I have been doing a lot of "inner healing work" as some call it, during the last ten years of my life since I got sober. one of the biggest things I recognize in myself and others now is this ego based defense mechanism of judgment of others to make it seem as though our behavior is "better" or more justified. Almost EVERYBODY does this, but the wise ones learn to observe their judgmental thoughts and let them pass on by like clouds drifting in the sky, and not feel the need to project them outward. I think I'm finally getting more capable of being less judgmental and allowing empathy to shine in my heart, and those around me are saying it looks good on me haha! Your set of morals may keep you from types of behavior you are uncomfortable with experiencing for yourself, but remember we all are different souls with different things we need to learn and overcome to be better humans, and judgment seems to always cause more separation and social anxiety in my opinion. Yea f you actually read this then have a great day and practice being nice to someone you completely disagree with.. it's an amazingly freeing feeling!
I have been doing a lot of "inner healing work" as some call it, during the last ten years of my life since I got sober. one of the biggest things I recognize in myself and others now is this ego based defense mechanism of judgment of others to make it seem as though our behavior is "better" or more justified. Almost EVERYBODY does this, but the wise ones learn to observe their judgmental thoughts and let them pass on by like clouds drifting in the sky, and not feel the need to project them outward. I think I'm finally getting more capable of being less judgmental and allowing empathy to shine in my heart, and those around me are saying it looks good on me haha! Your set of morals may keep you from types of behavior you are uncomfortable with experiencing for yourself, but remember we all are different souls with different things we need to learn and overcome to be better humans, and judgment seems to always cause more separation and social anxiety in my opinion. Yea f you actually read this then have a great day and practice being nice to someone you completely disagree with.. it's an amazingly freeing feeling!
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