• Amal Saad:

    THREAD: Yesterday's video released by Hizbullah showcasing its underground complex, the "Imad-4", signals its operational readiness to retaliate. This coincides with Israel's expected torpedoing of the cease-fire talks which were exclusively aimed at delaying or curbing Hizbullah and Iran's planned responses.

    Hizbullah's clandestine nature and its adherence to the doctrine of strategic surprise, makes its decision to reveal a portion of its sophisticated bunker network and some of its military capabilities especially significant. By offering this limited glimpse into one of several "Imad" compounds, Hizbullah appears to be sending a potent deterrent message to Israel to absorb its imminent retaliation without further escalation.

    Though Israel has long been aware of Hizbullah's complex tunnel system, the revelation of subterranean heavy rocket artillery and concealed multiple rocket launch systems capable of firing from hidden underground openings, represents a new development. This development also demonstrates a substantial expansion of what the IDF previously referred to as Hizbullah's "Nature Reserves" during the 2006 war.

    These strategically concealed military installations and weapons caches hidden within South Lebanon's uninhabited countryside were considered off-limits for the IDF in 2006, leading the head of the IDF Northern Command to state that "A nature reserve can swallow an entire brigade." If that was the case almost two decades ago, one can only speculate on the magnitude of the challenge presented by Hizbullah's current military advances.

    While Hizbullah's recent series of "Hoopoe" drone videos demonstrated the group's precise intelligence on vital Israeli strategic, military, and economic targets, the "Imad 4" video showcases its military capability and readiness to strike these identified targets. It indicates Hizbullah's possession of specialized capabilities to target high-value assets, the willingness to use them if provoked, and the ability to maintain operational continuity even under severe attack.

    Exclusive information provided by al-Mayadeen demonstrates the extent to which the Imad 4 facility is a highly organized, self-contained complex designed for sustained, independent operations. It features a medical facility and essential provisions enabling staff to function self-sufficiently for up to a year. The installation also houses a comprehensive logistics unit, along with specialized teams for construction, defense, and backup firing operations.

    By showcasing what is essentially an underground city, (and hinting at its potential reach into northern Israel), Hizbullah aims to cap the potential escalation that might follow its expected retaliation, preventing it from crossing the threshold into full-scale war. While both Israel's intended response and the timing of Hizbullah's retaliation remain uncertain, Hizbullah's response is a foregone conclusion — a certainty further underscored by the release of its video.
    Amal Saad: THREAD: Yesterday's video released by Hizbullah showcasing its underground complex, the "Imad-4", signals its operational readiness to retaliate. This coincides with Israel's expected torpedoing of the cease-fire talks which were exclusively aimed at delaying or curbing Hizbullah and Iran's planned responses. Hizbullah's clandestine nature and its adherence to the doctrine of strategic surprise, makes its decision to reveal a portion of its sophisticated bunker network and some of its military capabilities especially significant. By offering this limited glimpse into one of several "Imad" compounds, Hizbullah appears to be sending a potent deterrent message to Israel to absorb its imminent retaliation without further escalation. Though Israel has long been aware of Hizbullah's complex tunnel system, the revelation of subterranean heavy rocket artillery and concealed multiple rocket launch systems capable of firing from hidden underground openings, represents a new development. This development also demonstrates a substantial expansion of what the IDF previously referred to as Hizbullah's "Nature Reserves" during the 2006 war. These strategically concealed military installations and weapons caches hidden within South Lebanon's uninhabited countryside were considered off-limits for the IDF in 2006, leading the head of the IDF Northern Command to state that "A nature reserve can swallow an entire brigade." If that was the case almost two decades ago, one can only speculate on the magnitude of the challenge presented by Hizbullah's current military advances. While Hizbullah's recent series of "Hoopoe" drone videos demonstrated the group's precise intelligence on vital Israeli strategic, military, and economic targets, the "Imad 4" video showcases its military capability and readiness to strike these identified targets. It indicates Hizbullah's possession of specialized capabilities to target high-value assets, the willingness to use them if provoked, and the ability to maintain operational continuity even under severe attack. Exclusive information provided by al-Mayadeen demonstrates the extent to which the Imad 4 facility is a highly organized, self-contained complex designed for sustained, independent operations. It features a medical facility and essential provisions enabling staff to function self-sufficiently for up to a year. The installation also houses a comprehensive logistics unit, along with specialized teams for construction, defense, and backup firing operations. By showcasing what is essentially an underground city, (and hinting at its potential reach into northern Israel), Hizbullah aims to cap the potential escalation that might follow its expected retaliation, preventing it from crossing the threshold into full-scale war. While both Israel's intended response and the timing of Hizbullah's retaliation remain uncertain, Hizbullah's response is a foregone conclusion — a certainty further underscored by the release of its video.
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  • Dear Virology: Do You Have ANYTHING Other than Insults, Logical Fallacies and Lies to Back Up Your Claims?
    Virology: An unwitting master class in exposing pseudoscience.

    Anthony Colpo

    Recently overheard conversation between virologist and normal person with an honest job:

    Virologist: There are leprechauns living in my closet.

    Normal person: Really? Can you show me?

    V: No, they're invisible.

    NP: Can I reach into your closet and feel around for them?

    V: No, because when you try to touch them they instantly transform from solid to a gas.

    NP: OK, so let me get this straight. You're saying there are leprechauns living in your closet, but it's impossible to see or feel them.

    V: Correct.

    NP: So how, exactly, do you know they exist?

    V: Well, I once left some cheese in the closet. The next morning, it was gone. That means the leprechauns ate it. It's called the "lepropathic effect."

    NP: Are those mice droppings I see over there?

    V: Where?

    NP: There.

    V: Yeah.

    NP: You have mice droppings in your closet, which means mice are getting in here. Mice eat cheese. But you're claiming when you leave cheese here and it's gone the next morning, it's proof that invisible, phantom leprechauns live in your closet?

    V: That's right.

    NP: Are you on drugs? Seriously, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!

    V: I've got images of leprechaun footprints taken through my really powerful magnifying glass to prove it! Here, look at these!

    NP: Yes, I see them ... but they're not ‘leprechaun’ footprints. They look just like mouse paw prints.

    V: [Explodes with rage] You're a leprechaun DENIER! You're a donkey that DOESN’T UNDERSTAND leprechology! You and the rest of the no-leprechaun crowd are soooo ANTI-SCIENCE!! It’s SELFISH PEOPLE LIKE YOU who PUT EVERYONE ELSE AT RISK!!

    NP: [Calls 911 for paramedic assistance] Hi, I've got a guy here having some sort of mental episode. There are mice getting into his closet, but he insists they're leprechauns. I tried to explain it was mice, but he’s become very agitated and hostile.

    911: He wouldn't happen to be a virologist, by any chance?

    NP: Yes, how did you know?

    911: Oh, you wouldn't believe how many calls we get about those guys. Listen, he can't be helped. Best thing you can do is just get out of there. And for heaven's sake, if he offers you any “antiviral” drugs or “safe and effective” gene therapies, run like your life depends on it!

    NP: Gotcha, thanks for your help!

    Pseudoscientists are a predictable lot. They routinely spout untenable nonsense and frequently get away with it, because most people aren't well-schooled in the fundamentals of logic and reason, let alone science.

    As their beliefs gain an increasingly larger audience, pseudoscientists start to assume an air of invincibility and omnipotence. The very fact their ideas have such widespread acceptance is, in their minds, further proof of their veracity.

    People whose beliefs thrive largely because of ignorance, popular consensus and authority appeal tend to do poorly when challenged on scientific grounds.

    At first, they’ll attempt to address critiques with more pseudoscience. This, however, results in an argument that becomes increasingly untenable, self-contradictory and often downright absurd. Frustrated by the results of their self-defeating attempts to expound on The Science™, they quickly revert to their natural environment:

    The gutter.

    They abandon all pretense at science, and unleash a barrage of anti-logic and ad hominem attacks. This barrage will feature lies, dishonesty, smug condescension, red herrings, appeals to authority - everything except irrefutable evidence of the controlled scientific kind.

    Unable to refute important criticisms, they will talk as if their beliefs are self-evident and beyond challenge. You will be called a “denier” and “conspiracy theorist” for having the temerity to question their very questionable claims.

    They will retort that you have no formal scientific qualifications (i.e, you don’t have a piece of paper saying you spent several years at a government/globalist-controlled inculcation facility that receives large amounts of money from drug companies).

    Angry at being outpointed by a person who didn’t spend hundreds of thousands on college debt and Che Guevara t-shirts, they’ll insist you don’t “understand” the topic. This is a sly attempt to reframe your ability to see through their BS as an inability to comprehend supposedly complex topics.

    Pseudoscience, by the way, often appears “complex” because lies invariably require more lies to fortify the original untruths. The end result is a web of bollocks so intricate that, if you sit back patiently, will eventually ensnare the pseudoscientist in his or her own nonsense.

    When that happens, pseudoscientists get really frustrated. They’ll call you names, declare that arguing with you is not worth their time, and then reproduce a quote that has nothing to do with the topic at hand:

    This person has a PhD and runs a virology blog. Yet the best she can do to defend the virus paradigm is call skeptics “donkeys” and post quotes about the shortcomings of democracy by a science-fiction writer. Oh, and did I mention she takes Steve Kirsch seriously? You’re in great hands, virology LOL
    A Not-So-Nice Attempt to Undermine Critics of Virology

    One of my valued readers recently posted a link to a Substack post by a guy called Matthew Aldred titled “Viruses and DNA Are 'Just' Models?”

    The post’s subtitle reads “And governments sprayed toxins on people to make them think they had COVID?”

    So before I even start reading the post, it’s clear its intent is to portray virus skeptics as a bunch of cuckoo conspiracy theorists.

    This intent is confirmed when he includes a partial transcript allegedly reproduced from a podcast discussion featuring two virus skeptics. I say allegedly, because we’re not told where this podcast can be found, we’re not told when it took place, and we’re not told who the participants are.

    We are simply presented with a rambling, incoherent transcript that does a good job of making the mystery guest appear rambling and incoherent.

    What the transcript does not do is address the actual and inherently-flawed research that virology uses to claim the existence of viruses like Sars-Cov-2.

    And neither does Aldred.

    This evasiveness, this willingness to cast aspersions without actually addressing the relevant research, is a hallmark of Aldred’s post. In fact, it is so consistent of virus believers in general that they may as well register it as a trademark.

    There are countless pro-virus posts I could highlight as examples of pseudoscientific hack jobs. The reason I chose this one is because the author seems at pains to present himself as an impartial commentator. This claim to impartiality, and the author's professed disdain for the often uncivil nature of internet discussions, may disarm and lure some folks into dropping their intellectual guard. After all, how can you not trust a guy who says he just wants to get at the truth and wonders why we can't all just get along?

    I don’t know Aldred from a bar of soap, so cannot claim to know his motives. Maybe he is a nice guy. Maybe he really does believe himself to be impartial.

    What I can say without a doubt is that his post, be it by accident or design, is a catalog of logical fallacies and sleight of hand, the kind that allow charades like the Great COVID Con to gain traction.

    The post is a virtual masterclass in fuzzy logic, the kind used to defend untenable pseudoscience like the Sars-Cov-2 charade. Deconstructing that fuzzy logic, and exposing its mechanics and inherent fallacies, is like the research version of building situational awareness. You can recognize an assailant's intent ahead of time, and take the appropriate action.

    Fuzzy Logic Tactic #1: Making Untenable Claims then Switching the Burden of Proof to Skeptics

    Aldred begins his post with a bold-type disclaimer:

    In this article, I critique the trend of presenting speculative ideas with scant evidence as undeniable truths, particularly focusing on claims that ‘viruses are not real’. I examine a podcast that was sent to me and discuss the broader implications of the theories it presents. I argue that while scepticism is necessary, it’s unwise to completely dismiss established scientific concepts without substantial evidence.

    Before the article even gets going, he hits us with the ol’ switcheroo. With effortless sleight of hand, he has just transferred the burden of proof from virologists to those skeptical of virology.

    In his view, it’s not virology that lays claim to undeniable truths based on scant evidence - it is those of us who identify the huge cracks in virology’s foundation.

    It bears reminding that virology, to this day, still cannot even begin to physically isolate an alleged ‘virus.’

    It is virology that claims you can ‘isolate’ an RNA- or DNA-virus by adding things like culture medium, bovine fetal serum and cell lines, which inevitably contaminate the mixture with extraneous RNA and likely DNA.

    This is the very opposite of isolation!

    It is virology that makes the self-serving and highly convenient claim that viruses can’t be isolated like bacteria can, because a virus needs a living host to survive and replicate.

    Michael Palmer, MD and Suchairt Bhakdi are textbook classic purveyors of this ruse, writing “Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture.”

    “The legend that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated,” they continue, “is founded solely on the rigid demand that such isolation be accomplished without the use of cell cultures.”

    Viruses can’t party hardy without first shacking up in a living cell, they claim, and therefore it’s “rigid” and unreasonable to expect scientists to isolate a virus in pure cell culture.

    A most curious claim, because during the COVIDiot years we were instructed to spray and wipe down everything in sight until our surroundings reeked like a hospital.

    Which begs an obvious question: Why did we need to disinfect inanimate objects to guard against a pathogen that can only survive and replicate inside living hosts?

    The Sars-Cov-2 virus, claimed people from the CDC and Fauci’s NIAID masquerading as scientists, “can remain viable and infectious in aerosols for hours and on surfaces up to days.”

    Listen virus-believers, you can’t have it both ways. Either a virus can survive outside a host, or it can’t. The Experts™ themselves have proclaimed in a leading medical tabloid that the ‘Sars-Cov-2 virus’ can survive on plastic and stainless steel “up to 72 hours after application.”

    Their words, not mine.

    Yet we’re supposed to believe, despite having up to a 72 hour window to do so, none of the world’s sophisticated microbiology labs has been able to take a single electron micograph happy snap of a single Sars-Cov-2 virion without first mixing non-purified patient samples with a bunch of other RNA- and DNA-containing material?

    To illustrate just what an utter load of tripe the virus paradigm is, here’s none other than Robert W Malone trying to answer what should be a simple question:

    “How would you explain the virus?”

    As you watch the video, keep in mind this is a guy who has an MD, BS in biochemistry, MS in biology, attended Harvard Medical School for a postdoc, taught pathology at two universities, received $10 billion of taxpayer funds from the US military for assorted shenanigans including vaccine development, and who proclaims himself to be the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology. He’s also made countless media appearances and charges $10,000 a pop to give speeches, so it’s fair to say Malone feels right at home in front of a camera.

    With a background like that, few people should be as eminently qualified as Sly Malone to explain what a virus is.

    So let's take a moment to learn from the great one:

    Even in the invigorating mountain air of beautiful Andalucia, Tio Roberto can’t even begin to offer a coherent explanation of what a virus is.

    "This particle is really ... self-replicating ... genes ... ... that aren't really alive. Uh, they exist as a parasite, in the way they become alive when they get into our cells.”


    “It is a parasitic relationship, we ... I like to say we are the food for the virus.”

    “I think it's really good to think of this as a, um, a virus is a parasitic gene that, um, isn't truly alive but is at the boundary of living and non-living."

    Parasites operating on the boundary of living and non-living, huh?

    Sounds more like a government department to me.

    "A virus is even closer to a pure gene parasite. That's, that's really what they are."

    I think it's fair to say Sly has no clue what a virus is. Let's not be too hard on the guy - after all, it's hard to describe something that doesn't exist.

    Unable to quit when he's behind, Malone then objects to the objection that there is no Sars-Cov-2 virus by droning on about cell culture and isolation, not once mentioning that the cell culture 'isolation' experiments do not isolate anything but in fact add a bunch of other stuff to a patient sample that itself is already comprised of countless substances apart from an alleged virus.

    Man Offers €100,000 to Prove Existence of Measles Virus; Virologists Stay Quiet

    In November 2011, German biologist Stefan Lanka publicly issued a bold challenge. He offered the hefty sum of 100,000 Euros to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus.

    If the science behind virology was as well “established” as we’re repeatedly told, this should have constituted a quick and easy opportunity to score a large sum of money. Yet not one of the world’s countless virologists, microbiologists, or vocal health authorities took up Lanka’s offer.

    The only response came from a cocksure medical student called David Bardens, who submitted six studies he erroneously believed to constitute proof of the measles virus. Lanka reviewed the studies and correctly pointed out they proved nothing of the sort. Bardens then tried to sue for the money, but the German courts eventually ruled in Lanka’s favour.

    Documented liars like Steve Kirsch claim Lanka only won because of a legal technicality (Lanka actually required only one study and, not unreasonably, demanded that study not only establish the existence of a measles virus but also document its size. None of the six studies submitted by Bardens met this clearly stipulated requirement). The reality that Kirsch and his ilk refuse to discuss is that, irrespective of whether they included morphological details or not, none of the six studies Bardens served up even begin to prove the existence of a measles virus.

    In fact, the seminal 1954 ‘isolation’ paper by Enders and Peebles almost undermined the entire virus charade. They admit in the paper that “an uninoculated culture of monkey kidney cells” also demonstrated the cytopathic effect! Rather than entertain the possibility that the cell culture isolation charade was untenable, they simply declared, without any evidence whatsoever, that this unexpected 'cytopathic effect' was due to an unknown "agent" and then quickly moved on like nothing ever happened.

    The world of virology learned a valuable lesson: Never perform true control procedures during the cell culture isolation gig, because it could undermine the entire ruse.

    This is the inherently absurd, self-contradictory field of claptrap that Aldred deems an “established scientific concept.” He further excoriates us not to dismiss it without “substantial evidence,” never once addressing the reality that virology itself asks us to accept the presence of highly contagious pathogens without anything resembling substantial evidence.

    Remember the invisible leprechaun scenario at the start of this article? Using Aldred’s logic, in such a scenario the onus is on the disbelieving normal person, and not on the deluded virologist, to disprove the existence of invisible leprechauns.

    No. If you claim the existence of something that has never been seen before, you prove it.

    Fuzzy Logic Tactic #2: Gaslighting

    Successful advertisers know you don’t sell products by presenting people with a list of unassailable facts and figures. Nope, you need to press their hot buttons, and the way to do that is by triggering an emotional response.

    That’s why car advertisements don’t recite a list of impressive specifications. Instead, they feature attractive couples with Colgate smiles, happy families driving along while everyone stares in envy, and blokey blokes with huge grins blasting up and down muddy countrysides while the ad soundtrack blares “You can go your own way!”

    The message is: Buy our vehicle and you’ll get the pretty girl, have a picture perfect family, and be a trail-blazing maverick who lives life on his own terms. And everyone will look on in envy and admiration while you do it!

    It’s complete bollocks, of course - but it works. This kind of messaging bypasses our rational faculties and triggers our emotional hot buttons, often to the point where we’ll go into heavy debt just to scratch that emotional itch.

    “Yeah I get that, Anthony,” I hear you saying, “but what have car adverts got to do with the topic at hand?”


    Car manufacturers, you see, are hardly the only ones who know how to trigger our hot buttons.

    People who promote fake pandemics are also experts at bypassing people’s rational faculties.

    Attempts to appeal to people’s rational faculties during CONVID were quickly drowned out by rabid objections that anyone who refused to mask up and get poison-pricked was a selfish, heartless, evil granny-killer that deserved to be locked out of society.

    News outlets routinely ran heart-breaking stories of people who were once amazingly healthy until they were cruelly struck down by ‘COVID.’ No mention was made of the inconvenient fact that what really struck these people down was state-sanctioned murder, which included administration of drugs like midazolam and remdesivir, regular use of what should be last resort mechanical ventilation, and unlawful DNR (do not resuscitate) orders.

    It was a global gaslighting campaign that used emotional hotspotting to shut down rational discussion and instead cast the lone voices of reason - skeptics - as cold-blooded, tinfoil hat-wearing, menaces to society.

    And it worked. Spectacularly.

    So along comes Aldred, telling us to “beware of those handwaving away scientific models of reality that help us make good predictions, especially when it comes to important matters that keep us alive.”

    Translated: Virologists are keeping us alive, and by challenging them you virus skeptics are placing lives at risk!


    I’d like to see Aldred explain, in his own words, how the ‘scientific model’ of virology - which would have us believe resistance to disease comes from a syringe as opposed to healthy lifestyle habits - is keeping people alive?

    The bulk of the population-wide decline in measles mortality, for example, happened long before kids ever starting getting pricked with who-knows-what. Below are the trajectories for measles mortality in the US, UK and France, with the introduction of the measles vaccine overlaid on each graph.

    I think it’s fair to say that, if you want to reduce death from a disease, first port of call for advice should not be people who think the key to public health is turning young kids into pin cushions.

    As for COVID, I’d love someone to explain how virology’s disgustingly reckless ‘scientific model’ of Sars-Cov-2 - which eagerly welcomed and even gushingly praised a complete abandonment of the usual safeguards to protect against dangerous and ineffective drugs - kept anyone alive?

    During the Pfizer vaxxx clinical trial, more people died in the gene therapy group than in the control group, and global estimates of excess post-vaxxx mortality run as high as 35 million lost lives.

    Now, name me even a single anti-vaxxxer who can boast that kind of body count?

    I’ll wait.

    The reality is that virology now has the kind of body count history’s bloodiest tyrants would be proud of.

    Other blockbusters from Virology’s Great Hits! include azidothymidine (AZT), a product of the early-1980s psy-op known as HIV/AIDS (funded by GloboPedo, produced by Fauci and Gallo Records). Despite all the hooplah, clinical trials found no reduction in mortality from AZT. People who got suckered into using this highly toxic drug, however, did find plenty of side effects.

    Another virology blockbuster, courtesy Bill & Melinda Productions, is the disgraceful polio vaccine rollout that caused almost 500,000 Indian children to suffer paralysis. While shamelessly dishonest ‘fact check’ outfits like Politifact would prefer you believed this never happened, it sure as heck did (Politifact is owned by Poynter who, by way of amazing coincidence, just happens to count the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations among its funders).

    Dhiman et al 2018 documented 491,000 additional cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in India between 2000-2017. The rise and decline in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in India aligned neatly with the increase and subsequent decrease in polio immunization rates.

    Once again, it’s not virus skeptics who murdered up to 35 million people. It’s not virology skeptics who are committing democide, and scarring survivors with everything from Guillain Barré Syndrome to myocarditis.

    It’s not virus skeptics who caused almost 500,000 poor Indian kids to suffer paralysis, or convinced people with ‘HIV/AIDS’ to take a drug that offered no mortality benefit but lots of severe side effects.

    The brains trust that enabled those criminal acts, in case anyone needs reminding, was Team Virology.

    I’ve barely scratched the surface of harms caused by this branch of pseudoscience. Suffice to say, it’s much easier to cite the lives ruined by this charade, than to cite lives saved from pathogens never shown to exist except by some voodoo ritual known as “cell culture isolation.”

    Virologists: So confident in their science, their inventions require immunity from prosecution.
    Fuzzy Logic Tactic #3: Pointing to ‘Experts’ for Validation, Without Offering Your Own Coherent Discussion of the Evidence

    Aldred’s post reaches comedic levels when he writes:

    “If you feel strongly that viruses are flawed science or even a conspiracy, please write a concise defence of your position in the comments section below (please avoid ‘just read so-and-so’s book’ or ‘watch so-and-so’s video’; I have the arguments from all the usual suspects and have yet to find a concise, coherent, and convincing case against viruses).”

    Aldred is specifically demanding you do not simply defer to other people’s material when making your case for the no-virus argument.

    Yet that is exactly what he does when making his own case. At no point in his article does he actually discuss the highly problematic research claiming to demonstrate viral isolation.

    I and others have presented detailed explanations of why these experiments are untenable; Aldred offers no counter-discussion of why we might be wrong.

    He makes bold claims that he fails to expound upon. Instead, he simply links to external sources, as if including a hyperlink is proof in itself.

    “Here’s another article on this subject by Michael Palmer at his new substack,” he writes, linking to an article that again fails to dissect the isolation studies. It simply declares that Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated “numerous times.”

    Continuing the game of Chinese Whispers, Palmer and co-author Bkahdi do as Aldred does and shun the opportunity to discuss these studies. Once again, they hyperlink the responsibility away to external websites. That’s fine for a Twitter post, but when you present yourself as an authoritative commentator and write an article making definitive claims, the onus is on you to explain your stance in a manner that shows you have a sound understanding of the topic. Making a claim like “yes, Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated,” then failing to address even a single criticism raised by skeptics hardly fulfills that obligation.

    “An overview of such studies,” write Palmer and Bkahdi of the so-called ‘isolation’ experiments, “has been provided by Jefferson et al” and a “solid study that correlates virus isolation, PCR and clinical findings in a series of hospitalized COVID-19-patients has been published by Wölfel et al.” (Bold emphasis added - correlation does not equal causation).

    Those of us who call Palmer and Bkahdi’s bluff and retrieve the full texts of the Jefferson and Wölfel papers quickly confirm the emperor has no clothes.

    All the studies reviewed by Jefferson et al and conducted by Wölfel et al involve the same old anti-isolation, cell culture flimflammery that gives rise to this controversy in the first place.

    You can see right here for yourself that Wölfel et al’s ‘isolation’ involved the usual charade of mixing non-purified patient samples with culture medium containing, among other things, 10% fetal calf serum, and Vero E6 (African green monkey kidney cells).

    I’ve discussed at length on this site why African green monkey kidney cells (aka Vero cells) are virology’s first choice of cell line for ‘isolation’ experiments, instead of more intuitive options like human lung cells. Unlike many other cell lines, Vero cells can be relied upon to deform and die off during the experiments, allowing virologists to claim a “cytopathic effect.” They then declare this cytopathic effect to be caused, not by their hand-picked choice of a purpose-bred cell line, but by a ‘virus.’

    To top off the absurdities, Wölfel et al confirm the presence of Sars-Cov-2 in their utter non-isolate via “SARS-CoV-2 specific real-time RT-PCR using the SARS-2-CoV E assay."

    In plain English: Nothing was ever isolated. To the contrary, they added more stuff - including RNA- and DNA-containing bovine fetal serum - to the non-purified patient samples. When purpose-bred cells guaranteed to deform showed the “cytopathic effect,” they declared it was due to a virus.

    They then used the purpose-built PCR test designed to find Sars-Cov-2 in just about anything - including papaya, quail and goat - to proclaim that this virus was the mythical Sars-Cov-2.

    It bears reiterating that the handball strategy is a key fuzzy logic technique routinely used by pseudoscientists. They link to external sources, knowing full well most people won’t click through and read those sources. In Aldred’s case, this typically involves clicking through three links to finally get at the source document - something I dare say most people won’t do.

    Such a strategy allows people to make a bold claim and be seen to be providing evidence for it, when in reality they’re doing no such thing.

    Another example of the handball charade occurs when Aldred writes:

    “Ralph Baric’s work involves real viruses in gain-of-function research,” he declares. “You can isolate these viruses too. Also, scientists do indeed create viruses from scratch.”

    Once again, Aldred offers no elaboration of these bold claims, simply hyperlinks to external sources - the very thing he forbids others from doing.

    Clicking on the astounding claim that “scientists do indeed create viruses from scratch” takes one to a rather unhelpful press release from none other than the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - a major player in the Great COVID Con.

    Clicking through from that press release to the Science paper brings one to an abstract of a 2002 paper, the full text of which is hidden behind a paywall. Science, however, has made the full paper available at another location.

    That full text reveals the study was funded by “the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency" aka DARPA, another major perpetrator of the Great COVID Con.

    Hiding such information from your readers doesn’t do much for your credibility, but things get even more curious.

    The DARPA-funded researchers claim to have created a synthetic ‘poliovirus.’ If a virus is a living entity, then what these researchers have effectively claimed is to have created a synthetic life form. Now that would be truly revolutionary - if it were true.

    What the researchers really created was a chemical, and they actually admit it several times during the paper. However, they claim this chemical is “self-replicating” and “infectious.” Despite this, to “infect” mice with this chemical they had to first inject it directly into the brains of the hapless critters.

    To what should be no-one’s surprise, intracerebral injection of mice bred to be genetically susceptible to this bollockery caused “flaccid paralysis or death,” although “a larger inoculum” of the synthetic chemical was required to achieve this effect than stock-standard ‘poliovirus.’

    I’d bet good money Aldred never read this study. It doesn’t prove the existence of ‘poliovirus,’ and it sure as heck doesn’t prove the existence of Sars-Cov-2. All it proves is that US military-sponsored researchers can claim to have created a chemical compound that, when injected directly into the brains of susceptible mice, causes neurological symptoms and death.

    Gee, whoever would’ve guessed injecting synthetic chemicals into an animal’s brain could cause symptoms of nerve damage and death?

    What, exactly, does this have to do with the claim that we humans transmit live ‘viruses’ to each other via sneezing, coughing, touching, fornicating, etc, etc, etc?

    Where, exactly, is the epidemic of ‘viruses’ caused by people injecting lab-made chemicals into each other’s brains?

    A revealing clue to the study’s true purpose can be gleaned in the closing paragraph, when the researchers write:

    “As a result of the World Health Organization’s vaccination campaign to eradicate poliovirus, the global population is better protected against poliomyelitis than ever before. Any threat from bioterrorism will only arise if mass vaccination stops and herd immunity against poliomyelitis is lost. No doubt technical advances will permit rapid synthesis of the poliovirus genome, given access to sophisticated resources.

    The potential for virus synthesis is an additional important factor for consideration in designing the closing strategies of the poliovirus eradication campaign.”

    That paragraph serves several useful purposes for the parasite class. It praises the evil WHO for eradicating poliovirus via vaccines, even though we know the threat from polio was overwhelmingly removed before polio vaccines were released.

    It paves the way for development of toxic bioweapons that can be conducted under the guise of defending against bioterrorism.

    It provides fodder for future man-made virus and “gain of function” stories that can be positioned as an alternative and suppressed explanation for pre-orchestrated pandemics. These alternative explanations can then be strategically ‘unsuppressed’ at key time points, like during a vaxxx rollout.

    It reinforces the inherently absurd mass vaccination and herd immunity paradigms, which hold that people who have taken an allegedly highly effective life-saving drug are in danger from those who haven’t. In a sane world, that would be known as a failed drug.

    Fuzzy Logic Tactic #4: Hypocrisy & Double-Standards

    We’ve already seen how Aldred demands others adhere to a higher standard of evidence than he believes he is obliged to.

    “I’ve no problem with someone speculating that viruses might not be real,” writes Aldred, “but I object when they claim with absolute certainty that this is the case.”

    Interestingly, Aldred has no problem with virologists claiming with absolute certainty that viruses exist, when they cannot provide any proof.

    Any last shred of credibility evaporates when Aldred does exactly what he accuses the 'no-virus' skeptics of: Namely, asserting something without evidence.

    He writes:

    "When multiple independent studies consistently support the existence of something—like the SARS-CoV-2 virus—it becomes scientifically prudent to accept its existence based on this substantial evidence, although this will probably evolve as new data emerges."

    Here, we see Aldred claim “multiple independent studies” consistently support the existence of Sars-Cov-2, but again he offers no discussion whatsoever of those studies.

    To describe those studies as “independent” when they were in fact conducted in a suspiciously similar manner by interrelated organizations like the Chinese CDC, US CDC and Australia’s Doherty Institute is an insult to one’s intelligence.

    The Chinese were the first to claim ‘isolation’ of the mythical ‘Sars-Cov-2.’ Shortly afterwards, the Doherty Institute in South China Melbourne, Australia loudly boasted it was the first entity outside of China to isolate the Woohoo virus.

    Any discussion of whether Sars-Cov-2 exists must discuss these studies and the numerous absurdities and inconsistencies contained within them.

    Aldred won’t touch them. Neither do pandemic shills like Steve Kirsch or Robert Malone or virologist Ian M. Mackay (a WEF ‘agenda contributor’) or Imperial College-indoctrinated Dr Siouxsie Wiles, all of whom rabidly insist Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated.

    That’s okay. I’m happy to discuss them. In fact, I already have, at length:

    The Great Covid Con: Sars-Cov-2 Doesn't Exist & Has NEVER Really Been Isolated

    "Sars-Cov-2" Does Not Exist (Part 2): Why Chinese Researchers NEVER Isolated the Virus

    The Doherty study was an utter joke. They couldn't find anything that looked like a coronavirus during their cell culture escapade, so they squirted some trypsin - a protein-digesting enzyme - into the mix, and when particles in that mix developed ragged edges they promptly declared them to be the spikes of a coronavirus!

    Aldred expects us to accept rubbish like this as proof of a 'novel' and deadly coronavirus?

    The Doherty researchers also admit they conducted no control procedures during their genetic sequencing caper, and their 'isolation' endeavor involved no control procedure using samples from healthy control subjects.

    When asked if they tested for other ‘viral’ genomes, the Doherty researchers even admitted: "We did not look for other viral genomes. Our assembly was performed against the released Wuhan-1 reference sequence as we were looking for Sars-CoV-2." (Bold emphasis added)

    I don’t know how much more obvious it gets: Come hell or high water, the Doherty researchers were going to find ‘Sars-Cov-2’ - even if they had to handsculpt it with trypsin and willfully blind themselves to the possibility that other ‘virus’ genomes may be present.

    To refuse to accept such anti-scientific rot as evidence of anything is not being a “denialist” or “conspiracist” - it simply means you refuse to be a gullible idiot.

    Ditto with the various papers released by the Chinese who claim to have first isolated Sars-Cov-2. As I outline in some detail, those papers are a vague, incoherent and suspicious mess, and when I emailed three of the researchers to get some clarification, the answer was ... total silence.

    It's all well and good to post URLs to other writers who agree with you, but when the actual researchers of the studies claiming isolation of Sars-Cov-2 either confirm lack of control procedures or refuse to even respond to you, that speaks volumes.


    As a person who values truth way above appearing right all the time, I’m happy to be proven wrong.

    I'm more than happy to accept that viruses exist - if someone can show me isolation and transmission studies confirming as much that aren't laughable garbage.

    Until that happens, you virus believers can stop trying to gaslight me and others who refuse to believe your anti-scientific hogwash. When you call us “deniers” and “conspiracists”, all you’re doing is showing off your scientific ineptitude and your penchant for projection. It’s most unbecoming.


    Dear Virology: Do You Have ANYTHING Other than Insults, Logical Fallacies and Lies to Back Up Your Claims? Virology: An unwitting master class in exposing pseudoscience. Anthony Colpo Recently overheard conversation between virologist and normal person with an honest job: Virologist: There are leprechauns living in my closet. Normal person: Really? Can you show me? V: No, they're invisible. NP: Can I reach into your closet and feel around for them? V: No, because when you try to touch them they instantly transform from solid to a gas. NP: OK, so let me get this straight. You're saying there are leprechauns living in your closet, but it's impossible to see or feel them. V: Correct. NP: So how, exactly, do you know they exist? V: Well, I once left some cheese in the closet. The next morning, it was gone. That means the leprechauns ate it. It's called the "lepropathic effect." NP: Are those mice droppings I see over there? V: Where? NP: There. V: Yeah. NP: You have mice droppings in your closet, which means mice are getting in here. Mice eat cheese. But you're claiming when you leave cheese here and it's gone the next morning, it's proof that invisible, phantom leprechauns live in your closet? V: That's right. NP: Are you on drugs? Seriously, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! V: I've got images of leprechaun footprints taken through my really powerful magnifying glass to prove it! Here, look at these! NP: Yes, I see them ... but they're not ‘leprechaun’ footprints. They look just like mouse paw prints. V: [Explodes with rage] You're a leprechaun DENIER! You're a donkey that DOESN’T UNDERSTAND leprechology! You and the rest of the no-leprechaun crowd are soooo ANTI-SCIENCE!! It’s SELFISH PEOPLE LIKE YOU who PUT EVERYONE ELSE AT RISK!! NP: [Calls 911 for paramedic assistance] Hi, I've got a guy here having some sort of mental episode. There are mice getting into his closet, but he insists they're leprechauns. I tried to explain it was mice, but he’s become very agitated and hostile. 911: He wouldn't happen to be a virologist, by any chance? NP: Yes, how did you know? 911: Oh, you wouldn't believe how many calls we get about those guys. Listen, he can't be helped. Best thing you can do is just get out of there. And for heaven's sake, if he offers you any “antiviral” drugs or “safe and effective” gene therapies, run like your life depends on it! NP: Gotcha, thanks for your help! Pseudoscientists are a predictable lot. They routinely spout untenable nonsense and frequently get away with it, because most people aren't well-schooled in the fundamentals of logic and reason, let alone science. As their beliefs gain an increasingly larger audience, pseudoscientists start to assume an air of invincibility and omnipotence. The very fact their ideas have such widespread acceptance is, in their minds, further proof of their veracity. People whose beliefs thrive largely because of ignorance, popular consensus and authority appeal tend to do poorly when challenged on scientific grounds. At first, they’ll attempt to address critiques with more pseudoscience. This, however, results in an argument that becomes increasingly untenable, self-contradictory and often downright absurd. Frustrated by the results of their self-defeating attempts to expound on The Science™, they quickly revert to their natural environment: The gutter. They abandon all pretense at science, and unleash a barrage of anti-logic and ad hominem attacks. This barrage will feature lies, dishonesty, smug condescension, red herrings, appeals to authority - everything except irrefutable evidence of the controlled scientific kind. Unable to refute important criticisms, they will talk as if their beliefs are self-evident and beyond challenge. You will be called a “denier” and “conspiracy theorist” for having the temerity to question their very questionable claims. They will retort that you have no formal scientific qualifications (i.e, you don’t have a piece of paper saying you spent several years at a government/globalist-controlled inculcation facility that receives large amounts of money from drug companies). Angry at being outpointed by a person who didn’t spend hundreds of thousands on college debt and Che Guevara t-shirts, they’ll insist you don’t “understand” the topic. This is a sly attempt to reframe your ability to see through their BS as an inability to comprehend supposedly complex topics. Pseudoscience, by the way, often appears “complex” because lies invariably require more lies to fortify the original untruths. The end result is a web of bollocks so intricate that, if you sit back patiently, will eventually ensnare the pseudoscientist in his or her own nonsense. When that happens, pseudoscientists get really frustrated. They’ll call you names, declare that arguing with you is not worth their time, and then reproduce a quote that has nothing to do with the topic at hand: This person has a PhD and runs a virology blog. Yet the best she can do to defend the virus paradigm is call skeptics “donkeys” and post quotes about the shortcomings of democracy by a science-fiction writer. Oh, and did I mention she takes Steve Kirsch seriously? You’re in great hands, virology LOL A Not-So-Nice Attempt to Undermine Critics of Virology One of my valued readers recently posted a link to a Substack post by a guy called Matthew Aldred titled “Viruses and DNA Are 'Just' Models?” The post’s subtitle reads “And governments sprayed toxins on people to make them think they had COVID?” So before I even start reading the post, it’s clear its intent is to portray virus skeptics as a bunch of cuckoo conspiracy theorists. This intent is confirmed when he includes a partial transcript allegedly reproduced from a podcast discussion featuring two virus skeptics. I say allegedly, because we’re not told where this podcast can be found, we’re not told when it took place, and we’re not told who the participants are. We are simply presented with a rambling, incoherent transcript that does a good job of making the mystery guest appear rambling and incoherent. What the transcript does not do is address the actual and inherently-flawed research that virology uses to claim the existence of viruses like Sars-Cov-2. And neither does Aldred. This evasiveness, this willingness to cast aspersions without actually addressing the relevant research, is a hallmark of Aldred’s post. In fact, it is so consistent of virus believers in general that they may as well register it as a trademark. There are countless pro-virus posts I could highlight as examples of pseudoscientific hack jobs. The reason I chose this one is because the author seems at pains to present himself as an impartial commentator. This claim to impartiality, and the author's professed disdain for the often uncivil nature of internet discussions, may disarm and lure some folks into dropping their intellectual guard. After all, how can you not trust a guy who says he just wants to get at the truth and wonders why we can't all just get along? I don’t know Aldred from a bar of soap, so cannot claim to know his motives. Maybe he is a nice guy. Maybe he really does believe himself to be impartial. What I can say without a doubt is that his post, be it by accident or design, is a catalog of logical fallacies and sleight of hand, the kind that allow charades like the Great COVID Con to gain traction. The post is a virtual masterclass in fuzzy logic, the kind used to defend untenable pseudoscience like the Sars-Cov-2 charade. Deconstructing that fuzzy logic, and exposing its mechanics and inherent fallacies, is like the research version of building situational awareness. You can recognize an assailant's intent ahead of time, and take the appropriate action. Fuzzy Logic Tactic #1: Making Untenable Claims then Switching the Burden of Proof to Skeptics Aldred begins his post with a bold-type disclaimer: In this article, I critique the trend of presenting speculative ideas with scant evidence as undeniable truths, particularly focusing on claims that ‘viruses are not real’. I examine a podcast that was sent to me and discuss the broader implications of the theories it presents. I argue that while scepticism is necessary, it’s unwise to completely dismiss established scientific concepts without substantial evidence. Before the article even gets going, he hits us with the ol’ switcheroo. With effortless sleight of hand, he has just transferred the burden of proof from virologists to those skeptical of virology. In his view, it’s not virology that lays claim to undeniable truths based on scant evidence - it is those of us who identify the huge cracks in virology’s foundation. It bears reminding that virology, to this day, still cannot even begin to physically isolate an alleged ‘virus.’ It is virology that claims you can ‘isolate’ an RNA- or DNA-virus by adding things like culture medium, bovine fetal serum and cell lines, which inevitably contaminate the mixture with extraneous RNA and likely DNA. This is the very opposite of isolation! It is virology that makes the self-serving and highly convenient claim that viruses can’t be isolated like bacteria can, because a virus needs a living host to survive and replicate. Michael Palmer, MD and Suchairt Bhakdi are textbook classic purveyors of this ruse, writing “Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture.” “The legend that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated,” they continue, “is founded solely on the rigid demand that such isolation be accomplished without the use of cell cultures.” Viruses can’t party hardy without first shacking up in a living cell, they claim, and therefore it’s “rigid” and unreasonable to expect scientists to isolate a virus in pure cell culture. A most curious claim, because during the COVIDiot years we were instructed to spray and wipe down everything in sight until our surroundings reeked like a hospital. Which begs an obvious question: Why did we need to disinfect inanimate objects to guard against a pathogen that can only survive and replicate inside living hosts? The Sars-Cov-2 virus, claimed people from the CDC and Fauci’s NIAID masquerading as scientists, “can remain viable and infectious in aerosols for hours and on surfaces up to days.” Listen virus-believers, you can’t have it both ways. Either a virus can survive outside a host, or it can’t. The Experts™ themselves have proclaimed in a leading medical tabloid that the ‘Sars-Cov-2 virus’ can survive on plastic and stainless steel “up to 72 hours after application.” Their words, not mine. Yet we’re supposed to believe, despite having up to a 72 hour window to do so, none of the world’s sophisticated microbiology labs has been able to take a single electron micograph happy snap of a single Sars-Cov-2 virion without first mixing non-purified patient samples with a bunch of other RNA- and DNA-containing material? To illustrate just what an utter load of tripe the virus paradigm is, here’s none other than Robert W Malone trying to answer what should be a simple question: “How would you explain the virus?” As you watch the video, keep in mind this is a guy who has an MD, BS in biochemistry, MS in biology, attended Harvard Medical School for a postdoc, taught pathology at two universities, received $10 billion of taxpayer funds from the US military for assorted shenanigans including vaccine development, and who proclaims himself to be the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology. He’s also made countless media appearances and charges $10,000 a pop to give speeches, so it’s fair to say Malone feels right at home in front of a camera. With a background like that, few people should be as eminently qualified as Sly Malone to explain what a virus is. So let's take a moment to learn from the great one: Even in the invigorating mountain air of beautiful Andalucia, Tio Roberto can’t even begin to offer a coherent explanation of what a virus is. "This particle is really ... self-replicating ... genes ... ... that aren't really alive. Uh, they exist as a parasite, in the way they become alive when they get into our cells.” Uh-huh. “It is a parasitic relationship, we ... I like to say we are the food for the virus.” “I think it's really good to think of this as a, um, a virus is a parasitic gene that, um, isn't truly alive but is at the boundary of living and non-living." Parasites operating on the boundary of living and non-living, huh? Sounds more like a government department to me. "A virus is even closer to a pure gene parasite. That's, that's really what they are." I think it's fair to say Sly has no clue what a virus is. Let's not be too hard on the guy - after all, it's hard to describe something that doesn't exist. Unable to quit when he's behind, Malone then objects to the objection that there is no Sars-Cov-2 virus by droning on about cell culture and isolation, not once mentioning that the cell culture 'isolation' experiments do not isolate anything but in fact add a bunch of other stuff to a patient sample that itself is already comprised of countless substances apart from an alleged virus. Man Offers €100,000 to Prove Existence of Measles Virus; Virologists Stay Quiet In November 2011, German biologist Stefan Lanka publicly issued a bold challenge. He offered the hefty sum of 100,000 Euros to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus. If the science behind virology was as well “established” as we’re repeatedly told, this should have constituted a quick and easy opportunity to score a large sum of money. Yet not one of the world’s countless virologists, microbiologists, or vocal health authorities took up Lanka’s offer. The only response came from a cocksure medical student called David Bardens, who submitted six studies he erroneously believed to constitute proof of the measles virus. Lanka reviewed the studies and correctly pointed out they proved nothing of the sort. Bardens then tried to sue for the money, but the German courts eventually ruled in Lanka’s favour. Documented liars like Steve Kirsch claim Lanka only won because of a legal technicality (Lanka actually required only one study and, not unreasonably, demanded that study not only establish the existence of a measles virus but also document its size. None of the six studies submitted by Bardens met this clearly stipulated requirement). The reality that Kirsch and his ilk refuse to discuss is that, irrespective of whether they included morphological details or not, none of the six studies Bardens served up even begin to prove the existence of a measles virus. In fact, the seminal 1954 ‘isolation’ paper by Enders and Peebles almost undermined the entire virus charade. They admit in the paper that “an uninoculated culture of monkey kidney cells” also demonstrated the cytopathic effect! Rather than entertain the possibility that the cell culture isolation charade was untenable, they simply declared, without any evidence whatsoever, that this unexpected 'cytopathic effect' was due to an unknown "agent" and then quickly moved on like nothing ever happened. The world of virology learned a valuable lesson: Never perform true control procedures during the cell culture isolation gig, because it could undermine the entire ruse. This is the inherently absurd, self-contradictory field of claptrap that Aldred deems an “established scientific concept.” He further excoriates us not to dismiss it without “substantial evidence,” never once addressing the reality that virology itself asks us to accept the presence of highly contagious pathogens without anything resembling substantial evidence. Remember the invisible leprechaun scenario at the start of this article? Using Aldred’s logic, in such a scenario the onus is on the disbelieving normal person, and not on the deluded virologist, to disprove the existence of invisible leprechauns. No. If you claim the existence of something that has never been seen before, you prove it. Fuzzy Logic Tactic #2: Gaslighting Successful advertisers know you don’t sell products by presenting people with a list of unassailable facts and figures. Nope, you need to press their hot buttons, and the way to do that is by triggering an emotional response. That’s why car advertisements don’t recite a list of impressive specifications. Instead, they feature attractive couples with Colgate smiles, happy families driving along while everyone stares in envy, and blokey blokes with huge grins blasting up and down muddy countrysides while the ad soundtrack blares “You can go your own way!” The message is: Buy our vehicle and you’ll get the pretty girl, have a picture perfect family, and be a trail-blazing maverick who lives life on his own terms. And everyone will look on in envy and admiration while you do it! It’s complete bollocks, of course - but it works. This kind of messaging bypasses our rational faculties and triggers our emotional hot buttons, often to the point where we’ll go into heavy debt just to scratch that emotional itch. “Yeah I get that, Anthony,” I hear you saying, “but what have car adverts got to do with the topic at hand?” Lots. Car manufacturers, you see, are hardly the only ones who know how to trigger our hot buttons. People who promote fake pandemics are also experts at bypassing people’s rational faculties. Attempts to appeal to people’s rational faculties during CONVID were quickly drowned out by rabid objections that anyone who refused to mask up and get poison-pricked was a selfish, heartless, evil granny-killer that deserved to be locked out of society. News outlets routinely ran heart-breaking stories of people who were once amazingly healthy until they were cruelly struck down by ‘COVID.’ No mention was made of the inconvenient fact that what really struck these people down was state-sanctioned murder, which included administration of drugs like midazolam and remdesivir, regular use of what should be last resort mechanical ventilation, and unlawful DNR (do not resuscitate) orders. It was a global gaslighting campaign that used emotional hotspotting to shut down rational discussion and instead cast the lone voices of reason - skeptics - as cold-blooded, tinfoil hat-wearing, menaces to society. And it worked. Spectacularly. So along comes Aldred, telling us to “beware of those handwaving away scientific models of reality that help us make good predictions, especially when it comes to important matters that keep us alive.” Translated: Virologists are keeping us alive, and by challenging them you virus skeptics are placing lives at risk! Rubbish. I’d like to see Aldred explain, in his own words, how the ‘scientific model’ of virology - which would have us believe resistance to disease comes from a syringe as opposed to healthy lifestyle habits - is keeping people alive? The bulk of the population-wide decline in measles mortality, for example, happened long before kids ever starting getting pricked with who-knows-what. Below are the trajectories for measles mortality in the US, UK and France, with the introduction of the measles vaccine overlaid on each graph. https://dissolvingillusions.com/graphs-images/#Figures I think it’s fair to say that, if you want to reduce death from a disease, first port of call for advice should not be people who think the key to public health is turning young kids into pin cushions. As for COVID, I’d love someone to explain how virology’s disgustingly reckless ‘scientific model’ of Sars-Cov-2 - which eagerly welcomed and even gushingly praised a complete abandonment of the usual safeguards to protect against dangerous and ineffective drugs - kept anyone alive? During the Pfizer vaxxx clinical trial, more people died in the gene therapy group than in the control group, and global estimates of excess post-vaxxx mortality run as high as 35 million lost lives. Now, name me even a single anti-vaxxxer who can boast that kind of body count? I’ll wait. The reality is that virology now has the kind of body count history’s bloodiest tyrants would be proud of. Other blockbusters from Virology’s Great Hits! include azidothymidine (AZT), a product of the early-1980s psy-op known as HIV/AIDS (funded by GloboPedo, produced by Fauci and Gallo Records). Despite all the hooplah, clinical trials found no reduction in mortality from AZT. People who got suckered into using this highly toxic drug, however, did find plenty of side effects. Another virology blockbuster, courtesy Bill & Melinda Productions, is the disgraceful polio vaccine rollout that caused almost 500,000 Indian children to suffer paralysis. While shamelessly dishonest ‘fact check’ outfits like Politifact would prefer you believed this never happened, it sure as heck did (Politifact is owned by Poynter who, by way of amazing coincidence, just happens to count the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations among its funders). Dhiman et al 2018 documented 491,000 additional cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in India between 2000-2017. The rise and decline in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in India aligned neatly with the increase and subsequent decrease in polio immunization rates. Once again, it’s not virus skeptics who murdered up to 35 million people. It’s not virology skeptics who are committing democide, and scarring survivors with everything from Guillain Barré Syndrome to myocarditis. It’s not virus skeptics who caused almost 500,000 poor Indian kids to suffer paralysis, or convinced people with ‘HIV/AIDS’ to take a drug that offered no mortality benefit but lots of severe side effects. The brains trust that enabled those criminal acts, in case anyone needs reminding, was Team Virology. I’ve barely scratched the surface of harms caused by this branch of pseudoscience. Suffice to say, it’s much easier to cite the lives ruined by this charade, than to cite lives saved from pathogens never shown to exist except by some voodoo ritual known as “cell culture isolation.” Virologists: So confident in their science, their inventions require immunity from prosecution. Fuzzy Logic Tactic #3: Pointing to ‘Experts’ for Validation, Without Offering Your Own Coherent Discussion of the Evidence Aldred’s post reaches comedic levels when he writes: “If you feel strongly that viruses are flawed science or even a conspiracy, please write a concise defence of your position in the comments section below (please avoid ‘just read so-and-so’s book’ or ‘watch so-and-so’s video’; I have the arguments from all the usual suspects and have yet to find a concise, coherent, and convincing case against viruses).” Aldred is specifically demanding you do not simply defer to other people’s material when making your case for the no-virus argument. Yet that is exactly what he does when making his own case. At no point in his article does he actually discuss the highly problematic research claiming to demonstrate viral isolation. I and others have presented detailed explanations of why these experiments are untenable; Aldred offers no counter-discussion of why we might be wrong. He makes bold claims that he fails to expound upon. Instead, he simply links to external sources, as if including a hyperlink is proof in itself. “Here’s another article on this subject by Michael Palmer at his new substack,” he writes, linking to an article that again fails to dissect the isolation studies. It simply declares that Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated “numerous times.” Continuing the game of Chinese Whispers, Palmer and co-author Bkahdi do as Aldred does and shun the opportunity to discuss these studies. Once again, they hyperlink the responsibility away to external websites. That’s fine for a Twitter post, but when you present yourself as an authoritative commentator and write an article making definitive claims, the onus is on you to explain your stance in a manner that shows you have a sound understanding of the topic. Making a claim like “yes, Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated,” then failing to address even a single criticism raised by skeptics hardly fulfills that obligation. “An overview of such studies,” write Palmer and Bkahdi of the so-called ‘isolation’ experiments, “has been provided by Jefferson et al” and a “solid study that correlates virus isolation, PCR and clinical findings in a series of hospitalized COVID-19-patients has been published by Wölfel et al.” (Bold emphasis added - correlation does not equal causation). Those of us who call Palmer and Bkahdi’s bluff and retrieve the full texts of the Jefferson and Wölfel papers quickly confirm the emperor has no clothes. All the studies reviewed by Jefferson et al and conducted by Wölfel et al involve the same old anti-isolation, cell culture flimflammery that gives rise to this controversy in the first place. You can see right here for yourself that Wölfel et al’s ‘isolation’ involved the usual charade of mixing non-purified patient samples with culture medium containing, among other things, 10% fetal calf serum, and Vero E6 (African green monkey kidney cells). I’ve discussed at length on this site why African green monkey kidney cells (aka Vero cells) are virology’s first choice of cell line for ‘isolation’ experiments, instead of more intuitive options like human lung cells. Unlike many other cell lines, Vero cells can be relied upon to deform and die off during the experiments, allowing virologists to claim a “cytopathic effect.” They then declare this cytopathic effect to be caused, not by their hand-picked choice of a purpose-bred cell line, but by a ‘virus.’ To top off the absurdities, Wölfel et al confirm the presence of Sars-Cov-2 in their utter non-isolate via “SARS-CoV-2 specific real-time RT-PCR using the SARS-2-CoV E assay." In plain English: Nothing was ever isolated. To the contrary, they added more stuff - including RNA- and DNA-containing bovine fetal serum - to the non-purified patient samples. When purpose-bred cells guaranteed to deform showed the “cytopathic effect,” they declared it was due to a virus. They then used the purpose-built PCR test designed to find Sars-Cov-2 in just about anything - including papaya, quail and goat - to proclaim that this virus was the mythical Sars-Cov-2. It bears reiterating that the handball strategy is a key fuzzy logic technique routinely used by pseudoscientists. They link to external sources, knowing full well most people won’t click through and read those sources. In Aldred’s case, this typically involves clicking through three links to finally get at the source document - something I dare say most people won’t do. Such a strategy allows people to make a bold claim and be seen to be providing evidence for it, when in reality they’re doing no such thing. Another example of the handball charade occurs when Aldred writes: “Ralph Baric’s work involves real viruses in gain-of-function research,” he declares. “You can isolate these viruses too. Also, scientists do indeed create viruses from scratch.” Once again, Aldred offers no elaboration of these bold claims, simply hyperlinks to external sources - the very thing he forbids others from doing. Clicking on the astounding claim that “scientists do indeed create viruses from scratch” takes one to a rather unhelpful press release from none other than the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - a major player in the Great COVID Con. Clicking through from that press release to the Science paper brings one to an abstract of a 2002 paper, the full text of which is hidden behind a paywall. Science, however, has made the full paper available at another location. That full text reveals the study was funded by “the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency" aka DARPA, another major perpetrator of the Great COVID Con. Hiding such information from your readers doesn’t do much for your credibility, but things get even more curious. The DARPA-funded researchers claim to have created a synthetic ‘poliovirus.’ If a virus is a living entity, then what these researchers have effectively claimed is to have created a synthetic life form. Now that would be truly revolutionary - if it were true. What the researchers really created was a chemical, and they actually admit it several times during the paper. However, they claim this chemical is “self-replicating” and “infectious.” Despite this, to “infect” mice with this chemical they had to first inject it directly into the brains of the hapless critters. To what should be no-one’s surprise, intracerebral injection of mice bred to be genetically susceptible to this bollockery caused “flaccid paralysis or death,” although “a larger inoculum” of the synthetic chemical was required to achieve this effect than stock-standard ‘poliovirus.’ I’d bet good money Aldred never read this study. It doesn’t prove the existence of ‘poliovirus,’ and it sure as heck doesn’t prove the existence of Sars-Cov-2. All it proves is that US military-sponsored researchers can claim to have created a chemical compound that, when injected directly into the brains of susceptible mice, causes neurological symptoms and death. Gee, whoever would’ve guessed injecting synthetic chemicals into an animal’s brain could cause symptoms of nerve damage and death? What, exactly, does this have to do with the claim that we humans transmit live ‘viruses’ to each other via sneezing, coughing, touching, fornicating, etc, etc, etc? Where, exactly, is the epidemic of ‘viruses’ caused by people injecting lab-made chemicals into each other’s brains? A revealing clue to the study’s true purpose can be gleaned in the closing paragraph, when the researchers write: “As a result of the World Health Organization’s vaccination campaign to eradicate poliovirus, the global population is better protected against poliomyelitis than ever before. Any threat from bioterrorism will only arise if mass vaccination stops and herd immunity against poliomyelitis is lost. No doubt technical advances will permit rapid synthesis of the poliovirus genome, given access to sophisticated resources. The potential for virus synthesis is an additional important factor for consideration in designing the closing strategies of the poliovirus eradication campaign.” That paragraph serves several useful purposes for the parasite class. It praises the evil WHO for eradicating poliovirus via vaccines, even though we know the threat from polio was overwhelmingly removed before polio vaccines were released. It paves the way for development of toxic bioweapons that can be conducted under the guise of defending against bioterrorism. It provides fodder for future man-made virus and “gain of function” stories that can be positioned as an alternative and suppressed explanation for pre-orchestrated pandemics. These alternative explanations can then be strategically ‘unsuppressed’ at key time points, like during a vaxxx rollout. It reinforces the inherently absurd mass vaccination and herd immunity paradigms, which hold that people who have taken an allegedly highly effective life-saving drug are in danger from those who haven’t. In a sane world, that would be known as a failed drug. Fuzzy Logic Tactic #4: Hypocrisy & Double-Standards We’ve already seen how Aldred demands others adhere to a higher standard of evidence than he believes he is obliged to. “I’ve no problem with someone speculating that viruses might not be real,” writes Aldred, “but I object when they claim with absolute certainty that this is the case.” Interestingly, Aldred has no problem with virologists claiming with absolute certainty that viruses exist, when they cannot provide any proof. Any last shred of credibility evaporates when Aldred does exactly what he accuses the 'no-virus' skeptics of: Namely, asserting something without evidence. He writes: "When multiple independent studies consistently support the existence of something—like the SARS-CoV-2 virus—it becomes scientifically prudent to accept its existence based on this substantial evidence, although this will probably evolve as new data emerges." Here, we see Aldred claim “multiple independent studies” consistently support the existence of Sars-Cov-2, but again he offers no discussion whatsoever of those studies. To describe those studies as “independent” when they were in fact conducted in a suspiciously similar manner by interrelated organizations like the Chinese CDC, US CDC and Australia’s Doherty Institute is an insult to one’s intelligence. The Chinese were the first to claim ‘isolation’ of the mythical ‘Sars-Cov-2.’ Shortly afterwards, the Doherty Institute in South China Melbourne, Australia loudly boasted it was the first entity outside of China to isolate the Woohoo virus. Any discussion of whether Sars-Cov-2 exists must discuss these studies and the numerous absurdities and inconsistencies contained within them. Aldred won’t touch them. Neither do pandemic shills like Steve Kirsch or Robert Malone or virologist Ian M. Mackay (a WEF ‘agenda contributor’) or Imperial College-indoctrinated Dr Siouxsie Wiles, all of whom rabidly insist Sars-Cov-2 has been isolated. That’s okay. I’m happy to discuss them. In fact, I already have, at length: The Great Covid Con: Sars-Cov-2 Doesn't Exist & Has NEVER Really Been Isolated "Sars-Cov-2" Does Not Exist (Part 2): Why Chinese Researchers NEVER Isolated the Virus The Doherty study was an utter joke. They couldn't find anything that looked like a coronavirus during their cell culture escapade, so they squirted some trypsin - a protein-digesting enzyme - into the mix, and when particles in that mix developed ragged edges they promptly declared them to be the spikes of a coronavirus! Aldred expects us to accept rubbish like this as proof of a 'novel' and deadly coronavirus? The Doherty researchers also admit they conducted no control procedures during their genetic sequencing caper, and their 'isolation' endeavor involved no control procedure using samples from healthy control subjects. When asked if they tested for other ‘viral’ genomes, the Doherty researchers even admitted: "We did not look for other viral genomes. Our assembly was performed against the released Wuhan-1 reference sequence as we were looking for Sars-CoV-2." (Bold emphasis added) I don’t know how much more obvious it gets: Come hell or high water, the Doherty researchers were going to find ‘Sars-Cov-2’ - even if they had to handsculpt it with trypsin and willfully blind themselves to the possibility that other ‘virus’ genomes may be present. To refuse to accept such anti-scientific rot as evidence of anything is not being a “denialist” or “conspiracist” - it simply means you refuse to be a gullible idiot. Ditto with the various papers released by the Chinese who claim to have first isolated Sars-Cov-2. As I outline in some detail, those papers are a vague, incoherent and suspicious mess, and when I emailed three of the researchers to get some clarification, the answer was ... total silence. It's all well and good to post URLs to other writers who agree with you, but when the actual researchers of the studies claiming isolation of Sars-Cov-2 either confirm lack of control procedures or refuse to even respond to you, that speaks volumes. Conclusion As a person who values truth way above appearing right all the time, I’m happy to be proven wrong. I'm more than happy to accept that viruses exist - if someone can show me isolation and transmission studies confirming as much that aren't laughable garbage. Until that happens, you virus believers can stop trying to gaslight me and others who refuse to believe your anti-scientific hogwash. When you call us “deniers” and “conspiracists”, all you’re doing is showing off your scientific ineptitude and your penchant for projection. It’s most unbecoming. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-146094701
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  • The Idlib terror gangs explained
    The Warlord conflict in the north of Syria

    vanessa beeley

    This article was co-written by myself and Syrian military researcher and analyst Ibrahim Wahdi (now a journalist with Press TV) a couple of years ago . I wanted to republish to demonstrate the complex military situation on the ground in Syria as I will be shortly providing a summary of the situations in all conflict zones still remaining across Syria.

    Some of the positions may have changed and shifted but these changes are part of the fabric of ongoing negotiations in Syria led by Damascus, Russia, Iran and now Iraq which is trying to broker normalisation between Syria and Turkiye which must include the full withdrawal of Turkish military and proxy terrorist forces from the areas of northern Syria they have annexed and occupied.

    I believe Syria is now fighting to push back the terrorist forces from all areas of central Syria (ISIS) and areas north-west of Aleppo (Al Qaeda etc) in order to end any potential threat should the war with Israel escalate and expand into the region. I will go into more detail in the next article.


    Syria and the interconnected Turkish neo-Ottoman agenda in northern Syria.

    The role of Russia and its collaboration with the Syrian Arab Army is explored in depth and the areas where there is the greatest potential for conflict are revealed.

    The war in Syria is not over and there are many UK/US-backed terrorist shifting alliances to be taken into account as part of the geopolitical power game that is now entering its most dangerous stage.

    The tipping points are on multiple axes and it will take a great deal of political and military brinkmanship from Damascus and her allies to restore peace to Syria.


    Al Qaeda affiliate Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) deployed its most powerful weapons and equipment, opened its depots and engaged the elite ‘Asa’ib’ fighters in the battles for Mount Al-Turkman.

    The last 28 members of Jund Allah (God’s soldiers), led by “Abu Fatima Al Turki” were expelled from the mountain. These fighters had been responsible for the killing of 9 HTS and the kidnapping of more than 10 gang members but they escaped safely.

    Muslim Abu Walid Al-Shishani (Murad Margoshivili), and his armed group “Junod Al Sham” have also fled the mountain after violent clashes with HTS. Murad’s brother “Abu Musa Al-Shishani” was captured trying to flee to Turkey and held at a Turkish checkpoint.

    Junod al-Sham was established in 2012 under the leadership of Muslim Al-Shishani. The majority of fighters were from the Caucasus countries. The group never exceeded 300 members. Almost half of them left with the defection of “Abu Omar al-Shishani” when he pledged allegiance to terrorist group ISIS in 2013.

    HTS is headed up by Abu Mohammed Al Jolani recently platformed in a Frontline interview in an apparent attempt to rebrand Jolani as viable Syrian opposition not the extremist violent former Al Qaeda leader he really is.

    Al Jolani’s battles with the Junod Al Sham, Jund Allah and Guardians of Religion gangs must be viewed in the context of the bombings and suicide vehicle operations that have targeted Turkish military points and patrols since the last military operation of the Syrian Arab Army in the area that ended with a ceasefire on March 5, 2021.

    The latest attack was on October 16th 2021 when a Turkish patrol was targeted killing two soldiers and injuring two more.

    Such tactics were adopted by unknown organizations such as the “Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Brigades”. Al Jolani accused these splinter groups of conducting these attacks to secure Turkish support.

    The groups accused Jolani of using the attacks to blame unaffiliated groups in Idlib because he was seeking a monopoly in Idlib with Turkish backing. This is the gangs and counter gangs scenario that has been a hallmark of the US Coalition armed group activities in Syria since 2011.

    Here comes the Turkistan Islamic Party‘s (TIP) role. TIP consists primarily of al-Qaeda loyalists, originally from Xinjiang Province, northwest China (Uighurs).

    TIP has made a deal with Taliban leaders in cooperation with Turkish intelligence (MIT) to transport Junod Al-Sham and Jund Allah groups and leaders, alongside other terrorist fighters, to Afghanistan through Turkey according to local sources. The “Azm” operation room in Afrin has denied any existence of these groups despite having received them after they fled Idlib.


    In order to understand and predict, we must first know who’s left in Idlib, their allegiances and their importance.

    Jihadist factions reconciled with HTS:

    “Jaysh al-Badia” and Jaysh al-Malahem, two small jihadist factions, whose first and last allegiance is to al-Qaeda, defected from HTS in late 2017, due to its separation from al-Qaeda, but recently returned under its wing.

    “Sham al-Islam” faction, which is stationed in Mount al-Turkman, northeast of Lattakia, and includes about 400 fighters, 150 of which are Moroccan leaders and fighters, in addition to 50 Sudanese, while the rest are Syrians.

    “Ansar al-Tawhid” faction, was formed in March of 2018, in Sarmin town in Idlib, from the remnants of the “Jund al-Aqsa” organization (that launched a war against several jihadist factions, which hastened its elimination). They pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and joined the operations room ” Rouse the Believers” before declaring its independence from everyone in a statement issued on May 03, 2020.

    “Ajnad al-Caucasus“, led by Abdul Malik al-Shishani, was one of the most prominent organizations that fought the Syrian Arab Army and its allies during the SAA campaign to liberate southern Idlib and northern Hama. Battles were halted by a ceasefire agreement on March 05, 2020, when the group suffered heavy losses, with no more than 250 fighters remaining (according to local sources) forcing it to retreat.

    These groups do not pose a threat to HTS at the present time due to understandings between the leaders of the groups and HTS command:

    The “Albanian Brigade” (Xhemati Alban), an independent group led by the Macedonian Abu Qatada al-Albani, was established in 2013, and includes jihadists from the Balkan countries Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania, in addition to some Saudis and Syrians.

    Its fighters are trained in all types of medium and heavy weapons. They formed a special squad of Albanian snipers. They currently operate in Kabana in the countryside of Latakia. The ideological orientation of the battalion is similar to HTS and Al-Qaeda, and it maintains a good relationship with HTS without engaging in internal hostilities.

    The Salafist “Salah al-Din al-Kurdi Movement“, which began its activity in Syria in 2012, and is now deployed in Mont al-Akrad in Latakia’s northern countryside. The movement has its own training camp and local sources have informed the author that there is evidence that Qatar and Turkey are the bankrollers of the group. This claim is borne out by the fact that Turkey gave them a training camp in Afrin and they have close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which is sponsored predominantly by Qatar.

    Its members are professional soldiers, and most of them hail from eastern Turkey, in addition to Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian Kurdish fighters. These Kurdish factions believe in the Sunni Muslim roots of the Kurds and aim to expand their influence throughout the Syrian Kurdish communities.

    “The Kurdish Immigrants of Iran’s Sunnis Movement”, the only Kurdish group that pledged allegiance to HTS. Most of its fighters come from northwestern Iran. Its fighters are fierce and highly trained, and guard important points in the Kabanah area. Additionally they deploy mobile offensive combat groups to guard some points of Mount al-Zawiya, south of Idlib City. The movement is led by “Abu Safiya al-Kurdi”, who participated in a meeting organised by al-Jolani with a number of Kurdish Salafist leaders in an Idlib mosque in mid-June.

    Islamist factions opposed to HTS:

    Al-Ghuraba Division (Strangers), which is deployed west of Idlib, and is led by the French-Senegalese jihadist ” Omar Omsen ” (Omar Diaby), who was previously arrested by HTS in August 2020 and his son Bilal was also arrested in late 2021. The French authorities accuse him of recruiting 80% of the French-speaking jihadists who went to Syria or Iraq.

    “Rouse the Believers Operations Room“, which was established in October 2018, and includes:

    – “Ansar al-Din Front” led by Abu Salah al-Uzbeki (Siraj al-Din Mukhtarov), from the Kyrgyz Republic. Founder and commander of the “Uzbek” battalion within HTS and the mastermind of the St Petersburg metro terrorist attack in Russia in 2017. He was arrested by HTS after his defection to Ansar al-Din in June 2020 and released in March 2021.

    – “Ansar al-Islam” faction, Kurdish Salafist group stationed in the vicinity of Jisr al-Shughour, west of Idlib, and in the Dower al-Akrad within the al-Ghab Plain, west of Hama. Around 200 members – majority Iraqi Kurds along with Syrian, Turkish and Iranian Kurdish fighters. It was founded in 2001 in northern Iraq (Iraqi Kurdistan) and fought against a number of Kurdish parties. It is considered the most fanatic among the Kurdish Salafist groups in Idlib, and the most powerful. One of its goals is to establish an Islamic state governed by Sharia Law.

    – “Guardians of Religion“, affiliated with Al-Qaeda, which was established in 2018 after defection from HTS. “Al-Zawahiri” recently complimented the group after they carried out a terrorist operation in western Damascus, on August 04, 2020 – The armed group announced in a statement that one of its divisions blew up a bus carrying officers of the “Republican Guard” in the capital, as part of the “Battle of Al-Usra” series, in “solidarity with the people of Daraa”.

    The group was considered to “devote itself to ‘jihad’ work inside the capitol (Damascus)”. Today the group is going through a difficult transition. Its leaders have been repeatedly targeted by US drones, giving the US the opportunity of testing its new tactical weapon such as Hellfire missile, (which indicates the hidden intelligence cooperation between al-Julani and the CIA),

    Frequent battles with Al Jolani on the ground in Syria have also reduced the number of fighters in the group. The organization included about 2,000 fighters of different nationalities when it was founded, but now that is less than 100.

    These factions are most likely to be the next target of Al-Jolani’s campaign to eliminate competition in Idlib and northern Syria.


    Perhaps the most prominent of the HTS allies is the aforementioned “Turkistan Islamic Party” or TIP, led by “Abu Suleiman al-Turkistani”. These are the Uighur Al Qaeda loyalists from Xinjiang Province in northwest China. TIP comprises around 8000 fighters who are distinguished by their savagery and combat prowess.

    TIP follows the HTS policies closely and secured the exit of extremist fighters from Mount Al Turkman during recent battles. It is unlikely that TIP will clash with HTS after violent disputes between the two groups.

    Al Jolani brought the TIP to heel and claimed that China was providing weapons to Damascus to eliminate them in Idlib and Hama countryside. This claim forced the TIP to reduce their presence in the main cities and to withdraw their families to the ‘refugee’ camps on the Syria-Turkey borders near the town of Harem.

    The importance of the party lies in its affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, which allowed it to establish strong relations with Turkey, Taliban and HTS at the same time. It is directly hostile to China. In September 2002 the US Treasury Department placed TIP on the list of terrorist organisations.

    Trump later removed the organisation from the list as part of the ramping up of US pressure on China for alleged “human rights” abuses against the Uighur population.

    There remain a handful of small independent groups of foreign extremist fighters and groups who will face one of two fates. Either to be subjugated or neutralized in order for Jolani to achieve absolute control over Idlib governorate. This is in preparation for a full integration with the factions under the umbrella of the Turkish-backed so-called Syrian National Army.

    This will complete the rebranding and recycling of HTS – a Turkish-UK-led agenda in northern Syria according to a ‘diplomatic source’ who informed Russian media, TASS in May 2021 that MI6 was involved in the project:

    The British side suggested that the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham group (outlawed in Russia, also known as Jabhat al-Nusra) should announce plans to abandon subversive activities against Western countries and build close cooperation with them […] Mohammad al-Julani received recommendations to give an interview to an American reporter in order to create a positive image for the alliance that he heads and rehabilitate it in the future. There are plans to engage some of the UK’s allies, primarily the US, in efforts aimed at rebranding the al-Nusra group.”


    Al Jolani is trying to prove to everyone, especially Turkey, that he is the only one capable of controlling Idlib province from a security and military perspective. Idlib can be described as another “Tora-Bora” with embedded terrorist organisations comprising some of the most deadly foreign mercenaries.

    Jolani is working on a reputation as the supreme warlord dissolving minor groups or reining in the more powerful factions. This is probably one of the main reasons that Jolani has not been assassinated by US/UK allied intelligence agencies, he is a useful asset in the last remaining terrorist-controlled pocket of north-west Syria.

    Jolani’s agenda directly overlaps that of Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan – to persuade Western countries to remove HTS from the UN and US terrorist list by demonstrating Jolani’s willingness to “fight terrorism” and endorsing his claims that HTS has no desire to conduct terrorist operations against the US, UK or EU by limiting their terrorism to Syria and against the Syrian people.

    Jolani’s rebrand presents him as the only viable political solution in Idlib which serves Turkey’s neo-Ottoman ambitions to have control over strategic Syrian territory. Turkey can appear to be complying with Russian brokered agreements by ostensibly expelling terrorist groups from the de-escalation zones and securing the safety of the M4 (Aleppo to Latakia road).

    Put simply, any group not complying with Jolani’s authority must be eradicated, prior to the great merger between the “Salvation Government” and the Turkish backed “National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces“.


    Here we cannot ignore the “Levant Front” (LF), the largest faction of the “National Army” based in the countryside of Aleppo. The LF has formed a rival alliance to HTS in north-west Syria. It seeks to embrace the majority of political ‘opposition’ institutions in the areas of Aleppo countryside under its control combined with coordination with local armed groups to develop a shadow state in Idlib.

    LF influence has expanded significantly since early 2021. The LF headquarters near the Bab Al Salama crossing has become a destination for the leaders of the National Coalition. LF recently hosted the commander of the so-called “Syrian Islamic Council“, Sheikh Osama Abdel Karim al-Rifai.

    The battle for power in Idlib has resulted in a new factional map. HTS dismantling and restructuring of the “Ahrar al-Sham” (AS) movement, -which once represented an anti-HTS project- has pushed many AS members to defect and join the ranks of the LF seeking ideological synergy. Since early 2021 LF has received more than 900 AS terrorist fighters led by Alaa Faham who will form a brigade under the LF umbrella to confront HTS in the Aleppo countryside.

    In July 2021, the LF formed a new military alliance separate to the National Army and the Interim Government or “Azm Operations Room”. The majority of factions operating in Aleppo countryside have joined the new coalition and present a considerable threat to HTS supremacy in Idlib.

    Two months after the formation of the “Syrian Front for Liberation” (SFI) led by Al-Mu’tasim Abbas, the “Suqur Al Shamal Brigade” and the “20th Division” have defected and joined Azm increasing numbers to an estimated forty thousand comprising more than 15 factions deployed throughout northern Syria. This leaves SFL with only 3 factions and ten thousand fighters.

    The supposed Islamist project of the LF, its military alliance leadership and its expansionist policies in northwestern Syria do not automatically mean that it is preparing for a new round of conflict with HTS.

    On the contrary, we may witness a dramatic increase in coordination between the two powerful factions in various fields. De facto the LF alliance may facilitate the settlement of issues with Jolani which will pave the way for broader collaboration in the future.

    Russia is opposed to any political solution in the region that includes HTS. Russian and Turkish delegations have met several times in the border areas after the Erdogan-Putin summit in September 2021.

    Russia has requested a Turkish withdrawal from the eastern countryside of Idlib between the cities of Idlib and Saraqeb. This leaves Turkish forces in Idlib two options. First to repel any ground attack by the Syrian Arab Army which would result in serious losses for Turkish military, second to wait for the impending Syrian/Russian military campaign to liberate Idlib from terrorist occupation. The second option could result in Turkish bases being besieged as happened in 2019 and 2020.

    Local sources indicate that the Turkish military divisions in Idlib, especially south of the M4, have reinforced their bases and closed some main roads with engineering barriers. The Syrian leadership intends to regain control over southern and western Idlib to secure the M4 and perhaps advance towards Idlib city.

    There is potential for similar deals to be implemented as were recently successful in Daraa, south of Damascus city.

    The collaboration between LF and HTS is not a recent phenomenon. They were previously limited to the terrorist economy – fuel trade, crossing control, checkpoints but have developed considerably since the end of 2020.

    Certain opposition media outlets have reported that the two parties are coordinating in the security and military sectors. The Levant Front received officials and high ranking leaders from HTS in Azaz. A joint camp was recently established between Jolani’s forces and Sheikh Juma’a LF forces in the village of “Maabatli” as a trial military collaborative project.


    Turkey has weaponised the Muslim Brotherhood to expand military intervention in Syria, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, Afghanistan and Libya.

    Turkey is suffering the repercussions of these neo-Ottoman ambitions with internal issues that include an economic crisis, refugee influx and a declining Turkish Lira.

    This has severely affected Erdogan’s popularity and combined with his deteriorating health, Turkish opposition parties are seeing an opportunity to win the upcoming elections in 2023 based on the resolution of the refugee issue as a primary concern for the majority of Turkish people.

    A Turkish journalist specializing in American affairs, Bahar Feyzan, had leaked information about Biden and Erdogan meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 conference in Rome recently, including the advice of US President Joe Biden to Erdogan to withdraw from running for the upcoming elections, saying, “Take your health condition as an excuse to leave politics.”

    Recent analysis by Steven A. Cook for Foreign Policy, covered the leak of media reports that claim Erdogan’s intention is to transfer authority to Defense Minister Hulusi Akar in case of any deterioration in his health, with a cabinet reshuffle and the appointment of Akar as First Vice President.

    Erdogan is fearful, under pressure and sick, and he appears to have no other options but to export his problems abroad in order to survive. The Kurdish problem in particular has always been an existential threat to Turkish national security, which makes it the easiest card for Erdogan to play including securing internal authorisation to send military forces to Syria and Iraq for an additional two years.

    With the increase in operations targeting Turkish soldiers in several areas, and the US-backed Kurdish Contra (SDF) non-compliance with the Turkish-Russian agreement in Sochi 2019, Erdogan is promoting a military campaign in north-east Syria to be conducted on four axes with an army of 35,000 comprising extremist mercenaries and Turkish armed forces.

    Erdogan summoned leaders of the interventionist operations – “Euphrates Shield”, “Peace Spring” and “Olive Branch” including the National Army to a meeting in Ankara to determine frontlines and strategy of the latest attempt to quell SDF influence in northern Syria.

    In addition to “Menagh” air base near Azaz, Turkey considers Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) among its main priorities, to cut SDF’s strategic support lines between Qamishli-Manbij-Kobani. This would ensure a direct link between Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad with the Euphrates Shield areas.

    The National Army has sent several military convoys through Turkey to Darbasiyah near the Iraqi-Syrian border, in preparation for a military operation.

    NA leaders have announced the raising of combat readiness, and according to a military source in the National Army, the Turkish officers have informed them that Manbij will be a distraction axis, and the troops will advance towards Tal Tamr, Tal Rifaat, Ain Issa and Ayn Al-Arab, while Turkish reconnaissance planes dropped leaflets warning civilians to stay away from SDF military sites, and threatened a military invasion of the region.

    Practically, it is unlikely for Erdogan to risk a military adventure in northern Syria without international endorsement, especially in Tal Rifaat, where it might lead to a direct confrontation with Russia.

    Tal Rifaat is not a major stronghold for SDF, it is a strategic geographical target. It is also very close to Aleppo city which explains the Russian presence and recent large reinforcements sent by the Syrian Arab Army that include advanced T-90 tanks and BMP-2 armoured vehicles heading towards Malikiyah and Shawargha villages in northern Aleppo countryside. Both villages have experienced a violent exchange of shelling in the last few days.

    The most convenient scenario, for Turkey, if a military confrontation is unavoidable is for Tal Rifaat to be a distraction axis to keep the SDF militia pinned down there while the main operation would target between Tal Tamr – Ayn Issa and Manbij-Ayn Al-Arab because they are the major Kurdish strongholds.

    However Erdogan may refrain from military action altogether preferring to flex his muscles publicly by deploying tanks and forces in the area to trigger negotiations to share “security” in north-east Syria.

    Military action can be impeded by the imposition of a No Fly Zone over any area being considered for confrontation. Without Russian and US consent, Erdogan would be foolhardy to precipitate possible conflict with both. Reuters quoted a senior Turkish security official saying:

    The operation will start when all preparations are completed,” adding, “We are in coordination with Russia on the matter. The issue was addressed with the United States already,”.

    How true this claim is remains to be seen.

    Below is a video of a recent Turkish military convoy heading towards Tal Abyad:


    Russian Turkish relations are tense in Syria. Russia is unhappy with Turkish intervention in countries where Russia has geopolitical interests – Libya, Syria, Armenia, Ukraine.

    Ukraine used Turkish-manufactured UAVs against positions of eastern Ukraine forces affiliated with Russia.

    Russia has since sent a clear message by carrying out joint air exercises with the Syrian Arab Army in areas supposed to be Turkish targets for military invasion such as the vicinity of Tal Tamr, Tal Abyad and Ain Issa where the Russian flag has been raised.

    This is combined with auxiliary forces redeployment between the 93rd Brigade area and the Russian military base located in Tal Al-Samn. A big SAA reinforcement was sent to Manbij in preparation for another round of military exercises.

    This will complicate the situation for Erdogan who specifically wants Ain Issa due to its location on the M4 that links Latakia with Iraq through Aleppo and Hasaka in the north-east.

    Russia has also deployed the S400 air defense system at Qamishli Airport, along with twelve Su-34 bombers and five Su-35s, while the Syrian forces will deploy MiG-29, in addition to twelve Mi-8 helicopters and five Ka-52 Alligator at the Mitras military airfield, (30 km) south of Ayn al-Arab or as the US/Israeli-backed Kurdish separatists call it – “Kobani”.

    Despite the Turkish calls on Russia to cleanse Ayn al-Arab of Kurdish separatist militias, Russia does not favor the entry of the “National Army” into Ayn ​​al-Arab. It is keen to ensure the security of its military base in “Serrin”.

    Perhaps the clearest indication of repercussions for Erdogan-driven recklessness in northern Syria was the recent Syrian targeting of Sarmada which houses a communications headquarters for HTS.

    This was followed by airstrikes and artillery bombardment of Turkish-backed 23rd Division forces for several consecutive days and the targeting of camps and shelters of the Turkestan militias on the border strip with Turkey.

    We cannot separate the northeast from the northwest, as Russia may agree on a limited Turkish operation in exchange for parts of Mount al-Zawiya and the city of Jisr Al-Shughour, which is the most important part of the Turkish-Russian negotiation, especially if the Syrian-Kurdish negotiations fail.

    If liberated, the strategic areas of Mount Al-Zawiya and Jisr Al-Shughour will lead to the defeat of terrorism in a significant area of Idlib countryside. Regaining these areas is one of the most important military objectives of the Syrian Arab Army in the impending battles to secure the M4. The Russian Reconciliation Centre has been repeatedly announcing terrorist violations of the ceasefire agreement and the potential for the staging of a “chemical weapon attack” to provoke international outrage against the Syrian government.

    According to civilian sources:

    “More than 200 Turkish vehicles loaded with advanced weapons, ammunition and logistical materials entered Bab Al-Hawa and Khirbet al-Jawz crossings in two batches and deployed in the western countryside of Idlib and Mount al-Zawiya in order to strengthen its occupation points and provide direct support to terrorist organizations.”

    Watch – video of Turkish military vehicles entering Syria via the so-called ‘humanitarian’ crossing:

    The Turkish Humanitarian Relief Agency “IHH” announced the establishment of 16,239 briquette houses in Idlib Governorate. This is an indication of preparation for further displacement of civilians during an intensified military campaign.


    With all the Turkish mobilization and media promotion of a huge Turkish military operation – waiting on international approval – the SDF has moved its most prominent military leaders from its headquarters adjacent to the Turkish border into the cities to protect them from the potential Turkish UAV attacks.

    The past few days have witnessed a remarkable rapprochement between the Democratic Union Party (the SDF backbone) Damascus and Russia. The SDF removed the “Al-Quwatli”, “Al-Shabab City” and “The Industrial School” checkpoints in Qamishli city.

    This lifts the longstanding siege on the security square of the Syrian forces in the city, which was imposed by the SDF after bloody confrontations erupted between the Kurdish units and the Syrian National Defense Forces back in April.

    The increasing Russian influence in the Syrian east and the American retreat, which is still in its early stages, means placing the fate of the SDF in the hands of Moscow not Washington.

    Despite the strenuous Russian efforts to reach a political solution with the Kurds, the US military presence is still a major obstacle. It is difficult to trust the Kurds who are divided among themselves and are far from autonomous having accepted US support to lay claim to Syrian territory.

    Damascus prioritises Syrian territorial integrity and a central governance structure. This would force the Kurdish Contras to hand the oil fields back to Damscus and to accept a similar agreement to Daraa. This would include the integration of Kurdish military into a Syrian military division similar to the Eighth Brigade of the Fifth Corps.

    The Kurdish factions are divided between those who lean towards the United States and a separate Kurdish state, while others seek to reach an agreement that guarantees some Kurdish rights, such as the language.

    The latter is in communication with Damascus to agree on a draft agreement between the Kurdistan Workers Party, the Democratic Union Party and the Syrian State. This would include the establishment of a joint military operations room for the Syrian Arab Army, SDF, Russian forces and other allies to repel any possible Turkish aggression, based on a statement from the Head of the National Initiative for Syrian Kurds, Omar Ossi to Al-Watan newspaper.

    According to Kurdish leaks a joint delegation of the Syrian Democratic Council and the Autonomous Administration headed by Ilham Ahmed visited Moscow, on Wednesday, September 15, 2021.

    Their meeting with the Special Envoy of the Russian President to the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, put forward a proposal that recognised the legitimacy of the Syrian government and President Bashar al-Assad, would agree to raise the Syrian flag in the areas of the so-called Kurdish controlled Autonomous Administration, share the region’s oil imports – 75% for the central government and 25% for the Autonomous Administration – among other terms.

    Bogdanov informed the delegation that the only way to protect them is by cooperating with the Syrian Arab Army and the Syrian state directly to prevent a repeat Afrin scenario, when Kurds were ethnically cleansed by Turkish forces after the Kurds refused collaboration with the Syrian Arab Army in early 2018.

    In an interview with RT, the prominent leader of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), Aldar Khalil confirmed their readiness for dialogue with the Syrian state directly in Damascus, without going to Geneva. He added that:

    The resources and wealth in this region are not only ours. We do not have any intentions to monopolize them, but rather consider them a national treasure for all Syrians

    Khalil’s comments came days after the statements of Kurdistan Workers’ Party leader, Jamil Bayik, in an interview with Al-Nahar Al-Arabi newspaper where he said:

    Our relationship with Hafez al-Assad and his family was close and warm. We cannot be anti-Syria or anti-Assad. We have previously established our relations on the basis of the general interest of the Kurds and the Kurdish-Arab brotherhood. Now we want to be a party to such a relationship.

    These statements coincide with reports of an agreement between the Russian Reconciliation Center and SDF that provides for the handover of areas in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor to the Syrian Arab Army (Al-Shuhail, Al-Busira, Dhiban, Al-Hawaij, Al-Shafa, Al-Susa and Al-Baghouz).

    On Saturday 13th November the US pushed back against the Damascus-led negotiations with Washington’s Kurdish proxies. The official website of the SDF announced the arrival of US State Department officials and Ethan Goldrich – Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs – in north-east Syria. The US Officials met with the Commander in Chief of the SDF, Mazoum Abdi to discuss ‘humanitarian and security’ issues.

    On the same day the US Embassy in Syria Twitter account announced that it would stay in Syria to ensure the “ISIS threat is eliminated” which can be interpreted as a reassurance for the Kurdish separatists as rumours abound of a US withdrawal which would encourage Kurdish factions to negotiate with Damascus.


    It wouldn’t be easy for Turkey to get US consent for a military operation in light of the US-Turkish differences that were clearly manifested when the US Department of Defence (DoD) recently expelled Turkey from the F-35 project.

    Turkey had threatened to buy SU-35s from Russia. The Biden administration has extended sanctions imposed on Turkey due to its military operation against Kurdish forces in Syria in 2019 for another year.

    Brett McGurk, US Envoy for the coalition ‘fighting ISIS’, resigned from Trump’s administration in protest against Operation Peace Spring and would now be one of the fiercest opponents of any new Turkish military campaign in Syria. The US will not necessarily step in to protect the Kurdish proxies but Washington will oppose any Turkish threat to US supremacy and economic interests in the region.

    The US military convoy movement in and out of Syria have increased in the past two months. The majority of these convoys come in empty and go back loaded with stolen oil. They are also involved in kidnapping civilians through airdrop operations in the countryside of Deir Ezzor and Al-Hasakah in the north-east.

    The “International Coalition” has recently transferred another batch of ISIS prisoners of foreign nationalities from the Industrial School prison in the Ghweran neighborhood in Al-Hasakah city to its base in Al-Shaddadi city south of Al-Hasakah.

    All these transfer and airdrop operations raise questions. Where are these prisoners going next? Are all these airdrops just to kidnap people or to extract valuable assets?


    Between the Biden-Erdogan meeting, the Russian-Syrian military exercises and the SAA reinforcements in northern Syria, there are clear messages to be read:

    It is not just about Biden or European rejection of Erdogan. The transnational corporatocracy is tired of Erdogan’s neo-Ottomanism. His expansionist ambitions and blatant interference in multiple foreign state affairs, his weaponization of the refugee crisis and subsequent blackmailing of Europe, are all factors that make him a universal threat.

    It is very clear that Erdogan wants full or partial control of the M4. He knows that once he loses this leverage he will have no cards in his hand for negotiation. If Erdogan chooses to occupy alternative areas of Syrian territory he may find it will bring more problems than solutions. North of the M4 is agricultural, has no resources to plunder but is occupied by disparate and unruly terrorist groups.

    Once the M4 is fully liberated by the SAA, the only remaining prize to be claimed by Erdogan is Al Jolani himself who believes the Taliban model is achievable in Idlib and who is clearly an asset to US Coalition intelligence agencies as the new “Bin Laden”. Perhaps there is even potential of Al Jolani being squeezed out of Idlib and turning his attention to southern Turkey for his ideologically supremacist project?

    The regions of northern Syria are within Russia’s political calculations and any possible agreement with Washington will not authorize Turkey to launch attacks without a Russian green light which is very unlikely. Therefore any military operation will be limited and only Turkish-backed proxies will be used to conduct the unlawful military operations of Turkey’s criminal leadership.

    Russia has stressed to Turkey the need for military, security and political coordination in the ongoing difficult negotiations between the two sides. Washington has withdrawn from supporting the SDF except in the pseudo fight against ISIS in the north.

    Russia presents itself as an alternative ally to the SDF capable of mediating between them and Turkey to prevent military conflict. Russia also perceives itself as the international guarantor of security and stability in the region in preparation for a US withdrawal destined to return Syrian resources to the Syrian government and people after years of US Coalition occupation and theft.

    Despite the Turkish military build-up and the rapid developments, no one can indicate a zero hour for any military operation. It is obviously under negotiations between the three countries, and while some people rush to criticize, denounce, reject and deny the ongoing events in northern Syria, many forget that it is not about moods or wishes, and no one can predict any scenario or believe any news without first knowing the facts on the ground.

    With a complete international, regional and internal consensus to resolve the files of eastern and western Euphrates within a great settlement in the Middle East, the facts on the ground and the emerging political factors impose inevitable war on those who reject a peaceful solution or try to obstruct it.

    Northern Syria will almost certainly be the epicentre of fierce battles, military and political, that will determine the fate of Syria now and in the future. The final word rests with the Syrian Arab Army and allies and how they navigate the increasingly complex network of groups and alliances to achieve their objectives for Syria.


    The Idlib terror gangs explained The Warlord conflict in the north of Syria vanessa beeley This article was co-written by myself and Syrian military researcher and analyst Ibrahim Wahdi (now a journalist with Press TV) a couple of years ago . I wanted to republish to demonstrate the complex military situation on the ground in Syria as I will be shortly providing a summary of the situations in all conflict zones still remaining across Syria. Some of the positions may have changed and shifted but these changes are part of the fabric of ongoing negotiations in Syria led by Damascus, Russia, Iran and now Iraq which is trying to broker normalisation between Syria and Turkiye which must include the full withdrawal of Turkish military and proxy terrorist forces from the areas of northern Syria they have annexed and occupied. I believe Syria is now fighting to push back the terrorist forces from all areas of central Syria (ISIS) and areas north-west of Aleppo (Al Qaeda etc) in order to end any potential threat should the war with Israel escalate and expand into the region. I will go into more detail in the next article. ***** Syria and the interconnected Turkish neo-Ottoman agenda in northern Syria. The role of Russia and its collaboration with the Syrian Arab Army is explored in depth and the areas where there is the greatest potential for conflict are revealed. The war in Syria is not over and there are many UK/US-backed terrorist shifting alliances to be taken into account as part of the geopolitical power game that is now entering its most dangerous stage. The tipping points are on multiple axes and it will take a great deal of political and military brinkmanship from Damascus and her allies to restore peace to Syria. WARLORD CONFLICT IN IDLIB Al Qaeda affiliate Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) deployed its most powerful weapons and equipment, opened its depots and engaged the elite ‘Asa’ib’ fighters in the battles for Mount Al-Turkman. The last 28 members of Jund Allah (God’s soldiers), led by “Abu Fatima Al Turki” were expelled from the mountain. These fighters had been responsible for the killing of 9 HTS and the kidnapping of more than 10 gang members but they escaped safely. Muslim Abu Walid Al-Shishani (Murad Margoshivili), and his armed group “Junod Al Sham” have also fled the mountain after violent clashes with HTS. Murad’s brother “Abu Musa Al-Shishani” was captured trying to flee to Turkey and held at a Turkish checkpoint. Junod al-Sham was established in 2012 under the leadership of Muslim Al-Shishani. The majority of fighters were from the Caucasus countries. The group never exceeded 300 members. Almost half of them left with the defection of “Abu Omar al-Shishani” when he pledged allegiance to terrorist group ISIS in 2013. HTS is headed up by Abu Mohammed Al Jolani recently platformed in a Frontline interview in an apparent attempt to rebrand Jolani as viable Syrian opposition not the extremist violent former Al Qaeda leader he really is. Al Jolani’s battles with the Junod Al Sham, Jund Allah and Guardians of Religion gangs must be viewed in the context of the bombings and suicide vehicle operations that have targeted Turkish military points and patrols since the last military operation of the Syrian Arab Army in the area that ended with a ceasefire on March 5, 2021. The latest attack was on October 16th 2021 when a Turkish patrol was targeted killing two soldiers and injuring two more. Such tactics were adopted by unknown organizations such as the “Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Brigades”. Al Jolani accused these splinter groups of conducting these attacks to secure Turkish support. The groups accused Jolani of using the attacks to blame unaffiliated groups in Idlib because he was seeking a monopoly in Idlib with Turkish backing. This is the gangs and counter gangs scenario that has been a hallmark of the US Coalition armed group activities in Syria since 2011. Here comes the Turkistan Islamic Party‘s (TIP) role. TIP consists primarily of al-Qaeda loyalists, originally from Xinjiang Province, northwest China (Uighurs). TIP has made a deal with Taliban leaders in cooperation with Turkish intelligence (MIT) to transport Junod Al-Sham and Jund Allah groups and leaders, alongside other terrorist fighters, to Afghanistan through Turkey according to local sources. The “Azm” operation room in Afrin has denied any existence of these groups despite having received them after they fled Idlib. BUT HOW WOULD THAT AFFECT IDLIB NOW? In order to understand and predict, we must first know who’s left in Idlib, their allegiances and their importance. Jihadist factions reconciled with HTS: “Jaysh al-Badia” and Jaysh al-Malahem, two small jihadist factions, whose first and last allegiance is to al-Qaeda, defected from HTS in late 2017, due to its separation from al-Qaeda, but recently returned under its wing. “Sham al-Islam” faction, which is stationed in Mount al-Turkman, northeast of Lattakia, and includes about 400 fighters, 150 of which are Moroccan leaders and fighters, in addition to 50 Sudanese, while the rest are Syrians. “Ansar al-Tawhid” faction, was formed in March of 2018, in Sarmin town in Idlib, from the remnants of the “Jund al-Aqsa” organization (that launched a war against several jihadist factions, which hastened its elimination). They pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and joined the operations room ” Rouse the Believers” before declaring its independence from everyone in a statement issued on May 03, 2020. “Ajnad al-Caucasus“, led by Abdul Malik al-Shishani, was one of the most prominent organizations that fought the Syrian Arab Army and its allies during the SAA campaign to liberate southern Idlib and northern Hama. Battles were halted by a ceasefire agreement on March 05, 2020, when the group suffered heavy losses, with no more than 250 fighters remaining (according to local sources) forcing it to retreat. These groups do not pose a threat to HTS at the present time due to understandings between the leaders of the groups and HTS command: The “Albanian Brigade” (Xhemati Alban), an independent group led by the Macedonian Abu Qatada al-Albani, was established in 2013, and includes jihadists from the Balkan countries Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania, in addition to some Saudis and Syrians. Its fighters are trained in all types of medium and heavy weapons. They formed a special squad of Albanian snipers. They currently operate in Kabana in the countryside of Latakia. The ideological orientation of the battalion is similar to HTS and Al-Qaeda, and it maintains a good relationship with HTS without engaging in internal hostilities. The Salafist “Salah al-Din al-Kurdi Movement“, which began its activity in Syria in 2012, and is now deployed in Mont al-Akrad in Latakia’s northern countryside. The movement has its own training camp and local sources have informed the author that there is evidence that Qatar and Turkey are the bankrollers of the group. This claim is borne out by the fact that Turkey gave them a training camp in Afrin and they have close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which is sponsored predominantly by Qatar. Its members are professional soldiers, and most of them hail from eastern Turkey, in addition to Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian Kurdish fighters. These Kurdish factions believe in the Sunni Muslim roots of the Kurds and aim to expand their influence throughout the Syrian Kurdish communities. “The Kurdish Immigrants of Iran’s Sunnis Movement”, the only Kurdish group that pledged allegiance to HTS. Most of its fighters come from northwestern Iran. Its fighters are fierce and highly trained, and guard important points in the Kabanah area. Additionally they deploy mobile offensive combat groups to guard some points of Mount al-Zawiya, south of Idlib City. The movement is led by “Abu Safiya al-Kurdi”, who participated in a meeting organised by al-Jolani with a number of Kurdish Salafist leaders in an Idlib mosque in mid-June. Islamist factions opposed to HTS: Al-Ghuraba Division (Strangers), which is deployed west of Idlib, and is led by the French-Senegalese jihadist ” Omar Omsen ” (Omar Diaby), who was previously arrested by HTS in August 2020 and his son Bilal was also arrested in late 2021. The French authorities accuse him of recruiting 80% of the French-speaking jihadists who went to Syria or Iraq. “Rouse the Believers Operations Room“, which was established in October 2018, and includes: – “Ansar al-Din Front” led by Abu Salah al-Uzbeki (Siraj al-Din Mukhtarov), from the Kyrgyz Republic. Founder and commander of the “Uzbek” battalion within HTS and the mastermind of the St Petersburg metro terrorist attack in Russia in 2017. He was arrested by HTS after his defection to Ansar al-Din in June 2020 and released in March 2021. – “Ansar al-Islam” faction, Kurdish Salafist group stationed in the vicinity of Jisr al-Shughour, west of Idlib, and in the Dower al-Akrad within the al-Ghab Plain, west of Hama. Around 200 members – majority Iraqi Kurds along with Syrian, Turkish and Iranian Kurdish fighters. It was founded in 2001 in northern Iraq (Iraqi Kurdistan) and fought against a number of Kurdish parties. It is considered the most fanatic among the Kurdish Salafist groups in Idlib, and the most powerful. One of its goals is to establish an Islamic state governed by Sharia Law. – “Guardians of Religion“, affiliated with Al-Qaeda, which was established in 2018 after defection from HTS. “Al-Zawahiri” recently complimented the group after they carried out a terrorist operation in western Damascus, on August 04, 2020 – The armed group announced in a statement that one of its divisions blew up a bus carrying officers of the “Republican Guard” in the capital, as part of the “Battle of Al-Usra” series, in “solidarity with the people of Daraa”. The group was considered to “devote itself to ‘jihad’ work inside the capitol (Damascus)”. Today the group is going through a difficult transition. Its leaders have been repeatedly targeted by US drones, giving the US the opportunity of testing its new tactical weapon such as Hellfire missile, (which indicates the hidden intelligence cooperation between al-Julani and the CIA), Frequent battles with Al Jolani on the ground in Syria have also reduced the number of fighters in the group. The organization included about 2,000 fighters of different nationalities when it was founded, but now that is less than 100. These factions are most likely to be the next target of Al-Jolani’s campaign to eliminate competition in Idlib and northern Syria. ISLAMIST FACTIONS COLLABORATING WITH HTS Perhaps the most prominent of the HTS allies is the aforementioned “Turkistan Islamic Party” or TIP, led by “Abu Suleiman al-Turkistani”. These are the Uighur Al Qaeda loyalists from Xinjiang Province in northwest China. TIP comprises around 8000 fighters who are distinguished by their savagery and combat prowess. TIP follows the HTS policies closely and secured the exit of extremist fighters from Mount Al Turkman during recent battles. It is unlikely that TIP will clash with HTS after violent disputes between the two groups. Al Jolani brought the TIP to heel and claimed that China was providing weapons to Damascus to eliminate them in Idlib and Hama countryside. This claim forced the TIP to reduce their presence in the main cities and to withdraw their families to the ‘refugee’ camps on the Syria-Turkey borders near the town of Harem. The importance of the party lies in its affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, which allowed it to establish strong relations with Turkey, Taliban and HTS at the same time. It is directly hostile to China. In September 2002 the US Treasury Department placed TIP on the list of terrorist organisations. Trump later removed the organisation from the list as part of the ramping up of US pressure on China for alleged “human rights” abuses against the Uighur population. There remain a handful of small independent groups of foreign extremist fighters and groups who will face one of two fates. Either to be subjugated or neutralized in order for Jolani to achieve absolute control over Idlib governorate. This is in preparation for a full integration with the factions under the umbrella of the Turkish-backed so-called Syrian National Army. This will complete the rebranding and recycling of HTS – a Turkish-UK-led agenda in northern Syria according to a ‘diplomatic source’ who informed Russian media, TASS in May 2021 that MI6 was involved in the project: The British side suggested that the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham group (outlawed in Russia, also known as Jabhat al-Nusra) should announce plans to abandon subversive activities against Western countries and build close cooperation with them […] Mohammad al-Julani received recommendations to give an interview to an American reporter in order to create a positive image for the alliance that he heads and rehabilitate it in the future. There are plans to engage some of the UK’s allies, primarily the US, in efforts aimed at rebranding the al-Nusra group.” WHAT IS AL JOLANI’S ENDGAME IN IDLIB? Al Jolani is trying to prove to everyone, especially Turkey, that he is the only one capable of controlling Idlib province from a security and military perspective. Idlib can be described as another “Tora-Bora” with embedded terrorist organisations comprising some of the most deadly foreign mercenaries. Jolani is working on a reputation as the supreme warlord dissolving minor groups or reining in the more powerful factions. This is probably one of the main reasons that Jolani has not been assassinated by US/UK allied intelligence agencies, he is a useful asset in the last remaining terrorist-controlled pocket of north-west Syria. Jolani’s agenda directly overlaps that of Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan – to persuade Western countries to remove HTS from the UN and US terrorist list by demonstrating Jolani’s willingness to “fight terrorism” and endorsing his claims that HTS has no desire to conduct terrorist operations against the US, UK or EU by limiting their terrorism to Syria and against the Syrian people. Jolani’s rebrand presents him as the only viable political solution in Idlib which serves Turkey’s neo-Ottoman ambitions to have control over strategic Syrian territory. Turkey can appear to be complying with Russian brokered agreements by ostensibly expelling terrorist groups from the de-escalation zones and securing the safety of the M4 (Aleppo to Latakia road). Put simply, any group not complying with Jolani’s authority must be eradicated, prior to the great merger between the “Salvation Government” and the Turkish backed “National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces“. THE LEVANT FRONT Here we cannot ignore the “Levant Front” (LF), the largest faction of the “National Army” based in the countryside of Aleppo. The LF has formed a rival alliance to HTS in north-west Syria. It seeks to embrace the majority of political ‘opposition’ institutions in the areas of Aleppo countryside under its control combined with coordination with local armed groups to develop a shadow state in Idlib. LF influence has expanded significantly since early 2021. The LF headquarters near the Bab Al Salama crossing has become a destination for the leaders of the National Coalition. LF recently hosted the commander of the so-called “Syrian Islamic Council“, Sheikh Osama Abdel Karim al-Rifai. The battle for power in Idlib has resulted in a new factional map. HTS dismantling and restructuring of the “Ahrar al-Sham” (AS) movement, -which once represented an anti-HTS project- has pushed many AS members to defect and join the ranks of the LF seeking ideological synergy. Since early 2021 LF has received more than 900 AS terrorist fighters led by Alaa Faham who will form a brigade under the LF umbrella to confront HTS in the Aleppo countryside. In July 2021, the LF formed a new military alliance separate to the National Army and the Interim Government or “Azm Operations Room”. The majority of factions operating in Aleppo countryside have joined the new coalition and present a considerable threat to HTS supremacy in Idlib. Two months after the formation of the “Syrian Front for Liberation” (SFI) led by Al-Mu’tasim Abbas, the “Suqur Al Shamal Brigade” and the “20th Division” have defected and joined Azm increasing numbers to an estimated forty thousand comprising more than 15 factions deployed throughout northern Syria. This leaves SFL with only 3 factions and ten thousand fighters. The supposed Islamist project of the LF, its military alliance leadership and its expansionist policies in northwestern Syria do not automatically mean that it is preparing for a new round of conflict with HTS. On the contrary, we may witness a dramatic increase in coordination between the two powerful factions in various fields. De facto the LF alliance may facilitate the settlement of issues with Jolani which will pave the way for broader collaboration in the future. Russia is opposed to any political solution in the region that includes HTS. Russian and Turkish delegations have met several times in the border areas after the Erdogan-Putin summit in September 2021. Russia has requested a Turkish withdrawal from the eastern countryside of Idlib between the cities of Idlib and Saraqeb. This leaves Turkish forces in Idlib two options. First to repel any ground attack by the Syrian Arab Army which would result in serious losses for Turkish military, second to wait for the impending Syrian/Russian military campaign to liberate Idlib from terrorist occupation. The second option could result in Turkish bases being besieged as happened in 2019 and 2020. Local sources indicate that the Turkish military divisions in Idlib, especially south of the M4, have reinforced their bases and closed some main roads with engineering barriers. The Syrian leadership intends to regain control over southern and western Idlib to secure the M4 and perhaps advance towards Idlib city. There is potential for similar deals to be implemented as were recently successful in Daraa, south of Damascus city. The collaboration between LF and HTS is not a recent phenomenon. They were previously limited to the terrorist economy – fuel trade, crossing control, checkpoints but have developed considerably since the end of 2020. Certain opposition media outlets have reported that the two parties are coordinating in the security and military sectors. The Levant Front received officials and high ranking leaders from HTS in Azaz. A joint camp was recently established between Jolani’s forces and Sheikh Juma’a LF forces in the village of “Maabatli” as a trial military collaborative project. TURKISH MILITARY OPERATIONS AND THE ERDOGAN CONUNDRUM Turkey has weaponised the Muslim Brotherhood to expand military intervention in Syria, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Tunisia, Afghanistan and Libya. Turkey is suffering the repercussions of these neo-Ottoman ambitions with internal issues that include an economic crisis, refugee influx and a declining Turkish Lira. This has severely affected Erdogan’s popularity and combined with his deteriorating health, Turkish opposition parties are seeing an opportunity to win the upcoming elections in 2023 based on the resolution of the refugee issue as a primary concern for the majority of Turkish people. A Turkish journalist specializing in American affairs, Bahar Feyzan, had leaked information about Biden and Erdogan meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 conference in Rome recently, including the advice of US President Joe Biden to Erdogan to withdraw from running for the upcoming elections, saying, “Take your health condition as an excuse to leave politics.” Recent analysis by Steven A. Cook for Foreign Policy, covered the leak of media reports that claim Erdogan’s intention is to transfer authority to Defense Minister Hulusi Akar in case of any deterioration in his health, with a cabinet reshuffle and the appointment of Akar as First Vice President. Erdogan is fearful, under pressure and sick, and he appears to have no other options but to export his problems abroad in order to survive. The Kurdish problem in particular has always been an existential threat to Turkish national security, which makes it the easiest card for Erdogan to play including securing internal authorisation to send military forces to Syria and Iraq for an additional two years. With the increase in operations targeting Turkish soldiers in several areas, and the US-backed Kurdish Contra (SDF) non-compliance with the Turkish-Russian agreement in Sochi 2019, Erdogan is promoting a military campaign in north-east Syria to be conducted on four axes with an army of 35,000 comprising extremist mercenaries and Turkish armed forces. Erdogan summoned leaders of the interventionist operations – “Euphrates Shield”, “Peace Spring” and “Olive Branch” including the National Army to a meeting in Ankara to determine frontlines and strategy of the latest attempt to quell SDF influence in northern Syria. In addition to “Menagh” air base near Azaz, Turkey considers Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) among its main priorities, to cut SDF’s strategic support lines between Qamishli-Manbij-Kobani. This would ensure a direct link between Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad with the Euphrates Shield areas. The National Army has sent several military convoys through Turkey to Darbasiyah near the Iraqi-Syrian border, in preparation for a military operation. NA leaders have announced the raising of combat readiness, and according to a military source in the National Army, the Turkish officers have informed them that Manbij will be a distraction axis, and the troops will advance towards Tal Tamr, Tal Rifaat, Ain Issa and Ayn Al-Arab, while Turkish reconnaissance planes dropped leaflets warning civilians to stay away from SDF military sites, and threatened a military invasion of the region. Practically, it is unlikely for Erdogan to risk a military adventure in northern Syria without international endorsement, especially in Tal Rifaat, where it might lead to a direct confrontation with Russia. Tal Rifaat is not a major stronghold for SDF, it is a strategic geographical target. It is also very close to Aleppo city which explains the Russian presence and recent large reinforcements sent by the Syrian Arab Army that include advanced T-90 tanks and BMP-2 armoured vehicles heading towards Malikiyah and Shawargha villages in northern Aleppo countryside. Both villages have experienced a violent exchange of shelling in the last few days. The most convenient scenario, for Turkey, if a military confrontation is unavoidable is for Tal Rifaat to be a distraction axis to keep the SDF militia pinned down there while the main operation would target between Tal Tamr – Ayn Issa and Manbij-Ayn Al-Arab because they are the major Kurdish strongholds. However Erdogan may refrain from military action altogether preferring to flex his muscles publicly by deploying tanks and forces in the area to trigger negotiations to share “security” in north-east Syria. Military action can be impeded by the imposition of a No Fly Zone over any area being considered for confrontation. Without Russian and US consent, Erdogan would be foolhardy to precipitate possible conflict with both. Reuters quoted a senior Turkish security official saying: The operation will start when all preparations are completed,” adding, “We are in coordination with Russia on the matter. The issue was addressed with the United States already,”. How true this claim is remains to be seen. Below is a video of a recent Turkish military convoy heading towards Tal Abyad: RUSSIA’S POSITION AND OBJECTIVES Russian Turkish relations are tense in Syria. Russia is unhappy with Turkish intervention in countries where Russia has geopolitical interests – Libya, Syria, Armenia, Ukraine. Ukraine used Turkish-manufactured UAVs against positions of eastern Ukraine forces affiliated with Russia. Russia has since sent a clear message by carrying out joint air exercises with the Syrian Arab Army in areas supposed to be Turkish targets for military invasion such as the vicinity of Tal Tamr, Tal Abyad and Ain Issa where the Russian flag has been raised. This is combined with auxiliary forces redeployment between the 93rd Brigade area and the Russian military base located in Tal Al-Samn. A big SAA reinforcement was sent to Manbij in preparation for another round of military exercises. This will complicate the situation for Erdogan who specifically wants Ain Issa due to its location on the M4 that links Latakia with Iraq through Aleppo and Hasaka in the north-east. Russia has also deployed the S400 air defense system at Qamishli Airport, along with twelve Su-34 bombers and five Su-35s, while the Syrian forces will deploy MiG-29, in addition to twelve Mi-8 helicopters and five Ka-52 Alligator at the Mitras military airfield, (30 km) south of Ayn al-Arab or as the US/Israeli-backed Kurdish separatists call it – “Kobani”. Despite the Turkish calls on Russia to cleanse Ayn al-Arab of Kurdish separatist militias, Russia does not favor the entry of the “National Army” into Ayn ​​al-Arab. It is keen to ensure the security of its military base in “Serrin”. Perhaps the clearest indication of repercussions for Erdogan-driven recklessness in northern Syria was the recent Syrian targeting of Sarmada which houses a communications headquarters for HTS. This was followed by airstrikes and artillery bombardment of Turkish-backed 23rd Division forces for several consecutive days and the targeting of camps and shelters of the Turkestan militias on the border strip with Turkey. We cannot separate the northeast from the northwest, as Russia may agree on a limited Turkish operation in exchange for parts of Mount al-Zawiya and the city of Jisr Al-Shughour, which is the most important part of the Turkish-Russian negotiation, especially if the Syrian-Kurdish negotiations fail. If liberated, the strategic areas of Mount Al-Zawiya and Jisr Al-Shughour will lead to the defeat of terrorism in a significant area of Idlib countryside. Regaining these areas is one of the most important military objectives of the Syrian Arab Army in the impending battles to secure the M4. The Russian Reconciliation Centre has been repeatedly announcing terrorist violations of the ceasefire agreement and the potential for the staging of a “chemical weapon attack” to provoke international outrage against the Syrian government. According to civilian sources: “More than 200 Turkish vehicles loaded with advanced weapons, ammunition and logistical materials entered Bab Al-Hawa and Khirbet al-Jawz crossings in two batches and deployed in the western countryside of Idlib and Mount al-Zawiya in order to strengthen its occupation points and provide direct support to terrorist organizations.” Watch – video of Turkish military vehicles entering Syria via the so-called ‘humanitarian’ crossing: The Turkish Humanitarian Relief Agency “IHH” announced the establishment of 16,239 briquette houses in Idlib Governorate. This is an indication of preparation for further displacement of civilians during an intensified military campaign. KURDISH-SYRIAN RAPPROCHEMENT With all the Turkish mobilization and media promotion of a huge Turkish military operation – waiting on international approval – the SDF has moved its most prominent military leaders from its headquarters adjacent to the Turkish border into the cities to protect them from the potential Turkish UAV attacks. The past few days have witnessed a remarkable rapprochement between the Democratic Union Party (the SDF backbone) Damascus and Russia. The SDF removed the “Al-Quwatli”, “Al-Shabab City” and “The Industrial School” checkpoints in Qamishli city. This lifts the longstanding siege on the security square of the Syrian forces in the city, which was imposed by the SDF after bloody confrontations erupted between the Kurdish units and the Syrian National Defense Forces back in April. The increasing Russian influence in the Syrian east and the American retreat, which is still in its early stages, means placing the fate of the SDF in the hands of Moscow not Washington. Despite the strenuous Russian efforts to reach a political solution with the Kurds, the US military presence is still a major obstacle. It is difficult to trust the Kurds who are divided among themselves and are far from autonomous having accepted US support to lay claim to Syrian territory. Damascus prioritises Syrian territorial integrity and a central governance structure. This would force the Kurdish Contras to hand the oil fields back to Damscus and to accept a similar agreement to Daraa. This would include the integration of Kurdish military into a Syrian military division similar to the Eighth Brigade of the Fifth Corps. The Kurdish factions are divided between those who lean towards the United States and a separate Kurdish state, while others seek to reach an agreement that guarantees some Kurdish rights, such as the language. The latter is in communication with Damascus to agree on a draft agreement between the Kurdistan Workers Party, the Democratic Union Party and the Syrian State. This would include the establishment of a joint military operations room for the Syrian Arab Army, SDF, Russian forces and other allies to repel any possible Turkish aggression, based on a statement from the Head of the National Initiative for Syrian Kurds, Omar Ossi to Al-Watan newspaper. According to Kurdish leaks a joint delegation of the Syrian Democratic Council and the Autonomous Administration headed by Ilham Ahmed visited Moscow, on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. Their meeting with the Special Envoy of the Russian President to the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, put forward a proposal that recognised the legitimacy of the Syrian government and President Bashar al-Assad, would agree to raise the Syrian flag in the areas of the so-called Kurdish controlled Autonomous Administration, share the region’s oil imports – 75% for the central government and 25% for the Autonomous Administration – among other terms. Bogdanov informed the delegation that the only way to protect them is by cooperating with the Syrian Arab Army and the Syrian state directly to prevent a repeat Afrin scenario, when Kurds were ethnically cleansed by Turkish forces after the Kurds refused collaboration with the Syrian Arab Army in early 2018. In an interview with RT, the prominent leader of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), Aldar Khalil confirmed their readiness for dialogue with the Syrian state directly in Damascus, without going to Geneva. He added that: The resources and wealth in this region are not only ours. We do not have any intentions to monopolize them, but rather consider them a national treasure for all Syrians Khalil’s comments came days after the statements of Kurdistan Workers’ Party leader, Jamil Bayik, in an interview with Al-Nahar Al-Arabi newspaper where he said: Our relationship with Hafez al-Assad and his family was close and warm. We cannot be anti-Syria or anti-Assad. We have previously established our relations on the basis of the general interest of the Kurds and the Kurdish-Arab brotherhood. Now we want to be a party to such a relationship. These statements coincide with reports of an agreement between the Russian Reconciliation Center and SDF that provides for the handover of areas in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor to the Syrian Arab Army (Al-Shuhail, Al-Busira, Dhiban, Al-Hawaij, Al-Shafa, Al-Susa and Al-Baghouz). On Saturday 13th November the US pushed back against the Damascus-led negotiations with Washington’s Kurdish proxies. The official website of the SDF announced the arrival of US State Department officials and Ethan Goldrich – Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs – in north-east Syria. The US Officials met with the Commander in Chief of the SDF, Mazoum Abdi to discuss ‘humanitarian and security’ issues. On the same day the US Embassy in Syria Twitter account announced that it would stay in Syria to ensure the “ISIS threat is eliminated” which can be interpreted as a reassurance for the Kurdish separatists as rumours abound of a US withdrawal which would encourage Kurdish factions to negotiate with Damascus. US RELUCTANCE TO SUPPORT TURKISH MILITARY INVASION OF SYRIA It wouldn’t be easy for Turkey to get US consent for a military operation in light of the US-Turkish differences that were clearly manifested when the US Department of Defence (DoD) recently expelled Turkey from the F-35 project. Turkey had threatened to buy SU-35s from Russia. The Biden administration has extended sanctions imposed on Turkey due to its military operation against Kurdish forces in Syria in 2019 for another year. Brett McGurk, US Envoy for the coalition ‘fighting ISIS’, resigned from Trump’s administration in protest against Operation Peace Spring and would now be one of the fiercest opponents of any new Turkish military campaign in Syria. The US will not necessarily step in to protect the Kurdish proxies but Washington will oppose any Turkish threat to US supremacy and economic interests in the region. The US military convoy movement in and out of Syria have increased in the past two months. The majority of these convoys come in empty and go back loaded with stolen oil. They are also involved in kidnapping civilians through airdrop operations in the countryside of Deir Ezzor and Al-Hasakah in the north-east. The “International Coalition” has recently transferred another batch of ISIS prisoners of foreign nationalities from the Industrial School prison in the Ghweran neighborhood in Al-Hasakah city to its base in Al-Shaddadi city south of Al-Hasakah. All these transfer and airdrop operations raise questions. Where are these prisoners going next? Are all these airdrops just to kidnap people or to extract valuable assets? CONCLUSIONS Between the Biden-Erdogan meeting, the Russian-Syrian military exercises and the SAA reinforcements in northern Syria, there are clear messages to be read: It is not just about Biden or European rejection of Erdogan. The transnational corporatocracy is tired of Erdogan’s neo-Ottomanism. His expansionist ambitions and blatant interference in multiple foreign state affairs, his weaponization of the refugee crisis and subsequent blackmailing of Europe, are all factors that make him a universal threat. It is very clear that Erdogan wants full or partial control of the M4. He knows that once he loses this leverage he will have no cards in his hand for negotiation. If Erdogan chooses to occupy alternative areas of Syrian territory he may find it will bring more problems than solutions. North of the M4 is agricultural, has no resources to plunder but is occupied by disparate and unruly terrorist groups. Once the M4 is fully liberated by the SAA, the only remaining prize to be claimed by Erdogan is Al Jolani himself who believes the Taliban model is achievable in Idlib and who is clearly an asset to US Coalition intelligence agencies as the new “Bin Laden”. Perhaps there is even potential of Al Jolani being squeezed out of Idlib and turning his attention to southern Turkey for his ideologically supremacist project? The regions of northern Syria are within Russia’s political calculations and any possible agreement with Washington will not authorize Turkey to launch attacks without a Russian green light which is very unlikely. Therefore any military operation will be limited and only Turkish-backed proxies will be used to conduct the unlawful military operations of Turkey’s criminal leadership. Russia has stressed to Turkey the need for military, security and political coordination in the ongoing difficult negotiations between the two sides. Washington has withdrawn from supporting the SDF except in the pseudo fight against ISIS in the north. Russia presents itself as an alternative ally to the SDF capable of mediating between them and Turkey to prevent military conflict. Russia also perceives itself as the international guarantor of security and stability in the region in preparation for a US withdrawal destined to return Syrian resources to the Syrian government and people after years of US Coalition occupation and theft. Despite the Turkish military build-up and the rapid developments, no one can indicate a zero hour for any military operation. It is obviously under negotiations between the three countries, and while some people rush to criticize, denounce, reject and deny the ongoing events in northern Syria, many forget that it is not about moods or wishes, and no one can predict any scenario or believe any news without first knowing the facts on the ground. With a complete international, regional and internal consensus to resolve the files of eastern and western Euphrates within a great settlement in the Middle East, the facts on the ground and the emerging political factors impose inevitable war on those who reject a peaceful solution or try to obstruct it. Northern Syria will almost certainly be the epicentre of fierce battles, military and political, that will determine the fate of Syria now and in the future. The final word rests with the Syrian Arab Army and allies and how they navigate the increasingly complex network of groups and alliances to achieve their objectives for Syria. **** https://substack.com/home/post/p-146102372
    The Idlib terror gangs explained
    The Warlord conflict in the north of Syria
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  • Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying ‘Air Vax’ mRNA on Humanity via Chemtrails
    Baxter Dmitry
    Fact checked by The People's Voice Community
    Bill Gates is spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake according to a commercial airlines pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe.
    Bill Gates is spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake according to a commercial airlines pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe.

    As the globalist elite find it harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid mRNA shots and endless boosters, they are having to find deceitful new ways to force their mRNA on us.


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    According to pilots familiar with the scheme, the new airborne mRNA, known as Air Vax, is designed to deliver the vaccine right into people’s lungs, bypassing the need for injections – and the need for consent.

    Before we dive in, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, join the People’s Voice Locals community to join our incredible community and support the channel, and check out the new free speech forum.

    In the last 12 months mainstream media has begun preparing the public for the revelation that the global elite have been secretly spraying chemicals on populations for decades.

    This is a slow reveal and the elite are using the media to spread their doom-mongering climate predictions in the hopes the public will be terrified into accepting chemtrails as a solution to climate change.

    However, the climate change narrative is nothing more than a cover story. How do we know? Declassified documents released decades ago proved the real genocidal intent of the government’s top-secret chemtrail agenda.

    Some things don’t change. The government are still going to great lengths to deceive the people, only now the smokescreen is climate change rather than the Cold War.

    Fast forward to 2024 and everyone in North America and most of Europe is inhaling toxic chemicals and airborne mRNA, according to whistleblowing pilots who reveal that governments are working hand-in-glove with the military and private contractors to operate the top-secret operations.

    According to one commercial airline pilot who has been doing in-depth research into chemtrails, there are thousands of people in the US, and as many again across Europe, who are involved in the business of chemtrails, most of whom have some idea of what they are doing.

    Speaking anonymously with his voice digitized to protect his identity, the pilot, who asked to be called John, explains that many people within the aviation industry are fearing for their lives:

    Everybody working in aviation understands the stakes are high and whistleblowers get whacked. They don’t last long. The stakes are too high. Did you see what happened to the Boeing guy? All he did was try and talk about safety, cutting corners, basic things. Try talking about chemtrails – you won’t last a minute.

    Everyone working on chemtrails in any capacity understands this. There are thousands of these people and none of them are talking. You’ve got the pilots, many of them are military or ex-military and they know how to keep quiet. Then you’ve got commercial planes involved too. These guys have signed NDAs and they understand the gravity of what they are doing. They have to understand what they are doing because they sign dangerous goods declarations whenever there are hazardous chemicals onboard. These commercial planes are modified with conversions that are easy to roll on, roll off. But these pilots, yeah… they know what they are doing. The same goes for the engineers and the air-traffic controllers. They can’t not know. Chemtrail planes don’t appear on flight radar. A lot of people have noticed this while watching a plane leave grid-like patterns above their houses in the countryside. There is no trace of the plane on flight radar websites. Ghost planes. So air traffic control and the government and military are all involved – because if they weren’t, an unregistered plane not appearing on flight radars would be taken out within minutes by the air force.

    You have to realize there are thousands of people involved but a lot of these people believe chemtrails are in the public interest. They have been told by their superiors that they are fighting climate change, they are making the world a better place, and what they are doing is necessary – but the public can’t find out under any circumstances. So these guys, they think they are doing something glamorous and exciting, like working for the CIA or military intelligence. They think they are James Bond.

    In reality, these misguided souls following orders from above are responsible for spraying densely populated urban areas with highly toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. Including, as John explains, airborne mRNA.

    As Science Translational Medicine‘s editor Courtney Malo explained in this important article, newly developed airborne vaccines can be used to disseminate mRNA widely and rapidly without relying on injections – or the need to seek consent:

    We have been looking into this because we started hearing reports from colleagues that something had changed in the storage facilities onboard and they weren’t signing hazardous goods forms anymore. In the US, the military is spraying mRNA. From what we understand, mRNA is being sprayed in remote areas and cities where vaccine uptake is lagging. In Europe, we hear that it is a combination of military and commercial planes. Many of these guys don’t understand what they are doing. But we know that in the US the military has been spraying chemicals on populations for decades now.

    Our research suggests that mRNA is a military developed product and the cover story involving Moderna and Pfizer was just for cover. In reality mRNA was a DoD and Deep State product made in conjunction with the globalists around 10 years ago. The Project Warp Speed, eight month production schedule, that was all kabuki theater, part of the grand plan to brainwash the masses, force them into mass formation psychosis. So it’s no surprise the Pentagon is involved in administering mRNA to the masses.

    What else are they spraying? As John explains, they have done tests in Europe using mass spectrometry to analyze the residue that settles on cars and windows during periods of heavy chemtrail pollution. The results from Europe are disturbing to say the least:

    It’s important to understand how toxic this stuff is. We are talking about graphene oxide, aluminum oxide, barium and mRNA. These are some of the most toxic metals in the universe. I have young children. To think they are being slowly poisoned with this stuff… When I saw the results of these tests, I became radicalized. There is no other word for it. A fire was lit inside me. I have been researching ever since and this is very dangerous but I quickly realized I am not the only one in the industry, far from the only one, who wants to expose this.

    Chemtrails aren’t only crimes against our children and crimes against humanity. They are also crimes against the natural world. The chemicals from the chemtrails land on plants and get into the grass which animals are then eating.

    When aluminum gets into the soil, it slowly kills everything. Aluminum promotes autism in children and Alzheimer’s disease in adults. They have sprayed so much aluminum in chemtrails around the world that bees have elevated levels of aluminum and they are starting to develop a form of Alzheimer’s. When bees stop fertilizing flowers and pollinating our crops, we will be totally reliant on the elite for our food:

    There is a theory that the real goal of spraying chemtrails is to convert the atmosphere into plasma for weather modification, scalar mind control technology, geotectonic warfare, and other nefarious uses. From what I can see, and my colleagues agree with me, it’s all part of the control apparatus.

    The root cause is the depopulation agenda. This is at the heart of everything. If you have been listening to the crap that is coming out of the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, these sorts of places, you can connect the dots for yourself.

    You won’t be surprised to hear that Bill Gates is a key player in the plot to deliver airborne mRNA to the masses – without their consent.

    There are a lot of companies that apply for geoengineering contracts and when we have looked into their funding it always leads back to the Gates Foundation. From what we understand, Gates is fanatical about disseminating mRNA far and wide. He’s also developing ways to lace the food supply with mRNA, so we are experiencing a two-pronged attack at the moment.

    This information, while shocking, should not come as a surprise to anybody who has been paying attention.

    Dr William Deagle warned us almost twenty years ago that the government and military were engaged in spraying operations and using climate change as a smokescreen.

    The Georgia Guidestones told us the global elite want to reduce the population to 500 million. Since then, a procession of globalist ghouls, often speaking from their safe space in Davos, have made the same pronouncement about eugenics and depopulation.

    The elite’s strange code of ethics requires that they tell us what they are going to do to us – using occult code and symbols.

    The problem for the elite is that we have cracked the code and we can see what they are doing to us.

    We understand the real purpose of Agenda 2030 and their so-called sustainable development goals.

    We understand that when they say they are spraying the skies to “fight climate change”, they actually have a far more nefarious goal in mind.

    We understand that barium, aluminum, and graphene oxide should not be injected into our children, nor should they be sprayed all over us from a great height.

    Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue holding the global elite to account for their crimes against humanity but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel, tell your friends and family about us, and join the People’s Voice Locals community and check out the new forum. I hope to see you there.


    There’s loads of evidence of this. Help me dig up some patents!


    Won’t get an mRNA jab? Fine. Yale scientists plan to force-vaccinate you with their new nanoparticle AIR VAX

    ~Natural News

    Air Vax — The Latest mRNA Delivered Into Lungs

    Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying ‘Air Vax’ mRNA on Humanity via Chemtrails Baxter Dmitry Fact checked by The People's Voice Community Bill Gates is spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake according to a commercial airlines pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe. Bill Gates is spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake according to a commercial airlines pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe. As the globalist elite find it harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid mRNA shots and endless boosters, they are having to find deceitful new ways to force their mRNA on us. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use Latest Video According to pilots familiar with the scheme, the new airborne mRNA, known as Air Vax, is designed to deliver the vaccine right into people’s lungs, bypassing the need for injections – and the need for consent. Before we dive in, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, join the People’s Voice Locals community to join our incredible community and support the channel, and check out the new free speech forum. In the last 12 months mainstream media has begun preparing the public for the revelation that the global elite have been secretly spraying chemicals on populations for decades. This is a slow reveal and the elite are using the media to spread their doom-mongering climate predictions in the hopes the public will be terrified into accepting chemtrails as a solution to climate change. However, the climate change narrative is nothing more than a cover story. How do we know? Declassified documents released decades ago proved the real genocidal intent of the government’s top-secret chemtrail agenda. Some things don’t change. The government are still going to great lengths to deceive the people, only now the smokescreen is climate change rather than the Cold War. Fast forward to 2024 and everyone in North America and most of Europe is inhaling toxic chemicals and airborne mRNA, according to whistleblowing pilots who reveal that governments are working hand-in-glove with the military and private contractors to operate the top-secret operations. According to one commercial airline pilot who has been doing in-depth research into chemtrails, there are thousands of people in the US, and as many again across Europe, who are involved in the business of chemtrails, most of whom have some idea of what they are doing. Speaking anonymously with his voice digitized to protect his identity, the pilot, who asked to be called John, explains that many people within the aviation industry are fearing for their lives: Everybody working in aviation understands the stakes are high and whistleblowers get whacked. They don’t last long. The stakes are too high. Did you see what happened to the Boeing guy? All he did was try and talk about safety, cutting corners, basic things. Try talking about chemtrails – you won’t last a minute. Everyone working on chemtrails in any capacity understands this. There are thousands of these people and none of them are talking. You’ve got the pilots, many of them are military or ex-military and they know how to keep quiet. Then you’ve got commercial planes involved too. These guys have signed NDAs and they understand the gravity of what they are doing. They have to understand what they are doing because they sign dangerous goods declarations whenever there are hazardous chemicals onboard. These commercial planes are modified with conversions that are easy to roll on, roll off. But these pilots, yeah… they know what they are doing. The same goes for the engineers and the air-traffic controllers. They can’t not know. Chemtrail planes don’t appear on flight radar. A lot of people have noticed this while watching a plane leave grid-like patterns above their houses in the countryside. There is no trace of the plane on flight radar websites. Ghost planes. So air traffic control and the government and military are all involved – because if they weren’t, an unregistered plane not appearing on flight radars would be taken out within minutes by the air force. You have to realize there are thousands of people involved but a lot of these people believe chemtrails are in the public interest. They have been told by their superiors that they are fighting climate change, they are making the world a better place, and what they are doing is necessary – but the public can’t find out under any circumstances. So these guys, they think they are doing something glamorous and exciting, like working for the CIA or military intelligence. They think they are James Bond. In reality, these misguided souls following orders from above are responsible for spraying densely populated urban areas with highly toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. Including, as John explains, airborne mRNA. As Science Translational Medicine‘s editor Courtney Malo explained in this important article, newly developed airborne vaccines can be used to disseminate mRNA widely and rapidly without relying on injections – or the need to seek consent: We have been looking into this because we started hearing reports from colleagues that something had changed in the storage facilities onboard and they weren’t signing hazardous goods forms anymore. In the US, the military is spraying mRNA. From what we understand, mRNA is being sprayed in remote areas and cities where vaccine uptake is lagging. In Europe, we hear that it is a combination of military and commercial planes. Many of these guys don’t understand what they are doing. But we know that in the US the military has been spraying chemicals on populations for decades now. Our research suggests that mRNA is a military developed product and the cover story involving Moderna and Pfizer was just for cover. In reality mRNA was a DoD and Deep State product made in conjunction with the globalists around 10 years ago. The Project Warp Speed, eight month production schedule, that was all kabuki theater, part of the grand plan to brainwash the masses, force them into mass formation psychosis. So it’s no surprise the Pentagon is involved in administering mRNA to the masses. What else are they spraying? As John explains, they have done tests in Europe using mass spectrometry to analyze the residue that settles on cars and windows during periods of heavy chemtrail pollution. The results from Europe are disturbing to say the least: It’s important to understand how toxic this stuff is. We are talking about graphene oxide, aluminum oxide, barium and mRNA. These are some of the most toxic metals in the universe. I have young children. To think they are being slowly poisoned with this stuff… When I saw the results of these tests, I became radicalized. There is no other word for it. A fire was lit inside me. I have been researching ever since and this is very dangerous but I quickly realized I am not the only one in the industry, far from the only one, who wants to expose this. Chemtrails aren’t only crimes against our children and crimes against humanity. They are also crimes against the natural world. The chemicals from the chemtrails land on plants and get into the grass which animals are then eating. When aluminum gets into the soil, it slowly kills everything. Aluminum promotes autism in children and Alzheimer’s disease in adults. They have sprayed so much aluminum in chemtrails around the world that bees have elevated levels of aluminum and they are starting to develop a form of Alzheimer’s. When bees stop fertilizing flowers and pollinating our crops, we will be totally reliant on the elite for our food: There is a theory that the real goal of spraying chemtrails is to convert the atmosphere into plasma for weather modification, scalar mind control technology, geotectonic warfare, and other nefarious uses. From what I can see, and my colleagues agree with me, it’s all part of the control apparatus. The root cause is the depopulation agenda. This is at the heart of everything. If you have been listening to the crap that is coming out of the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, these sorts of places, you can connect the dots for yourself. You won’t be surprised to hear that Bill Gates is a key player in the plot to deliver airborne mRNA to the masses – without their consent. There are a lot of companies that apply for geoengineering contracts and when we have looked into their funding it always leads back to the Gates Foundation. From what we understand, Gates is fanatical about disseminating mRNA far and wide. He’s also developing ways to lace the food supply with mRNA, so we are experiencing a two-pronged attack at the moment. This information, while shocking, should not come as a surprise to anybody who has been paying attention. Dr William Deagle warned us almost twenty years ago that the government and military were engaged in spraying operations and using climate change as a smokescreen. The Georgia Guidestones told us the global elite want to reduce the population to 500 million. Since then, a procession of globalist ghouls, often speaking from their safe space in Davos, have made the same pronouncement about eugenics and depopulation. The elite’s strange code of ethics requires that they tell us what they are going to do to us – using occult code and symbols. The problem for the elite is that we have cracked the code and we can see what they are doing to us. We understand the real purpose of Agenda 2030 and their so-called sustainable development goals. We understand that when they say they are spraying the skies to “fight climate change”, they actually have a far more nefarious goal in mind. We understand that barium, aluminum, and graphene oxide should not be injected into our children, nor should they be sprayed all over us from a great height. Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue holding the global elite to account for their crimes against humanity but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel, tell your friends and family about us, and join the People’s Voice Locals community and check out the new forum. I hope to see you there. Watch: There’s loads of evidence of this. Help me dig up some patents! https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/pilot-testifies-bill-gates-spraying-air-vax-mrna-on-humanity-via-chemtrails/ Won’t get an mRNA jab? Fine. Yale scientists plan to force-vaccinate you with their new nanoparticle AIR VAX ~Natural News https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-10-03-mrna-jab-yale-vaccinate-nanoparticle-air-vax.html Air Vax — The Latest mRNA Delivered Into Lungs https://discernreport.com/air-vax-the-latest-mrna-delivered-into-lungs/
    Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying 'Air Vax' mRNA on Humanity via Chemtrails
    Bill Gates is spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake according to a commercial airlines pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 11517 Views
  • Biden-Soros Regime Illegally Funds Hungarian Opposition Media with $320,000 to Bring Down President and Former Justice Minister
    by Richard Abelson Feb. 13, 2024 10:00 am
    “Don’t let him get the last laugh!” – Hungarian ad campaign against Soros 2017
    The Biden regime is once again trying to overthrow the conservative Christian government of Hungary with US taypaxer money, paying over $320,000 via Soros-funded NGOs to 15 opposition media outlets ahead of the European Parliament elections June 6 to 9. A campaign by Soros-tied media forced the resignation of Hungarian President Katalin Novák and former Justice Minister Judit Varga.

    A campaign by Biden-Soros financed 444.hu media has forced the resignantion of popular Hungarian President Katalin Novák and charismatic Justice Minister Judit Varga of Victor Orbán’s Fidesz party. They were accused of pardoning a man convicted of covering sexual abuse of orphans.

    In 2019, the director of the orphanage in Bicske, János V., was sentenced to eight years in prison for the sexual abuse of underage male wards in ten cases between 2004 and 2016.

    His deputy, Endre Kónya, was sentenced to three years and four months in prison for allegedly assisting the orphanage director to coerce one of the victims into retracting their statement. Endre Kónya began serving his prison sentence in November 2021 and transitioned to a halfyway house beginning of 2023. Ahead of the visit by Pope Francis in April 2023, Endre Kónya’s wife appealed to Novak to pardon her husband, who only had a few months left to serve. Novák pardoned the man 27 April 2023 with the signature of then-Justice Minister Judit Varga.

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    This pardon was then revealed by 444.hu media and turned into a campaign by EU- and Soros-backed socialist Momentum party, which organized protests outside the President’s office February 9th and 10th. Novak resigned as President Feb. 10th, and Varga stepped down as MP and European Parliament candidate. Varga had stepped down as Justice Minister in June 2023 to run for the European Parliament.

    Fidesz spokesman János Halász called Momentum part of the “Soros plan” in 2020.

    On Jan. 27, Hungarian political analyst András László and American conservative expat in Hungary Rod Dreher had posted receipts on X showing that 444 and other media involved were funded by the Biden regime.

    László wrote that “left-wing NGOs announce which Hungarian media outlets will receive direct financing from the US Embassy. More than a DOZEN, a total of 15 media will receive US taxpayer money.”

    “US taxpayers are funding anti government media in Hungary, a NATO ally,” Rod Dreher wrote.

    Foreign-funded Soros opposition radio station Klubradio published an opinion piece calling the parting President and Justice Minister “whores”:

    Today Gateway Pundit can reveal the Biden regime funded the outlet that conspired with the Hungarian socialist opposition and Soros media to bring down the popular Hungarian President and Justice Minister – strong conservative Christian women fighting to protect the family and the civilization.

    Hungarian Rock Star Justice Minister Judith Varga in Texas: “Weak America” Leads to War – Hungary Doesn’t Want US Wokeness

    According to the documents posted by László, parent company Magyar Jeti received 10,025,048 Hungarian Forint ($27,939.23) from the US State Dept. via Ökotars Foundation for 444 media and 6452024 Hungarian Forint ($17981,42) for the Qubit publication. Klubradio, which László called “filth”, recieved 5,135,146 Hungarian Forint ($14311,35) from the US State Dept.

    Magyar Jeti was directly funded by the EU with €460,000 in 2022 and €130,000 in 2021, according to the EU Financial Transparency System.

    Ökotars Foundation received €3.86 M from the EU 2018-2022, and Mérték Media Monitor received €260,000 from the EU 2017-2022.

    “The U.S. Department of State entrusted Soros-funded Ökotárs Foundation and media watchdog Mérték Media Monitor to hand over $320,000 in taxpayer dollars to 15 media outlets critical of the pro-freedom Hungarian government, according to NGO and government documents”, Media Research Center wrote:

    Soros has funded Both Ökotárs and Mérték. Between 2017 and 2022, Soros gave $306,147 to the Ökotárs Foundation and $88,113 to Mérték Media Monitor. According to descriptions provided by the Open Society Foundation, all three donations to Mérték Media Monitor aligned with the current goals of the State Department.

    At least five of the media outlets that were awarded grant funding were funded by Soros. Soros has funded Nyugat Media for years, giving them $259,142 in five donations from 2017-2020. “Let’s make democracy together,” a $25,000 donation claimed in its description. ” A second donation referred to Nyugat Media as “the largest, independent media site in the Hungarian countryside.”

    Trending: Mitch McConnell and Senate RINOs Help Pass Ukraine Funding Package that Includes Language for Automatic Impeachment if Trump Terminates Funding for Ukraine War!

    Soros gave $129,962 to the Tilos Cultural Foundation from 2016 to 2022, four grants in total. Two of the grants reference support for “independent community media in Hungary” and “alternative values.”

    Soros has also given $197,478 to grant-recipient Atlatszo.hu Kozhasznu Nonprofit Kft. Two out of the four Soros grants were earmarked for “independent media,” while another donation aided collaboration with a different State Department beneficiary Magyar Hang. Soros gave $15,000 to grant-recipient Debreciner in 2019, again for “independent” media.

    Media Research Center Vice President Dan Schneider ripped the State Department for funding the Hungarian opposition: “It is wrong for U.S. government employees to farm out how our tax dollars are spent. It is outrageous that a lazy diplomat in our embassy relied on the Soros crew to figure out how to spend our taxpayer dollars.”

    Gateway Pundit has extensively covered the Biden-Soros interference in Hungary in the name of “democracy”. Foreign election interference is illegal in Hungary.

    Now it seems the Biden Regime has gone the next step of bringing down the Hungarian President and Justice Minister.

    The aim of the Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Act is “to prevent foreign attempts to interfere in Hungary’s democratic processes”, Judit Varga wrote on X. “The adoption of the law was necessary: at the 2022 elections, the Hungarian left risked Hungary’s sovereignty by accepting foreign campaign contributions. This proves a serious attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign EU member state. Brussels has refused to comment or investigate the case ever since. The initiation of the infringement procedure is a clear proof that bureaucrats in Brussels don’t acknowledge: foreign NGO networks want to gain influence in member states. A main stake of the EP elections is whether it will be possible to elect a Parliament strong enough to free the Brussels bureaucracy from the grip of NGOs & mainstream media financed by international financiers.”


    Biden-Soros Regime Illegally Funds Hungarian Opposition Media with $320,000 to Bring Down President and Former Justice Minister by Richard Abelson Feb. 13, 2024 10:00 am “Don’t let him get the last laugh!” – Hungarian ad campaign against Soros 2017 The Biden regime is once again trying to overthrow the conservative Christian government of Hungary with US taypaxer money, paying over $320,000 via Soros-funded NGOs to 15 opposition media outlets ahead of the European Parliament elections June 6 to 9. A campaign by Soros-tied media forced the resignation of Hungarian President Katalin Novák and former Justice Minister Judit Varga. A campaign by Biden-Soros financed 444.hu media has forced the resignantion of popular Hungarian President Katalin Novák and charismatic Justice Minister Judit Varga of Victor Orbán’s Fidesz party. They were accused of pardoning a man convicted of covering sexual abuse of orphans. In 2019, the director of the orphanage in Bicske, János V., was sentenced to eight years in prison for the sexual abuse of underage male wards in ten cases between 2004 and 2016. His deputy, Endre Kónya, was sentenced to three years and four months in prison for allegedly assisting the orphanage director to coerce one of the victims into retracting their statement. Endre Kónya began serving his prison sentence in November 2021 and transitioned to a halfyway house beginning of 2023. Ahead of the visit by Pope Francis in April 2023, Endre Kónya’s wife appealed to Novak to pardon her husband, who only had a few months left to serve. Novák pardoned the man 27 April 2023 with the signature of then-Justice Minister Judit Varga. For a Limited Time: Deals At The Gateway Pundit Discounts Page At MyPillow Now Come With Free Shipping On Your Entire Order This pardon was then revealed by 444.hu media and turned into a campaign by EU- and Soros-backed socialist Momentum party, which organized protests outside the President’s office February 9th and 10th. Novak resigned as President Feb. 10th, and Varga stepped down as MP and European Parliament candidate. Varga had stepped down as Justice Minister in June 2023 to run for the European Parliament. Fidesz spokesman János Halász called Momentum part of the “Soros plan” in 2020. On Jan. 27, Hungarian political analyst András László and American conservative expat in Hungary Rod Dreher had posted receipts on X showing that 444 and other media involved were funded by the Biden regime. László wrote that “left-wing NGOs announce which Hungarian media outlets will receive direct financing from the US Embassy. More than a DOZEN, a total of 15 media will receive US taxpayer money.” “US taxpayers are funding anti government media in Hungary, a NATO ally,” Rod Dreher wrote. Foreign-funded Soros opposition radio station Klubradio published an opinion piece calling the parting President and Justice Minister “whores”: Today Gateway Pundit can reveal the Biden regime funded the outlet that conspired with the Hungarian socialist opposition and Soros media to bring down the popular Hungarian President and Justice Minister – strong conservative Christian women fighting to protect the family and the civilization. Hungarian Rock Star Justice Minister Judith Varga in Texas: “Weak America” Leads to War – Hungary Doesn’t Want US Wokeness According to the documents posted by László, parent company Magyar Jeti received 10,025,048 Hungarian Forint ($27,939.23) from the US State Dept. via Ökotars Foundation for 444 media and 6452024 Hungarian Forint ($17981,42) for the Qubit publication. Klubradio, which László called “filth”, recieved 5,135,146 Hungarian Forint ($14311,35) from the US State Dept. Magyar Jeti was directly funded by the EU with €460,000 in 2022 and €130,000 in 2021, according to the EU Financial Transparency System. Ökotars Foundation received €3.86 M from the EU 2018-2022, and Mérték Media Monitor received €260,000 from the EU 2017-2022. “The U.S. Department of State entrusted Soros-funded Ökotárs Foundation and media watchdog Mérték Media Monitor to hand over $320,000 in taxpayer dollars to 15 media outlets critical of the pro-freedom Hungarian government, according to NGO and government documents”, Media Research Center wrote: Soros has funded Both Ökotárs and Mérték. Between 2017 and 2022, Soros gave $306,147 to the Ökotárs Foundation and $88,113 to Mérték Media Monitor. According to descriptions provided by the Open Society Foundation, all three donations to Mérték Media Monitor aligned with the current goals of the State Department. At least five of the media outlets that were awarded grant funding were funded by Soros. Soros has funded Nyugat Media for years, giving them $259,142 in five donations from 2017-2020. “Let’s make democracy together,” a $25,000 donation claimed in its description. ” A second donation referred to Nyugat Media as “the largest, independent media site in the Hungarian countryside.” Trending: Mitch McConnell and Senate RINOs Help Pass Ukraine Funding Package that Includes Language for Automatic Impeachment if Trump Terminates Funding for Ukraine War! Soros gave $129,962 to the Tilos Cultural Foundation from 2016 to 2022, four grants in total. Two of the grants reference support for “independent community media in Hungary” and “alternative values.” Soros has also given $197,478 to grant-recipient Atlatszo.hu Kozhasznu Nonprofit Kft. Two out of the four Soros grants were earmarked for “independent media,” while another donation aided collaboration with a different State Department beneficiary Magyar Hang. Soros gave $15,000 to grant-recipient Debreciner in 2019, again for “independent” media. Media Research Center Vice President Dan Schneider ripped the State Department for funding the Hungarian opposition: “It is wrong for U.S. government employees to farm out how our tax dollars are spent. It is outrageous that a lazy diplomat in our embassy relied on the Soros crew to figure out how to spend our taxpayer dollars.” Gateway Pundit has extensively covered the Biden-Soros interference in Hungary in the name of “democracy”. Foreign election interference is illegal in Hungary. Now it seems the Biden Regime has gone the next step of bringing down the Hungarian President and Justice Minister. The aim of the Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Act is “to prevent foreign attempts to interfere in Hungary’s democratic processes”, Judit Varga wrote on X. “The adoption of the law was necessary: at the 2022 elections, the Hungarian left risked Hungary’s sovereignty by accepting foreign campaign contributions. This proves a serious attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign EU member state. Brussels has refused to comment or investigate the case ever since. The initiation of the infringement procedure is a clear proof that bureaucrats in Brussels don’t acknowledge: foreign NGO networks want to gain influence in member states. A main stake of the EP elections is whether it will be possible to elect a Parliament strong enough to free the Brussels bureaucracy from the grip of NGOs & mainstream media financed by international financiers.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/biden-soros-regime-illegally-funds-hungarian-opposition-media/ https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/biden-soros-regime-illegally-funds.html
    Biden-Soros Regime Illegally Funds Hungarian Opposition Media with $320,000 to Bring Down President and Former Justice Minister | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson
    The Biden regime is once again trying to overthrow the conservative Christian government of Hungary with US taypaxer money, paying over $320,000 via Soros-funded NGOs to 15 opposition media outlets ahead of the European Parliament elections June 6 to 9.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 22319 Views
  • 64 US Bank Branches File To Shut Down In A Single Week; Are You Affected?
    November 27, 2023
    By Naveen Athrappully

    Big banks such as PNC Bank and JPMorgan Chase have filed to close several branch offices in multiple states amid a troubling pattern of rising branch shutdowns in recent years.

    Between Nov. 12 and 18, several banks filed to close branch locations, with PNC Bank with the most filings, according to data from the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Pittsburgh-based PNC Bank filed for 19 branch closures—five in Pennsylvania, four in Illinois, three in Texas, two each in Alabama and New Jersey, and one each in Indiana, Ohio, and Florida.

    JPMorgan Chase followed closely with 18 filings—three in Ohio, two each in Connecticut and South Carolina, and one each in 11 states, including New York, Illinois, Florida, and Massachusetts.

    Citizens Bank came in third with eight branch closure filings—six in New York, and one each in Massachusetts and Delaware. Minneapolis-based U.S. Bank filed for seven closures—three in Tennessee and one each in Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Illinois.

    Bank of America made five filings—two in New York and one each in Texas, Massachusetts, and California.

    Citibank filed for two branch closures, and Sterling, Bremer, First National Bank of Hughes Springs, Windsor FS&LA, and Aroostook County FS&LA made one filing each.

    Altogether, banks filed to shut down 64 branches.

    The recent closures are part of a long-term branch shutdown trend that has been ongoing over the past several years. A report from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition shows that between 2017 and 2021, 9 percent of all bank branches shut down. The closure rate doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    According to data from S&P, there were 3,012 branch closures last year and 958 branch openings, leading to a net closure of 2,054 branches. This was the third consecutive year that net closings exceeded 2,000.

    One major factor that led to a surge in branch closures is the rise of digital banking, a trend that accelerated during the pandemic when people were stuck at their homes.

    A survey by the American Banking Association (ABA) conducted in September showed that 8 in 10 Americans used a mobile device to manage their bank accounts at least once in the previous month.

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    “Digital banking tools have made it more convenient and more secure than ever for consumers to manage their finances,” Brooke Ybarra, ABA’s senior vice president of innovation strategy, said, according to a Nov. 3 statement.

    Cost Saving, Negative Effects

    Going digital rather than expanding physical branch locations is also part of a cost-saving strategy for banking institutions. Opening a new site costs millions of dollars and several hundreds of thousands in annual recurring costs.

    Most of the operations done via a physical bank can now be done online. Digital transactions are cheaper than the costs incurred in transacting via bank tellers.

    On the flip side, the shutdown of bank branches can negatively affect customers, especially in small towns. Due to such closures, many towns have become “bank deserts,” where the nearest bank is more than 10 miles away.

    “When bank branches close, there are several adverse effects on the surrounding community. Small business lending and activity in the area declines. More people use alternative financial services that open them to unregulated and predatory financial practices. An important commercial tenant and employer are lost,” the National Community Reinvestment Coalition report said.

    “While consumers have embraced mobile and internet banking to one degree or another, they clarify that branches matter to them as well, and without branches nearby, they are more likely to be un- or under-banked.”

    A recent survey by Daily Mail found that 51 percent of Americans were either “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about the closure of bank branches.

    PNC Bank Closure

    PNC Bank registered the largest number of closure filings amid its heightened focus on cost-saving measures. During its second-quarter earnings call, CEO William S. Demchak said the bank is “going to have to take a hard look” at where it can “generate savings … without cutting the potential for growth.”

    At the time, Chief Financial Officer Robert Q. Reilly revealed that the institution was boosting the target of an expense reduction program by $50 million to $450 million. For next year, PNC Bank is targeting $725 million in expense cuts.

    PNC is the sixth-largest U.S. bank. The 19 branches that will be shut down are:

    202 N. Walnut St., Bath, Pennsylvania
    301 W. Trenton Ave., Morrisville, Pennsylvania
    14 N. Main St., Plains, Pennsylvania
    1969 E. 3rd St., Williamsport, Pennsylvania
    2 N. Mill St., New Castle, Pennsylvania
    321 Bel Air Blvd., Mobile, Alabama
    2811 Eastern Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama
    5650 S. Brainard Avenue, Countryside, Illinois
    2217 W. Market St., Bloomington, Illinois
    1949 E. Sangamon Ave., Springfield, Illinois
    505 West Liberty Street, Wauconda, Illinois
    8733 U.S. Highway 31 South, Indianapolis, Indiana
    528 Station Ave., Hadden Heights, New Jersey
    410 Main St., Orange, New Jersey
    115 E. Van Buren Ave., Harlingen, Texas
    407 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, Texas
    801 W. Kearney St., Mesquite, Texas
    1040 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, Ohio
    1140 N. Main St., Gainesville, Florida
    In June, PNC shut 47 branches, followed by 29 closures in August. A spokesperson told The U.S. Sun at the time that the bank intends to shut down 147 locations as it focuses more on online banking. The closures were expected to make 60 percent of PNC’s banking business exclusively online.

    A spokesperson from the bank told the Philadelphia Business Journal that the 19 bank closures will take place on Feb. 16.

    Last month, the bank reported a drop in third-quarter profits and declared cutting roughly 4 percent of its workforce. The layoffs, which began on Oct. 6, will be completed by the end of the fourth quarter. The job cuts are expected to bring down the bank’s yearly personnel expenses by roughly $325 million or 5 percent.

    Above Phone De-Googled Private Communications: SHOP
    The bank also forecasts that its net interest income—the difference between the interest it receives on loans and the interest it pays on deposits—will shrink by 1 to 2 percent from current levels in quarter four. During the third quarter, net interest income had declined by 3 percent.

    “They (PNC Bank) recognize that there is definitely a headwind to the growth and their net interest income, mainly due to the higher deposit rates and higher funding costs,” Timothy Coffey, an analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott, told Reuters.

    “And so they’re trying to alleviate some of that headwind by doing what they can to cut their own non-interest expenses as a way to maintain their earnings.”

    Source: The Epoch Times via ZeroHedge

    Naveen Athrappully is a news reporter covering business and world events at The Epoch Times.

    Image: Pixabay

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    Provide, Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today.

    64 US Bank Branches File To Shut Down In A Single Week; Are You Affected? November 27, 2023 By Naveen Athrappully Big banks such as PNC Bank and JPMorgan Chase have filed to close several branch offices in multiple states amid a troubling pattern of rising branch shutdowns in recent years. Between Nov. 12 and 18, several banks filed to close branch locations, with PNC Bank with the most filings, according to data from the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Pittsburgh-based PNC Bank filed for 19 branch closures—five in Pennsylvania, four in Illinois, three in Texas, two each in Alabama and New Jersey, and one each in Indiana, Ohio, and Florida. JPMorgan Chase followed closely with 18 filings—three in Ohio, two each in Connecticut and South Carolina, and one each in 11 states, including New York, Illinois, Florida, and Massachusetts. Citizens Bank came in third with eight branch closure filings—six in New York, and one each in Massachusetts and Delaware. Minneapolis-based U.S. Bank filed for seven closures—three in Tennessee and one each in Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Illinois. Bank of America made five filings—two in New York and one each in Texas, Massachusetts, and California. Citibank filed for two branch closures, and Sterling, Bremer, First National Bank of Hughes Springs, Windsor FS&LA, and Aroostook County FS&LA made one filing each. Altogether, banks filed to shut down 64 branches. The recent closures are part of a long-term branch shutdown trend that has been ongoing over the past several years. A report from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition shows that between 2017 and 2021, 9 percent of all bank branches shut down. The closure rate doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data from S&P, there were 3,012 branch closures last year and 958 branch openings, leading to a net closure of 2,054 branches. This was the third consecutive year that net closings exceeded 2,000. One major factor that led to a surge in branch closures is the rise of digital banking, a trend that accelerated during the pandemic when people were stuck at their homes. A survey by the American Banking Association (ABA) conducted in September showed that 8 in 10 Americans used a mobile device to manage their bank accounts at least once in the previous month. Activist Post is Google-Free — We Need Your Support Contribute Just $1 Per Month at Patreon or SubscribeStar “Digital banking tools have made it more convenient and more secure than ever for consumers to manage their finances,” Brooke Ybarra, ABA’s senior vice president of innovation strategy, said, according to a Nov. 3 statement. Cost Saving, Negative Effects Going digital rather than expanding physical branch locations is also part of a cost-saving strategy for banking institutions. Opening a new site costs millions of dollars and several hundreds of thousands in annual recurring costs. Most of the operations done via a physical bank can now be done online. Digital transactions are cheaper than the costs incurred in transacting via bank tellers. On the flip side, the shutdown of bank branches can negatively affect customers, especially in small towns. Due to such closures, many towns have become “bank deserts,” where the nearest bank is more than 10 miles away. “When bank branches close, there are several adverse effects on the surrounding community. Small business lending and activity in the area declines. More people use alternative financial services that open them to unregulated and predatory financial practices. An important commercial tenant and employer are lost,” the National Community Reinvestment Coalition report said. “While consumers have embraced mobile and internet banking to one degree or another, they clarify that branches matter to them as well, and without branches nearby, they are more likely to be un- or under-banked.” A recent survey by Daily Mail found that 51 percent of Americans were either “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about the closure of bank branches. PNC Bank Closure PNC Bank registered the largest number of closure filings amid its heightened focus on cost-saving measures. During its second-quarter earnings call, CEO William S. Demchak said the bank is “going to have to take a hard look” at where it can “generate savings … without cutting the potential for growth.” At the time, Chief Financial Officer Robert Q. Reilly revealed that the institution was boosting the target of an expense reduction program by $50 million to $450 million. For next year, PNC Bank is targeting $725 million in expense cuts. PNC is the sixth-largest U.S. bank. The 19 branches that will be shut down are: 202 N. Walnut St., Bath, Pennsylvania 301 W. Trenton Ave., Morrisville, Pennsylvania 14 N. Main St., Plains, Pennsylvania 1969 E. 3rd St., Williamsport, Pennsylvania 2 N. Mill St., New Castle, Pennsylvania 321 Bel Air Blvd., Mobile, Alabama 2811 Eastern Blvd., Montgomery, Alabama 5650 S. Brainard Avenue, Countryside, Illinois 2217 W. Market St., Bloomington, Illinois 1949 E. Sangamon Ave., Springfield, Illinois 505 West Liberty Street, Wauconda, Illinois 8733 U.S. Highway 31 South, Indianapolis, Indiana 528 Station Ave., Hadden Heights, New Jersey 410 Main St., Orange, New Jersey 115 E. Van Buren Ave., Harlingen, Texas 407 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, Texas 801 W. Kearney St., Mesquite, Texas 1040 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, Ohio 1140 N. Main St., Gainesville, Florida In June, PNC shut 47 branches, followed by 29 closures in August. A spokesperson told The U.S. Sun at the time that the bank intends to shut down 147 locations as it focuses more on online banking. The closures were expected to make 60 percent of PNC’s banking business exclusively online. A spokesperson from the bank told the Philadelphia Business Journal that the 19 bank closures will take place on Feb. 16. Last month, the bank reported a drop in third-quarter profits and declared cutting roughly 4 percent of its workforce. The layoffs, which began on Oct. 6, will be completed by the end of the fourth quarter. The job cuts are expected to bring down the bank’s yearly personnel expenses by roughly $325 million or 5 percent. Above Phone De-Googled Private Communications: SHOP The bank also forecasts that its net interest income—the difference between the interest it receives on loans and the interest it pays on deposits—will shrink by 1 to 2 percent from current levels in quarter four. During the third quarter, net interest income had declined by 3 percent. “They (PNC Bank) recognize that there is definitely a headwind to the growth and their net interest income, mainly due to the higher deposit rates and higher funding costs,” Timothy Coffey, an analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott, told Reuters. “And so they’re trying to alleviate some of that headwind by doing what they can to cut their own non-interest expenses as a way to maintain their earnings.” Source: The Epoch Times via ZeroHedge Naveen Athrappully is a news reporter covering business and world events at The Epoch Times. Image: Pixabay Or support us at SubscribeStar Donate cryptocurrency HERE Subscribe to Activist Post for truth, peace, and freedom news. Follow us on SoMee, Telegram, HIVE, Minds, MeWe, Twitter – X, Gab, and What Really Happened. Provide, Protect and Profit from what’s coming! Get a free issue of Counter Markets today. https://www.activistpost.com/2023/11/64-us-bank-branches-file-to-shut-down-in-a-single-week-are-you-affected.html
    64 US Bank Branches File To Shut Down In A Single Week; Are You Affected? - Activist Post
    Multiple states continue a troubling pattern of rising branch shutdowns in recent years.
    1 Comments 0 Shares 18519 Views
  • Syria is playing the long game - developing strategy for the potential of all-out war.
    An in-depth analysis of Syrian military developments since October 7th

    vanessa beeley

    Map showing the recent events on military front in Syria since October 7th Al Aqsa Flood operation.

    "While red lines in politics are mostly colorless to provide more room for maneuver, red lines in the field are drawn with iron and fire and colored with blood, making these lines unbreakable."

    Ibrahim Wahdi - SAA soldier and journalist

    October 7th has sent shock waves throughout the world. The invincible Israel with, allegedly, the most powerful military and intelligence capability was proven to be a paper tiger by a weaker and less well equipped Palestinian Resistance coalition.

    The effect has been dramatic on regional Resistance factions - triggering a regional wide engagement with Israel or with the illegal US military bases in Syria and Iraq. As a result, there has been an unprecedented military escalation in the region that has largely gone unreported with all eyes on Gaza and the ongoing Zionist ethnic cleansing in both Gaza and West Bank.

    Israel is in disarray with internal divisions threatening the Netanyahu extremist coalition government. Netanyahu is unable to acknowledge the military and intelligence failings despite pressure to do so, even from within his own military.

    Instead Israel has resorted to the familiar sadistic war against women, children and innocent civilians for almost two months. The ongoing brutal massacre on an hourly basis, the targeting of hospitals, UNRWA refugee centers and schools, humanitarian convoys, ambulances, paramedics, civil defence headquarters are a litany of war crimes.

    Of course any admission by Netanyahu would signal the end of his political career and bring him to trial for corruption. Despite the knowledge that his military would suffer horrendous losses in a ground operation in the sprawling urban landscape of the Gaza enclave, Netanyahu gave the green light to invade. He relied on the daily horrific civilian death toll to break the Resistance resolve.

    The message was “to resist is futile” but just as the entire globalist axis led by the US and UK failed to factor in the determination of the Syrian people to prevent regime change in Syria - the world has underestimated the strength of the Palestinian Resistance against decades of apartheid, oppression and trickle expansionist ethnic cleansing by the Zionist entity.

    Hezbollah in northern Palestine has skillfully and tactically occupied the Zionist forces in the north preventing their involvement in the Gaza operations and ongoing stealth ethnic cleansing of the West Bank.

    Yemen has directly engaged by targeting sites in southern occupied Palestine. Iraqi Resistance factions have increased their attacks against US illegal military bases in Iraq and Syria resulting in the death of at least forty US military personnel. Most recently Yemeni forces have seized an Israeli owned vessel in the Red Sea holding the crew hostage.

    Palestinian factions inside Syria have launched several missile attacks on Israeli occupation sites in the illegally annexed Golan territories and even attacked Eilat from Syrian territory.

    In response, the US and Israel have mobilised their ISIS agents in Syria to attack Syrian Arab Army positions in the central desert areas.

    Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS), an Al Qaeda offshoot, have escalated attacks on the northern Lattakia countryside axis and intensified drone attacks in Western Aleppo, northern Lattakia and northern Hama.

    Israel aggression particularly south of Damascus has increased with the latest attack on the Sayeda Zainab district of south-east Damascus yesterday afternoon (22/11). Aleppo and Damascus civilian airports are still closed, not because of the previous damage from Israeli aggression, due to the high risk of Israeli bombardment.

    The US has directly engaged with the Syrian Arab Army in Deir Ezzor in north-east Syria. Syria has responded by directly engaging with the US occupation forces, targeting US military bases and shooting down US drones. Syria has expanded the operational area in Syria for all Resistance factions to enable the targeting of Israel from multiple and mobile fronts.

    In this article the focus will be on the military situation in Syria. Syria has endured a 12 year Western-orchestrated regime change war that has decimated Syrian infrastructure, depleted the military capability, imposed unprecedented sanctions unilaterally on the Syrian people. The US occupies oil and agricultural resources in the north-east, their assets occupy the agricultural resources in the north-west. Their Kurdish proxies and Al Qaeda assets benefit from the trade of Syrian resources under the protection of US political and military endorsement and collaboration.

    Syria’s refusal to abandon Palestine and willingness to expand the ability of Resistance factions to target Israeli facilities and installations has triggered serious recriminations from the US/Israeli axis.

    ISIS aggression on behalf of Israel and US

    On the 8th of November ISIS groups attacked Syrian Arab Army positions in the vicinity of the Homs, Hama and Raqqa triangle. The attack led to the deaths of 21 SAA soldiers and several injured. Military reinforcements were dispatched to comb the area and to eliminate the ISIS fighters.

    Since the double earthquake tragedy that struck Syria and Turkey on the 6th February there have been a number of ISIS attacks on Syrian military and civilians. This attack of the 8th November and the one that preceded it are the most intense.

    On 18th October, ISIS launched a wide-scale assault on the SAA and allies in the Al Sukhnah area of the eastern Homs desert. ISIS took control of SAA positions along the main road and the Dubayyat gas field. This from a Carnegie Middle East Center report in 2015 when ISIS was gaining ground in Syria (before Russian intervention in September 2015):

    Faced with dense regime defenses around Shaer, the Islamic State shifted its focus to Palmyra, which has been the site of the most development in Syria’s gas sector since the mid-1990s. Fields in the area were expected to eventually produce 9 million cubic meters of crude gas per day. These included the Arak, Dubayat, Hail, Hayan, Jihar, al-Mahr, Najib, Sukhneh, and Abi Rabah fields, which according to a former industry insider have collectively been producing half of Syria’s output of natural raw and liquid petroleum gas. Palmyra is also the transit point for pipelines carrying gas from important fields in Hasakah and Deir Ezzor provinces in northeastern and eastern Syria respectively.

    The US appears to be recycling their strategy of pre-Russian intervention to control the ‘hub between the extraction or transfer of virtually all of Syrian gas production and the processing and power plants further west that supply electricity and gas for domestic and industrial use’ to the most populated areas of Syria that are under the control of the Syrian government and military.

    The SAA was forced to withdraw and to await reinforcements from the 18th Division and allied forces.

    The ISIS terrorists were counter-attacked and the Syrian positions were recaptured in the southern outskirts of Al Sukhna. ISIS forces were routed with a high casualty rate.

    Units of the SAA pursued the remnants of ISIS terrorists targeting them heavily with artillery to force their retreat to the 55 km exclusion zone established by the US occupation forces around the US allied Al Tanf military base on the borders of Iraq and Jordan.

    ISIS terrorists were also besieged in small pockets around Al Dubayyat gas field. Russian and Syrian warplanes concurrently bombed ISIS groups emanating from the area of Al Tanf that were trying to reach Al Dubbayat to break the SAA siege on their militants.

    On November 16th, Deputy Head of the Russian Reconciliation Center, Vadim Collet, gave a statement that:

    “Armed groups trained at Al-Tanf base are planning to carry out sabotage acts in southern Syria against Syrian forces on main roads and fuel and energy facilities” adding that “the leadership of both Russian and Syrian forces will take preemptive measures to prevent armed provocations”

    On the 13th November, at night, the SAA again repelled an ISIS attack on Point 10 in the Ja'ideen area in the eastern desert of Raqqa, on the administrative border with Homs province.

    The joint Russian-Syrian warplanes targeted ISIS terrorists, forcing them to withdraw again to the open desert within the US controlled Al Tanf 55 km exclusion zone.

    The Syrian Arab Army secured the area between the Al-Rasafa Castle and Al-Zamla village less than an hour after the failed infiltration operation, which demonstrates a significant improvement in the Syrian Arab Army's ability to respond and deal with these attacks.

    Later on November 14, an ISIS cell attacked a Russian patrol with an RPG on Al-Shaer gas field road in the desert. Three Russian soldiers were injured in the attack.

    The level of attacks being carried out by the ISIS terrorists is indicative of both their presence in the areas occupied by US allied forces and of the control that the US alliance has over this terrorist faction operating in Syria and Iraq.

    The ISIS attacks must be seen in conjunction with the US and Israeli direct attacks on SAA and allied military positions.

    Israeli aggression against Syria since October 7th

    After five Israeli attacks in October, four of which targeted civilian airports in Damascus and Aleppo, putting them out of service, Israel has attacked more than three times in November.

    On November 8th at 22.50 Israel launched an attack on the positions of allied forces in the farmland extending from Sayeda Zainab and Aqraba, south-west of Damascus. They also targeted radar systems and air defence positions in Tal Qalib and Tal Al Massih in the Sweida district, southern Syria - scene of the most recent separatist protests backed and instigated by the US and Israel. Three civilians were injured in the Sweida attack.

    In the early dawn hours of November 10th, Israel bombed two positions of the Syrian allies in the vicinity of Shanshar, south-west of Homs. This led to the deaths of seven Hezbollah soldiers and significant material damage.

    Hezbollah fighters killed by Israeli aggression on November 10th

    Israel justified this aggression as a response to an attack on Eilat in southern occupied Palestine two days prior. The attack utilised a Shahed 101 suicide drone with a 600 km range. The drone was launched from central Syria, crossed Jordanian airspace undetected to Eilat where it hit and caused damage.

    However Israel is not able to identify who launched the drone. Sayed Hassan Nasrallah referred to the loss of Hezbollah fighters in Syria based on Israeli false claims. If indeed Hezbollah had launched the drone they would have claimed responsibility. Therefore this attack indicates the entry of new players in the Resistance axis.

    The following day, a faction calling themselves SWAT Jazeera Al Arabiya (Arabian Island) claimed responsibility for the Eilat attack. The faction is still mysterious but appears to be an ideological ‘jihadist’ group following the Islamic Resistance Iraq operational blueprint. While the SWAT zone of operation remains secret their arrival on the scene will send the message to the US and Israel that they will face more enemies the longer the genocidal campaign against Palestinians continues.

    Again on November 18, at 2:25 am, Israeli warplanes bombed two Hezbollah positions in the Bahdalia area close to Sayyida Zeinab city, southeast of Damascus, causing material losses.

    Perhaps more importantly than standard Israeli aggression against Syria - on the 18th October unidentified gunmen assassinated Lieutenant Colonel Qais Ismail and First Assistant Muhammad Hussein of the 112th Brigade, 5th Armoured Division. The attack was carried out to west of Daraa, south of Damascus.

    On October 24th Israel had dropped leaflets by drone on the ceasefire line threatening the 112th Brigade and their commander - effectively threatening officers of the SAA in the Daraa district. Was the 18th October assassination a precursor to further attacks by Israeli proxies on the ground south of Damascus?

    The two 112th Brigade officers gunned down and the leaflet dropped by Israeli drones.

    Yesterday, the 22nd November at 15.10, Israel again targeted the southern districts of Damascus including Sayeda Zainab (an important Iranian/Shia muslim pilgrimage site). I was actually in the area when this attack took place close to Sayeda Zainab. At this time of the afternoon the area is heaving with civilians and children who are leaving school. Video:

    Attacks on illegal US occupation bases in Syria and Iraq

    The following is an indication only of the number of attacks, the bases and US personnel casualties (it will need updating as attacks are almost daily):

    US illegal bases in Syria and Iraq have been targeted daily by the Resistance factions since the start of the Al Aqsa Flood operation. The US air defences have been unable to successfully counter drone and missile attacks. There are have been an estimated 50-60 attacks on US occupation forces between October 17th and November 22nd. This has resulted in 59 casualties, according to a press briefing by Dep. Pentagon Press Sec. Sabrina Singh:

    “The Pentagon is seeing an increase in attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria, with a total of 55 attacks injuring dozens of service members since October 17, an official said Tuesday. The attacks, 27 in Iraq and 28 in Syria, have resulted in 59 service members being injured”, then corrected it, "Sorry, I can give you that rundown. So as of today, there have been approximately 58 attacks. So that's 27 in Iraq and 31 attacks in Syria."

    The US has routinely responded with airstrikes targeting SAA and allied sites in eastern Deir Ezzor countryside. The recent US aggression has adopted a different strategy.

    In the early hours of 9th November, US warplanes fired four rockets targeting a bakery and aid distribution warehouse belonging to the SAA allied forces on the outskirts of Deir Ezzor city.

    The attack developed into intense and direct clashes for over two hours between the US occupation forces with its Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, and the Syrian Arab Army with its allies on the western bank near the towns of Abu Hardoub, Al-Quriyah, and Al-Miyadin.

    Various types of medium and heavy weapons, as well as rockets, were used during the clashes. Additionally, eight Fajr-1 rockets were fired, targeting the Green Village inside the US occupation base in the Al-Omar oil field.

    Three US armored Humvees were destroyed, and a number of US soldiers and SDF fighters were injured. However, shooting down a US counter-drone Coyote Block 2 UAV by Syrian air defenses in Al-Mayadeen vicinity two days later was an extraordinary development.

    On November 13th, again early morning, US warplanes carried out six airstrikes on the Sayyal area in Al Bukamal (on border with Iraq) and sites near a bridge in Al Mayadin City, east of Deir Ezzor. One death and one injury from these attacks.

    This time the US targeted empty buildings and a PMU (Iraqi Popular resistance faction) missile launch site. The Resistance immediately responded and targeted US bases occupying the Al Omar oil field and the Conoco gas field, Shaddadi, Khrab Al Jir and other US occupation locations.

    The Conoco attack was notable. Remnants of the missiles found near the Conoco base indicate the use of 220 mm Caliber missiles launched from an Uragan launcher. A Syrian Arab Army artillery and rocket system. Field sources reported that 15 rockets targeted the US base killing 6 US soldiers in the command headquarters.

    The US Central Command statement indicates a weakness in the US military occupation of Syria. For the second time, following an unprecedented series of attacks on their bases the US retaliation has been muted and largely ineffectual.

    “in response to continued provocations by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and their affiliated groups in Iraq and Syria, U.S. Central Command (USCENTOM) conducted air strikes against facilities near the cities of Abu Kamal and Mayadin”

    This would suggest that Washington is reticent to escalate in the region where all US forces are sitting ducks. The default position is to trigger proxy forces including ISIS.

    The increasing number of attacks on US bases in Syria alone are an indication that the West Asia region has had enough of US illegal warfare and occupation.

    Despite having air superiority in the region the US knows that open war would be a military quagmire and would end in defeat. The success of the Resistance in targeting US bases and bypassing US air defence has sent a strong message to the US - that the Resistance capability is a force to be reckoned with.

    These groups excel in maneuvering, concealment, rapid and accurate targeting, and have the ability to significantly alter the course of events. They pose huge risk to US forces illegally on the ground in Syria.

    The balance of power between US forces, direct and proxy, has shifted and the SAA is taking the fight to the US with a vengeance. A two hour direct engagement between SAA and US forces, the shooting down of a US drone, the targeting of the Conoco base all suggest that the SAA is contemplating military escalation in coordination with Iraqi Resistance and other allies. The US military hegemony in Syria is at a tipping point.


    In north-west Syria - Al Qaeda supports Israel against Palestine

    Al-Qaeda's Hayaat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) failed to achieve any military victory on any front in northwest Syria following several failed attacks on Syrian Arab Army positions.

    Since the beginning of October, HTS has been increasing drone attacks to compensate for military failures on the ground. The most devastating drone attack was on the 5th October (2 days before Al Aqsa Flood) when they targeted the Homs Military Academy, during a graduation ceremony packed with celebrating families. More than 89 people, mostly civilians were killed and 227 injured, many critically.

    Deputy Head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, Vadim Collet, said that:

    “the raids resulted in the destruction of shelters and training camps belonging to the Al-Nusra Front group.” adding that “34 militants were killed and more than 60 others were injured.”

    The SAA and Russian air forces responded decisively. Russian and Syrian warplanes combined with artillery and missile launchers have carried out multiple attacks against terrorist positions since October 5th. Dozens of terrorist headquarters, ammunition stores, drone manufacturing facilities have been destroyed in Idlib province (north-west Syria).

    Multiple terrorists from HTS, Omar Ibn Al Khattab Brigade, Ansar Al Tawhid, Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) and other Al Qaeda derivatives have been killed or injured in the attacks.

    The strikes targeted terrorist controlled villages and towns such as Kefraya, Bara, Bilon, Ayn Larouz, Bazabour, Jisr Al Shughour, Afes and others on the axis of the northern Lattakia countryside, Western Aleppo countryside and the axes of Al Ghab plain in northern Hama, and Idlib itself.


    Syrian Arab Army initiated a new phase of military operations over a month ago. These operations have been escalating intensively and progressively, achieving significant results. The terrorists have been deprived of their ability to launch wide-scale attacks, and their military capabilities, infrastructure, ammunition depots, and drones have been gradually destroyed. This strategy has developed in lock-step with events since October 7th.


    The Syrian Ministry of Defense has reported the downing of dozens of drones on the fronts of Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, and Homs. Some of these drones are large-sized, GPS-guided, long range and can carry 100 kg of explosives.

    This increase in drone warfare, aided and abetted in development by NATO member states including Turkey, is an indication that the Al Qaeda asset are collaborating with the US and Israel to keep the SAA and allies occupied on the northern front.

    Syrian Ministry of Defense:

    “Units of our armed forces operating in the axes of Idlib, Hama and Aleppo countryside confronted attempts by terrorist organizations to attack safe villages and some military points with suicide drones, and destroyed four of them.

    A drone equipped with a liquid fuel rocket engine, four meters long, six meters wingspan, and loaded with one hundred kilograms of explosives was also shot down in the Jorin area in Hama northern countryside”

    The SAA is tactically depleting the terrorist offensive capability in the north-west to enable the SAA to engage in the south should a direct confrontation with Israel or the US arise in the Golan territories. As former SAA soldier and researcher Ibrahim Wahdi has pointed out:

    The intense airstrikes, artillery shelling, and missile attacks carried out by the army in the past month will greatly pave the way for any future military operation if a decision is made to advance towards the M4 highway.

    For example, a few days ago the Syrian Arab Army's anti-tank units had successfully cut off the supply routes of armed groups near Tafasnaz, isolating them from the Turkish base at Tafasnaz Airport, destroying their vehicles, killing and injuring many of them within less than an hour, without the need for any ground advancement. This demonstrates the army's capability to carry out similar, broader operations in the future if a decision is made for a large-scale ground operation.

    We are witnessing a micro-glimpse of what might happen were the SAA to engage in a comprehensive war against the US/Israel-led axis of terror.

    The Syrian leadership is taking a cautious approach for obvious reasons while opening up new fronts for Resistance factions operating on Syrian territory.

    Even if the Israeli war on Gaza were to escalate, leading to regional and international engagement, Syria would not need to enter the war directly. Opening the Golan front for anyone who wishes to fight against Israel would potentially be sufficient.

    As President Assad strongly stated in his speech at the Emergency Arab League Summit on Gaza:

    By our will only, by the overwhelming popular public opinion in our countries, with the new reality imposed by the Palestinian resistance in our region, we possessed those tools. Let us use them, and let us take advantage of the global transformation that has opened for us political doors that have been closed for decades, so that we can enter through them and change the equations, and let the precious souls who rose in Palestine be a rewarding price for achieving what we were unable to do in the past and what we must accomplish in the present and in the future.

    All countries in the region, specifically Syria, should take advantage of the new reality and build upon the victories of the resistance in Gaza. With every military confrontation, the popular resistance proves its ability to adapt, utilize the terrain of the battlefield, choose the timing, and employ sophisticated techniques in simple ways, relying on the most important factor in winning wars, which is determination.

    The military tactics employed by the Palestinian resistance were simple yet highly effective, and the most significant outcome was the clear military weakness of colonial forces in the region when facing the unified alliance of resistance forces.

    The war against Israel no longer requires the intervention of the Egyptian army, just as expelling the United States from Iraq and Syria would not require a comprehensive war.

    It is clear that Israel has failed to achieve any military victory in Gaza. Even with resorting to genocide and destruction, it has not succeeded in even swaying the popular Palestinian support for the Resistance Coalition in Gaza and the West Bank.

    Not even a few thousand out of more than two million residents in Gaza have emerged demanding surrender or cessation from the resistance. On the contrary, with every new massacre, we see Palestinians more determined to remain steadfast and to resist ethnic cleansing for the third time.

    Time is Israel’s greatest enemy. The longer the Israeli military incurs losses on the ground in Gaza, the longer Western public outrage increases at the massacres of thousands of children, the longer Netanyahu loses public confidence in Israel and abroad - the greater the defeat for Israel long term.

    Confronted with the psychopathy of the Israeli leadership and military the Resistance Axis is conducting itself with dignity and professionalism. It is hard to determine the balance of power in the region due to the hysterical and irrational rhetoric emanating from Washington, London and Tel Aviv. However it is shifting fast and there will be no going back.

    Ibrahim Wahdi:

    Regionally, there are important players with differing tactics, strategies, capabilities, and, most importantly, their understanding of the terrain, which makes it nearly impossible to predict the outcome of the current confrontation.

    However, the Middle East will certainly witness radical transformations after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation. With the rise of China and Russia, the East as a whole is asserting itself, which means that countries like Iran and Syria will also enter new historical stages on the geopolitical level. The so-called Global South is rising from the ashes of decades or centuries of colonialist terrorism.


    This article was co-written with Ibrahim Wahdi - please subscribe to his blog here. His Telegram channel and Twitter/X account.

    Please do consider subscribing to my Substack account and I hope you find this article useful. Thank you.

    Syria is playing the long game - developing strategy for the potential of all-out war. An in-depth analysis of Syrian military developments since October 7th vanessa beeley Map showing the recent events on military front in Syria since October 7th Al Aqsa Flood operation. "While red lines in politics are mostly colorless to provide more room for maneuver, red lines in the field are drawn with iron and fire and colored with blood, making these lines unbreakable." Ibrahim Wahdi - SAA soldier and journalist October 7th has sent shock waves throughout the world. The invincible Israel with, allegedly, the most powerful military and intelligence capability was proven to be a paper tiger by a weaker and less well equipped Palestinian Resistance coalition. The effect has been dramatic on regional Resistance factions - triggering a regional wide engagement with Israel or with the illegal US military bases in Syria and Iraq. As a result, there has been an unprecedented military escalation in the region that has largely gone unreported with all eyes on Gaza and the ongoing Zionist ethnic cleansing in both Gaza and West Bank. Israel is in disarray with internal divisions threatening the Netanyahu extremist coalition government. Netanyahu is unable to acknowledge the military and intelligence failings despite pressure to do so, even from within his own military. Instead Israel has resorted to the familiar sadistic war against women, children and innocent civilians for almost two months. The ongoing brutal massacre on an hourly basis, the targeting of hospitals, UNRWA refugee centers and schools, humanitarian convoys, ambulances, paramedics, civil defence headquarters are a litany of war crimes. Of course any admission by Netanyahu would signal the end of his political career and bring him to trial for corruption. Despite the knowledge that his military would suffer horrendous losses in a ground operation in the sprawling urban landscape of the Gaza enclave, Netanyahu gave the green light to invade. He relied on the daily horrific civilian death toll to break the Resistance resolve. The message was “to resist is futile” but just as the entire globalist axis led by the US and UK failed to factor in the determination of the Syrian people to prevent regime change in Syria - the world has underestimated the strength of the Palestinian Resistance against decades of apartheid, oppression and trickle expansionist ethnic cleansing by the Zionist entity. Hezbollah in northern Palestine has skillfully and tactically occupied the Zionist forces in the north preventing their involvement in the Gaza operations and ongoing stealth ethnic cleansing of the West Bank. Yemen has directly engaged by targeting sites in southern occupied Palestine. Iraqi Resistance factions have increased their attacks against US illegal military bases in Iraq and Syria resulting in the death of at least forty US military personnel. Most recently Yemeni forces have seized an Israeli owned vessel in the Red Sea holding the crew hostage. Palestinian factions inside Syria have launched several missile attacks on Israeli occupation sites in the illegally annexed Golan territories and even attacked Eilat from Syrian territory. In response, the US and Israel have mobilised their ISIS agents in Syria to attack Syrian Arab Army positions in the central desert areas. Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS), an Al Qaeda offshoot, have escalated attacks on the northern Lattakia countryside axis and intensified drone attacks in Western Aleppo, northern Lattakia and northern Hama. Israel aggression particularly south of Damascus has increased with the latest attack on the Sayeda Zainab district of south-east Damascus yesterday afternoon (22/11). Aleppo and Damascus civilian airports are still closed, not because of the previous damage from Israeli aggression, due to the high risk of Israeli bombardment. The US has directly engaged with the Syrian Arab Army in Deir Ezzor in north-east Syria. Syria has responded by directly engaging with the US occupation forces, targeting US military bases and shooting down US drones. Syria has expanded the operational area in Syria for all Resistance factions to enable the targeting of Israel from multiple and mobile fronts. In this article the focus will be on the military situation in Syria. Syria has endured a 12 year Western-orchestrated regime change war that has decimated Syrian infrastructure, depleted the military capability, imposed unprecedented sanctions unilaterally on the Syrian people. The US occupies oil and agricultural resources in the north-east, their assets occupy the agricultural resources in the north-west. Their Kurdish proxies and Al Qaeda assets benefit from the trade of Syrian resources under the protection of US political and military endorsement and collaboration. Syria’s refusal to abandon Palestine and willingness to expand the ability of Resistance factions to target Israeli facilities and installations has triggered serious recriminations from the US/Israeli axis. ISIS aggression on behalf of Israel and US On the 8th of November ISIS groups attacked Syrian Arab Army positions in the vicinity of the Homs, Hama and Raqqa triangle. The attack led to the deaths of 21 SAA soldiers and several injured. Military reinforcements were dispatched to comb the area and to eliminate the ISIS fighters. Since the double earthquake tragedy that struck Syria and Turkey on the 6th February there have been a number of ISIS attacks on Syrian military and civilians. This attack of the 8th November and the one that preceded it are the most intense. On 18th October, ISIS launched a wide-scale assault on the SAA and allies in the Al Sukhnah area of the eastern Homs desert. ISIS took control of SAA positions along the main road and the Dubayyat gas field. This from a Carnegie Middle East Center report in 2015 when ISIS was gaining ground in Syria (before Russian intervention in September 2015): Faced with dense regime defenses around Shaer, the Islamic State shifted its focus to Palmyra, which has been the site of the most development in Syria’s gas sector since the mid-1990s. Fields in the area were expected to eventually produce 9 million cubic meters of crude gas per day. These included the Arak, Dubayat, Hail, Hayan, Jihar, al-Mahr, Najib, Sukhneh, and Abi Rabah fields, which according to a former industry insider have collectively been producing half of Syria’s output of natural raw and liquid petroleum gas. Palmyra is also the transit point for pipelines carrying gas from important fields in Hasakah and Deir Ezzor provinces in northeastern and eastern Syria respectively. The US appears to be recycling their strategy of pre-Russian intervention to control the ‘hub between the extraction or transfer of virtually all of Syrian gas production and the processing and power plants further west that supply electricity and gas for domestic and industrial use’ to the most populated areas of Syria that are under the control of the Syrian government and military. The SAA was forced to withdraw and to await reinforcements from the 18th Division and allied forces. The ISIS terrorists were counter-attacked and the Syrian positions were recaptured in the southern outskirts of Al Sukhna. ISIS forces were routed with a high casualty rate. Units of the SAA pursued the remnants of ISIS terrorists targeting them heavily with artillery to force their retreat to the 55 km exclusion zone established by the US occupation forces around the US allied Al Tanf military base on the borders of Iraq and Jordan. ISIS terrorists were also besieged in small pockets around Al Dubayyat gas field. Russian and Syrian warplanes concurrently bombed ISIS groups emanating from the area of Al Tanf that were trying to reach Al Dubbayat to break the SAA siege on their militants. On November 16th, Deputy Head of the Russian Reconciliation Center, Vadim Collet, gave a statement that: “Armed groups trained at Al-Tanf base are planning to carry out sabotage acts in southern Syria against Syrian forces on main roads and fuel and energy facilities” adding that “the leadership of both Russian and Syrian forces will take preemptive measures to prevent armed provocations” On the 13th November, at night, the SAA again repelled an ISIS attack on Point 10 in the Ja'ideen area in the eastern desert of Raqqa, on the administrative border with Homs province. The joint Russian-Syrian warplanes targeted ISIS terrorists, forcing them to withdraw again to the open desert within the US controlled Al Tanf 55 km exclusion zone. The Syrian Arab Army secured the area between the Al-Rasafa Castle and Al-Zamla village less than an hour after the failed infiltration operation, which demonstrates a significant improvement in the Syrian Arab Army's ability to respond and deal with these attacks. Later on November 14, an ISIS cell attacked a Russian patrol with an RPG on Al-Shaer gas field road in the desert. Three Russian soldiers were injured in the attack. The level of attacks being carried out by the ISIS terrorists is indicative of both their presence in the areas occupied by US allied forces and of the control that the US alliance has over this terrorist faction operating in Syria and Iraq. The ISIS attacks must be seen in conjunction with the US and Israeli direct attacks on SAA and allied military positions. Israeli aggression against Syria since October 7th After five Israeli attacks in October, four of which targeted civilian airports in Damascus and Aleppo, putting them out of service, Israel has attacked more than three times in November. On November 8th at 22.50 Israel launched an attack on the positions of allied forces in the farmland extending from Sayeda Zainab and Aqraba, south-west of Damascus. They also targeted radar systems and air defence positions in Tal Qalib and Tal Al Massih in the Sweida district, southern Syria - scene of the most recent separatist protests backed and instigated by the US and Israel. Three civilians were injured in the Sweida attack. In the early dawn hours of November 10th, Israel bombed two positions of the Syrian allies in the vicinity of Shanshar, south-west of Homs. This led to the deaths of seven Hezbollah soldiers and significant material damage. Hezbollah fighters killed by Israeli aggression on November 10th Israel justified this aggression as a response to an attack on Eilat in southern occupied Palestine two days prior. The attack utilised a Shahed 101 suicide drone with a 600 km range. The drone was launched from central Syria, crossed Jordanian airspace undetected to Eilat where it hit and caused damage. However Israel is not able to identify who launched the drone. Sayed Hassan Nasrallah referred to the loss of Hezbollah fighters in Syria based on Israeli false claims. If indeed Hezbollah had launched the drone they would have claimed responsibility. Therefore this attack indicates the entry of new players in the Resistance axis. The following day, a faction calling themselves SWAT Jazeera Al Arabiya (Arabian Island) claimed responsibility for the Eilat attack. The faction is still mysterious but appears to be an ideological ‘jihadist’ group following the Islamic Resistance Iraq operational blueprint. While the SWAT zone of operation remains secret their arrival on the scene will send the message to the US and Israel that they will face more enemies the longer the genocidal campaign against Palestinians continues. Again on November 18, at 2:25 am, Israeli warplanes bombed two Hezbollah positions in the Bahdalia area close to Sayyida Zeinab city, southeast of Damascus, causing material losses. Perhaps more importantly than standard Israeli aggression against Syria - on the 18th October unidentified gunmen assassinated Lieutenant Colonel Qais Ismail and First Assistant Muhammad Hussein of the 112th Brigade, 5th Armoured Division. The attack was carried out to west of Daraa, south of Damascus. On October 24th Israel had dropped leaflets by drone on the ceasefire line threatening the 112th Brigade and their commander - effectively threatening officers of the SAA in the Daraa district. Was the 18th October assassination a precursor to further attacks by Israeli proxies on the ground south of Damascus? The two 112th Brigade officers gunned down and the leaflet dropped by Israeli drones. Yesterday, the 22nd November at 15.10, Israel again targeted the southern districts of Damascus including Sayeda Zainab (an important Iranian/Shia muslim pilgrimage site). I was actually in the area when this attack took place close to Sayeda Zainab. At this time of the afternoon the area is heaving with civilians and children who are leaving school. Video: Attacks on illegal US occupation bases in Syria and Iraq The following is an indication only of the number of attacks, the bases and US personnel casualties (it will need updating as attacks are almost daily): US illegal bases in Syria and Iraq have been targeted daily by the Resistance factions since the start of the Al Aqsa Flood operation. The US air defences have been unable to successfully counter drone and missile attacks. There are have been an estimated 50-60 attacks on US occupation forces between October 17th and November 22nd. This has resulted in 59 casualties, according to a press briefing by Dep. Pentagon Press Sec. Sabrina Singh: “The Pentagon is seeing an increase in attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria, with a total of 55 attacks injuring dozens of service members since October 17, an official said Tuesday. The attacks, 27 in Iraq and 28 in Syria, have resulted in 59 service members being injured”, then corrected it, "Sorry, I can give you that rundown. So as of today, there have been approximately 58 attacks. So that's 27 in Iraq and 31 attacks in Syria." The US has routinely responded with airstrikes targeting SAA and allied sites in eastern Deir Ezzor countryside. The recent US aggression has adopted a different strategy. In the early hours of 9th November, US warplanes fired four rockets targeting a bakery and aid distribution warehouse belonging to the SAA allied forces on the outskirts of Deir Ezzor city. The attack developed into intense and direct clashes for over two hours between the US occupation forces with its Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, and the Syrian Arab Army with its allies on the western bank near the towns of Abu Hardoub, Al-Quriyah, and Al-Miyadin. Various types of medium and heavy weapons, as well as rockets, were used during the clashes. Additionally, eight Fajr-1 rockets were fired, targeting the Green Village inside the US occupation base in the Al-Omar oil field. Three US armored Humvees were destroyed, and a number of US soldiers and SDF fighters were injured. However, shooting down a US counter-drone Coyote Block 2 UAV by Syrian air defenses in Al-Mayadeen vicinity two days later was an extraordinary development. On November 13th, again early morning, US warplanes carried out six airstrikes on the Sayyal area in Al Bukamal (on border with Iraq) and sites near a bridge in Al Mayadin City, east of Deir Ezzor. One death and one injury from these attacks. This time the US targeted empty buildings and a PMU (Iraqi Popular resistance faction) missile launch site. The Resistance immediately responded and targeted US bases occupying the Al Omar oil field and the Conoco gas field, Shaddadi, Khrab Al Jir and other US occupation locations. The Conoco attack was notable. Remnants of the missiles found near the Conoco base indicate the use of 220 mm Caliber missiles launched from an Uragan launcher. A Syrian Arab Army artillery and rocket system. Field sources reported that 15 rockets targeted the US base killing 6 US soldiers in the command headquarters. The US Central Command statement indicates a weakness in the US military occupation of Syria. For the second time, following an unprecedented series of attacks on their bases the US retaliation has been muted and largely ineffectual. “in response to continued provocations by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and their affiliated groups in Iraq and Syria, U.S. Central Command (USCENTOM) conducted air strikes against facilities near the cities of Abu Kamal and Mayadin” This would suggest that Washington is reticent to escalate in the region where all US forces are sitting ducks. The default position is to trigger proxy forces including ISIS. The increasing number of attacks on US bases in Syria alone are an indication that the West Asia region has had enough of US illegal warfare and occupation. Despite having air superiority in the region the US knows that open war would be a military quagmire and would end in defeat. The success of the Resistance in targeting US bases and bypassing US air defence has sent a strong message to the US - that the Resistance capability is a force to be reckoned with. These groups excel in maneuvering, concealment, rapid and accurate targeting, and have the ability to significantly alter the course of events. They pose huge risk to US forces illegally on the ground in Syria. The balance of power between US forces, direct and proxy, has shifted and the SAA is taking the fight to the US with a vengeance. A two hour direct engagement between SAA and US forces, the shooting down of a US drone, the targeting of the Conoco base all suggest that the SAA is contemplating military escalation in coordination with Iraqi Resistance and other allies. The US military hegemony in Syria is at a tipping point. Share In north-west Syria - Al Qaeda supports Israel against Palestine Al-Qaeda's Hayaat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) failed to achieve any military victory on any front in northwest Syria following several failed attacks on Syrian Arab Army positions. Since the beginning of October, HTS has been increasing drone attacks to compensate for military failures on the ground. The most devastating drone attack was on the 5th October (2 days before Al Aqsa Flood) when they targeted the Homs Military Academy, during a graduation ceremony packed with celebrating families. More than 89 people, mostly civilians were killed and 227 injured, many critically. Deputy Head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, Vadim Collet, said that: “the raids resulted in the destruction of shelters and training camps belonging to the Al-Nusra Front group.” adding that “34 militants were killed and more than 60 others were injured.” The SAA and Russian air forces responded decisively. Russian and Syrian warplanes combined with artillery and missile launchers have carried out multiple attacks against terrorist positions since October 5th. Dozens of terrorist headquarters, ammunition stores, drone manufacturing facilities have been destroyed in Idlib province (north-west Syria). Multiple terrorists from HTS, Omar Ibn Al Khattab Brigade, Ansar Al Tawhid, Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) and other Al Qaeda derivatives have been killed or injured in the attacks. The strikes targeted terrorist controlled villages and towns such as Kefraya, Bara, Bilon, Ayn Larouz, Bazabour, Jisr Al Shughour, Afes and others on the axis of the northern Lattakia countryside, Western Aleppo countryside and the axes of Al Ghab plain in northern Hama, and Idlib itself. Video: Syrian Arab Army initiated a new phase of military operations over a month ago. These operations have been escalating intensively and progressively, achieving significant results. The terrorists have been deprived of their ability to launch wide-scale attacks, and their military capabilities, infrastructure, ammunition depots, and drones have been gradually destroyed. This strategy has developed in lock-step with events since October 7th. Video: The Syrian Ministry of Defense has reported the downing of dozens of drones on the fronts of Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, and Homs. Some of these drones are large-sized, GPS-guided, long range and can carry 100 kg of explosives. This increase in drone warfare, aided and abetted in development by NATO member states including Turkey, is an indication that the Al Qaeda asset are collaborating with the US and Israel to keep the SAA and allies occupied on the northern front. Syrian Ministry of Defense: “Units of our armed forces operating in the axes of Idlib, Hama and Aleppo countryside confronted attempts by terrorist organizations to attack safe villages and some military points with suicide drones, and destroyed four of them. A drone equipped with a liquid fuel rocket engine, four meters long, six meters wingspan, and loaded with one hundred kilograms of explosives was also shot down in the Jorin area in Hama northern countryside” The SAA is tactically depleting the terrorist offensive capability in the north-west to enable the SAA to engage in the south should a direct confrontation with Israel or the US arise in the Golan territories. As former SAA soldier and researcher Ibrahim Wahdi has pointed out: The intense airstrikes, artillery shelling, and missile attacks carried out by the army in the past month will greatly pave the way for any future military operation if a decision is made to advance towards the M4 highway. For example, a few days ago the Syrian Arab Army's anti-tank units had successfully cut off the supply routes of armed groups near Tafasnaz, isolating them from the Turkish base at Tafasnaz Airport, destroying their vehicles, killing and injuring many of them within less than an hour, without the need for any ground advancement. This demonstrates the army's capability to carry out similar, broader operations in the future if a decision is made for a large-scale ground operation. We are witnessing a micro-glimpse of what might happen were the SAA to engage in a comprehensive war against the US/Israel-led axis of terror. The Syrian leadership is taking a cautious approach for obvious reasons while opening up new fronts for Resistance factions operating on Syrian territory. Even if the Israeli war on Gaza were to escalate, leading to regional and international engagement, Syria would not need to enter the war directly. Opening the Golan front for anyone who wishes to fight against Israel would potentially be sufficient. As President Assad strongly stated in his speech at the Emergency Arab League Summit on Gaza: By our will only, by the overwhelming popular public opinion in our countries, with the new reality imposed by the Palestinian resistance in our region, we possessed those tools. Let us use them, and let us take advantage of the global transformation that has opened for us political doors that have been closed for decades, so that we can enter through them and change the equations, and let the precious souls who rose in Palestine be a rewarding price for achieving what we were unable to do in the past and what we must accomplish in the present and in the future. All countries in the region, specifically Syria, should take advantage of the new reality and build upon the victories of the resistance in Gaza. With every military confrontation, the popular resistance proves its ability to adapt, utilize the terrain of the battlefield, choose the timing, and employ sophisticated techniques in simple ways, relying on the most important factor in winning wars, which is determination. The military tactics employed by the Palestinian resistance were simple yet highly effective, and the most significant outcome was the clear military weakness of colonial forces in the region when facing the unified alliance of resistance forces. The war against Israel no longer requires the intervention of the Egyptian army, just as expelling the United States from Iraq and Syria would not require a comprehensive war. It is clear that Israel has failed to achieve any military victory in Gaza. Even with resorting to genocide and destruction, it has not succeeded in even swaying the popular Palestinian support for the Resistance Coalition in Gaza and the West Bank. Not even a few thousand out of more than two million residents in Gaza have emerged demanding surrender or cessation from the resistance. On the contrary, with every new massacre, we see Palestinians more determined to remain steadfast and to resist ethnic cleansing for the third time. Time is Israel’s greatest enemy. The longer the Israeli military incurs losses on the ground in Gaza, the longer Western public outrage increases at the massacres of thousands of children, the longer Netanyahu loses public confidence in Israel and abroad - the greater the defeat for Israel long term. Confronted with the psychopathy of the Israeli leadership and military the Resistance Axis is conducting itself with dignity and professionalism. It is hard to determine the balance of power in the region due to the hysterical and irrational rhetoric emanating from Washington, London and Tel Aviv. However it is shifting fast and there will be no going back. Ibrahim Wahdi: Regionally, there are important players with differing tactics, strategies, capabilities, and, most importantly, their understanding of the terrain, which makes it nearly impossible to predict the outcome of the current confrontation. However, the Middle East will certainly witness radical transformations after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation. With the rise of China and Russia, the East as a whole is asserting itself, which means that countries like Iran and Syria will also enter new historical stages on the geopolitical level. The so-called Global South is rising from the ashes of decades or centuries of colonialist terrorism. **** This article was co-written with Ibrahim Wahdi - please subscribe to his blog here. His Telegram channel and Twitter/X account. Please do consider subscribing to my Substack account and I hope you find this article useful. Thank you. https://beeley.substack.com/p/syria-is-playing-the-long-game-developing?r=29hg4d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
    Syria is playing the long game - developing strategy for the potential of all-out war.
    An in-depth analysis of Syrian military developments since October 7th
    0 Comments 0 Shares 27537 Views

  • Israel calls Palestinians “human animals” before cutting off fuel, electricity, food and water to Gaza, an open air prison enslaving millions

    In retaliation for the string of terror attacks that occurred over the weekend, Israel is cutting off all resources to Gaza, including fuel, electricity, food and even water.

    In an announcement – watch below – Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told Channel 12that starving the roughly two million people who live in the Gaza Strip is necessary to ensure Israel’s “existence in the region.”

    “It will take many weeks,” Gallant said about the deprivation operation. “There will be steps here that have never been seen before.”

    “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel,” he further added. “We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly.”

    (Related: Christianity could soon be outlawed in Israel if the far-right Knesset, which is part of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government coalition, gets its way.)

    Israel aggressively bombing Gaza – dozens of casualties reported

    As for the water portion, Israeli Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Israel Ketz announced the immediate halt of all water flow to the Gaza Strip.

    Without food, water, electricity and fuel, Gaza’s two million residents will be unable to live for very long, which appears to be Israel’s next “shock and awe” plan for that much-desired strip of land.

    Meanwhile, the Israeli military is going to town with continuous and heavy airstrikes on Gaza. Already, there have been dozens of reported deaths from these attacks – watch below:

    The United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine issued a statement about this retaliation calling for it to end, especially since there are millions of innocent people being targeted alongside the terrorists.

    “We are horrified by what is happening and we call for a truce,” the body said.

    An ambulance director who works in the Gaza Strip further told the media that the situation there is catastrophic. He called it the worst catastrophic humanitarian situation that has occurred there in the past 20 years.

    “I have released all the restraints,” Gallant further added in a statement about Israel’s “full offense” against the Gaza Strip.

    “We have (regained) control of the area and we are moving to a full offense,” he said at a meeting with Israeli military and defense fighters near the Gaza border.

    “You fought with great courage,” he commended the Israeli side. “You have seen what we are fighting: human animals.”

    “You can change the reality here. You have seen the prices (paid) and will see the change. Hamas wanted change in Gaza; it would change 180 degrees from what they thought. They will regret this moment: Gaza will never be what it was.”

    Gallant would go on to basically state that as long as Hamas “continues to exist,” Israeli children will be “murdered in the countryside” This imagery is meant to provoke more hatred and more willingness by Israeli soldiers to commit atrocities against the country’s enemies.

    According to reports, Israeli airstrikes in Gaza have already killed about 830 people, many of them civilians. The Israeli army further claims that some 1,500 Hamas militiamen were killed during the attacks.

    The latest news about the situation on the ground in the Middle East can be found at Chaos.news.

    Sources for this article include:




    Submit a correction >>

    Israel calls Palestinians “human animals” before cutting off fuel, electricity, food and water to Gaza, an open air prison enslaving millions In retaliation for the string of terror attacks that occurred over the weekend, Israel is cutting off all resources to Gaza, including fuel, electricity, food and even water. In an announcement – watch below – Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told Channel 12that starving the roughly two million people who live in the Gaza Strip is necessary to ensure Israel’s “existence in the region.” “It will take many weeks,” Gallant said about the deprivation operation. “There will be steps here that have never been seen before.” “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel,” he further added. “We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly.” (Related: Christianity could soon be outlawed in Israel if the far-right Knesset, which is part of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government coalition, gets its way.) Israel aggressively bombing Gaza – dozens of casualties reported As for the water portion, Israeli Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Israel Ketz announced the immediate halt of all water flow to the Gaza Strip. Without food, water, electricity and fuel, Gaza’s two million residents will be unable to live for very long, which appears to be Israel’s next “shock and awe” plan for that much-desired strip of land. Meanwhile, the Israeli military is going to town with continuous and heavy airstrikes on Gaza. Already, there have been dozens of reported deaths from these attacks – watch below: The United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine issued a statement about this retaliation calling for it to end, especially since there are millions of innocent people being targeted alongside the terrorists. “We are horrified by what is happening and we call for a truce,” the body said. An ambulance director who works in the Gaza Strip further told the media that the situation there is catastrophic. He called it the worst catastrophic humanitarian situation that has occurred there in the past 20 years. “I have released all the restraints,” Gallant further added in a statement about Israel’s “full offense” against the Gaza Strip. “We have (regained) control of the area and we are moving to a full offense,” he said at a meeting with Israeli military and defense fighters near the Gaza border. “You fought with great courage,” he commended the Israeli side. “You have seen what we are fighting: human animals.” “You can change the reality here. You have seen the prices (paid) and will see the change. Hamas wanted change in Gaza; it would change 180 degrees from what they thought. They will regret this moment: Gaza will never be what it was.” Gallant would go on to basically state that as long as Hamas “continues to exist,” Israeli children will be “murdered in the countryside” This imagery is meant to provoke more hatred and more willingness by Israeli soldiers to commit atrocities against the country’s enemies. According to reports, Israeli airstrikes in Gaza have already killed about 830 people, many of them civilians. The Israeli army further claims that some 1,500 Hamas militiamen were killed during the attacks. The latest news about the situation on the ground in the Middle East can be found at Chaos.news. Sources for this article include: Twitter.com Newstarget.com EFE.com Submit a correction >>
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5377 Views
  • Those of us Who have lived un the countryside know how difficul It is to close Up close hahahaha but fun, I enjoy every moment that I accompany my father to his plot.
    Those of us Who have lived un the countryside know how difficul It is to close Up close hahahaha but fun, I enjoy every moment that I accompany my father to his plot.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1596 Views
  • It's really time that we come to grip that they are purposely making us poorer and dumber. If dumped on the #countryside could you build a #shelter, hunt for #food, or prep land to grow food? The movement from self-sufficiency to #dependence has harmed the #population and benefited a small group on which we remain #dependent.

    It's time that we revolt and take back our full indecency sadly most believe that someone will always be there to cater to their needs building their shelters and growing their food for them.

    Why handicap yourself to this way of living if their goal is to constantly increase your dependence on them? Technology in the form of distractions has been more harmful as it has increased comforts to far and optimized the human's affinity to consumption, luxury, and complacency.
    It's really time that we come to grip that they are purposely making us poorer and dumber. If dumped on the #countryside could you build a #shelter, hunt for #food, or prep land to grow food? The movement from self-sufficiency to #dependence has harmed the #population and benefited a small group on which we remain #dependent. It's time that we revolt and take back our full indecency sadly most believe that someone will always be there to cater to their needs building their shelters and growing their food for them. Why handicap yourself to this way of living if their goal is to constantly increase your dependence on them? Technology in the form of distractions has been more harmful as it has increased comforts to far and optimized the human's affinity to consumption, luxury, and complacency.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2576 Views
  • The day is rising in the countryside
    The day is rising in the countryside
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  • ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????? (???????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????), ???????????????????? ???????? ???? ???? ???? ????????

    The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic or Sri Dalada Maligawa, is a Buddhist temple in Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is located in the royal palace complex of the former Kingdom of Kandy, which houses the relic of the tooth of the Buddha.
    Kandy is famed for sacred Buddhist sites, including the Temple of the Tooth (Sri Dalada Maligawa) shrine, celebrated with the grand Esala Perahera annual procession.

    ???? ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ @fashioninsuitcases

    #SriLanka #travel #sridaladamaligawa #travelsrilanka #buddhastatue #kandy #kandytown #travelsrilanka #srilankatravel #visitsrilanka #templeofthescaretoothrelic #travelphotography #ceylon #vacation #thingstodoinsrilanka #vacationtravel #countryside #girlsvacation #heritagesrilanka #heritage #kandytown #Nuwara #birdeye #girltraveler #buddhatoothrelictemple #girlsphotography #girltravel #travelgirl
    #someeofficial #awesome #somee.blog
    ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????? (???????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????), ???????????????????? ???????? ???? ???? ???? ???????? The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic or Sri Dalada Maligawa, is a Buddhist temple in Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is located in the royal palace complex of the former Kingdom of Kandy, which houses the relic of the tooth of the Buddha. Kandy is famed for sacred Buddhist sites, including the Temple of the Tooth (Sri Dalada Maligawa) shrine, celebrated with the grand Esala Perahera annual procession. ???? ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ @fashioninsuitcases #SriLanka #travel #sridaladamaligawa #travelsrilanka #buddhastatue #kandy #kandytown #travelsrilanka #srilankatravel #visitsrilanka #templeofthescaretoothrelic #travelphotography #ceylon #vacation #thingstodoinsrilanka #vacationtravel #countryside #girlsvacation #heritagesrilanka #heritage #kandytown #Nuwara #birdeye #girltraveler #buddhatoothrelictemple #girlsphotography #girltravel #travelgirl #someeofficial #awesome #somee.blog
    0 Comments 0 Shares 11562 Views
  • ????????????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???? ???? ???? ????????

    The Polonnaruwa Vatadage is an ancient structure dating back to the Kingdom of Polonnaruwa of Sri Lanka. It is believed to have been built during the reign of Parakramabahu I to hold the Relic of the tooth of the Buddha or during the reign of Nissanka Malla of Polonnaruwa to hold the alms bowl used by the Buddha.

    ???? ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ @fragcamy

    #SriLanka #travel #vatadage #travelsrilanka #buddhastatue #polonnaruwa #travelgirl #travelsrilanka #srilankatravel #visitsrilanka #travelphotography #ceylon #girltravel #girltraveler #vacation #thingstodoinsrilanka #vacationtravel #countryside #girlsvacation #heritagesrilanka #heritage #birdeye #birdeyeview #peacefulplace
    ????????????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???? ???? ???? ???????? The Polonnaruwa Vatadage is an ancient structure dating back to the Kingdom of Polonnaruwa of Sri Lanka. It is believed to have been built during the reign of Parakramabahu I to hold the Relic of the tooth of the Buddha or during the reign of Nissanka Malla of Polonnaruwa to hold the alms bowl used by the Buddha. ???? ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ @fragcamy #SriLanka #travel #vatadage #travelsrilanka #buddhastatue #polonnaruwa #travelgirl #travelsrilanka #srilankatravel #visitsrilanka #travelphotography #ceylon #girltravel #girltraveler #vacation #thingstodoinsrilanka #vacationtravel #countryside #girlsvacation #heritagesrilanka #heritage #birdeye #birdeyeview #peacefulplace
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