-mobile-app-development-in-dubai/ #mobileappdevelopmentinDubai #mobileappdevelopmentcompanyinUAE #topappdevelopmentcompany #topmobileappdevelopmentcompaniesindubai
    How to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Mobile App Development in Dubai
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  • The WHO Wants to Rule the World
    Ramesh Thakur
    The World Health Organisation (WHO) will present two new texts for adoption by its governing body, the World Health Assembly comprising delegates from 194 member states, in Geneva on 27 May–1 June. The new pandemic treaty needs a two-thirds majority for approval and, if and once adopted, will come into effect after 40 ratifications.

    The amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) can be adopted by a simple majority and will be binding on all states unless they recorded reservations by the end of last year. Because they will be changes to an existing agreement that states have already signed, the amendments do not require any follow-up ratification. The WHO describes the IHR as ‘an instrument of international law that is legally-binding’ on its 196 states parties, including the 194 WHO member states, even if they voted against it. Therein lies its promise and its threat.

    The new regime will change the WHO from a technical advisory organisation into a supra-national public health authority exercising quasi-legislative and executive powers over states; change the nature of the relationship between citizens, business enterprises, and governments domestically, and also between governments and other governments and the WHO internationally; and shift the locus of medical practice from the doctor-patient consultation in the clinic to public health bureaucrats in capital cities and WHO headquarters in Geneva and its six regional offices.

    From net zero to mass immigration and identity politics, the ‘expertocracy’ elite is in alliance with the global technocratic elite against majority national sentiment. The Covid years gave the elites a valuable lesson in how to exercise effective social control and they mean to apply it across all contentious issues.

    The changes to global health governance architecture must be understood in this light. It represents the transformation of the national security, administrative, and surveillance state into a globalised biosecurity state. But they are encountering pushback in Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, and most recently Ireland. We can but hope that the resistance will spread to rejecting the WHO power grab.

    Addressing the World Governments Summit in Dubai on 12 February, WHO Director-General (DG) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attacked ‘the litany of lies and conspiracy theories’ about the agreement that ‘are utterly, completely, categorically false. The pandemic agreement will not give WHO any power over any state or any individual, for that matter.’ He insisted that critics are ‘either uninformed or lying.’ Could it be instead that, relying on aides, he himself has either not read or not understood the draft? The alternative explanation for his spray at the critics is that he is gaslighting us all.

    The Gostin, Klock, and Finch Paper

    In the Hastings Center Report “Making the World Safer and Fairer in Pandemics,” published on 23 December, Lawrence Gostin, Kevin Klock, and Alexandra Finch attempt to provide the justification to underpin the proposed new IHR and treaty instruments as ‘transformative normative and financial reforms that could reimagine pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.’

    The three authors decry the voluntary compliance under the existing ‘amorphous and unenforceable’ IHR regulations as ‘a critical shortcoming.’ And they concede that ‘While advocates have pressed for health-related human rights to be included in the pandemic agreement, the current draft does not do so.’ Directly contradicting the DG’s denial as quoted above, they describe the new treaty as ‘legally binding’. This is repeated several pages later:

    …the best way to contain transnational outbreaks is through international cooperation, led multilaterally through the WHO. That may require all states to forgo some level of sovereignty in exchange for enhanced safety and fairness.

    What gives their analysis significance is that, as explained in the paper itself, Gostin is ‘actively involved in WHO processes for a pandemic agreement and IHR reform’ as the director of the WHO Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law and a member of the WHO Review Committee on IHR amendments.

    The WHO as the World’s Guidance and Coordinating Authority

    The IHR amendments will expand the situations that constitute a public health emergency, grant the WHO additional emergency powers, and extend state duties to build ‘core capacities’ of surveillance to detect, assess, notify, and report events that could constitute an emergency.

    Under the new accords, the WHO would function as the guidance and coordinating authority for the world. The DG will become more powerful than the UN Secretary-General. The existing language of ‘should’ is replaced in many places by the imperative ‘shall,’ of non-binding recommendations with countries will ‘undertake to follow’ the guidance. And ‘full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons’ will be changed to principles of ‘equity’ and ‘inclusivity’ with different requirements for rich and poor countries, bleeding financial resources and pharmaceutical products from industrialised to developing countries.

    The WHO is first of all an international bureaucracy and only secondly a collective body of medical and health experts. Its Covid performance was not among its finest. Its credibility was badly damaged by tardiness in raising the alarm; by its acceptance and then rejection of China’s claim that there was no risk of human-human transmission; by the failure to hold China accountable for destroying evidence of the pandemic’s origins; by the initial investigation that whitewashed the origins of the virus; by flip-flops on masks and lockdowns; by ignoring the counterexample of Sweden that rejected lockdowns with no worse health outcomes and far better economic, social, and educational outcomes; and by the failure to stand up for children’s developmental, educational, social, and mental health rights and welfare.

    With a funding model where 87 percent of the budget comes from voluntary contributions from the rich countries and private donors like the Gates Foundation, and 77 percent is for activities specified by them, the WHO has effectively ‘become a system of global public health patronage’, write Ben and Molly Kingsley of the UK children’s rights campaign group UsForThem. Human Rights Watch says the process has been ‘disproportionately guided by corporate demands and the policy positions of high-income governments seeking to protect the power of private actors in health including the pharmaceutical industry.’ The victims of this Catch-22 lack of accountability will be the peoples of the world.

    Much of the new surveillance network in a model divided into pre-, in, and post-pandemic periods will be provided by private and corporate interests that will profit from the mass testing and pharmaceutical interventions. According to Forbes, the net worth of Bill Gates jumped by one-third from $96.5 billion in 2019 to $129 billion in 2022: philanthropy can be profitable. Article 15.2 of the draft pandemic treaty requires states to set up ‘no fault vaccine-injury compensation schemes,’ conferring immunity on Big Pharma against liability, thereby codifying the privatisation of profits and the socialisation of risks.

    The changes would confer extraordinary new powers on the WHO’s DG and regional directors and mandate governments to implement their recommendations. This will result in a major expansion of the international health bureaucracy under the WHO, for example new implementation and compliance committees; shift the centre of gravity from the common deadliest diseases (discussed below) to relatively rare pandemic outbreaks (five including Covid in the last 120 years); and give the WHO authority to direct resources (money, pharmaceutical products, intellectual property rights) to itself and to other governments in breach of sovereign and copyright rights.

    Considering the impact of the amendments on national decision-making and mortgaging future generations to internationally determined spending obligations, this calls for an indefinite pause in the process until parliaments have done due diligence and debated the potentially far-reaching obligations.

    Yet disappointingly, relatively few countries have expressed reservations and few parliamentarians seem at all interested. We may pay a high price for the rise of careerist politicians whose primary interest is self-advancement, ministers who ask bureaucrats to draft replies to constituents expressing concern that they often sign without reading either the original letter or the reply in their name, and officials who disdain the constraints of democratic decision-making and accountability. Ministers relying on technical advice from staffers when officials are engaged in a silent coup against elected representatives give power without responsibility to bureaucrats while relegating ministers to being in office but not in power, with political accountability sans authority.

    US President Donald Trump and Australian and UK Prime Ministers Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson were representative of national leaders who had lacked the science literacy, intellectual heft, moral clarity, and courage of conviction to stand up to their technocrats. It was a period of Yes, Prime Minister on steroids, with Sir Humphrey Appleby winning most of the guerrilla campaign waged by the permanent civil service against the transient and clueless Prime Minister Jim Hacker.

    At least some Australian, American, British, and European politicians have recently expressed concern at the WHO-centred ‘command and control’ model of a public health system, and the public spending and redistributive implications of the two proposed international instruments. US Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) warned on 5 February that ‘far too little scrutiny has been given, far too few questions asked as to what this legally binding agreement or treaty means to health policy in the United States and elsewhere.’

    Like Smith and Wenstrup, the most common criticism levelled has been that this represents a power grab at the cost of national sovereignty. Speaking in parliament in November, Australia’s Liberal Senator Alex Antic dubbed the effort a ‘WHO d’etat’.

    A more accurate reading may be that it represents collusion between the WHO and the richest countries, home to the biggest pharmaceutical companies, to dilute accountability for decisions, taken in the name of public health, that profit a narrow elite. The changes will lock in the seamless rule of the technocratic-managerial elite at both the national and the international levels. Yet the WHO edicts, although legally binding in theory, will be unenforceable against the most powerful countries in practice.

    Moreover, the new regime aims to eliminate transparency and critical scrutiny by criminalising any opinion that questions the official narrative from the WHO and governments, thereby elevating them to the status of dogma. The pandemic treaty calls for governments to tackle the ‘infodemics’ of false information, misinformation, disinformation, and even ‘too much information’ (Article 1c). This is censorship. Authorities have no right to be shielded from critical questioning of official information. Freedom of information is a cornerstone of an open and resilient society and a key means to hold authorities to public scrutiny and accountability.

    The changes are an effort to entrench and institutionalise the model of political, social, and messaging control trialled with great success during Covid. The foundational document of the international human rights regime is the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Pandemic management during Covid and in future emergencies threaten some of its core provisions regarding privacy, freedom of opinion and expression, and rights to work, education, peaceful assembly, and association.

    Worst of all, they will create a perverse incentive: the rise of an international bureaucracy whose defining purpose, existence, powers, and budgets will depend on more frequent declarations of actual or anticipated pandemic outbreaks.

    It is a basic axiom of politics that power that can be abused, will be abused – some day, somewhere, by someone. The corollary holds that power once seized is seldom surrendered back voluntarily to the people. Lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, and all the other shenanigans and theatre of the Covid era will likely be repeated on whim. Professor Angus Dalgliesh of London’s St George’s Medical School warns that the WHO ‘wants to inflict this incompetence on us all over again but this time be in total control.’

    Covid in the Context of Africa’s Disease Burden

    In the Hastings Center report referred to earlier, Gostin, Klock, and Finch claim that ‘lower-income countries experienced larger losses and longer-lasting economic setbacks.’ This is a casual elision that shifts the blame for harmful downstream effects away from lockdowns in the futile quest to eradicate the virus, to the virus itself. The chief damage to developing countries was caused by the worldwide shutdown of social life and economic activities and the drastic reduction in international trade.

    The discreet elision aroused my curiosity on the authors’ affiliations. It came as no surprise to read that they lead the O’Neill Institute–Foundation for the National Institutes of Health project on an international instrument for pandemic prevention and preparedness.

    Gostin et al. grounded the urgency for the new accords in the claim that ‘Zoonotic pathogens…are occurring with increasing frequency, enhancing the risk of new pandemics’ and cite research to suggest a threefold increase in ‘extreme pandemics’ over the next decade. In a report entitled “Rational Policy Over Panic,” published by Leeds University in February, a team that included our own David Bell subjected claims of increasing pandemic frequency and disease burden behind the drive to adopt the new treaty and amend the existing IHR to critical scrutiny.

    Specifically, they examined and found wanting a number of assumptions and several references in eight G20, World Bank, and WHO policy documents. On the one hand, the reported increase in natural outbreaks is best explained by technologically more sophisticated diagnostic testing equipment, while the disease burden has been effectively reduced with improved surveillance, response mechanisms, and other public health interventions. Consequently there is no real urgency to rush into the new accords. Instead, governments should take all the time they need to situate pandemic risk in the wider healthcare context and formulate policy tailored to the more accurate risk and interventions matrix.

    The lockdowns were responsible for reversals of decades worth of gains in critical childhood immunisations. UNICEF and WHO estimate that 7.6 million African children under 5 missed out on vaccination in 2021 and another 11 million were under-immunised, ‘making up over 40 percent of the under-immunised and missed children globally.’ How many quality adjusted life years does that add up to, I wonder? But don’t hold your breath that anyone will be held accountable for crimes against African children.

    Earlier this month the Pan-African Epidemic and Pandemic Working Group argued that lockdowns were a ‘class-based and unscientific instrument.’ It accused the WHO of trying to reintroduce ‘classical Western colonialism through the backdoor’ in the form of the new pandemic treaty and the IHR amendments. Medical knowledge and innovations do not come solely from Western capitals and Geneva, but from people and groups who have captured the WHO agenda.

    Lockdowns had caused significant harm to low-income countries, the group said, yet the WHO wanted legal authority to compel member states to comply with its advice in future pandemics, including with respect to vaccine passports and border closures. Instead of bowing to ‘health imperialism,’ it would be preferable for African countries to set their own priorities in alleviating the disease burden of their major killer diseases like cholera, malaria, and yellow fever.

    Europe and the US, comprising a little under ten and over four percent of world population, account for nearly 18 and 17 percent, respectively, of all Covid-related deaths in the world. By contrast Asia, with nearly 60 percent of the world’s people, accounts for 23 percent of all Covid-related deaths. Meantime Africa, with more than 17 percent of global population, has recorded less than four percent of global Covid deaths (Table 1).

    According to a report on the continent’s disease burden published last year by the WHO Regional Office for Africa, Africa’s leading causes of death in 2021 were malaria (593,000 deaths), tuberculosis (501,000), and HIV/AIDS (420,000). The report does not provide the numbers for diarrhoeal deaths for Africa. There are 1.6 million such deaths globally per year, including 440,000 children under 5. And we know that most diarrhoeal deaths occur in Africa and South Asia.

    If we perform a linear extrapolation of 2021 deaths to estimate ballpark figures for the three years 2020–22 inclusive for numbers of Africans killed by these big three, approximately 1.78 million died from malaria, 1.5 million from TB, and 1.26 million from HIV/AIDS. (I exclude 2023 as Covid had faded by then, as can be seen in Table 1). By comparison, the total number of Covid-related deaths across Africa in the three years was 259,000.

    Whether or not the WHO is pursuing a policy of health colonialism, therefore, the Pan-African Epidemic and Pandemic Working Group has a point regarding the grossly exaggerated threat of Covid in the total picture of Africa’s disease burden.

    A shorter version of this was published in The Australian on 11 March

    Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
    For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone Institute Article and Author.


    Ramesh Thakur, a Brownstone Institute Senior Scholar, is a former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, and emeritus professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.

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    Your financial backing of Brownstone Institute goes to support writers, lawyers, scientists, economists, and other people of courage who have been professionally purged and displaced during the upheaval of our times. You can help get the truth out through their ongoing work.

    The WHO Wants to Rule the World Ramesh Thakur The World Health Organisation (WHO) will present two new texts for adoption by its governing body, the World Health Assembly comprising delegates from 194 member states, in Geneva on 27 May–1 June. The new pandemic treaty needs a two-thirds majority for approval and, if and once adopted, will come into effect after 40 ratifications. The amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) can be adopted by a simple majority and will be binding on all states unless they recorded reservations by the end of last year. Because they will be changes to an existing agreement that states have already signed, the amendments do not require any follow-up ratification. The WHO describes the IHR as ‘an instrument of international law that is legally-binding’ on its 196 states parties, including the 194 WHO member states, even if they voted against it. Therein lies its promise and its threat. The new regime will change the WHO from a technical advisory organisation into a supra-national public health authority exercising quasi-legislative and executive powers over states; change the nature of the relationship between citizens, business enterprises, and governments domestically, and also between governments and other governments and the WHO internationally; and shift the locus of medical practice from the doctor-patient consultation in the clinic to public health bureaucrats in capital cities and WHO headquarters in Geneva and its six regional offices. From net zero to mass immigration and identity politics, the ‘expertocracy’ elite is in alliance with the global technocratic elite against majority national sentiment. The Covid years gave the elites a valuable lesson in how to exercise effective social control and they mean to apply it across all contentious issues. The changes to global health governance architecture must be understood in this light. It represents the transformation of the national security, administrative, and surveillance state into a globalised biosecurity state. But they are encountering pushback in Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, and most recently Ireland. We can but hope that the resistance will spread to rejecting the WHO power grab. Addressing the World Governments Summit in Dubai on 12 February, WHO Director-General (DG) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attacked ‘the litany of lies and conspiracy theories’ about the agreement that ‘are utterly, completely, categorically false. The pandemic agreement will not give WHO any power over any state or any individual, for that matter.’ He insisted that critics are ‘either uninformed or lying.’ Could it be instead that, relying on aides, he himself has either not read or not understood the draft? The alternative explanation for his spray at the critics is that he is gaslighting us all. The Gostin, Klock, and Finch Paper In the Hastings Center Report “Making the World Safer and Fairer in Pandemics,” published on 23 December, Lawrence Gostin, Kevin Klock, and Alexandra Finch attempt to provide the justification to underpin the proposed new IHR and treaty instruments as ‘transformative normative and financial reforms that could reimagine pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.’ The three authors decry the voluntary compliance under the existing ‘amorphous and unenforceable’ IHR regulations as ‘a critical shortcoming.’ And they concede that ‘While advocates have pressed for health-related human rights to be included in the pandemic agreement, the current draft does not do so.’ Directly contradicting the DG’s denial as quoted above, they describe the new treaty as ‘legally binding’. This is repeated several pages later: …the best way to contain transnational outbreaks is through international cooperation, led multilaterally through the WHO. That may require all states to forgo some level of sovereignty in exchange for enhanced safety and fairness. What gives their analysis significance is that, as explained in the paper itself, Gostin is ‘actively involved in WHO processes for a pandemic agreement and IHR reform’ as the director of the WHO Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law and a member of the WHO Review Committee on IHR amendments. The WHO as the World’s Guidance and Coordinating Authority The IHR amendments will expand the situations that constitute a public health emergency, grant the WHO additional emergency powers, and extend state duties to build ‘core capacities’ of surveillance to detect, assess, notify, and report events that could constitute an emergency. Under the new accords, the WHO would function as the guidance and coordinating authority for the world. The DG will become more powerful than the UN Secretary-General. The existing language of ‘should’ is replaced in many places by the imperative ‘shall,’ of non-binding recommendations with countries will ‘undertake to follow’ the guidance. And ‘full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons’ will be changed to principles of ‘equity’ and ‘inclusivity’ with different requirements for rich and poor countries, bleeding financial resources and pharmaceutical products from industrialised to developing countries. The WHO is first of all an international bureaucracy and only secondly a collective body of medical and health experts. Its Covid performance was not among its finest. Its credibility was badly damaged by tardiness in raising the alarm; by its acceptance and then rejection of China’s claim that there was no risk of human-human transmission; by the failure to hold China accountable for destroying evidence of the pandemic’s origins; by the initial investigation that whitewashed the origins of the virus; by flip-flops on masks and lockdowns; by ignoring the counterexample of Sweden that rejected lockdowns with no worse health outcomes and far better economic, social, and educational outcomes; and by the failure to stand up for children’s developmental, educational, social, and mental health rights and welfare. With a funding model where 87 percent of the budget comes from voluntary contributions from the rich countries and private donors like the Gates Foundation, and 77 percent is for activities specified by them, the WHO has effectively ‘become a system of global public health patronage’, write Ben and Molly Kingsley of the UK children’s rights campaign group UsForThem. Human Rights Watch says the process has been ‘disproportionately guided by corporate demands and the policy positions of high-income governments seeking to protect the power of private actors in health including the pharmaceutical industry.’ The victims of this Catch-22 lack of accountability will be the peoples of the world. Much of the new surveillance network in a model divided into pre-, in, and post-pandemic periods will be provided by private and corporate interests that will profit from the mass testing and pharmaceutical interventions. According to Forbes, the net worth of Bill Gates jumped by one-third from $96.5 billion in 2019 to $129 billion in 2022: philanthropy can be profitable. Article 15.2 of the draft pandemic treaty requires states to set up ‘no fault vaccine-injury compensation schemes,’ conferring immunity on Big Pharma against liability, thereby codifying the privatisation of profits and the socialisation of risks. The changes would confer extraordinary new powers on the WHO’s DG and regional directors and mandate governments to implement their recommendations. This will result in a major expansion of the international health bureaucracy under the WHO, for example new implementation and compliance committees; shift the centre of gravity from the common deadliest diseases (discussed below) to relatively rare pandemic outbreaks (five including Covid in the last 120 years); and give the WHO authority to direct resources (money, pharmaceutical products, intellectual property rights) to itself and to other governments in breach of sovereign and copyright rights. Considering the impact of the amendments on national decision-making and mortgaging future generations to internationally determined spending obligations, this calls for an indefinite pause in the process until parliaments have done due diligence and debated the potentially far-reaching obligations. Yet disappointingly, relatively few countries have expressed reservations and few parliamentarians seem at all interested. We may pay a high price for the rise of careerist politicians whose primary interest is self-advancement, ministers who ask bureaucrats to draft replies to constituents expressing concern that they often sign without reading either the original letter or the reply in their name, and officials who disdain the constraints of democratic decision-making and accountability. Ministers relying on technical advice from staffers when officials are engaged in a silent coup against elected representatives give power without responsibility to bureaucrats while relegating ministers to being in office but not in power, with political accountability sans authority. US President Donald Trump and Australian and UK Prime Ministers Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson were representative of national leaders who had lacked the science literacy, intellectual heft, moral clarity, and courage of conviction to stand up to their technocrats. It was a period of Yes, Prime Minister on steroids, with Sir Humphrey Appleby winning most of the guerrilla campaign waged by the permanent civil service against the transient and clueless Prime Minister Jim Hacker. At least some Australian, American, British, and European politicians have recently expressed concern at the WHO-centred ‘command and control’ model of a public health system, and the public spending and redistributive implications of the two proposed international instruments. US Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) warned on 5 February that ‘far too little scrutiny has been given, far too few questions asked as to what this legally binding agreement or treaty means to health policy in the United States and elsewhere.’ Like Smith and Wenstrup, the most common criticism levelled has been that this represents a power grab at the cost of national sovereignty. Speaking in parliament in November, Australia’s Liberal Senator Alex Antic dubbed the effort a ‘WHO d’etat’. A more accurate reading may be that it represents collusion between the WHO and the richest countries, home to the biggest pharmaceutical companies, to dilute accountability for decisions, taken in the name of public health, that profit a narrow elite. The changes will lock in the seamless rule of the technocratic-managerial elite at both the national and the international levels. Yet the WHO edicts, although legally binding in theory, will be unenforceable against the most powerful countries in practice. Moreover, the new regime aims to eliminate transparency and critical scrutiny by criminalising any opinion that questions the official narrative from the WHO and governments, thereby elevating them to the status of dogma. The pandemic treaty calls for governments to tackle the ‘infodemics’ of false information, misinformation, disinformation, and even ‘too much information’ (Article 1c). This is censorship. Authorities have no right to be shielded from critical questioning of official information. Freedom of information is a cornerstone of an open and resilient society and a key means to hold authorities to public scrutiny and accountability. The changes are an effort to entrench and institutionalise the model of political, social, and messaging control trialled with great success during Covid. The foundational document of the international human rights regime is the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Pandemic management during Covid and in future emergencies threaten some of its core provisions regarding privacy, freedom of opinion and expression, and rights to work, education, peaceful assembly, and association. Worst of all, they will create a perverse incentive: the rise of an international bureaucracy whose defining purpose, existence, powers, and budgets will depend on more frequent declarations of actual or anticipated pandemic outbreaks. It is a basic axiom of politics that power that can be abused, will be abused – some day, somewhere, by someone. The corollary holds that power once seized is seldom surrendered back voluntarily to the people. Lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, and all the other shenanigans and theatre of the Covid era will likely be repeated on whim. Professor Angus Dalgliesh of London’s St George’s Medical School warns that the WHO ‘wants to inflict this incompetence on us all over again but this time be in total control.’ Covid in the Context of Africa’s Disease Burden In the Hastings Center report referred to earlier, Gostin, Klock, and Finch claim that ‘lower-income countries experienced larger losses and longer-lasting economic setbacks.’ This is a casual elision that shifts the blame for harmful downstream effects away from lockdowns in the futile quest to eradicate the virus, to the virus itself. The chief damage to developing countries was caused by the worldwide shutdown of social life and economic activities and the drastic reduction in international trade. The discreet elision aroused my curiosity on the authors’ affiliations. It came as no surprise to read that they lead the O’Neill Institute–Foundation for the National Institutes of Health project on an international instrument for pandemic prevention and preparedness. Gostin et al. grounded the urgency for the new accords in the claim that ‘Zoonotic pathogens…are occurring with increasing frequency, enhancing the risk of new pandemics’ and cite research to suggest a threefold increase in ‘extreme pandemics’ over the next decade. In a report entitled “Rational Policy Over Panic,” published by Leeds University in February, a team that included our own David Bell subjected claims of increasing pandemic frequency and disease burden behind the drive to adopt the new treaty and amend the existing IHR to critical scrutiny. Specifically, they examined and found wanting a number of assumptions and several references in eight G20, World Bank, and WHO policy documents. On the one hand, the reported increase in natural outbreaks is best explained by technologically more sophisticated diagnostic testing equipment, while the disease burden has been effectively reduced with improved surveillance, response mechanisms, and other public health interventions. Consequently there is no real urgency to rush into the new accords. Instead, governments should take all the time they need to situate pandemic risk in the wider healthcare context and formulate policy tailored to the more accurate risk and interventions matrix. The lockdowns were responsible for reversals of decades worth of gains in critical childhood immunisations. UNICEF and WHO estimate that 7.6 million African children under 5 missed out on vaccination in 2021 and another 11 million were under-immunised, ‘making up over 40 percent of the under-immunised and missed children globally.’ How many quality adjusted life years does that add up to, I wonder? But don’t hold your breath that anyone will be held accountable for crimes against African children. Earlier this month the Pan-African Epidemic and Pandemic Working Group argued that lockdowns were a ‘class-based and unscientific instrument.’ It accused the WHO of trying to reintroduce ‘classical Western colonialism through the backdoor’ in the form of the new pandemic treaty and the IHR amendments. Medical knowledge and innovations do not come solely from Western capitals and Geneva, but from people and groups who have captured the WHO agenda. Lockdowns had caused significant harm to low-income countries, the group said, yet the WHO wanted legal authority to compel member states to comply with its advice in future pandemics, including with respect to vaccine passports and border closures. Instead of bowing to ‘health imperialism,’ it would be preferable for African countries to set their own priorities in alleviating the disease burden of their major killer diseases like cholera, malaria, and yellow fever. Europe and the US, comprising a little under ten and over four percent of world population, account for nearly 18 and 17 percent, respectively, of all Covid-related deaths in the world. By contrast Asia, with nearly 60 percent of the world’s people, accounts for 23 percent of all Covid-related deaths. Meantime Africa, with more than 17 percent of global population, has recorded less than four percent of global Covid deaths (Table 1). According to a report on the continent’s disease burden published last year by the WHO Regional Office for Africa, Africa’s leading causes of death in 2021 were malaria (593,000 deaths), tuberculosis (501,000), and HIV/AIDS (420,000). The report does not provide the numbers for diarrhoeal deaths for Africa. There are 1.6 million such deaths globally per year, including 440,000 children under 5. And we know that most diarrhoeal deaths occur in Africa and South Asia. If we perform a linear extrapolation of 2021 deaths to estimate ballpark figures for the three years 2020–22 inclusive for numbers of Africans killed by these big three, approximately 1.78 million died from malaria, 1.5 million from TB, and 1.26 million from HIV/AIDS. (I exclude 2023 as Covid had faded by then, as can be seen in Table 1). By comparison, the total number of Covid-related deaths across Africa in the three years was 259,000. Whether or not the WHO is pursuing a policy of health colonialism, therefore, the Pan-African Epidemic and Pandemic Working Group has a point regarding the grossly exaggerated threat of Covid in the total picture of Africa’s disease burden. A shorter version of this was published in The Australian on 11 March Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone Institute Article and Author. Author Ramesh Thakur, a Brownstone Institute Senior Scholar, is a former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, and emeritus professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University. View all posts Your financial backing of Brownstone Institute goes to support writers, lawyers, scientists, economists, and other people of courage who have been professionally purged and displaced during the upheaval of our times. You can help get the truth out through their ongoing work. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-who-wants-to-rule-the-world/
    The WHO Wants to Rule the World ⋆ Brownstone Institute
    The World Health Organisation (WHO) will present two new texts for adoption by its governing body, the World Health Assembly comprising delegates from 194 member states, in Geneva on 27 May–1 June.
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  • Facts about New Year Fireworks + NFT.

    1. Ancient Origins: Fireworks date back to ancient China, where they were invented over a thousand years ago. The Chinese used gunpowder-filled bamboo tubes to create explosions during celebrations.

    2. Symbol of Celebration: Fireworks are traditionally associated with celebrations and special occasions, symbolizing joy and festivities. They are a popular way to mark the start of a new year around the world.

    3. Colors and Chemicals: Fireworks achieve their vibrant colors through the use of different chemical compounds. For example, strontium compounds produce red, copper compounds create blue, and barium compounds result in green.

    4. Pyrotechnic Shapes: Modern fireworks can create various shapes and patterns in the sky, including hearts, smiley faces, and even company logos. This is achieved through carefully choreographed pyrotechnic displays.

    5. World Records: The largest fireworks display on record took place in Dubai on New Year's Eve in 2014. It featured over 500,000 fireworks and lasted for six minutes, lighting up the sky over the Palm Jumeirah and The World Islands.

    6. Safety Measures: While fireworks are a source of joy, safety is crucial. Many regions have regulations and safety guidelines to prevent accidents. It's important to follow these guidelines and use fireworks responsibly.

    7. Fireworks Competition: Some cities host international fireworks competitions, where pyrotechnic teams from around the world compete to create the most spectacular displays. These events attract large audiences and showcase diverse pyrotechnic styles.

    8. Sound and Light: Fireworks produce both visual and auditory spectacles. The loud bangs are created by the rapid expansion of gases in the exploding shells, while the colors and patterns are formed by burning metal compounds.

    9. Cultural Significance: In addition to New Year's celebrations, fireworks play a significant role in various cultural and religious festivities globally. They are often used to mark important events and rites of passage.

    10. Environmental Impact: The environmental impact of fireworks, including air and noise pollution, has raised concerns. Some events are exploring eco-friendly alternatives, such as low-pollution fireworks or entirely digital displays.

    Link to Fireworks NFT:

    #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter #holidays #Fireworks
    Facts about New Year Fireworks + NFT. 1. Ancient Origins: Fireworks date back to ancient China, where they were invented over a thousand years ago. The Chinese used gunpowder-filled bamboo tubes to create explosions during celebrations. 2. Symbol of Celebration: Fireworks are traditionally associated with celebrations and special occasions, symbolizing joy and festivities. They are a popular way to mark the start of a new year around the world. 3. Colors and Chemicals: Fireworks achieve their vibrant colors through the use of different chemical compounds. For example, strontium compounds produce red, copper compounds create blue, and barium compounds result in green. 4. Pyrotechnic Shapes: Modern fireworks can create various shapes and patterns in the sky, including hearts, smiley faces, and even company logos. This is achieved through carefully choreographed pyrotechnic displays. 5. World Records: The largest fireworks display on record took place in Dubai on New Year's Eve in 2014. It featured over 500,000 fireworks and lasted for six minutes, lighting up the sky over the Palm Jumeirah and The World Islands. 6. Safety Measures: While fireworks are a source of joy, safety is crucial. Many regions have regulations and safety guidelines to prevent accidents. It's important to follow these guidelines and use fireworks responsibly. 7. Fireworks Competition: Some cities host international fireworks competitions, where pyrotechnic teams from around the world compete to create the most spectacular displays. These events attract large audiences and showcase diverse pyrotechnic styles. 8. Sound and Light: Fireworks produce both visual and auditory spectacles. The loud bangs are created by the rapid expansion of gases in the exploding shells, while the colors and patterns are formed by burning metal compounds. 9. Cultural Significance: In addition to New Year's celebrations, fireworks play a significant role in various cultural and religious festivities globally. They are often used to mark important events and rites of passage. 10. Environmental Impact: The environmental impact of fireworks, including air and noise pollution, has raised concerns. Some events are exploring eco-friendly alternatives, such as low-pollution fireworks or entirely digital displays. Link to Fireworks NFT: https://bit.ly/3RYpXRJ #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter #holidays #Fireworks
    NFT by Nft_craftt
    New Year Fireworks NFT #fireworks #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter #holidays...
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 20557 Views
  • The Climate Scam Revealed by COP28

    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).
    To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

    Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.


    As COP28 draws to an end, it may be the moment to uncover the enormous scam these COPs are, have been and will be – if the fraud is maintained into the uncertain future.

    For those who do not know by now, COP stands for Conference of the Parties; 28 means it is the 28th Conference of the Parties, referring to the United Nations Climate Change Conferences, held every year in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

    The present COP28 is hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is taking place in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023.

    The COPs started with the (in)famous Earth Summit in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. That is when the multi-trillion-dollar scam began. Actually, the precursor of this fraud is the Club of Rome’s report “Limits to Growth” which remains the blueprint for much of UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.

    COPs are a worldwide swindle stretching over all 193 UN member countries, in a similar way as did the COVID con that began at midnight on 31 December 2019 – and marked the beginning of UN Agenda 2030, alias the WEF’s Great Reset.

    In case you do not know, the World Economic Forum (WEF), a mere NGO registered in a lush suburb in Geneva, Switzerland, and the world body called the United Nations, have entered into an agreement in 2019, under which their agendas are paired and are supposed to be implemented hand-in-hand.

    The UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset are 2 in 1, a set of monstrous plans to massively reduce the world population, robotize and digitize the survivors for total control and use the multi-faceted man-made geoengineering technology to induce “climate change”.

    This brings us back to the topic at hand – a scam of unheard proportions, keeping still to this day some 90-plus percent of the world population spell-bound and indoctrinated by a monumental lie cast upon humanity for total control and enslavement by a small, utterly sick, insanely wealthy, and powerful “Big Money” elite.

    The President of COP28 is UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber, also CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), which is fully state-owned by UAE. It is the world’s 12th largest oil company by production. In 2021, the company had an oil production capacity exceeding 4 million bpd (barrels per day) with plans to increase to 5 million bpd by 2030.


    The entrance to COP28 with the flags of all nations (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

    COP28 UAE is taking place from 30 November to 12 December 2023 at Expo City, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

    In addition, Sultan Al Jaber is also a member of the Abu Dhabi Supreme Council for Financial and Economic Affairs. He is chairman of the Emirates Development Bank and of the board of trustees of the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence.

    ADNOC prides itself for taking transformative steps to make today’s energy cleaner while investing in “clean energies of tomorrow.”

    As a byline for the climate consciousness that precedes such events as COP28, a few weeks before the start of COP28, ADNOC announced the award of contracts for a huge natural gas production project. The company will invest in the Hail and Ghasha offshore gas fields off the coast of the Emirates. The two contracts are worth a total of $16.9 billion.

    A joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) and two Italian companies are responsible for the infrastructure on the mainland. So much for Europe’s official climate fanatism.

    The plan is to produce almost 42.5 million cubic meters of gas by 2030. The project is the first in the world that aims to be “climate neutral”, according to ADNOC.

    Question – what is “climate neutral” by producing more than 40 million cubic meters of gas? Climate neutrality is a mere slogan that has been injected under the skin of the common people, so they must not think anymore. The thinking has been done for them. “Climate Neutral” equals all is good.

    Let’s face it, Sultan Al Jabar is not leading COP28 to phase out the use of hydrocarbon energy, as the climate freaks may dream. Of course not.

    So, let us give all climate fanatics – including those who glue themselves on the highways and on airport runways in Europe and in the US of A in protest against fossil fuel-driven cars and planes – a picture of what reality has in store for them.

    Imagine, COP28, pretty much like COP27, held in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt in November 2022, is attended by some 70,000 people, or “participants”. Thousands are from NGOs and businesses who are using the event for networking. About 2,000 of them – maybe more – are lobbyists for oil companies or governments, or corporations, depending on fossil fuels for their economies, production and for their future.

    They are not lobbying for phasing out the world’s most important source of energy. About 85% of all energy used in the world stems from hydrocarbons.

    These lobbyists are in Dubai at the COP28 to make oil and gas deals for profit.

    Image: COP 28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address (Source)

    COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address

    This year more than ever. And Sultan Al Jabar will connect them to ADNOC dealmakers, as well as commercial managers of other large petrol and gas companies present at the COP28 – and previously at COP27, and previously at… well, you get the picture.

    Imagine, Since the Earth summit in 1992 in Rio, every year the same – just bigger – circus – while fossil fuel consumption rises.

    Now as then, of the world’s total energy consumption, about 85% stems from fossil fuels. There has been no change in hydrocarbon energy use in 30 years of pledging “good doing” and temperature and CO2 emissions reduction – and what-not nonsense.

    The number of lobbyists and the business deals grow — and the world’s public at large keeps slumbering away, and the number of COP participants grows every year.

    What level of CO2 emission would a 2-week summit attended by 70,000 people, many of them big shots and big spenders, generate? Probably thousands of tons – or more – of CO2.

    Just think of the air traffic for the participants, back and forth, many of the VIPs come in their private jets – not unlike the bigwigs going to the annual WEF meetings in Davos.

    Plus, the food and drink – production, transport, consumption, the air-conditioned comforts of the attendees’ hotel rooms – and much more. You got it.

    Or, has anybody dared to calculate the CO2 emissions of the currently active, lingering, and endless wars and conflicts around the globe? Driven, of course, by the dark forces behind the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), call it the hardly visible Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma (FMIMP) Complex?

    Talking about CO2 and other “greenhouse gases” emissions emanating from wars is a strictly forbidden topic for the COPs. Otherwise, you might endanger the huge profit concept of the FMIMP Complex.

    After all, they call the shots and pull the strings on the indoctrination and dumbing down of the people so they believe in climate change – which is so severe, it is said, that it affects life on earth within the span of a human life of about 80 years.

    To be sure, climate changes all the time. But by far the main driver of real climate change is the sun. Solar movements account for about 97% of Mother Earth’s climate. That was the case since the earth exists.

    Major climate changes may occur within 20,000 to 30,000 years with shorter cycles in between, but always at a pace, so that life on earth can adapt. That has been the history until now, and real science tells us, this history continues its course for the foreseeable billions of years left for Mother Earth.

    Take this – nobody pays the slightest attention to the CO2 and other “greenhouse gas” generating events like these GOPs and the Western-driven endless wars. But the Dutch government plans to force close up to 3,000 farms, one-third of Dutch farmland to become idle, because – literally – of farting cows and other agricultural prone methane emissions, purportedly affecting our climate.

    Tiny Holland, barely 42,000 km2 and about 18 million people, is the second largest agricultural goods exporter in the world, just after the United States. Might there be another Bill Gates agenda – misery and death by starvation – behind this ludicrous endeavor?

    Also worth mentioning may be this little innocent zoom anecdote just a few days ago, between Mary Robinson, former Irish President, and Sultan Al Jaber, the head of COP28.

    Ms. Robinson tells the Sultan,

    “We are in an absolute crisis that affects particularly women and children… as we have not yet committed to phasing out fossil fuels…. You, as the President of COP28, could now say with much credibility as you are the CEO of ADNOC …. “We must phase out fossil fuels and convert world economies into affordable, renewable, and clean energies. It will not happen overnight, but it is urgent. That’s what I would like to hear, your word “urgent”.”

    Sultan Al Jaber, with much patience, responds –

    “There is no science behind what you are asking me to do, which is phase out fossil fuels, oil, gas, coal… you are lying about it and you want me to lie about it on your behalf.”

    The ADNOC Chairman adds, that phasing out of coal, oil and gas would take the world ‘back into caves’. See video below.

    COP28 will end like all the previous COPs – no firm conclusions.

    The “agreements” of the Paris COP21 are still unfulfilled; they are talked about, but remain unfulfilled.

    Countries’ governments will continue thinking about the Paris agreements, and consider solutions, and present and debate them at the next COP, and the next…



    Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.

    Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

    Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


    The Climate Scam Revealed by COP28 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. *** As COP28 draws to an end, it may be the moment to uncover the enormous scam these COPs are, have been and will be – if the fraud is maintained into the uncertain future. For those who do not know by now, COP stands for Conference of the Parties; 28 means it is the 28th Conference of the Parties, referring to the United Nations Climate Change Conferences, held every year in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The present COP28 is hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is taking place in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023. The COPs started with the (in)famous Earth Summit in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. That is when the multi-trillion-dollar scam began. Actually, the precursor of this fraud is the Club of Rome’s report “Limits to Growth” which remains the blueprint for much of UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. COPs are a worldwide swindle stretching over all 193 UN member countries, in a similar way as did the COVID con that began at midnight on 31 December 2019 – and marked the beginning of UN Agenda 2030, alias the WEF’s Great Reset. In case you do not know, the World Economic Forum (WEF), a mere NGO registered in a lush suburb in Geneva, Switzerland, and the world body called the United Nations, have entered into an agreement in 2019, under which their agendas are paired and are supposed to be implemented hand-in-hand. The UN Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset are 2 in 1, a set of monstrous plans to massively reduce the world population, robotize and digitize the survivors for total control and use the multi-faceted man-made geoengineering technology to induce “climate change”. This brings us back to the topic at hand – a scam of unheard proportions, keeping still to this day some 90-plus percent of the world population spell-bound and indoctrinated by a monumental lie cast upon humanity for total control and enslavement by a small, utterly sick, insanely wealthy, and powerful “Big Money” elite. The President of COP28 is UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber, also CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), which is fully state-owned by UAE. It is the world’s 12th largest oil company by production. In 2021, the company had an oil production capacity exceeding 4 million bpd (barrels per day) with plans to increase to 5 million bpd by 2030. undefined The entrance to COP28 with the flags of all nations (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0) COP28 UAE is taking place from 30 November to 12 December 2023 at Expo City, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. In addition, Sultan Al Jaber is also a member of the Abu Dhabi Supreme Council for Financial and Economic Affairs. He is chairman of the Emirates Development Bank and of the board of trustees of the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. ADNOC prides itself for taking transformative steps to make today’s energy cleaner while investing in “clean energies of tomorrow.” As a byline for the climate consciousness that precedes such events as COP28, a few weeks before the start of COP28, ADNOC announced the award of contracts for a huge natural gas production project. The company will invest in the Hail and Ghasha offshore gas fields off the coast of the Emirates. The two contracts are worth a total of $16.9 billion. A joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) and two Italian companies are responsible for the infrastructure on the mainland. So much for Europe’s official climate fanatism. The plan is to produce almost 42.5 million cubic meters of gas by 2030. The project is the first in the world that aims to be “climate neutral”, according to ADNOC. Question – what is “climate neutral” by producing more than 40 million cubic meters of gas? Climate neutrality is a mere slogan that has been injected under the skin of the common people, so they must not think anymore. The thinking has been done for them. “Climate Neutral” equals all is good. Let’s face it, Sultan Al Jabar is not leading COP28 to phase out the use of hydrocarbon energy, as the climate freaks may dream. Of course not. So, let us give all climate fanatics – including those who glue themselves on the highways and on airport runways in Europe and in the US of A in protest against fossil fuel-driven cars and planes – a picture of what reality has in store for them. Imagine, COP28, pretty much like COP27, held in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt in November 2022, is attended by some 70,000 people, or “participants”. Thousands are from NGOs and businesses who are using the event for networking. About 2,000 of them – maybe more – are lobbyists for oil companies or governments, or corporations, depending on fossil fuels for their economies, production and for their future. They are not lobbying for phasing out the world’s most important source of energy. About 85% of all energy used in the world stems from hydrocarbons. These lobbyists are in Dubai at the COP28 to make oil and gas deals for profit. Image: COP 28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address (Source) COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber: Inaugural Plenary Address This year more than ever. And Sultan Al Jabar will connect them to ADNOC dealmakers, as well as commercial managers of other large petrol and gas companies present at the COP28 – and previously at COP27, and previously at… well, you get the picture. Imagine, Since the Earth summit in 1992 in Rio, every year the same – just bigger – circus – while fossil fuel consumption rises. Now as then, of the world’s total energy consumption, about 85% stems from fossil fuels. There has been no change in hydrocarbon energy use in 30 years of pledging “good doing” and temperature and CO2 emissions reduction – and what-not nonsense. The number of lobbyists and the business deals grow — and the world’s public at large keeps slumbering away, and the number of COP participants grows every year. What level of CO2 emission would a 2-week summit attended by 70,000 people, many of them big shots and big spenders, generate? Probably thousands of tons – or more – of CO2. Just think of the air traffic for the participants, back and forth, many of the VIPs come in their private jets – not unlike the bigwigs going to the annual WEF meetings in Davos. Plus, the food and drink – production, transport, consumption, the air-conditioned comforts of the attendees’ hotel rooms – and much more. You got it. Or, has anybody dared to calculate the CO2 emissions of the currently active, lingering, and endless wars and conflicts around the globe? Driven, of course, by the dark forces behind the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), call it the hardly visible Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma (FMIMP) Complex? Talking about CO2 and other “greenhouse gases” emissions emanating from wars is a strictly forbidden topic for the COPs. Otherwise, you might endanger the huge profit concept of the FMIMP Complex. After all, they call the shots and pull the strings on the indoctrination and dumbing down of the people so they believe in climate change – which is so severe, it is said, that it affects life on earth within the span of a human life of about 80 years. To be sure, climate changes all the time. But by far the main driver of real climate change is the sun. Solar movements account for about 97% of Mother Earth’s climate. That was the case since the earth exists. Major climate changes may occur within 20,000 to 30,000 years with shorter cycles in between, but always at a pace, so that life on earth can adapt. That has been the history until now, and real science tells us, this history continues its course for the foreseeable billions of years left for Mother Earth. Take this – nobody pays the slightest attention to the CO2 and other “greenhouse gas” generating events like these GOPs and the Western-driven endless wars. But the Dutch government plans to force close up to 3,000 farms, one-third of Dutch farmland to become idle, because – literally – of farting cows and other agricultural prone methane emissions, purportedly affecting our climate. Tiny Holland, barely 42,000 km2 and about 18 million people, is the second largest agricultural goods exporter in the world, just after the United States. Might there be another Bill Gates agenda – misery and death by starvation – behind this ludicrous endeavor? Also worth mentioning may be this little innocent zoom anecdote just a few days ago, between Mary Robinson, former Irish President, and Sultan Al Jaber, the head of COP28. Ms. Robinson tells the Sultan, “We are in an absolute crisis that affects particularly women and children… as we have not yet committed to phasing out fossil fuels…. You, as the President of COP28, could now say with much credibility as you are the CEO of ADNOC …. “We must phase out fossil fuels and convert world economies into affordable, renewable, and clean energies. It will not happen overnight, but it is urgent. That’s what I would like to hear, your word “urgent”.” Sultan Al Jaber, with much patience, responds – “There is no science behind what you are asking me to do, which is phase out fossil fuels, oil, gas, coal… you are lying about it and you want me to lie about it on your behalf.” The ADNOC Chairman adds, that phasing out of coal, oil and gas would take the world ‘back into caves’. See video below. COP28 will end like all the previous COPs – no firm conclusions. The “agreements” of the Paris COP21 are still unfulfilled; they are talked about, but remain unfulfilled. Countries’ governments will continue thinking about the Paris agreements, and consider solutions, and present and debate them at the next COP, and the next… Amen. * Note to readers: Please click the share button above. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020). Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. https://youtu.be/R3uQHT7PyNA https://www.globalresearch.ca/climate-scam-revealed-cop28/5842976
    The Climate Scam Revealed by COP28
    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel …
    1 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 28525 Views
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  • Irfan Khairi tells the story about Digital ID in Dubai "The time when the microchip is on the neck hurts two or three days", read to the end
    This DIGITAL ID is also dangerous!

    Since these two climbs, many have asked me about Digital ID. You know, now in Malaysia there are many who are afraid of Digital ID.

    The reason is, in Dubai, digital ID has been implemented for a long time.

    I've also been using Digital ID in Dubai for a long time. But...

    There is nothing to fear, other than when they want to enter their Digital ID, they need to inject a microchip on the back of their neck.

    That time it hurts 2-3 days.

    But after that, it's OK if you've implanted the microchip. If I touch the back of this nape, I can really feel the microchip.

    In addition, digital ID makes things easier.

    And the latest has just been announced by the government here, starting next year, if you want to leave the country, you don't need to bring your passport to leave Dubai.

    Immigration/counter check in, everyone doesn't need to meet and look at the passport.

    I just want to enter Malaysia, I have a passport. If you want to go out, you don't need to be in Dubai because of digital ID.

    For example, many affairs at the government counters have been facilitated.

    No need to sequential or take turn numbers. Many can be done from home through the app only.

    Like last month, if I want to renew my business license, I don't need to go to "SSM" in Dubai.

    Can be done through the app only.

    Save a lot of time in an hour and two to bring a train, redah the clock, look for parking, pick up the number of turns, meet Arab habibi at the counter who doesn't want to smile...

    And if there's not enough documents, you have to repeat everything back.

    Digital ID in Dubai, reducing a lot of paperwork has been minimized.

    Facilitate business affairs. But this is just a share of the experience that Digital ID Dubai has.

    Of course, this digital ID has good and bad. Next time I cite bad things too.

    But the one who got injected with the microchip in the back of the neck, I was joking... where is it.

    I'm candy jeee.... good luck you read to the end.

    If not, tomorrow MStar will release an article saying "Irfan Khairi accuses the kingdom of needing a microchip in the neck for Digital ID"

    Haaa... this one is not kidding.


    We don't hate or like each other"-Jovian divorced with Ismail Sabri's son

    Because of a bird, South Korean fighter jet is solemnly finished, the cost is almost RM500 million

    Had sent a video to the family, this female climber's face was full of dust and short of breath before it was slying

    Irfan Khairi tells the story about Digital ID in Dubai "The time when the microchip is on the neck hurts two or three days", read to the end This DIGITAL ID is also dangerous! Since these two climbs, many have asked me about Digital ID. You know, now in Malaysia there are many who are afraid of Digital ID. The reason is, in Dubai, digital ID has been implemented for a long time. I've also been using Digital ID in Dubai for a long time. But... There is nothing to fear, other than when they want to enter their Digital ID, they need to inject a microchip on the back of their neck. That time it hurts 2-3 days. But after that, it's OK if you've implanted the microchip. If I touch the back of this nape, I can really feel the microchip. In addition, digital ID makes things easier. And the latest has just been announced by the government here, starting next year, if you want to leave the country, you don't need to bring your passport to leave Dubai. Immigration/counter check in, everyone doesn't need to meet and look at the passport. I just want to enter Malaysia, I have a passport. If you want to go out, you don't need to be in Dubai because of digital ID. For example, many affairs at the government counters have been facilitated. No need to sequential or take turn numbers. Many can be done from home through the app only. Like last month, if I want to renew my business license, I don't need to go to "SSM" in Dubai. Can be done through the app only. Save a lot of time in an hour and two to bring a train, redah the clock, look for parking, pick up the number of turns, meet Arab habibi at the counter who doesn't want to smile... And if there's not enough documents, you have to repeat everything back. Digital ID in Dubai, reducing a lot of paperwork has been minimized. Facilitate business affairs. But this is just a share of the experience that Digital ID Dubai has. Of course, this digital ID has good and bad. Next time I cite bad things too. But the one who got injected with the microchip in the back of the neck, I was joking... where is it. I'm candy jeee.... good luck you read to the end. If not, tomorrow MStar will release an article saying "Irfan Khairi accuses the kingdom of needing a microchip in the neck for Digital ID" Haaa... this one is not kidding. Read: We don't hate or like each other"-Jovian divorced with Ismail Sabri's son Because of a bird, South Korean fighter jet is solemnly finished, the cost is almost RM500 million Had sent a video to the family, this female climber's face was full of dust and short of breath before it was slying https://www.nextstepmalaysia.com/irfan-khairi-cerita-pasal-digital-id-di-dubai-waktu-cucuk-microchip-kat-leher-sakit-dua-tiga-hari-baca-sampai-habis/
    Irfan Khairi cerita pasal Digital ID di Dubai "Waktu cucuk microchip kat leher sakit dua tiga hari", baca sampai habis
    Bahaya juga DIGITAL ID ni! Sejak dua menjak ni, ramai yang tanya saya mengenai Digital ID. Maklumlah, sekarang ni di Malaysia ramai yang takut-takut
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 7002 Views
  • Dubai’s Fresh Market opens first-ever display of Israeli produce including fruit and vegetables
    Staff Report
    Published: November 14, 2020 14:47
    The fresh products from Israel to the UAE market has a significant advantage

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    israeli produce-1605350830691
    Shlomi Fogel, Chairman of Carmel Agrexco and Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO of DP World, at the opening of the first-ever stall for the Israeli agriculture products in Dubai.
    Dubai: The Fresh Market in Dubai’s Ras Al Khor area run by Dubai Municipality opened the first-ever display of Israeli produce on Saturday.

    Located on Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed road, near Dragon Mart, the Fresh Market has played a key role in raising Dubai’s position as a regional hub for the trading and sale of local and imported produce.

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    UAE, Israel sign treaty on mutual entry visa exemption
    UAE underscores need to leverage Israel peace accord to break deadlock in Middle East peace process
    The event was also attended by Shlomi Fogel, Chairman of Carmel Agrexco, one of Israel’s largest exporters of agricultural produce. “We are excited to be part of the growing ties between Israel and the UAE. Together with our colleagues in Dubai, we are beginning to see the ‘fruits of peace’ today.

    “The export of fresh agricultural products from Israel to the UAE market has a significant advantage because of the geographical closeness and the speed with which the products can be transported directly to markets in the UAE and beyond. Within few hours of picking, the fresh produce can reach points of sale. It’s a fact that Israeli agriculture is highly advanced and we are confident that everyone will enjoy our produce,” Fogel said.

    Who attended

    According to Dubai Media office press release on Saturday, the opening event was attended by Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO of DP World; Essa Abdul Rahman Al Hashemi, Head at the Food Security Office, the Prime Minister’s Office; Mohammed Al Dhanhani, Director of Agricultural Development and Health at the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE); Adel Sayed Al Hashemi, Director of the Dubai Zone at MOCCAE; Mohammed Al Muallem, CEO & Managing Director, DP World — UAE Region; Ahmed Mahboob Musabih, Director General of Dubai Customs; Khalid Mohammed Sharif Al Awadhi, CEO of Dubai Municipality’s Health, Safety and Environment Sector, and other UAE officials.

    Reciprocal initiatives

    The UAE and Israel have agreed to undertake reciprocal initiatives to establish diplomatic and business links, promote investment and tourism and launch direct flights connecting the two countries. The introduction of Israeli produce adds to Dubai’s drive to diversify the sources of imported produce in the UAE.

    Fogel added that Carmel Agrexco intends to invest in agricultural farms in the UAE, incorporating the latest innovations in agro-technology.

    Dubai’s Fresh Market opens first-ever display of Israeli produce including fruit and vegetables Staff Report Published: November 14, 2020 14:47 The fresh products from Israel to the UAE market has a significant advantage Follow us israeli produce-1605350830691 Shlomi Fogel, Chairman of Carmel Agrexco and Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO of DP World, at the opening of the first-ever stall for the Israeli agriculture products in Dubai. Dubai: The Fresh Market in Dubai’s Ras Al Khor area run by Dubai Municipality opened the first-ever display of Israeli produce on Saturday. Located on Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed road, near Dragon Mart, the Fresh Market has played a key role in raising Dubai’s position as a regional hub for the trading and sale of local and imported produce. Read More UAE, Israel sign treaty on mutual entry visa exemption UAE underscores need to leverage Israel peace accord to break deadlock in Middle East peace process The event was also attended by Shlomi Fogel, Chairman of Carmel Agrexco, one of Israel’s largest exporters of agricultural produce. “We are excited to be part of the growing ties between Israel and the UAE. Together with our colleagues in Dubai, we are beginning to see the ‘fruits of peace’ today. “The export of fresh agricultural products from Israel to the UAE market has a significant advantage because of the geographical closeness and the speed with which the products can be transported directly to markets in the UAE and beyond. Within few hours of picking, the fresh produce can reach points of sale. It’s a fact that Israeli agriculture is highly advanced and we are confident that everyone will enjoy our produce,” Fogel said. Who attended According to Dubai Media office press release on Saturday, the opening event was attended by Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO of DP World; Essa Abdul Rahman Al Hashemi, Head at the Food Security Office, the Prime Minister’s Office; Mohammed Al Dhanhani, Director of Agricultural Development and Health at the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE); Adel Sayed Al Hashemi, Director of the Dubai Zone at MOCCAE; Mohammed Al Muallem, CEO & Managing Director, DP World — UAE Region; Ahmed Mahboob Musabih, Director General of Dubai Customs; Khalid Mohammed Sharif Al Awadhi, CEO of Dubai Municipality’s Health, Safety and Environment Sector, and other UAE officials. Reciprocal initiatives The UAE and Israel have agreed to undertake reciprocal initiatives to establish diplomatic and business links, promote investment and tourism and launch direct flights connecting the two countries. The introduction of Israeli produce adds to Dubai’s drive to diversify the sources of imported produce in the UAE. Fogel added that Carmel Agrexco intends to invest in agricultural farms in the UAE, incorporating the latest innovations in agro-technology. https://gulfnews.com/uae/dubais-fresh-market-opens-first-ever-display-of-israeli-produce-including-fruit-and-vegetables-1.75275398
    Dubai’s Fresh Market opens first-ever display of Israeli produce including fruit and vegetables
    The fresh products from Israel to the UAE market has a significant advantage
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    Palm Jebel Ali is a unique masterpiece of architectural and engineering art and is a part of the archipelagos of The Palm Islands. The island resembles a date palm similar to the world-famous Palm Jumeirah.
    Projects in Palm Jebel Ali in Dubai by Nakheel https://palmjebalali.ae/ Palm Jebel Ali is a unique masterpiece of architectural and engineering art and is a part of the archipelagos of The Palm Islands. The island resembles a date palm similar to the world-famous Palm Jumeirah.
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    Find the Best Real Estate Agent in Dubai – A Comprehensive Guide! Finding a real estate agent in Dubai is full of fallacies, but if you know the trick to find the best real estate agent to help you buy the best property for sale in Dubai, you are in safe hands. For those still on the blank side of "how to find the best real estate agent in Dubai," this guide has potentially delivered you the answers! https://primocapital.ae/
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