Reporter’s Note 45: Extreme Attack on Private Parts with Kundy-Hit Weapons–Bladder Weapons–Non Lethal? No: Both these Ghastly Weapons & the Fusion Center Contractors Who Wield Them Need to be STOPPED
Private Logs, Reporter’s Note | Ramola D | November 17, 2024, 6:55 pm
[Private Logs in Hushmail, the first sent to self, the second in draft. Being published In Extremity since these attacks are DEATH HITS, on a WOMAN’s Private Parts. This could happen to ANYONE. Many women have reported such to me. Someone has to publish this so our children–our girls, our young women–are not VIOLATED like this. The entire CITY OF QUINCY is filled with CRIMINALS. Mass Fusion Centers are CRIMINAL. Boston FBI Which first targeted me unlawfully and sold my body as if it belonged to them are CRIMINAL. Local DARPA-CIA-MIT-HARVARD-Military Contractor Academics running BRAIN PROJECTS on me without my consent–which they need to stop immediately–are CRIMINALS. Each one of them needs to be routed out and thrown out of their (nasty criminal) jobs. Quincy Police which has FACILITATED and PERMITTED and employs people to commit these crimes are CRIMINALS. Each one of these bodies–POLICE/FBI DRONES were here, over my bed; HELICOPTERS over my bed and yard, Light Blue and White planes each time I step into my yard–acts as if I am the Criminal when they are running a SICK, CRIMINAL operation on women’s bodies: I am PRAYING for their EXTINCTION.]–6:55 pm, 11/17/2024
November 15 2024–mORNING ATTack on private parts by Mazzeos and LiMings
On 11/15/2024 at 7:05 AM, “Ramola D” <[email protected]> wrote:
6:26 am:
It is 6:26 am. For the last two hours that I can recall–since I was awoken by this crime–I have been excruciatingly and painfully penetration hit by extremely high frequency in my vagina, urethra, cervix, vulva, causing an extremely urgent desire to urinate and sending high heat through all the stone and rubber of my shielding in my underwear to pulsate at high frequency at my skin. Using baking sheets, pieces of rounded marble, copper, pie pans, I used my hands to adjust this new shielding and catch a few extra minutes of sleep. I pulled sheet metal shielding over my head, already pushed away from the continuous wave high frequency sent in by the Mazzeo side to torment my left arm and heart. Loud LRADS sounded immediately on the shielding from both sides. I spent a few tortured minutes adjusting shielding at my cervix and vagina and urethra and above at my head and heart. Meanwhile shock squeezes started at my spine–the Mazzeos have been doing this to me for the past 7-10 days I would say, microshocks by focusing on specific areas of my spine where I suspect nano quantum dots have been implanted but in this way able to shock my entire body and cause jerks but also I suspect internal organ shocks–the whole spine squeeze-shocked, at different intensities and frequencies but much much smaller than the heavier macroshocks which cause instant motor release and legs and arms to go awry.
I tried to breathe. I tried to meditate. I used my hands. For brief moments as I found and used stones against my vulva and vagina, brief relief was felt. Then the waves of continuous high frequency again. Listening I felt there was a carrier of lower frequency as well. Two days ago I witnessed about 4 long boxes being offloaded from a UPS truck by a small slight dark bearded man, not unlike the many small slight bearded men who go in and out of this house next door, each pretending to be the one before (and failing) lugging their differently colored golf clubs in. These men are Mafia, CIA and killer assassins. For the past TWO days and THREE nights they have fixated on my vagina and bladder. All of yesterday I huddled on the couch downstairs, continuously shielding, sitting on layers of bakeware over stone using stone at my vagina, using all sorts of small pans and covers as cars zoomed up and down outside and low ELFs continuously attacked the couch as if to get into my body through my vagina over and over. I was also subject to heart hits and face hits as I recorded yesterday. Not yesterday but the night before on November 13, 2024, the Mazzeos issued a sharp crack and BROKE my fine mist humidifier which I had momentarily moved in order to fill. I had moved the shielding behind it, I filled it and then immediately sound of falling water. I realized it had started to leak. It leaked the whole half gallon I had poured in. I cleaned the floor, hung out wet towels for my moisture that night and slept. The temperature has plunged the last couple days and I have picked up sheets of ice from the bird bath and bird water. The first slab I picked up maybe 2 days ago in the morning was filled with the gorgeous pattern of the ferns the Mazzeos have burned to death by the blue Spiraea tree on the other side. That house is ours. The Mazzeos have not paid their fine nor responded with a lawyer letter or letter from an attorney in fact. The Notice will be published today. They have tortured the owner of this house. They have sought to kill her at least 25 times. Including yesterday and last night. I will not let them get away with it. I am going to say my prayers now and each one of them–a DEVIL–is going to be bound down for eternity and NEVER have agency in their lives. These dirtbags have bought now several ELF wave guides and are using them to send stationary waves into this room and into my vagina. Then continuous wave RF HPM on my left arm shoulder heart bladder. LiMings chime in with BREAST hits and RIGHT ARM AND SHOULDER hits as they did last night as well.
As I lay in my bed nearly dying from the mega waves on the left my right arm and shoulder were also dully throbbing. These two terrorists are seeking to fully disable me on both sides. Oh yes my right knee was also being hit I don’t know from which side. I crouched over giving Reiki to my right knee. All this as I lay in bed just an hour ago. At 5:34 am I put on the phone nearby–found after long hours of searching yesterday–and listened to a lecture on Parashakti–I could tell that man a thing or two about Parashakthi–he has it wrong. Durga is a lie and a contamination and the same bastards doing this to me did it to her to Amman the rain goddess, they contaminated her and stuck skulls and bleeding tongues on her–blame the victim continuously is what I learned from reading those “criminal justice/sociology” papers last night and ruminating on the phenom of police officers pretending to be mental health by removing their uniforms and little else. I am going to EXPOSE the bastards.
Little red bearded men sitting next door and attacking my vagina and bladder for 3 days straight–no wonder I CANT DO ANYTHING! I could not move yesterday–and the day before was just as bad. I was forced to sit for long periods, unable to rake and bag as I would have liked. Yesterday was cold and windy though–or wait that was the day earlier the big wind day . Yesterday was cold and partially sunny and I managed to rake some leaves to the curb in the morning. I could not bag as I would have preferred because Home Depot could not deliver immediately but took a week. Did the Mazzeos orchestrate that I wonder? Or Fat ass opposite? They interfere with everything. Sit on my pc and stop me from ordering, from getting my orders. My Zelda books–where are they? Did they grab them? Twice before I ordered Zelda–disappeared. Susan Orlean’s Orchid Thief too–twice ordered twice disappeared.
So they think they can sit here with wave guides and everyday attack my vagina and urethra so I cannot walk, cannot work, cannot stand, cannot sit? I think that is EXTREME TORTURE and if we had a decent court in this land they WOULD HANG. Men attacking women’s private parts in such CREATIVE WAYS–those weapons have been developed by men but certain terror women have had a part. MAY THEY ALL DIE INSTANTLY AFTER CONTINUOUS SUFFERING AT THEIR PRIVATE PARTS. They certainly have the means to inflict such death on anyone, on any woman, any child, any man. Imagine all the women whose bodies they are so violating in this town and every town, night after night. I am being hit as I speak and sitting on shielding. My left arm aches and I need to give that arm some Tiger Balm and Reiki.
My breathing has been compromised, there is no more fine mist humidifier here. I pray that someone will REMOVE these assassins and put them in jail. Both sides. LiMIng woman blasted my left breast when it was partially exposed. I had to rush to shield that part as well. Then the LRADS on top and insistent hits at my chest. Luckily I had brought more bakeware to the bed than usual. This is my life is it? My life is to be spent cowering and crouching and clutching my various body parts while they get to blast each part one by one–clearly this is a CANNED HUNT–a LIVING WOMAN HUNTED IN HER BED AT NIGHT BY TERRORIST MEN AND TERRORIST WOMEN AND BEHIND THE TERRORIST POLICE. This is obviously not “Surveillance” nor is it “monitoring” nor is it “healthcare” or “Public Safety” nor is it LEGAL. IT is ILLEGAL INVASIVE INTRUSIVE VIOLATIVE RAPING MOLESTING CRIME. I need to write that list of torts from each of these miserable sinners who apparently worship gargoyles and demons and double-humped dragons. 6:53 am.
Ramola D
Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Illuminator
Publisher & Editor, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, Delphi Quarterly
Reporter, Ramola D Reports on Bitchute, Brighteon, Lbry, Odysee, Rumble
Author: For the Sake of the Boy, Temporary Lives, Invisible Season
Facebook: Ramola DharmarajTelegram: Ramola D, RamolaDReportsNew
Thought makes the word come into power.–Edmond Jabes
November 15, 16, 17 2024
9:21 am:
I managed to make it up here with coffee despite being hit at the heart and at the kundy several times at the sink. I had to run upstairs several times to reshield my vagina area–Soft hits on the stones there nonstop. AT the sink the LiMIngs were hitting those stones over and over, sending flashes of high heat microwave energy into my vagina and urinary tract. That’s not just distinctly uncomfortable at that point, at that spot, but is sending extreme heat into the UT for a UTI. A little earlier when I went to the bathroom and removed the several large and small rounded, pebby stones of different mineral composition from my underwear–some from Squantum Beach some from the FIre Station Beach, some from Newport Rhode Island park beach–they wee all BLAZING HOT. The high frequency constantly sent to my private parts by the Mazzeos and LiMIngs both–and who knows who else, I heard cars zooming earlier and also recently now at the sink making coffee and feeding the birds and washing a few dishes–and they were blazing hot. This happens frequently when they fixate on my underwear. These past 3 days I have been continuously running to the bathroom to wash stones, get tissue soaked with water to use at that spot and cold stones again on top of pads. This is the only thing that helps. Water and stone. Some rubber and tin (jarlids put inside each other) and folded Reflectix between the legs. For they hit through the thigh and from under the thigh. They clearly have me on Millimeter Wave radar to be able to see me at that level and stalk me form room to room at that level whereby they can point their terror pencils of high power microwave at my vagina, through my underwear, through and past my legs and thighs, in order to hit. This is clearly something they have done to many women to finetune to this point of exactness and precision.
There have been many women who have told me they have been or were being hit in this way. One was a Navy whistleblower who eventually declined to do an interview in print. But she was hit constantly in the bladder to the point she could not go out she said. There was a Pentagon Action Officer who gave me her story and spent ages speaking with me; her story did not get published at the time because i suspect the CIA moved in on her email id and started to send me lies suggesting I do not publish. I think her story needs to be known though. If she reads this she should email me or leave a comment on my website. She told me she was called a pros–as I was too, as many have been–and attacked badly every day and night by the terrorists who had parked themselves next to her. That IS how they do it. They park the criminals with weapons right next to you. Indications–in colors and continuing assault–these two and the Blondie clan have given me is that in addition to their base job–a fusion center contract with state police to use military weapons on people saying they are testing it, or a secret job with local police running a secret operation of community police monitoring calling it Public Safety as I suspect the Blondie clan is doing, given their QDC and QPD connections, or a University (MIT-Tufts-Harvard et al) contract with US Military & CIA to run Brain Experimentation ops, or a Model Equipment testing cntract from a foreign country saying they are doing normal testing operations which include Psy Ops–sociological experimentation, to divine racial bias for instance, or a Controlled Equipment demo or testing op from police and Public Safety and Homeland Security, or Project Minerva sociology and psychology “experiments” on people….
Chest hits ongoing to give me congestion at chest–Wait, did Giordano and Duncan decide I’m dispensable after all? I thought they wanted my head. Noooo, they’d rather kill you now….
I will no doubt be addressing both those criminals as well as Charles Morgan and all the other military AI and Neuroscience freaks who think it is ok to have a public profile yet attack women’s private parts in secret.
Which one of them said: Oh yes, it’s ok to “create pain signals” by attacking women’s private parts?
What has been the intention of the LiMIngs and Mazzeos in attacking my urethra and vagina the last 3 days? Urinary urgency of an extreme nature, continuous, to the point where you cannot stand, sit, sleep, work, read, nothing. That’s LIFE THREATENING CRIME. That’s INTENTIONAL MANSLAUGHTER. That’s HOMICIDE and MURDER.
Let me also note here that last year I was hit twice in the PERINEUM by Blondie, from directly opposite when I slept in the front room–I have stopped sleeping there now. The private part and heart hits there last year–2023–and the extreme left leg sciatic nerve hit attacks were unbearable. I almost died then, and I knew that you cannot hit people in the perineum: that’s LETHAL WEAPONRY. That’s MUNITIONS. That’s ARMAMENTS. Who gave the police such weapons? I have been hit in the arm–the upper left arm with RADAR GUNS from the Mazzeos and Blondie side. TERAHERTZ, PULSED ENERGY PROJECTILES, and (currently on left thigh, 9:42 am) NANOSECOND ELECTRIC PULSE GENERATORS from LIMings as well. That’s not nanosecond either, full on minutes, and repeat attacks, as noted yesterday as well. I was recording ELECTRICAL SIZZLE HITS On my left shoulder and upper left arm earlier this year–they slammed out my second cell when I was able to record that.
All three of these people need to be moved out of here and their weapons taken from them. Ditto the people at 147 Norfolk, the houses on either side of it, and the 149/147 Pine, 145/143 Pine, 146 Pine, 142 Pine, 222 Elmwood, 158 Pine, 167 Pine, !65 Pine, 162 Pine, !60 Pine….I need to check their names and owners and numbers again.
9:46 am: My right foot feels frozen despite sitting in front of the heater. Are they using Freeze weapons on my feet? Last night when the Mazzeos were shocking my spine I felt extreme cold–perhaos they’re trying to shock my soul out of my body again? For they tried that last year. I must write a deposition-style report about what they did–for I think they have figured out how to remove souls from bodies. They did it to me 3 times last year–one mode twice and the second mode once.
Back of left brain being hit–9:48 am.
This, what they are doing with their squeeze shocks and making me shiver like that may be a new mode of death-hit–did they learn this stuff from the Egyptians?
They know how to do Catatonia–they did That to me last year, several times, at night, using massive LRAD to wake the whole house up, then Catatonia for me so I ran out of the room and then stood frozen in front of Sophie’s door, over and over each night, asking if she was alright. The then Sophie. Some absolute children about 10 to 12 years old. Crying sometimes because their daddy wouldn’t let them go downstairs but made them sit in that room all evening. And the daddies all run by the CIA-Mazzeo club I think. That’s Luciferian Satanic MADNESS. The Mazzeos have been running the double-clone-SS-BS-crapcrime one after the other I think. All these short redheads, playing Psychology and Strategy and Powertrips–that’s what they ‘ve been doing. Brains the size of peanuts so they come to steal mine…The Catatonia they must have achieved with Haldol, all purpose barely smellable drug, designed to mushroom you.
This is what the CIA is doing, practicing how to induce Catatonia, and Paranoia, and Bipolar, and Depression, and Schizophrenia with a combination of actual drugs and RF frequencies, delivered through weapons. Then Catch-22 all with “Behavioral Health” and “Diagnoses”: “We have enough here to proclaim a few labels: Catatonic Schizophrenic, Paranid Schizophrenic, Bipolar Schizophrenic”….MKULTRA never looked better. The thing to get into. A real hopping field, especially for short GMC’d clones who know they’be been gypped and want Power but don’t know they will NEVER be given power even as PsychoDocsters as they are training themselves to be….do I need to tell them that? Their GIANT SHAPESHIFTER cousins will ensure that. Who are the scientists, the ones who actually f*d with their embryos and made them? They are criminals. They are running large and loose aren’t they? They’re not in jail. No they’re in the labs, making newer and stranger looking babies. I wonder what kind of babies these men were–normal? Or strangely insane? As they have become now.
9:58 am.
10:02 am: Do the Mazzeos think perhaps because they are CIA–and their family names aren’t Mazzeo for sure–and Israeli Mafia and Khazarian Mafia, they can do “Anything Goes” with this weaponry to a woman’s body? That’s what they are doing. They have consented to become MOLESTERS. RAPISTS. MURDERERS. LiMIngs too. “We’ll do anything to stop her.”
Fast moving cancers of the pancreas and breast is what they have both on both sides “gone for” the last few days.
Why, because I’m exposing them for the criminals they are?–them and local police with them, who have consented to become criminals over and over until no “policing” is left, only Crime.
10:06 am: There is only cold air now coming out of the heater. Last night I found the mist humidifier is actually broken. It was broken by the Mazzeos the night prior, November 13 with a clean strike break in the plastic top to bottom of the jar holding the water. I hadn’t moved it. It didn’t fall/. Crack hit to break, through-wall. They must feel invincible.
Currently left knee being squeeze hit–stopping for now. 10:08 am.
Plane sounds in the distance. Low and ominous. There was a helicopter which went over my head this mrning….directly overhead, around 4:30 or 5 when I refused to get up.
10:09 am.
11/16/2024-11:31 am:
Just needing to report the description of the new Mazzeo seen this morning–one seen here before, when some of the worst vibration for heart attack hits were directed at me–lithe, skinny, tight fitting denim blue shirt, short but not as short as the pudgy short man here a few days ago–this one was bald with cap pulled down over bald head but red beard and mustache, hollow looking face, keeping his head down as I looked down at him, opening his trunk and rushing into his car, apparently just showered, looking guilty–for he is: All morning, hits at my vagina and urethra, hits just then at my bladder and urethra, all evening and night hits of 5g/RF HPM at my face including around 6 when he was witnessed in the corner tiny space between shed and our wall clearly put in the wrong place–we should have stopped that alley from happening–Paul needs to be told–he got in there and started blasting LRADs at the bed and RF at my nose so I couldn’t breathe–then at night early morning around 3 or 4 massive heart and pancreas hits as I lay sleeping, from outside, I heard him scrabbling about outside, he must have been by that shed or alleyway–I struggled to shield and keep sleeping. When I woke it was past the helicopter driveby around 7 I think–I woke at eight. I went out to feed the birds and give them water while I continued to be extremely bladderly/vaginally hit –running to refix shielding several times as I made coffee–when I went outside massive soundblasting from the Paris house on Elmwood–perhaps 223 or 224 Elmwood. This trumpetblaster mower kept making manic sound while the birds scattered. I tried reassuring the ones I saw outside. I must make more of an oak haven in this yard I think and perhaps get some evergreens all around so the birds feel safer, and of course I need a metal privacy screen. Perhaps it is time to expose the Kochroaches of Quincy who seem to think they can attack us quiet ones living here with blast trumpet sounds. They cannot have our peace and quiet and gardens. I am going to make a report in Quincy Beat and reveal the CIty is trying to steal everyone’s homes–they are New York Kriminals and must be STOPPED. So I think Redbeard there who might indeed have blue eyes–Stewart Swerdlow wants us to believe Jesus had red hair and blue eyes–called the Trumpetblasters and he is connected with the old Zionist freaks from New York and Vanguard who are in cahoots with Koch and think they are the ones who will stay here and I will be the one to leave–No. My house is mine, my yard is mine, my trees are mine, my garden is mine and I am not moving….nor will I be killed by criminals. I WILL expose them for surely that is my prerogative. I must look into Lien Laws but I think it is simple–they needed to pay me a fine and they haven’t. That house is mine and I am going to Have it! They must leave after removing all the tech from all parts of house yard and shed and they must leave quietly back to Khazaria CIA and try to make amends. If I revealed everything I have seen they wouldn’t be so sanguine, coming back in shifts to send Kill Shots my way. I am refraining from Cursing them. But I do not see a Future for them….Any of them.
Oh yes, Asshole Red was also jerking and shocking me the whole night and seems to be doing so still now–which means there’s another Asshole Red in that house, hiding upstairs and shocking me at my neck and feet. The LiMings meanwhile have moved to Terahertz and have been nerve-splitting my right hand and blasting my shoulder–both aiming RF at my nostrils and my head–the left side of my head feels a little stiff, as my right calf did this morning–literally every part of my body is being worked on by the trillion termagants in the vicinity each taking a body part to RF attack and destroy. Striving to breathe, I move forward.
11/17/2024, 9:18 am:
Recovering from an extreme massive attack of lawless high frequency stimulation radiation on my vulva, vagina, bladder, urethra, cervix for about 1 hour I think since about 7:30 to 8 or 9 am–but starting well before that about an hour in bed at least maybe 5 or 6 am to 7 am when I rolled out of bed and found I had to immediately start shielding madly to try to escape the extreme attacks on my skin. These are skin weapons and combos of water, stone, copper, steel, rubber proved ineffective. I went down made coffee fed the birds gave them water. Noticed it is warmer today and the sun is shining the Norwegian maples are finally turning yellow the sky is blue with a nano graphene haze as so often in India now or at least when I visited four years ago–they must all be nano dusted everyday but Indian food nutrition prayerfulness probably helps Indians and India–I must speak of India as if it is a place and Indians as if we are a people with brains and souls and thinking and creative energy for here in the benighted west post Vivekananda and Yogananda and all else, Indira Gandhi–whom too I saw last night in a dream or a pineal opening along with numerous Ganeshas and “Satyalatha” whom I do not know and strange dreams, passageways, aloneness (piped in? could well be, the cia is fixated on gods and mud) –told me mot to forget who we are who I was; have to say we have so much contempt for her we forget how brilliant and brainiac she was with her polyglot self and Swiss education fluent in French et al–anyway she was charmed until she was not charmed the Sikhs killing her must have been the same criminals attacking my Kundy this morning–an excessive extreme attack post all the attacks of yesterday and the last 3 days–I had to climb into bed slide shielding under me and around me and pray. Downstairs when I held up my sound shield I could hear the fast low hits from all around including and especially the LiMIngs but it sounded orchestrated 360 degrees–Blondie and the Chevy were in the driveway, pickup on hill, shark car on hill, red minivan in LiMing drive, and a bunch of cars on the street the other side. DId the thing the National Grid men rototill into the ground 2 weeks ago have something to do with this? Are they putting 5G transmitters into the ground? For last night I was incessantly hit at the right side of my chest with radar–when I went to the window downstairs and looked I saw a gray SUV parked at head of Murphy drive, trunk/rear facing Pine; I saw a white fusion center truck or silver by the liMings, across our drive: CRIMINAL, that drive is Mine absolutely MINE; anyway this morning I also saw a white minvan like the one the freak who came twice to my door saying TI TI parked outside the Ruane house; when I came upstairs here, almost hobbled by the amount of rubber and steel cake minipans in my underwear, I was hit intensely here too, could barely go to the bathroom again and douse the stones–blazing hot again–in water to put against my vulva. These are military weapons given to criminals who seem to have been lobotomized.
I lay down and could not breathe the pain was so intense. The hits kept coming from the LiMIng and Mitzen yard side–I had closed off the bottom of the bed with sheet metal shielding–so her shed direction would not work. I closed my eyes had forgotten to pray–could not think. The closed eyes of the Buddha came to me and the looking up to the hills–I prayed. Om Namah Shivaya. The Buddha stayed with me. I prayed Shakyamuni Buddha–could not recall any lines or buddhist mantras. Tried Nam myoho rengai ko –it did not feel right. I remembered the Shiva covered with flowers I had seen once when I was constantly seeing the flowers and flower at center of Life, flowing and radiating Life. I stayed with Om Namah Shivaya–tried the Ah Oooh Ma sound of the Om. The letter a in lower case Roman came to me. The Buddha stayed with me. The sense of the Buddha, the Kamikura Buddha I recalled, but also the sleeping Buddha the eyes. The Closed praying Chinese or Japanese eyes. It was Aaah– I remembered the small Brahmin Indian child telling her mother to hum saying Aaah–she knew the sound. That is the sound. I once saw the swirling of the opening of the world–dust and light, merged, concentric, and there were letters and numbers. I have seen the Thamil letters often–saw them briefly now. I have seen other Indian language letters–Kannada and Telugu, Hindi, Sanskrit. Muh is there someplace–musicians know more I think. But it is Ahhh–this vibes with what I saw incessantly the past 2 days I must write about it….There is a God and there are Gods and the world is being remade. Our genes are being preserved. The darkness they have created is being undone. There is a continuous myriad-pronged swirling to the right to the turning of the clock in clockwise movement, multicolored all around–but the colors and dots they have put in–the electric blues in particular I don’t really know what is happening there….I did at different points see the nano being removed, the filaments…..but there is nano ferrous oxide in our brains–that’s the MNP probably from the docs–they must be spraying them still. I saw the vibration of energy the lifting of it from the multiple whirling and spinning–we are living in seas of energy, but some comes up from that positive remaking. So yes this behavior by the criminals is to negativize our positive rising upward creative and being energy. It is Being energy they seek to reverse backwards–are they hands and feet of devils? Why would they want to reverse life–they are formed of life. Their “power” is not maintained by reversing life. The opposite of Being and Life is Death. The freaks want us to die so they can live? They won’t live….but it has changed now. They must be grasping at straws with what they have been doing to me the last few days and today–the whole of Life is being transformed or returned really, restored. We are being restored, returned to our intended selves. These maniacs are fighting it. Money is manmade–but the exchange of energy is coded into the cosmos. –9:48 am.
4:38 pm: Just managed to shield better after an excruciating day of extreme remote access and assault of bladder urethra, vagina vulva to create a heightened sense of urinary urgency–an extreme bladder attack weapon which has been used at sink, stove, near back door, on couch–grey fbi like suv at mitzen house with a white-haired guy getting out an hour or so ago and go into the Mitzens–in trying to think about these sustained attacks the last few days and why these people would do it–all surrounding and some zoomers sending hard cracks from underneath the bed, it is clear 1) they want to stop me from writing 2) they want to attack me and give me pain and suffering for exposing them all 3) they are sadists with no brains but plenty of evil ideas about hitting women in the sexual/urinary area 4) they just signed their DEATH WARRANT And I am going to make sure they get it. 5) they want me to freak out act out and put Vagina Bladder Sex against my name,,,,yes I think that’s it plus they seem to think weakening and sickening someone is the same as activating and angering someone. However they have just signed their death warrant and I am going to give them some coverage…..4:43 pm.
4:54 pm: Needing to note, before I forget: yesterday around this time the sound of leaf blasting alerted me to Mazzeo man lurking in the drive blasting leaves supposedly. I was still being hit in the kundy but I went over to the window to look and witnessed another Mazzeo man, not the thin bald red bearded criminal from the morning (this is Sat we’re talking about) this one was short, slim, blonde–dark blond with blond and black in his hair and a beard, trimmer. Younger more schoolboy like. however he must have had the kundy weapon in his back pocket for he was hitting me as I stood by the window.
A little earlier yesterday afternoon, I heard the LiMing of the day sweeping leaves by her shed and looked through an upstairs window to see what I could see. She was wearing all camel, a jumpsuit or a top and pants, black boots, very smart, oompa loompa topknot looking like she was headed to a board meeting as she went into the henhouse to clean out I presume the hen poop. Later running to her cell phone propped up on the windowbox of the shed where the 5G and RF HPM and other goodies are kept. She must have seen me through the corner of her left eye and was making sure she got some film. I held back behind the curtain and when I popped out agian there it was cell phone tilted upward. I was quite of a mind to say a word or two given the ghosty ghosty shivers and whispers and projected sound the last couple days from both their ends–Mazzeo and LIming–and may have said a word or two to the birds as I stood there watching the little chickadees and juncos play in the native cherry, one whose branches had been as massacred by her as the other trees. She swung her head up startled, as if someone had spoken to her. I wonder what people say when they do speak to her. At some point she called officiously, Who crying? in her broken Chinglish, but imperious, like a queen or a mother who actually knew not to abuse her children and to tell them her name (which she hadn’t.) Why crying? she queried next although I didn’t hear sparrows or dimwit husband respond. Note, this dimwit I have seen hopping away fast on his hind legs, squatting–the day he came to the top of his steps supposedly to shoot nano or new implants into me–a favorite bad-Chinese pastime in these parts–when Quincy DPW man was felling our cosmos and sweetgreens and refusing to listen to me as I stood in our own front yard, voice attacked, helped by no one. LiMIng man then knew I wasn’t looking for help from him but sharpshooting opportunistically just cause I was standing there? What a criminal. I certainly will publish this account for I haven’t relayed all of the horrors these people have wrought on my body yet. One of their specialties is Disfiguring, and they have achieved this quite well.
The Kundy hitters from next door however who are involved, Chen LiMIng, Mrs, Chen LiMIng, Joseph and Samantha Mazzeo–the names for the shifting changers from the CIA, the FBI Mitzens and their new tenants, the Fusion Center criminal parked outside the LiMIngs last night, and the QPD/QDC criminals across the street–Kimberly Johnson and her fatass friends from hell, all at home today–Sunday, Chevys and pickups parked on the hill, all busy blasting my bladder nonstop, my vulva, my vagina, my urethra, giving me UTI after UTI all morning today, all afternoon, and yesterday and all night–forcing a hundred runs to the bathroom to run cold water over my flaming flesh, horrible cold chills running thrugh my body as my entire body spasmed, each time the UTI far gone rushed through me, the stones, wet I had placed against my skin just a few minutes before blazing hot again, just burning, and those ghastly low sounding fast hits on the sound shield I held against me trying to protect myself as I washed and ran cold water over the stones, desperate as I stood, burning, a cold burning, being blasted over and over on my vulva and urethra so I had to wash the stones, put them back, stick rubber under, more anti-skid rubber stuffed into my pants then cover up and hobble over to the bed and stick shields under me, over, to the side. They called drones constantly–Drones came over my bed, RNM’d my right calf, told them where I and my cervix was so they could re-approach and stick their ghastly pencils of high radio frequency misery into me.
That Mental Health article was written after they first started to hit me–clearly they were making me extremely ill and I needed to rest. I took a break from my other work to report the CRIME of assault and battery by police in neighborhoods all over the USA and world really, alleging “mental illness” “bipolar” “schizophrenia” and attacking, ambushing, Tasing and killing people. Who is reporting this crime? I don’t see any reportage online of this massive criminality.
So, reporting Police is dangerous, so dangerous they will come after you with Kundy-hit weapons? but they were using them on me before I started–was it my Substack article then which draws attention to the Police-Mental Health crime of attacking women in their homes and highlights the new “AI Chatbots” people can download and get “mental health support” from as they get drawn into the Psychiatry-world of absolute crime?
Clearly I have been out of it these past few years–never realized this was going on–hadn’t heard of Walter Wallace or Juju Chang or Jason Harrison or Charleen Hunter or seen the skewed coverage on her and the lying coverage on those two men. Police may have been sued, jailed–I don’t know, need to look further into this to find out what happened. But as a Brownskinned woman reporter from India and Washington DC I have been kept from any connection with the African-Americn community. So many crimes against us all, against me.
But to attack me like this–a concerted attack over 3-4 days I think, extreme UTI-creating, extreme bladder-hitting–these are people who hate women. Who hate reporting. Why read me then? Give me a wide berth on the Internet. Others read me, agree with what I’m saying. Let them. Why attack me? We’re in Communist Russia or China is it? These pale-faces living next to me and Chinese need to check their American history. You can’t hit women. You can’t hit women from any country. You can’t hit women in the Kundy–that bowl of the pelvis, a Thamil word, from South India, where I come from, a place which Exists, which no one here seems to have heard about–oh we don’t know where she comes from, let’s beat her up in her Kundy! Daily attacks by this incredibly criminal CIA Pale-Brainist Racist coterie, flashing their red beards and black boots and sending intense Radio Frequency hits to my bladder, over and over and over. Not just do they need jailing for life they need re-education in How to Be a Human. They may of course not be human but something else grotesque and incomprehensible.
5:38 pm: Let me also note that if I hadn’t suddenly been able to shield better with more steel under me I could not be half-sitting up writing this. At some point in the past hour when the LiMIngs were directing hits and someone from behind was directing hits upward, making a racket on the steel, then a car speeding away, the Mazzeo came to their shed and I was heart-hit–permanent pans against my heart the past couple days.
Can anyone hear me? Are people listening? Are people reading this reportage the world over? The absolute criminals who get these fusion center contracts in whichever way and come and sit around us and beat us to deatth ARE BEATING US TO DEATH. I wondered if I was going to die from the pain, over and over–if someone is hitting you with RF energy pulses continuously right at your cervix and urethra giving you extreme heat and overstimulation of the skin, that is extreme extreme pain and you could die from it. This was going on hour after hour after hour. I strove to take breaks, go down, take Cystone, do a spot of gardening, feed the birds again, make lunch around 2:30. I was hit extremely all through that lunch-making. Noticed the grey SUV on the street by the house next to the LiMIngs.
Then back up here and striving to breathe past the 5g-blasting. A few days ago maybe 2 weeks ago–I did write this down I Think just recently–National Grid was here planting something in the ground opposite the house. Is that also in play with the 5G blasting or is that for ELFS and electrical induction? How would I find out? I need to ask for some information.
But every single one of the people around me need to be divested of their weapons. The Kundy hit weapons are extreme and they are Death-threatening. Shall we let the DOD and DARPA and CIA and AIr Force and Army and Marine Corps keep them and keep on finetuning them so women and girls can be assaulted like this every day to keep them from speaking and writing and singing? Maybe bearded men from Israel and Khazaria will spread all over the USA like a plague, controlling women with Kundy hits. Maybe the Chinese CCP will send their spies, including women spies, to run about secretly assaulting women with Kundy-hit weapons in public bathrooms and YMCAs so girls can’t swim or walk or play tennis but must huddle, being Controlled by them.
These weapons need to be exposed and stopped. I haven’t read about these in the docs I’m perusing but I’ve been hit by various kinds of them. It’s the Methodology of hitting too, nonstop, which has almost killed me now. –5:49 pm.
Private Logs, Reporter’s Note | Ramola D | November 17, 2024, 6:55 pm
[Private Logs in Hushmail, the first sent to self, the second in draft. Being published In Extremity since these attacks are DEATH HITS, on a WOMAN’s Private Parts. This could happen to ANYONE. Many women have reported such to me. Someone has to publish this so our children–our girls, our young women–are not VIOLATED like this. The entire CITY OF QUINCY is filled with CRIMINALS. Mass Fusion Centers are CRIMINAL. Boston FBI Which first targeted me unlawfully and sold my body as if it belonged to them are CRIMINAL. Local DARPA-CIA-MIT-HARVARD-Military Contractor Academics running BRAIN PROJECTS on me without my consent–which they need to stop immediately–are CRIMINALS. Each one of them needs to be routed out and thrown out of their (nasty criminal) jobs. Quincy Police which has FACILITATED and PERMITTED and employs people to commit these crimes are CRIMINALS. Each one of these bodies–POLICE/FBI DRONES were here, over my bed; HELICOPTERS over my bed and yard, Light Blue and White planes each time I step into my yard–acts as if I am the Criminal when they are running a SICK, CRIMINAL operation on women’s bodies: I am PRAYING for their EXTINCTION.]–6:55 pm, 11/17/2024
November 15 2024–mORNING ATTack on private parts by Mazzeos and LiMings
On 11/15/2024 at 7:05 AM, “Ramola D” <[email protected]> wrote:
6:26 am:
It is 6:26 am. For the last two hours that I can recall–since I was awoken by this crime–I have been excruciatingly and painfully penetration hit by extremely high frequency in my vagina, urethra, cervix, vulva, causing an extremely urgent desire to urinate and sending high heat through all the stone and rubber of my shielding in my underwear to pulsate at high frequency at my skin. Using baking sheets, pieces of rounded marble, copper, pie pans, I used my hands to adjust this new shielding and catch a few extra minutes of sleep. I pulled sheet metal shielding over my head, already pushed away from the continuous wave high frequency sent in by the Mazzeo side to torment my left arm and heart. Loud LRADS sounded immediately on the shielding from both sides. I spent a few tortured minutes adjusting shielding at my cervix and vagina and urethra and above at my head and heart. Meanwhile shock squeezes started at my spine–the Mazzeos have been doing this to me for the past 7-10 days I would say, microshocks by focusing on specific areas of my spine where I suspect nano quantum dots have been implanted but in this way able to shock my entire body and cause jerks but also I suspect internal organ shocks–the whole spine squeeze-shocked, at different intensities and frequencies but much much smaller than the heavier macroshocks which cause instant motor release and legs and arms to go awry.
I tried to breathe. I tried to meditate. I used my hands. For brief moments as I found and used stones against my vulva and vagina, brief relief was felt. Then the waves of continuous high frequency again. Listening I felt there was a carrier of lower frequency as well. Two days ago I witnessed about 4 long boxes being offloaded from a UPS truck by a small slight dark bearded man, not unlike the many small slight bearded men who go in and out of this house next door, each pretending to be the one before (and failing) lugging their differently colored golf clubs in. These men are Mafia, CIA and killer assassins. For the past TWO days and THREE nights they have fixated on my vagina and bladder. All of yesterday I huddled on the couch downstairs, continuously shielding, sitting on layers of bakeware over stone using stone at my vagina, using all sorts of small pans and covers as cars zoomed up and down outside and low ELFs continuously attacked the couch as if to get into my body through my vagina over and over. I was also subject to heart hits and face hits as I recorded yesterday. Not yesterday but the night before on November 13, 2024, the Mazzeos issued a sharp crack and BROKE my fine mist humidifier which I had momentarily moved in order to fill. I had moved the shielding behind it, I filled it and then immediately sound of falling water. I realized it had started to leak. It leaked the whole half gallon I had poured in. I cleaned the floor, hung out wet towels for my moisture that night and slept. The temperature has plunged the last couple days and I have picked up sheets of ice from the bird bath and bird water. The first slab I picked up maybe 2 days ago in the morning was filled with the gorgeous pattern of the ferns the Mazzeos have burned to death by the blue Spiraea tree on the other side. That house is ours. The Mazzeos have not paid their fine nor responded with a lawyer letter or letter from an attorney in fact. The Notice will be published today. They have tortured the owner of this house. They have sought to kill her at least 25 times. Including yesterday and last night. I will not let them get away with it. I am going to say my prayers now and each one of them–a DEVIL–is going to be bound down for eternity and NEVER have agency in their lives. These dirtbags have bought now several ELF wave guides and are using them to send stationary waves into this room and into my vagina. Then continuous wave RF HPM on my left arm shoulder heart bladder. LiMings chime in with BREAST hits and RIGHT ARM AND SHOULDER hits as they did last night as well.
As I lay in my bed nearly dying from the mega waves on the left my right arm and shoulder were also dully throbbing. These two terrorists are seeking to fully disable me on both sides. Oh yes my right knee was also being hit I don’t know from which side. I crouched over giving Reiki to my right knee. All this as I lay in bed just an hour ago. At 5:34 am I put on the phone nearby–found after long hours of searching yesterday–and listened to a lecture on Parashakti–I could tell that man a thing or two about Parashakthi–he has it wrong. Durga is a lie and a contamination and the same bastards doing this to me did it to her to Amman the rain goddess, they contaminated her and stuck skulls and bleeding tongues on her–blame the victim continuously is what I learned from reading those “criminal justice/sociology” papers last night and ruminating on the phenom of police officers pretending to be mental health by removing their uniforms and little else. I am going to EXPOSE the bastards.
Little red bearded men sitting next door and attacking my vagina and bladder for 3 days straight–no wonder I CANT DO ANYTHING! I could not move yesterday–and the day before was just as bad. I was forced to sit for long periods, unable to rake and bag as I would have liked. Yesterday was cold and windy though–or wait that was the day earlier the big wind day . Yesterday was cold and partially sunny and I managed to rake some leaves to the curb in the morning. I could not bag as I would have preferred because Home Depot could not deliver immediately but took a week. Did the Mazzeos orchestrate that I wonder? Or Fat ass opposite? They interfere with everything. Sit on my pc and stop me from ordering, from getting my orders. My Zelda books–where are they? Did they grab them? Twice before I ordered Zelda–disappeared. Susan Orlean’s Orchid Thief too–twice ordered twice disappeared.
So they think they can sit here with wave guides and everyday attack my vagina and urethra so I cannot walk, cannot work, cannot stand, cannot sit? I think that is EXTREME TORTURE and if we had a decent court in this land they WOULD HANG. Men attacking women’s private parts in such CREATIVE WAYS–those weapons have been developed by men but certain terror women have had a part. MAY THEY ALL DIE INSTANTLY AFTER CONTINUOUS SUFFERING AT THEIR PRIVATE PARTS. They certainly have the means to inflict such death on anyone, on any woman, any child, any man. Imagine all the women whose bodies they are so violating in this town and every town, night after night. I am being hit as I speak and sitting on shielding. My left arm aches and I need to give that arm some Tiger Balm and Reiki.
My breathing has been compromised, there is no more fine mist humidifier here. I pray that someone will REMOVE these assassins and put them in jail. Both sides. LiMIng woman blasted my left breast when it was partially exposed. I had to rush to shield that part as well. Then the LRADS on top and insistent hits at my chest. Luckily I had brought more bakeware to the bed than usual. This is my life is it? My life is to be spent cowering and crouching and clutching my various body parts while they get to blast each part one by one–clearly this is a CANNED HUNT–a LIVING WOMAN HUNTED IN HER BED AT NIGHT BY TERRORIST MEN AND TERRORIST WOMEN AND BEHIND THE TERRORIST POLICE. This is obviously not “Surveillance” nor is it “monitoring” nor is it “healthcare” or “Public Safety” nor is it LEGAL. IT is ILLEGAL INVASIVE INTRUSIVE VIOLATIVE RAPING MOLESTING CRIME. I need to write that list of torts from each of these miserable sinners who apparently worship gargoyles and demons and double-humped dragons. 6:53 am.
Ramola D
Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Illuminator
Publisher & Editor, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, Delphi Quarterly
Reporter, Ramola D Reports on Bitchute, Brighteon, Lbry, Odysee, Rumble
Author: For the Sake of the Boy, Temporary Lives, Invisible Season
Facebook: Ramola DharmarajTelegram: Ramola D, RamolaDReportsNew
Thought makes the word come into power.–Edmond Jabes
November 15, 16, 17 2024
9:21 am:
I managed to make it up here with coffee despite being hit at the heart and at the kundy several times at the sink. I had to run upstairs several times to reshield my vagina area–Soft hits on the stones there nonstop. AT the sink the LiMIngs were hitting those stones over and over, sending flashes of high heat microwave energy into my vagina and urinary tract. That’s not just distinctly uncomfortable at that point, at that spot, but is sending extreme heat into the UT for a UTI. A little earlier when I went to the bathroom and removed the several large and small rounded, pebby stones of different mineral composition from my underwear–some from Squantum Beach some from the FIre Station Beach, some from Newport Rhode Island park beach–they wee all BLAZING HOT. The high frequency constantly sent to my private parts by the Mazzeos and LiMIngs both–and who knows who else, I heard cars zooming earlier and also recently now at the sink making coffee and feeding the birds and washing a few dishes–and they were blazing hot. This happens frequently when they fixate on my underwear. These past 3 days I have been continuously running to the bathroom to wash stones, get tissue soaked with water to use at that spot and cold stones again on top of pads. This is the only thing that helps. Water and stone. Some rubber and tin (jarlids put inside each other) and folded Reflectix between the legs. For they hit through the thigh and from under the thigh. They clearly have me on Millimeter Wave radar to be able to see me at that level and stalk me form room to room at that level whereby they can point their terror pencils of high power microwave at my vagina, through my underwear, through and past my legs and thighs, in order to hit. This is clearly something they have done to many women to finetune to this point of exactness and precision.
There have been many women who have told me they have been or were being hit in this way. One was a Navy whistleblower who eventually declined to do an interview in print. But she was hit constantly in the bladder to the point she could not go out she said. There was a Pentagon Action Officer who gave me her story and spent ages speaking with me; her story did not get published at the time because i suspect the CIA moved in on her email id and started to send me lies suggesting I do not publish. I think her story needs to be known though. If she reads this she should email me or leave a comment on my website. She told me she was called a pros–as I was too, as many have been–and attacked badly every day and night by the terrorists who had parked themselves next to her. That IS how they do it. They park the criminals with weapons right next to you. Indications–in colors and continuing assault–these two and the Blondie clan have given me is that in addition to their base job–a fusion center contract with state police to use military weapons on people saying they are testing it, or a secret job with local police running a secret operation of community police monitoring calling it Public Safety as I suspect the Blondie clan is doing, given their QDC and QPD connections, or a University (MIT-Tufts-Harvard et al) contract with US Military & CIA to run Brain Experimentation ops, or a Model Equipment testing cntract from a foreign country saying they are doing normal testing operations which include Psy Ops–sociological experimentation, to divine racial bias for instance, or a Controlled Equipment demo or testing op from police and Public Safety and Homeland Security, or Project Minerva sociology and psychology “experiments” on people….
Chest hits ongoing to give me congestion at chest–Wait, did Giordano and Duncan decide I’m dispensable after all? I thought they wanted my head. Noooo, they’d rather kill you now….
I will no doubt be addressing both those criminals as well as Charles Morgan and all the other military AI and Neuroscience freaks who think it is ok to have a public profile yet attack women’s private parts in secret.
Which one of them said: Oh yes, it’s ok to “create pain signals” by attacking women’s private parts?
What has been the intention of the LiMIngs and Mazzeos in attacking my urethra and vagina the last 3 days? Urinary urgency of an extreme nature, continuous, to the point where you cannot stand, sit, sleep, work, read, nothing. That’s LIFE THREATENING CRIME. That’s INTENTIONAL MANSLAUGHTER. That’s HOMICIDE and MURDER.
Let me also note here that last year I was hit twice in the PERINEUM by Blondie, from directly opposite when I slept in the front room–I have stopped sleeping there now. The private part and heart hits there last year–2023–and the extreme left leg sciatic nerve hit attacks were unbearable. I almost died then, and I knew that you cannot hit people in the perineum: that’s LETHAL WEAPONRY. That’s MUNITIONS. That’s ARMAMENTS. Who gave the police such weapons? I have been hit in the arm–the upper left arm with RADAR GUNS from the Mazzeos and Blondie side. TERAHERTZ, PULSED ENERGY PROJECTILES, and (currently on left thigh, 9:42 am) NANOSECOND ELECTRIC PULSE GENERATORS from LIMings as well. That’s not nanosecond either, full on minutes, and repeat attacks, as noted yesterday as well. I was recording ELECTRICAL SIZZLE HITS On my left shoulder and upper left arm earlier this year–they slammed out my second cell when I was able to record that.
All three of these people need to be moved out of here and their weapons taken from them. Ditto the people at 147 Norfolk, the houses on either side of it, and the 149/147 Pine, 145/143 Pine, 146 Pine, 142 Pine, 222 Elmwood, 158 Pine, 167 Pine, !65 Pine, 162 Pine, !60 Pine….I need to check their names and owners and numbers again.
9:46 am: My right foot feels frozen despite sitting in front of the heater. Are they using Freeze weapons on my feet? Last night when the Mazzeos were shocking my spine I felt extreme cold–perhaos they’re trying to shock my soul out of my body again? For they tried that last year. I must write a deposition-style report about what they did–for I think they have figured out how to remove souls from bodies. They did it to me 3 times last year–one mode twice and the second mode once.
Back of left brain being hit–9:48 am.
This, what they are doing with their squeeze shocks and making me shiver like that may be a new mode of death-hit–did they learn this stuff from the Egyptians?
They know how to do Catatonia–they did That to me last year, several times, at night, using massive LRAD to wake the whole house up, then Catatonia for me so I ran out of the room and then stood frozen in front of Sophie’s door, over and over each night, asking if she was alright. The then Sophie. Some absolute children about 10 to 12 years old. Crying sometimes because their daddy wouldn’t let them go downstairs but made them sit in that room all evening. And the daddies all run by the CIA-Mazzeo club I think. That’s Luciferian Satanic MADNESS. The Mazzeos have been running the double-clone-SS-BS-crapcrime one after the other I think. All these short redheads, playing Psychology and Strategy and Powertrips–that’s what they ‘ve been doing. Brains the size of peanuts so they come to steal mine…The Catatonia they must have achieved with Haldol, all purpose barely smellable drug, designed to mushroom you.
This is what the CIA is doing, practicing how to induce Catatonia, and Paranoia, and Bipolar, and Depression, and Schizophrenia with a combination of actual drugs and RF frequencies, delivered through weapons. Then Catch-22 all with “Behavioral Health” and “Diagnoses”: “We have enough here to proclaim a few labels: Catatonic Schizophrenic, Paranid Schizophrenic, Bipolar Schizophrenic”….MKULTRA never looked better. The thing to get into. A real hopping field, especially for short GMC’d clones who know they’be been gypped and want Power but don’t know they will NEVER be given power even as PsychoDocsters as they are training themselves to be….do I need to tell them that? Their GIANT SHAPESHIFTER cousins will ensure that. Who are the scientists, the ones who actually f*d with their embryos and made them? They are criminals. They are running large and loose aren’t they? They’re not in jail. No they’re in the labs, making newer and stranger looking babies. I wonder what kind of babies these men were–normal? Or strangely insane? As they have become now.
9:58 am.
10:02 am: Do the Mazzeos think perhaps because they are CIA–and their family names aren’t Mazzeo for sure–and Israeli Mafia and Khazarian Mafia, they can do “Anything Goes” with this weaponry to a woman’s body? That’s what they are doing. They have consented to become MOLESTERS. RAPISTS. MURDERERS. LiMIngs too. “We’ll do anything to stop her.”
Fast moving cancers of the pancreas and breast is what they have both on both sides “gone for” the last few days.
Why, because I’m exposing them for the criminals they are?–them and local police with them, who have consented to become criminals over and over until no “policing” is left, only Crime.
10:06 am: There is only cold air now coming out of the heater. Last night I found the mist humidifier is actually broken. It was broken by the Mazzeos the night prior, November 13 with a clean strike break in the plastic top to bottom of the jar holding the water. I hadn’t moved it. It didn’t fall/. Crack hit to break, through-wall. They must feel invincible.
Currently left knee being squeeze hit–stopping for now. 10:08 am.
Plane sounds in the distance. Low and ominous. There was a helicopter which went over my head this mrning….directly overhead, around 4:30 or 5 when I refused to get up.
10:09 am.
11/16/2024-11:31 am:
Just needing to report the description of the new Mazzeo seen this morning–one seen here before, when some of the worst vibration for heart attack hits were directed at me–lithe, skinny, tight fitting denim blue shirt, short but not as short as the pudgy short man here a few days ago–this one was bald with cap pulled down over bald head but red beard and mustache, hollow looking face, keeping his head down as I looked down at him, opening his trunk and rushing into his car, apparently just showered, looking guilty–for he is: All morning, hits at my vagina and urethra, hits just then at my bladder and urethra, all evening and night hits of 5g/RF HPM at my face including around 6 when he was witnessed in the corner tiny space between shed and our wall clearly put in the wrong place–we should have stopped that alley from happening–Paul needs to be told–he got in there and started blasting LRADs at the bed and RF at my nose so I couldn’t breathe–then at night early morning around 3 or 4 massive heart and pancreas hits as I lay sleeping, from outside, I heard him scrabbling about outside, he must have been by that shed or alleyway–I struggled to shield and keep sleeping. When I woke it was past the helicopter driveby around 7 I think–I woke at eight. I went out to feed the birds and give them water while I continued to be extremely bladderly/vaginally hit –running to refix shielding several times as I made coffee–when I went outside massive soundblasting from the Paris house on Elmwood–perhaps 223 or 224 Elmwood. This trumpetblaster mower kept making manic sound while the birds scattered. I tried reassuring the ones I saw outside. I must make more of an oak haven in this yard I think and perhaps get some evergreens all around so the birds feel safer, and of course I need a metal privacy screen. Perhaps it is time to expose the Kochroaches of Quincy who seem to think they can attack us quiet ones living here with blast trumpet sounds. They cannot have our peace and quiet and gardens. I am going to make a report in Quincy Beat and reveal the CIty is trying to steal everyone’s homes–they are New York Kriminals and must be STOPPED. So I think Redbeard there who might indeed have blue eyes–Stewart Swerdlow wants us to believe Jesus had red hair and blue eyes–called the Trumpetblasters and he is connected with the old Zionist freaks from New York and Vanguard who are in cahoots with Koch and think they are the ones who will stay here and I will be the one to leave–No. My house is mine, my yard is mine, my trees are mine, my garden is mine and I am not moving….nor will I be killed by criminals. I WILL expose them for surely that is my prerogative. I must look into Lien Laws but I think it is simple–they needed to pay me a fine and they haven’t. That house is mine and I am going to Have it! They must leave after removing all the tech from all parts of house yard and shed and they must leave quietly back to Khazaria CIA and try to make amends. If I revealed everything I have seen they wouldn’t be so sanguine, coming back in shifts to send Kill Shots my way. I am refraining from Cursing them. But I do not see a Future for them….Any of them.
Oh yes, Asshole Red was also jerking and shocking me the whole night and seems to be doing so still now–which means there’s another Asshole Red in that house, hiding upstairs and shocking me at my neck and feet. The LiMings meanwhile have moved to Terahertz and have been nerve-splitting my right hand and blasting my shoulder–both aiming RF at my nostrils and my head–the left side of my head feels a little stiff, as my right calf did this morning–literally every part of my body is being worked on by the trillion termagants in the vicinity each taking a body part to RF attack and destroy. Striving to breathe, I move forward.
11/17/2024, 9:18 am:
Recovering from an extreme massive attack of lawless high frequency stimulation radiation on my vulva, vagina, bladder, urethra, cervix for about 1 hour I think since about 7:30 to 8 or 9 am–but starting well before that about an hour in bed at least maybe 5 or 6 am to 7 am when I rolled out of bed and found I had to immediately start shielding madly to try to escape the extreme attacks on my skin. These are skin weapons and combos of water, stone, copper, steel, rubber proved ineffective. I went down made coffee fed the birds gave them water. Noticed it is warmer today and the sun is shining the Norwegian maples are finally turning yellow the sky is blue with a nano graphene haze as so often in India now or at least when I visited four years ago–they must all be nano dusted everyday but Indian food nutrition prayerfulness probably helps Indians and India–I must speak of India as if it is a place and Indians as if we are a people with brains and souls and thinking and creative energy for here in the benighted west post Vivekananda and Yogananda and all else, Indira Gandhi–whom too I saw last night in a dream or a pineal opening along with numerous Ganeshas and “Satyalatha” whom I do not know and strange dreams, passageways, aloneness (piped in? could well be, the cia is fixated on gods and mud) –told me mot to forget who we are who I was; have to say we have so much contempt for her we forget how brilliant and brainiac she was with her polyglot self and Swiss education fluent in French et al–anyway she was charmed until she was not charmed the Sikhs killing her must have been the same criminals attacking my Kundy this morning–an excessive extreme attack post all the attacks of yesterday and the last 3 days–I had to climb into bed slide shielding under me and around me and pray. Downstairs when I held up my sound shield I could hear the fast low hits from all around including and especially the LiMIngs but it sounded orchestrated 360 degrees–Blondie and the Chevy were in the driveway, pickup on hill, shark car on hill, red minivan in LiMing drive, and a bunch of cars on the street the other side. DId the thing the National Grid men rototill into the ground 2 weeks ago have something to do with this? Are they putting 5G transmitters into the ground? For last night I was incessantly hit at the right side of my chest with radar–when I went to the window downstairs and looked I saw a gray SUV parked at head of Murphy drive, trunk/rear facing Pine; I saw a white fusion center truck or silver by the liMings, across our drive: CRIMINAL, that drive is Mine absolutely MINE; anyway this morning I also saw a white minvan like the one the freak who came twice to my door saying TI TI parked outside the Ruane house; when I came upstairs here, almost hobbled by the amount of rubber and steel cake minipans in my underwear, I was hit intensely here too, could barely go to the bathroom again and douse the stones–blazing hot again–in water to put against my vulva. These are military weapons given to criminals who seem to have been lobotomized.
I lay down and could not breathe the pain was so intense. The hits kept coming from the LiMIng and Mitzen yard side–I had closed off the bottom of the bed with sheet metal shielding–so her shed direction would not work. I closed my eyes had forgotten to pray–could not think. The closed eyes of the Buddha came to me and the looking up to the hills–I prayed. Om Namah Shivaya. The Buddha stayed with me. I prayed Shakyamuni Buddha–could not recall any lines or buddhist mantras. Tried Nam myoho rengai ko –it did not feel right. I remembered the Shiva covered with flowers I had seen once when I was constantly seeing the flowers and flower at center of Life, flowing and radiating Life. I stayed with Om Namah Shivaya–tried the Ah Oooh Ma sound of the Om. The letter a in lower case Roman came to me. The Buddha stayed with me. The sense of the Buddha, the Kamikura Buddha I recalled, but also the sleeping Buddha the eyes. The Closed praying Chinese or Japanese eyes. It was Aaah– I remembered the small Brahmin Indian child telling her mother to hum saying Aaah–she knew the sound. That is the sound. I once saw the swirling of the opening of the world–dust and light, merged, concentric, and there were letters and numbers. I have seen the Thamil letters often–saw them briefly now. I have seen other Indian language letters–Kannada and Telugu, Hindi, Sanskrit. Muh is there someplace–musicians know more I think. But it is Ahhh–this vibes with what I saw incessantly the past 2 days I must write about it….There is a God and there are Gods and the world is being remade. Our genes are being preserved. The darkness they have created is being undone. There is a continuous myriad-pronged swirling to the right to the turning of the clock in clockwise movement, multicolored all around–but the colors and dots they have put in–the electric blues in particular I don’t really know what is happening there….I did at different points see the nano being removed, the filaments…..but there is nano ferrous oxide in our brains–that’s the MNP probably from the docs–they must be spraying them still. I saw the vibration of energy the lifting of it from the multiple whirling and spinning–we are living in seas of energy, but some comes up from that positive remaking. So yes this behavior by the criminals is to negativize our positive rising upward creative and being energy. It is Being energy they seek to reverse backwards–are they hands and feet of devils? Why would they want to reverse life–they are formed of life. Their “power” is not maintained by reversing life. The opposite of Being and Life is Death. The freaks want us to die so they can live? They won’t live….but it has changed now. They must be grasping at straws with what they have been doing to me the last few days and today–the whole of Life is being transformed or returned really, restored. We are being restored, returned to our intended selves. These maniacs are fighting it. Money is manmade–but the exchange of energy is coded into the cosmos. –9:48 am.
4:38 pm: Just managed to shield better after an excruciating day of extreme remote access and assault of bladder urethra, vagina vulva to create a heightened sense of urinary urgency–an extreme bladder attack weapon which has been used at sink, stove, near back door, on couch–grey fbi like suv at mitzen house with a white-haired guy getting out an hour or so ago and go into the Mitzens–in trying to think about these sustained attacks the last few days and why these people would do it–all surrounding and some zoomers sending hard cracks from underneath the bed, it is clear 1) they want to stop me from writing 2) they want to attack me and give me pain and suffering for exposing them all 3) they are sadists with no brains but plenty of evil ideas about hitting women in the sexual/urinary area 4) they just signed their DEATH WARRANT And I am going to make sure they get it. 5) they want me to freak out act out and put Vagina Bladder Sex against my name,,,,yes I think that’s it plus they seem to think weakening and sickening someone is the same as activating and angering someone. However they have just signed their death warrant and I am going to give them some coverage…..4:43 pm.
4:54 pm: Needing to note, before I forget: yesterday around this time the sound of leaf blasting alerted me to Mazzeo man lurking in the drive blasting leaves supposedly. I was still being hit in the kundy but I went over to the window to look and witnessed another Mazzeo man, not the thin bald red bearded criminal from the morning (this is Sat we’re talking about) this one was short, slim, blonde–dark blond with blond and black in his hair and a beard, trimmer. Younger more schoolboy like. however he must have had the kundy weapon in his back pocket for he was hitting me as I stood by the window.
A little earlier yesterday afternoon, I heard the LiMing of the day sweeping leaves by her shed and looked through an upstairs window to see what I could see. She was wearing all camel, a jumpsuit or a top and pants, black boots, very smart, oompa loompa topknot looking like she was headed to a board meeting as she went into the henhouse to clean out I presume the hen poop. Later running to her cell phone propped up on the windowbox of the shed where the 5G and RF HPM and other goodies are kept. She must have seen me through the corner of her left eye and was making sure she got some film. I held back behind the curtain and when I popped out agian there it was cell phone tilted upward. I was quite of a mind to say a word or two given the ghosty ghosty shivers and whispers and projected sound the last couple days from both their ends–Mazzeo and LIming–and may have said a word or two to the birds as I stood there watching the little chickadees and juncos play in the native cherry, one whose branches had been as massacred by her as the other trees. She swung her head up startled, as if someone had spoken to her. I wonder what people say when they do speak to her. At some point she called officiously, Who crying? in her broken Chinglish, but imperious, like a queen or a mother who actually knew not to abuse her children and to tell them her name (which she hadn’t.) Why crying? she queried next although I didn’t hear sparrows or dimwit husband respond. Note, this dimwit I have seen hopping away fast on his hind legs, squatting–the day he came to the top of his steps supposedly to shoot nano or new implants into me–a favorite bad-Chinese pastime in these parts–when Quincy DPW man was felling our cosmos and sweetgreens and refusing to listen to me as I stood in our own front yard, voice attacked, helped by no one. LiMIng man then knew I wasn’t looking for help from him but sharpshooting opportunistically just cause I was standing there? What a criminal. I certainly will publish this account for I haven’t relayed all of the horrors these people have wrought on my body yet. One of their specialties is Disfiguring, and they have achieved this quite well.
The Kundy hitters from next door however who are involved, Chen LiMIng, Mrs, Chen LiMIng, Joseph and Samantha Mazzeo–the names for the shifting changers from the CIA, the FBI Mitzens and their new tenants, the Fusion Center criminal parked outside the LiMIngs last night, and the QPD/QDC criminals across the street–Kimberly Johnson and her fatass friends from hell, all at home today–Sunday, Chevys and pickups parked on the hill, all busy blasting my bladder nonstop, my vulva, my vagina, my urethra, giving me UTI after UTI all morning today, all afternoon, and yesterday and all night–forcing a hundred runs to the bathroom to run cold water over my flaming flesh, horrible cold chills running thrugh my body as my entire body spasmed, each time the UTI far gone rushed through me, the stones, wet I had placed against my skin just a few minutes before blazing hot again, just burning, and those ghastly low sounding fast hits on the sound shield I held against me trying to protect myself as I washed and ran cold water over the stones, desperate as I stood, burning, a cold burning, being blasted over and over on my vulva and urethra so I had to wash the stones, put them back, stick rubber under, more anti-skid rubber stuffed into my pants then cover up and hobble over to the bed and stick shields under me, over, to the side. They called drones constantly–Drones came over my bed, RNM’d my right calf, told them where I and my cervix was so they could re-approach and stick their ghastly pencils of high radio frequency misery into me.
That Mental Health article was written after they first started to hit me–clearly they were making me extremely ill and I needed to rest. I took a break from my other work to report the CRIME of assault and battery by police in neighborhoods all over the USA and world really, alleging “mental illness” “bipolar” “schizophrenia” and attacking, ambushing, Tasing and killing people. Who is reporting this crime? I don’t see any reportage online of this massive criminality.
So, reporting Police is dangerous, so dangerous they will come after you with Kundy-hit weapons? but they were using them on me before I started–was it my Substack article then which draws attention to the Police-Mental Health crime of attacking women in their homes and highlights the new “AI Chatbots” people can download and get “mental health support” from as they get drawn into the Psychiatry-world of absolute crime?
Clearly I have been out of it these past few years–never realized this was going on–hadn’t heard of Walter Wallace or Juju Chang or Jason Harrison or Charleen Hunter or seen the skewed coverage on her and the lying coverage on those two men. Police may have been sued, jailed–I don’t know, need to look further into this to find out what happened. But as a Brownskinned woman reporter from India and Washington DC I have been kept from any connection with the African-Americn community. So many crimes against us all, against me.
But to attack me like this–a concerted attack over 3-4 days I think, extreme UTI-creating, extreme bladder-hitting–these are people who hate women. Who hate reporting. Why read me then? Give me a wide berth on the Internet. Others read me, agree with what I’m saying. Let them. Why attack me? We’re in Communist Russia or China is it? These pale-faces living next to me and Chinese need to check their American history. You can’t hit women. You can’t hit women from any country. You can’t hit women in the Kundy–that bowl of the pelvis, a Thamil word, from South India, where I come from, a place which Exists, which no one here seems to have heard about–oh we don’t know where she comes from, let’s beat her up in her Kundy! Daily attacks by this incredibly criminal CIA Pale-Brainist Racist coterie, flashing their red beards and black boots and sending intense Radio Frequency hits to my bladder, over and over and over. Not just do they need jailing for life they need re-education in How to Be a Human. They may of course not be human but something else grotesque and incomprehensible.
5:38 pm: Let me also note that if I hadn’t suddenly been able to shield better with more steel under me I could not be half-sitting up writing this. At some point in the past hour when the LiMIngs were directing hits and someone from behind was directing hits upward, making a racket on the steel, then a car speeding away, the Mazzeo came to their shed and I was heart-hit–permanent pans against my heart the past couple days.
Can anyone hear me? Are people listening? Are people reading this reportage the world over? The absolute criminals who get these fusion center contracts in whichever way and come and sit around us and beat us to deatth ARE BEATING US TO DEATH. I wondered if I was going to die from the pain, over and over–if someone is hitting you with RF energy pulses continuously right at your cervix and urethra giving you extreme heat and overstimulation of the skin, that is extreme extreme pain and you could die from it. This was going on hour after hour after hour. I strove to take breaks, go down, take Cystone, do a spot of gardening, feed the birds again, make lunch around 2:30. I was hit extremely all through that lunch-making. Noticed the grey SUV on the street by the house next to the LiMIngs.
Then back up here and striving to breathe past the 5g-blasting. A few days ago maybe 2 weeks ago–I did write this down I Think just recently–National Grid was here planting something in the ground opposite the house. Is that also in play with the 5G blasting or is that for ELFS and electrical induction? How would I find out? I need to ask for some information.
But every single one of the people around me need to be divested of their weapons. The Kundy hit weapons are extreme and they are Death-threatening. Shall we let the DOD and DARPA and CIA and AIr Force and Army and Marine Corps keep them and keep on finetuning them so women and girls can be assaulted like this every day to keep them from speaking and writing and singing? Maybe bearded men from Israel and Khazaria will spread all over the USA like a plague, controlling women with Kundy hits. Maybe the Chinese CCP will send their spies, including women spies, to run about secretly assaulting women with Kundy-hit weapons in public bathrooms and YMCAs so girls can’t swim or walk or play tennis but must huddle, being Controlled by them.
These weapons need to be exposed and stopped. I haven’t read about these in the docs I’m perusing but I’ve been hit by various kinds of them. It’s the Methodology of hitting too, nonstop, which has almost killed me now. –5:49 pm.
Reporter’s Note 45: Extreme Attack on Private Parts with Kundy-Hit Weapons–Bladder Weapons–Non Lethal? No: Both these Ghastly Weapons & the Fusion Center Contractors Who Wield Them Need to be STOPPED
Private Logs, Reporter’s Note | Ramola D | November 17, 2024, 6:55 pm
[Private Logs in Hushmail, the first sent to self, the second in draft. Being published In Extremity since these attacks are DEATH HITS, on a WOMAN’s Private Parts. This could happen to ANYONE. Many women have reported such to me. Someone has to publish this so our children–our girls, our young women–are not VIOLATED like this. The entire CITY OF QUINCY is filled with CRIMINALS. Mass Fusion Centers are CRIMINAL. Boston FBI Which first targeted me unlawfully and sold my body as if it belonged to them are CRIMINAL. Local DARPA-CIA-MIT-HARVARD-Military Contractor Academics running BRAIN PROJECTS on me without my consent–which they need to stop immediately–are CRIMINALS. Each one of them needs to be routed out and thrown out of their (nasty criminal) jobs. Quincy Police which has FACILITATED and PERMITTED and employs people to commit these crimes are CRIMINALS. Each one of these bodies–POLICE/FBI DRONES were here, over my bed; HELICOPTERS over my bed and yard, Light Blue and White planes each time I step into my yard–acts as if I am the Criminal when they are running a SICK, CRIMINAL operation on women’s bodies: I am PRAYING for their EXTINCTION.]–6:55 pm, 11/17/2024
November 15 2024–mORNING ATTack on private parts by Mazzeos and LiMings
On 11/15/2024 at 7:05 AM, “Ramola D” <[email protected]> wrote:
6:26 am:
It is 6:26 am. For the last two hours that I can recall–since I was awoken by this crime–I have been excruciatingly and painfully penetration hit by extremely high frequency in my vagina, urethra, cervix, vulva, causing an extremely urgent desire to urinate and sending high heat through all the stone and rubber of my shielding in my underwear to pulsate at high frequency at my skin. Using baking sheets, pieces of rounded marble, copper, pie pans, I used my hands to adjust this new shielding and catch a few extra minutes of sleep. I pulled sheet metal shielding over my head, already pushed away from the continuous wave high frequency sent in by the Mazzeo side to torment my left arm and heart. Loud LRADS sounded immediately on the shielding from both sides. I spent a few tortured minutes adjusting shielding at my cervix and vagina and urethra and above at my head and heart. Meanwhile shock squeezes started at my spine–the Mazzeos have been doing this to me for the past 7-10 days I would say, microshocks by focusing on specific areas of my spine where I suspect nano quantum dots have been implanted but in this way able to shock my entire body and cause jerks but also I suspect internal organ shocks–the whole spine squeeze-shocked, at different intensities and frequencies but much much smaller than the heavier macroshocks which cause instant motor release and legs and arms to go awry.
I tried to breathe. I tried to meditate. I used my hands. For brief moments as I found and used stones against my vulva and vagina, brief relief was felt. Then the waves of continuous high frequency again. Listening I felt there was a carrier of lower frequency as well. Two days ago I witnessed about 4 long boxes being offloaded from a UPS truck by a small slight dark bearded man, not unlike the many small slight bearded men who go in and out of this house next door, each pretending to be the one before (and failing) lugging their differently colored golf clubs in. These men are Mafia, CIA and killer assassins. For the past TWO days and THREE nights they have fixated on my vagina and bladder. All of yesterday I huddled on the couch downstairs, continuously shielding, sitting on layers of bakeware over stone using stone at my vagina, using all sorts of small pans and covers as cars zoomed up and down outside and low ELFs continuously attacked the couch as if to get into my body through my vagina over and over. I was also subject to heart hits and face hits as I recorded yesterday. Not yesterday but the night before on November 13, 2024, the Mazzeos issued a sharp crack and BROKE my fine mist humidifier which I had momentarily moved in order to fill. I had moved the shielding behind it, I filled it and then immediately sound of falling water. I realized it had started to leak. It leaked the whole half gallon I had poured in. I cleaned the floor, hung out wet towels for my moisture that night and slept. The temperature has plunged the last couple days and I have picked up sheets of ice from the bird bath and bird water. The first slab I picked up maybe 2 days ago in the morning was filled with the gorgeous pattern of the ferns the Mazzeos have burned to death by the blue Spiraea tree on the other side. That house is ours. The Mazzeos have not paid their fine nor responded with a lawyer letter or letter from an attorney in fact. The Notice will be published today. They have tortured the owner of this house. They have sought to kill her at least 25 times. Including yesterday and last night. I will not let them get away with it. I am going to say my prayers now and each one of them–a DEVIL–is going to be bound down for eternity and NEVER have agency in their lives. These dirtbags have bought now several ELF wave guides and are using them to send stationary waves into this room and into my vagina. Then continuous wave RF HPM on my left arm shoulder heart bladder. LiMings chime in with BREAST hits and RIGHT ARM AND SHOULDER hits as they did last night as well.
As I lay in my bed nearly dying from the mega waves on the left my right arm and shoulder were also dully throbbing. These two terrorists are seeking to fully disable me on both sides. Oh yes my right knee was also being hit I don’t know from which side. I crouched over giving Reiki to my right knee. All this as I lay in bed just an hour ago. At 5:34 am I put on the phone nearby–found after long hours of searching yesterday–and listened to a lecture on Parashakti–I could tell that man a thing or two about Parashakthi–he has it wrong. Durga is a lie and a contamination and the same bastards doing this to me did it to her to Amman the rain goddess, they contaminated her and stuck skulls and bleeding tongues on her–blame the victim continuously is what I learned from reading those “criminal justice/sociology” papers last night and ruminating on the phenom of police officers pretending to be mental health by removing their uniforms and little else. I am going to EXPOSE the bastards.
Little red bearded men sitting next door and attacking my vagina and bladder for 3 days straight–no wonder I CANT DO ANYTHING! I could not move yesterday–and the day before was just as bad. I was forced to sit for long periods, unable to rake and bag as I would have liked. Yesterday was cold and windy though–or wait that was the day earlier the big wind day . Yesterday was cold and partially sunny and I managed to rake some leaves to the curb in the morning. I could not bag as I would have preferred because Home Depot could not deliver immediately but took a week. Did the Mazzeos orchestrate that I wonder? Or Fat ass opposite? They interfere with everything. Sit on my pc and stop me from ordering, from getting my orders. My Zelda books–where are they? Did they grab them? Twice before I ordered Zelda–disappeared. Susan Orlean’s Orchid Thief too–twice ordered twice disappeared.
So they think they can sit here with wave guides and everyday attack my vagina and urethra so I cannot walk, cannot work, cannot stand, cannot sit? I think that is EXTREME TORTURE and if we had a decent court in this land they WOULD HANG. Men attacking women’s private parts in such CREATIVE WAYS–those weapons have been developed by men but certain terror women have had a part. MAY THEY ALL DIE INSTANTLY AFTER CONTINUOUS SUFFERING AT THEIR PRIVATE PARTS. They certainly have the means to inflict such death on anyone, on any woman, any child, any man. Imagine all the women whose bodies they are so violating in this town and every town, night after night. I am being hit as I speak and sitting on shielding. My left arm aches and I need to give that arm some Tiger Balm and Reiki.
My breathing has been compromised, there is no more fine mist humidifier here. I pray that someone will REMOVE these assassins and put them in jail. Both sides. LiMIng woman blasted my left breast when it was partially exposed. I had to rush to shield that part as well. Then the LRADS on top and insistent hits at my chest. Luckily I had brought more bakeware to the bed than usual. This is my life is it? My life is to be spent cowering and crouching and clutching my various body parts while they get to blast each part one by one–clearly this is a CANNED HUNT–a LIVING WOMAN HUNTED IN HER BED AT NIGHT BY TERRORIST MEN AND TERRORIST WOMEN AND BEHIND THE TERRORIST POLICE. This is obviously not “Surveillance” nor is it “monitoring” nor is it “healthcare” or “Public Safety” nor is it LEGAL. IT is ILLEGAL INVASIVE INTRUSIVE VIOLATIVE RAPING MOLESTING CRIME. I need to write that list of torts from each of these miserable sinners who apparently worship gargoyles and demons and double-humped dragons. 6:53 am.
Ramola D
Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Illuminator
Publisher & Editor, The Everyday Concerned Citizen, Delphi Quarterly
Reporter, Ramola D Reports on Bitchute, Brighteon, Lbry, Odysee, Rumble
Author: For the Sake of the Boy, Temporary Lives, Invisible Season
Facebook: Ramola DharmarajTelegram: Ramola D, RamolaDReportsNew
Thought makes the word come into power.–Edmond Jabes
November 15, 16, 17 2024
9:21 am:
I managed to make it up here with coffee despite being hit at the heart and at the kundy several times at the sink. I had to run upstairs several times to reshield my vagina area–Soft hits on the stones there nonstop. AT the sink the LiMIngs were hitting those stones over and over, sending flashes of high heat microwave energy into my vagina and urinary tract. That’s not just distinctly uncomfortable at that point, at that spot, but is sending extreme heat into the UT for a UTI. A little earlier when I went to the bathroom and removed the several large and small rounded, pebby stones of different mineral composition from my underwear–some from Squantum Beach some from the FIre Station Beach, some from Newport Rhode Island park beach–they wee all BLAZING HOT. The high frequency constantly sent to my private parts by the Mazzeos and LiMIngs both–and who knows who else, I heard cars zooming earlier and also recently now at the sink making coffee and feeding the birds and washing a few dishes–and they were blazing hot. This happens frequently when they fixate on my underwear. These past 3 days I have been continuously running to the bathroom to wash stones, get tissue soaked with water to use at that spot and cold stones again on top of pads. This is the only thing that helps. Water and stone. Some rubber and tin (jarlids put inside each other) and folded Reflectix between the legs. For they hit through the thigh and from under the thigh. They clearly have me on Millimeter Wave radar to be able to see me at that level and stalk me form room to room at that level whereby they can point their terror pencils of high power microwave at my vagina, through my underwear, through and past my legs and thighs, in order to hit. This is clearly something they have done to many women to finetune to this point of exactness and precision.
There have been many women who have told me they have been or were being hit in this way. One was a Navy whistleblower who eventually declined to do an interview in print. But she was hit constantly in the bladder to the point she could not go out she said. There was a Pentagon Action Officer who gave me her story and spent ages speaking with me; her story did not get published at the time because i suspect the CIA moved in on her email id and started to send me lies suggesting I do not publish. I think her story needs to be known though. If she reads this she should email me or leave a comment on my website. She told me she was called a pros–as I was too, as many have been–and attacked badly every day and night by the terrorists who had parked themselves next to her. That IS how they do it. They park the criminals with weapons right next to you. Indications–in colors and continuing assault–these two and the Blondie clan have given me is that in addition to their base job–a fusion center contract with state police to use military weapons on people saying they are testing it, or a secret job with local police running a secret operation of community police monitoring calling it Public Safety as I suspect the Blondie clan is doing, given their QDC and QPD connections, or a University (MIT-Tufts-Harvard et al) contract with US Military & CIA to run Brain Experimentation ops, or a Model Equipment testing cntract from a foreign country saying they are doing normal testing operations which include Psy Ops–sociological experimentation, to divine racial bias for instance, or a Controlled Equipment demo or testing op from police and Public Safety and Homeland Security, or Project Minerva sociology and psychology “experiments” on people….
Chest hits ongoing to give me congestion at chest–Wait, did Giordano and Duncan decide I’m dispensable after all? I thought they wanted my head. Noooo, they’d rather kill you now….
I will no doubt be addressing both those criminals as well as Charles Morgan and all the other military AI and Neuroscience freaks who think it is ok to have a public profile yet attack women’s private parts in secret.
Which one of them said: Oh yes, it’s ok to “create pain signals” by attacking women’s private parts?
What has been the intention of the LiMIngs and Mazzeos in attacking my urethra and vagina the last 3 days? Urinary urgency of an extreme nature, continuous, to the point where you cannot stand, sit, sleep, work, read, nothing. That’s LIFE THREATENING CRIME. That’s INTENTIONAL MANSLAUGHTER. That’s HOMICIDE and MURDER.
Let me also note here that last year I was hit twice in the PERINEUM by Blondie, from directly opposite when I slept in the front room–I have stopped sleeping there now. The private part and heart hits there last year–2023–and the extreme left leg sciatic nerve hit attacks were unbearable. I almost died then, and I knew that you cannot hit people in the perineum: that’s LETHAL WEAPONRY. That’s MUNITIONS. That’s ARMAMENTS. Who gave the police such weapons? I have been hit in the arm–the upper left arm with RADAR GUNS from the Mazzeos and Blondie side. TERAHERTZ, PULSED ENERGY PROJECTILES, and (currently on left thigh, 9:42 am) NANOSECOND ELECTRIC PULSE GENERATORS from LIMings as well. That’s not nanosecond either, full on minutes, and repeat attacks, as noted yesterday as well. I was recording ELECTRICAL SIZZLE HITS On my left shoulder and upper left arm earlier this year–they slammed out my second cell when I was able to record that.
All three of these people need to be moved out of here and their weapons taken from them. Ditto the people at 147 Norfolk, the houses on either side of it, and the 149/147 Pine, 145/143 Pine, 146 Pine, 142 Pine, 222 Elmwood, 158 Pine, 167 Pine, !65 Pine, 162 Pine, !60 Pine….I need to check their names and owners and numbers again.
9:46 am: My right foot feels frozen despite sitting in front of the heater. Are they using Freeze weapons on my feet? Last night when the Mazzeos were shocking my spine I felt extreme cold–perhaos they’re trying to shock my soul out of my body again? For they tried that last year. I must write a deposition-style report about what they did–for I think they have figured out how to remove souls from bodies. They did it to me 3 times last year–one mode twice and the second mode once.
Back of left brain being hit–9:48 am.
This, what they are doing with their squeeze shocks and making me shiver like that may be a new mode of death-hit–did they learn this stuff from the Egyptians?
They know how to do Catatonia–they did That to me last year, several times, at night, using massive LRAD to wake the whole house up, then Catatonia for me so I ran out of the room and then stood frozen in front of Sophie’s door, over and over each night, asking if she was alright. The then Sophie. Some absolute children about 10 to 12 years old. Crying sometimes because their daddy wouldn’t let them go downstairs but made them sit in that room all evening. And the daddies all run by the CIA-Mazzeo club I think. That’s Luciferian Satanic MADNESS. The Mazzeos have been running the double-clone-SS-BS-crapcrime one after the other I think. All these short redheads, playing Psychology and Strategy and Powertrips–that’s what they ‘ve been doing. Brains the size of peanuts so they come to steal mine…The Catatonia they must have achieved with Haldol, all purpose barely smellable drug, designed to mushroom you.
This is what the CIA is doing, practicing how to induce Catatonia, and Paranoia, and Bipolar, and Depression, and Schizophrenia with a combination of actual drugs and RF frequencies, delivered through weapons. Then Catch-22 all with “Behavioral Health” and “Diagnoses”: “We have enough here to proclaim a few labels: Catatonic Schizophrenic, Paranid Schizophrenic, Bipolar Schizophrenic”….MKULTRA never looked better. The thing to get into. A real hopping field, especially for short GMC’d clones who know they’be been gypped and want Power but don’t know they will NEVER be given power even as PsychoDocsters as they are training themselves to be….do I need to tell them that? Their GIANT SHAPESHIFTER cousins will ensure that. Who are the scientists, the ones who actually f*d with their embryos and made them? They are criminals. They are running large and loose aren’t they? They’re not in jail. No they’re in the labs, making newer and stranger looking babies. I wonder what kind of babies these men were–normal? Or strangely insane? As they have become now.
9:58 am.
10:02 am: Do the Mazzeos think perhaps because they are CIA–and their family names aren’t Mazzeo for sure–and Israeli Mafia and Khazarian Mafia, they can do “Anything Goes” with this weaponry to a woman’s body? That’s what they are doing. They have consented to become MOLESTERS. RAPISTS. MURDERERS. LiMIngs too. “We’ll do anything to stop her.”
Fast moving cancers of the pancreas and breast is what they have both on both sides “gone for” the last few days.
Why, because I’m exposing them for the criminals they are?–them and local police with them, who have consented to become criminals over and over until no “policing” is left, only Crime.
10:06 am: There is only cold air now coming out of the heater. Last night I found the mist humidifier is actually broken. It was broken by the Mazzeos the night prior, November 13 with a clean strike break in the plastic top to bottom of the jar holding the water. I hadn’t moved it. It didn’t fall/. Crack hit to break, through-wall. They must feel invincible.
Currently left knee being squeeze hit–stopping for now. 10:08 am.
Plane sounds in the distance. Low and ominous. There was a helicopter which went over my head this mrning….directly overhead, around 4:30 or 5 when I refused to get up.
10:09 am.
11/16/2024-11:31 am:
Just needing to report the description of the new Mazzeo seen this morning–one seen here before, when some of the worst vibration for heart attack hits were directed at me–lithe, skinny, tight fitting denim blue shirt, short but not as short as the pudgy short man here a few days ago–this one was bald with cap pulled down over bald head but red beard and mustache, hollow looking face, keeping his head down as I looked down at him, opening his trunk and rushing into his car, apparently just showered, looking guilty–for he is: All morning, hits at my vagina and urethra, hits just then at my bladder and urethra, all evening and night hits of 5g/RF HPM at my face including around 6 when he was witnessed in the corner tiny space between shed and our wall clearly put in the wrong place–we should have stopped that alley from happening–Paul needs to be told–he got in there and started blasting LRADs at the bed and RF at my nose so I couldn’t breathe–then at night early morning around 3 or 4 massive heart and pancreas hits as I lay sleeping, from outside, I heard him scrabbling about outside, he must have been by that shed or alleyway–I struggled to shield and keep sleeping. When I woke it was past the helicopter driveby around 7 I think–I woke at eight. I went out to feed the birds and give them water while I continued to be extremely bladderly/vaginally hit –running to refix shielding several times as I made coffee–when I went outside massive soundblasting from the Paris house on Elmwood–perhaps 223 or 224 Elmwood. This trumpetblaster mower kept making manic sound while the birds scattered. I tried reassuring the ones I saw outside. I must make more of an oak haven in this yard I think and perhaps get some evergreens all around so the birds feel safer, and of course I need a metal privacy screen. Perhaps it is time to expose the Kochroaches of Quincy who seem to think they can attack us quiet ones living here with blast trumpet sounds. They cannot have our peace and quiet and gardens. I am going to make a report in Quincy Beat and reveal the CIty is trying to steal everyone’s homes–they are New York Kriminals and must be STOPPED. So I think Redbeard there who might indeed have blue eyes–Stewart Swerdlow wants us to believe Jesus had red hair and blue eyes–called the Trumpetblasters and he is connected with the old Zionist freaks from New York and Vanguard who are in cahoots with Koch and think they are the ones who will stay here and I will be the one to leave–No. My house is mine, my yard is mine, my trees are mine, my garden is mine and I am not moving….nor will I be killed by criminals. I WILL expose them for surely that is my prerogative. I must look into Lien Laws but I think it is simple–they needed to pay me a fine and they haven’t. That house is mine and I am going to Have it! They must leave after removing all the tech from all parts of house yard and shed and they must leave quietly back to Khazaria CIA and try to make amends. If I revealed everything I have seen they wouldn’t be so sanguine, coming back in shifts to send Kill Shots my way. I am refraining from Cursing them. But I do not see a Future for them….Any of them.
Oh yes, Asshole Red was also jerking and shocking me the whole night and seems to be doing so still now–which means there’s another Asshole Red in that house, hiding upstairs and shocking me at my neck and feet. The LiMings meanwhile have moved to Terahertz and have been nerve-splitting my right hand and blasting my shoulder–both aiming RF at my nostrils and my head–the left side of my head feels a little stiff, as my right calf did this morning–literally every part of my body is being worked on by the trillion termagants in the vicinity each taking a body part to RF attack and destroy. Striving to breathe, I move forward.
11/17/2024, 9:18 am:
Recovering from an extreme massive attack of lawless high frequency stimulation radiation on my vulva, vagina, bladder, urethra, cervix for about 1 hour I think since about 7:30 to 8 or 9 am–but starting well before that about an hour in bed at least maybe 5 or 6 am to 7 am when I rolled out of bed and found I had to immediately start shielding madly to try to escape the extreme attacks on my skin. These are skin weapons and combos of water, stone, copper, steel, rubber proved ineffective. I went down made coffee fed the birds gave them water. Noticed it is warmer today and the sun is shining the Norwegian maples are finally turning yellow the sky is blue with a nano graphene haze as so often in India now or at least when I visited four years ago–they must all be nano dusted everyday but Indian food nutrition prayerfulness probably helps Indians and India–I must speak of India as if it is a place and Indians as if we are a people with brains and souls and thinking and creative energy for here in the benighted west post Vivekananda and Yogananda and all else, Indira Gandhi–whom too I saw last night in a dream or a pineal opening along with numerous Ganeshas and “Satyalatha” whom I do not know and strange dreams, passageways, aloneness (piped in? could well be, the cia is fixated on gods and mud) –told me mot to forget who we are who I was; have to say we have so much contempt for her we forget how brilliant and brainiac she was with her polyglot self and Swiss education fluent in French et al–anyway she was charmed until she was not charmed the Sikhs killing her must have been the same criminals attacking my Kundy this morning–an excessive extreme attack post all the attacks of yesterday and the last 3 days–I had to climb into bed slide shielding under me and around me and pray. Downstairs when I held up my sound shield I could hear the fast low hits from all around including and especially the LiMIngs but it sounded orchestrated 360 degrees–Blondie and the Chevy were in the driveway, pickup on hill, shark car on hill, red minivan in LiMing drive, and a bunch of cars on the street the other side. DId the thing the National Grid men rototill into the ground 2 weeks ago have something to do with this? Are they putting 5G transmitters into the ground? For last night I was incessantly hit at the right side of my chest with radar–when I went to the window downstairs and looked I saw a gray SUV parked at head of Murphy drive, trunk/rear facing Pine; I saw a white fusion center truck or silver by the liMings, across our drive: CRIMINAL, that drive is Mine absolutely MINE; anyway this morning I also saw a white minvan like the one the freak who came twice to my door saying TI TI parked outside the Ruane house; when I came upstairs here, almost hobbled by the amount of rubber and steel cake minipans in my underwear, I was hit intensely here too, could barely go to the bathroom again and douse the stones–blazing hot again–in water to put against my vulva. These are military weapons given to criminals who seem to have been lobotomized.
I lay down and could not breathe the pain was so intense. The hits kept coming from the LiMIng and Mitzen yard side–I had closed off the bottom of the bed with sheet metal shielding–so her shed direction would not work. I closed my eyes had forgotten to pray–could not think. The closed eyes of the Buddha came to me and the looking up to the hills–I prayed. Om Namah Shivaya. The Buddha stayed with me. I prayed Shakyamuni Buddha–could not recall any lines or buddhist mantras. Tried Nam myoho rengai ko –it did not feel right. I remembered the Shiva covered with flowers I had seen once when I was constantly seeing the flowers and flower at center of Life, flowing and radiating Life. I stayed with Om Namah Shivaya–tried the Ah Oooh Ma sound of the Om. The letter a in lower case Roman came to me. The Buddha stayed with me. The sense of the Buddha, the Kamikura Buddha I recalled, but also the sleeping Buddha the eyes. The Closed praying Chinese or Japanese eyes. It was Aaah– I remembered the small Brahmin Indian child telling her mother to hum saying Aaah–she knew the sound. That is the sound. I once saw the swirling of the opening of the world–dust and light, merged, concentric, and there were letters and numbers. I have seen the Thamil letters often–saw them briefly now. I have seen other Indian language letters–Kannada and Telugu, Hindi, Sanskrit. Muh is there someplace–musicians know more I think. But it is Ahhh–this vibes with what I saw incessantly the past 2 days I must write about it….There is a God and there are Gods and the world is being remade. Our genes are being preserved. The darkness they have created is being undone. There is a continuous myriad-pronged swirling to the right to the turning of the clock in clockwise movement, multicolored all around–but the colors and dots they have put in–the electric blues in particular I don’t really know what is happening there….I did at different points see the nano being removed, the filaments…..but there is nano ferrous oxide in our brains–that’s the MNP probably from the docs–they must be spraying them still. I saw the vibration of energy the lifting of it from the multiple whirling and spinning–we are living in seas of energy, but some comes up from that positive remaking. So yes this behavior by the criminals is to negativize our positive rising upward creative and being energy. It is Being energy they seek to reverse backwards–are they hands and feet of devils? Why would they want to reverse life–they are formed of life. Their “power” is not maintained by reversing life. The opposite of Being and Life is Death. The freaks want us to die so they can live? They won’t live….but it has changed now. They must be grasping at straws with what they have been doing to me the last few days and today–the whole of Life is being transformed or returned really, restored. We are being restored, returned to our intended selves. These maniacs are fighting it. Money is manmade–but the exchange of energy is coded into the cosmos. –9:48 am.
4:38 pm: Just managed to shield better after an excruciating day of extreme remote access and assault of bladder urethra, vagina vulva to create a heightened sense of urinary urgency–an extreme bladder attack weapon which has been used at sink, stove, near back door, on couch–grey fbi like suv at mitzen house with a white-haired guy getting out an hour or so ago and go into the Mitzens–in trying to think about these sustained attacks the last few days and why these people would do it–all surrounding and some zoomers sending hard cracks from underneath the bed, it is clear 1) they want to stop me from writing 2) they want to attack me and give me pain and suffering for exposing them all 3) they are sadists with no brains but plenty of evil ideas about hitting women in the sexual/urinary area 4) they just signed their DEATH WARRANT And I am going to make sure they get it. 5) they want me to freak out act out and put Vagina Bladder Sex against my name,,,,yes I think that’s it plus they seem to think weakening and sickening someone is the same as activating and angering someone. However they have just signed their death warrant and I am going to give them some coverage…..4:43 pm.
4:54 pm: Needing to note, before I forget: yesterday around this time the sound of leaf blasting alerted me to Mazzeo man lurking in the drive blasting leaves supposedly. I was still being hit in the kundy but I went over to the window to look and witnessed another Mazzeo man, not the thin bald red bearded criminal from the morning (this is Sat we’re talking about) this one was short, slim, blonde–dark blond with blond and black in his hair and a beard, trimmer. Younger more schoolboy like. however he must have had the kundy weapon in his back pocket for he was hitting me as I stood by the window.
A little earlier yesterday afternoon, I heard the LiMing of the day sweeping leaves by her shed and looked through an upstairs window to see what I could see. She was wearing all camel, a jumpsuit or a top and pants, black boots, very smart, oompa loompa topknot looking like she was headed to a board meeting as she went into the henhouse to clean out I presume the hen poop. Later running to her cell phone propped up on the windowbox of the shed where the 5G and RF HPM and other goodies are kept. She must have seen me through the corner of her left eye and was making sure she got some film. I held back behind the curtain and when I popped out agian there it was cell phone tilted upward. I was quite of a mind to say a word or two given the ghosty ghosty shivers and whispers and projected sound the last couple days from both their ends–Mazzeo and LIming–and may have said a word or two to the birds as I stood there watching the little chickadees and juncos play in the native cherry, one whose branches had been as massacred by her as the other trees. She swung her head up startled, as if someone had spoken to her. I wonder what people say when they do speak to her. At some point she called officiously, Who crying? in her broken Chinglish, but imperious, like a queen or a mother who actually knew not to abuse her children and to tell them her name (which she hadn’t.) Why crying? she queried next although I didn’t hear sparrows or dimwit husband respond. Note, this dimwit I have seen hopping away fast on his hind legs, squatting–the day he came to the top of his steps supposedly to shoot nano or new implants into me–a favorite bad-Chinese pastime in these parts–when Quincy DPW man was felling our cosmos and sweetgreens and refusing to listen to me as I stood in our own front yard, voice attacked, helped by no one. LiMIng man then knew I wasn’t looking for help from him but sharpshooting opportunistically just cause I was standing there? What a criminal. I certainly will publish this account for I haven’t relayed all of the horrors these people have wrought on my body yet. One of their specialties is Disfiguring, and they have achieved this quite well.
The Kundy hitters from next door however who are involved, Chen LiMIng, Mrs, Chen LiMIng, Joseph and Samantha Mazzeo–the names for the shifting changers from the CIA, the FBI Mitzens and their new tenants, the Fusion Center criminal parked outside the LiMIngs last night, and the QPD/QDC criminals across the street–Kimberly Johnson and her fatass friends from hell, all at home today–Sunday, Chevys and pickups parked on the hill, all busy blasting my bladder nonstop, my vulva, my vagina, my urethra, giving me UTI after UTI all morning today, all afternoon, and yesterday and all night–forcing a hundred runs to the bathroom to run cold water over my flaming flesh, horrible cold chills running thrugh my body as my entire body spasmed, each time the UTI far gone rushed through me, the stones, wet I had placed against my skin just a few minutes before blazing hot again, just burning, and those ghastly low sounding fast hits on the sound shield I held against me trying to protect myself as I washed and ran cold water over the stones, desperate as I stood, burning, a cold burning, being blasted over and over on my vulva and urethra so I had to wash the stones, put them back, stick rubber under, more anti-skid rubber stuffed into my pants then cover up and hobble over to the bed and stick shields under me, over, to the side. They called drones constantly–Drones came over my bed, RNM’d my right calf, told them where I and my cervix was so they could re-approach and stick their ghastly pencils of high radio frequency misery into me.
That Mental Health article was written after they first started to hit me–clearly they were making me extremely ill and I needed to rest. I took a break from my other work to report the CRIME of assault and battery by police in neighborhoods all over the USA and world really, alleging “mental illness” “bipolar” “schizophrenia” and attacking, ambushing, Tasing and killing people. Who is reporting this crime? I don’t see any reportage online of this massive criminality.
So, reporting Police is dangerous, so dangerous they will come after you with Kundy-hit weapons? but they were using them on me before I started–was it my Substack article then which draws attention to the Police-Mental Health crime of attacking women in their homes and highlights the new “AI Chatbots” people can download and get “mental health support” from as they get drawn into the Psychiatry-world of absolute crime?
Clearly I have been out of it these past few years–never realized this was going on–hadn’t heard of Walter Wallace or Juju Chang or Jason Harrison or Charleen Hunter or seen the skewed coverage on her and the lying coverage on those two men. Police may have been sued, jailed–I don’t know, need to look further into this to find out what happened. But as a Brownskinned woman reporter from India and Washington DC I have been kept from any connection with the African-Americn community. So many crimes against us all, against me.
But to attack me like this–a concerted attack over 3-4 days I think, extreme UTI-creating, extreme bladder-hitting–these are people who hate women. Who hate reporting. Why read me then? Give me a wide berth on the Internet. Others read me, agree with what I’m saying. Let them. Why attack me? We’re in Communist Russia or China is it? These pale-faces living next to me and Chinese need to check their American history. You can’t hit women. You can’t hit women from any country. You can’t hit women in the Kundy–that bowl of the pelvis, a Thamil word, from South India, where I come from, a place which Exists, which no one here seems to have heard about–oh we don’t know where she comes from, let’s beat her up in her Kundy! Daily attacks by this incredibly criminal CIA Pale-Brainist Racist coterie, flashing their red beards and black boots and sending intense Radio Frequency hits to my bladder, over and over and over. Not just do they need jailing for life they need re-education in How to Be a Human. They may of course not be human but something else grotesque and incomprehensible.
5:38 pm: Let me also note that if I hadn’t suddenly been able to shield better with more steel under me I could not be half-sitting up writing this. At some point in the past hour when the LiMIngs were directing hits and someone from behind was directing hits upward, making a racket on the steel, then a car speeding away, the Mazzeo came to their shed and I was heart-hit–permanent pans against my heart the past couple days.
Can anyone hear me? Are people listening? Are people reading this reportage the world over? The absolute criminals who get these fusion center contracts in whichever way and come and sit around us and beat us to deatth ARE BEATING US TO DEATH. I wondered if I was going to die from the pain, over and over–if someone is hitting you with RF energy pulses continuously right at your cervix and urethra giving you extreme heat and overstimulation of the skin, that is extreme extreme pain and you could die from it. This was going on hour after hour after hour. I strove to take breaks, go down, take Cystone, do a spot of gardening, feed the birds again, make lunch around 2:30. I was hit extremely all through that lunch-making. Noticed the grey SUV on the street by the house next to the LiMIngs.
Then back up here and striving to breathe past the 5g-blasting. A few days ago maybe 2 weeks ago–I did write this down I Think just recently–National Grid was here planting something in the ground opposite the house. Is that also in play with the 5G blasting or is that for ELFS and electrical induction? How would I find out? I need to ask for some information.
But every single one of the people around me need to be divested of their weapons. The Kundy hit weapons are extreme and they are Death-threatening. Shall we let the DOD and DARPA and CIA and AIr Force and Army and Marine Corps keep them and keep on finetuning them so women and girls can be assaulted like this every day to keep them from speaking and writing and singing? Maybe bearded men from Israel and Khazaria will spread all over the USA like a plague, controlling women with Kundy hits. Maybe the Chinese CCP will send their spies, including women spies, to run about secretly assaulting women with Kundy-hit weapons in public bathrooms and YMCAs so girls can’t swim or walk or play tennis but must huddle, being Controlled by them.
These weapons need to be exposed and stopped. I haven’t read about these in the docs I’m perusing but I’ve been hit by various kinds of them. It’s the Methodology of hitting too, nonstop, which has almost killed me now. –5:49 pm.