Master Authentic Ho'oponopono And Unlock The Ultimate Life Of Zero Limits:
About Ho'oponopono:
Modern Ho'oponopono is an adaptation of an ancient Hawaiian problem-solving technique that allows practitioners and subjects working with therapeutic or wellness providers to emotionally and mentally let go of conscious and subconscious memory.
Through a "ZERO LIMITS" cleaning process, developed by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, practitioners are able to move past perceived reality and to the point of zero.
During this process, practitioners are able to connect to experience a euphoric awakening, connecting to the divine to receive inspiration while clearing away limiting beliefs.
Ho'oponopono uses a 4-phrase mantra combined with a mindset shift you'll learn in this certification course to clean the data of our memories and help us retake 100% responsibility for everything in life, good, bad, and indifferent.
The Power of Modern Ho,oponopono:
As you'll discover through guided step-by-step lessons, Modern Ho'oponopono takes the ancient Hawaiian healing practice one-step further, unlocking an ability to heal both yourself and others, by simply cleaning away your own memories, erasing the data of the mind, and allowing multi-dimensional light into the conscious and subconscious mind.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Dr. Vitale will show you how the modern Ho'oponopono healing process can be embraced though remote and in-person practice with patients.
You'll discover real-world evidence of Modern Ho'oponopono remote healing power and properties.
With Modern Ho'oponopono, you can take 100% control of your life!
Eliminating the Control of Past Beliefs and Memories:
Ho'oponopono practice cuts to the core of limiting belief elimination.
You're going to learn to help yourself and help others rid their minds of the past beliefs and memories holding them back, unlocking new doors of opportunity and inspiration.
During the cleaning process and by returning to zero, Ho'oponopono allows us to discover a new awakening. For many, it's a spiritual and divine experience, unlocking new purpose, and control in life.
Complete training modules and the included guidebook before taking your Ho'oponopono Practitioner Certification Exam.
Upon successful completion of the exam with a score of 75% or higher, you will then submit an essay for Dr. Vitale to review. The Global Sciences Foundation will send you a certificate you can proudly display in your office or practice.
Ideally a Ho'oponopono practitioner would be trained in a classroom setting with an instructor physically present. Unfortunately, this luxury is not practical for many people. When we factor in airfare, hotel, time away from work and family, etc. the costs both monetary and otherwise quickly add up. For this reason, many institutions have turned to online training as a viable alternative to meeting modern day needs. In fact, Columbia, Harvard, and Cornell have extensive online programs. Also, Penn, Dartmouth, and Yale offer online classes. Additionally, in this course, you are encouraged to find a study partner and to practise your techniques on a number of people.
Visit to Read More: #hooponopono #certificatecourse #guidebook #practitioner #pastbeliefs Master Authentic Ho'oponopono And Unlock The Ultimate Life Of Zero Limits:
About Ho'oponopono:
Modern Ho'oponopono is an adaptation of an ancient Hawaiian problem-solving technique that allows practitioners and subjects working with therapeutic or wellness providers to emotionally and mentally let go of conscious and subconscious memory.
Through a "ZERO LIMITS" cleaning process, developed by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, practitioners are able to move past perceived reality and to the point of zero.
During this process, practitioners are able to connect to experience a euphoric awakening, connecting to the divine to receive inspiration while clearing away limiting beliefs.
Ho'oponopono uses a 4-phrase mantra combined with a mindset shift you'll learn in this certification course to clean the data of our memories and help us retake 100% responsibility for everything in life, good, bad, and indifferent.
The Power of Modern Ho,oponopono:
As you'll discover through guided step-by-step lessons, Modern Ho'oponopono takes the ancient Hawaiian healing practice one-step further, unlocking an ability to heal both yourself and others, by simply cleaning away your own memories, erasing the data of the mind, and allowing multi-dimensional light into the conscious and subconscious mind.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Dr. Vitale will show you how the modern Ho'oponopono healing process can be embraced though remote and in-person practice with patients.
You'll discover real-world evidence of Modern Ho'oponopono remote healing power and properties.
With Modern Ho'oponopono, you can take 100% control of your life!
Eliminating the Control of Past Beliefs and Memories:
Ho'oponopono practice cuts to the core of limiting belief elimination.
You're going to learn to help yourself and help others rid their minds of the past beliefs and memories holding them back, unlocking new doors of opportunity and inspiration.
During the cleaning process and by returning to zero, Ho'oponopono allows us to discover a new awakening. For many, it's a spiritual and divine experience, unlocking new purpose, and control in life.
Complete training modules and the included guidebook before taking your Ho'oponopono Practitioner Certification Exam.
Upon successful completion of the exam with a score of 75% or higher, you will then submit an essay for Dr. Vitale to review. The Global Sciences Foundation will send you a certificate you can proudly display in your office or practice.
Ideally a Ho'oponopono practitioner would be trained in a classroom setting with an instructor physically present. Unfortunately, this luxury is not practical for many people. When we factor in airfare, hotel, time away from work and family, etc. the costs both monetary and otherwise quickly add up. For this reason, many institutions have turned to online training as a viable alternative to meeting modern day needs. In fact, Columbia, Harvard, and Cornell have extensive online programs. Also, Penn, Dartmouth, and Yale offer online classes. Additionally, in this course, you are encouraged to find a study partner and to practise your techniques on a number of people.
Visit to Read More:
#hooponopono #certificatecourse #guidebook #practitioner #pastbeliefs