    MCAFEE.. THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH - PART 1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/OJKpK56vik4s/
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 649 Views
  • https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/John-McAfee---He-Recorded-This-Before-They-Killed-Him...-%28He-Knew-Too-Much%29:7?r=6RzDXUfu8SsCu4fr9G8GD4owYNw3xjcB
    0 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 610 Views
  • UNITED STATES CORP., Israel, Poland and Ukraine may cease to exist as KM defeated
    ByBenjamin Fulford November 13, 2023
    The geopolitical situation is in the middle of a collapse of the USASR-type situation. This will lead to many countries disappearing from the map in their current form. Countries likely to disappear include Israel, the United States, Ukraine and Poland. This comes as Rockefeller stooge president Joe Biden is set to sign surrender documents in San Francisco this week to the greater planetary liberation alliance, Western White hat and Asian secret society sources say.
    What is happening is that a centuries-old Satanic plan to use three world wars to turn the planet into a giant slave plantation has ended in failure. The Khazarian Mafia hoped to use this plan to rule the world from Israel and greater Khazaria (Ukraine+Khazakhstan etc.). Instead, as we shall see below, the KM have been decisively defeated in the Ukraine and will soon be in Israel.
    “Ukraine is an essential piece that we cannot afford to lose on the geopolitical chessboard…our current path…means that our global order is dead on its’ feet,” admits Nathaniel Rothschild who has taken over the KM now that much of the Octagon group has been neutralized.
    The defeat of this plan means many borders may return to a situation similar to what existed before the KM engineered World War I, the sources say.
    In other words, Germany will return to something of its’ First Reich borders, the Austro-Hungarian Empire may re-emerge as a republic and the Turkish Ottoman Empire may once again turn Judea (misleadingly called Palestine or Israel) into a protectorate. Needless the say the rights and autonomy of the Poles, Jews and Judeans (“Palestinians”), etc. would be protected under such a scenario.
    However, the changes may be more far-reaching than that because the satanic UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION is set to be dismantled as a result of the victory of the American people in their second revolution. The Republic of the United States of North America is likely to emerge as a replacement for the corporation when all the dust settles.
    This may all sound far-fetched but facts in the real world make this the most likely scenario.
    Let us start with the situation surrounding IS (ISIS the moon goddess) RA (the Egyptian sun god) EL (the creator).
    The Jews know their own government attacked them to justify war in the Gaza Strip. A leaked video from the Israeli Air Force shows that it was the Israeli Apache helicopters that bombed its citizens during the “Delirium” festival on October 7, not Hamas!
    Also, now even Jewish holocaust survivors are getting arrested for antisemitism [anti-satanism].
    No wonder Haaretz, a major mainstream Israeli Newspaper said:
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is meant to be leading the country, is a haunted politician facing the end of his career, with the present troubles compounding the serious criminal entanglement into which he maneuvered himself with his own hands. Netanyahu does not enjoy the public’s confidence, and most of his efforts are invested in his personal survival.
    Last week leaders of all the Muslim countries gathered in response to the Satanic massacre of Judeans in Gaza ordered by the Satanist Netanyahu.
    At the meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IOC) in Saudi Arabia last weekend a consensus was reached to end Israeli mischief once and for all. The IOC countries agreed they would not be fooled by the KM into starting World War III. Instead, they will follow the playbook of the neighbors of the original Khazaria.
    The IOC will issue an ultimatum to Israel and its’ KM overlords to stop their criminal and anti-social behavior around the world. They will threaten to attack Israel with an army of over 5 million that outnumbers them by 10 to 1 unless they arrest the war criminals in their government and subject themselves to Turkish guardianship.
    This is why Tass reports Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning a “global initiative” to resolve the Gaza crisis.
    Also, look at how Rockefeller slave Anthony Blinken gets the cold shoulder in Turkey as he tries to forestall this move. The current US regime has no credibility in the region.
    Furthermore, any nuclear blackmail attempt by the Israelis will be countered by Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.
    The Chinese and Russians also support such a plan.
    No matter what though, this is not going to turn into the KM’s long-planned Gog (the G7) versus Magog (The SCO) all-out nuclear war scenario to kill 90% of humanity. The US, Chinese and Russian militaries will not go along. The US military is no longer under the control of the KM, Pentagon sources explain. Even if compromised leaders try to order such a scenario, 72% of Americans say they will not support their armed forces in the event of a major war. The military rank and file is with the American people and not the KM.
    Take a look at how CNN tries to suppress real US military views by cutting off this soldier.
    In any case, we are getting reports the US mainland itself is now under attack, meaning no troops would be available to fight in the Middle East. The most dramatic evidence of this is coming from Los Angeles. “Every night around 2 AM US military troops are arriving by truck along the main boulevards of Long Beach California. The troops are going underground and loud explosions that are not earthquakes are being heard. When I asked a soldier at the cafeteria of the port facility who they were fighting he said they were fighting
    The remainder of Monday's newsletter is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net holding a paid subscription. If you believe this message is being displayed in error, check that you are logged in to your account.
    If you are not logged in or need to make an account, please do so on the main menu.
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    UNITED STATES CORP., Israel, Polandia dan Ukraina mungkin tidak ada lagi saat KM dikalahkan

    Oleh Benjamin Fulford 13 November 2023

    Situasi geopolitik berada di tengah runtuhnya situasi tipe USASR-. Ini akan menyebabkan banyak negara menghilang dari peta dalam bentuk mereka saat ini. Negara-negara yang kemungkinan akan menghilang termasuk Israel, Amerika Serikat, Ukraina, dan Polandia. Ini datang ketika presiden antek Rockefeller Joe Biden diatur untuk menandatangani dokumen penyerahan di San Francisco minggu ini ke aliansi pembebasan planet yang lebih besar, kata Western White Hat dan sumber masyarakat rahasia Asia.

    Apa yang terjadi adalah bahwa rencana Setan berusia berabad-abad untuk menggunakan tiga perang dunia untuk mengubah planet ini menjadi perkebunan budak raksasa telah berakhir dengan kegagalan. Mafia Khazarian berharap untuk menggunakan rencana ini untuk memerintah dunia dari Israel dan Khazaria yang lebih besar (Ukraina+Khazakhstan dll.). Sebaliknya, seperti yang akan kita lihat di bawah, KM telah dikalahkan secara telak di Ukraina dan akan segera berada di Israel.

    "Ukraina adalah bagian penting yang tidak bisa kita hilangkan di papan catur geopolitik...jalan kita saat ini...berarti bahwa tatanan global kita sudah mati," aku Nathaniel Rothschild yang telah mengambil alih KM sekarang karena sebagian besar kelompok Octagon telah dinetralkan.

    Kekalahan rencana ini berarti banyak perbatasan dapat kembali ke situasi yang mirip dengan apa yang ada sebelum KM merekayasa Perang Dunia I, kata sumber.

    Dengan kata lain, Jerman akan kembali ke perbatasan Reich Pertamanya, Kekaisaran Austro-Hungaria mungkin muncul kembali sebagai sebuah republik dan Kekaisaran Ottoman Turki mungkin sekali lagi mengubah Yudea (secara menyesatkan disebut Palestina atau Israel) menjadi protektorat. Tak perlu dikatakan hak dan otonomi orang Polandia, Yahudi dan Yudea ("Palestina"), dll. akan dilindungi di bawah skenario seperti itu.

    Namun, perubahannya mungkin lebih jauh jangkauannya daripada itu karena UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION setan akan dibongkar sebagai hasil dari kemenangan rakyat Amerika dalam revolusi kedua mereka. Republik Amerika Serikat Amerika Utara kemungkinan akan muncul sebagai pengganti perusahaan ketika semua debu mengendap.

    Ini semua mungkin terdengar tidak masuk akal, tetapi fakta di dunia nyata menjadikan ini skenario yang paling mungkin.

    Mari kita mulai dengan situasi seputar IS (ISIS sang dewi bulan) RA (dewa matahari Mesir) EL (pencipTA).

    Orang-orang Yahudi tahu pemerintah mereka sendiri menyerang mereka untuk membenarkan perang di Jalur Gaza. Sebuah video yang bocor dari Angkatan Udara Israel menunjukkan bahwa helikopter Apache Israellah yang mengebom warganya selama festival "Delirium" pada 7 Oktober, bukan Hamas!

    Juga, sekarang bahkan para penyintas holocaust Yahudi ditangkap karena antisemitisme [anti-setan].

    Tidak heran Haaretz, sebuah surat kabar utama Israel arus utama mengatakan:

    Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu, yang dimaksudkan untuk memimpin negara, adalah politisi angker yang menghadapi akhir karirnya, dengan masalah saat ini yang memperparah keterikatan kriminal yang serius di mana dia bermanuver dengan tangannya sendiri. Netanyahu tidak menikmati kepercayaan publik, dan sebagian besar upayanya diinvestasikan dalam kelangsungan hidup pribadinya.

    Https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-03/ty-article/.premium/nasrallahs-long-awaited-speech-could-dictate-the-course-of-the-war-and-lebanons-future/0000018b-9185-db71-a7df-fdcd1cda0000? utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=Content&utm_campaign=daily-brief&utm_content=48df5d8f08

    Minggu lalu para pemimpin dari semua negara Muslim berkumpul sebagai tanggapan atas pembantaian Setan terhadap orang-orang Yudea di Gaza yang diperintahkan oleh Netanyahu yang Setan.

    Pada pertemuan Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (IOC) di Arab Saudi akhir pekan lalu sebuah konsensus dicapai untuk mengakhiri kerusakan Israel untuk selamanya. Negara-negara IOC setuju bahwa mereka tidak akan tertipu oleh KM untuk memulai Perang Dunia III. Sebaliknya, mereka akan mengikuti buku pedoman tetangga Khazaria asli.

    IOC akan mengeluarkan ultimatum kepada Israel dan penguasa KM-nya untuk menghentikan perilaku kriminal dan anti-sosial mereka di seluruh dunia. Mereka akan mengancam untuk menyerang Israel dengan pasukan lebih dari 5 juta yang melebihi jumlah mereka dengan 10 berpering 1 kecuali mereka menangkap penjahat perang di pemerintahan mereka dan menundukkan diri mereka pada perwalian Turki.

    Inilah mengapa Tass melaporkan Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan sedang merencanakan "inisiatif global" untuk menyelesaikan krisis Gaza.


    Juga, lihat bagaimana budak Rockefeller Anthony Blinken menjadi dingin di Turki saat dia mencoba untuk mencegah langkah ini. Rezim AS saat ini tidak memiliki kredibilitas di wilayah tersebut.

    Selanjutnya, setiap upaya pemerasan nuklir oleh Israel akan dilawan oleh persenjataan nuklir Pakistan.


    Orang Cina dan Rusia juga mendukung rencana seperti itu.

    Tidak peduli apa, ini tidak akan berubah menjadi Gog (G7) yang telah lama direncanakan KM versus Magog (The SCO) skenario perang nuklir habis-habisan untuk membunuh 90% umat manusia. Militer AS, Cina, dan Rusia tidak akan ikut. Militer AS tidak lagi berada di bawah kendali KM, sumber Pentagon menjelaskan. Bahkan jika para pemimpin yang dikompromikan mencoba untuk memesan skenario seperti itu, 72% orang Amerika mengatakan mereka tidak akan mendukung angkatan bersenjata mereka jika terjadi perang besar. Pangkat dan arsip militer adalah dengan rakyat Amerika dan bukan KM.


    Lihatlah bagaimana CNN mencoba menekan pandangan militer AS yang sebenarnya dengan memotong prajurit ini.

    Bagaimanapun, kami mendapatkan laporan bahwa daratan AS sendiri sekarang sedang diserang, yang berarti tidak ada pasukan yang tersedia untuk berperang di Timur Tengah. Bukti paling dramatis dari ini datang dari Los Angeles. “Setiap malam sekitar jam 2 pagi pasukan militer AS tiba dengan truk di sepanjang jalan raya utama Long Beach California. Pasukan pergi ke bawah tanah dan ledakan keras yang bukan gempa bumi terdengar. Ketika saya bertanya kepada seorang tentara di kafetaria fasilitas pelabuhan siapa yang mereka lawan, dia berkata mereka bertarung

    Sisa buletin hari Senin hanya tersedia untuk anggota BenjaminFulford.net yang memiliki langganan berbayar. Jika Anda yakin pesan ini ditampilkan karena kesalahan, periksa apakah Anda masuk ke akun Anda.

    Jika Anda tidak masuk atau perlu membuat akun, silakan lakukan di menu utama.

    Jika Anda masih mengalami masalah, silakan kirim email ke [email protected]

    Lupa Kata Sandi
    UNITED STATES CORP., Israel, Poland and Ukraine may cease to exist as KM defeated ByBenjamin Fulford November 13, 2023 The geopolitical situation is in the middle of a collapse of the USASR-type situation. This will lead to many countries disappearing from the map in their current form. Countries likely to disappear include Israel, the United States, Ukraine and Poland. This comes as Rockefeller stooge president Joe Biden is set to sign surrender documents in San Francisco this week to the greater planetary liberation alliance, Western White hat and Asian secret society sources say. What is happening is that a centuries-old Satanic plan to use three world wars to turn the planet into a giant slave plantation has ended in failure. The Khazarian Mafia hoped to use this plan to rule the world from Israel and greater Khazaria (Ukraine+Khazakhstan etc.). Instead, as we shall see below, the KM have been decisively defeated in the Ukraine and will soon be in Israel. “Ukraine is an essential piece that we cannot afford to lose on the geopolitical chessboard…our current path…means that our global order is dead on its’ feet,” admits Nathaniel Rothschild who has taken over the KM now that much of the Octagon group has been neutralized. The defeat of this plan means many borders may return to a situation similar to what existed before the KM engineered World War I, the sources say. In other words, Germany will return to something of its’ First Reich borders, the Austro-Hungarian Empire may re-emerge as a republic and the Turkish Ottoman Empire may once again turn Judea (misleadingly called Palestine or Israel) into a protectorate. Needless the say the rights and autonomy of the Poles, Jews and Judeans (“Palestinians”), etc. would be protected under such a scenario. However, the changes may be more far-reaching than that because the satanic UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION is set to be dismantled as a result of the victory of the American people in their second revolution. The Republic of the United States of North America is likely to emerge as a replacement for the corporation when all the dust settles. This may all sound far-fetched but facts in the real world make this the most likely scenario. Let us start with the situation surrounding IS (ISIS the moon goddess) RA (the Egyptian sun god) EL (the creator). The Jews know their own government attacked them to justify war in the Gaza Strip. A leaked video from the Israeli Air Force shows that it was the Israeli Apache helicopters that bombed its citizens during the “Delirium” festival on October 7, not Hamas! Also, now even Jewish holocaust survivors are getting arrested for antisemitism [anti-satanism]. No wonder Haaretz, a major mainstream Israeli Newspaper said: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is meant to be leading the country, is a haunted politician facing the end of his career, with the present troubles compounding the serious criminal entanglement into which he maneuvered himself with his own hands. Netanyahu does not enjoy the public’s confidence, and most of his efforts are invested in his personal survival. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-03/ty-article/.premium/nasrallahs-long-awaited-speech-could-dictate-the-course-of-the-war-and-lebanons-future/0000018b-9185-db71-a7df-fdcd1cda0000?utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=Content&utm_campaign=daily-brief&utm_content=48df5d8f08 Last week leaders of all the Muslim countries gathered in response to the Satanic massacre of Judeans in Gaza ordered by the Satanist Netanyahu. At the meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IOC) in Saudi Arabia last weekend a consensus was reached to end Israeli mischief once and for all. The IOC countries agreed they would not be fooled by the KM into starting World War III. Instead, they will follow the playbook of the neighbors of the original Khazaria. The IOC will issue an ultimatum to Israel and its’ KM overlords to stop their criminal and anti-social behavior around the world. They will threaten to attack Israel with an army of over 5 million that outnumbers them by 10 to 1 unless they arrest the war criminals in their government and subject themselves to Turkish guardianship. This is why Tass reports Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning a “global initiative” to resolve the Gaza crisis. https://tass.com/world/1703703 Also, look at how Rockefeller slave Anthony Blinken gets the cold shoulder in Turkey as he tries to forestall this move. The current US regime has no credibility in the region. Furthermore, any nuclear blackmail attempt by the Israelis will be countered by Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. https://tass.com/world/1703703 The Chinese and Russians also support such a plan. No matter what though, this is not going to turn into the KM’s long-planned Gog (the G7) versus Magog (The SCO) all-out nuclear war scenario to kill 90% of humanity. The US, Chinese and Russian militaries will not go along. The US military is no longer under the control of the KM, Pentagon sources explain. Even if compromised leaders try to order such a scenario, 72% of Americans say they will not support their armed forces in the event of a major war. The military rank and file is with the American people and not the KM. https://www.newsweek.com/american-military-recruitment-problems-public-apathy-1842449 Take a look at how CNN tries to suppress real US military views by cutting off this soldier. In any case, we are getting reports the US mainland itself is now under attack, meaning no troops would be available to fight in the Middle East. The most dramatic evidence of this is coming from Los Angeles. “Every night around 2 AM US military troops are arriving by truck along the main boulevards of Long Beach California. The troops are going underground and loud explosions that are not earthquakes are being heard. When I asked a soldier at the cafeteria of the port facility who they were fighting he said they were fighting The remainder of Monday's newsletter is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net holding a paid subscription. If you believe this message is being displayed in error, check that you are logged in to your account. If you are not logged in or need to make an account, please do so on the main menu. If you are still having issues, please email [email protected] Forgot Password https://benjaminfulford.net/united-states-corp-israel-poland-and-ukraine-may-cease-to-exist-as-km-defeated/ UNITED STATES CORP., Israel, Polandia dan Ukraina mungkin tidak ada lagi saat KM dikalahkan Oleh Benjamin Fulford 13 November 2023 Situasi geopolitik berada di tengah runtuhnya situasi tipe USASR-. Ini akan menyebabkan banyak negara menghilang dari peta dalam bentuk mereka saat ini. Negara-negara yang kemungkinan akan menghilang termasuk Israel, Amerika Serikat, Ukraina, dan Polandia. Ini datang ketika presiden antek Rockefeller Joe Biden diatur untuk menandatangani dokumen penyerahan di San Francisco minggu ini ke aliansi pembebasan planet yang lebih besar, kata Western White Hat dan sumber masyarakat rahasia Asia. Apa yang terjadi adalah bahwa rencana Setan berusia berabad-abad untuk menggunakan tiga perang dunia untuk mengubah planet ini menjadi perkebunan budak raksasa telah berakhir dengan kegagalan. Mafia Khazarian berharap untuk menggunakan rencana ini untuk memerintah dunia dari Israel dan Khazaria yang lebih besar (Ukraina+Khazakhstan dll.). Sebaliknya, seperti yang akan kita lihat di bawah, KM telah dikalahkan secara telak di Ukraina dan akan segera berada di Israel. "Ukraina adalah bagian penting yang tidak bisa kita hilangkan di papan catur geopolitik...jalan kita saat ini...berarti bahwa tatanan global kita sudah mati," aku Nathaniel Rothschild yang telah mengambil alih KM sekarang karena sebagian besar kelompok Octagon telah dinetralkan. Kekalahan rencana ini berarti banyak perbatasan dapat kembali ke situasi yang mirip dengan apa yang ada sebelum KM merekayasa Perang Dunia I, kata sumber. Dengan kata lain, Jerman akan kembali ke perbatasan Reich Pertamanya, Kekaisaran Austro-Hungaria mungkin muncul kembali sebagai sebuah republik dan Kekaisaran Ottoman Turki mungkin sekali lagi mengubah Yudea (secara menyesatkan disebut Palestina atau Israel) menjadi protektorat. Tak perlu dikatakan hak dan otonomi orang Polandia, Yahudi dan Yudea ("Palestina"), dll. akan dilindungi di bawah skenario seperti itu. Namun, perubahannya mungkin lebih jauh jangkauannya daripada itu karena UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION setan akan dibongkar sebagai hasil dari kemenangan rakyat Amerika dalam revolusi kedua mereka. Republik Amerika Serikat Amerika Utara kemungkinan akan muncul sebagai pengganti perusahaan ketika semua debu mengendap. Ini semua mungkin terdengar tidak masuk akal, tetapi fakta di dunia nyata menjadikan ini skenario yang paling mungkin. Mari kita mulai dengan situasi seputar IS (ISIS sang dewi bulan) RA (dewa matahari Mesir) EL (pencipTA). Orang-orang Yahudi tahu pemerintah mereka sendiri menyerang mereka untuk membenarkan perang di Jalur Gaza. Sebuah video yang bocor dari Angkatan Udara Israel menunjukkan bahwa helikopter Apache Israellah yang mengebom warganya selama festival "Delirium" pada 7 Oktober, bukan Hamas! Juga, sekarang bahkan para penyintas holocaust Yahudi ditangkap karena antisemitisme [anti-setan]. Tidak heran Haaretz, sebuah surat kabar utama Israel arus utama mengatakan: Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu, yang dimaksudkan untuk memimpin negara, adalah politisi angker yang menghadapi akhir karirnya, dengan masalah saat ini yang memperparah keterikatan kriminal yang serius di mana dia bermanuver dengan tangannya sendiri. Netanyahu tidak menikmati kepercayaan publik, dan sebagian besar upayanya diinvestasikan dalam kelangsungan hidup pribadinya. Https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-03/ty-article/.premium/nasrallahs-long-awaited-speech-could-dictate-the-course-of-the-war-and-lebanons-future/0000018b-9185-db71-a7df-fdcd1cda0000? utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=Content&utm_campaign=daily-brief&utm_content=48df5d8f08 Minggu lalu para pemimpin dari semua negara Muslim berkumpul sebagai tanggapan atas pembantaian Setan terhadap orang-orang Yudea di Gaza yang diperintahkan oleh Netanyahu yang Setan. Pada pertemuan Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (IOC) di Arab Saudi akhir pekan lalu sebuah konsensus dicapai untuk mengakhiri kerusakan Israel untuk selamanya. Negara-negara IOC setuju bahwa mereka tidak akan tertipu oleh KM untuk memulai Perang Dunia III. Sebaliknya, mereka akan mengikuti buku pedoman tetangga Khazaria asli. IOC akan mengeluarkan ultimatum kepada Israel dan penguasa KM-nya untuk menghentikan perilaku kriminal dan anti-sosial mereka di seluruh dunia. Mereka akan mengancam untuk menyerang Israel dengan pasukan lebih dari 5 juta yang melebihi jumlah mereka dengan 10 berpering 1 kecuali mereka menangkap penjahat perang di pemerintahan mereka dan menundukkan diri mereka pada perwalian Turki. Inilah mengapa Tass melaporkan Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan sedang merencanakan "inisiatif global" untuk menyelesaikan krisis Gaza. Https://tass.com/world/1703703 Juga, lihat bagaimana budak Rockefeller Anthony Blinken menjadi dingin di Turki saat dia mencoba untuk mencegah langkah ini. Rezim AS saat ini tidak memiliki kredibilitas di wilayah tersebut. Selanjutnya, setiap upaya pemerasan nuklir oleh Israel akan dilawan oleh persenjataan nuklir Pakistan. Https://tass.com/world/1703703 Orang Cina dan Rusia juga mendukung rencana seperti itu. Tidak peduli apa, ini tidak akan berubah menjadi Gog (G7) yang telah lama direncanakan KM versus Magog (The SCO) skenario perang nuklir habis-habisan untuk membunuh 90% umat manusia. Militer AS, Cina, dan Rusia tidak akan ikut. Militer AS tidak lagi berada di bawah kendali KM, sumber Pentagon menjelaskan. Bahkan jika para pemimpin yang dikompromikan mencoba untuk memesan skenario seperti itu, 72% orang Amerika mengatakan mereka tidak akan mendukung angkatan bersenjata mereka jika terjadi perang besar. Pangkat dan arsip militer adalah dengan rakyat Amerika dan bukan KM. Https://www.newsweek.com/american-military-recruitment-problems-public-apathy-1842449 Lihatlah bagaimana CNN mencoba menekan pandangan militer AS yang sebenarnya dengan memotong prajurit ini. Bagaimanapun, kami mendapatkan laporan bahwa daratan AS sendiri sekarang sedang diserang, yang berarti tidak ada pasukan yang tersedia untuk berperang di Timur Tengah. Bukti paling dramatis dari ini datang dari Los Angeles. “Setiap malam sekitar jam 2 pagi pasukan militer AS tiba dengan truk di sepanjang jalan raya utama Long Beach California. Pasukan pergi ke bawah tanah dan ledakan keras yang bukan gempa bumi terdengar. Ketika saya bertanya kepada seorang tentara di kafetaria fasilitas pelabuhan siapa yang mereka lawan, dia berkata mereka bertarung Sisa buletin hari Senin hanya tersedia untuk anggota BenjaminFulford.net yang memiliki langganan berbayar. Jika Anda yakin pesan ini ditampilkan karena kesalahan, periksa apakah Anda masuk ke akun Anda. Jika Anda tidak masuk atau perlu membuat akun, silakan lakukan di menu utama. Jika Anda masih mengalami masalah, silakan kirim email ke [email protected] Lupa Kata Sandi
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 13395 Views
  • Deadly alliance: Why has the CIA decided to allow US media to confirm its involvement in Ukraine’s brutal assassination campaign?
    The scale of US intelligence support for Kiev’s murderous operations has been brought to light at a very interesting moment

    By Chay Bowes, journalist and geopolitical analyst, MA in Strategic Studies, RT correspondent

    Deadly alliance: Why has the CIA decided to allow US media to confirm its involvement in Ukraine’s brutal assassination campaign?
    As Ukraine slips quietly from the top of the Western media’s news agenda, fascinating insights into the granular nature of the CIA’s involvement in Kiev’s assassination program are being revealed. By the very same outlets that had previously suggested Ukraine was on a solo run with its slew of extrajudicial killings and terror attacks.

    Western media has routinely ignored the brutal exploits of Kiev’s successor to the KGB, the SBU. When they are reported upon, instead of calling out the illegal killing of journalists and activists, the press seeks to frame them as masterful operations of a band of freedom fighters administering tough justice to the “enemies of Ukraine.” A key element of that narrative was that while the US, British, and French intelligence services worked closely with the SBU, they didn’t have any direct control of its actions, particularly when those actions involved assassinating unarmed civilians. However, a recently published article in the Washington Post has now revealed that the CIA had, and continues to have, a central role in the group's most disturbing activities.

    Zelensky’s terror team: Why the West looks the other way when Ukraine’s secret murder squad kills journalists and activists READ MORE: Zelensky’s terror team: Why the West looks the other way when Ukraine’s secret murder squad kills journalists and activists
    A Washington Post article “Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia” outlines a labyrinthine relationship between the two intelligence agencies, and while the CIA still maintains it doesn’t sanction particular operations, the details revealed in the telling article suggest that this is nothing more than the usual stock disclaimer which accompanies most of Langley's covert operations. The article is based on interviews with “more than two dozen current and former Ukrainian, US and Western intelligence and security officials” and its revelations are both shocking and fascinating.

    One of the first claims it makes is that the relationship between the Ukrainian SBU and the CIA has been developing for decades with the latter working to “develop” Ukraine’s abilities to carry out sabotage and “operations” since at least 2014. The CIA has also been providing detailed intelligence, equipment and training to the SBU during that period and continues to spend “tens of millions” of dollars developing its capabilities. The sources quoted also confirm that the CIA even designed and built a new headquarters for the SBU in Kiev and currently share “levels of information and intelligence unthinkable” prior to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.

    According to the Washington Post, the CIA also now maintains a significant presence in Kiev, not only in terms of men and materiel but also information flow, all of which suggests that despite maintaining an overt distance, the CIA is in fact intimately involved in all aspects of SBU operations including the planning and execution of operations outside the state.

    One such operation, and probably the most infamous carried out by the SBU since February 2022, was the assassination of Daria Dugina, daughter of prominent Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. The Washington Post article goes into great detail to outline the complexity of the “operation” performed by the SBU that resulted in the death of the unarmed 23-year-old non-combatant in a car bombing outside Moscow in August 2022. It tells of the use of a pet carrier to transport explosives into Russia, and of the surveillance of the deceased woman’s home by the assassin, who then fled across the border soon after the horrendous killing, which was cynically referred to by the SBU as a “liquidation.”

    The granular details outlined in the article suggest sources either within the CIA or SBU have now confirmed that their relationship, once presented as purely advisory and business-like, is in fact a deep and long-standing partnership. The article goes on to confirm the SBU’s involvement in several other targeted murders on Russian territory, including the assassination of Vladlen Tatarsky with a bomb in a crowded St. Petersburg cafe and the murder of ex-submarine commander Stanislav Rzhitsky, who was shot in the back while jogging unarmed in a park in Krasnodar.

    The revealing article also refers to “uneasiness” in Kiev and Washington regarding the SBU’s penchant for this kind of assassination, noting concern that they could tarnish Ukraine’s image abroad especially among donor countries who recently admitted that without their help Ukraine would collapse within weeks.

    What is most interesting about this piece is probably not its confirmation that the CIA is intimately involved in the operations of the SBU, what’s most fascinating is why a newspaper widely recognized as itself having an intimate relationship with the CIA has suddenly decided to basically confirm what many analysts already knew when it comes to Langley and the SBU.

    Yesterday’s man: Why Ukraine’s Zelensky is in danger of being left behind by the US READ MORE: Yesterday’s man: Why Ukraine’s Zelensky is in danger of being left behind by the US
    The Washington Post’s revelation comes not only in the aftermath of the bloody Hamas incursion into Israel and the subsequent Israeli assault on Gaza but also as international attention, and more importantly, appetite to support Kiev, wanes. This shift in attention, not only in the media but also potentially in the scale of aid, bodes poorly for President Vladimir Zelensky's regime, as it faces increasing domestic pressures and war-weary neighbors.

    Couple this with the oncoming winter and the view looks increasingly grim for Zelensky even before mentioning Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive and recent Russian battlefield gains. It now also looks inevitable that Ukraine will find itself playing second fiddle to an emerging political and potentially military crisis in the Middle East while competing for the vital US aid that keeps the Kiev regime afloat. Crucially, all of these woes offer a beleaguered NATO an opportunity to apply pressure on Zelensky to seek peace, potentially solving an increasingly difficult puzzle for Kiev’s backers as they head towards elections that will be decided by populations ever more vocal in their disdain for the conflict.

    So as Kiev’s woes compound and the world’s gaze shifts towards Gaza, it seems the truth about the West’s intimate relationship with the SBU is now being pulled out of the closet, not by a whistleblower or dissenting investigative journalist, but by a stalwart of the US intelligence community, the Washington Post. The question we should all be asking is why? How does this benefit or promote a Western 'victory' in Ukraine? The answer may well be that it’s not a victory that these revelations are supposed to facilitate. It’s more likely that it’s part of a strategy of edging Kiev towards accepting the undeniable reality that the entire US project in Ukraine is set to fail, and for Zelensky to seek accommodation before there’s nothing left to negotiate with.

    The task now is to end it as painlessly as possible for NATO and Kiev’s exhausted backers, and to move on to the next crusade, leaving a devastated and dysfunctional Ukraine to be consigned to the growing graveyard of bloody US foreign policy misadventures.

    The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

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    Deadly alliance: Why has the CIA decided to allow US media to confirm its involvement in Ukraine’s brutal assassination campaign? The scale of US intelligence support for Kiev’s murderous operations has been brought to light at a very interesting moment By Chay Bowes, journalist and geopolitical analyst, MA in Strategic Studies, RT correspondent Deadly alliance: Why has the CIA decided to allow US media to confirm its involvement in Ukraine’s brutal assassination campaign? As Ukraine slips quietly from the top of the Western media’s news agenda, fascinating insights into the granular nature of the CIA’s involvement in Kiev’s assassination program are being revealed. By the very same outlets that had previously suggested Ukraine was on a solo run with its slew of extrajudicial killings and terror attacks. Western media has routinely ignored the brutal exploits of Kiev’s successor to the KGB, the SBU. When they are reported upon, instead of calling out the illegal killing of journalists and activists, the press seeks to frame them as masterful operations of a band of freedom fighters administering tough justice to the “enemies of Ukraine.” A key element of that narrative was that while the US, British, and French intelligence services worked closely with the SBU, they didn’t have any direct control of its actions, particularly when those actions involved assassinating unarmed civilians. However, a recently published article in the Washington Post has now revealed that the CIA had, and continues to have, a central role in the group's most disturbing activities. Zelensky’s terror team: Why the West looks the other way when Ukraine’s secret murder squad kills journalists and activists READ MORE: Zelensky’s terror team: Why the West looks the other way when Ukraine’s secret murder squad kills journalists and activists A Washington Post article “Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia” outlines a labyrinthine relationship between the two intelligence agencies, and while the CIA still maintains it doesn’t sanction particular operations, the details revealed in the telling article suggest that this is nothing more than the usual stock disclaimer which accompanies most of Langley's covert operations. The article is based on interviews with “more than two dozen current and former Ukrainian, US and Western intelligence and security officials” and its revelations are both shocking and fascinating. One of the first claims it makes is that the relationship between the Ukrainian SBU and the CIA has been developing for decades with the latter working to “develop” Ukraine’s abilities to carry out sabotage and “operations” since at least 2014. The CIA has also been providing detailed intelligence, equipment and training to the SBU during that period and continues to spend “tens of millions” of dollars developing its capabilities. The sources quoted also confirm that the CIA even designed and built a new headquarters for the SBU in Kiev and currently share “levels of information and intelligence unthinkable” prior to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. According to the Washington Post, the CIA also now maintains a significant presence in Kiev, not only in terms of men and materiel but also information flow, all of which suggests that despite maintaining an overt distance, the CIA is in fact intimately involved in all aspects of SBU operations including the planning and execution of operations outside the state. One such operation, and probably the most infamous carried out by the SBU since February 2022, was the assassination of Daria Dugina, daughter of prominent Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. The Washington Post article goes into great detail to outline the complexity of the “operation” performed by the SBU that resulted in the death of the unarmed 23-year-old non-combatant in a car bombing outside Moscow in August 2022. It tells of the use of a pet carrier to transport explosives into Russia, and of the surveillance of the deceased woman’s home by the assassin, who then fled across the border soon after the horrendous killing, which was cynically referred to by the SBU as a “liquidation.” The granular details outlined in the article suggest sources either within the CIA or SBU have now confirmed that their relationship, once presented as purely advisory and business-like, is in fact a deep and long-standing partnership. The article goes on to confirm the SBU’s involvement in several other targeted murders on Russian territory, including the assassination of Vladlen Tatarsky with a bomb in a crowded St. Petersburg cafe and the murder of ex-submarine commander Stanislav Rzhitsky, who was shot in the back while jogging unarmed in a park in Krasnodar. The revealing article also refers to “uneasiness” in Kiev and Washington regarding the SBU’s penchant for this kind of assassination, noting concern that they could tarnish Ukraine’s image abroad especially among donor countries who recently admitted that without their help Ukraine would collapse within weeks. What is most interesting about this piece is probably not its confirmation that the CIA is intimately involved in the operations of the SBU, what’s most fascinating is why a newspaper widely recognized as itself having an intimate relationship with the CIA has suddenly decided to basically confirm what many analysts already knew when it comes to Langley and the SBU. Yesterday’s man: Why Ukraine’s Zelensky is in danger of being left behind by the US READ MORE: Yesterday’s man: Why Ukraine’s Zelensky is in danger of being left behind by the US The Washington Post’s revelation comes not only in the aftermath of the bloody Hamas incursion into Israel and the subsequent Israeli assault on Gaza but also as international attention, and more importantly, appetite to support Kiev, wanes. This shift in attention, not only in the media but also potentially in the scale of aid, bodes poorly for President Vladimir Zelensky's regime, as it faces increasing domestic pressures and war-weary neighbors. Couple this with the oncoming winter and the view looks increasingly grim for Zelensky even before mentioning Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive and recent Russian battlefield gains. It now also looks inevitable that Ukraine will find itself playing second fiddle to an emerging political and potentially military crisis in the Middle East while competing for the vital US aid that keeps the Kiev regime afloat. Crucially, all of these woes offer a beleaguered NATO an opportunity to apply pressure on Zelensky to seek peace, potentially solving an increasingly difficult puzzle for Kiev’s backers as they head towards elections that will be decided by populations ever more vocal in their disdain for the conflict. So as Kiev’s woes compound and the world’s gaze shifts towards Gaza, it seems the truth about the West’s intimate relationship with the SBU is now being pulled out of the closet, not by a whistleblower or dissenting investigative journalist, but by a stalwart of the US intelligence community, the Washington Post. The question we should all be asking is why? How does this benefit or promote a Western 'victory' in Ukraine? The answer may well be that it’s not a victory that these revelations are supposed to facilitate. It’s more likely that it’s part of a strategy of edging Kiev towards accepting the undeniable reality that the entire US project in Ukraine is set to fail, and for Zelensky to seek accommodation before there’s nothing left to negotiate with. The task now is to end it as painlessly as possible for NATO and Kiev’s exhausted backers, and to move on to the next crusade, leaving a devastated and dysfunctional Ukraine to be consigned to the growing graveyard of bloody US foreign policy misadventures. The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT. You can share this story on social media: RT
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