• Physician, Heal Thyself
    The intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical benefits I'm experiencing as I embark on a radical healing journey

    Dr. Syed Haider


    My health issues

    How to change course

    Your disease isn’t your real problem, it’s the solution. You are your real problem.

    Pain is the most important message

    5 week interim results

    Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast

    My full protocol will shock you

    Actually, this is the shortcut … seriously

    I’ve been sick a long time. But sick in the way most people nowadays are sick, i.e. not really thinking of myself as sick. “I’m healthy!”, we all insist. And we believe it unless someone scratches beneath the surface. Then a laundry list of “minor” complaints often spills out.

    Now, I have to say before we go any further that it is actually better not to think of oneself as “sick.” Those who think they’re fine do much better in terms of morbidity and mortality than those who think they’re not, regardless of the medical “facts.” That’s because of one of the main points we hope to make in this article, that diseases aren’t necessarily harmful to people. They’re just messages and maneuvers after all (more on exactly what that means shortly).

    It’s usually the interventions upon interventions upon interventions that hurt you. As well as the toxic nocebo effects of associating with well-meaning doctors who don’t actually know much about the body, why it manifests disease, or how to cure it.

    My “Messages”

    As for me: I was significantly overweight with some mild psoriasis, chronically constipated, had weirdly weak urine flow without prostate problems, suffered occasional reflux, occasional insomnia, got angry and irritable often, couldn’t control my sweet tooth, recently began feeling a small umbilical (belly button) hernia developing, had mild brain fog (e.g. occasional word finding difficulty) that’s been very mildly worsening for years now, and had a lot of difficulty changing myself in ways I wanted to change.

    I had a few signs most people wouldn’t even know are indicators of ill-health like skin tags and a few lipomas, which may indicate insulin resistance (which 99% of people likely have in the modern west). Ridges on my nails which likely indicate a micronutrient deficiency. Developing bags under my eyes that could indicate stress on the liver detox pathways. Beard quickly turning gray during the pandemic, which certainly indicated a lot of stress (I was working 15 hour days for months in a row at one point). Plaque that rapidly built up and remained on my teeth despite regular brushing that indicates a disruption of the oral microbiome.

    Most people will surprise themselves if they sit down and list out everything they can think of. It might even take a couple days as some things have become so normalized you don’t even think of them anymore. If you had fast forwarded from 10 to 40+ in a few days it would have been shockingly dismaying and would likely have either led to despair or determination - i.e. to fix yourself up ASAP and no matter what. But we don’t fast forward through the slowly-boiling-frog stage. It takes decades, so we just accept early aging, unnecessary dysfunction and an untimely death.

    Changing Course

    Changing course requires two necessities: 1. discovering there is another option that you’re convinced will work, and 2. finding the motivation to implement it.

    There is another option. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. My partner Hakim Shabaz has implemented it with 100s of patients (mostly those about to die since it is so demanding), and quite impressively on himself. He went from being in his early 30s and looking like he was going on 50, to actually going on 50, but looking like he’s in his early 30s. Along the way his health radically improved in myriad ways.

    Finding motivation. This is trickier, but relates to number 1.

    Motivation to do something requires belief that it will work. Belief requires education and perhaps most importantly avoiding miseducation (or deprogramming from it). Miseducation is all around us all the time. Nearly every time you interface with the world you’re misinformed in some way, because the very paradigm of reality that everyone uses as the basis of everything they think, say and do, is way off. This is particularly obvious and harmful when speaking to anyone in the modern medical system about anything. None of them understand the first thing about disease (see next section).

    Once you begin to believe, you still have to strengthen your belief. This means continuing to expose yourself to information that affirms it, and avoid information that detracts from it.

    As your belief grows you continually remind yourself of the tremendous benefits of implementing what is admittedly a somewhat difficult lifestyle overhaul that will continue for months, but will pay dividends not only for the rest of your natural earthly life, but into all of eternity.

    Pray and plead for that lightbulb moment that is so rare, and powerful, when suddenly you feel the hand of fate reach down and nudge you onto a different course.

    Once the moment arrives, commit wholeheartedly and stay the course without “cheating,” which has led to the utter failure of so many people who were finally headed in the right direction. It can literally take years to come up with the motivation to try again. Ask those who’ve been there, like me. Learn from my mistakes as well as those of others, as well as your own.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    The First Thing About Disease

    This is why you avoid “healthcare” like the plague.

    Because, honestly, it’s not even what most people who are “awake” have started calling it, i.e. “Disease Care”.

    It’s actually Disease Producing.

    The first thing to know about disease is that what you see is not your problem. It’s usually the solution to your problem.

    Disease is at least two things: 1. a message and 2. a maneuver.

    It’s a message in at least two possible ways: direct and indirect.

    A direct message means that there’s a physical toxin and/or pathogen in some tissue of your body, and your immune system is fighting it off, rooting it out, which creates symptoms. Just as if criminals had taken your family hostage and a SWAT team had to come save them. They might try negotiating at first, but if things escalate and there’s no other choice they kick down your door and go capture or kill the bad guys. If you systematically refuse to allow SWAT to take care of these situations then criminals will start doing the same to more and more families throughout the city. Eventually other crime will explode as well. Lawlessness will reign and eventually you may have to bring in the military to get it under control. If you then prevent the military from doing the job, eventually you may have a full on revolution. If you still prevent the military from stepping in you lose the city, state or even the entire country.

    An indirect message means that there’s an emotional root cause issue, like childhood trauma that may be manifesting as an allergic disorder triggered by usually harmless items like common foods. In both cases the body isn’t making any mistakes, it’s responding appropriately to help you deal with the real root cause of your problem, which is hurting you physically or emotionally.

    It’s a maneuver in that the symptoms and signs themselves are helpful in mitigating the harm from the underlying root cause. Lab work which is almost universally misunderstood by modern medical practitioners and patients offers many examples. High ferritin levels, the storage form of iron, are usually due to inflammation or infection. So the high ferritin is not a problem to be fixed in and of itself. Many pathogens can make use of iron to hurt you, so the body locks it away from them, which raises ferritin. If you somehow force your body to lower ferritin, it would just make matters worse as you would be less well equipped to fight off the invading force. Out of range lab values are just secondary signs of your body doing the best possible thing for you in the situation you’re in. Reversing the helpful reaction to your problem may help with certain symptoms like fatigue due to anemia from low iron, but it doesn’t help you in the medium or long term, it only ends up harming you far more as the underlying problem proliferates and comes back to bite you harder.

    So, both mainstream and almost all of alternative medicine are way off-base and really just a false dichotomy. They both assume the body is doing the wrong thing because it's either broken or confused. It's not either. It's your first, best, and often only real physician.

    You have to get to the underlying, deeper layer of causes which are not physical or energetic, they’re psycho-spiritual, and they manifests the physical means of disease-making superficial physical causes like toxins, pathogens and lack of nutrients through the energetic weakening that is manifested in your physical organs, by depleting those organs of nutrients and making them susceptible to invasion by toxins and pathogens that cause disease.

    Which again is not a bad thing, because it's just a message pointing you in the direction of your real problem.

    Pain is Good

    Pain is the most important message, because it protects you from what would harm you which is another way of saying it keeps you alive. Because what harms in small quantities, kills in large doses. You can get a large dose all at once, or have it build up over the decades until it finally finishes you off, which is what happens to most people.

    Pain will begin as mild discomfort. A bit of reflux, occasional constipation, some rough menstrual periods, random headaches, mild allergies, etc.

    If you understand what’s going on you’ll pay attention, not cover it up with symptomatic medications, address the deeper root cause issues and get back on the right track.

    Pain is meant to course correct you.

    If you took off on a trans-Atlantic voyage with the right heading, but then you never again checked your instruments to be sure you were still on the right course, you might end up in South Africa instead of the south of France.

    Pain is feedback from your body and soul. It means you’re headed the wrong way. Check your instruments and get back on track.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    The Real Roots of Disease

    Consciousness comes first, and it manifests the physical world. Consciousness has a connection to the Divine, a sense that there’s something greater than itself, an ultimate creative force. Consciousness has various other aspects of itself like the ability to believe certain things about reality, be motivated to do things for itself, the ability to plan, the ability to feel emotions, the ability to balance the needs of disparate parts of itself, and finally the ability to manifest its various parts as energy and ultimately physical substance.

    Different “higher” aspects of self relate to different parts of the energetic and physical body. The heart balances between the organs. The liver relates to anger. The kidneys to fear.

    As mentioned above, when these or other emotions are imbalanced they place strain on their respective organs. Over time that strain wears down the organs, and as they get worn down they become less able to do their particular jobs. The organs also become less able to protect themselves from the buildup of toxins and from unusual proliferation of our own microbiome or invasion by foreign pathogens. The microbiome includes not only bacteria, but fungi, viruses, and may even include some parasites in some people. Fungi are nature’s toxin cleanup crews. They do the same inside our own bodies. When toxins build up they proliferate to bind, sequester and protect our tissues from them. Various other elements of the microbiome have their own reasons to proliferate on our behalf. Beneficial bacteria for example often aid tremendously in fighting off foreign pathogenic bacteria, something that might become necessary when the immune system within a particular tissue can no longer do its job adequately. The not so downside to all these maneuvers is that there will often be some uncomfortable side effects, or pain signals sent because of them.

    Focus on the Meaning of the Message

    To understand how to reverse disease and get truly healthy again, we have to know what not to do first.

    We can’t just focus on the superficial symptoms and signs.

    Everyone who's studied anything about alternative health probably understands that to some extent, but what most don’t understand is just how many things fall under the superficial category.

    Really everything physical is superficial, including all those “risk factors” that you’re warned about and urged to “control” like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, insulin resistance, obesity, and even “stress” itself.

    None of these are root causes.

    There’s really only one root cause.

    You are the root cause of not only all your illnesses, but of all your problems in life.

    You have to fix you before it’s too late.

    What that means is that imbalance at some level of your being will always be manifested as a problem of some sort in your life. As above, so below, as within, so without. This is a law of reality that must be manifested if our existence is to have any meaning. The purpose of existence is to better know ourselves, and thereby the Divine reality and incrementally perfect ourselves in order to draw nearer to it. The universe itself only manifests what we need in order for us to do so, which means it shows us our own faults in order that we may correct them.

    If we tend to be too angry, the universe and everything within it will respond to us in a certain way that will reveal that that excessive anger is a problem - e.g. by giving us various symptoms stemming from some form of liver dysfunction (or its downstream effects on other organs), or making our lives much more difficult than they would otherwise be.

    We may struggle to deal with the anger until perhaps we realize it’s actually based on fear of being harmed and lashing out against that perceived threat to protect ourselves.

    And we may struggle to deal with that fear until perhaps we realize that it’s based on a misconception about the nature of the universe and what’s in it, believing that what is manifested within it is even capable of harming or benefiting us of its own accord.

    At a more practical level, most people are afraid of other people, until they realize that those other people aren’t actually out to get them. That the threat they perceive from others is just a reflection of their own selves. That the sullen expressions or scowls they notice on other’s faces are just a reflection of their own expressions and feelings. What’s underneath the surface of others is ultimately a mystery but assuming the best of them produces the best interactions and outcomes.


    How to Heal

    Some animals just sit there like plants and whatever they need from the world comes to them. They don’t lift a finger or move an inch, yet they eat, drink and procreate. These strange creatures include sponges, anemones, corals, barnacles, and sea squirts (yes, these are all classified as animals).

    coral reef
    Coral is a strange animal
    Despite what you may think, human beings may also be numbered among them, though it’s certainly not our natural state.

    We’re meant to be creatures of action, and action is required for us to grow and change. Our spiritual, mental and emotional sides are deeply entwined with our energetic and physical bodies. What moves one, moves the other. And we’re the ones that move both. However it’s easier to move the physical than it is the energetic, emotional or intellectual. We can’t simply drift in the waves of this world and expect to do any meaningful work on our thoughts, emotions, and spirit. Interacting with others and with the events of our lives is what reveals us to ourselves. Changing how we interact is what shows us that we’ve actually grown and aren’t just fooling ourselves into thinking that we have. You can weep and beg forgiveness in the middle of the night for what you did wrong, but the only way to know for certain that you’ve actually changed is to be in a similar situation again and find out if you commit the same misdeed you did before.

    So the way to change is to do something different that you’re sure will work and keep score so you can’t lie to yourself.

    That’s why the first step in a real healing protocol is to get a plan of action from someone who really knows what they’re doing and can help you heal anything (that’s my own teacher and practice partner Hakim Shabaz, click below to learn more).

    My 5 Week Results

    Strangely enough right from day one I noticed a big improvement in mood, reactivity, and irritability. I was suddenly able to make headway on self-improvement, such as keeping score against myself in order to stop getting selfishly angry, i.e. stop acting like a spoiled 2 year old brat whenever things didn’t go my way. This must have been a placebo-type effect linked to finally deciding to make long overdue, big, hard, sustained changes - I committed to doing it strictly for at least 2 months straight (ensuring there would be no travel plans during that time necessitating skipping key protocol components).

    My skin started clearing up immediately and I started losing weight, which continued throughout at a rapid rate of about 0.7 pounds per day, for a total of about 25 pounds, which brought me down into the normal BMI range for the first time in years. My teeth felt much cleaner within days, almost all the plaque disappearing.

    Redness in my face went away quickly. I have a few patches of psoriasis which became 95% less inflamed and almost stopped scaling entirely within days.

    After a couple weeks the largest skin tag suddenly got inflamed, swelled and was tender for a couple days, then promptly shriveled up and just fell off. A week later a smaller one did the same. Around the same time I passed some roundworms and then started seeing the liver flukes in every bowel movement / enema (they look like floating white date pits, or thin cloves of garlic 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch long).

    These are the liver flukes. Mine all look whitish like the one on top.
    After 3 weeks I realized I was also probably passing hydatid cysts.

    (If instead of doing all that I had been impatient and just taken some anti-parasitic medication I might have killed so many parasites so fast that my small intestine and gallbladder may have become blocked requiring hospitalization and even surgery.)

    In the 3rd or 4th week I noticed that the urine flow had started improving almost all the time.

    In the 5th week I started noticing moments of greater clarity, and improved mental functioning, especially when in the hot bath, where I experienced a lot of creativity, perhaps because I get particularly relaxed inside.

    This was reminiscent of a period of self improvement I went through decades ago during med school when I got very lean for the first time in my life. What I noticed then and even more so now was that when you become less attached to things, and less wrapped up in yourself, you gain a significant number of IQ points, it feels like anywhere from 5-10+. Instead of going from upset to upset, and getting stuck in various outrage cycles throughout the day, you can dispassionately assess every situation like a word problem or simple riddle, and start to see how perceived problems usually have a very simple and straightforward solution which leaves you far better off than you were before the “problem” presented itself in your life. When you become more present you start seeing multiple moves ahead in every situation and become far more efficient, because you just have more headspace for life. These changes are related to decreasing brain inflammation.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    In the 5th week I also realized that I had slowed down, though this happened a lot earlier, probably near the very beginning. When I’m inflamed and stressed I often get this sense of urgency where I feel I need to rush everything, especially eating.

    I haven’t had any reflux or trouble getting to sleep. No sweet cravings.

    I just realized while writing this that the two most prominent lipomas have started shrinking, appearing to be about half as large as they used to be, which is not usually seen with simple weight loss.

    As the 5th week finished up I started passing what looked like puffed millet.

    Puffed Millet - Organic
    puffed millet
    Also what looked like chunks of bowel wall, but are probably what people refer to a “rope worms,” likely mucus deposits on the walls of the colon that are sloughing off, we think they’re likely remnants of microbial biofilms, and they’re routinely seen in all our patients who watch for them while following their protocols.

    An important point to note is that it’s not all a bed of roses. Part of healing usually requires dealing with some discomfort and even periods of symptom worsening.

    Before the parasite die off began there was a period of a couple days where I became nauseated and then on the 3rd day I projectile vomited after completing my morning green juice. Then as the parasite die-off started I got much more irritable, some mild dyspepsia cropped up, I had a couple nights of light sleep.

    The mental benefits I initially experienced didn’t progress and actually regressed a couple weeks later as more and more toxins began to be released. New mild rashes popped up on my neck, probably from head and neck toxins being flushed out.

    All these issues led to minor additions or alterations to my protocol and required close communication with Hakim Shabaz.

    We see similar issues frequently in patients who have significant whole body toxicity that has developed over decades. It may last for days or weeks at a time, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    In some patients microbial die off, especially of parasites, can lead to much worse, like severe pain, biliary and colonic blockages, infection from rotting matter that can’t be fully expelled from involved organs. Our patients don’t develop these since our. protocols are carefully designed to be gradual and not sudden, but many of our patients do develop severe paranoia. Much of the work of the protocol is meant to minimize this stress reaction from affecting patients too greatly, for example various calming herbs and breathing practices.

    When certain microbes, including parasites start to feel threatened they naturally release their own stress hormones, which mimic ours and have the same effects on us that our own do. As parasites begin to die their stress spikes intensely and can make us feel a sense of impending doom, as though we’re going to die. Hakim Shabaz often tells patients on the first visit to write a note to themselves for future reference: “I will reach a point where parasite die off will make me very angry at Hakim Shabaz and I will want to stop the protocol.” When it actually happens and patients are reminded of this seemingly silly task they had completed it can help kick them out of a growing spiral of despair. However many patients cheat on their protocols, which only serves to increase the likelihood their parasite die off will be particularly uncomfortable and perhaps not even as effective as it would otherwise be. That’s because we don’t need to just kill them, we need to shift the terrain so they don’t come back. And we need the body’s help to get into the biofilm where many of them hide. Medications alone often do not accomplish the task without careful adherence to the protocol which starves them of their usual nourishment.

    “Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.”

    The famous Navy Seals mantra applies to most areas of life, including our health. When you take it slow things go smoothly, mistakes don’t happen, you don’t have to redo things over and over. You get it right the first time. And that makes things go quicker than if you were in a rush to begin with. Whether the journey is the destination or the destination is the destination, in either case doing it right matters. And right means you don’t rush it, because the reward for slogging through slowly compounds over time. As your brain gets less inflamed you sleep better despite sleeping less, your relationships improve, you accomplish more in less time with fewer resources. Your quality of life climbs. Rather than struggling to the top of a hill and not finding any path to climb higher, you learn to fly and take off in the direction of exponential hockey stick growth and change.

    Dr. Abdulrahman M. Aljamouss | The Hockey stick growth
    Everyone has toxins and pathogens in them contributing to ill health, but they have to be removed gradually since the pathways of elimination are only so large. It's like evacuating a city during a disaster. The roads can become completely blocked and then no one gets out.

    The body also needs to be nutritionally supported and the psyche intellectually and emotionally supported by reframing various aspects of life and addressing deeper root causes of illness, since toxins and pathogens are not really the root causes of disease.

    Root causes are found in the psyche and manifested in the form of energetic dysfunction, which further manifests as physical weakness, which leads to the persistence of toxins and pathogens which manifests the physical symptoms as the immune system attempts to root them out.

    Simply flushing toxins and killing pathogens will often resolve symptoms, but not the deeper causes, which means they will manifest themselves again in the same disease after some time, or in some new disease.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Almost all modern medicine, whether mainstream or alternative, simply applies superficial band aid solutions to symptoms. This passes the buck to your future self with interest. A few months of focused effort can usually fix the deepest problems and pay dividends for decades.

    What I’m Doing

    My protocol is specific to me, though it’s possible others might benefit from it or something similar. I have seen that the protocols from Hakim Shabaz can vary widely depending on the specifics of a person’s health problems. Since the protocol is so time consuming and difficult for most people to commit to long enough to see its benefits, it pays to have the right personalized protocol right off the bat. Even if there were a broadly generalizable generic protocol it would still likely be missing one or a few ingredients specific to each person that could make all the difference in speeding up results.

    Generally speaking, as I see it, the approach to healing from any disease whatsoever involves the following steps that Hakim Shabaz’s protocols help to initiate:

    Believe strongly that you can get better and trigger the placebo effect. Committing to a difficult, time-consuming protocol helps greatly with this, because psychologically it requires some belief to even begin, but the doing also helps to create and strengthen the belief itself. This dynamic creates a positive feedback loop of strengthening belief the longer you continue.

    At the beginning or within the first few months come to understand and accept that every disease reflects the inner self in some way, and resolving it requires doing some work on that aspect of yourself.

    Change the physical to mitigate the symptoms and at the same time help shift your inward reality towards a healthy balanced state. At the physical level we do things like coffee enemas to help the body flush out toxins by opening up the detox pathways of the liver/gallbladder/intestinal complex, the lungs, the skin, and the kidneys. We take toxin binders like chlorella so that the toxins that are dumped into the intestines don’t just recirculate back into the bloodstream. We take antimicrobial compounds to help kill off pathogens. We supplement nutrients that are missing by natural means, which are inherently balanced, e.g. with organ meats and vegetable juicing. Throughout we aim to begin gently rather than harshly. We start with low dose mild antimicrobials so as not to shock the body or lead to rapid die-off which is very uncomfortable, and unhelpful at best, harmful at worst.

    Eventually begin changing the mental and emotional levels and finally resolving old traumas by reframing them rather than repeatedly remembering them within the same frame of reference and thereby re-traumatizing ourselves. This takes someone wise and well-versed in the ancient techniques of really effective psychotherapy and neural retraining. This isn’t just talk therapy, it’s much more effective and efficient if you’re willing to do it.

    Below you’ll find all the details of my comprehensive personal protocol, which along with a specific detox diet, various whole herbs, chlorine dioxide dosing, and certain simple Ayurvedic detox modalities, also includes links to a recipe for a homemade nutritional paste that helps improve detox of the liver, a homemade neck cream that helps detox the head, neck and brain, including the inner ears, and directions for practicing the Humming Bee Breath, which is particularly effective at discharging the toxic energy imbalances caused by emotional trauma, mental stress and even EMF radiation, a well as helping allay chronic irritability and anger.

    The complexity of this protocol and the time required to implement it daily is daunting, and many will balk, insisting that it can’t be that hard, there must be an easier way. Actually killing parasites is not that hard. Many people can take ivermectin and fenbendazole and natural herbs and extracts and they’ll find parasites in their stool and call it a day. The trouble is that the real problem is still there, and even if the parasites are all rooted out, they often come right back, because the terrain is still welcoming them in.

    But, the real reason deep healing requires so much effort is because of just how toxic our modern environment is, physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Our ancestors didn’t have to exert so much effort to just get to "normal.” A protocol like this only seems extreme if you don’t realize just how sick the entire planet has become, and that we’re immersed in that dirty fish bowl all the time.

    As far as difficulty level, spending 3+ hours a day for 6 months is easy mode.

    You know what's hard? Becoming disabled and dying early. Also hard: spending 20 years to become a neurosurgeon. If I told you that you had to spend 20 years and half a million dollars in schooling fees in order to heal you would be justified in saying that's hard.

    People need to finally put their health in perspective. You've been sold a bill of goods. Everyone wants a magic pill, but there is no magic pill.

    Something intense like what I’m about to describe is already the easiest, fastest way. Everything else has you going in circles or straight backwards while you fool yourself into believing you're making progress.

    If you need free access from this point onwards just email us at: [email protected].

    Physician, Heal Thyself The intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical benefits I'm experiencing as I embark on a radical healing journey Dr. Syed Haider Topics My health issues How to change course Your disease isn’t your real problem, it’s the solution. You are your real problem. Pain is the most important message 5 week interim results Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast My full protocol will shock you Actually, this is the shortcut … seriously I’ve been sick a long time. But sick in the way most people nowadays are sick, i.e. not really thinking of myself as sick. “I’m healthy!”, we all insist. And we believe it unless someone scratches beneath the surface. Then a laundry list of “minor” complaints often spills out. Now, I have to say before we go any further that it is actually better not to think of oneself as “sick.” Those who think they’re fine do much better in terms of morbidity and mortality than those who think they’re not, regardless of the medical “facts.” That’s because of one of the main points we hope to make in this article, that diseases aren’t necessarily harmful to people. They’re just messages and maneuvers after all (more on exactly what that means shortly). It’s usually the interventions upon interventions upon interventions that hurt you. As well as the toxic nocebo effects of associating with well-meaning doctors who don’t actually know much about the body, why it manifests disease, or how to cure it. My “Messages” As for me: I was significantly overweight with some mild psoriasis, chronically constipated, had weirdly weak urine flow without prostate problems, suffered occasional reflux, occasional insomnia, got angry and irritable often, couldn’t control my sweet tooth, recently began feeling a small umbilical (belly button) hernia developing, had mild brain fog (e.g. occasional word finding difficulty) that’s been very mildly worsening for years now, and had a lot of difficulty changing myself in ways I wanted to change. I had a few signs most people wouldn’t even know are indicators of ill-health like skin tags and a few lipomas, which may indicate insulin resistance (which 99% of people likely have in the modern west). Ridges on my nails which likely indicate a micronutrient deficiency. Developing bags under my eyes that could indicate stress on the liver detox pathways. Beard quickly turning gray during the pandemic, which certainly indicated a lot of stress (I was working 15 hour days for months in a row at one point). Plaque that rapidly built up and remained on my teeth despite regular brushing that indicates a disruption of the oral microbiome. Most people will surprise themselves if they sit down and list out everything they can think of. It might even take a couple days as some things have become so normalized you don’t even think of them anymore. If you had fast forwarded from 10 to 40+ in a few days it would have been shockingly dismaying and would likely have either led to despair or determination - i.e. to fix yourself up ASAP and no matter what. But we don’t fast forward through the slowly-boiling-frog stage. It takes decades, so we just accept early aging, unnecessary dysfunction and an untimely death. Changing Course Changing course requires two necessities: 1. discovering there is another option that you’re convinced will work, and 2. finding the motivation to implement it. There is another option. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. My partner Hakim Shabaz has implemented it with 100s of patients (mostly those about to die since it is so demanding), and quite impressively on himself. He went from being in his early 30s and looking like he was going on 50, to actually going on 50, but looking like he’s in his early 30s. Along the way his health radically improved in myriad ways. Finding motivation. This is trickier, but relates to number 1. Motivation to do something requires belief that it will work. Belief requires education and perhaps most importantly avoiding miseducation (or deprogramming from it). Miseducation is all around us all the time. Nearly every time you interface with the world you’re misinformed in some way, because the very paradigm of reality that everyone uses as the basis of everything they think, say and do, is way off. This is particularly obvious and harmful when speaking to anyone in the modern medical system about anything. None of them understand the first thing about disease (see next section). Once you begin to believe, you still have to strengthen your belief. This means continuing to expose yourself to information that affirms it, and avoid information that detracts from it. As your belief grows you continually remind yourself of the tremendous benefits of implementing what is admittedly a somewhat difficult lifestyle overhaul that will continue for months, but will pay dividends not only for the rest of your natural earthly life, but into all of eternity. Pray and plead for that lightbulb moment that is so rare, and powerful, when suddenly you feel the hand of fate reach down and nudge you onto a different course. Once the moment arrives, commit wholeheartedly and stay the course without “cheating,” which has led to the utter failure of so many people who were finally headed in the right direction. It can literally take years to come up with the motivation to try again. Ask those who’ve been there, like me. Learn from my mistakes as well as those of others, as well as your own. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share The First Thing About Disease This is why you avoid “healthcare” like the plague. Because, honestly, it’s not even what most people who are “awake” have started calling it, i.e. “Disease Care”. It’s actually Disease Producing. The first thing to know about disease is that what you see is not your problem. It’s usually the solution to your problem. Disease is at least two things: 1. a message and 2. a maneuver. It’s a message in at least two possible ways: direct and indirect. A direct message means that there’s a physical toxin and/or pathogen in some tissue of your body, and your immune system is fighting it off, rooting it out, which creates symptoms. Just as if criminals had taken your family hostage and a SWAT team had to come save them. They might try negotiating at first, but if things escalate and there’s no other choice they kick down your door and go capture or kill the bad guys. If you systematically refuse to allow SWAT to take care of these situations then criminals will start doing the same to more and more families throughout the city. Eventually other crime will explode as well. Lawlessness will reign and eventually you may have to bring in the military to get it under control. If you then prevent the military from doing the job, eventually you may have a full on revolution. If you still prevent the military from stepping in you lose the city, state or even the entire country. An indirect message means that there’s an emotional root cause issue, like childhood trauma that may be manifesting as an allergic disorder triggered by usually harmless items like common foods. In both cases the body isn’t making any mistakes, it’s responding appropriately to help you deal with the real root cause of your problem, which is hurting you physically or emotionally. It’s a maneuver in that the symptoms and signs themselves are helpful in mitigating the harm from the underlying root cause. Lab work which is almost universally misunderstood by modern medical practitioners and patients offers many examples. High ferritin levels, the storage form of iron, are usually due to inflammation or infection. So the high ferritin is not a problem to be fixed in and of itself. Many pathogens can make use of iron to hurt you, so the body locks it away from them, which raises ferritin. If you somehow force your body to lower ferritin, it would just make matters worse as you would be less well equipped to fight off the invading force. Out of range lab values are just secondary signs of your body doing the best possible thing for you in the situation you’re in. Reversing the helpful reaction to your problem may help with certain symptoms like fatigue due to anemia from low iron, but it doesn’t help you in the medium or long term, it only ends up harming you far more as the underlying problem proliferates and comes back to bite you harder. So, both mainstream and almost all of alternative medicine are way off-base and really just a false dichotomy. They both assume the body is doing the wrong thing because it's either broken or confused. It's not either. It's your first, best, and often only real physician. You have to get to the underlying, deeper layer of causes which are not physical or energetic, they’re psycho-spiritual, and they manifests the physical means of disease-making superficial physical causes like toxins, pathogens and lack of nutrients through the energetic weakening that is manifested in your physical organs, by depleting those organs of nutrients and making them susceptible to invasion by toxins and pathogens that cause disease. Which again is not a bad thing, because it's just a message pointing you in the direction of your real problem. Pain is Good Pain is the most important message, because it protects you from what would harm you which is another way of saying it keeps you alive. Because what harms in small quantities, kills in large doses. You can get a large dose all at once, or have it build up over the decades until it finally finishes you off, which is what happens to most people. Pain will begin as mild discomfort. A bit of reflux, occasional constipation, some rough menstrual periods, random headaches, mild allergies, etc. If you understand what’s going on you’ll pay attention, not cover it up with symptomatic medications, address the deeper root cause issues and get back on the right track. Pain is meant to course correct you. If you took off on a trans-Atlantic voyage with the right heading, but then you never again checked your instruments to be sure you were still on the right course, you might end up in South Africa instead of the south of France. Pain is feedback from your body and soul. It means you’re headed the wrong way. Check your instruments and get back on track. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share The Real Roots of Disease Consciousness comes first, and it manifests the physical world. Consciousness has a connection to the Divine, a sense that there’s something greater than itself, an ultimate creative force. Consciousness has various other aspects of itself like the ability to believe certain things about reality, be motivated to do things for itself, the ability to plan, the ability to feel emotions, the ability to balance the needs of disparate parts of itself, and finally the ability to manifest its various parts as energy and ultimately physical substance. Different “higher” aspects of self relate to different parts of the energetic and physical body. The heart balances between the organs. The liver relates to anger. The kidneys to fear. As mentioned above, when these or other emotions are imbalanced they place strain on their respective organs. Over time that strain wears down the organs, and as they get worn down they become less able to do their particular jobs. The organs also become less able to protect themselves from the buildup of toxins and from unusual proliferation of our own microbiome or invasion by foreign pathogens. The microbiome includes not only bacteria, but fungi, viruses, and may even include some parasites in some people. Fungi are nature’s toxin cleanup crews. They do the same inside our own bodies. When toxins build up they proliferate to bind, sequester and protect our tissues from them. Various other elements of the microbiome have their own reasons to proliferate on our behalf. Beneficial bacteria for example often aid tremendously in fighting off foreign pathogenic bacteria, something that might become necessary when the immune system within a particular tissue can no longer do its job adequately. The not so downside to all these maneuvers is that there will often be some uncomfortable side effects, or pain signals sent because of them. Focus on the Meaning of the Message To understand how to reverse disease and get truly healthy again, we have to know what not to do first. We can’t just focus on the superficial symptoms and signs. Everyone who's studied anything about alternative health probably understands that to some extent, but what most don’t understand is just how many things fall under the superficial category. Really everything physical is superficial, including all those “risk factors” that you’re warned about and urged to “control” like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, insulin resistance, obesity, and even “stress” itself. None of these are root causes. There’s really only one root cause. You are the root cause of not only all your illnesses, but of all your problems in life. You have to fix you before it’s too late. What that means is that imbalance at some level of your being will always be manifested as a problem of some sort in your life. As above, so below, as within, so without. This is a law of reality that must be manifested if our existence is to have any meaning. The purpose of existence is to better know ourselves, and thereby the Divine reality and incrementally perfect ourselves in order to draw nearer to it. The universe itself only manifests what we need in order for us to do so, which means it shows us our own faults in order that we may correct them. If we tend to be too angry, the universe and everything within it will respond to us in a certain way that will reveal that that excessive anger is a problem - e.g. by giving us various symptoms stemming from some form of liver dysfunction (or its downstream effects on other organs), or making our lives much more difficult than they would otherwise be. We may struggle to deal with the anger until perhaps we realize it’s actually based on fear of being harmed and lashing out against that perceived threat to protect ourselves. And we may struggle to deal with that fear until perhaps we realize that it’s based on a misconception about the nature of the universe and what’s in it, believing that what is manifested within it is even capable of harming or benefiting us of its own accord. At a more practical level, most people are afraid of other people, until they realize that those other people aren’t actually out to get them. That the threat they perceive from others is just a reflection of their own selves. That the sullen expressions or scowls they notice on other’s faces are just a reflection of their own expressions and feelings. What’s underneath the surface of others is ultimately a mystery but assuming the best of them produces the best interactions and outcomes. Share How to Heal Some animals just sit there like plants and whatever they need from the world comes to them. They don’t lift a finger or move an inch, yet they eat, drink and procreate. These strange creatures include sponges, anemones, corals, barnacles, and sea squirts (yes, these are all classified as animals). coral reef Coral is a strange animal Despite what you may think, human beings may also be numbered among them, though it’s certainly not our natural state. We’re meant to be creatures of action, and action is required for us to grow and change. Our spiritual, mental and emotional sides are deeply entwined with our energetic and physical bodies. What moves one, moves the other. And we’re the ones that move both. However it’s easier to move the physical than it is the energetic, emotional or intellectual. We can’t simply drift in the waves of this world and expect to do any meaningful work on our thoughts, emotions, and spirit. Interacting with others and with the events of our lives is what reveals us to ourselves. Changing how we interact is what shows us that we’ve actually grown and aren’t just fooling ourselves into thinking that we have. You can weep and beg forgiveness in the middle of the night for what you did wrong, but the only way to know for certain that you’ve actually changed is to be in a similar situation again and find out if you commit the same misdeed you did before. So the way to change is to do something different that you’re sure will work and keep score so you can’t lie to yourself. That’s why the first step in a real healing protocol is to get a plan of action from someone who really knows what they’re doing and can help you heal anything (that’s my own teacher and practice partner Hakim Shabaz, click below to learn more). My 5 Week Results Strangely enough right from day one I noticed a big improvement in mood, reactivity, and irritability. I was suddenly able to make headway on self-improvement, such as keeping score against myself in order to stop getting selfishly angry, i.e. stop acting like a spoiled 2 year old brat whenever things didn’t go my way. This must have been a placebo-type effect linked to finally deciding to make long overdue, big, hard, sustained changes - I committed to doing it strictly for at least 2 months straight (ensuring there would be no travel plans during that time necessitating skipping key protocol components). My skin started clearing up immediately and I started losing weight, which continued throughout at a rapid rate of about 0.7 pounds per day, for a total of about 25 pounds, which brought me down into the normal BMI range for the first time in years. My teeth felt much cleaner within days, almost all the plaque disappearing. Redness in my face went away quickly. I have a few patches of psoriasis which became 95% less inflamed and almost stopped scaling entirely within days. After a couple weeks the largest skin tag suddenly got inflamed, swelled and was tender for a couple days, then promptly shriveled up and just fell off. A week later a smaller one did the same. Around the same time I passed some roundworms and then started seeing the liver flukes in every bowel movement / enema (they look like floating white date pits, or thin cloves of garlic 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch long). Image These are the liver flukes. Mine all look whitish like the one on top. After 3 weeks I realized I was also probably passing hydatid cysts. Image (If instead of doing all that I had been impatient and just taken some anti-parasitic medication I might have killed so many parasites so fast that my small intestine and gallbladder may have become blocked requiring hospitalization and even surgery.) In the 3rd or 4th week I noticed that the urine flow had started improving almost all the time. In the 5th week I started noticing moments of greater clarity, and improved mental functioning, especially when in the hot bath, where I experienced a lot of creativity, perhaps because I get particularly relaxed inside. This was reminiscent of a period of self improvement I went through decades ago during med school when I got very lean for the first time in my life. What I noticed then and even more so now was that when you become less attached to things, and less wrapped up in yourself, you gain a significant number of IQ points, it feels like anywhere from 5-10+. Instead of going from upset to upset, and getting stuck in various outrage cycles throughout the day, you can dispassionately assess every situation like a word problem or simple riddle, and start to see how perceived problems usually have a very simple and straightforward solution which leaves you far better off than you were before the “problem” presented itself in your life. When you become more present you start seeing multiple moves ahead in every situation and become far more efficient, because you just have more headspace for life. These changes are related to decreasing brain inflammation. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share In the 5th week I also realized that I had slowed down, though this happened a lot earlier, probably near the very beginning. When I’m inflamed and stressed I often get this sense of urgency where I feel I need to rush everything, especially eating. I haven’t had any reflux or trouble getting to sleep. No sweet cravings. I just realized while writing this that the two most prominent lipomas have started shrinking, appearing to be about half as large as they used to be, which is not usually seen with simple weight loss. As the 5th week finished up I started passing what looked like puffed millet. Puffed Millet - Organic puffed millet Also what looked like chunks of bowel wall, but are probably what people refer to a “rope worms,” likely mucus deposits on the walls of the colon that are sloughing off, we think they’re likely remnants of microbial biofilms, and they’re routinely seen in all our patients who watch for them while following their protocols. An important point to note is that it’s not all a bed of roses. Part of healing usually requires dealing with some discomfort and even periods of symptom worsening. Before the parasite die off began there was a period of a couple days where I became nauseated and then on the 3rd day I projectile vomited after completing my morning green juice. Then as the parasite die-off started I got much more irritable, some mild dyspepsia cropped up, I had a couple nights of light sleep. The mental benefits I initially experienced didn’t progress and actually regressed a couple weeks later as more and more toxins began to be released. New mild rashes popped up on my neck, probably from head and neck toxins being flushed out. All these issues led to minor additions or alterations to my protocol and required close communication with Hakim Shabaz. We see similar issues frequently in patients who have significant whole body toxicity that has developed over decades. It may last for days or weeks at a time, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. In some patients microbial die off, especially of parasites, can lead to much worse, like severe pain, biliary and colonic blockages, infection from rotting matter that can’t be fully expelled from involved organs. Our patients don’t develop these since our. protocols are carefully designed to be gradual and not sudden, but many of our patients do develop severe paranoia. Much of the work of the protocol is meant to minimize this stress reaction from affecting patients too greatly, for example various calming herbs and breathing practices. When certain microbes, including parasites start to feel threatened they naturally release their own stress hormones, which mimic ours and have the same effects on us that our own do. As parasites begin to die their stress spikes intensely and can make us feel a sense of impending doom, as though we’re going to die. Hakim Shabaz often tells patients on the first visit to write a note to themselves for future reference: “I will reach a point where parasite die off will make me very angry at Hakim Shabaz and I will want to stop the protocol.” When it actually happens and patients are reminded of this seemingly silly task they had completed it can help kick them out of a growing spiral of despair. However many patients cheat on their protocols, which only serves to increase the likelihood their parasite die off will be particularly uncomfortable and perhaps not even as effective as it would otherwise be. That’s because we don’t need to just kill them, we need to shift the terrain so they don’t come back. And we need the body’s help to get into the biofilm where many of them hide. Medications alone often do not accomplish the task without careful adherence to the protocol which starves them of their usual nourishment. “Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.” The famous Navy Seals mantra applies to most areas of life, including our health. When you take it slow things go smoothly, mistakes don’t happen, you don’t have to redo things over and over. You get it right the first time. And that makes things go quicker than if you were in a rush to begin with. Whether the journey is the destination or the destination is the destination, in either case doing it right matters. And right means you don’t rush it, because the reward for slogging through slowly compounds over time. As your brain gets less inflamed you sleep better despite sleeping less, your relationships improve, you accomplish more in less time with fewer resources. Your quality of life climbs. Rather than struggling to the top of a hill and not finding any path to climb higher, you learn to fly and take off in the direction of exponential hockey stick growth and change. Dr. Abdulrahman M. Aljamouss | The Hockey stick growth Everyone has toxins and pathogens in them contributing to ill health, but they have to be removed gradually since the pathways of elimination are only so large. It's like evacuating a city during a disaster. The roads can become completely blocked and then no one gets out. The body also needs to be nutritionally supported and the psyche intellectually and emotionally supported by reframing various aspects of life and addressing deeper root causes of illness, since toxins and pathogens are not really the root causes of disease. Root causes are found in the psyche and manifested in the form of energetic dysfunction, which further manifests as physical weakness, which leads to the persistence of toxins and pathogens which manifests the physical symptoms as the immune system attempts to root them out. Simply flushing toxins and killing pathogens will often resolve symptoms, but not the deeper causes, which means they will manifest themselves again in the same disease after some time, or in some new disease. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Almost all modern medicine, whether mainstream or alternative, simply applies superficial band aid solutions to symptoms. This passes the buck to your future self with interest. A few months of focused effort can usually fix the deepest problems and pay dividends for decades. What I’m Doing My protocol is specific to me, though it’s possible others might benefit from it or something similar. I have seen that the protocols from Hakim Shabaz can vary widely depending on the specifics of a person’s health problems. Since the protocol is so time consuming and difficult for most people to commit to long enough to see its benefits, it pays to have the right personalized protocol right off the bat. Even if there were a broadly generalizable generic protocol it would still likely be missing one or a few ingredients specific to each person that could make all the difference in speeding up results. Generally speaking, as I see it, the approach to healing from any disease whatsoever involves the following steps that Hakim Shabaz’s protocols help to initiate: Believe strongly that you can get better and trigger the placebo effect. Committing to a difficult, time-consuming protocol helps greatly with this, because psychologically it requires some belief to even begin, but the doing also helps to create and strengthen the belief itself. This dynamic creates a positive feedback loop of strengthening belief the longer you continue. At the beginning or within the first few months come to understand and accept that every disease reflects the inner self in some way, and resolving it requires doing some work on that aspect of yourself. Change the physical to mitigate the symptoms and at the same time help shift your inward reality towards a healthy balanced state. At the physical level we do things like coffee enemas to help the body flush out toxins by opening up the detox pathways of the liver/gallbladder/intestinal complex, the lungs, the skin, and the kidneys. We take toxin binders like chlorella so that the toxins that are dumped into the intestines don’t just recirculate back into the bloodstream. We take antimicrobial compounds to help kill off pathogens. We supplement nutrients that are missing by natural means, which are inherently balanced, e.g. with organ meats and vegetable juicing. Throughout we aim to begin gently rather than harshly. We start with low dose mild antimicrobials so as not to shock the body or lead to rapid die-off which is very uncomfortable, and unhelpful at best, harmful at worst. Eventually begin changing the mental and emotional levels and finally resolving old traumas by reframing them rather than repeatedly remembering them within the same frame of reference and thereby re-traumatizing ourselves. This takes someone wise and well-versed in the ancient techniques of really effective psychotherapy and neural retraining. This isn’t just talk therapy, it’s much more effective and efficient if you’re willing to do it. Below you’ll find all the details of my comprehensive personal protocol, which along with a specific detox diet, various whole herbs, chlorine dioxide dosing, and certain simple Ayurvedic detox modalities, also includes links to a recipe for a homemade nutritional paste that helps improve detox of the liver, a homemade neck cream that helps detox the head, neck and brain, including the inner ears, and directions for practicing the Humming Bee Breath, which is particularly effective at discharging the toxic energy imbalances caused by emotional trauma, mental stress and even EMF radiation, a well as helping allay chronic irritability and anger. The complexity of this protocol and the time required to implement it daily is daunting, and many will balk, insisting that it can’t be that hard, there must be an easier way. Actually killing parasites is not that hard. Many people can take ivermectin and fenbendazole and natural herbs and extracts and they’ll find parasites in their stool and call it a day. The trouble is that the real problem is still there, and even if the parasites are all rooted out, they often come right back, because the terrain is still welcoming them in. But, the real reason deep healing requires so much effort is because of just how toxic our modern environment is, physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Our ancestors didn’t have to exert so much effort to just get to "normal.” A protocol like this only seems extreme if you don’t realize just how sick the entire planet has become, and that we’re immersed in that dirty fish bowl all the time. As far as difficulty level, spending 3+ hours a day for 6 months is easy mode. You know what's hard? Becoming disabled and dying early. Also hard: spending 20 years to become a neurosurgeon. If I told you that you had to spend 20 years and half a million dollars in schooling fees in order to heal you would be justified in saying that's hard. People need to finally put their health in perspective. You've been sold a bill of goods. Everyone wants a magic pill, but there is no magic pill. Something intense like what I’m about to describe is already the easiest, fastest way. Everything else has you going in circles or straight backwards while you fool yourself into believing you're making progress. If you need free access from this point onwards just email us at: [email protected]. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/physician-heal-thyself
    Physician, Heal Thyself
    The intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical benefits I'm experiencing as I embark on a radical healing journey
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  • Big Pharma is literally shaking in their boots, preparing for unleashing of RFK Jr on them...
    Congrats on Trump victory, but please continue not trusting the government and demand justice for covid crimes.

    Sasha Latypova
    I didn’t schedule a post for this morning, as I knew people would be distracted by the elections. Instead, I am going to repost some screeching from the pharma industry trade press I subscribe to. This morning, it appears that Trump won in a landslide, which is better news vs if Harris was installed via election fraud, but I advise everyone not to become complacent over this. I remain highly skeptical about Trump Admin and fulfilling his campaign promises. I will continue critically observing and reporting on the progress of change (if any), since we do not have an honest press that can do this job.

    For the time being, let’s briefly enjoy the liberal tears flowing over the internet. Here is some screeching from the Big Pharma:

    Donald Trump’s embrace of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is forcing biotech and pharma leaders to grapple with having US life sciences policy influenced by a figure who has extensively criticized vaccines and the drug industry, routinely embraces many conspiracy theories, and has made threats to force out FDA staff.

    As Trump has made gains in his bid for the US presidency against Democrat nominee Kamala Harris, he’s embraced Kennedy, who was once considered a fringe candidate expected to gather at most a few percent of the vote in some states.

    “I’m gonna let him go wild on health,” Trump said of RFK Jr. on Sunday at a campaign event in Madison Square Garden in New York. “I’m gonna let him go wild on the food. I’m gonna let him go wild on the medicines.”

    While Kennedy would be an unlikely pick for an actual appointment in the administration given the difficulty he might face with a confirmation, he’s worked with Trump’s team to help plan for a new administration, particularly on healthcare issues.

    And last week, he gave a preview of what that would mean in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, saying that “FDA’s war on public health is about to end,” and calling for stopping what he called the suppression of “psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma.”

    “If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags,” Kennedy said in the post.

    The remarks weren’t a one-off. Earlier this month, Kennedy made similar comments to television host Phil McGraw, better known as Dr. Phil, saying that the “principal objective of the FDA today is to serve the mercantile interests of pharmaceutical companies.”

    There would certainly be limits to what an unconventional, RFK Jr.-allied FDA leader could do, given the power of professional staff at the FDA. But Kennedy’s comments have forced the industry to contemplate a very different environment in Washington if Trump wins and embraces a new approach.

    And RFK Jr.’s planned reforms, like cutting funding or headcount at the FDA, would have to come from Congress. The FDA-pharma industry user fee deal, current through 2027, is renewed once every five years, and the FDA employees reviewing new and generic drugs or new evidence of existing drugs are typically not political appointees but physicians who are employed by the FDA via industry funds.

    One former Trump health official who has had conversations with the campaign and those preparing for a potential transition said there were aspects of RFK Jr.’s ideas that had merit, including a focus on wellness and health. But they expressed a hope that more mainstream figures in a Trump administration would put guardrails around more extreme concepts, like RFK Jr.’s well-documented anti-vaccine sentiments. The person spoke on condition of anonymity.

    The FDA and Trump campaign didn’t respond to requests for comment.

    Others are raising concerns that an RFK Jr.-run FDA might be antithetical to the agency’s mission.

    “If RFK has a significant influence on the next administration, that could further erode people’s willingness to get up to date with recommended vaccines, and I am worried about the impact that could have on our nation’s health, on our nation’s economy, on our global security,” former Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Monday at a conference in Minneapolis.

    Holly Fernandez Lynch, a lawyer and bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania, told Endpoints News that RFK Jr.’s proposals would amount to “a dereliction of duty” by the agency.

    “FDA leadership cannot wholesale abandon the agency’s public health mission,” she said. “Unfortunately, I can’t imagine that the courts would come to the rescue given what we’ve seen lately. And whether Congress would or could depends on the elections too.”

    PhRMA, which represents large drugmakers, said in a statement to Endpoints that the US “leads the world in innovative new medicines, in part due to the strength and integrity of the FDA’s human drug review program. The FDA is the gold standard in evaluating the safety, efficacy and quality of medicines prior to and following approval, and its role is critical in providing certainty for patients, health care providers and manufacturers.”

    It is especially encouraging that these goons are afraid people will stop vaccinating. Imagine that! Imagine a society that doesn’t poison its children and doesn’t pray to charlatans in white coats! I am beginning to imagine this now.

    Art for today: Chimney Rock vinery, watercolor, 12x16 in.

    Big Pharma is literally shaking in their boots, preparing for unleashing of RFK Jr on them... Congrats on Trump victory, but please continue not trusting the government and demand justice for covid crimes. Sasha Latypova I didn’t schedule a post for this morning, as I knew people would be distracted by the elections. Instead, I am going to repost some screeching from the pharma industry trade press I subscribe to. This morning, it appears that Trump won in a landslide, which is better news vs if Harris was installed via election fraud, but I advise everyone not to become complacent over this. I remain highly skeptical about Trump Admin and fulfilling his campaign promises. I will continue critically observing and reporting on the progress of change (if any), since we do not have an honest press that can do this job. For the time being, let’s briefly enjoy the liberal tears flowing over the internet. Here is some screeching from the Big Pharma: Donald Trump’s embrace of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is forcing biotech and pharma leaders to grapple with having US life sciences policy influenced by a figure who has extensively criticized vaccines and the drug industry, routinely embraces many conspiracy theories, and has made threats to force out FDA staff. As Trump has made gains in his bid for the US presidency against Democrat nominee Kamala Harris, he’s embraced Kennedy, who was once considered a fringe candidate expected to gather at most a few percent of the vote in some states. “I’m gonna let him go wild on health,” Trump said of RFK Jr. on Sunday at a campaign event in Madison Square Garden in New York. “I’m gonna let him go wild on the food. I’m gonna let him go wild on the medicines.” While Kennedy would be an unlikely pick for an actual appointment in the administration given the difficulty he might face with a confirmation, he’s worked with Trump’s team to help plan for a new administration, particularly on healthcare issues. And last week, he gave a preview of what that would mean in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, saying that “FDA’s war on public health is about to end,” and calling for stopping what he called the suppression of “psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma.” “If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags,” Kennedy said in the post. The remarks weren’t a one-off. Earlier this month, Kennedy made similar comments to television host Phil McGraw, better known as Dr. Phil, saying that the “principal objective of the FDA today is to serve the mercantile interests of pharmaceutical companies.” There would certainly be limits to what an unconventional, RFK Jr.-allied FDA leader could do, given the power of professional staff at the FDA. But Kennedy’s comments have forced the industry to contemplate a very different environment in Washington if Trump wins and embraces a new approach. And RFK Jr.’s planned reforms, like cutting funding or headcount at the FDA, would have to come from Congress. The FDA-pharma industry user fee deal, current through 2027, is renewed once every five years, and the FDA employees reviewing new and generic drugs or new evidence of existing drugs are typically not political appointees but physicians who are employed by the FDA via industry funds. One former Trump health official who has had conversations with the campaign and those preparing for a potential transition said there were aspects of RFK Jr.’s ideas that had merit, including a focus on wellness and health. But they expressed a hope that more mainstream figures in a Trump administration would put guardrails around more extreme concepts, like RFK Jr.’s well-documented anti-vaccine sentiments. The person spoke on condition of anonymity. The FDA and Trump campaign didn’t respond to requests for comment. Others are raising concerns that an RFK Jr.-run FDA might be antithetical to the agency’s mission. “If RFK has a significant influence on the next administration, that could further erode people’s willingness to get up to date with recommended vaccines, and I am worried about the impact that could have on our nation’s health, on our nation’s economy, on our global security,” former Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Monday at a conference in Minneapolis. Holly Fernandez Lynch, a lawyer and bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania, told Endpoints News that RFK Jr.’s proposals would amount to “a dereliction of duty” by the agency. “FDA leadership cannot wholesale abandon the agency’s public health mission,” she said. “Unfortunately, I can’t imagine that the courts would come to the rescue given what we’ve seen lately. And whether Congress would or could depends on the elections too.” PhRMA, which represents large drugmakers, said in a statement to Endpoints that the US “leads the world in innovative new medicines, in part due to the strength and integrity of the FDA’s human drug review program. The FDA is the gold standard in evaluating the safety, efficacy and quality of medicines prior to and following approval, and its role is critical in providing certainty for patients, health care providers and manufacturers.” It is especially encouraging that these goons are afraid people will stop vaccinating. Imagine that! Imagine a society that doesn’t poison its children and doesn’t pray to charlatans in white coats! I am beginning to imagine this now. Art for today: Chimney Rock vinery, watercolor, 12x16 in. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/big-pharma-is-literally-shaking-in
    Big Pharma is literally shaking in their boots, preparing for unleashing of RFK Jr on them...
    Congrats on Trump victory, but please continue not trusting the government and demand justice for covid crimes.
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 10830 Vue
  • Darla Smith Describes Having Hospital Staff Call the Cops on Her When She Tried to Give Her Husband Ivermectin After Obtaining a Court Order to Give It

    Later, the hospital goons killed her husband with a ventilator and a bevy of drugs and called it a COVID death.

    Watch Full Interview

    Darla Smith Describes Having Hospital Staff Call the Cops on Her When She Tried to Give Her Husband Ivermectin After Obtaining a Court Order to Give It Later, the hospital goons killed her husband with a ventilator and a bevy of drugs and called it a COVID death. ➡️ Watch Full Interview ⏯️ @RealWorldNewsChannel ✳️ @RealWorldNewsChat
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 1018 Vue 0
  • Big Pharma’s Dirty Medical Journal Secret | The Daily Dose
    10 shocking stories the media buried today.

    The Vigilant Fox

    #10 - Big Pharma is secretly “ghostwriting” articles in top medical and oncology journals to trick doctors into buying their drugs.

    Here’s how the scam works:

    First, pharma pays companies big money to ghostwrite studies that look legit.

    Then, they approach doctors, offering them prestige in exchange for slapping their names on these ghostwritten studies.

    Once published in top medical journals, these articles deceive other doctors into prescribing their drugs, believing the results are authentic.

    This scheme tricks doctors into promoting treatments based on false research, driving up drug sales while putting patients at risk.

    Watch Dr. Russell Blaylock explain. The “conspiracy theorists” were right again.

    Join 90K+ Substack readers and 1.2 million 𝕏 users who follow the work of Vigilant Fox. Subscribe to Vigilant News for exclusive stories you won’t find anywhere else.

    See More Revealing Stories Below:

    #9 - The Current CIA Director Visited Epstein’s Apartment Multiple Times

    Bill Burns has some explaining to do.

    “This is not a theory.” This really happened, says Michael Schellenberger.

    Burns met with Epstein multiple times in 2014, years after Epstein's conviction for s*x crimes.

    Surprise, surprise. Bill Gates also met with Epstein so many times that people have lost count.

    In a PBS interview, when questioned about his association with Epstein, Bill Gates looked uncomfortably “guilty,” Schellenberger observed.

    "Is there a lesson to be learned?" PBS asked. "Well, he's dead," Gates oddly answered. “So, in general, you always have to be careful.”

    Schellenberger says he's about 95% sure Epstein was running a s*x blackmail operation.

    And Bill Gates and the current CIA director held multiple meetings with this guy.

    #8 - Black Men Respond to Obama Telling “Brothas” to Vote for Kamala Harris

    @RobSmithOnline: “I am voting for DONALD TRUMP on November 5th! And NO amount of LECTURING or SHAMING is going to change that.”

    @VernonForGA: “Obama should be ashamed for berating, rebuking and scolding Black men, because they won’t vote for Madam Lock Up A Brother…”

    @thecjpearson: “My name is CJ Pearson. I’m 22 years old. And in 25 days, I’ll be joining millions of other young black men and voting for Donald J. Trump!”

    While you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe to this page for more daily news roundups.

    #7 - A massive UK study of 1.7 million kids has found that myocarditis and pericarditis only occurred in children who received COVID-19 injections.

    According to the study, “Zero cases of myocarditis or pericarditis were found in the unvaccinated group.”

    The study, led by Oxford University’s Professor Colm D Andrews., was released as a preprint in the MedRxiv journal.

    The researchers confirmed that, despite widespread vaccination efforts, "the virus did not put children at risk of death or the need for emergency care, hospitalization, or critical care."

    The study found that COVID-19 vaccines offered little long-term protection, as many children caught the virus just 14 to 15 weeks after getting the shot.

    The “conspiracy theorists” warned parents years ago that the COVID shots were all risk and no reward. Now, they've been proven true once again.

    #6 - Elon Musk introduces an army of Optimus robots, says people will be able to buy them to complete tasks.

    Credit: https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1844581889593471060

    #5 - Tim Walz Crashes and Burns During Strahan Interview in Epically Bad Fashion

    #4 - Poll Finds Voters Are Far More Conservative Than They're Willing to Admit

    #3 - Dr. Fauci’s pet drug, Remdesivir, is tied to 63.9% of all military COVID-19 deaths.

    #2 - The Sheriff of one of Colorado's largest counties endorses Trump and says he is the only one who can stop the gangster invasion destroying the state.

    Clip: https://x.com/BehizyTweets/status/1844805181084488095

    #1 - Kamala Harris reportedly had a C17 aircraft loaded with supplies for a Hurricane Helene photo-op, with no plan to send those supplies to Hurricane victims.

    This accusation comes from Aerial Recovery members Jonathan Howard and Charlie Keebaugh.

    “They [NC National Guard] had a C17, full of supplies just to take a photo op for Kamala… and they never sent the bird."

    Clip: https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1844533781065056564


    BONUS #1 - Vaccines are the real cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and the government has been covering it up for decades, one doctor says.

    The term SIDS itself, according to @MidwesternDoc, is a euphemism used to cover up vaccine-related deaths.

    One disturbing study found that two-thirds of infants who died of SIDS had been vaccinated with the DPT vaccine prior to death. Of those, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination, 13% within 24 hours, and 26% within three days.

    Dr. William Torch, the author of the study, concluded, “DPT vaccination may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits.”

    @MidwesternDoc claims there is a century of evidence to suggest vaccines cause SIDS, but the government has continuously worked to suppress such findings.

    One of those efforts has been the removal of vaccine-related death classifications in the ICD system in 1979. This change made it impossible for doctors to officially attribute infant deaths to vaccines, further obscuring the true cause of SIDS.

    "The children who died from SIDS and their parents deserve recognition and justice," says @MidwesternDoc.

    "Infants cannot speak up for themselves. When you observe these vaccine injuries and the trauma they experience, it’s very apparent what happened."

    BONUS #2 - Five Surprising Cancer-Fighting Products From Nature

    BONUS #3 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak and More

    BONUS #4 - Local Official Collapses, Dies After Testifying About BioLab Fire in Georgia

    BONUS #5 - Whoopi Goldberg Loses Her Mind on “The View” After Trump Humiliates Her During Campaign Rally

    Thanks for reading! If you found this post helpful, please do me a favor and follow this page before you go.

    Check back on Sunday for the weekly news recap. Here’s what you missed yesterday.

    CBS Caught in HUGE Scandal as Kamala Harris Campaign CRUMBLES | The Daily Dose
    #10 - CBS Caught in HUGE Scandal as Kamala Harris Campaign CRUMBLES
    Read full story

    Big Pharma’s Dirty Medical Journal Secret | The Daily Dose 10 shocking stories the media buried today. The Vigilant Fox #10 - Big Pharma is secretly “ghostwriting” articles in top medical and oncology journals to trick doctors into buying their drugs. Here’s how the scam works: First, pharma pays companies big money to ghostwrite studies that look legit. Then, they approach doctors, offering them prestige in exchange for slapping their names on these ghostwritten studies. Once published in top medical journals, these articles deceive other doctors into prescribing their drugs, believing the results are authentic. This scheme tricks doctors into promoting treatments based on false research, driving up drug sales while putting patients at risk. Watch Dr. Russell Blaylock explain. The “conspiracy theorists” were right again. Join 90K+ Substack readers and 1.2 million 𝕏 users who follow the work of Vigilant Fox. Subscribe to Vigilant News for exclusive stories you won’t find anywhere else. See More Revealing Stories Below: #9 - The Current CIA Director Visited Epstein’s Apartment Multiple Times Bill Burns has some explaining to do. “This is not a theory.” This really happened, says Michael Schellenberger. Burns met with Epstein multiple times in 2014, years after Epstein's conviction for s*x crimes. Surprise, surprise. Bill Gates also met with Epstein so many times that people have lost count. In a PBS interview, when questioned about his association with Epstein, Bill Gates looked uncomfortably “guilty,” Schellenberger observed. "Is there a lesson to be learned?" PBS asked. "Well, he's dead," Gates oddly answered. “So, in general, you always have to be careful.” Schellenberger says he's about 95% sure Epstein was running a s*x blackmail operation. And Bill Gates and the current CIA director held multiple meetings with this guy. #8 - Black Men Respond to Obama Telling “Brothas” to Vote for Kamala Harris @RobSmithOnline: “I am voting for DONALD TRUMP on November 5th! And NO amount of LECTURING or SHAMING is going to change that.” @VernonForGA: “Obama should be ashamed for berating, rebuking and scolding Black men, because they won’t vote for Madam Lock Up A Brother…” @thecjpearson: “My name is CJ Pearson. I’m 22 years old. And in 25 days, I’ll be joining millions of other young black men and voting for Donald J. Trump!” While you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe to this page for more daily news roundups. #7 - A massive UK study of 1.7 million kids has found that myocarditis and pericarditis only occurred in children who received COVID-19 injections. According to the study, “Zero cases of myocarditis or pericarditis were found in the unvaccinated group.” The study, led by Oxford University’s Professor Colm D Andrews., was released as a preprint in the MedRxiv journal. The researchers confirmed that, despite widespread vaccination efforts, "the virus did not put children at risk of death or the need for emergency care, hospitalization, or critical care." The study found that COVID-19 vaccines offered little long-term protection, as many children caught the virus just 14 to 15 weeks after getting the shot. The “conspiracy theorists” warned parents years ago that the COVID shots were all risk and no reward. Now, they've been proven true once again. #6 - Elon Musk introduces an army of Optimus robots, says people will be able to buy them to complete tasks. Credit: https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1844581889593471060 #5 - Tim Walz Crashes and Burns During Strahan Interview in Epically Bad Fashion #4 - Poll Finds Voters Are Far More Conservative Than They're Willing to Admit #3 - Dr. Fauci’s pet drug, Remdesivir, is tied to 63.9% of all military COVID-19 deaths. #2 - The Sheriff of one of Colorado's largest counties endorses Trump and says he is the only one who can stop the gangster invasion destroying the state. Clip: https://x.com/BehizyTweets/status/1844805181084488095 #1 - Kamala Harris reportedly had a C17 aircraft loaded with supplies for a Hurricane Helene photo-op, with no plan to send those supplies to Hurricane victims. This accusation comes from Aerial Recovery members Jonathan Howard and Charlie Keebaugh. “They [NC National Guard] had a C17, full of supplies just to take a photo op for Kamala… and they never sent the bird." Clip: https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1844533781065056564 Share BONUS #1 - Vaccines are the real cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and the government has been covering it up for decades, one doctor says. The term SIDS itself, according to @MidwesternDoc, is a euphemism used to cover up vaccine-related deaths. One disturbing study found that two-thirds of infants who died of SIDS had been vaccinated with the DPT vaccine prior to death. Of those, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination, 13% within 24 hours, and 26% within three days. Dr. William Torch, the author of the study, concluded, “DPT vaccination may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits.” @MidwesternDoc claims there is a century of evidence to suggest vaccines cause SIDS, but the government has continuously worked to suppress such findings. One of those efforts has been the removal of vaccine-related death classifications in the ICD system in 1979. This change made it impossible for doctors to officially attribute infant deaths to vaccines, further obscuring the true cause of SIDS. "The children who died from SIDS and their parents deserve recognition and justice," says @MidwesternDoc. "Infants cannot speak up for themselves. When you observe these vaccine injuries and the trauma they experience, it’s very apparent what happened." BONUS #2 - Five Surprising Cancer-Fighting Products From Nature BONUS #3 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak and More BONUS #4 - Local Official Collapses, Dies After Testifying About BioLab Fire in Georgia BONUS #5 - Whoopi Goldberg Loses Her Mind on “The View” After Trump Humiliates Her During Campaign Rally Thanks for reading! If you found this post helpful, please do me a favor and follow this page before you go. Check back on Sunday for the weekly news recap. Here’s what you missed yesterday. CBS Caught in HUGE Scandal as Kamala Harris Campaign CRUMBLES | The Daily Dose #10 - CBS Caught in HUGE Scandal as Kamala Harris Campaign CRUMBLES Read full story https://open.substack.com/pub/vigilantfox/p/big-pharmas-dirty-medical-journal
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 12201 Vue
  • Dr. Pierre Kory: COVID Vaccine Shedding is not only real, but is very common

    "I had one patient who was 43 and had never missed her period. That changed when she was exposed unknowingly to a massage therapist who was boosted the day before.
    I put her on a dose of Ivermectin for 5 days, as I know Ivermectin binds shedding spike proteins, and she got her period back."

    Join on Telegram channel
    Dr. Pierre Kory: COVID Vaccine Shedding is not only real, but is very common "I had one patient who was 43 and had never missed her period. That changed when she was exposed unknowingly to a massage therapist who was boosted the day before. I put her on a dose of Ivermectin for 5 days, as I know Ivermectin binds shedding spike proteins, and she got her period back." Join on Telegram channel 👇 https://t.me/DrJudyMikovitsHealthSecrets
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 981 Vue 0
  • Unvaccinated Blood under the Darkfield Microscope including my own, what a Shocker!
    German Short Version:https://uncutnews.ch/die-professorin-nimmt-ungeimpftes-blut-unter-die-lupe-und-bekommt-den-schrecken-ihres-lebens/

    I examined the blood of three unvaccinated individuals including my own. They had Hydrogels in their blood. Not as many and not as large as the jabbed do, but nevertheless worrisome.

    The photo below shows the blood of an unvaccinated man in his early 50ies. He is very well informed about the dangers of the jabs and knew before the rollout that these were dangerous.

    The red blood cells are clumped together in rouleau formation, though he hadn’t had water for several hours before doing the exam. Thus, that could be the reason. I found three hydrogels in total. He has no symptoms.

    Next is a man in his late 50ies who never took the jab, never did a PCR test and never wore a mask. He’s rarely in the company of jabbed people. He too had a few Hydrogels in the blood and some clumping of red blood cells despite being hydrated. He works in the garden a lot with his bare hands. He has no symptoms.

    The following is my own blood. I found one Hydrogel about a good month ago. What I found now is shocking to me as I obviously didn’t take the jab, never did a test nor wore a mask, but spent time around jabbed people in planes, airports and in my house doing microscopy. I also work in the garden with my bare hands. The question remains of where the second guy and I got this from and we suspect it may be from working with the soil which gets drenched with rain. We have been sprayed intensely like bugs by chemtrails since last Thanksgiving. There has been spraying before that, but after Thanksgiving it increased dramatically. As I will show in my next Substack, rainwater contains Hydrogels.

    The above shows a white blood cell on the right trying to attack the Hydrogel unsuccessfully.

    Two “Serpents”

    I call this one “The Dragon”. It’s huge at only 160 magnification.

    I have been taking 225 mg liposomal Calcium EDTA from Global Healing per day and 4 g of liposomal Vitamin C from Mercola. Obviously, that was not enough. I am now increasing it to 490 mg EDTA and 10 g of Vitamin C per day and will recheck in a few weeks. That’s the oral protocol by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD. In addition, I’m taking 2 Plaquex Oral of 900 mg each per day.

    I wanted to see what happened when I added injectable EDTA to the slide. I had some Disodium EDTA for intravenous use and added a drop which was no easy task, as I had to lift the coverslip off the slide, hoping it wouldn’t completely obliterate the sample, then add the drop of EDTA. I next took two fresh blood samples and added EDTA to one of them before adding the coverslip.

    The EDTA destroyed the Hydrogel instantly and killed “the serpent”:

    “The Serpent” from another blood sample

    At this ratio of one drop blood to one drop EDTA, the red blood cells were obliterated as well. That would be the equivalent of infusing one and a half gallons of pure undiluted EDTA in one sitting which of course would cause death quite instantly.

    Above: EDTA pretty much destroyed the red blood cells at this dose, which is to be expected.

    I will experiment with adding Ivermectin to the blood to see what happens. I have doubts this would change anything, but you never know until you try it. I will also follow up with my own blood after taking the recommended doses of liposomal EDTA and Vitamin C.

    Book Store: www.anitabaxasmd.com

    Note about your comments: I read them all and I appreciate your questions and suggestions. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to respond to all of them as I’m doing this research besides my regular work, advising the detox clinic that’s hopefully about to open soon, and taking care of my little sister who has Down Syndrome as well as my house and vegetable and fruit garden.

    Unvaccinated Blood under the Darkfield Microscope including my own, what a Shocker! German Short Version:https://uncutnews.ch/die-professorin-nimmt-ungeimpftes-blut-unter-die-lupe-und-bekommt-den-schrecken-ihres-lebens/ I examined the blood of three unvaccinated individuals including my own. They had Hydrogels in their blood. Not as many and not as large as the jabbed do, but nevertheless worrisome. The photo below shows the blood of an unvaccinated man in his early 50ies. He is very well informed about the dangers of the jabs and knew before the rollout that these were dangerous. The red blood cells are clumped together in rouleau formation, though he hadn’t had water for several hours before doing the exam. Thus, that could be the reason. I found three hydrogels in total. He has no symptoms. Next is a man in his late 50ies who never took the jab, never did a PCR test and never wore a mask. He’s rarely in the company of jabbed people. He too had a few Hydrogels in the blood and some clumping of red blood cells despite being hydrated. He works in the garden a lot with his bare hands. He has no symptoms. The following is my own blood. I found one Hydrogel about a good month ago. What I found now is shocking to me as I obviously didn’t take the jab, never did a test nor wore a mask, but spent time around jabbed people in planes, airports and in my house doing microscopy. I also work in the garden with my bare hands. The question remains of where the second guy and I got this from and we suspect it may be from working with the soil which gets drenched with rain. We have been sprayed intensely like bugs by chemtrails since last Thanksgiving. There has been spraying before that, but after Thanksgiving it increased dramatically. As I will show in my next Substack, rainwater contains Hydrogels. The above shows a white blood cell on the right trying to attack the Hydrogel unsuccessfully. Two “Serpents” I call this one “The Dragon”. It’s huge at only 160 magnification. I have been taking 225 mg liposomal Calcium EDTA from Global Healing per day and 4 g of liposomal Vitamin C from Mercola. Obviously, that was not enough. I am now increasing it to 490 mg EDTA and 10 g of Vitamin C per day and will recheck in a few weeks. That’s the oral protocol by Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD. In addition, I’m taking 2 Plaquex Oral of 900 mg each per day. I wanted to see what happened when I added injectable EDTA to the slide. I had some Disodium EDTA for intravenous use and added a drop which was no easy task, as I had to lift the coverslip off the slide, hoping it wouldn’t completely obliterate the sample, then add the drop of EDTA. I next took two fresh blood samples and added EDTA to one of them before adding the coverslip. The EDTA destroyed the Hydrogel instantly and killed “the serpent”: “The Serpent” from another blood sample At this ratio of one drop blood to one drop EDTA, the red blood cells were obliterated as well. That would be the equivalent of infusing one and a half gallons of pure undiluted EDTA in one sitting which of course would cause death quite instantly. Above: EDTA pretty much destroyed the red blood cells at this dose, which is to be expected. I will experiment with adding Ivermectin to the blood to see what happens. I have doubts this would change anything, but you never know until you try it. I will also follow up with my own blood after taking the recommended doses of liposomal EDTA and Vitamin C. Book Store: www.anitabaxasmd.com Note about your comments: I read them all and I appreciate your questions and suggestions. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to respond to all of them as I’m doing this research besides my regular work, advising the detox clinic that’s hopefully about to open soon, and taking care of my little sister who has Down Syndrome as well as my house and vegetable and fruit garden. https://substack.com/@anitabaxasmd/p-148857874
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 6141 Vue
  • I Quit Eating White Flour & Threw Out All My "Vitamins" - Here's What Happened (Part 1)
    After I learned synthetic vitamins are poison, the United Nations is behind the Food Fortification program (which drugs the food supply with vitamins) and, like viruses, vitamins have never been properly isolated because they too are a Big Pharma scheme to sell us health made in a laboratory, I began taking a hard look at what I was eating.

    At this point in my life I had completely quit taking all supplements and I thought I was eating healthy, but upon closer inspection, I was alarmed to discover my entire diet was being synthetically vitaminized and poisoned. Literally everything was tainted, right down to my Paradise Green dehydrated peas…

    From my bag of rice to my afternoon kombucha drinks, all of the products in my pantry had chemicals slipped in to places least expected - they drugged the peas for f*cks sake! DEHYDRATED PEAS!

    Many months later, I was in the process of writing The Vitamin Swindle Part 1: The White Bread Scandal, when I learned rats that get into white flour mills won’t touch the flour. The more I researched, the more disturbed I became, specifically regarding white flour and the history of it. I learned about a massive conspiracy between the flour mills, the American Medical Association, Big Pharma and the US government. Long story short, they knew white flour was causing major health issues and they knew living off of it was the cause of “Beriberi”, yet they went out of their way to assure the public it was a great, nutritious product that people should eat for their health.


    You see, because white flour, like rice flour, has vitamins dumped in at the mills via the UN “fortification” and “enrichment” program, it is nearly impossible to eat products containing this flour and avoid also consuming synthetic vitamins: (17 second video)

    So, although I had quit consuming bottled supplements, I was still consuming the same vitamins via the food supply. But after the rat discovery, without hesitation, I axed white flour from my diet. Let me tell you, while not taking vitamins was easy (and saved me money too!), not eating white flour was incredibly difficult because I had to relearn how to eat and, being that I loathed cooking, I didn’t know what to do. I was so used to buying premade health food that I felt lost; everything I was purchasing had white flour (or synthetic vitamins) in it somewhere. With zero kitchen skills, my meals became a head of broccoli with natural butter and Real Salt or diced cucumber with garlic, feta and extra virgin olive oil or a plate of sliced tomatoes and lots of baked potatoes. Here’s an example of my dinner:

    The first five-or-so nights of being white-flour-free, I sweat like crazy while I slept and my sweat smelled ghastly. It was a strange odor I had never smelled before. I can’t quite explain it, perhaps something like plastic burning in a hot dumpster that is full of roadkill and rotten dairy. It was so foul that I had to run my bedding to the washing machine every morning for nearly a week. No matter how much I showered I could still smell this awful stench for the first couple days.


    I woke up one morning and discovered my underwear were stretched out. I grabbed a different pair and those didn’t fit either. What the heck? Did the washer ruin my clothes? When I pulled on my work pants, those didn’t fit either! I realized I had lost weight - a lot of it. I hurried to the closet to grab my belt, threw it around my wait and slid the buckle right past my usual connection hole. I had lost so much weight in 14 days that I downsized one belt hole! I was quite puzzled because I lost this weight by doing nothing other than quitting white flour; no gym and 0 exercise because I traded that time for writing Substack articles for you.

    I also noticed my facial skin looked more youthful. The bags under my eyes nearly vanished. I told my spouse I think I have the energy of a 20 year old, *wink, wink*.

    WEEK #3

    By the third week I lost another 10-or-so pounds, now my shirts looked a full size too large. But that’s not all, another huge change occurred. During this week I began becoming naturally tired in the evenings. Writing articles until 9pm then watching a documentary until 10:30-11pm no longer worked for me. I was tired at 8, asleep by 9 and up at 3am so I could get in a few hours of writing before work. This may sound like a really insane time to wake up, but I love it. My mind is so clear, I am so focused and the world is so peaceful. I think my best content and research is what I am producing at this early hour.

    Strangely, even though I was waking up so early then spending three hours working before I go into work, I had energy the entire day. Additionally, my mood had become overall more optimistic about everything in life. I began hacking away at the list of sh*t I have been putting off forever. (Responding to Substack direct messages is on that list. Only 580 more messages to go…)

    WEEK #4

    By the fourth week, my love handles vanished. I pinched my love handle area and could only pinch an inch of skin between my fingers. My stomach began to flatten. I even noticed my face looked thinner and the droop in my chin that I blamed on age disappeared. My shoulders began looking defined again and that sure wasn’t from spending 12 hours a day on a pc. Then something really wild happened…

    MONTH 1

    Around the end of the month, I realized my taste buds completely changed. Everything I loved (especially potato chips and dip, Lord I loved me some cheddar & sour cream chips with French onion dip), became disgusting. After being flour-and-chemical-free for over four weeks, Tostitos tortilla chips were inedible because the chemicals in them burned the sh*t out of my gums. Fast food, even my beloved Taco Bell, tasted f*cking terrible - so disgusting that, for the first time ever, I threw it out after two bites. When my spouse, who is not on board with my diet, ordered a pizza, I took one bite then instead made another baked potato.

    It was at this time that foods containing chemicals or GMOs began killing my stomach. I dreaded dinner at my parents house because I knew I would be dealing with hours of pain. I was forced to cut restaurants our of my life because, even when I selected the best options, I was still forced to endure hours of torture afterward. (btw, I learned we should never be consuming products like Pepto Bismol, instead eat some nutmeg. It works fast too!)

    But it gets crazier - I started craving produce. For the first time in my life (I’m in my mid-40s), I wanted bananas and I would think to myself, “some cauliflower sounds good today”. I craved a baked potato without cheese - just real butter, real salt, real pepper and herbs (and organic sour cream because I’m no saint). Even more mind-blowing, cheese, as a whole, stopped being a necessity and food tasted great without it. In fact, I began tasting a plastic-type flavor in shredded cheese (even cheese my better-half shreds from full blocks), which was pretty repulsive so I no longer used cheese unless it was goat or sheep.

    Then, things got even stranger. I was able to somehow tune in with what my body wanted and my body wanted less meat and more beans. I know, it’s wild, right? I never in my life wanted beans unless it was a can refried bean dip for a bag of Doritos. I began to truly enjoy black beans which I previously hated. [If you hate cooking, the best canned bean manufacturer in the world is Siete. They are who singlehandedly got me to love black beans. Siete has products that allow an anti-cook to enjoy Mexican food and still eat clean without compromising taste. Their products are probably at wherever you shop, plus they are sold on Amazon.com, in Costco, etc. Here’s their site, SieteFoods.com and here’s their black beans:]

    Another unexpected change occurred around this time: my entire adult life, I have classified myself as running hot. It drove the spouse nuts because I would want to sleep with the window cracked, even in the winter. During the peak of summer I would sleep in the basement because the house was too hot, even with the AC on blast… but this all ended.

    MONTH #2

    At the beginning of the second month, I estimate I lost around 40 pounds! I didn’t realize I had that much to lose because I am an overall slimmer person and if you would have asked me how overweight I was, I would have said, “I guess I could lose 10 or 15 pounds.”. I lost so much weight that people started asking if I’ve been hitting the gym. When I replied, “Nope, just quit white flour and vitamins”, they looked at me like I was a lunatic, but that was ok.

    I now looked like I was wearing my father’s clothing, so I had to get new everything in a full size smaller.

    Then, one more crazy thing happened… and, for me, this was one of the most unexpected changes of all…

    I stopped drinking my beloved whiskey, not because I wanted to, no sir, I love whiskey. I stopped drinking it because I came home from work one day, walked to my whiskey shelf, picked up a bottle of Blanton’s and, as soon as I removed the cork, I realized I just didn’t want it. This is a feeling I had never experienced in my life. I began drinking when I was 15 years old and had drank ever since. When life felt at its worst, I would buy multiple bottles of whiskey at a time. In fact, I was buying so much that the liquor store would save empty case boxes for me so they were easier to carry to my vehicle.

    So, on this specific day, as I stood at my whiskey shelf, when I didn’t want to fill up my glass, it was as if my mind misfunctioned. As bizarre as this sounds, I tried to talk myself into having just one glass. My odd conversation with myself ended with the decision to not pour the whiskey and instead drink something else but to come back in an hour and fill the glass up. … an hour later, it still didn’t sound good. I was baffled.

    That was the first night in my adult life that I went to bed voluntarily choosing not to drink alcohol… and feeling GREAT! I wondered if I would feel horrible withdrawals come morning, but the withdrawals never came. I bounced out of bed, ready to seize the day. And when I got home from work on day #2, drinking again didn’t sound good.

    MONTH #3

    By the third month, my life had completely changed. I was a new person mentally and physically. I felt like I was the best version of myself that I could be. Like a superhero, my senses were all heightened and I became even more aware of things I had been missing around me. Let me give you an important example:

    Being that my spouse and young adult children are not participating in my diet, they eat all the processed garbage. Vegetables and fruit tastes terrible to them because their taste buds have adapted to the white flour diet. I will be writing more on this topic soon, so do it if you haven’t already:

    Anyway, I noticed that, when they wake up in the mornings they are physically fine however, within 30 minutes of them consuming breakfast (white flour and chemicals) they begin to develop a slight cough; a single cough or a throat-clearing that repeats approximately every 15 to 20 minutes after the consumption of these products. I observed the identical occurrence with my coworkers.

    I also noticed, after lunch (a second dose of the same toxins), in addition to the random cough, my older son will start slightly sniffling like allergies. At my job, my associate who stops at Panera Bread each morning for a muffin and a coke, needs allergy medication by noon. In the spring and summer she blames pollen, and when the identical symptoms occur in the fall and winter she blames dust. I had never really put 2 + 2 together... “allergies”…

    Throughout the first five months, I had a total of maybe 3 drinks, and the wildest part was that I cut myself off after a single drink because it just didn’t taste good. Even my top shelf whiskey, Heaven’s Door Bootleg Series, just didn’t do it for me.

    The one evening I was peer pressured into excessively drinking (buddy’s 40th birthday party), I didn’t enjoy it at all and woke up the next day feeling like hell. This further reinforced that I didn’t want to consume alcohol anymore.


    After a half year of being in the best health of my adult life (even better health than when I was bodybuilding because I was poison-free this time around), I had to go out of town for five days. On the upside, I got to stay at a resort. On the downside, I quickly realized there was absolutely nothing for me to eat that didn’t involve white flour, additives or vitamins. I arrived at the resort at 10pm and the only available food was pizza, white bread sandwiches with processed meat and cheese, fried chicken strips with white flour breading, and so on. I went to bed with my stomach growling.

    The next morning I awoke naturally at 3am, long before the resort breakfast area was open. I got out my laptop and tried to focus on writing while my stomach screamed. At 7am, when the breakfast bar opened, I raced to it, only to discover white flour bagels with processed cream cheese and chemical margarine packets, Dole fruit cups in heavy syrup, Quaker Oat single serve oatmeal with sugar and vitamins, Tropicana fortified orange juice served alongside fortified milk, and Quaker chocolate granola bars. Then there were also seven bananas. I grabbed a plate, took all seven and beelined back to my room.

    When lunch came, to my dismay, there were no non-tainted food options, and this is when my nosedive began…

    I selected the beer batter fried fish sandwich which seemed to be the least of all evils. I asked for no bun or toppings, just give me the breaded fish on a plate. Trying to remove the batter from the fish proved unsuccessful. It tasted horrible but I needed something in my stomach.

    That evening I had time to relax in tropical paradise. I found a good chair to watch the geoengineering over the ocean, it was painfully obvious they were in the process of making Hurricane Debby. While staring at planes spraying the sky and watching frequency being deployed to push the spray in one direction while the natural clouds were moving the opposite direction, the waitress convinced me to try their dark rum pina coladas which, as she stated, were indeed delicious. In fact, they were so delicious that I ordered two more. Thankfully they were also filling, so I didn’t go to bed hungry.

    The following day was a repeat of the prior. I stole all of the bananas, ate fish covered in white flour then fried in horrible oil, then enjoyed a half dozen high-fructose-corn-syrup-and-chemicals pina coladas for dinner. Later that evening, with clouded judgement, I decide to give those fried chicken strips a try. I even ordered chemical ranch dressing to go with them… then got a shot of whiskey, my first shot of whiskey since getting clean. Before bed I watched the electrical storm over the Atlantic: (11 second video)

    The third morning I did not naturally wake up at 3am, I instead slept in until after 7. When I got to the breakfast bar, the bananas weren’t available so I chose the fake oatmeal packet. I had this day off work so, come 10am, I was poolside being served dark rum pina coladas. There were now two clearly-defined layers of clouds, quickly moving in opposite directions, and the media was beginning to run their Debby fear campaign. That evening I ordered the pizza and it tasted great.

    Come morning #4, I didn’t want bananas, I instead opted for waffles with fake butter and cheap syrup. Lunch was a processed meat sandwich. Dinner was a burger with French fries dipped in ranch (I’m not a ketchup person, give me ranch or mayo). And this is where the unexpected happens…

    I also had the fifth day off work and again overslept by many hours. When I woke up I put on my shorts and noticed my stomach hanging over them. It wasn’t just a little bloated, it was bulged out substantially. I looked at my body in the mirror and I looked like I had gained at least 15 pounds! Dismayed but determined to enjoy my day, I repeated the day prior.

    All the way home, in the airports and on the planes, I ate trash and drank. Upon getting back to Michigan, I looked and felt like a different person. I was pudgy, tired, short-tempered, unmotivated, and I had a craving for fried foods, pizza and alcohol. Nothing sounded better than a bag of Lay’s and a can of Frito’s Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese Dip.

    That evening I had some of the fast food my spouse and kids picked up for dinner and I finally poured that Blanton’s I passed on many months prior.

    My first morning back home, I debated stopping at McDonalds on the way into work because a Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit sounded incredible, but I refrained only because my motivation had been so stripped that even stopping to get fast food sounded like too much work.

    The next week was incredibly difficult because my taste buds had completely shifted and all of the clean foods I had purchased tasted bad but all of the processed foods were mouth-watering. My mind was telling me to make a baked potato or slice up cucumbers but my body was telling me “do that tomorrow, for now order Uber Eats.” . After around 12-days of mental war, the cravings ended and I was back on track. It took several weeks for the bloating and water-weight gain to reside completely.


    It has now been around 10 months and I am back to my high school athlete weight. I have zero desire to eat processed food or white flour because it tastes so bad again.

    I had to get new apparel a second time because, even with the full size smaller clothing, I again looked like I was swimming in someone else’s shirts.

    In full transparency, not drinking alcohol resulted in a new coffee addiction. Yes, I am completely aware it is bad. In further full transparency, I still enjoy my cigars, but I’ll work on this as time progresses, one thing at a time, my friends. And in a final moment of transparency, I classify a single drink every couple months as “not being an alcohol drinker” and I see nothing wrong with this.


    Perplexed by how quickly I fell off the rails and was overtaken by old habits, I couldn’t help but want to learn more about my whole experience, so I began looking deeper into white flour. The very first thing I discovered was that my weight loss and positive changes, especially to sleeping patterns, were nothing special, in fact, it’s the norm if you cut white flour from your diet. Here’s other people, before and after quitting flour, and their amazing transformations within only 30 or 60 days:

    What Yuh Know - 60 DAYS NO SUGAR, NO FLOUR, NO SOFT... | Facebook
    Down 55 pounds with no sugar, no flour - weight loss journey with Bright Line Eating
    8 Practical Tips for Weight Loss
    I Gave Up Sugar and Flour! Here's What I Eat Instead | Little Miss Fearless
    Many of these people went completely gluten free and some axed sugar too but I did not. I still consume some bread, just not white flour bread, and I still consume sugar in the form of agave nectar and coconut sugar. If you stop consuming white flour products and vitamins, you will automatically cut the vast majority of sugar out of your diet.

    Gluten Free Diet That Changed My Life - YouTube
    Gluten Free Diet Before And After Weight Loss Results Transformation
    Look at the difference in these people and think of how many health problems they eliminated:

    Why I Gave Up Dairy & Gluten - 85 Pounds Down - Before and After Weight Loss Transformation Pictures - YouTube
    Now think of this: If this man went to the doctor for his annual checkup, the doctor would tell him he needs medication for something(s), then write him a prescription(s), when all along, he just needed to stop eating white flour:

    No wheat and dairy for 60 days before and after photos...
    How a Whole-Food Diet Transformed This Fitness Pro - Forks Over Knives
    My Story | Fork and Beans
    Not only did these people add years, if not decades, to their lives, but look at the difference in their facial expressions. Nobody is happy being overweight.

    Progress) 90 lbs down this morning following a whole food plant based diet, no exercise. The last time I weighed this little I was was 12 or 13. It's been a process,
    And it wasn’t just weight loss, people report their Eczema vanishing without any need for Big Pharma products:

    I've been able to take my eczema down 95% eating gluten free, minimizing eggs sugar and dairy intake! For me moisturizer was not possible and aggravated my skin. I take lots of
    And many saw noticeable changes after only a week in the form of their skin looking brighter and cleaner and facial wrinkles lessening or vanishing.

    I began pondering white flour more. Remember how, at the beginning of this article, I explained there was this crazy conspiracy involving the government and the American Medical Association to make sure we consume this flour? I didn’t understand why the AMA was so hellbent on getting this inside of us. They wanted us to eat this so bad that they were willing to destroy their reputation over it. It seems hard to believe that this was just related to bribery or blackmail. It felt like their had to be more to the story.

    Deeper reflection lead me to wonder, what if the chemicals in white flour products can f*ck with our brains? Could it be possible that these ingredients can literally hijack our thought process and mind control us? That would indeed explain why I fell off the wagon and lost all sense of judgement in only a couple days of consuming the flour. But claiming this food might have the ability to mentally change us is a pretty wild hypothesis which would require a lot of deep digging and dot-connecting, but if that is indeed what is going on here, holy sh*t, that is massive.

    As I began to dive deep into old documents, records, videos and scientific paperwork, I became utterly shocked at what I was uncovering… NEXT READ: WHITE FLOUR IS A LITERAL DRUG, but first, if you appreciate my time, energy and devotion to bringing you content, please consider hooking me up with a whiskey coffee or a lil donation:

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    White Flour IS A DRUG! It's an OPIOID! The Most EVIL Food Yet?

    White Flour IS A DRUG! It's an OPIOID! The Most EVIL Food Yet?
    It is hard to wrap your mind around how utterly insane this is - we are all being fed an opioid drug, all day long, every day. “What do opioids do?”, you ask. Answer: Other than producing short-lived feelings of happiness followed by a crash and providing temporary pain relief…

    Read full story


    Vitamin D is Rat Poison

    Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again

    Vitamin B is Made From Cyanide and is a Carcinogen


    Vitamin C is Associated with the Eugenics Movement

    Omega-3’s are Soy and Carcinogens: Fish Oil Poison

    The Time “Vitamin B” Contaminated a City

    The Natural Vitamin SCAM: Eating Byproduct Waste

    HOW VITAMINS ARE MADE - Trust Me, It’s NOT What You Think

    BUSTED! Videos Inside Vitamin Manufacturers

    Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1

    The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2

    The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1

    Daily Intake Level Insanity

    Poisoning Pregnant Mothers: Deadly Prenatal Vitamins

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    The 1969 Population Council’s Secret POPULATION CONTROL Operations: Drug the Water Supply, Destroy the Family, Reduce Fertility

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    I Quit Eating White Flour & Threw Out All My "Vitamins" - Here's What Happened (Part 1) After I learned synthetic vitamins are poison, the United Nations is behind the Food Fortification program (which drugs the food supply with vitamins) and, like viruses, vitamins have never been properly isolated because they too are a Big Pharma scheme to sell us health made in a laboratory, I began taking a hard look at what I was eating. At this point in my life I had completely quit taking all supplements and I thought I was eating healthy, but upon closer inspection, I was alarmed to discover my entire diet was being synthetically vitaminized and poisoned. Literally everything was tainted, right down to my Paradise Green dehydrated peas… From my bag of rice to my afternoon kombucha drinks, all of the products in my pantry had chemicals slipped in to places least expected - they drugged the peas for f*cks sake! DEHYDRATED PEAS! Many months later, I was in the process of writing The Vitamin Swindle Part 1: The White Bread Scandal, when I learned rats that get into white flour mills won’t touch the flour. The more I researched, the more disturbed I became, specifically regarding white flour and the history of it. I learned about a massive conspiracy between the flour mills, the American Medical Association, Big Pharma and the US government. Long story short, they knew white flour was causing major health issues and they knew living off of it was the cause of “Beriberi”, yet they went out of their way to assure the public it was a great, nutritious product that people should eat for their health. REMOVAL OF WHITE FLOUR FROM MY DIET You see, because white flour, like rice flour, has vitamins dumped in at the mills via the UN “fortification” and “enrichment” program, it is nearly impossible to eat products containing this flour and avoid also consuming synthetic vitamins: (17 second video) So, although I had quit consuming bottled supplements, I was still consuming the same vitamins via the food supply. But after the rat discovery, without hesitation, I axed white flour from my diet. Let me tell you, while not taking vitamins was easy (and saved me money too!), not eating white flour was incredibly difficult because I had to relearn how to eat and, being that I loathed cooking, I didn’t know what to do. I was so used to buying premade health food that I felt lost; everything I was purchasing had white flour (or synthetic vitamins) in it somewhere. With zero kitchen skills, my meals became a head of broccoli with natural butter and Real Salt or diced cucumber with garlic, feta and extra virgin olive oil or a plate of sliced tomatoes and lots of baked potatoes. Here’s an example of my dinner: The first five-or-so nights of being white-flour-free, I sweat like crazy while I slept and my sweat smelled ghastly. It was a strange odor I had never smelled before. I can’t quite explain it, perhaps something like plastic burning in a hot dumpster that is full of roadkill and rotten dairy. It was so foul that I had to run my bedding to the washing machine every morning for nearly a week. No matter how much I showered I could still smell this awful stench for the first couple days. NO WHITE FLOUR, WEEK #2 I woke up one morning and discovered my underwear were stretched out. I grabbed a different pair and those didn’t fit either. What the heck? Did the washer ruin my clothes? When I pulled on my work pants, those didn’t fit either! I realized I had lost weight - a lot of it. I hurried to the closet to grab my belt, threw it around my wait and slid the buckle right past my usual connection hole. I had lost so much weight in 14 days that I downsized one belt hole! I was quite puzzled because I lost this weight by doing nothing other than quitting white flour; no gym and 0 exercise because I traded that time for writing Substack articles for you. I also noticed my facial skin looked more youthful. The bags under my eyes nearly vanished. I told my spouse I think I have the energy of a 20 year old, *wink, wink*. WEEK #3 By the third week I lost another 10-or-so pounds, now my shirts looked a full size too large. But that’s not all, another huge change occurred. During this week I began becoming naturally tired in the evenings. Writing articles until 9pm then watching a documentary until 10:30-11pm no longer worked for me. I was tired at 8, asleep by 9 and up at 3am so I could get in a few hours of writing before work. This may sound like a really insane time to wake up, but I love it. My mind is so clear, I am so focused and the world is so peaceful. I think my best content and research is what I am producing at this early hour. Strangely, even though I was waking up so early then spending three hours working before I go into work, I had energy the entire day. Additionally, my mood had become overall more optimistic about everything in life. I began hacking away at the list of sh*t I have been putting off forever. (Responding to Substack direct messages is on that list. Only 580 more messages to go…) WEEK #4 By the fourth week, my love handles vanished. I pinched my love handle area and could only pinch an inch of skin between my fingers. My stomach began to flatten. I even noticed my face looked thinner and the droop in my chin that I blamed on age disappeared. My shoulders began looking defined again and that sure wasn’t from spending 12 hours a day on a pc. Then something really wild happened… MONTH 1 Around the end of the month, I realized my taste buds completely changed. Everything I loved (especially potato chips and dip, Lord I loved me some cheddar & sour cream chips with French onion dip), became disgusting. After being flour-and-chemical-free for over four weeks, Tostitos tortilla chips were inedible because the chemicals in them burned the sh*t out of my gums. Fast food, even my beloved Taco Bell, tasted f*cking terrible - so disgusting that, for the first time ever, I threw it out after two bites. When my spouse, who is not on board with my diet, ordered a pizza, I took one bite then instead made another baked potato. It was at this time that foods containing chemicals or GMOs began killing my stomach. I dreaded dinner at my parents house because I knew I would be dealing with hours of pain. I was forced to cut restaurants our of my life because, even when I selected the best options, I was still forced to endure hours of torture afterward. (btw, I learned we should never be consuming products like Pepto Bismol, instead eat some nutmeg. It works fast too!) But it gets crazier - I started craving produce. For the first time in my life (I’m in my mid-40s), I wanted bananas and I would think to myself, “some cauliflower sounds good today”. I craved a baked potato without cheese - just real butter, real salt, real pepper and herbs (and organic sour cream because I’m no saint). Even more mind-blowing, cheese, as a whole, stopped being a necessity and food tasted great without it. In fact, I began tasting a plastic-type flavor in shredded cheese (even cheese my better-half shreds from full blocks), which was pretty repulsive so I no longer used cheese unless it was goat or sheep. Then, things got even stranger. I was able to somehow tune in with what my body wanted and my body wanted less meat and more beans. I know, it’s wild, right? I never in my life wanted beans unless it was a can refried bean dip for a bag of Doritos. I began to truly enjoy black beans which I previously hated. [If you hate cooking, the best canned bean manufacturer in the world is Siete. They are who singlehandedly got me to love black beans. Siete has products that allow an anti-cook to enjoy Mexican food and still eat clean without compromising taste. Their products are probably at wherever you shop, plus they are sold on Amazon.com, in Costco, etc. Here’s their site, SieteFoods.com and here’s their black beans:] Another unexpected change occurred around this time: my entire adult life, I have classified myself as running hot. It drove the spouse nuts because I would want to sleep with the window cracked, even in the winter. During the peak of summer I would sleep in the basement because the house was too hot, even with the AC on blast… but this all ended. MONTH #2 At the beginning of the second month, I estimate I lost around 40 pounds! I didn’t realize I had that much to lose because I am an overall slimmer person and if you would have asked me how overweight I was, I would have said, “I guess I could lose 10 or 15 pounds.”. I lost so much weight that people started asking if I’ve been hitting the gym. When I replied, “Nope, just quit white flour and vitamins”, they looked at me like I was a lunatic, but that was ok. I now looked like I was wearing my father’s clothing, so I had to get new everything in a full size smaller. Then, one more crazy thing happened… and, for me, this was one of the most unexpected changes of all… I stopped drinking my beloved whiskey, not because I wanted to, no sir, I love whiskey. I stopped drinking it because I came home from work one day, walked to my whiskey shelf, picked up a bottle of Blanton’s and, as soon as I removed the cork, I realized I just didn’t want it. This is a feeling I had never experienced in my life. I began drinking when I was 15 years old and had drank ever since. When life felt at its worst, I would buy multiple bottles of whiskey at a time. In fact, I was buying so much that the liquor store would save empty case boxes for me so they were easier to carry to my vehicle. So, on this specific day, as I stood at my whiskey shelf, when I didn’t want to fill up my glass, it was as if my mind misfunctioned. As bizarre as this sounds, I tried to talk myself into having just one glass. My odd conversation with myself ended with the decision to not pour the whiskey and instead drink something else but to come back in an hour and fill the glass up. … an hour later, it still didn’t sound good. I was baffled. That was the first night in my adult life that I went to bed voluntarily choosing not to drink alcohol… and feeling GREAT! I wondered if I would feel horrible withdrawals come morning, but the withdrawals never came. I bounced out of bed, ready to seize the day. And when I got home from work on day #2, drinking again didn’t sound good. MONTH #3 By the third month, my life had completely changed. I was a new person mentally and physically. I felt like I was the best version of myself that I could be. Like a superhero, my senses were all heightened and I became even more aware of things I had been missing around me. Let me give you an important example: Being that my spouse and young adult children are not participating in my diet, they eat all the processed garbage. Vegetables and fruit tastes terrible to them because their taste buds have adapted to the white flour diet. I will be writing more on this topic soon, so do it if you haven’t already: Anyway, I noticed that, when they wake up in the mornings they are physically fine however, within 30 minutes of them consuming breakfast (white flour and chemicals) they begin to develop a slight cough; a single cough or a throat-clearing that repeats approximately every 15 to 20 minutes after the consumption of these products. I observed the identical occurrence with my coworkers. I also noticed, after lunch (a second dose of the same toxins), in addition to the random cough, my older son will start slightly sniffling like allergies. At my job, my associate who stops at Panera Bread each morning for a muffin and a coke, needs allergy medication by noon. In the spring and summer she blames pollen, and when the identical symptoms occur in the fall and winter she blames dust. I had never really put 2 + 2 together... “allergies”… Throughout the first five months, I had a total of maybe 3 drinks, and the wildest part was that I cut myself off after a single drink because it just didn’t taste good. Even my top shelf whiskey, Heaven’s Door Bootleg Series, just didn’t do it for me. The one evening I was peer pressured into excessively drinking (buddy’s 40th birthday party), I didn’t enjoy it at all and woke up the next day feeling like hell. This further reinforced that I didn’t want to consume alcohol anymore. SIX MONTHS LATER: THE RELAPSE After a half year of being in the best health of my adult life (even better health than when I was bodybuilding because I was poison-free this time around), I had to go out of town for five days. On the upside, I got to stay at a resort. On the downside, I quickly realized there was absolutely nothing for me to eat that didn’t involve white flour, additives or vitamins. I arrived at the resort at 10pm and the only available food was pizza, white bread sandwiches with processed meat and cheese, fried chicken strips with white flour breading, and so on. I went to bed with my stomach growling. The next morning I awoke naturally at 3am, long before the resort breakfast area was open. I got out my laptop and tried to focus on writing while my stomach screamed. At 7am, when the breakfast bar opened, I raced to it, only to discover white flour bagels with processed cream cheese and chemical margarine packets, Dole fruit cups in heavy syrup, Quaker Oat single serve oatmeal with sugar and vitamins, Tropicana fortified orange juice served alongside fortified milk, and Quaker chocolate granola bars. Then there were also seven bananas. I grabbed a plate, took all seven and beelined back to my room. When lunch came, to my dismay, there were no non-tainted food options, and this is when my nosedive began… I selected the beer batter fried fish sandwich which seemed to be the least of all evils. I asked for no bun or toppings, just give me the breaded fish on a plate. Trying to remove the batter from the fish proved unsuccessful. It tasted horrible but I needed something in my stomach. That evening I had time to relax in tropical paradise. I found a good chair to watch the geoengineering over the ocean, it was painfully obvious they were in the process of making Hurricane Debby. While staring at planes spraying the sky and watching frequency being deployed to push the spray in one direction while the natural clouds were moving the opposite direction, the waitress convinced me to try their dark rum pina coladas which, as she stated, were indeed delicious. In fact, they were so delicious that I ordered two more. Thankfully they were also filling, so I didn’t go to bed hungry. The following day was a repeat of the prior. I stole all of the bananas, ate fish covered in white flour then fried in horrible oil, then enjoyed a half dozen high-fructose-corn-syrup-and-chemicals pina coladas for dinner. Later that evening, with clouded judgement, I decide to give those fried chicken strips a try. I even ordered chemical ranch dressing to go with them… then got a shot of whiskey, my first shot of whiskey since getting clean. Before bed I watched the electrical storm over the Atlantic: (11 second video) The third morning I did not naturally wake up at 3am, I instead slept in until after 7. When I got to the breakfast bar, the bananas weren’t available so I chose the fake oatmeal packet. I had this day off work so, come 10am, I was poolside being served dark rum pina coladas. There were now two clearly-defined layers of clouds, quickly moving in opposite directions, and the media was beginning to run their Debby fear campaign. That evening I ordered the pizza and it tasted great. Come morning #4, I didn’t want bananas, I instead opted for waffles with fake butter and cheap syrup. Lunch was a processed meat sandwich. Dinner was a burger with French fries dipped in ranch (I’m not a ketchup person, give me ranch or mayo). And this is where the unexpected happens… I also had the fifth day off work and again overslept by many hours. When I woke up I put on my shorts and noticed my stomach hanging over them. It wasn’t just a little bloated, it was bulged out substantially. I looked at my body in the mirror and I looked like I had gained at least 15 pounds! Dismayed but determined to enjoy my day, I repeated the day prior. All the way home, in the airports and on the planes, I ate trash and drank. Upon getting back to Michigan, I looked and felt like a different person. I was pudgy, tired, short-tempered, unmotivated, and I had a craving for fried foods, pizza and alcohol. Nothing sounded better than a bag of Lay’s and a can of Frito’s Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese Dip. That evening I had some of the fast food my spouse and kids picked up for dinner and I finally poured that Blanton’s I passed on many months prior. My first morning back home, I debated stopping at McDonalds on the way into work because a Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit sounded incredible, but I refrained only because my motivation had been so stripped that even stopping to get fast food sounded like too much work. The next week was incredibly difficult because my taste buds had completely shifted and all of the clean foods I had purchased tasted bad but all of the processed foods were mouth-watering. My mind was telling me to make a baked potato or slice up cucumbers but my body was telling me “do that tomorrow, for now order Uber Eats.” . After around 12-days of mental war, the cravings ended and I was back on track. It took several weeks for the bloating and water-weight gain to reside completely. 10 MONTHS LATER It has now been around 10 months and I am back to my high school athlete weight. I have zero desire to eat processed food or white flour because it tastes so bad again. I had to get new apparel a second time because, even with the full size smaller clothing, I again looked like I was swimming in someone else’s shirts. In full transparency, not drinking alcohol resulted in a new coffee addiction. Yes, I am completely aware it is bad. In further full transparency, I still enjoy my cigars, but I’ll work on this as time progresses, one thing at a time, my friends. And in a final moment of transparency, I classify a single drink every couple months as “not being an alcohol drinker” and I see nothing wrong with this. LAUNCHING THE INVESTIGATION INTO WHITE FLOUR Perplexed by how quickly I fell off the rails and was overtaken by old habits, I couldn’t help but want to learn more about my whole experience, so I began looking deeper into white flour. The very first thing I discovered was that my weight loss and positive changes, especially to sleeping patterns, were nothing special, in fact, it’s the norm if you cut white flour from your diet. Here’s other people, before and after quitting flour, and their amazing transformations within only 30 or 60 days: What Yuh Know - 60 DAYS NO SUGAR, NO FLOUR, NO SOFT... | Facebook Down 55 pounds with no sugar, no flour - weight loss journey with Bright Line Eating 8 Practical Tips for Weight Loss I Gave Up Sugar and Flour! Here's What I Eat Instead | Little Miss Fearless Many of these people went completely gluten free and some axed sugar too but I did not. I still consume some bread, just not white flour bread, and I still consume sugar in the form of agave nectar and coconut sugar. If you stop consuming white flour products and vitamins, you will automatically cut the vast majority of sugar out of your diet. Gluten Free Diet That Changed My Life - YouTube Gluten Free Diet Before And After Weight Loss Results Transformation Look at the difference in these people and think of how many health problems they eliminated: Why I Gave Up Dairy & Gluten - 85 Pounds Down - Before and After Weight Loss Transformation Pictures - YouTube Now think of this: If this man went to the doctor for his annual checkup, the doctor would tell him he needs medication for something(s), then write him a prescription(s), when all along, he just needed to stop eating white flour: No wheat and dairy for 60 days before and after photos... How a Whole-Food Diet Transformed This Fitness Pro - Forks Over Knives My Story | Fork and Beans Not only did these people add years, if not decades, to their lives, but look at the difference in their facial expressions. Nobody is happy being overweight. Progress) 90 lbs down this morning following a whole food plant based diet, no exercise. The last time I weighed this little I was was 12 or 13. It's been a process, And it wasn’t just weight loss, people report their Eczema vanishing without any need for Big Pharma products: I've been able to take my eczema down 95% eating gluten free, minimizing eggs sugar and dairy intake! For me moisturizer was not possible and aggravated my skin. I take lots of And many saw noticeable changes after only a week in the form of their skin looking brighter and cleaner and facial wrinkles lessening or vanishing. I began pondering white flour more. Remember how, at the beginning of this article, I explained there was this crazy conspiracy involving the government and the American Medical Association to make sure we consume this flour? I didn’t understand why the AMA was so hellbent on getting this inside of us. They wanted us to eat this so bad that they were willing to destroy their reputation over it. It seems hard to believe that this was just related to bribery or blackmail. It felt like their had to be more to the story. Deeper reflection lead me to wonder, what if the chemicals in white flour products can f*ck with our brains? Could it be possible that these ingredients can literally hijack our thought process and mind control us? That would indeed explain why I fell off the wagon and lost all sense of judgement in only a couple days of consuming the flour. But claiming this food might have the ability to mentally change us is a pretty wild hypothesis which would require a lot of deep digging and dot-connecting, but if that is indeed what is going on here, holy sh*t, that is massive. As I began to dive deep into old documents, records, videos and scientific paperwork, I became utterly shocked at what I was uncovering… NEXT READ: WHITE FLOUR IS A LITERAL DRUG, but first, if you appreciate my time, energy and devotion to bringing you content, please consider hooking me up with a whiskey coffee or a lil donation: Like My Work? Make a KoFi Donation Keep Me Writing! Buy Me a Coffee Share NEXT READ White Flour IS A DRUG! It's an OPIOID! The Most EVIL Food Yet? White Flour IS A DRUG! It's an OPIOID! The Most EVIL Food Yet? It is hard to wrap your mind around how utterly insane this is - we are all being fed an opioid drug, all day long, every day. “What do opioids do?”, you ask. Answer: Other than producing short-lived feelings of happiness followed by a crash and providing temporary pain relief… Read full story OR CHECK OUT MY SUPPLEMENT INVESTIGATIONS LIST Vitamin D is Rat Poison Dr. Lee Merritt is LYING About Me - Vitamin D Really IS Rat Poison, Let’s Go Through it Again Vitamin B is Made From Cyanide and is a Carcinogen Vitamin A: POPULATION CONTROL Vitamin C is Associated with the Eugenics Movement Omega-3’s are Soy and Carcinogens: Fish Oil Poison The Time “Vitamin B” Contaminated a City The Natural Vitamin SCAM: Eating Byproduct Waste HOW VITAMINS ARE MADE - Trust Me, It’s NOT What You Think BUSTED! Videos Inside Vitamin Manufacturers Poisoning the Food Supply: The History of Fortification Series Part 1 The United Nations Food Fortification Program Series Part 2 The Vitamin Swindle: White Bread Scandal (The Truth about Vitamin B and Beriberi) PART 1 Daily Intake Level Insanity Poisoning Pregnant Mothers: Deadly Prenatal Vitamins Soil Has Been Depleted of Nutrients! Creating MYTHS to Sell Supplements The VITAMIN ISOLATION PSYOP: Vitamins ARE Viruses! The Nail in the Coffin of Supplements - Here's What Vitamins LOOK LIKE... What Ivermectin ACTUALLY is Hydroxychloroquine: POISON & Self Assembling Nanoparticles - The HCQ PSYOP & the Blood-Brain Barrier The 1969 Population Council’s Secret POPULATION CONTROL Operations: Drug the Water Supply, Destroy the Family, Reduce Fertility Or check out tons of other topics: Keep Me Fighting! Make a KoFi Donation Buy Me a Coffee Share https://substack.com/@chemtrails/p-148841683
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 31005 Vue
  • VAIDS Rising: First Patient Diagnosed With Monkey Pox, COVID & HIV
    And Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Dr. Fauci tests positive for COVID yet again.

    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    While a recent news report deliberately omits the true cause of a horrifying condition involving monkey pox, COVID and HIV, it is safe to assume that the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” are now inducing simultaneous multiple VAIDS symptoms; to wit:

    When the immune systems of the genetically modified humans are severely compromised and permanently inflamed as a result of being reduced to walking spike protein factories as a function of the “Safe and Effective” injections, the expression of various VAIDS symptoms is to be expected; with sexually transmitted diseases like Monkey Pox becoming that much easier to contract, as well as myocarditis, prion-based diseases, turbo cancers, etc. & etc.

    In other news, the most prolific serial killer in the history of mankind has now come down with a third case of COVID despite being “vaccinated” and boosted six times:

    Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Dr. Fauci is heading straight for a turbo cancer diagnosis given his VAIDS condition, with his multiple COVID diagnoses being an expression of ‘long COVID,’ which is nothing more than a disingenuous way of diagnosing long DEATHVAX™.

    It would be wise for both the Mpox/COVID/HIV sufferer and Dr. Fauci alike to avoid all future “Trust the Science” injections like the bioterror plague that they are, and consider the following treatment approach that actually works:

    New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

    Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

    Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

    Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).

    CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.

    Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram

    Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day

    VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    VAIDS Rising: First Patient Diagnosed With Monkey Pox, COVID & HIV And Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Dr. Fauci tests positive for COVID yet again. 2nd Smartest Guy in the World While a recent news report deliberately omits the true cause of a horrifying condition involving monkey pox, COVID and HIV, it is safe to assume that the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” are now inducing simultaneous multiple VAIDS symptoms; to wit: When the immune systems of the genetically modified humans are severely compromised and permanently inflamed as a result of being reduced to walking spike protein factories as a function of the “Safe and Effective” injections, the expression of various VAIDS symptoms is to be expected; with sexually transmitted diseases like Monkey Pox becoming that much easier to contract, as well as myocarditis, prion-based diseases, turbo cancers, etc. & etc. In other news, the most prolific serial killer in the history of mankind has now come down with a third case of COVID despite being “vaccinated” and boosted six times: Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Dr. Fauci is heading straight for a turbo cancer diagnosis given his VAIDS condition, with his multiple COVID diagnoses being an expression of ‘long COVID,’ which is nothing more than a disingenuous way of diagnosing long DEATHVAX™. It would be wise for both the Mpox/COVID/HIV sufferer and Dr. Fauci alike to avoid all future “Trust the Science” injections like the bioterror plague that they are, and consider the following treatment approach that actually works: New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable. Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week). CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving. Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day) They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/vaids-rising-first-patient-diagnosed
    VAIDS Rising: First Patient Diagnosed With Monkey Pox, COVID & HIV
    And Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Dr. Fauci tests positive for COVID yet again.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 6218 Vue
  • Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:

    In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists.

    The identified scientists include:

    1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology.

    2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop).

    3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel.

    4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education.

    5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering.

    6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus.

    These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference

    [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…)

    [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…)

    [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…)

    [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…)

    [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…).


    Additional information:

    Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

    The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

    The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.

    Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.


    Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about:

    New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

    Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

    Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

    Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).

    CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.

    Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram

    Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day

    VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)

    And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself…

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit: In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists. The identified scientists include: 1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology. 2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop). 3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel. 4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education. 5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering. 6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus. These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…) [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…) [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…) [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…) [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…). Source Additional information: Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead. The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board. The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today. Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth. Source Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about: New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable. Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week). CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving. Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day) And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-vowed
    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 11847 Vue
  • Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…

    …what we are now seeing is the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon VAIDS coverup, with “vaccine” refuseniks and genetically modified humans alike in the crosshairs of the WHO — which is nothing more than the “health” depopulation node of the United Nations and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime — and that means total global surveillance and contact tracing ahead of their attempted followup planetary “pandemic” lockdown…

    They are already seeding and normalizing said lockdowns in various captured nations like Canada…

    Just in time for the possible total destruction of America if the deranged Marxist puppet Kamala Cloward-Piven Harris “wins” the upcoming presidential shit show, which is why they are considering outright cancelling the elections due to a “pandemic,” or whichever psyop they believe will be most effective.

    Which is why the CDC is also at it, issuing a “health alert” over Parvovirus; in other words, another angle to the VAIDS epidemic coverup as the genetically modified humans and their devastated immune systems are presenting with all kinds of adverse events, not just limited to the inability to fend off viruses, STDs, or even the common cold.

    Two years ago a most prescient article was written warning of this MonkeyPox scam which today is particularly worth revisiting:

    by The Exposé

    Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization?

    If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.


    Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system.

    Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine.

    Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them –

    Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.

    Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise.

    Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States.

    According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo).

    The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following –

    The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’

    In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus.

    The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body.

    And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash.

    Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system.

    This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

    But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

    Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022.

    One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections.

    According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.

    Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves.

    Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection.

    The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

    Source Data
    The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022.

    It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 –

    Source Data
    As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning.

    This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA.

    The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome –

    The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered.

    That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 –

    Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3.

    But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3.

    A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

    The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA –

    As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated?

    We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die.

    On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings.

    Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months –

    The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April.

    But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards –

    All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age.

    The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude.

    So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections.

    But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it.

    The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document.

    Autoimmune blistering disease.

    Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals.

    It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection?

    So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is –

    But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19.

    In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox.

    Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”.

    We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact?

    And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith…

    You can see where this is going, can’t you?

    It’s rather obvious where this went, and where it will keep going unless arrests are finally made.

    Also, today is the last day of the FLASH SALE…

    VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical

    VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical
    The new and improved VIR-X formulation offers the most potent synergistic antiviral and anti-Spike Protein (SP1 and SP2) formulation possible. This product also ensures overall wellness, is anti-cancer, and offers powerful antioxidant support. It is manufactured in the best American cGMP facility using the finest ingredients that are rigorously tested …

    Read full story

    …so take this opportunity to stock up on lifesaving products like VIR-X, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline and organic full spectrum CBD oil by using code VIRX20.

    Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code VIRX20 in the Use Coupon Code field.

    This flash sale ends this evening, August 20th, 2024.

    Please contact the company directly with any product questions: [email protected]

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

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    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off VIR-X

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    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection 2nd Smartest Guy in the World As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization… …what we are now seeing is the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon VAIDS coverup, with “vaccine” refuseniks and genetically modified humans alike in the crosshairs of the WHO — which is nothing more than the “health” depopulation node of the United Nations and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime — and that means total global surveillance and contact tracing ahead of their attempted followup planetary “pandemic” lockdown… They are already seeding and normalizing said lockdowns in various captured nations like Canada… Image Just in time for the possible total destruction of America if the deranged Marxist puppet Kamala Cloward-Piven Harris “wins” the upcoming presidential shit show, which is why they are considering outright cancelling the elections due to a “pandemic,” or whichever psyop they believe will be most effective. Which is why the CDC is also at it, issuing a “health alert” over Parvovirus; in other words, another angle to the VAIDS epidemic coverup as the genetically modified humans and their devastated immune systems are presenting with all kinds of adverse events, not just limited to the inability to fend off viruses, STDs, or even the common cold. Two years ago a most prescient article was written warning of this MonkeyPox scam which today is particularly worth revisiting: by The Exposé Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization? If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme. How? Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system. Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine. Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Source Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them – Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection. Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise. Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States. According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo). The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following – The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’ In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus. The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body. And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash. Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system. This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020. But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January. Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022. One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections. Source According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves. Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection. The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported – Source Data The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022. It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 – Source Data As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning. This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA. The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome – The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system. The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 – Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3. But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3. A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person. The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time. The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA – As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated? We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die. On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings. Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months – The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April. But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards – All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age. The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude. So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections. But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it. The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document. Source Autoimmune blistering disease. Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals. It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection? So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is – Source But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19. In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox. Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”. We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact? And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith… You can see where this is going, can’t you? It’s rather obvious where this went, and where it will keep going unless arrests are finally made. Also, today is the last day of the FLASH SALE… VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical The new and improved VIR-X formulation offers the most potent synergistic antiviral and anti-Spike Protein (SP1 and SP2) formulation possible. This product also ensures overall wellness, is anti-cancer, and offers powerful antioxidant support. It is manufactured in the best American cGMP facility using the finest ingredients that are rigorously tested … Read full story …so take this opportunity to stock up on lifesaving products like VIR-X, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline and organic full spectrum CBD oil by using code VIRX20. Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code VIRX20 in the Use Coupon Code field. This flash sale ends this evening, August 20th, 2024. Please contact the company directly with any product questions: [email protected] They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off VIR-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/monkeypox-is-a-coverup-for-damage
    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 20581 Vue
  • Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…

    …what we are now seeing is the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon VAIDS coverup, with “vaccine” refuseniks and genetically modified humans alike in the crosshairs of the WHO — which is nothing more than the “health” depopulation node of the United Nations and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime — and that means total global surveillance and contact tracing ahead of their attempted followup planetary “pandemic” lockdown…

    They are already seeding and normalizing said lockdowns in various captured nations like Canada…

    Just in time for the possible total destruction of America if the deranged Marxist puppet Kamala Cloward-Piven Harris “wins” the upcoming presidential shit show, which is why they are considering outright cancelling the elections due to a “pandemic,” or whichever psyop they believe will be most effective.

    Which is why the CDC is also at it, issuing a “health alert” over Parvovirus; in other words, another angle to the VAIDS epidemic coverup as the genetically modified humans and their devastated immune systems are presenting with all kinds of adverse events, not just limited to the inability to fend off viruses, STDs, or even the common cold.

    Two years ago a most prescient article was written warning of this MonkeyPox scam which today is particularly worth revisiting:

    by The Exposé

    Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization?

    If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.


    Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system.

    Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine.

    Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 –

    Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them –

    Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection.

    Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise.

    Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States.

    According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo).

    The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following –

    The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’

    In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus.

    The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body.

    And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash.

    Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system.

    This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020.

    But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January.

    Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022.

    One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections.

    According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.

    Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves.

    Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection.

    The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported –

    Source Data
    The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022.

    It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 –

    Source Data
    As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning.

    This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA.

    The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome –

    The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered.

    That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 –

    Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3.

    But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3.

    A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

    The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

    The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA –

    As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated?

    We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die.

    On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings.

    Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months –

    The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April.

    But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards –

    All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age.

    The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude.

    So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections.

    But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it.

    The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document.

    Autoimmune blistering disease.

    Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals.

    It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection?

    So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is –

    But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19.

    In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox.

    Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”.

    We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact?

    And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith…

    You can see where this is going, can’t you?

    It’s rather obvious where this went, and where it will keep going unless arrests are finally made.

    Also, today is the last day of the FLASH SALE…

    VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical

    VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical
    The new and improved VIR-X formulation offers the most potent synergistic antiviral and anti-Spike Protein (SP1 and SP2) formulation possible. This product also ensures overall wellness, is anti-cancer, and offers powerful antioxidant support. It is manufactured in the best American cGMP facility using the finest ingredients that are rigorously tested …

    Read full story

    …so take this opportunity to stock up on lifesaving products like VIR-X, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline and organic full spectrum CBD oil by using code VIRX20.

    Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code VIRX20 in the Use Coupon Code field.

    This flash sale ends this evening, August 20th, 2024.

    Please contact the company directly with any product questions: [email protected]

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

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    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off VIR-X

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    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection 2nd Smartest Guy in the World As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization… …what we are now seeing is the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon VAIDS coverup, with “vaccine” refuseniks and genetically modified humans alike in the crosshairs of the WHO — which is nothing more than the “health” depopulation node of the United Nations and their Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime — and that means total global surveillance and contact tracing ahead of their attempted followup planetary “pandemic” lockdown… They are already seeding and normalizing said lockdowns in various captured nations like Canada… Image Just in time for the possible total destruction of America if the deranged Marxist puppet Kamala Cloward-Piven Harris “wins” the upcoming presidential shit show, which is why they are considering outright cancelling the elections due to a “pandemic,” or whichever psyop they believe will be most effective. Which is why the CDC is also at it, issuing a “health alert” over Parvovirus; in other words, another angle to the VAIDS epidemic coverup as the genetically modified humans and their devastated immune systems are presenting with all kinds of adverse events, not just limited to the inability to fend off viruses, STDs, or even the common cold. Two years ago a most prescient article was written warning of this MonkeyPox scam which today is particularly worth revisiting: by The Exposé Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization? If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme. How? Well, it has something to do with herpes, shingles, auto-immune blistering disease and the fact that Covid-19 vaccination greatly damages the natural immune system. Here’s a map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Only joking. The above is actually a map showing the main distributions of the Pfizer vaccine. Here’s the actual map showing countries where “confirmed” cases of monkeypox have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the middle of May 2022 – Source Here’s both maps together so you can play a game of spot the difference with them – Apart from a couple of countries, there isn’t really any difference, and every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022 where it was not already endemic, is a country that also distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection. Now, this could of course just be another coincidence in a long line of “coincidences” that have occurred since early 2020. But unfortunately, evidence suggests otherwise. Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a 9-year-old boy. Since then, human cases of monkeypox have been reported in 11 African countries. It wasn’t until 2003 that the first monkeypox outbreak outside of Africa was recorded, and this was in the United States. According to a scientific study published in 1988, between 1981-1986, 977 persons with skin eruption not clinically diagnosed as human monkeypox were laboratory tested in Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo). The Scientists who conducted the study stated the following – The diagnostic difficulties were mainly based on clinical features characteristic of chickenpox: regional pleomorphism (in 46% of misdiagnosed cases), indefinite body-distribution of skin eruptions (49%), and centripetal distribution of skin lesions (17%). Lymph-node enlargement was observed in 76% of misdiagnosed patients. In the absence of smallpox, the main clinical diagnostic problem is the differentiation of human monkeypox from chickenpox.’ In Layman’s terms, distinguishing monkeypox from chickenpox is incredibly difficult, and chickenpox is caused by a type of herpes virus. The chickenpox virus is technically known as the varicella-zoster virus, and just like its close relative the herpes simplex virus, it becomes a lifelong resident in the body. And like its other cousin, genital herpes, varicella may be silent for many years, hiding out inside nerve cells and can reactivate later, wreaking havoc in the form of the excruciating skin disorder, shingles, which is a blistering, burning skin rash. Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the Covid-19 injection, official Government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the Covid-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system. This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years despite approving the injection after only 108 days of safety review on December 11th, 2020. But in early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered them to release 55,000 pages per month. They released 12,000 pages by the end of January. Since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website. The latest drop happened on June 1st 2022. One of the documents contained in the data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’. Page 21 of the confidential document contains data on adverse events of special interest, with one of these specifically being herpes viral infections. Source According to the document by the end of February 2021, just 2 months after the Pfizer vaccine was granted emergency use authorisation in both the USA and UK, Pfizer has received 8,152 reports relating to herpes infection, and 18 of these had already led to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a systemic, dysfunctional inflammatory response that requires long intensive care unit (ICU) stay. It is characterized with a high mortality rate depending on the number of organs involved. It can be caused by herpes infection as this scientific study found here proves. Further evidence published by the U.S Government, but more specifically the Centers for Disease Control shows that cases of herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome really exploded in the USA following the administration of the Covid-19 injection. The following chart shows the number of herpes infections/complications that have been reported to VAERS as adverse reactions to all vaccines (including the Covid-19 jabs) by the year reported, and the Covid-19 vaccines only by the year reported – Source Data The following chart shows adverse events to the Covid-19 injections reported to the CDC relating to herpes, shingles and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome up to 13th May 2022. It also shows the number of adverse events reported against the Flu Vaccines, all vaccines combined (excluding Covid-19 injections) and the HPV/Smallpox vaccines between 2008 and 2020 – Source Data As you can see the Covid-19 injections have caused the most herpes related infections, and this is within 17 months. When comparing these to the number of flareups reported against the HPV/Smallpox vaccines in 13 years, these numbers are extremely concerning. This isn’t because so many people have been given a Covid-19 injection either. Official CDC numbers actually show 1.7 billion doses of influenza vaccine alone were administered between 2008 and 2020. Whereas, as of 6th May 2022, 580 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine had been administered in the USA. The following chart shows the rate per 1 million doses administered of adverse events related to herpes, shingles and multiple organ syndrome – The rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Flu jabs is 0.75 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. But the rate of herpes-related infections reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections is 31.31 adverse events per 1 million doses administered. That’s a 4,075% difference, and indicative of a very serious problem. A serious problem that is being caused by the fact the Covid-19 injections decimate the immune system. The following chart shows the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness among the triple vaccinated population in England in the UK Health Security Agency Week 3, Week 7 and Week 13 Vaccine Surveillance reports of 2022 – Data shows that vaccine effectiveness fell month on month, with the lowest effectiveness recorded among 60-69-year-olds at a shocking minus-391%. This age group also experienced the sharpest decline, falling from minus-104.69% in week 3. But one of the more concerning declines in vaccine effectiveness has been recorded among 18-29-year-olds, falling to minus-231% by Week 12 of 2022 from +10.19% in Week 3. A negative vaccine effectiveness indicates immune system damage because vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of the effectiveness of a vaccine. It is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person. The Covid-19 injection specifically instructs cells to produce the alleged SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. The immune system is supposed to take care of the rest and then remember to do it again if it ever encounters the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time. The following chart shows the Covid-19 death rates per 100,000 by vaccination status across England in March 2022 based on data published by the UKHSA – As you can see, most vaccinated age groups have a higher Covid-19 death rate than the unvaccinated age groups. That’s not indicative of an effective vaccine, it’s indicative of damage done to the immune system by having the Covid vaccine. How else can you explain the fact the vaccinated are more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated? We’re also seeing the same when it comes to non-Covid-19 deaths, and data suggests it takes approximately five months for enough damage to be done to the immune system by the Covid-19 injection for a recipient to be more likely to die. On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings. Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months – The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April. But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards – All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first, with people in England vaccinated by order of age. The ONS data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude. So by now, you must be up to speed with the fact that the Covid-19 injections most definitely damage the natural immune system. In which case it’s perfectly plausible that dormant herpes and varicella-zoster viruses are being reactivated resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of herpes and shingles infections. But there’s another condition that authorities could be falsely claiming is monkeypox, and we need to return to the confidential Pfizer documents to find it. The condition is hidden within the 9-page long list of adverse events of special interest at the end of Pfizer’s reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf document. Source Autoimmune blistering disease. Autoimmune blistering disease causes blisters on the skin and mucous membranes throughout the body. It can affect the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals. It is not fully understood but “experts” believe that it is triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger. This might be a chemical or a medicine. Such as the Pfizer Covid-19 injection? So there you have it, a whole host of evidence that suggests authorities could quite easily be covering up the consequences of Covid-19 vaccination with a fake monkeypox pandemic. But if our display of evidence isn’t enough to convince you of this then perhaps this scientific study published in October 2021 is – Source But even though the whole monkeypox drama might be another charade, don’t be fooled into thinking authorities aren’t willing to take this as far or even further than the miserable two years they have forced the world to suffer in the name of Covid-19. In the UK, the UK Health Security Agency has just made monkeypox a notifiable disease, meaning all doctors and GP’s must report any cases they uncover to the UKHSA. This decision comes on top of the previous advice to isolate at home for three weeks if a close contact of anyone with suspected monkeypox. Meanwhile in the USA the CDC has just announced that the wearing of face masks is now recommended again to “prevent transmission of monkeypox in the community”. We doubt the CDC will ever get the memo that masks simply do not work, but let’s pretend they do and that there really is a monkeypox outbreak. Is the CDC not aware the monkeypox virus is not airborne and only transmitted by physical, and usually intimate contact? And now we have Dr Tedros, the head of the World Health Organization warning that monkeypox is now a real risk, and the WHO is extremely concerned for the safety of children and pregnant women. In a new statement, he finished by stating the WHO will publish a set of guidelines and advice for countries to follow forthwith… You can see where this is going, can’t you? It’s rather obvious where this went, and where it will keep going unless arrests are finally made. Also, today is the last day of the FLASH SALE… VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical VIR-X FLASH SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical The new and improved VIR-X formulation offers the most potent synergistic antiviral and anti-Spike Protein (SP1 and SP2) formulation possible. This product also ensures overall wellness, is anti-cancer, and offers powerful antioxidant support. It is manufactured in the best American cGMP facility using the finest ingredients that are rigorously tested … Read full story …so take this opportunity to stock up on lifesaving products like VIR-X, Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Doxycyline and organic full spectrum CBD oil by using code VIRX20. Upon adding products to your cart, please go to the cart icon at the top right corner of your browser page and click it, then choose the VIEW CART option whereby you will be redirected to a page where you can enter the code VIRX20 in the Use Coupon Code field. This flash sale ends this evening, August 20th, 2024. Please contact the company directly with any product questions: [email protected] They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off VIR-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/monkeypox-is-a-coverup-for-damage
    Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
    As yet another global scamdemic “emergency” in MonkeyPox, or the rebranded Mpox, was recently announced by the Marxist Ethiopian war criminal, BigPharma bioterrorist, and Bill Gates installed Director-General of the World Health Organization…
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 18907 Vue
  • Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:

    In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists.

    The identified scientists include:

    1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology.

    2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop).

    3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel.

    4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education.

    5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering.

    6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus.

    These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference

    [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…)

    [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…)

    [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…)

    [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…)

    [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…).


    Additional information:

    Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

    The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

    The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.

    Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.


    Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about:

    New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

    Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

    Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

    Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).

    CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.

    Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram

    Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day

    VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)

    And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself…

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit: In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists. The identified scientists include: 1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology. 2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop). 3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel. 4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education. 5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering. 6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus. These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…) [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…) [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…) [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…) [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…). Source Additional information: Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead. The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board. The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today. Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth. Source Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about: New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable. Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week). CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving. Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day) And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://open.substack.com/pub/2ndsmartestguyintheworld/p/doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-vowed
    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 9764 Vue
  • What Helps with Shingles Pain at Night?
    Shingles, or herpes zoster, is caused by the varicella zoster virus, the same virus responsible for chickenpox. When this virus reactivates, it leads to a painful condition characterized by a shingles rash, which can be especially distressing at night. The discomfort often with develop shingles stems from nerve pain and increased skin sensitivity, making it hard to sleep. So, what helps with shingles pain at night?

    Understanding Shingles Symptoms and Pain

    The shingles virus presents as a painful rash, often accompanied by blisters and an intense burning sensation. This burning pain typically follows the path of nerves affected by the virus that causes shingles. Some individuals may experience severe pain that extends well beyond the rash itself, often lingering for weeks or months—a condition known as postherpetic neuralgia.

    Nerve pain from shingles is most troublesome at night, as the body’s natural rhythms slow down, making the discomfort feel more intense. Other shingles symptoms like itching, tingling, and sensitivity also contribute to sleepless nights.

    Why Does Shingles Pain Get Worse at Night?

    Nighttime pain is common in shingles because of factors such as:

    Decrease in distractions: During the day, distractions like work or conversation can help the brain focus on other things, minimizing the perception of pain. At night, when the environment is quieter, the pain feels more intense.
    Body position: Lying down can increase pressure on the affected area, worsening shingles pain. Areas with rash and blisters are particularly prone to this pressure.
    Temperature fluctuations: Changes in body temperature, such as feeling too hot or too cold, can trigger nerve pain and increase skin sensitivity.
    Muscle pain and tension: During shingles outbreaks, muscle pain often accompanies the rash, which can worsen when you’re lying still for long periods.
    Pain Relief for Shingles at Night

    Over-the-Counter Topical Treatments Topical treatments, such as calamine lotion or colloidal oatmeal, can help alleviate shingles symptoms. These products create a soothing effect on the skin, reducing itching and burning sensations that worsen at night. Applying a thin layer to the affected area before bedtime can help you relax and promote better sleep.
    Cool Baths and Compresses A cool bath or the use of cold compresses can be effective in reducing nerve pain and increased skin sensitivity. Cold therapy helps to numb the skin, which in turn helps decrease pain. This is especially helpful for those dealing with shingles outbreaks and flare-ups during the night.
    Prescription Medications If over-the-counter treatments aren’t providing enough relief, prescription medications may be required. Antiviral medications, such as acyclovir or valacyclovir, can help treat shingles by speeding up the healing process and reducing the duration of shingles pain. Additionally, tricyclic antidepressants are sometimes prescribed for postherpetic neuralgia to reduce pain signals from the damaged nerves.
    Antiviral Medications and Early Treatment Starting antiviral drugs early after a shingles outbreak can shorten the duration of symptoms and provide pain relief. By tackling the virus head-on, antiviral medication helps to manage the varicella zoster virus and may prevent shingles pain from becoming too severe at night.
    Anti-Inflammatory Home Remedies Anti-inflammatory home remedies such as soaking in cool water or using certain creams made from chili peppers may help soothe inflamed skin. Some research suggests that capsaicin, derived from chili peppers, can reduce pain signals over time by numbing the nerve endings.
    Additional Methods for Relieving Shingles Pain at Night

    Prescription Medications for Nerve Pain For those suffering from persistent nerve pain due to shingles, prescription medications such as gabapentin or pregabalin can help. These medications target the nervous system, dampening pain signals and providing much-needed relief, especially during the night. In cases of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), these medications may be recommended to reduce the severity of postherpetic pain and promote better sleep.Tricyclic antidepressants are another option commonly prescribed for post herpetic neuralgia. These drugs help to reduce pain by altering the way your body interprets pain signals, particularly for those dealing with lingering shingles pain long after the rash has healed.
    Ivermectin for Shingles Relief Though primarily used as an antiparasitic medication, Ivermectin has been explored for its potential benefits in alleviating shingles symptoms. Studies suggest that Ivermectin may help reduce inflammation and relieve nerve pain caused by the varicella zoster virus. It can also be beneficial in managing postherpetic neuralgia, offering another option for those struggling to find relief from traditional treatments. Always consult your healthcare professional to determine if Ivermectin could be a suitable addition to your treatment plan for nighttime shingles pain.
    Natural Remedies to Soothe Nighttime Discomfort There are various natural remedies that may help with shingles pain at night. Cool baths infused with essential oils such as lavender or chamomile can promote relaxation and help reduce burning pain. Colloidal oatmeal baths are another option to calm irritated skin and decrease inflammation.Aloe vera, known for its soothing properties, can also be applied to the shingles rash to provide skin comfort and alleviate skin sensitivity during the night. Similarly, applying a thin layer of manuka honey can help with wound healing and reduce the discomfort of the painful rash.
    Preventative Measures: The Shingrix Vaccine One of the best ways to prevent future shingles outbreaks and reduce the risk of severe pain is to get vaccinated with the Shingrix vaccine. This zoster vaccine recombinant is highly effective in preventing shingles and its complications, such as postherpetic neuralgia. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the vaccine is recommended for healthy adults over 50, as well as for those with a weakened immune system who are at higher risk of developing shingles.By boosting your immune system with the shingles vaccine, you can help prevent future shingles outbreaks and avoid the severe pain that can make nights unbearable. Preventing shingles altogether is a critical step in long-term health and wellness.
    Home Remedies and Self-Care Tips Managing shingles pain at night often involves a combination of self-care practices. Cool compresses applied to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and numb the skin, providing temporary relief. Additionally, calamine lotion or lotions containing colloidal oatmeal can help relieve itching and soothe the skin.Incorporating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in foods like fatty fish, leafy greens, and antioxidant-rich berries may also aid in reducing inflammation and supporting the immune system during recovery from shingles.

    Dealing with shingles can be overwhelming, particularly when shingles pain interferes with your ability to rest at night. However, by incorporating a combination of prescription medications, natural remedies, and preventative measures like the Shingrix vaccine, you can manage your symptoms more effectively and improve your quality of life.

    From antiviral medications and Ivermectin to soothing home remedies like aloe vera and colloidal oatmeal, there are numerous ways to manage symptoms, reduce pain and promote healing. Always work closely with a healthcare provider to tailor a treatment plan that best suits your needs and provides the greatest pain relief during the night.

    What Helps with Shingles Pain at Night? Shingles, or herpes zoster, is caused by the varicella zoster virus, the same virus responsible for chickenpox. When this virus reactivates, it leads to a painful condition characterized by a shingles rash, which can be especially distressing at night. The discomfort often with develop shingles stems from nerve pain and increased skin sensitivity, making it hard to sleep. So, what helps with shingles pain at night? Understanding Shingles Symptoms and Pain The shingles virus presents as a painful rash, often accompanied by blisters and an intense burning sensation. This burning pain typically follows the path of nerves affected by the virus that causes shingles. Some individuals may experience severe pain that extends well beyond the rash itself, often lingering for weeks or months—a condition known as postherpetic neuralgia. Nerve pain from shingles is most troublesome at night, as the body’s natural rhythms slow down, making the discomfort feel more intense. Other shingles symptoms like itching, tingling, and sensitivity also contribute to sleepless nights. Why Does Shingles Pain Get Worse at Night? Nighttime pain is common in shingles because of factors such as: Decrease in distractions: During the day, distractions like work or conversation can help the brain focus on other things, minimizing the perception of pain. At night, when the environment is quieter, the pain feels more intense. Body position: Lying down can increase pressure on the affected area, worsening shingles pain. Areas with rash and blisters are particularly prone to this pressure. Temperature fluctuations: Changes in body temperature, such as feeling too hot or too cold, can trigger nerve pain and increase skin sensitivity. Muscle pain and tension: During shingles outbreaks, muscle pain often accompanies the rash, which can worsen when you’re lying still for long periods. Pain Relief for Shingles at Night Over-the-Counter Topical Treatments Topical treatments, such as calamine lotion or colloidal oatmeal, can help alleviate shingles symptoms. These products create a soothing effect on the skin, reducing itching and burning sensations that worsen at night. Applying a thin layer to the affected area before bedtime can help you relax and promote better sleep. Cool Baths and Compresses A cool bath or the use of cold compresses can be effective in reducing nerve pain and increased skin sensitivity. Cold therapy helps to numb the skin, which in turn helps decrease pain. This is especially helpful for those dealing with shingles outbreaks and flare-ups during the night. Prescription Medications If over-the-counter treatments aren’t providing enough relief, prescription medications may be required. Antiviral medications, such as acyclovir or valacyclovir, can help treat shingles by speeding up the healing process and reducing the duration of shingles pain. Additionally, tricyclic antidepressants are sometimes prescribed for postherpetic neuralgia to reduce pain signals from the damaged nerves. Antiviral Medications and Early Treatment Starting antiviral drugs early after a shingles outbreak can shorten the duration of symptoms and provide pain relief. By tackling the virus head-on, antiviral medication helps to manage the varicella zoster virus and may prevent shingles pain from becoming too severe at night. Anti-Inflammatory Home Remedies Anti-inflammatory home remedies such as soaking in cool water or using certain creams made from chili peppers may help soothe inflamed skin. Some research suggests that capsaicin, derived from chili peppers, can reduce pain signals over time by numbing the nerve endings. Additional Methods for Relieving Shingles Pain at Night Prescription Medications for Nerve Pain For those suffering from persistent nerve pain due to shingles, prescription medications such as gabapentin or pregabalin can help. These medications target the nervous system, dampening pain signals and providing much-needed relief, especially during the night. In cases of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), these medications may be recommended to reduce the severity of postherpetic pain and promote better sleep.Tricyclic antidepressants are another option commonly prescribed for post herpetic neuralgia. These drugs help to reduce pain by altering the way your body interprets pain signals, particularly for those dealing with lingering shingles pain long after the rash has healed. Ivermectin for Shingles Relief Though primarily used as an antiparasitic medication, Ivermectin has been explored for its potential benefits in alleviating shingles symptoms. Studies suggest that Ivermectin may help reduce inflammation and relieve nerve pain caused by the varicella zoster virus. It can also be beneficial in managing postherpetic neuralgia, offering another option for those struggling to find relief from traditional treatments. Always consult your healthcare professional to determine if Ivermectin could be a suitable addition to your treatment plan for nighttime shingles pain. Natural Remedies to Soothe Nighttime Discomfort There are various natural remedies that may help with shingles pain at night. Cool baths infused with essential oils such as lavender or chamomile can promote relaxation and help reduce burning pain. Colloidal oatmeal baths are another option to calm irritated skin and decrease inflammation.Aloe vera, known for its soothing properties, can also be applied to the shingles rash to provide skin comfort and alleviate skin sensitivity during the night. Similarly, applying a thin layer of manuka honey can help with wound healing and reduce the discomfort of the painful rash. Preventative Measures: The Shingrix Vaccine One of the best ways to prevent future shingles outbreaks and reduce the risk of severe pain is to get vaccinated with the Shingrix vaccine. This zoster vaccine recombinant is highly effective in preventing shingles and its complications, such as postherpetic neuralgia. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the vaccine is recommended for healthy adults over 50, as well as for those with a weakened immune system who are at higher risk of developing shingles.By boosting your immune system with the shingles vaccine, you can help prevent future shingles outbreaks and avoid the severe pain that can make nights unbearable. Preventing shingles altogether is a critical step in long-term health and wellness. Home Remedies and Self-Care Tips Managing shingles pain at night often involves a combination of self-care practices. Cool compresses applied to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and numb the skin, providing temporary relief. Additionally, calamine lotion or lotions containing colloidal oatmeal can help relieve itching and soothe the skin.Incorporating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in foods like fatty fish, leafy greens, and antioxidant-rich berries may also aid in reducing inflammation and supporting the immune system during recovery from shingles. Conclusion Dealing with shingles can be overwhelming, particularly when shingles pain interferes with your ability to rest at night. However, by incorporating a combination of prescription medications, natural remedies, and preventative measures like the Shingrix vaccine, you can manage your symptoms more effectively and improve your quality of life. From antiviral medications and Ivermectin to soothing home remedies like aloe vera and colloidal oatmeal, there are numerous ways to manage symptoms, reduce pain and promote healing. Always work closely with a healthcare provider to tailor a treatment plan that best suits your needs and provides the greatest pain relief during the night. https://firstmedinc.com/what-helps-with-shingles-pain-at-night/
    What Helps with Shingles Pain at Night?
    Shingles, or herpes zoster, is caused by the varicella zoster virus, the same virus responsible for chickenpox. When this virus reactivates, it leads to a painful condition characterized by a shingles rash, which can be especially distressing at night. The discomfort often with develop shingles stems from nerve pain and increased skin sensitivity, making it […]
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 9263 Vue
  • Parasites in the Covid Vaccines – Confirmed
    You’ll be shocked to find what they put in each different injection.

    In a recent video Dr Ardis discusses the results of a lab analysis he had done on the various vaccine brands, and what they found inside. The lab in Ohio, USA tested brand new, unopened vials of Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer branded covid vaccines.

    Parasites in the Covid Vaccines
    Each of the vials contained one, or several, different types of parasites. Below we will go into detail about what they found inside and what you can do to kill off that specific type of parasite if you were coerced into taking the shot.

    You can watch the video below – but be warned – it is quite graphic with lots of parasite imagery and photos of what has been coming out of people in the toilet. The whole video contains a lot of really good information, but the part specific to the parasitic contamination of the vaccines starts at 19:25 minutes in.


    The Moderna vaccine has been shown to contain a genetically engineered version of a pathogen that is a protozoa parasite. The results showed it contains both trichomoniasis and mycoplasma. In the above video Dr. Ardis does not mention which type of mycoplasma but trichomoniasis – often just called “Trich” – usually hosts Mycoplasma hominis.

    These parasites are easily spread during sexual encounters and also affect the bladder and urinary tract. They can cause UTIs, itching, pelvic pain, foul odor, and discharge from the genitals in both men and women. That said, a large percentage of people who are infected with these types of parasites have no symptoms at all and don’t know they are carrying or spreading it.

    Parasites in the Covid Vaccines
    Johnson & Johnson

    The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was found to contain a genetically engineered hepatic fluke parasite, along with a weaponized version of the ureaplasma bacteria, a type of mycoplasma. Hepatic flukes are parasitic flatworms that primarily infect the liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts. The infection, known as fascioliasis, can lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and jaundice. In severe cases, it can cause significant liver damage and bile duct obstruction.

    The presence of ureaplasma in the vaccine is equally concerning. Ureaplasma is a type of mycoplasma that can cause a range of infections, particularly in the urogenital tract. It is associated with conditions such as urethritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and complications during pregnancy. These bacteria are notorious for being difficult to detect and treat, often leading to chronic infections if left unchecked.

    Parasites in the Covid Vaccines

    The Pfizer vaccine was reported to contain both a weaponized version of the hepatic fluke parasite and mycoplasma gallisepticum. Like the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the presence of the hepatic fluke parasite poses a significant risk to liver health. Fascioliasis, the condition caused by these parasites, can lead to serious complications if not treated promptly. The symptoms might not appear immediately, and some people may unknowingly carry the parasite for years, leading to gradual liver damage over time.

    Mycoplasma gallisepticum is a pathogenic bacterium known to primarily affect birds, but it can also cause respiratory infections in humans. In severe cases, it can lead to chronic respiratory issues, including bronchitis and pneumonia. The presence of this pathogen in a vaccine introduces a risk of respiratory complications that could be particularly dangerous for individuals with preexisting conditions or weakened immune systems.

    Parasites in the Covid Vaccines

    Tinidazole and Metronidazole Kills Protozoa Parasites

    What You Can Do if You Have Been Infected

    Taking a course of anti-parasitic medication is an option for those who have injected themselves with these parasites, or may have been exposed to them through close encounters with other people. Be sure to target both worms AND protozoa parasites in your cleanse.

    We recommend Dr Lodi’s 7-week comprehensive parasite cleanse protocol, although if you are concerned that this may be too intense, you may want to try our smaller 3 week version of the protocol first so you can feel the difference it makes once you kill off some of the parasites. If you wish to do them smaller protocol we recommend purchasing Tinidazole as well to ensure you take out all protozoa as well as the worms. Tindizole is not included the the mini parasite kit bundle, so it needs to be ordered separately.

    Dr Lodi’s protocol targets worms using Ivermectin, Mebendazole, and Praziquantel, Tinidazole for protozoa parasites and Fluconazole for fungi. Ivermectin also helps with vaccine detoxing and recovery from side effects of the vaccines, so for those who are injected we recommend doing a longer course to give the body time to clean out all the poison.

    Get in contact with one of our knowledgeable staff if you have any questions about the best course of action for you to take. We are happy to offer free guidance and advice to anyone who needs advice on detoxing these poisons.

    Parasites in the Covid Vaccines – Confirmed You’ll be shocked to find what they put in each different injection. In a recent video Dr Ardis discusses the results of a lab analysis he had done on the various vaccine brands, and what they found inside. The lab in Ohio, USA tested brand new, unopened vials of Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer branded covid vaccines. Parasites in the Covid Vaccines Each of the vials contained one, or several, different types of parasites. Below we will go into detail about what they found inside and what you can do to kill off that specific type of parasite if you were coerced into taking the shot. You can watch the video below – but be warned – it is quite graphic with lots of parasite imagery and photos of what has been coming out of people in the toilet. The whole video contains a lot of really good information, but the part specific to the parasitic contamination of the vaccines starts at 19:25 minutes in. Moderna The Moderna vaccine has been shown to contain a genetically engineered version of a pathogen that is a protozoa parasite. The results showed it contains both trichomoniasis and mycoplasma. In the above video Dr. Ardis does not mention which type of mycoplasma but trichomoniasis – often just called “Trich” – usually hosts Mycoplasma hominis. These parasites are easily spread during sexual encounters and also affect the bladder and urinary tract. They can cause UTIs, itching, pelvic pain, foul odor, and discharge from the genitals in both men and women. That said, a large percentage of people who are infected with these types of parasites have no symptoms at all and don’t know they are carrying or spreading it. Parasites in the Covid Vaccines Johnson & Johnson The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was found to contain a genetically engineered hepatic fluke parasite, along with a weaponized version of the ureaplasma bacteria, a type of mycoplasma. Hepatic flukes are parasitic flatworms that primarily infect the liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts. The infection, known as fascioliasis, can lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and jaundice. In severe cases, it can cause significant liver damage and bile duct obstruction. The presence of ureaplasma in the vaccine is equally concerning. Ureaplasma is a type of mycoplasma that can cause a range of infections, particularly in the urogenital tract. It is associated with conditions such as urethritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and complications during pregnancy. These bacteria are notorious for being difficult to detect and treat, often leading to chronic infections if left unchecked. Parasites in the Covid Vaccines Pfizer The Pfizer vaccine was reported to contain both a weaponized version of the hepatic fluke parasite and mycoplasma gallisepticum. Like the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the presence of the hepatic fluke parasite poses a significant risk to liver health. Fascioliasis, the condition caused by these parasites, can lead to serious complications if not treated promptly. The symptoms might not appear immediately, and some people may unknowingly carry the parasite for years, leading to gradual liver damage over time. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is a pathogenic bacterium known to primarily affect birds, but it can also cause respiratory infections in humans. In severe cases, it can lead to chronic respiratory issues, including bronchitis and pneumonia. The presence of this pathogen in a vaccine introduces a risk of respiratory complications that could be particularly dangerous for individuals with preexisting conditions or weakened immune systems. Parasites in the Covid Vaccines Tinidazole and Metronidazole Kills Protozoa Parasites What You Can Do if You Have Been Infected Taking a course of anti-parasitic medication is an option for those who have injected themselves with these parasites, or may have been exposed to them through close encounters with other people. Be sure to target both worms AND protozoa parasites in your cleanse. We recommend Dr Lodi’s 7-week comprehensive parasite cleanse protocol, although if you are concerned that this may be too intense, you may want to try our smaller 3 week version of the protocol first so you can feel the difference it makes once you kill off some of the parasites. If you wish to do them smaller protocol we recommend purchasing Tinidazole as well to ensure you take out all protozoa as well as the worms. Tindizole is not included the the mini parasite kit bundle, so it needs to be ordered separately. Dr Lodi’s protocol targets worms using Ivermectin, Mebendazole, and Praziquantel, Tinidazole for protozoa parasites and Fluconazole for fungi. Ivermectin also helps with vaccine detoxing and recovery from side effects of the vaccines, so for those who are injected we recommend doing a longer course to give the body time to clean out all the poison. Get in contact with one of our knowledgeable staff if you have any questions about the best course of action for you to take. We are happy to offer free guidance and advice to anyone who needs advice on detoxing these poisons. https://firstmedinc.com/parasites-in-the-covid-vaccines-confirmed/
    Parasites in the Covid Vaccines – Confirmed
    You’ll be shocked to find what they put in each different injection. In a recent video Dr Ardis discusses the results of a lab analysis he had done on the various vaccine brands, and what they found inside. The lab in Ohio, USA tested brand new, unopened vials of Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer […]
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 5903 Vue
  • Why Do All Vaccines Cause Harm?
    An explanation of the zeta potential concept

    A Midwestern Doctor
    Story at a Glance:

    •Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes, which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases.

    •Forgotten research from the 1960s, shows that blood cell clumping is a root cause of many diseases—a belief also shared by Chinese Medicine.

    •Colloidal chemistry and zeta potential science reveal that positive charges around blood cells cause clumping. Agents with concentrated positive charges, such as aluminum and the COVID spike protein, are especially problematic.

    •Improving the physiologic zeta potential benefits a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. A strong case can be made that many conventional and holistic therapies work in part by enhancing zeta potential.

    Note: this is an abridged version of an article I previously published here. Since I receive many questions on this topic and readers wanted an concise version of it, I worked to distill it down to its key points so this topic could easily be shared with others.

    Many medical problems stem from the diagnostic approach of physicians, especially with complex illnesses, which are often misdiagnosed and lead to ongoing patient struggles.

    Complex conditions can present with varied symptoms across patients and resemble other illnesses (e.g., fibromyalgia vs. chronic fatigue syndrome). In turn, poorly trained physicians often default to psychiatric explanations, overlooking the true causes.

    Vaccine injuries have a wide range of symptoms and hence have confused doctors for over 200 years (with many doctors in the past labeling them as “encephalitis”). Presently, I believe three main mechanisms underlie the myriad of vaccine injury:

    Immune Dysfunction: Vaccines frequently cause chronic autoimmune disorders and varying degrees of immune suppression.

    Cell Danger Response: Cells can enter a primitive state under threat, stopping normal mitochondrial function. This temporary state can become chronic, underlying many severe conditions. Treating this response has resolved conditions linked to vaccination, like autism.

    Impaired Circulation: Vaccines can impair fluid circulation by affecting the body's zeta potential. This causes fluid clumping (i.e. micro blood clots and blood thickening) and obstructs blood flow in capillaries.

    My focus was drawn to the zeta potential concept once I realized that many of the mysteries of COVID-19 (and later the COVID-19 vaccines) were due to the spike protein being extremely disruptive to the body’s zeta potential. I now believe that patient outcomes would significantly improve if the medical system prioritized the zeta potential.

    Andrew Moulden

    Andrew Moulden was a Canadian neuroscientist and doctor specializing in neuropsychiatry. During his clinical training, he noticed young children showing subtle neurological signs of strokes that his colleagues missed. Over time, he found these strokes often occurred soon after vaccination and could lead to severe neurological disorders like autism.
    Note: vaccine injury reports as far back as the early 1800s contain the same signs Moulden noticed.

    Moulden realized that the subtle stroke signs doctors look for in adults should also be assessed in children. Because these strokes in infants are often missed, many conditions are misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes. One scientific challenge is making "invisible" issues visible. In neurology, disruptions in brain function, often due to impaired blood flow, can reveal stroke locations through careful physical examination.

    Moulden found that cranial nerves in the brainstem, particularly in watershed areas with less redundant blood supply, were vulnerable to strokes. These strokes, caused by impaired blood flow, often due to increased blood thickness, were missed in infants, leading to conditions misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes.

    Key cranial nerves indicating vaccine-caused microstrokes include:

    Cranial Nerve VI: Controls eye movement; damage causes inward eye resting or jerky side-to-side movement.

    Note: We’ve found CN VI is the nerve most frequently affected by COVID-19 injuries.

    Cranial Nerve VII: Controls facial muscles; damage causes Bell’s Palsy, facial drooping, or asymmetry (e.g., this appeared to have happened to Justin Bieber).

    Cranial Nerve IV: Levels eyes; damage causes head tilting to compensate for uneven eye height.

    Note: often, you will see multiple cranial nerve issues on the same face (which suggests more parts of the brain lost their blood supply and hence that deeper neurological damage is also present).

    Once you know how to look for these symptoms (e.g., a loss of smooth eye motion), they are very easy to spot, and you will gradually become aware of how far reaching the neurological damage that results from vaccination can be (as any part of the brain can be affected).

    Moulden's work also suggested strokes were also occurring in other watershed areas of the body, such as internal organs and speech centers. Evidence included:

    Autopsy studies showing strokes in internal organs of children with congenital rubella.

    Similar disease processes in teenagers and adults after HPV or anthrax vaccination.

    One of the most striking examples was the children of soldiers who received the anthrax vaccine and were born without limbs (thalidomide was also notorious for doing this by blocking the formation of new blood vessels).

    Neurodegenerative processes in the elderly and psychiatric disorders being linked to cranial nerve damage.

    Note: a major issue in conventional medicine is the failure to recognize that neurological damage can lead to psychiatric issues. Consequently, emotional changes in patients with nervous system injuries are often misattributed as the cause rather than a symptom of their illness.

    Moulden thus began exploring what universal response was leading to these microstrokes and how they could be treated. From this, he produced three videos describing the problem (which can be viewed here). Unfortunately, shortly before releasing a second series on the solutions for these injuries, he died under suspicious circumstances. However, we now have many clues as to what Moulden discovered.

    Blood Sludging

    In the medical world, a long-standing puzzle revolves around how small insults to the body can lead to widespread illness or even death. One key factor in this equation is blood sludging, a phenomenon observed for centuries where the blood clumps together and thickens under certain disease conditions. Melvin Knisely, Ph.D., in the mid-20th century made critical discoveries about this phenomenon.

    Knisely's research, particularly with malaria-infected monkeys, revealed that certain severe illnesses could trigger significant blood sludging, starting in small vessels and eventually spreading to larger ones, which was typically fatal (unless prevented with the anticoagulant heparin). This thickening of blood can be likened to traffic jams, disrupting the body's natural blood-flow, and eventually leading to gridlock (death).

    Additionally, he discovered that this sludging could be seen externally through the eyes, providing a non-invasive way to assess this process throughout the body.

    From this, he discovered the greatest blood sludging was seen in critically ill hospital patients—something Pierre Kory MD also observed with point-of-care ultrasound, as once micro clots within the IVC became echogenic (visible), patients died shortly after).

    Knisely's grading scale for blood sludging severity correlated with disease prognosis, highlighting its clinical significance.

    After learning of this, we attempted to replicate Knisely’s microscope and have been able to see the same sludging he observed 80 years ago in his patients. This video, for example was taken from the eyes of a COVID-19 vaccine-injured patient:

    Zeta Potential

    When particles are placed in water, one of three things can happen:

    They don’t mix (e.g., oil floats to the top, sand sinks to the bottom).

    They dissolve (e.g., salt).

    They form a colloidal suspension (e.g., milk) in which each particle is repelled from the other and evenly distributed.

    In the case of colloidal suspensions, their stability is determined by what causes their particles to come together (gravity separating things by weight, the inherent molecular attraction between objects), and what pushes them apart.

    The first method (zeta potential) refers to the charge difference between the water ions (that coat the charged ions) and the charge of the surrounding water.

    Because electrical repulsion due to zeta potential is easier to control, it is typically the factor focused on when trying to improve colloidal dispersion (e.g., to eliminate blood sludging).

    One of the most effective agents for reducing zeta potential is aluminum (which explains why it’s frequently used to separate organic matter from water in sewage plants or to clot wounds). Moulden thus concluded aluminum’s widespread use in vaccines likely accounted for many of their side effects. Similarly, consider the effect the COVID-19 vaccine’s spike protein has on the blood.

    The key thing to understand about zeta potential is that when its repulsion no longer suffices to overcome the attractive forces in a colloidal system, it will clump together, initially in small clumps (termed agglomerations), and then as the zeta potential worsens, form larger clumps.

    Note: the normal zeta potential of a red blood cell is around -15.7 millivolts. Additionally, as red blood cells age, they lose their negatively charged sialic acid, which worsens their zeta potential.

    Thomas Riddick, a pioneer in this field, discovered that the body maintains blood zeta potential near the agglomeration threshold so it can clot in case of bleeding. With further study, Riddick found the degree of blood sludging or loss of physiologic zeta potential significantly varied from person to person (due to modern life disrupting it), and Knisely's grading scale for blood flow in the eyes could be used to accurately predict who was at risk of an arrhythmia, a stroke, or a fatal heart attack. Most importantly, Riddick discovered that once the colloidal dispersion of the blood was fixed, heart arrhythmias normalized and circulatory problems greatly improved.

    Note: many readers here have shared that restoring their zeta potential improved their atrial fibrillation.

    For reference, this is the scale Knisely and Riddick (and now us) used to evaluate blood flow in the eyes.

    Note: I believe Knisely’s observations of profound blood sludging in the eyes of severely ill hospital patients account for why IV saline (which improves zeta potential) so frequently benefits people who are sick enough to require hospitalization. Likewise, Knisely also observed that certain agents, such as hydroxychloroquine, reversed blood sludging. This led him to suspect a significant degree of the anti-malarial benefit of hydroxychloroquine actually arose from it reducing blood sludging; I also suspect this property may account for hydroxychloroquine’s value in treating autoimmune conditions and COVID-19 (both conditions linked to poor zeta potential).

    Riddick gradually discovered blood sludging was widespread in America and eventually concluded our food and water supply were contaminated with positive ions that were destructive to zeta potential.

    He attributed this to:

    •Potassium being replaced by sodium in processed foods
    •Aluminum being used in municipal water systems
    •Aluminum kitchenware
    •Aluminum being added to many foods (e.g. most salt has aluminum added to keep it from caking).
    •Many medications (e.g., antacids) are full of aluminum and other problematic metals
    •Many foods are stored in metal cans (acidic foods leach these metals).

    Note: the first head of the FDA fought to stop aluminum from entering general use but was muscled out by industry.

    Riddick also performed experiments that showed consuming water stored in aluminum significantly impaired microcirculation. Sadly, we are now witnessing a trend of storing water in aluminum cans. For this reason, I will never drink anything from an aluminum can (fortunately, a few zeta-potential restoring bottled water brands still exist).

    Note: while I’ve seen positive effects from one brand (which I only consume when traveling), one of the most surprising communications I received was from a reader requesting information on how it could be made at home as it had completely transformed their health but they understandably did not want to purchase the bottled form each day. While this is not typical, it illustrates how some people are very sensitive to small improvements in their zeta potential.

    Lastly, in addition to these, I also believe vaccines, EMFs, certain chronic infections, and humans no longer being electrically grounded to the Earth are significantly impairing humanity’s zeta potential.

    Note: as mentioned above, a case can also be made impaired zeta potential creates autoimmunity (e.g., aluminum causes both, and Chinese medicine believes blood stasis leads to autoimmunity).

    Vaccines, Microbes, and Zeta Potential

    Riddick also concluded that bacterial metabolism of proteins lowers their zeta potential by decarboxylating them. Many sewage treatment systems (e.g., septic tanks) work under this principle, as over time, decarboxylation (which removes negative charges) destroys the colloidal stability of the organic matter suspended in wastewater, causing it to sludge at the bottom.

    Riddick next assessed how zeta potential changed in humans during acute infections. Much like Knisely had observed in the eyes of his acutely ill patients, Riddick consistently observed a decrease in physiologic zeta potential during an infectious condition.

    These observations were important because they provided a means to explain why the elderly (who cannot tolerate a further drop in their zeta potential) are so much more vulnerable to infections like influenza. Sadly, it also likely explains their greater susceptibility to vaccine injuries (e.g., I once admitted a patient to the hospital who suffered a classic zeta-potential collapse from a pneumococcal vaccine).

    Lastly, many microbes carry positive charges, which allow them to adhere to the negatively charged surfaces of the body. These hence cause them to disrupt zeta potential once they’ve sufficiently reproduced in the body. This is a major problem in Lyme disease and chronic mold toxicity, which in part explains why therapies for those diseases often fail unless something (e.g., treating zeta potential) is also done to address the fluid stagnation they create (particularly within the lymphatics). Fortunately, there are many ways to address this. Ozone, for instance oxidizes those charges, and I believe this accounts for the dramatic improvements sometimes observed after one receives an oxidative therapy.

    Similarly, a 2022 paper that showed the spike protein directly impaired blood cell zeta potential also found that ivermectin dispersed blood cells the spike protein had clumped together (which may explain the instantaneous normalization of vital signs sometimes seen after ivermectin is given to severely ill hospital patients)

    Protein Misfolding

    Since folded proteins are essentially colloidal suspensions, ions that disrupt zeta potential can also cause protein misfolding and denaturing (something that also happens to egg whites when they are heated in a pan). I believe this is a key reason why the plaques found in Alzheimer’s disease (which are misfolded proteins) are found to contain aluminum.

    Note: since the clearance of Alzheimer’s plaques depends upon the brain’s glymphatic system, it is also possible that the improvement in cognitive decline that is frequently seen after improving zeta potential is due to improved cranial blood flow or cranial venous and lymphatic drainage.

    Likewise, the COVID spike protein (produced by the vaccines) has been linked to protein misfolding diseases such as CJD, amyloidosis, and unusual fibrous (amyloid) clots embalmers have found within the vaccinated, which appear to result from misfolded blood proteins the body can’t break down.


    Healthy fluid circulation is essential for health, and the zeta potential concept begins to explain why so many different conditions can lead to similar symptomatology. In the case of vaccines, this model explains why:

    •Vaccines consistently cause harm.

    •There is so much variability in vaccine injuries.

    •Vaccine damage is cumulative, as existing impairment of the microcirculation (and other fluid circulations) will progressively worsen with each successive vaccine.

    •Many infectious diseases can sometimes cause similar (but not as severe) injuries as vaccines.

    The zeta potential concept profoundly changed my medical practice, and I now believe that many effective holistic therapies (e.g., EDTA chelation) work in part because they can restore physiologic zeta potential. Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope the knowledge here can benefit you in the same way it has many of our patients.

    To learn how other readers have benefitted from this publication and the community it has created, their feedback can be viewed here. Additionally, an index of all the articles published in the Forgotten Side of Medicine can be viewed here.

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    Why Do All Vaccines Cause Harm? An explanation of the zeta potential concept A Midwestern Doctor Story at a Glance: •Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes, which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases. •Forgotten research from the 1960s, shows that blood cell clumping is a root cause of many diseases—a belief also shared by Chinese Medicine. •Colloidal chemistry and zeta potential science reveal that positive charges around blood cells cause clumping. Agents with concentrated positive charges, such as aluminum and the COVID spike protein, are especially problematic. •Improving the physiologic zeta potential benefits a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. A strong case can be made that many conventional and holistic therapies work in part by enhancing zeta potential. Note: this is an abridged version of an article I previously published here. Since I receive many questions on this topic and readers wanted an concise version of it, I worked to distill it down to its key points so this topic could easily be shared with others. Many medical problems stem from the diagnostic approach of physicians, especially with complex illnesses, which are often misdiagnosed and lead to ongoing patient struggles. Complex conditions can present with varied symptoms across patients and resemble other illnesses (e.g., fibromyalgia vs. chronic fatigue syndrome). In turn, poorly trained physicians often default to psychiatric explanations, overlooking the true causes. Vaccine injuries have a wide range of symptoms and hence have confused doctors for over 200 years (with many doctors in the past labeling them as “encephalitis”). Presently, I believe three main mechanisms underlie the myriad of vaccine injury: Immune Dysfunction: Vaccines frequently cause chronic autoimmune disorders and varying degrees of immune suppression. Cell Danger Response: Cells can enter a primitive state under threat, stopping normal mitochondrial function. This temporary state can become chronic, underlying many severe conditions. Treating this response has resolved conditions linked to vaccination, like autism. Impaired Circulation: Vaccines can impair fluid circulation by affecting the body's zeta potential. This causes fluid clumping (i.e. micro blood clots and blood thickening) and obstructs blood flow in capillaries. My focus was drawn to the zeta potential concept once I realized that many of the mysteries of COVID-19 (and later the COVID-19 vaccines) were due to the spike protein being extremely disruptive to the body’s zeta potential. I now believe that patient outcomes would significantly improve if the medical system prioritized the zeta potential. Andrew Moulden Andrew Moulden was a Canadian neuroscientist and doctor specializing in neuropsychiatry. During his clinical training, he noticed young children showing subtle neurological signs of strokes that his colleagues missed. Over time, he found these strokes often occurred soon after vaccination and could lead to severe neurological disorders like autism. Note: vaccine injury reports as far back as the early 1800s contain the same signs Moulden noticed. Moulden realized that the subtle stroke signs doctors look for in adults should also be assessed in children. Because these strokes in infants are often missed, many conditions are misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes. One scientific challenge is making "invisible" issues visible. In neurology, disruptions in brain function, often due to impaired blood flow, can reveal stroke locations through careful physical examination. Moulden found that cranial nerves in the brainstem, particularly in watershed areas with less redundant blood supply, were vulnerable to strokes. These strokes, caused by impaired blood flow, often due to increased blood thickness, were missed in infants, leading to conditions misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes. Key cranial nerves indicating vaccine-caused microstrokes include: Cranial Nerve VI: Controls eye movement; damage causes inward eye resting or jerky side-to-side movement. Note: We’ve found CN VI is the nerve most frequently affected by COVID-19 injuries. Cranial Nerve VII: Controls facial muscles; damage causes Bell’s Palsy, facial drooping, or asymmetry (e.g., this appeared to have happened to Justin Bieber). Cranial Nerve IV: Levels eyes; damage causes head tilting to compensate for uneven eye height. Note: often, you will see multiple cranial nerve issues on the same face (which suggests more parts of the brain lost their blood supply and hence that deeper neurological damage is also present). Once you know how to look for these symptoms (e.g., a loss of smooth eye motion), they are very easy to spot, and you will gradually become aware of how far reaching the neurological damage that results from vaccination can be (as any part of the brain can be affected). Moulden's work also suggested strokes were also occurring in other watershed areas of the body, such as internal organs and speech centers. Evidence included: Autopsy studies showing strokes in internal organs of children with congenital rubella. Similar disease processes in teenagers and adults after HPV or anthrax vaccination. One of the most striking examples was the children of soldiers who received the anthrax vaccine and were born without limbs (thalidomide was also notorious for doing this by blocking the formation of new blood vessels). Neurodegenerative processes in the elderly and psychiatric disorders being linked to cranial nerve damage. Note: a major issue in conventional medicine is the failure to recognize that neurological damage can lead to psychiatric issues. Consequently, emotional changes in patients with nervous system injuries are often misattributed as the cause rather than a symptom of their illness. Moulden thus began exploring what universal response was leading to these microstrokes and how they could be treated. From this, he produced three videos describing the problem (which can be viewed here). Unfortunately, shortly before releasing a second series on the solutions for these injuries, he died under suspicious circumstances. However, we now have many clues as to what Moulden discovered. Blood Sludging In the medical world, a long-standing puzzle revolves around how small insults to the body can lead to widespread illness or even death. One key factor in this equation is blood sludging, a phenomenon observed for centuries where the blood clumps together and thickens under certain disease conditions. Melvin Knisely, Ph.D., in the mid-20th century made critical discoveries about this phenomenon. Knisely's research, particularly with malaria-infected monkeys, revealed that certain severe illnesses could trigger significant blood sludging, starting in small vessels and eventually spreading to larger ones, which was typically fatal (unless prevented with the anticoagulant heparin). This thickening of blood can be likened to traffic jams, disrupting the body's natural blood-flow, and eventually leading to gridlock (death). Additionally, he discovered that this sludging could be seen externally through the eyes, providing a non-invasive way to assess this process throughout the body. From this, he discovered the greatest blood sludging was seen in critically ill hospital patients—something Pierre Kory MD also observed with point-of-care ultrasound, as once micro clots within the IVC became echogenic (visible), patients died shortly after). Knisely's grading scale for blood sludging severity correlated with disease prognosis, highlighting its clinical significance. After learning of this, we attempted to replicate Knisely’s microscope and have been able to see the same sludging he observed 80 years ago in his patients. This video, for example was taken from the eyes of a COVID-19 vaccine-injured patient: Zeta Potential When particles are placed in water, one of three things can happen: They don’t mix (e.g., oil floats to the top, sand sinks to the bottom). They dissolve (e.g., salt). They form a colloidal suspension (e.g., milk) in which each particle is repelled from the other and evenly distributed. In the case of colloidal suspensions, their stability is determined by what causes their particles to come together (gravity separating things by weight, the inherent molecular attraction between objects), and what pushes them apart. The first method (zeta potential) refers to the charge difference between the water ions (that coat the charged ions) and the charge of the surrounding water. Because electrical repulsion due to zeta potential is easier to control, it is typically the factor focused on when trying to improve colloidal dispersion (e.g., to eliminate blood sludging). One of the most effective agents for reducing zeta potential is aluminum (which explains why it’s frequently used to separate organic matter from water in sewage plants or to clot wounds). Moulden thus concluded aluminum’s widespread use in vaccines likely accounted for many of their side effects. Similarly, consider the effect the COVID-19 vaccine’s spike protein has on the blood. The key thing to understand about zeta potential is that when its repulsion no longer suffices to overcome the attractive forces in a colloidal system, it will clump together, initially in small clumps (termed agglomerations), and then as the zeta potential worsens, form larger clumps. Note: the normal zeta potential of a red blood cell is around -15.7 millivolts. Additionally, as red blood cells age, they lose their negatively charged sialic acid, which worsens their zeta potential. Thomas Riddick, a pioneer in this field, discovered that the body maintains blood zeta potential near the agglomeration threshold so it can clot in case of bleeding. With further study, Riddick found the degree of blood sludging or loss of physiologic zeta potential significantly varied from person to person (due to modern life disrupting it), and Knisely's grading scale for blood flow in the eyes could be used to accurately predict who was at risk of an arrhythmia, a stroke, or a fatal heart attack. Most importantly, Riddick discovered that once the colloidal dispersion of the blood was fixed, heart arrhythmias normalized and circulatory problems greatly improved. Note: many readers here have shared that restoring their zeta potential improved their atrial fibrillation. For reference, this is the scale Knisely and Riddick (and now us) used to evaluate blood flow in the eyes. Note: I believe Knisely’s observations of profound blood sludging in the eyes of severely ill hospital patients account for why IV saline (which improves zeta potential) so frequently benefits people who are sick enough to require hospitalization. Likewise, Knisely also observed that certain agents, such as hydroxychloroquine, reversed blood sludging. This led him to suspect a significant degree of the anti-malarial benefit of hydroxychloroquine actually arose from it reducing blood sludging; I also suspect this property may account for hydroxychloroquine’s value in treating autoimmune conditions and COVID-19 (both conditions linked to poor zeta potential). Riddick gradually discovered blood sludging was widespread in America and eventually concluded our food and water supply were contaminated with positive ions that were destructive to zeta potential. He attributed this to: •Potassium being replaced by sodium in processed foods •Aluminum being used in municipal water systems •Aluminum kitchenware •Aluminum being added to many foods (e.g. most salt has aluminum added to keep it from caking). •Many medications (e.g., antacids) are full of aluminum and other problematic metals •Many foods are stored in metal cans (acidic foods leach these metals). Note: the first head of the FDA fought to stop aluminum from entering general use but was muscled out by industry. Riddick also performed experiments that showed consuming water stored in aluminum significantly impaired microcirculation. Sadly, we are now witnessing a trend of storing water in aluminum cans. For this reason, I will never drink anything from an aluminum can (fortunately, a few zeta-potential restoring bottled water brands still exist). Note: while I’ve seen positive effects from one brand (which I only consume when traveling), one of the most surprising communications I received was from a reader requesting information on how it could be made at home as it had completely transformed their health but they understandably did not want to purchase the bottled form each day. While this is not typical, it illustrates how some people are very sensitive to small improvements in their zeta potential. Lastly, in addition to these, I also believe vaccines, EMFs, certain chronic infections, and humans no longer being electrically grounded to the Earth are significantly impairing humanity’s zeta potential. Note: as mentioned above, a case can also be made impaired zeta potential creates autoimmunity (e.g., aluminum causes both, and Chinese medicine believes blood stasis leads to autoimmunity). Vaccines, Microbes, and Zeta Potential Riddick also concluded that bacterial metabolism of proteins lowers their zeta potential by decarboxylating them. Many sewage treatment systems (e.g., septic tanks) work under this principle, as over time, decarboxylation (which removes negative charges) destroys the colloidal stability of the organic matter suspended in wastewater, causing it to sludge at the bottom. Riddick next assessed how zeta potential changed in humans during acute infections. Much like Knisely had observed in the eyes of his acutely ill patients, Riddick consistently observed a decrease in physiologic zeta potential during an infectious condition. These observations were important because they provided a means to explain why the elderly (who cannot tolerate a further drop in their zeta potential) are so much more vulnerable to infections like influenza. Sadly, it also likely explains their greater susceptibility to vaccine injuries (e.g., I once admitted a patient to the hospital who suffered a classic zeta-potential collapse from a pneumococcal vaccine). Lastly, many microbes carry positive charges, which allow them to adhere to the negatively charged surfaces of the body. These hence cause them to disrupt zeta potential once they’ve sufficiently reproduced in the body. This is a major problem in Lyme disease and chronic mold toxicity, which in part explains why therapies for those diseases often fail unless something (e.g., treating zeta potential) is also done to address the fluid stagnation they create (particularly within the lymphatics). Fortunately, there are many ways to address this. Ozone, for instance oxidizes those charges, and I believe this accounts for the dramatic improvements sometimes observed after one receives an oxidative therapy. Similarly, a 2022 paper that showed the spike protein directly impaired blood cell zeta potential also found that ivermectin dispersed blood cells the spike protein had clumped together (which may explain the instantaneous normalization of vital signs sometimes seen after ivermectin is given to severely ill hospital patients) Protein Misfolding Since folded proteins are essentially colloidal suspensions, ions that disrupt zeta potential can also cause protein misfolding and denaturing (something that also happens to egg whites when they are heated in a pan). I believe this is a key reason why the plaques found in Alzheimer’s disease (which are misfolded proteins) are found to contain aluminum. Note: since the clearance of Alzheimer’s plaques depends upon the brain’s glymphatic system, it is also possible that the improvement in cognitive decline that is frequently seen after improving zeta potential is due to improved cranial blood flow or cranial venous and lymphatic drainage. Likewise, the COVID spike protein (produced by the vaccines) has been linked to protein misfolding diseases such as CJD, amyloidosis, and unusual fibrous (amyloid) clots embalmers have found within the vaccinated, which appear to result from misfolded blood proteins the body can’t break down. Conclusion Healthy fluid circulation is essential for health, and the zeta potential concept begins to explain why so many different conditions can lead to similar symptomatology. In the case of vaccines, this model explains why: •Vaccines consistently cause harm. •There is so much variability in vaccine injuries. •Vaccine damage is cumulative, as existing impairment of the microcirculation (and other fluid circulations) will progressively worsen with each successive vaccine. •Many infectious diseases can sometimes cause similar (but not as severe) injuries as vaccines. The zeta potential concept profoundly changed my medical practice, and I now believe that many effective holistic therapies (e.g., EDTA chelation) work in part because they can restore physiologic zeta potential. Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope the knowledge here can benefit you in the same way it has many of our patients. To learn how other readers have benefitted from this publication and the community it has created, their feedback can be viewed here. Additionally, an index of all the articles published in the Forgotten Side of Medicine can be viewed here. Click below to share this post! Share Refer a friend Give a gift subscription https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/why-do-all-vaccines-cause-harm
    Why Do All Vaccines Cause Harm?
    An explanation of the zeta potential concept
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