• Stuck Between a Rock and the ER
    Dealing with kidney stone emergencies requires a different approach than that which resolves the chronic underlying causes

    Dr. Syed Haider

    We usually advocate for careful, measured medical solutions. We rail against the tendency to try to “hack” biology, because biology can’t be hacked without hacking it to bits.

    And yet, sometimes you just have to cut the Gordian knot, because there’s a difference between emergency care and chronic care.

    In emergencies you’re willing to do things that you might never do outside of them because in every situation you have to weigh the risks and benefits. When you have time on your side you can take it easy and do things the right way, without little or no risk at all. When you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place like the ER you often have to make concessions because the ER can mean even risker treatments and procedures that are often quite expensive as well.

    Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful to pass, and sometimes they won’t pass at all if they’re too large. No matter how much painkiller you receive it may not do much at all when the spasmodic pains hit. And using the strongest opiate painkillers like morphine can worsen spasms of the ureter so patients are usually started on high dose ibuprofen, perhaps alpha blockers like tamsulosin to reduce spasms, and plenty of fluids to help flush the kidney stone out.

    Kidney Stones (Nephrolithiasis) - Symptoms and Causes
    If that doesn’t work then some types and sizes of stones can be broken up by a shockwave (lithotripsy) procedure, others require retrieval via a freaky endoscopic procedure call ureteroscopy, and still others may require a full on open surgery. 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2000 ureterscopy procedures will result in severe complications like avulsion of the ureter, requiring extensive surgical repair. Of course any major surgical procedure can involve complications, but for most people the biggest complication will be to their pocketbooks. With insurance you’re looking at $1000s in copays and without insurance 10s of $1000s. Finally and perhaps worst of all is the amount of time it takes to finally get relief from the stone. It could be many hours in the ER just waiting for the procedure to be arranged.

    In this and other similar situations it’s always good to have a plan B, or even a plan A that you can institute yourself.

    We’ve seen incredible results from two simple approaches to acute kidney stones. The first can be done by nearly anyone at any time and you just need a bunch of lemons and water. The second is more specialized and is the herb Chanca Piedra, which might be good to keep on hand if stones are a recurrent problem.

    Lemons are well known to help prevent the two mosts common types of kidney stones - calcium oxalate and uric acid, they’ve been mentioned by the Harvard Health website and many dialed-in urologists will let you know about lemon juice for prevention. Lemon juice has citric acid, which becomes citrate when excreted in the urine. This reduces acidity of the urine which can dissolve uric acid stones. The citrate also binds calcium ions to prevent calcium oxalate formation.

    It is not usually considered likely for citrate from lemonade or any other source to be able to shrink a calcium oxalate stone once it forms, but it seems like it should be possible. And we have to understand that even shaving off a tiny bit of an impacted stone can mean the difference between surgery and spontaneously passing it.

    Now at the surface of a calcium oxalate stone in the urine there would always be some flux of calcium ions either joining the stone or leaving it. The tendency towards one or the other would be influenced by how many calcium ions are dissolved in the urine. With the addition of citrate which binds and removes calcium ions from the urine, more calcium would be released from the calcium oxalate stone, thereby leading to progressive shrinkage of the stone. Perhaps a biochemist can chime in with a predicted rate of dissolution, but lets see what we can come up with.

    The likelihood of a stone passing naturally depends on its size (diameter):

    1 mm: 87% chance of passing

    2–4 mm: 76% chance of passing

    5–7 mm: 60% chance of passing

    7–9 mm: 48% chance of passing

    Larger than 9 mm: 25% chance of passing

    Kidney stones Memes and Images - Imgur
    Based on the weight of calcium oxalate and assuming a spherical stone shape, the following are the typical weights of various diameter stones:

    Small Stones (1-5 mm):

    Volume range: 0.5 mm³ to 65.45 mm³

    Weight range: Approximately 1 mg to 137 mg.

    Medium Stones (5-10 mm):

    Volume range: 65.45 mm³ to 523.6 mm³

    Weight range: Approximately 137 mg to 1100 mg.

    Large Stones (10-15 mm):

    Volume range: 523.6 mm³ to 1767 mm³

    Weight range: Approximately 1100 mg to 3710 mg.

    So if we can somehow manage to dissolve gram ranges of calcium oxalate we would have a very good chance of partially or completely dissolving any stone stuck in the ureter.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    1. Amount of Citrate in Lemon Juice

    Citrate Content: Lemon juice is a rich source of citrate. On average, one lemon (about 48 grams of lemon juice) contains approximately 1.44 grams of citrate.

    Daily Intake: If someone were to drink the juice of 16 lemons in day (8 glasses of 500ml with 2 lemons in each), this would provide approximately 23 grams of citrate.

    2. Citrate Absorption and Excretion

    Absorption and Metabolism: After ingestion, citrate is absorbed in the intestines, and a portion is metabolized in the body, while the remainder is excreted in the urine. The efficiency of absorption and excretion can vary, but it’s generally estimated that about 20-40% of ingested citrate is excreted unchanged in the urine.

    Urinary Citrate Increase: If we assume a 30% excretion rate, consuming 5.76 grams of citrate would result in approximately 7 grams of citrate entering the urine.

    3. Citrate Binding to Calcium

    Calcium Binding: Citrate binds to calcium in the urine, forming soluble calcium-citrate complexes. The effectiveness of this binding depends on the concentration of calcium and citrate in the urine.

    Binding Capacity: Each mole of citrate can theoretically bind one mole of calcium (even though citrate is trivalent, often only one binding site is involved in a stable complex in biological conditions). The binding of calcium by citrate is pH-dependent, with better binding at higher urinary pH (above 6.5), and citrate itself tends to raise the pH of urine. If we estimate that 7 grams of citrate could bind to a proportional amount of calcium (assuming typical urinary conditions), it could potentially bind up to around 1500 mg of calcium (since citrate and calcium have different molar weights).

    4. Impact on Calcium Oxalate Stones

    Impact on Stone Size: This should significantly reduce the stone size because 1500 mg of calcium represents about 5400 mg of calcium oxalate (the oxalate contributes its own weight when combined to calcium in the stone) and 5400mg is more than the weight of even most very large ureteral stones.

    Homemade Lemonade
    It seems from the above that drinking plenty of lemon juice could have an outsized impact on any stone stuck in the ureter or anywhere else, and even on much larger stones stuck in the kidneys. Perhaps unsurprisingly many people have reported anecdotally that drinking lots of lemon juice when they develop any type of kidney stone has helped dissolve it.

    In light of the calculations and reports it’s possible that lemon juice shrinks stones via the above laid out acetate in the urine mechanism (assuming there are no mistaken assumptions, like how fast the stone releases calcium at its surface), or that there is some other active principle in lemon juice that shrinks stones or stimulates relaxation of the ureters to allow them to pass, or that there is a placebo effect, or that people tend to be able to stomach more lemonade than they can plain water, and it’s just the relatively increased urine output that helps the situation.

    In any event if I had a stone I would drink as much lemonade as I could to see if I could get rid of it, despite every publicly searchable source swearing it wouldn’t help because I tend to believe other people’s experience over biased researchers and scientists. If I weren’t quite so confident I might drink the lemonade on the way to the ER, and while waiting for a urologist to show up - if it worked, great, if not, no harm, no foul.

    Chanca Piedra, Spanish for the “Stone Breaker”

    The other kidney stone remedy has more research to back it up than lemon juice does, though you’ll usually have to go out of your way to find it instead of just visiting your local grocery store. Chanca Piedra is an Amazonian herb that is well known in local lore to both help prevent and treat kidney stones. Similar to lemon juice it increases citrate secretion into the urine which will bind calcium. It increases the secretion of magnesium, which also inhibits calcium oxalate formation. It also has known diuretic (increased urine flow), antispasmodic, antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects that may all contribute to fast and pain-free stone passage.


    Now, no treatment of acute painful stones that land you in the ER would be complete without touching on gallstones. There’s sure to be a way to treat these, but unfortunately we’re not as certain of a one size fits all remedy for this (let us know what you’ve got). I would caution against removing the gallbladder though, as it’s a crucial organ for proper digestion and for maintaining proper hormonal balance since bile is directly involved in fat digestion, including cholesterol, which is the precursor of all hormones. It’s also required for the digestion and absorption of the important fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Of course bile will continue to be produced even without a gallbladder, but its synchronized, well-timed release during the process of digestion will be impaired.

    Gallbladder Disease in Children - HealthyChildren.org
    Removing the gallbladder can also contribute to estrogen excess, since extra estrogen is partly dumped into the gut via the bile and when not normally depleted may contribute to many common modern diseases such as:


    Heart Disease




    Thyroid Dysfunction


    Uterine Fibroids

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)


    Many people have already had their gallbladders removed, but they do keep producing bile and the situation can still be balanced out by optimizing lifestyle factors and oftentimes a psuedo-gallbladder will even reform due to dilation of the remaining bile ducts, which allows larger boluses of bile to be injected into the gut when called for, similar to what would happen with a normal gallbladder.

    Coffee Enemas and Gallstones

    Various enemas have been used since ancient times by every ancient medical system. Coffee enemas were first documented in the early 20th century. They were reportedly used by soldiers in WWI for pain control. They were popluarized by Max Gerson in the 1930s as an alternative therapy for liver and gallbladder flushing and support and in the alternative treatment of cancer. The best type for this purpose is organic, green, unroasted, heavy metal and mold free coffee.

    This is how coffee enemas may help with gallstones:


    Whither Caffeine? The difference between a coffee enema and simply drinking the coffee lies in where the coffee and caffeine ends up. When you drink coffee the caffeine is primarily absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, and enters the systemic circulation traveling throughout the body before going to the liver to be metabolized out of the bloodstream. However with an enema the coffee and caffeine are primarily absorbed into the portal vein which feed straight into the liver. Here the effects of coffee will be concentrated, and coffee will also be metabolised and removed from the blood, rather than traveling on to the rest of the body. Research confirms that blood levels of caffeine are 2.5X lower after a coffee enema, compared to drinking the same quantity of coffee, and this is important because caffeines effect on the brain and rest of the body is not usually conducive to healing from chronic illness.

    Stimulation of Bile Flow:

    Bile Production & Flow: Caffeinated coffee specifically has been shown to stimulate the production of bile by the liver and promote its flow through the bile ducts by stimulating the contraction of the gallbladder. Enhanced bile flow can theoretically help prevent the formation of gallstones by keeping bile less concentrated and reducing the likelihood of cholesterol crystallization. It should also help break up or flush out stones already present since stagnation of bile is a risk factor for stone formation.

    Bile Duct Dilation: It’s possible coffee enemas cause dilation of the bile ducts, which could facilitate the passage of small stones or sludge, though this effect is not well-documented.

    Lemon Juice and Gallstones

    Not the first thing we think of for gallstones, but since we used it for kidney stones, lets check it out here as well. Traditionally it has been used and is usually taken with olive oil for gallstones.

    Bile Production and Flow:

    Lemon juice is high in citric acid, which stimulates bile production. Bile is essential for the digestion and emulsification of fats, and an increase in bile flow might help prevent the formation of gallstones and help break them down, particularly cholesterol stones. The antioxidant vitamin C in lemon juice could help support liver function including bile production.

    Chanca Piedra and Gallstones

    Again since we mentioned it for kidney stones it’s worth looking at here as well.

    Hepatoprotective and Choleretic Effects:

    Chanca Piedra has been traditionally used for various liver and gallbladder conditions. Some studies have indicated that it has hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) properties and may increase bile secretion (choleretic effect) which could help dissolve and flush out stones.

    Potential Stone Dissolution:

    Like its use in kidney stones, Chanca Piedra is believed by some to have poorly characterized litholytic (stone-dissolving) properties. While most of the evidence for this comes from studies on kidney stones, there is some traditional use and anecdotal evidence suggesting it might also be helpful for gallstones.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Other Herbs for Gallstones

    There are many herbal remedies for gallbladder issues, but they’re beyond the scope of this article and should be recommended by a practitioner who analyzes the patient’s specific situation.

    Bile Acids for Gallstones

    Not considered an acute remedy, but more long term, is the supplementation of bile acids that are found in normal bile, but may be “deficient” in someone with gallstones. Ursodeoxycholic acid is often used. It helps remove cholesterol from the bile and dissolves cholesterol gallstones over time. There is a pharmaceutical version and you can also get animal sourced bile acid supplements. Should only be considered as an adjunct to real deep resolution.

    Bonus: Third “Rock”

    There’s one acute condition you’re unlikely to get treated in the ER and that’s a severe toothache, because dentists don’t usually visit ERs. This can be as painful as any other pathology and even strong painkillers have a hard time blunting it. The ER is likely to give you an antibiotic and a painkiller and then refer you to a dentist. If you’re lucky they’ll inject a temporary nerve block that will probably wear off in a few hours. All this for a price that may be in the thousands of dollars and can involve a lot of time in excruciating pain waiting to be seen.

    The single most effective and fastest treatment for any toothache, including an abscessed tooth is to bite on a fresh clove of garlic with the painful tooth. Pain is typically gone within a couple minutes. Though the garlic juice released can cause some brief burning in your mouth it’s well worth it. Garlic combines a nerve block and antibiotic in one. I have personally witnessed the effects which can last for 12-24 hours. It can be repeated as needed and can completely resolve not only the pain but even the underlying infection itself, reversing swelling, warmth, tenderness and temperature sensitivity within a day or two.

    The primary side effect aside from the mucosal burning from the juice is nuclear breath and distorted taste.

    Something that is much less smelly than garlic may work as well and that’s black cloves. You can try biting on 1-5 cloves with the affected tooth and often achieve the same effect, but if not you can always graduate to the garlic.

    Some people hate the dentist so much they go on to live with cloves in their mouth, allowing them to continue ignoring the underlying problem of dental disease caused by dietary and other lifestyle indiscretions. This is of course a recipe for eventual disaster.

    Like all the short term solutions, it’s not meant to be used as a long term bandaid. Anecdotally it is possible to actually heal teeth and avoid dentistry, but it does take dedication and significant lifestyle change. As with any disease process the approach is essentially to remove toxins and chronic pathogens which many people like have growin in the roots of multiple teeth - eg press your gums looking for any tender spots. Along with removing the harm we have to support the teeth with the right lifestyle choices and diet. Then we just have to wait long enough for these changes to take effect.

    Acute Care vs Chronic

    Some people figure out how to mitigate their acute kidney or gallstone issues, and then they turn that into their chronic care plan. There are many cases of patients who once they figure out that lemon juice will prevent further attacks simply drink lemonade daily and think no more of it.

    The problem of course is that this doesn’t address the root cause of the problem.

    It’s like having a leak in from the second floor bathroom and just painting over it, or when it gets worse just repairing the area that was leaked and making it waterproof.

    Sooner or later the water will just go somewhere else and spring another leak.

    The same happens in your body. The first symptom is just an early warning sign. It’s like the canary in the coal mine. When that canary died, the miners hightailed it out of there before they dropped dead too. The toxic gas dropped the little bird at much lower concentrations than it did the big miners, but once the gas started leaking they knew it would just keep building up until it got them too.

    The same in your kidney or liver/gallbladder. There is some mixture of causes: toxins/pathogens and nutrient/nourishment deficiencies that is harming your organ. Left unaddressed it will keep harming your organ even if you neutralize its ability to create stones.

    You’ve kept yourself comfortable by shutting up your early warning system. It’s like theres an enemy attacking and you were annoyed by the air raid sirens so you just shut them off and ignored the developing situation.

    So what do you do instead?

    Knowing the cause means knowing the solution.

    In traditional medical thought the kidneys were linked to fear and willpower. Kidney disease or dysfunction was associated with deep-seated fears, insecurities, and a lack of resolve and resilience.

    The gallbladder was seen as the organ responsible for decision-making, courage, and the capacity to act, so gallbladder issues were often linked to indecisiveness, trouble standing up for oneself, or suppressed anger/feelings.

    The body often gives you a sign by compensating for lack of one thing by overdoing another. There is a common psychological thread linking the emotional aspects of both organs related to willpower and decisiveness. In both cases there may be a kind of pathological softness, in other words an inability to be firm. And this excessive softness may eventually be balanced by the hardness manifested in the stones that may form in one or the other organ.

    Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Two Peas in a Pod

    Kidney diseases usually happen in those who have prolonged internal or external conflicts with spouses, partners or other people close to them.

    The kidneys are a paired organ, and its been said by the ancients they represent two people gazing at each other intently, or one person looking deeply at their own reflection in a mirror. This symbolism underscores the traditional view of the kidneys' connection to one's partner and oneself. It suggests that one can either view their partner as an extension of themselves or as a separate entity. When individuals begin to see their partner as an outsider rather than a reflection of themselves, it disrupts their unity and causes significant stress, leading to disconnection. Ideally, a husband and wife should function as a single entity, in perfect harmony, like one soul inhabiting two bodies. This reflects the traditional ideal of marriage.

    Another layer to this is seeing other people and the rest of the creation as one’s own reflection also. This is a spiritual perspective that engenders radical responsibility for everything that happens in life, including what is done to one by other people.

    The idea is that the Divine Will is the only Actor in the Universe and from the perspective of each individual, everything that happens is due to Divine Providence. The purpose of existence is to better know oneself and perfect oneself to better know the Divine and draw closer to that Reality. In order for that to happen the Universe and everything in it must reflect each individuals failings, so everything that happens and everything anyone does to one is meant to illuminate ones own imperfections so they can be worked upon.

    From this perspective individuals don’t blame others, but only blame themselves for whatever happens to them. It is an empowering perspective, rather than one of victimhood.

    So the kidneys actually represent more than just a person’s relationship with their closest partner or companion, but actually reflect their relationship with themselves. This relationship with onesself is simply most evident in the relationship with those closest to one, but it extends to the entire universe. So even a lack of harmony with nature, particularly the light encoded circadian rhythms, can also have a significant negative impact on kidney health.

    It should therefore come as no surprise that in Classical Chinese medical thought, the kidneys are considered the seat of wisdom, because it takes great insight to see one's partner and others and the entire universe all as a reflections of oneself - or in other words a Divine Act meant to illuminate your self to you. Considering the slings and arrows of fortune as “the other” entails a rejection ones own true nature, which is what is being reflected back at one. Deeply accepting oneself means accepting ones own responsibility for everything in life and improving it.

    In our experience, patients with kidney issues, invariably, upon a thorough exploration of their lives, reveal some form of conscious or subconscious conflict with others. While these conflicts may not always be immediately visible, they can manifest in various subtle ways. A skilled physician needs to listen attentively to every detail of the patient's description of their condition and life experiences to identify these underlying conflicts. If patients faile to recognize and address these conflicts, and if they don’t accept guidance to resolve them, we can only offer temporary patchwork solutions rather than truly restoring kidney vitality and providing deep healing.

    There may be exceptions where kidney damage results from toxic protein shakes, bodybuilding supplements, excessive intake of processed meats, or poor sleep habits (conneccted to circadian rhythms). However, even in these cases, outright kidney damage typically occurs only if the kidneys' underlying vitality has already been undermined by internal relationship conflicts, and those should always be assumed to be present, since who doesn’t have them to some degree or other?

    Trickle Down vs Bottom Up

    It may seem fantastical to some, but this higher level is where the weakness in organs usually originates. After organs have been weakened chronically by the energetic deficiency that manifests from an underlying psychological issue, the problem will manifest physically as typical nutrient deficiencies and toxin/pathogen build up in that organ.

    It is possible to mitigate these problems from higher up, at the level of the psyche, or lower down at the level of the physical body, but for a real deep resolution you often have to work on both, because they are both interconnected and interdependent. They are just manifestations of a single whole.

    Unfortunately it’s not possible to describe a generic physical or emotional protocol for every case of kidney or gallbladder disease, but the general approach will be the same because it’s founded in the basic principles of human health and disease: we are one interconnected whole, our body responds to our thoughts and emotions. Chronic harmful thoughts and emotions create chronic bodily dysfunction which manifests as deficiencies and toxicities.

    It may appear to some people that their dysfunction was obviously due to a purely physical insult, like a parasite, other microbe, or a vaccine or other injury, or chronic stress or other toxicity. However these same causes affect innumerable other people who don’t end up with kidney or gallbladder issues like stones. Who gets what in response to common toxins in the environment depends on which organs are constitutionally weak. Constitutional weakness can have a genetic element as well, which predisposes someone to certain psychological issues. But this can still be fixed. Genes aren’t your destiny, their just the first draft script you've been given to edit as you see fit.

    Graduating to the level of taking radical responsiblity for yourself will allow any disease to be healed. This is the most satisfying path because it’s a journey of spiritual progress which gets at the reason for your entire existence, which is to better know the Divine, by better knowing your own failings and correcting them bit by bit. The more you grow the closer you become and the more subtle your failings become that you continue to uncover. Everything that happens is just a reflection of you, taken by the Divine and cast back at you to get you to wake up and change.

    Stuck Between a Rock and the ER Dealing with kidney stone emergencies requires a different approach than that which resolves the chronic underlying causes Dr. Syed Haider We usually advocate for careful, measured medical solutions. We rail against the tendency to try to “hack” biology, because biology can’t be hacked without hacking it to bits. And yet, sometimes you just have to cut the Gordian knot, because there’s a difference between emergency care and chronic care. In emergencies you’re willing to do things that you might never do outside of them because in every situation you have to weigh the risks and benefits. When you have time on your side you can take it easy and do things the right way, without little or no risk at all. When you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place like the ER you often have to make concessions because the ER can mean even risker treatments and procedures that are often quite expensive as well. Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful to pass, and sometimes they won’t pass at all if they’re too large. No matter how much painkiller you receive it may not do much at all when the spasmodic pains hit. And using the strongest opiate painkillers like morphine can worsen spasms of the ureter so patients are usually started on high dose ibuprofen, perhaps alpha blockers like tamsulosin to reduce spasms, and plenty of fluids to help flush the kidney stone out. Kidney Stones (Nephrolithiasis) - Symptoms and Causes If that doesn’t work then some types and sizes of stones can be broken up by a shockwave (lithotripsy) procedure, others require retrieval via a freaky endoscopic procedure call ureteroscopy, and still others may require a full on open surgery. 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2000 ureterscopy procedures will result in severe complications like avulsion of the ureter, requiring extensive surgical repair. Of course any major surgical procedure can involve complications, but for most people the biggest complication will be to their pocketbooks. With insurance you’re looking at $1000s in copays and without insurance 10s of $1000s. Finally and perhaps worst of all is the amount of time it takes to finally get relief from the stone. It could be many hours in the ER just waiting for the procedure to be arranged. In this and other similar situations it’s always good to have a plan B, or even a plan A that you can institute yourself. We’ve seen incredible results from two simple approaches to acute kidney stones. The first can be done by nearly anyone at any time and you just need a bunch of lemons and water. The second is more specialized and is the herb Chanca Piedra, which might be good to keep on hand if stones are a recurrent problem. Lemons are well known to help prevent the two mosts common types of kidney stones - calcium oxalate and uric acid, they’ve been mentioned by the Harvard Health website and many dialed-in urologists will let you know about lemon juice for prevention. Lemon juice has citric acid, which becomes citrate when excreted in the urine. This reduces acidity of the urine which can dissolve uric acid stones. The citrate also binds calcium ions to prevent calcium oxalate formation. It is not usually considered likely for citrate from lemonade or any other source to be able to shrink a calcium oxalate stone once it forms, but it seems like it should be possible. And we have to understand that even shaving off a tiny bit of an impacted stone can mean the difference between surgery and spontaneously passing it. Now at the surface of a calcium oxalate stone in the urine there would always be some flux of calcium ions either joining the stone or leaving it. The tendency towards one or the other would be influenced by how many calcium ions are dissolved in the urine. With the addition of citrate which binds and removes calcium ions from the urine, more calcium would be released from the calcium oxalate stone, thereby leading to progressive shrinkage of the stone. Perhaps a biochemist can chime in with a predicted rate of dissolution, but lets see what we can come up with. The likelihood of a stone passing naturally depends on its size (diameter): 1 mm: 87% chance of passing 2–4 mm: 76% chance of passing 5–7 mm: 60% chance of passing 7–9 mm: 48% chance of passing Larger than 9 mm: 25% chance of passing Kidney stones Memes and Images - Imgur Based on the weight of calcium oxalate and assuming a spherical stone shape, the following are the typical weights of various diameter stones: Small Stones (1-5 mm): Volume range: 0.5 mm³ to 65.45 mm³ Weight range: Approximately 1 mg to 137 mg. Medium Stones (5-10 mm): Volume range: 65.45 mm³ to 523.6 mm³ Weight range: Approximately 137 mg to 1100 mg. Large Stones (10-15 mm): Volume range: 523.6 mm³ to 1767 mm³ Weight range: Approximately 1100 mg to 3710 mg. So if we can somehow manage to dissolve gram ranges of calcium oxalate we would have a very good chance of partially or completely dissolving any stone stuck in the ureter. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share 1. Amount of Citrate in Lemon Juice Citrate Content: Lemon juice is a rich source of citrate. On average, one lemon (about 48 grams of lemon juice) contains approximately 1.44 grams of citrate. Daily Intake: If someone were to drink the juice of 16 lemons in day (8 glasses of 500ml with 2 lemons in each), this would provide approximately 23 grams of citrate. 2. Citrate Absorption and Excretion Absorption and Metabolism: After ingestion, citrate is absorbed in the intestines, and a portion is metabolized in the body, while the remainder is excreted in the urine. The efficiency of absorption and excretion can vary, but it’s generally estimated that about 20-40% of ingested citrate is excreted unchanged in the urine. Urinary Citrate Increase: If we assume a 30% excretion rate, consuming 5.76 grams of citrate would result in approximately 7 grams of citrate entering the urine. 3. Citrate Binding to Calcium Calcium Binding: Citrate binds to calcium in the urine, forming soluble calcium-citrate complexes. The effectiveness of this binding depends on the concentration of calcium and citrate in the urine. Binding Capacity: Each mole of citrate can theoretically bind one mole of calcium (even though citrate is trivalent, often only one binding site is involved in a stable complex in biological conditions). The binding of calcium by citrate is pH-dependent, with better binding at higher urinary pH (above 6.5), and citrate itself tends to raise the pH of urine. If we estimate that 7 grams of citrate could bind to a proportional amount of calcium (assuming typical urinary conditions), it could potentially bind up to around 1500 mg of calcium (since citrate and calcium have different molar weights). 4. Impact on Calcium Oxalate Stones Impact on Stone Size: This should significantly reduce the stone size because 1500 mg of calcium represents about 5400 mg of calcium oxalate (the oxalate contributes its own weight when combined to calcium in the stone) and 5400mg is more than the weight of even most very large ureteral stones. Homemade Lemonade It seems from the above that drinking plenty of lemon juice could have an outsized impact on any stone stuck in the ureter or anywhere else, and even on much larger stones stuck in the kidneys. Perhaps unsurprisingly many people have reported anecdotally that drinking lots of lemon juice when they develop any type of kidney stone has helped dissolve it. In light of the calculations and reports it’s possible that lemon juice shrinks stones via the above laid out acetate in the urine mechanism (assuming there are no mistaken assumptions, like how fast the stone releases calcium at its surface), or that there is some other active principle in lemon juice that shrinks stones or stimulates relaxation of the ureters to allow them to pass, or that there is a placebo effect, or that people tend to be able to stomach more lemonade than they can plain water, and it’s just the relatively increased urine output that helps the situation. In any event if I had a stone I would drink as much lemonade as I could to see if I could get rid of it, despite every publicly searchable source swearing it wouldn’t help because I tend to believe other people’s experience over biased researchers and scientists. If I weren’t quite so confident I might drink the lemonade on the way to the ER, and while waiting for a urologist to show up - if it worked, great, if not, no harm, no foul. Chanca Piedra, Spanish for the “Stone Breaker” The other kidney stone remedy has more research to back it up than lemon juice does, though you’ll usually have to go out of your way to find it instead of just visiting your local grocery store. Chanca Piedra is an Amazonian herb that is well known in local lore to both help prevent and treat kidney stones. Similar to lemon juice it increases citrate secretion into the urine which will bind calcium. It increases the secretion of magnesium, which also inhibits calcium oxalate formation. It also has known diuretic (increased urine flow), antispasmodic, antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects that may all contribute to fast and pain-free stone passage. Gallstones Now, no treatment of acute painful stones that land you in the ER would be complete without touching on gallstones. There’s sure to be a way to treat these, but unfortunately we’re not as certain of a one size fits all remedy for this (let us know what you’ve got). I would caution against removing the gallbladder though, as it’s a crucial organ for proper digestion and for maintaining proper hormonal balance since bile is directly involved in fat digestion, including cholesterol, which is the precursor of all hormones. It’s also required for the digestion and absorption of the important fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Of course bile will continue to be produced even without a gallbladder, but its synchronized, well-timed release during the process of digestion will be impaired. Gallbladder Disease in Children - HealthyChildren.org Removing the gallbladder can also contribute to estrogen excess, since extra estrogen is partly dumped into the gut via the bile and when not normally depleted may contribute to many common modern diseases such as: Obesity Heart Disease Diabetes Strokes Cancer Thyroid Dysfunction Endometriosis Uterine Fibroids Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Osteoporosis Many people have already had their gallbladders removed, but they do keep producing bile and the situation can still be balanced out by optimizing lifestyle factors and oftentimes a psuedo-gallbladder will even reform due to dilation of the remaining bile ducts, which allows larger boluses of bile to be injected into the gut when called for, similar to what would happen with a normal gallbladder. Coffee Enemas and Gallstones Various enemas have been used since ancient times by every ancient medical system. Coffee enemas were first documented in the early 20th century. They were reportedly used by soldiers in WWI for pain control. They were popluarized by Max Gerson in the 1930s as an alternative therapy for liver and gallbladder flushing and support and in the alternative treatment of cancer. The best type for this purpose is organic, green, unroasted, heavy metal and mold free coffee. This is how coffee enemas may help with gallstones: Absorption: Whither Caffeine? The difference between a coffee enema and simply drinking the coffee lies in where the coffee and caffeine ends up. When you drink coffee the caffeine is primarily absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, and enters the systemic circulation traveling throughout the body before going to the liver to be metabolized out of the bloodstream. However with an enema the coffee and caffeine are primarily absorbed into the portal vein which feed straight into the liver. Here the effects of coffee will be concentrated, and coffee will also be metabolised and removed from the blood, rather than traveling on to the rest of the body. Research confirms that blood levels of caffeine are 2.5X lower after a coffee enema, compared to drinking the same quantity of coffee, and this is important because caffeines effect on the brain and rest of the body is not usually conducive to healing from chronic illness. Stimulation of Bile Flow: Bile Production & Flow: Caffeinated coffee specifically has been shown to stimulate the production of bile by the liver and promote its flow through the bile ducts by stimulating the contraction of the gallbladder. Enhanced bile flow can theoretically help prevent the formation of gallstones by keeping bile less concentrated and reducing the likelihood of cholesterol crystallization. It should also help break up or flush out stones already present since stagnation of bile is a risk factor for stone formation. Bile Duct Dilation: It’s possible coffee enemas cause dilation of the bile ducts, which could facilitate the passage of small stones or sludge, though this effect is not well-documented. Lemon Juice and Gallstones Not the first thing we think of for gallstones, but since we used it for kidney stones, lets check it out here as well. Traditionally it has been used and is usually taken with olive oil for gallstones. Bile Production and Flow: Lemon juice is high in citric acid, which stimulates bile production. Bile is essential for the digestion and emulsification of fats, and an increase in bile flow might help prevent the formation of gallstones and help break them down, particularly cholesterol stones. The antioxidant vitamin C in lemon juice could help support liver function including bile production. Chanca Piedra and Gallstones Again since we mentioned it for kidney stones it’s worth looking at here as well. Hepatoprotective and Choleretic Effects: Chanca Piedra has been traditionally used for various liver and gallbladder conditions. Some studies have indicated that it has hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) properties and may increase bile secretion (choleretic effect) which could help dissolve and flush out stones. Potential Stone Dissolution: Like its use in kidney stones, Chanca Piedra is believed by some to have poorly characterized litholytic (stone-dissolving) properties. While most of the evidence for this comes from studies on kidney stones, there is some traditional use and anecdotal evidence suggesting it might also be helpful for gallstones. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Other Herbs for Gallstones There are many herbal remedies for gallbladder issues, but they’re beyond the scope of this article and should be recommended by a practitioner who analyzes the patient’s specific situation. Bile Acids for Gallstones Not considered an acute remedy, but more long term, is the supplementation of bile acids that are found in normal bile, but may be “deficient” in someone with gallstones. Ursodeoxycholic acid is often used. It helps remove cholesterol from the bile and dissolves cholesterol gallstones over time. There is a pharmaceutical version and you can also get animal sourced bile acid supplements. Should only be considered as an adjunct to real deep resolution. Bonus: Third “Rock” There’s one acute condition you’re unlikely to get treated in the ER and that’s a severe toothache, because dentists don’t usually visit ERs. This can be as painful as any other pathology and even strong painkillers have a hard time blunting it. The ER is likely to give you an antibiotic and a painkiller and then refer you to a dentist. If you’re lucky they’ll inject a temporary nerve block that will probably wear off in a few hours. All this for a price that may be in the thousands of dollars and can involve a lot of time in excruciating pain waiting to be seen. The single most effective and fastest treatment for any toothache, including an abscessed tooth is to bite on a fresh clove of garlic with the painful tooth. Pain is typically gone within a couple minutes. Though the garlic juice released can cause some brief burning in your mouth it’s well worth it. Garlic combines a nerve block and antibiotic in one. I have personally witnessed the effects which can last for 12-24 hours. It can be repeated as needed and can completely resolve not only the pain but even the underlying infection itself, reversing swelling, warmth, tenderness and temperature sensitivity within a day or two. The primary side effect aside from the mucosal burning from the juice is nuclear breath and distorted taste. Something that is much less smelly than garlic may work as well and that’s black cloves. You can try biting on 1-5 cloves with the affected tooth and often achieve the same effect, but if not you can always graduate to the garlic. Some people hate the dentist so much they go on to live with cloves in their mouth, allowing them to continue ignoring the underlying problem of dental disease caused by dietary and other lifestyle indiscretions. This is of course a recipe for eventual disaster. Like all the short term solutions, it’s not meant to be used as a long term bandaid. Anecdotally it is possible to actually heal teeth and avoid dentistry, but it does take dedication and significant lifestyle change. As with any disease process the approach is essentially to remove toxins and chronic pathogens which many people like have growin in the roots of multiple teeth - eg press your gums looking for any tender spots. Along with removing the harm we have to support the teeth with the right lifestyle choices and diet. Then we just have to wait long enough for these changes to take effect. Acute Care vs Chronic Some people figure out how to mitigate their acute kidney or gallstone issues, and then they turn that into their chronic care plan. There are many cases of patients who once they figure out that lemon juice will prevent further attacks simply drink lemonade daily and think no more of it. The problem of course is that this doesn’t address the root cause of the problem. It’s like having a leak in from the second floor bathroom and just painting over it, or when it gets worse just repairing the area that was leaked and making it waterproof. Sooner or later the water will just go somewhere else and spring another leak. The same happens in your body. The first symptom is just an early warning sign. It’s like the canary in the coal mine. When that canary died, the miners hightailed it out of there before they dropped dead too. The toxic gas dropped the little bird at much lower concentrations than it did the big miners, but once the gas started leaking they knew it would just keep building up until it got them too. The same in your kidney or liver/gallbladder. There is some mixture of causes: toxins/pathogens and nutrient/nourishment deficiencies that is harming your organ. Left unaddressed it will keep harming your organ even if you neutralize its ability to create stones. You’ve kept yourself comfortable by shutting up your early warning system. It’s like theres an enemy attacking and you were annoyed by the air raid sirens so you just shut them off and ignored the developing situation. So what do you do instead? Knowing the cause means knowing the solution. In traditional medical thought the kidneys were linked to fear and willpower. Kidney disease or dysfunction was associated with deep-seated fears, insecurities, and a lack of resolve and resilience. The gallbladder was seen as the organ responsible for decision-making, courage, and the capacity to act, so gallbladder issues were often linked to indecisiveness, trouble standing up for oneself, or suppressed anger/feelings. The body often gives you a sign by compensating for lack of one thing by overdoing another. There is a common psychological thread linking the emotional aspects of both organs related to willpower and decisiveness. In both cases there may be a kind of pathological softness, in other words an inability to be firm. And this excessive softness may eventually be balanced by the hardness manifested in the stones that may form in one or the other organ. Thanks for reading Dr. Syed Haider! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Two Peas in a Pod Kidney diseases usually happen in those who have prolonged internal or external conflicts with spouses, partners or other people close to them. The kidneys are a paired organ, and its been said by the ancients they represent two people gazing at each other intently, or one person looking deeply at their own reflection in a mirror. This symbolism underscores the traditional view of the kidneys' connection to one's partner and oneself. It suggests that one can either view their partner as an extension of themselves or as a separate entity. When individuals begin to see their partner as an outsider rather than a reflection of themselves, it disrupts their unity and causes significant stress, leading to disconnection. Ideally, a husband and wife should function as a single entity, in perfect harmony, like one soul inhabiting two bodies. This reflects the traditional ideal of marriage. Another layer to this is seeing other people and the rest of the creation as one’s own reflection also. This is a spiritual perspective that engenders radical responsibility for everything that happens in life, including what is done to one by other people. The idea is that the Divine Will is the only Actor in the Universe and from the perspective of each individual, everything that happens is due to Divine Providence. The purpose of existence is to better know oneself and perfect oneself to better know the Divine and draw closer to that Reality. In order for that to happen the Universe and everything in it must reflect each individuals failings, so everything that happens and everything anyone does to one is meant to illuminate ones own imperfections so they can be worked upon. From this perspective individuals don’t blame others, but only blame themselves for whatever happens to them. It is an empowering perspective, rather than one of victimhood. So the kidneys actually represent more than just a person’s relationship with their closest partner or companion, but actually reflect their relationship with themselves. This relationship with onesself is simply most evident in the relationship with those closest to one, but it extends to the entire universe. So even a lack of harmony with nature, particularly the light encoded circadian rhythms, can also have a significant negative impact on kidney health. It should therefore come as no surprise that in Classical Chinese medical thought, the kidneys are considered the seat of wisdom, because it takes great insight to see one's partner and others and the entire universe all as a reflections of oneself - or in other words a Divine Act meant to illuminate your self to you. Considering the slings and arrows of fortune as “the other” entails a rejection ones own true nature, which is what is being reflected back at one. Deeply accepting oneself means accepting ones own responsibility for everything in life and improving it. In our experience, patients with kidney issues, invariably, upon a thorough exploration of their lives, reveal some form of conscious or subconscious conflict with others. While these conflicts may not always be immediately visible, they can manifest in various subtle ways. A skilled physician needs to listen attentively to every detail of the patient's description of their condition and life experiences to identify these underlying conflicts. If patients faile to recognize and address these conflicts, and if they don’t accept guidance to resolve them, we can only offer temporary patchwork solutions rather than truly restoring kidney vitality and providing deep healing. There may be exceptions where kidney damage results from toxic protein shakes, bodybuilding supplements, excessive intake of processed meats, or poor sleep habits (conneccted to circadian rhythms). However, even in these cases, outright kidney damage typically occurs only if the kidneys' underlying vitality has already been undermined by internal relationship conflicts, and those should always be assumed to be present, since who doesn’t have them to some degree or other? Trickle Down vs Bottom Up It may seem fantastical to some, but this higher level is where the weakness in organs usually originates. After organs have been weakened chronically by the energetic deficiency that manifests from an underlying psychological issue, the problem will manifest physically as typical nutrient deficiencies and toxin/pathogen build up in that organ. It is possible to mitigate these problems from higher up, at the level of the psyche, or lower down at the level of the physical body, but for a real deep resolution you often have to work on both, because they are both interconnected and interdependent. They are just manifestations of a single whole. Unfortunately it’s not possible to describe a generic physical or emotional protocol for every case of kidney or gallbladder disease, but the general approach will be the same because it’s founded in the basic principles of human health and disease: we are one interconnected whole, our body responds to our thoughts and emotions. Chronic harmful thoughts and emotions create chronic bodily dysfunction which manifests as deficiencies and toxicities. It may appear to some people that their dysfunction was obviously due to a purely physical insult, like a parasite, other microbe, or a vaccine or other injury, or chronic stress or other toxicity. However these same causes affect innumerable other people who don’t end up with kidney or gallbladder issues like stones. Who gets what in response to common toxins in the environment depends on which organs are constitutionally weak. Constitutional weakness can have a genetic element as well, which predisposes someone to certain psychological issues. But this can still be fixed. Genes aren’t your destiny, their just the first draft script you've been given to edit as you see fit. Graduating to the level of taking radical responsiblity for yourself will allow any disease to be healed. This is the most satisfying path because it’s a journey of spiritual progress which gets at the reason for your entire existence, which is to better know the Divine, by better knowing your own failings and correcting them bit by bit. The more you grow the closer you become and the more subtle your failings become that you continue to uncover. Everything that happens is just a reflection of you, taken by the Divine and cast back at you to get you to wake up and change. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/stuck-between-a-rock-and-the-er
    Stuck Between a Rock and the ER
    Dealing with kidney stone emergencies requires a different approach than that which resolves the chronic underlying causes
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  • Even GAZA KIDS as GATES’ Human GUINEA-PIGS! - VT Foreign Policy
    September 1, 2024

    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


    Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published

    Among the approximately 600,000 children displaced from their homes in the Gaza Strip (and now also from the West Bank after the new raids of attacks by the Israeli Army in violation of all international law as denounced by the UN) thousands of them have been ferociously injured by the consequences of the bombings that have also destroyed the hospitals where they could have been treated, and most of them are severely malnourished due to the criminal blockade of humanitarian aid imposed at the Rafah crossing by the Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu (hit by an international arrest warrant for war crimes).

    Infanticide Survivors must be Vaccinated but not Feeding

    They are the survivors of the diabolical infanticide committed by Israel that has claimed well over 15,000 victims, now perhaps almost 20,000, leaving thousands orphaned by their parents or with amputated legs or arms.

    In the midst of this satanic holocaust that makes Adolf Hitler look like an amateur, the main concern of the UN, increasingly a Non-Useful Organization, is not to impose a truce in any way to feed the children but to support Bill Gates’ global immunization project.

    The children of Gaza can continue to die of hunger or booze but they will be able to do so by being vaccinated against polio, thus becoming guinea pigs for a project that will measure the impact of vaccinations on a population that is dying of malnutrition, as already happened in the war in Yemen where tens of thousands of children died of hunger.

    “The United Nations has reached a provisional agreement with the parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for a humanitarian pause that would allow anti-polio vaccination in the Gaza Strip. This was told to journalists – reports Tass – by the representative of the WHO for the West Bank and Gaza, Richard Peeperkorn. “We have a preliminary commitment to specific humanitarian policies, during the vaccination campaign,” he said, “we call on all parties to suspend fighting to allow children and families to access health facilities safely.”

    Mainstream newspapers emphatically report.

    Truce for POLIO Vaccines Begins After Only One Confirmed Case

    “The much-vaunted polio vaccination campaign will begin on Sunday (September 1, 2024 – ed.) in Gaza. This was announced in a note from the Israeli government, followed shortly thereafter by a confirmation statement from Hamas. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has calibrated the words, commas, and spaces in the statement to avoid invoking a “truce” and a “humanitarian pause.” The operations, this is the only indication from his security cabinet, will take place in “certain locations” in the Strip “assigned” to health personnel,” writes the Italian bishops’ newspaper Avvenire.

    It is the first time in months that Hamas and Israel have reached an agreement that smells of respite. The last one dates back to the week between November 24 and December 1, 2023, when the parties agreed to release 110 Israeli hostages in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners.

    The turning point, now, is due to polio, which, completely eradicated in Western countries in the 1980s, was detected in Gaza’s wastewater as early as June.

    Abdul Rahman, 11 months old, whose left leg was partially paralyzed by type 2 of the virus
    “The first confirmed case in Gaza in 25 years concerns Abdul Rahman, 11 months old, whose left leg was partially paralyzed by type 2 of the virus. The photo showing him in a tent in the al-Mawasi refugee camp, asleep in his car seat with an older girl fanning fresh air on his face, has gone around the world. His mother, Niveen Abu al-Jidyan, said: “He had not been vaccinated because of our constant travel. When we left the North he was only one month old”» adds the article.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that the poor hygiene conditions of the camps, the heat and malnutrition are putting the lives of 640,000 unimmunized children under 10 at risk.

    ITALY & VATICAN ACCOMPLICES OF GAZA GENOCIDE (video). They Denounce the Horrific SIN, but not their Zionist Sinners Friends

    It is truly curious to note that the UN is capable of mobilizing a massive vaccination campaign obtaining an exceptional diplomatic result AFTER A SINGLE CONFIRMED CASE OF POLIO while it was unable to do anything to protect its workers, killed by the hundreds by the Israeli army, and 15,000 children exterminated by bombs supplied by the West, the USA and also by Italy to the Zionist government of Tel Aviv.

    UN Convoy Attacked by Israel: Humanitarian Activities in Gaza Interrupted

    As the American and Jewish Senator Bernie Sanders rightly pointed out, it is not anti-Semitism to condemn the Zionists guilty of a genocide of children.

    Zionists’ Kids-Genocide as Never in the Wars! Jew US Senator: “Is not Antisemitism to Point out the Racist Netanyahu Govt Killings’

    But the rhetoric of the Western mainstream that has seen Zionism proliferate thanks to Freemasonry and the Rothschilds continues to cling to the condemnation of ideology without being capable of mercilessly condemning an international criminal like Netanyahu by cutting off not only his ammunition but also his financial business.

    The EU sanctions on Israeli ministers are “unreal”. This was said by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani in Brussels, responding to the proposal of the EU High Representative Borrell against the politicians of the Zionist government who explicitly incited the depopulation of Gaza through bombings.

    Final Countdown to Complete 1948’s Nakba. Israeli Govt admits the ZioNazi Genocide’s Goal: Depopulate Gaza Strip

    As the vaccination campaign is about to begin, the UN itself is struggling more than ever.

    The UN’s humanitarian aid operations in Gaza have been suspended in recent days, following Israel’s new order to evacuate Deir Al-Balah in the central part of the Strip.

    A senior UN official said. “We are not able to work today in the conditions we are in,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “We are not going to leave Gaza because people need us there.” “We are trying to balance the needs of the population with the need for security and protection of UN personnel,” he added.

    FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines.

    Since the war between Israel and Hamas began in October, the UN has had to “delay or pause” its operations at times, “but never to the point of actually announcing that it can no longer do anything,” as is happening now, the official added.

    The Israel Defense Forces carried out an airstrike on a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza, aiming to target “armed assailants” trying to hijack it, but the charity that organized the aid said those killed in the attack were employees of the transport company it was working with. The convoy, organized by the US-based NGO Anera, was carrying medical supplies and fuel to an Emirati-run hospital in Rafah on Thursday evening.

    Its route had been coordinated in advance with the IDF. Preliminary reports say five people were killed in the attack. The airstrike on the convoy came hours after Israeli soldiers opened fire on a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle, clearly marked with United Nations insignia.

    13 Countries Join South Africa’s Case Against Israel on Genocide In Gaza

    Why did they find the path clear in the vaccination campaign?

    Simple because it is part of a global project launched by the usual Gates in 2023 that follows the one presented in Italy with the Rockefeller Foundation in 1999 from which the pilot project of the highly contested 10 mandatory vaccinations in school age in Italy was born.

    The Global Vaccination Project by UNICEF and Gates

    «The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with Immunization Agenda 2030 and many other global and national health partners, are today joining forces to call for “The Big Catch-up”, a targeted global effort to boost vaccination among children following declines driven by the COVID-19 pandemic» reports the UNICEF website in a statement dated 24 April 2023.

    WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

    «With over 25 million children missing at least one vaccination in 2021 alone, outbreaks of preventable diseases, including measles, diphtheria, polio and yellow fever are already becoming more prevalent and severe. The Big Catch-up aims to protect populations from vaccine-preventable outbreaks, save children’s lives and strengthen national health systems».

    While calling on people and governments in every country to play their part in helping to catch up by reaching the children who missed out, The Big Catch-up will have a particular focus on the 20 countries where three quarters of the children who missed vaccinations in 2021 live: Afghanistan, Angola, Brazil, Cameroon, Chad, DPRK, DRC, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Tanzania, Viet Nam.

    “Vaccinated at Higher Risk for Covid Infection and Hospitalization”. Vital, Heavy Study by Estonian University of Tartu

    The genocide in the Holy Land now allows the plan to be extended to Palestine. The meaning of the UN action is clear: in Gaza, children can die of bombs and hunger every day, as long as they die vaccinated as Gates wants.

    Just like the mRNA Covid genetic serums, however, anti-polio vaccines can also have serious adverse reactions.

    In India, a confirmed case of Polio triggered by vaccines


    Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
    prohibition of reproduction without authorization
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    Iran: “Gaza School MASSACRE latest outcome of US Unconditional SUPPORT for Israel”

    US Exploited ‘Loophole’ to Sell Weapons to Israel – Report

    LOBBY ARMI – 17. ITALIA COMPLICE DEL GENOCIDIO DI BIMBI A GAZA. Inchiesta RAI svela Affari di Crosetto con Israele. E spiega il Voto antiPalestina all’ONU

    NETANYAHU Now is really Like his Idol HITLER. Neither ONU or Western Godfathers can STOP his GENOCIDE

    ANGER ALSO IN EGYPT FOR ISRAELI GENOCIDE IN GAZA. Exclusive Interview with an Egyptian Journalist

    BAMBINI SENZA CIBO MA COL VACCINO… Criminale |pocrisia in Europa dove cresce la Fame tra Minori Cavie da Sieri Genici antiCovid

    Paris 2024 Olympics begin as Sports world reeling from LOSS of 400 PALESTINIAN ATHLETES in Gaza Extermination

    Fabio G. C. Carisio
    Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal.

    His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more…

    Most popolar investigation on VT is:

    Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting.

    For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime.

    With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians.

    In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence.

    In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates

    His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others

    He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator.




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    Even GAZA KIDS as GATES’ Human GUINEA-PIGS! - VT Foreign Policy September 1, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published Among the approximately 600,000 children displaced from their homes in the Gaza Strip (and now also from the West Bank after the new raids of attacks by the Israeli Army in violation of all international law as denounced by the UN) thousands of them have been ferociously injured by the consequences of the bombings that have also destroyed the hospitals where they could have been treated, and most of them are severely malnourished due to the criminal blockade of humanitarian aid imposed at the Rafah crossing by the Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu (hit by an international arrest warrant for war crimes). Infanticide Survivors must be Vaccinated but not Feeding They are the survivors of the diabolical infanticide committed by Israel that has claimed well over 15,000 victims, now perhaps almost 20,000, leaving thousands orphaned by their parents or with amputated legs or arms. In the midst of this satanic holocaust that makes Adolf Hitler look like an amateur, the main concern of the UN, increasingly a Non-Useful Organization, is not to impose a truce in any way to feed the children but to support Bill Gates’ global immunization project. The children of Gaza can continue to die of hunger or booze but they will be able to do so by being vaccinated against polio, thus becoming guinea pigs for a project that will measure the impact of vaccinations on a population that is dying of malnutrition, as already happened in the war in Yemen where tens of thousands of children died of hunger. “The United Nations has reached a provisional agreement with the parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for a humanitarian pause that would allow anti-polio vaccination in the Gaza Strip. This was told to journalists – reports Tass – by the representative of the WHO for the West Bank and Gaza, Richard Peeperkorn. “We have a preliminary commitment to specific humanitarian policies, during the vaccination campaign,” he said, “we call on all parties to suspend fighting to allow children and families to access health facilities safely.” Mainstream newspapers emphatically report. Truce for POLIO Vaccines Begins After Only One Confirmed Case “The much-vaunted polio vaccination campaign will begin on Sunday (September 1, 2024 – ed.) in Gaza. This was announced in a note from the Israeli government, followed shortly thereafter by a confirmation statement from Hamas. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has calibrated the words, commas, and spaces in the statement to avoid invoking a “truce” and a “humanitarian pause.” The operations, this is the only indication from his security cabinet, will take place in “certain locations” in the Strip “assigned” to health personnel,” writes the Italian bishops’ newspaper Avvenire. It is the first time in months that Hamas and Israel have reached an agreement that smells of respite. The last one dates back to the week between November 24 and December 1, 2023, when the parties agreed to release 110 Israeli hostages in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners. The turning point, now, is due to polio, which, completely eradicated in Western countries in the 1980s, was detected in Gaza’s wastewater as early as June. Abdul Rahman, 11 months old, whose left leg was partially paralyzed by type 2 of the virus “The first confirmed case in Gaza in 25 years concerns Abdul Rahman, 11 months old, whose left leg was partially paralyzed by type 2 of the virus. The photo showing him in a tent in the al-Mawasi refugee camp, asleep in his car seat with an older girl fanning fresh air on his face, has gone around the world. His mother, Niveen Abu al-Jidyan, said: “He had not been vaccinated because of our constant travel. When we left the North he was only one month old”» adds the article. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that the poor hygiene conditions of the camps, the heat and malnutrition are putting the lives of 640,000 unimmunized children under 10 at risk. ITALY & VATICAN ACCOMPLICES OF GAZA GENOCIDE (video). They Denounce the Horrific SIN, but not their Zionist Sinners Friends It is truly curious to note that the UN is capable of mobilizing a massive vaccination campaign obtaining an exceptional diplomatic result AFTER A SINGLE CONFIRMED CASE OF POLIO while it was unable to do anything to protect its workers, killed by the hundreds by the Israeli army, and 15,000 children exterminated by bombs supplied by the West, the USA and also by Italy to the Zionist government of Tel Aviv. UN Convoy Attacked by Israel: Humanitarian Activities in Gaza Interrupted As the American and Jewish Senator Bernie Sanders rightly pointed out, it is not anti-Semitism to condemn the Zionists guilty of a genocide of children. Zionists’ Kids-Genocide as Never in the Wars! Jew US Senator: “Is not Antisemitism to Point out the Racist Netanyahu Govt Killings’ But the rhetoric of the Western mainstream that has seen Zionism proliferate thanks to Freemasonry and the Rothschilds continues to cling to the condemnation of ideology without being capable of mercilessly condemning an international criminal like Netanyahu by cutting off not only his ammunition but also his financial business. The EU sanctions on Israeli ministers are “unreal”. This was said by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani in Brussels, responding to the proposal of the EU High Representative Borrell against the politicians of the Zionist government who explicitly incited the depopulation of Gaza through bombings. Final Countdown to Complete 1948’s Nakba. Israeli Govt admits the ZioNazi Genocide’s Goal: Depopulate Gaza Strip As the vaccination campaign is about to begin, the UN itself is struggling more than ever. The UN’s humanitarian aid operations in Gaza have been suspended in recent days, following Israel’s new order to evacuate Deir Al-Balah in the central part of the Strip. A senior UN official said. “We are not able to work today in the conditions we are in,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “We are not going to leave Gaza because people need us there.” “We are trying to balance the needs of the population with the need for security and protection of UN personnel,” he added. FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines. Since the war between Israel and Hamas began in October, the UN has had to “delay or pause” its operations at times, “but never to the point of actually announcing that it can no longer do anything,” as is happening now, the official added. The Israel Defense Forces carried out an airstrike on a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza, aiming to target “armed assailants” trying to hijack it, but the charity that organized the aid said those killed in the attack were employees of the transport company it was working with. The convoy, organized by the US-based NGO Anera, was carrying medical supplies and fuel to an Emirati-run hospital in Rafah on Thursday evening. Its route had been coordinated in advance with the IDF. Preliminary reports say five people were killed in the attack. The airstrike on the convoy came hours after Israeli soldiers opened fire on a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle, clearly marked with United Nations insignia. 13 Countries Join South Africa’s Case Against Israel on Genocide In Gaza Why did they find the path clear in the vaccination campaign? Simple because it is part of a global project launched by the usual Gates in 2023 that follows the one presented in Italy with the Rockefeller Foundation in 1999 from which the pilot project of the highly contested 10 mandatory vaccinations in school age in Italy was born. The Global Vaccination Project by UNICEF and Gates «The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with Immunization Agenda 2030 and many other global and national health partners, are today joining forces to call for “The Big Catch-up”, a targeted global effort to boost vaccination among children following declines driven by the COVID-19 pandemic» reports the UNICEF website in a statement dated 24 April 2023. WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy «With over 25 million children missing at least one vaccination in 2021 alone, outbreaks of preventable diseases, including measles, diphtheria, polio and yellow fever are already becoming more prevalent and severe. The Big Catch-up aims to protect populations from vaccine-preventable outbreaks, save children’s lives and strengthen national health systems». While calling on people and governments in every country to play their part in helping to catch up by reaching the children who missed out, The Big Catch-up will have a particular focus on the 20 countries where three quarters of the children who missed vaccinations in 2021 live: Afghanistan, Angola, Brazil, Cameroon, Chad, DPRK, DRC, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Tanzania, Viet Nam. “Vaccinated at Higher Risk for Covid Infection and Hospitalization”. Vital, Heavy Study by Estonian University of Tartu The genocide in the Holy Land now allows the plan to be extended to Palestine. The meaning of the UN action is clear: in Gaza, children can die of bombs and hunger every day, as long as they die vaccinated as Gates wants. Just like the mRNA Covid genetic serums, however, anti-polio vaccines can also have serious adverse reactions. In India, a confirmed case of Polio triggered by vaccines WHOLE ARTICLE CONTINUES HERE Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio © COPYRIGHT GOSPA NEWS prohibition of reproduction without authorization follow Fabio Carisio Gospa News director on Twitter follow Gospa News on Telegram MAIN SOURCES GOSPA NEWS – PALESTINE GOSPA NEWS – WAR ZONE GOSPA NEWS – WEAPONS LOBBY DOSSIER Iran: “Gaza School MASSACRE latest outcome of US Unconditional SUPPORT for Israel” US Exploited ‘Loophole’ to Sell Weapons to Israel – Report LOBBY ARMI – 17. ITALIA COMPLICE DEL GENOCIDIO DI BIMBI A GAZA. Inchiesta RAI svela Affari di Crosetto con Israele. E spiega il Voto antiPalestina all’ONU NETANYAHU Now is really Like his Idol HITLER. Neither ONU or Western Godfathers can STOP his GENOCIDE ANGER ALSO IN EGYPT FOR ISRAELI GENOCIDE IN GAZA. Exclusive Interview with an Egyptian Journalist BAMBINI SENZA CIBO MA COL VACCINO… Criminale |pocrisia in Europa dove cresce la Fame tra Minori Cavie da Sieri Genici antiCovid Paris 2024 Olympics begin as Sports world reeling from LOSS of 400 PALESTINIAN ATHLETES in Gaza Extermination Fabio G. C. Carisio Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal. His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more… Most popolar investigation on VT is: Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting. For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime. With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians. In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence. In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator. VETERANS TODAY OLD POSTS www.gospanews.net/ ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/09/even-gaza-kids-as-gates-guinea-pigs-un-truce-for-vaccines-not-for-delivering-food-and-stopping-bombs/
    by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published Among the approximately 600,000 children displaced from their homes in the Gaza Strip (and now also from the West Bank after the new raids of attacks by the Israeli Army in
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  • Where to go when 89 percent of Gaza is a war zone? – Day 315
    [email protected] August 18, 2024 campus protest, dnc protest, evacuation orders gaza, gaza safe zone, israeli espionage, twins killed in gaza, water in gaza, west bank deaths, zawayda attack

    Dr. Yasser Khan treated this six-year-old girl, Aseel, during his time at the European Hospital in Gaza. Khan received permission from the hospital to share images of the patients he helped. (photo)
    The Guardian reports: Student activists are planning a fresh wave of pro-Palestine protests at US colleges this fall, boosted by a “summer school” led by organizers over the break, ramping up coordination and strategy in the wake of police crackdowns on campuses this past spring.

    Despite academic suspensions, doxing attempts and the arrests of more than 3,000 students nationwide, the students who occupied their campuses’ lawns with tents last semester are gearing up for another – possibly bigger – round of demonstrations “on all fronts, by all means”, calling once again for a ceasefire in Gaza and for their colleges to divest from financial ties to Israel.

    The National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization held online education and training sessions this summer, offering unofficial courses to students who belong to specific student organizations – such as Jewish Voices for Peace, the Muslim Students Association and local SJP university chapters around the country – on the history of Palestine but also on how to organize, with the aim of creating a more unified and better prepared mass protest movement.

    “The purpose of it was kind of to have all these people that are involved in SJP itself to build different workshops to be more educated on organizing and to be prepared for certain situations,” said Sereen Haddad, a Palestinian American undergraduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University, a public institution in that state’s capital, Richmond.

    NSJP and local SJP chapters have been accused by their opponents of sympathizing with Hamas – a claim the organization vehemently rejects – and have been suspended on some college campuses including Columbia University in New York, Brandeis University in Massachusetts and George Washington University in Washington DC, for allegedly breaking campus rules.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Detailed study finds 99% of pro-Palestine protests at US universities are peaceful

    Are these people Hamas? Photo by Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images
    Photo by Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images (photo)
    What impact will pro-Palestine protests have on the DNC? Tens of thousands expected in Chicago’s streets

    The Independent reports: When the Democratic National Convention gets underway in Chicago this week, it is expected to be accompanied by the largest pro-Palestine protests in the city’s history, according to advocacy groups.

    Pro-Palestine demonstrators aren’t new to Chicago. They have been marching on the city’s streets every weekend since October 7th.

    The DNC, where Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are expected to accept their nominations, faces significant disruption from protests, with Chicago home to the largest community of Palestinians in the country. Tens of thousands are anticipated to mobilize.

    “It’ll be the largest protest in the history of Chicago for Palestinian rights, specifically,” Hatem Abudayyeh, national chair for the US Palestinian Community Network, told Block Club Chicago.

    There has been a months-long court battle over the protest route. Advocacy groups requested parade permits to march near the United Center but were repeatedly denied by city officials. The city, in turn, offered the groups an alternative route, a requirement that prompted them to sue the ​​city and Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Transportation, alleging First Amendment violations.

    The groups then asked a federal judge to extend their route by a mile, and move the route closer to the United Center. The judge denied that request on August 12, partly due to the route interfering with the Secret Service perimeter, court filings show.

    Organizers said they plan to appeal the decision, according to ABC7. It’s unclear whether the groups will stick to those restrictions or will march without a permit.

    “We’re going to march regardless, but we’re fighting for the best route possible,” Faayani Aboma Mijana, a spokesperson for the March on the DNC coalition, told Semafor. “We’ve got our park permit, but the City has refused to allow us to use port-a-potties, a stage, and a sound system.”

    Estimates say Chicago could see anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 demonstrators.

    Where to go when 89 percent of Gaza is a war zone? – Day 315 [email protected] August 18, 2024 campus protest, dnc protest, evacuation orders gaza, gaza safe zone, israeli espionage, twins killed in gaza, water in gaza, west bank deaths, zawayda attack Dr. Yasser Khan treated this six-year-old girl, Aseel, during his time at the European Hospital in Gaza. Khan received permission from the hospital to share images of the patients he helped. (photo) The Guardian reports: Student activists are planning a fresh wave of pro-Palestine protests at US colleges this fall, boosted by a “summer school” led by organizers over the break, ramping up coordination and strategy in the wake of police crackdowns on campuses this past spring. Despite academic suspensions, doxing attempts and the arrests of more than 3,000 students nationwide, the students who occupied their campuses’ lawns with tents last semester are gearing up for another – possibly bigger – round of demonstrations “on all fronts, by all means”, calling once again for a ceasefire in Gaza and for their colleges to divest from financial ties to Israel. The National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization held online education and training sessions this summer, offering unofficial courses to students who belong to specific student organizations – such as Jewish Voices for Peace, the Muslim Students Association and local SJP university chapters around the country – on the history of Palestine but also on how to organize, with the aim of creating a more unified and better prepared mass protest movement. “The purpose of it was kind of to have all these people that are involved in SJP itself to build different workshops to be more educated on organizing and to be prepared for certain situations,” said Sereen Haddad, a Palestinian American undergraduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University, a public institution in that state’s capital, Richmond. NSJP and local SJP chapters have been accused by their opponents of sympathizing with Hamas – a claim the organization vehemently rejects – and have been suspended on some college campuses including Columbia University in New York, Brandeis University in Massachusetts and George Washington University in Washington DC, for allegedly breaking campus rules. RECOMMENDED READING: Detailed study finds 99% of pro-Palestine protests at US universities are peaceful Are these people Hamas? Photo by Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images Photo by Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images (photo) What impact will pro-Palestine protests have on the DNC? Tens of thousands expected in Chicago’s streets The Independent reports: When the Democratic National Convention gets underway in Chicago this week, it is expected to be accompanied by the largest pro-Palestine protests in the city’s history, according to advocacy groups. Pro-Palestine demonstrators aren’t new to Chicago. They have been marching on the city’s streets every weekend since October 7th. The DNC, where Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are expected to accept their nominations, faces significant disruption from protests, with Chicago home to the largest community of Palestinians in the country. Tens of thousands are anticipated to mobilize. “It’ll be the largest protest in the history of Chicago for Palestinian rights, specifically,” Hatem Abudayyeh, national chair for the US Palestinian Community Network, told Block Club Chicago. There has been a months-long court battle over the protest route. Advocacy groups requested parade permits to march near the United Center but were repeatedly denied by city officials. The city, in turn, offered the groups an alternative route, a requirement that prompted them to sue the ​​city and Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Transportation, alleging First Amendment violations. The groups then asked a federal judge to extend their route by a mile, and move the route closer to the United Center. The judge denied that request on August 12, partly due to the route interfering with the Secret Service perimeter, court filings show. Organizers said they plan to appeal the decision, according to ABC7. It’s unclear whether the groups will stick to those restrictions or will march without a permit. “We’re going to march regardless, but we’re fighting for the best route possible,” Faayani Aboma Mijana, a spokesperson for the March on the DNC coalition, told Semafor. “We’ve got our park permit, but the City has refused to allow us to use port-a-potties, a stage, and a sound system.” Estimates say Chicago could see anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 demonstrators. https://israelpalestinenews.org/where-to-go-89-percent-gaza-war-zone-day-315/
    Where to go when 89 percent of Gaza is a war zone? – Day 315
    Gaza "eye amputations"; family killed during ceasefire talks; 11% of Gaza is "safe"; murder of newborn twins; campus activism; DNC protests
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7394 Views
  • US approves “historic” $20B arms sale to Israel, as Gazans die – Day 311
    [email protected] August 14, 2024 ben gvir, Bezalel Smotrich, ceasefire, free speech on campus, Iran, israeli gang rape, Josep Borrell, palestine olympics head, twins in gaza, weapons to israel
    Destroyed buildings last month in Beit Lahia, one of the northernmost cities in the Gaza Strip.Credit...Omar Al-Qattaa/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images (photo)
    More weapons for Israel; newborn twins killed in Gaza; Israel shoots American activist; two Palestinians killed in West Bank; Israel detains Palestine Olympic head; California mulls anti-free speech on campus bill; Ben Gvir leads provocative march on Temple Mount; EU leader calls for sanctions against Israeli Smotrich for calls to starve Gazans; house arrest for gang-rape suspects; yes, Netanyahu has been messing with ceasefire details;

    Iran says Europe’s silence on “inhumane crimes” in Gaza encouraged Israel to continue atrocities while threatening global peace; more.

    By IAK staff, from reports.

    US State Department Approves Over $20 Billion Arms Package for Israel

    AntiWar reports: On Tuesday, the State Department approved a series of potential weapons sales to Israel worth over $20 billion that includes F-15 fighter jets and tank munitions. The approval comes as Israeli airstrikes continue to slaughter civilians in Gaza, including newborn twins who were killed hours before the State Department announced the new support for Israel.

    Ha’aretz reports the transaction as “among the most significant arms sales to Israel in American history.”

    In total, the US announced five new arms deals for Israel. The biggest is for 50 F-15 fighter jets and related equipment, worth $18.8 billion. Israel will also receive $102.5 million in advanced air-to-air missiles, about 33,000 120mm tank cartridges worth $774 million, 50,000 high-explosive 120mm mortar rounds worth $61.1 million, and $583.1 million worth of medium tactical vehicles.

    It’s unclear how much of the massive weapons sale will be funded by US military aid. The announcement came a few days after the State Department said it was releasing $3.5 billion in military assistance for Israel in the form of Foreign Military Financing, a program that gives foreign governments money to buy US weapons.

    It will take years before the F-15s and other weapons will be delivered to Israel, although, according to Reuters, the tank rounds would be almost immediately available for delivery. The notification begins a period where Congress could potentially block the sales, but it’s expected to breeze through since only a few dozen progressive Democrats are opposed to arming Israel.

    The U.S. has sent Israel more than 10,000 highly destructive 2,000-pound bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles since the start of the Gaza war in October, U.S. officials told Reuters in June.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Rafah attack: Netanyahu’s lies expose the truth about Israel

    An Israeli soldier carries a 155mm artillery shell near a self-propelled howitzer deployed at a position near the border with Lebanon in the upper Galilee region of northern Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo: Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images)
    An Israeli soldier carries a 155mm artillery shell near a self-propelled howitzer deployed at a position near the border with Lebanon in the upper Galilee region of northern Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo: Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images) (photo)
    Newborn twins killed in Israeli strike in Gaza as father collects their birth certificates

    Andalou Agency reports: Newborn twins were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the central Gaza Strip on Tuesday as their father went to collect their birth certificates.

    The two babies were born on Saturday in the city of Deir al-Balah, but an Israeli strike on their apartment shattered the family’s joy of their newborns.

    “I have just obtained the birth certificates for my newborn babies Aysel and Asser,” their father Mohammad Abu al-Qumsan told Anadolu as tears rolled down his cheeks.

    “They were born on August 10. I was outside the house, finalizing the paperwork, and then I got the call… I didn’t expect to find them all gone.”

    Israeli hardliner Ben-Gvir “put lives at risk” with Jerusalem prayer call

    Reuters reports: Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Tuesday visited the Al-Aqsa mosque compound known to Jews as Temple Mount, and said Jews should be allowed to pray there, freshly challenging rules covering one of the most sensitive sites in the Middle East.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly denied there would be any change to rules prohibiting Jews from praying at the site, which is holy to Muslims as well.

    The Al-Aqsa compound, revered by Jews as a vestige of their two ancient temples, is administered by a Jordanian religious foundation and under rules dating back decades, Jews are allowed to visit, but may not pray there.

    “Our policy is to allow prayer,” Ben-Gvir said as he passed a line of Jewish visitors who prostrated themselves on the ground, while others sang and clapped their hands in celebration. The Waqf, the foundation that administers the site, said around 2,250 Jews entered the site on Tuesday.

    The spokesperson for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounced Ben-Gvir’s visit as a “provocation” and called on the U.S. to intervene “if it wants to prevent the region from exploding in an uncontrollable manner”.

    HA’ARETZ ADDS: What happened on the Temple Mount Tuesday categorically puts lives at risk, and is further evidence of the chaos being caused by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and his irresponsible leadership.

    National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and another minister ascended the Temple Mount (known as Al-Aqsa to Muslims), and dozens of Jewish visitors prayed on the compound in violation of the status quo. All this happened in front of the police who were stationed there, but they refrained from enforcing the ban on Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount.

    The fact that Ben-Gvir oversees the police doubles the threat he poses, because the police exist in part to deal with criminals like him. But when the criminal is the very minister in charge of the police, who can you turn to? When the person endangering national security is the minister in charge of preserving it, what do you do?

    And the helplessness becomes absolute when you realize the prime minister can’t be relied upon in this situation, since Netanyahu is the one who appointed Ben-Gvir despite very well knowing that he is dangerous.

    An American was just shot in the West Bank. The American press can’t be bothered.

    DropSite News reports: Last Friday, Amado Sison, an activist from New Jersey with the solidarity group Faz3a, joined fellow demonstrators near the West Bank village of Beita. In an interview with Drop Site after being discharged from the hospital, Sison said he was taking part in a “protective presence” exercise aimed at defending Palestinian citizens living in the West Bank from settler and military violence.

    “The Palestinians were holding a rally and doing chants, when Israeli soldiers at a nearby outpost started shooting tear gas and aiming weapons at us,” said Sison. “

    This was only my second demonstration, but some of the more experienced demonstrators shouted that live rounds were being fired and everyone began to run.”

    Sison and others ran from the gunfire into a nearby olive grove. It was then that he felt a “blunt impact” in the back of his leg. He initially thought he had been hit by a tear gas canister.

    It turned out to have been a live bullet, which entered his thigh and exited from the front of his leg.

    In video of the incident taken by Anthony C., an activist with Faz3a, and provided to Drop Site, a group of protesters and local Palestinians can be seen screaming as they attempt to carry a wounded Sison to safety after the shooting.

    (Read the full article here.)

    West Bank: Two Palestinian young men killed by Israeli forces

    WAFA reports: A Palestinian teenager succumbed to serious wounds he sustained earlier Tuesday after being shot by Israeli occupation forces in the town of Anata, east of occupied Jerusalem.

    The Jerusalem Governorate Media Department said in a statement that Shadi Wisam Shehada, 17, was shot by the Israeli occupation in the town of Anata while he was working at his privately-owned car wash shop in the area, for allegedly throwing stones at the occupation soldiers.

    Another Palestinian young man, Moataz Sarsour, was shot and killed by Israeli occupation forces during a raid on the cities of Ramallah and Al-Bireh at Tuesday dawn.

    Shadi Wisam Shehada and Moataz Sarsour, killed by Israeli forces
    Shadi Wisam Shehada and Moataz Sarsour, killed by Israeli forces (photo)
    Israeli authorities detain head of the Palestine Olympic Committee

    Middle East Eye reports: Jibril Rajoub, who is also a member of Fatah’s Central Committee, was reportedly detained by Israeli authorities upon his return from the Paris Olympics while en route to the occupied West Bank.

    The 71-year-old was searched, had his passport confiscated, and was summoned for questioning at the Ofer military compound near Ramallah on Tuesday.

    Rajoub has previously faced threats of imprisonment from some members of the Israeli government due to his efforts to have Israel barred from the Olympics and the football World Cup, citing violations of the Olympic Charter and FIFA regulations against apartheid in sports.

    In May, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz threatened to revoke Rajoub’s travel pass.

    “We will work to thwart his plans, and if he doesn’t stop, we will imprison him in the Muqataa [presidential compound in Ramallah], where he will be left to play stanga by himself between the walls,” Katz said, referring to a popular Israeli street game involving a football.

    Anti-free speech California bill inspired by opposition to pro-Palestine campus protest

    The Intercept reports: A bill making its way through the California legislature would stifle free speech on public university and college campuses, specifically around protests against Israel’s war in Gaza and its occupation of Palestine, according to civil rights advocates.

    The American Civil Liberties Union in California is ringing the alarm bell on Senate Bill 1287, saying that it will “set a dangerous precedent of chilling speech on campuses across the state.”

    The bill, introduced in February by Democratic state Sen. Steve Glazer, would require schools to adopt and enforce rules against harassment, discrimination, or any behavior that “creates a hostile environment on campus.”

    The bill’s supporters include a host of pro-Israel advocacy groups. [Glazer has made many trips to Israel and lived in Israel for six months working on a kibbutz.]

    Among the bill’s most vocal detractors has been ACLU California Action, which said in a letter sent last week to Glazer’s office that the bill would suppress free speech. In the letter, obtained by The Intercept, the ACLU highlighted areas of the bill that are “overly broad” and vague, such as leaving terms like “harassment,” “discrimination,” and “hostile environment” with no clear definitions that may allow institutions to apply them in ways that prohibit students’ free speech.

    Across the U.S., lawmakers on the state and federal level have introduced bills cracking down on campus protests. In Congress, Republican lawmakers proposed a slate of bills, including measures that would revoke visas and deport any international student convicted of a crime related to protests on campus; bar students convicted of a protest-related crime from receiving financial aid; make federal accreditation and funding for schools contingent on their policies toward protests; barring a student of faculty member from student loan forgiveness if they are expelled or fired due to protests; and withholding federal funds from schools that don’t clear encampments.

    Rep. Andy Ogles, a Republican from Tennessee who is behind several of the bills, also introduced one that would require a student convicted of a protest-related offense to do community service in Gaza for six months.

    (Read the full article here.)

    RECOMMENDED READING: Unmasking counterprotesters who attacked UCLA’s pro-Palestine encampment

    In early May, police arrested around 200 protesters from the anti-war encampment at UCLA, with the campus police restricting access to the area, and police helicopters hovering overhead.
    In early May, police arrested around 200 protesters from the anti-war encampment at UCLA, with the campus police restricting access to the area, and police helicopters hovering overhead. (photo)
    Iran says silence of UK, France, Germany on “inhumane crimes” in Gaza encouraged Israel to continue atrocities while threatening global peace

    The Cradle reports: Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian told UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer in a phone call that the silence of the international community in the face of Israel’s “unprecedented and inhumane crimes” in Gaza encouraged it to continue committing atrocities while threatening regional and global peace and security, IRNA reported on 13 August.

    Pezeshkian added that war in any part of the world is not in the interest of any country while emphasizing that a “punitive response to an aggressor is a legal right of states and a way to stop crime and aggression.”

    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani issued a similar message Tuesday, saying the Islamic Republic will defend its national security and sovereignty and does not ask for permission to exercise its rights.

    Kanaani made the statement in response to a letter published by the UK, France, and Germany, urging Iran not to retaliate for the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on 1 August.

    The Foreign Ministry spokesman added that the three European countries have been indifferent to Israel’s continued “genocidal acts and war crimes against defenseless Palestinians.”

    He stated that the European nations’ request that Iran not respond to the Hamas leader’s assassination would “encourage the criminals to continue massacre, genocide, and crime against humanity.”

    The spokesman said if those mentioned countries were really after peace and stability in the region, they should stand against Israel and seek to end the war on Gaza and the killing of children and women.

    Israeli troops accused of gang raping Palestinian detainee released on house arrest

    The Cradle reports: The Israeli military attorney’s office and defense lawyers agreed on the release to house arrest of the five soldiers accused of raping a Palestinian man in the notorious Sde Teiman detention camp, Haaretz reported in Hebrew on 13 August.

    The Israeli army spokesman said the five soldiers will be released to house arrest for 10 days during the investigation.

    On 8 August, a leaked surveillance video from Sde Teiman was broadcast on Israeli news network Channel 12, showing the Israeli soldiers gang-raping the Palestinian man.

    Members of the Knesset and Hebrew media have strongly criticized the military for detaining the soldiers, arguing that it is morally acceptable to do anything to Hamas fighters, including rape.

    Military police officers who arrested the soldiers have faced death threats.

    Israel’s military advocate general, Major General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi responded to criticism over the arrests by saying they were crucial for shielding Israel from war crimes charges in international courts and ensuring continued weapons deliveries from the US and European nations.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Hostages of Israeli revenge in the Gaza Strip: Testimonies of 100 released Palestinian detainees reveal crimes of torture, cruel treatment.

    Documents confirm Netanyahu responsible for obstructing Gaza ceasefire

    New York Times reports: For weeks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has denied that he is trying to block a cease-fire deal in Gaza by hardening Israel’s negotiating position.

    Mr. Netanyahu has consistently placed all blame for the deadlocked negotiations on Hamas, even as senior members of the Israeli security establishment accused him of slowing the process himself.

    But in private, Mr. Netanyahu has, in fact, added new conditions to Israel’s demands, additions that his own negotiators fear have created extra obstacles to a deal.

    According to unpublished documents reviewed by The New York Times that detail Israel’s negotiating positions, Israel relayed a list of new stipulations in late July to American, Egyptian and Qatari mediators that added less flexible conditions to a set of principles it had made in late May.

    The documents reviewed by The Times make clear that the behind-the-scenes maneuvering by the Netanyahu government has been extensive — and suggest that agreement may be elusive at the talks set to begin this week.

    (Read more here.)

    Israel defense ministry expects 100,000 disabled veterans by 2030, half to be related to mental health

    Ha’aretz reports: A recent forecast by the rehabilitation division of Israel’s Defense Ministry expects there to be 100,000 disabled IDF veterans by the year 2030, with half being related to mental health.

    According to the data, since October 7 the rehabilitation division has seen 10,056 wounded individuals. The Defense Ministry is now discussing a strategy to absorb and treat those wounded in the war, on top of approximately 62,000 disabled IDF veterans already being treated by the division before the war.

    NOTE: Over 92,000 Gazans have been injured in just ten months – at least 3,000 children have had a limb amputated. Mental health issues are widespread, including nearly every child in Gaza.

    Josep Borrell calls for sanctions against Israeli ministers for ‘incitement to war crimes’

    The Cradle reports: EU Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell [from Spain] said on 11 August that the bloc must consider imposing sanctions against Israeli far-right ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich for “incitement to war crimes.”

    Borrell urged the Israeli government to clearly dissociate itself from individuals who incite war crimes and to work seriously towards a ceasefire deal.

    The high-ranking EU official also denounced Ben Gvir for urging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt all humanitarian aid and fuel to the Gaza Strip amidst the ongoing genocide.

    Finance Minister Smotrich’s comments about starving two million Gazans by withholding aid in exchange for Israeli captives as “sinister,” in stark contrast to the Israeli minister’s assertion that the approach is “justified and moral.”


    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    The Guardian: Why should US troops pay the price for Biden’s failure to rein in Netanyahu?

    Mondoweiss: The ICJ finds that BDS is not merely a right, but an obligation

    +972 Magazine: In Jenin and Tulkarem, Israel’s war on Palestinian armed resistance is failing

    CNN: Rep. Ilhan Omar will win primary in Minnesota, CNN projects, breaking ‘squad’ losing streak


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 13: at least 40,590* (39,965 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 625 in the West Bank (~145 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
    2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 13: at least 97,714 (including at least 92,294 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 13: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

    Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

    Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org
    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    Palestinians’ harrowing stories of rape by Israeli soldiers (including female soldiers)
    A Palestinian journalist visited Ismail Haniyeh’s home in Gaza to report on his death. Israel assassinated him too.
    I reported a piece for the New York Times on antisemitism. I found a major error, but the Times didn’t care.
    How Israel plans to whitewash its war crimes in Gaza
    Why the West Bank is on the verge of economic collapse
    Netanyahu’s plan to involve US in regional war on its behalf
    Western media continue to withhold the truth about Israel and Gaza – 4 stories
    “Well What SHOULD Israel Have Done After October 7?”
    Welcome to Hell
    More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own
    U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal
    Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West
    Searching for Gaza’s missing children
    What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million?
    Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor
    When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’
    Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war
    Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct
    US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington
    Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video)
    Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience
    Gaza genocide denial
    Why the news media’s job is to groom us
    ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children

    US approves “historic” $20B arms sale to Israel, as Gazans die – Day 311 [email protected] August 14, 2024 ben gvir, Bezalel Smotrich, ceasefire, free speech on campus, Iran, israeli gang rape, Josep Borrell, palestine olympics head, twins in gaza, weapons to israel Destroyed buildings last month in Beit Lahia, one of the northernmost cities in the Gaza Strip.Credit...Omar Al-Qattaa/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images (photo) More weapons for Israel; newborn twins killed in Gaza; Israel shoots American activist; two Palestinians killed in West Bank; Israel detains Palestine Olympic head; California mulls anti-free speech on campus bill; Ben Gvir leads provocative march on Temple Mount; EU leader calls for sanctions against Israeli Smotrich for calls to starve Gazans; house arrest for gang-rape suspects; yes, Netanyahu has been messing with ceasefire details; Iran says Europe’s silence on “inhumane crimes” in Gaza encouraged Israel to continue atrocities while threatening global peace; more. By IAK staff, from reports. US State Department Approves Over $20 Billion Arms Package for Israel AntiWar reports: On Tuesday, the State Department approved a series of potential weapons sales to Israel worth over $20 billion that includes F-15 fighter jets and tank munitions. The approval comes as Israeli airstrikes continue to slaughter civilians in Gaza, including newborn twins who were killed hours before the State Department announced the new support for Israel. Ha’aretz reports the transaction as “among the most significant arms sales to Israel in American history.” In total, the US announced five new arms deals for Israel. The biggest is for 50 F-15 fighter jets and related equipment, worth $18.8 billion. Israel will also receive $102.5 million in advanced air-to-air missiles, about 33,000 120mm tank cartridges worth $774 million, 50,000 high-explosive 120mm mortar rounds worth $61.1 million, and $583.1 million worth of medium tactical vehicles. It’s unclear how much of the massive weapons sale will be funded by US military aid. The announcement came a few days after the State Department said it was releasing $3.5 billion in military assistance for Israel in the form of Foreign Military Financing, a program that gives foreign governments money to buy US weapons. It will take years before the F-15s and other weapons will be delivered to Israel, although, according to Reuters, the tank rounds would be almost immediately available for delivery. The notification begins a period where Congress could potentially block the sales, but it’s expected to breeze through since only a few dozen progressive Democrats are opposed to arming Israel. The U.S. has sent Israel more than 10,000 highly destructive 2,000-pound bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles since the start of the Gaza war in October, U.S. officials told Reuters in June. RECOMMENDED READING: Rafah attack: Netanyahu’s lies expose the truth about Israel An Israeli soldier carries a 155mm artillery shell near a self-propelled howitzer deployed at a position near the border with Lebanon in the upper Galilee region of northern Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo: Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images) An Israeli soldier carries a 155mm artillery shell near a self-propelled howitzer deployed at a position near the border with Lebanon in the upper Galilee region of northern Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo: Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images) (photo) Newborn twins killed in Israeli strike in Gaza as father collects their birth certificates Andalou Agency reports: Newborn twins were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the central Gaza Strip on Tuesday as their father went to collect their birth certificates. The two babies were born on Saturday in the city of Deir al-Balah, but an Israeli strike on their apartment shattered the family’s joy of their newborns. “I have just obtained the birth certificates for my newborn babies Aysel and Asser,” their father Mohammad Abu al-Qumsan told Anadolu as tears rolled down his cheeks. “They were born on August 10. I was outside the house, finalizing the paperwork, and then I got the call… I didn’t expect to find them all gone.” Israeli hardliner Ben-Gvir “put lives at risk” with Jerusalem prayer call Reuters reports: Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Tuesday visited the Al-Aqsa mosque compound known to Jews as Temple Mount, and said Jews should be allowed to pray there, freshly challenging rules covering one of the most sensitive sites in the Middle East. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly denied there would be any change to rules prohibiting Jews from praying at the site, which is holy to Muslims as well. The Al-Aqsa compound, revered by Jews as a vestige of their two ancient temples, is administered by a Jordanian religious foundation and under rules dating back decades, Jews are allowed to visit, but may not pray there. “Our policy is to allow prayer,” Ben-Gvir said as he passed a line of Jewish visitors who prostrated themselves on the ground, while others sang and clapped their hands in celebration. The Waqf, the foundation that administers the site, said around 2,250 Jews entered the site on Tuesday. The spokesperson for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounced Ben-Gvir’s visit as a “provocation” and called on the U.S. to intervene “if it wants to prevent the region from exploding in an uncontrollable manner”. HA’ARETZ ADDS: What happened on the Temple Mount Tuesday categorically puts lives at risk, and is further evidence of the chaos being caused by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and his irresponsible leadership. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and another minister ascended the Temple Mount (known as Al-Aqsa to Muslims), and dozens of Jewish visitors prayed on the compound in violation of the status quo. All this happened in front of the police who were stationed there, but they refrained from enforcing the ban on Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. The fact that Ben-Gvir oversees the police doubles the threat he poses, because the police exist in part to deal with criminals like him. But when the criminal is the very minister in charge of the police, who can you turn to? When the person endangering national security is the minister in charge of preserving it, what do you do? And the helplessness becomes absolute when you realize the prime minister can’t be relied upon in this situation, since Netanyahu is the one who appointed Ben-Gvir despite very well knowing that he is dangerous. An American was just shot in the West Bank. The American press can’t be bothered. DropSite News reports: Last Friday, Amado Sison, an activist from New Jersey with the solidarity group Faz3a, joined fellow demonstrators near the West Bank village of Beita. In an interview with Drop Site after being discharged from the hospital, Sison said he was taking part in a “protective presence” exercise aimed at defending Palestinian citizens living in the West Bank from settler and military violence. “The Palestinians were holding a rally and doing chants, when Israeli soldiers at a nearby outpost started shooting tear gas and aiming weapons at us,” said Sison. “ This was only my second demonstration, but some of the more experienced demonstrators shouted that live rounds were being fired and everyone began to run.” Sison and others ran from the gunfire into a nearby olive grove. It was then that he felt a “blunt impact” in the back of his leg. He initially thought he had been hit by a tear gas canister. It turned out to have been a live bullet, which entered his thigh and exited from the front of his leg. In video of the incident taken by Anthony C., an activist with Faz3a, and provided to Drop Site, a group of protesters and local Palestinians can be seen screaming as they attempt to carry a wounded Sison to safety after the shooting. (Read the full article here.) West Bank: Two Palestinian young men killed by Israeli forces WAFA reports: A Palestinian teenager succumbed to serious wounds he sustained earlier Tuesday after being shot by Israeli occupation forces in the town of Anata, east of occupied Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Governorate Media Department said in a statement that Shadi Wisam Shehada, 17, was shot by the Israeli occupation in the town of Anata while he was working at his privately-owned car wash shop in the area, for allegedly throwing stones at the occupation soldiers. Another Palestinian young man, Moataz Sarsour, was shot and killed by Israeli occupation forces during a raid on the cities of Ramallah and Al-Bireh at Tuesday dawn. Shadi Wisam Shehada and Moataz Sarsour, killed by Israeli forces Shadi Wisam Shehada and Moataz Sarsour, killed by Israeli forces (photo) Israeli authorities detain head of the Palestine Olympic Committee Middle East Eye reports: Jibril Rajoub, who is also a member of Fatah’s Central Committee, was reportedly detained by Israeli authorities upon his return from the Paris Olympics while en route to the occupied West Bank. The 71-year-old was searched, had his passport confiscated, and was summoned for questioning at the Ofer military compound near Ramallah on Tuesday. Rajoub has previously faced threats of imprisonment from some members of the Israeli government due to his efforts to have Israel barred from the Olympics and the football World Cup, citing violations of the Olympic Charter and FIFA regulations against apartheid in sports. In May, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz threatened to revoke Rajoub’s travel pass. “We will work to thwart his plans, and if he doesn’t stop, we will imprison him in the Muqataa [presidential compound in Ramallah], where he will be left to play stanga by himself between the walls,” Katz said, referring to a popular Israeli street game involving a football. Anti-free speech California bill inspired by opposition to pro-Palestine campus protest The Intercept reports: A bill making its way through the California legislature would stifle free speech on public university and college campuses, specifically around protests against Israel’s war in Gaza and its occupation of Palestine, according to civil rights advocates. The American Civil Liberties Union in California is ringing the alarm bell on Senate Bill 1287, saying that it will “set a dangerous precedent of chilling speech on campuses across the state.” The bill, introduced in February by Democratic state Sen. Steve Glazer, would require schools to adopt and enforce rules against harassment, discrimination, or any behavior that “creates a hostile environment on campus.” The bill’s supporters include a host of pro-Israel advocacy groups. [Glazer has made many trips to Israel and lived in Israel for six months working on a kibbutz.] Among the bill’s most vocal detractors has been ACLU California Action, which said in a letter sent last week to Glazer’s office that the bill would suppress free speech. In the letter, obtained by The Intercept, the ACLU highlighted areas of the bill that are “overly broad” and vague, such as leaving terms like “harassment,” “discrimination,” and “hostile environment” with no clear definitions that may allow institutions to apply them in ways that prohibit students’ free speech. Across the U.S., lawmakers on the state and federal level have introduced bills cracking down on campus protests. In Congress, Republican lawmakers proposed a slate of bills, including measures that would revoke visas and deport any international student convicted of a crime related to protests on campus; bar students convicted of a protest-related crime from receiving financial aid; make federal accreditation and funding for schools contingent on their policies toward protests; barring a student of faculty member from student loan forgiveness if they are expelled or fired due to protests; and withholding federal funds from schools that don’t clear encampments. Rep. Andy Ogles, a Republican from Tennessee who is behind several of the bills, also introduced one that would require a student convicted of a protest-related offense to do community service in Gaza for six months. (Read the full article here.) RECOMMENDED READING: Unmasking counterprotesters who attacked UCLA’s pro-Palestine encampment In early May, police arrested around 200 protesters from the anti-war encampment at UCLA, with the campus police restricting access to the area, and police helicopters hovering overhead. In early May, police arrested around 200 protesters from the anti-war encampment at UCLA, with the campus police restricting access to the area, and police helicopters hovering overhead. (photo) Iran says silence of UK, France, Germany on “inhumane crimes” in Gaza encouraged Israel to continue atrocities while threatening global peace The Cradle reports: Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian told UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer in a phone call that the silence of the international community in the face of Israel’s “unprecedented and inhumane crimes” in Gaza encouraged it to continue committing atrocities while threatening regional and global peace and security, IRNA reported on 13 August. Pezeshkian added that war in any part of the world is not in the interest of any country while emphasizing that a “punitive response to an aggressor is a legal right of states and a way to stop crime and aggression.” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani issued a similar message Tuesday, saying the Islamic Republic will defend its national security and sovereignty and does not ask for permission to exercise its rights. Kanaani made the statement in response to a letter published by the UK, France, and Germany, urging Iran not to retaliate for the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on 1 August. The Foreign Ministry spokesman added that the three European countries have been indifferent to Israel’s continued “genocidal acts and war crimes against defenseless Palestinians.” He stated that the European nations’ request that Iran not respond to the Hamas leader’s assassination would “encourage the criminals to continue massacre, genocide, and crime against humanity.” The spokesman said if those mentioned countries were really after peace and stability in the region, they should stand against Israel and seek to end the war on Gaza and the killing of children and women. Israeli troops accused of gang raping Palestinian detainee released on house arrest The Cradle reports: The Israeli military attorney’s office and defense lawyers agreed on the release to house arrest of the five soldiers accused of raping a Palestinian man in the notorious Sde Teiman detention camp, Haaretz reported in Hebrew on 13 August. The Israeli army spokesman said the five soldiers will be released to house arrest for 10 days during the investigation. On 8 August, a leaked surveillance video from Sde Teiman was broadcast on Israeli news network Channel 12, showing the Israeli soldiers gang-raping the Palestinian man. Members of the Knesset and Hebrew media have strongly criticized the military for detaining the soldiers, arguing that it is morally acceptable to do anything to Hamas fighters, including rape. Military police officers who arrested the soldiers have faced death threats. Israel’s military advocate general, Major General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi responded to criticism over the arrests by saying they were crucial for shielding Israel from war crimes charges in international courts and ensuring continued weapons deliveries from the US and European nations. RECOMMENDED READING: Hostages of Israeli revenge in the Gaza Strip: Testimonies of 100 released Palestinian detainees reveal crimes of torture, cruel treatment. Documents confirm Netanyahu responsible for obstructing Gaza ceasefire New York Times reports: For weeks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has denied that he is trying to block a cease-fire deal in Gaza by hardening Israel’s negotiating position. Mr. Netanyahu has consistently placed all blame for the deadlocked negotiations on Hamas, even as senior members of the Israeli security establishment accused him of slowing the process himself. But in private, Mr. Netanyahu has, in fact, added new conditions to Israel’s demands, additions that his own negotiators fear have created extra obstacles to a deal. According to unpublished documents reviewed by The New York Times that detail Israel’s negotiating positions, Israel relayed a list of new stipulations in late July to American, Egyptian and Qatari mediators that added less flexible conditions to a set of principles it had made in late May. The documents reviewed by The Times make clear that the behind-the-scenes maneuvering by the Netanyahu government has been extensive — and suggest that agreement may be elusive at the talks set to begin this week. (Read more here.) Israel defense ministry expects 100,000 disabled veterans by 2030, half to be related to mental health Ha’aretz reports: A recent forecast by the rehabilitation division of Israel’s Defense Ministry expects there to be 100,000 disabled IDF veterans by the year 2030, with half being related to mental health. According to the data, since October 7 the rehabilitation division has seen 10,056 wounded individuals. The Defense Ministry is now discussing a strategy to absorb and treat those wounded in the war, on top of approximately 62,000 disabled IDF veterans already being treated by the division before the war. NOTE: Over 92,000 Gazans have been injured in just ten months – at least 3,000 children have had a limb amputated. Mental health issues are widespread, including nearly every child in Gaza. Josep Borrell calls for sanctions against Israeli ministers for ‘incitement to war crimes’ The Cradle reports: EU Foreign Policy chief Josep Borrell [from Spain] said on 11 August that the bloc must consider imposing sanctions against Israeli far-right ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich for “incitement to war crimes.” Borrell urged the Israeli government to clearly dissociate itself from individuals who incite war crimes and to work seriously towards a ceasefire deal. The high-ranking EU official also denounced Ben Gvir for urging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt all humanitarian aid and fuel to the Gaza Strip amidst the ongoing genocide. Finance Minister Smotrich’s comments about starving two million Gazans by withholding aid in exchange for Israeli captives as “sinister,” in stark contrast to the Israeli minister’s assertion that the approach is “justified and moral.” MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. The Guardian: Why should US troops pay the price for Biden’s failure to rein in Netanyahu? Mondoweiss: The ICJ finds that BDS is not merely a right, but an obligation +972 Magazine: In Jenin and Tulkarem, Israel’s war on Palestinian armed resistance is failing CNN: Rep. Ilhan Omar will win primary in Minnesota, CNN projects, breaking ‘squad’ losing streak STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – AUGUST 13: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 13: at least 40,590* (39,965 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 625 in the West Bank (~145 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced. 2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 13: at least 97,714 (including at least 92,294 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 13: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured. Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.** Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) Palestinians’ harrowing stories of rape by Israeli soldiers (including female soldiers) A Palestinian journalist visited Ismail Haniyeh’s home in Gaza to report on his death. Israel assassinated him too. I reported a piece for the New York Times on antisemitism. I found a major error, but the Times didn’t care. How Israel plans to whitewash its war crimes in Gaza Why the West Bank is on the verge of economic collapse Netanyahu’s plan to involve US in regional war on its behalf Western media continue to withhold the truth about Israel and Gaza – 4 stories “Well What SHOULD Israel Have Done After October 7?” Welcome to Hell More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West Searching for Gaza’s missing children What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million? Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’ Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video) Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience Gaza genocide denial Why the news media’s job is to groom us ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children https://israelpalestinenews.org/us-approves-historic-20b-arms-sale-to-israel-as-gazans-die-day-311/
    US approves "historic" $20B arms sale to Israel, as Gazans die – Day 311
    Ben Gvir's provocative march on Temple Mount; Israel shoots US activist; Iran doesn't need West's permission to retaliate against Israel
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  • “Who Is THEY?”
    Corey Lynn

    The number one question consistently circulating on social media and infuriating the minds of millions is, “who is they?” Not “who are they,” but “who is they” as though “they” is a single force operating as one. Whereas “they” often do operate as a single force, there are many individuals and players involved. People want to know who is behind the money, power, control, narratives, and destruction of the world – the constant wars, manufactured inflation, attacks on the food system and agriculture, big pharma and medical madness, constant surveillance, AI and transhumanism, the entire financial system, and so on. It’s not limited to one or even ten countries – it is a global agenda that goes back centuries and even the most brilliant researchers, historians, and investigators can’t name every person involved at the top of this hierarchy. However, there are thousands who can be named, and most everyone has acknowledged the fact that it is a very small percent attempting to rule the world under their “new world order.”

    Download this full report in PDF format in the Bookshop too! >

    There are several terms people use to reference these bad actors, such as the “deep state,” “global cabal,” “illuminati” and “shadow government.” The individuals orchestrating this attempted global takeover operate covertly within the government to alter public policies and laws while shaping culture and narratives. More recently, many of these bad actors no longer operate covertly – it’s more an in-your-face style these days. They are all in, desperately trying to cull the masses through their playbook, and although they would seem to have a plan a, b, and c for every agenda, people are fighting back and seeing through their manipulation tactics. It’s true that it is creating quite a field of cognitive dissonance, but with each month that passes, more and more people are becoming aware of the game being played on humanity, and they refuse to tolerate it.

    This is the Great Con and they can only pull it off if you believe in it, if you fall for it, if you accept they have power over you, and you allow yourself to become the obedient slave they want you to. That is the biggest dose of truth. They need everyone to believe they are the authority, they have your best interest at heart, and what they are telling you is truthful. They want you to feel powerless and dependent on them. That is their biggest hurdle and that is what you should never give into.

    The further back one goes, the more difficult it is to track them. Why? Because the wealthy bloodlines tend to intermix, often changing their names and spellings, their backgrounds, and their family connections. To make matters worse, there are hundreds of psychological campaigns running simultaneously, coming out of multiple countries and sources to further confuse people. One thing is for certain – these folks have been planning this ultimate takeover for a very long time, have all of their minions and useful tools coordinating for them, have brainwashed millions of people with their schemes, are savvy and calculated with their methods and far more intelligent than most would care to admit.

    This report will provide over 1900 names of individuals and companies involved in crimes against humanity and the control grid enslavement system.

    People want names, so let’s start here. This is a big part of the hierarchy, leaving some unknowns hidden behind the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). In Corey Lynn’s 3-part report on Laundering with Immunity, it explains in explicit detail as to how and when BIS came about and how BIS and 63 central banks devised a plan to hold immunities and privileges. Shortly thereafter, in 1945 the UN was manifested by some of the plotters for this grand takeover, and immunities and privileges came right along with it the following day. This was the beginning of the control framework and how they would be able to carry out their agendas while operating entirely outside the law. All arms of the UN have these immunities and can extend them to organizations working with them. Long before the UN being established, the Organization of American States (OAS) was created. They too were the first to receive immunities and privileges, alongside the UN, as they work in conjunction with one another. And, they too can extend these immunities to organizations they work with. In addition to the banks, the UN and OAS, the Global Fund, Gavi, and WEF were also given these immunities, and numerous other key international organizations as well. In total, there are 76 international organizations that hold these immunities and privileges, and that’s on top of BIS and the central banks.

    Whereas the UN and OAS hold treaties with a slew of countries giving them ironclad layers of protections, the other international organizations hold immunities, privileges, and headquarters agreements independently with each country who opted to do so, and there are many! The U.S. set the stage for this, doling them out to 76 organizations throughout every presidency except for Trump and Biden.

    Read Laundering with Immunity to grasp the full scope of what these immunities and privileges entail. For starters, all of their archives are inviolable, their property and assets are immune from search and seizure, they are exempt from every kind of tax regular people pay, including property taxes, officers and employees are exempt from legal suits, employees and their family members can travel the world without checks from customs, military and police are not allowed to enter their headquarters, and much more.

    Once people understand that THIS is the control framework – the structure that was created nearly 80 years ago so that they can operate outside the law and never be held accountable, it’s easy to see how all of the other pieces fall into place.

    Who is THEY? That alone is the key list of 76 organizations, BIS, and 63 central banks at the top of the pyramid, bearing in mind there are wealthy, strategic players behind this pyramid whose names we may never know. Those leading these organizations are the key names purposefully put in a position of power to carry out specific agendas. Those key players move around within that group of organizations and sometimes head up affiliated organizations in order to maintain their strategy. Some of those agendas come straight from the pyramid organizations, while others are contracted out to their affiliates at NGOs, corporations, universities, lawmakers, governments, 3-letter agencies, news media, and private equity firms. For example, CIA agents often move into news media positions, FDA directors often move over to big pharma, CDC directors move over to Rockefeller Foundation or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and so on.

    They keep their key players in positions they need them in at specific times and then move them around to other leadership positions when they need certain actions carried out. Jim Yong Kim is a prime example of this, from co-founding Partners in Health to advising the Director-General of the WHO and Director of HIV/AIDS department, then fulfilling outcomes required at Harvard in various positions, on to President of Dartmouth College then to President of the World Bank – coincidentally resigning early in 2019, and now a partner at Global Infrastructure Partners. Kim has been instrumental in nefarious actions in Haiti, the AIDS agenda, vaccines, Covid contact tracing, pressuring countries in order to receive funding from the World Bank, and the climate agenda, and each position was timed right. It is no coincidence that BlackRock is acquiring Global Infrastructure Partners in the 3rd quarter of 2024. You can read more about Jim Yong Kim’s connections and involvement in Corey Lynn’s reports here, here and here. They have done an incredible job trying to bury his childhood and family. CEO of BlackRock, Larry Fink, also went above and beyond to hide his family connections and childhood, with a father who would appear to be a ghost. It’s understandable to want to keep family from the public eye when in high profile positions, but there is far more than meets the eye with these cats.

    There are countless smaller companies who have had good intentions to provide great products and services to people or the land, but as they began to grow and gain attention, these corrupt organizations stepped in trying to co-opt them and eventually acquiring them. Whole Foods being gobbled up by Amazon is a good example of this. These organizations, including so-called billionaire philanthropists, are behind every major industry and “reimagining” it to essentially cut out everyone else from financial prosperity so that everyone can fall prey to their planned enslavement system.

    Ultimately, Congress needs to revoke these immunities and privileges. Any lawmaker saying that the U.S. needs to defund the WHO (part of the UN) or the UN itself, clearly isn’t aware of this control framework because if they were, they would know that defunding isn’t going to solve anything.

    How “They” Operate and Lists of Who “They” Are

    Within each agenda (and there are many), the same players can be seen carrying them out. That’s a pretty big indicator of who’s running this theater. It’s important to note that there are also key players in countries whose names may not be mentioned although, their companies may have made these lists.

    The Giving Pledge, founded by Warren Buffet and Bill Gates in 2010, is a real quick way to see a list of over 240 billionaire “philanthropists”, many of which are involved in agendas against humanity. Everyone from David Rockefeller to Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Michael Milken, Sam Altman, Edgar Bronfman, Victor Pinchuk, Richard Branson, Marc Benioff, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Musallam Bin Ham Al–Ameri, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, and countless others are part of this group whereby they have committed “to give the majority of their wealth to address some of society’s most pressing problems.” That is, to create a problem and then claim to save the day by establishing new industries and wiping out others.

    The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals is completely inverted and portrayed as helping the earth and humanity, when in fact it is the exact opposite and a total con. It is the primary scape goat used for every agenda they are attempting to carry out. From climate change to poverty, food, health, education, industry and economic growth, it is the playbook narrative for each action they take. The PR is pushed by the World Economic Forum who plot and plan how these actions should roll out and who should take the reins. These players often meet in private by invite only through secret societies and organizations. The universities pump out whatever so-called studies are needed to validate their actions so as to obtain government funding and so media can hype it up. Therefore, it’s important to understand how their language works in order to read between the lines, and recognize that “convenience” means convenient for them because they can track you, “safety” means you will be told what you can do, what you can say, what you have access to, and how you can spend your money, “inclusion” means you will be part of their enslavement system, “equity” means everyone will be on universal basic income and healthcare so that they can hold control over you, “protect marine life around the world and use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” means they are mining the oceans for resources under the guise of climate change while decimating entire ecosystems that could destroy all marine life. You get the idea.

    Government grants, using taxpayer dollars, is one of biggest ways they move taxpayer money into the hands of the corrupt. Over 20 U.S. government agencies distribute these funds, such as DHS, DOD, DOE, DOS, HUD, USAID, USDA, for example. These funds go directly into corrupt organizations and foundations hands, or through ministries in other countries where the money seems to disappear or achieve little results, or in cases such as war they may funnel it through the World Bank, which of course has full immunities and privileges so no one will ever truly know where the money went. The Pentagon has failed audits six years in a row. Mind you, they self audit. Over $21 trillion has gone missing from U.S. federal accounts at HUD and the Department of Defense.

    In Corey Lynn’s report on 17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda, it gives a full breakdown of these so-called goals with attached reports uncovering evidence to the contrary. There are a myriad of additional reports on Corey’s Digs that also directly pertain to these agendas. Here are some key reports with lists of individuals and companies involved in these schemes:

    • The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports is a 4-part report, and available in paperback with a bonus chapter on solutions, that shows how blockchain, digital identities, and digital currency are one of their major end games in order to control what people do and how they can spend their money. It is packed full of hundreds of cited sources providing key evidence. Under the guise of health and well-being, this con ticks off 9 of their 17 goals. Part 4 reveals a list of 287 individuals and companies involved in this agenda.

    • By now, it should no longer be a mystery that Visa and Mastercard are playing a critical role in the digital identity control system.

    • Elon Musk deserves his own bullet point. Though many have held him high up on their hero worship pedestal, Musk’s history speaks for itself. In Corey Lynn’s report Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid, it provides an abundance of evidence about what is transpiring and Elon Musk’s involvement which should raise the hair on the back of anyone’s neck who can’t be fooled. In addition to Elon Musk, there are other key common players involved in this scheme, such as U.S. Space Force, Morgan Stanley, WEF, UN, BIS, central banks, Deloitte, and others listed throughout this report.

    • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust funnels money to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) who then grants money to the Global Fund and Gavi, both of which Bill Gates is co-founder of. The BMGF also grants billions to sectors of the UN and countless NGOs owned by friends. Then, some of the money gets funneled back in through the Global Fund by some of those same NGOs and other branches of the UN. It’s a revolving door. Additionally, billions in grants from the U.S. government and other countries funnel taxpayer dollars through the Global Fund and Gavi. They are washing the money right in front of everyone’s eyes, all through non-profits, most of which have full immunities and privileges. Here is an in depth video Corey did covering just how this works and showing the organizations involved.

    • The food industry is monopolized by 10 companies. Talk about population control. These companies crank so much sugar and bioengineered ingredients (genetically modified and gene-edited) into their foods to keep the population sick. Many of them also work closely with the organizations listed throughout this article. Understand that these companies are willing to take a hit in order to move agendas forward, such as shutting down during Covid or some of their food processing plants going up in flames.

    • Who controls everything regarding what is put in people’s mouths, from seeds to pesticides to the food itself? Codex Alimentarius does. It was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), both are arms of the UN with full immunities and privileges. Their sole purpose is to set the standards and guidelines for all food that is consumed by human beings. Once those decisions are made, countries take those “standards” and implement them, creating regulations and laws. The USDA is a driving force for not only adhering to the standards, but making certain that other countries follow in lock step. China runs the pesticides committee and Monsanto has a seat at the table. See Corey Lynn’s report on this here.

    • In Corey Lynn’s report, The New Controlled Food System is Now in Place and They Will Stop at Nothing to Accelerate Their Control, it reveals the new wave of indoor vertical growing facilities popping up with many of these same players founding them, funding them, or purchasing from them. Though this may be a positive solution for small farms or individuals, unfortunately these conglomerates are utilizing gene-edited seeds for much of this. Imagine food being locked in enormous facilities while states give them tax breaks and Monsanto/Bayer is preparing seeds. This report exposes over 150 players in this agenda, with overlapping names already documented in this article, including key shareholders. This ticks off a whopping 10 of the 17 goals to enslave humanity. And, another report by Corey Lynn exposes additional names involved in the lab grown meat arena. There are numerous other reports pertaining to food supply, agriculture, and livestock that can be found on Corey’s Digs under the Food Supply category.

    • In a 9-part report on Obedience Training from Cradle to Grave, it takes an in-depth look at the education system from PreK to Adults and exposes the incredible ways they are carrying out indoctrination, brainwashing, social emotional learning, augmented virtual reality, and their goal to push ideologies through the education system into the corporate world as lifelong mandatory obedience training. This con ticks off 5 of their 17 goals. Part 9 documents an extensive timeline going back to 1903 and a list of over 580 key players involved, and 50 of them are also involved in the digital identity agenda.

    • Universities have long played a vital role in shaping “the science” and producing desired results of research projects to generate outcomes the deep state players require. This in turn provides both grants and funding to the universities while signaling to big gov that grants should go out to organizations and foundations that need to further the studies, implement clinical trials, or proceed with their projects. What most people don’t realize is how involved universities and colleges are with the immigration agenda as well. In Corey Lynn’s report University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America, it breaks this all down while providing a list of over 200 colleges involved in this, dozens of organizations assisting, and private equity firms such as Blackstone playing a major role.

    • Partners in Health (PIH), founded in 1983, is perhaps one of the most critical non-profits that seems to have flown under the radar for decades. From the founders to those connected, the funders, governments, and activities, there are hundreds of names attached to PIH. The list of partners reads like a who’s who of the global mafia. Corey Lynn published an explosive report in May 2020, regarding contact tracing surveillance and a $100 billion scandal that went down with PIH, IL Rep. Bobby Rush, EcoHealth Alliance, former World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, and more. The report lists over 75 companies and individuals involved. Additionally, Partners in Health, along with the Clinton Foundation, Planned Parenthood, and Ivy League Schools have all been instrumental in the abortion agenda.

    • The transgender agenda is a big one, wanting everyone focused on their “identity” while disassociating from who they truly are. It’s all about the external rather than the internal. In Corey Lynn’s 4-part report on Exploiting Transgenders, Part 1 reveals an extensive timeline of those carrying out this agenda. Part 2 covers the origins of the medical engineering and who was behind it. Part 3 shows who the funders and profiteers are as well as a short list, plus over 50 care clinics for youth involved in this. Part 4 provides a list of those behind this agenda.

    • To understand the mindset of these deep state actors, it’s important to get a grasp on their thirst for eugenics – a term that dates back to the late 1800s. In Corey Lynn’s 6-part report on Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth Crisis, it dives deep into the history, the players, the funders, and the actions carried out against humanity throughout the years. The report begins with a timeline dating back to 1901, and it is a vital report that shows the attack on people’s health, bodies, minds, and desire to control the population through manipulating DNA, sterilizing to prevent births, and in some cases, murder. Dozens of names of individuals and organizations involved in eugenics and the future goal of transhumanism are documented throughout this report, and many of those names will not only be familiar, but are seen in numerous other reports regarding other agendas as well. That’s the consistency of their playbook at work.

    • Over 30 articles and reports specifically on Covid, document a mountain of evidence along with names and organizations involved in carrying out the most hellacious, coordinated agenda against mankind. Those articles are best sought out through the Library Catalog with direct links to each report.

    • Under the guise of “climate change,” the governments of 26 islands have worked with public and private partners to funnel primarily U.S. government funds through clean energy infrastructure on these islands. Many of the partners are also involved with building up so-called tourism in these locations as well. Partners such as the UN, Organization of American States, World Bank Group, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Clinton Foundation, Rocky Mountain Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Tides, and many more including Breakthrough Energy Coalition which is a group of 28 high-net-worth investors including George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Tom Steyer, Jack Ma, Reid Hoffman and more. In total, there are 26 islands, 12 public sector partners and 34 private partners. Throughout the entire 4-part report, there are numerous additional names and countries involved in this as well. In Corey Lynn’s 4-part report on Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons & Branson, she shows how this all began, the funding, nefarious activities, and how it quickly escalated to include 26 islands. Where did the money really go?

    • Everyone is familiar with the Clinton Foundation, but most people are completely unaware that the Clinton crime family actually has 51 foundations, LLCs and shell companies that they utilize to carry out their shenanigans. Of course, some have non existent addresses. Corey Lynn dug through endless pages of tax returns and filings to build this list and has reported extensively on the Clinton’s involvement with AIDS, vaccines, abortion, child trafficking, Haiti here, here, here, here, and here, 26 islands, fraud in Arkansas, political tax scandals, plus Jeffrey Epstein here, here, and here.

    • Though there aren’t a ton of names listed in this report (a couple dozen), it contains significant information pertaining to Protecting U.S. Bulk-Power Supply and Technology from Bad Actors. The connections are quite staggering, especially three players who all worked in high-ranking positions at the World Bank with overlapping time frames, including one president, two of whom are from China and one from South Korea who all attended prestigious colleges in the U.S. The intertwining history of these three alone is mind-bending, showing where they began, what they were involved in, their U.S. connections, and where they are now. This report was publishing in 2020 and these men are still active in vital roles.

    • Shareholders play a key role in controlling companies from the top down. If the majority shareholder has voting shares, they can dictate the direction of the company. The top two shareholders of nearly every major company are the The Vanguard Group and BlackRock. State Street Corp. often takes 3rd position. Just pick a company, any decent size company and search “top shareholders of (company name)” and you’ll see it nearly every time, and if on rare occasion they didn’t make it in the top two, they made it in the top five. Here is an example of BlackRock voting on three Pfizer resolutions in 2021, as BlackRock is Pfizer’s largest shareholder.

    That’s a pretty good start to set people on the right path of the actual history behind all of this corruption and the goals the deep state is trying to fulfill. This report was intended to highlight some of the larger lists compiled over the past eight years of investigative reporting on Corey’s Digs. There are so many names of individuals, companies, organizations, and non-profits that work in lock step with one another to achieve these agendas against humanity, covered in over 200 reports and articles produced on Corey’s Digs, that a Quarterly Library Catalog is published to make it easier to find specific reports by topic. There’s much more to the story and the history, but this is a good baseline.

    Be FearLESS, don’t be conned, and never be obedient to those who don’t have your best interest at heart.

    Download this report in PDF format in the Bookshop >

    Many of these more extensive reports are also available in the Bookshop in PDF format for downloading, printing and archiving. As they continue to erase history, it is of the utmost importance to document and preserve as much as we can for future generations.

    Corey Lynn is always working to bring solutions to people. In addition to articles, the Solution Series offers 24 episodes with incredible individuals who share their knowledge and experience on everything from food resources and how-tos, local community building, survival and preparedness, alternative resources, wellness and healthcare, financial tips, and so much more. These are timeless videos with an abundance of helpful tools and information.

    Be sure to check out Corey’s Digs’ Partners who provide a variety of quality products and services ranging from health, meat and fresh foods, wealth, security, privacy, organic seeds, USA made products, and more! Visit Shopping Club Freedom for fantastic prime and high choice beef, plus hundreds of non-toxic household and personal care products made in the USA.

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    “Who Is THEY?” Corey Lynn The number one question consistently circulating on social media and infuriating the minds of millions is, “who is they?” Not “who are they,” but “who is they” as though “they” is a single force operating as one. Whereas “they” often do operate as a single force, there are many individuals and players involved. People want to know who is behind the money, power, control, narratives, and destruction of the world – the constant wars, manufactured inflation, attacks on the food system and agriculture, big pharma and medical madness, constant surveillance, AI and transhumanism, the entire financial system, and so on. It’s not limited to one or even ten countries – it is a global agenda that goes back centuries and even the most brilliant researchers, historians, and investigators can’t name every person involved at the top of this hierarchy. However, there are thousands who can be named, and most everyone has acknowledged the fact that it is a very small percent attempting to rule the world under their “new world order.” Download this full report in PDF format in the Bookshop too! > There are several terms people use to reference these bad actors, such as the “deep state,” “global cabal,” “illuminati” and “shadow government.” The individuals orchestrating this attempted global takeover operate covertly within the government to alter public policies and laws while shaping culture and narratives. More recently, many of these bad actors no longer operate covertly – it’s more an in-your-face style these days. They are all in, desperately trying to cull the masses through their playbook, and although they would seem to have a plan a, b, and c for every agenda, people are fighting back and seeing through their manipulation tactics. It’s true that it is creating quite a field of cognitive dissonance, but with each month that passes, more and more people are becoming aware of the game being played on humanity, and they refuse to tolerate it. This is the Great Con and they can only pull it off if you believe in it, if you fall for it, if you accept they have power over you, and you allow yourself to become the obedient slave they want you to. That is the biggest dose of truth. They need everyone to believe they are the authority, they have your best interest at heart, and what they are telling you is truthful. They want you to feel powerless and dependent on them. That is their biggest hurdle and that is what you should never give into. The further back one goes, the more difficult it is to track them. Why? Because the wealthy bloodlines tend to intermix, often changing their names and spellings, their backgrounds, and their family connections. To make matters worse, there are hundreds of psychological campaigns running simultaneously, coming out of multiple countries and sources to further confuse people. One thing is for certain – these folks have been planning this ultimate takeover for a very long time, have all of their minions and useful tools coordinating for them, have brainwashed millions of people with their schemes, are savvy and calculated with their methods and far more intelligent than most would care to admit. This report will provide over 1900 names of individuals and companies involved in crimes against humanity and the control grid enslavement system. People want names, so let’s start here. This is a big part of the hierarchy, leaving some unknowns hidden behind the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). In Corey Lynn’s 3-part report on Laundering with Immunity, it explains in explicit detail as to how and when BIS came about and how BIS and 63 central banks devised a plan to hold immunities and privileges. Shortly thereafter, in 1945 the UN was manifested by some of the plotters for this grand takeover, and immunities and privileges came right along with it the following day. This was the beginning of the control framework and how they would be able to carry out their agendas while operating entirely outside the law. All arms of the UN have these immunities and can extend them to organizations working with them. Long before the UN being established, the Organization of American States (OAS) was created. They too were the first to receive immunities and privileges, alongside the UN, as they work in conjunction with one another. And, they too can extend these immunities to organizations they work with. In addition to the banks, the UN and OAS, the Global Fund, Gavi, and WEF were also given these immunities, and numerous other key international organizations as well. In total, there are 76 international organizations that hold these immunities and privileges, and that’s on top of BIS and the central banks. Whereas the UN and OAS hold treaties with a slew of countries giving them ironclad layers of protections, the other international organizations hold immunities, privileges, and headquarters agreements independently with each country who opted to do so, and there are many! The U.S. set the stage for this, doling them out to 76 organizations throughout every presidency except for Trump and Biden. Read Laundering with Immunity to grasp the full scope of what these immunities and privileges entail. For starters, all of their archives are inviolable, their property and assets are immune from search and seizure, they are exempt from every kind of tax regular people pay, including property taxes, officers and employees are exempt from legal suits, employees and their family members can travel the world without checks from customs, military and police are not allowed to enter their headquarters, and much more. Once people understand that THIS is the control framework – the structure that was created nearly 80 years ago so that they can operate outside the law and never be held accountable, it’s easy to see how all of the other pieces fall into place. Who is THEY? That alone is the key list of 76 organizations, BIS, and 63 central banks at the top of the pyramid, bearing in mind there are wealthy, strategic players behind this pyramid whose names we may never know. Those leading these organizations are the key names purposefully put in a position of power to carry out specific agendas. Those key players move around within that group of organizations and sometimes head up affiliated organizations in order to maintain their strategy. Some of those agendas come straight from the pyramid organizations, while others are contracted out to their affiliates at NGOs, corporations, universities, lawmakers, governments, 3-letter agencies, news media, and private equity firms. For example, CIA agents often move into news media positions, FDA directors often move over to big pharma, CDC directors move over to Rockefeller Foundation or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and so on. They keep their key players in positions they need them in at specific times and then move them around to other leadership positions when they need certain actions carried out. Jim Yong Kim is a prime example of this, from co-founding Partners in Health to advising the Director-General of the WHO and Director of HIV/AIDS department, then fulfilling outcomes required at Harvard in various positions, on to President of Dartmouth College then to President of the World Bank – coincidentally resigning early in 2019, and now a partner at Global Infrastructure Partners. Kim has been instrumental in nefarious actions in Haiti, the AIDS agenda, vaccines, Covid contact tracing, pressuring countries in order to receive funding from the World Bank, and the climate agenda, and each position was timed right. It is no coincidence that BlackRock is acquiring Global Infrastructure Partners in the 3rd quarter of 2024. You can read more about Jim Yong Kim’s connections and involvement in Corey Lynn’s reports here, here and here. They have done an incredible job trying to bury his childhood and family. CEO of BlackRock, Larry Fink, also went above and beyond to hide his family connections and childhood, with a father who would appear to be a ghost. It’s understandable to want to keep family from the public eye when in high profile positions, but there is far more than meets the eye with these cats. There are countless smaller companies who have had good intentions to provide great products and services to people or the land, but as they began to grow and gain attention, these corrupt organizations stepped in trying to co-opt them and eventually acquiring them. Whole Foods being gobbled up by Amazon is a good example of this. These organizations, including so-called billionaire philanthropists, are behind every major industry and “reimagining” it to essentially cut out everyone else from financial prosperity so that everyone can fall prey to their planned enslavement system. Ultimately, Congress needs to revoke these immunities and privileges. Any lawmaker saying that the U.S. needs to defund the WHO (part of the UN) or the UN itself, clearly isn’t aware of this control framework because if they were, they would know that defunding isn’t going to solve anything. How “They” Operate and Lists of Who “They” Are Within each agenda (and there are many), the same players can be seen carrying them out. That’s a pretty big indicator of who’s running this theater. It’s important to note that there are also key players in countries whose names may not be mentioned although, their companies may have made these lists. The Giving Pledge, founded by Warren Buffet and Bill Gates in 2010, is a real quick way to see a list of over 240 billionaire “philanthropists”, many of which are involved in agendas against humanity. Everyone from David Rockefeller to Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Michael Milken, Sam Altman, Edgar Bronfman, Victor Pinchuk, Richard Branson, Marc Benioff, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Musallam Bin Ham Al–Ameri, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, and countless others are part of this group whereby they have committed “to give the majority of their wealth to address some of society’s most pressing problems.” That is, to create a problem and then claim to save the day by establishing new industries and wiping out others. The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals is completely inverted and portrayed as helping the earth and humanity, when in fact it is the exact opposite and a total con. It is the primary scape goat used for every agenda they are attempting to carry out. From climate change to poverty, food, health, education, industry and economic growth, it is the playbook narrative for each action they take. The PR is pushed by the World Economic Forum who plot and plan how these actions should roll out and who should take the reins. These players often meet in private by invite only through secret societies and organizations. The universities pump out whatever so-called studies are needed to validate their actions so as to obtain government funding and so media can hype it up. Therefore, it’s important to understand how their language works in order to read between the lines, and recognize that “convenience” means convenient for them because they can track you, “safety” means you will be told what you can do, what you can say, what you have access to, and how you can spend your money, “inclusion” means you will be part of their enslavement system, “equity” means everyone will be on universal basic income and healthcare so that they can hold control over you, “protect marine life around the world and use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” means they are mining the oceans for resources under the guise of climate change while decimating entire ecosystems that could destroy all marine life. You get the idea. Government grants, using taxpayer dollars, is one of biggest ways they move taxpayer money into the hands of the corrupt. Over 20 U.S. government agencies distribute these funds, such as DHS, DOD, DOE, DOS, HUD, USAID, USDA, for example. These funds go directly into corrupt organizations and foundations hands, or through ministries in other countries where the money seems to disappear or achieve little results, or in cases such as war they may funnel it through the World Bank, which of course has full immunities and privileges so no one will ever truly know where the money went. The Pentagon has failed audits six years in a row. Mind you, they self audit. Over $21 trillion has gone missing from U.S. federal accounts at HUD and the Department of Defense. In Corey Lynn’s report on 17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda, it gives a full breakdown of these so-called goals with attached reports uncovering evidence to the contrary. There are a myriad of additional reports on Corey’s Digs that also directly pertain to these agendas. Here are some key reports with lists of individuals and companies involved in these schemes: • The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports is a 4-part report, and available in paperback with a bonus chapter on solutions, that shows how blockchain, digital identities, and digital currency are one of their major end games in order to control what people do and how they can spend their money. It is packed full of hundreds of cited sources providing key evidence. Under the guise of health and well-being, this con ticks off 9 of their 17 goals. Part 4 reveals a list of 287 individuals and companies involved in this agenda. • By now, it should no longer be a mystery that Visa and Mastercard are playing a critical role in the digital identity control system. • Elon Musk deserves his own bullet point. Though many have held him high up on their hero worship pedestal, Musk’s history speaks for itself. In Corey Lynn’s report Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid, it provides an abundance of evidence about what is transpiring and Elon Musk’s involvement which should raise the hair on the back of anyone’s neck who can’t be fooled. In addition to Elon Musk, there are other key common players involved in this scheme, such as U.S. Space Force, Morgan Stanley, WEF, UN, BIS, central banks, Deloitte, and others listed throughout this report. • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust funnels money to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) who then grants money to the Global Fund and Gavi, both of which Bill Gates is co-founder of. The BMGF also grants billions to sectors of the UN and countless NGOs owned by friends. Then, some of the money gets funneled back in through the Global Fund by some of those same NGOs and other branches of the UN. It’s a revolving door. Additionally, billions in grants from the U.S. government and other countries funnel taxpayer dollars through the Global Fund and Gavi. They are washing the money right in front of everyone’s eyes, all through non-profits, most of which have full immunities and privileges. Here is an in depth video Corey did covering just how this works and showing the organizations involved. • The food industry is monopolized by 10 companies. Talk about population control. These companies crank so much sugar and bioengineered ingredients (genetically modified and gene-edited) into their foods to keep the population sick. Many of them also work closely with the organizations listed throughout this article. Understand that these companies are willing to take a hit in order to move agendas forward, such as shutting down during Covid or some of their food processing plants going up in flames. • Who controls everything regarding what is put in people’s mouths, from seeds to pesticides to the food itself? Codex Alimentarius does. It was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), both are arms of the UN with full immunities and privileges. Their sole purpose is to set the standards and guidelines for all food that is consumed by human beings. Once those decisions are made, countries take those “standards” and implement them, creating regulations and laws. The USDA is a driving force for not only adhering to the standards, but making certain that other countries follow in lock step. China runs the pesticides committee and Monsanto has a seat at the table. See Corey Lynn’s report on this here. • In Corey Lynn’s report, The New Controlled Food System is Now in Place and They Will Stop at Nothing to Accelerate Their Control, it reveals the new wave of indoor vertical growing facilities popping up with many of these same players founding them, funding them, or purchasing from them. Though this may be a positive solution for small farms or individuals, unfortunately these conglomerates are utilizing gene-edited seeds for much of this. Imagine food being locked in enormous facilities while states give them tax breaks and Monsanto/Bayer is preparing seeds. This report exposes over 150 players in this agenda, with overlapping names already documented in this article, including key shareholders. This ticks off a whopping 10 of the 17 goals to enslave humanity. And, another report by Corey Lynn exposes additional names involved in the lab grown meat arena. There are numerous other reports pertaining to food supply, agriculture, and livestock that can be found on Corey’s Digs under the Food Supply category. • In a 9-part report on Obedience Training from Cradle to Grave, it takes an in-depth look at the education system from PreK to Adults and exposes the incredible ways they are carrying out indoctrination, brainwashing, social emotional learning, augmented virtual reality, and their goal to push ideologies through the education system into the corporate world as lifelong mandatory obedience training. This con ticks off 5 of their 17 goals. Part 9 documents an extensive timeline going back to 1903 and a list of over 580 key players involved, and 50 of them are also involved in the digital identity agenda. • Universities have long played a vital role in shaping “the science” and producing desired results of research projects to generate outcomes the deep state players require. This in turn provides both grants and funding to the universities while signaling to big gov that grants should go out to organizations and foundations that need to further the studies, implement clinical trials, or proceed with their projects. What most people don’t realize is how involved universities and colleges are with the immigration agenda as well. In Corey Lynn’s report University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America, it breaks this all down while providing a list of over 200 colleges involved in this, dozens of organizations assisting, and private equity firms such as Blackstone playing a major role. • Partners in Health (PIH), founded in 1983, is perhaps one of the most critical non-profits that seems to have flown under the radar for decades. From the founders to those connected, the funders, governments, and activities, there are hundreds of names attached to PIH. The list of partners reads like a who’s who of the global mafia. Corey Lynn published an explosive report in May 2020, regarding contact tracing surveillance and a $100 billion scandal that went down with PIH, IL Rep. Bobby Rush, EcoHealth Alliance, former World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, and more. The report lists over 75 companies and individuals involved. Additionally, Partners in Health, along with the Clinton Foundation, Planned Parenthood, and Ivy League Schools have all been instrumental in the abortion agenda. • The transgender agenda is a big one, wanting everyone focused on their “identity” while disassociating from who they truly are. It’s all about the external rather than the internal. In Corey Lynn’s 4-part report on Exploiting Transgenders, Part 1 reveals an extensive timeline of those carrying out this agenda. Part 2 covers the origins of the medical engineering and who was behind it. Part 3 shows who the funders and profiteers are as well as a short list, plus over 50 care clinics for youth involved in this. Part 4 provides a list of those behind this agenda. • To understand the mindset of these deep state actors, it’s important to get a grasp on their thirst for eugenics – a term that dates back to the late 1800s. In Corey Lynn’s 6-part report on Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth Crisis, it dives deep into the history, the players, the funders, and the actions carried out against humanity throughout the years. The report begins with a timeline dating back to 1901, and it is a vital report that shows the attack on people’s health, bodies, minds, and desire to control the population through manipulating DNA, sterilizing to prevent births, and in some cases, murder. Dozens of names of individuals and organizations involved in eugenics and the future goal of transhumanism are documented throughout this report, and many of those names will not only be familiar, but are seen in numerous other reports regarding other agendas as well. That’s the consistency of their playbook at work. • Over 30 articles and reports specifically on Covid, document a mountain of evidence along with names and organizations involved in carrying out the most hellacious, coordinated agenda against mankind. Those articles are best sought out through the Library Catalog with direct links to each report. • Under the guise of “climate change,” the governments of 26 islands have worked with public and private partners to funnel primarily U.S. government funds through clean energy infrastructure on these islands. Many of the partners are also involved with building up so-called tourism in these locations as well. Partners such as the UN, Organization of American States, World Bank Group, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Clinton Foundation, Rocky Mountain Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Tides, and many more including Breakthrough Energy Coalition which is a group of 28 high-net-worth investors including George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Tom Steyer, Jack Ma, Reid Hoffman and more. In total, there are 26 islands, 12 public sector partners and 34 private partners. Throughout the entire 4-part report, there are numerous additional names and countries involved in this as well. In Corey Lynn’s 4-part report on Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons & Branson, she shows how this all began, the funding, nefarious activities, and how it quickly escalated to include 26 islands. Where did the money really go? • Everyone is familiar with the Clinton Foundation, but most people are completely unaware that the Clinton crime family actually has 51 foundations, LLCs and shell companies that they utilize to carry out their shenanigans. Of course, some have non existent addresses. Corey Lynn dug through endless pages of tax returns and filings to build this list and has reported extensively on the Clinton’s involvement with AIDS, vaccines, abortion, child trafficking, Haiti here, here, here, here, and here, 26 islands, fraud in Arkansas, political tax scandals, plus Jeffrey Epstein here, here, and here. • Though there aren’t a ton of names listed in this report (a couple dozen), it contains significant information pertaining to Protecting U.S. Bulk-Power Supply and Technology from Bad Actors. The connections are quite staggering, especially three players who all worked in high-ranking positions at the World Bank with overlapping time frames, including one president, two of whom are from China and one from South Korea who all attended prestigious colleges in the U.S. The intertwining history of these three alone is mind-bending, showing where they began, what they were involved in, their U.S. connections, and where they are now. This report was publishing in 2020 and these men are still active in vital roles. • Shareholders play a key role in controlling companies from the top down. If the majority shareholder has voting shares, they can dictate the direction of the company. The top two shareholders of nearly every major company are the The Vanguard Group and BlackRock. State Street Corp. often takes 3rd position. Just pick a company, any decent size company and search “top shareholders of (company name)” and you’ll see it nearly every time, and if on rare occasion they didn’t make it in the top two, they made it in the top five. Here is an example of BlackRock voting on three Pfizer resolutions in 2021, as BlackRock is Pfizer’s largest shareholder. That’s a pretty good start to set people on the right path of the actual history behind all of this corruption and the goals the deep state is trying to fulfill. This report was intended to highlight some of the larger lists compiled over the past eight years of investigative reporting on Corey’s Digs. There are so many names of individuals, companies, organizations, and non-profits that work in lock step with one another to achieve these agendas against humanity, covered in over 200 reports and articles produced on Corey’s Digs, that a Quarterly Library Catalog is published to make it easier to find specific reports by topic. There’s much more to the story and the history, but this is a good baseline. Be FearLESS, don’t be conned, and never be obedient to those who don’t have your best interest at heart. Download this report in PDF format in the Bookshop > Many of these more extensive reports are also available in the Bookshop in PDF format for downloading, printing and archiving. As they continue to erase history, it is of the utmost importance to document and preserve as much as we can for future generations. Corey Lynn is always working to bring solutions to people. In addition to articles, the Solution Series offers 24 episodes with incredible individuals who share their knowledge and experience on everything from food resources and how-tos, local community building, survival and preparedness, alternative resources, wellness and healthcare, financial tips, and so much more. These are timeless videos with an abundance of helpful tools and information. Be sure to check out Corey’s Digs’ Partners who provide a variety of quality products and services ranging from health, meat and fresh foods, wealth, security, privacy, organic seeds, USA made products, and more! Visit Shopping Club Freedom for fantastic prime and high choice beef, plus hundreds of non-toxic household and personal care products made in the USA. Subscribe to Corey’s Digs and don’t miss a Dig! https://www.coreysdigs.com/global/who-is-they/
    “Who Is THEY?” – coreysdigs.com
    The number one question consistently circulating social media and infuriating the minds of millions is, “who is they?” Over 1900 key players inside.
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  • Why Did Washington Memory-hole Gaza?
    Suddenly a White House “priority”—getting aid to starving civilians—has vanished from the news cycle.

    Foreign Affairs

    US Military Constructs Temporary Pier To Deliver Humanitarian Aid To Gaza
    Some are calling it Kamala Harris’s “Sister Souljah moment,” referring to when, in June 1992, then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton publicly rebuked racist comments made by a popular female hip-hop artist as a way of distancing himself from extreme elements of the Democratic base.

    For her part, Harris appeared to be drawing her own line Wednesday, shutting down chants from pro-Palestinian protesters at a Detroit rally on Wednesday, with a firm, “I’m speaking now.” The chants— “Kamala, Kamala, you can’t hide, we won’t vote for genocide”—received this stern rebuke from the vice president: “You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking.”

    Harris’s team said the Democratic nominee for president had already met with the protesters earlier so any suggestion she was ignoring this important segment of her constituency was wrong. Her defenders on social media applauded her willingness to call out disruptive tactics that feed into the notion that the party is divided. “At a moment when former President Donald J. Trump is attacking her as ‘radical’ her confrontation with protesters on the left offered a visual rebuttal,” wrote the New York Times’s Rebecca Davis O’Brien.

    Heckling protesters and Sista Souljah moments aside, the incident raises another question, just as important—is Kamala hiding from the Israel–Gaza issue? And are the mainstream media and the Biden administration helping her do it?

    Consider that just four months ago, her boss had stood up at the State of the Union and pledged a military “surge” of humanitarian aid into Gaza to save starving Palestinians on the ground. “To the leadership of Israel I say this: Humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip,” Biden said. “Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority.”

    By July—just four months later—the humanitarian pier project was built and then dismantled amid stunning failure. A major reason: The Israelis never provided safe passage for the aid delivery. The entire spectacle has been memory-holed. But the population in Gaza is getting less aid than it was in March, and is now at risk of suffering from diseases not seen since the 1950s—like polio—and somehow the “priority” has just vanished as a topic at White House and State Department briefings.

    Calls for Israel to allow more trucks into Gaza? Silence. Questions about what aid organizations are equipped to deliver global donations waiting at the border? Crickets. Updates on the maritime corridor which in May was hailed as a “multinational and combined effort” between the U.S., Cyprus, Israel, the UN, and international donors, including the UAE, the United Kingdom, and the European Union? None.

    “For the White House, no news on Gaza is good news, for food aid or otherwise,” charged Steve Semler, journalist and co-founder of the Security Policy Reform Institute (SPRI). He diligently tracked the rise and fall of the military “pier” that was supposed to bring salvation to the 2 million population, but ended up floating away with millions of U.S. tax dollars instead.

    “The Biden-Harris administration realizes its Israel policy is a massive political liability, but refuses to compromise with its base on that policy. Instead, the administration tries all sorts of things to make the issue go away,” he told TAC. “It stops talking about food aid in press conferences, it omits details about taxpayer-funded military aid to Israel, it pretends Biden has no leverage over Israel to open humanitarian corridors despite those billions in military aid.”

    The focus instead is on the looming conflict between Israel and Hezbollah and the potential for the U.S. to get dragged into the fight, which could include a direct confrontation with Iran. The U.S. is moving more military assets into the region, including giving F-22 Raptors to Israel. CENTCOM chief Michael ‘Erik’ Kurilla, has met twice with Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) leaders in the last week.

    Appearing only to buy time for Israel to continue laying waste to Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken shuttles back and forth to say the same things over and over about urging Israel and Hamas to sign a ceasefire agreement. After Israel’s assassination of Hamas’s chief negotiator, Ismail Haniyeh, the prospects for a deal have dimmed significantly. The administration puts no obvious pressure on the Israeli government to stop the ongoing bombing of civilian structures, including schools used as shelters (more than 100 were killed in such an attack Saturday), tent cities, water facilities, and private homes, not to mention its complete refusal to ensure aid to the starving and diseased population inside.

    According to a Reuters report a month ago, humanitarian aid is barely getting into northern Gaza. While some commercial food supplies are making it into the southern crossings, deliveries are erratic—trucks have to be manned by armed guards paid for by the companies and that means prices, when they actually get to market, are far too high for regular Palestinians to afford. There are now fewer than 80 trucks of any stripe getting into Gaza a day, far below the 600 trucks needed to feed the population.

    “Food aid is getting in as a trickle, just a trickle, a few dozen trucks a day,” Chris Gunness, Director of the Myanmar Accountability Project, and former spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), told TAC. “That is why people are literally starving to death.”

    Trucks coming from Israel and the West Bank have been attacked by Israeli settlers. If they do make it to the crossings, food piles up and rots while waiting for delivery. Even when trucks make it through the laborious Israeli inspection process, they run into a buzzsaw of security issues inside: Israeli military attacks, armed gangs. Some 70 percent of humanitarian aid trucks, which typically do not have guards (too expensive) are looted. There are few or no police on the streets anymore, the Israeli military have killed or sent them all fleeing, according to this Wall Street Journal report.

    Interestingly, USAID Director Samantha Power, probably the administration’s most prominent humanitarian, plays only a bit part these days. The last time she spoke candidly out about Gaza was to say that Israel was the chief impediment to food deliveries. That was back in May. She has since announced $100 million in U.S. aid, but we know it is not going anywhere. The administration apparently won’t talk about it openly, just to reporters on background.

    And yet the administration is actively continuing to fuel the Israeli military with weapons used in Gaza to make the situation worse, releasing a fresh $3.5 billion tranche on Friday and deciding not to withhold aid from an IDF unit accused of human rights abuses in the West Bank. It turns a blind eye to comments made by Likud party members and ministers who have defended the use of rape against Palestinian prisoners and the starving of the entire population as “morally justified.”

    Speaking on the Judge Andrew Napolitano podcast this week, Ret. Col. Doug Macgregor, a TAC contributing editor, pointed out how high-level Israelis have talked about how “they're dealing with the Amalek—animals—that deserve the worst, and that anything you do to the animals that are In front of you is justified, so the notion of any sort of moral restraint is completely absent.”

    “The only way to deal with that is to confront it directly but we're not going to do that. Our government will not confront it. They may say something in private, but from the standpoint of the current leadership in Israel, they know they exert infinitely more influence and control over the Senate and the House in the United States than President Biden, or, for that matter, President Harris, does,” he added.

    Harris did raise hopes when she said the following after her visit last month with Benjamin Netanyahu: “The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time. We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.”

    But is this more rhetoric than substance? Her office’s response to the heckling protester story Wednesday smacked of trying to have it both ways, the default administration tone. It came in a X post by her top advisor, Phil Gordon:

    .@VP has been clear: she will always ensure Israel is able to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups. She does not support an arms embargo on Israel. She will continue to work to protect civilians in Gaza and to uphold international humanitarian law.

    Harris is obviously engaged in a delicate dance. Her progressive base is in no mood for triangulation on this issue, yet she is running a national campaign in which many Democratic top donors are especially pro-Israel, as is the leadership and party establishment.

    Semler sees a glass half full and doesn’t think, given the political dynamics, the Harris team can ignore the issue for much longer: “In Minnesota, for example, one in five Democrats voted ‘uncommitted’ in the presidential primary. Current Minnesota Governor and [vice-presidential nominee] Tim Walz has no choice but to talk about Gaza, and so the media has no choice but to cover it. So while the food aid issue is for the time being in retreat, I think the broader Gaza issue is here to stay.”

    Perhaps especially if a candidate only gets only one “Sista Souljah moment” per campaign.


    Why Did Washington Memory-hole Gaza? Suddenly a White House “priority”—getting aid to starving civilians—has vanished from the news cycle. Foreign Affairs US Military Constructs Temporary Pier To Deliver Humanitarian Aid To Gaza Some are calling it Kamala Harris’s “Sister Souljah moment,” referring to when, in June 1992, then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton publicly rebuked racist comments made by a popular female hip-hop artist as a way of distancing himself from extreme elements of the Democratic base. For her part, Harris appeared to be drawing her own line Wednesday, shutting down chants from pro-Palestinian protesters at a Detroit rally on Wednesday, with a firm, “I’m speaking now.” The chants— “Kamala, Kamala, you can’t hide, we won’t vote for genocide”—received this stern rebuke from the vice president: “You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking.” Advertisement Harris’s team said the Democratic nominee for president had already met with the protesters earlier so any suggestion she was ignoring this important segment of her constituency was wrong. Her defenders on social media applauded her willingness to call out disruptive tactics that feed into the notion that the party is divided. “At a moment when former President Donald J. Trump is attacking her as ‘radical’ her confrontation with protesters on the left offered a visual rebuttal,” wrote the New York Times’s Rebecca Davis O’Brien. Heckling protesters and Sista Souljah moments aside, the incident raises another question, just as important—is Kamala hiding from the Israel–Gaza issue? And are the mainstream media and the Biden administration helping her do it? Consider that just four months ago, her boss had stood up at the State of the Union and pledged a military “surge” of humanitarian aid into Gaza to save starving Palestinians on the ground. “To the leadership of Israel I say this: Humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip,” Biden said. “Protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority.” By July—just four months later—the humanitarian pier project was built and then dismantled amid stunning failure. A major reason: The Israelis never provided safe passage for the aid delivery. The entire spectacle has been memory-holed. But the population in Gaza is getting less aid than it was in March, and is now at risk of suffering from diseases not seen since the 1950s—like polio—and somehow the “priority” has just vanished as a topic at White House and State Department briefings. Calls for Israel to allow more trucks into Gaza? Silence. Questions about what aid organizations are equipped to deliver global donations waiting at the border? Crickets. Updates on the maritime corridor which in May was hailed as a “multinational and combined effort” between the U.S., Cyprus, Israel, the UN, and international donors, including the UAE, the United Kingdom, and the European Union? None. Advertisement “For the White House, no news on Gaza is good news, for food aid or otherwise,” charged Steve Semler, journalist and co-founder of the Security Policy Reform Institute (SPRI). He diligently tracked the rise and fall of the military “pier” that was supposed to bring salvation to the 2 million population, but ended up floating away with millions of U.S. tax dollars instead. “The Biden-Harris administration realizes its Israel policy is a massive political liability, but refuses to compromise with its base on that policy. Instead, the administration tries all sorts of things to make the issue go away,” he told TAC. “It stops talking about food aid in press conferences, it omits details about taxpayer-funded military aid to Israel, it pretends Biden has no leverage over Israel to open humanitarian corridors despite those billions in military aid.” The focus instead is on the looming conflict between Israel and Hezbollah and the potential for the U.S. to get dragged into the fight, which could include a direct confrontation with Iran. The U.S. is moving more military assets into the region, including giving F-22 Raptors to Israel. CENTCOM chief Michael ‘Erik’ Kurilla, has met twice with Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) leaders in the last week. Appearing only to buy time for Israel to continue laying waste to Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken shuttles back and forth to say the same things over and over about urging Israel and Hamas to sign a ceasefire agreement. After Israel’s assassination of Hamas’s chief negotiator, Ismail Haniyeh, the prospects for a deal have dimmed significantly. The administration puts no obvious pressure on the Israeli government to stop the ongoing bombing of civilian structures, including schools used as shelters (more than 100 were killed in such an attack Saturday), tent cities, water facilities, and private homes, not to mention its complete refusal to ensure aid to the starving and diseased population inside. According to a Reuters report a month ago, humanitarian aid is barely getting into northern Gaza. While some commercial food supplies are making it into the southern crossings, deliveries are erratic—trucks have to be manned by armed guards paid for by the companies and that means prices, when they actually get to market, are far too high for regular Palestinians to afford. There are now fewer than 80 trucks of any stripe getting into Gaza a day, far below the 600 trucks needed to feed the population. “Food aid is getting in as a trickle, just a trickle, a few dozen trucks a day,” Chris Gunness, Director of the Myanmar Accountability Project, and former spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), told TAC. “That is why people are literally starving to death.” Trucks coming from Israel and the West Bank have been attacked by Israeli settlers. If they do make it to the crossings, food piles up and rots while waiting for delivery. Even when trucks make it through the laborious Israeli inspection process, they run into a buzzsaw of security issues inside: Israeli military attacks, armed gangs. Some 70 percent of humanitarian aid trucks, which typically do not have guards (too expensive) are looted. There are few or no police on the streets anymore, the Israeli military have killed or sent them all fleeing, according to this Wall Street Journal report. Interestingly, USAID Director Samantha Power, probably the administration’s most prominent humanitarian, plays only a bit part these days. The last time she spoke candidly out about Gaza was to say that Israel was the chief impediment to food deliveries. That was back in May. She has since announced $100 million in U.S. aid, but we know it is not going anywhere. The administration apparently won’t talk about it openly, just to reporters on background. And yet the administration is actively continuing to fuel the Israeli military with weapons used in Gaza to make the situation worse, releasing a fresh $3.5 billion tranche on Friday and deciding not to withhold aid from an IDF unit accused of human rights abuses in the West Bank. It turns a blind eye to comments made by Likud party members and ministers who have defended the use of rape against Palestinian prisoners and the starving of the entire population as “morally justified.” Speaking on the Judge Andrew Napolitano podcast this week, Ret. Col. Doug Macgregor, a TAC contributing editor, pointed out how high-level Israelis have talked about how “they're dealing with the Amalek—animals—that deserve the worst, and that anything you do to the animals that are In front of you is justified, so the notion of any sort of moral restraint is completely absent.” “The only way to deal with that is to confront it directly but we're not going to do that. Our government will not confront it. They may say something in private, but from the standpoint of the current leadership in Israel, they know they exert infinitely more influence and control over the Senate and the House in the United States than President Biden, or, for that matter, President Harris, does,” he added. Harris did raise hopes when she said the following after her visit last month with Benjamin Netanyahu: “The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time. We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.” But is this more rhetoric than substance? Her office’s response to the heckling protester story Wednesday smacked of trying to have it both ways, the default administration tone. It came in a X post by her top advisor, Phil Gordon: .@VP has been clear: she will always ensure Israel is able to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups. She does not support an arms embargo on Israel. She will continue to work to protect civilians in Gaza and to uphold international humanitarian law. Harris is obviously engaged in a delicate dance. Her progressive base is in no mood for triangulation on this issue, yet she is running a national campaign in which many Democratic top donors are especially pro-Israel, as is the leadership and party establishment. Semler sees a glass half full and doesn’t think, given the political dynamics, the Harris team can ignore the issue for much longer: “In Minnesota, for example, one in five Democrats voted ‘uncommitted’ in the presidential primary. Current Minnesota Governor and [vice-presidential nominee] Tim Walz has no choice but to talk about Gaza, and so the media has no choice but to cover it. So while the food aid issue is for the time being in retreat, I think the broader Gaza issue is here to stay.” Perhaps especially if a candidate only gets only one “Sista Souljah moment” per campaign. Advertisement https://www.theamericanconservative.com/why-did-washington-memory-hole-gaza/
    Why Did Washington Memory-hole Gaza? - The American Conservative
    Suddenly a White House “priority”—getting aid to starving civilians—has vanished from the news cycle.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 8926 Views
  • Home

    Watch the Trailer
    The film is subtitled in Arabic, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.


    Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice.

    We follow, among others, Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, and Israeli journalist Amira Hass. We also witness Dr. Gabor Maté offer trauma-healing work to a group of women who were tortured in Israeli prisons.

    Ancient landscapes bear deep scars, having witnessed the brutal reality of ancestral land confiscation, expulsions, imprisonment, home demolitions, water deprivation, and denial of basic human rights. Yet, through the veil of oppression, we catch a glimpse of resilience—deep roots that have carried the Palestinian people through decades of darkness and shattered lives.

    This emotional journey bares the humanity of the oppressed while grappling with the question: what makes the oppressor so ruthlessly blind to its own cruelty?

    Watched the movie. Amazing work. I now know, and I cannot unknow.

    Ariel L.

    Thank you for filming, for journaling, for exposing the truth… as difficult as it is to swallow. Bravery, courage… to all who fight against injustice and oppression!


    I cannot remember when a film has moved me this way. I wept throughout. No one is free until we all are free.

    Sue B.

    I would like to extend my eternal gratitude for your work. The film is beautiful, and all the contributors are such authentic, refreshing, impassioned voices. In the midst of all the ongoing global horrors and escalation of violence, I was enormously uplifted upon discovering your website, the film and talks on Palestine.

    Leila S.

    Left weeping… Devastated to think about each of these beautiful little girls and boys, women and men, animals, buildings and trees now. It’s hard to find words. Thank you for taking the risk of making this powerful, esthetical, real and tender film. May it be a vehicle to stir the hearts and souls of many of us into action. Deep bow.

    Ellen E.

    I was finally able to watch your film, and have to congratulate you on such a moving documentary that sheds light on what life is like for Palestinians living under occupation, with many different aspects and viewpoints. I hope your film will awaken many people around the world and open their eyes.

    Farah S.

    Wow, the movie is really a piece of art!!! What about subtitles in Hebrew? It is really necessary.


    Thank you for your courage. Just like oil that doesn’t mix with water, Truth doesn’t dissolve in lies and, sooner or later, it comes up to the surface.


    Your film is brilliant, moving, epic. It contains history and it bears witness.


    After watching it, my heart remained open. I was filled with love and compassion… It was just unconditional love.

    Amelia R.

    This film is educational and incredibly moving. I bawled like a child while watching, but what I learned inspires my actions now every day.

    Norma J.

    Words are inadequate but the soul of the people — all those involved — and the soul of the film itself will never leave me. Thank you all for making it in this deeply troubled world.

    Carol C.

    I can hardly find words. It’s powerful and the woman, the main person, especially at the end — she was piercing. Soul piercing. This film needs very wide circulation.


    Thank you for this powerful film. The world needs it now, more than ever!

    Tom H.

    Beautifully done. Drastic humanity. Made me shiver.


    I’m currently visiting my very elderly ex-British Army/ expat colonial parents in the UK, and we sat down together to watch your film. You not only changed their minds about Palestine (which my ancestors were a part of bringing about) but also their view of Muslims and Palestinians generally. Thank you.


    So moving, terrible and also beautiful. This is a great blessing.

    joAnne K.

    It’s impossible to adequately convey how beautiful, powerful and profoundly empathetic your film is. You have accomplished something art often strives for but rarely achieves – to create a work of beauty that also moves the viewer to action. This film is going to have an actual effect. You’re going to help change things. It’s remarkable.

    Michael B.

    Stunning pictures, evocative music, and poignant portraits of people. It truly felt as though these people were right in my living room. Your documentary moved me to tears from beginning to end.


    I know I will not sleep tonight. So many tears. This is so heart-breaking and so educational and so important to be seen NOW!

    Joan N.

    Thank you, so unsettling and informative which is exactly what is needed.


    I cried and felt so ashamed of the world we are living in. My greatest peace wishes, love and light and courage are for all people who are suffering now. I carry them with me in my heart.


    I will never be the same after watching the movie.

    Claudie S.

    Brilliant, extraordinarily moving, tragic, and hopeful, at the same time. It opened up a new understanding for me.

    Liz M.

    One of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen. Thank you for your immeasurable courage and your talent. It’s a very important film.

    Martha R.

    Thank you for this incredible film/documentary — it broke my heart.

    Alvina E.

    It had me in tears. It broke my heart… It’s a really great film and it’s going to open hearts and minds all over the world.

    Rae M.

    It was riveting and devastating, poignant and beautiful. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for the film Where Olive Trees Weep.

    Margaret R.

    I wept uncontrollably for an hour, am still affected by it … What a beautiful, challenging, gut wrenching movie you have made. It was not an easy watch, there were parts i couldn’t bear, and i had to stop in the middle after the stories of torture. Bless you for your brave work, what incredible timing for a world gone mad. May it travel the world shifting minds and opening hearts everywhere, and most of all may all involved in its making be protected.

    Karen W.

    I thought I was informed but this took it to a new level. Brilliant movie, amazing women.


    My heart swells with love for the gift of the movie. My hope is that people’s hearts will open when the truth is spoken.


    So powerful and heartbreaking and moving…

    Haneen S.

    I have watched many documentaries over the years on this context and this one is the most authentic and raw I have seen. It is also very beautiful.

    Robin J.

    We saw it yesterday and it’s the most heartbreaking film I have ever seen. It’s simple, educational, and so real that we were shocked and hurt. It’s an eye-opener.


    Thank you for listening to your heart and for bringing Where Olive Trees Weep to the world. It has been so purposeful and loving.


    Brilliant, heartbreaking, infuriating and informative. Thank you for making such an excellent film

    Mariom S.

    the complete collection

    Conversations on Palestine

    We created a program with leading historians, spiritual teachers, trauma therapists, poets and performers to complement the themes explored in the film and provide a larger historical, cultural and social context to the plight of the Palestinian people.

    The collection includes


    Ashira Darwish

    Dr. Gabor Maté

    Angela Davis, PhD


    Tara Brach, PhD

    Haneen Sabbah

    Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb

    Zaya Benazzo

    Maurizio Benazzo

    Laila El-Haddad

    Dr. Rupa Marya

    Mariam Barghouti

    Sami Awad

    Farah El-Sharif, PhD

    Haidar Eid

    Rana Nazzal Hamadeh

    Daniel Foor, PhD

    Sherene Seikaly, PhD

    Tareq Hajjaj

    Mohammad Bakri

    Ayesha Kajee

    Shahd Abusalama, PhD

    Farah Siraj

    Faith Gay

    Clara Khoury

    Ussama Makdisi, PhD

    Jonathan Brenneman

    Rev. Michael Yoshii

    Iyad Abu Ruk

    Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

    Umaymah Mohammad

    Nancy Mansour

    Farah Chamma

    Lara Elborno

    Rev. Deborah Lee

    Nathan Thrall

    Michael McBride

    Rae Abileah

    Baha Hilo

    Omar Dajani

    Dr. Mohammed Tahir

    Shadi Zaqtan

    Norman Finkelstein, PhD

    Daniel Maté

    meital yaniv

    Huwaida Arraf

    Gail Brenner, PhD

    Mays Imad, PhD

    Robert Inlakesh

    Neta Golan

    Ilan Pappé, PhD

    Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart

    Adel Iskandar

    Pir Zia Inayat Khan, PhD

    Maysa Daw

    Seemi Bushra Ghazi

    Omar Haramy

    Dareen Tatour

    Adéyínká Mendes

    Bayo Akomolafe, PhD

    Your contribution supports planting olive trees in Palestine, humanitarian aid in Gaza and trauma healing in Palestinian communities. It also helps us bring the movie to larger audiences and broaden the understanding of the situation in Palestine, along with the cycles of trauma that perpetuate it.

    Home Watch the Trailer The film is subtitled in Arabic, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Synopsis Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice. We follow, among others, Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, and Israeli journalist Amira Hass. We also witness Dr. Gabor Maté offer trauma-healing work to a group of women who were tortured in Israeli prisons. Ancient landscapes bear deep scars, having witnessed the brutal reality of ancestral land confiscation, expulsions, imprisonment, home demolitions, water deprivation, and denial of basic human rights. Yet, through the veil of oppression, we catch a glimpse of resilience—deep roots that have carried the Palestinian people through decades of darkness and shattered lives. This emotional journey bares the humanity of the oppressed while grappling with the question: what makes the oppressor so ruthlessly blind to its own cruelty? Watched the movie. Amazing work. I now know, and I cannot unknow. Ariel L. Thank you for filming, for journaling, for exposing the truth… as difficult as it is to swallow. Bravery, courage… to all who fight against injustice and oppression! Avril I cannot remember when a film has moved me this way. I wept throughout. No one is free until we all are free. Sue B. I would like to extend my eternal gratitude for your work. The film is beautiful, and all the contributors are such authentic, refreshing, impassioned voices. In the midst of all the ongoing global horrors and escalation of violence, I was enormously uplifted upon discovering your website, the film and talks on Palestine. Leila S. Left weeping… Devastated to think about each of these beautiful little girls and boys, women and men, animals, buildings and trees now. It’s hard to find words. Thank you for taking the risk of making this powerful, esthetical, real and tender film. May it be a vehicle to stir the hearts and souls of many of us into action. Deep bow. Ellen E. I was finally able to watch your film, and have to congratulate you on such a moving documentary that sheds light on what life is like for Palestinians living under occupation, with many different aspects and viewpoints. I hope your film will awaken many people around the world and open their eyes. Farah S. Wow, the movie is really a piece of art!!! What about subtitles in Hebrew? It is really necessary. Ella Thank you for your courage. Just like oil that doesn’t mix with water, Truth doesn’t dissolve in lies and, sooner or later, it comes up to the surface. O. Your film is brilliant, moving, epic. It contains history and it bears witness. Indran After watching it, my heart remained open. I was filled with love and compassion… It was just unconditional love. Amelia R. This film is educational and incredibly moving. I bawled like a child while watching, but what I learned inspires my actions now every day. Norma J. Words are inadequate but the soul of the people — all those involved — and the soul of the film itself will never leave me. Thank you all for making it in this deeply troubled world. Carol C. I can hardly find words. It’s powerful and the woman, the main person, especially at the end — she was piercing. Soul piercing. This film needs very wide circulation. Therese Thank you for this powerful film. The world needs it now, more than ever! Tom H. Beautifully done. Drastic humanity. Made me shiver. D. I’m currently visiting my very elderly ex-British Army/ expat colonial parents in the UK, and we sat down together to watch your film. You not only changed their minds about Palestine (which my ancestors were a part of bringing about) but also their view of Muslims and Palestinians generally. Thank you. Bruce So moving, terrible and also beautiful. This is a great blessing. joAnne K. It’s impossible to adequately convey how beautiful, powerful and profoundly empathetic your film is. You have accomplished something art often strives for but rarely achieves – to create a work of beauty that also moves the viewer to action. This film is going to have an actual effect. You’re going to help change things. It’s remarkable. Michael B. Stunning pictures, evocative music, and poignant portraits of people. It truly felt as though these people were right in my living room. Your documentary moved me to tears from beginning to end. Maria I know I will not sleep tonight. So many tears. This is so heart-breaking and so educational and so important to be seen NOW! Joan N. Thank you, so unsettling and informative which is exactly what is needed. M. I cried and felt so ashamed of the world we are living in. My greatest peace wishes, love and light and courage are for all people who are suffering now. I carry them with me in my heart. Elizabeth I will never be the same after watching the movie. Claudie S. Brilliant, extraordinarily moving, tragic, and hopeful, at the same time. It opened up a new understanding for me. Liz M. One of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen. Thank you for your immeasurable courage and your talent. It’s a very important film. Martha R. Thank you for this incredible film/documentary — it broke my heart. Alvina E. It had me in tears. It broke my heart… It’s a really great film and it’s going to open hearts and minds all over the world. Rae M. It was riveting and devastating, poignant and beautiful. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for the film Where Olive Trees Weep. Margaret R. I wept uncontrollably for an hour, am still affected by it … What a beautiful, challenging, gut wrenching movie you have made. It was not an easy watch, there were parts i couldn’t bear, and i had to stop in the middle after the stories of torture. Bless you for your brave work, what incredible timing for a world gone mad. May it travel the world shifting minds and opening hearts everywhere, and most of all may all involved in its making be protected. Karen W. I thought I was informed but this took it to a new level. Brilliant movie, amazing women. Matt My heart swells with love for the gift of the movie. My hope is that people’s hearts will open when the truth is spoken. G. So powerful and heartbreaking and moving… Haneen S. I have watched many documentaries over the years on this context and this one is the most authentic and raw I have seen. It is also very beautiful. Robin J. We saw it yesterday and it’s the most heartbreaking film I have ever seen. It’s simple, educational, and so real that we were shocked and hurt. It’s an eye-opener. Abhisek Thank you for listening to your heart and for bringing Where Olive Trees Weep to the world. It has been so purposeful and loving. Angela Brilliant, heartbreaking, infuriating and informative. Thank you for making such an excellent film Mariom S. the complete collection Conversations on Palestine We created a program with leading historians, spiritual teachers, trauma therapists, poets and performers to complement the themes explored in the film and provide a larger historical, cultural and social context to the plight of the Palestinian people. The collection includes ~ THE SPEAKERS ~ Ashira Darwish Dr. Gabor Maté Angela Davis, PhD V Tara Brach, PhD Haneen Sabbah Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb Zaya Benazzo Maurizio Benazzo Laila El-Haddad Dr. Rupa Marya Mariam Barghouti Sami Awad Farah El-Sharif, PhD Haidar Eid Rana Nazzal Hamadeh Daniel Foor, PhD Sherene Seikaly, PhD Tareq Hajjaj Mohammad Bakri Ayesha Kajee Shahd Abusalama, PhD Farah Siraj Faith Gay Clara Khoury Ussama Makdisi, PhD Jonathan Brenneman Rev. Michael Yoshii Iyad Abu Ruk Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Umaymah Mohammad Nancy Mansour Farah Chamma Lara Elborno Rev. Deborah Lee Nathan Thrall Michael McBride Rae Abileah Baha Hilo Omar Dajani Dr. Mohammed Tahir Shadi Zaqtan Norman Finkelstein, PhD Daniel Maté meital yaniv Huwaida Arraf Gail Brenner, PhD Mays Imad, PhD Robert Inlakesh Neta Golan Ilan Pappé, PhD Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart Adel Iskandar Pir Zia Inayat Khan, PhD Maysa Daw Seemi Bushra Ghazi Omar Haramy Dareen Tatour Adéyínká Mendes Bayo Akomolafe, PhD Your contribution supports planting olive trees in Palestine, humanitarian aid in Gaza and trauma healing in Palestinian communities. It also helps us bring the movie to larger audiences and broaden the understanding of the situation in Palestine, along with the cycles of trauma that perpetuate it. https://whereolivetreesweep.com/
    Home - Where Olive Trees Weep
    The film gives background to the current crisis in Israel/Palestine and brings to light the lives in the occupied West Bank and their universally human stories speak of intergenerational pain, trauma and resilience.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 10619 Views
  • Where Olive Trees Weep: Official Trailer (2024)


    Watch the Trailer
    The film is subtitled in Arabic, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.


    Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice.

    We follow, among others, Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, and Israeli journalist Amira Hass. We also witness Dr. Gabor Maté offer trauma-healing work to a group of women who were tortured in Israeli prisons.

    Ancient landscapes bear deep scars, having witnessed the brutal reality of ancestral land confiscation, expulsions, imprisonment, home demolitions, water deprivation, and denial of basic human rights. Yet, through the veil of oppression, we catch a glimpse of resilience—deep roots that have carried the Palestinian people through decades of darkness and shattered lives.

    This emotional journey bares the humanity of the oppressed while grappling with the question: what makes the oppressor so ruthlessly blind to its own cruelty?

    Brilliant, extraordinarily moving, tragic, and hopeful, at the same time. It opened up a new understanding for me.

    Liz M.

    Watched the movie. Amazing work. I now know, and I cannot unknow.

    Ariel L.

    I cannot remember when a film has moved me this way. I wept throughout. No one is free until we all are free.

    Sue B.

    I wept uncontrollably for an hour, am still affected by it … What a beautiful, challenging, gut wrenching movie you have made. It was not an easy watch, there were parts i couldn’t bear, and i had to stop in the middle after the stories of torture. Bless you for your brave work, what incredible timing for a world gone mad. May it travel the world shifting minds and opening hearts everywhere, and most of all may all involved in its making be protected.

    Karen W.

    We saw it yesterday and it’s the most heartbreaking film I have ever seen. It’s simple, educational, and so real that we were shocked and hurt. It’s an eye-opener.


    Left weeping… Devastated to think about each of these beautiful little girls and boys, women and men, animals, buildings and trees now. It’s hard to find words. Thank you for taking the risk of making this powerful, esthetical, real and tender film. May it be a vehicle to stir the hearts and souls of many of us into action. Deep bow.

    Ellen E.

    It was riveting and devastating, poignant and beautiful. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for the film Where Olive Trees Weep.

    Margaret R.

    I was finally able to watch your film, and have to congratulate you on such a moving documentary that sheds light on what life is like for Palestinians living under occupation, with many different aspects and viewpoints. I hope your film will awaken many people around the world and open their eyes.

    Farah S.

    So powerful and heartbreaking and moving…

    Haneen S.

    I would like to extend my eternal gratitude for your work. The film is beautiful, and all the contributors are such authentic, refreshing, impassioned voices. In the midst of all the ongoing global horrors and escalation of violence, I was enormously uplifted upon discovering your website, the film and talks on Palestine.

    Leila S.

    Your film is brilliant, moving, epic. It contains history and it bears witness.


    I thought I was informed but this took it to a new level. Brilliant movie, amazing women.


    Thank you, so unsettling and informative which is exactly what is needed.


    Thank you for listening to your heart and for bringing Where Olive Trees Weep to the world. It has been so purposeful and loving.


    It had me in tears. It broke my heart… It’s a really great film and it’s going to open hearts and minds all over the world.

    Rae M.

    I’m currently visiting my very elderly ex-British Army/ expat colonial parents in the UK, and we sat down together to watch your film. You not only changed their minds about Palestine (which my ancestors were a part of bringing about) but also their view of Muslims and Palestinians generally. Thank you.


    Thank you for this incredible film/documentary — it broke my heart.

    Alvina E.

    This film is educational and incredibly moving. I bawled like a child while watching, but what I learned inspires my actions now every day.

    Norma J.

    My heart swells with love for the gift of the movie. My hope is that people’s hearts will open when the truth is spoken.


    It’s impossible to adequately convey how beautiful, powerful and profoundly empathetic your film is. You have accomplished something art often strives for but rarely achieves – to create a work of beauty that also moves the viewer to action. This film is going to have an actual effect. You’re going to help change things. It’s remarkable.

    Michael B.

    I have watched many documentaries over the years on this context and this one is the most authentic and raw I have seen. It is also very beautiful.

    Robin J.

    I can hardly find words. It’s powerful and the woman, the main person, especially at the end — she was piercing. Soul piercing. This film needs very wide circulation.


    Thank you for your courage. Just like oil that doesn’t mix with water, Truth doesn’t dissolve in lies and, sooner or later, it comes up to the surface.


    Brilliant, heartbreaking, infuriating and informative. Thank you for making such an excellent film

    Mariom S.

    Wow, the movie is really a piece of art!!! What about subtitles in Hebrew? It is really necessary.


    I cried and felt so ashamed of the world we are living in. My greatest peace wishes, love and light and courage are for all people who are suffering now. I carry them with me in my heart.


    Stunning pictures, evocative music, and poignant portraits of people. It truly felt as though these people were right in my living room. Your documentary moved me to tears from beginning to end.


    I will never be the same after watching the movie.

    Claudie S.

    Beautifully done. Drastic humanity. Made me shiver.


    After watching it, my heart remained open. I was filled with love and compassion… It was just unconditional love.

    Amelia R.

    Thank you for filming, for journaling, for exposing the truth… as difficult as it is to swallow. Bravery, courage… to all who fight against injustice and oppression!


    I know I will not sleep tonight. So many tears. This is so heart-breaking and so educational and so important to be seen NOW!

    Joan N.

    One of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen. Thank you for your immeasurable courage and your talent. It’s a very important film.

    Martha R.

    Words are inadequate but the soul of the people — all those involved — and the soul of the film itself will never leave me. Thank you all for making it in this deeply troubled world.

    Carol C.

    Thank you for this powerful film. The world needs it now, more than ever!

    Tom H.

    So moving, terrible and also beautiful. This is a great blessing.

    joAnne K.

    the complete collection

    Conversations on Palestine

    We created a program with leading historians, spiritual teachers, trauma therapists, poets and performers to complement the themes explored in the film and provide a larger historical, cultural and social context to the plight of the Palestinian people.

    The collection includes


    Ashira Darwish

    Dr. Gabor Maté

    Angela Davis, PhD


    Tara Brach, PhD

    Haneen Sabbah

    Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb

    Zaya Benazzo

    Maurizio Benazzo

    Laila El-Haddad

    Dr. Rupa Marya

    Mariam Barghouti

    Sami Awad

    Farah El-Sharif, PhD

    Haidar Eid

    Rana Nazzal Hamadeh

    Daniel Foor, PhD

    Sherene Seikaly, PhD

    Tareq Hajjaj

    Mohammad Bakri

    Ayesha Kajee

    Shahd Abusalama, PhD

    Farah Siraj

    Faith Gay

    Clara Khoury

    Ussama Makdisi, PhD

    Jonathan Brenneman

    Rev. Michael Yoshii

    Iyad Abu Ruk

    Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

    Umaymah Mohammad

    Nancy Mansour

    Farah Chamma

    Lara Elborno

    Rev. Deborah Lee

    Nathan Thrall

    Michael McBride

    Rae Abileah

    Baha Hilo

    Omar Dajani

    Dr. Mohammed Tahir

    Shadi Zaqtan

    Norman Finkelstein, PhD

    Daniel Maté

    meital yaniv

    Huwaida Arraf

    Gail Brenner, PhD

    Mays Imad, PhD

    Robert Inlakesh

    Neta Golan

    Ilan Pappé, PhD

    Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart

    Adel Iskandar

    Pir Zia Inayat Khan, PhD

    Maysa Daw

    Seemi Bushra Ghazi

    Omar Haramy

    Dareen Tatour

    Adéyínká Mendes

    Bayo Akomolafe, PhD

    Your contribution supports planting olive trees in Palestine, humanitarian aid in Gaza and trauma healing in Palestinian communities. It also helps us bring the movie to larger audiences and broaden the understanding of the situation in Palestine, along with the cycles of trauma that perpetuate it.

    Where Olive Trees Weep: Official Trailer (2024) Home Watch the Trailer The film is subtitled in Arabic, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Synopsis Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice. We follow, among others, Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, and Israeli journalist Amira Hass. We also witness Dr. Gabor Maté offer trauma-healing work to a group of women who were tortured in Israeli prisons. Ancient landscapes bear deep scars, having witnessed the brutal reality of ancestral land confiscation, expulsions, imprisonment, home demolitions, water deprivation, and denial of basic human rights. Yet, through the veil of oppression, we catch a glimpse of resilience—deep roots that have carried the Palestinian people through decades of darkness and shattered lives. This emotional journey bares the humanity of the oppressed while grappling with the question: what makes the oppressor so ruthlessly blind to its own cruelty? Brilliant, extraordinarily moving, tragic, and hopeful, at the same time. It opened up a new understanding for me. Liz M. Watched the movie. Amazing work. I now know, and I cannot unknow. Ariel L. I cannot remember when a film has moved me this way. I wept throughout. No one is free until we all are free. Sue B. I wept uncontrollably for an hour, am still affected by it … What a beautiful, challenging, gut wrenching movie you have made. It was not an easy watch, there were parts i couldn’t bear, and i had to stop in the middle after the stories of torture. Bless you for your brave work, what incredible timing for a world gone mad. May it travel the world shifting minds and opening hearts everywhere, and most of all may all involved in its making be protected. Karen W. We saw it yesterday and it’s the most heartbreaking film I have ever seen. It’s simple, educational, and so real that we were shocked and hurt. It’s an eye-opener. Abhisek Left weeping… Devastated to think about each of these beautiful little girls and boys, women and men, animals, buildings and trees now. It’s hard to find words. Thank you for taking the risk of making this powerful, esthetical, real and tender film. May it be a vehicle to stir the hearts and souls of many of us into action. Deep bow. Ellen E. It was riveting and devastating, poignant and beautiful. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for the film Where Olive Trees Weep. Margaret R. I was finally able to watch your film, and have to congratulate you on such a moving documentary that sheds light on what life is like for Palestinians living under occupation, with many different aspects and viewpoints. I hope your film will awaken many people around the world and open their eyes. Farah S. So powerful and heartbreaking and moving… Haneen S. I would like to extend my eternal gratitude for your work. The film is beautiful, and all the contributors are such authentic, refreshing, impassioned voices. In the midst of all the ongoing global horrors and escalation of violence, I was enormously uplifted upon discovering your website, the film and talks on Palestine. Leila S. Your film is brilliant, moving, epic. It contains history and it bears witness. Indran I thought I was informed but this took it to a new level. Brilliant movie, amazing women. Matt Thank you, so unsettling and informative which is exactly what is needed. M. Thank you for listening to your heart and for bringing Where Olive Trees Weep to the world. It has been so purposeful and loving. Angela It had me in tears. It broke my heart… It’s a really great film and it’s going to open hearts and minds all over the world. Rae M. I’m currently visiting my very elderly ex-British Army/ expat colonial parents in the UK, and we sat down together to watch your film. You not only changed their minds about Palestine (which my ancestors were a part of bringing about) but also their view of Muslims and Palestinians generally. Thank you. Bruce Thank you for this incredible film/documentary — it broke my heart. Alvina E. This film is educational and incredibly moving. I bawled like a child while watching, but what I learned inspires my actions now every day. Norma J. My heart swells with love for the gift of the movie. My hope is that people’s hearts will open when the truth is spoken. G. It’s impossible to adequately convey how beautiful, powerful and profoundly empathetic your film is. You have accomplished something art often strives for but rarely achieves – to create a work of beauty that also moves the viewer to action. This film is going to have an actual effect. You’re going to help change things. It’s remarkable. Michael B. I have watched many documentaries over the years on this context and this one is the most authentic and raw I have seen. It is also very beautiful. Robin J. I can hardly find words. It’s powerful and the woman, the main person, especially at the end — she was piercing. Soul piercing. This film needs very wide circulation. Therese Thank you for your courage. Just like oil that doesn’t mix with water, Truth doesn’t dissolve in lies and, sooner or later, it comes up to the surface. O. Brilliant, heartbreaking, infuriating and informative. Thank you for making such an excellent film Mariom S. Wow, the movie is really a piece of art!!! What about subtitles in Hebrew? It is really necessary. Ella I cried and felt so ashamed of the world we are living in. My greatest peace wishes, love and light and courage are for all people who are suffering now. I carry them with me in my heart. Elizabeth Stunning pictures, evocative music, and poignant portraits of people. It truly felt as though these people were right in my living room. Your documentary moved me to tears from beginning to end. Maria I will never be the same after watching the movie. Claudie S. Beautifully done. Drastic humanity. Made me shiver. D. After watching it, my heart remained open. I was filled with love and compassion… It was just unconditional love. Amelia R. Thank you for filming, for journaling, for exposing the truth… as difficult as it is to swallow. Bravery, courage… to all who fight against injustice and oppression! Avril I know I will not sleep tonight. So many tears. This is so heart-breaking and so educational and so important to be seen NOW! Joan N. One of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen. Thank you for your immeasurable courage and your talent. It’s a very important film. Martha R. Words are inadequate but the soul of the people — all those involved — and the soul of the film itself will never leave me. Thank you all for making it in this deeply troubled world. Carol C. Thank you for this powerful film. The world needs it now, more than ever! Tom H. So moving, terrible and also beautiful. This is a great blessing. joAnne K. the complete collection Conversations on Palestine We created a program with leading historians, spiritual teachers, trauma therapists, poets and performers to complement the themes explored in the film and provide a larger historical, cultural and social context to the plight of the Palestinian people. The collection includes ~ THE SPEAKERS ~ Ashira Darwish Dr. Gabor Maté Angela Davis, PhD V Tara Brach, PhD Haneen Sabbah Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb Zaya Benazzo Maurizio Benazzo Laila El-Haddad Dr. Rupa Marya Mariam Barghouti Sami Awad Farah El-Sharif, PhD Haidar Eid Rana Nazzal Hamadeh Daniel Foor, PhD Sherene Seikaly, PhD Tareq Hajjaj Mohammad Bakri Ayesha Kajee Shahd Abusalama, PhD Farah Siraj Faith Gay Clara Khoury Ussama Makdisi, PhD Jonathan Brenneman Rev. Michael Yoshii Iyad Abu Ruk Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche Umaymah Mohammad Nancy Mansour Farah Chamma Lara Elborno Rev. Deborah Lee Nathan Thrall Michael McBride Rae Abileah Baha Hilo Omar Dajani Dr. Mohammed Tahir Shadi Zaqtan Norman Finkelstein, PhD Daniel Maté meital yaniv Huwaida Arraf Gail Brenner, PhD Mays Imad, PhD Robert Inlakesh Neta Golan Ilan Pappé, PhD Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart Adel Iskandar Pir Zia Inayat Khan, PhD Maysa Daw Seemi Bushra Ghazi Omar Haramy Dareen Tatour Adéyínká Mendes Bayo Akomolafe, PhD Your contribution supports planting olive trees in Palestine, humanitarian aid in Gaza and trauma healing in Palestinian communities. It also helps us bring the movie to larger audiences and broaden the understanding of the situation in Palestine, along with the cycles of trauma that perpetuate it. https://youtu.be/-VectWsWc1Q
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  • White Gold
    Dr. Syed HaiderJun 4
    Himalayan Salt Lick on/with Rope for All Animals 5 to 6 Pound – El Navidon
    Animals make a point of traveling miles to a salt lick, not for the taste, but because it’s an essential nutrient for life. Salt was considered so valuable in the ancient world that at some points it was used as currency. People have used it to preserve meat, and no one in the premodern era could have ever predicted it would one day be vilified and maligned.

    Like all nutrients including water, you can overdo salt, but it’s unlikely that consuming salt to taste, when eating real food, is itself inherently harmful for almost anyone. Salt has negligible impact on blood pressure (BP) outside of a tiny percentage of hyper-sensitive individuals, so we’ve long known that conventional cardiologist’s low salt recommendations for the purpose of controlling BP are probably mostly bogus (however there could certainly be something else harmful in particular patients about salt, aside from its effect on BP - this isn’t medical advice which is always highly personal and hence variable).

    Anyway this post was triggered by the following tweet, take a look:

    My theory is that what’s more likely at play in the above trials, than the salubrious effect of lowering salt, is the beneficial effect of increasing potassium (though the two go hand in hand so are actually impossible to study in isolation, as salt excretion will increase when potassium intake rises), either due to a nutrient deficiency (eating too much processed food may throw off the balance between sodium and potassium), or as a purely therapeutic, pharmaceutical-type effect, for example on increasing the otherwise diminished zeta potential of red blood cells, which is of crucial importance to cardiovascular health as it impacts all blood flow, and thereby all nutrient delivery and waste removal.

    On a related note someone asked me about preventing migraines today and in my experience I tended to get them back when I was less resilient when two or more of the following were stacked atop each other in some combination or other: poor sleep, skipped meals, anger outbursts, dehydration, and a hot day. Migraines can also be related to electrolytes like Magnesium and Potassium. In fact one study I came across this morning suggested that the incidence of migraines dropped about 5% for every 750 mg of Potassium added to the diet. Another study showed an inflection point around 1500 mg daily potassium intake, above which migraines were less common. Again taking potassium and preventing a migraine may not indicate a strict nutrient deficiency, but rather a therapeutic effect, by which I mean something like biohacking, which isn’t necessarily a healthy thing to do, because it means you’re offsetting a problem without addressing the problem directly. It’s always best to remove the actual cause, rather than patching up the symptoms and imaging you don’t have a problem any more because you can no longer see it.

    Anyway a lot more could be said about the balance between sodium and potassium especially in particularly diseases like kidney disorders where some patients retain excessive potassium which can trigger deadly heart rhythms.

    If you do need more potassium a good way to get it may be fresh or pure glass-bottled coconut water, which is particularly high in potassium and also magnesium. People have reported rapid diuretic effects with lessening of puffiness in their faces almost immediately after consuming pure coconut water. We have plenty of coconuts here in Puerto Rico, so I’m going to give this a try and see how it makes me feel.

    Let me know if you’ve had experience with purposely increasing potassium intake, or ever had a clear beneficial effect from lowering salt based on the prevailing wisdom of the last half century.

    White Gold Dr. Syed HaiderJun 4 Himalayan Salt Lick on/with Rope for All Animals 5 to 6 Pound – El Navidon Animals make a point of traveling miles to a salt lick, not for the taste, but because it’s an essential nutrient for life. Salt was considered so valuable in the ancient world that at some points it was used as currency. People have used it to preserve meat, and no one in the premodern era could have ever predicted it would one day be vilified and maligned. Like all nutrients including water, you can overdo salt, but it’s unlikely that consuming salt to taste, when eating real food, is itself inherently harmful for almost anyone. Salt has negligible impact on blood pressure (BP) outside of a tiny percentage of hyper-sensitive individuals, so we’ve long known that conventional cardiologist’s low salt recommendations for the purpose of controlling BP are probably mostly bogus (however there could certainly be something else harmful in particular patients about salt, aside from its effect on BP - this isn’t medical advice which is always highly personal and hence variable). Anyway this post was triggered by the following tweet, take a look: My theory is that what’s more likely at play in the above trials, than the salubrious effect of lowering salt, is the beneficial effect of increasing potassium (though the two go hand in hand so are actually impossible to study in isolation, as salt excretion will increase when potassium intake rises), either due to a nutrient deficiency (eating too much processed food may throw off the balance between sodium and potassium), or as a purely therapeutic, pharmaceutical-type effect, for example on increasing the otherwise diminished zeta potential of red blood cells, which is of crucial importance to cardiovascular health as it impacts all blood flow, and thereby all nutrient delivery and waste removal. On a related note someone asked me about preventing migraines today and in my experience I tended to get them back when I was less resilient when two or more of the following were stacked atop each other in some combination or other: poor sleep, skipped meals, anger outbursts, dehydration, and a hot day. Migraines can also be related to electrolytes like Magnesium and Potassium. In fact one study I came across this morning suggested that the incidence of migraines dropped about 5% for every 750 mg of Potassium added to the diet. Another study showed an inflection point around 1500 mg daily potassium intake, above which migraines were less common. Again taking potassium and preventing a migraine may not indicate a strict nutrient deficiency, but rather a therapeutic effect, by which I mean something like biohacking, which isn’t necessarily a healthy thing to do, because it means you’re offsetting a problem without addressing the problem directly. It’s always best to remove the actual cause, rather than patching up the symptoms and imaging you don’t have a problem any more because you can no longer see it. Anyway a lot more could be said about the balance between sodium and potassium especially in particularly diseases like kidney disorders where some patients retain excessive potassium which can trigger deadly heart rhythms. If you do need more potassium a good way to get it may be fresh or pure glass-bottled coconut water, which is particularly high in potassium and also magnesium. People have reported rapid diuretic effects with lessening of puffiness in their faces almost immediately after consuming pure coconut water. We have plenty of coconuts here in Puerto Rico, so I’m going to give this a try and see how it makes me feel. Let me know if you’ve had experience with purposely increasing potassium intake, or ever had a clear beneficial effect from lowering salt based on the prevailing wisdom of the last half century. https://blog.mygotodoc.com/p/white-gold/comments
    White Gold
    Animals make a point of traveling miles to a salt lick, not for the taste, but because it’s an essential nutrient for life.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 3456 Views
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