• June 21st, Mussel Assembly starts, in cooperation with Somee Social network, the Festival of Omega for you!
    If you start your own account on Somee.social , open a Hive wallet and start liking content , or get liked after posting content, just as on Facebook(!), you will earn Somee tokens , yes cryptocurrency, immediately. Safe and for Free.
    If you also like and comment one of the Festival of Omega illustrations you have a chance of one of two Somee social Booster packages (details follow).
    The Festival ends on August 1st 2022.
    someesocial #somee #musselassembly #festivalofomega #festival #illustrations #fantasystory #fantasyillustrator #fantasyillustration #steampunkart #steampunkillustration #crypto #cryptocurrency #blockchain #hive #hiveblockchain
    June 21st, Mussel Assembly starts, in cooperation with Somee Social network, the Festival of Omega for you! If you start your own account on Somee.social , open a Hive wallet and start liking content , or get liked after posting content, just as on Facebook(!), you will earn Somee tokens , yes cryptocurrency, immediately. Safe and for Free. If you also like and comment one of the Festival of Omega illustrations you have a chance of one of two Somee social Booster packages (details follow). The Festival ends on August 1st 2022. someesocial #somee #musselassembly #festivalofomega #festival #illustrations #fantasystory #fantasyillustrator #fantasyillustration #steampunkart #steampunkillustration #crypto #cryptocurrency #blockchain #hive #hiveblockchain
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