SoMee Moderation Example

2023-01-13 22:14:40

Clarification on SoMee Terms of Service: 

At SoMee, we uphold free speech, so any moderation requests we receive are carefully reviewed in accordance with federal and international law. Last week, a video depicting dead bodies was reported and reviewed. After considering the source, content, and intent of the video, it was determined that it was uploaded to inform and educate, not glorify violence as initially thought. Therefore, the video was not removed and remained on SoMee's timeline.

Moderation Request: 

  • Extreme Violence

The video shows dead bodies.

Internal Decision Process

There was some internal contention that it should be removed since it shows dead bodies. But that is not how we do things here. Each post is reviewed similarly, and the intent and the information portrayed are considered. 

Video Content: The video showed a soldier stating that the soldiers wouldn't reach the defender positions because they were now dead. 

Initial Analysis: Video should be blocked for GLORIFYING extreme violence.

However, there was an internal point made that the video wasn't glorifying; it was informing. So, we looked into the source (the one who uploaded the video), and it was uploaded by one who would have opposed such actions, not one who would have glorified them.  

Ergo, while the video showed dead bodies, and a solider boasting over how those bodies would no longer threaten his defenders, which would be considered glorification, the person posting wasn't posting to glorify the violence but to condemn such an act of glorification and to bring to the light possible crime during a time of war. 

Thus, the video falls under the category of INFORMATION or EDUCATION and not extreme violence. 

End Moderation Result: The video stays on SoMee's timeline. 

If you have any further questions about content moderation decisions, please get in touch with our support team at [email protected]

Thank you!