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  • The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis

    Author’s Note and Update

    The World has been in a state of crisis for more than three years despite the fact that the WHO and the CDC (with the usual innuendos) have unequivocally confirmed that the RT-PCR test used to justify every single policy mandate including lockdowns, social distancing, the mask, confinement of the labor force, closure of economic activity, etc. is flawed and invalid.

    The same applies to the roll-out of the mRNA Vaccine in December 2020.

    This article was first published on March 21, 2021 focussing on the WHO’s Mea Culpa dated January 20, 2021.

    The WHO advisory was then followed a few months later by the bombshell decision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (July 21, 2021) to withdraw the PCR test as a valid method for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.

    As of December, 31 2021, the PCR test is longer considered valid by the CDC in the U.S.

    For more details see

    Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases”?

    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 29, 2021

    What this implies is that both the CDC and the WHO have formally acknowledged the failures of the RT-PCR test, without however implementing a shift in the methodology of detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.

    The Mainstream Media Now Reluctantly Acknowledges that the PCR Test is Flawed

    After having sustained the propaganda campaign, the mainstream media has now tacitly acknowledged that the PCR TEST IS INVALID.

    Below is an excerpt from London’s Daily Mail on something which has been known and documented by scientists and the independent media from the outset of the corona crisis in January 2020.

    The report below is convoluted. It is an obvious understatement:

    “Did flawed PCR tests convince us Covid was worse than it really was? …

    It has been one of the most enduring Covid conspiracy theories: that the ‘gold standard’ PCR tests used to diagnose the virus were picking up people who weren’t actually infected.

    Some even suggested the swabs, which have been carried out more than 200 million times in the UK alone, may mistake common colds and flu for corona.

    If either, or both, were true, it would mean many of these cases should never have been counted in the daily tally – that the ominous and all-too-familiar figure, which was used to inform decisions on lockdowns and other pandemic measures, was an over-count. (Daily Mail, March 12, 2022, emphasis added)

    It is carefully worded with a view to protecting the decision-makers.

    The PCR Test is the Smoking Gun. There is No Pandemic

    We are not dealing with mistakes as suggested by the above media report.

    If the PCR test is invalid and meaningless, this means that there is no such thing as a “Covid-19 Confirmed Case”

    The results of the PCR test routinely tabulated by the WHO have been used to justify the lockdown policies imposed on more than 190 member states of the United Nations.

    Economic and social chaos has been triggered Worldwide, and these actions adopted by corrupt governments in the course of the last three years are of criminal nature. They are not mistakes.

    And if there is no Pandemic, there is no need for a vaccine.

    The Covid-19 mRNA “Vaccine” is the BIGGEST FRAUD IN MEDICAL HISTORY

    For further details see my E-Book (15 Chapters) entitled:

    The Worldwide Corona Crisis: Global Coup d’État against Humanity”

    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 2022

    See also my recent article on the failed identification of 2019-nCoV, which is related to the flawed RT-PCR test.

    There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic

    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 08, 2023

    Video: The Non-existent “New Corona Virus”?

    Michel Chossudovsky, Interview with Caroline Mailloux, Lux Media

    Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 9, 2023


    The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed:

    Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless.

    Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis


    Michel Chossudovsky

    March 21, 2021

    Nobel Prize Laureate Kary B. Mullis was the inventor of the polymerase chain reaction technique, which is analyzed in this article.

    Dr. Kary B. Mullis, who passed away on August 7, 2019 at age 74, stated emphatically that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with the RT-PCR. His legacy will live.

    “PCR is a Process. It does not tell you that you are sick. … The measurement is not accurate”.

    Mullis described the RT-PCR as a “technique” rather than “a test”.

    It is a useful technique which allows for “rapid amplification of a small stretch of DNA”.


    There is a sequence of outright lies and fabrications used to justify far-reaching policy decisions in the course of the last 20 months.

    The biggest lie, which is firmly acknowledged both by scientific opinion and the WHO is that the RT-PCR test used to “detect” the spread of the virus (as well as the variants) is not only flawed but TOTALLY INVALID.

    From the outset in January 2020, all far-reaching policy decisions upheld and presented to the public as a “means to saving lives” were based on flawed and invalid RT-PCR case positives.

    These invalid Covid-19 “estimates” have been used to justify confinement, social distancing, the face mask, the prohibition of social gatherings, cultural and sports events, the closure of economic activity, as well as the mRNA “vaccine” launched in November 2020.

    The RT-PCR Test

    The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detecting the SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (For Further details see the Drosten Study)

    Exactly one year later on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. (See original WHO document here as well as in Annex)

    While the WHO does not deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they nonetheless recommend “Re-testing” (which everybody knows is an impossibility).

    The contentious issue pertains to the number of amplification threshold cycles (Ct). According to Pieter Borger, et al

    The number of amplification cycles [should be] less than 35; preferably 25-30 cycles. In case of virus detection, >35 cycles only detects signals which do not correlate with infectious virus as determined by isolation in cell culture…(Critique of Drosten Study)

    The World Health Organization (WHO) tacitly admits one year later that ALL PCR tests conducted at a 35 cycle amplification threshold (Ct) or higher are INVALID. But that is what they recommended in January 2020, in consultation with the virology team at Charité Hospital in Berlin.

    If the test is conducted at a 35 Ct threshold or above (which was recommended by the WHO), genetic segments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be detected, which means that ALL the so-called confirmed “positive cases” tabulated in the course of the last 18 months are invalid.

    According to Pieter Borger, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, Michael Yeadon, et al, the Ct > 35 has been the norm “in most laboratories in Europe & the US”.

    The WHO’s Mea Culpa

    Below is the WHO’s carefully formulated “Retraction”. The full text with link to the original document is in annex:

    WHO guidance Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 states that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology. (emphasis added)

    WHO reminds IVD users that disease prevalence alters the predictive value of test results; as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases (2). This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity.

    “Invalid Positives” is the Underlying Concept

    This is not an issue of “Weak Positives” and “Risk of False Positive Increases”. What is at stake is a “Flawed Methodology” which leads to invalid estimates.

    What this admission of the WHO confirms is that the estimate of covid positive from a PCR test (with an amplification threshold of 35 cycles or higher) is invalid. In which case, the WHO recommends retesting: “a new specimen should be taken and retested…”.

    The WHO calls for “Retesting”, which is tantamount to “We Screwed Up”.

    That recommendation is pro-forma. It won’t happen. Millions of people Worldwide have already been tested, starting in early February 2020. Nonetheless, we must conclude that unless retested, those estimates (according to the WHO) are invalid.

    I should mention that there are several other related flaws regarding the PCR test which are not addressed in this article. (See Michel Chossudovsky’s E-book: click to download The Worldwide Corona Crisis: Global Coup d’État against Humanity (Chapter III)

    From the outset, the PCR test has routinely been applied at a Ct amplification threshold of 35 or higher, following the January 2020 recommendations of the WHO. What this means is that the PCR methodology as applied Worldwide has in the course of the last 12-14 months led to the compilation of faulty and misleading Covid statistics.

    And these are the statistics which are used to measure the progression of the so-called “pandemic”. Above an amplification cycle of 35 or higher, the test will not detect fragments of the virus. Therefore, the official “covid numbers” are meaningless.

    It follows that there is no scientific basis for confirming the existence of a pandemic.

    Which in turn means that the lockdown / economic measures which have resulted in social panic, mass poverty and unemployment (allegedly to curtail the spread of the virus) have no justification whatsoever.

    According to scientific opinion:

    “if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97% (Pieter Borger, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, Michael Yeadon, Clare Craig, Kevin McKernan, et al, Critique of Drosten Study)

    As outlined above, “the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%”: It follows that using the >35 cycles detection will indelibly contribute to “hiking up” the number of “fake positives”.

    At the time of writing (mid-March 2021), despite the WHO retraction, the PCR test is being used extensively to hike up the numbers with a view to sustaining the fear campaign, justifying the ongoing lockdown policies as well as the implementation of the Covid vaccine.

    Ironically, the flawed numbers based on “invalid positives” are in turn being manipulated to ensure an upward trend in so-called “Confirmed Covid -19 Cases”.

    Moreover, those PCR tests are not routinely accompanied by a medical diagnosis of the patients who are being tested.

    And now, national health authorities have issued (fake) warnings of a “Third Wave” as part of their propaganda campaign in support of the Covid-19 Vaccine.

    The WHO confirms that the Covid PCR test procedure as applied is invalid. There is absolutely no scientific basis for implementing the Covid Vaccine.

    Both the WHO and the scientific assessment of Pieter Borger, et al (quoted above) confirm unequivocally that the tests adopted by governments to justify the lockdown and the destabilization of national economies are INVALID.

    Invalid Data and the Numbers’ Game

    It should be understood that these “invalid estimates” are the “numbers” quoted relentlessly 24/7 by the media in the course of the “First Wave” and “Second Wave”, which have been used to feed the fear campaign and “justify” ALL the policies put forth by the governments:

    closure of economic activity,
    poverty and mass unemployment,
    social distancing,
    face mask,
    the vaccine.
    the health passport
    Invalid Data. Think Twice Before Getting Vaccinated

    And Now we have entered a so-called “Third Wave”. (But where’s the data??)

    It’s a complex “Pack of Lies”.

    It’s a crime against humanity.



    click lower right hand corner to access vimeo / full screen

    CENSORSHIP: The original video was taken down by Vimeo on March 5, 2022

    Below is version on Rumble


    Our thanks to Vaccine Choice Canada

    The Video is produced by Ariel Rodriguez, Global Research

    Followup Reading

    For an in-depth analysis of the Corona Crisis crisis see Michel Chossudovsky’s E-Book (15 Chapters) entitled:

    The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’État against Humanity


    About the Author

    Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.

    He has undertaken field research in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality. He has also undertaken research in Health Economics (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), UNFPA, CIDA, WHO, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (1979, 1983)

    He is the author of eleven books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005), The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015).

    He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia. He can be reached at [email protected]

    See Michel Chossudovsky, Biographical Note

    Michel Chossudovsky’s Articles on Global Research



    Since its release on March 21, 2021, quite unexpectedly tens of thousands of people have read this article.

    My intent was essentially to Refute and Reveal the Big Lie (focussing on scientific and statistical concepts) without directly addressing the broader implications of the lockdown and closure of economic activity.

    This diabolical project which emanates from the upper echelons of the financial establishment (including the World Economic Forum) is destroying people’s lives Worldwide. It is creating mass unemployment, triggering famines in developing countries.

    With some exceptions including Tanzania, most of the 193 member states of the United Nations have endorsed the WEF’s “corona consensus”.

    The Truth is a peaceful yet powerful weapon.

    Now is the time to confront those governments and demand a repeal of the lockdown policies which are triggering poverty and despair Worldwide.

    The WHO’s BIG LIE is refuted by the WHO.

    The alleged pandemic is a scam. That is something which cannot be denied or refuted.

    And that was the object of this article.

    It’s a complex scam based on “a pack of lies” with devastating consequences.

    In the course of the last 14 months starting in early January 2020, I have analyzed almost on a daily basis the timeline and evolution of the Covid crisis. From the very outset in January 2020, people were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic.

    We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred.

    Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 “pandemic”.

    The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair.

    More than 7 billion people Worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis.

    Click to consult:

    The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Global Coup d’État against Humanity

    (E-Book, 15 Chapters)

    Also please forward this article. Your support is invaluable.

    Michel Chossudovsky, Biographical Note

    Michel Chossudovsky’s Articles on Global Research

    Full text of the WHO directive dated January 20, 2021


    Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) Technologies that Use Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for Detection of SARS-CoV-2

    Product type: Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2

    Date: 13 January 2021

    WHO-identifier: 2020/5, version 2

    Target audience: laboratory professionals and users of IVDs.

    Purpose of this notice: clarify information previously provided by WHO. This notice supersedes WHO Information Notice for In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device (IVD) Users 2020/05 version 1, issued 14 December 2020.

    Description of the problem: WHO requests users to follow the instructions for use (IFU) when interpreting results for specimens tested using PCR methodology.

    Users of IVDs must read and follow the IFU carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is recommended by the manufacturer.

    WHO guidance Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 states that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.

    WHO reminds IVD users that disease prevalence alters the predictive value of test results; as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases (2). This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity.

    Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information.

    Actions to be taken by IVD users:

    Please read carefully the IFU in its entirety.
    Contact your local representative if there is any aspect of the IFU that is unclear to you.
    Check the IFU for each incoming consignment to detect any changes to the IFU.
    Provide the Ct value in the report to the requesting health care provider.

    1. Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020, WHO reference number WHO/2019-nCoV/laboratory/2020.6.

    2. Altman DG, Bland JM. Diagnostic tests 2: Predictive values. BMJ. 1994 Jul 9;309(6947):102. doi: 10.1136/bmj.309.6947.102.


    Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.

    The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis Author’s Note and Update The World has been in a state of crisis for more than three years despite the fact that the WHO and the CDC (with the usual innuendos) have unequivocally confirmed that the RT-PCR test used to justify every single policy mandate including lockdowns, social distancing, the mask, confinement of the labor force, closure of economic activity, etc. is flawed and invalid. The same applies to the roll-out of the mRNA Vaccine in December 2020. This article was first published on March 21, 2021 focussing on the WHO’s Mea Culpa dated January 20, 2021. The WHO advisory was then followed a few months later by the bombshell decision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (July 21, 2021) to withdraw the PCR test as a valid method for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2. As of December, 31 2021, the PCR test is longer considered valid by the CDC in the U.S. For more details see Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases”? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 29, 2021 What this implies is that both the CDC and the WHO have formally acknowledged the failures of the RT-PCR test, without however implementing a shift in the methodology of detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2. The Mainstream Media Now Reluctantly Acknowledges that the PCR Test is Flawed After having sustained the propaganda campaign, the mainstream media has now tacitly acknowledged that the PCR TEST IS INVALID. Below is an excerpt from London’s Daily Mail on something which has been known and documented by scientists and the independent media from the outset of the corona crisis in January 2020. The report below is convoluted. It is an obvious understatement: “Did flawed PCR tests convince us Covid was worse than it really was? … It has been one of the most enduring Covid conspiracy theories: that the ‘gold standard’ PCR tests used to diagnose the virus were picking up people who weren’t actually infected. Some even suggested the swabs, which have been carried out more than 200 million times in the UK alone, may mistake common colds and flu for corona. If either, or both, were true, it would mean many of these cases should never have been counted in the daily tally – that the ominous and all-too-familiar figure, which was used to inform decisions on lockdowns and other pandemic measures, was an over-count. (Daily Mail, March 12, 2022, emphasis added) It is carefully worded with a view to protecting the decision-makers. The PCR Test is the Smoking Gun. There is No Pandemic We are not dealing with mistakes as suggested by the above media report. If the PCR test is invalid and meaningless, this means that there is no such thing as a “Covid-19 Confirmed Case” The results of the PCR test routinely tabulated by the WHO have been used to justify the lockdown policies imposed on more than 190 member states of the United Nations. Economic and social chaos has been triggered Worldwide, and these actions adopted by corrupt governments in the course of the last three years are of criminal nature. They are not mistakes. And if there is no Pandemic, there is no need for a vaccine. The Covid-19 mRNA “Vaccine” is the BIGGEST FRAUD IN MEDICAL HISTORY For further details see my E-Book (15 Chapters) entitled: The Worldwide Corona Crisis: Global Coup d’État against Humanity” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 2022 See also my recent article on the failed identification of 2019-nCoV, which is related to the flawed RT-PCR test. There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 08, 2023 Video: The Non-existent “New Corona Virus”? Michel Chossudovsky, Interview with Caroline Mailloux, Lux Media Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 9, 2023 *** The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis by Michel Chossudovsky March 21, 2021 Nobel Prize Laureate Kary B. Mullis was the inventor of the polymerase chain reaction technique, which is analyzed in this article. Dr. Kary B. Mullis, who passed away on August 7, 2019 at age 74, stated emphatically that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with the RT-PCR. His legacy will live. “PCR is a Process. It does not tell you that you are sick. … The measurement is not accurate”. Mullis described the RT-PCR as a “technique” rather than “a test”. It is a useful technique which allows for “rapid amplification of a small stretch of DNA”. Introduction There is a sequence of outright lies and fabrications used to justify far-reaching policy decisions in the course of the last 20 months. The biggest lie, which is firmly acknowledged both by scientific opinion and the WHO is that the RT-PCR test used to “detect” the spread of the virus (as well as the variants) is not only flawed but TOTALLY INVALID. From the outset in January 2020, all far-reaching policy decisions upheld and presented to the public as a “means to saving lives” were based on flawed and invalid RT-PCR case positives. These invalid Covid-19 “estimates” have been used to justify confinement, social distancing, the face mask, the prohibition of social gatherings, cultural and sports events, the closure of economic activity, as well as the mRNA “vaccine” launched in November 2020. The RT-PCR Test The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detecting the SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (For Further details see the Drosten Study) Exactly one year later on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. (See original WHO document here as well as in Annex) While the WHO does not deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they nonetheless recommend “Re-testing” (which everybody knows is an impossibility). The contentious issue pertains to the number of amplification threshold cycles (Ct). According to Pieter Borger, et al The number of amplification cycles [should be] less than 35; preferably 25-30 cycles. In case of virus detection, >35 cycles only detects signals which do not correlate with infectious virus as determined by isolation in cell culture…(Critique of Drosten Study) The World Health Organization (WHO) tacitly admits one year later that ALL PCR tests conducted at a 35 cycle amplification threshold (Ct) or higher are INVALID. But that is what they recommended in January 2020, in consultation with the virology team at Charité Hospital in Berlin. If the test is conducted at a 35 Ct threshold or above (which was recommended by the WHO), genetic segments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be detected, which means that ALL the so-called confirmed “positive cases” tabulated in the course of the last 18 months are invalid. According to Pieter Borger, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, Michael Yeadon, et al, the Ct > 35 has been the norm “in most laboratories in Europe & the US”. The WHO’s Mea Culpa Below is the WHO’s carefully formulated “Retraction”. The full text with link to the original document is in annex: WHO guidance Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 states that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology. (emphasis added) WHO reminds IVD users that disease prevalence alters the predictive value of test results; as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases (2). This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity. “Invalid Positives” is the Underlying Concept This is not an issue of “Weak Positives” and “Risk of False Positive Increases”. What is at stake is a “Flawed Methodology” which leads to invalid estimates. What this admission of the WHO confirms is that the estimate of covid positive from a PCR test (with an amplification threshold of 35 cycles or higher) is invalid. In which case, the WHO recommends retesting: “a new specimen should be taken and retested…”. The WHO calls for “Retesting”, which is tantamount to “We Screwed Up”. That recommendation is pro-forma. It won’t happen. Millions of people Worldwide have already been tested, starting in early February 2020. Nonetheless, we must conclude that unless retested, those estimates (according to the WHO) are invalid. I should mention that there are several other related flaws regarding the PCR test which are not addressed in this article. (See Michel Chossudovsky’s E-book: click to download The Worldwide Corona Crisis: Global Coup d’État against Humanity (Chapter III) From the outset, the PCR test has routinely been applied at a Ct amplification threshold of 35 or higher, following the January 2020 recommendations of the WHO. What this means is that the PCR methodology as applied Worldwide has in the course of the last 12-14 months led to the compilation of faulty and misleading Covid statistics. And these are the statistics which are used to measure the progression of the so-called “pandemic”. Above an amplification cycle of 35 or higher, the test will not detect fragments of the virus. Therefore, the official “covid numbers” are meaningless. It follows that there is no scientific basis for confirming the existence of a pandemic. Which in turn means that the lockdown / economic measures which have resulted in social panic, mass poverty and unemployment (allegedly to curtail the spread of the virus) have no justification whatsoever. According to scientific opinion: “if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97% (Pieter Borger, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, Michael Yeadon, Clare Craig, Kevin McKernan, et al, Critique of Drosten Study) As outlined above, “the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%”: It follows that using the >35 cycles detection will indelibly contribute to “hiking up” the number of “fake positives”. At the time of writing (mid-March 2021), despite the WHO retraction, the PCR test is being used extensively to hike up the numbers with a view to sustaining the fear campaign, justifying the ongoing lockdown policies as well as the implementation of the Covid vaccine. Ironically, the flawed numbers based on “invalid positives” are in turn being manipulated to ensure an upward trend in so-called “Confirmed Covid -19 Cases”. Moreover, those PCR tests are not routinely accompanied by a medical diagnosis of the patients who are being tested. And now, national health authorities have issued (fake) warnings of a “Third Wave” as part of their propaganda campaign in support of the Covid-19 Vaccine. The WHO confirms that the Covid PCR test procedure as applied is invalid. There is absolutely no scientific basis for implementing the Covid Vaccine. Both the WHO and the scientific assessment of Pieter Borger, et al (quoted above) confirm unequivocally that the tests adopted by governments to justify the lockdown and the destabilization of national economies are INVALID. Invalid Data and the Numbers’ Game It should be understood that these “invalid estimates” are the “numbers” quoted relentlessly 24/7 by the media in the course of the “First Wave” and “Second Wave”, which have been used to feed the fear campaign and “justify” ALL the policies put forth by the governments: lockdown, closure of economic activity, poverty and mass unemployment, bankruptcies social distancing, face mask, curfew, the vaccine. the health passport Invalid Data. Think Twice Before Getting Vaccinated And Now we have entered a so-called “Third Wave”. (But where’s the data??) It’s a complex “Pack of Lies”. It’s a crime against humanity. *** VIDEO click lower right hand corner to access vimeo / full screen CENSORSHIP: The original video was taken down by Vimeo on March 5, 2022 Below is version on Rumble *** Our thanks to Vaccine Choice Canada The Video is produced by Ariel Rodriguez, Global Research Followup Reading For an in-depth analysis of the Corona Crisis crisis see Michel Chossudovsky’s E-Book (15 Chapters) entitled: The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’État against Humanity *** About the Author Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. He has undertaken field research in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality. He has also undertaken research in Health Economics (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), UNFPA, CIDA, WHO, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (1979, 1983) He is the author of eleven books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005), The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015). He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia. He can be reached at [email protected] See Michel Chossudovsky, Biographical Note Michel Chossudovsky’s Articles on Global Research *** Postscript Since its release on March 21, 2021, quite unexpectedly tens of thousands of people have read this article. My intent was essentially to Refute and Reveal the Big Lie (focussing on scientific and statistical concepts) without directly addressing the broader implications of the lockdown and closure of economic activity. This diabolical project which emanates from the upper echelons of the financial establishment (including the World Economic Forum) is destroying people’s lives Worldwide. It is creating mass unemployment, triggering famines in developing countries. With some exceptions including Tanzania, most of the 193 member states of the United Nations have endorsed the WEF’s “corona consensus”. The Truth is a peaceful yet powerful weapon. Now is the time to confront those governments and demand a repeal of the lockdown policies which are triggering poverty and despair Worldwide. The WHO’s BIG LIE is refuted by the WHO. The alleged pandemic is a scam. That is something which cannot be denied or refuted. And that was the object of this article. It’s a complex scam based on “a pack of lies” with devastating consequences. In the course of the last 14 months starting in early January 2020, I have analyzed almost on a daily basis the timeline and evolution of the Covid crisis. From the very outset in January 2020, people were led to believe and accept the existence of a rapidly progressing and dangerous epidemic. We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred. Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 “pandemic”. The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair. More than 7 billion people Worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis. Click to consult: The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Global Coup d’État against Humanity (E-Book, 15 Chapters) Also please forward this article. Your support is invaluable. Michel Chossudovsky, Biographical Note Michel Chossudovsky’s Articles on Global Research Full text of the WHO directive dated January 20, 2021 Annex Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) Technologies that Use Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Product type: Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2 Date: 13 January 2021 WHO-identifier: 2020/5, version 2 Target audience: laboratory professionals and users of IVDs. Purpose of this notice: clarify information previously provided by WHO. This notice supersedes WHO Information Notice for In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device (IVD) Users 2020/05 version 1, issued 14 December 2020. Description of the problem: WHO requests users to follow the instructions for use (IFU) when interpreting results for specimens tested using PCR methodology. Users of IVDs must read and follow the IFU carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is recommended by the manufacturer. WHO guidance Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 states that careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology. WHO reminds IVD users that disease prevalence alters the predictive value of test results; as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases (2). This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity. Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information. Actions to be taken by IVD users: Please read carefully the IFU in its entirety. Contact your local representative if there is any aspect of the IFU that is unclear to you. Check the IFU for each incoming consignment to detect any changes to the IFU. Provide the Ct value in the report to the requesting health care provider. Notes 1. Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020, WHO reference number WHO/2019-nCoV/laboratory/2020.6. 2. Altman DG, Bland JM. Diagnostic tests 2: Predictive values. BMJ. 1994 Jul 9;309(6947):102. doi: 10.1136/bmj.309.6947.102. * Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc. https://globalresearch.ca/nucleic-acid-testing-technologies-use-polymerase-chain-reaction-pcr-detection-sars-cov-2/5739959
    The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of "Positive Cases" are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the "Vaccine" Have No Scientific Basis
    One year later the WHO retracts. They don't say "We Made a Mistake". It's carefully formulated. While they do not officially deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they recommend RT-PCR "Re-testing" (which everybody knows is an impossibility).
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  • Who Really Controls the World?
    January 23, 2013

    Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran, New Dawn
    Waking Times

    Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. —Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States (1856-1924)

    So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. —Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister (1804-1881)

    The advent of the industrial revolution, the invention of a banking system based on usury, and scientific and technological advancements during the past three centuries have had three major consequences. These have made the incredible concentration of wealth in a few hands possible, have led to the construction of increasingly deadly weapons culminating in weapons of mass destruction, and have made it possible to mould the minds of vast populations by application of scientific techniques through the media and control of the educational system.

    The wealthiest families on planet earth call the shots in every major upheaval that they cause. Their sphere of activity extends over the entire globe, and even beyond, their ambition and greed for wealth and power knows no bounds, and for them, most of mankind is garbage – “human garbage.” It is also their target to depopulate the globe and maintain a much lower population compared to what we have now.

    It was Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1840-1915) who once said: “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” What was true of the British Empire is equally true of the US Empire, controlled remotely by the London based Elite through the Federal Reserve System. Judged by its consequences, the Federal Reserve System is the greatest con job in human history.
    It is sad and painful that man’s most beautiful construction, and the source of most power and wealth on earth, viz. scientific knowledge – the most sublime, most powerful and most organised expression of man’s inherent gift of thought, wonder and awe – became a tool for subjugation of humanity, a very dangerous tool in the hands of a tiny group of men. These men “hire” the scientist and take away, as a matter of right, the power the scientist creates through his inventions. This power is then used for their own purposes, at immense human and material cost to mankind. The goal of this handful of men, the members of the wealthiest families on the planet, the Elite, is a New World Order, a One World Government, under their control.

    Secrecy and anonymity is integral to the operations of the Elite as is absolute ruthlessness, deep deception and the most sordid spying and blackmail. The Elite pitches nations against each other, and aims at the destruction of religion and other traditional values, creates chaos, deliberately spreads poverty and misery, and then usurps power placing its stooges in place. These families “buy while the blood is still flowing in the streets” (Rothschild dictum). Wars, “revolutions” and assassinations are part of their tactics to destroy traditional civilisation and traditional religions (as in Soviet Russia), amass wealth and power, eliminate opponents, and proceed relentlessly towards their avowed goal, generation after generation. They operate through covert and overt societies and organisations.

    Professor Carroll Quigley wrote:

    The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands to be able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in private meetings and conferences.… The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralisation of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury to all other economic groups.

    Winston Churchill, who was eventually “bored by it all,” wrote around 1920:

    From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played a definitely recognisable role in the tragedy of French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

    The High Cabal Exposed by JFK

    It was in the dark days of World War II that Churchill referred to the existence of a “High Cabal” that had brought about unprecedented bloodshed in human history. Churchill is also said to have remarked about the Elite: “They have transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia…” (quoted by John Coleman in The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Global Publications 2006). Who are ‘they’?

    Consider the 1961 statement of US President John F. Kennedy (JFK) before media personnel:

    The word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. It depends on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published, its mistakes are buried, not headlined, and its dissenters are silenced, not praised, no expenditure is questioned, no secret revealed… I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people.”

    Secret societies, secret oaths, secret proceedings, infiltration, subversion, intimidation – these are the words used by JFK!

    On June 4, 1963, JFK ordered the printing of Treasury dollar bills instead of Federal Reserve notes (Executive Order 11110). He also ordered that once these had been printed, the Federal Reserve notes would be withdrawn, and the Treasury bills put into circulation. A few months later (November 22, 1963) he was killed in broad daylight in front of the whole world – his brains blown out. Upon assumption of power, his successor, President Lyndon Johnson, immediately reversed the order to switch to Treasury bills showing very clearly why JFK was murdered. Another order of JFK, to militarily disengage from the Far East by withdrawing US “advisors” from Vietnam, was also immediately reversed after his death. After the Cuban crisis JFK wanted peaceful non-confrontational coexistence with the Soviet Union and that meant no wars in the world. He knew the next war would be nuclear and there would be no winners.

    The defense industry and the banks that make money from war belong to the Elite. The Elite subscribes to a dialectical Hegelian philosophy, as pointed out by Antony Sutton, under which they bring about ‘controlled conflict’. The two world wars were ‘controlled conflicts’! Their arrogance, their ceaseless energy, their focus, their utter disregard for human life, their ability to plan decades in advance, to act on that planning, and their continual success are staggering and faith-shaking.

    Statements by men like Disraeli, Wilson, Churchill, JFK and others should not leave any doubt in the mind of the reader about who controls the world. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote in November 1933 to Col. Edward House: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centres has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” It may be recalled that Andrew Jackson, US President from 1829-1837, was so enraged by the tactics of bankers (Rothschilds) that he said: “You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.”

    Interlocking Structure of Elite Control

    In his book Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network, Dean Henderson states: “My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on ‘national security’ grounds. This is ironic since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.” This is, on the face of it, quite astonishing but it goes to show the US government works not for the people but for the Elite. It also shows that secrecy is paramount in Elite affairs. No media outlet will raise this issue because the Elite owns the media. Secrecy is essential for Elite control – if the world finds out the truth about the wealth, thought, ideology and activities of the Elite there would be a worldwide revolt against it. Henderson further states:

    The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with other European and old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stockholders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.

    It is well known that in 2009, of the top 100 largest economic entities of the world, 44 were corporations. The wealth of these families, which are among the top 10% shareholders in each of these, is far in excess of national economies. In fact, total global GDP is around 70 trillion dollars. The Rothschild family wealth alone is estimated to be in the trillions of dollars. So is the case with the Rockefellers who were helped and provided money all along by the Rothschilds. The US has an annual GDP in the range of 14-15 trillion dollars. This pales into insignificance before the wealth of these trillionaires. With the US government and most European countries in debt to the Elite, there should be absolutely no doubt as to who owns the world and who controls it. To quote Eustace Mullins from his book The World Order:

    The Rothschilds rule the US through their Foundations, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Federal Reserve System with no serious challenges to their power. Expensive ‘political campaigns’ are routinely conducted, with carefully screened candidates who are pledged to the program of the World Order. Should they deviate from the program, they would have an ‘accident’, be framed on a sex charge, or indicted in some financial irregularity.

    The Elite members operate in absolute unison against public benefit, against a better life for mankind in which the individual is free to develop his or her innate creativity, a life free of war and bloodshed. James Forrestal, the first Secretary of Defence of the US, became aware of Elite intrigue and had, according to Jim Marrs, accumulated 3,000 pages of notes to be used for writing a book. He died in mysterious circumstances and was almost certainly murdered. His notes were taken away and a sanitised version made public after one year! Just before he died, almost fifteen months before the outbreak of the Korean War, he had revealed that American soldiers would die in Korea! Marrs quotes Forrestal: “These men are not incompetent or stupid. Consistency has never been a mark of stupidity. If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favour.” The Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the mother of all these, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, are bodies where decisions about the future of mankind are arrived at. Who set these up and control them? The “international bankers” of course.

    In his book The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, Col. Fletcher Prouty, who was the briefing officer to the President of the US from 1955-1963, writes about “an inner sanctum of a new religious order.” By the phrase Secret Team he means a group of “security-cleared individuals in and out of government who receive secret intelligence data gathered by the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) and who react to those data.” He states: “The power of the Team derives from its vast intra-governmental undercover infrastructure and its direct relationship with great private industries, mutual funds and investment houses, universities, and the news media, including foreign and domestic publishing houses.” He further adds: “All true members of the Team remain in the power centre whether in office with the incumbent administration or out of office with the hard-core set. They simply rotate to and from official jobs and the business world or the pleasant haven of academe.”

    Training the Young for Elite Membership

    It is very remarkable as to how ‘they’ are able to exercise control and how ‘they’ always find people to carry out the job, and how is it ‘they’ always make the ‘right’ decision at the right time? This can only be possible if there exists a hidden program of inducting and training cadres mentally, ideologically, philosophically, psychologically and ability-wise, over prolonged periods of time and planting them in the centres of power of countries like the US, UK, etc. This training would begin at a young age in general. There must also be a method of continual appraisal, by small groups of very highly skilled men, of developing situations with ‘their’ men who are planted throughout the major power centres of the world so that immediate ‘remedial’ action, action that always favours Elite interests, can be taken. How does that happen?

    It is in finding answers to these questions that the role of secret societies and their control of universities, particularly in the US, assumes deeper importance. The work done by men like Antony Sutton, John Coleman, Eustace Mullins and others is ground breaking. Mankind owes a debt to such scholars who suffer for truth but do not give in. Whenever you trace the money source of important initiatives designed to bring about major wars, lay down policies for the future, enhance control of the Elite over mankind, etc., you will invariably find them linked to the so called banking families and their stooges operating out of Foundations.

    In April 2008 I was among approximately 200 Vice Chancellors, Rectors and Presidents of universities from Asia, Africa, Europe and the US at a two day Higher Education Summit for Global Development, held at the US State Department in Washington DC. The Summit was addressed by five US Secretaries, including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The real emphasis throughout the Summit was only on one thing – that universities in developing countries operate in partnership with foundations so that global problems could be solved! These are private foundations and the only way to understand this emphasis is to realise the US government is owned by those who own these foundations. As an aside the inaugural address was delivered by the war criminal responsible for millions of deaths in Rwanda, trained in US military institutions, and awarded a doctorate – Dr. Paul Kagame! The very first presentation was made by the CEO of the Agha Khan Foundation!

    In a fascinating study of the Yale secret society Skull and Bones, Antony Sutton uncovered numerous aspects of profound importance about this one society. In his book America’s Secret Establishment – An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, Sutton points out there is a set of “Old Line American Families and New Wealth” that dominates The Order (of Skull & Bones) – the Whitney family, the Stimson family, the Bundy family, the Rockefeller family, the Harriman family, the Taft family, the Bush family, and so on. He also points out that there is a British connection:

    The links between the Order and Britain go through Lazard Freres and the private merchant bankers. Notably the British establishment also founded a University – Oxford University, and especially All Souls College at Oxford. The British element is called ‘The Group’. The Group links to the Jewish equivalent through the Rothschilds in Britain (Lord Rothschild was an original member of Rhodes’ ‘inner circle’). The Order in the US links to the Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families… There is an Illuminati connection.

    Every year 15 young men, and very recently women, have been inducted into The Order from Yale students since 1832. Who selects them? A study of the career trajectories of many of those ‘chosen’ shows how they rise to prominence in American life and how their peers ensure these men penetrate the very fabric of important US institutions. They are always there in key positions during war and peace, manipulating and watching ceaselessly.

    The influence of the Elite families on the thought processes of nations is carried out through academic institutions and organisations, as well as the media. Sutton writes:

    Among academic associations the American Historical Association, the American Economic Association, the American Chemical Society, and the American Psychological Association were all started by members of The Order or persons close to The Order. These are key associations for the conditioning of society. The phenomenon of The Order as the FIRST on the scene is found especially among Foundations, although it appears that The Order keeps a continuing presence among Foundation Trustees… The FIRST Chairman of an influential but almost unknown organisation established in 1910 was also a member of The Order. In 1920 Theodore Marburg founded the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of Disputes, but Marburg was only President. The FIRST Chairman was member William Howard Taft. The Society was the forerunner of the League to Enforce Peace, which developed into the League of Nations concept and ultimately the United Nations.

    The United Nations is an instrument of the Elite designed to facilitate the setting up of One World Government under Elite control. The UN building stands on Rockefeller property.

    Selecting Future Prime Ministers to Serve the New World Order

    In his article, ‘Oxford University – The Illuminati Breeding Ground’, David Icke recounts an incident that demonstrates how these secret societies and groups, working for the Elite, select, train and plan to install their men in key positions. In 1940 a young man addressed a “study group” of the Labor Party in a room at University College Oxford. He stressed that he belonged to a secret group without a name which planned a “Marxist takeover” of Britain, Rhodesia and South Africa by infiltrating the British Parliament and Civil Services. Since the British do not like extremists they dismiss their critics as ‘right-wingers’ while themselves posing as ‘moderates’ (this seems like the anti-Semitism charge by ADL, etc. whenever Israel is criticised). The young man stated that he headed the political wing of that secret group and he expected to be made Prime Minister of Britain some day! The young man was Harold Wilson who became Prime Minister of Britain (1964-70, 1974-76)!

    All young men studying at Ivy League universities, and at others, must bear in mind they are being continually scrutinised by some of their Professors with the intention of selecting from amongst them, those who will serve the Elite, and become part of a global network of interlocked covert and overt societies and organisations, working for the New World Order. Some of those already selected will be present among them, mingling with them and yet, in their heart, separated from them by a sense of belonging to a brotherhood with a mission that has been going on for a long time. These young men also know they will be rewarded by advancement in career and also that if they falter they could be killed!

    Utter secrecy and absolute loyalty is essential to the continued success of this program. This is enforced through fear of murder or bankruptcy and through a cult which probably takes us back to the times of the pyramids and before. Philosophically ‘they’ believe in Hegelian dialectics through which they justify bringing about horrible wars – euphemistically called ‘controlled conflict’. Their political ideology is ‘collectivism’ whereby mankind has to be ‘managed’ by a group of men, ‘them’, organised for the purpose – a hidden ‘dominant minority’. ‘They’ believe that they know better than ordinary mortals. The Illuminati, the Freemasons, members of other known and unknown secret societies, all mesh together under the wealthiest cabal in human history to take a mesmerised, dormant and battered mankind from one abyss to the next. Former MI6 agent John Coleman refers to a “Committee of 300” that controls and guides this vast subterranean human machinery.

    In his book Memoirs, published in 2002, David Rockefeller, Sr. stated that his family had been attacked by “ideological extremists” for “more than a century… Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” That’s it!

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    About the Author

    Prof. Dr. MUJAHID KAMRAN is Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, and his book The Grand Deception – Corporate America and Perpetual War has just been published (April 2011) by Sang e Meel Publications, Lahore, Pakistan, and is available from www.amazon.co.uk. Prof. Kamran’s website is www.mujahidkamran.com.

    This article is a feature of New Dawn magazine.

    © Copyright New Dawn Magazine, http://www.newdawnmagazine.com. Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice.

    © Copyright New Dawn Magazine, http://www.newdawnmagazine.com. Permission to re-send, post and place on web sites for non-commercial purposes, and if shown only in its entirety with no changes or additions. This notice must accompany all re-posting.

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    Who Really Controls the World? January 23, 2013 Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran, New Dawn Waking Times Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. —Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States (1856-1924) So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. —Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister (1804-1881) The advent of the industrial revolution, the invention of a banking system based on usury, and scientific and technological advancements during the past three centuries have had three major consequences. These have made the incredible concentration of wealth in a few hands possible, have led to the construction of increasingly deadly weapons culminating in weapons of mass destruction, and have made it possible to mould the minds of vast populations by application of scientific techniques through the media and control of the educational system. The wealthiest families on planet earth call the shots in every major upheaval that they cause. Their sphere of activity extends over the entire globe, and even beyond, their ambition and greed for wealth and power knows no bounds, and for them, most of mankind is garbage – “human garbage.” It is also their target to depopulate the globe and maintain a much lower population compared to what we have now. It was Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1840-1915) who once said: “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” What was true of the British Empire is equally true of the US Empire, controlled remotely by the London based Elite through the Federal Reserve System. Judged by its consequences, the Federal Reserve System is the greatest con job in human history. It is sad and painful that man’s most beautiful construction, and the source of most power and wealth on earth, viz. scientific knowledge – the most sublime, most powerful and most organised expression of man’s inherent gift of thought, wonder and awe – became a tool for subjugation of humanity, a very dangerous tool in the hands of a tiny group of men. These men “hire” the scientist and take away, as a matter of right, the power the scientist creates through his inventions. This power is then used for their own purposes, at immense human and material cost to mankind. The goal of this handful of men, the members of the wealthiest families on the planet, the Elite, is a New World Order, a One World Government, under their control. Secrecy and anonymity is integral to the operations of the Elite as is absolute ruthlessness, deep deception and the most sordid spying and blackmail. The Elite pitches nations against each other, and aims at the destruction of religion and other traditional values, creates chaos, deliberately spreads poverty and misery, and then usurps power placing its stooges in place. These families “buy while the blood is still flowing in the streets” (Rothschild dictum). Wars, “revolutions” and assassinations are part of their tactics to destroy traditional civilisation and traditional religions (as in Soviet Russia), amass wealth and power, eliminate opponents, and proceed relentlessly towards their avowed goal, generation after generation. They operate through covert and overt societies and organisations. Professor Carroll Quigley wrote: The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands to be able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in private meetings and conferences.… The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralisation of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury to all other economic groups. Winston Churchill, who was eventually “bored by it all,” wrote around 1920: From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played a definitely recognisable role in the tragedy of French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century, and now at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. The High Cabal Exposed by JFK It was in the dark days of World War II that Churchill referred to the existence of a “High Cabal” that had brought about unprecedented bloodshed in human history. Churchill is also said to have remarked about the Elite: “They have transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia…” (quoted by John Coleman in The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Global Publications 2006). Who are ‘they’? Consider the 1961 statement of US President John F. Kennedy (JFK) before media personnel: The word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. It depends on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published, its mistakes are buried, not headlined, and its dissenters are silenced, not praised, no expenditure is questioned, no secret revealed… I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people.” Secret societies, secret oaths, secret proceedings, infiltration, subversion, intimidation – these are the words used by JFK! On June 4, 1963, JFK ordered the printing of Treasury dollar bills instead of Federal Reserve notes (Executive Order 11110). He also ordered that once these had been printed, the Federal Reserve notes would be withdrawn, and the Treasury bills put into circulation. A few months later (November 22, 1963) he was killed in broad daylight in front of the whole world – his brains blown out. Upon assumption of power, his successor, President Lyndon Johnson, immediately reversed the order to switch to Treasury bills showing very clearly why JFK was murdered. Another order of JFK, to militarily disengage from the Far East by withdrawing US “advisors” from Vietnam, was also immediately reversed after his death. After the Cuban crisis JFK wanted peaceful non-confrontational coexistence with the Soviet Union and that meant no wars in the world. He knew the next war would be nuclear and there would be no winners. The defense industry and the banks that make money from war belong to the Elite. The Elite subscribes to a dialectical Hegelian philosophy, as pointed out by Antony Sutton, under which they bring about ‘controlled conflict’. The two world wars were ‘controlled conflicts’! Their arrogance, their ceaseless energy, their focus, their utter disregard for human life, their ability to plan decades in advance, to act on that planning, and their continual success are staggering and faith-shaking. Statements by men like Disraeli, Wilson, Churchill, JFK and others should not leave any doubt in the mind of the reader about who controls the world. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote in November 1933 to Col. Edward House: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centres has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” It may be recalled that Andrew Jackson, US President from 1829-1837, was so enraged by the tactics of bankers (Rothschilds) that he said: “You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.” Interlocking Structure of Elite Control In his book Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network, Dean Henderson states: “My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on ‘national security’ grounds. This is ironic since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.” This is, on the face of it, quite astonishing but it goes to show the US government works not for the people but for the Elite. It also shows that secrecy is paramount in Elite affairs. No media outlet will raise this issue because the Elite owns the media. Secrecy is essential for Elite control – if the world finds out the truth about the wealth, thought, ideology and activities of the Elite there would be a worldwide revolt against it. Henderson further states: The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with other European and old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stockholders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation. It is well known that in 2009, of the top 100 largest economic entities of the world, 44 were corporations. The wealth of these families, which are among the top 10% shareholders in each of these, is far in excess of national economies. In fact, total global GDP is around 70 trillion dollars. The Rothschild family wealth alone is estimated to be in the trillions of dollars. So is the case with the Rockefellers who were helped and provided money all along by the Rothschilds. The US has an annual GDP in the range of 14-15 trillion dollars. This pales into insignificance before the wealth of these trillionaires. With the US government and most European countries in debt to the Elite, there should be absolutely no doubt as to who owns the world and who controls it. To quote Eustace Mullins from his book The World Order: The Rothschilds rule the US through their Foundations, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Federal Reserve System with no serious challenges to their power. Expensive ‘political campaigns’ are routinely conducted, with carefully screened candidates who are pledged to the program of the World Order. Should they deviate from the program, they would have an ‘accident’, be framed on a sex charge, or indicted in some financial irregularity. The Elite members operate in absolute unison against public benefit, against a better life for mankind in which the individual is free to develop his or her innate creativity, a life free of war and bloodshed. James Forrestal, the first Secretary of Defence of the US, became aware of Elite intrigue and had, according to Jim Marrs, accumulated 3,000 pages of notes to be used for writing a book. He died in mysterious circumstances and was almost certainly murdered. His notes were taken away and a sanitised version made public after one year! Just before he died, almost fifteen months before the outbreak of the Korean War, he had revealed that American soldiers would die in Korea! Marrs quotes Forrestal: “These men are not incompetent or stupid. Consistency has never been a mark of stupidity. If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favour.” The Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the mother of all these, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, are bodies where decisions about the future of mankind are arrived at. Who set these up and control them? The “international bankers” of course. In his book The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, Col. Fletcher Prouty, who was the briefing officer to the President of the US from 1955-1963, writes about “an inner sanctum of a new religious order.” By the phrase Secret Team he means a group of “security-cleared individuals in and out of government who receive secret intelligence data gathered by the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) and who react to those data.” He states: “The power of the Team derives from its vast intra-governmental undercover infrastructure and its direct relationship with great private industries, mutual funds and investment houses, universities, and the news media, including foreign and domestic publishing houses.” He further adds: “All true members of the Team remain in the power centre whether in office with the incumbent administration or out of office with the hard-core set. They simply rotate to and from official jobs and the business world or the pleasant haven of academe.” Training the Young for Elite Membership It is very remarkable as to how ‘they’ are able to exercise control and how ‘they’ always find people to carry out the job, and how is it ‘they’ always make the ‘right’ decision at the right time? This can only be possible if there exists a hidden program of inducting and training cadres mentally, ideologically, philosophically, psychologically and ability-wise, over prolonged periods of time and planting them in the centres of power of countries like the US, UK, etc. This training would begin at a young age in general. There must also be a method of continual appraisal, by small groups of very highly skilled men, of developing situations with ‘their’ men who are planted throughout the major power centres of the world so that immediate ‘remedial’ action, action that always favours Elite interests, can be taken. How does that happen? It is in finding answers to these questions that the role of secret societies and their control of universities, particularly in the US, assumes deeper importance. The work done by men like Antony Sutton, John Coleman, Eustace Mullins and others is ground breaking. Mankind owes a debt to such scholars who suffer for truth but do not give in. Whenever you trace the money source of important initiatives designed to bring about major wars, lay down policies for the future, enhance control of the Elite over mankind, etc., you will invariably find them linked to the so called banking families and their stooges operating out of Foundations. In April 2008 I was among approximately 200 Vice Chancellors, Rectors and Presidents of universities from Asia, Africa, Europe and the US at a two day Higher Education Summit for Global Development, held at the US State Department in Washington DC. The Summit was addressed by five US Secretaries, including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The real emphasis throughout the Summit was only on one thing – that universities in developing countries operate in partnership with foundations so that global problems could be solved! These are private foundations and the only way to understand this emphasis is to realise the US government is owned by those who own these foundations. As an aside the inaugural address was delivered by the war criminal responsible for millions of deaths in Rwanda, trained in US military institutions, and awarded a doctorate – Dr. Paul Kagame! The very first presentation was made by the CEO of the Agha Khan Foundation! In a fascinating study of the Yale secret society Skull and Bones, Antony Sutton uncovered numerous aspects of profound importance about this one society. In his book America’s Secret Establishment – An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, Sutton points out there is a set of “Old Line American Families and New Wealth” that dominates The Order (of Skull & Bones) – the Whitney family, the Stimson family, the Bundy family, the Rockefeller family, the Harriman family, the Taft family, the Bush family, and so on. He also points out that there is a British connection: The links between the Order and Britain go through Lazard Freres and the private merchant bankers. Notably the British establishment also founded a University – Oxford University, and especially All Souls College at Oxford. The British element is called ‘The Group’. The Group links to the Jewish equivalent through the Rothschilds in Britain (Lord Rothschild was an original member of Rhodes’ ‘inner circle’). The Order in the US links to the Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families… There is an Illuminati connection. Every year 15 young men, and very recently women, have been inducted into The Order from Yale students since 1832. Who selects them? A study of the career trajectories of many of those ‘chosen’ shows how they rise to prominence in American life and how their peers ensure these men penetrate the very fabric of important US institutions. They are always there in key positions during war and peace, manipulating and watching ceaselessly. The influence of the Elite families on the thought processes of nations is carried out through academic institutions and organisations, as well as the media. Sutton writes: Among academic associations the American Historical Association, the American Economic Association, the American Chemical Society, and the American Psychological Association were all started by members of The Order or persons close to The Order. These are key associations for the conditioning of society. The phenomenon of The Order as the FIRST on the scene is found especially among Foundations, although it appears that The Order keeps a continuing presence among Foundation Trustees… The FIRST Chairman of an influential but almost unknown organisation established in 1910 was also a member of The Order. In 1920 Theodore Marburg founded the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of Disputes, but Marburg was only President. The FIRST Chairman was member William Howard Taft. The Society was the forerunner of the League to Enforce Peace, which developed into the League of Nations concept and ultimately the United Nations. The United Nations is an instrument of the Elite designed to facilitate the setting up of One World Government under Elite control. The UN building stands on Rockefeller property. Selecting Future Prime Ministers to Serve the New World Order In his article, ‘Oxford University – The Illuminati Breeding Ground’, David Icke recounts an incident that demonstrates how these secret societies and groups, working for the Elite, select, train and plan to install their men in key positions. In 1940 a young man addressed a “study group” of the Labor Party in a room at University College Oxford. He stressed that he belonged to a secret group without a name which planned a “Marxist takeover” of Britain, Rhodesia and South Africa by infiltrating the British Parliament and Civil Services. Since the British do not like extremists they dismiss their critics as ‘right-wingers’ while themselves posing as ‘moderates’ (this seems like the anti-Semitism charge by ADL, etc. whenever Israel is criticised). The young man stated that he headed the political wing of that secret group and he expected to be made Prime Minister of Britain some day! The young man was Harold Wilson who became Prime Minister of Britain (1964-70, 1974-76)! All young men studying at Ivy League universities, and at others, must bear in mind they are being continually scrutinised by some of their Professors with the intention of selecting from amongst them, those who will serve the Elite, and become part of a global network of interlocked covert and overt societies and organisations, working for the New World Order. Some of those already selected will be present among them, mingling with them and yet, in their heart, separated from them by a sense of belonging to a brotherhood with a mission that has been going on for a long time. These young men also know they will be rewarded by advancement in career and also that if they falter they could be killed! Utter secrecy and absolute loyalty is essential to the continued success of this program. This is enforced through fear of murder or bankruptcy and through a cult which probably takes us back to the times of the pyramids and before. Philosophically ‘they’ believe in Hegelian dialectics through which they justify bringing about horrible wars – euphemistically called ‘controlled conflict’. Their political ideology is ‘collectivism’ whereby mankind has to be ‘managed’ by a group of men, ‘them’, organised for the purpose – a hidden ‘dominant minority’. ‘They’ believe that they know better than ordinary mortals. The Illuminati, the Freemasons, members of other known and unknown secret societies, all mesh together under the wealthiest cabal in human history to take a mesmerised, dormant and battered mankind from one abyss to the next. Former MI6 agent John Coleman refers to a “Committee of 300” that controls and guides this vast subterranean human machinery. In his book Memoirs, published in 2002, David Rockefeller, Sr. stated that his family had been attacked by “ideological extremists” for “more than a century… Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” That’s it! If you appreciated this article, please consider a digital subscription to New Dawn. About the Author Prof. Dr. MUJAHID KAMRAN is Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, and his book The Grand Deception – Corporate America and Perpetual War has just been published (April 2011) by Sang e Meel Publications, Lahore, Pakistan, and is available from www.amazon.co.uk. Prof. Kamran’s website is www.mujahidkamran.com. This article is a feature of New Dawn magazine. © Copyright New Dawn Magazine, http://www.newdawnmagazine.com. Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice. © Copyright New Dawn Magazine, http://www.newdawnmagazine.com. Permission to re-send, post and place on web sites for non-commercial purposes, and if shown only in its entirety with no changes or additions. This notice must accompany all re-posting. ~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration by sharing this article with the buttons below… https://www.wakingtimes.com/who-really-controls-the-world/
    Who Really Controls the World?
    The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. --Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister (1804-1881)
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  • Xi Jinping Turns China Into 'Fortress Economy' To Withstand External Shocks: Report
    In a strategic pivot designed to safeguard China’s economic stability amid escalating global uncertainties, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping is advancing an economic model aimed at bolstering national self-sufficiency and resilience. This shift, documented in a recent study, underscores Beijing's ambition to fortify its economy against external shocks, including geopolitical conflicts and global pandemics.

    The Lujiazui financial district in Shanghai on June 5, 2024. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)

    The report, released on July 30 by Jimmy Goodrich, a fellow at the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, delves into official CCP speeches and policy documents. It provides an in-depth analysis of the Party’s progress in implementing its “fortress economy” policy across several critical sectors.

    “[The strategy is] designed to bolster national self-sufficiency and resilience against external shocks, and ultimately allow the nation to withstand ‘extreme situations’ including protracted armed conflict,” the paper asserts.

    The impetus for this strategic shift can be traced to a series of global upheavals. Rising tensions between the U.S. and China, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the far-reaching disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have collectively underscored the vulnerability of interconnected global supply chains. These events have prompted Beijing to recalibrate its economic priorities, focusing on reducing dependency on foreign markets and enhancing domestic economic capabilities.

    Central to this recalibration is the concept of “dual-economic circulation,” a policy aimed at reorienting China’s economy from its historical reliance on exports towards a more balanced model that strengthens domestic industries while continuing to engage in international trade. By fostering robust internal economic activity, the CCP hopes to mitigate the impact of global disruptions on China's economy.

    This dual approach not only seeks economic stability but also dovetails with Xi’s broader national security agenda. The report highlights that the CCP’s strategy encompasses several critical areas, including food and energy security, supply-chain robustness, civil defense mobilization, and the development of strategic reserve infrastructure. These measures are designed to prepare the nation for “extreme-case” scenarios, ensuring that China remains resilient in the face of potential crises.

    As the Epoch Times notes further, “This research contributes to understanding China’s strategic intentions and provides a foundation for further exploration of the implications of China’s fortress economy on global economic and geopolitical dynamics,” the author wrote.

    China’s economy significantly depends on exports. Last year, the country’s total exports reached about $3.38 trillion, while imports totaled roughly $2.56 trillion. This resulted in a trade surplus of $820 billion—the second-highest in the past decade.

    Robert O'Brien, a former national security adviser, commented on the report on X, formerly known as Twitter, urging Washington to pay attention.

    “The CCP is preparing to fight and win (or at least survive) a very long war. America should take heed,” he wrote on Aug. 3.

    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese economy has faced multiple problems, particularly the property crisis marked by the bankruptcy of China’s real estate giant Evergrande. The company is the world’s most indebted firm, with $340 billion in debt.

    Earlier this year, a prominent hedge fund manager said the Chinese economy was in trouble because of its heavy investment in the real estate sector, which could result in a crash worse than the 2008 U.S. financial crisis.

    The property sector accounts for 70 percent of China’s gross household wealth and about 25 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP), making it a key growth driver but posing a vulnerability for its economy.

    China’s troubled real estate market has dragged down the economy, prompting the regime in Beijing to implement “temporary steps,” including 16 measures to support the sector, according to last year’s report from the Atlantic Council GeoEconomics Center and the Rhodium Group, a Washington-based think tank.

    The report found that China’s economy struggled with multiple problems, and without robust reforms, Beijing was likely to face a threat to its growth prospects in the coming years, hurting its global position.

    The report points out that the root of China’s economy is its “persistent structural reform gap,” which results in “lagging behind top OECD economies in most market dimensions,” and suggests that structured reform is needed.

    “The Chinese economy is suffering in part because the [Chinese Communist] Party continues to prioritize ideology over economic dynamism,” it reads.

    Due to its weak performance, Beijing’s ambition to dethrone the United States as the world’s largest economy by the end of the 2020s “will not happen in this century, let alone this decade,” the report notes.

    Bloomberg economists also forecasted last year that China’s economy was unlikely to overtake the U.S. economy. They predicted that China’s GDP might surpass that of the United States around the mid-2040s but by “only a small margin” before “falling back behind.”

    Don't underestimate China. It's prepping to weather the near-term storm...

    Xi Jinping Turns China Into 'Fortress Economy' To Withstand External Shocks: Report In a strategic pivot designed to safeguard China’s economic stability amid escalating global uncertainties, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping is advancing an economic model aimed at bolstering national self-sufficiency and resilience. This shift, documented in a recent study, underscores Beijing's ambition to fortify its economy against external shocks, including geopolitical conflicts and global pandemics. The Lujiazui financial district in Shanghai on June 5, 2024. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images) The report, released on July 30 by Jimmy Goodrich, a fellow at the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, delves into official CCP speeches and policy documents. It provides an in-depth analysis of the Party’s progress in implementing its “fortress economy” policy across several critical sectors. “[The strategy is] designed to bolster national self-sufficiency and resilience against external shocks, and ultimately allow the nation to withstand ‘extreme situations’ including protracted armed conflict,” the paper asserts. The impetus for this strategic shift can be traced to a series of global upheavals. Rising tensions between the U.S. and China, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the far-reaching disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have collectively underscored the vulnerability of interconnected global supply chains. These events have prompted Beijing to recalibrate its economic priorities, focusing on reducing dependency on foreign markets and enhancing domestic economic capabilities. Central to this recalibration is the concept of “dual-economic circulation,” a policy aimed at reorienting China’s economy from its historical reliance on exports towards a more balanced model that strengthens domestic industries while continuing to engage in international trade. By fostering robust internal economic activity, the CCP hopes to mitigate the impact of global disruptions on China's economy. This dual approach not only seeks economic stability but also dovetails with Xi’s broader national security agenda. The report highlights that the CCP’s strategy encompasses several critical areas, including food and energy security, supply-chain robustness, civil defense mobilization, and the development of strategic reserve infrastructure. These measures are designed to prepare the nation for “extreme-case” scenarios, ensuring that China remains resilient in the face of potential crises. As the Epoch Times notes further, “This research contributes to understanding China’s strategic intentions and provides a foundation for further exploration of the implications of China’s fortress economy on global economic and geopolitical dynamics,” the author wrote. China’s economy significantly depends on exports. Last year, the country’s total exports reached about $3.38 trillion, while imports totaled roughly $2.56 trillion. This resulted in a trade surplus of $820 billion—the second-highest in the past decade. Robert O'Brien, a former national security adviser, commented on the report on X, formerly known as Twitter, urging Washington to pay attention. “The CCP is preparing to fight and win (or at least survive) a very long war. America should take heed,” he wrote on Aug. 3. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese economy has faced multiple problems, particularly the property crisis marked by the bankruptcy of China’s real estate giant Evergrande. The company is the world’s most indebted firm, with $340 billion in debt. Earlier this year, a prominent hedge fund manager said the Chinese economy was in trouble because of its heavy investment in the real estate sector, which could result in a crash worse than the 2008 U.S. financial crisis. The property sector accounts for 70 percent of China’s gross household wealth and about 25 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP), making it a key growth driver but posing a vulnerability for its economy. China’s troubled real estate market has dragged down the economy, prompting the regime in Beijing to implement “temporary steps,” including 16 measures to support the sector, according to last year’s report from the Atlantic Council GeoEconomics Center and the Rhodium Group, a Washington-based think tank. The report found that China’s economy struggled with multiple problems, and without robust reforms, Beijing was likely to face a threat to its growth prospects in the coming years, hurting its global position. The report points out that the root of China’s economy is its “persistent structural reform gap,” which results in “lagging behind top OECD economies in most market dimensions,” and suggests that structured reform is needed. “The Chinese economy is suffering in part because the [Chinese Communist] Party continues to prioritize ideology over economic dynamism,” it reads. Due to its weak performance, Beijing’s ambition to dethrone the United States as the world’s largest economy by the end of the 2020s “will not happen in this century, let alone this decade,” the report notes. Bloomberg economists also forecasted last year that China’s economy was unlikely to overtake the U.S. economy. They predicted that China’s GDP might surpass that of the United States around the mid-2040s but by “only a small margin” before “falling back behind.” Don't underestimate China. It's prepping to weather the near-term storm... https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/xi-jinping-turns-china-fortress-economy-withstand-external-shocks-report
    Xi Jinping Turns China Into 'Fortress Economy' To Withstand External Shocks: Report
    The CCP is preparing to fight and win (or at least survive) a very long war.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 5542 Views
  • Israel's Unhinged Assassinations Are A Threat To Global Security
    The Last American Vagabond

    Israel's assassination of a Hezbollah leader in Beirut, followed shortly after by the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Hanniyeh in Tehran, represent unhinged military operations which were undoubtedly green-lit by the United States. As the region now descends into further chaos, which could engulf the world, it is important to understand why this happened and what the US-Israeli strategy is.

    Last Tuesday, Israel launched an attack on southern Beirut, the Lebanese capital, killing 7 and injuring 80 others, including 3 children and two women. The building the Israeli Air Force struck, using drones and missiles fired from fighter jets, was a civilian populated tower and was reduced to mere rubble. Tel Aviv's primary target was a Hezbollah military leader called Fouad Shoukr, one of the groups most prominent military leaders, and he was killed alongside an Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) advisor in that building.

    Only hours later, a shock report emerged from Iran. Ismail Hanniyeh, the head of the Hamas political wing, had been assassinated in a building located in Tehran, the Iranian Capital, after attending the inauguration of Iran's new President Masoud Pezeshkian. Hanniyeh, who had been advocating strongly for a ceasefire in Gaza and even announced that Hamas would be willing to lay down its weapons if a two-State solution was reached only months earlier, had been eliminated, and with him, perhaps the final hope at a peaceful solution.

    What Led Up To This?

    In order to understand the thinking of the Israelis and to also comprehend what we are now seeing, we have to look at the situation through the cold lenses of strategy, robbing the situation of legal and moral interpretations.

    Israel has failed to achieve its declared goal of its war in the Gaza Strip, vowing to completely destroy Hamas. If we take for instance the latest analysis published by CNN -- which combined the analyses of investigative journalists at the US media outlet with those of the American Enterprise Institute’s Critical Threats Project and the Institute for the Study of War -- only 3 out of 24 Hamas battalions in Gaza have been rendered combat ineffective, while 13 were degraded and 8 are still combat effective. Despite the Israeli military's denial of these conclusions, the facts on the ground appear to strongly back the conclusions published by CNN, and although Benjamin Netanyahu declared to Congress last month that "victory is in sight", his own military admitted that they couldn't defeat Hamas.

    Keep in mind here, that the Israelis have, by their own admission, failed to destroy 80% of the Gaza tunnel systems that the resistance fighters use, despite attempting to flood them with water and fill them with chemical gas. On top of this, there are around a dozen Palestinian armed groups inside the Gaza Strip that are combating Israel's ground invasion and there is no sign that any of them have been completely defeated either as we still receive communiques and videos from them which feature their fighters launching attacks on Israeli military targets.

    Israel is also lying about its military casualties in the Gaza Strip, as contradictory reports continually surface about how many injured soldiers there are, and the death toll is not consistent with what the video evidence suggests either.

    Regardless of how you see the above, however, Israel has failed to defeat Hamas after 10 months of fighting in the Gaza Strip and their use of maximum firepower, with little to no concern for civilian life. The Israelis are also suffering from a significant problem in troop motivation, as their soldiers are tired and many have expressed no desire to continue fighting, while they additionally suffer from a shortage of tanks and armored personnel carriers that they need to fight on other fronts. Israel has also failed to free its captives held in Gaza, killing more of them than it has managed to actually recapture. This, as an internal Israeli crisis continues to plague their society, with a battle between secular and religious threatening to spiral out of control.

    All this as Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, understands well that ending the war will cost him his far-right coalition and perhaps lead to further chaos, in addition to his arrest on charges of corruption if he was to lose the election that would inevitably follow.

    It suffices to say that Israel is at a breaking point, 46,000 businesses have closed since October 7, while projections predict that this figure will rise to 60,000 by the end of 2024. The Israeli Port of Eilat has declared bankruptcy, while hundreds of thousands of Israelis remain displaced or have moved away from the surrounding settlements around Gaza or the Lebanese border. The blow that Hamas delivered to Israel's security, military, intelligence, weapons industry, and political elitists on October 7, has never been recovered from, as Hezbollah and Yemen's Ansarallah strike at will against Israeli targets.

    The US-Israeli vision prior to the Hamas-led October 7 attack was to formally establish ties between Riyadh and Tel Aviv, paving the way for the construction of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), which the Biden administration announced on September 9, 2023, during the G-20 summit hosted by India. US President Joe Biden announced the IMEC as a "really big deal", believing that all the chips were in place to initiate Saudi-Israeli normalization and begin creating the new trade route through the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and then occupied Palestine.

    In reality, Washington had completely ignored the plight of the Palestinians and assumed them to be a non-issue, proceeding to go ahead with the tunnel vision approach of pursuing a policy that was going to lead to catastrophe in West Asia. The plan was to form an "Arab NATO" that would be led by the Israelis, designed to combat Iran and to construct this new trade route that was designed to rival China's Belt and Road Initiative in line with the US' Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII).

    Israel Had Two Options

    Hamas shattered the dreams and aspirations of the US-Israeli alliance on October 7, putting the Palestinian cause for Statehood back on the map. Israel's response, backed fully by their US allies, was designed to make the Palestinians pay the ultimate price for daring to disrupt their West Asia agenda. Yet the further Israel took the conflict, the worse its own predicament got and the less likely it began to appear that the Israelis were going to achieve their war goals.

    The whole world looked on in shock and horror at the genocide that was taking place inside the Gaza Strip, while every single organ of the United Nations worked overtime to point out how egregious Israel's crimes were, the record of which does not need to be mentioned here as it is so incredibly lengthy and publcailly acknowledged. However, the US government stood by Israel's side and refused to say no. No sane American voices emerged from Washington to deter the US-Israeli alliance from escalating and therefore the Israelis were given a free hand to continue their vengeance policy in Gaza.

    Israel was left with two options:

    1) Pursue an immediate ceasefire, which would end the war in Gaza and all the other fronts. A ceasefire which would have included a prisoner exchange to free captives on both sides and to then continue on to negotiate some kind of interim agreement that would pave the way to a meaningful two-State solution. Off the back of this there could have been the possibility of there still being a route to Saudi-Israeli normalization, and dialogue between Iran and the United States to revive the Iran Nuclear Deal, while the Israeli economy could slowly find its way to stability. From there, the Israeli domestic situation would begin to boil, yet there could have been methods of attempting to find middle-ground with strong influence from American Zionists and the US government.

    2) Refuse to accept compromise, expand the war to other fronts with the hope that you can contain the situation to limited wars and battles, without triggering a full-scale regional conflagration. This strategy, as I have written about for The Last American Vagabond in the past, would include escalation on the Lebanese front specifically, so that Israel can claim to have confronted Hezbollah and end the conflict it causes in a stale-mate. After closing this war, they would then move on to annexing territory in the occupied West Bank and hold this up as a victory from the war.

    Israel chose the latter strategy, which now comes at a major cost. Not only have the Israelis -- with US backing -- decided to enter into a new phase of conflict with regional actors, they have killed any possibility for peace in the future.

    At this point, the situation can go one of two ways. Either their will be an all-out regional war that will wipe Israel off the face of the earth, or the situation will manage to quiet down after significant death and destruction on both sides.

    Israel took a great gamble by carrying out these two assassinations. According to Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Israel committed three separate actions which deserve responses; the Israelis assassinated a Hezbollah leader, attacked the Lebanese Capital, and committed a civilian massacre. While the assassination of Ismail Hanniyeh destroyed the prospect of reaching an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, while also violating Iran's sovereignty and dealing a massive blow to Iranian security. Iran therefore officially informed the UN of their intention to respond in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

    Both the Israeli and American governments, who share equal guilt in this escalation that we are now seeing, are betting on being able to limit the scope of the war. If we are to assume that the Israeli-US alliance is not suicidal, because an all out war will wipe Israel off of the map, then we must interpret their actions as a desperate last ditch attempt to try and assert their dominance over the region.

    If the Israelis can pull through a regional war, which does not transform into an all out battle to the death, then they can claim a small victory by simply surviving. Then, from there, they can bring in the United Nations to force an end to the war on all fronts, conclude a deal with Hamas in Gaza, before moving on to fixating on the West Bank. So, in their strategic thinking, they have pulled off a bold move, which could manage to salvage a stalemate and save them from a slow defeat. At the end of which they will hold up those they assassinated as trophies to their own people, before enacting a land grab.

    To say the least, this is a risky and reckless strategy. It could also backfire, resulting in a situation in which Israel will collapse as a State. If the fall of Israel seems inevitable, they will have two options at this point also:

    1) Fire nuclear warheads (AKA the Samson Option)

    2) Allow for a multinational regional force to send its armies into Palestine/Israel in order to secure the territory. This could include the Egyptian, Jordanian, and Turkish armed forces, which would be used to hold territory and deter attacks from groups fighting Israel out of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. This would be a strategy employed to save Israel from losing its territory, while also providing a way for Israeli citizens to flee the country.

    We have entered a dangerous period of war and this could easily escalate into a situation that spins out of everyone's control. Unfortunately, the US government has allowed this to happen and may involve itself in such an un-winnable war.


    Israel's Unhinged Assassinations Are A Threat To Global Security The Last American Vagabond Israel's assassination of a Hezbollah leader in Beirut, followed shortly after by the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Hanniyeh in Tehran, represent unhinged military operations which were undoubtedly green-lit by the United States. As the region now descends into further chaos, which could engulf the world, it is important to understand why this happened and what the US-Israeli strategy is. Last Tuesday, Israel launched an attack on southern Beirut, the Lebanese capital, killing 7 and injuring 80 others, including 3 children and two women. The building the Israeli Air Force struck, using drones and missiles fired from fighter jets, was a civilian populated tower and was reduced to mere rubble. Tel Aviv's primary target was a Hezbollah military leader called Fouad Shoukr, one of the groups most prominent military leaders, and he was killed alongside an Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) advisor in that building. Only hours later, a shock report emerged from Iran. Ismail Hanniyeh, the head of the Hamas political wing, had been assassinated in a building located in Tehran, the Iranian Capital, after attending the inauguration of Iran's new President Masoud Pezeshkian. Hanniyeh, who had been advocating strongly for a ceasefire in Gaza and even announced that Hamas would be willing to lay down its weapons if a two-State solution was reached only months earlier, had been eliminated, and with him, perhaps the final hope at a peaceful solution. What Led Up To This? In order to understand the thinking of the Israelis and to also comprehend what we are now seeing, we have to look at the situation through the cold lenses of strategy, robbing the situation of legal and moral interpretations. Israel has failed to achieve its declared goal of its war in the Gaza Strip, vowing to completely destroy Hamas. If we take for instance the latest analysis published by CNN -- which combined the analyses of investigative journalists at the US media outlet with those of the American Enterprise Institute’s Critical Threats Project and the Institute for the Study of War -- only 3 out of 24 Hamas battalions in Gaza have been rendered combat ineffective, while 13 were degraded and 8 are still combat effective. Despite the Israeli military's denial of these conclusions, the facts on the ground appear to strongly back the conclusions published by CNN, and although Benjamin Netanyahu declared to Congress last month that "victory is in sight", his own military admitted that they couldn't defeat Hamas. Keep in mind here, that the Israelis have, by their own admission, failed to destroy 80% of the Gaza tunnel systems that the resistance fighters use, despite attempting to flood them with water and fill them with chemical gas. On top of this, there are around a dozen Palestinian armed groups inside the Gaza Strip that are combating Israel's ground invasion and there is no sign that any of them have been completely defeated either as we still receive communiques and videos from them which feature their fighters launching attacks on Israeli military targets. Israel is also lying about its military casualties in the Gaza Strip, as contradictory reports continually surface about how many injured soldiers there are, and the death toll is not consistent with what the video evidence suggests either. Regardless of how you see the above, however, Israel has failed to defeat Hamas after 10 months of fighting in the Gaza Strip and their use of maximum firepower, with little to no concern for civilian life. The Israelis are also suffering from a significant problem in troop motivation, as their soldiers are tired and many have expressed no desire to continue fighting, while they additionally suffer from a shortage of tanks and armored personnel carriers that they need to fight on other fronts. Israel has also failed to free its captives held in Gaza, killing more of them than it has managed to actually recapture. This, as an internal Israeli crisis continues to plague their society, with a battle between secular and religious threatening to spiral out of control. All this as Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, understands well that ending the war will cost him his far-right coalition and perhaps lead to further chaos, in addition to his arrest on charges of corruption if he was to lose the election that would inevitably follow. It suffices to say that Israel is at a breaking point, 46,000 businesses have closed since October 7, while projections predict that this figure will rise to 60,000 by the end of 2024. The Israeli Port of Eilat has declared bankruptcy, while hundreds of thousands of Israelis remain displaced or have moved away from the surrounding settlements around Gaza or the Lebanese border. The blow that Hamas delivered to Israel's security, military, intelligence, weapons industry, and political elitists on October 7, has never been recovered from, as Hezbollah and Yemen's Ansarallah strike at will against Israeli targets. The US-Israeli vision prior to the Hamas-led October 7 attack was to formally establish ties between Riyadh and Tel Aviv, paving the way for the construction of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), which the Biden administration announced on September 9, 2023, during the G-20 summit hosted by India. US President Joe Biden announced the IMEC as a "really big deal", believing that all the chips were in place to initiate Saudi-Israeli normalization and begin creating the new trade route through the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and then occupied Palestine. In reality, Washington had completely ignored the plight of the Palestinians and assumed them to be a non-issue, proceeding to go ahead with the tunnel vision approach of pursuing a policy that was going to lead to catastrophe in West Asia. The plan was to form an "Arab NATO" that would be led by the Israelis, designed to combat Iran and to construct this new trade route that was designed to rival China's Belt and Road Initiative in line with the US' Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII). Israel Had Two Options Hamas shattered the dreams and aspirations of the US-Israeli alliance on October 7, putting the Palestinian cause for Statehood back on the map. Israel's response, backed fully by their US allies, was designed to make the Palestinians pay the ultimate price for daring to disrupt their West Asia agenda. Yet the further Israel took the conflict, the worse its own predicament got and the less likely it began to appear that the Israelis were going to achieve their war goals. The whole world looked on in shock and horror at the genocide that was taking place inside the Gaza Strip, while every single organ of the United Nations worked overtime to point out how egregious Israel's crimes were, the record of which does not need to be mentioned here as it is so incredibly lengthy and publcailly acknowledged. However, the US government stood by Israel's side and refused to say no. No sane American voices emerged from Washington to deter the US-Israeli alliance from escalating and therefore the Israelis were given a free hand to continue their vengeance policy in Gaza. Israel was left with two options: 1) Pursue an immediate ceasefire, which would end the war in Gaza and all the other fronts. A ceasefire which would have included a prisoner exchange to free captives on both sides and to then continue on to negotiate some kind of interim agreement that would pave the way to a meaningful two-State solution. Off the back of this there could have been the possibility of there still being a route to Saudi-Israeli normalization, and dialogue between Iran and the United States to revive the Iran Nuclear Deal, while the Israeli economy could slowly find its way to stability. From there, the Israeli domestic situation would begin to boil, yet there could have been methods of attempting to find middle-ground with strong influence from American Zionists and the US government. 2) Refuse to accept compromise, expand the war to other fronts with the hope that you can contain the situation to limited wars and battles, without triggering a full-scale regional conflagration. This strategy, as I have written about for The Last American Vagabond in the past, would include escalation on the Lebanese front specifically, so that Israel can claim to have confronted Hezbollah and end the conflict it causes in a stale-mate. After closing this war, they would then move on to annexing territory in the occupied West Bank and hold this up as a victory from the war. Israel chose the latter strategy, which now comes at a major cost. Not only have the Israelis -- with US backing -- decided to enter into a new phase of conflict with regional actors, they have killed any possibility for peace in the future. At this point, the situation can go one of two ways. Either their will be an all-out regional war that will wipe Israel off the face of the earth, or the situation will manage to quiet down after significant death and destruction on both sides. Israel took a great gamble by carrying out these two assassinations. According to Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Israel committed three separate actions which deserve responses; the Israelis assassinated a Hezbollah leader, attacked the Lebanese Capital, and committed a civilian massacre. While the assassination of Ismail Hanniyeh destroyed the prospect of reaching an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, while also violating Iran's sovereignty and dealing a massive blow to Iranian security. Iran therefore officially informed the UN of their intention to respond in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. Both the Israeli and American governments, who share equal guilt in this escalation that we are now seeing, are betting on being able to limit the scope of the war. If we are to assume that the Israeli-US alliance is not suicidal, because an all out war will wipe Israel off of the map, then we must interpret their actions as a desperate last ditch attempt to try and assert their dominance over the region. If the Israelis can pull through a regional war, which does not transform into an all out battle to the death, then they can claim a small victory by simply surviving. Then, from there, they can bring in the United Nations to force an end to the war on all fronts, conclude a deal with Hamas in Gaza, before moving on to fixating on the West Bank. So, in their strategic thinking, they have pulled off a bold move, which could manage to salvage a stalemate and save them from a slow defeat. At the end of which they will hold up those they assassinated as trophies to their own people, before enacting a land grab. To say the least, this is a risky and reckless strategy. It could also backfire, resulting in a situation in which Israel will collapse as a State. If the fall of Israel seems inevitable, they will have two options at this point also: 1) Fire nuclear warheads (AKA the Samson Option) 2) Allow for a multinational regional force to send its armies into Palestine/Israel in order to secure the territory. This could include the Egyptian, Jordanian, and Turkish armed forces, which would be used to hold territory and deter attacks from groups fighting Israel out of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. This would be a strategy employed to save Israel from losing its territory, while also providing a way for Israeli citizens to flee the country. We have entered a dangerous period of war and this could easily escalate into a situation that spins out of everyone's control. Unfortunately, the US government has allowed this to happen and may involve itself in such an un-winnable war. https://substack.com/home/post/p-147421016 https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/08/israels-unhinged-assassinations-are.html
    Israel's Unhinged Assassinations Are A Threat To Global Security
    Israel's assassination of a Hezbollah leader in Beirut, followed shortly after by the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Hanniyeh in Tehran, represent unhinged military operations which were undoubtedly green-lit by the United States.
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  • How Israel controls $188m of Palestinian money every month
    Palestinian tax revenue destined for Gaza has been frozen by Israel since November – here’s what’s happening now.

    Israeli soldiers operate in the Gaza Strip on January 21, 2024 [Israeli Army/Handout via Reuters]
    On Sunday, Israel approved a plan to send taxes earmarked for Gaza to Norway instead of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which exercises limited self-rule in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

    Since November, taxes that would ordinarily be sent to Gaza have been frozen by the Israeli government.

    Under the terms of a deal reached in the 1990s, Israel collects tax on behalf of the Palestinians and makes monthly transfers to the PA pending the approval of the Ministry of Finance.

    While the PA was ousted from the Gaza Strip in 2007, many of its public sector employees in the enclave kept their jobs and continued to be paid with transferred tax revenues.

    Weeks after the Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7, Israel took the decision to withhold payments earmarked for those employees in the Gaza Strip on the grounds that they could fall into the hands of Hamas.

    Now, Israel says it will instead send the frozen funds to Norway. “The frozen funds will not be transferred to the Palestinian Authority, but will remain in the hands of a third country,” the Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement released on Sunday.

    Why does Israel control Palestinian tax revenue?

    The system by which taxes and customs duties are collected by Israel on behalf of the PA and transferred to the authority on a monthly basis was agreed in a 1994 accord.

    Known as the Paris Protocol, the accord was meant to manage the economic relationship between Israel and the Palestinian territories it occupied until a final peace settlement was reached between the two states.

    Approved in the wake of the optimism generated by the Oslo Accords, which were publicly ratified by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat at the White House in September 1993, this protocol was supposed to end within five years.

    However, 30 years later, the financial settlement continues to give the Israeli state what the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has called “a disproportionate influence on the collection of Palestinian fiscal revenue, leading to deficiencies in the structure and collection of customs duties resulting from direct and indirect importing into Palestine”.

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    How much money is Israel withholding?

    The tax revenues collected by Israel on behalf of the PA amount to around $188m each month, and account for 64 percent of the authority’s total revenue.

    A large portion of this is used to pay the salaries of the estimated 150,000 PA employees working in the West Bank and Gaza, despite it having no jurisdiction over the Strip.

    On November 3, the Israel security cabinet voted to withhold a total of $275m in Palestinian tax revenues, including cash collected for prior months that was still with Tel Aviv.

    “The PA is not clear about how much of the tax revenues go to Gaza – it’s a black box,” Rabeh Morrar, director of research at the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute-MAS, told Al Jazeera. “Sometimes they say 30 percent, sometimes 40, sometimes 50.”

    Under terms set by Israel’s cabinet on Sunday, the monthly tax revenue previously allocated to PA staff in Gaza will instead be transferred to a Norwegian-based trust account. However, that money cannot be released by the fund to pay workers in Gaza without permission from Israel.

    The only member of the Israeli government to oppose plans to send the funds to Norway was far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who insisted that the initiative “does not guarantee that the money will not reach the Nazis from Gaza”.

    How does Israel exercise ‘disproportionate influence’ over the PA?

    The Israeli state has often used its control of the PA’s tax revenues as a means to blackmail and punish the authority.

    In January 2023, for instance, the newly-formed Israeli government – seen as the most far-right coalition government in the country’s history – decided to withhold $39m in tax revenues from the PA following the authority’s decision to ask the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to rule on the legality of Israel’s decades-long occupation.

    “Israeli blackmailing of our tax revenues will not stop us from continuing our political and diplomatic struggle,” said Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh at the time after Israel’s security cabinet had earlier described the PA’s ICJ move as a “decision to wage political and legal war against the State of Israel”.

    What effect has Israel’s withdrawal of public money had on Palestine?

    “The PA owes billions in internal debt to local banks, hospitals, medical companies and the private sector,” said Morrar. “There are also debts [owed], for example, for privately owned buildings rented out by the government. They have not been able to pay those back.”

    In 2021, the PA’s financial crisis, exacerbated by Israel’s periodic refusal to pay the PA its total tax revenue share pre-October 7, prompted it to reduce all salaries by 25 percent.

    Since November, when Israel decided to freeze funds earmarked for Gaza, the PA has refused to accept any money at all in protest.

    Against the backdrop of Israel’s continued bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 25,000 Palestinians since October 7, and as a result of its decision to refuse Israel’s terms, the PA has not been able to pay employee salaries for a month and a half.

    While some reports have emerged that the PA may be about to relent and agree to receive partial payments from Israel, which would release some much-needed funds to many of its cash-strapped staff, the occupied West Bank remains at the mercy of Israeli diktats.

    Indeed, Israel suspended the work permits of some 130,000 day workers from the occupied West Bank after the war began. And a total of 355 Palestinians have been killed in the territory, including in occupied East Jerusalem, by Israeli forces and Israeli settlers since October 7.

    How Israel controls $188m of Palestinian money every month Palestinian tax revenue destined for Gaza has been frozen by Israel since November – here’s what’s happening now. Israeli soldiers operate in the Gaza Strip on January 21, 2024 [Israeli Army/Handout via Reuters] On Sunday, Israel approved a plan to send taxes earmarked for Gaza to Norway instead of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which exercises limited self-rule in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Since November, taxes that would ordinarily be sent to Gaza have been frozen by the Israeli government. Under the terms of a deal reached in the 1990s, Israel collects tax on behalf of the Palestinians and makes monthly transfers to the PA pending the approval of the Ministry of Finance. While the PA was ousted from the Gaza Strip in 2007, many of its public sector employees in the enclave kept their jobs and continued to be paid with transferred tax revenues. Weeks after the Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7, Israel took the decision to withhold payments earmarked for those employees in the Gaza Strip on the grounds that they could fall into the hands of Hamas. Now, Israel says it will instead send the frozen funds to Norway. “The frozen funds will not be transferred to the Palestinian Authority, but will remain in the hands of a third country,” the Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement released on Sunday. Why does Israel control Palestinian tax revenue? The system by which taxes and customs duties are collected by Israel on behalf of the PA and transferred to the authority on a monthly basis was agreed in a 1994 accord. Known as the Paris Protocol, the accord was meant to manage the economic relationship between Israel and the Palestinian territories it occupied until a final peace settlement was reached between the two states. Approved in the wake of the optimism generated by the Oslo Accords, which were publicly ratified by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat at the White House in September 1993, this protocol was supposed to end within five years. However, 30 years later, the financial settlement continues to give the Israeli state what the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has called “a disproportionate influence on the collection of Palestinian fiscal revenue, leading to deficiencies in the structure and collection of customs duties resulting from direct and indirect importing into Palestine”. Sign up for Al Jazeera Weekly Newsletter protected by reCAPTCHA How much money is Israel withholding? The tax revenues collected by Israel on behalf of the PA amount to around $188m each month, and account for 64 percent of the authority’s total revenue. A large portion of this is used to pay the salaries of the estimated 150,000 PA employees working in the West Bank and Gaza, despite it having no jurisdiction over the Strip. On November 3, the Israel security cabinet voted to withhold a total of $275m in Palestinian tax revenues, including cash collected for prior months that was still with Tel Aviv. “The PA is not clear about how much of the tax revenues go to Gaza – it’s a black box,” Rabeh Morrar, director of research at the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute-MAS, told Al Jazeera. “Sometimes they say 30 percent, sometimes 40, sometimes 50.” Under terms set by Israel’s cabinet on Sunday, the monthly tax revenue previously allocated to PA staff in Gaza will instead be transferred to a Norwegian-based trust account. However, that money cannot be released by the fund to pay workers in Gaza without permission from Israel. The only member of the Israeli government to oppose plans to send the funds to Norway was far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who insisted that the initiative “does not guarantee that the money will not reach the Nazis from Gaza”. How does Israel exercise ‘disproportionate influence’ over the PA? The Israeli state has often used its control of the PA’s tax revenues as a means to blackmail and punish the authority. In January 2023, for instance, the newly-formed Israeli government – seen as the most far-right coalition government in the country’s history – decided to withhold $39m in tax revenues from the PA following the authority’s decision to ask the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to rule on the legality of Israel’s decades-long occupation. “Israeli blackmailing of our tax revenues will not stop us from continuing our political and diplomatic struggle,” said Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh at the time after Israel’s security cabinet had earlier described the PA’s ICJ move as a “decision to wage political and legal war against the State of Israel”. What effect has Israel’s withdrawal of public money had on Palestine? “The PA owes billions in internal debt to local banks, hospitals, medical companies and the private sector,” said Morrar. “There are also debts [owed], for example, for privately owned buildings rented out by the government. They have not been able to pay those back.” In 2021, the PA’s financial crisis, exacerbated by Israel’s periodic refusal to pay the PA its total tax revenue share pre-October 7, prompted it to reduce all salaries by 25 percent. Since November, when Israel decided to freeze funds earmarked for Gaza, the PA has refused to accept any money at all in protest. Against the backdrop of Israel’s continued bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 25,000 Palestinians since October 7, and as a result of its decision to refuse Israel’s terms, the PA has not been able to pay employee salaries for a month and a half. While some reports have emerged that the PA may be about to relent and agree to receive partial payments from Israel, which would release some much-needed funds to many of its cash-strapped staff, the occupied West Bank remains at the mercy of Israeli diktats. Indeed, Israel suspended the work permits of some 130,000 day workers from the occupied West Bank after the war began. And a total of 355 Palestinians have been killed in the territory, including in occupied East Jerusalem, by Israeli forces and Israeli settlers since October 7. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/23/why-is-israel-sending-palestinian-taxes-to-norway
    How Israel controls $188 million of Palestinian money every month
    Palestinian tax revenue destined for Gaza has been frozen by Israel since November – here’s what’s happening now.
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  • Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh assassinated in Iran
    Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran where he had been attending the president’s inauguration.

    Head and shoulders photo of Ismail Haniyeh
    Hamas’s political chief Ismail Haniyeh has been assassinated in Iran’s capital, Tehran, according to a statement from the group that governs Gaza, which blamed Israel for his death.

    Haniyeh and one of his bodyguards were killed after the building where they were staying was struck, the statement said, adding that Haniyeh was in Tehran to attend the inauguration ceremony of Iran’s President Masoud Pezeshkian on Tuesday.

    “The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas mourns to our great Palestinian people, to the Arab and Islamic nation, and to all the free people of the world: brother, leader, martyr, Mujahid Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the movement, who was killed in a treacherous Zionist raid on his residence in Tehran,” Hamas said.

    Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) also announced Haniyeh’s death.

    “Early this morning, the residence of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran was struck, resulting in his and one of his bodyguards’ martyrdom. The cause is under investigation and will be announced soon,” the IRGC said in a statement, adding that the attack was under investigation.

    According to media reports, the Hamas leader was killed when an “airborne guided projectile” hit a special residence for military veterans in the north of Tehran, at which he was staying, at about 2am local time (22:30 GMT on Tuesday).

    Israel remained silent on Haniyeh’s death, with media there reporting that the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had ordered cabinet ministers not to comment. Far-right Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, however, celebrated the Hamas leader’s death on social media platform X.

    The killing “makes the world a little better,” he wrote in Hebrew.

    Israel launched a war in Gaza, promising to eliminate Hamas and kill its leaders after the group attacked Israel on October 7, killing 1,200 people and taking more than 200 others captive.

    At least 39,400 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s war, with 90,996 injured.

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    Haniyeh left the Gaza Strip in 2019 and lived in Qatar. The top Hamas leader in Gaza is Yahya Sinwar.

    Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, who is in Deir el-Balah in Gaza, said the killing was “significant” for the people of Gaza because he was leading negotiations that they hoped would lead to a ceasefire.

    “Palestinians across Gaza and the West Bank also view Ismail Haniyeh as a moderate leader who is much more pragmatic compared to other leaders who head the military side of the movement,” Mahmoud said.

    “He is very popular here. He grew up in a refugee camp. He represents the vast majority of the people who are the descendants of the refugee families who were displaced from the Palestinian territories in 1948.”

    Many worry that Haniyeh’s killing could now lead to a further escalation of the conflict, he added.

    Tensions were already high after Israel said it targeted a senior Hezbollah commander in a “precision strike” on Beirut on Tuesday.

    “This is a huge escalation – what happened yesterday in Lebanon, what’s happening today in Tehran. It’s an escalation by [Israel] and that’s going to have significant ramifications,” Sami al-Arian, the director of the Center for Islam and Global Affairs at Istanbul Zaim University, told Al Jazeera.

    Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh assassinated in Iran Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran where he had been attending the president’s inauguration. Head and shoulders photo of Ismail Haniyeh Hamas’s political chief Ismail Haniyeh has been assassinated in Iran’s capital, Tehran, according to a statement from the group that governs Gaza, which blamed Israel for his death. Haniyeh and one of his bodyguards were killed after the building where they were staying was struck, the statement said, adding that Haniyeh was in Tehran to attend the inauguration ceremony of Iran’s President Masoud Pezeshkian on Tuesday. “The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas mourns to our great Palestinian people, to the Arab and Islamic nation, and to all the free people of the world: brother, leader, martyr, Mujahid Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the movement, who was killed in a treacherous Zionist raid on his residence in Tehran,” Hamas said. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) also announced Haniyeh’s death. “Early this morning, the residence of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran was struck, resulting in his and one of his bodyguards’ martyrdom. The cause is under investigation and will be announced soon,” the IRGC said in a statement, adding that the attack was under investigation. According to media reports, the Hamas leader was killed when an “airborne guided projectile” hit a special residence for military veterans in the north of Tehran, at which he was staying, at about 2am local time (22:30 GMT on Tuesday). Israel remained silent on Haniyeh’s death, with media there reporting that the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had ordered cabinet ministers not to comment. Far-right Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, however, celebrated the Hamas leader’s death on social media platform X. The killing “makes the world a little better,” he wrote in Hebrew. Israel launched a war in Gaza, promising to eliminate Hamas and kill its leaders after the group attacked Israel on October 7, killing 1,200 people and taking more than 200 others captive. At least 39,400 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s war, with 90,996 injured. Sign up for Al Jazeera Weekly Newsletter protected by reCAPTCHA Haniyeh left the Gaza Strip in 2019 and lived in Qatar. The top Hamas leader in Gaza is Yahya Sinwar. Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, who is in Deir el-Balah in Gaza, said the killing was “significant” for the people of Gaza because he was leading negotiations that they hoped would lead to a ceasefire. “Palestinians across Gaza and the West Bank also view Ismail Haniyeh as a moderate leader who is much more pragmatic compared to other leaders who head the military side of the movement,” Mahmoud said. “He is very popular here. He grew up in a refugee camp. He represents the vast majority of the people who are the descendants of the refugee families who were displaced from the Palestinian territories in 1948.” Many worry that Haniyeh’s killing could now lead to a further escalation of the conflict, he added. Tensions were already high after Israel said it targeted a senior Hezbollah commander in a “precision strike” on Beirut on Tuesday. “This is a huge escalation – what happened yesterday in Lebanon, what’s happening today in Tehran. It’s an escalation by [Israel] and that’s going to have significant ramifications,” Sami al-Arian, the director of the Center for Islam and Global Affairs at Istanbul Zaim University, told Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/7/31/hamass-political-chief-ismail-haniyeh-assassinated-in-iran-state-media
    Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh assassinated in Iran
    Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran where he had been attending the president’s inauguration.
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  • ICJ ruling offers some vindication after 76 years of Palestinian struggle; Israeli strikes keep killing Gazans – Day 286
    [email protected] July 20, 2024 Christina Assi, eilat port, genocide, hind rajab, houthis, icj, illegal occupation, international law, netanyahu congress, recognition of israel, reparations, tel aviv attack, unseat israel, west bank deaths
    The International Court of Justice says Israel's ongoing presence in Occupied Palestinian territory is illegal and violates international law. Judges determined Israel is obligated to end its unlawful presence as quickly as possible and must stop all new settlement activity. (photo)
    Int’l Court of Justice deals a severe blow to Israel; at least 50 killed in Gaza; Israel’s killing of Hind Rajab a war crime; West Bank deaths; Yemeni drone hits Tel Aviv; Eilat Port in Israel declares bankruptcy; calls for Israel to be “unseated” from UN; 200 Congress staffers call for boycott of Netanyahu’s Congress speech; Calls to investigate Israel for genocide; more.

    By IAK staff, from reports.

    Israel should evacuate settlements, pay reparations, ICJ says

    Washington Post reports: The International Court of Justice, the top judicial arm of the United Nations, said Friday that Israel should end its occupation of Palestinian territory, evacuate existing settlements, stop building new ones and pay reparations to Palestinians who have lost land and property.

    In a sweeping 83-page legal opinion, the court, based in The Hague, said Israel is responsible for “systematic discrimination” against Palestinians based on race or ethnicity, has breached the right of Palestinians to self-determination and has effectively annexed large swaths of land.

    “Israel has an obligation to bring an end to its presence in the occupied Palestinian territory as rapidly as possible,” Nawaf Salam, the court’s president, said from the bench Friday. He added that the court considers Israel’s continued presence illegal and a “wrongful act.”

    The searing advisory opinion is nonbinding but still holds legal weight and could have broader consequences in the international arena, including in trade and diplomacy. The court said member states should not recognize as legal the situation arising from Israel’s presence in occupied territory, nor should they render aid or assistance in maintaining it.

    The key points in the ICJ’s opinion

    Israel’s ongoing presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is deemed illegal.

    Israel must end its presence in the occupied territories as soon as possible.

    Israel should immediately cease settlement expansion and evacuate all settlers from the occupied areas.

    Israel is required to make reparations for the damage caused to the local and lawful population in the Palestinian territories.

    The international community and organizations have a duty not to recognize the Israeli presence in the territories as legal and to avoid supporting its maintenance.

    The UN should consider what actions are necessary to end the Israeli presence in the territories as soon as possible.

    At least 50 killed across Gaza over last day

    Al Jazeera reports: As the world responded to a landmark ICJ ruling declaring Israel’s occupation of the West Bank in violation of international law, Israeli forces continued attacks across Gaza.

    At least 24 people were killed in attacks in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, according to local authorities.

    Other killings included three people in an Israeli raid on a house south of Khan Younis and another Palestinian killed north of Nuseirat. Attacks were also reported in Deir el-Balah.

    Video shows strike near Civil Defense, journalists in az-Zawayda

    Al Jazeera reports: A video, which has been verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad unit, shows a man wearing a “press” vest standing next to a member of the Civil Defence with a fire hose over his shoulder in the central Gaza area.

    An Israeli strike then hits just metres (yards) away as the men dive for cover.

    In a post on Instagram, the man who took the video, activist Saleh Aljafarawi, said the Israeli attack “deliberately targets the place where the ambulance crews, Civil Defence and press crews are located”.

    Gaza’s Government Media Office said on Wednesday that 160 journalists and 79 members of the Civil Defence have been killed since the war began.

    Gaza: Killing of Hind Rajab and her family – a war crime

    OHCHR reports: The killing of five-year old Hind Rajab, her family and two paramedics may amount to a war crime, independent experts warned Friday.

    “The brutality of these killings seem to illustrate how reckless the army has been in its Gaza campaign: all instances of extrajudicial killing must be duly investigated and accounted for,” the experts said.

    “These killings are not isolated cases,” the experts said. “We are extremely troubled by the pattern of apparent indiscriminate and targeted attacks against civillians in Gaza, including on locations used for humanitarian assistance or to shelter IDPs,” they said.

    “The firing of heavy-calibre projectiles at a humanitarian zone near an office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza, killing 22 displaced civilians, and most recently the attacks on IDP tents in Al Mawasi area, on Ash Shati’ Refugee Camp, and on the UNRWA Abu Oreiban school sheltering IDPs, among others, killing nearly 320 Palestinians, half of them women and children, have reinforced the fact that there is no safe place in Gaza” the experts said.

    “Such attacks amount to grave violations of international humanitarian law, must be promptly and reliably investigated, and should be severely punished.

    “The willful or indiscriminate killing of protected persons, including civilians, medical personnel and humanitarian workers, amount to war crimes, and if systematic, crimes against humanity, and should be prevented at all costs,” the experts warned. “We remain deeply troubled by the total impunity and apparent lack of investigations, and prevention of these crimes. This is all the more worrisome in the context of the recent order from the International Court of Justice for Israel to take immediate measures to protect Gaza’s population from the risk of genocide,” the experts said.

    RECOMMENDED READING: You need to meet this little girl named Hind

    West Bank: Israeli forces kill 20 year old; 22 year old dies of injuries

    IMEMC reports: Israeli forces shot and killed Palestinian Ibrahim Hamza Zaqaqiq, age 20 on Friday night, in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.

    Israeli soldiers reportedly fired live rounds, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades at citizens, shooting Zaqaqiq in the head with a live round, causing serious injuries; he was transported to Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron, where he later died.

    WAFA reports: Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, north of the West Bank, announced this evening the passing of 22-year-old Yaman Ahmed Asfour, who succumbed to injuries sustained from Israeli army gunfire in January.

    The medical staff worked tirelessly to save his life, but his condition remained critical until his passing earlier today.

    Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity.
    Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity. (photo)
    PIJ, Hamas call on PLO to ‘withdraw recognition’ of Israel

    The Cradle reports: Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement called in a joint statement on 19 July for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to drop its recognition of Israel.

    The statement called on the PLO and its affiliated legislative body, the Palestinian Authority (PA), to “withdraw its recognition of the Zionist entity, in response to the Knesset’s decision not to recognize a Palestinian state.”

    Yemen declares Tel Aviv ‘unsafe zone’ after successful drone attack

    The Cradle reports: The Yemeni Armed Forces has claimed responsibility for a deadly drone attack that hit the Israeli city of Tel Aviv during the early hours of 19 July, killing at least one and injuring several others.

    The drone did not set off any alarms as it entered Israeli airspace from the south before hitting a building near the US consulate.

    The Yemeni drone also bypassed US warships.

    The Armed Forces of Yemen’s Sanaa government reportedly has a “very large” stock of this type of drone.

    The Yemeni Houthis’ attacks target ships linked to Israel, the United States or Britain, as part of the rebels’ support for Gaza

    RECOMMENDED READING: Houthi drone strikes Tel Aviv: How significant is the attack?

    A view of the destruction following an explosion caused by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attack near the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 19, 2024
    A view of the destruction following an explosion caused by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attack near the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 19, 2024 (photo)
    Israel’s Eilat Port declares bankruptcy

    Middle East Monitor reports: The Israeli port of Eilat officially declared its bankruptcy, after eight months of complete paralysis of commercial activity and its cessation of receiving ships and containers, especially coming from the Asian countries’ markets, carrying with them the needs of the economy and its industrial sector.

    The reason for this was the successive attacks launched by the Yemeni Houthi group on Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, as well as the targeting of ships from countries supporting the Occupation in the genocidal war it is waging against the people of Gaza, most notably American and British ships.

    According to the World Cargo website that reports global shipping news, the port of Eilat has officially declared bankruptcy due to the lack of commercial activity.

    Special rapporteur supports call for Israel’s ‘unseating’ from UN

    Francesca Albanese, the UN’s special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, has added her voice to a call for Israel to be unseated from the United Nations.

    Reposting an earlier call on social media for the “unseating” of Israel by the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Albanese said it was “time” to remove Israel from the world body.

    The UN rapporteur on housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, said on Tuesday that it was “high time” to take action as Israel continued its “criminal attacks” on the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza “without any consequences”.

    Israel should be unseated “from the UN, as was done with apartheid South Africa”, Rajagopal said in a post on social media.

    Over 200 congressional staffers sign letter protesting Netanyahu address

    The Hill reports: More than 200 anonymous staff members across 122 Democratic and Republican congressional offices signed a letter this week calling for Congress to protest or boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech next week on Capitol Hill, citing concerns about the ongoing war in Gaza.

    The letter, organized by the Congressional Progressive Staff Association and signed by 230 House and Senate staffers, said speaking out against Netanyahu’s July 24 joint address to Congress was an “issue of morality” and not politics.

    “Citizens, students, and lawmakers across the country and the world have spoken out against the actions of Mr. Netanyahu in his War on Gaza,” the letter reads. “Israelis have been protesting in the streets for months, decrying his failure to negotiate a ceasefire and release of hostages. We hope you will join your fellow Members of Congress in protest at his speech or in refusing to attend it.”

    Rights Group Urges DOJ to Investigate US-Bound Netanyahu for Genocide

    Common Dreams reports: As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to visit Washington, D.C. next week, an American legal group on Friday pressured the U.S. Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into him and other officials for committing or authorizing genocide, war crimes, and torture targeting Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

    “We believe ample credible evidence exists to sufficiently establish that serious crimes falling within U.S. criminal jurisdiction are systematically being perpetrated in Gaza,” says the Center for Constitutional Rights’ (CCR) 23-page letter to Hope Olds, who leads the Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section (HRSP) of the DOJ’s Criminal Division.

    “Given the frequent travel of Israeli officials and citizens to the United States resulting in their presence within U.S. jurisdiction, and recalling that HRSP is part of a coordinated, interagency effort to deny safe haven in the United States to human rights violators,” the letter states, “the Department of Justice must urgently investigate and hold accountable those responsible for war crimes and other serious crimes being committed on a wide-scale basis in the occupied Gaza Strip, including potentially U.S. and U.S.-dual citizens.”

    (Read the full article here.)

    MENA sports headlines:

    Belgium and Italy refuse to host Israel match over Gaza war

    The Belgian Football Federation (RBFA) said it would not host a Nations League match against Israel on 6 September as the event was likely to spark demonstrations.

    The city of Brussels said last month that the match would not be played at the King Baudouin stadium as authorities had deemed it “impossible to organize this very high-risk match” in the city due to tensions linked to Israel’s war on Gaza.

    Other Belgian cities also refused to host the match.

    Similarly in Italy, a northeastern city has refused to host the Israeli national team for a Nations League game in October.

    “Hosting such a match at a time when Israel is a country at war carries risks of causing divisions and social problems […],” the mayor said. “We refuse to associate the name of our city with this match”.

    Lebanese journalist who survived Israeli strike to carry Olympics flame

    Lebanese photojournalist Christina Assi who was severely wounded by an Israeli strike in southern Lebanon last October while on assignment, is set to carry the Olympic Flame on Sunday, 21 July, in Vincennes, France.

    The AFP photographer made the announcement on her Instagram page on Wednesday, which she described as a tribute to journalists who had lost their lives while doing their job.

    Assi, 29, was struck by an Israeli shell on 13 October 2023 while reporting on cross-border attacks from southern Lebanon, and has since had her right leg amputated.

    “When AFP was asked to carry the Olympic Flame, we thought of Christina, whose courage and tenacity are admired by everyone at the Agency. Having her carry this symbol of peace sends a powerful message for her and for all journalists affected in the line of duty,” said Pierre Galy, AFP’s head of sport.


    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    The Guardian: Shellshocked, attacked, left to die – this is the reality for disabled people in Gaza

    Common Dreams: ‘Ticking Time Bomb’: International Alarm as Poliovirus Found in Gaza Sewage

    Al Jazeera: Adidas drops Bella Hadid from campaign referencing 1972 Munich Olympics

    Mondoweiss: The end of Israel’s economy

    Middle East Eye: ICJ opinion on Israel’s occupation upends the order that oppresses Palestinians


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – July 19: at least 39,497* (38,919 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,034 children as of June 17. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 578 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 46 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 40 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
    2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – July 19: at least 95,042 (including at least 89,622 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children).

    [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]
    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – July 19: ~1,481 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 326 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

    Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

    Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org
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    ICJ ruling offers some vindication after 76 years of Palestinian struggle; Israeli strikes keep killing Gazans – Day 286 [email protected] July 20, 2024 Christina Assi, eilat port, genocide, hind rajab, houthis, icj, illegal occupation, international law, netanyahu congress, recognition of israel, reparations, tel aviv attack, unseat israel, west bank deaths The International Court of Justice says Israel's ongoing presence in Occupied Palestinian territory is illegal and violates international law. Judges determined Israel is obligated to end its unlawful presence as quickly as possible and must stop all new settlement activity. (photo) Int’l Court of Justice deals a severe blow to Israel; at least 50 killed in Gaza; Israel’s killing of Hind Rajab a war crime; West Bank deaths; Yemeni drone hits Tel Aviv; Eilat Port in Israel declares bankruptcy; calls for Israel to be “unseated” from UN; 200 Congress staffers call for boycott of Netanyahu’s Congress speech; Calls to investigate Israel for genocide; more. By IAK staff, from reports. Israel should evacuate settlements, pay reparations, ICJ says Washington Post reports: The International Court of Justice, the top judicial arm of the United Nations, said Friday that Israel should end its occupation of Palestinian territory, evacuate existing settlements, stop building new ones and pay reparations to Palestinians who have lost land and property. In a sweeping 83-page legal opinion, the court, based in The Hague, said Israel is responsible for “systematic discrimination” against Palestinians based on race or ethnicity, has breached the right of Palestinians to self-determination and has effectively annexed large swaths of land. “Israel has an obligation to bring an end to its presence in the occupied Palestinian territory as rapidly as possible,” Nawaf Salam, the court’s president, said from the bench Friday. He added that the court considers Israel’s continued presence illegal and a “wrongful act.” The searing advisory opinion is nonbinding but still holds legal weight and could have broader consequences in the international arena, including in trade and diplomacy. The court said member states should not recognize as legal the situation arising from Israel’s presence in occupied territory, nor should they render aid or assistance in maintaining it. The key points in the ICJ’s opinion Israel’s ongoing presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is deemed illegal. Israel must end its presence in the occupied territories as soon as possible. Israel should immediately cease settlement expansion and evacuate all settlers from the occupied areas. Israel is required to make reparations for the damage caused to the local and lawful population in the Palestinian territories. The international community and organizations have a duty not to recognize the Israeli presence in the territories as legal and to avoid supporting its maintenance. The UN should consider what actions are necessary to end the Israeli presence in the territories as soon as possible. At least 50 killed across Gaza over last day Al Jazeera reports: As the world responded to a landmark ICJ ruling declaring Israel’s occupation of the West Bank in violation of international law, Israeli forces continued attacks across Gaza. At least 24 people were killed in attacks in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, according to local authorities. Other killings included three people in an Israeli raid on a house south of Khan Younis and another Palestinian killed north of Nuseirat. Attacks were also reported in Deir el-Balah. Video shows strike near Civil Defense, journalists in az-Zawayda Al Jazeera reports: A video, which has been verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad unit, shows a man wearing a “press” vest standing next to a member of the Civil Defence with a fire hose over his shoulder in the central Gaza area. An Israeli strike then hits just metres (yards) away as the men dive for cover. In a post on Instagram, the man who took the video, activist Saleh Aljafarawi, said the Israeli attack “deliberately targets the place where the ambulance crews, Civil Defence and press crews are located”. Gaza’s Government Media Office said on Wednesday that 160 journalists and 79 members of the Civil Defence have been killed since the war began. Gaza: Killing of Hind Rajab and her family – a war crime OHCHR reports: The killing of five-year old Hind Rajab, her family and two paramedics may amount to a war crime, independent experts warned Friday. “The brutality of these killings seem to illustrate how reckless the army has been in its Gaza campaign: all instances of extrajudicial killing must be duly investigated and accounted for,” the experts said. “These killings are not isolated cases,” the experts said. “We are extremely troubled by the pattern of apparent indiscriminate and targeted attacks against civillians in Gaza, including on locations used for humanitarian assistance or to shelter IDPs,” they said. “The firing of heavy-calibre projectiles at a humanitarian zone near an office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza, killing 22 displaced civilians, and most recently the attacks on IDP tents in Al Mawasi area, on Ash Shati’ Refugee Camp, and on the UNRWA Abu Oreiban school sheltering IDPs, among others, killing nearly 320 Palestinians, half of them women and children, have reinforced the fact that there is no safe place in Gaza” the experts said. “Such attacks amount to grave violations of international humanitarian law, must be promptly and reliably investigated, and should be severely punished. “The willful or indiscriminate killing of protected persons, including civilians, medical personnel and humanitarian workers, amount to war crimes, and if systematic, crimes against humanity, and should be prevented at all costs,” the experts warned. “We remain deeply troubled by the total impunity and apparent lack of investigations, and prevention of these crimes. This is all the more worrisome in the context of the recent order from the International Court of Justice for Israel to take immediate measures to protect Gaza’s population from the risk of genocide,” the experts said. RECOMMENDED READING: You need to meet this little girl named Hind West Bank: Israeli forces kill 20 year old; 22 year old dies of injuries IMEMC reports: Israeli forces shot and killed Palestinian Ibrahim Hamza Zaqaqiq, age 20 on Friday night, in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron. Israeli soldiers reportedly fired live rounds, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades at citizens, shooting Zaqaqiq in the head with a live round, causing serious injuries; he was transported to Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron, where he later died. WAFA reports: Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, north of the West Bank, announced this evening the passing of 22-year-old Yaman Ahmed Asfour, who succumbed to injuries sustained from Israeli army gunfire in January. The medical staff worked tirelessly to save his life, but his condition remained critical until his passing earlier today. Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity. Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity. (photo) PIJ, Hamas call on PLO to ‘withdraw recognition’ of Israel The Cradle reports: Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement called in a joint statement on 19 July for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to drop its recognition of Israel. The statement called on the PLO and its affiliated legislative body, the Palestinian Authority (PA), to “withdraw its recognition of the Zionist entity, in response to the Knesset’s decision not to recognize a Palestinian state.” Yemen declares Tel Aviv ‘unsafe zone’ after successful drone attack The Cradle reports: The Yemeni Armed Forces has claimed responsibility for a deadly drone attack that hit the Israeli city of Tel Aviv during the early hours of 19 July, killing at least one and injuring several others. The drone did not set off any alarms as it entered Israeli airspace from the south before hitting a building near the US consulate. The Yemeni drone also bypassed US warships. The Armed Forces of Yemen’s Sanaa government reportedly has a “very large” stock of this type of drone. The Yemeni Houthis’ attacks target ships linked to Israel, the United States or Britain, as part of the rebels’ support for Gaza RECOMMENDED READING: Houthi drone strikes Tel Aviv: How significant is the attack? A view of the destruction following an explosion caused by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attack near the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 19, 2024 A view of the destruction following an explosion caused by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attack near the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 19, 2024 (photo) Israel’s Eilat Port declares bankruptcy Middle East Monitor reports: The Israeli port of Eilat officially declared its bankruptcy, after eight months of complete paralysis of commercial activity and its cessation of receiving ships and containers, especially coming from the Asian countries’ markets, carrying with them the needs of the economy and its industrial sector. The reason for this was the successive attacks launched by the Yemeni Houthi group on Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, as well as the targeting of ships from countries supporting the Occupation in the genocidal war it is waging against the people of Gaza, most notably American and British ships. According to the World Cargo website that reports global shipping news, the port of Eilat has officially declared bankruptcy due to the lack of commercial activity. Special rapporteur supports call for Israel’s ‘unseating’ from UN Francesca Albanese, the UN’s special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, has added her voice to a call for Israel to be unseated from the United Nations. Reposting an earlier call on social media for the “unseating” of Israel by the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Albanese said it was “time” to remove Israel from the world body. The UN rapporteur on housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, said on Tuesday that it was “high time” to take action as Israel continued its “criminal attacks” on the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza “without any consequences”. Israel should be unseated “from the UN, as was done with apartheid South Africa”, Rajagopal said in a post on social media. Over 200 congressional staffers sign letter protesting Netanyahu address The Hill reports: More than 200 anonymous staff members across 122 Democratic and Republican congressional offices signed a letter this week calling for Congress to protest or boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech next week on Capitol Hill, citing concerns about the ongoing war in Gaza. The letter, organized by the Congressional Progressive Staff Association and signed by 230 House and Senate staffers, said speaking out against Netanyahu’s July 24 joint address to Congress was an “issue of morality” and not politics. “Citizens, students, and lawmakers across the country and the world have spoken out against the actions of Mr. Netanyahu in his War on Gaza,” the letter reads. “Israelis have been protesting in the streets for months, decrying his failure to negotiate a ceasefire and release of hostages. We hope you will join your fellow Members of Congress in protest at his speech or in refusing to attend it.” Rights Group Urges DOJ to Investigate US-Bound Netanyahu for Genocide Common Dreams reports: As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to visit Washington, D.C. next week, an American legal group on Friday pressured the U.S. Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into him and other officials for committing or authorizing genocide, war crimes, and torture targeting Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. “We believe ample credible evidence exists to sufficiently establish that serious crimes falling within U.S. criminal jurisdiction are systematically being perpetrated in Gaza,” says the Center for Constitutional Rights’ (CCR) 23-page letter to Hope Olds, who leads the Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section (HRSP) of the DOJ’s Criminal Division. “Given the frequent travel of Israeli officials and citizens to the United States resulting in their presence within U.S. jurisdiction, and recalling that HRSP is part of a coordinated, interagency effort to deny safe haven in the United States to human rights violators,” the letter states, “the Department of Justice must urgently investigate and hold accountable those responsible for war crimes and other serious crimes being committed on a wide-scale basis in the occupied Gaza Strip, including potentially U.S. and U.S.-dual citizens.” (Read the full article here.) MENA sports headlines: Belgium and Italy refuse to host Israel match over Gaza war The Belgian Football Federation (RBFA) said it would not host a Nations League match against Israel on 6 September as the event was likely to spark demonstrations. The city of Brussels said last month that the match would not be played at the King Baudouin stadium as authorities had deemed it “impossible to organize this very high-risk match” in the city due to tensions linked to Israel’s war on Gaza. Other Belgian cities also refused to host the match. Similarly in Italy, a northeastern city has refused to host the Israeli national team for a Nations League game in October. “Hosting such a match at a time when Israel is a country at war carries risks of causing divisions and social problems […],” the mayor said. “We refuse to associate the name of our city with this match”. Lebanese journalist who survived Israeli strike to carry Olympics flame Lebanese photojournalist Christina Assi who was severely wounded by an Israeli strike in southern Lebanon last October while on assignment, is set to carry the Olympic Flame on Sunday, 21 July, in Vincennes, France. The AFP photographer made the announcement on her Instagram page on Wednesday, which she described as a tribute to journalists who had lost their lives while doing their job. Assi, 29, was struck by an Israeli shell on 13 October 2023 while reporting on cross-border attacks from southern Lebanon, and has since had her right leg amputated. “When AFP was asked to carry the Olympic Flame, we thought of Christina, whose courage and tenacity are admired by everyone at the Agency. Having her carry this symbol of peace sends a powerful message for her and for all journalists affected in the line of duty,” said Pierre Galy, AFP’s head of sport. MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. The Guardian: Shellshocked, attacked, left to die – this is the reality for disabled people in Gaza Common Dreams: ‘Ticking Time Bomb’: International Alarm as Poliovirus Found in Gaza Sewage Al Jazeera: Adidas drops Bella Hadid from campaign referencing 1972 Munich Olympics Mondoweiss: The end of Israel’s economy Middle East Eye: ICJ opinion on Israel’s occupation upends the order that oppresses Palestinians STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – JULY 19: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – July 19: at least 39,497* (38,919 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,034 children as of June 17. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 578 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 46 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 40 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced. 2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – July 19: at least 95,042 (including at least 89,622 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – July 19: ~1,481 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 326 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured. Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.** Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different. ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto Israel’s leading paper says its own army deliberately killed Israelis on October 7 Gaza has turned into Biden’s most perplexing moral and foreign policy failure ‘Suffering horrifically’: 10 months of Israel’s ‘war on children’ in Gaza Pro-Israel ADL ‘spied on’ African American activist over opposition to US-Israel police exchange programme ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza Lancet: Counting the dead in Gaza – difficult but essential ‘Revealer of Inconvenient Truths’ – Julian Assange’s Impact on Palestine Fact or Fiction: Is Israel Unfairly Singled Out for Global Condemnation? How an Israeli colonel invented the burned babies lie to justify genocide Widely reported Palestinian father-son ‘rape’ confession contradicted by piles of evidence The Gaza Project reveals how Israel has targeted the press – in 3 stories ‘Buying Our Own Stolen Water’ in Bethlehem – Scorching Summer Awaits Palestinians in the West Bank Israel’s covert info bots targeting America met with hypocritical silence AIPAC: Has the pro-Israel lobby bribed and bought the US Democratic Party? Israel’s war on Gaza is the deadliest conflict on record for journalists. Israeli army hits Gaza family, uses them as human shields, and runs over their mother. Strangling Israeli restrictions were in place long before October 7th. The day Israeli tanks fired directly at AFP’s Gaza Bureau. The craziest ‘pro-Israel’ votes on the Hill today. Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war. Why As A Christian, I Won’t Be Condemning Hamas Anytime Soon. Is “Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself” Code for “We Are Killing the Geneva Conventions”? ‘I heard all of my friends’ last breath’: Testimonies from the Nuseirat massacre. Rep. Thomas Massie: Every congressperson has an AIPAC babysitter. (VIDEO) Col. Douglas Macgregor: US seen as taking orders from Netanyahu. UN finds at least 14 Israelis likely intentionally killed by own army on October 7. ADL faces Wikipedia ban over reliability concerns on Israel, antisemitism. Fear, hunger and displacement follows Israel’s worsening abuse of Palestinians in Hebron. Rafah Attack: Netanyahu’s Lies Expose The Truth About Israel. Veterans For Peace: U.S. Army Major Quits Over Israel. https://israelpalestinenews.org/icj-ruling-offers-some-vindication-after-76-years-of-palestinian-struggle-israeli-strikes-keep-killing-gazans-day-286/
    ICJ ruling offers some vindication after 76 years of Palestinian struggle; Israeli strikes keep killing Gazans – Day 286
    ICJ ruling; Gaza deaths; Hind Rajab; Yemeni drone hits Tel Aviv; Eilat Port bankruptcy; calls to oust Israel from UN; Netanyahu under fire
    0 Comments 0 Shares 14078 Views
  • Global IT outage causes chaos, disrupting airlines, banks, media, telecoms
    Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike says outage caused by ‘defect’ in software update, rules out ‘cyber incident’.

    People wait for their flights following a global IT outage, at BER airport in Berlin
    A massive technology outage has disrupted businesses and institutions in multiple countries, throwing airports, airlines, rail companies, government services, banks, stock exchanges, supermarkets, telecoms, health systems and media outlets into chaos.

    The disruption was caused by an update to a product offered by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which had caused machines running the Microsoft Windows operating system to crash.

    Reporting from London, Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull said, “CrowdStrike seems to have had some sort of mandatory update to its software that went horribly wrong.”

    The company had reported that the issue was related to its Falcon sensor product, engineers identifying a “content deployment problem”, said Hull.

    “Essentially it happens as you’re sitting in front of your terminal. If your terminal is a Microsoft Windows terminal, it suddenly goes to a blank blue screen. It’s called the ‘blue screen of death’ error. You are locked out of your operating system,” Hull said.

    CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz said on Friday that the outage was not a “security or cyber incident”.

    “We understand the gravity of the situation and are deeply sorry for the inconvenience and disruption. We are working with all impacted customers to ensure that systems are back up and they can deliver the services their customers are counting on,” he wrote on X.

    “As noted earlier, the issue has been identified and a fix has been deployed.”

    Microsoft said on Friday that the “underlying cause” of the global outage had been “fixed”, but the “residual impact” was continuing to affect some Office 365 apps and services.

    A blue error screen on a register is seen at a departmental store affected by a cyber outage in Brisbane, Australia
    A blue error screen on a register is seen at a departmental store affected by a cyber outage in Brisbane, Australia [Jono Searle/AAP Image via Reuters]
    The outages rippled far and wide, forcing some broadcasters off air and leaving customers without access to services such as healthcare or banking. Transport systems around the world among the hardest hit.

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    In the United States, major airlines Delta, United and American Airlines were grounded on Friday morning due to a communication issue, according to an update by the Federal Aviation Administration.

    In Australia, flight information screens at Sydney airport went blank. The airport said that flights were arriving and departing but that travellers should expect delays.

    Melbourne airport said that check-in procedures for some airlines had been affected.

    Airports in the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Malaysia and the Philippines also reported disruptions to services.

    Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, one of Europe’s busiest hubs, was also hit, with a spokesperson saying: “The outage has an impact on flights flying from and to Schiphol,” adding that it was not yet clear how many flights were affected.

    All airports in Spain were experiencing “disruptions”, the airport operator Aena said.

    Air France said its operations were also affected, but that flights already en route were not affected.

    Hong Kong Airport Authority said airlines affected by the outage have switched to manual check-in and flight operations have not been affected.

    Kenya Airways’s booking system was impacted, the airline said, warning customers to expect slower service than usual.

    A cash register shows a blue screen at a grocery store affected by a cyber outage in Sydney, Australia
    A cash register shows a blue screen at a grocery store in Sydney, Australia [Stella Qiu/Reuters]
    Multiple other sectors were also affected.

    Banks and other financial institutions from Australia to India and South Africa warned clients about disruptions to their services.

    Australia’s largest bank, Commonwealth Bank (CBA.AX), said some customers had been unable to transfer money due to the service outage.

    In the UK, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) was hit by a technical glitch that affected its news service and delayed its display of opening trades.

    Media companies also saw their broadcasts severely disrupted.

    Australia’s national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and Network Ten confirmed that their systems had been affected.

    Sky News, one of the UK’s major news broadcasters went off air, apologising for being unable to transmit live.

    Government services were also hit.

    In the UK, booking systems used by doctors were offline, multiple reports from medical officials on X said.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates said some of its systems were impacted, including its “attestation service”, in a post on X. “We advise users to refrain from conducting any transactions until this issue is resolved,” it said.

    In Australia, Victoria’s state police said some internal systems had been hit by the outage but emergency services were operating normally.

    New Zealand’s parliamentary computer systems were affected, according to Rafael Gonzalez-Montero, head of the parliamentary service.

    Amazon’s AWS cloud service provider said in a statement that it was “investigating reports of connectivity issues to Windows EC2 instances and Workspaces within AWS”.

    At the time of reporting, some of the malfunctioning business, companies and computer app systems were beginning to return to normal service, including Sky News in the United Kingdom, which was down for an hour in the morning.

    Services of South African lenders Capitec Bank CPIJ.J and Absa ABGJ.J and airline Airlink have also been fully restored after the outage.

    The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq said markets also worked normally as of midday Friday.

    Major US banks, including Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, also said they had not seen any major impact on their systems or operations.

    A sign notifies customers of a temporary closure due to IT issues at a Liquorland store in Canberra, Australia
    A sign notifies customers of a temporary closure due to IT issues at a Liquorland store in Canberra, Australia, July 19 [Lukas Coch/AAP Image via Reuters]
    Not a ‘malicious act’

    Australia’s National Cyber Security Coordinator said on Friday that it was aware of a “large-scale technical outage” affecting numerous business and services across the country.

    “Our current information is this outage relates to a technical issue with a third-party software platform employed by affected companies,” the agency said in a statement.

    “There is no information to suggest it is a cyber security incident. We continue to engage across key stakeholders.”

    France’s cybersecurity agency said Friday that there was no evidence that the global IT outage was “the result of a cyberattack.”

    “The teams are fully mobilised to identify and support the affected entities in France and to understand… the origin of this outage,” ANSSI, the national cybersecurity agency said.

    A UK government security source told the Reuters news agency that the outage was not being treated as “a malicious act”.

    Hong Kong Express Airways passengers queue at counters in Hong Kong International Airport amid system outages disrupting the airline's operations
    Hong Kong Express Airways passengers queue at counters in Hong Kong International Airport amid system outages disrupting the airline’s operations [Tyrone Siu/Reuters]

    Global IT outage causes chaos, disrupting airlines, banks, media, telecoms Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike says outage caused by ‘defect’ in software update, rules out ‘cyber incident’. People wait for their flights following a global IT outage, at BER airport in Berlin A massive technology outage has disrupted businesses and institutions in multiple countries, throwing airports, airlines, rail companies, government services, banks, stock exchanges, supermarkets, telecoms, health systems and media outlets into chaos. The disruption was caused by an update to a product offered by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which had caused machines running the Microsoft Windows operating system to crash. Reporting from London, Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull said, “CrowdStrike seems to have had some sort of mandatory update to its software that went horribly wrong.” The company had reported that the issue was related to its Falcon sensor product, engineers identifying a “content deployment problem”, said Hull. “Essentially it happens as you’re sitting in front of your terminal. If your terminal is a Microsoft Windows terminal, it suddenly goes to a blank blue screen. It’s called the ‘blue screen of death’ error. You are locked out of your operating system,” Hull said. CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz said on Friday that the outage was not a “security or cyber incident”. “We understand the gravity of the situation and are deeply sorry for the inconvenience and disruption. We are working with all impacted customers to ensure that systems are back up and they can deliver the services their customers are counting on,” he wrote on X. “As noted earlier, the issue has been identified and a fix has been deployed.” Microsoft said on Friday that the “underlying cause” of the global outage had been “fixed”, but the “residual impact” was continuing to affect some Office 365 apps and services. A blue error screen on a register is seen at a departmental store affected by a cyber outage in Brisbane, Australia A blue error screen on a register is seen at a departmental store affected by a cyber outage in Brisbane, Australia [Jono Searle/AAP Image via Reuters] The outages rippled far and wide, forcing some broadcasters off air and leaving customers without access to services such as healthcare or banking. Transport systems around the world among the hardest hit. Sign up for Al Jazeera Weekly Newsletter protected by reCAPTCHA In the United States, major airlines Delta, United and American Airlines were grounded on Friday morning due to a communication issue, according to an update by the Federal Aviation Administration. In Australia, flight information screens at Sydney airport went blank. The airport said that flights were arriving and departing but that travellers should expect delays. Melbourne airport said that check-in procedures for some airlines had been affected. Airports in the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Malaysia and the Philippines also reported disruptions to services. Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, one of Europe’s busiest hubs, was also hit, with a spokesperson saying: “The outage has an impact on flights flying from and to Schiphol,” adding that it was not yet clear how many flights were affected. All airports in Spain were experiencing “disruptions”, the airport operator Aena said. Air France said its operations were also affected, but that flights already en route were not affected. Hong Kong Airport Authority said airlines affected by the outage have switched to manual check-in and flight operations have not been affected. Kenya Airways’s booking system was impacted, the airline said, warning customers to expect slower service than usual. A cash register shows a blue screen at a grocery store affected by a cyber outage in Sydney, Australia A cash register shows a blue screen at a grocery store in Sydney, Australia [Stella Qiu/Reuters] Multiple other sectors were also affected. Banks and other financial institutions from Australia to India and South Africa warned clients about disruptions to their services. Australia’s largest bank, Commonwealth Bank (CBA.AX), said some customers had been unable to transfer money due to the service outage. In the UK, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) was hit by a technical glitch that affected its news service and delayed its display of opening trades. Media companies also saw their broadcasts severely disrupted. Australia’s national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and Network Ten confirmed that their systems had been affected. Sky News, one of the UK’s major news broadcasters went off air, apologising for being unable to transmit live. Government services were also hit. In the UK, booking systems used by doctors were offline, multiple reports from medical officials on X said. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates said some of its systems were impacted, including its “attestation service”, in a post on X. “We advise users to refrain from conducting any transactions until this issue is resolved,” it said. In Australia, Victoria’s state police said some internal systems had been hit by the outage but emergency services were operating normally. New Zealand’s parliamentary computer systems were affected, according to Rafael Gonzalez-Montero, head of the parliamentary service. Amazon’s AWS cloud service provider said in a statement that it was “investigating reports of connectivity issues to Windows EC2 instances and Workspaces within AWS”. At the time of reporting, some of the malfunctioning business, companies and computer app systems were beginning to return to normal service, including Sky News in the United Kingdom, which was down for an hour in the morning. Services of South African lenders Capitec Bank CPIJ.J and Absa ABGJ.J and airline Airlink have also been fully restored after the outage. The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq said markets also worked normally as of midday Friday. Major US banks, including Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, also said they had not seen any major impact on their systems or operations. A sign notifies customers of a temporary closure due to IT issues at a Liquorland store in Canberra, Australia A sign notifies customers of a temporary closure due to IT issues at a Liquorland store in Canberra, Australia, July 19 [Lukas Coch/AAP Image via Reuters] Not a ‘malicious act’ Australia’s National Cyber Security Coordinator said on Friday that it was aware of a “large-scale technical outage” affecting numerous business and services across the country. “Our current information is this outage relates to a technical issue with a third-party software platform employed by affected companies,” the agency said in a statement. “There is no information to suggest it is a cyber security incident. We continue to engage across key stakeholders.” France’s cybersecurity agency said Friday that there was no evidence that the global IT outage was “the result of a cyberattack.” “The teams are fully mobilised to identify and support the affected entities in France and to understand… the origin of this outage,” ANSSI, the national cybersecurity agency said. A UK government security source told the Reuters news agency that the outage was not being treated as “a malicious act”. Hong Kong Express Airways passengers queue at counters in Hong Kong International Airport amid system outages disrupting the airline's operations Hong Kong Express Airways passengers queue at counters in Hong Kong International Airport amid system outages disrupting the airline’s operations [Tyrone Siu/Reuters] https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/7/19/australia-struck-by-major-it-outage-hitting-banks-media-telecoms
    Global IT outage causes chaos, disrupting airlines, banks, media, telecoms
    Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike says outage caused by ‘defect’ in software update, rules out ‘cyber incident’.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9833 Views
  • Israel seeks to rewrite the laws of war
    If the world accepts the way Israel now interprets the principle of proportionality, then genocide will become justified.

    Neve Gordon
    Palestinians look at the debris of tents following an Israeli military strike on the al-Mawasi camp for internally displaced people (IDP), near the city of Khan Yunis
    Palestinians survey the debris of tents following an Israeli bombardment of al-Mawasi camp that killed more than 90 people, in the Gaza Strip on July 13, 2024 [Bashar Taleb/AFP]
    Most people probably don’t know this, but Wikipedia has a page called “List of Israeli assassinations”. It begins in July 1956 and stretches over 68 years until today. The majority on the list are Palestinians; among them are famous Palestinian leaders including Ghassan Kanafani of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Fatah’s Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir – also known as Abu Jihad; Hamas’s Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Fathi Shaqaqi.

    When looking at the long list, it is impossible not to notice that the number of assassinations and assassination attempts Israel has carried out over the years has increased exponentially: from 14 in the 1970s to well over 150 in the first decade of the new millennium and 24 since January 2020.

    I was reminded of this list when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called a news conference on July 13 to celebrate Israel’s attempt to kill Hamas’s military commander Mohammed Deif in Gaza. Israeli fighter jets and drones had just hammered al-Mawasi camp, which now houses an estimated 80,000 displaced Palestinians living in densely populated tents.

    Within just a few minutes of the fusillade, the pilots had massacred at least 90 Palestinians, including scores of women and children, while injuring an additional 300 people. All of this occurred in an area Israel had previously designated a “safe zone”. As gruesome images of dead bodies charred and shredded to pieces filled social media, reports surfaced that Israel had used several United States-made guided half-tonne bombs.

    In his news conference at the Ministry of Defence headquarters in Tel Aviv just a few hours after this bloodbath, Netanyahu admitted that he was “not absolutely certain” that Deif had been killed but maintained that “just the attempt to assassinate Hamas commanders delivers a message to the world, a message that Hamas’s days are numbered”.

    Yet even a quick perusal of the “List of Israeli assassinations” makes clear that Netanyahu was speaking with a forked tongue. He knows all too well that Israel’s assassination of Hamas’s political leaders Sheik Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi or military leaders Yahya Ayyash and Salah Shehade have done very little to weaken the movement and may well have increased its following.

    If anything, years and years of Israeli assassinations demonstrate that they are primarily used by Israeli leaders to pander to and rally their constituencies. Netanyahu’s recent news conference is no exception.

    But as macabre as the Wikipedia list is, the names on it only tell a partial story. That is because it fails to include the number of civilians killed during each and every successful and failed assassination attempt.

    For example, the July 13 strike was the eighth known attempt on Deif’s life, and it is difficult to calculate the total number of civilians Israel has killed in its scramble to assassinate him. The Wikipedia list fails to capture how the increase in assassinations has led to an exponential increase in civilian deaths.

    This becomes clear when we compare Israel’s current assassination policy with its policy during the second Palestinian Intifada. When Israel assassinated the head of Hamas’s Qassam Brigades, Salah Shehade, in 2002, 15 people were killed, including Shehade, his wife, 15-year-old daughter, and eight other children.

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    After the strike, there was a public uproar in Israel at the loss of civilian lives, with 27 Israeli pilots signing a letter refusing to fly assassination sorties over Gaza. Almost a decade later, an Israeli commission of inquiry found that due to an “intelligence gathering failure”, commanders had not known that there were civilians present in the adjacent buildings at the time, and had they known they would have called off the attack.

    The commission’s findings are in line with the laws of armed conflict, which allow, or at least tolerate, the killing of civilians not directly participating in hostilities so long as these killings are not “excessive” in relation to the “concrete and direct” military advantage that the belligerent expects to gain from the attack.

    This rule, known as the principle of proportionality, is designed to ensure that the ends of a military operation justify the means by weighing the anticipated military advantage against the expected civilian harm.

    Today, however, we are light years away from the commission’s conclusions both with respect to the repertoires of violence Israel has adopted and the legal justifications it now provides.

    First, Israel’s forms of war-making have changed dramatically since 2002. According to the Israeli organisation Breaking the Silence, which is made up of military veterans, two doctrines have guided the Israeli assaults on Gaza since 2008. The first is the “no casualties doctrine”, which stipulates that, for the sake of protecting Israeli soldiers, Palestinian civilians can be killed with impunity; the second doctrine recommends intentionally attacking civilian sites in order to deter Hamas.

    These doctrines have unsurprisingly led to mass-casualty attacks, which, according to the laws of armed conflict, constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity. As a consequence, Israel’s military lawyers have had to modify the way they interpret the laws of armed conflict so that they align with the new warfare strategies.

    If two decades ago killing 14 civilians when assassinating a Hamas leader was considered disproportionate and thus a war crime by the Israeli commission of inquiry, in the first weeks after October 7, the military decided that for every junior Hamas operative, it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians. If the target was a senior Hamas official, the military “authorised the killing of more than 100 civilians in the assassination of a single commander”.

    This might seem egregious, but an officer in the International Law Department of the Israeli army was very candid about such changes in a 2009 interview for the newspaper Haaretz: “Our goal of military is not to fetter the army, but to give it the tools to win in a lawful manner.”

    The former head of the department, Colonel Daniel Reisner, also publicly stated this strategy was pursued through “a revision of international law”.

    “If you do something for long enough, the world will accept it,” he said, “The whole of international law is now based on the notion that an act that is forbidden today becomes permissible if executed by enough countries.”

    In other words, the way we calculate proportionality is not determined by some a priori moral edict but rather the norms and customs created by militaries as they adopt new and most often more lethal forms of war-making.

    Again, Netanyahu knows this all too well. He has stated that he personally approved the al-Mawasi strike after receiving satisfactory information on the potential “collateral damage” and the type of ammunition to be used.

    What is clear is that as Israel decimates Gaza and kills tens of thousands of people, it is also attempting to recreate the norms of war-making and significantly transform interpretations of the laws of armed conflict.

    If Netanyahu and his government succeed in rendering Israel’s version of proportionality acceptable among other state actors, then the laws of armed conflict will end up justifying rather than preventing genocidal violence. Indeed, the very architecture of the entire international legal order is now in the balance.

    The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.

    Israel seeks to rewrite the laws of war
    Israel seeks to rewrite the laws of war If the world accepts the way Israel now interprets the principle of proportionality, then genocide will become justified. Neve Gordon Palestinians look at the debris of tents following an Israeli military strike on the al-Mawasi camp for internally displaced people (IDP), near the city of Khan Yunis Palestinians survey the debris of tents following an Israeli bombardment of al-Mawasi camp that killed more than 90 people, in the Gaza Strip on July 13, 2024 [Bashar Taleb/AFP] Most people probably don’t know this, but Wikipedia has a page called “List of Israeli assassinations”. It begins in July 1956 and stretches over 68 years until today. The majority on the list are Palestinians; among them are famous Palestinian leaders including Ghassan Kanafani of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Fatah’s Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir – also known as Abu Jihad; Hamas’s Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Fathi Shaqaqi. When looking at the long list, it is impossible not to notice that the number of assassinations and assassination attempts Israel has carried out over the years has increased exponentially: from 14 in the 1970s to well over 150 in the first decade of the new millennium and 24 since January 2020. I was reminded of this list when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called a news conference on July 13 to celebrate Israel’s attempt to kill Hamas’s military commander Mohammed Deif in Gaza. Israeli fighter jets and drones had just hammered al-Mawasi camp, which now houses an estimated 80,000 displaced Palestinians living in densely populated tents. Within just a few minutes of the fusillade, the pilots had massacred at least 90 Palestinians, including scores of women and children, while injuring an additional 300 people. All of this occurred in an area Israel had previously designated a “safe zone”. As gruesome images of dead bodies charred and shredded to pieces filled social media, reports surfaced that Israel had used several United States-made guided half-tonne bombs. In his news conference at the Ministry of Defence headquarters in Tel Aviv just a few hours after this bloodbath, Netanyahu admitted that he was “not absolutely certain” that Deif had been killed but maintained that “just the attempt to assassinate Hamas commanders delivers a message to the world, a message that Hamas’s days are numbered”. Yet even a quick perusal of the “List of Israeli assassinations” makes clear that Netanyahu was speaking with a forked tongue. He knows all too well that Israel’s assassination of Hamas’s political leaders Sheik Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi or military leaders Yahya Ayyash and Salah Shehade have done very little to weaken the movement and may well have increased its following. If anything, years and years of Israeli assassinations demonstrate that they are primarily used by Israeli leaders to pander to and rally their constituencies. Netanyahu’s recent news conference is no exception. But as macabre as the Wikipedia list is, the names on it only tell a partial story. That is because it fails to include the number of civilians killed during each and every successful and failed assassination attempt. For example, the July 13 strike was the eighth known attempt on Deif’s life, and it is difficult to calculate the total number of civilians Israel has killed in its scramble to assassinate him. The Wikipedia list fails to capture how the increase in assassinations has led to an exponential increase in civilian deaths. This becomes clear when we compare Israel’s current assassination policy with its policy during the second Palestinian Intifada. When Israel assassinated the head of Hamas’s Qassam Brigades, Salah Shehade, in 2002, 15 people were killed, including Shehade, his wife, 15-year-old daughter, and eight other children. Sign up for Al Jazeera Weekly Newsletter protected by reCAPTCHA After the strike, there was a public uproar in Israel at the loss of civilian lives, with 27 Israeli pilots signing a letter refusing to fly assassination sorties over Gaza. Almost a decade later, an Israeli commission of inquiry found that due to an “intelligence gathering failure”, commanders had not known that there were civilians present in the adjacent buildings at the time, and had they known they would have called off the attack. The commission’s findings are in line with the laws of armed conflict, which allow, or at least tolerate, the killing of civilians not directly participating in hostilities so long as these killings are not “excessive” in relation to the “concrete and direct” military advantage that the belligerent expects to gain from the attack. This rule, known as the principle of proportionality, is designed to ensure that the ends of a military operation justify the means by weighing the anticipated military advantage against the expected civilian harm. Today, however, we are light years away from the commission’s conclusions both with respect to the repertoires of violence Israel has adopted and the legal justifications it now provides. First, Israel’s forms of war-making have changed dramatically since 2002. According to the Israeli organisation Breaking the Silence, which is made up of military veterans, two doctrines have guided the Israeli assaults on Gaza since 2008. The first is the “no casualties doctrine”, which stipulates that, for the sake of protecting Israeli soldiers, Palestinian civilians can be killed with impunity; the second doctrine recommends intentionally attacking civilian sites in order to deter Hamas. These doctrines have unsurprisingly led to mass-casualty attacks, which, according to the laws of armed conflict, constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity. As a consequence, Israel’s military lawyers have had to modify the way they interpret the laws of armed conflict so that they align with the new warfare strategies. If two decades ago killing 14 civilians when assassinating a Hamas leader was considered disproportionate and thus a war crime by the Israeli commission of inquiry, in the first weeks after October 7, the military decided that for every junior Hamas operative, it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians. If the target was a senior Hamas official, the military “authorised the killing of more than 100 civilians in the assassination of a single commander”. This might seem egregious, but an officer in the International Law Department of the Israeli army was very candid about such changes in a 2009 interview for the newspaper Haaretz: “Our goal of military is not to fetter the army, but to give it the tools to win in a lawful manner.” The former head of the department, Colonel Daniel Reisner, also publicly stated this strategy was pursued through “a revision of international law”. “If you do something for long enough, the world will accept it,” he said, “The whole of international law is now based on the notion that an act that is forbidden today becomes permissible if executed by enough countries.” In other words, the way we calculate proportionality is not determined by some a priori moral edict but rather the norms and customs created by militaries as they adopt new and most often more lethal forms of war-making. Again, Netanyahu knows this all too well. He has stated that he personally approved the al-Mawasi strike after receiving satisfactory information on the potential “collateral damage” and the type of ammunition to be used. What is clear is that as Israel decimates Gaza and kills tens of thousands of people, it is also attempting to recreate the norms of war-making and significantly transform interpretations of the laws of armed conflict. If Netanyahu and his government succeed in rendering Israel’s version of proportionality acceptable among other state actors, then the laws of armed conflict will end up justifying rather than preventing genocidal violence. Indeed, the very architecture of the entire international legal order is now in the balance. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance. Israel seeks to rewrite the laws of war https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/7/15/israel-seeks-to-rewrite-the-laws-of-war
    Israel seeks to rewrite the laws of war
    If the world accepts the way Israel now interprets the principle of proportionality, genocide will become justified.
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  • Banksta's Paradise: Look Who Really Controls Donald Trump
    MAGA: Making America a Globalist Asset

    Anthony Colpo

    Jeffrey Epstein’s main financial patron, billionaire Leslie Wexner, was co-founder of an outfit dubbed Mega Group which "unites several well-known businessmen with a penchant for pro-Israel and ethno-philanthropy (i.e., philanthropy benefiting a single ethnic or ethno-religious group)."

    A 1998 Wall Street Journal article describes the Mega Group as “a loosely organized club of 20 of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen” focused on “philanthropy and Jewishness.”

    With 1998 membership rates at $30,000 a year, regular Jewish folks need not apply.

    As Whitney Webb has detailed, several of its most prominent members have ties to organized crime. Mega Group members have also been key players in the pro-Israel lobby in the US. For instance, Mega Group member Max Fisher founded the National Jewish Coalition, now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition — the main pro-Israel neoconservative political lobbying group whose chief patrons, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, are among Donald Trump’s top donors.

    For all you poor sods who think Trump is all about Making America Great Again, I strongly recommend the following video which shows he's just a puppet whose main job is Maintaining America as a Globalist Asset.

    The video runs for just under 20 minutes - it’s well worth watching if you want a clearer picture of who Trump really is and who pulls his puppet strings.

    As the video explains, in 1990 Trump was an astronomical $4 billion in debt thanks to his poor business decisions. These included an especially misguided foray into the casino business.

    According to Trump, he avoided bankruptcy due to a Herculean phone session in which he personally called each and every one of the 72 banks he was in hock to, using his stupendous "Art of the Deal" powers of persuasion.

    The real story is very different. The key entity that pulled Trump off his runaway debt train before it crashed and exploded into Destination F**ked was none other than ....

    … Rothschild & Co.

    It doesn't get much more globalist than the Rothschilds, and Trump is forever indebted to them.

    When asked why they bailed him out, Rothschild's man-on-the-case, Wilbur Ross Jr, explained “The Trump name is still very much an asset.”

    Just like Epstein appears to have been very much a Mossad asset.

    The Banksta’s Paradise video also features the aforementioned Sheldon Adelson, who pulled a lot of strings and pumped a lot of money into ensuring Trump got elected in 2016.

    The video shows Adelson telling his fellow Zionists, “The uniform I wore in the military unfortunately was not an Israeli uniform, it was an American uniform although my wife was in the IDF and one of my daughter's was in the IDF ... all we care about is being good Zionists, being good citizens of Israel." (Bold emphasis added).

    The video also shows none other than Steve Bannon, gushing at a Zionist Organization of America dinner, "that victory would not have come without one other person besides Donald Trump, Sheldon Adelson. It is not about resources, it's about counsel, guidance and wisdom ... Sheldon Adelson had Donald Trump's back."

    Can’t argue with that: Wealthy Zionists appear to have a very firm mount on Trump’s posterior.

    The question is, how can anyone still believe Trump is all about ‘Making America Great Again’ when he is funded, ‘counseled’ and controlled by people whose primary allegiance is indisputably to a foreign power?

    Pick your preferred globalist-controlled Muppet.

    Telling people what they need to but don’t want to hear is an often thankless task. To keep the truth bombs coming, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.


    Banksta's Paradise: Look Who Really Controls Donald Trump MAGA: Making America a Globalist Asset Anthony Colpo Jeffrey Epstein’s main financial patron, billionaire Leslie Wexner, was co-founder of an outfit dubbed Mega Group which "unites several well-known businessmen with a penchant for pro-Israel and ethno-philanthropy (i.e., philanthropy benefiting a single ethnic or ethno-religious group)." A 1998 Wall Street Journal article describes the Mega Group as “a loosely organized club of 20 of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen” focused on “philanthropy and Jewishness.” With 1998 membership rates at $30,000 a year, regular Jewish folks need not apply. As Whitney Webb has detailed, several of its most prominent members have ties to organized crime. Mega Group members have also been key players in the pro-Israel lobby in the US. For instance, Mega Group member Max Fisher founded the National Jewish Coalition, now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition — the main pro-Israel neoconservative political lobbying group whose chief patrons, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, are among Donald Trump’s top donors. For all you poor sods who think Trump is all about Making America Great Again, I strongly recommend the following video which shows he's just a puppet whose main job is Maintaining America as a Globalist Asset. The video runs for just under 20 minutes - it’s well worth watching if you want a clearer picture of who Trump really is and who pulls his puppet strings. As the video explains, in 1990 Trump was an astronomical $4 billion in debt thanks to his poor business decisions. These included an especially misguided foray into the casino business. According to Trump, he avoided bankruptcy due to a Herculean phone session in which he personally called each and every one of the 72 banks he was in hock to, using his stupendous "Art of the Deal" powers of persuasion. The real story is very different. The key entity that pulled Trump off his runaway debt train before it crashed and exploded into Destination F**ked was none other than .... … Rothschild & Co. It doesn't get much more globalist than the Rothschilds, and Trump is forever indebted to them. When asked why they bailed him out, Rothschild's man-on-the-case, Wilbur Ross Jr, explained “The Trump name is still very much an asset.” Just like Epstein appears to have been very much a Mossad asset. The Banksta’s Paradise video also features the aforementioned Sheldon Adelson, who pulled a lot of strings and pumped a lot of money into ensuring Trump got elected in 2016. The video shows Adelson telling his fellow Zionists, “The uniform I wore in the military unfortunately was not an Israeli uniform, it was an American uniform although my wife was in the IDF and one of my daughter's was in the IDF ... all we care about is being good Zionists, being good citizens of Israel." (Bold emphasis added). The video also shows none other than Steve Bannon, gushing at a Zionist Organization of America dinner, "that victory would not have come without one other person besides Donald Trump, Sheldon Adelson. It is not about resources, it's about counsel, guidance and wisdom ... Sheldon Adelson had Donald Trump's back." Can’t argue with that: Wealthy Zionists appear to have a very firm mount on Trump’s posterior. The question is, how can anyone still believe Trump is all about ‘Making America Great Again’ when he is funded, ‘counseled’ and controlled by people whose primary allegiance is indisputably to a foreign power? Pick your preferred globalist-controlled Muppet. Telling people what they need to but don’t want to hear is an often thankless task. To keep the truth bombs coming, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Share https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/bankstas-paradise-look-who-really?utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
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  • Maybe you have millions, even billions?… they will take it all… pretty soon.
    Over 50 years, laws have been changed the world over. You have “beneficial ownership” not ownership. This means someone else owns it. Will you fight it?

    Dr Mike Yeadon
    This essay is constructed from many of my Telegram posts. The resulting repetition feels helpful under the circumstances. The central idea is not complicated but it is fiddly. Coming at it from many sides helps.

    The prediction

    Unless you are very fresh to peeking behind the mainstream curtain, you will know of WEF’s infamous, arrogant and chilling prediction for 2030.

    Maybe you’ve wondered what the number 1 in the top-left corner means? Still up on YouTube is the whole video of lunatic predictions it comes from.

    Klaus Schwabb, Executive Chairman of WEF asserts that “The world needs a Great Reset”, only hinting at what this means between the lines and in the small print. He is using mendacious propaganda in order to pretend to build consensus on this act. You’ll recall that numerous people said, early in 2020, that there was a necessity to “Build Back Better”.

    Prince Charles was among many who said this. I remember at the time muttering “What do you mean, build back? Nothing is broken”. Obviously, the covert actions of the supranational organization running the Non-pandemic are aimed at making sure that plenty is broken, even that in due course, everything will be broken.

    The mechanism by which ‘you’ll own nothing’

    You may NOT yet have heard of something happening in absolutely every country on the planet, which retired financier David Rogers Webb calls “The Great Taking”.

    For decades, the illegitimate supranational organisation has been working with and “leaning on” national legislators to ‘amend’ the laws governing private property rights.

    Unfortunately, this is a done deal.

    It has already been tested in superior courts and found legally valid.

    Under certain circumstances, the executive in any country can seize all sorts of assets that you believe are yours. This includes but is not limited to stock market investments such as stocks, shares, bonds and other traceable instruments, cash held at banks, property / real estate and numerous other categories.

    Only the other day, I was logged into a well known execution-only online broker to obtain a tax statement for my tax return. I noticed weird wordings describing the category of assets listed. I thought I owned, as an example, ten shares in a famous Swiss chocolate manufacturer. It seems I do not. It now indicates that I’m noted as having

    “beneficial ownership of a part of a numbered pool of such shares”.
    In other words, there are no identifiable shares with my name virtually on them.

    Originally you possessed physical paper. Then ‘for convenience’, virtual electronic shares became the rule. From this point the sneaky steps to a pool… and then “beneficial ownership of a part of a numbered pool of such shares” was easy.

    You can still buy and sell them what’s the problem?
    The problem is subsection b) in Section 57A-8-511 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

    If certain economic actions occur in a given financial climate, it turns out that pooled shares have long ago been pledged as collateral in a transaction in which a party has borrowed money from a lender.

    In the event that the borrower defaults, the ultimate beneficiary is the lender and they have the right to seize whatever collateral there is. That’s your savings, investments, pensions, home etc, including your car if a loan or HP arrangement was used to acquire it.

    Even if it has been paid off.

    Perhaps, even if you bought it outright with cash.

    Obviously, the perpetrators are going to create and trigger such a set of circumstances.

    I have long suspected that lockdowns were a crucial cover for the extent of central bank money creation necessary to place a sovereign country and currency beyond any plausible rescue scenario.

    The Great Taking

    Book as a pdf or tap picture.

    The book, “The Great Taking”, by David Webb, was a punch to the solar plexus when I first heard of it back in summer ‘23. I would urge you to please take this punch yourself - for your children. Read it. It’s a free pdf

    - or buy a paper copy from the website www.thegreattaking.com

    At first, I wasn’t sure if Webb could be trusted. While I’m inclined to believe him, I’ve experienced enough disappointment to start with what a person is telling you. Can you validate or invalidate any part of it through your own experience? Does it have internal consistency? Does the purported expert check out? (Swiss chocolate…) What might their motives be?

    Taking a leaf out of my own book, there are two basic positions.

    Ignore. If you’re correct, you’ve avoided worry and potentially bad investments, for example, in a self invested personal pension if you have one. If you’re wrong, you’ll probably suffer very substantial losses which you’ll not have mitigated in any way.

    Listen then act. If you were wrong, you might still have made a more diversified portfolio than you otherwise would. If however you were right to heed the warnings, it might literally save your life.

    Having listened to interviews the author has given, and heard comments from others, I do think this could be the huge, missing piece of the agenda leading to the Bond villain, Schwab’s seemingly impossible pronouncements

    See what you think.

    Here’s a ‘narration’ of it.

    I don’t like the auto narrators voice but it’s a lot easier to do a purely mechanical task while listening to this than trying to read a book. I’m not good at the latter these days!

    Wait, does it apply to me though?

    If you don’t own much today anyway, you might think not. I understand why that reaction could be commonplace. What those with no scope to resist will face (if and when the perpetrators trigger the next and very much larger global financial crisis) is

    loss of freedom.

    Several of us, independently, expect (at some point):

    abolition of cash and

    seizure of all assets held by a custodian (such as

    a bank deposit taker,

    a building society mortgage provider,

    an online execution-only broker holding a SIPP (pension),

    a life insurance company responsible for paying a final salary pension on behalf of a former employer,

    possibly even a car dealer or car finance house.

    It seems to some people completely ridiculous and implausible.

    Those with such a reaction tend not to bother listening to the evidence.

    One might point out, so were the decade by decade changes to public health emergency laws, the changes that made the unlawful, legal on paper, so that billions of people ended up rolling up their sleeves to receive an intentionally harmful injection.

    Ahem. It seems to some people that this, too, is completely ridiculous and implausible.

    Those with such a reaction tend not to bother listening to the evidence and may well get jabbed again.

    David’s story

    You can also watch a documentary here:


    Or currently on YouTube still. (How does this work??)

    I cannot recommend highly enough that you make a tea or coffee, sit quietly and listen to this.

    Even though I already knew the highlights, I still found it chilling when Webb gets to discovering that the laws governing private property rights have been changed in every US state and later in every country on earth.

    Instead of actually owning something, you have only a right to benefit from it (dividends, rent, capital appreciation) and the right to buy and sell it.

    But in the event of a major financial dislocation, your “property” is forfeit to the owners of the top slice of the creditor list because, unbeknownst to you, it was pledged as collateral in a loan that was nothing to do with you.

    Parallels with ‘medicine’

    Maybe you’ve read up about how public health laws have been changed over many decades, reaching the point today where you might think you’re receiving a pharmaceutical product but in actuality it’s a military countermeasure, for which no liability sits with anyone involved and you’ve no rights to informed consent…

    To get up to date on this two figures are essential. Sasha Latypova https://open.substack.com/pub/sashalatypova And Katherine Watt https://open.substack.com/pub/bailiwicknews They have done so much work. This post will be augmented and amended with their help hopefully…

    Read more

    12 hours ago · Tim West

    If you have, then these evolutions in laws governing property (financial assets, real estate etc) can be viewed as somewhat analogous, solely in its intent, to deceive and deprive you of rights.

    If more people knew about this, we’d be at pitchforks and torches by the weekend.

    Even comparatively wealthy people are going to have almost everything they think they own legally stripped from them.

    Who do you need to explain this to?

    Even comparatively wealthy people are going to have almost everything they think they own legally stripped from them.

    Now you’re dependent upon the state for basic survival. Which means compliance to earn CBDC, UBI, and this also includes being ‘up to date’.

    Killing people en masse while pretending to protect them from the next hobgoblin of an alleged lethal pandemic will be much easier than conquering and killing a population by open force.

    Who are the ultimate creditors?

    I don’t know who the ultimate creditors are, but they’ll be one and the same as those I call the perpetrators.

    Those lower down the food chain but blind to what’s about to happen are in for a horrible shock.

    Just as were those influencers, musicians, nurses, doctors and sport people who took the jab.

    Only the perpetrators know anything about timing.

    David talks with Edward Griffin

    Creature from Jekyll Island is one of the must-read books for anyone seeking to understand the financial shenanigans. The private institution The Federal Reserve and the way it was created is central to the current financial situation.

    A talk here between its author and the author of The Great Taking. They find much in common, and in common with myself, though in my case I speak as the man on the bus and not as an economics guru.


    Our own talks with David

    I contribute to a weekly podcast. Here is our own interview with David

    The Great Taking: You Really Own NOTHING

    The 50-year conspiracy to subvert all of our private ownership rights into a collective ownership without our knowledge is detailed in David Rogers Webb’s book The Great Taking and David Webb joins the international Whistleblower Report team today to discuss the details of how we have arrived at this point where none of us really own the private propert…

    Read more

    5 months ago · 41 likes · 16 comments · Truth For Health Foundation, Dr Mike Yeadon, Andrija Cajic, and Jonathan Gilthorpe

    An additional recording by TFHF between David Rogers Webb and Dr Lee Vliet explaining what is happening in the South Dakota legislature. It could hardly matter more.

    First though, it’s useful to understand the core sleight-of-hand they are trying overturn in South Dakota.

    This criminal attempt to steal everything is intended to be hidden in a similar way. But it is really hidden about as well as this…

    Read more

    13 hours ago · Tim West

    The South Dakota Bill

    Here then is the Truth For Health Foundation talk on the South Dakota Bill.

    The GREAT TAKING: Steps to Preserve Your Property Part II with David Rogers Webb

    David Rogers Webb, author of The Great Taking, continues his discussion of the changes to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and other legislation that have put into law the provisions for legalized stealing of most of the assets WeThePeople think we own. These provisions take effect in the event of insolvency of a financial institution (bank, brokerage…

    Read more

    5 months ago · 19 likes · Truth For Health Foundation

    Another presentation by David…

    In short

    we know changes to the UCC and other legislation have provided for the legal stealing of most of the public’s assets in the event of insolvency of the broker

    or whichever entity controls private property on your behalf,

    with legal certainty (ie it’s been done and was upheld in a senior court).

    The South Dakota bill seeks to re establish true ownership rights such that in the event of an insolvency, your private property is automatically returned to you.

    If you have watched Beware of the leopard you will fully understand the power of this proposed clause removal from section 57A-503 of the UCC

    Naturally, this is being strongly resisted by those in the pay of the banking lobby.

    Whether the legislature has the sense and cojones to pass such an amendment remains to be seen.

    Well worth also listening to the hearing in the Tennessee legislature. Amazing sophistry as the hired goons try to say David is wrong.

    David Webb and a colleague again seek amendments.

    The amendments proposed go a small way to restoring some of the property rights of those who think they own securities.

    ‘Entitlement’ is not ownership

    Currently, because of changes made to the Uniform Commercial Code, those who think they own securities now only have an “entitlement”, which is much weaker and is contractual, not absolute. Because it’s a contractual right, there’s a counterparty.

    If the latter goes insolvent, the effect of changes to the UCC is that the entitlement holder (e.g. you) is ranked lower on the list of creditors than the Secured Creditors, the parasites at the top of the food chain.

    Say Boris lends Frank some books. Then Frank sells one of them to you for £10 and disappears. You may be reading it in the park one day when Boris grabs it off you and says ‘that’s my book’. Everything you have turns out to be like that book. And Boris planned the whole thing.
    A financial crisis will certainly see all assets legally stolen.

    Most people are unaware of this.

    There’s literally nothing you can do about it, except not to own securities.

    If you hold physical gold in a safe nobody else knows about, that’s the only way you can be secure. Cash unfortunately suffers the same fate, because it isn’t segregated and is controlled by the big clearing banks and ultimately the central bank, nationally and internationally.

    What is Beneficial Ownership?

    Over 50 years, financial assets (“securities”) that you previously owned under private property rights, as bits of paper, have been dematerialised (digitised) and pooled. Most importantly, a new legal category of “beneficial ownership” has been created and substituted for “ownership”. Why this matters is that ultimate ownership falls to a minuscule number of holders of collateral against debts incurred. Central banks, which are privately owned, are able to seize everyone else’s assets in a crisis because those assets are pledged as collateral.

    A shared view

    Webb says that deliberate collapse of the entire global economy is imminent and this mass theft will cause and amplify violence and tremendous hardship. A hard rain’s going to fall.

    Webb sees the endgame as I do: evil, totalitarian, digital control system. No liberty or democracy anywhere is going to be tolerated nor will the development of a parallel economic system be allowed.

    It is probably already way too late to prevent the economic collapse.

    Whether anything can be salvaged by way of reverting changes to private property rights locally remains to be seen. It’s not necessarily a political issue but a criminal matter that private property rights have been subverted.

    Unfortunately, the way I see it, the perpetrators of the ongoing “covid super crime” need do nothing more than to play out their existing hand, to reduce the population to any value they choose.

    Here’s my near term summary of what I think they’re up to:

    A new event will trigger obligatory digital ID (eg for rations).

    If 1. isn’t a financial crisis,they can trigger one at any time, destroying all sovereign currencies and stealing almost all private property (David Rogers Webb). Total dependence upon the state in order even to be fed. CBDC (digital-only money) introduced.

    Lies about a wave of pandemics. Pharma will pretend to make mRNA vaccines. Govts will mandate them (if WHO hadn’t already done so). Digital ID validity will depend upon being up to date on jabs. No jab, no food. CBDC simply won’t work.

    Rinse and repeat until population reaches their desired levels. I think it’s likely many countries will be completely emptied, removing the need for the authorities to have to pretend that recovery is even the dream, let alone intent.

    The perpetrators have such control of main media and almost all internet traffic. If we reach point 1. without insurrection, we’re done in any case. The perpetrators do not require cooperation from anybody from this point onwards.

    I would point out two things. First, once you realise you’re being lied to by “the authorities” about things fundamental to your health and even life, freedom aside for a moment, surely you must begin to question everything else from the same source?

    Second, I see the only chance of delaying or deflecting the overall control agenda is by more and more people knowing about it and saying NO.

    So I ask everyone to assign an important part of their lives to doing this, personally.

    How brave are you? Do you try to communicate with everyone you know, who serves you in shops, on-line?

    The perpetrators are counting on you not doing this. They really are. So let’s do it.

    Without fear of reprisal.

    If we rightly criticise doctors who knew but didn’t speak out for fear of losing their jobs, then losing membership at the gym shouldn’t hold us back from frank conversations..

    While you’re at it, please put in place at least some precautions to buy time, in the event the perpetrators initiate something faster moving that the last nonsense, such as building a few weeks worth of calories in your home.

    Nobody is coming to save us. Sorry.

    If the above information doesn’t prompt you to immediately getting into “prepping” as best you and any awake, close friends and family, then you’re not taking this as seriously as I believe you’re should.

    How to avoid despair

    Now, I’m well aware this is terrifying and a common reaction is to dismiss it. However, it fits horribly well with what we know already. I’m probably able to imagine it because parts of it are already proven in my mind (the intentional harms from the totally superfluous injections).

    I continue to recommend two things.

    Invest your own time and thought into waking up others. Be selfless. It’s your best defence to dilute what’s coming, as more people will become allies in unpredictable ways. It also feels like you are helping stop it rather than being a victim - This is because you are.

    Do something rather than nothing also to prepare for a period of discontinuity. I’m talking basic food and water, basic meds, some things you can barter with, some skills you might have, something to defend yourself with, better yet, a safe place to be if the SHTF. If you’re already a grower, great. Grow stuff. I don’t think I can do that. I’m not in one place long enough. You might be bored on a narrow diet, but enough calories and nutrients plus clean water means you can sustain yourself for some considerable time. Time means you don’t HAVE to go out into the melee when it’s at its worst. If there are people you can trust with your life, talk with them. Get right with the power in your universe that is important for you.

    If nothing happens, laugh.

    Long term simultaneous planning in all areas


    I and many draw a parallel between the 50 years of change in public health law, leading to the genocidal deception namely,

    the fake vaccines that are intentionally toxic

    can legally be injected into billions of people

    and there is total immunity from prosecution or liability.

    I’ve easily been able to find trails of evidence of premeditation of the current ‘health’ crime which go back 25 years (tabletopped pandemic simulations, despite their being events that do not happen in reality, well characterised by journalistic Paul Schreyer. See video within Treaty of Lies post embedded below).

    When you examine the history of “climate change”, you can easily find at least half a century of planning.

    Now we see that, in parallel, preparations to seize all private property has also been going on since the 1960s.

    Plenty of people give a hollow laugh at this point (seizure of assets) saying “Good luck with seizing my debts!”

    While it’s true that you cannot lose that which you don’t have, what little people do have will be seized and controlled by the perpetrators.

    I cannot stress enough my expectations are that those with very little will actually be impacted most strongly and immediately by any planned financial system collapse. The perpetrators will “come to their rescue” with the issuance of centrally controlled digital money in exchange for signing up for a government issued digital ID.

    The digital concentration camp

    digital ID

    I remain convinced that the most likely and entirely plausible method for highly controlled depopulation is the requirement to hold at all times and obligation to display the mandatory digital ID,

    effectively mandatory jabs

    along with the need to be up-to-date with WHO-recommended “vaccines” (which of course will be of mRNA type), where failure to comply will lead to the digital ID losing validity.

    mark of the beast CBDC

    No valid digital ID, no ability to transact.

    If you are determined not to immediately be drawn into what I call the killing machine then, to the extent that you can, it’s very important NOW to be preparing not to totally vulnerable on Day 1. Beyond whatsoever preparations you can do, you’ll need to grow at least some of your own food or know others who create surpluses, from whom you stand a chance of obtaining food in exchange for labour, skills, gold or silver (even small amounts are better than none at all).

    Two arms in a pincer movement

    I take the view that, once one has sufficient proof of a lethal assault, backed by evidence of decades of planning, it’s not unreasonable to interpret anything unusual as likely a component of such attacks.

    toxic by design

    There is proof for example that the injected purported to be “vaccines” are in fact constructions designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors. I am but one giver of truly expert opinion on this front, and I am one of many. I can debate all day with anyone who wishes to resist this conclusion. I understand why they don’t want to accept it. It is however true, unquestionably.

    legalised iatrogenocide

    Interestingly, people totally unconnected to me, like Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova (mostly KW initially) have uncovered decades of stealthy modification to “public health” laws and regulations. These culminate in making the obviously unlawful, “legal on paper”, including and especially injected toxins called “Covid19 vaccines”.

    Fake PHEIC

    Yet further separate experts identified that there’s not been a pandemic or public health emergency. This was all a PsyOp. Lying, big time. Again see previous posts for Professor Rancourt’s papers for example. That some proclaiming truth and freedom still act as if there was a spreading pathogen is deeply regrettable.

    Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth.

    I saw the two gentlemen at the end of this post, Dr Christian Perronne and Stefan Homburg, make short speeches close together in time. Knowing as I do that there was no pandemic, no public health emergency… …only lies about a dreadful new disease sweeping across the world, followed by deliberate misattribution of illness and death to this supposed diseas…

    Read more

    3 months ago · 325 likes · 254 comments · Dr Mike Yeadon

    PCR fraud

    I and many others knew that you cannot use bulk testing using PCR with any chance of getting valid, let alone meaningful results. These tests were all carefully fixed, like a conjuring trick, long before the audiences attention was drawn to the magician.

    Irrational masking, lockdowns, distancing

    Masks and “lockdowns” are literally absurd. There were never part of the public health emergency plans of any country. I know, because I read a dozen of them. In 2019, some in WHO detailed the lack of evidence of effectiveness in making the slightest difference to apparent epidemic spreading of acute respiratory illnesses.

    For me, the first evidence that I found genuinely terrifying was when scores of countries simultaneously “locked down”, using lies and identical wording. I interpreted it then and now as unequivocal proof of supranational cooperation. In retrospect, my intellectual core worked out that this could only point to objectives being totalitarian digital enslavement and mass depopulation. Nothing else comes close to fitting all the important observations.

    you will own nothing

    Arm two, David Rogers Webb takes us through a century of preparation and planning to make legal the taking of almost everything you own. The most intense and dramatic changes started again in the 1960s. There’s no uncertainty about what has happened or what will happen, by design, WHEN and not IF the perpetrators trigger The Great Reset, which is very likely to originate with the insolvency of globally significantly important banks.

    These two major arms of a malevolent, long planned pincer movement, now closing on humanity.

    As a highly qualified, experienced and at least moderately successful executive in commercial biomedical research, we’re way past theory, on either arm

    lies about contagious illnesses, the lies on necessary countermeasures and especially “vaccines” and

    Theft on a global scale of substantially all private property, destruction of money and replacement with centrally controlled digital currency).

    Freedom - a memory of the old

    This imminent totalitarian control system will delete freedom forever. Unlike political or religious followings, this one relies not at all upon a mass following. If they succeed in replacing cash with digital money and getting us used to showing ID ahead of every transaction, there’s nothing that can be done to resist total control and importantly, coerced injection.

    Taking these two arms together alone has no plausible benevolent interpretation and to resist my conclusion is, in my opinion at this point an act either of cowardly denial or of a troll. Yep. I said it.


    Given that backdrop, the enforced movement towards BEVs might have several explanations. Ockhams Razor strongly ties these two assaults together.

    Agenda 2030

    It fits with 24/7 surveillance, 15 minute cities, the perversion of foodstuffs and many more, strange themes and events, in the skies, on the ground and under the sea.

    The Hidden Hand

    I’m often asked “So who is doing this?”

    I believe we will never know. We know the names of a small number of those who are obviously all-in on this, and your know their names. They’re often referred to on TV and representatives of wealthy trusts and funds, too, not infrequently seen. There is some attention on “think tanks” such as WEF, UN, WHO, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, the Davos Set, the Crowned Heads of European countries, especially U.K. and the Netherlands, even The Committee of 300.

    But know this, we’re never going to be allowed to know their names and identities. In my opinion, it makes no difference whatsoever whether we have their names or not.

    In terms of countermeasures, being as prepared as possible is very important. My own knowledge has enabled avoidance of just one crucial risk so far: not being injected with “c19 vaccines”. I’m mostly though not protected by knowledge. There’s nowhere to run and hide anyway. We have to stop it or limit the destruction that they’ll commit.

    Finally, this truly extended planned assault upon humanity has a spiritual aspect to it, to say the least. I doubt they’re alien lizards, but I do think they’re from extended families who have held very terrible views on “ordinary people” like you and me, forever.

    We’re not in a hopeless position but I do recommend we recognise just how much trouble we’re in. I encourage each of us to prepare to be able to resist for a long as possible. Buying time may be the single most important thing you can do.

    Important is the relay idea. Those reading this for example are already wide awake. Those in your personal network may not be. In those cases, you are pretty much their only salvation. The media is never going to tell them the truth. I cannot ever reach them, because they’re not looking for (people like) me. So this battle may turn on your willingness and effectiveness in opening the eyes of people important to you.

    It doesn’t matter how rich you are

    Just as public health laws were changed over decades to make legal the absurd and malign things that have happened in relation to gene-based injections, an analogous, patient process of dissolving private property rights in favour of those at the top of the list of creditors in the event of a bankruptcy of any entity against which the private property of all of the public has been used as collateral.

    It’s unbelievable that this has happened. As of now, even billionaires who aren’t among the perpetrators will lose everything, as will you and I.

    Everything that you think you own, on which you owe any debt at all, will be forfeit in the event of failure of a remote business, where the debts of which rest in part on your assets, because that claim on your assets is being used as collateral.

    As Webb says in his excellent interview with James Delingpole, this cannot be run away from. He’s spoken with large numbers of wealthy people, some of whom are billionaires, and none of them had any idea of this. After a flurry of denials, they read his booklet and slumped in defeat.

    Nobody is coming to save us. If this information doesn’t prompt you to immediately getting into “prepping” as best you and any awake, close friends and family, you’re not taking this as seriously as I believe your should.


    So. Will you act to stop this?

    David’s hope then, is that the currently well-off and more than that are being forced to become active. They don’t have a choice. If they do nothing, they will lose everything.

    For example, if you have a private pension, you’ll probably own shares / stocks and bonds.

    Your broker, nowadays typically “execution-only online brokers”, has followed your instructions to buy and hold on your behalf certain assets. Unfortunately these, too, have been pledged as collateral.

    The value of collateral based financial instruments is said to be a huge multiple of world GDP, by astonishing amounts. So large that there’s no hope ever of recovering even pennies on the pound.

    If you’ve a workplace related pension, the assets being used to pay your monthly pension will also be automatically transferred electronically to those on the top of the stack of creditors.

    I’m not sure what, if anything, is not forfeit to these diabolical creatures. I understood that assets in your physical possession which are free of debt and were not purchased with now-cleared debt, might still be seized.

    If your car, say, when it was an asset of the manufacturer or of the car retailer, was pledged as collateral for some transaction they’d entered into, it seems absurd but true that your car, too, might never have had its collateral status revoked. If so, even that vehicle might be forfeit. Boris will claim it back.

    On cars, it may become moot, because so many cars definitely are assets of finance companies that can be seized. We know how very keen are the perpetrators to find ways to get our car keys out of our cars. I could envisage a situation where demand for petrol and diesel would fall so hard that fuel stations would have to close. At that point, your car becomes a very heavy paperweight.

    Webb doesn’t offer a prediction on timing or the way that has been (or will be) chosen to create a new global financial crisis and implode the globeconomy, taking everything with it. He does, however, list a set of preconditions necessary to initiate this global heist. He was quite sure that this is what is going to happen.

    As mentioned above, he puts all his hopes onto the shoulders of wealthy but uninvolved people. I know two billionaires personally (one through old business connections and the other was a major donor to a campaigning organization that I was helping). They’re just like you and me other than that they have huge numbers in the “net worth” category. Webb knows that an ever-widening set of wealthy (but uninvolved) people are becoming very upset about this whole situation. Enlightened self-interest being what is, they’ll have to get active.

    More on ways of preparing

    You must do your own research, but I strongly recommend you explore ways to protect what you can by converting some cash or cash-like assets into something that cannot be automatically seized.

    I do think anyone with life savings and no earned income or capacity to generate any would be unwise to leave it solely in the standard categories of stocks (shares) and bonds, real estate (houses) and deposits of cash. These are all subject to seizure if Webb’s concerns materialise.

    This is an interesting interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, on Greg Hunter’s podcast.She’s my go-to person on matters macro-financial.


    I’m aware of a joining of forces between her and David Webb, the author of “The Great Taking”.

    As always, buyer beware on all these things. I’m a very basic investor, but I’m not conservative. Sometimes, I’ll be in what looks to conventional wisdom to be highly risky. For example, I was at one point heavily into peer-to-peer lending and did very well out of it over a 6-7 year period where base rates were so low that you couldn’t generate a meaningful income off even a sizeable amount of money. Got out early enough to ensure I made no net losses despite all the warnings.

    She makes interesting comments on physical gold. Every bit as interesting are her comments on relationships of trust as being among the most important things to strengthen in 2024.

    I’ve no useful idea when “The Great Taking” will be triggered, but this I know. When it happens, everyone will know it. It might be in days or not for years.

    Stakeholder Communism

    Yellow forum videos including the film Stakeholder Capitalism

    Schwab is proud of his invention, his new economic system.

    All the videos in the link above, from some that are mere seconds long to the full film, serve to establish that this astonishing coup d’etat of the planet isn’t ongoing but has already happened.

    That’s why elections are irrelevant and have been for many years, unfortunately.


    Please find ways to share this information. While I’ve been wrong about timing, often, I do think they aim to get it completed and bedded in by 2030. That seems to be a key date for WEF and the UN. Thus, I anticipate that at any time a global financial crisis of unprecedented magnitude will be triggered, most assets automatically seized and from that point on, I could envisage our focus necessarily moving to survival rather than protest.

    Alternatively, a war would suffice to create such discontinuities as the perpetrators may wish to use to move some chess pieces around before triggered GFC2.0 and asset seizure.

    As always, I’m piecing together the clues, as I don’t have a copy of the plot.

    Best wishes


    All help for my assistant Tim gratefully received by way of a paid subscription to this publication if you are able. Or subscribe for free to receive everything anyway.

    Maybe you have millions, even billions?… they will take it all… pretty soon. Over 50 years, laws have been changed the world over. You have “beneficial ownership” not ownership. This means someone else owns it. Will you fight it? Dr Mike Yeadon This essay is constructed from many of my Telegram posts. The resulting repetition feels helpful under the circumstances. The central idea is not complicated but it is fiddly. Coming at it from many sides helps. The prediction Unless you are very fresh to peeking behind the mainstream curtain, you will know of WEF’s infamous, arrogant and chilling prediction for 2030. Maybe you’ve wondered what the number 1 in the top-left corner means? Still up on YouTube is the whole video of lunatic predictions it comes from. Klaus Schwabb, Executive Chairman of WEF asserts that “The world needs a Great Reset”, only hinting at what this means between the lines and in the small print. He is using mendacious propaganda in order to pretend to build consensus on this act. You’ll recall that numerous people said, early in 2020, that there was a necessity to “Build Back Better”. Prince Charles was among many who said this. I remember at the time muttering “What do you mean, build back? Nothing is broken”. Obviously, the covert actions of the supranational organization running the Non-pandemic are aimed at making sure that plenty is broken, even that in due course, everything will be broken. The mechanism by which ‘you’ll own nothing’ You may NOT yet have heard of something happening in absolutely every country on the planet, which retired financier David Rogers Webb calls “The Great Taking”. For decades, the illegitimate supranational organisation has been working with and “leaning on” national legislators to ‘amend’ the laws governing private property rights. Unfortunately, this is a done deal. It has already been tested in superior courts and found legally valid. Under certain circumstances, the executive in any country can seize all sorts of assets that you believe are yours. This includes but is not limited to stock market investments such as stocks, shares, bonds and other traceable instruments, cash held at banks, property / real estate and numerous other categories. Only the other day, I was logged into a well known execution-only online broker to obtain a tax statement for my tax return. I noticed weird wordings describing the category of assets listed. I thought I owned, as an example, ten shares in a famous Swiss chocolate manufacturer. It seems I do not. It now indicates that I’m noted as having “beneficial ownership of a part of a numbered pool of such shares”. In other words, there are no identifiable shares with my name virtually on them. Originally you possessed physical paper. Then ‘for convenience’, virtual electronic shares became the rule. From this point the sneaky steps to a pool… and then “beneficial ownership of a part of a numbered pool of such shares” was easy. You can still buy and sell them what’s the problem? The problem is subsection b) in Section 57A-8-511 of the Uniform Commercial Code. If certain economic actions occur in a given financial climate, it turns out that pooled shares have long ago been pledged as collateral in a transaction in which a party has borrowed money from a lender. In the event that the borrower defaults, the ultimate beneficiary is the lender and they have the right to seize whatever collateral there is. That’s your savings, investments, pensions, home etc, including your car if a loan or HP arrangement was used to acquire it. 👇 Even if it has been paid off. Perhaps, even if you bought it outright with cash. ☝️ Obviously, the perpetrators are going to create and trigger such a set of circumstances. I have long suspected that lockdowns were a crucial cover for the extent of central bank money creation necessary to place a sovereign country and currency beyond any plausible rescue scenario. The Great Taking Book as a pdf or tap picture. The book, “The Great Taking”, by David Webb, was a punch to the solar plexus when I first heard of it back in summer ‘23. I would urge you to please take this punch yourself - for your children. Read it. It’s a free pdf - or buy a paper copy from the website www.thegreattaking.com At first, I wasn’t sure if Webb could be trusted. While I’m inclined to believe him, I’ve experienced enough disappointment to start with what a person is telling you. Can you validate or invalidate any part of it through your own experience? Does it have internal consistency? Does the purported expert check out? (Swiss chocolate…) What might their motives be? Taking a leaf out of my own book, there are two basic positions. Ignore. If you’re correct, you’ve avoided worry and potentially bad investments, for example, in a self invested personal pension if you have one. If you’re wrong, you’ll probably suffer very substantial losses which you’ll not have mitigated in any way. Listen then act. If you were wrong, you might still have made a more diversified portfolio than you otherwise would. If however you were right to heed the warnings, it might literally save your life. Having listened to interviews the author has given, and heard comments from others, I do think this could be the huge, missing piece of the agenda leading to the Bond villain, Schwab’s seemingly impossible pronouncements See what you think. Here’s a ‘narration’ of it. I don’t like the auto narrators voice but it’s a lot easier to do a purely mechanical task while listening to this than trying to read a book. I’m not good at the latter these days! Wait, does it apply to me though? If you don’t own much today anyway, you might think not. I understand why that reaction could be commonplace. What those with no scope to resist will face (if and when the perpetrators trigger the next and very much larger global financial crisis) is loss of freedom. Several of us, independently, expect (at some point): abolition of cash and seizure of all assets held by a custodian (such as a bank deposit taker, a building society mortgage provider, an online execution-only broker holding a SIPP (pension), a life insurance company responsible for paying a final salary pension on behalf of a former employer, possibly even a car dealer or car finance house. It seems to some people completely ridiculous and implausible. Those with such a reaction tend not to bother listening to the evidence. One might point out, so were the decade by decade changes to public health emergency laws, the changes that made the unlawful, legal on paper, so that billions of people ended up rolling up their sleeves to receive an intentionally harmful injection. Ahem. It seems to some people that this, too, is completely ridiculous and implausible. Those with such a reaction tend not to bother listening to the evidence and may well get jabbed again. David’s story You can also watch a documentary here: https://rumble.com/v3yptkd-the-great-taking-documentary.html Or currently on YouTube still. (How does this work??) I cannot recommend highly enough that you make a tea or coffee, sit quietly and listen to this. Even though I already knew the highlights, I still found it chilling when Webb gets to discovering that the laws governing private property rights have been changed in every US state and later in every country on earth. Instead of actually owning something, you have only a right to benefit from it (dividends, rent, capital appreciation) and the right to buy and sell it. But in the event of a major financial dislocation, your “property” is forfeit to the owners of the top slice of the creditor list because, unbeknownst to you, it was pledged as collateral in a loan that was nothing to do with you. Parallels with ‘medicine’ Maybe you’ve read up about how public health laws have been changed over many decades, reaching the point today where you might think you’re receiving a pharmaceutical product but in actuality it’s a military countermeasure, for which no liability sits with anyone involved and you’ve no rights to informed consent… To get up to date on this two figures are essential. Sasha Latypova https://open.substack.com/pub/sashalatypova And Katherine Watt https://open.substack.com/pub/bailiwicknews They have done so much work. This post will be augmented and amended with their help hopefully… Read more 12 hours ago · Tim West If you have, then these evolutions in laws governing property (financial assets, real estate etc) can be viewed as somewhat analogous, solely in its intent, to deceive and deprive you of rights. If more people knew about this, we’d be at pitchforks and torches by the weekend. Even comparatively wealthy people are going to have almost everything they think they own legally stripped from them. Who do you need to explain this to? Even comparatively wealthy people are going to have almost everything they think they own legally stripped from them. Now you’re dependent upon the state for basic survival. Which means compliance to earn CBDC, UBI, and this also includes being ‘up to date’.💉 Killing people en masse while pretending to protect them from the next hobgoblin of an alleged lethal pandemic will be much easier than conquering and killing a population by open force. Who are the ultimate creditors? I don’t know who the ultimate creditors are, but they’ll be one and the same as those I call the perpetrators. Those lower down the food chain but blind to what’s about to happen are in for a horrible shock. Just as were those influencers, musicians, nurses, doctors and sport people who took the jab. Only the perpetrators know anything about timing. David talks with Edward Griffin Creature from Jekyll Island is one of the must-read books for anyone seeking to understand the financial shenanigans. The private institution The Federal Reserve and the way it was created is central to the current financial situation. A talk here between its author and the author of The Great Taking. They find much in common, and in common with myself, though in my case I speak as the man on the bus and not as an economics guru. https://bigpicture.watch/ Our own talks with David I contribute to a weekly podcast. Here is our own interview with David The Great Taking: You Really Own NOTHING The 50-year conspiracy to subvert all of our private ownership rights into a collective ownership without our knowledge is detailed in David Rogers Webb’s book The Great Taking and David Webb joins the international Whistleblower Report team today to discuss the details of how we have arrived at this point where none of us really own the private propert… Read more 5 months ago · 41 likes · 16 comments · Truth For Health Foundation, Dr Mike Yeadon, Andrija Cajic, and Jonathan Gilthorpe An additional recording by TFHF between David Rogers Webb and Dr Lee Vliet explaining what is happening in the South Dakota legislature. It could hardly matter more. First though, it’s useful to understand the core sleight-of-hand they are trying overturn in South Dakota. This criminal attempt to steal everything is intended to be hidden in a similar way. But it is really hidden about as well as this… Read more 13 hours ago · Tim West The South Dakota Bill Here then is the Truth For Health Foundation talk on the South Dakota Bill. The GREAT TAKING: Steps to Preserve Your Property Part II with David Rogers Webb David Rogers Webb, author of The Great Taking, continues his discussion of the changes to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and other legislation that have put into law the provisions for legalized stealing of most of the assets WeThePeople think we own. These provisions take effect in the event of insolvency of a financial institution (bank, brokerage… Read more 5 months ago · 19 likes · Truth For Health Foundation Another presentation by David… In short we know changes to the UCC and other legislation have provided for the legal stealing of most of the public’s assets in the event of insolvency of the broker or whichever entity controls private property on your behalf, with legal certainty (ie it’s been done and was upheld in a senior court). The South Dakota bill seeks to re establish true ownership rights such that in the event of an insolvency, your private property is automatically returned to you. If you have watched Beware of the leopard you will fully understand the power of this proposed clause removal from section 57A-503 of the UCC Naturally, this is being strongly resisted by those in the pay of the banking lobby. Whether the legislature has the sense and cojones to pass such an amendment remains to be seen. Well worth also listening to the hearing in the Tennessee legislature. Amazing sophistry as the hired goons try to say David is wrong. David Webb and a colleague again seek amendments. The amendments proposed go a small way to restoring some of the property rights of those who think they own securities. ‘Entitlement’ is not ownership Currently, because of changes made to the Uniform Commercial Code, those who think they own securities now only have an “entitlement”, which is much weaker and is contractual, not absolute. Because it’s a contractual right, there’s a counterparty. If the latter goes insolvent, the effect of changes to the UCC is that the entitlement holder (e.g. you) is ranked lower on the list of creditors than the Secured Creditors, the parasites at the top of the food chain. Say Boris lends Frank some books. Then Frank sells one of them to you for £10 and disappears. You may be reading it in the park one day when Boris grabs it off you and says ‘that’s my book’. Everything you have turns out to be like that book. And Boris planned the whole thing. A financial crisis will certainly see all assets legally stolen. Most people are unaware of this. There’s literally nothing you can do about it, except not to own securities. If you hold physical gold in a safe nobody else knows about, that’s the only way you can be secure. Cash unfortunately suffers the same fate, because it isn’t segregated and is controlled by the big clearing banks and ultimately the central bank, nationally and internationally. What is Beneficial Ownership? Over 50 years, financial assets (“securities”) that you previously owned under private property rights, as bits of paper, have been dematerialised (digitised) and pooled. Most importantly, a new legal category of “beneficial ownership” has been created and substituted for “ownership”. Why this matters is that ultimate ownership falls to a minuscule number of holders of collateral against debts incurred. Central banks, which are privately owned, are able to seize everyone else’s assets in a crisis because those assets are pledged as collateral. A shared view Webb says that deliberate collapse of the entire global economy is imminent and this mass theft will cause and amplify violence and tremendous hardship. A hard rain’s going to fall. Webb sees the endgame as I do: evil, totalitarian, digital control system. No liberty or democracy anywhere is going to be tolerated nor will the development of a parallel economic system be allowed. It is probably already way too late to prevent the economic collapse. Whether anything can be salvaged by way of reverting changes to private property rights locally remains to be seen. It’s not necessarily a political issue but a criminal matter that private property rights have been subverted. Unfortunately, the way I see it, the perpetrators of the ongoing “covid super crime” need do nothing more than to play out their existing hand, to reduce the population to any value they choose. Here’s my near term summary of what I think they’re up to: A new event will trigger obligatory digital ID (eg for rations). If 1. isn’t a financial crisis,they can trigger one at any time, destroying all sovereign currencies and stealing almost all private property (David Rogers Webb). Total dependence upon the state in order even to be fed. CBDC (digital-only money) introduced. Lies about a wave of pandemics. Pharma will pretend to make mRNA vaccines. Govts will mandate them (if WHO hadn’t already done so). Digital ID validity will depend upon being up to date on jabs. No jab, no food. CBDC simply won’t work. Rinse and repeat until population reaches their desired levels. I think it’s likely many countries will be completely emptied, removing the need for the authorities to have to pretend that recovery is even the dream, let alone intent. The perpetrators have such control of main media and almost all internet traffic. If we reach point 1. without insurrection, we’re done in any case. The perpetrators do not require cooperation from anybody from this point onwards. I would point out two things. First, once you realise you’re being lied to by “the authorities” about things fundamental to your health and even life, freedom aside for a moment, surely you must begin to question everything else from the same source? Second, I see the only chance of delaying or deflecting the overall control agenda is by more and more people knowing about it and saying NO. So I ask everyone to assign an important part of their lives to doing this, personally. How brave are you? Do you try to communicate with everyone you know, who serves you in shops, on-line? The perpetrators are counting on you not doing this. They really are. So let’s do it. Without fear of reprisal. If we rightly criticise doctors who knew but didn’t speak out for fear of losing their jobs, then losing membership at the gym shouldn’t hold us back from frank conversations.. While you’re at it, please put in place at least some precautions to buy time, in the event the perpetrators initiate something faster moving that the last nonsense, such as building a few weeks worth of calories in your home. Nobody is coming to save us. Sorry. If the above information doesn’t prompt you to immediately getting into “prepping” as best you and any awake, close friends and family, then you’re not taking this as seriously as I believe you’re should. How to avoid despair Now, I’m well aware this is terrifying and a common reaction is to dismiss it. However, it fits horribly well with what we know already. I’m probably able to imagine it because parts of it are already proven in my mind (the intentional harms from the totally superfluous injections). I continue to recommend two things. Invest your own time and thought into waking up others. Be selfless. It’s your best defence to dilute what’s coming, as more people will become allies in unpredictable ways. It also feels like you are helping stop it rather than being a victim - This is because you are. Do something rather than nothing also to prepare for a period of discontinuity. I’m talking basic food and water, basic meds, some things you can barter with, some skills you might have, something to defend yourself with, better yet, a safe place to be if the SHTF. If you’re already a grower, great. Grow stuff. I don’t think I can do that. I’m not in one place long enough. You might be bored on a narrow diet, but enough calories and nutrients plus clean water means you can sustain yourself for some considerable time. Time means you don’t HAVE to go out into the melee when it’s at its worst. If there are people you can trust with your life, talk with them. Get right with the power in your universe that is important for you. If nothing happens, laugh. Long term simultaneous planning in all areas https://brownstone.org/articles/the-great-taking-exposes-the-financial-end-game/ I and many draw a parallel between the 50 years of change in public health law, leading to the genocidal deception namely, the fake vaccines that are intentionally toxic can legally be injected into billions of people and there is total immunity from prosecution or liability. I’ve easily been able to find trails of evidence of premeditation of the current ‘health’ crime which go back 25 years (tabletopped pandemic simulations, despite their being events that do not happen in reality, well characterised by journalistic Paul Schreyer. See video within Treaty of Lies post embedded below). When you examine the history of “climate change”, you can easily find at least half a century of planning. Now we see that, in parallel, preparations to seize all private property has also been going on since the 1960s. Plenty of people give a hollow laugh at this point (seizure of assets) saying “Good luck with seizing my debts!” While it’s true that you cannot lose that which you don’t have, what little people do have will be seized and controlled by the perpetrators. I cannot stress enough my expectations are that those with very little will actually be impacted most strongly and immediately by any planned financial system collapse. The perpetrators will “come to their rescue” with the issuance of centrally controlled digital money in exchange for signing up for a government issued digital ID. The digital concentration camp digital ID I remain convinced that the most likely and entirely plausible method for highly controlled depopulation is the requirement to hold at all times and obligation to display the mandatory digital ID, effectively mandatory jabs along with the need to be up-to-date with WHO-recommended “vaccines” (which of course will be of mRNA type), where failure to comply will lead to the digital ID losing validity. mark of the beast CBDC No valid digital ID, no ability to transact. If you are determined not to immediately be drawn into what I call the killing machine then, to the extent that you can, it’s very important NOW to be preparing not to totally vulnerable on Day 1. Beyond whatsoever preparations you can do, you’ll need to grow at least some of your own food or know others who create surpluses, from whom you stand a chance of obtaining food in exchange for labour, skills, gold or silver (even small amounts are better than none at all). Two arms in a pincer movement I take the view that, once one has sufficient proof of a lethal assault, backed by evidence of decades of planning, it’s not unreasonable to interpret anything unusual as likely a component of such attacks. toxic by design There is proof for example that the injected purported to be “vaccines” are in fact constructions designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors. I am but one giver of truly expert opinion on this front, and I am one of many. I can debate all day with anyone who wishes to resist this conclusion. I understand why they don’t want to accept it. It is however true, unquestionably. legalised iatrogenocide Interestingly, people totally unconnected to me, like Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova (mostly KW initially) have uncovered decades of stealthy modification to “public health” laws and regulations. These culminate in making the obviously unlawful, “legal on paper”, including and especially injected toxins called “Covid19 vaccines”. Fake PHEIC Yet further separate experts identified that there’s not been a pandemic or public health emergency. This was all a PsyOp. Lying, big time. Again see previous posts for Professor Rancourt’s papers for example. That some proclaiming truth and freedom still act as if there was a spreading pathogen is deeply regrettable. Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth. I saw the two gentlemen at the end of this post, Dr Christian Perronne and Stefan Homburg, make short speeches close together in time. Knowing as I do that there was no pandemic, no public health emergency… …only lies about a dreadful new disease sweeping across the world, followed by deliberate misattribution of illness and death to this supposed diseas… Read more 3 months ago · 325 likes · 254 comments · Dr Mike Yeadon PCR fraud I and many others knew that you cannot use bulk testing using PCR with any chance of getting valid, let alone meaningful results. These tests were all carefully fixed, like a conjuring trick, long before the audiences attention was drawn to the magician. Irrational masking, lockdowns, distancing Masks and “lockdowns” are literally absurd. There were never part of the public health emergency plans of any country. I know, because I read a dozen of them. In 2019, some in WHO detailed the lack of evidence of effectiveness in making the slightest difference to apparent epidemic spreading of acute respiratory illnesses. For me, the first evidence that I found genuinely terrifying was when scores of countries simultaneously “locked down”, using lies and identical wording. I interpreted it then and now as unequivocal proof of supranational cooperation. In retrospect, my intellectual core worked out that this could only point to objectives being totalitarian digital enslavement and mass depopulation. Nothing else comes close to fitting all the important observations. you will own nothing Arm two, David Rogers Webb takes us through a century of preparation and planning to make legal the taking of almost everything you own. The most intense and dramatic changes started again in the 1960s. There’s no uncertainty about what has happened or what will happen, by design, WHEN and not IF the perpetrators trigger The Great Reset, which is very likely to originate with the insolvency of globally significantly important banks. These two major arms of a malevolent, long planned pincer movement, now closing on humanity. As a highly qualified, experienced and at least moderately successful executive in commercial biomedical research, we’re way past theory, on either arm lies about contagious illnesses, the lies on necessary countermeasures and especially “vaccines” and Theft on a global scale of substantially all private property, destruction of money and replacement with centrally controlled digital currency). Freedom - a memory of the old This imminent totalitarian control system will delete freedom forever. Unlike political or religious followings, this one relies not at all upon a mass following. If they succeed in replacing cash with digital money and getting us used to showing ID ahead of every transaction, there’s nothing that can be done to resist total control and importantly, coerced injection. Taking these two arms together alone has no plausible benevolent interpretation and to resist my conclusion is, in my opinion at this point an act either of cowardly denial or of a troll. Yep. I said it. EVs Given that backdrop, the enforced movement towards BEVs might have several explanations. Ockhams Razor strongly ties these two assaults together. Agenda 2030 It fits with 24/7 surveillance, 15 minute cities, the perversion of foodstuffs and many more, strange themes and events, in the skies, on the ground and under the sea. The Hidden Hand I’m often asked “So who is doing this?” I believe we will never know. We know the names of a small number of those who are obviously all-in on this, and your know their names. They’re often referred to on TV and representatives of wealthy trusts and funds, too, not infrequently seen. There is some attention on “think tanks” such as WEF, UN, WHO, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, the Davos Set, the Crowned Heads of European countries, especially U.K. and the Netherlands, even The Committee of 300. But know this, we’re never going to be allowed to know their names and identities. In my opinion, it makes no difference whatsoever whether we have their names or not. In terms of countermeasures, being as prepared as possible is very important. My own knowledge has enabled avoidance of just one crucial risk so far: not being injected with “c19 vaccines”. I’m mostly though not protected by knowledge. There’s nowhere to run and hide anyway. We have to stop it or limit the destruction that they’ll commit. Finally, this truly extended planned assault upon humanity has a spiritual aspect to it, to say the least. I doubt they’re alien lizards, but I do think they’re from extended families who have held very terrible views on “ordinary people” like you and me, forever. We’re not in a hopeless position but I do recommend we recognise just how much trouble we’re in. I encourage each of us to prepare to be able to resist for a long as possible. Buying time may be the single most important thing you can do. Important is the relay idea. Those reading this for example are already wide awake. Those in your personal network may not be. In those cases, you are pretty much their only salvation. The media is never going to tell them the truth. I cannot ever reach them, because they’re not looking for (people like) me. So this battle may turn on your willingness and effectiveness in opening the eyes of people important to you. It doesn’t matter how rich you are Just as public health laws were changed over decades to make legal the absurd and malign things that have happened in relation to gene-based injections, an analogous, patient process of dissolving private property rights in favour of those at the top of the list of creditors in the event of a bankruptcy of any entity against which the private property of all of the public has been used as collateral. It’s unbelievable that this has happened. As of now, even billionaires who aren’t among the perpetrators will lose everything, as will you and I. Everything that you think you own, on which you owe any debt at all, will be forfeit in the event of failure of a remote business, where the debts of which rest in part on your assets, because that claim on your assets is being used as collateral. As Webb says in his excellent interview with James Delingpole, this cannot be run away from. He’s spoken with large numbers of wealthy people, some of whom are billionaires, and none of them had any idea of this. After a flurry of denials, they read his booklet and slumped in defeat. Nobody is coming to save us. If this information doesn’t prompt you to immediately getting into “prepping” as best you and any awake, close friends and family, you’re not taking this as seriously as I believe your should. https://delingpole.podbean.com/e/david-rogers-webb/ So. Will you act to stop this? David’s hope then, is that the currently well-off and more than that are being forced to become active. They don’t have a choice. If they do nothing, they will lose everything. For example, if you have a private pension, you’ll probably own shares / stocks and bonds. Your broker, nowadays typically “execution-only online brokers”, has followed your instructions to buy and hold on your behalf certain assets. Unfortunately these, too, have been pledged as collateral. The value of collateral based financial instruments is said to be a huge multiple of world GDP, by astonishing amounts. So large that there’s no hope ever of recovering even pennies on the pound. If you’ve a workplace related pension, the assets being used to pay your monthly pension will also be automatically transferred electronically to those on the top of the stack of creditors. I’m not sure what, if anything, is not forfeit to these diabolical creatures. I understood that assets in your physical possession which are free of debt and were not purchased with now-cleared debt, might still be seized. If your car, say, when it was an asset of the manufacturer or of the car retailer, was pledged as collateral for some transaction they’d entered into, it seems absurd but true that your car, too, might never have had its collateral status revoked. If so, even that vehicle might be forfeit. Boris will claim it back. On cars, it may become moot, because so many cars definitely are assets of finance companies that can be seized. We know how very keen are the perpetrators to find ways to get our car keys out of our cars. I could envisage a situation where demand for petrol and diesel would fall so hard that fuel stations would have to close. At that point, your car becomes a very heavy paperweight. Webb doesn’t offer a prediction on timing or the way that has been (or will be) chosen to create a new global financial crisis and implode the globeconomy, taking everything with it. He does, however, list a set of preconditions necessary to initiate this global heist. He was quite sure that this is what is going to happen. As mentioned above, he puts all his hopes onto the shoulders of wealthy but uninvolved people. I know two billionaires personally (one through old business connections and the other was a major donor to a campaigning organization that I was helping). They’re just like you and me other than that they have huge numbers in the “net worth” category. Webb knows that an ever-widening set of wealthy (but uninvolved) people are becoming very upset about this whole situation. Enlightened self-interest being what is, they’ll have to get active. More on ways of preparing You must do your own research, but I strongly recommend you explore ways to protect what you can by converting some cash or cash-like assets into something that cannot be automatically seized. I do think anyone with life savings and no earned income or capacity to generate any would be unwise to leave it solely in the standard categories of stocks (shares) and bonds, real estate (houses) and deposits of cash. These are all subject to seizure if Webb’s concerns materialise. This is an interesting interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, on Greg Hunter’s podcast.She’s my go-to person on matters macro-financial. https://usawatchdog.com/pushback-to-tyranny-control-increases-in-2024-catherine-austin-fitts/ I’m aware of a joining of forces between her and David Webb, the author of “The Great Taking”. As always, buyer beware on all these things. I’m a very basic investor, but I’m not conservative. Sometimes, I’ll be in what looks to conventional wisdom to be highly risky. For example, I was at one point heavily into peer-to-peer lending and did very well out of it over a 6-7 year period where base rates were so low that you couldn’t generate a meaningful income off even a sizeable amount of money. Got out early enough to ensure I made no net losses despite all the warnings. She makes interesting comments on physical gold. Every bit as interesting are her comments on relationships of trust as being among the most important things to strengthen in 2024. I’ve no useful idea when “The Great Taking” will be triggered, but this I know. When it happens, everyone will know it. It might be in days or not for years. Stakeholder Communism Yellow forum videos including the film Stakeholder Capitalism Schwab is proud of his invention, his new economic system. All the videos in the link above, from some that are mere seconds long to the full film, serve to establish that this astonishing coup d’etat of the planet isn’t ongoing but has already happened. That’s why elections are irrelevant and have been for many years, unfortunately. https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1808391835607306604 Please find ways to share this information. While I’ve been wrong about timing, often, I do think they aim to get it completed and bedded in by 2030. That seems to be a key date for WEF and the UN. Thus, I anticipate that at any time a global financial crisis of unprecedented magnitude will be triggered, most assets automatically seized and from that point on, I could envisage our focus necessarily moving to survival rather than protest. Alternatively, a war would suffice to create such discontinuities as the perpetrators may wish to use to move some chess pieces around before triggered GFC2.0 and asset seizure. As always, I’m piecing together the clues, as I don’t have a copy of the plot. Best wishes Mike All help for my assistant Tim gratefully received by way of a paid subscription to this publication if you are able. Or subscribe for free to receive everything anyway. https://substack.com/home/post/p-146503974
    Maybe you have millions, even billions?… they will take it all… pretty soon.
    Over 50 years, laws have been changed the world over. You have “beneficial ownership” not ownership. This means someone else owns it. Will you fight it?
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  • The Fed's "Doomsday Book" Has Been Revealed
    The Corbett Report

    by James Corbett
    May 26, 2024

    Back in 2011, shareholders of insurance giant American International Group (AIG) filed a $40 billion class action lawsuit against the US government over the terms of its controversial bailout of AIG during the 2008 financial crisis.

    In 2014, the trial case came to focus on an intriguing oddity. In cross-examination, the plaintiffs learned of a set of documents that the New York Fed—the heart of America's Federal Reserve central bank and the primary wheeler-dealer in the chaotic days of the global financial collapse—dramatically refers to as its "Doomsday Book."

    This book, it was discovered, contained the various legal opinions and memoranda that the Fed used to determine what power it has to manipulate the financial system in the event of a large-scale crisis. And, it seemed, there was a good chance that the central broke its own rules with all its bailout shenanigans and financial sleight-of-hand during the 2008 collapse.

    However, the plaintiffs' reasonable request to see the book and examine these supposed emergency powers was immediately rebuffed by the Fed. New York Fed lawyer John S. Kiernan, for example, was adamant that the Fed would not open up the book for the court. "Of the tens of thousands of documents that we have produced in this case, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has sought to retain confidentiality because of the internal sensitivity of only this one," he told the United States Court of Federal Claims.

    The court was eventually able to pry the relevant documents out of the Fed's clutches, but the Doomsday Book has remained under court seal for years . . . until now.

    Late last year, an enterprising researcher managed to get his hands on a copy of the elusive book. And what that book contains should shock you (if you're paying attention).

    What Is The Doomsday Book?

    The very first thing to note about the "Doomsday Book" is that you can now read it for yourself! . . . kind of. I'll get into that qualification in a bit. But first, I do recommend you download the publicly available content for yourself. You can download it as a PDF file from The Wall Street Journal website HERE.

    And, since Corbett Reporteers might not like to give WSJ their traffic (and because these types of files have a pesky habit of disappearing down the internet rabbit hole), I've also gone ahead and preserved a copy on my server HERE! (You're welcome!) Still, you never know when/if/how information online will go missing or become inaccessible, so don't dither. Download it now, while you can!

    Alright, now that you have a copy saved locally, here's the first question: what is the doomsday book, exactly?

    The short answer—taken from an article announcing its release last December—is that the doomsday book is "an internal document used to guide the Federal Reserve’s actions during emergencies."

    The longer answer is that the Doomsday Book is not a book at all. Instead, it's a collection of documents, legal opinions and memoranda that have been assembled and maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) over the course of decades. It was first compiled in the 1990s and has been revised four times, thus creating five versions of the "book" (that we know of). The latest version is Version 5.0 and it includes extensive revisions to various memoranda and opinions—revisions that were made to reflect the legal and regulatory changes wrought by the 2010 Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (see the "Note on Legal Evolution" on page 46 of the PDF document).

    According to the Prefatory Matters section of the latest revision (page 44 of the PDF document):

    The Doomsday Book is intended to help lawyers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York aid their clients in crisis management. It was originally distributed to a limited set of lawyers and select senior staff members. This has changed with time, as more lawyers are drawn into crisis management. Now, all FRBNY lawyers receive a copy of the Doomsday Book.

    The same passage also explains that the book "is not intended as an 'off-the-shelf' solution to any particular crisis" but as a "playbook" of general advice that may require modification depending on the circumstances.

    So, the next question to be answered is . . .

    How Did The Doomsday Book Get Released?

    As indicated above, the Doomsday Book first came to the public's attention during the 2014 Starr International Co. v. United States trial, in which AIG shareholders were suing the government over the Fed's questionable bailout practices. (If you need a primer on that trial to bring you up to speed, you're in luck! I wrote an article about the case and its startling conclusion in these very pages nine years ago!)

    During the trial, Timothy Geithner—who was president of the FRBNY during the global financial collapse—not only confirmed the existence of the book, but admitted that he relied on it to guide his actions in the crisis. “It’s kind of a big, fat binder,” he told the court, adding that “we did occasionally go back and consult it as things were eroding around us. . . . It was a reference material that described precedent and authority.”

    And, as also noted above, although the plaintiffs' lawyers were able to get their hands on a copy of the book's index, the Fed successfully petitioned the court to keep the documents under court seal. Some quotations from the book were read into the court record during testimony, but, aside from that, no specific information on the documents was forthcoming.

    Enter Emre Kuvvet. He's a Professor of Finance at Nova Southeastern University who, recognizing the importance of this elusive emergency operations document, filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the book . . . and was promptly rejected. Not one to give up so easily, Kuvvet then filed a simple Freedom of Information request with the FRBNY and—"for reasons unknown to me," as Kuvvet wryly observes—was duly provided the 122-page document that you just downloaded.

    Now, in order to understand why the FRBNY's compliance with this request is so unusual, you have to understand the difference between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System—the twelve-member panel appointed by the US president and confirmed by the US Senate to oversee the Federal Reserve System—and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York—the most powerful of the twelve regional banks that are responsible for the banking operations of the Federal Reserve System.

    If you need a refresher on the deliberately confusing structure of the United States' "decentralized central bank," might I humbly suggest that you watch (or re-watch) Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve? If and when you do so, you will see for yourself the moment when Federal Reserve Board Senior Counsel Yvonne Mizusawa argues in court that the Federal Reserve Regional Banks (not the Board) are private banks and thus not "persons under FOIA."

    In other words, the Federal Reserve argues that the records of the Fed's regional banks—including their legal opinions, memoranda, internal records and, of course, the New York Fed's coveted Doomsday Book—are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. However, no doubt concerned with the optics created by an un-FOIA-able central bank, the FRBNY has a "Freedom of Information Requests" page on its website in which it boasts that "the New York Fed is committed to complying with the spirit of FOIA and has had a Freedom of Information Policy or related practice for decades."

    In other words, the New York Fed does not believe itself to be legally obligated to give up any of its precious documents . . . but it might occasionally choose to do so if you ask nicely. Accordingly, the FRBNY provided Kuvvet with versions 4.1 (2006) and 5.0 (2012) of the book's index. He then set to work writing an extensive article about the documents, "What Is in the Federal Reserve’s Doomsday Book?" (paywalled content), which was published in the Spring 2024 edition of The Independent Review.

    The title of Kuvvet's article raises another very good question, namely . . .

    What Is In The Doomsday Book?

    Remember when I said you can download the book for yourself . . . kind of? Well, here's the rub: the 122-page PDF document that was released in 2022 and is now available for download is not the full collection of documents. Rather, what has been released is an introduction to the book.

    Spread out over more than 100 pages, this introduction includes an extensive index of the contents of the full book; a listing of the titles and dates of the various agreements, memos and opinions that form the full collection; the Fed's own internal notes explaining what the collection is; an explanation of what the various sections of the book contain; and even an especially revealing explanatory passage containing the frank admission that "the powers of a Federal Reserve Bank are far greater than is commonly supposed" (page 33).

    The latest version of the Doomsday Book introduction reveals that the book consists of three volumes:

    Volume I – Pre-2008 Legal Documents

    Volume II – Post-2008 Legal Documents

    Volume III – Memoranda

    For a complete listing of what documents are contained in each volume and what subject each document covers, you can browse through the confusing and repetitive PDF document or you can read Kuvvet's article for a more logical (if still ponderous) listing.

    The introduction to Version 4.1, however, does helpfully break down the legal memoranda in the book into broad categories of memo:

    "Powers Opinions," which "discuss the legal authority of Federal Reserve Banks to provide various kinds of emergency services and facilities that they are not in the habit of providing under ordinary circumstances";

    "History and Policy," documenting the history of the Federal Reserve's policy decisions and previous emergency actions;

    "Operational Issues," which "discuss legal aspects of operational issues, and are probably mostly of interest to attorneys";

    "Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law Issues," dealing with the legal risk of lending to bankrupt or insolvent firms;

    "International Issues," dealing with the cross-border operations the Fed might employ during international crises;


    As for the agreements, memoranda and opinions themselves, there are some incredibly interesting documents listed that no doubt contain many valuable nuggets of information about the Fed's internal processes.

    For the policy wonks and financial eggheads in the crowd, the agreements contained in the book provide a wealth of data on what the Fed believes it is empowered to do during times of crisis. As Kuvvet notes in his "What Is in the Federal Reserve’s Doomsday Book?" article, for instance:

    In the Section 13(13) Lending Agreement subsection, the FRBNY states that the section 13(13) lending authority can be useful for nonbank government securities dealers. The FRBNY believes that Federal Reserve Banks are authorized to accept ineligible collateral to supplement eligible collateral.

    Conspiracy realists, meanwhile, will no doubt be intrigued by the "Chronology of Events at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York After the World Trade Center Attack" in the "History and Policy" section of the book. According to the Fed's own description on page 35 of the PDF, the document "begins with the morning of September 11, 2001 and concludes with the full resumption of operations on September 24" and "discusses all significant events: financial, operational and humanitarian."

    So, how does the New York Fed's internal history of the 9/11 false flag differ from the public version—"The Federal Reserve's Response to the Sept. 11 Attacks"—on the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' website? Does it include information on the puzzling monetary events taking place in the lead-up to those attacks—events that include the largest June-August spike in the currency component of the M1 money supply in half a century? Does it hold the clue to the Die Hard 3-esque gold heist that may or may not have taken place in New York on the day of the attacks?

    Good questions!

    Unfortunately, until such time as some intrepid reporter, professor of finance or Corbett Reporteer jumps through the hoops of the New York Fed's Freedom of Information Requests process and pries this specific document—or any of the other documents listed in the Doomsday Book index—from the bankster's clutches, we won't know for sure. After all, we only have the titles of these documents and a cursory description of them from the Doomsday Book's index.

    All of this leads us to the most important question . . .

    What Does It Mean?

    The first-order takeaway from the Doomsday Book is that the Fed apparently believes that it has the authority to do quite a bit more in the event of an emergency than has been specifically authorized by the Federal Reserve Act.

    For a line-by-line, blow-by-blow analysis of these presumed powers and the Fed's arguments surrounding them, I highly suggest reading Kuvvet's article. In it, you will learn, for instance, that the Fed believes it has the authority to bail out cities during "emergency situations" . . . whatever those are.

    Surprisingly, the FRBNY states that section 13(3) lending authority extends to municipalities, and that there is an additional independent section 14(b)(1)17 lending authority for municipalities. Thus, the FRBNY considers that it has the legal authority to rescue municipalities in emergency situations. The Doomsday Book does not define what those “emergency situations” are.

    Even more remarkably, the Fed also reserves the power to receive "equity kickers"—that is, take an ownership stake in a company and presumably even take over a company entirely—when engaged in emergency lending. This is the power that was under scrutiny during the aforementioned AIG shareholder lawsuit, Starr International Co. v. United States, and it raises the specter of the Fed taking over and potentially running companies or even vast swaths of the economy in the face of a truly catastrophic economic collapse.

    Per Kuvvet:

    Lenders receive equity kickers frequently to compensate for risk. The FRBNY received an equity kicker in the AIG loan. The FRBNY considers that the scope of the power to receive an equity kicker remains uncertain, particularly whether the National Bank Act restrictions on equity kickers apply to Reserve Banks. The memorandum titled “Equity Kickers and Reserve Bank Loans” contends that they do not. Lenders sometimes employ guarantees appurtenant to financial transactions, and often employ guarantees in workout contexts. The memoranda titled “AIG Loan Restructuring-Reserve Bank Powers” and “Authority of Reserve Banks to Issue Guarantees on Behalf of Depository Institutions” explore the limits of the guarantee power.

    But perhaps the most brazen statement of the Fed's self-proclaimed emergency power comes in the section on "Powers Opinions" on page 33 of the Doomsday Book PDF.

    The powers opinions discuss the legal authority of Federal Reserve Banks to provide various kinds of emergency services and facilities that they are not in the habit of providing under ordinary circumstances. [. . .] A constant theme runs through them all: the powers of a Federal Reserve Bank are far greater than is commonly supposed.

    This is perhaps the most succinct statement of the banksters' arrogance that have ever been set to paper. In other words, the Fed's own internal document is gloating that the Fed reserves itself powers that the public do not know about and presumably would not approve of if they did. This does not trouble the Fed or its legal counsel in the slightest.

    So, what are we to make of this galling arrogance?

    Writing in The Hill, op-ed contributor Doug Branch—whose bio notes that he served as Deputy Staff Director of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) and Deputy Chief of Staff to a Financial Services Subcommittee Chairman in the US government—predictably opines that what is needed is for the government to step in and rein in the Fed, passing legislation to "unambiguously authorize" those emergency powers that the Fed claims and that Congress deems necessary. Congress should also, in Branch's opinion "reserve the right to disapprove [of a Fed emergency power] through an after-action process."

    Although Branch's answer sounds perfectly straightforward and reasonable—reasonable to statists who believe in The Most Dangerous Superstition, at least—it fails to grasp an extremely basic fact, one that governs all such "emergency powers" and "states of exception." Namely, the fact that power—especially emergency power—is a thing that is demonstrated, not codified.

    Case in point: the Starr International Co. v. United States case in which the Doomsday Book's existence was first revealed. If you read my 2015 article on that case, you'll know that case's insane conclusion. The court ultimately ruled that the Fed had indeed overstepped its powers in the course of the AIG bailout . . . but imposed no penalty and awarded the prosecution nothing.

    Based upon the foregoing, the Court concludes that the Credit Agreement Shareholder Class shall prevail on liability due to the Government’s illegal exaction, but shall recover zero damages, and that the Reverse Stock Split Shareholder Class shall not prevail on liability or damages.

    Naturally, the Fed took this decision as vindication that it had acted legally.

    The Federal Reserve strongly believes that its actions in the AIG rescue during the height of the financial crisis in 2008 were legal, proper and effective. The court's decision today in Starr International Company, Inc. v. the United States recognizes that AIG's shareholders are not entitled to compensation for that decision, and that the Federal Reserve's extension of credit to AIG prevented losses to millions of policyholders, small businesses, and American workers who would have been harmed by AIG's collapse during the financial crisis. The terms of the credit were appropriately tough to protect taxpayers from the risks the rescue loan presented when it was made.

    This is how power operates. It acts—illegally if need be—and the judge comes along afterward to clean up the mess.

    The fact that the Fed's powers have not been delineated down to the nth degree is a feature of the system that the banksters have created, not a bug, as Doug Branch suggests. The banksters who own and run the Fed and who control Congress through blackmail, bribery and extortion are not going to make the mistake of stating exactly what powers they do and don't possess. And they're certainly not going to allow such limitations on their powers to be codified into law. Instead, they will act as power always acts: unilaterally, unapologetically, and without asking for permission.

    Sorry (not sorry) to burst your bubble, Mr. Branch, and all those other "common sense" thinkers who believe that government is the answer to the problem that was created by the (bankster-controlled) government, but there is no tinkering around the edges here. No amount of legislation is going to make the entire corrupt Federal Reserve System into anything other than the bankster cartel that it was designed to be.

    No, we do not need to "rein in" the Fed or set up yet another government committee to try to codify its powers. We need to abolish the Fed itself and bring about a separation of money and state altogether. That is the real takeaway from the Fed Doomsday Book.

    For enterprising researchers out there, I look forward to hearing about your own exploration of these documents and your own adventures with the FRBNY's "Freedom of Information Request" process.

    The cockroaches always scurry from the light, so let's see if we can shine some more of it on this whole sordid mess.

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    The Fed's "Doomsday Book" Has Been Revealed The Corbett Report by James Corbett corbettreport.com May 26, 2024 Back in 2011, shareholders of insurance giant American International Group (AIG) filed a $40 billion class action lawsuit against the US government over the terms of its controversial bailout of AIG during the 2008 financial crisis. In 2014, the trial case came to focus on an intriguing oddity. In cross-examination, the plaintiffs learned of a set of documents that the New York Fed—the heart of America's Federal Reserve central bank and the primary wheeler-dealer in the chaotic days of the global financial collapse—dramatically refers to as its "Doomsday Book." This book, it was discovered, contained the various legal opinions and memoranda that the Fed used to determine what power it has to manipulate the financial system in the event of a large-scale crisis. And, it seemed, there was a good chance that the central broke its own rules with all its bailout shenanigans and financial sleight-of-hand during the 2008 collapse. However, the plaintiffs' reasonable request to see the book and examine these supposed emergency powers was immediately rebuffed by the Fed. New York Fed lawyer John S. Kiernan, for example, was adamant that the Fed would not open up the book for the court. "Of the tens of thousands of documents that we have produced in this case, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has sought to retain confidentiality because of the internal sensitivity of only this one," he told the United States Court of Federal Claims. The court was eventually able to pry the relevant documents out of the Fed's clutches, but the Doomsday Book has remained under court seal for years . . . until now. Late last year, an enterprising researcher managed to get his hands on a copy of the elusive book. And what that book contains should shock you (if you're paying attention). What Is The Doomsday Book? The very first thing to note about the "Doomsday Book" is that you can now read it for yourself! . . . kind of. I'll get into that qualification in a bit. But first, I do recommend you download the publicly available content for yourself. You can download it as a PDF file from The Wall Street Journal website HERE. And, since Corbett Reporteers might not like to give WSJ their traffic (and because these types of files have a pesky habit of disappearing down the internet rabbit hole), I've also gone ahead and preserved a copy on my server HERE! (You're welcome!) Still, you never know when/if/how information online will go missing or become inaccessible, so don't dither. Download it now, while you can! Alright, now that you have a copy saved locally, here's the first question: what is the doomsday book, exactly? The short answer—taken from an article announcing its release last December—is that the doomsday book is "an internal document used to guide the Federal Reserve’s actions during emergencies." The longer answer is that the Doomsday Book is not a book at all. Instead, it's a collection of documents, legal opinions and memoranda that have been assembled and maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) over the course of decades. It was first compiled in the 1990s and has been revised four times, thus creating five versions of the "book" (that we know of). The latest version is Version 5.0 and it includes extensive revisions to various memoranda and opinions—revisions that were made to reflect the legal and regulatory changes wrought by the 2010 Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (see the "Note on Legal Evolution" on page 46 of the PDF document). According to the Prefatory Matters section of the latest revision (page 44 of the PDF document): The Doomsday Book is intended to help lawyers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York aid their clients in crisis management. It was originally distributed to a limited set of lawyers and select senior staff members. This has changed with time, as more lawyers are drawn into crisis management. Now, all FRBNY lawyers receive a copy of the Doomsday Book. The same passage also explains that the book "is not intended as an 'off-the-shelf' solution to any particular crisis" but as a "playbook" of general advice that may require modification depending on the circumstances. So, the next question to be answered is . . . How Did The Doomsday Book Get Released? As indicated above, the Doomsday Book first came to the public's attention during the 2014 Starr International Co. v. United States trial, in which AIG shareholders were suing the government over the Fed's questionable bailout practices. (If you need a primer on that trial to bring you up to speed, you're in luck! I wrote an article about the case and its startling conclusion in these very pages nine years ago!) During the trial, Timothy Geithner—who was president of the FRBNY during the global financial collapse—not only confirmed the existence of the book, but admitted that he relied on it to guide his actions in the crisis. “It’s kind of a big, fat binder,” he told the court, adding that “we did occasionally go back and consult it as things were eroding around us. . . . It was a reference material that described precedent and authority.” And, as also noted above, although the plaintiffs' lawyers were able to get their hands on a copy of the book's index, the Fed successfully petitioned the court to keep the documents under court seal. Some quotations from the book were read into the court record during testimony, but, aside from that, no specific information on the documents was forthcoming. Enter Emre Kuvvet. He's a Professor of Finance at Nova Southeastern University who, recognizing the importance of this elusive emergency operations document, filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the book . . . and was promptly rejected. Not one to give up so easily, Kuvvet then filed a simple Freedom of Information request with the FRBNY and—"for reasons unknown to me," as Kuvvet wryly observes—was duly provided the 122-page document that you just downloaded. Now, in order to understand why the FRBNY's compliance with this request is so unusual, you have to understand the difference between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System—the twelve-member panel appointed by the US president and confirmed by the US Senate to oversee the Federal Reserve System—and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York—the most powerful of the twelve regional banks that are responsible for the banking operations of the Federal Reserve System. If you need a refresher on the deliberately confusing structure of the United States' "decentralized central bank," might I humbly suggest that you watch (or re-watch) Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve? If and when you do so, you will see for yourself the moment when Federal Reserve Board Senior Counsel Yvonne Mizusawa argues in court that the Federal Reserve Regional Banks (not the Board) are private banks and thus not "persons under FOIA." In other words, the Federal Reserve argues that the records of the Fed's regional banks—including their legal opinions, memoranda, internal records and, of course, the New York Fed's coveted Doomsday Book—are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. However, no doubt concerned with the optics created by an un-FOIA-able central bank, the FRBNY has a "Freedom of Information Requests" page on its website in which it boasts that "the New York Fed is committed to complying with the spirit of FOIA and has had a Freedom of Information Policy or related practice for decades." In other words, the New York Fed does not believe itself to be legally obligated to give up any of its precious documents . . . but it might occasionally choose to do so if you ask nicely. Accordingly, the FRBNY provided Kuvvet with versions 4.1 (2006) and 5.0 (2012) of the book's index. He then set to work writing an extensive article about the documents, "What Is in the Federal Reserve’s Doomsday Book?" (paywalled content), which was published in the Spring 2024 edition of The Independent Review. The title of Kuvvet's article raises another very good question, namely . . . What Is In The Doomsday Book? Remember when I said you can download the book for yourself . . . kind of? Well, here's the rub: the 122-page PDF document that was released in 2022 and is now available for download is not the full collection of documents. Rather, what has been released is an introduction to the book. Spread out over more than 100 pages, this introduction includes an extensive index of the contents of the full book; a listing of the titles and dates of the various agreements, memos and opinions that form the full collection; the Fed's own internal notes explaining what the collection is; an explanation of what the various sections of the book contain; and even an especially revealing explanatory passage containing the frank admission that "the powers of a Federal Reserve Bank are far greater than is commonly supposed" (page 33). The latest version of the Doomsday Book introduction reveals that the book consists of three volumes: Volume I – Pre-2008 Legal Documents Volume II – Post-2008 Legal Documents Volume III – Memoranda For a complete listing of what documents are contained in each volume and what subject each document covers, you can browse through the confusing and repetitive PDF document or you can read Kuvvet's article for a more logical (if still ponderous) listing. The introduction to Version 4.1, however, does helpfully break down the legal memoranda in the book into broad categories of memo: "Powers Opinions," which "discuss the legal authority of Federal Reserve Banks to provide various kinds of emergency services and facilities that they are not in the habit of providing under ordinary circumstances"; "History and Policy," documenting the history of the Federal Reserve's policy decisions and previous emergency actions; "Operational Issues," which "discuss legal aspects of operational issues, and are probably mostly of interest to attorneys"; "Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law Issues," dealing with the legal risk of lending to bankrupt or insolvent firms; "International Issues," dealing with the cross-border operations the Fed might employ during international crises; Etc. As for the agreements, memoranda and opinions themselves, there are some incredibly interesting documents listed that no doubt contain many valuable nuggets of information about the Fed's internal processes. For the policy wonks and financial eggheads in the crowd, the agreements contained in the book provide a wealth of data on what the Fed believes it is empowered to do during times of crisis. As Kuvvet notes in his "What Is in the Federal Reserve’s Doomsday Book?" article, for instance: In the Section 13(13) Lending Agreement subsection, the FRBNY states that the section 13(13) lending authority can be useful for nonbank government securities dealers. The FRBNY believes that Federal Reserve Banks are authorized to accept ineligible collateral to supplement eligible collateral. Conspiracy realists, meanwhile, will no doubt be intrigued by the "Chronology of Events at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York After the World Trade Center Attack" in the "History and Policy" section of the book. According to the Fed's own description on page 35 of the PDF, the document "begins with the morning of September 11, 2001 and concludes with the full resumption of operations on September 24" and "discusses all significant events: financial, operational and humanitarian." So, how does the New York Fed's internal history of the 9/11 false flag differ from the public version—"The Federal Reserve's Response to the Sept. 11 Attacks"—on the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' website? Does it include information on the puzzling monetary events taking place in the lead-up to those attacks—events that include the largest June-August spike in the currency component of the M1 money supply in half a century? Does it hold the clue to the Die Hard 3-esque gold heist that may or may not have taken place in New York on the day of the attacks? Good questions! Unfortunately, until such time as some intrepid reporter, professor of finance or Corbett Reporteer jumps through the hoops of the New York Fed's Freedom of Information Requests process and pries this specific document—or any of the other documents listed in the Doomsday Book index—from the bankster's clutches, we won't know for sure. After all, we only have the titles of these documents and a cursory description of them from the Doomsday Book's index. All of this leads us to the most important question . . . What Does It Mean? The first-order takeaway from the Doomsday Book is that the Fed apparently believes that it has the authority to do quite a bit more in the event of an emergency than has been specifically authorized by the Federal Reserve Act. For a line-by-line, blow-by-blow analysis of these presumed powers and the Fed's arguments surrounding them, I highly suggest reading Kuvvet's article. In it, you will learn, for instance, that the Fed believes it has the authority to bail out cities during "emergency situations" . . . whatever those are. Surprisingly, the FRBNY states that section 13(3) lending authority extends to municipalities, and that there is an additional independent section 14(b)(1)17 lending authority for municipalities. Thus, the FRBNY considers that it has the legal authority to rescue municipalities in emergency situations. The Doomsday Book does not define what those “emergency situations” are. Even more remarkably, the Fed also reserves the power to receive "equity kickers"—that is, take an ownership stake in a company and presumably even take over a company entirely—when engaged in emergency lending. This is the power that was under scrutiny during the aforementioned AIG shareholder lawsuit, Starr International Co. v. United States, and it raises the specter of the Fed taking over and potentially running companies or even vast swaths of the economy in the face of a truly catastrophic economic collapse. Per Kuvvet: Lenders receive equity kickers frequently to compensate for risk. The FRBNY received an equity kicker in the AIG loan. The FRBNY considers that the scope of the power to receive an equity kicker remains uncertain, particularly whether the National Bank Act restrictions on equity kickers apply to Reserve Banks. The memorandum titled “Equity Kickers and Reserve Bank Loans” contends that they do not. Lenders sometimes employ guarantees appurtenant to financial transactions, and often employ guarantees in workout contexts. The memoranda titled “AIG Loan Restructuring-Reserve Bank Powers” and “Authority of Reserve Banks to Issue Guarantees on Behalf of Depository Institutions” explore the limits of the guarantee power. But perhaps the most brazen statement of the Fed's self-proclaimed emergency power comes in the section on "Powers Opinions" on page 33 of the Doomsday Book PDF. The powers opinions discuss the legal authority of Federal Reserve Banks to provide various kinds of emergency services and facilities that they are not in the habit of providing under ordinary circumstances. [. . .] A constant theme runs through them all: the powers of a Federal Reserve Bank are far greater than is commonly supposed. This is perhaps the most succinct statement of the banksters' arrogance that have ever been set to paper. In other words, the Fed's own internal document is gloating that the Fed reserves itself powers that the public do not know about and presumably would not approve of if they did. This does not trouble the Fed or its legal counsel in the slightest. So, what are we to make of this galling arrogance? Writing in The Hill, op-ed contributor Doug Branch—whose bio notes that he served as Deputy Staff Director of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) and Deputy Chief of Staff to a Financial Services Subcommittee Chairman in the US government—predictably opines that what is needed is for the government to step in and rein in the Fed, passing legislation to "unambiguously authorize" those emergency powers that the Fed claims and that Congress deems necessary. Congress should also, in Branch's opinion "reserve the right to disapprove [of a Fed emergency power] through an after-action process." Although Branch's answer sounds perfectly straightforward and reasonable—reasonable to statists who believe in The Most Dangerous Superstition, at least—it fails to grasp an extremely basic fact, one that governs all such "emergency powers" and "states of exception." Namely, the fact that power—especially emergency power—is a thing that is demonstrated, not codified. Case in point: the Starr International Co. v. United States case in which the Doomsday Book's existence was first revealed. If you read my 2015 article on that case, you'll know that case's insane conclusion. The court ultimately ruled that the Fed had indeed overstepped its powers in the course of the AIG bailout . . . but imposed no penalty and awarded the prosecution nothing. Based upon the foregoing, the Court concludes that the Credit Agreement Shareholder Class shall prevail on liability due to the Government’s illegal exaction, but shall recover zero damages, and that the Reverse Stock Split Shareholder Class shall not prevail on liability or damages. Naturally, the Fed took this decision as vindication that it had acted legally. The Federal Reserve strongly believes that its actions in the AIG rescue during the height of the financial crisis in 2008 were legal, proper and effective. The court's decision today in Starr International Company, Inc. v. the United States recognizes that AIG's shareholders are not entitled to compensation for that decision, and that the Federal Reserve's extension of credit to AIG prevented losses to millions of policyholders, small businesses, and American workers who would have been harmed by AIG's collapse during the financial crisis. The terms of the credit were appropriately tough to protect taxpayers from the risks the rescue loan presented when it was made. This is how power operates. It acts—illegally if need be—and the judge comes along afterward to clean up the mess. The fact that the Fed's powers have not been delineated down to the nth degree is a feature of the system that the banksters have created, not a bug, as Doug Branch suggests. The banksters who own and run the Fed and who control Congress through blackmail, bribery and extortion are not going to make the mistake of stating exactly what powers they do and don't possess. And they're certainly not going to allow such limitations on their powers to be codified into law. Instead, they will act as power always acts: unilaterally, unapologetically, and without asking for permission. Sorry (not sorry) to burst your bubble, Mr. Branch, and all those other "common sense" thinkers who believe that government is the answer to the problem that was created by the (bankster-controlled) government, but there is no tinkering around the edges here. No amount of legislation is going to make the entire corrupt Federal Reserve System into anything other than the bankster cartel that it was designed to be. No, we do not need to "rein in" the Fed or set up yet another government committee to try to codify its powers. We need to abolish the Fed itself and bring about a separation of money and state altogether. That is the real takeaway from the Fed Doomsday Book. For enterprising researchers out there, I look forward to hearing about your own exploration of these documents and your own adventures with the FRBNY's "Freedom of Information Request" process. The cockroaches always scurry from the light, so let's see if we can shine some more of it on this whole sordid mess. Like this type of essay? Then you’ll love The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter, which contains my weekly editorial as well as recommended reading, viewing and listening. If you’re a Corbett Report member, you can sign in to corbettreport.com and read the newsletter today. Not a member yet? Sign up today to access the newsletter and support this work. https://open.substack.com/pub/corbettreport/p/the-feds-doomsday-book-has-been-revealed?r=29hg4d&utm_medium=ios
    The Fed's "Doomsday Book" Has Been Revealed
    by James Corbett corbettreport.com May 26, 2024 Back in 2011, shareholders of insurance giant American International Group (AIG) filed a $40 billion class action lawsuit against the US government over the terms of its controversial bailout of AIG during the 2008 financial crisis.
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  • Australia challenged on ‘moral failure’ of weapons trade with Israel
    Regular protests have been taking place outside Australian firms making crucial components for the F-35 fighter jet.

    Ali MC
    Protesters sitting outside the HTA factory in the Melbourne suburbs,. There is a large placard reading 'Stop arming Israel"
    Weekly protests have been taking place for months [Ali MC/Al Jazeera]
    Melbourne, Australia – Israel’s continued assault on Gaza has highlighted a hidden yet crucial component of the world’s weapons manufacturing industry – suburban Australia.

    Tucked away in Melbourne’s industrial north, Heat Treatment Australia (HTA) is an Australian company that plays a vital role in the production of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters; the same model that Israel is using to bomb Gaza.

    Weekly protests of about 200 people have been taking place for months outside the nondescript factory, where heat treatment is applied to strengthen components for the fighter jet a product of US military giant Lockheed Martin.

    While protesters have sometimes brought production to a halt with their pickets, they remain concerned about what’s going on inside factories like HTA.

    “We decided to hold the community picket to disrupt workers, and we were successful in stopping work for the day,” Nathalie Farah, protest organiser with local group Hume for Palestine, told Al Jazeera. “We consider this to be a win.”

    “Australia is absolutely complicit in the genocide that is happening,” said 26-year-old Farah, who is of Syrian and Palestinian origin. “Which is contrary to what the government might have us believe.”

    More than 32,000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched its war in Gaza six months ago after Hamas killed more than 1,000 people in a surprise attack on Israel. The war, being investigated as a genocide by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has left hundreds of thousands on the brink of starvation, according to the United Nations.

    HTA – which did not respond to Al Jazeera for comment – is just one of an increasing number of companies in Australia engaged in the weapons manufacturing industry.

    Community organiser Nathalie Farah. She's wearing a Palestinian scarf and a black T-shirt saying Australia.
    Nathalie Farah has been organising regular protests outside HTA’s factory [Ali MC/Al Jazeera]
    According to Lockheed Martin, “Every F-35 built contains some Australian parts and components,” with more than 70 Australian companies having export contracts valued at a total 4.13 billion Australian dollars ($2.69bn).

    Protesters have also picketed Rosebank Engineering, in Melbourne’s southeast, the world’s only producer of the F-35’s “uplock actuator system”, a crucial component of the aircraft’s bomb bay doors.

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    Defence industry push

    In recent years, the Australian government has sought to increase defence exports to boost the country’s flagging manufacturing industry.

    In 2018, former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced Australia aimed to become one of the world’s top 10 defence exporters within a decade. It is currently 30th in global arms production, according to the Stockholm International Peace Institute.

    It is an aspiration that appears set to continue under the government of Anthony Albanese after it concluded a more than one-billion-Australian-dollar deal with Germany to supply more than 100 Boxer Heavy Weapon Carrier vehicles in 2023 – Australia’s single biggest defence industry deal.

    Since the Gaza war began, the industry and its business relationship with Israel have come increasingly under the spotlight.

    Last month, Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles insisted that there were “no exports of weapons from Australia to Israel and there haven’t been for many, many years”.

    However, between 2016 and 2023 the Australian government approved some 322 export permits for military and dual-use equipment to Israel.

    The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s own data – available to the public online – shows that Australian exports of “arms and ammunition” to Israel totalled $15.5 million Australian dollars ($10.1m) over the same period of time.

    Officials now appear to be slowing the export of military equipment to Israel.

    In a recent interview with Australia’s national broadcaster ABC, the Minister for International Development and the Pacific Pat Conroy insisted the country was “not exporting military equipment to Israel” and clarified this meant “military weapons, things like bombs”.

    However, defence exports from Australia fall into two categories, items specifically for military use – such as Boxer Heavy Weapons vehicles for Germany – and so-called ‘dual use’ products, such as radar or communications systems, that can have both civilian and military uses.

    Australia’s Department of Defence did not respond to Al Jazeera’s requests about whether the halt to defence exports to Israel also included dual-use items.

    What is certain is that companies such as HTA and Rosebank Engineering are continuing to manufacture components for the F-35, despite the risk of deployment in what South Africa told the International Court of Justice in December amounted to “genocidal acts“.

    In the Netherlands – where parts for the jet are also manufactured – an appeal court last month ordered the Dutch government to block such exports to Israel citing the risk of breaching international law.

    The Australian government has also come under scrutiny for its lax “end-use controls” on the weapons and components it exports.

    As such, while the F-35 components are exported to US parent company Lockheed Martin, their ultimate use is largely outside Australia’s legal purview.

    Lauren Sanders, senior research fellow on law and the future of war at the University of Queensland, told Al Jazeera that the “on-selling of components and military equipment through third party states is a challenge to global export controls.

    “Once something is out of a state’s control, it becomes more difficult to trace, and to prevent it being passed on to another country,” she said.

    Sanders said Australia’s “end use controls” were deficient in comparison with other exporters such as the United States.

    “The US has hundreds of dedicated staff – with appropriate legal authority to investigate – to chase down potential end-use breaches,” she said.

    “Australia does not have the same kind of end-use controls in place in its legislation, nor does it have the same enforcement resources that the US does.”

    A protester carrying a Palestinian flag at a picket outside an Australian arms company. They have wrapped a Palesinian scarf around their face so only their eyes are visible, Other protesters are behind them. They have placards. Some are sitting on the ground.
    The protesters say they will continue their action until manufacturing of F-35 components is stopped [Ali MC/Al Jazeera]
    In fact, under legislation passed in November 2023, permits for defence goods are no longer required for exports to the United Kingdom and the US under the AUKUS security agreement.

    In a statement, the government argued the exemption would “deliver 614 million [Australian dollars; $401m] in value to the Australian economy over 10 years, by reducing costs to local businesses and unlocking investment opportunities with our AUKUS partners”.

    International law

    This new legislation may provide more opportunities for Australian weapons manufacturers, such as NIOA, a privately owned munitions company that makes bullets at a factory in Benalla, a small rural town in Australia’s southeast.

    The largest supplier of munitions to the Australian Defence Force, NIOA – which did not respond to Al Jazeera for comment – also has aspirations to break into the US weapons market.

    At a recent business conference, CEO Robert Nioa said that “the goal is to establish greater production capabilities in both countries so that Australia can be an alternative source of supply of weapons in times of conflict for the Australian and US militaries”.

    Greens Senator David Shoebridge told Al Jazeera that the government needed to “publicly and immediately refute the plan to become a top 10 global arms dealer and then to provide full transparency on all Australian arms exports including end users.

    “While governments in the Netherlands and the UK are facing legal challenges because of their role in the global supply chain, the Australian Labor government just keeps handing over weapons parts as though no genocide was happening,” he said. “It’s an appalling moral failure, and it is almost certainly a gross breach of international law.”

    The Australian government also recently announced a 917 million Australian dollar ($598m) deal with controversial Israeli company Elbit Systems.

    A court in the Netherlands hearing a case brought in relation to military exports. The room is wood panelled and there is a portrait on the wall.
    The Dutch government has faced legal action over the export of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel [File: Piroschka van de Wouw/Reuters]
    Elbit has come under fire for its sale of defence equipment to the Myanmar military regime, continuing sales even after the military, which seized power in a 2021 coup, was accused of gross human rights violations – including attacks on civilians – by the United Nations and others.

    Despite a recent joint announcement between the Australian and UK governments for an “immediate cessation of fighting” in Gaza, some say Australia needs to go further and cut defence ties with Israel altogether.

    “The Australian government must listen to the growing public calls for peace and end Australia’s two-way arms trade with Israel,” Shoebridge said. “The Albanese government is rewarding and financing the Israeli arms industry just at the moment they are arming a genocide.”

    Protests have continued both at the HTA factory in Melbourne and their premises in Brisbane, with organisers pledging to continue until the company stops manufacturing components for the F-35.

    Australia challenged on ‘moral failure’ of weapons trade with Israel Regular protests have been taking place outside Australian firms making crucial components for the F-35 fighter jet. Ali MC Protesters sitting outside the HTA factory in the Melbourne suburbs,. There is a large placard reading 'Stop arming Israel" Weekly protests have been taking place for months [Ali MC/Al Jazeera] Melbourne, Australia – Israel’s continued assault on Gaza has highlighted a hidden yet crucial component of the world’s weapons manufacturing industry – suburban Australia. Tucked away in Melbourne’s industrial north, Heat Treatment Australia (HTA) is an Australian company that plays a vital role in the production of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters; the same model that Israel is using to bomb Gaza. Weekly protests of about 200 people have been taking place for months outside the nondescript factory, where heat treatment is applied to strengthen components for the fighter jet a product of US military giant Lockheed Martin. While protesters have sometimes brought production to a halt with their pickets, they remain concerned about what’s going on inside factories like HTA. “We decided to hold the community picket to disrupt workers, and we were successful in stopping work for the day,” Nathalie Farah, protest organiser with local group Hume for Palestine, told Al Jazeera. “We consider this to be a win.” “Australia is absolutely complicit in the genocide that is happening,” said 26-year-old Farah, who is of Syrian and Palestinian origin. “Which is contrary to what the government might have us believe.” More than 32,000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched its war in Gaza six months ago after Hamas killed more than 1,000 people in a surprise attack on Israel. The war, being investigated as a genocide by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has left hundreds of thousands on the brink of starvation, according to the United Nations. HTA – which did not respond to Al Jazeera for comment – is just one of an increasing number of companies in Australia engaged in the weapons manufacturing industry. Community organiser Nathalie Farah. She's wearing a Palestinian scarf and a black T-shirt saying Australia. Nathalie Farah has been organising regular protests outside HTA’s factory [Ali MC/Al Jazeera] According to Lockheed Martin, “Every F-35 built contains some Australian parts and components,” with more than 70 Australian companies having export contracts valued at a total 4.13 billion Australian dollars ($2.69bn). Protesters have also picketed Rosebank Engineering, in Melbourne’s southeast, the world’s only producer of the F-35’s “uplock actuator system”, a crucial component of the aircraft’s bomb bay doors. Sign up for Al Jazeera Weekly Newsletter protected by reCAPTCHA Defence industry push In recent years, the Australian government has sought to increase defence exports to boost the country’s flagging manufacturing industry. In 2018, former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced Australia aimed to become one of the world’s top 10 defence exporters within a decade. It is currently 30th in global arms production, according to the Stockholm International Peace Institute. It is an aspiration that appears set to continue under the government of Anthony Albanese after it concluded a more than one-billion-Australian-dollar deal with Germany to supply more than 100 Boxer Heavy Weapon Carrier vehicles in 2023 – Australia’s single biggest defence industry deal. Since the Gaza war began, the industry and its business relationship with Israel have come increasingly under the spotlight. Last month, Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles insisted that there were “no exports of weapons from Australia to Israel and there haven’t been for many, many years”. However, between 2016 and 2023 the Australian government approved some 322 export permits for military and dual-use equipment to Israel. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s own data – available to the public online – shows that Australian exports of “arms and ammunition” to Israel totalled $15.5 million Australian dollars ($10.1m) over the same period of time. Officials now appear to be slowing the export of military equipment to Israel. In a recent interview with Australia’s national broadcaster ABC, the Minister for International Development and the Pacific Pat Conroy insisted the country was “not exporting military equipment to Israel” and clarified this meant “military weapons, things like bombs”. However, defence exports from Australia fall into two categories, items specifically for military use – such as Boxer Heavy Weapons vehicles for Germany – and so-called ‘dual use’ products, such as radar or communications systems, that can have both civilian and military uses. Australia’s Department of Defence did not respond to Al Jazeera’s requests about whether the halt to defence exports to Israel also included dual-use items. What is certain is that companies such as HTA and Rosebank Engineering are continuing to manufacture components for the F-35, despite the risk of deployment in what South Africa told the International Court of Justice in December amounted to “genocidal acts“. In the Netherlands – where parts for the jet are also manufactured – an appeal court last month ordered the Dutch government to block such exports to Israel citing the risk of breaching international law. The Australian government has also come under scrutiny for its lax “end-use controls” on the weapons and components it exports. As such, while the F-35 components are exported to US parent company Lockheed Martin, their ultimate use is largely outside Australia’s legal purview. Lauren Sanders, senior research fellow on law and the future of war at the University of Queensland, told Al Jazeera that the “on-selling of components and military equipment through third party states is a challenge to global export controls. “Once something is out of a state’s control, it becomes more difficult to trace, and to prevent it being passed on to another country,” she said. Sanders said Australia’s “end use controls” were deficient in comparison with other exporters such as the United States. “The US has hundreds of dedicated staff – with appropriate legal authority to investigate – to chase down potential end-use breaches,” she said. “Australia does not have the same kind of end-use controls in place in its legislation, nor does it have the same enforcement resources that the US does.” A protester carrying a Palestinian flag at a picket outside an Australian arms company. They have wrapped a Palesinian scarf around their face so only their eyes are visible, Other protesters are behind them. They have placards. Some are sitting on the ground. The protesters say they will continue their action until manufacturing of F-35 components is stopped [Ali MC/Al Jazeera] In fact, under legislation passed in November 2023, permits for defence goods are no longer required for exports to the United Kingdom and the US under the AUKUS security agreement. In a statement, the government argued the exemption would “deliver 614 million [Australian dollars; $401m] in value to the Australian economy over 10 years, by reducing costs to local businesses and unlocking investment opportunities with our AUKUS partners”. International law This new legislation may provide more opportunities for Australian weapons manufacturers, such as NIOA, a privately owned munitions company that makes bullets at a factory in Benalla, a small rural town in Australia’s southeast. The largest supplier of munitions to the Australian Defence Force, NIOA – which did not respond to Al Jazeera for comment – also has aspirations to break into the US weapons market. At a recent business conference, CEO Robert Nioa said that “the goal is to establish greater production capabilities in both countries so that Australia can be an alternative source of supply of weapons in times of conflict for the Australian and US militaries”. Greens Senator David Shoebridge told Al Jazeera that the government needed to “publicly and immediately refute the plan to become a top 10 global arms dealer and then to provide full transparency on all Australian arms exports including end users. “While governments in the Netherlands and the UK are facing legal challenges because of their role in the global supply chain, the Australian Labor government just keeps handing over weapons parts as though no genocide was happening,” he said. “It’s an appalling moral failure, and it is almost certainly a gross breach of international law.” The Australian government also recently announced a 917 million Australian dollar ($598m) deal with controversial Israeli company Elbit Systems. A court in the Netherlands hearing a case brought in relation to military exports. The room is wood panelled and there is a portrait on the wall. The Dutch government has faced legal action over the export of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel [File: Piroschka van de Wouw/Reuters] Elbit has come under fire for its sale of defence equipment to the Myanmar military regime, continuing sales even after the military, which seized power in a 2021 coup, was accused of gross human rights violations – including attacks on civilians – by the United Nations and others. Despite a recent joint announcement between the Australian and UK governments for an “immediate cessation of fighting” in Gaza, some say Australia needs to go further and cut defence ties with Israel altogether. “The Australian government must listen to the growing public calls for peace and end Australia’s two-way arms trade with Israel,” Shoebridge said. “The Albanese government is rewarding and financing the Israeli arms industry just at the moment they are arming a genocide.” Protests have continued both at the HTA factory in Melbourne and their premises in Brisbane, with organisers pledging to continue until the company stops manufacturing components for the F-35. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/28/australia-challenged-on-moral-failure-of-weapons-trade-with-israel
    Australia challenged on ‘moral failure’ of weapons trade with Israel
    Regular protests have been taking place outside Australian firms making crucial components for the F-35 fighter jet.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 28104 Views
  • Chimaeras and interspecies hybrids; the sinister agenda hiding behind covid
    Rhoda WilsonMarch 20, 2024
    There is something that has quietly slipped through the din of the murderously phoney episode called covid-19, Dr. Mathew Maavak writes. “If the covid-19 vaccines were ‘experimental gene therapies’, what other genetic experimentations continue unhindered out there?” he asks.

    In May 2020, Dr. Maavak wrote an article about how SARS-CoV-2 was not germinated in a vacuum. The Wuhan Institute of Virology conducted research with alarming global parallels including the pursuit of superintelligence and the development of chimaeras, or interspecies hybrids.

    What he wrote in May 2020 is still relevant today, he says. So yesterday, Dr. Maavak reposted his now four-year-old article.

    Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

    Coronavirus in a Time of Chimaeras and Beyond

    By Dr. Mathew Maavak

    In May 2020, just as the coronavirus made hourly headlines, I had suspected that the virus was part of a much more sinister agenda. What I wrote back then remains just as relevant today. Here it is.

    Genetically-Enhanced Competitiveness

    The Sars-Cov-2 virus, which allegedly causes covid-19, was not germinated in a vacuum. The type of research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had ominous analogues worldwide. These included the quest for super intelligence and the development of interspecies hybrids or chimaeras.

    What began as a scientific mission to remedy congenital defects has rapidly morphed into a global race to create designer babies, super soldiers and transhumans through the aid of biotechnology, artificial intelligence and/or machine-neuralinking. 21st century eugenics is tacitly justified by the need to boost “national competitiveness.”

    China leads the way here. In one revealing episode, genome sequencing giant BGI Shenzhen had procured and sequenced the DNA of more than 2,000 people – mostly Americans – with IQ scores of at least 160. According to Stephen Hsu, a theoretical physicist from Michigan State University and scientific adviser to BGI:

    An exceptional person gets you an order of magnitude more statistical power than if you took random people from the population …

    BGI Shenzhen intends to become a “bio-Google” that will collate the “world’s biological information and make it universally accessible and useful.” From 2012 onwards, it began collaborating with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (“BMGF”). No surprises there.

    Scientific endeavours like these are based on the assumption that an assemblage of smart samples can help in the identification and transplantation of optimal bits of genetic material into future generations.

    Can a virus or vaccine perform this transplantation? Or will such agencies be used to cull the majority of the human population before a “genetic antidote” emerges to reverse their lethal effects? It will be too late for the vast majority of mankind by then. artificial selection, backed by artificial intelligence, may decide who gets this new booster. But is such a hypothetical scenario even realistic? There are too many imponderables here but viruses, nasal swabs and “vaccines” will surely deliver vital data for the “New Human Genome Project.”

    New Eugenics Zeitgeist

    The science of eugenics is not dissuaded by the nurture over nature debate, even after exhaustive studies had failed to establish genetic variants associated with intelligence. For example, a 2010 study led by Robert Plomin, a behavioural geneticist at King’s College London, had probed over 350,000 variations in single DNA letters across the genomes of 7,900 children but found no prized variant. Curiously, most of the smart samples procured by BGI Shenzhen were sourced from Plomin’s research activities.

    Periodic setbacks did not deter the proponents of “procreative beneficence” who argue that it is a human duty to augment the genetic codes of future generations. Failure to do so is couched in terms of “genetic neglect” and even child abuse. If this sounds eerily familiar, look no further than the worldview which once animated the Western world before the Nazis elevated it to a whole new level altogether.

    The eugenics zeitgeist has gripped China in a big way. Under its Maternal and Infant Health Care Law (1994), foetuses with potential hereditary diseases or deformities are recommended for abortion. At the rate Beijing is building its eugenics utopia, the definition of deformity may ultimately include a genetically pre-diagnosed average IQ.

    Instead of inciting public outrage, the law precipitated a headlong rush to select “intelligent” babies through methods like preimplantation genetic diagnosis (“PGD”). The idea behind PGD is to screen and identify the most promising embryos for implantation and birth. Combined with CRISPR gene-editing tools, next-generation Chinese citizens are expected to exhibit remarkably higher IQs – at least according to bioethicists who fret over a future marked by the “genetic haves” and “genetic have-nots.” China already has three CRISPR-edited babies whose current fate remains unknown.

    In the aftermath of the corona psychosis, the availability of “smart samples” would have increased exponentially and may dovetail nicely with the eugenics agenda of the Rockefeller Foundation and BMGF. Incidentally, Bill Gates grew up in a household that was heavily invested in population control and eugenics.

    Our smart societies may inevitably face the existential question of “live-lets” and “live-nots” down the line. The orchestrated rebellion towards selective extinction, if it occurs, has a tragicomical public face: An autistic Swede who parrots the “listen to the science” and “listen to the experts” mantra.

    How will future designer babies contribute to society? For one thing, we will be missing individuals like Beethoven (deaf); Albert Einstein (learning disability/late development); John Nash (schizophrenia); Andrea Boccelli (congenital glaucoma) and Vincent van Gogh (chronic depression/anxiety) and a host of others like them. A future Stephen Hawking (motor neurone disease) and Greta Thunberg (Asperger’s Syndrome – allegedly) will be genetically disqualified before birth.

    It is now inconvenient to consider intelligence as a result of peer interactions, human environment and ingenious reactions to adversity. (I personally define intelligence as an ability to nip the bullsh*t in its foetid bud).

    Mapping out the complex and sometimes unpredictable interplay between 100 trillion synaptic connections in a human brain may take centuries to accomplish but that does not deter the utopians of today.

    After all, genetic manipulation is the eugenic wormhole that promises to accelerate the emergence of a super society at warp speed. The late billionaire paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, was a prominent proponent of this philosophy. Epstein intended to breed a “super race of humans with his DNA by impregnating women at his New Mexico ranch, genetic engineering and artificial intelligence.” Welcome to Lebensborn 2.0!

    Prominent scientists linked to Epstein’s transhumanist fantasies included “molecular engineer George Church; Murray Gell-Mann, the discoverer of the quark; the evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; the neurologist and author Oliver Sacks; and the theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek.” The late Stephen Hawking – who will ironically flunk the genetic pre-screenings of tomorrow – was another Epstein associate.

    Forget about Mars missions; major powers see eugenics as the next great frontier. Its hyper-materialistic focus is encapsulated by the following analogy from Russian scientist Denis Rebrikov:

    It currently costs about a million roubles (US$15,500 at that time) to genetically change an embryo – more than a lot of cars – but prices will fall with greater use … I can see the billboard now: “You Choose: a Hyundai Solaris or a Super-Child?”

    You are comparing a child, super or not, with a Hyundai? I mean a Hyundai, really? Sometimes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions but most of the time, it begins with a diabolically silly proposition.

    But why stop at children? From genetically engineered horses in Argentina that are supposedly faster, stronger and better jumpers to super-dogs in China that are comprehensively superior to the average mutt, the DNA of the entire natural world is being slated for a revolutionary redesign.

    Crouching Chimaeras, Hideous Hybrids

    The masters of our universe however cannot create future generations of superhumans without being adept at recombining genetic sequences across species. That is the logic guiding eugenicists. As a result, a slew of chimaeras or interspecies hybrids have been spawned with the aid of CRISPR technology. These include ghastly human-monkey hybrids, monkey-pig hybrids, human-rabbit hybrids and a host of other lab-manufactured monstrosities.

    Chimaeras are created when human embryonic stem cells are injected into embryos of other species. The goal, for the time being, is to induce growth of targeted human organs. Those facing terminal illnesses will no longer have to worry about long organ waiting lists. Chinese scientists have just transplanted a modified pig liver into a brain-dead human and it seems to have worked.

    A less controversial approach to human organ replacement is 3D bioprinting or its 4D bioprinting iteration. These techniques involve the “printing” of a replacement organ from the stem cells of a transplant recipient, thereby eliminating the odds of organ rejection.

    But why stop at replacement organs when we can have “replacement humans” altogether? Future generations must think like Einsteins, be as nimble as leopards and possess owl-like night visions. And, of course, be virus-resistant as well!

    The manipulation of the human genome is the new “grand response” to the venerable set of “grand challenges” for 2030 and beyond. China is the go-to place for such genetic tinkering as some of these undertakings are technically illegal in the West. And this is where the utility of covid-19 comes into the picture. It provides the perfect pretext to remove such ethical constraints. After all, “Disease X” is just waiting to escape from the belly of some bat or pangolin …

    Since 2014, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been the recipient of a two-stage grant worth $7.2 million from the United States government for gain-of-function research into bat coronaviruses. According to a Newsweek report in April 2020:

    Many scientists have criticised gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release.

    Such caution has not deterred a flurry of research into microbial gene manipulation. The Wuhan experiments may have either spawned the Sars-Cov-2 virus or it may have provided a fraudulent context for future tyrannical mandates.

    But to solely blame China for the coronavirus “pandemic” is a tad unfair. Just as China is the factory of the world for foreign corporations, it is also the genetic incubator for a variety of viruses and chimaeras for foreign governments and foundations. Even so, the human-pig chimaera was the creation of the Salk Institute in California. Research into the world’s first human-mouse hybrid was largely a Japanese affair. The Portuguese in the meantime had created a virus chimaera.

    The United Kingdom, on their end, had spawned a human-cow hybrid embryo in 2008 – perhaps in keeping with the bovine disposition of those glued to the BBC. It was in Britain where the game-changing Dolly the Sheep was cloned in 1996.

    The transition from sheep to sheeple may turn out to be a short 21st century Jurassic Park ride.

    Coincidences and Consequences

    Before the advent of gene-editing tools and supercomputing, it would have been impossible to create a viable chimaera. The Biotech-Industrial Complex and contact tracing-type panopticons constitute a new growth area for Tech Titans that were once facing bankruptcy.

    The dangers of genome editing were in fact included in the Worldwide Threat Assessment reports submitted to the United States Congress in 2016 and 2017. These risks were either omitted or glossed over in the 2018 and 2019 reports – just as such risks gravitated to the high impact-high likelihood quadrant.

    Is it a coincidence that the nations most affected by covid-19 – at least during the first two years of its alleged spread – were the very ones that had either promoted or encouraged a variety of genetic experimentations that are contrary to nature? If – and that is a big “if” – these nations succeed in their quest for “designer babies” and “superhumans,” the rest of mankind will be rendered redundant. Some mass extermination event may transpire under the guise of World War III, food shortages, Disease X or a combination thereof.

    If everything goes according to plan, however, there will be 500 million potential specimens left for The Great Reset. The Third World, whose leaders are being monetarily incentivised to focus on unattainable Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), will be consigned to the ash heaps of history.

    It is quite ironic that a new generation of cerebrally deficient “thought leaders” and “experts” are being groomed to promote the demises of their societies and themselves.

    About the Author

    Mathew Maavak, with a PhD in Policy Studies, specialises in systems science, global risks, strategic foresight, geopolitics and governance. He is a Malaysian expert on risk foresight and governance.

    Dr. Maavak has published numerous op-eds on a variety of eclectic subjects for over 20 years – by ‘connecting the dots’ in a disjointed world. He is the author of a Substack page titled ‘The Eye Opener’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

    Chimaeras and interspecies hybrids; the sinister agenda hiding behind covid Rhoda WilsonMarch 20, 2024 There is something that has quietly slipped through the din of the murderously phoney episode called covid-19, Dr. Mathew Maavak writes. “If the covid-19 vaccines were ‘experimental gene therapies’, what other genetic experimentations continue unhindered out there?” he asks. In May 2020, Dr. Maavak wrote an article about how SARS-CoV-2 was not germinated in a vacuum. The Wuhan Institute of Virology conducted research with alarming global parallels including the pursuit of superintelligence and the development of chimaeras, or interspecies hybrids. What he wrote in May 2020 is still relevant today, he says. So yesterday, Dr. Maavak reposted his now four-year-old article. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox… Coronavirus in a Time of Chimaeras and Beyond By Dr. Mathew Maavak In May 2020, just as the coronavirus made hourly headlines, I had suspected that the virus was part of a much more sinister agenda. What I wrote back then remains just as relevant today. Here it is. Genetically-Enhanced Competitiveness The Sars-Cov-2 virus, which allegedly causes covid-19, was not germinated in a vacuum. The type of research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had ominous analogues worldwide. These included the quest for super intelligence and the development of interspecies hybrids or chimaeras. What began as a scientific mission to remedy congenital defects has rapidly morphed into a global race to create designer babies, super soldiers and transhumans through the aid of biotechnology, artificial intelligence and/or machine-neuralinking. 21st century eugenics is tacitly justified by the need to boost “national competitiveness.” China leads the way here. In one revealing episode, genome sequencing giant BGI Shenzhen had procured and sequenced the DNA of more than 2,000 people – mostly Americans – with IQ scores of at least 160. According to Stephen Hsu, a theoretical physicist from Michigan State University and scientific adviser to BGI: An exceptional person gets you an order of magnitude more statistical power than if you took random people from the population … BGI Shenzhen intends to become a “bio-Google” that will collate the “world’s biological information and make it universally accessible and useful.” From 2012 onwards, it began collaborating with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (“BMGF”). No surprises there. Scientific endeavours like these are based on the assumption that an assemblage of smart samples can help in the identification and transplantation of optimal bits of genetic material into future generations. Can a virus or vaccine perform this transplantation? Or will such agencies be used to cull the majority of the human population before a “genetic antidote” emerges to reverse their lethal effects? It will be too late for the vast majority of mankind by then. artificial selection, backed by artificial intelligence, may decide who gets this new booster. But is such a hypothetical scenario even realistic? There are too many imponderables here but viruses, nasal swabs and “vaccines” will surely deliver vital data for the “New Human Genome Project.” New Eugenics Zeitgeist The science of eugenics is not dissuaded by the nurture over nature debate, even after exhaustive studies had failed to establish genetic variants associated with intelligence. For example, a 2010 study led by Robert Plomin, a behavioural geneticist at King’s College London, had probed over 350,000 variations in single DNA letters across the genomes of 7,900 children but found no prized variant. Curiously, most of the smart samples procured by BGI Shenzhen were sourced from Plomin’s research activities. Periodic setbacks did not deter the proponents of “procreative beneficence” who argue that it is a human duty to augment the genetic codes of future generations. Failure to do so is couched in terms of “genetic neglect” and even child abuse. If this sounds eerily familiar, look no further than the worldview which once animated the Western world before the Nazis elevated it to a whole new level altogether. The eugenics zeitgeist has gripped China in a big way. Under its Maternal and Infant Health Care Law (1994), foetuses with potential hereditary diseases or deformities are recommended for abortion. At the rate Beijing is building its eugenics utopia, the definition of deformity may ultimately include a genetically pre-diagnosed average IQ. Instead of inciting public outrage, the law precipitated a headlong rush to select “intelligent” babies through methods like preimplantation genetic diagnosis (“PGD”). The idea behind PGD is to screen and identify the most promising embryos for implantation and birth. Combined with CRISPR gene-editing tools, next-generation Chinese citizens are expected to exhibit remarkably higher IQs – at least according to bioethicists who fret over a future marked by the “genetic haves” and “genetic have-nots.” China already has three CRISPR-edited babies whose current fate remains unknown. In the aftermath of the corona psychosis, the availability of “smart samples” would have increased exponentially and may dovetail nicely with the eugenics agenda of the Rockefeller Foundation and BMGF. Incidentally, Bill Gates grew up in a household that was heavily invested in population control and eugenics. Our smart societies may inevitably face the existential question of “live-lets” and “live-nots” down the line. The orchestrated rebellion towards selective extinction, if it occurs, has a tragicomical public face: An autistic Swede who parrots the “listen to the science” and “listen to the experts” mantra. How will future designer babies contribute to society? For one thing, we will be missing individuals like Beethoven (deaf); Albert Einstein (learning disability/late development); John Nash (schizophrenia); Andrea Boccelli (congenital glaucoma) and Vincent van Gogh (chronic depression/anxiety) and a host of others like them. A future Stephen Hawking (motor neurone disease) and Greta Thunberg (Asperger’s Syndrome – allegedly) will be genetically disqualified before birth. It is now inconvenient to consider intelligence as a result of peer interactions, human environment and ingenious reactions to adversity. (I personally define intelligence as an ability to nip the bullsh*t in its foetid bud). Mapping out the complex and sometimes unpredictable interplay between 100 trillion synaptic connections in a human brain may take centuries to accomplish but that does not deter the utopians of today. After all, genetic manipulation is the eugenic wormhole that promises to accelerate the emergence of a super society at warp speed. The late billionaire paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, was a prominent proponent of this philosophy. Epstein intended to breed a “super race of humans with his DNA by impregnating women at his New Mexico ranch, genetic engineering and artificial intelligence.” Welcome to Lebensborn 2.0! Prominent scientists linked to Epstein’s transhumanist fantasies included “molecular engineer George Church; Murray Gell-Mann, the discoverer of the quark; the evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould; the neurologist and author Oliver Sacks; and the theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek.” The late Stephen Hawking – who will ironically flunk the genetic pre-screenings of tomorrow – was another Epstein associate. Forget about Mars missions; major powers see eugenics as the next great frontier. Its hyper-materialistic focus is encapsulated by the following analogy from Russian scientist Denis Rebrikov: It currently costs about a million roubles (US$15,500 at that time) to genetically change an embryo – more than a lot of cars – but prices will fall with greater use … I can see the billboard now: “You Choose: a Hyundai Solaris or a Super-Child?” You are comparing a child, super or not, with a Hyundai? I mean a Hyundai, really? Sometimes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions but most of the time, it begins with a diabolically silly proposition. But why stop at children? From genetically engineered horses in Argentina that are supposedly faster, stronger and better jumpers to super-dogs in China that are comprehensively superior to the average mutt, the DNA of the entire natural world is being slated for a revolutionary redesign. Crouching Chimaeras, Hideous Hybrids The masters of our universe however cannot create future generations of superhumans without being adept at recombining genetic sequences across species. That is the logic guiding eugenicists. As a result, a slew of chimaeras or interspecies hybrids have been spawned with the aid of CRISPR technology. These include ghastly human-monkey hybrids, monkey-pig hybrids, human-rabbit hybrids and a host of other lab-manufactured monstrosities. Chimaeras are created when human embryonic stem cells are injected into embryos of other species. The goal, for the time being, is to induce growth of targeted human organs. Those facing terminal illnesses will no longer have to worry about long organ waiting lists. Chinese scientists have just transplanted a modified pig liver into a brain-dead human and it seems to have worked. A less controversial approach to human organ replacement is 3D bioprinting or its 4D bioprinting iteration. These techniques involve the “printing” of a replacement organ from the stem cells of a transplant recipient, thereby eliminating the odds of organ rejection. But why stop at replacement organs when we can have “replacement humans” altogether? Future generations must think like Einsteins, be as nimble as leopards and possess owl-like night visions. And, of course, be virus-resistant as well! The manipulation of the human genome is the new “grand response” to the venerable set of “grand challenges” for 2030 and beyond. China is the go-to place for such genetic tinkering as some of these undertakings are technically illegal in the West. And this is where the utility of covid-19 comes into the picture. It provides the perfect pretext to remove such ethical constraints. After all, “Disease X” is just waiting to escape from the belly of some bat or pangolin … Since 2014, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been the recipient of a two-stage grant worth $7.2 million from the United States government for gain-of-function research into bat coronaviruses. According to a Newsweek report in April 2020: Many scientists have criticised gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release. Such caution has not deterred a flurry of research into microbial gene manipulation. The Wuhan experiments may have either spawned the Sars-Cov-2 virus or it may have provided a fraudulent context for future tyrannical mandates. But to solely blame China for the coronavirus “pandemic” is a tad unfair. Just as China is the factory of the world for foreign corporations, it is also the genetic incubator for a variety of viruses and chimaeras for foreign governments and foundations. Even so, the human-pig chimaera was the creation of the Salk Institute in California. Research into the world’s first human-mouse hybrid was largely a Japanese affair. The Portuguese in the meantime had created a virus chimaera. The United Kingdom, on their end, had spawned a human-cow hybrid embryo in 2008 – perhaps in keeping with the bovine disposition of those glued to the BBC. It was in Britain where the game-changing Dolly the Sheep was cloned in 1996. The transition from sheep to sheeple may turn out to be a short 21st century Jurassic Park ride. Coincidences and Consequences Before the advent of gene-editing tools and supercomputing, it would have been impossible to create a viable chimaera. The Biotech-Industrial Complex and contact tracing-type panopticons constitute a new growth area for Tech Titans that were once facing bankruptcy. The dangers of genome editing were in fact included in the Worldwide Threat Assessment reports submitted to the United States Congress in 2016 and 2017. These risks were either omitted or glossed over in the 2018 and 2019 reports – just as such risks gravitated to the high impact-high likelihood quadrant. Is it a coincidence that the nations most affected by covid-19 – at least during the first two years of its alleged spread – were the very ones that had either promoted or encouraged a variety of genetic experimentations that are contrary to nature? If – and that is a big “if” – these nations succeed in their quest for “designer babies” and “superhumans,” the rest of mankind will be rendered redundant. Some mass extermination event may transpire under the guise of World War III, food shortages, Disease X or a combination thereof. If everything goes according to plan, however, there will be 500 million potential specimens left for The Great Reset. The Third World, whose leaders are being monetarily incentivised to focus on unattainable Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), will be consigned to the ash heaps of history. It is quite ironic that a new generation of cerebrally deficient “thought leaders” and “experts” are being groomed to promote the demises of their societies and themselves. About the Author Mathew Maavak, with a PhD in Policy Studies, specialises in systems science, global risks, strategic foresight, geopolitics and governance. He is a Malaysian expert on risk foresight and governance. Dr. Maavak has published numerous op-eds on a variety of eclectic subjects for over 20 years – by ‘connecting the dots’ in a disjointed world. He is the author of a Substack page titled ‘The Eye Opener’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE. https://expose-news.com/2024/03/20/chimaeras-and-interspecies-hybrids/
    Chimaeras and interspecies hybrids; the sinister agenda hiding behind covid
    There is something that has quietly slipped through the din of the murderously phoney episode called covid-19, Dr. Mathew Maavak writes. “If the covid-19 vaccines were ‘experimental gene therapies…
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