• UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide
    Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)
    On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website.

    Following the publication of my article, I reported that Pfizer and Covid-19 vaccines are aerosolized (using graphene oxide lipid-nanoparticles) in a podcast on October 26, 2021.

    Fast-forward to July 14, 2023, when the FDA confirms that Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after being forced to publish confidential Pfizer documents by order of the US Federal Court.

    Here’s the Pfizer document:

    Here’s Karen Kingston’s Substack on the disclosure of graphene oxide in Pfizer’s poison death jabs.

    Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee has also revealed that up to 1/3rd Pfizer vials contained graphene oxide which Pfizer ignored.

    Please watch: BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent's Devastating Ingredients!

    Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide

    by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

    A shocking new discovery was revealed in April 2021, when Health Canada recalled over a million KN95 face masks containing the highly toxic industrial chemical called GRAPHENE. The poisonous masks came from China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd.

    Following the announcement, Spain recalled millions of masks containing GRAPHENE yet children worldwide are still being forced to wear these poisonous masks in schools.

    I wrote about the GRAPHENE based hydrogels back in April. They’re scientifically called “Nanotubes” or “Nanoworms” and they’re being used in face masks and PCR swabs: Masks And Covid Tests Contain Nanotech Vaccines Without Informed Consent.

    Global Research published this article entitled: Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance.

    GRAPHENE hydrogels are being intentionally marketed to kids as “nano-silver” and sold online in face masks. — See report.


    I was approached by the Spanish-speaking WikiLeaks / Anonymous group in mid-June and asked to look into La Quinta Columna’s extensive research into Graphene Oxide as the potential vector for Covid-19 drug delivery. I especially trust the Spanish Wiki-Anons because they stood beside me when I was wrongfully targeted and cancel cultured by black anons and obvious gatekeepers, in 2019.

    On June 25, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) broke the news on a Spanish television show — El Gato al Agua, that toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE had been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer “vaccine” analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra of Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna. The small group of Spanish researchers is headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano, Investigative Journalist Ramola D. revealed.

    On June 29th, Europe Reloaded covered La Quinta Columna’s analysis of the Pfizer serum under microscopy that was published by Orwell City.

    La Quinta Columna then released a game-changing report on June 30th, demonstrating that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum. It’s evident from La Quinta Columna’s website the amount of time they invested in researching GRAPHENE OXIDE.

    From Quinta Columna’s research, I learned that a company named Nanografi is manufacturing GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanotubes and intranasal vaccines for Covid-19 drug delivery. Nanografi also manufactures face masks! Now that’s very damning evidence!!

    Ramola D. then published an excellent article to The Everyday Concerned Citizen on July 5th, highlighting La Quinta Columna’s discovery and how GRAPHENE OXIDE causes blood clotting and magnetism.

    A second Spanish research team independent from Quinta Columna found GRAPHENE OXIDE as the predominant ingredient in AstraZeneca’s serum, reported State of The Nation.

    Dr. Jane Ruby, a medical professional of 20-years and a pharmaceutical drug development expert, picked up the story and discussed these vital revelations on the Stew Peters Show, on July 14th. She emphasized that the only reason Pfizer’s Covid-19 serum would contain over 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE “would be to mass murder people”.

    Dr. Ruby then returned to the Stew Peter’s Show on July 21st, to release more groundbreaking news about the horrific blood contamination of people who took the Pfizer and AstraZeneca injections. AstraZeneca by the way means “weapon that kills” in Sanskrit.

    A third research team from Argentina analyzed a vial of Moderna’s Covid-19 serum on July 21st and found that it contained 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE under spectroscopy, as reported by Orwell City.

    We now have not one, but three independent scientific studies establishing that the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca serum’s all contain over 98% to 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES!


    All the “Covid-19 vaccines” and now flu “vaccines” are manufactured using the same GRAPHENE OXIDE nano-technology.

    There are hundreds of videos online demonstrating how the vaxxed have become magnetized. The unvaxxed are also becoming magnetized by transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE is a nanoparticle. These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body, according to scientific reports.

    Global Research news channel is also covering Quinta Columna’s research and the magnetism phenomenon: Graphene Oxide Particles in Covid mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Magnetism?.

    World renown scientist and media mogul Mike Adams from Natural News, is also researching and reporting on this developing story where he reveals that: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene.

    This graphene-based fitness patch was developed under the EU’s Graphene Flagship, by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain can measure heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature.
    Nano-tech GRAPHENE OXIDE is superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain, as this scientific paper reveals.

    The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these). They can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely.

    The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called “The Graphene Flagship“ in 2019, spawning nine companies and 46 new GRAPHENE-based products.


    GRAPHENE OXIDE is already being widely used as an industrial chemical. We find it in electronics, aeronautics, energy, agriculture, cosmetics, medicine, textile production (also clothing), food processing, and buildings. The globalists intend to build “smart cities” using this nano-particulate substance and it’s already being sprayed on humanity via Bill Gates “smart dust”.

    Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Are Being Sprayed On Humanity

    GRAPHENE OXIDE has already been aerosolized for dissemination over populations through aerial spraying (chemtrails). Pentagon scientists developed the technology in a Kazakhstan bioweapons lab. Please see this video (2 min.).

    This NATO plane was filmed spraying GRAPHENE OXIDE from above. Please see the video (.17 seconds). And finally, this Italian study provides additional proof that we are being sprayed with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES.

    We’re literally being saturated with this industrial poison which has been intentionally inserted into everyday items such as face masks, food, clothing, water filtration, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, and more. It’s being used in the Covid-19 “testing” swabs and now we know it’s the key ingredient in the “Covid-19 vaccines”. This article highlights 60 uses of GRAPHENE.

    Here’s a one-minute video clip of Moderna’s CEO Stephane Brancel bragging to the World Economic Forum about it taking just two days to create their “Covid-19 vaccine”. How is that possible unless it’s synthetic?


    In recent years, GRAPHENE has been exploited in the biomedical field, particularly for DNA sequencing and the development of biosensors. It’s presently being used for gene delivery and to administer drugs into biological cells.

    This article by Natural News contains links to the exact science papers describing two decades of research into all this: IT’S REAL: Science paper documents “self-assembled magnetic nanosystems” for cybernetic biocircuitry interface and control systems in humans, including “DNA hydrogel” tech.

    Dr. Carrie Madej and I have been reporting on the GRAPHENE Oxide Hydrogels which allow for self-replication, disassembling, and reassembling, and ballistic drug delivery to cells. The programmable nanoparticles also pass through the blood/brain barrier, causing PRION (auto-immune disease).

    WATCH! Graphene Oxide Activates By Cell Phone EMF Frequency Radiation

    The GRAPHENE Hydrogels literally grow a new neural network inside the human body and do so extremely rapidly. This was observed by a Slovakia team of researchers.

    GRAPHENE’s thermal property and electrical conductivity make it a superconductor. The artificial neuron network can receive and transmit signals and can be externally controlled through 5G frequency and AI. GRAPHENE Family Nanoparticles contain drug-chemical payloads for mRNA “gene therapy” and it’s being deployed without Informed Consent. GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for Moderna’s “operating system” and the sad reality is that the vaxxed will transform into genetically modified humans rapidly after inoculation because the technology is very advanced.


    The first human genome project using GRAPHENE was initiated in 2001. GRAPHENE OXIDE was developed by CRSPR, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech as mRNA gene therapy to cure cancer but due to its cytotoxicity (cell death) in healthy cells, this highly toxic industrial nano-chemical was never approved for use in humans.

    CRISPR accelerated the development of the first Genome Sensor, the world’s first DNA search engine that runs on CRISPR-Chip technology. It can literally google genomes to detect genetic mutations and variations.

    The jagged edges of GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanoparticles are super sharp and super strong, easily piercing through cell membranes in human lung, skin, and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do quite serious damage in humans and other animals.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE is great for DNA sequencing (cutting and splicing of genes) and it’s perfect for evil eugenicists who want to pretend to be God’s and genetically enslave the rest of humanity. This substance is extremely dangerous to humans and to the environment.


    Europe Reloaded reports: “Graphene Oxide has a certain magnetic resonance band, beyond which it becomes excited, which in turn leads to rapid oxidization of the material. When the oxidization level exceeds certain body biomarkers, it triggers a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm, typical of “severe Covid-19” symptoms.

    At least 90 scientific studies show the toxic effect of GRAPHENE OXIDE in the human body produces the same clinical effects as Covid-19. These symptoms include programmable cell death, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, clotting, cytokine storms, thromboses, pneumonia (flu-like symptoms), inflammation of the mucous membranes, loss of taste and smell. It blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione, creates a metallic taste in the mouth, destroys the immune system, and magnetizes people, especially at the injection site.

    Please see: Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment

    Also see: Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

    GRAPHENE OXIDE Toxicity was researched and discovered to be a vector for transmission in mice, enabling Pfizer’s “self-replicating vaccines”.

    “The common administration routes in animal models include AIRWAY EXPOSURE (intranasal insufflation, intratracheal instillation, and inhalation), oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection. The major exposure route for GFNs (Graphene Family Nanoparticles) in the working environment is AIRWAY EXPOSURE, thus INHALATION and intratracheal instillation are used mostly in mice to simulate human exposure to GFNs.”

    Here’s a second peer-reviewed study confirming that Graphene Oxide toxicity transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed is airborne. This means GRAPHENE OXIDE is received from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed by inhalation.


    Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO)
    Cytotoxicity depends on the size of the GRAPHENE flakes and the content of oxygen. It’s possible to tweak the GRAPHENE to be more or less toxic. It is in fact possible to get GRAPHENE OXIDE in a clear liquid serum by reducing its oxygen content into a Reduced Graphene Oxide (RHO). By doing so, it will increase toxicity.

    Treating GRAPHENE OXIDE with hydrazine both removes the debris and reduces (both deoxygenations) the dark GRAPHENE sheets. Reduction of a clear GRAPHENE OXIDE solution using Sodium Dithionite will cause the microscopic GRAPHENE flakes to reappear “out of nothing”.

    Reduced Graphene Oxide is sold as a clear serum in India for example, here.

    Conclusion: DEMOCIDE

    These were never “vaccines” against a virus, instead all the time it was a secret nanotech project developed to reach and control the brains of the human population. People have been already magnetized with GRAPHENE which is present in masks, Covid tests, chemtrails, influenza, and Covid “vaccines”.

    We now have three comparative studies proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for the Covid-19 BIOWEAPONS drug/chemical delivery. These are not “vaccines” but mRNA gene therapies and industrial chemicals without authorized use in humans.

    The pharma cartel is finished! People will never trust big pharma again. These companies are making a killing poisoning us and terraforming our environment. Nanoparticles are programmed either for good and healing or for ill intent. These programmable robots aren’t just randomly used. This technology obviously got into the hands of the wrong people (eugenicists) or it was developed with the intent to Democide.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector to carry the spike protein poisons that were cultivated in moths, enhanced, and weaponized in labs. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector for transmission into healthy cells by injection, air inhalation, and medical devices (masks, swabs, needles).

    Transmission is not caused by the shedding of viral loads because there is no virus. “Coronavirus” and Covid-19 are the distractions while governments conduct Democide on all the world’s population. This is a biological attack on our DNA. We are being literally saturated with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES and the only good news is that you can detox it out of your body.

    Our best legal teams, World Freedom Alliance and World Doctors Alliance have advised that we are now beyond Genocide and surviving a DEMOCIDE. This is an extinction-level mass culling. Genocide is when a government targets a specific demographic or religious group like Africans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims or poor people, for example. Democide is far worse than Genocide because governments are targeting the entire population of men, women, and children for worldwide depopulation.

    So please, STOP paying taxes at once! The only way this war will end is when we end it and the only way to do that is to stop feeding the Beast. We must march in droves to ALL federal, state, and local parliaments and city council buildings. Surround those buildings until government leaders come out. We must take back what’s ours. Remember, we own it all. We The People already have the legal backing of Reiner Fuellmich’s team at the World Freedom Alliance.

    Finally, I agree with La Quinta Columna’s assessment when they said, “Every person who has been inoculated with this substance with that graphene oxide nanotechnology has a fuse, dynamite, a time bomb that’s ready to explode by the activation of a microwave.”


    I have two published protocols for detoxing graphene oxide nanoparticles and for boosting immunity. My premium detox protocol and my affordable for all detox protocol.

    Please schedule a health consultation with me for customized protocol support.


    Please see: Latest news release from Quinta Columna here.

    Please see: FEMA whistleblower with Celeste Solum in her latest interview (very important!) on Frequency Wars, here.

    Please see: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Blows Whistle To Reiner Fuellmich and reveals that Covid-19 is aerosolized through the sweat glands.

    Please see: CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic

    Please see: The Vaxxed Are Being Liquefied & Spread On Crops (Video 1 min.)

    UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website. Following the publication of my article, I reported that Pfizer and Covid-19 vaccines are aerosolized (using graphene oxide lipid-nanoparticles) in a podcast on October 26, 2021. Fast-forward to July 14, 2023, when the FDA confirms that Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after being forced to publish confidential Pfizer documents by order of the US Federal Court. Here’s the Pfizer document: Here’s Karen Kingston’s Substack on the disclosure of graphene oxide in Pfizer’s poison death jabs. Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee has also revealed that up to 1/3rd Pfizer vials contained graphene oxide which Pfizer ignored. Please watch: BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent's Devastating Ingredients! Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) A shocking new discovery was revealed in April 2021, when Health Canada recalled over a million KN95 face masks containing the highly toxic industrial chemical called GRAPHENE. The poisonous masks came from China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd. Following the announcement, Spain recalled millions of masks containing GRAPHENE yet children worldwide are still being forced to wear these poisonous masks in schools. I wrote about the GRAPHENE based hydrogels back in April. They’re scientifically called “Nanotubes” or “Nanoworms” and they’re being used in face masks and PCR swabs: Masks And Covid Tests Contain Nanotech Vaccines Without Informed Consent. Global Research published this article entitled: Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance. GRAPHENE hydrogels are being intentionally marketed to kids as “nano-silver” and sold online in face masks. — See report. LA QUINTA COLUMNA I was approached by the Spanish-speaking WikiLeaks / Anonymous group in mid-June and asked to look into La Quinta Columna’s extensive research into Graphene Oxide as the potential vector for Covid-19 drug delivery. I especially trust the Spanish Wiki-Anons because they stood beside me when I was wrongfully targeted and cancel cultured by black anons and obvious gatekeepers, in 2019. On June 25, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) broke the news on a Spanish television show — El Gato al Agua, that toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE had been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer “vaccine” analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra of Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna. The small group of Spanish researchers is headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano, Investigative Journalist Ramola D. revealed. On June 29th, Europe Reloaded covered La Quinta Columna’s analysis of the Pfizer serum under microscopy that was published by Orwell City. La Quinta Columna then released a game-changing report on June 30th, demonstrating that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum. It’s evident from La Quinta Columna’s website the amount of time they invested in researching GRAPHENE OXIDE. From Quinta Columna’s research, I learned that a company named Nanografi is manufacturing GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanotubes and intranasal vaccines for Covid-19 drug delivery. Nanografi also manufactures face masks! Now that’s very damning evidence!! Ramola D. then published an excellent article to The Everyday Concerned Citizen on July 5th, highlighting La Quinta Columna’s discovery and how GRAPHENE OXIDE causes blood clotting and magnetism. A second Spanish research team independent from Quinta Columna found GRAPHENE OXIDE as the predominant ingredient in AstraZeneca’s serum, reported State of The Nation. Dr. Jane Ruby, a medical professional of 20-years and a pharmaceutical drug development expert, picked up the story and discussed these vital revelations on the Stew Peters Show, on July 14th. She emphasized that the only reason Pfizer’s Covid-19 serum would contain over 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE “would be to mass murder people”. Dr. Ruby then returned to the Stew Peter’s Show on July 21st, to release more groundbreaking news about the horrific blood contamination of people who took the Pfizer and AstraZeneca injections. AstraZeneca by the way means “weapon that kills” in Sanskrit. A third research team from Argentina analyzed a vial of Moderna’s Covid-19 serum on July 21st and found that it contained 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE under spectroscopy, as reported by Orwell City. We now have not one, but three independent scientific studies establishing that the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca serum’s all contain over 98% to 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES! MAGNETISM AND MIND CONTROL All the “Covid-19 vaccines” and now flu “vaccines” are manufactured using the same GRAPHENE OXIDE nano-technology. There are hundreds of videos online demonstrating how the vaxxed have become magnetized. The unvaxxed are also becoming magnetized by transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. GRAPHENE OXIDE is a nanoparticle. These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body, according to scientific reports. Global Research news channel is also covering Quinta Columna’s research and the magnetism phenomenon: Graphene Oxide Particles in Covid mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Magnetism?. World renown scientist and media mogul Mike Adams from Natural News, is also researching and reporting on this developing story where he reveals that: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene. This graphene-based fitness patch was developed under the EU’s Graphene Flagship, by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain can measure heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature. Nano-tech GRAPHENE OXIDE is superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain, as this scientific paper reveals. The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these). They can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely. The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called “The Graphene Flagship“ in 2019, spawning nine companies and 46 new GRAPHENE-based products. INDUSTRIALIZED GRAPHENE OXIDE GRAPHENE OXIDE is already being widely used as an industrial chemical. We find it in electronics, aeronautics, energy, agriculture, cosmetics, medicine, textile production (also clothing), food processing, and buildings. The globalists intend to build “smart cities” using this nano-particulate substance and it’s already being sprayed on humanity via Bill Gates “smart dust”. Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Are Being Sprayed On Humanity GRAPHENE OXIDE has already been aerosolized for dissemination over populations through aerial spraying (chemtrails). Pentagon scientists developed the technology in a Kazakhstan bioweapons lab. Please see this video (2 min.). This NATO plane was filmed spraying GRAPHENE OXIDE from above. Please see the video (.17 seconds). And finally, this Italian study provides additional proof that we are being sprayed with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES. We’re literally being saturated with this industrial poison which has been intentionally inserted into everyday items such as face masks, food, clothing, water filtration, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, and more. It’s being used in the Covid-19 “testing” swabs and now we know it’s the key ingredient in the “Covid-19 vaccines”. This article highlights 60 uses of GRAPHENE. Here’s a one-minute video clip of Moderna’s CEO Stephane Brancel bragging to the World Economic Forum about it taking just two days to create their “Covid-19 vaccine”. How is that possible unless it’s synthetic? GRAPHENE OXIDE MEDICAL APPLICATIONS In recent years, GRAPHENE has been exploited in the biomedical field, particularly for DNA sequencing and the development of biosensors. It’s presently being used for gene delivery and to administer drugs into biological cells. This article by Natural News contains links to the exact science papers describing two decades of research into all this: IT’S REAL: Science paper documents “self-assembled magnetic nanosystems” for cybernetic biocircuitry interface and control systems in humans, including “DNA hydrogel” tech. Dr. Carrie Madej and I have been reporting on the GRAPHENE Oxide Hydrogels which allow for self-replication, disassembling, and reassembling, and ballistic drug delivery to cells. The programmable nanoparticles also pass through the blood/brain barrier, causing PRION (auto-immune disease). WATCH! Graphene Oxide Activates By Cell Phone EMF Frequency Radiation The GRAPHENE Hydrogels literally grow a new neural network inside the human body and do so extremely rapidly. This was observed by a Slovakia team of researchers. GRAPHENE’s thermal property and electrical conductivity make it a superconductor. The artificial neuron network can receive and transmit signals and can be externally controlled through 5G frequency and AI. GRAPHENE Family Nanoparticles contain drug-chemical payloads for mRNA “gene therapy” and it’s being deployed without Informed Consent. GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for Moderna’s “operating system” and the sad reality is that the vaxxed will transform into genetically modified humans rapidly after inoculation because the technology is very advanced. CRISPR The first human genome project using GRAPHENE was initiated in 2001. GRAPHENE OXIDE was developed by CRSPR, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech as mRNA gene therapy to cure cancer but due to its cytotoxicity (cell death) in healthy cells, this highly toxic industrial nano-chemical was never approved for use in humans. CRISPR accelerated the development of the first Genome Sensor, the world’s first DNA search engine that runs on CRISPR-Chip technology. It can literally google genomes to detect genetic mutations and variations. The jagged edges of GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanoparticles are super sharp and super strong, easily piercing through cell membranes in human lung, skin, and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do quite serious damage in humans and other animals. GRAPHENE OXIDE is great for DNA sequencing (cutting and splicing of genes) and it’s perfect for evil eugenicists who want to pretend to be God’s and genetically enslave the rest of humanity. This substance is extremely dangerous to humans and to the environment. TRANSMISSION Europe Reloaded reports: “Graphene Oxide has a certain magnetic resonance band, beyond which it becomes excited, which in turn leads to rapid oxidization of the material. When the oxidization level exceeds certain body biomarkers, it triggers a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm, typical of “severe Covid-19” symptoms. At least 90 scientific studies show the toxic effect of GRAPHENE OXIDE in the human body produces the same clinical effects as Covid-19. These symptoms include programmable cell death, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, clotting, cytokine storms, thromboses, pneumonia (flu-like symptoms), inflammation of the mucous membranes, loss of taste and smell. It blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione, creates a metallic taste in the mouth, destroys the immune system, and magnetizes people, especially at the injection site. Please see: Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment Also see: Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine GRAPHENE OXIDE Toxicity was researched and discovered to be a vector for transmission in mice, enabling Pfizer’s “self-replicating vaccines”. “The common administration routes in animal models include AIRWAY EXPOSURE (intranasal insufflation, intratracheal instillation, and inhalation), oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection. The major exposure route for GFNs (Graphene Family Nanoparticles) in the working environment is AIRWAY EXPOSURE, thus INHALATION and intratracheal instillation are used mostly in mice to simulate human exposure to GFNs.” Here’s a second peer-reviewed study confirming that Graphene Oxide toxicity transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed is airborne. This means GRAPHENE OXIDE is received from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed by inhalation. GRAPHENE OXIDE COLOR Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) Cytotoxicity depends on the size of the GRAPHENE flakes and the content of oxygen. It’s possible to tweak the GRAPHENE to be more or less toxic. It is in fact possible to get GRAPHENE OXIDE in a clear liquid serum by reducing its oxygen content into a Reduced Graphene Oxide (RHO). By doing so, it will increase toxicity. Treating GRAPHENE OXIDE with hydrazine both removes the debris and reduces (both deoxygenations) the dark GRAPHENE sheets. Reduction of a clear GRAPHENE OXIDE solution using Sodium Dithionite will cause the microscopic GRAPHENE flakes to reappear “out of nothing”. Reduced Graphene Oxide is sold as a clear serum in India for example, here. Conclusion: DEMOCIDE These were never “vaccines” against a virus, instead all the time it was a secret nanotech project developed to reach and control the brains of the human population. People have been already magnetized with GRAPHENE which is present in masks, Covid tests, chemtrails, influenza, and Covid “vaccines”. We now have three comparative studies proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for the Covid-19 BIOWEAPONS drug/chemical delivery. These are not “vaccines” but mRNA gene therapies and industrial chemicals without authorized use in humans. The pharma cartel is finished! People will never trust big pharma again. These companies are making a killing poisoning us and terraforming our environment. Nanoparticles are programmed either for good and healing or for ill intent. These programmable robots aren’t just randomly used. This technology obviously got into the hands of the wrong people (eugenicists) or it was developed with the intent to Democide. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector to carry the spike protein poisons that were cultivated in moths, enhanced, and weaponized in labs. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector for transmission into healthy cells by injection, air inhalation, and medical devices (masks, swabs, needles). Transmission is not caused by the shedding of viral loads because there is no virus. “Coronavirus” and Covid-19 are the distractions while governments conduct Democide on all the world’s population. This is a biological attack on our DNA. We are being literally saturated with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES and the only good news is that you can detox it out of your body. Our best legal teams, World Freedom Alliance and World Doctors Alliance have advised that we are now beyond Genocide and surviving a DEMOCIDE. This is an extinction-level mass culling. Genocide is when a government targets a specific demographic or religious group like Africans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims or poor people, for example. Democide is far worse than Genocide because governments are targeting the entire population of men, women, and children for worldwide depopulation. So please, STOP paying taxes at once! The only way this war will end is when we end it and the only way to do that is to stop feeding the Beast. We must march in droves to ALL federal, state, and local parliaments and city council buildings. Surround those buildings until government leaders come out. We must take back what’s ours. Remember, we own it all. We The People already have the legal backing of Reiner Fuellmich’s team at the World Freedom Alliance. Finally, I agree with La Quinta Columna’s assessment when they said, “Every person who has been inoculated with this substance with that graphene oxide nanotechnology has a fuse, dynamite, a time bomb that’s ready to explode by the activation of a microwave.” DETOX I have two published protocols for detoxing graphene oxide nanoparticles and for boosting immunity. My premium detox protocol and my affordable for all detox protocol. Please schedule a health consultation with me for customized protocol support. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES Please see: Latest news release from Quinta Columna here. Please see: FEMA whistleblower with Celeste Solum in her latest interview (very important!) on Frequency Wars, here. Please see: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Blows Whistle To Reiner Fuellmich and reveals that Covid-19 is aerosolized through the sweat glands. Please see: CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic Please see: The Vaxxed Are Being Liquefied & Spread On Crops (Video 1 min.) https://drloveariyana.substack.com/p/updated-graphene-oxide-the-vector
    UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide
    On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website.
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    📝_É uma jornada de retorno ao nosso estado natural de ser, onde a mente se despoja de suas camadas de condicionamentos e expectativas, permitindo que a sabedoria interna floresça sem esforço..._ . 🙏 *A Caminhada até a Meditação Intuitiva.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM48Xp4NOro&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtrDRpcL4K46UC9kGsbjocLF . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2908 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/77 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _É um mergulho profundo na sabedoria interior que transcende a lógica e as palavras, um convite para confiar plenamente no fluxo da vida. Ao silenciar a mente e abrir espaço para a intuição, permitimos que o coração se torne o guia, revelando verdades e caminhos que a razão sozinha não alcança..._
    *Meditação Intuitiva com Patricia Kellen no Meditantes PodCast #77 com apresentação de Domício Somariva Filho.*
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    📝 _É um mergulho profundo na sabedoria interior que transcende a lógica e as palavras, um convite para confiar plenamente no fluxo da vida. Ao silenciar a mente e abrir espaço para a intuição, permitimos que o coração se torne o guia, revelando verdades e caminhos que a razão sozinha não alcança..._ . 🙏 *Meditação Intuitiva com Patricia Kellen no Meditantes PodCast #77 com apresentação de Domício Somariva Filho.* . 🎧 Veja Aqui: 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BORcItXkOKw&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtrDRpcL4K46UC9kGsbjocLF . 🌏 Meditantes News:👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p= . 🎧 Playlist do Episodio: 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/77 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • Day 341: Britain’s outsize role in Israel’s genocide
    donshafi911September 14, 2024
    Day 341: Britain’s outsize role in Israel’s genocide

    Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada Podcast12 September 2024

    If you’re a regular reader of our articles highlighting The Electronic Intifada’s weekly livestream, you might notice a difference this week: There’s no YouTube video.

    That’s because the Google-owned video and streaming platform imposed a punitive freeze on The Electronic Intifada’s channel for seven days. I’ll say more on that below.

    But don’t worry, you can still watch the whole program – just not on YouTube.

    You can watch the recording of this week’s show in the X/Twitter video viewer above, but you’ll need to drag the slider forward to 36 minutes into the video – that’s when the program actually starts.

    You can also watch it directly on the X/Twitterwebsite or on Facebook.

    Highlights from the jam-packed program are also embedded throughout this article.

    You can listen to the program in the SoundCloud player at the bottom of this page.

    Our headline story was an enlightening conversation with Matt Kennard, of the investigative publication Declassified UK, about Britain’s outsize role in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people.

    We started with a news brief from associate editor Nora Barrows-Friedman covering recent developments in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, including the horrific massacre in al-Mawasi, west of Khan Younis, where Israel dropped massive bombs on refugee tents, killing 40 people, half of whom were totally obliterated.

    We also talked about Tuesday’s presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, respectively the Democratic and Republican candidates in the United States.Both competed to display more support for Israel, and Harris doubled down on her lies about 7 October mass rapes, fabrications and atrocity propaganda that Israel has used to try to justify its genocide.

    And we discussed how ABC, Australia’s national broadcaster, has become the first mainstream Western outlet to report extensively on Israel killing its own citizens in large numbers on 7 October – a topic on which The Electronic Intifada has broken many stories, right back to the first days of the genocide.

    “We can’t say for sure that they’re copying our coverage,” observed associate editor Asa Winstanley, “but they go back to a lot of the same sources.”

    YouTube censorship

    A few hours before we were scheduled to go live on 11 September, we received a notification that YouTube had deleted three videos from The Electronic Intifada’s channelclaiming that we had violated their “community guidelines” related to “violent criminal organizations.”

    Clearly YouTube is not referring to the Israeli army, which is what springs to my mind when I hear that phrase.

    The videos YouTube removed were in fact months-old livestream segments featuring contributing editor Jon Elmer, explaining and analyzing footage published by resistance organizations in Gaza of combat with Israeli forces.

    YouTube does not tell us what specifically it objects to, making it very difficult for us to understand how – if it is even possible – to avoid this increasingly draconian and arbitrary censorship.

    As punishment for doing journalism, YouTube froze our channel for seven days. We are not allowed to post any videos there, and that’s also why we could not broadcast the livestream there.

    As I said at the start of this week’s program, we completely reject YouTube’s vague accusations: Regular viewers know that The Electronic Intifada provides professional, ethical, responsible and factual journalism and analysis. So we view this action as blatant political censorship.

    With respect to our livestreams, Jon explained on this week’s show how in every resistance video we air, we edit out any kind of graphic violence, loss of life or injury.

    Because we understand that speech related to Palestine is a particular target of censorship and suppression, we go above and beyond journalistic and broadcast standards in terms of removing any graphic content.

    Many other channels post the same videos, but totally unedited, and I am not aware that they are being censored the way we are.

    Indeed, YouTube insiders have leaked to Wiredthat there has been growing discontent at the company over what the tech publication calls “a pattern of inconsistent moderation of content relating to Israel’s war with Hamas.”

    “The sources believe management at the world’s most popular video platform have been playing favorites and scrabbling to justify takedowns – or find exceptions to keep content up,” Wired reported in July.

    Eric Sype, the US national organizer for Haifa-based 7amleh, an organization that monitors internet censorship of Palestinians, told Wired, “We have firsthand experience of YouTube and Google employees telling us that videos clearly inciting violence and racism against Palestinians do not violate the companies policies, while educational videos posted by Palestinian creators have to be age restricted, labeled as graphic, or simply just taken down.”

    Despite the censorship, The Electronic Intifada will continue to bring our readers and viewers reporting and analysis that they cannot easily get from any other English-language source, documenting a world-historic moment in the struggle for Palestine’s liberation.

    Our mission is purely educational and journalistic, but the reality of increasing censorship and repression in Western so-called democracies is making journalism – real journalism, not stenography for the government – ever more difficult.But we will remain committed to that mission no matter what.

    Fortunately, we were able to livestream the program on other platforms – Instagram and Twitch, as well as on X/Twitter and Facebook.

    Because it is such a dominant video platform, arguably an effective monopoly, we will continue to try to use YouTube to reach as many people as we can.

    At the same time we will explore broadcasting on additional platforms to try to mitigate the risk we face from censorship.

    Now, more about this week’s program.

    Small country, outsize role in genocide

    Britain supplies weapons to Israel, but the amount is relatively small compared, say, to the United States or Germany.

    For that reason, some people may think London’s role in Israel’s genocide is less significant.

    “But it’s a key player in supporting the Israeli war machine through logistics and intelligence,” Matt Kennard told the livestream.

    And much of that support is channeled through RAF Akrotiri, a sprawling British air force base in Cyprus, just 30 minutes flying time from Gaza.

    Kennard is the co-founder and head of investigation at Declassified UK, an outlet which focuses on British national security issues.

    In May, Kennard revealed that the British air force, the RAF, had flown about 200 spy flights over Gaza since December.

    All operated from RAF Akrotiri.

    As well as surveillance, Declassified UK’sreporting has also shown that the British government may be supporting Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza more directly.

    On the ground in Gaza?

    Getting any information is extremely difficult, however. Weeks into the genocide, as Kennard explained, The Sun reported that the SAS, an elite British military unit, was in Cyprus preparing to “rescue hostages and Brits stranded in Gaza.”

    Almost immediately, the “D-Notice” committee, a British government body that censors reporting on “national security” matters, issued a directive to publications not to report on SAS activities in Gaza.

    “So the SAS are likely in Israel,” Kennard said. “And what is likely is that they would have an advisory role with the Israeli military about their ground invasion. But it’s possible that they could be on the ground in Gaza, or could have been at certain points.”

    According to Kennard, RAF Akrotiri is also a major base for arms transfers. Dozens of military cargo aircraft have flown from the base to Israel since the genocide began. The British government refuses to disclose what they are carrying.

    And Akrotiri may well have been used by Israel itself.

    In June, Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah, warned Cyprus that the Lebanese resistance group would respond against the island nation if it allowed Israel to operate from its territory.

    “The Cypriot government should be warned that opening its airports and bases to the enemy to target Lebanon means it has become part of the war,” Nasrallah said.

    Nasrallah said that Israeli forces had trained in Cyprus, but he did not specify which facilities they had used.

    The British bases in the country are not under the direct control of the Cyprus government, but under that of London, as the UK considers them its own sovereign territory – parts of the island Britain retained when it ended its formal colonial rule in 1960.

    However, according to Kennard, there are indications that Israel itself has used RAF Akrotiri during the genocide.

    He noted that in February, the Express, a British newspaper, reported that London had withdrawn permission for Israel’s US-built F-35 warplanes to land at Akrotiri until “hostilities” in Gaza end.

    “​​So the imputation was they previously had that access,” Kennard said, adding that the UK continues to supply parts and servicing for the Israeli F-35s.

    There have been growing protests by antiwar activists in Cyprus against British and American use of the bases to attack Yemen and to support the genocide in Gaza.

    Activists in the country have credited Declassified UK with helping uncover the extent of those operations, according to Kennard.

    Shrinking press freedom

    We also talked about the growing repression against journalists and activists in the UK, including the years-long imprisonment and persecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, and the recent arrests of Sarah Wilkinson and Richard Medhurst under draconian “anti-terrorism” laws.

    Kennard was speaking to The Electronic Intifada from Germany and revealed that for the first time in his career he had traveled abroad on a reporting trip without his laptop, as he was concerned by the risk that he might be detained, questioned and have his equipment confiscated on his return to the UK.

    That has happened recently to other journalists, including Medhurst.

    Although it is receding, Kennard said, “we still have a degree of freedom.”

    “So if we’re not using that to expose our complicity in this horror, then we’re not doing our job right, and we’re not being moral individuals,” he added.

    Resistance report

    In his report this week, contributing editor Jon Elmer covered the latest resistance news from Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. You can watch segments of his reporting below.

    The Electronic Intifada’s Tamara Nassar produced and directed the program and Maureen Clare Murphy contributed writing and production. Eli Gerzon contributed post-production assistance.

    Past episodes of

    The Electronic Intifada livestream

    can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

    Matt Kennard
    Declassified UK
    United Kingdom

    Day 341: Britain’s outsize role in Israel’s genocide donshafi911September 14, 2024 Day 341: Britain’s outsize role in Israel’s genocide Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada Podcast12 September 2024 If you’re a regular reader of our articles highlighting The Electronic Intifada’s weekly livestream, you might notice a difference this week: There’s no YouTube video. That’s because the Google-owned video and streaming platform imposed a punitive freeze on The Electronic Intifada’s channel for seven days. I’ll say more on that below. But don’t worry, you can still watch the whole program – just not on YouTube. You can watch the recording of this week’s show in the X/Twitter video viewer above, but you’ll need to drag the slider forward to 36 minutes into the video – that’s when the program actually starts. You can also watch it directly on the X/Twitterwebsite or on Facebook. Highlights from the jam-packed program are also embedded throughout this article. You can listen to the program in the SoundCloud player at the bottom of this page. Our headline story was an enlightening conversation with Matt Kennard, of the investigative publication Declassified UK, about Britain’s outsize role in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. We started with a news brief from associate editor Nora Barrows-Friedman covering recent developments in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, including the horrific massacre in al-Mawasi, west of Khan Younis, where Israel dropped massive bombs on refugee tents, killing 40 people, half of whom were totally obliterated. We also talked about Tuesday’s presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, respectively the Democratic and Republican candidates in the United States.Both competed to display more support for Israel, and Harris doubled down on her lies about 7 October mass rapes, fabrications and atrocity propaganda that Israel has used to try to justify its genocide. And we discussed how ABC, Australia’s national broadcaster, has become the first mainstream Western outlet to report extensively on Israel killing its own citizens in large numbers on 7 October – a topic on which The Electronic Intifada has broken many stories, right back to the first days of the genocide. “We can’t say for sure that they’re copying our coverage,” observed associate editor Asa Winstanley, “but they go back to a lot of the same sources.” YouTube censorship A few hours before we were scheduled to go live on 11 September, we received a notification that YouTube had deleted three videos from The Electronic Intifada’s channelclaiming that we had violated their “community guidelines” related to “violent criminal organizations.” Clearly YouTube is not referring to the Israeli army, which is what springs to my mind when I hear that phrase. The videos YouTube removed were in fact months-old livestream segments featuring contributing editor Jon Elmer, explaining and analyzing footage published by resistance organizations in Gaza of combat with Israeli forces. YouTube does not tell us what specifically it objects to, making it very difficult for us to understand how – if it is even possible – to avoid this increasingly draconian and arbitrary censorship. As punishment for doing journalism, YouTube froze our channel for seven days. We are not allowed to post any videos there, and that’s also why we could not broadcast the livestream there. As I said at the start of this week’s program, we completely reject YouTube’s vague accusations: Regular viewers know that The Electronic Intifada provides professional, ethical, responsible and factual journalism and analysis. So we view this action as blatant political censorship. With respect to our livestreams, Jon explained on this week’s show how in every resistance video we air, we edit out any kind of graphic violence, loss of life or injury. Because we understand that speech related to Palestine is a particular target of censorship and suppression, we go above and beyond journalistic and broadcast standards in terms of removing any graphic content. Many other channels post the same videos, but totally unedited, and I am not aware that they are being censored the way we are. Indeed, YouTube insiders have leaked to Wiredthat there has been growing discontent at the company over what the tech publication calls “a pattern of inconsistent moderation of content relating to Israel’s war with Hamas.” “The sources believe management at the world’s most popular video platform have been playing favorites and scrabbling to justify takedowns – or find exceptions to keep content up,” Wired reported in July. Eric Sype, the US national organizer for Haifa-based 7amleh, an organization that monitors internet censorship of Palestinians, told Wired, “We have firsthand experience of YouTube and Google employees telling us that videos clearly inciting violence and racism against Palestinians do not violate the companies policies, while educational videos posted by Palestinian creators have to be age restricted, labeled as graphic, or simply just taken down.” Despite the censorship, The Electronic Intifada will continue to bring our readers and viewers reporting and analysis that they cannot easily get from any other English-language source, documenting a world-historic moment in the struggle for Palestine’s liberation. Our mission is purely educational and journalistic, but the reality of increasing censorship and repression in Western so-called democracies is making journalism – real journalism, not stenography for the government – ever more difficult.But we will remain committed to that mission no matter what. Fortunately, we were able to livestream the program on other platforms – Instagram and Twitch, as well as on X/Twitter and Facebook. Because it is such a dominant video platform, arguably an effective monopoly, we will continue to try to use YouTube to reach as many people as we can. At the same time we will explore broadcasting on additional platforms to try to mitigate the risk we face from censorship. Now, more about this week’s program. Small country, outsize role in genocide Britain supplies weapons to Israel, but the amount is relatively small compared, say, to the United States or Germany. For that reason, some people may think London’s role in Israel’s genocide is less significant. “But it’s a key player in supporting the Israeli war machine through logistics and intelligence,” Matt Kennard told the livestream. And much of that support is channeled through RAF Akrotiri, a sprawling British air force base in Cyprus, just 30 minutes flying time from Gaza. Kennard is the co-founder and head of investigation at Declassified UK, an outlet which focuses on British national security issues. In May, Kennard revealed that the British air force, the RAF, had flown about 200 spy flights over Gaza since December. All operated from RAF Akrotiri. As well as surveillance, Declassified UK’sreporting has also shown that the British government may be supporting Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza more directly. On the ground in Gaza? Getting any information is extremely difficult, however. Weeks into the genocide, as Kennard explained, The Sun reported that the SAS, an elite British military unit, was in Cyprus preparing to “rescue hostages and Brits stranded in Gaza.” Almost immediately, the “D-Notice” committee, a British government body that censors reporting on “national security” matters, issued a directive to publications not to report on SAS activities in Gaza. “So the SAS are likely in Israel,” Kennard said. “And what is likely is that they would have an advisory role with the Israeli military about their ground invasion. But it’s possible that they could be on the ground in Gaza, or could have been at certain points.” According to Kennard, RAF Akrotiri is also a major base for arms transfers. Dozens of military cargo aircraft have flown from the base to Israel since the genocide began. The British government refuses to disclose what they are carrying. And Akrotiri may well have been used by Israel itself. In June, Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah, warned Cyprus that the Lebanese resistance group would respond against the island nation if it allowed Israel to operate from its territory. “The Cypriot government should be warned that opening its airports and bases to the enemy to target Lebanon means it has become part of the war,” Nasrallah said. Nasrallah said that Israeli forces had trained in Cyprus, but he did not specify which facilities they had used. The British bases in the country are not under the direct control of the Cyprus government, but under that of London, as the UK considers them its own sovereign territory – parts of the island Britain retained when it ended its formal colonial rule in 1960. However, according to Kennard, there are indications that Israel itself has used RAF Akrotiri during the genocide. He noted that in February, the Express, a British newspaper, reported that London had withdrawn permission for Israel’s US-built F-35 warplanes to land at Akrotiri until “hostilities” in Gaza end. “​​So the imputation was they previously had that access,” Kennard said, adding that the UK continues to supply parts and servicing for the Israeli F-35s. There have been growing protests by antiwar activists in Cyprus against British and American use of the bases to attack Yemen and to support the genocide in Gaza. Activists in the country have credited Declassified UK with helping uncover the extent of those operations, according to Kennard. Shrinking press freedom We also talked about the growing repression against journalists and activists in the UK, including the years-long imprisonment and persecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, and the recent arrests of Sarah Wilkinson and Richard Medhurst under draconian “anti-terrorism” laws. Kennard was speaking to The Electronic Intifada from Germany and revealed that for the first time in his career he had traveled abroad on a reporting trip without his laptop, as he was concerned by the risk that he might be detained, questioned and have his equipment confiscated on his return to the UK. That has happened recently to other journalists, including Medhurst. Although it is receding, Kennard said, “we still have a degree of freedom.” “So if we’re not using that to expose our complicity in this horror, then we’re not doing our job right, and we’re not being moral individuals,” he added. Resistance report In his report this week, contributing editor Jon Elmer covered the latest resistance news from Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. You can watch segments of his reporting below. The Electronic Intifada’s Tamara Nassar produced and directed the program and Maureen Clare Murphy contributed writing and production. Eli Gerzon contributed post-production assistance. Past episodes of The Electronic Intifada livestream can be viewed on our YouTube channel. livestream Matt Kennard Declassified UK Cyprus United Kingdom censorship YouTube https://telegra.ph/Day-341-Britains-outsize-role-in-Israels-genocide-09-13
    Day 341: Britain’s outsize role in Israel’s genocide
    Day 341: Britain’s outsize role in Israel’s genocide Ali Abunimah The Electronic Intifada Podcast12 September 2024 If you’re a regular reader of our articles highlighting The Electronic Intifada’s weekly livestream, you might notice a difference this week: There’s no YouTube video. That’s because the Google-owned video and streaming platform imposed a punitive freeze on The Electronic Intifada’s channel for seven days. I’ll say more on that below. But don’t worry, you can still watch the whole program – just…
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    *Experiências e Dicas Práticas de Meditação.*
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    📝_São os tesouros que iluminam o caminho da prática diária, transformando o abstrato em experiências vivenciais de profundo impacto..._ . 🙏 *Experiências e Dicas Práticas de Meditação.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vnd4EgYh2Y&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtppZn0DLCJgFAYeSIqUEX17 . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2878 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/76 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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    *A Mente fica limpa de tudo que não é a experiência direta.*
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    📝_Neste estado de clareza cristalina, o passado e o futuro perdem sua influência, e o presente emerge em toda sua intensidade e verdade..._ . 🙏 *A Mente fica limpa de tudo que não é a experiência direta.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4rzCi1wuzc&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtppZn0DLCJgFAYeSIqUEX17 . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2875 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/76 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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    *Estágios e Níveis da Meditação.*
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    📝_Os estágios e níveis da meditação, segundo o Yoga Sutra de Patanjali, são como degraus que nos elevam da ilusão para a verdade absoluta..._ . 🙏 *Estágios e Níveis da Meditação.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJY2Kb7Uix0&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtppZn0DLCJgFAYeSIqUEX17 . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2871 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/76 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo .
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  • _Quando meditamos, o corpo encontra sua quietude, permitindo que as tensões se dissipem e a vitalidade natural floresça. O coração, então, se abre em compaixão e amor, dissolvendo as barreiras entre nós e os outros. A mente se aquieta, cessando o fluxo incessante de pensamentos, e se torna um espelho claro que reflete a verdade do momento presente. O espírito desperta, revelando sua natureza infinita e conectando-nos ao divino..._
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    📝_Quando meditamos, o corpo encontra sua quietude, permitindo que as tensões se dissipem e a vitalidade natural floresça. O coração, então, se abre em compaixão e amor, dissolvendo as barreiras entre nós e os outros. A mente se aquieta, cessando o fluxo incessante de pensamentos, e se torna um espelho claro que reflete a verdade do momento presente. O espírito desperta, revelando sua natureza infinita e conectando-nos ao divino..._ . 🙏 *Meditação é um Processo de Integração.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCzH3hDTDVo&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtppZn0DLCJgFAYeSIqUEX17 . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2868 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/76 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _O Yoga Sutra nos ensina que a Meditação não é apenas uma prática, mas um estado de ser — um estado onde os movimentos turbulentos da mente se aquietam, revelando a luz interior que sempre esteve presente..._
    *Meditação e Yoga Sutra com Diego Koury no Meditantes PodCast #76 com apresentação de Domício Somariva Filho.*
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    📝 _O Yoga Sutra nos ensina que a Meditação não é apenas uma prática, mas um estado de ser — um estado onde os movimentos turbulentos da mente se aquietam, revelando a luz interior que sempre esteve presente..._ . 🙏 *Meditação e Yoga Sutra com Diego Koury no Meditantes PodCast #76 com apresentação de Domício Somariva Filho.* . 🎧 Veja Aqui: 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOENzTVP6hc&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtppZn0DLCJgFAYeSIqUEX17 . 🌏 Meditantes News:👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2864 . 🎧 Playlist do Episodio: 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/76 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _É uma jornada de retorno ao centro, onde o ruído incessante da mente se dissolve em um silêncio profundo e restaurador ..._
    *Meditação para Acalmar o Ego com Meire Yamaguchi.*
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    📝 _É uma jornada de retorno ao centro, onde o ruído incessante da mente se dissolve em um silêncio profundo e restaurador ..._ . 🙏 *Meditação para Acalmar o Ego com Meire Yamaguchi.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgVz-mDxuiE&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtqYoM_7go2GtBT7wGaxGKR0 . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2842 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/75 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _Ele é o sussurro ilusório que nos afasta da verdade e nos prende em um ciclo interminável de desejos insaciáveis e comparações vazias. Nos faz acreditar que somos separados, que precisamos conquistar e controlar para sermos felizes, mas essa busca externa nunca traz a paz que almejamos ..._
    *Não dê ouvidos ao Ego.*
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    #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
    📝 _Ele é o sussurro ilusório que nos afasta da verdade e nos prende em um ciclo interminável de desejos insaciáveis e comparações vazias. Nos faz acreditar que somos separados, que precisamos conquistar e controlar para sermos felizes, mas essa busca externa nunca traz a paz que almejamos ..._ . 🙏 *Não dê ouvidos ao Ego.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3SykL46xrc&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtqYoM_7go2GtBT7wGaxGKR0 . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2838 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/75 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • _É a cura que todos buscamos, o bálsamo que acalma as feridas da alma e nos reconecta com nossa essência verdadeira. Quando a encontramos dentro de nós, ela se torna uma fonte infinita de renovação ..._
    *Paz Interior é Cura.*
    _Veja Aqui:_
    _Meditantes News:_
    _Playlist do Episodio:_
    Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha...
    #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
    📝 _É a cura que todos buscamos, o bálsamo que acalma as feridas da alma e nos reconecta com nossa essência verdadeira. Quando a encontramos dentro de nós, ela se torna uma fonte infinita de renovação ..._ . 🙏 *Paz Interior é Cura.* . 🎧 _Veja Aqui:_ 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBlKfEgt-xI&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtqYoM_7go2GtBT7wGaxGKR0 . 🌏 _Meditantes News:_👇 https://meditantes.com.br/news/?p=2834 . 🎧 _Playlist do Episodio:_ 👇 http://meditantes.com.br/podcast/75 . . Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha... . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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  • Kamala vs. Trump: Who is More Zionist? - VT Foreign Policy
    September 3, 2024

    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    I am in personal distress. I am an ethnically cleansed Arab-American and the country of my citizenship is funding the ethnic cleansing of our family in Palestine. Many of my cousins and American friends feel the stress each day and, frankly, feel helpless.

    We are looking for answers; for heroes to help us and our families. But all we get is a few tin words from Kamala and a middle finger from the vulgar Trump.

    In our distress, many Arab Americans are beyond offended by the Biden Administration’s actions against Palestinians. In Gaza, they are openly murdering civilians including children and no one is stopping the Americans and Israeli’s.

    In Michigan, which has the most Arab-American voters, the two parties are concerned they will lose those votes and so they are trying to pretend they care about Palestinians; at least for the next 2 months. But we all know that is bullshit. So who should Arab-Americans or any Americans vote for that care for helpless millions of people stuck in the Israeli controlled Gaza concentration camps funded by the US Government?

    The short answer is …

    It does NOT matter! They both equally suck! So stop pretending one is better than the other because there is NO difference! Period!

    The USA is pro-Israel and has been its greatest ally since 1945. Period! End of Story! So if any of you are expecting the USA, the chief funding source for the Euro-Western Outpost in the Middle East commonly known as Israel, to be sympathetic towards Palestinians and the indigenous peoples of the area, well, I refer you to “Chief Always Getting Bullshitted” who now lives on a reservation, whatever the fuck that means.

    In fact, from 1778 to 1871, the United States government entered into more than 500 treaties with the Native American tribes; all of these treaties have since been violated in some way or outright broken by the U.S. government, with Native Americans and First Nations peoples still fighting for their treaty rights. This is how the USA and Israel do their business. And if you were unaware of this reality, then that’s on you.

    Okay, so now you know… stop depending on the USA to save Palestine! And vote your conscience despite the USA policy towards Israel because it matters not! The USA is the problem, not the solution! Wake Up McFly! Anybody Home! Think McMfly Think!

    Never mind the Back To The Future references, if you still think one of these political animals will save Palestine, then let’s take a deeper look at Kamala vs. Trump.

    Then US President Donald Trump getting his balls buttered as he awards Israeli Billionaire Zionist Miriam Adelson with the US Medal of Freedom during a ceremony at the White House in Washington, November 16, 2018. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
    Comparing the foreign policy positions of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump regarding Israel reveals distinct approaches that reflect their broader political ideologies and party affiliations.

    Both figures have prioritized the U.S.-Israel relationship but have different perspectives on how to maintain and enhance this alliance.

    Below is a comparison of their views and policies on key issues related to Israel:

    U.S.-Israel Relationship

    Donald Trump: During his presidency, Trump adopted a staunchly pro-Israel stance, which was seen as a significant departure from the more balanced approach of his predecessors. Trump’s policies were characterized by a strong personal rapport with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a commitment to solidifying the U.S.-Israel strategic partnership. This included moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. These actions were celebrated by many in Israel and by pro-Israel groups in the United States but drew criticism from some international actors and U.S. political figures who argued they could undermine peace efforts with the Palestinians.

    Kamala Harris: Vice President Harris, aligned with the broader Democratic stance, emphasizes a strong commitment to Israel’s security while also giving the typical same ole bullshit lip service pretending to advocate for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Harris has voiced her support for Israel’s right to defend itself and has reiterated the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship. However, unlike Trump, her position emphasizes diplomacy and engagement with both Israel and the Palestinian Authority to achieve a peaceful resolution. Harris supports keeping the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem but has been more cautious about unilateral actions that could exacerbate tensions in the region.

    Bibi letting Kamala know where she stands in the scheme of global power!
    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Donald Trump: Trump’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was one-sided, favoring Israeli positions. Period! The only thing Trump hides is his head up Bibi’s ass. His administration’s “Peace to Prosperity” plan, unveiled in early 2020, proposed a two-state solution but was criticized for heavily favoring Israeli security needs and territorial claims. The plan included provisions for Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank, which many Palestinians and international observers viewed as detrimental to the prospects of a viable Palestinian state. Trump’s administration also cut aid to the Palestinians and closed the Palestine Liberation Organization’s office in Washington, D.C.

    Kamala Harris: Harris says she supports a two-state solution and has expressed concern about actions that could undermine this goal, such as settlement expansion in the West Bank. But everyone in the world knows that’s bullshit. It is the same ole words since 1945. Means nothing because the actions are the actions. Harris and the Biden administration say they advocate for renewed diplomatic engagement and have restored aid to the Palestinians that was cut under Trump. Harris emphasizes the need for direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians and has called for both sides to avoid unilateral measures that would make peace more difficult to achieve. Her approach tends to be more balanced, aiming to consider both Israeli security concerns and Palestinian aspirations. But in the end, it’s all 100% Israel and everyone knows it.

    Normalization of Relations with Arab States

    Donald Trump: A significant foreign policy achievement for Trump was the facilitation of normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab states, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, known collectively as the Abraham Accords. These agreements marked a shift in Middle Eastern dynamics, promoting economic cooperation and reducing isolation for Israel in the region. Trump’s administration positioned these accords as a pathway to broader peace in the Middle East by changing the regional order and shifting focus away from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Kamala Harris: Harris has expressed support for the Abraham Accords and views them as a positive development for regional stability and economic cooperation. The Biden administration has continued to endorse these normalization efforts and looks to build on them. However, Harris also underscores that while normalization between Israel and Arab states is important, it should not come at the expense of addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She believes that a comprehensive peace in the Middle East must include a viable solution for both Israelis and Palestinians.

    Iran and Regional Security

    Donald Trump: Trump took a hardline stance against Iran, withdrawing from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, which he criticized as flawed and insufficient. His administration imposed stringent sanctions on Iran, aiming to pressure Tehran into renegotiating a more stringent agreement that also addressed ballistic missile development and regional influence. Trump’s policies aligned closely with Israeli security concerns regarding Iran’s influence and nuclear capabilities.

    Kamala Harris: Harris, as part of the Biden administration, supports re-engaging with Iran to limit its nuclear program while addressing broader regional security concerns. This includes a potential return to the JCPOA, provided Iran returns to compliance with its nuclear commitments. Harris’s approach is more focused on diplomacy and multilateral efforts to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions and stabilize the region. While Harris shares concerns about Iran’s behavior in the Middle East, her strategy emphasizes a coordinated international response rather than unilateral sanctions.

    A man reacts as Palestinians search for casualties a day after Israeli strikes on houses in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip. American politicians don’t care, period! They are funders of murder and death! Period!
    Human Rights and Democracy Promotion

    Donald Trump: Human rights and democracy promotion in relation to Israel and the Palestinian territories were not primary focal points of Trump’s Middle East policy. His administration often overlooked concerns about human rights violations or democratic backsliding in favor of strategic and security interests. Trump’s administration was criticized for not addressing issues like Israeli settlement expansion or Palestinian rights adequately, focusing instead on bolstering strategic alliances.

    Kamala Harris: Harris places more emphasis on human rights and democracy as integral components of U.S. foreign policy. She supports continued military aid to Israel but with a focus on ensuring that such aid is consistent with human rights standards. Harris has called for accountability on all sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has advocated for measures that support peace, security, and human rights. She believes that promoting democratic values is key to achieving long-term peace and stability in the region.


    The foreign policy positions of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump regarding Israel reflect their broader ideological differences and priorities. Trump’s approach was characterized by strong, unilateral support for Israeli government policies, emphasizing security and regional realignment.

    In contrast, Harris advocates for a more balanced approach that maintains strong support for Israel while emphasizing diplomacy, human rights, and a commitment to a two-state solution. Both approaches aim to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations but differ significantly in their strategies for achieving peace and stability in the Middle East. And both are 100% pro-Israel. They simply do NOT care how many Palestinians get murdered by their bombs. It means nothing to American Politicians. Period!

    So Mister Arab-American looking for a hero to save Palestinian peoples, look somewhere else cause Kamala and Trump won’t save anyone! This is a big power business and you’re nobody to them!

    The US has been the chief funder of colonialism in Palestine since 1945

    Here are some references that can be used to substantiate the comparisons between the foreign policy positions of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump regarding Israel:

    1. U.S.-Israel Relationship

    Trump’s pro-Israel stance and key policy actions:
    “Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and orders U.S. embassy to move,” The Washington Post, December 6, 2017.
    “Trump officially recognizes Golan Heights as Israeli territory,” BBC News, March 25, 2019.
    Kamala Harris’s views and actions related to Israel:
    “Kamala Harris: U.S. will never let Iran acquire nuclear weapon,” The Times of Israel, March 1, 2021.
    “Kamala Harris affirms US support for Israel, commitment to two-state solution in call with Netanyahu,” The Hill, November 30, 2020.
    2. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Trump’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process:
    “Trump’s Israel-Palestine ‘peace plan’ grants Israel most of what it wants, including settlements and Jerusalem,” Vox, January 28, 2020.
    “Trump cuts $200 million in aid to Palestinians,” Reuters, August 24, 2018.
    Harris’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:
    “Kamala Harris reiterates support for two-state solution in call with Netanyahu,” Haaretz, November 30, 2020.
    “Biden administration to restore US aid to Palestinians, including for UNRWA,” The Guardian, April 7, 2021.
    3. Normalization of Relations with Arab States

    Trump and the Abraham Accords:
    “What are the Abraham Accords? The significance of UAE, Bahrain, Israel deals,” Al Jazeera, September 15, 2020.
    “Morocco joins the Abraham Accords, becoming the fourth country to normalize relations with Israel,” The New York Times, December 10, 2020.
    Kamala Harris and her support for normalization agreements:
    “Kamala Harris supports Israel normalization deals, two-state solution,” Jerusalem Post, August 12, 2020.
    “Biden and Harris to continue pushing Arab-Israel normalization efforts,” Middle East Eye, October 29, 2020.
    4. Iran and Regional Security

    Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal:
    “Trump abandons Iran nuclear deal he long scorned,” The New York Times, May 8, 2018.
    “U.S. reimposes all Iran sanctions lifted under Obama nuclear deal,” Reuters, November 5, 2018.
    Harris’s support for diplomatic engagement with Iran:
    “Kamala Harris on Iran: ‘The Biden-Harris administration will seek to re-enter the JCPOA’,” The National Interest, August 2020.
    “Harris supports Biden’s commitment to diplomacy with Iran,” The Times of Israel, March 1, 2021.
    5. Human Rights and Democracy Promotion

    Human rights and Trump’s foreign policy:
    “Trump’s foreign policy record: The good, the bad, and the ugly,” Brookings Institution, January 19, 2021.
    “Trump’s record on human rights,” Human Rights Watch, January 2020.
    Harris’s focus on human rights and democracy:
    “Kamala Harris: US will stand up for human rights and democratic principles,” The Times of Israel, March 1, 2021.
    “Harris tells AIPAC Biden administration will keep aid to Israel with no strings attached,” Haaretz, March 2, 2020.
    Johnny Punish
    Johnny Punish founded VT in 2004. After 20 years at the helm, he “retired” from the daily operations in late 2023 passing the ball over to the new owner of VT, Chief Justin Time. He now writes for VT as “Writer Emeritus”. He is also a global citizen eco-activist, visionary, musician, artist, entertainer, businessman, investor, life coach, podcast host, and syndicated columnist.

    Punish is an ethnically cleansed Palestinian-American whose maternal family was evicted from their home in Haifa, Palestine in 1948. He is also the founder and owner of Global Thinkers, a freedom media for free minds.

    Resources: Facebook – YouTube – Apple Music – SoundCloud – Spotify – X (Twitter)

    Read Johnny’s Full Bio at JohnnyPunish.com >>>



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    Kamala vs. Trump: Who is More Zionist? - VT Foreign Policy September 3, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. I am in personal distress. I am an ethnically cleansed Arab-American and the country of my citizenship is funding the ethnic cleansing of our family in Palestine. Many of my cousins and American friends feel the stress each day and, frankly, feel helpless. We are looking for answers; for heroes to help us and our families. But all we get is a few tin words from Kamala and a middle finger from the vulgar Trump. In our distress, many Arab Americans are beyond offended by the Biden Administration’s actions against Palestinians. In Gaza, they are openly murdering civilians including children and no one is stopping the Americans and Israeli’s. In Michigan, which has the most Arab-American voters, the two parties are concerned they will lose those votes and so they are trying to pretend they care about Palestinians; at least for the next 2 months. But we all know that is bullshit. So who should Arab-Americans or any Americans vote for that care for helpless millions of people stuck in the Israeli controlled Gaza concentration camps funded by the US Government? The short answer is … It does NOT matter! They both equally suck! So stop pretending one is better than the other because there is NO difference! Period! The USA is pro-Israel and has been its greatest ally since 1945. Period! End of Story! So if any of you are expecting the USA, the chief funding source for the Euro-Western Outpost in the Middle East commonly known as Israel, to be sympathetic towards Palestinians and the indigenous peoples of the area, well, I refer you to “Chief Always Getting Bullshitted” who now lives on a reservation, whatever the fuck that means. In fact, from 1778 to 1871, the United States government entered into more than 500 treaties with the Native American tribes; all of these treaties have since been violated in some way or outright broken by the U.S. government, with Native Americans and First Nations peoples still fighting for their treaty rights. This is how the USA and Israel do their business. And if you were unaware of this reality, then that’s on you. Okay, so now you know… stop depending on the USA to save Palestine! And vote your conscience despite the USA policy towards Israel because it matters not! The USA is the problem, not the solution! Wake Up McFly! Anybody Home! Think McMfly Think! Never mind the Back To The Future references, if you still think one of these political animals will save Palestine, then let’s take a deeper look at Kamala vs. Trump. Then US President Donald Trump getting his balls buttered as he awards Israeli Billionaire Zionist Miriam Adelson with the US Medal of Freedom during a ceremony at the White House in Washington, November 16, 2018. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Comparing the foreign policy positions of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump regarding Israel reveals distinct approaches that reflect their broader political ideologies and party affiliations. Both figures have prioritized the U.S.-Israel relationship but have different perspectives on how to maintain and enhance this alliance. Below is a comparison of their views and policies on key issues related to Israel: U.S.-Israel Relationship Donald Trump: During his presidency, Trump adopted a staunchly pro-Israel stance, which was seen as a significant departure from the more balanced approach of his predecessors. Trump’s policies were characterized by a strong personal rapport with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a commitment to solidifying the U.S.-Israel strategic partnership. This included moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. These actions were celebrated by many in Israel and by pro-Israel groups in the United States but drew criticism from some international actors and U.S. political figures who argued they could undermine peace efforts with the Palestinians. Kamala Harris: Vice President Harris, aligned with the broader Democratic stance, emphasizes a strong commitment to Israel’s security while also giving the typical same ole bullshit lip service pretending to advocate for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Harris has voiced her support for Israel’s right to defend itself and has reiterated the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship. However, unlike Trump, her position emphasizes diplomacy and engagement with both Israel and the Palestinian Authority to achieve a peaceful resolution. Harris supports keeping the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem but has been more cautious about unilateral actions that could exacerbate tensions in the region. Bibi letting Kamala know where she stands in the scheme of global power! Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Donald Trump: Trump’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was one-sided, favoring Israeli positions. Period! The only thing Trump hides is his head up Bibi’s ass. His administration’s “Peace to Prosperity” plan, unveiled in early 2020, proposed a two-state solution but was criticized for heavily favoring Israeli security needs and territorial claims. The plan included provisions for Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank, which many Palestinians and international observers viewed as detrimental to the prospects of a viable Palestinian state. Trump’s administration also cut aid to the Palestinians and closed the Palestine Liberation Organization’s office in Washington, D.C. Kamala Harris: Harris says she supports a two-state solution and has expressed concern about actions that could undermine this goal, such as settlement expansion in the West Bank. But everyone in the world knows that’s bullshit. It is the same ole words since 1945. Means nothing because the actions are the actions. Harris and the Biden administration say they advocate for renewed diplomatic engagement and have restored aid to the Palestinians that was cut under Trump. Harris emphasizes the need for direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians and has called for both sides to avoid unilateral measures that would make peace more difficult to achieve. Her approach tends to be more balanced, aiming to consider both Israeli security concerns and Palestinian aspirations. But in the end, it’s all 100% Israel and everyone knows it. Normalization of Relations with Arab States Donald Trump: A significant foreign policy achievement for Trump was the facilitation of normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab states, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, known collectively as the Abraham Accords. These agreements marked a shift in Middle Eastern dynamics, promoting economic cooperation and reducing isolation for Israel in the region. Trump’s administration positioned these accords as a pathway to broader peace in the Middle East by changing the regional order and shifting focus away from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Kamala Harris: Harris has expressed support for the Abraham Accords and views them as a positive development for regional stability and economic cooperation. The Biden administration has continued to endorse these normalization efforts and looks to build on them. However, Harris also underscores that while normalization between Israel and Arab states is important, it should not come at the expense of addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She believes that a comprehensive peace in the Middle East must include a viable solution for both Israelis and Palestinians. Iran and Regional Security Donald Trump: Trump took a hardline stance against Iran, withdrawing from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, which he criticized as flawed and insufficient. His administration imposed stringent sanctions on Iran, aiming to pressure Tehran into renegotiating a more stringent agreement that also addressed ballistic missile development and regional influence. Trump’s policies aligned closely with Israeli security concerns regarding Iran’s influence and nuclear capabilities. Kamala Harris: Harris, as part of the Biden administration, supports re-engaging with Iran to limit its nuclear program while addressing broader regional security concerns. This includes a potential return to the JCPOA, provided Iran returns to compliance with its nuclear commitments. Harris’s approach is more focused on diplomacy and multilateral efforts to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions and stabilize the region. While Harris shares concerns about Iran’s behavior in the Middle East, her strategy emphasizes a coordinated international response rather than unilateral sanctions. A man reacts as Palestinians search for casualties a day after Israeli strikes on houses in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip. American politicians don’t care, period! They are funders of murder and death! Period! Human Rights and Democracy Promotion Donald Trump: Human rights and democracy promotion in relation to Israel and the Palestinian territories were not primary focal points of Trump’s Middle East policy. His administration often overlooked concerns about human rights violations or democratic backsliding in favor of strategic and security interests. Trump’s administration was criticized for not addressing issues like Israeli settlement expansion or Palestinian rights adequately, focusing instead on bolstering strategic alliances. Kamala Harris: Harris places more emphasis on human rights and democracy as integral components of U.S. foreign policy. She supports continued military aid to Israel but with a focus on ensuring that such aid is consistent with human rights standards. Harris has called for accountability on all sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has advocated for measures that support peace, security, and human rights. She believes that promoting democratic values is key to achieving long-term peace and stability in the region. Conclusion The foreign policy positions of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump regarding Israel reflect their broader ideological differences and priorities. Trump’s approach was characterized by strong, unilateral support for Israeli government policies, emphasizing security and regional realignment. In contrast, Harris advocates for a more balanced approach that maintains strong support for Israel while emphasizing diplomacy, human rights, and a commitment to a two-state solution. Both approaches aim to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations but differ significantly in their strategies for achieving peace and stability in the Middle East. And both are 100% pro-Israel. They simply do NOT care how many Palestinians get murdered by their bombs. It means nothing to American Politicians. Period! So Mister Arab-American looking for a hero to save Palestinian peoples, look somewhere else cause Kamala and Trump won’t save anyone! This is a big power business and you’re nobody to them! The US has been the chief funder of colonialism in Palestine since 1945 References Here are some references that can be used to substantiate the comparisons between the foreign policy positions of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump regarding Israel: 1. U.S.-Israel Relationship Trump’s pro-Israel stance and key policy actions: “Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and orders U.S. embassy to move,” The Washington Post, December 6, 2017. “Trump officially recognizes Golan Heights as Israeli territory,” BBC News, March 25, 2019. Kamala Harris’s views and actions related to Israel: “Kamala Harris: U.S. will never let Iran acquire nuclear weapon,” The Times of Israel, March 1, 2021. “Kamala Harris affirms US support for Israel, commitment to two-state solution in call with Netanyahu,” The Hill, November 30, 2020. 2. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Trump’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process: “Trump’s Israel-Palestine ‘peace plan’ grants Israel most of what it wants, including settlements and Jerusalem,” Vox, January 28, 2020. “Trump cuts $200 million in aid to Palestinians,” Reuters, August 24, 2018. Harris’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: “Kamala Harris reiterates support for two-state solution in call with Netanyahu,” Haaretz, November 30, 2020. “Biden administration to restore US aid to Palestinians, including for UNRWA,” The Guardian, April 7, 2021. 3. Normalization of Relations with Arab States Trump and the Abraham Accords: “What are the Abraham Accords? The significance of UAE, Bahrain, Israel deals,” Al Jazeera, September 15, 2020. “Morocco joins the Abraham Accords, becoming the fourth country to normalize relations with Israel,” The New York Times, December 10, 2020. Kamala Harris and her support for normalization agreements: “Kamala Harris supports Israel normalization deals, two-state solution,” Jerusalem Post, August 12, 2020. “Biden and Harris to continue pushing Arab-Israel normalization efforts,” Middle East Eye, October 29, 2020. 4. Iran and Regional Security Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal: “Trump abandons Iran nuclear deal he long scorned,” The New York Times, May 8, 2018. “U.S. reimposes all Iran sanctions lifted under Obama nuclear deal,” Reuters, November 5, 2018. Harris’s support for diplomatic engagement with Iran: “Kamala Harris on Iran: ‘The Biden-Harris administration will seek to re-enter the JCPOA’,” The National Interest, August 2020. “Harris supports Biden’s commitment to diplomacy with Iran,” The Times of Israel, March 1, 2021. 5. Human Rights and Democracy Promotion Human rights and Trump’s foreign policy: “Trump’s foreign policy record: The good, the bad, and the ugly,” Brookings Institution, January 19, 2021. “Trump’s record on human rights,” Human Rights Watch, January 2020. Harris’s focus on human rights and democracy: “Kamala Harris: US will stand up for human rights and democratic principles,” The Times of Israel, March 1, 2021. “Harris tells AIPAC Biden administration will keep aid to Israel with no strings attached,” Haaretz, March 2, 2020. Johnny Punish Johnny Punish founded VT in 2004. After 20 years at the helm, he “retired” from the daily operations in late 2023 passing the ball over to the new owner of VT, Chief Justin Time. He now writes for VT as “Writer Emeritus”. He is also a global citizen eco-activist, visionary, musician, artist, entertainer, businessman, investor, life coach, podcast host, and syndicated columnist. Punish is an ethnically cleansed Palestinian-American whose maternal family was evicted from their home in Haifa, Palestine in 1948. He is also the founder and owner of Global Thinkers, a freedom media for free minds. Resources: Facebook – YouTube – Apple Music – SoundCloud – Spotify – X (Twitter) Read Johnny’s Full Bio at JohnnyPunish.com >>> www.johnnypunish.com ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/09/kamala-vs-trump-who-is-more-zionist/
    Kamala vs. Trump: Who is More Zionist?
    Author Johnny Punish compares the foreign policy positions of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in regards to Israel and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homes
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