• EVERGREEN & The Black Budget Operation (PART 1)
    It all began with the firefighting planes that don't fight fires, leading one to ask, "then what exactly are all of those chemical tanks for?"...

    This crazy story began back in 2002. It was fire season in the United States and the media reported a fatal crash of two air tankers, a Lockheed C-130A Hercules and a Consolidated PB4Y-2. This crash lead to the US Department of Interior issuing an official request for an investigation into the development of next-generation air tankers; larger firefighting planes, which would mean less planes would be needed in the smoke-filled skies, which would mean safer airways for everyone.

    A company called Evergreen Aviation said with a smile, “Hey! We could convert some of our Boeing 747-200 freighters into blaze fighters!” and the government was like, “Ok, you do that and we will take a look at what you make.”.

    Shortly thereafter, in 2004, the Evergreen Supertanker was born from a Boeing 747 (N470EV) and, like a toddler taking his first steps, the modified plane took its first test flight.

    747 Supertanker, Marana
    Come summer 2006, Evergreen had invested $40 million into the project. All they needed now was FAA certification and an evaluation from the US Forest Service. Once complete those big, beautiful planes could officially be put into production and one day, God willing, they would all lift into the sky, carrying tens-of-thousands of gallons of fire-extinguishing water.

    In fall of the same year, the FAA came through for Evergreen and issued the necessary documents which would officially allow them to gut and modify a fleet of planes. Evergreen now had permission to install the support structure needed for aerial dispersion of liquids - but this time around, it would not be water going in the tanks, it would be chemicals… to save America from fire season.

    Thankfully, the fleet of modified aircrafts, which can hold as much as 18 pallets worth of world-saving chemicals, were quickly completed and ready to take flight at the first signs of fire.

    This project could not have been ready at a better time because, on May 29th of 2011, disaster struck the home state of the Supertankers, Arizona.

    Map of Wallow fire, data 2350 6-8-2011
    Residents were evacuated as the the Wallow Fire burned the Copper State.

    An evacuation sign asks residents to leave June 9, 2011 in Eagar, Arizona.
    And the fleet of incredible modified Boeings heroically took flight that day, quickly putting out the blaze - well, not really. Evergreen’s firefighting planes were not in the sky the first day of the fire. Nor were they in the air the next day, or the day after. Instead, smaller DC-10s were deployed. The problem was, these planes, the DC-10s, had a payload of only 13,000 gallons of fire retardant whereas the largest Supertankers had a payload of 86,000 gallons…

    But those shiny, new large-payload planes stayed grounded while little DCs and other small planes battled the growing inferno.

    Wallow Fire in photos... a photo gallery | Multimedia | wmicentral.com
    Try as they might, as the days passed, AZ continued to burn, and on June 11th the the fire advanced into Catron County, New Mexico.

    Wallow Fire rages across Arizona - The Hindu
    Eventually, without the help of a single Evergreen Supertanker, the little planes and firefighters got the fire under control.

    When all said and done, record books would report the Wallow Fire as being the worst in Arizona history as of the time, over 800 square miles had been scorched. Extensive damage was caused to the forest ecosystem, wildlife habitats, recreational areas and homes. This lead many to ask, “Where were those incredible Supertankers?”. Answer: In their home, Pinal Airpark. In fact, as of 2013, Evergreen’s Supertankers had yet to fight a single fire anywhere in the US, ever. So who is this company? Deeper research was required…

    The story of Evergreen’s firefighting planes that don’t fight fires actually began back in the 1960s with a little company called Evergreen Helicopters. That small helicopter business did whatever small helicopter businesses do, until the 1970s, when it merged with Intermountain Airlines. After the merger was complete, Evergreen International Airlines came to be. It was owned by Evergreen International Aviation. Once formed, Evergreen Aviation quickly purchased the assets of Air America and began using Pinal Park in Arizona as a storage facility.

    You’re probably thinking, “So Evergreen Airlines was just some guy with a dollar and a dream who worked his way up from choppers to planes and got lucky with a merger?” - not so much. You see, Intermountain Airlines (the company Evergreen helicopters merged with) was part of Pacific Corporation. Pacific Corp was nothing more than a holding company. What is a holding company? It’s a business that doesn’t offer a service because it doesn’t actually do anything. Its only purpose is to own and control other companies.

    In addition to Intermountain Airlines, Pacific Corp (acting as a holding company) oversaw numerous other aviation companies, including Air America and Southern Air Transport, to name a few. And what did these airlines do? Let me show you:


    Wait a second, you’re telling me the huge firefighting planes, the 86,000 gallon payload planes that never fought a raging US fire, belonged to the flippin’ CIA?! - We will get to that in a moment, but first:

    Back when Evergreen was a helicopter business and the CIA was operating front aviation companies, the Intelligence Agency contracted Skunk Works to build special planes for them. Who was Skunk Works? Here you go:

    It turns out, Skunk Works wasn’t just Lockheed Martin, it was actually the branch for Lockheed’s secret weapons development program. Through this program, the defense contractor was building everything the CIA and government claimed to need. From spy planes to $96 million worth of A-12s to the first 400-mph fighter jet in the world, and who knows what else because it was a covert operation (for our safety, of course).

    So, when the merger happened, Evergreen International was born and it acquired the assets of the helicopter company and the CIA front aviation companies which had the Skunk Works contracts and aircraft resulting from them. Evergreen, which we should rename Ever-CIA, then made Pinal Airpark in Arizona one of its homes.

    The airpark was perfect due to its fairly remote location.

    Now we are in the 1980s and the CIA has its newest airline and freedom in the skies. It used these tax-funded gifts to best serve the American people, and by that I mean by doing things like transporting Salvadoran military personnel and equipment, running covert operations to support the Contras, operating mysterious missions to El Salvador and Nicaragua, loaning helicopters to El Salvador’s President Duarte, and even acting as a personal air taxi for the Shah of Iran, and more… lots more… lots, lots more.

    It was right around this time that news began breaking, exposing Southern Air as being a CIA operation. In fact, even the holding company, Pacific Corp, was outted as being a CIA operated entity.

    (This likely explains why the CIA needed to merge with Evergreen - they knew the Southern Air cover was blown and, by taking over an existing company, they could continue to operate without suspicion.)

    Throughout the 1990s, goo fell from the sky (yes, you read that correctly). It’s still an “unsolved mystery” because nobody has any idea how such a thing could have possibly happened, let alone so frequently… (2 minute video)

    Then, it was in 2001 that something never before seen appeared in the sky over the Northeastern Seaboard of the United States, but this time it wasn’t gelatinous material: (2 minute video)

    The following year was the (alleged) plane crash due to the smoky air which lead to Evergreen offering to modify their Boeings to save the good people of America during fire season…

    In 2004, a patent was filed called Aerial Delivery System. This patent was for modifying planes with a special nozzle system attached at the wing box.

    Guess who filed this patent?

    Yep, Evergreen International Aviation. Details are made more clear in a second filing under the same name:

    The same year, an interesting patent called PROCEDURE FOR AIR RELEASE OF MATERIAL was filed. The reason this is interesting is because this patent was not filed in the US, it was filed by Evergreen Aviation in Spain. Whether they planned to help the Spaniards fight their fires or whether they were just protecting their technology is as much of a mystery as the goo.

    In 2007, another patent was filed, Enhanced aerial delivery system. The description reads “…large quantities of fluids, powders, and other agent materials are to be transported in and aerially dispersed by aircraft”

    Simultaneously, the sky was being filled with lines - but don’t worry folks, these are just contrails and there is absolutely nothing to fear, they say…

    Sky grids? Oh, those are just from an increase in air traffic, nothing is being sprayed, don’t be a silly conspiracy theorist.

    Despite being repeatedly told the sky-spam is 100% normal and that the atmosphere has always looked like this, many in the public weren’t buying the story. Concerned citizens, determined to figure out who these harmless-contrail-planes belonged to, began tracking them - and they happened to track them to some interesting places….

    When citizens attempted to visit the Arizona airpark, which was being advertised as a public place, they discovered that not only was it not public, but it was patrolled by all-black helicopters and featured armed security that would not allow anyone inside.

    At the time, one citizen journalist reported the sky above the airpark had strange “dripping lines”.

    Like My Research? Buy Me a Coffee

    On Google Earth, armchair detectives noticed a massive pile of a black substance that seemed like an odd thing to have at an airpark.

    Coincidentally, people were filming planes releasing a strange black substance, but this is just exhaust, we are told.

    Yes, it’s exhaust.

    And this is also exhaust. And if you don’t believe that, then it’s a fuel dump.

    …and if you don’t believe any of that, you’re not an aviation expert so you wouldn’t understand.

    Researchers also learned that this exact location, the storage facility for an airline that owns firefighting planes that don’t fight fires, was also the training grounds for both National Guard and the CIA.

    Then, when outraged members of the public began looking deeper into these planes, they discovered that the planes leaving contrail grids and performing lengthy fuel dumps directly over populated areas, were not only unmarked, (meaning they didn’t have any kind of insignia or numbers on them) but additionally, they were not appearing on radar; they were flying without transponders.

    Not being on radar is a very serious issue, nearly causing a FedEx plane to crash… three times in one flight…

    If you’re not familiar with transponders, with very few exceptions, aircraft above 10,000 feet must have their tracking system turned on - but one of those exceptions is if they are military (or involved in a military operation).

    “It is preposterous to think these planes are being used to modify the weather! They are for fighting fires!”, they tell me. To which I reply, on Evergreen Aviation’s website (which they have updated since I got these screenshots), they showed the Supertanker…

    …and raved about its firefighting capacity…

    … but if you scrolled down the page, you discovered it has other purposes… such as Weather Modification…

    “Cloud seeding!”, they scream. To which I respond, cloud seeders are tiny planes, often Beechcrafts:

    Close-up of a turboprop plane sprinkling chemicals into clouds in a blue sky.
    Cloud seeding typically takes under 30 minutes total and is performed using flares…

    This photo shows flares fixed on the aircraft's wing that house the silver iodide used for cloud seeding.
    …or canisters…

    A silver canister hanging from the wing of a plane.
    …or a tank connected to a nozzle or two:

    Mexico is seeding clouds to make rain — scientists aren't sure it works
    Meanwhile, this is the inside of an Evergreen Supertanker… the planes that hold 18 pallets worth of chemicals and have patents for exterior nozzles that release other materials into the sky…

    So, what exactly are these planes doing to modify the weather using chemical tanks and nozzles? Only one thing fits all of the evidence…

    But, according to Wikipedia, in June 2014, Evergreen declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the company died off, got rid of all of its assets and that was the end of the story. Originally, I was going to end the article on a decide for yourself cliff-hanger, but after finishing writing, I kept thinking it wouldn’t hurt to spend 10 minutes tracking down where those assets went. I would soon discover that wanting answers to such a simple question would quickly turns into a nightmare, both on and off the internet. Little did I know, the innocent question about the assets was never meant to be answered… NEXT READ: EVERGREEN PART 2: Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun - An Introduction to the Research that is Currently Destroying My Life

    Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation

    Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee



    Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun: EVERGREEN (PART 2)
    In Part 1 of this series we discussed the crazy history of how Evergreen Airlines came to be. If you didn’t read Part 1, you really should start there because it’s a wild true story of a helicopter company, CIA front organizations, a Lockheed Martin secret weapons development program, and firefighting airplanes that don’t fight fires. It’s also a tale…
    Read full story

    1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust?

    1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust?
    Let me introduce you to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, NASEM, for short (we all know the only thing worse than a dreaded 5-letter abbreviation is a wretched 6-letter). In 1992, only a few years before the soft launch of the “

    Read full story

    Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF

    Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF
    They tell us these are normal clouds that have been around forever and we are just too stupid to remember them:

    Read full story

    Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON

    Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON
    Well, let’s start here: Listen to these four meteorologists explain chaff on television (and do their best to minimize it):

    Read full story

    MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More

    MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More
    “…the state is merely trying to deceive a population into believing the propaganda”…”In order to accomplish this, the state must engage in a highly competent deception campaign.”… “Since we seek to deceive the population in order to achieve reflexive control through environmental manipulation, we would replace “enemy,” with “population.”

    Read full story

    Spray the Sky with Piss New Chemtrail Patent (Yes, Seriously)

    Spray the Sky with Piss New Chemtrail Patent (Yes, Seriously)
    Believe it or not, this actually isn’t Bill Gates idea, but I agree, it sure does sound like it.

    Read full story

    Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide?

    Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide?
    I haven’t been on Twitter much these days. After hitting 20,000 followers I became so shadow-banned that the purpose of it has become pointless. With that being said, on April 8th, 2024, the day of the Eclipse, I shared some photos of my Michigan sky, which started off as beautiful blue then, only two hours before the eclipse, filled the infamous

    Read full story


    When I’m researching, I throw links to almost everything I look at down here. I don’t use all of this stuff, but I leave it here for anyone who wants so continue researching the same topic. Sharing a link here does not mean I agree with the content, it means it’s something I came across.




    https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg09719.html


    CFR controls EVA https://www.bitchute.com/video/MUdPb77v4kos


    “Anti Static Dispersants” Fuel Additives - Apollo DD3? Oxtail (?) Steron (?) “Status 450”

    Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon

    need way back, unmanned planes https://web.archive.org/web/20081113160231/https://evergreenaviation.com/EUS/dl.html







    Jet Midwest



    biker https://www.bitchute.com/video/GrgwyTUe1Inl/

    new https://www.bitchute.com/video/rGEslYAtxmCF/


    Air Park on Google Earth https://earth.google.com/web/search/Pinal+Airpark,+East+Pinal+Airpark+Road,+Marana,+AZ/@32.51066376,-111.32603775,589.96314913a,26817.20873689d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=Cp0BGnMSbQolMHg4NmQ1ZjBmOTA1NmFmNDU3OjB4NjRhMjdhNDg0YzYwZDI0OBmyFY_mI0FAQCHIbrCBvtRbwCoyUGluYWwgQWlycGFyaywgRWFzdCBQaW5hbCBBaXJwYXJrIFJvYWQsIE1hcmFuYSwgQVoYAiABIiYKJAnx7rqc-I5AQBGlLeJc9RlAQBnU-RZgtpZbwCHKBMeXgihcwDIpCicKJQohMXpHWFo2R08tUnBrZjhsWFI4THlHQWJpd2l1QTg3M3RvIAE6AwoBMA









    1957 phased array antenna








    EVERGREEN & The Black Budget Operation (PART 1) It all began with the firefighting planes that don't fight fires, leading one to ask, "then what exactly are all of those chemical tanks for?"... Agent131711 This crazy story began back in 2002. It was fire season in the United States and the media reported a fatal crash of two air tankers, a Lockheed C-130A Hercules and a Consolidated PB4Y-2. This crash lead to the US Department of Interior issuing an official request for an investigation into the development of next-generation air tankers; larger firefighting planes, which would mean less planes would be needed in the smoke-filled skies, which would mean safer airways for everyone. A company called Evergreen Aviation said with a smile, “Hey! We could convert some of our Boeing 747-200 freighters into blaze fighters!” and the government was like, “Ok, you do that and we will take a look at what you make.”. Shortly thereafter, in 2004, the Evergreen Supertanker was born from a Boeing 747 (N470EV) and, like a toddler taking his first steps, the modified plane took its first test flight. 747 Supertanker, Marana Come summer 2006, Evergreen had invested $40 million into the project. All they needed now was FAA certification and an evaluation from the US Forest Service. Once complete those big, beautiful planes could officially be put into production and one day, God willing, they would all lift into the sky, carrying tens-of-thousands of gallons of fire-extinguishing water. In fall of the same year, the FAA came through for Evergreen and issued the necessary documents which would officially allow them to gut and modify a fleet of planes. Evergreen now had permission to install the support structure needed for aerial dispersion of liquids - but this time around, it would not be water going in the tanks, it would be chemicals… to save America from fire season. Thankfully, the fleet of modified aircrafts, which can hold as much as 18 pallets worth of world-saving chemicals, were quickly completed and ready to take flight at the first signs of fire. This project could not have been ready at a better time because, on May 29th of 2011, disaster struck the home state of the Supertankers, Arizona. Map of Wallow fire, data 2350 6-8-2011 Residents were evacuated as the the Wallow Fire burned the Copper State. An evacuation sign asks residents to leave June 9, 2011 in Eagar, Arizona. And the fleet of incredible modified Boeings heroically took flight that day, quickly putting out the blaze - well, not really. Evergreen’s firefighting planes were not in the sky the first day of the fire. Nor were they in the air the next day, or the day after. Instead, smaller DC-10s were deployed. The problem was, these planes, the DC-10s, had a payload of only 13,000 gallons of fire retardant whereas the largest Supertankers had a payload of 86,000 gallons… But those shiny, new large-payload planes stayed grounded while little DCs and other small planes battled the growing inferno. Wallow Fire in photos... a photo gallery | Multimedia | wmicentral.com Try as they might, as the days passed, AZ continued to burn, and on June 11th the the fire advanced into Catron County, New Mexico. Wallow Fire rages across Arizona - The Hindu Eventually, without the help of a single Evergreen Supertanker, the little planes and firefighters got the fire under control. When all said and done, record books would report the Wallow Fire as being the worst in Arizona history as of the time, over 800 square miles had been scorched. Extensive damage was caused to the forest ecosystem, wildlife habitats, recreational areas and homes. This lead many to ask, “Where were those incredible Supertankers?”. Answer: In their home, Pinal Airpark. In fact, as of 2013, Evergreen’s Supertankers had yet to fight a single fire anywhere in the US, ever. So who is this company? Deeper research was required… The story of Evergreen’s firefighting planes that don’t fight fires actually began back in the 1960s with a little company called Evergreen Helicopters. That small helicopter business did whatever small helicopter businesses do, until the 1970s, when it merged with Intermountain Airlines. After the merger was complete, Evergreen International Airlines came to be. It was owned by Evergreen International Aviation. Once formed, Evergreen Aviation quickly purchased the assets of Air America and began using Pinal Park in Arizona as a storage facility. Image You’re probably thinking, “So Evergreen Airlines was just some guy with a dollar and a dream who worked his way up from choppers to planes and got lucky with a merger?” - not so much. You see, Intermountain Airlines (the company Evergreen helicopters merged with) was part of Pacific Corporation. Pacific Corp was nothing more than a holding company. What is a holding company? It’s a business that doesn’t offer a service because it doesn’t actually do anything. Its only purpose is to own and control other companies. In addition to Intermountain Airlines, Pacific Corp (acting as a holding company) oversaw numerous other aviation companies, including Air America and Southern Air Transport, to name a few. And what did these airlines do? Let me show you: And: Wait a second, you’re telling me the huge firefighting planes, the 86,000 gallon payload planes that never fought a raging US fire, belonged to the flippin’ CIA?! - We will get to that in a moment, but first: Back when Evergreen was a helicopter business and the CIA was operating front aviation companies, the Intelligence Agency contracted Skunk Works to build special planes for them. Who was Skunk Works? Here you go: Image It turns out, Skunk Works wasn’t just Lockheed Martin, it was actually the branch for Lockheed’s secret weapons development program. Through this program, the defense contractor was building everything the CIA and government claimed to need. From spy planes to $96 million worth of A-12s to the first 400-mph fighter jet in the world, and who knows what else because it was a covert operation (for our safety, of course). So, when the merger happened, Evergreen International was born and it acquired the assets of the helicopter company and the CIA front aviation companies which had the Skunk Works contracts and aircraft resulting from them. Evergreen, which we should rename Ever-CIA, then made Pinal Airpark in Arizona one of its homes. Image The airpark was perfect due to its fairly remote location. Now we are in the 1980s and the CIA has its newest airline and freedom in the skies. It used these tax-funded gifts to best serve the American people, and by that I mean by doing things like transporting Salvadoran military personnel and equipment, running covert operations to support the Contras, operating mysterious missions to El Salvador and Nicaragua, loaning helicopters to El Salvador’s President Duarte, and even acting as a personal air taxi for the Shah of Iran, and more… lots more… lots, lots more. It was right around this time that news began breaking, exposing Southern Air as being a CIA operation. In fact, even the holding company, Pacific Corp, was outted as being a CIA operated entity. (This likely explains why the CIA needed to merge with Evergreen - they knew the Southern Air cover was blown and, by taking over an existing company, they could continue to operate without suspicion.) Throughout the 1990s, goo fell from the sky (yes, you read that correctly). It’s still an “unsolved mystery” because nobody has any idea how such a thing could have possibly happened, let alone so frequently… (2 minute video) Then, it was in 2001 that something never before seen appeared in the sky over the Northeastern Seaboard of the United States, but this time it wasn’t gelatinous material: (2 minute video) The following year was the (alleged) plane crash due to the smoky air which lead to Evergreen offering to modify their Boeings to save the good people of America during fire season… In 2004, a patent was filed called Aerial Delivery System. This patent was for modifying planes with a special nozzle system attached at the wing box. Guess who filed this patent? Yep, Evergreen International Aviation. Details are made more clear in a second filing under the same name: The same year, an interesting patent called PROCEDURE FOR AIR RELEASE OF MATERIAL was filed. The reason this is interesting is because this patent was not filed in the US, it was filed by Evergreen Aviation in Spain. Whether they planned to help the Spaniards fight their fires or whether they were just protecting their technology is as much of a mystery as the goo. In 2007, another patent was filed, Enhanced aerial delivery system. The description reads “…large quantities of fluids, powders, and other agent materials are to be transported in and aerially dispersed by aircraft” Simultaneously, the sky was being filled with lines - but don’t worry folks, these are just contrails and there is absolutely nothing to fear, they say… Sky grids? Oh, those are just from an increase in air traffic, nothing is being sprayed, don’t be a silly conspiracy theorist. Despite being repeatedly told the sky-spam is 100% normal and that the atmosphere has always looked like this, many in the public weren’t buying the story. Concerned citizens, determined to figure out who these harmless-contrail-planes belonged to, began tracking them - and they happened to track them to some interesting places…. When citizens attempted to visit the Arizona airpark, which was being advertised as a public place, they discovered that not only was it not public, but it was patrolled by all-black helicopters and featured armed security that would not allow anyone inside. At the time, one citizen journalist reported the sky above the airpark had strange “dripping lines”. Like My Research? Buy Me a Coffee On Google Earth, armchair detectives noticed a massive pile of a black substance that seemed like an odd thing to have at an airpark. Coincidentally, people were filming planes releasing a strange black substance, but this is just exhaust, we are told. Yes, it’s exhaust. And this is also exhaust. And if you don’t believe that, then it’s a fuel dump. …and if you don’t believe any of that, you’re not an aviation expert so you wouldn’t understand. Researchers also learned that this exact location, the storage facility for an airline that owns firefighting planes that don’t fight fires, was also the training grounds for both National Guard and the CIA. Then, when outraged members of the public began looking deeper into these planes, they discovered that the planes leaving contrail grids and performing lengthy fuel dumps directly over populated areas, were not only unmarked, (meaning they didn’t have any kind of insignia or numbers on them) but additionally, they were not appearing on radar; they were flying without transponders. Not being on radar is a very serious issue, nearly causing a FedEx plane to crash… three times in one flight… If you’re not familiar with transponders, with very few exceptions, aircraft above 10,000 feet must have their tracking system turned on - but one of those exceptions is if they are military (or involved in a military operation). “It is preposterous to think these planes are being used to modify the weather! They are for fighting fires!”, they tell me. To which I reply, on Evergreen Aviation’s website (which they have updated since I got these screenshots), they showed the Supertanker… Image …and raved about its firefighting capacity… Image … but if you scrolled down the page, you discovered it has other purposes… such as Weather Modification… Image “Cloud seeding!”, they scream. To which I respond, cloud seeders are tiny planes, often Beechcrafts: Close-up of a turboprop plane sprinkling chemicals into clouds in a blue sky. Cloud seeding typically takes under 30 minutes total and is performed using flares… This photo shows flares fixed on the aircraft's wing that house the silver iodide used for cloud seeding. …or canisters… A silver canister hanging from the wing of a plane. …or a tank connected to a nozzle or two: Mexico is seeding clouds to make rain — scientists aren't sure it works Meanwhile, this is the inside of an Evergreen Supertanker… the planes that hold 18 pallets worth of chemicals and have patents for exterior nozzles that release other materials into the sky… So, what exactly are these planes doing to modify the weather using chemical tanks and nozzles? Only one thing fits all of the evidence… But, according to Wikipedia, in June 2014, Evergreen declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the company died off, got rid of all of its assets and that was the end of the story. Originally, I was going to end the article on a decide for yourself cliff-hanger, but after finishing writing, I kept thinking it wouldn’t hurt to spend 10 minutes tracking down where those assets went. I would soon discover that wanting answers to such a simple question would quickly turns into a nightmare, both on and off the internet. Little did I know, the innocent question about the assets was never meant to be answered… NEXT READ: EVERGREEN PART 2: Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun - An Introduction to the Research that is Currently Destroying My Life Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee Share NEXT READ: Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun: EVERGREEN (PART 2) In Part 1 of this series we discussed the crazy history of how Evergreen Airlines came to be. If you didn’t read Part 1, you really should start there because it’s a wild true story of a helicopter company, CIA front organizations, a Lockheed Martin secret weapons development program, and firefighting airplanes that don’t fight fires. It’s also a tale… Read full story 1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust? 1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust? Let me introduce you to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, NASEM, for short (we all know the only thing worse than a dreaded 5-letter abbreviation is a wretched 6-letter). In 1992, only a few years before the soft launch of the “ Read full story Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF They tell us these are normal clouds that have been around forever and we are just too stupid to remember them: Read full story Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON Well, let’s start here: Listen to these four meteorologists explain chaff on television (and do their best to minimize it): Read full story MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More “…the state is merely trying to deceive a population into believing the propaganda”…”In order to accomplish this, the state must engage in a highly competent deception campaign.”… “Since we seek to deceive the population in order to achieve reflexive control through environmental manipulation, we would replace “enemy,” with “population.” Read full story Spray the Sky with Piss 🚽 New Chemtrail Patent ✈️ (Yes, Seriously) Spray the Sky with Piss 🚽 New Chemtrail Patent ✈️ (Yes, Seriously) Believe it or not, this actually isn’t Bill Gates idea, but I agree, it sure does sound like it. Read full story Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide? Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide? I haven’t been on Twitter much these days. After hitting 20,000 followers I became so shadow-banned that the purpose of it has become pointless. With that being said, on April 8th, 2024, the day of the Eclipse, I shared some photos of my Michigan sky, which started off as beautiful blue then, only two hours before the eclipse, filled the infamous Read full story SOURCES, NOTES & OTHER STUFF When I’m researching, I throw links to almost everything I look at down here. I don’t use all of this stuff, but I leave it here for anyone who wants so continue researching the same topic. Sharing a link here does not mean I agree with the content, it means it’s something I came across. https://web.archive.org/web/20210730180650/https://usahitman.com/egascf/ https://web.archive.org/web/20160525115957/http://www.skychemtrail.com/evergreen-contract-spread-chemtrails/ http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/04/28/evergreen-breaches-covenant-with-pinal-county-arizona-part-1/ https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg09719.html 1978 CFR controls EVA https://www.bitchute.com/video/MUdPb77v4kos https://evergreenaviation.com “Anti Static Dispersants” Fuel Additives - Apollo DD3? Oxtail (?) Steron (?) “Status 450” Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon need way back, unmanned planes https://web.archive.org/web/20081113160231/https://evergreenaviation.com/EUS/dl.html https://www.wired.com/2011/06/legendary-cia-airline-in-danger-of-crashing/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergreen_International_Aviation https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/02/the-contract-airlines-that-quietly-move-u-s-troops-and-spies-around-the-globe/ https://www.eyeopeningtruth.com/evergreen-crisis/ https://joepayne.org/outerbank/evergreen.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20171223170522/https://newsregister.com/article?articleTitle=evergreen-sale-heads-to-arbitration--1449192839--20280--1home-news Jet Midwest https://archive.org/details/youtube-ipEhI8pgo3A https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_chemtrails18.htm biker https://www.bitchute.com/video/GrgwyTUe1Inl/ new https://www.bitchute.com/video/rGEslYAtxmCF/ https://dprogram.wordpress.com/2010/06/07/video-evergreen-air-and-a-secret-chemtrail-facility/ Air Park on Google Earth https://earth.google.com/web/search/Pinal+Airpark,+East+Pinal+Airpark+Road,+Marana,+AZ/@32.51066376,-111.32603775,589.96314913a,26817.20873689d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=Cp0BGnMSbQolMHg4NmQ1ZjBmOTA1NmFmNDU3OjB4NjRhMjdhNDg0YzYwZDI0OBmyFY_mI0FAQCHIbrCBvtRbwCoyUGluYWwgQWlycGFyaywgRWFzdCBQaW5hbCBBaXJwYXJrIFJvYWQsIE1hcmFuYSwgQVoYAiABIiYKJAnx7rqc-I5AQBGlLeJc9RlAQBnU-RZgtpZbwCHKBMeXgihcwDIpCicKJQohMXpHWFo2R08tUnBrZjhsWFI4THlHQWJpd2l1QTg3M3RvIAE6AwoBMA https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2013/12/troubled_evergreen_internation.html https://rumble.com/vo3r32-the-cia-controls-evergreen-air-death-dumps-anthony-j-hilder.html https://www.bitchute.com/video/zKLxfRrJgkP9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergreen_International_Airlinesgiven/ https://greydynamics.com/air-america-the-history-of-the-cias-covert-airline/ https://greydynamics.com/air-america-the-history-of-the-cias-covert-airline/ https://arizonaskywatch.com/article/articles/Evergreen%20and%20Chemtrails%20with%20USAF.htm http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/04/28/evergreen-breaches-covenant-with-pinal-county-arizona-part-1/ 1957 phased array antenna https://www.youtube.com/@Thetruthdenied/search?query=evergreen%20air https://search.brave.com/search?q=%22the+truth+denied%22+evergreen+air&source=web https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900022-2.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20220120194401/http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/04/28/evergreen-breaches-covenant-with-pinal-county-arizona-part-1/ https://skybrary.aero/articles/aircraft-without-transponder-guidance-controllers https://archive.org/details/cia-readingroom-document-cia-rdp88-01315r000300120008-1 https://rumble.com/v26y5q4-dr.-john-coleman-committee-of-300-club-of-rome-and-royal-institute-of-int.-.html https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/evergreen-and-the-black-budget-operation
    EVERGREEN & The Black Budget Operation (PART 1)
    It all began with the firefighting planes that don't fight fires, leading one to ask, "then what exactly are all of those chemical tanks for?"...
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    Let's start with this observation,

    *Indefensible conduct is defended, inexcusable conduct is excused. Without accountability, it all becomes normal, and it will recur.*

    And continue with this;
    “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards,

    Our vineyard that are in bloom”

    Songs of Solomon 2:15

    Since I ran into this teaching this morning, I haven't always been a bubbling character,but this definitely worsened it. For,I saw in myself both victim and villain. I don't believe in flattering, and so I feel this scripture carries a profound instruction for every child of God.

    Foxes are destructive regardless of the size (little or big); as a matter of fact, foxes have been used severally in the Bible as a metaphor for destruction. ‘Little foxes’ in this context refers to those sins, attitudes and habits that we more often over-look, excuse or defend. Inconsequential as we may attempt to make them, they could have a huge negative impact in our lives,even as far as denying us the rapture , and by implications,*eternal life!*

    Too many times we are on the defensive because we feel we cannot do what the Bible says we should do. And then we struggle and argue, trying to twist the Bible to suit our position on the issues at hand.*THESE ARE THE LITTLE FOXES,* in our lives. None is exempted or immuned from the impact of these little forces, from pulpit to pew and from pew back to the pulpit. Titles even make it worse.
    You see some people saying things like: *thou shall not smoke* is not in the Bible; it still doesn’t change that that habit has a negative effect on you. *For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumble at just one point is guilty of breaking it all* James 2:10

    The reason why we get into these inner conflict is because we have not fully understood the implication of what Christ Jesus did on the Cross. He didn’t die just so He can forgive our sins when we get born-again and then expects us to figure out how to live right hence forth, No. He took away our sins and then made grace available to help us live the life He has called us to live.

    Titus 2:12 tells us that *God’s word teaches us to say *No*to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this PRESENT AGE. This is by the power of HIS SPIRIT that is at work within us… for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil His good purpose.

    However that *He works in you* doesn’t mean once we get born again, all the habits just fades and we begin to live a godly life automatically. What we received from salvation is the life of God in our spirit; our flesh is still the way it was. It is our responsibility to nurture the life that we received to effectively replace the old life. This is a continuous process; hence the Bible talks about the renewing of our mind by the word as seen in Romans 12:2 – And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

    For instance,we still cheat,tell lies,cover up wrongs by aiding and abetting with subtle threats of reprisals. But of all this,I consider the unforgiving spirit and bitterness in our hearts as even more dangerous, while not excusing or making light of others.

    31. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
    32. And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
    (Eph 4: 31-32)

    14. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
    15. Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; (Heb 12: 14-15)

    There are many in the church that say*I am sorry I cannot say sorry and I forgive but don't forget*
    These are very serious little foxes that must get rid of.

    So, how can we remove the foxes? Here are few steps that will help.

    Acknowledgement – the first step is to acknowledge that there is actually an issue that needs to be dealt with. Jeremiah 3:13 is a good example, where God said to the children of Israel; ‘Only acknowledge your iniquity’. This will help us to know where we are and to assess our progress.

    Discover your true self – Our true image is not who the circumstances of our life made us to be. Our true self is the person God says we are through His word. It is not just enough to discover; we have to start acting the word by proclaiming consistently what the word says about us. As we consistently declare the word God, our life begins to go in the direction of the word.

    Walk before God – this refers to constant fellowship and communion with God. Habits, attitudes, every negative attribute dies a natural death in the place of constant fellowship with God. As we fellowship with God, His presence rubs off on us and we begin to exhibit more of Him and less of our old self.

    Living the Christian life comes with many trials and temptations; there will always be little foxes placed by the devil to try to break your relationship with God. It is your duty to fight the good fight of faith and hold on to the word of God to keep you away from the little foxes.
    May His Grace and Mercy be sufficient for us in Christ Jesus Name, Amen !
    THE THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS IN A WORLD WHERE SIN IS KING (MATTHEW 4:9) 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 HOW THE DEVIL IS USING THE *LITTLE FOXES* IN OUR MIDST TO WRECK HAVOC IN THE CHURCH (SONGS OF SOLOMON 2:15) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 Let's start with this observation, *Indefensible conduct is defended, inexcusable conduct is excused. Without accountability, it all becomes normal, and it will recur.* And continue with this; “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, Our vineyard that are in bloom” Songs of Solomon 2:15 Since I ran into this teaching this morning, I haven't always been a bubbling character,but this definitely worsened it. For,I saw in myself both victim and villain. I don't believe in flattering, and so I feel this scripture carries a profound instruction for every child of God. Foxes are destructive regardless of the size (little or big); as a matter of fact, foxes have been used severally in the Bible as a metaphor for destruction. ‘Little foxes’ in this context refers to those sins, attitudes and habits that we more often over-look, excuse or defend. Inconsequential as we may attempt to make them, they could have a huge negative impact in our lives,even as far as denying us the rapture , and by implications,*eternal life!* Too many times we are on the defensive because we feel we cannot do what the Bible says we should do. And then we struggle and argue, trying to twist the Bible to suit our position on the issues at hand.*THESE ARE THE LITTLE FOXES,* in our lives. None is exempted or immuned from the impact of these little forces, from pulpit to pew and from pew back to the pulpit. Titles even make it worse. Q5 You see some people saying things like: *thou shall not smoke* is not in the Bible; it still doesn’t change that that habit has a negative effect on you. *For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumble at just one point is guilty of breaking it all* James 2:10 The reason why we get into these inner conflict is because we have not fully understood the implication of what Christ Jesus did on the Cross. He didn’t die just so He can forgive our sins when we get born-again and then expects us to figure out how to live right hence forth, No. He took away our sins and then made grace available to help us live the life He has called us to live. Titus 2:12 tells us that *God’s word teaches us to say *No*to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this PRESENT AGE. This is by the power of HIS SPIRIT that is at work within us… for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil His good purpose. However that *He works in you* doesn’t mean once we get born again, all the habits just fades and we begin to live a godly life automatically. What we received from salvation is the life of God in our spirit; our flesh is still the way it was. It is our responsibility to nurture the life that we received to effectively replace the old life. This is a continuous process; hence the Bible talks about the renewing of our mind by the word as seen in Romans 12:2 – And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. For instance,we still cheat,tell lies,cover up wrongs by aiding and abetting with subtle threats of reprisals. But of all this,I consider the unforgiving spirit and bitterness in our hearts as even more dangerous, while not excusing or making light of others. 31. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32. And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. (Eph 4: 31-32) 14. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: 15. Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; (Heb 12: 14-15) There are many in the church that say*I am sorry I cannot say sorry and I forgive but don't forget* These are very serious little foxes that must get rid of. So, how can we remove the foxes? Here are few steps that will help. 👉Acknowledgement – the first step is to acknowledge that there is actually an issue that needs to be dealt with. Jeremiah 3:13 is a good example, where God said to the children of Israel; ‘Only acknowledge your iniquity’. This will help us to know where we are and to assess our progress. 👉Discover your true self – Our true image is not who the circumstances of our life made us to be. Our true self is the person God says we are through His word. It is not just enough to discover; we have to start acting the word by proclaiming consistently what the word says about us. As we consistently declare the word God, our life begins to go in the direction of the word. 👉Walk before God – this refers to constant fellowship and communion with God. Habits, attitudes, every negative attribute dies a natural death in the place of constant fellowship with God. As we fellowship with God, His presence rubs off on us and we begin to exhibit more of Him and less of our old self. Living the Christian life comes with many trials and temptations; there will always be little foxes placed by the devil to try to break your relationship with God. It is your duty to fight the good fight of faith and hold on to the word of God to keep you away from the little foxes. May His Grace and Mercy be sufficient for us in Christ Jesus Name, Amen 🙇🙏!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2855 Views
  • Israel dropped over 85,000 tons of bombs on Gaza since start of genocide – Day 396
    [email protected] November 7, 2024 beit lahiya, bombs dropped on gaza, campus protest, deportation, ethnic cleansing, massacre, military aid to israel, Netanyahu, Rashida Tlaib, university of minnesota, unrwa, west bank deaths
    Palestinians will not be allowed to return to homes in northern Gaza, says Israeli military

    Israeli ground forces are getting closer to “the complete evacuation” of northern Gaza and residents will not be allowed to return home, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said, in what appears to be the first official acknowledgment from Israel it is systematically removing Palestinians from the area.

    In a media briefing on Tuesday night, the IDF Brig Gen Itzik Cohen told Israeli reporters that since troops had been forced to enter some areas twice, such as Jabaliya camp, “there is no intention of allowing the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to return to their homes”.

    He added that humanitarian aid would be allowed to “regularly” enter the south of the territory but not the north, since there are “no more civilians left”.

    International humanitarian law experts have said that such actions would amount to the war crimes of forcible transfer and the use of food as a weapon.

    (Read the full article here.)

    Israeli Strike on Home in Northern Gaza Kills 25, Including 13 Children

    An Israeli strike on a home in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza, killed at least 25 Palestinians, including 13 children, the Palestinian news agency WAFA reported on Tuesday.

    Medical sources told WAFA that people are still missing under the rubble, meaning the death toll could rise. Dr. Hussam Abu Safia, the director of the nearby Kamal Adwan Hospital, which has come under repeated Israeli attacks, said the home that was targeted was sheltering several displaced Palestinian families.

    According to The Associated Press, Israel claimed it targeted a weapons storage facility but, as usual, offered no evidence for the claim.

    Smoke rises following an Israeli bombardment of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza on Friday, Nov. 1
    Smoke rises following an Israeli bombardment of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza on Friday, Nov. 1 (AFP/Getty Images)
    Israel dropped over 85,000 tons of bombs inside Gaza since start of genocide

    The Israeli military has dropped more than 85,000 tons of bombs inside the besieged Gaza Strip since the start of the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza in October 2023, according to a statement by the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority.

    Palestinian officials say the continuous bombing “has caused the destruction of vast areas of agricultural land and contaminated soil with toxic chemicals, which will hinder agriculture in the enclave for decades.”

    Furthermore, the officials say Israeli attacks have caused significant damage to Gaza’s water sources, “causing polluted water to seep into groundwater basins, [posing] a health and environmental crisis that endangers hundreds of thousands of residents for future generations.”

    Earlier this year, the UN warned that removing tens of millions of tons of rubble left in the aftermath of Israel’s bombardment could take 15 years and cost between $500-600 million. Moreover, rebuilding destroyed homes could take at least until 2040.

    In economic terms, the UN Conference on Trade and Development said in a report released last month that if the war ends soon and Gaza returns to the status quo before 7 October 2023, it could take 350 years for its economy to return to its precarious prewar level.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Israel’s Scholasticide and the Irrelevance of US Politics: 11,923 Palestinian students didn’t go back to school this fall because Israel killed them

    Palestinian journalists at work during the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, Palestine, on October 15, 2023.
    Palestinian journalists at work during the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, Palestine, on October 15, 2023. (Momen Faiz / NurPhoto via Getty Images)
    Israel signs $5.2B deal to acquire advanced F-15 fighter jets

    Israel, which continues to strike both Gaza and Lebanon, announced signing a deal to purchase 25 next generation F-15 fighter jets from US aviation giant Boeing.

    In a statement, the Defense Ministry said the agreement, signed on Wednesday, is part of a broader aid package approved by the US administration and Congress earlier this year and includes an option for 25 additional aircraft.

    The jets will be “equipped with cutting-edge weapon systems” and integrated with advanced Israeli technologies, the statement said.

    According to the ministry, the upgraded aircraft will help the air force “maintain its strategic superiority in addressing current and future challenges in the Middle East.”

    Delivery of the aircraft will begin in 2031, with four to six aircraft to be supplied annually.

    Residents conduct a search and rescue operation after the Israeli army targeted Asma School, run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in the Shati refugee camp in Gaza Strip on October 27, 2024
    Residents conduct a search and rescue operation after the Israeli army targeted Asma School, run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in the Shati refugee camp in Gaza Strip on October 27, 2024 (Ayman Alhesi/Anadolu Agency)
    New criminal probe alleges Netanyahu tried to make discussions of the war “untraceable”

    Israeli police are investigating “criminal incidents” reportedly linked to meetings held by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet at the start of the war on Gaza in October last year, Israeli media reported on 5 November.

    “The police’s Lahav 433 investigation unit is conducting a criminal probe related to incidents from the start of the war, including several open investigations,” a police statement said, adding that further details remain under gag order and are barred from publication.

    The Times of Israel added that reports appearing in Hebrew media earlier this year claimed that Netanyahu had been “attempting to keep his conversations regarding the management of the war in Gaza untraceable.”

    Senior figures in the security establishment allegedly fear that efforts were being made to edit the minutes of wartime discussions held with Netanyahu after discovering discrepancies between transcripts of the meetings and what officials in attendance had heard first-hand.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem, on August 4, 2024
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem, on August 4, 2024 (NAAMA GRYNBAUM/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
    Knesset Passes Law to Deport Relatives of Resistance Fighters for Up to 20 Years

    Israel’s Knesset approved a bill on Wednesday to allow the deportation of relatives of resistance fighters (their word: “terrorists”) from Israel for up to 20 years. A temporary five-year provision was also passed, enabling the imprisonment of minors under 14 years of age who are convicted of homicide as part of a terror act.

    It was proposed by Likud lawmaker Hanoch Milwidsky, and states that family members may be deported by the Interior Minister to to Gaza “or another destination determined by the circumstances” if it is found that they “knew in advance of the [so-called] terrorist’s plan and did not take necessary measures to prevent it.”

    The interior minister would also have the authority to deport a relative who “expressed support or sympathy for the act of [so-called] terrorism or published praise, admiration, or encouragement.” A decision on the deportation will be made after a hearing.

    The law, which was fast-tracked, is considered extreme, and the Attorney General’s office did not issue an opinion on it after a representative claimed that despite the Attorney General’s request, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s position on the matter was not submitted.

    The law applies to the immediate family of [so-called] terrorists: parents, siblings, children, and spouses. Israeli citizens who meet the criteria will be deported for at least seven years and up to 15 years. Non-citizen deportees will face a minimum of 10 years and up to 20 years. Additionally, the police will have the authority to enforce deportations, “including the power to enter any premises, remove individuals, and use reasonable force.”

    NOTE: The use of the word “terrorist” for a group that resists occupation and oppression is a political, not fact-based choice. In reality, international law supports the efforts of resistance groups against an occupying power, the UN extending that right to the point of armed resistance. Hamas has clearly and openly stated that its enemy is not the Jewish people, but the supremacist ideology of Zionism – the ideology under which Israel dispossessed 750,000 Palestinian people and exiled them to Gaza and other locations.

    Red Cross officials wait outside Israel’s Ofer Prison as thousands of displaced Palestinians go to check on their homes as the 4-day humanitarian pause begins for prisoner exchange and aid in Ramallah, Gaza on November 24, 2023.
    Red Cross officials wait outside Israel’s Ofer Prison as thousands of displaced Palestinians go to check on their homes as the 4-day humanitarian pause begins for prisoner exchange and aid in Ramallah, Gaza on November 24, 2023. [Mostafa Alkharouf – Anadolu Agency] (Mostafa Alkharouf – Anadolu Agency)
    UN signals to Israel: Replacing UNRWA would be your responsibility

    The United Nations responded to Israel’s decision to cut ties with the Palestinian relief agency (UNRWA), by saying it has no responsibility to replace the agency’s operations in Gaza and the West Bank, signalling it was Israel’s problem as the occupying power, according to a letter excerpt seen by Reuters.

    Under a new law, Israel ended a 1967 cooperation agreement with UNRWA that covered the protection, movement and diplomatic immunity of the Agency. The law will also ban UNRWA’s operations in Israel from late January. UNRWA has said that its operations in Gaza and the West Bank are now at risk of collapse.

    “I would note, as a general point, that it is not our responsibility to replace UNRWA, nor do we have the capacity to do so,” UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres’ chef de cabinet, Courtenay Rattray, wrote to a senior Israeli foreign affairs official late on Tuesday.

    The mention of responsibility is a veiled reference to Israel’s obligations as an occupying power.

    The UN views Gaza and the West Bank as Israeli-occupied territory. International humanitarian law requires an occupying power to agree to relief programs for people in need and to facilitate them “by all the means at its disposal” and ensure food, medical care, hygiene and public health standards.

    NOTE: According to the Congressional Research Service, UNRWA’s budget for 2023 alone was $1.47 billion.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Israel Is Restricting Aid More Than Ever, UNRWA Warns as Millions Starve

    Israeli Settler Kills Palestinian, Israeli Forces Kill Another

    Israeli forces killed a Palestinian man, on Wednesday night, injured several citizens and abducted others, during a prolonged military assault on the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp.

    The Palestinian Health Ministry announced that the citizen, Abdullah Mohammad Saeed Saadi, 53, succumbed to a critical gunshot wound inflicted on him by occupation forces.

    The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that its ambulance crews transported a critically injured citizen to hospital for treatment, while sources at the Ibn Sina Hospital said that they received a seriously injured man who was shot in the thigh, later announcing his death.

    The PRCS added that occupation forces shot Saadi with three live rounds while he was in the “Hursh Al-Sa’ada” neighborhood in the western part of Jenin city.

    On Wednesday afternoon, an Israeli colonizer killed a Palestinian man after an alleged car-ramming attempt near the illegal “Shilo” colony, built on citizens’ lands northeast of Ramallah in the central occupied West Bank.

    The General Authority of Civil Affairs informed the Palestinian Health Ministry that the young man, Harith Khaled Abdullah Jabara, 32, succumbed to critical gunshot wounds during an alleged car-ramming attempt.

    The Health Ministry announced that occupation forces shot Jabara after his vehicle crashed at the entrance to the “Shilo” settlement, near the town of Turmus Ayya, injuring two Israeli colonizers.

    Israeli media reported that two Israeli settlers sustained minor injuries, while an armed colonizer shot and killed the suspect after he exited his vehicle.

    Since the beginning of the Israeli military onslaught against the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023, Israeli forces have killed 777 Palestinians in the West Bank, including 167 children, and injured 6,300.

    Abdullah Mohammad Saeed Saadi, Harith Khaled Abdullah Jabara, killed Wednesday Nov 6 in the West Bank
    Abdullah Mohammad Saeed Saadi, Harith Khaled Abdullah Jabara, killed Wednesday Nov 6 in the West Bank (IMEMC)
    Election: In Dearborn, Rashida Tlaib Did Nearly Twice as Well as Kamala Harris

    Harris refused to distance herself from the Biden administration’s support of Israel’s war on Gaza. Tlaib railed against it.

    Voters in the biggest U.S. city with an Arab-majority population shifted decisively toward Donald Trump on Tuesday, in a stinging rebuke of the Biden administration’s policies in the Middle East.

    Trump claimed 43 percent of the vote in Dearborn, Michigan, to Kamala Harris’s 36 percent. Jill Stein claimed 15 percent of the vote in the city, where the Green Party had notched less than 1 percent in 2020.

    Trump’s margin of victory in Dearborn represents a massive reversal from the 2020 election, when Joe Biden won 69 percent to Trump’s 30.

    The huge shift toward Trump will not be decisive in a race where he cruised to a Electoral College victory without the help of Michigan, the state with the highest percentage of Arab Americans. The state had yet to be called Wednesday morning.

    Still, it was a telling sign of how completely the administration has lost Arab Americans over the war.

    Down-ballot results suggest that the move was motivated in large part by anger toward the Biden administration rather than dissatisfaction with Democratic policies overall.

    Letter to U of Minnesota admin protesting suspension of students for protesting Gaza War

    Dear President Cunningham and Colleagues:

    We write on behalf of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) and its Committee on Academic Freedom to express our concern about the decision of the administration of the University of Minnesota (UMN) to indefinitely suspend eight students who participated in an occupation of a university building, Morrill Hall, on 21 October 2024.

    Whatever one thinks of the students’ action, we regard the university’s decision to bar them from classes, dormitories, dining halls and campus jobs as an unduly harsh sanction that violates their rights to education and sustenance.

    The fact that this sanction was imposed without the students having had the opportunity to defend their actions in a properly conducted disciplinary process makes it all the more egregious.

    The university’s actions in this regard seem aimed at deterring students from exercising the dictates of their conscience on matters of urgent public concern. They also contravene the University of Minnesota’s laudable tradition of countenancing contentious student protests…

    (Read the full letter here.)

    Pro-Palestine protesters stand firm as Chicago police officers prepare to begin arrests at the Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois on May 4, 2024. Protests on US school campuses are continuing nationwide, with pro-Palestine encampments calling on institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in Gaza
    Pro-Palestine protesters stand firm as Chicago police officers prepare to begin arrests at the Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois on May 4, 2024. Protests on US school campuses are continuing nationwide, with pro-Palestine encampments calling on institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in Gaza (photo)
    According to the World Health Organization, across Gaza as a whole, 556,774 children under age 10 -- or 94% -- received two doses of the polio vaccine in recent weeks.
    According to the World Health Organization, across Gaza as a whole, 556,774 children under age 10 — or 94% — received two doses of the polio vaccine in recent weeks. (social media)

    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    The Cradle: Israel’s war on Lebanon’s history and heritage

    Common Dreams: From Netanyahu to Orbán, Global Far-Right Figures Celebrate Trump Win

    Middle East Eye: How Arab autocrats enabled Israel’s Gaza genocide

    STATISTICS OCTOBER 7, 2023 – NOVEMBER 6, 2024:

    Palestinian death toll from October 7, 2023 – November 6, 2024: at least 44,159* ( 43,391 in Gaza* – 69% are women and children, according to Gaza’s Media Office). [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 778 in the West Bank (~166 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more in Gaza still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children).

    In July 2024, the Lancet said: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 300,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 25 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition (at least 37 of them children)**.
    About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced.
    Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – November 6, 2024: at least 108,647 (including at least 102,347 in Gaza and 6,300 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7, 2023 – November 6, 2024: ~1,574 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 396*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza (most recent: Nov 2); 39 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured.

    The death toll in Lebanon since October 8, 2023 is at least 3,050, with 13,658 injuries. An estimated 1.34 million have been displaced.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries of Israelis on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.

    **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    ***The figure does not include the reportedly 56 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org

    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    More than 100 BBC staff accuse broadcaster of Israel bias in Gaza coverage
    Witnesses Say The Israeli Army Is Using Facial Recognition Technology In Its Assault On North Gaza
    US Identified 500 Cases Where Its Weapons Harmed Gazan Civilians, But Hasn’t Taken Action
    UN schools in Gaza shaped our reporter’s childhood. She worries for the future.
    The powerful elites behind the Ukraine & Middle East wars – Col. Douglas Macgregor
    How Does AIPAC Shape Washington? We Tracked Every Dollar.
    The Religious Extremism That Motivates Israeli Settler Expansion in the West Bank
    Police escalate the British state’s war on independent journalism
    U.S. Media’s Doublespeak: Israelis Live in “Densely Populated Areas,” Palestinians Are “Human Shields”
    Where was Amnesty International during the Genocide in Gaza?
    FLASHBACK 2014: U.S. Senators Are Nearly All Stooges for Israel
    More on Israeli Atrocities: Attacking UN peacekeepers is a dangerous policy
    How Israel killed hundreds of its own people on October 7
    The most precarious place in the world to be a child: Israel’s year of war on children
    Every accusation a confession: Israel and the double lie of ‘human shields’
    Most Americans want to stop arming Israel. Politicians don’t care.
    Happy 100th birthday, Jimmy Carter – loved by many, smeared by some
    You can’t arm a genocidal state into moderation. So why does the West keep trying?
    How Does Israel Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools.
    From the Americas to Gaza: Spreading disease has long been used by colonizers to commit genocide
    Contrived charges of antisemitism are the new ‘Red Scare’
    How Israel’s quadcopters traumatize, maim and kill Palestinians in Gaza
    Israeli society’s dehumanization of Palestinians is now absolute
    The unpublished genocide diaries of Refaat Alareer


    Israel dropped over 85,000 tons of bombs on Gaza since start of genocide – Day 396 [email protected] November 7, 2024 beit lahiya, bombs dropped on gaza, campus protest, deportation, ethnic cleansing, massacre, military aid to israel, Netanyahu, Rashida Tlaib, university of minnesota, unrwa, west bank deaths Palestinians will not be allowed to return to homes in northern Gaza, says Israeli military Israeli ground forces are getting closer to “the complete evacuation” of northern Gaza and residents will not be allowed to return home, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said, in what appears to be the first official acknowledgment from Israel it is systematically removing Palestinians from the area. In a media briefing on Tuesday night, the IDF Brig Gen Itzik Cohen told Israeli reporters that since troops had been forced to enter some areas twice, such as Jabaliya camp, “there is no intention of allowing the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to return to their homes”. He added that humanitarian aid would be allowed to “regularly” enter the south of the territory but not the north, since there are “no more civilians left”. International humanitarian law experts have said that such actions would amount to the war crimes of forcible transfer and the use of food as a weapon. (Read the full article here.) Israeli Strike on Home in Northern Gaza Kills 25, Including 13 Children An Israeli strike on a home in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza, killed at least 25 Palestinians, including 13 children, the Palestinian news agency WAFA reported on Tuesday. Medical sources told WAFA that people are still missing under the rubble, meaning the death toll could rise. Dr. Hussam Abu Safia, the director of the nearby Kamal Adwan Hospital, which has come under repeated Israeli attacks, said the home that was targeted was sheltering several displaced Palestinian families. According to The Associated Press, Israel claimed it targeted a weapons storage facility but, as usual, offered no evidence for the claim. Smoke rises following an Israeli bombardment of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza on Friday, Nov. 1 Smoke rises following an Israeli bombardment of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza on Friday, Nov. 1 (AFP/Getty Images) Israel dropped over 85,000 tons of bombs inside Gaza since start of genocide The Israeli military has dropped more than 85,000 tons of bombs inside the besieged Gaza Strip since the start of the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza in October 2023, according to a statement by the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority. Palestinian officials say the continuous bombing “has caused the destruction of vast areas of agricultural land and contaminated soil with toxic chemicals, which will hinder agriculture in the enclave for decades.” Furthermore, the officials say Israeli attacks have caused significant damage to Gaza’s water sources, “causing polluted water to seep into groundwater basins, [posing] a health and environmental crisis that endangers hundreds of thousands of residents for future generations.” Earlier this year, the UN warned that removing tens of millions of tons of rubble left in the aftermath of Israel’s bombardment could take 15 years and cost between $500-600 million. Moreover, rebuilding destroyed homes could take at least until 2040. In economic terms, the UN Conference on Trade and Development said in a report released last month that if the war ends soon and Gaza returns to the status quo before 7 October 2023, it could take 350 years for its economy to return to its precarious prewar level. RECOMMENDED READING: Israel’s Scholasticide and the Irrelevance of US Politics: 11,923 Palestinian students didn’t go back to school this fall because Israel killed them Palestinian journalists at work during the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, Palestine, on October 15, 2023. Palestinian journalists at work during the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, Palestine, on October 15, 2023. (Momen Faiz / NurPhoto via Getty Images) Israel signs $5.2B deal to acquire advanced F-15 fighter jets Israel, which continues to strike both Gaza and Lebanon, announced signing a deal to purchase 25 next generation F-15 fighter jets from US aviation giant Boeing. In a statement, the Defense Ministry said the agreement, signed on Wednesday, is part of a broader aid package approved by the US administration and Congress earlier this year and includes an option for 25 additional aircraft. The jets will be “equipped with cutting-edge weapon systems” and integrated with advanced Israeli technologies, the statement said. According to the ministry, the upgraded aircraft will help the air force “maintain its strategic superiority in addressing current and future challenges in the Middle East.” Delivery of the aircraft will begin in 2031, with four to six aircraft to be supplied annually. Residents conduct a search and rescue operation after the Israeli army targeted Asma School, run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in the Shati refugee camp in Gaza Strip on October 27, 2024 Residents conduct a search and rescue operation after the Israeli army targeted Asma School, run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in the Shati refugee camp in Gaza Strip on October 27, 2024 (Ayman Alhesi/Anadolu Agency) New criminal probe alleges Netanyahu tried to make discussions of the war “untraceable” Israeli police are investigating “criminal incidents” reportedly linked to meetings held by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet at the start of the war on Gaza in October last year, Israeli media reported on 5 November. “The police’s Lahav 433 investigation unit is conducting a criminal probe related to incidents from the start of the war, including several open investigations,” a police statement said, adding that further details remain under gag order and are barred from publication. The Times of Israel added that reports appearing in Hebrew media earlier this year claimed that Netanyahu had been “attempting to keep his conversations regarding the management of the war in Gaza untraceable.” Senior figures in the security establishment allegedly fear that efforts were being made to edit the minutes of wartime discussions held with Netanyahu after discovering discrepancies between transcripts of the meetings and what officials in attendance had heard first-hand. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem, on August 4, 2024 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem, on August 4, 2024 (NAAMA GRYNBAUM/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) Knesset Passes Law to Deport Relatives of Resistance Fighters for Up to 20 Years Israel’s Knesset approved a bill on Wednesday to allow the deportation of relatives of resistance fighters (their word: “terrorists”) from Israel for up to 20 years. A temporary five-year provision was also passed, enabling the imprisonment of minors under 14 years of age who are convicted of homicide as part of a terror act. It was proposed by Likud lawmaker Hanoch Milwidsky, and states that family members may be deported by the Interior Minister to to Gaza “or another destination determined by the circumstances” if it is found that they “knew in advance of the [so-called] terrorist’s plan and did not take necessary measures to prevent it.” The interior minister would also have the authority to deport a relative who “expressed support or sympathy for the act of [so-called] terrorism or published praise, admiration, or encouragement.” A decision on the deportation will be made after a hearing. The law, which was fast-tracked, is considered extreme, and the Attorney General’s office did not issue an opinion on it after a representative claimed that despite the Attorney General’s request, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s position on the matter was not submitted. The law applies to the immediate family of [so-called] terrorists: parents, siblings, children, and spouses. Israeli citizens who meet the criteria will be deported for at least seven years and up to 15 years. Non-citizen deportees will face a minimum of 10 years and up to 20 years. Additionally, the police will have the authority to enforce deportations, “including the power to enter any premises, remove individuals, and use reasonable force.” NOTE: The use of the word “terrorist” for a group that resists occupation and oppression is a political, not fact-based choice. In reality, international law supports the efforts of resistance groups against an occupying power, the UN extending that right to the point of armed resistance. Hamas has clearly and openly stated that its enemy is not the Jewish people, but the supremacist ideology of Zionism – the ideology under which Israel dispossessed 750,000 Palestinian people and exiled them to Gaza and other locations. Red Cross officials wait outside Israel’s Ofer Prison as thousands of displaced Palestinians go to check on their homes as the 4-day humanitarian pause begins for prisoner exchange and aid in Ramallah, Gaza on November 24, 2023. Red Cross officials wait outside Israel’s Ofer Prison as thousands of displaced Palestinians go to check on their homes as the 4-day humanitarian pause begins for prisoner exchange and aid in Ramallah, Gaza on November 24, 2023. [Mostafa Alkharouf – Anadolu Agency] (Mostafa Alkharouf – Anadolu Agency) UN signals to Israel: Replacing UNRWA would be your responsibility The United Nations responded to Israel’s decision to cut ties with the Palestinian relief agency (UNRWA), by saying it has no responsibility to replace the agency’s operations in Gaza and the West Bank, signalling it was Israel’s problem as the occupying power, according to a letter excerpt seen by Reuters. Under a new law, Israel ended a 1967 cooperation agreement with UNRWA that covered the protection, movement and diplomatic immunity of the Agency. The law will also ban UNRWA’s operations in Israel from late January. UNRWA has said that its operations in Gaza and the West Bank are now at risk of collapse. “I would note, as a general point, that it is not our responsibility to replace UNRWA, nor do we have the capacity to do so,” UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres’ chef de cabinet, Courtenay Rattray, wrote to a senior Israeli foreign affairs official late on Tuesday. The mention of responsibility is a veiled reference to Israel’s obligations as an occupying power. The UN views Gaza and the West Bank as Israeli-occupied territory. International humanitarian law requires an occupying power to agree to relief programs for people in need and to facilitate them “by all the means at its disposal” and ensure food, medical care, hygiene and public health standards. NOTE: According to the Congressional Research Service, UNRWA’s budget for 2023 alone was $1.47 billion. RECOMMENDED READING: Israel Is Restricting Aid More Than Ever, UNRWA Warns as Millions Starve Israeli Settler Kills Palestinian, Israeli Forces Kill Another Israeli forces killed a Palestinian man, on Wednesday night, injured several citizens and abducted others, during a prolonged military assault on the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp. The Palestinian Health Ministry announced that the citizen, Abdullah Mohammad Saeed Saadi, 53, succumbed to a critical gunshot wound inflicted on him by occupation forces. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that its ambulance crews transported a critically injured citizen to hospital for treatment, while sources at the Ibn Sina Hospital said that they received a seriously injured man who was shot in the thigh, later announcing his death. The PRCS added that occupation forces shot Saadi with three live rounds while he was in the “Hursh Al-Sa’ada” neighborhood in the western part of Jenin city. On Wednesday afternoon, an Israeli colonizer killed a Palestinian man after an alleged car-ramming attempt near the illegal “Shilo” colony, built on citizens’ lands northeast of Ramallah in the central occupied West Bank. The General Authority of Civil Affairs informed the Palestinian Health Ministry that the young man, Harith Khaled Abdullah Jabara, 32, succumbed to critical gunshot wounds during an alleged car-ramming attempt. The Health Ministry announced that occupation forces shot Jabara after his vehicle crashed at the entrance to the “Shilo” settlement, near the town of Turmus Ayya, injuring two Israeli colonizers. Israeli media reported that two Israeli settlers sustained minor injuries, while an armed colonizer shot and killed the suspect after he exited his vehicle. Since the beginning of the Israeli military onslaught against the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023, Israeli forces have killed 777 Palestinians in the West Bank, including 167 children, and injured 6,300. Abdullah Mohammad Saeed Saadi, Harith Khaled Abdullah Jabara, killed Wednesday Nov 6 in the West Bank Abdullah Mohammad Saeed Saadi, Harith Khaled Abdullah Jabara, killed Wednesday Nov 6 in the West Bank (IMEMC) Election: In Dearborn, Rashida Tlaib Did Nearly Twice as Well as Kamala Harris Harris refused to distance herself from the Biden administration’s support of Israel’s war on Gaza. Tlaib railed against it. Voters in the biggest U.S. city with an Arab-majority population shifted decisively toward Donald Trump on Tuesday, in a stinging rebuke of the Biden administration’s policies in the Middle East. Trump claimed 43 percent of the vote in Dearborn, Michigan, to Kamala Harris’s 36 percent. Jill Stein claimed 15 percent of the vote in the city, where the Green Party had notched less than 1 percent in 2020. Trump’s margin of victory in Dearborn represents a massive reversal from the 2020 election, when Joe Biden won 69 percent to Trump’s 30. The huge shift toward Trump will not be decisive in a race where he cruised to a Electoral College victory without the help of Michigan, the state with the highest percentage of Arab Americans. The state had yet to be called Wednesday morning. Still, it was a telling sign of how completely the administration has lost Arab Americans over the war. Down-ballot results suggest that the move was motivated in large part by anger toward the Biden administration rather than dissatisfaction with Democratic policies overall. Letter to U of Minnesota admin protesting suspension of students for protesting Gaza War Dear President Cunningham and Colleagues: We write on behalf of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) and its Committee on Academic Freedom to express our concern about the decision of the administration of the University of Minnesota (UMN) to indefinitely suspend eight students who participated in an occupation of a university building, Morrill Hall, on 21 October 2024. Whatever one thinks of the students’ action, we regard the university’s decision to bar them from classes, dormitories, dining halls and campus jobs as an unduly harsh sanction that violates their rights to education and sustenance. The fact that this sanction was imposed without the students having had the opportunity to defend their actions in a properly conducted disciplinary process makes it all the more egregious. The university’s actions in this regard seem aimed at deterring students from exercising the dictates of their conscience on matters of urgent public concern. They also contravene the University of Minnesota’s laudable tradition of countenancing contentious student protests… (Read the full letter here.) Pro-Palestine protesters stand firm as Chicago police officers prepare to begin arrests at the Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois on May 4, 2024. Protests on US school campuses are continuing nationwide, with pro-Palestine encampments calling on institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in Gaza Pro-Palestine protesters stand firm as Chicago police officers prepare to begin arrests at the Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois on May 4, 2024. Protests on US school campuses are continuing nationwide, with pro-Palestine encampments calling on institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in Gaza (photo) According to the World Health Organization, across Gaza as a whole, 556,774 children under age 10 -- or 94% -- received two doses of the polio vaccine in recent weeks. According to the World Health Organization, across Gaza as a whole, 556,774 children under age 10 — or 94% — received two doses of the polio vaccine in recent weeks. (social media) MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. The Cradle: Israel’s war on Lebanon’s history and heritage Common Dreams: From Netanyahu to Orbán, Global Far-Right Figures Celebrate Trump Win Middle East Eye: How Arab autocrats enabled Israel’s Gaza genocide STATISTICS OCTOBER 7, 2023 – NOVEMBER 6, 2024: Palestinian death toll from October 7, 2023 – November 6, 2024: at least 44,159* ( 43,391 in Gaza* – 69% are women and children, according to Gaza’s Media Office). [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 778 in the West Bank (~166 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more in Gaza still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). In July 2024, the Lancet said: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 300,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 25 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition (at least 37 of them children)**. About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced. Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – November 6, 2024: at least 108,647 (including at least 102,347 in Gaza and 6,300 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7, 2023 – November 6, 2024: ~1,574 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 396*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza (most recent: Nov 2); 39 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured. The death toll in Lebanon since October 8, 2023 is at least 3,050, with 13,658 injuries. An estimated 1.34 million have been displaced. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries of Israelis on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so. **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. ***The figure does not include the reportedly 56 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) More than 100 BBC staff accuse broadcaster of Israel bias in Gaza coverage Witnesses Say The Israeli Army Is Using Facial Recognition Technology In Its Assault On North Gaza US Identified 500 Cases Where Its Weapons Harmed Gazan Civilians, But Hasn’t Taken Action UN schools in Gaza shaped our reporter’s childhood. She worries for the future. The powerful elites behind the Ukraine & Middle East wars – Col. Douglas Macgregor How Does AIPAC Shape Washington? We Tracked Every Dollar. The Religious Extremism That Motivates Israeli Settler Expansion in the West Bank Police escalate the British state’s war on independent journalism U.S. Media’s Doublespeak: Israelis Live in “Densely Populated Areas,” Palestinians Are “Human Shields” Where was Amnesty International during the Genocide in Gaza? FLASHBACK 2014: U.S. Senators Are Nearly All Stooges for Israel More on Israeli Atrocities: Attacking UN peacekeepers is a dangerous policy How Israel killed hundreds of its own people on October 7 The most precarious place in the world to be a child: Israel’s year of war on children Every accusation a confession: Israel and the double lie of ‘human shields’ Most Americans want to stop arming Israel. Politicians don’t care. Happy 100th birthday, Jimmy Carter – loved by many, smeared by some You can’t arm a genocidal state into moderation. So why does the West keep trying? How Does Israel Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools. From the Americas to Gaza: Spreading disease has long been used by colonizers to commit genocide Contrived charges of antisemitism are the new ‘Red Scare’ How Israel’s quadcopters traumatize, maim and kill Palestinians in Gaza Israeli society’s dehumanization of Palestinians is now absolute The unpublished genocide diaries of Refaat Alareer https://israelpalestinenews.org/israel-dropped-85000-tons-bombs-gaza-genocide-day-396/ https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/11/israel-dropped-over-85000-tons-of-bombs.html
    Israel dropped over 85,000 tons of bombs on Gaza since start of genocide – Day 396
    Israel orders $5.2B worth of new fighter jets; new criminal probe opened against Netanyahu; what Rashida Tlaib's re-election signifies; more.
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  • PALESTINIANS GENOCIDE Act 2. Zio-US Supporter of Biden-Harris Plans to Deploy Mercenaries to Gaza for a Netanyahu’s Lager
    Fabio G. C. CarisioOctober 25, 2024

    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    by Yaniv Cogan and Jeremy Scahill – originally published on Drop Site

    All Links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added in the aftermath for the ties withe the topics covered in this post


    The Israeli government is actively considering a plan to deploy operatives from private U.S. logistics and security companies in the Gaza Strip under the auspices of delivering humanitarian aid, according to Israeli media reports.

    Israel’s security cabinet convened Sunday evening to discuss the proposal and is expected to approve a “pilot” program and begin conducting test runs in the next two months, according to Israeli media reports. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “agreed to examine” the plan last week, according to Haaretz.

    A “gated community” in Gaza where Palestinians would be subjected to biometric screening

    The media reports portray the plan as the brainchild of Israeli-American businessman Mordechai “Moti” Kahana, the CEO of Global Delivery Company (GDC), who describes his for-profit business as “Uber for War Zones.” Kahana, a passionate supporter of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, has spent the past year aggressively trying to find a role for his company in Israel’s war on Gaza.

    Among Kahana’s goals is to create a “gated community” in Gaza where Palestinians would be subjected to biometric screenings in order to receive humanitarian aid. For months, there has been discussion in Israel of creating “humanitarian bubbles” in northern Gaza where aid could be distributed after Israeli forces declare Hamas fighters have been eliminated from the areas. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has championed the idea. Rumors have been swirling in Israel about how this might be achieved and who might run the operations.

    Update – “TOWARDS A NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE”. Russia Warning on BIDEN’s US Policies in Ukraine and Middle East. Moscow: “Outrageous Harris”

    “GDC and its subcontractor have had extensive discussions with the Israeli government including the Ministry of Defense, the Israeli Defense Forces, and the Prime Minister’s Office on the modalities for this initiative,” GDC said in a statement on Monday. The company asserted that “well trained private security is the only realistic way” to deliver aid to Gaza “as long as the nations are unwilling to put their troops on the ground in Gaza and UN peacekeepers are seen as ineffective.”

    It added, “Personnel working for our security sub-contractor are trained and equipped for non-lethal and lethal methods of crowd control. They are trained to use deadly force only as a last resort if their lives are in danger. IDF forces on the other hand are combat troops who lack the training, equipment and discipline to avoid deadly force unless absolutely necessary. Using combat soldiers for this mission is almost sure to lead to civilian casualties.”

    An American Neo-Nazi who Fought within Azov Battalion Avowes the Crimes of his Ukrainian ‘colleagues’

    GDC’s pilot proposal with Constellis, partner of Blackwater, the infamous mercenary company

    GDC’s pilot proposal includes a plan to partner with Constellis—a successor and parent company to what was once Blackwater, the infamous mercenary company founded by Erik Prince. Constellis maintains it has no ties to Prince. The company operates in Israel on a Pentagon contract to provide security for U.S. personnel working at a discreet radar facility in the Negev desert 30 miles from Gaza. The site was established to provide early warnings of Iranian ballistic missile attacks. Among Constellis’s subsidiaries is the mercenary company Triple Canopy, which has long worked for the U.S. government and private companies in war and conflict zones across the globe. Constellis did not respond to a request for comment.

    While Kahana has been presented in Israeli media as generating the proposal for a private security force to deliver aid to Gaza, it is unclear if the Israeli government is actually considering his specific offer or exploring alternative private security contractors. A private U.S. security company would need approval from the State Department to offer armed services to a foreign entity or the Israeli government. In its statement Monday, GDC said it planned to follow up with the Israeli government and would “seek to meet with the government of the United States, the United Nations and humanitarian organizations active in Gaza.”

    OTHER WAR CRIMES IN UKRAINE BY WESTERN FOREIGN FIGHTERS. Moscow will Probe on Mercenary’s Atrocities against Russian POWs

    The barrage of media reports stating the Israeli government is increasingly occupied with humanitarian aid distribution logistics comes at a time when Israeli policy on the ground demonstrates it remains unwavering in its commitment to wage a war of extermination against Palestinians in Gaza. The entire discussion of “day after” plans for Gaza and the rumors and reports about proposals for private security may be a smokescreen. Whether Israel is seriously considering a plan to deploy a private force or not, it has made clear it intends to remain in Gaza indefinitely and has no plans to end its genocidal operations.

    “Uber for War Zones”

    Kahana frequently posts on Twitter (X), expanding on his vision for a “humanitarian” operation in Gaza in which eligibility to receive humanitarian aid is conditioned on passing biometric tests to determine if one is a “terrorist.” “Terrorists will get a bullet,” he vowed in one tweet. In response to questions from Drop Site News, Kahana added that it would be “similar to Miami without [a] golf course and swimming pool.” “It won’t be [a] ghetto,” he wrote, “they can go in and out anytime but it will have the goal of safe and secure communities with local Palestinian leadership and government.” GDC and company would be “just [providing] security.”

    GDC founder Moti Kahana in Jerusalem on February 18, 2016.
    GDC has counted among its employees Stuart Seldowitz, the disgraced Obama administration official who was charged with a hate crime after harassing a halal food cart vendor. Kahana said Seldowitz was his “humanitarian diplomacy senior consultant.” GDC reportedly cut ties with Seldowitz soon after the incident, but Kahana said he is open to Seldowitz working with GDC in Gaza. “He is still a friend,” Kahana told Drop Site. “He helped GDC to save over 5,000 Muslims in Afghanistan, and he is welcome to do the same thing in Gaza with us.” Kahana himself has a record of incendiary statements, describing U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib as Hamas’s “designated ambassador to the U.S.” and the underground tunnel system used by Al-Qassam Brigades in Gaza as the “system of the rat.”

    GDC currently employs several former high-ranking Israeli officers—Brigadier General (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, a member of the extremist Think Tank “HaBitchonistim” which has advised Netanyahu since the outset of the genocide, and Lieutenant colonel Doron Avital, as well as former Chief Intelligence Officer David Tzur. GDC’s team also includes recently retired U.S. Green Beret Col. Justin Sapp, a consultant for Constellis and a veteran of covert CIA paramilitary operations in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks. Its logistical director is former U.S. Navy officer Michael Durnan.

    ZIO-NAZIS GENOCIDES IN HOLY LAND. Netanyahu starts Christians Massacre in Lebanon after Muslims ones in Gaza

    On Monday, Kahana tweeted that GDC would start its Gaza project as soon as it received approval and added, “our team leader who will be running the Gaza [project] conquered [Mazar-i-Sharif] in Afghanistan after September 11.” In a subsequent interview with YNet, Kahana said he was speaking about Sapp, the former Green Beret.

    Kahana has boasted that his company has operated for 14 years in five wars: Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, and Gaza. “Our slogan is ‘We Deliver,’” he wrote on X in March. GDC, a for-profit business operating since at least 2019, grew out of Kahana’s previous New York-based nonprofit called Amaliah. “My company is like a war-zone Uber/UPS for people and goods,” Kahana said in July 2023. “I can be here on my farm [in New Jersey] directing an operation in the Middle East.”

    GDC and Constellis have worked together in Ukraine

    Constellis is listed as an official partner on GDC’s site and GDC and Constellis have worked together in Ukraine, according to The Jewish Chronicle and confirmed by Kahana to Drop Site News. While GDC moved sunflower oil out and diesel into the country, Constellis provided security services. Constellis is one of the largest private security companies in the world. It claims to have operated in more than 50 countries and has several divisions and subsidiaries. In 2022, its subsidiary Triple Canopy won a 10-year contract to provide security to the U.S. embassy in Iraq worth an estimated $1.3 billion. It also owns Olive Group, a British private security and training firm.

    Final Countdown to Complete 1948’s Nakba. Israeli Govt admits the ZioNazi Genocide’s Goal: Depopulate Gaza Strip

    In a recent tweet, Kahana shared a screenshot of a presentation dated May 30 describing the proposed pilot, which at the time was slated to begin in July and focus on Beit Hanoun. Constellis is named as a partner. Haaretz reporter Amos Harel, while not naming Constellis, said in a recent podcast interview that the company Israel was considering outsourcing the project to “had apparently worked with the Americans in Iraq.” Kahana has described the security force he would work with as “made up of ex-combatants, veterans of elite units from the USA, England and France. The common denominator of all of them is that they are not Jewish.”

    Russia. “NATO Troops directly involved in Ukraine Conflict”. Many Foreign Fighters Killed: 1,427 Polish, 466 US, and 344 UK nationals

    Kahana has been trying to get the Israeli government’s attention back in October 2023 he touted a plan to leverage humanitarian aid in order to secure the release of Israeli hostages. At the time, his plan was rejected by the Israeli government as “[sounding] like Hamas propaganda stemming from the pressure they are under.”

    In November 2023, Kahana joked about ethnically cleansing Gaza and moving its population to Jordan, and likened anti-genocide protesters in the US to “the mice in the tunnels of Gaza.” Referring to footage of a Palestinian child who arrived at Al-Shifa Hospital having survived an Israeli attack, covered in dust and blood and trembling uncontrollably, he wrote, “No worries. We are going to liberate him from Hamas.”


    Israeli government was contemplating outsourcing aid truck escorts to a private U.S. contractor

    Private Security Companies used by US in CIA and Military Operations

    CIA-GATE – 8. How CIA Launder US Financial Aid through its Contractors in Ukraine: Noetic International – Part II

    FREEMASONRY and ZIONISM – 2. Toward Diabolical Apocalypse. Guardian Forecast Hundreds of Casualties in Israel. Then Thousands in West for Nuke Winds

    US OK TO ISRAELI INVASION IN LEBANON. BIDEN forces MIDDLE EAST toward HUGE WAR. To Engage Moscow and Weaken the Russian Army in Ukraine

    “Zionist lobby group AIPAC puts US govt. in Chokehold for funding Genocide in Gaza”. Ex Congressional staffer said

    FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines.

    Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal.

    His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more…

    Most popolar investigation on VT is:

    Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting.

    For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime.

    With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians.

    In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence.

    In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates

    His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others

    He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator.




    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

    About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy
    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.


    PALESTINIANS GENOCIDE Act 2. Zio-US Supporter of Biden-Harris Plans to Deploy Mercenaries to Gaza for a Netanyahu’s Lager Fabio G. C. CarisioOctober 25, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. by Yaniv Cogan and Jeremy Scahill – originally published on Drop Site All Links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added in the aftermath for the ties withe the topics covered in this post VERSIONE IN ITALIANO The Israeli government is actively considering a plan to deploy operatives from private U.S. logistics and security companies in the Gaza Strip under the auspices of delivering humanitarian aid, according to Israeli media reports. Israel’s security cabinet convened Sunday evening to discuss the proposal and is expected to approve a “pilot” program and begin conducting test runs in the next two months, according to Israeli media reports. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “agreed to examine” the plan last week, according to Haaretz. A “gated community” in Gaza where Palestinians would be subjected to biometric screening The media reports portray the plan as the brainchild of Israeli-American businessman Mordechai “Moti” Kahana, the CEO of Global Delivery Company (GDC), who describes his for-profit business as “Uber for War Zones.” Kahana, a passionate supporter of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, has spent the past year aggressively trying to find a role for his company in Israel’s war on Gaza. Among Kahana’s goals is to create a “gated community” in Gaza where Palestinians would be subjected to biometric screenings in order to receive humanitarian aid. For months, there has been discussion in Israel of creating “humanitarian bubbles” in northern Gaza where aid could be distributed after Israeli forces declare Hamas fighters have been eliminated from the areas. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has championed the idea. Rumors have been swirling in Israel about how this might be achieved and who might run the operations. Update – “TOWARDS A NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE”. Russia Warning on BIDEN’s US Policies in Ukraine and Middle East. Moscow: “Outrageous Harris” “GDC and its subcontractor have had extensive discussions with the Israeli government including the Ministry of Defense, the Israeli Defense Forces, and the Prime Minister’s Office on the modalities for this initiative,” GDC said in a statement on Monday. The company asserted that “well trained private security is the only realistic way” to deliver aid to Gaza “as long as the nations are unwilling to put their troops on the ground in Gaza and UN peacekeepers are seen as ineffective.” It added, “Personnel working for our security sub-contractor are trained and equipped for non-lethal and lethal methods of crowd control. They are trained to use deadly force only as a last resort if their lives are in danger. IDF forces on the other hand are combat troops who lack the training, equipment and discipline to avoid deadly force unless absolutely necessary. Using combat soldiers for this mission is almost sure to lead to civilian casualties.” An American Neo-Nazi who Fought within Azov Battalion Avowes the Crimes of his Ukrainian ‘colleagues’ GDC’s pilot proposal with Constellis, partner of Blackwater, the infamous mercenary company GDC’s pilot proposal includes a plan to partner with Constellis—a successor and parent company to what was once Blackwater, the infamous mercenary company founded by Erik Prince. Constellis maintains it has no ties to Prince. The company operates in Israel on a Pentagon contract to provide security for U.S. personnel working at a discreet radar facility in the Negev desert 30 miles from Gaza. The site was established to provide early warnings of Iranian ballistic missile attacks. Among Constellis’s subsidiaries is the mercenary company Triple Canopy, which has long worked for the U.S. government and private companies in war and conflict zones across the globe. Constellis did not respond to a request for comment. While Kahana has been presented in Israeli media as generating the proposal for a private security force to deliver aid to Gaza, it is unclear if the Israeli government is actually considering his specific offer or exploring alternative private security contractors. A private U.S. security company would need approval from the State Department to offer armed services to a foreign entity or the Israeli government. In its statement Monday, GDC said it planned to follow up with the Israeli government and would “seek to meet with the government of the United States, the United Nations and humanitarian organizations active in Gaza.” OTHER WAR CRIMES IN UKRAINE BY WESTERN FOREIGN FIGHTERS. Moscow will Probe on Mercenary’s Atrocities against Russian POWs The barrage of media reports stating the Israeli government is increasingly occupied with humanitarian aid distribution logistics comes at a time when Israeli policy on the ground demonstrates it remains unwavering in its commitment to wage a war of extermination against Palestinians in Gaza. The entire discussion of “day after” plans for Gaza and the rumors and reports about proposals for private security may be a smokescreen. Whether Israel is seriously considering a plan to deploy a private force or not, it has made clear it intends to remain in Gaza indefinitely and has no plans to end its genocidal operations. “Uber for War Zones” Kahana frequently posts on Twitter (X), expanding on his vision for a “humanitarian” operation in Gaza in which eligibility to receive humanitarian aid is conditioned on passing biometric tests to determine if one is a “terrorist.” “Terrorists will get a bullet,” he vowed in one tweet. In response to questions from Drop Site News, Kahana added that it would be “similar to Miami without [a] golf course and swimming pool.” “It won’t be [a] ghetto,” he wrote, “they can go in and out anytime but it will have the goal of safe and secure communities with local Palestinian leadership and government.” GDC and company would be “just [providing] security.” GDC founder Moti Kahana in Jerusalem on February 18, 2016. GDC has counted among its employees Stuart Seldowitz, the disgraced Obama administration official who was charged with a hate crime after harassing a halal food cart vendor. Kahana said Seldowitz was his “humanitarian diplomacy senior consultant.” GDC reportedly cut ties with Seldowitz soon after the incident, but Kahana said he is open to Seldowitz working with GDC in Gaza. “He is still a friend,” Kahana told Drop Site. “He helped GDC to save over 5,000 Muslims in Afghanistan, and he is welcome to do the same thing in Gaza with us.” Kahana himself has a record of incendiary statements, describing U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib as Hamas’s “designated ambassador to the U.S.” and the underground tunnel system used by Al-Qassam Brigades in Gaza as the “system of the rat.” GDC currently employs several former high-ranking Israeli officers—Brigadier General (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, a member of the extremist Think Tank “HaBitchonistim” which has advised Netanyahu since the outset of the genocide, and Lieutenant colonel Doron Avital, as well as former Chief Intelligence Officer David Tzur. GDC’s team also includes recently retired U.S. Green Beret Col. Justin Sapp, a consultant for Constellis and a veteran of covert CIA paramilitary operations in Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks. Its logistical director is former U.S. Navy officer Michael Durnan. ZIO-NAZIS GENOCIDES IN HOLY LAND. Netanyahu starts Christians Massacre in Lebanon after Muslims ones in Gaza On Monday, Kahana tweeted that GDC would start its Gaza project as soon as it received approval and added, “our team leader who will be running the Gaza [project] conquered [Mazar-i-Sharif] in Afghanistan after September 11.” In a subsequent interview with YNet, Kahana said he was speaking about Sapp, the former Green Beret. Kahana has boasted that his company has operated for 14 years in five wars: Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, and Gaza. “Our slogan is ‘We Deliver,’” he wrote on X in March. GDC, a for-profit business operating since at least 2019, grew out of Kahana’s previous New York-based nonprofit called Amaliah. “My company is like a war-zone Uber/UPS for people and goods,” Kahana said in July 2023. “I can be here on my farm [in New Jersey] directing an operation in the Middle East.” GDC and Constellis have worked together in Ukraine Constellis is listed as an official partner on GDC’s site and GDC and Constellis have worked together in Ukraine, according to The Jewish Chronicle and confirmed by Kahana to Drop Site News. While GDC moved sunflower oil out and diesel into the country, Constellis provided security services. Constellis is one of the largest private security companies in the world. It claims to have operated in more than 50 countries and has several divisions and subsidiaries. In 2022, its subsidiary Triple Canopy won a 10-year contract to provide security to the U.S. embassy in Iraq worth an estimated $1.3 billion. It also owns Olive Group, a British private security and training firm. Final Countdown to Complete 1948’s Nakba. Israeli Govt admits the ZioNazi Genocide’s Goal: Depopulate Gaza Strip In a recent tweet, Kahana shared a screenshot of a presentation dated May 30 describing the proposed pilot, which at the time was slated to begin in July and focus on Beit Hanoun. Constellis is named as a partner. Haaretz reporter Amos Harel, while not naming Constellis, said in a recent podcast interview that the company Israel was considering outsourcing the project to “had apparently worked with the Americans in Iraq.” Kahana has described the security force he would work with as “made up of ex-combatants, veterans of elite units from the USA, England and France. The common denominator of all of them is that they are not Jewish.” Russia. “NATO Troops directly involved in Ukraine Conflict”. Many Foreign Fighters Killed: 1,427 Polish, 466 US, and 344 UK nationals Kahana has been trying to get the Israeli government’s attention back in October 2023 he touted a plan to leverage humanitarian aid in order to secure the release of Israeli hostages. At the time, his plan was rejected by the Israeli government as “[sounding] like Hamas propaganda stemming from the pressure they are under.” In November 2023, Kahana joked about ethnically cleansing Gaza and moving its population to Jordan, and likened anti-genocide protesters in the US to “the mice in the tunnels of Gaza.” Referring to footage of a Palestinian child who arrived at Al-Shifa Hospital having survived an Israeli attack, covered in dust and blood and trembling uncontrollably, he wrote, “No worries. We are going to liberate him from Hamas.” READ MORE ABOUT Israeli government was contemplating outsourcing aid truck escorts to a private U.S. contractor Private Security Companies used by US in CIA and Military Operations CIA-GATE – 8. How CIA Launder US Financial Aid through its Contractors in Ukraine: Noetic International – Part II FREEMASONRY and ZIONISM – 2. Toward Diabolical Apocalypse. Guardian Forecast Hundreds of Casualties in Israel. Then Thousands in West for Nuke Winds US OK TO ISRAELI INVASION IN LEBANON. BIDEN forces MIDDLE EAST toward HUGE WAR. To Engage Moscow and Weaken the Russian Army in Ukraine “Zionist lobby group AIPAC puts US govt. in Chokehold for funding Genocide in Gaza”. Ex Congressional staffer said FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines. Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal. His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more… Most popolar investigation on VT is: Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting. For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime. With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians. In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence. In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator. VETERANS TODAY OLD POSTS www.gospanews.net/ ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/10/palestinians-genocide-act-2-the-plan-to-deploy-ruthless-mercenaries-to-gaza-for-new-netanyahus-lager/ https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/10/palestinians-genocide-act-2.html
    PALESTINIANS GENOCIDE Act 2. Zio-US Supporter of Biden-Harris Plans to Deploy Mercenaries to Gaza for a Netanyahu’s Lager
    by Yaniv Cogan and Jeremy Scahill - originally published on Drop Site All Links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added in the aftermath for the ties withe the topics covered in this post VERSIONE IN ITALIANO The Israeli government is actively considering a plan to deploy operatives from private U.S. logistics and security
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  • The Lost SuperFoods:
    It contains only long lasting foods that can be stored without refrigeration:

    Today’s people appear to be so engrossed in modern trends and methods, so much so that they have forgotten the old ways of doing things. Especially when preparing and preserving food, no one thinks of following our grandfathers’ methods.

    How can we go back to the ways of our ancient people? This is where the Lost Super-foods book comes into play. A hundred years ago or more, people were more self-sufficient than the average American today. They had medicine gardens in their backyards, smokehouses, wells, charcoal for water purification, root cellars, and wild game and fish traps.

    The Lost Super-foods is a good resource developed by Art Rude, Lex Rooker, Claude Davis, and Fred Dwight. The book is a compilation of more than 30 recipes of long-lasting survival foods and stockpile recommendations that people can use today. With 270 pages, the book allows readers to discover various traditional recipes and methods.

    This lost survival food knowledge is so organised that anyone, even people with absolutely no prior cooking or stockpiling experience can take advantage of it.

    What is Lost Superfoods Book?

    The Lost Super-foods is a 270-page digital resource where users can learn a wide variety of recipes and methods that focus on sharing foods that are very healthy, shelf-stable, and nutrient-rich. According to the official website, the knowledge is organised for anyone, including people with no prior cooking or stockpiling experience to use.

    The authors explain everything in the book clearly and systematically using colored pictures and easy-to-follow guidelines. The book contains more than 126 forgotten survival foods and storage hacks, making it a vital resource for any person.

    Notably, the book includes the exact nutritional values that each food delivers. This allows users to know precisely how many macro-nutrients their bodies get from the foods in the book, including fat, carbohydrates, and protein, and how much more they still need.

    According to the official website, the main idea behind creating The Lost Super-foods was to allow as many American households as possible to have three, six, or even one year’s worth of long-lasting super-foods. This would help them survive an emergency like a hurricane or a nationwide disruption like a pandemic, among others.

    The Lost Super-foods is a catalogue of 126 forgotten super-foods and survival hacks passed on from generation to generation after years of tweaking and experimenting. The author’s goal is to have as many American households to be capable of hoarding food and other resources to survive a local emergency or natural/artificial calamities that may last even a year. The super-food recipes in the book are meant to last without refrigeration or power supply for a long time. It has the recipes of the US Doomsday ration that was developed during the cold war and other shelf-stable and tasty food items to keep you alive during a calamity.

    Who is the author of The Lost Superfoods?

    The Lost Super-food is the product of careful studies and observations of human history and the knowledge acquired by keeping in close contact with survival experts from all over the world by Art Rude. Mr. Art Rude is a mathematics teacher and believes that we are all more vulnerable now than ever in the history of human civilization, especially when it comes to food. Art’s father taught him many things his grandparents knew, and he chose to pass it on to all of us through this book.

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    The Lost Super-foods cookbook contains more than 120 recipes, including the following:

    Doomsday Ration Recipe
    How to Make Homemade Spam
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    The Three-Year Shelf Life Viking Survival Food
    How to Make Native American Pemmican
    How to Make Delicious Biltong with 1 Year Shelf Life
    Aaruul—The Super-food that Helped Mongols Ride to the Gates of Vienna
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    #thelostsuperfoods #guidebook #practicalinformation #lostsurvivalfoods #carbsandprotein

    The Lost SuperFoods: It contains only long lasting foods that can be stored without refrigeration: Today’s people appear to be so engrossed in modern trends and methods, so much so that they have forgotten the old ways of doing things. Especially when preparing and preserving food, no one thinks of following our grandfathers’ methods. How can we go back to the ways of our ancient people? This is where the Lost Super-foods book comes into play. A hundred years ago or more, people were more self-sufficient than the average American today. They had medicine gardens in their backyards, smokehouses, wells, charcoal for water purification, root cellars, and wild game and fish traps. The Lost Super-foods is a good resource developed by Art Rude, Lex Rooker, Claude Davis, and Fred Dwight. The book is a compilation of more than 30 recipes of long-lasting survival foods and stockpile recommendations that people can use today. With 270 pages, the book allows readers to discover various traditional recipes and methods. This lost survival food knowledge is so organised that anyone, even people with absolutely no prior cooking or stockpiling experience can take advantage of it. What is Lost Superfoods Book? The Lost Super-foods is a 270-page digital resource where users can learn a wide variety of recipes and methods that focus on sharing foods that are very healthy, shelf-stable, and nutrient-rich. According to the official website, the knowledge is organised for anyone, including people with no prior cooking or stockpiling experience to use. The authors explain everything in the book clearly and systematically using colored pictures and easy-to-follow guidelines. The book contains more than 126 forgotten survival foods and storage hacks, making it a vital resource for any person. Notably, the book includes the exact nutritional values that each food delivers. This allows users to know precisely how many macro-nutrients their bodies get from the foods in the book, including fat, carbohydrates, and protein, and how much more they still need. According to the official website, the main idea behind creating The Lost Super-foods was to allow as many American households as possible to have three, six, or even one year’s worth of long-lasting super-foods. This would help them survive an emergency like a hurricane or a nationwide disruption like a pandemic, among others. The Lost Super-foods is a catalogue of 126 forgotten super-foods and survival hacks passed on from generation to generation after years of tweaking and experimenting. The author’s goal is to have as many American households to be capable of hoarding food and other resources to survive a local emergency or natural/artificial calamities that may last even a year. The super-food recipes in the book are meant to last without refrigeration or power supply for a long time. It has the recipes of the US Doomsday ration that was developed during the cold war and other shelf-stable and tasty food items to keep you alive during a calamity. Who is the author of The Lost Superfoods? The Lost Super-food is the product of careful studies and observations of human history and the knowledge acquired by keeping in close contact with survival experts from all over the world by Art Rude. Mr. Art Rude is a mathematics teacher and believes that we are all more vulnerable now than ever in the history of human civilization, especially when it comes to food. Art’s father taught him many things his grandparents knew, and he chose to pass it on to all of us through this book. What Makes the Lost Superfoods Unique? The Lost Super-foods guidebook stands out for its ability to focus on foods that can last a very long time without refrigeration. This makes it a handy resource for crisis nutrition instead of other books that teach people how to cook. Nearly no one remembers the foods mentioned in The Lost Super-foods guidebook. According to the author, people should remember these natural foods. Unlike modern survival foods, they use authentic cooking and preservation methods to stay good for years. Besides, they don’t need any freeze-drying method that only a few Americans can hope to afford. These foods can take as long as three years on the shelf without going bad. This implies that the food doesn’t go bad even in the absence of power. More importantly, these super-foods are cheap to make and stockpile for rainy days. How does The Lost Superfoods work? The Lost Super-foods is a survival guide, and it is very good at doing just that. The guide contains clear, easy, and precise step-by-step instructions to follow to make super-foods that last for a long time without refrigeration or power. This guide also provides the exact nutritional values for each food you add to the recipe to know how much nutrients your body is getting and how much you still need. Types of Recipes: The Lost Super-foods cookbook contains more than 120 recipes, including the following: Doomsday Ration Recipe How to Make Homemade Spam The Super-food Used by Japan’s Elite Assassins on Month-Long Missions How to Make Bread on a Stick The Three-Year Shelf Life Viking Survival Food How to Make Native American Pemmican How to Make Delicious Biltong with 1 Year Shelf Life Aaruul—The Super-food that Helped Mongols Ride to the Gates of Vienna Making Boiled Butter, Ghee, or Clarified Butter How to Make Bark Bread (3 Methods) Benefits: With atomic warheads and climate change looming over our heads, there is indeed a possibility for something to go wrong. If such a situation arises, trust me, this $27 book will be the one thing you won’t regret. It has plenty of survival foods that you can easily make at home or find in the wilderness. This can also help you keep household food fresh and edible for a long time without refrigeration. Pros: All the survival requirements are in one place A wide variety of food items and their preservation is presented with colored pictures. Life hacks to reduce your expenditure and promote your healthy diet Two digital bonus guides for free Sixty days money-back guarantee, no questions asked. Is The Lost Superfoods legit or not? The Lost Super-foods is the product of years of research in collaboration with survival guides all around the world. Based on the Lost Super-foods reviews, this ebook contains the acquired knowledge of our ancestors, which kept them safe throughout history. These were the food items they used to survive wars and natural disasters. The book already has a large number of followers. Thousands of customers found the book useful and declared that they got exactly what they expected. Besides, the guide has a sixty-day – no-questions-asked return policy. If you are anywhere less than satisfied, you can mail the seller, and you will be refunded without any hassles. To offer such a refund policy, The Lost Super-foods must be legit. Final Word: The Lost Super-foods guidebook is packed with practical information to help users preserve and prepare their foods today while following the ancient methods of our forefathers. It’s an excellent resource for any household to own, especially during these times of a pandemic. As per The Lost Super-foods reviews, this ebook seems to be very helpful and authentic as a package. It provides the customer precisely what they advertise, and thousands of customer testimonials assure they got what they expected. 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  • EXPOSED – Klaus Schwab’s NAZI Roots: Anyone Shocked?
    On July 17, 2021 By Geri Ungurean
    From adarapress.com

    Klaus Schwab and wife portrait
    Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler.

    Schwab’s hometown—Ravensburg, Germany—was the first German city to practice eugenics (killing “useless eaters”)

    Ravensburg was a transport hub for stolen Nazi gold to the Swiss Bank for International Settlements run by Pilgrims Society spies Allan W. Dulles (later C.I.A. director, 1953-61), Edwin W. Pauley (Allied reparations) and William J. Donovan, director of the OSS (MI6-controlled precursor to the C.I.A.—Dulles’ boss)

    Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler and South Africa, sold Swiss flame throwers to the Nazis, and was named a National Socialist Model Company by Adolf Hitler

    Schwab’s Escher Wyss company was protected not only by Hitler, but by Switzerland, Britain and America—making Schwab a criminal foreign meddler in every sense


    Klaus’ mainstream media and academia propagandists have hidden his Nazi past in a blizzard of awards, WEF programs, ghost-written books, speeches, interviews, honorary professorships and doctorates from all over the world.

    AFI researchers have dubbed Klaus “old sourpuss” because he almost never smiles. Now we know why. He knows he is a fraud—a circus barker who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth whose heart has nothing good to share with the world.

    C.I.A. archive documents show that Escher-Wyss and Sulzer were being directed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the State Department. This would logically mean that Klaus Schwab was a triple-agent, working simultaneously for: (1) the CIA-MI6-UN British-Americans Pilgrims Society, (2) Nazis (now Germany) and (3) Switzerland.

    Do we really want a triple-agent lying spy running the “Great Reset” and “Build Back Better?”

    Third, Escher-Wyss was one of the largest employers in Ravensburg, Germany.

    Fourth, Escher-Wyss was the first city in Nazi German to practice eugenics principles to murder “useless eaters” emerging from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (something like the National Institute of Health in the US, or Tavistock Institute in the UK).

    Fifth, contrary to the propaganda stories about Ravensburg’s lack of war-making industries (as the reason why the Allies did not bomb the city and its Escher-Wyss industry), we discovered many Ravensburg unconfessed sins surrounding the Schwab’s and Escher-Wyss.

    Besides parts for ships, airplanes, submarines and power plants, Escher-Wyss brokered flame throwers built in their Zurich plant and sold to the Nazis. This information comes from the U.S. Archives. This would have been handled by Eugen Schwab with a then about 5-year old Klaus at his side. They also supplied turbines, compressors and propellers for Nazi ships and submarines, as well as gas turbines for powering the war machine, in addition to their nuclear technology.

    Escher-Wyss exploited slave labor (Jewish, Russian, Gypsy, homosexual, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish ), as well as Allied POWs. Being a National Socialists Model Company, this would certainly have included Dr. Josef Mengele’s biological war crimes (“The Angel of Death”).


    Escher Wyss today operates under numerous re branded names including Andritz AG and Sulzer AG. These companies are poised to profit enormously from the priorities reflected in Klaus Schwab’s so-called “Great Reset,” including hydropower, plasma turbines, nuclear power, materials science, nuclear weapons, oil and gas, coal, bio fuel, paper, food, robotics, artificial intelligence, financing, patents, pharmaceuticals and more.

    Historically, the first (IBM) punch card machine readers, sometimes called Hollerith machines, were first manufactured by companies like Escher-Wyss and Sulzer who specialized in textile machines in the 1880s. Punched cards were used to created different patters on textile machines, as well as in player pianos. Other names in this business were Semyon Korsakov (ca. 1805); Charles Babbage (ca. 1855); Herman Hollerith (ca. 1880); The Tabulating Machine Company (ca. 1910), including Dehomag (Deutsche Hollerith-Maschinen GmbH, IBM Germany); and Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (1911, renamed IBM).

    Note: IBM International president Jacques G. Maisongroung was a feature speaker at Klaus M. Schwab’s first European Management Forum on Feb. 04-07, 1971, along with the black monarch and Fourth Reich heir apparent Otto von Habsburg.

    Klaus’s married Hilde Stoll in the weeks following the first Forum in 1971. This was an evident corporate marriage. Hilde’s family, to this day, owns an engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence and process controls manufacturer name FESTO with over 20,000 employees.

    It should be noted that the Escher and Sulzer families are interlocked with the Stolls, Schwabs and Bodmar families. The Bodmar family property in Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland is the current site of The World Economic Forum headquarters as well as the Schwab residence—like a ritzy WACO-like compound.

    The Bodmar family is a 15th-century silk manufacturing family who purchased the WEF land from Fanny Moser-Sulzer (Sulzer AG). Hans von Schulthess-Bodmar was a director of Escher-Wyss & Co. and those interlocked engineering firms and exclusive private banks are still in operation today (Escher & Rahn renamed Rahn Bodmer).

    Indeed, none of these family businesses have lack funding. Given their close proximity to untold amounts of stolen Nazi-Japanese gold at the Bank for International Settlements, their “success” comes into focus. In fact, it was during the Marshall Plan that the British Pilgrims Society took control of these Second-Reich family corporate empires to serve their secular new world order scheme.

    Martin Bodmar was born the same year as Klaus’ father Eugen (1899). Martin was a vice-president of the International Red Cross (1940-71). Klaus is believed to have attended grade school in the Au suburb of Zurich (1945-47, ages 7-9) and lived in Bodmar castle during that posh primary schooling.


    Klaus had all of his schooling bankrolled by Escher-Wyss financiers in Zurich just as his father Eugen Schwab, as managing director of Escher-Wyss & Cie. (Co.) in Ravensburg was forming the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry as vice-president (1945-46).

    Eugen formed the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce at the behest of Sir Winthrop W. Aldrich (Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger’s and Paul Volcker’s boss), Allan W. Dulles (OSS/CIA Bern, Switzerland), and the Bank for International Settlements set up by MI6 and the CIA.

    The British Pilgrims Society had already begun to funnel dirty Marshall Plan funds to insider companies like Escher-Wyss and Festo and their interlocked private Swiss banking family companies, even before the war ended, in exchange for Ravensburg’s help in transporting the Nazi gold to Bill J. Donovan, Allan W. Dulles and Edwin Pauley (OSS cum MI6—the rogue C.I.A.), the British Pilgrims Society required Schwab fealty to the new world order being fronted by their newly-forming United Nations.

    Note: Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the current Pilgrims Society chairman of SGO Smartmatic (with its masked OpTech ballot scanning software running in Dominion, ES&S, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Diebold, Premier), has served in almost every senior post at the United Nations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Thailand, Africa, Central America and Geneva; Reform of UN communications; UN Development Program (UNDP); London International Model UN; UN Millennium Summit; and Deputy Secretary-General.

    Note also: Sir Nigel Graham Knowles is Malloch-Brown’s fellow Pilgrim in SGO Smartmatic where he is director, chief trustee of Prince’s Trust America, and employed Kamala Harris newly-minted husband Doug Emhoff at DLA Piper LLP law.

    Starting even before the Germans surrendered on May 07, 1945—just two weeks after the famous “Link-Up” (Apr. 25, 1945) of the American 69th Infantry Division with the Soviet 58th Guards in Torgau—Ravensburg was a staging ground for shipping stolen Nazi gold to Switzerland. It has also been a processing hub for Allied POWs as evident cover for Ravensburg duplicities discussed herein.

    The looted Nazi gold was routed through Ravensburg, near the Swiss-Lichtenstein border, and sent to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Bern and Zurich. Allen W. Dulles was the OSS spy director in Bern in charge of the Nazi gold for the Allies (Read: Pilgrims Society).

    After the war, Dulles became the first director of the C.I.A. and was the man who later covered up the Kennedy Assassination in the Warren Commission, after, many believe, he ordered President Kennedy’s assassination to protect his emerging Pilgrims Society global enterprise founded on the stolen Nazi and Japanese gold—the banking system that operates today, still named the Bank for International Settlements, Zurich that handles inter banking special drawing rights.

    President Kennedy was assassinated not long after he told a colleague: “I will splinter the CIA [Dulles’ creature] into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” (New York Times, Apr. 25, 1966).


    President Kennedy, as did President Eisenhower, surely knew about the criminal Pilgrims Society banking of fascist industries paying their tribute behind the smokescreen of the Marshall Plan “helping” Europe recover… from a war that these bâtards just funded! (Please excuse the French.)

    Escher-Wyss hosted numerous Sir Winthrop’s Chamber meetings in Zurich and Ravensburg sponsored by their father-son city fathers team of Eugen and Klaus Schwab.

    As the Escher-Wyss managing director, Eugen was a man whose favor was sought in both Germany, Switzerland, and the Pilgrims Society, and who was grooming son Klaus to take over their Escher-Wyss dynasty, now 216 years old.


    Today, Klaus Schwab’s Andritz AG auditor is KPMG who also audits SERCO (controlled by the British Crown) and SGO Smartmatic (aka Dominion etc.) Voting Systems (controlled by Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Sir Nigel Knowles, Kamala Harris’ British handler.

    Klaus received a bachelor and PhD in engineering from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, co-founded by Alfred Escher (1855).

    Klaus also received overlapping masters and PhD degrees from the Jesuit University of Fribourg, Switzerland (1962-67). […]

    In 1966-67, Klaus was shuffled off to Boston for his Harvard grooming. He received a master’s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. There he admits collaborating with Pilgrims Society inner circle gadabouts Henry Kissinger and John K. Galbraith. Galbraith and Kissinger came to play leading rolls in the World Economic Forum strategies and tactics.

    On the wings of Kissinger’s Pilgrims Society instructions, Klaus Schwab was assigned to organize the Europe Management Forum starting in 1971.

    Starting in 1965, the U.S. Department of Energy began funding the development of nuclear weapons capability in apartheid South Africa (read: British-controlled).

    Newly-discovered information for this most top secret program reveal that Sulzer-Escher-Wyss supplied critical components to the enrichment of triggering of a nuclear bomb, ostensibly for the South Africans. Apparently their prized elephant herds needed protecting.


    Klaus’s first job after university was managing a 10,000-employee merger of Escher-Wyss AG and Sulzer AG. Now we know that these companies and their families were interlocked and this was merely window dressing. This occurred just as Sulzer was shipping specialize compressor and turbine seals to South Africa. Later, Swiss fugitive Marc Rich ran sanctions against South Africa for this secret Pilgrims Society nuclear cabal.


    Nuclear sanctions-buster Marc Rich was pardoned by Bill Clinton as he left office on Jan. 20, 2001. Notably, at the same time, Clinton pardoned his former C.I.A. Director John M. Deutch (1995-96), and appointed Leader Technologies’ patent attorney Professor James P. Chandler, III and Microsoft’s Bill Gates to an organization euphemistically named “National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC)” that still exists to this day and is overseeing the weaponization of patents for the DoD Office of Net Assessment.

    For those of you who follow this blog, Leader Technologies, Inc. is the patent holder of the invention of social networking. James P. Chandler, III was their patent attorney who secreted a copy of Leader’s invaluable source code and gave it to a newly-forming IBM Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001, just after the 9/11 false flag diversion that drove Congress to approve sweeping sacrifices of liberty, privacy and security, ironically in the name of security. Leader Technologies has filed a lien on the U.S. Government and wants its shareholders paid for the risks they took and the government stole.

    Bono obsequiously promotes the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and George Soros. Evidently acting on insider tips in 2009, he “invested” $56 million in Facebook private stock sold corruptly by Goldman Sachs.* Those shares rose to $1 billion at the Facebook IPO on May 18, 2012, along with other Pilgrims/WEF insiders, including James W. Breyer, Accel Partners, Peter A. Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Yuri Milner, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft and Meritech Management (Ann Huntress Lamont) who cashed in $13.26 billion on Day 3, much to the outrage of CNBC’s Jim Cramer.

    * Bono corruptly invested in Facebook during the Leader v. Facebook social networking patent infringement trial 2008-2010. He invested concurrently with Hillary Clinton’s secret State Department contract with Facebook to build “an election winning template” to rig elections. Hillary’s contract was blatant obstruction of justice, not to mention criminal conspiracy, espionage, treason and sedition.

    And yet, she walks free.

    For now.


    Sir Klaus Martin Schwab, KCMG, and Sir Bono, KBE (Paul David Hewson) relish the psycophantic adulation of their self-anointed fellow insider trading criminals at the 2016 World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. Photo: World Economic Forum.

    There is a reason that Klaus Schwab has been the only leader of the World Economic Forum since 1971—50 years.

    He is doing the bidding of his masters at the British Pilgrims Society. His children Nicole and Olivier have joined him and Hilde to carry on the fascist thefts into the next generation of their carefully crafted criminal enterprise.

    Klaus Schwab’s perfidy demands that he and the World Economic Forum cease operations.

    WEF is nothing more than a organized crime guild for the Pilgrims Society. They have co opted the deposed monarchies of Europe to support the “Great Reset.” In return, those deposed monarchs get insider financial trading information so that they can continue to fund their lavish lifestyles.

    Klaus uses Jesuit tactics of secrecy, just like Cecil J. Rhodes dictated some 118 years earlier, to keep the average citizen ignorant of their criminal doings.

    They use the media to tell lies to fool and pacify the public, as well as haughtily “create public opinion.”

    Klaus’s Fourth Reich will invigorate many of the deposed royal families with new life.

    The difference this time is that they will be taking orders from the corporate and banking criminals of the British Pilgrims Society, while the Pilgrims in turn hide their organized crime behind the fascination of a naive public with royalty, while these bureaucrats interlock into the closed loop of a 1%-ers club, like Escher-Wyss’ closed-cycle gas turbines that can run on any kind of fuel, including nuclear.

    The insider trading of the WEF members, including his Escher-Wyss-Sulzer-Andritz-Stoll-Festo interlocking criminal enterprises, must be dismantled so that a free market can emerge, for the first time in human history.

    The “Great Reset” insider trading criminal syndicate that is the World Economic Forum must be dismantled and their conspirators prosecuted worldwide for the great harm they have done to human civilization.





    Brethren, this is all part of these End Times. Our omniscient God knew that these times would befall us – even before the foundations of the earth were laid!

    Trust in HIM Always!


    EXPOSED – Klaus Schwab’s NAZI Roots: Anyone Shocked? On July 17, 2021 By Geri Ungurean From adarapress.com Klaus Schwab and wife portrait Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler. Schwab’s hometown—Ravensburg, Germany—was the first German city to practice eugenics (killing “useless eaters”) Ravensburg was a transport hub for stolen Nazi gold to the Swiss Bank for International Settlements run by Pilgrims Society spies Allan W. Dulles (later C.I.A. director, 1953-61), Edwin W. Pauley (Allied reparations) and William J. Donovan, director of the OSS (MI6-controlled precursor to the C.I.A.—Dulles’ boss) Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler and South Africa, sold Swiss flame throwers to the Nazis, and was named a National Socialist Model Company by Adolf Hitler Schwab’s Escher Wyss company was protected not only by Hitler, but by Switzerland, Britain and America—making Schwab a criminal foreign meddler in every sense KLAUS’ HIDDEN NAZI PAST Klaus’ mainstream media and academia propagandists have hidden his Nazi past in a blizzard of awards, WEF programs, ghost-written books, speeches, interviews, honorary professorships and doctorates from all over the world. AFI researchers have dubbed Klaus “old sourpuss” because he almost never smiles. Now we know why. He knows he is a fraud—a circus barker who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth whose heart has nothing good to share with the world. C.I.A. archive documents show that Escher-Wyss and Sulzer were being directed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the State Department. This would logically mean that Klaus Schwab was a triple-agent, working simultaneously for: (1) the CIA-MI6-UN British-Americans Pilgrims Society, (2) Nazis (now Germany) and (3) Switzerland. Do we really want a triple-agent lying spy running the “Great Reset” and “Build Back Better?” Third, Escher-Wyss was one of the largest employers in Ravensburg, Germany. Fourth, Escher-Wyss was the first city in Nazi German to practice eugenics principles to murder “useless eaters” emerging from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (something like the National Institute of Health in the US, or Tavistock Institute in the UK). Fifth, contrary to the propaganda stories about Ravensburg’s lack of war-making industries (as the reason why the Allies did not bomb the city and its Escher-Wyss industry), we discovered many Ravensburg unconfessed sins surrounding the Schwab’s and Escher-Wyss. Besides parts for ships, airplanes, submarines and power plants, Escher-Wyss brokered flame throwers built in their Zurich plant and sold to the Nazis. This information comes from the U.S. Archives. This would have been handled by Eugen Schwab with a then about 5-year old Klaus at his side. They also supplied turbines, compressors and propellers for Nazi ships and submarines, as well as gas turbines for powering the war machine, in addition to their nuclear technology. Escher-Wyss exploited slave labor (Jewish, Russian, Gypsy, homosexual, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish ), as well as Allied POWs. Being a National Socialists Model Company, this would certainly have included Dr. Josef Mengele’s biological war crimes (“The Angel of Death”). KLAUS & HILDE’S INTERLOCKING COMPANIES EMPLOY OVER 50,000 TODAY—ALL FED BY WEF INSIDER TRADING Escher Wyss today operates under numerous re branded names including Andritz AG and Sulzer AG. These companies are poised to profit enormously from the priorities reflected in Klaus Schwab’s so-called “Great Reset,” including hydropower, plasma turbines, nuclear power, materials science, nuclear weapons, oil and gas, coal, bio fuel, paper, food, robotics, artificial intelligence, financing, patents, pharmaceuticals and more. Historically, the first (IBM) punch card machine readers, sometimes called Hollerith machines, were first manufactured by companies like Escher-Wyss and Sulzer who specialized in textile machines in the 1880s. Punched cards were used to created different patters on textile machines, as well as in player pianos. Other names in this business were Semyon Korsakov (ca. 1805); Charles Babbage (ca. 1855); Herman Hollerith (ca. 1880); The Tabulating Machine Company (ca. 1910), including Dehomag (Deutsche Hollerith-Maschinen GmbH, IBM Germany); and Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (1911, renamed IBM). Note: IBM International president Jacques G. Maisongroung was a feature speaker at Klaus M. Schwab’s first European Management Forum on Feb. 04-07, 1971, along with the black monarch and Fourth Reich heir apparent Otto von Habsburg. Klaus’s married Hilde Stoll in the weeks following the first Forum in 1971. This was an evident corporate marriage. Hilde’s family, to this day, owns an engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence and process controls manufacturer name FESTO with over 20,000 employees. It should be noted that the Escher and Sulzer families are interlocked with the Stolls, Schwabs and Bodmar families. The Bodmar family property in Cologny, Geneva Canton, Switzerland is the current site of The World Economic Forum headquarters as well as the Schwab residence—like a ritzy WACO-like compound. The Bodmar family is a 15th-century silk manufacturing family who purchased the WEF land from Fanny Moser-Sulzer (Sulzer AG). Hans von Schulthess-Bodmar was a director of Escher-Wyss & Co. and those interlocked engineering firms and exclusive private banks are still in operation today (Escher & Rahn renamed Rahn Bodmer). Indeed, none of these family businesses have lack funding. Given their close proximity to untold amounts of stolen Nazi-Japanese gold at the Bank for International Settlements, their “success” comes into focus. In fact, it was during the Marshall Plan that the British Pilgrims Society took control of these Second-Reich family corporate empires to serve their secular new world order scheme. Martin Bodmar was born the same year as Klaus’ father Eugen (1899). Martin was a vice-president of the International Red Cross (1940-71). Klaus is believed to have attended grade school in the Au suburb of Zurich (1945-47, ages 7-9) and lived in Bodmar castle during that posh primary schooling. PILGRIMS INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CREATED A GOLD-LAUNDERING BEACHHEAD IN RAVENSBURG & FUNDED ESCHER-WYSS, SULZER, STOLL AND FESTO PERPETUALLY Klaus had all of his schooling bankrolled by Escher-Wyss financiers in Zurich just as his father Eugen Schwab, as managing director of Escher-Wyss & Cie. (Co.) in Ravensburg was forming the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry as vice-president (1945-46). Eugen formed the Ravensburg Chamber of Commerce at the behest of Sir Winthrop W. Aldrich (Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger’s and Paul Volcker’s boss), Allan W. Dulles (OSS/CIA Bern, Switzerland), and the Bank for International Settlements set up by MI6 and the CIA. The British Pilgrims Society had already begun to funnel dirty Marshall Plan funds to insider companies like Escher-Wyss and Festo and their interlocked private Swiss banking family companies, even before the war ended, in exchange for Ravensburg’s help in transporting the Nazi gold to Bill J. Donovan, Allan W. Dulles and Edwin Pauley (OSS cum MI6—the rogue C.I.A.), the British Pilgrims Society required Schwab fealty to the new world order being fronted by their newly-forming United Nations. Note: Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the current Pilgrims Society chairman of SGO Smartmatic (with its masked OpTech ballot scanning software running in Dominion, ES&S, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Diebold, Premier), has served in almost every senior post at the United Nations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Thailand, Africa, Central America and Geneva; Reform of UN communications; UN Development Program (UNDP); London International Model UN; UN Millennium Summit; and Deputy Secretary-General. Note also: Sir Nigel Graham Knowles is Malloch-Brown’s fellow Pilgrim in SGO Smartmatic where he is director, chief trustee of Prince’s Trust America, and employed Kamala Harris newly-minted husband Doug Emhoff at DLA Piper LLP law. Starting even before the Germans surrendered on May 07, 1945—just two weeks after the famous “Link-Up” (Apr. 25, 1945) of the American 69th Infantry Division with the Soviet 58th Guards in Torgau—Ravensburg was a staging ground for shipping stolen Nazi gold to Switzerland. It has also been a processing hub for Allied POWs as evident cover for Ravensburg duplicities discussed herein. The looted Nazi gold was routed through Ravensburg, near the Swiss-Lichtenstein border, and sent to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Bern and Zurich. Allen W. Dulles was the OSS spy director in Bern in charge of the Nazi gold for the Allies (Read: Pilgrims Society). After the war, Dulles became the first director of the C.I.A. and was the man who later covered up the Kennedy Assassination in the Warren Commission, after, many believe, he ordered President Kennedy’s assassination to protect his emerging Pilgrims Society global enterprise founded on the stolen Nazi and Japanese gold—the banking system that operates today, still named the Bank for International Settlements, Zurich that handles inter banking special drawing rights. President Kennedy was assassinated not long after he told a colleague: “I will splinter the CIA [Dulles’ creature] into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” (New York Times, Apr. 25, 1966). THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY EVIL OF THE MARSHALL PLAN President Kennedy, as did President Eisenhower, surely knew about the criminal Pilgrims Society banking of fascist industries paying their tribute behind the smokescreen of the Marshall Plan “helping” Europe recover… from a war that these bâtards just funded! (Please excuse the French.) Escher-Wyss hosted numerous Sir Winthrop’s Chamber meetings in Zurich and Ravensburg sponsored by their father-son city fathers team of Eugen and Klaus Schwab. As the Escher-Wyss managing director, Eugen was a man whose favor was sought in both Germany, Switzerland, and the Pilgrims Society, and who was grooming son Klaus to take over their Escher-Wyss dynasty, now 216 years old. ELECTION RIGGING LEADERSHIP EMERGES FROM WEF & THEIR PILGRIMS SOCIETY OVERLORDS Today, Klaus Schwab’s Andritz AG auditor is KPMG who also audits SERCO (controlled by the British Crown) and SGO Smartmatic (aka Dominion etc.) Voting Systems (controlled by Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Sir Nigel Knowles, Kamala Harris’ British handler. Klaus received a bachelor and PhD in engineering from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, co-founded by Alfred Escher (1855). Klaus also received overlapping masters and PhD degrees from the Jesuit University of Fribourg, Switzerland (1962-67). […] In 1966-67, Klaus was shuffled off to Boston for his Harvard grooming. He received a master’s in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. There he admits collaborating with Pilgrims Society inner circle gadabouts Henry Kissinger and John K. Galbraith. Galbraith and Kissinger came to play leading rolls in the World Economic Forum strategies and tactics. On the wings of Kissinger’s Pilgrims Society instructions, Klaus Schwab was assigned to organize the Europe Management Forum starting in 1971. Starting in 1965, the U.S. Department of Energy began funding the development of nuclear weapons capability in apartheid South Africa (read: British-controlled). Newly-discovered information for this most top secret program reveal that Sulzer-Escher-Wyss supplied critical components to the enrichment of triggering of a nuclear bomb, ostensibly for the South Africans. Apparently their prized elephant herds needed protecting. NUCLEAR WARMONGERS (KLAUS SCHWAB & HIS GOLD-DIGGING INTERLOCKED FAMILIES) ARE RUNNING THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM Klaus’s first job after university was managing a 10,000-employee merger of Escher-Wyss AG and Sulzer AG. Now we know that these companies and their families were interlocked and this was merely window dressing. This occurred just as Sulzer was shipping specialize compressor and turbine seals to South Africa. Later, Swiss fugitive Marc Rich ran sanctions against South Africa for this secret Pilgrims Society nuclear cabal. SOCIAL NETWORKING WAS STOLEN TO HELP WEF INSIDERS COORDINATE GLOBALLY Nuclear sanctions-buster Marc Rich was pardoned by Bill Clinton as he left office on Jan. 20, 2001. Notably, at the same time, Clinton pardoned his former C.I.A. Director John M. Deutch (1995-96), and appointed Leader Technologies’ patent attorney Professor James P. Chandler, III and Microsoft’s Bill Gates to an organization euphemistically named “National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC)” that still exists to this day and is overseeing the weaponization of patents for the DoD Office of Net Assessment. For those of you who follow this blog, Leader Technologies, Inc. is the patent holder of the invention of social networking. James P. Chandler, III was their patent attorney who secreted a copy of Leader’s invaluable source code and gave it to a newly-forming IBM Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001, just after the 9/11 false flag diversion that drove Congress to approve sweeping sacrifices of liberty, privacy and security, ironically in the name of security. Leader Technologies has filed a lien on the U.S. Government and wants its shareholders paid for the risks they took and the government stole. Bono obsequiously promotes the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and George Soros. Evidently acting on insider tips in 2009, he “invested” $56 million in Facebook private stock sold corruptly by Goldman Sachs.* Those shares rose to $1 billion at the Facebook IPO on May 18, 2012, along with other Pilgrims/WEF insiders, including James W. Breyer, Accel Partners, Peter A. Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Yuri Milner, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft and Meritech Management (Ann Huntress Lamont) who cashed in $13.26 billion on Day 3, much to the outrage of CNBC’s Jim Cramer. * Bono corruptly invested in Facebook during the Leader v. Facebook social networking patent infringement trial 2008-2010. He invested concurrently with Hillary Clinton’s secret State Department contract with Facebook to build “an election winning template” to rig elections. Hillary’s contract was blatant obstruction of justice, not to mention criminal conspiracy, espionage, treason and sedition. And yet, she walks free. For now. CRIMINAL WEF SYCHOPANT SIRS—DO YOU THINK BONO KNOWS KLAUS IS A NUCLEAR NAZI WHOSE COMPANIES CAN MAKE A CINDER OUT OF PLANET EARTH? Sir Klaus Martin Schwab, KCMG, and Sir Bono, KBE (Paul David Hewson) relish the psycophantic adulation of their self-anointed fellow insider trading criminals at the 2016 World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland. Photo: World Economic Forum. CONCLUSION There is a reason that Klaus Schwab has been the only leader of the World Economic Forum since 1971—50 years. He is doing the bidding of his masters at the British Pilgrims Society. His children Nicole and Olivier have joined him and Hilde to carry on the fascist thefts into the next generation of their carefully crafted criminal enterprise. Klaus Schwab’s perfidy demands that he and the World Economic Forum cease operations. WEF is nothing more than a organized crime guild for the Pilgrims Society. They have co opted the deposed monarchies of Europe to support the “Great Reset.” In return, those deposed monarchs get insider financial trading information so that they can continue to fund their lavish lifestyles. Klaus uses Jesuit tactics of secrecy, just like Cecil J. Rhodes dictated some 118 years earlier, to keep the average citizen ignorant of their criminal doings. They use the media to tell lies to fool and pacify the public, as well as haughtily “create public opinion.” Klaus’s Fourth Reich will invigorate many of the deposed royal families with new life. The difference this time is that they will be taking orders from the corporate and banking criminals of the British Pilgrims Society, while the Pilgrims in turn hide their organized crime behind the fascination of a naive public with royalty, while these bureaucrats interlock into the closed loop of a 1%-ers club, like Escher-Wyss’ closed-cycle gas turbines that can run on any kind of fuel, including nuclear. The insider trading of the WEF members, including his Escher-Wyss-Sulzer-Andritz-Stoll-Festo interlocking criminal enterprises, must be dismantled so that a free market can emerge, for the first time in human history. The “Great Reset” insider trading criminal syndicate that is the World Economic Forum must be dismantled and their conspirators prosecuted worldwide for the great harm they have done to human civilization. SHUT DOWN THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM DEFUND THE INSIDER TRADERS SHIP THEM TO GITMO & PROSECUTE THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY SOURCE Brethren, this is all part of these End Times. Our omniscient God knew that these times would befall us – even before the foundations of the earth were laid! Trust in HIM Always! MARANATHA!! https://grandmageri422.me/2021/07/17/exposed-klaus-schwabs-nazi-roots-anyone-shocked/
    EXPOSED – Klaus Schwab’s NAZI Roots: Anyone Shocked?
    From adarapress.com Schwab’s family company, Escher Wyss, exploited slave labor and Allied POWs, manufactured key nuclear bomb-making technologies for Adolf Hitler. Schwab’s hometown—Ravensburg, Ge…
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  • Israel’s defiance on full display; Biden admin commences hand-wringing – Day 356
    [email protected] September 28, 2024 blinken, google, Hezbollah, humanitarian aid to gaza, nasrallah, Netanyahu, un general assembly walks out, West Bank

    The Israeli military conducts an airstrike on the Dahieh area located south of Beirut, Lebanon, resulting in plumes of smoke rising from the site on September 28, 2024. [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency]
    The Israeli military conducts an airstrike on the Dahiyeh area located south of Beirut, Lebanon, resulting in plumes of smoke rising from the site on September 28, 2024. [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Mass Walkout as ‘Global Pariah’ Netanyahu Addresses UN General Assembly

    Common Dreams reports:

    A large number of diplomats and other officials walked out of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City on Friday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared to defend his nation’s slaughter of more than 41,000 people in the Gaza Strip during the past year and over 700 in Lebanon this week.

    Journalists and critics of the “global pariah” shared photos and videos of people filing out of the hall before Netanyahu’s address—which came just a day after 25 anti-genocide protesters were arrested for blocking his motorcade in Manhattan.

    While there was some audience applause from the sparsely populated room on Friday, Al Jazeera Arabic’s Rami Ayari explained that “the people you hear cheering the PM during the speech are in the gallery who he brought for that purpose.”

    Netanyahu began his Friday address by taking aim at the world leaders who throughout the week have condemned the recent escalation against Hezbollah in Lebanon as well as the past year of Israeli forces bombing and starving Palestinians in Gaza.

    “I didn’t intend to come here this year. My country is at war fighting for its life,” Netanyahu said. “But, after I heard the lies and slanders leveled at my country by many of the speakers standing at this podium, I decided to come here and set the record straight.”

    Armed with more of his infamous maps of the Middle East, the right-wing leader went on to claim that “Israel seeks peace,” while also pledging to wage war on Hamas-governed Gaza until “total victory” and telling “the tyrants of Tehran” that “if you strike us, we will strike you.”

    Noting that Netanyahu also spoke of “savage enemies who seek to destroy our common civilization,” James Zogby, co-founder and president of the Arab American Institute, said: “Words spoken by the man who has been charged with genocide and crimes against humanity. This is a disgrace. Abusing the General Assembly platform to lie and incite.”

    JEWISH NEWS SYNDICATE (JNS) ADDS: Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. envoy to the global body, and Robert Wood, the political special affairs ambassador who tends to take her place at the Security Council, did not appear to be in the room.

    An excerpt from Netanyahu’s defiant speech to the UN – to a largely empty chamber, except for the guest area, which was filled with Israel supporters:

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also declared,

    I say to you, until Israel – until the Jewish state – is treated like other nations, until this anti-Semitic swamp is drained, the UN will be viewed by fair-minded people everywhere as nothing more than a contemptuous farce.

    Popularity of Netanyahu’s Likud party grows as Israel pounds Lebanon: Survey

    Al Jazeera reports:

    A poll conducted by Israeli daily Maariv shows that Israel’s deadly attacks on Lebanon have significantly boosted the popularity of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party.

    If elections were held today, Likud would lead with 25 seats in the Knesset, compared with 19 for its main rival, the opposition National Unity party led by Benny Gantz, the survey showed.

    This is the first time since the war on Gaza began last year that Likud has gained such an advantage, the newspaper said.

    Blinken faces calls to resign after lying to Congress to cover for Israel’s genocide

    Middle East Monitor reports:

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is facing mounting pressure to resign after a report earlier this week uncovered that he misled Congress about Israel’s obstruction of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

    The 62-year-old, who is a staunch Zionist, is said to have misled the American people to maintain US weapons flow to Israel despite fears that the apartheid state is committing genocide in Gaza.

    The report details how Blinken contradicted findings from his own department’s experts and USAID in a May report to Congress, stating that Israel was not “prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of US humanitarian assistance” to Gaza.

    It’s believed that Blinken misled the government because US law prohibits the supply of arms to countries blocking American humanitarian aid.

    Israel is a small country lacking the means to manufacture weapons at a rate required to execute regular wars and preserve its so-called deterrence capacity.

    Israel’s ability to carry out a year-long assault on Gaza would be severely hampered without the constant supply of weapons from the US and its western allies.

    (Read the full article here.)

    RECOMMENDED READING: “Laws Of War” Biden-Blinken Style

    US to ‘adjust’ its military force posture in Middle East

    Al Jazeera reports:

    President Joe Biden directed the Pentagon to “assess and adjust as necessary US force posture” in the Middle East, the White House says, following repeated Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut collapsed at least six residential towers in the heavily populated Dahiyeh area.

    “He has directed the Pentagon to assess and adjust as necessary US force posture in the region to enhance deterrence, ensure force protection, and support the full range of US objectives,” the White House said in a statement.

    Secretary of State Blinken said Friday, “I want to be clear that anyone using this moment to target American personnel, American interests in the region – the United States will take every measure to defend our people.”

    MILITARY TIMES ADDS: The U.S. has kept an increased military presence in the Middle East throughout much of the past year, with about 40,000 forces, at least a dozen warships and four Air Force fighter jet squadrons spread across the region both to protect allies and to serve as a deterrent against attacks, several U.S. officials said.

    US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, equipped with F-35C fighters to the Middle East last month.
    US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, equipped with F-35C fighters to the Middle East last month. (photo)
    West Bank: Israeli forces destroy food warehouse during raid

    WAFA reports:

    A convoy of Israeli military vehicles stormed the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya in the early hours of Friday morning.

    Israeli forces toured the city’s Kafr Saba neighborhood, where they raided a workshop and a food warehouse, destroying the contents of the latter.

    Destruction following a raid by Israeli forces in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank, oPT. [East Jerusalem YMCA/ Save the Children]
    Destruction following a raid by Israeli forces in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank, oPT. [East Jerusalem YMCA/ Save the Children] (photo)
    Israel accused of breaking global labor law by withholding Palestinian worker pay

    The Guardian reports:

    Ten trade unions have accused Israel of breaching international labor law by holding back pay and benefits from more than 200,000 Palestinian workers since 7 October.

    The Israeli government stands accused of “blatant” violations of the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) protection of wages convention, tipping many Palestinians into extreme poverty.

    Workers from Gaza and the West Bank, employed in Israel, did not receive payment for work completed prior to last October 7th, and have received no wages since, according to the complaint.

    A complaint filed on Friday aims to recover the wages of Palestinian workers who previously worked in Israel.

    Israel revoked work permits for about 13,000 Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip to work legally in Israel following the Hamas attack on 7 October, according to the complaint, leaving those workers with unpaid wages from September and October. Those wages would have normally been paid on 9 October.

    An additional nearly 200,000 Palestinian workers from the West Bank employed in Israel have not been permitted to enter Israel, and have received no termination notices, according to the brief, which argues they are owed wages stipulated by their employment contracts for their previous work and subsequent months.

    The unions allege that Israel is violating the ILO’s protection of wages convention, which has been ratified by a hundred member states, including Israel in 1959…

    (Read the full article here.)

    RECOMMENDED READING: Israeli industrial zones exploit Palestinian workers, steal Palestinian land

    Scene from Jenin refugee camp
    Scene from Jenin refugee camp (screengrab)
    US’ Blinken urges diplomacy as Israel intensifies attacks in Lebanon

    Anadolu Agency reports:

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday called for path to diplomacy as Israel intensified its strikes in Lebanon, warning both Israel and Hezbollah to “stop firing”.

    “The most important thing to do through diplomacy is to try first to stop firing in both directions, and then to use the time that we would have in such a ceasefire to see if we can reach a broader diplomatic agreement,” Blinken told reporters at a news conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York.

    “The path to diplomacy may seem difficult to see at this moment, but it is there, and in our judgment, is necessary, and we will continue to work intensely with all parties to urge them to choose that course,” he said.

    NOTE: Blinken’s both-sides-ism sidesteps the facts: Israel has been responsible for about 82 percent of the cross-border attacks.

    Google Was Set to Host an Israeli Military Conference. When We Asked About It, the Event Disappeared.

    The Intercept reports:

    The Israel Defense Tech Conference, aimed at tech companies working with the Israeli military, was scheduled for November at the Google for Startups campus in Tel Aviv.

    The event, according to a listing posted on the event management app Luma, was pitched at “founders, investors and innovators” looking to network and learn more about the defense tech space.

    It was co-sponsored by Google; Fusion Venture Capital; Genesis, a startup accelerator; and the Israeli military’s research and development arm, known as the Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D, or Ma’fat).

    Google was not only listed as the physical host of the event and one of its sponsors, but the event listing also included a notice that attendees “approve of sharing [their] details with the organizers (Fusion & Google)” as part of signing up.

    When The Intercept contacted Google and the other companies and venture capital firms on the event page, the event page disappeared. Google spokesperson Andréa Willis told The Intercept in an email, “Google is not associated with this event.”

    Willis did not respond when asked how this could be possible if Google is hosting and co-sponsoring the event, or why the event page went down. None of the other companies or venture capital firms on the event page responded to requests for comment.

    After months of sustained protests against Google’s relationship with Israel, the company appears to be trying to muddy that relationship, at least in the public eye, while continuing its collaboration with the Israeli military…

    (Read the full investigation here.)

    israeli espionage against the US hits 366 billion
    Israeli espionage against the US is hurting the US economy – and has been for years. (photo)

    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    Anadolu Agency: OPINION – Israel needs to face trial for organ trafficking: Claims and confessions

    Middle East Eye: The BBC is weaponizing its Lebanon reporting to help disguise Israel’s crimes


    Palestinian death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 27, 2024: at least 42,304* (41,586 in Gaza* – 11,308 women (30%), 16,715 children as of September 5. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 718 in the West Bank (~148 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 49,032 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 300,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 23 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition (at least 37 of them children)**.
    About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced.
    Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – September 27: at least 101,910 (including at least 96,210 in Gaza and 5,700 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 27, 2024: ~1,457 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 293*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 25 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured.

    The death toll from Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon since Oct. 8 has reached 1,540 including women and children, with some 5,410 injured, a Lebanese official said Wednesday. The number of displaced individuals registered in approved shelters is 77,100. The actual number of displaced people has likely surpassed 250,000.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries of Israelis on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.

    **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    ***More than 40 of the deaths listed above were Israeli soldiers killed by Hezbollah in fighting at the Israel-Lebanon border. The figure does not include the reportedly 53 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org

    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    You can’t arm a genocidal state into moderation. So why does the West keep trying?
    How Does Israel Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools.
    From the Americas to Gaza: Spreading disease has long been used by colonizers to commit genocide
    Contrived charges of antisemitism are the new ‘Red Scare’
    How Israel’s quadcopters traumatize, maim and kill Palestinians in Gaza
    Israeli society’s dehumanization of Palestinians is now absolute
    The unpublished genocide diaries of Refaat Alareer
    An arms embargo on Israel is not a radical idea — it’s the law
    Israel is redrawing the West Bank, cutting into a prospective Palestinian state
    Gaza breakdown: 20 times Israel used US arms in likely war crimes
    U.S. universities spent the summer strategizing to suppress student activism. Here is their plan.
    ‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza
    Cracks in the Dome: Israel’s security mirage
    Israel Suddenly Has A Problem With Attacks On Population Centers
    Americans are always the last to know…about Israel’s crimes
    Does Any Other Country besides Israel have the Right to Defend Itself?
    ‘Raped by female soldiers’: Palestinian in leaked Sde Teiman photo speaks out
    Alison Weir trending on social media – what the buzz is about
    Israeli media’s coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees shows support for sexual violence in service of genocide
    Inside Israel’s torture, rape, and dehumanization centers
    I’m a pediatrician. The scars I saw on Gaza’s children will take generations to heal.
    What Harris’s Jewish outreach director said at a private DNC afterparty
    ‘Strong record of supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship’: a look at Tim Walz’s votes on Palestine as a member of Congress
    Nearly Two-Thirds of All Campaign Funds for Cori Bush Challenger Came From AIPAC
    Israeli army probe covered up “friendly fire” killings on October 7
    Are US officials’ investments of public funds in Israeli bonds ethical? How much is too much?
    Honoring the memory of a Gazan Olympic hero: Majed Abu Maraheel

    Israel’s defiance on full display; Biden admin commences hand-wringing – Day 356 [email protected] September 28, 2024 blinken, google, Hezbollah, humanitarian aid to gaza, nasrallah, Netanyahu, un general assembly walks out, West Bank The Israeli military conducts an airstrike on the Dahieh area located south of Beirut, Lebanon, resulting in plumes of smoke rising from the site on September 28, 2024. [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency] The Israeli military conducts an airstrike on the Dahiyeh area located south of Beirut, Lebanon, resulting in plumes of smoke rising from the site on September 28, 2024. [Houssam Shbaro – Anadolu Agency] (photo) Mass Walkout as ‘Global Pariah’ Netanyahu Addresses UN General Assembly Common Dreams reports: A large number of diplomats and other officials walked out of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City on Friday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared to defend his nation’s slaughter of more than 41,000 people in the Gaza Strip during the past year and over 700 in Lebanon this week. Journalists and critics of the “global pariah” shared photos and videos of people filing out of the hall before Netanyahu’s address—which came just a day after 25 anti-genocide protesters were arrested for blocking his motorcade in Manhattan. While there was some audience applause from the sparsely populated room on Friday, Al Jazeera Arabic’s Rami Ayari explained that “the people you hear cheering the PM during the speech are in the gallery who he brought for that purpose.” Netanyahu began his Friday address by taking aim at the world leaders who throughout the week have condemned the recent escalation against Hezbollah in Lebanon as well as the past year of Israeli forces bombing and starving Palestinians in Gaza. “I didn’t intend to come here this year. My country is at war fighting for its life,” Netanyahu said. “But, after I heard the lies and slanders leveled at my country by many of the speakers standing at this podium, I decided to come here and set the record straight.” Armed with more of his infamous maps of the Middle East, the right-wing leader went on to claim that “Israel seeks peace,” while also pledging to wage war on Hamas-governed Gaza until “total victory” and telling “the tyrants of Tehran” that “if you strike us, we will strike you.” Noting that Netanyahu also spoke of “savage enemies who seek to destroy our common civilization,” James Zogby, co-founder and president of the Arab American Institute, said: “Words spoken by the man who has been charged with genocide and crimes against humanity. This is a disgrace. Abusing the General Assembly platform to lie and incite.” JEWISH NEWS SYNDICATE (JNS) ADDS: Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. envoy to the global body, and Robert Wood, the political special affairs ambassador who tends to take her place at the Security Council, did not appear to be in the room. An excerpt from Netanyahu’s defiant speech to the UN – to a largely empty chamber, except for the guest area, which was filled with Israel supporters: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also declared, I say to you, until Israel – until the Jewish state – is treated like other nations, until this anti-Semitic swamp is drained, the UN will be viewed by fair-minded people everywhere as nothing more than a contemptuous farce. Popularity of Netanyahu’s Likud party grows as Israel pounds Lebanon: Survey Al Jazeera reports: A poll conducted by Israeli daily Maariv shows that Israel’s deadly attacks on Lebanon have significantly boosted the popularity of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party. If elections were held today, Likud would lead with 25 seats in the Knesset, compared with 19 for its main rival, the opposition National Unity party led by Benny Gantz, the survey showed. This is the first time since the war on Gaza began last year that Likud has gained such an advantage, the newspaper said. Blinken faces calls to resign after lying to Congress to cover for Israel’s genocide Middle East Monitor reports: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is facing mounting pressure to resign after a report earlier this week uncovered that he misled Congress about Israel’s obstruction of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The 62-year-old, who is a staunch Zionist, is said to have misled the American people to maintain US weapons flow to Israel despite fears that the apartheid state is committing genocide in Gaza. The report details how Blinken contradicted findings from his own department’s experts and USAID in a May report to Congress, stating that Israel was not “prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of US humanitarian assistance” to Gaza. It’s believed that Blinken misled the government because US law prohibits the supply of arms to countries blocking American humanitarian aid. Israel is a small country lacking the means to manufacture weapons at a rate required to execute regular wars and preserve its so-called deterrence capacity. Israel’s ability to carry out a year-long assault on Gaza would be severely hampered without the constant supply of weapons from the US and its western allies. (Read the full article here.) RECOMMENDED READING: “Laws Of War” Biden-Blinken Style US to ‘adjust’ its military force posture in Middle East Al Jazeera reports: President Joe Biden directed the Pentagon to “assess and adjust as necessary US force posture” in the Middle East, the White House says, following repeated Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut collapsed at least six residential towers in the heavily populated Dahiyeh area. “He has directed the Pentagon to assess and adjust as necessary US force posture in the region to enhance deterrence, ensure force protection, and support the full range of US objectives,” the White House said in a statement. Secretary of State Blinken said Friday, “I want to be clear that anyone using this moment to target American personnel, American interests in the region – the United States will take every measure to defend our people.” MILITARY TIMES ADDS: The U.S. has kept an increased military presence in the Middle East throughout much of the past year, with about 40,000 forces, at least a dozen warships and four Air Force fighter jet squadrons spread across the region both to protect allies and to serve as a deterrent against attacks, several U.S. officials said. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, equipped with F-35C fighters to the Middle East last month. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, equipped with F-35C fighters to the Middle East last month. (photo) West Bank: Israeli forces destroy food warehouse during raid WAFA reports: A convoy of Israeli military vehicles stormed the occupied West Bank city of Qalqilya in the early hours of Friday morning. Israeli forces toured the city’s Kafr Saba neighborhood, where they raided a workshop and a food warehouse, destroying the contents of the latter. Destruction following a raid by Israeli forces in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank, oPT. [East Jerusalem YMCA/ Save the Children] Destruction following a raid by Israeli forces in Tulkarem Camp, occupied West Bank, oPT. [East Jerusalem YMCA/ Save the Children] (photo) Israel accused of breaking global labor law by withholding Palestinian worker pay The Guardian reports: Ten trade unions have accused Israel of breaching international labor law by holding back pay and benefits from more than 200,000 Palestinian workers since 7 October. The Israeli government stands accused of “blatant” violations of the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) protection of wages convention, tipping many Palestinians into extreme poverty. Workers from Gaza and the West Bank, employed in Israel, did not receive payment for work completed prior to last October 7th, and have received no wages since, according to the complaint. A complaint filed on Friday aims to recover the wages of Palestinian workers who previously worked in Israel. Israel revoked work permits for about 13,000 Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip to work legally in Israel following the Hamas attack on 7 October, according to the complaint, leaving those workers with unpaid wages from September and October. Those wages would have normally been paid on 9 October. An additional nearly 200,000 Palestinian workers from the West Bank employed in Israel have not been permitted to enter Israel, and have received no termination notices, according to the brief, which argues they are owed wages stipulated by their employment contracts for their previous work and subsequent months. The unions allege that Israel is violating the ILO’s protection of wages convention, which has been ratified by a hundred member states, including Israel in 1959… (Read the full article here.) RECOMMENDED READING: Israeli industrial zones exploit Palestinian workers, steal Palestinian land Scene from Jenin refugee camp Scene from Jenin refugee camp (screengrab) US’ Blinken urges diplomacy as Israel intensifies attacks in Lebanon Anadolu Agency reports: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday called for path to diplomacy as Israel intensified its strikes in Lebanon, warning both Israel and Hezbollah to “stop firing”. “The most important thing to do through diplomacy is to try first to stop firing in both directions, and then to use the time that we would have in such a ceasefire to see if we can reach a broader diplomatic agreement,” Blinken told reporters at a news conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. “The path to diplomacy may seem difficult to see at this moment, but it is there, and in our judgment, is necessary, and we will continue to work intensely with all parties to urge them to choose that course,” he said. NOTE: Blinken’s both-sides-ism sidesteps the facts: Israel has been responsible for about 82 percent of the cross-border attacks. Google Was Set to Host an Israeli Military Conference. When We Asked About It, the Event Disappeared. The Intercept reports: The Israel Defense Tech Conference, aimed at tech companies working with the Israeli military, was scheduled for November at the Google for Startups campus in Tel Aviv. The event, according to a listing posted on the event management app Luma, was pitched at “founders, investors and innovators” looking to network and learn more about the defense tech space. It was co-sponsored by Google; Fusion Venture Capital; Genesis, a startup accelerator; and the Israeli military’s research and development arm, known as the Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D, or Ma’fat). Google was not only listed as the physical host of the event and one of its sponsors, but the event listing also included a notice that attendees “approve of sharing [their] details with the organizers (Fusion & Google)” as part of signing up. When The Intercept contacted Google and the other companies and venture capital firms on the event page, the event page disappeared. Google spokesperson Andréa Willis told The Intercept in an email, “Google is not associated with this event.” Willis did not respond when asked how this could be possible if Google is hosting and co-sponsoring the event, or why the event page went down. None of the other companies or venture capital firms on the event page responded to requests for comment. After months of sustained protests against Google’s relationship with Israel, the company appears to be trying to muddy that relationship, at least in the public eye, while continuing its collaboration with the Israeli military… (Read the full investigation here.) israeli espionage against the US hits 366 billion Israeli espionage against the US is hurting the US economy – and has been for years. (photo) MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. Anadolu Agency: OPINION – Israel needs to face trial for organ trafficking: Claims and confessions Middle East Eye: The BBC is weaponizing its Lebanon reporting to help disguise Israel’s crimes STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – SEPTEMBER 27: Palestinian death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 27, 2024: at least 42,304* (41,586 in Gaza* – 11,308 women (30%), 16,715 children as of September 5. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 718 in the West Bank (~148 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 49,032 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 300,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 23 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition (at least 37 of them children)**. About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced. Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – September 27: at least 101,910 (including at least 96,210 in Gaza and 5,700 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7, 2023 – September 27, 2024: ~1,457 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 293*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 25 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured. The death toll from Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon since Oct. 8 has reached 1,540 including women and children, with some 5,410 injured, a Lebanese official said Wednesday. The number of displaced individuals registered in approved shelters is 77,100. The actual number of displaced people has likely surpassed 250,000. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries of Israelis on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so. **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. ***More than 40 of the deaths listed above were Israeli soldiers killed by Hezbollah in fighting at the Israel-Lebanon border. The figure does not include the reportedly 53 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) You can’t arm a genocidal state into moderation. So why does the West keep trying? How Does Israel Justify Mass Killings? It Starts in the Schools. From the Americas to Gaza: Spreading disease has long been used by colonizers to commit genocide Contrived charges of antisemitism are the new ‘Red Scare’ How Israel’s quadcopters traumatize, maim and kill Palestinians in Gaza Israeli society’s dehumanization of Palestinians is now absolute The unpublished genocide diaries of Refaat Alareer An arms embargo on Israel is not a radical idea — it’s the law Israel is redrawing the West Bank, cutting into a prospective Palestinian state Gaza breakdown: 20 times Israel used US arms in likely war crimes U.S. universities spent the summer strategizing to suppress student activism. Here is their plan. ‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza Cracks in the Dome: Israel’s security mirage Israel Suddenly Has A Problem With Attacks On Population Centers Americans are always the last to know…about Israel’s crimes Does Any Other Country besides Israel have the Right to Defend Itself? ‘Raped by female soldiers’: Palestinian in leaked Sde Teiman photo speaks out Alison Weir trending on social media – what the buzz is about Israeli media’s coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees shows support for sexual violence in service of genocide Inside Israel’s torture, rape, and dehumanization centers I’m a pediatrician. The scars I saw on Gaza’s children will take generations to heal. What Harris’s Jewish outreach director said at a private DNC afterparty ‘Strong record of supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship’: a look at Tim Walz’s votes on Palestine as a member of Congress Nearly Two-Thirds of All Campaign Funds for Cori Bush Challenger Came From AIPAC Israeli army probe covered up “friendly fire” killings on October 7 Are US officials’ investments of public funds in Israeli bonds ethical? How much is too much? Honoring the memory of a Gazan Olympic hero: Majed Abu Maraheel https://israelpalestinenews.org/israel-defiance-full-display-biden-admin-commences-hand-wringing-day-356/
    Israel's defiance on full display; Biden admin commences hand-wringing – Day 356
    Mass walkout in UN as "global pariah" Netanyahu takes the stage; calls for Sec'y Blinken's resignation after he lied to Congress for Israel
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  • Gaza records first polio case in 25 years – Day 314
    [email protected] August 17, 2024 arms embargo, ceasefire, DNC, freedom flotilla, from the river to the sea, humanitarian aid, icc arrest warrant, Jayson Gillham, Mark Smith FCDO, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, pogrom, polio, safe zone, UC Irvine, uncommitted movement
    Smoke rises from the Hamad area following an Israeli attack, which came immediately after Israel issued an evacuation warning to the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis on August 16, 2024 [Doaa Albaz/Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Polio epidemic begins; new flyers about Gaza to distribute; just 11 percent of Gaza for Gazans; Israeli settlers carry out pogrom in Palestinian town of Jit; Gaza Freedom Flotilla drawing near – will it break Israel’s blockade?; Israeli leaders mull how to dodge ICC arrest warrants; German courts grapple with the meaning of “from the river to the sea”; awaiting UC-Irvine’s fall policy on Palestine protest; Dems want ceasefire and arms embargo, but will Kamala listen?; senior UK diplomat resigns over Gaza; Australia’s classical music scene scuffle over Gaza; “Blue Vote Red Line” movement continues to gather signatures; more.

    By IAK staff, from reports.

    Gaza records first polio case as UN calls for truce to tackle virus

    Al Jazeera reports: The Health Ministry in Gaza has said that it detected the first polio case in the besieged enclave, hours after United Nations officials called for a pause in the fighting to enable a vaccination campaign for children against the virus.

    In a statement on Friday, the Health Ministry blamed the “difficult” conditions in Gaza – including the spread of sewage water in the streets, shortages of medical supplies and lack of personal hygiene products due to the Israeli blockade – for the emergence of the virus in the territory.

    Hours earlier, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had called for humanitarian pauses in the war in Gaza to conduct a polio vaccine campaign.

    “It is impossible to conduct a polio vaccination campaign with war raging all over,” he told reporters at the UN headquarters in New York.

    Guterres appealed for assurances of humanitarian pauses to be provided immediately from the warring parties as he warned that preventing and containing the spread of polio in Gaza would take a massive coordinated and urgent effort.

    “Let’s be clear: The ultimate vaccine for polio is peace and an immediate humanitarian ceasefire,” Guterres said. “But in any case, a polio pause is a must.”

    (Read the full article here.)

    Details of the proposed vaccination campaign are here.

    After Israel destroyed Gaza's water and sewage systems, filthy water runs or stands stagnant all over the enclave, carrying polio and other diseases.
    After Israel destroyed Gaza’s water and sewage systems, filthy water runs or stands stagnant all over the enclave, carrying polio and other diseases. (collage)
    New fact sheets about Gaza to be distributed in Chicago and around the country

    If Americans knew has produced two new flyers printed front and back with facts about Gaza for educating Americans.

    These will be available in Chicago at the demonstrations at the Democratic National Convention for everyone to distribute widely. To obtain these, email [email protected]. Below is one of the flyers:

    Front and back sides of one of the new factsheets about Gaza. (IAK)
    Latest evacuation order leaves just 11 percent of Gaza for Gazans; food kitchens in crisis

    OCHA reports: The Israeli military issued an order on 16 August that affects six blocs in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, including two within the Israeli-designated zone in Al Mawasi in western Khan Younis.

    This is one of the largest evacuation orders affecting the zone to date, and it shrinks the size of the so-called “humanitarian area” to about 41 square kilometers, or 11 per cent of the total area of the Gaza Strip.

    Initial mapping indicates that this order affects 122 internally displaced persons sites, makeshift shelters, and collective centers that are collectively hosting over 170,000 people.

    There is an urgent need for increased hot meal capacity in Gaza due to recurrent waves of displacement, the World Food Programme (WFP) reported on 12 August. Many community kitchens in central and southern Gaza struggle due to unstable supplies of humanitarian cargo and the lack of food and fuel.

    The situation has worsened since 22 July following the issuance of multiple evacuation orders in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, which forced the relocation of four kitchens and the closure of 19 food delivery points.

    Moreover, in Deir al Balah, about 1,400 metric tons of food stocks in one of the warehouses became inaccessible and only one WFP warehouse with about 3,000 metric tons of commodities is currently accessible but is insufficient to meet the August cycle requirements.

    In July, 70 community kitchens in Gaza supported by WFP provided around 11.5 million hot meals to more than 200,000 people, the majority in central Gaza.

    Of the total food cargo entering through Kerem Shalom Crossing in July, only eight per cent was humanitarian aid and the rest were commercial trucks. There was reportedly a slight improvement in food availability and diversity in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, but a deterioration in other governorates, and persistent challenges to market functionality including high food prices, lack of liquidity and the emergence of “thieves markets.”

    Israeli settlers rampage across Palestinian town in latest West Bank pogrom

    The Cradle reports: More than 70 armed Jewish settlers invaded the Palestinian town of Jit in the occupied West Bank on 15 August, firing bullets and tear gas at residents and setting several homes and cars and other property on fire, CNN reported.

    Settlers killed 23-year-old Rashid Sedda during the pogrom. The Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Health confirmed the 23-year-old Palestinian died due to a gunshot wound to the chest.

    “We have attacks but nothing to this level,” the head of Jit’s village council, Nasser Sedda, told CNN. “We haven’t seen anything like this before, and without a prior warning. They caught the people off guard – women, children, and elders were there.”

    “Dozens of Israeli civilians, some of them masked, entered the town of Jit and set fire to vehicles and structures in the area, hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails,” the Israeli military said in a statement.

    Haaretz reported that the only person arrested after the settler raid on the village of Jit was suspected of interfering with a policeman and was released. No arrests have yet been made for those involved in the pogrom.

    New film from the Freedom Flotilla Coalition:

    And as this IAK video reported eight years ago, Israeli blockades of Gaza began years before Hamas came to power:

    Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Activists prepare to defy Israel naval blockade of Gaza

    Reuters reports: Peace activists from several countries are setting out on a converted trawler to defy an Israeli blockade and deliver humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

    “The purpose of this mission is to send a message that civil society is not OK with what’s happening in Gaza,” said Fellipe Lopes, the Portuguese media coordinator of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition on board the ship, “Handala” during a stopover in Malta.

    It will be a trip fraught with danger. Another coalition ship on a similar mission to Gaza in 2010 was stopped and boarded by Israeli troops, and nine activists died. Other ships were similarly stopped and boarded, without loss of life.

    “We expect to encounter resistance throughout our mission,” said Australian activist, Michael Coleman.

    “Ours is not an illegal activity in any shape or form. The International Court of Justice has asked them to grant unfettered access to aid into Gaza and I implore them to let us and other aids through immediately,” he said.

    The “Handala” was visited in Malta by 78-year-old retired US Army Colonel and diplomat, Ann Wright, who was on board another coalition ship boarded by Israeli troops in 2010, in the incident in which nine activists died.

    “These people are very brave, because we don’t know what’s going to happen. If the Israelis stop them, we know it’ll be brutal,” Wright said.

    The brightly colored “Handala” carries activists from Italy, France, Norway, Australia, the Netherlands, Syria and a number of Palestinians. It has made several port calls around Scandinavia and the Mediterranean to raise awareness about the situation in Gaza.

    Its hull carries slogans reading: “Free Palestine”, “Gaza you are not alone” and “Stop the Genocide”, while its humanitarian aid cargo consists mostly of medicines.

    The trip along the Eastern Mediterranean to Gaza will take a week but organizers said they might stop over in another harbor on the way.

    NOTE: The flotilla movement was begun by activists Greta Berlin, Paul Larudee and associates.

    The ship named Handala, belonging to the Freedom Flotilla (Ship to Gaza), which set sail from the capital of Norway, Oslo, on May 1st with the aim of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza arrives in Rotterdam, Netherlands on 25 May, 2024 [ Abdullah Asiran/Anadolu via Getty Images]
    The ship named Handala, belonging to the Freedom Flotilla (Ship to Gaza), which set sail from the capital of Norway, Oslo, on May 1st with the aim of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza arrives in Rotterdam, Netherlands on 25 May, 2024 [ Abdullah Asiran/Anadolu via Getty Images] (photo)
    Israeli leaders strategize about how to dodge ICC arrest warrants

    Andalou Agency reports: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met with other officials Thursday to discuss efforts by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue arrest warrants against them.

    “The Attorney General reiterated her position regarding the establishment of a State Commission of Inquiry to examine the humanitarian situation in Gaza even though, according to the view of the Attorney General herself, there is no certainty that establishing this commission would lead to the cancellation of the request to issue the warrants,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement.

    ‘From the river to the sea’: six words that are testing freedom of speech in Germany

    The Guardian reports: Is it legal to say the words “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” in Germany? The answer appears to be yes: you can shout them from the rooftops in German, English, Arabic or Hebrew, so long as a court accepts that you are not doing so to indicate support for Hamas or its murderous assault of 7 October.

    This distinction came to bear on the activist Ava Moayeri last week, when she was convicted of “condoning a crime” for leading a chant of the slogan at a Berlin rally on 11 October. If the speaker of the phrase is understood to mean, for instance, that they support the peaceful liberation of Palestinians, then the utterance would be protected.

    But the presiding judge, Birgit Balzer, didn’t think that was possible in this case, citing the date of the protest in her decision. Moayeri is expected to challenge the verdict in a higher court.

    The slogan has come to symbolize a rift running through German society amid Israel’s war in Gaza. For some people, the expression is implicitly genocidal, especially because of its long history of use by Hamas and other terrorist organizations. The judge reportedly said that it was clear to her that it “denied the right of the state of Israel to exist”, while Germany’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, has declared it to be a Hamas slogan.

    (Read the full article here.)

    Student protesters at UC Irvine were suspended with no chance to defend themselves. Will courts return them to campus?

    The Intercept reports: Amid the brutal police crackdowns at more than 100 campus protests against the war in Gaza the spring, one university in California stood out for its especially harsh treatment of student protesters. The school effectively eliminated any due process for the students by suspending them without making specific allegations of misconduct or allowing the students to respond to vague charges.

    Last month, student protesters at University of California, Irvine sued the school regents and chancellor for suspending them without any notice or a chance to present evidence in their defense. On Tuesday, plaintiffs in the suit filed a motion to ask the Superior Court of California to step in.

    The five students are asking the court to force the school to halt the suspensions and allow students to resume their studies, register for fall classes, go back to campus jobs, and regain access to campus housing.

    More than 3,000 people were arrested during brutal police crackdowns on campus protests this year, according to a protest tracker developed by The Appeal. UCI is still an outlier — it’s one of the only schools in the country that issued interim suspensions banning students from campus before they had a chance to respond. The university’s approach was, a representative for the students said, unprecedented.

    (Read the full article here.)

    Are these people Hamas? Photo by Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images
    Are these people Hamas? Photo by Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images (photo)
    ‘Not Another Bomb’ to Israel Demand Grows Ahead of Democratic Convention

    Common Dreams reports: Leading up to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next week, calls for the U.S. government to stop arming Israel’s devastating assault on the Gaza Strip—widely denounced around the world as genocide—continued to mount on Friday.

    “We join the millions of people who’ve taken action the last 10 months, taxpayers who don’t want to pay for genocide and are demanding an immediate arms embargo on Israel,” U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) executive director Ahmad Abuznaid said in a statement Friday.

    “We know that politicians won’t change their unjust policies until it’s in their own self-interest to do so,” he continued. “We must double down on our demands ahead of the DNC, where we’ll be marching in the streets for the liberation of all.”

    Pro-Palestine protests in Chicago are set to start Sunday, a day before the DNC officially begins. They will continue throughout the week, according to a schedule shared Friday by the Chicago Sun-Times. The March on the DNC is planned for Monday afternoon.

    (Read the full article here.)

    NOTE: If Americans Knew has created fact sheets about Gaza that will be distributed at the protests shown above. IAK will also have a digital billboard truck in Chicago during the convention and large posters about Gaza will be plastered around the city.

    Protesters in Atlanta, Georgia, demand a ceasefire in Gaza on June 27, 2024. Photo by Octavio Jones/Getty Images
    Protesters in Atlanta, Georgia, demand a ceasefire in Gaza on June 27, 2024. Photo by Octavio Jones/Getty Images (photo)
    New Poll Suggests Gaza Ceasefire and Arms Embargo Would Help Dems with Swing State Voters

    A new poll, just released Wednesday by YouGov and the Institute for Mideast Understanding (IMEU) showed that in three key battleground states, “About a quarter of those surveyed across these states say the violence in Gaza will sway how they vote,” and that “60% or more disapprove of more weapons to Israel.”

    Even more stunning, the number of Democratic and Independent voters who would be less likely to vote for Harris if she vowed to stop arming Israel is minuscule. In Pennsylvania, only 7% said they would be less likely to vote for Harris if she pledged to stop sending weapons to Israel; in both Arizona and Georgia, that figure was just 5%.

    The gaps are huge. In those same states, the numbers saying they would be more likely to vote for Harris if she pledged to stop arming Israel were 34% in Pennsylvania, 39% in Georgia, and 35% in Arizona. The rest said it wouldn’t affect their vote.

    “This polling clearly shows that if the Democrats want Vice President Harris to be the strongest nominee possible going into November, then they should be demanding that President Biden stop the flow of weapons to Israel and secure a permanent ceasefire immediately,” IMEU Policy Project Executive Director Margaret DeReus said in a statement. “Not only are these policies popular, but they actually move voters from the ‘undecided’ or ‘not voting’ column and into the Democrats’ column in the states Democrats will need to win.”

    It is clear that the idea that forcing Israel into a ceasefire by withholding weapons would be beneficial to Harris, and all the more so if Israel then stops its genocide, and Iran and the rest of the Axis of Resistance stand down, as has been promised, and is the overwhelmingly likely result.

    Harris leads Trump in Pennsylvania by 2.1%, Arizona by 0.7%, and Georgia by 0.1%, according to the data-driven news site FiveThirtyEight’s polling averages as of Aug. 14.

    An Israeli soldier carries a 155mm artillery shell near a self-propelled howitzer deployed at a position near the border with Lebanon in the upper Galilee region of northern Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo: Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images)
    An Israeli soldier carries a 155mm artillery shell near a self-propelled howitzer deployed at a position near the border with Lebanon in the upper Galilee region of northern Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo: Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images) (photo)
    Senior diplomat resigns over UK’s complicity in ‘war crimes’ in Gaza

    Middle East Monitor reports: A senior British diplomat has resigned from the Foreign Office over the UK’s continued arms sales to Israel, which he said have “no justification”.

    Mark Smith, the head of Africa Programmes and Expertise Department and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, submitted a resignation letter entitled “FCDO complicity in War Crimes” reports revealed yesterday.

    “It is with sadness that I resign after a long career in the diplomatic service,” he wrote, “however I can no longer carry out my duties in the knowledge that this Department may be complicit in War Crimes. ”

    “Each day we witness clear and unquestionable examples of War Crimes and breaches of International Humanitarian Law in Gaza perpetrated by the State of Israel,” he continued.

    He went on to highlight how “senior members of the Israeli government and militar have expressed open genocidal intent, Isralei soldiers take videos, deliberately burning destroying, and looting civilian property and openly admit to the rape and torture of prisoners.”

    Melbourne orchestra leaders voted out for removing pianist over Gaza tribute

    Middle East Eye reports: Musicians at the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) have passed a vote of no confidence in its board after it cancelled a show by a pianist who had dedicated a performance to Palestinian journalists killed by Israeli forces in Gaza.

    In a letter to the management, the musicians said, “We believe it is the duty of senior management to lead and manage in accordance with the MSO’s values and behaviors, however, it has become apparent that these values no longer appear to be aligned with those of the orchestra and staff.”

    On Sunday, British-Australian pianist Jayson Gillham premiered a five-minute piece called Witness, which he performed after a brief comment on Israel’s killing of journalists in Gaza, which he referred to as a war crime.

    Following the concert, MSO announced that it had cancelled Gillham’s upcoming performance, which was to take place on Thursday, due to “a series of introductory remarks” he made.

    It said that it had sought “independent security advice” following Sunday’s concert, and in light of the advice, “had no option but to cancel” Gillham’s next show.

    AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW ADDS: After a litany of protest from its staff, some subscribers and members of the public, the MSO had by Thursday relented and released a statement admitting its cancellation of Gillham had been “an error”, and that it was working to program a new concert with him shortly.

    The backdown has in turn upset some Jewish stakeholders.

    “The MSO got it right the first time,” said the co-chief executive of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Peter Wertheim.

    Jayson Gillham has been involved in the Palestinian issue in the past.

    “Blue Vote Red Line” movement continues to gather signatures

    The “Blue Vote Red Line” movement seeks to collect 1 million voters to pledge a vote for the Democratic ticket if, and only if, it commits to 1) enforce an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as ordered by the World Court and UN Security Council Resolution 2735 or 2) end all military aid to Israel.

    Their goal is to “force the Democratic Party to listen to its voters and not just its donors. The pledge can be viewed and signed here.


    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    BBC: ‘On verge of an explosion’: Policeman’s killing part of spiraling West Bank violence

    The Cradle: Canada violates UN arms treaty with ‘unofficial’ shipments to Israel via US

    DropSite News: While Elon Musk battles the UK and EU over social media censorship, Israel is jailing citizens for Instagram posts

    Palestine Chronicle: Deceptive Optimism – What is really happening at the Gaza ceasefire talks (analysis)


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 16: at least 40,706* (40,074 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 632 in the West Bank (~145 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced.
    Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 16: at least 97,957 (including at least 92,537 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 16: ~1,454 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 290*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 25 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.

    **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    ***Approximately ten of the deaths listed above were Israeli soldiers killed by Hezbollah in fighting at the Israel-Lebanon border. The figure does not include the reportedly 41 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org
    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    Understanding what motivates ultra-orthodox Jewish attacks on West Bank Palestinians
    Palestinians’ harrowing stories of rape by Israeli soldiers (including female soldiers)
    A Palestinian journalist visited Ismail Haniyeh’s home in Gaza to report on his death. Israel assassinated him too.
    I reported a piece for the New York Times on antisemitism. I found a major error, but the Times didn’t care.
    How Israel plans to whitewash its war crimes in Gaza
    Why the West Bank is on the verge of economic collapse
    Netanyahu’s plan to involve US in regional war on its behalf
    Western media continue to withhold the truth about Israel and Gaza – 4 stories
    “Well What SHOULD Israel Have Done After October 7?”
    Welcome to Hell
    More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own
    U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal
    Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West
    Searching for Gaza’s missing children
    What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million?
    Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor
    When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’
    Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war
    Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct
    US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington
    Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video)
    Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience
    Gaza genocide denial
    Why the news media’s job is to groom us
    ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children

    Gaza records first polio case in 25 years – Day 314 [email protected] August 17, 2024 arms embargo, ceasefire, DNC, freedom flotilla, from the river to the sea, humanitarian aid, icc arrest warrant, Jayson Gillham, Mark Smith FCDO, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, pogrom, polio, safe zone, UC Irvine, uncommitted movement Smoke rises from the Hamad area following an Israeli attack, which came immediately after Israel issued an evacuation warning to the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis on August 16, 2024 [Doaa Albaz/Anadolu Agency] (photo) Polio epidemic begins; new flyers about Gaza to distribute; just 11 percent of Gaza for Gazans; Israeli settlers carry out pogrom in Palestinian town of Jit; Gaza Freedom Flotilla drawing near – will it break Israel’s blockade?; Israeli leaders mull how to dodge ICC arrest warrants; German courts grapple with the meaning of “from the river to the sea”; awaiting UC-Irvine’s fall policy on Palestine protest; Dems want ceasefire and arms embargo, but will Kamala listen?; senior UK diplomat resigns over Gaza; Australia’s classical music scene scuffle over Gaza; “Blue Vote Red Line” movement continues to gather signatures; more. By IAK staff, from reports. Gaza records first polio case as UN calls for truce to tackle virus Al Jazeera reports: The Health Ministry in Gaza has said that it detected the first polio case in the besieged enclave, hours after United Nations officials called for a pause in the fighting to enable a vaccination campaign for children against the virus. In a statement on Friday, the Health Ministry blamed the “difficult” conditions in Gaza – including the spread of sewage water in the streets, shortages of medical supplies and lack of personal hygiene products due to the Israeli blockade – for the emergence of the virus in the territory. Hours earlier, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had called for humanitarian pauses in the war in Gaza to conduct a polio vaccine campaign. “It is impossible to conduct a polio vaccination campaign with war raging all over,” he told reporters at the UN headquarters in New York. Guterres appealed for assurances of humanitarian pauses to be provided immediately from the warring parties as he warned that preventing and containing the spread of polio in Gaza would take a massive coordinated and urgent effort. “Let’s be clear: The ultimate vaccine for polio is peace and an immediate humanitarian ceasefire,” Guterres said. “But in any case, a polio pause is a must.” (Read the full article here.) Details of the proposed vaccination campaign are here. After Israel destroyed Gaza's water and sewage systems, filthy water runs or stands stagnant all over the enclave, carrying polio and other diseases. After Israel destroyed Gaza’s water and sewage systems, filthy water runs or stands stagnant all over the enclave, carrying polio and other diseases. (collage) New fact sheets about Gaza to be distributed in Chicago and around the country If Americans knew has produced two new flyers printed front and back with facts about Gaza for educating Americans. These will be available in Chicago at the demonstrations at the Democratic National Convention for everyone to distribute widely. To obtain these, email [email protected]. Below is one of the flyers: Front and back sides of one of the new factsheets about Gaza. (IAK) Latest evacuation order leaves just 11 percent of Gaza for Gazans; food kitchens in crisis OCHA reports: The Israeli military issued an order on 16 August that affects six blocs in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, including two within the Israeli-designated zone in Al Mawasi in western Khan Younis. This is one of the largest evacuation orders affecting the zone to date, and it shrinks the size of the so-called “humanitarian area” to about 41 square kilometers, or 11 per cent of the total area of the Gaza Strip. Initial mapping indicates that this order affects 122 internally displaced persons sites, makeshift shelters, and collective centers that are collectively hosting over 170,000 people. There is an urgent need for increased hot meal capacity in Gaza due to recurrent waves of displacement, the World Food Programme (WFP) reported on 12 August. Many community kitchens in central and southern Gaza struggle due to unstable supplies of humanitarian cargo and the lack of food and fuel. The situation has worsened since 22 July following the issuance of multiple evacuation orders in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, which forced the relocation of four kitchens and the closure of 19 food delivery points. Moreover, in Deir al Balah, about 1,400 metric tons of food stocks in one of the warehouses became inaccessible and only one WFP warehouse with about 3,000 metric tons of commodities is currently accessible but is insufficient to meet the August cycle requirements. In July, 70 community kitchens in Gaza supported by WFP provided around 11.5 million hot meals to more than 200,000 people, the majority in central Gaza. Of the total food cargo entering through Kerem Shalom Crossing in July, only eight per cent was humanitarian aid and the rest were commercial trucks. There was reportedly a slight improvement in food availability and diversity in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, but a deterioration in other governorates, and persistent challenges to market functionality including high food prices, lack of liquidity and the emergence of “thieves markets.” Israeli settlers rampage across Palestinian town in latest West Bank pogrom The Cradle reports: More than 70 armed Jewish settlers invaded the Palestinian town of Jit in the occupied West Bank on 15 August, firing bullets and tear gas at residents and setting several homes and cars and other property on fire, CNN reported. Settlers killed 23-year-old Rashid Sedda during the pogrom. The Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Health confirmed the 23-year-old Palestinian died due to a gunshot wound to the chest. “We have attacks but nothing to this level,” the head of Jit’s village council, Nasser Sedda, told CNN. “We haven’t seen anything like this before, and without a prior warning. They caught the people off guard – women, children, and elders were there.” “Dozens of Israeli civilians, some of them masked, entered the town of Jit and set fire to vehicles and structures in the area, hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails,” the Israeli military said in a statement. Haaretz reported that the only person arrested after the settler raid on the village of Jit was suspected of interfering with a policeman and was released. No arrests have yet been made for those involved in the pogrom. New film from the Freedom Flotilla Coalition: And as this IAK video reported eight years ago, Israeli blockades of Gaza began years before Hamas came to power: Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Activists prepare to defy Israel naval blockade of Gaza Reuters reports: Peace activists from several countries are setting out on a converted trawler to defy an Israeli blockade and deliver humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. “The purpose of this mission is to send a message that civil society is not OK with what’s happening in Gaza,” said Fellipe Lopes, the Portuguese media coordinator of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition on board the ship, “Handala” during a stopover in Malta. It will be a trip fraught with danger. Another coalition ship on a similar mission to Gaza in 2010 was stopped and boarded by Israeli troops, and nine activists died. Other ships were similarly stopped and boarded, without loss of life. “We expect to encounter resistance throughout our mission,” said Australian activist, Michael Coleman. “Ours is not an illegal activity in any shape or form. The International Court of Justice has asked them to grant unfettered access to aid into Gaza and I implore them to let us and other aids through immediately,” he said. The “Handala” was visited in Malta by 78-year-old retired US Army Colonel and diplomat, Ann Wright, who was on board another coalition ship boarded by Israeli troops in 2010, in the incident in which nine activists died. “These people are very brave, because we don’t know what’s going to happen. If the Israelis stop them, we know it’ll be brutal,” Wright said. The brightly colored “Handala” carries activists from Italy, France, Norway, Australia, the Netherlands, Syria and a number of Palestinians. It has made several port calls around Scandinavia and the Mediterranean to raise awareness about the situation in Gaza. Its hull carries slogans reading: “Free Palestine”, “Gaza you are not alone” and “Stop the Genocide”, while its humanitarian aid cargo consists mostly of medicines. The trip along the Eastern Mediterranean to Gaza will take a week but organizers said they might stop over in another harbor on the way. NOTE: The flotilla movement was begun by activists Greta Berlin, Paul Larudee and associates. The ship named Handala, belonging to the Freedom Flotilla (Ship to Gaza), which set sail from the capital of Norway, Oslo, on May 1st with the aim of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza arrives in Rotterdam, Netherlands on 25 May, 2024 [ Abdullah Asiran/Anadolu via Getty Images] The ship named Handala, belonging to the Freedom Flotilla (Ship to Gaza), which set sail from the capital of Norway, Oslo, on May 1st with the aim of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza arrives in Rotterdam, Netherlands on 25 May, 2024 [ Abdullah Asiran/Anadolu via Getty Images] (photo) Israeli leaders strategize about how to dodge ICC arrest warrants Andalou Agency reports: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met with other officials Thursday to discuss efforts by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue arrest warrants against them. “The Attorney General reiterated her position regarding the establishment of a State Commission of Inquiry to examine the humanitarian situation in Gaza even though, according to the view of the Attorney General herself, there is no certainty that establishing this commission would lead to the cancellation of the request to issue the warrants,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement. ‘From the river to the sea’: six words that are testing freedom of speech in Germany The Guardian reports: Is it legal to say the words “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” in Germany? The answer appears to be yes: you can shout them from the rooftops in German, English, Arabic or Hebrew, so long as a court accepts that you are not doing so to indicate support for Hamas or its murderous assault of 7 October. This distinction came to bear on the activist Ava Moayeri last week, when she was convicted of “condoning a crime” for leading a chant of the slogan at a Berlin rally on 11 October. If the speaker of the phrase is understood to mean, for instance, that they support the peaceful liberation of Palestinians, then the utterance would be protected. But the presiding judge, Birgit Balzer, didn’t think that was possible in this case, citing the date of the protest in her decision. Moayeri is expected to challenge the verdict in a higher court. The slogan has come to symbolize a rift running through German society amid Israel’s war in Gaza. For some people, the expression is implicitly genocidal, especially because of its long history of use by Hamas and other terrorist organizations. The judge reportedly said that it was clear to her that it “denied the right of the state of Israel to exist”, while Germany’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, has declared it to be a Hamas slogan. (Read the full article here.) Student protesters at UC Irvine were suspended with no chance to defend themselves. Will courts return them to campus? The Intercept reports: Amid the brutal police crackdowns at more than 100 campus protests against the war in Gaza the spring, one university in California stood out for its especially harsh treatment of student protesters. The school effectively eliminated any due process for the students by suspending them without making specific allegations of misconduct or allowing the students to respond to vague charges. Last month, student protesters at University of California, Irvine sued the school regents and chancellor for suspending them without any notice or a chance to present evidence in their defense. On Tuesday, plaintiffs in the suit filed a motion to ask the Superior Court of California to step in. The five students are asking the court to force the school to halt the suspensions and allow students to resume their studies, register for fall classes, go back to campus jobs, and regain access to campus housing. More than 3,000 people were arrested during brutal police crackdowns on campus protests this year, according to a protest tracker developed by The Appeal. UCI is still an outlier — it’s one of the only schools in the country that issued interim suspensions banning students from campus before they had a chance to respond. The university’s approach was, a representative for the students said, unprecedented. (Read the full article here.) Are these people Hamas? Photo by Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images Are these people Hamas? Photo by Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images (photo) ‘Not Another Bomb’ to Israel Demand Grows Ahead of Democratic Convention Common Dreams reports: Leading up to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next week, calls for the U.S. government to stop arming Israel’s devastating assault on the Gaza Strip—widely denounced around the world as genocide—continued to mount on Friday. “We join the millions of people who’ve taken action the last 10 months, taxpayers who don’t want to pay for genocide and are demanding an immediate arms embargo on Israel,” U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) executive director Ahmad Abuznaid said in a statement Friday. “We know that politicians won’t change their unjust policies until it’s in their own self-interest to do so,” he continued. “We must double down on our demands ahead of the DNC, where we’ll be marching in the streets for the liberation of all.” Pro-Palestine protests in Chicago are set to start Sunday, a day before the DNC officially begins. They will continue throughout the week, according to a schedule shared Friday by the Chicago Sun-Times. The March on the DNC is planned for Monday afternoon. (Read the full article here.) NOTE: If Americans Knew has created fact sheets about Gaza that will be distributed at the protests shown above. IAK will also have a digital billboard truck in Chicago during the convention and large posters about Gaza will be plastered around the city. Protesters in Atlanta, Georgia, demand a ceasefire in Gaza on June 27, 2024. Photo by Octavio Jones/Getty Images Protesters in Atlanta, Georgia, demand a ceasefire in Gaza on June 27, 2024. Photo by Octavio Jones/Getty Images (photo) New Poll Suggests Gaza Ceasefire and Arms Embargo Would Help Dems with Swing State Voters A new poll, just released Wednesday by YouGov and the Institute for Mideast Understanding (IMEU) showed that in three key battleground states, “About a quarter of those surveyed across these states say the violence in Gaza will sway how they vote,” and that “60% or more disapprove of more weapons to Israel.” Even more stunning, the number of Democratic and Independent voters who would be less likely to vote for Harris if she vowed to stop arming Israel is minuscule. In Pennsylvania, only 7% said they would be less likely to vote for Harris if she pledged to stop sending weapons to Israel; in both Arizona and Georgia, that figure was just 5%. The gaps are huge. In those same states, the numbers saying they would be more likely to vote for Harris if she pledged to stop arming Israel were 34% in Pennsylvania, 39% in Georgia, and 35% in Arizona. The rest said it wouldn’t affect their vote. “This polling clearly shows that if the Democrats want Vice President Harris to be the strongest nominee possible going into November, then they should be demanding that President Biden stop the flow of weapons to Israel and secure a permanent ceasefire immediately,” IMEU Policy Project Executive Director Margaret DeReus said in a statement. “Not only are these policies popular, but they actually move voters from the ‘undecided’ or ‘not voting’ column and into the Democrats’ column in the states Democrats will need to win.” It is clear that the idea that forcing Israel into a ceasefire by withholding weapons would be beneficial to Harris, and all the more so if Israel then stops its genocide, and Iran and the rest of the Axis of Resistance stand down, as has been promised, and is the overwhelmingly likely result. Harris leads Trump in Pennsylvania by 2.1%, Arizona by 0.7%, and Georgia by 0.1%, according to the data-driven news site FiveThirtyEight’s polling averages as of Aug. 14. An Israeli soldier carries a 155mm artillery shell near a self-propelled howitzer deployed at a position near the border with Lebanon in the upper Galilee region of northern Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo: Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images) An Israeli soldier carries a 155mm artillery shell near a self-propelled howitzer deployed at a position near the border with Lebanon in the upper Galilee region of northern Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo: Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images) (photo) Senior diplomat resigns over UK’s complicity in ‘war crimes’ in Gaza Middle East Monitor reports: A senior British diplomat has resigned from the Foreign Office over the UK’s continued arms sales to Israel, which he said have “no justification”. Mark Smith, the head of Africa Programmes and Expertise Department and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, submitted a resignation letter entitled “FCDO complicity in War Crimes” reports revealed yesterday. “It is with sadness that I resign after a long career in the diplomatic service,” he wrote, “however I can no longer carry out my duties in the knowledge that this Department may be complicit in War Crimes. ” “Each day we witness clear and unquestionable examples of War Crimes and breaches of International Humanitarian Law in Gaza perpetrated by the State of Israel,” he continued. He went on to highlight how “senior members of the Israeli government and militar have expressed open genocidal intent, Isralei soldiers take videos, deliberately burning destroying, and looting civilian property and openly admit to the rape and torture of prisoners.” Melbourne orchestra leaders voted out for removing pianist over Gaza tribute Middle East Eye reports: Musicians at the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) have passed a vote of no confidence in its board after it cancelled a show by a pianist who had dedicated a performance to Palestinian journalists killed by Israeli forces in Gaza. In a letter to the management, the musicians said, “We believe it is the duty of senior management to lead and manage in accordance with the MSO’s values and behaviors, however, it has become apparent that these values no longer appear to be aligned with those of the orchestra and staff.” On Sunday, British-Australian pianist Jayson Gillham premiered a five-minute piece called Witness, which he performed after a brief comment on Israel’s killing of journalists in Gaza, which he referred to as a war crime. Following the concert, MSO announced that it had cancelled Gillham’s upcoming performance, which was to take place on Thursday, due to “a series of introductory remarks” he made. It said that it had sought “independent security advice” following Sunday’s concert, and in light of the advice, “had no option but to cancel” Gillham’s next show. AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW ADDS: After a litany of protest from its staff, some subscribers and members of the public, the MSO had by Thursday relented and released a statement admitting its cancellation of Gillham had been “an error”, and that it was working to program a new concert with him shortly. The backdown has in turn upset some Jewish stakeholders. “The MSO got it right the first time,” said the co-chief executive of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Peter Wertheim. Jayson Gillham has been involved in the Palestinian issue in the past. “Blue Vote Red Line” movement continues to gather signatures The “Blue Vote Red Line” movement seeks to collect 1 million voters to pledge a vote for the Democratic ticket if, and only if, it commits to 1) enforce an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, as ordered by the World Court and UN Security Council Resolution 2735 or 2) end all military aid to Israel. Their goal is to “force the Democratic Party to listen to its voters and not just its donors. The pledge can be viewed and signed here. MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. BBC: ‘On verge of an explosion’: Policeman’s killing part of spiraling West Bank violence The Cradle: Canada violates UN arms treaty with ‘unofficial’ shipments to Israel via US DropSite News: While Elon Musk battles the UK and EU over social media censorship, Israel is jailing citizens for Instagram posts Palestine Chronicle: Deceptive Optimism – What is really happening at the Gaza ceasefire talks (analysis) STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – AUGUST 16: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 16: at least 40,706* (40,074 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 632 in the West Bank (~145 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced. Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 16: at least 97,957 (including at least 92,537 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 16: ~1,454 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 290*** military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 25 military and civilians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Israel) and~10,000 injured. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so. **Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. ***Approximately ten of the deaths listed above were Israeli soldiers killed by Hezbollah in fighting at the Israel-Lebanon border. The figure does not include the reportedly 41 Israeli soldiers – nearly 16% of the total Israeli military deaths – killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) Understanding what motivates ultra-orthodox Jewish attacks on West Bank Palestinians Palestinians’ harrowing stories of rape by Israeli soldiers (including female soldiers) A Palestinian journalist visited Ismail Haniyeh’s home in Gaza to report on his death. Israel assassinated him too. I reported a piece for the New York Times on antisemitism. I found a major error, but the Times didn’t care. How Israel plans to whitewash its war crimes in Gaza Why the West Bank is on the verge of economic collapse Netanyahu’s plan to involve US in regional war on its behalf Western media continue to withhold the truth about Israel and Gaza – 4 stories “Well What SHOULD Israel Have Done After October 7?” Welcome to Hell More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West Searching for Gaza’s missing children What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million? Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’ Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video) Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience Gaza genocide denial Why the news media’s job is to groom us ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children https://israelpalestinenews.org/gaza-records-first-polio-case-in-25-years-day-314/
    Gaza records first polio case in 25 years – Day 314
    Polio epidemic; Gaza's shrinking "safe" spaces; pogrom in Palestinian town of Jit; Freedom Flotilla; how to dodge ICC arrest warrants; more
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  • Eight cancer doctors 'who dedicated their lives to saving others' among the 62 passengers and crew dead on doomed Brazil flight that plunged from the sky and exploded in a fireball when they were on their way to conference
    20:55 BST 10 Aug 2024, updated 21:31 BST 10 Aug 2024 By Caroline Graham In Los Angeles

    Eight cancer doctors were among the 62 passengers and crew who died when a Brazilian airliner plunged dramatically from the sky and exploded in a fireball.

    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 VoePass Airline flight crashed into a gated community killing all on board on Friday.

    Eduardo Baptistella of the Regional Medical Council said: 'Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the death of eight doctors. The doctors were going to an oncology conference. These were people who dedicated their lives to saving others.'

    Some of the doctors' names began to emerge last night including radiologist Leonel Ferreira, pediatric cancer expert Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki.

    Mr Baptistella said 15 doctors had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight but seven had taken an earlier plane.

    This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024
    This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed

    Moment plane FALLS from the sky and crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo

    The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday
    The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday
    A spokesman for Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel confirmed two final-year resident oncology doctors, Arianne Risso, 28, and Mariana Belim, 29, had perished, adding: 'It is with immense pain we can confirm the death of the clinical oncology residents.

    Read More

    Top aviation expert reveals likely cause of 'death spiral' that brought down Brazil plane

    article image
    'There are no words to express the sadness we feel in the face of this great tragedy.'

    VoePass flight 2283 crashed 50 miles north-west of Sao Paulo en route to the city's Guarulhos International Airport.

    The plane was at an altitude of 16,000ft when it went into a 'death spiral' and plummeted to the ground in fifty seconds.

    Eyewitnesses who videoed the crash said it appeared to stall before circling to the ground and bursting into flames at around 1.30pm local time (5.30pm BST).

    Last night the airline confirmed ten people who were waiting at the wrong boarding gate in Cascavel miraculously missed the flight.

    The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent
    The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent

    Eyewitness video shows destruction at plane crash site in Brazil

    Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil
    Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil

    Aerial view of the crash site of plane that fell in Brazil

    Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday
    Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday
    A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke
    A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke
    Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo
    Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo
    Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows
    Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows
    One man, who did not give his name, told news channel CNN: 'The monitor was showing the wrong gate and there were ten of us sitting there and we realised we were in the wrong place.

    Read More

    Pictured: Experienced pilot killed in Brazilian plane crash which left 61 others dead

    article image
    'We ran to the right gate and I asked one of the agents, "Girl, put me on this plane, I have to go, I have to go", but she said: "No, you are too late and I can only reschedule your flight".'

    Friends of the pilot Danilo Romano, 35, who had ten years flying experience, described him as 'an amazing professional' who was 'always smiling and willing to help'.

    While the pilot made no mayday call, aviation experts say the plane may have experienced sudden icing on its wings.

    The flight's black box has been recovered in good condition.


    Eight cancer doctors 'who dedicated their lives to saving others' among the 62 passengers and crew dead on doomed Brazil flight that plunged from the sky and exploded in a fireball when they were on their way to conference 20:55 BST 10 Aug 2024, updated 21:31 BST 10 Aug 2024 By Caroline Graham In Los Angeles Eight cancer doctors were among the 62 passengers and crew who died when a Brazilian airliner plunged dramatically from the sky and exploded in a fireball. Advertisement Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 VoePass Airline flight crashed into a gated community killing all on board on Friday. Eduardo Baptistella of the Regional Medical Council said: 'Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the death of eight doctors. The doctors were going to an oncology conference. These were people who dedicated their lives to saving others.' Some of the doctors' names began to emerge last night including radiologist Leonel Ferreira, pediatric cancer expert Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki. Mr Baptistella said 15 doctors had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight but seven had taken an earlier plane. This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024 This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024 Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed Moment plane FALLS from the sky and crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday A spokesman for Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel confirmed two final-year resident oncology doctors, Arianne Risso, 28, and Mariana Belim, 29, had perished, adding: 'It is with immense pain we can confirm the death of the clinical oncology residents. Read More Top aviation expert reveals likely cause of 'death spiral' that brought down Brazil plane article image 'There are no words to express the sadness we feel in the face of this great tragedy.' VoePass flight 2283 crashed 50 miles north-west of Sao Paulo en route to the city's Guarulhos International Airport. The plane was at an altitude of 16,000ft when it went into a 'death spiral' and plummeted to the ground in fifty seconds. Eyewitnesses who videoed the crash said it appeared to stall before circling to the ground and bursting into flames at around 1.30pm local time (5.30pm BST). Last night the airline confirmed ten people who were waiting at the wrong boarding gate in Cascavel miraculously missed the flight. The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent Eyewitness video shows destruction at plane crash site in Brazil Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil Aerial view of the crash site of plane that fell in Brazil Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows One man, who did not give his name, told news channel CNN: 'The monitor was showing the wrong gate and there were ten of us sitting there and we realised we were in the wrong place. Read More Pictured: Experienced pilot killed in Brazilian plane crash which left 61 others dead article image 'We ran to the right gate and I asked one of the agents, "Girl, put me on this plane, I have to go, I have to go", but she said: "No, you are too late and I can only reschedule your flight".' Advertisement Friends of the pilot Danilo Romano, 35, who had ten years flying experience, described him as 'an amazing professional' who was 'always smiling and willing to help'. While the pilot made no mayday call, aviation experts say the plane may have experienced sudden icing on its wings. The flight's black box has been recovered in good condition. Brazil https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13731431/Eight-cancer-doctors-dedicated-lives-passengers-crew-dead-doomed-Brazil-flight-plunged-sky-exploded.html
    Eight cancer doctors among the 62 dead on doomed Brazil flight
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the crash happened.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7121 Views
  • Eight cancer doctors 'who dedicated their lives to saving others' among the 62 passengers and crew dead on doomed Brazil flight that plunged from the sky and exploded in a fireball when they were on their way to conference
    20:55 BST 10 Aug 2024, updated 21:31 BST 10 Aug 2024 By Caroline Graham In Los Angeles
    Eight cancer doctors were among the 62 passengers and crew who died when a Brazilian airliner plunged dramatically from the sky and exploded in a fireball.
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 VoePass Airline flight crashed into a gated community killing all on board on Friday.
    Eduardo Baptistella of the Regional Medical Council said: 'Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the death of eight doctors. The doctors were going to an oncology conference. These were people who dedicated their lives to saving others.'
    Some of the doctors' names began to emerge last night including radiologist Leonel Ferreira, pediatric cancer expert Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki.
    Mr Baptistella said 15 doctors had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight but seven had taken an earlier plane.
    This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024
    This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed
    Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed
    Moment plane FALLS from the sky and crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo
    The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday
    The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday
    A spokesman for Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel confirmed two final-year resident oncology doctors, Arianne Risso, 28, and Mariana Belim, 29, had perished, adding: 'It is with immense pain we can confirm the death of the clinical oncology residents.
    Read More
    Top aviation expert reveals likely cause of 'death spiral' that brought down Brazil plane
    article image
    'There are no words to express the sadness we feel in the face of this great tragedy.'
    VoePass flight 2283 crashed 50 miles north-west of Sao Paulo en route to the city's Guarulhos International Airport.
    The plane was at an altitude of 16,000ft when it went into a 'death spiral' and plummeted to the ground in fifty seconds.
    Eyewitnesses who videoed the crash said it appeared to stall before circling to the ground and bursting into flames at around 1.30pm local time (5.30pm BST).
    Last night the airline confirmed ten people who were waiting at the wrong boarding gate in Cascavel miraculously missed the flight.
    The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent
    The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent
    Eyewitness video shows destruction at plane crash site in Brazil
    Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil
    Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil
    Aerial view of the crash site of plane that fell in Brazil
    Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday
    Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday
    A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke
    A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke
    Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo
    Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo
    Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows
    Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows
    One man, who did not give his name, told news channel CNN: 'The monitor was showing the wrong gate and there were ten of us sitting there and we realised we were in the wrong place.
    Read More
    Pictured: Experienced pilot killed in Brazilian plane crash which left 61 others dead
    article image
    'We ran to the right gate and I asked one of the agents, "Girl, put me on this plane, I have to go, I have to go", but she said: "No, you are too late and I can only reschedule your flight".'
    Friends of the pilot Danilo Romano, 35, who had ten years flying experience, described him as 'an amazing professional' who was 'always smiling and willing to help'.
    While the pilot made no mayday call, aviation experts say the plane may have experienced sudden icing on its wings.
    The flight's black box has been recovered in good condition.
    Eight cancer doctors 'who dedicated their lives to saving others' among the 62 passengers and crew dead on doomed Brazil flight that plunged from the sky and exploded in a fireball when they were on their way to conference 20:55 BST 10 Aug 2024, updated 21:31 BST 10 Aug 2024 By Caroline Graham In Los Angeles Eight cancer doctors were among the 62 passengers and crew who died when a Brazilian airliner plunged dramatically from the sky and exploded in a fireball. Advertisement Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 VoePass Airline flight crashed into a gated community killing all on board on Friday. Eduardo Baptistella of the Regional Medical Council said: 'Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the death of eight doctors. The doctors were going to an oncology conference. These were people who dedicated their lives to saving others.' Some of the doctors' names began to emerge last night including radiologist Leonel Ferreira, pediatric cancer expert Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki. Mr Baptistella said 15 doctors had been scheduled to take the two-hour doomed flight but seven had taken an earlier plane. This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024 This photo shows an aerial view of the wreckage of an airplane that crashed with 61 people on board in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, on August 10, 2024 Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed Six leading oncologists and two resident medics, in their final year of training, were on their way from their home city of Cascavel to a cancer conference in Sao Paulo when the plane crashed Moment plane FALLS from the sky and crashes in Brazil's Sao Paulo The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday The plane can be seen in a 'death spiral' before it crashed into a residential area on Friday A spokesman for Uopeccan Cancer Hospital in Cascavel confirmed two final-year resident oncology doctors, Arianne Risso, 28, and Mariana Belim, 29, had perished, adding: 'It is with immense pain we can confirm the death of the clinical oncology residents. Read More Top aviation expert reveals likely cause of 'death spiral' that brought down Brazil plane article image 'There are no words to express the sadness we feel in the face of this great tragedy.' VoePass flight 2283 crashed 50 miles north-west of Sao Paulo en route to the city's Guarulhos International Airport. The plane was at an altitude of 16,000ft when it went into a 'death spiral' and plummeted to the ground in fifty seconds. Eyewitnesses who videoed the crash said it appeared to stall before circling to the ground and bursting into flames at around 1.30pm local time (5.30pm BST). Last night the airline confirmed ten people who were waiting at the wrong boarding gate in Cascavel miraculously missed the flight. The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent The plane was on its way from Cascavel to Guarulhos cruising at 17,000 feet when it began the sudden descent Eyewitness video shows destruction at plane crash site in Brazil Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil Pictured: The wreckage of the Voepass Airlines plane that crashed in Brazil Aerial view of the crash site of plane that fell in Brazil Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday Debris is pictured as emergency personnel work at the site of a plane crash on Friday A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke A dramatic video from the scene on Friday showed a Voepass plane falling from the sky as it plummeted behind a cluster of trees near houses, followed by a large plume of black smoke Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo Captain Danilo Santos Romano was named today as the first victim of the horror crash in the city of Vinhedo Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows Mr Romano worked as a pilot for more than a decade and joined Voepass Airlines in 2022, his LinkedIn profile shows One man, who did not give his name, told news channel CNN: 'The monitor was showing the wrong gate and there were ten of us sitting there and we realised we were in the wrong place. Read More Pictured: Experienced pilot killed in Brazilian plane crash which left 61 others dead article image 'We ran to the right gate and I asked one of the agents, "Girl, put me on this plane, I have to go, I have to go", but she said: "No, you are too late and I can only reschedule your flight".' Advertisement Friends of the pilot Danilo Romano, 35, who had ten years flying experience, described him as 'an amazing professional' who was 'always smiling and willing to help'. While the pilot made no mayday call, aviation experts say the plane may have experienced sudden icing on its wings. The flight's black box has been recovered in good condition. Brazil https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13731431/Eight-cancer-doctors-dedicated-lives-passengers-crew-dead-doomed-Brazil-flight-plunged-sky-exploded.html
    0 Comments 1 Shares 6855 Views
  • ‘Shrapnel, stones and scattered human flesh’: Testimonies from survivors of Gaza school bombings
    On Thursday, August 8 , Israeli airstrikes targeted two schools in Gaza City, killing at least 17 people and the injury of dozens others. These are the testimonies of some of the survivors.

    Tareq S. HajjajAugust 9, 2024
    A group of people inspect the damage in a bombed out room of a school that was targeted by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza.
    Palestinians inspect the damage after an Israeli attack hit the Al-Zahraa School in the east of Gaza City on August 8, 2024. (Photo by Hadi Daoud/ APA Images)
    For the third time in a row in just one week, Israel attacked displaced Palestinians sheltering in schools in the Gaza Strip, killing and injuring dozens.

    On Thursday, August 8 around 3:00 p.m. local time, Israeli airstrikes targeted two schools in Gaza City at the same time: Al-Zahraa School in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood and Abdul Fattah Hamoud School in the old city of Gaza. The attack resulted in the killing of 17 people and the injury of dozens others.

    The attack came just days after the Israeli army bombed two other schools in Gaza City, which resulted in the killing of 27 displaced people.


    Follow the Mondoweiss channel on WhatsApp!
    The bombings on Thursday struck terror among the crowds of displaced people sheltering at the schools. Witnesses at the Abdul Fattah Hamoud School in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City told Mondoweiss that the school was at one of its most crowded hours in the middle of the day when the bombs hit.

    “Suddenly, a missile fell on us. The school was crowded during the day, and the displaced people were still moving inside. After the bombing, all the shrapnel, stones, and scattered pieces of human flesh fell on the heads of the displaced people,” said Kamal Hamada, 20, who lives in the school as a displaced person and witnessed the massacre.

    “There was a water well in the school that provided for more than 300 families inside the school, and the Israeli army directly bombed the well,” Hamada said. “The world ignores our slaughter, if these scenes were published somewhere else, it would be a crime that everyone would condemn.”

    Mondoweiss spoke to a number of other eyewitnesses who were at both schools, who described harrowing scenes of dismembered and scattered bodies on the ground, and families fleeing in a state of panic and terror.

    Muhammad Hamada, 14, was playing with his peers at the time of the bombing. The force of the missile threw him to another area of the school.

    “After I opened my eyes, I went to the place where the bomb hit. A man was sitting on a wooden chair. Shrapnel had entered his chest and penetrated him and the chair. The man was sitting in a position as if he was alive, but he was dead,” he said.

    “Suddenly, the missile hit the school. We saw fire after the bombing. Shrapnel was flying in the air and falling on people’s heads. We were terrified,” the boy told Mondoweiss. “We started running and trying to escape. We did not know where we would go, but we wanted to get out of danger. At that time, people were collecting the remains of the martyrs scattered on the ground.”

    After he came to, Muhammad went to search for his friends at the spot where they were playing before the bomb hit. He found his best friend on the ground. The bomb had cut off his hand and leg.

    When Muhammad saw this scene next to the torn and burned bodies, he could not bear it. “I started running and screaming and crying; I could not bear the sight of the torn martyrs and the blood and smoke; I was running without seeing in front of me; I wanted to get as far away as possible from the school,” he said.

    “Women were also running to get out of the school, falling to the ground with their children in panic, and here we are, too, trying to move our belongings and go to another place to evacuate.”

    Muhammad said that what he has seen and witnessed since the beginning of this war is more than he and his peers can bear.

    “We saw many scenes that we could not get over, we saw martyrs cut into pieces, and most of our friends and relatives died, and I am living these circumstances; I was supposed to be in this school only to study and learn, not to live with my family,” he said. “I was supposed to play and be happy, but in this school I see my relatives, neighbors, and friends being cut into pieces.”

    Jamil Al-Fayoumi, 40, lives at the school with his family, and spends most of his days there. On the day of the massacre, however, he was at the nearby hospital receiving treatment for an injury.

    “I was about to arrive at the school when the bombing happened. I ran to check on my family and relatives. I found my cousins ​​killed,” al-Fayoumi said.

    “We were in a state of madness. The missile fell among my relatives. When I arrived at the bombing site, I found the bodies torn apart and the limbs scattered. It was a scene I will never forget in my entire life.”

    Two of Jamil’s cousins ​​were killed in this massacre, and a number of his other relatives were injured.

    This is not the first time that Israel has bombed the Abdul Fattah Hamoud School. On June 25th, the same school was bombed, killing 13 displaced people. Many families evacuated the school after the first bombing. However, many of the families also had no alternative shelter and did not know where to go, so they remained in the school.

    Ibrahim Al-Fayoumi, 25, was injured in the first bombing at the school on June 25th. The injury caused him fractures in his ribs and pelvis.

    “I escaped death by chance. I was away from the bombing but inside the school. When I heard the bomb, I ran to the place and found the room where we were sitting with our relatives had been bombed,” Ibrahim recounted. “The whole scene was of scattered body parts around the bombing site. Until this moment, body parts and human flesh are stuck to the floor and walls.”

    Ibrahim told Mondoweiss that he is tired of the ongoing situation in which he lives: moving, killing, constant displacement, and the lack of safe places for civilians. “We are tired, exhausted; the flames were like hell; we have never seen this scene before,” he said.

    In the previous bombing of the same school, Ibrahim’s 9-month-old cousin was injured, suffering burns to her face and body. Since then, her family has been trying to help her recover from the burns, and only a few days ago, the little girl began to recover. She was killed in the bombing on Thursday.

    “I am 25-years-old, but I feel like I am 100-years-old from all of these horrible things we have witnessed.”

    Akram Mahani, 44, was displaced from the Shuja’iyya after Israeli ground troops invaded the neighborhood last June. During the invasion, his home was bombed and two of his sons were killed. Both his sons’ bodies were never retrieved; they are still under the rubble to this day.

    After the Shuja’iyya invasion, Mahani and his remaining family were displaced to the Al-Zahraa School. He thought he was safe, but on Thursday, Israeli bombs followed them there too.

    Akram sits now in the Baptist Hospital, which is a few minutes away from the now-bombed Al-Zahraa school, with his surviving children, Ahmad, who is two-and-a-half years old, and Othman, who is five.

    “We have escaped death many times, but perhaps it was written for us all to die in this war,” Mahani says, pondering his family’s fate. “All of my cousins ​​were martyred in this bombing. None of them remained. An entire family was erased from the civil registry in this bombing,” he said.

    “This is what is happening to us. They kill entire families, not individuals or even wanted persons. They kill everyone without exception.”

    Before you leave– Mondoweiss is reader-funded and independent. We never hide our articles, podcasts, or videos behind a paywall because we believe everyone should have access to high-quality journalism about Palestine.

    We need you! We know you value our reporting and analysis of the events and politics surrounding Palestine’s struggle for liberation. Please donate today to sustain our work.

    ‘Shrapnel, stones and scattered human flesh’: Testimonies from survivors of Gaza school bombings On Thursday, August 8 , Israeli airstrikes targeted two schools in Gaza City, killing at least 17 people and the injury of dozens others. These are the testimonies of some of the survivors. Tareq S. HajjajAugust 9, 2024 A group of people inspect the damage in a bombed out room of a school that was targeted by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza. Palestinians inspect the damage after an Israeli attack hit the Al-Zahraa School in the east of Gaza City on August 8, 2024. (Photo by Hadi Daoud/ APA Images) For the third time in a row in just one week, Israel attacked displaced Palestinians sheltering in schools in the Gaza Strip, killing and injuring dozens. On Thursday, August 8 around 3:00 p.m. local time, Israeli airstrikes targeted two schools in Gaza City at the same time: Al-Zahraa School in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood and Abdul Fattah Hamoud School in the old city of Gaza. The attack resulted in the killing of 17 people and the injury of dozens others. The attack came just days after the Israeli army bombed two other schools in Gaza City, which resulted in the killing of 27 displaced people. Advertisement Follow the Mondoweiss channel on WhatsApp! The bombings on Thursday struck terror among the crowds of displaced people sheltering at the schools. Witnesses at the Abdul Fattah Hamoud School in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City told Mondoweiss that the school was at one of its most crowded hours in the middle of the day when the bombs hit. “Suddenly, a missile fell on us. The school was crowded during the day, and the displaced people were still moving inside. After the bombing, all the shrapnel, stones, and scattered pieces of human flesh fell on the heads of the displaced people,” said Kamal Hamada, 20, who lives in the school as a displaced person and witnessed the massacre. “There was a water well in the school that provided for more than 300 families inside the school, and the Israeli army directly bombed the well,” Hamada said. “The world ignores our slaughter, if these scenes were published somewhere else, it would be a crime that everyone would condemn.” Mondoweiss spoke to a number of other eyewitnesses who were at both schools, who described harrowing scenes of dismembered and scattered bodies on the ground, and families fleeing in a state of panic and terror. Muhammad Hamada, 14, was playing with his peers at the time of the bombing. The force of the missile threw him to another area of the school. “After I opened my eyes, I went to the place where the bomb hit. A man was sitting on a wooden chair. Shrapnel had entered his chest and penetrated him and the chair. The man was sitting in a position as if he was alive, but he was dead,” he said. “Suddenly, the missile hit the school. We saw fire after the bombing. Shrapnel was flying in the air and falling on people’s heads. We were terrified,” the boy told Mondoweiss. “We started running and trying to escape. We did not know where we would go, but we wanted to get out of danger. At that time, people were collecting the remains of the martyrs scattered on the ground.” After he came to, Muhammad went to search for his friends at the spot where they were playing before the bomb hit. He found his best friend on the ground. The bomb had cut off his hand and leg. When Muhammad saw this scene next to the torn and burned bodies, he could not bear it. “I started running and screaming and crying; I could not bear the sight of the torn martyrs and the blood and smoke; I was running without seeing in front of me; I wanted to get as far away as possible from the school,” he said. “Women were also running to get out of the school, falling to the ground with their children in panic, and here we are, too, trying to move our belongings and go to another place to evacuate.” Muhammad said that what he has seen and witnessed since the beginning of this war is more than he and his peers can bear. “We saw many scenes that we could not get over, we saw martyrs cut into pieces, and most of our friends and relatives died, and I am living these circumstances; I was supposed to be in this school only to study and learn, not to live with my family,” he said. “I was supposed to play and be happy, but in this school I see my relatives, neighbors, and friends being cut into pieces.” Jamil Al-Fayoumi, 40, lives at the school with his family, and spends most of his days there. On the day of the massacre, however, he was at the nearby hospital receiving treatment for an injury. “I was about to arrive at the school when the bombing happened. I ran to check on my family and relatives. I found my cousins ​​killed,” al-Fayoumi said. “We were in a state of madness. The missile fell among my relatives. When I arrived at the bombing site, I found the bodies torn apart and the limbs scattered. It was a scene I will never forget in my entire life.” Two of Jamil’s cousins ​​were killed in this massacre, and a number of his other relatives were injured. This is not the first time that Israel has bombed the Abdul Fattah Hamoud School. On June 25th, the same school was bombed, killing 13 displaced people. Many families evacuated the school after the first bombing. However, many of the families also had no alternative shelter and did not know where to go, so they remained in the school. Ibrahim Al-Fayoumi, 25, was injured in the first bombing at the school on June 25th. The injury caused him fractures in his ribs and pelvis. “I escaped death by chance. I was away from the bombing but inside the school. When I heard the bomb, I ran to the place and found the room where we were sitting with our relatives had been bombed,” Ibrahim recounted. “The whole scene was of scattered body parts around the bombing site. Until this moment, body parts and human flesh are stuck to the floor and walls.” Ibrahim told Mondoweiss that he is tired of the ongoing situation in which he lives: moving, killing, constant displacement, and the lack of safe places for civilians. “We are tired, exhausted; the flames were like hell; we have never seen this scene before,” he said. In the previous bombing of the same school, Ibrahim’s 9-month-old cousin was injured, suffering burns to her face and body. Since then, her family has been trying to help her recover from the burns, and only a few days ago, the little girl began to recover. She was killed in the bombing on Thursday. “I am 25-years-old, but I feel like I am 100-years-old from all of these horrible things we have witnessed.” Akram Mahani, 44, was displaced from the Shuja’iyya after Israeli ground troops invaded the neighborhood last June. During the invasion, his home was bombed and two of his sons were killed. Both his sons’ bodies were never retrieved; they are still under the rubble to this day. After the Shuja’iyya invasion, Mahani and his remaining family were displaced to the Al-Zahraa School. He thought he was safe, but on Thursday, Israeli bombs followed them there too. Akram sits now in the Baptist Hospital, which is a few minutes away from the now-bombed Al-Zahraa school, with his surviving children, Ahmad, who is two-and-a-half years old, and Othman, who is five. “We have escaped death many times, but perhaps it was written for us all to die in this war,” Mahani says, pondering his family’s fate. “All of my cousins ​​were martyred in this bombing. None of them remained. An entire family was erased from the civil registry in this bombing,” he said. “This is what is happening to us. They kill entire families, not individuals or even wanted persons. They kill everyone without exception.” Before you leave– Mondoweiss is reader-funded and independent. We never hide our articles, podcasts, or videos behind a paywall because we believe everyone should have access to high-quality journalism about Palestine. We need you! We know you value our reporting and analysis of the events and politics surrounding Palestine’s struggle for liberation. Please donate today to sustain our work. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/08/shrapnel-stones-and-scattered-human-flesh-testimonies-from-survivors-of-gaza-school-bombings/
    ‘Shrapnel, stones and scattered human flesh’: Testimonies from survivors of Gaza school bombings
    On Thursday, August 8 , Israeli airstrikes targeted two schools in Gaza City, killing at least 17 people and the injury of dozens others. These are the testimonies of some of the survivors.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8474 Views
  • Israel has killed over 600 in West Bank since October 7th – Day 301
    [email protected] August 4, 2024 Bram Settenbrino, hamas, home demolition, israeli attack west bank, israeli settlement, josh shapiro, netanyahu lying, neturei karta
    One of the latest massacres to take place in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. (photo)
    Israel rains death and destruction on Gaza and West Bank; UNRWA gradually resumes educational activities; anti-Zionist rabbis attend Haniyeh’s funeral; Israeli-American soldier posted videos of Gaza homes, mosque being detonated; Kamala Harris VP contender Shapiro has ties to Israeli military; US aircraft carrier has eyes on Iran; US official says Biden figured out Netanyahu has been lying to him.

    By IAK staff, from reports.

    Israeli attack on school in Gaza kills at least 15 people

    Al Jazeera reports: At least 15 people have been killed in multiple Israeli air raids on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in central Gaza on Saturday, Gaza’s Government Media Office said.

    Many others were reportedly injured in the attack on the Hamama school in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City.

    Reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza on Saturday, Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud said that at least three bombs were dropped on the school as rescuers and volunteers inside the facility were trying to help people escape from under the rubble from a bomb just a few minutes earlier.

    “Those three bombs destroyed the facility completely. This is the tactic that the Israeli military has widely used in the past. The military drops a bomb that partially destroys facilities, namely evacuation centers, killing a number of people, and then within a few minutes, it drops other bombs,” he said.

    The Israeli military said the school was being used as a command centre for Hamas, the Palestinian group that governs Gaza, to hide fighters and manufacture weapons.

    Israeli army bombs university in Gaza City, destroying campus buildings

    Andalou Agency reports: The Israeli army bombed the University College of Applied Sciences in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of southwest Gaza City, completely destroying campus buildings, the Palestinian Civil Defense in Gaza reported on Saturday.

    Civil Defense spokesperson Mahmoud Basal said in a press release that “Israeli occupation forces, which have penetrated the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood, executed operations of bombing and destroying the university buildings, leading to their total demolition.”

    Eyewitnesses told Anadolu that massive explosions were heard around the university premises, and thick clouds of smoke were seen rising from the area.

    Since the onset of the devastating Israeli war on Gaza on Oct. 7, the Israeli army has deliberately targeted and destroyed educational institutions, particularly during ground offensives.

    According to statistics from the Government Media Office in Gaza, Israel has destroyed 117 schools and universities, damaged 332 others, and killed 107 scientists, university professors, and researchers.

    West Bank: Israeli Drone Strikes Assassinate Nine Palestinians Near Tulkarem

    IMEMC reports: Israeli forces assassinated, on Saturday, nine Palestinian young men in two separate drone strikes in the Tulkarem governorate, in northwestern part of the West Bank.

    Media sources said that early Saturday morning, an armed Israeli drone fired two missiles at a vehicle carrying five Palestinian young men on a road northeast of Tulkarem.

    According to the director of the Martyr Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital in Tulkarem, reported that five badly burned bodies arrived at the hospital, only one of whom was identified as Haitham Nour al-Din Balidi, 25, from the Tulkarem refugee camp.

    Meanwhile, at dawn on Saturday, occupation forces invaded the city of Tulkarem, accompanied by four military bulldozers, which proceeded to raze streets and infrastructure in the city, while reconnaissance drones flew overhead.

    Bulldozers destroyed streets and privately-owned property in the eastern part of the city and razed streets and infrastructure inside the Tulkarem camp, amid heavy gunfire.

    The army reportedly opened fire with tear gas canisters towards a group of journalists near the Tulkarem camp, causing at least three of them to sustain inhalation injuries.

    Furthermore, on Saturday afternoon, a second Israeli drone strike killed four more Palestinian citizens while they were present on lands located between the towns of Iktaba and Bal’a, northeast of the city.

    Media sources said that an armed Israeli drone fired a missile at a group of citizens, killing four young men.

    Sources added that a large army force surrounded the site, prevented ambulance crews from reaching the slain men, before confiscating the bodies.

    AL JAZEERA ADDS: Israel is averaging 40 raids per day in the occupied West Bank, a massive increase since the war started.

    West Bank: contrary to Int’l Court ruling, Israel demolished Palestinian structures, approved settlement plans in July

    Andalou Agency reports: The Israeli army demolished 135 homes and other facilities in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in July alone, the Palestinian Colonization and Wall Resistance Committee reported on Saturday.

    According to the committee’s monthly report, “Israeli authorities carried out 98 demolition activities in July, affecting 135 structures, including 62 inhabited homes, 14 uninhabited homes, and 12 agricultural facilities.”

    The report also noted that the Israeli army issued demolition notices for 16 homes and other structures in several West Bank provinces.

    Regarding illegal Israeli settler attacks, the report said “Illegal settlers carried out 196 assaults ranging from land seizures and expansion activities to extrajudicial executions, vandalism, land leveling, tree uprooting, property seizures, roadblocks, and the burning of homes and vehicles.”

    The report stated: “Israeli authorities reviewed 54 illegal settlement plans for the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem in July, approving 20, including one in Jerusalem and 19 in West Bank settlements.”

    Additionally, 33 plans were submitted for future approval, with one in Jerusalem and 32 in West Bank provinces.

    According to the report, Israeli authorities also “legalized three new settlement outposts, adding to the 11 outposts already in the process of legalization since the beginning of the year.”

    Settlement outposts are small communities established by illegal Israeli settlers on privately owned Palestinian land without approval from the Israeli government.

    In a landmark opinion on July 19, the International Court of Justice declared Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian land “illegal” and demanded the evacuation of all existing settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

    UN agency gradually resuming educational activities in Gaza amid Israeli offensive

    Andalou Agency reports: The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) announced on Saturday that it began a gradual resumption of educational activities in some shelters in the central and southern Gaza Strip this week.

    In an interview with Anadolu, UNRWA Media Director Inas Hamdan explained that the resumed activities are part of a longer-term plan, focusing initially on sports, arts, drama, and games.

    She added that these activities will also include psychosocial support for students in various shelters, tailored to the prevailing conditions.

    Hamdan stressed that while this step aims to help children affected by the ongoing war regain a semblance of normalcy, it is still too early to discuss a comprehensive educational plan due to the continuing war and multiple challenges.

    The UNRWA reported earlier this week that 85% of its schools in Gaza, or 477 out of 564 buildings, have been either directly damaged or require significant repairs to become operational again.

    RECOMMENDED READING: ‘Suffering horrifically’: 10 months of Israel’s ‘war on children’ in Gaza

    Anti-Zionist rabbis attend Haniyeh’s funeral in Doha

    Andalou Agency reports: Rabbis from the anti-Zionist Jewish movement “Neturei Karta” attended the funeral of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in the Qatari capital Doha.

    Neturei Karta announced on its Facebook page that “anti-Zionist Jewish Rabbis arrived in Qatar to participate in the funeral procession of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh.”

    A viral video from Haniyeh’s funeral showed these rabbis holding signs reading “Jews are not Zionists.”

    This movement is made up of Orthodox Jews who say Zionism is an ideology that does not represent Judaism.

    “This latest crime was committed amidst the ten-month-long genocide launched on the besieged Gaza, with tens of thousands killed in the brutal aggressive war, leading to a humanitarian disaster within the territory under siege,” the movement said.

    Neturei Karta revealed that its rabbis had met with Haniyeh during a “historic humanitarian visit” to Gaza in 2009, where they “emphasized the authentic Jewish opposition to Zionism and the hope to live peacefully as we did historically.”

    The rabbinic delegation had assured Haniyeh that “according to the Jewish religion, Jews are forbidden to have their own sovereign state and are forbidden to kill, steal, or fight any nation.”

    They informed Haniyeh that “authentic Jews stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people until total liberation” and pointed out that “the State of Israel does not represent the Jewish people, and the nationalistic movement does not represent Judaism, which is a holy religion.”

    Hamas says it has started process of choosing new leader

    Al Jazeera reports: Hamas has issued a statement saying it has initiated a broad consultation process to select a new leader of its movement following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh.

    Haniyeh headed the group’s political bureau. His deputy, Saleh al-Arouri, who was killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut in January, would have been the automatic replacement.

    Several top Hamas officials could replace Haniyeh once the group’s Shura council, the main consultative body, meets.

    NYT ‘completely fabricated’ report saying Haniyeh killed by remote bomb: Hamas

    The Cradle reports: Speaking to The Cradle, Hamas representative in Iran Khaled Kaddoumi called “ridiculous” and “completely fabricated” a recent New York Times (NYT) report claiming to reveal how Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran this week.

    The NYT report from 1 August claimed Haniyeh was killed by an explosive device planted in his room in a guest house controlled by the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC). The bomb was planted two months ago and detonated remotely by Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, NYT report claimed.

    Haniyeh was in the Iranian capital, Tehran, for the inauguration of newly elected President Masoud Pezeshkian.

    In contrast, Kaddoumi stated that Haniyeh and his bodyguard were killed by explosives dropped from the air.

    “I was there, and the wall and ceiling of the place where he was were collapsed. It is clear from the appearance of the place after the attack, and from the body of the martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh, that the targeting was carried out by an air-dropped projectile,” Kaddoumi told The Cradle.

    He noted further, “There are ongoing investigations, and technicians who inspected the crime scene will issue detailed reports on what happened.”

    Israeli-American soldier posted videos showing detonation of Gaza homes and mosque

    The Guardian reports: An American-Israeli man deployed in Gaza with a combat engineering unit of Israel’s armed forces posted videos online that show indiscriminate fire at a destroyed building and the detonation of homes and a mosque.

    One video posted by the man, Bram Settenbrino, and filmed from the shooter’s viewpoint, shows dozens of rounds being fired into the ruins of a building. Another video shows what appears to be an armored vehicle’s fire-control system trained on a mosque before it is razed to the ground. Others depict the detonation of several homes as soldiers cheer.

    It is not clear whether Settenbrino personally filmed the videos or was involved in the acts depicted in them, but the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Settenbrino did not dispute the videos’ authenticity. The videos recently went viral on X, drawing accusations that they showed “war crimes”. Settenbrino wrote in a message to the Guardian that the videos were “taken out of context” but declined to elaborate. “I have not committed any war crimes whatsoever,” he added.

    After the Guardian reached out to Settenbrino and his family, his father published a response attributed to his son through Arutz Sheva, a news site associated with the settler right. “The machine gun fire video in question was suppressive fire in an area cleared of civilians after my team was attacked by Hamas terrorists from that area. The mosque that was blown up was being used to house armed terrorists and weapons stockpiles and used as a base to attack IDF soldiers.”

    The soldier’s father said his son had “sent a congratulatory video dedicating a detonation to honor a friend’s new marriage”, and that the family business had received threats since the videos began circulating.

    Israeli soldiers have shared scores of videos during the 10-month war showing themselves mocking Palestinians in Gaza and destroying Palestinian property. Some have been used as evidence in the genocide case against Israel at the international court of justice (ICJ).

    With thousands of Americans serving in the IDF, potential misconduct documented by soldiers themselves raises uncomfortable questions for US officials about their willingness to enforce federal law against citizens acting in an overseas war the US government funds and supports.

    The extensive destruction of property, when “not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly” is a violation of international law regulating conflict and a war crime under US law.

    Kamala Harris VP contender Josh Shapiro downplays Israeli military volunteer experience

    Times of Israel reports: Pennsylvania Governor and potential Democratic vice presidential nominee Josh Shapiro on Friday sought to distance himself from a recently uncovered op-ed he wrote in college, in which he identified as a former volunteer in the IDF and argued that the Palestinians are too “battle-minded” to pursue peace with Israel.

    “While he was in high school, Josh Shapiro was required to do a service project, which he and several classmates completed through a program that took them to a kibbutz in Israel where he worked on a farm and at a fishery,” Shapiro’s spokesperson Manuel Bonder told The Times of Israel.

    “The program also included volunteering on service projects on an Israeli army base. At no time was he engaged in any military activities,” Bonder added in a statement responding to an inquiry regarding the nature of his volunteer work.

    While Shapiro’s Jewish roots are well established — including his enrollment at the Akiba Hebrew Academy in Philadelphia — the op-ed from his time at the University of Rochester appeared to be the first revelation of such direct ties to the IDF.

    “Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro also wrote in a 1993 op-ed titled “Peace Not Possible.”

    “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own,” added the then-20-year-old student.

    Salon reports that Shapiro’s support for Israel has continued in recent times:

    “On the contentious issue of Israel’s relentless war against civilians in Gaza, Shapiro sounds much less bothered by the lethal violence than by U.S. activists for Palestinian lives, many of whom he has demonized.”

    “In 2021, after Ben & Jerry’s (a company founded and led by Jewish Americans) refused to sell its products in Israel’s illegal settlements, Shapiro, who was then Pennsylvania’s attorney general, threatened the company by urging state agencies to enforce a constitutionally suspect law targeting advocates of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, against Israel over its discriminatory policies.

    Shapiro smeared such advocates by claiming that “BDS is rooted in antisemitism” – although the effort has wide support globally, including from many Jews, as a thoroughly nonviolent tactic aimed at advancing Palestinian rights.”

    After the Oct. 7 attack, critics objected Gov. Shapiro’s one-sided comments: “Not only did you fail to recognize the structural root causes of the conflict,” they argued, “you chose to intentionally ignore the civilian loss of life in Gaza.”

    After Democratic governors in other states had called for a ceasefire in Gaza, Shapiro refused to do so.

    On May 9, Shapiro invoked student “safety” in demanding the encampment be shut down. Police arrested 33 people. In two different interviews, Shapiro seemed to compare campus ceasefire activists, many of whom are Jewish or students of color, to “white supremacists”…

    US aircraft carrier arrives in the Strait of Hormuz: Report

    Al Jazeera reports: Israeli Army Radio reports that the US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt has arrived in the Strait of Hormuz, just 10km (6.2 miles) from the coast of Iran, amid fears of Iranian retaliation for the killings of Hamas’s political leader in Tehran and a Hezbollah commander in Beirut.

    US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has also ordered additional ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers to the Middle East and areas under the United States European Command, as well as a new fighter squadron to the Middle East.

    In April, the US, UK, France and Jordan helped shoot down missiles and drones fired by Iran at Israel in retaliation for an Israeli strike on Iran’s embassy compound in Damascus.

    Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said on Friday that “the Department of Defense continues to take steps to mitigate the possibility of regional escalation by Iran or Iran’s partners and proxies”.

    U.S. Official: Biden Realized Netanyahu Lied to Him About Hostage Deal

    Ha’aretz reports: A senior official in the Biden administration told Haaretz on Saturday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ungrateful toward the United States and disregards the significant amount of aid it has provided to Israel throughout the past 10 months of war.

    The official also said that the last two conversations between President Joe Biden and Netanyahu – one during a meeting at the White House some 10 days ago, the other over the phone last week – were difficult and tense.

    “Biden realized that Netanyahu was lying to him about the hostages,” the official told Haaretz. “He’s not saying it publicly yet, but in the meeting between them, he specifically told him, ‘Stop bullshitting me.'”

    “Netanyahu is trying to prolong the war instead of focusing on how to get to a hostage deal,” the official said. “It’s making it harder for us to continue supporting Israel over time.”

    Netanyahu responded to the reports Saturday night about the tense conversations between him and Biden through a press release attributed to the Prime Minister’s Office that read, “The prime minister does not interfere in American politics and will work with whoever is elected president, just as he also expects the Americans not to interfere in Israeli politics.”


    IMEMC Daily Reports.


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 3: at least 40,186* (39,583 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 603 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
    2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 3: at least 96,818 (including at least 91,398 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 3: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

    Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

    Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org

    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own
    U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal
    Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West
    Searching for Gaza’s missing children
    What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million?
    Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor
    When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’
    Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war
    Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct
    US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington
    Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video)
    Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience
    Gaza genocide denial
    Why the news media’s job is to groom us
    ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children
    Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC
    Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans
    Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza
    Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways
    Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different.
    ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel
    Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes
    If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention
    Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto


    Israel has killed over 600 in West Bank since October 7th – Day 301 [email protected] August 4, 2024 Bram Settenbrino, hamas, home demolition, israeli attack west bank, israeli settlement, josh shapiro, netanyahu lying, neturei karta One of the latest massacres to take place in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. (photo) Israel rains death and destruction on Gaza and West Bank; UNRWA gradually resumes educational activities; anti-Zionist rabbis attend Haniyeh’s funeral; Israeli-American soldier posted videos of Gaza homes, mosque being detonated; Kamala Harris VP contender Shapiro has ties to Israeli military; US aircraft carrier has eyes on Iran; US official says Biden figured out Netanyahu has been lying to him. By IAK staff, from reports. Israeli attack on school in Gaza kills at least 15 people Al Jazeera reports: At least 15 people have been killed in multiple Israeli air raids on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in central Gaza on Saturday, Gaza’s Government Media Office said. Many others were reportedly injured in the attack on the Hamama school in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City. Reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza on Saturday, Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud said that at least three bombs were dropped on the school as rescuers and volunteers inside the facility were trying to help people escape from under the rubble from a bomb just a few minutes earlier. “Those three bombs destroyed the facility completely. This is the tactic that the Israeli military has widely used in the past. The military drops a bomb that partially destroys facilities, namely evacuation centers, killing a number of people, and then within a few minutes, it drops other bombs,” he said. The Israeli military said the school was being used as a command centre for Hamas, the Palestinian group that governs Gaza, to hide fighters and manufacture weapons. Israeli army bombs university in Gaza City, destroying campus buildings Andalou Agency reports: The Israeli army bombed the University College of Applied Sciences in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of southwest Gaza City, completely destroying campus buildings, the Palestinian Civil Defense in Gaza reported on Saturday. Civil Defense spokesperson Mahmoud Basal said in a press release that “Israeli occupation forces, which have penetrated the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood, executed operations of bombing and destroying the university buildings, leading to their total demolition.” Eyewitnesses told Anadolu that massive explosions were heard around the university premises, and thick clouds of smoke were seen rising from the area. Since the onset of the devastating Israeli war on Gaza on Oct. 7, the Israeli army has deliberately targeted and destroyed educational institutions, particularly during ground offensives. According to statistics from the Government Media Office in Gaza, Israel has destroyed 117 schools and universities, damaged 332 others, and killed 107 scientists, university professors, and researchers. West Bank: Israeli Drone Strikes Assassinate Nine Palestinians Near Tulkarem IMEMC reports: Israeli forces assassinated, on Saturday, nine Palestinian young men in two separate drone strikes in the Tulkarem governorate, in northwestern part of the West Bank. Media sources said that early Saturday morning, an armed Israeli drone fired two missiles at a vehicle carrying five Palestinian young men on a road northeast of Tulkarem. According to the director of the Martyr Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital in Tulkarem, reported that five badly burned bodies arrived at the hospital, only one of whom was identified as Haitham Nour al-Din Balidi, 25, from the Tulkarem refugee camp. Meanwhile, at dawn on Saturday, occupation forces invaded the city of Tulkarem, accompanied by four military bulldozers, which proceeded to raze streets and infrastructure in the city, while reconnaissance drones flew overhead. Bulldozers destroyed streets and privately-owned property in the eastern part of the city and razed streets and infrastructure inside the Tulkarem camp, amid heavy gunfire. The army reportedly opened fire with tear gas canisters towards a group of journalists near the Tulkarem camp, causing at least three of them to sustain inhalation injuries. Furthermore, on Saturday afternoon, a second Israeli drone strike killed four more Palestinian citizens while they were present on lands located between the towns of Iktaba and Bal’a, northeast of the city. Media sources said that an armed Israeli drone fired a missile at a group of citizens, killing four young men. Sources added that a large army force surrounded the site, prevented ambulance crews from reaching the slain men, before confiscating the bodies. AL JAZEERA ADDS: Israel is averaging 40 raids per day in the occupied West Bank, a massive increase since the war started. West Bank: contrary to Int’l Court ruling, Israel demolished Palestinian structures, approved settlement plans in July Andalou Agency reports: The Israeli army demolished 135 homes and other facilities in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in July alone, the Palestinian Colonization and Wall Resistance Committee reported on Saturday. According to the committee’s monthly report, “Israeli authorities carried out 98 demolition activities in July, affecting 135 structures, including 62 inhabited homes, 14 uninhabited homes, and 12 agricultural facilities.” The report also noted that the Israeli army issued demolition notices for 16 homes and other structures in several West Bank provinces. Regarding illegal Israeli settler attacks, the report said “Illegal settlers carried out 196 assaults ranging from land seizures and expansion activities to extrajudicial executions, vandalism, land leveling, tree uprooting, property seizures, roadblocks, and the burning of homes and vehicles.” The report stated: “Israeli authorities reviewed 54 illegal settlement plans for the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem in July, approving 20, including one in Jerusalem and 19 in West Bank settlements.” Additionally, 33 plans were submitted for future approval, with one in Jerusalem and 32 in West Bank provinces. According to the report, Israeli authorities also “legalized three new settlement outposts, adding to the 11 outposts already in the process of legalization since the beginning of the year.” Settlement outposts are small communities established by illegal Israeli settlers on privately owned Palestinian land without approval from the Israeli government. In a landmark opinion on July 19, the International Court of Justice declared Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian land “illegal” and demanded the evacuation of all existing settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. UN agency gradually resuming educational activities in Gaza amid Israeli offensive Andalou Agency reports: The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) announced on Saturday that it began a gradual resumption of educational activities in some shelters in the central and southern Gaza Strip this week. In an interview with Anadolu, UNRWA Media Director Inas Hamdan explained that the resumed activities are part of a longer-term plan, focusing initially on sports, arts, drama, and games. She added that these activities will also include psychosocial support for students in various shelters, tailored to the prevailing conditions. Hamdan stressed that while this step aims to help children affected by the ongoing war regain a semblance of normalcy, it is still too early to discuss a comprehensive educational plan due to the continuing war and multiple challenges. The UNRWA reported earlier this week that 85% of its schools in Gaza, or 477 out of 564 buildings, have been either directly damaged or require significant repairs to become operational again. RECOMMENDED READING: ‘Suffering horrifically’: 10 months of Israel’s ‘war on children’ in Gaza Anti-Zionist rabbis attend Haniyeh’s funeral in Doha Andalou Agency reports: Rabbis from the anti-Zionist Jewish movement “Neturei Karta” attended the funeral of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in the Qatari capital Doha. Neturei Karta announced on its Facebook page that “anti-Zionist Jewish Rabbis arrived in Qatar to participate in the funeral procession of Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh.” A viral video from Haniyeh’s funeral showed these rabbis holding signs reading “Jews are not Zionists.” This movement is made up of Orthodox Jews who say Zionism is an ideology that does not represent Judaism. “This latest crime was committed amidst the ten-month-long genocide launched on the besieged Gaza, with tens of thousands killed in the brutal aggressive war, leading to a humanitarian disaster within the territory under siege,” the movement said. Neturei Karta revealed that its rabbis had met with Haniyeh during a “historic humanitarian visit” to Gaza in 2009, where they “emphasized the authentic Jewish opposition to Zionism and the hope to live peacefully as we did historically.” The rabbinic delegation had assured Haniyeh that “according to the Jewish religion, Jews are forbidden to have their own sovereign state and are forbidden to kill, steal, or fight any nation.” They informed Haniyeh that “authentic Jews stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people until total liberation” and pointed out that “the State of Israel does not represent the Jewish people, and the nationalistic movement does not represent Judaism, which is a holy religion.” Hamas says it has started process of choosing new leader Al Jazeera reports: Hamas has issued a statement saying it has initiated a broad consultation process to select a new leader of its movement following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh. Haniyeh headed the group’s political bureau. His deputy, Saleh al-Arouri, who was killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut in January, would have been the automatic replacement. Several top Hamas officials could replace Haniyeh once the group’s Shura council, the main consultative body, meets. NYT ‘completely fabricated’ report saying Haniyeh killed by remote bomb: Hamas The Cradle reports: Speaking to The Cradle, Hamas representative in Iran Khaled Kaddoumi called “ridiculous” and “completely fabricated” a recent New York Times (NYT) report claiming to reveal how Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran this week. The NYT report from 1 August claimed Haniyeh was killed by an explosive device planted in his room in a guest house controlled by the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC). The bomb was planted two months ago and detonated remotely by Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, NYT report claimed. Haniyeh was in the Iranian capital, Tehran, for the inauguration of newly elected President Masoud Pezeshkian. In contrast, Kaddoumi stated that Haniyeh and his bodyguard were killed by explosives dropped from the air. “I was there, and the wall and ceiling of the place where he was were collapsed. It is clear from the appearance of the place after the attack, and from the body of the martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh, that the targeting was carried out by an air-dropped projectile,” Kaddoumi told The Cradle. He noted further, “There are ongoing investigations, and technicians who inspected the crime scene will issue detailed reports on what happened.” Israeli-American soldier posted videos showing detonation of Gaza homes and mosque The Guardian reports: An American-Israeli man deployed in Gaza with a combat engineering unit of Israel’s armed forces posted videos online that show indiscriminate fire at a destroyed building and the detonation of homes and a mosque. One video posted by the man, Bram Settenbrino, and filmed from the shooter’s viewpoint, shows dozens of rounds being fired into the ruins of a building. Another video shows what appears to be an armored vehicle’s fire-control system trained on a mosque before it is razed to the ground. Others depict the detonation of several homes as soldiers cheer. It is not clear whether Settenbrino personally filmed the videos or was involved in the acts depicted in them, but the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Settenbrino did not dispute the videos’ authenticity. The videos recently went viral on X, drawing accusations that they showed “war crimes”. Settenbrino wrote in a message to the Guardian that the videos were “taken out of context” but declined to elaborate. “I have not committed any war crimes whatsoever,” he added. After the Guardian reached out to Settenbrino and his family, his father published a response attributed to his son through Arutz Sheva, a news site associated with the settler right. “The machine gun fire video in question was suppressive fire in an area cleared of civilians after my team was attacked by Hamas terrorists from that area. The mosque that was blown up was being used to house armed terrorists and weapons stockpiles and used as a base to attack IDF soldiers.” The soldier’s father said his son had “sent a congratulatory video dedicating a detonation to honor a friend’s new marriage”, and that the family business had received threats since the videos began circulating. Israeli soldiers have shared scores of videos during the 10-month war showing themselves mocking Palestinians in Gaza and destroying Palestinian property. Some have been used as evidence in the genocide case against Israel at the international court of justice (ICJ). With thousands of Americans serving in the IDF, potential misconduct documented by soldiers themselves raises uncomfortable questions for US officials about their willingness to enforce federal law against citizens acting in an overseas war the US government funds and supports. The extensive destruction of property, when “not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly” is a violation of international law regulating conflict and a war crime under US law. Kamala Harris VP contender Josh Shapiro downplays Israeli military volunteer experience Times of Israel reports: Pennsylvania Governor and potential Democratic vice presidential nominee Josh Shapiro on Friday sought to distance himself from a recently uncovered op-ed he wrote in college, in which he identified as a former volunteer in the IDF and argued that the Palestinians are too “battle-minded” to pursue peace with Israel. “While he was in high school, Josh Shapiro was required to do a service project, which he and several classmates completed through a program that took them to a kibbutz in Israel where he worked on a farm and at a fishery,” Shapiro’s spokesperson Manuel Bonder told The Times of Israel. “The program also included volunteering on service projects on an Israeli army base. At no time was he engaged in any military activities,” Bonder added in a statement responding to an inquiry regarding the nature of his volunteer work. While Shapiro’s Jewish roots are well established — including his enrollment at the Akiba Hebrew Academy in Philadelphia — the op-ed from his time at the University of Rochester appeared to be the first revelation of such direct ties to the IDF. “Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro also wrote in a 1993 op-ed titled “Peace Not Possible.” “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own,” added the then-20-year-old student. Salon reports that Shapiro’s support for Israel has continued in recent times: “On the contentious issue of Israel’s relentless war against civilians in Gaza, Shapiro sounds much less bothered by the lethal violence than by U.S. activists for Palestinian lives, many of whom he has demonized.” “In 2021, after Ben & Jerry’s (a company founded and led by Jewish Americans) refused to sell its products in Israel’s illegal settlements, Shapiro, who was then Pennsylvania’s attorney general, threatened the company by urging state agencies to enforce a constitutionally suspect law targeting advocates of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, against Israel over its discriminatory policies. Shapiro smeared such advocates by claiming that “BDS is rooted in antisemitism” – although the effort has wide support globally, including from many Jews, as a thoroughly nonviolent tactic aimed at advancing Palestinian rights.” After the Oct. 7 attack, critics objected Gov. Shapiro’s one-sided comments: “Not only did you fail to recognize the structural root causes of the conflict,” they argued, “you chose to intentionally ignore the civilian loss of life in Gaza.” After Democratic governors in other states had called for a ceasefire in Gaza, Shapiro refused to do so. On May 9, Shapiro invoked student “safety” in demanding the encampment be shut down. Police arrested 33 people. In two different interviews, Shapiro seemed to compare campus ceasefire activists, many of whom are Jewish or students of color, to “white supremacists”… US aircraft carrier arrives in the Strait of Hormuz: Report Al Jazeera reports: Israeli Army Radio reports that the US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt has arrived in the Strait of Hormuz, just 10km (6.2 miles) from the coast of Iran, amid fears of Iranian retaliation for the killings of Hamas’s political leader in Tehran and a Hezbollah commander in Beirut. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has also ordered additional ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers to the Middle East and areas under the United States European Command, as well as a new fighter squadron to the Middle East. In April, the US, UK, France and Jordan helped shoot down missiles and drones fired by Iran at Israel in retaliation for an Israeli strike on Iran’s embassy compound in Damascus. Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said on Friday that “the Department of Defense continues to take steps to mitigate the possibility of regional escalation by Iran or Iran’s partners and proxies”. U.S. Official: Biden Realized Netanyahu Lied to Him About Hostage Deal Ha’aretz reports: A senior official in the Biden administration told Haaretz on Saturday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ungrateful toward the United States and disregards the significant amount of aid it has provided to Israel throughout the past 10 months of war. The official also said that the last two conversations between President Joe Biden and Netanyahu – one during a meeting at the White House some 10 days ago, the other over the phone last week – were difficult and tense. “Biden realized that Netanyahu was lying to him about the hostages,” the official told Haaretz. “He’s not saying it publicly yet, but in the meeting between them, he specifically told him, ‘Stop bullshitting me.'” “Netanyahu is trying to prolong the war instead of focusing on how to get to a hostage deal,” the official said. “It’s making it harder for us to continue supporting Israel over time.” Netanyahu responded to the reports Saturday night about the tense conversations between him and Biden through a press release attributed to the Prime Minister’s Office that read, “The prime minister does not interfere in American politics and will work with whoever is elected president, just as he also expects the Americans not to interfere in Israeli politics.” MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – AUGUST 3: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 3: at least 40,186* (39,583 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 603 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced. 2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 3: at least 96,818 (including at least 91,398 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 3: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured. Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.** Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West Searching for Gaza’s missing children What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million? Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’ Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video) Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience Gaza genocide denial Why the news media’s job is to groom us ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different. ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto https://israelpalestinenews.org/israel-killed-over-600-west-bank-since-october-7th-day-301/ https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/08/israel-has-killed-over-600-in-west-bank.html
    Israel has killed over 600 in West Bank since October 7th – Day 301
    Israeli-American soldier posts Gaza demolition videos; Kamala Harris possible VP's ties to Israeli military; Biden realizes Bibi's been lying
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  • Israeli strike on UN-run school that housed displaced families in Nuseirat kills 23 Palestinians

    On July 16, an Israeli strike on a United Nations-run school offering housing for displaced families in central Gaza's Nuseirat refugee camp claimed the lives of 23 Palestinians and wounded 73 others.

    The Israeli strike left the school in al-Razi partially destroyed, and the aftermath of the attack showered debris in the schoolyard and the classrooms used as shelters by displaced Palestinian families.

    One man collecting body parts from the victims said many civilians were killed, including the lives of several children, whose bodies were "torn up" during the attack, with "nothing left of them."

    The casualties included Mohammad Meshmesh, a local journalist. According to the government media office in Gaza, this increased the number of journalists killed in the war to 160.

    The deadly Israeli strike on the school left many people in a state of shock while they watched rescue workers removing several bodies from under the rubble, reported Nuseirat resident Riyad Abu Shanab. The resident added that a quick look around the place offered a chilling view of many "body parts strewn around." He added that he also could have been hurt or died if he hadn't left to go to the toilet to wash his hands when the strike hit. (Related: UN experts: Children in Gaza are dying because of Israel's "targeted starvation campaign.")

    The target was a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) that has since been turned into a shelter for the many Gazans displaced by the conflict. Survivors of the attack shared that Israel also targeted another school earlier on July 15. Both attacks have claimed many lives, with the survivors left with nowhere safe to go.

    Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are using censorship to wipe out humanity's knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production, preparedness and much more. We are preserving human knowledge using AI technology while building the infrastructure of human freedom. Speak freely without censorship at the new decentralized, blockchain-power Brighteon.io. Explore our free, downloadable generative AI tools at Brighteon.AI. Support our efforts to build the infrastructure of human freedom by shopping at HealthRangerStore.com, featuring lab-tested, certified organic, non-GMO foods and nutritional solutions.

    When the missile hit nearby, Um Alaa Abu Daher said she was sitting with her daughter and niece in a classroom on the ground floor. She added that after the strike, flames and smoke covered the area.

    Israeli forces blame active "terrorists" for the attack

    The Israeli military has claimed that they attacked the school because "terrorists" were allegedly active in the area. It also said that it will be investigating reports of civilian casualties.

    Israeli attacks throughout the Gaza Strip on July 16 have claimed the lives of at least 57 Palestinians, including 17 individuals who were killed in a strike near a tented area offering housing for displaced people in the humanitarian-designated area of al-Mawasi in Khan Younis, located in southern Gaza.

    The attack on al-Mawasi followed previous air strikes earlier this month that claimed the lives of around 88 people and wounded 289 others in a displaced people's camp in the same area.

    Since October 2023, the Israel-Palestine war has claimed the lives of more than 38,000 Palestinians. According to data, the majority of the dead are women and children.

    Israel said it had killed or wounded 14,000 Hamas members and eliminated half of the organization's leadership. Israel also insisted that the al-Mawasi strike was targeting Mohammed Deif, the Hamas military leader. However, the Palestinian group denied that he was affected by the attack.

    The UNRWA reported that Israeli forces have hit at least 70 percent of its schools in Gaza since the war began in October 2023.

    Posting on X, formerly Twitter, the UNRWA said more than 95 percent of the schools were being used as shelters when they were attacked. The organization added that at least 539 people sheltering in UNRWA facilities have died during the attacks.

    "Nowhere is safe. The blatant disregard for UN premises and humanitarian law must stop," said the UNRWA.

    Hamas issued a statement condemning Israel's deliberate attacks on the displaced families in UNRWA's al-Razi school in the Nuseirat camp, along with the attacks on the al-Mawasi area west of the city of Khan Younis, which was "declared a safe area."

    The group criticized the attacks as a "brutal and shameful act that is a scar on humanity," adding that America, Israel's loyal ally in the ongoing war, was complicit in the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip.

    Visit IsraelCollapse.com for more updates about the ongoing Israel-Palestine war and its many casualties.

    Watch the video below of the Israeli attacks on al-Mawasi.

    This video is from the alltheworldsastage channel on Brighteon.com.

    More related stories:

    Israeli army approves BRUTAL and SHOCKING "free-for-all" violence in Gaza.

    Congress orders State Department to cover up Israel’s war crime death toll.

    IDF demands evacuation that will displace tens of thousands of people in Gaza.

    IDF says murder is okay after statistics show that Israel killed 75% of all journalists who died in 2023 while covering conflict zones.

    Sources include:




    Israeli strike on UN-run school that housed displaced families in Nuseirat kills 23 Palestinians On July 16, an Israeli strike on a United Nations-run school offering housing for displaced families in central Gaza's Nuseirat refugee camp claimed the lives of 23 Palestinians and wounded 73 others. The Israeli strike left the school in al-Razi partially destroyed, and the aftermath of the attack showered debris in the schoolyard and the classrooms used as shelters by displaced Palestinian families. One man collecting body parts from the victims said many civilians were killed, including the lives of several children, whose bodies were "torn up" during the attack, with "nothing left of them." The casualties included Mohammad Meshmesh, a local journalist. According to the government media office in Gaza, this increased the number of journalists killed in the war to 160. The deadly Israeli strike on the school left many people in a state of shock while they watched rescue workers removing several bodies from under the rubble, reported Nuseirat resident Riyad Abu Shanab. The resident added that a quick look around the place offered a chilling view of many "body parts strewn around." He added that he also could have been hurt or died if he hadn't left to go to the toilet to wash his hands when the strike hit. (Related: UN experts: Children in Gaza are dying because of Israel's "targeted starvation campaign.") The target was a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) that has since been turned into a shelter for the many Gazans displaced by the conflict. Survivors of the attack shared that Israel also targeted another school earlier on July 15. Both attacks have claimed many lives, with the survivors left with nowhere safe to go. Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are using censorship to wipe out humanity's knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production, preparedness and much more. We are preserving human knowledge using AI technology while building the infrastructure of human freedom. Speak freely without censorship at the new decentralized, blockchain-power Brighteon.io. Explore our free, downloadable generative AI tools at Brighteon.AI. Support our efforts to build the infrastructure of human freedom by shopping at HealthRangerStore.com, featuring lab-tested, certified organic, non-GMO foods and nutritional solutions. When the missile hit nearby, Um Alaa Abu Daher said she was sitting with her daughter and niece in a classroom on the ground floor. She added that after the strike, flames and smoke covered the area. Israeli forces blame active "terrorists" for the attack The Israeli military has claimed that they attacked the school because "terrorists" were allegedly active in the area. It also said that it will be investigating reports of civilian casualties. Israeli attacks throughout the Gaza Strip on July 16 have claimed the lives of at least 57 Palestinians, including 17 individuals who were killed in a strike near a tented area offering housing for displaced people in the humanitarian-designated area of al-Mawasi in Khan Younis, located in southern Gaza. The attack on al-Mawasi followed previous air strikes earlier this month that claimed the lives of around 88 people and wounded 289 others in a displaced people's camp in the same area. Since October 2023, the Israel-Palestine war has claimed the lives of more than 38,000 Palestinians. According to data, the majority of the dead are women and children. Israel said it had killed or wounded 14,000 Hamas members and eliminated half of the organization's leadership. Israel also insisted that the al-Mawasi strike was targeting Mohammed Deif, the Hamas military leader. However, the Palestinian group denied that he was affected by the attack. The UNRWA reported that Israeli forces have hit at least 70 percent of its schools in Gaza since the war began in October 2023. Posting on X, formerly Twitter, the UNRWA said more than 95 percent of the schools were being used as shelters when they were attacked. The organization added that at least 539 people sheltering in UNRWA facilities have died during the attacks. "Nowhere is safe. The blatant disregard for UN premises and humanitarian law must stop," said the UNRWA. Hamas issued a statement condemning Israel's deliberate attacks on the displaced families in UNRWA's al-Razi school in the Nuseirat camp, along with the attacks on the al-Mawasi area west of the city of Khan Younis, which was "declared a safe area." The group criticized the attacks as a "brutal and shameful act that is a scar on humanity," adding that America, Israel's loyal ally in the ongoing war, was complicit in the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip. Visit IsraelCollapse.com for more updates about the ongoing Israel-Palestine war and its many casualties. Watch the video below of the Israeli attacks on al-Mawasi. This video is from the alltheworldsastage channel on Brighteon.com. More related stories: Israeli army approves BRUTAL and SHOCKING "free-for-all" violence in Gaza. Congress orders State Department to cover up Israel’s war crime death toll. IDF demands evacuation that will displace tens of thousands of people in Gaza. IDF says murder is okay after statistics show that Israel killed 75% of all journalists who died in 2023 while covering conflict zones. Sources include: MiddleEastEye.net AlJazeera.com Brighteon.com http://www.naturalnews.com/2024-07-28-israeli-strike-un-nuseirat-kills-23-palestinians.html
    Israeli strike on UN-run school that housed displaced families in Nuseirat kills 23 Palestinians – NaturalNews.com
    On July 16, an Israeli strike on a United Nations-run school offering housing for displaced families in central Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp claimed the lives of 23 Palestinians and wounded 73 others. The Israeli strike left the school in al-Razi partially destroyed, and the aftermath of the attack showered debris in the schoolyard and the classrooms […]
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  • Horrific Israeli attack in Khan Younis with almost no warning – Day 289
    [email protected] July 23, 2024 garbage in Gaza, israeli attack on UN convoy, israeli hostages killed, kamala harris, khan younis attack, knesset, october 7th myths, Palestinian journalists, polio vaccine, unrwa, west bank children, Yemen
    Palestinians, including women and children, living in the east of Khan Younis city move towards safe areas with whatever belongings they can take with them after Israel announced that an operation will be carried out and ordered the Palestinians to evacuate the area immediately in Khan Yunis, Gaza on July 22, 2024. (photo)
    A77 Gazans killed in Khan Younis with no chance to flee; Israeli army admits leaving Palestinian man with Down Syndrome to die; journalists killed by Israel reaches 163; Israeli forces fire on UN convoy; water and garbage crisis in Gaza; polio vaccines for Israeli soldiers, but not for Gazan civilians; Israel killed 2 more Israeli hostages; 250% increase in killing of West Bank children; Yemeni harbor still ablaze after Israeli strike; Knesset members listen to debunked myths of Oct 7; our founding fathers supported Israel?; JD Vance to skip Netanyahu speech; Dem Majority for Israel endorses Harris; potential VPs regarding Israel; more.

    By IAK staff, from reports.

    Israel gives 400,000 Palestinians minutes to flee Khan Younis before latest blitz

    The Cradle reports: The Israeli army ordered the sudden evacuation of over 400,000 Palestinians taking shelter in eastern Khan Younis on 22 July, dropping leaflets in the besieged city moments before warplanes began their raids.

    At least 77 deaths and 200 wounded have been reported in the aftermath of the attacks.

    Ha’aretz reports that the death toll from this operation has risen to 89, that 68 are reported missing, and 263 more people were injured. 13 houses in the city were reportedly directly targeted.

    Authorities at Nasser Medical Complex appealed for urgent blood donations, saying it faces a shortage of blood units, “which poses a serious threat to the lives of the sick and injured in light of the ongoing massacres carried out by the occupation forces against the innocent and civilians.”

    “The IDF is about to forcefully operate against the terror organizations and therefore calls on the remaining population left in the eastern neighborhoods of Khan Younis to temporarily evacuate to the adjusted humanitarian area in Al-Mawasi,” the Israeli military said in a statement on Monday morning.

    NOTE: The use of the word “terrorist” for a group that resists occupation and oppression is a political, not fact-based choice. In reality, international law supports the efforts of resistance groups against an occupying power, the UN extending that right to the point of armed resistance.

    Israeli Army Radio reported that Monday’s air raids in Khan Younis are the most violent since the end of the military operation in the city earlier this year.

    Local reports say many victims are still under the rubble and scattered along the streets, with ambulance and civil defense crews unable to reach them due to the violent and continuous shelling.

    AL JAZEERA ADDS: Many fleeing Palestinians are hesitant to join the swelling tent camps in al-Mawasi, declared a humanitarian zone in May, after a recent attack on the area killed at least 92 people and wounded more than 300, according to figures from the Health Ministry. That attack caused global outrage.

    OCHA ADDS: The new evacuation order by the Israeli military encompasses about 8.7 square kilometres (3.4 square miles) in the so-called “humanitarian zone” in Al Mawasi area of Khan Younis decreases the area of the zone by nearly 15 per cent.

    Gaza: Israeli army admits abandoning Palestinian man with Down syndrome

    Middle East Eye reports: The Israeli army has admitted that a Palestinian man with Down syndrome who died after being attacked and injured by an army dog was abandoned by its soldiers.

    The army’s admission comes two weeks after Middle East Eye originally reported on the death of Muhammed Bhar following a raid by Israeli soldiers on his family home in eastern Gaza City’s Shujaiya neighborhood on 3 July.

    His family told MEE they had been forced at gunpoint to leave behind the 24-year-old after he was mauled by the dog. Relatives described Muhammed as “like a one-year-old”, and said he needed help eating.

    Family members contacted the Red Cross daily for a week, pleading for Muhammed’s release or medical treatment, but were told that the Israeli army was not cooperating.

    After a week, and once Israeli troops withdrew from Shujaiya, they returned to find his decomposing body at their home.

    An Israeli spokesperson said, “The IDF regrets the harm to civilians during the fighting.”

    Number of journalists killed in Gaza rises to 163

    The Israeli army struck a tent sheltering journalists in Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, central Gaza on Monday


    At least one person, journalist Haydar Ibrahim al-Msaddar, was killed while several others were wounded and suffered serious injuries.

    Msaddar was a media researcher and a specialist in media affairs, according to local authorities.

    According to his friend and fellow journalist Islam Bader, Msaddar had specialized in the study of propaganda and public opinion.

    “All the contents in the tent are journalistic equipment,” Youssef al-Hindi, a rescue worker who attended the scene after hearing the explosion, told Middle East Eye.

    Holding up a press helmet he found at the scene, Hindi said that he believes the journalists’ tent was intentionally targeted.

    Khalil al-Dakran, a doctor at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, agreed. It was the second time a tent in the grounds of the hospital had been hit, he said.

    Israeli forces shoot at UN convoy heading for Gaza City

    Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the UN agency for Palestinians (UNRWA), said that Israeli forces shot at a UN convoy heading towards Gaza City on Sunday.

    The movement of the convoy was coordinated and approved by the Israeli authorities.

    “One vehicle received at least five bullets while waiting just ahead of the Israeli Forces’ checkpoint south of Wadi Gaza,” Lazzarini said on X.

    “The car was severely damaged, it left the convoy. The teams re-assembled & finally reached Gaza City.”

    He concluded saying that “those responsible must be held accountable.”

    Medical Threat: Water and Garbage in Gaza

    A new report by PAX, an international NGO, highlights the growing public health risks of solid waste exposure in Gaza due to the collapse of the waste management system and blocked access to designated landfills by Israeli forces.

    The report especially highlighted the potential medical threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), whereby patients in conflict areas fail to respond to antibiotic treatments, which health experts have linked to the degradation and damage of water and wastewater treatment infrastructure as well as to heavy-metal exposure including munition remnants.

    The environmental consequences of the crisis are also enormous, according to the report, as they can render Gaza wholly uninhabitable and cause grave ecosystem and public health problems in the overall region due to the contamination of agricultural lands and the aquifer and the possible penetration of toxic substances into the food chain.

    The report presents a number of short-term and long-term recommendations for policymakers.

    FOR A SAMPLING OF REPORTS ON ISRAEL’S RECENT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, SEE Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)

    Embed from Getty Images

    Israel launches polio vaccination campaign for soldiers in Gaza, nothing for Palestinians

    The New Arab reports: On Sunday, the Israeli army launched a campaign to vaccinate its soldiers who are carrying out military operations in the Gaza Strip to avoid the infection of poliovirus, while ignoring the Palestinian population.

    Israel’s vaccination campaign occurs after an official announcement issued by the Palestinian health ministry said it discovered the spread of the poliovirus in the wastewater in the war-torn, besieged Gaza Strip.

    “The coastal enclave has been suffering from the lack of medicine and even vaccines that would be enough for the local people to avoid the spread of the poliovirus,” said sources.

    Meanwhile, Israel claimed “it sent about 300,000 polio vaccines to Gaza in cooperation with international organizations since the beginning of the war […] which is enough for more than a million citizens in Gaza.”

    “All the Israeli claims are not true […] it seems that the Israeli authorities decided to kill all the Palestinians in Gaza, either through the strikes or diseases and starvation,” Ismail Thawabta, the director of the Palestinian government media office in Gaza, remarked to TNA.

    HA’ARETZ ADDS: The IDF stresses that the soldiers not make any use of the local Gazan water system, and that the army regularly brings in large quantities of water from Israel, including millions of bottles of water for drinking and bathing, and tons of ice, as well as field showers, soap and disinfectant wipes.

    According to a recent Lancet study, the death toll in Gaza could be at least 186,000 dead due to direct and indirect impacts of Israel’s war on Gaza.

    RECOMMENDED READING (March 2021): Israel’s pattern of broken Covid vaccine promises to Palestinians – is it genocide?

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    Knesset passes bills to close UNRWA, label it ‘terrorist organization’

    Middle East Eye reports: Israel’s parliament has passed three bills in their first readings to close the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) and designate it a “terrorist organization”.

    The first bill prohibits UNRWA from operating any mission, providing any service or conducting any activity on Israeli territory. It was passed 58-9, The Times of Israel newspaper reported.

    The second bill was approved 63-9 and calls for stripping UNRWA personnel of their legal immunities and privileges offered to UN staff in Israel.

    The third bill calls for designating the UN agency as a “terrorist organization” and requires Israel to cut ties with it. It was passed by a 50-10 vote.

    The three bills will now go to the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for further deliberation. They will require two more readings to become effective.

    Israel has lobbied hard to have UNRWA closed, especially since it began its war on Gaza in October.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Designation of Palestinian Rights Groups as Terrorists is an Attack on the Human Rights Movement

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    Two Israeli hostages confirmed dead – IDF admits likely at fault

    Jerusalem Post reports: The Israeli military confirmed on Monday that two more hostages are dead, and that they were probably mistakenly killed by IDF forces during battles in Khan Younis some months ago.

    On March 10, Hamas had announced that the two hostages had been killed, but Israeli officials chose to assume the announcement was a bluff, and did not believe it. Now, based on “new, unspecified intelligence,” they have accepted their deaths as fact.

    The IDF did not disclose the exact circumstances of the hostages’ deaths, but did admit it is likely that they were mistakenly killed by Israeli forces.

    NOTE: Hamas offered a prisoner swap immediately after October 7th, but Israel rejected it.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Israel has repeatedly rejected Hamas truce offers

    Israel’s Netanyahu says deal could be nearing for hostages

    The New Arab reports: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told families of hostages held in Gaza that a deal that would secure their loved ones’ release could be nearing, his office said on Tuesday.

    “The conditions are undoubtedly ripening. This is a good sign,” Netanyahu told the families on Monday in Washington, where was expected to meet US President Joe Biden later this week after making an address to Congress.

    Efforts to reach a Gaza ceasefire deal, outlined by Biden in May and mediated by Egypt and Qatar, have gained momentum over the past month. On Friday, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said negotiators were “driving toward the goal line.”

    Ruby Chen, father of dual US-Israeli citizen Itai Chen, a soldier whose body is being held in Gaza, was one of the family members who met with Netanyahu.

    “He did say that conditions were ripening but I’m taking that with a pinch of salt,” Chen told Israeli Army Radio.

    Embed from Getty Images

    Israel’s West Bank Assault Sparks 250% Surge in Killings of Palestinian Kids

    Common Dreams reports: Three days after the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion stating that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is unlawful, the United Nations children’s rights agency said that after decades of being “exposed to horrific violence,” the number of children who have been killed in the West Bank since last October has skyrocketed.

    Since Israel began its bombardment of the Palestinian territories nearly 10 months ago, 143 Palestinian children have been killed in the West Bank, according to the U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

    The number represents a 250% increase compared to the nine months preceding October 7th.

    “The situation has deteriorated significantly, coinciding with the escalation of hostilities inside Gaza,” said Catherine Russell, executive director of UNICEF. “We are seeing frequent allegations of Palestinian children being detained on their way home from school, or shot while walking on the streets. The violence needs to stop now.”

    Some of the killings of children in the West Bank over the last 10 months have received international attention, like the Israeli forces’ shooting of two children, Basil Suleiman Abu al-Wafa and Adam Samer al-Ghoul, during a raid on the Jenin refugee camp in November.

    Al-Ghoul, who was nine, was shown on CCTV footage trying to run away from IDF soldiers when he was gunned down.

    Since October, two Israeli children have been killed in fighting the West Bank, said UNICEF.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Genocide alert issued over Israeli violence in West Bank

    Embed from Getty Images

    Yemeni harbor still ablaze two days after Israeli attack, as US says Israel justified

    Al Jazeera reports: Firefighting teams are struggling to contain a blaze at Yemen’s Hodeidah port, two days after a deadly Israeli strike damaged oil storage facilities and endangered aid ships in the harbor, AFP reports.

    Firefighting teams appear to have made little progress. The blaze appears to be expanding in some parts of the port amid fears it could reach food storage facilities.

    High-resolution satellite images taken by Maxar Technologies showed flames consuming a heavily damaged fuel storage area at the harbor in Hodeidah, a city on the Red Sea.

    An analysis of satellite imagery from Planet by the Dutch peace organization PAX showed at least 33 destroyed oil storage tankers, said Wim Zwijnenburg, a project leader with the organization.

    “We expect [to find] more damage as not all storage tanks are visible because of heavy smoke” from the fire and burning fuel, Zwijnenburg said.

    Embed from Getty Images

    Knesset hears [fictitious] accounts of Hamas rape, infanticide from “casualty identification unit”

    Israel Hayom reports: In a chilling testimony before Knesset, Rabbi Moshe Dickstein, who served as a reservist in the IDF’s Southern Command, provided disturbing details of the alleged atrocities committed by Hamas members during the October 7 attack on Israeli communities.

    NOTE: Israel has disseminated numerous atrocity stories about the October 7th attack that have since been proven untrue. In addition, an unknown but significant number of the Israeli soldiers and civilians killed on October 7 were shown to have been killed by Israeli fire. The Israeli military has also disseminated false stories about civilians captured.

    Visit https://www.oct7factcheck.com/index for a growing list of debunked myths.

    “The first body we came across was an overturned stroller. Inside the stroller was a baby, and his head was thrown aside with a knife in it. The woman we found, presumably the mother, was lying on the couch with blood flowing from her private area. We were told to collect only the bodies. In the next stage, they would come to clean up the blood and everything else,” Rabbi Dickstein said, choking back tears.

    The rabbi continued with the difficult [and fabricated] descriptions: “And so we went from house to house and found women lying on the floor with legs spread, it’s indescribable. Another house and another house, then also in the field. They cut off men’s genitals, and we found women with severed breasts. A pregnant woman with her belly opened up to reveal the umbilical cord and the baby with a knife in its body.”

    NOTE: There is zero evidence that any of these alleged incidents actually occurred. Israeli media and others have thoroughly debunked these and similar stories months ago.

    Colonists break into Jerusalem’s Aqsa Mosque, perform Talmudic rituals

    WAFA reports: Israeli colonists, under the protection of Israeli police, Monday morning broke into Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied Jerusalem.

    Eyewitnesses said that dozens of colonists entered the holy site in groups, conducted provocative tours throughout the compound, and performed Talmudic rituals.

    During the incursion, Israeli police imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshippers to the mosque.

    Additionally, Israeli police intensified the restrictions at the gates of the Old City, effectively turning the area into a military zone.

    Ahistorical statement by Speaker Johnson: Supporting Israel Is One of America’s ‘Founding Principles’

    Antiwar reports: House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) described US support for Israel as one of America’s “founding principles” during a speech at an event hosted by the Republican Jewish Committee on July 18.

    “It is an important principle that America and Israel stand together resolutely. That is part of who we are as a country. It’s one of our founding principles. I believe that we maintain peace through strength, and I think that the relationship with Israel is essential to who we are as Americans,” Johnson said.

    Since the modern state of Israel was created in 1948, it’s unclear what Johnson meant when he said the US-Israel relationship is a “founding principle.” The most well-known Founding Fathers would also disagree with Johnson since they strongly warned against permanent alliances and “attachments” to other nations.

    In his farewell address in 1796, George Washington said, “A passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification.”

    Johnson also threatened Democratic lawmakers with possible arrest if they protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress, which is scheduled for this Thursday.

    “There’s a number of Democrats in the House who have said they are going to boycott the event, and then some others are gonna protest,” he said. “We’re gonna have extra sergeants at arms on the floor, and if anybody gets out of hand the Speaker of the House will bang the gavel. We’re gonna arrest people if we have to do it. We’re gonna get the message out.”

    RECOMMENDED READING: Netanyahu purveyed a fictional history of Israel to Jordan Peterson

    Palestinian families flee their village of Tantura, May 1948. During its founding war to create a Jewish state in Palestine, Israeli forces committed numerous massacres like the one in Tantura and worked to expel the indigenous population of Palestinian Muslims and Christians. Photo from National Library of Israel. (photo)
    Democratic Majority for Israel endorses Harris: ‘She stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel’

    Ha’aretz reports: The Democratic Majority for Israel has wholeheartedly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the party’s nomination for the upcoming presidential election.

    “We proudly endorsed Kamala Harris as part of the Biden-Harris ticket in 2020 and again in 2024. Since then, the Vice President has helped lead the most pro-Israel administration in American history, standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel as it has faced unprecedented attacks on its homeland and people,” said DMFI President & CEO Mark Mellman.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Democratic bigwigs create group DMFI to promote Israel to progressives

    GOP Jewish group slams Harris for ‘snubbing’ Netanyahu; J.D. Vance won’t attend Netanyahu’s speech to Congress

    Ha’aretz reports: The Republican Jewish Coalition has described as “disgraceful” what it described as “Kamala Harris’ first official act as the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States […] to snub the leader of America’s key strategic ally, the Jewish state. Kamala Harris would be a total disaster for the US-Israel relationship,” the RJC said.

    Prior to Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race, Harris was scheduled to be on the road campaigning for him during Netanyahu’s address to Congress. She was also supposed to meet with the Israeli prime minister, though it remains unclear if this meeting will still occur.

    Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s running mate and the Republican senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance, has opted to hit the campaign trail rather than attending Netanyahu’s speech. It remains unclear whether he or Trump will speak or meet with the Israeli prime minister during his U.S. visit.

    Trump’s Ambassador to Israel David Friedman: VP Harris ‘never expressed sympathy for the Israelis suffering from Hamas’

    Ha’aretz reports: Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said that Vice President and 2024 Presidential candidate Kamala Harris “has never expressed sympathy for the Israelis suffering from Hamas’ barbarism with the same fervor that she exhibits when speaking of Palestinian suffering.”

    He continued criticizing Harris, saying, “she wrongly accused Israel of overseeing a famine in Gaza, proven to be totally false. She said that Palestinians in Rafah ‘had no place to go’ just before 900,000 were successfully evacuated in a week. Apart from that, she plainly is not up to the task of protecting Americans from the growing threats around the world — threats that will intensify further if our enemies see her campaign gaining strength.”

    RECOMMENDED READING: This is the truth about “there is no famine in Gaza”

    The Forward says Harris’s past statements on Israel-Hamas, “broadly speaking, do not differ much from those of President Biden”

    Both centrist Democrats and those to the left are seeing what they want in Harris…

    Jewish Republicans are smearing Harris as anti-Israel. “The shock troops of misinformation deserve high marks for speed, but not so much for accuracy…”

    The veepstakes…

    Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona has strong ties to Jews and Israel, starting with his marriage by a rabbi to Gabby Giffords, the Jewish former congresswoman who survived a mass shooting in 2011. Kelly, a former astronaut and Navy captain, co-sponsored the bipartisan Countering Antisemitism Act and has visited Israel at least twice since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. Read the story ➤

    Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania is proudly and publicly Jewish, and the experts we interviewed said that should help — not hurt — the campaign if he were chosen as Harris’ running mate. “The interesting thing is that, historically, that has always been a much greater concern for Jews,” while most other voters don’t care, said Jonathan Sarna, one of the leading historians of American Jewry. Read the story

    Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado was asked Monday on CNN if he’d accept the offer to be vice president. “Look,” he quipped, “if they do the polling, and it turns out that they need a 49-year-old, balding gay Jew from Boulder, Colorado, they got my number.”


    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    Al Jazeera: Israel’s Netanyahu goes to the US: All to know about the visit

    Mondoweiss: Looking at Kamala Harris’s record on Israel

    Middle East Eye: Netanyahu’s US visit solidifies Israel’s upper hand in Washington

    Middle East Eye: Even the US propaganda machine can’t whitewash Biden’s sordid record

    The New Arab: Over half of European Jews feel ‘ashamed’ of Israel’s actions, survey shows


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – July 22: at least 39,668* (39,090 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,034 children as of June 17. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 578 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 46 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 40 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
    2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – July 22: at least 95,567 (including at least 90,147 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – July 22: ~1,481 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 326 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

    Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

    Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org
    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC
    Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans
    Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza
    Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways
    Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different.
    ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel
    Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes
    If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention
    Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto
    Israel’s leading paper says its own army deliberately killed Israelis on October 7
    Gaza has turned into Biden’s most perplexing moral and foreign policy failure
    ‘Suffering horrifically’: 10 months of Israel’s ‘war on children’ in Gaza
    Pro-Israel ADL ‘spied on’ African American activist over opposition to US-Israel police exchange programme
    ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza
    Lancet: Counting the dead in Gaza – difficult but essential
    ‘Revealer of Inconvenient Truths’ – Julian Assange’s Impact on Palestine
    Fact or Fiction: Is Israel Unfairly Singled Out for Global Condemnation?
    How an Israeli colonel invented the burned babies lie to justify genocide
    Widely reported Palestinian father-son ‘rape’ confession contradicted by piles of evidence
    The Gaza Project reveals how Israel has targeted the press – in 3 stories
    ‘Buying Our Own Stolen Water’ in Bethlehem – Scorching Summer Awaits Palestinians in the West Bank
    Israel’s covert info bots targeting America met with hypocritical silence
    AIPAC: Has the pro-Israel lobby bribed and bought the US Democratic Party?
    Israel’s war on Gaza is the deadliest conflict on record for journalists.
    Israeli army hits Gaza family, uses them as human shields, and runs over their mother.
    Strangling Israeli restrictions were in place long before October 7th.

    Horrific Israeli attack in Khan Younis with almost no warning – Day 289 [email protected] July 23, 2024 garbage in Gaza, israeli attack on UN convoy, israeli hostages killed, kamala harris, khan younis attack, knesset, october 7th myths, Palestinian journalists, polio vaccine, unrwa, west bank children, Yemen Palestinians, including women and children, living in the east of Khan Younis city move towards safe areas with whatever belongings they can take with them after Israel announced that an operation will be carried out and ordered the Palestinians to evacuate the area immediately in Khan Yunis, Gaza on July 22, 2024. (photo) A77 Gazans killed in Khan Younis with no chance to flee; Israeli army admits leaving Palestinian man with Down Syndrome to die; journalists killed by Israel reaches 163; Israeli forces fire on UN convoy; water and garbage crisis in Gaza; polio vaccines for Israeli soldiers, but not for Gazan civilians; Israel killed 2 more Israeli hostages; 250% increase in killing of West Bank children; Yemeni harbor still ablaze after Israeli strike; Knesset members listen to debunked myths of Oct 7; our founding fathers supported Israel?; JD Vance to skip Netanyahu speech; Dem Majority for Israel endorses Harris; potential VPs regarding Israel; more. By IAK staff, from reports. Israel gives 400,000 Palestinians minutes to flee Khan Younis before latest blitz The Cradle reports: The Israeli army ordered the sudden evacuation of over 400,000 Palestinians taking shelter in eastern Khan Younis on 22 July, dropping leaflets in the besieged city moments before warplanes began their raids. At least 77 deaths and 200 wounded have been reported in the aftermath of the attacks. Ha’aretz reports that the death toll from this operation has risen to 89, that 68 are reported missing, and 263 more people were injured. 13 houses in the city were reportedly directly targeted. Authorities at Nasser Medical Complex appealed for urgent blood donations, saying it faces a shortage of blood units, “which poses a serious threat to the lives of the sick and injured in light of the ongoing massacres carried out by the occupation forces against the innocent and civilians.” “The IDF is about to forcefully operate against the terror organizations and therefore calls on the remaining population left in the eastern neighborhoods of Khan Younis to temporarily evacuate to the adjusted humanitarian area in Al-Mawasi,” the Israeli military said in a statement on Monday morning. NOTE: The use of the word “terrorist” for a group that resists occupation and oppression is a political, not fact-based choice. In reality, international law supports the efforts of resistance groups against an occupying power, the UN extending that right to the point of armed resistance. Israeli Army Radio reported that Monday’s air raids in Khan Younis are the most violent since the end of the military operation in the city earlier this year. Local reports say many victims are still under the rubble and scattered along the streets, with ambulance and civil defense crews unable to reach them due to the violent and continuous shelling. AL JAZEERA ADDS: Many fleeing Palestinians are hesitant to join the swelling tent camps in al-Mawasi, declared a humanitarian zone in May, after a recent attack on the area killed at least 92 people and wounded more than 300, according to figures from the Health Ministry. That attack caused global outrage. OCHA ADDS: The new evacuation order by the Israeli military encompasses about 8.7 square kilometres (3.4 square miles) in the so-called “humanitarian zone” in Al Mawasi area of Khan Younis decreases the area of the zone by nearly 15 per cent. Gaza: Israeli army admits abandoning Palestinian man with Down syndrome Middle East Eye reports: The Israeli army has admitted that a Palestinian man with Down syndrome who died after being attacked and injured by an army dog was abandoned by its soldiers. The army’s admission comes two weeks after Middle East Eye originally reported on the death of Muhammed Bhar following a raid by Israeli soldiers on his family home in eastern Gaza City’s Shujaiya neighborhood on 3 July. His family told MEE they had been forced at gunpoint to leave behind the 24-year-old after he was mauled by the dog. Relatives described Muhammed as “like a one-year-old”, and said he needed help eating. Family members contacted the Red Cross daily for a week, pleading for Muhammed’s release or medical treatment, but were told that the Israeli army was not cooperating. After a week, and once Israeli troops withdrew from Shujaiya, they returned to find his decomposing body at their home. An Israeli spokesperson said, “The IDF regrets the harm to civilians during the fighting.” Number of journalists killed in Gaza rises to 163 The Israeli army struck a tent sheltering journalists in Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, central Gaza on Monday . At least one person, journalist Haydar Ibrahim al-Msaddar, was killed while several others were wounded and suffered serious injuries. Msaddar was a media researcher and a specialist in media affairs, according to local authorities. According to his friend and fellow journalist Islam Bader, Msaddar had specialized in the study of propaganda and public opinion. “All the contents in the tent are journalistic equipment,” Youssef al-Hindi, a rescue worker who attended the scene after hearing the explosion, told Middle East Eye. Holding up a press helmet he found at the scene, Hindi said that he believes the journalists’ tent was intentionally targeted. Khalil al-Dakran, a doctor at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, agreed. It was the second time a tent in the grounds of the hospital had been hit, he said. Israeli forces shoot at UN convoy heading for Gaza City Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the UN agency for Palestinians (UNRWA), said that Israeli forces shot at a UN convoy heading towards Gaza City on Sunday. The movement of the convoy was coordinated and approved by the Israeli authorities. “One vehicle received at least five bullets while waiting just ahead of the Israeli Forces’ checkpoint south of Wadi Gaza,” Lazzarini said on X. “The car was severely damaged, it left the convoy. The teams re-assembled & finally reached Gaza City.” He concluded saying that “those responsible must be held accountable.” Medical Threat: Water and Garbage in Gaza A new report by PAX, an international NGO, highlights the growing public health risks of solid waste exposure in Gaza due to the collapse of the waste management system and blocked access to designated landfills by Israeli forces. The report especially highlighted the potential medical threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), whereby patients in conflict areas fail to respond to antibiotic treatments, which health experts have linked to the degradation and damage of water and wastewater treatment infrastructure as well as to heavy-metal exposure including munition remnants. The environmental consequences of the crisis are also enormous, according to the report, as they can render Gaza wholly uninhabitable and cause grave ecosystem and public health problems in the overall region due to the contamination of agricultural lands and the aquifer and the possible penetration of toxic substances into the food chain. The report presents a number of short-term and long-term recommendations for policymakers. FOR A SAMPLING OF REPORTS ON ISRAEL’S RECENT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, SEE Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) Embed from Getty Images Israel launches polio vaccination campaign for soldiers in Gaza, nothing for Palestinians The New Arab reports: On Sunday, the Israeli army launched a campaign to vaccinate its soldiers who are carrying out military operations in the Gaza Strip to avoid the infection of poliovirus, while ignoring the Palestinian population. Israel’s vaccination campaign occurs after an official announcement issued by the Palestinian health ministry said it discovered the spread of the poliovirus in the wastewater in the war-torn, besieged Gaza Strip. “The coastal enclave has been suffering from the lack of medicine and even vaccines that would be enough for the local people to avoid the spread of the poliovirus,” said sources. Meanwhile, Israel claimed “it sent about 300,000 polio vaccines to Gaza in cooperation with international organizations since the beginning of the war […] which is enough for more than a million citizens in Gaza.” “All the Israeli claims are not true […] it seems that the Israeli authorities decided to kill all the Palestinians in Gaza, either through the strikes or diseases and starvation,” Ismail Thawabta, the director of the Palestinian government media office in Gaza, remarked to TNA. HA’ARETZ ADDS: The IDF stresses that the soldiers not make any use of the local Gazan water system, and that the army regularly brings in large quantities of water from Israel, including millions of bottles of water for drinking and bathing, and tons of ice, as well as field showers, soap and disinfectant wipes. According to a recent Lancet study, the death toll in Gaza could be at least 186,000 dead due to direct and indirect impacts of Israel’s war on Gaza. RECOMMENDED READING (March 2021): Israel’s pattern of broken Covid vaccine promises to Palestinians – is it genocide? Embed from Getty Images Knesset passes bills to close UNRWA, label it ‘terrorist organization’ Middle East Eye reports: Israel’s parliament has passed three bills in their first readings to close the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) and designate it a “terrorist organization”. The first bill prohibits UNRWA from operating any mission, providing any service or conducting any activity on Israeli territory. It was passed 58-9, The Times of Israel newspaper reported. The second bill was approved 63-9 and calls for stripping UNRWA personnel of their legal immunities and privileges offered to UN staff in Israel. The third bill calls for designating the UN agency as a “terrorist organization” and requires Israel to cut ties with it. It was passed by a 50-10 vote. The three bills will now go to the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for further deliberation. They will require two more readings to become effective. Israel has lobbied hard to have UNRWA closed, especially since it began its war on Gaza in October. RECOMMENDED READING: Designation of Palestinian Rights Groups as Terrorists is an Attack on the Human Rights Movement Embed from Getty Images Two Israeli hostages confirmed dead – IDF admits likely at fault Jerusalem Post reports: The Israeli military confirmed on Monday that two more hostages are dead, and that they were probably mistakenly killed by IDF forces during battles in Khan Younis some months ago. On March 10, Hamas had announced that the two hostages had been killed, but Israeli officials chose to assume the announcement was a bluff, and did not believe it. Now, based on “new, unspecified intelligence,” they have accepted their deaths as fact. The IDF did not disclose the exact circumstances of the hostages’ deaths, but did admit it is likely that they were mistakenly killed by Israeli forces. NOTE: Hamas offered a prisoner swap immediately after October 7th, but Israel rejected it. RECOMMENDED READING: Israel has repeatedly rejected Hamas truce offers Israel’s Netanyahu says deal could be nearing for hostages The New Arab reports: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told families of hostages held in Gaza that a deal that would secure their loved ones’ release could be nearing, his office said on Tuesday. “The conditions are undoubtedly ripening. This is a good sign,” Netanyahu told the families on Monday in Washington, where was expected to meet US President Joe Biden later this week after making an address to Congress. Efforts to reach a Gaza ceasefire deal, outlined by Biden in May and mediated by Egypt and Qatar, have gained momentum over the past month. On Friday, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said negotiators were “driving toward the goal line.” Ruby Chen, father of dual US-Israeli citizen Itai Chen, a soldier whose body is being held in Gaza, was one of the family members who met with Netanyahu. “He did say that conditions were ripening but I’m taking that with a pinch of salt,” Chen told Israeli Army Radio. Embed from Getty Images Israel’s West Bank Assault Sparks 250% Surge in Killings of Palestinian Kids Common Dreams reports: Three days after the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion stating that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is unlawful, the United Nations children’s rights agency said that after decades of being “exposed to horrific violence,” the number of children who have been killed in the West Bank since last October has skyrocketed. Since Israel began its bombardment of the Palestinian territories nearly 10 months ago, 143 Palestinian children have been killed in the West Bank, according to the U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The number represents a 250% increase compared to the nine months preceding October 7th. “The situation has deteriorated significantly, coinciding with the escalation of hostilities inside Gaza,” said Catherine Russell, executive director of UNICEF. “We are seeing frequent allegations of Palestinian children being detained on their way home from school, or shot while walking on the streets. The violence needs to stop now.” Some of the killings of children in the West Bank over the last 10 months have received international attention, like the Israeli forces’ shooting of two children, Basil Suleiman Abu al-Wafa and Adam Samer al-Ghoul, during a raid on the Jenin refugee camp in November. Al-Ghoul, who was nine, was shown on CCTV footage trying to run away from IDF soldiers when he was gunned down. Since October, two Israeli children have been killed in fighting the West Bank, said UNICEF. RECOMMENDED READING: Genocide alert issued over Israeli violence in West Bank Embed from Getty Images Yemeni harbor still ablaze two days after Israeli attack, as US says Israel justified Al Jazeera reports: Firefighting teams are struggling to contain a blaze at Yemen’s Hodeidah port, two days after a deadly Israeli strike damaged oil storage facilities and endangered aid ships in the harbor, AFP reports. Firefighting teams appear to have made little progress. The blaze appears to be expanding in some parts of the port amid fears it could reach food storage facilities. High-resolution satellite images taken by Maxar Technologies showed flames consuming a heavily damaged fuel storage area at the harbor in Hodeidah, a city on the Red Sea. An analysis of satellite imagery from Planet by the Dutch peace organization PAX showed at least 33 destroyed oil storage tankers, said Wim Zwijnenburg, a project leader with the organization. “We expect [to find] more damage as not all storage tanks are visible because of heavy smoke” from the fire and burning fuel, Zwijnenburg said. Embed from Getty Images Knesset hears [fictitious] accounts of Hamas rape, infanticide from “casualty identification unit” Israel Hayom reports: In a chilling testimony before Knesset, Rabbi Moshe Dickstein, who served as a reservist in the IDF’s Southern Command, provided disturbing details of the alleged atrocities committed by Hamas members during the October 7 attack on Israeli communities. NOTE: Israel has disseminated numerous atrocity stories about the October 7th attack that have since been proven untrue. In addition, an unknown but significant number of the Israeli soldiers and civilians killed on October 7 were shown to have been killed by Israeli fire. The Israeli military has also disseminated false stories about civilians captured. Visit https://www.oct7factcheck.com/index for a growing list of debunked myths. “The first body we came across was an overturned stroller. Inside the stroller was a baby, and his head was thrown aside with a knife in it. The woman we found, presumably the mother, was lying on the couch with blood flowing from her private area. We were told to collect only the bodies. In the next stage, they would come to clean up the blood and everything else,” Rabbi Dickstein said, choking back tears. The rabbi continued with the difficult [and fabricated] descriptions: “And so we went from house to house and found women lying on the floor with legs spread, it’s indescribable. Another house and another house, then also in the field. They cut off men’s genitals, and we found women with severed breasts. A pregnant woman with her belly opened up to reveal the umbilical cord and the baby with a knife in its body.” NOTE: There is zero evidence that any of these alleged incidents actually occurred. Israeli media and others have thoroughly debunked these and similar stories months ago. Colonists break into Jerusalem’s Aqsa Mosque, perform Talmudic rituals WAFA reports: Israeli colonists, under the protection of Israeli police, Monday morning broke into Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied Jerusalem. Eyewitnesses said that dozens of colonists entered the holy site in groups, conducted provocative tours throughout the compound, and performed Talmudic rituals. During the incursion, Israeli police imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshippers to the mosque. Additionally, Israeli police intensified the restrictions at the gates of the Old City, effectively turning the area into a military zone. Ahistorical statement by Speaker Johnson: Supporting Israel Is One of America’s ‘Founding Principles’ Antiwar reports: House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) described US support for Israel as one of America’s “founding principles” during a speech at an event hosted by the Republican Jewish Committee on July 18. “It is an important principle that America and Israel stand together resolutely. That is part of who we are as a country. It’s one of our founding principles. I believe that we maintain peace through strength, and I think that the relationship with Israel is essential to who we are as Americans,” Johnson said. Since the modern state of Israel was created in 1948, it’s unclear what Johnson meant when he said the US-Israel relationship is a “founding principle.” The most well-known Founding Fathers would also disagree with Johnson since they strongly warned against permanent alliances and “attachments” to other nations. In his farewell address in 1796, George Washington said, “A passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification.” Johnson also threatened Democratic lawmakers with possible arrest if they protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress, which is scheduled for this Thursday. “There’s a number of Democrats in the House who have said they are going to boycott the event, and then some others are gonna protest,” he said. “We’re gonna have extra sergeants at arms on the floor, and if anybody gets out of hand the Speaker of the House will bang the gavel. We’re gonna arrest people if we have to do it. We’re gonna get the message out.” RECOMMENDED READING: Netanyahu purveyed a fictional history of Israel to Jordan Peterson Palestinian families flee their village of Tantura, May 1948. During its founding war to create a Jewish state in Palestine, Israeli forces committed numerous massacres like the one in Tantura and worked to expel the indigenous population of Palestinian Muslims and Christians. Photo from National Library of Israel. (photo) Democratic Majority for Israel endorses Harris: ‘She stands shoulder to shoulder with Israel’ Ha’aretz reports: The Democratic Majority for Israel has wholeheartedly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the party’s nomination for the upcoming presidential election. “We proudly endorsed Kamala Harris as part of the Biden-Harris ticket in 2020 and again in 2024. Since then, the Vice President has helped lead the most pro-Israel administration in American history, standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel as it has faced unprecedented attacks on its homeland and people,” said DMFI President & CEO Mark Mellman. RECOMMENDED READING: Democratic bigwigs create group DMFI to promote Israel to progressives GOP Jewish group slams Harris for ‘snubbing’ Netanyahu; J.D. Vance won’t attend Netanyahu’s speech to Congress Ha’aretz reports: The Republican Jewish Coalition has described as “disgraceful” what it described as “Kamala Harris’ first official act as the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States […] to snub the leader of America’s key strategic ally, the Jewish state. Kamala Harris would be a total disaster for the US-Israel relationship,” the RJC said. Prior to Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race, Harris was scheduled to be on the road campaigning for him during Netanyahu’s address to Congress. She was also supposed to meet with the Israeli prime minister, though it remains unclear if this meeting will still occur. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s running mate and the Republican senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance, has opted to hit the campaign trail rather than attending Netanyahu’s speech. It remains unclear whether he or Trump will speak or meet with the Israeli prime minister during his U.S. visit. Trump’s Ambassador to Israel David Friedman: VP Harris ‘never expressed sympathy for the Israelis suffering from Hamas’ Ha’aretz reports: Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said that Vice President and 2024 Presidential candidate Kamala Harris “has never expressed sympathy for the Israelis suffering from Hamas’ barbarism with the same fervor that she exhibits when speaking of Palestinian suffering.” He continued criticizing Harris, saying, “she wrongly accused Israel of overseeing a famine in Gaza, proven to be totally false. She said that Palestinians in Rafah ‘had no place to go’ just before 900,000 were successfully evacuated in a week. Apart from that, she plainly is not up to the task of protecting Americans from the growing threats around the world — threats that will intensify further if our enemies see her campaign gaining strength.” RECOMMENDED READING: This is the truth about “there is no famine in Gaza” The Forward says Harris’s past statements on Israel-Hamas, “broadly speaking, do not differ much from those of President Biden” Both centrist Democrats and those to the left are seeing what they want in Harris… Jewish Republicans are smearing Harris as anti-Israel. “The shock troops of misinformation deserve high marks for speed, but not so much for accuracy…” The veepstakes… Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona has strong ties to Jews and Israel, starting with his marriage by a rabbi to Gabby Giffords, the Jewish former congresswoman who survived a mass shooting in 2011. Kelly, a former astronaut and Navy captain, co-sponsored the bipartisan Countering Antisemitism Act and has visited Israel at least twice since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. Read the story ➤ Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania is proudly and publicly Jewish, and the experts we interviewed said that should help — not hurt — the campaign if he were chosen as Harris’ running mate. “The interesting thing is that, historically, that has always been a much greater concern for Jews,” while most other voters don’t care, said Jonathan Sarna, one of the leading historians of American Jewry. Read the story Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado was asked Monday on CNN if he’d accept the offer to be vice president. “Look,” he quipped, “if they do the polling, and it turns out that they need a 49-year-old, balding gay Jew from Boulder, Colorado, they got my number.” MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. Al Jazeera: Israel’s Netanyahu goes to the US: All to know about the visit Mondoweiss: Looking at Kamala Harris’s record on Israel Middle East Eye: Netanyahu’s US visit solidifies Israel’s upper hand in Washington Middle East Eye: Even the US propaganda machine can’t whitewash Biden’s sordid record The New Arab: Over half of European Jews feel ‘ashamed’ of Israel’s actions, survey shows STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – JULY 22: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – July 22: at least 39,668* (39,090 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,034 children as of June 17. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 578 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 46 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 40 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced. 2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – July 22: at least 95,567 (including at least 90,147 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – July 22: ~1,481 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 326 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured. Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.** Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different. ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto Israel’s leading paper says its own army deliberately killed Israelis on October 7 Gaza has turned into Biden’s most perplexing moral and foreign policy failure ‘Suffering horrifically’: 10 months of Israel’s ‘war on children’ in Gaza Pro-Israel ADL ‘spied on’ African American activist over opposition to US-Israel police exchange programme ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza Lancet: Counting the dead in Gaza – difficult but essential ‘Revealer of Inconvenient Truths’ – Julian Assange’s Impact on Palestine Fact or Fiction: Is Israel Unfairly Singled Out for Global Condemnation? How an Israeli colonel invented the burned babies lie to justify genocide Widely reported Palestinian father-son ‘rape’ confession contradicted by piles of evidence The Gaza Project reveals how Israel has targeted the press – in 3 stories ‘Buying Our Own Stolen Water’ in Bethlehem – Scorching Summer Awaits Palestinians in the West Bank Israel’s covert info bots targeting America met with hypocritical silence AIPAC: Has the pro-Israel lobby bribed and bought the US Democratic Party? Israel’s war on Gaza is the deadliest conflict on record for journalists. Israeli army hits Gaza family, uses them as human shields, and runs over their mother. Strangling Israeli restrictions were in place long before October 7th. https://israelpalestinenews.org/horrific-israeli-attack-in-khan-younis-with-almost-no-warning-day-289/
    Horrific Israeli attack in Khan Younis with almost no warning – Day 289
    77 killed in Khan Younis; Israel admits it left Gazan man w/ Down Syndrome to die; vaccine apartheid; founding fathers supported Israel?
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  • Why the Official AIDS Story is a Complete Crock
    The Great Rebranding, 1980s-Style: HIV Was a Sham, Just Like Sars-Cov-2

    Anthony Colpo

    All you youngsters born after the Glomesh era have surely heard of AIDS, but probably have no idea of just how big a deal it was when it burst onto the scene in the early 1980s.

    It was the biggest show in town. Sure, it wasn't as big a deal as what COVID would later be. It wasn't accompanied by 'vaccine' mandates, lockdowns or heavily-armed goons bashing people for sitting peacefully in the park. Instead of masks, there were condoms and paper toilet seat covers. There was no social distancing, only admonitions to avoid unprotected sex and not share needles when shooting up.

    Fauci was there, front and center, but he wasn't telling us to wear two condoms at once. Instead, he was pimping a toxic concoction known as AZT.

    Right off the bat, nothing made sense about the AIDs charade. It does make sense in hindsight if you view it as a giant test run, an exercise in spreading 'virus' hysteria. The HIV/AIDS charade confirmed most people don't ask questions, and those who do can be quickly shouted over and marginalized as "deniers," "conspiracists" and menaces to society. It also confirmed that not only could people be convinced to take toxic drugs in response to an overblown 'pandemic' scare, but they could be manipulated into rabidly demanding their expedited release.

    It was an exercise whose lessons would prove valuable come December 2019.

    AIDS stands for "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome." In other words, you somehow "acquired" an immune system that, like a tired car engine with 300,000 km on the clock, was about to blow its last gasket.

    It was first identified in 1981 in Los Angeles when the CDC reported on five young homosexual men suffering pneumonia caused by a protozoon known as Pneumocystis carinii.

    This microbe is ordinarily innocuous and, in fact, found in nearly all healthy persons. For reasons unknown it had suddenly become lethal - an outcome previously seen only in persons whose immune systems were being undermined by immunosuppressant therapy, cancer, or severe malnourishment.

    This same pneumonia promptly appeared in New York, together with several dozen cases of an unusual skin cancer called Kaposi's Sarcoma which had previously been almost unknown in the US.

    Eventually Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi's Sarcoma were interpreted as secondary manifestations of an underlying immune-system deficiency of unknown origin which was eventually dubbed "acquired immunodeficiency disease syndrome" or AIDS.

    The bodies of AIDS patients seemed to have just given up. Patients suffered severe weight loss and lethargy and were so immune deficient that even a minor infection threatened to kill them.

    The first few thousand cases were found mostly in homosexual males, and the media bombarded us with images of emaciated gay blokes on the verge of death and barely able to sit upright. Initially, the condition was referred to as GRID (gay-related immune deficiency). Outside of scientific circles, it came to be known as the "gay plague" and religious fundamentalists trumpeted the phenomenon as God's revenge on evil sodomites.

    That began to change in 1983, when AIDS was found to affect heterosexual women, which caused the fear porn to increase by an order of magnitude. As with COVID, health authorities treated us to an orgy of fearmongering and doomsday predictions - and the sheeple lapped it up.

    In 1986, Dr. Donald Ian Macdonald, then Acting Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, described "the escalating AIDS epidemic" as "staggering," "devastating" and a "huge problem."

    Dr. Halfdan Mahler, Danish physician and head of the World Health Organization, called AIDS "a health disaster of pandemic proportions" and said he could "not imagine a worse health problem in this century."

    "We stand nakedly in front of a very serious pandemic as mortal as any pandemic there ever has been," Mahler bizarrely quipped. Why he would don his birthday suit instead of a Hazmat one in the face of such a mortal pandemic was never explained, but that's globalist bureaucrats for you.

    "I don't know of any greater killer than AIDS, not to speak of its psychological, social and economic maiming," continued Mahler, who after leaving WHO became director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation.

    Not to be outdone, in 1987 Harvard biology professor Stephen Jay Gould, said AIDS was "potentially, the greatest natural tragedy in human history." He warned "AIDS may run through the entire population, and may carry off a quarter or more of us" (in 1987, the world population was just over 5 billion; it now stands at over 8 billion).

    That same year, Gallup asked an open-ended question about what Americans saw as the most urgent health problem facing the US. Despite the fact AIDS has never even come close to being the leading cause of death in the US, more than two-thirds of Americans said AIDS. The disease continued as the top pick until 2000.

    According to Gallop polls conducted in 1987, most Americans (60%) agreed people with AIDS should be made to carry a card noting they had the disease, and one in three (33%) agreed employers should be allowed to fire employees who had AIDS. Twenty-one percent of Americans said people with AIDS should be isolated from the rest of society.

    An earlier LA Times poll from 1985 found more than half of US adults supported quarantining AIDS patients, nearly half would approve of ID cards for those testing positive for "AIDS antibodies," and one in seven favored tattooing those with the disease.

    People never learn.

    A Disease Looking For a Cause

    Authorities had presented us with a new public health scare, but no causal agent. No-one knew what caused the immune systems of AIDS patients to become so deficient.

    Was it a new microbe? A new drug scourge? God's revenge for Abba and Disco Duck?

    No-one knew.

    At least officially.

    In reality, authorities knew damn well what was going on.

    But they didn’t tell us. Instead, they eventually claimed AIDS was the result of a 'novel virus' that, in 1986, was named "human immunodeficiency virus,” or HIV.

    The 'novel virus' paradigm holds that a 'zoonotic' virus wakes up one day, and decides to "jump" from apes/bats/pangolins/garden gnomes to humans. This novel virus then acts like a seventeen year old that has been given the keys to an alcohol-filled mansion while mom and dad head off for a weekend vacation. However, the virus has no friends to party with. So he first has to convert to a 'human' form of the virus, then he has to begin self-replicating in order to build a social circle. Once this is done, the virions party so hard that the host becomes sick. The virions conclude their current host is no fun, so they go looking for a new host to party inside. The process repeats itself, and before you know it, there's a 'pandemic' going on with squillions of little virions pogo-dancing in global synchrony and chanting "the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!!" while trashing everything in sight.

    Viruses these days, sheesh.

    Setting aside the glaring fallacies of the virus 'isolation' charade, the 'novel virus = pandemic’ theory is an inherent load of cobblers.

    Outbreaks of what look to be infectious illnesses don't just happen for no reason. There has to be some facilitating factor.

    AIDS became a big thing in the early 1980s, and we know that initially, the majority of patients were gay males. African-Americans were also known to be at increased risk.

    Even if butt sex is an especially efficient method of transmitting STDs, it doesn't explain why AIDS became a phenomenon in the 1980s. After all, both sodomy and homosexuality have been around as long as humans have. Heck, even apes have been observed taking rides on the Hershey Highway.

    Which begs the question: What other events with the potential for dire impact on health occurred around the same time as the AIDS outbreak?

    The Other Crack Rears Its Ugly Head

    Thanks in no small part to Uncle Sam and his ability to conveniently look the other way when it suits his financial and geopolitical interests*, the early 1980s saw a massive flood of cocaine into the US, with urban black neighborhoods the worst afflicted.

    So plentiful was the supply of cocaine, drug dealers came up with a way to make it even cheaper and more addictive in order to expand their customer base.

    Freebase is the name given to the original form of smokable coke, which resulted in a more intense high than snorting. While this constituted an obvious selling point, the process for making freebase required ether, making it notoriously volatile and dangerous to produce. In a famed 1980 incident, comedian Richard Pryor suffered severe and life-threatening burns after mixing cocaine with ether at his home; the mixture promptly exploded in his face.

    Freebase cocaine seems to have first surfaced in the US in the mid-1970s. Around 1980, a less volatile but similar process was developed by dealers in which cocaine was dissolved in a solution of water and baking soda and then dried out into "crack rocks." As the rocks are heated, it makes a crackling sound, hence the name.

    As early as 1981, reports of crack appeared in Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston, and in the Caribbean. Its use quickly spread to other major US cities, and by 1987, crack was reportedly available in DC and all but four states in the Union.

    "In some major cities, such as New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia, one dosage unit of crack could be obtained for as little as $2.50," writes the US DEA. "Never before had any form of cocaine been available at such low prices and at such high purity."

    The crack epidemic dramatically increased the number of Americans addicted to cocaine, as well as the number of cocaine-related hospital emergencies. In 1985, cocaine-related hospital emergencies rose by 12 percent, from 23,500 to 26,300. In 1986, these incidents increased 110 percent, from 26,300 to 55,200.

    The crack cocaine explosion, you'll notice, overlaps neatly with the AIDS "explosion."

    The House of Representatives Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control held cocaine hearings in July, October, and November 1980. Dr. Robert Byck, who along with his colleagues conducted the first scientific studies of cocaine plasma levels after coca paste smoking, testified at the hearings. He warned that the heavy use of smokable freebase cocaine, employed by an estimated 10 percent of cocaine users, was about to change. He warned Congress that the US was about to experience the worst epidemic of drug abuse the country had ever seen. Byck predicted the use of smoked cocaine in the 1980s would match the widespread use of "speed" (methamphetamine) in the 1960s. He urged Congress and the National Institute on Drug Abuse to mount an education and prevention campaign to avert this impending epidemic.

    No such campaign was undertaken.

    "The emergence of crack cocaine use in the United States during the mid-1980s was one of the most significant public health problems of that era," note Watkins et al in a 1998 paper. "Crack use contributed to a series of sexually transmitted disease epidemics, to epidemic increases in violent injuries and homicides, and to significant increases in the incidence and prevalence of cocaine addiction. Despite these threats to health and safety, a national public health campaign to counter crack-related morbidity and mortality was never mounted."

    Is that because authorities were already committed to carrying out a manufactured 'HIV' crisis?

    Crack, Risky Sex, and 'HIV'

    A 1994 NEJM article reported an analysis of 1,967 people recruited from inner-city neighborhoods in New York, Miami, and San Francisco. All respondents reported never having injected drugs, however 1,137 were regular smokers of crack. The remaining 830 people reported never having smoked crack.

    The results for crack users weren't pretty.

    Female crack users were 4.1 times more likely to have been raped, and 1.6 times more likely to have had their first vaginal or anal sex encounter before 13 years of age.

    Both male and female crack users reported a higher number of sexual partners than non-users; in the case of women, crack users were 11 times more likely to have had 50 or more sexual partners.

    Crack-smoking women were 13.5 times more likely than nonsmoking women to have engaged in sexual work at any time, and 28.8 times more likely to have engaged in recent, unprotected sex work.

    Male crack smokers, meanwhile, were 3.4 times more likely to report ever having homosexual anal sex, and 23 times more likely to have had 50 or more male anal sex partners.

    Clearly, crack users were significantly more likely to engage in prostitution and risky sexual practices.

    Not surprising then, that female and male crack users had higher historical rates of syphilis (3.5 and 2.2, respectively) and gonorrhea (1.8 and 1.6, respectively).

    When the researchers ran blood tests for current infection, female and male crack users were significantly more likely to test positive for syphilis (2.8 and 1.6, respectively).

    Among the participants in New York and Miami, HIV 'infection' was 2.3 times more prevalent among crack smokers than among nonsmokers (prevalence of HIV antibodies among participants recruited in San Francisco was low).

    Testing positive for ‘HIV antibodies’ was strongly associated with previous or current infection with other STDs.

    A positive reactive syphilis test (adjusted odds ratio, 2.3) and a history of herpes (adjusted odds ratio, 3.6) remained significantly associated with HIV infection after adjustment for high-risk sexual practices and African-American race.

    Other studies found similar results.

    Chiasson and colleagues at the New York City Department of Health examined the link between HIV infection and crack use. Examining patients at an STD clinic in the South Bronx, they found that, among women with no other identified risk (i.e., no injectible drug use), crack use, prostitution, crack-using prostitution and history of syphilis were all found to be risk factors for HIV infection. Among men with no other risk behavior, a history of syphilis was in fact the strongest predictor of HIV infection - greater than crack use and contact with prostitutes.

    In a 1990 paper, Greenspan and Castro note "between 1981 and 1983, the incidence of primary and secondary syphilis in the United States increased 34%, reaching a rate in 1989 (18.4 cases per 100,000 persons) that was higher than at any time since 1949. Between 1985 and 1989, incidence among blacks more than doubled, from 52.5 to 121.8 cases per 100,000; the increase was greater for black women than for black men (176% versus 106%). These trends are markers for the same high-risk sexual practices that promote transmission of HIV."

    So crack, syphilis and ‘HIV’ are closely related. Now let's look at another class of drugs showing a close correlation with pre-existing STDs and ‘HIV.’

    The Popper Phenomenon

    “Poppers” is a slang term for nitrite inhalant drugs (when they were first manufactured, they came in small ampoules that were 'popped' to release fumes). Amyl nitrite was originally developed to treat angina pectoris by dilating blood vessels, allowing the heart to get more oxygen and thereby relieving the pain.

    Arteries are not the only thing poppers help to dilate. Inhaling nitrites relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body - including the sphincter muscles, making it particularly helpful to gay posteriors. Along with facilitating anal sex, the blood vessel-dilating effects of poppers can produce a brief but intense sensation of heat and euphoria lasting 1 or 2 minutes.

    The story of poppers is an interesting one, involving US Vietnam vets, a profiteering Big Pharma and an enabling FDA, a gay medical student and organized criminals.

    The latter two entities sidestepped an eventual prescription requirement for amyl nitrite by creating butyl and isobutyl nitrite - less pure, more toxic, and even faster-acting versions than the original. Further restrictions were averted thanks to an unwritten agreement between producers and the FDA that poppers were only to be advertised in gay-oriented publications, as 'room deodorizers.'

    During the 1970s and early 80s, poppers were advertised heavily in the gay press, and the drugs became an integral part of gay culture. Not only was it routine for patrons at gay nightclubs to freely pass the vials around, some "disco clubs would even add to the general euphoria by occasionally spraying the dance floor with poppers fumes."

    "The miasma of nitrite fumes was taken for granted at gay gathering places: bars, baths, leather clubs," writes John Lauritsen in a 1994 New York Native article. "Some gay men were never without their little bottle, from which they snorted fumes around the clock."

    Throwing caution to the wind when it comes to drugs never ends well. Amyl nitrite was developed for occasional use by angina patients, not as a party drug to be snorted every time one hit the dance floor or engaged in a bout of Jolly Rogering.

    Apart from causing localized damage to nasal membranes, poppers have been linked to anemia, strokes, heart, lung, and brain damage, cardiovascular collapse, and, tellingly, the blood de-oxygenation, thymus atrophy, chronic depletion of T-cell ratio's associated with severe immune dysfunction. The drugs have also been linked to the development of Kaposi's Sarcoma.

    Sounds a lot like AIDS, doesn't it?

    While researchers and the more level-headed of gay advocates warned of the dangers, the FDA continued to look the other way. The gay press, whose advertising revenue relied heavily on popper ads, also willfully turned a blind eye to the dangers.

    In the 1980s, in a lukewarm attempt to be seen to be doing something about the problem, US health officials banned the use of poppers in public places and required merchants to post warnings about their dangers. "The warnings about their use disappeared sometime in the late '80s to early '90s," reports SFGATE, "and no one seems to know why."

    "During the first few years of the AIDS epidemic," writes Ian Young at VirusMyth.org, "poppers came under suspicion as a possible contributing factor. But after 1984, when the Reagan administration pronounced a single retrovirus to be the only cause of the growing list of AIDS illnesses, the health hazards of poppers were dismissed. All attention and funding was directed to HIV."

    Fun fact: Burroughs Wellcome, the original manufacturers of poppers, went on to profit handsomely from the subsequent AIDS hysteria with its highly-toxic 'anti-AIDS' drug AZT.

    History is Made (Up)

    There were major drug scourges afflicting the high-risk gay and African-American communities, drugs whose chronologies overlapped neatly with the AIDS outbreak. Use and abuse of these drugs was well established to cause severe illness, immune dysfunction and was also strongly correlated with pre-existing STDs like syphilis.

    The powers-that-be, however, had already decided the sole cause of AIDs was a 'novel virus.' They just needed to come up with one.

    And so along came the virologists to save the day. Not just any old bunch of virologists, but virologists with friends in high places. In France, this meant Luc Montagnier and his team at the Pasteur Institute, which advises the French government and the World Health Organization (WHO), and maintains a close collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    In the US, it meant sci-bureaucrats from the government's behemoth National Institutes of Health (NIH). One of the key figures was the caustic Robert S Gallo, a researcher at the NIH's National Cancer Institute, where he worked for 30 years mainly as head of the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology. Gallo’s career would be dogged by controversy and misconduct allegations, but that’s a whole other article (stay tuned).

    The other career bureaucrat that would play a key role on the US side was none other than Anthony S Fauci, who recently completed a ridiculous 38-year reign as unelected head of the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

    If you've surmised that, with names like the above, the HIV story must be a real shite show, you are absolutely correct.

    HIV is Invented 'Discovered'

    In 1983, the Pasteur Institute researchers declared they had 'isolated' a 'retrovirus' belonging to the family of T-cell leukemia viruses (HTLV), and concluded it "may be involved in several pathological syndromes, including AIDS." (Bold emphasis added)

    Their isolate came from a promiscuous 33-year-old Caucasian homosexual male referred to as "BRU", who indicated he'd had more than 50 sexual partners per year. Nasty. According to the authors, he displayed "signs and symptoms that often precede the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)." However, the only symptoms reported for the patient were multiple lymphadenopathies (swollen lymph glands) and asthenia (weakness), which are evident in many conditions aside from AIDS. Neither fever nor recent loss of weight were noted.

    In other words, the patient from whom the alleged AIDS-causing virus was first 'isolated' from did not have an AIDS diagnosis.

    Tellingly, the patient did have a history of several episodes of gonorrhea and had been treated for syphilis in September 1982. Lymphadenopathy is one of the symptoms of both the aforementioned infections.

    The study's lead author was Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, although the finding is routinely credited to the paper's last listed author, the late Montagnier.

    The French study was marred by two key problems. It did not isolate any virus, and it did not show AIDS was caused by any HTLV offshoot.

    Forty years later, little has changed. The terminology and rationalizations have indeed become increasingly complex (as is the case with most elaborate lies), but there is no physical isolate of 'HIV.'

    Virologists and their sycophants, of course, insist this doesn't matter and that their non-purified mixtures are indeed isolates.

    While they condescendingly sneer and dismiss anyone who disputes this as a silly little dumb-dumb that doesn't 'understand' virology, they tend to remain rather quiet on another highly inconvenient observation.

    Namely, there is no proof that whatever is in their ‘isolates’ actually causes AIDS.

    HIV and Sars-Cov-2: The 'Deadly' Viruses That Aren't Deadly

    In the early days of 'COVID', testing positive for the mythical Sars-Cov-2 was considered a death sentence. So much so, that some folks didn't even bother getting their affairs in order; they instead killed themselves.

    Such is the power of all this heinous "deadly virus" bullshit.

    It was the same in the 'HIV' Dark Ages - testing positive was considered a death sentence. When a famous basketballer by the name of Erving “Magic” Johnson announced he was HIV positive in 1991, everyone was shocked. "Now we all know someone with HIV," said someone I can't recall in what was supposed to be a profound, insight-triggering moment.

    Johnson, everyone assumed, was now living on borrowed time.

    Thirty-three years later, Johnson is still alive and wealthy. He attributes his survival to antiretroviral cocktails that have never been shown in clinical studies to benefit survival: GlaxoSmithKline's Trizivir and Abbott's Kaletra. These cocktails are comprised of drugs like AZT which increase the risk of side effects but have never been shown to exert a mortality benefit.

    Johnson, it should be noted, has featured in ads for both products. In 2009, the FDA issued a warning letter to Abbott Laboratories regarding a promotional DVD in which Johnson discussed his experiences with Kaletra. The letter stated the violations were of public health concern "because they suggest that Kaletra is safer and more effective than has been demonstrated by substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience, and encourage use in circumstances other than those for which the drug has been shown to be safe and effective."

    "FDA is not aware of substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience to support effectiveness for five or more years of treatment with Kaletra in treatment-experienced adults. The personal experience of Kaletra patients, such as Magic Johnson, does not constitute such evidence."

    So if overpriced drug cocktails aren't keeping Johnson alive, what explains his survival?

    It's explained by the fact that HIV is a load of bollocks. A shady test that claims you are ‘HIV positive’ does not mean you are in fact harboring a deadly 'virus.'

    If ‘HIV’ was so deadly, then lab animals infected with it would get sick and die.

    But guess what? Administering a so-called isolate of uber-deadly HIV to animals results in ... nothing.


    That's right - directly administering the Virus That Causes AIDS™ to animals does not cause AIDS.

    "The only animals susceptible to experimental HIV-1** infection are the chimpanzee, gibbon ape, and rabbit but AIDS-like disease has not yet been reported in these species," lamented the authors of a 1989 FASEB paper.


    I'm guessing those chimps, gibbons and wascawwy wabbits didn't have a history of syphilis, smoking crack or inhaling poppers.

    Experiments in which human volunteers are deliberately 'infected' with the 'HIV isolate' would never get past the ethics committees of most research institutions.

    We do, however, have numerous instances of involuntary infection to give us a guide as to what happens when otherwise low-risk individuals are exposed to 'HIV.'

    In a 1984 NEJM letter, before 'HIV' testing became available, Sloan Kettering researchers reported there had been 27 parenteral exposures by 25 staff to the blood of AIDS patients since August 1982 (24 exposures were via needlestick).

    "All the involved staff are in their usual (generally excellent) state of health," including those who were exposed more than 12 months ago. Blood work was available for 12 staff with exposure more than 6 months prior, and no abnormalities were evident, reported the researchers.

    During 1985–2013, 58 confirmed and 150 possible cases of occupationally acquired HIV infection among healthcare workers were reported to the CDC. Since 1999, only one confirmed case (a laboratory technician sustaining a needle puncture while working with a live HIV culture in 2008) has been reported. There is no mention of subsequent AIDS, something the fear-porn agents at the CDC would surely have mentioned had it occurred.

    Some of you have probably heard of Dr Robert Willner, who twice deliberately pricked himself on TV with blood from 'HIV-positive' men (in Spain 1993, and USA 1994). Willner was an outspoken critic of the HIV hypothesis, having authored a book titled Deadly Deception: The Proof that Sex and HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS. Depending on who you listen to, Willner died 3 months after his 1994 TV appearance in a car crash, or the following year from a heart attack. Neither outcome is consistent with the oft-cited sequelae of AIDS.

    Jump, Jump, Jump Around

    Despite the fact that it is scientifically untenable, the HIV theory of AIDS still reigns supreme. Which brings us back to the key question: Why did 'HIV' wait until Wham! and Devine hit the charts before it started striking down gay blokes en mass?

    Enter the apes.

    According to Wikipedia, "HIV made the jump from other primates to humans in west-central Africa in the early-to-mid-20th century." (Bold emphasis added)

    Just like Sars-Cov-2 was purported to have kicked off when the allegedly zoonotic virus "jumped" to humans from a bat or pangolin at a Wuhan wet market that did not sell any bats or pangolins.

    Says Wikipedia, "Scientists generally accept that the known strains (or groups) of HIV-1 are most closely related to the simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) endemic in wild ape populations of West Central African forests." (Bold emphasis added).

    "Generally accept" is code for "Scientists have no proof of this, but pretend it's true anyway."

    This brings us to an oft-cited 2011 paper titled "Origins of HIV and the AIDS Pandemic" which repeats the claim that "simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) ... crossed from monkeys to apes and from apes to humans." The paper was authored by Paul Sharp and Beatrice Hahn, the latter a member of Gallo's NCI lab team which she joined in 1982.

    A chimpanzee minding his own business while a Gallo associate who blames apes for spreading HIV to humans (Beatrice Hahn) stares at him from a distance.
    In their paper, the researchers provide a graphic claiming SIV resulting in HIV-1 has been transmitted to humans via chimpanzees and gorillas.

    Hold that thought.

    According to the official narrative, the primary routes of 'HIV' transmission in humans are sexual intercourse with an infected individual, sharing needles with an infected person while taking drugs, transfusions of infected blood, or transmission from an infected pregnant mother to fetus.

    Sharp and Hahn speculate that SIVs first developed in chimpanzees, and were spread among the chimpanzee community primarily through sexual activity, from infected mothers to infants, and "in rare cases, possibly by aggression."

    But how did the disease "jump" from apes to humans? Researchers can't claim humans and apes were shooting up drugs together and sharing needles while doing so, or that apes were administering blood transfusions to humans, because that would be patently absurd.

    Ditto for suggesting apes were passing SIV to humans via birth, because apes don't give birth to humans.

    Claiming that apes transmitted SIV to humans because they were having cross-species sexual encounters would also be a hard sell. Humans are capable of some pretty weird and degenerate behaviour, but good luck pinning down a chimp or gorilla while you attempt to get jiggy with it.

    Meet Bruce. Can bench press you and your extended family with one arm. Incursions into his personal space not advised.
    "How humans acquired the ape precursors of HIV-1 groups M, N, O, and P is not known," write Sharp and Hahn, "however, based on the biology of these viruses, transmission must have occurred through cutaneous or mucous membrane exposure to infected ape blood and/or body fluids. Such exposures occur most commonly in the context of bushmeat hunting." (Bold emphasis added).

    Researchers can't explain exactly how immunodeficiency viruses pole-vaulted from apes to human, so they simply assume it must have happened during hunting expeditions.

    Virologists do a lot of assuming.

    Sharp and Hahn write that the first clue to HIV-1's "sudden emergence, epidemic spread, and unique pathogenicity" came in 1986 when a “morphologically similar but anti-genically distinct” virus was allegedly found to cause AIDS in patients in western Africa.

    Well riddle me this, Batman: Humans have been around for 2.5 million years, and the earliest Homo sapiens were getting around some 300,000 years ago.

    We've been hunting that whole time.

    Furthermore, the advance of agriculture and the steadily declining numbers of hunter-gatherers in modern times would have meant a greatly reduced opportunity for SIV to jump aboard the H-train via scratchy-bitey-fluid-exchangey hunting confrontations.

    Yet immunodeficiency viruses waited until the latter half of the Twentieth Century to successfully make the big cross-species jump?

    What an utter crock.

    Wikipedia admits "How the SIV virus would have transformed into HIV after infection of the hunter or bushmeat handler from the ape/monkey is still a matter of debate."

    Translated: There is no actual scientific evidence to support the claim that, after allegedly entering the human body, ‘SIV’ magically transformed into ‘HIV.’

    The Sodomy Paradox

    There's another problem with the official AIDS narrative which holds that, after catching SIV from apes during hunting mishaps in Africa, it "transformed" into HIV, which hunter-gatherers then spread by doing the backdoor boogie with gay abandon.

    That story further holds that, somewhere along the way, one of these HIV-carrying ape-hunters nailed a gay airline steward from America. Patient Zero then flew back to the US, and began having lots of AIDS-causing unprotected sex in the saunas of San Francisco. Or the gay bars of New York. Or the wet markets of Wisconsin, I'm not sure, all this virus BS gets a bit hard to keep track of after a while.

    It doesn't really matter, because like the rest of the AIDS tale, the gay airline steward story was nonsense. Gaetan Dugas, the French-Canadian flight attendant posthumously labelled 'Patient Zero' and accused of single-handedly igniting the spread of HIV/AIDS across North America, was later exonerated.

    Thanks to the determined sleuthing of Pullitzer Prize-winning reporter John Crewdson, it was known by 1988 that what we now call AIDS was in fact present in America in the 1960s. While the rest of the media was tripping over itself to blame Dugas (“THE MAN WHO GAVE US AIDS” blared the New York Post’s October 6, 1987 headline; “Canadian Said to Have Had Key Role in Spread of AIDS,” wrote the New York Times, while the National Review nicknamed Dugas “the Columbus of AIDS"), Crewdson had discovered a 1973 case report that showed the official Patient Zero story was bollocks.

    That 1973 case report described Robert Rayford, a 15-year-old black lad from St. Louis who had died of AIDS in 1969 - more than a decade before anyone knew what AIDS was. The impoverished teen had presented to hospital in the spring of 1968 with swollen loins covered with open, infected sores. He struggled while breathing, was razor thin and pale as a ghost. Doctors initially suspected cancer, but subsequent tests revealed herpes, genital warts, and a severe case of chlamydia. The infection spread, in the form of purple colored lesions, to his legs, causing a misdiagnosis of lymphedema. He eventually succumbed to his condition in May 1969, leaving doctors baffled.

    The teen, who doctors described as mildly intellectually impaired, said he'd suffered the symptoms for around two years prior to seeking medical help. He denied injury or animal bites, had not travelled outside the midwestern United States, but admitted to "frequent" heterosexual intercourse. His family consented to an autopsy, which revealed "widespread Kaposi's sarcoma of the aggressive, disseminated type." The autopsy also found evidence of anal scarring and a particular kind of lesion no one had identified when Rayford was alive. Some doctors thought the scarring indicated Rayford was gay; others pointed out he may have been sexually abused.

    Struck by how closely Rayford's symptoms resembled those of AIDS, Crewdson flew to St. Louis and found a pathologist willing to dig through laboratory freezers in search of the youth's tissue samples. By using the test 'co-developed' by Gallo and the French, researchers were able to determine that the boy, incredibly, had been infected with 'HIV.'

    The finding was published in JAMA in 1988. However, it was not until 2016 that the fake Dugas tale was officially revoked.

    Had the Rayford story been more widely known, it wouldn’t have been good for HIV business.

    Not to worry, the out-of-Africa hypothesis was salvaged in 1998 when researchers claimed they had detected HIV - by a PCR process involving two rounds of amplification for a combined total of 69 cycles - in a plasma sample obtained in early 1959 from an adult Bantu male, with a sickle-cell trait and a glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency, living in the Belgian Congo. Two of the researchers announcing this narrative-saving discovery hailed from the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, at Rockefeller University in New York.

    So just like the COVID charade, we have a shamdemic for which the original Patient Zero story was shown to be a bunch of cobblers. Just like the COVID sham, few people noticed or cared and the rest of the AIDS tale continued its relentless march and took on a life of its own.

    Despite more holes than a ... wait, that's dangerous pun territory ... I mean, despite a plethora of discrepancies, the official Fauci-endorsed tale still has HIV migrating from Africa to the US and spread in the early 1980s by blokes bumping uglies in big city gay bars and saunas.

    And Fauci should know, because he went to gay saunas and gay bars himself in the “early stages” of the AIDS “explosion” to get a “feel” for the situation.

    Purely for ‘research’ purposes, of course (wink, wink).

    It's okay Tony, it's 2024, you don't have to cover for your sexuality anymore.

    A young Anthony Fauci displaying his "I've just been to the saunas!" smile. Your tax money at work.
    You could literally fill a book with all the discrepancies contained within the official AIDS story; several authors have already done just that. What I wanted to highlight here are the commonalities between the AIDS and COVID sagas.

    Both featured never-isolated 'viruses' with nonsensical 'Patient Zero' stories.

    ‘Isolates’ of both these ‘deadly’ and ‘novel’ viruses do a whole lot of nothing when administered to our primate cousins.

    Both sagas featured Anthony Fauci, showing up on cue touting the most toxic drug he could get away with recommending.

    Both featured doomsday, end-of-times hyperbole in which testing 'positive' was initially considered a death sentence.

    Both were remarkable demonstrations of how the media and masses could be easily manipulated into accepting a pandemic scare that, upon the most cursory examination, simply didn't add up.

    *During the presidency of former actor Ronald Reagan, senior administration officials secretly — and illegally — arranged for the sale of arms to Iran in return for Iran’s promise to help secure the release of a group of Americans being held hostage in Lebanon.

    Suspiciously, the hostages were formally released into US custody just minutes after Reagan was sworn into office.

    Proceeds from the arms sales were then secretly, and again illegally, funneled to the Contras, a group of rebels fighting the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua.

    Is if that wasn't bad enough, the CIA looked the other way while the Contras trafficked cocaine into the US to help finance their fight to oust the communist Sandinistas. The scandal was exposed in 1996 by the brilliant, Pullitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb while writing for the San Jose Mercury News. His series described a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring that sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles, funelling millions in drug profits to the CIA-assisted Contras. This drug ring "opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles" and, as a result, "helped spark a crack explosion in urban America."

    His articles caused a proverbial shit-storm, prompting the government to conduct several investigations into itself and declaring itself innocent of all charges. We were supposed to believe it was all just an accidental oversight when even the Kerry report acknowledged "the Contra drug links included", among other connections, "... payments to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department of funds authorized by the Congress for humanitarian assistance to the Contras, in some cases after the traffickers had been indicted by federal law enforcement agencies on drug charges, in others while traffickers were under active investigation by these same agencies." (Bold emphasis added).

    The Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and Washington Post launched their own 'investigations' (read: hatchet jobs) and rejected Webb's allegations, instead siding with the government - a practice they uphold to this day.

    However, an internal CIA report released in 1998 admitted the CIA ‘overlooked’ or ‘ignored’ reports that the Nicaragua Contra rebels financed their fight to oust the communist Sandinistas through the sale of drugs in the United States.

    **‘HIV-1’ is the form of ‘HIV’ allegedly most common and threatening to humans. According to the official tale, ‘HIV-2’ is rare and of little threat.


    Why the Official AIDS Story is a Complete Crock The Great Rebranding, 1980s-Style: HIV Was a Sham, Just Like Sars-Cov-2 Anthony Colpo All you youngsters born after the Glomesh era have surely heard of AIDS, but probably have no idea of just how big a deal it was when it burst onto the scene in the early 1980s. It was the biggest show in town. Sure, it wasn't as big a deal as what COVID would later be. It wasn't accompanied by 'vaccine' mandates, lockdowns or heavily-armed goons bashing people for sitting peacefully in the park. Instead of masks, there were condoms and paper toilet seat covers. There was no social distancing, only admonitions to avoid unprotected sex and not share needles when shooting up. Fauci was there, front and center, but he wasn't telling us to wear two condoms at once. Instead, he was pimping a toxic concoction known as AZT. Right off the bat, nothing made sense about the AIDs charade. It does make sense in hindsight if you view it as a giant test run, an exercise in spreading 'virus' hysteria. The HIV/AIDS charade confirmed most people don't ask questions, and those who do can be quickly shouted over and marginalized as "deniers," "conspiracists" and menaces to society. It also confirmed that not only could people be convinced to take toxic drugs in response to an overblown 'pandemic' scare, but they could be manipulated into rabidly demanding their expedited release. It was an exercise whose lessons would prove valuable come December 2019. AIDS stands for "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome." In other words, you somehow "acquired" an immune system that, like a tired car engine with 300,000 km on the clock, was about to blow its last gasket. It was first identified in 1981 in Los Angeles when the CDC reported on five young homosexual men suffering pneumonia caused by a protozoon known as Pneumocystis carinii. This microbe is ordinarily innocuous and, in fact, found in nearly all healthy persons. For reasons unknown it had suddenly become lethal - an outcome previously seen only in persons whose immune systems were being undermined by immunosuppressant therapy, cancer, or severe malnourishment. This same pneumonia promptly appeared in New York, together with several dozen cases of an unusual skin cancer called Kaposi's Sarcoma which had previously been almost unknown in the US. Eventually Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi's Sarcoma were interpreted as secondary manifestations of an underlying immune-system deficiency of unknown origin which was eventually dubbed "acquired immunodeficiency disease syndrome" or AIDS. The bodies of AIDS patients seemed to have just given up. Patients suffered severe weight loss and lethargy and were so immune deficient that even a minor infection threatened to kill them. The first few thousand cases were found mostly in homosexual males, and the media bombarded us with images of emaciated gay blokes on the verge of death and barely able to sit upright. Initially, the condition was referred to as GRID (gay-related immune deficiency). Outside of scientific circles, it came to be known as the "gay plague" and religious fundamentalists trumpeted the phenomenon as God's revenge on evil sodomites. That began to change in 1983, when AIDS was found to affect heterosexual women, which caused the fear porn to increase by an order of magnitude. As with COVID, health authorities treated us to an orgy of fearmongering and doomsday predictions - and the sheeple lapped it up. In 1986, Dr. Donald Ian Macdonald, then Acting Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, described "the escalating AIDS epidemic" as "staggering," "devastating" and a "huge problem." Dr. Halfdan Mahler, Danish physician and head of the World Health Organization, called AIDS "a health disaster of pandemic proportions" and said he could "not imagine a worse health problem in this century." "We stand nakedly in front of a very serious pandemic as mortal as any pandemic there ever has been," Mahler bizarrely quipped. Why he would don his birthday suit instead of a Hazmat one in the face of such a mortal pandemic was never explained, but that's globalist bureaucrats for you. "I don't know of any greater killer than AIDS, not to speak of its psychological, social and economic maiming," continued Mahler, who after leaving WHO became director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Not to be outdone, in 1987 Harvard biology professor Stephen Jay Gould, said AIDS was "potentially, the greatest natural tragedy in human history." He warned "AIDS may run through the entire population, and may carry off a quarter or more of us" (in 1987, the world population was just over 5 billion; it now stands at over 8 billion). That same year, Gallup asked an open-ended question about what Americans saw as the most urgent health problem facing the US. Despite the fact AIDS has never even come close to being the leading cause of death in the US, more than two-thirds of Americans said AIDS. The disease continued as the top pick until 2000. According to Gallop polls conducted in 1987, most Americans (60%) agreed people with AIDS should be made to carry a card noting they had the disease, and one in three (33%) agreed employers should be allowed to fire employees who had AIDS. Twenty-one percent of Americans said people with AIDS should be isolated from the rest of society. An earlier LA Times poll from 1985 found more than half of US adults supported quarantining AIDS patients, nearly half would approve of ID cards for those testing positive for "AIDS antibodies," and one in seven favored tattooing those with the disease. People never learn. A Disease Looking For a Cause Authorities had presented us with a new public health scare, but no causal agent. No-one knew what caused the immune systems of AIDS patients to become so deficient. Was it a new microbe? A new drug scourge? God's revenge for Abba and Disco Duck? No-one knew. At least officially. In reality, authorities knew damn well what was going on. But they didn’t tell us. Instead, they eventually claimed AIDS was the result of a 'novel virus' that, in 1986, was named "human immunodeficiency virus,” or HIV. The 'novel virus' paradigm holds that a 'zoonotic' virus wakes up one day, and decides to "jump" from apes/bats/pangolins/garden gnomes to humans. This novel virus then acts like a seventeen year old that has been given the keys to an alcohol-filled mansion while mom and dad head off for a weekend vacation. However, the virus has no friends to party with. So he first has to convert to a 'human' form of the virus, then he has to begin self-replicating in order to build a social circle. Once this is done, the virions party so hard that the host becomes sick. The virions conclude their current host is no fun, so they go looking for a new host to party inside. The process repeats itself, and before you know it, there's a 'pandemic' going on with squillions of little virions pogo-dancing in global synchrony and chanting "the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!!" while trashing everything in sight. Viruses these days, sheesh. Setting aside the glaring fallacies of the virus 'isolation' charade, the 'novel virus = pandemic’ theory is an inherent load of cobblers. Outbreaks of what look to be infectious illnesses don't just happen for no reason. There has to be some facilitating factor. AIDS became a big thing in the early 1980s, and we know that initially, the majority of patients were gay males. African-Americans were also known to be at increased risk. Even if butt sex is an especially efficient method of transmitting STDs, it doesn't explain why AIDS became a phenomenon in the 1980s. After all, both sodomy and homosexuality have been around as long as humans have. Heck, even apes have been observed taking rides on the Hershey Highway. Which begs the question: What other events with the potential for dire impact on health occurred around the same time as the AIDS outbreak? The Other Crack Rears Its Ugly Head Thanks in no small part to Uncle Sam and his ability to conveniently look the other way when it suits his financial and geopolitical interests*, the early 1980s saw a massive flood of cocaine into the US, with urban black neighborhoods the worst afflicted. So plentiful was the supply of cocaine, drug dealers came up with a way to make it even cheaper and more addictive in order to expand their customer base. Freebase is the name given to the original form of smokable coke, which resulted in a more intense high than snorting. While this constituted an obvious selling point, the process for making freebase required ether, making it notoriously volatile and dangerous to produce. In a famed 1980 incident, comedian Richard Pryor suffered severe and life-threatening burns after mixing cocaine with ether at his home; the mixture promptly exploded in his face. Freebase cocaine seems to have first surfaced in the US in the mid-1970s. Around 1980, a less volatile but similar process was developed by dealers in which cocaine was dissolved in a solution of water and baking soda and then dried out into "crack rocks." As the rocks are heated, it makes a crackling sound, hence the name. As early as 1981, reports of crack appeared in Los Angeles, San Diego, Houston, and in the Caribbean. Its use quickly spread to other major US cities, and by 1987, crack was reportedly available in DC and all but four states in the Union. "In some major cities, such as New York, Detroit, and Philadelphia, one dosage unit of crack could be obtained for as little as $2.50," writes the US DEA. "Never before had any form of cocaine been available at such low prices and at such high purity." The crack epidemic dramatically increased the number of Americans addicted to cocaine, as well as the number of cocaine-related hospital emergencies. In 1985, cocaine-related hospital emergencies rose by 12 percent, from 23,500 to 26,300. In 1986, these incidents increased 110 percent, from 26,300 to 55,200. The crack cocaine explosion, you'll notice, overlaps neatly with the AIDS "explosion." The House of Representatives Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control held cocaine hearings in July, October, and November 1980. Dr. Robert Byck, who along with his colleagues conducted the first scientific studies of cocaine plasma levels after coca paste smoking, testified at the hearings. He warned that the heavy use of smokable freebase cocaine, employed by an estimated 10 percent of cocaine users, was about to change. He warned Congress that the US was about to experience the worst epidemic of drug abuse the country had ever seen. Byck predicted the use of smoked cocaine in the 1980s would match the widespread use of "speed" (methamphetamine) in the 1960s. He urged Congress and the National Institute on Drug Abuse to mount an education and prevention campaign to avert this impending epidemic. No such campaign was undertaken. "The emergence of crack cocaine use in the United States during the mid-1980s was one of the most significant public health problems of that era," note Watkins et al in a 1998 paper. "Crack use contributed to a series of sexually transmitted disease epidemics, to epidemic increases in violent injuries and homicides, and to significant increases in the incidence and prevalence of cocaine addiction. Despite these threats to health and safety, a national public health campaign to counter crack-related morbidity and mortality was never mounted." Is that because authorities were already committed to carrying out a manufactured 'HIV' crisis? Crack, Risky Sex, and 'HIV' A 1994 NEJM article reported an analysis of 1,967 people recruited from inner-city neighborhoods in New York, Miami, and San Francisco. All respondents reported never having injected drugs, however 1,137 were regular smokers of crack. The remaining 830 people reported never having smoked crack. The results for crack users weren't pretty. Female crack users were 4.1 times more likely to have been raped, and 1.6 times more likely to have had their first vaginal or anal sex encounter before 13 years of age. Both male and female crack users reported a higher number of sexual partners than non-users; in the case of women, crack users were 11 times more likely to have had 50 or more sexual partners. Crack-smoking women were 13.5 times more likely than nonsmoking women to have engaged in sexual work at any time, and 28.8 times more likely to have engaged in recent, unprotected sex work. Male crack smokers, meanwhile, were 3.4 times more likely to report ever having homosexual anal sex, and 23 times more likely to have had 50 or more male anal sex partners. Clearly, crack users were significantly more likely to engage in prostitution and risky sexual practices. Not surprising then, that female and male crack users had higher historical rates of syphilis (3.5 and 2.2, respectively) and gonorrhea (1.8 and 1.6, respectively). When the researchers ran blood tests for current infection, female and male crack users were significantly more likely to test positive for syphilis (2.8 and 1.6, respectively). Among the participants in New York and Miami, HIV 'infection' was 2.3 times more prevalent among crack smokers than among nonsmokers (prevalence of HIV antibodies among participants recruited in San Francisco was low). Testing positive for ‘HIV antibodies’ was strongly associated with previous or current infection with other STDs. A positive reactive syphilis test (adjusted odds ratio, 2.3) and a history of herpes (adjusted odds ratio, 3.6) remained significantly associated with HIV infection after adjustment for high-risk sexual practices and African-American race. Other studies found similar results. Chiasson and colleagues at the New York City Department of Health examined the link between HIV infection and crack use. Examining patients at an STD clinic in the South Bronx, they found that, among women with no other identified risk (i.e., no injectible drug use), crack use, prostitution, crack-using prostitution and history of syphilis were all found to be risk factors for HIV infection. Among men with no other risk behavior, a history of syphilis was in fact the strongest predictor of HIV infection - greater than crack use and contact with prostitutes. In a 1990 paper, Greenspan and Castro note "between 1981 and 1983, the incidence of primary and secondary syphilis in the United States increased 34%, reaching a rate in 1989 (18.4 cases per 100,000 persons) that was higher than at any time since 1949. Between 1985 and 1989, incidence among blacks more than doubled, from 52.5 to 121.8 cases per 100,000; the increase was greater for black women than for black men (176% versus 106%). These trends are markers for the same high-risk sexual practices that promote transmission of HIV." So crack, syphilis and ‘HIV’ are closely related. Now let's look at another class of drugs showing a close correlation with pre-existing STDs and ‘HIV.’ The Popper Phenomenon “Poppers” is a slang term for nitrite inhalant drugs (when they were first manufactured, they came in small ampoules that were 'popped' to release fumes). Amyl nitrite was originally developed to treat angina pectoris by dilating blood vessels, allowing the heart to get more oxygen and thereby relieving the pain. Arteries are not the only thing poppers help to dilate. Inhaling nitrites relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body - including the sphincter muscles, making it particularly helpful to gay posteriors. Along with facilitating anal sex, the blood vessel-dilating effects of poppers can produce a brief but intense sensation of heat and euphoria lasting 1 or 2 minutes. The story of poppers is an interesting one, involving US Vietnam vets, a profiteering Big Pharma and an enabling FDA, a gay medical student and organized criminals. The latter two entities sidestepped an eventual prescription requirement for amyl nitrite by creating butyl and isobutyl nitrite - less pure, more toxic, and even faster-acting versions than the original. Further restrictions were averted thanks to an unwritten agreement between producers and the FDA that poppers were only to be advertised in gay-oriented publications, as 'room deodorizers.' During the 1970s and early 80s, poppers were advertised heavily in the gay press, and the drugs became an integral part of gay culture. Not only was it routine for patrons at gay nightclubs to freely pass the vials around, some "disco clubs would even add to the general euphoria by occasionally spraying the dance floor with poppers fumes." "The miasma of nitrite fumes was taken for granted at gay gathering places: bars, baths, leather clubs," writes John Lauritsen in a 1994 New York Native article. "Some gay men were never without their little bottle, from which they snorted fumes around the clock." Throwing caution to the wind when it comes to drugs never ends well. Amyl nitrite was developed for occasional use by angina patients, not as a party drug to be snorted every time one hit the dance floor or engaged in a bout of Jolly Rogering. Apart from causing localized damage to nasal membranes, poppers have been linked to anemia, strokes, heart, lung, and brain damage, cardiovascular collapse, and, tellingly, the blood de-oxygenation, thymus atrophy, chronic depletion of T-cell ratio's associated with severe immune dysfunction. The drugs have also been linked to the development of Kaposi's Sarcoma. Sounds a lot like AIDS, doesn't it? While researchers and the more level-headed of gay advocates warned of the dangers, the FDA continued to look the other way. The gay press, whose advertising revenue relied heavily on popper ads, also willfully turned a blind eye to the dangers. In the 1980s, in a lukewarm attempt to be seen to be doing something about the problem, US health officials banned the use of poppers in public places and required merchants to post warnings about their dangers. "The warnings about their use disappeared sometime in the late '80s to early '90s," reports SFGATE, "and no one seems to know why." "During the first few years of the AIDS epidemic," writes Ian Young at VirusMyth.org, "poppers came under suspicion as a possible contributing factor. But after 1984, when the Reagan administration pronounced a single retrovirus to be the only cause of the growing list of AIDS illnesses, the health hazards of poppers were dismissed. All attention and funding was directed to HIV." Fun fact: Burroughs Wellcome, the original manufacturers of poppers, went on to profit handsomely from the subsequent AIDS hysteria with its highly-toxic 'anti-AIDS' drug AZT. History is Made (Up) There were major drug scourges afflicting the high-risk gay and African-American communities, drugs whose chronologies overlapped neatly with the AIDS outbreak. Use and abuse of these drugs was well established to cause severe illness, immune dysfunction and was also strongly correlated with pre-existing STDs like syphilis. The powers-that-be, however, had already decided the sole cause of AIDs was a 'novel virus.' They just needed to come up with one. And so along came the virologists to save the day. Not just any old bunch of virologists, but virologists with friends in high places. In France, this meant Luc Montagnier and his team at the Pasteur Institute, which advises the French government and the World Health Organization (WHO), and maintains a close collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In the US, it meant sci-bureaucrats from the government's behemoth National Institutes of Health (NIH). One of the key figures was the caustic Robert S Gallo, a researcher at the NIH's National Cancer Institute, where he worked for 30 years mainly as head of the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology. Gallo’s career would be dogged by controversy and misconduct allegations, but that’s a whole other article (stay tuned). The other career bureaucrat that would play a key role on the US side was none other than Anthony S Fauci, who recently completed a ridiculous 38-year reign as unelected head of the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). If you've surmised that, with names like the above, the HIV story must be a real shite show, you are absolutely correct. HIV is Invented 'Discovered' In 1983, the Pasteur Institute researchers declared they had 'isolated' a 'retrovirus' belonging to the family of T-cell leukemia viruses (HTLV), and concluded it "may be involved in several pathological syndromes, including AIDS." (Bold emphasis added) Their isolate came from a promiscuous 33-year-old Caucasian homosexual male referred to as "BRU", who indicated he'd had more than 50 sexual partners per year. Nasty. According to the authors, he displayed "signs and symptoms that often precede the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)." However, the only symptoms reported for the patient were multiple lymphadenopathies (swollen lymph glands) and asthenia (weakness), which are evident in many conditions aside from AIDS. Neither fever nor recent loss of weight were noted. In other words, the patient from whom the alleged AIDS-causing virus was first 'isolated' from did not have an AIDS diagnosis. Tellingly, the patient did have a history of several episodes of gonorrhea and had been treated for syphilis in September 1982. Lymphadenopathy is one of the symptoms of both the aforementioned infections. The study's lead author was Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, although the finding is routinely credited to the paper's last listed author, the late Montagnier. The French study was marred by two key problems. It did not isolate any virus, and it did not show AIDS was caused by any HTLV offshoot. Forty years later, little has changed. The terminology and rationalizations have indeed become increasingly complex (as is the case with most elaborate lies), but there is no physical isolate of 'HIV.' Virologists and their sycophants, of course, insist this doesn't matter and that their non-purified mixtures are indeed isolates. While they condescendingly sneer and dismiss anyone who disputes this as a silly little dumb-dumb that doesn't 'understand' virology, they tend to remain rather quiet on another highly inconvenient observation. Namely, there is no proof that whatever is in their ‘isolates’ actually causes AIDS. HIV and Sars-Cov-2: The 'Deadly' Viruses That Aren't Deadly In the early days of 'COVID', testing positive for the mythical Sars-Cov-2 was considered a death sentence. So much so, that some folks didn't even bother getting their affairs in order; they instead killed themselves. Such is the power of all this heinous "deadly virus" bullshit. It was the same in the 'HIV' Dark Ages - testing positive was considered a death sentence. When a famous basketballer by the name of Erving “Magic” Johnson announced he was HIV positive in 1991, everyone was shocked. "Now we all know someone with HIV," said someone I can't recall in what was supposed to be a profound, insight-triggering moment. Johnson, everyone assumed, was now living on borrowed time. Thirty-three years later, Johnson is still alive and wealthy. He attributes his survival to antiretroviral cocktails that have never been shown in clinical studies to benefit survival: GlaxoSmithKline's Trizivir and Abbott's Kaletra. These cocktails are comprised of drugs like AZT which increase the risk of side effects but have never been shown to exert a mortality benefit. Johnson, it should be noted, has featured in ads for both products. In 2009, the FDA issued a warning letter to Abbott Laboratories regarding a promotional DVD in which Johnson discussed his experiences with Kaletra. The letter stated the violations were of public health concern "because they suggest that Kaletra is safer and more effective than has been demonstrated by substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience, and encourage use in circumstances other than those for which the drug has been shown to be safe and effective." "FDA is not aware of substantial evidence or substantial clinical experience to support effectiveness for five or more years of treatment with Kaletra in treatment-experienced adults. The personal experience of Kaletra patients, such as Magic Johnson, does not constitute such evidence." So if overpriced drug cocktails aren't keeping Johnson alive, what explains his survival? It's explained by the fact that HIV is a load of bollocks. A shady test that claims you are ‘HIV positive’ does not mean you are in fact harboring a deadly 'virus.' If ‘HIV’ was so deadly, then lab animals infected with it would get sick and die. But guess what? Administering a so-called isolate of uber-deadly HIV to animals results in ... nothing. Stugatz. That's right - directly administering the Virus That Causes AIDS™ to animals does not cause AIDS. "The only animals susceptible to experimental HIV-1** infection are the chimpanzee, gibbon ape, and rabbit but AIDS-like disease has not yet been reported in these species," lamented the authors of a 1989 FASEB paper. Oops. I'm guessing those chimps, gibbons and wascawwy wabbits didn't have a history of syphilis, smoking crack or inhaling poppers. Experiments in which human volunteers are deliberately 'infected' with the 'HIV isolate' would never get past the ethics committees of most research institutions. We do, however, have numerous instances of involuntary infection to give us a guide as to what happens when otherwise low-risk individuals are exposed to 'HIV.' In a 1984 NEJM letter, before 'HIV' testing became available, Sloan Kettering researchers reported there had been 27 parenteral exposures by 25 staff to the blood of AIDS patients since August 1982 (24 exposures were via needlestick). "All the involved staff are in their usual (generally excellent) state of health," including those who were exposed more than 12 months ago. Blood work was available for 12 staff with exposure more than 6 months prior, and no abnormalities were evident, reported the researchers. During 1985–2013, 58 confirmed and 150 possible cases of occupationally acquired HIV infection among healthcare workers were reported to the CDC. Since 1999, only one confirmed case (a laboratory technician sustaining a needle puncture while working with a live HIV culture in 2008) has been reported. There is no mention of subsequent AIDS, something the fear-porn agents at the CDC would surely have mentioned had it occurred. Some of you have probably heard of Dr Robert Willner, who twice deliberately pricked himself on TV with blood from 'HIV-positive' men (in Spain 1993, and USA 1994). Willner was an outspoken critic of the HIV hypothesis, having authored a book titled Deadly Deception: The Proof that Sex and HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDS. Depending on who you listen to, Willner died 3 months after his 1994 TV appearance in a car crash, or the following year from a heart attack. Neither outcome is consistent with the oft-cited sequelae of AIDS. Jump, Jump, Jump Around Despite the fact that it is scientifically untenable, the HIV theory of AIDS still reigns supreme. Which brings us back to the key question: Why did 'HIV' wait until Wham! and Devine hit the charts before it started striking down gay blokes en mass? Enter the apes. According to Wikipedia, "HIV made the jump from other primates to humans in west-central Africa in the early-to-mid-20th century." (Bold emphasis added) Just like Sars-Cov-2 was purported to have kicked off when the allegedly zoonotic virus "jumped" to humans from a bat or pangolin at a Wuhan wet market that did not sell any bats or pangolins. Says Wikipedia, "Scientists generally accept that the known strains (or groups) of HIV-1 are most closely related to the simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) endemic in wild ape populations of West Central African forests." (Bold emphasis added). "Generally accept" is code for "Scientists have no proof of this, but pretend it's true anyway." This brings us to an oft-cited 2011 paper titled "Origins of HIV and the AIDS Pandemic" which repeats the claim that "simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) ... crossed from monkeys to apes and from apes to humans." The paper was authored by Paul Sharp and Beatrice Hahn, the latter a member of Gallo's NCI lab team which she joined in 1982. A chimpanzee minding his own business while a Gallo associate who blames apes for spreading HIV to humans (Beatrice Hahn) stares at him from a distance. In their paper, the researchers provide a graphic claiming SIV resulting in HIV-1 has been transmitted to humans via chimpanzees and gorillas. Hold that thought. According to the official narrative, the primary routes of 'HIV' transmission in humans are sexual intercourse with an infected individual, sharing needles with an infected person while taking drugs, transfusions of infected blood, or transmission from an infected pregnant mother to fetus. Sharp and Hahn speculate that SIVs first developed in chimpanzees, and were spread among the chimpanzee community primarily through sexual activity, from infected mothers to infants, and "in rare cases, possibly by aggression." But how did the disease "jump" from apes to humans? Researchers can't claim humans and apes were shooting up drugs together and sharing needles while doing so, or that apes were administering blood transfusions to humans, because that would be patently absurd. Ditto for suggesting apes were passing SIV to humans via birth, because apes don't give birth to humans. Claiming that apes transmitted SIV to humans because they were having cross-species sexual encounters would also be a hard sell. Humans are capable of some pretty weird and degenerate behaviour, but good luck pinning down a chimp or gorilla while you attempt to get jiggy with it. Meet Bruce. Can bench press you and your extended family with one arm. Incursions into his personal space not advised. "How humans acquired the ape precursors of HIV-1 groups M, N, O, and P is not known," write Sharp and Hahn, "however, based on the biology of these viruses, transmission must have occurred through cutaneous or mucous membrane exposure to infected ape blood and/or body fluids. Such exposures occur most commonly in the context of bushmeat hunting." (Bold emphasis added). Researchers can't explain exactly how immunodeficiency viruses pole-vaulted from apes to human, so they simply assume it must have happened during hunting expeditions. Virologists do a lot of assuming. Sharp and Hahn write that the first clue to HIV-1's "sudden emergence, epidemic spread, and unique pathogenicity" came in 1986 when a “morphologically similar but anti-genically distinct” virus was allegedly found to cause AIDS in patients in western Africa. Well riddle me this, Batman: Humans have been around for 2.5 million years, and the earliest Homo sapiens were getting around some 300,000 years ago. We've been hunting that whole time. Furthermore, the advance of agriculture and the steadily declining numbers of hunter-gatherers in modern times would have meant a greatly reduced opportunity for SIV to jump aboard the H-train via scratchy-bitey-fluid-exchangey hunting confrontations. Yet immunodeficiency viruses waited until the latter half of the Twentieth Century to successfully make the big cross-species jump? What an utter crock. Wikipedia admits "How the SIV virus would have transformed into HIV after infection of the hunter or bushmeat handler from the ape/monkey is still a matter of debate." Translated: There is no actual scientific evidence to support the claim that, after allegedly entering the human body, ‘SIV’ magically transformed into ‘HIV.’ The Sodomy Paradox There's another problem with the official AIDS narrative which holds that, after catching SIV from apes during hunting mishaps in Africa, it "transformed" into HIV, which hunter-gatherers then spread by doing the backdoor boogie with gay abandon. That story further holds that, somewhere along the way, one of these HIV-carrying ape-hunters nailed a gay airline steward from America. Patient Zero then flew back to the US, and began having lots of AIDS-causing unprotected sex in the saunas of San Francisco. Or the gay bars of New York. Or the wet markets of Wisconsin, I'm not sure, all this virus BS gets a bit hard to keep track of after a while. It doesn't really matter, because like the rest of the AIDS tale, the gay airline steward story was nonsense. Gaetan Dugas, the French-Canadian flight attendant posthumously labelled 'Patient Zero' and accused of single-handedly igniting the spread of HIV/AIDS across North America, was later exonerated. Thanks to the determined sleuthing of Pullitzer Prize-winning reporter John Crewdson, it was known by 1988 that what we now call AIDS was in fact present in America in the 1960s. While the rest of the media was tripping over itself to blame Dugas (“THE MAN WHO GAVE US AIDS” blared the New York Post’s October 6, 1987 headline; “Canadian Said to Have Had Key Role in Spread of AIDS,” wrote the New York Times, while the National Review nicknamed Dugas “the Columbus of AIDS"), Crewdson had discovered a 1973 case report that showed the official Patient Zero story was bollocks. That 1973 case report described Robert Rayford, a 15-year-old black lad from St. Louis who had died of AIDS in 1969 - more than a decade before anyone knew what AIDS was. The impoverished teen had presented to hospital in the spring of 1968 with swollen loins covered with open, infected sores. He struggled while breathing, was razor thin and pale as a ghost. Doctors initially suspected cancer, but subsequent tests revealed herpes, genital warts, and a severe case of chlamydia. The infection spread, in the form of purple colored lesions, to his legs, causing a misdiagnosis of lymphedema. He eventually succumbed to his condition in May 1969, leaving doctors baffled. The teen, who doctors described as mildly intellectually impaired, said he'd suffered the symptoms for around two years prior to seeking medical help. He denied injury or animal bites, had not travelled outside the midwestern United States, but admitted to "frequent" heterosexual intercourse. His family consented to an autopsy, which revealed "widespread Kaposi's sarcoma of the aggressive, disseminated type." The autopsy also found evidence of anal scarring and a particular kind of lesion no one had identified when Rayford was alive. Some doctors thought the scarring indicated Rayford was gay; others pointed out he may have been sexually abused. Struck by how closely Rayford's symptoms resembled those of AIDS, Crewdson flew to St. Louis and found a pathologist willing to dig through laboratory freezers in search of the youth's tissue samples. By using the test 'co-developed' by Gallo and the French, researchers were able to determine that the boy, incredibly, had been infected with 'HIV.' The finding was published in JAMA in 1988. However, it was not until 2016 that the fake Dugas tale was officially revoked. Had the Rayford story been more widely known, it wouldn’t have been good for HIV business. Not to worry, the out-of-Africa hypothesis was salvaged in 1998 when researchers claimed they had detected HIV - by a PCR process involving two rounds of amplification for a combined total of 69 cycles - in a plasma sample obtained in early 1959 from an adult Bantu male, with a sickle-cell trait and a glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency, living in the Belgian Congo. Two of the researchers announcing this narrative-saving discovery hailed from the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, at Rockefeller University in New York. So just like the COVID charade, we have a shamdemic for which the original Patient Zero story was shown to be a bunch of cobblers. Just like the COVID sham, few people noticed or cared and the rest of the AIDS tale continued its relentless march and took on a life of its own. Despite more holes than a ... wait, that's dangerous pun territory ... I mean, despite a plethora of discrepancies, the official Fauci-endorsed tale still has HIV migrating from Africa to the US and spread in the early 1980s by blokes bumping uglies in big city gay bars and saunas. And Fauci should know, because he went to gay saunas and gay bars himself in the “early stages” of the AIDS “explosion” to get a “feel” for the situation. Purely for ‘research’ purposes, of course (wink, wink). It's okay Tony, it's 2024, you don't have to cover for your sexuality anymore. A young Anthony Fauci displaying his "I've just been to the saunas!" smile. Your tax money at work. You could literally fill a book with all the discrepancies contained within the official AIDS story; several authors have already done just that. What I wanted to highlight here are the commonalities between the AIDS and COVID sagas. Both featured never-isolated 'viruses' with nonsensical 'Patient Zero' stories. ‘Isolates’ of both these ‘deadly’ and ‘novel’ viruses do a whole lot of nothing when administered to our primate cousins. Both sagas featured Anthony Fauci, showing up on cue touting the most toxic drug he could get away with recommending. Both featured doomsday, end-of-times hyperbole in which testing 'positive' was initially considered a death sentence. Both were remarkable demonstrations of how the media and masses could be easily manipulated into accepting a pandemic scare that, upon the most cursory examination, simply didn't add up. *During the presidency of former actor Ronald Reagan, senior administration officials secretly — and illegally — arranged for the sale of arms to Iran in return for Iran’s promise to help secure the release of a group of Americans being held hostage in Lebanon. Suspiciously, the hostages were formally released into US custody just minutes after Reagan was sworn into office. Proceeds from the arms sales were then secretly, and again illegally, funneled to the Contras, a group of rebels fighting the Marxist Sandinista government of Nicaragua. Is if that wasn't bad enough, the CIA looked the other way while the Contras trafficked cocaine into the US to help finance their fight to oust the communist Sandinistas. The scandal was exposed in 1996 by the brilliant, Pullitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb while writing for the San Jose Mercury News. His series described a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring that sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles, funelling millions in drug profits to the CIA-assisted Contras. This drug ring "opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles" and, as a result, "helped spark a crack explosion in urban America." His articles caused a proverbial shit-storm, prompting the government to conduct several investigations into itself and declaring itself innocent of all charges. We were supposed to believe it was all just an accidental oversight when even the Kerry report acknowledged "the Contra drug links included", among other connections, "... payments to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department of funds authorized by the Congress for humanitarian assistance to the Contras, in some cases after the traffickers had been indicted by federal law enforcement agencies on drug charges, in others while traffickers were under active investigation by these same agencies." (Bold emphasis added). The Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and Washington Post launched their own 'investigations' (read: hatchet jobs) and rejected Webb's allegations, instead siding with the government - a practice they uphold to this day. However, an internal CIA report released in 1998 admitted the CIA ‘overlooked’ or ‘ignored’ reports that the Nicaragua Contra rebels financed their fight to oust the communist Sandinistas through the sale of drugs in the United States. **‘HIV-1’ is the form of ‘HIV’ allegedly most common and threatening to humans. According to the official tale, ‘HIV-2’ is rare and of little threat. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-146567752
    Why the Official AIDS Story is a Complete Crock
    The Great Rebranding, 1980s-Style: HIV Was a Sham, Just Like Sars-Cov-2
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