Last night, as I was checking on the mechanics of the next Power Up Day via the HiveBuzz app using my mobile phone, I noticed that two sections are not completed yet. This is the consequence of moving around Hive without familiarizing myself with the basics.

The two sections I am referring to are the "Configure Your Profile" and the "Introduce Yourself" categories. It's a shame. Last month, I actually published already my self introduction to Hive, but I did not tag it properly. This to me explains why I did not receive any comment. And how can I reply without anyone commenting on my post?
Thinking how shall I re-introduce myself to Hive community, I decided to do it using SoMee as a platform since it allows short posts like this. Here is the link to my personal introduction that I published last month: A Personal Introduction After Five Months.
I hope that next time I will check HiveBuzz, I wll see items under those two categories already turned green and checked. But in case, it won't, no problem, I am just simply experimenting on the platform. Not sure if its proper to tag the designers of HiveBuzz: @arcange @techybear @captaink. If this is improper, I beg for your patience for someone new in this technology.
Grace and peace!
Last night, as I was checking on the mechanics of the next Power Up Day via the HiveBuzz app using my mobile phone, I noticed that two sections are not completed yet. This is the consequence of moving around Hive without familiarizing myself with the basics. [Source]( The two sections I am referring to are the "Configure Your Profile" and the "Introduce Yourself" categories. It's a shame. Last month, I actually published already my self introduction to Hive, but I did not tag it properly. This to me explains why I did not receive any comment. And how can I reply without anyone commenting on my post? Thinking how shall I re-introduce myself to Hive community, I decided to do it using SoMee as a platform since it allows short posts like this. Here is the link to my personal introduction that I published last month: A Personal Introduction After Five Months. I hope that next time I will check HiveBuzz, I wll see items under those two categories already turned green and checked. But in case, it won't, no problem, I am just simply experimenting on the platform. Not sure if its proper to tag the designers of HiveBuzz: @arcange @techybear @captaink. If this is improper, I beg for your patience for someone new in this technology. Grace and peace!
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