• The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup
    Jeffrey A. Tucker
    We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the US, abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and Constitutional law. It is right there in plain sight for anyone curious enough to dig.

    There is nothing in it that you haven’t already experienced with lockdowns. What makes it interesting are the participants in the forging of the plan, which is pretty much the whole of corporate America as it stood in 2007. It was a George W. Bush initiative. The conclusions are startling.

    “Quarantine is a legally enforceable declaration that a government body may institute over individuals potentially exposed to a disease, but who are not symptomatic. If enacted, Federal quarantine laws will be coordinated between CDC and State and local public health officials, and, if necessary, law enforcement personnel…The government may also enact travel restrictions to limit the movement of people and products between geographic areas in an effort to limit disease transmission and spread. Authorities are currently reviewing possible plans to curtail international travel upon a pandemic’s emergence overseas.

    “Limiting public assembly opportunities also helps limit the spread of disease. Concert halls, movie theaters, sports arenas, shopping malls, and other large public gathering places might close indefinitely during a pandemic—whether because of voluntary closures or government-imposed closures. Similarly, officials may close schools and non-essential businesses during pandemic waves in an effort to significantly slow disease transmission rates. These strategies aim to prevent the close interaction of individuals, the primary conduit of spreading the influenza virus. Even taking steps such as limiting person-to-person interactions within a distance of three feet or avoiding instances of casual close contact, such as shaking hands, will help limit disease spread.”

    There we have it: the pandemic plans. They once seemed abstract. In 2020, they became very real. Your rights were deleted. No more freedom even to have house guests. In those days, the rule was to enforce only three feet of distance rather than six feet of distance, neither of which had any basis in science. Indeed, the actual scientific literature even at that time recommended against any physical interventions designed to limit the spread of respiratory viruses. They were known not to work. The entire profession of public health accepted that.

    Therefore, for many years before lockdowns wrecked economic functioning, there had been two parallel tracks in operation, one intellectual/academic and one imposed by state/corporate managers. They had nothing to do with each other. This situation persisted for the better part of 15 years. Suddenly in 2020, there was a reckoning, and the state/corporate managers won it. Seemingly out of nowhere, liberty as we have long known it was gone.

    Back in 2005, I first came across a Bush administration scheme, an early draft of the above, that would have ended freedom as we know it. It was a scheme for combating the bird flu, which officials back then imagined would involve universal quarantines, business and event closures, travel restrictions, and more.

    I wrote: “Even if the flu does come, and taxpayers have coughed up, the government will surely have a ball imposing travel restrictions, shutting down schools and businesses, quarantining cities, and banning public gatherings…It is a serious matter when the government purports to plan to abolish all liberty and nationalize all economic life and put every business under the control of the military, especially in the name of a bug that seems largely restricted to the bird population. Perhaps we should pay more attention. Perhaps such plans for the total state ought to even ruffle our feathers a bit.”

    For years I wrote about this topic, trying to get others interested. It was all there in black and white. At the drop of a hat, under the guise of a pandemic that only state managers can declare, real or drummed up, freedom itself could be abolished. These plans were never legislated, debated, or publicly discussed. They were simply posted as the result of various consultations with experts, who worked out their totalitarian fantasies as if scripting a Hollywood film.

    The 2007 blueprint is more explicit than anything I’ve seen. It comes from the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, which “includes executive leaders from the private sector and state/local government who advise the White House on how to reduce physical and cyber risks and improve the security and resilience of the nation’s critical infrastructure sectors. The NIAC is administered on behalf of the President in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act under the authority of the Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security.”

    And who sat on this committee in 2007 that decided that governments “may close schools and non-essential businesses”? Let us see.

    Mr. Edmund G. Archuleta, General Manager, El Paso Water Utilities
    Mr. Alfred R. Berkeley III, Chairman and CEO, Pipeline Trading Group, LLC, and former President and Vice Chairman of NASDAQ
    Chief Rebecca F. Denlinger, Fire Chief, Cobb County (Ga.) Fire and Emergency Services
    Chief Gilbert G. Gallegos, Police Chief (ret.), City of Albuquerque, N.M. Police Department
    Ms. Martha H. Marsh, President and CEO, Stanford Hospital and Clinics
    Mr. James B. Nicholson, President and CEO, PVS Chemical, Inc.
    Mr. Erle A. Nye, Chairman Emeritus, TXU Corp., NIAC Chairman
    Mr. Bruce A. Rohde, Chairman and CEO Emeritus, ConAgra Foods, Inc.
    Mr. John W. Thompson, Chairman and CEO, Symantec Corporation
    Mr. Brent Baglien, ConAgra Foods, Inc.
    Mr. David Barron, Bell South
    Mr. Dan Bart, TIA
    Mr. Scott Blanchette, Healthways
    Ms. Donna Burns, Georgia Emergency Management Agency
    Mr. Rob Clyde, Symantec Corporation
    Mr. Scott Culp, Microsoft
    Mr. Clay Detlefsen, International Dairy Foods Association
    Mr. Dave Engaldo, The Options Clearing Corporation
    Ms. Courtenay Enright, Symantec Corporation
    Mr. Gary Gardner, American Gas Association
    Mr. Bob Garfield, American Frozen Foods Institute
    Ms. Joan Gehrke, PVS Chemical, Inc.
    Ms. Sarah Gordon, Symantec
    Mr. Mike Hickey, Verizon
    Mr. Ron Hicks, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
    Mr. George Hender, The Options Clearing Corporation
    Mr. James Hunter, City of Albuquerque, NM Emergency Management
    Mr. Stan Johnson, North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC)
    Mr. David Jones, El Paso Corporation
    Inspector Jay Kopstein, Operations Division, New York City Police Department (NYPD)
    Ms. Tiffany Jones, Symantec Corporation
    Mr. Bruce Larson, American Water
    Mr. Charlie Lathram, Business Executives for National Security (BENS)/BellSouth
    Mr. Turner Madden, Madden & Patton
    Chief Mary Beth Michos, Prince William County (Va.) Fire and Rescue
    Mr. Bill Muston, TXU Corp.
    Mr. Vijay Nilekani, Nuclear Energy Institute
    Mr. Phil Reitinger, Microsoft
    Mr. Rob Rolfsen, Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Mr. Tim Roxey, Constellation
    Ms. Charyl Sarber, Symantec
    Mr. Lyman Shaffer, Pacific Gas and Electric,
    Ms. Diane VanDeHei, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA)
    Ms. Susan Vismor, Mellon Financial Corporation
    Mr. Ken Watson, Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Mr. Greg Wells, Southwest Airlines
    Mr. Gino Zucca, Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Resources
    Dr. Bruce Gellin, Rockefeller Foundation
    Dr. Mary Mazanec
    Dr. Stuart Nightingale, CDC
    Ms. Julie Schafer
    Dr. Ben Schwartz, CDC
    Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Resources
    Mr. James Caverly, Director, Infrastructure Partnerships Division
    Ms. Nancy Wong, NIAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO)
    Ms. Jenny Menna, NIAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO)
    Dr. Til Jolly
    Mr. Jon MacLaren
    Ms. Laverne Madison
    Ms. Kathie McCracken
    Mr. Bucky Owens
    Mr. Dale Brown, Contractor
    Mr. John Dragseth, IP attorney, Contractor
    Mr. Jeff Green, Contractor
    Mr. Tim McCabe, Contractor
    Mr. William B. Anderson, ITS America
    Mr. Michael Arceneaux, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA)
    Mr. Chad Callaghan, Marriott Corporation
    Mr. Ted Cromwell, American Chemistry Council (ACC)
    Ms. Jeanne Dumas, American Trucking Association (ATA)
    Ms. Joan Harris, US Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary
    Mr. Greg Hull, American Public Transportation Association
    Mr. Joe LaRocca, National Retail Federation
    Mr. Jack McKlveen, United Parcel Service (UPS)
    Ms. Beth Montgomery, Wal-Mart
    Dr. J. Patrick O’Neal, Georgia Office of EMS/Trauma/EP
    Mr. Roger Platt, The Real Estate Roundtable
    Mr. Martin Rojas, American Trucking Association (ATA)
    Mr. Timothy Sargent, Senior Chief, Economic Analysis and Forecasting Division, Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch, Finance Canada
    In other words, big everything: food, energy, retail, computers, water, and you name it. It’s a corporatist dream team.

    Consider ConAgra itself. What is that? It is Banquet, Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice, Orville Redenbacher’s, Reddi-Wip, Slim Jim, Hunt’s Peter Pan Egg Beaters, Hebrew National, Marie Callender’s, P.F. Chang’s, Ranch Style Beans, Ro*Tel, Wolf Brand Chili, Angie’s, Duke’s, Gardein, Frontera, Bertolli, among many other seemingly independent brands that are all actually one company.

    Now, ask yourself: why might all these companies favor a plan for lockdowns? Why might WalMart, for example? It stands to reason. Lockdowns are a massive interference with competitive capitalism. They provide the best possible subsidy to big business while shutting down independent small businesses and putting them at a huge disadvantage once the opening up happens.

    In other words, it is an industrial racket, very much akin to interwar-style fascism, a corporatist combination of big business and big government. Throw pharma into the mix and you see exactly what came to pass in 2020, which amounted to the largest transfer of wealth from small and medium-sized business plus the middle class to wealthy industrialists in the history of humanity.

    The document is open even about managing information flows: “The public and private sectors should align their communications, exercises, investments, and support activities absolutely with both the plan and priorities during a pandemic influenza event. Continue data gathering, analysis, reporting, and open review.”

    There is nothing in any of this that fits with any Western tradition of law and liberty. Nothing. It was never approved by any democratic means. It was never part of any political campaign. It has never been the subject of any serious media examination. No think tank has ever pushed back on such plans in any systematic way.

    The last serious attempt to debunk this whole apparatus was from D.H. Henderson in 2006. His two co-authors on that paper eventually came around to going along with lockdowns of 2020. Henderson died in 2016. One of the co-authors of the original article told me that if Dr. Henderson had been around, instead of Dr. Fauci, the lockdowns would never have taken place.

    Here we are four years following the deployment of this lockdown machinery, and we are witness to what it destroys. It would be nice to say that the entire apparatus and theory behind it have been fully discredited.

    But that is not correct. All the plans are still in place. There have been no changes in federal law. Not one effort has been made to dismantle the corporatist/biosecurity planning state that made all this possible. Every bit of it is in place for the next go-around.

    Much of the authority for this whole coup traces to the Public Health Services Act of 1944, which was passed in wartime. For the first time in US history, it gave the federal government the power to quarantine. Even when the Biden administration was looking for some basis to justify its transportation mask mandate, it fell back to this one piece of legislation.

    If anyone really wants to get to the root of this problem, there are decisive steps that need to be taken. The indemnification of pharma from liability for harm needs to be repealed. The court precedent of forced shots in Jacobson needs to be overthrown. But even more fundamentally, the quarantine power itself has to go, and that means the full repeal of the Public Health Services Act of 1944. That is the root of the problem. Freedom will not be safe until it is uprooted.

    As it stands right now, everything that unfolded in 2020 and 2021 can happen again. Indeed, the plans are in place for exactly that.

    Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
    For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone Institute Article and Author.


    Jeffrey Tucker is Founder, Author, and President at Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Life After Lockdown, and many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.

    View all posts

    The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup Jeffrey A. Tucker We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the US, abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and Constitutional law. It is right there in plain sight for anyone curious enough to dig. There is nothing in it that you haven’t already experienced with lockdowns. What makes it interesting are the participants in the forging of the plan, which is pretty much the whole of corporate America as it stood in 2007. It was a George W. Bush initiative. The conclusions are startling. “Quarantine is a legally enforceable declaration that a government body may institute over individuals potentially exposed to a disease, but who are not symptomatic. If enacted, Federal quarantine laws will be coordinated between CDC and State and local public health officials, and, if necessary, law enforcement personnel…The government may also enact travel restrictions to limit the movement of people and products between geographic areas in an effort to limit disease transmission and spread. Authorities are currently reviewing possible plans to curtail international travel upon a pandemic’s emergence overseas. “Limiting public assembly opportunities also helps limit the spread of disease. Concert halls, movie theaters, sports arenas, shopping malls, and other large public gathering places might close indefinitely during a pandemic—whether because of voluntary closures or government-imposed closures. Similarly, officials may close schools and non-essential businesses during pandemic waves in an effort to significantly slow disease transmission rates. These strategies aim to prevent the close interaction of individuals, the primary conduit of spreading the influenza virus. Even taking steps such as limiting person-to-person interactions within a distance of three feet or avoiding instances of casual close contact, such as shaking hands, will help limit disease spread.” There we have it: the pandemic plans. They once seemed abstract. In 2020, they became very real. Your rights were deleted. No more freedom even to have house guests. In those days, the rule was to enforce only three feet of distance rather than six feet of distance, neither of which had any basis in science. Indeed, the actual scientific literature even at that time recommended against any physical interventions designed to limit the spread of respiratory viruses. They were known not to work. The entire profession of public health accepted that. Therefore, for many years before lockdowns wrecked economic functioning, there had been two parallel tracks in operation, one intellectual/academic and one imposed by state/corporate managers. They had nothing to do with each other. This situation persisted for the better part of 15 years. Suddenly in 2020, there was a reckoning, and the state/corporate managers won it. Seemingly out of nowhere, liberty as we have long known it was gone. Back in 2005, I first came across a Bush administration scheme, an early draft of the above, that would have ended freedom as we know it. It was a scheme for combating the bird flu, which officials back then imagined would involve universal quarantines, business and event closures, travel restrictions, and more. I wrote: “Even if the flu does come, and taxpayers have coughed up, the government will surely have a ball imposing travel restrictions, shutting down schools and businesses, quarantining cities, and banning public gatherings…It is a serious matter when the government purports to plan to abolish all liberty and nationalize all economic life and put every business under the control of the military, especially in the name of a bug that seems largely restricted to the bird population. Perhaps we should pay more attention. Perhaps such plans for the total state ought to even ruffle our feathers a bit.” For years I wrote about this topic, trying to get others interested. It was all there in black and white. At the drop of a hat, under the guise of a pandemic that only state managers can declare, real or drummed up, freedom itself could be abolished. These plans were never legislated, debated, or publicly discussed. They were simply posted as the result of various consultations with experts, who worked out their totalitarian fantasies as if scripting a Hollywood film. The 2007 blueprint is more explicit than anything I’ve seen. It comes from the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, which “includes executive leaders from the private sector and state/local government who advise the White House on how to reduce physical and cyber risks and improve the security and resilience of the nation’s critical infrastructure sectors. The NIAC is administered on behalf of the President in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act under the authority of the Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security.” And who sat on this committee in 2007 that decided that governments “may close schools and non-essential businesses”? Let us see. Mr. Edmund G. Archuleta, General Manager, El Paso Water Utilities Mr. Alfred R. Berkeley III, Chairman and CEO, Pipeline Trading Group, LLC, and former President and Vice Chairman of NASDAQ Chief Rebecca F. Denlinger, Fire Chief, Cobb County (Ga.) Fire and Emergency Services Chief Gilbert G. Gallegos, Police Chief (ret.), City of Albuquerque, N.M. Police Department Ms. Martha H. Marsh, President and CEO, Stanford Hospital and Clinics Mr. James B. Nicholson, President and CEO, PVS Chemical, Inc. Mr. Erle A. Nye, Chairman Emeritus, TXU Corp., NIAC Chairman Mr. Bruce A. Rohde, Chairman and CEO Emeritus, ConAgra Foods, Inc. Mr. John W. Thompson, Chairman and CEO, Symantec Corporation Mr. Brent Baglien, ConAgra Foods, Inc. Mr. David Barron, Bell South Mr. Dan Bart, TIA Mr. Scott Blanchette, Healthways Ms. Donna Burns, Georgia Emergency Management Agency Mr. Rob Clyde, Symantec Corporation Mr. Scott Culp, Microsoft Mr. Clay Detlefsen, International Dairy Foods Association Mr. Dave Engaldo, The Options Clearing Corporation Ms. Courtenay Enright, Symantec Corporation Mr. Gary Gardner, American Gas Association Mr. Bob Garfield, American Frozen Foods Institute Ms. Joan Gehrke, PVS Chemical, Inc. Ms. Sarah Gordon, Symantec Mr. Mike Hickey, Verizon Mr. Ron Hicks, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Mr. George Hender, The Options Clearing Corporation Mr. James Hunter, City of Albuquerque, NM Emergency Management Mr. Stan Johnson, North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) Mr. David Jones, El Paso Corporation Inspector Jay Kopstein, Operations Division, New York City Police Department (NYPD) Ms. Tiffany Jones, Symantec Corporation Mr. Bruce Larson, American Water Mr. Charlie Lathram, Business Executives for National Security (BENS)/BellSouth Mr. Turner Madden, Madden & Patton Chief Mary Beth Michos, Prince William County (Va.) Fire and Rescue Mr. Bill Muston, TXU Corp. Mr. Vijay Nilekani, Nuclear Energy Institute Mr. Phil Reitinger, Microsoft Mr. Rob Rolfsen, Cisco Systems, Inc. Mr. Tim Roxey, Constellation Ms. Charyl Sarber, Symantec Mr. Lyman Shaffer, Pacific Gas and Electric, Ms. Diane VanDeHei, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) Ms. Susan Vismor, Mellon Financial Corporation Mr. Ken Watson, Cisco Systems, Inc. Mr. Greg Wells, Southwest Airlines Mr. Gino Zucca, Cisco Systems, Inc. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Resources Dr. Bruce Gellin, Rockefeller Foundation Dr. Mary Mazanec Dr. Stuart Nightingale, CDC Ms. Julie Schafer Dr. Ben Schwartz, CDC Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Resources Mr. James Caverly, Director, Infrastructure Partnerships Division Ms. Nancy Wong, NIAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO) Ms. Jenny Menna, NIAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO) Dr. Til Jolly Mr. Jon MacLaren Ms. Laverne Madison Ms. Kathie McCracken Mr. Bucky Owens Mr. Dale Brown, Contractor Mr. John Dragseth, IP attorney, Contractor Mr. Jeff Green, Contractor Mr. Tim McCabe, Contractor Mr. William B. Anderson, ITS America Mr. Michael Arceneaux, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) Mr. Chad Callaghan, Marriott Corporation Mr. Ted Cromwell, American Chemistry Council (ACC) Ms. Jeanne Dumas, American Trucking Association (ATA) Ms. Joan Harris, US Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary Mr. Greg Hull, American Public Transportation Association Mr. Joe LaRocca, National Retail Federation Mr. Jack McKlveen, United Parcel Service (UPS) Ms. Beth Montgomery, Wal-Mart Dr. J. Patrick O’Neal, Georgia Office of EMS/Trauma/EP Mr. Roger Platt, The Real Estate Roundtable Mr. Martin Rojas, American Trucking Association (ATA) Mr. Timothy Sargent, Senior Chief, Economic Analysis and Forecasting Division, Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch, Finance Canada In other words, big everything: food, energy, retail, computers, water, and you name it. It’s a corporatist dream team. Consider ConAgra itself. What is that? It is Banquet, Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice, Orville Redenbacher’s, Reddi-Wip, Slim Jim, Hunt’s Peter Pan Egg Beaters, Hebrew National, Marie Callender’s, P.F. Chang’s, Ranch Style Beans, Ro*Tel, Wolf Brand Chili, Angie’s, Duke’s, Gardein, Frontera, Bertolli, among many other seemingly independent brands that are all actually one company. Now, ask yourself: why might all these companies favor a plan for lockdowns? Why might WalMart, for example? It stands to reason. Lockdowns are a massive interference with competitive capitalism. They provide the best possible subsidy to big business while shutting down independent small businesses and putting them at a huge disadvantage once the opening up happens. In other words, it is an industrial racket, very much akin to interwar-style fascism, a corporatist combination of big business and big government. Throw pharma into the mix and you see exactly what came to pass in 2020, which amounted to the largest transfer of wealth from small and medium-sized business plus the middle class to wealthy industrialists in the history of humanity. The document is open even about managing information flows: “The public and private sectors should align their communications, exercises, investments, and support activities absolutely with both the plan and priorities during a pandemic influenza event. Continue data gathering, analysis, reporting, and open review.” There is nothing in any of this that fits with any Western tradition of law and liberty. Nothing. It was never approved by any democratic means. It was never part of any political campaign. It has never been the subject of any serious media examination. No think tank has ever pushed back on such plans in any systematic way. The last serious attempt to debunk this whole apparatus was from D.H. Henderson in 2006. His two co-authors on that paper eventually came around to going along with lockdowns of 2020. Henderson died in 2016. One of the co-authors of the original article told me that if Dr. Henderson had been around, instead of Dr. Fauci, the lockdowns would never have taken place. Here we are four years following the deployment of this lockdown machinery, and we are witness to what it destroys. It would be nice to say that the entire apparatus and theory behind it have been fully discredited. But that is not correct. All the plans are still in place. There have been no changes in federal law. Not one effort has been made to dismantle the corporatist/biosecurity planning state that made all this possible. Every bit of it is in place for the next go-around. Much of the authority for this whole coup traces to the Public Health Services Act of 1944, which was passed in wartime. For the first time in US history, it gave the federal government the power to quarantine. Even when the Biden administration was looking for some basis to justify its transportation mask mandate, it fell back to this one piece of legislation. If anyone really wants to get to the root of this problem, there are decisive steps that need to be taken. The indemnification of pharma from liability for harm needs to be repealed. The court precedent of forced shots in Jacobson needs to be overthrown. But even more fundamentally, the quarantine power itself has to go, and that means the full repeal of the Public Health Services Act of 1944. That is the root of the problem. Freedom will not be safe until it is uprooted. As it stands right now, everything that unfolded in 2020 and 2021 can happen again. Indeed, the plans are in place for exactly that. Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone Institute Article and Author. Author Jeffrey Tucker is Founder, Author, and President at Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Life After Lockdown, and many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture. View all posts https://brownstone.org/articles/the-pandemic-excuse-for-a-corporatist-coup/
    The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup ⋆ Brownstone Institute
    The indemnification of pharma from liability for harm needs to be repealed. But even more fundamentally, the quarantine power itself has to go, and that means the full repeal of the Public Health Services Act of 1944.
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  • The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup
    Jeffrey A. Tucker
    We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the US, abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and Constitutional law. It is right there in plain sight for anyone curious enough to dig.

    There is nothing in it that you haven’t already experienced with lockdowns. What makes it interesting are the participants in the forging of the plan, which is pretty much the whole of corporate America as it stood in 2007. It was a George W. Bush initiative. The conclusions are startling.

    “Quarantine is a legally enforceable declaration that a government body may institute over individuals potentially exposed to a disease, but who are not symptomatic. If enacted, Federal quarantine laws will be coordinated between CDC and State and local public health officials, and, if necessary, law enforcement personnel…The government may also enact travel restrictions to limit the movement of people and products between geographic areas in an effort to limit disease transmission and spread. Authorities are currently reviewing possible plans to curtail international travel upon a pandemic’s emergence overseas.

    “Limiting public assembly opportunities also helps limit the spread of disease. Concert halls, movie theaters, sports arenas, shopping malls, and other large public gathering places might close indefinitely during a pandemic—whether because of voluntary closures or government-imposed closures. Similarly, officials may close schools and non-essential businesses during pandemic waves in an effort to significantly slow disease transmission rates. These strategies aim to prevent the close interaction of individuals, the primary conduit of spreading the influenza virus. Even taking steps such as limiting person-to-person interactions within a distance of three feet or avoiding instances of casual close contact, such as shaking hands, will help limit disease spread.”

    There we have it: the pandemic plans. They once seemed abstract. In 2020, they became very real. Your rights were deleted. No more freedom even to have house guests. In those days, the rule was to enforce only three feet of distance rather than six feet of distance, neither of which had any basis in science. Indeed, the actual scientific literature even at that time recommended against any physical interventions designed to limit the spread of respiratory viruses. They were known not to work. The entire profession of public health accepted that.

    Therefore, for many years before lockdowns wrecked economic functioning, there had been two parallel tracks in operation, one intellectual/academic and one imposed by state/corporate managers. They had nothing to do with each other. This situation persisted for the better part of 15 years. Suddenly in 2020, there was a reckoning, and the state/corporate managers won it. Seemingly out of nowhere, liberty as we have long known it was gone.

    Back in 2005, I first came across a Bush administration scheme, an early draft of the above, that would have ended freedom as we know it. It was a scheme for combating the bird flu, which officials back then imagined would involve universal quarantines, business and event closures, travel restrictions, and more.

    I wrote: “Even if the flu does come, and taxpayers have coughed up, the government will surely have a ball imposing travel restrictions, shutting down schools and businesses, quarantining cities, and banning public gatherings…It is a serious matter when the government purports to plan to abolish all liberty and nationalize all economic life and put every business under the control of the military, especially in the name of a bug that seems largely restricted to the bird population. Perhaps we should pay more attention. Perhaps such plans for the total state ought to even ruffle our feathers a bit.”

    For years I wrote about this topic, trying to get others interested. It was all there in black and white. At the drop of a hat, under the guise of a pandemic that only state managers can declare, real or drummed up, freedom itself could be abolished. These plans were never legislated, debated, or publicly discussed. They were simply posted as the result of various consultations with experts, who worked out their totalitarian fantasies as if scripting a Hollywood film.

    The 2007 blueprint is more explicit than anything I’ve seen. It comes from the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, which “includes executive leaders from the private sector and state/local government who advise the White House on how to reduce physical and cyber risks and improve the security and resilience of the nation’s critical infrastructure sectors. The NIAC is administered on behalf of the President in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act under the authority of the Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security.”

    And who sat on this committee in 2007 that decided that governments “may close schools and non-essential businesses”? Let us see.

    Mr. Edmund G. Archuleta, General Manager, El Paso Water Utilities
    Mr. Alfred R. Berkeley III, Chairman and CEO, Pipeline Trading Group, LLC, and former President and Vice Chairman of NASDAQ
    Chief Rebecca F. Denlinger, Fire Chief, Cobb County (Ga.) Fire and Emergency Services
    Chief Gilbert G. Gallegos, Police Chief (ret.), City of Albuquerque, N.M. Police Department
    Ms. Martha H. Marsh, President and CEO, Stanford Hospital and Clinics
    Mr. James B. Nicholson, President and CEO, PVS Chemical, Inc.
    Mr. Erle A. Nye, Chairman Emeritus, TXU Corp., NIAC Chairman
    Mr. Bruce A. Rohde, Chairman and CEO Emeritus, ConAgra Foods, Inc.
    Mr. John W. Thompson, Chairman and CEO, Symantec Corporation
    Mr. Brent Baglien, ConAgra Foods, Inc.
    Mr. David Barron, Bell South
    Mr. Dan Bart, TIA
    Mr. Scott Blanchette, Healthways
    Ms. Donna Burns, Georgia Emergency Management Agency
    Mr. Rob Clyde, Symantec Corporation
    Mr. Scott Culp, Microsoft
    Mr. Clay Detlefsen, International Dairy Foods Association
    Mr. Dave Engaldo, The Options Clearing Corporation
    Ms. Courtenay Enright, Symantec Corporation
    Mr. Gary Gardner, American Gas Association
    Mr. Bob Garfield, American Frozen Foods Institute
    Ms. Joan Gehrke, PVS Chemical, Inc.
    Ms. Sarah Gordon, Symantec
    Mr. Mike Hickey, Verizon
    Mr. Ron Hicks, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
    Mr. George Hender, The Options Clearing Corporation
    Mr. James Hunter, City of Albuquerque, NM Emergency Management
    Mr. Stan Johnson, North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC)
    Mr. David Jones, El Paso Corporation
    Inspector Jay Kopstein, Operations Division, New York City Police Department (NYPD)
    Ms. Tiffany Jones, Symantec Corporation
    Mr. Bruce Larson, American Water
    Mr. Charlie Lathram, Business Executives for National Security (BENS)/BellSouth
    Mr. Turner Madden, Madden & Patton
    Chief Mary Beth Michos, Prince William County (Va.) Fire and Rescue
    Mr. Bill Muston, TXU Corp.
    Mr. Vijay Nilekani, Nuclear Energy Institute
    Mr. Phil Reitinger, Microsoft
    Mr. Rob Rolfsen, Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Mr. Tim Roxey, Constellation
    Ms. Charyl Sarber, Symantec
    Mr. Lyman Shaffer, Pacific Gas and Electric,
    Ms. Diane VanDeHei, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA)
    Ms. Susan Vismor, Mellon Financial Corporation
    Mr. Ken Watson, Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Mr. Greg Wells, Southwest Airlines
    Mr. Gino Zucca, Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Resources
    Dr. Bruce Gellin, Rockefeller Foundation
    Dr. Mary Mazanec
    Dr. Stuart Nightingale, CDC
    Ms. Julie Schafer
    Dr. Ben Schwartz, CDC
    Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Resources
    Mr. James Caverly, Director, Infrastructure Partnerships Division
    Ms. Nancy Wong, NIAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO)
    Ms. Jenny Menna, NIAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO)
    Dr. Til Jolly
    Mr. Jon MacLaren
    Ms. Laverne Madison
    Ms. Kathie McCracken
    Mr. Bucky Owens
    Mr. Dale Brown, Contractor
    Mr. John Dragseth, IP attorney, Contractor
    Mr. Jeff Green, Contractor
    Mr. Tim McCabe, Contractor
    Mr. William B. Anderson, ITS America
    Mr. Michael Arceneaux, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA)
    Mr. Chad Callaghan, Marriott Corporation
    Mr. Ted Cromwell, American Chemistry Council (ACC)
    Ms. Jeanne Dumas, American Trucking Association (ATA)
    Ms. Joan Harris, US Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary
    Mr. Greg Hull, American Public Transportation Association
    Mr. Joe LaRocca, National Retail Federation
    Mr. Jack McKlveen, United Parcel Service (UPS)
    Ms. Beth Montgomery, Wal-Mart
    Dr. J. Patrick O’Neal, Georgia Office of EMS/Trauma/EP
    Mr. Roger Platt, The Real Estate Roundtable
    Mr. Martin Rojas, American Trucking Association (ATA)
    Mr. Timothy Sargent, Senior Chief, Economic Analysis and Forecasting Division, Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch, Finance Canada
    In other words, big everything: food, energy, retail, computers, water, and you name it. It’s a corporatist dream team.

    Consider ConAgra itself. What is that? It is Banquet, Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice, Orville Redenbacher’s, Reddi-Wip, Slim Jim, Hunt’s Peter Pan Egg Beaters, Hebrew National, Marie Callender’s, P.F. Chang’s, Ranch Style Beans, Ro*Tel, Wolf Brand Chili, Angie’s, Duke’s, Gardein, Frontera, Bertolli, among many other seemingly independent brands that are all actually one company.

    Now, ask yourself: why might all these companies favor a plan for lockdowns? Why might WalMart, for example? It stands to reason. Lockdowns are a massive interference with competitive capitalism. They provide the best possible subsidy to big business while shutting down independent small businesses and putting them at a huge disadvantage once the opening up happens.

    In other words, it is an industrial racket, very much akin to interwar-style fascism, a corporatist combination of big business and big government. Throw pharma into the mix and you see exactly what came to pass in 2020, which amounted to the largest transfer of wealth from small and medium-sized business plus the middle class to wealthy industrialists in the history of humanity.

    The document is open even about managing information flows: “The public and private sectors should align their communications, exercises, investments, and support activities absolutely with both the plan and priorities during a pandemic influenza event. Continue data gathering, analysis, reporting, and open review.”

    There is nothing in any of this that fits with any Western tradition of law and liberty. Nothing. It was never approved by any democratic means. It was never part of any political campaign. It has never been the subject of any serious media examination. No think tank has ever pushed back on such plans in any systematic way.

    The last serious attempt to debunk this whole apparatus was from D.H. Henderson in 2006. His two co-authors on that paper eventually came around to going along with lockdowns of 2020. Henderson died in 2016. One of the co-authors of the original article told me that if Dr. Henderson had been around, instead of Dr. Fauci, the lockdowns would never have taken place.

    Here we are four years following the deployment of this lockdown machinery, and we are witness to what it destroys. It would be nice to say that the entire apparatus and theory behind it have been fully discredited.

    But that is not correct. All the plans are still in place. There have been no changes in federal law. Not one effort has been made to dismantle the corporatist/biosecurity planning state that made all this possible. Every bit of it is in place for the next go-around.

    Much of the authority for this whole coup traces to the Public Health Services Act of 1944, which was passed in wartime. For the first time in US history, it gave the federal government the power to quarantine. Even when the Biden administration was looking for some basis to justify its transportation mask mandate, it fell back to this one piece of legislation.

    If anyone really wants to get to the root of this problem, there are decisive steps that need to be taken. The indemnification of pharma from liability for harm needs to be repealed. The court precedent of forced shots in Jacobson needs to be overthrown. But even more fundamentally, the quarantine power itself has to go, and that means the full repeal of the Public Health Services Act of 1944. That is the root of the problem. Freedom will not be safe until it is uprooted.

    As it stands right now, everything that unfolded in 2020 and 2021 can happen again. Indeed, the plans are in place for exactly that.

    Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
    For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone Institute Article and Author.


    Jeffrey Tucker is Founder, Author, and President at Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Life After Lockdown, and many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.

    View all posts

    The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup Jeffrey A. Tucker We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the US, abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and Constitutional law. It is right there in plain sight for anyone curious enough to dig. There is nothing in it that you haven’t already experienced with lockdowns. What makes it interesting are the participants in the forging of the plan, which is pretty much the whole of corporate America as it stood in 2007. It was a George W. Bush initiative. The conclusions are startling. “Quarantine is a legally enforceable declaration that a government body may institute over individuals potentially exposed to a disease, but who are not symptomatic. If enacted, Federal quarantine laws will be coordinated between CDC and State and local public health officials, and, if necessary, law enforcement personnel…The government may also enact travel restrictions to limit the movement of people and products between geographic areas in an effort to limit disease transmission and spread. Authorities are currently reviewing possible plans to curtail international travel upon a pandemic’s emergence overseas. “Limiting public assembly opportunities also helps limit the spread of disease. Concert halls, movie theaters, sports arenas, shopping malls, and other large public gathering places might close indefinitely during a pandemic—whether because of voluntary closures or government-imposed closures. Similarly, officials may close schools and non-essential businesses during pandemic waves in an effort to significantly slow disease transmission rates. These strategies aim to prevent the close interaction of individuals, the primary conduit of spreading the influenza virus. Even taking steps such as limiting person-to-person interactions within a distance of three feet or avoiding instances of casual close contact, such as shaking hands, will help limit disease spread.” There we have it: the pandemic plans. They once seemed abstract. In 2020, they became very real. Your rights were deleted. No more freedom even to have house guests. In those days, the rule was to enforce only three feet of distance rather than six feet of distance, neither of which had any basis in science. Indeed, the actual scientific literature even at that time recommended against any physical interventions designed to limit the spread of respiratory viruses. They were known not to work. The entire profession of public health accepted that. Therefore, for many years before lockdowns wrecked economic functioning, there had been two parallel tracks in operation, one intellectual/academic and one imposed by state/corporate managers. They had nothing to do with each other. This situation persisted for the better part of 15 years. Suddenly in 2020, there was a reckoning, and the state/corporate managers won it. Seemingly out of nowhere, liberty as we have long known it was gone. Back in 2005, I first came across a Bush administration scheme, an early draft of the above, that would have ended freedom as we know it. It was a scheme for combating the bird flu, which officials back then imagined would involve universal quarantines, business and event closures, travel restrictions, and more. I wrote: “Even if the flu does come, and taxpayers have coughed up, the government will surely have a ball imposing travel restrictions, shutting down schools and businesses, quarantining cities, and banning public gatherings…It is a serious matter when the government purports to plan to abolish all liberty and nationalize all economic life and put every business under the control of the military, especially in the name of a bug that seems largely restricted to the bird population. Perhaps we should pay more attention. Perhaps such plans for the total state ought to even ruffle our feathers a bit.” For years I wrote about this topic, trying to get others interested. It was all there in black and white. At the drop of a hat, under the guise of a pandemic that only state managers can declare, real or drummed up, freedom itself could be abolished. These plans were never legislated, debated, or publicly discussed. They were simply posted as the result of various consultations with experts, who worked out their totalitarian fantasies as if scripting a Hollywood film. The 2007 blueprint is more explicit than anything I’ve seen. It comes from the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, which “includes executive leaders from the private sector and state/local government who advise the White House on how to reduce physical and cyber risks and improve the security and resilience of the nation’s critical infrastructure sectors. The NIAC is administered on behalf of the President in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act under the authority of the Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security.” And who sat on this committee in 2007 that decided that governments “may close schools and non-essential businesses”? Let us see. Mr. Edmund G. Archuleta, General Manager, El Paso Water Utilities Mr. Alfred R. Berkeley III, Chairman and CEO, Pipeline Trading Group, LLC, and former President and Vice Chairman of NASDAQ Chief Rebecca F. Denlinger, Fire Chief, Cobb County (Ga.) Fire and Emergency Services Chief Gilbert G. Gallegos, Police Chief (ret.), City of Albuquerque, N.M. Police Department Ms. Martha H. Marsh, President and CEO, Stanford Hospital and Clinics Mr. James B. Nicholson, President and CEO, PVS Chemical, Inc. Mr. Erle A. Nye, Chairman Emeritus, TXU Corp., NIAC Chairman Mr. Bruce A. Rohde, Chairman and CEO Emeritus, ConAgra Foods, Inc. Mr. John W. Thompson, Chairman and CEO, Symantec Corporation Mr. Brent Baglien, ConAgra Foods, Inc. Mr. David Barron, Bell South Mr. Dan Bart, TIA Mr. Scott Blanchette, Healthways Ms. Donna Burns, Georgia Emergency Management Agency Mr. Rob Clyde, Symantec Corporation Mr. Scott Culp, Microsoft Mr. Clay Detlefsen, International Dairy Foods Association Mr. Dave Engaldo, The Options Clearing Corporation Ms. Courtenay Enright, Symantec Corporation Mr. Gary Gardner, American Gas Association Mr. Bob Garfield, American Frozen Foods Institute Ms. Joan Gehrke, PVS Chemical, Inc. Ms. Sarah Gordon, Symantec Mr. Mike Hickey, Verizon Mr. Ron Hicks, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Mr. George Hender, The Options Clearing Corporation Mr. James Hunter, City of Albuquerque, NM Emergency Management Mr. Stan Johnson, North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) Mr. David Jones, El Paso Corporation Inspector Jay Kopstein, Operations Division, New York City Police Department (NYPD) Ms. Tiffany Jones, Symantec Corporation Mr. Bruce Larson, American Water Mr. Charlie Lathram, Business Executives for National Security (BENS)/BellSouth Mr. Turner Madden, Madden & Patton Chief Mary Beth Michos, Prince William County (Va.) Fire and Rescue Mr. Bill Muston, TXU Corp. Mr. Vijay Nilekani, Nuclear Energy Institute Mr. Phil Reitinger, Microsoft Mr. Rob Rolfsen, Cisco Systems, Inc. Mr. Tim Roxey, Constellation Ms. Charyl Sarber, Symantec Mr. Lyman Shaffer, Pacific Gas and Electric, Ms. Diane VanDeHei, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) Ms. Susan Vismor, Mellon Financial Corporation Mr. Ken Watson, Cisco Systems, Inc. Mr. Greg Wells, Southwest Airlines Mr. Gino Zucca, Cisco Systems, Inc. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Resources Dr. Bruce Gellin, Rockefeller Foundation Dr. Mary Mazanec Dr. Stuart Nightingale, CDC Ms. Julie Schafer Dr. Ben Schwartz, CDC Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Resources Mr. James Caverly, Director, Infrastructure Partnerships Division Ms. Nancy Wong, NIAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO) Ms. Jenny Menna, NIAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO) Dr. Til Jolly Mr. Jon MacLaren Ms. Laverne Madison Ms. Kathie McCracken Mr. Bucky Owens Mr. Dale Brown, Contractor Mr. John Dragseth, IP attorney, Contractor Mr. Jeff Green, Contractor Mr. Tim McCabe, Contractor Mr. William B. Anderson, ITS America Mr. Michael Arceneaux, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) Mr. Chad Callaghan, Marriott Corporation Mr. Ted Cromwell, American Chemistry Council (ACC) Ms. Jeanne Dumas, American Trucking Association (ATA) Ms. Joan Harris, US Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary Mr. Greg Hull, American Public Transportation Association Mr. Joe LaRocca, National Retail Federation Mr. Jack McKlveen, United Parcel Service (UPS) Ms. Beth Montgomery, Wal-Mart Dr. J. Patrick O’Neal, Georgia Office of EMS/Trauma/EP Mr. Roger Platt, The Real Estate Roundtable Mr. Martin Rojas, American Trucking Association (ATA) Mr. Timothy Sargent, Senior Chief, Economic Analysis and Forecasting Division, Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch, Finance Canada In other words, big everything: food, energy, retail, computers, water, and you name it. It’s a corporatist dream team. Consider ConAgra itself. What is that? It is Banquet, Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice, Orville Redenbacher’s, Reddi-Wip, Slim Jim, Hunt’s Peter Pan Egg Beaters, Hebrew National, Marie Callender’s, P.F. Chang’s, Ranch Style Beans, Ro*Tel, Wolf Brand Chili, Angie’s, Duke’s, Gardein, Frontera, Bertolli, among many other seemingly independent brands that are all actually one company. Now, ask yourself: why might all these companies favor a plan for lockdowns? Why might WalMart, for example? It stands to reason. Lockdowns are a massive interference with competitive capitalism. They provide the best possible subsidy to big business while shutting down independent small businesses and putting them at a huge disadvantage once the opening up happens. In other words, it is an industrial racket, very much akin to interwar-style fascism, a corporatist combination of big business and big government. Throw pharma into the mix and you see exactly what came to pass in 2020, which amounted to the largest transfer of wealth from small and medium-sized business plus the middle class to wealthy industrialists in the history of humanity. The document is open even about managing information flows: “The public and private sectors should align their communications, exercises, investments, and support activities absolutely with both the plan and priorities during a pandemic influenza event. Continue data gathering, analysis, reporting, and open review.” There is nothing in any of this that fits with any Western tradition of law and liberty. Nothing. It was never approved by any democratic means. It was never part of any political campaign. It has never been the subject of any serious media examination. No think tank has ever pushed back on such plans in any systematic way. The last serious attempt to debunk this whole apparatus was from D.H. Henderson in 2006. His two co-authors on that paper eventually came around to going along with lockdowns of 2020. Henderson died in 2016. One of the co-authors of the original article told me that if Dr. Henderson had been around, instead of Dr. Fauci, the lockdowns would never have taken place. Here we are four years following the deployment of this lockdown machinery, and we are witness to what it destroys. It would be nice to say that the entire apparatus and theory behind it have been fully discredited. But that is not correct. All the plans are still in place. There have been no changes in federal law. Not one effort has been made to dismantle the corporatist/biosecurity planning state that made all this possible. Every bit of it is in place for the next go-around. Much of the authority for this whole coup traces to the Public Health Services Act of 1944, which was passed in wartime. For the first time in US history, it gave the federal government the power to quarantine. Even when the Biden administration was looking for some basis to justify its transportation mask mandate, it fell back to this one piece of legislation. If anyone really wants to get to the root of this problem, there are decisive steps that need to be taken. The indemnification of pharma from liability for harm needs to be repealed. The court precedent of forced shots in Jacobson needs to be overthrown. But even more fundamentally, the quarantine power itself has to go, and that means the full repeal of the Public Health Services Act of 1944. That is the root of the problem. Freedom will not be safe until it is uprooted. As it stands right now, everything that unfolded in 2020 and 2021 can happen again. Indeed, the plans are in place for exactly that. Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License For reprints, please set the canonical link back to the original Brownstone Institute Article and Author. Author Jeffrey Tucker is Founder, Author, and President at Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Life After Lockdown, and many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture. View all posts https://brownstone.org/articles/the-pandemic-excuse-for-a-corporatist-coup/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10485 Views 2
  • S'pore wants to produce vaccines for the region, not just for local consumption: Alvin Tan
    By 2026, Singapore will be capable of end-to-end vaccine production.

    Julia Yeo

    Follow us on Telegram for the latest updates: https://t.me/mothershipsg

    Attracting pharmaceuticals and vaccine manufacturers such as Sanofi Pasteur and Thermo Fisher Scientific to situate themselves in Singapore is not just for local benefit, but for the region and the rest of the world as well.

    Singapore to be capable of end-to-end vaccine production by 2026

    Minister of State for Trade and Industry (MTI), and Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) Alvin Tan shared this insight during a plenary session at the St. Gallen Symposium on May 5, in response to a question about what leaders can do to handle the pandemic globally, and ensure that vaccines get to everybody.

    Tan was speaking to about 2,000 participants from across the world at the 50th edition of the symposium, a three-day event (May 5- 7) supported by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and the Economic Development Board (EDB).

    Singapore has been in talks with several pharmaceuticals to manufacture vaccines and therapeutics locally, including Sanofi and Thermo Fisher.

    Both companies will be situating their vaccine facilities in Singapore.

    Tan added that by 2026, Singapore will be capable of end-to-end vaccine production.

    The move is to ensure that Singapore has a steady supply of vaccines, and can overcome challenges posed by supply chain disruptions, said Tan.

    Not just for Singaporeans, but for the world too

    However, Tan shared that bringing the facilities to Singapore is not only for local consumption, but for the region and the world as well.

    "And not just in terms of vaccine supply, but in terms of research, investment, and enterprise," Tan said.

    Tan noted Singapore's limitations as a small island state, and the vulnerabilities and constraints Singapore has to overcome.

    "It's not natural that we would be a vaccine manufacturer; it's not natural that we are a hub for services for carbon sequestration and trading," Tan said.

    "So we've always have had to...punch above our weight, secure the factors that will help us overcome our vulnerabilities, but also be relevant to the world", he said.

    Playing a role in helping global fight against Covid-19

    Adding to his point about Singapore's goal to supply vaccines beyond local consumption, he said that the government was aware that the Covid-19 virus "respects no borders".

    He pointed out that Singapore lacked the luxury of larger countries such as the United States and China to be able to close their borders, despite a slight rise in local cases in recent weeks.

    Hence, he suggested a need to cooperate with other countries in order to handle the pandemic globally, adding that Singapore has played a part in sending aid to India, a country seeing record numbers of daily cases in the midst of its second wave.

    Tan mentioned the example of Singapore doing its part by sending 256 oxygen cylinders to India.

    Tan also wanted Singapore to play a key role in the global fight against Covid-19.

    "We will produce not just for ourselves. In fact, we cannot just produce for ourselves, but we want to be a research hub for the world, and also a keynote in the supply chain to service the world", he said.

    Only location with participants

    This year's St Gallen Symposium has adopted a hybrid format, with live panels and discussions streamed from St Gallen in Switzerland, Singapore, and the United States.

    Singapore is the only location with participants attending the conference.

    Hosted by UBS, this is the first time Singapore is holding an event concurrently with the actual symposium in Switzerland.

    Top image via Alvin Tan/Facebook, EDB website

    If you like what you read, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Telegram to get the latest updates.

    S'pore wants to produce vaccines for the region, not just for local consumption: Alvin Tan By 2026, Singapore will be capable of end-to-end vaccine production. Julia Yeo Follow us on Telegram for the latest updates: https://t.me/mothershipsg Attracting pharmaceuticals and vaccine manufacturers such as Sanofi Pasteur and Thermo Fisher Scientific to situate themselves in Singapore is not just for local benefit, but for the region and the rest of the world as well. Singapore to be capable of end-to-end vaccine production by 2026 Minister of State for Trade and Industry (MTI), and Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) Alvin Tan shared this insight during a plenary session at the St. Gallen Symposium on May 5, in response to a question about what leaders can do to handle the pandemic globally, and ensure that vaccines get to everybody. Tan was speaking to about 2,000 participants from across the world at the 50th edition of the symposium, a three-day event (May 5- 7) supported by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and the Economic Development Board (EDB). Singapore has been in talks with several pharmaceuticals to manufacture vaccines and therapeutics locally, including Sanofi and Thermo Fisher. Both companies will be situating their vaccine facilities in Singapore. Tan added that by 2026, Singapore will be capable of end-to-end vaccine production. The move is to ensure that Singapore has a steady supply of vaccines, and can overcome challenges posed by supply chain disruptions, said Tan. Not just for Singaporeans, but for the world too However, Tan shared that bringing the facilities to Singapore is not only for local consumption, but for the region and the world as well. "And not just in terms of vaccine supply, but in terms of research, investment, and enterprise," Tan said. Tan noted Singapore's limitations as a small island state, and the vulnerabilities and constraints Singapore has to overcome. "It's not natural that we would be a vaccine manufacturer; it's not natural that we are a hub for services for carbon sequestration and trading," Tan said. "So we've always have had to...punch above our weight, secure the factors that will help us overcome our vulnerabilities, but also be relevant to the world", he said. Playing a role in helping global fight against Covid-19 Adding to his point about Singapore's goal to supply vaccines beyond local consumption, he said that the government was aware that the Covid-19 virus "respects no borders". He pointed out that Singapore lacked the luxury of larger countries such as the United States and China to be able to close their borders, despite a slight rise in local cases in recent weeks. Hence, he suggested a need to cooperate with other countries in order to handle the pandemic globally, adding that Singapore has played a part in sending aid to India, a country seeing record numbers of daily cases in the midst of its second wave. Tan mentioned the example of Singapore doing its part by sending 256 oxygen cylinders to India. Tan also wanted Singapore to play a key role in the global fight against Covid-19. "We will produce not just for ourselves. In fact, we cannot just produce for ourselves, but we want to be a research hub for the world, and also a keynote in the supply chain to service the world", he said. Only location with participants This year's St Gallen Symposium has adopted a hybrid format, with live panels and discussions streamed from St Gallen in Switzerland, Singapore, and the United States. Singapore is the only location with participants attending the conference. Hosted by UBS, this is the first time Singapore is holding an event concurrently with the actual symposium in Switzerland. Top image via Alvin Tan/Facebook, EDB website If you like what you read, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Telegram to get the latest updates. https://mothership.sg/2021/05/singapore-produce-vaccines-for-region-alvin-tan/
    S'pore wants to produce vaccines for the region, not just for local consumption: Alvin Tan
    By 2026, Singapore will be capable of end-to-end vaccine production.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3932 Views
  • Call for immediate cease-fire in Gaza reverberates in Australian parliament
    Call for immediate cease-fire in Gaza reverberates in Australian parliament

    A call for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip was echoed in the Australian parliament on Monday, when a group of people spoke up in support of Palestinians, with the government benches staying silent during the proceedings.

    A group of pro-Palestinian people used the gallery section of parliament to demand a cease-fire in Gaza, which has been bombed extensively by Israeli forces since Oct. 7, killing and injuring over 100,000 Palestinians.

    According to SBS News, security personnel removed the group, which demanded a "cease-fire now," from the gallery as Australian Attorney General Mark Dreyfus rose to answer a question from a lawmaker.

    “Shame, shame,” the protesters yelled.

    "You support genocide… Albanese, your hands are red. 15,000 children dead,” the protestors shouted.

    Anthony Albanese is the leader of the Australian Labor Party and prime minister.

    Video footage of the gallery cannot be made public unless authorized by the Australian parliament speaker.

    Greens Senator Max Chandler-Mather came out in support of the protesting group.

    “Solidarity with the protestors for Palestine in Question Time (in parliament) today peacefully fighting for a ceasefire and an end to the genocide in Gaza," Chandler-Mather wrote on X. "History will remember you well."

    Na'ama Carlin, a sociologist, who posted a video of government officials and lawmakers sitting in the parliament on X, wrote: “Smirking & eye rolling while people who have not been heard in any other platform are MADE to protest at the house of reps (representatives) against this bloody war. Over 30k (30,000) Palestinians massacred by Israel. And you’re EYE ROLLING???”

    Israel has waged a deadly military offensive on Gaza since a cross-border incursion by the Palestinian group Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023, which killed nearly 1,200 people.

    More than 31,600 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have since been killed in the enclave, and nearly 73,700 others injured amid mass destruction and shortages of necessities.

    The Israeli war has pushed 85% of Gaza’s population into internal displacement amid a crippling blockade of most food, clean water, and medicine, while 60% of the enclave's infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, according to the UN.

    Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

    Anadolu Agency website contains only a portion of the news stories offered to subscribers in the AA News Broadcasting System (HAS), and in summarized form. Please contact us for subscription options.

    Call for immediate cease-fire in Gaza reverberates in Australian parliament Call for immediate cease-fire in Gaza reverberates in Australian parliament ISTANBUL A call for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip was echoed in the Australian parliament on Monday, when a group of people spoke up in support of Palestinians, with the government benches staying silent during the proceedings. A group of pro-Palestinian people used the gallery section of parliament to demand a cease-fire in Gaza, which has been bombed extensively by Israeli forces since Oct. 7, killing and injuring over 100,000 Palestinians. According to SBS News, security personnel removed the group, which demanded a "cease-fire now," from the gallery as Australian Attorney General Mark Dreyfus rose to answer a question from a lawmaker. “Shame, shame,” the protesters yelled. "You support genocide… Albanese, your hands are red. 15,000 children dead,” the protestors shouted. Anthony Albanese is the leader of the Australian Labor Party and prime minister. Video footage of the gallery cannot be made public unless authorized by the Australian parliament speaker. Greens Senator Max Chandler-Mather came out in support of the protesting group. “Solidarity with the protestors for Palestine in Question Time (in parliament) today peacefully fighting for a ceasefire and an end to the genocide in Gaza," Chandler-Mather wrote on X. "History will remember you well." Na'ama Carlin, a sociologist, who posted a video of government officials and lawmakers sitting in the parliament on X, wrote: “Smirking & eye rolling while people who have not been heard in any other platform are MADE to protest at the house of reps (representatives) against this bloody war. Over 30k (30,000) Palestinians massacred by Israel. And you’re EYE ROLLING???” Israel has waged a deadly military offensive on Gaza since a cross-border incursion by the Palestinian group Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023, which killed nearly 1,200 people. More than 31,600 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have since been killed in the enclave, and nearly 73,700 others injured amid mass destruction and shortages of necessities. The Israeli war has pushed 85% of Gaza’s population into internal displacement amid a crippling blockade of most food, clean water, and medicine, while 60% of the enclave's infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, according to the UN. Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza. Anadolu Agency website contains only a portion of the news stories offered to subscribers in the AA News Broadcasting System (HAS), and in summarized form. Please contact us for subscription options. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/call-for-immediate-cease-fire-in-gaza-reverberates-in-australian-parliament/3167450
    Call for immediate cease-fire in Gaza reverberates in Australian parliament
    'You support genocide… Albanese, your hands are red. 15,000 children dead,' protestors shout from gallery section of parliament - Anadolu Ajansı
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9394 Views
  • Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.

    Dr. Syed Haider
    Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital
    This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol.

    There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success.

    In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks).

    Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing.

    This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants.

    The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic).

    But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul.

    People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs.

    Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic.

    We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit.

    Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons
    In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones.

    The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep.

    Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force.

    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out.

    And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface.

    This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness.

    You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward.

    To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction.

    Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge.

    If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it.

    This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity.

    And these are the tests we have available to screen for it:

    The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test.

    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more.

    The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more.

    Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work.

    A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis.

    The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive.

    Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question.

    In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion.

    It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below.

    If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed.

    If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back.

    Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment.


    The Microclot Test

    figure 3
    Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes.

    Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity.

    The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all.

    This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity.

    D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream.

    Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest.

    For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting.

    figure 4
    The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients.

    The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements.

    Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration.

    So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment.

    If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available.

    DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023.

    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel

    This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more.

    Tests Included in the Panel:

    Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time.

    Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury.

    Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP:

    The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol.

    Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment.

    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?

    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from …

    Read full story

    Complete Blood Count (CBC)

    Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized.

    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

    Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising.

    Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP.

    D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this.

    Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

    Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog
    Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding.

    hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis.

    Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis.

    Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure.

    Electrocardiogram (EKG)

    EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation
    Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed.

    Echocardiogram (ECHO)

    Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart.

    Chest X-ray

    Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc.

    Whole Body MRI

    The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI
    Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm).

    Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel.

    And that’s a wrap!

    Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes.


    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms. Dr. Syed Haider Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol. There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success. In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks). Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing. This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants. The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic). But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul. People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs. Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic. We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit. Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons source In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones. The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep. Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out. And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface. This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness. You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward. To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction. Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge. If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it. This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity. And these are the tests we have available to screen for it: The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more. The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more. Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work. source A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis. The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive. Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question. In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion. It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below. If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed. If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back. Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment. Share The Microclot Test figure 3 source Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity. The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all. This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity. D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream. Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest. For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting. figure 4 source The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients. The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements. Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration. So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment. If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available. DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more. Tests Included in the Panel: Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time. Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury. Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP: The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol. Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment. Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from … Read full story Complete Blood Count (CBC) Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising. Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP. D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding. hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis. Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis. Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure. Electrocardiogram (EKG) EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed. Echocardiogram (ECHO) Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart. Chest X-ray source Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc. Whole Body MRI The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm). Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel. And that’s a wrap! Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity https://telegra.ph/Screening-for-Silent-Spike-Toxicity-01-07
    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
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  • Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
    Dr. Syed Haider
    Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital
    This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol.
    There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success.
    In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks).
    Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing.
    This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants.
    The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic).
    But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul.
    People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs.
    Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic.
    We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit.
    Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons
    In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones.
    The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep.
    Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force.
    Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.
    Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out.
    And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface.
    This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness.
    You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward.
    To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction.
    Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge.
    If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it.
    This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity.
    And these are the tests we have available to screen for it:
    The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test.
    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more.
    The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more.
    Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work.
    A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis.
    The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive.
    Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question.
    In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion.
    It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below.
    If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed.
    If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back.
    Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment.
    The Microclot Test
    figure 3
    Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes.
    Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity.
    The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all.
    This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity.
    D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream.
    Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest.
    For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting.
    figure 4
    The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients.
    The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements.
    Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration.
    So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment.
    If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available.
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    The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel
    This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more.
    Tests Included in the Panel:
    Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time.
    Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury.
    Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP:
    The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol.
    Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment.
    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer?
    Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from …
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    Complete Blood Count (CBC)
    Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized.
    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
    Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising.
    Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP.
    D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this.
    Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
    Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog
    Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding.
    hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis.
    Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis.
    Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure.
    Electrocardiogram (EKG)
    EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation
    Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed.
    Echocardiogram (ECHO)
    Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart.
    Chest X-ray
    Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc.
    Whole Body MRI
    The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI
    Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm).
    Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel.
    And that’s a wrap!
    Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes.

    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms. Dr. Syed Haider Pet Toxin Safety - Mill Creek Animal Hospital This post will provide a deep dive on tests for spike toxicity, including the best screening tests for those who have no symptoms, but have been exposed. These tests detect specific spike-induced inflammation, clotting, AIDS, turbo cancer, etc, and can help get ahead of disease developing underneath the surface. In a future post I plan to cover the best tests for fine tuning a healing protocol. There are now hundreds if not thousands of physicians treating spike toxicity with varying protocols and degrees of success. In my experience most hesitate to escalate ivermectin enough. At high enough doses it almost always helps (at mygotodoc.com I usually start where others end, at 0.2mg/kg/day and then may gradually escalate as high as 10 times more than that ie 2mg/kg/day in some patients over the course of 5-10 weeks). Most physicians treating spike toxicity also refrain from much or any testing. This makes sense on a budget, and I often come across patients who can’t afford testing and we skip it as well, but if it can be afforded then it can be helpful in fine tuning the protocol and sometimes uncovering key missing ingredients, like nutritional deficiencies, or particularly stubborn micro clotting requiring escalated dosing and varied types of anticoagulants. The other place for testing is in screening of the general population without symptoms, both vaxxed and unvaxxed (though when you really press you often do find new symptoms have sprouted up since the beginning of the pandemic). But even in those who truly have no new symptoms and feel perfectly fine, it seems that it may simply be a matter of time before spike toxicity catches up with them, especially if, like so many people, they can’t detox quickly enough, can’t break up the atypical microclots fast enough, and then are reexposed to a new variant, or a big shedding bolus, and that tips the scales and sends them into outright long haul. People find it hard to believe that they could feel fantastic and yet there could be something brewing inside that is just 1 straw away from breaking their backs. Yet almost everyone was in this very situation even before the pandemic. We all have a health span and a lifespan, and for most in the modern world the overlap between them has been dramatically shrinking for generations, and it has only gained speed with each passing year, and especially the last 3 years since the pandemic hit. Health is wealthqbak - http://asianpin.com/health-is-wealthqbak/ | Funny cartoons jokes, Funny cartoon pictures, Funny cartoons source In plain English, we often gradually become chronically ill and then debilitated starting decades before we finally die. In the worst cases spending the last years of our lives in nursing homes, oblivious to our surroundings and infrequently visiting loved ones. The reason for this is a chronic mismatch between our bodies and our environments - not just lack of exercise and poor diets, but also the chemical soup we find ourselves in, the toxins in the air, water and soil, the lack of fresh air and sunlight throughout the day, the lack of grounding, and too much toxic blue light at night that is soaked up by our eyes and very skin while we lounge in front of our screens, greatly stressing ourselves, while thinking we’re relaxing, followed by restless, unfulfilling sleep. Most of us are drawing down on our health savings accounts - not the tax free HSA - but a metaphorical account that represents our life force. Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Just like a regular bank account, if it isn’t managed properly and wealth is overused, it will eventually get close to zero, by which time we will be liable to illness at the drop of a hat - anything that is too taxing can overdraw the account since what’s flowing into it can’t overcome what’s flowing out. And then some of us become chronically overdrawn, living on credit, and in the toxic embrace of chronic illness because of it, dragging us into the depths, while we struggle vainly to get back above the surface. This is why when you finally realize you have to change your ways to get better, it makes no sense to give up those changes as soon as you break free of illness. You are just above zero, still liable to dipping below the surface again. You need to build up your reserves of health over time and not overdraw your account again. You have to become a good steward of your body and resources. And over time you can get to the point where you’re on solid ground again and can put up with small and large stressors without backsliding. But you should always keep in mind how bad it can get to motivate you to stay on the straight and narrow going forward. To get back to the topic, the spike protein builds up in our bodies over time and causes detectable changes to our immune and vascular systems. There is an immune fingerprint of various cytokine markers, there are the microclots, there are alterations to the red blood cell zeta potential, there are predictable decreases of various micronutrients. There may be early warning signs of AIDS, or cancer or organ dysfunction. Nowadays almost all new patients with Long COVID or Vax injury made it through a few shots, or a few rounds of COVID without getting long haul, but the final infection or shot put them over the edge. If they had come before they got that last shot or infection I could have detected their susceptibility in the lab and we could have worked to correct it. This is the epidemic of Silent Spike Toxicity. And these are the tests we have available to screen for it: The Microclot Test: only available from 1 lab in the US (mail order). Detects abnormal clotting not seen on any other test. The single most specific spike toxicity test. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel: includes imaging tests: EKG, CXR, Echo. Blood tests that detect damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Checks zeta potential. Can show the immune fingerprint of spike. Detection of AIDS. Typical gut microbiome changes. Advanced cancer screening (blood & whole body MRI), and more. The Masterjohn-Schilling Spike Healing Panel: detects neuroinflammation, free radicals, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoantibodies, reactivated viruses and bacteria, MCAS, specific micronutrients that are depleted by spike toxicity, and more. Masterjohn’s Deep Dive Nutrition Panel goes beyond nutrients depleted by spike toxicity to provide a complete snapshot of functional nutrition and is indispensable for deep healing when half measures don’t work. source A quick note on tests in general: There is no perfect test. Tests are evaluated by their sensitivity and specificities, but we don’t have research on any of these for spike toxicity diseases. Sensitivity is how good a test is at ruling out a diagnosis and specificity is how good it is at ruling in a diagnosis. The best screening tests would be 100% specific - meaning if you have the diagnosis it will be detected 100% of the time, but in order to gain that level of specificity they often have to cast a wide net and give up some sensitivity. What this means practically is that if the diagnosis is present you will test positive, but there will also be some people who don’t have the diagnosis who also test positive. Highly specific tests are usually paired with confirmatory tests that are hopefully highly sensitive. Meaning they can weed out the people who were including in the first round of screening, but don’t actually have the diagnosis in question. In the absence of research into spike toxicity diseases and optimal screening regimens we have to fall back on expert opinion. It seems that the microclot test is likely the best screening test, because those treating spike toxicity have never come across someone with the clinical symptoms of the disease who doesn’t have elevated microclots. Unfortunately microclots can be elevated by other conditions. So a confirmatory test like the incelldx Incellkyne panel might be ordered from the Comprehensive Spike Screening panel, along with other tests we’ll discuss below. If the diagnosis of spike toxicity is made then the Masterjohn-Schilling panel is the best next step for fine tuning the protocol, ensuring that the right micronutrients are topped up and the right treatments are prescribed. If not improving after targeted and sustained treatment, then the Deep Dive Nutrition panel is indicated to uncover rare and unusual nutritional deficits that could be holding you back. Here I’ll cover the primary screening tests: The Microclot Test and the Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel. In a future article I may cover the more expansive and complicated panels that are used primarily in treatment. Share The Microclot Test figure 3 source Typical microclots are usually found in the elderly and those with chronic illnesses like diabetes. Spike induced atypical amyloid fibrin microclots are found in those with spike induced blood toxicity. The difference between typical and atypical are that spike induced microclots are very difficult to break down, so difficult that they often do not break down at all. This explains why the D-dimer isn’t helpful for detecting spike toxicity. D-dimer is always trapped inside of clots. Typical clots are always being broken down on the margins - at the edge of a typical clot there will be breakdown. Sometimes the breakdown happens slower than the growth of the clot, but there is always a battle going on between clot growth and clot destruction which will release D-dimer into the blood stream. Since it is virtually always elevated in the presence of clotting it is a very specific test, and is used as a screening test when a physician suspects a clotting disorder, but isn’t sure. For example if someone shows up with chest pain and it could be a pulled muscle or a pulmonary embolism (clot in the pulmonary veins), a D-dimer is a simple ad very cheap test that can be done to determine if further confirmatory, but more expensive more risky testing should be considered, like a CT Angiogram of the chest. For this reason every doctor going through residency comes to consider a positive D-dimer as indicative of clotting and a negative D-dimer as indicative of no clotting. figure 4 source The D-dimer is often elevated during severe acute COVID-19 infection, and during a severe acute injection reaction, but it is not usually elevated in chronic spike toxicity, including chronic long haul and vaccine injured patients. The reason it isn’t elevated is that most people cannot break down the atypical microclots caused by spike protein without some additional help from medications and supplements. Once medications like aspirin (and sometimes prescriptions ones like plavix and eliquis), supplements like nattokinase, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and NAC are started the atypical microclots start to be broken down and D-dimer goes up, which in this case is usually reason for celebration. So the microclot test is the only test in America today that can detect elevated atypical microclots. It’s only available from one lab in the country via mail order (request it from mygotodoc.com), and it helps detect spike toxicity as well as helping track treatment. If initial treatment for microclots with aspirin and supplements doesn’t bring the levels down then we escalate to using higher doses, or add plavix and then later eliquis. And we can also consider plasma donation, or even therapeutic plasmapheresis, if available. DETOX [spike buster] PRE-ORDER NOW: initial stock is limited! Shipping late November 2023. The Comprehensive Spike Screening Panel This set of tests includes an EKG, CXR, Echo. It includes blood tests to screen for daamage to the major organs including the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It checks for zeta potential in the blood, which is affected by spike toxicity. It detects an immune fingerprint of spike. It can detect AIDS. It covers stool testing for the gut microbiome as well as advanced cancer screening (via blood & whole body MRI), and more. Tests Included in the Panel: Spike antibody test: Measures your B cell’s response to the spike protein. In the absence of a direct test for spike protein this helps indirectly detect and track the spike protein levels in your body. Your body produces antibodies in response to the spike protein, and this test measures those antibodies. Generally speaking the more spike protein in your body, the higher the antibody levels. However, what's considered a problematic level varies by individual. The goal is to lower this level as much as possible. The test can also help detect those individuals who might be transmitting the spike protein to others. This is by no means a perfect test, but in the right setting it is helpful as a red flag for further workup, or as a way of monitoring response to therapies over time. Incellkyne Panel from Incelldx - provides an immune fingerprint of spike protein, a combination of elevated cytokine markers that are typically seen in spike protein disease. There are other immune fingerprints they have identified on this same test that indicate non spike Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme disease. If CCL-5/RANTES and/or VEGF are elevated (VEGF is almost always elevated) then the medication Maraviroc can be helpful. VEGF indicates vascular inflammation and omega-3s, infrared light exposure, and a number of other approaches can be particularly helpful to deal with that. Other inflammatory markers tested are TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-13, GM-CSF, SCD40L, CCL3, CCL-4, and IFN-Gamma. Ivermectin is known to decrease IL-6, which is commonly elevated in Long Haul and Vax injury. Lymphocyte Subset Panel or Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP: The subset panel is the standard test for AIDS and tests for these immune subsets: CD3, CD19,CD20, CD4, CD8, CD56+. The primary pathognomic feature of AIDS would be a CD4 T cell count lower than 200, though there are other red flags such as NK cell activity <10%, or a deficit of T helper cells (CD4+), as well as these others that would only be found on the Cyrex Lymphocyte MAP test: TH1 insufficiency, Increased T-Reg (CD4+ CD25+), deficits of cytotoxic cells (CD8+, CD56+), increased TGF-beta, etc. The Lymphocyte subset panel is cheaper and available at any standard lab and may be covered by insurance, the Cyrex test is more expensive and is a mail order blood test only that has to be paid in cash up front. The Cyrex test can detect 14 different immunotypes and reveal immune under or overactivity, infections, inflammation, autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, hypersentivities and some cancers. It also helps determine what further immune tests can be done to fine tune a healing protocol. Galleri Cancer Screening is an advanced test for 50+ types of common cancers based on a genetic marker found in the blood. It is a good screening test because it is 99.5% specific. This might be a good option for someone with a family or personal history of cancer as it can detect occurance at a the earliest microscopic stage, far before any visual test like an MRI or CT scan would show a mass. If cancer is found ivermectin, fenbendazole, vitamin C, baking soda and many other of label easily available substances are very promising for treatment. Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? Cancer rates have skyrocketed in the past century for a number of reasons not least of which is the incredibly large number of toxins spewed into the environment and incorporated into our food supplies. And now with most of humanity exposed to the cancerous spike protein there is likely to be even further acceleration. Those exposed to the fallout from … Read full story Complete Blood Count (CBC) Measures various components and features of the blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Amongst the white blood cells we can see various abnormalities - they can be high or low, and subsets like basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils might be off. For example a patient started aspirin which is a cornerstone of most treatments of spike toxicity, but in this case raised the eosinophil level and caused some histaminergic symptoms. The symptoms were the same as her usual disease symptoms so initially were written off as a normal fluctuation in symptomatology over time, but in light of the elevated eosinophil level we finally determined that the aspirin was triggering a problem, since that is possible side effect of aspirin. Once off aspirin the symptoms and the eosinophils normalized. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) Measures 14 different substances in the blood. It provides information about kidney and liver function, electrolyte levels, and blood sugar. Blood sugar can be high or low in spike toxicity, and that would indicate a pancreatic issue requiring further workup. Liver function often needs to be tracked in those on ivermectin and many other medications. Potassium balances sodium and usually needs to be supplemented in long haul, since most people don’t get enough, especially if blood pressure is rising. Cystatin C is a more specific marker of kidney dysfunction than the creatinine level that is included on the CMP. D-dimer: as mentioned earlier this is a product of the breakdown of clots, it’s often elevated in the acute phase of spike injury or disease, but over time the microclots being inherently difficult to break down stop releasing D-dimer unless the patient is taking a combination of supplements and/or medications to trigger this. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Decoding ESR Test: What Your Results Could Reveal About Your Health | Pathkind Labs Blog Measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a standardized tube over one hour. It is a nonspecific marker of inflammation in the body. It is also an indication of the zeta potential, which is a measure of the normal negative charge on red cells that prevents them from clumping together. Spike protein lowers the normal zeta potential which usually causes ESR to rise. Potassium citrate can help reverse this trend, as can sunlight and grounding. hs-CRP Test (C-Reactive Protein High-Sensitivity) is another non specific marker of inflammation in the body and if found require further workup. It can be elevated in myo-pericarditis. Troponin T is a protein relatively specific to heart muscle cells, leaked into the blood. This is a cardiac biomarker that indicates myocardial injury and along with an EKG is. one of the primary screening tests for a heart attack as well as for myocarditis/pericarditis. Pro BNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) is produced by the heart in response to strain, particularly heart failure. Electrocardiogram (EKG) EKG: What is it and what does it mean? – JP Stroke Foundation Non-invasive medical test that records the heart's electrical activity. Can be used to diagnose myocarditis/pericarditis, heart attack, and various rhythm abnormalities like atrial fibrillation, SVTs and more that can raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest, such as that seen in some athletes who have been vaxxed. Echocardiogram (ECHO) Provides valuable information about the heart's structure, function, and blood flow and is an important test for helping visualize the inflammatory changes of myocarditis-pericarditis, such as fluid leaking into the sack around the heart. Chest X-ray source Non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays to visualize the structures and organs within the chest, including the lungs, heart, ribs, diaphragm, and large arteries. Anyone with shortness of breath should have a Chest Xray as a first screening test looking for pneumonia, inflammation, scarring, nodules/cancer, etc. Whole Body MRI The Latest Quantified Self Trend: Whole-Body MRI Another imaging modality that can turn up hidden cancers and a whole host of other abnormalities and might be ordered for someone where the Galleri test was negative but there was still some suspicion present (here is always the risk of over diagnosis with imaging tests like this, which can lead to otherwise unnecessary stress and procedures that can themselves cause harm). Microbiome testing: Microbiomix Metagenomic Sequencing of Stool by Genova or Sabine Hazan’s Whole Genome Deep Sequencing by Progenabiome. Spike toxicity leads to depletion of beneficial gut bacterials species such as Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia inulinivorans, and Roseburia hominis all of which are associated with long COVID complications. Presence of 'unfriendly' bacterial species is linked to poor performance on the 6-minute walk test among long COVID patients. Microbiomix is cheaper because it uses a less thorough sequencing technique, but can show some changes found due to spike toxicity. Sabine Hazan’s test is better if budgeting allows, both because it does a whole genome sequencing, but also because it benefits from her proprietary and private knowledge base (essentially studies and findings that have not yet been published). There are some supplements that can help correct deficits, and in stubborn cases a stool transplant can be transformative, though this is somewhat difficult to get done as it usually requires travel. And that’s a wrap! Next time We’ll look at the Masterjohn-Schilling panel which is our go to for optimizing treatment of long haul/vax injury and perhaps the Comprehensive Nutrition panel, which is important for anyone who has a chronic illness resistant to treatment, including long haul syndromes. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/01/screening-for-silent-spike-toxicity.html
    Screening for Silent Spike Toxicity
    Spike levels build up over time with repeated exposures and eventually the dam breaks. Here's how to detect toxicity before it causes symptoms.
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  • Snowman facts + NFT.

    1. The world's tallest snowman, named "Olympia," was built in Bethel, Maine, USA, in 2008, standing at 122 feet and 1 inch.
    2. The tradition of building snowmen dates back to medieval times, and the term "frosty" was first used to describe a snowman in the 19th century.
    3. The largest gathering of snowmen in one place occurred in 2008 in the town of Iiyama, Japan, with 2,036 snowmen built.
    4. The classic three-sphere snowman design can be traced back to the 18th century, and it gained popularity in North America during the 19th century.
    5. Each year, the small town of Jukkasjärvi in Sweden hosts an international snow sculpture competition, featuring intricate and artistic snow creations, including snowmen.
    6. In 2011, residents of the town of Bethel, Maine, built a snowwoman named "Olympia's Snowa," standing at 122 feet and 7 inches, surpassing the previous record for the tallest snowwoman.
    7. The world record for the most snowmen built in one hour was set in 2018 in the town of Bessans, France, with 2,036 snowmen constructed.
    8. There is a Snowman World theme park in Rovaniemi, Finland, where visitors can enjoy various snow and ice attractions, including a snowman gallery.
    9. In 1999, residents of the town of Bethel, Maine, created a snowman with a circumference of 122 feet and 3 inches, setting a record for the world's largest snowman.
    10. Snowmen have been featured in various forms of popular culture, including the classic song "Frosty the Snowman" and the animated film "Frozen."

    Snowman NFT:

    #snowman #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter
    Snowman facts + NFT. Facts: 1. The world's tallest snowman, named "Olympia," was built in Bethel, Maine, USA, in 2008, standing at 122 feet and 1 inch. 2. The tradition of building snowmen dates back to medieval times, and the term "frosty" was first used to describe a snowman in the 19th century. 3. The largest gathering of snowmen in one place occurred in 2008 in the town of Iiyama, Japan, with 2,036 snowmen built. 4. The classic three-sphere snowman design can be traced back to the 18th century, and it gained popularity in North America during the 19th century. 5. Each year, the small town of Jukkasjärvi in Sweden hosts an international snow sculpture competition, featuring intricate and artistic snow creations, including snowmen. 6. In 2011, residents of the town of Bethel, Maine, built a snowwoman named "Olympia's Snowa," standing at 122 feet and 7 inches, surpassing the previous record for the tallest snowwoman. 7. The world record for the most snowmen built in one hour was set in 2018 in the town of Bessans, France, with 2,036 snowmen constructed. 8. There is a Snowman World theme park in Rovaniemi, Finland, where visitors can enjoy various snow and ice attractions, including a snowman gallery. 9. In 1999, residents of the town of Bethel, Maine, created a snowman with a circumference of 122 feet and 3 inches, setting a record for the world's largest snowman. 10. Snowmen have been featured in various forms of popular culture, including the classic song "Frosty the Snowman" and the animated film "Frozen." Snowman NFT: https://bit.ly/4ayrvZU #snowman #newyear #christmas #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter
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    Snowman NFT. #snowman #newyear #christmas #present #nfts #nft #buynft #nftcollectibles #nftcollection #nftart #nftartwork #nftartist #snow #winter...
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  • 🇺🇸✨ SALUTE TO AMERICA 250 ✨🇺🇸
    As we approach the monumental milestone of America's 250th birthday, let's embark on a journey of reflection, celebration, and unity! 🎉✨ Join us in honoring the rich tapestry of our nation's history and the incredible journey that has shaped the Land of the Free.
    🔔 RINGING IN HISTORY: From the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the present day, each moment has woven a unique thread into the fabric of America. Together, let's salute the resilience, innovation, and the spirit of freedom that define us.
    🎆 IGNITING PATRIOTIC SPARKS: It's time to ignite the patriotic sparks within! Share your favorite American memories, traditions, or what makes you proud to be a part of this great nation. Use #SaluteToAmerica250 to connect and inspire others with your stories!
    📸 CAPTURING AMERICA'S BEAUTY: America is not just a country; it's a breathtaking canvas of diverse landscapes and cultures. Share your snapshots of America's beauty, from sea to shining sea. Let's create a virtual gallery that reflects the heartbeat of our nation.
    🤝 UNITED WE STAND: In the true spirit of unity, let's bridge gaps and build connections. Reach out to someone with a different perspective, engage in meaningful conversations, and celebrate the diversity that makes America extraordinary.
    🎶 SOUNDTRACK TO THE STARS AND STRIPES: What's your ultimate playlist for this historic celebration? Share your favorite patriotic tunes, and let's create a playlist that resonates with the rhythm of America's journey.
    🎇 FUTURE FORWARD: As we commemorate our past, let's also look towards the future. What are your hopes and dreams for America's next 250 years? Share your visions for a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow.
    Together, let's make #SaluteToAmerica250 a vibrant tapestry of stories, memories, and aspirations. Whether you're a history buff, a proud patriot, or someone just discovering the beauty of the red, white, and blue, your voice matters. Let the celebration begin! 🇺🇸✨ #LandOfTheFree #HomeOfTheBrave
    Ready to Salute? Click here to join the celebration!:-https://sites.google.com/view/celebrateamerica250th/home
    🇺🇸✨ SALUTE TO AMERICA 250 ✨🇺🇸 As we approach the monumental milestone of America's 250th birthday, let's embark on a journey of reflection, celebration, and unity! 🎉✨ Join us in honoring the rich tapestry of our nation's history and the incredible journey that has shaped the Land of the Free. 🔔 RINGING IN HISTORY: From the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the present day, each moment has woven a unique thread into the fabric of America. Together, let's salute the resilience, innovation, and the spirit of freedom that define us. 🎆 IGNITING PATRIOTIC SPARKS: It's time to ignite the patriotic sparks within! Share your favorite American memories, traditions, or what makes you proud to be a part of this great nation. Use #SaluteToAmerica250 to connect and inspire others with your stories! 📸 CAPTURING AMERICA'S BEAUTY: America is not just a country; it's a breathtaking canvas of diverse landscapes and cultures. Share your snapshots of America's beauty, from sea to shining sea. Let's create a virtual gallery that reflects the heartbeat of our nation. 🤝 UNITED WE STAND: In the true spirit of unity, let's bridge gaps and build connections. Reach out to someone with a different perspective, engage in meaningful conversations, and celebrate the diversity that makes America extraordinary. 🎶 SOUNDTRACK TO THE STARS AND STRIPES: What's your ultimate playlist for this historic celebration? Share your favorite patriotic tunes, and let's create a playlist that resonates with the rhythm of America's journey. 🎇 FUTURE FORWARD: As we commemorate our past, let's also look towards the future. What are your hopes and dreams for America's next 250 years? Share your visions for a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow. Together, let's make #SaluteToAmerica250 a vibrant tapestry of stories, memories, and aspirations. Whether you're a history buff, a proud patriot, or someone just discovering the beauty of the red, white, and blue, your voice matters. Let the celebration begin! 🇺🇸✨ #LandOfTheFree #HomeOfTheBrave Ready to Salute? Click here to join the celebration!:-https://sites.google.com/view/celebrateamerica250th/home
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  • 🇺🇸✨ SALUTE TO AMERICA 250 ✨🇺🇸
    As we approach the monumental milestone of America's 250th birthday, let's embark on a journey of reflection, celebration, and unity! 🎉✨ Join us in honoring the rich tapestry of our nation's history and the incredible journey that has shaped the Land of the Free.

    🔔 RINGING IN HISTORY: From the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the present day, each moment has woven a unique thread into the fabric of America. Together, let's salute the resilience, innovation, and the spirit of freedom that define us.

    🎆 IGNITING PATRIOTIC SPARKS: It's time to ignite the patriotic sparks within! Share your favorite American memories, traditions, or what makes you proud to be a part of this great nation. Use #SaluteToAmerica250 to connect and inspire others with your stories!

    📸 CAPTURING AMERICA'S BEAUTY: America is not just a country; it's a breathtaking canvas of diverse landscapes and cultures. Share your snapshots of America's beauty, from sea to shining sea. Let's create a virtual gallery that reflects the heartbeat of our nation.

    🤝 UNITED WE STAND: In the true spirit of unity, let's bridge gaps and build connections. Reach out to someone with a different perspective, engage in meaningful conversations, and celebrate the diversity that makes America extraordinary.

    🎶 SOUNDTRACK TO THE STARS AND STRIPES: What's your ultimate playlist for this historic celebration? Share your favorite patriotic tunes, and let's create a playlist that resonates with the rhythm of America's journey.

    🎇 FUTURE FORWARD: As we commemorate our past, let's also look towards the future. What are your hopes and dreams for America's next 250 years? Share your visions for a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow.

    Together, let's make #SaluteToAmerica250 a vibrant tapestry of stories, memories, and aspirations. Whether you're a history buff, a proud patriot, or someone just discovering the beauty of the red, white, and blue, your voice matters. Let the celebration begin! 🇺🇸✨ #LandOfTheFree #HomeOfTheBrave
    Ready to Salute? Click here to join the celebration!:-https://sites.google.com/view/celebrateamerica250th/home
    🇺🇸✨ SALUTE TO AMERICA 250 ✨🇺🇸 As we approach the monumental milestone of America's 250th birthday, let's embark on a journey of reflection, celebration, and unity! 🎉✨ Join us in honoring the rich tapestry of our nation's history and the incredible journey that has shaped the Land of the Free. 🔔 RINGING IN HISTORY: From the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the present day, each moment has woven a unique thread into the fabric of America. Together, let's salute the resilience, innovation, and the spirit of freedom that define us. 🎆 IGNITING PATRIOTIC SPARKS: It's time to ignite the patriotic sparks within! Share your favorite American memories, traditions, or what makes you proud to be a part of this great nation. Use #SaluteToAmerica250 to connect and inspire others with your stories! 📸 CAPTURING AMERICA'S BEAUTY: America is not just a country; it's a breathtaking canvas of diverse landscapes and cultures. Share your snapshots of America's beauty, from sea to shining sea. Let's create a virtual gallery that reflects the heartbeat of our nation. 🤝 UNITED WE STAND: In the true spirit of unity, let's bridge gaps and build connections. Reach out to someone with a different perspective, engage in meaningful conversations, and celebrate the diversity that makes America extraordinary. 🎶 SOUNDTRACK TO THE STARS AND STRIPES: What's your ultimate playlist for this historic celebration? Share your favorite patriotic tunes, and let's create a playlist that resonates with the rhythm of America's journey. 🎇 FUTURE FORWARD: As we commemorate our past, let's also look towards the future. What are your hopes and dreams for America's next 250 years? Share your visions for a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow. Together, let's make #SaluteToAmerica250 a vibrant tapestry of stories, memories, and aspirations. Whether you're a history buff, a proud patriot, or someone just discovering the beauty of the red, white, and blue, your voice matters. Let the celebration begin! 🇺🇸✨ #LandOfTheFree #HomeOfTheBrave Ready to Salute? Click here to join the celebration!:-https://sites.google.com/view/celebrateamerica250th/home
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    GalleryDec 24, 2016 zulsegamat


    “Sesungguhnya tanda kerajaan Talut (yang menunjukkan benarnya dari Allah) itu ialah datangnya Peti Tabut yang mengandungi (sesuatu yang memberi) ketenteraman jiwa dari Tuhan kamu, dan (berisi) sebahagian dari apa yang telah ditinggalkan oleh keluarga Nabi Musa dan Nabi Harun; Peti Tabut itu dibawa oleh malaikat. Sesungguhnya peristiwa kembalinya Peti Tabut itu mengandungi satu tanda keterangan bagi kamu jika benar kamu golongan yang beriman.” 

    (Al-Baqarah: 248)



    SIHIR… senjata super bagi pihak Yahudi-Mason untuk menguasai dunia pada akhir zaman.  Impian Yahudi dalam mencapai KEKUASAAN yang selama ini telah dicabut oleh Allah S.W.T daripada mereka akibat kesesatan akidah golongan itu.

    Motivasi paganistik-kabbalah yang mempercayai kesaktian Tabut. 

    Mereka yang menemui Tabut dipercayai akan mendapat kekuatan mistik yang akan meresap ke dalam tubuh dan jiwa mereka.Selama ini kaum zionis, masih menganggap bahawa Tabut adalah kurniaan atau mu’jizat yang diberikan Tuhan kepada orang-orang Yahudi.

    Mereka meyakini apabila Tabut berjaya ditemui maka keagungan dan kejayaan mereka akan kembali dan dapat menguasai dunia lagi.

    Namun, sekalipun Tabut masih ada dan Yahudi berjaya menemuinya, dengan akal waras kita mampu berfikir: Tidak mungkin Allah SWT memberikan rahmat dan mukjizat kepada bangsa yang terus membunuh nabi-nabi-Nya dan ingkar terhadap ajaran-Nya.

    (Gambar) Peta yang menunjukkan Kerajaan Israel (Kingdom of Israel) di utara dan Kerajaan Yehuda (Kingdom of Judah) di selatan. Dua negara hasil dari pecahan Kerajaan Bersatu (United Monarchy) bangsa Israel di bawah Raja Talut, Nabi Daud A.S dan Nabi Sulaiman a.s. dahulu. =====================================================================================================

    1) Terbentuknya Kerajaan Bersatu (United Monarchy) setelah Nabi Musa a.s. membawa bangsa Israel ini melintasi Laut Merah untuk ke “TANAH YANG DIJANJIKAN” (The Promised Land). 

    Nabi Musa A.S telah menyerahkan tugas mengepalai bangsa Israel ini kepada Joshua, seorang panglima perang yang mengetuai bangsa Israel dalam peperangan menentang penduduk asal kawasan Tebing Barat kini, iaitu bangsa Kanaan (Canaanite) yang tidak beriman kepada Allah S.W.T. 

    Bangsa Kanaan adalah nenek moyang orang Filistin (Philistine) iaitu asal usul orang Arab Palestin kini. Setelah berjaya menduduki kawasan Kanaan itu (kawasan yang menjadi negara haram Israel kini), maka timbullah satu dilema di mana bangsa Israel yang mempunyai 12 suku (Tribes) ini tiada raja untuk memerintah.

    Maka ketika itu seorang pengembala keldai yang bernama Talut (dalam Injil dipanggil Saul), telah diangkat menjadi Raja Pertama Israel oleh seorang Nabi (bukan Rasul) yang juga Kadi (hakim) Israel bernama Samuel. 

    Bagi menjadikan rakyat Israel taat kepada Talut yang asalnya seorang pengembala keldai ini, maka Allah telah kurniakannya PETI TABUT sebagai simbol PENYATUAN dan KEKUASAAN bagi Talut memerintah bangsa Israel. 

    Maka terbentuklah Kerajaan Bersatu (United Monarchy), iaitu sebuah negara dan kerajaan bangsa Israel yang sah sekitar tahun 1050 sebelum Masihi di kawasan Kanaan itu.


    2) Apa yang uniknya PETI TABUT itu? 

    Mengikut komentar Allahyarham Abdullah Yusuf Ali (penterjemah Al-Quran ke Bahasa Inggeris yang terkenal), PETI TABUT atau juga dikenali dalam Bahasa Inggeris sebagai “The Ark of The Covenant” ini diperbuat daripada kayu pokok akasia dan mempunyai jalur-jalur emas tulen. 

    Tudungnya yang keemasan itu dikatakan “Takhta Kasih” dari Allah S.W.T. 

    Ia mengandungi “PERNYATAAN TUHAN”, iaitu Sepuluh Perintah (The Ten Commandments) yang terukir pada tablet-tablet batu di samping beberapa lagi peninggalan Nabi Musa A.S dan Nabi Harun A.S. 

    Ia dipercayai pernah dibawa oleh malaikat. Ia juga merupakan simbol KEAMANAN dan KETENTERAMAN dari Allah S.W.T kepada mereka yang beriman.

    Namun golongan Yahudi-Zionist percaya bahawa PETI TABUT ini mengandungi pelbagai lagi rahsia yang merupakan kunci kepada ilmu-ilmu (mungkin ilmu metafizikal) para Nabi untuk mereka eksploitasi demi berkuasa di dunia ini sebagai “UMAT YANG TERPILIH”. 

    Oleh sebab itu sehingga kini, adalah satu impian bagi golongan Yahudi-Zionist ini untuk menemui kembali PETI TABUT yang telah hilang sejak Jerusalem (Baitulmaqdis) diserang oleh Empayar Babilonia Baru (Neo Babylonian Empire) pada tahun 586 sebelum Masihi.


    3) Setelah kematian Talut, Kerajaan Bersatu ini diperintah pula oleh Nabi Daud A.S (King David) dan anaknya Nabi Sulaiman A.S (King Solomon). 

    Nabi Daud A.S diberikan kelebihan untuk melembutkan besi, kerana itu mengikut sumber Israeliyyat (Sejarah Israel), Nabi Daud A.S merupakan manusia pertama yang membuat baju rantai besi (chainmail). 

    Nabi Daud A.S juga dikurniakan suara yang merdu sehinggakan pada zaman itu, syariat agama Allah melalui Kitab Zabur (Psalms) adalah beribadat secara nyanyian. Ketika inilah Nabi Daud A.S menggunakan simbol Bintang Daud (Star of David) sebagai cop mohor kerajaannya. 

    Kini simbol bintang itu telah diambil oleh Zionist & Mason sebagai lambang negara haram Israel mereka.

    Nabi Sulaiman A.S pula dikurniakan pelbagai mukjizat termasuk boleh mengawal angin, burung-burung serta jin. Kerana kebolehannya untuk berkomunikasi dengan jin, maka Haikal Sulaiman, juga dipanggil sebagai Istana Nabi Sulaiman atau Kuil Sulaiman (King Solomon’s Temple) telah dibina oleh jin berdasarkan corak binaan dan teknologi dari alam jin. 

    Itulah yang menjadi kekaguman golongan Yahudi-Mason untuk mendapat kekuasaan mengawal alam jin ini seperti yang pernah dilakukan oleh Nabi Sulaiman A.S, walaupun secara hakikatnya kebolehan Nabi Sulaiman A.S itu merupakan mukjizat kurniaan Allah S.W.T, bukannya ilmu sihir yang boleh dipelajari.

    (Gambar) Lakaran abad ke-19 yang menunjukkan bentuk PETI TABUT (The Ark of The Covenant). Mungkinkah ia dapat dijumpai dan berbentuk seperti ini?=====================================================================================================

    4) Golongan Yahudi ini percaya bahawa segala kemahiran dan mukjizat para Nabi mereka dahulu dapat dipelajari dan digunakan oleh mereka yang mengkaji.

    Ini kerana segala ilmu-ilmu serta kebolehan-kebolehan luar biasa para Nabi ini dapat menjadikan alam ini dibawah kawalan mereka. 

    Kebanyakan ilmu-ilmu para Nabi ini berbentuk ilmu metafizikal yang dapat melawan hukum alam yang lazim. 

    Kecenderungan Yahudi-Mason ini juga mungkin berasal dari pengalaman bangsa mereka yang pernah berada dibawah perhambaan oleh bangsa Mesir dan Babilonia yang terkenal dengan ilmu-ilmu SIHIR yang telah berjaya menundukkan musuh-musuh tamadun mereka.

    Agenda Zionisme ini secara tidak langsung merupakan manifestasi BALAS DENDAM terhadap manusia lain yang kononnya selama ini menindas mereka sejak munculnya bangsa mereka ini dalam sejarah tamadun manusia. 

    Bangsa Israel (kini golongan Yahudi-Zionist) seolah-olah tidak dapat membezakan antara mukjizat Nabi, karamah dan ilmu sihir. 

    Mereka anggap semua itu adalah satu sumber kuasa metafizikal untuk mengawal alam ini dan manusia lainnya. Mereka menjadi golongan manusia yang angkuh untuk mencapai kekuasaan kerana percaya bahawa mereka adalah “UMAT YANG TERPILIH” untuk menjadi tuan di muka bumi ini. 

    Maklumlah, majoriti Nabi pun berasal dari bangsa mereka dan bangsa mereka adalah satu-satunya golongan manusia di atas muka bumi ini yang pernah memakan hidangan dari syurga iaitu “Manna Was Salwa” dan diberikan beberapa kelebihan berbanding manusia lain secara fitrahnya.


    5) Apa yang terjadi sesudah Nabi Sulaiman a.s. meninggal dunia? 

    Kerajaan Bersatu bangsa Israel ini berpecah menjadi dua negara yang berasingan akibat perang saudara untuk merebut takhta Nabi Sulaiman a.s. itu. 

    Di bahagian utara terbentuk Kerajaan Israel (Kingdom of Israel) yang mengandungi 10 suku bangsa Israel dengan ibu kotanya di Samaria (Shomron). 

    Manakala di bahagian selatannya terbentuk Kerajaan Yehuda (Kingdom of Judah) yang mengandungi 2 suku bangsa Israel dengan ibu kotanya di Jerusalem, tempat Haikal Sulaiman itu berada di atas Bukit Zion.

    Haikal Sulaiman merupakan tempat terakhir PETI TABUT ini disimpan sebelum ia dikatakan hilang setelah Kerajaan Yehuda diserang oleh Raja Nebuchadnezzar II dari Empayar Babilonia Baru.

    Binaan asal Haikal Sulaiman oleh jin itu telah diruntuhkan dalam serangan tersebut. Dari Kerajaan Yehuda inilah penduduknya digelar sebagai orang Yehuda atau Judea (oleh orang Rom dan Yunani) dan akhirnya memunculkan perkataan “Jew” dalam Bahasa Inggeris. 

    Mereka inilah yang kita panggil YAHUDI pada hari ini, iaitu subset daripada bangsa Israel yang asal. 

    Tetapi istilah itu telah menjadi universal sehinggakan sesiapa sahaja yang mempunyai darah dari bangsa Israel ini akan digelar “Jew” (Yahudi) oleh masyarakat dunia kini. Sedangkan secara realitinya tidak semua suku dalam bangsa Israel itu Yahudi dan tidak semua Yahudi adalah pendukung Zionisme @Freemasonry.


    6) Ke mana pula perginya 10 suku bangsa Israel dari Kerajaan Israel? 

    Mereka telah hilang, hilang secara identitinya apabila Kerajaan Israel itu diserang oleh Empayar Assyria dari arah utara, dan 10 suku tersebut telah dipindahkan ke arah timur sebagai tawanan perang hingga ke kawasan Khorasan (kini meliputi Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq sehingga Kashmir). 

    Sesetengah riwayat mengatakan ada 12 suku bani Israel:

    Serangan yang meruntuhkan Kerajaan Israel itu berlaku 134 ratus tahun sebelum Kerajaan Yehuda diserang oleh Empayar Babilonia Baru. Oleh itu, dikatakan sisa daripada bangsa Israel yang masih wujud (secara identitinya) hingga ke hari ini adalah golongan Yahudi ini tadi yang telah pun menyebar ke serata dunia setelah berlaku DIASPORA sebaik sahaja Kerajaan Yehuda mereka diserang. 

    Golongan pendita Yahudi di Haikal Sulaiman inilah yang membentuk satu golongan agama elit yang akhirnya telah mencipta kitab Talmud, iaitu kitab tafsiran para pendita terhadap ajaran Taurat (Torah) yang telah dipesongkan menjadi kitab sihir.

    Ajaran Talmud ini meresapi akidah agama Yahudi sehingga berkembang dengan pesat ketika golongan Yahudi ini berada di dalam tawanan bangsa Babilonia. 

    Sebelum itu, telah ada fahaman-fahaman sesat dari golongan Yahudi elit yang menduduki Haikal Sulaiman tersebut sebagai pendita. 

    Kebanyakan fahaman-fahaman ini bersifat mistik dan bercampur dengan ilmu-ilmu sihir dari zaman mereka menjadi hamba di Mesir dahulu.

    (Gambar) Impresi pelukis terhadap reka bentuk Haikal Sulaiman (King Solomon’s Temple) yang kini runtuhannya berada di bawah Masjid Al-Aqsa (Dome of Rock) di sekitar Bukit Zion. Di sinilah punca kepada segala KEKUASAAN yang dicari oleh Yahudi-Zionist-Freemason selama ini untuk mendominasi dunia pada Akhir Zaman.


    7)  Oleh kerana kesesatan yang berlaku inilah maka kita faham mengapa Allah S.W.T telah menurunkan bala kepada bangsa Israel sehingga hancurnya dua negara serumpun mereka iaitu Kerajaan Yehuda dan Kerajaan Israel. 

    Dan Allah S.W.T telah mentakdirkan mereka kehilangan PETI TABUT tersebut yang selama ini merupakan simbol sahnya “KETUANAN” mereka ke atas tanah bekas bangsa Kanaan ini. 

    Hilangnya PETI TABUT tersebut merupakan petanda bahawa bangsa Israel (kini majoriti Yahudi) tidak mempunyai “HAK” ke atas tanah keturunan bangsa Arab Palestin itu. 

    Tidak seperti bangsa Kanaan, iaitu nenek moyang mereka dahulu, bangsa Arab Palestin kini adalah antara golongan manusia yang beriman kepada keesaan Allah S.W.T (majoriti Muslim dan Ahli Kitab) dan berhak ke atas tanah mereka tersebut.

    Bagi orang Yahudi yang masih beriman kepada Taurat dan Injil (Gospel) pula, mereka mengakui bahawa hanya kemunculan Nabi Isa A.S pada Akhir Zaman yang dapat mengembalikan mereka ke “TANAH YANG DIJANJIKAN” itu bersama manusia-manusia lain yang beriman. 

    Pembentukan negara haram Yahudi-Zionist yang menggunakan istilah ISRAEL itu hanyalah satu muslihat agar keturunan 10 atau 12 suku-suku bangsa Israel yang telah hilang bertebaran serata dunia tersebut akan berasa sentimental dengan nama negara itu yang sama dengan nama bangsa nenek moyang mereka dan berusaha untuk kembali bersatu bagi memenuhi kerakyatan negara Israel tersebut, lantas ia akan memberi tekanan kepada ruang hidup bangsa Arab Palestin di sekitar sempadan negara haram tersebut.


    8)  Ini sebagai persediaan untuk membentuk pemerintahan dunia (NEW WORLD ORDER) yang berpusat dari Haikal Sulaiman yang terletak di atas Bukit Zion di Jerusalem dengan segala KEKUASAAN sains dan teknologi serta ilmu-limu metafizikal (ilmu sihir). 

    Ia adalah sebuah negara yang sedang bersedia menerima kedatangan Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (The Anti-Christ) yang bakal mengetuai Yahudi-Zionist dalam mencengkam dunia Akhir Zaman ini supaya tunduk kepada kesesatan Iblis (Lucifer). 

    Oleh kerana itu kerja-kerja pengalian dan pengorekan sedang giat dilakukan oleh pihak berkuasa negara Israel di sekitar Masjid Al-Aqsa (Dome of Rock) terutama di bahagian bawah bukit Zion tersebut yang dikatakan tempat asal Haikal Sulaiman.

    Runtuhan Haikal Sulaiman dipercayai mengandungi pelbagai khazanah ilmu (kononnya ilmu mukjizat) para Nabi dari bangsa Israel.

    Mereka juga berharap dapat menemui kembali PETI TABUT, sebagai mengesahkan kependudukan mereka ke atas tanah bekas bangsa Kanaan (nenek moyang Arab Palestin) ini. 

    Dengan adanya PETI TABUT tersebut, maka Yahudi-Zionist-Mason akan dapat menghalalkan rampasan tanah penduduk Arab Palestin atas nama Tuhan, kononnya seperti ketika Tuhan memberi “KETUANAN” dan “HAK” melalui PETI TABUT itu kepada Talut untuk memerintah Kerajaan Bersatu bangsa Israel di tanah yang sama suatu masa dahulu. 

    Inilah agenda sebenar Zionisme Antarabangsa dalam mencorak sejarah, agama, ekonomi, sosial, teknologi, mentaliti dan juga nilai-nilai kemanusiaan agar menjadi terpesong dan tunduk kepada mereka di Akhir Zaman.

    Sehingga ke hari ini, PETI TABUT yang disahkan asli masih gagal ditemui.



    Yang akan mengeluarkan tabut itu nanti ialah Imam kita, Imamul Mahdi Al-Muntazar. Allah akan memberi kurnia kepadanya untuk mengeluarkan tabut itu dari tempat tersimpannya sebagai bukti bahawa dia adalah IMAM MAHDI AL-MUNTAZAR. 



    Peti Tabut mengandungi dua buah batu Loh yang tertulis 10 wasiat Allah kepada Nabi Musa,  sebatang tongkat Nabi Musa a.s yang digunakan untuk membelah Laut Merah, serban Nabi Harun a.s dan sedikit makanan yang diturunkan dari langit untuk Nabi Musa a.s dan pengikutnya ketika mereka tersesat di padang pasir.


    Bani Israel percaya bahawa Peti Tabut mempunyai banyak keistimewaannya. Mereka percaya bahawa barang siapa yang dapat memiliki Peti Tabut akan mendapat keberkatan dan pertolongan dari Allah swt. Jika dibawa berperang,ia boleh memberikan ketenangan, ketenteraman dan semangat serta mampu mengalahkan musuh. 



    Malangnya, Bani Israel tidak tahu mensyukuri anugerah yang diberikan itu. Mereka mengingkari segala perintah Allah s.w.t.. Mereka banyak memalsukan kitab suci mereka. Mereka juga ingkar dengan ajaran Nabi Samuel.

    Pada zaman tersebut, Nabi Samuel diutuskan oleh Allah untuk menyeru mereka ke jalan kebenaran. Semasa kecil Nabi Samuel telah dididik dan dibesarkan oleh para alim-ulamak. Baginda kemudiannya diajar dengan ajaran Nabi Musa dan juga kitab sucinya iaitu Taurat. 

    Setelah dewasa dan menjadi utusan Allah, Nabi Samuel mula berdakwah kepada Bani Israel supaya menyembah Allah tetapi mereka ingkar. Malah, mereka tidak percaya akan kenabian Nabi Samuel. Mereka menuduhnya sebagai pendusta. Bani Israel telah mencabarnya agar menunjukkan bukti kenabiannya. Lalu Allah menarik balik keistimewaan yang diberikan kepada Bani Israel itu. 

    DIA menukarkannya dengan memberi kekuatan dan keberanian kepada orang-orang Filistin (Palestin). Ketika Filistin berperang dengan Bani Israel, mereka berjaya mengalahkan Bani Israel. Bani Israel telah diusir dari Jerusalem. Tabut yang menjadi azimat mereka selama ini telah dirampas. Kemudian sesuatu telah berlaku.

    Orang-orang Filistin mendapat bala kerana menyentuh & mempersendakan tabut tersebut. Tabut Nabi Musa itu kemudiannya direbut kembali oleh Bani Israel sesudah mereka insaf dan bertaubat. Tetapi perangai degil mereka itu selalu berterusan. 

    Seterusnya Bani Israel mempersendakan perintah Nabi Samuel sebagai pemimpin mereka. Maka Allah telah menghantar musuh yang lebih besar kepada mereka. 

    p/s: Indiana Jones and Raiders of the lost Ark adalah movie berkenaan Tabut versi barat… 
    TABUT AS SAKINAH (THE ARK OF THE COVENANT) GalleryDec 24, 2016 zulsegamat ​PENCARIAN TABUT NABI MUSA DI TAPAK MASJID AL AQSA “Sesungguhnya tanda kerajaan Talut (yang menunjukkan benarnya dari Allah) itu ialah datangnya Peti Tabut yang mengandungi (sesuatu yang memberi) ketenteraman jiwa dari Tuhan kamu, dan (berisi) sebahagian dari apa yang telah ditinggalkan oleh keluarga Nabi Musa dan Nabi Harun; Peti Tabut itu dibawa oleh malaikat. Sesungguhnya peristiwa kembalinya Peti Tabut itu mengandungi satu tanda keterangan bagi kamu jika benar kamu golongan yang beriman.”  (Al-Baqarah: 248) =================================================================== RAHSIA KUASA YANG DICARI OLEH ZIONIS SIHIR… senjata super bagi pihak Yahudi-Mason untuk menguasai dunia pada akhir zaman.  Impian Yahudi dalam mencapai KEKUASAAN yang selama ini telah dicabut oleh Allah S.W.T daripada mereka akibat kesesatan akidah golongan itu. Motivasi paganistik-kabbalah yang mempercayai kesaktian Tabut.  Mereka yang menemui Tabut dipercayai akan mendapat kekuatan mistik yang akan meresap ke dalam tubuh dan jiwa mereka.Selama ini kaum zionis, masih menganggap bahawa Tabut adalah kurniaan atau mu’jizat yang diberikan Tuhan kepada orang-orang Yahudi. Mereka meyakini apabila Tabut berjaya ditemui maka keagungan dan kejayaan mereka akan kembali dan dapat menguasai dunia lagi. Namun, sekalipun Tabut masih ada dan Yahudi berjaya menemuinya, dengan akal waras kita mampu berfikir: Tidak mungkin Allah SWT memberikan rahmat dan mukjizat kepada bangsa yang terus membunuh nabi-nabi-Nya dan ingkar terhadap ajaran-Nya. (Gambar) Peta yang menunjukkan Kerajaan Israel (Kingdom of Israel) di utara dan Kerajaan Yehuda (Kingdom of Judah) di selatan. Dua negara hasil dari pecahan Kerajaan Bersatu (United Monarchy) bangsa Israel di bawah Raja Talut, Nabi Daud A.S dan Nabi Sulaiman a.s. dahulu. ===================================================================================================== 1) Terbentuknya Kerajaan Bersatu (United Monarchy) setelah Nabi Musa a.s. membawa bangsa Israel ini melintasi Laut Merah untuk ke “TANAH YANG DIJANJIKAN” (The Promised Land).  Nabi Musa A.S telah menyerahkan tugas mengepalai bangsa Israel ini kepada Joshua, seorang panglima perang yang mengetuai bangsa Israel dalam peperangan menentang penduduk asal kawasan Tebing Barat kini, iaitu bangsa Kanaan (Canaanite) yang tidak beriman kepada Allah S.W.T.  Bangsa Kanaan adalah nenek moyang orang Filistin (Philistine) iaitu asal usul orang Arab Palestin kini. Setelah berjaya menduduki kawasan Kanaan itu (kawasan yang menjadi negara haram Israel kini), maka timbullah satu dilema di mana bangsa Israel yang mempunyai 12 suku (Tribes) ini tiada raja untuk memerintah. Maka ketika itu seorang pengembala keldai yang bernama Talut (dalam Injil dipanggil Saul), telah diangkat menjadi Raja Pertama Israel oleh seorang Nabi (bukan Rasul) yang juga Kadi (hakim) Israel bernama Samuel.  Bagi menjadikan rakyat Israel taat kepada Talut yang asalnya seorang pengembala keldai ini, maka Allah telah kurniakannya PETI TABUT sebagai simbol PENYATUAN dan KEKUASAAN bagi Talut memerintah bangsa Israel.  Maka terbentuklah Kerajaan Bersatu (United Monarchy), iaitu sebuah negara dan kerajaan bangsa Israel yang sah sekitar tahun 1050 sebelum Masihi di kawasan Kanaan itu. ===================================================================================================== 2) Apa yang uniknya PETI TABUT itu?  Mengikut komentar Allahyarham Abdullah Yusuf Ali (penterjemah Al-Quran ke Bahasa Inggeris yang terkenal), PETI TABUT atau juga dikenali dalam Bahasa Inggeris sebagai “The Ark of The Covenant” ini diperbuat daripada kayu pokok akasia dan mempunyai jalur-jalur emas tulen.  Tudungnya yang keemasan itu dikatakan “Takhta Kasih” dari Allah S.W.T.  Ia mengandungi “PERNYATAAN TUHAN”, iaitu Sepuluh Perintah (The Ten Commandments) yang terukir pada tablet-tablet batu di samping beberapa lagi peninggalan Nabi Musa A.S dan Nabi Harun A.S.  Ia dipercayai pernah dibawa oleh malaikat. Ia juga merupakan simbol KEAMANAN dan KETENTERAMAN dari Allah S.W.T kepada mereka yang beriman. Namun golongan Yahudi-Zionist percaya bahawa PETI TABUT ini mengandungi pelbagai lagi rahsia yang merupakan kunci kepada ilmu-ilmu (mungkin ilmu metafizikal) para Nabi untuk mereka eksploitasi demi berkuasa di dunia ini sebagai “UMAT YANG TERPILIH”.  Oleh sebab itu sehingga kini, adalah satu impian bagi golongan Yahudi-Zionist ini untuk menemui kembali PETI TABUT yang telah hilang sejak Jerusalem (Baitulmaqdis) diserang oleh Empayar Babilonia Baru (Neo Babylonian Empire) pada tahun 586 sebelum Masihi. ===================================================================================================== 3) Setelah kematian Talut, Kerajaan Bersatu ini diperintah pula oleh Nabi Daud A.S (King David) dan anaknya Nabi Sulaiman A.S (King Solomon).  Nabi Daud A.S diberikan kelebihan untuk melembutkan besi, kerana itu mengikut sumber Israeliyyat (Sejarah Israel), Nabi Daud A.S merupakan manusia pertama yang membuat baju rantai besi (chainmail).  Nabi Daud A.S juga dikurniakan suara yang merdu sehinggakan pada zaman itu, syariat agama Allah melalui Kitab Zabur (Psalms) adalah beribadat secara nyanyian. Ketika inilah Nabi Daud A.S menggunakan simbol Bintang Daud (Star of David) sebagai cop mohor kerajaannya.  Kini simbol bintang itu telah diambil oleh Zionist & Mason sebagai lambang negara haram Israel mereka. Nabi Sulaiman A.S pula dikurniakan pelbagai mukjizat termasuk boleh mengawal angin, burung-burung serta jin. Kerana kebolehannya untuk berkomunikasi dengan jin, maka Haikal Sulaiman, juga dipanggil sebagai Istana Nabi Sulaiman atau Kuil Sulaiman (King Solomon’s Temple) telah dibina oleh jin berdasarkan corak binaan dan teknologi dari alam jin.  Itulah yang menjadi kekaguman golongan Yahudi-Mason untuk mendapat kekuasaan mengawal alam jin ini seperti yang pernah dilakukan oleh Nabi Sulaiman A.S, walaupun secara hakikatnya kebolehan Nabi Sulaiman A.S itu merupakan mukjizat kurniaan Allah S.W.T, bukannya ilmu sihir yang boleh dipelajari. (Gambar) Lakaran abad ke-19 yang menunjukkan bentuk PETI TABUT (The Ark of The Covenant). Mungkinkah ia dapat dijumpai dan berbentuk seperti ini?===================================================================================================== 4) Golongan Yahudi ini percaya bahawa segala kemahiran dan mukjizat para Nabi mereka dahulu dapat dipelajari dan digunakan oleh mereka yang mengkaji. Ini kerana segala ilmu-ilmu serta kebolehan-kebolehan luar biasa para Nabi ini dapat menjadikan alam ini dibawah kawalan mereka.  Kebanyakan ilmu-ilmu para Nabi ini berbentuk ilmu metafizikal yang dapat melawan hukum alam yang lazim.  Kecenderungan Yahudi-Mason ini juga mungkin berasal dari pengalaman bangsa mereka yang pernah berada dibawah perhambaan oleh bangsa Mesir dan Babilonia yang terkenal dengan ilmu-ilmu SIHIR yang telah berjaya menundukkan musuh-musuh tamadun mereka. Agenda Zionisme ini secara tidak langsung merupakan manifestasi BALAS DENDAM terhadap manusia lain yang kononnya selama ini menindas mereka sejak munculnya bangsa mereka ini dalam sejarah tamadun manusia.  Bangsa Israel (kini golongan Yahudi-Zionist) seolah-olah tidak dapat membezakan antara mukjizat Nabi, karamah dan ilmu sihir.  Mereka anggap semua itu adalah satu sumber kuasa metafizikal untuk mengawal alam ini dan manusia lainnya. Mereka menjadi golongan manusia yang angkuh untuk mencapai kekuasaan kerana percaya bahawa mereka adalah “UMAT YANG TERPILIH” untuk menjadi tuan di muka bumi ini.  Maklumlah, majoriti Nabi pun berasal dari bangsa mereka dan bangsa mereka adalah satu-satunya golongan manusia di atas muka bumi ini yang pernah memakan hidangan dari syurga iaitu “Manna Was Salwa” dan diberikan beberapa kelebihan berbanding manusia lain secara fitrahnya. ===================================================================================================== 5) Apa yang terjadi sesudah Nabi Sulaiman a.s. meninggal dunia?  Kerajaan Bersatu bangsa Israel ini berpecah menjadi dua negara yang berasingan akibat perang saudara untuk merebut takhta Nabi Sulaiman a.s. itu.  Di bahagian utara terbentuk Kerajaan Israel (Kingdom of Israel) yang mengandungi 10 suku bangsa Israel dengan ibu kotanya di Samaria (Shomron).  Manakala di bahagian selatannya terbentuk Kerajaan Yehuda (Kingdom of Judah) yang mengandungi 2 suku bangsa Israel dengan ibu kotanya di Jerusalem, tempat Haikal Sulaiman itu berada di atas Bukit Zion. Haikal Sulaiman merupakan tempat terakhir PETI TABUT ini disimpan sebelum ia dikatakan hilang setelah Kerajaan Yehuda diserang oleh Raja Nebuchadnezzar II dari Empayar Babilonia Baru. Binaan asal Haikal Sulaiman oleh jin itu telah diruntuhkan dalam serangan tersebut. Dari Kerajaan Yehuda inilah penduduknya digelar sebagai orang Yehuda atau Judea (oleh orang Rom dan Yunani) dan akhirnya memunculkan perkataan “Jew” dalam Bahasa Inggeris.  Mereka inilah yang kita panggil YAHUDI pada hari ini, iaitu subset daripada bangsa Israel yang asal.  Tetapi istilah itu telah menjadi universal sehinggakan sesiapa sahaja yang mempunyai darah dari bangsa Israel ini akan digelar “Jew” (Yahudi) oleh masyarakat dunia kini. Sedangkan secara realitinya tidak semua suku dalam bangsa Israel itu Yahudi dan tidak semua Yahudi adalah pendukung Zionisme @Freemasonry. ===================================================================================================== 6) Ke mana pula perginya 10 suku bangsa Israel dari Kerajaan Israel?  Mereka telah hilang, hilang secara identitinya apabila Kerajaan Israel itu diserang oleh Empayar Assyria dari arah utara, dan 10 suku tersebut telah dipindahkan ke arah timur sebagai tawanan perang hingga ke kawasan Khorasan (kini meliputi Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq sehingga Kashmir).  Sesetengah riwayat mengatakan ada 12 suku bani Israel: Serangan yang meruntuhkan Kerajaan Israel itu berlaku 134 ratus tahun sebelum Kerajaan Yehuda diserang oleh Empayar Babilonia Baru. Oleh itu, dikatakan sisa daripada bangsa Israel yang masih wujud (secara identitinya) hingga ke hari ini adalah golongan Yahudi ini tadi yang telah pun menyebar ke serata dunia setelah berlaku DIASPORA sebaik sahaja Kerajaan Yehuda mereka diserang.  Golongan pendita Yahudi di Haikal Sulaiman inilah yang membentuk satu golongan agama elit yang akhirnya telah mencipta kitab Talmud, iaitu kitab tafsiran para pendita terhadap ajaran Taurat (Torah) yang telah dipesongkan menjadi kitab sihir. Ajaran Talmud ini meresapi akidah agama Yahudi sehingga berkembang dengan pesat ketika golongan Yahudi ini berada di dalam tawanan bangsa Babilonia.  Sebelum itu, telah ada fahaman-fahaman sesat dari golongan Yahudi elit yang menduduki Haikal Sulaiman tersebut sebagai pendita.  Kebanyakan fahaman-fahaman ini bersifat mistik dan bercampur dengan ilmu-ilmu sihir dari zaman mereka menjadi hamba di Mesir dahulu. (Gambar) Impresi pelukis terhadap reka bentuk Haikal Sulaiman (King Solomon’s Temple) yang kini runtuhannya berada di bawah Masjid Al-Aqsa (Dome of Rock) di sekitar Bukit Zion. Di sinilah punca kepada segala KEKUASAAN yang dicari oleh Yahudi-Zionist-Freemason selama ini untuk mendominasi dunia pada Akhir Zaman. ===================================================================================================== 7)  Oleh kerana kesesatan yang berlaku inilah maka kita faham mengapa Allah S.W.T telah menurunkan bala kepada bangsa Israel sehingga hancurnya dua negara serumpun mereka iaitu Kerajaan Yehuda dan Kerajaan Israel.  Dan Allah S.W.T telah mentakdirkan mereka kehilangan PETI TABUT tersebut yang selama ini merupakan simbol sahnya “KETUANAN” mereka ke atas tanah bekas bangsa Kanaan ini.  Hilangnya PETI TABUT tersebut merupakan petanda bahawa bangsa Israel (kini majoriti Yahudi) tidak mempunyai “HAK” ke atas tanah keturunan bangsa Arab Palestin itu.  Tidak seperti bangsa Kanaan, iaitu nenek moyang mereka dahulu, bangsa Arab Palestin kini adalah antara golongan manusia yang beriman kepada keesaan Allah S.W.T (majoriti Muslim dan Ahli Kitab) dan berhak ke atas tanah mereka tersebut. Bagi orang Yahudi yang masih beriman kepada Taurat dan Injil (Gospel) pula, mereka mengakui bahawa hanya kemunculan Nabi Isa A.S pada Akhir Zaman yang dapat mengembalikan mereka ke “TANAH YANG DIJANJIKAN” itu bersama manusia-manusia lain yang beriman.  Pembentukan negara haram Yahudi-Zionist yang menggunakan istilah ISRAEL itu hanyalah satu muslihat agar keturunan 10 atau 12 suku-suku bangsa Israel yang telah hilang bertebaran serata dunia tersebut akan berasa sentimental dengan nama negara itu yang sama dengan nama bangsa nenek moyang mereka dan berusaha untuk kembali bersatu bagi memenuhi kerakyatan negara Israel tersebut, lantas ia akan memberi tekanan kepada ruang hidup bangsa Arab Palestin di sekitar sempadan negara haram tersebut. ===================================================================================================== 8)  Ini sebagai persediaan untuk membentuk pemerintahan dunia (NEW WORLD ORDER) yang berpusat dari Haikal Sulaiman yang terletak di atas Bukit Zion di Jerusalem dengan segala KEKUASAAN sains dan teknologi serta ilmu-limu metafizikal (ilmu sihir).  Ia adalah sebuah negara yang sedang bersedia menerima kedatangan Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (The Anti-Christ) yang bakal mengetuai Yahudi-Zionist dalam mencengkam dunia Akhir Zaman ini supaya tunduk kepada kesesatan Iblis (Lucifer).  Oleh kerana itu kerja-kerja pengalian dan pengorekan sedang giat dilakukan oleh pihak berkuasa negara Israel di sekitar Masjid Al-Aqsa (Dome of Rock) terutama di bahagian bawah bukit Zion tersebut yang dikatakan tempat asal Haikal Sulaiman. Runtuhan Haikal Sulaiman dipercayai mengandungi pelbagai khazanah ilmu (kononnya ilmu mukjizat) para Nabi dari bangsa Israel. Mereka juga berharap dapat menemui kembali PETI TABUT, sebagai mengesahkan kependudukan mereka ke atas tanah bekas bangsa Kanaan (nenek moyang Arab Palestin) ini.  Dengan adanya PETI TABUT tersebut, maka Yahudi-Zionist-Mason akan dapat menghalalkan rampasan tanah penduduk Arab Palestin atas nama Tuhan, kononnya seperti ketika Tuhan memberi “KETUANAN” dan “HAK” melalui PETI TABUT itu kepada Talut untuk memerintah Kerajaan Bersatu bangsa Israel di tanah yang sama suatu masa dahulu.  Inilah agenda sebenar Zionisme Antarabangsa dalam mencorak sejarah, agama, ekonomi, sosial, teknologi, mentaliti dan juga nilai-nilai kemanusiaan agar menjadi terpesong dan tunduk kepada mereka di Akhir Zaman. Sehingga ke hari ini, PETI TABUT yang disahkan asli masih gagal ditemui. ========================================================================================================================================================================= SIAPAKAH BAKAL MENGELUARKANNYA?  Yang akan mengeluarkan tabut itu nanti ialah Imam kita, Imamul Mahdi Al-Muntazar. Allah akan memberi kurnia kepadanya untuk mengeluarkan tabut itu dari tempat tersimpannya sebagai bukti bahawa dia adalah IMAM MAHDI AL-MUNTAZAR.  ===================================================================================================== APAKAH KANDUNGAN TABUT?  Peti Tabut mengandungi dua buah batu Loh yang tertulis 10 wasiat Allah kepada Nabi Musa,  sebatang tongkat Nabi Musa a.s yang digunakan untuk membelah Laut Merah, serban Nabi Harun a.s dan sedikit makanan yang diturunkan dari langit untuk Nabi Musa a.s dan pengikutnya ketika mereka tersesat di padang pasir. KEISTIMEWAAN LAIN  Bani Israel percaya bahawa Peti Tabut mempunyai banyak keistimewaannya. Mereka percaya bahawa barang siapa yang dapat memiliki Peti Tabut akan mendapat keberkatan dan pertolongan dari Allah swt. Jika dibawa berperang,ia boleh memberikan ketenangan, ketenteraman dan semangat serta mampu mengalahkan musuh.  ================================= KEBIADAPAN ISRAEL TERHADAP TABUT Malangnya, Bani Israel tidak tahu mensyukuri anugerah yang diberikan itu. Mereka mengingkari segala perintah Allah s.w.t.. Mereka banyak memalsukan kitab suci mereka. Mereka juga ingkar dengan ajaran Nabi Samuel. Pada zaman tersebut, Nabi Samuel diutuskan oleh Allah untuk menyeru mereka ke jalan kebenaran. Semasa kecil Nabi Samuel telah dididik dan dibesarkan oleh para alim-ulamak. Baginda kemudiannya diajar dengan ajaran Nabi Musa dan juga kitab sucinya iaitu Taurat.  Setelah dewasa dan menjadi utusan Allah, Nabi Samuel mula berdakwah kepada Bani Israel supaya menyembah Allah tetapi mereka ingkar. Malah, mereka tidak percaya akan kenabian Nabi Samuel. Mereka menuduhnya sebagai pendusta. Bani Israel telah mencabarnya agar menunjukkan bukti kenabiannya. Lalu Allah menarik balik keistimewaan yang diberikan kepada Bani Israel itu.  DIA menukarkannya dengan memberi kekuatan dan keberanian kepada orang-orang Filistin (Palestin). Ketika Filistin berperang dengan Bani Israel, mereka berjaya mengalahkan Bani Israel. Bani Israel telah diusir dari Jerusalem. Tabut yang menjadi azimat mereka selama ini telah dirampas. Kemudian sesuatu telah berlaku. Orang-orang Filistin mendapat bala kerana menyentuh & mempersendakan tabut tersebut. Tabut Nabi Musa itu kemudiannya direbut kembali oleh Bani Israel sesudah mereka insaf dan bertaubat. Tetapi perangai degil mereka itu selalu berterusan.  Seterusnya Bani Israel mempersendakan perintah Nabi Samuel sebagai pemimpin mereka. Maka Allah telah menghantar musuh yang lebih besar kepada mereka.  p/s: Indiana Jones and Raiders of the lost Ark adalah movie berkenaan Tabut versi barat… 
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