“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”
(2 Timothy 3:1.)
Apostle Paul, was writing from a prison cell in Rome, knowing that his own death was at hand. He was warning his young protégé Timothy of difficult days to come. Although he never loses his faith in God, it is clear that he was deeply concerned about the trends he saw all around him.
Hard times were coming; days of stress were just around the corner. If a man was not ready, if he didn’t brace himself in advance, he might be washed away when things got really hot. Evidence around us confirms the authenticity of Paul's warning. AS A MATTER OF FACT, THE DEVIL IS NO LONGER HIDING, YET MANY OF US, SIMPLY REFUSED TO SEE HIM,AND IT'S SADDENING.
The verse 1 of our key scripture can easily pass off as the summary of the whole chapter.
“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days”
(II Timothy 3:1).
Two questions come to mind;
First, what does Paul mean by the expression, “last days?”
One can attribute at least three meanings to the phrase. It can apply to the entire period between the first and second comings of Christ Jesus .Since Christ Jesus could have come at any time, the entire church age can be called the “last days.”
It also applies to unique periods of spiritual testing that occur at different times in different places. Finally, it obviously applies to the last few weeks and months and years preceding our Lord’s return to the earth.
I find it helpful to think in terms of labor pains. A pregnant woman knows when she is about to give birth by the frequency and severity of her labour pains. In the same way, the various things that Paul lists in the first few verses of 2 Timothy 3 will always be present in some form, but will increase dramatically near the end of the age. Are we in the “last days?”
No matter how you define it, the answer is yes. And we may indeed be living in the final days before the return of Christ Jesus to the earth.
Second, what will the “last days” be like?
The “last days” will be fierce, violent, dangerous and frightening. Here’s another word we could use: In the last days, savage times will come as men cast off all moral restraint and society begins to disintegrate.
The importance of the prophecy and warning against the perilous times cannot be over emphasised. Yes, we're living in the age of the fulfillment of the "Perilous times!"
So Paul warns Timothy, “After I am gone, things are going to get worse before they get better. Buckle up, Timothy. Terrible times are coming.” That’s why Paul said, “Mark this,” or “Understand this,” or “Pay attention to this.” Don’t be naïve and think that everything is going to be okay. It’s not all going to be okay. But, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. If we know what is going to happen, we won’t be surprised when it does.
Alright, let's get going on Perilous Times.
The first five verses of 2Timothy 3:1-5 offer a sobering escalation of corruption.
In a sense, this is a shorter version of Romans 1:18-32.
This is what happens when we turn our back on God. First, there is a total rejection of God. People are unholy, ungrateful, lovers of themselves, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. This leads to a total moral collapse. People become lovers of money, conceited, without love toward others, boastful, proud, unforgiving, conceited, “not lovers of what is good.”
You see, every action has an effect. Naturally, our rejection of God should necessarily have its consequences.
And so our disobedience produced a total breakdown of society.(Law and order).People will be treacherous, rash, slanderous, brutal, disobedient to parents, abusive and without self-control.
By implications, this means that,(like in the time of the Book of Judges) in the end, *ANYTHING GOES.* No rules, no moral absolutes, no restraints of any kind. Every man does that which is right in his own eyes, and woe to the person who dares to question his or her “lifestyle choices.”
We should specifically note that Paul includes “DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS.”
It may seem too trivial to be in such a solemn list, but for aged Paul, disobedience is the spark that ignites the flame that leaves the home in ashes. (Is it any wonder that divorce has become common place or that many people want to redefine marriage to allow for homosexuals to marry each other? Of course, it’s not surprising, and we haven’t even reached the bottom of the pit of moral degradation yet.)
In the light of Bible prophecy, we should expect that as we approach the end times, all these things will increase in intensity and frequency, until we have the situation portrayed in the Book of Revelation, the total implosion of the social order as men utterly rebel against God and destroy themselves and the world in the process. Perhaps this is why Christ Jesus said that unless those days were shortened, no one would survive (Matthew 24:22).
And as per "Religious Rebels;"
We haven’t gotten to the bad news yet.
That comes in verse 5: “Having a FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING its POWER. Have nothing to do with them.” The word “form” means something like, “having the outward appearance” of godliness. That is, in the last days, as men turn away from God, paradoxically, they will become more religious, not less.
Religion will become more popular as we approach the end times because people will seek some refuge in a world that increasingly has lost its way. They will ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS, but will FOLLOW the WRONG ANSWERS.
It will be religion for religion’s sake, not religion for the sake of knowing Christ Jesus. They will join the church (or some other religious organization), they will be baptized, attend the services, sing and pray and give and go through the motions, but their hearts will not be in it. They will deny the very power they profess to believe.
In particular, they will embrace a kind of post-modern religion that allows them to do anything, believe anything, endorse anything, live any way they choose as long as it makes them happy. They will say things like, “We don’t need to be bound by the outdated rules of the Bible. Those were written 2,000 years ago and don’t apply to us today.” That’s not far-fetched. You can say things like that today and be elected a bishop in some denominations.
Notice how Paul says we are to RESPOND to these FALSE RELIGIOUS LEADERS: “HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM”(v5)
That’s clear, isn’t it? It’s also judgmental, narrow-minded, rude, unkind, unfair (in the eyes of many people), and a host of other things that are NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT TODAY. But the WORD of THE LORD REMAINS. We are to have nothing to do with religious people who do not believe the Bible and do not accept ITS AUTHORITY over EVERY AREA OF LIFE, including sexual morality.
Such people are religious but lost. We ain't done yet...will be back shortly !
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”
(2 Timothy 3:1.)
Apostle Paul, was writing from a prison cell in Rome, knowing that his own death was at hand. He was warning his young protégé Timothy of difficult days to come. Although he never loses his faith in God, it is clear that he was deeply concerned about the trends he saw all around him.
Hard times were coming; days of stress were just around the corner. If a man was not ready, if he didn’t brace himself in advance, he might be washed away when things got really hot. Evidence around us confirms the authenticity of Paul's warning. AS A MATTER OF FACT, THE DEVIL IS NO LONGER HIDING, YET MANY OF US, SIMPLY REFUSED TO SEE HIM,AND IT'S SADDENING.
The verse 1 of our key scripture can easily pass off as the summary of the whole chapter.
“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days”
(II Timothy 3:1).
Two questions come to mind;
First, what does Paul mean by the expression, “last days?”
One can attribute at least three meanings to the phrase. It can apply to the entire period between the first and second comings of Christ Jesus .Since Christ Jesus could have come at any time, the entire church age can be called the “last days.”
It also applies to unique periods of spiritual testing that occur at different times in different places. Finally, it obviously applies to the last few weeks and months and years preceding our Lord’s return to the earth.
I find it helpful to think in terms of labor pains. A pregnant woman knows when she is about to give birth by the frequency and severity of her labour pains. In the same way, the various things that Paul lists in the first few verses of 2 Timothy 3 will always be present in some form, but will increase dramatically near the end of the age. Are we in the “last days?”
No matter how you define it, the answer is yes. And we may indeed be living in the final days before the return of Christ Jesus to the earth.
Second, what will the “last days” be like?
The “last days” will be fierce, violent, dangerous and frightening. Here’s another word we could use: In the last days, savage times will come as men cast off all moral restraint and society begins to disintegrate.
The importance of the prophecy and warning against the perilous times cannot be over emphasised. Yes, we're living in the age of the fulfillment of the "Perilous times!"
So Paul warns Timothy, “After I am gone, things are going to get worse before they get better. Buckle up, Timothy. Terrible times are coming.” That’s why Paul said, “Mark this,” or “Understand this,” or “Pay attention to this.” Don’t be naïve and think that everything is going to be okay. It’s not all going to be okay. But, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. If we know what is going to happen, we won’t be surprised when it does.
Alright, let's get going on Perilous Times.
The first five verses of 2Timothy 3:1-5 offer a sobering escalation of corruption.
In a sense, this is a shorter version of Romans 1:18-32.
This is what happens when we turn our back on God. First, there is a total rejection of God. People are unholy, ungrateful, lovers of themselves, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. This leads to a total moral collapse. People become lovers of money, conceited, without love toward others, boastful, proud, unforgiving, conceited, “not lovers of what is good.”
You see, every action has an effect. Naturally, our rejection of God should necessarily have its consequences.
And so our disobedience produced a total breakdown of society.(Law and order).People will be treacherous, rash, slanderous, brutal, disobedient to parents, abusive and without self-control.
By implications, this means that,(like in the time of the Book of Judges) in the end, *ANYTHING GOES.* No rules, no moral absolutes, no restraints of any kind. Every man does that which is right in his own eyes, and woe to the person who dares to question his or her “lifestyle choices.”
We should specifically note that Paul includes “DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS.”
It may seem too trivial to be in such a solemn list, but for aged Paul, disobedience is the spark that ignites the flame that leaves the home in ashes. (Is it any wonder that divorce has become common place or that many people want to redefine marriage to allow for homosexuals to marry each other? Of course, it’s not surprising, and we haven’t even reached the bottom of the pit of moral degradation yet.)
In the light of Bible prophecy, we should expect that as we approach the end times, all these things will increase in intensity and frequency, until we have the situation portrayed in the Book of Revelation, the total implosion of the social order as men utterly rebel against God and destroy themselves and the world in the process. Perhaps this is why Christ Jesus said that unless those days were shortened, no one would survive (Matthew 24:22).
And as per "Religious Rebels;"
We haven’t gotten to the bad news yet.
That comes in verse 5: “Having a FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING its POWER. Have nothing to do with them.” The word “form” means something like, “having the outward appearance” of godliness. That is, in the last days, as men turn away from God, paradoxically, they will become more religious, not less.
Religion will become more popular as we approach the end times because people will seek some refuge in a world that increasingly has lost its way. They will ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS, but will FOLLOW the WRONG ANSWERS.
It will be religion for religion’s sake, not religion for the sake of knowing Christ Jesus. They will join the church (or some other religious organization), they will be baptized, attend the services, sing and pray and give and go through the motions, but their hearts will not be in it. They will deny the very power they profess to believe.
In particular, they will embrace a kind of post-modern religion that allows them to do anything, believe anything, endorse anything, live any way they choose as long as it makes them happy. They will say things like, “We don’t need to be bound by the outdated rules of the Bible. Those were written 2,000 years ago and don’t apply to us today.” That’s not far-fetched. You can say things like that today and be elected a bishop in some denominations.
Notice how Paul says we are to RESPOND to these FALSE RELIGIOUS LEADERS: “HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM”(v5)
That’s clear, isn’t it? It’s also judgmental, narrow-minded, rude, unkind, unfair (in the eyes of many people), and a host of other things that are NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT TODAY. But the WORD of THE LORD REMAINS. We are to have nothing to do with religious people who do not believe the Bible and do not accept ITS AUTHORITY over EVERY AREA OF LIFE, including sexual morality.
Such people are religious but lost. We ain't done yet...will be back shortly !
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”
(2 Timothy 3:1.)
Apostle Paul, was writing from a prison cell in Rome, knowing that his own death was at hand. He was warning his young protégé Timothy of difficult days to come. Although he never loses his faith in God, it is clear that he was deeply concerned about the trends he saw all around him.
Hard times were coming; days of stress were just around the corner. If a man was not ready, if he didn’t brace himself in advance, he might be washed away when things got really hot. Evidence around us confirms the authenticity of Paul's warning. AS A MATTER OF FACT, THE DEVIL IS NO LONGER HIDING, YET MANY OF US, SIMPLY REFUSED TO SEE HIM,AND IT'S SADDENING.
The verse 1 of our key scripture can easily pass off as the summary of the whole chapter.
👉“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days”
(II Timothy 3:1).
Two questions come to mind;
First, what does Paul mean by the expression, “last days?”
One can attribute at least three meanings to the phrase. It can apply to the entire period between the first and second comings of Christ Jesus .Since Christ Jesus could have come at any time, the entire church age can be called the “last days.”
It also applies to unique periods of spiritual testing that occur at different times in different places. Finally, it obviously applies to the last few weeks and months and years preceding our Lord’s return to the earth.
I find it helpful to think in terms of labor pains. A pregnant woman knows when she is about to give birth by the frequency and severity of her labour pains. In the same way, the various things that Paul lists in the first few verses of 2 Timothy 3 will always be present in some form, but will increase dramatically near the end of the age. Are we in the “last days?”
No matter how you define it, the answer is yes. And we may indeed be living in the final days before the return of Christ Jesus to the earth.
Second, what will the “last days” be like?
The “last days” will be fierce, violent, dangerous and frightening. Here’s another word we could use: In the last days, savage times will come as men cast off all moral restraint and society begins to disintegrate.
The importance of the prophecy and warning against the perilous times cannot be over emphasised. Yes, we're living in the age of the fulfillment of the "Perilous times!"
So Paul warns Timothy, “After I am gone, things are going to get worse before they get better. Buckle up, Timothy. Terrible times are coming.” That’s why Paul said, “Mark this,” or “Understand this,” or “Pay attention to this.” Don’t be naïve and think that everything is going to be okay. It’s not all going to be okay. But, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. If we know what is going to happen, we won’t be surprised when it does.
👉Alright, let's get going on Perilous Times.
The first five verses of 2Timothy 3:1-5 offer a sobering escalation of corruption.
In a sense, this is a shorter version of Romans 1:18-32.
This is what happens when we turn our back on God. First, there is a total rejection of God. People are unholy, ungrateful, lovers of themselves, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. This leads to a total moral collapse. People become lovers of money, conceited, without love toward others, boastful, proud, unforgiving, conceited, “not lovers of what is good.”
👉You see, every action has an effect. Naturally, our rejection of God should necessarily have its consequences.
And so our disobedience produced a total breakdown of society.(Law and order).People will be treacherous, rash, slanderous, brutal, disobedient to parents, abusive and without self-control.
By implications, this means that,(like in the time of the Book of Judges) in the end, *ANYTHING GOES.* No rules, no moral absolutes, no restraints of any kind. Every man does that which is right in his own eyes, and woe to the person who dares to question his or her “lifestyle choices.”
We should specifically note that Paul includes “DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS.”
It may seem too trivial to be in such a solemn list, but for aged Paul, disobedience is the spark that ignites the flame that leaves the home in ashes. (Is it any wonder that divorce has become common place or that many people want to redefine marriage to allow for homosexuals to marry each other? Of course, it’s not surprising, and we haven’t even reached the bottom of the pit of moral degradation yet.)
👉In the light of Bible prophecy, we should expect that as we approach the end times, all these things will increase in intensity and frequency, until we have the situation portrayed in the Book of Revelation, the total implosion of the social order as men utterly rebel against God and destroy themselves and the world in the process. Perhaps this is why Christ Jesus said that unless those days were shortened, no one would survive (Matthew 24:22).
👉And as per "Religious Rebels;"
We haven’t gotten to the bad news yet.
That comes in verse 5: “Having a FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING its POWER. Have nothing to do with them.” The word “form” means something like, “having the outward appearance” of godliness. That is, in the last days, as men turn away from God, paradoxically, they will become more religious, not less.
Religion will become more popular as we approach the end times because people will seek some refuge in a world that increasingly has lost its way. They will ask the RIGHT QUESTIONS, but will FOLLOW the WRONG ANSWERS.
It will be religion for religion’s sake, not religion for the sake of knowing Christ Jesus. They will join the church (or some other religious organization), they will be baptized, attend the services, sing and pray and give and go through the motions, but their hearts will not be in it. They will deny the very power they profess to believe.
👉In particular, they will embrace a kind of post-modern religion that allows them to do anything, believe anything, endorse anything, live any way they choose as long as it makes them happy. They will say things like, “We don’t need to be bound by the outdated rules of the Bible. Those were written 2,000 years ago and don’t apply to us today.” That’s not far-fetched. You can say things like that today and be elected a bishop in some denominations.
Notice how Paul says we are to RESPOND to these FALSE RELIGIOUS LEADERS: “HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM”(v5)
That’s clear, isn’t it? It’s also judgmental, narrow-minded, rude, unkind, unfair (in the eyes of many people), and a host of other things that are NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT TODAY. But the WORD of THE LORD REMAINS. We are to have nothing to do with religious people who do not believe the Bible and do not accept ITS AUTHORITY over EVERY AREA OF LIFE, including sexual morality.
Such people are religious but lost. We ain't done yet...will be back shortly 🙇🙏❤️!