• A Google documentary | Trillions of questions, no easy answers
    This Google documentary starts in a dusty basement with boxes of old footage, like a typical home movie. Some conversations in 2019, a field trip to a data center, and an unexpected stop at a hardware store later came together into our story. Like all home movies, there’s a good chance that the only people who will swoon over it are the people who are in it. But, if you’ve ever wondered how Search works, or are curious to see what goes on behind the scenes, there may be something here for you too.


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    A Google documentary | Trillions of questions, no easy answers https://youtu.be/tFq6Q_muwG0?si=4D60RmR7SgAMDwjF #SearchOn This Google documentary starts in a dusty basement with boxes of old footage, like a typical home movie. Some conversations in 2019, a field trip to a data center, and an unexpected stop at a hardware store later came together into our story. Like all home movies, there’s a good chance that the only people who will swoon over it are the people who are in it. But, if you’ve ever wondered how Search works, or are curious to see what goes on behind the scenes, there may be something here for you too. #SearchOn Dive into the world of Google. See how we’re pushing the boundaries of generative AI, developing cutting-edge technology & using our platform to help communities globally. Subscribe to stay up to date with our mission: https://www.youtube.com/@Google/?sub_... Subscribe to our Channel: / google. Tweet with us on X: / google Follow us on Instagram: / google Join us on Facebook: / Google Key moments View all Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show Transcript Google 12.9M subscribers Videos About Instagram TikTok Facebook X Comments are turned off https://www.profitablecpmrate.com/jkiwucbyt?key=f0dd9139772393227ab321c9f9bdb6e6 #SearchOn#google#
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  • 9/11 Was An Inside Job - Ultimate Documentary Marathon

    9/11 Was An Inside Job - Ultimate Documentary Marathon https://rumble.com/v690dps-911-was-an-inside-job-ultimate-documentary-marathon.html
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  • Mike Pence’s Advocacy Group Has Ties to Pfizer
    Rav Arora
    As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. prepares for his highly anticipated confirmation hearing next Wednesday, a wave of opposition has surged from various groups and organizations determined to block his path to becoming the next Secretary of Health and Human Services. From conservative advocacy groups to mainstream medical organizations, the attacks have been swift and calculated, aiming to undermine his credibility and sway Republican senators to vote against his nomination.

    Mike Pence’s Advancing American Freedom — a conservative advocacy group claiming to fight the radical Left and promote religious liberty and economic prosperity — is launching one line of concerted attacks against RFK, Jr. in the hopes of discouraging Republican senators from voting in favour for him.

    In a rather strange advertisement displaying its monetary backing (“six-figure ad campaign”), the AAF has launched a serious attack against Trump’s nomination of RFK, Jr. as HHS secretary.

    In a letter addressed to Republican Senators, AAF President Tim Chapman and Board Chairman Marc Short state several “concerns” they have regarding the “nomination of Robert F. Kenndy Jr. (RFK)” (sic) to head HHS, such as his views on vaccines, psychedelics, and abortion.

    Tim Chapman is now doing media appearances to amplify his criticisms of RFK, Jr. while Pence penned an op-ed in the Washington Times today “urg[ing] others in the pro-life community to join us in calling on members of the Senate to reject RFK, Jr. and give President Trump a second chance to appoint a pro-life secretary who will defend the cause of life and ensure that HHS continually makes choices that guide our country towards life.”

    Much of Pence’s vocal criticisms are totally irrelevant and distracting from Bobby’s core MAHA vision. As I suspected, a source close to RFK, Jr. reassured me that he will be following Trump’s lead on major issues like abortion and marijuana (aligning with the Daily Wire’s piece interviewing Senators Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) about Kennedy’s committed views). Pence’s bizarre line of attack on Bobby fixated on abortion makes little sense because it is not an issue he will have any clear authority on.

    Before addressing more specific claims in the AAF’s full-fledged media attack against RFK, Jr. — now featured in the New York Times — one must set the stage and recognize some of the AAF’s perverse incentives and affiliations. Bobby inarguably poses the biggest threat to Big Pharma. And — surprise, surprise — Mike Pence’s establishment conservative group has multiple ties to Big Pharma, one of which is just shocking.

    For one, the AAF received a $100,000 donation from the Searle Freedom Trust in 2022, created by Daniel C. Searle — founder of the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle. Over the past decade, the trust has given over $200 million in grants to various conservative groups. G.D Searle has been involved in a few controversies, such as its studies of artificial sweetener Aspartame in 1970. An FDA task force criticized Searle’s studies as “at best…sloppy and suffering from…a pattern of conduct which compromises the scientific integrity of the studies.” The controversy was further fueled by perceived conflicts of interest, as several officials involved in the approval process later accepted positions linked to Searle.

    (Searle also developed the first commercial oral contraceptive, Enovid, which was a major catalyst for the women’s liberation movement of the 1960s and 1970s and faced significant resistance from religious groups and conservative organizations. I’m not exactly sure what Pence’s view is on this matter, but he tends to have far more conservative views on reproductive issues — far more than President Trump. It’s a bit strange he’s attacking RFK, Jr. on the abortion front.)

    Notably, G.D Searle is no longer an independent pharmaceutical company.

    It is now part of Pfizer.

    In 2003, Pfizer acquired Pharmacia, which was the parent company of G.D. Searle following a series of mergers: Monsanto acquired Searle in 1985, and later spun off its pharmaceutical division to merge with Pharmacia & Upjohn in 2000, forming Pharmacia.

    My only certain takeaway from this is that the Searle Freedom Trust would not ever donate to an organization critical of Pfizer. It would only support those in favour of its interests.

    Here’s where it gets quite disturbing.

    Marc Short — Pence’s former chief of staff during Trump’s first term and now the co-author of the AAF letter lambasting RFK, Jr. — had $51,000 – $115,000 in Pfizer stock in 2020:

    (Link: Pence Chief Of Staff Owns Stocks That Could Conflict With Coronavirus Response)

    (Link: AAF Letter Opposing RFK, Jr.)

    According to NPR, he also owned stock in Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Eli Lilly, and other companies involved in the federal Covid response worth between $506,043 and $1.64 million.

    Short applied for a certificate of divestiture — an admission of a potential conflict of interest — but his application was rejected because of logistical issues:

    Short’s application for a certificate of divestiture was not rejected because he was deemed to not have a conflict.

    The ethics office rejected his application because some of his stocks are held in trusts that would be difficult to divest from. Some of Short’s holdings were in trusts created to benefit family members, and OGE would not grant tax breaks for Short unless all potentially conflicting holdings were divested.


    As NPR notes, many top government officials such as 2017-18 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson “pledged before entering office to divest from 156 companies he held a financial interest in.”

    Marc Short flagrantly spoke about several pharmaceutical companies he had stocks in while serving as Pence’s chief of staff and head of the Covid task force:

    On March 18, he mentioned the vice president’s trip to a 3M manufacturing plant to illustrate a point about liability protections. Records show that he holds between $65,002 and $150,000 worth of 3M stock. On March 20, he publicly hailed the work of Honeywell in producing respirator masks. According to public disclosure records, he holds between $50,001 and $100,000 worth of Honeywell stock.

    Does this seem ethical?

    Yet, Marc Short — now the chairman of the board of Pence’s advocacy group — is attacking RFK, Jr. on a number of ethical, scientific, and ideological grounds.

    He and his co-author Tim Chapman outright lie about RFK, Jr.’s apparent involvement in the 2019 measles outbreak in Samoa:

    In 2019, RFK played a major role in halting measles vaccinations in Samoa. 83 Samoans, many of them children, would go on to die because of RFK’s crusade against the measles vaccine. RFK has never apologized.

    In reality, the measles vaccine was halted in July 2018 by the Samoan government in response to the tragic deaths of two infants due to incorrectly prepared MMR vaccines (they wrongly used an expired paralytic). The suspension lasted for 10 months, which led to a dramatic fall in vaccination rates (58% in 2017 to 31% in 2018). The nurses who administered the MMR vaccines were later convicted in 2019 for manslaughter.

    As Dr. Vinay Prasad highlights, a number of serious factors contributed to the 2019 Samoan measles outbreak — RFK, Jr. not being one of them:

    The Samoan measles outbreak occurred because of a constellation of factors including a impoverished population, a recent history (in historical terms) of having measles, longstanding poor vaccination rates, the manslaughter of two children, a cover up, poor health literacy, poor health infrastructure, poor government messaging, suspending MMR vaccination by the government, and a country drawn to traditional ideas of health and medicine.

    Pence’s “conservative” advocacy group ought to stop trusting mainstream media sources and parroting fallacious talking points.

    Once again, RFK, Jr.’s pro-vaccine critics miss the point — his MAHA vision isn’t about enforcing blanket vaccine bans but about promoting transparency and rigorous scrutiny of the data, empowering the public to make informed health decisions. Here’s what he explicitly told NBC after the election:

    “I’m not going to take away anybody’s vaccines,” Kennedy told NBC News when asked whether there were specific vaccines that Kennedy would want to remove from the market.

    “If vaccines are working for somebody, I’m not going to take them away. People ought to have [a] choice, and that choice ought to be informed by the best information,” he said.

    “So I’m going to make sure scientific safety studies and efficacy are out there, and people can make individual assessments about whether that product is going to be good for them,” Kennedy added.

    Marc Short and Tim Chapman make another self-defeating, nearly laughable criticism of RFK, Jr.:

    As a presidential candidate, RFK promised to legalize marijuana and increase access to psychedelics while creating government “wellness farms” to “heal” individuals with addiction to “psychiatric drugs,” including attention deficit disorder (ADD) medication

    To reiterate, a reliable source close to RFK, Jr. has confirmed he will be following Trump’s position on marijuana. I doubt any major changes will be made on this front. More importantly, to merely mention RFK, Jr.’s interest in increasing access to psychedelics — some of the most remarkably effective treatments for depression, PTSD, end-of-life distress, and more — as some kind of blistering criticism is ludicrous.

    The latest Phase 3 study on MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD showed 71.2% of participants in the MDMA therapy group (three 8-hour sessions of MDMA therapy followed by integration) no longer met the criteria for PTSD compared to the 47.6% in the placebo with therapy group (which indicates, in part, the effectiveness of Lykos Therapeutics’ rigorous psychotherapy protocol). In a bipartisan letter to President Biden in August, lawmakers of all stripes expressed serious concern for the PTSD-rooted suicide epidemic in the veterans community (over 20 a day on average) and the promise of MDMA therapy as a treatment for severe PTSD.

    RFK, Jr. has expressed support for increasing such profoundly life-changing root-cause therapies for those struggling with mental illness, particularly veterans.

    Does Mike Pence’s “conservative” advocacy group really have a problem with that?

    As for the other apparently self-explanatory criticism of RFK, Jr. — his support for “wellness farms” (something he has not advocated specific policy on since his alliance with Trump and the election win and only ever supported in a documentary released last June) — I will highlight quotes from this comprehensive recent article in the New York Times:

    “We’re going to build hundreds of healing farms where American kids can reconnect to America’s soil, where they can learn the discipline of hard work that rebuilds self-esteem and where they can master new skills,” he continued.

    At drug rehabilitation farms, he has said, residents would grow organic food, receive training in trade skills and “learn to get re-parented.” Cellphones would be prohibited. Residents could remain as long as they wanted. The farms could also be available to young people who no longer wished to take anti-depressants or medications such as Adderall, which is used to treat A.D.H.D.

    The typical stay is 60 days, said Mr. Guinn, a former kindergarten special-education teacher. The men learn how to tend to livestock, operate tractors and repair barns. Referring to working on the farm as “therapeutic gardening,” Mr. Guinn drew an analogy between weeding, digging and planting and the hard work of addiction recovery. The day also includes meditation, 12-step meetings and yoga.

    Wow, yoga, meditation, and immersion in nature — not that these modalities have been used for centuries across cultures!

    Does this sound like some insane, kooky idea?

    Or a refreshing departure from the psychiatric establishment — which is intertwined with Big Pharma — that almost never cures the root-cause of addiction, such as trauma, lifestyle factors, and a lack of meaning and spiritual purpose?

    Once again, RFK, Jr. has made no commitments to legislation on holistic mental health programs. Yet, Mike Pence’s advocacy group chose to spotlight this in their absurd one-page letter, seemingly grasping for reasons to oppose him reflexively, all while disregarding his stated policy positions since the election and his nomination to lead HHS.

    Let’s hope he is confirmed to lead the nation in combating the chronic disease epidemic and mental health crisis which mainstream medicine and Big Pharma have made worse.

    Republished from the author’s Substack


    Rav Arora is an independent journalist based in Vancouver, Canada.

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    Mike Pence’s Advocacy Group Has Ties to Pfizer Rav Arora As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. prepares for his highly anticipated confirmation hearing next Wednesday, a wave of opposition has surged from various groups and organizations determined to block his path to becoming the next Secretary of Health and Human Services. From conservative advocacy groups to mainstream medical organizations, the attacks have been swift and calculated, aiming to undermine his credibility and sway Republican senators to vote against his nomination. Mike Pence’s Advancing American Freedom — a conservative advocacy group claiming to fight the radical Left and promote religious liberty and economic prosperity — is launching one line of concerted attacks against RFK, Jr. in the hopes of discouraging Republican senators from voting in favour for him. In a rather strange advertisement displaying its monetary backing (“six-figure ad campaign”), the AAF has launched a serious attack against Trump’s nomination of RFK, Jr. as HHS secretary. In a letter addressed to Republican Senators, AAF President Tim Chapman and Board Chairman Marc Short state several “concerns” they have regarding the “nomination of Robert F. Kenndy Jr. (RFK)” (sic) to head HHS, such as his views on vaccines, psychedelics, and abortion. Tim Chapman is now doing media appearances to amplify his criticisms of RFK, Jr. while Pence penned an op-ed in the Washington Times today “urg[ing] others in the pro-life community to join us in calling on members of the Senate to reject RFK, Jr. and give President Trump a second chance to appoint a pro-life secretary who will defend the cause of life and ensure that HHS continually makes choices that guide our country towards life.” Much of Pence’s vocal criticisms are totally irrelevant and distracting from Bobby’s core MAHA vision. As I suspected, a source close to RFK, Jr. reassured me that he will be following Trump’s lead on major issues like abortion and marijuana (aligning with the Daily Wire’s piece interviewing Senators Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) about Kennedy’s committed views). Pence’s bizarre line of attack on Bobby fixated on abortion makes little sense because it is not an issue he will have any clear authority on. Before addressing more specific claims in the AAF’s full-fledged media attack against RFK, Jr. — now featured in the New York Times — one must set the stage and recognize some of the AAF’s perverse incentives and affiliations. Bobby inarguably poses the biggest threat to Big Pharma. And — surprise, surprise — Mike Pence’s establishment conservative group has multiple ties to Big Pharma, one of which is just shocking. For one, the AAF received a $100,000 donation from the Searle Freedom Trust in 2022, created by Daniel C. Searle — founder of the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle. Over the past decade, the trust has given over $200 million in grants to various conservative groups. G.D Searle has been involved in a few controversies, such as its studies of artificial sweetener Aspartame in 1970. An FDA task force criticized Searle’s studies as “at best…sloppy and suffering from…a pattern of conduct which compromises the scientific integrity of the studies.” The controversy was further fueled by perceived conflicts of interest, as several officials involved in the approval process later accepted positions linked to Searle. (Searle also developed the first commercial oral contraceptive, Enovid, which was a major catalyst for the women’s liberation movement of the 1960s and 1970s and faced significant resistance from religious groups and conservative organizations. I’m not exactly sure what Pence’s view is on this matter, but he tends to have far more conservative views on reproductive issues — far more than President Trump. It’s a bit strange he’s attacking RFK, Jr. on the abortion front.) Notably, G.D Searle is no longer an independent pharmaceutical company. It is now part of Pfizer. In 2003, Pfizer acquired Pharmacia, which was the parent company of G.D. Searle following a series of mergers: Monsanto acquired Searle in 1985, and later spun off its pharmaceutical division to merge with Pharmacia & Upjohn in 2000, forming Pharmacia. My only certain takeaway from this is that the Searle Freedom Trust would not ever donate to an organization critical of Pfizer. It would only support those in favour of its interests. Here’s where it gets quite disturbing. Marc Short — Pence’s former chief of staff during Trump’s first term and now the co-author of the AAF letter lambasting RFK, Jr. — had $51,000 – $115,000 in Pfizer stock in 2020: (Link: Pence Chief Of Staff Owns Stocks That Could Conflict With Coronavirus Response) (Link: AAF Letter Opposing RFK, Jr.) According to NPR, he also owned stock in Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Eli Lilly, and other companies involved in the federal Covid response worth between $506,043 and $1.64 million. Short applied for a certificate of divestiture — an admission of a potential conflict of interest — but his application was rejected because of logistical issues: Short’s application for a certificate of divestiture was not rejected because he was deemed to not have a conflict. The ethics office rejected his application because some of his stocks are held in trusts that would be difficult to divest from. Some of Short’s holdings were in trusts created to benefit family members, and OGE would not grant tax breaks for Short unless all potentially conflicting holdings were divested. (Source) As NPR notes, many top government officials such as 2017-18 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson “pledged before entering office to divest from 156 companies he held a financial interest in.” Marc Short flagrantly spoke about several pharmaceutical companies he had stocks in while serving as Pence’s chief of staff and head of the Covid task force: On March 18, he mentioned the vice president’s trip to a 3M manufacturing plant to illustrate a point about liability protections. Records show that he holds between $65,002 and $150,000 worth of 3M stock. On March 20, he publicly hailed the work of Honeywell in producing respirator masks. According to public disclosure records, he holds between $50,001 and $100,000 worth of Honeywell stock. Does this seem ethical? Yet, Marc Short — now the chairman of the board of Pence’s advocacy group — is attacking RFK, Jr. on a number of ethical, scientific, and ideological grounds. He and his co-author Tim Chapman outright lie about RFK, Jr.’s apparent involvement in the 2019 measles outbreak in Samoa: In 2019, RFK played a major role in halting measles vaccinations in Samoa. 83 Samoans, many of them children, would go on to die because of RFK’s crusade against the measles vaccine. RFK has never apologized. In reality, the measles vaccine was halted in July 2018 by the Samoan government in response to the tragic deaths of two infants due to incorrectly prepared MMR vaccines (they wrongly used an expired paralytic). The suspension lasted for 10 months, which led to a dramatic fall in vaccination rates (58% in 2017 to 31% in 2018). The nurses who administered the MMR vaccines were later convicted in 2019 for manslaughter. As Dr. Vinay Prasad highlights, a number of serious factors contributed to the 2019 Samoan measles outbreak — RFK, Jr. not being one of them: The Samoan measles outbreak occurred because of a constellation of factors including a impoverished population, a recent history (in historical terms) of having measles, longstanding poor vaccination rates, the manslaughter of two children, a cover up, poor health literacy, poor health infrastructure, poor government messaging, suspending MMR vaccination by the government, and a country drawn to traditional ideas of health and medicine. Pence’s “conservative” advocacy group ought to stop trusting mainstream media sources and parroting fallacious talking points. Once again, RFK, Jr.’s pro-vaccine critics miss the point — his MAHA vision isn’t about enforcing blanket vaccine bans but about promoting transparency and rigorous scrutiny of the data, empowering the public to make informed health decisions. Here’s what he explicitly told NBC after the election: “I’m not going to take away anybody’s vaccines,” Kennedy told NBC News when asked whether there were specific vaccines that Kennedy would want to remove from the market. “If vaccines are working for somebody, I’m not going to take them away. People ought to have [a] choice, and that choice ought to be informed by the best information,” he said. “So I’m going to make sure scientific safety studies and efficacy are out there, and people can make individual assessments about whether that product is going to be good for them,” Kennedy added. Marc Short and Tim Chapman make another self-defeating, nearly laughable criticism of RFK, Jr.: As a presidential candidate, RFK promised to legalize marijuana and increase access to psychedelics while creating government “wellness farms” to “heal” individuals with addiction to “psychiatric drugs,” including attention deficit disorder (ADD) medication To reiterate, a reliable source close to RFK, Jr. has confirmed he will be following Trump’s position on marijuana. I doubt any major changes will be made on this front. More importantly, to merely mention RFK, Jr.’s interest in increasing access to psychedelics — some of the most remarkably effective treatments for depression, PTSD, end-of-life distress, and more — as some kind of blistering criticism is ludicrous. The latest Phase 3 study on MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD showed 71.2% of participants in the MDMA therapy group (three 8-hour sessions of MDMA therapy followed by integration) no longer met the criteria for PTSD compared to the 47.6% in the placebo with therapy group (which indicates, in part, the effectiveness of Lykos Therapeutics’ rigorous psychotherapy protocol). In a bipartisan letter to President Biden in August, lawmakers of all stripes expressed serious concern for the PTSD-rooted suicide epidemic in the veterans community (over 20 a day on average) and the promise of MDMA therapy as a treatment for severe PTSD. RFK, Jr. has expressed support for increasing such profoundly life-changing root-cause therapies for those struggling with mental illness, particularly veterans. Does Mike Pence’s “conservative” advocacy group really have a problem with that? As for the other apparently self-explanatory criticism of RFK, Jr. — his support for “wellness farms” (something he has not advocated specific policy on since his alliance with Trump and the election win and only ever supported in a documentary released last June) — I will highlight quotes from this comprehensive recent article in the New York Times: “We’re going to build hundreds of healing farms where American kids can reconnect to America’s soil, where they can learn the discipline of hard work that rebuilds self-esteem and where they can master new skills,” he continued. … At drug rehabilitation farms, he has said, residents would grow organic food, receive training in trade skills and “learn to get re-parented.” Cellphones would be prohibited. Residents could remain as long as they wanted. The farms could also be available to young people who no longer wished to take anti-depressants or medications such as Adderall, which is used to treat A.D.H.D. … The typical stay is 60 days, said Mr. Guinn, a former kindergarten special-education teacher. The men learn how to tend to livestock, operate tractors and repair barns. Referring to working on the farm as “therapeutic gardening,” Mr. Guinn drew an analogy between weeding, digging and planting and the hard work of addiction recovery. The day also includes meditation, 12-step meetings and yoga. Wow, yoga, meditation, and immersion in nature — not that these modalities have been used for centuries across cultures! Does this sound like some insane, kooky idea? Or a refreshing departure from the psychiatric establishment — which is intertwined with Big Pharma — that almost never cures the root-cause of addiction, such as trauma, lifestyle factors, and a lack of meaning and spiritual purpose? Once again, RFK, Jr. has made no commitments to legislation on holistic mental health programs. Yet, Mike Pence’s advocacy group chose to spotlight this in their absurd one-page letter, seemingly grasping for reasons to oppose him reflexively, all while disregarding his stated policy positions since the election and his nomination to lead HHS. Let’s hope he is confirmed to lead the nation in combating the chronic disease epidemic and mental health crisis which mainstream medicine and Big Pharma have made worse. Republished from the author’s Substack Author Rav Arora is an independent journalist based in Vancouver, Canada. View all posts https://brownstone.org/articles/mike-pences-advocacy-group-has-ties-to-pfizer/
    Mike Pence's Advocacy Group Has Ties to Pfizer ⋆ Brownstone Institute
    RFK Jr. has made no commitments to legislation on health. Pence’s group spotlighted this in letter while disregarding his policy positions.
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  • Gaza proves Humanity is far more Backward than we Thought
    Stuart LittlewoodDecember 23, 2024

    NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 27: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at the United Nations headquarters on September 27, 2024 in New York City. World leaders convened for the General Assembly as the world continues to experience major wars in Gaza, Ukraine, and Sudan, along with a threat of a larger conflict in the Middle East. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)
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    This is for the benefit of all those political piss-artists and ministerial scoundrels in London, Washington, Paris and other Western capitals who wilfully distort the Israel-Palestine narrative and, in particular, the Gaza genocide and would have everyone believe that the problem started with Hamas’s breakout on 7 October, 14 months ago.

    And who do this to give their adored friends in Israel a free pass to carry out unspeakable crimes against humanity in order to realise the Zionists’ dream of dominating the entire Holy Land in accordance with their ‘Plan Dalet’ drawn up in 1948 on Ben Gurion’s instructions.

    17 years ago I was in Gaza to see for myself what was already a bad situation. That was before the murderous blitzkrieg they called Operation Cast Lead and subsequent massacres, but Israel’s crimes against humanity were already piled high.

    When I got home memories of the visit so haunted me that I sat down and wrote an article titled “See Gaza and Weep” describing my impressions in November of 2007.

    flattening Gaza to the ground

    Traffic into Gaza through the smart new border ‘facility’ at Erez is down to a trickle since Israel branded this tiny Palestinian seaside enclave a “hostile entity” and imposed a blockade even harsher than before.

    We came to Gaza to visit Fr Manuel Musallam, who ministers to his flock, runs the excellent Catholic school against all odds and is revered as a local hero. If he leaves Gaza the Israelis won’t allow him back, so for 9 years he has stayed put, isolated. When he heard we were coming, said a colleague, he burst into tears.

    After a noisy arrival at breakneck speed, with police sirens blaring Palestinian-style, our visit quickly turned into a media circus. An unlikely cavalcade of priests, interpreters, teachers, cameramen and Hamas armed police then took off to inspect the Rafah crossing into Egypt, now closed indefinitely, then followed the iron barrier down to the sea and the coast road back to the city.

    I noted the deserted beaches and disused fishing boats… Israel has banned fishing off the Gaza coast, ruined the livelihood of 3000 fishermen and deprived local people of a proper diet. Boats defying the ban are fired on.

    The Gaza Strip is sealed off from the outside world with an Israeli fence guarded by watchtowers, snipers, tanks, armoured bulldozers and drones. Israel pretended to withdraw two years ago but still controls Gaza’s airspace, coastal waters and airwaves. It has the place bottled up like a prison and makes frequent incursions.

    Much of it is blasted to rubble but many fine buildings survive. So does the defiant community. One can easily imagine Gaza blossoming into a coastal paradise, but right now the strangulated economy is in free-fall and for 1.5 million ordinary folk life is hell. Unemployment stands at 65%, and 80% live below the poverty line.

    Fuel is running out, so are basics like washing powder. Shattered infrastructure and food shortages mean serious public health problems. Power cuts disrupt hospitals and vital drugs cannot be kept refrigerated. Thousands look death in the face as medi-care collapses.

    A friend emailed: “Today in Gaza we have no cement to build graves for those who die.”

    Palestinians pray by the bodies of people killed in the Gaza Strip in front of the morgue in Deir al-Balah. [Adel Hana/AP Photo]
    We were also there to show solidarity with the whole population, Muslim and Christian, against the crippling economic sanctions that have led to this crisis. According to the Ministry of Health 450 cancer patients (35% of them children) are forbidden to leave Gaza for treatment or surgery. Many go without medication because cancer drugs are blocked or delayed at the border. There’s no radiotherapy.

    400 renal failure patients should be getting dialysis three times a week but 20 of the 69 machines are out of action – no spares – and treatment has been cut to twice a week.

    400 cardiac patients suffer unnecessarily owing to shortage of drugs. Spares for therapeutic and diagnostic equipment cannot get through.

    Hospitals are completely out of many essential medical and psychiatric drugs, X-ray bags and sterilisation bags. They are dangerously short of dressings, other disposables and cleaning materials. When the 2 weeks’ supply of anaesthetics is finished the operating theatres will close.

    Fuel stocks may last 15 days with luck, but there’s no patient food until MAP UK aid arrives.

    Physicians for Human Rights (Israel) say they have been trying to bring the critically ill out of Gaza for proper treatment, but are often refused. So they die in agony. A thousand patients – advanced kidney and cancer cases and victims of Israeli air-strikes – need immediate transfer. Channel 4 News screened a shocking report on UK TV about how the sick are blackmailed. If they agree to inform on relatives they are allowed to cross the border. If not they can “stay in Gaza and die”.

    The Red Cross repeatedly reminds Israel of its obligation under international law and the Geneva Conventions to ensure that humanitarian supplies reach Palestinian civilians.

    However, I’m told that drugs purchased from sales of my book ‘Radio Free Palestine’ cannot be delivered in the normal way and will have to be smuggled in somehow.

    The European Parliament in October passed a resolution calling on Israel to lift the blockade and guarantee humanitarian aid and essential supplies of electricity and fuel. Israel responded by declaring Gaza a “hostile entity” and announced more sanctions.

    As guests in the community we were invited for coffee at the House of Fatah and the residence of Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh. It was a relief to see that relations between religious and political factions are friendly and good-humoured at such a difficult time.

    Taking our leave was double torture… the wrench of saying farewell to a brave people that Western governments are persecuting, and the prospect of once again running the gauntlet of Erez’s high-tech security procedures and questioning, which this time took 3 hours while Qassam rockets flew over and exploded on the Israeli side. They seldom do any damage but indiscriminate targeting of civilians by both sides is deplorable.

    Gaza was formerly under British mandate, which is surely reason enough to feel a special responsibility. In better days a kindlier British government might have landed supplies on Gaza’s empty beach and lifted the siege. Indeed, there are many things a kindlier British government might have done to set the Palestinians free.

    How different now. The appalling situation, created with Britain’s help, is designed to force democratically elected Hamas into submission and bring a sick and demoralised community meekly back under Abbas’s puppet regime.

    Meanwhile the subjugation and dispossession of Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land continues. It remains a mystery to me why our largely Christian (but increasingly Muslim-inclusive) democracy in the UK so slavishly supports the Middle Eastern ethnocracy that’s doing this…

    Question: What has changed for the better? Answer: Nothing. And that sums up the achievement of Mahmoud Abbas’s over-long stay as Palestinian president.

    Some say Abbas isn’t a bad guy, he just lost his way. Actually there’s a long crime-sheet against him. A founding member of Arafat’s Fatah faction, he ‘won’ the presidency of the Palestinian National Authority in January 2005 in a dodgy contest – let’s not dignify it with the word ‘election’ – in which Israel seriously interfered to obstruct other candidates. He has overstayed his 4-year term by nearly 3 years and is widely regarded as having no legitimacy and no popular mandate. Legitimate or not, he is still propped up by the US, Israel, Britain and those other beacons of democracy.

    According to the Constitution the presidency should by now have devolved to the Speaker of the Legislative Council, Aziz Duweik. But that could never be permitted because Duweik, although a professor with a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, is also a member of Hamas. So Abbas clings to office like used chewing-gum to the sidewalk.

    In 2007 he dissolved the Hamas-led unity government, of which Haniyeh was prime minister, and appointed Salam Fayyad in his place, a move that was almost certainly illegal under Palestinian Basic Law and designed to ensure the disunity and weakness that Israel so badly wanted to see.

    Since the Palestinian Legislative Council never approved Fayyad’s appointment, many Palestinians regard Haniyeh as the caretaker PM although his authority, as a result of Abbas’s treachery, is now confined to Gaza. In all probability Fayyad has no more legitimacy than Abbas.

    When he took up the post of president, Abbas would have sworn this solemn oath… “I swear to God almighty to be faithful to the Homeland and to its sacred places, and to the people and its national heritage, and to respect the Constitutional system and the law, and to safeguard the interests of the Palestinian people completely, as God is my witness.”

    We’ve seen how he respects his country’s Constitutional system. He was further undone by the Wikileaks suggestions that the Israeli government “consulted with Egypt and Fatah prior to Operation Cast Lead, asking if they were willing to assume control of Gaza once Israel defeated Hamas”.

    And only a few days ago Abbas was safeguarding the interests of the Palestinian people by announcing on Israeli TV, of all places: “Palestine now for me is ’67 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. This is now and forever … This is Palestine for me. I am [a] refugee, but I am living in Ramallah. I believe that [the] West Bank and Gaza is Palestine and the other parts [are] Israel.” In other words, he relinquishes the Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their lands and homes and even surrenders his own right to return to his birth town Safad, which is now a district in northern Israel.

    “We don’t want to use terror,” he says. Agreed. Perish the thought.

    “We don’t want to use force. We don’t want to use weapons…” he says. But Palestinians have a perfect legal right to use any means to repel a foreign occupier.

    “We want to use diplomacy. We want to use politics. We want to use negotiations…” Has he learned nothing from 64 years of non-stop ethnic cleansing and failed diplomacy?

    The Israelis by all accounts are jubilant. Their Top Stooge has scored for them again. But Haniyeh is not amused. “It is not possible for any person, regardless of who he is … to give up a hand’s width of this Palestinian land, or to give up the right of return to our homes from which we were forced out…”

    If you visit the Holy Land, Palestinians will urge you to tell their story when you get home. But does Abbas bother to tell it? How many activists, supporters, sympathizers, journalists and writers have had a chance to meet this great leader of the Palestinian underdogs… to be enthused by him… to question him? When he comes to London for “talks” it’s hush-hush. We never hear about it. His good-for-nothing embassy says nothing. His worse-than-useless press office in Ramallah says nothing.

    In the struggle for their rights and independence the Palestinians have international law and UN resolutions on their side. But in the seven years Abbas has presided the West Bank has remained sealed, the theft of Palestinian land has continued unabated and the blockade on Gaza has not eased – it’s been tightened. Palestine goes on losing more than it gains.

    The bottom line is that in the 21st Century – this new age of enlightenment – Palestinians remain prisoners in their own country. How miserably must a leader fail his people before they kick him out?

    And how much longer will Western leaders continue to shirk their responsibilities towards our Christians and Muslims brothers and sisters in the Holy Land?

    Fast-forward 12 years and today the loser Abbas is still there, widely regarded as a quisling and achieving nothing for his own country… but still doing Israel many favours.

    Who, in 2007, could have believed that for 14 months in 2023/4 the international community would stand by and do nothing to stop the apartheid regime in Israel exterminating Palestinian civilians, women and children in their own homeland in revenge for their having struck back against over 7 decades of Israeli illegal and brutal military occupation, dispossession, theft of their lands, livelihoods and resources, and interference with their lives at every level?

    Who, in 2007, would have believed that the US and UK — those champions of democracy, freedom and self-determination — would be supplying Israel with the munitions and other wherewithall to carry out a full-blooded genocide?

    Who, in 2007, would have believed that the people of the US and UK could allow their sick-minded politicans to behave in such a despicable way?

    And who, in 2007, would have thought Western Christendom would be so spineless as to stand idly by watching their Christian and Muslim brothers and sisters being cruelly slaughtered in Gaza and the West Bank — the very wellspring of their faith — and not even raise a whimper never mind mobilise their millions in opposition to such downright evil.

    Stuart Littlewood
    22 December 2024

    After working on jet fighters in the RAF Stuart became an industrial marketing specialist with manufacturing companies and consultancy firms. He also “indulged himself” as a newspaper columnist. In politics, he served as a Cambridgeshire county councillor and member of the Police Authority. Now retired he campaigns on various issues and contributes to several online news & opinion sites. An Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, he has produced two photo-documentary books – Paperturn-view.com.

    Also, check out Stuart’s book Radio Free Palestine, with Foreword by Jeff Halper, which tells the plight of the Palestinians under brutal occupation.

    Stuart’s Very Latest Articles: 2023 – Present

    – Archived Articles: 2010-2015 – 2016-2022


    $280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation
    150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.


    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

    About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy
    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.

    Gaza proves Humanity is far more Backward than we Thought Stuart LittlewoodDecember 23, 2024 NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 27: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at the United Nations headquarters on September 27, 2024 in New York City. World leaders convened for the General Assembly as the world continues to experience major wars in Gaza, Ukraine, and Sudan, along with a threat of a larger conflict in the Middle East. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images) Become a VT Supporting Member Today Please keep VT Radio and VT Foreign Policy alive! Donate today to make sure VT stays on the internet free and clear of Big Tech control! Donate today: Please Donate - Click Here This is for the benefit of all those political piss-artists and ministerial scoundrels in London, Washington, Paris and other Western capitals who wilfully distort the Israel-Palestine narrative and, in particular, the Gaza genocide and would have everyone believe that the problem started with Hamas’s breakout on 7 October, 14 months ago. And who do this to give their adored friends in Israel a free pass to carry out unspeakable crimes against humanity in order to realise the Zionists’ dream of dominating the entire Holy Land in accordance with their ‘Plan Dalet’ drawn up in 1948 on Ben Gurion’s instructions. 17 years ago I was in Gaza to see for myself what was already a bad situation. That was before the murderous blitzkrieg they called Operation Cast Lead and subsequent massacres, but Israel’s crimes against humanity were already piled high. When I got home memories of the visit so haunted me that I sat down and wrote an article titled “See Gaza and Weep” describing my impressions in November of 2007. flattening Gaza to the ground SEE GAZA AND WEEP Traffic into Gaza through the smart new border ‘facility’ at Erez is down to a trickle since Israel branded this tiny Palestinian seaside enclave a “hostile entity” and imposed a blockade even harsher than before. We came to Gaza to visit Fr Manuel Musallam, who ministers to his flock, runs the excellent Catholic school against all odds and is revered as a local hero. If he leaves Gaza the Israelis won’t allow him back, so for 9 years he has stayed put, isolated. When he heard we were coming, said a colleague, he burst into tears. After a noisy arrival at breakneck speed, with police sirens blaring Palestinian-style, our visit quickly turned into a media circus. An unlikely cavalcade of priests, interpreters, teachers, cameramen and Hamas armed police then took off to inspect the Rafah crossing into Egypt, now closed indefinitely, then followed the iron barrier down to the sea and the coast road back to the city. I noted the deserted beaches and disused fishing boats… Israel has banned fishing off the Gaza coast, ruined the livelihood of 3000 fishermen and deprived local people of a proper diet. Boats defying the ban are fired on. The Gaza Strip is sealed off from the outside world with an Israeli fence guarded by watchtowers, snipers, tanks, armoured bulldozers and drones. Israel pretended to withdraw two years ago but still controls Gaza’s airspace, coastal waters and airwaves. It has the place bottled up like a prison and makes frequent incursions. Much of it is blasted to rubble but many fine buildings survive. So does the defiant community. One can easily imagine Gaza blossoming into a coastal paradise, but right now the strangulated economy is in free-fall and for 1.5 million ordinary folk life is hell. Unemployment stands at 65%, and 80% live below the poverty line. Fuel is running out, so are basics like washing powder. Shattered infrastructure and food shortages mean serious public health problems. Power cuts disrupt hospitals and vital drugs cannot be kept refrigerated. Thousands look death in the face as medi-care collapses. A friend emailed: “Today in Gaza we have no cement to build graves for those who die.” Palestinians pray by the bodies of people killed in the Gaza Strip in front of the morgue in Deir al-Balah. [Adel Hana/AP Photo] We were also there to show solidarity with the whole population, Muslim and Christian, against the crippling economic sanctions that have led to this crisis. According to the Ministry of Health 450 cancer patients (35% of them children) are forbidden to leave Gaza for treatment or surgery. Many go without medication because cancer drugs are blocked or delayed at the border. There’s no radiotherapy. 400 renal failure patients should be getting dialysis three times a week but 20 of the 69 machines are out of action – no spares – and treatment has been cut to twice a week. 400 cardiac patients suffer unnecessarily owing to shortage of drugs. Spares for therapeutic and diagnostic equipment cannot get through. Hospitals are completely out of many essential medical and psychiatric drugs, X-ray bags and sterilisation bags. They are dangerously short of dressings, other disposables and cleaning materials. When the 2 weeks’ supply of anaesthetics is finished the operating theatres will close. Fuel stocks may last 15 days with luck, but there’s no patient food until MAP UK aid arrives. Physicians for Human Rights (Israel) say they have been trying to bring the critically ill out of Gaza for proper treatment, but are often refused. So they die in agony. A thousand patients – advanced kidney and cancer cases and victims of Israeli air-strikes – need immediate transfer. Channel 4 News screened a shocking report on UK TV about how the sick are blackmailed. If they agree to inform on relatives they are allowed to cross the border. If not they can “stay in Gaza and die”. The Red Cross repeatedly reminds Israel of its obligation under international law and the Geneva Conventions to ensure that humanitarian supplies reach Palestinian civilians. However, I’m told that drugs purchased from sales of my book ‘Radio Free Palestine’ cannot be delivered in the normal way and will have to be smuggled in somehow. The European Parliament in October passed a resolution calling on Israel to lift the blockade and guarantee humanitarian aid and essential supplies of electricity and fuel. Israel responded by declaring Gaza a “hostile entity” and announced more sanctions. As guests in the community we were invited for coffee at the House of Fatah and the residence of Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh. It was a relief to see that relations between religious and political factions are friendly and good-humoured at such a difficult time. Taking our leave was double torture… the wrench of saying farewell to a brave people that Western governments are persecuting, and the prospect of once again running the gauntlet of Erez’s high-tech security procedures and questioning, which this time took 3 hours while Qassam rockets flew over and exploded on the Israeli side. They seldom do any damage but indiscriminate targeting of civilians by both sides is deplorable. Gaza was formerly under British mandate, which is surely reason enough to feel a special responsibility. In better days a kindlier British government might have landed supplies on Gaza’s empty beach and lifted the siege. Indeed, there are many things a kindlier British government might have done to set the Palestinians free. How different now. The appalling situation, created with Britain’s help, is designed to force democratically elected Hamas into submission and bring a sick and demoralised community meekly back under Abbas’s puppet regime. Meanwhile the subjugation and dispossession of Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land continues. It remains a mystery to me why our largely Christian (but increasingly Muslim-inclusive) democracy in the UK so slavishly supports the Middle Eastern ethnocracy that’s doing this… Question: What has changed for the better? Answer: Nothing. And that sums up the achievement of Mahmoud Abbas’s over-long stay as Palestinian president. Some say Abbas isn’t a bad guy, he just lost his way. Actually there’s a long crime-sheet against him. A founding member of Arafat’s Fatah faction, he ‘won’ the presidency of the Palestinian National Authority in January 2005 in a dodgy contest – let’s not dignify it with the word ‘election’ – in which Israel seriously interfered to obstruct other candidates. He has overstayed his 4-year term by nearly 3 years and is widely regarded as having no legitimacy and no popular mandate. Legitimate or not, he is still propped up by the US, Israel, Britain and those other beacons of democracy. According to the Constitution the presidency should by now have devolved to the Speaker of the Legislative Council, Aziz Duweik. But that could never be permitted because Duweik, although a professor with a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, is also a member of Hamas. So Abbas clings to office like used chewing-gum to the sidewalk. In 2007 he dissolved the Hamas-led unity government, of which Haniyeh was prime minister, and appointed Salam Fayyad in his place, a move that was almost certainly illegal under Palestinian Basic Law and designed to ensure the disunity and weakness that Israel so badly wanted to see. Since the Palestinian Legislative Council never approved Fayyad’s appointment, many Palestinians regard Haniyeh as the caretaker PM although his authority, as a result of Abbas’s treachery, is now confined to Gaza. In all probability Fayyad has no more legitimacy than Abbas. When he took up the post of president, Abbas would have sworn this solemn oath… “I swear to God almighty to be faithful to the Homeland and to its sacred places, and to the people and its national heritage, and to respect the Constitutional system and the law, and to safeguard the interests of the Palestinian people completely, as God is my witness.” We’ve seen how he respects his country’s Constitutional system. He was further undone by the Wikileaks suggestions that the Israeli government “consulted with Egypt and Fatah prior to Operation Cast Lead, asking if they were willing to assume control of Gaza once Israel defeated Hamas”. And only a few days ago Abbas was safeguarding the interests of the Palestinian people by announcing on Israeli TV, of all places: “Palestine now for me is ’67 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. This is now and forever … This is Palestine for me. I am [a] refugee, but I am living in Ramallah. I believe that [the] West Bank and Gaza is Palestine and the other parts [are] Israel.” In other words, he relinquishes the Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their lands and homes and even surrenders his own right to return to his birth town Safad, which is now a district in northern Israel. “We don’t want to use terror,” he says. Agreed. Perish the thought. “We don’t want to use force. We don’t want to use weapons…” he says. But Palestinians have a perfect legal right to use any means to repel a foreign occupier. “We want to use diplomacy. We want to use politics. We want to use negotiations…” Has he learned nothing from 64 years of non-stop ethnic cleansing and failed diplomacy? The Israelis by all accounts are jubilant. Their Top Stooge has scored for them again. But Haniyeh is not amused. “It is not possible for any person, regardless of who he is … to give up a hand’s width of this Palestinian land, or to give up the right of return to our homes from which we were forced out…” If you visit the Holy Land, Palestinians will urge you to tell their story when you get home. But does Abbas bother to tell it? How many activists, supporters, sympathizers, journalists and writers have had a chance to meet this great leader of the Palestinian underdogs… to be enthused by him… to question him? When he comes to London for “talks” it’s hush-hush. We never hear about it. His good-for-nothing embassy says nothing. His worse-than-useless press office in Ramallah says nothing. In the struggle for their rights and independence the Palestinians have international law and UN resolutions on their side. But in the seven years Abbas has presided the West Bank has remained sealed, the theft of Palestinian land has continued unabated and the blockade on Gaza has not eased – it’s been tightened. Palestine goes on losing more than it gains. The bottom line is that in the 21st Century – this new age of enlightenment – Palestinians remain prisoners in their own country. How miserably must a leader fail his people before they kick him out? And how much longer will Western leaders continue to shirk their responsibilities towards our Christians and Muslims brothers and sisters in the Holy Land? Fast-forward 12 years and today the loser Abbas is still there, widely regarded as a quisling and achieving nothing for his own country… but still doing Israel many favours. Who, in 2007, could have believed that for 14 months in 2023/4 the international community would stand by and do nothing to stop the apartheid regime in Israel exterminating Palestinian civilians, women and children in their own homeland in revenge for their having struck back against over 7 decades of Israeli illegal and brutal military occupation, dispossession, theft of their lands, livelihoods and resources, and interference with their lives at every level? Who, in 2007, would have believed that the US and UK — those champions of democracy, freedom and self-determination — would be supplying Israel with the munitions and other wherewithall to carry out a full-blooded genocide? Who, in 2007, would have believed that the people of the US and UK could allow their sick-minded politicans to behave in such a despicable way? And who, in 2007, would have thought Western Christendom would be so spineless as to stand idly by watching their Christian and Muslim brothers and sisters being cruelly slaughtered in Gaza and the West Bank — the very wellspring of their faith — and not even raise a whimper never mind mobilise their millions in opposition to such downright evil. Stuart Littlewood 22 December 2024 After working on jet fighters in the RAF Stuart became an industrial marketing specialist with manufacturing companies and consultancy firms. He also “indulged himself” as a newspaper columnist. In politics, he served as a Cambridgeshire county councillor and member of the Police Authority. Now retired he campaigns on various issues and contributes to several online news & opinion sites. An Associate of the Royal Photographic Society, he has produced two photo-documentary books – Paperturn-view.com. Also, check out Stuart’s book Radio Free Palestine, with Foreword by Jeff Halper, which tells the plight of the Palestinians under brutal occupation. Stuart’s Very Latest Articles: 2023 – Present – Archived Articles: 2010-2015 – 2016-2022 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/12/gaza-proves-humanity-is-far-more-backward-than-we-thought/
    Gaza proves Humanity is far more Backward than we Thought
    This is for the benefit of all those political piss-artists and ministerial scoundrels in London, Washington, Paris and other Western capitals who wilfully distort the Israel-Palestine narrative and, in particular, the Gaza genocide and would have everyone believe that the problem started with Hamas's breakout on 7 October, 14 months ago. And who do this
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  • AI War Chronicles: SR-72 Darkstar... the Plane that is slower than a Train

    I have a message to Elon Musk the USA Military and the stinking scum of Skunkworks.
    You are all pretentious losers.
    You can go and fuck yourselves.

    Elon Musk Declared SR-72 Darkstar Is Finally Ready To Fly

    The one thing you can take out of this video is how the SR-72 works.
    Spoiler Alert:
    It works exactly like my Hypersonic Airstream Train using a turbine as a secondary engine and a Scramjet as main engine.
    But... and here is the catch... they started 8 years AFTER I filed my patent for my Hypersonic Airstream Train and AFTER I received my patent!
    Congratulation on being losers!

    Introducing a New Method of Transportation

    Introducing a New Method of Transportation
    Note: This is an old document I found still relevant maybe more than ever.

    Read full story

    How many Incest Idiots work at Lockheed Martin?
    According to Elon Musk... the lot!

    Musk Chides ‘Idiots’ Who Back F-35 Stealth Fighter
    SpaceX founder Musk challenges manned fighters overall.

    Musk has plenty of company in critiquing the F-35 program. With its cost overruns (currently pegged at $180 billion over budget), delays and technical difficulties regarding reliability, maintainability and mission availability, the F-35 has more than its share of detractors.


    But Elon Musk is a Schizophrenic Mind controlled TechnoRat.
    And he has his own Agenda... given to him by his Satanist Pedophile friends.

    Musk calls for US to replace fighter jets with drones

    "Manned fighter jets are obsolete in the age of drones anyway. Will just get pilots killed," said the head of SpaceX, Tesla and X, in a post on his social media platform.
    Musk singled out the F-35 -- a next-generation fighter jet manufactured by US-based Lockheed Martin that entered service in 2015 -- for criticism.


    The Pentagon’s F-35 costs rose 10% to about $485 billion this year to deal with overheating issues, according to a Bloomberg report.
    The US government has delivered around 1,000 F-35 jets to its military and allies, out of a total of more than 3,000 planes planned for production over its lifetime.
    The aircraft is expected to remain in service until 2088 and the program in its entirety is estimated to cost more than $2 trillion, according to the US Government Accountability Office.


    And that is the F-35 alone.

    Elon Musk Calls F-35 Builders ‘Idiots’, Favors Drone Swarms


    And here we expose Elon Musk and his darkest Agenda... again...

    Project Omega: The Dark Side of Elon Musk

    Project Omega: The Dark Side of Elon Musk
    Project Omega

    Read full story

    Building already an Army of Tesla Drones.

    Elon Musk's Robot Army and the end of Humanity

    Elon Musk's Robot Army and the end of Humanity
    It all adds up... except the Mathematics of Elon Musk.

    Read full story

    So why does Elon Musk prefer drones?
    Because of STARLINK or STARSHIELD.

    STARLINK: Brainwave Attack

    STARLINK: Brainwave Attack
    The Schumann Resonance is a low-frequency electromagnetic wave of up to 7.83 Hz that occurs between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. It is related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and can affect human behavior, mood, and health.

    Read full story

    I wrote some 4 years ago that the only reason for STARLINK is the coming AI war

    Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war

    Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war
    This picture is taken from the Harvard Wyss Foundation outlining the capabilities of Nanotechnology in a world that is out of balance and out of control, a world of their making by design not coincidence.

    Read full story

    Elon Musk is a Trojan Horse... a MK Ultra mind controlled Muppet of the Jewish Cabal hell-bent on destroying and enslaving this world.
    So when Elon Musk is given a Government position that rightfully exposes the Idiots working for Lockheed Martin... he isn't your savior or Messiah... he is the Imperial version of Joseph Göbbels.

    When Elon Musk talks of using drones to "save lives" he is lying... simple as that.
    Actually the same as Sam Altman or Bill Gates... underneath their masks they are working of your future enslavement... if you survive the AI War that is.
    As I pointed out a many a times that STARLINK is essentially AI warfare infrastructure from the start... it comes to no surprise to me that Elon Musk favors' Drones... isn't he himself a drone?
    He certainly is manipulated by the Jews aka Deep state who want not only a world Government but also depopulation and population control.
    And they work on this using AI STARLINK and other technologies.
    Basically the Jews and Elon Musk who has a father that fathered two children with his sister... that never gets old...

    Elon Musk’s dad, 76, confirms secret second child — with his stepdaughter


    ... they are building around us since Covid an Infrastructure for a Planetary Prison Planet using AI STARLINK and Mind control... Planet Auschwitz.

    Planet Auschwitz

    Planet Auschwitz
    Order? Disorder!

    Read full story

    Elon Musk is Joseph Göbbels... Bill Gates is Dr. Mengele... Sam Altman is an Arsehole... Donald Trump an Idiot!
    Who is the new Adolf Hitler?
    That will be AI.

    The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Lab grown Brain Computers of final spark... the final solution.

    Read full story

    They are selling you cancer as the cure.
    They created COVID in order to Inject you with NEURAL LACE BCI which is an essential part of their population control.
    Starlink and AI are the other essential parts.

    And it comes to no surprise they work hand in glove with Israel the Jews and Unit 8200.

    Israel's Unit 8200 Alumina & the Global Spy Network

    Israel's Unit 8200 Alumina & the Global Spy Network
    This is a must see documentary about Unit 8200.

    Read full story

    Technology comes in stages that build upon each other.
    First came the wheel... then the bicycle... (bi cycle meaning the conversion of up and down movement into rotation)... then the automation of this using 4 strokes (Otto engine).
    Same with AI...
    AI started as Batch programming... using feedback loops... that stored and separated Data (If=> then=> else=>)... the beginning of machine learning.
    Facial Recognition is just that... the ability of recognizing faces by separating and storing Data according to given parameters.
    Nothing remotely Intelligent about AI... a bit like Jews... purely mathematical and not Human.
    Same as Elon Musk actually.
    But as the technology is perfected the possibilities evolve...

    At Airshow China 2024 in Zhuhai, China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC) introduced a groundbreaking development in military technology: Robo-Wolves. These advanced quadrupedal robots, known as "mechanical wolves," are designed to bring new levels of versatility and tactical power to modern warfare. Equipped with cutting-edge reconnaissance, combat, and support capabilities, these robo-wolves have captivated military experts and attendees alike with their revolutionary design and combat potential.

    This is a list of Robots they already have and have perfected.

    Do we really have to Kill them all?

    Do we really have to Kill them all?
    When you're sad and when you're lonely

    Read full story

    Imagine there is a war and you don't know about it.
    Imagine there is an enemy that you cannot see.
    Imagine there is a prison that has no walls.
    Imagine there is a weapon that has no sound.
    Imagine a bomb that you build without knowing.
    Imagine a grave you dig for yourselves.

    The enemy within

    The enemy within
    I need you

    Read full story

    The same with AI robots using movement and sensors tike simple motion sensors in every night light Infrared sensors and others.
    The technology stacks up and works together according to parameters given.
    Then we have Google ALEXA SIRI and others spying on you and storing your voice... voice recognition.
    Your phone is your permanent locator.
    And using technologies like Amazon Sidewalk and Apple (Find your phone) BLE Bluetooth Low Energy.
    Stack up this technology and you have an Automated Spy Network controlled by a few Jews.
    A Digital Adolf Hitler Network with a Digital Erich Mielke... the Godfather of Angela Merkel...

    I assure you... you don't want this!
    But this is what Elon Musk... now in the Government... is working on.

    Quantum Fascism : The Trojan Horse of AI

    Quantum Fascism : The Trojan Horse of AI
    AI... Artificial Intelligence... sounds great does it?

    Read full story

    Back to the losers of Stinkworks.


    According to recent Aviation Week reports, a classified Lockheed Martin program that involves a “highly complex design and systems integration” went another $45 million over budget in the second quarter of 2024. Based on Lockheed’s quarterly filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, that places the firms’ total losses associated with this single shadowy program up to some $335 million since 2022. Those same filings went on to postulate that losses may continue to accrue as the company faces “advanced procurement costs” moving forward.


    So in two years they use up $ 335 mil plus additional $ 360 mil over budget.
    That is over 8 Billion USD since 2013.

    Now compare this with my technology...

    This is an Article from 11 Feb 2013 about my technology...

    We must continue upgrading our UK transport infrastructure, delivering CO2 reduction, jobs and economic growth in mutually consistent strides.

    The independent Stern Review makes it clear that the option of being ‘rich and dirty’ does not exist because catastrophic climate change would have a huge economic cost, as well as damaging people’s lives and the planet. But nor do we have to be ‘poor’ to be ‘green’. Stern says developed countries must cut CO2 emissions by at least 60 per cent by 2050, and that this can be achieved at a manageable one per cent of GDP, provided the right policies are put in place. Although for developed countries like the UK this cost would be higher but is far less than the costs of inaction.

    High speed rail investment (HS2) will cost around £75 billion (estimates vary) and will move passengers along at over 200 mph, although not before 2033. According to the Government, the proportion of investment actually associated with ‘high speed’ is less than 10 per cent of the overall project. Given that all the PR spin about HS2’s benefit is associated with the ‘speedy’ bit, is the upgrade really good value for money and future-proof?

    France’s flagship TGV services have been touching 200mph (322km/h) since 1981. They serve not only regional towns but those in Italy and Switzerland, while the 186mph (300km/h) Thalys uses the same track to serve Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Western Germany. European Union efforts to ensure compatibility mean services like the German-built Inter City Express, which can reach 180mph, serve major destinations across much of Western Europe. By comparison, most of the UK’s main line inter-city services are limited to 125mph (201km/h), with lower limits in places, while ageing diesel locomotives operate in many areas such as the East Coast Main Line and Great Western Main Line. Eurostar services operate at 186mph (300km/h) on the 68-mile (109km) HS1 London to Folkestone line, which is shared by 140mph (225km/h) Kent commuter services.

    Once again, our best engineering thinking on future transport technologies has to look to export markets for investment and implementation. The Airstream (AST), designed here by a Brit, is a 70-meter aluminium and carbon fibre scramjet train that carries 256 passengers faster than a jet fighter, along its own cushion of air. The AST’s forward motion pushes air under the passenger cell to create lift. The air is then compressed and pushed at high pressure through channels into the space between track and train. Isaac Newton’s third law of motion – ‘that any force in one direction creates an equal and opposite force in the opposite direction’ – causes the levitation (another Brit!). The faster AST accelerates, the higher the pressure and speed is in theory, infinite.

    AST is also the only transportation system that is capable of ‘linear’ travel – only acceleration and deceleration (i.e. no fixed cruising speed). To explain; a journey by plane from Paris to Hong Kong consists of accelerating to cruising speed, travelling at 900kph for 12 hours, decelerating and landing. The same journey on board AST is a tad quicker. AST accelerates to mach 10, decelerates and stops. This would allow a journey from Paris to Hong Kong to be completed within one hour.

    No slowcoach!


    This is an Article from 2011

    Hypersonic Transportation: The Airstream Train

    Hypersonic Transport - Hypersonic Zero Emission Transportation

    Our Invention, Patent in Hong Kong on May 05 2008 is the Solution for all transport and Infrastructure problems the world faces today.

    This should be especially interesting for country’s like India China and Africa as a whole that desperately need a modern 21st Century environmentally Integrated transport system that also provides Infrastructure.

    Collected from: Hypersonic Transport - Hypersonic Zero Emission Transportation

    Abstract: An air stream train comprises a rail (1) and a train body (2) which runs on the rail (1), a turbojet engine (E1) and an energy conversion chamber (20) belonging to the turbojet engine (E1), which are used to suspend and drive the train body (2), an air collecting chamber (7) disposed in the front of the train body (2). During the forward traveling of the train body (2), the air collecting chamber (7) generates a lifting force. If the pressure of the air collecting chamber (PACC) is higher than the nominal pressure (PN), a pressure exchanging valve (22) disposed at the bottom of the air collecting chamber (7) opens. A scramjet (E2) is used to accelerate the train body (2) continuously after the velocity of the train body (2) reaching a predetermined velocity. The air stream train uses a running method combining with the above configuration.

    Collected from: (WO/2009/135389) AIR STREAM TRAIN AND RUNNING METHOD THEREOF
    Collected from: Specififications - Hypersonic Zero Emission Transportation


    The Airstream Train is a new concept of Transportation.
    It opens possiblities previously unheard of.
    It is fast safe yet simple and very inexpensive to build and to maintain.
    It uses Aviation Technology which is combined with Hovercraft and Train Technology.
    It uses a Scramjet engine which is tested and verified to reach a speed of Mach 10.
    It uses an Air cushion the Ground effect and then an Airstream to levitate itself around a specially shaped Track.
    This Technology in it's principles was proven to be working better and more sufficcient then Magnetic Levitation Trains in 1973 by Jean Bertin with his Hovercraft Train he called: "Aero Train".
    The Speed of 472km/h is still higher then that of a Maglev Train Today.
    The Airstream Train takes advantage of all that came before together with the technology that we have today to create an absolute in Transportation Technology.
    A truly Integrated System that allows for the best safest fastest yet cheapest and cleanest silent journey.
    And that is the Transportation Side only.
    Due to the fact that we have to build the Track once, we then can use the Inside of the Track to provide the public with infrastructure.
    Electricity Internet Telephone even water and waste water can be supplied though the Track.
    And this will be an easily accessible and upgradable System for Future stability.


    And don't you ever forget that the Hyperloop is based on my Invention.
    Elon Musk is a scumbag.
    He and his SPaceX Engineers copied the whole Idea from me...
    But I had to put it out because I feared for my life then and it was actually in danger.

    Tunnel Vision: Why the "Hyperloop" is my Invention and why it matters

    Tunnel Vision: Why the "Hyperloop" is my Invention and why it matters
    The world is on the brink of total destruction.

    Read full story

    How much money did I get?
    Not a penny to this day!

    Yet it was me that started the Hypersonic Revolution.
    I was the first to use Scramjet Technology in a new way and I understand this technology better than anyone else.
    Russia has now advanced this technology also... just some 20 years after I filed my Patent!!!
    And just like they did what they did to Nikola Tesla (Trump)... they did to me...
    Hoping to silence me by destroying my life.
    Even threatening potential Investors... as they did...
    And threatening people who wanted to Interview me... as they did.

    The SR 72 is a dead born fish.
    Actually what stops a plane from flying at those speeds are the wings.
    This is why no plane can ever achieve the speeds I can with my Train.
    It has the lowest air resistance factor and only a missile has a smaller one.
    That is why no plane can achieve the speeds i can with my train.
    You can’t beat physics.

    The Russian Hypersonic Missiles are so advanced they can shoot it down in a jiffy.
    In fact these Hypersonic Missiles can reach any point within just a few minutes... and this is why we need to beat up politicians line Lindsey Graham because these Jews willingly endanger Humanity.

    Since Gen X, all the youth in the West have been led to believe in the latest electronic gadgets, their cyber creature comforts and all that it offers; oblivious to the fact that their gadgets are inventions of mind control by the Deep State Secret Police and the Militarists DARPA.
    All they do is feed AI.
    They admire Billionaires Bill Gates and Alex Karp and Peter Thiel, CEOs of Palantir.
    All people should Divest from Palantir and all the other Military related War Profiteers for promoting a Global Culture of Death and Murder.
    And behind them are the WEF and the Jews wanting a world of their own... killing us all.

    Anti Semitism is a Human Right

    Anti Semitism is a Human Right
    I speak with grandeur one night in slumber

    Read full story

    Elon Musk Files

    Elon Musk Files
    I started writing this Blog because the world needs to know what we are capable.

    Read full story

    Lock them up I say.
    Punch their faces I say.
    Burn their Lodges I say.
    Rise up.

    Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians

    Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians
    .It is better to swiftly end this pain sharply than to have infinite pain infinitely with infinite altercations that get infinitely worse.

    Read full story

    No more Lies...
    No more war...
    Citizen's unite.
    Politicians and the Government steal our money to create WW3.
    And they endanger us all.
    So we have the right to go to their Houses and burn them alive.
    Better them than us.

    My technology was designed as a technology of peace using the most advanced technology and then some.
    It can also be used as a weapon

    Planet Killer: The Russian Doll Hypersonic Missile System

    Planet Killer: The Russian Doll Hypersonic Missile System
    "The plans for a future war

    Read full story

    But as it seems the Russian Oreshnik missile is similar.

    Oreshnik, is a Russian intermediate-range ballistic missile characterized by its reported speed exceeding Mach 10.

    This weapon cannot be defeated.
    So to say that we must attack Russia is idiotic and only a Jewish Politician with a death wish and a hatred for all of Humanity can do something like that.
    Because all the Jews want is to kill us all.

    Which again I tell you... the Jews ain't from around here...

    So there you have it...
    We must force those Arseholes out of Positions of power... because all they ever do is to lie us into WW3.

    The Government must fall.

    The Government must Fall!

    The Government must Fall!
    Declaration of no confidence in my Government

    Read full story

    And with it Elon Musk the WEF WHO Bill Gates Sam Altman Alex Karp Jeff Bezos and the Lot.


    Fritz Freud.

    If you can...

    are well off enough...

    and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...

    There is a lot of work going into this.

    Thank you.

    Buy me a Coffee

    This Blog has been under attack for some time.
    As such please share this information as far as you can.
    Anywhere you can.
    Thank you

    Thanks for reading Fritz’s Freud! This post is public so feel free to share it.


    AI War Chronicles: SR-72 Darkstar... the Plane that is slower than a Train I have a message to Elon Musk the USA Military and the stinking scum of Skunkworks. You are all pretentious losers. You can go and fuck yourselves. Elon Musk Declared SR-72 Darkstar Is Finally Ready To Fly The one thing you can take out of this video is how the SR-72 works. Spoiler Alert: It works exactly like my Hypersonic Airstream Train using a turbine as a secondary engine and a Scramjet as main engine. But... and here is the catch... they started 8 years AFTER I filed my patent for my Hypersonic Airstream Train and AFTER I received my patent! Congratulation on being losers! Introducing a New Method of Transportation Introducing a New Method of Transportation Note: This is an old document I found still relevant maybe more than ever. Read full story How many Incest Idiots work at Lockheed Martin? According to Elon Musk... the lot! Musk Chides ‘Idiots’ Who Back F-35 Stealth Fighter SpaceX founder Musk challenges manned fighters overall. Musk has plenty of company in critiquing the F-35 program. With its cost overruns (currently pegged at $180 billion over budget), delays and technical difficulties regarding reliability, maintainability and mission availability, the F-35 has more than its share of detractors. https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/elon-musk-targets-f-35-among-his-first-cost-cutting-projects/ But Elon Musk is a Schizophrenic Mind controlled TechnoRat. And he has his own Agenda... given to him by his Satanist Pedophile friends. Musk calls for US to replace fighter jets with drones "Manned fighter jets are obsolete in the age of drones anyway. Will just get pilots killed," said the head of SpaceX, Tesla and X, in a post on his social media platform. Musk singled out the F-35 -- a next-generation fighter jet manufactured by US-based Lockheed Martin that entered service in 2015 -- for criticism. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-ally-musk-calls-us-174021248.html The Pentagon’s F-35 costs rose 10% to about $485 billion this year to deal with overheating issues, according to a Bloomberg report. The US government has delivered around 1,000 F-35 jets to its military and allies, out of a total of more than 3,000 planes planned for production over its lifetime. The aircraft is expected to remain in service until 2088 and the program in its entirety is estimated to cost more than $2 trillion, according to the US Government Accountability Office. https://nypost.com/2024/11/25/business/elon-musk-slams-idiots-making-costly-f-35-fighter-jets-as-he-prepares-to-cut-costs/ And that is the F-35 alone. Elon Musk Calls F-35 Builders ‘Idiots’, Favors Drone Swarms https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2024/11/26/elon-musk-calls-f-35-builders-idiots-favors-drone-swarms/ And here we expose Elon Musk and his darkest Agenda... again... Project Omega: The Dark Side of Elon Musk Project Omega: The Dark Side of Elon Musk Project Omega Read full story Building already an Army of Tesla Drones. Elon Musk's Robot Army and the end of Humanity Elon Musk's Robot Army and the end of Humanity It all adds up... except the Mathematics of Elon Musk. Read full story So why does Elon Musk prefer drones? Because of STARLINK or STARSHIELD. STARLINK: Brainwave Attack STARLINK: Brainwave Attack The Schumann Resonance is a low-frequency electromagnetic wave of up to 7.83 Hz that occurs between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. It is related to the electrical activity in the atmosphere and can affect human behavior, mood, and health. Read full story I wrote some 4 years ago that the only reason for STARLINK is the coming AI war Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war This picture is taken from the Harvard Wyss Foundation outlining the capabilities of Nanotechnology in a world that is out of balance and out of control, a world of their making by design not coincidence. Read full story Elon Musk is a Trojan Horse... a MK Ultra mind controlled Muppet of the Jewish Cabal hell-bent on destroying and enslaving this world. So when Elon Musk is given a Government position that rightfully exposes the Idiots working for Lockheed Martin... he isn't your savior or Messiah... he is the Imperial version of Joseph Göbbels. When Elon Musk talks of using drones to "save lives" he is lying... simple as that. Actually the same as Sam Altman or Bill Gates... underneath their masks they are working of your future enslavement... if you survive the AI War that is. As I pointed out a many a times that STARLINK is essentially AI warfare infrastructure from the start... it comes to no surprise to me that Elon Musk favors' Drones... isn't he himself a drone? He certainly is manipulated by the Jews aka Deep state who want not only a world Government but also depopulation and population control. And they work on this using AI STARLINK and other technologies. Basically the Jews and Elon Musk who has a father that fathered two children with his sister... that never gets old... Elon Musk’s dad, 76, confirms secret second child — with his stepdaughter https://nypost.com/2022/07/14/elon-musks-dad-76-confirms-secret-child-with-stepdaughter/ ... they are building around us since Covid an Infrastructure for a Planetary Prison Planet using AI STARLINK and Mind control... Planet Auschwitz. Planet Auschwitz Planet Auschwitz Order? Disorder! Read full story Elon Musk is Joseph Göbbels... Bill Gates is Dr. Mengele... Sam Altman is an Arsehole... Donald Trump an Idiot! Who is the new Adolf Hitler? That will be AI. The Final Solution The Final Solution Lab grown Brain Computers of final spark... the final solution. Read full story They are selling you cancer as the cure. They created COVID in order to Inject you with NEURAL LACE BCI which is an essential part of their population control. Starlink and AI are the other essential parts. And it comes to no surprise they work hand in glove with Israel the Jews and Unit 8200. Israel's Unit 8200 Alumina & the Global Spy Network Israel's Unit 8200 Alumina & the Global Spy Network This is a must see documentary about Unit 8200. Read full story Technology comes in stages that build upon each other. First came the wheel... then the bicycle... (bi cycle meaning the conversion of up and down movement into rotation)... then the automation of this using 4 strokes (Otto engine). Same with AI... AI started as Batch programming... using feedback loops... that stored and separated Data (If=> then=> else=>)... the beginning of machine learning. Facial Recognition is just that... the ability of recognizing faces by separating and storing Data according to given parameters. Nothing remotely Intelligent about AI... a bit like Jews... purely mathematical and not Human. Same as Elon Musk actually. But as the technology is perfected the possibilities evolve... At Airshow China 2024 in Zhuhai, China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC) introduced a groundbreaking development in military technology: Robo-Wolves. These advanced quadrupedal robots, known as "mechanical wolves," are designed to bring new levels of versatility and tactical power to modern warfare. Equipped with cutting-edge reconnaissance, combat, and support capabilities, these robo-wolves have captivated military experts and attendees alike with their revolutionary design and combat potential. This is a list of Robots they already have and have perfected. Do we really have to Kill them all? Do we really have to Kill them all? When you're sad and when you're lonely Read full story Imagine there is a war and you don't know about it. Imagine there is an enemy that you cannot see. Imagine there is a prison that has no walls. Imagine there is a weapon that has no sound. Imagine a bomb that you build without knowing. Imagine a grave you dig for yourselves. The enemy within The enemy within I need you Read full story The same with AI robots using movement and sensors tike simple motion sensors in every night light Infrared sensors and others. The technology stacks up and works together according to parameters given. Then we have Google ALEXA SIRI and others spying on you and storing your voice... voice recognition. Your phone is your permanent locator. And using technologies like Amazon Sidewalk and Apple (Find your phone) BLE Bluetooth Low Energy. Stack up this technology and you have an Automated Spy Network controlled by a few Jews. A Digital Adolf Hitler Network with a Digital Erich Mielke... the Godfather of Angela Merkel... I assure you... you don't want this! But this is what Elon Musk... now in the Government... is working on. Quantum Fascism : The Trojan Horse of AI Quantum Fascism : The Trojan Horse of AI AI... Artificial Intelligence... sounds great does it? Read full story Back to the losers of Stinkworks. LOCKHEED’S SECRET PROGRAM WENT ANOTHER $45 MILLION OVER BUDGET According to recent Aviation Week reports, a classified Lockheed Martin program that involves a “highly complex design and systems integration” went another $45 million over budget in the second quarter of 2024. Based on Lockheed’s quarterly filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, that places the firms’ total losses associated with this single shadowy program up to some $335 million since 2022. Those same filings went on to postulate that losses may continue to accrue as the company faces “advanced procurement costs” moving forward. https://www.sandboxx.us/news/evidence-is-mounting-that-lockheed-martins-sr-72-could-be-in-production/ So in two years they use up $ 335 mil plus additional $ 360 mil over budget. That is over 8 Billion USD since 2013. Now compare this with my technology... This is an Article from 11 Feb 2013 about my technology... We must continue upgrading our UK transport infrastructure, delivering CO2 reduction, jobs and economic growth in mutually consistent strides. The independent Stern Review makes it clear that the option of being ‘rich and dirty’ does not exist because catastrophic climate change would have a huge economic cost, as well as damaging people’s lives and the planet. But nor do we have to be ‘poor’ to be ‘green’. Stern says developed countries must cut CO2 emissions by at least 60 per cent by 2050, and that this can be achieved at a manageable one per cent of GDP, provided the right policies are put in place. Although for developed countries like the UK this cost would be higher but is far less than the costs of inaction. High speed rail investment (HS2) will cost around £75 billion (estimates vary) and will move passengers along at over 200 mph, although not before 2033. According to the Government, the proportion of investment actually associated with ‘high speed’ is less than 10 per cent of the overall project. Given that all the PR spin about HS2’s benefit is associated with the ‘speedy’ bit, is the upgrade really good value for money and future-proof? France’s flagship TGV services have been touching 200mph (322km/h) since 1981. They serve not only regional towns but those in Italy and Switzerland, while the 186mph (300km/h) Thalys uses the same track to serve Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Western Germany. European Union efforts to ensure compatibility mean services like the German-built Inter City Express, which can reach 180mph, serve major destinations across much of Western Europe. By comparison, most of the UK’s main line inter-city services are limited to 125mph (201km/h), with lower limits in places, while ageing diesel locomotives operate in many areas such as the East Coast Main Line and Great Western Main Line. Eurostar services operate at 186mph (300km/h) on the 68-mile (109km) HS1 London to Folkestone line, which is shared by 140mph (225km/h) Kent commuter services. Once again, our best engineering thinking on future transport technologies has to look to export markets for investment and implementation. The Airstream (AST), designed here by a Brit, is a 70-meter aluminium and carbon fibre scramjet train that carries 256 passengers faster than a jet fighter, along its own cushion of air. The AST’s forward motion pushes air under the passenger cell to create lift. The air is then compressed and pushed at high pressure through channels into the space between track and train. Isaac Newton’s third law of motion – ‘that any force in one direction creates an equal and opposite force in the opposite direction’ – causes the levitation (another Brit!). The faster AST accelerates, the higher the pressure and speed is in theory, infinite. AST is also the only transportation system that is capable of ‘linear’ travel – only acceleration and deceleration (i.e. no fixed cruising speed). To explain; a journey by plane from Paris to Hong Kong consists of accelerating to cruising speed, travelling at 900kph for 12 hours, decelerating and landing. The same journey on board AST is a tad quicker. AST accelerates to mach 10, decelerates and stops. This would allow a journey from Paris to Hong Kong to be completed within one hour. No slowcoach! https://electricvillage.wordpress.com/2013/02/11/hs2-will-be-a-real-slowcoach/ This is an Article from 2011 Hypersonic Transportation: The Airstream Train Hypersonic Transport - Hypersonic Zero Emission Transportation Our Invention, Patent in Hong Kong on May 05 2008 is the Solution for all transport and Infrastructure problems the world faces today. This should be especially interesting for country’s like India China and Africa as a whole that desperately need a modern 21st Century environmentally Integrated transport system that also provides Infrastructure. Collected from: Hypersonic Transport - Hypersonic Zero Emission Transportation Abstract: An air stream train comprises a rail (1) and a train body (2) which runs on the rail (1), a turbojet engine (E1) and an energy conversion chamber (20) belonging to the turbojet engine (E1), which are used to suspend and drive the train body (2), an air collecting chamber (7) disposed in the front of the train body (2). During the forward traveling of the train body (2), the air collecting chamber (7) generates a lifting force. If the pressure of the air collecting chamber (PACC) is higher than the nominal pressure (PN), a pressure exchanging valve (22) disposed at the bottom of the air collecting chamber (7) opens. A scramjet (E2) is used to accelerate the train body (2) continuously after the velocity of the train body (2) reaching a predetermined velocity. The air stream train uses a running method combining with the above configuration. Collected from: (WO/2009/135389) AIR STREAM TRAIN AND RUNNING METHOD THEREOF Collected from: Specififications - Hypersonic Zero Emission Transportation Summary The Airstream Train is a new concept of Transportation. It opens possiblities previously unheard of. It is fast safe yet simple and very inexpensive to build and to maintain. It uses Aviation Technology which is combined with Hovercraft and Train Technology. It uses a Scramjet engine which is tested and verified to reach a speed of Mach 10. It uses an Air cushion the Ground effect and then an Airstream to levitate itself around a specially shaped Track. This Technology in it's principles was proven to be working better and more sufficcient then Magnetic Levitation Trains in 1973 by Jean Bertin with his Hovercraft Train he called: "Aero Train". The Speed of 472km/h is still higher then that of a Maglev Train Today. The Airstream Train takes advantage of all that came before together with the technology that we have today to create an absolute in Transportation Technology. A truly Integrated System that allows for the best safest fastest yet cheapest and cleanest silent journey. And that is the Transportation Side only. Due to the fact that we have to build the Track once, we then can use the Inside of the Track to provide the public with infrastructure. Electricity Internet Telephone even water and waste water can be supplied though the Track. And this will be an easily accessible and upgradable System for Future stability. https://rj3sp.blogspot.com/2011/03/hypersonic-transportation-airstream.html And don't you ever forget that the Hyperloop is based on my Invention. Elon Musk is a scumbag. He and his SPaceX Engineers copied the whole Idea from me... But I had to put it out because I feared for my life then and it was actually in danger. Tunnel Vision: Why the "Hyperloop" is my Invention and why it matters Tunnel Vision: Why the "Hyperloop" is my Invention and why it matters The world is on the brink of total destruction. Read full story How much money did I get? NOTHING! Not a penny to this day! Yet it was me that started the Hypersonic Revolution. I was the first to use Scramjet Technology in a new way and I understand this technology better than anyone else. Russia has now advanced this technology also... just some 20 years after I filed my Patent!!! And just like they did what they did to Nikola Tesla (Trump)... they did to me... Hoping to silence me by destroying my life. Even threatening potential Investors... as they did... And threatening people who wanted to Interview me... as they did. The SR 72 is a dead born fish. Actually what stops a plane from flying at those speeds are the wings. This is why no plane can ever achieve the speeds I can with my Train. It has the lowest air resistance factor and only a missile has a smaller one. That is why no plane can achieve the speeds i can with my train. You can’t beat physics. The Russian Hypersonic Missiles are so advanced they can shoot it down in a jiffy. In fact these Hypersonic Missiles can reach any point within just a few minutes... and this is why we need to beat up politicians line Lindsey Graham because these Jews willingly endanger Humanity. Since Gen X, all the youth in the West have been led to believe in the latest electronic gadgets, their cyber creature comforts and all that it offers; oblivious to the fact that their gadgets are inventions of mind control by the Deep State Secret Police and the Militarists DARPA. All they do is feed AI. They admire Billionaires Bill Gates and Alex Karp and Peter Thiel, CEOs of Palantir. All people should Divest from Palantir and all the other Military related War Profiteers for promoting a Global Culture of Death and Murder. And behind them are the WEF and the Jews wanting a world of their own... killing us all. Anti Semitism is a Human Right Anti Semitism is a Human Right I speak with grandeur one night in slumber Read full story Elon Musk Files Elon Musk Files I started writing this Blog because the world needs to know what we are capable. Read full story Lock them up I say. Punch their faces I say. Burn their Lodges I say. Rise up. Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians .It is better to swiftly end this pain sharply than to have infinite pain infinitely with infinite altercations that get infinitely worse. Read full story No more Lies... No more war... Citizen's unite. Politicians and the Government steal our money to create WW3. And they endanger us all. So we have the right to go to their Houses and burn them alive. Better them than us. My technology was designed as a technology of peace using the most advanced technology and then some. It can also be used as a weapon Planet Killer: The Russian Doll Hypersonic Missile System Planet Killer: The Russian Doll Hypersonic Missile System "The plans for a future war Read full story But as it seems the Russian Oreshnik missile is similar. Oreshnik, is a Russian intermediate-range ballistic missile characterized by its reported speed exceeding Mach 10. This weapon cannot be defeated. So to say that we must attack Russia is idiotic and only a Jewish Politician with a death wish and a hatred for all of Humanity can do something like that. Because all the Jews want is to kill us all. Which again I tell you... the Jews ain't from around here... So there you have it... We must force those Arseholes out of Positions of power... because all they ever do is to lie us into WW3. The Government must fall. The Government must Fall! The Government must Fall! Declaration of no confidence in my Government Read full story And with it Elon Musk the WEF WHO Bill Gates Sam Altman Alex Karp Jeff Bezos and the Lot. Godspeed Fritz Freud. If you can... are well off enough... and like my work please consider buying me a coffee... There is a lot of work going into this. Thank you. Buy me a Coffee This Blog has been under attack for some time. As such please share this information as far as you can. Anywhere you can. Thank you Thanks for reading Fritz’s Freud! This post is public so feel free to share it. Share https://substack.com/@fritzfreud/p-152250815
    AI War Chronicles: SR-72 Darkstar... the Plane that is slower than a Train
    Exposing Elon Musk (again) Skunkworks Stinkworks Government failure and tax money wasted
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