Fluorescent organge dots (possibly quantum dots?) now showing under UV light in injected individuals:


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Fluorescent organge dots (possibly quantum dots?) now showing under UV light in injected individuals: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/fluorescent-orange-face-tattoo-under?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=141799031&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1sq9d8&utm_medium=email Follow @zeeemedia Website | X | Instagram | Rumble
Fluorescent Orange Face Tattoo Under UV Light In C19 Vaccinated And Eye Of Horus Phenomenon - Are Humans Limbic Systems Being Altered For Behavior Modification?
Image Courtesy: Justin Coy, PhD, Individual with 1 Moderna C19 Injection and 3 PCR tests shows orange flourescent skin tattoo. In the white sclera are 2 flourscent bright spots on boht sides of the iris consistent with Eye of Horus Phenomenon In this follow up substack, I am posting the images that Justin Coy, PhD was talking about regarding the Eye of Horus Phenomenon that he also discovered in C19 injected individuals.
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