There's no hope or way of living a practical Christlike life,MOST ESPECIALLY NOW,in a world broken down by sin,a world where the devil is king...therefore...

    Quench not the Spirit. (1Th 5: 19)

    To begin with, it's very sad and pitiful, for those who say the Old Testament is obsolete and relegated to the background. I have every to say that,these people are not true believers,*FOR A TRUE BELIEVER CAN NEVER SAY THAT GOD'S WORD IS OBSOLETE...IT ISN'T JUST POSSIBLE*

    In the Old Testament,God operated as *God the Father.* And in the Gospels, the beginning of the New Testament, God operated as *God the Son*(Immanuel...Jn.1:1-5).
    Then after the work of fulfilling the Law and His finishing the Work of Redemption,God began to operate as *God the Holy Spirit), right from the Book of Acts till date.
    16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
    17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (Joh 14: 16-17)

    But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (Joh 14: 26)

    Back to our subject;

    If the apostle Paul himself had not warned us about quenching the Spirit, who among us would have thought it was possible or suggest that the omnipotent Spirit of God could ever be quenched,(1Thess.5:19), and thus restricted in what He might do otherwise in our lives, and in the life of the local church, is to tread on thin theological ice.

    The Spirit obviously desires to work in our lives and in our churches. The Spirit is like a fire whose flame we want to be careful not to quench or extinguish. The Holy Spirit wants to intensify the heat of His presence among us, to inflame our hearts and fill us with the warmth of His indwelling power.

    And Paul’s exhortation is a warning to all of us lest we become part of the contemporary bucket brigade that stands ready to douse His activity with the water of legalism, fear, and a flawed theology that, without biblical warrant, claims that His gifts have ceased and been withdrawn,in much the say way some of us have written off the Old Testament and even the LORD'S PRAYER(MOTHER OF ALL PRAYERS),which is even in the New Testament.

    However, we must remind ourselves of the Sovereignty of God. While humans can resist the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean they have ultimate control over Him; God retains Sovereignty and can intervene whenever He wishes. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Fullness of God. Let's examine some ways we can quench the activities of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

    We quench the Holy Spirit when we rely decisively on any resource other than the Holy Spirit for anything we do in life and ministry.
    Any attempt to conjure up *hope* apart from that power which is the Spirit (Romans 15:13) is to quench Him, as well as any effort to persevere in ministry and remain patient with joy by any other means than the Spirit (Colossians 1:11). Any effort to carry out pastoral ministry other than through *His energy that He powerfully works within me* (Colossians 1:29) is to quench the Spirit. Any attempt to resolve to carry out some good work of faith through a *power* other than the Spirit is to quench Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

    Despising Spiritual Gifts: Quenching the Spirit can manifest as contempt towards spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of prophecy, which should instead be tested and embraced (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).

    Neglecting Our Gifts: Failing to utilize and nurture the gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit is another form of quenching; we should actively "fan into flame" these gifts (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6).

    Suppressing Emotions: Quenching the Spirit may also involve withholding emotional expressions, such as singing and worship, which are encouraged as signs of spiritual fullness (Ephesians 5:18-19).

    Resisting Spiritual Fruit: Resisting the manifestation of the Spirit’s fruits in our behavior, and not embodying kindness and grace, equates to grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30).

    We quench the Spirit whenever we create an inviolable and sanctimonious structure in our corporate gatherings and worship services, and in our small groups, that does not permit spontaneity or the special leading of the Spirit.
    Twice — in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 — Paul refers to “spiritual songs,” most likely to differentiate between songs that are previously composed (“psalms” and “hymns”) as over against those that are spontaneously evoked by the Spirit Himself.

    We quench the Spirit whenever we suppress, or legislate against, or instill fear in the hearts of people regarding the legitimate experience of heartfelt emotions and affections in worship.
    I find it instructive that Christ Jesus, as He extolled the Father, is described as rejoicing “in the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21).

    Affections for God such as joy, peace, love, zeal, desire, and reverential fear are an essential dimension in Christ Jesus-exalting worship. How often do we orchestrate our corporate gatherings and issue strict guidelines as to what is “proper” in times of worship and in doing so inadvertently quench the Spirit in people’s lives?

    There's a lot more to say, however I believe by now, we already have an idea of various ways that we unconsciously quench the Holy Spirit.
    May God help us to always rever the Holy Spirit, the third Person in the Fullness of the Godhead!
    EVEN IN A DEVIL MESSED UP WORLD, CHRIST JESUS EXPECTS US TO BE CLEAN! (ROM.2:1) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 ON QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT! (1THESS. 5:19) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 There's no hope or way of living a practical Christlike life,MOST ESPECIALLY NOW,in a world broken down by sin,a world where the devil is king...therefore... Quench not the Spirit. (1Th 5: 19) To begin with, it's very sad and pitiful, for those who say the Old Testament is obsolete and relegated to the background. I have every to say that,these people are not true believers,*FOR A TRUE BELIEVER CAN NEVER SAY THAT GOD'S WORD IS OBSOLETE...IT ISN'T JUST POSSIBLE* In the Old Testament,God operated as *God the Father.* And in the Gospels, the beginning of the New Testament, God operated as *God the Son*(Immanuel...Jn.1:1-5). Then after the work of fulfilling the Law and His finishing the Work of Redemption,God began to operate as *God the Holy Spirit), right from the Book of Acts till date. 16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (Joh 14: 16-17) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (Joh 14: 26) Back to our subject; If the apostle Paul himself had not warned us about quenching the Spirit, who among us would have thought it was possible or suggest that the omnipotent Spirit of God could ever be quenched,(1Thess.5:19), and thus restricted in what He might do otherwise in our lives, and in the life of the local church, is to tread on thin theological ice. The Spirit obviously desires to work in our lives and in our churches. The Spirit is like a fire whose flame we want to be careful not to quench or extinguish. The Holy Spirit wants to intensify the heat of His presence among us, to inflame our hearts and fill us with the warmth of His indwelling power. And Paul’s exhortation is a warning to all of us lest we become part of the contemporary bucket brigade that stands ready to douse His activity with the water of legalism, fear, and a flawed theology that, without biblical warrant, claims that His gifts have ceased and been withdrawn,in much the say way some of us have written off the Old Testament and even the LORD'S PRAYER(MOTHER OF ALL PRAYERS),which is even in the New Testament. However, we must remind ourselves of the Sovereignty of God. While humans can resist the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean they have ultimate control over Him; God retains Sovereignty and can intervene whenever He wishes. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Fullness of God. Let's examine some ways we can quench the activities of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 👉We quench the Holy Spirit when we rely decisively on any resource other than the Holy Spirit for anything we do in life and ministry. Any attempt to conjure up *hope* apart from that power which is the Spirit (Romans 15:13) is to quench Him, as well as any effort to persevere in ministry and remain patient with joy by any other means than the Spirit (Colossians 1:11). Any effort to carry out pastoral ministry other than through *His energy that He powerfully works within me* (Colossians 1:29) is to quench the Spirit. Any attempt to resolve to carry out some good work of faith through a *power* other than the Spirit is to quench Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11). 👉Despising Spiritual Gifts: Quenching the Spirit can manifest as contempt towards spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of prophecy, which should instead be tested and embraced (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). 👉Neglecting Our Gifts: Failing to utilize and nurture the gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit is another form of quenching; we should actively "fan into flame" these gifts (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6). 👉Suppressing Emotions: Quenching the Spirit may also involve withholding emotional expressions, such as singing and worship, which are encouraged as signs of spiritual fullness (Ephesians 5:18-19). 👉Resisting Spiritual Fruit: Resisting the manifestation of the Spirit’s fruits in our behavior, and not embodying kindness and grace, equates to grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). 👉We quench the Spirit whenever we create an inviolable and sanctimonious structure in our corporate gatherings and worship services, and in our small groups, that does not permit spontaneity or the special leading of the Spirit. Twice — in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 — Paul refers to “spiritual songs,” most likely to differentiate between songs that are previously composed (“psalms” and “hymns”) as over against those that are spontaneously evoked by the Spirit Himself. 👉We quench the Spirit whenever we suppress, or legislate against, or instill fear in the hearts of people regarding the legitimate experience of heartfelt emotions and affections in worship. I find it instructive that Christ Jesus, as He extolled the Father, is described as rejoicing “in the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21). Affections for God such as joy, peace, love, zeal, desire, and reverential fear are an essential dimension in Christ Jesus-exalting worship. How often do we orchestrate our corporate gatherings and issue strict guidelines as to what is “proper” in times of worship and in doing so inadvertently quench the Spirit in people’s lives? There's a lot more to say, however I believe by now, we already have an idea of various ways that we unconsciously quench the Holy Spirit. May God help us to always rever the Holy Spirit, the third Person in the Fullness of the Godhead! Amen🙏🙇!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5865 Views


    There's no hope or way of living a practical Christlike life,MOST ESPECIALLY NOW,in a world broken down by sin,a world where the devil is king...therefore...

    Quench not the Spirit. (1Th 5: 19)

    To begin with, it's very sad and pitiful, for those who say the Old Testament is obsolete and relegated to the background. I have every to say that,these people are not true believers,*FOR A TRUE BELIEVER CAN NEVER SAY THAT GOD'S WORD IS OBSOLETE...IT ISN'T JUST POSSIBLE*

    In the Old Testament,God operated as *God the Father.* And in the Gospels, the beginning of the New Testament, God operated as *God the Son*(Immanuel...Jn.1:1-5).
    Then after the work of fulfilling the Law and His finishing the Work of Redemption,God began to operate as *God the Holy Spirit), right from the Book of Acts till date.
    16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
    17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (Joh 14: 16-17)

    But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (Joh 14: 26)

    Back to our subject;

    If the apostle Paul himself had not warned us about quenching the Spirit, who among us would have thought it was possible or suggest that the omnipotent Spirit of God could ever be quenched,(1Thess.5:19), and thus restricted in what He might do otherwise in our lives, and in the life of the local church, is to tread on thin theological ice.

    The Spirit obviously desires to work in our lives and in our churches. The Spirit is like a fire whose flame we want to be careful not to quench or extinguish. The Holy Spirit wants to intensify the heat of His presence among us, to inflame our hearts and fill us with the warmth of His indwelling power.

    And Paul’s exhortation is a warning to all of us lest we become part of the contemporary bucket brigade that stands ready to douse His activity with the water of legalism, fear, and a flawed theology that, without biblical warrant, claims that His gifts have ceased and been withdrawn,in much the say way some of us have written off the Old Testament and even the LORD'S PRAYER(MOTHER OF ALL PRAYERS),which is even in the New Testament.

    However, we must remind ourselves of the Sovereignty of God. While humans can resist the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean they have ultimate control over Him; God retains Sovereignty and can intervene whenever He wishes. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Fullness of God. Let's examine some ways we can quench the activities of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

    We quench the Holy Spirit when we rely decisively on any resource other than the Holy Spirit for anything we do in life and ministry.
    Any attempt to conjure up *hope* apart from that power which is the Spirit (Romans 15:13) is to quench Him, as well as any effort to persevere in ministry and remain patient with joy by any other means than the Spirit (Colossians 1:11). Any effort to carry out pastoral ministry other than through *His energy that He powerfully works within me* (Colossians 1:29) is to quench the Spirit. Any attempt to resolve to carry out some good work of faith through a *power* other than the Spirit is to quench Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11).

    Despising Spiritual Gifts: Quenching the Spirit can manifest as contempt towards spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of prophecy, which should instead be tested and embraced (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).

    Neglecting Our Gifts: Failing to utilize and nurture the gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit is another form of quenching; we should actively "fan into flame" these gifts (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6).

    Suppressing Emotions: Quenching the Spirit may also involve withholding emotional expressions, such as singing and worship, which are encouraged as signs of spiritual fullness (Ephesians 5:18-19).

    Resisting Spiritual Fruit: Resisting the manifestation of the Spirit’s fruits in our behavior, and not embodying kindness and grace, equates to grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30).

    We quench the Spirit whenever we create an inviolable and sanctimonious structure in our corporate gatherings and worship services, and in our small groups, that does not permit spontaneity or the special leading of the Spirit.
    Twice — in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 — Paul refers to “spiritual songs,” most likely to differentiate between songs that are previously composed (“psalms” and “hymns”) as over against those that are spontaneously evoked by the Spirit Himself.

    We quench the Spirit whenever we suppress, or legislate against, or instill fear in the hearts of people regarding the legitimate experience of heartfelt emotions and affections in worship.
    I find it instructive that Christ Jesus, as He extolled the Father, is described as rejoicing “in the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21).

    Affections for God such as joy, peace, love, zeal, desire, and reverential fear are an essential dimension in Christ Jesus-exalting worship. How often do we orchestrate our corporate gatherings and issue strict guidelines as to what is “proper” in times of worship and in doing so inadvertently quench the Spirit in people’s lives?

    There's a lot more to say, however I believe by now, we already have an idea of various ways that we unconsciously quench the Holy Spirit.
    May God help us to always rever the Holy Spirit, the third Person in the Fullness of the Godhead!
    EVEN IN A DEVIL MESSED UP WORLD, CHRIST JESUS EXPECTS US TO BE CLEAN! (ROM.2:1) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 ON QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT! (1THESS. 5:19) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 There's no hope or way of living a practical Christlike life,MOST ESPECIALLY NOW,in a world broken down by sin,a world where the devil is king...therefore... Quench not the Spirit. (1Th 5: 19) To begin with, it's very sad and pitiful, for those who say the Old Testament is obsolete and relegated to the background. I have every to say that,these people are not true believers,*FOR A TRUE BELIEVER CAN NEVER SAY THAT GOD'S WORD IS OBSOLETE...IT ISN'T JUST POSSIBLE* In the Old Testament,God operated as *God the Father.* And in the Gospels, the beginning of the New Testament, God operated as *God the Son*(Immanuel...Jn.1:1-5). Then after the work of fulfilling the Law and His finishing the Work of Redemption,God began to operate as *God the Holy Spirit), right from the Book of Acts till date. 16. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (Joh 14: 16-17) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (Joh 14: 26) Back to our subject; If the apostle Paul himself had not warned us about quenching the Spirit, who among us would have thought it was possible or suggest that the omnipotent Spirit of God could ever be quenched,(1Thess.5:19), and thus restricted in what He might do otherwise in our lives, and in the life of the local church, is to tread on thin theological ice. The Spirit obviously desires to work in our lives and in our churches. The Spirit is like a fire whose flame we want to be careful not to quench or extinguish. The Holy Spirit wants to intensify the heat of His presence among us, to inflame our hearts and fill us with the warmth of His indwelling power. And Paul’s exhortation is a warning to all of us lest we become part of the contemporary bucket brigade that stands ready to douse His activity with the water of legalism, fear, and a flawed theology that, without biblical warrant, claims that His gifts have ceased and been withdrawn,in much the say way some of us have written off the Old Testament and even the LORD'S PRAYER(MOTHER OF ALL PRAYERS),which is even in the New Testament. However, we must remind ourselves of the Sovereignty of God. While humans can resist the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean they have ultimate control over Him; God retains Sovereignty and can intervene whenever He wishes. The Holy Spirit is a part of the Fullness of God. Let's examine some ways we can quench the activities of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 👉We quench the Holy Spirit when we rely decisively on any resource other than the Holy Spirit for anything we do in life and ministry. Any attempt to conjure up *hope* apart from that power which is the Spirit (Romans 15:13) is to quench Him, as well as any effort to persevere in ministry and remain patient with joy by any other means than the Spirit (Colossians 1:11). Any effort to carry out pastoral ministry other than through *His energy that He powerfully works within me* (Colossians 1:29) is to quench the Spirit. Any attempt to resolve to carry out some good work of faith through a *power* other than the Spirit is to quench Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11). 👉Despising Spiritual Gifts: Quenching the Spirit can manifest as contempt towards spiritual gifts, particularly the gift of prophecy, which should instead be tested and embraced (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). 👉Neglecting Our Gifts: Failing to utilize and nurture the gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit is another form of quenching; we should actively "fan into flame" these gifts (1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6). 👉Suppressing Emotions: Quenching the Spirit may also involve withholding emotional expressions, such as singing and worship, which are encouraged as signs of spiritual fullness (Ephesians 5:18-19). 👉Resisting Spiritual Fruit: Resisting the manifestation of the Spirit’s fruits in our behavior, and not embodying kindness and grace, equates to grieving the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). 👉We quench the Spirit whenever we create an inviolable and sanctimonious structure in our corporate gatherings and worship services, and in our small groups, that does not permit spontaneity or the special leading of the Spirit. Twice — in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 — Paul refers to “spiritual songs,” most likely to differentiate between songs that are previously composed (“psalms” and “hymns”) as over against those that are spontaneously evoked by the Spirit Himself. 👉We quench the Spirit whenever we suppress, or legislate against, or instill fear in the hearts of people regarding the legitimate experience of heartfelt emotions and affections in worship. I find it instructive that Christ Jesus, as He extolled the Father, is described as rejoicing “in the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21). Affections for God such as joy, peace, love, zeal, desire, and reverential fear are an essential dimension in Christ Jesus-exalting worship. How often do we orchestrate our corporate gatherings and issue strict guidelines as to what is “proper” in times of worship and in doing so inadvertently quench the Spirit in people’s lives? There's a lot more to say, however I believe by now, we already have an idea of various ways that we unconsciously quench the Holy Spirit. May God help us to always rever the Holy Spirit, the third Person in the Fullness of the Godhead! Amen🙏🙇!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5811 Views
  • Efforts We Make In Life
    by R. Gidon Rothstein

    Parshat Mikeitz

    The Cup, a Debatable Tool of Divination

    Yosef’s house-master catches the brothers, “discovers” the goblet they stole, and rebukes them, 44;5. How could they have imagined they would get away with it, when Yosef nachesh yenachesh bo, a phrase the translations on Sefaria all take to mean he performs divination with it. Ibn Ezra is less sure.

    He first suggests it means to test, i.e. Yosef was testing to see if they would steal it. Ibn Ezra points us to 30;27, where Lavan used the same word to explain how he figured out Elokim had blessed him because of Ya’akov. There, Ibn Ezra’s comment blurs the issue. He first says nisiti, I tested, which sounds like Lavan figured it out somehow. He keeps going, though, says for Lavan was wont to use nechashim, which does seem to mean divination, except he adds Lavan had terafim. Back in VaYetzei, we saw (as it happens) that Ibn Ezra thought terafim were non-divination tools of discovery about the world.

    The continuation of the comment also moves away from magical predictions. He says the housemaster meant to say, how could you not have been afraid, when I put the silver goblet before you specifically to test you, and deliberately turned away, to the point you would take it. Ibn Ezra’s main reading, I think, did not think nichush meant consulting the stars or occult forces, it referred to finding an unusual, but natural, way to hidden truths. Terafim told Lavan what he couldn’t find on his own, in a nonobvious but natural way, and the nichush here tells Yosef and the housemaster about the brothers’ supposed willingness to steal the goblet.

    But it’s hard to resist the pull of divination. Ibn Ezra quotes R. Yonah (I think ibn Janah, a known grammarian) who said yenachesh bo meant because of it, the loss of the goblet led Yosef to consult with menachashim, with those who do perform divination. In this reading, which Ibn Ezra is comfortable with, the goblet itself didn’t help with the sorcery, but lead Yosef and the housemaster to consult sorcerers.

    Or, finally, maybe Yosef pretended to use the goblet. It was made with designs on it as if it were a vehicle of prediction, and Yosef consulted it as if it told the brothers’ birth order.

    Ibn Ezra dances around divination rather than rejects it. His first reading turns the word into a term for figuring out unknown facts, for Lavan and this housemaster. If it does mean sorcery, he accepts R. Yonah’s idea the housemaster meant the loss of the goblet would stimulate Yosef to ask those who do engage in those arts, and if the cup itself, it was Yosef pretending to have it tell him truths he could not know otherwise.

    A Little Gift

    When Ya’akov concedes the brothers need to go back to Egypt, with Binyamin, to buy food, 43;11, he bids his sons bring a gift for the feared Egyptian leader. Sforno picks up on an odd word in that gift, me’at. Ya’akov tells them to take me’at tzari, me’at devash. The Contemporary JPS translation, as well as the Schocken Bible of Everett Fox (both on Sefaria) render me’at “some,” some balm and some honey, sidestepping the easiest reading of the word, a little bit (the more traditional translations on Sefaria, such as Koren and Metsudah, do use “little”). I think they opt for “some,” because it seems odd for Ya’akov to have the brothers bring only a little of an item for a gift.

    Sforno attacks the problem head on. We gift differently to people for whom money is no object, he says. Many people (sadly, no matter how wealthy) still look to make their next buck (imagine the richest man in the world fighting to be paid an outlandish salary). But some people have realized they don’t need more money (or even started giving it away). Ya’akov imagines this distant Egyptian as a man who has more than enough. The size of a gift will make no impression on him.

    Instead, he intends to gift rare items, where any amount is appreciated.

    Living and Not Dying

    When Ya’akov first sends his sons to Egypt to buy food, 42;2, his goal is ve-nichyeh ve-lo namut, we will live and not die. Or HaChayim offers two illuminating explanations for the seeming redundancy (if they live, they clearly won’t die, and vice verse).

    First, he suggests Ya’akov was articulating their responsibility to protect their lives, their job—and ours—to do what they could to live. Failure would lead to a guilty verdict in the Heavenly court, they would die in this world and be judged in the next. By going to Egypt, they would live, physically, from the food they would secure, and not die in the next world. A first option: Ya’akov was reminding them, and us, of the human obligation to work at living, to do what we can to sustain our lives.

    His second option takes a more mundane view, we will live well if you find a lot of food to buy, not die if you only find the minimal amount to achieve that. It reminds me of what mori ve-rabi R. Lichtenstein once said about the Yeshiva’s gemach, interest-free loan fund . In encouraging donations to the fund, he said people shouldn’t have to survive on bread alone, it was reasonable to want butter on the bread as well.

    Here, too, Or HaChayyim thinks Ya’akov is saying, you might get enough for us to live, or, if not, at least not to die.

    Sorcery may or may not work, but we can find hidden facts in other ways, according to Ibn Ezra. Some people don’t need anything more, but we can find the kinds of gifts they will still relish, Sforno understood. And sometimes we might find only basic sustenance rather than comfort, Or HaChayyim taught us.
    Efforts We Make In Life by R. Gidon Rothstein Parshat Mikeitz The Cup, a Debatable Tool of Divination Yosef’s house-master catches the brothers, “discovers” the goblet they stole, and rebukes them, 44;5. How could they have imagined they would get away with it, when Yosef nachesh yenachesh bo, a phrase the translations on Sefaria all take to mean he performs divination with it. Ibn Ezra is less sure. He first suggests it means to test, i.e. Yosef was testing to see if they would steal it. Ibn Ezra points us to 30;27, where Lavan used the same word to explain how he figured out Elokim had blessed him because of Ya’akov. There, Ibn Ezra’s comment blurs the issue. He first says nisiti, I tested, which sounds like Lavan figured it out somehow. He keeps going, though, says for Lavan was wont to use nechashim, which does seem to mean divination, except he adds Lavan had terafim. Back in VaYetzei, we saw (as it happens) that Ibn Ezra thought terafim were non-divination tools of discovery about the world. The continuation of the comment also moves away from magical predictions. He says the housemaster meant to say, how could you not have been afraid, when I put the silver goblet before you specifically to test you, and deliberately turned away, to the point you would take it. Ibn Ezra’s main reading, I think, did not think nichush meant consulting the stars or occult forces, it referred to finding an unusual, but natural, way to hidden truths. Terafim told Lavan what he couldn’t find on his own, in a nonobvious but natural way, and the nichush here tells Yosef and the housemaster about the brothers’ supposed willingness to steal the goblet. But it’s hard to resist the pull of divination. Ibn Ezra quotes R. Yonah (I think ibn Janah, a known grammarian) who said yenachesh bo meant because of it, the loss of the goblet led Yosef to consult with menachashim, with those who do perform divination. In this reading, which Ibn Ezra is comfortable with, the goblet itself didn’t help with the sorcery, but lead Yosef and the housemaster to consult sorcerers. Or, finally, maybe Yosef pretended to use the goblet. It was made with designs on it as if it were a vehicle of prediction, and Yosef consulted it as if it told the brothers’ birth order. Ibn Ezra dances around divination rather than rejects it. His first reading turns the word into a term for figuring out unknown facts, for Lavan and this housemaster. If it does mean sorcery, he accepts R. Yonah’s idea the housemaster meant the loss of the goblet would stimulate Yosef to ask those who do engage in those arts, and if the cup itself, it was Yosef pretending to have it tell him truths he could not know otherwise. A Little Gift When Ya’akov concedes the brothers need to go back to Egypt, with Binyamin, to buy food, 43;11, he bids his sons bring a gift for the feared Egyptian leader. Sforno picks up on an odd word in that gift, me’at. Ya’akov tells them to take me’at tzari, me’at devash. The Contemporary JPS translation, as well as the Schocken Bible of Everett Fox (both on Sefaria) render me’at “some,” some balm and some honey, sidestepping the easiest reading of the word, a little bit (the more traditional translations on Sefaria, such as Koren and Metsudah, do use “little”). I think they opt for “some,” because it seems odd for Ya’akov to have the brothers bring only a little of an item for a gift. Sforno attacks the problem head on. We gift differently to people for whom money is no object, he says. Many people (sadly, no matter how wealthy) still look to make their next buck (imagine the richest man in the world fighting to be paid an outlandish salary). But some people have realized they don’t need more money (or even started giving it away). Ya’akov imagines this distant Egyptian as a man who has more than enough. The size of a gift will make no impression on him. Instead, he intends to gift rare items, where any amount is appreciated. Living and Not Dying When Ya’akov first sends his sons to Egypt to buy food, 42;2, his goal is ve-nichyeh ve-lo namut, we will live and not die. Or HaChayim offers two illuminating explanations for the seeming redundancy (if they live, they clearly won’t die, and vice verse). First, he suggests Ya’akov was articulating their responsibility to protect their lives, their job—and ours—to do what they could to live. Failure would lead to a guilty verdict in the Heavenly court, they would die in this world and be judged in the next. By going to Egypt, they would live, physically, from the food they would secure, and not die in the next world. A first option: Ya’akov was reminding them, and us, of the human obligation to work at living, to do what we can to sustain our lives. His second option takes a more mundane view, we will live well if you find a lot of food to buy, not die if you only find the minimal amount to achieve that. It reminds me of what mori ve-rabi R. Lichtenstein once said about the Yeshiva’s gemach, interest-free loan fund . In encouraging donations to the fund, he said people shouldn’t have to survive on bread alone, it was reasonable to want butter on the bread as well. Here, too, Or HaChayyim thinks Ya’akov is saying, you might get enough for us to live, or, if not, at least not to die. Sorcery may or may not work, but we can find hidden facts in other ways, according to Ibn Ezra. Some people don’t need anything more, but we can find the kinds of gifts they will still relish, Sforno understood. And sometimes we might find only basic sustenance rather than comfort, Or HaChayyim taught us.
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    Abraham had been a truly international figure, having traveled throughout the "Fertile Crescent" from Babylon to Aram Naharayim, throughout the Land of Israel and down into Egypt. Jacob too traveled to Aram and to Egypt. However, since the time of the entry of the Israelites into their Land, their main preoccupation had been to battle against their immediate neighbors – the Canaanites, Philistines, Moabites and Ammonites – in order to maintain their hold over the Promised Land.

    It was through the victories of David over all Israel's enemies that an entirely new international vista opened up in the time of Solomon, whose "empire" or "sphere of influence" extended over the entire swathe of territory promised to Abraham "from the river of Egypt to the Great river, the Euphrates" (Genesis 15:18; cf. I Kings 5:1 & 3).

    Our text evokes Solomon's opulent royal lifestyle (vv 2-3) including his ownership of multiple thousands of horses (v 6), which despite being prohibited to the king by the Torah (Deut. 17:16) remain a mark of royalty until today. While the various nations that comprised Solomon's empire paid taxes and gifts, this was not an exploitative colonial empire or one that kept its grip through military force alone. For "he had PEACE on all sides around" (v 4) – a situation that modern Israel can only envy, having experienced no peace for a single moment since the inception of the state and for years and years before it.

    Our text testifies that the very key to Solomon's influence over this great area of territory as well as over the neighboring foreign powers lay in his unique, God-given WISDOM, which "exceeded the wisdom of all the children of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt. And he was wiser than every man (ADAM), than Eitan the Ezrahi and Heyman and Khulkol and Darda the sons of Mahol…" While the simple explanation is that these last names are those of the leading Levite Temple singers of the time, the Midrash identifies "every man" with ADAM, Eitan with Abraham, Heyman with Moses, Khulkol with Joseph and Darda with the Generation of the Wilderness (DOR DE'AH, "generation of KNOWLEDGE), who were "children of forgiveness" (MEHILA).

    Most of the narrative in the book of Kings portrays Solomon and his achievements from the outside, but his true wisdom shines forth in his surviving literary creations alluded to in verse 12: Proverbs, Song of Songs and Koheles (=Ecclesiastes). Most translations render ALAPHIM and ELEPH in this verse as "thousand(s)", but Rashi relates them to the same root as in ULPAN meaning "education": the verse thus speaks of three EDUCATIONAL ORDERS of Proverbs (the expression MISHLEY SHLOMO appears three times in the book of Proverbs); these, together with Song of Songs and Koheles constitute the FIVE orders of Solomon's "song". According to the simple meaning of ELEPH as 1,000, Rashi brings the Midrash that Solomon taught three thousand parables on every single verse of the Torah and gave 1,005 explanations of each parable (see Rashi on vv 11-12). "He spoke about the trees from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that comes out of the wall" (before God, the highest and the lowest are equal, Bamidbar Rabba 13). According to Rashi this verse means that not only did Solomon understand the healing properties of all the different trees and plants and exactly how to cultivate them, but that he also explained why the purification of the leper involves the cedar and the hyssop (Lev. 14:4). "He spoke about the animals and birds and creeping creatures and fish…" (v 13): not only did he understand all their different qualities, but also why the SHECHITAH of animals requires the cutting of both the windpipe and the gullet, while that of birds requires the cutting of only one, and why locusts and fish do not require SHECHITAH at all… (Rashi on v 14).


    The tragic history of modern Lebanon has overshadowed the one-time greatness of this very beautiful country with its once very extensive forests. While Sidon was established by the firstborn son of Canaan (Gen. 10:15), the city of Tyre to its south was an immensely powerful city state built up by the Phoenicians, whose prosperity was founded on the magnificent tall trees out of which they built the ships they used to develop a trade empire throughout the Mediterranean area and beyond.

    While Hiram king of Tyre is a legendary figure (particularly in the lore of freemasonry, where he is seen as the "father" of the Temple), Ibn Ezra (on Genesis 41:10) views Hiram as the generic name of all the kings of Tyre just as Pharaoh was the generic name of all the kings of Egypt. In later Biblical times Tyre saw Jerusalem as a dangerous rival and hoped to benefit from its destruction (cf. Ezekiel 26:2, "I shall be filled from her destruction"), but the Hiram who befriended King David and King Solomon was – from the testimony of our text – a believer in the One God who (unlike the nations of today) REJOICED when he heard that Solomon wanted to build Him a Temple in Jerusalem (v 20).

    Hiram struck a Covenant with Solomon (v 26) inaugurating the first ever venture in international cooperation to build God's Temple. Hiram provided the timber and stone that were the building materials for the Temple in return for very ample supplies of choice wheat and olive oil that were the specialty of Israel. The lumber was tied up to form rafts that were floated down the Mediterranean from the coast of Lebanon to the point nearest to Jerusalem on the Israeli coast. From there it was transported by land to the site of the Temple. The 70,000 "porters" and 80,000 "excavators" who extracted and transported the massive stones for the Temple were GERIM GERURIM – would-be converts who were not admitted into the Assembly of Israel (as no full converts were accepted in the time of Solomon, see commentary on I Kings ch 3) but were nevertheless allowed to participate in the enterprise of building of God's House of Prayer for all the Nations.


    The building of the Temple commenced in the fourth year of Solomon's reign, 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt and 440 years after the people's entry into the Land. The actualization of this project to join Heaven and Earth took a total of seven years (vv 37-8).

    In his work on the "Secrets of the Future Temple" (Mishkeney Elyon) the outstanding 18th century Kabbalistic sage R. Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto explains that creation has two roots: the "revealed root" of HOKHMAH ("wisdom") and the "concealed" root of KETER ("the crown"). The two roots are alluded to in the first letter of the first word of the Torah, the Beis (=2) of Bereishis, "In the beginning".

    "Know too that the sin of Adam spoiled everything and caused all perfection to become concealed, with the result that the world was not even able to return to its previous state [i.e. the level of Wisdom] except in the days of Solomon, when the Temple was first built. Thus it is written: 'And God gave wisdom to Solomon' (I Kings 5:26). For then Wisdom was revealed in all its beauty and radiant glory, enabling all the lights to shine with great strength and joy. In those days, on every level in all the worlds there was only holy power and delight the like of which had never been seen. Even so, because everything was based only on Wisdom and did not reach the ultimate goal [of Keter], this peace and tranquility came to an end and the Temple was destroyed. But in time to come, when the hidden beginning I mentioned [Keter] is revealed, the happiness will be far, far greater, and it will never cease" (Ramchal, Secrets of the Future Temple).

    Although Ramchal's work – which explains in detail the "sacred geometry" that underlies the design of the Temple – is primarily concerned with the FUTURE Temple as depicted by Ezekiel (chs 40ff), the principles on which it is based apply also to the Temple of Solomon, all of whose chambers, walls, gates and courtyards in all their various dimensions allude to and EMBODY IN STONE the various divine attributes as they relate to one another.

    Besides the information about Solomon's Temple contained in our text, we have detailed supplementary information in Maseches MIDDOS, the Mishnaic Tractate of "Measurements", which deals with the design of the Second Temple, which was mostly modeled on the first. The rabbinic commentators wrote entire treatises about the structure of the Temple.

    The Temple had very distinctive features, such as its windows, which were "wide open from the outside but closed and narrow on the inside" (v 4). This was because the Temple had no need for the light from the outside, since it was lit from within (both by the Candelabra and by the spiritual light that shined in it): on the contrary, light emanated FROM the Temple windows OUTWARDS.

    Another distinctive feature was that as the very center of world peace, the Temple was a place where it was not fitting for the sound of metal hammers and axes to be heard (v 7) since metal is the material of weapons of war. All the stones were cut and dressed outside the Temple, and Solomon also miraculously found the Shamir worm, which would silently eat its way across a stone so as to split it just as it had cut the stones of the gems in the High Priest's breastplate in the days of Moses. (This is not a worm that is easy to find; Sotah 48b, Gittin 68a).

    Most distinctive of all was that the survival of the Temple was entirely conditional upon Israel's keeping the Torah, as God promised to Solomon (vv 11-13): "If you go in My statutes and carry out My laws… I shall dwell amongst the Children of Israel and I will not abandon My people Israel."

    The main Temple building, a structure of 60 x 20 cubits (on the inside) was divided into two unequal parts: the HEIKHAL (40 x 20) containing the Menorahs (Candelabra) Show-bread Tables and Incense Altar, and within, the Holy of Holies (20 x 20) containing the Ark of the Covenant with the wooden figures of two Cherubs overlaid with gold standing with their wings outstretched over it and filling the entire inner chamber. Across the entire front of the HEIKHAL stood the OULAM ("Vestibule").

    Around the walls surrounding the Heikhal and Holy of Holies on three sides were a series of cells banked up in three stories one on top of the other. These cells may have been used to store the Temple treasures. Esoterically, they allowed the SHEFA (divine influence) emanating from within the Temple to be concentrated intensely prior to its flowing outwards to nourish the outside world.

    The ceiling and roof of the Temple were made of wood, and its stone walls were entirely paneled with wood from top to bottom. The wood (which alludes to the TREE of life) was carved with the forms of cherubs, palms, garlands and flowers. All the walls and all the carvings were overlaid with gold, as was the ceiling and the floor, the effect of which must have been absolutely stunning.

    Through God's providence, we have reached the description of the building of Solomon's Temple just as we are celebrating the festival of Chanukah in commemoration of God's miracles for Israel in the Second Temple. In the merit of our studies, may He quickly bring peace to our troubled world and speedily build the Temple we are now awaiting, from which the love and fear of God will spread forth to all the world.
    I KINGS CHAPTER 5 SOLOMON'S EMPIRE Abraham had been a truly international figure, having traveled throughout the "Fertile Crescent" from Babylon to Aram Naharayim, throughout the Land of Israel and down into Egypt. Jacob too traveled to Aram and to Egypt. However, since the time of the entry of the Israelites into their Land, their main preoccupation had been to battle against their immediate neighbors – the Canaanites, Philistines, Moabites and Ammonites – in order to maintain their hold over the Promised Land. It was through the victories of David over all Israel's enemies that an entirely new international vista opened up in the time of Solomon, whose "empire" or "sphere of influence" extended over the entire swathe of territory promised to Abraham "from the river of Egypt to the Great river, the Euphrates" (Genesis 15:18; cf. I Kings 5:1 & 3). Our text evokes Solomon's opulent royal lifestyle (vv 2-3) including his ownership of multiple thousands of horses (v 6), which despite being prohibited to the king by the Torah (Deut. 17:16) remain a mark of royalty until today. While the various nations that comprised Solomon's empire paid taxes and gifts, this was not an exploitative colonial empire or one that kept its grip through military force alone. For "he had PEACE on all sides around" (v 4) – a situation that modern Israel can only envy, having experienced no peace for a single moment since the inception of the state and for years and years before it. Our text testifies that the very key to Solomon's influence over this great area of territory as well as over the neighboring foreign powers lay in his unique, God-given WISDOM, which "exceeded the wisdom of all the children of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt. And he was wiser than every man (ADAM), than Eitan the Ezrahi and Heyman and Khulkol and Darda the sons of Mahol…" While the simple explanation is that these last names are those of the leading Levite Temple singers of the time, the Midrash identifies "every man" with ADAM, Eitan with Abraham, Heyman with Moses, Khulkol with Joseph and Darda with the Generation of the Wilderness (DOR DE'AH, "generation of KNOWLEDGE), who were "children of forgiveness" (MEHILA). Most of the narrative in the book of Kings portrays Solomon and his achievements from the outside, but his true wisdom shines forth in his surviving literary creations alluded to in verse 12: Proverbs, Song of Songs and Koheles (=Ecclesiastes). Most translations render ALAPHIM and ELEPH in this verse as "thousand(s)", but Rashi relates them to the same root as in ULPAN meaning "education": the verse thus speaks of three EDUCATIONAL ORDERS of Proverbs (the expression MISHLEY SHLOMO appears three times in the book of Proverbs); these, together with Song of Songs and Koheles constitute the FIVE orders of Solomon's "song". According to the simple meaning of ELEPH as 1,000, Rashi brings the Midrash that Solomon taught three thousand parables on every single verse of the Torah and gave 1,005 explanations of each parable (see Rashi on vv 11-12). "He spoke about the trees from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that comes out of the wall" (before God, the highest and the lowest are equal, Bamidbar Rabba 13). According to Rashi this verse means that not only did Solomon understand the healing properties of all the different trees and plants and exactly how to cultivate them, but that he also explained why the purification of the leper involves the cedar and the hyssop (Lev. 14:4). "He spoke about the animals and birds and creeping creatures and fish…" (v 13): not only did he understand all their different qualities, but also why the SHECHITAH of animals requires the cutting of both the windpipe and the gullet, while that of birds requires the cutting of only one, and why locusts and fish do not require SHECHITAH at all… (Rashi on v 14). HIRAM KING OF TYRE The tragic history of modern Lebanon has overshadowed the one-time greatness of this very beautiful country with its once very extensive forests. While Sidon was established by the firstborn son of Canaan (Gen. 10:15), the city of Tyre to its south was an immensely powerful city state built up by the Phoenicians, whose prosperity was founded on the magnificent tall trees out of which they built the ships they used to develop a trade empire throughout the Mediterranean area and beyond. While Hiram king of Tyre is a legendary figure (particularly in the lore of freemasonry, where he is seen as the "father" of the Temple), Ibn Ezra (on Genesis 41:10) views Hiram as the generic name of all the kings of Tyre just as Pharaoh was the generic name of all the kings of Egypt. In later Biblical times Tyre saw Jerusalem as a dangerous rival and hoped to benefit from its destruction (cf. Ezekiel 26:2, "I shall be filled from her destruction"), but the Hiram who befriended King David and King Solomon was – from the testimony of our text – a believer in the One God who (unlike the nations of today) REJOICED when he heard that Solomon wanted to build Him a Temple in Jerusalem (v 20). Hiram struck a Covenant with Solomon (v 26) inaugurating the first ever venture in international cooperation to build God's Temple. Hiram provided the timber and stone that were the building materials for the Temple in return for very ample supplies of choice wheat and olive oil that were the specialty of Israel. The lumber was tied up to form rafts that were floated down the Mediterranean from the coast of Lebanon to the point nearest to Jerusalem on the Israeli coast. From there it was transported by land to the site of the Temple. The 70,000 "porters" and 80,000 "excavators" who extracted and transported the massive stones for the Temple were GERIM GERURIM – would-be converts who were not admitted into the Assembly of Israel (as no full converts were accepted in the time of Solomon, see commentary on I Kings ch 3) but were nevertheless allowed to participate in the enterprise of building of God's House of Prayer for all the Nations. CHAPTER 6 The building of the Temple commenced in the fourth year of Solomon's reign, 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt and 440 years after the people's entry into the Land. The actualization of this project to join Heaven and Earth took a total of seven years (vv 37-8). In his work on the "Secrets of the Future Temple" (Mishkeney Elyon) the outstanding 18th century Kabbalistic sage R. Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto explains that creation has two roots: the "revealed root" of HOKHMAH ("wisdom") and the "concealed" root of KETER ("the crown"). The two roots are alluded to in the first letter of the first word of the Torah, the Beis (=2) of Bereishis, "In the beginning". "Know too that the sin of Adam spoiled everything and caused all perfection to become concealed, with the result that the world was not even able to return to its previous state [i.e. the level of Wisdom] except in the days of Solomon, when the Temple was first built. Thus it is written: 'And God gave wisdom to Solomon' (I Kings 5:26). For then Wisdom was revealed in all its beauty and radiant glory, enabling all the lights to shine with great strength and joy. In those days, on every level in all the worlds there was only holy power and delight the like of which had never been seen. Even so, because everything was based only on Wisdom and did not reach the ultimate goal [of Keter], this peace and tranquility came to an end and the Temple was destroyed. But in time to come, when the hidden beginning I mentioned [Keter] is revealed, the happiness will be far, far greater, and it will never cease" (Ramchal, Secrets of the Future Temple). Although Ramchal's work – which explains in detail the "sacred geometry" that underlies the design of the Temple – is primarily concerned with the FUTURE Temple as depicted by Ezekiel (chs 40ff), the principles on which it is based apply also to the Temple of Solomon, all of whose chambers, walls, gates and courtyards in all their various dimensions allude to and EMBODY IN STONE the various divine attributes as they relate to one another. Besides the information about Solomon's Temple contained in our text, we have detailed supplementary information in Maseches MIDDOS, the Mishnaic Tractate of "Measurements", which deals with the design of the Second Temple, which was mostly modeled on the first. The rabbinic commentators wrote entire treatises about the structure of the Temple. The Temple had very distinctive features, such as its windows, which were "wide open from the outside but closed and narrow on the inside" (v 4). This was because the Temple had no need for the light from the outside, since it was lit from within (both by the Candelabra and by the spiritual light that shined in it): on the contrary, light emanated FROM the Temple windows OUTWARDS. Another distinctive feature was that as the very center of world peace, the Temple was a place where it was not fitting for the sound of metal hammers and axes to be heard (v 7) since metal is the material of weapons of war. All the stones were cut and dressed outside the Temple, and Solomon also miraculously found the Shamir worm, which would silently eat its way across a stone so as to split it just as it had cut the stones of the gems in the High Priest's breastplate in the days of Moses. (This is not a worm that is easy to find; Sotah 48b, Gittin 68a). Most distinctive of all was that the survival of the Temple was entirely conditional upon Israel's keeping the Torah, as God promised to Solomon (vv 11-13): "If you go in My statutes and carry out My laws… I shall dwell amongst the Children of Israel and I will not abandon My people Israel." The main Temple building, a structure of 60 x 20 cubits (on the inside) was divided into two unequal parts: the HEIKHAL (40 x 20) containing the Menorahs (Candelabra) Show-bread Tables and Incense Altar, and within, the Holy of Holies (20 x 20) containing the Ark of the Covenant with the wooden figures of two Cherubs overlaid with gold standing with their wings outstretched over it and filling the entire inner chamber. Across the entire front of the HEIKHAL stood the OULAM ("Vestibule"). Around the walls surrounding the Heikhal and Holy of Holies on three sides were a series of cells banked up in three stories one on top of the other. These cells may have been used to store the Temple treasures. Esoterically, they allowed the SHEFA (divine influence) emanating from within the Temple to be concentrated intensely prior to its flowing outwards to nourish the outside world. The ceiling and roof of the Temple were made of wood, and its stone walls were entirely paneled with wood from top to bottom. The wood (which alludes to the TREE of life) was carved with the forms of cherubs, palms, garlands and flowers. All the walls and all the carvings were overlaid with gold, as was the ceiling and the floor, the effect of which must have been absolutely stunning. Through God's providence, we have reached the description of the building of Solomon's Temple just as we are celebrating the festival of Chanukah in commemoration of God's miracles for Israel in the Second Temple. In the merit of our studies, may He quickly bring peace to our troubled world and speedily build the Temple we are now awaiting, from which the love and fear of God will spread forth to all the world.
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    Our chapter opens with the very surprising news that Solomon married the daughter of the king of the very nation that had ignominiously enslaved and been forced to release Israel hundreds of years earlier. Rashi (on v 3) notes that the verses in this chapter are not in historical sequence, for Solomon's dream in Giv'on (vv 5ff) took place at the very beginning of his reign, whereas it was not until three years afterwards that he made his marriage alliance with Pharoah. This was directly after the death of Solomon's teacher, Shimi ben Gera (narrated out of sequence at the end of the preceding chapter in order to complete the account of Solomon's settling David's outstanding scores). From the proximity of verse 1 of our present chapter to the last verses of the previous chapter, our rabbis taught that as long as his teacher was alive, Solomon did not make this questionable move of intermarriage, deducing that a person should always live close to his teacher in order to stay on the right track (Rashi on v 1).

    Solomon's move was questionable because the Torah states that "you shall not intermarry with them [i.e. the other nations]" (Deut. 7:3). Some rabbis held that intermarriage would only be forbidden if the non-Israelite party to the marriage does not convert, but others held that converting them in order to marry is also forbidden. Another factor raising questions about Solomon's move is the tradition that no converts were accepted in the times of David and Solomon because the prestige of Israel was so great that potential converts would all have had ulterior motives. However the Talmud explicitly states that this did not apply to the daughter of Pharaoh, who had enough wealth not to need to marry Solomon for money (Talmud Yevamos 76a).

    A further question is how Solomon could have converted and then married an Egyptian woman when the Torah states that an Egyptian convert may not enter the Assembly until the third generation (Deut. 23:9). However, this objection is countered by a tradition (not accepted halachically) that the referenced verse applies only to an Egyptian male but not to a female (which would make the law of the Egyptian parallel to the law forbidding a Moabite but not a Moabitess from ever entering the Assembly.

    Despite the many questions that surround it, we do not find Solomon's marriage to Pharaoh's daughter criticized in our text as being intrinsically sinful: verse 3 DOES implicitly criticize Solomon for sacrificing at many high altars but does NOT criticize him for marrying Pharaoh's daughter. It was only in his old age, when Solomon took many wives, that he was criticized for allowing them to turn his heart aside from God.

    It stands to reason that the exact intent of the supremely wise Solomon in marrying the daughter of Israel's former persecutors would be beyond the ability of simple people like ourselves to grasp. Since PHARAOH represents the OREPH ("back of the neck", same Hebrew letters as Pharaoh) of creation as opposed to its inner face, the conversion of his daughter by Solomon and her integration into the holy edifice that he was building was a "coup" comparable with the conversion of Batya, the daughter of Pharaoh who drew Moses out of the water. The "daughter of Pharaoh" represents the source of all the different kinds of worldly wisdom (which are her "handmaidens"). By "converting" and "marrying" Pharaoh's daughter, Solomon was perhaps very daringly and ambitiously striving to deepen and enhance the revelation of God's unity on all levels of creation. If so, it was apparently still over-ambitious, because Solomon proved unable to hold his "catch" within the bounds of holiness, and indeed he himself strayed beyond them. In retribution, said the rabbis, at the very moment when Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter, the angel Gabriel (GEVURAH, "might", withholding and concealing) descended and drove the first stake into the sea in the very place where more and more sediment eventually collected to form the foundation of what was to become Israel's nemesis: the city of Rome (Talmud Shabbos 56b).


    Prior to his heart-enticing marriages with foreign women, Solomon passionately followed the Torah of his father David. If he was criticized, it was only for "sacrificing in the high places". This was actually permitted as long as the Temple was not built in Jerusalem. Since the sacking of the Sanctuary of Shilo by the Philistines in the time of Ely and the slaughter of the priests of Nov by Saul, the Sanctuary with the vessels of Moses had been in Giv'on, except for the Ark of the Covenant, which David had taken to Jerusalem. Whereas David had sacrificed only at the "great" Altar in Giv'on (this was the copper Altar made by Moses) or at an altar that he erected before the Ark in Jerusalem, Solomon also sacrificed in other high places (until the building of the Temple), and while this was still permitted, it was seen as a deviation from David's path and as needlessly delaying the building of the Temple in Jerusalem (Rashi and RaDaK on v 3).


    Whereas David's kingship was founded on the sword of prayer and faith – he had to fight throughout his life – Solomon's kingship was founded on the very WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING which he had the good sense to request when God offered him anything he wanted. At the tender age of 12 (Rashi and RaDaK on v 7) when many intelligent youngsters tend to be highly arrogant, the wise young King Solomon had the humility to understand he would need divine help in judging the busy, quarrelsome Israelites – for kingship (MALCHUS) is founded on Judgment (MISHPAT=TIFERES, the center column, balance) and the repair of Judgment depends upon BINAH, "understanding". Solomon thus asked God to "give Your servant a LISTENING heart" (v 9) in order to HEAR and UNDERSTAND, while God responded even more generously by giving him a heart that was WISE as well as UNDERSTANDING (v 12). CHOKHMAH, "wisdom", is the ability to GRASP, know and remember what one learns, while BINAH, "understanding", is the ability to ANALYZE what one knows in order to make new inferences, "understanding one thing from another" (RaDaK on v 12).

    When Solomon awoke from his dream he knew that his request had been granted, because "he heard a bird chirping and understood its language, and he heard a dog barking and he understood what it was saying" (Rashi on v 15).


    Solomon's first dramatic demonstration of his divinely-granted powers of judgment came with the arrival of the two "whores" who were quarreling about which of their two babies died and to whom the surviving child belonged.

    The Talmudic teacher Rav held that these two "whores" were actually spirits. Rabbi Simon in the name of R. Yehoshua ben Levi said they were literally prostitutes. A third opinion, offered by unnamed sages, is that they were actually a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law (Shir HaShirim Rabbah 1:10).

    This third opinion immeasurably sharpens the dispute between them on the assumption that the aggrieved mother who started pleading before the king saying that she had been the first to give birth (vv 17-18) was the mother-in-law. If the second woman – her daughter-in-law, who gave birth three days later – lost her husband AFTER the birth of her mother-in-law's baby and subsequently lost her own baby (an only child), it would mean that according to the law of the levirate marriage she would have to marry her mother-in-law's baby, the brother of her dead husband, her YAVAM, since with the death of her own baby her dead husband left no living issue. In any event she would have to wait thirteen years until her mother-in-law's baby became a legal adult in order to either carry out the mitzvah of YIBUM by marrying his dead brother's widow or release her from their bond through HALITZAH, "removal of the brother-in-law's sandal" (see Deut. 25:5ff).

    Having to wait for thirteen years as a stranded AGUNAH before she could regularize her status would give the daughter-in-law a very strong incentive to take her mother-in-law's baby as her own, because if she could make it appear that her dead husband did have surviving issue this would release her from the bond of YIBUM with any of his brothers. Likewise, it would not bother her in the least if the king sliced the living child in half, because if he was indeed the sole surviving brother of her dead husband, his death would automatically release her from any bond of YIBUM in the absence of any YAVAM, leaving her free to marry anyone she wanted.

    Before Solomon delivered his judgment, he first made sure to repeat the claims of each woman in his own words (v 23) to make it clear that he had understood exactly what they were saying. In this he provided a model for every good DAYAN ("judge"), who must review the claims made by the rival claimants before delivering judgment.

    Solomon's brilliant bluff ordering a sword to be brought immediately elicited the natural motherly compassion of the true mother and exposed the lying baby-thief for what she was. "And all Israel heard the judgment that the king decided and they were in awe before the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment" (v 28).

    * * * The passage in I Kings 3:15-28 and 4:1 is read as the Haftara of Parshas Miketz, Genesis 41:1-44:17 unless this parshah is read on Shabbos Chanukah * * *



    David had been king over Judah in Hebron before he was accepted as king over all Israel. It is a tribute to David's lifelong struggle that the entire nation was now able to unite in accepting one king. They did so because they saw Solomon's divinely-bestowed wisdom and everyone rejoiced in his kingship (Rashi on v 1).

    Listed first and foremost among Solomon's officers is the Priest – because the entire national agenda was now focused on building a functioning Temple. Solomon had scribes to write down his governmental decisions and dispatch them for execution; he had a MAZKIR (lit. "one who makes you remember") i.e. a "secretary" to make records of events and archive them. Like Saul and David, Solomon had his commander-in-chief. Listed among his officers is also "the king's friend" – presumably one who was likewise very wise indeed and with whom Solomon doubtless loved to fathom the depths of wisdom.


    Solomon's kingship is portrayed as a model of good order, in which twelve NETZIVIM, "appointed officers", were in charge of collecting all the provisions, materials and other needs of the royal household and army from twelve regions into which the Land of Israel was divided. These regions did NOT correspond to the territorial portions of the Twelve Tribes, which were uneven both in area and in the kind of land they comprised. Rather, these twelve regions represented a fair division of the entire land into portions each one of which could sustain the royal household for one of the twelve months of the year (Radak on v 8).

    The twelve months of the year correspond to the twelve possible permutations of the holy "essential" name of God, "HaVaYaH" (YKVK). These are discussed at length in SEFER YETZIRA, the earliest kabbalistic text, attributed to our father Abraham. This was certainly known to Solomon (whose Proverbs contain certain allusions to the wisdom of Sefer Yetzirah).

    Just as the "sun" of the Name of HaVaYaH (=Zeir Anpin) shines month by month with different permutations to the "moon" of MALCHUS, "kingship" (=Nukva), so King Solomon (MALCHUS, the receiving vessel of Zeir Anpin=Chochmah) received his PARNASSAH ("livelihood") from TWELVE different regions of Eretz Israel, which itself corresponds to the Partzuf of Malchus.

    "Judah and Israel multiplied like the sand of the sea in multitude, eating and drinking and rejoicing" (v 20). "In the time of Solomon they were blessed with the fruit of the womb and they multiplied, as did the fruits of their animals and their land, and they ate and drank and rejoiced, for they had no fear of any enemy" (RaDaK on v 20).

    May a new golden age even greater than that of Solomon speedily be inaugurated by the building of the Holy Temple that we now await!
    I KINGS CHAPTER 3 SOLOMON'S MARRIAGE TO PHARAOH'S DAUGHTER Our chapter opens with the very surprising news that Solomon married the daughter of the king of the very nation that had ignominiously enslaved and been forced to release Israel hundreds of years earlier. Rashi (on v 3) notes that the verses in this chapter are not in historical sequence, for Solomon's dream in Giv'on (vv 5ff) took place at the very beginning of his reign, whereas it was not until three years afterwards that he made his marriage alliance with Pharoah. This was directly after the death of Solomon's teacher, Shimi ben Gera (narrated out of sequence at the end of the preceding chapter in order to complete the account of Solomon's settling David's outstanding scores). From the proximity of verse 1 of our present chapter to the last verses of the previous chapter, our rabbis taught that as long as his teacher was alive, Solomon did not make this questionable move of intermarriage, deducing that a person should always live close to his teacher in order to stay on the right track (Rashi on v 1). Solomon's move was questionable because the Torah states that "you shall not intermarry with them [i.e. the other nations]" (Deut. 7:3). Some rabbis held that intermarriage would only be forbidden if the non-Israelite party to the marriage does not convert, but others held that converting them in order to marry is also forbidden. Another factor raising questions about Solomon's move is the tradition that no converts were accepted in the times of David and Solomon because the prestige of Israel was so great that potential converts would all have had ulterior motives. However the Talmud explicitly states that this did not apply to the daughter of Pharaoh, who had enough wealth not to need to marry Solomon for money (Talmud Yevamos 76a). A further question is how Solomon could have converted and then married an Egyptian woman when the Torah states that an Egyptian convert may not enter the Assembly until the third generation (Deut. 23:9). However, this objection is countered by a tradition (not accepted halachically) that the referenced verse applies only to an Egyptian male but not to a female (which would make the law of the Egyptian parallel to the law forbidding a Moabite but not a Moabitess from ever entering the Assembly. Despite the many questions that surround it, we do not find Solomon's marriage to Pharaoh's daughter criticized in our text as being intrinsically sinful: verse 3 DOES implicitly criticize Solomon for sacrificing at many high altars but does NOT criticize him for marrying Pharaoh's daughter. It was only in his old age, when Solomon took many wives, that he was criticized for allowing them to turn his heart aside from God. It stands to reason that the exact intent of the supremely wise Solomon in marrying the daughter of Israel's former persecutors would be beyond the ability of simple people like ourselves to grasp. Since PHARAOH represents the OREPH ("back of the neck", same Hebrew letters as Pharaoh) of creation as opposed to its inner face, the conversion of his daughter by Solomon and her integration into the holy edifice that he was building was a "coup" comparable with the conversion of Batya, the daughter of Pharaoh who drew Moses out of the water. The "daughter of Pharaoh" represents the source of all the different kinds of worldly wisdom (which are her "handmaidens"). By "converting" and "marrying" Pharaoh's daughter, Solomon was perhaps very daringly and ambitiously striving to deepen and enhance the revelation of God's unity on all levels of creation. If so, it was apparently still over-ambitious, because Solomon proved unable to hold his "catch" within the bounds of holiness, and indeed he himself strayed beyond them. In retribution, said the rabbis, at the very moment when Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter, the angel Gabriel (GEVURAH, "might", withholding and concealing) descended and drove the first stake into the sea in the very place where more and more sediment eventually collected to form the foundation of what was to become Israel's nemesis: the city of Rome (Talmud Shabbos 56b). "AND SOLOMON LOVED GOD" (v 3) Prior to his heart-enticing marriages with foreign women, Solomon passionately followed the Torah of his father David. If he was criticized, it was only for "sacrificing in the high places". This was actually permitted as long as the Temple was not built in Jerusalem. Since the sacking of the Sanctuary of Shilo by the Philistines in the time of Ely and the slaughter of the priests of Nov by Saul, the Sanctuary with the vessels of Moses had been in Giv'on, except for the Ark of the Covenant, which David had taken to Jerusalem. Whereas David had sacrificed only at the "great" Altar in Giv'on (this was the copper Altar made by Moses) or at an altar that he erected before the Ark in Jerusalem, Solomon also sacrificed in other high places (until the building of the Temple), and while this was still permitted, it was seen as a deviation from David's path and as needlessly delaying the building of the Temple in Jerusalem (Rashi and RaDaK on v 3). THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON Whereas David's kingship was founded on the sword of prayer and faith – he had to fight throughout his life – Solomon's kingship was founded on the very WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING which he had the good sense to request when God offered him anything he wanted. At the tender age of 12 (Rashi and RaDaK on v 7) when many intelligent youngsters tend to be highly arrogant, the wise young King Solomon had the humility to understand he would need divine help in judging the busy, quarrelsome Israelites – for kingship (MALCHUS) is founded on Judgment (MISHPAT=TIFERES, the center column, balance) and the repair of Judgment depends upon BINAH, "understanding". Solomon thus asked God to "give Your servant a LISTENING heart" (v 9) in order to HEAR and UNDERSTAND, while God responded even more generously by giving him a heart that was WISE as well as UNDERSTANDING (v 12). CHOKHMAH, "wisdom", is the ability to GRASP, know and remember what one learns, while BINAH, "understanding", is the ability to ANALYZE what one knows in order to make new inferences, "understanding one thing from another" (RaDaK on v 12). When Solomon awoke from his dream he knew that his request had been granted, because "he heard a bird chirping and understood its language, and he heard a dog barking and he understood what it was saying" (Rashi on v 15). COT DEATH: WHOSE IS THE LIVING CHILD? Solomon's first dramatic demonstration of his divinely-granted powers of judgment came with the arrival of the two "whores" who were quarreling about which of their two babies died and to whom the surviving child belonged. The Talmudic teacher Rav held that these two "whores" were actually spirits. Rabbi Simon in the name of R. Yehoshua ben Levi said they were literally prostitutes. A third opinion, offered by unnamed sages, is that they were actually a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law (Shir HaShirim Rabbah 1:10). This third opinion immeasurably sharpens the dispute between them on the assumption that the aggrieved mother who started pleading before the king saying that she had been the first to give birth (vv 17-18) was the mother-in-law. If the second woman – her daughter-in-law, who gave birth three days later – lost her husband AFTER the birth of her mother-in-law's baby and subsequently lost her own baby (an only child), it would mean that according to the law of the levirate marriage she would have to marry her mother-in-law's baby, the brother of her dead husband, her YAVAM, since with the death of her own baby her dead husband left no living issue. In any event she would have to wait thirteen years until her mother-in-law's baby became a legal adult in order to either carry out the mitzvah of YIBUM by marrying his dead brother's widow or release her from their bond through HALITZAH, "removal of the brother-in-law's sandal" (see Deut. 25:5ff). Having to wait for thirteen years as a stranded AGUNAH before she could regularize her status would give the daughter-in-law a very strong incentive to take her mother-in-law's baby as her own, because if she could make it appear that her dead husband did have surviving issue this would release her from the bond of YIBUM with any of his brothers. Likewise, it would not bother her in the least if the king sliced the living child in half, because if he was indeed the sole surviving brother of her dead husband, his death would automatically release her from any bond of YIBUM in the absence of any YAVAM, leaving her free to marry anyone she wanted. Before Solomon delivered his judgment, he first made sure to repeat the claims of each woman in his own words (v 23) to make it clear that he had understood exactly what they were saying. In this he provided a model for every good DAYAN ("judge"), who must review the claims made by the rival claimants before delivering judgment. Solomon's brilliant bluff ordering a sword to be brought immediately elicited the natural motherly compassion of the true mother and exposed the lying baby-thief for what she was. "And all Israel heard the judgment that the king decided and they were in awe before the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment" (v 28). * * * The passage in I Kings 3:15-28 and 4:1 is read as the Haftara of Parshas Miketz, Genesis 41:1-44:17 unless this parshah is read on Shabbos Chanukah * * * CHAPTER 4 "AND SOLOMON WAS KING OVER ALL ISRAEL" (v 1) David had been king over Judah in Hebron before he was accepted as king over all Israel. It is a tribute to David's lifelong struggle that the entire nation was now able to unite in accepting one king. They did so because they saw Solomon's divinely-bestowed wisdom and everyone rejoiced in his kingship (Rashi on v 1). Listed first and foremost among Solomon's officers is the Priest – because the entire national agenda was now focused on building a functioning Temple. Solomon had scribes to write down his governmental decisions and dispatch them for execution; he had a MAZKIR (lit. "one who makes you remember") i.e. a "secretary" to make records of events and archive them. Like Saul and David, Solomon had his commander-in-chief. Listed among his officers is also "the king's friend" – presumably one who was likewise very wise indeed and with whom Solomon doubtless loved to fathom the depths of wisdom. THE TWELVE PROVIDING OFFICERS Solomon's kingship is portrayed as a model of good order, in which twelve NETZIVIM, "appointed officers", were in charge of collecting all the provisions, materials and other needs of the royal household and army from twelve regions into which the Land of Israel was divided. These regions did NOT correspond to the territorial portions of the Twelve Tribes, which were uneven both in area and in the kind of land they comprised. Rather, these twelve regions represented a fair division of the entire land into portions each one of which could sustain the royal household for one of the twelve months of the year (Radak on v 8). The twelve months of the year correspond to the twelve possible permutations of the holy "essential" name of God, "HaVaYaH" (YKVK). These are discussed at length in SEFER YETZIRA, the earliest kabbalistic text, attributed to our father Abraham. This was certainly known to Solomon (whose Proverbs contain certain allusions to the wisdom of Sefer Yetzirah). Just as the "sun" of the Name of HaVaYaH (=Zeir Anpin) shines month by month with different permutations to the "moon" of MALCHUS, "kingship" (=Nukva), so King Solomon (MALCHUS, the receiving vessel of Zeir Anpin=Chochmah) received his PARNASSAH ("livelihood") from TWELVE different regions of Eretz Israel, which itself corresponds to the Partzuf of Malchus. "Judah and Israel multiplied like the sand of the sea in multitude, eating and drinking and rejoicing" (v 20). "In the time of Solomon they were blessed with the fruit of the womb and they multiplied, as did the fruits of their animals and their land, and they ate and drank and rejoiced, for they had no fear of any enemy" (RaDaK on v 20). May a new golden age even greater than that of Solomon speedily be inaugurated by the building of the Holy Temple that we now await!
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  • Fearing God

    Joseph’s abilities as a dream interpreter eventually landed him a job as a high Egyptian official in charge of grain supplies. Meanwhile his family in Canaan had begun to feel the effects of the predicted famine, so Jacob sent a delegation of his sons to buy grain in Egypt. Joseph recognized his brothers at once, but they did not recognize him: he was dressed as an Egyptian and spoke to them through an interpreter.

    Taking advantage of this circumstance, Joseph accused his brothers of espionage and had them all thrown into jail. After three days, however, he relented and freed all but one of them, explaining, “I fear God.” What exactly did he mean by that—and why did he say it?

    ‘Fear of God” is a moving target: it underwent its own evolution from biblical times to later usage. But one point is most important: although it might not seem so, the “fear of God” (yir’at Elohim) in the Bible is generally quite distinct from the “fear of the LORD” (yir’at H’).

    What’s the difference between these two? The “fear of the LORD” generally means “the worship of (Israel’s) God.” As such, it is something that had to be learned: “Come my sons, listen to me and I will teach you the fear of the LORD” (Psalm 34:12). Likewise, the Israelite king is required to keep a copy of the Torah with him, “Let it remain with him and let him read it all the days of his life, so that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to observe faithfully every word of this Torah” (Deuteronomy 17:19). Similarly, “and let their children, who do not yet know, listen and learn to fear the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 31:13). When the Assyrians deported the northern Israelite tribes and replaced them with foreigners, at first the foreigners “did not fear the Lord, so the Lord set lions against them, who killed some of them... Then the Assyrian king gave an order: ‘Send back one of the priests (kohanim) whom you have deported. . . and let him teach them the practices of the God of Israel. So one of the priests whom they had exiled from Samaria came and settled in Bethel; he taught them how to fear the Lord.’ ” (2 Kings 17:26-28).

    Meanwhile, the “fear of God” has an entirely different meaning; in fact, yir’at elohim might best be translated in some instances as “fear of the gods,” because it is in no way restricted to the people of Israel and does not necessarily refer to Israel’s God. The usual meaning of the expression yir’at elohim is “common decency” or “basic morality,” that is, the minimal set of moral values that any ordinary person could be counted on to possess.

    This is the point of Abraham’s remark to Abimelech in Genesis 20:11: Abraham didn’t reveal that Sarah was his wife because “I thought to myself: there is no fear of the gods in this place, so they may kill me for my wife.” In other words, I wasn’t sure that out here even the minimum standards of human decency were respected. Similarly, when the Egyptian king ordered the Hebrew midwives to slaughter every newborn Hebrew boy, “they feared God and did not do as the Egyptian king had ordered; instead, they spared the boys” (Exodus 1:17).

    Even in an entirely monotheistic context, “fear of God”—in this case, our God—retains this basic sense of common decency. “You shall not curse the deaf, and you shall not place a stumbling block before the blind, and you shall fear your God; I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:14). “You shall stand up before the elderly and show respect to the aged, and you shall fear your God; I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:32). Anyone with common decency wouldn’t put a stumbling block in front of a blind person, nor would such a person fail to get up and give his seat to an old man on the bus—this is just the minimum of human morality.

    So Joseph wasn’t (as some ancient interpreters supposed) giving his brothers a subtle hint that he was actually their coreligionist. All he meant was that he too observed the usual standards of common decency; he wasn’t going to hold all of them hostage when he could accomplish what he wanted by holding only one of them.
    Fearing God Joseph’s abilities as a dream interpreter eventually landed him a job as a high Egyptian official in charge of grain supplies. Meanwhile his family in Canaan had begun to feel the effects of the predicted famine, so Jacob sent a delegation of his sons to buy grain in Egypt. Joseph recognized his brothers at once, but they did not recognize him: he was dressed as an Egyptian and spoke to them through an interpreter. Taking advantage of this circumstance, Joseph accused his brothers of espionage and had them all thrown into jail. After three days, however, he relented and freed all but one of them, explaining, “I fear God.” What exactly did he mean by that—and why did he say it? ‘Fear of God” is a moving target: it underwent its own evolution from biblical times to later usage. But one point is most important: although it might not seem so, the “fear of God” (yir’at Elohim) in the Bible is generally quite distinct from the “fear of the LORD” (yir’at H’). What’s the difference between these two? The “fear of the LORD” generally means “the worship of (Israel’s) God.” As such, it is something that had to be learned: “Come my sons, listen to me and I will teach you the fear of the LORD” (Psalm 34:12). Likewise, the Israelite king is required to keep a copy of the Torah with him, “Let it remain with him and let him read it all the days of his life, so that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to observe faithfully every word of this Torah” (Deuteronomy 17:19). Similarly, “and let their children, who do not yet know, listen and learn to fear the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 31:13). When the Assyrians deported the northern Israelite tribes and replaced them with foreigners, at first the foreigners “did not fear the Lord, so the Lord set lions against them, who killed some of them... Then the Assyrian king gave an order: ‘Send back one of the priests (kohanim) whom you have deported. . . and let him teach them the practices of the God of Israel. So one of the priests whom they had exiled from Samaria came and settled in Bethel; he taught them how to fear the Lord.’ ” (2 Kings 17:26-28). Meanwhile, the “fear of God” has an entirely different meaning; in fact, yir’at elohim might best be translated in some instances as “fear of the gods,” because it is in no way restricted to the people of Israel and does not necessarily refer to Israel’s God. The usual meaning of the expression yir’at elohim is “common decency” or “basic morality,” that is, the minimal set of moral values that any ordinary person could be counted on to possess. This is the point of Abraham’s remark to Abimelech in Genesis 20:11: Abraham didn’t reveal that Sarah was his wife because “I thought to myself: there is no fear of the gods in this place, so they may kill me for my wife.” In other words, I wasn’t sure that out here even the minimum standards of human decency were respected. Similarly, when the Egyptian king ordered the Hebrew midwives to slaughter every newborn Hebrew boy, “they feared God and did not do as the Egyptian king had ordered; instead, they spared the boys” (Exodus 1:17). Even in an entirely monotheistic context, “fear of God”—in this case, our God—retains this basic sense of common decency. “You shall not curse the deaf, and you shall not place a stumbling block before the blind, and you shall fear your God; I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:14). “You shall stand up before the elderly and show respect to the aged, and you shall fear your God; I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:32). Anyone with common decency wouldn’t put a stumbling block in front of a blind person, nor would such a person fail to get up and give his seat to an old man on the bus—this is just the minimum of human morality. So Joseph wasn’t (as some ancient interpreters supposed) giving his brothers a subtle hint that he was actually their coreligionist. All he meant was that he too observed the usual standards of common decency; he wasn’t going to hold all of them hostage when he could accomplish what he wanted by holding only one of them.
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  • A recently leaked proposal from 2018 has cast new light on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s plan to covertly spray “self-spreading” vaccines on large population centers using cutting-edge biotechnology, military-grade drones, and experimental medical research.

    Read more: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/leaked-docs-expose-faucis-plan-to-spray-self-spreading-vaccines-on-population-centers-by-drone/

    Leaked Docs Expose Fauci’s Plan to Spray ‘Self-Spreading’ Vaccines on Population Centers by Drone
    Baxter Dmitry
    Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

    A recently leaked proposal from 2018 has cast new light on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s plan to covertly spray “self-spreading” vaccines on large population centers using cutting-edge biotechnology, military-grade drones, and experimental medical research.

    The document, codenamed DEFUSE, was submitted by Fauci’s EcoHealth Alliance to DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and outlined plans for the deployment of aerosolized immune modulators, chimeric spike proteins, and self-spreading vaccines—over large human populations via drones.

    The DEFUSE proposal explicitly describes the use of aerosol delivery systems for large-area “inoculation of animals and humans,” raising the alarming possibility that such experiments may have been conducted on unsuspecting populations.


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    These aerosolized systems were designed to deliver advanced biological agents, including self-disseminating vaccines, sparking serious ethical and legal concerns about informed consent.

    This revelation has added a new dimension to debates over pandemic preparedness, as well as the shadowy intersection of public health and military technology.

    The DEFUSE proposal coincided with DARPA’s significant advancements in drone technology, which included aerosolized delivery systems. Some researchers suggest these systems may have been operationalized, pointing to the global deployment of drones during the COVID-19 pandemic under the guise of “disinfection.” Critics argue these operations lacked efficacy and question whether their true purpose was related to DEFUSE’s objectives.

    More chillingly, the proposal challenges the dominant lab-leak narrative by introducing a new theory: drones equipped with bioengineering payloads could have played a role in the pandemic’s origins.

    DARPA’s long-standing partnership with Moderna adds yet another layer to the controversy.

    DARPA Worked on Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Back in 2012

    By 2012, DARPA—the U.S. military’s research and development arm—had already signed a contract with Moderna to develop RNA-based coronavirus vaccines that encode the spike protein.

    The work was carried out under project codename ‘ADEPT: PROTECT.’

    Moderna would go on to patent a genetic sequence for their spike protein in February 2016.

    Jon Fleetwood writes:

    Six years after the patent was filed, scientists discovered an uncanny match between Moderna’s spike protein and the COVID pandemic virus’s genetic code.

    The pandemic virus genome contains a unique 19-nucleotide sequence (SEQ ID11652) that enables its spike protein to be activated by the furin enzyme.

    This furin activation enhances COVID’s ability to spread between human cells.

    Remarkably, scientists confirmed this snippet of code from the COVID pandemic virus perfectly matches Moderna’s spike protein sequence, patented three years before the outbreak.

    The researchers argued there’s a “one-in-3-trillion” chance that Moderna’s proprietary sequence could have also later appeared in the COVID pandemic virus naturally.

    The scientists published their findings in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Virology in February 2022.

    Whistleblower Suppression and Classified Research

    Whistleblowers have revealed alleged efforts by DARPA and intelligence agencies to suppress details about DEFUSE, citing national security concerns. Senators and watchdog organizations have since demanded investigations into what they describe as an unprecedented cover-up.

    The deliberate classification of DEFUSE-related research has led critics to question whether these technologies were tested, refined, or even deployed without public knowledge or consent.

    One of the most controversial aspects of the DEFUSE proposal involves self-spreading vaccines, which rely on engineered viruses to spread from host to host. This concept, while theoretically useful for controlling outbreaks, carries immense risks, including the potential for unintended mutations, uncontrollable spread, and weaponization.

    DEFUSE’s focus on gain-of-function research—enhancing the transmissibility of viruses—further heightens fears that these experimental technologies were weaponized under the guise of public health.
    A recently leaked proposal from 2018 has cast new light on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s plan to covertly spray “self-spreading” vaccines on large population centers using cutting-edge biotechnology, military-grade drones, and experimental medical research. ➡️Read more: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/leaked-docs-expose-faucis-plan-to-spray-self-spreading-vaccines-on-population-centers-by-drone/ Leaked Docs Expose Fauci’s Plan to Spray ‘Self-Spreading’ Vaccines on Population Centers by Drone Baxter Dmitry Fact checked by The People's Voice Community A recently leaked proposal from 2018 has cast new light on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s plan to covertly spray “self-spreading” vaccines on large population centers using cutting-edge biotechnology, military-grade drones, and experimental medical research. The document, codenamed DEFUSE, was submitted by Fauci’s EcoHealth Alliance to DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and outlined plans for the deployment of aerosolized immune modulators, chimeric spike proteins, and self-spreading vaccines—over large human populations via drones. The DEFUSE proposal explicitly describes the use of aerosol delivery systems for large-area “inoculation of animals and humans,” raising the alarming possibility that such experiments may have been conducted on unsuspecting populations. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use Latest Video These aerosolized systems were designed to deliver advanced biological agents, including self-disseminating vaccines, sparking serious ethical and legal concerns about informed consent. This revelation has added a new dimension to debates over pandemic preparedness, as well as the shadowy intersection of public health and military technology. The DEFUSE proposal coincided with DARPA’s significant advancements in drone technology, which included aerosolized delivery systems. Some researchers suggest these systems may have been operationalized, pointing to the global deployment of drones during the COVID-19 pandemic under the guise of “disinfection.” Critics argue these operations lacked efficacy and question whether their true purpose was related to DEFUSE’s objectives. More chillingly, the proposal challenges the dominant lab-leak narrative by introducing a new theory: drones equipped with bioengineering payloads could have played a role in the pandemic’s origins. DARPA’s long-standing partnership with Moderna adds yet another layer to the controversy. DARPA Worked on Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Back in 2012 By 2012, DARPA—the U.S. military’s research and development arm—had already signed a contract with Moderna to develop RNA-based coronavirus vaccines that encode the spike protein. The work was carried out under project codename ‘ADEPT: PROTECT.’ Moderna would go on to patent a genetic sequence for their spike protein in February 2016. Jon Fleetwood writes: Six years after the patent was filed, scientists discovered an uncanny match between Moderna’s spike protein and the COVID pandemic virus’s genetic code. The pandemic virus genome contains a unique 19-nucleotide sequence (SEQ ID11652) that enables its spike protein to be activated by the furin enzyme. This furin activation enhances COVID’s ability to spread between human cells. Remarkably, scientists confirmed this snippet of code from the COVID pandemic virus perfectly matches Moderna’s spike protein sequence, patented three years before the outbreak. The researchers argued there’s a “one-in-3-trillion” chance that Moderna’s proprietary sequence could have also later appeared in the COVID pandemic virus naturally. The scientists published their findings in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Virology in February 2022. Whistleblower Suppression and Classified Research Whistleblowers have revealed alleged efforts by DARPA and intelligence agencies to suppress details about DEFUSE, citing national security concerns. Senators and watchdog organizations have since demanded investigations into what they describe as an unprecedented cover-up. The deliberate classification of DEFUSE-related research has led critics to question whether these technologies were tested, refined, or even deployed without public knowledge or consent. One of the most controversial aspects of the DEFUSE proposal involves self-spreading vaccines, which rely on engineered viruses to spread from host to host. This concept, while theoretically useful for controlling outbreaks, carries immense risks, including the potential for unintended mutations, uncontrollable spread, and weaponization. DEFUSE’s focus on gain-of-function research—enhancing the transmissibility of viruses—further heightens fears that these experimental technologies were weaponized under the guise of public health.
    Leaked Docs Expose Fauci's Plan to Spray 'Self-Spreading' Vaccines on Population Centers by Drone
    A recently leaked proposal from 2018 has cast new light on Dr. Anthony Fauci's plan to covertly spray "self-spreading" vaccines on large population centers.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4598 Views
  • BBC staffers reveal editor’s ‘entire job’ to whitewash Jewish war crimes
    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorDecember 30, 2024

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    BBC editor Raffi Berg has almost complete control of the British broadcaster’s online coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza and is ensuring that all events are reported with a pro-Israel bias, according to a new report published on 28 December by Drop Site News.

    “This guy’s entire job is to water down everything that’s too critical of Israel,” one former BBC journalist said.

    Drop Site News spoke to 13 current and former staffers who stated that the BBC’s coverage consistently devalues Palestinian life, ignores Israeli atrocities, and creates a false equivalence in an entirely unbalanced conflict.

    Another BBC journalist said Berg plays a key role in a broader BBC culture of “systematic Israeli propaganda.”

    “How much power he has is wild,” said another journalist.

    “There was an extreme fear at the BBC, that if you ever wanted to do anything about Israel or Palestine, editors would say: ‘If you want to pitch something, you have to go through Raffi and get his signoff,” another journalist explained.

    In one case, Berg downplayed Amnesty International’s accusation that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

    Berg chose a headline that stated, “Israel rejects ‘fabricated’ claims of genocide,” to describe the Amnesty report and failed to post the story for 12 hours after it was written to suppress its online reach.

    The journalists interviewed by Drop Site also noted that the Amnesty report was not covered on the BBC’s flagship news programs—BBC One’s News At One, News At Six, or News At Ten or its flagship current affairs program, BBC Two’s Newsnight.

    “Anyone who writes on Gaza or Israel is asked: ‘Has it gone to edpol [editorial policy], lawyers, and has it gone to Raffi?’” another journalist said.

    Raffi Berg, who wrote a book praising clandestine Mossad operations, wields great power to influence perceptions of Israel’s war on Gaza because the BBC news website is the most-visited news site on the internet, with over 1.1 billion visits in May alone.

    Israel’s war on Gaza has killed over 45,000 Palestinians, the majority women and children, and flattened large swathes of the besieged enclave.

    The pro-Israel bias imposed by Berg is evident in the language used to cover the war.

    While stories “prominently” used words like “massacre,” “slaughter,” and “atrocities” to refer to Hamas, they “hardly, if at all,” used them “in reference to actions by Israel,” wrote Rami Ruhayem, a Beirut-based BBC Arabic correspondent.

    In another case, the BBC published a story with a headline that hid Israel’s responsibility for killing an entire family in a missile strike.

    “Israel Gaza: Father loses 11 family members in one blast,” the headline stated.

    Drop Site notes that when the BBC does mention Israel as the perpetrator, it uses the caveat “reportedly.”

    The BBC also uses euphemisms preferred by the Israeli army to hide its soldiers’ war crimes. For example, the BBC describes the forcible transfer or ethnic cleansing of Palestinian civilians as “evacuations.”

    In one case, the BBC described Israel’s total siege on Gaza with a headline stating, “Israel aims to cut Gaza ties after war with Hamas.”

    Defense minister Yoav Gallant’s public vow to impose a “full siege” on Gaza while calling Palestinians “human animals” received just one mention in any BBC online content.

    The journalists speaking with Drop Site said they made specific requests to BBC management to balance its coverage, but their requests have been ignored.

    “Many of us have raised concerns that Raffi has the power to reframe every story, and we are ignored,” one journalist said.

    “Almost every correspondent you know has an issue with him,” one stated. “He has been named in multiple meetings, but [BBC management] just ignore it.”

    The journalist said they demanded that stories should “emphasize that Israel had not granted the BBC access to Gaza, that the network should end the practice of presenting the official Israeli versions of events as fact, and that the BBC should do more to offer context about Israeli occupation and the fact that Gaza is overwhelmingly populated by descendants of refugees forcibly driven from their homes beginning in 1948.”


    $280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation
    150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.


    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

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    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.

    BBC staffers reveal editor’s ‘entire job’ to whitewash Jewish war crimes Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorDecember 30, 2024 Become a VT Supporting Member Today Please keep VT Radio and VT Foreign Policy alive! Donate today to make sure VT stays on the internet free and clear of Big Tech control! Donate today: Please Donate - Click Here BBC editor Raffi Berg has almost complete control of the British broadcaster’s online coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza and is ensuring that all events are reported with a pro-Israel bias, according to a new report published on 28 December by Drop Site News. “This guy’s entire job is to water down everything that’s too critical of Israel,” one former BBC journalist said. Drop Site News spoke to 13 current and former staffers who stated that the BBC’s coverage consistently devalues Palestinian life, ignores Israeli atrocities, and creates a false equivalence in an entirely unbalanced conflict. Another BBC journalist said Berg plays a key role in a broader BBC culture of “systematic Israeli propaganda.” “How much power he has is wild,” said another journalist. “There was an extreme fear at the BBC, that if you ever wanted to do anything about Israel or Palestine, editors would say: ‘If you want to pitch something, you have to go through Raffi and get his signoff,” another journalist explained. In one case, Berg downplayed Amnesty International’s accusation that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Berg chose a headline that stated, “Israel rejects ‘fabricated’ claims of genocide,” to describe the Amnesty report and failed to post the story for 12 hours after it was written to suppress its online reach. The journalists interviewed by Drop Site also noted that the Amnesty report was not covered on the BBC’s flagship news programs—BBC One’s News At One, News At Six, or News At Ten or its flagship current affairs program, BBC Two’s Newsnight. “Anyone who writes on Gaza or Israel is asked: ‘Has it gone to edpol [editorial policy], lawyers, and has it gone to Raffi?’” another journalist said. Raffi Berg, who wrote a book praising clandestine Mossad operations, wields great power to influence perceptions of Israel’s war on Gaza because the BBC news website is the most-visited news site on the internet, with over 1.1 billion visits in May alone. Israel’s war on Gaza has killed over 45,000 Palestinians, the majority women and children, and flattened large swathes of the besieged enclave. The pro-Israel bias imposed by Berg is evident in the language used to cover the war. While stories “prominently” used words like “massacre,” “slaughter,” and “atrocities” to refer to Hamas, they “hardly, if at all,” used them “in reference to actions by Israel,” wrote Rami Ruhayem, a Beirut-based BBC Arabic correspondent. In another case, the BBC published a story with a headline that hid Israel’s responsibility for killing an entire family in a missile strike. “Israel Gaza: Father loses 11 family members in one blast,” the headline stated. Drop Site notes that when the BBC does mention Israel as the perpetrator, it uses the caveat “reportedly.” The BBC also uses euphemisms preferred by the Israeli army to hide its soldiers’ war crimes. For example, the BBC describes the forcible transfer or ethnic cleansing of Palestinian civilians as “evacuations.” In one case, the BBC described Israel’s total siege on Gaza with a headline stating, “Israel aims to cut Gaza ties after war with Hamas.” Defense minister Yoav Gallant’s public vow to impose a “full siege” on Gaza while calling Palestinians “human animals” received just one mention in any BBC online content. The journalists speaking with Drop Site said they made specific requests to BBC management to balance its coverage, but their requests have been ignored. “Many of us have raised concerns that Raffi has the power to reframe every story, and we are ignored,” one journalist said. “Almost every correspondent you know has an issue with him,” one stated. “He has been named in multiple meetings, but [BBC management] just ignore it.” The journalist said they demanded that stories should “emphasize that Israel had not granted the BBC access to Gaza, that the network should end the practice of presenting the official Israeli versions of events as fact, and that the BBC should do more to offer context about Israeli occupation and the fact that Gaza is overwhelmingly populated by descendants of refugees forcibly driven from their homes beginning in 1948.” VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/12/bbc-staffers-reveal-editors-entire-job-to-whitewash-jewish-war-crimes/
    BBC staffers reveal editor’s ‘entire job’ to whitewash Jewish war crimes
    News editor Raffi Berg reportedly controls online coverage of genocide in Gaza to ensure Israeli crimes are ‘watered down’ or ignored.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 5743 Views


    So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. (Gen 3: 24)

    The Garden of Eden story is strange to no one, even atheists included. And each sect has unsuccessfully tried to twist the narrative(for their pleasure,I will say).

    But for those who actually know the real enormity of what transpired at Eden, will be gladdened to know that all hope is not lost. BECAUSE,THAT LONE BUT TERRIBLE INCIDENCE BARRED ENTIRE HUMANITY FROM GOD'S PRESENCE! Even God Himself was grief stricken for Man...who told you that God has no emotions?

    6. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
    7. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. (Gen 6: 6-7)
    If you ask me, Christ Jesus drew His Father's attention to Noah and his family who were the only ones that endeavoured to serve God faithfully. And that was where God probably change His Mind, and decided to raise a new generation through Noah.

    And the Holy Spirit went into action. Yet, in all these,our All Knowing God knew beforehand that Man will yet fail. And certainly,he did fail. So God sent His only begotten Son to serve as a one time SACRIFICE to give Man an opportunity to inherit His Promises! And from this unimaginable decision comes the most touching and compelling scripture;
    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (Joh 3: 16)
    Angels have no blood, otherwise I dare to believe that,many volunteered. For to open the door into God's Presence,requires sinless blood.
    Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. (Rom 5: 18)

    This is were Christ Jesus comes in as the Key of David, and opened the way to eternal life and communion with God, which was previously inaccessible due to humanity's sin;
    I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. (Rev 1: 18)

    Let's consider it this way;

    Exile from Paradise: The Story begins with humanity's expulsion from Eden, where access to eternal life was guarded by angels and a flaming sword (Genesis 3:24).

    A World Barred from Heaven: Humanity is portrayed as exiled and incapable of returning to the tree of life, burdened by sin and guilt.

    Fear and Despair: The Story placed emphasis on the fear of Man in the presence of even angels and his unworthiness. This should stress the necessity that no one can approach God without addressing our sinfulness.

    The Arrival of Christ: Christ Jesus is presented as the promised Key of David who came to unlock heaven for believers, fulfilling the long-held hope of restoration to God (Revelation 1:18).

    The Invitation to Enter: Through Christ’s sacrifice ("his life for ours"), he opens the door to salvation, inviting all sinners to come and partake in eternal life rather than remain in despair.

    Assurance of Access: The assurance given by our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus, who declares Himself as "the door," illustrates the promise of salvation and access to God through faith (John 10:9).

    Role of Faith: The call to trust, persevere, and boldly approach this DOOR, signifies the importance of faith in gaining access to eternal communion with God.

    Advent Significance: The article ties the concept of Advent to the celebration of Christ’s incarnation, which brought hope and the promise of restoration to paradise for humanity.

    Ultimate Redemption: In concluding this article, we end with the hope of Christ Jesus' second coming, emphasizing the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life for those who conquer through faith (Revelation 2:7).

    We should be encouraged by the fact of hope and the continual need for relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Remember, while we yet sinners, Christ Jesus died for us. So, if we refuse to accept Salvation offer, it isn't God that BARRED US FROM HEAVEN anymore, but did so ourselves.

    He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (Joh 3: 18)
    May God help us! !
    EVEN IN A DEVIL MESSED UP WORLD, CHRIST JESUS EXPECTS US TO BE CLEAN! (ROM.2:1) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 HE CAME TO A WORLD BARRED FROM HEAVEN! [GEN.3:24] 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. (Gen 3: 24) The Garden of Eden story is strange to no one, even atheists included. And each sect has unsuccessfully tried to twist the narrative(for their pleasure,I will say). But for those who actually know the real enormity of what transpired at Eden, will be gladdened to know that all hope is not lost. BECAUSE,THAT LONE BUT TERRIBLE INCIDENCE BARRED ENTIRE HUMANITY FROM GOD'S PRESENCE! Even God Himself was grief stricken for Man...who told you that God has no emotions? 6. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. (Gen 6: 6-7) If you ask me, Christ Jesus drew His Father's attention to Noah and his family who were the only ones that endeavoured to serve God faithfully. And that was where God probably change His Mind, and decided to raise a new generation through Noah. And the Holy Spirit went into action. Yet, in all these,our All Knowing God knew beforehand that Man will yet fail. And certainly,he did fail. So God sent His only begotten Son to serve as a one time SACRIFICE to give Man an opportunity to inherit His Promises! And from this unimaginable decision comes the most touching and compelling scripture; For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (Joh 3: 16) Angels have no blood, otherwise I dare to believe that,many volunteered. For to open the door into God's Presence,requires sinless blood. Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. (Rom 5: 18) This is were Christ Jesus comes in as the Key of David, and opened the way to eternal life and communion with God, which was previously inaccessible due to humanity's sin; I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. (Rev 1: 18) Let's consider it this way👇; 👉Exile from Paradise: The Story begins with humanity's expulsion from Eden, where access to eternal life was guarded by angels and a flaming sword (Genesis 3:24). 👉A World Barred from Heaven: Humanity is portrayed as exiled and incapable of returning to the tree of life, burdened by sin and guilt. 👉Fear and Despair: The Story placed emphasis on the fear of Man in the presence of even angels and his unworthiness. This should stress the necessity that no one can approach God without addressing our sinfulness. 👉The Arrival of Christ: Christ Jesus is presented as the promised Key of David who came to unlock heaven for believers, fulfilling the long-held hope of restoration to God (Revelation 1:18). 👉The Invitation to Enter: Through Christ’s sacrifice ("his life for ours"), he opens the door to salvation, inviting all sinners to come and partake in eternal life rather than remain in despair. 👉Assurance of Access: The assurance given by our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus, who declares Himself as "the door," illustrates the promise of salvation and access to God through faith (John 10:9). 👉Role of Faith: The call to trust, persevere, and boldly approach this DOOR, signifies the importance of faith in gaining access to eternal communion with God. 👉Advent Significance: The article ties the concept of Advent to the celebration of Christ’s incarnation, which brought hope and the promise of restoration to paradise for humanity. 👉Ultimate Redemption: In concluding this article, we end with the hope of Christ Jesus' second coming, emphasizing the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life for those who conquer through faith (Revelation 2:7). We should be encouraged by the fact of hope and the continual need for relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Remember, while we yet sinners, Christ Jesus died for us. So, if we refuse to accept Salvation offer, it isn't God that BARRED US FROM HEAVEN anymore, but did so ourselves. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (Joh 3: 18) May God help us! 🙇🙏!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3322 Views
  • I get asked very frequently - "Which oil should I cook with?"

    Aside from the fact that cooking in burnt oil makes for a nasty-tasting dish, eating improperly heated, oxidized oils regularly has detrimental effects on your health.

    When oil is oxidized, it breaks down into unstable molecules that are toxic and go on to disrupt metabolic processes, damage cells, and cause inflammation.

    Contrary to popular belief, an oil’s smoke point (when it begins to burn) does not determine when an oil starts to oxidize.

    It’s actually a lot more complex and depends on the oil’s wetness, acidity, and antioxidant qualities.

    Many vegetable oils have high smoke points but start to oxidize quickly.

    The type of processing matters.

    Clarified and refined oils have been stripped of most of their fatty acid content and usually have higher smoke points, but actually oxidize quicker.

    We want to keep the natural antioxidant plant compounds in our oils because they protect them from oxidation.

    You might be surprised to learn that extra virgin olive oil actually works great for cooking, which goes against outdated beliefs.

    It’s so high in polyphenols that they prevent it from oxidizing even at high temperatures (PMID: 31963124).

    Don’t have to live in fear of occasionally burning your cooking oil; it’s not going to kill you.

    Extra virgin olive oil is so high in polyphenols that it prevents the oil from oxidizing even at high temps!

    Follow: Barbara O'neill
    I get asked very frequently - "Which oil should I cook with?" 🤔 Aside from the fact that cooking in burnt oil makes for a nasty-tasting dish, eating improperly heated, oxidized oils regularly has detrimental effects on your health. When oil is oxidized, it breaks down into unstable molecules that are toxic and go on to disrupt metabolic processes, damage cells, and cause inflammation. Contrary to popular belief, an oil’s smoke point (when it begins to burn) does not determine when an oil starts to oxidize. It’s actually a lot more complex and depends on the oil’s wetness, acidity, and antioxidant qualities. Many vegetable oils have high smoke points but start to oxidize quickly. The type of processing matters. Clarified and refined oils have been stripped of most of their fatty acid content and usually have higher smoke points, but actually oxidize quicker. We want to keep the natural antioxidant plant compounds in our oils because they protect them from oxidation. You might be surprised to learn that extra virgin olive oil actually works great for cooking, which goes against outdated beliefs. It’s so high in polyphenols that they prevent it from oxidizing even at high temperatures (PMID: 31963124). Don’t have to live in fear of occasionally burning your cooking oil; it’s not going to kill you. Extra virgin olive oil is so high in polyphenols that it prevents the oil from oxidizing even at high temps! Follow: Barbara O'neill ✅️
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1576 Views


    We live in era where the GRACE TO SAY NO is of paramount importance. The rate of compromise especially among believers is alarming... very very alarming. If for believers, it's even much more alarming, when we see those who we looked up to(the custodians of God's Word...titled leaders of the church) twisting and fixing God's Word to fit into what they want.

    Those genuine ones who began very well are caught in the web of unconscious deceit! The word *unconscious,* I used isn't for pastors,but for the congregations that set their GAZE on their pastor(daddy) instead of God. Of course, the pastors know what they're doing,having the devil built a bulwark around their hearts and consciences that they don't feel guilty turning God's Word upside down.
    18. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
    19. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Rev 22: 18-19)

    1. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
    2. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Rom 12: 1-2)



    Joseph said NO to Sex!
    Jesus said NO to Power!
    Elisha said NO to Money!
    Elijah said NO to Baal!
    Caleb said NO to Fear!
    Balaam said NO to Gold!
    Moses said NO to Egypt!
    Misheck said NO to king!
    Aaron said NO to slavery!
    David said NO to Giants!

    Joshua said NO to defeat!
    Lot said NO to sodomy!
    Rechabs said NO to wine!
    Esther said NO to comfort!
    Daniel said NO to defilement!
    Hezekiah said NO to death!
    Shadrach said NO to idolatry!
    Paul said NO to Hypocrisy!
    Zecchaeus said NO to corruption!

    Hannah said NO to barrenness!
    Hosea said NO to divorce!
    Rahab said NO to prostitution!
    Abraham said NO to his father's house
    Isaac said NO to strife!
    Jacob said NO to cursed blessings!
    Tamar said NO to injustice!

    Ezra said NO to syncretism!
    Nehemiah said NO to shame!
    Gideon said NO to evil altars!
    Samuel said NO to prayerlessness!
    Samson said NO to oppression!
    Solomon said NO to foolishness!

    What have you said NO to?
    What can't you say NO to?
    May you receive the grace to say NO!

    Receive the grace to say NO!!
    No to ungodliness!
    For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, (Tit 2: 11)
    JUST A MINUTE (THE PREACHER'S CORNER) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 THE GRACE TO SAY *NO!* 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 We live in era where the GRACE TO SAY NO is of paramount importance. The rate of compromise especially among believers is alarming... very very alarming. If for believers, it's even much more alarming, when we see those who we looked up to(the custodians of God's Word...titled leaders of the church) twisting and fixing God's Word to fit into what they want. Those genuine ones who began very well are caught in the web of unconscious deceit! The word *unconscious,* I used isn't for pastors,but for the congregations that set their GAZE on their pastor(daddy) instead of God. Of course, the pastors know what they're doing,having the devil built a bulwark around their hearts and consciences that they don't feel guilty turning God's Word upside down. 18. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Rev 22: 18-19) Yet,God loaths compromise... it's the SMOOTH HIGHWAY TO BACKSLIDING... VERY MANY FRONTLINE PASTORS HAVE BACKSLIDDEN IN THEIR HEARTS; 1. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Rom 12: 1-2) MAY THE LORD GOD OUR FATHER, INCREASE IN US; THE GRACE TO SAY NO,AMEN! Joseph said NO to Sex! Jesus said NO to Power! Elisha said NO to Money! Elijah said NO to Baal! Caleb said NO to Fear! Balaam said NO to Gold! Moses said NO to Egypt! Misheck said NO to king! Aaron said NO to slavery! David said NO to Giants! Joshua said NO to defeat! Lot said NO to sodomy! Rechabs said NO to wine! Esther said NO to comfort! Daniel said NO to defilement! Hezekiah said NO to death! Shadrach said NO to idolatry! Paul said NO to Hypocrisy! Zecchaeus said NO to corruption! Hannah said NO to barrenness! Hosea said NO to divorce! Rahab said NO to prostitution! Abraham said NO to his father's house Isaac said NO to strife! Jacob said NO to cursed blessings! Tamar said NO to injustice! Ezra said NO to syncretism! Nehemiah said NO to shame! Gideon said NO to evil altars! Samuel said NO to prayerlessness! Samson said NO to oppression! Solomon said NO to foolishness! What have you said NO to? What can't you say NO to? May you receive the grace to say NO! Receive the grace to say NO!! No to ungodliness! For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, (Tit 2: 11) Amen🙏🙇!
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    PHYSICIAN,HEAL THYSELF (Medice, cura te ipsum[Lat])

    A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you... (Mal 1: 6A)

    My burden this beautiful morning,is to encourage us(those in the LORD'S VINEYARD), whose lives seem to be asking the question*WHERE IS GOD,IF INDEED HE'S REAL?*

    Many genuine Christian believers, including pastors do come under different barrage of attacks from the opposing camp,ALL IN A BID TO DISCOURAGE US, OF THE FUTILITY IN SERVING GOD.

    As a Christian faithful,you passionately intercede for others,and receive answers,but when it comes to you,even under the same circumstances,it looks like THE GOD THAT ANSWERED YOU FOR OTHERS,HAS SUDDENLY GONE DUMB, AND PERHAPS,NO LONGER EXIST...those around you aren't going to help matters...Infact,they will worsen it;

    'Physician, heal thyself': whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country."[Lk.4:23]

    He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. (Mat 27: 42)

    They said THIS to Christ Jesus,they would certainly tell you (me)too .. remember,a servant isn't greater than the master.

    You are buffeted right and left,by lack and needs,you turned to a supposed brethren,whom perhaps,you have once scripturally rebuked of materialism...he tells you*Your God will provide your needs!*


    Yes,Christ Jesus promised us our basic needs (not wants),and most importantly,His Presence to help us get by in an environment where we are loathed like a plague!

    31. Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

    32. (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. (Mat 6: 31-32)

    Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (Joh 14: 1)

    Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (Joh 14: 27)

    They shall put you out of the synagogues: YEA, THE TIME COMETH, THAT WHOSOEVER KILLETH YOU WILL THINK THAT he DOETH GOD SERVICE. (Joh 16: 2)

    Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. (Joh 16: 20)

    These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD. (Joh 16: 33)

    Christ NEVER said it would be easy,so when the enemy taunts you with your travails,reply him with confidence of OUR HOPE IN CHRIST JESUS!

    Have you been taunted really? Read this;
    3. Give thought to him(Christ Jesus) who has undergone so much of the hate of sinners against himself, so that you may not be tired and feeble of purpose.

    4. Till now you have not given your blood in your fight against sin: (Heb 12: 3-4)

    Look at what Job's friends told him in his darkest hours;

    3. Truly, you have been a helper to others, and you have made feeble hands strong;

    4. He who was near to falling has been lifted up by your words, and you have given strength to bent knees.


    6. Is NOT your FEAR of GOD YOUR SUPPORT, and your UPRIGHT WAY of LIFE YOUR HOPE? (Job 4: 3-6)..
    Can anyone reading this,see the jests,his own bosom friends who must have tasted of his generosity,are making of him? Personally, I have been there...a little though!

    If for anything WE HAVE A LOT TO LEARN FROM APOSTLE PAUL,who was mocked for his infirmities ;

    For his LETTERS, say they, are WEIGHTY and POWERFUL; but his BODILY PRESENCE is WEAK, and his SPEECH CONTEMPTIBLE. (2Co 10: 10)

    8. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.
    9. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
    10. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. (2Co 12: 8-10)

    Apostle Peter made it clear that it's even an HONOUR TO SUFFER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE;

    But you are happy if you undergo pain because of righteousness; have no part in their fear and do not be troubled; (1Pe 3: 14)

    14. If men say evil things of you because of the name of Christ, happy are you; for the Spirit of glory and of God is resting on you.

    15. Let no one among you undergo punishment as a taker of life, or as a thief, or as an evil-doer, or as one who is over-interested in other men's business;

    16. But if he undergoes punishment as a Christian, that is no shame to him; let him give glory to God in this name. (1Pe 4: 14-16)



    Allow men to ridicule you,it doesn't matter,as long as God sees you differently...

    For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth. (2Co 10: 18)

    For the Lord's approval of a man is not dependent on his opinion of himself, but on the Lord's opinion of him. (2Co 10: 18)

    WHEN GOD IS OUR BOSS[MAL.1:6] 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 TO THE GENUINE SHEPHERDS AND FLOCKS! ************************************* PHYSICIAN,HEAL THYSELF (Medice, cura te ipsum[Lat]) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you... (Mal 1: 6A) My burden this beautiful morning,is to encourage us(those in the LORD'S VINEYARD), whose lives seem to be asking the question*WHERE IS GOD,IF INDEED HE'S REAL?* Many genuine Christian believers, including pastors do come under different barrage of attacks from the opposing camp,ALL IN A BID TO DISCOURAGE US, OF THE FUTILITY IN SERVING GOD. As a Christian faithful,you passionately intercede for others,and receive answers,but when it comes to you,even under the same circumstances,it looks like THE GOD THAT ANSWERED YOU FOR OTHERS,HAS SUDDENLY GONE DUMB, AND PERHAPS,NO LONGER EXIST...those around you aren't going to help matters...Infact,they will worsen it; 'Physician, heal thyself': whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country."[Lk.4:23] He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. (Mat 27: 42) They said THIS 👆 to Christ Jesus,they would certainly tell you (me)too .. remember,a servant isn't greater than the master. You are buffeted right and left,by lack and needs,you turned to a supposed brethren,whom perhaps,you have once scripturally rebuked of materialism...he tells you*Your God will provide your needs!* I need and want us to know this morning,*CHRIST JESUS NEVER PROMISED US,IT WOULD BE EASY,HE NEVER PROMISED US AN ENJOYABLE LIFE IN A BROKEN WORLD...NO... WHAT HE PROMISED WAS A NEW LIFE* Yes,Christ Jesus promised us our basic needs (not wants),and most importantly,His Presence to help us get by in an environment where we are loathed like a plague! 31. Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32. (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. (Mat 6: 31-32) Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (Joh 14: 1) Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (Joh 14: 27) They shall put you out of the synagogues: YEA, THE TIME COMETH, THAT WHOSOEVER KILLETH YOU WILL THINK THAT he DOETH GOD SERVICE. (Joh 16: 2) Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. (Joh 16: 20) These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD. (Joh 16: 33) Christ NEVER said it would be easy,so when the enemy taunts you with your travails,reply him with confidence of OUR HOPE IN CHRIST JESUS! Have you been taunted really? Read this; 3. Give thought to him(Christ Jesus) who has undergone so much of the hate of sinners against himself, so that you may not be tired and feeble of purpose. 4. Till now you have not given your blood in your fight against sin: (Heb 12: 3-4) Look at what Job's friends told him in his darkest hours; 3. Truly, you have been a helper to others, and you have made feeble hands strong; 4. He who was near to falling has been lifted up by your words, and you have given strength to bent knees. 5. BUT NOW it HAS COME on YOU and IT IS a WEARINESS to YOU; YOU are TOUCHED BY IT and your MIND is TROUBLED. 6. Is NOT your FEAR of GOD YOUR SUPPORT, and your UPRIGHT WAY of LIFE YOUR HOPE? (Job 4: 3-6).. Can anyone reading this,see the jests,his own bosom friends who must have tasted of his generosity,are making of him? Personally, I have been there...a little though! If for anything WE HAVE A LOT TO LEARN FROM APOSTLE PAUL,who was mocked for his infirmities ; For his LETTERS, say they, are WEIGHTY and POWERFUL; but his BODILY PRESENCE is WEAK, and his SPEECH CONTEMPTIBLE. (2Co 10: 10) 👉8. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 👉9. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 👉10. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. (2Co 12: 8-10) Apostle Peter made it clear that it's even an HONOUR TO SUFFER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE; But you are happy if you undergo pain because of righteousness; have no part in their fear and do not be troubled; (1Pe 3: 14) 14. If men say evil things of you because of the name of Christ, happy are you; for the Spirit of glory and of God is resting on you. 15. Let no one among you undergo punishment as a taker of life, or as a thief, or as an evil-doer, or as one who is over-interested in other men's business; 16. But if he undergoes punishment as a Christian, that is no shame to him; let him give glory to God in this name. (1Pe 4: 14-16) THUS,MY DEAR BRETHREN,I STAND HERE TO ENCOURAGE YOU,PASTOR OR WORKER OR BELIEVER...IT ISN'T THE OFFICE, IT'S THE FAITH THAT MATTERS...IF YOU'RE BEING MOCKED OR SCORNED DUE TO HARDSHIPS AND AFFLICTIONS, DON'T BULGE, DON'T YIELD. KNOW THIS FACT...GOD ISN'T LOOKING ELSEWHERE,NO...IN TRUTH, HE'S LOOKING AT YOU...NAY... HE'S INDEED WITH YOU. Allow men to ridicule you,it doesn't matter,as long as God sees you differently... For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth. (2Co 10: 18) For the Lord's approval of a man is not dependent on his opinion of himself, but on the Lord's opinion of him. (2Co 10: 18) Amen🙏🙇🙏✌️!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4030 Views

    PHYSICIAN,HEAL THYSELF (Medice, cura te ipsum[Lat])

    A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you... (Mal 1: 6A)

    My burden this beautiful morning,is to encourage us(those in the LORD'S VINEYARD), whose lives seem to be asking the question*WHERE IS GOD,IF INDEED HE'S REAL?*

    Many genuine Christian believers, including pastors do come under different barrage of attacks from the opposing camp,ALL IN A BID TO DISCOURAGE US, OF THE FUTILITY IN SERVING GOD.

    As a Christian faithful,you passionately intercede for others,and receive answers,but when it comes to you,even under the same circumstances,it looks like THE GOD THAT ANSWERED YOU FOR OTHERS,HAS SUDDENLY GONE DUMB, AND PERHAPS,NO LONGER EXIST...those around you aren't going to help matters...Infact,they will worsen it;

    'Physician, heal thyself': whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country."[Lk.4:23]

    He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. (Mat 27: 42)

    They said THIS to Christ Jesus,they would certainly tell you (me)too .. remember,a servant isn't greater than the master.

    You are buffeted right and left,by lack and needs,you turned to a supposed brethren,whom perhaps,you have once scripturally rebuked of materialism...he tells you*Your God will provide your needs!*


    Yes,Christ Jesus promised us our basic needs (not wants),and most importantly,His Presence to help us get by in an environment where we are loathed like a plague!

    31. Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

    32. (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. (Mat 6: 31-32)

    Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (Joh 14: 1)

    Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (Joh 14: 27)

    They shall put you out of the synagogues: YEA, THE TIME COMETH, THAT WHOSOEVER KILLETH YOU WILL THINK THAT he DOETH GOD SERVICE. (Joh 16: 2)

    Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. (Joh 16: 20)

    These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD. (Joh 16: 33)

    Christ NEVER said it would be easy,so when the enemy taunts you with your travails,reply him with confidence of OUR HOPE IN CHRIST JESUS!

    Have you been taunted really? Read this;
    3. Give thought to him(Christ Jesus) who has undergone so much of the hate of sinners against himself, so that you may not be tired and feeble of purpose.

    4. Till now you have not given your blood in your fight against sin: (Heb 12: 3-4)

    Look at what Job's friends told him in his darkest hours;

    3. Truly, you have been a helper to others, and you have made feeble hands strong;

    4. He who was near to falling has been lifted up by your words, and you have given strength to bent knees.


    6. Is NOT your FEAR of GOD YOUR SUPPORT, and your UPRIGHT WAY of LIFE YOUR HOPE? (Job 4: 3-6)..
    Can anyone reading this,see the jests,his own bosom friends who must have tasted of his generosity,are making of him? Personally, I have been there...a little though!

    If for anything WE HAVE A LOT TO LEARN FROM APOSTLE PAUL,who was mocked for his infirmities ;

    For his LETTERS, say they, are WEIGHTY and POWERFUL; but his BODILY PRESENCE is WEAK, and his SPEECH CONTEMPTIBLE. (2Co 10: 10)

    8. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.
    9. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
    10. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. (2Co 12: 8-10)

    Apostle Peter made it clear that it's even an HONOUR TO SUFFER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE;

    But you are happy if you undergo pain because of righteousness; have no part in their fear and do not be troubled; (1Pe 3: 14)

    14. If men say evil things of you because of the name of Christ, happy are you; for the Spirit of glory and of God is resting on you.

    15. Let no one among you undergo punishment as a taker of life, or as a thief, or as an evil-doer, or as one who is over-interested in other men's business;

    16. But if he undergoes punishment as a Christian, that is no shame to him; let him give glory to God in this name. (1Pe 4: 14-16)



    Allow men to ridicule you,it doesn't matter,as long as God sees you differently...

    For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth. (2Co 10: 18)

    For the Lord's approval of a man is not dependent on his opinion of himself, but on the Lord's opinion of him. (2Co 10: 18)

    WHEN GOD IS OUR BOSS[MAL.1:6] 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 TO THE GENUINE SHEPHERDS AND FLOCKS! ************************************* PHYSICIAN,HEAL THYSELF (Medice, cura te ipsum[Lat]) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you... (Mal 1: 6A) My burden this beautiful morning,is to encourage us(those in the LORD'S VINEYARD), whose lives seem to be asking the question*WHERE IS GOD,IF INDEED HE'S REAL?* Many genuine Christian believers, including pastors do come under different barrage of attacks from the opposing camp,ALL IN A BID TO DISCOURAGE US, OF THE FUTILITY IN SERVING GOD. As a Christian faithful,you passionately intercede for others,and receive answers,but when it comes to you,even under the same circumstances,it looks like THE GOD THAT ANSWERED YOU FOR OTHERS,HAS SUDDENLY GONE DUMB, AND PERHAPS,NO LONGER EXIST...those around you aren't going to help matters...Infact,they will worsen it; 'Physician, heal thyself': whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country."[Lk.4:23] He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. (Mat 27: 42) They said THIS 👆 to Christ Jesus,they would certainly tell you (me)too .. remember,a servant isn't greater than the master. You are buffeted right and left,by lack and needs,you turned to a supposed brethren,whom perhaps,you have once scripturally rebuked of materialism...he tells you*Your God will provide your needs!* I need and want us to know this morning,*CHRIST JESUS NEVER PROMISED US,IT WOULD BE EASY,HE NEVER PROMISED US AN ENJOYABLE LIFE IN A BROKEN WORLD...NO... WHAT HE PROMISED WAS A NEW LIFE* Yes,Christ Jesus promised us our basic needs (not wants),and most importantly,His Presence to help us get by in an environment where we are loathed like a plague! 31. Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32. (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. (Mat 6: 31-32) Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (Joh 14: 1) Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (Joh 14: 27) They shall put you out of the synagogues: YEA, THE TIME COMETH, THAT WHOSOEVER KILLETH YOU WILL THINK THAT he DOETH GOD SERVICE. (Joh 16: 2) Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. (Joh 16: 20) These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD. (Joh 16: 33) Christ NEVER said it would be easy,so when the enemy taunts you with your travails,reply him with confidence of OUR HOPE IN CHRIST JESUS! Have you been taunted really? Read this; 3. Give thought to him(Christ Jesus) who has undergone so much of the hate of sinners against himself, so that you may not be tired and feeble of purpose. 4. Till now you have not given your blood in your fight against sin: (Heb 12: 3-4) Look at what Job's friends told him in his darkest hours; 3. Truly, you have been a helper to others, and you have made feeble hands strong; 4. He who was near to falling has been lifted up by your words, and you have given strength to bent knees. 5. BUT NOW it HAS COME on YOU and IT IS a WEARINESS to YOU; YOU are TOUCHED BY IT and your MIND is TROUBLED. 6. Is NOT your FEAR of GOD YOUR SUPPORT, and your UPRIGHT WAY of LIFE YOUR HOPE? (Job 4: 3-6).. Can anyone reading this,see the jests,his own bosom friends who must have tasted of his generosity,are making of him? Personally, I have been there...a little though! If for anything WE HAVE A LOT TO LEARN FROM APOSTLE PAUL,who was mocked for his infirmities ; For his LETTERS, say they, are WEIGHTY and POWERFUL; but his BODILY PRESENCE is WEAK, and his SPEECH CONTEMPTIBLE. (2Co 10: 10) 👉8. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 👉9. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 👉10. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. (2Co 12: 8-10) Apostle Peter made it clear that it's even an HONOUR TO SUFFER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE; But you are happy if you undergo pain because of righteousness; have no part in their fear and do not be troubled; (1Pe 3: 14) 14. If men say evil things of you because of the name of Christ, happy are you; for the Spirit of glory and of God is resting on you. 15. Let no one among you undergo punishment as a taker of life, or as a thief, or as an evil-doer, or as one who is over-interested in other men's business; 16. But if he undergoes punishment as a Christian, that is no shame to him; let him give glory to God in this name. (1Pe 4: 14-16) THUS,MY DEAR BRETHREN,I STAND HERE TO ENCOURAGE YOU,PASTOR OR WORKER OR BELIEVER...IT ISN'T THE OFFICE, IT'S THE FAITH THAT MATTERS...IF YOU'RE BEING MOCKED OR SCORNED DUE TO HARDSHIPS AND AFFLICTIONS, DON'T BULGE, DON'T YIELD. KNOW THIS FACT...GOD ISN'T LOOKING ELSEWHERE,NO...IN TRUTH, HE'S LOOKING AT YOU...NAY... HE'S INDEED WITH YOU. Allow men to ridicule you,it doesn't matter,as long as God sees you differently... For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth. (2Co 10: 18) For the Lord's approval of a man is not dependent on his opinion of himself, but on the Lord's opinion of him. (2Co 10: 18) Amen🙏🙇🙏✌️!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3882 Views
  • Jews threaten Pope with Murder during Christmas over his condemnation of their mass murder of innocent children with US Approval
    In February of this year, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, publicly criticised Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, calling it disproportionate in the face of staggering casualties.

    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorDecember 26, 2024

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    By Elis Gjevor

    Israel’s foreign ministry summoned the Vatican’s ambassador, Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, this week to express outrage over Pope Francis’ strong criticism of its abuses against Palestinians in Gaza.

    According to reports, the meeting, held in Jerusalem on Tuesday and revealed later by Israeli media, was not classified as a formal reprimand but conveyed Israel’s deep dissatisfaction with the pope’s remarks.

    In recent sermons and masses, Pope Francis has denounced the deaths of Palestinian children, accusing Israel of committing acts of “cruelty” by targeting schools and hospitals and unleashing violence that has devastated Gaza.

    “Yesterday, children were bombed. This is cruelty, not war,” the pontiff declared last Saturday, lamenting the immense humanitarian crisis in the besieged enclave.

    Israel lashed out in response, accusing the pope of ignoring its security concerns.

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    Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson Oren Marmorstein accused the pope of ignoring the broader context of Israel’s military actions, which have resulted in the killing of 17,000 children.

    Reports in the Israeli press also suggest that Israeli President Isaac Herzog is urgently seeking a meeting with the pope in an effort to mend strained ties.

    Israeli officials fear the pope’s vocal criticisms and symbolic gestures – such as this year’s nativity scene in St Peter’s Square featuring baby Jesus resting on a Palestinian keffiyeh – may influence global public opinion.

    The “Christ Child” is displayed on a Palestinian keffiyeh as part of the “Nativity of Bethlehem 2024” displayed in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall on 7 December 2024 (AFP)
    Created by Bethlehem artists Johny Andonia and Faten Nastas Mitwasi, the nativity scene prominently features Palestinian materials, including olive wood, a symbol of Palestinian resilience.

    During its unveiling, Pope Francis condemned the global arms industry for profiting from human suffering and reiterated his call for an end to all wars, urging the faithful to remember those suffering in the holy land.

    The display, praised by many as a message of solidarity and peace, drew backlash from Israel’s supporters, who accused the Vatican of promoting a pro-Palestinian agenda.

    Growing Israeli rift with the Vatican

    This diplomatic skirmish highlights a deepening rift between the Vatican and Israel, as the pope’s outspoken defence of Gaza’s besieged population amplifies calls for Israeli accountability.

    His steadfast advocacy has drawn attention to the plight of Palestinians, challenging Israel’s narrative and bolstering international scrutiny of its military operations.

    The relationship between the Vatican and Israel has been deteriorating throughout Israel’s war on Gaza.

    In February of this year, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, publicly criticised Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, calling it disproportionate in the face of staggering casualties.

    Speaking to reporters after an event in Rome, Parolin said: “Israel’s right to self-defence must be proportional, and with 30,000 dead, it certainly isn’t.”

    Pope Francis holds Christmas calls with Palestinian Christians facing extinction in Gaza

    Read More »

    The comment sparked an immediate backlash from Israel. Its Embassy to the Holy See released a sharply worded statement, describing Parolin’s remarks as “deplorable”.

    Since then, the death toll from Israel’s ongoing offensive in Gaza has reached 45,400, with at least 107,940 wounded, according to the latest figures from the Palestinian health ministry.

    The pontiff has maintained regular contact with Palestinians in the region, becoming increasingly outspoken in his criticism of Israel as the leader of the world’s 1.4 billion Catholics.

    His criticism of Israel has become more strident as Israel faces charges of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and human rights organisations have published a vast body of evidence detailing ethnic cleansing and war crimes committed by the Israeli army.

    The International Criminal Court (ICC) is also pursuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in connection with Israel’s war on Gaza.


    $280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation
    150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.


    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

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    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.

    Jews threaten Pope with Murder during Christmas over his condemnation of their mass murder of innocent children with US Approval In February of this year, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, publicly criticised Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, calling it disproportionate in the face of staggering casualties. Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorDecember 26, 2024 Become a VT Supporting Member Today Please keep VT Radio and VT Foreign Policy alive! Donate today to make sure VT stays on the internet free and clear of Big Tech control! Donate today: Please Donate - Click Here By Elis Gjevor Israel’s foreign ministry summoned the Vatican’s ambassador, Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, this week to express outrage over Pope Francis’ strong criticism of its abuses against Palestinians in Gaza. According to reports, the meeting, held in Jerusalem on Tuesday and revealed later by Israeli media, was not classified as a formal reprimand but conveyed Israel’s deep dissatisfaction with the pope’s remarks. In recent sermons and masses, Pope Francis has denounced the deaths of Palestinian children, accusing Israel of committing acts of “cruelty” by targeting schools and hospitals and unleashing violence that has devastated Gaza. “Yesterday, children were bombed. This is cruelty, not war,” the pontiff declared last Saturday, lamenting the immense humanitarian crisis in the besieged enclave. Israel lashed out in response, accusing the pope of ignoring its security concerns. New MEE newsletter: Jerusalem Dispatch Sign up to get the latest insights and analysis on Israel-Palestine, alongside Turkey Unpacked and other MEE newsletters Israeli foreign ministry spokesperson Oren Marmorstein accused the pope of ignoring the broader context of Israel’s military actions, which have resulted in the killing of 17,000 children. Reports in the Israeli press also suggest that Israeli President Isaac Herzog is urgently seeking a meeting with the pope in an effort to mend strained ties. Israeli officials fear the pope’s vocal criticisms and symbolic gestures – such as this year’s nativity scene in St Peter’s Square featuring baby Jesus resting on a Palestinian keffiyeh – may influence global public opinion. Gaza The “Christ Child” is displayed on a Palestinian keffiyeh as part of the “Nativity of Bethlehem 2024” displayed in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall on 7 December 2024 (AFP) Created by Bethlehem artists Johny Andonia and Faten Nastas Mitwasi, the nativity scene prominently features Palestinian materials, including olive wood, a symbol of Palestinian resilience. During its unveiling, Pope Francis condemned the global arms industry for profiting from human suffering and reiterated his call for an end to all wars, urging the faithful to remember those suffering in the holy land. The display, praised by many as a message of solidarity and peace, drew backlash from Israel’s supporters, who accused the Vatican of promoting a pro-Palestinian agenda. Growing Israeli rift with the Vatican This diplomatic skirmish highlights a deepening rift between the Vatican and Israel, as the pope’s outspoken defence of Gaza’s besieged population amplifies calls for Israeli accountability. His steadfast advocacy has drawn attention to the plight of Palestinians, challenging Israel’s narrative and bolstering international scrutiny of its military operations. The relationship between the Vatican and Israel has been deteriorating throughout Israel’s war on Gaza. In February of this year, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, publicly criticised Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, calling it disproportionate in the face of staggering casualties. Speaking to reporters after an event in Rome, Parolin said: “Israel’s right to self-defence must be proportional, and with 30,000 dead, it certainly isn’t.” Pope Francis holds Christmas calls with Palestinian Christians facing extinction in Gaza Read More » The comment sparked an immediate backlash from Israel. Its Embassy to the Holy See released a sharply worded statement, describing Parolin’s remarks as “deplorable”. Since then, the death toll from Israel’s ongoing offensive in Gaza has reached 45,400, with at least 107,940 wounded, according to the latest figures from the Palestinian health ministry. The pontiff has maintained regular contact with Palestinians in the region, becoming increasingly outspoken in his criticism of Israel as the leader of the world’s 1.4 billion Catholics. His criticism of Israel has become more strident as Israel faces charges of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and human rights organisations have published a vast body of evidence detailing ethnic cleansing and war crimes committed by the Israeli army. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is also pursuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in connection with Israel’s war on Gaza. VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/12/jews-threaten-pope-with-murder-during-christmas-over-his-condemnation-of-their-mass-murder-of-innocent-children-with-us-approval/
    Jews threaten Pope with Murder during Christmas over his condemnation of their mass murder of innocent children with US Approval
    In February of this year, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, publicly criticised Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, calling it disproportionate in the face of staggering casualties.
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  • Paradigm shift as Rome, Israel collapse while Ottoman Empire revives
    ByBenjamin Fulford December 23, 2024
    The Western world is going through a paradigm shift as one version of reality shifts to another. Monotheistic people are herded along using a story written by a hidden elite. This story is enforced with violence, bribery, street theater (often involving real murder) and mass propaganda. What is happening is that the story tellers are losing the plot and the days of herding sheeple are coming to an end. This is what we mean about a new version of reality emerging.

    So let us look at the “reality” that is now in the midst of a train wreck. In this reality, the evil empire Russia is on its last legs, greater Israel is about to be created, China is the “second-largest economy,” and the US-centered “rules-based world order,” remains in charge. The people who believe in this story are like Nazis watching propaganda movies about super weapons that will bring victory to Germany; even as Russian tanks approach Berlin.

    This story is enforced by the P2 Freemasons now gathering in Mar a Largo, Florida. Recently they have been threatening to murder influencers to prevent them from talking to people who report the actual truth, such as myself. This group has its own President-elect Donald Trump, its own Asian secret society and a shrinking base of slave governments. They also control a dollar printing machine that is now limited to pumping up crypto-currencies and the stock market.

    The controllers of the “rules based world order,” last week held an emergency meeting at Mar a Largo Florida. This meeting included Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemasons and the leaders of the P3 Freemasons who, until now, had an arrest warrant out for Zagami, according to P3 sources. This group decided to circle the wagons around Elon “Champion of Satan” Musk.

    This news item shows the Musk strategy:

    House Democrats Jim McGovern of Massachusetts and Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut say their Republican colleagues in Congress caved to the demands of Elon Musk, sinking a bipartisan government funding bill that would have regulated U.S. investments in China.

    “His bottom line depends on staying in China’s good graces,” McGovern wrote about Musk. “He wants to build an AI data center there too — which could endanger U.S. security. He’s been bending over backwards to ingratiate himself with Chinese leaders.”


    So there we have it, he is selling US military and technological secrets to China in order to get funding to keep the US Corporate government in business.

    The Chinese he has been doing business with are part of a fake Asian secret society that is being put down, according to real Asian Secret Society sources.

    We are hearing the Asian royals are planning a big move. It turns out that former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Japanese Imperial family are related to North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. They are all part of the Yi-Joseon (李朝鮮)Imperial Family.

    They are making North Korea fire nuclear-armed missiles to let the world know Japan is under their protection. They are also sending echelons of huge North Korean 170mm artillery guns through Russia towards the West to help liberate Europe.

    These people make it clear East Asia will once again be independent and have reached an agreement to this end with the US Space Force.

    In the real world, Commander in Chief Donald Trump, based at the Cheyenne Mountain Space Force base, is working hand in hand with the planetary liberation alliance to free humanity from millennia of Babylonian debt slavery. The alliance is on the verge of overthrowing governments in Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, the UK and the United States. This will happen in the New Year as can be seen and will be seen from real-world news reports.

    For now, the most dramatic real-world news that is not being reported in the West is what is happening with Turkey. I had to use a virtual private network to get around Western censorship and read what the official Turkish News Agency had to say. It is mind-blowing. Here is an example:

    “For the first time, [Israel] finds itself facing Türkiye directly—or rather, feeling “encircled” by Türkiye.”

    They are coming to terms with the reality that “Türkiye is present in both Syria and Lebanon.” As they scramble to figure out how to confront this, they cling to PKK/YPG terrorism, further entrenching themselves in a shrinking corner. They know full well that Türkiye’s resurgence as a foundational power would trigger seismic changes across the region.

    Türkiye’s strategic moves have expanded into Central Asia, East Africa, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Black Sea, and the Eastern Mediterranean.

    In Syria, there is no longer a regime. Under Türkiye’s leadership, a new era of “one nation, one flag, one homeland” has begun.

    This sets a precedent for all countries in the region under threat of division, including Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan, and Somalia. We must adopt a mindset focused on national unity and sovereignty.

    A New Mental and Physical Map

    We must discard maps of divided countries, like those promoted during the 2003 Iraq invasion, and replace them with visions of unity. After a century, history is taking a leap forward, and the miracles will continue.


    In a sign the Islamic Caliphate is re-emerging, Turkish President Recep Erdogan presided over a D-8 Muslim summit in Egypt last year where moves were made to strengthen the organization. This has already led to the approval of a trade pact with Egypt.

    The D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation is an organization for development cooperation among Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Türkiye. They have a combined population of more than one billion people.


    Since the Turkish news sources obviously have their own biases, we asked our Pentagon sources about what is really happening. They confirm the Khazarian Mafia is suffering catastrophic defeats and not just in the Middle East:

    “In the latest battle, over 18,000 Israeli soldiers have been killed in one week. The soldiers are

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    If you are still having issues, please email [email protected]

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    Paradigm shift as Rome, Israel collapse while Ottoman Empire revives ByBenjamin Fulford December 23, 2024 The Western world is going through a paradigm shift as one version of reality shifts to another. Monotheistic people are herded along using a story written by a hidden elite. This story is enforced with violence, bribery, street theater (often involving real murder) and mass propaganda. What is happening is that the story tellers are losing the plot and the days of herding sheeple are coming to an end. This is what we mean about a new version of reality emerging. So let us look at the “reality” that is now in the midst of a train wreck. In this reality, the evil empire Russia is on its last legs, greater Israel is about to be created, China is the “second-largest economy,” and the US-centered “rules-based world order,” remains in charge. The people who believe in this story are like Nazis watching propaganda movies about super weapons that will bring victory to Germany; even as Russian tanks approach Berlin. This story is enforced by the P2 Freemasons now gathering in Mar a Largo, Florida. Recently they have been threatening to murder influencers to prevent them from talking to people who report the actual truth, such as myself. This group has its own President-elect Donald Trump, its own Asian secret society and a shrinking base of slave governments. They also control a dollar printing machine that is now limited to pumping up crypto-currencies and the stock market. The controllers of the “rules based world order,” last week held an emergency meeting at Mar a Largo Florida. This meeting included Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemasons and the leaders of the P3 Freemasons who, until now, had an arrest warrant out for Zagami, according to P3 sources. This group decided to circle the wagons around Elon “Champion of Satan” Musk. This news item shows the Musk strategy: House Democrats Jim McGovern of Massachusetts and Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut say their Republican colleagues in Congress caved to the demands of Elon Musk, sinking a bipartisan government funding bill that would have regulated U.S. investments in China. “His bottom line depends on staying in China’s good graces,” McGovern wrote about Musk. “He wants to build an AI data center there too — which could endanger U.S. security. He’s been bending over backwards to ingratiate himself with Chinese leaders.” https://www.cnbc.com/2024/12/21/house-democrats-say-gop-caved-to-elon-musk-protecting-china-interests.html So there we have it, he is selling US military and technological secrets to China in order to get funding to keep the US Corporate government in business. The Chinese he has been doing business with are part of a fake Asian secret society that is being put down, according to real Asian Secret Society sources. We are hearing the Asian royals are planning a big move. It turns out that former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Japanese Imperial family are related to North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. They are all part of the Yi-Joseon (李朝鮮)Imperial Family. They are making North Korea fire nuclear-armed missiles to let the world know Japan is under their protection. They are also sending echelons of huge North Korean 170mm artillery guns through Russia towards the West to help liberate Europe. These people make it clear East Asia will once again be independent and have reached an agreement to this end with the US Space Force. In the real world, Commander in Chief Donald Trump, based at the Cheyenne Mountain Space Force base, is working hand in hand with the planetary liberation alliance to free humanity from millennia of Babylonian debt slavery. The alliance is on the verge of overthrowing governments in Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, the UK and the United States. This will happen in the New Year as can be seen and will be seen from real-world news reports. For now, the most dramatic real-world news that is not being reported in the West is what is happening with Turkey. I had to use a virtual private network to get around Western censorship and read what the official Turkish News Agency had to say. It is mind-blowing. Here is an example: “For the first time, [Israel] finds itself facing Türkiye directly—or rather, feeling “encircled” by Türkiye.” They are coming to terms with the reality that “Türkiye is present in both Syria and Lebanon.” As they scramble to figure out how to confront this, they cling to PKK/YPG terrorism, further entrenching themselves in a shrinking corner. They know full well that Türkiye’s resurgence as a foundational power would trigger seismic changes across the region. Türkiye’s strategic moves have expanded into Central Asia, East Africa, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Black Sea, and the Eastern Mediterranean. In Syria, there is no longer a regime. Under Türkiye’s leadership, a new era of “one nation, one flag, one homeland” has begun. This sets a precedent for all countries in the region under threat of division, including Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan, and Somalia. We must adopt a mindset focused on national unity and sovereignty. A New Mental and Physical Map We must discard maps of divided countries, like those promoted during the 2003 Iraq invasion, and replace them with visions of unity. After a century, history is taking a leap forward, and the miracles will continue. https://www.yenisafak.com/en/columns/ibrahim-karagul/is-turkiye-encircling-israel-what-is-the-reason-behind-the-fearing-turkiye-will-the-syria-peace-process-become-the-regions-new-role-model-3696021 In a sign the Islamic Caliphate is re-emerging, Turkish President Recep Erdogan presided over a D-8 Muslim summit in Egypt last year where moves were made to strengthen the organization. This has already led to the approval of a trade pact with Egypt. The D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation is an organization for development cooperation among Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Türkiye. They have a combined population of more than one billion people. https://www.yenisafak.com/en/news/turkish-president-calls-for-global-unity-justice-at-d-8-summit-urges-rebuilding-efforts-in-war-torn-syria-3695966 Since the Turkish news sources obviously have their own biases, we asked our Pentagon sources about what is really happening. They confirm the Khazarian Mafia is suffering catastrophic defeats and not just in the Middle East: “In the latest battle, over 18,000 Israeli soldiers have been killed in one week. The soldiers are The remainder of Monday's newsletter is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net holding a paid subscription. If you believe this message is being displayed in error, check that you are logged in to your account. If you are not logged in or need to make an account, please do so on the main menu. If you are still having issues, please email [email protected] Forgot Password https://benjaminfulford.net/paradigm-shift-as-rome-israel-collapse-while-ottoman-empire-revives/
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