WHO Announces Growing Global Cancer Burden in 2022; 20 Million New Cases and 10 Million Deaths

Several U.S. publications have cited cancer data as having a sharp rise over the last 30 years though they leave out the decrease in cases over each of the last 12 Years including 2020. They also leave out that the rise again only began in the U.S. after the introduction of the Covid "Vaccine."

Suddenly there is a lot of interest in the rise in Cancer over the last 30 years but what the data spinners are not telling us is that Cancer was declining over the last 20 years which included a 10 year low in 2020.

Now that there is growing concern since 2022 in the U.S. and also globally according to the WHO with the increase in Cancers with 22 million new cancer cases and 9.7 million deaths in 2022, why is it that main stream media is not running test on the possibilities of what was introduced into the public for the first time to see if there is a link? Doctors are reporting turbo cancers in vitro when the Covid solution is added to cancer cells. We know we have at least one mechanism of action now with multiple analysis of varying unacceptable yet unreported amounts of DNA contamination in all Covid vaccine vials.

Business insider
Gov. Cancer Data
2022 Study in Nature

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WHO Announces Growing Global Cancer Burden in 2022; 20 Million New Cases and 10 Million Deaths Several U.S. publications have cited cancer data as having a sharp rise over the last 30 years though they leave out the decrease in cases over each of the last 12 Years including 2020. They also leave out that the rise again only began in the U.S. after the introduction of the Covid "Vaccine." Suddenly there is a lot of interest in the rise in Cancer over the last 30 years but what the data spinners are not telling us is that Cancer was declining over the last 20 years which included a 10 year low in 2020. Now that there is growing concern since 2022 in the U.S. and also globally according to the WHO with the increase in Cancers with 22 million new cancer cases and 9.7 million deaths in 2022, why is it that main stream media is not running test on the possibilities of what was introduced into the public for the first time to see if there is a link? Doctors are reporting turbo cancers in vitro when the Covid solution is added to cancer cells. We know we have at least one mechanism of action now with multiple analysis of varying unacceptable yet unreported amounts of DNA contamination in all Covid vaccine vials. Business insider🔗 Gov. Cancer Data🔗 WHO🔗 Harvard🔗 2022 Study in Nature🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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