zackrspv has indicated that somee.official is pivoting away from the Hive Blockchain which is great, however a little more elaboration would be great as to what he is thinking of.
been a supporter of sorts of SoMee for about 4 years now and the amount of pivots is truly frustrating.
The team are now focused on AI which is great, however IMHO without earning on a blockchain, SoMee is NGMI, blockchain monetization should be at the forefront of developments without question! otherwise it will stay a ghost town in here, the drop off in content and users since $SME was turned off is not surprising.
The problem that Blockchain projects have when they release tokens/coins is that they leave themselves open to public opinion good and bad, Somee decided to release not 1 not 2 but 3 tokens!

$SoMee- promised staking, promised DAO, promised DeFi. none of these happened.

$SME- useful for a while now worthless.

$SAT- had a big fantastic launch that sucked in plebs with a promise of an ad share marketplace. DIDNT happen

MARKETING- for sooo looong we were promised that the team had the best connections in the whole space and onboarding the masses would be easy with all their influencers and A listers, turns out this was BS.

$50M GEM deal, LO FKN L is all i need to say about that.

with all that is happening around the world at the moment i feel that somee has really missed a great opportunity, especially with all the ghost bans on other social media platforms, they really could have taken advantage of all that.
MONETIZATION needs to come first, without it its just another social media platform with zero point of difference.
[zackrspv] has indicated that [somee.official] is pivoting away from the Hive Blockchain which is great, however a little more elaboration would be great as to what he is thinking of. been a supporter of sorts of SoMee for about 4 years now and the amount of pivots is truly frustrating. The team are now focused on AI which is great, however IMHO without earning on a blockchain, SoMee is NGMI, blockchain monetization should be at the forefront of developments without question! otherwise it will stay a ghost town in here, the drop off in content and users since $SME was turned off is not surprising. The problem that Blockchain projects have when they release tokens/coins is that they leave themselves open to public opinion good and bad, Somee decided to release not 1 not 2 but 3 tokens! $SoMee- promised staking, promised DAO, promised DeFi. none of these happened. $SME- useful for a while now worthless. $SAT- had a big fantastic launch that sucked in plebs with a promise of an ad share marketplace. DIDNT happen MARKETING- for sooo looong we were promised that the team had the best connections in the whole space and onboarding the masses would be easy with all their influencers and A listers, turns out this was BS. $50M GEM deal, LO FKN L is all i need to say about that. with all that is happening around the world at the moment i feel that somee has really missed a great opportunity, especially with all the ghost bans on other social media platforms, they really could have taken advantage of all that. MONETIZATION needs to come first, without it its just another social media platform with zero point of difference.
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