• https://writinganessay.org/2024/04/29/how-to-write-an-abstract-for-a-dissertation/
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  • Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics
    Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    Morphology and composition of incrustants in different conditions. (a) Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of bare-polystyrene (PS, 1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates formed in tap water at different temperatures (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 40 mL, 25–100 oC); (b) SEM images of bare-PS (1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates in different water hardness upon boiling (60–300 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); (c) SEM images of bare-PS and incrustant coprecipitates in different PS concentrations (1 μm, 0–5 mg L–1) upon boiling of tap water (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); and (d) SEM images and (e) X-ray diffraction patterns of bare-, carboxyl-, and amino-PS and incrustant coprecipitates upon boiling of tap water (1 and 0.1 μm, 1 mg L–1, 180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC).


    This is a hopeful article explaining the methodology to decontaminate drinking water. This is very important because we do know that all bottled water is contaminated. You can read that study here:

    Study Shows A Quarter Million Nanoparticle Polymers Per Liter In Water Bottles - Same Polymers Found As In Moderna Patent For Covid 19 Shots, Morgellons Filaments, Blood & Rubbery Clots

    The abstract states:

    Tap water nano/microplastics (NMPs) escaping from centralized water treatment systems are of increasing global concern, because they pose potential health risk to humans via water consumption. Drinking boiled water, an ancient tradition in some Asian countries, is supposedly beneficial for human health, as boiling can remove some chemicals and most biological substances. However, it remains unclear whether boiling is effective in removing NMPs in tap water. Herein we present evidence that polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs can coprecipitate with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) incrustants in tap water upon boiling. Boiling hard water (>120 mg L–1 of CaCO3) can remove at least 80% of polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs size between 0.1 and 150 μm. Elevated temperatures promote CaCO3 nucleation on NMPs, resulting in the encapsulation and aggregation of NMPs within CaCO3 incrustants. This simple boiling-water strategy can “decontaminate” NMPs from household tap water and has the potential for harmlessly alleviating human intake of NMPs through water consumption.

    Here is the ACS article:

    Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics

    Here is the sciencedaily write up:

    Want fewer microplastics in your tap water? Try boiling it first

    Contamination of water supplies with nano- and microplastics (NMPs), which can be as small as one thousandth of a millimeter in diameter or as large as 5 millimeters, has become increasingly common. The effects of these particles on human health are still under investigation, though current studies suggest that ingesting them could affect the gut microbiome. Some advanced drinking water filtration systems capture NMPs, but simple, inexpensive methods are needed to substantially help reduce human plastic consumption. So, Zhanjun Li, Eddy Zeng and colleagues wanted to see whether boiling could be an effective method to help remove NMPs from both hard and soft tap water.

    The researchers collected samples of hard tap water from Guangzhou, China, and spiked them with different amounts of NMPs. Samples were boiled for five minutes and allowed to cool. Then, the team measured the free-floating plastic content. Boiling hard water, which is rich in minerals, will naturally form a chalky substance known as limescale, or calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Results from these experiments indicated that as the water temperature increased, CaCO3 formed incrustants, or crystalline structures, which encapsulated the plastic particles. Zeng says that over time, these incrustants would build up like typical limescale, at which point they could be scrubbed away to remove the NMPs. He suggests any remaining incrustants floating in the water could be removed by pouring it through a simple filter such as a coffee filter.

    In the tests, the encapsulation effect was more pronounced in harder water -- in a sample containing 300 milligrams of CaCO3 per liter of water, up to 90% of free-floating MNPs were removed after boiling. However, even in soft water samples (less than 60 milligrams CaCO3 per liter), boiling still removed around 25% of NMPs. The researchers say that this work could provide a simple, yet effective, method to reduce NMP consumption.

    From the paper supplemental information

    Results. Boiling hard water can remove most PS, PE, and PP MPs, and PS, PE, and PP MPs precipitation efficiencies were 95 ± 4%, 81 ± 3%, and 90 ± 3%, respectively, at 100 oC. Increasing temperature accelerated the formation of incrustants on spherical, fragmented, and fibrous MP surfaces. MPs continued to be encapsulated by newly formed incrustants (Figure S2) and finally precipitated under gravity, confirming that spherical PS, fragmented PE, and fibrous PP MPs are able to coprecipitate with incrustants in tap water upon boiling. In concluding, the results with NPs in the main text were also applicable to MPs.

    Here are the polymer plastics found in drinking water throughout the world:

    Thank you to Karen Kingston, who brought this article to my attention.


    Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Morphology and composition of incrustants in different conditions. (a) Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of bare-polystyrene (PS, 1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates formed in tap water at different temperatures (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 40 mL, 25–100 oC); (b) SEM images of bare-PS (1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates in different water hardness upon boiling (60–300 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); (c) SEM images of bare-PS and incrustant coprecipitates in different PS concentrations (1 μm, 0–5 mg L–1) upon boiling of tap water (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); and (d) SEM images and (e) X-ray diffraction patterns of bare-, carboxyl-, and amino-PS and incrustant coprecipitates upon boiling of tap water (1 and 0.1 μm, 1 mg L–1, 180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC). ____________________________________________________________________________ This is a hopeful article explaining the methodology to decontaminate drinking water. This is very important because we do know that all bottled water is contaminated. You can read that study here: Study Shows A Quarter Million Nanoparticle Polymers Per Liter In Water Bottles - Same Polymers Found As In Moderna Patent For Covid 19 Shots, Morgellons Filaments, Blood & Rubbery Clots The abstract states: Tap water nano/microplastics (NMPs) escaping from centralized water treatment systems are of increasing global concern, because they pose potential health risk to humans via water consumption. Drinking boiled water, an ancient tradition in some Asian countries, is supposedly beneficial for human health, as boiling can remove some chemicals and most biological substances. However, it remains unclear whether boiling is effective in removing NMPs in tap water. Herein we present evidence that polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs can coprecipitate with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) incrustants in tap water upon boiling. Boiling hard water (>120 mg L–1 of CaCO3) can remove at least 80% of polystyrene, polyethylene, and polypropylene NMPs size between 0.1 and 150 μm. Elevated temperatures promote CaCO3 nucleation on NMPs, resulting in the encapsulation and aggregation of NMPs within CaCO3 incrustants. This simple boiling-water strategy can “decontaminate” NMPs from household tap water and has the potential for harmlessly alleviating human intake of NMPs through water consumption. Here is the ACS article: Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics Here is the sciencedaily write up: Want fewer microplastics in your tap water? Try boiling it first Contamination of water supplies with nano- and microplastics (NMPs), which can be as small as one thousandth of a millimeter in diameter or as large as 5 millimeters, has become increasingly common. The effects of these particles on human health are still under investigation, though current studies suggest that ingesting them could affect the gut microbiome. Some advanced drinking water filtration systems capture NMPs, but simple, inexpensive methods are needed to substantially help reduce human plastic consumption. So, Zhanjun Li, Eddy Zeng and colleagues wanted to see whether boiling could be an effective method to help remove NMPs from both hard and soft tap water. The researchers collected samples of hard tap water from Guangzhou, China, and spiked them with different amounts of NMPs. Samples were boiled for five minutes and allowed to cool. Then, the team measured the free-floating plastic content. Boiling hard water, which is rich in minerals, will naturally form a chalky substance known as limescale, or calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Results from these experiments indicated that as the water temperature increased, CaCO3 formed incrustants, or crystalline structures, which encapsulated the plastic particles. Zeng says that over time, these incrustants would build up like typical limescale, at which point they could be scrubbed away to remove the NMPs. He suggests any remaining incrustants floating in the water could be removed by pouring it through a simple filter such as a coffee filter. In the tests, the encapsulation effect was more pronounced in harder water -- in a sample containing 300 milligrams of CaCO3 per liter of water, up to 90% of free-floating MNPs were removed after boiling. However, even in soft water samples (less than 60 milligrams CaCO3 per liter), boiling still removed around 25% of NMPs. The researchers say that this work could provide a simple, yet effective, method to reduce NMP consumption. From the paper supplemental information Results. Boiling hard water can remove most PS, PE, and PP MPs, and PS, PE, and PP MPs precipitation efficiencies were 95 ± 4%, 81 ± 3%, and 90 ± 3%, respectively, at 100 oC. Increasing temperature accelerated the formation of incrustants on spherical, fragmented, and fibrous MP surfaces. MPs continued to be encapsulated by newly formed incrustants (Figure S2) and finally precipitated under gravity, confirming that spherical PS, fragmented PE, and fibrous PP MPs are able to coprecipitate with incrustants in tap water upon boiling. In concluding, the results with NPs in the main text were also applicable to MPs. Here are the polymer plastics found in drinking water throughout the world: Thank you to Karen Kingston, who brought this article to my attention. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/drinking-boiled-tap-water-reduces https://telegra.ph/Drinking-Boiled-Tap-Water-Reduces-Human-Intake-of-Nanoplastics-and-Microplastics-04-02
    Drinking Boiled Tap Water Reduces Human Intake of Nanoplastics and Microplastics
    Morphology and composition of incrustants in different conditions. (a) Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of bare-polystyrene (PS, 1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates formed in tap water at different temperatures (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 40 mL, 25–100 oC); (b) SEM images of bare-PS (1 μm, 1 mg L–1) and incrustant coprecipitates in different water hardness upon boiling (60–300 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); (c) SEM images of bare-PS and incrustant coprecipitates in different PS concentrations (1 μm, 0–5 mg L–1) upon boiling of tap water (180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC); and (d) SEM images and (e) X-ray diffraction patterns of bare-, carboxyl-, and amino-PS and incrustant coprecipitates upon boiling of tap water (1 and 0.1 μm, 1 mg L–1, 180 mg L–1 of CaCO3, 100 oC).
    0 Commenti 1 condivisioni 14058 Views
  • Terrifying! New LETHAL BIO-WEAPON SARS-COV-3 Built and Hid by CHINA’s ARMY | VT Foreign Policy
    January 24, 2024

    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


    The news is much more alarming than the mysterious and lethal Virus with which Bill Gates and his accomplices at the World Economic Forum have continued to threaten humanity for almost a year to push all governments to accept the Pandemic Treaty of the World Health Organization (financed by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), the international Vaccine Passport following the example of the European Union’s Green Pass and, consequently, a new wave of mandatory vaccinations to implement the global immunization plan launched by the Microsoft’s tycoon in 1999 in the Congress Center of Rockefeller in the Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio (Como).

    Perhaps it could be this new version of SARS-Cov-2, engineered in a laboratory at Being University and so powerful that it can be defined as SARS-Cov-3 due to its multiple mutations, the mysterious Disease X!

    Indeed after the investigation by Gospa News (published in Italian only), the study was modified, making the most alarming parts disappear…

    The suspicion comes from 4 disturbing circumstances that make the new, very dangerous Chinese research a real BIO-WEAPON capable of threatening all of humanity.

    It was developed with the help of military doctors of PLA: People’s Liberation Army of China.
    The laboratory experiments showed a lethality of 100% on humanized mice
    The research was carried out based on previous virological tests conducted by zoologist Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology
    On January 21, 2024, the authors have modified the study by eliminating any terrifying reference to the 100% mortality on humanized mice, two days after the publication of the Gospa News investigation! Fortunately we have preserved both the screenshots and the original PDF study…
    A first study was published on December 18, 2022 in the specialized journal Emerging Microbes & Infections and on the same date also on PubMed, the library of the National Institute for Health (NIH) of the US Department of Health, but only in the update of a few days ago the lethality of the laboratory genotype of SARS-Cov-2 called GX_P2V was made known when the new research was relaunched the first time on January 4th in pre-print by BioRxivwhere it has yet to be subjected to peer review.

    The Abstract of the research up to January 21st was as brief as it was chilling:

    «SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR) can cause 100% mortality in human ACE2-transgenic mice, potentially attributable to late-stage brain infection. This underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans and provides a unique model for understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related viruses».

    The study published on January 4th from which the role of a military doctor from the Beijing General Hospital of the PLA army can be deduced and, alongside, the study modified on January 21st with a new title and a new Abstract from which the alarm about 100% lethality in humanized mice disappeared
    The updated study instead appears with a new, less alarming title “An infection and pathogenesis mouse model of SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)” has also been sweetened in the ABSTRACT from which any reference to the VERY HIGH LETHALITY of the virus created in the laboratory DISAPPEARS:

    «SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR) is highly attenuated, but can cause mortality in a specifically designed human ACE2-transgenic mouse model, making it an invaluable surrogate model for evaluating the efficacy of drugs and vaccines against SARS-CoV-2».

    Even more so after this SELF-CENSORSHIP, the previous original document that we wrote about takes on importance and on which we believe it is our duty to focus even if the researchers will obviously be able to claim that they are wrong…

    The study by Lai Wei et al. was conducted by Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Soft Matter Science and Engineering, College of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology (China), with the collaboration of State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Medical School, Nanjing University, but also with Research Center for Clinical Medicine, The Fifth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing, where the military doctor Shengdong Luo, present in both studies, and his colleague Weiwei Chen work.

    The latter is one of the various military hospitals that have taken the place of civilian facilities since 2016 as confirmed by a photo of the inauguration found on the internet.

    One of Beijing’s civilian hospitals converted into a military facility in 2016
    One of the most disturbing aspects of this research is the fact that it derives from the previous study published in 2022 which highlighted only research aimed at producing a vaccine. While this new in-depth study has in fact transformed the study into the typology products defined in the US as “Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC)”where the dual utility consists precisely in the use as a vaccine or as a bio-weapon.

    From the “Smoking Gun” of Artificial SARS-Cov-2 to Beijing’s New Bio-Weapon

    This new and very dangerous experiment brings us back to the studies on chimeric coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology where the scientist Shi Zhengli infected SARS strains with HIV plasmids since 2004 thanks to the funding of the Episars project of the European Commission chaired by Romano Prodi to experiment with an artificial enhancement of the wild virus which culminated in the so-called “smoking gun” on the origin of SARS-Cov-2 of Covid 19.

    «When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence (of SARS-Cov-2 – ed.), with its arginine codons, I told my wife that it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus”.

    This is what Dr. David Baltimore, a renowned American virologist and co-discoverer of reverse transcriptase, stated in support of the thesis (now much more than a theory) of the artificial origin of the pandemic pathogen which, to summarize it in a simple way , attaches itself to human cells and becomes lethal precisely thanks to that criticality in furin.

    Proof of this laboratory alteration emerged from a 2016 study, which remained almost unknown until recently, which was financed by the virologist Antony Fauci (former director of the American National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – NIAID) and conducted by US scientists, Wuhan researchers and Chinese medical doctors as revealed by the dossier of the US Senate Health Committee which not only ascertained the high probability of the artificial origin of SARS-Cov-2 but highlighted the role of American researchers…

    It is now known that Fauci himself admitted before the American Congress that the theory of the virus built in the laboratory is not a conspiracy as he instead claimed in a study on natural origins published shortly after some Indian scientists from the Kusuma School of Biology in New Delhi discovered the anomalous HIV sequences and reported them in a paper published in ResearchGate.

    But “they were then forced to withdraw” according to the late biologist Luc Montagnier, who was the first to publish research on artificial origin together with his biomathematician friend Jean-Claude Perez whom Gospa News interviewed exclusively a few months ago.

    In our investigations of the Wuhan-Gates cycle (in homage to Bill Gates who financed the Wuhan projects through EcoHealthAliance) we highlighted how the collaboration between the US and China started on biological weapons by former presidents Bill Clinton and Jiang Zemin was fundamental to the Predict-2 project on chimeric coronavirus researches funded by the Obama-Biden administration.

    This is why we have embraced the thesis of the patent expert David E. Martin who supported something very serious: according to him, in fact, the SARS-Cov-2 built between China and the US (but probably with contributions also in Canada, the United Kingdom and Ukraine) was allegedly intentionally released by the United States of America. In fact, it has brought to light too many intrigues between the research of Moderna Big Pharma (also financed by Gates and Fauci) and the Pentagon’s military agency DARPA.

    So China (led by Xi Jinping disliked by the Shanghai Clan of Jiang Zemin’s political heirs and his son who strengthened the Wuhan Institute of Virology) would have suffered, for the second time after the SARS of 2003 also built in a laboratory according to Martin and Russian genomics experts, the dispersal of the virus likely occurred during the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019.

    This is why, as reported recently by the Wall Street Journal, on the basis of documents obtained from the United States Department of Health, Chinese researchers isolated and mapped the Covid-19 virus at the end of December 2019, at least two weeks before Beijing revealed the details of the deadly virus to the world. According to the US newspaper, a Chinese researcher in Beijing uploaded an almost complete sequence of the structure of Covid into a database managed by the American government on December 28, 2019, while China shared the sequence of the virus with the World Health Organization (WHO) only 11 January 2020.

    In light of these considerations, the new experimentation also conducted by Chinese military doctors takes on an even more disturbing plot. So much so as to fuel the suspicion that Beijing has built a deadly bio-weapon ready to be spread in a global bacteriological war should new Western-inspired pandemics appear.

    Chinese research for a new attenuated vaccine against Covid-19

    Now that we have analyzed the historical and geopolitical context, let’s briefly summarize the peculiarities of the two different studies on SARS-CoV-2 GX_P2V, the one for the 2022 vaccine and the one for the 2023 bioweapon.

    The first research by Beijing University for a new anti-Covid vaccine – link at the bottom of the page
    «SARS-CoV-2 related coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-2r) from Guangdong and Guangxi pangolins have been implicated in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and future pandemics. We previously reported the culture of a SARS-CoV-2r GX_P2V from Guangxi pangolins. Here we report the GX_P2V isolate rapidly adapted to Vero cells by acquiring two genomic mutations: an alanine to valine substitution in the nucleoprotein and a 104-nucleotide deletion in the hypervariable region (HVR) of the 3′-terminus untranslated region (3′-UTR)».

    This is what we read in the Abstract on PubMed of December 2022 regarding the research by Shanshan Lu et al. entitled “Induction of significant neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 by a highly attenuated pangolin coronavirus variant with a 104nt deletion at the 3′-UTR”.

    «We further report the characterization of the GX_P2V variant (renamed GX_P2V(short_3UTR)) in in vitro and in vivo infection models. In cultured Vero, BGM and Calu-3 cells, GX_P2V(short_3UTR) had similar robust replication kinetics, and consistently produced minimum cell damage. GX_P2V(short_3UTR) infected golden hamsters and BALB/c mice but was highly attenuated. Golden hamsters infected intranasally had a short duration of productive infection in pulmonary, not extrapulmonary, tissues».

    The Abstract then goes into the specifics of the development of an antidote against Covid based not on the new and controversial biotechnology of mRNA gene sera but on that of traditional vaccines:

    «These productive infections induced neutralizing antibodies against pseudoviruses of GX_P2V and SARS-CoV-2. Collectively, our data show that the GX_P2V(short_3UTR) is highly attenuated in in vitro and in vivo infection models. Attenuation of the variant is likely partially due to the 104-nt deletion in the HVR in the 3′-UTR. This study furthers our understanding of pangolin coronaviruses pathogenesis and provides novel insights for the design of live attenuated vaccines against SARS-CoV-2».

    The Army Laboratory Experiment for a Bacteriological Weapon

    The recently published study with the already extremely alarming title “Lethal Infection of Human ACE2- Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)” had a different impact, before it was altered on January 21 to mitigate its hazard…

    This work was supported by NSFC-MFST project (China–Mongolia) (grant number 32161143027), National Key R&D Program of China (2021YFC2301804) and Biosafety Special Program (No. 19SWAQ 13).

    «Two SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronaviruses, GD/2019 and GX/2017, were identified prior to the COVID-19 outbreak (1,2). The respective isolates, termed pCoV-GD01 and GX_P2V, were cultured in 2020 and 2017, respectively (2,3). The infectivity and pathogenicity of these isolates have been studied (4–6). The pCoV-GD01 isolate, which has higher homology with SARS-CoV-2, can infect and cause disease in both golden hamsters and hACE2 mice (4)».

    We read in the pre-print research by Lai Wei et al.:

    «In contrast, while GX_P2V can also infect both species, it does not appear to cause obvious disease in these animals (5,6). We previously reported that the early passaged GX_P2V isolate was actually a cell culture-adapted mutant, named GX_P2V(short_3UTR), which possesses a 104-nucleotide deletion at the 3’-UTR (6). In this study, we cloned this mutant, considering the propensity of coronaviruses to undergo rapid adaptive mutation in cell culture, and assessed its pathogenicity in hACE2 mice. We found that the GX_P2V(short_3UTR) clone can infect hACE2 mice, with high viral loads detected in both lung and brain tissues. This infection resulted in 100% mortality in the hACE2 mice. We surmise that the cause of death may be linked to the occurrence of late brain infection».

    The cover of the study published on January 4 on BiorXiv before the modification on January 21, 2024 – link at the bottom of the page
    Then they also recall that these SARS-CoV-2, GD/2019 and GX/2017 studies were initially carried out by the well-known scientist from the Wuhan Institute of Virology:

    «To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report showing that a SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus can cause 100% mortality in hACE2 mice, suggesting a risk for GX_P2V to spill over into humans. Our findings are evidently inconsistent with those of Zhengli Shiet al. (5), who tested the virulence of GX_P2V in two different hACE2 mouse models».

    The discussion then becomes very technical and evidence of expert biochemists or virologists:

    «It is important to note that we did not isolate the wild-type GX_P2V strain. The study by Zhengli Shi et al tested the GX_P2V(short_3UTR) variant that we reported. However, the adaptative evolutionary changes of this variant during their laboratory culture remain understudied. In fact, according to additional infection experiments, the uncloned GX_P2V(short_3UTR) also resulted in 100% mortality in hACE2 mice. Due to the propensity of coronaviruses to undergo adaptive mutation during passage culture, we cloned and analyzed mutations in GX_P2V(short_3UTR), focusing specifically on the pathogenicity of the cloned strains. The high pathogenicity mechanism of GX_P2V C7 in hACE2 mice, in the absence of the wild-type GX_P2V control, requires further investigation».

    And the conclusion doesn’t suggest anything good…

    «Compared to the original sequence of GX_P2V(short_3UTR), GX_P2V C7 has two amino acid mutations in the spike protein. Given the close relationship between coronavirus virulence and spike protein mutations (7), it is possible that GX_P2V C7 has undergone a virulence-enhancing mutation. However, it is important to note that our hACE2 mouse model may be relatively unique. The company has not yet published a paper on this hACE2 mouse model, but our results suggest that hACE2 may be highly expressed in the mouse brain. Additionally, according to the data provided by the company, these hACE2 mice have abnormal physiology, as indicated by relatively reduced serum triglyceride, cholesterol, and lipase levels, compared to those of wild-type C57BL/6J mice. In summary, our study provides a unique perspective on the pathogenicity of GX_P2V and offers a distinct alternative model for understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses».

    The scientific explanation is cloaked by a strong emphasis on virulence which may also appear as a “threat” on the possibility of transforming these GX_P2V genotypes into a real bacteriological weapon.

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
    prohibition of reproduction without authorization
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    PUBMED – Induction of significant neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 by a highly attenuated pangolin coronavirus variant with a 104nt deletion at the 3′-UTR’

    BIORXIV – Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)

    To receive the COMPLETE PDF OF THE ORIGINAL DISTURBING RESEARCH, subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter and write to [email protected]



    Fabio G. C. Carisio
    Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal.

    His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more…

    Most popolar investigation on VT is:

    Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting.

    For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime.

    With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians.

    In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence.

    In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates

    His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others

    He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator.




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    Terrifying! New LETHAL BIO-WEAPON SARS-COV-3 Built and Hid by CHINA’s ARMY | VT Foreign Policy January 24, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO The news is much more alarming than the mysterious and lethal Virus with which Bill Gates and his accomplices at the World Economic Forum have continued to threaten humanity for almost a year to push all governments to accept the Pandemic Treaty of the World Health Organization (financed by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), the international Vaccine Passport following the example of the European Union’s Green Pass and, consequently, a new wave of mandatory vaccinations to implement the global immunization plan launched by the Microsoft’s tycoon in 1999 in the Congress Center of Rockefeller in the Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio (Como). Perhaps it could be this new version of SARS-Cov-2, engineered in a laboratory at Being University and so powerful that it can be defined as SARS-Cov-3 due to its multiple mutations, the mysterious Disease X! Indeed after the investigation by Gospa News (published in Italian only), the study was modified, making the most alarming parts disappear… The suspicion comes from 4 disturbing circumstances that make the new, very dangerous Chinese research a real BIO-WEAPON capable of threatening all of humanity. It was developed with the help of military doctors of PLA: People’s Liberation Army of China. The laboratory experiments showed a lethality of 100% on humanized mice The research was carried out based on previous virological tests conducted by zoologist Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology On January 21, 2024, the authors have modified the study by eliminating any terrifying reference to the 100% mortality on humanized mice, two days after the publication of the Gospa News investigation! Fortunately we have preserved both the screenshots and the original PDF study… A first study was published on December 18, 2022 in the specialized journal Emerging Microbes & Infections and on the same date also on PubMed, the library of the National Institute for Health (NIH) of the US Department of Health, but only in the update of a few days ago the lethality of the laboratory genotype of SARS-Cov-2 called GX_P2V was made known when the new research was relaunched the first time on January 4th in pre-print by BioRxivwhere it has yet to be subjected to peer review. The Abstract of the research up to January 21st was as brief as it was chilling: «SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR) can cause 100% mortality in human ACE2-transgenic mice, potentially attributable to late-stage brain infection. This underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans and provides a unique model for understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related viruses». The study published on January 4th from which the role of a military doctor from the Beijing General Hospital of the PLA army can be deduced and, alongside, the study modified on January 21st with a new title and a new Abstract from which the alarm about 100% lethality in humanized mice disappeared The updated study instead appears with a new, less alarming title “An infection and pathogenesis mouse model of SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)” has also been sweetened in the ABSTRACT from which any reference to the VERY HIGH LETHALITY of the virus created in the laboratory DISAPPEARS: «SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR) is highly attenuated, but can cause mortality in a specifically designed human ACE2-transgenic mouse model, making it an invaluable surrogate model for evaluating the efficacy of drugs and vaccines against SARS-CoV-2». Even more so after this SELF-CENSORSHIP, the previous original document that we wrote about takes on importance and on which we believe it is our duty to focus even if the researchers will obviously be able to claim that they are wrong… The study by Lai Wei et al. was conducted by Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Soft Matter Science and Engineering, College of Life Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology (China), with the collaboration of State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Medical School, Nanjing University, but also with Research Center for Clinical Medicine, The Fifth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing, where the military doctor Shengdong Luo, present in both studies, and his colleague Weiwei Chen work. The latter is one of the various military hospitals that have taken the place of civilian facilities since 2016 as confirmed by a photo of the inauguration found on the internet. One of Beijing’s civilian hospitals converted into a military facility in 2016 One of the most disturbing aspects of this research is the fact that it derives from the previous study published in 2022 which highlighted only research aimed at producing a vaccine. While this new in-depth study has in fact transformed the study into the typology products defined in the US as “Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC)”where the dual utility consists precisely in the use as a vaccine or as a bio-weapon. From the “Smoking Gun” of Artificial SARS-Cov-2 to Beijing’s New Bio-Weapon This new and very dangerous experiment brings us back to the studies on chimeric coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology where the scientist Shi Zhengli infected SARS strains with HIV plasmids since 2004 thanks to the funding of the Episars project of the European Commission chaired by Romano Prodi to experiment with an artificial enhancement of the wild virus which culminated in the so-called “smoking gun” on the origin of SARS-Cov-2 of Covid 19. «When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence (of SARS-Cov-2 – ed.), with its arginine codons, I told my wife that it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus”. This is what Dr. David Baltimore, a renowned American virologist and co-discoverer of reverse transcriptase, stated in support of the thesis (now much more than a theory) of the artificial origin of the pandemic pathogen which, to summarize it in a simple way , attaches itself to human cells and becomes lethal precisely thanks to that criticality in furin. Proof of this laboratory alteration emerged from a 2016 study, which remained almost unknown until recently, which was financed by the virologist Antony Fauci (former director of the American National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – NIAID) and conducted by US scientists, Wuhan researchers and Chinese medical doctors as revealed by the dossier of the US Senate Health Committee which not only ascertained the high probability of the artificial origin of SARS-Cov-2 but highlighted the role of American researchers… It is now known that Fauci himself admitted before the American Congress that the theory of the virus built in the laboratory is not a conspiracy as he instead claimed in a study on natural origins published shortly after some Indian scientists from the Kusuma School of Biology in New Delhi discovered the anomalous HIV sequences and reported them in a paper published in ResearchGate. But “they were then forced to withdraw” according to the late biologist Luc Montagnier, who was the first to publish research on artificial origin together with his biomathematician friend Jean-Claude Perez whom Gospa News interviewed exclusively a few months ago. In our investigations of the Wuhan-Gates cycle (in homage to Bill Gates who financed the Wuhan projects through EcoHealthAliance) we highlighted how the collaboration between the US and China started on biological weapons by former presidents Bill Clinton and Jiang Zemin was fundamental to the Predict-2 project on chimeric coronavirus researches funded by the Obama-Biden administration. This is why we have embraced the thesis of the patent expert David E. Martin who supported something very serious: according to him, in fact, the SARS-Cov-2 built between China and the US (but probably with contributions also in Canada, the United Kingdom and Ukraine) was allegedly intentionally released by the United States of America. In fact, it has brought to light too many intrigues between the research of Moderna Big Pharma (also financed by Gates and Fauci) and the Pentagon’s military agency DARPA. So China (led by Xi Jinping disliked by the Shanghai Clan of Jiang Zemin’s political heirs and his son who strengthened the Wuhan Institute of Virology) would have suffered, for the second time after the SARS of 2003 also built in a laboratory according to Martin and Russian genomics experts, the dispersal of the virus likely occurred during the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019. This is why, as reported recently by the Wall Street Journal, on the basis of documents obtained from the United States Department of Health, Chinese researchers isolated and mapped the Covid-19 virus at the end of December 2019, at least two weeks before Beijing revealed the details of the deadly virus to the world. According to the US newspaper, a Chinese researcher in Beijing uploaded an almost complete sequence of the structure of Covid into a database managed by the American government on December 28, 2019, while China shared the sequence of the virus with the World Health Organization (WHO) only 11 January 2020. In light of these considerations, the new experimentation also conducted by Chinese military doctors takes on an even more disturbing plot. So much so as to fuel the suspicion that Beijing has built a deadly bio-weapon ready to be spread in a global bacteriological war should new Western-inspired pandemics appear. Chinese research for a new attenuated vaccine against Covid-19 Now that we have analyzed the historical and geopolitical context, let’s briefly summarize the peculiarities of the two different studies on SARS-CoV-2 GX_P2V, the one for the 2022 vaccine and the one for the 2023 bioweapon. The first research by Beijing University for a new anti-Covid vaccine – link at the bottom of the page «SARS-CoV-2 related coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-2r) from Guangdong and Guangxi pangolins have been implicated in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and future pandemics. We previously reported the culture of a SARS-CoV-2r GX_P2V from Guangxi pangolins. Here we report the GX_P2V isolate rapidly adapted to Vero cells by acquiring two genomic mutations: an alanine to valine substitution in the nucleoprotein and a 104-nucleotide deletion in the hypervariable region (HVR) of the 3′-terminus untranslated region (3′-UTR)». This is what we read in the Abstract on PubMed of December 2022 regarding the research by Shanshan Lu et al. entitled “Induction of significant neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 by a highly attenuated pangolin coronavirus variant with a 104nt deletion at the 3′-UTR”. «We further report the characterization of the GX_P2V variant (renamed GX_P2V(short_3UTR)) in in vitro and in vivo infection models. In cultured Vero, BGM and Calu-3 cells, GX_P2V(short_3UTR) had similar robust replication kinetics, and consistently produced minimum cell damage. GX_P2V(short_3UTR) infected golden hamsters and BALB/c mice but was highly attenuated. Golden hamsters infected intranasally had a short duration of productive infection in pulmonary, not extrapulmonary, tissues». The Abstract then goes into the specifics of the development of an antidote against Covid based not on the new and controversial biotechnology of mRNA gene sera but on that of traditional vaccines: «These productive infections induced neutralizing antibodies against pseudoviruses of GX_P2V and SARS-CoV-2. Collectively, our data show that the GX_P2V(short_3UTR) is highly attenuated in in vitro and in vivo infection models. Attenuation of the variant is likely partially due to the 104-nt deletion in the HVR in the 3′-UTR. This study furthers our understanding of pangolin coronaviruses pathogenesis and provides novel insights for the design of live attenuated vaccines against SARS-CoV-2». The Army Laboratory Experiment for a Bacteriological Weapon The recently published study with the already extremely alarming title “Lethal Infection of Human ACE2- Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)” had a different impact, before it was altered on January 21 to mitigate its hazard… This work was supported by NSFC-MFST project (China–Mongolia) (grant number 32161143027), National Key R&D Program of China (2021YFC2301804) and Biosafety Special Program (No. 19SWAQ 13). «Two SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronaviruses, GD/2019 and GX/2017, were identified prior to the COVID-19 outbreak (1,2). The respective isolates, termed pCoV-GD01 and GX_P2V, were cultured in 2020 and 2017, respectively (2,3). The infectivity and pathogenicity of these isolates have been studied (4–6). The pCoV-GD01 isolate, which has higher homology with SARS-CoV-2, can infect and cause disease in both golden hamsters and hACE2 mice (4)». We read in the pre-print research by Lai Wei et al.: «In contrast, while GX_P2V can also infect both species, it does not appear to cause obvious disease in these animals (5,6). We previously reported that the early passaged GX_P2V isolate was actually a cell culture-adapted mutant, named GX_P2V(short_3UTR), which possesses a 104-nucleotide deletion at the 3’-UTR (6). In this study, we cloned this mutant, considering the propensity of coronaviruses to undergo rapid adaptive mutation in cell culture, and assessed its pathogenicity in hACE2 mice. We found that the GX_P2V(short_3UTR) clone can infect hACE2 mice, with high viral loads detected in both lung and brain tissues. This infection resulted in 100% mortality in the hACE2 mice. We surmise that the cause of death may be linked to the occurrence of late brain infection». The cover of the study published on January 4 on BiorXiv before the modification on January 21, 2024 – link at the bottom of the page Then they also recall that these SARS-CoV-2, GD/2019 and GX/2017 studies were initially carried out by the well-known scientist from the Wuhan Institute of Virology: «To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report showing that a SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus can cause 100% mortality in hACE2 mice, suggesting a risk for GX_P2V to spill over into humans. Our findings are evidently inconsistent with those of Zhengli Shiet al. (5), who tested the virulence of GX_P2V in two different hACE2 mouse models». The discussion then becomes very technical and evidence of expert biochemists or virologists: «It is important to note that we did not isolate the wild-type GX_P2V strain. The study by Zhengli Shi et al tested the GX_P2V(short_3UTR) variant that we reported. However, the adaptative evolutionary changes of this variant during their laboratory culture remain understudied. In fact, according to additional infection experiments, the uncloned GX_P2V(short_3UTR) also resulted in 100% mortality in hACE2 mice. Due to the propensity of coronaviruses to undergo adaptive mutation during passage culture, we cloned and analyzed mutations in GX_P2V(short_3UTR), focusing specifically on the pathogenicity of the cloned strains. The high pathogenicity mechanism of GX_P2V C7 in hACE2 mice, in the absence of the wild-type GX_P2V control, requires further investigation». And the conclusion doesn’t suggest anything good… «Compared to the original sequence of GX_P2V(short_3UTR), GX_P2V C7 has two amino acid mutations in the spike protein. Given the close relationship between coronavirus virulence and spike protein mutations (7), it is possible that GX_P2V C7 has undergone a virulence-enhancing mutation. However, it is important to note that our hACE2 mouse model may be relatively unique. The company has not yet published a paper on this hACE2 mouse model, but our results suggest that hACE2 may be highly expressed in the mouse brain. Additionally, according to the data provided by the company, these hACE2 mice have abnormal physiology, as indicated by relatively reduced serum triglyceride, cholesterol, and lipase levels, compared to those of wild-type C57BL/6J mice. In summary, our study provides a unique perspective on the pathogenicity of GX_P2V and offers a distinct alternative model for understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses». The scientific explanation is cloaked by a strong emphasis on virulence which may also appear as a “threat” on the possibility of transforming these GX_P2V genotypes into a real bacteriological weapon. Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio © COPYRIGHT GOSPA NEWS prohibition of reproduction without authorization follow Fabio Carisio Gospa News director on Twitter follow Gospa News on Telegram Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published MAIN SOURCES PUBMED – Induction of significant neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 by a highly attenuated pangolin coronavirus variant with a 104nt deletion at the 3′-UTR’ BIORXIV – Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR) To receive the COMPLETE PDF OF THE ORIGINAL DISTURBING RESEARCH, subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter and write to [email protected] GOSPA NEWS – WUHAN-GATES DOSSIER GOSPA NEWS – COVID-19 DOSSIER Fabio G. C. Carisio Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal. His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more… Most popolar investigation on VT is: Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting. For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime. With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians. In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence. In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator. VETERANS TODAY OLD POSTS www.gospanews.net/ ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/01/terrifying-new-lethal-bio-weapon-sars-cov-3-built-and-hid-by-chinas-army/
    Terrifying! New LETHAL BIO-WEAPON SARS-COV-3 Built and Hid by CHINA’s ARMY
    by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO The news is much more alarming than the mysterious and lethal Virus with which Bill Gates and his accomplices at the World Economic Forum have continued to threaten humanity for almost a year to push all governments to accept the Pandemic Treaty of the World Health Organization...
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    Quick update for today: 📄 Just updated the main SoMee landing page to be less...text driven 😂 Wanted it more abstract. 💻 Did an update for Fluid UI as well, now the SoMee Experience is a FLUID UI, meaning it'll take up your entire browser window, giving you far more control over how things look/appear regardless of the screen size you are on 📱💥 #SoMeeUpdates #FluidUI #AbstractDesign
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  • I feel more stressed out now in my current job compared to my four years of working hard in South Korea. Primarily, this is because our tasks are not well-defined and it seems more are being added as days pass.
    Expectations are not clear. Institutional communication is a constant struggle. It appears that people are not used to following protocol. This creates a lot of confusion.
    This situation prevents me from creating content on Hive during my spare time. I find it difficult to concentrate on my thoughts. Despite giving my best, I still find many things left undone. In times like that, I tend to look for diversion. I don’t want to shorten my life in this kind of institutional culture that has been built up for years.
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    I imagine my father in the 1970s who is just a security guard but he can support a family of five. Unlike today, even though both my wife and I are working, we still struggle to own a house. Except for buying books in the past, I don’t have any vices and I live a very frugal life. And yet after working for almost close to a four-decade and in four-year time, I will be reaching my senior years, and yet until now, I still struggle financially to provide for my family.
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    I love analogies. It makes the human mind think in concrete terms by relating abstract ideas to things we are familiar with. Describing Hive as a digital real estate is one of them. It challenges me to think of specific steps to grow such a digital asset.
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    I feel more stressed out now in my current job compared to my four years of working hard in South Korea. Primarily, this is because our tasks are not well-defined and it seems more are being added as days pass. Expectations are not clear. Institutional communication is a constant struggle. It appears that people are not used to following protocol. This creates a lot of confusion. This situation prevents me from creating content on Hive during my spare time. I find it difficult to concentrate on my thoughts. Despite giving my best, I still find many things left undone. In times like that, I tend to look for diversion. I don’t want to shorten my life in this kind of institutional culture that has been built up for years. This morning, reading one of @taskmaster4450’s articles about the idea of Hive as a digital real estate and combining it with the question about how can I earn a curation reward of 1 HP per day, this somehow triggers my mind to write. I think these two thoughts are connected. Since curation rewards play a significant role in the growth of one’s HIVE Power and in growing one’s “digital real estate,” it is proper to ask this question: If Hive offers us access to digital real estate ownership, what should be our proper response? [Photo Credit](https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-and-red-house-surrounded-by-trees-at-night-1612351/) Finding an answer to the above question can provide me a guide in growing my HIVE Power (HP) particularly if I can break down the answer into specific steps. It could serve as a HIVE Power Personal Plan (HPPP). Not only me, I think many in developing nations will find such a question very relevant. Most of us don’t have the privilege of owning a real piece of land. Even owning our own house is a dream that for many of us is beyond our reach. Of course, I don’t have the numbers to back up this claim. This is simply my common observation among my acquaintances. Very few of us own our houses. I imagine my father in the 1970s who is just a security guard but he can support a family of five. Unlike today, even though both my wife and I are working, we still struggle to own a house. Except for buying books in the past, I don’t have any vices and I live a very frugal life. And yet after working for almost close to a four-decade and in four-year time, I will be reaching my senior years, and yet until now, I still struggle financially to provide for my family. Of course, I have no one to blame. And other unavoidable circumstances in life prevent me to achieve such a dream in my 40s. One of them is marital trouble. Another is a lack of financial IQ. All I know for the first 23 years of my working life is to earn and spend. Saving and investing are not part of my financial discipline. Even after learning financial literacy in 2009, that’s 14 years ago, still, the dream of financial freedom seems so far away. I consider stumbling upon Hive at the height of the pandemic and the lockdown in August 2021 providential. Though it took me more or less seven months to wonder what Hive is all about, in March of 2022, thanks again to taskmaster that after reading his article about Hive as a compounding machine via layer two tokens, things started to make sense. I love analogies. It makes the human mind think in concrete terms by relating abstract ideas to things we are familiar with. Describing Hive as a digital real estate is one of them. It challenges me to think of specific steps to grow such a digital asset. Grace and peace! What is LeoFinance? What is Hive?
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