• Naomi Wolf: "If the WHO says there's a pandemic and the US is a signatory to this, it means that I can wake up and there are UN troops or mercenaries or WHO troops, dr. Fauci's troops, Bill Gates's troops outside my window. they can say: 'You've been exposed to bloodborne pathogen, you're coming with us' and I'll have no recourse...
    Of course they're gonna declare a pandemic in the months leading up to the election. Of course they'll say it's too dangerous to vote in person. That's how they harvest the absentee ballots. Of course there's going to be some crisis in October that will freak us all out and distract us so we can't have a normal election. That clears the deck for them to do all the cheating, they're planning to do in relation to the election or simply to say: 'It's too dangerous to have an election where we've already declared martial law, we're just gonna stay in power.'
    Stop thinking that these people are going to think like Americans or follow an American script. They're not...
    People died when they kept thinking surely it won't get that bad, surely our neighbors won't turn us in."

    Join on Telegram channel
    Naomi Wolf: "If the WHO says there's a pandemic and the US is a signatory to this, it means that I can wake up and there are UN troops or mercenaries or WHO troops, dr. Fauci's troops, Bill Gates's troops outside my window. they can say: 'You've been exposed to bloodborne pathogen, you're coming with us' and I'll have no recourse... Of course they're gonna declare a pandemic in the months leading up to the election. Of course they'll say it's too dangerous to vote in person. That's how they harvest the absentee ballots. Of course there's going to be some crisis in October that will freak us all out and distract us so we can't have a normal election. That clears the deck for them to do all the cheating, they're planning to do in relation to the election or simply to say: 'It's too dangerous to have an election where we've already declared martial law, we're just gonna stay in power.' Stop thinking that these people are going to think like Americans or follow an American script. They're not... People died when they kept thinking surely it won't get that bad, surely our neighbors won't turn us in." Join on Telegram channel 👇 https://t.me/DrJudyMikovitsHealthSecrets
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  • The second shot, or what do vaccinators and sewer rats have in common?
    This article is too long for email. Please read in Substack app.

    Remember this quote? Credit Sage Hana:

    The 2nd shot, 21 days apart. Why the 2nd shot and why 21 days, exactly? Let’s take a look.

    The anaphylaxis research history.

    Charles Richet

    Charles Robert Richet (25 August 1850 – 4 December 1935) was a French physiologist at the Collège de France and immunology pioneer. In 1913, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "in recognition of his work on anaphylaxis". Richet devoted many years to the study of paranormal and spiritualist phenomena, coining the term "ectoplasm". He believed in the inferiority of black people, was a proponent of eugenics, and presided over the French Eugenics Society towards the end of his life.

    I would like to acknowledge that I knew not much about anaphylaxis other than it is a dangerous, life threatening allergic reaction. I witnessed it in a local grocery store pharmacy that administered covid vaccines. A young apparently healthy man (in his 30s) dropped on the floor immediately after the injection and was lying there when I walked in. Everyone was behaving like it wasn’t a big deal. I wanted to be let off this planet.

    While working on this article, I ran a quick CDC VAERS query. All vaccines for all time in VAERS (about 30 years) produced 12,200+ anaphylactic reactions and 2200+ shocks. Covid-19 vaccines produced 9,000+ anaphylactic reactions and 1000+ anaphylactic shocks. mRNA injections are responsible for 11k of the total 12k reported anaphylactic reactions. However, that’s not the entire story of anaphylaxis.

    Katherine Watt pointed me to Charles Richet’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech and to a couple of articles by this author (Northern Tracey). I suggest you read them. The author was way ahead of all of us on this topic.

    Katherine published on our email exchange at the time:

    Intentional elusivity of definitions for virus and vaccine.

    Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law…

    Read more

    12 days ago · 146 likes · Katherine Watt

    As I mentioned in my email exchange with Katherine, Richet’s own work clearly referred to the poison he made from tentacles of Actinaria (sea anemone) as the “virus of Actinaria”. This confirmed one more time what we already knew: viruses are not some sort of natural “seeds” of disease, randomly flying around and jumping strangers. They are poisons - either natural toxins excreted by plants, bacteria and animals, or poisons made by people like Richet and now CDC/pharma. They do not transmit by air or casual contact.

    What becomes apparent from reviewing Richet’s 100+ year old research - the only thing you really need to worry about with respect to “viruses/poisons” is an injection of biologics (proteins) for the 2nd time within the anaphylaxis window that starts typically after 20 days and lasting anywhere from months to years to the lifetime. This can happen in nature from the 2nd bite of an animal/insect carrying same biological toxin (a very low probability event nowadays), or from what is now forced by the government policy - from the needle wielded by a brainless money whore masquerading as a healthcare provider who is doing it for the 90th time in your or your child’s life “because science”.

    The original biologics regulation law in 1902 was called the virus-toxin act. Early on, virus, toxin, antitoxin, serum and vaccine were used interchangeably, because the vaccinators knew what they were propagating in the labs and licensed establishments - biological poisons.

    This lead me to become intensely interested in Richet’s work. I found his book describing the work on anaphylaxis published in 1913. I am including several screenshots from it, so you can read for yourself.

    Richet alluded to vaccination being a failure from the first attempts, because, instead of producing expected immunity it produced violent reactions or even death from minute (not considered dangerous) amounts of the toxin at the 2nd exposure. This happened in a random % of the population. One example quoted anaphylaxis rates from injecting cattle with anthrax serum: approximately 10% became violently ill and many died. The population who would react anaphylactically is a-priory not distinguishable from others, because it is not known who is already sensitized to which biological substances.

    This is still the case. There is no way to determine upfront who will be anaphylactically sensitized by an injection of a biologic (a protein). The establishment healthcare denies this, proclaiming all vaccines “very safe”. This is categorically not true, as becomes very apparent once you read Richet’s work related to injecting biological substances, even benign ones like milk or albumins (derived from wheat and other cereals). Digesting a protein and injecting it directly into the blood stream are two entirely different things! For example, it is safe to ingest snake venom for most people (provided no sores or abrasions in the mouth). I am not advising you try this, but sucking the venom out immediately post bite has been used as a bush medicine method. However, a snake bite delivering the same venom directly into the blood stream is an entirely different story.

    You notice that Richet talks about the “second injection”. This refers to the nature of anaphylaxis: the first interaction with an injected toxin may be not even noticed, be well tolerated or may be at worst mildly irritating. After a period of 2-3 weeks, the second exposure, however, may become very dangerous or fatal. The second exposure in most of Richet’s experiments was by injection. However, with high enough sensitization by the first injection, the anaphylaxis could also result from environmental exposure or ingestion, depending on the degree of sensitization to the “allergen”, or “toxigen” as he termed it. Do you understand peanut allergy, gluten allergy, soy allergy, etc. now? The things that didn’t exist before peanut oil, wheat albumins and other common food proteins became widely used in vaccines (and were proclaimed “generally safe” because it’s just food).

    Importantly, Richet has demonstrated that anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and the variety of allergic reactions are all the same phenomenon, stemming from the same thing - a sensitizing exposure by proteins reaching the blood stream and bypassing normal digestion.

    Richet provided principles of anaphylaxis in his book:

    He also summarized findings from other researchers working on anaphylaxis at the time. Notice especially points 8 and 10 - this describes anaphylaxis from “vaccination” and subsequent allergic reactions, even to non-proteins (crystalloids):

    Richet found that the state of anaphylaxis sets in after a period of 2-3 weeks (it can vary), and depending on the initial toxin/protein, the sensitization state may last from weeks to years, and possibly be permanent. At the time that he wrote the book, he mentioned that in people anaphylactic/allergenic state was observed up to 6 years, but it may be permanent. Do you see now, why most vaccines are delivered in at least 2 doses, and they are separated by at least 21 days? They want to see if they induce severe anaphylaxis (i.e. life threatening kind). Here’s Pfizer’s “postmarketing experience” document, compiling adverse events as of Feb 2021 (first 2 months of vaccine rollout):

    This table is is not all cases of anaphylaxis, of course, but only the most severe form - the shock.

    Anaphylaxis is all allergic reactions and autoimmune disease, but these things are very easy to deny as they take a while to manifest and are not immediately deadly. The industry has developed perfect gaslighting strategies: “genetic mutations”, “toxic food”, “stress”, “novel syndromes”, and even better - glorification of chronic illness via movies, advertising, non-profits and other economic activity feeding off vaccine-induced destruction of natural health. In case of mRNA vaccines, they absolutely knew that they are killing people with anaphylaxis, but since that was the goal of the military weapon, the shots have not been removed and continue being pushed on the public.

    Another interesting observation made by Richet is that white mice and some of the breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis. No wonder these animals are now the staple of pharmaceutical research!

    While Richet himself seemed to be very much pro-vaccination, his main conclusions about anaphylaxis speak soundly against it. It is impossible to design a safe vaccine, because it is impossible to predict anaphylactic reactions. Each individual is unique, a product of heredity and interactions with environment. Introduction of foreign, non-self proteins is an assault on this natural equilibrium and can only result in a disaster.

    That vaccination in people induces anaphylaxis was known early on:

    And was given the name “allergy”, possibly to hide the fact that it’s vaccine-induced anaphylaxis:

    These psychos would even kill themselves, and still not get the message:

    Substances that induce anaphylaxis - colloids.

    Difference between Crystalloids and Colloids
    Colloids vs crystalloids

    Colloids and crystalloids are two types of fluid solutions used for intravenous (IV) infusion in medicine. The primary distinction between them lies in their particle size, composition, and behavior in the body.


    Consist of large particles (0.5-100 nm) that do not pass through semi-permeable membranes, such as capillary walls

    Examples: gelatin, albumin, hetastarch, dextran

    Act as plasma volume expanders, maintaining blood volume and pressure

    Have a high oncotic pressure, which helps to draw fluid into the vascular compartment

    May cause anaphylaxis in some patients

    More expensive than crystalloids

    Suitable for patients with severe fluid loss, trauma, burns, or sepsis


    Consist of small particles (less than 0.5 nm) that can pass through semi-permeable membranes

    Examples: normal saline (0.9% NaCl), lactated Ringer’s solution, 5% dextrose in water

    Act as isotonic or hypertonic solutions, expanding extracellular fluid volume

    Have a lower oncotic pressure, which can lead to fluid accumulation in tissues

    Less likely to cause anaphylaxis

    Generally less expensive than colloids

    Suitable for patients with mild to moderate fluid loss, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalance

    In general, small molecule drugs do not cause anaphylaxis.

    Vaccines are, of course, colloids as they contain a mixture of proteins and lipids in suspension.

    Properly matched blood transfusions do not generally produce anaphylaxis. However, since all blood banks are now contaminated with mRNA-injected blood, it is not possible to say that they are safe. I personally would not accept blood, except from a known donor.

    Richet proposed that a “toxigen” which developed after the initial sensitizing injection in the blood was responsible for subsequent state of anaphylaxis:

    “Infectious disease” explained by anaphylaxis:

    The phenomenon of anaphylaxis may help explain both, the natural outbreaks of what appears as “contagious illness” in human history and the skyrocketing chronic illness in the modern western populations. It is known that the bacteria implicated in diseases like cholera or the plague are commonly present in the intestinal tracts of many people and do not seem to cause any issues. Then, how does an epidemic of the plague or cholera occur? Imagine living in a crowded, rapidly growing European city around 15th - 17th century:

    This is one of the main streets in Amsterdam, with raw sewage flowing in the middle, domestic animals sharing lower floors of the buildings, no plumbing, sanitation or refrigeration of food. The rats are very common. They bite and the bites carry common proteins found in that area’s sewage. Once enough people in the same area have been bitten for the first time, some weeks go by, anaphylactic state develops, and then the rats bite some of the same people again. If enough of these events occur, an “epidemic” of the plague/smallpox/cholera starts in this community.

    Hygiene, plumbing, water sanitation, refrigeration and air conditioning were the most significant technological innovations that defeated epidemics by removing the chances of injection of anaphylactizing toxigens by common pests. So, instead, we now have the establishment “healthcare” assaulting the society like the medieval sewer rats with poisoned needles. All vaccines contain two main sources of injury - the proteins that are used to formulate them, including the toxins (“viruses”) and the vehicle which frequently contains other common proteins like albumins (gluten allergy), egg proteins, soy, corn, casein (milk intolerance), etc. There are also “contaminants” and “adjuvants” such as toxic metals, and more recently with introduction recombinant vaccines - DNA plasmids that transfect cells. The mRNA shots are even worse as they contain numerous toxic vectors. Now imagine a baby getting 70+ different shots, most in several doses. It is guaranteed that the baby will get anaphylactized to many commonly encountered proteins, and that a chronic inflammation/allergy will result. Anaphylaxis, being an intestinal reaction, is also tied to destruction of microbiome, which I will address in later articles. Practically all chronic conditions, especially in children, can be tied back to vaccine-induced anaphylaxis.

    Many people state that food that we eat and the environment are full of toxins. While this may be true, especially for some locations and some socioeconomic groups, the food and environmental toxicity pales in comparison to what happens when the toxins, especially proteins are injected directly into the blood stream. I am in full support of improving the quality of food and cleaning up the environmental pollution, but if we need a policy to combat the chronic disease epidemic, there is one straightforward answer that all politicians and most experts today soundly ignore - the catastrophic damage to health induced by vaccines.

    I would like to end with the quote from Richet:

    Richet: "We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction [forcible entry; injection], the organism suffers and becomes resistant.

    This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection [outside the intestines; intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous] which would be fatal.

    At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock. Seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is an universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated."

    For further reading:

    How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society?

    BS”D I’m absolutely blown away by what I found in this article…

    Read more

    11 days ago · 6 likes · 2 comments · Brucha Weisberger

    Art for today: Angels and Demons series, oil on linen. NFS.

    The second shot, or what do vaccinators and sewer rats have in common? This article is too long for email. Please read in Substack app. Remember this quote? Credit Sage Hana: The 2nd shot, 21 days apart. Why the 2nd shot and why 21 days, exactly? Let’s take a look. The anaphylaxis research history. Charles Richet Charles Robert Richet (25 August 1850 – 4 December 1935) was a French physiologist at the Collège de France and immunology pioneer. In 1913, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "in recognition of his work on anaphylaxis". Richet devoted many years to the study of paranormal and spiritualist phenomena, coining the term "ectoplasm". He believed in the inferiority of black people, was a proponent of eugenics, and presided over the French Eugenics Society towards the end of his life. I would like to acknowledge that I knew not much about anaphylaxis other than it is a dangerous, life threatening allergic reaction. I witnessed it in a local grocery store pharmacy that administered covid vaccines. A young apparently healthy man (in his 30s) dropped on the floor immediately after the injection and was lying there when I walked in. Everyone was behaving like it wasn’t a big deal. I wanted to be let off this planet. While working on this article, I ran a quick CDC VAERS query. All vaccines for all time in VAERS (about 30 years) produced 12,200+ anaphylactic reactions and 2200+ shocks. Covid-19 vaccines produced 9,000+ anaphylactic reactions and 1000+ anaphylactic shocks. mRNA injections are responsible for 11k of the total 12k reported anaphylactic reactions. However, that’s not the entire story of anaphylaxis. Katherine Watt pointed me to Charles Richet’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech and to a couple of articles by this author (Northern Tracey). I suggest you read them. The author was way ahead of all of us on this topic. Katherine published on our email exchange at the time: Intentional elusivity of definitions for virus and vaccine. Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law… Read more 12 days ago · 146 likes · Katherine Watt As I mentioned in my email exchange with Katherine, Richet’s own work clearly referred to the poison he made from tentacles of Actinaria (sea anemone) as the “virus of Actinaria”. This confirmed one more time what we already knew: viruses are not some sort of natural “seeds” of disease, randomly flying around and jumping strangers. They are poisons - either natural toxins excreted by plants, bacteria and animals, or poisons made by people like Richet and now CDC/pharma. They do not transmit by air or casual contact. What becomes apparent from reviewing Richet’s 100+ year old research - the only thing you really need to worry about with respect to “viruses/poisons” is an injection of biologics (proteins) for the 2nd time within the anaphylaxis window that starts typically after 20 days and lasting anywhere from months to years to the lifetime. This can happen in nature from the 2nd bite of an animal/insect carrying same biological toxin (a very low probability event nowadays), or from what is now forced by the government policy - from the needle wielded by a brainless money whore masquerading as a healthcare provider who is doing it for the 90th time in your or your child’s life “because science”. The original biologics regulation law in 1902 was called the virus-toxin act. Early on, virus, toxin, antitoxin, serum and vaccine were used interchangeably, because the vaccinators knew what they were propagating in the labs and licensed establishments - biological poisons. This lead me to become intensely interested in Richet’s work. I found his book describing the work on anaphylaxis published in 1913. I am including several screenshots from it, so you can read for yourself. Richet alluded to vaccination being a failure from the first attempts, because, instead of producing expected immunity it produced violent reactions or even death from minute (not considered dangerous) amounts of the toxin at the 2nd exposure. This happened in a random % of the population. One example quoted anaphylaxis rates from injecting cattle with anthrax serum: approximately 10% became violently ill and many died. The population who would react anaphylactically is a-priory not distinguishable from others, because it is not known who is already sensitized to which biological substances. This is still the case. There is no way to determine upfront who will be anaphylactically sensitized by an injection of a biologic (a protein). The establishment healthcare denies this, proclaiming all vaccines “very safe”. This is categorically not true, as becomes very apparent once you read Richet’s work related to injecting biological substances, even benign ones like milk or albumins (derived from wheat and other cereals). Digesting a protein and injecting it directly into the blood stream are two entirely different things! For example, it is safe to ingest snake venom for most people (provided no sores or abrasions in the mouth). I am not advising you try this, but sucking the venom out immediately post bite has been used as a bush medicine method. However, a snake bite delivering the same venom directly into the blood stream is an entirely different story. You notice that Richet talks about the “second injection”. This refers to the nature of anaphylaxis: the first interaction with an injected toxin may be not even noticed, be well tolerated or may be at worst mildly irritating. After a period of 2-3 weeks, the second exposure, however, may become very dangerous or fatal. The second exposure in most of Richet’s experiments was by injection. However, with high enough sensitization by the first injection, the anaphylaxis could also result from environmental exposure or ingestion, depending on the degree of sensitization to the “allergen”, or “toxigen” as he termed it. Do you understand peanut allergy, gluten allergy, soy allergy, etc. now? The things that didn’t exist before peanut oil, wheat albumins and other common food proteins became widely used in vaccines (and were proclaimed “generally safe” because it’s just food). Importantly, Richet has demonstrated that anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and the variety of allergic reactions are all the same phenomenon, stemming from the same thing - a sensitizing exposure by proteins reaching the blood stream and bypassing normal digestion. Richet provided principles of anaphylaxis in his book: He also summarized findings from other researchers working on anaphylaxis at the time. Notice especially points 8 and 10 - this describes anaphylaxis from “vaccination” and subsequent allergic reactions, even to non-proteins (crystalloids): Richet found that the state of anaphylaxis sets in after a period of 2-3 weeks (it can vary), and depending on the initial toxin/protein, the sensitization state may last from weeks to years, and possibly be permanent. At the time that he wrote the book, he mentioned that in people anaphylactic/allergenic state was observed up to 6 years, but it may be permanent. Do you see now, why most vaccines are delivered in at least 2 doses, and they are separated by at least 21 days? They want to see if they induce severe anaphylaxis (i.e. life threatening kind). Here’s Pfizer’s “postmarketing experience” document, compiling adverse events as of Feb 2021 (first 2 months of vaccine rollout): This table is is not all cases of anaphylaxis, of course, but only the most severe form - the shock. Anaphylaxis is all allergic reactions and autoimmune disease, but these things are very easy to deny as they take a while to manifest and are not immediately deadly. The industry has developed perfect gaslighting strategies: “genetic mutations”, “toxic food”, “stress”, “novel syndromes”, and even better - glorification of chronic illness via movies, advertising, non-profits and other economic activity feeding off vaccine-induced destruction of natural health. In case of mRNA vaccines, they absolutely knew that they are killing people with anaphylaxis, but since that was the goal of the military weapon, the shots have not been removed and continue being pushed on the public. Another interesting observation made by Richet is that white mice and some of the breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis. No wonder these animals are now the staple of pharmaceutical research! While Richet himself seemed to be very much pro-vaccination, his main conclusions about anaphylaxis speak soundly against it. It is impossible to design a safe vaccine, because it is impossible to predict anaphylactic reactions. Each individual is unique, a product of heredity and interactions with environment. Introduction of foreign, non-self proteins is an assault on this natural equilibrium and can only result in a disaster. That vaccination in people induces anaphylaxis was known early on: And was given the name “allergy”, possibly to hide the fact that it’s vaccine-induced anaphylaxis: These psychos would even kill themselves, and still not get the message: Substances that induce anaphylaxis - colloids. Difference between Crystalloids and Colloids Colloids vs crystalloids Colloids and crystalloids are two types of fluid solutions used for intravenous (IV) infusion in medicine. The primary distinction between them lies in their particle size, composition, and behavior in the body. Colloids Consist of large particles (0.5-100 nm) that do not pass through semi-permeable membranes, such as capillary walls Examples: gelatin, albumin, hetastarch, dextran Act as plasma volume expanders, maintaining blood volume and pressure Have a high oncotic pressure, which helps to draw fluid into the vascular compartment May cause anaphylaxis in some patients More expensive than crystalloids Suitable for patients with severe fluid loss, trauma, burns, or sepsis Crystalloids Consist of small particles (less than 0.5 nm) that can pass through semi-permeable membranes Examples: normal saline (0.9% NaCl), lactated Ringer’s solution, 5% dextrose in water Act as isotonic or hypertonic solutions, expanding extracellular fluid volume Have a lower oncotic pressure, which can lead to fluid accumulation in tissues Less likely to cause anaphylaxis Generally less expensive than colloids Suitable for patients with mild to moderate fluid loss, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalance In general, small molecule drugs do not cause anaphylaxis. Vaccines are, of course, colloids as they contain a mixture of proteins and lipids in suspension. Properly matched blood transfusions do not generally produce anaphylaxis. However, since all blood banks are now contaminated with mRNA-injected blood, it is not possible to say that they are safe. I personally would not accept blood, except from a known donor. Richet proposed that a “toxigen” which developed after the initial sensitizing injection in the blood was responsible for subsequent state of anaphylaxis: “Infectious disease” explained by anaphylaxis: The phenomenon of anaphylaxis may help explain both, the natural outbreaks of what appears as “contagious illness” in human history and the skyrocketing chronic illness in the modern western populations. It is known that the bacteria implicated in diseases like cholera or the plague are commonly present in the intestinal tracts of many people and do not seem to cause any issues. Then, how does an epidemic of the plague or cholera occur? Imagine living in a crowded, rapidly growing European city around 15th - 17th century: This is one of the main streets in Amsterdam, with raw sewage flowing in the middle, domestic animals sharing lower floors of the buildings, no plumbing, sanitation or refrigeration of food. The rats are very common. They bite and the bites carry common proteins found in that area’s sewage. Once enough people in the same area have been bitten for the first time, some weeks go by, anaphylactic state develops, and then the rats bite some of the same people again. If enough of these events occur, an “epidemic” of the plague/smallpox/cholera starts in this community. Hygiene, plumbing, water sanitation, refrigeration and air conditioning were the most significant technological innovations that defeated epidemics by removing the chances of injection of anaphylactizing toxigens by common pests. So, instead, we now have the establishment “healthcare” assaulting the society like the medieval sewer rats with poisoned needles. All vaccines contain two main sources of injury - the proteins that are used to formulate them, including the toxins (“viruses”) and the vehicle which frequently contains other common proteins like albumins (gluten allergy), egg proteins, soy, corn, casein (milk intolerance), etc. There are also “contaminants” and “adjuvants” such as toxic metals, and more recently with introduction recombinant vaccines - DNA plasmids that transfect cells. The mRNA shots are even worse as they contain numerous toxic vectors. Now imagine a baby getting 70+ different shots, most in several doses. It is guaranteed that the baby will get anaphylactized to many commonly encountered proteins, and that a chronic inflammation/allergy will result. Anaphylaxis, being an intestinal reaction, is also tied to destruction of microbiome, which I will address in later articles. Practically all chronic conditions, especially in children, can be tied back to vaccine-induced anaphylaxis. Many people state that food that we eat and the environment are full of toxins. While this may be true, especially for some locations and some socioeconomic groups, the food and environmental toxicity pales in comparison to what happens when the toxins, especially proteins are injected directly into the blood stream. I am in full support of improving the quality of food and cleaning up the environmental pollution, but if we need a policy to combat the chronic disease epidemic, there is one straightforward answer that all politicians and most experts today soundly ignore - the catastrophic damage to health induced by vaccines. I would like to end with the quote from Richet: Richet: "We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction [forcible entry; injection], the organism suffers and becomes resistant. This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection [outside the intestines; intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous] which would be fatal. At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock. Seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is an universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated." For further reading: How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society? BS”D I’m absolutely blown away by what I found in this article… Read more 11 days ago · 6 likes · 2 comments · Brucha Weisberger Art for today: Angels and Demons series, oil on linen. NFS. https://substack.com/@sashalatypova/p-148130497
    Sasha Latypova | Substack
    I could not become a professional artist, so I became a pharma and medical device R&D executive. If you are interested in my art, visit sashalatypova.com
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  • Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:

    In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists.

    The identified scientists include:

    1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology.

    2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop).

    3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel.

    4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education.

    5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering.

    6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus.

    These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference

    [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…)

    [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…)

    [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…)

    [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…)

    [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…).


    Additional information:

    Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

    The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

    The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.

    Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.


    Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about:

    New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

    Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

    Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

    Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).

    CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.

    Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram

    Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day

    VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)

    And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself…

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit: In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists. The identified scientists include: 1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology. 2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop). 3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel. 4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education. 5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering. 6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus. These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…) [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…) [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…) [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…) [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…). Source Additional information: Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead. The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board. The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today. Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth. Source Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about: New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable. Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week). CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving. Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day) And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-vowed
    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3990 Views
  • Alison Weir trending on social media – what the buzz is about
    [email protected] August 31, 2024 Alison Weir, Boykin, council for the national interest, Religious Freedom Coalition, William J. Murray
    Alison Weir at National Press Club, May 2011 (screengrab)
    If Americans Knew founder Alison Weir experienced harassment and assault in 2011 for telling the truth about Palestine and Israel. The ideology behind the attack is alive and well today.

    A video has gone viral of an angry Israel partisan knocking Alison Weir’s phone out of her hand in 2011. Below is a longer video (three minutes) of what went on before that moment: Israel partisans were yelling outlandish, Islamophobic claims not based on fact. (The participants were not aware they were being filmed.)

    Alison was attempting to give important facts to a prominent general, who was listening attentively to what she was sharing – this seemed to be what drew the ire of the other people in the room.

    Below the video, find Alison’s account of the incident, written at the time, including who she was talking to and who hit her phone.

    Further down is more factual information about Christians and Muslims in Palestine.

    Alison Weir experienced this harassment and assault in 2011 – but the ideology behind it is alive and well today.

    “Israel Is Not Alone” member knocks phone out of my hand – Press TV films incident

    (from Alison Weir’s blog, May 2011)

    We had just completed a CNI press briefing at the National Press Club, when the next group scheduled to use the room, “Israel Is Not Alone,” began to enter. One of their members saw our signs and began a discussion with a member of the CNI group. The conversation was heated but within appropriate bounds. Another “Israel Is Not Alone” member, however, then approached the CNI man in a somewhat threatening posture and loudly began to berate him.

    At that point Lt. Col Karen Kwiatkowski, who had spoken on our panel, thought she recognized the man and he was asked his name. At first he only gave his first name, Jerry, but eventually also gave his last name: Boykin.

    Lt. Gen Boykin (three stars) is known for making offensive statements about Islam and supporting Israel.

    For some reason, I actually thought I might be able to convince him to rethink his positions. I told him I had been born at West Point and tried to tell him about Palestine. I was holding a booklet from our press conference, and asked him fervently to read it. He didn’t say anything.

    As I was trying to describe the facts, another man came up and began haranguing me. He was almost shaking with fury. He yelled that Muslims tear the fingernails off Christians and similar things. I tried to answer him, but he shouted over everything I tried to say. I got my phone out and tried to video what he was yelling at me. I then tried to resume my conversation with Boykin and tell him about my first trip to Palestine, but the man continued shouting at me, drowning out my words, so I again tried to video what he was yelling at me. He suddenly violently hit my hand and phone, knocking the phone across the room.

    I was stunned. A bit shaken, I asked someone to get security, which they did. Some of the “Israel Is Not Alone” group, probably realizing that their member had just crossed a serious line and was guilty of battery, brought me the pieces of my phone (fortunately, and surprisingly, it still works). The man (I haven’t yet learned his name) proffered an unconvincing apology.

    Some people have suggested that I file charges. It turns out that a Press TV crew apparently filmed the whole incident and led off with part of it on their broadcast about our conference. You can see the video and news report here.

    I’m undecided about filing charges. I know that if the situation were reversed, they would do so.

    I don’t know what’s behind this angry, disturbed man. Was he angry because he was spreading such venomous lies? Or is it that the people behind “Israel Is Not Alone” are exploiting a vulnerable man and intentionally creating or fueling his rage?

    Text of Press TV report:

    Tempers flared at the prestigious National Press Club in Washington, DC .

    A pro Israeli advocate knocked a camera out of the hands of Alison Weir, President of the Council for the National Interest Foundation. The group just finished their press conference on what they call unjustifiable US Aid to Israel.

    The two sides met when the Press Club scheduled a pro Israeli news conference to follow held in the same room. The altercation illustrates heightened tensions on differing views regarding America’s relationship with Israel.

    The Council for the National Interest Foundation wants Americans to know how much of their tax dollars are going to Israel.

    CNIF alleges Israel receives so much aid and special treatment because the US Congress is controlled by AIPAC, America’s pro Israel lobby. Executive director Phillip Giraldi says Israel spends a lot of money on U.S. elections.

    The Council for the National Interest Foundation says many members of Congress fear, if they don’t always side with Israel, that they will face retaliation in their own re-election campaigns.

    Giraldi is a former CIA counter terrorism expert. He questions why America gives aid to Israel when Israel conducts more espionage for profit against the US than any other US friendly country.

    Retired Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski worked at the Pentagon and says Israel receives preferential treatment.

    Kwiatkowski believes America is beginning to take more interest in US foreign policy in the Middle East in large part due to tough economic times. More and more Americans want to know where their hard earned tax dollars are going and why.

    Update on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 11:55AM by Alison Weir

    I’ve just learned that the furious man was William J. Murray, chair of the “Religious Freedom Coalition.”

    Update on Friday, January 31, 2014 at 05:50PM by Alison Weir

    I later learned the name of my assailant: William J. Murray.

    Murray is the head of something called The Religious Freedom Coalition, a fervently anti-Muslim organization. He is also, apparently, the son of infamous atheist proponent Madeline Murray O’Hare.

    I consulted an attorney about the incident, and he advised me to file a police report since Murray’s actions seemed to constitute “assault and battery.”

    I filed a police report and then waited and waited. Finally, the detective in charge of determining whether or not to prosecute Murray decided not to do so. The detective’s name is in another notebook somewhere. As I recall, it was Rosenbaum or something similar.

    What is the truth about Palestinian Christians?

    IN BRIEF: The loudest of Alison’s detractors in the video (and the one who assaulted her), William J. Murray, insisted that Muslims in Palestine have been persecuting Christians “since Israel ceded [Bethlehem] to Muslims.” He added that the drop in the Christian population of Bethlehem was proof of Muslim oppression.

    For starters, Israel did not “cede” Bethlehem to Muslims. Bethlehem is in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. It is governed by the Palestinian Authority – a Palestinian regime, not Muslim.

    In 1922, Christians made up about 85 percent of the population of Bethlehem (see Andrea Pacini’s Socio-Political and Community Dynamics of Arab Christians in Jordan, Israel, and the Autonomous Palestinian Territories. Clarendon Press, 1998).

    In 1945, Bethlehem’s population was 8,820 (6,430, or 73 percent Christians; 2,370 or 27% Muslims),

    By 1967, the Christian population had dropped slightly (6,231 vs. 6,430 in 1945), while the Muslim population had more than tripled (8,169 vs. 2,370 in 1945). The dramatic increase in the Muslim population was due mostly to Israel’s ethnic cleansing, both in 1948 and in 1967, during which a large Muslim population was forced into exile, thousands of whom ended up in refugee camps in Bethlehem.

    The Christian population has continued to dwindle, due not to persecution by Muslims, but to the intolerable life under Israeli occupation. Christians were more easily able to emigrate, as they on the whole were more liquid, while Muslims were more often tied to the land as farmers. Muslims have also been emigrating, in smaller numbers; those who stay tend to have larger families than Christians.

    Christians and Muslims – and Jews – have lived together in relative harmony throughout history. It was only with the beginning of Jewish colonialist pursuits that the trouble began. Indigenous Palestinians welcomed Jewish refugees, but did not approve of their aspiration to take over the land and create a Jewish state.

    Further reading about Christians in Palestine:

    VIDEO: Armenian Christians under siege by Israel
    Prominent Israeli Settler Says Spitting on Christians ‘Ancient Jewish Custom’
    Christians come under attack as Israeli leaders get more extreme
    Sacred Christian site Emmaus destroyed by Israel
    Israel severely restricts Orthodox Easter celebration in Jerusalem
    Does Israel Permit Freedom of Worship? Are Palestinian Christians Doomed?
    Hundreds of Israelis disrupt prayers in oldest Christian monastery In Palestine
    Israel is not as Christian-friendly as you think

    Alison Weir trending on social media – what the buzz is about [email protected] August 31, 2024 Alison Weir, Boykin, council for the national interest, Religious Freedom Coalition, William J. Murray Alison Weir at National Press Club, May 2011 (screengrab) If Americans Knew founder Alison Weir experienced harassment and assault in 2011 for telling the truth about Palestine and Israel. The ideology behind the attack is alive and well today. A video has gone viral of an angry Israel partisan knocking Alison Weir’s phone out of her hand in 2011. Below is a longer video (three minutes) of what went on before that moment: Israel partisans were yelling outlandish, Islamophobic claims not based on fact. (The participants were not aware they were being filmed.) Alison was attempting to give important facts to a prominent general, who was listening attentively to what she was sharing – this seemed to be what drew the ire of the other people in the room. Below the video, find Alison’s account of the incident, written at the time, including who she was talking to and who hit her phone. Further down is more factual information about Christians and Muslims in Palestine. Alison Weir experienced this harassment and assault in 2011 – but the ideology behind it is alive and well today. “Israel Is Not Alone” member knocks phone out of my hand – Press TV films incident (from Alison Weir’s blog, May 2011) We had just completed a CNI press briefing at the National Press Club, when the next group scheduled to use the room, “Israel Is Not Alone,” began to enter. One of their members saw our signs and began a discussion with a member of the CNI group. The conversation was heated but within appropriate bounds. Another “Israel Is Not Alone” member, however, then approached the CNI man in a somewhat threatening posture and loudly began to berate him. At that point Lt. Col Karen Kwiatkowski, who had spoken on our panel, thought she recognized the man and he was asked his name. At first he only gave his first name, Jerry, but eventually also gave his last name: Boykin. Lt. Gen Boykin (three stars) is known for making offensive statements about Islam and supporting Israel. For some reason, I actually thought I might be able to convince him to rethink his positions. I told him I had been born at West Point and tried to tell him about Palestine. I was holding a booklet from our press conference, and asked him fervently to read it. He didn’t say anything. As I was trying to describe the facts, another man came up and began haranguing me. He was almost shaking with fury. He yelled that Muslims tear the fingernails off Christians and similar things. I tried to answer him, but he shouted over everything I tried to say. I got my phone out and tried to video what he was yelling at me. I then tried to resume my conversation with Boykin and tell him about my first trip to Palestine, but the man continued shouting at me, drowning out my words, so I again tried to video what he was yelling at me. He suddenly violently hit my hand and phone, knocking the phone across the room. I was stunned. A bit shaken, I asked someone to get security, which they did. Some of the “Israel Is Not Alone” group, probably realizing that their member had just crossed a serious line and was guilty of battery, brought me the pieces of my phone (fortunately, and surprisingly, it still works). The man (I haven’t yet learned his name) proffered an unconvincing apology. Some people have suggested that I file charges. It turns out that a Press TV crew apparently filmed the whole incident and led off with part of it on their broadcast about our conference. You can see the video and news report here. I’m undecided about filing charges. I know that if the situation were reversed, they would do so. I don’t know what’s behind this angry, disturbed man. Was he angry because he was spreading such venomous lies? Or is it that the people behind “Israel Is Not Alone” are exploiting a vulnerable man and intentionally creating or fueling his rage? Text of Press TV report: Tempers flared at the prestigious National Press Club in Washington, DC . A pro Israeli advocate knocked a camera out of the hands of Alison Weir, President of the Council for the National Interest Foundation. The group just finished their press conference on what they call unjustifiable US Aid to Israel. The two sides met when the Press Club scheduled a pro Israeli news conference to follow held in the same room. The altercation illustrates heightened tensions on differing views regarding America’s relationship with Israel. The Council for the National Interest Foundation wants Americans to know how much of their tax dollars are going to Israel. CNIF alleges Israel receives so much aid and special treatment because the US Congress is controlled by AIPAC, America’s pro Israel lobby. Executive director Phillip Giraldi says Israel spends a lot of money on U.S. elections. The Council for the National Interest Foundation says many members of Congress fear, if they don’t always side with Israel, that they will face retaliation in their own re-election campaigns. Giraldi is a former CIA counter terrorism expert. He questions why America gives aid to Israel when Israel conducts more espionage for profit against the US than any other US friendly country. Retired Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski worked at the Pentagon and says Israel receives preferential treatment. Kwiatkowski believes America is beginning to take more interest in US foreign policy in the Middle East in large part due to tough economic times. More and more Americans want to know where their hard earned tax dollars are going and why. Update on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 11:55AM by Alison Weir I’ve just learned that the furious man was William J. Murray, chair of the “Religious Freedom Coalition.” Update on Friday, January 31, 2014 at 05:50PM by Alison Weir I later learned the name of my assailant: William J. Murray. Murray is the head of something called The Religious Freedom Coalition, a fervently anti-Muslim organization. He is also, apparently, the son of infamous atheist proponent Madeline Murray O’Hare. I consulted an attorney about the incident, and he advised me to file a police report since Murray’s actions seemed to constitute “assault and battery.” I filed a police report and then waited and waited. Finally, the detective in charge of determining whether or not to prosecute Murray decided not to do so. The detective’s name is in another notebook somewhere. As I recall, it was Rosenbaum or something similar. What is the truth about Palestinian Christians? IN BRIEF: The loudest of Alison’s detractors in the video (and the one who assaulted her), William J. Murray, insisted that Muslims in Palestine have been persecuting Christians “since Israel ceded [Bethlehem] to Muslims.” He added that the drop in the Christian population of Bethlehem was proof of Muslim oppression. For starters, Israel did not “cede” Bethlehem to Muslims. Bethlehem is in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. It is governed by the Palestinian Authority – a Palestinian regime, not Muslim. In 1922, Christians made up about 85 percent of the population of Bethlehem (see Andrea Pacini’s Socio-Political and Community Dynamics of Arab Christians in Jordan, Israel, and the Autonomous Palestinian Territories. Clarendon Press, 1998). In 1945, Bethlehem’s population was 8,820 (6,430, or 73 percent Christians; 2,370 or 27% Muslims), By 1967, the Christian population had dropped slightly (6,231 vs. 6,430 in 1945), while the Muslim population had more than tripled (8,169 vs. 2,370 in 1945). The dramatic increase in the Muslim population was due mostly to Israel’s ethnic cleansing, both in 1948 and in 1967, during which a large Muslim population was forced into exile, thousands of whom ended up in refugee camps in Bethlehem. The Christian population has continued to dwindle, due not to persecution by Muslims, but to the intolerable life under Israeli occupation. Christians were more easily able to emigrate, as they on the whole were more liquid, while Muslims were more often tied to the land as farmers. Muslims have also been emigrating, in smaller numbers; those who stay tend to have larger families than Christians. Christians and Muslims – and Jews – have lived together in relative harmony throughout history. It was only with the beginning of Jewish colonialist pursuits that the trouble began. Indigenous Palestinians welcomed Jewish refugees, but did not approve of their aspiration to take over the land and create a Jewish state. Further reading about Christians in Palestine: VIDEO: Armenian Christians under siege by Israel Prominent Israeli Settler Says Spitting on Christians ‘Ancient Jewish Custom’ Christians come under attack as Israeli leaders get more extreme Sacred Christian site Emmaus destroyed by Israel Israel severely restricts Orthodox Easter celebration in Jerusalem Does Israel Permit Freedom of Worship? Are Palestinian Christians Doomed? Hundreds of Israelis disrupt prayers in oldest Christian monastery In Palestine Israel is not as Christian-friendly as you think https://israelpalestinenews.org/alison-weir-trending-social-media-buzz/
    Alison Weir trending on social media - what the buzz is about
    Alison Weir experienced harassment and assault in 2011 for talking about Palestine. The ideology behind the attack is alive and well today.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6018 Views
  • 42x increase in Excess Deaths among Children in Europe recorded since COVID Jab was “approved” for Children compared to Pre-Jab levels
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    by The Exposé

    Excess deaths among children across Europe, excluding Ukraine have increased by 335% since the European Medicines Agency (EMA) granted Emergency Use Authorisation of the Covid vaccines for use in children in week 21 of 2021 compared to the number of excess deaths recorded during the same time frame prior to EMA granting “authorisation” of the Covid vaccine for children.

    In the scorching summer of 2021, a momentous decision swept across Europe, sparking a whirlwind of emotions among parents, who had fallen for the 24/7 propaganda, eagerly awaiting a ray of hope for their children.

    The European Medicines Agency (EMA) had finally granted emergency use approval for the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 12 to 15.

    Relief and elation surged through the hearts of countless naive parents who saw this as a beacon of protection against the alleged pandemic.

    Yet, the winds of fortune took an unexpected turn as the vaccine rollout for children commenced. Startling reports emerged, revealing a distressing surge in excess deaths among the young ones across the continent. The sense of optimism quickly faded among the thousands of families affected, and was replaced by a grim reality that cast a shadow over the hopes of many.

    Tragically, the statistics paint a haunting picture, with a staggering 362% surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 by the thirty-fourth week of 2024. These numbers whisper a chilling tale of consequences that were foreseen by many silenced and heavily censored voices.

    Back in 2020, as the establishment desperately sought to fast track the use of mrna technology disguised as a vaccine against the alleged pandemic, COVID-19 injections were still in the embryonic stages of development, treading a precarious path toward regulatory approval.

    To hasten their availability, regulatory agencies like the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) invoked emergency use authorizations (EUAs), granting a temporary lifeline to these novel and dangerous vaccines.

    These EUAs acted as regulatory mechanisms, permitting the usage of medical products in dire circumstances, such as a pandemic, even before they completed the rigorous journey of full regulatory approval.

    It was an unprecedented measure taken in the face of an unprecedented crisis. But the alleged Covid-19 pandemic had proven to not be a threat to children, making future decisions by these regulatory bodies extremely questionable and possibly criminal.

    One crucial reason why mRNA vaccines had not been widely employed in the general population until December 2020 was the specter of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE).

    This phenomenon haunted the corridors of scientific discourse, raising concerns that vaccination with mRNA vaccines could potentially exacerbate the disease, rendering those inoculated more susceptible to its clutches.

    History had already witnessed a chilling episode of ADE during the development of a dengue fever vaccine. Initial trials indicated promise, displaying protection against the virus for those unscathed by prior infections.

    Sadly, in individuals who had encountered a different strain of the virus before, the vaccine seemed to amplify the risk of severe illness, a grim testament to the treacherous nature of ADE.

    Similar tales emerged from numerous animal studies, where potential “vaccines” instigated lung inflammation and other adverse effects upon subsequent exposure to the virus. The vaccine-induced immune response, rather than neutralizing the virus, wrought havoc on lung tissue, leaving a trail of unintended consequences.

    Additionally, the ominous specter of Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED) loomed large during respiratory virus vaccine trials, including those against coronaviruses.

    For instance, trials for a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine illuminated a disconcerting pattern: vaccinated infants faced an increased risk of hospitalization and more severe respiratory illness upon encountering the virus.

    The immune response triggered by the vaccine, rather than safeguarding against the virus, seemed to trigger an overreaction of the immune system, exacerbating the disease’s symptoms.

    Respiratory viruses, such as coronaviruses and RSV, had long been recognized as grave threats to vulnerable populations, especially infants and the elderly.

    However, the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, supposedly responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, appeared to spare the younger generation, raising perplexing questions about the extension of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Covid-19 vaccinations to children.

    The absence of an imminent threat to children further muddled the decision-making process.

    The ultimate goal couldn’t have been containment, as real-world data revealed an ironic twist: the Covid-19 vaccinated population seemed to exhibit a higher likelihood of infection and transmission compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. The very shield intended to protect against the virus appeared to falter in its mission.

    The eye-opening chart, encompassing the period from January 3rd to March 27th, 2022, unveiled the total number of Covid-19 cases categorized by vaccination status and age group in England. The data, extracted from the the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Week 5, (page 43), Week 9 (page 41) and Week 13 (page 41) Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance reports , painted a vivid picture of the disconcerting reality.

    Click to enlarge
    Similarly, another revealing chart illuminated the case rates per 100,000 people, again segregated by vaccination status and age group in England. The alarming disparity emerged: case rates soared among the triple-vaccinated population in every age group, leaving a gaping chasm between them and the unvaccinated.

    The divide only grew wider as time passed.

    Click to enlarge
    The numbers spoke volumes, revealing that the Covid-19 vaccine recipients faced a higher risk of infection compared to the unvaccinated populace. The evidence begged for a closer examination.

    But that examination has still not happened, and sadly, in a recent analysis, EuroMOMO, an organization entrusted with official statistical data from European countries, published data that revealed a disheartening correlation between the approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children and a surge in excess deaths among the young ones.

    The data, collected from 26 participating countries across Europe (not including Ukraine) paints a grim picture that simply cannot be ignored.

    The chilling figures, extending up to the 34th week of 2024, will most definitely capture the attention of concerned minds.

    It is also worth noting that the data only covers 26 out of the 44 countries in Europe, excluding Ukraine. Meaning any claims attributing the findings to the ongoing war can be dismissed immediately.

    During week 21 of 2021, the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, first to children aged 12 to 15 and later to the age group of 5 to 11.


    However, the weeks following the approval witnessed a shocking rise in excess deaths among children, an upward trend that persisted unabated.

    Between week 21 of 2021 and week 52 of 2021, an alarming tally of 310 excess deaths among 0 to 14-year-old children should have sent shockwaves through the continent. But the data was suppressed.

    The contrast couldn’t have been starker, as the period between week 1 and week 21 of 2021 saw 515 fewer deaths than expected.

    And the fact the surge in excess deaths aligns perfectly with the EMA’s approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 cannot be merely dismissed as coincidence.

    The distressing trend continued throughout 2022, with a total of 1,639 excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 across the 26 European countries, painting a grim reality that cannot be dismissed.

    Thankfully, 2023 was slightly better with 138 excess deaths recorded among children.

    But sadly, we have again seen a huge increase in 2024 with 442 excess deaths recorded among children across Europe as of week 34 of 2024.


    The somber figures speak of an unprecedented 335%/42x surge in excess deaths since the European Medicines Agency extended emergency use authorization of the Covid-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15.

    The contrast with the previous period couldn’t be starker.

    From week 44 of 2018 to week 21 of 2021, 735 fewer deaths occurred among children aged 0 to 14 than expected.

    Week8 to Week52 of 2018 Source

    2019 Source

    2020 Source

    Week 1 to Week 21 of 2021 Source
    The staggering increase in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 across 26 European countries, including the UK, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany, paints a bleak picture of an astounding 335% surge since the European Medicines Agency extended emergency use authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15.

    This distressing reality raises serious concerns, considering the experimental nature of the injections and its previous avoidance due to the risks of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED).

    Moreover, administering the vaccine to children, who were not at significant risk from the alleged Covid-19 virus, seems perplexing in light of the 873 fewer deaths recorded among children aged 0 to 14 across Europe in 2020, from the onset of the alleged pandemic to the year’s end.

    2020 Source

    And the slow kill bioweapons will claim far more lives as time goes on…

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

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    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    42x increase in Excess Deaths among Children in Europe recorded since COVID Jab was “approved” for Children compared to Pre-Jab levels 2nd Smartest Guy in the World by The Exposé Excess deaths among children across Europe, excluding Ukraine have increased by 335% since the European Medicines Agency (EMA) granted Emergency Use Authorisation of the Covid vaccines for use in children in week 21 of 2021 compared to the number of excess deaths recorded during the same time frame prior to EMA granting “authorisation” of the Covid vaccine for children. In the scorching summer of 2021, a momentous decision swept across Europe, sparking a whirlwind of emotions among parents, who had fallen for the 24/7 propaganda, eagerly awaiting a ray of hope for their children. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) had finally granted emergency use approval for the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 12 to 15. Relief and elation surged through the hearts of countless naive parents who saw this as a beacon of protection against the alleged pandemic. Yet, the winds of fortune took an unexpected turn as the vaccine rollout for children commenced. Startling reports emerged, revealing a distressing surge in excess deaths among the young ones across the continent. The sense of optimism quickly faded among the thousands of families affected, and was replaced by a grim reality that cast a shadow over the hopes of many. Tragically, the statistics paint a haunting picture, with a staggering 362% surge in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 by the thirty-fourth week of 2024. These numbers whisper a chilling tale of consequences that were foreseen by many silenced and heavily censored voices. Back in 2020, as the establishment desperately sought to fast track the use of mrna technology disguised as a vaccine against the alleged pandemic, COVID-19 injections were still in the embryonic stages of development, treading a precarious path toward regulatory approval. To hasten their availability, regulatory agencies like the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) invoked emergency use authorizations (EUAs), granting a temporary lifeline to these novel and dangerous vaccines. These EUAs acted as regulatory mechanisms, permitting the usage of medical products in dire circumstances, such as a pandemic, even before they completed the rigorous journey of full regulatory approval. It was an unprecedented measure taken in the face of an unprecedented crisis. But the alleged Covid-19 pandemic had proven to not be a threat to children, making future decisions by these regulatory bodies extremely questionable and possibly criminal. One crucial reason why mRNA vaccines had not been widely employed in the general population until December 2020 was the specter of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE). This phenomenon haunted the corridors of scientific discourse, raising concerns that vaccination with mRNA vaccines could potentially exacerbate the disease, rendering those inoculated more susceptible to its clutches. History had already witnessed a chilling episode of ADE during the development of a dengue fever vaccine. Initial trials indicated promise, displaying protection against the virus for those unscathed by prior infections. Sadly, in individuals who had encountered a different strain of the virus before, the vaccine seemed to amplify the risk of severe illness, a grim testament to the treacherous nature of ADE. Similar tales emerged from numerous animal studies, where potential “vaccines” instigated lung inflammation and other adverse effects upon subsequent exposure to the virus. The vaccine-induced immune response, rather than neutralizing the virus, wrought havoc on lung tissue, leaving a trail of unintended consequences. Additionally, the ominous specter of Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED) loomed large during respiratory virus vaccine trials, including those against coronaviruses. For instance, trials for a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine illuminated a disconcerting pattern: vaccinated infants faced an increased risk of hospitalization and more severe respiratory illness upon encountering the virus. The immune response triggered by the vaccine, rather than safeguarding against the virus, seemed to trigger an overreaction of the immune system, exacerbating the disease’s symptoms. Respiratory viruses, such as coronaviruses and RSV, had long been recognized as grave threats to vulnerable populations, especially infants and the elderly. However, the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, supposedly responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, appeared to spare the younger generation, raising perplexing questions about the extension of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Covid-19 vaccinations to children. The absence of an imminent threat to children further muddled the decision-making process. The ultimate goal couldn’t have been containment, as real-world data revealed an ironic twist: the Covid-19 vaccinated population seemed to exhibit a higher likelihood of infection and transmission compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. The very shield intended to protect against the virus appeared to falter in its mission. The eye-opening chart, encompassing the period from January 3rd to March 27th, 2022, unveiled the total number of Covid-19 cases categorized by vaccination status and age group in England. The data, extracted from the the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Week 5, (page 43), Week 9 (page 41) and Week 13 (page 41) Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance reports , painted a vivid picture of the disconcerting reality. Click to enlarge Similarly, another revealing chart illuminated the case rates per 100,000 people, again segregated by vaccination status and age group in England. The alarming disparity emerged: case rates soared among the triple-vaccinated population in every age group, leaving a gaping chasm between them and the unvaccinated. The divide only grew wider as time passed. Click to enlarge The numbers spoke volumes, revealing that the Covid-19 vaccine recipients faced a higher risk of infection compared to the unvaccinated populace. The evidence begged for a closer examination. But that examination has still not happened, and sadly, in a recent analysis, EuroMOMO, an organization entrusted with official statistical data from European countries, published data that revealed a disheartening correlation between the approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children and a surge in excess deaths among the young ones. The data, collected from 26 participating countries across Europe (not including Ukraine) paints a grim picture that simply cannot be ignored. The chilling figures, extending up to the 34th week of 2024, will most definitely capture the attention of concerned minds. It is also worth noting that the data only covers 26 out of the 44 countries in Europe, excluding Ukraine. Meaning any claims attributing the findings to the ongoing war can be dismissed immediately. During week 21 of 2021, the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, first to children aged 12 to 15 and later to the age group of 5 to 11. Source Source However, the weeks following the approval witnessed a shocking rise in excess deaths among children, an upward trend that persisted unabated. Between week 21 of 2021 and week 52 of 2021, an alarming tally of 310 excess deaths among 0 to 14-year-old children should have sent shockwaves through the continent. But the data was suppressed. Source The contrast couldn’t have been starker, as the period between week 1 and week 21 of 2021 saw 515 fewer deaths than expected. Source And the fact the surge in excess deaths aligns perfectly with the EMA’s approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 cannot be merely dismissed as coincidence. The distressing trend continued throughout 2022, with a total of 1,639 excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 across the 26 European countries, painting a grim reality that cannot be dismissed. Source Thankfully, 2023 was slightly better with 138 excess deaths recorded among children. Source But sadly, we have again seen a huge increase in 2024 with 442 excess deaths recorded among children across Europe as of week 34 of 2024. Source Source The somber figures speak of an unprecedented 335%/42x surge in excess deaths since the European Medicines Agency extended emergency use authorization of the Covid-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15. The contrast with the previous period couldn’t be starker. From week 44 of 2018 to week 21 of 2021, 735 fewer deaths occurred among children aged 0 to 14 than expected. Week8 to Week52 of 2018 Source 2019 Source 2020 Source Week 1 to Week 21 of 2021 Source The staggering increase in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 across 26 European countries, including the UK, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany, paints a bleak picture of an astounding 335% surge since the European Medicines Agency extended emergency use authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15. This distressing reality raises serious concerns, considering the experimental nature of the injections and its previous avoidance due to the risks of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED). Moreover, administering the vaccine to children, who were not at significant risk from the alleged Covid-19 virus, seems perplexing in light of the 873 fewer deaths recorded among children aged 0 to 14 across Europe in 2020, from the onset of the alleged pandemic to the year’s end. 2020 Source And the slow kill bioweapons will claim far more lives as time goes on… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off VIR-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/42x-increase-in-excess-deaths-among
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  • Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    2nd Smartest Guy in the World
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:

    In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists.

    The identified scientists include:

    1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology.

    2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop).

    3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel.

    4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education.

    5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering.

    6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus.

    These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference

    [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…)

    [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…)

    [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…)

    [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…)

    [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…).


    Additional information:

    Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

    The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

    The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.

    Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.


    Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about:

    New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol

    Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great.

    Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable.

    Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week).

    CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving.

    Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram

    Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day

    VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day)

    And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself…

    They want you dead.

    Do NOT comply.

    Upgrade to paid

    Shop 2SG merch

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X

    Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline

    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer 2nd Smartest Guy in the World The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit: In the recent airplane crash in São Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims. The crash occurred on August 9, 2024, and involved a Voepass ATR 72 twin-engine plane carrying 61 (2SG: 62) people. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, which included the six scientists. The identified scientists include: 1. Dr. José Roberto Leonel Ferreira, a senior radiologist who had a significant impact in the field of radiology, particularly in pediatric radiology. 2. Dr. Mariana Belim, an intensivist in the Adult ICU at the Western Paraná University Hospital (Huop). 3. Dr. Ariane Risso, also from the Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel. 4. Edilson Hobold, a professor of physical education. 5. Deonir Secco, a professor of agricultural engineering. 6. Raquel Ribeiro Moreira, a literature professor at the Cascavel campus. These individuals were respected professionals in their respective fields and were traveling to share their knowledge and expertise at the conference [oai_citation:1, Eight cancer doctors among dead in Brazil plane crash – as seven others changed flight at last minute | The Independent](https://independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-plane-crash-cancer-doctors-killed-cause-b2594898.html…) [oai_citation:2, What We Know About Victims of Brazil Plane Crash That Killed 61](https://people.com/8-cancer-doctors-2-kids-and-a-lawyer-what-we-know-about-victims-of-brazil-plane-crash-that-killed-61-8693883…) [oai_citation:3, Rescue workers recover bodies of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims - EFE Noticias](https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2024-08-11/rescue-workers-recover-bodies-of-all-62-brazil-plane-crash-victims/…) [oai_citation: ,Plane crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo state, killing all 61 aboard](https://kcbx.org/npr-top-news/2024-08-09/plane-crashes-in-brazils-sao-paulo-state-killing-all-61-aboard…) [oai_citation: 5,Senior radiologist dies in Brazilian plane crash | AuntMinnie](https://auntminnie.com/clinical-news/article/15681548/senior-radiologist-dies-in-brazilian-plane-crash…). Source Additional information: Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead. The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board. The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today. Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth. Source Anyone presenting a legitimate cancer cure to the world is at risk of being murdered by the Medical and Intelligence Industrial Complexes, so without further ado the following may very well be the holy grail (turbo) cancer cure using inexpensive repurposed drugs and supplements that the powers that be desperately do not want you to know about: New & Improved Synergistic Joe Tippens Protocol Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all 8) of Vitamin E (400-800mg per day, 7 days a week). A product called Gamma E by Life Extension or Perfect E are both great. Bio-Available Curcumin (600mg per day, 2 pills per day 7 days a week). A product called Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics is bioavailable. Vitamin D (62.5 mcg [2500 IU] seven days a week). CBD oil (1-2 droppers full [equal to 167 to 334 mg per day] under the tongue, 7 days a week) CBD-X: The most potent full spectrum organic CBD oil, with 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG per serving. Fenbendazole (300mg, 6 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1 gram Ivermectin (24mg, 7 days a week) or in the case of severe turbo cancers up to 1mg/kg/day VIR-X immune support (2 capsules per day) And if this Substack were to suddenly go radio silent, please know that if I have some kind of shellfish allergy I never knew I had, or I lose my balance near an open window, or get nail-gunned to the back of my skull I promise you I’m not clumsy and I never ever wanted to off myself… They want you dead. Do NOT comply. Upgrade to paid Shop 2SG merch Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetMectin Use code 2SGPET for 10% off PetDazole Use code 2SGPET for 10% off CBD-X Use code 2SGPET for 10% off FishCycline https://open.substack.com/pub/2ndsmartestguyintheworld/p/doctors-killed-in-plane-crash-vowed
    Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking Modified mRNA "Vaccines" to Turbo Cancer
    The coverups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PSYOP-19 eugenics project being yet another case in point; to wit:
    0 Comments 1 Shares 3924 Views
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    Yes, Christ Jesus said it;
    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (Joh 14: 12)

    First and foremost,let me remind us that Christ Jesus was not specifically referring to miracles,signs and wonders,as many of us have misinterpreted it to serve our selfish interests.

    What miracle can be greater than raising a dead man after being buried for four days, or walking on the sea, including telling the stormy winds to stop,and it obeyed Him so urgently that His disciples were afraid, amazed and shocked at the same time, They saw Him using five loaves of bread and two fishes
    to feed 5000 men, and again in the 4000 men event.

    Indeed, is there a miracle GREATER than the miracle of SALVATION.?
    What about us that have over a hundred years?

    For instance;
    Jesus promised a greater legacy for everyone who would follow Him.

    The mystery of redemption amplifies the work of God's generals.

    He has saved the best for the last. The latter glory excels in every way.

    Adam named animals; Noah domiciled them!

    Isaac got two sons; Jacob got 12!

    Abraham was looking for a city; David founded one!

    He who comes after you must become greater!

    He who is mentored by you must produce greater and better results than you!

    Shamgar killed 100 with a stick; Samson killed 1,000 with a jawbone!

    These are just but a few examples of what Christ Jesus expects from us... Better results, THE REASON HE GAVE US THE HOLY SPIRIT.

    But our modern day pastors and church communities have given a different interpretation to this verse and have even involved sorcery and occultism in *THE GREATER WORKS* debacle. How do we know?

    First and foremost, I am on my knees begging miracles seekers and lovers to take it easy on ourselves... NOT running from pillar to post. What you seek for, God has deposited in you in much quantity than you can ever imagine.

    These false prophets and pastors are changing the grace of God into a licence for immorality (Jude 1:4).
    For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. (Jud 1: 4)

    Don’t fall in love with miracles because in (Mathew 24:24 For there will be false christs, and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones,)

    Romans 16:17
    Now I beg you, brothers, look out for those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and turn away from them.

    :18 For those who are such don’t serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own Belly: and by their smooth and flattering speech, they deceive the hearts of the innocent.

    Is this not happening today? Are pastors not causing divisions in the church today. For me, I lay the blame on followers first,who don't want to read God's Word for themselves, but instead prefer to pay illicit pastors money for prayers... sorcery and occultic prayers,if not, PASTORS (UNDER VARIOUSLY MADE UP TITLES MEANT TO IMPRESS) ARE THE GREATEST CAUSES OF DIVISION IN THE CHURCH OF GOD.

    Though not an excuse God will accept from anyone, it has made so
    many once genuine believers to become so weary of what to believe and instead stopped church altogether.

    The false prophets tell you to come to Christ Jesus and you will receive anything you want, like success, business, good life and miracles. Some of these contradict the Bible because they are earthly desires and not spiritual.
    (1 John 4 They are of the world. Therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them).

    When you are praying in their crusade they tell you to ask Christ Jesus anything you want including cars, buses, businesses, good life and Christ Jesus will give it to them...for real? Now we hear about MIRACLE MONEY. OUR BANK ACCOUNTS BEING CREDITED WITH MONEY WE KNOW NOT WHENCE IT CAME.


    Now, these people make it hard for once genuine believers to focus, seeing sorcery all around them, without knowing it's all deception, and then begin to pray in newly introduced format, and are disillusioned when there are no answers.
    (James 4:3 You ask, and don’t receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures) .
    All of these things are not part of salvation. Brethren, wake up from your dreams and follow the real Christ Jesus who’s the Son of God. (Romans 3:16 Destruction and misery are in their ways.)

    Lets see an example of this licence for morality which they had changed:

    They preach prosperity, material things and worldly things.

    1. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. 3. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. 5. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: 6. For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: (Col 3: 1-6)

    Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. (Jas 4: 4)

    They sell blessed products for profit

    In Mathew 21:12 Christ Jesus entered in to the temple of God, and drove out all of those who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the money changers’ tables and the seats of those who sold the doves.

    But nowadays we have ignorant people who disobey our Lord Christ Jesus by buying products in the church. And this means you buyers are participating in the evil act this pastors are doing.

    God is not pleased so turn away from your hypnotized illusions and use your faith to help you ask God anything you need but in a right motive and you must prove yourself to Him that you really need Him and you trust Him. He loves you and that is Why as your Father He can help you in trials and tribulations. Fight for righteousness ( 1 Timothy 6: 12 Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you confessed the confession in the sight of many witnesses.: 14 That you keep the commandment, without spot, blameless, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.:)

    God told us to give to the needy so if this pastors are so righteous why do they sell to you and not give you because you are in need of those products?
    Truly, Christ Jesus want His disciples to Give. (Mathew 10: 7 As you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of Heaven is at hand!’ : 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. FREELY YOU RECEIVED, SO FREELY GIVE. 9: Don’t take any gold, nor silver, nor brass in your money belts.

    Nowwadays , preachers are asking for money and in their crusade they give you baskets to pay tithes which of course we should pay, but why do they ask you to pay money even when you are not at church. They give you their bank details. You false prophets and pastors giving Christianity a bad name, God is coming for you,one by one. The judgement has began in God's House.

    I urge those who follow this category of false teachers/ pastors or prophets to repent and confess with their mouths that Christ Jesus is The Lord and that God raised Him from the dead. And don’t forget to renounce the false holly spirit you received from the false prophets. Including you who were touching your idol god screen of television to receive the healing(Hebrews 6: and then fell away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance: seeing they crucify the Son of God for themselves again, and put him to open shame.)


    The false prophets and whatever name or title they go by,prays for products and sells them to congregation right inside their church.

    They tell people that they have fire in them. Buying the blessed items is like buying the gift of the Holy Spirit which we receive freely when we are baptized and you who are buying such products are guilty of buying God’s power. Besides ,it shows that you lack faith because you need protection from an object being prayed for. There is no use for you to pray since you don’t have faith. A person with faith put trust in God for protection. Don’t be deceived . God answers our prayers and that is why these false prophets are distracting us by idolising blessed items and blinding us by their miracles(sorcery and magic). They are hiding the truth. It is a conspiracy of the devil to create false religion.

    JUST A MINUTE PLEASE 🙏!(THE PREACHER'S CORNER) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ THE ABUSE OF CHRIST JESUS' "GREATER WORKS" BY MOST OF US CHARLATAN PASTORS. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Yes, Christ Jesus said it; Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (Joh 14: 12) First and foremost,let me remind us that Christ Jesus was not specifically referring to miracles,signs and wonders,as many of us have misinterpreted it to serve our selfish interests. What miracle can be greater than raising a dead man after being buried for four days, or walking on the sea, including telling the stormy winds to stop,and it obeyed Him so urgently that His disciples were afraid, amazed and shocked at the same time, They saw Him using five loaves of bread and two fishes to feed 5000 men, and again in the 4000 men event. Indeed, is there a miracle GREATER than the miracle of SALVATION.? GREATER WORKS that our Lord and Saviour referred to, among other things, is the WINNING OF MORE SOULS. HE SPENT THREE AND HALF YEARS AND TURNED THE ENTIRE KNOWN WORLD UPSIDE DOWN. What about us that have over a hundred years? For instance; Jesus promised a greater legacy for everyone who would follow Him. The mystery of redemption amplifies the work of God's generals. He has saved the best for the last. The latter glory excels in every way. Adam named animals; Noah domiciled them! Isaac got two sons; Jacob got 12! Abraham was looking for a city; David founded one! He who comes after you must become greater! He who is mentored by you must produce greater and better results than you! Shamgar killed 100 with a stick; Samson killed 1,000 with a jawbone! These are just but a few examples of what Christ Jesus expects from us... Better results, THE REASON HE GAVE US THE HOLY SPIRIT. But our modern day pastors and church communities have given a different interpretation to this verse and have even involved sorcery and occultism in *THE GREATER WORKS* debacle. How do we know? First and foremost, I am on my knees begging miracles seekers and lovers to take it easy on ourselves... NOT running from pillar to post. What you seek for, God has deposited in you in much quantity than you can ever imagine. These false prophets and pastors are changing the grace of God into a licence for immorality (Jude 1:4). For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. (Jud 1: 4) Don’t fall in love with miracles because in (Mathew 24:24 For there will be false christs, and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones,) Romans 16:17 Now I beg you, brothers, look out for those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and turn away from them. :18 For those who are such don’t serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own Belly: and by their smooth and flattering speech, they deceive the hearts of the innocent. Is this not happening today? Are pastors not causing divisions in the church today. For me, I lay the blame on followers first,who don't want to read God's Word for themselves, but instead prefer to pay illicit pastors money for prayers... sorcery and occultic prayers,if not, PASTORS (UNDER VARIOUSLY MADE UP TITLES MEANT TO IMPRESS) ARE THE GREATEST CAUSES OF DIVISION IN THE CHURCH OF GOD. Though not an excuse God will accept from anyone, it has made so many once genuine believers to become so weary of what to believe and instead stopped church altogether. The false prophets tell you to come to Christ Jesus and you will receive anything you want, like success, business, good life and miracles. Some of these contradict the Bible because they are earthly desires and not spiritual. (1 John 4 They are of the world. Therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them). When you are praying in their crusade they tell you to ask Christ Jesus anything you want including cars, buses, businesses, good life and Christ Jesus will give it to them...for real? Now we hear about MIRACLE MONEY. OUR BANK ACCOUNTS BEING CREDITED WITH MONEY WE KNOW NOT WHENCE IT CAME. God promises to bless the WORK OF OUR HANDS, NOT FANTASY WHICH THEY CALL FAITH. Now, these people make it hard for once genuine believers to focus, seeing sorcery all around them, without knowing it's all deception, and then begin to pray in newly introduced format, and are disillusioned when there are no answers. (James 4:3 You ask, and don’t receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures) . All of these things are not part of salvation. Brethren, wake up from your dreams and follow the real Christ Jesus who’s the Son of God. (Romans 3:16 Destruction and misery are in their ways.) Lets see an example of this licence for morality which they had changed: They preach prosperity, material things and worldly things. 1. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. 3. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. 5. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: 6. For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: (Col 3: 1-6) Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. (Jas 4: 4) They sell blessed products for profit In Mathew 21:12 Christ Jesus entered in to the temple of God, and drove out all of those who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the money changers’ tables and the seats of those who sold the doves. But nowadays we have ignorant people who disobey our Lord Christ Jesus by buying products in the church. And this means you buyers are participating in the evil act this pastors are doing. God is not pleased so turn away from your hypnotized illusions and use your faith to help you ask God anything you need but in a right motive and you must prove yourself to Him that you really need Him and you trust Him. He loves you and that is Why as your Father He can help you in trials and tribulations. Fight for righteousness ( 1 Timothy 6: 12 Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you confessed the confession in the sight of many witnesses.: 14 That you keep the commandment, without spot, blameless, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.:) God told us to give to the needy so if this pastors are so righteous why do they sell to you and not give you because you are in need of those products? Truly, Christ Jesus want His disciples to Give. (Mathew 10: 7 As you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of Heaven is at hand!’ : 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. FREELY YOU RECEIVED, SO FREELY GIVE. 9: Don’t take any gold, nor silver, nor brass in your money belts. Nowwadays , preachers are asking for money and in their crusade they give you baskets to pay tithes which of course we should pay, but why do they ask you to pay money even when you are not at church. They give you their bank details. You false prophets and pastors giving Christianity a bad name, God is coming for you,one by one. The judgement has began in God's House. I urge those who follow this category of false teachers/ pastors or prophets to repent and confess with their mouths that Christ Jesus is The Lord and that God raised Him from the dead. And don’t forget to renounce the false holly spirit you received from the false prophets. Including you who were touching your idol god screen of television to receive the healing(Hebrews 6: and then fell away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance: seeing they crucify the Son of God for themselves again, and put him to open shame.) BLESSED PRODUCTS The false prophets and whatever name or title they go by,prays for products and sells them to congregation right inside their church. They tell people that they have fire in them. Buying the blessed items is like buying the gift of the Holy Spirit which we receive freely when we are baptized and you who are buying such products are guilty of buying God’s power. Besides ,it shows that you lack faith because you need protection from an object being prayed for. There is no use for you to pray since you don’t have faith. A person with faith put trust in God for protection. Don’t be deceived . God answers our prayers and that is why these false prophets are distracting us by idolising blessed items and blinding us by their miracles(sorcery and magic). They are hiding the truth. It is a conspiracy of the devil to create false religion. THAT'S THE ONLY OBJECTIVE OF SATAN...TO CREATE A FALSE RELIGION.THANKS BE TO OUR GLORIOUS GOD THAT CHRISTIANITY IS MORE THAN MERE RELIGION. MAY GOD HELP US TO MAINTAIN OUR FAITH IN HIM ALONE,IN CHRIST JESUS' NAME I PRAY AMEN🙇🙏!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8103 Views
  • Israel’s overreach: The perils of ignoring power limits
    Israel’s prolonged multi-front aggression and its utter dependence on US support expose the perilous consequences of power overreach. Tel Aviv is left dangling in the wind with a sledgehammer, but no strategy to climb down.

    Mohamad Hasan Sweidan

    In the study of international relations, one of the most important threats to nations arises from an internal lack of awareness about their limits of power. A nation-state’s power projection is ultimately defined by key factors – military, economic, technological, diplomatic, and political reach – that are measurable and have inherent limitations.

    This principle has led retired Israeli Colonel Gur Laish, former senior director for National Security Strategy at Israel’s National Security Council, to issue a stark warning. In a paper published on 19 August by the Begin-Sadat Center for Israeli Strategic Studies, Laish cautions Israeli leaders against embracing a new security doctrine that overlooks its limitations.

    Israel’s strengths

    Israel undeniably ranks among the world’s most formidable military powers, providing the occupation state with a strategic advantage over its regional adversaries. Its armed forces are ranked 15th globally and have received over $130 billion in support from the US, its irreplaceable ally in international affairs.

    Economically, Israel is also a significant player. In 2023, The Economist ranked Israel fourth among developed countries for economic success. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated Israel’s GDP to be $564 billion and its per capita GDP to be $58,270, putting it at 13th worldwide. Since its founding, Israel has received nearly $330 billion in foreign aid from the US, bolstering its economic dominance.

    Technologically, Tel Aviv also stands out on the global stage. The Global Innovation Index 2023 ranks Israel 14th out of 132 economies. Within the high-income group of 50 economies, Israel is ranked 13th and holds the top spot among 18 countries in North Africa and West Asia. The Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2024 also ranks Israel third globally and first regionally, underscoring its technological prowess.

    Diplomatically and politically, Israel benefits from unwavering US support, allowing it impunity from many international laws and norms. Washington has used its veto power in the UN Security Council 89 times, more than half of which have been to block resolutions critical of the occupation state.

    Since 1945, out of 36 draft resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine, 34 were vetoed by the US, effectively shielding Israel from accountability for its actions. The US has also played a pivotal role in Israel’s diplomatic achievements, including normalization agreements with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994) and, more recently, the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco (2020), with ongoing efforts toward Saudi–Israeli normalization.

    Dependence on Washington: A double-edged sword

    Israel’s superiority in all these fields is closely tied to continuous US support, which also reveals a critical vulnerability. Dependence on Washington necessitates Israel’s alignment with western policies, which has led Israeli elites to caution against straining US–Israel relations.

    Retired colonel Benina Sharvit Baruch highlights this point in an article for the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). She notes that Israel’s integration into the international system is under threat, especially in light of the ongoing Gaza war, which has significantly damaged its global standing. Baruch warns that failing to counteract this trend could further undermine Israel’s spiraling economy, national security, and military objectives. Just last week, former ombudsman of the Israeli army, reserve General Yitzhak Brik, said the occupation entity “faces collapse in less than a year” if the war of attrition continues.

    In another piece, the INSS also stresses that the US-Israel strategic alliance is contingent on shared values:

    Israel’s strategic importance to the United States is relevant only as long as the shared values are safeguarded. At this time, the special relations are in danger, especially given the widening gaps on the perception of democracy, Israeli policy on the Palestinian issue, and the growing alienation between the American Jewish community and the State of Israel.

    Indicators that Israel is reaching its limits

    Beyond its dependency on US support, Israel’s military engagements, particularly in Gaza, have exposed the constraints of Tel Aviv’s power projection. Ten months into Israel’s brutal military assault on the besieged strip, the Palestinian resistance is still able to target Tel Aviv.

    History shows that states that ignore their limitations often face decline. In his seminal work, Politics Among Nations, Hans Morgenthau argues for a balance between power and policy, warning that excessive force disrupts this equilibrium, leading to instability and potential decline.

    Similarly, Paul Kennedy’s The Rise and Fall of Great Powers illustrates “imperial overstretch,” where ambitions exceed capabilities and precipitate decline. A recent example is the constrained ability of the US to support multiple fronts, evidenced by its diminished focus on Ukraine following the outbreak of the Gaza war.

    Several indicators suggest that Israel, by continuing its war in Gaza, may be approaching the limits of its power. For starters, economic strain is becoming evident despite Israel’s historically strong economy. In the last quarter of 2023, Israel’s GDP contracted by about 20 percent compared to the previous year.

    There was also a significant decrease in consumption by 27 percent, and investment fell dramatically by 70 percent. The war has disabled approximately 18 percent of Israel’s workforce, with 250,000 civilians displaced and four percent of the workforce called up as reservists.

    In response, the occupation state plans to increase military spending from four percent to six or seven percent of GDP by the decade’s end. This increase in military spending comes as the global economy is already under strain, and the US is less capable of providing the same financial support as in the past.

    In addition to the economic strain, there has been a failure to achieve the military objectives outlined at the onset of the conflict. Last month, the New York Times reported that, despite ongoing military operations, the Israeli leadership is considering a ceasefire in Gaza that would leave Hamas in control.

    This shift in strategy is seen as a concession, acknowledging that the complete destruction of Hamas, the war’s primary goal, is not feasible. In June, Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari candidly admitted that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stated policy of eliminating Hamas was unrealistic, describing it as “throwing sand in the eye of the public” and adding:

    Hamas is an idea. Anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong.

    Concerns are also mounting over a second major front with Lebanon, a development that has now become a reality. Since 8 October 2023, Tel Aviv has adopted a cautious strategy to avoid broadening the conflict, aware that its military forces are already heavily committed in Gaza.

    ‘Boiling a frog’

    In accordance with Iran’s grand strategy, the prolonged conflict has drained the Israeli military’s resources, making it hesitant to engage in a new confrontation without significant US support. The deployment of US naval fleets in the region, intended to deter any potential response from Iran, Lebanon, or Yemen, highlights Israel’s dependence on American military support. This dependency reveals Israel’s current inability to manage multiple fronts independently.

    Furthermore, Israel’s heavy reliance on US support limits its autonomy and increases its vulnerability to shifts in American foreign policy. This dependency extends across economic, political, and military dimensions, further constraining Tel Aviv’s ability to act independently.

    This week, Israel’s Defense Ministry announced that the US military has completed its 500th flight, airlifting over 50,000 tons of weapons and equipment to the occupation army. In addition to the reinforcements airlifted to Israel since 7 October, Washington has sent Tel Aviv 107 shipments of military supplies by sea.

    Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah claimed in a speech late last year that Israel’s munitions stock had been largely depleted in the first month of its Gaza assault and that the occupation army was almost entirely reliant on arms transfers from its allies, primarily the United States.

    What would happen if that pipeline of weapons halted or if it suffered major production delays?

    For Colonel Laish, Israel’s traditional approach of rapid, decisive conflicts is being replaced by a strategy that accepts prolonged wars. This new, high-risk strategy promoted by Netanyahu could exceed Israel’s capabilities, as the society, economy, and military are not equipped for sustained, drawn-out conflicts.

    This shift, driven by a sense of invulnerability due to current levels of US support, has led to a decline in long-term planning.

    As Stephen Walt, a Harvard University professor of international relations, writes in Foreign Policy, “the deepest problem facing Israel is the gradual erosion of Israeli strategic thinking over the past fifty years.” Walt argues that one important factor in the decline of Israeli strategic thinking at the expense of tactical choices is “the sense of arrogance and impunity that stems from American protection and respect for Israel’s wishes.”

    If the most powerful country in the world supports you no matter what you do, the need to think carefully about your actions will inevitably diminish.

    Walt posits that Israel today, by prioritizing immediate tactical gains over strategic vision, faces a looming and resounding defeat. As it stands, the occupation state has yet to propose a realistic plan for Gaza’s future or a strategy to address its regional adversaries, who are becoming increasingly emboldened.

    Israel’s overreach: The perils of ignoring power limits Israel’s prolonged multi-front aggression and its utter dependence on US support expose the perilous consequences of power overreach. Tel Aviv is left dangling in the wind with a sledgehammer, but no strategy to climb down. Mohamad Hasan Sweidan In the study of international relations, one of the most important threats to nations arises from an internal lack of awareness about their limits of power. A nation-state’s power projection is ultimately defined by key factors – military, economic, technological, diplomatic, and political reach – that are measurable and have inherent limitations. This principle has led retired Israeli Colonel Gur Laish, former senior director for National Security Strategy at Israel’s National Security Council, to issue a stark warning. In a paper published on 19 August by the Begin-Sadat Center for Israeli Strategic Studies, Laish cautions Israeli leaders against embracing a new security doctrine that overlooks its limitations. Israel’s strengths Israel undeniably ranks among the world’s most formidable military powers, providing the occupation state with a strategic advantage over its regional adversaries. Its armed forces are ranked 15th globally and have received over $130 billion in support from the US, its irreplaceable ally in international affairs. Economically, Israel is also a significant player. In 2023, The Economist ranked Israel fourth among developed countries for economic success. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated Israel’s GDP to be $564 billion and its per capita GDP to be $58,270, putting it at 13th worldwide. Since its founding, Israel has received nearly $330 billion in foreign aid from the US, bolstering its economic dominance. Technologically, Tel Aviv also stands out on the global stage. The Global Innovation Index 2023 ranks Israel 14th out of 132 economies. Within the high-income group of 50 economies, Israel is ranked 13th and holds the top spot among 18 countries in North Africa and West Asia. The Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2024 also ranks Israel third globally and first regionally, underscoring its technological prowess. Diplomatically and politically, Israel benefits from unwavering US support, allowing it impunity from many international laws and norms. Washington has used its veto power in the UN Security Council 89 times, more than half of which have been to block resolutions critical of the occupation state. Since 1945, out of 36 draft resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine, 34 were vetoed by the US, effectively shielding Israel from accountability for its actions. The US has also played a pivotal role in Israel’s diplomatic achievements, including normalization agreements with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994) and, more recently, the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco (2020), with ongoing efforts toward Saudi–Israeli normalization. Dependence on Washington: A double-edged sword Israel’s superiority in all these fields is closely tied to continuous US support, which also reveals a critical vulnerability. Dependence on Washington necessitates Israel’s alignment with western policies, which has led Israeli elites to caution against straining US–Israel relations. Retired colonel Benina Sharvit Baruch highlights this point in an article for the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). She notes that Israel’s integration into the international system is under threat, especially in light of the ongoing Gaza war, which has significantly damaged its global standing. Baruch warns that failing to counteract this trend could further undermine Israel’s spiraling economy, national security, and military objectives. Just last week, former ombudsman of the Israeli army, reserve General Yitzhak Brik, said the occupation entity “faces collapse in less than a year” if the war of attrition continues. In another piece, the INSS also stresses that the US-Israel strategic alliance is contingent on shared values: Israel’s strategic importance to the United States is relevant only as long as the shared values are safeguarded. At this time, the special relations are in danger, especially given the widening gaps on the perception of democracy, Israeli policy on the Palestinian issue, and the growing alienation between the American Jewish community and the State of Israel. Indicators that Israel is reaching its limits Beyond its dependency on US support, Israel’s military engagements, particularly in Gaza, have exposed the constraints of Tel Aviv’s power projection. Ten months into Israel’s brutal military assault on the besieged strip, the Palestinian resistance is still able to target Tel Aviv. History shows that states that ignore their limitations often face decline. In his seminal work, Politics Among Nations, Hans Morgenthau argues for a balance between power and policy, warning that excessive force disrupts this equilibrium, leading to instability and potential decline. Similarly, Paul Kennedy’s The Rise and Fall of Great Powers illustrates “imperial overstretch,” where ambitions exceed capabilities and precipitate decline. A recent example is the constrained ability of the US to support multiple fronts, evidenced by its diminished focus on Ukraine following the outbreak of the Gaza war. Several indicators suggest that Israel, by continuing its war in Gaza, may be approaching the limits of its power. For starters, economic strain is becoming evident despite Israel’s historically strong economy. In the last quarter of 2023, Israel’s GDP contracted by about 20 percent compared to the previous year. There was also a significant decrease in consumption by 27 percent, and investment fell dramatically by 70 percent. The war has disabled approximately 18 percent of Israel’s workforce, with 250,000 civilians displaced and four percent of the workforce called up as reservists. In response, the occupation state plans to increase military spending from four percent to six or seven percent of GDP by the decade’s end. This increase in military spending comes as the global economy is already under strain, and the US is less capable of providing the same financial support as in the past. In addition to the economic strain, there has been a failure to achieve the military objectives outlined at the onset of the conflict. Last month, the New York Times reported that, despite ongoing military operations, the Israeli leadership is considering a ceasefire in Gaza that would leave Hamas in control. This shift in strategy is seen as a concession, acknowledging that the complete destruction of Hamas, the war’s primary goal, is not feasible. In June, Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari candidly admitted that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stated policy of eliminating Hamas was unrealistic, describing it as “throwing sand in the eye of the public” and adding: Hamas is an idea. Anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong. Concerns are also mounting over a second major front with Lebanon, a development that has now become a reality. Since 8 October 2023, Tel Aviv has adopted a cautious strategy to avoid broadening the conflict, aware that its military forces are already heavily committed in Gaza. ‘Boiling a frog’ In accordance with Iran’s grand strategy, the prolonged conflict has drained the Israeli military’s resources, making it hesitant to engage in a new confrontation without significant US support. The deployment of US naval fleets in the region, intended to deter any potential response from Iran, Lebanon, or Yemen, highlights Israel’s dependence on American military support. This dependency reveals Israel’s current inability to manage multiple fronts independently. Furthermore, Israel’s heavy reliance on US support limits its autonomy and increases its vulnerability to shifts in American foreign policy. This dependency extends across economic, political, and military dimensions, further constraining Tel Aviv’s ability to act independently. This week, Israel’s Defense Ministry announced that the US military has completed its 500th flight, airlifting over 50,000 tons of weapons and equipment to the occupation army. In addition to the reinforcements airlifted to Israel since 7 October, Washington has sent Tel Aviv 107 shipments of military supplies by sea. Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah claimed in a speech late last year that Israel’s munitions stock had been largely depleted in the first month of its Gaza assault and that the occupation army was almost entirely reliant on arms transfers from its allies, primarily the United States. What would happen if that pipeline of weapons halted or if it suffered major production delays? For Colonel Laish, Israel’s traditional approach of rapid, decisive conflicts is being replaced by a strategy that accepts prolonged wars. This new, high-risk strategy promoted by Netanyahu could exceed Israel’s capabilities, as the society, economy, and military are not equipped for sustained, drawn-out conflicts. This shift, driven by a sense of invulnerability due to current levels of US support, has led to a decline in long-term planning. As Stephen Walt, a Harvard University professor of international relations, writes in Foreign Policy, “the deepest problem facing Israel is the gradual erosion of Israeli strategic thinking over the past fifty years.” Walt argues that one important factor in the decline of Israeli strategic thinking at the expense of tactical choices is “the sense of arrogance and impunity that stems from American protection and respect for Israel’s wishes.” If the most powerful country in the world supports you no matter what you do, the need to think carefully about your actions will inevitably diminish. Walt posits that Israel today, by prioritizing immediate tactical gains over strategic vision, faces a looming and resounding defeat. As it stands, the occupation state has yet to propose a realistic plan for Gaza’s future or a strategy to address its regional adversaries, who are becoming increasingly emboldened. https://thecradle.co/articles/israels-overreach-the-perils-of-ignoring-power-limits
    Israel’s overreach: The perils of ignoring power limits
    Israel’s prolonged multi-front aggression and its utter dependence on US support expose the perilous consequences of power overreach. Tel Aviv is left dangling in the wind with a sledgehammer, but no strategy to climb down.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10852 Views
  • Based on prior reporting out of Germany and the Netherlands, Telegram has indeed been responsive to court orders for disclosure of information on national security grounds in limited cases of immediate threat to life. But there’s no shortage of people watching all this right now and thinking that it could just be a way to use coercion to push open the window to a lot more cooperation from the app than they would have been able to get otherwise.

    Makes you wonder how governments ever managed to investigate crimes before mobile apps and the internet came along, if they’re so desperate to rely on them to figure out what’s going on. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has routinely been accused by American officials of not reeling in sex pests on his app. As if these guys running the platforms are somehow responsible for every creep lurking behind a computer screen. Good luck with that game of Whack-a-Mole. Zuckerberg has never been arrested though. Surely it’s just a coincidence that he’s constantly genuflecting to power and caving to demands. Perhaps Durov will be directed by French authorities to the local Decathlon sports store here in Paris where he can invest in a nice pair of knee pads."
    Based on prior reporting out of Germany and the Netherlands, Telegram has indeed been responsive to court orders for disclosure of information on national security grounds in limited cases of immediate threat to life. But there’s no shortage of people watching all this right now and thinking that it could just be a way to use coercion to push open the window to a lot more cooperation from the app than they would have been able to get otherwise. Makes you wonder how governments ever managed to investigate crimes before mobile apps and the internet came along, if they’re so desperate to rely on them to figure out what’s going on. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has routinely been accused by American officials of not reeling in sex pests on his app. As if these guys running the platforms are somehow responsible for every creep lurking behind a computer screen. Good luck with that game of Whack-a-Mole. Zuckerberg has never been arrested though. Surely it’s just a coincidence that he’s constantly genuflecting to power and caving to demands. Perhaps Durov will be directed by French authorities to the local Decathlon sports store here in Paris where he can invest in a nice pair of knee pads." https://www.rt.com/news/603075-durov-french-arrest-telegram/
    Telegram founder finds out that ‘freedom’ isn’t free
    Pavel Durov, who fled his birth country refusing to cooperate with authorities, has discovered the limits of free expression in France
    0 Comments 1 Shares 2939 Views
  • Couples Massage Spa in San Antonio: A Shared Journey of Relaxation

    Couples Massage Spa in San Antonio offers a serene and intimate experience designed for two, where relaxation and connection go hand in hand. This spa specializes in couples treatments, allowing you and your partner to unwind side by side in a tranquil, private setting. Expert therapists tailor each massage to your preferences, whether you’re seeking a gentle, soothing Swedish massage or a deeper, therapeutic experience. The spa’s romantic ambiance, complete with soft lighting and soothing music, enhances the shared experience, creating the perfect escape from the everyday hustle. Ideal for anniversaries, special occasions, or simply as a retreat to reconnect, Couples Massage Spa in San Antonio provides a memorable and rejuvenating experience that strengthens your bond while promoting total relaxation.
    For more info: https://siamivoryspa.com/
    Couples Massage Spa in San Antonio: A Shared Journey of Relaxation Couples Massage Spa in San Antonio offers a serene and intimate experience designed for two, where relaxation and connection go hand in hand. This spa specializes in couples treatments, allowing you and your partner to unwind side by side in a tranquil, private setting. Expert therapists tailor each massage to your preferences, whether you’re seeking a gentle, soothing Swedish massage or a deeper, therapeutic experience. The spa’s romantic ambiance, complete with soft lighting and soothing music, enhances the shared experience, creating the perfect escape from the everyday hustle. Ideal for anniversaries, special occasions, or simply as a retreat to reconnect, Couples Massage Spa in San Antonio provides a memorable and rejuvenating experience that strengthens your bond while promoting total relaxation. For more info: https://siamivoryspa.com/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1622 Views
  • Bitgen Flash Bitcoin Software is a revolutionary software that allows you to generate Bitcoin transactions directly on the Bitcoin network. Unlike other Bitcoin forks, this software ensures that your transactions are fully confirmed and remain on the network for an extended period. With the basic license, your transactions can stay on the network for up to 90 days, while the premium license offers an impressive duration of 360 days.

    Visit https://globalflashco.com/

    The possibilities with Flash BTC Software are limitless. You can generate and send up to 12 Bitcoin daily with the basic license, and the premium license allows you to send a staggering 5 Bitcoin in a single transaction. To see the software in action, you can watch our captivating video demo.

    Bitgen Flash Bitcoin Software offers several features, including the ability to send Bitcoin to any wallet on the blockchain network, support for both Segwit and legacy addresses, live transaction tracking on the Bitcoin network explorer, and more. The software is user-friendly, safe, and secure, with 24/7 support available.

    To get started with Bitgen Flash Bitcoin Software, you can choose between the basic and premium licenses. The basic license allows you to send 2 BTC daily, while the premium license enables you to flash 5 BTC daily. The software is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems and comes with cloud-hosted Blockchain and Binance servers.

    Please note that Bitgen Flash Bitcoin Software is a paid software, as we aim to prevent abuse and maintain its value. We offer a $2,000+ trial for $200, the basic license for $1,000, and the premium license for $2,500. Upon payment, you will receive an activation code, complete software files, Binance server file, and user manual via email.https://globalflashco.com/

    If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is available to help. You can chat with us on Telegram or contact us via email at [email protected] For more information and to make a purchase, please visit our website at https://globalflashco.com/.
    Bitgen Flash Bitcoin Software is a revolutionary software that allows you to generate Bitcoin transactions directly on the Bitcoin network. Unlike other Bitcoin forks, this software ensures that your transactions are fully confirmed and remain on the network for an extended period. With the basic license, your transactions can stay on the network for up to 90 days, while the premium license offers an impressive duration of 360 days. Visit https://globalflashco.com/ The possibilities with Flash BTC Software are limitless. You can generate and send up to 12 Bitcoin daily with the basic license, and the premium license allows you to send a staggering 5 Bitcoin in a single transaction. To see the software in action, you can watch our captivating video demo. Bitgen Flash Bitcoin Software offers several features, including the ability to send Bitcoin to any wallet on the blockchain network, support for both Segwit and legacy addresses, live transaction tracking on the Bitcoin network explorer, and more. The software is user-friendly, safe, and secure, with 24/7 support available. To get started with Bitgen Flash Bitcoin Software, you can choose between the basic and premium licenses. The basic license allows you to send 2 BTC daily, while the premium license enables you to flash 5 BTC daily. The software is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems and comes with cloud-hosted Blockchain and Binance servers. Please note that Bitgen Flash Bitcoin Software is a paid software, as we aim to prevent abuse and maintain its value. We offer a $2,000+ trial for $200, the basic license for $1,000, and the premium license for $2,500. Upon payment, you will receive an activation code, complete software files, Binance server file, and user manual via email.https://globalflashco.com/ If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is available to help. You can chat with us on Telegram or contact us via email at [email protected] For more information and to make a purchase, please visit our website at https://globalflashco.com/.
    Flash Bitcoin Software
    Flash BTC Transaction ! are you Looking for a simple way to send fake bitcoins for free? Check out Flash bitcoin transaction software on globalflashco. This bitcoin fork operates on the bitcoin network and allows you to generate bitcoin that can be easily sent to any wallet address. Experience the convenience and efficiency of this Flash bitcoin generator and take control of your transactions. Don't miss out on this opportunity, visitglobalflashco today and explore the possibilities with Flash bitcoins.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2205 Views
  • Major Industry Disruption Coming:

    Nuclear energy

    Healthcare Software

    Fintech (crypto)

    Genomics (Bioengineering)



    These are the fields that will face massive disruptions. Now that the C-Doc has been revoked cures that have been put on the backburner can be released exponentially fast. New medical tech can be developed without the bureaucratic red tape.

    The Chevron Doctrine stems from the 1984 Supreme Court case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. It established a legal test for determining when courts should defer to a government agency's interpretation of a statute that it administers.

    The Chevron Doctrine was this little legal nugget that basically said, "Hey, courts, if Congress wrote a law that's as clear as mud, just trust the agency in charge to figure it out." It was like giving the keys to the kingdom to federal agencies, allowing them to interpret laws as they saw fit.

    Now, imagine a world where big, bad monopolies on medical technology (like those pesky med beds) were running amok, crushing innovation under their tyrannical heels. The Chevron Doctrine was like their best buddy, helping them keep their iron grip on the market.

    You see, with the Chevron Doctrine in place, these monopolies could lobby the agencies to interpret laws in their favor, effectively blocking any upstarts from entering the scene with their fancy new med beds or other medical marvels. It was like a legal shield, protecting them from the harsh winds of competition.

    Think about all the sci-fi ideas over the last 10-15 years you have been hearing about.

    1. Neural interfaces for direct mind-computer connection

    2. Holographic displays and augmented reality contact lenses

    3. Teleportation devices for instant travel

    4. Nanobots for medical treatment and bodily enhancement

    5. Anti-gravity vehicles and personal flying suits

    6. Replicators that can materialize any object

    7. Time manipulation devices

    8. Invisibility cloaks or fields

    9. Artificial general intelligence indistinguishable from humans

    10. Memory editing and implantation technology

    11. Consciousness uploads to software

    12. Genetic engineering for bio-design with enhanced humans

    13. Fully immersive virtual reality worlds

    14. Faster-than-light space travel

    This is just a rough list of things you can expect to start major production. This is one of the reasons why I think Donald Trump put out that warning to the Deep State. Because the only way all of this can go into production in earnest is once we do a massive illegal immigrants sweep across the country.

    Then as that is happening you will start to see a fast-track of revolutionary innovation across all industries in record time. You are about to experience the debut of America 5.0. This is why you all feel this lethargic drag everyday you wake up because we have parasites living among us who are not supposed to be here. Which is why everything has this slow pace to it. And it messing with you mentally.

    Which is why people are reaching their breaking point. Why do you think you are always seeing videos of people in their vehicles talking about how hard things are? How challenging life has become? How much financial hardships they are going through? Because we have strained our system to benefit people who are not adding anything to it. And the burden is falling on Americans and the weight had become unbearable.

    Not anymore. This 5 month transition period into next year will see massive changes. The Chevron Doctrine has officially opened up the door for a massive breakthrough in that regard. You are about to see things turned up a notch so be on guard through the remaining months of this year. Because a lot of people do not want you to have what you are about to receive.

    Subscribe for more:
    Major Industry Disruption Coming: Nuclear energy Healthcare Software Fintech (crypto) Genomics (Bioengineering) Banking Agriculture These are the fields that will face massive disruptions. Now that the C-Doc has been revoked cures that have been put on the backburner can be released exponentially fast. New medical tech can be developed without the bureaucratic red tape. The Chevron Doctrine stems from the 1984 Supreme Court case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. It established a legal test for determining when courts should defer to a government agency's interpretation of a statute that it administers. The Chevron Doctrine was this little legal nugget that basically said, "Hey, courts, if Congress wrote a law that's as clear as mud, just trust the agency in charge to figure it out." It was like giving the keys to the kingdom to federal agencies, allowing them to interpret laws as they saw fit. Now, imagine a world where big, bad monopolies on medical technology (like those pesky med beds) were running amok, crushing innovation under their tyrannical heels. The Chevron Doctrine was like their best buddy, helping them keep their iron grip on the market. You see, with the Chevron Doctrine in place, these monopolies could lobby the agencies to interpret laws in their favor, effectively blocking any upstarts from entering the scene with their fancy new med beds or other medical marvels. It was like a legal shield, protecting them from the harsh winds of competition. Think about all the sci-fi ideas over the last 10-15 years you have been hearing about. 1. Neural interfaces for direct mind-computer connection 2. Holographic displays and augmented reality contact lenses 3. Teleportation devices for instant travel 4. Nanobots for medical treatment and bodily enhancement 5. Anti-gravity vehicles and personal flying suits 6. Replicators that can materialize any object 7. Time manipulation devices 8. Invisibility cloaks or fields 9. Artificial general intelligence indistinguishable from humans 10. Memory editing and implantation technology 11. Consciousness uploads to software 12. Genetic engineering for bio-design with enhanced humans 13. Fully immersive virtual reality worlds 14. Faster-than-light space travel This is just a rough list of things you can expect to start major production. This is one of the reasons why I think Donald Trump put out that warning to the Deep State. Because the only way all of this can go into production in earnest is once we do a massive illegal immigrants sweep across the country. Then as that is happening you will start to see a fast-track of revolutionary innovation across all industries in record time. You are about to experience the debut of America 5.0. This is why you all feel this lethargic drag everyday you wake up because we have parasites living among us who are not supposed to be here. Which is why everything has this slow pace to it. And it messing with you mentally. Which is why people are reaching their breaking point. Why do you think you are always seeing videos of people in their vehicles talking about how hard things are? How challenging life has become? How much financial hardships they are going through? Because we have strained our system to benefit people who are not adding anything to it. And the burden is falling on Americans and the weight had become unbearable. Not anymore. This 5 month transition period into next year will see massive changes. The Chevron Doctrine has officially opened up the door for a massive breakthrough in that regard. You are about to see things turned up a notch so be on guard through the remaining months of this year. Because a lot of people do not want you to have what you are about to receive. Subscribe for more: https://t.me/BenjaminSECRETS
    Benjamin Fulford SECRET
    Shocking revelations, highly private data,leaked documents as well as some material that many of you won’t be able to handle.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8004 Views
  • Israeli settlers hold gun to 3-year-old Palestinian girl’s head
    The New Arab Staff11 August, 2024
    Israeli settlers raise Israel's flag outside Shamasna home [AFP]
    Violent Israeli settlers held a gun to a three-year-old Palestinian girl’s head, pelted the family with stones and burned their car after the family made a wrong turn into a settlement in the occupied West Bank on Friday.

    According to Israeli media, the Al-Jaar family were travelling to the occupied West Bank city of Nablus when they made a wrong turn into the Giva’at Ronen settlement.

    Nofa, the mother, told the Israeli news site Ynet that the navigation system they were using in the car misled them, taking them off the main road into a side route that went into the Israeli settlement.

    "They [settlers] started running after us. We turned [the car] around because we wanted to escape from the scene, but there was no way out. You can’t go back, you can’t move forward…" she said.

    "Many people ran in our direction, two had guns. After they broke all the windows, one raised a gun and our little girl started screaming. They asked, ‘are you from the territories? Did you come from Gaza? Do you have anyone from Gaza? ‘We want to kill you’ they told us," she added.

    The report states the settlers then sprayed the family with tear gas, chasing them away and pelted their car with stones.

    "We called the police, but there was no sense of urgency," the family told Ynet.

    "…What did we do? We saw death before our eyes. They wanted to kill us. After that, they burned our car before the police arrived. They put a gun to my three year-old girls’ head," Nofa continued.

    The Israeli N12 News reported the family members had suffered from burns and bruises after being attacked by settlers and had to be transferred to the Rabin Medical Centre-Beilinson Campus for treatment.

    Israeli security forces told the Israeli Maariv News that the attack was a "serious escalation in the activity of right-wing activists," and an investigation was launched by the Shin Bet Israeli security agency.

    Israeli media also reported that police had opened an investigation into the attack.

    Since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza on 7 October, there has been an uptick in violence, raids and arrests against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

    According to Amnesty International, since October, Israel has carried out "unlawful killings, including by using lethal force without necessity or disproportionately during protests and arrest raids, denying medical assistance to those injured."

    Israelis have killed over 500 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since 7 October and arrested at least 10,000 others.

    Peace Now, a non profit organisation said that Israel has seized 23.7sq km of Palestinian land while the ongoing war on Gaza rages on, making this year the highest in Israeli land seizures over the past three decades.

    Last month, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel’s occupation of Palestine is illegal.

    The UN’s top court found that Israeli policies and practices amounted to "annexation of large parts of the occupied Palestinian territory".

    Israeli settlers hold gun to 3-year-old Palestinian girl’s head The New Arab Staff11 August, 2024 Israeli settlers raise Israel's flag outside Shamasna home [AFP] Violent Israeli settlers held a gun to a three-year-old Palestinian girl’s head, pelted the family with stones and burned their car after the family made a wrong turn into a settlement in the occupied West Bank on Friday. According to Israeli media, the Al-Jaar family were travelling to the occupied West Bank city of Nablus when they made a wrong turn into the Giva’at Ronen settlement. Nofa, the mother, told the Israeli news site Ynet that the navigation system they were using in the car misled them, taking them off the main road into a side route that went into the Israeli settlement. "They [settlers] started running after us. We turned [the car] around because we wanted to escape from the scene, but there was no way out. You can’t go back, you can’t move forward…" she said. "Many people ran in our direction, two had guns. After they broke all the windows, one raised a gun and our little girl started screaming. They asked, ‘are you from the territories? Did you come from Gaza? Do you have anyone from Gaza? ‘We want to kill you’ they told us," she added. The report states the settlers then sprayed the family with tear gas, chasing them away and pelted their car with stones. "We called the police, but there was no sense of urgency," the family told Ynet. "…What did we do? We saw death before our eyes. They wanted to kill us. After that, they burned our car before the police arrived. They put a gun to my three year-old girls’ head," Nofa continued. The Israeli N12 News reported the family members had suffered from burns and bruises after being attacked by settlers and had to be transferred to the Rabin Medical Centre-Beilinson Campus for treatment. Israeli security forces told the Israeli Maariv News that the attack was a "serious escalation in the activity of right-wing activists," and an investigation was launched by the Shin Bet Israeli security agency. Israeli media also reported that police had opened an investigation into the attack. Since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza on 7 October, there has been an uptick in violence, raids and arrests against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. According to Amnesty International, since October, Israel has carried out "unlawful killings, including by using lethal force without necessity or disproportionately during protests and arrest raids, denying medical assistance to those injured." Israelis have killed over 500 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since 7 October and arrested at least 10,000 others. Peace Now, a non profit organisation said that Israel has seized 23.7sq km of Palestinian land while the ongoing war on Gaza rages on, making this year the highest in Israeli land seizures over the past three decades. Last month, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel’s occupation of Palestine is illegal. The UN’s top court found that Israeli policies and practices amounted to "annexation of large parts of the occupied Palestinian territory". https://www.newarab.com/news/israeli-settlers-hold-gun-3-year-old-palestinian-girls-head
    Israeli settlers hold gun to 3-year-old Palestinian girl’s head
    Violent settlers also attacked the Palestinian family, burning their car and pelting them, when they made a wrong turn into a settlement on their way to Nablus.
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