• Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital
    This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol.

    There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success.

    In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks).

    Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing.

    This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants.

    The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic).

    But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul.

    People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs.

    Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic.

    We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit.

    Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons
    In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones.

    The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep.

    Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out.

    And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface.

    This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness.

    You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward.

    To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction.

    Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge.

    If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it.

    This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity.

    And these are the tests we have available to screen for it:

    The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test.

    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more.

    The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more.

    Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work.

    A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis.

    The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive.

    Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question.

    In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion.

    It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below.

    If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed.

    If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back.

    Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment.


    The Microclot Test

    figure 3
    Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes.

    Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity.

    The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all.

    This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity.

    D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream.

    Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest.

    For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting.

    figure 4
    The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients.

    The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements.

    Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration.

    So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment.

    If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available.

    DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023.

    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel

    This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more.

    Tests Included in the Panel:

    Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time.

    Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury.

    Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP:

    The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol.

    Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment.

    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?

    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from …

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    Complete Blood Count (CBC)

    Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized.

    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

    Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising.

    Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP.

    D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this.

    Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

    Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog
    Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding.

    hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis.

    Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis.

    Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure.

    Electrocardiogram (EKG)

    EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation
    Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed.

    Echocardiogram (ECHO)

    Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart.

    Chest X-ray

    Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc.

    Whole Body MRI

    The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI
    Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm).

    Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel.

    And that’s a wrap!

    Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes.


    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms. Dr. Syed Haider Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol. There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success. In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks). Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing. This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants. The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic). But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul. People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs. Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic. We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit. Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons source In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones. The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep. Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out. And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface. This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness. You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward. To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction. Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge. If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it. This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity. And these are the tests we have available to screen for it: The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more. The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more. Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work. source A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis. The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive. Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question. In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion. It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below. If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed. If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back. Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment. Share The Microclot Test figure 3 source Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity. The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all. This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity. D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream. Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest. For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting. figure 4 source The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients. The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements. Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration. So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment. If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available. DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more. Tests Included in the Panel: Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time. Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury. Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP: The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol. Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment. Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from … Read full story Complete Blood Count (CBC) Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising. Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP. D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding. hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis. Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis. Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure. Electrocardiogram (EKG) EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed. Echocardiogram (ECHO) Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart. Chest X-ray source Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc. Whole Body MRI The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm). Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel. And that’s a wrap! Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity https://telegra.ph/Screening-for-Silent-Spike-Toxicity-01-07
    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
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  • Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
    Dr. Syed Haider
    Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital
    This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol.
    There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success.
    In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks).
    Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing.
    This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants.
    The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic).
    But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul.
    People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs.
    Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic.
    We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit.
    Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons
    In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones.
    The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep.
    Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force.
    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.
    Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out.
    And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface.
    This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness.
    You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward.
    To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction.
    Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge.
    If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it.
    This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity.
    And these are the tests we have available to screen for it:
    The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test.
    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more.
    The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more.
    Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work.
    A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis.
    The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive.
    Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question.
    In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion.
    It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below.
    If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed.
    If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back.
    Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment.
    The Microclot Test
    figure 3
    Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes.
    Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity.
    The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all.
    This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity.
    D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream.
    Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest.
    For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting.
    figure 4
    The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients.
    The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements.
    Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration.
    So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment.
    If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available.
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    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel
    This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more.
    Tests Included in the Panel:
    Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time.
    Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury.
    Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP:
    The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol.
    Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment.
    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from …
    Read full story
    Complete Blood Count (CBC)
    Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized.
    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
    Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising.
    Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP.
    D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this.
    Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
    Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog
    Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding.
    hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis.
    Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis.
    Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure.
    Electrocardiogram (EKG)
    EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation
    Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed.
    Echocardiogram (ECHO)
    Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart.
    Chest X-ray
    Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc.
    Whole Body MRI
    The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI
    Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm).
    Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel.
    And that’s a wrap!
    Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes.

    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms. Dr. Syed Haider Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol. There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success. In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks). Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing. This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants. The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic). But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul. People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs. Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic. We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit. Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons source In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones. The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep. Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out. And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface. This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness. You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward. To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction. Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge. If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it. This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity. And these are the tests we have available to screen for it: The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more. The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more. Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work. source A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis. The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive. Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question. In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion. It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below. If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed. If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back. Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment. Share The Microclot Test figure 3 source Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity. The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all. This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity. D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream. Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest. For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting. figure 4 source The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients. The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements. Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration. So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment. If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available. DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more. Tests Included in the Panel: Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time. Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury. Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP: The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol. Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment. Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from … Read full story Complete Blood Count (CBC) Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising. Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP. D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding. hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis. Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis. Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure. Electrocardiogram (EKG) EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed. Echocardiogram (ECHO) Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart. Chest X-ray source Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc. Whole Body MRI The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm). Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel. And that’s a wrap! Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/01/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity.html
    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
    0 Commentarios 1 Acciones 26120 Views
  • Satanic Terrorist Cult Makes 2024 Endorsement: ‘Only Biden-Harris Can Bring About End of History’
    by Jack Gist, The Western Journal Dec. 24, 2023 3:00 pm
    Most individuals and organizations endorse presidential candidates because they think the country will improve in some way if the candidate is elected, right?

    What happens when a group endorses a candidate because its members believe the candidate will herald in a new Dark Age filled with fear, trembling and gnashing of teeth?

    The Order of Nine Angles, a Satanic cult founded in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, according to a BBC report from 2020, has endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket for the 2024 presidential election. Not surprisingly, when Satanists endorse political candidates, they do it for all the wrong reasons.

    In what could be written off as a brazen attempt at gaining some cheap notoriety, O9A manages to paint itself as the kind of fools who utter a prophetic phrase or two before falling into the abyss of eternal fire.

    For Christmas Gifts, Check Out The Gateway Pundit Discounts Page At MyPillow (Plus Free Shipping Through Dec 15)

    On Wednesday, O9A stated on its website that “democracy is failing; worldwide nations are going broke, preparing for war, inundated with refugees, beset by internal refugees, ruled by careerist psychopaths, and perhaps most ominously, electing leaders who are associated with foreign powers.”

    There’s more than a little truth in O9A’s observation. The world does appear to be on the brink.

    Any Americans in their right mind would presumably want a president who protected democracy, thwarted corruption, avoided war by a show of strength, and controlled the country’s orders. In other words, they would back a presidential ticket that put America first.

    Are you surprised by the endorsement?
    Not O9A.

    “We want to rush into the abyss so that the ‘end of history‘ can come to its natural terminus and a new Dark Age will be visited upon the Earth.”

    “In this new era,” the endorsement continued “might will make right, the claw and tooth will always be red, and blood will cross the land like an ever-flowing stream. The strong will oppress the weak, the weak will die, and natural selection will resume.”

    “This can only happen through weak humanist leadership that will stumble its way into war, famine, recession, terrorism, corruption, and human misery. The suicides will leave before the battles commence …

    “Only Biden-Harris can bring about this advancement of history, and therefore, we endorse the Biden-Harris campaign in 2024.”

    The way things are going, there’s a chance the O9A could be right. The world is on edge, wars are brewing, the worldwide immigrant/refugee crisis is at a boiling point and it would appear we have a president in bed with foreign powers like China. Electing Biden to a second term would be like courting the mother of all disasters.

    Electing a Republican president in 2024 might screw up O9A’s plan.

    “The last thing we want right now is one of these Christian band-aid do-gooders like Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswarmy, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis to take over and fix things.”

    Ramaswamy’s not Christian. He’s Hindu. The fact that O9A fudged it makes the group look like comic book villains more at home on “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle” than on the world stage.

    On the other hand, the group has surfaced in disturbing news reports involving pedophilia and terrorism. In 2020, a U.S. Army Pvt. Ethan Melzer was indicted by the Justice Department on charges of sending details about his unit’s movement to the group, which was planning to attack the American soldiers. Melzer was sentenced in March to 45 years in prison, ABC News reported.

    Should O9A get its wish for the end of history, its members and all unhinged evil-doers will get free tickets on a fast train to hell.

    In the meantime, Christians would like to go on living, preferably in a working representative republic with the traditional American values of God, family and country.

    Trending: “Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” -BEST BIDEN MEME EVER! Joe Biden Quotes Set to Cowboy Western Theme

    There are a lot more Christians than Satanists in America. There’s still hope if they vote Old Joe right out of office.

    This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

    Satanic Terrorist Cult Makes 2024 Endorsement: ‘Only Biden-Harris Can Bring About End of History’ by Jack Gist, The Western Journal Dec. 24, 2023 3:00 pm Most individuals and organizations endorse presidential candidates because they think the country will improve in some way if the candidate is elected, right? What happens when a group endorses a candidate because its members believe the candidate will herald in a new Dark Age filled with fear, trembling and gnashing of teeth? The Order of Nine Angles, a Satanic cult founded in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, according to a BBC report from 2020, has endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket for the 2024 presidential election. Not surprisingly, when Satanists endorse political candidates, they do it for all the wrong reasons. In what could be written off as a brazen attempt at gaining some cheap notoriety, O9A manages to paint itself as the kind of fools who utter a prophetic phrase or two before falling into the abyss of eternal fire. For Christmas Gifts, Check Out The Gateway Pundit Discounts Page At MyPillow (Plus Free Shipping Through Dec 15) On Wednesday, O9A stated on its website that “democracy is failing; worldwide nations are going broke, preparing for war, inundated with refugees, beset by internal refugees, ruled by careerist psychopaths, and perhaps most ominously, electing leaders who are associated with foreign powers.” There’s more than a little truth in O9A’s observation. The world does appear to be on the brink. Any Americans in their right mind would presumably want a president who protected democracy, thwarted corruption, avoided war by a show of strength, and controlled the country’s orders. In other words, they would back a presidential ticket that put America first. Are you surprised by the endorsement? Not O9A. “We want to rush into the abyss so that the ‘end of history‘ can come to its natural terminus and a new Dark Age will be visited upon the Earth.” “In this new era,” the endorsement continued “might will make right, the claw and tooth will always be red, and blood will cross the land like an ever-flowing stream. The strong will oppress the weak, the weak will die, and natural selection will resume.” “This can only happen through weak humanist leadership that will stumble its way into war, famine, recession, terrorism, corruption, and human misery. The suicides will leave before the battles commence … “Only Biden-Harris can bring about this advancement of history, and therefore, we endorse the Biden-Harris campaign in 2024.” The way things are going, there’s a chance the O9A could be right. The world is on edge, wars are brewing, the worldwide immigrant/refugee crisis is at a boiling point and it would appear we have a president in bed with foreign powers like China. Electing Biden to a second term would be like courting the mother of all disasters. Electing a Republican president in 2024 might screw up O9A’s plan. “The last thing we want right now is one of these Christian band-aid do-gooders like Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswarmy, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis to take over and fix things.” Ramaswamy’s not Christian. He’s Hindu. The fact that O9A fudged it makes the group look like comic book villains more at home on “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle” than on the world stage. On the other hand, the group has surfaced in disturbing news reports involving pedophilia and terrorism. In 2020, a U.S. Army Pvt. Ethan Melzer was indicted by the Justice Department on charges of sending details about his unit’s movement to the group, which was planning to attack the American soldiers. Melzer was sentenced in March to 45 years in prison, ABC News reported. Should O9A get its wish for the end of history, its members and all unhinged evil-doers will get free tickets on a fast train to hell. In the meantime, Christians would like to go on living, preferably in a working representative republic with the traditional American values of God, family and country. Trending: “Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” -BEST BIDEN MEME EVER! Joe Biden Quotes Set to Cowboy Western Theme There are a lot more Christians than Satanists in America. There’s still hope if they vote Old Joe right out of office. This article appeared originally on The Western Journal. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/satanic-terrorist-cult-makes-2024-endorsement-biden-harris/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=satanic-terrorist-cult-makes-2024-endorsement-biden-harris
    Satanic Terrorist Cult Makes 2024 Endorsement: 'Only Biden-Harris Can Bring About End of History'
    Not surprisingly, when Satanist terrorists endorse political candidates, they do it for all the wrong reasons.
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 12354 Views
  • Satanic Terrorist Cult Makes 2024 Endorsement: 'Only Biden-Harris Can Bring About End of History'
    By Jack Gist December 24, 2023 at 6:49am
    Most individuals and organizations endorse presidential candidates because they think the country will improve in some way if the candidate is elected, right?

    What happens when a group endorses a candidate because its members believe the candidate will herald in a new Dark Age filled with fear, trembling and gnashing of teeth?

    The Order of Nine Angles, a Satanic cult founded in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, according to a BBC report from 2020, has endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket for the 2024 presidential election. Not surprisingly, when Satanists endorse political candidates, they do it for all the wrong reasons.

    In what could be written off as a brazen attempt at gaining some cheap notoriety, O9A manages to paint itself as the kind of fools who utter a prophetic phrase or two before falling into the abyss of eternal fire.


    Not a Joke: NPR Station Says Biden's 'Drama-Free White House' Is a 'Christmas Gift' to America
    On Wednesday, O9A stated on its website that “democracy is failing; worldwide nations are going broke, preparing for war, inundated with refugees, beset by internal refugees, ruled by careerist psychopaths, and perhaps most ominously, electing leaders who are associated with foreign powers.”

    There’s more than a little truth in O9A’s observation. The world does appear to be on the brink.

    Any Americans in their right mind would presumably want a president who protected democracy, thwarted corruption, avoided war by a show of strength, and controlled the country’s orders. In other words, they would back a presidential ticket that put America first.

    Not O9A.

    Are you surprised by the endorsement?
    “We want to rush into the abyss so that the ‘end of history‘ can come to its natural terminus and a new Dark Age will be visited upon the Earth.”

    “In this new era,” the endorsement continued “might will make right, the claw and tooth will always be red, and blood will cross the land like an ever-flowing stream. The strong will oppress the weak, the weak will die, and natural selection will resume.”

    “This can only happen through weak humanist leadership that will stumble its way into war, famine, recession, terrorism, corruption, and human misery. The suicides will leave before the battles commence …

    “Only Biden-Harris can bring about this advancement of history, and therefore, we endorse the Biden-Harris campaign in 2024.”

    The way things are going, there’s a chance the O9A could be right. The world is on edge, wars are brewing, the worldwide immigrant/refugee crisis is at a boiling point and it would appear we have a president in bed with foreign powers like China. Electing Biden to a second term would be like courting the mother of all disasters.


    Mind-Bending Change to Navy F-35: What Can These Strange Additions Do?
    Electing a Republican president in 2024 might screw up O9A’s plan.

    “The last thing we want right now is one of these Christian band-aid do-gooders like Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswarmy, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis to take over and fix things.”

    Ramaswamy’s not Christian. He’s Hindu. The fact that O9A fudged it makes the group look like comic book villains more at home on “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle” than on the world stage.

    On the other hand, the group has surfaced in disturbing news reports involving pedophilia and terrorism. In 2020, a U.S. Army Pvt. Ethan Melzer was indicted by the Justice Department on charges of sending details about his unit’s movement to the group, which was planning to attack the American soldiers. Melzer was sentenced in March to 45 years in prison, ABC News reported.

    Should O9A get its wish for the end of history, its members and all unhinged evil-doers will get free tickets on a fast train to hell.

    In the meantime, Christians would like to go on living, preferably in a working representative republic with the traditional American values of God, family and country.

    There are a lot more Christians than Satanists in America. There’s still hope if they vote Old Joe right out of office.

    This Christmas, we’re offering $10 off The Western Journal’s most popular membership options, no strings attached.

    We’re doing this because we want to offer our readers a small gift during the Christmas season, and also because Big Tech’s death grip on conservative publishers is tightening daily.

    At this point, roughly 90 percent of advertisers have blackballed conservative publishers. Facebook has obliterated entire conservative businesses by destroying their traffic.

    Conservatives like you and publications like The Western Journal are being hunted to extinction by the Big Tech tyrants.

    But together we can fight back and, believe it or not, we can win.

    When you get a Western Journal membership, you’re not just getting a bunch of perks like access to ALL of our content — news, commentary and premium articles — and a radically reduced number of ads. You’re also directly, tangibly supporting journalists who actually do real journalism — they print the truth and they hold the elites accountable.

    Can we count on you to join? Most membership options cost less than one cup of Starbucks coffee each month, and we’re also giving a great discount right now.

    I hope you will team up with us. Together, we can defy the Big Tech tyrants and spread the truth that the elites in America desperately want silenced.

    Whether you join or not, I wish you a very…

    … Merry Christmas,

    Josh Manning

    Deputy Managing Editor

    P.S. If you prefer, a simple direct donation can be made here. Again, thank you and Merry Christmas!

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    2024 election, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Politics, Satanism, U.S. News

    Contributor, Commentary

    Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at jackgistediting.com


    Satanic Terrorist Cult Makes 2024 Endorsement: 'Only Biden-Harris Can Bring About End of History' By Jack Gist December 24, 2023 at 6:49am Most individuals and organizations endorse presidential candidates because they think the country will improve in some way if the candidate is elected, right? What happens when a group endorses a candidate because its members believe the candidate will herald in a new Dark Age filled with fear, trembling and gnashing of teeth? The Order of Nine Angles, a Satanic cult founded in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, according to a BBC report from 2020, has endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket for the 2024 presidential election. Not surprisingly, when Satanists endorse political candidates, they do it for all the wrong reasons. In what could be written off as a brazen attempt at gaining some cheap notoriety, O9A manages to paint itself as the kind of fools who utter a prophetic phrase or two before falling into the abyss of eternal fire. Trending: Not a Joke: NPR Station Says Biden's 'Drama-Free White House' Is a 'Christmas Gift' to America On Wednesday, O9A stated on its website that “democracy is failing; worldwide nations are going broke, preparing for war, inundated with refugees, beset by internal refugees, ruled by careerist psychopaths, and perhaps most ominously, electing leaders who are associated with foreign powers.” There’s more than a little truth in O9A’s observation. The world does appear to be on the brink. Any Americans in their right mind would presumably want a president who protected democracy, thwarted corruption, avoided war by a show of strength, and controlled the country’s orders. In other words, they would back a presidential ticket that put America first. Not O9A. Are you surprised by the endorsement? “We want to rush into the abyss so that the ‘end of history‘ can come to its natural terminus and a new Dark Age will be visited upon the Earth.” “In this new era,” the endorsement continued “might will make right, the claw and tooth will always be red, and blood will cross the land like an ever-flowing stream. The strong will oppress the weak, the weak will die, and natural selection will resume.” “This can only happen through weak humanist leadership that will stumble its way into war, famine, recession, terrorism, corruption, and human misery. The suicides will leave before the battles commence … “Only Biden-Harris can bring about this advancement of history, and therefore, we endorse the Biden-Harris campaign in 2024.” The way things are going, there’s a chance the O9A could be right. The world is on edge, wars are brewing, the worldwide immigrant/refugee crisis is at a boiling point and it would appear we have a president in bed with foreign powers like China. Electing Biden to a second term would be like courting the mother of all disasters. Related: Mind-Bending Change to Navy F-35: What Can These Strange Additions Do? Electing a Republican president in 2024 might screw up O9A’s plan. “The last thing we want right now is one of these Christian band-aid do-gooders like Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswarmy, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, and Ron DeSantis to take over and fix things.” Ramaswamy’s not Christian. He’s Hindu. The fact that O9A fudged it makes the group look like comic book villains more at home on “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle” than on the world stage. On the other hand, the group has surfaced in disturbing news reports involving pedophilia and terrorism. In 2020, a U.S. Army Pvt. Ethan Melzer was indicted by the Justice Department on charges of sending details about his unit’s movement to the group, which was planning to attack the American soldiers. Melzer was sentenced in March to 45 years in prison, ABC News reported. Should O9A get its wish for the end of history, its members and all unhinged evil-doers will get free tickets on a fast train to hell. In the meantime, Christians would like to go on living, preferably in a working representative republic with the traditional American values of God, family and country. There are a lot more Christians than Satanists in America. There’s still hope if they vote Old Joe right out of office. This Christmas, we’re offering $10 off The Western Journal’s most popular membership options, no strings attached. We’re doing this because we want to offer our readers a small gift during the Christmas season, and also because Big Tech’s death grip on conservative publishers is tightening daily. At this point, roughly 90 percent of advertisers have blackballed conservative publishers. Facebook has obliterated entire conservative businesses by destroying their traffic. Conservatives like you and publications like The Western Journal are being hunted to extinction by the Big Tech tyrants. But together we can fight back and, believe it or not, we can win. When you get a Western Journal membership, you’re not just getting a bunch of perks like access to ALL of our content — news, commentary and premium articles — and a radically reduced number of ads. You’re also directly, tangibly supporting journalists who actually do real journalism — they print the truth and they hold the elites accountable. Can we count on you to join? Most membership options cost less than one cup of Starbucks coffee each month, and we’re also giving a great discount right now. I hope you will team up with us. Together, we can defy the Big Tech tyrants and spread the truth that the elites in America desperately want silenced. Whether you join or not, I wish you a very… … Merry Christmas, Josh Manning Deputy Managing Editor P.S. If you prefer, a simple direct donation can be made here. Again, thank you and Merry Christmas! Truth and Accuracy Submit a Correction → We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards. Tags: 2024 election, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Politics, Satanism, U.S. News Contributor, Commentary SummaryMoreRecentContact Jack Gist has published books, short stories, poems, essays, and opinion pieces in outlets such as The Imaginative Conservative, Catholic World Report, Crisis Magazine, Galway Review, and others. His genre-bending novel The Yewberry Way: Prayer (2023) is the first installment of a trilogy that explores the relationship between faith and reason. He can be found at jackgistediting.com Conversation https://www.westernjournal.com/satanic-terrorist-cult-makes-2024-endorsement-biden-harris-can-bring-end-history/
    Satanic Terrorist Cult Makes 2024 Endorsement: 'Only Biden-Harris Can Bring About End of History'
    Not surprisingly, when Satanist terrorists endorse political candidates, they do it for all the wrong reasons.
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  • Why Does the Govt Want Us Dead?
    Alternative Health and HealingJuly 28, 2020

    Article by Jason Christoff

    Although this is a very sharp and harsh question to headline any article, it is a question that has to be asked. Why are most (if not all) of our trusted institutions colluding to kill or injure us? Why? For the average person who lives inside our very cozy media and government illusion, it’s often a question that their minds won’t even allow them to ponder. The average person’s fear of reality ends up being a maximum-security psychic prison in most cases. This same fear inhibits the average person from processing what’s obviously happening in our world today. The fear I allude to, which inhibits many people from coming into full contact with their very harsh and painful reality, has to do with a massive Grand Canyon sized contradiction gap between what the general public was taught (by conventional media and within government schools) and what’s literally happening right in front of our very eyes.

    Most people today are mentally paralyzed from reacting to their own destruction. Many just can’t muster a logical reaction to the culling/injuring of their loved ones and the destruction of their entire culture….simply because they were taught for decades that “the government would never do that! That’s just a conspiracy theory!“. Here’s what should be a very obvious NEWSFLASH, the governments around the world are in fact doing that. On top of that, much worse is coming from these governments if “we the people” don’t start thinking, acting and talking like fully functional mature adults very soon. May I remind everyone that democide, which is a word that means “death by government“, has tallied well over 250 million kills in the last 100 years alone. Governments do indeed kill their own citizens and there are concrete reasons for those state sanctioned murders. I’ll explain the primary reason why governments kill their own citizens, a little further down in this article. You won’t like the answer but I’m going to tell you anyway, so maybe at some point the public could possibly muster a logical and rational reaction to their state sponsored (propaganda driven) euthanasia.

    Government is also just a word. Government doesn’t exist in real time. Let me explain. If you can’t have tea or make an appointment with something, it doesn’t exist. Go ahead, go into a government building and tell them you would like to make an appointment with government. Tell a government staffer that you would like to talk directly to government. The staffers in the government building will offer you a meeting with a person whose name isn’t “government”. It’s like going to church and wanted to talk to God, you only get a representative of God, an intermediary, a go-between. The point here is that we’re being euthanized and crippled by evil people hiding behind an illusionary facade purposely named government, because in our bizzarro world……humans appear perfectly OK with being killed by something that doesn’t exist, compared to being killed by a regular person. If a regular person murders even one citizen, the public seems to collectively understand that a crime has been committed. If an organization called government (run by real people) murders millions of other people, many humans seem OK with all of it, as most appear generally unable to mount a logical response to state sanctioned murder. These blind spots in the human psyche make most humans sitting ducks when the state initiates one of its historical butchering rampages. Just such a butchering rampage started in March 2020 and of course it’s still ongoing.

    History and Origins of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset/New World Order Cabal
    Unfortunately, all your friends who work for the government are IN FACT getting paid to destroy themselves, destroy their communities, destroy their culture, destroy their own kids and destroy their countries. I explain clearly why all government staffers are the most dangerous people on the planet inside this new article. Democides are never executed by the people at the top, who hide behind the fabricated government facade and name plate. It’s the government staffers who have carried out the democides throughout all of recorded history. Today is no different. If a government staffer will inject poison into themselves to keep getting a paycheck, they’ll certainly inject poison into you, in order to keep getting that same paycheck. There’s no psychology degree required to make this connection in logic. For a government staffer to keep getting paid, the destruction of the public and the government corruption must continue. Government school produces graduates who are unable to care for themselves independently, in the most important ways….so blind obedience to evil (or anyone else handing out the orders) is already baked in the cake.

    All government staffers are indeed executing the evil orders that they’re given from on high. In the end what’s happening on our streets is enough to make Satan himself giggle with envy. Government workers are being financially compensated to destroy themselves and their own countries because they believe “the government would never do that.” These government workers can’t react because they’re completely dependent on the state stealing money from the general public and handing it over to them (known as piracy and sharing the booty of the heist)…..in order that the government staffers execute their evil orders.

    The Deagel Report Predicts Massive Depopulation By 2025
    We also have the general public getting destroyed, who stand there paralyzed, watching their own voluntary slow paced soft kill genocide unfold……..because they also can’t reconcile reality with their conditioned programming that “the government would never do that.” As the government staffers are paid to kill and injure their neighbors, those government staffers are always thinking “the government would never do that.” As the general public are getting euthanized by the government staffers, the average citizen is also thinking “the government would never do that.” The government staffers are killing and injuring. The public are being murdered and injured yet both parties can’t believe it’s happening, so it’s like a mass hypnosis show gone wild. In all reality, it is a mass hypnosis show gone wild. The entire COVID agenda is based on mass hypnosis.

    Trying to explain this to a mind controlled and hypnotized population is like trying to staple water to a tree. You can try but failure is usually guaranteed to occur somewhere along the way. As the brainwashed North Americans are culling each other for rent, food and entertainment credits (AKA money) you simply hear them yelling from inside the cull zones, “TRUMP!”, “BIDEN!”, “BLACK FRIDAY!” “INCLUSION!”, “GENDER!”, “WE NEED MORE GOVERNMENT TO FIX GOVERNMENT!”, “CNN!”, ‘TUCKER CARLSON!”, “WHO WON THE SPORTS BALL GAME!”, CANADA’S THE FREEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!”, “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!!” etc., etc. You could strangle these people with a cordless phone, really you could. The democide has never been so easy.

    In fact, this democide is actually democide 2.0, as I’ve pointed out numerous times in past articles. In democide 2.0, the people are psychologically manipulated to destroy themselves, poison themselves, euthanize themselves, poison their own children, censor anyone telling the truth, insult anyone telling the truth, celebrate the people paid to murder them, adore the institutions paid to murder them, plus wait patiently in line for their dose of poison. No one was born this stupid of course, the people organizing this cull made sure to make the public this stupid, in order to lubricate the cull. Yes, all this was planned long in advance. Tricking people to kill, euthanize and democide themselves (before the enemy even presents itself inside our borders) is called 5th Generation Warfare. What’s even more shocking is that the higher your grades in government school, the more likely you were to parrot the lies of known liars and fall for the COVID scam that started in March 2020….. according to Dr. Mattias Desmet.

    As for the Grand Canyon sized gap between what the public was taught by media/government and what’s really happening on the ground today (which freezes the public in their collective shoes) let’s just look at one example. We were all taught through government schooling and lamestream media that each country was separate and that each country was run by separate interests, unique to the people inside each different country. What happened from 2020 forward proved, without any shadow of a doubt, that not only was this widely held belief FALSE but each supposed separate government was heavily invested in similar policies that aimed to destroy its citizenry on every level imaginable.

    Lock downs were used worldwide to destroy the public financially, as the big corporations were permitted to stay open as 25% of all small businesses were wiped off the map. More for the ruling 1%, less for you…..leading to none for you if you don’t wake up. Lock downs were used to destroy the public emotionally, as suicide rates are now the highest in recorded history. Bottle shops, narcotic outlets in Canada (where they now sell cocaine, heroin and fentanyl to the public legally in BC), junk food corner stores and fast-food restaurants were deemed essential during a health crisis, in order to destroy the public physically……and of course the exercise outlets, massage therapists and any health improvement hub were shut down. All for your health and safety of course. All the cocaine, death jabs and bankrupt fitness clubs make you much safer and much healthier. Everyone knows that. The public were destroyed spiritually through church closures and vicious attacks on church leaders. It’s all so obvious…yet you actually need to have at least one living brain cell left on duty, which at this point many don’t possess unfortunately.

    Fauci’s Hospital Covid Protocols are Killing THOUSANDS
    And it’s not like anyone tried to warn us for decades in advance, right? We’ve had an absolute Macy’s Day parade of whistleblowers, trying to warn the comfort coma collective that something wasn’t right and that trouble was brewing. We had Yuri Besmenov who tried to warn us 50 years ago. We had Jordan Maxwell. We had Dr. John Coleman. We had G Edward Griffin. We had Dr. Richard Day and Dr. Lawrence Dunegan. We had Bill Cooper. We had Eustace Mullins. We had Ronald Bernard. We’ve had Alan Watt. We’ve even had Jesus talking about the banksters long ago but today the church leaders are getting paid (though corrupt channels like the Faith Based Initiative in the US) to tell their followers to remove their brains and take their shots of poison. How many wake-up calls does humanity really need to start connecting the dots here, especially when the dots are the size of the moon and the sun. God at this point is doing a 24 hour a day face palm, especially when people are waiting patiently inline to inject poison into themselves, thinking that the poison will make them healthier and thinking that poisoning themselves will make their bodies work better. Poison can’t make you healthy. Poison doesn’t work like that. Remember the bible’s warning about Pharmakia? Remember? Remember the phrase, “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people he didn’t exist“?

    The Fall of the Cabal ~ Original 10 Part Series and the Sequel
    So again the big question………why are they trying to injure and/or kill me? The answer to this question is simple and it won’t take too long to explain. It’s about theft. You’re dealing with a multi-generational crime syndicate who has set this entire hypno-brainwashing death centric stage production up, in order to steal your assets. All your assets. Their plan is also simple. If you die and you have a will, your assets go to your kids or other beneficiaries. If your kids or beneficiaries are killed and they don’t have anyone to bequeath those assets to, those assets go to the state. The state is this ancient multi-generation crime syndicate. Below is a chart regarding all the different ways they’re using to either kill you right now or the ways they will use to try and kill you in the future. Each square represents a power play (by this death cult), which will end with you getting denied what you need to live, if you happen to refuse the genocide injection of the day. Death or death? What’s your choice? Door #1 (death) or door #2 (death)? Are you ready to stop drinking wine, eating junk food and watching a screen yet? Do you think you’re ready to react yet? This cult will also do everything they can to bankrupt your country, in order to place your country into receivership to the banking cartel. At the point, the banking cartel (them again, dressed as bankers) get to repossess all your assets in a nationwide bankruptcy trustee agreement. If they kill everyone in your family line, they get all your stuff. If they purposely bankrupt the country, they also get all your stuff. It may be time to start paying closer attention to the con men on TV in $3000 suits.

    The group doing this has done this before and you can read more about this group in this article and many more articles on my website. That is why you’re born into a world where some people are billionaires, and your family has nothing. This cycle is a repeating cycle. Grow the humans on the human honey farms, let those indoctrinated and brainwashed humans produce the honey (money and assets), steal that honey, murder the bees (us, the humans… as to get rid of any witlessness) and start the human bee farming operation all over again with a brand new crop of humans who are mind controlled and brainwashed into accepting this massive spider web of lies, deception, piracy and open satanism.

    The solution is simple. Humans are the only farmed animals on this planet who can jump the fence and remove their farmers by force. This is the solution.

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    Why Does the Govt Want Us Dead? Alternative Health and HealingJuly 28, 2020 Article by Jason Christoff Although this is a very sharp and harsh question to headline any article, it is a question that has to be asked. Why are most (if not all) of our trusted institutions colluding to kill or injure us? Why? For the average person who lives inside our very cozy media and government illusion, it’s often a question that their minds won’t even allow them to ponder. The average person’s fear of reality ends up being a maximum-security psychic prison in most cases. This same fear inhibits the average person from processing what’s obviously happening in our world today. The fear I allude to, which inhibits many people from coming into full contact with their very harsh and painful reality, has to do with a massive Grand Canyon sized contradiction gap between what the general public was taught (by conventional media and within government schools) and what’s literally happening right in front of our very eyes. Most people today are mentally paralyzed from reacting to their own destruction. Many just can’t muster a logical reaction to the culling/injuring of their loved ones and the destruction of their entire culture….simply because they were taught for decades that “the government would never do that! That’s just a conspiracy theory!“. Here’s what should be a very obvious NEWSFLASH, the governments around the world are in fact doing that. On top of that, much worse is coming from these governments if “we the people” don’t start thinking, acting and talking like fully functional mature adults very soon. May I remind everyone that democide, which is a word that means “death by government“, has tallied well over 250 million kills in the last 100 years alone. Governments do indeed kill their own citizens and there are concrete reasons for those state sanctioned murders. I’ll explain the primary reason why governments kill their own citizens, a little further down in this article. You won’t like the answer but I’m going to tell you anyway, so maybe at some point the public could possibly muster a logical and rational reaction to their state sponsored (propaganda driven) euthanasia. Government is also just a word. Government doesn’t exist in real time. Let me explain. If you can’t have tea or make an appointment with something, it doesn’t exist. Go ahead, go into a government building and tell them you would like to make an appointment with government. Tell a government staffer that you would like to talk directly to government. The staffers in the government building will offer you a meeting with a person whose name isn’t “government”. It’s like going to church and wanted to talk to God, you only get a representative of God, an intermediary, a go-between. The point here is that we’re being euthanized and crippled by evil people hiding behind an illusionary facade purposely named government, because in our bizzarro world……humans appear perfectly OK with being killed by something that doesn’t exist, compared to being killed by a regular person. If a regular person murders even one citizen, the public seems to collectively understand that a crime has been committed. If an organization called government (run by real people) murders millions of other people, many humans seem OK with all of it, as most appear generally unable to mount a logical response to state sanctioned murder. These blind spots in the human psyche make most humans sitting ducks when the state initiates one of its historical butchering rampages. Just such a butchering rampage started in March 2020 and of course it’s still ongoing. History and Origins of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset/New World Order Cabal Unfortunately, all your friends who work for the government are IN FACT getting paid to destroy themselves, destroy their communities, destroy their culture, destroy their own kids and destroy their countries. I explain clearly why all government staffers are the most dangerous people on the planet inside this new article. Democides are never executed by the people at the top, who hide behind the fabricated government facade and name plate. It’s the government staffers who have carried out the democides throughout all of recorded history. Today is no different. If a government staffer will inject poison into themselves to keep getting a paycheck, they’ll certainly inject poison into you, in order to keep getting that same paycheck. There’s no psychology degree required to make this connection in logic. For a government staffer to keep getting paid, the destruction of the public and the government corruption must continue. Government school produces graduates who are unable to care for themselves independently, in the most important ways….so blind obedience to evil (or anyone else handing out the orders) is already baked in the cake. All government staffers are indeed executing the evil orders that they’re given from on high. In the end what’s happening on our streets is enough to make Satan himself giggle with envy. Government workers are being financially compensated to destroy themselves and their own countries because they believe “the government would never do that.” These government workers can’t react because they’re completely dependent on the state stealing money from the general public and handing it over to them (known as piracy and sharing the booty of the heist)…..in order that the government staffers execute their evil orders. The Deagel Report Predicts Massive Depopulation By 2025 We also have the general public getting destroyed, who stand there paralyzed, watching their own voluntary slow paced soft kill genocide unfold……..because they also can’t reconcile reality with their conditioned programming that “the government would never do that.” As the government staffers are paid to kill and injure their neighbors, those government staffers are always thinking “the government would never do that.” As the general public are getting euthanized by the government staffers, the average citizen is also thinking “the government would never do that.” The government staffers are killing and injuring. The public are being murdered and injured yet both parties can’t believe it’s happening, so it’s like a mass hypnosis show gone wild. In all reality, it is a mass hypnosis show gone wild. The entire COVID agenda is based on mass hypnosis. Trying to explain this to a mind controlled and hypnotized population is like trying to staple water to a tree. You can try but failure is usually guaranteed to occur somewhere along the way. As the brainwashed North Americans are culling each other for rent, food and entertainment credits (AKA money) you simply hear them yelling from inside the cull zones, “TRUMP!”, “BIDEN!”, “BLACK FRIDAY!” “INCLUSION!”, “GENDER!”, “WE NEED MORE GOVERNMENT TO FIX GOVERNMENT!”, “CNN!”, ‘TUCKER CARLSON!”, “WHO WON THE SPORTS BALL GAME!”, CANADA’S THE FREEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!”, “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!!” etc., etc. You could strangle these people with a cordless phone, really you could. The democide has never been so easy. In fact, this democide is actually democide 2.0, as I’ve pointed out numerous times in past articles. In democide 2.0, the people are psychologically manipulated to destroy themselves, poison themselves, euthanize themselves, poison their own children, censor anyone telling the truth, insult anyone telling the truth, celebrate the people paid to murder them, adore the institutions paid to murder them, plus wait patiently in line for their dose of poison. No one was born this stupid of course, the people organizing this cull made sure to make the public this stupid, in order to lubricate the cull. Yes, all this was planned long in advance. Tricking people to kill, euthanize and democide themselves (before the enemy even presents itself inside our borders) is called 5th Generation Warfare. What’s even more shocking is that the higher your grades in government school, the more likely you were to parrot the lies of known liars and fall for the COVID scam that started in March 2020….. according to Dr. Mattias Desmet. As for the Grand Canyon sized gap between what the public was taught by media/government and what’s really happening on the ground today (which freezes the public in their collective shoes) let’s just look at one example. We were all taught through government schooling and lamestream media that each country was separate and that each country was run by separate interests, unique to the people inside each different country. What happened from 2020 forward proved, without any shadow of a doubt, that not only was this widely held belief FALSE but each supposed separate government was heavily invested in similar policies that aimed to destroy its citizenry on every level imaginable. Lock downs were used worldwide to destroy the public financially, as the big corporations were permitted to stay open as 25% of all small businesses were wiped off the map. More for the ruling 1%, less for you…..leading to none for you if you don’t wake up. Lock downs were used to destroy the public emotionally, as suicide rates are now the highest in recorded history. Bottle shops, narcotic outlets in Canada (where they now sell cocaine, heroin and fentanyl to the public legally in BC), junk food corner stores and fast-food restaurants were deemed essential during a health crisis, in order to destroy the public physically……and of course the exercise outlets, massage therapists and any health improvement hub were shut down. All for your health and safety of course. All the cocaine, death jabs and bankrupt fitness clubs make you much safer and much healthier. Everyone knows that. The public were destroyed spiritually through church closures and vicious attacks on church leaders. It’s all so obvious…yet you actually need to have at least one living brain cell left on duty, which at this point many don’t possess unfortunately. Fauci’s Hospital Covid Protocols are Killing THOUSANDS And it’s not like anyone tried to warn us for decades in advance, right? We’ve had an absolute Macy’s Day parade of whistleblowers, trying to warn the comfort coma collective that something wasn’t right and that trouble was brewing. We had Yuri Besmenov who tried to warn us 50 years ago. We had Jordan Maxwell. We had Dr. John Coleman. We had G Edward Griffin. We had Dr. Richard Day and Dr. Lawrence Dunegan. We had Bill Cooper. We had Eustace Mullins. We had Ronald Bernard. We’ve had Alan Watt. We’ve even had Jesus talking about the banksters long ago but today the church leaders are getting paid (though corrupt channels like the Faith Based Initiative in the US) to tell their followers to remove their brains and take their shots of poison. How many wake-up calls does humanity really need to start connecting the dots here, especially when the dots are the size of the moon and the sun. God at this point is doing a 24 hour a day face palm, especially when people are waiting patiently inline to inject poison into themselves, thinking that the poison will make them healthier and thinking that poisoning themselves will make their bodies work better. Poison can’t make you healthy. Poison doesn’t work like that. Remember the bible’s warning about Pharmakia? Remember? Remember the phrase, “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people he didn’t exist“? The Fall of the Cabal ~ Original 10 Part Series and the Sequel So again the big question………why are they trying to injure and/or kill me? The answer to this question is simple and it won’t take too long to explain. It’s about theft. You’re dealing with a multi-generational crime syndicate who has set this entire hypno-brainwashing death centric stage production up, in order to steal your assets. All your assets. Their plan is also simple. If you die and you have a will, your assets go to your kids or other beneficiaries. If your kids or beneficiaries are killed and they don’t have anyone to bequeath those assets to, those assets go to the state. The state is this ancient multi-generation crime syndicate. Below is a chart regarding all the different ways they’re using to either kill you right now or the ways they will use to try and kill you in the future. Each square represents a power play (by this death cult), which will end with you getting denied what you need to live, if you happen to refuse the genocide injection of the day. Death or death? What’s your choice? Door #1 (death) or door #2 (death)? Are you ready to stop drinking wine, eating junk food and watching a screen yet? Do you think you’re ready to react yet? This cult will also do everything they can to bankrupt your country, in order to place your country into receivership to the banking cartel. At the point, the banking cartel (them again, dressed as bankers) get to repossess all your assets in a nationwide bankruptcy trustee agreement. If they kill everyone in your family line, they get all your stuff. If they purposely bankrupt the country, they also get all your stuff. It may be time to start paying closer attention to the con men on TV in $3000 suits. The group doing this has done this before and you can read more about this group in this article and many more articles on my website. That is why you’re born into a world where some people are billionaires, and your family has nothing. This cycle is a repeating cycle. Grow the humans on the human honey farms, let those indoctrinated and brainwashed humans produce the honey (money and assets), steal that honey, murder the bees (us, the humans… as to get rid of any witlessness) and start the human bee farming operation all over again with a brand new crop of humans who are mind controlled and brainwashed into accepting this massive spider web of lies, deception, piracy and open satanism. The solution is simple. Humans are the only farmed animals on this planet who can jump the fence and remove their farmers by force. This is the solution. TONS of World News Info and Monthly Newsletters Posted Here: www.RealTruthRealNews.com Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies, Protocols and Products: www.DiamondzDetox.com Alternative Remedies For the Common Cold and Flu: CLICK HERE Ivermectin/Fenbendazole – Cancer Treatment/Cure: https://tinyurl.com/4f2u958k RealTruthRealNews on Rumble www.rumble.com/Diamondz My Telegram Channel: https://t.me/RealTruthRealNews Check Out This COOL T-Shirt and Many More Like It HERE Check out my High Quality Immune Boosting and Wellness Products HERE Alternative Health Blog: www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com 🛑 My Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies and Protocols Website: www.DiamondzDetox.com 🛑 Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends “Spike Support” With Nattokinase to Dissolve the Spike Protein From the Covid Jab, You Can Find it Here: Spike Support 🛑 Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Budesonide and Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com 🛑 Order Fenbendazole Here: FenBen Labs 🛑 Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Products Include “Z-Detox” For Covid Vaccine Protection – “Z-Flu” Protection Against Colds and Flu and “Z-Shield” which helps defend against dormant viruses. All Products Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/yc8zhusw 🛑 “Clean Slate” by ROOT Brands Provides a Full Body Detox Cleanse and Healing From Damage Caused By the Covid Vaccine Ingredients: https://therootbrands.com/bodywisecbd ROOT Brands CEO Christina Rahm Explains Her Incredible Products in This Video: https://tinyurl.com/bddyekfu. 🛑 High Grade Zeolite for Detox: https://tinyurl.com/53uxv89j 🛑 Chlorine Dioxide (MMS): https://tinyurl.com/43kdtmr3 The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. We expressly disclaim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site. We do not endorse specifically any test, treatment, or procedure mentioned on the site.
    Real Truth Real News
    Information the Government, Fake News and Social Media Don't Want You to See
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 37225 Views

    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 385 Views
  • Not only are lots more people now dead, but a war is brewing and worldwide hatred is boiling over - just as they wish.
    Not only are lots more people now dead, but a war is brewing and worldwide hatred is boiling over - just as they wish.
    A Separate View of the Israel/Hamas War - Activist Post
    What appears to be at play is a multi-stage op, all being played out without our (or the Israelis' or Palestinians') knowledge or consent.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 501 Views
  • #FindMee
    JED is #Brewing a #MeeGame in support of the #MeeCampaign
    Who is up for a #collaboration to run this game?
    I would need help from someone who is good with #photoshop and #photoediting
    Does everyone wonder who was my inspiration in creating #MrMee? christopherkramer.10
    #MrMee-"Now you see Mee, Later you Don't"
    #FindMee JED is #Brewing a #MeeGame in support of the #MeeCampaign Who is up for a #collaboration to run this game? I would need help from someone who is good with #photoshop and #photoediting Does everyone wonder who was my inspiration in creating #MrMee? [christopherkramer.10] #MrMee-"Now you see Mee, Later you Don't"
    4 Commentarios 0 Acciones 3568 Views
  • I jumped from 250 followers to 280 in a month. Definetely the last 2 weeks more and more followers. Let's see if that continues in February but it feels like something is brewing!
    I jumped from 250 followers to 280 in a month. Definetely the last 2 weeks more and more followers. Let's see if that continues in February but it feels like something is brewing!
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 691 Views
  • 6% Rates Incoming? Gundlach Spars With Dimon 24 Hours Before Crucial CPI Print

    Stocks rallied kind of hard, but not really hard yesterday. The Dow added 189 pts or 0.6%, the S&P gained 28 or 0.7%, the Nasdaq advanced by 106 pts or 1%, the Russell added 27 pts or 1.5% while the Transports tacked on 37 pts or 0.3%.

    And it’s the “Fed will cave” story all over again. Bloomberg summed up the day best with the headline: “Stocks Bounce Back with Brewing Optimism Over CPI (https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asia-stocks-set-tepid-opening-230147384.html)”. Meanwhile, two of the biggest names on Wall Street are at odds with one another over where the Federal Reserve is going to head from here.

    After all, brewing optimism is all the smart logic algos needed. Traders and algos raised the temperature in the room yesterday, betting that the forthcoming CPI report will not only weaken, but weaken beyond what the very optimistic estimates already are - thus ‘building a case’ for the Fed to stop the madness and pause further rate hikes beyond March.

    At the end of the day, Doubleline’s CEO Jeffrey Gundlach stood up and said: ‘Don’t be ridiculous, the Fed? Investors need to pay 100% attention to what the bond market is saying rather than what the FED is telling you they are saying.’ In fact, he said it this way: “My 40 plus years of experience in finance strongly recommends that investors should look at what the market says over what the Fed says.”

    This echoes the comments Gundlach (https://twitter.com/TruthGundlach) made on Twitter last week when he said: “There is no way the Fed is going to 5%. The Fed is not in control, the bond market is in control.”

    Meanwhile Yahoo Finance reported yesterday that Wallstreet heavyweight,CEO of JP Morgan, "Jamie Dimon Says Fed 'May Very Well' Raise Interest Rates to 6%"

    (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jamie-dimon-says-fed-may-very-well-raise-interest-rates-to-6-195147027.html)"Jamie Dimon expects the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates higher than most officials and Wall Street strategists have forecast as the U.S. central bank continues its fight against persistent inflation.

    The chief executive officer of JPMorgan (JPM), the largest consumer bank in the U.S. by assets, said Tuesday in an interview with Fox Business Network that the Fed’s terminal rate may hit 6%, a level notably above the 5% many have called for.

    'Whether 5% interest rates are enough to slow inflation to where it needs to be, I don’t know,' Dimon said during the discussion at JPMorgan’s annual health-care investment-banking conference in San Francisco, citing fiscal stimulus that was 'so large and still largely unspent.'

    'Is it 5%? My view is, it may very well be 6%,' he added.

    This time last year, Dimon was among the first voices on Wall Street to predict – correctly – that Federal Reserve officials would deliver as many as six or seven increases to their benchmark policy rate as prices rose at a historic pace. He said the three or four hikes investors were bracing for at the time were a low estimate.

    In 2022, the U.S. central bank lifted rates seven times to a cumulative increase of 4.25% to the highest in 15 years from near-zero levels. At least 75 basis points more of hikes are expected this year."

    :link:Source: Zerohedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-01-11/6-rates-incoming),
    Quoth The Raven (https://quoththeraven.substack.com/p/6-rates-incoming-gundlach-spars-with),
    Yahoo Finance (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jamie-dimon-says-fed-may-very-well-raise-interest-rates-to-6-195147027.html),
    Bloomberg (https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asia-stocks-set-tepid-opening-230147384.html)

    ???? Follow:
    6% Rates Incoming? Gundlach Spars With Dimon 24 Hours Before Crucial CPI Print Stocks rallied kind of hard, but not really hard yesterday. The Dow added 189 pts or 0.6%, the S&P gained 28 or 0.7%, the Nasdaq advanced by 106 pts or 1%, the Russell added 27 pts or 1.5% while the Transports tacked on 37 pts or 0.3%. And it’s the “Fed will cave” story all over again. Bloomberg summed up the day best with the headline: “Stocks Bounce Back with Brewing Optimism Over CPI (https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asia-stocks-set-tepid-opening-230147384.html)”. Meanwhile, two of the biggest names on Wall Street are at odds with one another over where the Federal Reserve is going to head from here. After all, brewing optimism is all the smart logic algos needed. Traders and algos raised the temperature in the room yesterday, betting that the forthcoming CPI report will not only weaken, but weaken beyond what the very optimistic estimates already are - thus ‘building a case’ for the Fed to stop the madness and pause further rate hikes beyond March. At the end of the day, Doubleline’s CEO Jeffrey Gundlach stood up and said: ‘Don’t be ridiculous, the Fed? Investors need to pay 100% attention to what the bond market is saying rather than what the FED is telling you they are saying.’ In fact, he said it this way: “My 40 plus years of experience in finance strongly recommends that investors should look at what the market says over what the Fed says.” This echoes the comments Gundlach (https://twitter.com/TruthGundlach) made on Twitter last week when he said: “There is no way the Fed is going to 5%. The Fed is not in control, the bond market is in control.” Meanwhile Yahoo Finance reported yesterday that Wallstreet heavyweight,CEO of JP Morgan, "Jamie Dimon Says Fed 'May Very Well' Raise Interest Rates to 6%" (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jamie-dimon-says-fed-may-very-well-raise-interest-rates-to-6-195147027.html)"Jamie Dimon expects the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates higher than most officials and Wall Street strategists have forecast as the U.S. central bank continues its fight against persistent inflation. The chief executive officer of JPMorgan (JPM), the largest consumer bank in the U.S. by assets, said Tuesday in an interview with Fox Business Network that the Fed’s terminal rate may hit 6%, a level notably above the 5% many have called for. 'Whether 5% interest rates are enough to slow inflation to where it needs to be, I don’t know,' Dimon said during the discussion at JPMorgan’s annual health-care investment-banking conference in San Francisco, citing fiscal stimulus that was 'so large and still largely unspent.' 'Is it 5%? My view is, it may very well be 6%,' he added. This time last year, Dimon was among the first voices on Wall Street to predict – correctly – that Federal Reserve officials would deliver as many as six or seven increases to their benchmark policy rate as prices rose at a historic pace. He said the three or four hikes investors were bracing for at the time were a low estimate. In 2022, the U.S. central bank lifted rates seven times to a cumulative increase of 4.25% to the highest in 15 years from near-zero levels. At least 75 basis points more of hikes are expected this year." :link:Source: Zerohedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2023-01-11/6-rates-incoming), Quoth The Raven (https://quoththeraven.substack.com/p/6-rates-incoming-gundlach-spars-with), Yahoo Finance (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jamie-dimon-says-fed-may-very-well-raise-interest-rates-to-6-195147027.html), Bloomberg (https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asia-stocks-set-tepid-opening-230147384.html) ???? Follow: t.me/g3news
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 3918 Views
  • Good brews at Culture Brewing, Solana Beach, California. Had a good time with friends at the local micro brewery! San Diego, micro brewery heaven! Brewers say that we have more breweries per capita then anywhere in the U.S.
    Good brews at Culture Brewing, Solana Beach, California. Had a good time with friends at the local micro brewery! San Diego, micro brewery heaven! Brewers say that we have more breweries per capita then anywhere in the U.S.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 467 Views
  • https://www.mauinews.com/news/local-news/2022/06/man-charged-in-kula-womans-murder-held-without-bail/
    This Just happened half a mile down the road from me this last weekend. I knew Brian casually, we was known for his top notch fencing abilities and we hired him this last spring to make our gate and fence by our driveway. He also helped next door with varios cleanup projects. He was always smiling and seemed happy whenever we saw him, but that was obviously a front and something sinister was brewing deep inside him. I just talked to him a couple days before this while passing on the road, commenting on his other car he was driving around, a beat up old volvo station wagon. He did seem a little frazzled looking, like hung over and tired or something, but still smiling. Crazy world out there, and don't ever let your guard down, you never know what people are like inside untill you've seen them at their worst!
    https://www.mauinews.com/news/local-news/2022/06/man-charged-in-kula-womans-murder-held-without-bail/ This Just happened half a mile down the road from me this last weekend. I knew Brian casually, we was known for his top notch fencing abilities and we hired him this last spring to make our gate and fence by our driveway. He also helped next door with varios cleanup projects. He was always smiling and seemed happy whenever we saw him, but that was obviously a front and something sinister was brewing deep inside him. I just talked to him a couple days before this while passing on the road, commenting on his other car he was driving around, a beat up old volvo station wagon. He did seem a little frazzled looking, like hung over and tired or something, but still smiling. Crazy world out there, and don't ever let your guard down, you never know what people are like inside untill you've seen them at their worst!
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 658 Views
  • Looks like storms a brewing for Tuesday heading our way. Supposed to rain tomorrow looks a little ominous this evening as it coming over the foothills:
    Looks like storms a brewing for Tuesday heading our way. Supposed to rain tomorrow looks a little ominous this evening as it coming over the foothills:
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 465 Views
  • I seem to remember this being talked about awhile ago, that the Yuan could replace The USD as the Petro-dollar. No surprises here, just news as to the possibilities that are brewing and concerns of the ever weakening USD I suppose.
    I seem to remember this being talked about awhile ago, that the Yuan could replace The USD as the Petro-dollar. No surprises here, just news as to the possibilities that are brewing and concerns of the ever weakening USD I suppose. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-15/yuan-surges-after-report-on-saudis-accepting-currency-for-oil
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 553 Views