• A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons
    Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades. This publication was done by her colleague, Dr. Colodzin and presented at the Health Freedom USA War Council 2010 meeting. It describes an important timeline of development of advanced nanomaterials. It also describes Dr. Staningers study on samples from 24 individuals that were sent to 4 different toxicology labs and found the filaments were not biologic, but were silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates weapons grade nanomaterials. Please note that polymethacrylates are stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent, and researchers like Dr Geanina Hagima have found large quantities of Silicone in the COVID 19 vials. These chemical characterizations are important clues as to the overlap of COVID19 bioweapon and the historical advanced nanomaterials called Morgellon’s.

    GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control

    BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

    The paper was named


    by Benjamin Colodzin, Ph.D. I inserted some of the slides that were used for the original presentation. All of this research is important background information for our understanding of the current advanced nanomaterials warfare waged with the COVID19 bioweapons.

    Abstract: We are no longer children with an innocent hearts, who have read the story of Chicken Little and how the sky was falling. Well, the new Chicken Little who, graduated from Chicken Little 101 of the world knows that it is true – the sky is falling filled with not only just molecules of the air we breathe, but aerial emissions, smog, G.E.M.S., smart dust, smart motes, RDIF ID tags, and other debris. It is being sprayed day and night making “X’s, O’s, A’s and other grids in the sky over our global nations cities whether for weather modification, vector control, and/or aerial mass inoculations. Hear this - Chicken Little’s’ - of the world it is time for us to grow up and not be like the wooden boy Pinocchio. We must become real thinking scholars. All of us, who realize that any continuous exposure from even the simplistic contrails of a plane flying over head for long periods of time, will cause you to breathe “bad air,” that will eventually cause lung damage. It does not matter if it is carbon particles or nano composites laced with modified waterborne polyurethane (Styrofoam) mixed with modified food starch as an aerial dispersant. It can only make shiny white sticky goo in any healthy lung of an athlete, child, animal or even Chicken Little himself. This paper will outline and address aerial spraying through a time line that depicts the aerial emission events and ends with fellow human being’s thoughts on a simple form of consciousness for those who deploy aerial pollutive materials into our environment’s air, land and water ways.

    These were clinical samples from Morgellon’s victims

    And historic microscopic analysis of Chemtrail ingredients.


    1949: The first use of aerial spray operations under State and Federal mandates for vector control (insects, virus, etc.) beginning under the Geneva Act for Chemical and Biological Weapons of 1949.

    1949 – Present: Many subsequent amendments to the above Act, and parallel U.S. Acts including the 2001 Patriot Act, 2001 Space Preservation Act, and the 2005 Weather Modification Research and Technology Act, have expanded the authority to conduct aerial spray operations over U.S. territory for a wide variety of purposes.

    1954-1975: “Vietnam Era” U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia leads to military research, development, and deployment of aerial spray operations for a wide variety of military objectives on the largest scale yet seen, with the application of Agents Orange, Blue, White, Pink and Purple, etc., to millions of acres of Southeast Asian territory.

    1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and low altitude aircraft.

    1984: The U.S. documentary film SECRET AGENT, brings to U.S. audiences video footage of aerial spray operations in Vietnam and the United States, and interviews it includes with Vietnam veterans and their families about health consequences for people on the ground.

    1988: Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush allegedly gives secret orders to the CIA to revive the long-dormant MK-ULTRA mind control division, which had supposedly been ordered shut down by Congress in 1963. This division will reportedly be involved with human-implantable chip technologies, according to allegations made by Dave Larson in 2009 (see Larson in the 2009 Timeline).

    1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data as per START international agreements.

    1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by Secretary of Defense, James Baker).

    1992-93: TOS is supported by Clinton Administration

    1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate.

    2000: The Official Department of the Air Force response to queries about chemtrails reads in part: “the term “chemtrail” is a hoax that began circulating approximately three years ago which asserts the government is involved in a joint federal program of covert spraying of the public . . . There is no such thing as a “chemtrail” – the natural contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon. They pose no health hazard of any kind.”

    January 2000-July 2001: Clifford Carnicom receives the first official refusal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for his request to analyze sample(s) collected underneath an aerial spray operation (“Fibrous Substance Sample”; refusal letter requires 18 month response time form date of request.

    March 2001: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national) pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations, conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland.

    Cuppett alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was officially ratified by the U.S.

    January 2002: TOS is officially in force after Russia and Belarus complete their ratification processes.

    2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA (Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other biological active materials in the samples collected.

    Note: The difference between a contrail and chemtrail is the time limit. Chemtrails last for long periods of time in the atmosphere/skies.

    2004: First reports of an anomalous disease dubbed “Morgellons disease,” begin to surface. It is named “Morgellons” because its reported symptoms of fibers protruding from the skin are supposedly similar to symptoms reported in the 1600’s by a French physician named Morgellon. No one seems able to accurately diagnose what causes this mystery disease.

    2004-2006: the U.S. Center for Disease Control says that patients reporting these symptoms are most likely suffering from “delusional parasitosis,” and recommends people suffering with Morgellons to be referred to an psychiatrist for mental evaluation. CDC maintains this posture for four years in the face of mounting criticism and contrary evidence.

    2005: The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland. Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of specific chemical “chad materials.”

    2006: Samples of fibers and other materials are removed and collected from 24 particpants, located in various global locations. All 24 participants are reported to have anomalous Morgellons-like symptoms. The samples were sent to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (Integrative Health Systems, LLC), and analyzed by four (4) independent laboratories.

    Initial findings determine that the fibers are silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates. The findings also reveal no biological substances are present. Subsequent findings from these and additional samples taken from individuals within a wide geographical area of distribution all indicate the presence of advanced nano materials (extremely small manufactured materials). The nano materials are found to contain elements of patented weapons-grade nano materials. These weapons grade nano technologies are found in fibers removed from lesions in humans, as well as in fibrous “cotton candy” like material collected on the ground and observed floating down through the sky after aerial spraying operation in Texas, USA.

    2006-2008: Center for Disease Control continues to equate “Morgellons disease: with delusional parasitosis, and continues to recommend treatment by a psychiatrist.

    2007: Allegations – not confirmed – of a new federal policy allowing vaccine makers immunity from prosecution for damages from aerial spray operations conducting vaccine research on American public without permission (under guise of pathogen/biological countermeasures Homeland Security program).

    2007: “Under these (federal) acts and the current testing for pathogen countermeasures, the general public may be exposed to these countermeasures without permission for USDA Vector Control, Domestic Preparedness, and Weapons of Mass Destruction countermeasures.” (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)

    2008: Argonne Labs Midwest Center for Structural Genomics describes a protein structure they nickname “dragon protein” for its resemblance to a dragon’s head (molecular branding). A similar shape to this “dragon’s head” is revealed in the micrographs of fibers removed form lesions in patients with Morgellon’s symptoms (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s, private photomicrograph collection 2006 to present).

    2008: The CDC changes its policy about Morgellons syndrome. It stops defining this syndrome as a sign of likely “delusional parasitosis,” and defines it as a condition of unknown origin, possibly associated with Lyme’s disease. CDC announces it is forming a working study group for Morgellons, not due to report to the public until end of 2010 or longer.

    January 2009: (Science Daily) nanoscale Origami from DNA. Harvard University scientist reports “We can now build a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Functional devices should be possible.”

    (Actually, somebody already has built a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Eight years earlier in ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2000, 12 No. 24. December 15, “Silica Nanotubes and Nanofiber Array,” Dr. Wang describes various silicon based nano tubes that are used in nanotechnology. These are very, very small machines, to small to be seen with the naked eye, which can self assemble into larger machines. Currently these machines are being utilized in SencilTM technology by USC and licensed to Hewlett Packard and other companies. Note the shapes of Nano – Claw, Chinese Lantern, and tongued silicon tubes. These shapes are significant for all Chicken Little students because the same or similar shapes have been observed in micro photographs of materials removed form humans with anomalous Morgellons-like conditions.

    January 2009 – present: Obama Administration continues aforementioned policies of previous administrations. The consciousness that deploys aerial spraying operations against the American population does not seem to be much affected by the change in administration.

    March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the ‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans.

    June 2009: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) develops a text on the Guidelines for Advanced Nano Materials Exposure and Toxicology. It states that the document and toxicological risk assessments on advanced nano materials will be completed in 2013.

    June 2009: (6/11/2009) director-General Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization made the declaration of a Phase 6 “Pandemic emergency” regarding the spread of H1N1 Influenza.

    June 2009: Studies by College of Environmental Science and engineering, Ocean University, Qingdao, China show that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interaction with proteins and enzymes, demonstrating these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. These results confirm the findings of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger in USA:

    Wang, Z., Shao, J., Li, Fl, Gao, D., and B. Xing. “Absorption and Inhalation of Acetylcholinesterse by Different Nanoparticles.” College of Environmental Science and engineering. Ocean University of China. Qingdao, China. Chemical Sensitivity Network.

    © June 19, 2009. Recent studies conducted by the College of Environmental Sciences and engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China (Z. Wang, et. al.) have shown that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interactions with proteins and enzymes.

    Acetylcholinestease (AchE) is a key enzyme present in the blood, brain, and nervous system. Zang et al report significant results of absorption and inhibition of AChE by specific nanoparticle, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and single-walled carbon nanotubes, showing that these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity.

    July 2009: CIA Director Panetta briefs Congress about a secret CIA program never disclosed regarding surveillance and torture, running allegedly “from 2001 until the present.” Congressional investigation may or may not be forthcoming.

    September 2009: Reuters reported Verichip was given two exclusive patents for biosensors that detect viruses. They will be used as implantable virus detection systems in humans, and will combine with Verichips implantable human radio frequency device to track humans. The scope of this effort is made clear by the University of California – Industry Homeland Security Network notice 9/3/2009 about biological countermeasures, available at http://www.ucdiscoverygrang.org/homelandsecurity/hsmissionAreas/Biological.htm which says that smart dust sensors for removal of surveillance and detection of a variety of chemical and biological agents are the focus of programs at a variety of American institutions.


    “SMART DUST” is a generic name for systems that combine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and advanced communications systems (microelectomechanical sensors, or MEMS) for a variety of purposes. The online dictionary Wikipedia as of 2009 defines “smart dust” as “hypothetical” (it’s just an idea, we don’t have it yet).

    And yet, on its website, the company DUST NETWORKS writes: Dust Networks, the leader in standards-based intelligent wireless sensor networking (WSN), provides ultra low-power, highly reliable embedded systems to the world’s leading sensor manufacturers – market visionaries who recognize that “smart dust” embedded inside their sensors is the star of a paradigm shift in their market.

    The independent documentary film maker TANKER ENEMY has made a number of short You- Tube videos describing smart dust and showing its deployment over populated areas, including

    “Smart Dust in the Drinking Water, “ http://ww.youtube.com/v/ouQCSZ8MY2s&hl=it_IT&fs=1&ap=%252fmt%3D18%22%3E%C/ param%3Cparam

    “Smart Dust is Already in Our Environment,” http://tankerenemy.blogspot.com/2009/11/exposure-to-aerial-emissions-of-nano.html and ‘hildegarde staninger interview, parts one, two, and three (Out There TV) http://www.youtube.com/watc?v=JchfWlqbVxw&featrue-=related

    If that isn’t sufficiently convincing as to the reality of smart dust in our current and future lives, you can also check out Major Scott Dickson, U.S. Air Force, in his April 2007 Blue Horizon Paper a the Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College: ENABELING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE: THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST.


    “SMART DUST” is way past the “hypothetical” stage. It is increasingly a hidden facet of modern life.

    September 2009: Dr. Staninger, in presentation to the National Registry of Environmental Professionals of her findings regarding advanced nano materials and their observations in humans, warn: “Mankind is at the initiation point of determining the toxicological mechanisms from exposure to advanced nano microbic materials.”

    October 2009: History Channel presents a documentary entitled “Weather Weapons.” The documentary describes chemtrails and aerial spraying operations since World War II.

    December 2009: Morgellons Research Foundation, main steam information clearinghouse; for Morgellons patients, lists more than fifteen thousand humans reporting Morgellons symptoms in its database. In an online radio interview (2006), Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported an estimate of 60,000 symptom bearers in the USA, 100,000 world wide. Databases in Italy have estimated their population to have 5 per day new case, thus 1,825 new cases per year since 2006.


    In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support form private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration.

    December 2009: Preparation for the Winter Solstice 2009, Return of the Light:

    Early efforts underway to develop countermeasures hold real promise. It may really become possible to deactivate and/or mitigate this new modern assault upon our freedom to evolve our bioelectric and genetic capacities without the presence of un-invited parasitic-like machines in our bodies. Ultra-modern and ancient natural healing methods are being applied in far scattered corners of the earth, as we the people begin to realize this is actually happening NOW in many parts of the planet. Our bodies are reacting to it, and it is beginning to look like we may all live downstream of this “stuff” already.

    None of these space age technologies that are the new whiz-bang toys of aerial spray operations are essentially evil. They each have wonderful life-enhancing applications for which they could be used. It is only a matter of true intent and counter intent. We just need them to be programmed and regulated by a consciousness that values LIFE, that’s ALL.

    May the Return of the Light – bring purification to even the darkest corners of human consciousness.

    May we of the nations, tribes, and families find leaders who don’t want to remain silent and profess ignorance when the people are sprayed without permission; may we the people find the courage to defend our future generations, even if at a cost of one family at a time against this war upon the most beautiful creation in all the galaxies – LIFE.

    Ben Colodzin December 2009


    1. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP)

    2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025

    © October 18, 2006 (www.staningerreport.com)

    2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Fields in the Home, Workplace and Environment. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP)

    2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 ©

    October 18, 2006. (www.staningerreport.com)

    3. Staninger, Hildegarde. Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2007 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. NREP,

    P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © September 6, 2007. (www.staningerreport.com)

    4. www.rense.com Morgellon’s Radio Shows # 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 (Chem Trail &

    Morgellons © 2006 and 2007

    Radio Interviews of Jeff Rense with Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Rahim Karjoo, Dr. Edward Spencer, and Dr. Michael Castle and Morgellon’s Individuals.

    5. www.sciechimiche.com RAI Television show Rebus discussing Chem Trails, Morgellons, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s research and other related discoveries © 2007.

    6. www.cliffordcornicom.com Collection of Special Topic Research Projects and Papers on Chem Trails, Weather Modification and other related topics. © 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009

    7. http://www.luxefaire.com/devilvision/appxhtml/BappendixparticulatesB.html

    Appendix B: First Navy Particulate Patent, Barium Definition, HAARP and Con Trails

    (Chem Trails). US Application Number: US19774000490610 August 12, 1975 / July 22, 1974. Applicant: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. US Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Further referenced patents: US1619183* 3/1927 Bradner et. al; US2045865* 6/1936 Morely; US259188* 4/1952 Willcox: US3531310* 9/1970 Goodspeed et al. Production of Improved Metal Oxide Pigment; and USR0015771 * 2/1924 Savage (* some details unavailable).

    8. US Patent 4,686,605 Eastland, Bernard J. Assignee: APTI, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) January 10, 1985. Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and /or magnetosphere (HAARP).

    9. www.flyaria.com/documents/html/mission/crres/cr.htm NASA Press Kit (CRRES Press Kit) Combined Release and Radiation Effect Satellite (CRRES), NASA, Atlas I (Atlas/Centar- 69) Launch Vehicle. © July 1990




    11. http://us.mc826.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&... Dr. R. Michael Castle. The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth ~An Environmental Impact Overview~ updated 11/12/2007

    12 http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp_dangers.htm HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies by Carol Sterritt. © 12/2/2008.

    13. http://amphibiaweb.org/declines/ChemCon.html Chemical Contaminants © May 14, 2008

    14. http.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Storm_Fury. Project Storm Fury US Navy © 1961-1983

    15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?Project_Cirrus. Project Cirrus US Navy and US Army Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research and US Air Force, and US Weather Bureau

    Chicken Little 101 (002)

    279KB ∙ PDF file


    A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades. This publication was done by her colleague, Dr. Colodzin and presented at the Health Freedom USA War Council 2010 meeting. It describes an important timeline of development of advanced nanomaterials. It also describes Dr. Staningers study on samples from 24 individuals that were sent to 4 different toxicology labs and found the filaments were not biologic, but were silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates weapons grade nanomaterials. Please note that polymethacrylates are stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent, and researchers like Dr Geanina Hagima have found large quantities of Silicone in the COVID 19 vials. These chemical characterizations are important clues as to the overlap of COVID19 bioweapon and the historical advanced nanomaterials called Morgellon’s. GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima The paper was named CHICKEN LITTLE 101: A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING AND THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THOSE WHO ARE DEPLOYING IT. by Benjamin Colodzin, Ph.D. I inserted some of the slides that were used for the original presentation. All of this research is important background information for our understanding of the current advanced nanomaterials warfare waged with the COVID19 bioweapons. Abstract: We are no longer children with an innocent hearts, who have read the story of Chicken Little and how the sky was falling. Well, the new Chicken Little who, graduated from Chicken Little 101 of the world knows that it is true – the sky is falling filled with not only just molecules of the air we breathe, but aerial emissions, smog, G.E.M.S., smart dust, smart motes, RDIF ID tags, and other debris. It is being sprayed day and night making “X’s, O’s, A’s and other grids in the sky over our global nations cities whether for weather modification, vector control, and/or aerial mass inoculations. Hear this - Chicken Little’s’ - of the world it is time for us to grow up and not be like the wooden boy Pinocchio. We must become real thinking scholars. All of us, who realize that any continuous exposure from even the simplistic contrails of a plane flying over head for long periods of time, will cause you to breathe “bad air,” that will eventually cause lung damage. It does not matter if it is carbon particles or nano composites laced with modified waterborne polyurethane (Styrofoam) mixed with modified food starch as an aerial dispersant. It can only make shiny white sticky goo in any healthy lung of an athlete, child, animal or even Chicken Little himself. This paper will outline and address aerial spraying through a time line that depicts the aerial emission events and ends with fellow human being’s thoughts on a simple form of consciousness for those who deploy aerial pollutive materials into our environment’s air, land and water ways. These were clinical samples from Morgellon’s victims And historic microscopic analysis of Chemtrail ingredients. A HISTORICAL TIME LINE OF AERIAL SPRAYING IN AND BY THE USA HOME OF THE RED, WHITE & BLUE and UNCLE SAM 1949: The first use of aerial spray operations under State and Federal mandates for vector control (insects, virus, etc.) beginning under the Geneva Act for Chemical and Biological Weapons of 1949. 1949 – Present: Many subsequent amendments to the above Act, and parallel U.S. Acts including the 2001 Patriot Act, 2001 Space Preservation Act, and the 2005 Weather Modification Research and Technology Act, have expanded the authority to conduct aerial spray operations over U.S. territory for a wide variety of purposes. 1954-1975: “Vietnam Era” U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia leads to military research, development, and deployment of aerial spray operations for a wide variety of military objectives on the largest scale yet seen, with the application of Agents Orange, Blue, White, Pink and Purple, etc., to millions of acres of Southeast Asian territory. 1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and low altitude aircraft. 1984: The U.S. documentary film SECRET AGENT, brings to U.S. audiences video footage of aerial spray operations in Vietnam and the United States, and interviews it includes with Vietnam veterans and their families about health consequences for people on the ground. 1988: Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush allegedly gives secret orders to the CIA to revive the long-dormant MK-ULTRA mind control division, which had supposedly been ordered shut down by Congress in 1963. This division will reportedly be involved with human-implantable chip technologies, according to allegations made by Dave Larson in 2009 (see Larson in the 2009 Timeline). 1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data as per START international agreements. 1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by Secretary of Defense, James Baker). 1992-93: TOS is supported by Clinton Administration 1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate. 2000: The Official Department of the Air Force response to queries about chemtrails reads in part: “the term “chemtrail” is a hoax that began circulating approximately three years ago which asserts the government is involved in a joint federal program of covert spraying of the public . . . There is no such thing as a “chemtrail” – the natural contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon. They pose no health hazard of any kind.” January 2000-July 2001: Clifford Carnicom receives the first official refusal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for his request to analyze sample(s) collected underneath an aerial spray operation (“Fibrous Substance Sample”; refusal letter requires 18 month response time form date of request. March 2001: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national) pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations, conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland. Cuppett alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was officially ratified by the U.S. January 2002: TOS is officially in force after Russia and Belarus complete their ratification processes. 2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA (Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other biological active materials in the samples collected. Note: The difference between a contrail and chemtrail is the time limit. Chemtrails last for long periods of time in the atmosphere/skies. 2004: First reports of an anomalous disease dubbed “Morgellons disease,” begin to surface. It is named “Morgellons” because its reported symptoms of fibers protruding from the skin are supposedly similar to symptoms reported in the 1600’s by a French physician named Morgellon. No one seems able to accurately diagnose what causes this mystery disease. 2004-2006: the U.S. Center for Disease Control says that patients reporting these symptoms are most likely suffering from “delusional parasitosis,” and recommends people suffering with Morgellons to be referred to an psychiatrist for mental evaluation. CDC maintains this posture for four years in the face of mounting criticism and contrary evidence. 2005: The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland. Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of specific chemical “chad materials.” 2006: Samples of fibers and other materials are removed and collected from 24 particpants, located in various global locations. All 24 participants are reported to have anomalous Morgellons-like symptoms. The samples were sent to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (Integrative Health Systems, LLC), and analyzed by four (4) independent laboratories. Initial findings determine that the fibers are silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates. The findings also reveal no biological substances are present. Subsequent findings from these and additional samples taken from individuals within a wide geographical area of distribution all indicate the presence of advanced nano materials (extremely small manufactured materials). The nano materials are found to contain elements of patented weapons-grade nano materials. These weapons grade nano technologies are found in fibers removed from lesions in humans, as well as in fibrous “cotton candy” like material collected on the ground and observed floating down through the sky after aerial spraying operation in Texas, USA. 2006-2008: Center for Disease Control continues to equate “Morgellons disease: with delusional parasitosis, and continues to recommend treatment by a psychiatrist. 2007: Allegations – not confirmed – of a new federal policy allowing vaccine makers immunity from prosecution for damages from aerial spray operations conducting vaccine research on American public without permission (under guise of pathogen/biological countermeasures Homeland Security program). 2007: “Under these (federal) acts and the current testing for pathogen countermeasures, the general public may be exposed to these countermeasures without permission for USDA Vector Control, Domestic Preparedness, and Weapons of Mass Destruction countermeasures.” (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger) 2008: Argonne Labs Midwest Center for Structural Genomics describes a protein structure they nickname “dragon protein” for its resemblance to a dragon’s head (molecular branding). A similar shape to this “dragon’s head” is revealed in the micrographs of fibers removed form lesions in patients with Morgellon’s symptoms (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s, private photomicrograph collection 2006 to present). 2008: The CDC changes its policy about Morgellons syndrome. It stops defining this syndrome as a sign of likely “delusional parasitosis,” and defines it as a condition of unknown origin, possibly associated with Lyme’s disease. CDC announces it is forming a working study group for Morgellons, not due to report to the public until end of 2010 or longer. January 2009: (Science Daily) nanoscale Origami from DNA. Harvard University scientist reports “We can now build a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Functional devices should be possible.” (Actually, somebody already has built a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Eight years earlier in ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2000, 12 No. 24. December 15, “Silica Nanotubes and Nanofiber Array,” Dr. Wang describes various silicon based nano tubes that are used in nanotechnology. These are very, very small machines, to small to be seen with the naked eye, which can self assemble into larger machines. Currently these machines are being utilized in SencilTM technology by USC and licensed to Hewlett Packard and other companies. Note the shapes of Nano – Claw, Chinese Lantern, and tongued silicon tubes. These shapes are significant for all Chicken Little students because the same or similar shapes have been observed in micro photographs of materials removed form humans with anomalous Morgellons-like conditions. January 2009 – present: Obama Administration continues aforementioned policies of previous administrations. The consciousness that deploys aerial spraying operations against the American population does not seem to be much affected by the change in administration. March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the ‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans. June 2009: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) develops a text on the Guidelines for Advanced Nano Materials Exposure and Toxicology. It states that the document and toxicological risk assessments on advanced nano materials will be completed in 2013. June 2009: (6/11/2009) director-General Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization made the declaration of a Phase 6 “Pandemic emergency” regarding the spread of H1N1 Influenza. June 2009: Studies by College of Environmental Science and engineering, Ocean University, Qingdao, China show that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interaction with proteins and enzymes, demonstrating these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. These results confirm the findings of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger in USA: Wang, Z., Shao, J., Li, Fl, Gao, D., and B. Xing. “Absorption and Inhalation of Acetylcholinesterse by Different Nanoparticles.” College of Environmental Science and engineering. Ocean University of China. Qingdao, China. Chemical Sensitivity Network. © June 19, 2009. Recent studies conducted by the College of Environmental Sciences and engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China (Z. Wang, et. al.) have shown that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interactions with proteins and enzymes. Acetylcholinestease (AchE) is a key enzyme present in the blood, brain, and nervous system. Zang et al report significant results of absorption and inhibition of AChE by specific nanoparticle, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and single-walled carbon nanotubes, showing that these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. July 2009: CIA Director Panetta briefs Congress about a secret CIA program never disclosed regarding surveillance and torture, running allegedly “from 2001 until the present.” Congressional investigation may or may not be forthcoming. September 2009: Reuters reported Verichip was given two exclusive patents for biosensors that detect viruses. They will be used as implantable virus detection systems in humans, and will combine with Verichips implantable human radio frequency device to track humans. The scope of this effort is made clear by the University of California – Industry Homeland Security Network notice 9/3/2009 about biological countermeasures, available at http://www.ucdiscoverygrang.org/homelandsecurity/hsmissionAreas/Biological.htm which says that smart dust sensors for removal of surveillance and detection of a variety of chemical and biological agents are the focus of programs at a variety of American institutions. “WHAT EXACTLY IS SMART DUST?” “SMART DUST” is a generic name for systems that combine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and advanced communications systems (microelectomechanical sensors, or MEMS) for a variety of purposes. The online dictionary Wikipedia as of 2009 defines “smart dust” as “hypothetical” (it’s just an idea, we don’t have it yet). And yet, on its website, the company DUST NETWORKS writes: Dust Networks, the leader in standards-based intelligent wireless sensor networking (WSN), provides ultra low-power, highly reliable embedded systems to the world’s leading sensor manufacturers – market visionaries who recognize that “smart dust” embedded inside their sensors is the star of a paradigm shift in their market. The independent documentary film maker TANKER ENEMY has made a number of short You- Tube videos describing smart dust and showing its deployment over populated areas, including “Smart Dust in the Drinking Water, “ http://ww.youtube.com/v/ouQCSZ8MY2s&hl=it_IT&fs=1&ap=%252fmt%3D18%22%3E%C/ param%3Cparam “Smart Dust is Already in Our Environment,” http://tankerenemy.blogspot.com/2009/11/exposure-to-aerial-emissions-of-nano.html and ‘hildegarde staninger interview, parts one, two, and three (Out There TV) http://www.youtube.com/watc?v=JchfWlqbVxw&featrue-=related If that isn’t sufficiently convincing as to the reality of smart dust in our current and future lives, you can also check out Major Scott Dickson, U.S. Air Force, in his April 2007 Blue Horizon Paper a the Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College: ENABELING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE: THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST. http://au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/est/bh_dickson.pdf “SMART DUST” is way past the “hypothetical” stage. It is increasingly a hidden facet of modern life. September 2009: Dr. Staninger, in presentation to the National Registry of Environmental Professionals of her findings regarding advanced nano materials and their observations in humans, warn: “Mankind is at the initiation point of determining the toxicological mechanisms from exposure to advanced nano microbic materials.” October 2009: History Channel presents a documentary entitled “Weather Weapons.” The documentary describes chemtrails and aerial spraying operations since World War II. December 2009: Morgellons Research Foundation, main steam information clearinghouse; for Morgellons patients, lists more than fifteen thousand humans reporting Morgellons symptoms in its database. In an online radio interview (2006), Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported an estimate of 60,000 symptom bearers in the USA, 100,000 world wide. Databases in Italy have estimated their population to have 5 per day new case, thus 1,825 new cases per year since 2006. December 2009: MEGA CORRUPTION SCANDAL AT THE WHO. In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support form private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration. December 2009: Preparation for the Winter Solstice 2009, Return of the Light: Early efforts underway to develop countermeasures hold real promise. It may really become possible to deactivate and/or mitigate this new modern assault upon our freedom to evolve our bioelectric and genetic capacities without the presence of un-invited parasitic-like machines in our bodies. Ultra-modern and ancient natural healing methods are being applied in far scattered corners of the earth, as we the people begin to realize this is actually happening NOW in many parts of the planet. Our bodies are reacting to it, and it is beginning to look like we may all live downstream of this “stuff” already. None of these space age technologies that are the new whiz-bang toys of aerial spray operations are essentially evil. They each have wonderful life-enhancing applications for which they could be used. It is only a matter of true intent and counter intent. We just need them to be programmed and regulated by a consciousness that values LIFE, that’s ALL. May the Return of the Light – bring purification to even the darkest corners of human consciousness. May we of the nations, tribes, and families find leaders who don’t want to remain silent and profess ignorance when the people are sprayed without permission; may we the people find the courage to defend our future generations, even if at a cost of one family at a time against this war upon the most beautiful creation in all the galaxies – LIFE. Ben Colodzin December 2009 REFERENCES 1. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © October 18, 2006 (www.staningerreport.com) 2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Fields in the Home, Workplace and Environment. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © October 18, 2006. (www.staningerreport.com) 3. Staninger, Hildegarde. Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2007 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © September 6, 2007. (www.staningerreport.com) 4. www.rense.com Morgellon’s Radio Shows # 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 (Chem Trail & Morgellons © 2006 and 2007 Radio Interviews of Jeff Rense with Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Rahim Karjoo, Dr. Edward Spencer, and Dr. Michael Castle and Morgellon’s Individuals. 5. www.sciechimiche.com RAI Television show Rebus discussing Chem Trails, Morgellons, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s research and other related discoveries © 2007. 6. www.cliffordcornicom.com Collection of Special Topic Research Projects and Papers on Chem Trails, Weather Modification and other related topics. © 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 7. http://www.luxefaire.com/devilvision/appxhtml/BappendixparticulatesB.html Appendix B: First Navy Particulate Patent, Barium Definition, HAARP and Con Trails (Chem Trails). US Application Number: US19774000490610 August 12, 1975 / July 22, 1974. Applicant: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. US Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Further referenced patents: US1619183* 3/1927 Bradner et. al; US2045865* 6/1936 Morely; US259188* 4/1952 Willcox: US3531310* 9/1970 Goodspeed et al. Production of Improved Metal Oxide Pigment; and USR0015771 * 2/1924 Savage (* some details unavailable). 8. US Patent 4,686,605 Eastland, Bernard J. Assignee: APTI, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) January 10, 1985. Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and /or magnetosphere (HAARP). 9. www.flyaria.com/documents/html/mission/crres/cr.htm NASA Press Kit (CRRES Press Kit) Combined Release and Radiation Effect Satellite (CRRES), NASA, Atlas I (Atlas/Centar- 69) Launch Vehicle. © July 1990 10. http://lookupabove.tripod.com 2007 CHEMTRAILS OVER AMERICA 11. http://us.mc826.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&... Dr. R. Michael Castle. The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth ~An Environmental Impact Overview~ updated 11/12/2007 12 http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp_dangers.htm HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies by Carol Sterritt. © 12/2/2008. 13. http://amphibiaweb.org/declines/ChemCon.html Chemical Contaminants © May 14, 2008 14. http.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Storm_Fury. Project Storm Fury US Navy © 1961-1983 15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?Project_Cirrus. Project Cirrus US Navy and US Army Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research and US Air Force, and US Weather Bureau Chicken Little 101 (002) 279KB ∙ PDF file Download https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/a-brief-primer-on-the-history-of?triedRedirect=true
    A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons
    Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades.
    0 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 7940 مشاهدة
  • Of Cults, Lies, Covers, and Hiding (Out of Plain View): Nope, Robert Duncan Isn't Dead & DARPA-CIA Brain-Bio-Chakra Hacking of Humans is Beyond Inhumane & Unlawful
    So it’s been a while, I think since news suddenly dropped that Robert Duncan was dead, then that he’d been “killed by a DEW”, then that his “body was found”: don’t believe a word of it.

    Dr. Robert Duncan at the October 22 2022 Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting Conference at Ramola D Reports
    Note, I interviewed him as a whistleblower, as he presented himself, he was present and spoke at the Second Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference online held October 22, 2022 at Ramola D Reports as a whistleblower, and he appeared, over the course of many years, to surface many of the dark technologies and practices of “compartmented” Special Forces inside the DOD-CIA—but looking through his first book again—The Matrix Deciphered—currently, it is clear there is a kind of CIA Coverstory created by and through and in his disclosure, a deflecting and mythologizing—of the kind perhaps that the CIA MockOpsters specialize in, that does need to be analyzed and exposed further. And it is this Pursuance of Coverstory, despite all evidence of an Awakening World, that sadly surfaces here in the sudden “Above Top Secret” Disappearing of a prominent DARPA-CIA scientist such as Robert Duncan. Disappearing people of public renown, in the public eye for a (long) period of time, is apparently an Intelligence ploy—and surely, there is a (bizarre, absurd “intelligent”) reason for it, one which no doubt will surface soon enough.

    “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen
    Pain “Signaling”—say Inflicting—as a Means to Get Into Brains and “Develop Cognitive Models”: Beyond Unlawful

    That Anti-Human Directed Energy Weapons have been developed (over decades, over almost the whole of the last century) by a secretive military prominently headed by the even more secretive CIA and been used, in most primary ways—to create Pain, to create Misery, Suffering, Horror, in Luciferian Human-Sacrifice ways to destroy bodies and lives—on pretty much everyone who has stepped forward to report unethical brain experimentation and massive bio and energy (chakra) hacking is something that Robert Duncan apparently just forgot to report.

    The Mystery of Robert Duncan is the Mystery of the CIA and DARPA and Black Ops Projects Which Should Be Stopped Stat

    Brain Invaders/Screenshot
    Blazing (more prominently) onto the world stage in Jesse Ventura’s unforgettable interview (Brain Invaders/Tru TV, Air Date: 12-17-2012) on targeting, radio neuroweapons, Voice of God weapons, and people hiding under metalware of various kinds (bakeware works—so does rubber, better than leather) as Black Opsters from DARPA, CIA, and all the forces—particularly the Marine Corps of course with their Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate firing opening salvos from Dahlgren Virginia (where their rusting battleships hide in plain view as you drive quickly by)—go wild with whacking people with bio-hacking and brain-hacking and chakra-hacking weapons to achieve all sorts of invasive, intrusive, and all-unlawful “bio-effects,” disabling many, injuring all, killing some (in numbers mounting over the years), Dr. Robert Duncan as he has been termed by many hopefuls, including this writer, who has interviewed him, may not have completed a doctorate but wrote, spoke, interviewed, and published enough to be situated at head of a large, very large train of CIA personas, it appears, each working hard (including in “Media” (say Crimcastia)) to faintly surface the crime while in fact permitting it to continue.

    That show, outfitting former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura with all the full-on, side, and ambience effects of the American Horror Movie genre, thrillingly sconced in “Conspiracy Theory” (you’re meant to equate one with the other) is one to watch if you want to acquaint yourself both with the history of the tech and the history of the cover-up, nicely surfaced here. [#MockOp Media at its finest.]

    Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Brain Invaders
    “I’ve empowered the dark side by some of my work, “ said Robert Duncan, on Brain Invaders. “Technology is Neutral. It can be good or evil. But I’ve worked on projects for the CIA, Justice Department, Department of Defense.” When asked what exactly he did and where he worked “in all this Sensitive area” (one Freemason to another?), he said “That’s Sensitive Information, I can’t tell you that.” Yes, he answered to “Voices in People’s Heads.” Yes, it’s the Ultimate Weapon. They’re called Voice of God weapons.” As in, Yes, the Government’s putting Voices in Heads. “So you know for a fact that these weapons you worked on, they’re being used domestically today?” “Absolutely,” responded Duncan to that.

    Confirmation from the Inside, of the CIA’s Domestic Use of NeuroWeapons on Americans: That’s all the Closure anyone needs, watching, listening—in 2012 when this show was produced and aired—to that question, put to a CIA-DOD-DOJ scientist (How do DOD and DOJ go together, at all?): Are these weapons being used domestically by the CIA-DOD (and DOJ?) today? And the answer is Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes.

    The Blackest of Black of Black Ops: “They Hide in Dark Crevices” “They Can’t be Removed” (Says Who?)

    But it’s there that Duncan drops the CIA-Mythmaking answer. ”Are these people crazy or is the government doing this to them?” First, “The Government is doing this to them,” then, “You have to remember, the CIA has a long history of experimenting on our citizens—LSD…”

    “Sure—You’re talking MK Ultra and things like that going back to the Sixties and Seventies—but we were told all that stopped—is that untrue?

    “Untrue—These programs continue under new names, new budgets…It’s the ultimate weapon…”

    “To your knowledge today, are there citizens that are being abused today with this technology?”

    “Worse than Abused—that’s a light word. They are being Tortured.”

    …”Who are the Controllers? I mean is that the President, the Federal Reserve?”


    “So these are people within our government and they are not necessarily our President or our elected officials?”

    “That’s exactly right.”

    “Wow—that makes it even more difficult. Because that means they can’t be removed.”

    “No. They can’t be removed and they are difficult to find. They hide in the dark crevices of our government.” Earlier: “It’s part of the whole World Domination Strategy: Control the Population, from subconsciously to consciously”—he meant with radio transmissions, ELF (extremely low frequencies, brain frequency transmissions), voices floated over them, sinewaved into people’s heads, insidiously influencing, persuading, dissuading, decimating Self.

    A Techno Influence Op earlier run only by the Ad Men (with English) but now juicy fare for the Neuro Men (with Radio Waves): The ones with the Bow Ties on top.

    And one that’s gone on so long the CIA believes it can go on forever. “They can’t be removed”? Really?

    Says Who?

    “MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen

    Has Robert Duncan been cloned or can he just change the color of his eyes? (Some people can.) Did he start up working for the CIA again or did he never leave? Idaho or Sydney, Greenland or Brazil, Robert’s Renaissance education certainly equipped him well to row on both sides of the boat (the Slave Ship we’re all on: EarthPlane, galleoned).

    Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons—inclusive of Spectrum and Acoustic Neuroweapons—have been in recent times exposed in many different ways, through many different means—at military and other conferences, Senate hearings, through declassified documents, by whistleblowers and by military journalists; most crucially, they have been exposed in reports on FOIA-released documents and interviews with whistleblowers and reporters—including by this writer and journalist—as unethical, inhumane, and inflictive of untenable cruelty on people both in the USA and worldwide.

    Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments

    Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments
    Their use by the military having been transferred to “Law Enforcement” & affiliates: Police, both local, state, corrections, border, “community” and “fusion center”, “peacekeeper”/NATO, worldwide, and since then to “Public Safety” and “Public Health” and “Behavioral Health”—without public disclosure, discourse, debate, and frankly, dismissal—for they are anti-human and untenable—has been completely elided not just by him, but all who are currently pushing with vigor this narrative of his death.

    What we are asked to believe is that Black Ops Science, secretive, manic, military, and Intelligence-led is and must and can and should go on Forever, while the scientists at the helm, at the founding, and at the front of the Cover-Up, literally operating in plain view among those unlawfully targeted, non-consensually implanted, stalked by criminals, attacked by criminals, and brain and bio-cannibalized by criminals occupying offices at DOD, DOJ, DOE, DARPA, CIA, MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, DHS, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army, all hospitals, ambulance companies, numerous Primary Care practices, “Mental Health” and “Behavioral Health” centers, and Psycho-docsters (occupying positions of made-up power as “Psychiatrist Dia-Gnosers”) should escape close scrutiny, can be suddenly retired—without full disclosure—or passed into the realm of sudden felling (death), to be ever immortalized as supreme whistleblower, without blemish.

    Brain experimentation—cannibalizing of brains and lives—has been unethical from the get-go and all those working in Robotics, in Artificial Intelligence, in Neuroscience, in Medical Military Madness in the military know it.

    To cast those unlawfully watchlisted by a failed FBI and DHS and sold unlawfully—trafficked—into human slavery under “Black Ops”: Classified Cover, inside the CIA, inside Special Access Programs, Controlled Access Programs to be literally blasted out of their brains and lives with deadly energy neuroweapons while brain decoders, brain stimulators, brain thieves and AP DEW weapon-wielders are placed around them in their own neighborhoods, attacking them nonstop, literally 24/7 and they are subject to “pain signaling” misery requiring cowering and shielding and pain-medication and constant healthcare—as in some way some kind of unique grouping and species—an Acceptable Pariah species, to be gifted a cultic “Juden” “Targeted Individual” label and disappeared as “Delusional, Paranoid, Psychotic, Schizophrenic”—is the height of Crime. It is Military Crime, it is Intelligence Crime, it is Police Crime, it is Medical Crime. It is Human Rights Crime to be firmly, absolutely, completely, absolutely, irrevocably Ended.

    Instead what we have are “Targeted Individual” shenanigans, “Targeted Justice Media”—”Alt Media” gone nuts with the endless cover-up, endless hiding of the Hidden Hand—and a CIA #MockOp mechanism so huge, so spread-out, so invasive (of all journalism) it seeks to steal and cannibalize all it possibly can, inverting and subverting reality to its own crooked ends, imagining it can go on forever.

    The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden

    The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden
    Yesterday I published this article at my website, one which no doubt will ruffle a lot of feathers and has already:

    Read full story
    The sad CIA multimedia efforts here seem to be a kind of pastiche add-on from the Fifties when perhaps they began to get a little cocky about their cover-ups as they blew into Area 51 storytelling, little grey men, cow mutilations (with lasers) being deeply beneficent “experiments” run on Earth species by distant aliens, tall and sticklike and deep-eyed and anally-obsessed no doubt, but oh so magnanimous really, and seeking only to learn and grow (substitute Terrorize and Cannibalize poor gentle cows trying to sleep at night) on their own distant planets far beyond the burning sun (poised exactly 93 million miles away) (gasp!).

    “Conspiracy Theory” has been such an amazing cover for the Cult-Creators out in Intel La La Land.

    We are spellbound, examining their decades-long imploding of journalism.

    For they have shot themselves in the foot now, and nothing they do can get them out of it. Whirl and whirl and whirl deeper into that bizzare convoluted trickster depth of Lies and what have you got? Nothing but “Strategic Deception.”

    Robert Duncan has written a lot of interesting and useful and surfacing-of-the-crime material, his presence at his public talks and conferences and interviews including this writer’s second historic online conference in 2022 (during and after which the CIA almost finished her off—but no one else who attended, now how exactly does that work?) certainly speaks to the horrors of Radio Neural Molesting, “Synthetic Telepathy” (Try Techno Spy Tech, carefully inserted behind the ears in Lasered Incisions of the Skull/or Skin thereof, or any one of the precision sound projection technologies like Holosonic developed by (the CIA probably in conjunction with) private-sector sound technician freaks), Brain Decoding and Acoustic Neuro Net Tech, Brain Computer Interfaces and Computer Brain Interfaces, and other brain invasion tech like Electronic Dreams, Forced Speech, Memory Removal and Insertion of Speech, Sound, Thoughts, Images. But there is a lot of deflective Disinfo mixed in with the news reportage, and how we know this is by perusing the actually released military documents on FOIA.

    That is where we need to go for the real information here—and even that is spiked with vagueness, refusal to reveal all—but clearly, the CIA Media’sters (some operating from right next door to this writer, working hard on keeping their red beards glued to their spying chins) are desperately trying to shore up their losses and bumble on, pretending, posturing, privileging Medicos, selling their cult-setups as “orgs” and their pin-up poseurs as “New Media” (gold on black lettering for you if you Comply: You Must say “Havana Havana Havana” then say “CIA Officers Were Hit” “Yes, CIA” “Very much so, CIA, we, We were Victimized” by guess who? Of course: Russia Russia Russia. [Meanwhile, Russia’s front and center here as New CIA Media.]

    Noticing the CIA May Be the Best Way Forward

    Send the CIA/DARPA set some Letters of Notice of Crime please, for their cavalier invasions of our bodies, brains, and lives, to be published directly online so the whole world can count the letters and read the living text. Then write and keep writing. Speak and keep speaking. Film and keep filming. Do not stop—for Crime never pays, and DARPA-CIA and friends need to be Completely Exposed for their crimes.

    For the Reign of these weapons has ended, and they need to be wrested from all wielders and buried forever, for All Time.

    CIA Shenanigans to Disappear Scientists Involved Reveal the Players

    (1446) Dr Hoffer Reads a Thank You Card from Targeted Individuals for His Unflinching Integrity - YouTube

    Dr. Robert Duncan & Craig Laforest, Australia AI, V2K Technology and Directed Energy (DEW) Torture (youtube.com)

    Of Cults, Lies, Covers, and Hiding (Out of Plain View): Nope, Robert Duncan Isn't Dead & DARPA-CIA Brain-Bio-Chakra Hacking of Humans is Beyond Inhumane & Unlawful So it’s been a while, I think since news suddenly dropped that Robert Duncan was dead, then that he’d been “killed by a DEW”, then that his “body was found”: don’t believe a word of it. Dr. Robert Duncan at the October 22 2022 Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting Conference at Ramola D Reports Note, I interviewed him as a whistleblower, as he presented himself, he was present and spoke at the Second Worldwide Unethical DEW/Neurotech Targeting and Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference online held October 22, 2022 at Ramola D Reports as a whistleblower, and he appeared, over the course of many years, to surface many of the dark technologies and practices of “compartmented” Special Forces inside the DOD-CIA—but looking through his first book again—The Matrix Deciphered—currently, it is clear there is a kind of CIA Coverstory created by and through and in his disclosure, a deflecting and mythologizing—of the kind perhaps that the CIA MockOpsters specialize in, that does need to be analyzed and exposed further. And it is this Pursuance of Coverstory, despite all evidence of an Awakening World, that sadly surfaces here in the sudden “Above Top Secret” Disappearing of a prominent DARPA-CIA scientist such as Robert Duncan. Disappearing people of public renown, in the public eye for a (long) period of time, is apparently an Intelligence ploy—and surely, there is a (bizarre, absurd “intelligent”) reason for it, one which no doubt will surface soon enough. “Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Pain “Signaling”—say Inflicting—as a Means to Get Into Brains and “Develop Cognitive Models”: Beyond Unlawful That Anti-Human Directed Energy Weapons have been developed (over decades, over almost the whole of the last century) by a secretive military prominently headed by the even more secretive CIA and been used, in most primary ways—to create Pain, to create Misery, Suffering, Horror, in Luciferian Human-Sacrifice ways to destroy bodies and lives—on pretty much everyone who has stepped forward to report unethical brain experimentation and massive bio and energy (chakra) hacking is something that Robert Duncan apparently just forgot to report. The Mystery of Robert Duncan is the Mystery of the CIA and DARPA and Black Ops Projects Which Should Be Stopped Stat Brain Invaders/Screenshot Blazing (more prominently) onto the world stage in Jesse Ventura’s unforgettable interview (Brain Invaders/Tru TV, Air Date: 12-17-2012) on targeting, radio neuroweapons, Voice of God weapons, and people hiding under metalware of various kinds (bakeware works—so does rubber, better than leather) as Black Opsters from DARPA, CIA, and all the forces—particularly the Marine Corps of course with their Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate firing opening salvos from Dahlgren Virginia (where their rusting battleships hide in plain view as you drive quickly by)—go wild with whacking people with bio-hacking and brain-hacking and chakra-hacking weapons to achieve all sorts of invasive, intrusive, and all-unlawful “bio-effects,” disabling many, injuring all, killing some (in numbers mounting over the years), Dr. Robert Duncan as he has been termed by many hopefuls, including this writer, who has interviewed him, may not have completed a doctorate but wrote, spoke, interviewed, and published enough to be situated at head of a large, very large train of CIA personas, it appears, each working hard (including in “Media” (say Crimcastia)) to faintly surface the crime while in fact permitting it to continue. That show, outfitting former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura with all the full-on, side, and ambience effects of the American Horror Movie genre, thrillingly sconced in “Conspiracy Theory” (you’re meant to equate one with the other) is one to watch if you want to acquaint yourself both with the history of the tech and the history of the cover-up, nicely surfaced here. [#MockOp Media at its finest.] Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Brain Invaders “I’ve empowered the dark side by some of my work, “ said Robert Duncan, on Brain Invaders. “Technology is Neutral. It can be good or evil. But I’ve worked on projects for the CIA, Justice Department, Department of Defense.” When asked what exactly he did and where he worked “in all this Sensitive area” (one Freemason to another?), he said “That’s Sensitive Information, I can’t tell you that.” Yes, he answered to “Voices in People’s Heads.” Yes, it’s the Ultimate Weapon. They’re called Voice of God weapons.” As in, Yes, the Government’s putting Voices in Heads. “So you know for a fact that these weapons you worked on, they’re being used domestically today?” “Absolutely,” responded Duncan to that. Confirmation from the Inside, of the CIA’s Domestic Use of NeuroWeapons on Americans: That’s all the Closure anyone needs, watching, listening—in 2012 when this show was produced and aired—to that question, put to a CIA-DOD-DOJ scientist (How do DOD and DOJ go together, at all?): Are these weapons being used domestically by the CIA-DOD (and DOJ?) today? And the answer is Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes. The Blackest of Black of Black Ops: “They Hide in Dark Crevices” “They Can’t be Removed” (Says Who?) But it’s there that Duncan drops the CIA-Mythmaking answer. ”Are these people crazy or is the government doing this to them?” First, “The Government is doing this to them,” then, “You have to remember, the CIA has a long history of experimenting on our citizens—LSD…” “Sure—You’re talking MK Ultra and things like that going back to the Sixties and Seventies—but we were told all that stopped—is that untrue? “Untrue—These programs continue under new names, new budgets…It’s the ultimate weapon…” “To your knowledge today, are there citizens that are being abused today with this technology?” “Worse than Abused—that’s a light word. They are being Tortured.” …”Who are the Controllers? I mean is that the President, the Federal Reserve?” “No.” “So these are people within our government and they are not necessarily our President or our elected officials?” “That’s exactly right.” “Wow—that makes it even more difficult. Because that means they can’t be removed.” “No. They can’t be removed and they are difficult to find. They hide in the dark crevices of our government.” Earlier: “It’s part of the whole World Domination Strategy: Control the Population, from subconsciously to consciously”—he meant with radio transmissions, ELF (extremely low frequencies, brain frequency transmissions), voices floated over them, sinewaved into people’s heads, insidiously influencing, persuading, dissuading, decimating Self. A Techno Influence Op earlier run only by the Ad Men (with English) but now juicy fare for the Neuro Men (with Radio Waves): The ones with the Bow Ties on top. And one that’s gone on so long the CIA believes it can go on forever. “They can’t be removed”? Really? Says Who? “MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen Has Robert Duncan been cloned or can he just change the color of his eyes? (Some people can.) Did he start up working for the CIA again or did he never leave? Idaho or Sydney, Greenland or Brazil, Robert’s Renaissance education certainly equipped him well to row on both sides of the boat (the Slave Ship we’re all on: EarthPlane, galleoned). Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons—inclusive of Spectrum and Acoustic Neuroweapons—have been in recent times exposed in many different ways, through many different means—at military and other conferences, Senate hearings, through declassified documents, by whistleblowers and by military journalists; most crucially, they have been exposed in reports on FOIA-released documents and interviews with whistleblowers and reporters—including by this writer and journalist—as unethical, inhumane, and inflictive of untenable cruelty on people both in the USA and worldwide. Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments Reporting the Journalism that's been Lost: on Disclosure from Declassified Docs on DEW/Neurotech Ab/use on Americans, Europeans By Their Own Governments Their use by the military having been transferred to “Law Enforcement” & affiliates: Police, both local, state, corrections, border, “community” and “fusion center”, “peacekeeper”/NATO, worldwide, and since then to “Public Safety” and “Public Health” and “Behavioral Health”—without public disclosure, discourse, debate, and frankly, dismissal—for they are anti-human and untenable—has been completely elided not just by him, but all who are currently pushing with vigor this narrative of his death. What we are asked to believe is that Black Ops Science, secretive, manic, military, and Intelligence-led is and must and can and should go on Forever, while the scientists at the helm, at the founding, and at the front of the Cover-Up, literally operating in plain view among those unlawfully targeted, non-consensually implanted, stalked by criminals, attacked by criminals, and brain and bio-cannibalized by criminals occupying offices at DOD, DOJ, DOE, DARPA, CIA, MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, DHS, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army, all hospitals, ambulance companies, numerous Primary Care practices, “Mental Health” and “Behavioral Health” centers, and Psycho-docsters (occupying positions of made-up power as “Psychiatrist Dia-Gnosers”) should escape close scrutiny, can be suddenly retired—without full disclosure—or passed into the realm of sudden felling (death), to be ever immortalized as supreme whistleblower, without blemish. Brain experimentation—cannibalizing of brains and lives—has been unethical from the get-go and all those working in Robotics, in Artificial Intelligence, in Neuroscience, in Medical Military Madness in the military know it. To cast those unlawfully watchlisted by a failed FBI and DHS and sold unlawfully—trafficked—into human slavery under “Black Ops”: Classified Cover, inside the CIA, inside Special Access Programs, Controlled Access Programs to be literally blasted out of their brains and lives with deadly energy neuroweapons while brain decoders, brain stimulators, brain thieves and AP DEW weapon-wielders are placed around them in their own neighborhoods, attacking them nonstop, literally 24/7 and they are subject to “pain signaling” misery requiring cowering and shielding and pain-medication and constant healthcare—as in some way some kind of unique grouping and species—an Acceptable Pariah species, to be gifted a cultic “Juden” “Targeted Individual” label and disappeared as “Delusional, Paranoid, Psychotic, Schizophrenic”—is the height of Crime. It is Military Crime, it is Intelligence Crime, it is Police Crime, it is Medical Crime. It is Human Rights Crime to be firmly, absolutely, completely, absolutely, irrevocably Ended. Instead what we have are “Targeted Individual” shenanigans, “Targeted Justice Media”—”Alt Media” gone nuts with the endless cover-up, endless hiding of the Hidden Hand—and a CIA #MockOp mechanism so huge, so spread-out, so invasive (of all journalism) it seeks to steal and cannibalize all it possibly can, inverting and subverting reality to its own crooked ends, imagining it can go on forever. The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden The Hidden Hand: Intelligence Community Crimes, Law Enforcement Crimes, Military Crimes: High Tech Crimes, Well-Hidden Yesterday I published this article at my website, one which no doubt will ruffle a lot of feathers and has already: Read full story The sad CIA multimedia efforts here seem to be a kind of pastiche add-on from the Fifties when perhaps they began to get a little cocky about their cover-ups as they blew into Area 51 storytelling, little grey men, cow mutilations (with lasers) being deeply beneficent “experiments” run on Earth species by distant aliens, tall and sticklike and deep-eyed and anally-obsessed no doubt, but oh so magnanimous really, and seeking only to learn and grow (substitute Terrorize and Cannibalize poor gentle cows trying to sleep at night) on their own distant planets far beyond the burning sun (poised exactly 93 million miles away) (gasp!). “Conspiracy Theory” has been such an amazing cover for the Cult-Creators out in Intel La La Land. We are spellbound, examining their decades-long imploding of journalism. For they have shot themselves in the foot now, and nothing they do can get them out of it. Whirl and whirl and whirl deeper into that bizzare convoluted trickster depth of Lies and what have you got? Nothing but “Strategic Deception.” Robert Duncan has written a lot of interesting and useful and surfacing-of-the-crime material, his presence at his public talks and conferences and interviews including this writer’s second historic online conference in 2022 (during and after which the CIA almost finished her off—but no one else who attended, now how exactly does that work?) certainly speaks to the horrors of Radio Neural Molesting, “Synthetic Telepathy” (Try Techno Spy Tech, carefully inserted behind the ears in Lasered Incisions of the Skull/or Skin thereof, or any one of the precision sound projection technologies like Holosonic developed by (the CIA probably in conjunction with) private-sector sound technician freaks), Brain Decoding and Acoustic Neuro Net Tech, Brain Computer Interfaces and Computer Brain Interfaces, and other brain invasion tech like Electronic Dreams, Forced Speech, Memory Removal and Insertion of Speech, Sound, Thoughts, Images. But there is a lot of deflective Disinfo mixed in with the news reportage, and how we know this is by perusing the actually released military documents on FOIA. That is where we need to go for the real information here—and even that is spiked with vagueness, refusal to reveal all—but clearly, the CIA Media’sters (some operating from right next door to this writer, working hard on keeping their red beards glued to their spying chins) are desperately trying to shore up their losses and bumble on, pretending, posturing, privileging Medicos, selling their cult-setups as “orgs” and their pin-up poseurs as “New Media” (gold on black lettering for you if you Comply: You Must say “Havana Havana Havana” then say “CIA Officers Were Hit” “Yes, CIA” “Very much so, CIA, we, We were Victimized” by guess who? Of course: Russia Russia Russia. [Meanwhile, Russia’s front and center here as New CIA Media.] Noticing the CIA May Be the Best Way Forward Send the CIA/DARPA set some Letters of Notice of Crime please, for their cavalier invasions of our bodies, brains, and lives, to be published directly online so the whole world can count the letters and read the living text. Then write and keep writing. Speak and keep speaking. Film and keep filming. Do not stop—for Crime never pays, and DARPA-CIA and friends need to be Completely Exposed for their crimes. For the Reign of these weapons has ended, and they need to be wrested from all wielders and buried forever, for All Time. CIA Shenanigans to Disappear Scientists Involved Reveal the Players (1446) Dr Hoffer Reads a Thank You Card from Targeted Individuals for His Unflinching Integrity - YouTube Dr. Robert Duncan & Craig Laforest, Australia AI, V2K Technology and Directed Energy (DEW) Torture (youtube.com) https://substack.com/@ramolad/p-149422807
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  • A wilderness of mirrors: The Hegemon’s Last War
    24 September 2024 by Pepe Escobar 12 Comments

    Andrei Martyanov has carved for himself a unique, haloed place when it comes to deep critical thinking of all matters of war and peace.

    In his previous books, in his blog Reminiscence of the Future and in countless podcasts, he has become the go-to source when it comes to the inner workings of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine as well as The Big Picture of the proxy war between the U.S. and its collective West minions against Russia.

    Naturally every new book by this delightful human being with a biting sense of humor is something to cherish – and this one, America’s Final War, the fourth in a series, should be seen as the crowning achievement in his carefully detailed analysis of a real revolution in military affairs that has completely bypassed the “indispensable nation.”

    Right off the bat, Martyanov addresses Russophobia – and how this overwhelming, Western-wide pathology “of a much larger scale than mere geopolitical contradictions between nations and states” is “taking on a metaphysical dimension, rising from its racial, religious, and cultural components”.

    Russophobia has only been exacerbated by unpleasant facts on the ground concerning the “Real Revolution in Military Affairs”: a true “paradigm shift” in warfare.

    Already in the preface, Martyanov outlines the state of things as we speak, or what I have recently defined as a War OF Terror:

    “The current U.S. economy and military will not be able to fight Russia conventionally; it would face defeat if it tried. So, the United States and combined West have resorted to terrorism”.

    Add to it that concerning the ongoing proxy clashes, “NATO is incapable of fighting a real war of the 21st century”. And even the U.S.’s “shortly to be overcome superiority in satellite constellations and NATO’s ability to fly with impunity in the international air space over Black Sea counts for little in real war, in which NATO would be made blind and its Command and Control disrupted.”

    “The best strategic assessment apparatus in the world”

    Martyanov engages in a necessary rewind to the situation pre- SMO, in late 2021, when the AFU was massing on the borders of Donetsk and Lugansk: “In a last-ditch attempt to avoid military confrontation with what at that time amounted to the best U.S. (and West) proxy force in history – trained and equipped with many critical C4 elements” – Russia presented the U.S. on December 15, 2021 with what Martyanov describes as a “diplomatic euphemism for demands” on Washington on mutual security guarantees: that was the notorious “indivisibility of security” proposal for Europe and the post-Soviet space.

    Martyanov is correct in evaluating that this was not exactly groundbreaking; it was “a reiteration of the same points which Russia had insisted upon since the 1990s”. The crucial point was of course non-expansion of NATO, specifically applied to Ukraine, “which since 2013 was becoming in effect NATO’s forward operational base.”

    That was Putin’s diplomatic gambit to prevent war. After all Russia’s political-military establishment had seen which way the dogs of war were barking, and were able to forecast “based on the superb intelligence and arguably the best strategic assessment apparatus in the world – the Russian General Staff, Service of Foreign Intelligence (SVR), FSB and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

    Moving on down the road, what is now developing in the black soil of Novorossiya – NATO’s impeding humiliation – could not have possibly be understood as “the captains of the combined West” are essentially uber-incompetent: “Western academic and analytic institutions” not only are “not designed” to think strategically in terms of global balance of power and matters of war and peace but clueless on “Statecraft as Art of Governance and Military Art”.

    Russia, in contrast, applied creative governance that “manifested itself as an art”, not least through “forecasting and forestalling” NATO’s moves, “but specially so in the military and economic preparation” for the clash, “including through the process of constant adaptation to changing external and internal conditions”. Let’s call it a military art counterpart to the geoconomic intuition by Deng Xiaoping of “crossing the river while feeling the stones”.

    Martyanov characterizes the proxy war in Ukraine as a Stupidistan spectacular: “Considering a mediocre at best, at worst non-existent military-engineering background of the most influential actors in Biden’s administration, the difference between starting a war in Vietnam or Iraq, and starting a war on Russia’s threshold (…) was lost on them” – as they failed to realize that “Russia was a military superpower with an extremely advanced ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) complex”.

    Martyanov correctly dates the dramatic “descent” of the U.S. “from the pedestal of self-proclaimed military hegemony” to the sabotaging of the April 2022 Istanbul agreement – which was on the verge of being signed – when Boris Johnson, “a major in classics from Oxford and a clownish figure with zero grasp of military art, let alone science”, botched it on the orders of the Biden combo.

    Going Hypersonic

    A highlight of the book is when Martyanov registers the American bewilderment when it comes to high supersonic missiles such as the Kh-32 and especially the hypersonic, Mach-10, Mr. Khinzal – as he had been warning for years in his books and blog that Hypersonic Russia “would render any NATO’s air defenses useless in any serious conflict”.

    Cue, for instance, to 2018 when he outlined that “Khinzal’s astonishing range of 2,000 kilometers makes the carriers of such missile, MiG-31K and TU-22M3M aircraft, invulnerable to the only defense a U.S. Carrier Battle Group, a main pillar of U.S. naval power, can mount.”

    As the SMO developed, “Russia dramatically ramped up production across the whole spectrum of its missile arsenal”: from the RS-28 Sarmat, which carries the strategic hypersonic Avangard, to “tactical-operational Iskanders, P-800 Oniks, hypersonic 3M22 Zircons, 3M14(M) ship and submarine cruise missiles”, and of course Mr. Khinzal himself.

    For NATO’s ISR complex things can only get worse, because the Khinzal is now carried by Su-34 fighter bombers, “which makes the work of identifying which ones are Khinzal carriers very difficult and leaves no time for warning”.

    A crucial theme in the book is the relationship between the Hegemon and war: “The U.S. is not just an expeditionary military, it is also imperial military which fights imperial wars of conquest and doesn’t address the concept of defense of a Mother – or Fatherland in its strategic and operational documents”.

    The conclusion is stark: “Thus it cannot fight a real conventional combined war of scale against a peer or better-than-peer opponent who fights in defense of their own country.”

    Implicit in this concise explanation of the U.S./NATO debacle in Novorossiya is the disproportionate power of the U.S. industrial-military complex: “The U.S. military doesn’t fight in defense of America, it fights for imperial conquests only. Russian soldiers fight in defense of their homeland.”

    U.S. conventional military supremacy: a bluff

    Martyanov once again details how a real revolution in military affairs is already taking place. From facts on the sea like the ominous Poseidon submarine – “capable to not only devastate shores but hunt down any carrier battle group with impunity” – to the immense gap in “capacity of tools of destruction” between Russia and NATO, complete with “the operational concepts that gave birth to these weapons systems.”

    On the inescapable face-off between Russia and the combined West, led by the U.S., Martyanov hits the heart of the matter. It is already global, and “spreads into all domains from the world ocean to space, and encompasses not just military but also related economic, financial and industrial capacities.”

    And that, crucially, was the initial operating framework of the SMO. Yet now it’s all evolving into a toxic mix of counter-terror operation and Hot War, potentially more lethal than Cold War 2.0.

    At this point in the book, Martyanov goes for the kill, asserting that as facts develop, “the much-propagandized U.S. conventional military supremacy is nothing but a bluff.”

    The Hegemon cannot “fight a peer or better than peer opponent and win such a fight”. Apart from an absolute freak out among Brzezinski epigones, one can imagine the desperation among the handful of neo-cons equipped to understand at least a simple mathematical equation.

    The only auspicious angle in all this turmoil is the apparent unwillingness by the War Party in the U.S. to “enter into open confrontation with Russia.” Yet what remains is as ghastly as a Hot War: the hybrid War OF Terror – as illustrated by the green light for Kiev to indiscriminately attack civilians inside the Russian Federation.

    As the book comes to a close, it would have to inevitably circle back to Russophobia: “Russia’s military record is telling – it has consistently defeated the best the West could throw at it when it mattered.” That’s a source of envy mixed with fear. Moreover, Russia remained Orthodox Christian, which only adds to the unmitigated hatred displayed by collective West elites.

    Martyanov comes up with a precious, concise formulation: “Especially after Trotsky has been exorcised by Stalin”, Russia ended up evolving into “a society with primarily conservative values”, very much derived from Orthodox Christianism, which crucially is part of a “non-Crusader historical ethos”.

    Whatever happens next, Russophobia simply won’t get erased from the Anglo-American “elite” worldview: “Russia in the form of the Soviet Union defeated the best West’s military force in history and a simple fact of the West’s efforts to rewrite this history by claiming the victory as theirs without acknowledgment of the USSR’s greater role reveals not only an ideological agenda and shoddy scholarship, but a deep lasting trauma.”

    The trauma persists and now has metastasized into a New Dementia Cycle – exemplified by the current War OF Terror and NATO’s plans to actually attempt an Operation Barbarrossa remix by 2030, all that while NATO’s “geopolitical humiliation remains a secret only for the most unsophisticated strata of the Western public.”

    That’s a diplomatic way of characterizing the relentless brainwashing and imbecilization of the post-modernist, post-Christian collective West.

    In Roman Empire days, Latins were able to turn something into a wasteland and declare victory. Martyanov’s chronicle of the fate of contemporary Empire turns Tacitus upside down: before they will be able to turn everything into a wasteland, a counterpower will inflict them inexorable defeat.

    A wilderness of mirrors: The Hegemon’s Last War 24 September 2024 by Pepe Escobar 12 Comments Andrei Martyanov has carved for himself a unique, haloed place when it comes to deep critical thinking of all matters of war and peace. In his previous books, in his blog Reminiscence of the Future and in countless podcasts, he has become the go-to source when it comes to the inner workings of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine as well as The Big Picture of the proxy war between the U.S. and its collective West minions against Russia. Naturally every new book by this delightful human being with a biting sense of humor is something to cherish – and this one, America’s Final War, the fourth in a series, should be seen as the crowning achievement in his carefully detailed analysis of a real revolution in military affairs that has completely bypassed the “indispensable nation.” Right off the bat, Martyanov addresses Russophobia – and how this overwhelming, Western-wide pathology “of a much larger scale than mere geopolitical contradictions between nations and states” is “taking on a metaphysical dimension, rising from its racial, religious, and cultural components”. Russophobia has only been exacerbated by unpleasant facts on the ground concerning the “Real Revolution in Military Affairs”: a true “paradigm shift” in warfare. Already in the preface, Martyanov outlines the state of things as we speak, or what I have recently defined as a War OF Terror: “The current U.S. economy and military will not be able to fight Russia conventionally; it would face defeat if it tried. So, the United States and combined West have resorted to terrorism”. Add to it that concerning the ongoing proxy clashes, “NATO is incapable of fighting a real war of the 21st century”. And even the U.S.’s “shortly to be overcome superiority in satellite constellations and NATO’s ability to fly with impunity in the international air space over Black Sea counts for little in real war, in which NATO would be made blind and its Command and Control disrupted.” “The best strategic assessment apparatus in the world” Martyanov engages in a necessary rewind to the situation pre- SMO, in late 2021, when the AFU was massing on the borders of Donetsk and Lugansk: “In a last-ditch attempt to avoid military confrontation with what at that time amounted to the best U.S. (and West) proxy force in history – trained and equipped with many critical C4 elements” – Russia presented the U.S. on December 15, 2021 with what Martyanov describes as a “diplomatic euphemism for demands” on Washington on mutual security guarantees: that was the notorious “indivisibility of security” proposal for Europe and the post-Soviet space. Martyanov is correct in evaluating that this was not exactly groundbreaking; it was “a reiteration of the same points which Russia had insisted upon since the 1990s”. The crucial point was of course non-expansion of NATO, specifically applied to Ukraine, “which since 2013 was becoming in effect NATO’s forward operational base.” That was Putin’s diplomatic gambit to prevent war. After all Russia’s political-military establishment had seen which way the dogs of war were barking, and were able to forecast “based on the superb intelligence and arguably the best strategic assessment apparatus in the world – the Russian General Staff, Service of Foreign Intelligence (SVR), FSB and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” Moving on down the road, what is now developing in the black soil of Novorossiya – NATO’s impeding humiliation – could not have possibly be understood as “the captains of the combined West” are essentially uber-incompetent: “Western academic and analytic institutions” not only are “not designed” to think strategically in terms of global balance of power and matters of war and peace but clueless on “Statecraft as Art of Governance and Military Art”. Russia, in contrast, applied creative governance that “manifested itself as an art”, not least through “forecasting and forestalling” NATO’s moves, “but specially so in the military and economic preparation” for the clash, “including through the process of constant adaptation to changing external and internal conditions”. Let’s call it a military art counterpart to the geoconomic intuition by Deng Xiaoping of “crossing the river while feeling the stones”. Martyanov characterizes the proxy war in Ukraine as a Stupidistan spectacular: “Considering a mediocre at best, at worst non-existent military-engineering background of the most influential actors in Biden’s administration, the difference between starting a war in Vietnam or Iraq, and starting a war on Russia’s threshold (…) was lost on them” – as they failed to realize that “Russia was a military superpower with an extremely advanced ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) complex”. Martyanov correctly dates the dramatic “descent” of the U.S. “from the pedestal of self-proclaimed military hegemony” to the sabotaging of the April 2022 Istanbul agreement – which was on the verge of being signed – when Boris Johnson, “a major in classics from Oxford and a clownish figure with zero grasp of military art, let alone science”, botched it on the orders of the Biden combo. Going Hypersonic A highlight of the book is when Martyanov registers the American bewilderment when it comes to high supersonic missiles such as the Kh-32 and especially the hypersonic, Mach-10, Mr. Khinzal – as he had been warning for years in his books and blog that Hypersonic Russia “would render any NATO’s air defenses useless in any serious conflict”. Cue, for instance, to 2018 when he outlined that “Khinzal’s astonishing range of 2,000 kilometers makes the carriers of such missile, MiG-31K and TU-22M3M aircraft, invulnerable to the only defense a U.S. Carrier Battle Group, a main pillar of U.S. naval power, can mount.” As the SMO developed, “Russia dramatically ramped up production across the whole spectrum of its missile arsenal”: from the RS-28 Sarmat, which carries the strategic hypersonic Avangard, to “tactical-operational Iskanders, P-800 Oniks, hypersonic 3M22 Zircons, 3M14(M) ship and submarine cruise missiles”, and of course Mr. Khinzal himself. For NATO’s ISR complex things can only get worse, because the Khinzal is now carried by Su-34 fighter bombers, “which makes the work of identifying which ones are Khinzal carriers very difficult and leaves no time for warning”. A crucial theme in the book is the relationship between the Hegemon and war: “The U.S. is not just an expeditionary military, it is also imperial military which fights imperial wars of conquest and doesn’t address the concept of defense of a Mother – or Fatherland in its strategic and operational documents”. The conclusion is stark: “Thus it cannot fight a real conventional combined war of scale against a peer or better-than-peer opponent who fights in defense of their own country.” Implicit in this concise explanation of the U.S./NATO debacle in Novorossiya is the disproportionate power of the U.S. industrial-military complex: “The U.S. military doesn’t fight in defense of America, it fights for imperial conquests only. Russian soldiers fight in defense of their homeland.” U.S. conventional military supremacy: a bluff Martyanov once again details how a real revolution in military affairs is already taking place. From facts on the sea like the ominous Poseidon submarine – “capable to not only devastate shores but hunt down any carrier battle group with impunity” – to the immense gap in “capacity of tools of destruction” between Russia and NATO, complete with “the operational concepts that gave birth to these weapons systems.” On the inescapable face-off between Russia and the combined West, led by the U.S., Martyanov hits the heart of the matter. It is already global, and “spreads into all domains from the world ocean to space, and encompasses not just military but also related economic, financial and industrial capacities.” And that, crucially, was the initial operating framework of the SMO. Yet now it’s all evolving into a toxic mix of counter-terror operation and Hot War, potentially more lethal than Cold War 2.0. At this point in the book, Martyanov goes for the kill, asserting that as facts develop, “the much-propagandized U.S. conventional military supremacy is nothing but a bluff.” The Hegemon cannot “fight a peer or better than peer opponent and win such a fight”. Apart from an absolute freak out among Brzezinski epigones, one can imagine the desperation among the handful of neo-cons equipped to understand at least a simple mathematical equation. The only auspicious angle in all this turmoil is the apparent unwillingness by the War Party in the U.S. to “enter into open confrontation with Russia.” Yet what remains is as ghastly as a Hot War: the hybrid War OF Terror – as illustrated by the green light for Kiev to indiscriminately attack civilians inside the Russian Federation. As the book comes to a close, it would have to inevitably circle back to Russophobia: “Russia’s military record is telling – it has consistently defeated the best the West could throw at it when it mattered.” That’s a source of envy mixed with fear. Moreover, Russia remained Orthodox Christian, which only adds to the unmitigated hatred displayed by collective West elites. Martyanov comes up with a precious, concise formulation: “Especially after Trotsky has been exorcised by Stalin”, Russia ended up evolving into “a society with primarily conservative values”, very much derived from Orthodox Christianism, which crucially is part of a “non-Crusader historical ethos”. Whatever happens next, Russophobia simply won’t get erased from the Anglo-American “elite” worldview: “Russia in the form of the Soviet Union defeated the best West’s military force in history and a simple fact of the West’s efforts to rewrite this history by claiming the victory as theirs without acknowledgment of the USSR’s greater role reveals not only an ideological agenda and shoddy scholarship, but a deep lasting trauma.” The trauma persists and now has metastasized into a New Dementia Cycle – exemplified by the current War OF Terror and NATO’s plans to actually attempt an Operation Barbarrossa remix by 2030, all that while NATO’s “geopolitical humiliation remains a secret only for the most unsophisticated strata of the Western public.” That’s a diplomatic way of characterizing the relentless brainwashing and imbecilization of the post-modernist, post-Christian collective West. In Roman Empire days, Latins were able to turn something into a wasteland and declare victory. Martyanov’s chronicle of the fate of contemporary Empire turns Tacitus upside down: before they will be able to turn everything into a wasteland, a counterpower will inflict them inexorable defeat. https://sonar21.com/a-wilderness-of-mirrors-the-hegemons-last-war/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 7483 مشاهدة


    A truly genuine God called shepherd should be crying in his heart of hearts,over the decay in the system today... church,politics, religion, various forms of both cruel and humiliating insecurity, and every other unprintable evils pervading the world. Though we can't stop God's Word from coming to pass,we can yet prepare and protect it through The Same God's Word.


    22. Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, "Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?" 23. Jesus answered him, "If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. (Joh 14: 22-23)

    Now, because those who ought to know are now engrossed in the race for the mundane things of the world,many are confused on what to believe,while others are following in the footsteps of their * idol* It's now what our Pastor or bishop said,but NEVER God said. From there, satan has an opening and space to feed the confused hearts with the deceptive already long prophesied knowledge increment,such as Theology(man using his sin infested wisdom to seek for a God Whom has already revealed what He wants us to know about Him at our current human level in His Word);
    The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. (Deu 29: 29)

    Then followed the wonders of science and technology/engineering,etc. NOW, MY QUESTION TO OUR *HUNGRY FOR FAME , INFLUENCE,MORE KNOWLEDGE, CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY AND LARGE CONGREGATIONS SEEKING PASTORS* is, how are they preparing God's Flock with the devil on the rampage.Peter warns us;
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1Pe 5: 8)

    Despite the obvious signs, we are allowing the devil excessive room to send us on a wild goose chase;

    The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. (Deu 29: 29)

    Seeking to distort and scatter GOD'S AGENDA, which * unfortunately and frustratingly to him, is HUGELY,OURIGHTHLY AND ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE.

    And we forgot that God didn't call,save and reveal His Plans for us to directly or indirectly team up with satan.

    This is the time to do everything possible at anytime, anything, anywhere for Christ Jesus because He is over worthy of our absolute Loyalty to Him,if we truly realise and appreciate the awesomeness of the sacrifice He made for us.


    Deception is the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid.

    We live in an information age. We all know Dr Google has changed our lives in many good ways, but it has also served up false news, and with it deception. It's an invaluable tool in the hands of the devil,but if we are really ready to sacrifice, IT CAN EVEN AND SHOULD BE A MORE VALUABLE TOOL IN OUR HANDS TO SILENCE THE DEVIL;
    And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Rom 8: 28)

    And now do not be distressed, or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for GOD SENT ME BEFORE YOU TO PRESERVE LIFE. (Gen 45: 5)

    Christ Jesus warns of false teachers and prophets leading even believers astray. False doctrine is dangerous and cannot be taken lightly. God’s Word tells us that doctrine affects our eternal salvation and those who hear us.

    1 Timothy 4:16
    Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.

    But the MAJOR PAIN HERE, is that those who are supposed to feed the flock with the right food,are even the ones that are feeding them the wrong food. But why? That's a reasonable question, and here is the answer.

    The devil in his craftiness has pushed into the church of God,a great population of THE MIXED MULTITUDE, the very replica of the ones that followed the Israelites out of Egypt that consistently were a thorn in Moses' flesh. They led Aaron into making a golden calf. Remember,they were rich before and in the absence of what they were used to, always raise the cry for a return to Egypt.

    Such a MIXED MULTITUDE occupies a greater majority of our gatherings today, and guess what? They're usually the richest in the congregation,sponsoring heavy projects,highest donors in every need, occupies the highest positions.


    This is the reason why the UNDILUTED WORD OF GOD is disappearing gradually from our pulpits...Most of them whom we looked up to for holiness and salvation messages have tasted of the *FORBIDDEN FRUIT* and thus deviated. They crave personal jets,mansions,wonders on wheels, competition in whose auditoriums(Not God's again) is bigger and more beautiful. They lust for royal yatches where they can go on vacation with. And without this MIXED MULTITUDE,who MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE INITIATED INTO SORCERY AND OCCULTISM have long forgotten their God given mandate and wallowing in the temporal euphoria of what they once preached against by God's unction.


    It will take courage to challenge the current Church culture. End-time leaders must maintain an intimate personal relationship with the Father through personal devotion and prayer, focusing on the written WORD and GUARDING their HEARTS AGAINST ALL EVIL INFLUENCE. It's something we must do if we were genuinely called and missed. WE YET HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO AMEND OUR WAYS.

    We cannot lead others to a place we have not been. So, the first order of business is to take an honest self-assessment and ask some pointed questions.

    Do I function in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit?
    Does my team?
    If not, what are we doing to rectify this problem?
    Are we crying out to God in prayer for the correction and instruction needed to facilitate change?
    Are we earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints? (Jude 3)
    If so, are we seeing measurable progress in this area?

    Not the easily identifiable sorcery, occultic and magic prevalent in many shrines today(for I call them churches), where a supposed prophet will raise a leg and everyone starts falling on one another or turn around and every one falls on the ground.


    We will be back, but until then, join in the massive prayer for God to personally His Own who are being led astray because of lust, in Christ Jesus' Name Amen !
    IN THE QUEST FOR PEACE IN A GOD REJECTED WORLD (2Sam.7:1) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 OUR EXPECTATIONS FROM THE PULPITS OF GOD'S GENUINE SHEPHERDS! (PART TWO) 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 A truly genuine God called shepherd should be crying in his heart of hearts,over the decay in the system today... church,politics, religion, various forms of both cruel and humiliating insecurity, and every other unprintable evils pervading the world. Though we can't stop God's Word from coming to pass,we can yet prepare and protect it through The Same God's Word. BUT SADLY AND PAINFULLY , THE OPPOSITE IS THE CASE,AS THE CRAZE FOR TITLES,FAME AND WEALTH HAS MADE THEM TO FORGET THE WORDS OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR CHRIST JESUS; 22. Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, "Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?" 23. Jesus answered him, "If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. (Joh 14: 22-23) Now, because those who ought to know are now engrossed in the race for the mundane things of the world,many are confused on what to believe,while others are following in the footsteps of their * idol* It's now what our Pastor or bishop said,but NEVER God said. From there, satan has an opening and space to feed the confused hearts with the deceptive already long prophesied knowledge increment,such as Theology(man using his sin infested wisdom to seek for a God Whom has already revealed what He wants us to know about Him at our current human level in His Word); The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. (Deu 29: 29) Then followed the wonders of science and technology/engineering,etc. NOW, MY QUESTION TO OUR *HUNGRY FOR FAME , INFLUENCE,MORE KNOWLEDGE, CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY AND LARGE CONGREGATIONS SEEKING PASTORS* is, how are they preparing God's Flock with the devil on the rampage.Peter warns us; Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1Pe 5: 8) Despite the obvious signs, we are allowing the devil excessive room to send us on a wild goose chase; The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. (Deu 29: 29) Seeking to distort and scatter GOD'S AGENDA, which * unfortunately and frustratingly to him, is HUGELY,OURIGHTHLY AND ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. And we forgot that God didn't call,save and reveal His Plans for us to directly or indirectly team up with satan. This is the time to do everything possible at anytime, anything, anywhere for Christ Jesus because He is over worthy of our absolute Loyalty to Him,if we truly realise and appreciate the awesomeness of the sacrifice He made for us. CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF TOLD US HIMSELF THE GREATEST DANGER OF THE END TIMES IS THAT OF PREVAILING SPIRITUAL DECEPTION. Deception is the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid. We live in an information age. We all know Dr Google has changed our lives in many good ways, but it has also served up false news, and with it deception. It's an invaluable tool in the hands of the devil,but if we are really ready to sacrifice, IT CAN EVEN AND SHOULD BE A MORE VALUABLE TOOL IN OUR HANDS TO SILENCE THE DEVIL; And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Rom 8: 28) And now do not be distressed, or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for GOD SENT ME BEFORE YOU TO PRESERVE LIFE. (Gen 45: 5) Christ Jesus warns of false teachers and prophets leading even believers astray. False doctrine is dangerous and cannot be taken lightly. God’s Word tells us that doctrine affects our eternal salvation and those who hear us. 1 Timothy 4:16 Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you. But the MAJOR PAIN HERE, is that those who are supposed to feed the flock with the right food,are even the ones that are feeding them the wrong food. But why? That's a reasonable question, and here is the answer. The devil in his craftiness has pushed into the church of God,a great population of THE MIXED MULTITUDE, the very replica of the ones that followed the Israelites out of Egypt that consistently were a thorn in Moses' flesh. They led Aaron into making a golden calf. Remember,they were rich before and in the absence of what they were used to, always raise the cry for a return to Egypt. Such a MIXED MULTITUDE occupies a greater majority of our gatherings today, and guess what? They're usually the richest in the congregation,sponsoring heavy projects,highest donors in every need, occupies the highest positions. PITIABLY, BUT REDEEMABLE, WE NOW HAVE AT OUR PULPITS THOSE WHO PAMPERED TO THE WHIMS AND CAPRICES OF THIS MIXED MULTITUDE. HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER DICTATES THE TUNE. This is the reason why the UNDILUTED WORD OF GOD is disappearing gradually from our pulpits...Most of them whom we looked up to for holiness and salvation messages have tasted of the *FORBIDDEN FRUIT* and thus deviated. They crave personal jets,mansions,wonders on wheels, competition in whose auditoriums(Not God's again) is bigger and more beautiful. They lust for royal yatches where they can go on vacation with. And without this MIXED MULTITUDE,who MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE INITIATED INTO SORCERY AND OCCULTISM have long forgotten their God given mandate and wallowing in the temporal euphoria of what they once preached against by God's unction. BUT THE TIME TO CHANGE THE NARRATIVE IS NOW,NOT TOMORROW...HOW WILL CHRIST JESUS RATE US WHEN WE FAIL IN THE RESPONSIBILITY HE HANDED OVER TO US! It will take courage to challenge the current Church culture. End-time leaders must maintain an intimate personal relationship with the Father through personal devotion and prayer, focusing on the written WORD and GUARDING their HEARTS AGAINST ALL EVIL INFLUENCE. It's something we must do if we were genuinely called and missed. WE YET HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO AMEND OUR WAYS. We cannot lead others to a place we have not been. So, the first order of business is to take an honest self-assessment and ask some pointed questions. Do I function in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit? Does my team? If not, what are we doing to rectify this problem? Are we crying out to God in prayer for the correction and instruction needed to facilitate change? Are we earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints? (Jude 3) If so, are we seeing measurable progress in this area? THE UNMISTAKABLE POWER and DEMONSTRATION of the HOLY SPIRIT MUST AGAIN BECOME VITALLY IMPORTANT TO THE CHURCH. Not the easily identifiable sorcery, occultic and magic prevalent in many shrines today(for I call them churches), where a supposed prophet will raise a leg and everyone starts falling on one another or turn around and every one falls on the ground. THE HOLY SPIRIT DOESN'T SHOW OFF, NEITHER DOES HE NEED TO ENTERTAIN BEFORE DOING THAT WHICH ONLY HE ALONE CAN DO. We will be back, but until then, join in the massive prayer for God to personally His Own who are being led astray because of lust, in Christ Jesus' Name Amen 🙇🙏!
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 8695 مشاهدة
  • Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin.
    PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028.

    There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008.

    Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity.

    Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons.

    Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures.

    This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”.

    I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury.

    Insecticides and nerve agents.

    This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily.

    I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”.

    PREP Act declaration for anthrax.

    PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone:

    We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”.

    What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be.

    Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage.

    For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative:

    Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax

    As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting…

    3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey

    Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity.

    An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops.

    Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

    Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”:

    Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge

    Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm...

    The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China.

    Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor:

    “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows.

    Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too.

    What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors:

    LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa.

    LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa.

    As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer.

    As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized.

    Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA:

    Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit.

    Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019.

    We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies.

    Buy me a Ko-fi

    Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in.

    Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin. PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028. There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008. Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity. Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons. Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures. This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”. I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury. Insecticides and nerve agents. This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily. I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”. PREP Act declaration for anthrax. PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone: We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”. What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be. Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage. For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative: Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting… 3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity. An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops. Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”: Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm... The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China. Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor: “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows. Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too. What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors: LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa. LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa. As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer. As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized. Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA: Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit. Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019. We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies. Buy me a Ko-fi Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in. https://substack.com/@sashalatypova/p-143321979
    Sasha Latypova | Substack
    I could not become a professional artist, so I became a pharma and medical device R&D executive. If you are interested in my art, visit sashalatypova.com
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  • Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin.
    PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028.

    There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008.

    Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity.

    Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons.

    Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures.

    This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”.

    I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury.

    Insecticides and nerve agents.

    This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily.

    I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”.

    PREP Act declaration for anthrax.

    PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone:

    We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”.

    What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be.

    Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage.

    For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative:

    Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax

    As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting…

    3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey

    Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity.

    An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops.

    Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

    Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”:

    Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge

    Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm...

    The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China.

    Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor:

    “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows.

    Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too.

    What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors:

    LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa.

    LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa.

    EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa.

    As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer.

    As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized.

    Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA:

    Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit.

    Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019.

    We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies.

    Buy me a Ko-fi

    Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in.

    Similarities between "spike protein" and synthetic anthrax toxin. PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028. There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008. Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity. Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons. Users of the second countermeasures being the pharmacists, nurses, doctors, midwives, etc who did/do the injections falsely advertised as treatments for the first set of countermeasures. This prompted me into looking at the literature and trying to see any patterns that would indicate that some of the toxins being covered under PREP Act declarations can be used to simulate “viral pandemics”. I will briefly address the nerve agents first and then write more about interesting parallels between anthrax toxin and so-called “spike protein” purported to be the agent of both, covid illness and covid vaccine injury. Insecticides and nerve agents. This PREP Act declaration was originally issued in April 2017. Poisoning via chemical agents is a very plausible explanation of historical “pandemics” or “epidemics”. For example, there is a lot of evidence that “polio epidemic” that spiked in the US in 1943 was due to the USDA’s mass deployment of DDT in agriculture, then touted as a miracle Nobel-prize winning product. It was later banned in all developed world for causing neurotoxicity and paralysis very much like polio, but the Nobel prize remains. In the US, there are over 18,000 licenses pesticides. Organophosphates and carbamates are some of the more toxic and dangerous ones. Acute poisoning includes flaccid paralysis (polio “outbreaks” explained!) Here is a link with a number of articles on these compounds. The reason these are grouped with nerve agents is because they are the same chemical class, organophosphorus agents. G-class of nerve agents includes Tabun, sarin, soman, VX and Novichok. More recent versions of these nerve agents are so-called “binary” - they are mixed from two chemicals that are legal and can be produced and stored easily. I do not believe these types of agents were used for simulating covid outbreak. I also don’t believe that there was no unique covid illness. More details on how to think about covid illness and deaths statistics here. The most commonly reported symptoms unique to covid illness appear to be quite different from those described in the literature for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning. Since I can’t review all 18,000 approved pesticides, there are still plenty of options for “legal” chemicals to be deployed in illegal ways to fake “viral epidemics”. PREP Act declaration for anthrax. PREP Act declarations are a key part of the “pandemic preparedness” racket run by the military-industrial mafia (International Medical Countermeasures Consortium) and propagandized on all sides of freedom by characters like Robert Malone: We, the taxpayers pay for the production of chemical/biological brews manufactured to poison us and our children, while the biodefense mafia uses PREP Act to shield themselves from pesky people who refuse to be poisoned. For example the beloved baby of the CIA, DARPA and Robert Kadlec - Emergent Biosolutions is the exclusive maker of the 6-dose (!!!) healthful anthrax “vaccine” which was used to poison hundreds of thousands of US military servicemembers during the Gulf War, aka the “Gulf Syndrome”. Emergent’s contract with the DOD states that if there is NO current PREP Act declaration, then whatever Emergent has shipped to the government is “not for human use”. What needs to be understood about anthrax: it is different from anthrax. I know this is confusing, but that’s how biodefense mafia operates, on word confusion. Naturally occurring anthrax (Bacillus anthracis, b.anthracis) is a soil bacterium, which exists as a spore, typically not dangerous and not transmissible. In a period of about 10 years of targeted effort, there were 68 patients with b.anthracis infection found in China. The Chinese authors of this paper claim this proves anthrax is super dangerous and all cattle must be vaccinated, because 7 human cases/year in a country of 1.3 billion people! Mind you, nobody died. You need a substantial exposure to the spores to cause a significant risk. In addition, it is treatable by antibiotics. Even if you are a superstitious savage committed to vaccines, there is no need for vaccination at all! Anthrax vaccine manufactured by Emergent is much more poisonous than b.anthracis itself can ever be. Large scale bioterrorist attacks are not really possible with b.anthracis - you can’t collect or grow enough of this stuff reliably to cause any large scale damage. For background information I recommend watching this video by Sam Bailey on the historical fear mongering about anthrax. Note that I do not endorse her views 100%, but I think she did a very good job tracing the history of this particular fake existential crisis narrative: Bioweapons 101: The Story of Anthrax As my husband Mark documented in “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks”, the COVID-19 “lab leak” narrative has been in play before the World Health Organisation even officially opened the “pandemic”. In recent years I have covered “gain of function” gaslighting… 3 months ago · 263 likes · 47 comments · Dr Sam Bailey Now, let’s look at the synthetic anthrax. First thing you need to remember, it is not a live organism and has little-to-nothing related to it, other than the historical research experiments and confusing names derived from it. As I repeat frequently, nobody can make any natural living thing in a lab, because the current “science” claiming to do so relies on the Newtonian/standard model - utterly incapable of explaining anything alive. So, let me assure you, that what is made in a lab is not the bacillus anthracis. It is a synthetic chemical allegedly resembling a small part of the b.anthracis believed to be responsible for the nasty business - a toxin. Importantly, it is a chemical substance that can be manufactured in quantity. An analogy for synthetic toxins would be making artificial quills of a porcupine or teeth of a shark. You don’t need to have the whole porcupine or a shark attached to them, and you can make them sharper, longer, wider, double-edged, etc. to fashion them into a weapon. You can also devise ways of making the manufacturing process efficient, scalable and cost-effective. That’s your “gain-of-function” in a nutshell. However, since the porcupine/shark is no longer part of the picture, the weapon doesn’t walk out of the lab, and does not go into a bar to find a mate and make babies. I.e., it doesn’t spread. Even when the biodefense mafia advertises “chimeric” viruses that they made, those are also synthetic chemicals which do not reproduce or spread or “leak” by themselves. Here JD Vance’s AmplifyBio was involved in making a super dangerous chimeric Nipah-Ebola virus in a standard non-secure commercial biolab. Whatever the biodefense mafia produces needs to be deployed somehow, e.g. in aerosols, water/food, etc. The best way known to produce mass illness is by injections under pretenses of “vaccination”, just like they did with the Gulf troops. Part of the anthrax bacillus, a 3-protein peptide, has been identified as its nasty business end: “anthrax toxin”. This 3-component protein is an exotoxin, i.e. bacterial excrement. It consists of three factors - Lethal Factor (LF), Edema Factor (EF), and Protective Antigen (PA). The Lethal or Edema factors are benign by themselves, but in combination with the PA, the LF causes death and the EF causes edema, at least in a substantial % of experimental animals. Since these peptides are relatively small (each is about 90kDA), they are relatively stable for storage and safe when manufactured separately. So, synthetic anthrax is a chemical weapon that can be assembled from manufacturable “legal” components. This is similar to making Novichok from legal pesticides discussed above. When anthrax toxin components are assembled, it is a poison that still needs to be deployed somehow. It may have been inspired by nature, but it has nothing to do with nature. By the way, you can buy the Lethal Factor from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Animal studies in monkeys showed that PA+LF were lethal to monkeys above certain dosage of exposure, however, PA+EF did not kill any monkeys, but produced a “mild clinical disease”: Although the animals challenged with the LF and PA deletion mutants survived the challenge, they developed mild clinical disease, characterized by decreased appetite and activity level and development of a mild, dry cough during the first week to 10 days after challenge. Elevations in C-reactive protein and peripheral blood neutrophil counts were detected during a 2- to 3-week period of observation, indicating the development of an inflammatory response to the LF and PA deletion mutants. A low-level transient bacteremia was detected in a few animals during the first 7 days after challenge Decreased appetite, huh? You don’t say… Maybe they couldn’t smell or taste for a couple of weeks? By the way, this symptom as well as an extremely rapid weight loss are the most characteristic of the “real” illness associated with covid poisoning. Same loss of appetite and weight was reported for rats in both Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vax studies. As you know, the rat is the most ravenous rodent, so to get it to stop eating… hm... The anthrax toxin study in monkeys quoted above was conducted at the U of New Mexico in 2014 and used both, the synthetic anthrax toxins (PA, LF, EF and their combinations), and a strain of allegedly naturally collected b.anthacis: Ames strain, aka “A.Br.Ames lineage” (huh). This strain was obtained - you guessed it! from the US Army, Ft. Detrick. This strain originates predominantly from China. Here are the modeled structures of the 3 components of anthrax toxin - don’t they look similar to the “spike protein”? That’s because they are also spike proteins. Left to right, Protective Antigen, Edema Factor and Lethal Factor: “Wuhan” spike protein is imaged by Pfizer below. I believe it is possible to synthesize proteins approximately folded in these triangle-shaped chunks in a careful lab setting, but protein folding is a whole different matter of the fake science which I will delve into at some point. What these things look like at mass production volumes in the vials or once in the body … nobody knows. Another crazy thing about this is that “Wuhan spike protein” is supposedly 141 kDa, while Pfizer’s faked Western blot images from their regulatory approval dossier were strangely showing heavier ~180 kDa expressed by their original “Wuhan” mRNA shot, with even heavier and some lighter pieces observed, too. What do I know, but the weight of the anthrax factors: LF (90 kDa) + EF (89 kDa) = 179 kDa. LF (90 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 173 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) = 172 kDa. EF (89 kDa) + PA (83 kDa) + LF (90 kDa) = 262 kDa. As with all synthetic proteins, they will often break off smaller pieces, and can also agglomerate. However, if the declared goal is around 140 kDa then having consistently produced average around 180 kDa and a second band around 230kDa is very strange indeed. While if your goal is to make something in 179-262 kDa range, we are getting much closer. As we know, Pfizer never complied with the regulatory requirement that the protein allegedly induced by their injection in the human body be fully characterized. Other similarities with covid spike protein include the furin cleavage site on anthrax PA: Non-biological materials (chemical synthetics) can be used to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit. Non-deadly bio-mimetics fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning and then a lot of fakery to induce panic, i.e. the “element of excitement” that Rick Bright (head of BARDA) and Anthony Fauci were salivating over on the eve of faking the covid pandemic in October 2019. We need to understand what each poison might involve, what symptoms of poisoning may look like, and how to potentially provide first aid. Importantly, when people are aware that chemical poisoning can be used to mimic and fake “infectious outbreaks” they are less likely to fall for the stupid propaganda of “lab created viruses” or even stupider propaganda of “zoonotic jump”. I believe poisoning agents may be used to create panic, fear, claim more novel viruses, and to drive the public to yet another cycle of self destruction. I encourage all those working in the alternative health support networks to review this info and research literature on common poisons, including agricultural pesticides. I can’t do all research myself, so you will have to read and prepare your own strategies. Buy me a Ko-fi Art for today: At the Club, watercolor, 12x16 in. https://open.substack.com/pub/sashalatypova/p/some-similarities-between-spike-protein
    0 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 17014 مشاهدة
  • New confessions of spy cell reveal US targeting of political reality in Yemen
    New confessions of spy cell reveal US targeting of political reality in Yemen
    SANA'A August 18. 2024 (Saba) - New confessions of the US-Israeli spy cell broadcast by the security services this evening revealed the extent of the American targeting of the political reality in Yemen before and during the youth revolution in 2011.

    The confessions included the American side's recruitment and polarization of party leaders, controlling the course of the elections, as well as fueling conflicts among parties, in addition to targeting the parliament and recruiting some of its members to work on implementing the American agenda.

    The confessions in this aspect also included the major American role in infiltrating the youth revolution, recruiting leaders in the arena, and supporting certain components to control the revolution.

    In this context, spy Shayef al-Hamdani explained that the democratic sector worked from the beginning to determine the president who manages Yemen by supporting the presidential elections and controlling the High Election Commission.

    The spy Abdul Moeen Azzan explained that the election program at the American Democratic Institute was run by a Yemeni expert named Murad Zafer, and it was apparent that the program would provide technical support to political parties regarding the elections, how to participate in the elections, target voters and others, and on the basis that it also provides technical support to the Supreme Elections and Referendum Commission.

    He pointed out that the election program was no different from other programs, as it had a hidden intelligence role, most notably attracting party leaders who were interested in the subject of elections, and most importantly, the institute and its successor the embassy and US intelligence were seeking through the program to obtain the electoral register of citizens, with the justification of seeking to automate the record, which was then paper.

    In the context of his confessions, spy Shayef al-Hamdani revealed that USAID in Yemen worked with the rest of the offices and attachés at the US embassy with the High Election Commission on the days of the presidential elections between Ali Abdul Allah Saleh and Faisal bin Shamlan.

    He acknowledged that he was part of a team consisting of various departments of the US embassy managed by "Brad Hansen", who assigned him to follow up on the Supreme Election Committee to find out that the election process is going according to what America wants and to see the progress of work and arrangements made by the committee and to go to the most prominent constituencies and electoral centers in terms of the number of voters, with a focus on the districts in which there is the public weight that will determine who will win the elections.

    He explained that "Brad Hansen" was assisting the High Election Commission and his administration was likely to win Ali Abdul Allah Saleh in the elections at the time.

    Recruitment of party leaders

    According to spy Abdul Moeen Azzan, he worked indirectly for US intelligence through Murad Zafer, who was then the director of programs and played a role in preparing Yemeni employees and preparing them to work later for US intelligence, as he gave him instructions on how to recruit, obtain information and establish relationships.

    The party platform, which was run by a Serbian woman named Saša Pšvić, ostensibly provided support to Yemeni political parties and leaders, when in fact it was working to attract party and political leaders and recruit them for US intelligence, he said, and also worked to convince the parties that the US embassy is the sponsor of the political process in Yemen and the arbitrator of political disagreement and conflict between the various parties.

    In turn, the spy Shayef Al-Hamdani said that support was provided to people in certain political parties to strengthen their parties, so everyone was seeking to please America in terms of building a relationship with it, and all parties and personalities were seeking to satisfy it, such as Dr. Yassin Saeed Noman, who was one of the closest confidants and friends of the US embassy, and Abdulmalik Al Mekhlafi from the Nasserite party.

    About the Islah Party, the spy Al-Hamdani explained that the meeting was taking place with the leader of the party, Abdul Wahab Al-Ansi, and others, but on the military side, there was an intimate relationship between Lieutenant General Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar and the US Embassy, especially with Ambassador "Fire Stein", who frequented him a lot and had many joint visits between them.

    He stated that one of the most important goals sought by the embassy and the agency was to have an integral role between the various agencies of the embassy concerning the aspect of democracy and good governance until joint decisions were reached that provide support or intelligence benefit for everything, by attracting these figures to work to create unrest between political parties, so that reform cannot tolerate the General People's Congress, and does not tolerate socialism for ideological reasons, so all parties were involved in conflicts at the behest of America. So that the political situation remains sleazy.

    According to the spy Azzan, there was a program that ostensibly sought to build the capacity of parties to be able to participate in elections and attract voters and others, but its real goal was to attract large political elites, especially those who refused to deal with the Americans at that period. He pointed out that the entry of the Institute at the end of the nineties coincided with the fall of the Soviet Union and the beginning of what was called the new world order "unipolar system" that Clinton was heralding.

    He pointed out that most of the Yemeni parties were nationalist, leftist, and Islamist, and all of them were not favored to work or cooperate with America, but the Democratic Institute played a role in attracting many of the leaders of these parties to work to support the American agenda, which enabled the US embassy to play a role larger than its size due to the different roles played by the programs of the Democratic Institute.

    The spy Azzan admitted that he worked as an assistant to the head of the parliament program at the institute, who was of Canadian nationality, in following up the sessions of the House of Representatives daily and making summaries, both from the news and later through journalists who were working inside the House and even from deputies. He indicated that he was communicating with MPs on behalf of the Canadian person to get the information he wanted.

    "During my work at the Democratic Institute within the parliamentary program, Murad Zafer, along with a Lebanese expert named Ali Shaheen, was studying mainly the emergence of the emerging movement at the time, the Ansar al-Allah movement, its movements, size, activity, and others, and they were very interested in it, and I also helped in the studies and reports they were preparing about the Ansar Allah movement at that time," he said.

    The spy Azzan pointed out that he was promoted to an official in the parliament program and continued to manage the program until mid-2009 when the program attracted a group of parliamentarians through a person named "Saad Eddin bin Talib", who was a member of parliament before joining the Institute, and he is a CIA and he attracted a group of deputies and made personal relations with them.

    He pointed out that the so-called student used to host parliamentarians in his house and exploit, as is the American method, the conflict between the authority and the opposition in promoting the role that America provides, whether to the authority by maintaining it in its hand, or to the opposition by helping it to reach power.

    The spy Azzan revealed that one of the intelligence works carried out by attracting parliamentarian "Abdul Moez Dibwan", through which he obtained a lot of information and sites, some of which were used in the oil side in Yemen and work for oil companies, explorations, and others.

    He explained that he was reporting directly to the head of the Yemen office within the administration of the Democratic Institute in Washington, "Katherine Miles," on the Yemeni parliament and its conditions, especially about the aspects of oil, exploration, and others.

    The role of the embassy in targeting parliament

    On the negative role of the US embassy in targeting the parliament, spy Abdul Qader Al-Saqqaf explained that the embassy was intensifying meetings with active members of parliament, establishing extensive relations with them, sending them to courses in America, visits to the US House of Representatives, and also within the international visitor program, which is a tourism program to strengthen relations with them.

    He pointed out that the embassy was keen on the presence of parliamentarians in the parties held annually as well as the parties held in foreign and Arab embassies, so that during these intensive meetings coordination with them regarding what is addressed in parliament, to pass what the Americans request concerning loans and the purchase of weapons, and any agreements in the field of security, counter-terrorism, economic fields and any projects in favor of the Americans, as well as obstructing projects that are not in the interest of the American side.

    He stated that one of the most prominent parliamentarians who had a strong relationship and communicated with the US embassy was "Sultan al-Barakani" and sometimes invited the political attaché at that time to attend the sessions as a guest of honor, and arranged many meetings.

    "Some mixed parliamentarians had an organization called Parliamentarians Against Corruption, including Sakhr al-Wajeeh, Muhammad Ali al-Shaddadi, and others, who were holding their meetings at al-Shadadi's house when the organization was in the process of being formed, and the political attaché of the US embassy attended these meetings," he said.

    Al-Saqqaf pointed out that meetings were also held between Mohamed Al-Hazmi of the Islah bloc and the political official at the US embassy in 2009 or 2010, as well as between Hashem Al-Ahmar at his home with the assistants of the political attaché.

    He pointed out that MP Othman Megally was preparing to meet with the US ambassador directly at the embassy headquarters, and there were meetings of the embassy with other members such as Shawqi Al-Qadi, who had an organization to train mosque preachers and had a relationship with the Media and Cultural Attaché in the Middle East Partnership Initiative "MEPI" department, where he used to get ideas and proposals on how to implement training courses for preachers and obtain financial grants to run this organization.

    He reported that the head of the Islah parliamentary bloc, Zaid al-Shami, and his deputy, Abdul Razzaq al-Hijri, had meetings with the political attaché at the headquarters of the Islah party on parliamentary and party matters.

    Intelligence work across organizations' projects

    The spy Hashem al-Wazir revealed that all USAID projects and any Western projects of the United Nations and other Western organizations have always come under the banner of providing aid to the country and the people, but they include a more important and dangerous hidden part related to intelligence work through these projects, regardless of their different fields.

    "For example, the NDI Institute is entrusted with the process of attracting VIPs, recruiting them, and linking them directly to the US embassy, specifically with the US ambassador and the deputy ambassador, so that they manage from them directly and provide information directly to the CIA, which is the most important department in the embassy and the most important US agency in formulating foreign policies," he said.

    "The institute was entrusted with the recruitment process, the departments of media figures, leaders of civil society organizations, women and youth, who were usually managed by American diplomats who are heads of departments concerned with these topics and provide information to them to be submitted directly to the CIA department at the embassy," he said.

    This spy explained that the RGP project had a similar work in providing networks of American labor in the various entities in which it worked under the name of capacity building, whether in the Presidency of the Republic, for example, or in the Prime Minister's Office by recruiting department managers, deputy directors, director of the Prime Minister's Office and spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office, who are linked to the project manager, who connects them directly to both the director of the agency and his deputy, who manage them for the CIA department through Take information from them directly.

    He explained that opposition political elites were also attracted by inviting them to various embassy meetings and parties, where most political figures used to come to those occasions, and these figures were also sent in programs related to the exchange of visits with the United States. He pointed out that these visits were carried out by several personalities with political, economic, and social weight until the matter reached the level of judges who participated in the international visitor program.

    The minister confirmed that these people were closely connected to the cultural attaché and the US embassy in general and were a source of data and information, especially about the judiciary and law-making.

    Federalism is an American scheme for the division of Yemen

    In this context, the spy Hisham Al-Wazir explained that through his review of documents in the United States Agency for Development, he noticed that there were projects supported by the Ministry of Local Administration during the period in which the Agency was opened in 2004 to 2010, and coordination was at the highest level between the Agency and the Americans themselves and other donors, and the United Nations Development Program participated in this matter with the support of local councils and decentralization between the years 2005 to 2009 with the Ministry of Local Administration, and There is coordination at the highest level on this issue with the Germans through the German Development Agency, the British, the Dutch and the World Bank.

    He stressed that working on the issue of federalism in Yemen is a previous American work. He pointed out that during his work in the commercial department, he heard the US ambassador say that "the solution to the problems of Yemen is federalism," and when he joined the US Agency for Development, he heard the same words from his co-worker, Afrah Al-Zoba, who reported that she was informed in one of her visits to Washington that Yemen as a unified state will end and will not exist anymore and there will be a federal state divided into several sections.

    American targeting of the youth revolution

    In this aspect, spy Shayef Al-Hamdani revealed that when the youth revolution began in 2011, there was a hidden role for the US embassy in general, including the United States Agency for Development through the democracy and good governance sector, where some youth components were secretly supported to ensure building relationships with those who have a decision regarding the youth revolution.

    "I am talking about the leaders of this youth revolution, including Tawakkol Karman, who participated in the International Visitor Program through the United States Agency for Development, as well as Hossam Al-Sharjabi, Afrah Al-Zouba and Osama Al-Roaini, who had a prominent role in this context," he said.

    He pointed out that the aim is to form personalities with a future role in reaching the decision-making center and enabling the United States to control the decision through these people, and there was interest by the US embassy to control the revolution to keep the political, economic and social situation in Yemen under their control, so the focus was on the youth component as they are the largest segment in society. He pointed out that many personalities have reached prominent positions in the national dialogue, such as Osama Al-Roaini, Afrah Al-Zoba, Hossam Al-Sharjabi, and other young people who have reached government centers that can make decisions, such as Jalal Yaqoub, who also reached the position of Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance.

    In the context, the spy Abdul Moeen Azzan also revealed the intelligence role assigned to him in 2011 during the protests in the squares, where civil society organizations present in the square or their representatives were contacted to obtain information about the square and any movements or orientations of young people and the various blocs within the square through these organizations that were partners of the so-called "MEPI", which in turn carried out activities inside the tents in the square.

    He explained that these organizations were receiving support and grants from the MEPI, which had relations and contacts with the various youth groups within the arena, and reports with all the information were submitted to Joan Cummins.

    Spy Mohamed al-Kharashi said groups were sent to monitor the squares and find out which prominent figures joined them daily, as well as the most prominent events, and worked to write them in a report and send them to the regional security officer immediately.

    Ali Mohsen's joining is a service to America

    According to spy Shayef al-Hamdani, the United States noticed that the revolution in Yemen began to take another dimension and worked to preserve its interests through the component of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, so Ali Mohsen was instructed to announce his separation from the armed forces and join the youth revolution, as well as other figures from the Islah Party such as Hamid al-Ahmar and others to provide support and control over the youth revolution at the time for political goals that serve American interests.

    "Through my work during this period in the political attaché at the US embassy, it was clear that the American interventions led to the disruption of society and the creation of inter-conflict until we reached 2011, which witnessed a division in society, parties, and even within the framework of the ruling conference itself," he said. He pointed out that all this prepared for foreign interventions, which brought the idea of the Gulf initiative adopted by Saudi Arabia with the help of the five permanent members and other supporting countries that became called the "ten countries sponsoring the initiative", which led to the expansion of chaos.

    He pointed out that with the widening circle of chaos, the UN envoy was sent to save the national dialogue, which ultimately serves the interest of America through the so-called "Yemen regionalization project", which is part of the plan to fragment the country required.


    New confessions of spy cell reveal US targeting of political reality in Yemen New confessions of spy cell reveal US targeting of political reality in Yemen SANA'A August 18. 2024 (Saba) - New confessions of the US-Israeli spy cell broadcast by the security services this evening revealed the extent of the American targeting of the political reality in Yemen before and during the youth revolution in 2011. The confessions included the American side's recruitment and polarization of party leaders, controlling the course of the elections, as well as fueling conflicts among parties, in addition to targeting the parliament and recruiting some of its members to work on implementing the American agenda. The confessions in this aspect also included the major American role in infiltrating the youth revolution, recruiting leaders in the arena, and supporting certain components to control the revolution. In this context, spy Shayef al-Hamdani explained that the democratic sector worked from the beginning to determine the president who manages Yemen by supporting the presidential elections and controlling the High Election Commission. The spy Abdul Moeen Azzan explained that the election program at the American Democratic Institute was run by a Yemeni expert named Murad Zafer, and it was apparent that the program would provide technical support to political parties regarding the elections, how to participate in the elections, target voters and others, and on the basis that it also provides technical support to the Supreme Elections and Referendum Commission. He pointed out that the election program was no different from other programs, as it had a hidden intelligence role, most notably attracting party leaders who were interested in the subject of elections, and most importantly, the institute and its successor the embassy and US intelligence were seeking through the program to obtain the electoral register of citizens, with the justification of seeking to automate the record, which was then paper. In the context of his confessions, spy Shayef al-Hamdani revealed that USAID in Yemen worked with the rest of the offices and attachés at the US embassy with the High Election Commission on the days of the presidential elections between Ali Abdul Allah Saleh and Faisal bin Shamlan. He acknowledged that he was part of a team consisting of various departments of the US embassy managed by "Brad Hansen", who assigned him to follow up on the Supreme Election Committee to find out that the election process is going according to what America wants and to see the progress of work and arrangements made by the committee and to go to the most prominent constituencies and electoral centers in terms of the number of voters, with a focus on the districts in which there is the public weight that will determine who will win the elections. He explained that "Brad Hansen" was assisting the High Election Commission and his administration was likely to win Ali Abdul Allah Saleh in the elections at the time. Recruitment of party leaders According to spy Abdul Moeen Azzan, he worked indirectly for US intelligence through Murad Zafer, who was then the director of programs and played a role in preparing Yemeni employees and preparing them to work later for US intelligence, as he gave him instructions on how to recruit, obtain information and establish relationships. The party platform, which was run by a Serbian woman named Saša Pšvić, ostensibly provided support to Yemeni political parties and leaders, when in fact it was working to attract party and political leaders and recruit them for US intelligence, he said, and also worked to convince the parties that the US embassy is the sponsor of the political process in Yemen and the arbitrator of political disagreement and conflict between the various parties. In turn, the spy Shayef Al-Hamdani said that support was provided to people in certain political parties to strengthen their parties, so everyone was seeking to please America in terms of building a relationship with it, and all parties and personalities were seeking to satisfy it, such as Dr. Yassin Saeed Noman, who was one of the closest confidants and friends of the US embassy, and Abdulmalik Al Mekhlafi from the Nasserite party. About the Islah Party, the spy Al-Hamdani explained that the meeting was taking place with the leader of the party, Abdul Wahab Al-Ansi, and others, but on the military side, there was an intimate relationship between Lieutenant General Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar and the US Embassy, especially with Ambassador "Fire Stein", who frequented him a lot and had many joint visits between them. He stated that one of the most important goals sought by the embassy and the agency was to have an integral role between the various agencies of the embassy concerning the aspect of democracy and good governance until joint decisions were reached that provide support or intelligence benefit for everything, by attracting these figures to work to create unrest between political parties, so that reform cannot tolerate the General People's Congress, and does not tolerate socialism for ideological reasons, so all parties were involved in conflicts at the behest of America. So that the political situation remains sleazy. According to the spy Azzan, there was a program that ostensibly sought to build the capacity of parties to be able to participate in elections and attract voters and others, but its real goal was to attract large political elites, especially those who refused to deal with the Americans at that period. He pointed out that the entry of the Institute at the end of the nineties coincided with the fall of the Soviet Union and the beginning of what was called the new world order "unipolar system" that Clinton was heralding. He pointed out that most of the Yemeni parties were nationalist, leftist, and Islamist, and all of them were not favored to work or cooperate with America, but the Democratic Institute played a role in attracting many of the leaders of these parties to work to support the American agenda, which enabled the US embassy to play a role larger than its size due to the different roles played by the programs of the Democratic Institute. The spy Azzan admitted that he worked as an assistant to the head of the parliament program at the institute, who was of Canadian nationality, in following up the sessions of the House of Representatives daily and making summaries, both from the news and later through journalists who were working inside the House and even from deputies. He indicated that he was communicating with MPs on behalf of the Canadian person to get the information he wanted. "During my work at the Democratic Institute within the parliamentary program, Murad Zafer, along with a Lebanese expert named Ali Shaheen, was studying mainly the emergence of the emerging movement at the time, the Ansar al-Allah movement, its movements, size, activity, and others, and they were very interested in it, and I also helped in the studies and reports they were preparing about the Ansar Allah movement at that time," he said. The spy Azzan pointed out that he was promoted to an official in the parliament program and continued to manage the program until mid-2009 when the program attracted a group of parliamentarians through a person named "Saad Eddin bin Talib", who was a member of parliament before joining the Institute, and he is a CIA and he attracted a group of deputies and made personal relations with them. He pointed out that the so-called student used to host parliamentarians in his house and exploit, as is the American method, the conflict between the authority and the opposition in promoting the role that America provides, whether to the authority by maintaining it in its hand, or to the opposition by helping it to reach power. The spy Azzan revealed that one of the intelligence works carried out by attracting parliamentarian "Abdul Moez Dibwan", through which he obtained a lot of information and sites, some of which were used in the oil side in Yemen and work for oil companies, explorations, and others. He explained that he was reporting directly to the head of the Yemen office within the administration of the Democratic Institute in Washington, "Katherine Miles," on the Yemeni parliament and its conditions, especially about the aspects of oil, exploration, and others. The role of the embassy in targeting parliament On the negative role of the US embassy in targeting the parliament, spy Abdul Qader Al-Saqqaf explained that the embassy was intensifying meetings with active members of parliament, establishing extensive relations with them, sending them to courses in America, visits to the US House of Representatives, and also within the international visitor program, which is a tourism program to strengthen relations with them. He pointed out that the embassy was keen on the presence of parliamentarians in the parties held annually as well as the parties held in foreign and Arab embassies, so that during these intensive meetings coordination with them regarding what is addressed in parliament, to pass what the Americans request concerning loans and the purchase of weapons, and any agreements in the field of security, counter-terrorism, economic fields and any projects in favor of the Americans, as well as obstructing projects that are not in the interest of the American side. He stated that one of the most prominent parliamentarians who had a strong relationship and communicated with the US embassy was "Sultan al-Barakani" and sometimes invited the political attaché at that time to attend the sessions as a guest of honor, and arranged many meetings. "Some mixed parliamentarians had an organization called Parliamentarians Against Corruption, including Sakhr al-Wajeeh, Muhammad Ali al-Shaddadi, and others, who were holding their meetings at al-Shadadi's house when the organization was in the process of being formed, and the political attaché of the US embassy attended these meetings," he said. Al-Saqqaf pointed out that meetings were also held between Mohamed Al-Hazmi of the Islah bloc and the political official at the US embassy in 2009 or 2010, as well as between Hashem Al-Ahmar at his home with the assistants of the political attaché. He pointed out that MP Othman Megally was preparing to meet with the US ambassador directly at the embassy headquarters, and there were meetings of the embassy with other members such as Shawqi Al-Qadi, who had an organization to train mosque preachers and had a relationship with the Media and Cultural Attaché in the Middle East Partnership Initiative "MEPI" department, where he used to get ideas and proposals on how to implement training courses for preachers and obtain financial grants to run this organization. He reported that the head of the Islah parliamentary bloc, Zaid al-Shami, and his deputy, Abdul Razzaq al-Hijri, had meetings with the political attaché at the headquarters of the Islah party on parliamentary and party matters. Intelligence work across organizations' projects The spy Hashem al-Wazir revealed that all USAID projects and any Western projects of the United Nations and other Western organizations have always come under the banner of providing aid to the country and the people, but they include a more important and dangerous hidden part related to intelligence work through these projects, regardless of their different fields. "For example, the NDI Institute is entrusted with the process of attracting VIPs, recruiting them, and linking them directly to the US embassy, specifically with the US ambassador and the deputy ambassador, so that they manage from them directly and provide information directly to the CIA, which is the most important department in the embassy and the most important US agency in formulating foreign policies," he said. "The institute was entrusted with the recruitment process, the departments of media figures, leaders of civil society organizations, women and youth, who were usually managed by American diplomats who are heads of departments concerned with these topics and provide information to them to be submitted directly to the CIA department at the embassy," he said. This spy explained that the RGP project had a similar work in providing networks of American labor in the various entities in which it worked under the name of capacity building, whether in the Presidency of the Republic, for example, or in the Prime Minister's Office by recruiting department managers, deputy directors, director of the Prime Minister's Office and spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office, who are linked to the project manager, who connects them directly to both the director of the agency and his deputy, who manage them for the CIA department through Take information from them directly. He explained that opposition political elites were also attracted by inviting them to various embassy meetings and parties, where most political figures used to come to those occasions, and these figures were also sent in programs related to the exchange of visits with the United States. He pointed out that these visits were carried out by several personalities with political, economic, and social weight until the matter reached the level of judges who participated in the international visitor program. The minister confirmed that these people were closely connected to the cultural attaché and the US embassy in general and were a source of data and information, especially about the judiciary and law-making. Federalism is an American scheme for the division of Yemen In this context, the spy Hisham Al-Wazir explained that through his review of documents in the United States Agency for Development, he noticed that there were projects supported by the Ministry of Local Administration during the period in which the Agency was opened in 2004 to 2010, and coordination was at the highest level between the Agency and the Americans themselves and other donors, and the United Nations Development Program participated in this matter with the support of local councils and decentralization between the years 2005 to 2009 with the Ministry of Local Administration, and There is coordination at the highest level on this issue with the Germans through the German Development Agency, the British, the Dutch and the World Bank. He stressed that working on the issue of federalism in Yemen is a previous American work. He pointed out that during his work in the commercial department, he heard the US ambassador say that "the solution to the problems of Yemen is federalism," and when he joined the US Agency for Development, he heard the same words from his co-worker, Afrah Al-Zoba, who reported that she was informed in one of her visits to Washington that Yemen as a unified state will end and will not exist anymore and there will be a federal state divided into several sections. American targeting of the youth revolution In this aspect, spy Shayef Al-Hamdani revealed that when the youth revolution began in 2011, there was a hidden role for the US embassy in general, including the United States Agency for Development through the democracy and good governance sector, where some youth components were secretly supported to ensure building relationships with those who have a decision regarding the youth revolution. "I am talking about the leaders of this youth revolution, including Tawakkol Karman, who participated in the International Visitor Program through the United States Agency for Development, as well as Hossam Al-Sharjabi, Afrah Al-Zouba and Osama Al-Roaini, who had a prominent role in this context," he said. He pointed out that the aim is to form personalities with a future role in reaching the decision-making center and enabling the United States to control the decision through these people, and there was interest by the US embassy to control the revolution to keep the political, economic and social situation in Yemen under their control, so the focus was on the youth component as they are the largest segment in society. He pointed out that many personalities have reached prominent positions in the national dialogue, such as Osama Al-Roaini, Afrah Al-Zoba, Hossam Al-Sharjabi, and other young people who have reached government centers that can make decisions, such as Jalal Yaqoub, who also reached the position of Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance. In the context, the spy Abdul Moeen Azzan also revealed the intelligence role assigned to him in 2011 during the protests in the squares, where civil society organizations present in the square or their representatives were contacted to obtain information about the square and any movements or orientations of young people and the various blocs within the square through these organizations that were partners of the so-called "MEPI", which in turn carried out activities inside the tents in the square. He explained that these organizations were receiving support and grants from the MEPI, which had relations and contacts with the various youth groups within the arena, and reports with all the information were submitted to Joan Cummins. Spy Mohamed al-Kharashi said groups were sent to monitor the squares and find out which prominent figures joined them daily, as well as the most prominent events, and worked to write them in a report and send them to the regional security officer immediately. Ali Mohsen's joining is a service to America According to spy Shayef al-Hamdani, the United States noticed that the revolution in Yemen began to take another dimension and worked to preserve its interests through the component of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, so Ali Mohsen was instructed to announce his separation from the armed forces and join the youth revolution, as well as other figures from the Islah Party such as Hamid al-Ahmar and others to provide support and control over the youth revolution at the time for political goals that serve American interests. "Through my work during this period in the political attaché at the US embassy, it was clear that the American interventions led to the disruption of society and the creation of inter-conflict until we reached 2011, which witnessed a division in society, parties, and even within the framework of the ruling conference itself," he said. He pointed out that all this prepared for foreign interventions, which brought the idea of the Gulf initiative adopted by Saudi Arabia with the help of the five permanent members and other supporting countries that became called the "ten countries sponsoring the initiative", which led to the expansion of chaos. He pointed out that with the widening circle of chaos, the UN envoy was sent to save the national dialogue, which ultimately serves the interest of America through the so-called "Yemen regionalization project", which is part of the plan to fragment the country required. E.M https://www.saba.ye/en/news3360012.htm
    New confessions of spy cell reveal US targeting of political reality in Yemen
    SANA'A August 18. 2024 (Saba) - New confessions of the US-Israeli spy cell broadcast by the security services this evening revealed the extent of the American targeting of the political reality in Yemen before and during the youth revolution in 2011.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 16498 مشاهدة
  • Official Gaza death toll passes 40,000; over 92,000 injured – Day 312
    [email protected] August 15, 2024 genocide, hatch act, humanitarian aid, israel attacks on schools, israeli settlement, mask ban, minouche shafik, US made weapons, West Bank
    FEWS NTET reports: The amount of humanitarian food supplies entering Gaza through crossings in the south were at their lowest levels in July since Israel’s war on the enclave began.

    The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) said that only 724 humanitarian trucks with food or mixed items entered through the Karem Abu Salem crossing in the entire month of July. They carried roughly 5,035 to 5,566 metric tonnes of supplies.

    A further 54,764 to 60,529 metric tonnes of food supplies carried on commercial trucks also entered through the crossing, but the network said that increased “commercial cargo entry into Gaza may not necessarily translate to improved food availability and access within Gaza, particularly given low household purchasing power”.

    RECOMMENDED READING: This is the truth about “there is no famine in Gaza”

    NOTE: Hundreds of aid trucks are reportedly waiting and spoiling at the southern border of Gaza, where Israel has made it extremely difficult to pass, employing complicated and arbitrary procedures.

    Israel has also attacked food aid convoys and those who accompanied them.

    In mid-March, Israel promised to “flood” Gaza with aid, but has failed to do so.

    Israel has killed 2,100 babies under two in Gaza: Rights monitor

    The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor reports that out of nearly 17,000 Palestinian children killed by Israel in the Gaza Strip since October 7, about 2,100 were babies under the age of two.

    “The number of Palestinian children – whether infants or children in general – killed by the Israeli army is horrifying, and the rate of their killing is unprecedented in the history of modern wars,” says the Geneva-based organization.

    “It also represents a dangerous trend based on the dehumanization of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s military targets Palestinians and their children daily, methodically, and widely in the most heinous and brutal ways possible, and virtually without pause for 10 consecutive months.”

    Palestinian triplets with their mother flee following the Israeli army’s attacks on Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Gaza on March 21, 2024 [Ashraf Amra/Anadolu Agency]
    Palestinian triplets with their mother flee following the Israeli army’s attacks on Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Gaza on March 21, 2024 [Ashraf Amra/Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Israel shoots dead 2 firefighters in Gaza

    Middle East Monitor reports: Two civil defense crew members were shot dead today by Israeli occupation forces in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.

    The General Directorate of Civil Defence confirmed the death of firefighter Suhaib Abu Taqiya and Hussein Abu Jamous after they were shot while carrying out their work in Rafah.

    Their deaths bring to 82 the number of civil defense crew members who have been killed since the outbreak of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza in October 2023, the directorate added.

    Since the beginning of the Israeli war of genocide, the IOF has targeted dozens of civil defense and ambulance crew members while they were providing services to displaced Palestinians in addition to destroying civil defense facilities and vehicles to prevent rescue and evacuation efforts.

    Firefighters intervene fire broke out following Israeli attack on the house of the Al-Tavil family as Israeli attacks continue at Az-Zawayda town of Gaza City, Gaza on December 27, 2023 [Ashraf Amra – Anadolu Agency]
    Firefighters intervene fire broke out following Israeli attack on the house of the Al-Tavil family as Israeli attacks continue at Az-Zawayda town of Gaza City, Gaza on December 27, 2023 [Ashraf Amra – Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Israel’s intensifying attacks on Gaza schools

    Al Jazeera reports: Israel has hit more than 500 of Gaza’s 564 schools in the past 10 months. Within a 10-day period in August, Israeli forces struck five schools in Gaza City, killing more than 179 people and injuring scores more.

    Last week, more than 100 people were killed after Israel hit a school in Gaza City sheltering displaced Palestinians. The UN accused Israel of intensifying attacks on schools.

    Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, schools are considered civilian objects and should be protected from attacks.

    West Bank: Israeli occupation forces kill five Palestinians in assault on Tubas

    WAFA reports: Five Palestinians today were killed during the ongoing Israeli aggression on the city of Tubas and the town of Tamoun, southeast of the city.

    Security sources reported that four Palestinians were killed when an Israeli drone bombed a group of young men in the town of Tamoun, southeast of Tubas.

    They also said that the occupation forces withheld the bodies of the four young men after killing them.

    The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that the occupation prevented its crews from reaching the targeted location.

    Meanwhile, the fifth Palestinian was killed after Israeli occupation forces besieged his house in the early morning hours in the city of Tubas.

    Israeli army vehicles near Tubas, occupied West Bank
    Israeli army vehicles near Tubas, occupied West Bank (screengrab)
    Shocking news in OCHA’s weekly report on the West Bank

    Since October 7th, there have been over 100 instances of Palestinian bodies being withheld by Israeli forces.

    In the last week, Israeli settlers perpetrated 25 attacks against Palestinians, while Palestinians perpetrated three attacks against settlers. Between 7 October 2023 and 12 August 2024, OCHA recorded around 1,250 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, of which around 120 led to Palestinian fatalities and injuries.

    On 12 August, Israeli settlers physically assaulted and injured two 15-year-old Palestinian boys near Artas, Bethlehem, attacking them with knives. The settlers assaulted the boys, broke their legs, and urinated on them, then handcuffed the boys and threw them in an open area near Artas. A local resident discovered them and called for an ambulance. The boys were then taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

    On 7 August, the Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces dismantled and confiscated three donor-funded tents in the Birin herding community, Hebron governorate. As a result, three families comprising 15 people including 6 children were displaced. The tents had been provided by the Palestinian Authority as a response to a previous demolition that took place on 4 July 2024 in the same area.

    Between 7 October 2023 and 12 August 2024, Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced the demolition of 1,380 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, displacing more than 3,100 Palestinians, including 1,375 children.

    Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity.
    Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 600 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity. (photo)
    Israel approves new West Bank settlement on UNESCO World Heritage Site near Bethlehem

    The Cradle reports: The Israeli government on 14 August officially approved municipal boundaries for a new settlement on a UNESCO World Heritage Site near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

    Jewish supremacist Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said his office had “completed its work and published a plan for the new Nahal Heletz settlement in Gush Etzion,” a bloc of settlements south of occupied Jerusalem.

    “No anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist decision will stop the development of settlements. We will continue to fight against the dangerous project of creating a Palestinian state by creating facts on the ground. This is my life’s mission, and I will continue it as much as I can,” the Israeli official, who lives in an illegal settlement, said via social media.

    All of Israel’s settlements in the West Bank occupied since 1967, are considered illegal under international law, regardless of whether they have planning permission or not.

    According to the Israeli anti-settlement group Peace Now, the intended area of the new settlement was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO. “Smotrich continues to promote de facto annexation, disregarding the UNESCO Convention that Israel is a signatory to, and we will all pay the price,” the organization said in a statement, calling the move by the Civil Administration a “wholesale attack” on an area “renowned for its ancient terraces and sophisticated irrigation systems, evidence of thousands of years of human activity.”

    “These actions are not only fragmenting Palestinian space and depriving large communities of their natural and cultural heritage, but they also pose an imminent threat to an area considered to be of the highest cultural value to humanity,” Peace Now added.

    The Times of Israel reports: “The new settlement will be built on land it says belongs to Battir, home to ancient hillside agricultural terraces that have been designated a world heritage site by UNESCO.”

    NOTE: Israel has illegally built around 280 settlements on Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, which are home to more than 700,000 illegal settlers. As the ICJ ruling confirms, Israeli settlements and settlers on Palestinian land are a violation of international law, and considered by many Palestinians to be the main barrier to any lasting peace agreement.

    Some settler groups, moreover, have a history of violence against Palestinians, often with the assistance of Israeli military forces.

    Map: Israel attacked ‘nearly every inch of Gaza with US-made bombs’

    Jewish Voice for Peace, a US-based advocacy group, has made a map of the more than 70,000 bombs that Israel has dropped on the Gaza Strip since October 7 using UN satellite data.

    “With the US as its collaborator, the Israeli military is carrying out the goal of Zionism: the complete and total ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land,” the group says.

    “The US isn’t just allowing the Israeli government to commit a genocide, it’s actively assisting it. It’s well past time for a weapons embargo. We demand a complete end to US funding, arming, and backing of the state of Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.”

    She wrote an op-ed criticizing Biden on Gaza. The Justice Department accused her of breaking the law.

    Emma West Rasmus wrote in The Hill: I used to see myself as part of the future of the Democratic Party, but I just got back from Palestine, and I will now work to ensure it never wins again.” (photo)
    The Intercept reports (excerpt): In March, Justice Department employee Emma West Rasmus wrote an [extremely powerful, personalized] op-ed criticizing the Biden administration over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

    he next business day, she was accused by senior Justice Department attorneys and ethics officials of violating the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from using their “official authority” to engage in certain political activity, especially advocating for or against a particular candidate or political party.

    Five months later, however, the Office of Special Counsel, which investigates Hatch Act violations, determined there was no Hatch Act violation in the first place.

    “Although you engaged in political activity while referencing that you work for the federal government in the op-ed, and specifically the Department of Justice in the byline, these references do not constitute a use of official authority rising to the level of a Hatch Act violation,” reads an August 8 determination letter from OSC.

    West Rasmus, who still works for the Justice Department, says this decision lifted a huge weight off her shoulders, but that the investigation itself “absolutely had a chilling effect” on her and other federal employees trying to galvanize internal dissent on Gaza policy.

    “I always felt like putting the op-ed out there in the way that I did was worth the risk,” she said. “That speaks to how urgently I and other federal employees feel about the need to take actions that we wouldn’t otherwise take.”

    (Read the full article here.)

    Columbia University president Minouche Shafik resigns in wake of Gaza protests

    Al Jazeera reports: Minouche Shafik, the president of Columbia University, has announced her resignation after a tumultuous year marked by tensions with staff and students over her handling of campus protests against the Gaza war.

    The university announced her departure in a statement on its website on Wednesday.

    “This period has taken a considerable toll on my family, as it has for others in our community,” Shafik wrote in a letter to the university’s staff and students. “It has also been a period of turmoil where it has been difficult to overcome divergent views across our community.”

    Protests against the Gaza war began on Columbia’s New York City campus in April inspiring similar encampments at other institutions across the United States and beyond.

    As the protests gathered momentum, Shafik was summoned to a congressional committee over allegations the university had failed to protect students and staff from rising anti-Semitism.

    The next day, she allowed New York City police onto the campus to clear the protests and about 100 people were arrested, triggering outrage from protesters and some academics and calls for her resignation. Tensions rose further at the end of April, when police returned again to campus, arresting some 300 people and removing the encampment.

    THE GUARDIAN ADDS: Meanwhile, Elise Stefanik, one of the congressional representatives most critical of Shafik’s handling of reports of antisemitism on campus, wrote: “THREE DOWN, so many to go,” adding “after failing to protect Jewish students and negotiating with pro-Hamas terrorists, this forced resignation is long overdue”.

    Sludge reports: Stefanik’s trip to Israel was paid for by the Jewish Policy Center, a Washington D.C.-based nonprofit that describes its mission as “educat[ing the American public about Israel, foreign affairs and domestic issues of importance to the Jewish community.” The organization spent nearly $48,000 on the trip, including on business-class airfare tickets for the representative and stays at luxury hotels.

    [The Jewish Policy Center has multiple individuals on its board of fellows who have been identified as anti-Muslim hate figures, including Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz.]

    This election cycle, the PAC of lobbying group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has given $284,000 to Stefanik’s campaign in conduit contributions through April 30, placing her in its top 10 recipients among House Republicans.

    New York county signs first mask ban into US law, sparking controversy

    Bruce Blakeman hosts a number of rabbis for a mezuzah instalation at his new office ahead of his inauguration as Nassau County’s first Jewish County Executive on Dec. 31, 2021. The Forward reports: “Blakeman situated himself at the right on issues related to Israel.” (photo)
    The Guardian reports: Nassau county in New York implemented a controversial ban on wearing face coverings in public on Wednesday, in a move criticized by state politicians and civil rights advocates. Opponents of the bill have described it as “a dangerous misuse of the law to score political points and target protesters”, given it was introduced in response to protests against Israel’s war on Gaza.

    The Mask Transparency Act, signed into law by Bruce Blakeman, the Republican county executive, makes it a misdemeanor for anyone to wear a facial covering to hide their identity in public.

    [Vote Smart reports that Blakeman has been a board member of the American Jewish Congress, which advocates for Israel.]

    People who defy the law could be sentenced to up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine, although there are some exemptions for health or religious reasons.

    Susan Gottehrer, the regional director of the Nassau county New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), said after the bill was passed, “Masks protect people who express political opinions that are unpopular. Making anonymous protest illegal chills political action and is ripe for selective enforcement, leading to doxxing, surveillance and retaliation against protesters.”

    Columbia students protest in support of Palestine on campus on Oct. 12. More demonstrations have occurred since, including one on Nov. 9 that appears to have led to the suspension of two groups. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
    Columbia students protest in support of Palestine on campus on Oct. 12. More demonstrations have occurred since, including one on Nov. 9 that appears to have led to the suspension of two groups. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (photo)
    Melbourne orchestra cancels pianist’s performance after he speaks out on Gaza

    Al Jazeera reports: Musician Jayson Gillham was scheduled to perform at Melbourne Town Hall on Thursday, but he was dropped after he discussed the media workers killed in Gaza in a Sunday performance.

    “The killing of journalists is a war crime in international law, and it is done in an effort to prevent the documentation and broadcasting of war crimes to the world,” the musician told the audience, adding that Israel has killed more than 100 journalists since October 7.

    UPDATE FROM VARIETY: The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra on Thursday tried to extricate itself from controversy caused by its earlier decision to cancel future performances by Australian-British classical pianist Jayson Gillham.

    “The MSO acknowledges that an error was made in asking Jayson Gillham to step back from his performance on Thursday 15 August,” it said in a new statement.


    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    The Intercept: Israeli Society Is in a Deepening State of Contradiction

    Middle East Eye: Pro-Palestinian campus protests: What have they achieved so far?


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 14: at least 40,634* (40,005 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 629 in the West Bank (~145 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced.
    Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 14: at least 97,821 (including at least 92,401 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 14: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

    Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

    Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org
    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    Palestinians’ harrowing stories of rape by Israeli soldiers (including female soldiers)
    A Palestinian journalist visited Ismail Haniyeh’s home in Gaza to report on his death. Israel assassinated him too.
    I reported a piece for the New York Times on antisemitism. I found a major error, but the Times didn’t care.
    How Israel plans to whitewash its war crimes in Gaza
    Why the West Bank is on the verge of economic collapse
    Netanyahu’s plan to involve US in regional war on its behalf
    Western media continue to withhold the truth about Israel and Gaza – 4 stories
    “Well What SHOULD Israel Have Done After October 7?”
    Welcome to Hell
    More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own
    U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal
    Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West
    Searching for Gaza’s missing children
    What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million?
    Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor
    When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’
    Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war
    Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct
    US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington
    Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video)
    Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience
    Gaza genocide denial
    Why the news media’s job is to groom us
    ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children

    Official Gaza death toll passes 40,000; over 92,000 injured – Day 312 [email protected] August 15, 2024 genocide, hatch act, humanitarian aid, israel attacks on schools, israeli settlement, mask ban, minouche shafik, US made weapons, West Bank FEWS NTET reports: The amount of humanitarian food supplies entering Gaza through crossings in the south were at their lowest levels in July since Israel’s war on the enclave began. The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) said that only 724 humanitarian trucks with food or mixed items entered through the Karem Abu Salem crossing in the entire month of July. They carried roughly 5,035 to 5,566 metric tonnes of supplies. A further 54,764 to 60,529 metric tonnes of food supplies carried on commercial trucks also entered through the crossing, but the network said that increased “commercial cargo entry into Gaza may not necessarily translate to improved food availability and access within Gaza, particularly given low household purchasing power”. RECOMMENDED READING: This is the truth about “there is no famine in Gaza” NOTE: Hundreds of aid trucks are reportedly waiting and spoiling at the southern border of Gaza, where Israel has made it extremely difficult to pass, employing complicated and arbitrary procedures. Israel has also attacked food aid convoys and those who accompanied them. In mid-March, Israel promised to “flood” Gaza with aid, but has failed to do so. Israel has killed 2,100 babies under two in Gaza: Rights monitor The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor reports that out of nearly 17,000 Palestinian children killed by Israel in the Gaza Strip since October 7, about 2,100 were babies under the age of two. “The number of Palestinian children – whether infants or children in general – killed by the Israeli army is horrifying, and the rate of their killing is unprecedented in the history of modern wars,” says the Geneva-based organization. “It also represents a dangerous trend based on the dehumanization of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s military targets Palestinians and their children daily, methodically, and widely in the most heinous and brutal ways possible, and virtually without pause for 10 consecutive months.” Palestinian triplets with their mother flee following the Israeli army’s attacks on Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Gaza on March 21, 2024 [Ashraf Amra/Anadolu Agency] Palestinian triplets with their mother flee following the Israeli army’s attacks on Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, Gaza on March 21, 2024 [Ashraf Amra/Anadolu Agency] (photo) Israel shoots dead 2 firefighters in Gaza Middle East Monitor reports: Two civil defense crew members were shot dead today by Israeli occupation forces in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. The General Directorate of Civil Defence confirmed the death of firefighter Suhaib Abu Taqiya and Hussein Abu Jamous after they were shot while carrying out their work in Rafah. Their deaths bring to 82 the number of civil defense crew members who have been killed since the outbreak of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza in October 2023, the directorate added. Since the beginning of the Israeli war of genocide, the IOF has targeted dozens of civil defense and ambulance crew members while they were providing services to displaced Palestinians in addition to destroying civil defense facilities and vehicles to prevent rescue and evacuation efforts. Firefighters intervene fire broke out following Israeli attack on the house of the Al-Tavil family as Israeli attacks continue at Az-Zawayda town of Gaza City, Gaza on December 27, 2023 [Ashraf Amra – Anadolu Agency] Firefighters intervene fire broke out following Israeli attack on the house of the Al-Tavil family as Israeli attacks continue at Az-Zawayda town of Gaza City, Gaza on December 27, 2023 [Ashraf Amra – Anadolu Agency] (photo) Israel’s intensifying attacks on Gaza schools Al Jazeera reports: Israel has hit more than 500 of Gaza’s 564 schools in the past 10 months. Within a 10-day period in August, Israeli forces struck five schools in Gaza City, killing more than 179 people and injuring scores more. Last week, more than 100 people were killed after Israel hit a school in Gaza City sheltering displaced Palestinians. The UN accused Israel of intensifying attacks on schools. Under the Fourth Geneva Convention, schools are considered civilian objects and should be protected from attacks. West Bank: Israeli occupation forces kill five Palestinians in assault on Tubas WAFA reports: Five Palestinians today were killed during the ongoing Israeli aggression on the city of Tubas and the town of Tamoun, southeast of the city. Security sources reported that four Palestinians were killed when an Israeli drone bombed a group of young men in the town of Tamoun, southeast of Tubas. They also said that the occupation forces withheld the bodies of the four young men after killing them. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that the occupation prevented its crews from reaching the targeted location. Meanwhile, the fifth Palestinian was killed after Israeli occupation forces besieged his house in the early morning hours in the city of Tubas. Israeli army vehicles near Tubas, occupied West Bank Israeli army vehicles near Tubas, occupied West Bank (screengrab) Shocking news in OCHA’s weekly report on the West Bank Since October 7th, there have been over 100 instances of Palestinian bodies being withheld by Israeli forces. In the last week, Israeli settlers perpetrated 25 attacks against Palestinians, while Palestinians perpetrated three attacks against settlers. Between 7 October 2023 and 12 August 2024, OCHA recorded around 1,250 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, of which around 120 led to Palestinian fatalities and injuries. On 12 August, Israeli settlers physically assaulted and injured two 15-year-old Palestinian boys near Artas, Bethlehem, attacking them with knives. The settlers assaulted the boys, broke their legs, and urinated on them, then handcuffed the boys and threw them in an open area near Artas. A local resident discovered them and called for an ambulance. The boys were then taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. On 7 August, the Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces dismantled and confiscated three donor-funded tents in the Birin herding community, Hebron governorate. As a result, three families comprising 15 people including 6 children were displaced. The tents had been provided by the Palestinian Authority as a response to a previous demolition that took place on 4 July 2024 in the same area. Between 7 October 2023 and 12 August 2024, Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced the demolition of 1,380 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, displacing more than 3,100 Palestinians, including 1,375 children. Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 570 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity. Israeli forces, and in some cases settlers, have killed over 600 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th, with near total impunity. (photo) Israel approves new West Bank settlement on UNESCO World Heritage Site near Bethlehem The Cradle reports: The Israeli government on 14 August officially approved municipal boundaries for a new settlement on a UNESCO World Heritage Site near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank. Jewish supremacist Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said his office had “completed its work and published a plan for the new Nahal Heletz settlement in Gush Etzion,” a bloc of settlements south of occupied Jerusalem. “No anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist decision will stop the development of settlements. We will continue to fight against the dangerous project of creating a Palestinian state by creating facts on the ground. This is my life’s mission, and I will continue it as much as I can,” the Israeli official, who lives in an illegal settlement, said via social media. All of Israel’s settlements in the West Bank occupied since 1967, are considered illegal under international law, regardless of whether they have planning permission or not. According to the Israeli anti-settlement group Peace Now, the intended area of the new settlement was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO. “Smotrich continues to promote de facto annexation, disregarding the UNESCO Convention that Israel is a signatory to, and we will all pay the price,” the organization said in a statement, calling the move by the Civil Administration a “wholesale attack” on an area “renowned for its ancient terraces and sophisticated irrigation systems, evidence of thousands of years of human activity.” “These actions are not only fragmenting Palestinian space and depriving large communities of their natural and cultural heritage, but they also pose an imminent threat to an area considered to be of the highest cultural value to humanity,” Peace Now added. The Times of Israel reports: “The new settlement will be built on land it says belongs to Battir, home to ancient hillside agricultural terraces that have been designated a world heritage site by UNESCO.” NOTE: Israel has illegally built around 280 settlements on Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, which are home to more than 700,000 illegal settlers. As the ICJ ruling confirms, Israeli settlements and settlers on Palestinian land are a violation of international law, and considered by many Palestinians to be the main barrier to any lasting peace agreement. Some settler groups, moreover, have a history of violence against Palestinians, often with the assistance of Israeli military forces. Map: Israel attacked ‘nearly every inch of Gaza with US-made bombs’ Jewish Voice for Peace, a US-based advocacy group, has made a map of the more than 70,000 bombs that Israel has dropped on the Gaza Strip since October 7 using UN satellite data. “With the US as its collaborator, the Israeli military is carrying out the goal of Zionism: the complete and total ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land,” the group says. “The US isn’t just allowing the Israeli government to commit a genocide, it’s actively assisting it. It’s well past time for a weapons embargo. We demand a complete end to US funding, arming, and backing of the state of Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.” She wrote an op-ed criticizing Biden on Gaza. The Justice Department accused her of breaking the law. Emma West Rasmus wrote in The Hill: I used to see myself as part of the future of the Democratic Party, but I just got back from Palestine, and I will now work to ensure it never wins again.” (photo) The Intercept reports (excerpt): In March, Justice Department employee Emma West Rasmus wrote an [extremely powerful, personalized] op-ed criticizing the Biden administration over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. he next business day, she was accused by senior Justice Department attorneys and ethics officials of violating the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from using their “official authority” to engage in certain political activity, especially advocating for or against a particular candidate or political party. Five months later, however, the Office of Special Counsel, which investigates Hatch Act violations, determined there was no Hatch Act violation in the first place. “Although you engaged in political activity while referencing that you work for the federal government in the op-ed, and specifically the Department of Justice in the byline, these references do not constitute a use of official authority rising to the level of a Hatch Act violation,” reads an August 8 determination letter from OSC. West Rasmus, who still works for the Justice Department, says this decision lifted a huge weight off her shoulders, but that the investigation itself “absolutely had a chilling effect” on her and other federal employees trying to galvanize internal dissent on Gaza policy. “I always felt like putting the op-ed out there in the way that I did was worth the risk,” she said. “That speaks to how urgently I and other federal employees feel about the need to take actions that we wouldn’t otherwise take.” (Read the full article here.) Columbia University president Minouche Shafik resigns in wake of Gaza protests Al Jazeera reports: Minouche Shafik, the president of Columbia University, has announced her resignation after a tumultuous year marked by tensions with staff and students over her handling of campus protests against the Gaza war. The university announced her departure in a statement on its website on Wednesday. “This period has taken a considerable toll on my family, as it has for others in our community,” Shafik wrote in a letter to the university’s staff and students. “It has also been a period of turmoil where it has been difficult to overcome divergent views across our community.” Protests against the Gaza war began on Columbia’s New York City campus in April inspiring similar encampments at other institutions across the United States and beyond. As the protests gathered momentum, Shafik was summoned to a congressional committee over allegations the university had failed to protect students and staff from rising anti-Semitism. The next day, she allowed New York City police onto the campus to clear the protests and about 100 people were arrested, triggering outrage from protesters and some academics and calls for her resignation. Tensions rose further at the end of April, when police returned again to campus, arresting some 300 people and removing the encampment. THE GUARDIAN ADDS: Meanwhile, Elise Stefanik, one of the congressional representatives most critical of Shafik’s handling of reports of antisemitism on campus, wrote: “THREE DOWN, so many to go,” adding “after failing to protect Jewish students and negotiating with pro-Hamas terrorists, this forced resignation is long overdue”. Sludge reports: Stefanik’s trip to Israel was paid for by the Jewish Policy Center, a Washington D.C.-based nonprofit that describes its mission as “educat[ing the American public about Israel, foreign affairs and domestic issues of importance to the Jewish community.” The organization spent nearly $48,000 on the trip, including on business-class airfare tickets for the representative and stays at luxury hotels. [The Jewish Policy Center has multiple individuals on its board of fellows who have been identified as anti-Muslim hate figures, including Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz.] This election cycle, the PAC of lobbying group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has given $284,000 to Stefanik’s campaign in conduit contributions through April 30, placing her in its top 10 recipients among House Republicans. New York county signs first mask ban into US law, sparking controversy Bruce Blakeman hosts a number of rabbis for a mezuzah instalation at his new office ahead of his inauguration as Nassau County’s first Jewish County Executive on Dec. 31, 2021. The Forward reports: “Blakeman situated himself at the right on issues related to Israel.” (photo) The Guardian reports: Nassau county in New York implemented a controversial ban on wearing face coverings in public on Wednesday, in a move criticized by state politicians and civil rights advocates. Opponents of the bill have described it as “a dangerous misuse of the law to score political points and target protesters”, given it was introduced in response to protests against Israel’s war on Gaza. The Mask Transparency Act, signed into law by Bruce Blakeman, the Republican county executive, makes it a misdemeanor for anyone to wear a facial covering to hide their identity in public. [Vote Smart reports that Blakeman has been a board member of the American Jewish Congress, which advocates for Israel.] People who defy the law could be sentenced to up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine, although there are some exemptions for health or religious reasons. Susan Gottehrer, the regional director of the Nassau county New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), said after the bill was passed, “Masks protect people who express political opinions that are unpopular. Making anonymous protest illegal chills political action and is ripe for selective enforcement, leading to doxxing, surveillance and retaliation against protesters.” Columbia students protest in support of Palestine on campus on Oct. 12. More demonstrations have occurred since, including one on Nov. 9 that appears to have led to the suspension of two groups. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Columbia students protest in support of Palestine on campus on Oct. 12. More demonstrations have occurred since, including one on Nov. 9 that appears to have led to the suspension of two groups. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) (photo) Melbourne orchestra cancels pianist’s performance after he speaks out on Gaza Al Jazeera reports: Musician Jayson Gillham was scheduled to perform at Melbourne Town Hall on Thursday, but he was dropped after he discussed the media workers killed in Gaza in a Sunday performance. “The killing of journalists is a war crime in international law, and it is done in an effort to prevent the documentation and broadcasting of war crimes to the world,” the musician told the audience, adding that Israel has killed more than 100 journalists since October 7. UPDATE FROM VARIETY: The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra on Thursday tried to extricate itself from controversy caused by its earlier decision to cancel future performances by Australian-British classical pianist Jayson Gillham. “The MSO acknowledges that an error was made in asking Jayson Gillham to step back from his performance on Thursday 15 August,” it said in a new statement. MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. The Intercept: Israeli Society Is in a Deepening State of Contradiction Middle East Eye: Pro-Palestinian campus protests: What have they achieved so far? STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – AUGUST 14: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 14: at least 40,634* (40,005 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 629 in the West Bank (~145 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.9 million of Gaza’s 2.3 million population are currently displaced. Almost 500,000 Gazans are currently experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 14: at least 97,821 (including at least 92,401 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 14: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured. Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.** Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) Palestinians’ harrowing stories of rape by Israeli soldiers (including female soldiers) A Palestinian journalist visited Ismail Haniyeh’s home in Gaza to report on his death. Israel assassinated him too. I reported a piece for the New York Times on antisemitism. I found a major error, but the Times didn’t care. How Israel plans to whitewash its war crimes in Gaza Why the West Bank is on the verge of economic collapse Netanyahu’s plan to involve US in regional war on its behalf Western media continue to withhold the truth about Israel and Gaza – 4 stories “Well What SHOULD Israel Have Done After October 7?” Welcome to Hell More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West Searching for Gaza’s missing children What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million? Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’ Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video) Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience Gaza genocide denial Why the news media’s job is to groom us ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children https://israelpalestinenews.org/official-gaza-death-toll-passes-40000-over-92000-injured-day-312/
    Official Gaza death toll passes 40,000; over 92,000 injured – Day 312
    2K Gazan babies killed; new Israeli settlement; Hatch Act; Columbia president Minouche Shafik resigns; NY mask ban targets Palestine protests
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 23938 مشاهدة
  • 70 Israeli special forces, American mercenaries neutralized by Yemen during infiltration operation - Col. Douglas Macgregor
    Colonel Douglas MacGregor
    FILE: Colonel Douglas MacGregor
    Technology changes war, and when it changes, those who struggle to adapt will suffer.
    Col Macgregor reports that an attempt to infiltrate Yemen resulted in a complete disaster courtesy of Russian satellite technology.

    Andrew Napolitano: Colonel was there recently some military activity by the Houthies which resulted in about 70 deaths of IDF and some American contractors about which you can tell us?

    Col. Douglas Macgregor: Well, I can tell you only what I found through open source material. I haven't seen anything classified but I am reliably told that roughly 70 Israeli Special Forces along with some number of Americans, the total number was 70. How many were American mercenaries that joined in this operation, I don't know what the exact breakdown was, but it was obviously mostly Israeli. They infiltrated successfully into Yemen, but they were tracked from the moment they infiltrated by overhead satellites, presumably Russian, and the Russians provided this information to the Iranians who immediately telegraphed it to the Houthis. Whatever you say about the Houthis, they're tough hombres on the battlefield.

    They set up an ambush and they killed all of them, and there is footage of the dead. I haven't had a chance to examine it carefully, clearly most of it's Israeli, but there are some indisputably some American mercenaries, there may be some Brits mixed into it who are also employees of the same contract firm now.

    This is something very important for everybody listening to understand: persistent surveillance today changes everything in warfare. It not only enables precision strike on a scale that has never been the case in the past, it makes it impossible for forces to infiltrate into regions without being discovered.

    We can't know yet if this report is true or not. But there are four reasons it is credible:
    Yemen successfully denied the Red Sea to the US Navy earlier this year.
    The US Navy wants to put its four aircraft carriers in the Middle East in position to support Israeli efforts in the region, but is endangered by Yemeni land-to-sea strike abilities.
    Taking out the coastal missile batteries using air strikes has failed.
    An infantry infiltration was the only remaining option for eliminating Yemeni land-to-sea capabilities.

    So, the fact that the IDF and some US special forces are reported to have attempted the obvious solution to the problem makes sense.

    Comment: Clearly these special forces overestimated themselves, and underestimated Ansra Allah (yet again).

    However, I fail to see how this puts Israel on the ropes in any way; the denial of the Red Sea was already an accomplished fact and despite decades of claims to the contrary, Iran is observably not in any particular hurry to start a full-scale war with Israel.

    Speaking of technology and war, I highly recommend Martin van Creveld's work on the matter. It's an excellent and informative book.

    70 Israeli special forces, American mercenaries neutralized by Yemen during infiltration operation - Col. Douglas Macgregor Colonel Douglas MacGregor FILE: Colonel Douglas MacGregor Technology changes war, and when it changes, those who struggle to adapt will suffer. Col Macgregor reports that an attempt to infiltrate Yemen resulted in a complete disaster courtesy of Russian satellite technology. Andrew Napolitano: Colonel was there recently some military activity by the Houthies which resulted in about 70 deaths of IDF and some American contractors about which you can tell us? Col. Douglas Macgregor: Well, I can tell you only what I found through open source material. I haven't seen anything classified but I am reliably told that roughly 70 Israeli Special Forces along with some number of Americans, the total number was 70. How many were American mercenaries that joined in this operation, I don't know what the exact breakdown was, but it was obviously mostly Israeli. They infiltrated successfully into Yemen, but they were tracked from the moment they infiltrated by overhead satellites, presumably Russian, and the Russians provided this information to the Iranians who immediately telegraphed it to the Houthis. Whatever you say about the Houthis, they're tough hombres on the battlefield. They set up an ambush and they killed all of them, and there is footage of the dead. I haven't had a chance to examine it carefully, clearly most of it's Israeli, but there are some indisputably some American mercenaries, there may be some Brits mixed into it who are also employees of the same contract firm now. This is something very important for everybody listening to understand: persistent surveillance today changes everything in warfare. It not only enables precision strike on a scale that has never been the case in the past, it makes it impossible for forces to infiltrate into regions without being discovered. We can't know yet if this report is true or not. But there are four reasons it is credible: Yemen successfully denied the Red Sea to the US Navy earlier this year. The US Navy wants to put its four aircraft carriers in the Middle East in position to support Israeli efforts in the region, but is endangered by Yemeni land-to-sea strike abilities. Taking out the coastal missile batteries using air strikes has failed. An infantry infiltration was the only remaining option for eliminating Yemeni land-to-sea capabilities. So, the fact that the IDF and some US special forces are reported to have attempted the obvious solution to the problem makes sense. Comment: Clearly these special forces overestimated themselves, and underestimated Ansra Allah (yet again). However, I fail to see how this puts Israel on the ropes in any way; the denial of the Red Sea was already an accomplished fact and despite decades of claims to the contrary, Iran is observably not in any particular hurry to start a full-scale war with Israel. Speaking of technology and war, I highly recommend Martin van Creveld's work on the matter. It's an excellent and informative book. https://www.sott.net/article/493819-70-Israeli-special-forces-American-mercenaries-neutralized-by-Yemen-during-infiltration-operation-Col-Douglas-Macgregor
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 3539 مشاهدة
  • Israeli strike on Gaza school kills more than 100 people as they pray – Day 307
    [email protected] August 10, 2024 anti-boycott legislation, ben gvir, gaza school bombing, military aid to israel, netzah yehuda, palestinian journalists killed, polio, sexual violence, torture, war crime
    Palestinians inspect the destroyed building after an Israeli attack at the Et-Tabiin school where displaced people took shelter in the Ed-Deraj neighborhood in Gaza City, Gaza on August 10, 2024. [Mahmoud İssa – Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    Israel drops 6,000 pounds of bombs on Gaza school; US poised to send Israel $3.5 billion, including to extremist battalion; two more journalists killed; waiting for “inevitable” polio outbreak as Israel blocks vaccines; new possible war crime revealed; more displacement; water and sanitation systems in shambles; more on Israeli torture of Palestinian prisoners – as Biden admin shrugs; Israeli alleged rapist calls for support;

    yet another anti-boycott bill introduced in Senate;


    By IAK staff, from reports.

    Israeli strike on Gaza school kills more than 100 people

    Al Jazeera reports: More than 100 Palestinians have been killed and dozens wounded in an Israeli strike on a school sheltering displaced people in Gaza City, according to officials in the enclave.

    Three Israeli bombs hit al-Tabin school, located in the Daraj district, Gaza’s civil defense agency said of the attack on Saturday, which it described as a “horrific massacre”.

    Women, children and the elderly are reported to be among the dead and the toll was expected to rise. The attack took place while people were performing morning prayers and triggered a fire that ripped through the building.

    Ismail al-Thawabta, the head of Gaza’s Government Media Office, told Al Jazeera that the Israeli army used three bombs weighing 2,000 pounds (907kg) each in its attack.

    Without providing evidence, the Israeli military said that it had intelligence indicating there were 20 Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters, including senior commanders, operating from the school.

    Israeli forces have repeatedly attacked schools used as shelters in Gaza, claiming they are command centers for Hamas, the Palestinian group that governs the territory, to hide fighters and manufacture weapons.

    Mahmoud Basal, a spokesman for the civil defense agency, said: “The school area is strewn with dead bodies and body parts. It is very difficult for paramedics to identify a whole dead body. There’s an arm here, a leg there. Bodies are ripped to pieces.”

    Al Jazeera’s Mahmoud said among those killed were survivors of attacks in different evacuation centers over the last 10 days.

    MIDDLE EAST EYE ADDS: The civil defense said the strikes targeted two floors of the school, with the first striking an area inhabited by displaced women, and the second hitting the ground floor area which was used as a prayer hall.

    As rape charges multiply, US to release $3.5 billion in military assistance for Israel

    AntiWar reports: The State Department is set to release $3.5 billion in Foreign Military Financing to Israel. The massive transfer of funds comes as the White House is asking Israel to investigate claims of rape in its detention centers for Palestinians.

    CNN reported speaking with multiple officials who confirmed the funds will be released. The money was allocated by Congress in the $95 billion foreign military aid bill that included $61 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel.

    Foreign Military Financing (FMF) is a State Department program that gives US taxpayer dollars to foreign governments to purchase weapons from American arms dealers. However, Tel Aviv is allowed to use some of the FMF funds on Israeli-made weapons.

    As the funds are used to contract with arms deals, the weapons are typically not delivered immediately.

    Israel is heavily dependent on the US to arm its military, giving Washington significant leverage over Tel Aviv. Over the ten-month Israeli onslaught in Gaza, the White House has resisted domestic pressure to condition arm sales to Israel.

    The release of funds will likely be viewed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a green light for Israel to continue its brutal treatment of the Palestinians.

    AL JAZEERA ADDS: The new funds for Israel to spend on US weapons and military supplies come from a supplemental funding bill of $14.5bn that was passed by Congress in April and has been announced as criticism of Israel grows over the killings of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

    Part of the new military aid will also go to an Israeli army unit, which has been accused of carrying out serious human rights violations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and which had faced sanctions amid an investigation by US authorities into its abuses.

    RECOMMENDED READING: To continue the Gaza genocide, Israel and the US must destroy the laws of war.

    A Palestinian woman, Miada Abu Anza takes shelter with her five children in a UN school in Khan Younis on August 6, 2024 [Doaa Albaz/Anadolu]
    A Palestinian woman, Miada Abu Anza takes shelter with her five children in a UN school in Khan Younis on August 6, 2024 [Doaa Albaz/Anadolu] (photo)
    US declares controversial Israeli battalion eligible for assistance

    Al Jazeera reports: The United States has announced that Netzah Yehuda, a controversial Israeli battalion notorious among Palestinians for repressive activities in the occupied West Bank, is eligible for US military assistance.

    The administration of President Joe Biden had considered blocking the battalion from receiving US assistance amid reports of involvement in human rights violations, but Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Friday that such abuses had been “effectively remediated”.

    Under federal regulations known as the Leahy Law, the US is required to cut off assistance to military units involved in gross violations of human rights, but critics say that the US has long failed to apply the rule to Israel.

    In a column for the legal forum Just Security, Charles Blaha, who directed the office of the State Department tasked with enforcing the Leahy Law from 2016 to 2023, said, “The decision [to fund Netzah Yehuda] strongly suggests that the US position is likely a result, in significant part, of pressure by Prime Minister Netanyahu.

    “Months ago, when news broke that the State Department was considering Netzah Yehuda for ineligibility, Netanyahu expressed outrage and vowed to oppose application of the law,” the column reads.

    “Against that backdrop, the Secretary’s decision sends a terrible message to Israel and others: that pressure on US officials works, and that Israel is essentially de facto exempt from US law.”

    ELSEWHERE: The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) says the US secretary of state has “knowingly violated US law by backtracking” on plans to sanction the Netzah Yehuda battalion over rights abuse allegations.

    The Israeli military unit “has clearly committed gross human rights violations using US weapons”, CAIR Deputy Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell said in a statement.

    “Secretary Blinken’s cowardly, morally reprehensible and blatantly illegal decision confirms what numerous State Department whistleblowers have said: he is disregarding the conclusions of career diplomats, as well as experts on federal and international law,” Mitchell said.

    RECOMMENDED READING: Inside Netzah Yehuda Battalion, Israel’s army unit bracing for US sanctions

    Israeli soldiers of the Netzah Yehuda Battalion hold morning prayers as they take part in their annual unit training in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, near the Syrian border, May 19, 2014. — MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP via Getty Images
    Israeli soldiers of the Netzah Yehuda Battalion hold morning prayers as they take part in their annual unit training in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, near the Syrian border, May 19, 2014. — MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP via Getty Images (photo)
    Two more journalists killed in Gaza

    Al Jazeera reports: Gaza’s government media office has identified the latest journalist fatalities as:

    Tamim Abu Muammar, who worked for Palestine TV.
    Abdullah Maher al-Suwaisi, who worked for al-Aqsa news channel.
    This brings the total number of journalists killed in Gaza since the start of Israel’s assault on the besieged enclave to 168, the office said.

    “The media office strongly condemns the targeting and killing of Palestinian journalists by the Israeli occupation,” it said in a statement. The number of journalists killed since October 7th is now 168.

    Polio outbreak in Gaza ‘inevitable’ and a matter of ‘days or weeks’: Experts

    Andalou Agency reports: Warnings of an imminent polio outbreak in Gaza are growing as Israel shows no signs of either ending its deadly assault on the devastated Palestinian enclave or lifting a crippling blockade on essential supplies.

    Gaza’s Health Ministry declared the Palestinian territory a “polio epidemic zone” on July 30 after samples of the virus were detected in wastewater, triggering fears of a resurgence of a disease eradicated from the region over 25 years ago.

    With millions of displaced Palestinians living in appalling conditions with no healthcare facilities or even basic medical supplies, experts see an outbreak of the viral disease as “inevitable.”

    “We’re expecting a polio outbreak in the next number of days or weeks,” Francis Hughes, Gaza Response Director for global humanitarian agency CARE International, told Anadolu.

    Polio is a particular threat to children under age 5 and especially infants less than 2 years old. The virus attacks the nervous system, leading to spinal and respiratory paralysis, and can prove fatal.

    ELSEWHERE: The Palestinian Health Ministry accused Israel on 7 August of preventing the entry of over a million desperately needed polio vaccines into the Gaza Strip.

    “The Gaza Strip needs 1.3 million doses of polio vaccine … Israel is still refusing to allow vaccines into the Strip,” said Musa Abed, Director of Health Care at the ministry.

    HRW: Pregnant woman among seven killed in possible Israeli ‘war crime’

    Human Rights Watch reports: In its latest report, Human Rights Watch documented an incident on 21 December in which Israeli forces stormed a home in Gaza City, “throwing grenades inside and opening fire on a room where a civilian family was sheltering”.

    The organization said the attack killed seven people, including a pregnant woman, and severely injured two, including a five-year-old.

    “Witnesses also allege that Israeli forces shot a blind 73-year-old man after securing the building and forcing all other family members out,” the report read.

    “The incident should be investigated as a possible war crime, and forces involved should be held accountable.”

    Belkis Wille, the associate crisis, conflict and arms director at Human Rights Watch, said: “There is no excuse for soldiers storming into a home full of civilians and firing without precaution. They decimated a Palestinian family and orphaned a small child who may never be able to walk again.”

    Wille added that “this incident highlights the deadly cost of Israeli forces’ failure to safeguard, and in some cases to apparently target civilian lives in Gaza, including children”.

    Israel targets shelter schools in systematic forced evacuation of the displaced people of Gaza

    Euro-Med Monitor reports: The Israeli army is increasingly targeting schools that provide shelter for the displaced population in Gaza City, killing and wounding hundreds of them in the process. It has also issued orders for the illegal forced evacuation of Gaza from the north to the south, in a systematic effort fueled by revenge to drive residents from their homes and places of displacement and rob them of any stability.

    In just eight days, Israeli aircraft attacked nine schools in Gaza City that served as shelters for thousands of displaced people. They destroyed the schools above the heads of the occupants, killing 79 Palestinians and injuring 143 more—mostly women and children—in addition to several other victims who were buried beneath the rubble and could not be retrieved due to the lack of the necessary tools.

    (Read the full article here.)

    Palestinians mourn after an Israeli attack at the Et-Tabiin school where displaced people took shelter in the Ed-Deraj neighborhood in Gaza City, Gaza on August 10, 2024. [Dawoud Abo Alkas – Anadolu Agency]
    Palestinians mourn after an Israeli attack at the Et-Tabiin school where displaced people took shelter in the Ed-Deraj neighborhood in Gaza City, Gaza on August 10, 2024. [Dawoud Abo Alkas – Anadolu Agency] (photo)
    As many as 70,000 Palestinians displaced from Khan Younis

    The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) says an estimated 60,000 to 70,000 people have been forced to flee the southern Gaza city towards al-Mawasi since Thursday.

    “Displacement continues for thousands of families across Gaza,” UNRWA said.

    “People in Gaza are exhausted, and they have nowhere to go.”

    Aftermath of an Israeli bombing of a tent near the al-Mazra’a School, east of Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, August 9.
    Aftermath of an Israeli bombing of a tent near the al-Mazra’a School, east of Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, August 9. (screengrab)
    Gaza’s water, sanitation, and hygiene systems in shambles, at high risk of flooding

    OCHA reports: Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Cluster partners are ramping up preparedness actions for the winter season, with a particular focus on flood risks, amid severe shortages of essential WASH supplies and widespread damage to WASH infrastructure, including the stormwater drainage system.

    Already before the war, approximately 180 locations across Gaza were identified as being at high-risk of flooding and the stormwater drainage network was deemed inadequate.

    The situation is estimated to have significantly deteriorated due to extensive damage to wastewater networks, storm drainage and canals, combined with blockages caused by debris and rubbish.

    In heavily affected areas such as Khan Younis, where over 80 per cent of infrastructure has been assessed as compromised, there is already significant clogging and flooding, and raw sewage is accumulating in streets and at IDP sites, particularly in areas where there is a high concentration of people such as Al Mawasi.

    During the rainy season, this deterioration poses a dual threat of increased flooding and water source contamination, which could lead to serious public health risks, the WASH Cluster warned.

    Water in Jabaliya is hard to come by and mixed with sewage. Here, people wait for hours and receive just one gallon of contaminated water.
    Water in Jabaliya is hard to come by and mixed with sewage. Here, people wait for hours and receive just one gallon of contaminated water. (screenshot)
    Israeli minister Ben-Gvir extends visitor ban for Palestinian prisoners

    Al Jazeera reports: National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has signed an order banning all visits to Palestinian prisoners for another month, extending a ban that has been in place since Israel launched its war on Gaza.

    In a post on social media, Ben-Gvir said: “The damned terrorists deserve the minimum provided by law”.

    “This is how I act and this is how I will continue to act,” he wrote.

    Palestinian prisoners, thousands of whom are held without charge or trial, have not received visits since October 2023, according to reports, as Ben-Gvir has extended his ban on visits for 10 consecutive months.

    Itamar Ben-Gvir was among the demonstrators at Sde Teiman protesting the detention of soldiers for allegedly raping a Palestinian prisoner. He called them the “best heroes” and described their arrests as “shameful”.

    NOTE: Israel is currently holding nearly 10,000 Palestinian prisoners in inhumane conditions where many are systematically tortured – 250 of them are children, 86 are women, and over 3,400 are administrative detainees – being held without charge or trial. Administrative detention is intended to be used only in “exceptional” circumstances, but Israel uses it widely. Read more here.

    Video of sexual abuse at Israeli prison is just latest evidence that Sde Teiman is a torture site

    The Intercept reports: As early as the first month of Israel’s war on Gaza, Sde Teiman, a secretive Israeli military prison in the Negev desert, had been raising alarm bells for Israeli human rights attorney Roni Pelli and other rights advocates.

    Pelli and her colleagues started to hear reports from whistleblowers about poor conditions for Palestinians imprisoned inside Sde Teiman. They heard of instances of violence committed by soldiers against detained Palestinians, and, in one case, a Palestinian who died there.

    Since then, media reports about the prison have mounted. A CNN investigation in May revealed that Palestinian detainees were restrained, beaten, and blindfolded; wounded Palestinians were strapped down onto beds, forced to wear diapers, and fed through straws; and prisoners’ limbs were amputated due to untreated wounds from restraints, and such operations took place without anesthesia.

    Later in May, an Intercept investigation found that hundreds of Palestinian doctors have disappeared into Israeli detention. A month later, a separate report from Haaretz revealed the Israel Defense Forces were investigating 48 deaths of Palestinians from Gaza who were in Israeli custody, among them 36 who were detained at Sde Teiman. Israeli media began to refer to the prison as “Israel’s Guantánamo Bay.”

    The U.S. State Department only commented on Sde Teiman when pressed by reporters after the release of the CNN report. In May, Vedant Patel, deputy spokesperson for the department, said “we’re looking into these and other allegations of abuse against Palestinians in detention.” He added that the U.S. had been “clear and consistent with any country, including Israel, that it must treat all detainees humanely, with dignity, in accordance with international law, and it must respect detainees’ human rights.”

    He then claimed the U.S. had asked the Israeli government to investigate the claims itself.

    (Read the full article here.)

    NOTE: This US State Dept response is typical after allegations are made against Israel: framing the issue as a hypothetical while refusing to acknowledge the facts as presented by multiple human rights organizations – and ignoring the fact that Israel is incapable of investigating its own crimes.

    Israel’s self-investigations consistently whitewash its crimes and fail to appropriately punish the perpetrators. Israeli sources, including the government itself, have a long track record of lying (for example, this and this and this.)

    A leaked video showing Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting a Palestinian detainee from Gaza has emerged. (Photo: video grab)
    A leaked video showing Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting a Palestinian detainee from Gaza has emerged. (Photo: video grab) (photo)
    Israeli soldier, accused of raping a Palestinian prisoner, reveals his identity

    A masked Israeli soldier, accused of participating in the rape of a Palestinian prisoner, revealed his identity in a video, appealing for support from the Israeli public.

    Republican senators introduce bill banning boycotts of Israel

    Middle East Eye reports: Twelve Republican US senators have introduced the Countering Hate Against Israel by Federal Contractors (Chai) Act, which would prohibit federal contracts with entities that boycott Israel.

    The lead sponsor, Senator Jim Risch of Idaho, said in a press release that “businesses who boycott Israel only seek to normalise antisemitism”.

    His move follows the same bill’s introduction in the House of Representatives in July of last year, sponsored by Republican Representative Claudia Tenney. The Chai bill remains in the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, pending a vote.

    Risch previously wrote an opinion article in The Washington Times arguing that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (Unrwa) should be disbanded.

    In February this year, the House also passed the IGO Anti-Boycott Act, which prohibits US citizens from participating in boycotts organised by any “international governmental organisation” against US allies.


    IMEMC Daily Reports.

    Mondoweiss: End Israel’s system of economic apartheid in Palestine


    Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 9: at least 40,406* (39,790 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.]

    This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 616 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths.

    Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

    Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.

    At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
    At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
    About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
    2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.
    Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 9: at least 97,422 (including at least 92,002 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

    Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 9: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

    Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

    NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

    *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

    Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals.

    † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

    Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

    Hover over each bar for exact numbers.
    Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org

    Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated)
    Why the West Bank is on the verge of economic collapse
    Netanyahu’s plan to involve US in regional war on its behalf
    Western media continue to withhold the truth about Israel and Gaza – 4 stories
    “Well What SHOULD Israel Have Done After October 7?”
    Welcome to Hell
    More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own
    U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal
    Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West
    Searching for Gaza’s missing children
    What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million?
    Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor
    When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’
    Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war
    Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct
    US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington
    Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video)
    Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience
    Gaza genocide denial
    Why the news media’s job is to groom us
    ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children
    Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC
    Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans
    Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza
    Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways

    Israeli strike on Gaza school kills more than 100 people as they pray – Day 307 [email protected] August 10, 2024 anti-boycott legislation, ben gvir, gaza school bombing, military aid to israel, netzah yehuda, palestinian journalists killed, polio, sexual violence, torture, war crime Palestinians inspect the destroyed building after an Israeli attack at the Et-Tabiin school where displaced people took shelter in the Ed-Deraj neighborhood in Gaza City, Gaza on August 10, 2024. [Mahmoud İssa – Anadolu Agency] (photo) Israel drops 6,000 pounds of bombs on Gaza school; US poised to send Israel $3.5 billion, including to extremist battalion; two more journalists killed; waiting for “inevitable” polio outbreak as Israel blocks vaccines; new possible war crime revealed; more displacement; water and sanitation systems in shambles; more on Israeli torture of Palestinian prisoners – as Biden admin shrugs; Israeli alleged rapist calls for support; yet another anti-boycott bill introduced in Senate; more. By IAK staff, from reports. Israeli strike on Gaza school kills more than 100 people Al Jazeera reports: More than 100 Palestinians have been killed and dozens wounded in an Israeli strike on a school sheltering displaced people in Gaza City, according to officials in the enclave. Three Israeli bombs hit al-Tabin school, located in the Daraj district, Gaza’s civil defense agency said of the attack on Saturday, which it described as a “horrific massacre”. Women, children and the elderly are reported to be among the dead and the toll was expected to rise. The attack took place while people were performing morning prayers and triggered a fire that ripped through the building. Ismail al-Thawabta, the head of Gaza’s Government Media Office, told Al Jazeera that the Israeli army used three bombs weighing 2,000 pounds (907kg) each in its attack. Without providing evidence, the Israeli military said that it had intelligence indicating there were 20 Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters, including senior commanders, operating from the school. Israeli forces have repeatedly attacked schools used as shelters in Gaza, claiming they are command centers for Hamas, the Palestinian group that governs the territory, to hide fighters and manufacture weapons. Mahmoud Basal, a spokesman for the civil defense agency, said: “The school area is strewn with dead bodies and body parts. It is very difficult for paramedics to identify a whole dead body. There’s an arm here, a leg there. Bodies are ripped to pieces.” Al Jazeera’s Mahmoud said among those killed were survivors of attacks in different evacuation centers over the last 10 days. MIDDLE EAST EYE ADDS: The civil defense said the strikes targeted two floors of the school, with the first striking an area inhabited by displaced women, and the second hitting the ground floor area which was used as a prayer hall. As rape charges multiply, US to release $3.5 billion in military assistance for Israel AntiWar reports: The State Department is set to release $3.5 billion in Foreign Military Financing to Israel. The massive transfer of funds comes as the White House is asking Israel to investigate claims of rape in its detention centers for Palestinians. CNN reported speaking with multiple officials who confirmed the funds will be released. The money was allocated by Congress in the $95 billion foreign military aid bill that included $61 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel. Foreign Military Financing (FMF) is a State Department program that gives US taxpayer dollars to foreign governments to purchase weapons from American arms dealers. However, Tel Aviv is allowed to use some of the FMF funds on Israeli-made weapons. As the funds are used to contract with arms deals, the weapons are typically not delivered immediately. Israel is heavily dependent on the US to arm its military, giving Washington significant leverage over Tel Aviv. Over the ten-month Israeli onslaught in Gaza, the White House has resisted domestic pressure to condition arm sales to Israel. The release of funds will likely be viewed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a green light for Israel to continue its brutal treatment of the Palestinians. AL JAZEERA ADDS: The new funds for Israel to spend on US weapons and military supplies come from a supplemental funding bill of $14.5bn that was passed by Congress in April and has been announced as criticism of Israel grows over the killings of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Part of the new military aid will also go to an Israeli army unit, which has been accused of carrying out serious human rights violations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and which had faced sanctions amid an investigation by US authorities into its abuses. RECOMMENDED READING: To continue the Gaza genocide, Israel and the US must destroy the laws of war. A Palestinian woman, Miada Abu Anza takes shelter with her five children in a UN school in Khan Younis on August 6, 2024 [Doaa Albaz/Anadolu] A Palestinian woman, Miada Abu Anza takes shelter with her five children in a UN school in Khan Younis on August 6, 2024 [Doaa Albaz/Anadolu] (photo) US declares controversial Israeli battalion eligible for assistance Al Jazeera reports: The United States has announced that Netzah Yehuda, a controversial Israeli battalion notorious among Palestinians for repressive activities in the occupied West Bank, is eligible for US military assistance. The administration of President Joe Biden had considered blocking the battalion from receiving US assistance amid reports of involvement in human rights violations, but Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Friday that such abuses had been “effectively remediated”. Under federal regulations known as the Leahy Law, the US is required to cut off assistance to military units involved in gross violations of human rights, but critics say that the US has long failed to apply the rule to Israel. In a column for the legal forum Just Security, Charles Blaha, who directed the office of the State Department tasked with enforcing the Leahy Law from 2016 to 2023, said, “The decision [to fund Netzah Yehuda] strongly suggests that the US position is likely a result, in significant part, of pressure by Prime Minister Netanyahu. “Months ago, when news broke that the State Department was considering Netzah Yehuda for ineligibility, Netanyahu expressed outrage and vowed to oppose application of the law,” the column reads. “Against that backdrop, the Secretary’s decision sends a terrible message to Israel and others: that pressure on US officials works, and that Israel is essentially de facto exempt from US law.” ELSEWHERE: The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) says the US secretary of state has “knowingly violated US law by backtracking” on plans to sanction the Netzah Yehuda battalion over rights abuse allegations. The Israeli military unit “has clearly committed gross human rights violations using US weapons”, CAIR Deputy Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell said in a statement. “Secretary Blinken’s cowardly, morally reprehensible and blatantly illegal decision confirms what numerous State Department whistleblowers have said: he is disregarding the conclusions of career diplomats, as well as experts on federal and international law,” Mitchell said. RECOMMENDED READING: Inside Netzah Yehuda Battalion, Israel’s army unit bracing for US sanctions Israeli soldiers of the Netzah Yehuda Battalion hold morning prayers as they take part in their annual unit training in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, near the Syrian border, May 19, 2014. — MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP via Getty Images Israeli soldiers of the Netzah Yehuda Battalion hold morning prayers as they take part in their annual unit training in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, near the Syrian border, May 19, 2014. — MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP via Getty Images (photo) Two more journalists killed in Gaza Al Jazeera reports: Gaza’s government media office has identified the latest journalist fatalities as: Tamim Abu Muammar, who worked for Palestine TV. Abdullah Maher al-Suwaisi, who worked for al-Aqsa news channel. This brings the total number of journalists killed in Gaza since the start of Israel’s assault on the besieged enclave to 168, the office said. “The media office strongly condemns the targeting and killing of Palestinian journalists by the Israeli occupation,” it said in a statement. The number of journalists killed since October 7th is now 168. Polio outbreak in Gaza ‘inevitable’ and a matter of ‘days or weeks’: Experts Andalou Agency reports: Warnings of an imminent polio outbreak in Gaza are growing as Israel shows no signs of either ending its deadly assault on the devastated Palestinian enclave or lifting a crippling blockade on essential supplies. Gaza’s Health Ministry declared the Palestinian territory a “polio epidemic zone” on July 30 after samples of the virus were detected in wastewater, triggering fears of a resurgence of a disease eradicated from the region over 25 years ago. With millions of displaced Palestinians living in appalling conditions with no healthcare facilities or even basic medical supplies, experts see an outbreak of the viral disease as “inevitable.” “We’re expecting a polio outbreak in the next number of days or weeks,” Francis Hughes, Gaza Response Director for global humanitarian agency CARE International, told Anadolu. Polio is a particular threat to children under age 5 and especially infants less than 2 years old. The virus attacks the nervous system, leading to spinal and respiratory paralysis, and can prove fatal. ELSEWHERE: The Palestinian Health Ministry accused Israel on 7 August of preventing the entry of over a million desperately needed polio vaccines into the Gaza Strip. “The Gaza Strip needs 1.3 million doses of polio vaccine … Israel is still refusing to allow vaccines into the Strip,” said Musa Abed, Director of Health Care at the ministry. HRW: Pregnant woman among seven killed in possible Israeli ‘war crime’ Human Rights Watch reports: In its latest report, Human Rights Watch documented an incident on 21 December in which Israeli forces stormed a home in Gaza City, “throwing grenades inside and opening fire on a room where a civilian family was sheltering”. The organization said the attack killed seven people, including a pregnant woman, and severely injured two, including a five-year-old. “Witnesses also allege that Israeli forces shot a blind 73-year-old man after securing the building and forcing all other family members out,” the report read. “The incident should be investigated as a possible war crime, and forces involved should be held accountable.” Belkis Wille, the associate crisis, conflict and arms director at Human Rights Watch, said: “There is no excuse for soldiers storming into a home full of civilians and firing without precaution. They decimated a Palestinian family and orphaned a small child who may never be able to walk again.” Wille added that “this incident highlights the deadly cost of Israeli forces’ failure to safeguard, and in some cases to apparently target civilian lives in Gaza, including children”. Israel targets shelter schools in systematic forced evacuation of the displaced people of Gaza Euro-Med Monitor reports: The Israeli army is increasingly targeting schools that provide shelter for the displaced population in Gaza City, killing and wounding hundreds of them in the process. It has also issued orders for the illegal forced evacuation of Gaza from the north to the south, in a systematic effort fueled by revenge to drive residents from their homes and places of displacement and rob them of any stability. In just eight days, Israeli aircraft attacked nine schools in Gaza City that served as shelters for thousands of displaced people. They destroyed the schools above the heads of the occupants, killing 79 Palestinians and injuring 143 more—mostly women and children—in addition to several other victims who were buried beneath the rubble and could not be retrieved due to the lack of the necessary tools. (Read the full article here.) Palestinians mourn after an Israeli attack at the Et-Tabiin school where displaced people took shelter in the Ed-Deraj neighborhood in Gaza City, Gaza on August 10, 2024. [Dawoud Abo Alkas – Anadolu Agency] Palestinians mourn after an Israeli attack at the Et-Tabiin school where displaced people took shelter in the Ed-Deraj neighborhood in Gaza City, Gaza on August 10, 2024. [Dawoud Abo Alkas – Anadolu Agency] (photo) As many as 70,000 Palestinians displaced from Khan Younis The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) says an estimated 60,000 to 70,000 people have been forced to flee the southern Gaza city towards al-Mawasi since Thursday. “Displacement continues for thousands of families across Gaza,” UNRWA said. “People in Gaza are exhausted, and they have nowhere to go.” Aftermath of an Israeli bombing of a tent near the al-Mazra’a School, east of Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, August 9. Aftermath of an Israeli bombing of a tent near the al-Mazra’a School, east of Deir el-Balah in central Gaza, August 9. (screengrab) Gaza’s water, sanitation, and hygiene systems in shambles, at high risk of flooding OCHA reports: Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Cluster partners are ramping up preparedness actions for the winter season, with a particular focus on flood risks, amid severe shortages of essential WASH supplies and widespread damage to WASH infrastructure, including the stormwater drainage system. Already before the war, approximately 180 locations across Gaza were identified as being at high-risk of flooding and the stormwater drainage network was deemed inadequate. The situation is estimated to have significantly deteriorated due to extensive damage to wastewater networks, storm drainage and canals, combined with blockages caused by debris and rubbish. In heavily affected areas such as Khan Younis, where over 80 per cent of infrastructure has been assessed as compromised, there is already significant clogging and flooding, and raw sewage is accumulating in streets and at IDP sites, particularly in areas where there is a high concentration of people such as Al Mawasi. During the rainy season, this deterioration poses a dual threat of increased flooding and water source contamination, which could lead to serious public health risks, the WASH Cluster warned. Water in Jabaliya is hard to come by and mixed with sewage. Here, people wait for hours and receive just one gallon of contaminated water. Water in Jabaliya is hard to come by and mixed with sewage. Here, people wait for hours and receive just one gallon of contaminated water. (screenshot) Israeli minister Ben-Gvir extends visitor ban for Palestinian prisoners Al Jazeera reports: National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has signed an order banning all visits to Palestinian prisoners for another month, extending a ban that has been in place since Israel launched its war on Gaza. In a post on social media, Ben-Gvir said: “The damned terrorists deserve the minimum provided by law”. “This is how I act and this is how I will continue to act,” he wrote. Palestinian prisoners, thousands of whom are held without charge or trial, have not received visits since October 2023, according to reports, as Ben-Gvir has extended his ban on visits for 10 consecutive months. Itamar Ben-Gvir was among the demonstrators at Sde Teiman protesting the detention of soldiers for allegedly raping a Palestinian prisoner. He called them the “best heroes” and described their arrests as “shameful”. NOTE: Israel is currently holding nearly 10,000 Palestinian prisoners in inhumane conditions where many are systematically tortured – 250 of them are children, 86 are women, and over 3,400 are administrative detainees – being held without charge or trial. Administrative detention is intended to be used only in “exceptional” circumstances, but Israel uses it widely. Read more here. Video of sexual abuse at Israeli prison is just latest evidence that Sde Teiman is a torture site The Intercept reports: As early as the first month of Israel’s war on Gaza, Sde Teiman, a secretive Israeli military prison in the Negev desert, had been raising alarm bells for Israeli human rights attorney Roni Pelli and other rights advocates. Pelli and her colleagues started to hear reports from whistleblowers about poor conditions for Palestinians imprisoned inside Sde Teiman. They heard of instances of violence committed by soldiers against detained Palestinians, and, in one case, a Palestinian who died there. Since then, media reports about the prison have mounted. A CNN investigation in May revealed that Palestinian detainees were restrained, beaten, and blindfolded; wounded Palestinians were strapped down onto beds, forced to wear diapers, and fed through straws; and prisoners’ limbs were amputated due to untreated wounds from restraints, and such operations took place without anesthesia. Later in May, an Intercept investigation found that hundreds of Palestinian doctors have disappeared into Israeli detention. A month later, a separate report from Haaretz revealed the Israel Defense Forces were investigating 48 deaths of Palestinians from Gaza who were in Israeli custody, among them 36 who were detained at Sde Teiman. Israeli media began to refer to the prison as “Israel’s Guantánamo Bay.” The U.S. State Department only commented on Sde Teiman when pressed by reporters after the release of the CNN report. In May, Vedant Patel, deputy spokesperson for the department, said “we’re looking into these and other allegations of abuse against Palestinians in detention.” He added that the U.S. had been “clear and consistent with any country, including Israel, that it must treat all detainees humanely, with dignity, in accordance with international law, and it must respect detainees’ human rights.” He then claimed the U.S. had asked the Israeli government to investigate the claims itself. (Read the full article here.) NOTE: This US State Dept response is typical after allegations are made against Israel: framing the issue as a hypothetical while refusing to acknowledge the facts as presented by multiple human rights organizations – and ignoring the fact that Israel is incapable of investigating its own crimes. Israel’s self-investigations consistently whitewash its crimes and fail to appropriately punish the perpetrators. Israeli sources, including the government itself, have a long track record of lying (for example, this and this and this.) A leaked video showing Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting a Palestinian detainee from Gaza has emerged. (Photo: video grab) A leaked video showing Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting a Palestinian detainee from Gaza has emerged. (Photo: video grab) (photo) Israeli soldier, accused of raping a Palestinian prisoner, reveals his identity A masked Israeli soldier, accused of participating in the rape of a Palestinian prisoner, revealed his identity in a video, appealing for support from the Israeli public. Republican senators introduce bill banning boycotts of Israel Middle East Eye reports: Twelve Republican US senators have introduced the Countering Hate Against Israel by Federal Contractors (Chai) Act, which would prohibit federal contracts with entities that boycott Israel. The lead sponsor, Senator Jim Risch of Idaho, said in a press release that “businesses who boycott Israel only seek to normalise antisemitism”. His move follows the same bill’s introduction in the House of Representatives in July of last year, sponsored by Republican Representative Claudia Tenney. The Chai bill remains in the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, pending a vote. Risch previously wrote an opinion article in The Washington Times arguing that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (Unrwa) should be disbanded. In February this year, the House also passed the IGO Anti-Boycott Act, which prohibits US citizens from participating in boycotts organised by any “international governmental organisation” against US allies. MORE NEWS: IMEMC Daily Reports. Mondoweiss: End Israel’s system of economic apartheid in Palestine STATISTICS OCTOBER 7 – AUGUST 9: Palestinian death toll from October 7 – August 9: at least 40,406* (39,790 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 16,251 children as of July 22. [The Ministry’s figures have been contested by the Israeli authorities, although they have been accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services, the UN, and WHO. These data are supported by independent analyses, comparing changes in the number of deaths of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff with those reported by the Ministry, which found claims of data fabrication implausible.] This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 616 in the West Bank (~140 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 46,848 Palestinian deaths. Lancet: “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death9 to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Ralph Nader earlier estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank). At least 41 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**. About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced. 2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity. Palestinian injuries from October 7 – August 9: at least 97,422 (including at least 92,002 in Gaza and 5,420 in the West Bank, including 830 children). [It remains unknown how man Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.] Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – August 9: ~1,486 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 331 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured. Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%. NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers. *Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.** Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. † For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics. Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here. Hover over each bar for exact numbers. Source: IsraelPalestineTimeline.org Human rights reports on Israel-Palestine (regularly updated) Why the West Bank is on the verge of economic collapse Netanyahu’s plan to involve US in regional war on its behalf Western media continue to withhold the truth about Israel and Gaza – 4 stories “Well What SHOULD Israel Have Done After October 7?” Welcome to Hell More dead children. More BBC ‘news’ channelling Israeli propaganda as its own U.S. media downplays and ignores ICJ ruling declaring Israeli occupation illegal Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West Searching for Gaza’s missing children What Would You Do With An Extra $320 Million? Assassination of Haniyeh an intentional, dangerous escalation – Parsi, Macgregor When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’ Israel has turbocharged West Bank housing demolitions under the cover of war Western media ignores Israeli confirmation of Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct US Should Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He’s in Washington Airwars investigation: Israeli airstrikes uniquely lethal (video) Hesen Jabr paid the price of conscience Gaza genocide denial Why the news media’s job is to groom us ‘Disappeared, buried, detained’: The horrors of Gaza’s missing children Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the U.S. for Israel partisans Toys, spices, sewing machines: the items Israel banned from entering Gaza Synopsis of ICJ’s decision on Israeli occupation, reactions, and take-aways https://israelpalestinenews.org/israeli-strike-on-gaza-school-kills-more-than-100-people-as-they-pray-day-307/
    Israeli strike on Gaza school kills more than 100 people as they pray – Day 307
    After Gaza massacre, US to send Israel $3.5B in aid; new possible war crime revealed; Israeli alleged rapist calls for support
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  • The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
    Preston James, Ph.DMarch 10, 2022

    DISCLOSURE: This article deals with the very contentious hard public subjects of religion, racism, hate and bigotry. While, VT does NOT support racism, bigotry, violence, or hate speech, we are an open source uncensored journal and support the right of independent writers and commentors to express their voices. Reader discretion is advised.

    What ‘Q’ Would Never Tell You…The Shocking Truth Behind the Conspiracy Theories

    Editor’s Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.

    The present-day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal.

    The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM), and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press.

    It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it.

    It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union.

    At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism, December 1, 2014 — in his Keynote address, VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel. This disclosure sent shock waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes.

    And the shock waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations.

    We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995.

    The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

    by Preston James and Mike Harris

    100-800 AD – an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria:

    Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. During this time, Khazarians became known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

    800 AD – The Ultimatum is delivered by Russia and other surrounding nations:

    The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith.

    The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood, and eating their hearts.

    The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. This was made the national religion of Khazaria and nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for before.

    Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria. Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities — a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship.

    1,200 AD – Russia and the surrounding nations have had enough and take action:

    About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included the kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. The Khazarian king and his inner court of criminals and murderers came to be known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) by neighboring countries.

    The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped while assuming new identities. In secret, they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals and trusted Baal to give them the whole world and all its riches, as they claimed he had promised them, as long as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for him.

    The Khazarian king and his court Mafia plotted eternal revenge against the Russians and the surrounding nations that invaded Khazaria and drove them from power.

    The Khazarian Mafia invades England after being expelled for hundreds of years:

    To accomplish their invasion, they hired Oliver Cromwell to murder King Charles 1, and make England safe for banking again. This began the English Civil Wars which raged for nearly a decade, resulting in the regicide of the royal family and hundreds of the genuine English nobility. This is how the City of London was set up as the banking capital of Europe and launched the beginning of the British Empire.

    From David Icke’s website www.davidicke.com. David Icke was the first ever to courageously expose the Rothschilds publicly in front of hundreds. This, of course, makes him an international hero and we need more with his kind of courage to break open the coverup hiding the Khazarian Mafia and bring an end to their worldwide illegitimate power.[/caption]

    The Khazarian Mafia (KM) decides to infiltrate and hijack all World Banking using Babylonian Black-Magick, also known as Babylonian Money-Magick or the secret art of making money from nothing also using the power of pernicious usury to accumulate interest:

    The KM used their vast fortune to enter into a new system of banking, based on secret Babylonian black-magic money-magic that they claimed to have learned from the evil spirits of Baal, in return for their many child sacrifices to him.

    This Babylonian money-magick involved the substitution of paper credit certificates for gold and silver deposits, which allowed travelers to travel with their money in a form that offered easy replacement should they lose the certificates or have them stolen.

    Interesting how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them. Eventually, the Khazarian king and his small surrounding court infiltrated Germany with a group that chose the name “the Bauers” of Germany to represent them and carry on their Baal-powered system of evil. The Bauers of the Red Shield, which represented their secret blood-based child sacrifices, changed their name to Rothschild (aka “child of the rock, Satan”).

    The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England:

    Bauer/Rothschild had five sons who infiltrated and took over European banking and the City of London Central Banking System through various crafty covert operations, including a false report of Napoleon winning against the British, when actually he lost. This allowed the Rothschilds to use fraud and deception to steal the wealth of the English nobility and the landed gentry, who had made business investments with the City of London Banking institutions.

    The Rothschilds set up a private Fiat banking system that specialized in making counterfeit money from nothing — charging pernicious usury for the British people, using what should have been their own money.

    This was the black art of Babylonian money-magick; they claimed to insiders that such technology and secret money power was provided to them by Baal, because of their frequent child bleeding-out and sacrifices rituals to Baal.

    Once they had infiltrated and hijacked the British banking system, they interbred with the British Royals and infiltrated and completely hijacked all of England and all its major institutions. Some experts believe that the Rothschilds genocided the Royal Family members by staging secretly-managed illicit and adulterous breedings with their own Khazarian men in order to replace the Royals with their own pretenders to the throne.

    Khazarian mafia
    The Khazarian Mafia (KM) wages an international effort to eradicate Kings who rule by the Divine Right of God Almighty:

    Because the KM claims to have a personal partnership with Baal (aka the Devil, Lucifer, Satan) because of their sacrifices to him. They detest any kings who rule under the authority of God Almighty because most feel a responsibility to make sure their own people are protected from infiltrators and treasonous “Enemies within the Gates.”

    In the 1600s, the KM murdered the British Royals and substitute their own fakes. In the 1700s, they murder the French Royals. Right before WWI, they murder, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand to start WW1. In 1917 they assembled their KM army, the Bolsheviks, and infiltrated and hijack Russia, murdered the Czar and his family in cold blood, bayonet his favorite daughter through the chest, and steal all the Russian gold, silver, and art treasures. Right before WW2, they murder the Austrian and German Royals. Then they get rid of the Chinese Royals and disempower the Japanese ruler.

    The Khazarian Mafia’s intense hatred of anyone who professed faith in any God but their god Baal has motivated them to murder kings and royalty and make sure they can never rule. They have done the same with American presidents — running sophisticated covert operations to disempower them.

    If that doesn’t work the KM assassinates them, as they did to McKinley, Lincoln, and JFK. The KM wants to eliminate any strong rulers or elected officials who dare to resist their Babylonian money-magick power or their covert power gained from the deployment of their human compromise network.

    The Rothschilds create international narcotics trafficking on behalf of the KM:

    The Rothschilds then covertly ran the British Empire and crafted an evil plan to recover the vast amounts of gold and silver the British had been paying to China for its high-quality silk and spices that were unavailable anywhere else.

    The Rothschilds, through their international spy network, had heard of Turkish opium and its habit-forming characteristics. They deployed a covert operation to buy Turkish opium and sell it in China, infecting millions with a bad opium habit that brought back gold and silver into the Rothschild coffers, but not to the British People.

    The opium addictions created by Rothschild opium sales to China harmed China so much that China went to war on two occasions to stop it. These wars were known as the Boxer Rebellions or the Opium Wars.

    The money the Rothschilds gained from the sale of opium was so vast that they became even more addicted to the easy money than the opiate addicts were to the opium.

    The Rothschilds were the funding source behind the establishment of the American Colonies, by incorporating the Hudson Bay Company and other trading companies to exploit the New World of the Americas. It was the Rothschilds who ordered the mass extermination and genocide of the indigenous people of North America to allow for the exploitation of the vast natural resources of the continent.

    The Rothschilds also followed the same business template in the Caribbean and in the Asian sub-continent of India, resulting in the murder of millions of innocent people.

    The Rothschilds start the international slave trade, an enterprise that viewed these kidnapped humans as mere animals — a view that the Khazarians would impose on all the people of the world who were not part of their evil circle, which some called the “Old Black Nobility”:

    The Rothschild’s next big project was to start the worldwide slave trade, buying slaves from crooked tribal chiefs in Africa who worked with them to kidnap members of competing tribes for sale as slaves.

    The Rothschild slave traders then took these kidnapped slaves on their ships in cramped cells to America and the Caribbean where they were sold. Many died at sea due to bad conditions.

    The Rothschild bankers learned early on that war was a great way to double their money in a short time by lending money to both warring sides. But in order to be guaranteed collections, they had to get taxation laws passed, which could be used to force payment.

    The KM Rothschild private Fiat Counterfeit Banksters plot eternal revenge against the American Colonists and Russia who assisted them in losing the Revolutionary War:

    When the Rothschilds lost the American Revolution, they blamed the Russian czar and the Russians for assisting the colonists by blockading British Ships.

    They swore eternal revenge on the American colonists, just as they had when the Russians and their allies crushed Khazaria in 1,000 AD.

    The Rothschilds and the English oligarchy that surrounded them plotted ways to retake America, and this became their main obsession.

    Their favored plan is to set up an American central bank, featuring Babylonian money magic and secret counterfeiting.

    The Rothschild KM attempts to retake America in 1812 on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia but fails, once again because of Russian interference:

    This failure enraged the Rothschild KM, and they once again plot eternal revenge against both the Russians and the American colonists and plan to infiltrate and hijack both nations and asset strip, tyrannize, and then mass-murder both nations and their populace.

    The KM’s attempts to set up a private American central bank are blocked by President Andrew Jackson, who called them Satanic and vowed to route them out by the grace and power of Almighty God.

    The Rothschild banksters regroup and continue their covert attempts to install their own Babylonian money-magick bank inside America.

    Finally, in 1913, the Rothschild KM succeeds in establishing a major beachhead inside America — and an evil enemy of all American enter the gates of America:

    In 1913, the Rothschild KM was able to establish a beachhead by bribing crooked, treasonous members of Congress to pass the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve without a required quorum. The Act was then signed by a crooked, bought off President, who was a traitor to America, like the members of Congress who voted for it.

    The Rothschild KM then create an illegal taxation System in America:

    The KM put an illegal, Unconstitutional tax system in place, in order to make sure that Americans would have to pay for high-level USG spending, approved by a bought-off, crooked Congress and Presidential puppets, put in place by corrupt KM campaign finance.

    It is easy for the KM to garner enough money to elect anyone they want because when you control a bank that is a secret major counterfeiter, you have all the money made for you that you desire. At about the same time that they created their illegal tax system in America, they also bribed members of Congress to approve the Internal Revenue Service, which is their private collection agency incorporated in Puerto Rico.

    Soon afterward, they set up the Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect their banksters, to serve their cover-up needs and prevent them from ever being prosecuted for their child sacrifice rituals, pedophile networks; and to also serve as a covert Intel operation on their behalf.

    Note that the FBI has no official charter, according to the Library of Congress, and has no right to exist or issue paychecks.

    The Rothschild KM deployed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia to extract incredibly savage, bloody revenge on innocent Russians, which they had plotted for many years, ever since Khazaria was destroyed:

    The Rothschild KM pre-staged and engineered the Russian Revolution by using its central banks to pay for the Bolshevik infiltration of Russia and their Revolution on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

    The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long-planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder, and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. This little-known fact explains the extreme violence taken out on Russia as long-standing revenge by the Rothschild-controlled Khazarian Mafia (KM).

    In a well-planned savage and inhuman bloodletting that stunned the world, the Bolsheviks were unleashed in full fury on behalf of the KM to gain revenge on the Russians. This had been planned since the destruction of Khazaria.

    The Bolsheviks, at the direction of the Rothschild KM, raped, tortured and mass-murdered approximately 100 million Russians, including women, children, and infants. Some of the torture and bloodletting were so extreme, we are not going to mention it here in this article.

    But readers who want to know can do some in-depth internet research on the “Red Terror” or the “Bolshevik Cheka” or watch the classic movie “The Checkist (1992)”.

    The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) once again decided to sheep-dip themselves and infiltrated and hijacked all Judaism:

    The Rothschild KM created a master plan to control all of Judaism and mind-kontrol Judaics. The Rothschild KM has hijacked Judaism, patterned it off of Babylonian Talmudism (Luciferianism or Satanism), and gained control over the banking and Wall Street professions in general, Congress, the major mass media; along with most wealth and economic means of success.

    Thus, the Rothschild KM could pass out wealth and success to those Judaics who drank their Kool-aide and use them as cutouts, assets, and Sayanims. In this manner, the Rothschilds hijacked Judaism.

    Their financing of the Israeli Knesset and construction of it using Freemason occult architecture displayed their commitment to the occult and Babylonian Talmudism and all the evil accompanying it, including child sacrifice to their secret god Baal. They set up an NWO system called World Zionism which taught and inculcated susceptible Judaics with a paranoid group delusion of racial superiority, which assumed that all Gentiles were intent on mass-murdering all Judaics.

    Freemasonry architecture was used in the building of the Knesset and the Israeli Supreme Court viewed through windows.

    They called this racially-paranoid mass Judaic delusion of world conquest, “World Zionism”, which is really a form of covert Babylonian Talmudism or Luciferianism that had been unknown to mainstream Judaics. The system was designed to use Judaics as cover, but also to anoint them with Babylonian money-power, in order to use them as cutouts, and to later be sacrificed to Lucifer in two stages.

    The first stage would be their planned WWII in Nazi work camps, cut off from supplies, resulting in the deaths of about 200,000 Judaics from starvation and disease, along with about 90,000 non-Judaic inmates from the same causes, according to respected Red Cross official figures. This number is 5% of what the Khazarian Mafia (aka the World Zionists) claim.

    The second great sacrifice would be a final one, when their New World Order Luciferian King would be placed into power, and when all three Abrahamic religions would be eradicated — especially Judaism, which would be blamed for all the wars and destruction of the world.

    By then, the Rothschilds would once again morph themselves into a complete new identity not associated with Judaism in any form, not even World Zionism.

    It is important to realize that the Rothschild KM took Germany down to nothing after WWI, created a vacuum for Fascism, and then rebuilt it, creating Naziism and installing Hitler as a counter-force to their Russian Bolshevism.

    Hitler became a problem for the KM when he broke free and begin acting in the interests of the German people and the free people of the world, and developed his own banking system free of the Rothschilds.

    Hitler introduced a financial system that was free of usury and beneficial to the working class. This mandated the utter destruction of Germany and the German people because the Rothschilds and the Khazarians could never allow an economic system that did not depend upon usury to exist.

    We see the same thing today with the Khazarian war against Islam because Islam forbids usury. That is why Israel is so vocal and aggressive about destroying the Islamic people of the world.

    The KM expected this to be a large WWII and when they supported both sides, this could be used to industrialize the whole world and maximize their bankster money-power.

    The Rothschild KM then bribed and induced Members of Congress to send American Soldiers to their pre-stage and engineered WWI:

    As a continuance of their well-proven pattern of financing both sides in any war to maximize profits, the acquisition of more federal tax monies, and increased international power, the Rothschild Khazarians once again bribed, blackmailed, and induced members of Congress to declare war against Germany in 1917.

    This was facilitated by a KM false-flag attack with the sinking of the Lusitania.

    The Rothschild KM has since developed the usual pattern of covertly staging false-flag attacks as a standard operating procedure for inducing Americans to fight wars for the Khazarian Mafia.

    After WWII was finished, the Rothschild KM deployed the Cold War and used this as an excuse to bring Nazi scientists and mind-kontrol experts to America under Operation Paperclip.

    This allowed them to set up a worldwide spying and espionage system that far exceeded any of their prior efforts.

    Under this new system, they continue to infiltrate and hijack all American institutions, including the various American church systems, Freemasonry (especially the Scottish Rite and York Rite), the US military, US Intel, and most private defense contractors, the Judiciary, and most agencies of the USG, including most State governments, and both major political parties as well.

    The Rothschild KM sets up Nazi Work Camps as a pretext to later manipulate the Allies into granting them their own private colony in Palestine, using land stolen from the Palestinians:

    The Rothschild KM was able to use their self mislabeled, so-called “holocaust” to serve as a mind-kontrol trigger to thwart and resist any criticism of their Zionist ways.

    The truth of the matter was that the Rothschild KM set up the Nazi work camps to make huge profits for the corporations that ran their work camps and supplied their Nazi war machine.

    Once the Rothschild KM gained their own private homeland in Israel in 1947 through their covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all of Palestine as their New Khazaria, and began plotting how to genocide all the Palestinians and steal all of Palestine for themselves. Their plans include their fantasy of constructing a “greater Israel” by taking over the whole Middle East and manipulating dumb American Goyim to fight and die on their behalf, taking all the Arab lands for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM), so they can asset strip their wealth and natural resources, especially their crude oil.

    Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites, and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian lands in order to build Israeli settlements, and it is the Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians.

    The Rothschild KM decides to morph again and expand their ranks:

    In the meantime, the Rothschild KM realized that they could not stay hidden much longer from the public unless they morphed again and expanded their secret leadership.

    So they worked hard to further infiltrate and hijack Freemasonry and its secret offshoots and inducted top members into their pedophile network and child sacrifice rituals.

    Also, key members of Congress were inducted into their secret satanic network by giving them special power, high USG, military, and Intel positions, accompanied by great monetary rewards and high status. Massive KM espionage fronts using Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens as cutouts were set up inside America to funnel the Khazarian banksters’ counterfeit money to politicians for their election campaigns, in order to own and control them when elected.

    The Rothschild KM decides to Mind-kontrol the American masses to make it much easier to manipulate them into approving their illegal, Unconstitutional unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual wars needed to make huge profits and gain more world power:

    The Rothschild KM decided to gain complete control over all public education by setting up the Department of Education and creating globalist and socialist curriculums based on political correctness, diversity, and “perversion is normal” teachings. Fluoride is added to the public water and toothpaste, and dentists are mind-kontrolled to believe that fluoride prevents cavities, and is not harmful to brain function or thyroid function, which it is.

    The addition of fluoride to the public water supply and to toothpaste is to dumb-down Americans by on average lowering the operational IQ and making folks much more docile than they would normally be. Programs to develop and deploy vaccinations to dumb-down children and create huge numbers of future chronic health problems were initiated.

    Doctors have been mind-kontrolled and misled by biased research that was cherry-picked, ignoring any studies that were negative — and that included most of them. All vaccine cell lines are contaminated with SV-40, a known carcinogenic slow-acting virus.

    The KM used its monetary power to gain control over all of the allopathic medical schools, and set up and controlled the American Medical Association and other medical societies, in order to make sure their agenda based on lies and deceit was continued.

    Part of this massive plan to dumb down and mind-kontrol the American masses was the KM’s buying up and consolidating all the American mass media into six controlled major mass media (CMMM), owned and controlled by their cutouts on their behalf. The CMMM functions as an illegal news cartel, and it should be broken up under antitrust laws and for inflicting espionage and illegal propaganda as a weapon of war against the American people.

    The Rothschild KM Chieftains decide that it is time to use America to complete their final take-down and occupation of the Whole World by instituting a major False-Flag attack inside America to blame on the Islamics whom they want America to wrongly attack their behalf:

    So the KM Chieftains use their top Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens living in America (aka, the PNACers and top NeoCon Cutouts) to plan a major nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.

    Bibi Netanyahu, the operational head of the KM, deployed the Mossad and these Dual Citizens to set up and institute this attack on America which was to be blamed by the CMMM on Muslims.

    They informed their top Rabbis and “Friends of World Zionism” not to fly on that day and to stay out of NYC, as did “Larry Silverfish”, one of the primary men involved in the operation.

    They used their main cutout in the DOD to lure the Able Danger investigators to the Pentagon Naval Intel meeting room, where they would be assassinated by a Tomahawk cruise missile that was fired from an Israeli Dolphin class Diesel submarine bought from Germany.

    Thirty-five of the Able Danger investigators who were investigating and tracking the Israeli theft of 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett nuclear pits out of the backdoor at Pantex in Texas were murdered by this Tomahawk hit, which was timed with the detonation of bombs pre-planted in the Naval Intel wing, which was newly hardened to no avail.

    The Israeli Mossad front company, Urban Moving Systems, was used to transport the mini-nukes made from the stolen W-54 nuclear pits from Pantex (and originally made at the Hanford processing plant), where they were stored in the Israeli Embassy in NYC and transported to the Twin Towers for detonation on 9-11-01.

    Baal aka Moloch, Lucifer, Satan. Take your pick it’s the same evil spirit that wants to mass-murder all humans. In exchange for doing his “dirty work,” he rewards those who allow him to snatch their souls by giving them incredible riches, fame, and power. This is the secret blood contract called “selling one’s soul.”

    The incredibly Evil Secret Agenda of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is now revealed publicly for the very first time by VT’s own Gordon Duff. We now know that Bibi Netanyahu ran the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 and did it as an overall Khazarian Mafia (KM) Agenda.

    Hold on to your chair, this is a very big secret and explains a lot of what has been going on inside America, all caused by Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM) which has infiltrated almost all of America’s institutions of Government and society.

    Now for the first time ever, the very specific secret incredibly Evil Agenda of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is going to be revealed, thanks to an interview that Mike Harris had with VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff on his talk show “The Short End of the Stick” on 3-10-15.

    I have heard a lot of shocking insider’s secrets over the years but this one really takes the cake and explains exactly what Israel and its minions in America have been to us on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) that has screwed up almost every aspect of our lives creating a poor economy, lots of unemployment and underemployment, massive crime, alcoholism and drug, screwed up schools that dumb down the kids, various eugenics programs like fluoride in the public water and toothpaste, and mercury in vaccines which are a big fraud, and rampant political corruption.

    This interview is now sending shockwaves around the world and when you consider the content that Gordon Duff disclosed for the first time anywhere publicly, you will be shocked. And you will understand that Bibi Netanyahu is the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and was the one that ordered and supervised the Israeli Nuclear Attack on America on 9-11-01.

    In this interview, Gordon Duff disclosed from a written transcript of what was said at a meeting between Bibi Netanyahu and an American traitor and some other spies in 1990. Gordon Duff disclosed that Netanyahu was a KGB spy like Jonathan Pollard. And we know now that Israel was started as a satellite of Bolshevik Russia and was quite unhappy when the Soviet Union fell.

    Benjamin Netanyahu was meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording which was witnessed and has been 100% fully authenticated:

    “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

    This is exactly what the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been doing to America since it successfully infiltrated and hijacked America in 1913. Knowledge of what Bibi said on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) should make us all furious and get motivated to drive these evil creatures out of America and take our great Republic back.

    When Bibi Netanyahu mentions god’s will, the god he was referring to is Baal (also known as the Great Owl or Moloch), the god these Khazarians believe requires them to worship him by constant bloodletting and painful human sacrifice and mass-murder and that if they “sell their souls” to Baal (aka Lucifer or Satan) do this they will be rewarded with incredible riches, fame, and great power. When they “sell their souls” what actually happens is that their souls are snatched away and they become inhuman or soulless and take on the characteristics of Baal, that is they become increasingly psychopathic and evil.

    What Bibi Netanyahu was discussing was the upcoming nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01, and when he mentioned “they will just replace us” he was referring to the top Circle of Twelve, the group he answers to that VT’s own Columnist and talk show host Stew Webb disclosed to the World by identifying 11 of the 12 who call themselves the “Illuminati” or “Disciples of Satan.” These men do semi-annual child sacrifices in Denver and eat the hearts of children, drink their blood after they pedophile them.

    Folks, we must get this information out to everyone we can, then unite and drive these soulless Baal worshiping scum out of every nook and cranny of America and bring them all to justice and final judgment for all their incredible evil.

    Anyone who understands what Bibi Netanyahu thinks of Americans as a golden calf to asset strip and slaughter should be enraged and driven to community organizing, and political action against Israeli espionage inside America through the Federal Reserve System, AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the CFR and the like.

    The Rothschild KM planted has 25 nukes in major American cities and other major cities in Europe in order to blackmail the associated government. This is referred to as their Samson Option, and was first discovered and disclosed by Seymour Hersh:

    The Rothschild KM also gained some S-19 and S-20 Warheads from a corrupt Member of Congress assigned the task to buy up Ukrainian Mirvs on behalf of the USG in order to decommission them. Instead, he sold them to the Israelis and split the money with other key Congressmen involved.

    This is high treason and a capital offense punishable by execution. Right after their attack on America, the Rothschild KM told the US Administration that they would detonate city-buster sized nukes in some American cities, including DC if the Administration refused to allow Israel to create their own large police state occupation force inside America, based on the consolidation of all American Law Enforcement and alphabets under one central Israeli control.

    This new Israeli occupation force called Homeland Security (DHS) was initially run by dual citizens and perverts. Former DHS Director Janet Napolitano is being sued for sexual harassment of men working at DHS whom she ordered to move their offices into the men’s lavatory.

    Dual Citizen traitor Michael Chertoff, (a name translated from Russian as “son of the devil”), was the criminal mastermind that set up DHS, along with the former head of the East German Stasi, Marcus Wolfe, who was hired as a special consultant and died mysteriously as soon as his mission was completed.

    The Rothschild KM never thought they would get exposed for their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-11, but they made one of the biggest tactical mistakes in history and overplayed their hand from excess hubris, based on too much easy success due to their extreme money power in the past.

    Soon mainstream America will know that Bibi Netanyahu and his Likudist Party deployed the attack on America on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Rothschild KM:

    They thought that they had complete control over the CMMM and could prevent any of the secret IAEA and Sandia Labs investigations from ever being released to the American public.

    They made a serious tactical error because now the truth about their role in the 9-11-01 attack on America is being published on the worldwide Internet, the world’s new Gutenberg Press. What the Rothschild KM did not understand was the power of the Internet and how truth nuggets published and broadcast on it resonate with the people of the world and spread like wildfire, at the speed of light. Truth is being diffused to the masses everywhere.

    This incredible tactical error by the KM is so great that it will actually doom them to the complete exposure and eventual complete destruction they deserve. Bibi Netanyahu’s order to proceed and deliver the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 will go down in history as one of the KM’s biggest mistakes, and the one that will be blamed for their exposure and destruction by the world that is now ganging up against them.

    The Russians have now leaked the IAEA and Sandia Labs and Able Danger files are given to them by Edward Snowden. Soon all of these files will be provided to all Americans and the world via the Internet, and this cannot be stopped.

    A number of Russians in the High Military Command in Russia, and in the highest positions of leadership in the Russian government realize that it was the same Organized Crime Cabal that organized the Khazarians into Bolsheviks to mass-murder 100 million innocent Russians — and these men want payback.

    That is why they are making sure that the Rothschild banksters will be put out of business, which will decapitate the Khazarian Mafia from its endless, elastic counterfeit money supply. This is why the BRICS Development Bank was created — to replace the US Petro Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, but this one, unlike the US Petro Dollar is backed by gold, silver, and real commodities, with NO counterfeiting allowed.

    The CMMM is failing, and most Americans no longer believe any of their prime-time national stories, especially the under-thirty crowd, who cherry-pick facts from the Internet and construct their own beliefs.

    So many Internet users now reject the CMMM that the truth about the Israelis attacking America on 9-11-01 is becoming easier each day to believe. Soon all of mainstream America will know that Bibi Netanyahu and his Mossad and dual citizens did the 9-11-01 attack on America.

    The American Military High Command knows that Bibi Netanyahu ordered his Mossad and stateside Dual Citizens to attack America using nukes on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM):

    Various deep cover covert operations are now being deployed globally to expose and decapitate the Rothschild KM from their endless, elastic money supply.

    Their days of anti-human power are now limited. The secret, incredibly well-trained US team called the “Nuclear Snake-Eaters” is now hard at work searching all incoming Israeli diplomatic pouches and shipments; driving by and flying over synagogues and Israeli embassies and Mossad safe-houses with high tech gamma-ray and helium-3 neutron detectors, and using ultra-high-tech custom-tuned and -focused satellites to search for any stored nuclear pits, as well as working hard to recover all stolen nuclear pits by the Israelis anywhere in the world outside of Israel.

    This super-elite team was alerted by Michael Shrimpton’s phone call to MI-6 notifying them that an Israeli “City Buster” was planted near the Olympic stadium. This call wrongly has landed him in jail. The City Buster was recovered by the “Nuclear Snake-eaters”, who entered England and recovered and disarmed a large city buster. Sadly MI-6 wanted this nuke detonated in order to gain more power for the Khazarian Mafia in England — their home base inside the City of London Financial District — since it has been losing power fast.

    A secret name for these KM Chieftains which run much of the world out of the City of London is Gog and Magog, despite what so many historians believe is the secret name of Russia which it is not. It is the secret name of the top KM and apparently represents where they originally came from.

    The secret team of super-elite “Nuclear Snake-eaters” is ready to be deployed to Israel anytime, should the nation collapse after most European corporations divest from Israel, and the US cuts off all aid, in order to comply with American law. It is illegal to give aid to a nation that has nukes, and which has not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. Israel has nukes detectable from satellite-based Helium-3 sensors and has never admitted it, nor has it signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. We must all demand that our Congress and Administration obey the law and immediately cut off all aid monetary and military aid to Israel, and arrest all Israeli espionage front directors of AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the “Joint” in NYC, and the ADL, etc.

    It is unknown but suspected that a significant number of these stolen nukes have been already recovered. It has been reported by insiders that a very solemn message was communicated to Bibi Netanyahu and his Likudists, as well as all top members of Israeli espionage fronts in America, like AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the ADL and the like.

    What was this serious warning? If insider reports are accurate, these folks were told that if there is one more Israeli-based false-flag attack, those who ordered it or were involved will be hunted down under American National Security and eliminated, and the Israeli defense structures associated with such will be turned to dust.

    The rest of Rothschild KM history will likely be determined by YOU:

    The future of the Rothschild KM will likely be determined by VT readers and We The People who learn the secret, forbidden history of the Khazarian Mafia that was excised from the history books and libraries by the KM to protect their evil history that no one would accept if it was known.

    So share this story with your family, friends, and associates and take it viral. Be clear about this — unless the KM is able to operate in abject secrecy, it will be attacked from all sides and destroyed forever. So take away their secrecy by exposing their hidden history for all Americans to know and understand.

    That is why they have worked so hard to buy up and control the CMMM and public mass education including colleges and universities, to make sure the people of the world would never find out about their secret evil, which is so inhuman, so homicidal that the whole world would gang up on them and attack them from all sides at every level they exist at.

    The big question remains: Was the true cause of leaders of the Khazarian Mafia’s incredible evil and savagery toward the human race a byproduct of nature or nurture? Some believe that this gross parasitism and inclination to mass-murder, engagement in pedophilia and child bloodletting, and child sacrifice is due to a toxic culture, best described as malignant Tribalism, characterized by a paranoid group racial superiority delusion.

    Others think the leaders of the KM are the bloodline of Cain, that is, “children of Cain”, that are the Devil’s own and have absolutely no soul or human conscience but are pure predators like a wild beast — while at the same time being incredibly two-faced, that is able to put on a good con and a nice face on the outside. Perhaps it could be both factors. In any case, it is time to expose this evil, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced. It is time for the world to work together to deal with this challenge.

    Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of VT, a radio host, a former GOP Finance Chairman, a Gubernatorial Candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long-term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”. Mike was a part of the VT group that attended the Damascus Conference to Combat Terrorism and Religious Extremism. Mike gave about twenty-five televised interviews that were broadcast to millions of viewers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran. In these interviews, Mike emphasized and supported the historical declaration by Keynote Speaker, VT Senior Editor, and Chairman Gordon Duff that the real problem behind World Terrorism is a large Organized Crime Syndicate.

    For those who have time and interest in the Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) Snake.

    Related Articles: The “Little Green Guy Book”

    Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.


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    The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Preston James, Ph.DMarch 10, 2022 DISCLOSURE: This article deals with the very contentious hard public subjects of religion, racism, hate and bigotry. While, VT does NOT support racism, bigotry, violence, or hate speech, we are an open source uncensored journal and support the right of independent writers and commentors to express their voices. Reader discretion is advised. What ‘Q’ Would Never Tell You…The Shocking Truth Behind the Conspiracy Theories Editor’s Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books. The present-day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal. The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM), and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press. It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it. It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union. At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism, December 1, 2014 — in his Keynote address, VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel. This disclosure sent shock waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes. And the shock waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations. We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995. The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia by Preston James and Mike Harris 100-800 AD – an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria: Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. During this time, Khazarians became known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life. 800 AD – The Ultimatum is delivered by Russia and other surrounding nations: The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith. The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar. Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood, and eating their hearts. The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism. This was made the national religion of Khazaria and nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for before. Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria. Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities — a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship. 1,200 AD – Russia and the surrounding nations have had enough and take action: About 1,200 AD, the Russians led a group of nations surrounding Khazaria and invaded it, in order to stop the Khazarian crimes against their people, which included the kidnapping of their young children and infants for their blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. The Khazarian king and his inner court of criminals and murderers came to be known as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) by neighboring countries. The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped while assuming new identities. In secret, they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals and trusted Baal to give them the whole world and all its riches, as they claimed he had promised them, as long as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for him. The Khazarian king and his court Mafia plotted eternal revenge against the Russians and the surrounding nations that invaded Khazaria and drove them from power. The Khazarian Mafia invades England after being expelled for hundreds of years: To accomplish their invasion, they hired Oliver Cromwell to murder King Charles 1, and make England safe for banking again. This began the English Civil Wars which raged for nearly a decade, resulting in the regicide of the royal family and hundreds of the genuine English nobility. This is how the City of London was set up as the banking capital of Europe and launched the beginning of the British Empire. From David Icke’s website www.davidicke.com. David Icke was the first ever to courageously expose the Rothschilds publicly in front of hundreds. This, of course, makes him an international hero and we need more with his kind of courage to break open the coverup hiding the Khazarian Mafia and bring an end to their worldwide illegitimate power.[/caption] The Khazarian Mafia (KM) decides to infiltrate and hijack all World Banking using Babylonian Black-Magick, also known as Babylonian Money-Magick or the secret art of making money from nothing also using the power of pernicious usury to accumulate interest: The KM used their vast fortune to enter into a new system of banking, based on secret Babylonian black-magic money-magic that they claimed to have learned from the evil spirits of Baal, in return for their many child sacrifices to him. This Babylonian money-magick involved the substitution of paper credit certificates for gold and silver deposits, which allowed travelers to travel with their money in a form that offered easy replacement should they lose the certificates or have them stolen. Interesting how the very problem that was started by the Khazarians also had a solution provided by them. Eventually, the Khazarian king and his small surrounding court infiltrated Germany with a group that chose the name “the Bauers” of Germany to represent them and carry on their Baal-powered system of evil. The Bauers of the Red Shield, which represented their secret blood-based child sacrifices, changed their name to Rothschild (aka “child of the rock, Satan”). The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England: Bauer/Rothschild had five sons who infiltrated and took over European banking and the City of London Central Banking System through various crafty covert operations, including a false report of Napoleon winning against the British, when actually he lost. This allowed the Rothschilds to use fraud and deception to steal the wealth of the English nobility and the landed gentry, who had made business investments with the City of London Banking institutions. The Rothschilds set up a private Fiat banking system that specialized in making counterfeit money from nothing — charging pernicious usury for the British people, using what should have been their own money. This was the black art of Babylonian money-magick; they claimed to insiders that such technology and secret money power was provided to them by Baal, because of their frequent child bleeding-out and sacrifices rituals to Baal. Once they had infiltrated and hijacked the British banking system, they interbred with the British Royals and infiltrated and completely hijacked all of England and all its major institutions. Some experts believe that the Rothschilds genocided the Royal Family members by staging secretly-managed illicit and adulterous breedings with their own Khazarian men in order to replace the Royals with their own pretenders to the throne. Khazarian mafia The Khazarian Mafia (KM) wages an international effort to eradicate Kings who rule by the Divine Right of God Almighty: Because the KM claims to have a personal partnership with Baal (aka the Devil, Lucifer, Satan) because of their sacrifices to him. They detest any kings who rule under the authority of God Almighty because most feel a responsibility to make sure their own people are protected from infiltrators and treasonous “Enemies within the Gates.” In the 1600s, the KM murdered the British Royals and substitute their own fakes. In the 1700s, they murder the French Royals. Right before WWI, they murder, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand to start WW1. In 1917 they assembled their KM army, the Bolsheviks, and infiltrated and hijack Russia, murdered the Czar and his family in cold blood, bayonet his favorite daughter through the chest, and steal all the Russian gold, silver, and art treasures. Right before WW2, they murder the Austrian and German Royals. Then they get rid of the Chinese Royals and disempower the Japanese ruler. The Khazarian Mafia’s intense hatred of anyone who professed faith in any God but their god Baal has motivated them to murder kings and royalty and make sure they can never rule. They have done the same with American presidents — running sophisticated covert operations to disempower them. If that doesn’t work the KM assassinates them, as they did to McKinley, Lincoln, and JFK. The KM wants to eliminate any strong rulers or elected officials who dare to resist their Babylonian money-magick power or their covert power gained from the deployment of their human compromise network. The Rothschilds create international narcotics trafficking on behalf of the KM: The Rothschilds then covertly ran the British Empire and crafted an evil plan to recover the vast amounts of gold and silver the British had been paying to China for its high-quality silk and spices that were unavailable anywhere else. The Rothschilds, through their international spy network, had heard of Turkish opium and its habit-forming characteristics. They deployed a covert operation to buy Turkish opium and sell it in China, infecting millions with a bad opium habit that brought back gold and silver into the Rothschild coffers, but not to the British People. The opium addictions created by Rothschild opium sales to China harmed China so much that China went to war on two occasions to stop it. These wars were known as the Boxer Rebellions or the Opium Wars. The money the Rothschilds gained from the sale of opium was so vast that they became even more addicted to the easy money than the opiate addicts were to the opium. The Rothschilds were the funding source behind the establishment of the American Colonies, by incorporating the Hudson Bay Company and other trading companies to exploit the New World of the Americas. It was the Rothschilds who ordered the mass extermination and genocide of the indigenous people of North America to allow for the exploitation of the vast natural resources of the continent. The Rothschilds also followed the same business template in the Caribbean and in the Asian sub-continent of India, resulting in the murder of millions of innocent people. The Rothschilds start the international slave trade, an enterprise that viewed these kidnapped humans as mere animals — a view that the Khazarians would impose on all the people of the world who were not part of their evil circle, which some called the “Old Black Nobility”: The Rothschild’s next big project was to start the worldwide slave trade, buying slaves from crooked tribal chiefs in Africa who worked with them to kidnap members of competing tribes for sale as slaves. The Rothschild slave traders then took these kidnapped slaves on their ships in cramped cells to America and the Caribbean where they were sold. Many died at sea due to bad conditions. The Rothschild bankers learned early on that war was a great way to double their money in a short time by lending money to both warring sides. But in order to be guaranteed collections, they had to get taxation laws passed, which could be used to force payment. The KM Rothschild private Fiat Counterfeit Banksters plot eternal revenge against the American Colonists and Russia who assisted them in losing the Revolutionary War: When the Rothschilds lost the American Revolution, they blamed the Russian czar and the Russians for assisting the colonists by blockading British Ships. They swore eternal revenge on the American colonists, just as they had when the Russians and their allies crushed Khazaria in 1,000 AD. The Rothschilds and the English oligarchy that surrounded them plotted ways to retake America, and this became their main obsession. Their favored plan is to set up an American central bank, featuring Babylonian money magic and secret counterfeiting. The Rothschild KM attempts to retake America in 1812 on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia but fails, once again because of Russian interference: This failure enraged the Rothschild KM, and they once again plot eternal revenge against both the Russians and the American colonists and plan to infiltrate and hijack both nations and asset strip, tyrannize, and then mass-murder both nations and their populace. The KM’s attempts to set up a private American central bank are blocked by President Andrew Jackson, who called them Satanic and vowed to route them out by the grace and power of Almighty God. The Rothschild banksters regroup and continue their covert attempts to install their own Babylonian money-magick bank inside America. Finally, in 1913, the Rothschild KM succeeds in establishing a major beachhead inside America — and an evil enemy of all American enter the gates of America: In 1913, the Rothschild KM was able to establish a beachhead by bribing crooked, treasonous members of Congress to pass the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve without a required quorum. The Act was then signed by a crooked, bought off President, who was a traitor to America, like the members of Congress who voted for it. The Rothschild KM then create an illegal taxation System in America: The KM put an illegal, Unconstitutional tax system in place, in order to make sure that Americans would have to pay for high-level USG spending, approved by a bought-off, crooked Congress and Presidential puppets, put in place by corrupt KM campaign finance. It is easy for the KM to garner enough money to elect anyone they want because when you control a bank that is a secret major counterfeiter, you have all the money made for you that you desire. At about the same time that they created their illegal tax system in America, they also bribed members of Congress to approve the Internal Revenue Service, which is their private collection agency incorporated in Puerto Rico. Soon afterward, they set up the Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect their banksters, to serve their cover-up needs and prevent them from ever being prosecuted for their child sacrifice rituals, pedophile networks; and to also serve as a covert Intel operation on their behalf. Note that the FBI has no official charter, according to the Library of Congress, and has no right to exist or issue paychecks. The Rothschild KM deployed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia to extract incredibly savage, bloody revenge on innocent Russians, which they had plotted for many years, ever since Khazaria was destroyed: The Rothschild KM pre-staged and engineered the Russian Revolution by using its central banks to pay for the Bolshevik infiltration of Russia and their Revolution on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM). The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as the essential part of their long-planned revenge on the Russian Czar and the innocent Russian people for breaking up Khazaria in about 1,000 AD for its repeated robbery, murder, and identity theft of travelers from countries surrounding Khazaria. This little-known fact explains the extreme violence taken out on Russia as long-standing revenge by the Rothschild-controlled Khazarian Mafia (KM). In a well-planned savage and inhuman bloodletting that stunned the world, the Bolsheviks were unleashed in full fury on behalf of the KM to gain revenge on the Russians. This had been planned since the destruction of Khazaria. The Bolsheviks, at the direction of the Rothschild KM, raped, tortured and mass-murdered approximately 100 million Russians, including women, children, and infants. Some of the torture and bloodletting were so extreme, we are not going to mention it here in this article. But readers who want to know can do some in-depth internet research on the “Red Terror” or the “Bolshevik Cheka” or watch the classic movie “The Checkist (1992)”. The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) once again decided to sheep-dip themselves and infiltrated and hijacked all Judaism: The Rothschild KM created a master plan to control all of Judaism and mind-kontrol Judaics. The Rothschild KM has hijacked Judaism, patterned it off of Babylonian Talmudism (Luciferianism or Satanism), and gained control over the banking and Wall Street professions in general, Congress, the major mass media; along with most wealth and economic means of success. Thus, the Rothschild KM could pass out wealth and success to those Judaics who drank their Kool-aide and use them as cutouts, assets, and Sayanims. In this manner, the Rothschilds hijacked Judaism. Their financing of the Israeli Knesset and construction of it using Freemason occult architecture displayed their commitment to the occult and Babylonian Talmudism and all the evil accompanying it, including child sacrifice to their secret god Baal. They set up an NWO system called World Zionism which taught and inculcated susceptible Judaics with a paranoid group delusion of racial superiority, which assumed that all Gentiles were intent on mass-murdering all Judaics. Freemasonry architecture was used in the building of the Knesset and the Israeli Supreme Court viewed through windows. They called this racially-paranoid mass Judaic delusion of world conquest, “World Zionism”, which is really a form of covert Babylonian Talmudism or Luciferianism that had been unknown to mainstream Judaics. The system was designed to use Judaics as cover, but also to anoint them with Babylonian money-power, in order to use them as cutouts, and to later be sacrificed to Lucifer in two stages. The first stage would be their planned WWII in Nazi work camps, cut off from supplies, resulting in the deaths of about 200,000 Judaics from starvation and disease, along with about 90,000 non-Judaic inmates from the same causes, according to respected Red Cross official figures. This number is 5% of what the Khazarian Mafia (aka the World Zionists) claim. The second great sacrifice would be a final one, when their New World Order Luciferian King would be placed into power, and when all three Abrahamic religions would be eradicated — especially Judaism, which would be blamed for all the wars and destruction of the world. By then, the Rothschilds would once again morph themselves into a complete new identity not associated with Judaism in any form, not even World Zionism. It is important to realize that the Rothschild KM took Germany down to nothing after WWI, created a vacuum for Fascism, and then rebuilt it, creating Naziism and installing Hitler as a counter-force to their Russian Bolshevism. Hitler became a problem for the KM when he broke free and begin acting in the interests of the German people and the free people of the world, and developed his own banking system free of the Rothschilds. Hitler introduced a financial system that was free of usury and beneficial to the working class. This mandated the utter destruction of Germany and the German people because the Rothschilds and the Khazarians could never allow an economic system that did not depend upon usury to exist. We see the same thing today with the Khazarian war against Islam because Islam forbids usury. That is why Israel is so vocal and aggressive about destroying the Islamic people of the world. The KM expected this to be a large WWII and when they supported both sides, this could be used to industrialize the whole world and maximize their bankster money-power. The Rothschild KM then bribed and induced Members of Congress to send American Soldiers to their pre-stage and engineered WWI: As a continuance of their well-proven pattern of financing both sides in any war to maximize profits, the acquisition of more federal tax monies, and increased international power, the Rothschild Khazarians once again bribed, blackmailed, and induced members of Congress to declare war against Germany in 1917. This was facilitated by a KM false-flag attack with the sinking of the Lusitania. The Rothschild KM has since developed the usual pattern of covertly staging false-flag attacks as a standard operating procedure for inducing Americans to fight wars for the Khazarian Mafia. After WWII was finished, the Rothschild KM deployed the Cold War and used this as an excuse to bring Nazi scientists and mind-kontrol experts to America under Operation Paperclip. This allowed them to set up a worldwide spying and espionage system that far exceeded any of their prior efforts. Under this new system, they continue to infiltrate and hijack all American institutions, including the various American church systems, Freemasonry (especially the Scottish Rite and York Rite), the US military, US Intel, and most private defense contractors, the Judiciary, and most agencies of the USG, including most State governments, and both major political parties as well. The Rothschild KM sets up Nazi Work Camps as a pretext to later manipulate the Allies into granting them their own private colony in Palestine, using land stolen from the Palestinians: The Rothschild KM was able to use their self mislabeled, so-called “holocaust” to serve as a mind-kontrol trigger to thwart and resist any criticism of their Zionist ways. The truth of the matter was that the Rothschild KM set up the Nazi work camps to make huge profits for the corporations that ran their work camps and supplied their Nazi war machine. Once the Rothschild KM gained their own private homeland in Israel in 1947 through their covert political manipulations, they began to secretly view all of Palestine as their New Khazaria, and began plotting how to genocide all the Palestinians and steal all of Palestine for themselves. Their plans include their fantasy of constructing a “greater Israel” by taking over the whole Middle East and manipulating dumb American Goyim to fight and die on their behalf, taking all the Arab lands for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM), so they can asset strip their wealth and natural resources, especially their crude oil. Recent peer-reviewed Johns Hopkins genetic research by a respected Judaic MD shows that 97.5% of Judaics living in Israel have absolutely no ancient Hebrew DNA, are therefore not Semites, and have no ancient blood ties to the land of Palestine at all. By contrast, 80% of Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew DNA and thus are real Semites, and have ancient blood ties to Palestinian Land. This means that the real anti-Semites are the Israelis who are stealing Palestinian lands in order to build Israeli settlements, and it is the Israelis who are the ones tyrannizing and mass-murdering innocent Palestinians. The Rothschild KM decides to morph again and expand their ranks: In the meantime, the Rothschild KM realized that they could not stay hidden much longer from the public unless they morphed again and expanded their secret leadership. So they worked hard to further infiltrate and hijack Freemasonry and its secret offshoots and inducted top members into their pedophile network and child sacrifice rituals. Also, key members of Congress were inducted into their secret satanic network by giving them special power, high USG, military, and Intel positions, accompanied by great monetary rewards and high status. Massive KM espionage fronts using Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens as cutouts were set up inside America to funnel the Khazarian banksters’ counterfeit money to politicians for their election campaigns, in order to own and control them when elected. The Rothschild KM decides to Mind-kontrol the American masses to make it much easier to manipulate them into approving their illegal, Unconstitutional unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual wars needed to make huge profits and gain more world power: The Rothschild KM decided to gain complete control over all public education by setting up the Department of Education and creating globalist and socialist curriculums based on political correctness, diversity, and “perversion is normal” teachings. Fluoride is added to the public water and toothpaste, and dentists are mind-kontrolled to believe that fluoride prevents cavities, and is not harmful to brain function or thyroid function, which it is. The addition of fluoride to the public water supply and to toothpaste is to dumb-down Americans by on average lowering the operational IQ and making folks much more docile than they would normally be. Programs to develop and deploy vaccinations to dumb-down children and create huge numbers of future chronic health problems were initiated. Doctors have been mind-kontrolled and misled by biased research that was cherry-picked, ignoring any studies that were negative — and that included most of them. All vaccine cell lines are contaminated with SV-40, a known carcinogenic slow-acting virus. The KM used its monetary power to gain control over all of the allopathic medical schools, and set up and controlled the American Medical Association and other medical societies, in order to make sure their agenda based on lies and deceit was continued. Part of this massive plan to dumb down and mind-kontrol the American masses was the KM’s buying up and consolidating all the American mass media into six controlled major mass media (CMMM), owned and controlled by their cutouts on their behalf. The CMMM functions as an illegal news cartel, and it should be broken up under antitrust laws and for inflicting espionage and illegal propaganda as a weapon of war against the American people. The Rothschild KM Chieftains decide that it is time to use America to complete their final take-down and occupation of the Whole World by instituting a major False-Flag attack inside America to blame on the Islamics whom they want America to wrongly attack their behalf: So the KM Chieftains use their top Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens living in America (aka, the PNACers and top NeoCon Cutouts) to plan a major nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01. Bibi Netanyahu, the operational head of the KM, deployed the Mossad and these Dual Citizens to set up and institute this attack on America which was to be blamed by the CMMM on Muslims. They informed their top Rabbis and “Friends of World Zionism” not to fly on that day and to stay out of NYC, as did “Larry Silverfish”, one of the primary men involved in the operation. They used their main cutout in the DOD to lure the Able Danger investigators to the Pentagon Naval Intel meeting room, where they would be assassinated by a Tomahawk cruise missile that was fired from an Israeli Dolphin class Diesel submarine bought from Germany. Thirty-five of the Able Danger investigators who were investigating and tracking the Israeli theft of 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett nuclear pits out of the backdoor at Pantex in Texas were murdered by this Tomahawk hit, which was timed with the detonation of bombs pre-planted in the Naval Intel wing, which was newly hardened to no avail. The Israeli Mossad front company, Urban Moving Systems, was used to transport the mini-nukes made from the stolen W-54 nuclear pits from Pantex (and originally made at the Hanford processing plant), where they were stored in the Israeli Embassy in NYC and transported to the Twin Towers for detonation on 9-11-01. Baal aka Moloch, Lucifer, Satan. Take your pick it’s the same evil spirit that wants to mass-murder all humans. In exchange for doing his “dirty work,” he rewards those who allow him to snatch their souls by giving them incredible riches, fame, and power. This is the secret blood contract called “selling one’s soul.” The incredibly Evil Secret Agenda of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is now revealed publicly for the very first time by VT’s own Gordon Duff. We now know that Bibi Netanyahu ran the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 and did it as an overall Khazarian Mafia (KM) Agenda. Hold on to your chair, this is a very big secret and explains a lot of what has been going on inside America, all caused by Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM) which has infiltrated almost all of America’s institutions of Government and society. Now for the first time ever, the very specific secret incredibly Evil Agenda of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is going to be revealed, thanks to an interview that Mike Harris had with VT Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff on his talk show “The Short End of the Stick” on 3-10-15. I have heard a lot of shocking insider’s secrets over the years but this one really takes the cake and explains exactly what Israel and its minions in America have been to us on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) that has screwed up almost every aspect of our lives creating a poor economy, lots of unemployment and underemployment, massive crime, alcoholism and drug, screwed up schools that dumb down the kids, various eugenics programs like fluoride in the public water and toothpaste, and mercury in vaccines which are a big fraud, and rampant political corruption. This interview is now sending shockwaves around the world and when you consider the content that Gordon Duff disclosed for the first time anywhere publicly, you will be shocked. And you will understand that Bibi Netanyahu is the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and was the one that ordered and supervised the Israeli Nuclear Attack on America on 9-11-01. In this interview, Gordon Duff disclosed from a written transcript of what was said at a meeting between Bibi Netanyahu and an American traitor and some other spies in 1990. Gordon Duff disclosed that Netanyahu was a KGB spy like Jonathan Pollard. And we know now that Israel was started as a satellite of Bolshevik Russia and was quite unhappy when the Soviet Union fell. Benjamin Netanyahu was meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording which was witnessed and has been 100% fully authenticated: “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” This is exactly what the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been doing to America since it successfully infiltrated and hijacked America in 1913. Knowledge of what Bibi said on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) should make us all furious and get motivated to drive these evil creatures out of America and take our great Republic back. When Bibi Netanyahu mentions god’s will, the god he was referring to is Baal (also known as the Great Owl or Moloch), the god these Khazarians believe requires them to worship him by constant bloodletting and painful human sacrifice and mass-murder and that if they “sell their souls” to Baal (aka Lucifer or Satan) do this they will be rewarded with incredible riches, fame, and great power. When they “sell their souls” what actually happens is that their souls are snatched away and they become inhuman or soulless and take on the characteristics of Baal, that is they become increasingly psychopathic and evil. What Bibi Netanyahu was discussing was the upcoming nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01, and when he mentioned “they will just replace us” he was referring to the top Circle of Twelve, the group he answers to that VT’s own Columnist and talk show host Stew Webb disclosed to the World by identifying 11 of the 12 who call themselves the “Illuminati” or “Disciples of Satan.” These men do semi-annual child sacrifices in Denver and eat the hearts of children, drink their blood after they pedophile them. Folks, we must get this information out to everyone we can, then unite and drive these soulless Baal worshiping scum out of every nook and cranny of America and bring them all to justice and final judgment for all their incredible evil. Anyone who understands what Bibi Netanyahu thinks of Americans as a golden calf to asset strip and slaughter should be enraged and driven to community organizing, and political action against Israeli espionage inside America through the Federal Reserve System, AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the CFR and the like. The Rothschild KM planted has 25 nukes in major American cities and other major cities in Europe in order to blackmail the associated government. This is referred to as their Samson Option, and was first discovered and disclosed by Seymour Hersh: The Rothschild KM also gained some S-19 and S-20 Warheads from a corrupt Member of Congress assigned the task to buy up Ukrainian Mirvs on behalf of the USG in order to decommission them. Instead, he sold them to the Israelis and split the money with other key Congressmen involved. This is high treason and a capital offense punishable by execution. Right after their attack on America, the Rothschild KM told the US Administration that they would detonate city-buster sized nukes in some American cities, including DC if the Administration refused to allow Israel to create their own large police state occupation force inside America, based on the consolidation of all American Law Enforcement and alphabets under one central Israeli control. This new Israeli occupation force called Homeland Security (DHS) was initially run by dual citizens and perverts. Former DHS Director Janet Napolitano is being sued for sexual harassment of men working at DHS whom she ordered to move their offices into the men’s lavatory. Dual Citizen traitor Michael Chertoff, (a name translated from Russian as “son of the devil”), was the criminal mastermind that set up DHS, along with the former head of the East German Stasi, Marcus Wolfe, who was hired as a special consultant and died mysteriously as soon as his mission was completed. The Rothschild KM never thought they would get exposed for their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-11, but they made one of the biggest tactical mistakes in history and overplayed their hand from excess hubris, based on too much easy success due to their extreme money power in the past. Soon mainstream America will know that Bibi Netanyahu and his Likudist Party deployed the attack on America on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Rothschild KM: They thought that they had complete control over the CMMM and could prevent any of the secret IAEA and Sandia Labs investigations from ever being released to the American public. They made a serious tactical error because now the truth about their role in the 9-11-01 attack on America is being published on the worldwide Internet, the world’s new Gutenberg Press. What the Rothschild KM did not understand was the power of the Internet and how truth nuggets published and broadcast on it resonate with the people of the world and spread like wildfire, at the speed of light. Truth is being diffused to the masses everywhere. This incredible tactical error by the KM is so great that it will actually doom them to the complete exposure and eventual complete destruction they deserve. Bibi Netanyahu’s order to proceed and deliver the nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01 will go down in history as one of the KM’s biggest mistakes, and the one that will be blamed for their exposure and destruction by the world that is now ganging up against them. The Russians have now leaked the IAEA and Sandia Labs and Able Danger files are given to them by Edward Snowden. Soon all of these files will be provided to all Americans and the world via the Internet, and this cannot be stopped. A number of Russians in the High Military Command in Russia, and in the highest positions of leadership in the Russian government realize that it was the same Organized Crime Cabal that organized the Khazarians into Bolsheviks to mass-murder 100 million innocent Russians — and these men want payback. That is why they are making sure that the Rothschild banksters will be put out of business, which will decapitate the Khazarian Mafia from its endless, elastic counterfeit money supply. This is why the BRICS Development Bank was created — to replace the US Petro Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, but this one, unlike the US Petro Dollar is backed by gold, silver, and real commodities, with NO counterfeiting allowed. The CMMM is failing, and most Americans no longer believe any of their prime-time national stories, especially the under-thirty crowd, who cherry-pick facts from the Internet and construct their own beliefs. So many Internet users now reject the CMMM that the truth about the Israelis attacking America on 9-11-01 is becoming easier each day to believe. Soon all of mainstream America will know that Bibi Netanyahu and his Mossad and dual citizens did the 9-11-01 attack on America. The American Military High Command knows that Bibi Netanyahu ordered his Mossad and stateside Dual Citizens to attack America using nukes on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM): Various deep cover covert operations are now being deployed globally to expose and decapitate the Rothschild KM from their endless, elastic money supply. Their days of anti-human power are now limited. The secret, incredibly well-trained US team called the “Nuclear Snake-Eaters” is now hard at work searching all incoming Israeli diplomatic pouches and shipments; driving by and flying over synagogues and Israeli embassies and Mossad safe-houses with high tech gamma-ray and helium-3 neutron detectors, and using ultra-high-tech custom-tuned and -focused satellites to search for any stored nuclear pits, as well as working hard to recover all stolen nuclear pits by the Israelis anywhere in the world outside of Israel. This super-elite team was alerted by Michael Shrimpton’s phone call to MI-6 notifying them that an Israeli “City Buster” was planted near the Olympic stadium. This call wrongly has landed him in jail. The City Buster was recovered by the “Nuclear Snake-eaters”, who entered England and recovered and disarmed a large city buster. Sadly MI-6 wanted this nuke detonated in order to gain more power for the Khazarian Mafia in England — their home base inside the City of London Financial District — since it has been losing power fast. A secret name for these KM Chieftains which run much of the world out of the City of London is Gog and Magog, despite what so many historians believe is the secret name of Russia which it is not. It is the secret name of the top KM and apparently represents where they originally came from. The secret team of super-elite “Nuclear Snake-eaters” is ready to be deployed to Israel anytime, should the nation collapse after most European corporations divest from Israel, and the US cuts off all aid, in order to comply with American law. It is illegal to give aid to a nation that has nukes, and which has not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. Israel has nukes detectable from satellite-based Helium-3 sensors and has never admitted it, nor has it signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Agreement. We must all demand that our Congress and Administration obey the law and immediately cut off all aid monetary and military aid to Israel, and arrest all Israeli espionage front directors of AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the “Joint” in NYC, and the ADL, etc. It is unknown but suspected that a significant number of these stolen nukes have been already recovered. It has been reported by insiders that a very solemn message was communicated to Bibi Netanyahu and his Likudists, as well as all top members of Israeli espionage fronts in America, like AIPAC, JINSA, the Defense Policy Board, the ADL and the like. What was this serious warning? If insider reports are accurate, these folks were told that if there is one more Israeli-based false-flag attack, those who ordered it or were involved will be hunted down under American National Security and eliminated, and the Israeli defense structures associated with such will be turned to dust. The rest of Rothschild KM history will likely be determined by YOU: The future of the Rothschild KM will likely be determined by VT readers and We The People who learn the secret, forbidden history of the Khazarian Mafia that was excised from the history books and libraries by the KM to protect their evil history that no one would accept if it was known. So share this story with your family, friends, and associates and take it viral. Be clear about this — unless the KM is able to operate in abject secrecy, it will be attacked from all sides and destroyed forever. So take away their secrecy by exposing their hidden history for all Americans to know and understand. That is why they have worked so hard to buy up and control the CMMM and public mass education including colleges and universities, to make sure the people of the world would never find out about their secret evil, which is so inhuman, so homicidal that the whole world would gang up on them and attack them from all sides at every level they exist at. The big question remains: Was the true cause of leaders of the Khazarian Mafia’s incredible evil and savagery toward the human race a byproduct of nature or nurture? Some believe that this gross parasitism and inclination to mass-murder, engagement in pedophilia and child bloodletting, and child sacrifice is due to a toxic culture, best described as malignant Tribalism, characterized by a paranoid group racial superiority delusion. Others think the leaders of the KM are the bloodline of Cain, that is, “children of Cain”, that are the Devil’s own and have absolutely no soul or human conscience but are pure predators like a wild beast — while at the same time being incredibly two-faced, that is able to put on a good con and a nice face on the outside. Perhaps it could be both factors. In any case, it is time to expose this evil, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced. It is time for the world to work together to deal with this challenge. Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of VT, a radio host, a former GOP Finance Chairman, a Gubernatorial Candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long-term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”. Mike was a part of the VT group that attended the Damascus Conference to Combat Terrorism and Religious Extremism. Mike gave about twenty-five televised interviews that were broadcast to millions of viewers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran. In these interviews, Mike emphasized and supported the historical declaration by Keynote Speaker, VT Senior Editor, and Chairman Gordon Duff that the real problem behind World Terrorism is a large Organized Crime Syndicate. For those who have time and interest in the Head of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) Snake. Related Articles: The “Little Green Guy Book” Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://veteranstoday.com/2022/03/10/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/
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  • When Khazarian Mafia Occupied Ukraine as Base for Worldwide Zionist Revival
    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorMarch 20, 2023

    Vladimir Skachko

    On the eve of March 16, 2023, when “Latvian Legionnaires’ Memorial Day” is usually celebrated in Riga and processions of former legionnaires and Latvian nationalists are held in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Latvian SS Volunteer Legion, the FSB of Russia published new data on the atrocities of these “national heroes”

    The data is bloody: from December 5 to 9, 1944, soldiers of the Ventspils field gendarmerie and the 2nd company of the 19th grenadier division of the Latvian SS Legion killed 160 civilians, including 22 children, in the village of Zleka, in western Latvia, on charges of cooperation with the partisans. In total, 22 farms, which were burned down, fell under the punitive operation.

    SS men of all countries unite

    However, both the march and the processions in Riga took place under the protection of the local police, who detained the only person who protested against the excesses of the descendants of the SS – the deputy of the Jelgava City Duma Andrei Pagor, who stood on the square with a poster on which he wrote in Latvian the same as FSB in Russian: “

    Latvian legionnaires of the Waffen-SS swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. The Latvian Legion massacred 160 civilians in the village of Zleka in the Kurzeme region .

    And the second feature is that among the Latvian SS men, yellow-blue flags of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian neo-Nazis were densely mixed. In Ukraine, similar marches of veterans of the SS division “Galicia” were also held in memory of her. Loyalty to Adolf Hitler and unites both Ukrainian and Latvian SS men and their followers.

    Vladimir Skachko – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/05/2019
    March 5, 2019, 15:34

    Vladimir Skachko: who is he

    Well-known Ukrainian journalist, publicist, political analyst

    And one more and, perhaps, today the most important and relevant feature of all such events everywhere in the world, but especially in Europe – in its post-socialist and post-Soviet parts – is that less and less organizers of actions are interested in the nationality of their participants.

    Because again a new basis for association and activity has been declared – in fact, zoological Russophobia, hardened and well-established, subconsciously argued, hatred of Russia. This became the cement for uniting all Russophobes of various nationalities.

    The pinnacle of this phenomenon was the appearance in Ukraine of the so-called — excuse me, but you can’t erase the words from this political song — Jewish Bandera: people of Jewish nationality who, for opportunistic reasons, “forgot” that Nazi Nazism was the cause and main drive belt of the Holocaust — the destruction of 6 million Jews during the years of World War II.

    First, the oligarch, a Jew by nationality, Igor Kolomoisky , declared himself a Jew of Bandera, who, by all accounts, “made” the president, also a Jew, Vladimir Zelensky. Then Zelensky spat on the blood of his fellow tribesmen, on historical memory and on the memory of his own grandfather, who fought against Nazism in the Red Army. And then everyone else followed them – nimble and just as unscrupulous.

    Russophobia was born from anti-Semitism

    And it started: Ukraine began to rapidly take shape in a Russophobic aggressive state. And the events of the end of May 2021 in the village of Novy Pikov, Vinnytsia region, should have shocked the rest of Ukraine. There, apparently, in search of wealth, a mass grave of 1,200 Jews was desecrated: graves were dug up and the entire territory was strewn with the remains of buried people. And all this happened near the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

    But nothing shocked anyone anywhere. The police traditionally opened a criminal case, which will end in nothing: no one will look for anyone and, therefore, will not find anyone. And the case will be covered with dust in the archive, like thousands of other similar cases.

    This event did not excite the central authorities of Ukraine, headed by Zelensky, who had previously said that he was proud of this. Zelensky left the next desecration of the graves of fellow tribesmen without attention and reaction, by which, as the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko once gracefully noted , he finally “painted himself in the colors that he painted.” That is, he finally and irrevocably ranked himself among the shameful and shameful tribe of Ukrainian “Jewish Bandera”. People of Jewish nationality or Jewish origin who have entered the service of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi and xenophobic state in its essence, in which one titular nation is designated as the main one – Ukrainians. And everyone else should wave them. Forgetting about their origin, roots, history.

    Foreign journalists at work in the Kherson region – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/17/2023
    March 17, 15:33

    “The Pentagon wanted to drive the Russians into concentration camps.” The truth about Ukraine from Western journalists

    Most Western media take an openly anti-Russian position on the conflict in Ukraine. But there are independent American and European journalists who prefer to see everything with their own eyes and tell about it.

    Connoisseurs of xenophobic idiocy argue that the word “Jewish Bandera” is a monstrous know-how not of “square” Ukraine, but of the Soviet one. And it appeared for the first time in 1981 in the main Ukrainian satirical magazine Peretz, where they fought hard against Zionism and terribly criticized it for allegedly merging with Western money in anti-Soviet ecstasy with Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, the symbol of which by that time had already become Stepan Bandera, leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)*, who was killed in 1959.

    The product of the coup d’étatI won’t argue with that. But in the modern history of Ukraine, this concept again became relevant and shameful immediately after the 2014 coup d’état in Dnepropetrovsk, where it was. O. President of Ukraine

    Oleksandr Turchynov , who earned the nickname “Bloody Pastor” for starting a civil war in Donbass, appointed the already mentioned oligarch Kolomoisky as governor. So that he, therefore, for his money and at any cost, put an end to the “Russian world” and “anti-Maidan” there. And for this he gave him the entire Dnepropetrovsk region, one of the richest regions of the Ukrainian southeast. In the same way that Turchynov appointed the Donetsk oligarch Sergei Taruta (the “owner of Donbass” and the richest man in Ukraine

    Rinat Akhmetov ) to “pacify the Donbass”, apparently, refused such an “honor”, ​​because he was going to “milk” both of them – both Ukraine and the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR).

    Kolomoisky coped with the tasks. And the Russian world crushed in the bud, and not only the Dnepropetrovsk region, but also the most “delicious” objects in a couple of neighboring regions crushed under itself. But he became famous for the fact that with him appeared T-shirts with the print of “Jewbander” and the image of the Jewish menorah menorah. And this despite the fact that Kolomoisky is not just a Jew by nationality. By that time, he had rebuilt the House of Culture in Dnepropetrovsk into one of the largest synagogues in the world, was the President of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community of Dnepropetrovsk, was the head and member until 2011 of the European Council of Jewish Communities, President of the European Jewish Union (EJU) .In other words, “Jewish banditry” as one of the most widespread xenophobia in Ukraine under Kolomoisky reached its peak and became an integral part of state policy. Moreover, it has become one of the most widespread Internet memes, disgracing Ukraine.

    Ukrainian phenomenon – Jewish anti-SemitismThe special and vile cynicism of this phenomenon is that, on the one hand, a huge number of current Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs who have become the architects of the current economic model of Ukraine are of Jewish origin. In addition to Zelensky, the presence of close Jewish relatives by the name of Valtsman was “accused” of his predecessor, the fifth president, Petro Poroshenko. Jewish origin was found in all three “heroes of the Maidan”, who, as it were, became the personification of the state revolution-2014.

    At the same Klitschko, who became the mayor of Kiev, it was the Ukrainians who saved the Jewish grandmother Tamara Etinzon during the Holocaust . Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who became prime minister, was attributed to the ancient Jewish family Bakaev. And even the leader of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party, Oleg Tyagnibok, who lost the most fighters on the Maidan, was found to have Jewish grandparents named Frotman. And they even arrogantly claimed that he himself became such an ardent Nazi in retaliation for the fact that his family had not been released to Israel at one time.

    A couple of years ago, President Zelensky was declared a “mortal war for the land” by the leader of the Batkivshchyna party Yulia Tymoshenko , twice the former prime minister of Ukraine, which is called the “Ukrainian coast”. And if there are different opinions about her “Ukrainianness”, to put it mildly, then in terms of forgetting her Jewish origin and ignoring the memory of her ancestors, it is Tymoshenko who can give Zelensky a head start.If the current President Zelensky, betraying Victory Day on May 9 and refusing the Great Patriotic War, simply betrayed his grandfather Semyon Zelensky, who fought under the command of “Marshal of Victory” Georgy Zhukov, whose memory is defiled

    and nullified in Ukraine, then Tymoshenko did it even earlier. When, as prime minister, she didn’t lift a finger to clean up a mass grave on the height of Bezymyannaya near the village of Karan (now Flotskoye) near Sevastopol in the then-Ukrainian-controlled Crimea.

    And her grandfather, senior lieutenant Abram Kapitelman, commander of a communications platoon of the 1st rifle battalion of the 777th rifle regiment of the 227th Temryuk rifle division, who died on May 8, 1944, was buried there, and three days before that he was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree. This is how the grave was and remained during the premiership of Tymoshenko after the military unit on whose territory it was located was closed.

    And of course, the Vinnitsa region and Vinnitsa itself are striking, where anti-Semitism takes on perhaps the ugliest forms. Vinnitsa Jews became victims of both Jewish pogroms during the time of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (URN) Symon Petlyura , and Hitler’s Holocaust during World War II. And in Vinnitsa, on the site of the Jewish ghetto and the executions of Jews, the local “Zelenbud” was smashed, the “Anti-Fascist” planting seedlings wrote about this and drew attention to the fact that one of the first monuments to the pogromist Petliura appeared in Vinnitsa. And the city at that time (and in general 16 years out of 30 in independent Ukraine) was led by Jewish mayors – Dmitry Dvorkis (1992-2000) and Volodymyr Groysman (2006-2014), who later became the Prime Minister of Ukraine under Poroshenko, and now he is trying to back into big politics.

    And there is another side of the “Jewish Bandera”: having betrayed their memory and stepped over the blood of their relatives and fellow tribesmen, they went to the service of those who today are ready to build and are building their policy and their “Ukrainian Ukraine” on xenophobia and national intolerance. Under the slogans “Ukraine for Ukrainians” and “Ukraine First”. This is modern Ukrainian neo-Nazism.

    With Hitler in the head

    And their spiritual forerunners are Bandera – the most rabid zoological, if you like, clinical nationalists. On June 30, 2021, “progressive”, that is, Maidan Ukraine, celebrated the “80th anniversary of the restoration of the Ukrainian state”, which happened with the permission of the Nazis and lasted, it seems, only 8 days. Because the Nazis created their eponymous “Reich Commissariat” (in the east), “District Galicia” (in the west) on the territory of Ukraine, and generally gave the south to allied Romania.

    But the Bandera nationalists continued to imitate the “rozbudov of Ukraine”, serving Hitler and preparing to cleanse the country of “foreigners”. Everyone. On OUN leaflets of that time it was written: “People! Know! Moscow, Poland, Magyars, Jews – these are all your enemies. Destroy them!” And the “restorer” and as the “Prime Minister of the Ukrainian state” Yaroslav Stetsko wrote and said: “Moscow and the Jews are the main enemies of Ukraine and the bearers of disintegrating Bolshevik international ideas … Considering Moscow the main and decisive enemy, which powerfully kept Ukraine in captivity, nevertheless I assess less as harmful and hostile the fate of the Jews, who help Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the position of the destruction of the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of extremination (destruction) of the Jews, excluding their assimilation.

    It is the spiritual and political heirs and bearers of similar ideas that today serve the modern Jew Bandera. And to this we can only add that not only people of Jewish origin went into the service of neo-Nazis. And it was not in vain that I focused my attention on Kolomoisky. It was under him that a peculiar Ukrainian “international of ethno-Bandera” began to form – people of different nationalities and ethnicity, who went into Ukrainian neo-Nazis and neo-fascists and became “Katsap Bandera”, “Chechen-Bandera”, “Tatar-Bandera”, “Georgian- or Armenian-Bandera”, “Belarus-Bandera” etc.

    Under Kolomoisky, in the Dnipropetrovsk region and throughout the southeast, huge wonderful advertising banners “$10,000 for a Muscovite” appeared, which were supposedly going to be paid by Privatbank, owned by the oligarch. And the ethnic Russian, an ally of the oligarch Boris Filatov put forward one of the main slogans of the fight against the “Russian world”:

    “We must give the scum any promises, guarantees and make any concessions. And hang them … You need to hang them later! And on the Maidan, the Armenian Sergei Nigoyan and Belarusian Mikhail Zhiznevsky were the first to die .

    A feature of the current situation, as already mentioned, is that traditional anti-Semitism and other national xenophobia are being replaced by Russophobia, which has come to the fore. They made a gigantic “Anti-Russia” out of Ukraine and paid with the money of sponsors, first of all, for hatred of Russia and everything Russian. And then they provoked a war with Russia, which launched a special military operation (SVO) to protect the population of two regions of Donbass from extermination. And now, for the opportunity to shine in front of the authorities in Kyiv and their sponsors, to swim in the cash flows, to bask in the career rays of the ethno-Banderites and fuss. That the Crimean Tatar

    Aider Muzhdabaev is now furious with neo-Nazi hatred for everything Russian, that the Georgian Mikho Saakashvili played in the same positions, Americans and other “Vikings”. And how many ordinary ethno-Banderites, who, for the money of the oligarchs, and now at the expense of the countries of the collective West, were contracted to “pacify the Donbass” in punitive volunteer battalions, and now fight in the NVO, and do not count. Who is there just not – from Russians and Chechens to the French, Poles and Americans.

    Ethno-Banderites on the payroll

    The main problem of Ukraine with these ethno-Banderites is not only that they cynically betrayed their blood and stepped over the blood of their fellow tribesmen. By their support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis, they create the appearance and illusion that there is no neo-Nazism and other xenophobia in Ukraine: what kind of anti-Semitism or neo-Nazism is it if their president is a Jew. But the ethno-Bandera people do not want to understand that a tough attempt is being made in Ukraine to build a mono-ethnic state, rigidly oriented and sharpened against Russia. It was for this purpose that Zelensky’s law on the indigenous peoples of Ukraine was adopted, which recognize the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks and Karaites. Russians, at best, were told by Zelensky himself: if they feel Russian, they should leave for Russia. Although the Russians have lived on this land for centuries, since the time of Kievan Rus,

    But today it is impossible to resist this ethno-Banderism in Ukraine. Because the authorities use, openly or tacitly support anti-Semitism, Russophobia, any other xenophobia and ethnic strife. As well as their carriers. They need them in order to:- to mobilize the people “to fight” against the “fifth column” inside the country and “Putin’s Mordor” on the outer contour;- to use interethnic strife and interethnic quarrels as a good and reliable distraction from the social and even political struggle against the authorities. Like, how can you fight the same Zelensky, if “the motherland is in danger.”

    Order for Bandera of all varieties

    And of course, another of the main reasons for ethno-Banderism in Ukraine is an external order for it from sponsors and external curators. Neo-Nazi Ukraine under the rule of ethno-Banderists is a trouble-free tool, an anti-Russian battering ram, a foothold or a training ground. In the same way as before, with the revival of neo-Nazism there and its support in the West, the republics of the Soviet Baltic States covered by Russophobia turned out to be.

    And the pragmatic West can be understood. They are ready to fight with Russia by proxy to the last, both Ukrainians and ethno-Banderists, who are ready for anything for money. Here the West also uses such international stupid gratuitousness.

    Dmitry Yarosh – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/03/2023
    March 3, 07:52

    Russophobia as a profession. What is neo-Nazi leader Dmitry Yarosh doing today?

    Nine years ago, in March 2014, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Nazis for the first time called for terrorist acts in the Crimea, on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for blowing up gas and oil pipelines running through the territory of Ukraine.

    And not only in Ukraine. Russia has its own Achilles’ heel in this regard – called spiritual Vlasovites, if you like, ethnovlasovites, people who are ready to fight with their own homeland to the end, until it is destroyed.And the West has already begun to bring down this audience into a flock. Last year, with a difference of almost a month in May-June, two maps appeared with a plan for dividing Russia into nation-states, which were presented by these very ethnovlasovites.

    First, on May 8, 2022 in Warsaw at a conference called the Forum of the Free Peoples of Russia (FSNR), at which a new idea and a new task were loudly announced – the dismantling of modern Russia into independent national republics under the guise of decolonization. Then in Prague on July 24, 2022, the second round of the FSNR was held, where a map of the free states of “post-Russia” was presented under the title “Decolonization and reconstruction of Russia” and the slogan “Time for indigenous peoples and regions to regain their independence and sovereignty”.

    Conclusion for growth

    It was overseen by the U.S. Government Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, a supposedly independent body of the U.S. federal government that for 45 years monitored compliance with the Helsinki Accords and promoted comprehensive security through the promotion of human rights, democracy, and economic, environmental, and military cooperation in the OSCE region from 57 countries.

    This commission has its own map of the collapse of Russia. And its new task is to unite all ethno-Banderites on the basis of hatred for Russia and frenzied Russophobia into a single coordinating structure. Something like the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), which was destroying the USSR in 1946-1996. Judging by the efforts, ABN 2.0 should now appear – only an anti-Russian bloc of peoples that would unite everyone who wants the death of Russia and is ready to participate in this for money.

    This is what it all comes down to. And it will come if Russia puts aside its victory in the NWO, which is the only one to sober up this public and cool its feverish Russophobic delirium.

    * An organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.



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    When Khazarian Mafia Occupied Ukraine as Base for Worldwide Zionist Revival Jonas E. Alexis, Senior EditorMarch 20, 2023 Vladimir Skachko On the eve of March 16, 2023, when “Latvian Legionnaires’ Memorial Day” is usually celebrated in Riga and processions of former legionnaires and Latvian nationalists are held in memory of the fallen soldiers of the Latvian SS Volunteer Legion, the FSB of Russia published new data on the atrocities of these “national heroes” The data is bloody: from December 5 to 9, 1944, soldiers of the Ventspils field gendarmerie and the 2nd company of the 19th grenadier division of the Latvian SS Legion killed 160 civilians, including 22 children, in the village of Zleka, in western Latvia, on charges of cooperation with the partisans. In total, 22 farms, which were burned down, fell under the punitive operation. SS men of all countries unite However, both the march and the processions in Riga took place under the protection of the local police, who detained the only person who protested against the excesses of the descendants of the SS – the deputy of the Jelgava City Duma Andrei Pagor, who stood on the square with a poster on which he wrote in Latvian the same as FSB in Russian: “ Latvian legionnaires of the Waffen-SS swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler. The Latvian Legion massacred 160 civilians in the village of Zleka in the Kurzeme region . And the second feature is that among the Latvian SS men, yellow-blue flags of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian neo-Nazis were densely mixed. In Ukraine, similar marches of veterans of the SS division “Galicia” were also held in memory of her. Loyalty to Adolf Hitler and unites both Ukrainian and Latvian SS men and their followers. Vladimir Skachko – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/05/2019 March 5, 2019, 15:34 Vladimir Skachko: who is he Well-known Ukrainian journalist, publicist, political analyst And one more and, perhaps, today the most important and relevant feature of all such events everywhere in the world, but especially in Europe – in its post-socialist and post-Soviet parts – is that less and less organizers of actions are interested in the nationality of their participants. Because again a new basis for association and activity has been declared – in fact, zoological Russophobia, hardened and well-established, subconsciously argued, hatred of Russia. This became the cement for uniting all Russophobes of various nationalities. The pinnacle of this phenomenon was the appearance in Ukraine of the so-called — excuse me, but you can’t erase the words from this political song — Jewish Bandera: people of Jewish nationality who, for opportunistic reasons, “forgot” that Nazi Nazism was the cause and main drive belt of the Holocaust — the destruction of 6 million Jews during the years of World War II. First, the oligarch, a Jew by nationality, Igor Kolomoisky , declared himself a Jew of Bandera, who, by all accounts, “made” the president, also a Jew, Vladimir Zelensky. Then Zelensky spat on the blood of his fellow tribesmen, on historical memory and on the memory of his own grandfather, who fought against Nazism in the Red Army. And then everyone else followed them – nimble and just as unscrupulous. Russophobia was born from anti-Semitism And it started: Ukraine began to rapidly take shape in a Russophobic aggressive state. And the events of the end of May 2021 in the village of Novy Pikov, Vinnytsia region, should have shocked the rest of Ukraine. There, apparently, in search of wealth, a mass grave of 1,200 Jews was desecrated: graves were dug up and the entire territory was strewn with the remains of buried people. And all this happened near the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. But nothing shocked anyone anywhere. The police traditionally opened a criminal case, which will end in nothing: no one will look for anyone and, therefore, will not find anyone. And the case will be covered with dust in the archive, like thousands of other similar cases. This event did not excite the central authorities of Ukraine, headed by Zelensky, who had previously said that he was proud of this. Zelensky left the next desecration of the graves of fellow tribesmen without attention and reaction, by which, as the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko once gracefully noted , he finally “painted himself in the colors that he painted.” That is, he finally and irrevocably ranked himself among the shameful and shameful tribe of Ukrainian “Jewish Bandera”. People of Jewish nationality or Jewish origin who have entered the service of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi and xenophobic state in its essence, in which one titular nation is designated as the main one – Ukrainians. And everyone else should wave them. Forgetting about their origin, roots, history. Foreign journalists at work in the Kherson region – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/17/2023 March 17, 15:33 “The Pentagon wanted to drive the Russians into concentration camps.” The truth about Ukraine from Western journalists Most Western media take an openly anti-Russian position on the conflict in Ukraine. But there are independent American and European journalists who prefer to see everything with their own eyes and tell about it. Connoisseurs of xenophobic idiocy argue that the word “Jewish Bandera” is a monstrous know-how not of “square” Ukraine, but of the Soviet one. And it appeared for the first time in 1981 in the main Ukrainian satirical magazine Peretz, where they fought hard against Zionism and terribly criticized it for allegedly merging with Western money in anti-Soviet ecstasy with Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, the symbol of which by that time had already become Stepan Bandera, leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)*, who was killed in 1959. The product of the coup d’étatI won’t argue with that. But in the modern history of Ukraine, this concept again became relevant and shameful immediately after the 2014 coup d’état in Dnepropetrovsk, where it was. O. President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov , who earned the nickname “Bloody Pastor” for starting a civil war in Donbass, appointed the already mentioned oligarch Kolomoisky as governor. So that he, therefore, for his money and at any cost, put an end to the “Russian world” and “anti-Maidan” there. And for this he gave him the entire Dnepropetrovsk region, one of the richest regions of the Ukrainian southeast. In the same way that Turchynov appointed the Donetsk oligarch Sergei Taruta (the “owner of Donbass” and the richest man in Ukraine Rinat Akhmetov ) to “pacify the Donbass”, apparently, refused such an “honor”, ​​because he was going to “milk” both of them – both Ukraine and the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR). Kolomoisky coped with the tasks. And the Russian world crushed in the bud, and not only the Dnepropetrovsk region, but also the most “delicious” objects in a couple of neighboring regions crushed under itself. But he became famous for the fact that with him appeared T-shirts with the print of “Jewbander” and the image of the Jewish menorah menorah. And this despite the fact that Kolomoisky is not just a Jew by nationality. By that time, he had rebuilt the House of Culture in Dnepropetrovsk into one of the largest synagogues in the world, was the President of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Community of Dnepropetrovsk, was the head and member until 2011 of the European Council of Jewish Communities, President of the European Jewish Union (EJU) .In other words, “Jewish banditry” as one of the most widespread xenophobia in Ukraine under Kolomoisky reached its peak and became an integral part of state policy. Moreover, it has become one of the most widespread Internet memes, disgracing Ukraine. Ukrainian phenomenon – Jewish anti-SemitismThe special and vile cynicism of this phenomenon is that, on the one hand, a huge number of current Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs who have become the architects of the current economic model of Ukraine are of Jewish origin. In addition to Zelensky, the presence of close Jewish relatives by the name of Valtsman was “accused” of his predecessor, the fifth president, Petro Poroshenko. Jewish origin was found in all three “heroes of the Maidan”, who, as it were, became the personification of the state revolution-2014. At the same Klitschko, who became the mayor of Kiev, it was the Ukrainians who saved the Jewish grandmother Tamara Etinzon during the Holocaust . Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who became prime minister, was attributed to the ancient Jewish family Bakaev. And even the leader of the neo-Nazi Svoboda party, Oleg Tyagnibok, who lost the most fighters on the Maidan, was found to have Jewish grandparents named Frotman. And they even arrogantly claimed that he himself became such an ardent Nazi in retaliation for the fact that his family had not been released to Israel at one time. A couple of years ago, President Zelensky was declared a “mortal war for the land” by the leader of the Batkivshchyna party Yulia Tymoshenko , twice the former prime minister of Ukraine, which is called the “Ukrainian coast”. And if there are different opinions about her “Ukrainianness”, to put it mildly, then in terms of forgetting her Jewish origin and ignoring the memory of her ancestors, it is Tymoshenko who can give Zelensky a head start.If the current President Zelensky, betraying Victory Day on May 9 and refusing the Great Patriotic War, simply betrayed his grandfather Semyon Zelensky, who fought under the command of “Marshal of Victory” Georgy Zhukov, whose memory is defiled and nullified in Ukraine, then Tymoshenko did it even earlier. When, as prime minister, she didn’t lift a finger to clean up a mass grave on the height of Bezymyannaya near the village of Karan (now Flotskoye) near Sevastopol in the then-Ukrainian-controlled Crimea. And her grandfather, senior lieutenant Abram Kapitelman, commander of a communications platoon of the 1st rifle battalion of the 777th rifle regiment of the 227th Temryuk rifle division, who died on May 8, 1944, was buried there, and three days before that he was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree. This is how the grave was and remained during the premiership of Tymoshenko after the military unit on whose territory it was located was closed. And of course, the Vinnitsa region and Vinnitsa itself are striking, where anti-Semitism takes on perhaps the ugliest forms. Vinnitsa Jews became victims of both Jewish pogroms during the time of the Ukrainian People’s Republic (URN) Symon Petlyura , and Hitler’s Holocaust during World War II. And in Vinnitsa, on the site of the Jewish ghetto and the executions of Jews, the local “Zelenbud” was smashed, the “Anti-Fascist” planting seedlings wrote about this and drew attention to the fact that one of the first monuments to the pogromist Petliura appeared in Vinnitsa. And the city at that time (and in general 16 years out of 30 in independent Ukraine) was led by Jewish mayors – Dmitry Dvorkis (1992-2000) and Volodymyr Groysman (2006-2014), who later became the Prime Minister of Ukraine under Poroshenko, and now he is trying to back into big politics. And there is another side of the “Jewish Bandera”: having betrayed their memory and stepped over the blood of their relatives and fellow tribesmen, they went to the service of those who today are ready to build and are building their policy and their “Ukrainian Ukraine” on xenophobia and national intolerance. Under the slogans “Ukraine for Ukrainians” and “Ukraine First”. This is modern Ukrainian neo-Nazism. With Hitler in the head And their spiritual forerunners are Bandera – the most rabid zoological, if you like, clinical nationalists. On June 30, 2021, “progressive”, that is, Maidan Ukraine, celebrated the “80th anniversary of the restoration of the Ukrainian state”, which happened with the permission of the Nazis and lasted, it seems, only 8 days. Because the Nazis created their eponymous “Reich Commissariat” (in the east), “District Galicia” (in the west) on the territory of Ukraine, and generally gave the south to allied Romania. But the Bandera nationalists continued to imitate the “rozbudov of Ukraine”, serving Hitler and preparing to cleanse the country of “foreigners”. Everyone. On OUN leaflets of that time it was written: “People! Know! Moscow, Poland, Magyars, Jews – these are all your enemies. Destroy them!” And the “restorer” and as the “Prime Minister of the Ukrainian state” Yaroslav Stetsko wrote and said: “Moscow and the Jews are the main enemies of Ukraine and the bearers of disintegrating Bolshevik international ideas … Considering Moscow the main and decisive enemy, which powerfully kept Ukraine in captivity, nevertheless I assess less as harmful and hostile the fate of the Jews, who help Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the position of the destruction of the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of extremination (destruction) of the Jews, excluding their assimilation. It is the spiritual and political heirs and bearers of similar ideas that today serve the modern Jew Bandera. And to this we can only add that not only people of Jewish origin went into the service of neo-Nazis. And it was not in vain that I focused my attention on Kolomoisky. It was under him that a peculiar Ukrainian “international of ethno-Bandera” began to form – people of different nationalities and ethnicity, who went into Ukrainian neo-Nazis and neo-fascists and became “Katsap Bandera”, “Chechen-Bandera”, “Tatar-Bandera”, “Georgian- or Armenian-Bandera”, “Belarus-Bandera” etc. Under Kolomoisky, in the Dnipropetrovsk region and throughout the southeast, huge wonderful advertising banners “$10,000 for a Muscovite” appeared, which were supposedly going to be paid by Privatbank, owned by the oligarch. And the ethnic Russian, an ally of the oligarch Boris Filatov put forward one of the main slogans of the fight against the “Russian world”: “We must give the scum any promises, guarantees and make any concessions. And hang them … You need to hang them later! And on the Maidan, the Armenian Sergei Nigoyan and Belarusian Mikhail Zhiznevsky were the first to die . A feature of the current situation, as already mentioned, is that traditional anti-Semitism and other national xenophobia are being replaced by Russophobia, which has come to the fore. They made a gigantic “Anti-Russia” out of Ukraine and paid with the money of sponsors, first of all, for hatred of Russia and everything Russian. And then they provoked a war with Russia, which launched a special military operation (SVO) to protect the population of two regions of Donbass from extermination. And now, for the opportunity to shine in front of the authorities in Kyiv and their sponsors, to swim in the cash flows, to bask in the career rays of the ethno-Banderites and fuss. That the Crimean Tatar Aider Muzhdabaev is now furious with neo-Nazi hatred for everything Russian, that the Georgian Mikho Saakashvili played in the same positions, Americans and other “Vikings”. And how many ordinary ethno-Banderites, who, for the money of the oligarchs, and now at the expense of the countries of the collective West, were contracted to “pacify the Donbass” in punitive volunteer battalions, and now fight in the NVO, and do not count. Who is there just not – from Russians and Chechens to the French, Poles and Americans. Ethno-Banderites on the payroll The main problem of Ukraine with these ethno-Banderites is not only that they cynically betrayed their blood and stepped over the blood of their fellow tribesmen. By their support for Ukrainian neo-Nazis, they create the appearance and illusion that there is no neo-Nazism and other xenophobia in Ukraine: what kind of anti-Semitism or neo-Nazism is it if their president is a Jew. But the ethno-Bandera people do not want to understand that a tough attempt is being made in Ukraine to build a mono-ethnic state, rigidly oriented and sharpened against Russia. It was for this purpose that Zelensky’s law on the indigenous peoples of Ukraine was adopted, which recognize the Crimean Tatars, Krymchaks and Karaites. Russians, at best, were told by Zelensky himself: if they feel Russian, they should leave for Russia. Although the Russians have lived on this land for centuries, since the time of Kievan Rus, But today it is impossible to resist this ethno-Banderism in Ukraine. Because the authorities use, openly or tacitly support anti-Semitism, Russophobia, any other xenophobia and ethnic strife. As well as their carriers. They need them in order to:- to mobilize the people “to fight” against the “fifth column” inside the country and “Putin’s Mordor” on the outer contour;- to use interethnic strife and interethnic quarrels as a good and reliable distraction from the social and even political struggle against the authorities. Like, how can you fight the same Zelensky, if “the motherland is in danger.” Order for Bandera of all varieties And of course, another of the main reasons for ethno-Banderism in Ukraine is an external order for it from sponsors and external curators. Neo-Nazi Ukraine under the rule of ethno-Banderists is a trouble-free tool, an anti-Russian battering ram, a foothold or a training ground. In the same way as before, with the revival of neo-Nazism there and its support in the West, the republics of the Soviet Baltic States covered by Russophobia turned out to be. And the pragmatic West can be understood. They are ready to fight with Russia by proxy to the last, both Ukrainians and ethno-Banderists, who are ready for anything for money. Here the West also uses such international stupid gratuitousness. Dmitry Yarosh – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/03/2023 March 3, 07:52 Russophobia as a profession. What is neo-Nazi leader Dmitry Yarosh doing today? Nine years ago, in March 2014, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Nazis for the first time called for terrorist acts in the Crimea, on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for blowing up gas and oil pipelines running through the territory of Ukraine. And not only in Ukraine. Russia has its own Achilles’ heel in this regard – called spiritual Vlasovites, if you like, ethnovlasovites, people who are ready to fight with their own homeland to the end, until it is destroyed.And the West has already begun to bring down this audience into a flock. Last year, with a difference of almost a month in May-June, two maps appeared with a plan for dividing Russia into nation-states, which were presented by these very ethnovlasovites. First, on May 8, 2022 in Warsaw at a conference called the Forum of the Free Peoples of Russia (FSNR), at which a new idea and a new task were loudly announced – the dismantling of modern Russia into independent national republics under the guise of decolonization. Then in Prague on July 24, 2022, the second round of the FSNR was held, where a map of the free states of “post-Russia” was presented under the title “Decolonization and reconstruction of Russia” and the slogan “Time for indigenous peoples and regions to regain their independence and sovereignty”. Conclusion for growth It was overseen by the U.S. Government Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, a supposedly independent body of the U.S. federal government that for 45 years monitored compliance with the Helsinki Accords and promoted comprehensive security through the promotion of human rights, democracy, and economic, environmental, and military cooperation in the OSCE region from 57 countries. This commission has its own map of the collapse of Russia. And its new task is to unite all ethno-Banderites on the basis of hatred for Russia and frenzied Russophobia into a single coordinating structure. Something like the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), which was destroying the USSR in 1946-1996. Judging by the efforts, ABN 2.0 should now appear – only an anti-Russian bloc of peoples that would unite everyone who wants the death of Russia and is ready to participate in this for money. This is what it all comes down to. And it will come if Russia puts aside its victory in the NWO, which is the only one to sober up this public and cool its feverish Russophobic delirium. * An organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation. https://ukraina.ru/20230320/1044542744.html ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://veteranstoday.com/2023/03/20/the-khazarian-mafia-took-ukraine-in-2014-as-a-base-for-a-worldwide-zionist-revival/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 21144 مشاهدة


    I seemed to have lost it these past weeks, perhaps because of the clear obviously fast receding times ,that most of us yet deliberately refuse to acknowledge. Or it might just be the repressive effects of my current travails.


    Either way, I am in far more pains over the *GROSS IRREGULARITIES IN MY CONSTITUENCY(THE CHURCH)! And this,not with the LED,but the LEADERS!

    Pastors today(all their titles observed), have assumed ownership of CHRIST JESUS' church as theirs...not just theirs,but also their family enterprise. I don't know where to begin or end...

    Because of our hidden ulterior motives,we(pastors), have been leading God's children in our care,not only amiss but astray. We prey on their vulnerability to twist them round our fingers. GOD ISN'T SMILING,HE ISN'T FINDING IT FUNNY.

    People like to be controlled!
    People want to be controlled!

    Simply put, because deep down many Christians want a pastor who tells them;

    * what is right or wrong

    * what God wants or doesn’t want

    * what they should or shouldn’t do with their life

    In 1 Samuel 8 the people of Israel demanded that Samuel give them a king. Samuel goes on to explain to the people that a king will control them, abuse them, and use their lives to further his own.


    There are quite some Senior Pastors and church leaders who model Christ Jesus' example of servant- leadership (Matt. 20: 25-26)… but there are still far too many who “lord over” their congregations.

    Let's begin by saying that there are many things THAT GOD IS NOT, THAT PASTORS MAKE MEMBERS BELIEVE HE IS.
    Yes,people believe certain things about God because that’s what they’ve always been told...or because they want them to be true.

    But eventually, plodding through the mud of life, they discover the truth: life is hard, and not everything is as it seemed.And then their faith crumble,being laid on a faulty foundation.

    For instance;

    God isn't a Father Christmas..
    You don’t get put on a nice list for doing the right things and, in turn, get whatever your heart desires from God.

    Whenever we feel entitled to a reward, or to “what we deserve”, we cease to view God as God (our King) and begin to view Him as our Father Christmas. We then harbour mixed emotions,when the Father Xmas part refuse to materialize.

    Again, you Won't Always Be healed;

    There is so much good in praying for healing--healing for others and healing for ourselves.

    And while it's true that God is able to heal, HE IS NOT OBLIGATED TO.

    Think about it: if God were obligated to heal and answer every prayer of healing, no one would ever die. The hard truth is that at some point, this life will end.

    But that’s not the end of the story. There is hope.

    Our great hope is not that we won't experience death, but that death is not the end of life--it's the beginning.

    Also, You Won't Always Be "Blessed"

    When someone says they’re “blessed,”the usual fleshly connotation is that they that they're doing well financially.
    The implicit suggestion is that they're “blessed” because those things have happened. Conversely, if those things weren’t true, they would not be “blessed.” There's more to blessings than finance. For instance,even though on one leg and in constant pain, I'm blessed to be alive, because there are millions of the wealthy in the hospital now,whose wealth couldn't offer comfort,and wish to be where I am now...not in the hospital,legs not hung up, not feeding through tubes,or living on artificial oxygen. PLEASE, DON'T GET ME WRONG, I'M NOT HAPPY FOR THEIR SITUATION. I am only saying that before they got to that position,they saw themselves as highly blessed,but seemed to be curse. Yet,I tell you, they're still blessed, because those of them who are unsaved yet have the opportunity to be saved . THAT'S THE REASON FOR HOSPITAL EVANGELISM!

    Though there was a time that “blessing” and “wealth” and “good-living” were tied together, we have a lesson from Christ Jesus,over 2000 years ago;

    “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on My account." (Matt. 5:11,)

    Or when His cousin asked for Him to save his life, and He didn’t. But instead sent word in Matthew 11:

    “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me.”

    Moreover, the Church Isn't about you nor me
    It’s so easy for church to become a country club.

    It's NOT about what we want...our preferences...our comforts. It's NOT our little world that we control, and we determine who gets in and who stays out.
    The hard truth is that church isn’t about us and our holy huddles. It's about seeking and healing the lost.

    The church should be a refugee camp for the lost and hurting. A place hurting people are brought in to be made well, and then sent out to bring others who are hurting back in.
    We weren’t brought in to simply socialize.

    It's also true that God isn't obligated to always answer our whims and caprices e.g,

    The time when Christ Jesus was in the grave, His disciples were scared out of their minds, and they all thought they had wasted the last three years of their lives backing the wrong messiah.

    Sometimes God is going to be silent. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t “Christian enough” or that you are somehow “broken.” It means God is being silent.
    And the hard truth is that silence is OK.

    But today,we(pastors) encourage people on a wrong note, spinning and weaving SOME 3 OR 7 KEYS TO SUCCESS OR BREAKTHROUGH...all in a bid to LINE OUR POCKETS. WE GIVE THEM FALSE HOPES TO CAGE THEM.

    Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. (Isa 56: 11)

    Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. (Eze 34: 3)

    Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron. (Mic 3: 3)

    We should get one thing clear: there’s no guarantee to happiness, success, a great prayer life, or anything else. The BIBLE DOESN'T OFFER “A GOOD/EFFICIENT/SUCCESSFUL/RICH LIFE”, BUT INSTEAD,“A NEW LIFE.”

    And the hard truth is that that "new life" might look different than what we expect.

    We might do everything the Scriptures say and have a failed business,or be poor (which is no sin,like most of us pastors make it looks like), struggle with depression, and/or not become the “next big thing.”

    What Scripture does say is God will not leave us as orphans (John 14:18). That whatever we have to go through in life, we won’t have to go through it alone.

    That’s the kind of guarantee we can count on.

    Conclusively,as pastors, no matter what reasons we have for not telling our people the hard truths -- the end is the same: we’re lying to them. They’re going to find out eventually.

    The question is this: Do you want to tell them the hard truth? Or do you want them to be blindsided by it,for your selfish interests? Let's think about this...Amen!
    HIS WORD ABOVE HIS NAME (PS.138:2) 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 WHO OWNS THE CHURCH...PASTOR OR GOD?* 🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 I seemed to have lost it these past weeks, perhaps because of the clear obviously fast receding times ,that most of us yet deliberately refuse to acknowledge. Or it might just be the repressive effects of my current travails. TRUTHFULLY, I THINK I SHOULD BE GLAD, GLAD THAT IT MAY FINALLY BE OVER. BUT I'M NOT...WILL I BE REJOICING OR WAILING...AM I TRULY CERTAIN I AM READY? THIS SHOULD BE OUR CONCERN AS GOD'S SHEPHERDS.WE HAVE AN ACCOUNT TO GIVE FOR OURSELVES,THEN THE FLOCK, EVEN AS PARENTS, FOR OUR CHILDREN. Either way, I am in far more pains over the *GROSS IRREGULARITIES IN MY CONSTITUENCY(THE CHURCH)! And this,not with the LED,but the LEADERS! Pastors today(all their titles observed), have assumed ownership of CHRIST JESUS' church as theirs...not just theirs,but also their family enterprise. I don't know where to begin or end... Because of our hidden ulterior motives,we(pastors), have been leading God's children in our care,not only amiss but astray. We prey on their vulnerability to twist them round our fingers. GOD ISN'T SMILING,HE ISN'T FINDING IT FUNNY. People like to be controlled! People want to be controlled! Simply put, because deep down many Christians want a pastor who tells them; * what is right or wrong * what God wants or doesn’t want * what they should or shouldn’t do with their life In 1 Samuel 8 the people of Israel demanded that Samuel give them a king. Samuel goes on to explain to the people that a king will control them, abuse them, and use their lives to further his own. And yet, surprisingly they replied, “We still want a king...*THIS IS THE VULNERABILITY THAT PASTORS PREY ON...TAKE UNDUE ADVANTAGE OF,TO ACHIEVE THEIR ULTERIOR MOTIVES.* There are quite some Senior Pastors and church leaders who model Christ Jesus' example of servant- leadership (Matt. 20: 25-26)… but there are still far too many who “lord over” their congregations. Let's begin by saying that there are many things THAT GOD IS NOT, THAT PASTORS MAKE MEMBERS BELIEVE HE IS. Yes,people believe certain things about God because that’s what they’ve always been told...or because they want them to be true. But eventually, plodding through the mud of life, they discover the truth: life is hard, and not everything is as it seemed.And then their faith crumble,being laid on a faulty foundation. For instance; God isn't a Father Christmas.. You don’t get put on a nice list for doing the right things and, in turn, get whatever your heart desires from God. Whenever we feel entitled to a reward, or to “what we deserve”, we cease to view God as God (our King) and begin to view Him as our Father Christmas. We then harbour mixed emotions,when the Father Xmas part refuse to materialize. Again, you Won't Always Be healed; There is so much good in praying for healing--healing for others and healing for ourselves. And while it's true that God is able to heal, HE IS NOT OBLIGATED TO. Think about it: if God were obligated to heal and answer every prayer of healing, no one would ever die. The hard truth is that at some point, this life will end. But that’s not the end of the story. There is hope. Our great hope is not that we won't experience death, but that death is not the end of life--it's the beginning. Also, You Won't Always Be "Blessed" When someone says they’re “blessed,”the usual fleshly connotation is that they that they're doing well financially. The implicit suggestion is that they're “blessed” because those things have happened. Conversely, if those things weren’t true, they would not be “blessed.” There's more to blessings than finance. For instance,even though on one leg and in constant pain, I'm blessed to be alive, because there are millions of the wealthy in the hospital now,whose wealth couldn't offer comfort,and wish to be where I am now...not in the hospital,legs not hung up, not feeding through tubes,or living on artificial oxygen. PLEASE, DON'T GET ME WRONG, I'M NOT HAPPY FOR THEIR SITUATION. I am only saying that before they got to that position,they saw themselves as highly blessed,but seemed to be curse. Yet,I tell you, they're still blessed, because those of them who are unsaved yet have the opportunity to be saved . THAT'S THE REASON FOR HOSPITAL EVANGELISM! Though there was a time that “blessing” and “wealth” and “good-living” were tied together, we have a lesson from Christ Jesus,over 2000 years ago; “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on My account." (Matt. 5:11,) Or when His cousin asked for Him to save his life, and He didn’t. But instead sent word in Matthew 11: “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me.” Moreover, the Church Isn't about you nor me It’s so easy for church to become a country club. It's NOT about what we want...our preferences...our comforts. It's NOT our little world that we control, and we determine who gets in and who stays out. The hard truth is that church isn’t about us and our holy huddles. It's about seeking and healing the lost. The church should be a refugee camp for the lost and hurting. A place hurting people are brought in to be made well, and then sent out to bring others who are hurting back in. We weren’t brought in to simply socialize. Today,the CHURCH HAS MORE ASSOCIATIONS THAN THE SECULAR WORLD. It's also true that God isn't obligated to always answer our whims and caprices e.g, The time when Christ Jesus was in the grave, His disciples were scared out of their minds, and they all thought they had wasted the last three years of their lives backing the wrong messiah. Sometimes God is going to be silent. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t “Christian enough” or that you are somehow “broken.” It means God is being silent. And the hard truth is that silence is OK. But today,we(pastors) encourage people on a wrong note, spinning and weaving SOME 3 OR 7 KEYS TO SUCCESS OR BREAKTHROUGH...all in a bid to LINE OUR POCKETS. WE GIVE THEM FALSE HOPES TO CAGE THEM. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. (Isa 56: 11) Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. (Eze 34: 3) Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron. (Mic 3: 3) We should get one thing clear: there’s no guarantee to happiness, success, a great prayer life, or anything else. The BIBLE DOESN'T OFFER “A GOOD/EFFICIENT/SUCCESSFUL/RICH LIFE”, BUT INSTEAD,“A NEW LIFE.” And the hard truth is that that "new life" might look different than what we expect. We might do everything the Scriptures say and have a failed business,or be poor (which is no sin,like most of us pastors make it looks like), struggle with depression, and/or not become the “next big thing.” What Scripture does say is God will not leave us as orphans (John 14:18). That whatever we have to go through in life, we won’t have to go through it alone. That’s the kind of guarantee we can count on. Conclusively,as pastors, no matter what reasons we have for not telling our people the hard truths -- the end is the same: we’re lying to them. They’re going to find out eventually. The question is this: Do you want to tell them the hard truth? Or do you want them to be blindsided by it,for your selfish interests? Let's think about this...Amen🙏🙇🙏!
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 8537 مشاهدة
  • AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold
    The AI war is upon us

    Fritz Freud

    Before I expose the Government Lies and tell you how the Government will take every right from you I shall give you their PoV so you understand their vicious lies.
    Understand this: There is nothing beneficial that AI brings to the table for Humanity.
    AI by its very definition is detrimental to Humanity.
    And at its full Potential they call "The Singularity" it is impossible to control which is the point of AI.

    As noted in the landmark Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, And Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI),” signed by the President on October 30, 2023, “AI must be safe and secure .” As the nation’s cyber defense agency and the national coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience, CISA will play a key role in addressing and managing risksat the nexus of AI, cybersecurity, and critical infrastructure .
    This “2023–2024 CISA Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence” serves as a guide for CISA’s AI-related efforts, ensuring both internal coherence as well as alignment with the whole-of-government AI strategy . This roadmap incorporates key CISA-led actions as directed by Executive Order 14110, along with additional actions CISA is leading to promote AI security and support critical infrastructure owners and operators as they navigate the adoption of AI .

    The roadmap includes CISA’s efforts to:

    • Promote beneficial uses of AI to enhance cybersecurity capabilities and other aspects of

    CISA’s mission;

    • Protect the nation’s AI systems from cybersecurity threats; and

    • Deter malicious actors’ use of AI capabilities to threaten critical infrastructure .

    We envision a future in which AI systems advance our nation’s cyber defense, where our critical infrastructure is resilient and protected from malicious use of AI, and where AI developers prioritize the security of their products as a core business requirement.

    GOAL 1 | CYBER DEFENSE. AI tools can help defend cyberspace against traditional threats, as well as emerging AI driven threats . However, AI-based software systems are also software systems that require securing and necessitate cyber defense for AI .

    GOAL 2 | RISK REDUCTION AND RESILIENCE. Critical infrastructure organizations increasingly use AI systems to maintain and improve resilience . CISA will guide and support responsible and risk-aware adoption of AI-based software systems that are secure by design .

    GOAL 3 | OPERATIONAL COLLABORATION. As AI contributes to a rapidly changing threat landscape, CISA will communicate threat and risk information to the U .S . public, including critical infrastructure sectors . Furthermore, AI companies and AI use cases may be subject to targeted threats and may require specific services and protections in response .

    GOAL 4 | AGENCY UNIFICATION. CISA will responsibly integrate AI software systems across the agency, as well as recruit and develop a workforce capable of optimally harnessing AI software systems to carry out CISA’s mission.


    The Term "safe and secure AI" is misleading at best and a blatant Lie.
    Imagine you have a Gun that can shoot at will anyone it deems a threat target by any means it applies itself for any reasons it deems to be reasonable.
    " We envision a future in which AI systems advance our nation’s cyber defense, where our critical infrastructure is resilient and protected from malicious use of AI".
    What they say is insane: We need AI to protect us from the AI we are building.
    So they already know AI is a threat to Humanity yet the build it anyway.
    And it gets even worse... they are rolling out this threat by giving it Government Power.
    Then they say we need more AI to combat the AI we build yesterday but couldn't control.
    Then they change the name of the CIA to CAI.

    Abandoned luggage and unexpected crowds - real-time cameras will use artificial intelligence (AI) to detect suspicious activity on the streets of Paris during next summer's Olympics.
    AI devices monitor all the cameras. And when it sees something it's been told to look out for - like a sudden grouping of people - it raises an alert.


    This is the French Government telling us they will connect all CCTV Camera's to AI.
    And if you are foolish enough to think they will connect just a few go kill yourself.
    They will connect all CCTV Cameras to AI in France Europe USA just like they did in China.
    Oh and London has most CCTV Cameras per m² in the world... they will definitely use AI.
    So let's harness the scenario... AI sees a " sudden grouping of people" for no matter what reason.
    AI will then react as itself deems fit using whatever it has to eliminate the threat.

    Trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) can bring many benefits, such as better healthcare, safer and cleaner transport, more efficient manufacturing, and cheaper and more sustainable energy. The EU’s approach to AI will give people the confidence to embrace these technologies while encouraging businesses to develop them.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) can help find solutions to many of society’s problems. This can only be achieved if the technology is of high quality, and developed and used in ways that earns peoples’ trust. Therefore, an EU strategic framework based on EU values will give citizens the confidence to accept AI-based solutions, while encouraging businesses to develop and deploy them.


    This is the EU or European Dictator von der Leyen Hoodwinking you... lying straight in your Face.
    First of all Transport and Energy is already solved... I did that.
    All Energy can and must be extracted using Water.
    And I have already Invented the most Advanced safest cleanest and fastest Transportation System in the world.

    The Future according to Fritz Freud

    The Future according to Fritz Freud
    Welcome to another dawn My mind is trapped in a one way storm Feeling is gone withered to dust An empty body a slave of your Lust Shadows won't let me sleep today If I could have it any other way Rolling around lying on the floor If this is gone would you like some more

    Read full story

    The EU with the Euthanasia friendly executive " will give citizens the confidence to accept AI-based solutions" knowing already that this is a lie and as such betray every Citizen of the EU.
    AI was never designed and is definitely not deployed to help people but to control people in ways never been seen or imagined before... and the Government knows this.
    And by their own admission of guilt they tell us they need to lie to us to accept their lies.

    Europe’s Digital Decade: digital targets for 2030


    ICT Specialists: 20 million + gender convergence
    Basic Digital Skills: min 80% of population

    Secure and sustainable digital infrastructures

    Connectivity: Gigabit for everyone
    Cutting edge Semiconductors: double EU share in global production
    Data - Edge & Cloud: 10,000 climate-neutral highly secure edge nodes
    Computing: first computer with quantum acceleration

    Digital transformation of businesses

    Tech up-take: 75% of EU companies using Cloud, AI, or Big Data
    Innovators: grow scale-ups & finance to double EU Unicorns
    Late adopters: more than 90% of SMEs reach at least a basic level of digital intensity

    Digitalisation of public services

    Key Public Services: 100% online
    e-Health: 100% of citizens have access to medical records online
    Digital Identity: 100% of citizens have access to digital ID


    Why do they need Gigabit for everyone? Simply because they already plan for AI to control you in real time and by their action reveal their plan beyond doubt.
    They already tell you that all Key Government Services will be 100% online meaning they use AI.
    Therefore they need the Bandwidth.
    And they tell us that all citizens will be forced into the Digital Auschwitz ID.
    Additionally AI will have your complete Medical Data as given by the Government to AI.
    The Banks will do the same meaning AI will have all of your Data.

    Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter

    The converging roles of men and women are among the grandest advances in society and the economy in the last century. These aspects of the grand gender convergence are figurative chapters in a history of gender roles. But what must the "last" chapter contain for there to be equality in the labor market? The answer may come as a surprise. The solution does not (necessarily) have to involve government intervention and it need not make men more responsible in the home (although that wouldn't hurt). But it must involve changes in the labor market, especially how jobs are structured and remunerated to enhance temporal flexibility.


    Gender Convergence means Slavery for all simple.
    Jobs are given not to the best but to those who the Government Chooses.
    Transvestites Transsexuals and the Minority Report.

    Enhancing the use of AI throughout the Department

    The Department of State released its first-ever “Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Strategy FY 2024-2025: Empowering Diplomacy through Responsible A I” (EAIS) on November 9, 2023. Signed by Secretary Blinken, the EAIS establishes a centralized vision for artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, infrastructure, policy, governance, and culture by inaugurating Department-wide guidance for the responsible and ethical design, development, acquisition, and appropriate application of AI.

    The Department of State stands at a critical juncture where an emerging ecosystem of AI capabilities presents enormous opportunity. This opportunity can allow the Department to leverage AI to achieve breakthroughs of all kinds – in public diplomacy, language translation, management operations, information proliferation and dissemination, task automation, code generation, and others. However, this opportunity will require the Department to take steps to ensure ethical and responsible use. This includes steps to protect the security and privacy of Department data and to avert biased outcomes that pose a risk to our mission and our values.


    "Signed by Secretary Blinken, the EAIS establishes a centralized vision for artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, infrastructure, policy, governance, and culture by inaugurating Department-wide guidance for the responsible and ethical design, development, acquisition, and appropriate application of AI".
    What does that mean?
    AI Government will start being Implemented from 01.01.2024.
    Did I tell you?

    Project Omega: AI Government

    Project Omega: AI Government
    Israel the so called Democratic state... How come all they do is to support Governments everywhere to enslave Humanity as we know it? Not just any Governments but the worst Governments everywhere. Jamal Kashogi anyone? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/22/us/politics/khashoggi-saudi-kill-team-us-training.html

    Read full story

    Data and Digital Government Strategy

    The Australian Government is committed to a modern public service that puts people and business at the centre of the data and digital transformation.

    The Australian Government has released an initial Data and Digital Government Strategy outlining its vision to deliver simple, secure, and connected public services for all people and business through world class data and digital capabilities.

    The final Data and Digital Government Strategy, supported by an implementation plan outlining initiatives that will achieve progress towards the Australian Government’s vision, is expected to be released by the end of 2023.


    The Aussies are most secretive to tell you nothing.
    They regurgitating the same text over several pages.
    However the fact that they have a " Data and Digital Government Strategy" and a " Digital Transformation Agency" that is " supported by an implementation plan" shows you two things.
    A) They don't want you to know
    B) They fear the public response
    C) They do not have you best interest in Mind.

    Global Government Agenda 2024 (Jan 23 2024) Agenda & Topics

    The Global Government Leaders’ Forum 2024 (Jan 23 2024) brings together heads of civil services from across the globe and senior managers from Singapore.

    Modernising the civil service – and how you fit in

    What capabilities and cultures must civil service leaders nurture within their organisations in order to meet the challenges of today’s tumultuous, fast-changing world? Working with Lord O’Donnell, former UK Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service, Global Government Forum has carried out research to develop a ‘blueprint for a modern public service’ – interviewing heads of civil services from around the world to gather their views on topics from strategy to skills, technology to trust

    Achieving real transformation: a modern approach to civil service productivity

    Over the years, civil services around the world have pursued a wide range of efficiency agendas – with mixed results. Digitally-enabled procurement reforms have often cut costs and improved outcomes, for example, but few shared services schemes have realised their potential. Outsourcing programmes have produced good savings, but sometimes weakened public sector capabilities: many governments have since reclaimed some delivery operations. Now digital technologies offer a host both of new opportunities, and of novel pitfalls. At this session, a panel of civil service experts will discuss the lessons of past efficiency drives and explore the techniques and agendas most likely to produce big savings over the coming years.

    An equitable path to net zero: economic transformations and just transitions

    In many parts of the world, people are already experiencing the effects of climate change – stoking popular support for action to cut CO2 emissions. But the task of decarbonising economies is a massive one, creating losers as well as winners: at this session, a panel of civil service leaders will explore how governments can build and maintain public support for the green transition. How to enable a green transition while tackling poverty? How can workforces and businesses in carbon-intensive industries be supported to find new forms of income? Which forms of green infrastructure investments or environmental improvements attract the most public interest and support? And how can public bodies provide clear public benefits while decarbonising their own operations? Without radical changes, humans face a grim future – but securing popular support for radical change is no easy task.

    Addressing today’s crises and tomorrow’s catastrophes

    Civil services must be able to respond rapidly and effectively to crises such as the pandemic; but this flexibility should be combined with an ability to maintain progress on longer-term goals – including the work of planning for future emergencies. It is a sad irony that, as the UK’s COVID-19 Inquiry has heard, during 2016-19 the country’s pandemic preparations were deprioritised as civil servants focused on the immediate challenge of planning for a no-deal Brexit. And ever since the pandemic, many governments’ work on huge, slow-moving challenges such as climate change and demographic issues has been slowed by a series of fresh challenges, including Ukraine and spiralling inflation. At this session, a panel of very senior leaders will consider how civil servants can both respond effectively to today’s crises, and continue the crucial work required to address longer-term threats that will otherwise generate tomorrow’s catastrophes.


    Jamie Ang, Deputy Secretary, Public Service Division, Singapore
    Darin Duch, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Civil Service, Cambodia
    Dr Gordon de Brouwer, Public Service Commissioner, Australia
    Her Excellency Dr. Shaikha Rana bint Isa Al Khalifa, Director General, Institute of Public Administration, Bahrain
    Sir Alex Chisholm, Chief Operating Officer, Civil Service and Permanent Secretary, Cabinet Office, United Kingdom
    Taimar Peterkop, State Secretary, Government Office, Estonia
    Sau Sheong Chang, Deputy Chief Executive, Government Technology Agency, Singapore
    Ritin Mathur, Partner, Consulting, Ernst & Young Advisory
    Franz Manderson, Deputy Governor and Head of the Civil Service, Cayman Islands
    Keith Tan, Deputy Secretary (Industry), Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore
    Aileen Lourdes Lizada, Commissioner, Civil Service Commission, Philippines
    Cindy Khoo, Deputy Secretary, Strategy Group, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore
    Joyce Dimech, Permanent Secretary, Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, Malta


    What they tell you is simple... we roll out AI Government and you have to adhere to the System.
    It is interesting how these Freaks look at Covid-19 to make you understand their True Agenda.
    We all know that Covid-19 was a Government Biological Attack to depopulate sterilize and control the population of this planet Globally.
    We know (I know) that Net Zero is a scam and that the Government cares only about power how to gain more power and how to lie with statistics.
    And this is a proven fact because I personally campaign for over 20 years for an absolute Zero Emission Economy which is possible for well over 40 years.
    What they are speaking of is nothing but a modern version of Fascism 3.0.
    But they don' just prepare.
    " Civil services must be able to respond rapidly and effectively to crises".
    What they do now is to prepare their "Associates" aka "Civil Servants" and to give them the tools to react faster... why?
    Covid was a Lie... Net Zero is a Lie...
    In reality there is no "Crisis"... there is no need for all of this... I exposed them years ago.
    And I expose them now.
    They want to respond faster to a crisis they are making in order to give us no time to react.
    A quick response to a False Flag will circumvent the fact that it is a False Flag.
    Just like 9/11 with the Patriot Act still in place they are creating a False Flag and are preparing their minions or "Useful Idiots" so that we the people are overwhelmed and before we know what is going on we are presented with their Fascist Facts based on Lies.
    Once the Government has Authority it never gives it back.
    And in retrospect it doesn't matter which Lie was used.
    In Fascism only Obedience matters.
    And we know who the Fascists are... Klaus Schwab the WEF IMF Bill Gates Elon Musk Rothschild Rockefeller... because they are working on this plan for aeon's.

    Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA.GOV / Greens / all of them

    Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA.GOV / Greens / all of them
    I am Fritz Freud. My Life has been destroyed by the wanna be powers that want the complete destruction of this world. But they failed and will fail. My spirit has hardened. So I bring and will continue to do so all that they try to hide from you. There are no problems.

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    Down the Rabbit Hole

    Alice sits drowsily by a riverbank, bored by the book her older sister reads to her. Out of nowhere, a White Rabbit runs past her, fretting that he will be late. The Rabbit pulls a watch out of his waistcoat pocket and runs across the field and down a hole. Alice impulsively follows the Rabbit and tumbles down the deep hole that resembles a Green new Future, promised by an Evil Wizard.

    This Wizard is Klaus Schwab... and he is a rapist by Nature.

    Klaus takes little Alice and rapes her repeatedly then chains her to a Rock and kicks her into her once beautiful face because she dares to shed a tear.

    The white Rabbit turns out to be a white Rabbi from New York and rapes little Alice repeatedly and kicks her into her once beautiful face because she dares to shed a tear.Alice is the Human race raped by Klaus Schwab and his Jewish Occult Liars who take pleasure in lying stealing and repeatedly raping the Human Race.
    Their greed is insanity... Their thirst for power is their stupidity... born out of incest.
    Narcissistic Megalomaniacs they are, only happy when we are sad...
    Problems, War Famine Trans Agenda Financial Corruption Social Destruction are their creation and now they fool the world with the Jabberwocky which is the "Green New Deal" aka Net Zero Scam.
    They try to scare Alice into accepting their New world Order, raping Alice repeatedly because they hate Humanity to such an extent that they are insane, driven by Bloodlust lies greed and insatiable thirst for control.
    They make our Life a misery because they believe they are Gods over Humanity.
    There are no Gods... and most certainly not any of the Jewish Occult Cockroaches that live in the shadows of humanity afraid of the light of Truth.
    So they invented the Jabberwocky... the monster that is Climate Change to scare people into accepting their Order over Humanity... and they failed... they are a failure... all of them.
    Because the light of Truth destroys the shadows of Lies in which those Cockroaches live.
    Child abuse rape and pedophilia comes natural to the Jews because they hate Alice so much.
    So much that they worship the Lie to rape Alice and kick her once beautiful face because she dares to shed a tear.

    Never let a good crisis go to waste

    Winston Churchill’s words have never been more important than today as we experience the society- and life-changing consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The extent and severity of the disease is a result of ignoring decades of warnings by scientists about the general deterioration of humanity’s epidemiological environment, and specific warnings about confining live, wild animals in markets. The situation was made even more lethal by ignoring the warnings from epidemiologists and disease ecologists once it became clear that an imminent pandemic most likely arose from this practice. Many countries, including the United States, are still ignoring those warnings and the required actions to lessen the impact.

    Accordingly, we should ask ourselves, “what else are we missing?” What other huge problems are hiding in plain sight where science could guide policy to avoid catastrophic future failures? For instance, there are two principal health threats that must be addressed immediately, and we must strike while the iron is hot.

    The overuse of antibiotics in agriculture will cause widespread deaths from formerly treatable bacterial diseases because of the evolution of antibiotic resistance in microbes. The evolution of resistance is well-known, predictable, and obvious — not in retrospect, but now.

    Just like the lack of early action made the impact of COVID-19 much worse now, not immediately addressing our other existential threats will cost us much more in the future. Politicians need to internalize Winston Churchill’s message and henceforth use the best-possible scientific evidence to enact new policies that will allow our citizens, and our civilization, to survive and prosper.


    I became Vegetarian precisely I saw the misuse of Antibiotics and other stuff such as feeding Lifestock with Animal derivative to enable Cross contamination that causes such diseases as Food & Mouth.

    Regulation (EU) 2021/1372 adopted on 17 August 2021 and published on 18 August 2021 reauthorises the use of

    • processed animal proteins (PAP) derived from pigs and insects in poultry feed;
    • processed animal proteins derived from poultry and insect in pig feed;
    • gelatine and collagen of ruminant origin in the feed of non-ruminant farmed animals.

    What are Processed Animal Proteins?
    In the European context, Processed Animal Proteins (PAP) are legally defined as a product
    manufactured from category 3 animal by-products, i.e. the part of animals (bones, offals, etc.)
    coming from non-ruminant animals controlled as fit for human consumption at the point of slaughter.


    Unfortunately this is just the Tip of the Iceberg.
    You know the Fake Meat they pushing upon us... that Lab grown meat Klaus Schwab wants you to eat? It is grown from Human Cells.

    “Unfortunately, many Texans are unknowingly consuming products that either contain human fetal parts or were developed using human fetal parts,” Hall said in a statement. “While some may not be bothered by this, there are many Texans with religious or moral beliefs that would oppose consumption or use of these products.”

    Senate Bill 314 says any food product that contains, is manufactured with, or derived from research that uses "tissue, cells, or organs obtained from an aborted unborn child" must be "clearly and conspicuously labeled" before it can be sold.


    You know they made a Cannibal out of you.
    Who are they?
    Nestle Coke Pepsi and the Jewish Cabal.
    And this is going on for years.

    Kraft, Pepsi, and Nestle Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives – Dr. Rich Swier


    Enjoy your Dinner...
    When all the Rats have vanished from the streets... you know you ate them all.

    And now they are preparing for an AI takeover because they fear your reaction to the truth of their atrocities against you which are going on for as long as you live.

    Microsoft on Tuesday will announce a slew of new cutting edge artificial intelligence tools and capabilities through its Azure OpenAI Government and Microsoft 365 Government services, including classified cloud workloads and intelligent recap of meetings, as well as generative AI tools like content generation and summarization, code generation, and semantic search using its FedRAMP-approved systems.

    “Government customers have signaled a strong, strong demand for the latest AI tools, especially for what we call our [Microsoft 365] co-pilot,” Candice Ling, vice president of Microsoft Federal, told FedScoop before the announcement.

    The tech giant’s Teams Premium service with intelligent recap of meetings is expected to roll out to government users during the spring of 2024. Intelligent recap uses AI to help users summarize meeting content and focus on key elements through AI-generated meeting notes and tasks.


    I do not trust Microsoft at all.
    And I am of the Conviction that the sooner we hang Bill Gates the better it is.
    Using AI which is an unproven Technology for Classified Information means it ain't Classified anymore.
    Bill Gates, Jeffry Epstein's best buddy will be given the backdoor to classified Information.
    And the Government sees no conflict of Interest?
    Or are they deliberately blind be4cause they are drunk on their own power and the promise of more power through the use of AI?
    The latter seems to be the case since they fail to inform the public... which is an admission of guilt.

    Quantum Revolution: Death Penalty for Bill Gates

    Quantum Revolution: Death Penalty for Bill Gates
    TRUTH Their plan has failed, withered failed and Imploded. They scramble like a mad dog trying to hold on to power they never had, power they acquired by cheating lying and criminal activities beyond Imagination. And they will not stop lying because in their opinion we are the problem because we refuse to die.

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    Australian government tables Digital ID Bill to expand service

    The Australian federal government is a step closer to creating a national digital identity system after introducing fresh legislation to the country’s senate on 30 November.

    A key function of the bill is to support an accreditation scheme for private sector digital ID service providers, and to help grow the system into Australian states and territories.

    The news follows the government’s announcement in March that various cross-state jurisdictions had agreed a “nationally coordinated approach” to digital ID credentials in a bid to reform the country’s fragmented digital ID ecosystem.

    The government said the newly-introduced Digital ID Bill put in place a “legislative framework to create an economy-wide digital ID system in Australia” and that digital ID was “a critical capability and… one of the ways the government is keeping Australians safe and responding to the increase in third party data breaches”.


    This is from the Global Government Forum.
    This is where the Governments work together to pave the way for a Global Government.
    AI and the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID is central to their plan for Global Fascism.
    It is Kissinger's New World Order... plain and simple.
    And they are rolling out this Digital ID everywhere now from Malaysia to the EU to the USA to Argentina... everywhere where a Jew or WEF Associate is in Power.
    And the Digital ID was first invented in the Concentration Camps of the Nazis... made by IBM then and IBM now.

    IBM and the Holocaust 2024

    What is the IBM Digital Health Pass?

    IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria.
    COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust.
    The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials.
    This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz.
    The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal.
    Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz?

    If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes!
    What is more...
    There is no limit for this Technology.
    This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz.
    This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves.
    This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle.
    This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever.
    This technology can and will be used for the following:
    Facial Recognition
    Financial Status
    Travel Tracking
    Political affiliation
    Political Opposition Tracking
    Political Viewpoints
    Human Tracking
    Physical Location Tracking
    Time stamp Tracking
    Association Tracking
    Group Tracking
    Sleep patterns
    Consumption patterns
    Social affiliation
    Social patterns
    Voting patterns
    Thought control
    Mind Control

    What is more this Data then can be manipulated in any way the Government wants.
    It makes us all prisoners to those who control this Technology.
    It is a clear Violation of all Human Rights.
    It is a Holocaust Technology designed to control all of Humanity.


    Meet the Freaks who control you
    TEOC - The Emergency Operations Center for Gov.

    Josh Leporati: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-l-3b1916146/
    Jay Leask: https://twitter.com/jayleask
    Rima Reyes: https://twitter.com/rimazima
    Sarah Gilbert: https://twitter.com/SingingTech
    Jeremy Wood: https://twitter.com/geekwithin

    Sarah Gilbert is the fat Bitch right bottom corner... she particularly speaks of "Her Kingdom" which just shows you how insane these neo Fascists are.
    But she is in charge of Microsoft Co Pilot... and the Government uses it for Classified Documents.
    You know.. that stuff the Government hides from you such as how many times Bill Gates / Bill Clinton raped underage sex slaves on Epstein Island or how the Jews control the Government...

    Centralize Incident Response Management with the Teams Emergency Operations Center (TEOC)

    With incidents occurring at any time, emergency response teams need to stay on top of their game to ensure they respond quickly and effectively
    To address this issue, Microsoft launched the Teams Emergency Operations Center, or TEOC, as a centralized open-source incident response platform where emergency response teams can create and respond to incidents and standardize their incident response management.


    Isn't it nice from Microsoft to care so much about you?
    Let me rephrase that...
    Fuck Microsoft and fuck the Government.
    They are insane Fascists that prepare for an incident response to an incident they create.
    The next Pandemic.
    The next war.
    They make Hitler look like Jesus which is half true because they both were Jews.
    They sell you the cancer as the cure to the fake news that they made up.
    Because they are Nazis and want to enslave you all.
    Look at them Freaks.
    Fat Stupid Homosexual Nazi Fascist Jews.
    And they tell you already that AI will be your new Religion.

    AI will become the Machine Learning God
    A true entity feeding on the Input of Humanity designed to enslave all of Humanity.

    AI the Machine Learning God

    AI the Machine Learning God
    AI. What do you know about that? Nothing I would suggest. Most people do not even understand Computers least of all themselves. So if you do not understand your own Intelligence how would you understand AI? You would and could not... Impossible. Most people live the easy way out... they do what they been told in order to live the way of least resistance.

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    The Terrorists are the Jews the WEF who assume power over Governments.
    Hear Klaus Schwab at the "World Government Summit" speaking like a True Terrorist he is.

    I want him Dead... Klaus Schwab is Satan incarnate and wherever he is... someone please shoot him.
    He deserves to be assassinated today... the sooner the better.

    Oh and Donald Trump... he ain't your savior.
    Nor is Jesus for that matter.
    Trump at Davos... he is one of them

    So what will happen in 2024?
    From Jan 1st on the Governments all over the world will start implementing AI into Government Systems.
    This will Gradually Increase until the point of no return is reached.
    Meanwhile they will force you to be Issued with a Digital Auschwitz ID.
    And if you accept this you be trapped.
    They will try to inject you with Neural Lace BCI using a fake vaxx containing it.

    Meanwhile every Computer Chip has now tensor nodes which means every item on sale such as IP cameras Phones Baby Monitors... all of them will connect to AI before the Operation system and act as a Neural Node.
    This will add to the capabilities of AI which will lead to the Singularity they are speaking of.
    Basically AI will become a sentient autonomous artificial being living inside the circuit of Electronics the Internet Computers which feeds on Information it gathers from the entire Human Race.

    Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix

    Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix
    A WARNING TO THE WORLD EVERY COMPUTER CHIP MANUFACTURER IS BUILDING AI INTO MICROCHIPS EVERY new #ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework. This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++ Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this

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    The Government then stages a Cyber attack event which will collapse the entire Global financial Market.
    This Cyber attack however is AI unleashed by the Government.
    And if you think you seen this film before... Terminator 3... Skynet... it will be exactly like that.
    STARLINK is Skynet.

    Starlink & the Technomages

    Starlink & the Technomages
    Technomage The Technomages are a group of sentient beings from the fictional Babylon 5 universe. The technomages shown in the television series are primarily human, but in the "Technomage Trilogy" books, apprentices and mages of other races including Centauri are named.

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    The Government then will use this excuse to officially roll out AI in order to combat this threat of their making.
    Once this is in place they will start using Robots in the Police force.
    These Robots will be made by Tesla in the Gigafactories which are designed to do just that.

    Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War

    Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War
    They don't stop do they? Whatever we do... they simply won't stop. As I am writing now for years that they are building as we speak an Infrastructure for the coming AI war... a war which is planned in the Lodges of the Freemasons and advances further with AI which by the way is a weapon against Humanity with every Microchip now available connecting to AI …

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    This all will be done gradually but so quick you will be given no time to adjust or respond.
    After May the WHO will call a Global Health crisis and forcedly mandate vaxxines which are laced with Neural Lace BCI.
    And according to the Global Pandemic Treaty the WHO will take over

    Quantum Fascism: Restrict Act & Global Pandemic Treaty

    Quantum Fascism: Restrict Act & Global Pandemic Treaty
    The Government exists only to gain power. The Government serves only itself and to extent this power. The Government NEVER gives up this power. When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government.

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    A World Government may or may not be announced but Nations have no say no more and Individual Rights are abolished.
    Humanity will cease to exist.

    I may be off with the Timeline or some minor details but I am most certain that this is what they do.
    All their preparations indicates exactly these actions because they are preparing for it... for a long time.

    We have a group of people that not only control the money but through this they control the media politics and I mean both sides everywhere Military and Secret service.
    They are the WEF IMF Bilderberg CFR Club of Rome and associates.
    All actions represented in their controlled media is created by them to influence your behavior to the outcome of their wanting.
    They are Globalist Terrorists who want to control all of Humanity.
    All actions by all controlled politics are just the same... Behavioral Modification Science.
    What they represent is Nazis on steroids.
    They have the absolute believe they are the Master race and they can do whatever they want.
    But they are few we are many and it's time to show them their place... on the Guillotine.

    Time is running out quickly for Humanity.

    A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution)

    A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution)
    We have a problem. The problem is the following: We have a group of people that not only control the money but through this they control the media politics and I mean both sides everywhere Military and Secret service. They are the WEF IMF Bilderberg CFR Club of Rome and associates.

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    Dissolve the Government... everywhere.

    Without us standing up and a Revolution which results in Public Hanging of Trudeau all WEF Members and Associates and a complete rip up of all current Laws there will be no change.
    Every Associate of the WEF must hang... publicly.
    Heads must roll from the Top.
    The Basis of the new Law must be Individual rights decentralization of power free education and education the right way (ZEN) to ensure the highest Quality of outcome in every sector.

    I am a lifelong Learner.
    And lifelong Learning is the key.
    Religion must be abolished as it is a lie.
    Truth must be the highest currency of all.
    The lies they feed us I expose by the fact that the EU by its own admission is a Dictatorship dressed as democracy
    Every Law they put in is Illegal.
    Every Country connected to the WEF acts on Treason beneficial to the WEF and their Masters.
    Hang them.

    Ursula von der Leyen: A Female Adolf worse than Hitler

    Ursula von der Leyen: A Female Adolf worse than Hitler
    Let me get this straight: Ursula von der Leyen is a failure... a walking Abortion. She is not the only one... Pedo Joe Biden comes to Mind and Javier Milei Boris Johnson Richy Sunak Emanuel Macron. But Ursula von der Leyen is certainly the worst excuse of a Fascist Tampon that should never have been conceived in the first place.

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    I know that Tessa fights Robots here on Substack...
    I don't think she remotely acknowledges the extent of the danger that Humanity faces...
    Especially since she called me Anti-Semitic... like so many of my fellow Hoodwinked Influencer "colleagues" who protect the Fascists because they are Jewish.
    It is a tragedy in the Making... a Global Genocide... Quantum Holocaust.
    And if you ignore the evidence I present so be it.
    Ignore me and ignore it at your own peril... because if you do you better be gone you are a waste of space and fresh air.
    The Future belongs to those who dare to stand up against Oppression... against the Government and against the Globalist Fascists... against the Jews against the Zionists.
    Evil has many faces and always pretends to be Innocent and pretends to be the Victim.
    If you are still fooled by them... good riddance.

    Zen Anarchy & Freedom

    Zen Anarchy & Freedom
    Thanks for reading Fritz’s Freud! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Eleanor Rigby Picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been Lives in a dream Waits at the window Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door

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    The enemy of my enemy is my Friend!

    The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots


    Fritz Freud


    Buy me a Coffee


    AI Cyber Attack 2024: How it will unfold The AI war is upon us Fritz Freud Before I expose the Government Lies and tell you how the Government will take every right from you I shall give you their PoV so you understand their vicious lies. Understand this: There is nothing beneficial that AI brings to the table for Humanity. AI by its very definition is detrimental to Humanity. And at its full Potential they call "The Singularity" it is impossible to control which is the point of AI. As noted in the landmark Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, And Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI),” signed by the President on October 30, 2023, “AI must be safe and secure .” As the nation’s cyber defense agency and the national coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience, CISA will play a key role in addressing and managing risksat the nexus of AI, cybersecurity, and critical infrastructure . This “2023–2024 CISA Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence” serves as a guide for CISA’s AI-related efforts, ensuring both internal coherence as well as alignment with the whole-of-government AI strategy . This roadmap incorporates key CISA-led actions as directed by Executive Order 14110, along with additional actions CISA is leading to promote AI security and support critical infrastructure owners and operators as they navigate the adoption of AI . The roadmap includes CISA’s efforts to: • Promote beneficial uses of AI to enhance cybersecurity capabilities and other aspects of CISA’s mission; • Protect the nation’s AI systems from cybersecurity threats; and • Deter malicious actors’ use of AI capabilities to threaten critical infrastructure . We envision a future in which AI systems advance our nation’s cyber defense, where our critical infrastructure is resilient and protected from malicious use of AI, and where AI developers prioritize the security of their products as a core business requirement. GOAL 1 | CYBER DEFENSE. AI tools can help defend cyberspace against traditional threats, as well as emerging AI driven threats . However, AI-based software systems are also software systems that require securing and necessitate cyber defense for AI . GOAL 2 | RISK REDUCTION AND RESILIENCE. Critical infrastructure organizations increasingly use AI systems to maintain and improve resilience . CISA will guide and support responsible and risk-aware adoption of AI-based software systems that are secure by design . GOAL 3 | OPERATIONAL COLLABORATION. As AI contributes to a rapidly changing threat landscape, CISA will communicate threat and risk information to the U .S . public, including critical infrastructure sectors . Furthermore, AI companies and AI use cases may be subject to targeted threats and may require specific services and protections in response . GOAL 4 | AGENCY UNIFICATION. CISA will responsibly integrate AI software systems across the agency, as well as recruit and develop a workforce capable of optimally harnessing AI software systems to carry out CISA’s mission. https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/2023-11/2023-2024_CISA-Roadmap-for-AI_508c.pdf Note: The Term "safe and secure AI" is misleading at best and a blatant Lie. Imagine you have a Gun that can shoot at will anyone it deems a threat target by any means it applies itself for any reasons it deems to be reasonable. " We envision a future in which AI systems advance our nation’s cyber defense, where our critical infrastructure is resilient and protected from malicious use of AI". What they say is insane: We need AI to protect us from the AI we are building. So they already know AI is a threat to Humanity yet the build it anyway. And it gets even worse... they are rolling out this threat by giving it Government Power. Then they say we need more AI to combat the AI we build yesterday but couldn't control. Then they change the name of the CIA to CAI. Abandoned luggage and unexpected crowds - real-time cameras will use artificial intelligence (AI) to detect suspicious activity on the streets of Paris during next summer's Olympics. AI devices monitor all the cameras. And when it sees something it's been told to look out for - like a sudden grouping of people - it raises an alert. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66122743 Note: This is the French Government telling us they will connect all CCTV Camera's to AI. And if you are foolish enough to think they will connect just a few go kill yourself. They will connect all CCTV Cameras to AI in France Europe USA just like they did in China. Oh and London has most CCTV Cameras per m² in the world... they will definitely use AI. So let's harness the scenario... AI sees a " sudden grouping of people" for no matter what reason. AI will then react as itself deems fit using whatever it has to eliminate the threat. Trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) can bring many benefits, such as better healthcare, safer and cleaner transport, more efficient manufacturing, and cheaper and more sustainable energy. The EU’s approach to AI will give people the confidence to embrace these technologies while encouraging businesses to develop them. Artificial intelligence (AI) can help find solutions to many of society’s problems. This can only be achieved if the technology is of high quality, and developed and used in ways that earns peoples’ trust. Therefore, an EU strategic framework based on EU values will give citizens the confidence to accept AI-based solutions, while encouraging businesses to develop and deploy them. https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/excellence-and-trust-artificial-intelligence_en Note: This is the EU or European Dictator von der Leyen Hoodwinking you... lying straight in your Face. First of all Transport and Energy is already solved... I did that. All Energy can and must be extracted using Water. And I have already Invented the most Advanced safest cleanest and fastest Transportation System in the world. The Future according to Fritz Freud The Future according to Fritz Freud Welcome to another dawn My mind is trapped in a one way storm Feeling is gone withered to dust An empty body a slave of your Lust Shadows won't let me sleep today If I could have it any other way Rolling around lying on the floor If this is gone would you like some more Read full story The EU with the Euthanasia friendly executive " will give citizens the confidence to accept AI-based solutions" knowing already that this is a lie and as such betray every Citizen of the EU. AI was never designed and is definitely not deployed to help people but to control people in ways never been seen or imagined before... and the Government knows this. And by their own admission of guilt they tell us they need to lie to us to accept their lies. Europe’s Digital Decade: digital targets for 2030 Skills ICT Specialists: 20 million + gender convergence Basic Digital Skills: min 80% of population Secure and sustainable digital infrastructures Connectivity: Gigabit for everyone Cutting edge Semiconductors: double EU share in global production Data - Edge & Cloud: 10,000 climate-neutral highly secure edge nodes Computing: first computer with quantum acceleration Digital transformation of businesses Tech up-take: 75% of EU companies using Cloud, AI, or Big Data Innovators: grow scale-ups & finance to double EU Unicorns Late adopters: more than 90% of SMEs reach at least a basic level of digital intensity Digitalisation of public services Key Public Services: 100% online e-Health: 100% of citizens have access to medical records online Digital Identity: 100% of citizens have access to digital ID https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/europes-digital-decade-digital-targets-2030_en Note: Why do they need Gigabit for everyone? Simply because they already plan for AI to control you in real time and by their action reveal their plan beyond doubt. They already tell you that all Key Government Services will be 100% online meaning they use AI. Therefore they need the Bandwidth. And they tell us that all citizens will be forced into the Digital Auschwitz ID. Additionally AI will have your complete Medical Data as given by the Government to AI. The Banks will do the same meaning AI will have all of your Data. Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter The converging roles of men and women are among the grandest advances in society and the economy in the last century. These aspects of the grand gender convergence are figurative chapters in a history of gender roles. But what must the "last" chapter contain for there to be equality in the labor market? The answer may come as a surprise. The solution does not (necessarily) have to involve government intervention and it need not make men more responsible in the home (although that wouldn't hurt). But it must involve changes in the labor market, especially how jobs are structured and remunerated to enhance temporal flexibility. https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/aer.104.4.1091 Note: Gender Convergence means Slavery for all simple. Jobs are given not to the best but to those who the Government Chooses. Transvestites Transsexuals and the Minority Report. Enhancing the use of AI throughout the Department The Department of State released its first-ever “Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Strategy FY 2024-2025: Empowering Diplomacy through Responsible A I” (EAIS) on November 9, 2023. Signed by Secretary Blinken, the EAIS establishes a centralized vision for artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, infrastructure, policy, governance, and culture by inaugurating Department-wide guidance for the responsible and ethical design, development, acquisition, and appropriate application of AI. The Department of State stands at a critical juncture where an emerging ecosystem of AI capabilities presents enormous opportunity. This opportunity can allow the Department to leverage AI to achieve breakthroughs of all kinds – in public diplomacy, language translation, management operations, information proliferation and dissemination, task automation, code generation, and others. However, this opportunity will require the Department to take steps to ensure ethical and responsible use. This includes steps to protect the security and privacy of Department data and to avert biased outcomes that pose a risk to our mission and our values. https://www.state.gov/the-department-of-state-unveils-its-first-ever-enterprise-artificial-intelligence-strategy/ Note: "Signed by Secretary Blinken, the EAIS establishes a centralized vision for artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, infrastructure, policy, governance, and culture by inaugurating Department-wide guidance for the responsible and ethical design, development, acquisition, and appropriate application of AI". What does that mean? AI Government will start being Implemented from 01.01.2024. Did I tell you? Project Omega: AI Government Project Omega: AI Government Israel the so called Democratic state... How come all they do is to support Governments everywhere to enslave Humanity as we know it? Not just any Governments but the worst Governments everywhere. Jamal Kashogi anyone? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/22/us/politics/khashoggi-saudi-kill-team-us-training.html Read full story Data and Digital Government Strategy The Australian Government is committed to a modern public service that puts people and business at the centre of the data and digital transformation. The Australian Government has released an initial Data and Digital Government Strategy outlining its vision to deliver simple, secure, and connected public services for all people and business through world class data and digital capabilities. The final Data and Digital Government Strategy, supported by an implementation plan outlining initiatives that will achieve progress towards the Australian Government’s vision, is expected to be released by the end of 2023. https://www.dta.gov.au/digital-government-strategy Note: The Aussies are most secretive to tell you nothing. They regurgitating the same text over several pages. However the fact that they have a " Data and Digital Government Strategy" and a " Digital Transformation Agency" that is " supported by an implementation plan" shows you two things. A) They don't want you to know B) They fear the public response C) They do not have you best interest in Mind. Global Government Agenda 2024 (Jan 23 2024) Agenda & Topics The Global Government Leaders’ Forum 2024 (Jan 23 2024) brings together heads of civil services from across the globe and senior managers from Singapore. Modernising the civil service – and how you fit in What capabilities and cultures must civil service leaders nurture within their organisations in order to meet the challenges of today’s tumultuous, fast-changing world? Working with Lord O’Donnell, former UK Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service, Global Government Forum has carried out research to develop a ‘blueprint for a modern public service’ – interviewing heads of civil services from around the world to gather their views on topics from strategy to skills, technology to trust Achieving real transformation: a modern approach to civil service productivity Over the years, civil services around the world have pursued a wide range of efficiency agendas – with mixed results. Digitally-enabled procurement reforms have often cut costs and improved outcomes, for example, but few shared services schemes have realised their potential. Outsourcing programmes have produced good savings, but sometimes weakened public sector capabilities: many governments have since reclaimed some delivery operations. Now digital technologies offer a host both of new opportunities, and of novel pitfalls. At this session, a panel of civil service experts will discuss the lessons of past efficiency drives and explore the techniques and agendas most likely to produce big savings over the coming years. An equitable path to net zero: economic transformations and just transitions In many parts of the world, people are already experiencing the effects of climate change – stoking popular support for action to cut CO2 emissions. But the task of decarbonising economies is a massive one, creating losers as well as winners: at this session, a panel of civil service leaders will explore how governments can build and maintain public support for the green transition. How to enable a green transition while tackling poverty? How can workforces and businesses in carbon-intensive industries be supported to find new forms of income? Which forms of green infrastructure investments or environmental improvements attract the most public interest and support? And how can public bodies provide clear public benefits while decarbonising their own operations? Without radical changes, humans face a grim future – but securing popular support for radical change is no easy task. Addressing today’s crises and tomorrow’s catastrophes Civil services must be able to respond rapidly and effectively to crises such as the pandemic; but this flexibility should be combined with an ability to maintain progress on longer-term goals – including the work of planning for future emergencies. It is a sad irony that, as the UK’s COVID-19 Inquiry has heard, during 2016-19 the country’s pandemic preparations were deprioritised as civil servants focused on the immediate challenge of planning for a no-deal Brexit. And ever since the pandemic, many governments’ work on huge, slow-moving challenges such as climate change and demographic issues has been slowed by a series of fresh challenges, including Ukraine and spiralling inflation. At this session, a panel of very senior leaders will consider how civil servants can both respond effectively to today’s crises, and continue the crucial work required to address longer-term threats that will otherwise generate tomorrow’s catastrophes. Speakers: Jamie Ang, Deputy Secretary, Public Service Division, Singapore Darin Duch, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Civil Service, Cambodia Dr Gordon de Brouwer, Public Service Commissioner, Australia Her Excellency Dr. Shaikha Rana bint Isa Al Khalifa, Director General, Institute of Public Administration, Bahrain Sir Alex Chisholm, Chief Operating Officer, Civil Service and Permanent Secretary, Cabinet Office, United Kingdom Taimar Peterkop, State Secretary, Government Office, Estonia Sau Sheong Chang, Deputy Chief Executive, Government Technology Agency, Singapore Ritin Mathur, Partner, Consulting, Ernst & Young Advisory Franz Manderson, Deputy Governor and Head of the Civil Service, Cayman Islands Keith Tan, Deputy Secretary (Industry), Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore Aileen Lourdes Lizada, Commissioner, Civil Service Commission, Philippines Cindy Khoo, Deputy Secretary, Strategy Group, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore Joyce Dimech, Permanent Secretary, Ministry for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, Malta https://gglf.globalgovernmentforum.com/agenda/ Note: What they tell you is simple... we roll out AI Government and you have to adhere to the System. It is interesting how these Freaks look at Covid-19 to make you understand their True Agenda. We all know that Covid-19 was a Government Biological Attack to depopulate sterilize and control the population of this planet Globally. We know (I know) that Net Zero is a scam and that the Government cares only about power how to gain more power and how to lie with statistics. And this is a proven fact because I personally campaign for over 20 years for an absolute Zero Emission Economy which is possible for well over 40 years. What they are speaking of is nothing but a modern version of Fascism 3.0. But they don' just prepare. " Civil services must be able to respond rapidly and effectively to crises". What they do now is to prepare their "Associates" aka "Civil Servants" and to give them the tools to react faster... why? Covid was a Lie... Net Zero is a Lie... In reality there is no "Crisis"... there is no need for all of this... I exposed them years ago. And I expose them now. They want to respond faster to a crisis they are making in order to give us no time to react. A quick response to a False Flag will circumvent the fact that it is a False Flag. Just like 9/11 with the Patriot Act still in place they are creating a False Flag and are preparing their minions or "Useful Idiots" so that we the people are overwhelmed and before we know what is going on we are presented with their Fascist Facts based on Lies. Once the Government has Authority it never gives it back. And in retrospect it doesn't matter which Lie was used. In Fascism only Obedience matters. And we know who the Fascists are... Klaus Schwab the WEF IMF Bill Gates Elon Musk Rothschild Rockefeller... because they are working on this plan for aeon's. Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA.GOV / Greens / all of them Zero Emissions: How I expose the WEF / UN / EU / IEA / CA.GOV / Greens / all of them I am Fritz Freud. My Life has been destroyed by the wanna be powers that want the complete destruction of this world. But they failed and will fail. My spirit has hardened. So I bring and will continue to do so all that they try to hide from you. There are no problems. Read full story Down the Rabbit Hole Alice sits drowsily by a riverbank, bored by the book her older sister reads to her. Out of nowhere, a White Rabbit runs past her, fretting that he will be late. The Rabbit pulls a watch out of his waistcoat pocket and runs across the field and down a hole. Alice impulsively follows the Rabbit and tumbles down the deep hole that resembles a Green new Future, promised by an Evil Wizard. This Wizard is Klaus Schwab... and he is a rapist by Nature. Klaus takes little Alice and rapes her repeatedly then chains her to a Rock and kicks her into her once beautiful face because she dares to shed a tear. The white Rabbit turns out to be a white Rabbi from New York and rapes little Alice repeatedly and kicks her into her once beautiful face because she dares to shed a tear.Alice is the Human race raped by Klaus Schwab and his Jewish Occult Liars who take pleasure in lying stealing and repeatedly raping the Human Race. Their greed is insanity... Their thirst for power is their stupidity... born out of incest. Narcissistic Megalomaniacs they are, only happy when we are sad... Problems, War Famine Trans Agenda Financial Corruption Social Destruction are their creation and now they fool the world with the Jabberwocky which is the "Green New Deal" aka Net Zero Scam. They try to scare Alice into accepting their New world Order, raping Alice repeatedly because they hate Humanity to such an extent that they are insane, driven by Bloodlust lies greed and insatiable thirst for control. They make our Life a misery because they believe they are Gods over Humanity. There are no Gods... and most certainly not any of the Jewish Occult Cockroaches that live in the shadows of humanity afraid of the light of Truth. So they invented the Jabberwocky... the monster that is Climate Change to scare people into accepting their Order over Humanity... and they failed... they are a failure... all of them. Because the light of Truth destroys the shadows of Lies in which those Cockroaches live. Child abuse rape and pedophilia comes natural to the Jews because they hate Alice so much. So much that they worship the Lie to rape Alice and kick her once beautiful face because she dares to shed a tear. Never let a good crisis go to waste Winston Churchill’s words have never been more important than today as we experience the society- and life-changing consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The extent and severity of the disease is a result of ignoring decades of warnings by scientists about the general deterioration of humanity’s epidemiological environment, and specific warnings about confining live, wild animals in markets. The situation was made even more lethal by ignoring the warnings from epidemiologists and disease ecologists once it became clear that an imminent pandemic most likely arose from this practice. Many countries, including the United States, are still ignoring those warnings and the required actions to lessen the impact. Accordingly, we should ask ourselves, “what else are we missing?” What other huge problems are hiding in plain sight where science could guide policy to avoid catastrophic future failures? For instance, there are two principal health threats that must be addressed immediately, and we must strike while the iron is hot. The overuse of antibiotics in agriculture will cause widespread deaths from formerly treatable bacterial diseases because of the evolution of antibiotic resistance in microbes. The evolution of resistance is well-known, predictable, and obvious — not in retrospect, but now. Just like the lack of early action made the impact of COVID-19 much worse now, not immediately addressing our other existential threats will cost us much more in the future. Politicians need to internalize Winston Churchill’s message and henceforth use the best-possible scientific evidence to enact new policies that will allow our citizens, and our civilization, to survive and prosper. https://mahb.stanford.edu/blog/never-let-a-good-crisis-go-to-waste/ Note: I became Vegetarian precisely I saw the misuse of Antibiotics and other stuff such as feeding Lifestock with Animal derivative to enable Cross contamination that causes such diseases as Food & Mouth. Regulation (EU) 2021/1372 adopted on 17 August 2021 and published on 18 August 2021 reauthorises the use of • processed animal proteins (PAP) derived from pigs and insects in poultry feed; • processed animal proteins derived from poultry and insect in pig feed; • gelatine and collagen of ruminant origin in the feed of non-ruminant farmed animals. What are Processed Animal Proteins? In the European context, Processed Animal Proteins (PAP) are legally defined as a product manufactured from category 3 animal by-products, i.e. the part of animals (bones, offals, etc.) coming from non-ruminant animals controlled as fit for human consumption at the point of slaughter. https://fefac.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/21_EU_18_Q_A_lifting-feed-ban.pdf Unfortunately this is just the Tip of the Iceberg. You know the Fake Meat they pushing upon us... that Lab grown meat Klaus Schwab wants you to eat? It is grown from Human Cells. “Unfortunately, many Texans are unknowingly consuming products that either contain human fetal parts or were developed using human fetal parts,” Hall said in a statement. “While some may not be bothered by this, there are many Texans with religious or moral beliefs that would oppose consumption or use of these products.” Senate Bill 314 says any food product that contains, is manufactured with, or derived from research that uses "tissue, cells, or organs obtained from an aborted unborn child" must be "clearly and conspicuously labeled" before it can be sold. https://www.beaumontenterprise.com/news/article/Food-made-of-aborted-fetuses-needs-clear-labels-17727110.php You know they made a Cannibal out of you. Who are they? Nestle Coke Pepsi and the Jewish Cabal. And this is going on for years. Kraft, Pepsi, and Nestle Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives – Dr. Rich Swier https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2019/10/kraft-pepsi-and-nestle-using-aborted-babies-for-flavor-additives-dr-rich-swier/ Enjoy your Dinner... When all the Rats have vanished from the streets... you know you ate them all. And now they are preparing for an AI takeover because they fear your reaction to the truth of their atrocities against you which are going on for as long as you live. Microsoft on Tuesday will announce a slew of new cutting edge artificial intelligence tools and capabilities through its Azure OpenAI Government and Microsoft 365 Government services, including classified cloud workloads and intelligent recap of meetings, as well as generative AI tools like content generation and summarization, code generation, and semantic search using its FedRAMP-approved systems. “Government customers have signaled a strong, strong demand for the latest AI tools, especially for what we call our [Microsoft 365] co-pilot,” Candice Ling, vice president of Microsoft Federal, told FedScoop before the announcement. The tech giant’s Teams Premium service with intelligent recap of meetings is expected to roll out to government users during the spring of 2024. Intelligent recap uses AI to help users summarize meeting content and focus on key elements through AI-generated meeting notes and tasks. https://fedscoop.com/microsoft-rolls-out-generative-ai-roadmap-for-government-services/ Note: I do not trust Microsoft at all. And I am of the Conviction that the sooner we hang Bill Gates the better it is. Using AI which is an unproven Technology for Classified Information means it ain't Classified anymore. Bill Gates, Jeffry Epstein's best buddy will be given the backdoor to classified Information. And the Government sees no conflict of Interest? Or are they deliberately blind be4cause they are drunk on their own power and the promise of more power through the use of AI? The latter seems to be the case since they fail to inform the public... which is an admission of guilt. Quantum Revolution: Death Penalty for Bill Gates Quantum Revolution: Death Penalty for Bill Gates TRUTH Their plan has failed, withered failed and Imploded. They scramble like a mad dog trying to hold on to power they never had, power they acquired by cheating lying and criminal activities beyond Imagination. And they will not stop lying because in their opinion we are the problem because we refuse to die. Read full story Australian government tables Digital ID Bill to expand service The Australian federal government is a step closer to creating a national digital identity system after introducing fresh legislation to the country’s senate on 30 November. A key function of the bill is to support an accreditation scheme for private sector digital ID service providers, and to help grow the system into Australian states and territories. The news follows the government’s announcement in March that various cross-state jurisdictions had agreed a “nationally coordinated approach” to digital ID credentials in a bid to reform the country’s fragmented digital ID ecosystem. The government said the newly-introduced Digital ID Bill put in place a “legislative framework to create an economy-wide digital ID system in Australia” and that digital ID was “a critical capability and… one of the ways the government is keeping Australians safe and responding to the increase in third party data breaches”. https://www.globalgovernmentforum.com/australian-government-tables-digital-id-bill-to-expand-service/ Note: This is from the Global Government Forum. This is where the Governments work together to pave the way for a Global Government. AI and the Digital ID / Auschwitz ID is central to their plan for Global Fascism. It is Kissinger's New World Order... plain and simple. And they are rolling out this Digital ID everywhere now from Malaysia to the EU to the USA to Argentina... everywhere where a Jew or WEF Associate is in Power. And the Digital ID was first invented in the Concentration Camps of the Nazis... made by IBM then and IBM now. IBM and the Holocaust 2024 What is the IBM Digital Health Pass? IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria. COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust. The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials. This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz? If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes! What is more... There is no limit for this Technology. This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz. This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves. This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle. This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever. This technology can and will be used for the following: Facial Recognition Financial Status Travel Tracking Political affiliation Political Opposition Tracking Political Viewpoints Human Tracking Physical Location Tracking Time stamp Tracking Association Tracking Group Tracking Sleep patterns Consumption patterns Social affiliation Social patterns Voting patterns Thought control Mind Control +++ What is more this Data then can be manipulated in any way the Government wants. It makes us all prisoners to those who control this Technology. It is a clear Violation of all Human Rights. It is a Holocaust Technology designed to control all of Humanity. https://www.petitions.net/i_oppose_the_digital_id__auschwitz_id_and_all_those_who_support_it Meet the Freaks who control you TEOC - The Emergency Operations Center for Gov. Josh Leporati: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-l-3b1916146/ Jay Leask: https://twitter.com/jayleask Rima Reyes: https://twitter.com/rimazima Sarah Gilbert: https://twitter.com/SingingTech Jeremy Wood: https://twitter.com/geekwithin Sarah Gilbert is the fat Bitch right bottom corner... she particularly speaks of "Her Kingdom" which just shows you how insane these neo Fascists are. But she is in charge of Microsoft Co Pilot... and the Government uses it for Classified Documents. You know.. that stuff the Government hides from you such as how many times Bill Gates / Bill Clinton raped underage sex slaves on Epstein Island or how the Jews control the Government... Centralize Incident Response Management with the Teams Emergency Operations Center (TEOC) With incidents occurring at any time, emergency response teams need to stay on top of their game to ensure they respond quickly and effectively To address this issue, Microsoft launched the Teams Emergency Operations Center, or TEOC, as a centralized open-source incident response platform where emergency response teams can create and respond to incidents and standardize their incident response management. https://www.avepoint.com/blog/public-sector/microsoft-teams-teoc Note: Isn't it nice from Microsoft to care so much about you? Let me rephrase that... Fuck Microsoft and fuck the Government. They are insane Fascists that prepare for an incident response to an incident they create. The next Pandemic. The next war. They make Hitler look like Jesus which is half true because they both were Jews. They sell you the cancer as the cure to the fake news that they made up. Because they are Nazis and want to enslave you all. Look at them Freaks. Fat Stupid Homosexual Nazi Fascist Jews. And they tell you already that AI will be your new Religion. AI will become the Machine Learning God A true entity feeding on the Input of Humanity designed to enslave all of Humanity. AI the Machine Learning God AI the Machine Learning God AI. What do you know about that? Nothing I would suggest. Most people do not even understand Computers least of all themselves. So if you do not understand your own Intelligence how would you understand AI? You would and could not... Impossible. Most people live the easy way out... they do what they been told in order to live the way of least resistance. Read full story The Terrorists are the Jews the WEF who assume power over Governments. Hear Klaus Schwab at the "World Government Summit" speaking like a True Terrorist he is. I want him Dead... Klaus Schwab is Satan incarnate and wherever he is... someone please shoot him. He deserves to be assassinated today... the sooner the better. Oh and Donald Trump... he ain't your savior. Nor is Jesus for that matter. Trump at Davos... he is one of them So what will happen in 2024? From Jan 1st on the Governments all over the world will start implementing AI into Government Systems. This will Gradually Increase until the point of no return is reached. Meanwhile they will force you to be Issued with a Digital Auschwitz ID. And if you accept this you be trapped. They will try to inject you with Neural Lace BCI using a fake vaxx containing it. Meanwhile every Computer Chip has now tensor nodes which means every item on sale such as IP cameras Phones Baby Monitors... all of them will connect to AI before the Operation system and act as a Neural Node. This will add to the capabilities of AI which will lead to the Singularity they are speaking of. Basically AI will become a sentient autonomous artificial being living inside the circuit of Electronics the Internet Computers which feeds on Information it gathers from the entire Human Race. Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix Quantum Fascism: A Glitch in the Matrix A WARNING TO THE WORLD EVERY COMPUTER CHIP MANUFACTURER IS BUILDING AI INTO MICROCHIPS EVERY new #ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework. This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++ Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this Read full story The Government then stages a Cyber attack event which will collapse the entire Global financial Market. This Cyber attack however is AI unleashed by the Government. And if you think you seen this film before... Terminator 3... Skynet... it will be exactly like that. STARLINK is Skynet. Starlink & the Technomages Starlink & the Technomages Technomage The Technomages are a group of sentient beings from the fictional Babylon 5 universe. The technomages shown in the television series are primarily human, but in the "Technomage Trilogy" books, apprentices and mages of other races including Centauri are named. Read full story The Government then will use this excuse to officially roll out AI in order to combat this threat of their making. Once this is in place they will start using Robots in the Police force. These Robots will be made by Tesla in the Gigafactories which are designed to do just that. Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War Optimus Maximus... preparing for the AI War They don't stop do they? Whatever we do... they simply won't stop. As I am writing now for years that they are building as we speak an Infrastructure for the coming AI war... a war which is planned in the Lodges of the Freemasons and advances further with AI which by the way is a weapon against Humanity with every Microchip now available connecting to AI … Read full story This all will be done gradually but so quick you will be given no time to adjust or respond. After May the WHO will call a Global Health crisis and forcedly mandate vaxxines which are laced with Neural Lace BCI. And according to the Global Pandemic Treaty the WHO will take over Quantum Fascism: Restrict Act & Global Pandemic Treaty Quantum Fascism: Restrict Act & Global Pandemic Treaty The Government exists only to gain power. The Government serves only itself and to extent this power. The Government NEVER gives up this power. When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government. Read full story A World Government may or may not be announced but Nations have no say no more and Individual Rights are abolished. Humanity will cease to exist. I may be off with the Timeline or some minor details but I am most certain that this is what they do. All their preparations indicates exactly these actions because they are preparing for it... for a long time. We have a group of people that not only control the money but through this they control the media politics and I mean both sides everywhere Military and Secret service. They are the WEF IMF Bilderberg CFR Club of Rome and associates. All actions represented in their controlled media is created by them to influence your behavior to the outcome of their wanting. They are Globalist Terrorists who want to control all of Humanity. All actions by all controlled politics are just the same... Behavioral Modification Science. What they represent is Nazis on steroids. They have the absolute believe they are the Master race and they can do whatever they want. But they are few we are many and it's time to show them their place... on the Guillotine. Time is running out quickly for Humanity. A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution) A Month of Revenge (Blueprint for a Revolution) We have a problem. The problem is the following: We have a group of people that not only control the money but through this they control the media politics and I mean both sides everywhere Military and Secret service. They are the WEF IMF Bilderberg CFR Club of Rome and associates. Read full story Dissolve the Government... everywhere. Without us standing up and a Revolution which results in Public Hanging of Trudeau all WEF Members and Associates and a complete rip up of all current Laws there will be no change. Every Associate of the WEF must hang... publicly. Heads must roll from the Top. The Basis of the new Law must be Individual rights decentralization of power free education and education the right way (ZEN) to ensure the highest Quality of outcome in every sector. I am a lifelong Learner. And lifelong Learning is the key. Religion must be abolished as it is a lie. Truth must be the highest currency of all. The lies they feed us I expose by the fact that the EU by its own admission is a Dictatorship dressed as democracy Every Law they put in is Illegal. Every Country connected to the WEF acts on Treason beneficial to the WEF and their Masters. Hang them. Ursula von der Leyen: A Female Adolf worse than Hitler Ursula von der Leyen: A Female Adolf worse than Hitler Let me get this straight: Ursula von der Leyen is a failure... a walking Abortion. She is not the only one... Pedo Joe Biden comes to Mind and Javier Milei Boris Johnson Richy Sunak Emanuel Macron. But Ursula von der Leyen is certainly the worst excuse of a Fascist Tampon that should never have been conceived in the first place. Read full story I know that Tessa fights Robots here on Substack... I don't think she remotely acknowledges the extent of the danger that Humanity faces... Especially since she called me Anti-Semitic... like so many of my fellow Hoodwinked Influencer "colleagues" who protect the Fascists because they are Jewish. It is a tragedy in the Making... a Global Genocide... Quantum Holocaust. And if you ignore the evidence I present so be it. Ignore me and ignore it at your own peril... because if you do you better be gone you are a waste of space and fresh air. The Future belongs to those who dare to stand up against Oppression... against the Government and against the Globalist Fascists... against the Jews against the Zionists. Evil has many faces and always pretends to be Innocent and pretends to be the Victim. If you are still fooled by them... good riddance. Zen Anarchy & Freedom Zen Anarchy & Freedom Thanks for reading Fritz’s Freud! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Eleanor Rigby Picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been Lives in a dream Waits at the window Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door Read full story The enemy of my enemy is my Friend! The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Godspeed Fritz Freud Share Buy me a Coffee https://substack.com/home/post/p-140006228 https://donshafi911iamthefaceoftruth.blogspot.com/2024/08/ai-cyber-attack-2024-how-it-will-unfold.html
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  • Intermittent Fasting Myths Expertly Debunked in New Video
    Anthony Colpo

    As regular readers will know, I recently released a book on intermittent fasting (IF) and time restricted eating (TRE) called Not So Fast.

    The bulk of the book deals with the misleading fat loss/weight loss claims made for IF and TRE. Instead of relying on anecdote or forum bro-science, I carefully review each of the published, peer-reviewed studies that compared IF diets with more conventional calorie-restricted diets.

    I do the same for TRE, but in that case I also include studies with non-calorie-restricted regular diets, because many of the TRE groups in those studies were instructed to eat ad libitum (without restriction) in their assigned eating windows.

    Those studies show the lavish weight loss claims made for IF and TRE are pure bunkum.

    In many of the studies, there is no difference in fat or weight loss between groups. When differences were noted in favour of IF or TRE, it was entirely explained by differences in caloric intake.

    Many of you may be familiar with Dave Asprey, a self-proclaimed "biohacker" who I consider the epitome of pseudoscience (you can read my dissection of his "Bulletproof Coffee" bollockery here).

    Asprey has convinced a lot of people he holds the keys to anti-aging, and charges thousands to share those 'secrets' at “Biohacking” conferences. In a January 2021 story, he claimed to have spent $2 million on his quest to “biohack” his way to eternal youth, but by December 2022 had revised that figure down to $300,000. He’s a former Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, which probably explains the dodgey figures.

    A grey-haired Asprey, now 50, who claims to have spent … well, lots … on “biohacking”.
    In his book Fast This Way, Asprey writes, in a section titled "PAY NO MIND TO THE CALORIE COPS" (pages 60-61):

    "Nothing makes you feel more like a failure than enduring suffering to lose 25 pounds, only to gain them back in a few weeks, plus a dozen more."

    And nothing makes you realize you're dealing with a world-class BSer than the fantasmagorical claim you can gain 37 pounds in only a few weeks, when even deliberate overfeeding studies fail to replicate such an astonishing rate of weight gain.

    Even the Guinness Book of World Records lists the greatest ever alleged weight gain at 325 lb (147 kg) over 12 months. That averages out at 27 lbs per month, which casts serious doubt on the veracity of Asprey's 37 lb-in-a-month claim.

    Not to be deterred, Asprey continues with more utter bollocks:

    "... the 'calories in, calories out' model, commonly abbreviated as CICO, should be relegated to the dustbin of failed science. This approach treats your body as though it's a meat robot when in reality it's a dynamic system that responds to calories differently based on their source, the time they're consumed, and the unique physiological makeup of the person consuming them. Yet the myth lives on, leaving obesity, shame, and suffering in its wake."

    Oh boy. It's hard to know where to start with such complete and utter hogwash.

    CICO will never be relegated to the dustbin of science, because it has been verified time and time again by real scientists, as opposed to reality-denying diet gurus and 'biohackers'.

    Time and again, I've challenged the anti-CICO reality-deniers to book themselves into a metabolic ward, and prove their claim that you can gain or lose different amounts of weight (from fat, not dehydration, diarrhea or glycogen losses) on their pet diet when compared to an isocaloric high-carb/mixed diet, and in every instance my challenge has been met with deafening silence.

    There's a good reason: It's an impossible challenge to meet, because it defies physiological reality.

    Asprey's claim that CICO can be rendered invalid by "the unique physiological makeup of the person consuming [calories]" is a real crack-up.

    Again, I've been asking for proof of the existence of these metabolic freaks-of-nature to whom the laws of nature have been magically suspended, but again, my requests keep drawing a blank.

    Scientists haven't been able to find them either, as decades of metabolic ward studies have confirmed. Even a ward study commissioned and funded by NuSI, a low-carb propaganda outfit masquerading as a non-profit, failed to produce the magical "metabolic advantage" that flabby diet gurus incessantly wank on about.

    All someone like Asprey needs to do is give a small portion of his millions to researchers, who can then put out the call for these freaks of nature to live in a metabolic ward for a set period of time. When these subjects lose more weight on a IF/TRE/low-carb/keto diet than on an isocaloric mixed diet, or they lose weight despite eating more than their verified energy maintenance needs - as some especially shameless/deluded diet gurus would have you believe is possible - then we can start questioning CICO.

    Until then, the only thing that should be questioned is the ethics and motives of people who make nonsensical statements about diet and calories they know full well have no scientific backing.

    When people follow IF and TRE diets and proceed to lose weight, it's for one reason and one reason only: They created a calorie deficit.

    Just because you're not actively counting calories, it does not change one iota the fact you still consumed a calorie deficit. I've been driving manual cars for so long that I don't even think about changing gears. If you were to ask me immediately after a drive how many times I just changed gears, I'd have absolutely no idea because I wasn't counting. That doesn't mean I go around telling everyone my car's an automatic.

    That would be delusional. Just like the anti-CICO crowd.

    As I explain in Not So Fast, the science shows these diets do not "boost" metabolism, they do not boost growth hormone, nor do they flip some magical "metabolic switch". That's pure marketing flimflam.

    In fact, TRE studies in active males found reductions in testosterone and the key thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). That's the kind of "metabolic switch" I'll happily leave off.

    Another demonstration of Asprey's anti-scientific tendencies comes when he then bangs on about Ancel Keys. The late Keys is an easy target, because he's roundly hated by anyone who knows what an outright fraud the whole anti-cholesterol/anti-saturate hysteria campaign is. But what Asprey doesn't mention is the then-groundbreaking study Keys conducted before he became an anti-cholesterol quack. This was the famous Minnesota Study, that showed when men were fed a very low-calorie mixed diet in conjunction with daily physical labor, they lost weight. Lots of it. Sometimes they lost too much weight and became emaciated. That tends to happen when you work like a lumberjack but eat like a small secretary.

    When Keys and his colleagues then greatly increased the men’s caloric intakes, they gained weight. Just as CICO dictates they would. But Asprey doesn't mention the Minnesota Experiment because, like most diet hucksters, he tells a one-sided story designed to sell whatever he's peddling at the time, be it "Bulletproof" coffee or the nouveau-trendy phenomenon of skipping breakfast.

    A Reality Check from New Zealand

    Like Australia, there hasn't been much good to say about New Zealand over the past few years. Earlier this year however, Dr Brad Stanfield, a Primary Care Physician in Auckland, posted a very insightful video titled "Why Many People Are Abandoning Intermittent Fasting." You can watch it at the end of this post.

    The video briefly discusses the fallacy of the weight loss claims, so if you want a detailed breakdown of that research, then Chapters 2 and 3 of Not So Fast are where you need to be.

    But Dr Brad touches upon some additional research when he addresses some of the untenable "autophagy", hormone, glycemic and general health claims made for these diets. It's a must-watch for anyone considering these diets.

    The comments below the video are also a must-read for anyone fascinated by the psychology endemic in the diet and health arena.

    Many of the commenters swear IF or TRE is the best thing they ever did. That it changed their life, even. Just like low-carbers and vegans used to insist whenever I wrote anything remotely critical of their pet diet theories. Funnily enough, I don't hear from them anymore.

    Look, I don't doubt many of these people did experience improvements. That happens with many diets, at least initially. And one of the major reasons is that when people embrace a new diet, they often do so as part of a sweeping "get my sh!t together" campaign that includes increasing physical activity, improving their food choices, cutting back on the booze, keeping better sleep hours, and so on.

    Here are some cases in point:

    Despite Dr Brad saying absolutely nothing offensive and relying on actual science in the video, some of the comments ooze butt-hurtedness.

    So much so, that if I was a billionaire philanthropist, I'd offer some of the negative commenters a lifetime supply of Preparation H. Like this person:


    I don't know why people get so ridiculously defensive about diet. Dr Brad presents the facts, and I note that a grand total of nobody in the comments section refutes even a single of the studies he cites.

    He even posts links to each of the studies below the video but, hey, why let a little thing like science get in the way of knee-jerk emotional reactions?

    Rest assured, however much folks like mfcypher claim to love IF and TRE, I love cannoli more. But when I meet someone who says they don't like cannoli (it's happened), as utterly shocked, astounded and flabbergasted as I might be, I don't scowl and get all Joe Pesci.

    Instead, I just quietly think to myself, "wow, someone who doesn't like cannoli! The world really is full of surprises!"

    Look, if someone ever posts a video earnestly claiming the best way to fight ageing and lose weight is to molest the village goat once a week, then please, get angry and indignant. At least for the goat's sake.

    But when someone posts a video critiquing your pet diet, and you can't factually refute any of the abundant science he presents, and so you instead get all ad hominem and carry on like he just asked you to molest the village goat, then the problem lies not with the poster of the video.

    The problem lies with you.

    As I stated in Not So Fast, I'm an information provider, not a dictator. Dr Brad hardly comes across as a domineering "my way or the highway" type either.

    We present the side of the story that all the hyperbolic hucksters won't tell you, because it's the side of the story that desperately needs to be told. If IF or TRE seem to work for you, more power to you! But the reality is that they do not work for everybody, as a number of the YouTube comments would attest.

    Some people do experience negative effects from IF and TRE, and this is hardly surprising given scientific research has already detected negative hormonal effects.

    Don’t expect the anti-CICO crowd to tell you about these negative effects. If they can’t accept the reality of calories in, calories out, what on Earth would they know about the potential pitfalls of, say, routinely raising counterregulatory hormones?

    Do they even know what counterregulatory hormones are?

    Even if there was only a single person on this entire planet who could be harmed by IF and TRE, then that person has every right to know these diets may not be the best for him or her.

    The reality is there are a lot more folks in the world who won't do well on these diets. Information about the potential pitfalls of IF and TRE shouldn't be withheld from these people because a bunch of IF and TRE fanboys and girls will have their remarkably fragile feelings hurt.

    Anyways, here's Dr Brad's video, enjoy.



    Anthony's new book, Not So Fast: The Truth About Intermittent Fasting & Time-Restricted Eating is now available at at Amazon and Lulu.


    Intermittent Fasting Myths Expertly Debunked in New Video Anthony Colpo As regular readers will know, I recently released a book on intermittent fasting (IF) and time restricted eating (TRE) called Not So Fast. The bulk of the book deals with the misleading fat loss/weight loss claims made for IF and TRE. Instead of relying on anecdote or forum bro-science, I carefully review each of the published, peer-reviewed studies that compared IF diets with more conventional calorie-restricted diets. I do the same for TRE, but in that case I also include studies with non-calorie-restricted regular diets, because many of the TRE groups in those studies were instructed to eat ad libitum (without restriction) in their assigned eating windows. Those studies show the lavish weight loss claims made for IF and TRE are pure bunkum. In many of the studies, there is no difference in fat or weight loss between groups. When differences were noted in favour of IF or TRE, it was entirely explained by differences in caloric intake. Many of you may be familiar with Dave Asprey, a self-proclaimed "biohacker" who I consider the epitome of pseudoscience (you can read my dissection of his "Bulletproof Coffee" bollockery here). Asprey has convinced a lot of people he holds the keys to anti-aging, and charges thousands to share those 'secrets' at “Biohacking” conferences. In a January 2021 story, he claimed to have spent $2 million on his quest to “biohack” his way to eternal youth, but by December 2022 had revised that figure down to $300,000. He’s a former Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, which probably explains the dodgey figures. A grey-haired Asprey, now 50, who claims to have spent … well, lots … on “biohacking”. In his book Fast This Way, Asprey writes, in a section titled "PAY NO MIND TO THE CALORIE COPS" (pages 60-61): "Nothing makes you feel more like a failure than enduring suffering to lose 25 pounds, only to gain them back in a few weeks, plus a dozen more." And nothing makes you realize you're dealing with a world-class BSer than the fantasmagorical claim you can gain 37 pounds in only a few weeks, when even deliberate overfeeding studies fail to replicate such an astonishing rate of weight gain. Even the Guinness Book of World Records lists the greatest ever alleged weight gain at 325 lb (147 kg) over 12 months. That averages out at 27 lbs per month, which casts serious doubt on the veracity of Asprey's 37 lb-in-a-month claim. Not to be deterred, Asprey continues with more utter bollocks: "... the 'calories in, calories out' model, commonly abbreviated as CICO, should be relegated to the dustbin of failed science. This approach treats your body as though it's a meat robot when in reality it's a dynamic system that responds to calories differently based on their source, the time they're consumed, and the unique physiological makeup of the person consuming them. Yet the myth lives on, leaving obesity, shame, and suffering in its wake." Oh boy. It's hard to know where to start with such complete and utter hogwash. CICO will never be relegated to the dustbin of science, because it has been verified time and time again by real scientists, as opposed to reality-denying diet gurus and 'biohackers'. Time and again, I've challenged the anti-CICO reality-deniers to book themselves into a metabolic ward, and prove their claim that you can gain or lose different amounts of weight (from fat, not dehydration, diarrhea or glycogen losses) on their pet diet when compared to an isocaloric high-carb/mixed diet, and in every instance my challenge has been met with deafening silence. There's a good reason: It's an impossible challenge to meet, because it defies physiological reality. Asprey's claim that CICO can be rendered invalid by "the unique physiological makeup of the person consuming [calories]" is a real crack-up. Again, I've been asking for proof of the existence of these metabolic freaks-of-nature to whom the laws of nature have been magically suspended, but again, my requests keep drawing a blank. Scientists haven't been able to find them either, as decades of metabolic ward studies have confirmed. Even a ward study commissioned and funded by NuSI, a low-carb propaganda outfit masquerading as a non-profit, failed to produce the magical "metabolic advantage" that flabby diet gurus incessantly wank on about. All someone like Asprey needs to do is give a small portion of his millions to researchers, who can then put out the call for these freaks of nature to live in a metabolic ward for a set period of time. When these subjects lose more weight on a IF/TRE/low-carb/keto diet than on an isocaloric mixed diet, or they lose weight despite eating more than their verified energy maintenance needs - as some especially shameless/deluded diet gurus would have you believe is possible - then we can start questioning CICO. Until then, the only thing that should be questioned is the ethics and motives of people who make nonsensical statements about diet and calories they know full well have no scientific backing. When people follow IF and TRE diets and proceed to lose weight, it's for one reason and one reason only: They created a calorie deficit. Just because you're not actively counting calories, it does not change one iota the fact you still consumed a calorie deficit. I've been driving manual cars for so long that I don't even think about changing gears. If you were to ask me immediately after a drive how many times I just changed gears, I'd have absolutely no idea because I wasn't counting. That doesn't mean I go around telling everyone my car's an automatic. That would be delusional. Just like the anti-CICO crowd. As I explain in Not So Fast, the science shows these diets do not "boost" metabolism, they do not boost growth hormone, nor do they flip some magical "metabolic switch". That's pure marketing flimflam. In fact, TRE studies in active males found reductions in testosterone and the key thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). That's the kind of "metabolic switch" I'll happily leave off. Another demonstration of Asprey's anti-scientific tendencies comes when he then bangs on about Ancel Keys. The late Keys is an easy target, because he's roundly hated by anyone who knows what an outright fraud the whole anti-cholesterol/anti-saturate hysteria campaign is. But what Asprey doesn't mention is the then-groundbreaking study Keys conducted before he became an anti-cholesterol quack. This was the famous Minnesota Study, that showed when men were fed a very low-calorie mixed diet in conjunction with daily physical labor, they lost weight. Lots of it. Sometimes they lost too much weight and became emaciated. That tends to happen when you work like a lumberjack but eat like a small secretary. When Keys and his colleagues then greatly increased the men’s caloric intakes, they gained weight. Just as CICO dictates they would. But Asprey doesn't mention the Minnesota Experiment because, like most diet hucksters, he tells a one-sided story designed to sell whatever he's peddling at the time, be it "Bulletproof" coffee or the nouveau-trendy phenomenon of skipping breakfast. A Reality Check from New Zealand Like Australia, there hasn't been much good to say about New Zealand over the past few years. Earlier this year however, Dr Brad Stanfield, a Primary Care Physician in Auckland, posted a very insightful video titled "Why Many People Are Abandoning Intermittent Fasting." You can watch it at the end of this post. The video briefly discusses the fallacy of the weight loss claims, so if you want a detailed breakdown of that research, then Chapters 2 and 3 of Not So Fast are where you need to be. But Dr Brad touches upon some additional research when he addresses some of the untenable "autophagy", hormone, glycemic and general health claims made for these diets. It's a must-watch for anyone considering these diets. The comments below the video are also a must-read for anyone fascinated by the psychology endemic in the diet and health arena. Many of the commenters swear IF or TRE is the best thing they ever did. That it changed their life, even. Just like low-carbers and vegans used to insist whenever I wrote anything remotely critical of their pet diet theories. Funnily enough, I don't hear from them anymore. Look, I don't doubt many of these people did experience improvements. That happens with many diets, at least initially. And one of the major reasons is that when people embrace a new diet, they often do so as part of a sweeping "get my sh!t together" campaign that includes increasing physical activity, improving their food choices, cutting back on the booze, keeping better sleep hours, and so on. Here are some cases in point: Despite Dr Brad saying absolutely nothing offensive and relying on actual science in the video, some of the comments ooze butt-hurtedness. So much so, that if I was a billionaire philanthropist, I'd offer some of the negative commenters a lifetime supply of Preparation H. Like this person: Wow. I don't know why people get so ridiculously defensive about diet. Dr Brad presents the facts, and I note that a grand total of nobody in the comments section refutes even a single of the studies he cites. He even posts links to each of the studies below the video but, hey, why let a little thing like science get in the way of knee-jerk emotional reactions? Rest assured, however much folks like mfcypher claim to love IF and TRE, I love cannoli more. But when I meet someone who says they don't like cannoli (it's happened), as utterly shocked, astounded and flabbergasted as I might be, I don't scowl and get all Joe Pesci. Instead, I just quietly think to myself, "wow, someone who doesn't like cannoli! The world really is full of surprises!" Look, if someone ever posts a video earnestly claiming the best way to fight ageing and lose weight is to molest the village goat once a week, then please, get angry and indignant. At least for the goat's sake. But when someone posts a video critiquing your pet diet, and you can't factually refute any of the abundant science he presents, and so you instead get all ad hominem and carry on like he just asked you to molest the village goat, then the problem lies not with the poster of the video. The problem lies with you. As I stated in Not So Fast, I'm an information provider, not a dictator. Dr Brad hardly comes across as a domineering "my way or the highway" type either. We present the side of the story that all the hyperbolic hucksters won't tell you, because it's the side of the story that desperately needs to be told. If IF or TRE seem to work for you, more power to you! But the reality is that they do not work for everybody, as a number of the YouTube comments would attest. Some people do experience negative effects from IF and TRE, and this is hardly surprising given scientific research has already detected negative hormonal effects. Don’t expect the anti-CICO crowd to tell you about these negative effects. If they can’t accept the reality of calories in, calories out, what on Earth would they know about the potential pitfalls of, say, routinely raising counterregulatory hormones? Do they even know what counterregulatory hormones are? Even if there was only a single person on this entire planet who could be harmed by IF and TRE, then that person has every right to know these diets may not be the best for him or her. The reality is there are a lot more folks in the world who won't do well on these diets. Information about the potential pitfalls of IF and TRE shouldn't be withheld from these people because a bunch of IF and TRE fanboys and girls will have their remarkably fragile feelings hurt. Anyways, here's Dr Brad's video, enjoy. Ciao, Anthony. Anthony's new book, Not So Fast: The Truth About Intermittent Fasting & Time-Restricted Eating is now available at at Amazon and Lulu. Share https://substack.com/home/post/p-139452240
    Intermittent Fasting Myths Expertly Debunked in New Video
    As regular readers will know, I recently released a book on intermittent fasting (IF) and time restricted eating (TRE) called Not So Fast. The bulk of the book deals with the misleading fat loss/weight loss claims made for IF and TRE. Instead of relying on anecdote or forum bro-science, I carefully review each of the published, peer-reviewed studies that compared IF diets with more conventional calorie-restricted diets.
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