• Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America
    What Should Be the Fate of the Genocider-in-Chief?

    Anthony James Hall

    The drama unfolding in Gaza, the West Bank, and more generally in West Asia is announcing a new phase in the fall of Western Civilization as we have known it. At the core of the drama is a very public ceremony of human sacrifice in the joint US-Israeli ritual to depopulate Gaza and rid the West Bank of its native Palestinians.

    The conflict is widening geographically, religiously, and ideologically. US universities are becoming major sites of the intensifying turmoil. These places are meant to be devoted to higher learning, open debate and critical thinking. But those ideals are fast giving way to assaults on very promising surges of free expression.

    Attempts are underway to wrestle to the ground the outbursts of liberated articulation. The quest to silence free speech is being done in the name of quelling so-called anti-Semitism. The ironies are great when the real victims of anti-Semitism are the Semitic Arab Palestinians being injured and eliminated in the ruthless onslaughts driving the campus disruptions. The resulting divide is putting influential Jewish people on both sides of the red lines cutting straight through the complex apparatus of higher education.

    While faculty members are becoming increasingly involved, the centre of gravity in the protests so far are the mobilizing networks of students that are aligning themselves against the many-faceted genocide underway in Gaza for half a year.

    The Genocider-In-Chief, Benjamin Netanyahu, seems intent on throwing gasoline on the campus turmoil in the cause of sparking full-fledged civil war. Its amazing to behold the severity of the scolding rhetoric coming from this man who has made himself the champion of the most obscene case of mass murder in the twenty-first century.

    Netanyahu’s defamatory clichés take Zionist accusations of anti-Semitism to new extremes of overheated polemics. Its almost as if Netanyahu is intent on becoming a caricature of himself. In Netanyahu’s deformed worldview, anyone is a terrorist who questions his blood-thirsty crusade aimed at violently depopulating Occupied Palestine of its native Palestinians.

    The leader of the barbaric massacre of Palestinian refugees in Gaza, claims that anyone who empathizes with the plight of Netanyahu’s victims is “intent on killing Jews where ever they are.”

    Netanyahu’s has become so set in his ways of presenting the Gazan genocide as a noble crusade, that he seems intent on widening his blood lust for human sacrifice to include some of the most committed and principled of American’s rising generation of university students.

    Like the reprehensible web site, Canary mission, Netanyahu’s goal seems to be to destroy the life chances of young people by assigning them to blacklists meant to deny them career opportunities.

    Is Netanyahu also aiming to set in motion the creation of concentration camps or worse for those who refuse to fall in line with the bigotry driving his genocidal schemes of ethnic elimination?

    Netanyahu’s ruthless war against the most free-thinking flower of youth is aimed at sabotaging higher education by enlisting its top administrators into a campaign to eviscerate academic freedom. Without free and open debate, serious universities cannot rise to a high standard beyond the level of indoctrination, enforced sloganeering, and institutionalized cronyism. The sacrifice of human potential for partisan advantage cannot end well. Human sacrifice is taking many forms.

    Netanyahu stands at the head of a genocidal project that is embraced and advanced by many Jewish Israelis in the Armed Forces, the Knesset, the media, and the population at large. The backing also encompasses the cultish clique of puppet governors made to appear as if they are in charge of what are, in fact, hollowed-out hulks of the former Western Democracies. Some of the human agents of Zionism’s remote-controlled governance include Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Rishi Sunak, Olaf Scholz, Ursula Von Leyen, Justin Trudeau, and Emmanuel Macron.


    There can be no doubt, however, that Benjamin Netanyahu deserves the title Genocider-In-Chief. I can think of no other figure, not even during WWII, who has pushed ahead the many-faceted genocidal elimination of a people so zealously, so publicly, and so self-righteously. In spite of all the demonstrations calling for his resignation, it has become clear that most Jewish Israelis have few qualms about going along with what many people throughout the world see as the Netanyahu government’s obvious violations of the Genocide Convention.

    The genocidal project currently underway has become a primal national project of the Jewish polity. For now, the mass murder is aimed at the Palestinian inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank. But who can doubt that other Palestinians who are citizens of Israel proper, will be the next targets of ethnic elimination, a concept that has grabbed the fancy of Jewish public opinion in Israel.

    By Israel proper, I mean the part of Israel outlined for a Jewish state by the United Nations’ Resolution 181, not the portion of Palestine set aside by the UN in 1947 for a new Arab state. The Arab state was to include Gaza and the West Bank which were illegally seized through Israeli military conquest in 1967. About 20% of the citizens in Israel proper, are Palestinian. The present legal status of the Israeli citizens who are ethnic Palestinians has been made to seem increasingly fragile and problematic especially over the course of recent months.

    It is well know that Netanyahu has been caught in the grips of legal woes stemming from the kind of petty corruption that the Israeli judiciary can handle even as its members consistently disregard the international laws violated in ways that are woven into Israel’s constitutional fabric. One would think that Netanyahu’s domestic legal problems would be small compared to those created by the Israeli politician’s leading role in the most high-profile case of genocidal mass murder committed in the twenty-first century.

    But no. That is not the case. The intervention of the International Court of Justice in the Gaza debacle has yet to put any visible checks at all on Netanyahu’s massacre that seems targeted especially at women and children. In fact after the World Court’s ruling, the pace and scope of the US-Israel genocide seemed to grow.

    The conflict unfolding in Gaza is not a war, a word that should be reserved for the type of conflict involving clashes of the armed forces of two or more national governments. The invasion of Gaza by the Israeli Armed Forces, an invasion backed up by the full military might of the United States, is a massacre pointed at people who for three generations have been classified in international law as stateless refugees even as they continue to reside in their own native lands.

    Netanyahu claims the “war” is to “eradicate Hamas.” Hamas is the organization whose fighters on October 7, 2023, broke out of the walled Gaza prison to apprehend in disputed circumstances the Israeli captives presently described in the media as “hostages.”

    As we shall see, Hamas is largely a legal and political creation of the Israel government. Nevertheless, Hamas continues to command much loyalty from its Gazan constituents. Who else do the Gazans have to help them in the here and now amidst the genocidal circumstances engulfing them?

    The Apparatus of International Law is More Theatrical Than Substantial

    Even with the limited weaponry at their disposal, the Hamas fighters have been able to mount a resolute self-defence of their own stateless people. The incarcerated condition of the two million Palestinians in Gaza stands as a telling embodiment of the inconsistencies that reside at the core of the system of international law put in place by World War II’s victors.

    While this system may look on the surface as reasonable and viable, it is not what it seems. The juridical element of the international system is more theatrical than substantial in reality. The International Criminal Court is a telling example of the base biases, prejudices and corruption that prevail in some institutional components of international law.

    The ICC’s Chief Prosecutor, Karim Kahn, has been more or less inert in the face of the elaborate crime spree that is integral to the Gazan Genocide. On the other hand, Kahn was quick to charge Vladimir Putin with several trumped-up charges for war crimes in the Ukrainian debacle. By his inaction in responding with substantial investigations and charges to the many crimes permeating the Gazan Genocide, Kahn should face charges for his own complicity in genocide.


    The genocide currently under way in Gaza emerges from the internal contradictions embedded in the apparatus for arbitrating and enforcing international law. This system was purposely set up after WWII to create the fiction that the world is to be run on the basis of due process rooted in the rule of law.

    One of the weak points in this system is the lack of a coherent mechanism for enforcing international criminal law, including the Genocide Convention. This absence of a reliable means for enforcing international law is not inadvertent. It was purposely built into the system as a means of protecting the powerful from being held accountable and punished for their crimes.

    The theatricality of the international system is meant to disguise the reality that enormous latitude has been afforded to the inheritors of wealth and power, both private and institutional, to further expand their fortunes and influence. A primary illustration of the problem lies in the impunity from being charged and punished for violations of international criminal law enjoyed by those in the upper branches of the US and Israeli governments.

    The Zionist capture and protection of Chosenite Judaism epitomizes the institutionalized character of inequality before the law. Alistar Crooke refers to the basis of this phenomenon as “the Zionist project of Jewish special rights.”


    The post-WWII fiction of universal human rights and equality before the law provides cover for the royalty of acquired wealth along with the political clout that goes with it. These upper-echelon plutocrats and their agents are often exempted from the prohibitions and punishments of law.

    From this place of impunity, the Chosenites from many backgrounds can readily engage in the most expensive and corrupt forms of lawfare. They do so even as they retain their licenses to rob, kill and exploit by means of the rigged systems for the apportionment of assets, liabilities and political clout.

    Benjamin Netanyahu understands as well as anyone on earth the disjuncture between the appearance and the reality of the international system. This Israeli-American figure has epitomized and exploited the internal contradictions with gusto. This experience has led him to the strange culmination of a political career that has made him the twenty-first century’s unparalleled genocidaire extraordinaire.

    One would think that Netanyahu’s role as the primary crime boss in the most gruesome mass murder of the twenty-first century would ensnare him in legal troubles far more serious than those attending the corruption convictions he is facing in Israel. So far, however, that appears not to be the case.

    By his actions Netanyahu seems to be indicating that, for him, the domestic corruption convictions he is under are more menacing than the early stages of the charges for the international crime of genocide being pressed against the country he leads.

    Apparently Netanyahu and the Israeli people around him— even those who regularly declare their hatred of him— have plenty of experience to reassure themselves that they are above the law. They seem to be assuming they will therefore continue to enjoy impunity from the enactments and punishments of international law, including the UN’s Genocide Convention.

    Are the assumptions of Netanyahu and those around him correct? What signs are there that anything has changed to replace the theatrics of international law with some actual implementation and enforcement of fundamental legal principles. When it comes to enforcing accountability for the highest levels of blatant criminality, these fundamental principles seem to apply primarily to culprits in defeated, poor and marginalized countries.

    Will victors’ justice continue to prevail? Those on the winning side of conflicts are almost never brought to justice for the international crimes they committed on the way to victory. Going back to the era of the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals, those on the winning side are almost never made to sit on the benches reserved for the accused.

    [See Anthony J. Hall, “A National or International Crime? Indian Residential Schools and the Genocide Convention,” Genocide Studies International, Vol. 12, no 1, Spring 2018, pp. 72-91]

    In fact Netanyahu has already been ordered by the World Court to cease and desist doing the actions that are creating the perception that the government he leads is conducting a “plausible genocide.” This directive, however, Netanyahu obviously regards as empty of substance until the international community get serious about enforcing the court ruling. Netanyahu obviously holds the ruling of the International Court of Justice in contempt.

    Netanyahu continues to face little opposition willing to push against the fiction that he is engaged in a “war” to “eradicate Hamas,” a polity that he played a big role in helping to shape, guide and elevate. Netanyahu continues to exploit the fiction that he is conducting a war against, rather than a massacre of, mostly unarmed, incarcerated stateless refugees, people that the Israeli government has occupied and oppressed for three generations.

    Netanyahu continues to stand by his misrepresentation even as he accelerates the campaign to eliminate the surviving Palestinians now cornered in the southern district of the Gaza Strip in and around Rafah.

    The Engineering of Outrage to Launch the Campaign to Implement the Final Solution to the Palestinian Question

    The overarching trajectory of the genocidal violation contains many crimes within crimes. Some of these crimes are rooted in the fact that the Gazan Genocide is providing a laboratory of life and death for experiments on human subjects.

    These crimes include the mass atrocities committed by IDF soldiers in the process of destroying hospitals, in conducting torture and rape, as well as in targeting for murder many dozens of journalists and hundreds of humanitarian aid workers including UN staff. Every day, it seems, new mass graves are being identified providing abundant evidence of various methods of imposing slaughter, sometimes fast and sometimes with agonizing slowness.



    The Israeli assault on Gazan infrastructure and all means of sustaining life are integral, for instance, to engineered famine, homelessness, dehydration and plagues. We have been witnessing low-tech and high-tech genocide, the multi-dimensional likes of which have never been planned, implemented, seen, heard, and documented on such a scale.

    The crimes extend to the obliteration of universities, schools, museums, recital halls, sports facilities as well as the targeted assassinations of leading figures based in all of the obliterated institutions. The destruction extends to vast arrays of historical treasures including ancient mosques, churches, and public squares that form important parts of the shared cultural and religious inheritances of Palestinian people as well as of humanity as a whole.

    Raphael Lemkin was the inventor in 1944 of the term “genocide” and the main draftsman three years later of the Genocide Convention. Lemkin’s emphasized in his work that cultural genocide is a very important element in the process of eliminating distinct peoples from the international community of nations.

    What are the children of the world supposed to think as they compare the conditions of kids in Tel Aviv and Gaza? Is Netanyahu to be seen as a heroic warrior or as a thuggish serial killer? Who will, and who should, decide?

    Not only has Netanyahu made himself the top General, PR Spin Doctor, and strategist of a bloody interlude of ethnic nationalism gone terribly wrong. He is also the number one suspect in how the events of October 7 (10/7) came to unfold as they did in order to give justification to the quest to finish off the NAKBA (catastrophe), the Arab equivalent of the Hebrew Shoah (Holocaust).

    The genocidal NAKBA began in 1948 with the formal initiation of the new Israeli government’s ongoing campaign to uproot, kill, and eject the native population with the goal of de-Palestinianizing the Jewish nation. Some describe the events of 2023-2024 as a surge in the ongoing genocide that began 75 years earlier.

    Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party have been extremists when it comes to the occupying power’s effort to eliminate Palestinians and to extinguish their legal title to lands and resources. In the current government of Israel, Netanyahu has teamed up with religious fanatics whose anti-Arab obsessions and policies as well as their preoccupation with Jewish supremacism are being well expressed in the current outburst of genocidal mass murder.

    As with the mythology created to cover the tracks of the real culprits of 9/11, the events of 10/7 just happened to hand over to the Zionist extremists exactly the conditions of public opinion they required to spring into preplanned military campaigns at a moment’s notice. In both instances, declarations of war were issued within hours before any formal investigation at all had taken place. In both instances elaborate and irreversible actions were implemented asap resulting in initiatives that altered the course of the global history we are presently living through.

    As reported by the New York Times, the events of October 7 were fully described in the “Jericho Wall” document circulated a year before the prison break of the Hamas fighters actually happened. This detailed report was passed around among intelligence agencies including those of Israel, the USA, and Great Britain.


    Just as similar intelligence was widely distributed among Deep State spooks before 9/11, there was similar anticipation of the events of 10/7. One might even come to the conclusion that overlapping power networks were behind both false flag events that put Netanyahu and his political cronies at, or near, the centre of the predatory actions.

    The events of 9/11 were misrepresented to initiate the so-called Global War on Terror. Similarly the events of 10/7 extended the same demonization of Arabs, but especially of Muslim Palestinians, to dehumanize those on the receiving end of the onslaught by the world’s most massive and aggressive military-industrial-media complex.

    As Simplicius sees it, “all indications prove that this has been an internal Israeli plan long in the making, that the events of October 7 were in fact a Pearl Harbor-esque falseflag tasked with generating the needed outrage which would allow the execution of the ‘Final Palestinian Solution.’ ” (For reference, see link to Simplicius’ Subtack article below)

    Three months before Oct. 7 Hamas fighters were clearly viewed in Gaza practising for the events about to take place. Officials in neighbouring Egypt knew what to expect and signalled the intelligence to national security specialists in and around Netanyahu’s Office. Apparently Netanyahu refused to take Egyptian President, Abdel El-Sisi’s, telephone call on the subject.

    Netanyahu and his Likud predecessors, including Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, and Ariel Sharon, cooperated very closely with Hamas to achieve several objectives including the paramount goal of keeping the Palestinians divided into separate organizations.

    One of their motivations in building up Hamas, a sunni Muslim organization rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood, was to avoid any repeat of the rise of Yasser Arafat and his highly successful secular approach to building up support for the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

    The weight of evidence points to the distinct possibility that Netanyahu helped arrange the easy breakout out of Hamas from Gaza through the enclosure’s extremely high-tech Wall. Netanyahu was then instrumental in preventing the IDF from responding immediately in order to allow sufficient time for atrocities to take place in front of reporters and photographers. Somehow these media figures just happened to be at the right place at the right time to get their scoops.


    This statement from Danny Danon, Israel’s former Ambassador to the United Nations, can be interpreted as a warning to photojournalists that they will be “eliminated” if they do not keep quiet about their prior knowledge of the events of October 7. Prior knowledge of 10/7 seems to have been widespread as it was during the weeks and months before 9/11.

    As Andre Damon concluded on December 2, “These revelations expose the Gaza genocide to be a criminal conspiracy by the Netanyahu regime and its imperialist backers, whose victims include not only 20,000 slaughtered Palestinians, but the Israeli population itself.”


    What would the trial of Benjamin Netanyahu look like if he was charged individually with the international crime of committing genocide as a result of his actions before, during, and after 9/11? What can humanity expect in the future if the individual most deeply implicated in the most hideous and openly performed genocide in recent times can walk away from the crime?

    As it now stands, many perpetrators of genocide in Gaza have a sense that they continue to be immune from charges, trials, and punishments for committing the highest level of international crimes on the books. At the frequently-held Zionist galas for schmoozing, networking, fund raising, award presentations and all manner of self-congratulations, the genocidaires of Gaza might as well be taking bows for the massacre of their captives in Gaza.

    Human Sacrifice Among Aztecs and in the Settler Colonialism of the Americas and Israel

    The US-Israeli role in implementing the current climactic phase of the Gazan Genocide must be considered in a variety of historical contexts including the event memorialized as the holocaust.

    The time has passed when anything to do with this subject can simply be taken on faith without discussion and open debate. No longer do the Zionist proponents of the Genocidal State of Israel get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to demanding the acceptance of their preferred interpretations of history.

    By politicizing the divine directive in the Torah to massacre the Amalekites, Netanyahu is effectively drawing on the blood lust of the vengeful Yahweh in what Simplicius describes as the current “Eschatological Frenzy.” Back in late October he explained,

    “The eschatological fervor of the Palestine crisis is reaching a deafening peak. Officials worldwide are dropping their masks, and inadvertently revealing the Biblical strain of the conflict. At every turn, political figures now soak their proclamations in Biblical reference and allegory. The foremost of which was Netanyahu, who has now invoked an assortment of Biblical prophecies as dogwhistles to stir his people into an eschatological frenzy. Here he not only invokes the prophecy of Isaiah, but frames the conflict as that of “light” versus “darkness” and good versus evil, painting the Palestinians as the Children of Darkness to be vanquished by the Chosen Ones.

    The new form of human sacrifice in the killing fields of Gaza is probably more brutal than any similar ritual performed amidst, say, the pyramid structures of the Aztecs as observed by the conquistadors surrounding their leader, Hernán Cortés. This Aztec ritual was frequently highlighted by those seeking to justify the overturning of the Old World of Indigenous peoples in the Western Hemisphere.

    Popular lore concerning the Aztecs’ blood sacrifice of humans was used frequently to give justification for the conquest and elimination of indigenous societies regardless of the civilizational achievements in Central America of the Aztec, Mayan and Incan peoples.

    Strategically drawn upon was the real or the imagined efforts of some Indigenous peoples to appease the gods through human sacrifices. The aim was rationalize the imperative to create a New World where Native peoples throughout the Americas were subjected to round after round of genocidal elimination and repression.

    This pattern, exported especially from the western-moving frontier of the United States to the Israeli frontier of Palestine, has helped create the historical context for the treatment of the Native peoples in Gaza and the West Bank. One of the main paradigms used to explain this process of expansion was the imperial resort to the paradigm of the ascent from savagery to civilization as pictured through the lens of social Darwinism

    The anti-imperial characterization of the same process is to characterize it as series of manifestations of “settler colonialism” now on clear global display in Gaza and the West Bank. In the current genocide, the warriors of Jewish Israel seem to be competing with the Spanish conquistadors for pre-eminence in ruthlessness.

    At the same time, the agents of the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank are engaged in rituals of human sacrifice far more vicious than that of the Aztecs. As far as I know the Aztecs did not engage in human sacrifice through forced starvation.

    Our Descent from Civilization into Barbarism and Savagery

    The human sacrifices to Yahweh, the God of Greater Israel, are being sent to their death with the intervention of cutting edge Artificial Intelligence whose murderous aroma smells nothing like Lavender. In the twenty-first century, the fast-changing technologies of our times are more and more coming to rule the conditions of both our lives and our deaths.

    The twenty-first century began with a Global War effectively of Terror that continues to engulf us in the culture of militarism as the dominant driving force influencing every aspect of our descent from civilization into barbarism and savagery.

    The life-and-death character of changing technologies, mostly all harnessed in the first applications to militarism, is leaping into prominence as the Gazan Genocide gives rise to warring confrontations. These confrontations mostly emanated from longstanding antagonism since 1979 between Iran and Israel.

    This process of warring interactions kicked into high gear on April 1 when the government of Israel disregarded diplomatic law and protocol stretching back into classical times.

    Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus killing 16 people, including several high-ranking officials in the Iranian Armed Forces and in Hezbollah. Several civilians were also killed. In response, Iranian officials explained that the Israeli attack would have to involve a retaliation. It would have to take the form of some sort of attack directly from Iranian territory on Israeli territory. While Israel has attacked Iran repeatedly within Iran, the reverse of this process had until mid-April of 2024 never occurred.

    The Iranian attack on Israel came on the night of April 13-14. Many parties were given ample prior warning so that they could prepare for some sort of missile attack. The attack was mounted with the goal of avoiding, if possible, deaths and property damage. That objective was met.

    The attack has been viewed from a variety of perspectives. I find most credible the accounts describing three hundred or so drones and cruise missiles used as decoys meant to lure attention away from the primary weapons of attack. The Israeli Air Force and elements of the air forces of the USA, the UK, France, and Jordan shot down the vast majority of drones and cruise missiles.

    Seven of the ballistic missiles have been pictured hitting their targets on the runway of the Nevatim Air Base in the Negev desert.

    Scott Ritter is one of those who indicates that this penetration of what he calls “the most protected air space in the world” has already transformed key facets of global geopolitics. Ritter has described this interpretation, which is probably not the last word in the subject, to British MP and journalist, George Galloway.

    On April 19 Israel attempted a retaliation to hit targets in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the lead up to the attack many questions were asked about the possible role of the Biden government in pressing the Netanyahu government to hold back from hitting Iran hard.

    The quid pro quo, some imagined, would be to give Netanyahu the green light for a major military operation to “eradicate Hamas” in Rafah. It seems that although the US apparently holds the upper hand in terms of supplying the weaponry for the Gazan Genocide, Netanyahu nevertheless dominates in the sometimes mysterious inner dynamics of the deeply integrated Israel-US relationship.

    On April 19 an Israeli attack was reported as something of a non-event where Israeli drone-like projectiles were downed by the Iranian armed forces on the way to their targets in the Isfahan area. The governments of both Israel and Iran decided to not comment in any detail on the event.

    Then on April 20 came a very brief report from journalist Pepe Escobar presenting a dramatically different version of the events of the prior day. The statement immediately became the subject of intense disagreement and conjecture. Scott Ritter is one of those to condemn Escobar’s statement as containing an impossible juxtaposition of events. The reference to EMP that Escobar refers to, stands for Electro Magnetic Pulse. A nuclear-driven surge of EMP, it was claimed, could fry and disable Iran’s entire electrical system.

    Pepe Escobar
    In a statement that was widely reproduced, Escobar reported,

    In an effort to explain himself, Escobar engaged in a discussion with Larry Johnson and Ania K.

    Even before the Iranian demonstration attack on Israel on the night of April 13-14, key figures in the government of Israel have been distraught about the implications for Zionism of the rising importance of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This rise has accelerated in recent years as Iran’s alliances with Russia, China, the other countries of BRICS as well as of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization continue to coalesce.

    Given this background, I can picture how the government of Israel might have pictured the prospect of a retaliation for Iran’s retaliation for the original bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus.

    I can picture Netanyahu and the extremists around him thinking about the possibility of crippling Iran with a nuclear strike to generate a EMP surge in order to fry Iran’s electric grid. Speculation, however, is futile at this point. Few of us are in any position to come to any firm conclusions about what did or didn’t happen on the night of April 19 in the skies over Jordan.

    Just thinking about such an attack, however, points to the kind of human sacrifices being eliminated and being contemplated in the strange and dangerous times through which we are living. Hasn’t the time come to contemplate locking up the likes of Benjamin Nentanyahu and those to whom he answers. Such efforts are needed to protect much of humanity from becoming human sacrifices to the gods of war, torture, and depravity?


    Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America What Should Be the Fate of the Genocider-in-Chief? Anthony James Hall The drama unfolding in Gaza, the West Bank, and more generally in West Asia is announcing a new phase in the fall of Western Civilization as we have known it. At the core of the drama is a very public ceremony of human sacrifice in the joint US-Israeli ritual to depopulate Gaza and rid the West Bank of its native Palestinians. The conflict is widening geographically, religiously, and ideologically. US universities are becoming major sites of the intensifying turmoil. These places are meant to be devoted to higher learning, open debate and critical thinking. But those ideals are fast giving way to assaults on very promising surges of free expression. Attempts are underway to wrestle to the ground the outbursts of liberated articulation. The quest to silence free speech is being done in the name of quelling so-called anti-Semitism. The ironies are great when the real victims of anti-Semitism are the Semitic Arab Palestinians being injured and eliminated in the ruthless onslaughts driving the campus disruptions. The resulting divide is putting influential Jewish people on both sides of the red lines cutting straight through the complex apparatus of higher education. While faculty members are becoming increasingly involved, the centre of gravity in the protests so far are the mobilizing networks of students that are aligning themselves against the many-faceted genocide underway in Gaza for half a year. The Genocider-In-Chief, Benjamin Netanyahu, seems intent on throwing gasoline on the campus turmoil in the cause of sparking full-fledged civil war. Its amazing to behold the severity of the scolding rhetoric coming from this man who has made himself the champion of the most obscene case of mass murder in the twenty-first century. Netanyahu’s defamatory clichés take Zionist accusations of anti-Semitism to new extremes of overheated polemics. Its almost as if Netanyahu is intent on becoming a caricature of himself. In Netanyahu’s deformed worldview, anyone is a terrorist who questions his blood-thirsty crusade aimed at violently depopulating Occupied Palestine of its native Palestinians. The leader of the barbaric massacre of Palestinian refugees in Gaza, claims that anyone who empathizes with the plight of Netanyahu’s victims is “intent on killing Jews where ever they are.” Netanyahu’s has become so set in his ways of presenting the Gazan genocide as a noble crusade, that he seems intent on widening his blood lust for human sacrifice to include some of the most committed and principled of American’s rising generation of university students. Like the reprehensible web site, Canary mission, Netanyahu’s goal seems to be to destroy the life chances of young people by assigning them to blacklists meant to deny them career opportunities. Is Netanyahu also aiming to set in motion the creation of concentration camps or worse for those who refuse to fall in line with the bigotry driving his genocidal schemes of ethnic elimination? Netanyahu’s ruthless war against the most free-thinking flower of youth is aimed at sabotaging higher education by enlisting its top administrators into a campaign to eviscerate academic freedom. Without free and open debate, serious universities cannot rise to a high standard beyond the level of indoctrination, enforced sloganeering, and institutionalized cronyism. The sacrifice of human potential for partisan advantage cannot end well. Human sacrifice is taking many forms. Netanyahu stands at the head of a genocidal project that is embraced and advanced by many Jewish Israelis in the Armed Forces, the Knesset, the media, and the population at large. The backing also encompasses the cultish clique of puppet governors made to appear as if they are in charge of what are, in fact, hollowed-out hulks of the former Western Democracies. Some of the human agents of Zionism’s remote-controlled governance include Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Rishi Sunak, Olaf Scholz, Ursula Von Leyen, Justin Trudeau, and Emmanuel Macron. Genocider-In-Chief There can be no doubt, however, that Benjamin Netanyahu deserves the title Genocider-In-Chief. I can think of no other figure, not even during WWII, who has pushed ahead the many-faceted genocidal elimination of a people so zealously, so publicly, and so self-righteously. In spite of all the demonstrations calling for his resignation, it has become clear that most Jewish Israelis have few qualms about going along with what many people throughout the world see as the Netanyahu government’s obvious violations of the Genocide Convention. The genocidal project currently underway has become a primal national project of the Jewish polity. For now, the mass murder is aimed at the Palestinian inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank. But who can doubt that other Palestinians who are citizens of Israel proper, will be the next targets of ethnic elimination, a concept that has grabbed the fancy of Jewish public opinion in Israel. By Israel proper, I mean the part of Israel outlined for a Jewish state by the United Nations’ Resolution 181, not the portion of Palestine set aside by the UN in 1947 for a new Arab state. The Arab state was to include Gaza and the West Bank which were illegally seized through Israeli military conquest in 1967. About 20% of the citizens in Israel proper, are Palestinian. The present legal status of the Israeli citizens who are ethnic Palestinians has been made to seem increasingly fragile and problematic especially over the course of recent months. It is well know that Netanyahu has been caught in the grips of legal woes stemming from the kind of petty corruption that the Israeli judiciary can handle even as its members consistently disregard the international laws violated in ways that are woven into Israel’s constitutional fabric. One would think that Netanyahu’s domestic legal problems would be small compared to those created by the Israeli politician’s leading role in the most high-profile case of genocidal mass murder committed in the twenty-first century. But no. That is not the case. The intervention of the International Court of Justice in the Gaza debacle has yet to put any visible checks at all on Netanyahu’s massacre that seems targeted especially at women and children. In fact after the World Court’s ruling, the pace and scope of the US-Israel genocide seemed to grow. The conflict unfolding in Gaza is not a war, a word that should be reserved for the type of conflict involving clashes of the armed forces of two or more national governments. The invasion of Gaza by the Israeli Armed Forces, an invasion backed up by the full military might of the United States, is a massacre pointed at people who for three generations have been classified in international law as stateless refugees even as they continue to reside in their own native lands. Netanyahu claims the “war” is to “eradicate Hamas.” Hamas is the organization whose fighters on October 7, 2023, broke out of the walled Gaza prison to apprehend in disputed circumstances the Israeli captives presently described in the media as “hostages.” As we shall see, Hamas is largely a legal and political creation of the Israel government. Nevertheless, Hamas continues to command much loyalty from its Gazan constituents. Who else do the Gazans have to help them in the here and now amidst the genocidal circumstances engulfing them? The Apparatus of International Law is More Theatrical Than Substantial Even with the limited weaponry at their disposal, the Hamas fighters have been able to mount a resolute self-defence of their own stateless people. The incarcerated condition of the two million Palestinians in Gaza stands as a telling embodiment of the inconsistencies that reside at the core of the system of international law put in place by World War II’s victors. While this system may look on the surface as reasonable and viable, it is not what it seems. The juridical element of the international system is more theatrical than substantial in reality. The International Criminal Court is a telling example of the base biases, prejudices and corruption that prevail in some institutional components of international law. The ICC’s Chief Prosecutor, Karim Kahn, has been more or less inert in the face of the elaborate crime spree that is integral to the Gazan Genocide. On the other hand, Kahn was quick to charge Vladimir Putin with several trumped-up charges for war crimes in the Ukrainian debacle. By his inaction in responding with substantial investigations and charges to the many crimes permeating the Gazan Genocide, Kahn should face charges for his own complicity in genocide. https://theintercept.com/2023/05/04/international-criminal-court-karim-khan/ The genocide currently under way in Gaza emerges from the internal contradictions embedded in the apparatus for arbitrating and enforcing international law. This system was purposely set up after WWII to create the fiction that the world is to be run on the basis of due process rooted in the rule of law. One of the weak points in this system is the lack of a coherent mechanism for enforcing international criminal law, including the Genocide Convention. This absence of a reliable means for enforcing international law is not inadvertent. It was purposely built into the system as a means of protecting the powerful from being held accountable and punished for their crimes. The theatricality of the international system is meant to disguise the reality that enormous latitude has been afforded to the inheritors of wealth and power, both private and institutional, to further expand their fortunes and influence. A primary illustration of the problem lies in the impunity from being charged and punished for violations of international criminal law enjoyed by those in the upper branches of the US and Israeli governments. The Zionist capture and protection of Chosenite Judaism epitomizes the institutionalized character of inequality before the law. Alistar Crooke refers to the basis of this phenomenon as “the Zionist project of Jewish special rights.” https://www.unz.com/article/will-zionism-self-destruct/ The post-WWII fiction of universal human rights and equality before the law provides cover for the royalty of acquired wealth along with the political clout that goes with it. These upper-echelon plutocrats and their agents are often exempted from the prohibitions and punishments of law. From this place of impunity, the Chosenites from many backgrounds can readily engage in the most expensive and corrupt forms of lawfare. They do so even as they retain their licenses to rob, kill and exploit by means of the rigged systems for the apportionment of assets, liabilities and political clout. Benjamin Netanyahu understands as well as anyone on earth the disjuncture between the appearance and the reality of the international system. This Israeli-American figure has epitomized and exploited the internal contradictions with gusto. This experience has led him to the strange culmination of a political career that has made him the twenty-first century’s unparalleled genocidaire extraordinaire. One would think that Netanyahu’s role as the primary crime boss in the most gruesome mass murder of the twenty-first century would ensnare him in legal troubles far more serious than those attending the corruption convictions he is facing in Israel. So far, however, that appears not to be the case. By his actions Netanyahu seems to be indicating that, for him, the domestic corruption convictions he is under are more menacing than the early stages of the charges for the international crime of genocide being pressed against the country he leads. Apparently Netanyahu and the Israeli people around him— even those who regularly declare their hatred of him— have plenty of experience to reassure themselves that they are above the law. They seem to be assuming they will therefore continue to enjoy impunity from the enactments and punishments of international law, including the UN’s Genocide Convention. Are the assumptions of Netanyahu and those around him correct? What signs are there that anything has changed to replace the theatrics of international law with some actual implementation and enforcement of fundamental legal principles. When it comes to enforcing accountability for the highest levels of blatant criminality, these fundamental principles seem to apply primarily to culprits in defeated, poor and marginalized countries. Will victors’ justice continue to prevail? Those on the winning side of conflicts are almost never brought to justice for the international crimes they committed on the way to victory. Going back to the era of the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals, those on the winning side are almost never made to sit on the benches reserved for the accused. [See Anthony J. Hall, “A National or International Crime? Indian Residential Schools and the Genocide Convention,” Genocide Studies International, Vol. 12, no 1, Spring 2018, pp. 72-91] In fact Netanyahu has already been ordered by the World Court to cease and desist doing the actions that are creating the perception that the government he leads is conducting a “plausible genocide.” This directive, however, Netanyahu obviously regards as empty of substance until the international community get serious about enforcing the court ruling. Netanyahu obviously holds the ruling of the International Court of Justice in contempt. Netanyahu continues to face little opposition willing to push against the fiction that he is engaged in a “war” to “eradicate Hamas,” a polity that he played a big role in helping to shape, guide and elevate. Netanyahu continues to exploit the fiction that he is conducting a war against, rather than a massacre of, mostly unarmed, incarcerated stateless refugees, people that the Israeli government has occupied and oppressed for three generations. Netanyahu continues to stand by his misrepresentation even as he accelerates the campaign to eliminate the surviving Palestinians now cornered in the southern district of the Gaza Strip in and around Rafah. The Engineering of Outrage to Launch the Campaign to Implement the Final Solution to the Palestinian Question The overarching trajectory of the genocidal violation contains many crimes within crimes. Some of these crimes are rooted in the fact that the Gazan Genocide is providing a laboratory of life and death for experiments on human subjects. These crimes include the mass atrocities committed by IDF soldiers in the process of destroying hospitals, in conducting torture and rape, as well as in targeting for murder many dozens of journalists and hundreds of humanitarian aid workers including UN staff. Every day, it seems, new mass graves are being identified providing abundant evidence of various methods of imposing slaughter, sometimes fast and sometimes with agonizing slowness. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/nearly-400-decomposing-bodies-uncovered-in-khan-younis-nasse?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://www.vox.com/world-politics/24140794/gaza-nasser-hospitals-al-shifa-graves-idf-hamas The Israeli assault on Gazan infrastructure and all means of sustaining life are integral, for instance, to engineered famine, homelessness, dehydration and plagues. We have been witnessing low-tech and high-tech genocide, the multi-dimensional likes of which have never been planned, implemented, seen, heard, and documented on such a scale. The crimes extend to the obliteration of universities, schools, museums, recital halls, sports facilities as well as the targeted assassinations of leading figures based in all of the obliterated institutions. The destruction extends to vast arrays of historical treasures including ancient mosques, churches, and public squares that form important parts of the shared cultural and religious inheritances of Palestinian people as well as of humanity as a whole. Raphael Lemkin was the inventor in 1944 of the term “genocide” and the main draftsman three years later of the Genocide Convention. Lemkin’s emphasized in his work that cultural genocide is a very important element in the process of eliminating distinct peoples from the international community of nations. What are the children of the world supposed to think as they compare the conditions of kids in Tel Aviv and Gaza? Is Netanyahu to be seen as a heroic warrior or as a thuggish serial killer? Who will, and who should, decide? Not only has Netanyahu made himself the top General, PR Spin Doctor, and strategist of a bloody interlude of ethnic nationalism gone terribly wrong. He is also the number one suspect in how the events of October 7 (10/7) came to unfold as they did in order to give justification to the quest to finish off the NAKBA (catastrophe), the Arab equivalent of the Hebrew Shoah (Holocaust). The genocidal NAKBA began in 1948 with the formal initiation of the new Israeli government’s ongoing campaign to uproot, kill, and eject the native population with the goal of de-Palestinianizing the Jewish nation. Some describe the events of 2023-2024 as a surge in the ongoing genocide that began 75 years earlier. Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party have been extremists when it comes to the occupying power’s effort to eliminate Palestinians and to extinguish their legal title to lands and resources. In the current government of Israel, Netanyahu has teamed up with religious fanatics whose anti-Arab obsessions and policies as well as their preoccupation with Jewish supremacism are being well expressed in the current outburst of genocidal mass murder. As with the mythology created to cover the tracks of the real culprits of 9/11, the events of 10/7 just happened to hand over to the Zionist extremists exactly the conditions of public opinion they required to spring into preplanned military campaigns at a moment’s notice. In both instances, declarations of war were issued within hours before any formal investigation at all had taken place. In both instances elaborate and irreversible actions were implemented asap resulting in initiatives that altered the course of the global history we are presently living through. As reported by the New York Times, the events of October 7 were fully described in the “Jericho Wall” document circulated a year before the prison break of the Hamas fighters actually happened. This detailed report was passed around among intelligence agencies including those of Israel, the USA, and Great Britain. https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-knew-hamass-attack-plan-more-than-year-ago/5842036 Just as similar intelligence was widely distributed among Deep State spooks before 9/11, there was similar anticipation of the events of 10/7. One might even come to the conclusion that overlapping power networks were behind both false flag events that put Netanyahu and his political cronies at, or near, the centre of the predatory actions. The events of 9/11 were misrepresented to initiate the so-called Global War on Terror. Similarly the events of 10/7 extended the same demonization of Arabs, but especially of Muslim Palestinians, to dehumanize those on the receiving end of the onslaught by the world’s most massive and aggressive military-industrial-media complex. As Simplicius sees it, “all indications prove that this has been an internal Israeli plan long in the making, that the events of October 7 were in fact a Pearl Harbor-esque falseflag tasked with generating the needed outrage which would allow the execution of the ‘Final Palestinian Solution.’ ” (For reference, see link to Simplicius’ Subtack article below) Three months before Oct. 7 Hamas fighters were clearly viewed in Gaza practising for the events about to take place. Officials in neighbouring Egypt knew what to expect and signalled the intelligence to national security specialists in and around Netanyahu’s Office. Apparently Netanyahu refused to take Egyptian President, Abdel El-Sisi’s, telephone call on the subject. Netanyahu and his Likud predecessors, including Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, and Ariel Sharon, cooperated very closely with Hamas to achieve several objectives including the paramount goal of keeping the Palestinians divided into separate organizations. One of their motivations in building up Hamas, a sunni Muslim organization rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood, was to avoid any repeat of the rise of Yasser Arafat and his highly successful secular approach to building up support for the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The weight of evidence points to the distinct possibility that Netanyahu helped arrange the easy breakout out of Hamas from Gaza through the enclosure’s extremely high-tech Wall. Netanyahu was then instrumental in preventing the IDF from responding immediately in order to allow sufficient time for atrocities to take place in front of reporters and photographers. Somehow these media figures just happened to be at the right place at the right time to get their scoops. https://www.sott.net/article/485907-News-outlets-deny-claims-they-had-prior-knowledge-of-Hamas-attack-on-Israel This statement from Danny Danon, Israel’s former Ambassador to the United Nations, can be interpreted as a warning to photojournalists that they will be “eliminated” if they do not keep quiet about their prior knowledge of the events of October 7. Prior knowledge of 10/7 seems to have been widespread as it was during the weeks and months before 9/11. As Andre Damon concluded on December 2, “These revelations expose the Gaza genocide to be a criminal conspiracy by the Netanyahu regime and its imperialist backers, whose victims include not only 20,000 slaughtered Palestinians, but the Israeli population itself.” https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/12/02/klox-d02.html What would the trial of Benjamin Netanyahu look like if he was charged individually with the international crime of committing genocide as a result of his actions before, during, and after 9/11? What can humanity expect in the future if the individual most deeply implicated in the most hideous and openly performed genocide in recent times can walk away from the crime? As it now stands, many perpetrators of genocide in Gaza have a sense that they continue to be immune from charges, trials, and punishments for committing the highest level of international crimes on the books. At the frequently-held Zionist galas for schmoozing, networking, fund raising, award presentations and all manner of self-congratulations, the genocidaires of Gaza might as well be taking bows for the massacre of their captives in Gaza. Human Sacrifice Among Aztecs and in the Settler Colonialism of the Americas and Israel The US-Israeli role in implementing the current climactic phase of the Gazan Genocide must be considered in a variety of historical contexts including the event memorialized as the holocaust. The time has passed when anything to do with this subject can simply be taken on faith without discussion and open debate. No longer do the Zionist proponents of the Genocidal State of Israel get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to demanding the acceptance of their preferred interpretations of history. By politicizing the divine directive in the Torah to massacre the Amalekites, Netanyahu is effectively drawing on the blood lust of the vengeful Yahweh in what Simplicius describes as the current “Eschatological Frenzy.” Back in late October he explained, “The eschatological fervor of the Palestine crisis is reaching a deafening peak. Officials worldwide are dropping their masks, and inadvertently revealing the Biblical strain of the conflict. At every turn, political figures now soak their proclamations in Biblical reference and allegory. The foremost of which was Netanyahu, who has now invoked an assortment of Biblical prophecies as dogwhistles to stir his people into an eschatological frenzy. Here he not only invokes the prophecy of Isaiah, but frames the conflict as that of “light” versus “darkness” and good versus evil, painting the Palestinians as the Children of Darkness to be vanquished by the Chosen Ones. The new form of human sacrifice in the killing fields of Gaza is probably more brutal than any similar ritual performed amidst, say, the pyramid structures of the Aztecs as observed by the conquistadors surrounding their leader, Hernán Cortés. This Aztec ritual was frequently highlighted by those seeking to justify the overturning of the Old World of Indigenous peoples in the Western Hemisphere. Popular lore concerning the Aztecs’ blood sacrifice of humans was used frequently to give justification for the conquest and elimination of indigenous societies regardless of the civilizational achievements in Central America of the Aztec, Mayan and Incan peoples. Strategically drawn upon was the real or the imagined efforts of some Indigenous peoples to appease the gods through human sacrifices. The aim was rationalize the imperative to create a New World where Native peoples throughout the Americas were subjected to round after round of genocidal elimination and repression. This pattern, exported especially from the western-moving frontier of the United States to the Israeli frontier of Palestine, has helped create the historical context for the treatment of the Native peoples in Gaza and the West Bank. One of the main paradigms used to explain this process of expansion was the imperial resort to the paradigm of the ascent from savagery to civilization as pictured through the lens of social Darwinism The anti-imperial characterization of the same process is to characterize it as series of manifestations of “settler colonialism” now on clear global display in Gaza and the West Bank. In the current genocide, the warriors of Jewish Israel seem to be competing with the Spanish conquistadors for pre-eminence in ruthlessness. At the same time, the agents of the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank are engaged in rituals of human sacrifice far more vicious than that of the Aztecs. As far as I know the Aztecs did not engage in human sacrifice through forced starvation. Our Descent from Civilization into Barbarism and Savagery The human sacrifices to Yahweh, the God of Greater Israel, are being sent to their death with the intervention of cutting edge Artificial Intelligence whose murderous aroma smells nothing like Lavender. In the twenty-first century, the fast-changing technologies of our times are more and more coming to rule the conditions of both our lives and our deaths. The twenty-first century began with a Global War effectively of Terror that continues to engulf us in the culture of militarism as the dominant driving force influencing every aspect of our descent from civilization into barbarism and savagery. The life-and-death character of changing technologies, mostly all harnessed in the first applications to militarism, is leaping into prominence as the Gazan Genocide gives rise to warring confrontations. These confrontations mostly emanated from longstanding antagonism since 1979 between Iran and Israel. This process of warring interactions kicked into high gear on April 1 when the government of Israel disregarded diplomatic law and protocol stretching back into classical times. Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus killing 16 people, including several high-ranking officials in the Iranian Armed Forces and in Hezbollah. Several civilians were also killed. In response, Iranian officials explained that the Israeli attack would have to involve a retaliation. It would have to take the form of some sort of attack directly from Iranian territory on Israeli territory. While Israel has attacked Iran repeatedly within Iran, the reverse of this process had until mid-April of 2024 never occurred. The Iranian attack on Israel came on the night of April 13-14. Many parties were given ample prior warning so that they could prepare for some sort of missile attack. The attack was mounted with the goal of avoiding, if possible, deaths and property damage. That objective was met. The attack has been viewed from a variety of perspectives. I find most credible the accounts describing three hundred or so drones and cruise missiles used as decoys meant to lure attention away from the primary weapons of attack. The Israeli Air Force and elements of the air forces of the USA, the UK, France, and Jordan shot down the vast majority of drones and cruise missiles. Seven of the ballistic missiles have been pictured hitting their targets on the runway of the Nevatim Air Base in the Negev desert. Scott Ritter is one of those who indicates that this penetration of what he calls “the most protected air space in the world” has already transformed key facets of global geopolitics. Ritter has described this interpretation, which is probably not the last word in the subject, to British MP and journalist, George Galloway. On April 19 Israel attempted a retaliation to hit targets in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the lead up to the attack many questions were asked about the possible role of the Biden government in pressing the Netanyahu government to hold back from hitting Iran hard. The quid pro quo, some imagined, would be to give Netanyahu the green light for a major military operation to “eradicate Hamas” in Rafah. It seems that although the US apparently holds the upper hand in terms of supplying the weaponry for the Gazan Genocide, Netanyahu nevertheless dominates in the sometimes mysterious inner dynamics of the deeply integrated Israel-US relationship. On April 19 an Israeli attack was reported as something of a non-event where Israeli drone-like projectiles were downed by the Iranian armed forces on the way to their targets in the Isfahan area. The governments of both Israel and Iran decided to not comment in any detail on the event. Then on April 20 came a very brief report from journalist Pepe Escobar presenting a dramatically different version of the events of the prior day. The statement immediately became the subject of intense disagreement and conjecture. Scott Ritter is one of those to condemn Escobar’s statement as containing an impossible juxtaposition of events. The reference to EMP that Escobar refers to, stands for Electro Magnetic Pulse. A nuclear-driven surge of EMP, it was claimed, could fry and disable Iran’s entire electrical system. Pepe Escobar In a statement that was widely reproduced, Escobar reported, In an effort to explain himself, Escobar engaged in a discussion with Larry Johnson and Ania K. Even before the Iranian demonstration attack on Israel on the night of April 13-14, key figures in the government of Israel have been distraught about the implications for Zionism of the rising importance of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This rise has accelerated in recent years as Iran’s alliances with Russia, China, the other countries of BRICS as well as of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization continue to coalesce. Given this background, I can picture how the government of Israel might have pictured the prospect of a retaliation for Iran’s retaliation for the original bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus. I can picture Netanyahu and the extremists around him thinking about the possibility of crippling Iran with a nuclear strike to generate a EMP surge in order to fry Iran’s electric grid. Speculation, however, is futile at this point. Few of us are in any position to come to any firm conclusions about what did or didn’t happen on the night of April 19 in the skies over Jordan. Just thinking about such an attack, however, points to the kind of human sacrifices being eliminated and being contemplated in the strange and dangerous times through which we are living. Hasn’t the time come to contemplate locking up the likes of Benjamin Nentanyahu and those to whom he answers. Such efforts are needed to protect much of humanity from becoming human sacrifices to the gods of war, torture, and depravity? https://substack.com/home/post/p-143760594 http://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/04/netanyahu-and-human-sacrifices-in.html
    Netanyahu and Human Sacrifices in Occupied Palestine and America
    What Should Be the Fate of the Genocider-in-Chief?
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 20044 Views
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    Legacy Movies 4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32224 (904) 650-2242 Working Hours: Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm Payment: cash, check, credit cards. We're passionate Jacksonville wedding photographers, experts at capturing timeless emotions. Whether planning an affordable wedding or the most elegant affair to mark your wedding day, rely on the best photographers in Jacksonville, FL, for a smooth, stress-free experience. Hiring a professional photographer specializing in weddings is crucial for capturing precious memories of this once-in-a-lifetime event. As local photographers with extensive knowledge of the area's popular wedding venues, we can efficiently maximize photographic opportunities, offering consistency in lighting, composition, and editing. Our established relationships with Jacksonville wedding vendors like venues, planners, and coordinators ensure a smooth experience and align with your needs and budget from start to finish. Read more: https://legacymovies.com/jacksonville-fl/wedding-photography/ https://www.facebook.com/legacymovies/ https://twitter.com/legacymoviesfl https://www.linkedin.com/company/legacy-movies-fl/ https://www.instagram.com/legacy_movies https://www.youtube.com/@legacymovies1125 https://www.tumblr.com/legacymovies https://www.pinterest.com/legacymovies/ https://www.flickr.com/people/200148840@N06/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/legacy-movies-jacksonville https://www.tiktok.com/@legacy_movies_ https://vimeo.com/legacymovies
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    Legacy Movies
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    We're passionate Jacksonville wedding photographers, experts at capturing timeless emotions. Whether planning an affordable wedding or the most elegant affair to mark your wedding day, rely on the best photographers in Jacksonville, FL, for a smooth, stress-free experience. Hiring a professional photographer specializing in weddings is crucial for capturing precious memories of this once-in-a-lifetime event. Read more: https://legacymovies.com/jacksonville-fl/wedding-photography/ Legacy Movies 4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32224 (904) 650-2242 Working Hours: Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm Payment: cash, check, credit cards. https://www.facebook.com/legacymovies/ https://twitter.com/legacymoviesfl https://www.linkedin.com/company/legacy-movies-fl/ https://www.instagram.com/legacy_movies https://www.youtube.com/@legacymovies1125 https://www.tumblr.com/legacymovies https://www.pinterest.com/legacymovies/ https://www.flickr.com/people/200148840@N06/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/legacy-movies-jacksonville https://www.tiktok.com/@legacy_movies_ https://vimeo.com/legacymovies
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  • Greg Reese Reports On All Sides Of July 13; Owen Benjamin Brings Out Absurdities: Photographer Doug Mills Who Got Blue Say Bullet Shot Also Got GW Bush 9/11 Classroom Photo
    This Is How "Seeing" Happens Best, When All "Sides" Are Included At The Same Time, And When Comedy Becomes The Medium Of The Unexplained and Inexplicable Americana

    Celia Farber
    Greg Reese’s latest report here.

    The fact I find to be a show stopper is that the photographer who got the bullet shot is the very same photographer who photographed GW Bush on 9/11 in the classroom, reading to kids. His name is Doug Mills.

    If you want to hear a very entertaining riff on that, I have found none better than Enfant Terrible Owen Benjamin, who does “conspiracy comedy” better than anybody.

    You can skip to about 14 minutes in, if you want to start with the July 13 material.

    Clip here. (Skip first 12-14 minutes.)

    For all his shock tactics, Benjamin finds details nobody else finds. He’s not trying to be part of the club, at all, as far as I can tell. I don’t think he’s “right about everything.” I do think he’s cornered a fusion art form, which is conspiracy theories woven into comedic performance. It makes it all much less tedious.

    Greg Reese Reports On All Sides Of July 13; Owen Benjamin Brings Out Absurdities: Photographer Doug Mills Who Got Blue Say Bullet Shot Also Got GW Bush 9/11 Classroom Photo This Is How "Seeing" Happens Best, When All "Sides" Are Included At The Same Time, And When Comedy Becomes The Medium Of The Unexplained and Inexplicable Americana Celia Farber Greg Reese’s latest report here. The fact I find to be a show stopper is that the photographer who got the bullet shot is the very same photographer who photographed GW Bush on 9/11 in the classroom, reading to kids. His name is Doug Mills. If you want to hear a very entertaining riff on that, I have found none better than Enfant Terrible Owen Benjamin, who does “conspiracy comedy” better than anybody. You can skip to about 14 minutes in, if you want to start with the July 13 material. Clip here. (Skip first 12-14 minutes.) For all his shock tactics, Benjamin finds details nobody else finds. He’s not trying to be part of the club, at all, as far as I can tell. I don’t think he’s “right about everything.” I do think he’s cornered a fusion art form, which is conspiracy theories woven into comedic performance. It makes it all much less tedious. https://substack.com/home/post/p-146818823
    Greg Reese Reports On All Sides Of July 13; Owen Benjamin Brings Out Absurdities: Photographer Doug Mills Who Got Blue Say Bullet Shot Also Got GW Bush 9/11 Classroom Photo
    This Is How "Seeing" Happens Best, When All "Sides" Are Included At The Same Time, And When Comedy Becomes The Medium Of The Unexplained and Inexplicable Americana
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1915 Views
  • ICJ ruling offers some vindication after 76 years of Palestinian struggle; Israeli strikes keep killing Gazans – Day 286
    [email protected] July 20, 2024 Christina Assi, eilat port, genocide, hind rajab, houthis, icj, illegal occupation, international law, netanyahu congress, recognition of israel, reparations, tel aviv attack, unseat israel, west bank deaths
    The International Court of Justice says Israel's ongoing presence in Occupied Palestinian territory is illegal and violates international law. Judges determined Israel is obligated to end its unlawful presence as quickly as possible and must stop all new settlement activity. (photo)
    Int’l Court of Justice deals a severe blow to Israel; at least 50 killed in Gaza; Israel’s killing of Hind Rajab a war crime; West Bank deaths; Yemeni drone hits Tel Aviv; Eilat Port in Israel declares bankruptcy; calls for Israel to be “unseated” from UN; 200 Congress staffers call for boycott of Netanyahu’s Congress speech; Calls to investigate Israel for genocide; more.

    By IAK staff, from reports.

    Israel should evacuate settlements, pay reparations, ICJ says

    Washington Post reports: The International Court of Justice, the top judicial arm of the United Nations, said Friday that Israel should end its occupation of Palestinian territory, evacuate existing settlements, stop building new ones and pay reparations to Palestinians who have lost land and property.

    In a sweeping 83-page legal opinion, the court, based in The Hague, said Israel is responsible for “systematic discrimination” against Palestinians based on race or ethnicity, has breached the right of Palestinians to self-determination and has effectively annexed large swaths of land.

    “Israel has an obligation to bring an end to its presence in the occupied Palestinian territory as rapidly as possible,” Nawaf Salam, the court’s president, said from the bench Friday. He added that the court considers Israel’s continued presence illegal and a “wrongful act.”

    The searing advisory opinion is nonbinding but still holds legal weight and could have broader consequences in the international arena, including in trade and diplomacy. The court said member states should not recognize as legal the situation arising from Israel’s presence in occupied territory, nor should they render aid or assistance in maintaining it.

    The key points in the ICJ’s opinion

    Israel’s ongoing presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is deemed illegal.

    Israel must end its presence in the occupied territories as soon as possible.

    Israel should immediately cease settlement expansion and evacuate all settlers from the occupied areas.

    Israel is required to make reparations for the damage caused to the local and lawful population in the Palestinian territories.

    The international community and organizations have a duty not to recognize the Israeli presence in the territories as legal and to avoid supporting its maintenance.

    The UN should consider what actions are necessary to end the Israeli presence in the territories as soon as possible.

    At least 50 killed across Gaza over last day

    Al Jazeera reports: As the world responded to a landmark ICJ ruling declaring Israel’s occupation of the West Bank in violation of international law, Israeli forces continued attacks across Gaza.

    At least 24 people were killed in attacks in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, according to local authorities.

    Other killings included three people in an Israeli raid on a house south of Khan Younis and another Palestinian killed north of Nuseirat. Attacks were also reported in Deir el-Balah.

    Video shows strike near Civil Defense, journalists in az-Zawayda

    Al Jazeera reports: A video, which has been verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad unit, shows a man wearing a “press” vest standing next to a member of the Civil Defence with a fire hose over his shoulder in the central Gaza area.

    An Israeli strike then hits just metres (yards) away as the men dive for cover.

    In a post on Instagram, the man who took the video, activist Saleh Aljafarawi, said the Israeli attack “deliberately targets the place where the ambulance crews, Civil Defence and press crews are located”.

    Gaza’s Government Media Office said on Wednesday that 160 journalists and 79 members of the Civil Defence have been killed since the war began.

    Gaza: Killing of Hind Rajab and her family – a war crime

    OHCHR reports: The killing of five-year old Hind Rajab, her family and two paramedics may amount to a war crime, independent experts warned Friday.

    “The brutality of these killings seem to illustrate how reckless the army has been in its Gaza campaign: all instances of extrajudicial killing must be duly investigated and accounted for,” the experts said.

    “These killings are not isolated cases,” the experts said. “We are extremely troubled by the pattern of apparent indiscriminate and targeted attacks against civillians in Gaza, including on locations used for humanitarian assistance or to shelter IDPs,” they said.

    “The firing of heavy-calibre projectiles at a humanitarian zone near an office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza, killing 22 displaced civilians, and most recently the attacks on IDP tents in Al Mawasi area, on Ash Shati’ Refugee Camp, and on the UNRWA Abu Oreiban school sheltering IDPs, among others, killing nearly 320 Palestinians, half of them women and children, have reinforced the fact that there is no safe place in Gaza” the experts said.

    “Such attacks amount to grave violations of international humanitarian law, must be promptly and reliably investigated, and should be severely punished.

    “The willful or indiscriminate killing of protected persons, including civilians, medical personnel and humanitarian workers, amount to war crimes, and if systematic, crimes against humanity, and should be prevented at all costs,” the experts warned. “We remain deeply troubled by the total impunity and apparent lack of investigations, and prevention of these crimes. This is all the more worrisome in the context of the recent order from the International Court of Justice for Israel to take immediate measures to protect Gaza’s population from the risk of genocide,” the experts said.

    RECOMMENDED READING: You need to meet this little girl named Hind

    West Bank: Israeli forces kill 20 year old; 22 year old dies of injuries

    IMEMC reports: Israeli forces shot and killed Palestinian Ibrahim Hamza Zaqaqiq, age 20 on Friday night, in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.

    Israeli soldiers reportedly fired live rounds, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades at citizens, shooting Zaqaqiq in the head with a live round, causing serious injuries; he was transported to Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron, where he later died.

    WAFA reports: Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, north of the West Bank, announced this evening the passing of 22-year-old Yaman Ahmed Asfour, who succumbed to injuries sustained from Israeli army gunfire in January.

    The medical staff worked tirelessly to save his life, but his condition remained critical until his passing earlier today.

    Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity.
    Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity. (photo)
    PIJ, Hamas call on PLO to ‘withdraw recognition’ of Israel

    The Cradle reports: Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement called in a joint statement on 19 July for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to drop its recognition of Israel.

    The statement called on the PLO and its affiliated legislative body, the Palestinian Authority (PA), to “withdraw its recognition of the Zionist entity, in response to the Knesset’s decision not to recognize a Palestinian state.”

    Yemen declares Tel Aviv ‘unsafe zone’ after successful drone attack

    The Cradle reports: The Yemeni Armed Forces has claimed responsibility for a deadly drone attack that hit the Israeli city of Tel Aviv during the early hours of 19 July, killing at least one and injuring several others.

    The drone did not set off any alarms as it entered Israeli airspace from the south before hitting a building near the US consulate.

    The Yemeni drone also bypassed US warships.

    The Armed Forces of Yemen’s Sanaa government reportedly has a “very large” stock of this type of drone.

    The Yemeni Houthis’ attacks target ships linked to Israel, the United States or Britain, as part of the rebels’ support for Gaza

    RECOMMENDED READING: Houthi drone strikes Tel Aviv: How significant is the attack?

    A view of the destruction following an explosion caused by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attack near the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 19, 2024
    A view of the destruction following an explosion caused by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attack near the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 19, 2024 (photo)
    Israel’s Eilat Port declares bankruptcy

    Middle East Monitor reports: The Israeli port of Eilat officially declared its bankruptcy, after eight months of complete paralysis of commercial activity and its cessation of receiving ships and containers, especially coming from the Asian countries’ markets, carrying with them the needs of the economy and its industrial sector.

    The reason for this was the successive attacks launched by the Yemeni Houthi group on Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, as well as the targeting of ships from countries supporting the Occupation in the genocidal war it is waging against the people of Gaza, most notably American and British ships.

    According to the World Cargo website that reports global shipping news, the port of Eilat has officially declared bankruptcy due to the lack of commercial activity.

    Special rapporteur supports call for Israel’s ‘unseating’ from UN

    Francesca Albanese, the UN’s special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, has added her voice to a call for Israel to be unseated from the United Nations.

    Reposting an earlier call on social media for the “unseating” of Israel by the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Albanese said it was “time” to remove Israel from the world body.

    The UN rapporteur on housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, said on Tuesday that it was “high time” to take action as Israel continued its “criminal attacks” on the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza “without any consequences”.

    Israel should be unseated “from the UN, as was done with apartheid South Africa”, Rajagopal said in a post on social media.

    Over 200 congressional staffers sign letter protesting Netanyahu address

    The Hill reports: More than 200 anonymous staff members across 122 Democratic and Republican congressional offices signed a letter this week calling for Congress to protest or boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech next week on Capitol Hill, citing concerns about the ongoing war in Gaza.

    The letter, organized by the Congressional Progressive Staff Association and signed by 230 House and Senate staffers, said speaking out against Netanyahu’s July 24 joint address to Congress was an “issue of morality” and not politics.

    “Citizens, students, and lawmakers across the country and the world have spoken out against the actions of Mr. Netanyahu in his War on Gaza,” the letter reads. “Israelis have been protesting in the streets for months, decrying his failure to negotiate a ceasefire and release of hostages. We hope you will join your fellow Members of Congress in protest at his speech or in refusing to attend it.”

    Rights Group Urges DOJ to Investigate US-Bound Netanyahu for Genocide

    Common Dreams reports: As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to visit Washington, D.C. next week, an American legal group on Friday pressured the U.S. Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into him and other officials for committing or authorizing genocide, war crimes, and torture targeting Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

    “We believe ample credible evidence exists to sufficiently establish that serious crimes falling within U.S. criminal jurisdiction are systematically being perpetrated in Gaza,” says the Center for Constitutional Rights’ (CCR) 23-page letter to Hope Olds, who leads the Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section (HRSP) of the DOJ’s Criminal Division.

    “Given the frequent travel of Israeli officials and citizens to the United States resulting in their presence within U.S. jurisdiction, and recalling that HRSP is part of a coordinated, interagency effort to deny safe haven in the United States to human rights violators,” the letter states, “the Department of Justice must urgently investigate and hold accountable those responsible for war crimes and other serious crimes being committed on a wide-scale basis in the occupied Gaza Strip, including potentially U.S. and U.S.-dual citizens.”

    (Read the full article here.)

    MENA sports headlines:

    Belgium and Italy refuse to host Israel match over Gaza war

    The Belgian Football Federation (RBFA) said it would not host a Nations League match against Israel on 6 September as the event was likely to spark demonstrations.

    The city of Brussels said last month that the match would not be played at the King Baudouin stadium as authorities had deemed it “impossible to organize this very high-risk match” in the city due to tensions linked to Israel’s war on Gaza.

    Other Belgian cities also refused to host the match.

    Similarly in Italy, a northeastern city has refused to host the Israeli national team for a Nations League game in October.

    “Hosting such a match at a time when Israel is a country at war carries risks of causing divisions and social problems […],” the mayor said. “We refuse to associate the name of our city with this match”.

    Lebanese journalist who survived Israeli strike to carry Olympics flame

    Lebanese photojournalist Christina Assi who was severely wounded by an Israeli strike in southern Lebanon last October while on assignment, is set to carry the Olympic Flame on Sunday, 21 July, in Vincennes, France.

    The AFP photographer made the announcement on her Instagram page on Wednesday, which she described as a tribute to journalists who had lost their lives while doing their job.

    Assi, 29, was struck by an Israeli shell on 13 October 2023 while reporting on cross-border attacks from southern Lebanon, and has since had her right leg amputated.

    “When AFP was asked to carry the Olympic Flame, we thought of Christina, whose courage and tenacity are admired by everyone at the Agency. Having her carry this symbol of peace sends a powerful message for her and for all journalists affected in the line of duty,” said Pierre Galy, AFP’s head of sport.


    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    The Guardian: Shellshocked, attacked, left to die – this is the reality for disabled people in Gaza

    Common Dreams: ‘Ticking Time Bomb’: International Alarm as Poliovirus Found in Gaza Sewage

    Al Jazeera: Adidas drops Bella Hadid from campaign referencing 1972 Munich Olympics

    Mondoweiss: The end of Israel’s economy

    Middle East Eye: ICJ opinion on Israel’s occupation upends the order that oppresses Palestinians


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – July 19: at least 39,497* (38,919 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,034 children as of June 17. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 578 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 46 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 40 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
    2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – July 19: at least 95,042 (including at least 89,622 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children).

    [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]
    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – July 19: ~1,481 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 326 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

    Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

    Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org
    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
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    AIPAC: Has the pro-Israel lobby bribed and bought the US Democratic Party?
    Israel’s war on Gaza is the deadliest conflict on record for journalists.
    Israeli army hits Gaza family, uses them as human shields, and runs over their mother.
    Strangling Israeli restrictions were in place long before October 7th.
    The day Israeli tanks fired directly at AFP’s Gaza Bureau.
    The craziest ‘pro-Israel’ votes on the Hill today.
    Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war.
    Why As A Christian, I Won’t Be Condemning Hamas Anytime Soon.
    Is “Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself” Code for “We Are Killing the Geneva Conventions”?
    ‘I heard all of my friends’ last breath’: Testimonies from the Nuseirat massacre.
    Rep. Thomas Massie: Every congressperson has an AIPAC babysitter.
    (VIDEO) Col. Douglas Macgregor: US seen as taking orders from Netanyahu.
    UN finds at least 14 Israelis likely intentionally killed by own army on October 7.
    ADL faces Wikipedia ban over reliability concerns on Israel, antisemitism.
    Fear, hunger and displacement follows Israel’s worsening abuse of Palestinians in Hebron.
    Rafah Attack: Netanyahu’s Lies Expose The Truth About Israel.
    Veterans For Peace: U.S. Army Major Quits Over Israel.

    ICJ ruling offers some vindication after 76 years of Palestinian struggle; Israeli strikes keep killing Gazans – Day 286 [email protected] July 20, 2024 Christina Assi, eilat port, genocide, hind rajab, houthis, icj, illegal occupation, international law, netanyahu congress, recognition of israel, reparations, tel aviv attack, unseat israel, west bank deaths The International Court of Justice says Israel's ongoing presence in Occupied Palestinian territory is illegal and violates international law. Judges determined Israel is obligated to end its unlawful presence as quickly as possible and must stop all new settlement activity. (photo) Int’l Court of Justice deals a severe blow to Israel; at least 50 killed in Gaza; Israel’s killing of Hind Rajab a war crime; West Bank deaths; Yemeni drone hits Tel Aviv; Eilat Port in Israel declares bankruptcy; calls for Israel to be “unseated” from UN; 200 Congress staffers call for boycott of Netanyahu’s Congress speech; Calls to investigate Israel for genocide; more. By IAK staff, from reports. Israel should evacuate settlements, pay reparations, ICJ says Washington Post reports: The International Court of Justice, the top judicial arm of the United Nations, said Friday that Israel should end its occupation of Palestinian territory, evacuate existing settlements, stop building new ones and pay reparations to Palestinians who have lost land and property. In a sweeping 83-page legal opinion, the court, based in The Hague, said Israel is responsible for “systematic discrimination” against Palestinians based on race or ethnicity, has breached the right of Palestinians to self-determination and has effectively annexed large swaths of land. “Israel has an obligation to bring an end to its presence in the occupied Palestinian territory as rapidly as possible,” Nawaf Salam, the court’s president, said from the bench Friday. He added that the court considers Israel’s continued presence illegal and a “wrongful act.” The searing advisory opinion is nonbinding but still holds legal weight and could have broader consequences in the international arena, including in trade and diplomacy. The court said member states should not recognize as legal the situation arising from Israel’s presence in occupied territory, nor should they render aid or assistance in maintaining it. The key points in the ICJ’s opinion Israel’s ongoing presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is deemed illegal. Israel must end its presence in the occupied territories as soon as possible. Israel should immediately cease settlement expansion and evacuate all settlers from the occupied areas. Israel is required to make reparations for the damage caused to the local and lawful population in the Palestinian territories. The international community and organizations have a duty not to recognize the Israeli presence in the territories as legal and to avoid supporting its maintenance. The UN should consider what actions are necessary to end the Israeli presence in the territories as soon as possible. At least 50 killed across Gaza over last day Al Jazeera reports: As the world responded to a landmark ICJ ruling declaring Israel’s occupation of the West Bank in violation of international law, Israeli forces continued attacks across Gaza. At least 24 people were killed in attacks in the Nuseirat camp in central Gaza, according to local authorities. Other killings included three people in an Israeli raid on a house south of Khan Younis and another Palestinian killed north of Nuseirat. Attacks were also reported in Deir el-Balah. Video shows strike near Civil Defense, journalists in az-Zawayda Al Jazeera reports: A video, which has been verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad unit, shows a man wearing a “press” vest standing next to a member of the Civil Defence with a fire hose over his shoulder in the central Gaza area. An Israeli strike then hits just metres (yards) away as the men dive for cover. In a post on Instagram, the man who took the video, activist Saleh Aljafarawi, said the Israeli attack “deliberately targets the place where the ambulance crews, Civil Defence and press crews are located”. Gaza’s Government Media Office said on Wednesday that 160 journalists and 79 members of the Civil Defence have been killed since the war began. Gaza: Killing of Hind Rajab and her family – a war crime OHCHR reports: The killing of five-year old Hind Rajab, her family and two paramedics may amount to a war crime, independent experts warned Friday. “The brutality of these killings seem to illustrate how reckless the army has been in its Gaza campaign: all instances of extrajudicial killing must be duly investigated and accounted for,” the experts said. “These killings are not isolated cases,” the experts said. “We are extremely troubled by the pattern of apparent indiscriminate and targeted attacks against civillians in Gaza, including on locations used for humanitarian assistance or to shelter IDPs,” they said. “The firing of heavy-calibre projectiles at a humanitarian zone near an office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza, killing 22 displaced civilians, and most recently the attacks on IDP tents in Al Mawasi area, on Ash Shati’ Refugee Camp, and on the UNRWA Abu Oreiban school sheltering IDPs, among others, killing nearly 320 Palestinians, half of them women and children, have reinforced the fact that there is no safe place in Gaza” the experts said. “Such attacks amount to grave violations of international humanitarian law, must be promptly and reliably investigated, and should be severely punished. “The willful or indiscriminate killing of protected persons, including civilians, medical personnel and humanitarian workers, amount to war crimes, and if systematic, crimes against humanity, and should be prevented at all costs,” the experts warned. “We remain deeply troubled by the total impunity and apparent lack of investigations, and prevention of these crimes. This is all the more worrisome in the context of the recent order from the International Court of Justice for Israel to take immediate measures to protect Gaza’s population from the risk of genocide,” the experts said. RECOMMENDED READING: You need to meet this little girl named Hind West Bank: Israeli forces kill 20 year old; 22 year old dies of injuries IMEMC reports: Israeli forces shot and killed Palestinian Ibrahim Hamza Zaqaqiq, age 20 on Friday night, in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron. Israeli soldiers reportedly fired live rounds, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades at citizens, shooting Zaqaqiq in the head with a live round, causing serious injuries; he was transported to Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron, where he later died. WAFA reports: Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, north of the West Bank, announced this evening the passing of 22-year-old Yaman Ahmed Asfour, who succumbed to injuries sustained from Israeli army gunfire in January. The medical staff worked tirelessly to save his life, but his condition remained critical until his passing earlier today. Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity. Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity. (photo) PIJ, Hamas call on PLO to ‘withdraw recognition’ of Israel The Cradle reports: Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement called in a joint statement on 19 July for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to drop its recognition of Israel. The statement called on the PLO and its affiliated legislative body, the Palestinian Authority (PA), to “withdraw its recognition of the Zionist entity, in response to the Knesset’s decision not to recognize a Palestinian state.” Yemen declares Tel Aviv ‘unsafe zone’ after successful drone attack The Cradle reports: The Yemeni Armed Forces has claimed responsibility for a deadly drone attack that hit the Israeli city of Tel Aviv during the early hours of 19 July, killing at least one and injuring several others. The drone did not set off any alarms as it entered Israeli airspace from the south before hitting a building near the US consulate. The Yemeni drone also bypassed US warships. The Armed Forces of Yemen’s Sanaa government reportedly has a “very large” stock of this type of drone. The Yemeni Houthis’ attacks target ships linked to Israel, the United States or Britain, as part of the rebels’ support for Gaza RECOMMENDED READING: Houthi drone strikes Tel Aviv: How significant is the attack? A view of the destruction following an explosion caused by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attack near the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 19, 2024 A view of the destruction following an explosion caused by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attack near the United States Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel on July 19, 2024 (photo) Israel’s Eilat Port declares bankruptcy Middle East Monitor reports: The Israeli port of Eilat officially declared its bankruptcy, after eight months of complete paralysis of commercial activity and its cessation of receiving ships and containers, especially coming from the Asian countries’ markets, carrying with them the needs of the economy and its industrial sector. The reason for this was the successive attacks launched by the Yemeni Houthi group on Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, as well as the targeting of ships from countries supporting the Occupation in the genocidal war it is waging against the people of Gaza, most notably American and British ships. According to the World Cargo website that reports global shipping news, the port of Eilat has officially declared bankruptcy due to the lack of commercial activity. Special rapporteur supports call for Israel’s ‘unseating’ from UN Francesca Albanese, the UN’s special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, has added her voice to a call for Israel to be unseated from the United Nations. Reposting an earlier call on social media for the “unseating” of Israel by the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Albanese said it was “time” to remove Israel from the world body. The UN rapporteur on housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, said on Tuesday that it was “high time” to take action as Israel continued its “criminal attacks” on the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza “without any consequences”. Israel should be unseated “from the UN, as was done with apartheid South Africa”, Rajagopal said in a post on social media. Over 200 congressional staffers sign letter protesting Netanyahu address The Hill reports: More than 200 anonymous staff members across 122 Democratic and Republican congressional offices signed a letter this week calling for Congress to protest or boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech next week on Capitol Hill, citing concerns about the ongoing war in Gaza. The letter, organized by the Congressional Progressive Staff Association and signed by 230 House and Senate staffers, said speaking out against Netanyahu’s July 24 joint address to Congress was an “issue of morality” and not politics. “Citizens, students, and lawmakers across the country and the world have spoken out against the actions of Mr. Netanyahu in his War on Gaza,” the letter reads. “Israelis have been protesting in the streets for months, decrying his failure to negotiate a ceasefire and release of hostages. We hope you will join your fellow Members of Congress in protest at his speech or in refusing to attend it.” Rights Group Urges DOJ to Investigate US-Bound Netanyahu for Genocide Common Dreams reports: As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to visit Washington, D.C. next week, an American legal group on Friday pressured the U.S. Department of Justice to open a criminal investigation into him and other officials for committing or authorizing genocide, war crimes, and torture targeting Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. “We believe ample credible evidence exists to sufficiently establish that serious crimes falling within U.S. criminal jurisdiction are systematically being perpetrated in Gaza,” says the Center for Constitutional Rights’ (CCR) 23-page letter to Hope Olds, who leads the Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section (HRSP) of the DOJ’s Criminal Division. “Given the frequent travel of Israeli officials and citizens to the United States resulting in their presence within U.S. jurisdiction, and recalling that HRSP is part of a coordinated, interagency effort to deny safe haven in the United States to human rights violators,” the letter states, “the Department of Justice must urgently investigate and hold accountable those responsible for war crimes and other serious crimes being committed on a wide-scale basis in the occupied Gaza Strip, including potentially U.S. and U.S.-dual citizens.” (Read the full article here.) MENA sports headlines: Belgium and Italy refuse to host Israel match over Gaza war The Belgian Football Federation (RBFA) said it would not host a Nations League match against Israel on 6 September as the event was likely to spark demonstrations. The city of Brussels said last month that the match would not be played at the King Baudouin stadium as authorities had deemed it “impossible to organize this very high-risk match” in the city due to tensions linked to Israel’s war on Gaza. Other Belgian cities also refused to host the match. Similarly in Italy, a northeastern city has refused to host the Israeli national team for a Nations League game in October. “Hosting such a match at a time when Israel is a country at war carries risks of causing divisions and social problems […],” the mayor said. “We refuse to associate the name of our city with this match”. Lebanese journalist who survived Israeli strike to carry Olympics flame Lebanese photojournalist Christina Assi who was severely wounded by an Israeli strike in southern Lebanon last October while on assignment, is set to carry the Olympic Flame on Sunday, 21 July, in Vincennes, France. The AFP photographer made the announcement on her Instagram page on Wednesday, which she described as a tribute to journalists who had lost their lives while doing their job. Assi, 29, was struck by an Israeli shell on 13 October 2023 while reporting on cross-border attacks from southern Lebanon, and has since had her right leg amputated. “When AFP was asked to carry the Olympic Flame, we thought of Christina, whose courage and tenacity are admired by everyone at the Agency. Having her carry this symbol of peace sends a powerful message for her and for all journalists affected in the line of duty,” said Pierre Galy, AFP’s head of sport. MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. The Guardian: Shellshocked, attacked, left to die – this is the reality for disabled people in Gaza Common Dreams: ‘Ticking Time Bomb’: International Alarm as Poliovirus Found in Gaza Sewage Al Jazeera: Adidas drops Bella Hadid from campaign referencing 1972 Munich Olympics Mondoweiss: The end of Israel’s economy Middle East Eye: ICJ opinion on Israel’s occupation upends the order that oppresses Palestinians STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – JULY 19: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – July 19: at least 39,497* (38,919 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,034 children as of June 17. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 578 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 46 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 40 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced. 2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – July 19: at least 95,042 (including at least 89,622 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – July 19: ~1,481 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 326 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured. Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.** Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) Russia attacks hospitals in Ukraine; Israel does the same in Gaza. The US response couldn’t be more different. ‘I have the prison inside me’: The emaciated Palestinian bodybuilder broken by Israel Israel has manufactured an industrial-scale version of Jim Crow rape hoaxes If Americans Knew Mobile Billboard Truck at Republican Convention Col. Douglas MacGregor: US is under the control of Israel, likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto Israel’s leading paper says its own army deliberately killed Israelis on October 7 Gaza has turned into Biden’s most perplexing moral and foreign policy failure ‘Suffering horrifically’: 10 months of Israel’s ‘war on children’ in Gaza Pro-Israel ADL ‘spied on’ African American activist over opposition to US-Israel police exchange programme ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza Lancet: Counting the dead in Gaza – difficult but essential ‘Revealer of Inconvenient Truths’ – Julian Assange’s Impact on Palestine Fact or Fiction: Is Israel Unfairly Singled Out for Global Condemnation? How an Israeli colonel invented the burned babies lie to justify genocide Widely reported Palestinian father-son ‘rape’ confession contradicted by piles of evidence The Gaza Project reveals how Israel has targeted the press – in 3 stories ‘Buying Our Own Stolen Water’ in Bethlehem – Scorching Summer Awaits Palestinians in the West Bank Israel’s covert info bots targeting America met with hypocritical silence AIPAC: Has the pro-Israel lobby bribed and bought the US Democratic Party? Israel’s war on Gaza is the deadliest conflict on record for journalists. Israeli army hits Gaza family, uses them as human shields, and runs over their mother. Strangling Israeli restrictions were in place long before October 7th. The day Israeli tanks fired directly at AFP’s Gaza Bureau. The craziest ‘pro-Israel’ votes on the Hill today. Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war. Why As A Christian, I Won’t Be Condemning Hamas Anytime Soon. Is “Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself” Code for “We Are Killing the Geneva Conventions”? ‘I heard all of my friends’ last breath’: Testimonies from the Nuseirat massacre. Rep. Thomas Massie: Every congressperson has an AIPAC babysitter. (VIDEO) Col. Douglas Macgregor: US seen as taking orders from Netanyahu. UN finds at least 14 Israelis likely intentionally killed by own army on October 7. ADL faces Wikipedia ban over reliability concerns on Israel, antisemitism. Fear, hunger and displacement follows Israel’s worsening abuse of Palestinians in Hebron. Rafah Attack: Netanyahu’s Lies Expose The Truth About Israel. Veterans For Peace: U.S. Army Major Quits Over Israel. https://israelpalestinenews.org/icj-ruling-offers-some-vindication-after-76-years-of-palestinian-struggle-israeli-strikes-keep-killing-gazans-day-286/
    ICJ ruling offers some vindication after 76 years of Palestinian struggle; Israeli strikes keep killing Gazans – Day 286
    ICJ ruling; Gaza deaths; Hind Rajab; Yemeni drone hits Tel Aviv; Eilat Port bankruptcy; calls to oust Israel from UN; Netanyahu under fire
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 13573 Views
  • https://youtu.be/dsvGLhtZEf0?si=iFwFtJRL6bDBrg53
    If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills.

    Legacy Movies
    4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201,
    Jacksonville, FL 32224
    (904) 650-2242
    Working Hours:
    Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm
    Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
    https://youtu.be/dsvGLhtZEf0?si=iFwFtJRL6bDBrg53 If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills. Legacy Movies 4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32224 (904) 650-2242 https://legacymovies.com/jacksonville-fl/ https://sites.google.com/view/legacy-movies/ https://maps.app.goo.gl/1N2XSSFiFzrH9RoG8 Working Hours: Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 4128 Views
  • Legacy Movies
    4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201,
    Jacksonville, FL 32224
    (904) 650-2242

    Working Hours:
    Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm
    Payment: cash, check, credit cards.



    If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills.
    The wedding videographers are well-known in Jacksonville and surrounding areas as talented producers who craft emotional, elegant, timeless luxury films and cinematic treasures. We create artistically stunning cinematic wedding films and inspired wedding videos that dynamically capture the true essence of your wedding day.
    Hire local talent with a passion for storytelling and a lens focused on love who are most reviewed and trusted and who can travel to your wedding, corporate, or special event.
    Our award-winning team of photographers and videographers at Legacy Movies will help you capture and preserve the most valuable asset you can share with your family: a short film about your life, your values, your successes, and all the challenges you have overcome. There is no better way to leave a lasting impression on future generations. We make the filmmaking process easy and exciting- guiding you every step of the way.

    Nearby Locations:
    Beach Haven, Isle of Palms, Sans Pareil, Windy Hill, Deerwood
    32217, 32250, 32224, 32246, 32256
    Legacy Movies 4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32224 (904) 650-2242 https://legacymovies.com/jacksonville-fl/ https://sites.google.com/view/legacy-movies/ Working Hours: Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm Payment: cash, check, credit cards. https://maps.app.goo.gl/1N2XSSFiFzrH9RoG8 https://plus.codes/862W7H85+M9 https://www.facebook.com/legacymovies/ https://twitter.com/legacymoviesfl https://www.linkedin.com/company/legacy-movies-fl/ https://www.instagram.com/legacy_movies https://www.youtube.com/@legacymovies1125 https://www.tumblr.com/legacymovies https://www.pinterest.com/legacymovies/ https://www.flickr.com/people/200148840@N06/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/legacy-movies-jacksonville https://www.tiktok.com/@legacy_movies_ https://vimeo.com/legacymovies If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills. The wedding videographers are well-known in Jacksonville and surrounding areas as talented producers who craft emotional, elegant, timeless luxury films and cinematic treasures. We create artistically stunning cinematic wedding films and inspired wedding videos that dynamically capture the true essence of your wedding day. Hire local talent with a passion for storytelling and a lens focused on love who are most reviewed and trusted and who can travel to your wedding, corporate, or special event. Our award-winning team of photographers and videographers at Legacy Movies will help you capture and preserve the most valuable asset you can share with your family: a short film about your life, your values, your successes, and all the challenges you have overcome. There is no better way to leave a lasting impression on future generations. We make the filmmaking process easy and exciting- guiding you every step of the way. Nearby Locations: Beach Haven, Isle of Palms, Sans Pareil, Windy Hill, Deerwood 32217, 32250, 32224, 32246, 32256
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 9292 Views
  • Legacy Movies
    4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201,
    Jacksonville, FL 32224
    (904) 650-2242

    Working Hours:
    Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm

    Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

    If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills.
    The wedding videographers are well-known in Jacksonville and surrounding areas as talented producers who craft emotional, elegant, timeless luxury films and cinematic treasures. We create artistically stunning cinematic wedding films and inspired wedding videos that dynamically capture the true essence of your wedding day.
    Hire local talent with a passion for storytelling and a lens focused on love who are most reviewed and trusted and who can travel to your wedding, corporate, or special event.
    Our award-winning team of photographers and videographers at Legacy Movies will help you capture and preserve the most valuable asset you can share with your family: a short film about your life, your values, your successes, and all the challenges you have overcome. There is no better way to leave a lasting impression on future generations. We make the filmmaking process easy and exciting- guiding you every step of the way.

    Nearby Locations:
    Beach Haven, Isle of Palms, Sans Pareil, Windy Hill, Deerwood
    32217, 32250, 32224, 32246, 32256



    Legacy Movies 4336 Pablo Oaks Ct Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32224 (904) 650-2242 https://legacymovies.com/jacksonville-fl/ https://sites.google.com/view/legacy-movies/ Working Hours: Monday-Saturday: 8am - 6pm Payment: cash, check, credit cards. If you're looking for a talented videographer or photographer for your Jacksonville wedding, choose Legacy Movies, a video and photo boutique. Our highly-rated video production company is known for its affordable and transparent pricing, quick response times, and exceptional videography and photography skills. The wedding videographers are well-known in Jacksonville and surrounding areas as talented producers who craft emotional, elegant, timeless luxury films and cinematic treasures. We create artistically stunning cinematic wedding films and inspired wedding videos that dynamically capture the true essence of your wedding day. Hire local talent with a passion for storytelling and a lens focused on love who are most reviewed and trusted and who can travel to your wedding, corporate, or special event. Our award-winning team of photographers and videographers at Legacy Movies will help you capture and preserve the most valuable asset you can share with your family: a short film about your life, your values, your successes, and all the challenges you have overcome. There is no better way to leave a lasting impression on future generations. We make the filmmaking process easy and exciting- guiding you every step of the way. Nearby Locations: Beach Haven, Isle of Palms, Sans Pareil, Windy Hill, Deerwood 32217, 32250, 32224, 32246, 32256 https://maps.app.goo.gl/1N2XSSFiFzrH9RoG8 https://plus.codes/862W7H85+M9 https://www.facebook.com/legacymovies/ https://twitter.com/legacymoviesfl https://www.linkedin.com/company/legacy-movies-fl/ https://www.instagram.com/legacy_movies https://www.youtube.com/@legacymovies1125 https://www.tumblr.com/legacymovies https://www.pinterest.com/legacymovies/ https://www.flickr.com/people/200148840@N06/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/legacy-movies-jacksonville https://www.tiktok.com/@legacy_movies_ https://vimeo.com/legacymovies
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 8804 Views
  • Shaminder Dulai - 2024 Milky Way Photographer of the Year winners announced:


    #MilkyWay #PhotographyCompetition #NightSky #Astrophotography #Photography
    Shaminder Dulai - 2024 Milky Way Photographer of the Year winners announced: https://www.dpreview.com/news/5115298208/2024-milky-way-photographer-of-the-year-winners-announced #MilkyWay #PhotographyCompetition #NightSky #Astrophotography #Photography
    2024 Milky Way Photographer of the Year winners announced
    Now in its seventh year, the annual awards recognize some of the best astrophotography of the year.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 4550 Views
  • Singapore Has a S$100 Billion Plan to Survive in a Far Hotter World Than Experts Predicted
    Island nation to spend S$100 billion to counter global warming City draws up coastal defense plan to counter rising sea level

    Faris Mokhtar26 February 2020 at 5:04 AM MYT
    People look out to sea from a breakwater at East Coast Park, a stretch of reclaimed land along the southeastern coast of Singapore.
    People look out to sea from a breakwater at East Coast Park, a stretch of reclaimed land along the southeastern coast of Singapore.
    Photographer: Wei Leng Tay/Bloomberg
    Singapore has a reputation for planning ahead. When it comes to climate change, it’s planning for the worst.

    While governments around the world are struggling to meet the goals of the Paris agreement — keeping the global temperature increase to about 1.5 degrees Celsius and the rise in sea levels to less than 0.5 meters — Singapore is devising a S$100 billion ($72 billion) plan to safeguard the city against temperatures and floodwaters several times those levels.


    Singapore Has a S$100 Billion Plan to Survive in a Far Hotter World Than Experts Predicted Island nation to spend S$100 billion to counter global warming City draws up coastal defense plan to counter rising sea level Faris Mokhtar26 February 2020 at 5:04 AM MYT People look out to sea from a breakwater at East Coast Park, a stretch of reclaimed land along the southeastern coast of Singapore. People look out to sea from a breakwater at East Coast Park, a stretch of reclaimed land along the southeastern coast of Singapore. Photographer: Wei Leng Tay/Bloomberg Singapore has a reputation for planning ahead. When it comes to climate change, it’s planning for the worst. While governments around the world are struggling to meet the goals of the Paris agreement — keeping the global temperature increase to about 1.5 degrees Celsius and the rise in sea levels to less than 0.5 meters — Singapore is devising a S$100 billion ($72 billion) plan to safeguard the city against temperatures and floodwaters several times those levels. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-02-25/singapore-has-a-100-billion-plan-for-adapting-to-climate-change #newworldorder
    Singapore Has a S$100 Billion Plan to Survive in a Far Hotter World Than Experts Predicted
    The island nation is planning for temperatures and floodwaters way higher than the Paris target suggests.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 6879 Views
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    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 13540 Views
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