• Of Cults, Lies, Covers, and Hiding (Out of Plain View): Nope, Robert Duncan Isn’t Dead & DARPA-CIA Brain-Bio-Chakra Hacking of Humans is Beyond Inhumane & Unlawful | “Black Ops Never Die, but Opster Scientists Do?” Don’t believe it!
    Repost from Substack, September 26, 2024 | Ramola D | October 3, 2024

    So it’s been a while, I think since news suddenly dropped that Robert Duncan was dead, then that he’d been “killed by a DEW”, then that his “body was found”: don’t believe a word of it.

    Dr. Robert Duncan at the October 22 2022 Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting Conference at Ramola D Reports
    Note, I interviewed him as a whistleblower, as he presented himself, he was present and spoke at the Second Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conferenceonline held October 22, 2022 at Ramola D Reports as a whistleblower, and he appeared, over the course of many years, to surface many of the dark technologies and practices of “compartmented” Special Forces inside the DOD-CIA—but looking through his first book again—The Matrix Deciphered—currently, it is clear there is a kind of CIA Coverstory created by and through and in his disclosure, a deflecting and mythologizing—of the kind perhaps that the CIA MockOpsters specialize in, that does need to be analyzed and exposed further. And it is this Pursuance of Coverstory, despite all evidence of an Awakening World, that sadly surfaces here in the sudden “Above Top Secret” Disappearing of a prominent DARPA-CIA scientist such as Robert Duncan. Disappearing people of public renown, in the public eye for a (long) period of time, is apparently an Intelligence ploy—and surely, there is a (bizarre, absurd “intelligent”) reason for it, one which no doubt will surface soon enough.

    “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen
    Pain “Signaling”—say Inflicting—as a Means to Get Into Brains and “Develop Cognitive Models”: Beyond Unlawful

    That Anti-Human Directed Energy Weapons have been developed (over decades, over almost the whole of the last century) by a secretive military prominently headed by the even more secretive CIA and been used, in most primary ways—to create Pain, to create Misery, Suffering, Horror, in Luciferian Human-Sacrifice ways to destroy bodies and lives—on pretty much everyone who has stepped forward to report unethical brain experimentation and massive bio and energy (chakra) hacking is something that Robert Duncan apparently just forgot to report.

    The Mystery of Robert Duncan is the Mystery of the CIA and DARPA and Black Ops Projects Which Should Be Stopped Stat

    Thanks for reading Plain Speaking! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    Brain Invaders/Screenshot
    Blazing (more prominently) onto the world stage in Jesse Ventura’s unforgettable interview (Brain Invaders/Tru TV, Air Date: 12-17-2012) on targeting, radio neuroweapons, Voice of God weapons, and people hiding under metalware of various kinds (bakeware works—so does rubber, better than leather) as Black Opsters from DARPA, CIA, and all the forces—particularly the Marine Corps of course with their Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate firing opening salvos from Dahlgren Virginia (where their rusting battleships hide in plain view as you drive quickly by)—go wild with whacking people with bio-hacking and brain-hacking and chakra-hacking weapons to achieve all sorts of invasive, intrusive, and all-unlawful “bio-effects,” disabling many, injuring all, killing some (in numbers mounting over the years), Dr. Robert Duncan as he has been termed by many hopefuls, including this writer, who has interviewed him, may not have completed a doctorate but wrote, spoke, interviewed, and published enough to be situated at head of a large, very large train of CIA personas, it appears, each working hard (including in “Media” (say Crimcastia)) to faintly surface the crime while in fact permitting it to continue.

    That show, outfitting former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura with all the full-on, side, and ambience effects of the American Horror Movie genre, thrillingly sconced in “Conspiracy Theory” (you’re meant to equate one with the other) is one to watch if you want to acquaint yourself both with the history of the tech and the history of the cover-up, nicely surfaced here. [#MockOp Media at its finest.]

    Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Brain Invaders
    “I’ve empowered the dark side by some of my work, “ said Robert Duncan, on Brain Invaders. “Technology is Neutral. It can be good or evil. But I’ve worked on projects for the CIA, Justice Department, Department of Defense.” When asked what exactly he did and where he worked “in all this Sensitive area” (one Freemason to another?), he said “That’s Sensitive Information, I can’t tell you that.” Yes, he answered to “Voices in People’s Heads.” Yes, it’s the Ultimate Weapon. They’re called Voice of God weapons.” As in, Yes, the Government’s putting Voices in Heads. “So you know for a fact that these weapons you worked on, they’re being used domestically today?” “Absolutely,” responded Duncan to that.

    Confirmation from the Inside, of the CIA’s Domestic Use of NeuroWeapons on Americans: That’s all the Closure anyone needs, watching, listening—in 2012 when this show was produced and aired—to that question, put to a CIA-DOD-DOJ scientist (How do DOD and DOJ go together, at all?): Are these weapons being used domestically by the CIA-DOD (and DOJ?) today? And the answer is Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes.

    The Blackest of Black of Black Ops: “They Hide in Dark Crevices” “They Can’t be Removed” (Says Who?)

    But it’s there that Duncan drops the CIA-Mythmaking answer. ”Are these people crazy or is the government doing this to them?” First, “The Government is doing this to them,” then, “You have to remember, the CIA has a long history of experimenting on our citizens—LSD…”

    “Sure—You’re talking MK Ultra and things like that going back to the Sixties and Seventies—but we were told all that stopped—is that untrue?

    “Untrue—These programs continue under new names, new budgets…It’s the ultimate weapon…”

    “To your knowledge today, are there citizens that are being abused today with this technology?”

    “Worse than Abused—that’s a light word. They are being Tortured.”

    …”Who are the Controllers? I mean is that the President, the Federal Reserve?”


    “So these are people within our government and they are not necessarily our President or our elected officials?”

    “That’s exactly right.”

    “Wow—that makes it even more difficult. Because that means they can’t be removed.”

    “No. They can’t be removed and they are difficult to find. They hide in the dark crevices of our government.” Earlier: “It’s part of the whole World Domination Strategy: Control the Population, from subconsciously to consciously”—he meant with radio transmissions, ELF (extremely low frequencies, brain frequency transmissions), voices floated over them, sinewaved into people’s heads, insidiously influencing, persuading, dissuading, decimating Self.

    A Techno Influence Op earlier run only by the Ad Men (with English) but now juicy fare for the Neuro Men (with Radio Waves): The ones with the Bow Ties on top.

    And one that’s gone on so long the CIA believes it can go on forever. “They can’t be removed”? Really?

    Says Who?

    “MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

    Has Robert Duncan been cloned or can he just change the color of his eyes? (Some people can.) Did he start up working for the CIA again or did he never leave? Idaho or Sydney, Greenland or Brazil, Robert’s Renaissance education certainly equipped him well to row on both sides of the boat (the Slave Ship we’re all on: EarthPlane, galleoned).

    Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons—inclusive of Spectrum and Acoustic Neuroweapons—have been in recent times exposed in many different ways, through many different means—at military and other conferences, Senate hearings, through declassified documents, by whistleblowers and by military journalists; most crucially, they have been exposed in reports on FOIA-released documents and interviews with whistleblowers and reporters—including by this writer and journalist—as unethical, inhumane, and inflictive of untenable cruelty on people both in the USA and worldwide.

    Reporting the Journalism that’s been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments

    Ramola D


    March 14, 2022

    Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments
    Reporting the journalism that’s been lost:

    Read full story

    Their use by the military having been transferred to “Law Enforcement” & affiliates: Police, both local, state, corrections, border, “community” and “fusion center”, “peacekeeper”/NATO, worldwide, and since then to “Public Safety” and “Public Health” and “Behavioral Health”—without public disclosure, discourse, debate, and frankly, dismissal—for they are anti-human and untenable—has been completely elided not just by him, but all who are currently pushing with vigor this narrative of his death.

    What we are asked to believe is that Black Ops Science, secretive, manic, military, and Intelligence-led is and must and can and should go on Forever, while the scientists at the helm, at the founding, and at the front of the Cover-Up, literally operating in plain view among those unlawfully targeted, non-consensually implanted, stalked by criminals, attacked by criminals, and brain and bio-cannibalized by criminals occupying offices at DOD, DOJ, DOE, DARPA, CIA, MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, DHS, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army, all hospitals, ambulance companies, numerous Primary Care practices, “Mental Health” and “Behavioral Health” centers, and Psycho-docsters (occupying positions of made-up power as “Psychiatrist Dia-Gnosers”) should escape close scrutiny, can be suddenly retired—without full disclosure—or passed into the realm of sudden felling (death), to be ever immortalized as supreme whistleblower, without blemish.

    Brain experimentation—cannibalizing of brains and lives—has been unethical from the get-go and all those working in Robotics, in Artificial Intelligence, in Neuroscience, in Medical Military Madness in the military know it.

    To cast those unlawfully watchlisted by a failed FBI and DHS and sold unlawfully—trafficked—into human slavery under “Black Ops”: Classified Cover, inside the CIA, inside Special Access Programs, Controlled Access Programs to be literally blasted out of their brains and lives with deadly energy neuroweapons while brain decoders, brain stimulators, brain thieves and AP DEW weapon-wielders are placed around them in their own neighborhoods, attacking them nonstop, literally 24/7 and they are subject to “pain signaling” misery requiring cowering and shielding and pain-medication and constant healthcare—as in some way some kind of unique grouping and species—an Acceptable Pariah species, to be gifted a cultic “Juden” “Targeted Individual” label and disappeared as “Delusional, Paranoid, Psychotic, Schizophrenic”—is the height of Crime. It is Military Crime, it is Intelligence Crime, it is Police Crime, it is Medical Crime. It is Human Rights Crime to be firmly, absolutely, completely, absolutely, irrevocably Ended.

    Instead what we have are “Targeted Individual” shenanigans, “Targeted Justice Media”—”Alt Media” gone nuts with the endless cover-up, endless hiding of the Hidden Hand—and a CIA #MockOp mechanism so huge, so spread-out, so invasive (of all journalism) it seeks to steal and cannibalize all it possibly can, inverting and subverting reality to its own crooked ends, imagining it can go on forever.

    The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden

    Ramola D


    March 11, 2022

    The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden
    Yesterday I published this article at my website, one which no doubt will ruffle a lot of feathers and has already:

    Read full story

    The sad CIA multimedia efforts here seem to be a kind of pastiche add-on from the Fifties when perhaps they began to get a little cocky about their cover-ups as they blew into Area 51 storytelling, little grey men, cow mutilations (with lasers) being deeply beneficent “experiments” run on Earth species by distant aliens, tall and sticklike and deep-eyed and anally-obsessed no doubt, but oh so magnanimous really, and seeking only to learn and grow (substitute Terrorize and Cannibalize poor gentle cows trying to sleep at night) on their own distant planets far beyond the burning sun (poised exactly 93 million miles away) (gasp!).

    “Conspiracy Theory” has been such an amazing cover for the Cult-Creators out in Intel La La Land.

    We are spellbound, examining their decades-long imploding of journalism.

    For they have shot themselves in the foot now, and nothing they do can get them out of it. Whirl and whirl and whirl deeper into that bizzare convoluted trickster depth of Lies and what have you got? Nothing but “Strategic Deception.”

    Robert Duncan has written a lot of interesting and useful and surfacing-of-the-crime material, his presence at his public talks and conferences and interviews including this writer’s second historic online conference in 2022 (during and after which the CIA almost finished her off—but no one else who attended, now how exactly does that work?) certainly speaks to the horrors of Radio Neural Molesting, “Synthetic Telepathy” (Try Techno Spy Tech, carefully inserted behind the ears in Lasered Incisions of the Skull/or Skin thereof, or any one of the precision sound projection technologies like Holosonic developed by (the CIA probably in conjunction with) private-sector sound technician freaks), Brain Decoding and Acoustic Neuro Net Tech, Brain Computer Interfaces and Computer Brain Interfaces, and other brain invasion tech like Electronic Dreams, Forced Speech, Memory Removal and Insertion of Speech, Sound, Thoughts, Images. But there is a lot of deflective Disinfo mixed in with the news reportage, and how we know this is by perusing the actually released military documents on FOIA.

    That is where we need to go for the real information here—and even that is spiked with vagueness, refusal to reveal all—but clearly, the CIA Media’sters (some operating from right next door to this writer, working hard on keeping their red beards glued to their spying chins) are desperately trying to shore up their losses and bumble on, pretending, posturing, privileging Medicos, selling their cult-setups as “orgs” and their pin-up poseurs as “New Media” (gold on black lettering for you if you Comply: You Must say “Havana Havana Havana” then say “CIA Officers Were Hit” “Yes, CIA” “Very much so, CIA, we, We were Victimized” by guess who? Of course: Russia Russia Russia. [Meanwhile, Russia’s front and center here as New CIA Media.]

    Noticing the CIA May Be the Best Way Forward

    Send the CIA/DARPA set some Letters of Notice of Crime please, for their cavalier invasions of our bodies, brains, and lives, to be published directly online so the whole world can count the letters and read the living text. Then write and keep writing. Speak and keep speaking. Film and keep filming. Do not stop—for Crime never pays, and DARPA-CIA and friends need to be Completely Exposed for their crimes.

    For the Reign of these weapons has ended, and they need to be wrested from all wielders and buried forever, for All Time.

    CIA Shenanigans to Disappear Scientists Involved Reveal the Players

    (1446) Dr Hoffer Reads a Thank You Card from Targeted Individuals for His Unflinching Integrity – YouTube

    Dr. Robert Duncan & Craig Laforest, Australia AI, V2K Technology and Directed Energy (DEW) Torture (youtube.com)

    Of Cults, Lies, Covers, and Hiding (Out of Plain View): Nope, Robert Duncan Isn’t Dead & DARPA-CIA Brain-Bio-Chakra Hacking of Humans is Beyond Inhumane & Unlawful | “Black Ops Never Die, but Opster Scientists Do?” Don’t believe it! Repost from Substack, September 26, 2024 | Ramola D | October 3, 2024 So it’s been a while, I think since news suddenly dropped that Robert Duncan was dead, then that he’d been “killed by a DEW”, then that his “body was found”: don’t believe a word of it. Dr. Robert Duncan at the October 22 2022 Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting Conference at Ramola D Reports Note, I interviewed him as a whistleblower, as he presented himself, he was present and spoke at the Second Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conferenceonline held October 22, 2022 at Ramola D Reports as a whistleblower, and he appeared, over the course of many years, to surface many of the dark technologies and practices of “compartmented” Special Forces inside the DOD-CIA—but looking through his first book again—The Matrix Deciphered—currently, it is clear there is a kind of CIA Coverstory created by and through and in his disclosure, a deflecting and mythologizing—of the kind perhaps that the CIA MockOpsters specialize in, that does need to be analyzed and exposed further. And it is this Pursuance of Coverstory, despite all evidence of an Awakening World, that sadly surfaces here in the sudden “Above Top Secret” Disappearing of a prominent DARPA-CIA scientist such as Robert Duncan. Disappearing people of public renown, in the public eye for a (long) period of time, is apparently an Intelligence ploy—and surely, there is a (bizarre, absurd “intelligent”) reason for it, one which no doubt will surface soon enough. “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Pain “Signaling”—say Inflicting—as a Means to Get Into Brains and “Develop Cognitive Models”: Beyond Unlawful That Anti-Human Directed Energy Weapons have been developed (over decades, over almost the whole of the last century) by a secretive military prominently headed by the even more secretive CIA and been used, in most primary ways—to create Pain, to create Misery, Suffering, Horror, in Luciferian Human-Sacrifice ways to destroy bodies and lives—on pretty much everyone who has stepped forward to report unethical brain experimentation and massive bio and energy (chakra) hacking is something that Robert Duncan apparently just forgot to report. The Mystery of Robert Duncan is the Mystery of the CIA and DARPA and Black Ops Projects Which Should Be Stopped Stat Thanks for reading Plain Speaking! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Brain Invaders/Screenshot Blazing (more prominently) onto the world stage in Jesse Ventura’s unforgettable interview (Brain Invaders/Tru TV, Air Date: 12-17-2012) on targeting, radio neuroweapons, Voice of God weapons, and people hiding under metalware of various kinds (bakeware works—so does rubber, better than leather) as Black Opsters from DARPA, CIA, and all the forces—particularly the Marine Corps of course with their Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate firing opening salvos from Dahlgren Virginia (where their rusting battleships hide in plain view as you drive quickly by)—go wild with whacking people with bio-hacking and brain-hacking and chakra-hacking weapons to achieve all sorts of invasive, intrusive, and all-unlawful “bio-effects,” disabling many, injuring all, killing some (in numbers mounting over the years), Dr. Robert Duncan as he has been termed by many hopefuls, including this writer, who has interviewed him, may not have completed a doctorate but wrote, spoke, interviewed, and published enough to be situated at head of a large, very large train of CIA personas, it appears, each working hard (including in “Media” (say Crimcastia)) to faintly surface the crime while in fact permitting it to continue. That show, outfitting former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura with all the full-on, side, and ambience effects of the American Horror Movie genre, thrillingly sconced in “Conspiracy Theory” (you’re meant to equate one with the other) is one to watch if you want to acquaint yourself both with the history of the tech and the history of the cover-up, nicely surfaced here. [#MockOp Media at its finest.] Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Brain Invaders “I’ve empowered the dark side by some of my work, “ said Robert Duncan, on Brain Invaders. “Technology is Neutral. It can be good or evil. But I’ve worked on projects for the CIA, Justice Department, Department of Defense.” When asked what exactly he did and where he worked “in all this Sensitive area” (one Freemason to another?), he said “That’s Sensitive Information, I can’t tell you that.” Yes, he answered to “Voices in People’s Heads.” Yes, it’s the Ultimate Weapon. They’re called Voice of God weapons.” As in, Yes, the Government’s putting Voices in Heads. “So you know for a fact that these weapons you worked on, they’re being used domestically today?” “Absolutely,” responded Duncan to that. Confirmation from the Inside, of the CIA’s Domestic Use of NeuroWeapons on Americans: That’s all the Closure anyone needs, watching, listening—in 2012 when this show was produced and aired—to that question, put to a CIA-DOD-DOJ scientist (How do DOD and DOJ go together, at all?): Are these weapons being used domestically by the CIA-DOD (and DOJ?) today? And the answer is Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes. The Blackest of Black of Black Ops: “They Hide in Dark Crevices” “They Can’t be Removed” (Says Who?) But it’s there that Duncan drops the CIA-Mythmaking answer. ”Are these people crazy or is the government doing this to them?” First, “The Government is doing this to them,” then, “You have to remember, the CIA has a long history of experimenting on our citizens—LSD…” “Sure—You’re talking MK Ultra and things like that going back to the Sixties and Seventies—but we were told all that stopped—is that untrue? “Untrue—These programs continue under new names, new budgets…It’s the ultimate weapon…” “To your knowledge today, are there citizens that are being abused today with this technology?” “Worse than Abused—that’s a light word. They are being Tortured.” …”Who are the Controllers? I mean is that the President, the Federal Reserve?” “No.” “So these are people within our government and they are not necessarily our President or our elected officials?” “That’s exactly right.” “Wow—that makes it even more difficult. Because that means they can’t be removed.” “No. They can’t be removed and they are difficult to find. They hide in the dark crevices of our government.” Earlier: “It’s part of the whole World Domination Strategy: Control the Population, from subconsciously to consciously”—he meant with radio transmissions, ELF (extremely low frequencies, brain frequency transmissions), voices floated over them, sinewaved into people’s heads, insidiously influencing, persuading, dissuading, decimating Self. A Techno Influence Op earlier run only by the Ad Men (with English) but now juicy fare for the Neuro Men (with Radio Waves): The ones with the Bow Ties on top. And one that’s gone on so long the CIA believes it can go on forever. “They can’t be removed”? Really? Says Who? “MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Has Robert Duncan been cloned or can he just change the color of his eyes? (Some people can.) Did he start up working for the CIA again or did he never leave? Idaho or Sydney, Greenland or Brazil, Robert’s Renaissance education certainly equipped him well to row on both sides of the boat (the Slave Ship we’re all on: EarthPlane, galleoned). Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons—inclusive of Spectrum and Acoustic Neuroweapons—have been in recent times exposed in many different ways, through many different means—at military and other conferences, Senate hearings, through declassified documents, by whistleblowers and by military journalists; most crucially, they have been exposed in reports on FOIA-released documents and interviews with whistleblowers and reporters—including by this writer and journalist—as unethical, inhumane, and inflictive of untenable cruelty on people both in the USA and worldwide. Reporting the Journalism that’s been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments Ramola D · March 14, 2022 Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments Reporting the journalism that’s been lost: Read full story Their use by the military having been transferred to “Law Enforcement” & affiliates: Police, both local, state, corrections, border, “community” and “fusion center”, “peacekeeper”/NATO, worldwide, and since then to “Public Safety” and “Public Health” and “Behavioral Health”—without public disclosure, discourse, debate, and frankly, dismissal—for they are anti-human and untenable—has been completely elided not just by him, but all who are currently pushing with vigor this narrative of his death. What we are asked to believe is that Black Ops Science, secretive, manic, military, and Intelligence-led is and must and can and should go on Forever, while the scientists at the helm, at the founding, and at the front of the Cover-Up, literally operating in plain view among those unlawfully targeted, non-consensually implanted, stalked by criminals, attacked by criminals, and brain and bio-cannibalized by criminals occupying offices at DOD, DOJ, DOE, DARPA, CIA, MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, DHS, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army, all hospitals, ambulance companies, numerous Primary Care practices, “Mental Health” and “Behavioral Health” centers, and Psycho-docsters (occupying positions of made-up power as “Psychiatrist Dia-Gnosers”) should escape close scrutiny, can be suddenly retired—without full disclosure—or passed into the realm of sudden felling (death), to be ever immortalized as supreme whistleblower, without blemish. Brain experimentation—cannibalizing of brains and lives—has been unethical from the get-go and all those working in Robotics, in Artificial Intelligence, in Neuroscience, in Medical Military Madness in the military know it. To cast those unlawfully watchlisted by a failed FBI and DHS and sold unlawfully—trafficked—into human slavery under “Black Ops”: Classified Cover, inside the CIA, inside Special Access Programs, Controlled Access Programs to be literally blasted out of their brains and lives with deadly energy neuroweapons while brain decoders, brain stimulators, brain thieves and AP DEW weapon-wielders are placed around them in their own neighborhoods, attacking them nonstop, literally 24/7 and they are subject to “pain signaling” misery requiring cowering and shielding and pain-medication and constant healthcare—as in some way some kind of unique grouping and species—an Acceptable Pariah species, to be gifted a cultic “Juden” “Targeted Individual” label and disappeared as “Delusional, Paranoid, Psychotic, Schizophrenic”—is the height of Crime. It is Military Crime, it is Intelligence Crime, it is Police Crime, it is Medical Crime. It is Human Rights Crime to be firmly, absolutely, completely, absolutely, irrevocably Ended. Instead what we have are “Targeted Individual” shenanigans, “Targeted Justice Media”—”Alt Media” gone nuts with the endless cover-up, endless hiding of the Hidden Hand—and a CIA #MockOp mechanism so huge, so spread-out, so invasive (of all journalism) it seeks to steal and cannibalize all it possibly can, inverting and subverting reality to its own crooked ends, imagining it can go on forever. The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden Ramola D · March 11, 2022 The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden Yesterday I published this article at my website, one which no doubt will ruffle a lot of feathers and has already: Read full story The sad CIA multimedia efforts here seem to be a kind of pastiche add-on from the Fifties when perhaps they began to get a little cocky about their cover-ups as they blew into Area 51 storytelling, little grey men, cow mutilations (with lasers) being deeply beneficent “experiments” run on Earth species by distant aliens, tall and sticklike and deep-eyed and anally-obsessed no doubt, but oh so magnanimous really, and seeking only to learn and grow (substitute Terrorize and Cannibalize poor gentle cows trying to sleep at night) on their own distant planets far beyond the burning sun (poised exactly 93 million miles away) (gasp!). “Conspiracy Theory” has been such an amazing cover for the Cult-Creators out in Intel La La Land. We are spellbound, examining their decades-long imploding of journalism. For they have shot themselves in the foot now, and nothing they do can get them out of it. Whirl and whirl and whirl deeper into that bizzare convoluted trickster depth of Lies and what have you got? Nothing but “Strategic Deception.” Robert Duncan has written a lot of interesting and useful and surfacing-of-the-crime material, his presence at his public talks and conferences and interviews including this writer’s second historic online conference in 2022 (during and after which the CIA almost finished her off—but no one else who attended, now how exactly does that work?) certainly speaks to the horrors of Radio Neural Molesting, “Synthetic Telepathy” (Try Techno Spy Tech, carefully inserted behind the ears in Lasered Incisions of the Skull/or Skin thereof, or any one of the precision sound projection technologies like Holosonic developed by (the CIA probably in conjunction with) private-sector sound technician freaks), Brain Decoding and Acoustic Neuro Net Tech, Brain Computer Interfaces and Computer Brain Interfaces, and other brain invasion tech like Electronic Dreams, Forced Speech, Memory Removal and Insertion of Speech, Sound, Thoughts, Images. But there is a lot of deflective Disinfo mixed in with the news reportage, and how we know this is by perusing the actually released military documents on FOIA. That is where we need to go for the real information here—and even that is spiked with vagueness, refusal to reveal all—but clearly, the CIA Media’sters (some operating from right next door to this writer, working hard on keeping their red beards glued to their spying chins) are desperately trying to shore up their losses and bumble on, pretending, posturing, privileging Medicos, selling their cult-setups as “orgs” and their pin-up poseurs as “New Media” (gold on black lettering for you if you Comply: You Must say “Havana Havana Havana” then say “CIA Officers Were Hit” “Yes, CIA” “Very much so, CIA, we, We were Victimized” by guess who? Of course: Russia Russia Russia. [Meanwhile, Russia’s front and center here as New CIA Media.] Noticing the CIA May Be the Best Way Forward Send the CIA/DARPA set some Letters of Notice of Crime please, for their cavalier invasions of our bodies, brains, and lives, to be published directly online so the whole world can count the letters and read the living text. Then write and keep writing. Speak and keep speaking. Film and keep filming. Do not stop—for Crime never pays, and DARPA-CIA and friends need to be Completely Exposed for their crimes. For the Reign of these weapons has ended, and they need to be wrested from all wielders and buried forever, for All Time. CIA Shenanigans to Disappear Scientists Involved Reveal the Players (1446) Dr Hoffer Reads a Thank You Card from Targeted Individuals for His Unflinching Integrity – YouTube Dr. Robert Duncan & Craig Laforest, Australia AI, V2K Technology and Directed Energy (DEW) Torture (youtube.com) https://everydayconcerned.net/media-lies-plain-speaking/of-cults-lies-covers-and-hiding-out-of-plain-view-nope-robert-duncan-isnt-dead-darpa-cia-brain-bio-chakra-hacking-of-humans-is-beyond-inhumane-unlawful-black-ops-never-die-bu/
    Of Cults, Lies, Covers, and Hiding (Out of Plain View): Nope, Robert Duncan Isn’t Dead & DARPA-CIA Brain-Bio-Chakra Hacking of Humans is Beyond Inhumane & Unlawful | “Black Ops Never Die, but Opster Scientists Do?” Don’t believe it!
    Repost from Substack, September 26, 2024 | Ramola D | October 3, 2024 So it’s been a while, I think since news suddenly dropped that Robert Duncan was dead, then that he’d been “killed by a DEW”, t…
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  • Sadistic Shills | World Crime Syndicate

    Below is a list of shills and they all make money pretending to expose the NWO. The term shill derives from schillings a former European currency. They are all also murderous gang stalking commanders and psychotic egomaniacs who go into narcissistic rages when they are exposed for not exposing real criminals. They use covert tactics to viciously attack me just for posting articles on their channels because exposing what they won't makes them look like liars because it proves they omit the truth. They are blasphemers who make up insane lies attempting to steal credit from others who actually expose the NWO. Most of them get intoxicated off human blood. They are really murderous and ruthless and that is why they do what they do. Steven Crowder is a major gang stalking commander and he is completely murderous and psychotic and his business is making money promoting Conservatism while pretending to be righteous and against evil. The shills on YT are all propped up by YT which is how they get so much attention. It is rigged. They also rig their view counts and pay commenters to promote them because it distracts away from the real people who expose the NWO. None of these shills or alt media agents expose the hundreds of high level criminals running the NWO. They all claim to be against corruption and evil though. They do not expose the leadership of the NWO. None of these shills expose organized crime or the mafia. They neglect thousands of important facts. That is the proof they are 100% shills and liars. Adam Green from Know More News only blames Zionists yet he barely names any high level Zionists. In one of my articles I name dozens of top Zionists he never mentions. He finally named Ronald Lauder after I called him out for it. The other day I heavily exposed Unit 8200 in my article on the Luxembourg royals and the very next day one of his guests made a vague reference to them. That is the first time I have ever heard an anti-Zionist mention Unit 8200. The shills that only blame Zionism are all the same. They repeat the same stuff and lies. They never name most of the high level Zionists, they are some of the biggest liars in the shill spectrum, and they never name any other criminals and if they do they claim they are crypto Jews or agents of Jews while totally ignoring the European royalty and nobility. They also never name non Jewish billionaires. They say things like the Jews run all the media. The Hearst and Disney families are not Jewish and both of them are major media owners. The Hearsts are worth 30 billion. The Murdochs are also not Jewish and own Fox News and worth about 20 billion. The Thomson family own Routers and are non Jewish British nobles that are worth tens of billions. These shills make up absurd claims like the Rothschilds own Routers. They don't but the Thomson family do and they are nobles under the British Crown just like the Rothschilds are. The Rothschilds are also married with Italian Roman Catholic nobles like the Aldobrandinis and Brandolinis. Few ever mention that. There are many Zionist criminals however they are not the only criminals and Zionists are not at the top. They work for the top. These shills all constantly lie and these alternative media shills are as bad or sometimes worse than the mainstream media. Paul Romano is a ruthless pedophile and New Age shill who works for David Mayer de Rothschild and they are both insane and blasphemous. David Icke is another one who mostly focuses on Zionists as well as reptilian aliens which do not exist. This is how absurd they all are. David Icke is one of the most disgusting and blasphemous fiends on the planet and he stinks like a rotting swamp. David Icke is a pedophile and a pathetic joke.

    These shills support and promote things like political parties, politicians, and organized religion. Many of them also make up absurd lies like flat earth, aliens, and interdimensional shapeshifting reptilians as David Icke does. The few that name a some high level criminals or talk about topics like the Black Nobility as Craig Oxley does lie constantly. Oxley made up the non existent Pepe Orsini while not naming actual members of the Orsinis and not naming basically 90% of top families of the Black Nobility and he also wont mention any of the royals and nobles of Germany. Oxley also tells people to drink urine and he is insanely blasphemous and stalks me constantly through his connections with MI6 and the Tavistock Institute. Craig Oxley says "promote the Prometheans" and there is a statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza. The Rockefellers financed the Tavistock Institute which are a psychological terrorist organization and part of British intelligence. Tavistock works with most of these shills as well as gang stalkers. ReallyGraceful is another insane blasphemer who gang stalks men to death for cannibalism and uses her pathetic lying channel as her bait. She also talks like a robot and whenever I am updating my articles with sources she electronically attacks me. Somehow she always knows when I am doing this and that is because she is a criminal working with criminal hackers like all shills do. She works for the Swedish Bernadottes who work closely with the Wittelsbachs which have a portion of command over DARPA. Luke Rudowksi makes daily videos talking about the same thing day after day and never exposes the mafia or actual child traffickers, or mentions murderers and contract killers or any of the royals and nobles. Luke Rudowski works for the Hohenzollerns and Radziwills and he has a Hermetic symbol for his logo. Hermeticism is the occult. The Medicis run Hermeticism and he will never mention them. Rudowski also had staged interviews with Jacob Rothschild and Kissinger and the only reason he was able to do that is because he is one of them. All of them are Tavistock or DARPA agents. Q Anon is a DARPA program. Justinformed said on May 4, 2020 said "A good friend of mine who used to be a code breaker for the NSA" and that video was him claiming DARPA is targeting Trump supporters which is a blatant response to this article. He admitted to be connected with the NSA which actually works with DARPA. They support Trump. Trump is completely corrupt and directly connected with basically every globalized criminal organization there is including the Black Nobility, Sauds, Zionists and Israel, Jesuits, Cosa Nostra, Order of Malta, the Clintons, Epstein, and the Bushs. Q Anon shills could not be any more ridiculous if they tried. Jordan Sather from Destroying the Illusion talks about childish things like aliens and promotes cannibalism with Fiji water from the "Cannibal Islands" with a demonic smirk and takes trips financed by his schillings to Hawaii where he cannibalizes children. Jordan Sather is a horrible person and there is no question that he is a pedophile and cannibal. He promotes Trump. Trump has been kidnapping children and holding them in concentration camps at former Walmarts. All the Trump supporters claim Trump fights the NWO and fights the child traffickers when Trump is a child trafficker. It is completely absurd. Anonymous is a DARPA program and some of them mimic or try to imitate my articles. Another group who is literally copying my articles is Killuminati. They steal my articles and repost them as if they wrote them and then like thugs viciously target me and then start falsely accusing me of stealing from them. They are that ruthless and insane. They do this out of envy. They are criminals who are literal street thugs that worship Tupac or Lesane Parish Crooks. Crooks is his real name and his cult followers are violent, arrogant, and stupid crooks. The shills often command trolls that harass, stalk, and slander me on behalf of them or their bosses. Anonymous are ruthless terrorists that track almost everything write and also target people who read my articles. Brian Young from HighImpactFlix is another shill who pretends to be a Libertarian while promoting Conservatism. Brian Young is also an intellectual thief who steals from others to strengthen his propaganda. They all work for the European royals and nobles. Most of them have paypal accounts and are paid through online bank accounts. All of these shills make money which is what makes them shills. Shill refers to schillings the former European currency. That is who they work for. European royals and nobles. They are all blatant liars and sadistic blasphemers who are directly involved with pedophilia, cannibalism, child trafficking, and child murder, and that is why they do what they do. They are all highly organized and work together and when they get exposed they sacrifice children, get intoxicated off the blood of children, and terrorize people.

    Alex Jones - Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Colonna, and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill

    AMTV - Boncompagni-Ludovisi and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill

    Steven Crowder - Massimo of Roccasecca shill

    Judicial Watch or Tom Fitton - Odescalchi shill

    Tucker Carlson from Fox News - Bourbon-Two Sicilies shill

    Joe Rogan - Wittelsbach and Schwarzenberg shill

    David Icke - Barons of Strange and Oddfellow shill

    Jordan Maxwell - Oddfellow shill

    Craig Oxley - Russell and Tavistock shill

    Leo Zagami - Massimo and Leon shill

    Ed from Outer Light - Esterhazy, Russell and Tavistock shill

    HighImpactFlix or Brian Young - Savoy shill

    Lisa Haven - Boncompagni-Ludovisi and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill

    Paul Romano or Pockets of the Future - Rothschild and Aldobrandini shill

    Adam Green or Know More News - Saxe-Coburg and Gotha shill

    Richie from Boston - Bourbon-Two Sicilies shill

    Aplanetruth or Joe Morgan and Jamie Lee - Schwarzenberg, Bush, and DARPA shill

    A Call For An Uprising - Chigi and Hell Fire Club shill

    A Face Like the Sun - Massimo shill

    James Corbett - Corsini shill
    ReallyGraceful - Bernadotte and Spencer shill

    Dahboo77 - Savoy and Bernadotte shill

    Destroying the Illusion - Savoy shill

    George Webb - Bush shill

    Farmer Jones - Cox and Galli-Zugaro shill

    Lionel Nation - Liechtenstein shill

    Earth Sherriff - Habsburg shill and slanderer

    Zachary K Hubbard - Zionist Goldsmith and Nazi-Wiccan Pacelli shill

    RussianVids or Benjamin P Liashenko - Goldsmith and Bourbon shill

    James Munder - Pacelli shill

    Luke Rudowski - Hohenzollern and Radziwill shill

    Dustin Nemos - Trump shill

    RedPill78 - Trump shill

    PrayingMedic - Medici and Glucksburg shill

    Justinformed Talk - Giustiniani and Savoy shill

    And We Know - Trump/Wittelsbach shill

    In Pursuit of Truth - Trump shill

    X22 Report - Trump shill

    Blessed to Teach - Trump shill

    Amazing Polly - Trump shill

    Tracy Beanz - Trump shill

    SGT Report - Trump shill

    There are many more. It is tiring having to look up and investigate these shills. They are all the same and they are extremely violent psychopaths. They are all DARPA and Tavistock agents and I know this because they have access to electronic weapons.



    List of online agents claiming to be the authors of my articles. The worst one is Lift the Veil from Your Eyes who originally cited my name as the author and has progressively removed my name and is talking credit for all my articles and writings which took hundreds of hours to research and I have been tortured non stop by these criminals. This fiend copies my articles and acts like they are his. It does not get more pathetic and sadistic than that. All they have to do is link where they originally found my article and credit my name. People can repost the information all they want but do not claim to be the author of my writings or I am going to call you out for it and respond with violence. I have psychopaths attacking me constantly claiming ownership of my articles or trolls harassing me constantly falsely accusing me of copying other people writings when I post my articles. I have had numerous websites shut down. I have cyber stalkers tracking my writings and stealing them over the years. How can dozens of different people be the authors of my articles when for one I include my personal experiences in them. My articles are all written in the same format. I include sources for my articles. They are out of their minds to be attempting to claim authorship of my articles. They are violent towards me when they do this too. When enough people start calling them out they go "blasphemy is a weapon" This is how utterly psychotic they are. They admit to it and then months later do it again. They have no honor at all. They have no self respect. They are violent and stupid thugs who think they can use violence to steal from people. If they physically tried to steal from me the way they do with my online writings I would kill them outright. Shoot them dead or cut their throats. They are online cowards. Many of these thieves link my blogs to their sites where they copy my articles. One day they have a link to my blog. The next day they remove it and start claiming it is from them. They put up all my articles and pick and choose which ones they link to my blog. They are inconsistent. I have hundreds of thousands of witnesses to confirm these articles came from me. I had about 600,000 views on my WordPress blog before it was shut down a few years ago and that was with hackers meddling with the view counter. How the hell are they going to try and lie to hundreds of thousands of people. I have at least tens of thousands of people who have read my articles I post on YT for the past 7 years. I was exposing most of this on Infowars going back 10 years ago under the name Zeus until I was blocked after exposing Cliven Bundy. I am going to make this clear. I have never seen anyone expose 95% of the criminals I expose until after I exposed them and most of the time its them copying my articles word for word. When I write something or an article online which is then removed like my last three websites from the past three years I have thieves stealing my articles and writings as their own and then when I rewrite the information or repost these articles I get falsely accused of copying them when they are copying me. That is how blasphemous and evil they are. Kobra and his New Age cult group constantly repost my articles and they use them as bait. They are also trying to incorporate me with them by doing this. Kobra and that New Age cult work for the House of Wittelsbach. It is pure evil. There are several more not on this list. There are new ones that pop up every day doing this. Basically anyone reposting my articles on their sites is a shill. Why not just post a link to my articles. They know what they are doing. All they have to do is credit me as the author yet they don't do it because they are malicious. They are all thuggish fiends.


    Lift The Veil From Your Eyes This fiendish devil has been posting my articles as his own and originally he linked to my name and blog including my blog from 2016-2017 called Return of Zeus and Zeusian Revelations from Wix. Then he copied my articles from my WordPress which was another blog that these criminals shut down. Then I had a Weebly blog which he and many others also copied. There is absolutely no point to doing this other than for malicious reasons. This poser uses my information as bait and has an army of gang stalkers targeting readers.
    Mirrors of Truth who mirrors my articles is not crediting me as the author of my articles which he reposts. The gang stalker and serial killer Seth Rozman works with this shill.

    Unicorn144 is quoting me in numerous parts of this article and probably in other articles while not mentioning me as the author or source of their quotes and mixing it with other info including false information. The witch and gang stalker Alison McCarthy-Senatro works with this thieving shill.

    Nuevodesordenmundial is reposting my articles and claiming they are written by him. I have seen my name mentioned in one of my articles he reposted. Others he claims to be the author.

    The Killuminati cult members constantly steal my articles and claim them as their own. This is the most evil and thieving group of them all. When I still had a Facebook page they would steal my articles and repost them on their accounts all the time. They are still stealing my articles and claiming them as their own. While on Facebook they would collect all my writings and repost them and then they flagged my account until I was kicked off Facebook. They are ruthless thieves and work for Lesane Parish Crooks who faked his death and has been hiding out in Cuba. Killuminati is the most violent group of plagiarists. They are stupid and thuggish fiends.

    We The One People is trying to claim authorship of my articles. He literally claims to be the author of my articles. Often after I expose them they remove their names as authors or later add my name to them. This is all completely absurd and is done to try and discredit me. This is not what I want to focus on however they are causing enough problems to where they need to be dealt with. It is only evil people who would do this.


    This person stole my article and again didn't credit me as the author and researcher.


    Here is another one who stole my article and is claiming authorship of my published writings


    This Dawn Johnson stole my writings posing them as her own.



    It's a very simple concept. Share my articles and writings as much as possible but do not claim authorship of my research articles.

    Example: Lift the Veil From Your Eyes stole a large section of my published writings and then mixed it with some disinfo. All of this below is from my research articles from my Wix blog from 2016-2017 which was shut down. In the link he added some other info below it claiming Black Nobility are Venetian which is not really accurate. No where did he credit me as the author and Lift The Veil From Your Eyes, Aplanetruth, and Tabublog have been together gang stalking me, stealing my articles and slandering me. They are vicious.


    The Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. The European Monarchies like the British Crown are branches of Rome and they manage secret societies like the Freemasons which infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for the monarchs. The SMOM is the top military council and it works closely with the Orders of St John ran by Protestant monarchs. The Knights of Malta are the engineers of war. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of the modernized Roman Empire. The Greek royal House of Glucksburg run the Greek fraternities and sororities and use initiates as their agents. The British Crown controls universities like Yale and Harvard and use them for recruiting Crown agents. Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators and use their universities for recruiting and training Vatican agents. Many Knights of Columbus are police officers, mayors, lawyers, and judges and they protect the Italian Mafia.

    The Italian Mafia are enforcers for Rome involved in extortion, money laundering, murder, and drug trafficking; and they pay their dues back to the Sicilian Mafia which pay dues back to the Black Nobility. Court Jews like the Rothschild, Warburg, Walton, Wallenberg, and Dreyfus families serve the Roman Curia and royal courtrooms like Buckingham Palace and Stockholm Palace. The French House of Bonaparte and Swedish House of Bernadotte control many major European corporations through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and Legion of Honor running the European Round Table of Industrialists. The Holy See is the All Seeing Eye and operates as an intelligence network. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Order of the Ages and is on the US dollar bill and US Great Seal. The Vatican uses Latin as an official language and for documents. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been concealing trillions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. The Este and Lorraine families are top Swiss bankers. The Erlach and Brandi families are Swiss financial tax advisers enabling corruption. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican. The Swiss Cantons have been in contract with the Vatican for centuries and Switzerland is basically a papal state. The Italian Savoy and Austrian Habsburg families oversee Switzerland for the Black Nobility. The Passi de Preposulo and Ferragamo families oversee Hollywood. They own the Holy See which is a corporate entity headquartered at the Vatican City State which was established as a nation in 1929 under Benito Mussolini who was put in power by the House of Savoy. Some top families in the Black Nobility include the Pallavicini, Colonna, Ruspoli, Sforza-Cesarini, Aldobrandini, Odescalchi, Torlonia, Gaetani, and Massimo families.

    Prince Carlo Massimo and Duke Leopoldo Torlonia are running the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo is the President of the Italian Association for the Order of Malta and is the one giving the orders. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a top manager of the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators serving the Black Nobility authorized by the Farnese family’s Pope Paul III. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies family are the continuation of the Farnese family and Farnesivs is engraved on the Jesuit’s headquarters called the Gesu Church of Rome. The Torlonia family own the Kansas City crime family and share ownership over the Pittsburgh crime family with the Borghese family. The French House of Orleans own the New Orleans crime family and the French-British Beaufort family oversee the Dixie Mafia. The Sforza family own the Stidda Mafia clans which operate in their former territory of Milan. The Aldobrandini family are owners of the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey. The Colonna family are running the Knights of Columbus and Colombo crime family as well as sharing ownership over the Chicago Outfit with the House of Capponi. Colonna means column like Colombo and Columbus. The Massimo and Gaetani families own and run the Gambino crime family and Philadelphia crime family. The Massimo family also own and run the Casamonica mafia clan or Roman Mafia and the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari which still exists. The Massimo family of Roccasecca own the Clerkenwell Mafia of London. The Lucchesi-Palli and Pallavicini family own the Lucchese crime family. The Greco-Roman Giustiniani family run the Philly Greek Mob. The European Union is based on the Treaty of Rome and was signed in Rome at Capitoline Hill. The President of the European Central Bank is Mario Draghi who was born in Rome and Jesuit educated at the Massimo Institute. The Erba-Odesclachi with ancestry from Cernobbio, Italy run CERN with Roman born Fabiola Gianotti as the Director-General of CERN.

    The Boncompagni-Ludovisi family run the Casalesi mafia clan which operates in their former dukedoms and also control the Bonanno crime family. The Adragna family of Sicily run many of the N’Drangheta factions along with the Gaetani family and the House of Adragna are part owners of Los Angeles crime family which was built up by the Dragna crime bosses like Jack Dragna. The Odescalchi family run the Detroit Partnership and some Slavic mafias. The House of Savoy own and run the Genovese crime family. Don Vito Genovese was from Naples and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is the Prince of Naples. The Chigi-Albani family run most of the Albanian mafia like the Rudaj Organization. The Corsini, Medici, and Bonaparte families are the owners of the Union Corse or Corsican Mafia. The House of Windsor and German nobility like the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Hohenzollern, Hesse, Furstenberg, and Hanover families run and finance various Neo-Nazi cults and Nazi propaganda while they also control many of the Jewish banking families through their royal courts. The House of Bourbon and Spanish noble families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The German nobility were Nazis. The Windsor and German noble families also run the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas. The Irish Barons run the Irish Mafia and Aryan Brotherhood. The Windsor and Bush families control covert paramilitary organizations and mercenary armies branched off from the military like G4S, KBR, and Vinnell Corporation. The Bush family runs the military industrial complex in the United States with Vannevar Bush founding Raytheon and Wesley G Bush running Northrup Grumman. The Mars and Walton families are mega billionaires and like royalty in the United States. The Islamic royal families were appointed by European royalty in the 19th and 20th centuries and especially after WWI. The Mid East royalty run the oil industry and use their massive wealth to finance globalist agendas for being allowed to rule their nations. The House of Bourbon and Spanish nobility like the Osorio, FitzJames, and Aragon families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The House of Bourbon are the founders and owners of Santander Bank. The King of Spain holds the official claim to King of Jerusalem

    (Then Lift the Veil adds some disinfo)


    Sadistic Shills | World Crime Syndicate SHILLS Below is a list of shills and they all make money pretending to expose the NWO. The term shill derives from schillings a former European currency. They are all also murderous gang stalking commanders and psychotic egomaniacs who go into narcissistic rages when they are exposed for not exposing real criminals. They use covert tactics to viciously attack me just for posting articles on their channels because exposing what they won't makes them look like liars because it proves they omit the truth. They are blasphemers who make up insane lies attempting to steal credit from others who actually expose the NWO. Most of them get intoxicated off human blood. They are really murderous and ruthless and that is why they do what they do. Steven Crowder is a major gang stalking commander and he is completely murderous and psychotic and his business is making money promoting Conservatism while pretending to be righteous and against evil. The shills on YT are all propped up by YT which is how they get so much attention. It is rigged. They also rig their view counts and pay commenters to promote them because it distracts away from the real people who expose the NWO. None of these shills or alt media agents expose the hundreds of high level criminals running the NWO. They all claim to be against corruption and evil though. They do not expose the leadership of the NWO. None of these shills expose organized crime or the mafia. They neglect thousands of important facts. That is the proof they are 100% shills and liars. Adam Green from Know More News only blames Zionists yet he barely names any high level Zionists. In one of my articles I name dozens of top Zionists he never mentions. He finally named Ronald Lauder after I called him out for it. The other day I heavily exposed Unit 8200 in my article on the Luxembourg royals and the very next day one of his guests made a vague reference to them. That is the first time I have ever heard an anti-Zionist mention Unit 8200. The shills that only blame Zionism are all the same. They repeat the same stuff and lies. They never name most of the high level Zionists, they are some of the biggest liars in the shill spectrum, and they never name any other criminals and if they do they claim they are crypto Jews or agents of Jews while totally ignoring the European royalty and nobility. They also never name non Jewish billionaires. They say things like the Jews run all the media. The Hearst and Disney families are not Jewish and both of them are major media owners. The Hearsts are worth 30 billion. The Murdochs are also not Jewish and own Fox News and worth about 20 billion. The Thomson family own Routers and are non Jewish British nobles that are worth tens of billions. These shills make up absurd claims like the Rothschilds own Routers. They don't but the Thomson family do and they are nobles under the British Crown just like the Rothschilds are. The Rothschilds are also married with Italian Roman Catholic nobles like the Aldobrandinis and Brandolinis. Few ever mention that. There are many Zionist criminals however they are not the only criminals and Zionists are not at the top. They work for the top. These shills all constantly lie and these alternative media shills are as bad or sometimes worse than the mainstream media. Paul Romano is a ruthless pedophile and New Age shill who works for David Mayer de Rothschild and they are both insane and blasphemous. David Icke is another one who mostly focuses on Zionists as well as reptilian aliens which do not exist. This is how absurd they all are. David Icke is one of the most disgusting and blasphemous fiends on the planet and he stinks like a rotting swamp. David Icke is a pedophile and a pathetic joke. These shills support and promote things like political parties, politicians, and organized religion. Many of them also make up absurd lies like flat earth, aliens, and interdimensional shapeshifting reptilians as David Icke does. The few that name a some high level criminals or talk about topics like the Black Nobility as Craig Oxley does lie constantly. Oxley made up the non existent Pepe Orsini while not naming actual members of the Orsinis and not naming basically 90% of top families of the Black Nobility and he also wont mention any of the royals and nobles of Germany. Oxley also tells people to drink urine and he is insanely blasphemous and stalks me constantly through his connections with MI6 and the Tavistock Institute. Craig Oxley says "promote the Prometheans" and there is a statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza. The Rockefellers financed the Tavistock Institute which are a psychological terrorist organization and part of British intelligence. Tavistock works with most of these shills as well as gang stalkers. ReallyGraceful is another insane blasphemer who gang stalks men to death for cannibalism and uses her pathetic lying channel as her bait. She also talks like a robot and whenever I am updating my articles with sources she electronically attacks me. Somehow she always knows when I am doing this and that is because she is a criminal working with criminal hackers like all shills do. She works for the Swedish Bernadottes who work closely with the Wittelsbachs which have a portion of command over DARPA. Luke Rudowksi makes daily videos talking about the same thing day after day and never exposes the mafia or actual child traffickers, or mentions murderers and contract killers or any of the royals and nobles. Luke Rudowski works for the Hohenzollerns and Radziwills and he has a Hermetic symbol for his logo. Hermeticism is the occult. The Medicis run Hermeticism and he will never mention them. Rudowski also had staged interviews with Jacob Rothschild and Kissinger and the only reason he was able to do that is because he is one of them. All of them are Tavistock or DARPA agents. Q Anon is a DARPA program. Justinformed said on May 4, 2020 said "A good friend of mine who used to be a code breaker for the NSA" and that video was him claiming DARPA is targeting Trump supporters which is a blatant response to this article. He admitted to be connected with the NSA which actually works with DARPA. They support Trump. Trump is completely corrupt and directly connected with basically every globalized criminal organization there is including the Black Nobility, Sauds, Zionists and Israel, Jesuits, Cosa Nostra, Order of Malta, the Clintons, Epstein, and the Bushs. Q Anon shills could not be any more ridiculous if they tried. Jordan Sather from Destroying the Illusion talks about childish things like aliens and promotes cannibalism with Fiji water from the "Cannibal Islands" with a demonic smirk and takes trips financed by his schillings to Hawaii where he cannibalizes children. Jordan Sather is a horrible person and there is no question that he is a pedophile and cannibal. He promotes Trump. Trump has been kidnapping children and holding them in concentration camps at former Walmarts. All the Trump supporters claim Trump fights the NWO and fights the child traffickers when Trump is a child trafficker. It is completely absurd. Anonymous is a DARPA program and some of them mimic or try to imitate my articles. Another group who is literally copying my articles is Killuminati. They steal my articles and repost them as if they wrote them and then like thugs viciously target me and then start falsely accusing me of stealing from them. They are that ruthless and insane. They do this out of envy. They are criminals who are literal street thugs that worship Tupac or Lesane Parish Crooks. Crooks is his real name and his cult followers are violent, arrogant, and stupid crooks. The shills often command trolls that harass, stalk, and slander me on behalf of them or their bosses. Anonymous are ruthless terrorists that track almost everything write and also target people who read my articles. Brian Young from HighImpactFlix is another shill who pretends to be a Libertarian while promoting Conservatism. Brian Young is also an intellectual thief who steals from others to strengthen his propaganda. They all work for the European royals and nobles. Most of them have paypal accounts and are paid through online bank accounts. All of these shills make money which is what makes them shills. Shill refers to schillings the former European currency. That is who they work for. European royals and nobles. They are all blatant liars and sadistic blasphemers who are directly involved with pedophilia, cannibalism, child trafficking, and child murder, and that is why they do what they do. They are all highly organized and work together and when they get exposed they sacrifice children, get intoxicated off the blood of children, and terrorize people. Alex Jones - Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Colonna, and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill AMTV - Boncompagni-Ludovisi and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill Steven Crowder - Massimo of Roccasecca shill Judicial Watch or Tom Fitton - Odescalchi shill Tucker Carlson from Fox News - Bourbon-Two Sicilies shill Joe Rogan - Wittelsbach and Schwarzenberg shill David Icke - Barons of Strange and Oddfellow shill Jordan Maxwell - Oddfellow shill Craig Oxley - Russell and Tavistock shill Leo Zagami - Massimo and Leon shill Ed from Outer Light - Esterhazy, Russell and Tavistock shill HighImpactFlix or Brian Young - Savoy shill Lisa Haven - Boncompagni-Ludovisi and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill Paul Romano or Pockets of the Future - Rothschild and Aldobrandini shill Adam Green or Know More News - Saxe-Coburg and Gotha shill Richie from Boston - Bourbon-Two Sicilies shill Aplanetruth or Joe Morgan and Jamie Lee - Schwarzenberg, Bush, and DARPA shill A Call For An Uprising - Chigi and Hell Fire Club shill A Face Like the Sun - Massimo shill James Corbett - Corsini shill ReallyGraceful - Bernadotte and Spencer shill Dahboo77 - Savoy and Bernadotte shill Destroying the Illusion - Savoy shill George Webb - Bush shill Farmer Jones - Cox and Galli-Zugaro shill Lionel Nation - Liechtenstein shill Earth Sherriff - Habsburg shill and slanderer Zachary K Hubbard - Zionist Goldsmith and Nazi-Wiccan Pacelli shill RussianVids or Benjamin P Liashenko - Goldsmith and Bourbon shill James Munder - Pacelli shill Luke Rudowski - Hohenzollern and Radziwill shill Dustin Nemos - Trump shill RedPill78 - Trump shill PrayingMedic - Medici and Glucksburg shill Justinformed Talk - Giustiniani and Savoy shill And We Know - Trump/Wittelsbach shill In Pursuit of Truth - Trump shill X22 Report - Trump shill Blessed to Teach - Trump shill Amazing Polly - Trump shill Tracy Beanz - Trump shill SGT Report - Trump shill There are many more. It is tiring having to look up and investigate these shills. They are all the same and they are extremely violent psychopaths. They are all DARPA and Tavistock agents and I know this because they have access to electronic weapons. ---------------------------------------------------------------- INTELLECTUAL THIEVES List of online agents claiming to be the authors of my articles. The worst one is Lift the Veil from Your Eyes who originally cited my name as the author and has progressively removed my name and is talking credit for all my articles and writings which took hundreds of hours to research and I have been tortured non stop by these criminals. This fiend copies my articles and acts like they are his. It does not get more pathetic and sadistic than that. All they have to do is link where they originally found my article and credit my name. People can repost the information all they want but do not claim to be the author of my writings or I am going to call you out for it and respond with violence. I have psychopaths attacking me constantly claiming ownership of my articles or trolls harassing me constantly falsely accusing me of copying other people writings when I post my articles. I have had numerous websites shut down. I have cyber stalkers tracking my writings and stealing them over the years. How can dozens of different people be the authors of my articles when for one I include my personal experiences in them. My articles are all written in the same format. I include sources for my articles. They are out of their minds to be attempting to claim authorship of my articles. They are violent towards me when they do this too. When enough people start calling them out they go "blasphemy is a weapon" This is how utterly psychotic they are. They admit to it and then months later do it again. They have no honor at all. They have no self respect. They are violent and stupid thugs who think they can use violence to steal from people. If they physically tried to steal from me the way they do with my online writings I would kill them outright. Shoot them dead or cut their throats. They are online cowards. Many of these thieves link my blogs to their sites where they copy my articles. One day they have a link to my blog. The next day they remove it and start claiming it is from them. They put up all my articles and pick and choose which ones they link to my blog. They are inconsistent. I have hundreds of thousands of witnesses to confirm these articles came from me. I had about 600,000 views on my WordPress blog before it was shut down a few years ago and that was with hackers meddling with the view counter. How the hell are they going to try and lie to hundreds of thousands of people. I have at least tens of thousands of people who have read my articles I post on YT for the past 7 years. I was exposing most of this on Infowars going back 10 years ago under the name Zeus until I was blocked after exposing Cliven Bundy. I am going to make this clear. I have never seen anyone expose 95% of the criminals I expose until after I exposed them and most of the time its them copying my articles word for word. When I write something or an article online which is then removed like my last three websites from the past three years I have thieves stealing my articles and writings as their own and then when I rewrite the information or repost these articles I get falsely accused of copying them when they are copying me. That is how blasphemous and evil they are. Kobra and his New Age cult group constantly repost my articles and they use them as bait. They are also trying to incorporate me with them by doing this. Kobra and that New Age cult work for the House of Wittelsbach. It is pure evil. There are several more not on this list. There are new ones that pop up every day doing this. Basically anyone reposting my articles on their sites is a shill. Why not just post a link to my articles. They know what they are doing. All they have to do is credit me as the author yet they don't do it because they are malicious. They are all thuggish fiends. http://ltvfye.blogspot.com/ Lift The Veil From Your Eyes This fiendish devil has been posting my articles as his own and originally he linked to my name and blog including my blog from 2016-2017 called Return of Zeus and Zeusian Revelations from Wix. Then he copied my articles from my WordPress which was another blog that these criminals shut down. Then I had a Weebly blog which he and many others also copied. There is absolutely no point to doing this other than for malicious reasons. This poser uses my information as bait and has an army of gang stalkers targeting readers. Mirrors of Truth who mirrors my articles is not crediting me as the author of my articles which he reposts. The gang stalker and serial killer Seth Rozman works with this shill. Unicorn144 is quoting me in numerous parts of this article and probably in other articles while not mentioning me as the author or source of their quotes and mixing it with other info including false information. The witch and gang stalker Alison McCarthy-Senatro works with this thieving shill. Nuevodesordenmundial is reposting my articles and claiming they are written by him. I have seen my name mentioned in one of my articles he reposted. Others he claims to be the author. The Killuminati cult members constantly steal my articles and claim them as their own. This is the most evil and thieving group of them all. When I still had a Facebook page they would steal my articles and repost them on their accounts all the time. They are still stealing my articles and claiming them as their own. While on Facebook they would collect all my writings and repost them and then they flagged my account until I was kicked off Facebook. They are ruthless thieves and work for Lesane Parish Crooks who faked his death and has been hiding out in Cuba. Killuminati is the most violent group of plagiarists. They are stupid and thuggish fiends. http://wetheonepeople.com/orsini-rosenberg-alchemical-mafia-disclosure/ We The One People is trying to claim authorship of my articles. He literally claims to be the author of my articles. Often after I expose them they remove their names as authors or later add my name to them. This is all completely absurd and is done to try and discredit me. This is not what I want to focus on however they are causing enough problems to where they need to be dealt with. It is only evil people who would do this. https://eraoflight.com/2019/07/15/the-house-of-odescalchi-is-the-top-bloodline-of-the-black-nobility/ This person stole my article and again didn't credit me as the author and researcher. https://coldcast.org/posts/13997 Here is another one who stole my article and is claiming authorship of my published writings https://m.facebook.com/groups/173522613059560/posts/307593819652438/ This Dawn Johnson stole my writings posing them as her own. https://m.facebook.com/groups/173522613059560/posts/307593819652438/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It's a very simple concept. Share my articles and writings as much as possible but do not claim authorship of my research articles. Example: Lift the Veil From Your Eyes stole a large section of my published writings and then mixed it with some disinfo. All of this below is from my research articles from my Wix blog from 2016-2017 which was shut down. In the link he added some other info below it claiming Black Nobility are Venetian which is not really accurate. No where did he credit me as the author and Lift The Veil From Your Eyes, Aplanetruth, and Tabublog have been together gang stalking me, stealing my articles and slandering me. They are vicious. https://testrun1717679555.wordpress.com/2018/03/14/the-black-nobility The Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. The European Monarchies like the British Crown are branches of Rome and they manage secret societies like the Freemasons which infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for the monarchs. The SMOM is the top military council and it works closely with the Orders of St John ran by Protestant monarchs. The Knights of Malta are the engineers of war. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of the modernized Roman Empire. The Greek royal House of Glucksburg run the Greek fraternities and sororities and use initiates as their agents. The British Crown controls universities like Yale and Harvard and use them for recruiting Crown agents. Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators and use their universities for recruiting and training Vatican agents. Many Knights of Columbus are police officers, mayors, lawyers, and judges and they protect the Italian Mafia. The Italian Mafia are enforcers for Rome involved in extortion, money laundering, murder, and drug trafficking; and they pay their dues back to the Sicilian Mafia which pay dues back to the Black Nobility. Court Jews like the Rothschild, Warburg, Walton, Wallenberg, and Dreyfus families serve the Roman Curia and royal courtrooms like Buckingham Palace and Stockholm Palace. The French House of Bonaparte and Swedish House of Bernadotte control many major European corporations through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and Legion of Honor running the European Round Table of Industrialists. The Holy See is the All Seeing Eye and operates as an intelligence network. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Order of the Ages and is on the US dollar bill and US Great Seal. The Vatican uses Latin as an official language and for documents. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been concealing trillions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland. The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. The Este and Lorraine families are top Swiss bankers. The Erlach and Brandi families are Swiss financial tax advisers enabling corruption. The Swiss Guard protects the Vatican. The Swiss Cantons have been in contract with the Vatican for centuries and Switzerland is basically a papal state. The Italian Savoy and Austrian Habsburg families oversee Switzerland for the Black Nobility. The Passi de Preposulo and Ferragamo families oversee Hollywood. They own the Holy See which is a corporate entity headquartered at the Vatican City State which was established as a nation in 1929 under Benito Mussolini who was put in power by the House of Savoy. Some top families in the Black Nobility include the Pallavicini, Colonna, Ruspoli, Sforza-Cesarini, Aldobrandini, Odescalchi, Torlonia, Gaetani, and Massimo families. Prince Carlo Massimo and Duke Leopoldo Torlonia are running the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo is the President of the Italian Association for the Order of Malta and is the one giving the orders. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is a top manager of the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits are Roman intelligence and infiltrators serving the Black Nobility authorized by the Farnese family’s Pope Paul III. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies family are the continuation of the Farnese family and Farnesivs is engraved on the Jesuit’s headquarters called the Gesu Church of Rome. The Torlonia family own the Kansas City crime family and share ownership over the Pittsburgh crime family with the Borghese family. The French House of Orleans own the New Orleans crime family and the French-British Beaufort family oversee the Dixie Mafia. The Sforza family own the Stidda Mafia clans which operate in their former territory of Milan. The Aldobrandini family are owners of the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey. The Colonna family are running the Knights of Columbus and Colombo crime family as well as sharing ownership over the Chicago Outfit with the House of Capponi. Colonna means column like Colombo and Columbus. The Massimo and Gaetani families own and run the Gambino crime family and Philadelphia crime family. The Massimo family also own and run the Casamonica mafia clan or Roman Mafia and the Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari which still exists. The Massimo family of Roccasecca own the Clerkenwell Mafia of London. The Lucchesi-Palli and Pallavicini family own the Lucchese crime family. The Greco-Roman Giustiniani family run the Philly Greek Mob. The European Union is based on the Treaty of Rome and was signed in Rome at Capitoline Hill. The President of the European Central Bank is Mario Draghi who was born in Rome and Jesuit educated at the Massimo Institute. The Erba-Odesclachi with ancestry from Cernobbio, Italy run CERN with Roman born Fabiola Gianotti as the Director-General of CERN. The Boncompagni-Ludovisi family run the Casalesi mafia clan which operates in their former dukedoms and also control the Bonanno crime family. The Adragna family of Sicily run many of the N’Drangheta factions along with the Gaetani family and the House of Adragna are part owners of Los Angeles crime family which was built up by the Dragna crime bosses like Jack Dragna. The Odescalchi family run the Detroit Partnership and some Slavic mafias. The House of Savoy own and run the Genovese crime family. Don Vito Genovese was from Naples and Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy is the Prince of Naples. The Chigi-Albani family run most of the Albanian mafia like the Rudaj Organization. The Corsini, Medici, and Bonaparte families are the owners of the Union Corse or Corsican Mafia. The House of Windsor and German nobility like the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Hohenzollern, Hesse, Furstenberg, and Hanover families run and finance various Neo-Nazi cults and Nazi propaganda while they also control many of the Jewish banking families through their royal courts. The House of Bourbon and Spanish noble families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The German nobility were Nazis. The Windsor and German noble families also run the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas. The Irish Barons run the Irish Mafia and Aryan Brotherhood. The Windsor and Bush families control covert paramilitary organizations and mercenary armies branched off from the military like G4S, KBR, and Vinnell Corporation. The Bush family runs the military industrial complex in the United States with Vannevar Bush founding Raytheon and Wesley G Bush running Northrup Grumman. The Mars and Walton families are mega billionaires and like royalty in the United States. The Islamic royal families were appointed by European royalty in the 19th and 20th centuries and especially after WWI. The Mid East royalty run the oil industry and use their massive wealth to finance globalist agendas for being allowed to rule their nations. The House of Bourbon and Spanish nobility like the Osorio, FitzJames, and Aragon families run most of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The House of Bourbon are the founders and owners of Santander Bank. The King of Spain holds the official claim to King of Jerusalem (Then Lift the Veil adds some disinfo) .
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  • Of Cults, Lies, Covers, and Hiding (Out of Plain View): Nope, Robert Duncan Isn't Dead & DARPA-CIA Brain-Bio-Chakra Hacking of Humans is Beyond Inhumane & Unlawful
    So it’s been a while, I think since news suddenly dropped that Robert Duncan was dead, then that he’d been “killed by a DEW”, then that his “body was found”: don’t believe a word of it.

    Dr. Robert Duncan at the October 22 2022 Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting Conference at Ramola D Reports
    Note, I interviewed him as a whistleblower, as he presented himself, he was present and spoke at the Second Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference online held October 22, 2022 at Ramola D Reports as a whistleblower, and he appeared, over the course of many years, to surface many of the dark technologies and practices of “compartmented” Special Forces inside the DOD-CIA—but looking through his first book again—The Matrix Deciphered—currently, it is clear there is a kind of CIA Coverstory created by and through and in his disclosure, a deflecting and mythologizing—of the kind perhaps that the CIA MockOpsters specialize in, that does need to be analyzed and exposed further. And it is this Pursuance of Coverstory, despite all evidence of an Awakening World, that sadly surfaces here in the sudden “Above Top Secret” Disappearing of a prominent DARPA-CIA scientist such as Robert Duncan. Disappearing people of public renown, in the public eye for a (long) period of time, is apparently an Intelligence ploy—and surely, there is a (bizarre, absurd “intelligent”) reason for it, one which no doubt will surface soon enough.

    “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen
    Pain “Signaling”—say Inflicting—as a Means to Get Into Brains and “Develop Cognitive Models”: Beyond Unlawful

    That Anti-Human Directed Energy Weapons have been developed (over decades, over almost the whole of the last century) by a secretive military prominently headed by the even more secretive CIA and been used, in most primary ways—to create Pain, to create Misery, Suffering, Horror, in Luciferian Human-Sacrifice ways to destroy bodies and lives—on pretty much everyone who has stepped forward to report unethical brain experimentation and massive bio and energy (chakra) hacking is something that Robert Duncan apparently just forgot to report.

    The Mystery of Robert Duncan is the Mystery of the CIA and DARPA and Black Ops Projects Which Should Be Stopped Stat

    Brain Invaders/Screenshot
    Blazing (more prominently) onto the world stage in Jesse Ventura’s unforgettable interview (Brain Invaders/Tru TV, Air Date: 12-17-2012) on targeting, radio neuroweapons, Voice of God weapons, and people hiding under metalware of various kinds (bakeware works—so does rubber, better than leather) as Black Opsters from DARPA, CIA, and all the forces—particularly the Marine Corps of course with their Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate firing opening salvos from Dahlgren Virginia (where their rusting battleships hide in plain view as you drive quickly by)—go wild with whacking people with bio-hacking and brain-hacking and chakra-hacking weapons to achieve all sorts of invasive, intrusive, and all-unlawful “bio-effects,” disabling many, injuring all, killing some (in numbers mounting over the years), Dr. Robert Duncan as he has been termed by many hopefuls, including this writer, who has interviewed him, may not have completed a doctorate but wrote, spoke, interviewed, and published enough to be situated at head of a large, very large train of CIA personas, it appears, each working hard (including in “Media” (say Crimcastia)) to faintly surface the crime while in fact permitting it to continue.

    That show, outfitting former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura with all the full-on, side, and ambience effects of the American Horror Movie genre, thrillingly sconced in “Conspiracy Theory” (you’re meant to equate one with the other) is one to watch if you want to acquaint yourself both with the history of the tech and the history of the cover-up, nicely surfaced here. [#MockOp Media at its finest.]

    Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Brain Invaders
    “I’ve empowered the dark side by some of my work, “ said Robert Duncan, on Brain Invaders. “Technology is Neutral. It can be good or evil. But I’ve worked on projects for the CIA, Justice Department, Department of Defense.” When asked what exactly he did and where he worked “in all this Sensitive area” (one Freemason to another?), he said “That’s Sensitive Information, I can’t tell you that.” Yes, he answered to “Voices in People’s Heads.” Yes, it’s the Ultimate Weapon. They’re called Voice of God weapons.” As in, Yes, the Government’s putting Voices in Heads. “So you know for a fact that these weapons you worked on, they’re being used domestically today?” “Absolutely,” responded Duncan to that.

    Confirmation from the Inside, of the CIA’s Domestic Use of NeuroWeapons on Americans: That’s all the Closure anyone needs, watching, listening—in 2012 when this show was produced and aired—to that question, put to a CIA-DOD-DOJ scientist (How do DOD and DOJ go together, at all?): Are these weapons being used domestically by the CIA-DOD (and DOJ?) today? And the answer is Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes.

    The Blackest of Black of Black Ops: “They Hide in Dark Crevices” “They Can’t be Removed” (Says Who?)

    But it’s there that Duncan drops the CIA-Mythmaking answer. ”Are these people crazy or is the government doing this to them?” First, “The Government is doing this to them,” then, “You have to remember, the CIA has a long history of experimenting on our citizens—LSD…”

    “Sure—You’re talking MK Ultra and things like that going back to the Sixties and Seventies—but we were told all that stopped—is that untrue?

    “Untrue—These programs continue under new names, new budgets…It’s the ultimate weapon…”

    “To your knowledge today, are there citizens that are being abused today with this technology?”

    “Worse than Abused—that’s a light word. They are being Tortured.”

    …”Who are the Controllers? I mean is that the President, the Federal Reserve?”


    “So these are people within our government and they are not necessarily our President or our elected officials?”

    “That’s exactly right.”

    “Wow—that makes it even more difficult. Because that means they can’t be removed.”

    “No. They can’t be removed and they are difficult to find. They hide in the dark crevices of our government.” Earlier: “It’s part of the whole World Domination Strategy: Control the Population, from subconsciously to consciously”—he meant with radio transmissions, ELF (extremely low frequencies, brain frequency transmissions), voices floated over them, sinewaved into people’s heads, insidiously influencing, persuading, dissuading, decimating Self.

    A Techno Influence Op earlier run only by the Ad Men (with English) but now juicy fare for the Neuro Men (with Radio Waves): The ones with the Bow Ties on top.

    And one that’s gone on so long the CIA believes it can go on forever. “They can’t be removed”? Really?

    Says Who?

    “MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

    Has Robert Duncan been cloned or can he just change the color of his eyes? (Some people can.) Did he start up working for the CIA again or did he never leave? Idaho or Sydney, Greenland or Brazil, Robert’s Renaissance education certainly equipped him well to row on both sides of the boat (the Slave Ship we’re all on: EarthPlane, galleoned).

    Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons—inclusive of Spectrum and Acoustic Neuroweapons—have been in recent times exposed in many different ways, through many different means—at military and other conferences, Senate hearings, through declassified documents, by whistleblowers and by military journalists; most crucially, they have been exposed in reports on FOIA-released documents and interviews with whistleblowers and reporters—including by this writer and journalist—as unethical, inhumane, and inflictive of untenable cruelty on people both in the USA and worldwide.

    Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments

    Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments
    Their use by the military having been transferred to “Law Enforcement” & affiliates: Police, both local, state, corrections, border, “community” and “fusion center”, “peacekeeper”/NATO, worldwide, and since then to “Public Safety” and “Public Health” and “Behavioral Health”—without public disclosure, discourse, debate, and frankly, dismissal—for they are anti-human and untenable—has been completely elided not just by him, but all who are currently pushing with vigor this narrative of his death.

    What we are asked to believe is that Black Ops Science, secretive, manic, military, and Intelligence-led is and must and can and should go on Forever, while the scientists at the helm, at the founding, and at the front of the Cover-Up, literally operating in plain view among those unlawfully targeted, non-consensually implanted, stalked by criminals, attacked by criminals, and brain and bio-cannibalized by criminals occupying offices at DOD, DOJ, DOE, DARPA, CIA, MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, DHS, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army, all hospitals, ambulance companies, numerous Primary Care practices, “Mental Health” and “Behavioral Health” centers, and Psycho-docsters (occupying positions of made-up power as “Psychiatrist Dia-Gnosers”) should escape close scrutiny, can be suddenly retired—without full disclosure—or passed into the realm of sudden felling (death), to be ever immortalized as supreme whistleblower, without blemish.

    Brain experimentation—cannibalizing of brains and lives—has been unethical from the get-go and all those working in Robotics, in Artificial Intelligence, in Neuroscience, in Medical Military Madness in the military know it.

    To cast those unlawfully watchlisted by a failed FBI and DHS and sold unlawfully—trafficked—into human slavery under “Black Ops”: Classified Cover, inside the CIA, inside Special Access Programs, Controlled Access Programs to be literally blasted out of their brains and lives with deadly energy neuroweapons while brain decoders, brain stimulators, brain thieves and AP DEW weapon-wielders are placed around them in their own neighborhoods, attacking them nonstop, literally 24/7 and they are subject to “pain signaling” misery requiring cowering and shielding and pain-medication and constant healthcare—as in some way some kind of unique grouping and species—an Acceptable Pariah species, to be gifted a cultic “Juden” “Targeted Individual” label and disappeared as “Delusional, Paranoid, Psychotic, Schizophrenic”—is the height of Crime. It is Military Crime, it is Intelligence Crime, it is Police Crime, it is Medical Crime. It is Human Rights Crime to be firmly, absolutely, completely, absolutely, irrevocably Ended.

    Instead what we have are “Targeted Individual” shenanigans, “Targeted Justice Media”—”Alt Media” gone nuts with the endless cover-up, endless hiding of the Hidden Hand—and a CIA #MockOp mechanism so huge, so spread-out, so invasive (of all journalism) it seeks to steal and cannibalize all it possibly can, inverting and subverting reality to its own crooked ends, imagining it can go on forever.

    The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden

    The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden
    Yesterday I published this article at my website, one which no doubt will ruffle a lot of feathers and has already:

    Read full story
    The sad CIA multimedia efforts here seem to be a kind of pastiche add-on from the Fifties when perhaps they began to get a little cocky about their cover-ups as they blew into Area 51 storytelling, little grey men, cow mutilations (with lasers) being deeply beneficent “experiments” run on Earth species by distant aliens, tall and sticklike and deep-eyed and anally-obsessed no doubt, but oh so magnanimous really, and seeking only to learn and grow (substitute Terrorize and Cannibalize poor gentle cows trying to sleep at night) on their own distant planets far beyond the burning sun (poised exactly 93 million miles away) (gasp!).

    “Conspiracy Theory” has been such an amazing cover for the Cult-Creators out in Intel La La Land.

    We are spellbound, examining their decades-long imploding of journalism.

    For they have shot themselves in the foot now, and nothing they do can get them out of it. Whirl and whirl and whirl deeper into that bizzare convoluted trickster depth of Lies and what have you got? Nothing but “Strategic Deception.”

    Robert Duncan has written a lot of interesting and useful and surfacing-of-the-crime material, his presence at his public talks and conferences and interviews including this writer’s second historic online conference in 2022 (during and after which the CIA almost finished her off—but no one else who attended, now how exactly does that work?) certainly speaks to the horrors of Radio Neural Molesting, “Synthetic Telepathy” (Try Techno Spy Tech, carefully inserted behind the ears in Lasered Incisions of the Skull/or Skin thereof, or any one of the precision sound projection technologies like Holosonic developed by (the CIA probably in conjunction with) private-sector sound technician freaks), Brain Decoding and Acoustic Neuro Net Tech, Brain Computer Interfaces and Computer Brain Interfaces, and other brain invasion tech like Electronic Dreams, Forced Speech, Memory Removal and Insertion of Speech, Sound, Thoughts, Images. But there is a lot of deflective Disinfo mixed in with the news reportage, and how we know this is by perusing the actually released military documents on FOIA.

    That is where we need to go for the real information here—and even that is spiked with vagueness, refusal to reveal all—but clearly, the CIA Media’sters (some operating from right next door to this writer, working hard on keeping their red beards glued to their spying chins) are desperately trying to shore up their losses and bumble on, pretending, posturing, privileging Medicos, selling their cult-setups as “orgs” and their pin-up poseurs as “New Media” (gold on black lettering for you if you Comply: You Must say “Havana Havana Havana” then say “CIA Officers Were Hit” “Yes, CIA” “Very much so, CIA, we, We were Victimized” by guess who? Of course: Russia Russia Russia. [Meanwhile, Russia’s front and center here as New CIA Media.]

    Noticing the CIA May Be the Best Way Forward

    Send the CIA/DARPA set some Letters of Notice of Crime please, for their cavalier invasions of our bodies, brains, and lives, to be published directly online so the whole world can count the letters and read the living text. Then write and keep writing. Speak and keep speaking. Film and keep filming. Do not stop—for Crime never pays, and DARPA-CIA and friends need to be Completely Exposed for their crimes.

    For the Reign of these weapons has ended, and they need to be wrested from all wielders and buried forever, for All Time.

    CIA Shenanigans to Disappear Scientists Involved Reveal the Players

    (1446) Dr Hoffer Reads a Thank You Card from Targeted Individuals for His Unflinching Integrity - YouTube

    Dr. Robert Duncan & Craig Laforest, Australia AI, V2K Technology and Directed Energy (DEW) Torture (youtube.com)

    Of Cults, Lies, Covers, and Hiding (Out of Plain View): Nope, Robert Duncan Isn't Dead & DARPA-CIA Brain-Bio-Chakra Hacking of Humans is Beyond Inhumane & Unlawful So it’s been a while, I think since news suddenly dropped that Robert Duncan was dead, then that he’d been “killed by a DEW”, then that his “body was found”: don’t believe a word of it. Dr. Robert Duncan at the October 22 2022 Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting Conference at Ramola D Reports Note, I interviewed him as a whistleblower, as he presented himself, he was present and spoke at the Second Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference online held October 22, 2022 at Ramola D Reports as a whistleblower, and he appeared, over the course of many years, to surface many of the dark technologies and practices of “compartmented” Special Forces inside the DOD-CIA—but looking through his first book again—The Matrix Deciphered—currently, it is clear there is a kind of CIA Coverstory created by and through and in his disclosure, a deflecting and mythologizing—of the kind perhaps that the CIA MockOpsters specialize in, that does need to be analyzed and exposed further. And it is this Pursuance of Coverstory, despite all evidence of an Awakening World, that sadly surfaces here in the sudden “Above Top Secret” Disappearing of a prominent DARPA-CIA scientist such as Robert Duncan. Disappearing people of public renown, in the public eye for a (long) period of time, is apparently an Intelligence ploy—and surely, there is a (bizarre, absurd “intelligent”) reason for it, one which no doubt will surface soon enough. “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Pain “Signaling”—say Inflicting—as a Means to Get Into Brains and “Develop Cognitive Models”: Beyond Unlawful That Anti-Human Directed Energy Weapons have been developed (over decades, over almost the whole of the last century) by a secretive military prominently headed by the even more secretive CIA and been used, in most primary ways—to create Pain, to create Misery, Suffering, Horror, in Luciferian Human-Sacrifice ways to destroy bodies and lives—on pretty much everyone who has stepped forward to report unethical brain experimentation and massive bio and energy (chakra) hacking is something that Robert Duncan apparently just forgot to report. The Mystery of Robert Duncan is the Mystery of the CIA and DARPA and Black Ops Projects Which Should Be Stopped Stat Brain Invaders/Screenshot Blazing (more prominently) onto the world stage in Jesse Ventura’s unforgettable interview (Brain Invaders/Tru TV, Air Date: 12-17-2012) on targeting, radio neuroweapons, Voice of God weapons, and people hiding under metalware of various kinds (bakeware works—so does rubber, better than leather) as Black Opsters from DARPA, CIA, and all the forces—particularly the Marine Corps of course with their Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate firing opening salvos from Dahlgren Virginia (where their rusting battleships hide in plain view as you drive quickly by)—go wild with whacking people with bio-hacking and brain-hacking and chakra-hacking weapons to achieve all sorts of invasive, intrusive, and all-unlawful “bio-effects,” disabling many, injuring all, killing some (in numbers mounting over the years), Dr. Robert Duncan as he has been termed by many hopefuls, including this writer, who has interviewed him, may not have completed a doctorate but wrote, spoke, interviewed, and published enough to be situated at head of a large, very large train of CIA personas, it appears, each working hard (including in “Media” (say Crimcastia)) to faintly surface the crime while in fact permitting it to continue. That show, outfitting former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura with all the full-on, side, and ambience effects of the American Horror Movie genre, thrillingly sconced in “Conspiracy Theory” (you’re meant to equate one with the other) is one to watch if you want to acquaint yourself both with the history of the tech and the history of the cover-up, nicely surfaced here. [#MockOp Media at its finest.] Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Brain Invaders “I’ve empowered the dark side by some of my work, “ said Robert Duncan, on Brain Invaders. “Technology is Neutral. It can be good or evil. But I’ve worked on projects for the CIA, Justice Department, Department of Defense.” When asked what exactly he did and where he worked “in all this Sensitive area” (one Freemason to another?), he said “That’s Sensitive Information, I can’t tell you that.” Yes, he answered to “Voices in People’s Heads.” Yes, it’s the Ultimate Weapon. They’re called Voice of God weapons.” As in, Yes, the Government’s putting Voices in Heads. “So you know for a fact that these weapons you worked on, they’re being used domestically today?” “Absolutely,” responded Duncan to that. Confirmation from the Inside, of the CIA’s Domestic Use of NeuroWeapons on Americans: That’s all the Closure anyone needs, watching, listening—in 2012 when this show was produced and aired—to that question, put to a CIA-DOD-DOJ scientist (How do DOD and DOJ go together, at all?): Are these weapons being used domestically by the CIA-DOD (and DOJ?) today? And the answer is Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes. The Blackest of Black of Black Ops: “They Hide in Dark Crevices” “They Can’t be Removed” (Says Who?) But it’s there that Duncan drops the CIA-Mythmaking answer. ”Are these people crazy or is the government doing this to them?” First, “The Government is doing this to them,” then, “You have to remember, the CIA has a long history of experimenting on our citizens—LSD…” “Sure—You’re talking MK Ultra and things like that going back to the Sixties and Seventies—but we were told all that stopped—is that untrue? “Untrue—These programs continue under new names, new budgets…It’s the ultimate weapon…” “To your knowledge today, are there citizens that are being abused today with this technology?” “Worse than Abused—that’s a light word. They are being Tortured.” …”Who are the Controllers? I mean is that the President, the Federal Reserve?” “No.” “So these are people within our government and they are not necessarily our President or our elected officials?” “That’s exactly right.” “Wow—that makes it even more difficult. Because that means they can’t be removed.” “No. They can’t be removed and they are difficult to find. They hide in the dark crevices of our government.” Earlier: “It’s part of the whole World Domination Strategy: Control the Population, from subconsciously to consciously”—he meant with radio transmissions, ELF (extremely low frequencies, brain frequency transmissions), voices floated over them, sinewaved into people’s heads, insidiously influencing, persuading, dissuading, decimating Self. A Techno Influence Op earlier run only by the Ad Men (with English) but now juicy fare for the Neuro Men (with Radio Waves): The ones with the Bow Ties on top. And one that’s gone on so long the CIA believes it can go on forever. “They can’t be removed”? Really? Says Who? “MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Has Robert Duncan been cloned or can he just change the color of his eyes? (Some people can.) Did he start up working for the CIA again or did he never leave? Idaho or Sydney, Greenland or Brazil, Robert’s Renaissance education certainly equipped him well to row on both sides of the boat (the Slave Ship we’re all on: EarthPlane, galleoned). Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons—inclusive of Spectrum and Acoustic Neuroweapons—have been in recent times exposed in many different ways, through many different means—at military and other conferences, Senate hearings, through declassified documents, by whistleblowers and by military journalists; most crucially, they have been exposed in reports on FOIA-released documents and interviews with whistleblowers and reporters—including by this writer and journalist—as unethical, inhumane, and inflictive of untenable cruelty on people both in the USA and worldwide. Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments Their use by the military having been transferred to “Law Enforcement” & affiliates: Police, both local, state, corrections, border, “community” and “fusion center”, “peacekeeper”/NATO, worldwide, and since then to “Public Safety” and “Public Health” and “Behavioral Health”—without public disclosure, discourse, debate, and frankly, dismissal—for they are anti-human and untenable—has been completely elided not just by him, but all who are currently pushing with vigor this narrative of his death. What we are asked to believe is that Black Ops Science, secretive, manic, military, and Intelligence-led is and must and can and should go on Forever, while the scientists at the helm, at the founding, and at the front of the Cover-Up, literally operating in plain view among those unlawfully targeted, non-consensually implanted, stalked by criminals, attacked by criminals, and brain and bio-cannibalized by criminals occupying offices at DOD, DOJ, DOE, DARPA, CIA, MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, DHS, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army, all hospitals, ambulance companies, numerous Primary Care practices, “Mental Health” and “Behavioral Health” centers, and Psycho-docsters (occupying positions of made-up power as “Psychiatrist Dia-Gnosers”) should escape close scrutiny, can be suddenly retired—without full disclosure—or passed into the realm of sudden felling (death), to be ever immortalized as supreme whistleblower, without blemish. Brain experimentation—cannibalizing of brains and lives—has been unethical from the get-go and all those working in Robotics, in Artificial Intelligence, in Neuroscience, in Medical Military Madness in the military know it. To cast those unlawfully watchlisted by a failed FBI and DHS and sold unlawfully—trafficked—into human slavery under “Black Ops”: Classified Cover, inside the CIA, inside Special Access Programs, Controlled Access Programs to be literally blasted out of their brains and lives with deadly energy neuroweapons while brain decoders, brain stimulators, brain thieves and AP DEW weapon-wielders are placed around them in their own neighborhoods, attacking them nonstop, literally 24/7 and they are subject to “pain signaling” misery requiring cowering and shielding and pain-medication and constant healthcare—as in some way some kind of unique grouping and species—an Acceptable Pariah species, to be gifted a cultic “Juden” “Targeted Individual” label and disappeared as “Delusional, Paranoid, Psychotic, Schizophrenic”—is the height of Crime. It is Military Crime, it is Intelligence Crime, it is Police Crime, it is Medical Crime. It is Human Rights Crime to be firmly, absolutely, completely, absolutely, irrevocably Ended. Instead what we have are “Targeted Individual” shenanigans, “Targeted Justice Media”—”Alt Media” gone nuts with the endless cover-up, endless hiding of the Hidden Hand—and a CIA #MockOp mechanism so huge, so spread-out, so invasive (of all journalism) it seeks to steal and cannibalize all it possibly can, inverting and subverting reality to its own crooked ends, imagining it can go on forever. The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden Yesterday I published this article at my website, one which no doubt will ruffle a lot of feathers and has already: Read full story The sad CIA multimedia efforts here seem to be a kind of pastiche add-on from the Fifties when perhaps they began to get a little cocky about their cover-ups as they blew into Area 51 storytelling, little grey men, cow mutilations (with lasers) being deeply beneficent “experiments” run on Earth species by distant aliens, tall and sticklike and deep-eyed and anally-obsessed no doubt, but oh so magnanimous really, and seeking only to learn and grow (substitute Terrorize and Cannibalize poor gentle cows trying to sleep at night) on their own distant planets far beyond the burning sun (poised exactly 93 million miles away) (gasp!). “Conspiracy Theory” has been such an amazing cover for the Cult-Creators out in Intel La La Land. We are spellbound, examining their decades-long imploding of journalism. For they have shot themselves in the foot now, and nothing they do can get them out of it. Whirl and whirl and whirl deeper into that bizzare convoluted trickster depth of Lies and what have you got? Nothing but “Strategic Deception.” Robert Duncan has written a lot of interesting and useful and surfacing-of-the-crime material, his presence at his public talks and conferences and interviews including this writer’s second historic online conference in 2022 (during and after which the CIA almost finished her off—but no one else who attended, now how exactly does that work?) certainly speaks to the horrors of Radio Neural Molesting, “Synthetic Telepathy” (Try Techno Spy Tech, carefully inserted behind the ears in Lasered Incisions of the Skull/or Skin thereof, or any one of the precision sound projection technologies like Holosonic developed by (the CIA probably in conjunction with) private-sector sound technician freaks), Brain Decoding and Acoustic Neuro Net Tech, Brain Computer Interfaces and Computer Brain Interfaces, and other brain invasion tech like Electronic Dreams, Forced Speech, Memory Removal and Insertion of Speech, Sound, Thoughts, Images. But there is a lot of deflective Disinfo mixed in with the news reportage, and how we know this is by perusing the actually released military documents on FOIA. That is where we need to go for the real information here—and even that is spiked with vagueness, refusal to reveal all—but clearly, the CIA Media’sters (some operating from right next door to this writer, working hard on keeping their red beards glued to their spying chins) are desperately trying to shore up their losses and bumble on, pretending, posturing, privileging Medicos, selling their cult-setups as “orgs” and their pin-up poseurs as “New Media” (gold on black lettering for you if you Comply: You Must say “Havana Havana Havana” then say “CIA Officers Were Hit” “Yes, CIA” “Very much so, CIA, we, We were Victimized” by guess who? Of course: Russia Russia Russia. [Meanwhile, Russia’s front and center here as New CIA Media.] Noticing the CIA May Be the Best Way Forward Send the CIA/DARPA set some Letters of Notice of Crime please, for their cavalier invasions of our bodies, brains, and lives, to be published directly online so the whole world can count the letters and read the living text. Then write and keep writing. Speak and keep speaking. Film and keep filming. Do not stop—for Crime never pays, and DARPA-CIA and friends need to be Completely Exposed for their crimes. For the Reign of these weapons has ended, and they need to be wrested from all wielders and buried forever, for All Time. CIA Shenanigans to Disappear Scientists Involved Reveal the Players (1446) Dr Hoffer Reads a Thank You Card from Targeted Individuals for His Unflinching Integrity - YouTube Dr. Robert Duncan & Craig Laforest, Australia AI, V2K Technology and Directed Energy (DEW) Torture (youtube.com) https://substack.com/@ramolad/p-149422807
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  • Beyond Blue Beam
    ByWindlander September 25, 2024
    Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. We continue our journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white but we decide which is right and which is an illusion” (The Moody Blues) You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also please feel free to add whatever other information you have to add to the article in the comments. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read.

    Today, we embark on another thrilling journey through time, space, and possibly even different realities. As usual, buckle up for an intriguing exploration of diverse topics.

    We begin our journey with more information regarding,


    For those asking to see more on that giant alien like head in Antarctica here is how you get to it! Also a few more bonus google earth finds!

    Plus we have some some information on area 122 in Antarctica. Hidden From the public.

    Today, we have several interesting articles and videos to share with the readers. Check them out and please give us your comments.


    This is taken from the link below.

    This “free energy” technology has been making the rounds online for quite a while but there are no useful leads to learn more about the reality of it. After reading this blog post, you’ll have a few more leads because I’m posting references to links relating to the Ammann family and related but there’s still nothing that leads to validating the claims and certainly not replicating it.

    Let’s start with a couple articles from the early 1900’s. I left remnants of the ads on either side in order to capture the source and date at the top. Also, it’s an interesting synchronicity that this so-called free energy running automobile article is next to an add discussing the Pierce-Arrow, which is supposed to be the car that Tesla drove around with some wireless free energy as well. Although, most of what is claimed about the Tesla Pierce-Arrow story is complete fraud and misinformation, it is interesting. Another interesting connection, at least for me, is the reference to Spokane, Washington since I live here.

    There are several photos and further links in the article. For the free energy enthusiasts.


    Plus this link for more details

    A Review Of Select Atmospheric Water Generators In The Market:



    The Old World would be impossible to replicate today. We are not an advanced civilization.


    Where is the massive South American discovery covered up by the World Archaeological Council (WAC). More research is needed. Maybe the readers can help and give us your comments.

    Monsanto-Templar Castle Ancient Ritual Energy Site In Portugal

    Monsanto is located southeast of Serra da Estrela, the highest mountain range in mainland Portugal. The region has a rich history. People lived there in the Paleolithic Era, and archaeologists have found evidence of Roman, Visigoth, and Arabian occupations.

    A Lusitanian fortress in the area was conquered and improved by the Roman Army, and it was then occupied by the Visigoths, the Alans, and others during the 8th century.

    Finally, the place was conquered by the Christian Army of the first king of Portugal, Afonso Henriques, also known as Afonso the Conqueror.

    The Lusitanian fortress was entrusted to Gualdim Païs, Master of the Templar Order in Portugal, who rebuilt it to protect the new kingdom’s southern border. He finished the works in 1171, that is to say, two years after building the fortress of Tomar.

    Tomar was originally a 12th-century Templar stronghold, but when the order was dissolved in the 14th century, the Portuguese branch became the Knights of the Order of Christ

    King Afonso Henriques conquered Monsanto from the Moors, and in 1165, the city was given military orders to maintain the reconquered city with Christian hands.

    King Alfonso granted it to the Templar monks, who built the Castle under the orders of Gualdim Pais, Grand Master of the Order of Knights Templar.

    King Sancho I (1190) and King Afonso III (1217) confirmed the Charter. King Sancho I of Portugal reconstructed and repopulated the fortress because it was severely damaged during the wars with the king of Leonese, an independent kingdom founded in AD 910 and situated in the northwest region of the Iberian Peninsula.

    In 1308, King Dinis granted it a Charter, which allowed a fair to occur near the Chapel of São Pedro de Vir-a-Corça. King Manuel I granted it a New Charter in 1510, giving it the right to be a ‘town.’

    However, Monsanto and its inhabitants could not contemplate a quiet life.

    In the middle of the 17th century, Luis de Haro, Minister for Filipe IV, tried to siege Monsanto, but his attempts were unsuccessful.

    Later, at the beginning of the 18th century, the Duke of Berwick also laid siege to Monsanto. Still, the Portuguese Army, commanded by the Marquis of Minas, defeated the invader on the slopes of the hill. In 1758, Monsanto was a municipality, having kept this privilege until 1853.

    Unfortunately, the impressive medieval Castle of Monsanto was destroyed in the nineteenth century because of an accidental explosion in the ammunition depot of the Castle.

    In 1938, Monsanto bestowed the “most Portuguese Village of Portugal.” It might seem a little odd because most villages in Portugal don’t have houses squeezed between gigantic boulders.

    The ancient population carved dozens of narrow streets and passageways right through the center of the boulders. The passages lead the residents upwards and downwards over the rocks and through the village.

    One can easily say that this unique village is frozen in time. Its appearance hasn’t changed in centuries.

    Is the story of Easter Island a lie?

    It seems there is a lot we have not been told. These may very well be other locations that have been kept hidden by the elite controllers.

    Check out this video and give us your thoughts.

    The Alien Agenda

    It seems that the powers that be are pushing for the Project Blue Beam scenario as they prepare the people for alien interaction one way or another. They use the Entertainment Industry’s biggest “stars” to push their agenda.

    Taylor Swift Changes Into a UFO-Embellished Sequin Mini Dress Mid-2024 VMAs

    Taylor Swift’s second 2024 VMAs outfit was out of this world, literally.

    Swift and stylist Joseph Cassell Falconer have pulled their share of party looks before, beaded by Clio Peppiatt to illustrate starry skies, but this custom VMAs mini by Monse hit different. Its intricate detailing created a still-life of a flying saucer’s countryside invasion. The UFO sequins were enhanced by an asymmetric skirt gathered at her left hip and cargo utility straps at her shoulders.

    There are photos of her dress in the link below:


    The Ariel School UFO Incident: Zimbabwe’s Unexplained Encounter

    On September 16, 1994, something extraordinary happened in the quiet town of Ruwa, Zimbabwe. At the Ariel School, 62 children—aged 6 to 12—claimed to witness an event that still stirs intrigue and debate to this day. During their morning break, the children saw one or more silver craft descend from the sky and land in a field near their school. What followed was even more astonishing: beings, described as creatures dressed in all black with large, almond-shaped eyes, approached the children.

    The children reported that these beings did not speak, but instead communicated telepathically, delivering a message that left a lasting impression. The beings conveyed a warning about the future—telling the children that humans needed to take better care of the environment and avoid technological advancement at the cost of nature.

    What’s particularly intriguing about this incident is the consistency in the children’s stories. Despite being separated and interviewed individually, their descriptions of the craft, the beings, and the telepathic message were strikingly similar. Many of them drew detailed pictures of what they had seen—images that eerily matched across the group.

    The event drew attention from researchers and UFO enthusiasts alike. The late John E. Mack, a Harvard psychiatrist, traveled to Zimbabwe to interview the children. He believed their testimonies were genuine and not the result of imagination or mass hysteria. The children’s emotional responses, the fear, and the clarity of their accounts deeply moved him and others who investigated the case.

    To this day, the Ariel School encounter remains one of the most compelling UFO sightings in modern history. No concrete explanation has been provided, and the event continues to spark discussions about extraterrestrial life, consciousness, and humanity’s relationship with the planet.

    The question lingers: were these children witnesses to something beyond our understanding, or is there another explanation for what they experienced that day in Ruwa? Either way, the Ariel School incident remains a powerful and mysterious moment in UFO lore.

    We come near to the end of our journey this week with part 5 of the Annunaki/Enki story.

    The Lost Book Of Enki Part 5

    The UFO Videos

    These videos are not little light dots in the sky. Much clearer images. We trust you will enjoy them. The next best thing to hopping on for a ride.

    1. UFO seen over the ocean in Mexico September 5, 2024

    2. A mother ship seen above the clouds with a smaller craft below. México 30.08.2024

    3. A partially cloaked TR3-B seen over the boarder with Mexico. September 10, 2024

    4. A UFO seen somewhere along the coast in South America September 7, 2024

    End of Transmission>>>>>>>>>>

    Beyond Blue Beam ByWindlander September 25, 2024 Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. We continue our journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white but we decide which is right and which is an illusion” (The Moody Blues) You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also please feel free to add whatever other information you have to add to the article in the comments. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read. Today, we embark on another thrilling journey through time, space, and possibly even different realities. As usual, buckle up for an intriguing exploration of diverse topics. We begin our journey with more information regarding, ANTARTICA For those asking to see more on that giant alien like head in Antarctica here is how you get to it! Also a few more bonus google earth finds! Plus we have some some information on area 122 in Antarctica. Hidden From the public. Today, we have several interesting articles and videos to share with the readers. Check them out and please give us your comments. AMMON ATMOSPHERIC GENERATOR This is taken from the link below. This “free energy” technology has been making the rounds online for quite a while but there are no useful leads to learn more about the reality of it. After reading this blog post, you’ll have a few more leads because I’m posting references to links relating to the Ammann family and related but there’s still nothing that leads to validating the claims and certainly not replicating it. Let’s start with a couple articles from the early 1900’s. I left remnants of the ads on either side in order to capture the source and date at the top. Also, it’s an interesting synchronicity that this so-called free energy running automobile article is next to an add discussing the Pierce-Arrow, which is supposed to be the car that Tesla drove around with some wireless free energy as well. Although, most of what is claimed about the Tesla Pierce-Arrow story is complete fraud and misinformation, it is interesting. Another interesting connection, at least for me, is the reference to Spokane, Washington since I live here. There are several photos and further links in the article. For the free energy enthusiasts. https://emediapress.com/2024/01/08/ammann-atmospheric-generator/ Plus this link for more details A Review Of Select Atmospheric Water Generators In The Market: https://saniwater.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/image3.png THE OLD WORLD The Old World would be impossible to replicate today. We are not an advanced civilization. THE SECRET HISTORY OF EARTH Where is the massive South American discovery covered up by the World Archaeological Council (WAC). More research is needed. Maybe the readers can help and give us your comments. Monsanto-Templar Castle Ancient Ritual Energy Site In Portugal Monsanto is located southeast of Serra da Estrela, the highest mountain range in mainland Portugal. The region has a rich history. People lived there in the Paleolithic Era, and archaeologists have found evidence of Roman, Visigoth, and Arabian occupations. A Lusitanian fortress in the area was conquered and improved by the Roman Army, and it was then occupied by the Visigoths, the Alans, and others during the 8th century. Finally, the place was conquered by the Christian Army of the first king of Portugal, Afonso Henriques, also known as Afonso the Conqueror. The Lusitanian fortress was entrusted to Gualdim Païs, Master of the Templar Order in Portugal, who rebuilt it to protect the new kingdom’s southern border. He finished the works in 1171, that is to say, two years after building the fortress of Tomar. Tomar was originally a 12th-century Templar stronghold, but when the order was dissolved in the 14th century, the Portuguese branch became the Knights of the Order of Christ King Afonso Henriques conquered Monsanto from the Moors, and in 1165, the city was given military orders to maintain the reconquered city with Christian hands. King Alfonso granted it to the Templar monks, who built the Castle under the orders of Gualdim Pais, Grand Master of the Order of Knights Templar. King Sancho I (1190) and King Afonso III (1217) confirmed the Charter. King Sancho I of Portugal reconstructed and repopulated the fortress because it was severely damaged during the wars with the king of Leonese, an independent kingdom founded in AD 910 and situated in the northwest region of the Iberian Peninsula. In 1308, King Dinis granted it a Charter, which allowed a fair to occur near the Chapel of São Pedro de Vir-a-Corça. King Manuel I granted it a New Charter in 1510, giving it the right to be a ‘town.’ However, Monsanto and its inhabitants could not contemplate a quiet life. In the middle of the 17th century, Luis de Haro, Minister for Filipe IV, tried to siege Monsanto, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Later, at the beginning of the 18th century, the Duke of Berwick also laid siege to Monsanto. Still, the Portuguese Army, commanded by the Marquis of Minas, defeated the invader on the slopes of the hill. In 1758, Monsanto was a municipality, having kept this privilege until 1853. Unfortunately, the impressive medieval Castle of Monsanto was destroyed in the nineteenth century because of an accidental explosion in the ammunition depot of the Castle. In 1938, Monsanto bestowed the “most Portuguese Village of Portugal.” It might seem a little odd because most villages in Portugal don’t have houses squeezed between gigantic boulders. The ancient population carved dozens of narrow streets and passageways right through the center of the boulders. The passages lead the residents upwards and downwards over the rocks and through the village. One can easily say that this unique village is frozen in time. Its appearance hasn’t changed in centuries. Is the story of Easter Island a lie? It seems there is a lot we have not been told. These may very well be other locations that have been kept hidden by the elite controllers. Check out this video and give us your thoughts. The Alien Agenda It seems that the powers that be are pushing for the Project Blue Beam scenario as they prepare the people for alien interaction one way or another. They use the Entertainment Industry’s biggest “stars” to push their agenda. Taylor Swift Changes Into a UFO-Embellished Sequin Mini Dress Mid-2024 VMAs Taylor Swift’s second 2024 VMAs outfit was out of this world, literally. Swift and stylist Joseph Cassell Falconer have pulled their share of party looks before, beaded by Clio Peppiatt to illustrate starry skies, but this custom VMAs mini by Monse hit different. Its intricate detailing created a still-life of a flying saucer’s countryside invasion. The UFO sequins were enhanced by an asymmetric skirt gathered at her left hip and cargo utility straps at her shoulders. There are photos of her dress in the link below: https://www.marieclaire.com/fashion/taylor-swift-ufo-sequin-mini-dress-2024-vmas/ The Ariel School UFO Incident: Zimbabwe’s Unexplained Encounter On September 16, 1994, something extraordinary happened in the quiet town of Ruwa, Zimbabwe. At the Ariel School, 62 children—aged 6 to 12—claimed to witness an event that still stirs intrigue and debate to this day. During their morning break, the children saw one or more silver craft descend from the sky and land in a field near their school. What followed was even more astonishing: beings, described as creatures dressed in all black with large, almond-shaped eyes, approached the children. The children reported that these beings did not speak, but instead communicated telepathically, delivering a message that left a lasting impression. The beings conveyed a warning about the future—telling the children that humans needed to take better care of the environment and avoid technological advancement at the cost of nature. What’s particularly intriguing about this incident is the consistency in the children’s stories. Despite being separated and interviewed individually, their descriptions of the craft, the beings, and the telepathic message were strikingly similar. Many of them drew detailed pictures of what they had seen—images that eerily matched across the group. The event drew attention from researchers and UFO enthusiasts alike. The late John E. Mack, a Harvard psychiatrist, traveled to Zimbabwe to interview the children. He believed their testimonies were genuine and not the result of imagination or mass hysteria. The children’s emotional responses, the fear, and the clarity of their accounts deeply moved him and others who investigated the case. To this day, the Ariel School encounter remains one of the most compelling UFO sightings in modern history. No concrete explanation has been provided, and the event continues to spark discussions about extraterrestrial life, consciousness, and humanity’s relationship with the planet. The question lingers: were these children witnesses to something beyond our understanding, or is there another explanation for what they experienced that day in Ruwa? Either way, the Ariel School incident remains a powerful and mysterious moment in UFO lore. We come near to the end of our journey this week with part 5 of the Annunaki/Enki story. The Lost Book Of Enki Part 5 The UFO Videos These videos are not little light dots in the sky. Much clearer images. We trust you will enjoy them. The next best thing to hopping on for a ride. 1. UFO seen over the ocean in Mexico September 5, 2024 2. A mother ship seen above the clouds with a smaller craft below. México 30.08.2024 3. A partially cloaked TR3-B seen over the boarder with Mexico. September 10, 2024 4. A UFO seen somewhere along the coast in South America September 7, 2024 End of Transmission>>>>>>>>>> https://benjaminfulford.net/beyond-blue-beam-27/
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  • Kamala Harris: The Simpsons’ Prediction, Political Endorsements, and the Challenge Ahead
    Medeea GreereJuly 21, 2024
    Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!

    Kamala Harris: From The Simpsons’ Prediction to Political Reality – Explore how Kamala Harris’s potential presidency aligns with a 2000 episode of The Simpsons, backed by endorsements from Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.

    In the 17th episode of the 11th season of The Simpsons, an eerie forecast was made that resonates shockingly with today’s political landscape. Lisa Simpson is portrayed as the first female president of the United States, garbed in an outfit that bears an uncanny resemblance to Kamala Harris’s attire at Joe Biden’s inauguration. What seemed like mere satire in 2000 now stirs a potent conversation about the parallels between fiction and reality, and the looming future of American politics.

    The Simpsons: Satire or Crystal Ball?

    The Simpsons has long been known for its biting satire and humorous take on societal issues, but this particular episode has crossed into the realm of prophecy. It aired in 2000, long before Donald Trump’s presidency was even a notion in the collective consciousness. Yet, it suggested that a real estate mogul named Donald Trump would become president, leaving behind a financial crisis for his successor, Lisa Simpson, to manage.

    Introducing Java Burn – Weight Loss With Black Coffee (secret recipe )
    This portrayal isn’t just a coincidence; it’s a reflection of the show’s writers’ ability to tap into the zeitgeist and extrapolate current trends to their logical, albeit exaggerated, conclusions. The depiction of Lisa Simpson as president dealing with the aftermath of Trump’s presidency has stirred debates and conspiracy theories about the predictive power of The Simpsons.

    The Parallels Between Lisa Simpson and Kamala Harris

    Lisa Simpson, in this episode, is not just a character; she embodies the aspirations and challenges of female leadership in a male-dominated political arena. Her attire in the episode, reminiscent of Kamala Harris’s outfit at Biden’s inauguration, adds a layer of visual and symbolic resonance. Kamala Harris, as the first female Vice President, has broken significant barriers, much like Lisa Simpson does in the fictional world of The Simpsons.

    SEE ALSO: Bible’s #1 Most Shocking Prophecy – How True Patriots Can Defend Their Family and Faith from This Latest Attack from The Deep State

    The image of Lisa in her presidential garb is more than a nod to Harris; it’s a statement about the progress and persistent challenges women face in politics. Harris’s journey, much like Lisa’s, is fraught with obstacles, but also filled with the potential to redefine the future.

    Donald Trump: A Visionary Leader

    Donald Trump’s presidency was a transformative period in American politics. As a successful real estate mogul, Trump brought a business-oriented approach to the White House, focusing on economic growth, deregulation, and tax cuts. His policies led to significant achievements, including record-low unemployment rates, particularly for African American and Hispanic communities, and a booming stock market.

    Trump’s leadership style was marked by his commitment to putting America first, renegotiating trade deals, and strengthening national security. His presidency left an indelible mark on the nation, setting a new standard for political engagement and economic policy. The financial challenges portrayed in The Simpsons episode are a testament to the complex and ambitious nature of Trump’s economic reforms, which aimed at long-term prosperity.

    Joe Biden’s Exit: A New Chapter in Democratic Politics

    Recently, Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race, marking a significant shift in the Democratic landscape. Biden’s tenure has been marked by substantial achievements and controversies alike, and his departure leaves a vacuum that Kamala Harris is poised to fill. With endorsements from key figures like Hillary Clinton, Harris is now the Democratic frontrunner.


    This development is not just a political maneuver; it’s a reflection of the evolving dynamics within the Democratic Party. Biden’s exit signifies a transition from traditional leadership to a more progressive and diverse representation, embodied by Kamala Harris. It’s a strategic move aimed at consolidating support and presenting a united front against the Republican challenge.

    Hillary Clinton’s Endorsement: A Power Play

    Hillary Clinton’s endorsement of Kamala Harris is a powerful statement. Clinton, a political heavyweight and former presidential candidate, brings with her a substantial base of support and influence. Her endorsement is more than a nod of approval; it’s a strategic alignment aimed at bolstering Harris’s campaign.

    This endorsement signifies the merging of two significant political forces, aiming to create a formidable front against any opposition. It underscores the importance of unity within the Democratic Party and the need for a strong, cohesive strategy to reclaim the presidency.

    The Future of American Politics: Uncertainty and Opportunity

    The episode of The Simpsons and the current political developments highlight the uncertainty and volatility of American politics. The parallels between Lisa Simpson and Kamala Harris, Trump’s economic legacy, and the strategic shifts within the Democratic Party all point to a landscape that is both unpredictable and ripe with potential.

    As Kamala Harris steps into the spotlight with endorsements from key political figures, the future of American politics hangs in the balance. The challenges ahead are significant, but so are the opportunities for transformative leadership.

    Conclusion: From Fiction to Reality

    The 17th episode of the 11th season of The Simpsons has transcended its role as a piece of entertainment to become a prophetic commentary on contemporary politics. As Kamala Harris prepares to take on a leading role, the lessons from this fictional narrative are more relevant than ever.

    The convergence of satire and reality, the strategic moves within the Democratic Party, and the dramatic suggestions for overcoming political challenges all paint a vivid picture of the complexities and stakes in American politics. In this unpredictable landscape, the future remains uncertain, but the potential for transformative change is undeniable.

    ARTICLE SOURCE: https://x.com/ShadowofEzra/status/1815106589239726422

    Content Redistribution Policy

    Kamala Harris: The Simpsons’ Prediction, Political Endorsements, and the Challenge Ahead Medeea GreereJuly 21, 2024 Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers! Kamala Harris: From The Simpsons’ Prediction to Political Reality – Explore how Kamala Harris’s potential presidency aligns with a 2000 episode of The Simpsons, backed by endorsements from Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. In the 17th episode of the 11th season of The Simpsons, an eerie forecast was made that resonates shockingly with today’s political landscape. Lisa Simpson is portrayed as the first female president of the United States, garbed in an outfit that bears an uncanny resemblance to Kamala Harris’s attire at Joe Biden’s inauguration. What seemed like mere satire in 2000 now stirs a potent conversation about the parallels between fiction and reality, and the looming future of American politics. The Simpsons: Satire or Crystal Ball? The Simpsons has long been known for its biting satire and humorous take on societal issues, but this particular episode has crossed into the realm of prophecy. It aired in 2000, long before Donald Trump’s presidency was even a notion in the collective consciousness. Yet, it suggested that a real estate mogul named Donald Trump would become president, leaving behind a financial crisis for his successor, Lisa Simpson, to manage. Introducing Java Burn – Weight Loss With Black Coffee (secret recipe ) This portrayal isn’t just a coincidence; it’s a reflection of the show’s writers’ ability to tap into the zeitgeist and extrapolate current trends to their logical, albeit exaggerated, conclusions. The depiction of Lisa Simpson as president dealing with the aftermath of Trump’s presidency has stirred debates and conspiracy theories about the predictive power of The Simpsons. The Parallels Between Lisa Simpson and Kamala Harris Lisa Simpson, in this episode, is not just a character; she embodies the aspirations and challenges of female leadership in a male-dominated political arena. Her attire in the episode, reminiscent of Kamala Harris’s outfit at Biden’s inauguration, adds a layer of visual and symbolic resonance. Kamala Harris, as the first female Vice President, has broken significant barriers, much like Lisa Simpson does in the fictional world of The Simpsons. SEE ALSO: Bible’s #1 Most Shocking Prophecy – How True Patriots Can Defend Their Family and Faith from This Latest Attack from The Deep State The image of Lisa in her presidential garb is more than a nod to Harris; it’s a statement about the progress and persistent challenges women face in politics. Harris’s journey, much like Lisa’s, is fraught with obstacles, but also filled with the potential to redefine the future. Donald Trump: A Visionary Leader Donald Trump’s presidency was a transformative period in American politics. As a successful real estate mogul, Trump brought a business-oriented approach to the White House, focusing on economic growth, deregulation, and tax cuts. His policies led to significant achievements, including record-low unemployment rates, particularly for African American and Hispanic communities, and a booming stock market. Trump’s leadership style was marked by his commitment to putting America first, renegotiating trade deals, and strengthening national security. His presidency left an indelible mark on the nation, setting a new standard for political engagement and economic policy. The financial challenges portrayed in The Simpsons episode are a testament to the complex and ambitious nature of Trump’s economic reforms, which aimed at long-term prosperity. Joe Biden’s Exit: A New Chapter in Democratic Politics Recently, Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race, marking a significant shift in the Democratic landscape. Biden’s tenure has been marked by substantial achievements and controversies alike, and his departure leaves a vacuum that Kamala Harris is poised to fill. With endorsements from key figures like Hillary Clinton, Harris is now the Democratic frontrunner. SEE ALSO: MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN: HOME RETREAT | HOW TO RENEW YOUR CELLS IN 7 DAYS This development is not just a political maneuver; it’s a reflection of the evolving dynamics within the Democratic Party. Biden’s exit signifies a transition from traditional leadership to a more progressive and diverse representation, embodied by Kamala Harris. It’s a strategic move aimed at consolidating support and presenting a united front against the Republican challenge. Hillary Clinton’s Endorsement: A Power Play Hillary Clinton’s endorsement of Kamala Harris is a powerful statement. Clinton, a political heavyweight and former presidential candidate, brings with her a substantial base of support and influence. Her endorsement is more than a nod of approval; it’s a strategic alignment aimed at bolstering Harris’s campaign. This endorsement signifies the merging of two significant political forces, aiming to create a formidable front against any opposition. It underscores the importance of unity within the Democratic Party and the need for a strong, cohesive strategy to reclaim the presidency. The Future of American Politics: Uncertainty and Opportunity The episode of The Simpsons and the current political developments highlight the uncertainty and volatility of American politics. The parallels between Lisa Simpson and Kamala Harris, Trump’s economic legacy, and the strategic shifts within the Democratic Party all point to a landscape that is both unpredictable and ripe with potential. As Kamala Harris steps into the spotlight with endorsements from key political figures, the future of American politics hangs in the balance. The challenges ahead are significant, but so are the opportunities for transformative leadership. Conclusion: From Fiction to Reality The 17th episode of the 11th season of The Simpsons has transcended its role as a piece of entertainment to become a prophetic commentary on contemporary politics. As Kamala Harris prepares to take on a leading role, the lessons from this fictional narrative are more relevant than ever. The convergence of satire and reality, the strategic moves within the Democratic Party, and the dramatic suggestions for overcoming political challenges all paint a vivid picture of the complexities and stakes in American politics. In this unpredictable landscape, the future remains uncertain, but the potential for transformative change is undeniable. ARTICLE SOURCE: https://x.com/ShadowofEzra/status/1815106589239726422 Content Redistribution Policy https://amg-news.com/kamala-harris-the-simpsons-prediction-political-endorsements-and-the-challenge-ahead/
    Kamala Harris: The Simpsons’ Prediction, Political Endorsements, and the Challenge Ahead (VIDEO)
    Kamala Harris: The Simpsons' Prediction, Political Endorsements, and the Challenge Ahead Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers! Kamala Harris: From The Simpsons' Prediction to Political Reality - Explore how Kamala Harris's potential presidency aligns with a 2000 episode
    1 Comments 0 Shares 11334 Views
  • Banksta's Paradise: Look Who Really Controls Donald Trump
    MAGA: Making America a Globalist Asset

    Anthony Colpo

    Jeffrey Epstein’s main financial patron, billionaire Leslie Wexner, was co-founder of an outfit dubbed Mega Group which "unites several well-known businessmen with a penchant for pro-Israel and ethno-philanthropy (i.e., philanthropy benefiting a single ethnic or ethno-religious group)."

    A 1998 Wall Street Journal article describes the Mega Group as “a loosely organized club of 20 of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen” focused on “philanthropy and Jewishness.”

    With 1998 membership rates at $30,000 a year, regular Jewish folks need not apply.

    As Whitney Webb has detailed, several of its most prominent members have ties to organized crime. Mega Group members have also been key players in the pro-Israel lobby in the US. For instance, Mega Group member Max Fisher founded the National Jewish Coalition, now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition — the main pro-Israel neoconservative political lobbying group whose chief patrons, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, are among Donald Trump’s top donors.

    For all you poor sods who think Trump is all about Making America Great Again, I strongly recommend the following video which shows he's just a puppet whose main job is Maintaining America as a Globalist Asset.

    The video runs for just under 20 minutes - it’s well worth watching if you want a clearer picture of who Trump really is and who pulls his puppet strings.

    As the video explains, in 1990 Trump was an astronomical $4 billion in debt thanks to his poor business decisions. These included an especially misguided foray into the casino business.

    According to Trump, he avoided bankruptcy due to a Herculean phone session in which he personally called each and every one of the 72 banks he was in hock to, using his stupendous "Art of the Deal" powers of persuasion.

    The real story is very different. The key entity that pulled Trump off his runaway debt train before it crashed and exploded into Destination F**ked was none other than ....

    … Rothschild & Co.

    It doesn't get much more globalist than the Rothschilds, and Trump is forever indebted to them.

    When asked why they bailed him out, Rothschild's man-on-the-case, Wilbur Ross Jr, explained “The Trump name is still very much an asset.”

    Just like Epstein appears to have been very much a Mossad asset.

    The Banksta’s Paradise video also features the aforementioned Sheldon Adelson, who pulled a lot of strings and pumped a lot of money into ensuring Trump got elected in 2016.

    The video shows Adelson telling his fellow Zionists, “The uniform I wore in the military unfortunately was not an Israeli uniform, it was an American uniform although my wife was in the IDF and one of my daughter's was in the IDF ... all we care about is being good Zionists, being good citizens of Israel." (Bold emphasis added).

    The video also shows none other than Steve Bannon, gushing at a Zionist Organization of America dinner, "that victory would not have come without one other person besides Donald Trump, Sheldon Adelson. It is not about resources, it's about counsel, guidance and wisdom ... Sheldon Adelson had Donald Trump's back."

    Can’t argue with that: Wealthy Zionists appear to have a very firm mount on Trump’s posterior.

    The question is, how can anyone still believe Trump is all about ‘Making America Great Again’ when he is funded, ‘counseled’ and controlled by people whose primary allegiance is indisputably to a foreign power?

    Pick your preferred globalist-controlled Muppet.

    Telling people what they need to but don’t want to hear is an often thankless task. To keep the truth bombs coming, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.


    Banksta's Paradise: Look Who Really Controls Donald Trump MAGA: Making America a Globalist Asset Anthony Colpo Jeffrey Epstein’s main financial patron, billionaire Leslie Wexner, was co-founder of an outfit dubbed Mega Group which "unites several well-known businessmen with a penchant for pro-Israel and ethno-philanthropy (i.e., philanthropy benefiting a single ethnic or ethno-religious group)." A 1998 Wall Street Journal article describes the Mega Group as “a loosely organized club of 20 of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen” focused on “philanthropy and Jewishness.” With 1998 membership rates at $30,000 a year, regular Jewish folks need not apply. As Whitney Webb has detailed, several of its most prominent members have ties to organized crime. Mega Group members have also been key players in the pro-Israel lobby in the US. For instance, Mega Group member Max Fisher founded the National Jewish Coalition, now known as the Republican Jewish Coalition — the main pro-Israel neoconservative political lobbying group whose chief patrons, Sheldon Adelson and Bernard Marcus, are among Donald Trump’s top donors. For all you poor sods who think Trump is all about Making America Great Again, I strongly recommend the following video which shows he's just a puppet whose main job is Maintaining America as a Globalist Asset. The video runs for just under 20 minutes - it’s well worth watching if you want a clearer picture of who Trump really is and who pulls his puppet strings. As the video explains, in 1990 Trump was an astronomical $4 billion in debt thanks to his poor business decisions. These included an especially misguided foray into the casino business. According to Trump, he avoided bankruptcy due to a Herculean phone session in which he personally called each and every one of the 72 banks he was in hock to, using his stupendous "Art of the Deal" powers of persuasion. The real story is very different. The key entity that pulled Trump off his runaway debt train before it crashed and exploded into Destination F**ked was none other than .... … Rothschild & Co. It doesn't get much more globalist than the Rothschilds, and Trump is forever indebted to them. When asked why they bailed him out, Rothschild's man-on-the-case, Wilbur Ross Jr, explained “The Trump name is still very much an asset.” Just like Epstein appears to have been very much a Mossad asset. The Banksta’s Paradise video also features the aforementioned Sheldon Adelson, who pulled a lot of strings and pumped a lot of money into ensuring Trump got elected in 2016. The video shows Adelson telling his fellow Zionists, “The uniform I wore in the military unfortunately was not an Israeli uniform, it was an American uniform although my wife was in the IDF and one of my daughter's was in the IDF ... all we care about is being good Zionists, being good citizens of Israel." (Bold emphasis added). The video also shows none other than Steve Bannon, gushing at a Zionist Organization of America dinner, "that victory would not have come without one other person besides Donald Trump, Sheldon Adelson. It is not about resources, it's about counsel, guidance and wisdom ... Sheldon Adelson had Donald Trump's back." Can’t argue with that: Wealthy Zionists appear to have a very firm mount on Trump’s posterior. The question is, how can anyone still believe Trump is all about ‘Making America Great Again’ when he is funded, ‘counseled’ and controlled by people whose primary allegiance is indisputably to a foreign power? Pick your preferred globalist-controlled Muppet. Telling people what they need to but don’t want to hear is an often thankless task. To keep the truth bombs coming, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Share https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/bankstas-paradise-look-who-really?utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5976 Views
  • Why Sherpas & Billionaires Don't Get Jet Lag Can Fix Chronic Disease
    Synchronizing biological clocks, GIGO vs QIQO, implications for modern environmental mismatches and healing chronic disease.

    Dr. Syed Haider

    There is no sleep as delicious as jet-lagged sleep.

    But it’s also inconvenient, especially if you need to get back to work, or make the most of precious vacation time.

    Like many living in modern industrialized societies today I have a lot of experience with globe trotting jet lag. I always get constipated for a few days (not the first thing you think of with jet lag, but it happens), and of course suffer through the usual daytime fatigue lulling me to sleep in the afternoon only to wake up again at 2 - 4am.

    Jet lag can also cause a lot of other symptoms in susceptible people:

    Digestive upset including the aforementioned constipation, but also nausea, bloating, and changes in appetite

    Headaches, trouble concentrating, impaired judgment and decision making, memory lapses.

    Irritability, apathy, anxiety, and depression.

    Recovery times vary person to person, but can take as long as a day for each time zone crossed, especially if you don’t make much effort to resist the enticing daytime sleep.

    The advice I’ve gotten over the years to minimize jet lag from hard charging, Type-A acquaintances who can’t suffer the downtime:

    once travel begins, eat on the destination schedule (so decline all the weirdly timed airline food)

    spend a couple hours in the noon-time sun for a couple days on arrival

    get grounded at the destination

    take melatonin

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Numbers 1 and 2 help to get your body on the correct circadian rhythm, though I’ve since learned early morning sun is even more important than afternoon sun for this purpose.

    Grounding is a source of free electrons that are required to run your body's DC bio-electrical currents, and they also have powerful antioxidant effects. Free electrons can bypass inflammatory tissue barriers that can keep out chemical antioxidants.

    Melatonin is thought of as the sleep hormone, though it has many other effects on our biology including immune regulation, direct and indirect antioxidant effects, hormonal regulation, blood pressure lowering, and anti-cancer properties. The melatonin released by the pineal gland at night puts us to sleep, but 95% of the melatonin in our bodies resides within our mitochondria which are the energy powerhouses within every cell.

    Melatonin is only released by the pineal gland in response to darkness. It’s commonly used by shift workers, and globetrotters alike to re-set their circadian rhythms quickly. There are documented side effects of melatonin use including headaches, nausea, dizziness and agitation, which suggest that it may not be as benign as many people make it out to be.

    Generally speaking it’s best not to try to hack biology by exogenous administration of endogenously created substances: if you make it, don’t take it, because there may be unpredictable butterfly effects that are impossible to trace back.

    An apt metaphor for this kind of biohacking is attempting to code a computer in the base machine language of 1s and 0s which is basically impossible for humans to understand. Where the metaphor breaks down is that at least we know how to perfectly map human interpretable languages to machine language (using compilers), but we don’t know all the rules of our own biochemistry, there are missing pieces and the interrelationships in living systems are too unpredictable and complex to model in each patient. It is probable impossible to ever sort it out because humans are not simple automatons. Everything we think, feel and believe affects our biology and biochemistry. How can you model all of that without a direct interface into a person’s mind and heart?

    Organization of Computer Systems: ISA, Machine Language, Number Systems
    All of melatonin’s effects sound great in theory, but you can have too much of a good thing, especially when that thing is part of an intricate network of feedback loops, where exogenous administration artificially affects many other things that suddenly react to greater than expected melatonin levels at the “wrong” time according to the body’s own biological clocks.

    Exogenous melatonin can lower cortisol (pro-inflammatory), suppress fertility, raise growth hormone, cause relative insulin resistance and relative hypothyroid effects. Melatonin is the body’s strongest antioxidant, but we know that antioxidants in excess can exhibit pro-oxidant effects. This might be helpful for cancer since that can kill cancer cells, but it might be harmful as well to regular cells and their mitochondria.

    Excess melatonin will also disrupt serotonin metabolism because Serotonin is the precursor used to make melatonin. If the body gets melatonin from outside then there will be excess serotonin, which wasn’t needed to make melatonin. This is why melatonin is relatively contraindicated in those taking SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) which also increase serotonin levels. Elevated levels of serotonin can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability and gut upset among other things, perhaps helping explain why chronic melatonin use so often doesn’t help patients with refractory insomnia (more on chronic effects of melatonin use towards the end).

    Even short term some of these might help explain negative side effects experienced by some when taking melatonin, and there might be mid term effects that aren’t connected back to the melatonin administration - hypothetically speaking, if you come down with something 2 weeks after taking melatonin how likely are you to make the connection?

    I acknowledge that many people will use melatonin anyway (I used it too in the past), it just goes against my c current understanding of the principles of health.

    But no worries, theres much more interesting stuff below: what private jets can teach us about jet lag and how to prevent it!

    Not All Jets Lag

    A little known and almost universally inaccessible approach to preventing jet lag is worth examining anyway because of what it might teach us about jet lag and what we can do about it (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure).

    I learned from a famous private jet salesman on Youtube (to be clear I wasn’t in the market for a private jet) that flying at lower altitudes with better cabin pressure prevents jet lag because oxygen tension remains higher throughout the flight - if this personal observation is true, it would explain why super-billionaires don’t all fly in Airbus size jumbo jets, but tend to prefer the Gulfstream, which has the highest cabin pressure of any private jet. The Gulfstream G600 can maintain an effective cabin “altitude” of 3,800 feet even at a cruising altitude of 45,000 feet.

    Steve Varsano : The Jet Business - Ultimate Jet | The Voice of Business Aviation since 2008
    Jet salesman Steve Varsano’s jet-interior-shaped office space
    On the other hand commercial airlines usually maintain a cabin pressure equivalent to an altitude of 6,000 to 8,000 feet. So flying in a Gulfstream is easier than staying in Denver Colorado (elevation 5000 ft), while flying commercial is the equivalent of rapidly ascending a tall mountain within a matter of minutes, a feat that can lead to high altitude sickness (HAS) in 25% of those who sleep above 8000 feet, and can cause symptoms in more sensitive people at much lower elevations.

    So maybe jet lag is a subset of mild high altitude sickness (i.e. oxygen/energy deprivation) that makes it harder to adjust to a new time zone.

    That would suggest that treatments for high altitude sickness, or mimicking the physiological changes that occur when someone acclimates to higher altitudes over time might help with jet lag (and be much more accessible than flying private).

    Acclimatization to high altitudes involves several physiological changes that help the body cope with lower oxygen levels. Key mechanisms include:

    Increased Ventilation: Breathing rate and depth increase to intake more oxygen.

    Red Blood Cell Production: The body produces more red blood cells to enhance oxygen transport.

    Hemoglobin Affinity: Hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen adjusts to release oxygen more efficiently to tissues.

    Capillary Density: Capillaries may increase in number, improving oxygen delivery to tissues.

    Mitochondrial Efficiency: Cellular adaptations enhance energy production efficiency under low oxygen conditions.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    The top of the list of treatments for high altitude sickness is obviously just to go back down to a lower altitude and/or get more oxygen (mimicking number 1 - 4 above). Equally obviously in an airplane you’re not going to be able to go back down for the duration, but you could super-oxygenate yourself using a portable oxygen concentrator (available via prescription. details on flying with one here). It’s not safe to use 100% oxygen for prolonged periods, but you could titrate the device to deliver just enough oxygen to counteract the effects of the lower oxygen tension on flights that cruise at effective altitudes of 6-8000 feet.

    Traveling with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (Tips) | 2024
    Running the calculations on a typical flight with cabin pressure set to the equivalent of 6000 feet above sea level we find that you only need about half a liter per minute from the oxygen concentrator in the average person to raise inspired oxygen concentration enough to counteract the effects of altitude and give you the same amount of oxygen delivery you would expect at sea level.

    A more convenient and cheaper alternative to lugging around a portable oxygen concentrator is prescription acetazolamide (diamox) carried by many hikers who’ve had experience with altitude sickness before. Acetazolamide works primarily by removing bicarbonate (baking soda is sodium bicarbonate) from your bloodstream into your urine and therefore causing metabolic acidosis in your body, which stimulates your brain to increase your breathing rate, which then increases your blood oxygen levels.

    There is another little known possibility for the treatment and prevention of acute mountain sickness which is the simple, cheap and readily available chemical ammonium chloride. Its chemical decomposition in the bloodstream leads to the creation of hydrogen ions and CO2. Hydrogen ions bind and neutralize bicarb lower the pH by a different avenue than diamox, but having the same effect to stimulate respiration. Increased CO2 levels will also stimulate increased respiration. So both would tend to raise oxygen levels as a result.

    Apparently useful for a number of indications including kidney stones, digestive trouble, preventing metabolic diseases and to give goats a beautiful sheen on their coat for shows.
    There was one small study published in 1937 where a dozen volunteers took 5 grams of ammonium chloride three times a day with meals (much higher than normal dosing ranges for its one remaining medical indication, severe metabolic alkalosis) while ascending to altitude. Unfortunately the results were weirdly completely the opposite of what you might expect, which raises the possibility that pharmaceutical industry bias creot in as it usually does when any simple non-prescription therapy threatens the status quo. That paper also referenced a few other preliminary research findings that had seemed promising at 1/10th the dose. Given the mechanisms at play it would be interesting if someone revisited this research.

    Traditional herbal remedies for high altitude sickness might be helpful as well, and I suspect gentler and safer than acetazolamide (though none that we know of work exactly the same way it does):

    Sea Buckthorn ("Shan-Ji" in TCM)

    Mechanism: Sea buckthorn is rich in antioxidants, vitamins (especially vitamin C), and fatty acids, which can enhance oxygen utilization and reduce oxidative stress at high altitudes.

    Studies: Research has shown that sea buckthorn can improve high-altitude polycythemia (an increase in red blood cells due to low oxygen levels), which helps in better oxygen transport and utilization in the body.

    Rhodiola algida ("Hong Jing Tian" in TCM)

    Mechanism: Rhodiola algida contains active compounds like salidroside and rosavin, which are known to enhance physical performance, reduce fatigue, and increase resistance to stress. These properties can be beneficial in preventing AMS by improving the body's ability to cope with hypoxia (low oxygen levels).

    Studies: It is traditionally used by Tibetan people to prevent AMS. Experimental studies suggest that Rhodiola spp. can improve acclimatization and reduce symptoms of AMS by enhancing oxygen efficiency and reducing oxidative stress.

    Zuo-Mu-A decoction (no English name found)

    Mechanism: This traditional Tibetan medicine contains various herbs that are believed to work synergistically to enhance acclimatization to high altitudes. The exact mechanism is not fully understood, but it is thought to improve blood oxygenation and reduce oxidative stress.

    Studies: Experimental studies in rats have demonstrated its efficacy in preventing high-altitude polycythemia, indicating a potential benefit in improving oxygen delivery and reducing AMS symptoms.

    Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

    Mechanism: Ginkgo biloba is known for its vasodilatory properties, which can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues. It also has strong antioxidant effects, which can protect cells from oxidative damage caused by hypoxia.

    Studies: Clinical studies have shown that Ginkgo biloba can reduce symptoms of AMS, such as headache and dizziness, by improving microcirculation and reducing oxidative stress.

    Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea)

    Rhodiola: Mental Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More
    If there are no side effects it’s probably not medicinal
    Mechanism: Similar to Rhodiola algida, Rhodiola rosea contains adaptogenic compounds like rosavin and salidroside, which help the body adapt to stress and improve physical performance. It also has antioxidant properties that protect against hypoxia-induced damage.

    Studies: Studies have demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea can enhance endurance, reduce fatigue, and improve the body's resistance to hypoxia, making it effective in preventing and reducing symptoms of AMS.

    Coca (Erythroxylum coca)

    Mechanism: Coca leaves contain alkaloids such as cocaine (so good luck sourcing these, only included here in the interests of being comprehensive, although millions in the Andes regular chew them without adverse effects), which can stimulate the central nervous system, increase oxygen intake, and improve overall physical performance. These effects can help counteract the symptoms of AMS.

    Studies: Indigenous populations in the Andes have used coca leaves for centuries to prevent and treat AMS. Scientific studies support its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of AMS, such as headache, nausea, and fatigue, by enhancing oxygen utilization and reducing oxidative stress.

    These herbs work through a combination of improving oxygen delivery, enhancing physical performance, reducing oxidative stress, and promoting acclimatization to high altitudes, thereby helping to prevent and mitigate the symptoms of acute mountain sickness.

    Along the same lines methylene blue (may need to avoid with SSRIs, severe kidney disease, G6PD deficiency) may attenuate jet lag and is used by biohackers and Long COVID/Vax injury sufferers nowadays because it increases mitochondrial oxygen production (other of the natural acclimatizing adjustments the body eventually makes to prolonged stays at altitude) without the addition of more oxygen. Basically it improves your ability to create energy and that’s really what we need oxygen for in the first place.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    There are other ways to improve mitochondrial energy production, most importantly for this purpose via plenty of direct sunlight before the flight. One way this works is that the key to mitochondrial energy production is proton tunneling, which is required for functioning of the ATPase enzyme in the inner mitochondrial membrane that produces ATP, the chemical energy currency of cells. Proton tunneling is a quantum effect that depends on the existence of coherent quantum domains in water as well as 4th phase structured water.

    Coherent domains are masses of water molecules vibrating at the same frequency, and structured water is a gel like water that forms next to liphophilic (water loving) surfaces in cells and leads to charge separation with one area of water having a negative charge next to the surface and another area having a positive charge. Both of these effects in water are increased by exposure to natural sunlight and the earth’s natural electromagnetic fields, e.g. the Schumann resonances - both of which are missing in flight.

    So another cause of jet lag on the flight is likely missing sun and natural EMFs, while being exposed instead to blue spectrum light and non-native electromagnetic fields instead (as well as increased exposure to cosmic radiation?). It’s usually impossible to get into natural sunlight for the duration of your trip, unless you have longer layovers (sunlight that filters through clear window glass is deficient in balancing UV-A, UV-B and infrared wavelengths that help to counteract the stressful nature of visible blue light).

    The best way to mitigate this may be to have a good tan (melanin in the skin can absorb any wavelength of radiation) and plenty of exposure to sun and natural outdoor electromagnetic fields in the days and weeks leading up to the flight, and after arrival, so as to have a strong reserve of coherent, structured biological water (some people also advocate structuring your drinking water by exposing it to light and spinning it in a vortex prior to consumption) and then replenish it after the flight.

    There is also an herbal cream we’ve found to be helpful for mitigating the effects of EMF on children and others who are particularly sensitive to it that could be used in this situation.

    EMF Mitigating Cream:

    10 parts Castor oil

    6 parts Hemp seed oil

    1 part bee propolis

    1 part neem oil

    1 part rosemary extract

    1 part coriander extract

    I was personally surprised to discover that there was data on EMF protective effects of Rosemary (eg here and here) and bee propolis (eg here). There are energetic reasons to include the other ingredients, but I’m not aware of studies having been done on them. If anyone has EMF sensitivity they should try this cream all over the body and report back any effects. It’s also important to note that many people with chronic diseaes (and jet lag) likely have EMF sensitivity they just aren’t aware of it. See Robert O Becker’s books and The Invisible Rainbow if you remain unconvinced of the thoroughly documented negative biological effects of most man-made non-ionizing radiation.

    Finally dehydration (airplane air is very dry), alcohol, caffeine, stress and advanced age can all play a role in triggering and prolonging jet lag, though older age is probably mostly a marker for more time spent living sub-optimaly, destroying organ reserve and resilience (both of which can be reversed).

    Usually when I take a long flight east my schedule will lag the final time zone I end up in by a few hours. So it’s not like my body thinks its all the way back home, it seems to think its a few time zones over. For example I’ll usually get tired in the afternoon say 3-4 pm and crash, and then wake up at 1-3 am unable to sleep any more. In terms of my origin time zone that translates to falling asleep at 8am and waking at 6pm (to be clear I don’t sleep all day at home, but have a normal schedule). So it would seem that my body thinks I’m a few time zones West of where I actually am.

    On my last 9-time-zone trip halfway around the globe I lost a lot of sleep for a couple days during the flights since I find it hard to sleep sitting up, but had great success preventing significant jet lag on arrival with a few simple interventions.

    I only ate during daytime wherever I was in my travels, and once I arrived I made sure to eat a good breakfast early every morning and didn’t consume anything at the destination after sunset - including food, information, light (i.e. no room lights or screens). I wore a pair of wraparound blue blocker sunglasses throughout the trip to block excess blue light (the darker the better, since light intensity is also important, especially at night). I made sure to get morning and afternoon sun both for 1-2 hours each at the destination.

    I arrived at my destination at 2am and the first day got my morning sun and then fell asleep for a couple hours until the afternoon, then got some more sun, and then slept normally that night until the next morning, which was a first for me after such a long trip and really surprising. The next day I got morning sun, afternoon sun and then took a nap again for a couple hours in the afternoon and again slept normally through the night.

    I was constipated on the flight, but it was less severe than usual, resolving within 24 hours once I landed.

    So basically I had some sleep to catch up on since I slept very poorly on the planes and missed a lot of sleep during the prolonged travel (there were two long layovers), but other than that I had very minimal jet lag without nighttime insomnia or excessive daytime fatigue the first couple days.

    After that I found that I could sleep longer in the afternoon if I let myself, but it wasn’t the usual overpowering, siren-song type of jet lag sleep I’m accustomed to. It was optional. Maybe next time I’ll try changing it up some more with some herbs and/or the EMF skin cream.

    Recent research by Huang et al also confirms that the best cure for jet lag is a big breakfast in the early morning at the destination and plenty of morning sunlight. These two signals help to synchronize central and distal body clocks to the new time zone and eliminate jet lag fast.

    They are also probably the two most important signals to help cure a normal case of insomnia.

    By the way, many people who are trying to fix chronic illness nowadays will try intermittent fasting, and it’s easiest to implement that by skipping breakfast, but this is the worst way to do it because it sends your body the wrong signals.

    The old wisdom that taught us to breakfast breakfast like a King and dinner like a pauper is correct, but I would go further and say skip dinner (perhaps that’s what the saying actually means anyway). Most people throughout human history counted themselves lucky to eat twice a day, let alone thrice.

    You often hear that breakfast was invented by cereal companies, but it was just coopted by them. A healthy breakfast for most people probably looks more like steak and eggs (and some healthy carbs) than an all-out refined sugar bomb and sets you up calorically and hormonally for an active day.

    Steak and Eggs Skillet with Chimichurri and Sweet Potatoes
    The Inputs Dictate the Output, i.e. Garbage In Garbage Out, illustrated via Light, Quantum Coherence, Structured Water, Cold, Seasonal Variations, Deuterium, etc

    Garbage in garbage out refers to the computer science truism that poor quality input, for example when trying to model the likelihood of some outcome, will produce poor quality output, i.e. you’ll probably get the answer wrong.

    The alternative is Quality in Quality Out or QIQO.

    The same aphorism applies to jet lag. If you provide the right inputs at the right times you won’t have jet lag. Jet lag is really a function of decreased resilience due to suboptimal environmental inputs.

    This is the essential truth about all chronic disease that we ignore to our own detriment because it’s easy to just go with the flow. Unfortunately that flow is like a riptide that will carry you out to sea and to your early demise unless you act fast and swim out of it, parallel to the shore. The good news is that once you make the effort and build new habits, they stick with you and it’s a lot easier to continue.

    So the basic prevention and cure for jet lag and insomnia is the same basic prevention and cure for any chronic health dysfunction in the modern world, because our dysfunctions are fundamentally caused by living out of sync with our environments, both external and internal (e.g. physiologically harmful thoughts, beliefs, emotions).

    Our external environments are tailor made for us, or we’re tailor made for them, depending on your perspective and Nature never makes mistakes, though we often misinterpret her perfection.

    On the other hand you could take the lesson that supplemental oxygen cures jet lag and extend that to chronic disease. Supplemental oxygen may also help allay the symptoms of chronic diseases, and be even more effective when taken inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Both in or out of the chamber it works the same way by increasing stem cell production.

    But the easy way out will always come back to bite you in the end. There isn’t really an easy way. It’s an illusion. You can use various means to take the edge off, but ultimately you have to address root causes, because if you don’t the underlying problem will only worsen and eventually overcome the simple fix you found. The easy way is a temporary bandaid.

    Whereas going down a mountain to an altitude you’re more accustomed to makes sense physiologically speaking, using a hyperbaric chamber is the equivalent of going underwater where the partial pressure of oxygen is much higher. Even if you plan to live in a submarine it’s certainly not a natural signal to give your body. We aren’t designed for such high pressures.

    Health is a function of irreducibly complex inputs - i.e. you can’t mimic the sun by taking vitamin D, or even with a sunlamp. Understanding more about the ways this works for external inputs will help us respect Nature and submit to her dictates. In order to do that we’ll consider some fascinating, but little known facts about human biology and the central roles that light and water play in it.

    We already discussed the effect of light on quantum coherence and structuring of water and how that improves the energy production of mitochondria.

    EZ Water: The Fourth Phase Of Water (Part 3) - Live Vitae
    Structured water due to it’s thicker gel like consistency excludes particulate matter and cells, thereby protecting the walls of the blood vessels from damage and inflammation.
    The structuring of water is also the reason blood flows, and blood is what delivers oxygen and nutrients.

    When you have a hydrophilic (water attracting, not repelling) tube, like an artery or vein and you place it in a bucket of water, the water structures itself by charge separating as described above and starts flowing through the tube spontaneously, and so does blood, which is primarily made up of water. Blood circulation in an embryo begins even before the heart forms and starts pumping, i.e. it is not the pumping that moves blood, rather the heart acts more like a conductor, synchronizing the organs of the body (more on this in an upcoming post on the heart).

    Now, both quantum coherent domains and structured water form more easily in cold temperatures, which means you need less light energy to produce them. This means that near the equator where it’s warm all year round you need more light energy absorbed by your body water, and conveniently there is more light available during the year with 12 hour days throughout. Whereas up north you need less light in the winters when it is cold and the days are much shorter. In both of these situations our physiology if it is in sync with the natural environment will get just what it needs.

    Seasonal variations in light also affect weight gain because when temperatures are warmer and days are longer and food is plentiful, the body gets the message that it’s time to store up fat for the coming winter (remember blue light triggers cortisol, appetite, hyperglycemia and elevated insulin). When winter comes the days are short and food is naturally scarcer, and in the cold our bodies are stimulated to produce more heat, and use stored energy to do so.

    The Endless Summer (Remastered) - Official Trailer
    If you want an endless summer, head south.
    However nowadays winter never comes in industrialized societies, even up north, at least the signals that indicate it’s winter never arrive: we don’t change what we eat in the winter, because we don’t eat seasonally, and we don’t change our light environment either, because we spend all day and night indoors in temperature controlled environments with the lights on until all hours - our circadian biology gets the message that it’s always summer, the days are always long, the food always plentiful (you can eat more because you keep the lights on so long) and it’s never too cold.

    Our mitochondria naturally deplete water of deuterium, which is a heavy isotope of hydrogen. Water in the south has higher deuterium content while water up north is already deuterium depleted so our mitochondria may work more efficiently when exposed to it, with less need of the red and NIR spectrums to help boost their functioning, if we are living within a natural environment and drinking the local water up north (while being exposed to the natural temperature variations and seasonal foodstuffs).

    Not much is known about bioenergetics, since there is insufficient funding, but it has been shown that a weak DC electrical current flows in the Qi energy pathways mapped out by the Ancient Chinese 1000s of years ago (it was shown that grounding primarily enters free electrons into the meridians of the Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys, and Urinary Bladder). The energy flows because we are made up of biological semiconductors. Semiconductors hold electrons, and when they are excited by enough outside energy those electrons start to flow as electricity.

    Our biological semiconductors like collagen need to be charged with electrons from food and grounding (more grounding means you need less food), and “turned on” by incident light energy from the sun. Just like mitochondria they work better in the cold, and so need less energy from sunlight in northern winters, when there is naturally less sun available.

    The concentrated blue light we’re exposed to is meant to be stimulatory - it’s the component of natural sunlight that triggers wakefulness, and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to release catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine, which raise alertness, focus, motivation, BP and HR (which is why blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictive nature of much of the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and anyway your eyes and brain will benefit from it).

    Since blue light triggers dopamine, blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictiveness programmed into the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and either way your eyes and brain will benefit from it, since blue light without balancing infrared and UV-A kills retinal cells.
    The other wavelengths of natural sunlight have a balancing effect physiologically: UV-A stimulates nitric oxide which helps relax us and elevate our mood by increasing the levels of beta endorphins, as well as lowering blood pressure. It also affects hormonal and neurotransmitter levels. Red and near infrared wavelengths have healing and anti-inflammatory effects commonly leveraged by photo-biomodulation devices. Blue light is known to be toxic to cells in the eye, but the UV-A, red and NIR wavelengths protect against that by stimulating nitric oxide production, increasing antioxidants, suppressing inflammation and increasing mitochondrial energy production and mitochondrial numbers.

    Excess blue light, unmitigated by the other balancing wavelengths, raises cortisol levels, which lead to elevated blood sugar and insulin. When this becomes chronic it leads to decreased production of serotonin and melatonin, insulin resistance and leptin resistance (leptin is a natural appetite suppressant). The other wavelengths in light help to reduce stress, cortisol, blood sugar and insulin levels.

    Full Spectrum Light Bulb | SAD Lamp for Depression | BlockBlueLight
    However the answer is not to simply outfit all our homes with full spectrum bulbs, or even fancy red lights at night like they hang on the roads near certain beaches to prevent circadian disruption in spawning turtles. The photoperiod, i.e. the length of the day is also important (if you really can’t avoid night time lights then dim red bulbs are the least suppressive of melatonin production, try to keep the lux between 50-100 for the best effects). We need to balance light with dark every day and throughout the year depending on where we are on the earth.

    The natural spectrum of sunlight changes throughout the day. UV-A, red and NIR are most prevalent in the early morning and late afternoon, while UV-B, which stimulates vitamin D production is most prevalent in midday.

    comparing natural light and artificial light - Sunlight Inside
    UV-B is important for stimulating vitamin D production which can increase insulin secretion, inhibit the renin-angiotensin system of the kidney to help lower blood pressure, influence the production of sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, modulate the immune system, and directly affects the expression of over 900 genes.

    UV-B can damage skin, but the effect is mitigated by preconditioning your skin with the protective wavelengths in morning sunlight, and further decreased by getting healing late afternoon sun. These daily variations in light characteristics highlight the importance of getting regular sun exposure throughout the day, whether direct or indirect from reflected light even while in the shade outdoors.

    Knock-on Effects

    Serotonin production is stimulated by UV-A light in the morning, and as mentioned above, it is the precursor to melatonin, production of which is stimulated by darkness. If we don’t get enough light we don’t make enough serotonin, which means we won’t make as much melatonin later on even if we don’t turn on the lights.

    And simply taking melatonin on a chronic basis to fix the sleep problem will lead to other problems as mentioned briefly earlier, most obviously too much serotonin (also seen with SSRI use) since it’s no longer being converted to melatonin.

    Acute symptoms of higher serotonin include restlessness, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, tachycardia and arrhythmias, high blood pressure. tremors, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Chronically elevated serotonin will lead to increased cortisol production, prolactin excess, and altered levels of thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, oxytocin, and insulin.

    Let’s trace out the further implications of just the first of those effects of higher serotonin: chronically elevated cortisol will lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, low immune function, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, mood disorders, cognitive impairment, reproductive hormone imbalances, skin and hair problems, and digestive upset. It does this by affecting the levels of insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, growth hormone, prolactin, adrenaline, leptin and ghrelin.

    And we could keep going down each of these pathways documenting how each disruption spreads outward in every widening concentric circles over time from any unnatural tweak that is made to our physiology.

    This is why we can only effectively speak to our bodies using the natural signals they’ve been designed to understand.

    Health is a function of an irreducibly complex system of environmental inputs. You can never put an irreducibly complex environment in a simple pill.

    Hormonal Rhythms

    All our hormones are also on circadian rhythms.

    So if you get too much light throughout the year (by turning the lights on at sunset) you’re going to burn out your thyroid, adrenals, ovaries/testes, and everything else that is stimulated by light. Just like overeating refined carbs may help precipitate pancreatic exhaustion and diabetes, consuming too much light and the wrong kind of light (especially blue without the rest) will necessarily lead to exhaustion of all the hormonal systems that help you function during the day light hours (and disrupt nighttime-peaking hormones like melatonin, growth hormone, prolactin, and leptin). This will lead to the typical diseases we see all the time in the modern world: insulin resistance and diabetes (via stress, cortisol and glucose), cancer (via the last), hypothyroidism, heart disease (via stress and sympathetic overactivity), “adrenal fatigue,” chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, autoimmune diseases (disrupted POMC), hypertension, etc.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.



    So if you’re struggling with jet lag or insomnia, try eating early and getting your morning sun (and if its a bad case then consider some of the other things above) and let me know what happens.

    And if you’re struggling with chronic disease, try aligning yourself with your natural environment in order to optimize your hormonal cycles and other bodily functions that are designed for the natural environment.

    Finally to close the loop on the title re: Sherpas.

    Why don’t they get jet lag?

    Because they only fly up and down Mt Everest.

    Ha ha.

    Seriously though, there is no research I could find on jet lag differentials by population or background, but it would make sense that if jet lag is in part due to a form of high altitude sickness and is more likely in those living out of sync with their natural environments, then a Sherpa would be less prone to it since they are acclimated to high altitudes and live in touch with their natural surroundings.

    Let me know in the comments what you think!

    Why Sherpas & Billionaires Don't Get Jet Lag Can Fix Chronic Disease Synchronizing biological clocks, GIGO vs QIQO, implications for modern environmental mismatches and healing chronic disease. Dr. Syed Haider There is no sleep as delicious as jet-lagged sleep. But it’s also inconvenient, especially if you need to get back to work, or make the most of precious vacation time. Like many living in modern industrialized societies today I have a lot of experience with globe trotting jet lag. I always get constipated for a few days (not the first thing you think of with jet lag, but it happens), and of course suffer through the usual daytime fatigue lulling me to sleep in the afternoon only to wake up again at 2 - 4am. Jet lag can also cause a lot of other symptoms in susceptible people: Digestive upset including the aforementioned constipation, but also nausea, bloating, and changes in appetite Headaches, trouble concentrating, impaired judgment and decision making, memory lapses. Irritability, apathy, anxiety, and depression. Recovery times vary person to person, but can take as long as a day for each time zone crossed, especially if you don’t make much effort to resist the enticing daytime sleep. The advice I’ve gotten over the years to minimize jet lag from hard charging, Type-A acquaintances who can’t suffer the downtime: once travel begins, eat on the destination schedule (so decline all the weirdly timed airline food) spend a couple hours in the noon-time sun for a couple days on arrival get grounded at the destination take melatonin Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Numbers 1 and 2 help to get your body on the correct circadian rhythm, though I’ve since learned early morning sun is even more important than afternoon sun for this purpose. Grounding is a source of free electrons that are required to run your body's DC bio-electrical currents, and they also have powerful antioxidant effects. Free electrons can bypass inflammatory tissue barriers that can keep out chemical antioxidants. Melatonin is thought of as the sleep hormone, though it has many other effects on our biology including immune regulation, direct and indirect antioxidant effects, hormonal regulation, blood pressure lowering, and anti-cancer properties. The melatonin released by the pineal gland at night puts us to sleep, but 95% of the melatonin in our bodies resides within our mitochondria which are the energy powerhouses within every cell. Melatonin is only released by the pineal gland in response to darkness. It’s commonly used by shift workers, and globetrotters alike to re-set their circadian rhythms quickly. There are documented side effects of melatonin use including headaches, nausea, dizziness and agitation, which suggest that it may not be as benign as many people make it out to be. Generally speaking it’s best not to try to hack biology by exogenous administration of endogenously created substances: if you make it, don’t take it, because there may be unpredictable butterfly effects that are impossible to trace back. An apt metaphor for this kind of biohacking is attempting to code a computer in the base machine language of 1s and 0s which is basically impossible for humans to understand. Where the metaphor breaks down is that at least we know how to perfectly map human interpretable languages to machine language (using compilers), but we don’t know all the rules of our own biochemistry, there are missing pieces and the interrelationships in living systems are too unpredictable and complex to model in each patient. It is probable impossible to ever sort it out because humans are not simple automatons. Everything we think, feel and believe affects our biology and biochemistry. How can you model all of that without a direct interface into a person’s mind and heart? Organization of Computer Systems: ISA, Machine Language, Number Systems All of melatonin’s effects sound great in theory, but you can have too much of a good thing, especially when that thing is part of an intricate network of feedback loops, where exogenous administration artificially affects many other things that suddenly react to greater than expected melatonin levels at the “wrong” time according to the body’s own biological clocks. Exogenous melatonin can lower cortisol (pro-inflammatory), suppress fertility, raise growth hormone, cause relative insulin resistance and relative hypothyroid effects. Melatonin is the body’s strongest antioxidant, but we know that antioxidants in excess can exhibit pro-oxidant effects. This might be helpful for cancer since that can kill cancer cells, but it might be harmful as well to regular cells and their mitochondria. Excess melatonin will also disrupt serotonin metabolism because Serotonin is the precursor used to make melatonin. If the body gets melatonin from outside then there will be excess serotonin, which wasn’t needed to make melatonin. This is why melatonin is relatively contraindicated in those taking SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) which also increase serotonin levels. Elevated levels of serotonin can cause insomnia, anxiety, irritability and gut upset among other things, perhaps helping explain why chronic melatonin use so often doesn’t help patients with refractory insomnia (more on chronic effects of melatonin use towards the end). Even short term some of these might help explain negative side effects experienced by some when taking melatonin, and there might be mid term effects that aren’t connected back to the melatonin administration - hypothetically speaking, if you come down with something 2 weeks after taking melatonin how likely are you to make the connection? I acknowledge that many people will use melatonin anyway (I used it too in the past), it just goes against my c current understanding of the principles of health. But no worries, theres much more interesting stuff below: what private jets can teach us about jet lag and how to prevent it! Not All Jets Lag A little known and almost universally inaccessible approach to preventing jet lag is worth examining anyway because of what it might teach us about jet lag and what we can do about it (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure). I learned from a famous private jet salesman on Youtube (to be clear I wasn’t in the market for a private jet) that flying at lower altitudes with better cabin pressure prevents jet lag because oxygen tension remains higher throughout the flight - if this personal observation is true, it would explain why super-billionaires don’t all fly in Airbus size jumbo jets, but tend to prefer the Gulfstream, which has the highest cabin pressure of any private jet. The Gulfstream G600 can maintain an effective cabin “altitude” of 3,800 feet even at a cruising altitude of 45,000 feet. Steve Varsano : The Jet Business - Ultimate Jet | The Voice of Business Aviation since 2008 Jet salesman Steve Varsano’s jet-interior-shaped office space On the other hand commercial airlines usually maintain a cabin pressure equivalent to an altitude of 6,000 to 8,000 feet. So flying in a Gulfstream is easier than staying in Denver Colorado (elevation 5000 ft), while flying commercial is the equivalent of rapidly ascending a tall mountain within a matter of minutes, a feat that can lead to high altitude sickness (HAS) in 25% of those who sleep above 8000 feet, and can cause symptoms in more sensitive people at much lower elevations. So maybe jet lag is a subset of mild high altitude sickness (i.e. oxygen/energy deprivation) that makes it harder to adjust to a new time zone. That would suggest that treatments for high altitude sickness, or mimicking the physiological changes that occur when someone acclimates to higher altitudes over time might help with jet lag (and be much more accessible than flying private). Acclimatization to high altitudes involves several physiological changes that help the body cope with lower oxygen levels. Key mechanisms include: Increased Ventilation: Breathing rate and depth increase to intake more oxygen. Red Blood Cell Production: The body produces more red blood cells to enhance oxygen transport. Hemoglobin Affinity: Hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen adjusts to release oxygen more efficiently to tissues. Capillary Density: Capillaries may increase in number, improving oxygen delivery to tissues. Mitochondrial Efficiency: Cellular adaptations enhance energy production efficiency under low oxygen conditions. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share The top of the list of treatments for high altitude sickness is obviously just to go back down to a lower altitude and/or get more oxygen (mimicking number 1 - 4 above). Equally obviously in an airplane you’re not going to be able to go back down for the duration, but you could super-oxygenate yourself using a portable oxygen concentrator (available via prescription. details on flying with one here). It’s not safe to use 100% oxygen for prolonged periods, but you could titrate the device to deliver just enough oxygen to counteract the effects of the lower oxygen tension on flights that cruise at effective altitudes of 6-8000 feet. Traveling with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (Tips) | 2024 Running the calculations on a typical flight with cabin pressure set to the equivalent of 6000 feet above sea level we find that you only need about half a liter per minute from the oxygen concentrator in the average person to raise inspired oxygen concentration enough to counteract the effects of altitude and give you the same amount of oxygen delivery you would expect at sea level. A more convenient and cheaper alternative to lugging around a portable oxygen concentrator is prescription acetazolamide (diamox) carried by many hikers who’ve had experience with altitude sickness before. Acetazolamide works primarily by removing bicarbonate (baking soda is sodium bicarbonate) from your bloodstream into your urine and therefore causing metabolic acidosis in your body, which stimulates your brain to increase your breathing rate, which then increases your blood oxygen levels. There is another little known possibility for the treatment and prevention of acute mountain sickness which is the simple, cheap and readily available chemical ammonium chloride. Its chemical decomposition in the bloodstream leads to the creation of hydrogen ions and CO2. Hydrogen ions bind and neutralize bicarb lower the pH by a different avenue than diamox, but having the same effect to stimulate respiration. Increased CO2 levels will also stimulate increased respiration. So both would tend to raise oxygen levels as a result. Apparently useful for a number of indications including kidney stones, digestive trouble, preventing metabolic diseases and to give goats a beautiful sheen on their coat for shows. There was one small study published in 1937 where a dozen volunteers took 5 grams of ammonium chloride three times a day with meals (much higher than normal dosing ranges for its one remaining medical indication, severe metabolic alkalosis) while ascending to altitude. Unfortunately the results were weirdly completely the opposite of what you might expect, which raises the possibility that pharmaceutical industry bias creot in as it usually does when any simple non-prescription therapy threatens the status quo. That paper also referenced a few other preliminary research findings that had seemed promising at 1/10th the dose. Given the mechanisms at play it would be interesting if someone revisited this research. Traditional herbal remedies for high altitude sickness might be helpful as well, and I suspect gentler and safer than acetazolamide (though none that we know of work exactly the same way it does): Sea Buckthorn ("Shan-Ji" in TCM) Mechanism: Sea buckthorn is rich in antioxidants, vitamins (especially vitamin C), and fatty acids, which can enhance oxygen utilization and reduce oxidative stress at high altitudes. Studies: Research has shown that sea buckthorn can improve high-altitude polycythemia (an increase in red blood cells due to low oxygen levels), which helps in better oxygen transport and utilization in the body. Rhodiola algida ("Hong Jing Tian" in TCM) Mechanism: Rhodiola algida contains active compounds like salidroside and rosavin, which are known to enhance physical performance, reduce fatigue, and increase resistance to stress. These properties can be beneficial in preventing AMS by improving the body's ability to cope with hypoxia (low oxygen levels). Studies: It is traditionally used by Tibetan people to prevent AMS. Experimental studies suggest that Rhodiola spp. can improve acclimatization and reduce symptoms of AMS by enhancing oxygen efficiency and reducing oxidative stress. Zuo-Mu-A decoction (no English name found) Mechanism: This traditional Tibetan medicine contains various herbs that are believed to work synergistically to enhance acclimatization to high altitudes. The exact mechanism is not fully understood, but it is thought to improve blood oxygenation and reduce oxidative stress. Studies: Experimental studies in rats have demonstrated its efficacy in preventing high-altitude polycythemia, indicating a potential benefit in improving oxygen delivery and reducing AMS symptoms. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) Mechanism: Ginkgo biloba is known for its vasodilatory properties, which can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues. It also has strong antioxidant effects, which can protect cells from oxidative damage caused by hypoxia. Studies: Clinical studies have shown that Ginkgo biloba can reduce symptoms of AMS, such as headache and dizziness, by improving microcirculation and reducing oxidative stress. Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) Rhodiola: Mental Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More If there are no side effects it’s probably not medicinal Mechanism: Similar to Rhodiola algida, Rhodiola rosea contains adaptogenic compounds like rosavin and salidroside, which help the body adapt to stress and improve physical performance. It also has antioxidant properties that protect against hypoxia-induced damage. Studies: Studies have demonstrated that Rhodiola rosea can enhance endurance, reduce fatigue, and improve the body's resistance to hypoxia, making it effective in preventing and reducing symptoms of AMS. Coca (Erythroxylum coca) Mechanism: Coca leaves contain alkaloids such as cocaine (so good luck sourcing these, only included here in the interests of being comprehensive, although millions in the Andes regular chew them without adverse effects), which can stimulate the central nervous system, increase oxygen intake, and improve overall physical performance. These effects can help counteract the symptoms of AMS. Studies: Indigenous populations in the Andes have used coca leaves for centuries to prevent and treat AMS. Scientific studies support its effectiveness in reducing symptoms of AMS, such as headache, nausea, and fatigue, by enhancing oxygen utilization and reducing oxidative stress. These herbs work through a combination of improving oxygen delivery, enhancing physical performance, reducing oxidative stress, and promoting acclimatization to high altitudes, thereby helping to prevent and mitigate the symptoms of acute mountain sickness. Along the same lines methylene blue (may need to avoid with SSRIs, severe kidney disease, G6PD deficiency) may attenuate jet lag and is used by biohackers and Long COVID/Vax injury sufferers nowadays because it increases mitochondrial oxygen production (other of the natural acclimatizing adjustments the body eventually makes to prolonged stays at altitude) without the addition of more oxygen. Basically it improves your ability to create energy and that’s really what we need oxygen for in the first place. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share There are other ways to improve mitochondrial energy production, most importantly for this purpose via plenty of direct sunlight before the flight. One way this works is that the key to mitochondrial energy production is proton tunneling, which is required for functioning of the ATPase enzyme in the inner mitochondrial membrane that produces ATP, the chemical energy currency of cells. Proton tunneling is a quantum effect that depends on the existence of coherent quantum domains in water as well as 4th phase structured water. Coherent domains are masses of water molecules vibrating at the same frequency, and structured water is a gel like water that forms next to liphophilic (water loving) surfaces in cells and leads to charge separation with one area of water having a negative charge next to the surface and another area having a positive charge. Both of these effects in water are increased by exposure to natural sunlight and the earth’s natural electromagnetic fields, e.g. the Schumann resonances - both of which are missing in flight. So another cause of jet lag on the flight is likely missing sun and natural EMFs, while being exposed instead to blue spectrum light and non-native electromagnetic fields instead (as well as increased exposure to cosmic radiation?). It’s usually impossible to get into natural sunlight for the duration of your trip, unless you have longer layovers (sunlight that filters through clear window glass is deficient in balancing UV-A, UV-B and infrared wavelengths that help to counteract the stressful nature of visible blue light). The best way to mitigate this may be to have a good tan (melanin in the skin can absorb any wavelength of radiation) and plenty of exposure to sun and natural outdoor electromagnetic fields in the days and weeks leading up to the flight, and after arrival, so as to have a strong reserve of coherent, structured biological water (some people also advocate structuring your drinking water by exposing it to light and spinning it in a vortex prior to consumption) and then replenish it after the flight. There is also an herbal cream we’ve found to be helpful for mitigating the effects of EMF on children and others who are particularly sensitive to it that could be used in this situation. EMF Mitigating Cream: 10 parts Castor oil 6 parts Hemp seed oil 1 part bee propolis 1 part neem oil 1 part rosemary extract 1 part coriander extract I was personally surprised to discover that there was data on EMF protective effects of Rosemary (eg here and here) and bee propolis (eg here). There are energetic reasons to include the other ingredients, but I’m not aware of studies having been done on them. If anyone has EMF sensitivity they should try this cream all over the body and report back any effects. It’s also important to note that many people with chronic diseaes (and jet lag) likely have EMF sensitivity they just aren’t aware of it. See Robert O Becker’s books and The Invisible Rainbow if you remain unconvinced of the thoroughly documented negative biological effects of most man-made non-ionizing radiation. Finally dehydration (airplane air is very dry), alcohol, caffeine, stress and advanced age can all play a role in triggering and prolonging jet lag, though older age is probably mostly a marker for more time spent living sub-optimaly, destroying organ reserve and resilience (both of which can be reversed). Usually when I take a long flight east my schedule will lag the final time zone I end up in by a few hours. So it’s not like my body thinks its all the way back home, it seems to think its a few time zones over. For example I’ll usually get tired in the afternoon say 3-4 pm and crash, and then wake up at 1-3 am unable to sleep any more. In terms of my origin time zone that translates to falling asleep at 8am and waking at 6pm (to be clear I don’t sleep all day at home, but have a normal schedule). So it would seem that my body thinks I’m a few time zones West of where I actually am. On my last 9-time-zone trip halfway around the globe I lost a lot of sleep for a couple days during the flights since I find it hard to sleep sitting up, but had great success preventing significant jet lag on arrival with a few simple interventions. I only ate during daytime wherever I was in my travels, and once I arrived I made sure to eat a good breakfast early every morning and didn’t consume anything at the destination after sunset - including food, information, light (i.e. no room lights or screens). I wore a pair of wraparound blue blocker sunglasses throughout the trip to block excess blue light (the darker the better, since light intensity is also important, especially at night). I made sure to get morning and afternoon sun both for 1-2 hours each at the destination. I arrived at my destination at 2am and the first day got my morning sun and then fell asleep for a couple hours until the afternoon, then got some more sun, and then slept normally that night until the next morning, which was a first for me after such a long trip and really surprising. The next day I got morning sun, afternoon sun and then took a nap again for a couple hours in the afternoon and again slept normally through the night. I was constipated on the flight, but it was less severe than usual, resolving within 24 hours once I landed. So basically I had some sleep to catch up on since I slept very poorly on the planes and missed a lot of sleep during the prolonged travel (there were two long layovers), but other than that I had very minimal jet lag without nighttime insomnia or excessive daytime fatigue the first couple days. After that I found that I could sleep longer in the afternoon if I let myself, but it wasn’t the usual overpowering, siren-song type of jet lag sleep I’m accustomed to. It was optional. Maybe next time I’ll try changing it up some more with some herbs and/or the EMF skin cream. Recent research by Huang et al also confirms that the best cure for jet lag is a big breakfast in the early morning at the destination and plenty of morning sunlight. These two signals help to synchronize central and distal body clocks to the new time zone and eliminate jet lag fast. They are also probably the two most important signals to help cure a normal case of insomnia. By the way, many people who are trying to fix chronic illness nowadays will try intermittent fasting, and it’s easiest to implement that by skipping breakfast, but this is the worst way to do it because it sends your body the wrong signals. LATELIFE MUSINGS...: EAT LIKE A KING The old wisdom that taught us to breakfast breakfast like a King and dinner like a pauper is correct, but I would go further and say skip dinner (perhaps that’s what the saying actually means anyway). Most people throughout human history counted themselves lucky to eat twice a day, let alone thrice. You often hear that breakfast was invented by cereal companies, but it was just coopted by them. A healthy breakfast for most people probably looks more like steak and eggs (and some healthy carbs) than an all-out refined sugar bomb and sets you up calorically and hormonally for an active day. Steak and Eggs Skillet with Chimichurri and Sweet Potatoes The Inputs Dictate the Output, i.e. Garbage In Garbage Out, illustrated via Light, Quantum Coherence, Structured Water, Cold, Seasonal Variations, Deuterium, etc Garbage in garbage out refers to the computer science truism that poor quality input, for example when trying to model the likelihood of some outcome, will produce poor quality output, i.e. you’ll probably get the answer wrong. The alternative is Quality in Quality Out or QIQO. The same aphorism applies to jet lag. If you provide the right inputs at the right times you won’t have jet lag. Jet lag is really a function of decreased resilience due to suboptimal environmental inputs. This is the essential truth about all chronic disease that we ignore to our own detriment because it’s easy to just go with the flow. Unfortunately that flow is like a riptide that will carry you out to sea and to your early demise unless you act fast and swim out of it, parallel to the shore. The good news is that once you make the effort and build new habits, they stick with you and it’s a lot easier to continue. So the basic prevention and cure for jet lag and insomnia is the same basic prevention and cure for any chronic health dysfunction in the modern world, because our dysfunctions are fundamentally caused by living out of sync with our environments, both external and internal (e.g. physiologically harmful thoughts, beliefs, emotions). Our external environments are tailor made for us, or we’re tailor made for them, depending on your perspective and Nature never makes mistakes, though we often misinterpret her perfection. On the other hand you could take the lesson that supplemental oxygen cures jet lag and extend that to chronic disease. Supplemental oxygen may also help allay the symptoms of chronic diseases, and be even more effective when taken inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Both in or out of the chamber it works the same way by increasing stem cell production. But the easy way out will always come back to bite you in the end. There isn’t really an easy way. It’s an illusion. You can use various means to take the edge off, but ultimately you have to address root causes, because if you don’t the underlying problem will only worsen and eventually overcome the simple fix you found. The easy way is a temporary bandaid. Whereas going down a mountain to an altitude you’re more accustomed to makes sense physiologically speaking, using a hyperbaric chamber is the equivalent of going underwater where the partial pressure of oxygen is much higher. Even if you plan to live in a submarine it’s certainly not a natural signal to give your body. We aren’t designed for such high pressures. Health is a function of irreducibly complex inputs - i.e. you can’t mimic the sun by taking vitamin D, or even with a sunlamp. Understanding more about the ways this works for external inputs will help us respect Nature and submit to her dictates. In order to do that we’ll consider some fascinating, but little known facts about human biology and the central roles that light and water play in it. We already discussed the effect of light on quantum coherence and structuring of water and how that improves the energy production of mitochondria. EZ Water: The Fourth Phase Of Water (Part 3) - Live Vitae Structured water due to it’s thicker gel like consistency excludes particulate matter and cells, thereby protecting the walls of the blood vessels from damage and inflammation. The structuring of water is also the reason blood flows, and blood is what delivers oxygen and nutrients. When you have a hydrophilic (water attracting, not repelling) tube, like an artery or vein and you place it in a bucket of water, the water structures itself by charge separating as described above and starts flowing through the tube spontaneously, and so does blood, which is primarily made up of water. Blood circulation in an embryo begins even before the heart forms and starts pumping, i.e. it is not the pumping that moves blood, rather the heart acts more like a conductor, synchronizing the organs of the body (more on this in an upcoming post on the heart). Now, both quantum coherent domains and structured water form more easily in cold temperatures, which means you need less light energy to produce them. This means that near the equator where it’s warm all year round you need more light energy absorbed by your body water, and conveniently there is more light available during the year with 12 hour days throughout. Whereas up north you need less light in the winters when it is cold and the days are much shorter. In both of these situations our physiology if it is in sync with the natural environment will get just what it needs. Seasonal variations in light also affect weight gain because when temperatures are warmer and days are longer and food is plentiful, the body gets the message that it’s time to store up fat for the coming winter (remember blue light triggers cortisol, appetite, hyperglycemia and elevated insulin). When winter comes the days are short and food is naturally scarcer, and in the cold our bodies are stimulated to produce more heat, and use stored energy to do so. The Endless Summer (Remastered) - Official Trailer If you want an endless summer, head south. However nowadays winter never comes in industrialized societies, even up north, at least the signals that indicate it’s winter never arrive: we don’t change what we eat in the winter, because we don’t eat seasonally, and we don’t change our light environment either, because we spend all day and night indoors in temperature controlled environments with the lights on until all hours - our circadian biology gets the message that it’s always summer, the days are always long, the food always plentiful (you can eat more because you keep the lights on so long) and it’s never too cold. Our mitochondria naturally deplete water of deuterium, which is a heavy isotope of hydrogen. Water in the south has higher deuterium content while water up north is already deuterium depleted so our mitochondria may work more efficiently when exposed to it, with less need of the red and NIR spectrums to help boost their functioning, if we are living within a natural environment and drinking the local water up north (while being exposed to the natural temperature variations and seasonal foodstuffs). Not much is known about bioenergetics, since there is insufficient funding, but it has been shown that a weak DC electrical current flows in the Qi energy pathways mapped out by the Ancient Chinese 1000s of years ago (it was shown that grounding primarily enters free electrons into the meridians of the Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidneys, and Urinary Bladder). The energy flows because we are made up of biological semiconductors. Semiconductors hold electrons, and when they are excited by enough outside energy those electrons start to flow as electricity. Our biological semiconductors like collagen need to be charged with electrons from food and grounding (more grounding means you need less food), and “turned on” by incident light energy from the sun. Just like mitochondria they work better in the cold, and so need less energy from sunlight in northern winters, when there is naturally less sun available. https://robertobecker.net/research/bone-bioelectricity/ The concentrated blue light we’re exposed to is meant to be stimulatory - it’s the component of natural sunlight that triggers wakefulness, and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to release catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine, which raise alertness, focus, motivation, BP and HR (which is why blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictive nature of much of the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and anyway your eyes and brain will benefit from it). Since blue light triggers dopamine, blue light dominant computer and smartphone screens are addictive by their very nature, in addition to the addictiveness programmed into the software - but even if you need to use the apps, at least you can turn your screens red like I do and you may notice less of a pull to overuse them, and either way your eyes and brain will benefit from it, since blue light without balancing infrared and UV-A kills retinal cells. The other wavelengths of natural sunlight have a balancing effect physiologically: UV-A stimulates nitric oxide which helps relax us and elevate our mood by increasing the levels of beta endorphins, as well as lowering blood pressure. It also affects hormonal and neurotransmitter levels. Red and near infrared wavelengths have healing and anti-inflammatory effects commonly leveraged by photo-biomodulation devices. Blue light is known to be toxic to cells in the eye, but the UV-A, red and NIR wavelengths protect against that by stimulating nitric oxide production, increasing antioxidants, suppressing inflammation and increasing mitochondrial energy production and mitochondrial numbers. Excess blue light, unmitigated by the other balancing wavelengths, raises cortisol levels, which lead to elevated blood sugar and insulin. When this becomes chronic it leads to decreased production of serotonin and melatonin, insulin resistance and leptin resistance (leptin is a natural appetite suppressant). The other wavelengths in light help to reduce stress, cortisol, blood sugar and insulin levels. Full Spectrum Light Bulb | SAD Lamp for Depression | BlockBlueLight However the answer is not to simply outfit all our homes with full spectrum bulbs, or even fancy red lights at night like they hang on the roads near certain beaches to prevent circadian disruption in spawning turtles. The photoperiod, i.e. the length of the day is also important (if you really can’t avoid night time lights then dim red bulbs are the least suppressive of melatonin production, try to keep the lux between 50-100 for the best effects). We need to balance light with dark every day and throughout the year depending on where we are on the earth. The natural spectrum of sunlight changes throughout the day. UV-A, red and NIR are most prevalent in the early morning and late afternoon, while UV-B, which stimulates vitamin D production is most prevalent in midday. comparing natural light and artificial light - Sunlight Inside UV-B is important for stimulating vitamin D production which can increase insulin secretion, inhibit the renin-angiotensin system of the kidney to help lower blood pressure, influence the production of sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, modulate the immune system, and directly affects the expression of over 900 genes. UV-B can damage skin, but the effect is mitigated by preconditioning your skin with the protective wavelengths in morning sunlight, and further decreased by getting healing late afternoon sun. These daily variations in light characteristics highlight the importance of getting regular sun exposure throughout the day, whether direct or indirect from reflected light even while in the shade outdoors. Knock-on Effects Serotonin production is stimulated by UV-A light in the morning, and as mentioned above, it is the precursor to melatonin, production of which is stimulated by darkness. If we don’t get enough light we don’t make enough serotonin, which means we won’t make as much melatonin later on even if we don’t turn on the lights. And simply taking melatonin on a chronic basis to fix the sleep problem will lead to other problems as mentioned briefly earlier, most obviously too much serotonin (also seen with SSRI use) since it’s no longer being converted to melatonin. Acute symptoms of higher serotonin include restlessness, agitation, confusion, hallucinations, tachycardia and arrhythmias, high blood pressure. tremors, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Chronically elevated serotonin will lead to increased cortisol production, prolactin excess, and altered levels of thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, oxytocin, and insulin. Let’s trace out the further implications of just the first of those effects of higher serotonin: chronically elevated cortisol will lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, heart disease, low immune function, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, mood disorders, cognitive impairment, reproductive hormone imbalances, skin and hair problems, and digestive upset. It does this by affecting the levels of insulin, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, growth hormone, prolactin, adrenaline, leptin and ghrelin. And we could keep going down each of these pathways documenting how each disruption spreads outward in every widening concentric circles over time from any unnatural tweak that is made to our physiology. This is why we can only effectively speak to our bodies using the natural signals they’ve been designed to understand. Health is a function of an irreducibly complex system of environmental inputs. You can never put an irreducibly complex environment in a simple pill. Hormonal Rhythms All our hormones are also on circadian rhythms. So if you get too much light throughout the year (by turning the lights on at sunset) you’re going to burn out your thyroid, adrenals, ovaries/testes, and everything else that is stimulated by light. Just like overeating refined carbs may help precipitate pancreatic exhaustion and diabetes, consuming too much light and the wrong kind of light (especially blue without the rest) will necessarily lead to exhaustion of all the hormonal systems that help you function during the day light hours (and disrupt nighttime-peaking hormones like melatonin, growth hormone, prolactin, and leptin). This will lead to the typical diseases we see all the time in the modern world: insulin resistance and diabetes (via stress, cortisol and glucose), cancer (via the last), hypothyroidism, heart disease (via stress and sympathetic overactivity), “adrenal fatigue,” chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, autoimmune diseases (disrupted POMC), hypertension, etc. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Conclusion So if you’re struggling with jet lag or insomnia, try eating early and getting your morning sun (and if its a bad case then consider some of the other things above) and let me know what happens. And if you’re struggling with chronic disease, try aligning yourself with your natural environment in order to optimize your hormonal cycles and other bodily functions that are designed for the natural environment. Finally to close the loop on the title re: Sherpas. Why don’t they get jet lag? Because they only fly up and down Mt Everest. Ha ha. Seriously though, there is no research I could find on jet lag differentials by population or background, but it would make sense that if jet lag is in part due to a form of high altitude sickness and is more likely in those living out of sync with their natural environments, then a Sherpa would be less prone to it since they are acclimated to high altitudes and live in touch with their natural surroundings. Let me know in the comments what you think! https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/knowing-why-sherpas-and-billionaires
    Why Sherpas & Billionaires Don't Get Jet Lag Can Fix Chronic Disease
    Synchronizing biological clocks, GIGO vs QIQO, implications for modern environmental mismatches and healing chronic disease.
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  • Intermittent Fasting Myths Expertly Debunked in New Video
    Anthony Colpo

    As regular readers will know, I recently released a book on intermittent fasting (IF) and time restricted eating (TRE) called Not So Fast.

    The bulk of the book deals with the misleading fat loss/weight loss claims made for IF and TRE. Instead of relying on anecdote or forum bro-science, I carefully review each of the published, peer-reviewed studies that compared IF diets with more conventional calorie-restricted diets.

    I do the same for TRE, but in that case I also include studies with non-calorie-restricted regular diets, because many of the TRE groups in those studies were instructed to eat ad libitum (without restriction) in their assigned eating windows.

    Those studies show the lavish weight loss claims made for IF and TRE are pure bunkum.

    In many of the studies, there is no difference in fat or weight loss between groups. When differences were noted in favour of IF or TRE, it was entirely explained by differences in caloric intake.

    Many of you may be familiar with Dave Asprey, a self-proclaimed "biohacker" who I consider the epitome of pseudoscience (you can read my dissection of his "Bulletproof Coffee" bollockery here).

    Asprey has convinced a lot of people he holds the keys to anti-aging, and charges thousands to share those 'secrets' at “Biohacking” conferences. In a January 2021 story, he claimed to have spent $2 million on his quest to “biohack” his way to eternal youth, but by December 2022 had revised that figure down to $300,000. He’s a former Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, which probably explains the dodgey figures.

    A grey-haired Asprey, now 50, who claims to have spent … well, lots … on “biohacking”.
    In his book Fast This Way, Asprey writes, in a section titled "PAY NO MIND TO THE CALORIE COPS" (pages 60-61):

    "Nothing makes you feel more like a failure than enduring suffering to lose 25 pounds, only to gain them back in a few weeks, plus a dozen more."

    And nothing makes you realize you're dealing with a world-class BSer than the fantasmagorical claim you can gain 37 pounds in only a few weeks, when even deliberate overfeeding studies fail to replicate such an astonishing rate of weight gain.

    Even the Guinness Book of World Records lists the greatest ever alleged weight gain at 325 lb (147 kg) over 12 months. That averages out at 27 lbs per month, which casts serious doubt on the veracity of Asprey's 37 lb-in-a-month claim.

    Not to be deterred, Asprey continues with more utter bollocks:

    "... the 'calories in, calories out' model, commonly abbreviated as CICO, should be relegated to the dustbin of failed science. This approach treats your body as though it's a meat robot when in reality it's a dynamic system that responds to calories differently based on their source, the time they're consumed, and the unique physiological makeup of the person consuming them. Yet the myth lives on, leaving obesity, shame, and suffering in its wake."

    Oh boy. It's hard to know where to start with such complete and utter hogwash.

    CICO will never be relegated to the dustbin of science, because it has been verified time and time again by real scientists, as opposed to reality-denying diet gurus and 'biohackers'.

    Time and again, I've challenged the anti-CICO reality-deniers to book themselves into a metabolic ward, and prove their claim that you can gain or lose different amounts of weight (from fat, not dehydration, diarrhea or glycogen losses) on their pet diet when compared to an isocaloric high-carb/mixed diet, and in every instance my challenge has been met with deafening silence.

    There's a good reason: It's an impossible challenge to meet, because it defies physiological reality.

    Asprey's claim that CICO can be rendered invalid by "the unique physiological makeup of the person consuming [calories]" is a real crack-up.

    Again, I've been asking for proof of the existence of these metabolic freaks-of-nature to whom the laws of nature have been magically suspended, but again, my requests keep drawing a blank.

    Scientists haven't been able to find them either, as decades of metabolic ward studies have confirmed. Even a ward study commissioned and funded by NuSI, a low-carb propaganda outfit masquerading as a non-profit, failed to produce the magical "metabolic advantage" that flabby diet gurus incessantly wank on about.

    All someone like Asprey needs to do is give a small portion of his millions to researchers, who can then put out the call for these freaks of nature to live in a metabolic ward for a set period of time. When these subjects lose more weight on a IF/TRE/low-carb/keto diet than on an isocaloric mixed diet, or they lose weight despite eating more than their verified energy maintenance needs - as some especially shameless/deluded diet gurus would have you believe is possible - then we can start questioning CICO.

    Until then, the only thing that should be questioned is the ethics and motives of people who make nonsensical statements about diet and calories they know full well have no scientific backing.

    When people follow IF and TRE diets and proceed to lose weight, it's for one reason and one reason only: They created a calorie deficit.

    Just because you're not actively counting calories, it does not change one iota the fact you still consumed a calorie deficit. I've been driving manual cars for so long that I don't even think about changing gears. If you were to ask me immediately after a drive how many times I just changed gears, I'd have absolutely no idea because I wasn't counting. That doesn't mean I go around telling everyone my car's an automatic.

    That would be delusional. Just like the anti-CICO crowd.

    As I explain in Not So Fast, the science shows these diets do not "boost" metabolism, they do not boost growth hormone, nor do they flip some magical "metabolic switch". That's pure marketing flimflam.

    In fact, TRE studies in active males found reductions in testosterone and the key thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). That's the kind of "metabolic switch" I'll happily leave off.

    Another demonstration of Asprey's anti-scientific tendencies comes when he then bangs on about Ancel Keys. The late Keys is an easy target, because he's roundly hated by anyone who knows what an outright fraud the whole anti-cholesterol/anti-saturate hysteria campaign is. But what Asprey doesn't mention is the then-groundbreaking study Keys conducted before he became an anti-cholesterol quack. This was the famous Minnesota Study, that showed when men were fed a very low-calorie mixed diet in conjunction with daily physical labor, they lost weight. Lots of it. Sometimes they lost too much weight and became emaciated. That tends to happen when you work like a lumberjack but eat like a small secretary.

    When Keys and his colleagues then greatly increased the men’s caloric intakes, they gained weight. Just as CICO dictates they would. But Asprey doesn't mention the Minnesota Experiment because, like most diet hucksters, he tells a one-sided story designed to sell whatever he's peddling at the time, be it "Bulletproof" coffee or the nouveau-trendy phenomenon of skipping breakfast.

    A Reality Check from New Zealand

    Like Australia, there hasn't been much good to say about New Zealand over the past few years. Earlier this year however, Dr Brad Stanfield, a Primary Care Physician in Auckland, posted a very insightful video titled "Why Many People Are Abandoning Intermittent Fasting." You can watch it at the end of this post.

    The video briefly discusses the fallacy of the weight loss claims, so if you want a detailed breakdown of that research, then Chapters 2 and 3 of Not So Fast are where you need to be.

    But Dr Brad touches upon some additional research when he addresses some of the untenable "autophagy", hormone, glycemic and general health claims made for these diets. It's a must-watch for anyone considering these diets.

    The comments below the video are also a must-read for anyone fascinated by the psychology endemic in the diet and health arena.

    Many of the commenters swear IF or TRE is the best thing they ever did. That it changed their life, even. Just like low-carbers and vegans used to insist whenever I wrote anything remotely critical of their pet diet theories. Funnily enough, I don't hear from them anymore.

    Look, I don't doubt many of these people did experience improvements. That happens with many diets, at least initially. And one of the major reasons is that when people embrace a new diet, they often do so as part of a sweeping "get my sh!t together" campaign that includes increasing physical activity, improving their food choices, cutting back on the booze, keeping better sleep hours, and so on.

    Here are some cases in point:

    Despite Dr Brad saying absolutely nothing offensive and relying on actual science in the video, some of the comments ooze butt-hurtedness.

    So much so, that if I was a billionaire philanthropist, I'd offer some of the negative commenters a lifetime supply of Preparation H. Like this person:


    I don't know why people get so ridiculously defensive about diet. Dr Brad presents the facts, and I note that a grand total of nobody in the comments section refutes even a single of the studies he cites.

    He even posts links to each of the studies below the video but, hey, why let a little thing like science get in the way of knee-jerk emotional reactions?

    Rest assured, however much folks like mfcypher claim to love IF and TRE, I love cannoli more. But when I meet someone who says they don't like cannoli (it's happened), as utterly shocked, astounded and flabbergasted as I might be, I don't scowl and get all Joe Pesci.

    Instead, I just quietly think to myself, "wow, someone who doesn't like cannoli! The world really is full of surprises!"

    Look, if someone ever posts a video earnestly claiming the best way to fight ageing and lose weight is to molest the village goat once a week, then please, get angry and indignant. At least for the goat's sake.

    But when someone posts a video critiquing your pet diet, and you can't factually refute any of the abundant science he presents, and so you instead get all ad hominem and carry on like he just asked you to molest the village goat, then the problem lies not with the poster of the video.

    The problem lies with you.

    As I stated in Not So Fast, I'm an information provider, not a dictator. Dr Brad hardly comes across as a domineering "my way or the highway" type either.

    We present the side of the story that all the hyperbolic hucksters won't tell you, because it's the side of the story that desperately needs to be told. If IF or TRE seem to work for you, more power to you! But the reality is that they do not work for everybody, as a number of the YouTube comments would attest.

    Some people do experience negative effects from IF and TRE, and this is hardly surprising given scientific research has already detected negative hormonal effects.

    Don’t expect the anti-CICO crowd to tell you about these negative effects. If they can’t accept the reality of calories in, calories out, what on Earth would they know about the potential pitfalls of, say, routinely raising counterregulatory hormones?

    Do they even know what counterregulatory hormones are?

    Even if there was only a single person on this entire planet who could be harmed by IF and TRE, then that person has every right to know these diets may not be the best for him or her.

    The reality is there are a lot more folks in the world who won't do well on these diets. Information about the potential pitfalls of IF and TRE shouldn't be withheld from these people because a bunch of IF and TRE fanboys and girls will have their remarkably fragile feelings hurt.

    Anyways, here's Dr Brad's video, enjoy.



    Anthony's new book, Not So Fast: The Truth About Intermittent Fasting & Time-Restricted Eating is now available at at Amazon and Lulu.


    Intermittent Fasting Myths Expertly Debunked in New Video Anthony Colpo As regular readers will know, I recently released a book on intermittent fasting (IF) and time restricted eating (TRE) called Not So Fast. The bulk of the book deals with the misleading fat loss/weight loss claims made for IF and TRE. Instead of relying on anecdote or forum bro-science, I carefully review each of the published, peer-reviewed studies that compared IF diets with more conventional calorie-restricted diets. I do the same for TRE, but in that case I also include studies with non-calorie-restricted regular diets, because many of the TRE groups in those studies were instructed to eat ad libitum (without restriction) in their assigned eating windows. Those studies show the lavish weight loss claims made for IF and TRE are pure bunkum. In many of the studies, there is no difference in fat or weight loss between groups. When differences were noted in favour of IF or TRE, it was entirely explained by differences in caloric intake. Many of you may be familiar with Dave Asprey, a self-proclaimed "biohacker" who I consider the epitome of pseudoscience (you can read my dissection of his "Bulletproof Coffee" bollockery here). Asprey has convinced a lot of people he holds the keys to anti-aging, and charges thousands to share those 'secrets' at “Biohacking” conferences. In a January 2021 story, he claimed to have spent $2 million on his quest to “biohack” his way to eternal youth, but by December 2022 had revised that figure down to $300,000. He’s a former Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, which probably explains the dodgey figures. A grey-haired Asprey, now 50, who claims to have spent … well, lots … on “biohacking”. In his book Fast This Way, Asprey writes, in a section titled "PAY NO MIND TO THE CALORIE COPS" (pages 60-61): "Nothing makes you feel more like a failure than enduring suffering to lose 25 pounds, only to gain them back in a few weeks, plus a dozen more." And nothing makes you realize you're dealing with a world-class BSer than the fantasmagorical claim you can gain 37 pounds in only a few weeks, when even deliberate overfeeding studies fail to replicate such an astonishing rate of weight gain. Even the Guinness Book of World Records lists the greatest ever alleged weight gain at 325 lb (147 kg) over 12 months. That averages out at 27 lbs per month, which casts serious doubt on the veracity of Asprey's 37 lb-in-a-month claim. Not to be deterred, Asprey continues with more utter bollocks: "... the 'calories in, calories out' model, commonly abbreviated as CICO, should be relegated to the dustbin of failed science. This approach treats your body as though it's a meat robot when in reality it's a dynamic system that responds to calories differently based on their source, the time they're consumed, and the unique physiological makeup of the person consuming them. Yet the myth lives on, leaving obesity, shame, and suffering in its wake." Oh boy. It's hard to know where to start with such complete and utter hogwash. CICO will never be relegated to the dustbin of science, because it has been verified time and time again by real scientists, as opposed to reality-denying diet gurus and 'biohackers'. Time and again, I've challenged the anti-CICO reality-deniers to book themselves into a metabolic ward, and prove their claim that you can gain or lose different amounts of weight (from fat, not dehydration, diarrhea or glycogen losses) on their pet diet when compared to an isocaloric high-carb/mixed diet, and in every instance my challenge has been met with deafening silence. There's a good reason: It's an impossible challenge to meet, because it defies physiological reality. Asprey's claim that CICO can be rendered invalid by "the unique physiological makeup of the person consuming [calories]" is a real crack-up. Again, I've been asking for proof of the existence of these metabolic freaks-of-nature to whom the laws of nature have been magically suspended, but again, my requests keep drawing a blank. Scientists haven't been able to find them either, as decades of metabolic ward studies have confirmed. Even a ward study commissioned and funded by NuSI, a low-carb propaganda outfit masquerading as a non-profit, failed to produce the magical "metabolic advantage" that flabby diet gurus incessantly wank on about. All someone like Asprey needs to do is give a small portion of his millions to researchers, who can then put out the call for these freaks of nature to live in a metabolic ward for a set period of time. When these subjects lose more weight on a IF/TRE/low-carb/keto diet than on an isocaloric mixed diet, or they lose weight despite eating more than their verified energy maintenance needs - as some especially shameless/deluded diet gurus would have you believe is possible - then we can start questioning CICO. Until then, the only thing that should be questioned is the ethics and motives of people who make nonsensical statements about diet and calories they know full well have no scientific backing. When people follow IF and TRE diets and proceed to lose weight, it's for one reason and one reason only: They created a calorie deficit. Just because you're not actively counting calories, it does not change one iota the fact you still consumed a calorie deficit. I've been driving manual cars for so long that I don't even think about changing gears. If you were to ask me immediately after a drive how many times I just changed gears, I'd have absolutely no idea because I wasn't counting. That doesn't mean I go around telling everyone my car's an automatic. That would be delusional. Just like the anti-CICO crowd. As I explain in Not So Fast, the science shows these diets do not "boost" metabolism, they do not boost growth hormone, nor do they flip some magical "metabolic switch". That's pure marketing flimflam. In fact, TRE studies in active males found reductions in testosterone and the key thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). That's the kind of "metabolic switch" I'll happily leave off. Another demonstration of Asprey's anti-scientific tendencies comes when he then bangs on about Ancel Keys. The late Keys is an easy target, because he's roundly hated by anyone who knows what an outright fraud the whole anti-cholesterol/anti-saturate hysteria campaign is. But what Asprey doesn't mention is the then-groundbreaking study Keys conducted before he became an anti-cholesterol quack. This was the famous Minnesota Study, that showed when men were fed a very low-calorie mixed diet in conjunction with daily physical labor, they lost weight. Lots of it. Sometimes they lost too much weight and became emaciated. That tends to happen when you work like a lumberjack but eat like a small secretary. When Keys and his colleagues then greatly increased the men’s caloric intakes, they gained weight. Just as CICO dictates they would. But Asprey doesn't mention the Minnesota Experiment because, like most diet hucksters, he tells a one-sided story designed to sell whatever he's peddling at the time, be it "Bulletproof" coffee or the nouveau-trendy phenomenon of skipping breakfast. A Reality Check from New Zealand Like Australia, there hasn't been much good to say about New Zealand over the past few years. Earlier this year however, Dr Brad Stanfield, a Primary Care Physician in Auckland, posted a very insightful video titled "Why Many People Are Abandoning Intermittent Fasting." You can watch it at the end of this post. The video briefly discusses the fallacy of the weight loss claims, so if you want a detailed breakdown of that research, then Chapters 2 and 3 of Not So Fast are where you need to be. But Dr Brad touches upon some additional research when he addresses some of the untenable "autophagy", hormone, glycemic and general health claims made for these diets. It's a must-watch for anyone considering these diets. The comments below the video are also a must-read for anyone fascinated by the psychology endemic in the diet and health arena. Many of the commenters swear IF or TRE is the best thing they ever did. That it changed their life, even. Just like low-carbers and vegans used to insist whenever I wrote anything remotely critical of their pet diet theories. Funnily enough, I don't hear from them anymore. Look, I don't doubt many of these people did experience improvements. That happens with many diets, at least initially. And one of the major reasons is that when people embrace a new diet, they often do so as part of a sweeping "get my sh!t together" campaign that includes increasing physical activity, improving their food choices, cutting back on the booze, keeping better sleep hours, and so on. Here are some cases in point: Despite Dr Brad saying absolutely nothing offensive and relying on actual science in the video, some of the comments ooze butt-hurtedness. So much so, that if I was a billionaire philanthropist, I'd offer some of the negative commenters a lifetime supply of Preparation H. Like this person: Wow. I don't know why people get so ridiculously defensive about diet. Dr Brad presents the facts, and I note that a grand total of nobody in the comments section refutes even a single of the studies he cites. He even posts links to each of the studies below the video but, hey, why let a little thing like science get in the way of knee-jerk emotional reactions? Rest assured, however much folks like mfcypher claim to love IF and TRE, I love cannoli more. But when I meet someone who says they don't like cannoli (it's happened), as utterly shocked, astounded and flabbergasted as I might be, I don't scowl and get all Joe Pesci. Instead, I just quietly think to myself, "wow, someone who doesn't like cannoli! The world really is full of surprises!" Look, if someone ever posts a video earnestly claiming the best way to fight ageing and lose weight is to molest the village goat once a week, then please, get angry and indignant. At least for the goat's sake. But when someone posts a video critiquing your pet diet, and you can't factually refute any of the abundant science he presents, and so you instead get all ad hominem and carry on like he just asked you to molest the village goat, then the problem lies not with the poster of the video. The problem lies with you. As I stated in Not So Fast, I'm an information provider, not a dictator. Dr Brad hardly comes across as a domineering "my way or the highway" type either. We present the side of the story that all the hyperbolic hucksters won't tell you, because it's the side of the story that desperately needs to be told. If IF or TRE seem to work for you, more power to you! But the reality is that they do not work for everybody, as a number of the YouTube comments would attest. Some people do experience negative effects from IF and TRE, and this is hardly surprising given scientific research has already detected negative hormonal effects. Don’t expect the anti-CICO crowd to tell you about these negative effects. If they can’t accept the reality of calories in, calories out, what on Earth would they know about the potential pitfalls of, say, routinely raising counterregulatory hormones? Do they even know what counterregulatory hormones are? Even if there was only a single person on this entire planet who could be harmed by IF and TRE, then that person has every right to know these diets may not be the best for him or her. The reality is there are a lot more folks in the world who won't do well on these diets. Information about the potential pitfalls of IF and TRE shouldn't be withheld from these people because a bunch of IF and TRE fanboys and girls will have their remarkably fragile feelings hurt. Anyways, here's Dr Brad's video, enjoy. Ciao, Anthony. Anthony's new book, Not So Fast: The Truth About Intermittent Fasting & Time-Restricted Eating is now available at at Amazon and Lulu. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-139452240
    Intermittent Fasting Myths Expertly Debunked in New Video
    As regular readers will know, I recently released a book on intermittent fasting (IF) and time restricted eating (TRE) called Not So Fast. The bulk of the book deals with the misleading fat loss/weight loss claims made for IF and TRE. Instead of relying on anecdote or forum bro-science, I carefully review each of the published, peer-reviewed studies that compared IF diets with more conventional calorie-restricted diets.
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  • Meet the Mad Scientist Who wants to Fight Climate Change by Making Humans Smaller and Allergic to Meat.
    Yes, it's a crazy world.

    Anthony Colpo

    If WEF frontman Klaus Schwab is your archetypal Bond villain, S. Matthew Liao is your textbook classic evil nerd. The kind that should be locked away somewhere he can't hurt anybody.

    If you think I'm being harsh, read on.

    I first became aware of Laio, a 'bioethicist' at NYU, several years ago while researching the nonsensical Unified Cow Fart Theory of Global Warming put forward by people who think the ultimate in human nutrition is to eat like a rabbit.

    During the course of that research, I came upon a 2012 paper Liao co-authored with UK professors Anders Sandberg and Rebecca Roache titled “Human Engineering and Climate Change.”

    The paper begins by claiming "Anthropogenic climate change is arguably one of the biggest problems that confront us today."

    I can't disagree with that. The nonsensical claim that the minsicule 0.28% of global greenhouse gases attributable to humans has caused runaway warming is being used to implement measures with potentially dire consequences for both the global economy and human wellbeing.

    That is a big problem.

    This feigned concern for the environment, by the way, is organized and funded by the same people who masterminded the campaign to pollute the entire human species with toxic gene therapies ('Lockstep' author and dark money 'philanthropy’ outfit Rockefeller Foundation, for example, recently announced they were pumping $1 billion dollars to advance climate bribes “solutions”). These are the same people heavily invested in industries that pollute both our bodies and the environment with all manner of toxic porqueria.

    Climate change is not a science, but a religion. It is not comprised of known facts based on valid and reproducible experimentation, but a belief system resting entirely upon the highly fallible (and often fraudulent) practice of climate modelling. That modelling is used to issue doomsday forecasts, expressly designed to scare the population into compliance. Those who dare express skepticism of this nonsense are derided as "deniers," no matter how sound their arguments.

    Of course, Liao, Sandberg and Roache don't see climate change as a problem for the same reasons I do. Liao really seems to believe Planet Earth is in danger of becoming Planet Hot Pot With Extra Chili if we don't "do something" yesterday, and his co-authors are happy to tag along for the ride.

    A brief intro to this trio is in order.

    S. Matthew Liao is a bioethicist at NYU Global School of Public Health. As you’re about to see, Liao has a rather twisted set of ethics, and I find it quite worrying to read he “provides students with an education grounded in a broad conception of bioethics encompassing both medical and environmental ethics.”

    Anders Sandberg is a Swedish transhumanist and currently a senior research fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford which, along with Loma Linda University in the US, has produced most of the world’s peer-reviewed propaganda epidemiology erroneously claiming meat-free diets are better for you.

    In 2018, Sandberg published a paper on arxiv.org entitled "Blueberry Earth", which finally answered the pressing question that has bothered great minds for centuries:

    "What if the entire Earth was instantaneously replaced with an equal volume of closely packed, but uncompressed blueberries?"


    Rebecca Roache, formerly of Oxford, is now a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London. According to Wikipedia, Roache “is particularly noted for her work on swearing, which has featured in various media, such as the BBC.”

    If that’s not the resume of a trio with way too much time on their hands, I don’t know what is.

    So now you know the intellectual caliber of this brains trust, let’s see how it proposes to solve the non-existent problem of anthropogenic global warming.

    Noting that geoengineering is too risky (I think they just confirmed another conspiracy theory as fact), our heroic trio propose something every bit as dicey and stupid:

    Biomedical human engineering.

    According to Liao et al, this "involves biomedical modifications of humans so that they can mitigate and/or adapt to climate change." They further argue that this Frankensteinian idiocy "is potentially less risky" than geoengineering.

    As staunch believers in the nonsensical Unified Cow Fart Theory of Global Warming, the first order of business for our intrepid trio would be to create “Pharmacological meat intolerance.”

    Because "people often lack the motivation or willpower to give up eating red meat," they write, "a more realistic option might be to induce mild intolerance (akin, e.g., to milk intolerance) to these kinds of meat."

    "While meat intolerance is normally uncommon," they continue, oblivious to the fact they've just confirmed meat is an ideal, evolutionary-correct food for humans, "in principle, it could be induced by stimulating the immune system against common bovine proteins."

    "The immune system would then become primed to react to such proteins, and henceforth eating ‘eco-unfriendly’ food would induce unpleasant experiences," they continue.

    "A potentially safe and practical way of delivering such intolerance may be to produce ‘meat’ patches – akin to nicotine patches," they write. "We can produce patches for those animals that contribute the most to greenhouse gas emissions and encourage people to use such patches."

    Kids, this is why you need to avoid drugs, vegan propaganda, and mad scientists masquerading as university professors.

    But our cray cray trio aren’t finished yet. Heck no.

    Their next brilliant idea for saving the planet is “Making humans smaller.”

    "[O]ther things being equal," they write, "the larger one is, the more food and energy one requires."

    With their brains farting like the winner of a baked beans eating contest, they further claim "a car uses more fuel per mile to carry a heavier person than a lighter person; more fabric is needed to clothe larger than smaller people; heavier people wear out shoes, carpets, and furniture more quickly than lighter people, and so on."

    So how do we make humans smaller so that their shoes won't wear out as quick?

    Oh, that's easy.

    "One way is through preimplantation genetic diagnosis" which "would simply involve rethinking the criteria for selecting which embryos to implant" during IVF.


    Another way "is to use hormone treatment either to affect somatotropin (growth hormone) levels or to trigger the closing of the epiphyseal plate (at the ends of bones) earlier than normal.”

    Hormone treatments are used for growth reduction in excessively tall children so, argue Liao et al, why not use them to make normal height kids shorter? I mean, what could possibly go wrong by subjecting growing bodies to unnecessary hormone treatments?

    But hey, why even wait for kids to get to that point? Why not target them before they've even popped out of mummy’s tummy?

    "[A] more speculative and controversial way of reducing adult height is to reduce birth weight," write our unabashed Masters of the Looniverse.

    "Drugs or nutrients that either reduce the expression of paternally imprinted genes, or increase the expression of maternally imprinted genes, could potentially regulate birth size."

    But again, why even wait to target kids in the womb? Why not stop them being conceived in the first place?

    Yep, it's time to roll out the overpopulation card.

    Which brings us to a dilemma: How to lower birth rates when almost one half of the world’s population already lives in countries with below replacement fertility?

    Oh, again, that's easy.

    Make women smarter!

    Hey, they said it, not me.

    They write there is “strong evidence that birth-rates are negatively correlated with adequate access to education for women” and "[a]t least in the US, women with low cognitive ability are more likely to have children before age 18."

    Even if that latter contention is true (it’s based on a single case-control study published in 2002), the median age for giving birth in the US is now 30.

    They’re basically saying that the number of kids a women has is negatively correlated with her intelligence. If you’re a woman who wants to have multiple kids, then they assume you can’t be the sharpest tool in the shed.

    But women are made to have children, and Feminism Inc. still hasn’t figured out how to sue Mother Nature for designating this role to females.

    So in a world already saturated with hook-up culture, abortion and morning-after pills, how do Liao et al propose to stop women making the ‘dumb’ choice of ensuring the continued propagation of the human species?

    Well, they don’t actually say. Not surprising, given their own intellectual output indicates they themselves have yet to discover an effective brain doping strategy. They do seem to be alluding to pharmaceutical means when they write “many parents are indeed happy to give their children cognitive enhancements," citing the widespread (and often misguided) use of Ritalin.

    They’re basically saying making kids smarter will make them want to avoid or minimize childbearing when older.

    In order to get people to go along with this bollocks, Liao et al suggest administering oxytocin in an attempt to increase people’s trust levels.

    Interestingly, when discussing how to convince people into cooperating with this nonsense despite its obvious downsides, the authors note “people are routinely vaccinated to prevent themselves and those around them from acquiring infectious diseases, even though vaccinations can sometimes even lead to death.”

    Thanks for confirming.

    The authors wrote in their paper, “To be clear, we shall not argue that human engineering ought to be adopted; such a claim would require far more exposition and argument than we have space for here.”

    The 2012 paper understandably caused controversy and aroused heated responses from both laymen and academics. When a Guardian writer asked shortly afterwards just what they were trying to achieve with their paper, all three authors and one of the journal’s editors were at pains to portray it as a philosophical “thought experiment” designed to stimulate discussion. When discussion of their patently absurd suggestions didn’t go the way they hoped, Sandberg and Roache accused critics of not having read the paper, which begs the question of just how critics knew of its numerous bizarre suggestions. For the record, I have read the paper in its entirety, and rather than find it an innocuous philosophical excursion, I find it disturbing that people could put forward such suggestions without any awareness of just how truly dystopian and dysfunctional they sound.

    Sandberg even told the reporter that in his work “with global catastrophic risks at the Future of Humanity Institute, climate change is at the lower end of concern. Certainly a problem, but unlikely to wipe out humanity.”

    So why the need for radically ridiculous suggestions to deal with a problem that’s been way overblown? Is this how academics entertain themselves when they’re bored?

    As you’re about to learn, despite the apparently token disclaimer in the 2012 paper, Liao in fact remains a highly enthusiastic promoter of the human engineering angle - and he may have some powerful sympathizers.

    From Poison Pricks to Toxic Ticks

    In 2016, Liao spoke at the 2016 World Science Festival, once again insisting we eat too much meat and that human engineering held the potential to solve this non-problem. If you watch the following snippet through to the end, you’ll hear Liao say “There’s this thing called the Lone Star tick where if it bites you, you will become allergic to meat. So that’s something we can do through human engineering. We can possibly address really big world problems through human engineering.”

    In 2017, he gave a TED Talk, which is a really popular forum for crazy ‘interesting’ people to get up on a stage and pretend they’re experts.

    A snippet of the talk, for which YouTube comments are understandably turned off, can be viewed below.

    Note the complete lack of shame or embarrassment as Liao recites the core principles of his insane 2012 paper. He can barely hide his glee, both at expressing his transhuman fantasies and being in the presence of people who don’t respond by telling him to check into an asylum. Note how when he mentions creating “mild intolerance to meat,” a handful of vetards in the transfixed audience begin applauding, and one even lets out a “wooo!”

    The audience also laughs along when Liao suggests preemptively screening for smaller IVF babies.

    They also applaud and chuckle approvingly when he suggests this carry on will allow parents the “liberty-enhancing option” of having “one large child, two medium-sized children, or three smaller children.” A liberty-enhancing option suggests an improvement over current restrictions, which isn’t the case.

    Ah, lunatics. Where would we be without them?

    While the video is basically a condensed rehash of his 2012 paper, there are a few new revelations. In an attempt to make “people” smarter (ever the PC sycophant, he doesn’t say “women” in front of the mixed-gender audience), he’s now embracing ritalin as a nootropic for kids, despite acknowledging in his 2012 paper it’s “for children with ADHD and certainly has side effects.”

    He’s also suggesting modafinil for kids, the long-term use of which has not been studied in children.

    Reckless is as stupid does.

    Enter the Biggest Lunatics of All

    It should come as no surprise to most readers that Liao’s demented “human engineering” suggestions have garnered favourable attention from the hypocritical parasite class that descends upon Davos every year to decide what’s best for the rest of us.

    In December 2020, the WEF unveiled its bioengineering framework in a presentation called “3 Scenarios for How Bioengineering Could Change Our World in 10 Years.” Among the highlights were edible vaccines grown in plants and various forms of genetic manipulation.

    That presentation was based off a WEF-sponsored academic paper titled Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020.

    For the WEF’s 2021 Davos Summit, reported BioHack, Liao et al’s 2012 paper was cited during discussion of the ‘Planetary Health Diet’, a globalist initiative to shift humankind towards plant-and insect-based diets.

    Liao et al’s 2012 paper was also considered as a possible add-on to the Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020 paper. However, perusal of the reference list shows no mention of the 2012 paper. It seems the Liao et al paper may have been too much of a hot potato for the WEF, which had to pull it’s original 2030 video that featured what may go down in history as the world’s worst PR line (“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”).

    It seems that just about every week, what was once considered a kooky conspiracy theory is confirmed as a genuine concern.


    Meet the Mad Scientist Who wants to Fight Climate Change by Making Humans Smaller and Allergic to Meat. Yes, it's a crazy world. Anthony Colpo If WEF frontman Klaus Schwab is your archetypal Bond villain, S. Matthew Liao is your textbook classic evil nerd. The kind that should be locked away somewhere he can't hurt anybody. If you think I'm being harsh, read on. I first became aware of Laio, a 'bioethicist' at NYU, several years ago while researching the nonsensical Unified Cow Fart Theory of Global Warming put forward by people who think the ultimate in human nutrition is to eat like a rabbit. During the course of that research, I came upon a 2012 paper Liao co-authored with UK professors Anders Sandberg and Rebecca Roache titled “Human Engineering and Climate Change.” The paper begins by claiming "Anthropogenic climate change is arguably one of the biggest problems that confront us today." I can't disagree with that. The nonsensical claim that the minsicule 0.28% of global greenhouse gases attributable to humans has caused runaway warming is being used to implement measures with potentially dire consequences for both the global economy and human wellbeing. That is a big problem. This feigned concern for the environment, by the way, is organized and funded by the same people who masterminded the campaign to pollute the entire human species with toxic gene therapies ('Lockstep' author and dark money 'philanthropy’ outfit Rockefeller Foundation, for example, recently announced they were pumping $1 billion dollars to advance climate bribes “solutions”). These are the same people heavily invested in industries that pollute both our bodies and the environment with all manner of toxic porqueria. Climate change is not a science, but a religion. It is not comprised of known facts based on valid and reproducible experimentation, but a belief system resting entirely upon the highly fallible (and often fraudulent) practice of climate modelling. That modelling is used to issue doomsday forecasts, expressly designed to scare the population into compliance. Those who dare express skepticism of this nonsense are derided as "deniers," no matter how sound their arguments. Of course, Liao, Sandberg and Roache don't see climate change as a problem for the same reasons I do. Liao really seems to believe Planet Earth is in danger of becoming Planet Hot Pot With Extra Chili if we don't "do something" yesterday, and his co-authors are happy to tag along for the ride. A brief intro to this trio is in order. S. Matthew Liao is a bioethicist at NYU Global School of Public Health. As you’re about to see, Liao has a rather twisted set of ethics, and I find it quite worrying to read he “provides students with an education grounded in a broad conception of bioethics encompassing both medical and environmental ethics.” Anders Sandberg is a Swedish transhumanist and currently a senior research fellow at the Future of Humanity Institute at the University of Oxford which, along with Loma Linda University in the US, has produced most of the world’s peer-reviewed propaganda epidemiology erroneously claiming meat-free diets are better for you. In 2018, Sandberg published a paper on arxiv.org entitled "Blueberry Earth", which finally answered the pressing question that has bothered great minds for centuries: "What if the entire Earth was instantaneously replaced with an equal volume of closely packed, but uncompressed blueberries?" Seriously. Rebecca Roache, formerly of Oxford, is now a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London. According to Wikipedia, Roache “is particularly noted for her work on swearing, which has featured in various media, such as the BBC.” If that’s not the resume of a trio with way too much time on their hands, I don’t know what is. So now you know the intellectual caliber of this brains trust, let’s see how it proposes to solve the non-existent problem of anthropogenic global warming. Noting that geoengineering is too risky (I think they just confirmed another conspiracy theory as fact), our heroic trio propose something every bit as dicey and stupid: Biomedical human engineering. According to Liao et al, this "involves biomedical modifications of humans so that they can mitigate and/or adapt to climate change." They further argue that this Frankensteinian idiocy "is potentially less risky" than geoengineering. As staunch believers in the nonsensical Unified Cow Fart Theory of Global Warming, the first order of business for our intrepid trio would be to create “Pharmacological meat intolerance.” Because "people often lack the motivation or willpower to give up eating red meat," they write, "a more realistic option might be to induce mild intolerance (akin, e.g., to milk intolerance) to these kinds of meat." "While meat intolerance is normally uncommon," they continue, oblivious to the fact they've just confirmed meat is an ideal, evolutionary-correct food for humans, "in principle, it could be induced by stimulating the immune system against common bovine proteins." "The immune system would then become primed to react to such proteins, and henceforth eating ‘eco-unfriendly’ food would induce unpleasant experiences," they continue. "A potentially safe and practical way of delivering such intolerance may be to produce ‘meat’ patches – akin to nicotine patches," they write. "We can produce patches for those animals that contribute the most to greenhouse gas emissions and encourage people to use such patches." Kids, this is why you need to avoid drugs, vegan propaganda, and mad scientists masquerading as university professors. But our cray cray trio aren’t finished yet. Heck no. Their next brilliant idea for saving the planet is “Making humans smaller.” "[O]ther things being equal," they write, "the larger one is, the more food and energy one requires." With their brains farting like the winner of a baked beans eating contest, they further claim "a car uses more fuel per mile to carry a heavier person than a lighter person; more fabric is needed to clothe larger than smaller people; heavier people wear out shoes, carpets, and furniture more quickly than lighter people, and so on." So how do we make humans smaller so that their shoes won't wear out as quick? Oh, that's easy. "One way is through preimplantation genetic diagnosis" which "would simply involve rethinking the criteria for selecting which embryos to implant" during IVF. !? Another way "is to use hormone treatment either to affect somatotropin (growth hormone) levels or to trigger the closing of the epiphyseal plate (at the ends of bones) earlier than normal.” Hormone treatments are used for growth reduction in excessively tall children so, argue Liao et al, why not use them to make normal height kids shorter? I mean, what could possibly go wrong by subjecting growing bodies to unnecessary hormone treatments? But hey, why even wait for kids to get to that point? Why not target them before they've even popped out of mummy’s tummy? "[A] more speculative and controversial way of reducing adult height is to reduce birth weight," write our unabashed Masters of the Looniverse. "Drugs or nutrients that either reduce the expression of paternally imprinted genes, or increase the expression of maternally imprinted genes, could potentially regulate birth size." But again, why even wait to target kids in the womb? Why not stop them being conceived in the first place? Yep, it's time to roll out the overpopulation card. Which brings us to a dilemma: How to lower birth rates when almost one half of the world’s population already lives in countries with below replacement fertility? Oh, again, that's easy. Make women smarter! Hey, they said it, not me. They write there is “strong evidence that birth-rates are negatively correlated with adequate access to education for women” and "[a]t least in the US, women with low cognitive ability are more likely to have children before age 18." Even if that latter contention is true (it’s based on a single case-control study published in 2002), the median age for giving birth in the US is now 30. They’re basically saying that the number of kids a women has is negatively correlated with her intelligence. If you’re a woman who wants to have multiple kids, then they assume you can’t be the sharpest tool in the shed. But women are made to have children, and Feminism Inc. still hasn’t figured out how to sue Mother Nature for designating this role to females. So in a world already saturated with hook-up culture, abortion and morning-after pills, how do Liao et al propose to stop women making the ‘dumb’ choice of ensuring the continued propagation of the human species? Well, they don’t actually say. Not surprising, given their own intellectual output indicates they themselves have yet to discover an effective brain doping strategy. They do seem to be alluding to pharmaceutical means when they write “many parents are indeed happy to give their children cognitive enhancements," citing the widespread (and often misguided) use of Ritalin. They’re basically saying making kids smarter will make them want to avoid or minimize childbearing when older. In order to get people to go along with this bollocks, Liao et al suggest administering oxytocin in an attempt to increase people’s trust levels. Interestingly, when discussing how to convince people into cooperating with this nonsense despite its obvious downsides, the authors note “people are routinely vaccinated to prevent themselves and those around them from acquiring infectious diseases, even though vaccinations can sometimes even lead to death.” Thanks for confirming. The authors wrote in their paper, “To be clear, we shall not argue that human engineering ought to be adopted; such a claim would require far more exposition and argument than we have space for here.” The 2012 paper understandably caused controversy and aroused heated responses from both laymen and academics. When a Guardian writer asked shortly afterwards just what they were trying to achieve with their paper, all three authors and one of the journal’s editors were at pains to portray it as a philosophical “thought experiment” designed to stimulate discussion. When discussion of their patently absurd suggestions didn’t go the way they hoped, Sandberg and Roache accused critics of not having read the paper, which begs the question of just how critics knew of its numerous bizarre suggestions. For the record, I have read the paper in its entirety, and rather than find it an innocuous philosophical excursion, I find it disturbing that people could put forward such suggestions without any awareness of just how truly dystopian and dysfunctional they sound. Sandberg even told the reporter that in his work “with global catastrophic risks at the Future of Humanity Institute, climate change is at the lower end of concern. Certainly a problem, but unlikely to wipe out humanity.” So why the need for radically ridiculous suggestions to deal with a problem that’s been way overblown? Is this how academics entertain themselves when they’re bored? As you’re about to learn, despite the apparently token disclaimer in the 2012 paper, Liao in fact remains a highly enthusiastic promoter of the human engineering angle - and he may have some powerful sympathizers. From Poison Pricks to Toxic Ticks In 2016, Liao spoke at the 2016 World Science Festival, once again insisting we eat too much meat and that human engineering held the potential to solve this non-problem. If you watch the following snippet through to the end, you’ll hear Liao say “There’s this thing called the Lone Star tick where if it bites you, you will become allergic to meat. So that’s something we can do through human engineering. We can possibly address really big world problems through human engineering.” In 2017, he gave a TED Talk, which is a really popular forum for crazy ‘interesting’ people to get up on a stage and pretend they’re experts. A snippet of the talk, for which YouTube comments are understandably turned off, can be viewed below. Note the complete lack of shame or embarrassment as Liao recites the core principles of his insane 2012 paper. He can barely hide his glee, both at expressing his transhuman fantasies and being in the presence of people who don’t respond by telling him to check into an asylum. Note how when he mentions creating “mild intolerance to meat,” a handful of vetards in the transfixed audience begin applauding, and one even lets out a “wooo!” The audience also laughs along when Liao suggests preemptively screening for smaller IVF babies. They also applaud and chuckle approvingly when he suggests this carry on will allow parents the “liberty-enhancing option” of having “one large child, two medium-sized children, or three smaller children.” A liberty-enhancing option suggests an improvement over current restrictions, which isn’t the case. Ah, lunatics. Where would we be without them? While the video is basically a condensed rehash of his 2012 paper, there are a few new revelations. In an attempt to make “people” smarter (ever the PC sycophant, he doesn’t say “women” in front of the mixed-gender audience), he’s now embracing ritalin as a nootropic for kids, despite acknowledging in his 2012 paper it’s “for children with ADHD and certainly has side effects.” He’s also suggesting modafinil for kids, the long-term use of which has not been studied in children. Reckless is as stupid does. Enter the Biggest Lunatics of All It should come as no surprise to most readers that Liao’s demented “human engineering” suggestions have garnered favourable attention from the hypocritical parasite class that descends upon Davos every year to decide what’s best for the rest of us. In December 2020, the WEF unveiled its bioengineering framework in a presentation called “3 Scenarios for How Bioengineering Could Change Our World in 10 Years.” Among the highlights were edible vaccines grown in plants and various forms of genetic manipulation. That presentation was based off a WEF-sponsored academic paper titled Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020. For the WEF’s 2021 Davos Summit, reported BioHack, Liao et al’s 2012 paper was cited during discussion of the ‘Planetary Health Diet’, a globalist initiative to shift humankind towards plant-and insect-based diets. Liao et al’s 2012 paper was also considered as a possible add-on to the Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020 paper. However, perusal of the reference list shows no mention of the 2012 paper. It seems the Liao et al paper may have been too much of a hot potato for the WEF, which had to pull it’s original 2030 video that featured what may go down in history as the world’s worst PR line (“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”). It seems that just about every week, what was once considered a kooky conspiracy theory is confirmed as a genuine concern. Share https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/meet-the-mad-scientist-who-wants?utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
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  • Dr Peter McCullough Recommends Dodgey Synthetic siRNA Jabs to Counter Effects of Dodgey Synthetic mRNA Jabs
    You're in great hands, health freedom movement! Not.

    Anthony Colpo

    The Medical Freedom Movement is full of suspicious characters. So suspicious you'd almost think the movement has been captured, or even commandeered from the outset, by the same people who brought us the 2020 blockbuster "The Great Culling: This Time, it’s Global!”

    There's Steve Kirsch, the DARPA teen protege and Rockefeller-linked buffoon famous for The Most Important Surveys You'll Ever Do!!, big money challenges he has no intention of fulfilling, surveillance state and CBDC technology, and aggressive promotion of the highly toxic, suicide-inducing SSRI fluvoxamine.

    There's Robert "Sly" Malone, the self-proclaimed inventor of "mRNA vaccine technology" who cries hard-done-by while swimming around in billion$ of grant money from the US Military (major enablers of the globalist death shot campaign), all while pretending claiming to be an injured vaxxx victim.

    There's Brett Weinstein, who helped propel Kirsch and Malone into stardom with his June 11, 2021 Darkhorse Podcast. In this creepy snippet from his Tucker Carlson interview, Weinstein gushes like a lovesick teen over mRNA technology. Such impassioned praise for a technology with a 30-year track record of failure, one that was successfully deployed to trigger accelerated death and disability around the world, is extremely curious for someone presenting as a health freedom fighter.

    There's Dr Ryan Cole who, at "the first Conversation on Covid" in Puerto Rico September 2021, emphatically emphasized “Covid is a clotting disease. Covid is a clotting disease. Covid is a clotting disease.”

    In case you didn't catch it the first three times, Cole reckons COVID is a clotting disease.

    Bollocks. COVID is regular cold, flu and pneumonia renamed and packaged as an uber-deadly new threat. They are not "clotting diseases" but respiratory ailments. What is a clotting disease is the common and now well-documented life-threatening thrombosis caused by the Unsafe and Ineffective gene therapies to treat the renamed COVID caused by the never-isolated Sars-Cov-2. Despite this clotting effect of the vaxxxines being well-established by September 2021, Cole preferred to blame the phenomenon on 'COVID.'

    With health freedom heroes like this, who needs villains?

    The “remarkable” San Juan “Covid Conversation” where health freedom spokespeople not chosen by you acted as if COVID was real and not a globalist psy-op.
    There's Dr Pierre Kory who, at the same star-studded gathering of pandemic shills, described COVID, the artist formerly known as Cold’n’Flu, as "the most complex and most violent disease that I have seen and the most difficult to treat in the ICU.”

    COVID: Once a simple cold you sat out with some hot tea, lemon juice and Vaporub, now the most complex and violent thug of a disease the world of medicine has ever seen! If the madicine gig ever stops working out for Kory, he should migrate to Australia and get a job as a SAPOL prosecutor - with such an unbridled capacity for egregious nonsense, he'd fit right in.

    Dr Pierre Kory, supposed member of the Health Freedom Movement, pushing the mask farce in uber-mainstream USA Today.
    The ‘Respectable’ Face of Pandemic and Gene Therapy Propaganda?

    Then there's the movement's smiling enigma, Dr Peter McCullough. Depending on who you listen to, McCullough is either a controlled opposition shill or the most sincere bloke you could ever meet.

    Compared to some of the other suspect characters who comprise the upper echelons of the health freedom movement, there's something disarming about McCullough. He doesn't have the grating motor mouth of Kirsch, nor the sinister gaze and evil gnome vibe of Malone.

    McCullough appears the polar opposite of Kirsch, who comes off like the tech-nerd version of your obnoxious, balding, know-it-all Uncle Barry. The guy who slurps, farts, belches at family gatherings and blames it on the dog, and challenges his nephews to wrestling matches while drunk then refuses to concede defeat when they repeatedly pin his fat hairy shoulders to the ground.

    McCullough seems more like your Uncle Ronald, the successful physician who arrives at family gatherings with your charmingly demure and well-liked Auntie Mary in his late model Jaguar. He doesn't act like a bogan, doesn't antagonize his nephews, and generally presents as a jovial, amicable, clean-living guy.

    But from behind McCullough's disarming facade there emanates some very dubious claims. I started to smell the pungent odour of pharma-sponsored allopathic bullpoop, extra-strength version, when McCullough claimed toxic statin drugs reduced the risk of dementia and Alzheimers Disease.

    Anyone who even pretends to care about health and medical freedom has no business praising toxic and ineffective garbage like cholesterol-lowering statins.

    To make his claim, McCullough had to ignore the substantial volume of clinical trial evidence showing both low cholesterol and cholesterol reduction via statins not only fail to prevent dementia and Alzheimers Disease, but often result in cognitive and neurological harms. Cholesterol is an integral component of your brain and nerve sheaths - claiming you can prevent cognitive and neurological decline by lowering cholesterol is like claiming your car will drive further and longer after you drain half the fuel from the tank. It is an inherently absurd and false thing to claim.

    McCullough, however, appears to have no issue with making inherently absurd and false claims. Because the RCT evidence wouldn't support his beloved statins, he instead based his untenable claims entirely upon a a 2022 meta-analysis of epidemiological studies by Italian researchers - two of whom have extensive ties to pharma companies, including cholesterol-lowering drug manufacturers like Pfizer, Merck, Amgen, Servier and Sanofi-Regeneron.

    Just brilliant.

    No matter how you wish to frame it, McCullough has benefited handsomely from the Big Pharma buy-an-opinion system in which ‘thought leaders’ are lavishly remunerated via speaking fees and ‘consulting’ arrangements. Since 2016, he has received over US $1.6 million in pharma largesse.

    While McCullough’s declared pharma funding did decline during the peak years of Covidiocy, this was replaced with a lucrative new career of worldwide COVID speaking engagements and supplement sales. For a guy who was allegedly ‘cancelled,’ McCullough sure got a lot of coverage. Others like Michael Yeadon, the former Pfizer executive with the pelotas to come out and identify the poison prick campaign for what it really was - a mass homicide event predicated upon a non-existent virus - curiously got nowhere near the exposure enjoyed by McCullough (and fellow pandemic shills like Kirsch and Malone).

    McCullough enthusiastically pimps what he calls “The McCullough Protocol.” This protocol includes his highly-priced “Spike Support” supplement (US $64.99 for a 60-day supply) which contains the following substances (bold emphases added):

    Nattokinase (“a proteolytic enzyme with fibrinolytic (anti-clotting) effects, that may maintain a healthy immune system”)

    Dandelion root (“may support cellular defense”)

    Selenium (“may help reduce stress, aiding the body repair itself and recover”)

    Black sativa extract (“may facilitate cellular repair”)

    Green tea extract (“may add defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals”)

    Irish sea moss (“is mineral-rich and may help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle”)

    It’s hard to think of a flimsier basis for promoting this motley array of ingredients as a vaxxx detox formula. Using the same rationale for Irish sea moss (“is mineral-rich and may help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle”), one might as well recommend a thick, juicy steak as a “Spike” detox.

    None of these ingredients have been shown in anything resembling a controlled scientific study to help ameliorate post-vaxxxine injuries. Green tea extract, in fact, has a solid track record of causing liver toxicity and is a great supplement to avoid the hell out of - a woefully ignored issue I discuss in detail here.

    McCullough’s Recent Spike in Dubious Gene Therapy Claims

    On April 19, 2023, McCullough posted a brief Substack about a paper by Matthew Halma, Jessica Rose and Theresa Lawrie titled "The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review."

    McCullough repeated the paper’s title as headline for his own article, adding his own byline of “mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future may be Brighter.”

    McCullough’s article employed the same “we must keep an open mind, remain balanced, and not paint issues with a broad brush” shtick that he employed in his hopelessly wrong statin article.

    I agree it’s good to keep an open mind - but not so open that your brains fall out.

    “The Halma paper,” claims McCullough, “points out that safe mRNA products are possible.”

    Here’s what the paper actually said:

    “If harm can be exclusively and conclusively attributed to the spike protein, then it is possible that future mRNA vaccines expressing other antigens will be safe.” (Bold emphasis added)

    McCullough apparently couldn’t find it within himself to neither highlight nor discuss the statement that immediately followed:

    “If harms are attributable to the platform itself, then regardless of the toxicity, or lack thereof, of the antigen to be expressed, the platform may be inherently unsafe, pending modification.” (Bold emphasis added)

    The McCullough interpretation makes it sound as if safe and effective mRNA drugs are just around the corner; what Halma et al wrote is a far more heavily qualified statement that speculates a possible scenario in which the drugs could be considered safe. If that specific condition isn’t met, they posit that the technology may be inherently dangerous, period.

    It’s rather precious to bang on about the importance of maintaining a balanced viewpoint while leaving that key detail out…

    So is mRNA technology inherently flawed, or is it a brilliant idea that just needs a few wrinkles ironed out before it starts saving millions of lives?

    After more than 30 years of research, mRNA technology failed to produce even a single, safe effective drug that made it through mandatory Phase 3 trials and garnered a New Drug Approval. Heck, none of this junk ever made it past the Phase 2 stage. The only reason the COVID gene therapies made it to market was thanks to the monumental scam known as COVID, which allowed the criminals in charge to declare a sniffles ‘emergency’ and rush the drugs through via the “Emergency Use Authorization” Trojan horse.

    The aftermath of the gene therapy rollout has been untold misery, morbidity and a global excess death toll estimated, at last count, between 18 and 35 million people. The kind of body count that would make Genghis Khan and Chairman Mao proud.

    To say mRNA is “Off to a Bad Start” is a monumental understatement.

    To say the future for mRNA technology may be brighter when that technology is still under the control of the same GloboPedo-Pharma-Military-Industrial Complex that bought us the COVID psy-op and Poison Prick democide fills me with about as much optimism as a family of crackheads moving in next door.

    Using Dodgy Novel Gene Therapies to Counter the Effects of Dodgy Novel Gene Therapies

    McCullough isn’t letting up on the idea that highly problematic gene therapies could be just what the doctor ordered.

    Recently, he and colleagues Nicolas Hulscher and Diane Marotta published a preprint titled “Strategic Deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: New Applications for RIBOTACs and siRNA Therapy.”

    According to McCullough, Hulscher and Marotta: "The rapid development and authorization of mRNA vaccines by Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) and Moderna (mRNA-1273) in 2020 marked a significant milestone in human mRNA product application, overcoming previous obstacles such as mRNA instability and immunogenicity."

    Let's be perfectly clear: The rapid development and authorization of mRNA vaccines was not a triumph over previous developmental obstacles, it was the triumph of untold evil and corruption over the traditional regulatory requirements and safeguards that are supposed to protect us against dangerous and ineffective drugs.

    It was a triumph over the last remnants of mainstream investigative reporting, whose practitioners have been almost entirely replaced by unthinking morons who’ll do and write whatever their Globalist-controlled employers tell them to.

    It was confirmation that the self-aggrandizing West is not a conglomerate of freedom-protecting democracies, but a centrally-controlled constellation of financially and/or sexually compromised politicians, bureaucrats and billionaire deviants who hold us in sheer contempt and not only wish to remove our freedoms but our very existence on this planet.

    A few sentences later, McCullough et al effectively acknowledge that obstacle-crushing mRNA technology isn’t so great after all, when they write:

    “The stability of mRNA vaccines, their pervasive distribution, and the longevity of the encapsulated mRNA along with unlimited production of the damaging and potentially lethal Spike (S) protein call for strategies to mitigate potential adverse effects.”

    In plain English: “The mRNA gene therapies are dangerous garbage that have caused untold illness and death. We need an effective strategy to treat the poor bastards who have been injected with this poison.”

    It seems McCullough’s Spike Support is about as effective as a fishnet condom, because nowhere in their paper do he and his co-authors discuss it as a potential remedy. Instead, the strategies they devote their paper to are gene therapies known as “small interfering RNA” (siRNA) and “ribonuclease targeting chimeras” (RIBOTACs).

    Yep, more synthetic RNA technology. Because we all know how well that worked out last time.

    These Brave New World genetic concoctions, posit the authors, may help counter the damage done by the small interfering psychopaths and “useless eater”-targeting Chimeras behind The Great Culling (in Greek mythology, the Chimera was a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature).

    Except McCullough et al don’t acknowledge The Great Culling, because they continue to regurgitate the insulting fairy tale that COVID was a genuine pandemic caused by the never-isolated and non-existent Sars-Cov-2.

    Some examples of highly toxic Australian and American fire-breathing Chimeras and small interfering psychopaths.
    Silencers: Not Just for Guns Anymore

    At this point you’re probably asking, “What the heck are siRNA and RIBOTACs?”

    Discovered in 1998, small interfering RNAs, sometimes known as short interfering RNAs or silencing RNAs, are noncoding RNAs with important roles in gene regulation.

    The initially double-stranded siRNA gets into cells, becomes part of what is dubbed the RNA-Induced Silencing Complex (RISC), and is unwound to form single stranded siRNA. It's now fit for duty to go out and find a complementary mRNA. Once the single stranded siRNA binds to its target mRNA, it induces mRNA cleavage.

    No, it doesn't give the mRNA a breast lift; "cleavage" in the world of science means to cut something up. Don't ask me why they don't just say that outright.

    Anyways, once the mRNA is cut, it is recognized as abnormal by the cell. The cell goes into garbage disposal mode and further degrades the mRNA, which prevents translation of the mRNA into amino acids and then proteins. This is what the gene "silencing" and “interfering” terminology refers to. Like a mafia informant who gets brutally shanked and can no longer talk to the feds, siRNA-sliced mRNA can no longer translate its encoded instructions into functioning proteins.

    Sorry, that was a somewhat gory analogy. You’ll have to excuse me, I'm back in Australia at the moment, a gray, soulless Masonic pit of substance abuse and mental illness that is run, policed and adjudicated by some of GloboPedo's most enthusiastically obedient deviants.

    But I digress.

    And RIBOTACs? What the hell are they?

    RIBOTACs are a new, man-made class of small molecules that have the potential to target diverse types of RNAs. In 2018, Scripps Institute researchers reported they were able to modify a small molecule to recruit a nuclease to a specific gene transcript, triggering its destruction.

    In plain English: Researchers continue to develop ‘novel’ ways to screw around with your genes.

    McCullough and co-authors speculate that it might be possible to develop siRNA and RIBOTAC gene therapies that will act as little vaxxx mRNA-munching Pacmen (or Pacpersons/PacTheys/PacThems/ma vaffanculo to all you anally-retentive, pronoun-confused PC-types).

    Sounds great, but there’s a wee problem.

    Warn the authors, "despite their numerous advantages, substantial obstacles must be surmounted to effectively harness the power of siRNAs. Barriers to the successful implementation of siRNAs as a therapeutic intervention include their susceptibility to degradation by endogenous nucleases in serum, rapid renal clearance, activation of the innate immune system, plasma protein sequestration and entrapment by the reticuloendothelial system (RES), membrane impermeability, endosomal entrapment and off-target effects."

    In inglés normal: This strategy is purely speculative and theoretical. There is no actual evidence siRNA and RIBOTACs can effectively treat vaxxx injuries. In fact, when you look at the research closely, there is no solid evidence these technologies can treat anything effectively. To top it all off, these technologies presently have numerous shortcomings that preclude their efficacy and may lead to "off-target effects", which is a polite way of saying nasty-ass side effects.

    As proof this fledgling technology could actually work, McCullough and co offer two examples of current siRNA drugs.

    Yup, this stuff is already appearing on the market thanks to the industry-funded shonks at the FDA.

    The first is Inclisiran (trade name Leqvio®) which has received FDA approval as a treatment for the utter non-disease of hypercholesterolemia. It’s very important to ‘treat’ this non-disease effectively, because studies repeatedly show that in over-60s (the demographic in which most heart attacks occur), people with high cholesterol levels (including the so-called “bad” LDL) outlive those with low levels.

    Did you forget there was a Great Culling going on?

    The authors write “seven clinical trials have shown this siRNA therapy to be safe and well-tolerated for long-term administration.” It allegedly did this in conflict of interest-riddled studies conducted by original developer Alnylam Pharmaceuticals and Novartis, which licensed the rights to inclisiran from the former.

    Mean duration of this "long-term administration" was 2.8 years. During that time, inclirisan completely failed to show any tangible clinical benefit.

    Even the hopelessly corrupt FDA, which approved this junk, quietly admits “The effect of Leqvio on cardiovascular morbidity (suffering from a disease) and mortality (death) has not been determined.”

    In other words, taking inclirisan means an increased risk of adverse drug effects and no established health benefit. The only people guaranteed to benefit from this product are those who sell it, at a cost of US $6,500 a year.

    Every single one of the 11 authors of the post hoc analysis McCullough and co cite as evidence of inclirisan being Safe & Effectiveâ„¢ have lengthy links to Big Pharma. Five, in fact, were employees of Novartis at the time the analysis was performed. All the authors enjoyed financial largesse from an array of drug companies that included … take a big deep breath … Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim, The Medicines Company, AstraZeneca, Amgen, Pfizer, DalCor Pharmaceuticals, Kowa, Corvidia Therapeutics, Esperion, Genentech, OMEICOS, Novo Nordisk, LIB Therapeutics, Daiichi-Sankyo, New Amsterdam Pharma, TenSixteen Bio, Berlin-Chemie, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Singulex, Abbott, Roche Diagnostics, Dr Beckmann Pharma, Bayer, HLS, Merck/Merck Sharp and Dohme, Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Cipla, Algorithm, Zuelling Pharma, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly, Cerenis Therapeutics, Akcea Therapeutics, Silence Therapeutics, Takeda, AbbVie and Resverlogix.

    In addition, one of the authors, Gregory G. Schwartz, is co-holder of a patent titled "Methods for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk." The patent revolves around the monoclonal antibody drug alirocumab which, like inclirisan, is a cholesterol-lowering drug whose mechanism of action is inhibition of a gene known as PCSK9.

    Like inclirisan, alirocumab does not save lives but comes with all the usual side effects attendant with cholesterol-lowering.

    Like inclirisan, alicrocumab is an out-and-out rort. When alirocumab and fellow useless PCSK9 inhibitor evolocumab hit the market in 2015, the retail cost was an absurd $14,000 per year. After many health insurance providers refused to pay for them, their price tag magically dropped by 60%.

    The amount of trust I have in such a conflict of interest-plagued panel of pharma-owned researchers when they claim the ineffective inclirisan is “safe and well-tolerated”?

    Absolute zero.

    Indeed, when you pull up the Supplementary Material and scroll down to page 23, you quickly learn why the all-cause mortality figure wasn’t included in the analysis’ main paper.

    During a mean exposure period of 2.8 years, 24 (0.7%) of inclirisan subjects died, compared to 3 (0.2%) of placebo subjects during an average exposure period of 1.35 years. When calculated in terms of "exposure-adjusted incidence rates," the death rates in the inclirisan and placebo groups were 0.24% and 0.11%, respectively.

    In other words, the "safe and well-tolerated" inclirisan more than doubled the death rate when compared to placebo.

    Patisiran Poppycock

    The other drug that McCullough et al put forward as an example of "safe and well-tolerated" siRNA treatment is patisiran (Onpattro®), which received FDA approval in 2018 for the treatment of polyneuropathy in patients with hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis.

    Just like inclirisan, the clinical evidence supposedly showing this drug to be hunky dory is the same old suspicious rot produced by the hopelessly flawed and demonstrably corrupt system in which drug companies conduct their own trials, get approval from their FDA buddies, pay ghost-writing outfits to draft the application and journal papers, while the rest of us are supposed to stick our heads up our keesters and pretend the drug really was shown to be safe and efficacious.

    The first published Phase 3 trial claiming safety and efficacy for patisiran appeared in the New World Order England Journal of Medicine in July 2018.

    In that paper, Adams et al reported the initial results of the “APOLLO” trial which, of course, was funded by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. The study's lead author is David Adams, who has received "consulting honoraria from Isis, Alnylam, received fees from Pfizer for participating to symposium, is participating as principal investigator for trials with ISIS and Alnylam."

    We learn from the paper’s full text that “The first author and sponsor-employed authors prepared the first draft with editorial assistance provided by Adelphi Communications, under contract with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.”

    Adelphi Communications is one of the countless “communication” outfits contracted by drug companies that do everything from oversee the recruitment and day-to-day operation of clinical trials to ghost-writing journal papers. Like most businesses in the private sector, the success of these companies revolves around pleasing their customers. The way to please drug companies is not by telling the truth about their dangerous and toxic products - it is by chopping and changing the data and writing up journal papers in a manner that portrays these products as safe and effective.

    A close read of the paper raises eyebrows.

    Partirisan, claim the authors, fared better than placebo on every outcome.

    The researchers also claim the incidence of “any adverse event” was identical between groups (97% each). They also claimed a lower rate of adverse cardiovascular events in the partirisan group. Hold that thought - we’ll return to it later.

    The most important outcome of all is overall mortality. The researchers report that seven patisiran patients (5%) and six placebo patients (8%) died during the 18-month trial.

    In 2020, the APOLLO researchers published another paper reporting on the 225 subjects randomized to receive either patisiran or placebo. In this paper, we are told 6 (4%) patisiran subjects died at 18 months, compared to 4 (5%) of placebo subjects.

    In 2022, researchers published results from the HELIOS-A trial. The randomized, Phase 3, open-label (non-blinded) study enrolled 164 patients; 42 received patisiran, 77 served as a control subjects, and 122 received Alnylam's new wonder siRNA concoction called vutrisiran.

    By way of remarkable coincidence, patisiran now displayed a near-identical death rate to placebo (7.1% vs 7.8%), and a marginally higher rate of serious and severe adverse events. By way of further remarkable coincidence, the new viturisan with its fresher patent protection produced a mere 1.6% death rate and a far lower rate of adverse events.


    Or complete bollocks, depending on how schooled you are in the conduct of Big Pharma and the researchers it owns.

    In 2023, the results of the Alnylam-funded "APOLLO-B" trial were published. The main paper states that in the 12-month double-blind period, 4 deaths (2.2%) occurred in the patisiran group and 10 (5.6%) occurred in the placebo group.

    It then goes on to say that in the "safety analysis," there were five deaths (3%) in the patisiran group, and eight deaths (4%) in the placebo group.

    Seeking an explanation for these disparate figures, I opened up the trial's supplementary data. It was there I learned that in the patisiran group, four patients died during participation in the study and one died after withdrawing from the study. In the placebo group, four patients died during participation in the study and four died after study withdrawal.

    In other words, an equal number of patisiran and placebo subjects died while participating in the APOLLO-B trial.

    We also learn in the supplementary material that "Hospitalizations for any cause" were virtually identical in the two groups. In contrast to the original APOLLO trial, marginally higher rates of cardiac and cerebrovascular events occurred in the patisiran group.

    In summary, the only data claiming patisiran (and vutrisiran) benefits transthyretin amyloidosis patients just happens to come from trials conducted by the drug’s developer, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, and the pharma-friendly researchers on its payroll. The suspect data from these trials fails to show any clear mortality benefit, which makes one wonder what the death data would’ve looked like had the trials been conducted by independent researchers with no vested interest in the results.

    Useless inclirisan and doubtful patisiran, it bears reiterating, are the two drugs put forward by McCullough et al as successful examples of siRNA technology.

    Lipid Nanopoison

    Now here’s the real cracker.

    Patisiran, which McCullough et al present as an example of a “safe and well-tolerated” siRNA product, contains lipid nanoparticles (LNPs).

    As do the most widely-deployed COVID gene therapies; namely, the Pfizer and Moderna kill shots.

    McCullough, you will recall, has made a lucrative name for himself as a staunch anti-mRNA vaxxx commentator. After reading the paper he co-authored with Hulscher and Marotta, I began to wonder if he suffered transient global amnesia (a known statin side effect) when drafting the paper.

    That paper lavishes praise upon LNPs and how they admirably transformed the useless and dangerous gene therapies that failed to garner approval into useless and dangerous gene therapies that garnered emergency use authorizations. Okay, that’s not exactly how they described it, but that’s exactly what happened.

    Their incessant praise of LNPs as an “adjuvant” that could help do the same for vaxxxMRNA-gobbling siRNA drugs is nothing short of mind-boggling.

    “Adjuvant,” by the way, is ScienceSpeak for a toxic substance disguised as an ingredient that allegedly improves the ‘immunogenicity’ of a vaccine. Anyone who believes injecting people with stuff like thimerosal, squalene or polyethylene glycol is truly going to benefit their immunity should probably start shopping around for a brain transplant.

    Way back in December 2020, within a week of the Pfizer kill shot being unleashed in the US, the LNP polyethylene glycol (PEG) was named as a likely cause of life-threatening anaphylaxis that occurred after injection with the democide drug.

    The issue, of course, has been swept under the carpet and PEG remains in the poison darts. As researchers recently pointed out, no studies have been undertaken to characterize the inflammatory reactions induced by the PEG-containing 'vaccine' platform. So the researchers tested a lipid nanoparticle formula made by Acuitas Therapeutics, who licenses its LNP technology to Pfizer.

    They gave mice the Acuitas poison formula, via intradermal and intramuscular injection, which "led to rapid and robust inflammatory responses, characterized by massive neutrophil infiltration, activation of diverse inflammatory pathways, and production of various inflammatory cytokines and chemokines."

    In Queen's English: This most questionable substance caused these most unfortunate mice an inordinate amount of physiological bother.

    In fact, when the mice were forced to ingest this junk via their snouts, they experienced an inordinate amount of death.

    "The same dose of LNP delivered intranasally," noted the researchers, "led to similar inflammatory responses in the lung and resulted in a high mortality rate."

    Coming soon: Intranasal vaccines with extra-strength LNP, brought to you by the friendly megalomaniacs at GloboPedo!

    In Summary

    For a guy who supposedly wants you to be healthy, Peter McCullough has a bizarre habit of recommending toxic pharma junk and awarding praise to dubious gene therapies that are light years away from proving themselves safe and effective.

    There are two possible reasons for this.

    One is that he is not very good at reading research and, like many doctors and cardiologists, is simply a brainwashed product of the pharma-owned and -operated medical system.

    The other possibility is that he is controlled opposition carefully packaged to look like your respectable Uncle Ronald. Instead of calling out the pandemic scam, he in fact helps pave the way for future shamdemics and shambolic gene therapy rollouts by proffering favourable and optimistic commentary on what has so far proven to be a truly nefarious and dangerous field of ‘science.’

    For McCullough devotees offended that I dare mention the second possibility, I have this piece of advice: If you don’t want McCullough to be perceived as a possible controlled opposition figure, maybe ask him to stop acting like one.

    In the meantime, Mike Yeadon for President! Oh, wait, he’s from the UK. Damnit America, looks like you’re stuck with either Captain Warp Speed or Joe the Kiddy Fondler. As citizen of a country currently led by a vewy angwee* pwime minista who has been known to frequent Thai “Happy Ending” massage parlours to rewieve the stwess of fedwal powitics, I feel your pain.

    *PM Elmer Fudd is still vewy angwee dat wascawwy Austwalians voted ovawelmingwee against his pawly expwained “Voice” wefewendum. PM Fudd had a wot widing on dat wefewendum, and his land-gwabbing gwobawist masters are vewy upset dat it fayled.


    Dr Peter McCullough Recommends Dodgey Synthetic siRNA Jabs to Counter Effects of Dodgey Synthetic mRNA Jabs You're in great hands, health freedom movement! Not. Anthony Colpo The Medical Freedom Movement is full of suspicious characters. So suspicious you'd almost think the movement has been captured, or even commandeered from the outset, by the same people who brought us the 2020 blockbuster "The Great Culling: This Time, it’s Global!” There's Steve Kirsch, the DARPA teen protege and Rockefeller-linked buffoon famous for The Most Important Surveys You'll Ever Do!!, big money challenges he has no intention of fulfilling, surveillance state and CBDC technology, and aggressive promotion of the highly toxic, suicide-inducing SSRI fluvoxamine. There's Robert "Sly" Malone, the self-proclaimed inventor of "mRNA vaccine technology" who cries hard-done-by while swimming around in billion$ of grant money from the US Military (major enablers of the globalist death shot campaign), all while pretending claiming to be an injured vaxxx victim. There's Brett Weinstein, who helped propel Kirsch and Malone into stardom with his June 11, 2021 Darkhorse Podcast. In this creepy snippet from his Tucker Carlson interview, Weinstein gushes like a lovesick teen over mRNA technology. Such impassioned praise for a technology with a 30-year track record of failure, one that was successfully deployed to trigger accelerated death and disability around the world, is extremely curious for someone presenting as a health freedom fighter. There's Dr Ryan Cole who, at "the first Conversation on Covid" in Puerto Rico September 2021, emphatically emphasized “Covid is a clotting disease. Covid is a clotting disease. Covid is a clotting disease.” In case you didn't catch it the first three times, Cole reckons COVID is a clotting disease. Bollocks. COVID is regular cold, flu and pneumonia renamed and packaged as an uber-deadly new threat. They are not "clotting diseases" but respiratory ailments. What is a clotting disease is the common and now well-documented life-threatening thrombosis caused by the Unsafe and Ineffective gene therapies to treat the renamed COVID caused by the never-isolated Sars-Cov-2. Despite this clotting effect of the vaxxxines being well-established by September 2021, Cole preferred to blame the phenomenon on 'COVID.' With health freedom heroes like this, who needs villains? The “remarkable” San Juan “Covid Conversation” where health freedom spokespeople not chosen by you acted as if COVID was real and not a globalist psy-op. There's Dr Pierre Kory who, at the same star-studded gathering of pandemic shills, described COVID, the artist formerly known as Cold’n’Flu, as "the most complex and most violent disease that I have seen and the most difficult to treat in the ICU.” COVID: Once a simple cold you sat out with some hot tea, lemon juice and Vaporub, now the most complex and violent thug of a disease the world of medicine has ever seen! If the madicine gig ever stops working out for Kory, he should migrate to Australia and get a job as a SAPOL prosecutor - with such an unbridled capacity for egregious nonsense, he'd fit right in. Dr Pierre Kory, supposed member of the Health Freedom Movement, pushing the mask farce in uber-mainstream USA Today. The ‘Respectable’ Face of Pandemic and Gene Therapy Propaganda? Then there's the movement's smiling enigma, Dr Peter McCullough. Depending on who you listen to, McCullough is either a controlled opposition shill or the most sincere bloke you could ever meet. Compared to some of the other suspect characters who comprise the upper echelons of the health freedom movement, there's something disarming about McCullough. He doesn't have the grating motor mouth of Kirsch, nor the sinister gaze and evil gnome vibe of Malone. McCullough appears the polar opposite of Kirsch, who comes off like the tech-nerd version of your obnoxious, balding, know-it-all Uncle Barry. The guy who slurps, farts, belches at family gatherings and blames it on the dog, and challenges his nephews to wrestling matches while drunk then refuses to concede defeat when they repeatedly pin his fat hairy shoulders to the ground. McCullough seems more like your Uncle Ronald, the successful physician who arrives at family gatherings with your charmingly demure and well-liked Auntie Mary in his late model Jaguar. He doesn't act like a bogan, doesn't antagonize his nephews, and generally presents as a jovial, amicable, clean-living guy. But from behind McCullough's disarming facade there emanates some very dubious claims. I started to smell the pungent odour of pharma-sponsored allopathic bullpoop, extra-strength version, when McCullough claimed toxic statin drugs reduced the risk of dementia and Alzheimers Disease. Anyone who even pretends to care about health and medical freedom has no business praising toxic and ineffective garbage like cholesterol-lowering statins. To make his claim, McCullough had to ignore the substantial volume of clinical trial evidence showing both low cholesterol and cholesterol reduction via statins not only fail to prevent dementia and Alzheimers Disease, but often result in cognitive and neurological harms. Cholesterol is an integral component of your brain and nerve sheaths - claiming you can prevent cognitive and neurological decline by lowering cholesterol is like claiming your car will drive further and longer after you drain half the fuel from the tank. It is an inherently absurd and false thing to claim. McCullough, however, appears to have no issue with making inherently absurd and false claims. Because the RCT evidence wouldn't support his beloved statins, he instead based his untenable claims entirely upon a a 2022 meta-analysis of epidemiological studies by Italian researchers - two of whom have extensive ties to pharma companies, including cholesterol-lowering drug manufacturers like Pfizer, Merck, Amgen, Servier and Sanofi-Regeneron. Just brilliant. No matter how you wish to frame it, McCullough has benefited handsomely from the Big Pharma buy-an-opinion system in which ‘thought leaders’ are lavishly remunerated via speaking fees and ‘consulting’ arrangements. Since 2016, he has received over US $1.6 million in pharma largesse. While McCullough’s declared pharma funding did decline during the peak years of Covidiocy, this was replaced with a lucrative new career of worldwide COVID speaking engagements and supplement sales. For a guy who was allegedly ‘cancelled,’ McCullough sure got a lot of coverage. Others like Michael Yeadon, the former Pfizer executive with the pelotas to come out and identify the poison prick campaign for what it really was - a mass homicide event predicated upon a non-existent virus - curiously got nowhere near the exposure enjoyed by McCullough (and fellow pandemic shills like Kirsch and Malone). McCullough enthusiastically pimps what he calls “The McCullough Protocol.” This protocol includes his highly-priced “Spike Support” supplement (US $64.99 for a 60-day supply) which contains the following substances (bold emphases added): Nattokinase (“a proteolytic enzyme with fibrinolytic (anti-clotting) effects, that may maintain a healthy immune system”) Dandelion root (“may support cellular defense”) Selenium (“may help reduce stress, aiding the body repair itself and recover”) Black sativa extract (“may facilitate cellular repair”) Green tea extract (“may add defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals”) Irish sea moss (“is mineral-rich and may help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle”) It’s hard to think of a flimsier basis for promoting this motley array of ingredients as a vaxxx detox formula. Using the same rationale for Irish sea moss (“is mineral-rich and may help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle”), one might as well recommend a thick, juicy steak as a “Spike” detox. None of these ingredients have been shown in anything resembling a controlled scientific study to help ameliorate post-vaxxxine injuries. Green tea extract, in fact, has a solid track record of causing liver toxicity and is a great supplement to avoid the hell out of - a woefully ignored issue I discuss in detail here. McCullough’s Recent Spike in Dubious Gene Therapy Claims On April 19, 2023, McCullough posted a brief Substack about a paper by Matthew Halma, Jessica Rose and Theresa Lawrie titled "The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review." McCullough repeated the paper’s title as headline for his own article, adding his own byline of “mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future may be Brighter.” McCullough’s article employed the same “we must keep an open mind, remain balanced, and not paint issues with a broad brush” shtick that he employed in his hopelessly wrong statin article. I agree it’s good to keep an open mind - but not so open that your brains fall out. “The Halma paper,” claims McCullough, “points out that safe mRNA products are possible.” Here’s what the paper actually said: “If harm can be exclusively and conclusively attributed to the spike protein, then it is possible that future mRNA vaccines expressing other antigens will be safe.” (Bold emphasis added) McCullough apparently couldn’t find it within himself to neither highlight nor discuss the statement that immediately followed: “If harms are attributable to the platform itself, then regardless of the toxicity, or lack thereof, of the antigen to be expressed, the platform may be inherently unsafe, pending modification.” (Bold emphasis added) The McCullough interpretation makes it sound as if safe and effective mRNA drugs are just around the corner; what Halma et al wrote is a far more heavily qualified statement that speculates a possible scenario in which the drugs could be considered safe. If that specific condition isn’t met, they posit that the technology may be inherently dangerous, period. It’s rather precious to bang on about the importance of maintaining a balanced viewpoint while leaving that key detail out… So is mRNA technology inherently flawed, or is it a brilliant idea that just needs a few wrinkles ironed out before it starts saving millions of lives? After more than 30 years of research, mRNA technology failed to produce even a single, safe effective drug that made it through mandatory Phase 3 trials and garnered a New Drug Approval. Heck, none of this junk ever made it past the Phase 2 stage. The only reason the COVID gene therapies made it to market was thanks to the monumental scam known as COVID, which allowed the criminals in charge to declare a sniffles ‘emergency’ and rush the drugs through via the “Emergency Use Authorization” Trojan horse. The aftermath of the gene therapy rollout has been untold misery, morbidity and a global excess death toll estimated, at last count, between 18 and 35 million people. The kind of body count that would make Genghis Khan and Chairman Mao proud. To say mRNA is “Off to a Bad Start” is a monumental understatement. To say the future for mRNA technology may be brighter when that technology is still under the control of the same GloboPedo-Pharma-Military-Industrial Complex that bought us the COVID psy-op and Poison Prick democide fills me with about as much optimism as a family of crackheads moving in next door. Using Dodgy Novel Gene Therapies to Counter the Effects of Dodgy Novel Gene Therapies McCullough isn’t letting up on the idea that highly problematic gene therapies could be just what the doctor ordered. Recently, he and colleagues Nicolas Hulscher and Diane Marotta published a preprint titled “Strategic Deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: New Applications for RIBOTACs and siRNA Therapy.” According to McCullough, Hulscher and Marotta: "The rapid development and authorization of mRNA vaccines by Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) and Moderna (mRNA-1273) in 2020 marked a significant milestone in human mRNA product application, overcoming previous obstacles such as mRNA instability and immunogenicity." Let's be perfectly clear: The rapid development and authorization of mRNA vaccines was not a triumph over previous developmental obstacles, it was the triumph of untold evil and corruption over the traditional regulatory requirements and safeguards that are supposed to protect us against dangerous and ineffective drugs. It was a triumph over the last remnants of mainstream investigative reporting, whose practitioners have been almost entirely replaced by unthinking morons who’ll do and write whatever their Globalist-controlled employers tell them to. It was confirmation that the self-aggrandizing West is not a conglomerate of freedom-protecting democracies, but a centrally-controlled constellation of financially and/or sexually compromised politicians, bureaucrats and billionaire deviants who hold us in sheer contempt and not only wish to remove our freedoms but our very existence on this planet. A few sentences later, McCullough et al effectively acknowledge that obstacle-crushing mRNA technology isn’t so great after all, when they write: “The stability of mRNA vaccines, their pervasive distribution, and the longevity of the encapsulated mRNA along with unlimited production of the damaging and potentially lethal Spike (S) protein call for strategies to mitigate potential adverse effects.” In plain English: “The mRNA gene therapies are dangerous garbage that have caused untold illness and death. We need an effective strategy to treat the poor bastards who have been injected with this poison.” It seems McCullough’s Spike Support is about as effective as a fishnet condom, because nowhere in their paper do he and his co-authors discuss it as a potential remedy. Instead, the strategies they devote their paper to are gene therapies known as “small interfering RNA” (siRNA) and “ribonuclease targeting chimeras” (RIBOTACs). Yep, more synthetic RNA technology. Because we all know how well that worked out last time. These Brave New World genetic concoctions, posit the authors, may help counter the damage done by the small interfering psychopaths and “useless eater”-targeting Chimeras behind The Great Culling (in Greek mythology, the Chimera was a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature). Except McCullough et al don’t acknowledge The Great Culling, because they continue to regurgitate the insulting fairy tale that COVID was a genuine pandemic caused by the never-isolated and non-existent Sars-Cov-2. Some examples of highly toxic Australian and American fire-breathing Chimeras and small interfering psychopaths. Silencers: Not Just for Guns Anymore At this point you’re probably asking, “What the heck are siRNA and RIBOTACs?” Discovered in 1998, small interfering RNAs, sometimes known as short interfering RNAs or silencing RNAs, are noncoding RNAs with important roles in gene regulation. The initially double-stranded siRNA gets into cells, becomes part of what is dubbed the RNA-Induced Silencing Complex (RISC), and is unwound to form single stranded siRNA. It's now fit for duty to go out and find a complementary mRNA. Once the single stranded siRNA binds to its target mRNA, it induces mRNA cleavage. No, it doesn't give the mRNA a breast lift; "cleavage" in the world of science means to cut something up. Don't ask me why they don't just say that outright. Anyways, once the mRNA is cut, it is recognized as abnormal by the cell. The cell goes into garbage disposal mode and further degrades the mRNA, which prevents translation of the mRNA into amino acids and then proteins. This is what the gene "silencing" and “interfering” terminology refers to. Like a mafia informant who gets brutally shanked and can no longer talk to the feds, siRNA-sliced mRNA can no longer translate its encoded instructions into functioning proteins. Sorry, that was a somewhat gory analogy. You’ll have to excuse me, I'm back in Australia at the moment, a gray, soulless Masonic pit of substance abuse and mental illness that is run, policed and adjudicated by some of GloboPedo's most enthusiastically obedient deviants. But I digress. And RIBOTACs? What the hell are they? RIBOTACs are a new, man-made class of small molecules that have the potential to target diverse types of RNAs. In 2018, Scripps Institute researchers reported they were able to modify a small molecule to recruit a nuclease to a specific gene transcript, triggering its destruction. In plain English: Researchers continue to develop ‘novel’ ways to screw around with your genes. McCullough and co-authors speculate that it might be possible to develop siRNA and RIBOTAC gene therapies that will act as little vaxxx mRNA-munching Pacmen (or Pacpersons/PacTheys/PacThems/ma vaffanculo to all you anally-retentive, pronoun-confused PC-types). Sounds great, but there’s a wee problem. Warn the authors, "despite their numerous advantages, substantial obstacles must be surmounted to effectively harness the power of siRNAs. Barriers to the successful implementation of siRNAs as a therapeutic intervention include their susceptibility to degradation by endogenous nucleases in serum, rapid renal clearance, activation of the innate immune system, plasma protein sequestration and entrapment by the reticuloendothelial system (RES), membrane impermeability, endosomal entrapment and off-target effects." In inglés normal: This strategy is purely speculative and theoretical. There is no actual evidence siRNA and RIBOTACs can effectively treat vaxxx injuries. In fact, when you look at the research closely, there is no solid evidence these technologies can treat anything effectively. To top it all off, these technologies presently have numerous shortcomings that preclude their efficacy and may lead to "off-target effects", which is a polite way of saying nasty-ass side effects. As proof this fledgling technology could actually work, McCullough and co offer two examples of current siRNA drugs. Yup, this stuff is already appearing on the market thanks to the industry-funded shonks at the FDA. The first is Inclisiran (trade name Leqvio®) which has received FDA approval as a treatment for the utter non-disease of hypercholesterolemia. It’s very important to ‘treat’ this non-disease effectively, because studies repeatedly show that in over-60s (the demographic in which most heart attacks occur), people with high cholesterol levels (including the so-called “bad” LDL) outlive those with low levels. Did you forget there was a Great Culling going on? The authors write “seven clinical trials have shown this siRNA therapy to be safe and well-tolerated for long-term administration.” It allegedly did this in conflict of interest-riddled studies conducted by original developer Alnylam Pharmaceuticals and Novartis, which licensed the rights to inclisiran from the former. Mean duration of this "long-term administration" was 2.8 years. During that time, inclirisan completely failed to show any tangible clinical benefit. Even the hopelessly corrupt FDA, which approved this junk, quietly admits “The effect of Leqvio on cardiovascular morbidity (suffering from a disease) and mortality (death) has not been determined.” In other words, taking inclirisan means an increased risk of adverse drug effects and no established health benefit. The only people guaranteed to benefit from this product are those who sell it, at a cost of US $6,500 a year. Every single one of the 11 authors of the post hoc analysis McCullough and co cite as evidence of inclirisan being Safe & Effective™ have lengthy links to Big Pharma. Five, in fact, were employees of Novartis at the time the analysis was performed. All the authors enjoyed financial largesse from an array of drug companies that included … take a big deep breath … Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim, The Medicines Company, AstraZeneca, Amgen, Pfizer, DalCor Pharmaceuticals, Kowa, Corvidia Therapeutics, Esperion, Genentech, OMEICOS, Novo Nordisk, LIB Therapeutics, Daiichi-Sankyo, New Amsterdam Pharma, TenSixteen Bio, Berlin-Chemie, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Singulex, Abbott, Roche Diagnostics, Dr Beckmann Pharma, Bayer, HLS, Merck/Merck Sharp and Dohme, Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Cipla, Algorithm, Zuelling Pharma, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly, Cerenis Therapeutics, Akcea Therapeutics, Silence Therapeutics, Takeda, AbbVie and Resverlogix. In addition, one of the authors, Gregory G. Schwartz, is co-holder of a patent titled "Methods for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk." The patent revolves around the monoclonal antibody drug alirocumab which, like inclirisan, is a cholesterol-lowering drug whose mechanism of action is inhibition of a gene known as PCSK9. Like inclirisan, alirocumab does not save lives but comes with all the usual side effects attendant with cholesterol-lowering. Like inclirisan, alicrocumab is an out-and-out rort. When alirocumab and fellow useless PCSK9 inhibitor evolocumab hit the market in 2015, the retail cost was an absurd $14,000 per year. After many health insurance providers refused to pay for them, their price tag magically dropped by 60%. The amount of trust I have in such a conflict of interest-plagued panel of pharma-owned researchers when they claim the ineffective inclirisan is “safe and well-tolerated”? Absolute zero. Indeed, when you pull up the Supplementary Material and scroll down to page 23, you quickly learn why the all-cause mortality figure wasn’t included in the analysis’ main paper. During a mean exposure period of 2.8 years, 24 (0.7%) of inclirisan subjects died, compared to 3 (0.2%) of placebo subjects during an average exposure period of 1.35 years. When calculated in terms of "exposure-adjusted incidence rates," the death rates in the inclirisan and placebo groups were 0.24% and 0.11%, respectively. In other words, the "safe and well-tolerated" inclirisan more than doubled the death rate when compared to placebo. Patisiran Poppycock The other drug that McCullough et al put forward as an example of "safe and well-tolerated" siRNA treatment is patisiran (Onpattro®), which received FDA approval in 2018 for the treatment of polyneuropathy in patients with hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis. Just like inclirisan, the clinical evidence supposedly showing this drug to be hunky dory is the same old suspicious rot produced by the hopelessly flawed and demonstrably corrupt system in which drug companies conduct their own trials, get approval from their FDA buddies, pay ghost-writing outfits to draft the application and journal papers, while the rest of us are supposed to stick our heads up our keesters and pretend the drug really was shown to be safe and efficacious. The first published Phase 3 trial claiming safety and efficacy for patisiran appeared in the New World Order England Journal of Medicine in July 2018. In that paper, Adams et al reported the initial results of the “APOLLO” trial which, of course, was funded by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. The study's lead author is David Adams, who has received "consulting honoraria from Isis, Alnylam, received fees from Pfizer for participating to symposium, is participating as principal investigator for trials with ISIS and Alnylam." We learn from the paper’s full text that “The first author and sponsor-employed authors prepared the first draft with editorial assistance provided by Adelphi Communications, under contract with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals.” Adelphi Communications is one of the countless “communication” outfits contracted by drug companies that do everything from oversee the recruitment and day-to-day operation of clinical trials to ghost-writing journal papers. Like most businesses in the private sector, the success of these companies revolves around pleasing their customers. The way to please drug companies is not by telling the truth about their dangerous and toxic products - it is by chopping and changing the data and writing up journal papers in a manner that portrays these products as safe and effective. A close read of the paper raises eyebrows. Partirisan, claim the authors, fared better than placebo on every outcome. The researchers also claim the incidence of “any adverse event” was identical between groups (97% each). They also claimed a lower rate of adverse cardiovascular events in the partirisan group. Hold that thought - we’ll return to it later. The most important outcome of all is overall mortality. The researchers report that seven patisiran patients (5%) and six placebo patients (8%) died during the 18-month trial. In 2020, the APOLLO researchers published another paper reporting on the 225 subjects randomized to receive either patisiran or placebo. In this paper, we are told 6 (4%) patisiran subjects died at 18 months, compared to 4 (5%) of placebo subjects. In 2022, researchers published results from the HELIOS-A trial. The randomized, Phase 3, open-label (non-blinded) study enrolled 164 patients; 42 received patisiran, 77 served as a control subjects, and 122 received Alnylam's new wonder siRNA concoction called vutrisiran. By way of remarkable coincidence, patisiran now displayed a near-identical death rate to placebo (7.1% vs 7.8%), and a marginally higher rate of serious and severe adverse events. By way of further remarkable coincidence, the new viturisan with its fresher patent protection produced a mere 1.6% death rate and a far lower rate of adverse events. Amazing. Or complete bollocks, depending on how schooled you are in the conduct of Big Pharma and the researchers it owns. In 2023, the results of the Alnylam-funded "APOLLO-B" trial were published. The main paper states that in the 12-month double-blind period, 4 deaths (2.2%) occurred in the patisiran group and 10 (5.6%) occurred in the placebo group. It then goes on to say that in the "safety analysis," there were five deaths (3%) in the patisiran group, and eight deaths (4%) in the placebo group. Seeking an explanation for these disparate figures, I opened up the trial's supplementary data. It was there I learned that in the patisiran group, four patients died during participation in the study and one died after withdrawing from the study. In the placebo group, four patients died during participation in the study and four died after study withdrawal. In other words, an equal number of patisiran and placebo subjects died while participating in the APOLLO-B trial. We also learn in the supplementary material that "Hospitalizations for any cause" were virtually identical in the two groups. In contrast to the original APOLLO trial, marginally higher rates of cardiac and cerebrovascular events occurred in the patisiran group. In summary, the only data claiming patisiran (and vutrisiran) benefits transthyretin amyloidosis patients just happens to come from trials conducted by the drug’s developer, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, and the pharma-friendly researchers on its payroll. The suspect data from these trials fails to show any clear mortality benefit, which makes one wonder what the death data would’ve looked like had the trials been conducted by independent researchers with no vested interest in the results. Useless inclirisan and doubtful patisiran, it bears reiterating, are the two drugs put forward by McCullough et al as successful examples of siRNA technology. Lipid Nanopoison Now here’s the real cracker. Patisiran, which McCullough et al present as an example of a “safe and well-tolerated” siRNA product, contains lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). As do the most widely-deployed COVID gene therapies; namely, the Pfizer and Moderna kill shots. McCullough, you will recall, has made a lucrative name for himself as a staunch anti-mRNA vaxxx commentator. After reading the paper he co-authored with Hulscher and Marotta, I began to wonder if he suffered transient global amnesia (a known statin side effect) when drafting the paper. That paper lavishes praise upon LNPs and how they admirably transformed the useless and dangerous gene therapies that failed to garner approval into useless and dangerous gene therapies that garnered emergency use authorizations. Okay, that’s not exactly how they described it, but that’s exactly what happened. Their incessant praise of LNPs as an “adjuvant” that could help do the same for vaxxxMRNA-gobbling siRNA drugs is nothing short of mind-boggling. “Adjuvant,” by the way, is ScienceSpeak for a toxic substance disguised as an ingredient that allegedly improves the ‘immunogenicity’ of a vaccine. Anyone who believes injecting people with stuff like thimerosal, squalene or polyethylene glycol is truly going to benefit their immunity should probably start shopping around for a brain transplant. Way back in December 2020, within a week of the Pfizer kill shot being unleashed in the US, the LNP polyethylene glycol (PEG) was named as a likely cause of life-threatening anaphylaxis that occurred after injection with the democide drug. The issue, of course, has been swept under the carpet and PEG remains in the poison darts. As researchers recently pointed out, no studies have been undertaken to characterize the inflammatory reactions induced by the PEG-containing 'vaccine' platform. So the researchers tested a lipid nanoparticle formula made by Acuitas Therapeutics, who licenses its LNP technology to Pfizer. They gave mice the Acuitas poison formula, via intradermal and intramuscular injection, which "led to rapid and robust inflammatory responses, characterized by massive neutrophil infiltration, activation of diverse inflammatory pathways, and production of various inflammatory cytokines and chemokines." In Queen's English: This most questionable substance caused these most unfortunate mice an inordinate amount of physiological bother. In fact, when the mice were forced to ingest this junk via their snouts, they experienced an inordinate amount of death. "The same dose of LNP delivered intranasally," noted the researchers, "led to similar inflammatory responses in the lung and resulted in a high mortality rate." Coming soon: Intranasal vaccines with extra-strength LNP, brought to you by the friendly megalomaniacs at GloboPedo! In Summary For a guy who supposedly wants you to be healthy, Peter McCullough has a bizarre habit of recommending toxic pharma junk and awarding praise to dubious gene therapies that are light years away from proving themselves safe and effective. There are two possible reasons for this. One is that he is not very good at reading research and, like many doctors and cardiologists, is simply a brainwashed product of the pharma-owned and -operated medical system. The other possibility is that he is controlled opposition carefully packaged to look like your respectable Uncle Ronald. Instead of calling out the pandemic scam, he in fact helps pave the way for future shamdemics and shambolic gene therapy rollouts by proffering favourable and optimistic commentary on what has so far proven to be a truly nefarious and dangerous field of ‘science.’ For McCullough devotees offended that I dare mention the second possibility, I have this piece of advice: If you don’t want McCullough to be perceived as a possible controlled opposition figure, maybe ask him to stop acting like one. In the meantime, Mike Yeadon for President! Oh, wait, he’s from the UK. Damnit America, looks like you’re stuck with either Captain Warp Speed or Joe the Kiddy Fondler. As citizen of a country currently led by a vewy angwee* pwime minista who has been known to frequent Thai “Happy Ending” massage parlours to rewieve the stwess of fedwal powitics, I feel your pain. *PM Elmer Fudd is still vewy angwee dat wascawwy Austwalians voted ovawelmingwee against his pawly expwained “Voice” wefewendum. PM Fudd had a wot widing on dat wefewendum, and his land-gwabbing gwobawist masters are vewy upset dat it fayled. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-145590321
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  • Dear Virology: Do You Have ANYTHING Other than Insults, Logical Fallacies and Lies to Back Up Your Claims?
    Virology: An unwitting master class in exposing pseudoscience.

    Anthony Colpo

    Recently overheard conversation between virologist and normal person with an honest job:

    Virologist: There are leprechauns living in my closet.

    Normal person: Really? Can you show me?

    V: No, they're invisible.

    NP: Can I reach into your closet and feel around for them?

    V: No, because when you try to touch them they instantly transform from solid to a gas.

    NP: OK, so let me get this straight. You're saying there are leprechauns living in your closet, but it's impossible to see or feel them.

    V: Correct.

    NP: So how, exactly, do you know they exist?

    V: Well, I once left some cheese in the closet. The next morning, it was gone. That means the leprechauns ate it. It's called the "lepropathic effect."

    NP: Are those mice droppings I see over there?

    V: Where?

    NP: There.

    V: Yeah.

    NP: You have mice droppings in your closet, which means mice are getting in here. Mice eat cheese. But you're claiming when you leave cheese here and it's gone the next morning, it's proof that invisible, phantom leprechauns live in your closet?

    V: That's right.

    NP: Are you on drugs? Seriously, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!

    V: I've got images of leprechaun footprints taken through my really powerful magnifying glass to prove it! Here, look at these!

    NP: Yes, I see them ... but they're not ‘leprechaun’ footprints. They look just like mouse paw prints.

    V: [Explodes with rage] You're a leprechaun DENIER! You're a donkey that DOESN’T UNDERSTAND leprechology! You and the rest of the no-leprechaun crowd are soooo ANTI-SCIENCE!! It’s SELFISH PEOPLE LIKE YOU who PUT EVERYONE ELSE AT RISK!!

    NP: [Calls 911 for paramedic assistance] Hi, I've got a guy here having some sort of mental episode. There are mice getting into his closet, but he insists they're leprechauns. I tried to explain it was mice, but he’s become very agitated and hostile.

    911: He wouldn't happen to be a virologist, by any chance?

    NP: Yes, how did you know?

    911: Oh, you wouldn't believe how many calls we get about those guys. Listen, he can't be helped. Best thing you can do is just get out of there. And for heaven's sake, if he offers you any “antiviral” drugs or “safe and effective” gene therapies, run like your life depends on it!

    NP: Gotcha, thanks for your help!

    Pseudoscientists are a predictable lot. They routinely spout untenable nonsense and frequently get away with it, because most people aren't well-schooled in the fundamentals of logic and reason, let alone science.

    As their beliefs gain an increasingly larger audience, pseudoscientists start to assume an air of invincibility and omnipotence. The very fact their ideas have such widespread acceptance is, in their minds, further proof of their veracity.

    People whose beliefs thrive largely because of ignorance, popular consensus and authority appeal tend to do poorly when challenged on scientific grounds.

    At first, they’ll attempt to address critiques with more pseudoscience. This, however, results in an argument that becomes increasingly untenable, self-contradictory and often downright absurd. Frustrated by the results of their self-defeating attempts to expound on The Scienceâ„¢, they quickly revert to their natural environment:

    The gutter.

    They abandon all pretense at science, and unleash a barrage of anti-logic and ad hominem attacks. This barrage will feature lies, dishonesty, smug condescension, red herrings, appeals to authority - everything except irrefutable evidence of the controlled scientific kind.

    Unable to refute important criticisms, they will talk as if their beliefs are self-evident and beyond challenge. You will be called a “denier” and “conspiracy theorist” for having the temerity to question their very questionable claims.

    They will retort that you have no formal scientific qualifications (i.e, you don’t have a piece of paper saying you spent several years at a government/globalist-controlled inculcation facility that receives large amounts of money from drug companies).

    Angry at being outpointed by a person who didn’t spend hundreds of thousands on college debt and Che Guevara t-shirts, they’ll insist you don’t “understand” the topic. This is a sly attempt to reframe your ability to see through their BS as an inability to comprehend supposedly complex topics.

    Pseudoscience, by the way, often appears “complex” because lies invariably require more lies to fortify the original untruths. The end result is a web of bollocks so intricate that, if you sit back patiently, will eventually ensnare the pseudoscientist in his or her own nonsense.

    When that happens, pseudoscientists get really frustrated. They’ll call you names, declare that arguing with you is not worth their time, and then reproduce a quote that has nothing to do with the topic at hand:

    This person has a PhD and runs a virology blog. Yet the best she can do to defend the virus paradigm is call skeptics “donkeys” and post quotes about the shortcomings of democracy by a science-fiction writer. Oh, and did I mention she takes Steve Kirsch seriously? You’re in great hands, virology LOL
    A Not-So-Nice Attempt to Undermine Critics of Virology

    One of my valued readers recently posted a link to a Substack post by a guy called Matthew Aldred titled “Viruses and DNA Are 'Just' Models?”

    The post’s subtitle reads “And governments sprayed toxins on people to make them think they had COVID?”

    So before I even start reading the post, it’s clear its intent is to portray virus skeptics as a bunch of cuckoo conspiracy theorists.

    This intent is confirmed when he includes a partial transcript allegedly reproduced from a podcast discussion featuring two virus skeptics. I say allegedly, because we’re not told where this podcast can be found, we’re not told when it took place, and we’re not told who the participants are.

    We are simply presented with a rambling, incoherent transcript that does a good job of making the mystery guest appear rambling and incoherent.

    What the transcript does not do is address the actual and inherently-flawed research that virology uses to claim the existence of viruses like Sars-Cov-2.

    And neither does Aldred.

    This evasiveness, this willingness to cast aspersions without actually addressing the relevant research, is a hallmark of Aldred’s post. In fact, it is so consistent of virus believers in general that they may as well register it as a trademark.

    There are countless pro-virus posts I could highlight as examples of pseudoscientific hack jobs. The reason I chose this one is because the author seems at pains to present himself as an impartial commentator. This claim to impartiality, and the author's professed disdain for the often uncivil nature of internet discussions, may disarm and lure some folks into dropping their intellectual guard. After all, how can you not trust a guy who says he just wants to get at the truth and wonders why we can't all just get along?

    I don’t know Aldred from a bar of soap, so cannot claim to know his motives. Maybe he is a nice guy. Maybe he really does believe himself to be impartial.

    What I can say without a doubt is that his post, be it by accident or design, is a catalog of logical fallacies and sleight of hand, the kind that allow charades like the Great COVID Con to gain traction.

    The post is a virtual masterclass in fuzzy logic, the kind used to defend untenable pseudoscience like the Sars-Cov-2 charade. Deconstructing that fuzzy logic, and exposing its mechanics and inherent fallacies, is like the research version of building situational awareness. You can recognize an assailant's intent ahead of time, and take the appropriate action.

    Fuzzy Logic Tactic #1: Making Untenable Claims then Switching the Burden of Proof to Skeptics

    Aldred begins his post with a bold-type disclaimer:

    In this article, I critique the trend of presenting speculative ideas with scant evidence as undeniable truths, particularly focusing on claims that ‘viruses are not real’. I examine a podcast that was sent to me and discuss the broader implications of the theories it presents. I argue that while scepticism is necessary, it’s unwise to completely dismiss established scientific concepts without substantial evidence.

    Before the article even gets going, he hits us with the ol’ switcheroo. With effortless sleight of hand, he has just transferred the burden of proof from virologists to those skeptical of virology.

    In his view, it’s not virology that lays claim to undeniable truths based on scant evidence - it is those of us who identify the huge cracks in virology’s foundation.

    It bears reminding that virology, to this day, still cannot even begin to physically isolate an alleged ‘virus.’

    It is virology that claims you can ‘isolate’ an RNA- or DNA-virus by adding things like culture medium, bovine fetal serum and cell lines, which inevitably contaminate the mixture with extraneous RNA and likely DNA.

    This is the very opposite of isolation!

    It is virology that makes the self-serving and highly convenient claim that viruses can’t be isolated like bacteria can, because a virus needs a living host to survive and replicate.

    Michael Palmer, MD and Suchairt Bhakdi are textbook classic purveyors of this ruse, writing “Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture.”

    “The legend that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated,” they continue, “is founded solely on the rigid demand that such isolation be accomplished without the use of cell cultures.”

    Viruses can’t party hardy without first shacking up in a living cell, they claim, and therefore it’s “rigid” and unreasonable to expect scientists to isolate a virus in pure cell culture.

    A most curious claim, because during the COVIDiot years we were instructed to spray and wipe down everything in sight until our surroundings reeked like a hospital.

    Which begs an obvious question: Why did we need to disinfect inanimate objects to guard against a pathogen that can only survive and replicate inside living hosts?

    The Sars-Cov-2 virus, claimed people from the CDC and Fauci’s NIAID masquerading as scientists, “can remain viable and infectious in aerosols for hours and on surfaces up to days.”

    Listen virus-believers, you can’t have it both ways. Either a virus can survive outside a host, or it can’t. The Expertsâ„¢ themselves have proclaimed in a leading medical tabloid that the ‘Sars-Cov-2 virus’ can survive on plastic and stainless steel “up to 72 hours after application.”

    Their words, not mine.

    Yet we’re supposed to believe, despite having up to a 72 hour window to do so, none of the world’s sophisticated microbiology labs has been able to take a single electron micograph happy snap of a single Sars-Cov-2 virion without first mixing non-purified patient samples with a bunch of other RNA- and DNA-containing material?

    To illustrate just what an utter load of tripe the virus paradigm is, here’s none other than Robert W Malone trying to answer what should be a simple question:

    “How would you explain the virus?”

    As you watch the video, keep in mind this is a guy who has an MD, BS in biochemistry, MS in biology, attended Harvard Medical School for a postdoc, taught pathology at two universities, received $10 billion of taxpayer funds from the US military for assorted shenanigans including vaccine development, and who proclaims himself to be the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology. He’s also made countless media appearances and charges $10,000 a pop to give speeches, so it’s fair to say Malone feels right at home in front of a camera.

    With a background like that, few people should be as eminently qualified as Sly Malone to explain what a virus is.

    So let's take a moment to learn from the great one:

    Even in the invigorating mountain air of beautiful Andalucia, Tio Roberto can’t even begin to offer a coherent explanation of what a virus is.

    "This particle is really ... self-replicating ... genes ... ... that aren't really alive. Uh, they exist as a parasite, in the way they become alive when they get into our cells.”


    “It is a parasitic relationship, we ... I like to say we are the food for the virus.”

    “I think it's really good to think of this as a, um, a virus is a parasitic gene that, um, isn't truly alive but is at the boundary of living and non-living."

    Parasites operating on the boundary of living and non-living, huh?

    Sounds more like a government department to me.

    "A virus is even closer to a pure gene parasite. That's, that's really what they are."

    I think it's fair to say Sly has no clue what a virus is. Let's not be too hard on the guy - after all, it's hard to describe something that doesn't exist.

    Unable to quit when he's behind, Malone then objects to the objection that there is no Sars-Cov-2 virus by droning on about cell culture and isolation, not once mentioning that the cell culture 'isolation' experiments do not isolate anything but in fact add a bunch of other stuff to a patient sample that itself is already comprised of countless substances apart from an alleged virus.

    Man Offers €100,000 to Prove Existence of Measles Virus; Virologists Stay Quiet

    In November 2011, German biologist Stefan Lanka publicly issued a bold challenge. He offered the hefty sum of 100,000 Euros to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus.

    If the science behind virology was as well “established” as we’re repeatedly told, this should have constituted a quick and easy opportunity to score a large sum of money. Yet not one of the world’s countless virologists, microbiologists, or vocal health authorities took up Lanka’s offer.

    The only response came from a cocksure medical student called David Bardens, who submitted six studies he erroneously believed to constitute proof of the measles virus. Lanka reviewed the studies and correctly pointed out they proved nothing of the sort. Bardens then tried to sue for the money, but the German courts eventually ruled in Lanka’s favour.

    Documented liars like Steve Kirsch claim Lanka only won because of a legal technicality (Lanka actually required only one study and, not unreasonably, demanded that study not only establish the existence of a measles virus but also document its size. None of the six studies submitted by Bardens met this clearly stipulated requirement). The reality that Kirsch and his ilk refuse to discuss is that, irrespective of whether they included morphological details or not, none of the six studies Bardens served up even begin to prove the existence of a measles virus.

    In fact, the seminal 1954 ‘isolation’ paper by Enders and Peebles almost undermined the entire virus charade. They admit in the paper that “an uninoculated culture of monkey kidney cells” also demonstrated the cytopathic effect! Rather than entertain the possibility that the cell culture isolation charade was untenable, they simply declared, without any evidence whatsoever, that this unexpected 'cytopathic effect' was due to an unknown "agent" and then quickly moved on like nothing ever happened.

    The world of virology learned a valuable lesson: Never perform true control procedures during the cell culture isolation gig, because it could undermine the entire ruse.

    This is the inherently absurd, self-contradictory field of claptrap that Aldred deems an “established scientific concept.” He further excoriates us not to dismiss it without “substantial evidence,” never once addressing the reality that virology itself asks us to accept the presence of highly contagious pathogens without anything resembling substantial evidence.

    Remember the invisible leprechaun scenario at the start of this article? Using Aldred’s logic, in such a scenario the onus is on the disbelieving normal person, and not on the deluded virologist, to disprove the existence of invisible leprechauns.

    No. If you claim the existence of something that has never been seen before, you prove it.

    Fuzzy Logic Tactic #2: Gaslighting

    Successful advertisers know you don’t sell products by presenting people with a list of unassailable facts and figures. Nope, you need to press their hot buttons, and the way to do that is by triggering an emotional response.

    That’s why car advertisements don’t recite a list of impressive specifications. Instead, they feature attractive couples with Colgate smiles, happy families driving along while everyone stares in envy, and blokey blokes with huge grins blasting up and down muddy countrysides while the ad soundtrack blares “You can go your own way!”

    The message is: Buy our vehicle and you’ll get the pretty girl, have a picture perfect family, and be a trail-blazing maverick who lives life on his own terms. And everyone will look on in envy and admiration while you do it!

    It’s complete bollocks, of course - but it works. This kind of messaging bypasses our rational faculties and triggers our emotional hot buttons, often to the point where we’ll go into heavy debt just to scratch that emotional itch.

    “Yeah I get that, Anthony,” I hear you saying, “but what have car adverts got to do with the topic at hand?”


    Car manufacturers, you see, are hardly the only ones who know how to trigger our hot buttons.

    People who promote fake pandemics are also experts at bypassing people’s rational faculties.

    Attempts to appeal to people’s rational faculties during CONVID were quickly drowned out by rabid objections that anyone who refused to mask up and get poison-pricked was a selfish, heartless, evil granny-killer that deserved to be locked out of society.

    News outlets routinely ran heart-breaking stories of people who were once amazingly healthy until they were cruelly struck down by ‘COVID.’ No mention was made of the inconvenient fact that what really struck these people down was state-sanctioned murder, which included administration of drugs like midazolam and remdesivir, regular use of what should be last resort mechanical ventilation, and unlawful DNR (do not resuscitate) orders.

    It was a global gaslighting campaign that used emotional hotspotting to shut down rational discussion and instead cast the lone voices of reason - skeptics - as cold-blooded, tinfoil hat-wearing, menaces to society.

    And it worked. Spectacularly.

    So along comes Aldred, telling us to “beware of those handwaving away scientific models of reality that help us make good predictions, especially when it comes to important matters that keep us alive.”

    Translated: Virologists are keeping us alive, and by challenging them you virus skeptics are placing lives at risk!


    I’d like to see Aldred explain, in his own words, how the ‘scientific model’ of virology - which would have us believe resistance to disease comes from a syringe as opposed to healthy lifestyle habits - is keeping people alive?

    The bulk of the population-wide decline in measles mortality, for example, happened long before kids ever starting getting pricked with who-knows-what. Below are the trajectories for measles mortality in the US, UK and France, with the introduction of the measles vaccine overlaid on each graph.

    I think it’s fair to say that, if you want to reduce death from a disease, first port of call for advice should not be people who think the key to public health is turning young kids into pin cushions.

    As for COVID, I’d love someone to explain how virology’s disgustingly reckless ‘scientific model’ of Sars-Cov-2 - which eagerly welcomed and even gushingly praised a complete abandonment of the usual safeguards to protect against dangerous and ineffective drugs - kept anyone alive?

    During the Pfizer vaxxx clinical trial, more people died in the gene therapy group than in the control group, and global estimates of excess post-vaxxx mortality run as high as 35 million lost lives.

    Now, name me even a single anti-vaxxxer who can boast that kind of body count?

    I’ll wait.

    The reality is that virology now has the kind of body count history’s bloodiest tyrants would be proud of.

    Other blockbusters from Virology’s Great Hits! include azidothymidine (AZT), a product of the early-1980s psy-op known as HIV/AIDS (funded by GloboPedo, produced by Fauci and Gallo Records). Despite all the hooplah, clinical trials found no reduction in mortality from AZT. People who got suckered into using this highly toxic drug, however, did find plenty of side effects.

    Another virology blockbuster, courtesy Bill & Melinda Productions, is the disgraceful polio vaccine rollout that caused almost 500,000 Indian children to suffer paralysis. While shamelessly dishonest ‘fact check’ outfits like Politifact would prefer you believed this never happened, it sure as heck did (Politifact is owned by Poynter who, by way of amazing coincidence, just happens to count the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations among its funders).

    Dhiman et al 2018 documented 491,000 additional cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in India between 2000-2017. The rise and decline in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in India aligned neatly with the increase and subsequent decrease in polio immunization rates.

    Once again, it’s not virus skeptics who murdered up to 35 million people. It’s not virology skeptics who are committing democide, and scarring survivors with everything from Guillain Barré Syndrome to myocarditis.

    It’s not virus skeptics who caused almost 500,000 poor Indian kids to suffer paralysis, or convinced people with ‘HIV/AIDS’ to take a drug that offered no mortality benefit but lots of severe side effects.

    The brains trust that enabled those criminal acts, in case anyone needs reminding, was Team Virology.

    I’ve barely scratched the surface of harms caused by this branch of pseudoscience. Suffice to say, it’s much easier to cite the lives ruined by this charade, than to cite lives saved from pathogens never shown to exist except by some voodoo ritual known as “cell culture isolation.”

    Virologists: So confident in their science, their inventions require immunity from prosecution.
    Fuzzy Logic Tactic #3: Pointing to ‘Experts’ for Validation, Without Offering Your Own Coherent Discussion of the Evidence

    Aldred’s post reaches comedic levels when he writes:

    “If you feel strongly that viruses are flawed science or even a conspiracy, please write a concise defence of your position in the comments section below (please avoid ‘just read so-and-so’s book’ or ‘watch so-and-so’s video’; I have the arguments from all the usual suspects and have yet to find a concise, coherent, and convincing case against viruses).”

    Aldred is specifically demanding you do not simply defer to other people’s material when making your case for the no-virus argument.

    Yet that is exactly what he does when making his own case. At no point in his article does he actually discuss the highly problematic research claiming to demonstrate viral isolation.

    I and others have presented detailed explanations of why these experiments are untenable; Aldred offers no counter-discussion of why we might be wrong.

    He makes bold claims that he fails to expound upon. Instead, he simply links to external sources, as if including a hyperlink is proof in itself.

    “Here’s another article on this subject by Michael Palmer at his new substack,” he writes, linking to an article that again fails to dissect the isolation studies. It simply declares that Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated “numerous times.”

    Continuing the game of Chinese Whispers, Palmer and co-author Bkahdi do as Aldred does and shun the opportunity to discuss these studies. Once again, they hyperlink the responsibility away to external websites. That’s fine for a Twitter post, but when you present yourself as an authoritative commentator and write an article making definitive claims, the onus is on you to explain your stance in a manner that shows you have a sound understanding of the topic. Making a claim like “yes, Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated,” then failing to address even a single criticism raised by skeptics hardly fulfills that obligation.

    “An overview of such studies,” write Palmer and Bkahdi of the so-called ‘isolation’ experiments, “has been provided by Jefferson et al” and a “solid study that correlates virus isolation, PCR and clinical findings in a series of hospitalized COVID-19-patients has been published by Wölfel et al.” (Bold emphasis added - correlation does not equal causation).

    Those of us who call Palmer and Bkahdi’s bluff and retrieve the full texts of the Jefferson and Wölfel papers quickly confirm the emperor has no clothes.

    All the studies reviewed by Jefferson et al and conducted by Wölfel et al involve the same old anti-isolation, cell culture flimflammery that gives rise to this controversy in the first place.

    You can see right here for yourself that Wölfel et al’s ‘isolation’ involved the usual charade of mixing non-purified patient samples with culture medium containing, among other things, 10% fetal calf serum, and Vero E6 (African green monkey kidney cells).

    I’ve discussed at length on this site why African green monkey kidney cells (aka Vero cells) are virology’s first choice of cell line for ‘isolation’ experiments, instead of more intuitive options like human lung cells. Unlike many other cell lines, Vero cells can be relied upon to deform and die off during the experiments, allowing virologists to claim a “cytopathic effect.” They then declare this cytopathic effect to be caused, not by their hand-picked choice of a purpose-bred cell line, but by a ‘virus.’

    To top off the absurdities, Wölfel et al confirm the presence of Sars-Cov-2 in their utter non-isolate via “SARS-CoV-2 specific real-time RT-PCR using the SARS-2-CoV E assay."

    In plain English: Nothing was ever isolated. To the contrary, they added more stuff - including RNA- and DNA-containing bovine fetal serum - to the non-purified patient samples. When purpose-bred cells guaranteed to deform showed the “cytopathic effect,” they declared it was due to a virus.

    They then used the purpose-built PCR test designed to find Sars-Cov-2 in just about anything - including papaya, quail and goat - to proclaim that this virus was the mythical Sars-Cov-2.

    It bears reiterating that the handball strategy is a key fuzzy logic technique routinely used by pseudoscientists. They link to external sources, knowing full well most people won’t click through and read those sources. In Aldred’s case, this typically involves clicking through three links to finally get at the source document - something I dare say most people won’t do.

    Such a strategy allows people to make a bold claim and be seen to be providing evidence for it, when in reality they’re doing no such thing.

    Another example of the handball charade occurs when Aldred writes:

    “Ralph Baric’s work involves real viruses in gain-of-function research,” he declares. “You can isolate these viruses too. Also, scientists do indeed create viruses from scratch.”

    Once again, Aldred offers no elaboration of these bold claims, simply hyperlinks to external sources - the very thing he forbids others from doing.

    Clicking on the astounding claim that “scientists do indeed create viruses from scratch” takes one to a rather unhelpful press release from none other than the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - a major player in the Great COVID Con.

    Clicking through from that press release to the Science paper brings one to an abstract of a 2002 paper, the full text of which is hidden behind a paywall. Science, however, has made the full paper available at another location.

    That full text reveals the study was funded by “the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency" aka DARPA, another major perpetrator of the Great COVID Con.

    Hiding such information from your readers doesn’t do much for your credibility, but things get even more curious.

    The DARPA-funded researchers claim to have created a synthetic ‘poliovirus.’ If a virus is a living entity, then what these researchers have effectively claimed is to have created a synthetic life form. Now that would be truly revolutionary - if it were true.

    What the researchers really created was a chemical, and they actually admit it several times during the paper. However, they claim this chemical is “self-replicating” and “infectious.” Despite this, to “infect” mice with this chemical they had to first inject it directly into the brains of the hapless critters.

    To what should be no-one’s surprise, intracerebral injection of mice bred to be genetically susceptible to this bollockery caused “flaccid paralysis or death,” although “a larger inoculum” of the synthetic chemical was required to achieve this effect than stock-standard ‘poliovirus.’

    I’d bet good money Aldred never read this study. It doesn’t prove the existence of ‘poliovirus,’ and it sure as heck doesn’t prove the existence of Sars-Cov-2. All it proves is that US military-sponsored researchers can claim to have created a chemical compound that, when injected directly into the brains of susceptible mice, causes neurological symptoms and death.

    Gee, whoever would’ve guessed injecting synthetic chemicals into an animal’s brain could cause symptoms of nerve damage and death?

    What, exactly, does this have to do with the claim that we humans transmit live ‘viruses’ to each other via sneezing, coughing, touching, fornicating, etc, etc, etc?

    Where, exactly, is the epidemic of ‘viruses’ caused by people injecting lab-made chemicals into each other’s brains?

    A revealing clue to the study’s true purpose can be gleaned in the closing paragraph, when the researchers write:

    “As a result of the World Health Organization’s vaccination campaign to eradicate poliovirus, the global population is better protected against poliomyelitis than ever before. Any threat from bioterrorism will only arise if mass vaccination stops and herd immunity against poliomyelitis is lost. No doubt technical advances will permit rapid synthesis of the poliovirus genome, given access to sophisticated resources.

    The potential for virus synthesis is an additional important factor for consideration in designing the closing strategies of the poliovirus eradication campaign.”

    That paragraph serves several useful purposes for the parasite class. It praises the evil WHO for eradicating poliovirus via vaccines, even though we know the threat from polio was overwhelmingly removed before polio vaccines were released.

    It paves the way for development of toxic bioweapons that can be conducted under the guise of defending against bioterrorism.

    It provides fodder for future man-made virus and “gain of function” stories that can be positioned as an alternative and suppressed explanation for pre-orchestrated pandemics. These alternative explanations can then be strategically ‘unsuppressed’ at key time points, like during a vaxxx rollout.

    It reinforces the inherently absurd mass vaccination and herd immunity paradigms, which hold that people who have taken an allegedly highly effective life-saving drug are in danger from those who haven’t. In a sane world, that would be known as a failed drug.

    Fuzzy Logic Tactic #4: Hypocrisy & Double-Standards

    We’ve already seen how Aldred demands others adhere to a higher standard of evidence than he believes he is obliged to.

    “I’ve no problem with someone speculating that viruses might not be real,” writes Aldred, “but I object when they claim with absolute certainty that this is the case.”

    Interestingly, Aldred has no problem with virologists claiming with absolute certainty that viruses exist, when they cannot provide any proof.

    Any last shred of credibility evaporates when Aldred does exactly what he accuses the 'no-virus' skeptics of: Namely, asserting something without evidence.

    He writes:

    "When multiple independent studies consistently support the existence of something—like the SARS-CoV-2 virus—it becomes scientifically prudent to accept its existence based on this substantial evidence, although this will probably evolve as new data emerges."

    Here, we see Aldred claim “multiple independent studies” consistently support the existence of Sars-Cov-2, but again he offers no discussion whatsoever of those studies.

    To describe those studies as “independent” when they were in fact conducted in a suspiciously similar manner by interrelated organizations like the Chinese CDC, US CDC and Australia’s Doherty Institute is an insult to one’s intelligence.

    The Chinese were the first to claim ‘isolation’ of the mythical ‘Sars-Cov-2.’ Shortly afterwards, the Doherty Institute in South China Melbourne, Australia loudly boasted it was the first entity outside of China to isolate the Woohoo virus.

    Any discussion of whether Sars-Cov-2 exists must discuss these studies and the numerous absurdities and inconsistencies contained within them.

    Aldred won’t touch them. Neither do pandemic shills like Steve Kirsch or Robert Malone or virologist Ian M. Mackay (a WEF ‘agenda contributor’) or Imperial College-indoctrinated Dr Siouxsie Wiles, all of whom rabidly insist Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated.

    That’s okay. I’m happy to discuss them. In fact, I already have, at length:

    The Great Covid Con: Sars-Cov-2 Doesn't Exist & Has NEVER Really Been Isolated

    "Sars-Cov-2" Does Not Exist (Part 2): Why Chinese Researchers NEVER Isolated the Virus

    The Doherty study was an utter joke. They couldn't find anything that looked like a coronavirus during their cell culture escapade, so they squirted some trypsin - a protein-digesting enzyme - into the mix, and when particles in that mix developed ragged edges they promptly declared them to be the spikes of a coronavirus!

    Aldred expects us to accept rubbish like this as proof of a 'novel' and deadly coronavirus?

    The Doherty researchers also admit they conducted no control procedures during their genetic sequencing caper, and their 'isolation' endeavor involved no control procedure using samples from healthy control subjects.

    When asked if they tested for other ‘viral’ genomes, the Doherty researchers even admitted: "We did not look for other viral genomes. Our assembly was performed against the released Wuhan-1 reference sequence as we were looking for Sars-CoV-2." (Bold emphasis added)

    I don’t know how much more obvious it gets: Come hell or high water, the Doherty researchers were going to find ‘Sars-Cov-2’ - even if they had to handsculpt it with trypsin and willfully blind themselves to the possibility that other ‘virus’ genomes may be present.

    To refuse to accept such anti-scientific rot as evidence of anything is not being a “denialist” or “conspiracist” - it simply means you refuse to be a gullible idiot.

    Ditto with the various papers released by the Chinese who claim to have first isolated Sars-Cov-2. As I outline in some detail, those papers are a vague, incoherent and suspicious mess, and when I emailed three of the researchers to get some clarification, the answer was ... total silence.

    It's all well and good to post URLs to other writers who agree with you, but when the actual researchers of the studies claiming isolation of Sars-Cov-2 either confirm lack of control procedures or refuse to even respond to you, that speaks volumes.


    As a person who values truth way above appearing right all the time, I’m happy to be proven wrong.

    I'm more than happy to accept that viruses exist - if someone can show me isolation and transmission studies confirming as much that aren't laughable garbage.

    Until that happens, you virus believers can stop trying to gaslight me and others who refuse to believe your anti-scientific hogwash. When you call us “deniers” and “conspiracists”, all you’re doing is showing off your scientific ineptitude and your penchant for projection. It’s most unbecoming.


    Dear Virology: Do You Have ANYTHING Other than Insults, Logical Fallacies and Lies to Back Up Your Claims? Virology: An unwitting master class in exposing pseudoscience. Anthony Colpo Recently overheard conversation between virologist and normal person with an honest job: Virologist: There are leprechauns living in my closet. Normal person: Really? Can you show me? V: No, they're invisible. NP: Can I reach into your closet and feel around for them? V: No, because when you try to touch them they instantly transform from solid to a gas. NP: OK, so let me get this straight. You're saying there are leprechauns living in your closet, but it's impossible to see or feel them. V: Correct. NP: So how, exactly, do you know they exist? V: Well, I once left some cheese in the closet. The next morning, it was gone. That means the leprechauns ate it. It's called the "lepropathic effect." NP: Are those mice droppings I see over there? V: Where? NP: There. V: Yeah. NP: You have mice droppings in your closet, which means mice are getting in here. Mice eat cheese. But you're claiming when you leave cheese here and it's gone the next morning, it's proof that invisible, phantom leprechauns live in your closet? V: That's right. NP: Are you on drugs? Seriously, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! V: I've got images of leprechaun footprints taken through my really powerful magnifying glass to prove it! Here, look at these! NP: Yes, I see them ... but they're not ‘leprechaun’ footprints. They look just like mouse paw prints. V: [Explodes with rage] You're a leprechaun DENIER! You're a donkey that DOESN’T UNDERSTAND leprechology! You and the rest of the no-leprechaun crowd are soooo ANTI-SCIENCE!! It’s SELFISH PEOPLE LIKE YOU who PUT EVERYONE ELSE AT RISK!! NP: [Calls 911 for paramedic assistance] Hi, I've got a guy here having some sort of mental episode. There are mice getting into his closet, but he insists they're leprechauns. I tried to explain it was mice, but he’s become very agitated and hostile. 911: He wouldn't happen to be a virologist, by any chance? NP: Yes, how did you know? 911: Oh, you wouldn't believe how many calls we get about those guys. Listen, he can't be helped. Best thing you can do is just get out of there. And for heaven's sake, if he offers you any “antiviral” drugs or “safe and effective” gene therapies, run like your life depends on it! NP: Gotcha, thanks for your help! Pseudoscientists are a predictable lot. They routinely spout untenable nonsense and frequently get away with it, because most people aren't well-schooled in the fundamentals of logic and reason, let alone science. As their beliefs gain an increasingly larger audience, pseudoscientists start to assume an air of invincibility and omnipotence. The very fact their ideas have such widespread acceptance is, in their minds, further proof of their veracity. People whose beliefs thrive largely because of ignorance, popular consensus and authority appeal tend to do poorly when challenged on scientific grounds. At first, they’ll attempt to address critiques with more pseudoscience. This, however, results in an argument that becomes increasingly untenable, self-contradictory and often downright absurd. Frustrated by the results of their self-defeating attempts to expound on The Science™, they quickly revert to their natural environment: The gutter. They abandon all pretense at science, and unleash a barrage of anti-logic and ad hominem attacks. This barrage will feature lies, dishonesty, smug condescension, red herrings, appeals to authority - everything except irrefutable evidence of the controlled scientific kind. Unable to refute important criticisms, they will talk as if their beliefs are self-evident and beyond challenge. You will be called a “denier” and “conspiracy theorist” for having the temerity to question their very questionable claims. They will retort that you have no formal scientific qualifications (i.e, you don’t have a piece of paper saying you spent several years at a government/globalist-controlled inculcation facility that receives large amounts of money from drug companies). Angry at being outpointed by a person who didn’t spend hundreds of thousands on college debt and Che Guevara t-shirts, they’ll insist you don’t “understand” the topic. This is a sly attempt to reframe your ability to see through their BS as an inability to comprehend supposedly complex topics. Pseudoscience, by the way, often appears “complex” because lies invariably require more lies to fortify the original untruths. The end result is a web of bollocks so intricate that, if you sit back patiently, will eventually ensnare the pseudoscientist in his or her own nonsense. When that happens, pseudoscientists get really frustrated. They’ll call you names, declare that arguing with you is not worth their time, and then reproduce a quote that has nothing to do with the topic at hand: This person has a PhD and runs a virology blog. Yet the best she can do to defend the virus paradigm is call skeptics “donkeys” and post quotes about the shortcomings of democracy by a science-fiction writer. Oh, and did I mention she takes Steve Kirsch seriously? You’re in great hands, virology LOL A Not-So-Nice Attempt to Undermine Critics of Virology One of my valued readers recently posted a link to a Substack post by a guy called Matthew Aldred titled “Viruses and DNA Are 'Just' Models?” The post’s subtitle reads “And governments sprayed toxins on people to make them think they had COVID?” So before I even start reading the post, it’s clear its intent is to portray virus skeptics as a bunch of cuckoo conspiracy theorists. This intent is confirmed when he includes a partial transcript allegedly reproduced from a podcast discussion featuring two virus skeptics. I say allegedly, because we’re not told where this podcast can be found, we’re not told when it took place, and we’re not told who the participants are. We are simply presented with a rambling, incoherent transcript that does a good job of making the mystery guest appear rambling and incoherent. What the transcript does not do is address the actual and inherently-flawed research that virology uses to claim the existence of viruses like Sars-Cov-2. And neither does Aldred. This evasiveness, this willingness to cast aspersions without actually addressing the relevant research, is a hallmark of Aldred’s post. In fact, it is so consistent of virus believers in general that they may as well register it as a trademark. There are countless pro-virus posts I could highlight as examples of pseudoscientific hack jobs. The reason I chose this one is because the author seems at pains to present himself as an impartial commentator. This claim to impartiality, and the author's professed disdain for the often uncivil nature of internet discussions, may disarm and lure some folks into dropping their intellectual guard. After all, how can you not trust a guy who says he just wants to get at the truth and wonders why we can't all just get along? I don’t know Aldred from a bar of soap, so cannot claim to know his motives. Maybe he is a nice guy. Maybe he really does believe himself to be impartial. What I can say without a doubt is that his post, be it by accident or design, is a catalog of logical fallacies and sleight of hand, the kind that allow charades like the Great COVID Con to gain traction. The post is a virtual masterclass in fuzzy logic, the kind used to defend untenable pseudoscience like the Sars-Cov-2 charade. Deconstructing that fuzzy logic, and exposing its mechanics and inherent fallacies, is like the research version of building situational awareness. You can recognize an assailant's intent ahead of time, and take the appropriate action. Fuzzy Logic Tactic #1: Making Untenable Claims then Switching the Burden of Proof to Skeptics Aldred begins his post with a bold-type disclaimer: In this article, I critique the trend of presenting speculative ideas with scant evidence as undeniable truths, particularly focusing on claims that ‘viruses are not real’. I examine a podcast that was sent to me and discuss the broader implications of the theories it presents. I argue that while scepticism is necessary, it’s unwise to completely dismiss established scientific concepts without substantial evidence. Before the article even gets going, he hits us with the ol’ switcheroo. With effortless sleight of hand, he has just transferred the burden of proof from virologists to those skeptical of virology. In his view, it’s not virology that lays claim to undeniable truths based on scant evidence - it is those of us who identify the huge cracks in virology’s foundation. It bears reminding that virology, to this day, still cannot even begin to physically isolate an alleged ‘virus.’ It is virology that claims you can ‘isolate’ an RNA- or DNA-virus by adding things like culture medium, bovine fetal serum and cell lines, which inevitably contaminate the mixture with extraneous RNA and likely DNA. This is the very opposite of isolation! It is virology that makes the self-serving and highly convenient claim that viruses can’t be isolated like bacteria can, because a virus needs a living host to survive and replicate. Michael Palmer, MD and Suchairt Bhakdi are textbook classic purveyors of this ruse, writing “Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture.” “The legend that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated,” they continue, “is founded solely on the rigid demand that such isolation be accomplished without the use of cell cultures.” Viruses can’t party hardy without first shacking up in a living cell, they claim, and therefore it’s “rigid” and unreasonable to expect scientists to isolate a virus in pure cell culture. A most curious claim, because during the COVIDiot years we were instructed to spray and wipe down everything in sight until our surroundings reeked like a hospital. Which begs an obvious question: Why did we need to disinfect inanimate objects to guard against a pathogen that can only survive and replicate inside living hosts? The Sars-Cov-2 virus, claimed people from the CDC and Fauci’s NIAID masquerading as scientists, “can remain viable and infectious in aerosols for hours and on surfaces up to days.” Listen virus-believers, you can’t have it both ways. Either a virus can survive outside a host, or it can’t. The Experts™ themselves have proclaimed in a leading medical tabloid that the ‘Sars-Cov-2 virus’ can survive on plastic and stainless steel “up to 72 hours after application.” Their words, not mine. Yet we’re supposed to believe, despite having up to a 72 hour window to do so, none of the world’s sophisticated microbiology labs has been able to take a single electron micograph happy snap of a single Sars-Cov-2 virion without first mixing non-purified patient samples with a bunch of other RNA- and DNA-containing material? To illustrate just what an utter load of tripe the virus paradigm is, here’s none other than Robert W Malone trying to answer what should be a simple question: “How would you explain the virus?” As you watch the video, keep in mind this is a guy who has an MD, BS in biochemistry, MS in biology, attended Harvard Medical School for a postdoc, taught pathology at two universities, received $10 billion of taxpayer funds from the US military for assorted shenanigans including vaccine development, and who proclaims himself to be the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology. He’s also made countless media appearances and charges $10,000 a pop to give speeches, so it’s fair to say Malone feels right at home in front of a camera. With a background like that, few people should be as eminently qualified as Sly Malone to explain what a virus is. So let's take a moment to learn from the great one: Even in the invigorating mountain air of beautiful Andalucia, Tio Roberto can’t even begin to offer a coherent explanation of what a virus is. "This particle is really ... self-replicating ... genes ... ... that aren't really alive. Uh, they exist as a parasite, in the way they become alive when they get into our cells.” Uh-huh. “It is a parasitic relationship, we ... I like to say we are the food for the virus.” “I think it's really good to think of this as a, um, a virus is a parasitic gene that, um, isn't truly alive but is at the boundary of living and non-living." Parasites operating on the boundary of living and non-living, huh? Sounds more like a government department to me. "A virus is even closer to a pure gene parasite. That's, that's really what they are." I think it's fair to say Sly has no clue what a virus is. Let's not be too hard on the guy - after all, it's hard to describe something that doesn't exist. Unable to quit when he's behind, Malone then objects to the objection that there is no Sars-Cov-2 virus by droning on about cell culture and isolation, not once mentioning that the cell culture 'isolation' experiments do not isolate anything but in fact add a bunch of other stuff to a patient sample that itself is already comprised of countless substances apart from an alleged virus. Man Offers €100,000 to Prove Existence of Measles Virus; Virologists Stay Quiet In November 2011, German biologist Stefan Lanka publicly issued a bold challenge. He offered the hefty sum of 100,000 Euros to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus. If the science behind virology was as well “established” as we’re repeatedly told, this should have constituted a quick and easy opportunity to score a large sum of money. Yet not one of the world’s countless virologists, microbiologists, or vocal health authorities took up Lanka’s offer. The only response came from a cocksure medical student called David Bardens, who submitted six studies he erroneously believed to constitute proof of the measles virus. Lanka reviewed the studies and correctly pointed out they proved nothing of the sort. Bardens then tried to sue for the money, but the German courts eventually ruled in Lanka’s favour. Documented liars like Steve Kirsch claim Lanka only won because of a legal technicality (Lanka actually required only one study and, not unreasonably, demanded that study not only establish the existence of a measles virus but also document its size. None of the six studies submitted by Bardens met this clearly stipulated requirement). The reality that Kirsch and his ilk refuse to discuss is that, irrespective of whether they included morphological details or not, none of the six studies Bardens served up even begin to prove the existence of a measles virus. In fact, the seminal 1954 ‘isolation’ paper by Enders and Peebles almost undermined the entire virus charade. They admit in the paper that “an uninoculated culture of monkey kidney cells” also demonstrated the cytopathic effect! Rather than entertain the possibility that the cell culture isolation charade was untenable, they simply declared, without any evidence whatsoever, that this unexpected 'cytopathic effect' was due to an unknown "agent" and then quickly moved on like nothing ever happened. The world of virology learned a valuable lesson: Never perform true control procedures during the cell culture isolation gig, because it could undermine the entire ruse. This is the inherently absurd, self-contradictory field of claptrap that Aldred deems an “established scientific concept.” He further excoriates us not to dismiss it without “substantial evidence,” never once addressing the reality that virology itself asks us to accept the presence of highly contagious pathogens without anything resembling substantial evidence. Remember the invisible leprechaun scenario at the start of this article? Using Aldred’s logic, in such a scenario the onus is on the disbelieving normal person, and not on the deluded virologist, to disprove the existence of invisible leprechauns. No. If you claim the existence of something that has never been seen before, you prove it. Fuzzy Logic Tactic #2: Gaslighting Successful advertisers know you don’t sell products by presenting people with a list of unassailable facts and figures. Nope, you need to press their hot buttons, and the way to do that is by triggering an emotional response. That’s why car advertisements don’t recite a list of impressive specifications. Instead, they feature attractive couples with Colgate smiles, happy families driving along while everyone stares in envy, and blokey blokes with huge grins blasting up and down muddy countrysides while the ad soundtrack blares “You can go your own way!” The message is: Buy our vehicle and you’ll get the pretty girl, have a picture perfect family, and be a trail-blazing maverick who lives life on his own terms. And everyone will look on in envy and admiration while you do it! It’s complete bollocks, of course - but it works. This kind of messaging bypasses our rational faculties and triggers our emotional hot buttons, often to the point where we’ll go into heavy debt just to scratch that emotional itch. “Yeah I get that, Anthony,” I hear you saying, “but what have car adverts got to do with the topic at hand?” Lots. Car manufacturers, you see, are hardly the only ones who know how to trigger our hot buttons. People who promote fake pandemics are also experts at bypassing people’s rational faculties. Attempts to appeal to people’s rational faculties during CONVID were quickly drowned out by rabid objections that anyone who refused to mask up and get poison-pricked was a selfish, heartless, evil granny-killer that deserved to be locked out of society. News outlets routinely ran heart-breaking stories of people who were once amazingly healthy until they were cruelly struck down by ‘COVID.’ No mention was made of the inconvenient fact that what really struck these people down was state-sanctioned murder, which included administration of drugs like midazolam and remdesivir, regular use of what should be last resort mechanical ventilation, and unlawful DNR (do not resuscitate) orders. It was a global gaslighting campaign that used emotional hotspotting to shut down rational discussion and instead cast the lone voices of reason - skeptics - as cold-blooded, tinfoil hat-wearing, menaces to society. And it worked. Spectacularly. So along comes Aldred, telling us to “beware of those handwaving away scientific models of reality that help us make good predictions, especially when it comes to important matters that keep us alive.” Translated: Virologists are keeping us alive, and by challenging them you virus skeptics are placing lives at risk! Rubbish. I’d like to see Aldred explain, in his own words, how the ‘scientific model’ of virology - which would have us believe resistance to disease comes from a syringe as opposed to healthy lifestyle habits - is keeping people alive? The bulk of the population-wide decline in measles mortality, for example, happened long before kids ever starting getting pricked with who-knows-what. Below are the trajectories for measles mortality in the US, UK and France, with the introduction of the measles vaccine overlaid on each graph. https://dissolvingillusions.com/graphs-images/#Figures I think it’s fair to say that, if you want to reduce death from a disease, first port of call for advice should not be people who think the key to public health is turning young kids into pin cushions. As for COVID, I’d love someone to explain how virology’s disgustingly reckless ‘scientific model’ of Sars-Cov-2 - which eagerly welcomed and even gushingly praised a complete abandonment of the usual safeguards to protect against dangerous and ineffective drugs - kept anyone alive? During the Pfizer vaxxx clinical trial, more people died in the gene therapy group than in the control group, and global estimates of excess post-vaxxx mortality run as high as 35 million lost lives. Now, name me even a single anti-vaxxxer who can boast that kind of body count? I’ll wait. The reality is that virology now has the kind of body count history’s bloodiest tyrants would be proud of. Other blockbusters from Virology’s Great Hits! include azidothymidine (AZT), a product of the early-1980s psy-op known as HIV/AIDS (funded by GloboPedo, produced by Fauci and Gallo Records). Despite all the hooplah, clinical trials found no reduction in mortality from AZT. People who got suckered into using this highly toxic drug, however, did find plenty of side effects. Another virology blockbuster, courtesy Bill & Melinda Productions, is the disgraceful polio vaccine rollout that caused almost 500,000 Indian children to suffer paralysis. While shamelessly dishonest ‘fact check’ outfits like Politifact would prefer you believed this never happened, it sure as heck did (Politifact is owned by Poynter who, by way of amazing coincidence, just happens to count the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations among its funders). Dhiman et al 2018 documented 491,000 additional cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in India between 2000-2017. The rise and decline in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in India aligned neatly with the increase and subsequent decrease in polio immunization rates. Once again, it’s not virus skeptics who murdered up to 35 million people. It’s not virology skeptics who are committing democide, and scarring survivors with everything from Guillain Barré Syndrome to myocarditis. It’s not virus skeptics who caused almost 500,000 poor Indian kids to suffer paralysis, or convinced people with ‘HIV/AIDS’ to take a drug that offered no mortality benefit but lots of severe side effects. The brains trust that enabled those criminal acts, in case anyone needs reminding, was Team Virology. I’ve barely scratched the surface of harms caused by this branch of pseudoscience. Suffice to say, it’s much easier to cite the lives ruined by this charade, than to cite lives saved from pathogens never shown to exist except by some voodoo ritual known as “cell culture isolation.” Virologists: So confident in their science, their inventions require immunity from prosecution. Fuzzy Logic Tactic #3: Pointing to ‘Experts’ for Validation, Without Offering Your Own Coherent Discussion of the Evidence Aldred’s post reaches comedic levels when he writes: “If you feel strongly that viruses are flawed science or even a conspiracy, please write a concise defence of your position in the comments section below (please avoid ‘just read so-and-so’s book’ or ‘watch so-and-so’s video’; I have the arguments from all the usual suspects and have yet to find a concise, coherent, and convincing case against viruses).” Aldred is specifically demanding you do not simply defer to other people’s material when making your case for the no-virus argument. Yet that is exactly what he does when making his own case. At no point in his article does he actually discuss the highly problematic research claiming to demonstrate viral isolation. I and others have presented detailed explanations of why these experiments are untenable; Aldred offers no counter-discussion of why we might be wrong. He makes bold claims that he fails to expound upon. Instead, he simply links to external sources, as if including a hyperlink is proof in itself. “Here’s another article on this subject by Michael Palmer at his new substack,” he writes, linking to an article that again fails to dissect the isolation studies. It simply declares that Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated “numerous times.” Continuing the game of Chinese Whispers, Palmer and co-author Bkahdi do as Aldred does and shun the opportunity to discuss these studies. Once again, they hyperlink the responsibility away to external websites. That’s fine for a Twitter post, but when you present yourself as an authoritative commentator and write an article making definitive claims, the onus is on you to explain your stance in a manner that shows you have a sound understanding of the topic. Making a claim like “yes, Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated,” then failing to address even a single criticism raised by skeptics hardly fulfills that obligation. “An overview of such studies,” write Palmer and Bkahdi of the so-called ‘isolation’ experiments, “has been provided by Jefferson et al” and a “solid study that correlates virus isolation, PCR and clinical findings in a series of hospitalized COVID-19-patients has been published by Wölfel et al.” (Bold emphasis added - correlation does not equal causation). Those of us who call Palmer and Bkahdi’s bluff and retrieve the full texts of the Jefferson and Wölfel papers quickly confirm the emperor has no clothes. All the studies reviewed by Jefferson et al and conducted by Wölfel et al involve the same old anti-isolation, cell culture flimflammery that gives rise to this controversy in the first place. You can see right here for yourself that Wölfel et al’s ‘isolation’ involved the usual charade of mixing non-purified patient samples with culture medium containing, among other things, 10% fetal calf serum, and Vero E6 (African green monkey kidney cells). I’ve discussed at length on this site why African green monkey kidney cells (aka Vero cells) are virology’s first choice of cell line for ‘isolation’ experiments, instead of more intuitive options like human lung cells. Unlike many other cell lines, Vero cells can be relied upon to deform and die off during the experiments, allowing virologists to claim a “cytopathic effect.” They then declare this cytopathic effect to be caused, not by their hand-picked choice of a purpose-bred cell line, but by a ‘virus.’ To top off the absurdities, Wölfel et al confirm the presence of Sars-Cov-2 in their utter non-isolate via “SARS-CoV-2 specific real-time RT-PCR using the SARS-2-CoV E assay." In plain English: Nothing was ever isolated. To the contrary, they added more stuff - including RNA- and DNA-containing bovine fetal serum - to the non-purified patient samples. When purpose-bred cells guaranteed to deform showed the “cytopathic effect,” they declared it was due to a virus. They then used the purpose-built PCR test designed to find Sars-Cov-2 in just about anything - including papaya, quail and goat - to proclaim that this virus was the mythical Sars-Cov-2. It bears reiterating that the handball strategy is a key fuzzy logic technique routinely used by pseudoscientists. They link to external sources, knowing full well most people won’t click through and read those sources. In Aldred’s case, this typically involves clicking through three links to finally get at the source document - something I dare say most people won’t do. Such a strategy allows people to make a bold claim and be seen to be providing evidence for it, when in reality they’re doing no such thing. Another example of the handball charade occurs when Aldred writes: “Ralph Baric’s work involves real viruses in gain-of-function research,” he declares. “You can isolate these viruses too. Also, scientists do indeed create viruses from scratch.” Once again, Aldred offers no elaboration of these bold claims, simply hyperlinks to external sources - the very thing he forbids others from doing. Clicking on the astounding claim that “scientists do indeed create viruses from scratch” takes one to a rather unhelpful press release from none other than the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - a major player in the Great COVID Con. Clicking through from that press release to the Science paper brings one to an abstract of a 2002 paper, the full text of which is hidden behind a paywall. Science, however, has made the full paper available at another location. That full text reveals the study was funded by “the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency" aka DARPA, another major perpetrator of the Great COVID Con. Hiding such information from your readers doesn’t do much for your credibility, but things get even more curious. The DARPA-funded researchers claim to have created a synthetic ‘poliovirus.’ If a virus is a living entity, then what these researchers have effectively claimed is to have created a synthetic life form. Now that would be truly revolutionary - if it were true. What the researchers really created was a chemical, and they actually admit it several times during the paper. However, they claim this chemical is “self-replicating” and “infectious.” Despite this, to “infect” mice with this chemical they had to first inject it directly into the brains of the hapless critters. To what should be no-one’s surprise, intracerebral injection of mice bred to be genetically susceptible to this bollockery caused “flaccid paralysis or death,” although “a larger inoculum” of the synthetic chemical was required to achieve this effect than stock-standard ‘poliovirus.’ I’d bet good money Aldred never read this study. It doesn’t prove the existence of ‘poliovirus,’ and it sure as heck doesn’t prove the existence of Sars-Cov-2. All it proves is that US military-sponsored researchers can claim to have created a chemical compound that, when injected directly into the brains of susceptible mice, causes neurological symptoms and death. Gee, whoever would’ve guessed injecting synthetic chemicals into an animal’s brain could cause symptoms of nerve damage and death? What, exactly, does this have to do with the claim that we humans transmit live ‘viruses’ to each other via sneezing, coughing, touching, fornicating, etc, etc, etc? Where, exactly, is the epidemic of ‘viruses’ caused by people injecting lab-made chemicals into each other’s brains? A revealing clue to the study’s true purpose can be gleaned in the closing paragraph, when the researchers write: “As a result of the World Health Organization’s vaccination campaign to eradicate poliovirus, the global population is better protected against poliomyelitis than ever before. Any threat from bioterrorism will only arise if mass vaccination stops and herd immunity against poliomyelitis is lost. No doubt technical advances will permit rapid synthesis of the poliovirus genome, given access to sophisticated resources. The potential for virus synthesis is an additional important factor for consideration in designing the closing strategies of the poliovirus eradication campaign.” That paragraph serves several useful purposes for the parasite class. It praises the evil WHO for eradicating poliovirus via vaccines, even though we know the threat from polio was overwhelmingly removed before polio vaccines were released. It paves the way for development of toxic bioweapons that can be conducted under the guise of defending against bioterrorism. It provides fodder for future man-made virus and “gain of function” stories that can be positioned as an alternative and suppressed explanation for pre-orchestrated pandemics. These alternative explanations can then be strategically ‘unsuppressed’ at key time points, like during a vaxxx rollout. It reinforces the inherently absurd mass vaccination and herd immunity paradigms, which hold that people who have taken an allegedly highly effective life-saving drug are in danger from those who haven’t. In a sane world, that would be known as a failed drug. Fuzzy Logic Tactic #4: Hypocrisy & Double-Standards We’ve already seen how Aldred demands others adhere to a higher standard of evidence than he believes he is obliged to. “I’ve no problem with someone speculating that viruses might not be real,” writes Aldred, “but I object when they claim with absolute certainty that this is the case.” Interestingly, Aldred has no problem with virologists claiming with absolute certainty that viruses exist, when they cannot provide any proof. Any last shred of credibility evaporates when Aldred does exactly what he accuses the 'no-virus' skeptics of: Namely, asserting something without evidence. He writes: "When multiple independent studies consistently support the existence of something—like the SARS-CoV-2 virus—it becomes scientifically prudent to accept its existence based on this substantial evidence, although this will probably evolve as new data emerges." Here, we see Aldred claim “multiple independent studies” consistently support the existence of Sars-Cov-2, but again he offers no discussion whatsoever of those studies. To describe those studies as “independent” when they were in fact conducted in a suspiciously similar manner by interrelated organizations like the Chinese CDC, US CDC and Australia’s Doherty Institute is an insult to one’s intelligence. The Chinese were the first to claim ‘isolation’ of the mythical ‘Sars-Cov-2.’ Shortly afterwards, the Doherty Institute in South China Melbourne, Australia loudly boasted it was the first entity outside of China to isolate the Woohoo virus. Any discussion of whether Sars-Cov-2 exists must discuss these studies and the numerous absurdities and inconsistencies contained within them. Aldred won’t touch them. Neither do pandemic shills like Steve Kirsch or Robert Malone or virologist Ian M. Mackay (a WEF ‘agenda contributor’) or Imperial College-indoctrinated Dr Siouxsie Wiles, all of whom rabidly insist Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated. That’s okay. I’m happy to discuss them. In fact, I already have, at length: The Great Covid Con: Sars-Cov-2 Doesn't Exist & Has NEVER Really Been Isolated "Sars-Cov-2" Does Not Exist (Part 2): Why Chinese Researchers NEVER Isolated the Virus The Doherty study was an utter joke. They couldn't find anything that looked like a coronavirus during their cell culture escapade, so they squirted some trypsin - a protein-digesting enzyme - into the mix, and when particles in that mix developed ragged edges they promptly declared them to be the spikes of a coronavirus! Aldred expects us to accept rubbish like this as proof of a 'novel' and deadly coronavirus? The Doherty researchers also admit they conducted no control procedures during their genetic sequencing caper, and their 'isolation' endeavor involved no control procedure using samples from healthy control subjects. When asked if they tested for other ‘viral’ genomes, the Doherty researchers even admitted: "We did not look for other viral genomes. Our assembly was performed against the released Wuhan-1 reference sequence as we were looking for Sars-CoV-2." (Bold emphasis added) I don’t know how much more obvious it gets: Come hell or high water, the Doherty researchers were going to find ‘Sars-Cov-2’ - even if they had to handsculpt it with trypsin and willfully blind themselves to the possibility that other ‘virus’ genomes may be present. To refuse to accept such anti-scientific rot as evidence of anything is not being a “denialist” or “conspiracist” - it simply means you refuse to be a gullible idiot. Ditto with the various papers released by the Chinese who claim to have first isolated Sars-Cov-2. As I outline in some detail, those papers are a vague, incoherent and suspicious mess, and when I emailed three of the researchers to get some clarification, the answer was ... total silence. It's all well and good to post URLs to other writers who agree with you, but when the actual researchers of the studies claiming isolation of Sars-Cov-2 either confirm lack of control procedures or refuse to even respond to you, that speaks volumes. Conclusion As a person who values truth way above appearing right all the time, I’m happy to be proven wrong. I'm more than happy to accept that viruses exist - if someone can show me isolation and transmission studies confirming as much that aren't laughable garbage. Until that happens, you virus believers can stop trying to gaslight me and others who refuse to believe your anti-scientific hogwash. When you call us “deniers” and “conspiracists”, all you’re doing is showing off your scientific ineptitude and your penchant for projection. It’s most unbecoming. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-146094701
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