Media Using MEMORY WIPING TECHNIQUES from MKUltra? The Allan Memorial Institute
You may think you've heard this story but trust me, you have no idea...
By this point, everyone has heard of MKUltra and their goal to master mind control, but the story is that MKUltra ended in 1964. The story is that those days are long gone. The story is that MKUltra was a dark chapter in history that would never happen again. And, most importantly, the story is that the MK mind control program was completely unsuccessful. With that being said here’s an eyebrow-raising look at the CIA programs successful memory erasing techniques that are seemingly being deployed on us today by the media… the same media which is operated by the military and CIA…
To understand what is happening right now, we must first rewind to the 1940s and 50s. It was during this time that the NIH was running infanticide experiments in hospitals, General Mills cereal company was making poison to be sprayed from balloons, an insurance company was in communication with the CIA about geoengineering, the CIA also hired a magician to teach them how to secretly poison people, Rockefeller was funding “studies” which consisted of molesting children and MKUltra was formed then promptly went to work on mind control experiments.
Part of the tax-funded diabolical MKUltra program involved a very important hospital in Montreal, Canada. This hospital was called the Allan Memorial Institute.
Allan Memorial Institute
It was here that MK had a psychiatrist named Dr. Donald Cameron. Donny-boy was happy to help “help” patients on behalf of a US government entity running shadowy mindf*ck operations on everyone. Because the Canadian government also loves shadowy mindf*ck operations, they threw their citizens tax dollars in for the cause. What exactly was the cause? Well, what was written on the paperwork was to find a cure for schizophrenia. Yes, the Central Intelligence Agency’s black budget program wanted to “cure schizophrenia”….. oooohkaaay…
How did they plan to cure people? “By figuring out what was causing schizophrenia?”, you ask. “No, no, no.”, I reply. I remind you this is the government we are talking about here, then I say, “Depatterning. They claimed if they erased people’s memories then rebuilt the patient using a technique called psychic driving the mental illness would be gone.”. In unison, we both say, “…oooohkaaay…”.
Before we proceed with Depatterning, let me share some information that Wikipedia pages and similar overviews of this topic happen to leave out - which I’m sure it’s just an accident, or perhaps due to lack of author’s time, or maybe they meant to put it in then forgot. It’s not like they would ever leave this out on purpose, you know? That information is who exactly Dr. Don Cameron was, or should I say, who Dr. Don, the man who helped pioneer memory wiping in the USA and Canada, was affiliated with…
In the 1940s, pre-memory-wiping-experiments, thanks to a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Allan Memorial Institute was founded. Only two years later, Dr. Cameron was hired by the government to perform his psychiatry work at the Nuremberg Trials. In fact, it was he who determined the mental state of Nazis and Germans as a whole. Dr. C was an interesting choice of psychiatrists being that he deeply hated Germans. When I say he deeply hated Germans, I mean he despised Germans with a passion (probably even more than I loathe cooking and baking). He had so much disdain for them that he made clear, if they were allowed to keep breeding they would all become a threat to the world. According to the doctor, not all criminals were German but all Germans were criminals or, at a minimum, they were guilty of having criminality in their blood, therefore they were just too dangerous to exist as-is.
Before his arrival in Nuremberg, Cameron detailed his views on the German population in a paper he titled The Social Reorganization of Germany. In this publication he stated that German culture and all of its individual citizens would have to be transformed and reorganized in order to save the world from these evil doers. Life as the Germans knew it needed to cease… for our safety, of course.
This snowballed into the doctors role becoming determining which races of people must be resocialized. “Cameron argued that it was necessary for behavioral scientists to act as the social planners of society and that the United Nations could provide a conduit for implementing his ideas for applying psychiatric elements to global governance and politics.”
Before long, Cameron’s work expanded further. Not only was he deciding who was mentally defective and which races of people had criminal potential, but he began classifying anyone who was not decent (by the psychiatric industry standard) as “weak” individuals. Those who fit into the industry shell of a correct person were labeled “strong”. Now, entire races of people, physically ill people, anyone feeling depressed, and everyone they decided to be mentally defective were all deemed weak and therefore a plague to society. A fan of eugenics, the doctor wanted to place limitations on marriage to prevent weak genes (and German genes) from permeating America and Canada.
The doctor saw the psychiatry industry as a savior; an authority that should also act as an enforcer. Only a few years post-Nuremberg, Cameron published books that explained that mental illness is highly contagious and could be contracted as easily as listening to music made by a mentally defective individual. Due to the contagion level, he felt all forms of the weak must be removed from society as quickly as possible.
To aid in the people sorting, “Inside hospitals nurses would be given the authority to establish the mental characteristics of the parents and the new born baby, in terms of genetic, national and racial orientation as well as the personal histories of the parents”. Doctors would have the same authority over their patients and, of course, the psychiatry industry would do the same because that is what it was designed for. But being that this was such a large undertaking, he wanted citizens to help police and the industries by forcefully quarantining mentally ill people. This information, combined with the assistance of the general public in removing the weak from society, would ultimately result in a perfect America and perfect Canada, filled with only perfect citizens (per the industry standard; the United Nations standard).
Shortly thereafter, Cameron discovered that anxiety suffered by the weak was also highly contagious. By the late 1940s, insecure men, jealous men and shy children were added to the list of dangerous members of society (as well as all babies born in Germany… oooohkaaay…)
Dr. C’s publications became the blueprint for the medical industry as well as the basis of a new social and behavioral science that would later be adopted by Canadian, American, and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association as well as the Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation
So now it was time to cure people who were determined to be mentally ill. For this arm of the program, Dr. Donny-boy Cameron was in bed with the CIA's MKUltra, working toward the goal of not only wiping people’s memories, but also having the ability to reprogram the defective individual…
In order to erase memories, the doctor, working with the Central Intelligence Agency’s shadow entity, did what made the most sense for the sake of helping the patient, meaning patients were drugged to the point of being limp and immobilized or placed into a medically-induced coma for as much as 16-20 hours per day. During this time they were forced to listen to taped messages which were played on loop, hundreds-of-thousands of times. Experimenters found that if they used headphones on patients and played the loop it would have “greater impact”, so much so that the drugged patient would believe they are hearing a voice in their own head; the patient would believe it was themselves thinking a thought.
Prior to beginning treatment, the doctor met with the patients to discuss their problems. During this phase, each patient divulged information to the doctor; information which included painful experiences in their life. Unbeknownst to the patient, this information was going to be used against them during depatterning. The way the audio recording worked was, the first 10 days of messages were negative, often attacking the patient for their personality or using the horrible memories they shared with the doctor against them. For example, one woman was forced to listen to a single sentence, “If you don’t keep quiet, I’m going to leave you behind” - a statement originally said to her by her mother, a statement of abandonment which caused her great distress over the course of her life. By the 45th time this message was played on loop, the woman “begged the experimenter to stop playing it, turned red and began to hyperventilate, started shaking and continued to shake after the recording was stopped.”
After the 10 days of negative messages, the following 10 days consisted of positive messages. This practice would repeat for as much as 86 days straight.
As the human experimentation progressed, some patients were given large doses of drugs, such as LSD (an MKUltra favorite made in mass bulk by Eli Lilly). Other patients weren’t so lucky and instead received electro-shock therapy. Then there were patients that got the best of both worlds; massive doses of LSD and electroshock treatment. These best-of-both-worlds patients were zapped with up to 75 times the normal intensity of electricity.
Another method involved sensory deprivation; placing the patient into an environment where they could not see, smell or hear. Long term sensory deprivation has been proven to cause insanity, but finding a cure was of utmost importance, right?
Through this treatment process, it was discovered that peoples minds can indeed be wiped and their personalities can be changed. Many of the patients were unable to recall any memories before seeing the doctor. In some cases, they didn’t even remember their family members, including their own children. These people also had to relearn all of the skills they had. In other cases, people couldn’t remember anything that was happening after the therapy. This form of ongoing instant memory wiping lasted up to two years. Family members of patients also reported that the loved one who came out of therapy was a different person than before therapy. These family members felt as if they no longer knew the now-cold, distant individual that used to be their loving husband, daughter, father or grandmother.
The reason I wrote this article is two fold; 1. because it’s interesting and I noticed a version of “depatterning” playing out right now, in modern media and 2. it gave me an opportunity to use my new computer you amazing subscribers and donors bought me (I can finally write without the damn thing freezing!). So check it out: (8-minute video)
If you appreciate all of the time and energy I put into bringing you content you aren’t seeing elsewhere? Please consider supporting independent journalism:
Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee
Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation
IBM Made Sex Videos for Kids: How Pornographic Materials Infiltrated Schools as Sex Ed UNTOLD HISTORY
IBM Made Sex Videos for Kids: How Pornographic Materials Infiltrated Schools as Sex Ed UNTOLD HISTORY
This is going to be a hard series to read but you have to read it to truly understand how deep this Agenda is, how shockingly long it has been taking place and who is truly behind it. If a toddler can be read this in school, we, as adults, have to face it. I tried to keep each part in this series on the shorter-side so you can get through it. Please…
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400 Farmers vs Weather Modification: YOU STOLE OUR RAIN! BAN THE PLANES! - (Untold History of GeoEngineering)
400 Farmers vs Weather Modification: YOU STOLE OUR RAIN! BAN THE PLANES! - (Untold History of GeoEngineering)
I dedicate this article to my amazing associate Reinette Senum, who was the first person to ever support this Substack and who despises geoengineering as much as I do.
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What if They're NOT 5G Towers? Untold History of GWEN Towers: a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP
What if They're NOT 5G Towers? Untold History of GWEN Towers: a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP
My buddy’s nickname is White Hat because he’s always texting stuff he finds on Telegram. The vast majority of the accounts he follows, such as JFK and Marilyn Monroe, are clearly fake but he believes they are real and he believes the White Hats are in Control
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Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON
Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON
Well, let’s start here: Listen to these four meteorologists explain chaff on television (and do their best to minimize it):
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How They FAKED Historic Photos: EVERYTHING WE ARE BEING SHOWN IS A LIE: The History Hoax
How They FAKED Historic Photos: EVERYTHING WE ARE BEING SHOWN IS A LIE: The History Hoax
My friend and reader, Astrid Nordness, sent me a link to watch Hibbeler’s newest documentary, Old World Order. I thought it was outstanding but one part in specific really peaked my interest, Victorian Era Photo Manipulation:
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Hey! I Found ISIS, a US Military Contractor - Mindf*ck Monday ep3 - Enter an Insane Rabbit Hole
Hey! I Found ISIS, a US Military Contractor - Mindf*ck Monday ep3 - Enter an Insane Rabbit Hole
Welcome to Mindf*ck Monday; a series I tend to publish on random Sundays, a series which will bend your mind so far it will nearly shatter. Like an episode of Netflix Black Mirror, every article ends with something for you to think about for the rest of the day. And if I do a really good job, I will permanently change the way you view something that was right in front of you all along.
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You may think you've heard this story but trust me, you have no idea...
By this point, everyone has heard of MKUltra and their goal to master mind control, but the story is that MKUltra ended in 1964. The story is that those days are long gone. The story is that MKUltra was a dark chapter in history that would never happen again. And, most importantly, the story is that the MK mind control program was completely unsuccessful. With that being said here’s an eyebrow-raising look at the CIA programs successful memory erasing techniques that are seemingly being deployed on us today by the media… the same media which is operated by the military and CIA…
To understand what is happening right now, we must first rewind to the 1940s and 50s. It was during this time that the NIH was running infanticide experiments in hospitals, General Mills cereal company was making poison to be sprayed from balloons, an insurance company was in communication with the CIA about geoengineering, the CIA also hired a magician to teach them how to secretly poison people, Rockefeller was funding “studies” which consisted of molesting children and MKUltra was formed then promptly went to work on mind control experiments.
Part of the tax-funded diabolical MKUltra program involved a very important hospital in Montreal, Canada. This hospital was called the Allan Memorial Institute.
Allan Memorial Institute
It was here that MK had a psychiatrist named Dr. Donald Cameron. Donny-boy was happy to help “help” patients on behalf of a US government entity running shadowy mindf*ck operations on everyone. Because the Canadian government also loves shadowy mindf*ck operations, they threw their citizens tax dollars in for the cause. What exactly was the cause? Well, what was written on the paperwork was to find a cure for schizophrenia. Yes, the Central Intelligence Agency’s black budget program wanted to “cure schizophrenia”….. oooohkaaay…
How did they plan to cure people? “By figuring out what was causing schizophrenia?”, you ask. “No, no, no.”, I reply. I remind you this is the government we are talking about here, then I say, “Depatterning. They claimed if they erased people’s memories then rebuilt the patient using a technique called psychic driving the mental illness would be gone.”. In unison, we both say, “…oooohkaaay…”.
Before we proceed with Depatterning, let me share some information that Wikipedia pages and similar overviews of this topic happen to leave out - which I’m sure it’s just an accident, or perhaps due to lack of author’s time, or maybe they meant to put it in then forgot. It’s not like they would ever leave this out on purpose, you know? That information is who exactly Dr. Don Cameron was, or should I say, who Dr. Don, the man who helped pioneer memory wiping in the USA and Canada, was affiliated with…
In the 1940s, pre-memory-wiping-experiments, thanks to a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Allan Memorial Institute was founded. Only two years later, Dr. Cameron was hired by the government to perform his psychiatry work at the Nuremberg Trials. In fact, it was he who determined the mental state of Nazis and Germans as a whole. Dr. C was an interesting choice of psychiatrists being that he deeply hated Germans. When I say he deeply hated Germans, I mean he despised Germans with a passion (probably even more than I loathe cooking and baking). He had so much disdain for them that he made clear, if they were allowed to keep breeding they would all become a threat to the world. According to the doctor, not all criminals were German but all Germans were criminals or, at a minimum, they were guilty of having criminality in their blood, therefore they were just too dangerous to exist as-is.
Before his arrival in Nuremberg, Cameron detailed his views on the German population in a paper he titled The Social Reorganization of Germany. In this publication he stated that German culture and all of its individual citizens would have to be transformed and reorganized in order to save the world from these evil doers. Life as the Germans knew it needed to cease… for our safety, of course.
This snowballed into the doctors role becoming determining which races of people must be resocialized. “Cameron argued that it was necessary for behavioral scientists to act as the social planners of society and that the United Nations could provide a conduit for implementing his ideas for applying psychiatric elements to global governance and politics.”
Before long, Cameron’s work expanded further. Not only was he deciding who was mentally defective and which races of people had criminal potential, but he began classifying anyone who was not decent (by the psychiatric industry standard) as “weak” individuals. Those who fit into the industry shell of a correct person were labeled “strong”. Now, entire races of people, physically ill people, anyone feeling depressed, and everyone they decided to be mentally defective were all deemed weak and therefore a plague to society. A fan of eugenics, the doctor wanted to place limitations on marriage to prevent weak genes (and German genes) from permeating America and Canada.
The doctor saw the psychiatry industry as a savior; an authority that should also act as an enforcer. Only a few years post-Nuremberg, Cameron published books that explained that mental illness is highly contagious and could be contracted as easily as listening to music made by a mentally defective individual. Due to the contagion level, he felt all forms of the weak must be removed from society as quickly as possible.
To aid in the people sorting, “Inside hospitals nurses would be given the authority to establish the mental characteristics of the parents and the new born baby, in terms of genetic, national and racial orientation as well as the personal histories of the parents”. Doctors would have the same authority over their patients and, of course, the psychiatry industry would do the same because that is what it was designed for. But being that this was such a large undertaking, he wanted citizens to help police and the industries by forcefully quarantining mentally ill people. This information, combined with the assistance of the general public in removing the weak from society, would ultimately result in a perfect America and perfect Canada, filled with only perfect citizens (per the industry standard; the United Nations standard).
Shortly thereafter, Cameron discovered that anxiety suffered by the weak was also highly contagious. By the late 1940s, insecure men, jealous men and shy children were added to the list of dangerous members of society (as well as all babies born in Germany… oooohkaaay…)
Dr. C’s publications became the blueprint for the medical industry as well as the basis of a new social and behavioral science that would later be adopted by Canadian, American, and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association as well as the Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation
So now it was time to cure people who were determined to be mentally ill. For this arm of the program, Dr. Donny-boy Cameron was in bed with the CIA's MKUltra, working toward the goal of not only wiping people’s memories, but also having the ability to reprogram the defective individual…
In order to erase memories, the doctor, working with the Central Intelligence Agency’s shadow entity, did what made the most sense for the sake of helping the patient, meaning patients were drugged to the point of being limp and immobilized or placed into a medically-induced coma for as much as 16-20 hours per day. During this time they were forced to listen to taped messages which were played on loop, hundreds-of-thousands of times. Experimenters found that if they used headphones on patients and played the loop it would have “greater impact”, so much so that the drugged patient would believe they are hearing a voice in their own head; the patient would believe it was themselves thinking a thought.
Prior to beginning treatment, the doctor met with the patients to discuss their problems. During this phase, each patient divulged information to the doctor; information which included painful experiences in their life. Unbeknownst to the patient, this information was going to be used against them during depatterning. The way the audio recording worked was, the first 10 days of messages were negative, often attacking the patient for their personality or using the horrible memories they shared with the doctor against them. For example, one woman was forced to listen to a single sentence, “If you don’t keep quiet, I’m going to leave you behind” - a statement originally said to her by her mother, a statement of abandonment which caused her great distress over the course of her life. By the 45th time this message was played on loop, the woman “begged the experimenter to stop playing it, turned red and began to hyperventilate, started shaking and continued to shake after the recording was stopped.”
After the 10 days of negative messages, the following 10 days consisted of positive messages. This practice would repeat for as much as 86 days straight.
As the human experimentation progressed, some patients were given large doses of drugs, such as LSD (an MKUltra favorite made in mass bulk by Eli Lilly). Other patients weren’t so lucky and instead received electro-shock therapy. Then there were patients that got the best of both worlds; massive doses of LSD and electroshock treatment. These best-of-both-worlds patients were zapped with up to 75 times the normal intensity of electricity.
Another method involved sensory deprivation; placing the patient into an environment where they could not see, smell or hear. Long term sensory deprivation has been proven to cause insanity, but finding a cure was of utmost importance, right?
Through this treatment process, it was discovered that peoples minds can indeed be wiped and their personalities can be changed. Many of the patients were unable to recall any memories before seeing the doctor. In some cases, they didn’t even remember their family members, including their own children. These people also had to relearn all of the skills they had. In other cases, people couldn’t remember anything that was happening after the therapy. This form of ongoing instant memory wiping lasted up to two years. Family members of patients also reported that the loved one who came out of therapy was a different person than before therapy. These family members felt as if they no longer knew the now-cold, distant individual that used to be their loving husband, daughter, father or grandmother.
The reason I wrote this article is two fold; 1. because it’s interesting and I noticed a version of “depatterning” playing out right now, in modern media and 2. it gave me an opportunity to use my new computer you amazing subscribers and donors bought me (I can finally write without the damn thing freezing!). So check it out: (8-minute video)
If you appreciate all of the time and energy I put into bringing you content you aren’t seeing elsewhere? Please consider supporting independent journalism:
Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee
Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation
IBM Made Sex Videos for Kids: How Pornographic Materials Infiltrated Schools as Sex Ed UNTOLD HISTORY
IBM Made Sex Videos for Kids: How Pornographic Materials Infiltrated Schools as Sex Ed UNTOLD HISTORY
This is going to be a hard series to read but you have to read it to truly understand how deep this Agenda is, how shockingly long it has been taking place and who is truly behind it. If a toddler can be read this in school, we, as adults, have to face it. I tried to keep each part in this series on the shorter-side so you can get through it. Please…
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400 Farmers vs Weather Modification: YOU STOLE OUR RAIN! BAN THE PLANES! - (Untold History of GeoEngineering)
400 Farmers vs Weather Modification: YOU STOLE OUR RAIN! BAN THE PLANES! - (Untold History of GeoEngineering)
I dedicate this article to my amazing associate Reinette Senum, who was the first person to ever support this Substack and who despises geoengineering as much as I do.
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What if They're NOT 5G Towers? Untold History of GWEN Towers: a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP
What if They're NOT 5G Towers? Untold History of GWEN Towers: a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP
My buddy’s nickname is White Hat because he’s always texting stuff he finds on Telegram. The vast majority of the accounts he follows, such as JFK and Marilyn Monroe, are clearly fake but he believes they are real and he believes the White Hats are in Control
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Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON
Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON
Well, let’s start here: Listen to these four meteorologists explain chaff on television (and do their best to minimize it):
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How They FAKED Historic Photos: EVERYTHING WE ARE BEING SHOWN IS A LIE: The History Hoax
How They FAKED Historic Photos: EVERYTHING WE ARE BEING SHOWN IS A LIE: The History Hoax
My friend and reader, Astrid Nordness, sent me a link to watch Hibbeler’s newest documentary, Old World Order. I thought it was outstanding but one part in specific really peaked my interest, Victorian Era Photo Manipulation:
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Hey! I Found ISIS, a US Military Contractor - Mindf*ck Monday ep3 - Enter an Insane Rabbit Hole
Hey! I Found ISIS, a US Military Contractor - Mindf*ck Monday ep3 - Enter an Insane Rabbit Hole
Welcome to Mindf*ck Monday; a series I tend to publish on random Sundays, a series which will bend your mind so far it will nearly shatter. Like an episode of Netflix Black Mirror, every article ends with something for you to think about for the rest of the day. And if I do a really good job, I will permanently change the way you view something that was right in front of you all along.
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Media Using MEMORY WIPING TECHNIQUES from MKUltra? The Allan Memorial Institute
You may think you've heard this story but trust me, you have no idea...
By this point, everyone has heard of MKUltra and their goal to master mind control, but the story is that MKUltra ended in 1964. The story is that those days are long gone. The story is that MKUltra was a dark chapter in history that would never happen again. And, most importantly, the story is that the MK mind control program was completely unsuccessful. With that being said here’s an eyebrow-raising look at the CIA programs successful memory erasing techniques that are seemingly being deployed on us today by the media… the same media which is operated by the military and CIA…
To understand what is happening right now, we must first rewind to the 1940s and 50s. It was during this time that the NIH was running infanticide experiments in hospitals, General Mills cereal company was making poison to be sprayed from balloons, an insurance company was in communication with the CIA about geoengineering, the CIA also hired a magician to teach them how to secretly poison people, Rockefeller was funding “studies” which consisted of molesting children and MKUltra was formed then promptly went to work on mind control experiments.
Part of the tax-funded diabolical MKUltra program involved a very important hospital in Montreal, Canada. This hospital was called the Allan Memorial Institute.
Allan Memorial Institute
It was here that MK had a psychiatrist named Dr. Donald Cameron. Donny-boy was happy to help “help” patients on behalf of a US government entity running shadowy mindf*ck operations on everyone. Because the Canadian government also loves shadowy mindf*ck operations, they threw their citizens tax dollars in for the cause. What exactly was the cause? Well, what was written on the paperwork was to find a cure for schizophrenia. Yes, the Central Intelligence Agency’s black budget program wanted to “cure schizophrenia”….. oooohkaaay…
How did they plan to cure people? “By figuring out what was causing schizophrenia?”, you ask. “No, no, no.”, I reply. I remind you this is the government we are talking about here, then I say, “Depatterning. They claimed if they erased people’s memories then rebuilt the patient using a technique called psychic driving the mental illness would be gone.”. In unison, we both say, “…oooohkaaay…”.
Before we proceed with Depatterning, let me share some information that Wikipedia pages and similar overviews of this topic happen to leave out - which I’m sure it’s just an accident, or perhaps due to lack of author’s time, or maybe they meant to put it in then forgot. It’s not like they would ever leave this out on purpose, you know? That information is who exactly Dr. Don Cameron was, or should I say, who Dr. Don, the man who helped pioneer memory wiping in the USA and Canada, was affiliated with…
In the 1940s, pre-memory-wiping-experiments, thanks to a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Allan Memorial Institute was founded. Only two years later, Dr. Cameron was hired by the government to perform his psychiatry work at the Nuremberg Trials. In fact, it was he who determined the mental state of Nazis and Germans as a whole. Dr. C was an interesting choice of psychiatrists being that he deeply hated Germans. When I say he deeply hated Germans, I mean he despised Germans with a passion (probably even more than I loathe cooking and baking). He had so much disdain for them that he made clear, if they were allowed to keep breeding they would all become a threat to the world. According to the doctor, not all criminals were German but all Germans were criminals or, at a minimum, they were guilty of having criminality in their blood, therefore they were just too dangerous to exist as-is.
Before his arrival in Nuremberg, Cameron detailed his views on the German population in a paper he titled The Social Reorganization of Germany. In this publication he stated that German culture and all of its individual citizens would have to be transformed and reorganized in order to save the world from these evil doers. Life as the Germans knew it needed to cease… for our safety, of course.
This snowballed into the doctors role becoming determining which races of people must be resocialized. “Cameron argued that it was necessary for behavioral scientists to act as the social planners of society and that the United Nations could provide a conduit for implementing his ideas for applying psychiatric elements to global governance and politics.”
Before long, Cameron’s work expanded further. Not only was he deciding who was mentally defective and which races of people had criminal potential, but he began classifying anyone who was not decent (by the psychiatric industry standard) as “weak” individuals. Those who fit into the industry shell of a correct person were labeled “strong”. Now, entire races of people, physically ill people, anyone feeling depressed, and everyone they decided to be mentally defective were all deemed weak and therefore a plague to society. A fan of eugenics, the doctor wanted to place limitations on marriage to prevent weak genes (and German genes) from permeating America and Canada.
The doctor saw the psychiatry industry as a savior; an authority that should also act as an enforcer. Only a few years post-Nuremberg, Cameron published books that explained that mental illness is highly contagious and could be contracted as easily as listening to music made by a mentally defective individual. Due to the contagion level, he felt all forms of the weak must be removed from society as quickly as possible.
To aid in the people sorting, “Inside hospitals nurses would be given the authority to establish the mental characteristics of the parents and the new born baby, in terms of genetic, national and racial orientation as well as the personal histories of the parents”. Doctors would have the same authority over their patients and, of course, the psychiatry industry would do the same because that is what it was designed for. But being that this was such a large undertaking, he wanted citizens to help police and the industries by forcefully quarantining mentally ill people. This information, combined with the assistance of the general public in removing the weak from society, would ultimately result in a perfect America and perfect Canada, filled with only perfect citizens (per the industry standard; the United Nations standard).
Shortly thereafter, Cameron discovered that anxiety suffered by the weak was also highly contagious. By the late 1940s, insecure men, jealous men and shy children were added to the list of dangerous members of society (as well as all babies born in Germany… oooohkaaay…)
Dr. C’s publications became the blueprint for the medical industry as well as the basis of a new social and behavioral science that would later be adopted by Canadian, American, and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association as well as the Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation
So now it was time to cure people who were determined to be mentally ill. For this arm of the program, Dr. Donny-boy Cameron was in bed with the CIA's MKUltra, working toward the goal of not only wiping people’s memories, but also having the ability to reprogram the defective individual…
In order to erase memories, the doctor, working with the Central Intelligence Agency’s shadow entity, did what made the most sense for the sake of helping the patient, meaning patients were drugged to the point of being limp and immobilized or placed into a medically-induced coma for as much as 16-20 hours per day. During this time they were forced to listen to taped messages which were played on loop, hundreds-of-thousands of times. Experimenters found that if they used headphones on patients and played the loop it would have “greater impact”, so much so that the drugged patient would believe they are hearing a voice in their own head; the patient would believe it was themselves thinking a thought.
Prior to beginning treatment, the doctor met with the patients to discuss their problems. During this phase, each patient divulged information to the doctor; information which included painful experiences in their life. Unbeknownst to the patient, this information was going to be used against them during depatterning. The way the audio recording worked was, the first 10 days of messages were negative, often attacking the patient for their personality or using the horrible memories they shared with the doctor against them. For example, one woman was forced to listen to a single sentence, “If you don’t keep quiet, I’m going to leave you behind” - a statement originally said to her by her mother, a statement of abandonment which caused her great distress over the course of her life. By the 45th time this message was played on loop, the woman “begged the experimenter to stop playing it, turned red and began to hyperventilate, started shaking and continued to shake after the recording was stopped.”
After the 10 days of negative messages, the following 10 days consisted of positive messages. This practice would repeat for as much as 86 days straight.
As the human experimentation progressed, some patients were given large doses of drugs, such as LSD (an MKUltra favorite made in mass bulk by Eli Lilly). Other patients weren’t so lucky and instead received electro-shock therapy. Then there were patients that got the best of both worlds; massive doses of LSD and electroshock treatment. These best-of-both-worlds patients were zapped with up to 75 times the normal intensity of electricity.
Another method involved sensory deprivation; placing the patient into an environment where they could not see, smell or hear. Long term sensory deprivation has been proven to cause insanity, but finding a cure was of utmost importance, right?
Through this treatment process, it was discovered that peoples minds can indeed be wiped and their personalities can be changed. Many of the patients were unable to recall any memories before seeing the doctor. In some cases, they didn’t even remember their family members, including their own children. These people also had to relearn all of the skills they had. In other cases, people couldn’t remember anything that was happening after the therapy. This form of ongoing instant memory wiping lasted up to two years. Family members of patients also reported that the loved one who came out of therapy was a different person than before therapy. These family members felt as if they no longer knew the now-cold, distant individual that used to be their loving husband, daughter, father or grandmother.
The reason I wrote this article is two fold; 1. because it’s interesting and I noticed a version of “depatterning” playing out right now, in modern media and 2. it gave me an opportunity to use my new computer you amazing subscribers and donors bought me (I can finally write without the damn thing freezing!). So check it out: (8-minute video)
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