• EVERGREEN & The Black Budget Operation (PART 1)
    It all began with the firefighting planes that don't fight fires, leading one to ask, "then what exactly are all of those chemical tanks for?"...

    This crazy story began back in 2002. It was fire season in the United States and the media reported a fatal crash of two air tankers, a Lockheed C-130A Hercules and a Consolidated PB4Y-2. This crash lead to the US Department of Interior issuing an official request for an investigation into the development of next-generation air tankers; larger firefighting planes, which would mean less planes would be needed in the smoke-filled skies, which would mean safer airways for everyone.

    A company called Evergreen Aviation said with a smile, “Hey! We could convert some of our Boeing 747-200 freighters into blaze fighters!” and the government was like, “Ok, you do that and we will take a look at what you make.”.

    Shortly thereafter, in 2004, the Evergreen Supertanker was born from a Boeing 747 (N470EV) and, like a toddler taking his first steps, the modified plane took its first test flight.

    747 Supertanker, Marana
    Come summer 2006, Evergreen had invested $40 million into the project. All they needed now was FAA certification and an evaluation from the US Forest Service. Once complete those big, beautiful planes could officially be put into production and one day, God willing, they would all lift into the sky, carrying tens-of-thousands of gallons of fire-extinguishing water.

    In fall of the same year, the FAA came through for Evergreen and issued the necessary documents which would officially allow them to gut and modify a fleet of planes. Evergreen now had permission to install the support structure needed for aerial dispersion of liquids - but this time around, it would not be water going in the tanks, it would be chemicals… to save America from fire season.

    Thankfully, the fleet of modified aircrafts, which can hold as much as 18 pallets worth of world-saving chemicals, were quickly completed and ready to take flight at the first signs of fire.

    This project could not have been ready at a better time because, on May 29th of 2011, disaster struck the home state of the Supertankers, Arizona.

    Map of Wallow fire, data 2350 6-8-2011
    Residents were evacuated as the the Wallow Fire burned the Copper State.

    An evacuation sign asks residents to leave June 9, 2011 in Eagar, Arizona.
    And the fleet of incredible modified Boeings heroically took flight that day, quickly putting out the blaze - well, not really. Evergreen’s firefighting planes were not in the sky the first day of the fire. Nor were they in the air the next day, or the day after. Instead, smaller DC-10s were deployed. The problem was, these planes, the DC-10s, had a payload of only 13,000 gallons of fire retardant whereas the largest Supertankers had a payload of 86,000 gallons…

    But those shiny, new large-payload planes stayed grounded while little DCs and other small planes battled the growing inferno.

    Wallow Fire in photos... a photo gallery | Multimedia | wmicentral.com
    Try as they might, as the days passed, AZ continued to burn, and on June 11th the the fire advanced into Catron County, New Mexico.

    Wallow Fire rages across Arizona - The Hindu
    Eventually, without the help of a single Evergreen Supertanker, the little planes and firefighters got the fire under control.

    When all said and done, record books would report the Wallow Fire as being the worst in Arizona history as of the time, over 800 square miles had been scorched. Extensive damage was caused to the forest ecosystem, wildlife habitats, recreational areas and homes. This lead many to ask, “Where were those incredible Supertankers?”. Answer: In their home, Pinal Airpark. In fact, as of 2013, Evergreen’s Supertankers had yet to fight a single fire anywhere in the US, ever. So who is this company? Deeper research was required…

    The story of Evergreen’s firefighting planes that don’t fight fires actually began back in the 1960s with a little company called Evergreen Helicopters. That small helicopter business did whatever small helicopter businesses do, until the 1970s, when it merged with Intermountain Airlines. After the merger was complete, Evergreen International Airlines came to be. It was owned by Evergreen International Aviation. Once formed, Evergreen Aviation quickly purchased the assets of Air America and began using Pinal Park in Arizona as a storage facility.

    You’re probably thinking, “So Evergreen Airlines was just some guy with a dollar and a dream who worked his way up from choppers to planes and got lucky with a merger?” - not so much. You see, Intermountain Airlines (the company Evergreen helicopters merged with) was part of Pacific Corporation. Pacific Corp was nothing more than a holding company. What is a holding company? It’s a business that doesn’t offer a service because it doesn’t actually do anything. Its only purpose is to own and control other companies.

    In addition to Intermountain Airlines, Pacific Corp (acting as a holding company) oversaw numerous other aviation companies, including Air America and Southern Air Transport, to name a few. And what did these airlines do? Let me show you:


    Wait a second, you’re telling me the huge firefighting planes, the 86,000 gallon payload planes that never fought a raging US fire, belonged to the flippin’ CIA?! - We will get to that in a moment, but first:

    Back when Evergreen was a helicopter business and the CIA was operating front aviation companies, the Intelligence Agency contracted Skunk Works to build special planes for them. Who was Skunk Works? Here you go:

    It turns out, Skunk Works wasn’t just Lockheed Martin, it was actually the branch for Lockheed’s secret weapons development program. Through this program, the defense contractor was building everything the CIA and government claimed to need. From spy planes to $96 million worth of A-12s to the first 400-mph fighter jet in the world, and who knows what else because it was a covert operation (for our safety, of course).

    So, when the merger happened, Evergreen International was born and it acquired the assets of the helicopter company and the CIA front aviation companies which had the Skunk Works contracts and aircraft resulting from them. Evergreen, which we should rename Ever-CIA, then made Pinal Airpark in Arizona one of its homes.

    The airpark was perfect due to its fairly remote location.

    Now we are in the 1980s and the CIA has its newest airline and freedom in the skies. It used these tax-funded gifts to best serve the American people, and by that I mean by doing things like transporting Salvadoran military personnel and equipment, running covert operations to support the Contras, operating mysterious missions to El Salvador and Nicaragua, loaning helicopters to El Salvador’s President Duarte, and even acting as a personal air taxi for the Shah of Iran, and more… lots more… lots, lots more.

    It was right around this time that news began breaking, exposing Southern Air as being a CIA operation. In fact, even the holding company, Pacific Corp, was outted as being a CIA operated entity.

    (This likely explains why the CIA needed to merge with Evergreen - they knew the Southern Air cover was blown and, by taking over an existing company, they could continue to operate without suspicion.)

    Throughout the 1990s, goo fell from the sky (yes, you read that correctly). It’s still an “unsolved mystery” because nobody has any idea how such a thing could have possibly happened, let alone so frequently… (2 minute video)

    Then, it was in 2001 that something never before seen appeared in the sky over the Northeastern Seaboard of the United States, but this time it wasn’t gelatinous material: (2 minute video)

    The following year was the (alleged) plane crash due to the smoky air which lead to Evergreen offering to modify their Boeings to save the good people of America during fire season…

    In 2004, a patent was filed called Aerial Delivery System. This patent was for modifying planes with a special nozzle system attached at the wing box.

    Guess who filed this patent?

    Yep, Evergreen International Aviation. Details are made more clear in a second filing under the same name:

    The same year, an interesting patent called PROCEDURE FOR AIR RELEASE OF MATERIAL was filed. The reason this is interesting is because this patent was not filed in the US, it was filed by Evergreen Aviation in Spain. Whether they planned to help the Spaniards fight their fires or whether they were just protecting their technology is as much of a mystery as the goo.

    In 2007, another patent was filed, Enhanced aerial delivery system. The description reads “…large quantities of fluids, powders, and other agent materials are to be transported in and aerially dispersed by aircraft”

    Simultaneously, the sky was being filled with lines - but don’t worry folks, these are just contrails and there is absolutely nothing to fear, they say…

    Sky grids? Oh, those are just from an increase in air traffic, nothing is being sprayed, don’t be a silly conspiracy theorist.

    Despite being repeatedly told the sky-spam is 100% normal and that the atmosphere has always looked like this, many in the public weren’t buying the story. Concerned citizens, determined to figure out who these harmless-contrail-planes belonged to, began tracking them - and they happened to track them to some interesting places….

    When citizens attempted to visit the Arizona airpark, which was being advertised as a public place, they discovered that not only was it not public, but it was patrolled by all-black helicopters and featured armed security that would not allow anyone inside.

    At the time, one citizen journalist reported the sky above the airpark had strange “dripping lines”.

    Like My Research? Buy Me a Coffee

    On Google Earth, armchair detectives noticed a massive pile of a black substance that seemed like an odd thing to have at an airpark.

    Coincidentally, people were filming planes releasing a strange black substance, but this is just exhaust, we are told.

    Yes, it’s exhaust.

    And this is also exhaust. And if you don’t believe that, then it’s a fuel dump.

    …and if you don’t believe any of that, you’re not an aviation expert so you wouldn’t understand.

    Researchers also learned that this exact location, the storage facility for an airline that owns firefighting planes that don’t fight fires, was also the training grounds for both National Guard and the CIA.

    Then, when outraged members of the public began looking deeper into these planes, they discovered that the planes leaving contrail grids and performing lengthy fuel dumps directly over populated areas, were not only unmarked, (meaning they didn’t have any kind of insignia or numbers on them) but additionally, they were not appearing on radar; they were flying without transponders.

    Not being on radar is a very serious issue, nearly causing a FedEx plane to crash… three times in one flight…

    If you’re not familiar with transponders, with very few exceptions, aircraft above 10,000 feet must have their tracking system turned on - but one of those exceptions is if they are military (or involved in a military operation).

    “It is preposterous to think these planes are being used to modify the weather! They are for fighting fires!”, they tell me. To which I reply, on Evergreen Aviation’s website (which they have updated since I got these screenshots), they showed the Supertanker…

    …and raved about its firefighting capacity…

    … but if you scrolled down the page, you discovered it has other purposes… such as Weather Modification…

    “Cloud seeding!”, they scream. To which I respond, cloud seeders are tiny planes, often Beechcrafts:

    Close-up of a turboprop plane sprinkling chemicals into clouds in a blue sky.
    Cloud seeding typically takes under 30 minutes total and is performed using flares…

    This photo shows flares fixed on the aircraft's wing that house the silver iodide used for cloud seeding.
    …or canisters…

    A silver canister hanging from the wing of a plane.
    …or a tank connected to a nozzle or two:

    Mexico is seeding clouds to make rain — scientists aren't sure it works
    Meanwhile, this is the inside of an Evergreen Supertanker… the planes that hold 18 pallets worth of chemicals and have patents for exterior nozzles that release other materials into the sky…

    So, what exactly are these planes doing to modify the weather using chemical tanks and nozzles? Only one thing fits all of the evidence…

    But, according to Wikipedia, in June 2014, Evergreen declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the company died off, got rid of all of its assets and that was the end of the story. Originally, I was going to end the article on a decide for yourself cliff-hanger, but after finishing writing, I kept thinking it wouldn’t hurt to spend 10 minutes tracking down where those assets went. I would soon discover that wanting answers to such a simple question would quickly turns into a nightmare, both on and off the internet. Little did I know, the innocent question about the assets was never meant to be answered… NEXT READ: EVERGREEN PART 2: Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun - An Introduction to the Research that is Currently Destroying My Life

    Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation

    Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee



    Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun: EVERGREEN (PART 2)
    In Part 1 of this series we discussed the crazy history of how Evergreen Airlines came to be. If you didn’t read Part 1, you really should start there because it’s a wild true story of a helicopter company, CIA front organizations, a Lockheed Martin secret weapons development program, and firefighting airplanes that don’t fight fires. It’s also a tale…
    Read full story

    1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust?

    1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust?
    Let me introduce you to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, NASEM, for short (we all know the only thing worse than a dreaded 5-letter abbreviation is a wretched 6-letter). In 1992, only a few years before the soft launch of the “

    Read full story

    Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF

    Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF
    They tell us these are normal clouds that have been around forever and we are just too stupid to remember them:

    Read full story

    Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON

    Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON
    Well, let’s start here: Listen to these four meteorologists explain chaff on television (and do their best to minimize it):

    Read full story

    MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More

    MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More
    “…the state is merely trying to deceive a population into believing the propaganda”…”In order to accomplish this, the state must engage in a highly competent deception campaign.”… “Since we seek to deceive the population in order to achieve reflexive control through environmental manipulation, we would replace “enemy,” with “population.”

    Read full story

    Spray the Sky with Piss New Chemtrail Patent (Yes, Seriously)

    Spray the Sky with Piss New Chemtrail Patent (Yes, Seriously)
    Believe it or not, this actually isn’t Bill Gates idea, but I agree, it sure does sound like it.

    Read full story

    Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide?

    Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide?
    I haven’t been on Twitter much these days. After hitting 20,000 followers I became so shadow-banned that the purpose of it has become pointless. With that being said, on April 8th, 2024, the day of the Eclipse, I shared some photos of my Michigan sky, which started off as beautiful blue then, only two hours before the eclipse, filled the infamous

    Read full story


    When I’m researching, I throw links to almost everything I look at down here. I don’t use all of this stuff, but I leave it here for anyone who wants so continue researching the same topic. Sharing a link here does not mean I agree with the content, it means it’s something I came across.




    https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg09719.html


    CFR controls EVA https://www.bitchute.com/video/MUdPb77v4kos


    “Anti Static Dispersants” Fuel Additives - Apollo DD3? Oxtail (?) Steron (?) “Status 450”

    Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon

    need way back, unmanned planes https://web.archive.org/web/20081113160231/https://evergreenaviation.com/EUS/dl.html







    Jet Midwest



    biker https://www.bitchute.com/video/GrgwyTUe1Inl/

    new https://www.bitchute.com/video/rGEslYAtxmCF/


    Air Park on Google Earth https://earth.google.com/web/search/Pinal+Airpark,+East+Pinal+Airpark+Road,+Marana,+AZ/@32.51066376,-111.32603775,589.96314913a,26817.20873689d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=Cp0BGnMSbQolMHg4NmQ1ZjBmOTA1NmFmNDU3OjB4NjRhMjdhNDg0YzYwZDI0OBmyFY_mI0FAQCHIbrCBvtRbwCoyUGluYWwgQWlycGFyaywgRWFzdCBQaW5hbCBBaXJwYXJrIFJvYWQsIE1hcmFuYSwgQVoYAiABIiYKJAnx7rqc-I5AQBGlLeJc9RlAQBnU-RZgtpZbwCHKBMeXgihcwDIpCicKJQohMXpHWFo2R08tUnBrZjhsWFI4THlHQWJpd2l1QTg3M3RvIAE6AwoBMA









    1957 phased array antenna








    EVERGREEN & The Black Budget Operation (PART 1) It all began with the firefighting planes that don't fight fires, leading one to ask, "then what exactly are all of those chemical tanks for?"... Agent131711 This crazy story began back in 2002. It was fire season in the United States and the media reported a fatal crash of two air tankers, a Lockheed C-130A Hercules and a Consolidated PB4Y-2. This crash lead to the US Department of Interior issuing an official request for an investigation into the development of next-generation air tankers; larger firefighting planes, which would mean less planes would be needed in the smoke-filled skies, which would mean safer airways for everyone. A company called Evergreen Aviation said with a smile, “Hey! We could convert some of our Boeing 747-200 freighters into blaze fighters!” and the government was like, “Ok, you do that and we will take a look at what you make.”. Shortly thereafter, in 2004, the Evergreen Supertanker was born from a Boeing 747 (N470EV) and, like a toddler taking his first steps, the modified plane took its first test flight. 747 Supertanker, Marana Come summer 2006, Evergreen had invested $40 million into the project. All they needed now was FAA certification and an evaluation from the US Forest Service. Once complete those big, beautiful planes could officially be put into production and one day, God willing, they would all lift into the sky, carrying tens-of-thousands of gallons of fire-extinguishing water. In fall of the same year, the FAA came through for Evergreen and issued the necessary documents which would officially allow them to gut and modify a fleet of planes. Evergreen now had permission to install the support structure needed for aerial dispersion of liquids - but this time around, it would not be water going in the tanks, it would be chemicals… to save America from fire season. Thankfully, the fleet of modified aircrafts, which can hold as much as 18 pallets worth of world-saving chemicals, were quickly completed and ready to take flight at the first signs of fire. This project could not have been ready at a better time because, on May 29th of 2011, disaster struck the home state of the Supertankers, Arizona. Map of Wallow fire, data 2350 6-8-2011 Residents were evacuated as the the Wallow Fire burned the Copper State. An evacuation sign asks residents to leave June 9, 2011 in Eagar, Arizona. And the fleet of incredible modified Boeings heroically took flight that day, quickly putting out the blaze - well, not really. Evergreen’s firefighting planes were not in the sky the first day of the fire. Nor were they in the air the next day, or the day after. Instead, smaller DC-10s were deployed. The problem was, these planes, the DC-10s, had a payload of only 13,000 gallons of fire retardant whereas the largest Supertankers had a payload of 86,000 gallons… But those shiny, new large-payload planes stayed grounded while little DCs and other small planes battled the growing inferno. Wallow Fire in photos... a photo gallery | Multimedia | wmicentral.com Try as they might, as the days passed, AZ continued to burn, and on June 11th the the fire advanced into Catron County, New Mexico. Wallow Fire rages across Arizona - The Hindu Eventually, without the help of a single Evergreen Supertanker, the little planes and firefighters got the fire under control. When all said and done, record books would report the Wallow Fire as being the worst in Arizona history as of the time, over 800 square miles had been scorched. Extensive damage was caused to the forest ecosystem, wildlife habitats, recreational areas and homes. This lead many to ask, “Where were those incredible Supertankers?”. Answer: In their home, Pinal Airpark. In fact, as of 2013, Evergreen’s Supertankers had yet to fight a single fire anywhere in the US, ever. So who is this company? Deeper research was required… The story of Evergreen’s firefighting planes that don’t fight fires actually began back in the 1960s with a little company called Evergreen Helicopters. That small helicopter business did whatever small helicopter businesses do, until the 1970s, when it merged with Intermountain Airlines. After the merger was complete, Evergreen International Airlines came to be. It was owned by Evergreen International Aviation. Once formed, Evergreen Aviation quickly purchased the assets of Air America and began using Pinal Park in Arizona as a storage facility. Image You’re probably thinking, “So Evergreen Airlines was just some guy with a dollar and a dream who worked his way up from choppers to planes and got lucky with a merger?” - not so much. You see, Intermountain Airlines (the company Evergreen helicopters merged with) was part of Pacific Corporation. Pacific Corp was nothing more than a holding company. What is a holding company? It’s a business that doesn’t offer a service because it doesn’t actually do anything. Its only purpose is to own and control other companies. In addition to Intermountain Airlines, Pacific Corp (acting as a holding company) oversaw numerous other aviation companies, including Air America and Southern Air Transport, to name a few. And what did these airlines do? Let me show you: And: Wait a second, you’re telling me the huge firefighting planes, the 86,000 gallon payload planes that never fought a raging US fire, belonged to the flippin’ CIA?! - We will get to that in a moment, but first: Back when Evergreen was a helicopter business and the CIA was operating front aviation companies, the Intelligence Agency contracted Skunk Works to build special planes for them. Who was Skunk Works? Here you go: Image It turns out, Skunk Works wasn’t just Lockheed Martin, it was actually the branch for Lockheed’s secret weapons development program. Through this program, the defense contractor was building everything the CIA and government claimed to need. From spy planes to $96 million worth of A-12s to the first 400-mph fighter jet in the world, and who knows what else because it was a covert operation (for our safety, of course). So, when the merger happened, Evergreen International was born and it acquired the assets of the helicopter company and the CIA front aviation companies which had the Skunk Works contracts and aircraft resulting from them. Evergreen, which we should rename Ever-CIA, then made Pinal Airpark in Arizona one of its homes. Image The airpark was perfect due to its fairly remote location. Now we are in the 1980s and the CIA has its newest airline and freedom in the skies. It used these tax-funded gifts to best serve the American people, and by that I mean by doing things like transporting Salvadoran military personnel and equipment, running covert operations to support the Contras, operating mysterious missions to El Salvador and Nicaragua, loaning helicopters to El Salvador’s President Duarte, and even acting as a personal air taxi for the Shah of Iran, and more… lots more… lots, lots more. It was right around this time that news began breaking, exposing Southern Air as being a CIA operation. In fact, even the holding company, Pacific Corp, was outted as being a CIA operated entity. (This likely explains why the CIA needed to merge with Evergreen - they knew the Southern Air cover was blown and, by taking over an existing company, they could continue to operate without suspicion.) Throughout the 1990s, goo fell from the sky (yes, you read that correctly). It’s still an “unsolved mystery” because nobody has any idea how such a thing could have possibly happened, let alone so frequently… (2 minute video) Then, it was in 2001 that something never before seen appeared in the sky over the Northeastern Seaboard of the United States, but this time it wasn’t gelatinous material: (2 minute video) The following year was the (alleged) plane crash due to the smoky air which lead to Evergreen offering to modify their Boeings to save the good people of America during fire season… In 2004, a patent was filed called Aerial Delivery System. This patent was for modifying planes with a special nozzle system attached at the wing box. Guess who filed this patent? Yep, Evergreen International Aviation. Details are made more clear in a second filing under the same name: The same year, an interesting patent called PROCEDURE FOR AIR RELEASE OF MATERIAL was filed. The reason this is interesting is because this patent was not filed in the US, it was filed by Evergreen Aviation in Spain. Whether they planned to help the Spaniards fight their fires or whether they were just protecting their technology is as much of a mystery as the goo. In 2007, another patent was filed, Enhanced aerial delivery system. The description reads “…large quantities of fluids, powders, and other agent materials are to be transported in and aerially dispersed by aircraft” Simultaneously, the sky was being filled with lines - but don’t worry folks, these are just contrails and there is absolutely nothing to fear, they say… Sky grids? Oh, those are just from an increase in air traffic, nothing is being sprayed, don’t be a silly conspiracy theorist. Despite being repeatedly told the sky-spam is 100% normal and that the atmosphere has always looked like this, many in the public weren’t buying the story. Concerned citizens, determined to figure out who these harmless-contrail-planes belonged to, began tracking them - and they happened to track them to some interesting places…. When citizens attempted to visit the Arizona airpark, which was being advertised as a public place, they discovered that not only was it not public, but it was patrolled by all-black helicopters and featured armed security that would not allow anyone inside. At the time, one citizen journalist reported the sky above the airpark had strange “dripping lines”. Like My Research? Buy Me a Coffee On Google Earth, armchair detectives noticed a massive pile of a black substance that seemed like an odd thing to have at an airpark. Coincidentally, people were filming planes releasing a strange black substance, but this is just exhaust, we are told. Yes, it’s exhaust. And this is also exhaust. And if you don’t believe that, then it’s a fuel dump. …and if you don’t believe any of that, you’re not an aviation expert so you wouldn’t understand. Researchers also learned that this exact location, the storage facility for an airline that owns firefighting planes that don’t fight fires, was also the training grounds for both National Guard and the CIA. Then, when outraged members of the public began looking deeper into these planes, they discovered that the planes leaving contrail grids and performing lengthy fuel dumps directly over populated areas, were not only unmarked, (meaning they didn’t have any kind of insignia or numbers on them) but additionally, they were not appearing on radar; they were flying without transponders. Not being on radar is a very serious issue, nearly causing a FedEx plane to crash… three times in one flight… If you’re not familiar with transponders, with very few exceptions, aircraft above 10,000 feet must have their tracking system turned on - but one of those exceptions is if they are military (or involved in a military operation). “It is preposterous to think these planes are being used to modify the weather! They are for fighting fires!”, they tell me. To which I reply, on Evergreen Aviation’s website (which they have updated since I got these screenshots), they showed the Supertanker… Image …and raved about its firefighting capacity… Image … but if you scrolled down the page, you discovered it has other purposes… such as Weather Modification… Image “Cloud seeding!”, they scream. To which I respond, cloud seeders are tiny planes, often Beechcrafts: Close-up of a turboprop plane sprinkling chemicals into clouds in a blue sky. Cloud seeding typically takes under 30 minutes total and is performed using flares… This photo shows flares fixed on the aircraft's wing that house the silver iodide used for cloud seeding. …or canisters… A silver canister hanging from the wing of a plane. …or a tank connected to a nozzle or two: Mexico is seeding clouds to make rain — scientists aren't sure it works Meanwhile, this is the inside of an Evergreen Supertanker… the planes that hold 18 pallets worth of chemicals and have patents for exterior nozzles that release other materials into the sky… So, what exactly are these planes doing to modify the weather using chemical tanks and nozzles? Only one thing fits all of the evidence… But, according to Wikipedia, in June 2014, Evergreen declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the company died off, got rid of all of its assets and that was the end of the story. Originally, I was going to end the article on a decide for yourself cliff-hanger, but after finishing writing, I kept thinking it wouldn’t hurt to spend 10 minutes tracking down where those assets went. I would soon discover that wanting answers to such a simple question would quickly turns into a nightmare, both on and off the internet. Little did I know, the innocent question about the assets was never meant to be answered… NEXT READ: EVERGREEN PART 2: Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun - An Introduction to the Research that is Currently Destroying My Life Keep Me Writing! Make a KoFi Donation Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee Share NEXT READ: Patents, Climate Change & the Mission to Block the Sun: EVERGREEN (PART 2) In Part 1 of this series we discussed the crazy history of how Evergreen Airlines came to be. If you didn’t read Part 1, you really should start there because it’s a wild true story of a helicopter company, CIA front organizations, a Lockheed Martin secret weapons development program, and firefighting airplanes that don’t fight fires. It’s also a tale… Read full story 1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust? 1992 Chemtrails Program: Should We Spray Sulfuric Acid or Dust? Let me introduce you to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, NASEM, for short (we all know the only thing worse than a dreaded 5-letter abbreviation is a wretched 6-letter). In 1992, only a few years before the soft launch of the “ Read full story Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF Gov Using Frequency to BLOCK THE SUN! 2024 ARCTIC FREEZE was MAN-MADE! Undeniable PROOF They tell us these are normal clouds that have been around forever and we are just too stupid to remember them: Read full story Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON Military CAUSING POWER OUTAGES Dropping Chaff: Blackouts as a WEAPON Well, let’s start here: Listen to these four meteorologists explain chaff on television (and do their best to minimize it): Read full story MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More MILITARY "BLACK PSYOPS" Documents Expose DISNEY, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, the Media & More “…the state is merely trying to deceive a population into believing the propaganda”…”In order to accomplish this, the state must engage in a highly competent deception campaign.”… “Since we seek to deceive the population in order to achieve reflexive control through environmental manipulation, we would replace “enemy,” with “population.” Read full story Spray the Sky with Piss 🚽 New Chemtrail Patent ✈️ (Yes, Seriously) Spray the Sky with Piss 🚽 New Chemtrail Patent ✈️ (Yes, Seriously) Believe it or not, this actually isn’t Bill Gates idea, but I agree, it sure does sound like it. Read full story Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide? Solar Eclipse CHEMTRAILS: What Were They Trying to Hide? I haven’t been on Twitter much these days. After hitting 20,000 followers I became so shadow-banned that the purpose of it has become pointless. With that being said, on April 8th, 2024, the day of the Eclipse, I shared some photos of my Michigan sky, which started off as beautiful blue then, only two hours before the eclipse, filled the infamous Read full story SOURCES, NOTES & OTHER STUFF When I’m researching, I throw links to almost everything I look at down here. I don’t use all of this stuff, but I leave it here for anyone who wants so continue researching the same topic. Sharing a link here does not mean I agree with the content, it means it’s something I came across. https://web.archive.org/web/20210730180650/https://usahitman.com/egascf/ https://web.archive.org/web/20160525115957/http://www.skychemtrail.com/evergreen-contract-spread-chemtrails/ http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/04/28/evergreen-breaches-covenant-with-pinal-county-arizona-part-1/ https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg09719.html 1978 CFR controls EVA https://www.bitchute.com/video/MUdPb77v4kos https://evergreenaviation.com “Anti Static Dispersants” Fuel Additives - Apollo DD3? Oxtail (?) Steron (?) “Status 450” Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon need way back, unmanned planes https://web.archive.org/web/20081113160231/https://evergreenaviation.com/EUS/dl.html https://www.wired.com/2011/06/legendary-cia-airline-in-danger-of-crashing/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergreen_International_Aviation https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/02/the-contract-airlines-that-quietly-move-u-s-troops-and-spies-around-the-globe/ https://www.eyeopeningtruth.com/evergreen-crisis/ https://joepayne.org/outerbank/evergreen.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20171223170522/https://newsregister.com/article?articleTitle=evergreen-sale-heads-to-arbitration--1449192839--20280--1home-news Jet Midwest https://archive.org/details/youtube-ipEhI8pgo3A https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_chemtrails18.htm biker https://www.bitchute.com/video/GrgwyTUe1Inl/ new https://www.bitchute.com/video/rGEslYAtxmCF/ https://dprogram.wordpress.com/2010/06/07/video-evergreen-air-and-a-secret-chemtrail-facility/ Air Park on Google Earth https://earth.google.com/web/search/Pinal+Airpark,+East+Pinal+Airpark+Road,+Marana,+AZ/@32.51066376,-111.32603775,589.96314913a,26817.20873689d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=Cp0BGnMSbQolMHg4NmQ1ZjBmOTA1NmFmNDU3OjB4NjRhMjdhNDg0YzYwZDI0OBmyFY_mI0FAQCHIbrCBvtRbwCoyUGluYWwgQWlycGFyaywgRWFzdCBQaW5hbCBBaXJwYXJrIFJvYWQsIE1hcmFuYSwgQVoYAiABIiYKJAnx7rqc-I5AQBGlLeJc9RlAQBnU-RZgtpZbwCHKBMeXgihcwDIpCicKJQohMXpHWFo2R08tUnBrZjhsWFI4THlHQWJpd2l1QTg3M3RvIAE6AwoBMA https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2013/12/troubled_evergreen_internation.html https://rumble.com/vo3r32-the-cia-controls-evergreen-air-death-dumps-anthony-j-hilder.html https://www.bitchute.com/video/zKLxfRrJgkP9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evergreen_International_Airlinesgiven/ https://greydynamics.com/air-america-the-history-of-the-cias-covert-airline/ https://greydynamics.com/air-america-the-history-of-the-cias-covert-airline/ https://arizonaskywatch.com/article/articles/Evergreen%20and%20Chemtrails%20with%20USAF.htm http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/04/28/evergreen-breaches-covenant-with-pinal-county-arizona-part-1/ 1957 phased array antenna https://www.youtube.com/@Thetruthdenied/search?query=evergreen%20air https://search.brave.com/search?q=%22the+truth+denied%22+evergreen+air&source=web https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00965R000604900022-2.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20220120194401/http://www.thetruthdenied.com/news/2013/04/28/evergreen-breaches-covenant-with-pinal-county-arizona-part-1/ https://skybrary.aero/articles/aircraft-without-transponder-guidance-controllers https://archive.org/details/cia-readingroom-document-cia-rdp88-01315r000300120008-1 https://rumble.com/v26y5q4-dr.-john-coleman-committee-of-300-club-of-rome-and-royal-institute-of-int.-.html https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/evergreen-and-the-black-budget-operation
    EVERGREEN & The Black Budget Operation (PART 1)
    It all began with the firefighting planes that don't fight fires, leading one to ask, "then what exactly are all of those chemical tanks for?"...
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  • Pentagon issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed
    Claudio RestaNovember 4, 2024

    The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease Covid-19.
    So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?

    The shocking findings, however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.

    Perhaps explaining why Labyrinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017.

    The Government of the United States has a website called ‘USA Spending‘, an official open data source of federal spending information. According to the site as of 12th April 2021, the US Government has spent a mind-blowing $3.63 trillion “in response to COVID-19”. But that’s not the only information on Covid that can be found on the site.

    Hidden within the ‘Award Search’ are details on a contract awarded by the Department of Defense to a company named ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp’, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”.

    The contract was awarded on September 20th, 2012 and is described as “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services”. Obviously, this is very vague and most likely of little interest to anyone who happens to stumble across it. But there is something contained deep within the details that should be of interest to anyone and everyone.

    The ‘Award History’ for the contract contains a tab for ‘Sub-Awards’ detailing the recipients, action date, amount, and a very brief description for 115 Sub-Award transactions. Most of the Sub-Awards are extremely mundane for things such as “laboratory equipment for Kyiv”, or “office furniture for Kyiv”.

    Hidden within the ‘Award Search’ are details on a contract awarded by the Department of Defense to a company named ‘‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp’‘, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”.

    The contract was awarded on September 20th, 2012 and is described as “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services”. Obviously, this is very vague and most likely of little interest to anyone who happens to stumble across it. But there is something contained deep within the details that should be of interest to anyone and everyone.

    The ‘Award History’ for the contract contains a tab for ‘Sub-Awards’ detailing the recipients, action date, amount, and a very brief description for 115 Sub-Award transactions. Most of the Sub-Awards are extremely mundane for things such as “laboratory equipment for Kyiv”, or “office furniture for Kyiv”.

    But there is one Sub-Award that stands out among the rest, and it was awarded to Labyrinth Global Health INC for “SME Manuscript Documentation and COVID-19 Research”.

    An award for Covid-19 research isn’t exactly shocking when the world is allegedly in the grip of a Covid-19 pandemic, but considering the fact the sub-contract was awarded 12th November 2019, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19, the award for Covid-19 research should come as a shock to everyone.

    But the shock doesn’t end there, because the place the contact for Covid-19 research was instructed to take place was Ukraine, as was the entire contract awarded by the DOD to ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp’.

    The contract details found on the ‘USA Spending’ site actually reveal that the specific DOD department that awarded the contract was the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The contract was awarded 20th September 2012, and concluded on 13th October 2020.Whilst the details are vague, the US Government site also reveals that $21.7 million of the $116.6 million contract was spent on a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.

    Why did the Department of Defense pay a company that is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”, to help implement a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’?

    And why did both the DOD and said company then pay Labyrinth Global Health INC to carry out COVID-19 research in Ukraine at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?

    Founded in 2017, Labyrinth Global Health is allegedly a “women-owned small business with deep expertise and a proven track record supporting initiatives for scientific and medical advancement.”

    They describe themselves as “a multicultural and international organization with offices in four countries and a team of experts with diverse backgrounds and competencies, including microbiology, virology, global health, emerging infectious disease nursing, medical anthropology, field epidemiology, clinical research, and health information systems.”

    One of those offices just happens to be located in Kyiv, Ukraine, which the company dubs “a gateway to Eastern Europe”.

    Karen Saylors, PhD, who co-founded Labyrinth Global Health, has allegedly worked in the international public health field for over a decade and has spent many years living in Africa establishing global surveillance networks, “working with partners to improve Global Health policy on infectious disease detection, response, and control”.

    At Labyrinth, Dr Saylors specialises in studies that aim to understand and mitigate the biological and behavioural risks of disease transmission. Dr Saylors worked with Oxford University Clinical Trials Network in Vietnam on zoonotic disease surveillance research and continues to coordinate with regional partners on emerging outbreaks in animal and human populations.

    Labyrinth Global Health | LinkedIn

    But who are the partners that Dr Karen Saylors and Labyrinth Global Health choose to work with? They are none other than the ‘Eco-Health Alliance’ and ‘Metabiota’.

    Dr Karen Saylors, Eco-Health Alliance and Metabiota worked together on the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) ‘PREDICT’ program from 2009, while Labyrinth Global Health worked alongside EHA and Metabiota on the PREDICT program from 2017.

    Launched in 2009 and funded by USAID, PREDICT was an early warning system for new and emerging diseases in 21 countries. It was led by the University of California’s (“UC”) Davis One Health Institute and core partners included EcoHealth Alliance (”EHA”), Metabiota, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Smithsonian Institution, and as we’ve just revealed; Labyrinth Global Health. PREDICT was a forerunner of the more ambitious Global Virome Project.

    The USAID describes PREDICT as having made “significant contributions to strengthening global surveillance and laboratory diagnostic capabilities for both known and newly discovered viruses within several important virus groups, such as filoviruses (including ebolaviruses), influenza viruses, paramyxoviruses, and coronaviruses“.

    Here’s one of the many studies published by Eco Health Alliance, Metabiota and Labyrinth Global Health proving the connection –

    PREDICT partnered with the non-profit Eco Health Alliance (EHA) to carry out its 9-year effort to catalogue hundreds of thousands of biological samples, ‘including over 10.000 bats’. A PREDICT-funded 2015 study on “diversity of coronavirus in bats” also included Peter Daszak, president of EHA, among its participants.

    Eco Health Alliance is listed as a partner of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”) on archived pages of its website and was mentioned as one of the institute’s “strategic partners” by the WIV’s Deputy Director-General in 2018.

    Notably, the relationship between the WIV and the American Biodefense establishment was advanced by EHA policy advisor, David R. Franz, former commander at the US bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick.

    Zhengli Shi | MolecularCloud

    WIV’s Dr. Shi Zhengli, a.k.a. “Batwoman,” had also worked with EHA’s Daszak on bat-related studies. As far back as 2005, Daszak and Zhengli were conducting research on SARS-like coronaviruses in bats. Several PREDICT-funded studies on SARS-like coronaviruses and Swine Flu count with both Zhengli’s and Daszak’s contributions. Perhaps the most noteworthy of these is a 2015 PREDICT and NIH-funded study she co-authored entitled: ‘A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence’.

    Nathan Wolfe, Ph.D. - GoldLab Foundation

    Meanwhile, Nathan Wolfe is the founder of Metabiota and the non-profit Global Viral. He spent over eight years conducting biomedical research in both sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Unsurprisingly, Wolfe is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. More notably, since 2008 he had been a member of DARPA’s DSRC, Defence Science Research Council, until it was disbanded.

    All of these people and organisations have been working for at least the last decade studying coronaviruses and helping to set up Biolabs in Ukraine. All using US Department of Defense funds to do so.

    Putting the Biolabs in Ukraine to one side, for now, let’s return to the subject of Covid-19. If the US Government was funding Covid-19 research before Covid-19 was publicly known to exist then this suggests they either knew Covid-19 existed naturally, or they were involved in constructing this virus in a lab.

    But if the contract evidence isn’t enough for you to come to this conclusion (it should be), then perhaps coupling it with evidence that the US National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Moderna had a coronavirus candidate in December 2019 will be.

    A confidentiality agreement which can be viewed here, states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

    The material transfer agreement was signed the December 12th 2019 by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina on December 16th 2019.

    The agreement was also signed by two representatives of the NIAID, one of whom was Amy F. Petrik PhD, a technology transfer specialist who signed the agreement on December 12th 2019 at 8:05 am. The other signatory was Barney Graham MD PhD, an investigator for the NIAID, however, this signature was not dated.

    All of these signatures were made prior to any knowledge of the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus. It wasn’t until December 31st 2019 that the World Health Organisation (WHO) became aware of an alleged cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. But even at this point, they had not determined that an alleged new coronavirus was to blame, instead stating the pneumonia was of “unknown cause”.

    All of this requires much further research to fit all of the pieces of the puzzle together, but here’s what we definitely know so far –

    A novel coronavirus emerged in Wuhan in December 2019.
    The world did not get to hear about this novel coronavirus until early January 2020.
    The world did not know this novel coronavirus was called Covid-19 until February 2020, when the World Health Organization officially named it so.
    The US Department of Defense awarded a contract for Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services to ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp’, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”.
    That contract involved a Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine.
    As part of this larger contract, another contract was awarded to Labyrinth Global Health for ‘COVID-19 Research’ on 12th November 2019.
    This was awarded at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19.
    Labyrinth Global Health works alongside the ‘Eco Health Alliance’, and ‘Metabiota’, and participated in the USAID PREDICT program. All of these people and organisations have been working for at least the past decade studying coronaviruses and helping to set up Biolabs in Ukraine. All using US Department of Defense funds to do so.
    Information found here points to Eco Health Alliance having a hand in creating the Covid-19 virus.

    Information found here points to Moderna having a hand in creating the Covid-19 virus.
    ‘Moderna’, alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna, to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.
    Many thanks to The Expose’
    Claudio Resta was born in Genoa, Italy in 1958, he is a citizen of the world (Spinoza), a maverick philosopher, and an interdisciplinary expert, oh, and an artist, too.

    Grew up in a family of scientists where many sciences were represented by philosophy to psychoanalysis, from economics to history, from mathematics to physics, and where these sciences were subject to public display by their subject experts family members, and all those who they were part of could participate in a public family dialogue/debate on these subjects if they so wished. Read Full Bio

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    Pentagon issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed Claudio RestaNovember 4, 2024 The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease Covid-19. So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19? The shocking findings, however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’. Perhaps explaining why Labyrinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017. The Government of the United States has a website called ‘USA Spending‘, an official open data source of federal spending information. According to the site as of 12th April 2021, the US Government has spent a mind-blowing $3.63 trillion “in response to COVID-19”. But that’s not the only information on Covid that can be found on the site. Hidden within the ‘Award Search’ are details on a contract awarded by the Department of Defense to a company named ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp’, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”. The contract was awarded on September 20th, 2012 and is described as “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services”. Obviously, this is very vague and most likely of little interest to anyone who happens to stumble across it. But there is something contained deep within the details that should be of interest to anyone and everyone. The ‘Award History’ for the contract contains a tab for ‘Sub-Awards’ detailing the recipients, action date, amount, and a very brief description for 115 Sub-Award transactions. Most of the Sub-Awards are extremely mundane for things such as “laboratory equipment for Kyiv”, or “office furniture for Kyiv”. Hidden within the ‘Award Search’ are details on a contract awarded by the Department of Defense to a company named ‘‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp’‘, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”. The contract was awarded on September 20th, 2012 and is described as “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services”. Obviously, this is very vague and most likely of little interest to anyone who happens to stumble across it. But there is something contained deep within the details that should be of interest to anyone and everyone. The ‘Award History’ for the contract contains a tab for ‘Sub-Awards’ detailing the recipients, action date, amount, and a very brief description for 115 Sub-Award transactions. Most of the Sub-Awards are extremely mundane for things such as “laboratory equipment for Kyiv”, or “office furniture for Kyiv”. But there is one Sub-Award that stands out among the rest, and it was awarded to Labyrinth Global Health INC for “SME Manuscript Documentation and COVID-19 Research”. An award for Covid-19 research isn’t exactly shocking when the world is allegedly in the grip of a Covid-19 pandemic, but considering the fact the sub-contract was awarded 12th November 2019, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19, the award for Covid-19 research should come as a shock to everyone. But the shock doesn’t end there, because the place the contact for Covid-19 research was instructed to take place was Ukraine, as was the entire contract awarded by the DOD to ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp’. The contract details found on the ‘USA Spending’ site actually reveal that the specific DOD department that awarded the contract was the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The contract was awarded 20th September 2012, and concluded on 13th October 2020.Whilst the details are vague, the US Government site also reveals that $21.7 million of the $116.6 million contract was spent on a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’. Why did the Department of Defense pay a company that is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”, to help implement a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’? And why did both the DOD and said company then pay Labyrinth Global Health INC to carry out COVID-19 research in Ukraine at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19? Founded in 2017, Labyrinth Global Health is allegedly a “women-owned small business with deep expertise and a proven track record supporting initiatives for scientific and medical advancement.” They describe themselves as “a multicultural and international organization with offices in four countries and a team of experts with diverse backgrounds and competencies, including microbiology, virology, global health, emerging infectious disease nursing, medical anthropology, field epidemiology, clinical research, and health information systems.” One of those offices just happens to be located in Kyiv, Ukraine, which the company dubs “a gateway to Eastern Europe”. Karen Saylors, PhD, who co-founded Labyrinth Global Health, has allegedly worked in the international public health field for over a decade and has spent many years living in Africa establishing global surveillance networks, “working with partners to improve Global Health policy on infectious disease detection, response, and control”. At Labyrinth, Dr Saylors specialises in studies that aim to understand and mitigate the biological and behavioural risks of disease transmission. Dr Saylors worked with Oxford University Clinical Trials Network in Vietnam on zoonotic disease surveillance research and continues to coordinate with regional partners on emerging outbreaks in animal and human populations. Labyrinth Global Health | LinkedIn But who are the partners that Dr Karen Saylors and Labyrinth Global Health choose to work with? They are none other than the ‘Eco-Health Alliance’ and ‘Metabiota’. Dr Karen Saylors, Eco-Health Alliance and Metabiota worked together on the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) ‘PREDICT’ program from 2009, while Labyrinth Global Health worked alongside EHA and Metabiota on the PREDICT program from 2017. Launched in 2009 and funded by USAID, PREDICT was an early warning system for new and emerging diseases in 21 countries. It was led by the University of California’s (“UC”) Davis One Health Institute and core partners included EcoHealth Alliance (”EHA”), Metabiota, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Smithsonian Institution, and as we’ve just revealed; Labyrinth Global Health. PREDICT was a forerunner of the more ambitious Global Virome Project. The USAID describes PREDICT as having made “significant contributions to strengthening global surveillance and laboratory diagnostic capabilities for both known and newly discovered viruses within several important virus groups, such as filoviruses (including ebolaviruses), influenza viruses, paramyxoviruses, and coronaviruses“. Here’s one of the many studies published by Eco Health Alliance, Metabiota and Labyrinth Global Health proving the connection – PREDICT partnered with the non-profit Eco Health Alliance (EHA) to carry out its 9-year effort to catalogue hundreds of thousands of biological samples, ‘including over 10.000 bats’. A PREDICT-funded 2015 study on “diversity of coronavirus in bats” also included Peter Daszak, president of EHA, among its participants. Eco Health Alliance is listed as a partner of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”) on archived pages of its website and was mentioned as one of the institute’s “strategic partners” by the WIV’s Deputy Director-General in 2018. Notably, the relationship between the WIV and the American Biodefense establishment was advanced by EHA policy advisor, David R. Franz, former commander at the US bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick. Zhengli Shi | MolecularCloud WIV’s Dr. Shi Zhengli, a.k.a. “Batwoman,” had also worked with EHA’s Daszak on bat-related studies. As far back as 2005, Daszak and Zhengli were conducting research on SARS-like coronaviruses in bats. Several PREDICT-funded studies on SARS-like coronaviruses and Swine Flu count with both Zhengli’s and Daszak’s contributions. Perhaps the most noteworthy of these is a 2015 PREDICT and NIH-funded study she co-authored entitled: ‘A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence’. Nathan Wolfe, Ph.D. - GoldLab Foundation Meanwhile, Nathan Wolfe is the founder of Metabiota and the non-profit Global Viral. He spent over eight years conducting biomedical research in both sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Unsurprisingly, Wolfe is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. More notably, since 2008 he had been a member of DARPA’s DSRC, Defence Science Research Council, until it was disbanded. All of these people and organisations have been working for at least the last decade studying coronaviruses and helping to set up Biolabs in Ukraine. All using US Department of Defense funds to do so. Putting the Biolabs in Ukraine to one side, for now, let’s return to the subject of Covid-19. If the US Government was funding Covid-19 research before Covid-19 was publicly known to exist then this suggests they either knew Covid-19 existed naturally, or they were involved in constructing this virus in a lab. But if the contract evidence isn’t enough for you to come to this conclusion (it should be), then perhaps coupling it with evidence that the US National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Moderna had a coronavirus candidate in December 2019 will be. A confidentiality agreement which can be viewed here, states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019. The material transfer agreement was signed the December 12th 2019 by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina on December 16th 2019. The agreement was also signed by two representatives of the NIAID, one of whom was Amy F. Petrik PhD, a technology transfer specialist who signed the agreement on December 12th 2019 at 8:05 am. The other signatory was Barney Graham MD PhD, an investigator for the NIAID, however, this signature was not dated. All of these signatures were made prior to any knowledge of the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus. It wasn’t until December 31st 2019 that the World Health Organisation (WHO) became aware of an alleged cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. But even at this point, they had not determined that an alleged new coronavirus was to blame, instead stating the pneumonia was of “unknown cause”. All of this requires much further research to fit all of the pieces of the puzzle together, but here’s what we definitely know so far – A novel coronavirus emerged in Wuhan in December 2019. The world did not get to hear about this novel coronavirus until early January 2020. The world did not know this novel coronavirus was called Covid-19 until February 2020, when the World Health Organization officially named it so. The US Department of Defense awarded a contract for Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services to ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp’, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specialising in infrastructure development”. That contract involved a Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine. As part of this larger contract, another contract was awarded to Labyrinth Global Health for ‘COVID-19 Research’ on 12th November 2019. This was awarded at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19. Labyrinth Global Health works alongside the ‘Eco Health Alliance’, and ‘Metabiota’, and participated in the USAID PREDICT program. All of these people and organisations have been working for at least the past decade studying coronaviruses and helping to set up Biolabs in Ukraine. All using US Department of Defense funds to do so. Information found here points to Eco Health Alliance having a hand in creating the Covid-19 virus. https://expose-news.com/2022/03/18/ukraine-biolabs-and-connections-btw-metabiota-and-ecohealth/ Information found here points to Moderna having a hand in creating the Covid-19 virus. https://expose-news.com/2022/03/17/exhaustive-proof-moderna-made-covid-19/ ‘Moderna’, alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna, to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019. Many thanks to The Expose’ Claudio Resta was born in Genoa, Italy in 1958, he is a citizen of the world (Spinoza), a maverick philosopher, and an interdisciplinary expert, oh, and an artist, too. Grew up in a family of scientists where many sciences were represented by philosophy to psychoanalysis, from economics to history, from mathematics to physics, and where these sciences were subject to public display by their subject experts family members, and all those who they were part of could participate in a public family dialogue/debate on these subjects if they so wished. Read Full Bio Latest Articles (2023-Present) Archived Articles (2019-2022) VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/11/pentagon-issued-a-contract-for-covid-19-research-in-ukraine-3-months-before-covid-19-officially-existed/
    Pentagon issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed
    The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named
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  • Please share this story. Critical research. Corporate profits in exchange for our health. We should all be angry and loud



    Revealed: Far higher pesticide residues allowed on food since Brexit
    Exclusive: Unlike the EU, Great Britain has slashed protections for scores of food types

    Damian Carrington
    Maximum residue levels have been weakened for 49 different pesticides, 15 of which are on a list of ‘highly hazardous pesticides’ compiled by Pesticides Action Network UK.
    The amount of pesticide residue allowed on scores of food types in England, Wales and Scotland has soared since Brexit, analysis reveals, with some now thousands of times higher.

    Changes to regulations in Great Britain mean more than 100 items are now allowed to carry more pesticides when sold to the public, ranging from potatoes to onions, grapes to avocados, and coffee to rice.

    For tea, the maximum residue level (MRL) was increased by 4,000 times for both the insecticide chlorantraniliprole and the fungicide boscalid. For the controversial weedkiller glyphosate, classed as a “probable human carcinogen” by the World Health Organization (WHO), the MRL for beans was raised by 7.5 times.

    The purpose of the pesticide MRL regime is to protect public health, wildlife and the natural environment. Campaigners said the list of pesticides included reproductive toxins and carcinogens and that the weaker MRLs reduced protections for consumers in Great Britain. Northern Ireland has retained the EU MRLs.

    The changes took place between 2022 and 2024 under the previous Conservative government and replaced stronger EU MRLs. In contrast to Great Britain, the EU has not weakened the MRLs for the pesticides and in some cases is making them even stricter. The campaigners called on the Labour government to reverse the changes.

    MRLs have been weakened for 49 different pesticides, 15 of which are on a list of “highly hazardous pesticides” compiled by Pesticides Action Network UK (Pan UK), based on data from national and international authorities.

    The analysis of MRLs was conducted by Pan UK using data from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which regulates pesticides in the UK, and the details were shared with the Guardian. In one example, MRLs for avocados and pomegranates for the insecticide bifenthrin, a hormone disruptor, were raised 50 times. The pesticide is banned in both the UK and EU but not in many importing countries.

    “Safety limits have been undermined for a worrying list of pesticides,” said Nick Mole from Pan UK. “At a time when cancers and other chronic diseases are on the rise, we should be doing everything we can to reduce our chemical exposure. In reality, we have no idea what this ongoing exposure to tens – or even hundreds – of different chemicals is doing to our health over the long term.” Scientists concluded in 2022 that global chemical pollution had passed the safe limit for humanity.

    A spokesperson for the HSE said: “We make independent decisions based on careful scientific assessment of the risks, with the aim of achieving a high level of protection for people and the environment. The decision to change any MRL must be supported by a risk assessment to ensure internationally recognised safety requirements are met.” He said British MRLs were set below the level considered to be safe for people eating the food.

    The new, weaker MRLs adopted by Great Britain come from the Codex Alimentarius, a set of international food standards produced by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the WHO. The Codex has been criticised by campaigners for “a history of setting weaker safety standards than European counterparts due to the influence of US and corporate lobbying”.

    Strikingly, the UK chose to adopt the Codex MRLs only where they offered lower protection to consumers. Where the Codex standard was stricter, the HSE decided to retain the weaker British MRL. In the cases of residues of chlorantraniliprole and boscalid in teas, the EU also adopted the higher Codex MRL.

    The planet's most important stories. Get all the week's environment news - the good, the bad and the essential
    Privacy Notice: Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Privacy Policy. We use Google reCaptcha to protect our website and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
    “This really does beggar belief,” said Mole. “The new government urgently needs to flip this topsy-turvy approach on its head.” The HSE said a British MRL could be higher because a pesticide was applied in greater quantities in Britain than in the scenario considered for the Codex standard.

    The Guardian revealed in January that the UK had dropped a swathe of EU-derived environmental protections, despite Michael Gove, Boris Johnson and other architects of Brexit having promised that they would be strengthened after the UK left the bloc. In particular, the EU has banned 30 harmful pesticides since Brexit – the UK has not banned any of these.

    Fifteen of the pesticides for which MRLs have been increased are banned in both the UK and EU, including two neonicotinoids, notorious for their harm to pollinating insects. Pan UK said this gave a competitive advantage to growers in countries where these pesticides remain legal, such as the US, Canada and Australia in the case of the neonicotinoids.

    One neonicotinoid, thiamethoxam, had its MRL for oats increased 25 times from the previous EU standard, while for clothianidin, the MRL for wheat has gone up 7.5 times. In contrast, the EU is to reduce its MRLs for these insecticides by up to 80% in 2026.

    “We are essentially exporting our pesticide footprint abroad,” said Mole. “For the sake of the global biodiversity crisis, the new government urgently needs to undo this mess. We should be adopting a precautionary approach, which prioritises health and environment over economic concerns.”

    A Defra spokesperson said: “Decisions on MRLs are only taken after rigorous risk assessments to make sure levels are safe for the public. This government will change existing policies to ban the use of bee-killing pesticides and will set out plans to minimise the risks and impacts of pesticides through an increased uptake of integrated pest management.”

    This article was amended on 27 September 2024 to clarify that in the cases of residues of chlorantraniliprole and boscalid in teas, the EU also adopted the higher Codex MRL.
    Please share this story. Critical research. Corporate profits in exchange for our health. We should all be angry and loud https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/sep/19/revealed-far-higher-pesticide-residues-allowed-on-food-since-brexit @AseemMalhotra Revealed: Far higher pesticide residues allowed on food since Brexit Exclusive: Unlike the EU, Great Britain has slashed protections for scores of food types Damian Carrington Maximum residue levels have been weakened for 49 different pesticides, 15 of which are on a list of ‘highly hazardous pesticides’ compiled by Pesticides Action Network UK. The amount of pesticide residue allowed on scores of food types in England, Wales and Scotland has soared since Brexit, analysis reveals, with some now thousands of times higher. Changes to regulations in Great Britain mean more than 100 items are now allowed to carry more pesticides when sold to the public, ranging from potatoes to onions, grapes to avocados, and coffee to rice. For tea, the maximum residue level (MRL) was increased by 4,000 times for both the insecticide chlorantraniliprole and the fungicide boscalid. For the controversial weedkiller glyphosate, classed as a “probable human carcinogen” by the World Health Organization (WHO), the MRL for beans was raised by 7.5 times. The purpose of the pesticide MRL regime is to protect public health, wildlife and the natural environment. Campaigners said the list of pesticides included reproductive toxins and carcinogens and that the weaker MRLs reduced protections for consumers in Great Britain. Northern Ireland has retained the EU MRLs. The changes took place between 2022 and 2024 under the previous Conservative government and replaced stronger EU MRLs. In contrast to Great Britain, the EU has not weakened the MRLs for the pesticides and in some cases is making them even stricter. The campaigners called on the Labour government to reverse the changes. MRLs have been weakened for 49 different pesticides, 15 of which are on a list of “highly hazardous pesticides” compiled by Pesticides Action Network UK (Pan UK), based on data from national and international authorities. The analysis of MRLs was conducted by Pan UK using data from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which regulates pesticides in the UK, and the details were shared with the Guardian. In one example, MRLs for avocados and pomegranates for the insecticide bifenthrin, a hormone disruptor, were raised 50 times. The pesticide is banned in both the UK and EU but not in many importing countries. “Safety limits have been undermined for a worrying list of pesticides,” said Nick Mole from Pan UK. “At a time when cancers and other chronic diseases are on the rise, we should be doing everything we can to reduce our chemical exposure. In reality, we have no idea what this ongoing exposure to tens – or even hundreds – of different chemicals is doing to our health over the long term.” Scientists concluded in 2022 that global chemical pollution had passed the safe limit for humanity. A spokesperson for the HSE said: “We make independent decisions based on careful scientific assessment of the risks, with the aim of achieving a high level of protection for people and the environment. The decision to change any MRL must be supported by a risk assessment to ensure internationally recognised safety requirements are met.” He said British MRLs were set below the level considered to be safe for people eating the food. The new, weaker MRLs adopted by Great Britain come from the Codex Alimentarius, a set of international food standards produced by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the WHO. The Codex has been criticised by campaigners for “a history of setting weaker safety standards than European counterparts due to the influence of US and corporate lobbying”. Strikingly, the UK chose to adopt the Codex MRLs only where they offered lower protection to consumers. Where the Codex standard was stricter, the HSE decided to retain the weaker British MRL. In the cases of residues of chlorantraniliprole and boscalid in teas, the EU also adopted the higher Codex MRL. The planet's most important stories. Get all the week's environment news - the good, the bad and the essential Privacy Notice: Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Privacy Policy. We use Google reCaptcha to protect our website and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. “This really does beggar belief,” said Mole. “The new government urgently needs to flip this topsy-turvy approach on its head.” The HSE said a British MRL could be higher because a pesticide was applied in greater quantities in Britain than in the scenario considered for the Codex standard. The Guardian revealed in January that the UK had dropped a swathe of EU-derived environmental protections, despite Michael Gove, Boris Johnson and other architects of Brexit having promised that they would be strengthened after the UK left the bloc. In particular, the EU has banned 30 harmful pesticides since Brexit – the UK has not banned any of these. Fifteen of the pesticides for which MRLs have been increased are banned in both the UK and EU, including two neonicotinoids, notorious for their harm to pollinating insects. Pan UK said this gave a competitive advantage to growers in countries where these pesticides remain legal, such as the US, Canada and Australia in the case of the neonicotinoids. One neonicotinoid, thiamethoxam, had its MRL for oats increased 25 times from the previous EU standard, while for clothianidin, the MRL for wheat has gone up 7.5 times. In contrast, the EU is to reduce its MRLs for these insecticides by up to 80% in 2026. “We are essentially exporting our pesticide footprint abroad,” said Mole. “For the sake of the global biodiversity crisis, the new government urgently needs to undo this mess. We should be adopting a precautionary approach, which prioritises health and environment over economic concerns.” A Defra spokesperson said: “Decisions on MRLs are only taken after rigorous risk assessments to make sure levels are safe for the public. This government will change existing policies to ban the use of bee-killing pesticides and will set out plans to minimise the risks and impacts of pesticides through an increased uptake of integrated pest management.” This article was amended on 27 September 2024 to clarify that in the cases of residues of chlorantraniliprole and boscalid in teas, the EU also adopted the higher Codex MRL.
    Revealed: Far higher pesticide residues allowed on food since Brexit
    Exclusive: Unlike the EU, Great Britain has slashed protections for scores of food types
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    Deborah George - ‘Divine Light’: 9-Year-Old Takes Photo of Peahens on Misty Winter Morning, Makes It to Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards: https://www.theepochtimes.com/bright/divine-light-9-year-old-takes-photo-of-peahens-on-misty-winter-morning-makes-it-to-wildlife-photographer-of-the-year-awards-5725521 #InTheSpotlight #Peahen #Keoladeo #India #WildlifePhotography #Wildlife #Photography
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  • Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government
    May 22, 2013

    Andrew Gavin Marshall, New Dawn
    Waking Times

    So, who runs the world? It’s a question that people have struggled with since people began to struggle. It’s certainly a question with many interpretations, and incites answers of many varied perspectives.

    Often, it is relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory,” in that, those who discuss this question or propose answers to it, are purveyors of a conspiratorial view of the world. However, it is my intention to discard the labels, which seek to disprove a position without actually proving anything to the contrary. One of these labels – “conspiracy theorist” – does just that: it’s very application to a particular perspective or viewpoint has the intention of “disproving without proof;” all that is needed is to simply apply the label.

    What I intend to do is analyse the social structure of the transnational ruling class, the international elite, who together run the world. This is not a conspiratorial opinion piece, but is an examination of the socially constructed elite class of people; what is the nature of power, how does it get used, and who holds it?

    A Historical Understanding of Power

    In answering the question “Who Runs the World?” we must understand what positions within society hold the most power, and thus, the answer becomes clear. If we simply understand this as heads of state, the answer will be flawed and inaccurate. We must examine the globe as a whole, and the power structures of the global political economy.

    The greatest position of power within the global capitalist system lies in the authority of money-creation: the central banking system. The central banking system, originating in 1694 in England, consists of an international network of central banks that are privately owned by wealthy shareholders and are granted governmental authority to print and issue a nation’s currency, and set interest rates, collecting revenue and making profit through the interest charged. Central banks give loans to both governments and industries, controlling both simultaneously. The ultimate centre of power in the central banking system is at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in Basle, Switzerland; which is the central bank to the world’s central banks, and is also a private bank owned by the world’s central banks.
    As Georgetown University history professor Carroll Quigley wrote:

    [T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.1

    The central banks, and thus the central banking system as a whole, is a privately owned system in which the major shareholders are powerful international banking houses. These international banking houses emerged in tandem with the evolution of the central banking system. The central banking system first emerged in London, and expanded across Europe with time. With that expansion, the European banking houses also rose and expanded across the continent.

    The French Revolution resulted with Napoleon coming to power, who granted the French bankers a central bank of France, which they privately controlled.2 It was also out of the French Revolution that one of the major banking houses of the world emerged, the Rothschilds. Emerging out of a European Jewish ghetto, the Rothschilds quickly rose to the forefront in banking, and established banking houses in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Naples, allowing them to profit off of all sides in the Napoleonic wars.3

    As Carroll Quigley wrote in his monumental Tragedy and Hope, “The merchant bankers of London had already at hand in 1810-1850 the Stock Exchange, the Bank of England, and the London money market,” and that:

    In time they brought into their financial network the provincial banking centres, organised as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other.4

    At the same time, in the United States, we saw the emergence of a powerful group of bankers and industrialists, such as the Morgans, Astors, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, and Carnegies, and they created massive industrial monopolies and oligopolies throughout the 19th century.5 These banking interests were very close to and allied with the powerful European banking houses.

    The European, and particularly the British elites of the time, were beginning to organise their power in an effort to properly exert their influence internationally. At this time, European empires were engaging in the Scramble for Africa, in which nearly the entire continent of Africa, save Ethiopia, was colonised and carved up by European nations. One notable imperialist was Cecil Rhodes who made his fortune from diamond and gold mining in Africa with financial support from the Rothschilds,6 and “at that time [had] the biggest concentration of financial capital in the world.”7

    Cecil Rhodes was also known for his radical views regarding America, particularly in that he would “talk with total seriousness of ‘the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire’.”8 Rhodes saw himself not simply as a moneymaker, but primarily as an “empire builder.”

    As Carroll Quigley explained, in 1891 three British elites met with the intent to create a secret society. The three men were Cecil Rhodes, William T. Stead, a prominent journalist of the day, and Reginald Baliol Brett, a “friend and confidant of Queen Victoria, and later to be the most influential adviser of King Edward VII and King George V.” Within this secret society, “real power was to be exercised by the leader, and a ‘Junta of Three.’ The leader was to be Rhodes, and the Junta was to be Stead, Brett, and Alfred Milner.”9

    The purpose of this secret society, which was later headed by Alfred Milner, was: “The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, and enterprise… [with] the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of a British Empire.” [Emphasis added]10 Essentially, it outlined a British-led cosmopolitical world order, one global system of governance under British hegemony. Among key players within this group were the Rothschilds and other banking interests.11

    After the 1907 banking panic in the US, instigated by JP Morgan, pressure was placed upon the American political establishment to create a “stable” banking system. In 1910, a secret meeting of financiers was held on Jekyll Island, where they planned for the “creation of a National Reserve Association with fifteen major regions, controlled by a board of commercial bankers but empowered by the federal government to act like a central bank – creating money and lending reserves to private banks.”12

    It was largely Paul M. Warburg, a Wall Street investment banker, who “had come up with a design for a single central bank [in 1910]. He called it the United Reserve Bank. From this and his later service on the first Federal Reserve Board, Warburg has, with some justice, been called the father of the System.”13President Woodrow Wilson followed the plan almost exactly as outlined by the Wall Street financiers, and added to it the creation of a Federal Reserve Board in Washington, which the President would appoint.14

    Thus, true power in the world order was held by international banking houses, which privately owned the global central banking system, allowing them to control the credit of nations, and finance and control governments and industry.

    However, though the economic system was firmly in their control, allowing them to establish influence over finance, they needed to shape elite ideology accordingly. In effect, what was required was to socially construct a ruling class, internationally, which would serve their interests. To do this, these bankers set out to undertake a project of establishing think tanks to organise elites from politics, economics, academia, media, and the military into a generally cohesive and controllable ideology.

    Constructing a Ruling Class: Rise of the Think Tanks

    During World War I, a group of American scholars were tasked with briefing “Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world once the Kaiser and imperial Germany fell to defeat.” This group was called, “The Inquiry.” The group advised Wilson mostly through his trusted aide, Col. Edward M. House, who was Wilson’s “unofficial envoy to Europe during the period between the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the intervention by the United States in 1917,” and was the prime driving force in the Wilson administration behind the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.15

    “The Inquiry” laid the foundations for the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the most powerful think tank in the US and, “The scholars of the Inquiry helped draw the borders of post World War I central Europe.” On May 30, 1919, a group of scholars and diplomats from Britain and the US met at the Hotel Majestic, where they “proposed a permanent Anglo-American Institute of International Affairs, with one branch in London, the other in New York.” When the scholars returned from Paris, they were met with open arms by New York lawyers and financiers, and together they formed the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921. The “British diplomats returning from Paris had made great headway in founding their Royal Institute of International Affairs.” The Anglo-American Institute envisioned in Paris, with two branches and combined membership was not feasible, so both the British and American branches retained national membership, however, they would cooperate closely with one another.16 They were referred to, and still are, as “Sister Institutes.”17

    The Milner Group, the secret society formed by Cecil Rhodes, “dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919; it had a great deal to do with the formation and management of the League of Nations and of the system of mandates; it founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and still controls it.”18

    There were other groups founded in many countries representing the same interests of the secret Milner Group, and they came to be known as the Round Table Groups, preeminent among them were the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, and parallel groups were set up in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India.19

    These were, in effect, the first international think tanks, which remain today, and are in their respective nations, among the top, if not the most prominent think tanks.

    In 2008, a major study was done by the University of Philadelphia’s International Relations Program – the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program – which sought to analyse and examine the most powerful and influential think tanks in the world. While it is a useful resource to understanding the influence of think tanks, there is a flaw in its analysis. It failed to take into account the international origins of the Round Table Group think tanks, particularly the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States; Chatham House or the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London; the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, now renamed the Canadian International Council; and their respective sister organisations in India, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Further nations have since added to this group of related think tanks, including Germany, and a recently established European Council on Foreign Relations. The report, while putting focus on the international nature of think tanks, analysed these ones as separate institutions without being related or affiliated. This has, in effect, skewed the results of the study. However, it is still useful to examine.

    The top think tanks in the United States include the Council on Foreign Relations, (which was put at number 2, however, should be placed at the number 1 spot), the Brookings Institution, (which was inaccurately given the position of number one), the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, RAND Corporation, Heritage Foundation, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the American Enterprise Institute, among others.

    The top think tanks in the world, outside of the United States, are Chatham House (sitting at number one), the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the UK, the German Council on Foreign Relations, the French Institute of International Relations, the Adam Smith Institute in the UK, the Fraser Institute in Canada, the European Council on Foreign Relations, the International Crisis Group in Belgium, and the Canadian Institute of International Affairs.20

    In 1954, the Bilderberg Group was founded in the Netherlands. Every year since then the group holds a secretive meeting, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as “an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially.”21

    Regular participants include the CEOs or Chairmen of some of the largest corporations in the world, oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Total SA, as well as various European monarchs, international bankers such as David Rockefeller, major politicians, presidents, prime ministers, and central bankers of the world.22 The Bilderberg Group acts as a “secretive global think-tank,” with an original intent “to link governments and economies in Europe and North America amid the Cold War.”23

    In 1970, David Rockefeller became Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, while also being Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan. In 1970, an academic who joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1965 wrote a book called Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. The author, Zbigniew Brzezinski, called for the formation of “A Community of the Developed Nations,” consisting of Western Europe, the United States and Japan. Brzezinski wrote about how “the traditional sovereignty of nation states is becoming increasingly unglued as transnational forces such as multinational corporations, banks, and international organisations play a larger and larger role in shaping global politics.”

    So, in 1972, David Rockefeller and Brzezinski “presented the idea of a trilateral grouping at the annual Bilderberg meeting.” In July of 1972, seventeen powerful people met at David Rockefeller’s estate in New York to plan for the creation of another grouping. Also at the meeting was Brzezinski, McGeorge Bundy, the President of the Ford Foundation, (brother of William Bundy, editor of Foreign Affairs) and Bayless Manning, President of the Council on Foreign Relations.24 In 1973, these people formed the Trilateral Commission, which acted as a sister organisation to Bilderberg, linking the elites of Western Europe, North America, and Japan into a transnational ruling class.

    These think tanks have effectively socially constructed an ideologically cohesive ruling class in each nation and fostered the expansion of international ideological alignment among national elites, allowing for the development of a transnational ruling class sharing a dominant ideology.

    These same interests, controlled by the international banking houses, had to socially construct society itself. To do this, they created a massive network of tax-exempt foundations and non-profit organisations, which shaped civil society according to their designs. Among the most prominent of these are the Carnegie Corporation, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

    The “Foundations” of Civil Society

    These foundations shaped civil society by financing research projects and initiatives into major social projects, creating both a dominant world-view for the elite classes, as well as managing the other classes.

    These foundations, since their establishment, played a large part in the funding and organising of the eugenics movement, which helped facilitate this racist, elitist ideology to having enormous growth and influence, ultimately culminating in the Nazi Holocaust. From then, the word “eugenics” had to be dropped from the ideology and philanthropy of elites, and was replaced with new forms of eugenics policies and concepts. Among them, genetics, population control and environmentalism.

    These foundations also funded seemingly progressive and alternative media sources in an effort to control the opposition, and manage the resistance to their world order, essentially making it ineffective and misguided.

    The Rockefeller Foundation was established in 1912, and immediately began giving money to eugenics research organisations.25 Eugenics was a pseudo-scientific and social science movement that emerged in the late 19th century, and gained significant traction in the first half of the 20th century. One of the founding ideologues of eugenics, Sir Francis Galton, an anthropologist and cousin to Charles Darwin, wrote that eugenics “is the study of all agencies under social control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations.”26 Ultimately, it was about the “sound” breeding of people and maintaining “purity” and “superiority” of the blood. It was an inherently racist ideology, which saw all non-white racial categories of people as inherently and naturally inferior, and sought to ground these racist theories in “science.”

    The vast wealth and fortunes of the major industrialists and bankers in the United States flowed heavily into the eugenics organisations, promoting and expanding this racist and elitist ideology. Money from the Harriman railroad fortune, with millions given by the Rockefeller and Carnegie family fortunes were subsequently “devoted to sterilisation of several hundred thousands of American ‘defectives’ annually, as a matter of eugenics.”27

    In the United States, 27 states passed eugenics based sterilisation laws of the “unfit,” which ultimately led to the sterilisation of over 60,000 people. Throughout the 1920s and 30s, the Carnegie and especially the Rockefeller Foundation, funded eugenics research in Germany, directly financing the Nazi scientists who perpetrated some of the greatest crimes of the Holocaust.28

    Following the Holocaust, the word “eugenics” was highly discredited. Thus, these elites who wanted to continue with the implementation of their racist and elitist ideology desperately needed a new name for it. In 1939, the Eugenics Records Office became known as the Genetics Record Office.29 However, tens of thousands of Americans continued to be sterilised throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s, the majority of which were women.30

    Edwin Black analysed how the pseudoscience of eugenics transformed into what we know as the science of genetics. In a 1943 edition of Eugenical News, an article titled “Eugenics After the War,” cited Charles Davenport, a major founder of eugenics, in his vision of “a new mankind of biological castes with master races in control and slave races serving them.”31

    A 1946 article in Eugenical News stated that, “Population, genetics, [and] psychology, are the three sciences to which the eugenicist must look for the factual material on which to build an acceptable philosophy of eugenics and to develop and defend practical eugenics proposals.” As Black explained, “the incremental effort to transform eugenics into human genetics forged an entire worldwide infrastructure,” with the founding of the Institute for Human Genetics in Copenhagen in 1938, led by Tage Kemp, a Rockefeller Foundation eugenicist, and was financed with money from the Rockefeller Foundation.32

    Today, much of civil society and major social projects are a product of these foundations, and align with various new forms of eugenics. The areas of population control and environmentalism are closely aligned and span a broad range of intellectual avenues. The major population control organisations emerged with funding from these various foundations, particularly the Rockefeller foundations and philanthropies.

    These organisations, such as the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, funded major civil society movements, such as the Civil Rights movement, in an effort to “create a wedge between social movement activists and their unpaid grassroots constituents, thereby facilitating professionalisation and institutionalisation within the movement,” ultimately facilitating a “narrowing and taming of the potential for broad dissent,” with an aim of limiting goals to “ameliorative rather than radical change.”33

    Two major organisations in the development of the environmental movement were the Conservation Foundation and Resources for the Future, which were founded and funded with money from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and helped “launch an explicitly pro-corporate approach to resource conservation.”34 Even the World Wildlife Fund was founded in the early 1960s by the former president of the British Eugenics Society, and its first President was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a founding member of the Bilderberg Group.

    While the environmental movement positions people as the major problem for the earth, relating humanity to a cancer, population control becomes a significant factor in proposing environmental solutions.

    In May of 2009, a secret meeting of billionaire philanthropists took place in which they sought to coordinate how to “address” the world’s environmental, social, and industrial threats. Each billionaire at the meeting was given 15 minutes to discuss their “preferred” cause, and then they deliberated to create an “umbrella” cause to harness all their interests. The end result was that the umbrella cause for which the billionaires would aim to “give to” was population control, which “would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.” Among those present at the meeting were David Rockefeller, Jr., George Soros, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and even Oprah Winfrey.35


    At the top of the list of those who run the world, we have the major international banking houses, which control the global central banking system. From there, these dynastic banking families created an international network of think tanks, which socialised the ruling elites of each nation and the international community as a whole, into a cohesive transnational elite class. The foundations they established helped shape civil society both nationally and internationally, playing a major part in the funding – and thus coordinating and co-opting – of major social-political movements.

    An excellent example of one member of the top of the hierarchy of the global elite is David Rockefeller, patriarch of the Rockefeller family. Long serving as Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan bank, he revolutionised the notion of building a truly global bank. He was also Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, a founding member of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, heavily involved in the family philanthropies, and sits atop a vast number of boards and foundations. Even Alan Greenspan, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, said that David Rockefeller and the CFR have, “in many respects, formulated the foreign policy of this country.”36

    In another speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, then World Bank President James Wolfesohn, said in 2005, in honour of David Rockefeller’s 90th birthday, that, “the person who had perhaps the greatest influence on my life professionally in this country, and I’m very happy to say personally there afterwards, is David Rockefeller.” He then said, “In fact, it’s fair to say that there has been no other single family influence greater than the Rockefeller’s in the whole issue of globalisation and in the whole issue of addressing the questions which, in some ways, are still before us today. And for that David, we’re deeply grateful to you and for your own contribution in carrying these forward in the way that you did.”37

    David Rockefeller, himself, wrote, “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicised incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”38

    About the Author

    ANDREW G. MARSHALL is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization based out of Montreal, Canada (www.globalresearch.ca). He has written extensively on issues imperialism in the Middle East and Africa, the environment, Homeland Security, war, terrorism and the global economy. He is currently studying Global Political Economy and the History of the Middle East and Africa at Simon Fraser University (Canada).


    1. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, New York: Macmillan Company, 1966, 324

    2. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 515; Robert Elgie and Helen Thompson, ed., The Politics of Central Banks, New York: Routledge, 1998, 97-98

    3. Sylvia Nasar, ‘Masters of the Universe’, The New York Times: January 23, 2000; ‘The Family That Bankrolled Europe’, BBC News: July 9, 1999, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/389053.stm

    4. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 51

    5. Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States, Harper Perennial: New York, 2003, 323

    6. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 130

    7. Niall Ferguson, Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power, New York: Basic Books, 2004, 186

    8. Ibid, 190

    9. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, GSG & Associates, 1981, 3

    10. Ibid, 33

    11. Ibid, 34

    12. William Greider, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987, 276

    13. John Kenneth Galbraith, Money: Whence it Came, Where it Went, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1975, 121-122

    14. William Greider, op.cit., 277

    15. H.W. Brands, ‘He Is My Independent Self’, The Washington Post: June 11, 2006:www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/08/AR2006060801104.html

    16. CFR, ‘Continuing the Inquiry. History of CFR’: www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/inquiry.html

    17. Chatham House, ‘CHATHAM HOUSE (The Royal Institute of International Affairs): Background’, Chatham House History: www.chathamhouse.org.uk/about/history/

    18. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, op.cit., 5

    19. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, op.cit., 132-133

    20. James G. McGann, Ph.D., The Global “Go-To Think Tanks”: The Leading Public Policy Research Organizations In The World, The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program: University of Pennsylvania, International Relations Program, 2008, 26-28

    21. CBC, ‘Informal forum or global conspiracy?’, CBC News Online: June 13, 2006:www.cbc.ca/news/background/bilderberg-group/

    22. Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management, South End Press: 1980, 161-171

    23. Glen McGregor, ‘Secretive power brokers meeting coming to Ottawa?’, Ottawa Citizen: May 24, 2006

    24. Holly Sklar, ed., op.cit., 76-78

    25. Edwin Black, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, New York: Thunders’s Mouth Press, 2004, 93

    26. Ibid, 18

    27. Ibid, 101-102

    28. Edwin Black, ‘Eugenics and the Nazis – the California connection’, The San Francisco Chronicle: November 9, 2003

    29. Edwin Black, War Against the Weak, op.cit., 396

    30. Ibid, 398

    31. Ibid, 416

    32. Ibid, 418

    33. Michael Barker, The Liberal Foundations of Environmentalism: Revisiting the Rockefeller-Ford Connection, Capitalism Nature Socialism: 19, (2), June 2008, 18

    34. Ibid, 19-20

    35. John Harlow, ‘Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation’, Times Online: May 24, 2009

    36. CFR, Remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations Annual Corporate Conference, Transcripts: March 10, 2005:www.cfr.org/publication/7908/remarks_at_the_council_on_foreign_relations_annual_corporate_conference.html

    37. CFR, Council on Foreign Relations Special Symposium in honor of David Rockefeller’s 90th Birthday, Transcript: May 23, 2005:www.cfr.org/publication/8133/council_on_foreign_relations_special_symposium_in_honor_of_david_rockefellers_90th_birthday.html

    38. David Rockefeller, Memoirs, New York: Random House: 2002, 405

    The above article appeared in New Dawn No. 118 (Jan-Feb 2010).

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    Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government May 22, 2013 Andrew Gavin Marshall, New Dawn Waking Times So, who runs the world? It’s a question that people have struggled with since people began to struggle. It’s certainly a question with many interpretations, and incites answers of many varied perspectives. Often, it is relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory,” in that, those who discuss this question or propose answers to it, are purveyors of a conspiratorial view of the world. However, it is my intention to discard the labels, which seek to disprove a position without actually proving anything to the contrary. One of these labels – “conspiracy theorist” – does just that: it’s very application to a particular perspective or viewpoint has the intention of “disproving without proof;” all that is needed is to simply apply the label. What I intend to do is analyse the social structure of the transnational ruling class, the international elite, who together run the world. This is not a conspiratorial opinion piece, but is an examination of the socially constructed elite class of people; what is the nature of power, how does it get used, and who holds it? A Historical Understanding of Power In answering the question “Who Runs the World?” we must understand what positions within society hold the most power, and thus, the answer becomes clear. If we simply understand this as heads of state, the answer will be flawed and inaccurate. We must examine the globe as a whole, and the power structures of the global political economy. The greatest position of power within the global capitalist system lies in the authority of money-creation: the central banking system. The central banking system, originating in 1694 in England, consists of an international network of central banks that are privately owned by wealthy shareholders and are granted governmental authority to print and issue a nation’s currency, and set interest rates, collecting revenue and making profit through the interest charged. Central banks give loans to both governments and industries, controlling both simultaneously. The ultimate centre of power in the central banking system is at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), in Basle, Switzerland; which is the central bank to the world’s central banks, and is also a private bank owned by the world’s central banks. As Georgetown University history professor Carroll Quigley wrote: [T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.1 The central banks, and thus the central banking system as a whole, is a privately owned system in which the major shareholders are powerful international banking houses. These international banking houses emerged in tandem with the evolution of the central banking system. The central banking system first emerged in London, and expanded across Europe with time. With that expansion, the European banking houses also rose and expanded across the continent. The French Revolution resulted with Napoleon coming to power, who granted the French bankers a central bank of France, which they privately controlled.2 It was also out of the French Revolution that one of the major banking houses of the world emerged, the Rothschilds. Emerging out of a European Jewish ghetto, the Rothschilds quickly rose to the forefront in banking, and established banking houses in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Naples, allowing them to profit off of all sides in the Napoleonic wars.3 As Carroll Quigley wrote in his monumental Tragedy and Hope, “The merchant bankers of London had already at hand in 1810-1850 the Stock Exchange, the Bank of England, and the London money market,” and that: In time they brought into their financial network the provincial banking centres, organised as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other.4 At the same time, in the United States, we saw the emergence of a powerful group of bankers and industrialists, such as the Morgans, Astors, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, and Carnegies, and they created massive industrial monopolies and oligopolies throughout the 19th century.5 These banking interests were very close to and allied with the powerful European banking houses. The European, and particularly the British elites of the time, were beginning to organise their power in an effort to properly exert their influence internationally. At this time, European empires were engaging in the Scramble for Africa, in which nearly the entire continent of Africa, save Ethiopia, was colonised and carved up by European nations. One notable imperialist was Cecil Rhodes who made his fortune from diamond and gold mining in Africa with financial support from the Rothschilds,6 and “at that time [had] the biggest concentration of financial capital in the world.”7 Cecil Rhodes was also known for his radical views regarding America, particularly in that he would “talk with total seriousness of ‘the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire’.”8 Rhodes saw himself not simply as a moneymaker, but primarily as an “empire builder.” As Carroll Quigley explained, in 1891 three British elites met with the intent to create a secret society. The three men were Cecil Rhodes, William T. Stead, a prominent journalist of the day, and Reginald Baliol Brett, a “friend and confidant of Queen Victoria, and later to be the most influential adviser of King Edward VII and King George V.” Within this secret society, “real power was to be exercised by the leader, and a ‘Junta of Three.’ The leader was to be Rhodes, and the Junta was to be Stead, Brett, and Alfred Milner.”9 The purpose of this secret society, which was later headed by Alfred Milner, was: “The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, and enterprise… [with] the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of a British Empire.” [Emphasis added]10 Essentially, it outlined a British-led cosmopolitical world order, one global system of governance under British hegemony. Among key players within this group were the Rothschilds and other banking interests.11 After the 1907 banking panic in the US, instigated by JP Morgan, pressure was placed upon the American political establishment to create a “stable” banking system. In 1910, a secret meeting of financiers was held on Jekyll Island, where they planned for the “creation of a National Reserve Association with fifteen major regions, controlled by a board of commercial bankers but empowered by the federal government to act like a central bank – creating money and lending reserves to private banks.”12 It was largely Paul M. Warburg, a Wall Street investment banker, who “had come up with a design for a single central bank [in 1910]. He called it the United Reserve Bank. From this and his later service on the first Federal Reserve Board, Warburg has, with some justice, been called the father of the System.”13President Woodrow Wilson followed the plan almost exactly as outlined by the Wall Street financiers, and added to it the creation of a Federal Reserve Board in Washington, which the President would appoint.14 Thus, true power in the world order was held by international banking houses, which privately owned the global central banking system, allowing them to control the credit of nations, and finance and control governments and industry. However, though the economic system was firmly in their control, allowing them to establish influence over finance, they needed to shape elite ideology accordingly. In effect, what was required was to socially construct a ruling class, internationally, which would serve their interests. To do this, these bankers set out to undertake a project of establishing think tanks to organise elites from politics, economics, academia, media, and the military into a generally cohesive and controllable ideology. Constructing a Ruling Class: Rise of the Think Tanks During World War I, a group of American scholars were tasked with briefing “Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world once the Kaiser and imperial Germany fell to defeat.” This group was called, “The Inquiry.” The group advised Wilson mostly through his trusted aide, Col. Edward M. House, who was Wilson’s “unofficial envoy to Europe during the period between the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the intervention by the United States in 1917,” and was the prime driving force in the Wilson administration behind the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.15 “The Inquiry” laid the foundations for the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the most powerful think tank in the US and, “The scholars of the Inquiry helped draw the borders of post World War I central Europe.” On May 30, 1919, a group of scholars and diplomats from Britain and the US met at the Hotel Majestic, where they “proposed a permanent Anglo-American Institute of International Affairs, with one branch in London, the other in New York.” When the scholars returned from Paris, they were met with open arms by New York lawyers and financiers, and together they formed the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921. The “British diplomats returning from Paris had made great headway in founding their Royal Institute of International Affairs.” The Anglo-American Institute envisioned in Paris, with two branches and combined membership was not feasible, so both the British and American branches retained national membership, however, they would cooperate closely with one another.16 They were referred to, and still are, as “Sister Institutes.”17 The Milner Group, the secret society formed by Cecil Rhodes, “dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919; it had a great deal to do with the formation and management of the League of Nations and of the system of mandates; it founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and still controls it.”18 There were other groups founded in many countries representing the same interests of the secret Milner Group, and they came to be known as the Round Table Groups, preeminent among them were the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, and parallel groups were set up in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India.19 These were, in effect, the first international think tanks, which remain today, and are in their respective nations, among the top, if not the most prominent think tanks. In 2008, a major study was done by the University of Philadelphia’s International Relations Program – the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program – which sought to analyse and examine the most powerful and influential think tanks in the world. While it is a useful resource to understanding the influence of think tanks, there is a flaw in its analysis. It failed to take into account the international origins of the Round Table Group think tanks, particularly the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States; Chatham House or the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London; the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, now renamed the Canadian International Council; and their respective sister organisations in India, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Further nations have since added to this group of related think tanks, including Germany, and a recently established European Council on Foreign Relations. The report, while putting focus on the international nature of think tanks, analysed these ones as separate institutions without being related or affiliated. This has, in effect, skewed the results of the study. However, it is still useful to examine. The top think tanks in the United States include the Council on Foreign Relations, (which was put at number 2, however, should be placed at the number 1 spot), the Brookings Institution, (which was inaccurately given the position of number one), the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, RAND Corporation, Heritage Foundation, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the American Enterprise Institute, among others. The top think tanks in the world, outside of the United States, are Chatham House (sitting at number one), the International Institute for Strategic Studies in the UK, the German Council on Foreign Relations, the French Institute of International Relations, the Adam Smith Institute in the UK, the Fraser Institute in Canada, the European Council on Foreign Relations, the International Crisis Group in Belgium, and the Canadian Institute of International Affairs.20 In 1954, the Bilderberg Group was founded in the Netherlands. Every year since then the group holds a secretive meeting, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as “an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially.”21 Regular participants include the CEOs or Chairmen of some of the largest corporations in the world, oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Total SA, as well as various European monarchs, international bankers such as David Rockefeller, major politicians, presidents, prime ministers, and central bankers of the world.22 The Bilderberg Group acts as a “secretive global think-tank,” with an original intent “to link governments and economies in Europe and North America amid the Cold War.”23 In 1970, David Rockefeller became Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, while also being Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan. In 1970, an academic who joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1965 wrote a book called Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. The author, Zbigniew Brzezinski, called for the formation of “A Community of the Developed Nations,” consisting of Western Europe, the United States and Japan. Brzezinski wrote about how “the traditional sovereignty of nation states is becoming increasingly unglued as transnational forces such as multinational corporations, banks, and international organisations play a larger and larger role in shaping global politics.” So, in 1972, David Rockefeller and Brzezinski “presented the idea of a trilateral grouping at the annual Bilderberg meeting.” In July of 1972, seventeen powerful people met at David Rockefeller’s estate in New York to plan for the creation of another grouping. Also at the meeting was Brzezinski, McGeorge Bundy, the President of the Ford Foundation, (brother of William Bundy, editor of Foreign Affairs) and Bayless Manning, President of the Council on Foreign Relations.24 In 1973, these people formed the Trilateral Commission, which acted as a sister organisation to Bilderberg, linking the elites of Western Europe, North America, and Japan into a transnational ruling class. These think tanks have effectively socially constructed an ideologically cohesive ruling class in each nation and fostered the expansion of international ideological alignment among national elites, allowing for the development of a transnational ruling class sharing a dominant ideology. These same interests, controlled by the international banking houses, had to socially construct society itself. To do this, they created a massive network of tax-exempt foundations and non-profit organisations, which shaped civil society according to their designs. Among the most prominent of these are the Carnegie Corporation, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The “Foundations” of Civil Society These foundations shaped civil society by financing research projects and initiatives into major social projects, creating both a dominant world-view for the elite classes, as well as managing the other classes. These foundations, since their establishment, played a large part in the funding and organising of the eugenics movement, which helped facilitate this racist, elitist ideology to having enormous growth and influence, ultimately culminating in the Nazi Holocaust. From then, the word “eugenics” had to be dropped from the ideology and philanthropy of elites, and was replaced with new forms of eugenics policies and concepts. Among them, genetics, population control and environmentalism. These foundations also funded seemingly progressive and alternative media sources in an effort to control the opposition, and manage the resistance to their world order, essentially making it ineffective and misguided. The Rockefeller Foundation was established in 1912, and immediately began giving money to eugenics research organisations.25 Eugenics was a pseudo-scientific and social science movement that emerged in the late 19th century, and gained significant traction in the first half of the 20th century. One of the founding ideologues of eugenics, Sir Francis Galton, an anthropologist and cousin to Charles Darwin, wrote that eugenics “is the study of all agencies under social control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations.”26 Ultimately, it was about the “sound” breeding of people and maintaining “purity” and “superiority” of the blood. It was an inherently racist ideology, which saw all non-white racial categories of people as inherently and naturally inferior, and sought to ground these racist theories in “science.” The vast wealth and fortunes of the major industrialists and bankers in the United States flowed heavily into the eugenics organisations, promoting and expanding this racist and elitist ideology. Money from the Harriman railroad fortune, with millions given by the Rockefeller and Carnegie family fortunes were subsequently “devoted to sterilisation of several hundred thousands of American ‘defectives’ annually, as a matter of eugenics.”27 In the United States, 27 states passed eugenics based sterilisation laws of the “unfit,” which ultimately led to the sterilisation of over 60,000 people. Throughout the 1920s and 30s, the Carnegie and especially the Rockefeller Foundation, funded eugenics research in Germany, directly financing the Nazi scientists who perpetrated some of the greatest crimes of the Holocaust.28 Following the Holocaust, the word “eugenics” was highly discredited. Thus, these elites who wanted to continue with the implementation of their racist and elitist ideology desperately needed a new name for it. In 1939, the Eugenics Records Office became known as the Genetics Record Office.29 However, tens of thousands of Americans continued to be sterilised throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s, the majority of which were women.30 Edwin Black analysed how the pseudoscience of eugenics transformed into what we know as the science of genetics. In a 1943 edition of Eugenical News, an article titled “Eugenics After the War,” cited Charles Davenport, a major founder of eugenics, in his vision of “a new mankind of biological castes with master races in control and slave races serving them.”31 A 1946 article in Eugenical News stated that, “Population, genetics, [and] psychology, are the three sciences to which the eugenicist must look for the factual material on which to build an acceptable philosophy of eugenics and to develop and defend practical eugenics proposals.” As Black explained, “the incremental effort to transform eugenics into human genetics forged an entire worldwide infrastructure,” with the founding of the Institute for Human Genetics in Copenhagen in 1938, led by Tage Kemp, a Rockefeller Foundation eugenicist, and was financed with money from the Rockefeller Foundation.32 Today, much of civil society and major social projects are a product of these foundations, and align with various new forms of eugenics. The areas of population control and environmentalism are closely aligned and span a broad range of intellectual avenues. The major population control organisations emerged with funding from these various foundations, particularly the Rockefeller foundations and philanthropies. These organisations, such as the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, funded major civil society movements, such as the Civil Rights movement, in an effort to “create a wedge between social movement activists and their unpaid grassroots constituents, thereby facilitating professionalisation and institutionalisation within the movement,” ultimately facilitating a “narrowing and taming of the potential for broad dissent,” with an aim of limiting goals to “ameliorative rather than radical change.”33 Two major organisations in the development of the environmental movement were the Conservation Foundation and Resources for the Future, which were founded and funded with money from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and helped “launch an explicitly pro-corporate approach to resource conservation.”34 Even the World Wildlife Fund was founded in the early 1960s by the former president of the British Eugenics Society, and its first President was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a founding member of the Bilderberg Group. While the environmental movement positions people as the major problem for the earth, relating humanity to a cancer, population control becomes a significant factor in proposing environmental solutions. In May of 2009, a secret meeting of billionaire philanthropists took place in which they sought to coordinate how to “address” the world’s environmental, social, and industrial threats. Each billionaire at the meeting was given 15 minutes to discuss their “preferred” cause, and then they deliberated to create an “umbrella” cause to harness all their interests. The end result was that the umbrella cause for which the billionaires would aim to “give to” was population control, which “would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat.” Among those present at the meeting were David Rockefeller, Jr., George Soros, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and even Oprah Winfrey.35 Conclusion At the top of the list of those who run the world, we have the major international banking houses, which control the global central banking system. From there, these dynastic banking families created an international network of think tanks, which socialised the ruling elites of each nation and the international community as a whole, into a cohesive transnational elite class. The foundations they established helped shape civil society both nationally and internationally, playing a major part in the funding – and thus coordinating and co-opting – of major social-political movements. An excellent example of one member of the top of the hierarchy of the global elite is David Rockefeller, patriarch of the Rockefeller family. Long serving as Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhattan bank, he revolutionised the notion of building a truly global bank. He was also Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, a founding member of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, heavily involved in the family philanthropies, and sits atop a vast number of boards and foundations. Even Alan Greenspan, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, said that David Rockefeller and the CFR have, “in many respects, formulated the foreign policy of this country.”36 In another speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, then World Bank President James Wolfesohn, said in 2005, in honour of David Rockefeller’s 90th birthday, that, “the person who had perhaps the greatest influence on my life professionally in this country, and I’m very happy to say personally there afterwards, is David Rockefeller.” He then said, “In fact, it’s fair to say that there has been no other single family influence greater than the Rockefeller’s in the whole issue of globalisation and in the whole issue of addressing the questions which, in some ways, are still before us today. And for that David, we’re deeply grateful to you and for your own contribution in carrying these forward in the way that you did.”37 David Rockefeller, himself, wrote, “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicised incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”38 About the Author ANDREW G. MARSHALL is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization based out of Montreal, Canada (www.globalresearch.ca). He has written extensively on issues imperialism in the Middle East and Africa, the environment, Homeland Security, war, terrorism and the global economy. He is currently studying Global Political Economy and the History of the Middle East and Africa at Simon Fraser University (Canada). Footnotes: 1. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, New York: Macmillan Company, 1966, 324 2. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 515; Robert Elgie and Helen Thompson, ed., The Politics of Central Banks, New York: Routledge, 1998, 97-98 3. Sylvia Nasar, ‘Masters of the Universe’, The New York Times: January 23, 2000; ‘The Family That Bankrolled Europe’, BBC News: July 9, 1999, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/389053.stm 4. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 51 5. Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States, Harper Perennial: New York, 2003, 323 6. Carroll Quigley, op.cit., 130 7. Niall Ferguson, Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power, New York: Basic Books, 2004, 186 8. Ibid, 190 9. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, GSG & Associates, 1981, 3 10. Ibid, 33 11. Ibid, 34 12. William Greider, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987, 276 13. John Kenneth Galbraith, Money: Whence it Came, Where it Went, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1975, 121-122 14. William Greider, op.cit., 277 15. H.W. Brands, ‘He Is My Independent Self’, The Washington Post: June 11, 2006:www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/08/AR2006060801104.html 16. CFR, ‘Continuing the Inquiry. History of CFR’: www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/inquiry.html 17. Chatham House, ‘CHATHAM HOUSE (The Royal Institute of International Affairs): Background’, Chatham House History: www.chathamhouse.org.uk/about/history/ 18. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, op.cit., 5 19. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, op.cit., 132-133 20. James G. McGann, Ph.D., The Global “Go-To Think Tanks”: The Leading Public Policy Research Organizations In The World, The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program: University of Pennsylvania, International Relations Program, 2008, 26-28 21. CBC, ‘Informal forum or global conspiracy?’, CBC News Online: June 13, 2006:www.cbc.ca/news/background/bilderberg-group/ 22. Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management, South End Press: 1980, 161-171 23. Glen McGregor, ‘Secretive power brokers meeting coming to Ottawa?’, Ottawa Citizen: May 24, 2006 24. Holly Sklar, ed., op.cit., 76-78 25. Edwin Black, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, New York: Thunders’s Mouth Press, 2004, 93 26. Ibid, 18 27. Ibid, 101-102 28. Edwin Black, ‘Eugenics and the Nazis – the California connection’, The San Francisco Chronicle: November 9, 2003 29. Edwin Black, War Against the Weak, op.cit., 396 30. Ibid, 398 31. Ibid, 416 32. Ibid, 418 33. Michael Barker, The Liberal Foundations of Environmentalism: Revisiting the Rockefeller-Ford Connection, Capitalism Nature Socialism: 19, (2), June 2008, 18 34. Ibid, 19-20 35. John Harlow, ‘Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation’, Times Online: May 24, 2009 36. CFR, Remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations Annual Corporate Conference, Transcripts: March 10, 2005:www.cfr.org/publication/7908/remarks_at_the_council_on_foreign_relations_annual_corporate_conference.html 37. CFR, Council on Foreign Relations Special Symposium in honor of David Rockefeller’s 90th Birthday, Transcript: May 23, 2005:www.cfr.org/publication/8133/council_on_foreign_relations_special_symposium_in_honor_of_david_rockefellers_90th_birthday.html 38. David Rockefeller, Memoirs, New York: Random House: 2002, 405 The above article appeared in New Dawn No. 118 (Jan-Feb 2010). If you appreciated this article, please consider a digital subscription to New Dawn. © New Dawn Magazine and the respective author. © Copyright New Dawn Magazine, http://www.newdawnmagazine.com. Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice. © Copyright New Dawn Magazine, http://www.newdawnmagazine.com. Permission to re-send, post and place on web sites for non-commercial purposes, and if shown only in its entirety with no changes or additions. This notice must accompany all re-posting. ~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration by sharing this article with the buttons below… https://www.wakingtimes.com/who-really-runs-the-world-conspiracies-hidden-agendas-the-plan-for-world-government/
    Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government
    Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government
    0 Comments 0 Shares 31938 Views
  • Exploring the Wonders of Natures and Creatures: A Journey Through Wildlife and Wilderness

    Exploring the Wonders of Natures and Creatures: A Journey Through Wildlife and Wilderness https://naturesandcreatures.blogspot.com/2024/07/exploring-wonders-of-natures-and.html
    Exploring the Wonders of Natures and Creatures: A Journey Through Wildlife and Wilderness
    The natural world, as crafted by Allah, is a realm of profound beauty and intricate design. From the majestic mountains to the serene seas, ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1457 Views
  • BIG PHARMA mRNA Profits Fund WEF/WHO Global Tyranny
    Inside Pharma Report

    Truth For Health Foundation
    Big Pharma is swimming in windfall profits with the global governments paying Pfizer, Moderna J&J, and Astra Zeneca to produce the experiemental mRNA COVID injections…that in turn are causes new and aggressive diseases that Big Pharma provides more of their high profit drugs to treat symptoms by every body part…that in turn make us all sicker and more burdened with side effects and complications…which in turn include aggressive, novel, stage 4 deadly “Turbo Cancers” that do not respond to traditional treatments. VOILA! Big Pharma to the “rescue” yet again…set to make trillions in profits this time from mRNA-based gene therapy “vaccines” for the tsunami of turbo cancers expected to rise dramatically again in 2025. Johnson & Johnson announced plans to shell out $2 billion to acquire the drug developer "Ambrx Biopharma" to treat Turbo Cancers with same unproven technology as Pfizer is launching with its $43 billion Seagen acquisition. Both expect to once again bring in windfall profits to provide “treatments” for diseases their own experimental COVID injections caused in the first place. Canadian oncologist and researcher discussed these plans, and the dangers, in more detail here:

    Johnson & Johnson to acquire $2 billion drug developer "Ambrx Biopharma" to treat Turbo Cancers with same tech as Pfizer's $43 billion Seagen acquisition. Both set their sights on 2025 Cancer TSUNAMI

    Read more

    6 months ago · 129 likes · 32 comments · Dr. William Makis MD

    Today’s Inside Pharma Whistleblower Report experts discuss the dangers of the mRNA technology and the flagrant and illegals use of taxpayer funds in the UK to build these manufacturing facilities in the middle of small residential neighborhoods without any preliminary study of the human and wildlife health hazards and environmental risks of bringing in these biological materials without any regulatory oversight. The British government, Big Pharma, and WEF working together using taxpayer money and Big Pharma profits appear determined by any means possible to get mRNA and foreign DNA into human beings and all animals – domestic pets, food animals, and wildlife.

    Read more in this linked PDF from our Pharma expert on the deadly dangers of gene therapy products HERE

    For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website www.TruthForHealth.org. Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts.

    Our new Truth for Health Foundation store is OPEN FOR BUSINESS at www.TruthforHealthStore.com Don’t miss our exciting new products TruMitocondrial™ Boost and TruImmunoglobulin Plus™ to improve energy with improved cellular oxygenation, improve mitochondrial function, and boost the immune system, especially for those who may have had COVID or taken one or more COVID shots. All of our exclusive professional formulations of nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, and specialty formulations are manufactured in a certified Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) facility and are carefully vetted by Dr. Vliet to support overall health and resilience.

    Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth. We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength. https://secure.anedot.com/truth-for-health-foundation/donate

    Sign up at TruthforHealth.org and join our Crusade of the Voiceless…WE ARE SILENT NO MORE!


    Hedley Rees, based in the United Kingdom. Mr. Rees has been providing consultancy on the development, manufacture and distribution of drugs that are fully compliant with the GMP requirements of 21 CFR Title 21, since 2005 through his company, PharmaFlow. Prior to that, he spent 16 years in senior roles in Big Pharma (Bayer) and 10 years in biotech (British Biotech, Vernalis and OSI Pharmaceuticals (now Astellas). Mr. Rees also authored Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics for Wiley, NJ in 2011. His expertise is in the area of anything to do with manufacture through the three phases of clinical trials (and preclinical if required) and ongoing distribution of the commercial supply. Where regulations have been breached, he has a duty to bring this to the attention of regulators, as has been happening with the frozen vials of COVID shots that were shipped only part way finished.

    Hedley joins Truth for Health Foundation Team:

    Hedley joins Truth for Health Foundation Team, courtesy Dr Mike Yeadon

    At the kind invitation of Dr Mike Yeadon Subscribers may remember, around a month ago Dr Mike invited myself and the indominable Sasha Latypova to join the Truth for Health Team. This is the original post on it: Hedley is collaborating with the Truth for Health Foundation on its Whistleblower Report…

    Read more

    2 years ago · 23 likes · 5 comments · Hedley Rees

    Follow Hedley Rees on his Substack column, INSIDE PHARMA, where he shares all he can to expose the lies and deceptions that are costing lives and jeopardizing public safety. Watch one of his many interviews here: https://rumble.com/v14gou4-drug-development-expert-sounds-alarm-over-rushed-to-market-covid-19-vaccine.html

    Read more on Facts about SARS-CoV-2 Injections (aka DNA vaccines) and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs):

    Facts about SARS-CoV-2 Injections (aka DNA vaccines) and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs)

    Basics on SARS-CoV-2 Injections (DNA vaccines) I thought it may be useful to list some important facts about the SARS-CoV-2 injections (DNA vaccines) as they relate to the EU/UK, beginning with the basics. Hopefully, this will increase your ability to research the immaturity & experimental nature of these products that have been thrust on the world…

    Read more

    2 years ago · 28 likes · 22 comments · Hedley Rees

    Watch Recent interview discussing the violations of manufacturing processes and regulations that are supposed to keep us safe: https://rumble.com/v1qe9nk-freeman-interviews-hedley.html


    BIG PHARMA mRNA Profits Fund WEF/WHO Global Tyranny Inside Pharma Report Truth For Health Foundation Big Pharma is swimming in windfall profits with the global governments paying Pfizer, Moderna J&J, and Astra Zeneca to produce the experiemental mRNA COVID injections…that in turn are causes new and aggressive diseases that Big Pharma provides more of their high profit drugs to treat symptoms by every body part…that in turn make us all sicker and more burdened with side effects and complications…which in turn include aggressive, novel, stage 4 deadly “Turbo Cancers” that do not respond to traditional treatments. VOILA! Big Pharma to the “rescue” yet again…set to make trillions in profits this time from mRNA-based gene therapy “vaccines” for the tsunami of turbo cancers expected to rise dramatically again in 2025. Johnson & Johnson announced plans to shell out $2 billion to acquire the drug developer "Ambrx Biopharma" to treat Turbo Cancers with same unproven technology as Pfizer is launching with its $43 billion Seagen acquisition. Both expect to once again bring in windfall profits to provide “treatments” for diseases their own experimental COVID injections caused in the first place. Canadian oncologist and researcher discussed these plans, and the dangers, in more detail here: Johnson & Johnson to acquire $2 billion drug developer "Ambrx Biopharma" to treat Turbo Cancers with same tech as Pfizer's $43 billion Seagen acquisition. Both set their sights on 2025 Cancer TSUNAMI Read more 6 months ago · 129 likes · 32 comments · Dr. William Makis MD Today’s Inside Pharma Whistleblower Report experts discuss the dangers of the mRNA technology and the flagrant and illegals use of taxpayer funds in the UK to build these manufacturing facilities in the middle of small residential neighborhoods without any preliminary study of the human and wildlife health hazards and environmental risks of bringing in these biological materials without any regulatory oversight. The British government, Big Pharma, and WEF working together using taxpayer money and Big Pharma profits appear determined by any means possible to get mRNA and foreign DNA into human beings and all animals – domestic pets, food animals, and wildlife. Read more in this linked PDF from our Pharma expert on the deadly dangers of gene therapy products HERE For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website www.TruthForHealth.org. Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts. Our new Truth for Health Foundation store is OPEN FOR BUSINESS at www.TruthforHealthStore.com Don’t miss our exciting new products TruMitocondrial™ Boost and TruImmunoglobulin Plus™ to improve energy with improved cellular oxygenation, improve mitochondrial function, and boost the immune system, especially for those who may have had COVID or taken one or more COVID shots. All of our exclusive professional formulations of nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, and specialty formulations are manufactured in a certified Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) facility and are carefully vetted by Dr. Vliet to support overall health and resilience. Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth. We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength. https://secure.anedot.com/truth-for-health-foundation/donate Sign up at TruthforHealth.org and join our Crusade of the Voiceless…WE ARE SILENT NO MORE! HOST BACKGROUND AND WEBSITE RESOURCES: Hedley Rees, based in the United Kingdom. Mr. Rees has been providing consultancy on the development, manufacture and distribution of drugs that are fully compliant with the GMP requirements of 21 CFR Title 21, since 2005 through his company, PharmaFlow. Prior to that, he spent 16 years in senior roles in Big Pharma (Bayer) and 10 years in biotech (British Biotech, Vernalis and OSI Pharmaceuticals (now Astellas). Mr. Rees also authored Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics for Wiley, NJ in 2011. His expertise is in the area of anything to do with manufacture through the three phases of clinical trials (and preclinical if required) and ongoing distribution of the commercial supply. Where regulations have been breached, he has a duty to bring this to the attention of regulators, as has been happening with the frozen vials of COVID shots that were shipped only part way finished. Hedley joins Truth for Health Foundation Team: Hedley joins Truth for Health Foundation Team, courtesy Dr Mike Yeadon At the kind invitation of Dr Mike Yeadon Subscribers may remember, around a month ago Dr Mike invited myself and the indominable Sasha Latypova to join the Truth for Health Team. This is the original post on it: Hedley is collaborating with the Truth for Health Foundation on its Whistleblower Report… Read more 2 years ago · 23 likes · 5 comments · Hedley Rees Follow Hedley Rees on his Substack column, INSIDE PHARMA, where he shares all he can to expose the lies and deceptions that are costing lives and jeopardizing public safety. Watch one of his many interviews here: https://rumble.com/v14gou4-drug-development-expert-sounds-alarm-over-rushed-to-market-covid-19-vaccine.html Read more on Facts about SARS-CoV-2 Injections (aka DNA vaccines) and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs): Facts about SARS-CoV-2 Injections (aka DNA vaccines) and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) Basics on SARS-CoV-2 Injections (DNA vaccines) I thought it may be useful to list some important facts about the SARS-CoV-2 injections (DNA vaccines) as they relate to the EU/UK, beginning with the basics. Hopefully, this will increase your ability to research the immaturity & experimental nature of these products that have been thrust on the world… Read more 2 years ago · 28 likes · 22 comments · Hedley Rees Watch Recent interview discussing the violations of manufacturing processes and regulations that are supposed to keep us safe: https://rumble.com/v1qe9nk-freeman-interviews-hedley.html https://substack.com/home/post/p-140840683 https://donshafi911sars-cov-2.blogspot.com/2024/07/big-pharma-mrna-profits-fund-wefwho.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 11079 Views
  • Seeking thrills: Jhalana Leopard Safari in Jaipur
    Planning a wildlife adventure! Looking to #explore #Jhalana #Leopard Conservancy near #Jaipur.

    Does anyone recommend a tour operator for:

    Leopard spotting safaris: Maximize chances of seeing these majestic cats!
    Knowledgeable guides: To share Jhalana's #ecosystem and conservation efforts.
    Responsible tourism: Supporting ethical wildlife experiences.
    Share your Jhalana safari recommendations below!

    #JhalanaSafari #JaipurWildlife #LeopardSpotting #TravelIndia
    Seeking thrills: Jhalana Leopard Safari in Jaipur Planning a wildlife adventure! Looking to #explore #Jhalana #Leopard Conservancy near #Jaipur. Does anyone recommend a tour operator for: Leopard spotting safaris: Maximize chances of seeing these majestic cats! Knowledgeable guides: To share Jhalana's #ecosystem and conservation efforts. Responsible tourism: Supporting ethical wildlife experiences. Share your Jhalana safari recommendations below! #JhalanaSafari #JaipurWildlife #LeopardSpotting #TravelIndia
    Jhalana Leopard Safari Park, Safari Ticket Book Online
    Explore the wilderness of Jhalana Leopard Safari Park in Jaipur! Book safari tickets online with us for adventure with nature.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7930 Views
  • Experience the Golden Triangle in Unmatched Luxury with Taj Group of Hotels!

    Are you ready for an extraordinary journey through India’s Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur? Elevate your travel experience by staying at the luxurious Taj Hotels. As a dedicated travel planner in India, we offer the perfect blend of opulence and heritage for your holiday from the USA!

    🗓 Best Time to Visit:
    Plan your trip between October and March for pleasant weather, ideal for exploring India’s rich heritage.

    Visa Requirements:
    Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. The process is straightforward and convenient!

    Fly directly from major US cities like New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and hassle-free travel with top airlines.

    Exquisite Accommodation:
    Indulge in luxury at the finest Taj properties:

    Delhi: Stay at The Taj Mahal Hotel, a symbol of luxury and elegance, offering spectacular views and located close to the city's major landmarks.
    Agra: Experience the opulence of The Taj Hotel & Convention Centre, located near the Taj Mahal and offering unparalleled views of the iconic monument.
    Jaipur: Relax at the Rambagh Palace, a former royal residence that epitomizes grandeur and opulence, with beautifully manicured gardens and exquisite interiors.
    Must-See Attractions:

    Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate
    Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort
    Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace
    Luxurious Transportation:
    Travel in style with private luxury cars, enjoy the scenic beauty with exclusive train journeys, or opt for swift domestic flights to hop between cities.

    Local Expertise:
    Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences.

    Extend Your Adventure:
    Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless!

    Capture the essence of India’s rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let’s plan your luxurious Golden Triangle tour from the USA with the Taj Group of Hotels today!

    #GoldenTriangleIndia #TajHotels #TravelIndia #USAtoIndia #LuxuryTravel #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour

    Contact us now to start planning your luxurious Indian adventure!
    🌟 Experience the Golden Triangle in Unmatched Luxury with Taj Group of Hotels! 🌟 Are you ready for an extraordinary journey through India’s Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur? Elevate your travel experience by staying at the luxurious Taj Hotels. As a dedicated travel planner in India, we offer the perfect blend of opulence and heritage for your holiday from the USA! 🗓 Best Time to Visit: Plan your trip between October and March for pleasant weather, ideal for exploring India’s rich heritage. 📋 Visa Requirements: Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. The process is straightforward and convenient! ✈️ Flights: Fly directly from major US cities like New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and hassle-free travel with top airlines. 🏨 Exquisite Accommodation: Indulge in luxury at the finest Taj properties: Delhi: Stay at The Taj Mahal Hotel, a symbol of luxury and elegance, offering spectacular views and located close to the city's major landmarks. Agra: Experience the opulence of The Taj Hotel & Convention Centre, located near the Taj Mahal and offering unparalleled views of the iconic monument. Jaipur: Relax at the Rambagh Palace, a former royal residence that epitomizes grandeur and opulence, with beautifully manicured gardens and exquisite interiors. 📍 Must-See Attractions: Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace 🚗 Luxurious Transportation: Travel in style with private luxury cars, enjoy the scenic beauty with exclusive train journeys, or opt for swift domestic flights to hop between cities. 🤝 Local Expertise: Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences. 🌍 Extend Your Adventure: Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless! Capture the essence of India’s rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let’s plan your luxurious Golden Triangle tour from the USA with the Taj Group of Hotels today! #GoldenTriangleIndia #TajHotels #TravelIndia #USAtoIndia #LuxuryTravel #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour 🌐 Contact us now to start planning your luxurious Indian adventure! 🌐
    Golden Triangle Tour with Taj Group of Hotels, Book Luxury Delhi, Agra, Jaipur Tour Packages
    Experience luxury on a Golden Triangle Tour with Taj Group of Hotels. Book deluxe Delhi, Agra, Jaipur packages for an unforgettable journey.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 19765 Views
  • Experience the Golden Triangle in Unmatched Luxury with The Oberoi Group of Hotels!

    Are you ready for an extraordinary journey through India’s Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur? Elevate your travel experience by staying at the exquisite Oberoi Hotels. As a dedicated travel planner in India, we offer the perfect blend of opulence and heritage for your holiday from the USA!

    🗓 Best Time to Visit:
    Plan your trip between October and March for pleasant weather, ideal for exploring India’s rich heritage.

    Visa Requirements:
    Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. The process is straightforward and convenient!

    Fly directly from major US cities like New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and hassle-free travel with top airlines.

    Exquisite Accommodation:
    Indulge in luxury at the finest Oberoi properties:

    Delhi: Stay at The Oberoi, New Delhi, known for its contemporary design, impeccable service, and stunning views of the Delhi Golf Course and Humayun’s Tomb.
    Agra: Experience the opulence of The Oberoi Amarvilas, located just 600 meters from the Taj Mahal, with every room offering a breathtaking view of this iconic monument.
    Jaipur: Relax at The Oberoi Rajvilas, a luxury resort set in a breathtaking 32-acre oasis of beautifully landscaped gardens, featuring traditional architecture and modern comforts.
    Must-See Attractions:

    Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate
    Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort
    Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace
    Luxurious Transportation:
    Travel in style with private luxury cars, enjoy the scenic beauty with exclusive train journeys, or opt for swift domestic flights to hop between cities.

    Local Expertise:
    Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences.

    Extend Your Adventure:
    Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless!

    Capture the essence of India’s rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let’s plan your luxurious Golden Triangle tour from the USA with The Oberoi Group of Hotels today!

    #GoldenTriangleIndia #OberoiHotels #TravelIndia #USAtoIndia #LuxuryTravel #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour

    Contact us now to start planning your luxurious Indian adventure!
    🌟 Experience the Golden Triangle in Unmatched Luxury with The Oberoi Group of Hotels! 🌟 Are you ready for an extraordinary journey through India’s Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur? Elevate your travel experience by staying at the exquisite Oberoi Hotels. As a dedicated travel planner in India, we offer the perfect blend of opulence and heritage for your holiday from the USA! 🗓 Best Time to Visit: Plan your trip between October and March for pleasant weather, ideal for exploring India’s rich heritage. 📋 Visa Requirements: Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. The process is straightforward and convenient! ✈️ Flights: Fly directly from major US cities like New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and hassle-free travel with top airlines. 🏨 Exquisite Accommodation: Indulge in luxury at the finest Oberoi properties: Delhi: Stay at The Oberoi, New Delhi, known for its contemporary design, impeccable service, and stunning views of the Delhi Golf Course and Humayun’s Tomb. Agra: Experience the opulence of The Oberoi Amarvilas, located just 600 meters from the Taj Mahal, with every room offering a breathtaking view of this iconic monument. Jaipur: Relax at The Oberoi Rajvilas, a luxury resort set in a breathtaking 32-acre oasis of beautifully landscaped gardens, featuring traditional architecture and modern comforts. 📍 Must-See Attractions: Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace 🚗 Luxurious Transportation: Travel in style with private luxury cars, enjoy the scenic beauty with exclusive train journeys, or opt for swift domestic flights to hop between cities. 🤝 Local Expertise: Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences. 🌍 Extend Your Adventure: Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless! Capture the essence of India’s rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let’s plan your luxurious Golden Triangle tour from the USA with The Oberoi Group of Hotels today! #GoldenTriangleIndia #OberoiHotels #TravelIndia #USAtoIndia #LuxuryTravel #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour 🌐 Contact us now to start planning your luxurious Indian adventure! 🌐
    Golden Triangle Tour with The Oberoi Group of Hotels, Luxury Hotel Stay in Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur
    Indulge in opulence with Golden Triangle Tour featuring The Oberoi Group hotels. Luxury stays in Delhi, Agra & Jaipur await on this iconic journey.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 18798 Views
  • Experience the Golden Triangle in Unmatched Luxury with Leela and Taj Hotels!

    Ready for an extraordinary journey through India’s Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur? Elevate your travel experience by staying at the world-renowned Leela and Taj Hotels. As a dedicated travel planner in India, we offer the perfect blend of opulence and heritage for your holiday from the USA!

    🗓 Best Time to Visit:
    Plan your trip between October and March for pleasant weather, ideal for exploring India’s rich heritage.

    Visa Requirements:
    Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. The process is straightforward and convenient!

    Fly directly from major US cities like New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and hassle-free travel with top airlines.

    Exquisite Accommodation:
    Indulge in luxury at the finest Leela and Taj properties:

    Delhi: Stay at The Leela Palace, a blend of traditional elegance and modern comfort, or The Taj Mahal Hotel, offering iconic hospitality in the heart of the city.
    Agra: Experience the opulence of The Oberoi Amarvilas with Taj Mahal views from every room, or stay at The Taj Hotel & Convention Centre, combining luxury with breathtaking views.
    Jaipur: Relax at The Leela Palace Jaipur, known for its regal architecture and world-class amenities, or The Rambagh Palace, a former royal residence offering a slice of history.
    Must-See Attractions:

    Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate
    Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort
    Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace
    Luxurious Transportation:
    Travel in style with private luxury cars, enjoy the scenic beauty with exclusive train journeys, or opt for swift domestic flights to hop between cities.

    Local Expertise:
    Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences.

    Extend Your Adventure:
    Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless!

    Capture the essence of India’s rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let’s plan your luxurious Golden Triangle tour from the USA with Leela and Taj Hotels today!

    #GoldenTriangleIndia #LeelaHotels #TajHotels #TravelIndia #USAtoIndia #LuxuryTravel #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour

    Contact us now to start planning your luxurious Indian adventure!
    🌟 Experience the Golden Triangle in Unmatched Luxury with Leela and Taj Hotels! 🌟 Ready for an extraordinary journey through India’s Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur? Elevate your travel experience by staying at the world-renowned Leela and Taj Hotels. As a dedicated travel planner in India, we offer the perfect blend of opulence and heritage for your holiday from the USA! 🗓 Best Time to Visit: Plan your trip between October and March for pleasant weather, ideal for exploring India’s rich heritage. 📋 Visa Requirements: Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. The process is straightforward and convenient! ✈️ Flights: Fly directly from major US cities like New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and hassle-free travel with top airlines. 🏨 Exquisite Accommodation: Indulge in luxury at the finest Leela and Taj properties: Delhi: Stay at The Leela Palace, a blend of traditional elegance and modern comfort, or The Taj Mahal Hotel, offering iconic hospitality in the heart of the city. Agra: Experience the opulence of The Oberoi Amarvilas with Taj Mahal views from every room, or stay at The Taj Hotel & Convention Centre, combining luxury with breathtaking views. Jaipur: Relax at The Leela Palace Jaipur, known for its regal architecture and world-class amenities, or The Rambagh Palace, a former royal residence offering a slice of history. 📍 Must-See Attractions: Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace 🚗 Luxurious Transportation: Travel in style with private luxury cars, enjoy the scenic beauty with exclusive train journeys, or opt for swift domestic flights to hop between cities. 🤝 Local Expertise: Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences. 🌍 Extend Your Adventure: Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless! Capture the essence of India’s rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let’s plan your luxurious Golden Triangle tour from the USA with Leela and Taj Hotels today! #GoldenTriangleIndia #LeelaHotels #TajHotels #TravelIndia #USAtoIndia #LuxuryTravel #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour 🌐 Contact us now to start planning your luxurious Indian adventure! 🌐
    Golden Triangle Tour with Leela and Taj Hotels, Luxury Hotel Stay in Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur
    Experience lavishness with Golden Triangle Tour featuring Leela and Taj Hotels. Luxe stays in Delhi, Agra & Jaipur await on this iconic journey.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 16879 Views
  • Embark on an Unforgettable Golden Triangle Tour from the USA!

    Are you ready for an extraordinary adventure? Experience the wonders of India's Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. As a dedicated travel planner in India, we're here to help you plan the perfect holiday from the USA!

    🗓 Best Time to Visit: Plan your trip between October and March for pleasant weather, ideal for exploring India's rich heritage.

    Visa Requirements: Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. The process is straightforward and convenient!

    Flights: Fly directly from major US cities like New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and hassle-free travel with top airlines.

    Accommodation: Choose from luxurious hotels, charming guesthouses, and stunning heritage properties in each city. There's something to suit every budget and preference!

    Must-See Attractions:

    Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate
    Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort
    Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace
    Getting Around: Travel comfortably with private cars, enjoy scenic train journeys, or take domestic flights for quick city hops.

    Local Expertise: Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences.

    Extend Your Adventure: Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless!

    Capture the essence of India's rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let's plan your Golden Triangle tour from the USA today!

    #GoldenTriangleIndia #TravelIndia #USAtoIndia #HolidayPlanning #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour #usa #india

    Contact us now to start planning your Indian adventure!
    🌟 Embark on an Unforgettable Golden Triangle Tour from the USA! 🌟 Are you ready for an extraordinary adventure? Experience the wonders of India's Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. As a dedicated travel planner in India, we're here to help you plan the perfect holiday from the USA! 🗓 Best Time to Visit: Plan your trip between October and March for pleasant weather, ideal for exploring India's rich heritage. 📋 Visa Requirements: Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. The process is straightforward and convenient! ✈️ Flights: Fly directly from major US cities like New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and hassle-free travel with top airlines. 🏨 Accommodation: Choose from luxurious hotels, charming guesthouses, and stunning heritage properties in each city. There's something to suit every budget and preference! 📍 Must-See Attractions: Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace 🚗 Getting Around: Travel comfortably with private cars, enjoy scenic train journeys, or take domestic flights for quick city hops. 🤝 Local Expertise: Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences. 🌍 Extend Your Adventure: Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless! Capture the essence of India's rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let's plan your Golden Triangle tour from the USA today! #GoldenTriangleIndia #TravelIndia #USAtoIndia #HolidayPlanning #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour #usa #india 🌐 Contact us now to start planning your Indian adventure! 🌐
    Golden Triangle Tour from USA, Trip from Usa to India
    Explore the iconic Golden Triangle Tour from USA to India! Discover Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur's cultural treasures on this unforgettable journey.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13912 Views
  • Embark on an Unforgettable Golden Triangle Tour from Australia!

    Dreaming of an extraordinary holiday? Experience the magic of India's Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. As a trusted travel planner in India, we've got everything you need to plan the perfect trip from Australia!

    🗓 Best Time to Visit: October to March offers pleasant weather, ideal for sightseeing and exploring the rich heritage of India.

    Visa Requirements: Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. Easy and hassle-free!

    Flights: Fly directly from Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and convenient travel with leading airlines.

    Accommodation: Choose from luxury hotels, cozy guesthouses, and stunning heritage properties in each city. There's something for every budget and preference!

    Must-See Attractions:

    Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate
    Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort
    Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace
    Getting Around: Travel comfortably with private cars, experience scenic train journeys, or take domestic flights to quickly hop between cities.

    Local Expertise: Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences.

    Extend Your Adventure: Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless!

    Capture the essence of India's rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let's plan your Golden Triangle tour from Australia today!

    #GoldenTriangleIndia #TravelIndia #AustraliaToIndia #HolidayPlanning #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour

    Contact us now to start planning your Indian adventure!
    🌟 Embark on an Unforgettable Golden Triangle Tour from Australia! 🌟 Dreaming of an extraordinary holiday? Experience the magic of India's Golden Triangle—Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. As a trusted travel planner in India, we've got everything you need to plan the perfect trip from Australia! 🗓 Best Time to Visit: October to March offers pleasant weather, ideal for sightseeing and exploring the rich heritage of India. 📋 Visa Requirements: Secure your Indian tourist visa in advance through the Indian Visa Application Centre or online. Easy and hassle-free! ✈️ Flights: Fly directly from Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane to Delhi or Mumbai. Enjoy comfortable and convenient travel with leading airlines. 🏨 Accommodation: Choose from luxury hotels, cozy guesthouses, and stunning heritage properties in each city. There's something for every budget and preference! 📍 Must-See Attractions: Delhi: Red Fort, Qutub Minar, India Gate Agra: Taj Mahal, Agra Fort Jaipur: Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, City Palace 🚗 Getting Around: Travel comfortably with private cars, experience scenic train journeys, or take domestic flights to quickly hop between cities. 🤝 Local Expertise: Book with trusted local tour operators for personalized itineraries, insightful guides, and seamless travel arrangements. Discover hidden gems and enjoy authentic cultural experiences. 🌍 Extend Your Adventure: Add a side trip to Ranthambore National Park for a thrilling wildlife safari or explore the vibrant markets of Pushkar. The possibilities are endless! Capture the essence of India's rich history, indulge in local delicacies, and bring back unique souvenirs. Ready to make your dream holiday a reality? Let's plan your Golden Triangle tour from Australia today! #GoldenTriangleIndia #TravelIndia #AustraliaToIndia #HolidayPlanning #ExploreIndia #IncredibleIndia #TravelGoals #IndiaTour 🌐 Contact us now to start planning your Indian adventure! 🌐
    Golden Triangle India Tour from Australia, Australia to India Holiday
    Discover the Golden Triangle India Tour from Australia! Experience the rich culture and history of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur with a seamless holiday package from Australia to India.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 13597 Views
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