• Journalist Kareem Dennis [Lowkey] dug deep to bring us information about the Zionist roots of Tommy Robinson's English Defense League.
    #UnitedKingdom #EDL #TommyRobinson #Islamophobia #Israel
    Journalist Kareem Dennis [Lowkey] dug deep to bring us information about the Zionist roots of Tommy Robinson's English Defense League. #UnitedKingdom #EDL #TommyRobinson #Islamophobia #Israel
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  • There is one name that has regularly featured in chants by the far-right agitators across the U.K. as they torch libraries, attack mosques and smash windows: The man is Tommy Robinson.
    #UnitedKingdom #TommyRobinson #Islamophobia
    There is one name that has regularly featured in chants by the far-right agitators across the U.K. as they torch libraries, attack mosques and smash windows: The man is Tommy Robinson. #UnitedKingdom #TommyRobinson #Islamophobia
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  • As Islamophobia soars across the U.K., an extremist man was filmed hurling Islamophobic abuse and violent threats, then spitting at a Muslim bus driver in London.
    #UnitedKingdom #London #Islamophobia #Islam
    As Islamophobia soars across the U.K., an extremist man was filmed hurling Islamophobic abuse and violent threats, then spitting at a Muslim bus driver in London. #UnitedKingdom #London #Islamophobia #Islam
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  • Controlled Opposition – David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Darryl Anka (Bashar), Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Trump, Putin – Ufology – Alternative Media
    August 10, 2017

    Controlled Opposition – Corey Goode, Cobra, Bashar (Darryl Anka), David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, David Icke, Edward Snowden, Trump, Putin etc…

    (I used a picture of ‘Ashtar’ from ‘Ashtar Command’ as that is a huge psyop and is associated with Cobra. I am referring to Cobra from the website ‘The Portal’)

    Interestingly, this article leads to Fake Terrorism, North Korea, Zionists and Israel.

    Anyway, here are some of my thoughts on Controlled Opposition in the alternative media (A hint: It’s everywhere!)


    It can be very disheartening when you are awakening to what is happening in the world – as when you really do your research and become informed you realize that most of these prominent ‘players’ in the alternative media are Controlled Opposition. And I have been shocked about the amount of Controlled Opposition operatives and Gatekeepers there are – and how hard people will push unsubstantiated claims. An example for you: Alex Jones and InfoWars is perhaps the most obvious controlled opposition operation going.

    We also have David Icke and Jordan Maxwell who are also Controlled Opposition… ‘what?’ you say … ‘some of their videos woke me up’, etc…. (they initially helped me as well) But, yep, it seems to be the Zionists and Freemasons putting people in place to get you to rely on them – so they give you some truth to draw you in and then some carefully selected disinfo and then also failing to include some pieces of important information. Just like all Controlled Opposition. The alternative media is a minefield. (Both these guys appear on the Richie Allen show – Richie Allen is controlled opposition. And David Icke even appears on the shill Alex Jones’s show!) There are certain things they are not telling us. Particularly about the Real Truth about Fake Terror Events, the Freemasons, Hitler, The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), The Second World War, etc. The Zionists et al like to try and control every stage of awakening – and there are different levels of awakening. David Icke has appeared on mainstream television at least three times in the UK! People who know about the depths of global conspiracy know that the Zionists wont allow someone to appear on mainstream TV if they don’t want them to. I am not saying these people don’t have some legitimate information, but you must research beyond them, they are limited – and they are manipulators and givers of half-truths.

    (David Icke promotes getting rid of racial and cultural identity, as well as getting rid of any religious beliefs – and generally promotes letting go of having a strong identity. This is exactly what these Freemasonic Zionist Talmudic Elites want! We are much easier to control and manipulate when we let go of racial, cultural and religious identity – humans are much more passive when they don’t have these identifications. This is why Icke never exposes ‘The Kalergi Plan’ and certain parts of ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’. He promotes this idea that only way to repel these forces of darkness is to focus on ‘infinite love’, that, ‘everything, everything, everything else is an illusion!’ This is an obvious pacifying psyop and a manipulation. This ‘just focusing on love’ will not save us from the Satanic Zionist New World Order. Knowledge, critical thinking, practical solutions and taking action is what is needed. Icke does twelve hour shows and writes many huge books, but most of it is distraction and deflection – and real practical solutions are not offered by him… and again, just focusing on love is not a solution, it is a pacifying psyop. He is obvious controlled opposition. David Icke subtly promotes Cultural Marxism, which is extremely damaging to Humanity.)

    The UFO community, in particular, can be incredibly naive and get distracted and carried away with the fantastical ET stories that give them some hope. I am not going to say that I haven’t been a little caught up with someone’s information until I realised it to be coming from someone who was clearly Controlled Opposition. But then eventually you see some of the agendas behind the operation – and see the disinfo they put out. When you go far down the rabbit hole it can all get little scary and something within you is looking for some ‘hopium’ ie – ‘there must be some good guys down here fighting back’, then these people come forward and say I have an ‘insider that I know’, or ‘I am an insider’ – and often they come with statements or firm predictions of change – ie: everything will change this year in the fall of 2016, or you will see great changes in this most of this year etc. These people are really just there to disempower you, pacify you, distract you and feed you bits of disinfo.

    I particularly research the extraterrestrial and ‘Milab’ phenomenon because of my various and numerous experiences – i.e ET abductions and memories returning of times spent in some sort of secret otherworldly operations and becoming lucid during some of these missions / abductions. I have an article on this website describing my experiences. But I also research many other facets of the global conspiracy. Particularly all the fake terrorism and fake shootings – all the nonsense that the Freemasons and Zionists set up – the staged drills that are passed of as real. You cannot understand what is going on on this planet if you do not understand that all these terrorism events are Fake and Set Up by the Freemasons and Zionists – as I said earlier, they are usually drills passed off as real using paid crisis actors – and sometimes they even use CGI in them. (I should clarify that when I mention the Freemasons I am mainly taking about the 33rd degree Masons and above, the lower levels are oblivious of the true purpose of Freemasonry.)

    Link to Article: False Flags – Fake Shootings – Fake Terrorism – Psyops – Hoaxes – Freemasons – Zionists

    Anyway, throughout history Controlled Opposition has been used to control the masses. It catches people like a net, holds onto them for a while, distracts then, gives them some truth and also carefully selected pieces of disinfo. The people who are in charge of this planet employ this all the time.

    “A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries.”

    Notably Vladimir Lenin said:
    “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

    Below are my perspectives on various people I have come across in my research – I hope I inspire others to think critically and to question all these so called ‘insiders’ – and for people to get an idea of how Controlled Opposition works.

    Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Cobra, Fulford, Snowden – and others

    Some obvious Controlled Opposition within, or related to, the UFO field of research is: David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Cobra (the portal), Benjamin Fulford, Simon Parkes (Parkes fairly recently appeared on mainstream TV here in England, this should send up red flags for you, you don’t appear on mainstream TV if you are not controlled) etc etc – and there are blogs that promote many of these people that are also Controlled Opposition — these blogs are normally just set up primarily by people, who themselves are controlled, to the promote these other controlled agents. ‘Stillness in the Storm’ is an example of one of these Controlled Opposition blogs which vigorously promotes and defends Wilcock and Goode, as well posting about Fulford and Cobra. And there is also ‘Discerning the Mystery’, which has been obviously set up just to promote Corey Goode, Cobra, and David Wilcock etc. It is very interesting that as soon as the ‘Discerning the Mystery’ website was set up ‘Stillness in the Storm’ started posting ‘Discerning the Mystery’ articles on his blog, promoting him – just as he did with Jordan Sather. As soon as Jordan Sather’s youtube channel was up it was promoted immediately by ‘Stillness in the Storm’, and who does Jordan Sather work with now? Corey Goode! There is a network of Controlled Opposition here people all backing each other. (If you research a great deal and have an excellent memory – you see unusual things in the alternative media and you see networks of controlled opposition) And when Corey Goode started working with Bridget Nielsen ‘Stillness in the Storm’ started posting about her as well. This is the woman who says she has had sex with reptilians and it was great! Seriously, how does that help humanity – articles about this? Again, a network of Controlled Opposition promoting each other.

    We also have Michael Salla – he again – I will use the phrase again: Controlled Opposition – he is connected to all these people I have just mentioned in the above paragraph. He promotes Goode and Wilcock and various others in this group – and Stillness in the Storm promotes Salla. Salla puts out some ridiculous articles, for example: ‘Will Trump release all the advanced technology found in Antarctica if he is elected?’. Trump is working for the Zionists, of course he isn’t just going to release any technology just for the benefit of humanity! And of course we can see that Trump hasn’t released any.

    (I know that some of the ‘intel’ that some of these people put out can be very compelling, I followed some of these people for a while before I worked them out. ‘How can they not be ‘of the light’ when they put out this type of info?’ – read the rest of the article and about how it all works.)

    Within the ‘Secret Space Program’ area of research we also have William Tompkins – who is obviously Controlled Opposition – a limited hangout operation – and is only divulging what he is allowed – and also the same with Randy Cramer. They are told by the people who control the organisations that they are affiliated with, what to divulge and they do as they are told. It is obviously all scripted, to add to the distraction of humanity — and to add to the SSP limited-hangout operation.

    I have written about the Corey Goode ‘Sphere Being’ psyop / cult on this website – it is one of the the most obvious limited hangout and Controlled Opposition operations out there. It seems to be creating a cult, a ufo religion and now trying to capture the minds of the younger generation – again, like a net drawing them in and trying to hold onto people as long as possible. Corey also seems to want to control all the SSP disclosure narrative and also try to sanitize what is going on in them – and there is very obvious saviour programming in there as well – which disempowers and pacifies people. And why does humanity need to hear so much about Corey’s UFO stories, it is beyond me – how does it benefit people to hear so much about unsubstantiated ET stories like these? It is dangerous what he is doing – these SSP projects (if they exist) are not to be taken lightly – they will be ruining lives – and run by incredibly nefarious people.

    People who believe Corey Goode is genuine have still got various levels of awakening to work through. On YouTube peoples channels are being taken down left, right and centre for exposing the fake terrorism and the use of crisis actors, for exposing jewish tyranny and Zionism’s crimes, for exposing the WW2 and Hitler lies we have been told etc etc. Thousands of videos are being censored by Jewish Zionist controlled Youtube – just for people exposing and questioning… whatever happened to free speech!. “The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation”. But here we have someone like Corey, he isn’t being censored and is not going to be censored – because he is Zionist psyop – a controlled opposition agent.

    And this whole ‘raising your vibration’ rhetoric is just there to pacify you – I have been meditating (and eating very healthily) for many years and this ‘raising your vibration’ is not going to sort things out on this planet… and how come so many people are working at this ‘raising your vibration’ but the world is getting worse all the time – more control mechanisms implemented all the time, more censorship, more destabilizing of the middle east, more refugees, more mass immigration (and we potentially have 5G towers coming soon) etc etc. What we need to do is become wise knowledgeable critical thinkers, come up with solutions, stand-up to tyranny and take action! The Corey Goode psyop is there to pacify you and distract you. And I am not saying there isn’t probably some sort of Secret Space Program, but you wont be getting the real truth from these so called ‘whistleblowers’. And, yes, of course, it is good for you to meditate and eat a healthy diet, but it wont sort out the problems on this planet, that’s for sure – it should help you get some clarity of mind – but it wont make you knowledgeable, proactive, solution orientated and capable of critical thinking. I recommend this article below on Corey Goode for some more insights on his particular pysop:

    Link to Article: Cosmic Disclosure – Corey Goode – Controlled Opposition – Secret Space Programs (SSPs)

    This other group of ‘Secret Space Program Whistleblowers’: Penny, Illeana, Tony, Kevan and their disinfo agent associate ‘Peter the Insider’ ( These people are all very clearly creating another limited-hangout, and are just another group of Controlled Opposition ). I discuss this group as well as other SSP whistleblowers in detail in another article of mine: ‘Nazis’ – Secret Space Programs – ‘Dark Fleet’ – Disinfo

    I have also written about Cobra on this website. I have looked through the majority of his interviews and followed his intel for quite some time and I also looked through a website that had collated Cobra’s responses to questions – there is so much disinfo in there and lots of pacifying and disempowering responses – if you research the global conspiracy like I do – you can see the disinfo and the agendas. It also, like Corey Goode’s info, contains saviour programming – here instead of ‘blue avians’ and ‘inner earth’ groups it promotes this totally unsubstantiated idea of a ‘resistance movement’ on ‘planet x’ – and also the unsubstantiated idea that there are some pleiadians that he is working with to help free humanity. These stories are absolutely pacifying and disempowering people – stopping them from coming up with solutions for humanity. He talks about these ‘toplet bombs’??? and other exotic weapons – he says that there are ET groups that are clearing all these bombs that are surrounding us here on Earth. For five years he has been saying this! And he say things like we are close to clearing them all – and then, ‘low and behold’ they have found some more and some more weapons have been found – then the next month – and again, its ‘oh we found some more toplet bombs’ etc – over and over again this goes on! And of course Cobra talks about Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation etc etc – pacifying and disempowering – these are psyops. Cobra has also promoted this book by Ishtar Antares called Aurora 2012, which I have read – that also made some predictions that didn’t come true, and which also contained other disinfo regarding the psyop that is Ashtar Command. And Cobra also promoted this guy Drake in 2012, who was a psyop, who also predicted changes in 2012, as did Wilcock who aligned himself with Drake – why do people forget about all these things? Unfortunately, my fellow humans, we have to sort all this insanity on this planet out ourselves. People need to realise that Cobra has been saying the same things over and over again for over 5 years. And of course Cobra does joint interviews with the obvious psyop Corey Goode – which should send up red flags for you.

    This ‘The Event Is Coming Soon’ rhetoric put forward by Cobra and others is a huge psyop and so pacifying and disempowering. When you are knowledgeable, and know how these Freemasons and Zionists work, you know their tactics and see through their psyops more easily. This so called ‘Event’ is not coming soon my friends, please don’t sit back and wait for this ‘Event’. This ‘Event’ is a made up thing to pacify – the whole ‘solar flash’, ‘spontaneous ascension’ – these terms, are of course, also pacifying psyops. Sorry to tell you this my friends… hard to hear if you bought into these stories, they had me for a little bit, but I know too much about all the other areas of the alternative media and global conspiracy. Educate yourself about the Freemasons and the Jewish Zionists plans and take action.

    Link to Article: Cobra, (The Portal) is Controlled Opposition putting out Disinfo

    David Wilcock continually tells us the ‘End-game’ is near, or words to that effect – how many endgame type articles is he going to write? One each year? One every 6 months? Again, he is disempowering and pacifying us – the endgame is not near. For example – ‘It’s ok, we can relax the ‘Endgame’ is near!’ I do not think it is near. David Wilcock is obvious Controlled Opposition – some truth mixed in with a good amount of disinfo. His so called ‘insiders’, and contacts – people like Pete Peterson for example, are also obvious Controlled opposition, basic stuff from these people who give us little titbits of carefully controlled info. Wilcock also collaborates with Corey Goode, who is also obvious Controlled Opposition, Wilcock also comments on Benjamin Fulford, who again is obvious Controlled Opposition. Wilcock also promotes this idea of a mass spontaneous ‘ascension’ – again, disempowering people, pacifying people – stopping people being proactive and make changes to benefit humanity and detach from the satanic matrix system – we can wait for ‘the resistance movement’ – or the ‘sphere being alliance’ or the ‘inner earth groups’ or the ‘ ascension wave of energy’ or ‘The Event’ – these groups of events will sort all out all our problems apparently. They are disempowering and pacifying the public – over and over! Don’t sit back and wait for any of these things my friends.

    We also have people like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange – totally controlled opposition and limited hangouts. What has Snowden released that people who are knowledge didn’t already know? – nothing – and he even gave out disinfo about 9/11. His is info is basic, and he is obviously controlled and some type of agent. Pretty much the same things can be said for Julian Assange… controlled.

    An article about Snowden the controlled agent: http://www.renegadetribune.com/frosty-edward-snowden/

    And Benjamin Fulford won’t tell you that Snowden and Assange are just Controlled Opposition Limited Hangouts. And Fulford wont tell that all these terror events are fake – he might say some are false flags but that stills perpetuate the myth that people were killed and it perpetuates the fear they create. But they are hoaxes, totally fake – just one example for you: the Russian Ambassador shooting – this is such an obviously fake shooting. Fulford will not tell you that these so called terror events were set up by the Freemasons and Zionists to further their agendas. Benjamin Fulford is obvious Controlled Opposition – a limited hangout operation.

    (Update: This Q Anon rhetoric is an obvious pacifying psyop, there is no purge going on. In fact, people who are moved out are usually people who are not staunch Zionists and don’t support Israel enough – that’s usually why they are moved out. Look how staunch Zionist Warmonger John Bolton got moved into a very prominent position. Q Anon is a psyop to deceive and pacify the naive and less well informed Goyim.)

    People get hooked on what all these people are saying – they sit back and think these guys have it all in control – these so called ‘insiders’ – but they are just telling us stories – but it’s all just carefully controlled commentaries from these people, with some disinfo. Better to spend your time looking to make some practical changes on this planet and learning about the Zionist and Freemason agendas and researching all the fake terror events – so that these fake events have less effect on the collective. We have people saying ‘the cabal’ or ‘the illuminati’ – But I think people should be just saying the Zionists and Freemasons – I think these alternative names are a psyop. Go down the rabbit hole geopolitically and it leads to the Zionists, Freemasons and Israel. Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, it is run by Jews — Freemasonry is being used as a tool by the Zionist Jews to bring about their New World Order. It is related to rebuilding Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem – they want to dominate the world (the ‘Goyim’) from there.

    “The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of (Masonic) Lodges, rule the world.” – Jean Izoulet, prominent member of Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1931

    “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.” – Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish, Prime Minister of England

    Anyway, I have an article on this website all about Zionism which will explain all this for you. There is a link at the end of the article.


    (* An update due to a comment received: — Michael Tellinger is 100 percent controlled. He is a controlled limited hangout. I read his Ubuntu book when it first came out – sounded good initially – but I was ill informed and very naive back then. His system is not anti-NWO – it actually plays right into their hands.

    Tellinger is on gaimtv.com / gaia.com – this organisation is a Zionist limited hangout shill operation. So many shills on Gaia.com. Tellinger even did an interview with Goode and Wilcock on Gaia as well! Two of the most obvious shills out there. There is so much about the (((New World Order))) agenda that Tellinger and associates are distracting people from.)


    Fraudulent Predictions and Statements for upcoming change… and channelers — Bashar, Adronis, Abraham Hicks etc

    So we have Wilcock regularly making endgame, or the battle is nearly won, statements in his articles. Wilcock also backed and made predictions in 2012 regarding this fake guy ‘Drake’ – people forget how wrong Wilcock was then, and Cobra was involved with this. Corey Goode said everything will change in in 2016 and it didn’t – now he is pushing a three year disclosure plan – what ridiculousness. More disempowering. Wilcock also wrote an article whereby he perpetuates the idea that people actually died in the Boston Marathon Bombing – when anyone who is a real researcher knows that the boston marathon bombing was another fake hoax event a drill passed of as real. Cobra is also affiliated with the website ‘prepare for change’ change – more disempowering – it should be Create Change! Let’s just sit back and prepare for change, what a disempowering and pacifying slogan – again, it should be Create Change.

    We also get these popular channellers like Bashar and Adronis, for example, making predictions – they were both saying everything will change in the fall of 2016. The SSP ‘whistleblower’ called ‘Illeana’, also joined in with her own ‘channeling’ and also said all will change in the fall of 2016. Bashar is the most obvious psyop – he promotes a type of solipsism for one thing, saying that we create our own reality completely, which is nonsense, as we are in a collective consciousness and we are not in total control of our reality – again, we collectively create what happens here. And those in power and in prominent influential positions in the media, banks and government etc have by far the most control of what we create on this planet. Bashar also constantly distracts people from the global conspiracy, from the Zionists and Satanists etc – suggesting that if you look into that dark information then that is the sort of reality you will manifest – nonsense. We must shine a light on the dark to transform it.

    When these channelers and so called ‘insiders’ make statements on when things will change – be very suspicious. There is also the case of Aug Tellez now, who promotes himself as insider – and has put out lots of interesting information, but it is mostly information that I have heard before. I am wary of him because he has come out with the statement that everything will change in the fall of 2017. Why regularly put out a statement like that? It only pacifies and disempowers humanity. And also because he promotes the disinfo agent Donald Marshall – I am sure cloning does goes on, and we all know some really terrible things go on with the elites, but Donald Marshall is almost certainly controlled opposition with disinfo – some ridiculous things have been said by him, particular the things about Reptilians, such as them having this ‘thing’ come out of their head that goes into your eye and takes you over – obvious disinfo. I will certainly not be holding my breath about this Aug Tellez 2017 prediction! He also has very few details about the time he says he spent in Solar Warden – lots of information is given out which would be complex to many, but no solar warden details of operations he took part in. So I am not totally sure about Aug, I think we will see after this fall 2017. Will he be the first ‘insider’ to actually predict when the beneficial changes will come? Again, I doubt it very much. (Update: Aug Tellez is an obvious Zionist Controlled Opposition agent – it’s so obvious to me – lots of distracting information and some dis-info — distracting people from what is really occurring on this planet. People should research ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ – and no it’s not a hoax, as the Zionist controlled media like to tell you – its a real document that was found – research it.)

    While we are in the subject of channelers: we have people like Bashar and Abraham Hicks putting forward this notion of people just trying to manifest an abundant life for themselves. You don’t need to transform the planet, they suggest – just try to manifest a happy and abundant life for yourself. Nope, actually we should be looking to highlight all the darkness, all the satanic practices – we need to bring it to the light to transform it. We need to work together to create change – helping each other, practical solutions etc – so we need to know where all the problems are and where they originate from. These two channelers are obvious controlled opposition psyops. And there are many other channelers who just go on and on about different ET races. Firstly, do people realize how easy it is for the ‘powers that be’ to manipulate these people – who they are channeling – most are not going to be channelling who they think they are. Anyway, regardless of this, what purpose does it serve to listen to a ‘channeler’ telling you about unsubstantiated info about ‘ET races’ – how does this help humanity evolve and break free from this Satanic Slave System and understand the tactics of the Zionists and Freemasons. Are these ‘channelers’ telling you any useful practical information regarding this planet. Nearly all are just distracting you.

    One more thing related to Bashar, he goes on about hybrid children – not human children, but hybrid children. Our human children are getting poisoned, abused, sacrificed and eaten on this planet! We do not need to worry about hybrid children! And this woman Bridget Nielsen aligns herself with Bashar and promotes making a safe place for the hybrid children to live. She also says that she has had sex with reptilians and it was great. Do you know who aligned themselves with this woman? – Corey Goode did. He is good ‘friends’ with her and does videos with her – it’s networks of Controlled Opposition – psyops linked together.

    Anyway, there is absolutely no benefit to humanity in the people making these statements and predictions with dates about big changes – the only purpose can be to dis-empower and pacify humanity – there is nothing else it can do. I would take them with less than a pinch of salt, and be suspicious of those who are making them – especially as all the statements so far have been wrong. And carry on researching, and carry on trying to make a positive and practical difference to this planet – and carry on learning about all the fake terrorism and fake shootings, the controlled opposition agents, the CIA limited hangouts, the Zionists, the Freemasons. Question everything and don’t stop learning. We need to become informed critical thinkers and then to come together somehow and make changes.

    Early ET abductions, Milabs researchers and whistleblowers

    The whole UFO field has been infiltrated by Controlled Opposition. Some of the first researchers like Barbara Bartholic and Dr Karla Turner appeared to be doing some diligent and credible research and investigations exposing the nefarious ETs – but it looks like they were killed off. It looks like was Phil Schneider as well, who seemed to be exposing some important information – and then the UFO field was then further flooded with agents (it’s always been controlled). We did have some testimonies that felt somewhat credible in the Milab, Secret Space Ops and Black Ops area, years ago – but now, in the two or three years or so, this area of research seems to filled with agents and disinfo. (Update: After completing further research I actually think these people mentioned in this paragraph were also controlled – See my ‘Ufology Explained’ article on this website.)

    Trump and Putin

    As I mentioned earlier one of the areas I spend a lot of time researching is all the fake terrorism. Some questions for people who believe Putin is some kind of savour: Why did Putin play along with, and essentially endorse, at least two fake terrors acts. Firstly the fake shooting of the Russian Ambassador in Berlin – it’s totally fake, research it – watch Ole Dammegard’s video on it, for starters. And Putin also endorses the St Petersburg Metro bombing – again, a staged drill passed of as real – fake. There are videos about these fake events in a playlist on my youtube channel. Why is Putin endorsing these fake deceiving acts, as well as playing along with other fake terrorism from around the world? Truth seekers who go far down the rabbit hole suggest that Putin is just playing a role – that pretty much all these western leaders are just playing their roles. I would also suggest he is just playing a role for the Zionists and their NWO agenda – and I certainly do not trust someone who deceives humanity like this.

    Putin also has a history of Jewish and Zionist connections, he is ex KGB, does huge tech and trade deals with Israel, glorifies the ‘Soviet Union’ and the ‘Red Army’, and he does not come out and condemn Netenyahu and Israel on a great many issues… and he hasn’t ended Debt Slavery/Usury in his country (which leaders who truly want to look after their people will always do).

    A link to an interesting article about Putin, and how he is not the saviour some people think he is:

    Puppet Putin: A collection of doubts around Putin’s credibility as opposition to the JWO agenda

    Putin has also made it illegal for people to question the holocaust in his country! Where’s the Free Speech?! ((The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation)). From my research I have found no evidence that any gas chambers were used or that any Jews died in gas chambers – there is lots of research which point to the fact that the gassing did not occur. Watch some Fred Leuchter (The Leuchter Report), David Irving, Ernst Zundel, David Cole and Dennis Wise videos on this subject for starters. The people you see dead in the videos and photos died from diseases such as Typhus, this was due to the allied bombings towards the end of the war, which took out the supply infrastructures in Germany, which meant medicine and food could not get to the work camps. Diseases spread quickly. The lies surrounding these camps is shocking. Its propaganda by the Zionists to try to gain sympathy for their Zionist agendas. I could go on about this subject and the lies we have been told about Hitler, WW2 and Germany’s National Socialism, but you can research it yourself. I also recommend the video: ‘Adolf Hitler – The Greatest story Never Told’ by Dennis Wise – this can get you started if you don’t know about this subject, you can watch it on YouTube. This link below will take you to a site with comprehensive evidence that the ‘holocaust’ did not occur:

    Holocaust Deprogramming Course

    (Another mention of David Icke and how he is controlled opposition. There is always lots of anti-Nazi rhetoric from Icke. He still perpetuates the total myth that Nazis used fluoride on people on the Jews in the WW2 work camps. Icke also suggests that Hitler and the Germans were involved in creating these poisonous vaccines we are given – which is lies. Icke does not even mention that the ‘Nazis’ never called themselves ‘Nazi’s’, and that they were actually called The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) – the term ‘Nazi’ was actually invented by a jewish man called Konrad Heiden as a slur and disparaging term – and has since been used for the Zionist owned media’s anti-Hitler and anti-National Socialist propaganda. Icke also doesn’t expose the Dresden firebombings and the Rhine Meadows death camps – these horrific war crimes carried out on millions of innocent Germans. He doesn’t highlight how Hitler and The NSDAP miraculously transformed Germany by getting rid of the Jewish bankers influence and by printing their own money. And he doesn’t expose the biggest lie of the them all: The Holocuast Hoax. Again, David Icke is controlled opposition)

    Now to Trump: he is of course endorsed and praised by Putin. And in case anyone does not realize, Trump is exposed as an obvious Zionist. Look at what he has said about Israel… shocking… 100 percent backing for Israel he said… wow… supporting this disgraceful regime that is taking part in the incremental genocide of Palestinians. As well as this, look at Trumps behaviour related to visiting Israel and Netanyahu. (These Zionists have never had any right to Palestine – and The Palestinians are the semites.) And who has Trump surrounded himself with politically? I will tell you who: Loads of confirmed Zionists! Putin is friendly with and has endorsed and praised a very obvious Zionist … hmmm… what does all this suggest to you?

    Concluding Thoughts

    One of the purposes of this article is for people to become aware of what Controlled Opposition and Limited Hangouts Operations are – and to question all those people who suggest that they are insiders. Look for the signs – and one of the signs is that they start making statements of when great change will occur and attempt to pacify and disempower with various articles and statements. There are so many people out there who will try to catch you and distract you, feed you some disinfo.

    The way I see it is that one of the things they are distracting you from is all the fake terrorism: crisis actors are used – they are staged drills passed off as real, CGI is also used – I have been researching these fake events for over two years now. Who owns the media and sets up these events – it’s the Zionists and Freemasons. I have followed a whole community of people who were dismantling all these fake events on Youtube. So many of them have had their channels taken down for questioning these events and explaining to others how they are obviously fake (luckily most of them just make a new channel and come back). No one else I have followed is having their channels taken down – only the people questioning these events and people questioning and exposing the Zionists and Freemasons – as Youtube is owned by the Zionists of course. Far more offensive channels are left up. Anyway… Three of the most obvious phony fake hoax events: the Boston Bombing , Sandy Hook, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting – if you can’t see or work out that these are totally fake events… then… well.. Speechless… And there are just so many more… so many

    Link to Article: False Flags – Fakes Shootings – Fake Terrorism – Psyops – Hoaxes – Freemasons – Zionists

    The fake events are one of their main tools for manipulating humanity. The powers that be (the zionists / jewish supremacists) can’t go around just blowing people up and killing people – you would get hundreds and thousands of very angry family members, large groups of very irate people to deal with, who would certainly question your homeland security – and also, karmically it’s not good for them – so you deceive the public with fake events. These ‘events’ put people in fear and they are also used to attempt to bring forth various agendas – gun control, martial law, armed police, automated travels systems, Islamophobia, World War 3 etc etc – essentially more and more control over us.

    Through all the UFO psyops ‘the powers that be’ are also trying to distract the awakening / alternative media community from the Zionists activities. When you go down the rabbit hole it leads to the Zionists, it just does – I believe there are definitely some ET races that are ultimately in control of this planet and governments – but in dealing with practicalities of day to day on Earth the Zionists tactics and agendas need to be understood… and all the lies they have told..

    Israel / Zionists / the jews, this is where it all leads. They own hollywood, the corporations, the media… they are in charge. And they are trying to create conflict in the middle east – they are trying to destabilize that region, taker it over and essentially try to run this planet from there – from Israel.

    They also want to distract from the fake North Korean threat – that is fake – look at the fake Otto Warmbier case – so fake – and all the North Korean photoshopped pictures, just for starters. And the fake threat from Muslim fundamentalists – that is fake as well, there are not any muslim terrorists running around Europe or the US shouting ‘allahu akbar’ and killing people – again, these events are fake and set up by the Freemasonic and Zionists. I am not saying there aren’t some groups of young Muslim men causing trouble in Europe, after all this mass immigration – as this is the case – but they aren’t running around and blowing things up – they aren’t running people over in cars and shooting people… these ‘terrorist events’ are fake… crisis actors. They also want to distract you from what is going on in Palestine – it is just shocking what has been done to the Palestinian people. And, we of course, know that Israel was the main force behind 9/11.

    I realise that I have gone from the Controlled Opposition in the alternative media to the Zionists – that is how this article evolved – and it is not surprising because all the problems on this planet seem to lead to the Zionists and the jewish supremacists / International Jewry.

    And don’t take my word for it on any of this – research it yourself – I am confident in my conclusions regarding all the players, but you need to come to your own conclusions through investigation, but please always bare in mind that these people who call themselves ‘insiders’ or someone ‘in the know’ could well be Controlled Opposition – and may well be subtly deceiving, manipulating, distracting, pacifying, disempowering you… and have certain other agendas.

    It is scary to think about how much Controlled Opposition is out there.

    Most of these Controlled Opposition operatives are there to keep you distracted, to get hooked on their stories so you don’t work out what the Zionists are trying to do. So I will conclude with an overview of some of the Satanic Freemasonic Jewish Zionist New World Order agendas.

    A brief overview of just some of the Satanic Freemasonic Jewish Zionist New World Order agendas:

    They would like to take away all American citizens guns so they can take over that very significant country. Hence why there are so many fake hoax shootings to try and bring this to fruition. (Sandy Hook, Virginia Reporter, Orlando Pulse Nightclub, Mandalay Las Vegas etc etc)

    They would like to also have automated vehicles, taking away millions of jobs and hugely increasing their control over humanity. They also want more restricted driving in cities, using electronic bollards that they control etc. Again, hence why we have all this fake hoax terrorist acts of people being run down by cars, vans or lorries. (Nice France, Stockholm Sweden, Times Square, Melbourne Australia etc etc)

    They also want to bring in 5G towers which will be so incredibly harmful to all of humanity.

    They want to increase the use of artificial intelligence in all areas of life – which is going to be hugely damaging to humanity in so many ways. People must remember that all this technology is being used against humanity.

    They want genderfluid androgynous type beings ( just like the ‘baphomet’ they worship ) – they want to promote homosexuality and transgender people – and move humanity away from being strong masculine men or nurturing feminine females – as this is a threat to them. They want to destroy Family in the Western Developed Nations (i.e mainly White Nations).

    Through the use of poisons in vaccines, poisons in food, poisons in water, pharmaceutical drugs, chemtrails, EMFs etc they want to make us sick, weak and infertile.

    They want all nations, races and cultures to merge and interbreed. The Zionists/International Jewry create all the immigration on purpose. They particularly want to destroy the White Race – research The Kalergi Plan. White Genocide is one of their biggest agendas. Read my articles on this site: one about (((Multiculturalism))) and one about being Racially Conscious.

    They are hugely threatened by patriotic and nationalistic countries who want independence from the Zionist Bankers. Hence why Gaddafi and Hitler were taken out and so many lies have been spread about them, even though they were looking after the people in their country – and to do this they were breaking away from the jewish banking cartels (Central banks).

    They want to keep us in fear and they want more and more control over us… they have so many more tactics and agendas…

    And of course, the Zionists want to run the world from the Middle East, hence why they go to great lengths to destabilize that region and to eradicate the Palestinians. They want to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and rule over the ‘Goyim’.

    As well as all this, understanding the lies told to us about the Second World War, Hitler and Germany is hugely important. My article below has information in it that will help you to become informed about the Satanic Zionists and the lies we have been told about Hitler, National Socialism and WW2.

    There is a great deal of evidence for all of this, it’s all over the internet now – and many books have been written about it. And again, my article on Zionism contains a lot of information, links, quotes and videos. Humanity needs to come together and rise up against these Zionists. It’s not the Illuminati – it is the Satanic Zionist Jews.

    “And we in the real Truth movement are aware that we are not up against a NWO, or the Illuminati, but a Jew World Order. With International Jewry pulling all the strings.” — https://diggerfortruth.wordpress.com

    This New World Order is absolutely a jewish agenda. This New World Order agenda all comes from the jewish doctrines and scriptures (the Talmud, the Kaballah, the Zohar, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)… it is also written about and spoken about by many jewish scholars … it’s all there… no escaping from it, this is where it originates from… not difficult to work it out really… (If you haven’t, then you have to study the Talmud and learn what it says about non-jews (goyim)… and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion explain the whole NWO agenda and how they are doing it)

    I mean come on, it really is obvious – all the Central Banks are jewish run, Hollywood (Pedophile central degenerate Hollyweird) is totally run by jews – the lying media networks are totally run and owned by jews… anyway various other articles on this website explain all this.

    Zionism is the term we are allowed to use, to some degree, but the reality is that it is International Jewry and Judaism that want this One World Government / New World Order – and International Jewry is very obviously behind the Open Borders and Globalisation. We must stop the Open Borders before many unique races and cultures are destroyed.

    “The “Jewish revolutionary spirit” , as it has been called, operates on an insidious agenda of social overthrow under the false pretences of making a better world. The Jewish ideal of tikkam olam, “fixing the world,” is not the benevolent program it pretends to be. Its actual aim is to enable total Jewish dominance of the Goyim, the non-Jewish nations, and centralization of all wealth and power in the Jewish elite… The trajectory of history over three millennia shows that Jews have been centrally involved in the corruption and destruction of many civiilizations.” – John Lash

    We must all become more conscious and see through all the lies – we must become aware of how this prison/slave planet really works and all the secret societies agendas. In particular we must understand the Jews / Zionists and Freemasons (Masons) agendas – their striving for a ‘New World Order’. We must understand their tactics, such as the their staging of fake terrorist events, divided and conquer psyops, chemtrails, the Kalergi Plan – etc etc… so many other tactics that they use to manipulate humanity and the collective consciousness.

    I recommend researching the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion – there is a summary of what these protocols involve in the article about Zionism below – this Zionism article I keep mentioning is the most important article on this website. Love is important and inspiring – but unfortunately the saying ‘All you need is Love’ is not true – you need knowledge, you need to be informed, you need to know who your oppressors are. Reading the article below and also understanding these Protocols will definitely help you to understand why the world is the way it is.

    The Power-base of the elite Jews / Zionists is Usury – i.e the Central Banks and the debt-slave system. To me it seems like that until we take away their Debt Slavery power-base we are just papering over cracks, nothing will really change – this debt slavery is obscene and totally unnecessary and needs to stop – it is the root cause of humanity’s suffering. People do not seem to realize that countries thrive when they print their own money – when they control their own debt-free currency. It is easy to create an extremely healthy, happy and abundant country when you do this, when you get rid of Usury. Here is a link to a book about this – describing the various leaders and countries that did this. The book also describes who it was that put an end to each countries prosperity – the book clearly demonstrates it was always the Jewish Bankers: A History of Central Banking & The Enslavement of Mankind

    Too many people are getting distracted by Controlled Opposition agents, with their pacifying stories and disinfo. As well as seeing through all the lies and manipulations we must come up with solutions and make changes.

    I hope some of this information may prove useful to you.



    Links to related posts:

    The Controlled Opposition - Disinformation Network is vast - Fulford is part of this campaign

    Controlled Opposition – David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Darryl Anka (Bashar), Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Trump, Putin – Ufology – Alternative Media August 10, 2017 Controlled Opposition – Corey Goode, Cobra, Bashar (Darryl Anka), David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, David Icke, Edward Snowden, Trump, Putin etc… (I used a picture of ‘Ashtar’ from ‘Ashtar Command’ as that is a huge psyop and is associated with Cobra. I am referring to Cobra from the website ‘The Portal’) Interestingly, this article leads to Fake Terrorism, North Korea, Zionists and Israel. Anyway, here are some of my thoughts on Controlled Opposition in the alternative media (A hint: It’s everywhere!) Introduction It can be very disheartening when you are awakening to what is happening in the world – as when you really do your research and become informed you realize that most of these prominent ‘players’ in the alternative media are Controlled Opposition. And I have been shocked about the amount of Controlled Opposition operatives and Gatekeepers there are – and how hard people will push unsubstantiated claims. An example for you: Alex Jones and InfoWars is perhaps the most obvious controlled opposition operation going. We also have David Icke and Jordan Maxwell who are also Controlled Opposition… ‘what?’ you say … ‘some of their videos woke me up’, etc…. (they initially helped me as well) But, yep, it seems to be the Zionists and Freemasons putting people in place to get you to rely on them – so they give you some truth to draw you in and then some carefully selected disinfo and then also failing to include some pieces of important information. Just like all Controlled Opposition. The alternative media is a minefield. (Both these guys appear on the Richie Allen show – Richie Allen is controlled opposition. And David Icke even appears on the shill Alex Jones’s show!) There are certain things they are not telling us. Particularly about the Real Truth about Fake Terror Events, the Freemasons, Hitler, The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), The Second World War, etc. The Zionists et al like to try and control every stage of awakening – and there are different levels of awakening. David Icke has appeared on mainstream television at least three times in the UK! People who know about the depths of global conspiracy know that the Zionists wont allow someone to appear on mainstream TV if they don’t want them to. I am not saying these people don’t have some legitimate information, but you must research beyond them, they are limited – and they are manipulators and givers of half-truths. (David Icke promotes getting rid of racial and cultural identity, as well as getting rid of any religious beliefs – and generally promotes letting go of having a strong identity. This is exactly what these Freemasonic Zionist Talmudic Elites want! We are much easier to control and manipulate when we let go of racial, cultural and religious identity – humans are much more passive when they don’t have these identifications. This is why Icke never exposes ‘The Kalergi Plan’ and certain parts of ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’. He promotes this idea that only way to repel these forces of darkness is to focus on ‘infinite love’, that, ‘everything, everything, everything else is an illusion!’ This is an obvious pacifying psyop and a manipulation. This ‘just focusing on love’ will not save us from the Satanic Zionist New World Order. Knowledge, critical thinking, practical solutions and taking action is what is needed. Icke does twelve hour shows and writes many huge books, but most of it is distraction and deflection – and real practical solutions are not offered by him… and again, just focusing on love is not a solution, it is a pacifying psyop. He is obvious controlled opposition. David Icke subtly promotes Cultural Marxism, which is extremely damaging to Humanity.) The UFO community, in particular, can be incredibly naive and get distracted and carried away with the fantastical ET stories that give them some hope. I am not going to say that I haven’t been a little caught up with someone’s information until I realised it to be coming from someone who was clearly Controlled Opposition. But then eventually you see some of the agendas behind the operation – and see the disinfo they put out. When you go far down the rabbit hole it can all get little scary and something within you is looking for some ‘hopium’ ie – ‘there must be some good guys down here fighting back’, then these people come forward and say I have an ‘insider that I know’, or ‘I am an insider’ – and often they come with statements or firm predictions of change – ie: everything will change this year in the fall of 2016, or you will see great changes in this most of this year etc. These people are really just there to disempower you, pacify you, distract you and feed you bits of disinfo. I particularly research the extraterrestrial and ‘Milab’ phenomenon because of my various and numerous experiences – i.e ET abductions and memories returning of times spent in some sort of secret otherworldly operations and becoming lucid during some of these missions / abductions. I have an article on this website describing my experiences. But I also research many other facets of the global conspiracy. Particularly all the fake terrorism and fake shootings – all the nonsense that the Freemasons and Zionists set up – the staged drills that are passed of as real. You cannot understand what is going on on this planet if you do not understand that all these terrorism events are Fake and Set Up by the Freemasons and Zionists – as I said earlier, they are usually drills passed off as real using paid crisis actors – and sometimes they even use CGI in them. (I should clarify that when I mention the Freemasons I am mainly taking about the 33rd degree Masons and above, the lower levels are oblivious of the true purpose of Freemasonry.) Link to Article: False Flags – Fake Shootings – Fake Terrorism – Psyops – Hoaxes – Freemasons – Zionists Anyway, throughout history Controlled Opposition has been used to control the masses. It catches people like a net, holds onto them for a while, distracts then, gives them some truth and also carefully selected pieces of disinfo. The people who are in charge of this planet employ this all the time. “A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries.” Notably Vladimir Lenin said: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Below are my perspectives on various people I have come across in my research – I hope I inspire others to think critically and to question all these so called ‘insiders’ – and for people to get an idea of how Controlled Opposition works. Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Cobra, Fulford, Snowden – and others Some obvious Controlled Opposition within, or related to, the UFO field of research is: David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Cobra (the portal), Benjamin Fulford, Simon Parkes (Parkes fairly recently appeared on mainstream TV here in England, this should send up red flags for you, you don’t appear on mainstream TV if you are not controlled) etc etc – and there are blogs that promote many of these people that are also Controlled Opposition — these blogs are normally just set up primarily by people, who themselves are controlled, to the promote these other controlled agents. ‘Stillness in the Storm’ is an example of one of these Controlled Opposition blogs which vigorously promotes and defends Wilcock and Goode, as well posting about Fulford and Cobra. And there is also ‘Discerning the Mystery’, which has been obviously set up just to promote Corey Goode, Cobra, and David Wilcock etc. It is very interesting that as soon as the ‘Discerning the Mystery’ website was set up ‘Stillness in the Storm’ started posting ‘Discerning the Mystery’ articles on his blog, promoting him – just as he did with Jordan Sather. As soon as Jordan Sather’s youtube channel was up it was promoted immediately by ‘Stillness in the Storm’, and who does Jordan Sather work with now? Corey Goode! There is a network of Controlled Opposition here people all backing each other. (If you research a great deal and have an excellent memory – you see unusual things in the alternative media and you see networks of controlled opposition) And when Corey Goode started working with Bridget Nielsen ‘Stillness in the Storm’ started posting about her as well. This is the woman who says she has had sex with reptilians and it was great! Seriously, how does that help humanity – articles about this? Again, a network of Controlled Opposition promoting each other. We also have Michael Salla – he again – I will use the phrase again: Controlled Opposition – he is connected to all these people I have just mentioned in the above paragraph. He promotes Goode and Wilcock and various others in this group – and Stillness in the Storm promotes Salla. Salla puts out some ridiculous articles, for example: ‘Will Trump release all the advanced technology found in Antarctica if he is elected?’. Trump is working for the Zionists, of course he isn’t just going to release any technology just for the benefit of humanity! And of course we can see that Trump hasn’t released any. (I know that some of the ‘intel’ that some of these people put out can be very compelling, I followed some of these people for a while before I worked them out. ‘How can they not be ‘of the light’ when they put out this type of info?’ – read the rest of the article and about how it all works.) Within the ‘Secret Space Program’ area of research we also have William Tompkins – who is obviously Controlled Opposition – a limited hangout operation – and is only divulging what he is allowed – and also the same with Randy Cramer. They are told by the people who control the organisations that they are affiliated with, what to divulge and they do as they are told. It is obviously all scripted, to add to the distraction of humanity — and to add to the SSP limited-hangout operation. I have written about the Corey Goode ‘Sphere Being’ psyop / cult on this website – it is one of the the most obvious limited hangout and Controlled Opposition operations out there. It seems to be creating a cult, a ufo religion and now trying to capture the minds of the younger generation – again, like a net drawing them in and trying to hold onto people as long as possible. Corey also seems to want to control all the SSP disclosure narrative and also try to sanitize what is going on in them – and there is very obvious saviour programming in there as well – which disempowers and pacifies people. And why does humanity need to hear so much about Corey’s UFO stories, it is beyond me – how does it benefit people to hear so much about unsubstantiated ET stories like these? It is dangerous what he is doing – these SSP projects (if they exist) are not to be taken lightly – they will be ruining lives – and run by incredibly nefarious people. People who believe Corey Goode is genuine have still got various levels of awakening to work through. On YouTube peoples channels are being taken down left, right and centre for exposing the fake terrorism and the use of crisis actors, for exposing jewish tyranny and Zionism’s crimes, for exposing the WW2 and Hitler lies we have been told etc etc. Thousands of videos are being censored by Jewish Zionist controlled Youtube – just for people exposing and questioning… whatever happened to free speech!. “The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation”. But here we have someone like Corey, he isn’t being censored and is not going to be censored – because he is Zionist psyop – a controlled opposition agent. And this whole ‘raising your vibration’ rhetoric is just there to pacify you – I have been meditating (and eating very healthily) for many years and this ‘raising your vibration’ is not going to sort things out on this planet… and how come so many people are working at this ‘raising your vibration’ but the world is getting worse all the time – more control mechanisms implemented all the time, more censorship, more destabilizing of the middle east, more refugees, more mass immigration (and we potentially have 5G towers coming soon) etc etc. What we need to do is become wise knowledgeable critical thinkers, come up with solutions, stand-up to tyranny and take action! The Corey Goode psyop is there to pacify you and distract you. And I am not saying there isn’t probably some sort of Secret Space Program, but you wont be getting the real truth from these so called ‘whistleblowers’. And, yes, of course, it is good for you to meditate and eat a healthy diet, but it wont sort out the problems on this planet, that’s for sure – it should help you get some clarity of mind – but it wont make you knowledgeable, proactive, solution orientated and capable of critical thinking. I recommend this article below on Corey Goode for some more insights on his particular pysop: Link to Article: Cosmic Disclosure – Corey Goode – Controlled Opposition – Secret Space Programs (SSPs) This other group of ‘Secret Space Program Whistleblowers’: Penny, Illeana, Tony, Kevan and their disinfo agent associate ‘Peter the Insider’ ( These people are all very clearly creating another limited-hangout, and are just another group of Controlled Opposition ). I discuss this group as well as other SSP whistleblowers in detail in another article of mine: ‘Nazis’ – Secret Space Programs – ‘Dark Fleet’ – Disinfo I have also written about Cobra on this website. I have looked through the majority of his interviews and followed his intel for quite some time and I also looked through a website that had collated Cobra’s responses to questions – there is so much disinfo in there and lots of pacifying and disempowering responses – if you research the global conspiracy like I do – you can see the disinfo and the agendas. It also, like Corey Goode’s info, contains saviour programming – here instead of ‘blue avians’ and ‘inner earth’ groups it promotes this totally unsubstantiated idea of a ‘resistance movement’ on ‘planet x’ – and also the unsubstantiated idea that there are some pleiadians that he is working with to help free humanity. These stories are absolutely pacifying and disempowering people – stopping them from coming up with solutions for humanity. He talks about these ‘toplet bombs’??? and other exotic weapons – he says that there are ET groups that are clearing all these bombs that are surrounding us here on Earth. For five years he has been saying this! And he say things like we are close to clearing them all – and then, ‘low and behold’ they have found some more and some more weapons have been found – then the next month – and again, its ‘oh we found some more toplet bombs’ etc – over and over again this goes on! And of course Cobra talks about Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation etc etc – pacifying and disempowering – these are psyops. Cobra has also promoted this book by Ishtar Antares called Aurora 2012, which I have read – that also made some predictions that didn’t come true, and which also contained other disinfo regarding the psyop that is Ashtar Command. And Cobra also promoted this guy Drake in 2012, who was a psyop, who also predicted changes in 2012, as did Wilcock who aligned himself with Drake – why do people forget about all these things? Unfortunately, my fellow humans, we have to sort all this insanity on this planet out ourselves. People need to realise that Cobra has been saying the same things over and over again for over 5 years. And of course Cobra does joint interviews with the obvious psyop Corey Goode – which should send up red flags for you. This ‘The Event Is Coming Soon’ rhetoric put forward by Cobra and others is a huge psyop and so pacifying and disempowering. When you are knowledgeable, and know how these Freemasons and Zionists work, you know their tactics and see through their psyops more easily. This so called ‘Event’ is not coming soon my friends, please don’t sit back and wait for this ‘Event’. This ‘Event’ is a made up thing to pacify – the whole ‘solar flash’, ‘spontaneous ascension’ – these terms, are of course, also pacifying psyops. Sorry to tell you this my friends… hard to hear if you bought into these stories, they had me for a little bit, but I know too much about all the other areas of the alternative media and global conspiracy. Educate yourself about the Freemasons and the Jewish Zionists plans and take action. Link to Article: Cobra, (The Portal) is Controlled Opposition putting out Disinfo David Wilcock continually tells us the ‘End-game’ is near, or words to that effect – how many endgame type articles is he going to write? One each year? One every 6 months? Again, he is disempowering and pacifying us – the endgame is not near. For example – ‘It’s ok, we can relax the ‘Endgame’ is near!’ I do not think it is near. David Wilcock is obvious Controlled Opposition – some truth mixed in with a good amount of disinfo. His so called ‘insiders’, and contacts – people like Pete Peterson for example, are also obvious Controlled opposition, basic stuff from these people who give us little titbits of carefully controlled info. Wilcock also collaborates with Corey Goode, who is also obvious Controlled Opposition, Wilcock also comments on Benjamin Fulford, who again is obvious Controlled Opposition. Wilcock also promotes this idea of a mass spontaneous ‘ascension’ – again, disempowering people, pacifying people – stopping people being proactive and make changes to benefit humanity and detach from the satanic matrix system – we can wait for ‘the resistance movement’ – or the ‘sphere being alliance’ or the ‘inner earth groups’ or the ‘ ascension wave of energy’ or ‘The Event’ – these groups of events will sort all out all our problems apparently. They are disempowering and pacifying the public – over and over! Don’t sit back and wait for any of these things my friends. We also have people like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange – totally controlled opposition and limited hangouts. What has Snowden released that people who are knowledge didn’t already know? – nothing – and he even gave out disinfo about 9/11. His is info is basic, and he is obviously controlled and some type of agent. Pretty much the same things can be said for Julian Assange… controlled. An article about Snowden the controlled agent: http://www.renegadetribune.com/frosty-edward-snowden/ And Benjamin Fulford won’t tell you that Snowden and Assange are just Controlled Opposition Limited Hangouts. And Fulford wont tell that all these terror events are fake – he might say some are false flags but that stills perpetuate the myth that people were killed and it perpetuates the fear they create. But they are hoaxes, totally fake – just one example for you: the Russian Ambassador shooting – this is such an obviously fake shooting. Fulford will not tell you that these so called terror events were set up by the Freemasons and Zionists to further their agendas. Benjamin Fulford is obvious Controlled Opposition – a limited hangout operation. (Update: This Q Anon rhetoric is an obvious pacifying psyop, there is no purge going on. In fact, people who are moved out are usually people who are not staunch Zionists and don’t support Israel enough – that’s usually why they are moved out. Look how staunch Zionist Warmonger John Bolton got moved into a very prominent position. Q Anon is a psyop to deceive and pacify the naive and less well informed Goyim.) People get hooked on what all these people are saying – they sit back and think these guys have it all in control – these so called ‘insiders’ – but they are just telling us stories – but it’s all just carefully controlled commentaries from these people, with some disinfo. Better to spend your time looking to make some practical changes on this planet and learning about the Zionist and Freemason agendas and researching all the fake terror events – so that these fake events have less effect on the collective. We have people saying ‘the cabal’ or ‘the illuminati’ – But I think people should be just saying the Zionists and Freemasons – I think these alternative names are a psyop. Go down the rabbit hole geopolitically and it leads to the Zionists, Freemasons and Israel. Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, it is run by Jews — Freemasonry is being used as a tool by the Zionist Jews to bring about their New World Order. It is related to rebuilding Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem – they want to dominate the world (the ‘Goyim’) from there. “The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of (Masonic) Lodges, rule the world.” – Jean Izoulet, prominent member of Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1931 “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.” – Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish, Prime Minister of England Anyway, I have an article on this website all about Zionism which will explain all this for you. There is a link at the end of the article. ********** (* An update due to a comment received: — Michael Tellinger is 100 percent controlled. He is a controlled limited hangout. I read his Ubuntu book when it first came out – sounded good initially – but I was ill informed and very naive back then. His system is not anti-NWO – it actually plays right into their hands. Tellinger is on gaimtv.com / gaia.com – this organisation is a Zionist limited hangout shill operation. So many shills on Gaia.com. Tellinger even did an interview with Goode and Wilcock on Gaia as well! Two of the most obvious shills out there. There is so much about the (((New World Order))) agenda that Tellinger and associates are distracting people from.) ********** Fraudulent Predictions and Statements for upcoming change… and channelers — Bashar, Adronis, Abraham Hicks etc So we have Wilcock regularly making endgame, or the battle is nearly won, statements in his articles. Wilcock also backed and made predictions in 2012 regarding this fake guy ‘Drake’ – people forget how wrong Wilcock was then, and Cobra was involved with this. Corey Goode said everything will change in in 2016 and it didn’t – now he is pushing a three year disclosure plan – what ridiculousness. More disempowering. Wilcock also wrote an article whereby he perpetuates the idea that people actually died in the Boston Marathon Bombing – when anyone who is a real researcher knows that the boston marathon bombing was another fake hoax event a drill passed of as real. Cobra is also affiliated with the website ‘prepare for change’ change – more disempowering – it should be Create Change! Let’s just sit back and prepare for change, what a disempowering and pacifying slogan – again, it should be Create Change. We also get these popular channellers like Bashar and Adronis, for example, making predictions – they were both saying everything will change in the fall of 2016. The SSP ‘whistleblower’ called ‘Illeana’, also joined in with her own ‘channeling’ and also said all will change in the fall of 2016. Bashar is the most obvious psyop – he promotes a type of solipsism for one thing, saying that we create our own reality completely, which is nonsense, as we are in a collective consciousness and we are not in total control of our reality – again, we collectively create what happens here. And those in power and in prominent influential positions in the media, banks and government etc have by far the most control of what we create on this planet. Bashar also constantly distracts people from the global conspiracy, from the Zionists and Satanists etc – suggesting that if you look into that dark information then that is the sort of reality you will manifest – nonsense. We must shine a light on the dark to transform it. When these channelers and so called ‘insiders’ make statements on when things will change – be very suspicious. There is also the case of Aug Tellez now, who promotes himself as insider – and has put out lots of interesting information, but it is mostly information that I have heard before. I am wary of him because he has come out with the statement that everything will change in the fall of 2017. Why regularly put out a statement like that? It only pacifies and disempowers humanity. And also because he promotes the disinfo agent Donald Marshall – I am sure cloning does goes on, and we all know some really terrible things go on with the elites, but Donald Marshall is almost certainly controlled opposition with disinfo – some ridiculous things have been said by him, particular the things about Reptilians, such as them having this ‘thing’ come out of their head that goes into your eye and takes you over – obvious disinfo. I will certainly not be holding my breath about this Aug Tellez 2017 prediction! He also has very few details about the time he says he spent in Solar Warden – lots of information is given out which would be complex to many, but no solar warden details of operations he took part in. So I am not totally sure about Aug, I think we will see after this fall 2017. Will he be the first ‘insider’ to actually predict when the beneficial changes will come? Again, I doubt it very much. (Update: Aug Tellez is an obvious Zionist Controlled Opposition agent – it’s so obvious to me – lots of distracting information and some dis-info — distracting people from what is really occurring on this planet. People should research ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ – and no it’s not a hoax, as the Zionist controlled media like to tell you – its a real document that was found – research it.) While we are in the subject of channelers: we have people like Bashar and Abraham Hicks putting forward this notion of people just trying to manifest an abundant life for themselves. You don’t need to transform the planet, they suggest – just try to manifest a happy and abundant life for yourself. Nope, actually we should be looking to highlight all the darkness, all the satanic practices – we need to bring it to the light to transform it. We need to work together to create change – helping each other, practical solutions etc – so we need to know where all the problems are and where they originate from. These two channelers are obvious controlled opposition psyops. And there are many other channelers who just go on and on about different ET races. Firstly, do people realize how easy it is for the ‘powers that be’ to manipulate these people – who they are channeling – most are not going to be channelling who they think they are. Anyway, regardless of this, what purpose does it serve to listen to a ‘channeler’ telling you about unsubstantiated info about ‘ET races’ – how does this help humanity evolve and break free from this Satanic Slave System and understand the tactics of the Zionists and Freemasons. Are these ‘channelers’ telling you any useful practical information regarding this planet. Nearly all are just distracting you. One more thing related to Bashar, he goes on about hybrid children – not human children, but hybrid children. Our human children are getting poisoned, abused, sacrificed and eaten on this planet! We do not need to worry about hybrid children! And this woman Bridget Nielsen aligns herself with Bashar and promotes making a safe place for the hybrid children to live. She also says that she has had sex with reptilians and it was great. Do you know who aligned themselves with this woman? – Corey Goode did. He is good ‘friends’ with her and does videos with her – it’s networks of Controlled Opposition – psyops linked together. Anyway, there is absolutely no benefit to humanity in the people making these statements and predictions with dates about big changes – the only purpose can be to dis-empower and pacify humanity – there is nothing else it can do. I would take them with less than a pinch of salt, and be suspicious of those who are making them – especially as all the statements so far have been wrong. And carry on researching, and carry on trying to make a positive and practical difference to this planet – and carry on learning about all the fake terrorism and fake shootings, the controlled opposition agents, the CIA limited hangouts, the Zionists, the Freemasons. Question everything and don’t stop learning. We need to become informed critical thinkers and then to come together somehow and make changes. Early ET abductions, Milabs researchers and whistleblowers The whole UFO field has been infiltrated by Controlled Opposition. Some of the first researchers like Barbara Bartholic and Dr Karla Turner appeared to be doing some diligent and credible research and investigations exposing the nefarious ETs – but it looks like they were killed off. It looks like was Phil Schneider as well, who seemed to be exposing some important information – and then the UFO field was then further flooded with agents (it’s always been controlled). We did have some testimonies that felt somewhat credible in the Milab, Secret Space Ops and Black Ops area, years ago – but now, in the two or three years or so, this area of research seems to filled with agents and disinfo. (Update: After completing further research I actually think these people mentioned in this paragraph were also controlled – See my ‘Ufology Explained’ article on this website.) Trump and Putin As I mentioned earlier one of the areas I spend a lot of time researching is all the fake terrorism. Some questions for people who believe Putin is some kind of savour: Why did Putin play along with, and essentially endorse, at least two fake terrors acts. Firstly the fake shooting of the Russian Ambassador in Berlin – it’s totally fake, research it – watch Ole Dammegard’s video on it, for starters. And Putin also endorses the St Petersburg Metro bombing – again, a staged drill passed of as real – fake. There are videos about these fake events in a playlist on my youtube channel. Why is Putin endorsing these fake deceiving acts, as well as playing along with other fake terrorism from around the world? Truth seekers who go far down the rabbit hole suggest that Putin is just playing a role – that pretty much all these western leaders are just playing their roles. I would also suggest he is just playing a role for the Zionists and their NWO agenda – and I certainly do not trust someone who deceives humanity like this. Putin also has a history of Jewish and Zionist connections, he is ex KGB, does huge tech and trade deals with Israel, glorifies the ‘Soviet Union’ and the ‘Red Army’, and he does not come out and condemn Netenyahu and Israel on a great many issues… and he hasn’t ended Debt Slavery/Usury in his country (which leaders who truly want to look after their people will always do). A link to an interesting article about Putin, and how he is not the saviour some people think he is: Puppet Putin: A collection of doubts around Putin’s credibility as opposition to the JWO agenda Putin has also made it illegal for people to question the holocaust in his country! Where’s the Free Speech?! ((The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation)). From my research I have found no evidence that any gas chambers were used or that any Jews died in gas chambers – there is lots of research which point to the fact that the gassing did not occur. Watch some Fred Leuchter (The Leuchter Report), David Irving, Ernst Zundel, David Cole and Dennis Wise videos on this subject for starters. The people you see dead in the videos and photos died from diseases such as Typhus, this was due to the allied bombings towards the end of the war, which took out the supply infrastructures in Germany, which meant medicine and food could not get to the work camps. Diseases spread quickly. The lies surrounding these camps is shocking. Its propaganda by the Zionists to try to gain sympathy for their Zionist agendas. I could go on about this subject and the lies we have been told about Hitler, WW2 and Germany’s National Socialism, but you can research it yourself. I also recommend the video: ‘Adolf Hitler – The Greatest story Never Told’ by Dennis Wise – this can get you started if you don’t know about this subject, you can watch it on YouTube. This link below will take you to a site with comprehensive evidence that the ‘holocaust’ did not occur: Holocaust Deprogramming Course (Another mention of David Icke and how he is controlled opposition. There is always lots of anti-Nazi rhetoric from Icke. He still perpetuates the total myth that Nazis used fluoride on people on the Jews in the WW2 work camps. Icke also suggests that Hitler and the Germans were involved in creating these poisonous vaccines we are given – which is lies. Icke does not even mention that the ‘Nazis’ never called themselves ‘Nazi’s’, and that they were actually called The National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) – the term ‘Nazi’ was actually invented by a jewish man called Konrad Heiden as a slur and disparaging term – and has since been used for the Zionist owned media’s anti-Hitler and anti-National Socialist propaganda. Icke also doesn’t expose the Dresden firebombings and the Rhine Meadows death camps – these horrific war crimes carried out on millions of innocent Germans. He doesn’t highlight how Hitler and The NSDAP miraculously transformed Germany by getting rid of the Jewish bankers influence and by printing their own money. And he doesn’t expose the biggest lie of the them all: The Holocuast Hoax. Again, David Icke is controlled opposition) Now to Trump: he is of course endorsed and praised by Putin. And in case anyone does not realize, Trump is exposed as an obvious Zionist. Look at what he has said about Israel… shocking… 100 percent backing for Israel he said… wow… supporting this disgraceful regime that is taking part in the incremental genocide of Palestinians. As well as this, look at Trumps behaviour related to visiting Israel and Netanyahu. (These Zionists have never had any right to Palestine – and The Palestinians are the semites.) And who has Trump surrounded himself with politically? I will tell you who: Loads of confirmed Zionists! Putin is friendly with and has endorsed and praised a very obvious Zionist … hmmm… what does all this suggest to you? Concluding Thoughts One of the purposes of this article is for people to become aware of what Controlled Opposition and Limited Hangouts Operations are – and to question all those people who suggest that they are insiders. Look for the signs – and one of the signs is that they start making statements of when great change will occur and attempt to pacify and disempower with various articles and statements. There are so many people out there who will try to catch you and distract you, feed you some disinfo. The way I see it is that one of the things they are distracting you from is all the fake terrorism: crisis actors are used – they are staged drills passed off as real, CGI is also used – I have been researching these fake events for over two years now. Who owns the media and sets up these events – it’s the Zionists and Freemasons. I have followed a whole community of people who were dismantling all these fake events on Youtube. So many of them have had their channels taken down for questioning these events and explaining to others how they are obviously fake (luckily most of them just make a new channel and come back). No one else I have followed is having their channels taken down – only the people questioning these events and people questioning and exposing the Zionists and Freemasons – as Youtube is owned by the Zionists of course. Far more offensive channels are left up. Anyway… Three of the most obvious phony fake hoax events: the Boston Bombing , Sandy Hook, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting – if you can’t see or work out that these are totally fake events… then… well.. Speechless… And there are just so many more… so many Link to Article: False Flags – Fakes Shootings – Fake Terrorism – Psyops – Hoaxes – Freemasons – Zionists The fake events are one of their main tools for manipulating humanity. The powers that be (the zionists / jewish supremacists) can’t go around just blowing people up and killing people – you would get hundreds and thousands of very angry family members, large groups of very irate people to deal with, who would certainly question your homeland security – and also, karmically it’s not good for them – so you deceive the public with fake events. These ‘events’ put people in fear and they are also used to attempt to bring forth various agendas – gun control, martial law, armed police, automated travels systems, Islamophobia, World War 3 etc etc – essentially more and more control over us. Through all the UFO psyops ‘the powers that be’ are also trying to distract the awakening / alternative media community from the Zionists activities. When you go down the rabbit hole it leads to the Zionists, it just does – I believe there are definitely some ET races that are ultimately in control of this planet and governments – but in dealing with practicalities of day to day on Earth the Zionists tactics and agendas need to be understood… and all the lies they have told.. Israel / Zionists / the jews, this is where it all leads. They own hollywood, the corporations, the media… they are in charge. And they are trying to create conflict in the middle east – they are trying to destabilize that region, taker it over and essentially try to run this planet from there – from Israel. They also want to distract from the fake North Korean threat – that is fake – look at the fake Otto Warmbier case – so fake – and all the North Korean photoshopped pictures, just for starters. And the fake threat from Muslim fundamentalists – that is fake as well, there are not any muslim terrorists running around Europe or the US shouting ‘allahu akbar’ and killing people – again, these events are fake and set up by the Freemasonic and Zionists. I am not saying there aren’t some groups of young Muslim men causing trouble in Europe, after all this mass immigration – as this is the case – but they aren’t running around and blowing things up – they aren’t running people over in cars and shooting people… these ‘terrorist events’ are fake… crisis actors. They also want to distract you from what is going on in Palestine – it is just shocking what has been done to the Palestinian people. And, we of course, know that Israel was the main force behind 9/11. I realise that I have gone from the Controlled Opposition in the alternative media to the Zionists – that is how this article evolved – and it is not surprising because all the problems on this planet seem to lead to the Zionists and the jewish supremacists / International Jewry. And don’t take my word for it on any of this – research it yourself – I am confident in my conclusions regarding all the players, but you need to come to your own conclusions through investigation, but please always bare in mind that these people who call themselves ‘insiders’ or someone ‘in the know’ could well be Controlled Opposition – and may well be subtly deceiving, manipulating, distracting, pacifying, disempowering you… and have certain other agendas. It is scary to think about how much Controlled Opposition is out there. Most of these Controlled Opposition operatives are there to keep you distracted, to get hooked on their stories so you don’t work out what the Zionists are trying to do. So I will conclude with an overview of some of the Satanic Freemasonic Jewish Zionist New World Order agendas. A brief overview of just some of the Satanic Freemasonic Jewish Zionist New World Order agendas: They would like to take away all American citizens guns so they can take over that very significant country. Hence why there are so many fake hoax shootings to try and bring this to fruition. (Sandy Hook, Virginia Reporter, Orlando Pulse Nightclub, Mandalay Las Vegas etc etc) They would like to also have automated vehicles, taking away millions of jobs and hugely increasing their control over humanity. They also want more restricted driving in cities, using electronic bollards that they control etc. Again, hence why we have all this fake hoax terrorist acts of people being run down by cars, vans or lorries. (Nice France, Stockholm Sweden, Times Square, Melbourne Australia etc etc) They also want to bring in 5G towers which will be so incredibly harmful to all of humanity. They want to increase the use of artificial intelligence in all areas of life – which is going to be hugely damaging to humanity in so many ways. People must remember that all this technology is being used against humanity. They want genderfluid androgynous type beings ( just like the ‘baphomet’ they worship ) – they want to promote homosexuality and transgender people – and move humanity away from being strong masculine men or nurturing feminine females – as this is a threat to them. They want to destroy Family in the Western Developed Nations (i.e mainly White Nations). Through the use of poisons in vaccines, poisons in food, poisons in water, pharmaceutical drugs, chemtrails, EMFs etc they want to make us sick, weak and infertile. They want all nations, races and cultures to merge and interbreed. The Zionists/International Jewry create all the immigration on purpose. They particularly want to destroy the White Race – research The Kalergi Plan. White Genocide is one of their biggest agendas. Read my articles on this site: one about (((Multiculturalism))) and one about being Racially Conscious. They are hugely threatened by patriotic and nationalistic countries who want independence from the Zionist Bankers. Hence why Gaddafi and Hitler were taken out and so many lies have been spread about them, even though they were looking after the people in their country – and to do this they were breaking away from the jewish banking cartels (Central banks). They want to keep us in fear and they want more and more control over us… they have so many more tactics and agendas… And of course, the Zionists want to run the world from the Middle East, hence why they go to great lengths to destabilize that region and to eradicate the Palestinians. They want to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and rule over the ‘Goyim’. As well as all this, understanding the lies told to us about the Second World War, Hitler and Germany is hugely important. My article below has information in it that will help you to become informed about the Satanic Zionists and the lies we have been told about Hitler, National Socialism and WW2. There is a great deal of evidence for all of this, it’s all over the internet now – and many books have been written about it. And again, my article on Zionism contains a lot of information, links, quotes and videos. Humanity needs to come together and rise up against these Zionists. It’s not the Illuminati – it is the Satanic Zionist Jews. “And we in the real Truth movement are aware that we are not up against a NWO, or the Illuminati, but a Jew World Order. With International Jewry pulling all the strings.” — https://diggerfortruth.wordpress.com This New World Order is absolutely a jewish agenda. This New World Order agenda all comes from the jewish doctrines and scriptures (the Talmud, the Kaballah, the Zohar, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)… it is also written about and spoken about by many jewish scholars … it’s all there… no escaping from it, this is where it originates from… not difficult to work it out really… (If you haven’t, then you have to study the Talmud and learn what it says about non-jews (goyim)… and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion explain the whole NWO agenda and how they are doing it) I mean come on, it really is obvious – all the Central Banks are jewish run, Hollywood (Pedophile central degenerate Hollyweird) is totally run by jews – the lying media networks are totally run and owned by jews… anyway various other articles on this website explain all this. Zionism is the term we are allowed to use, to some degree, but the reality is that it is International Jewry and Judaism that want this One World Government / New World Order – and International Jewry is very obviously behind the Open Borders and Globalisation. We must stop the Open Borders before many unique races and cultures are destroyed. “The “Jewish revolutionary spirit” , as it has been called, operates on an insidious agenda of social overthrow under the false pretences of making a better world. The Jewish ideal of tikkam olam, “fixing the world,” is not the benevolent program it pretends to be. Its actual aim is to enable total Jewish dominance of the Goyim, the non-Jewish nations, and centralization of all wealth and power in the Jewish elite… The trajectory of history over three millennia shows that Jews have been centrally involved in the corruption and destruction of many civiilizations.” – John Lash We must all become more conscious and see through all the lies – we must become aware of how this prison/slave planet really works and all the secret societies agendas. In particular we must understand the Jews / Zionists and Freemasons (Masons) agendas – their striving for a ‘New World Order’. We must understand their tactics, such as the their staging of fake terrorist events, divided and conquer psyops, chemtrails, the Kalergi Plan – etc etc… so many other tactics that they use to manipulate humanity and the collective consciousness. I recommend researching the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion – there is a summary of what these protocols involve in the article about Zionism below – this Zionism article I keep mentioning is the most important article on this website. Love is important and inspiring – but unfortunately the saying ‘All you need is Love’ is not true – you need knowledge, you need to be informed, you need to know who your oppressors are. Reading the article below and also understanding these Protocols will definitely help you to understand why the world is the way it is. The Power-base of the elite Jews / Zionists is Usury – i.e the Central Banks and the debt-slave system. To me it seems like that until we take away their Debt Slavery power-base we are just papering over cracks, nothing will really change – this debt slavery is obscene and totally unnecessary and needs to stop – it is the root cause of humanity’s suffering. People do not seem to realize that countries thrive when they print their own money – when they control their own debt-free currency. It is easy to create an extremely healthy, happy and abundant country when you do this, when you get rid of Usury. Here is a link to a book about this – describing the various leaders and countries that did this. The book also describes who it was that put an end to each countries prosperity – the book clearly demonstrates it was always the Jewish Bankers: A History of Central Banking & The Enslavement of Mankind Too many people are getting distracted by Controlled Opposition agents, with their pacifying stories and disinfo. As well as seeing through all the lies and manipulations we must come up with solutions and make changes. I hope some of this information may prove useful to you. End. **** Links to related posts: The Controlled Opposition - Disinformation Network is vast - Fulford is part of this campaign http://entityart.co.uk/controlled-opposition-david-wilcock-corey-goode-darryl-anka-bashar-benjamin-fulford-cobra-edward-snowden-julian-assange-trump-putin-ufology-alternative-media-psyop/
    Controlled Opposition – David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Darryl Anka (Bashar), Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Trump, Putin – Ufology – Alternative Media
    Controlled Opposition – Corey Goode, Cobra, Bashar (Darryl Anka), David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, David Icke, Edward Snowden, Trump, Putin etc… (I used a picture of ‘Ashtar&#8217…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 24970 Views
  • https://theintercept.com/2024/03/18/muslim-islamophobia-palestinians/
    Let’s Name It: Not Just Islamophobia, but Anti-Palestinianism
    From Joe Biden on down, liberals denounce anti-Muslim bias to avoid mentioning the scourge of hate against Palestinians.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 922 Views
  • ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 133: Israel cuts electricity to critical Nasser Hospital patients, forces staff to evacuate
    Anna Lekas MillerFebruary 15, 2024
    Relatives of Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks, mourn as they receive their bodies from the morgue of Al-Aqsa Hospital for burial in Deir El-Balah, Gaza on February 15, 2023. (Photo: Ali Hamad/APA Images)
    Relatives of Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks, mourn as they receive their bodies from the morgue of Al-Aqsa Hospital for burial in Deir El-Balah, Gaza on February 15, 2023. (Photo: Ali Hamad/APA Images)

    28,775+ Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including at least 12,000 children, and 68,552+ Palestinians have been injured.
    394+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
    Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147.
    569 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.**
    *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on Telegram channel. Some rights groups put the death toll number at more than 36,500 when accounting for those presumed dead.

    ** This figure is released by the Israeli military, showing the soldiers whose names “were allowed to be published.”

    Key Developments:

    A dire situation at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis is unfolding, as Israel’s raid continues, forcing displaced people and medical staff to evacuate the building.
    World Health Organization (WHO) is trying to access Nasser Hospital to deliver humanitarian aid
    UNWRA: 84 percent of healthcare facilities in Gaza affected by Israeli aggression
    Satellite imagery shows the construction of a wall along the border between Gaza and Egypt, raising suspicion that Palestinians might be forced to evacuate into the Sinai Desert
    Gaza Media Office: 130 journalists killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023
    West Bank: Israeli military raids 15 homes in the town of Silat ad-Dhahr
    At least two dead in “suspected terror” shooting attack in southern Israel
    Lebanon submits a formal complaint to the UN Security Council, following Israel’s attacks in Nabatiyeh
    Russia invites Hamas and other Palestinian factions to Moscow for “inter-Palestinian” talks on Gaza, and other Middle East issues
    Germany approves the deployment of armed forces in an EU mission to thwart Houthi attacks in the Red Sea
    Biden administration meets with Jewish and Muslim community leaders to discuss rising antisemitism and Islamophobia
    Dire situation unfolds at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis

    A dire situation at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis is unfolding as Israel continues its raid on the largest functioning medical facility remaining in the Gaza Strip.

    “We are forced to transfer all the patients and the wounded to the hospital’s old building,” Dr. Nahed Abu Taima, the Director of the Nasser Medical Complex told Al Jazeera.

    “Electric power was cut off from the entire medical complex,” he continued, describing how the raid is impacting the 450 patients at the hospital, many of whom are in critical condition. “Many patients in ICUs and those on oxygen supply, and also those on dialysis are left fighting for their lives.”

    Meanwhile, most medical staff has been forced to evacuate—including the Medicins Sans Frontiers (MSF) staff, leaving behind patients in critical condition. Israel’s incursion on the Nasser Hospital is part of a string of attacks targeting medical facilities and healthcare workers that have brought Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure to its knees, making it increasingly difficult to treat life-threatening injuries and carry out essential medical procedures.

    “After the bombing yesterday morning, our cadres reported an atmosphere of chaos, with an unknown number of dead and wounded,” Medicins Sans Frontiers wrote in a report on X, after their staff was forced to flee. According to UNRWA, 84 percent of health facilities in Gaza have now been impacted by Israeli aggression, and 70 percent of civilian infrastructure has been destroyed or severely damaged.

    “The Israeli forces set up a checkpoint for people as they left the compound, and one of our colleagues was arrested at the checkpoint,” MSF added.

    While the Israeli Army has claimed that their raid on the Nasser Hospital has lead to the arrest of “dozens of terrorists,” and could reveal hiding places of Israeli hostages, Hamas denies any presence at the hospital, emphasizing that they are not engaging in military activity near public or civilian institutions. There has been no evidence found of Israeli hostages.

    “We have repeatedly said the policy of our Palestinian resistance is and remains to distance public and civilian institutions and the health sector from any military activity.” Hamas said, in a statement.

    “We have asked the United Nations and relevant organizations on several occasions to bring an international committee to examine the hospitals and prove that Israel’s narrative is a lie. But our demands have not been heard.”

    Up until recently, there were around 10,000 displaced Palestinians sheltering in the Nasser Hospital, hoping that it would keep them safe from Israel’s bombardment. However, when the Israeli forces began their incursion a few days ago, people were forced to leave.

    Now, Israeli forces are storming the maternity unit of the besieged hospital—and so far, two women have given birth in these conditions, as dozens evacuate.

    Satellite imagery shows a border wall being constructed between Gaza and Egypt

    Those who are evacuating have almost nowhere left to turn. While Rafah, the southernmost district of the Gaza Strip is now home to more than one million displaced Palestinians, those who are sheltering there are preparing for a ground invasion—which several global leaders, including most recently those in Australia, Canada and New Zealand have all said would be “catastrophic.”

    “With the humanitarian situation in Gaza already dire, the impact on Palestinian civilians from an expanded military operation would be devastating,” Anthony Albanese, Justin Trudeau and Christopher Luxon said, in a joint statement.

    “We urge the Israeli government to go down this path,” it continues, echoing calls from countries like Spain and Ireland who have both recently applied pressure to the European Commission to review whether or not Israel is complying with human rights obligations in Gaza.

    New evidence of a border wall being constructed between Egypt and Gaza suggests that the Israeli army might be preparing to force Palestinians sheltering in Rafah to evacuate to the Sinai Desert, officially pushing them out of Gaza. It is already straining Israel’s relationship with Egypt; Egyptian officials are afraid that a massive exodus of refugees would strain the Egyptian economy in the short term, and that in the long term, Israel would not allow Palestinian refugees to return to Gaza, cementing another Nakba and obfuscating the Palestinian right of return.

    Families of hostages pressure government for a truce, Netanyahu rejects a Palestinian state

    Over in the West Bank, the Israeli military has raided more than fifteen homes in the town of Silat ad-Dhahr, arresting dozens of young men. Now, there have been at least 7,040 Palestinians detained in raids across the West Bank since October 7th, and at least 394 Palestinians killed and 4,400 injured in Israeli army fire.

    Meanwhile in Tel Aviv, families of Israeli captives are increasing pressure on the Israeli government to reach a ceasefire agreement with Hamas, accusing Netanyahu’s government of squandering an opportunity to release the remaining hostages. Dozens have started staging rallies outside of the Israeli Defense Ministry, echoing the international community’s calls for an urgent ceasefire, at least until the hostages have been released.

    However, the Israeli government is trying to avoid any possibility of a Palestinian state—and Netanyahu is quoted as saying that this would be a “huge reward” for Hamas.

    “We will in no way agree to this plan, which says Palestinians deserve a prize for the terrible massacre they carried out against us: a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich told Reuters, following the news that the United States is working with Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar on a post-war timeline that would involve establishing a Palestinian state.


    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 133: Israel cuts electricity to critical Nasser Hospital patients, forces staff to evacuate Anna Lekas MillerFebruary 15, 2024 Relatives of Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks, mourn as they receive their bodies from the morgue of Al-Aqsa Hospital for burial in Deir El-Balah, Gaza on February 15, 2023. (Photo: Ali Hamad/APA Images) Relatives of Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks, mourn as they receive their bodies from the morgue of Al-Aqsa Hospital for burial in Deir El-Balah, Gaza on February 15, 2023. (Photo: Ali Hamad/APA Images) Casualties: 28,775+ Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including at least 12,000 children, and 68,552+ Palestinians have been injured. 394+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147. 569 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.** *This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on Telegram channel. Some rights groups put the death toll number at more than 36,500 when accounting for those presumed dead. ** This figure is released by the Israeli military, showing the soldiers whose names “were allowed to be published.” Key Developments: A dire situation at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis is unfolding, as Israel’s raid continues, forcing displaced people and medical staff to evacuate the building. World Health Organization (WHO) is trying to access Nasser Hospital to deliver humanitarian aid UNWRA: 84 percent of healthcare facilities in Gaza affected by Israeli aggression Satellite imagery shows the construction of a wall along the border between Gaza and Egypt, raising suspicion that Palestinians might be forced to evacuate into the Sinai Desert Gaza Media Office: 130 journalists killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023 West Bank: Israeli military raids 15 homes in the town of Silat ad-Dhahr At least two dead in “suspected terror” shooting attack in southern Israel Lebanon submits a formal complaint to the UN Security Council, following Israel’s attacks in Nabatiyeh Russia invites Hamas and other Palestinian factions to Moscow for “inter-Palestinian” talks on Gaza, and other Middle East issues Germany approves the deployment of armed forces in an EU mission to thwart Houthi attacks in the Red Sea Biden administration meets with Jewish and Muslim community leaders to discuss rising antisemitism and Islamophobia Dire situation unfolds at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis A dire situation at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis is unfolding as Israel continues its raid on the largest functioning medical facility remaining in the Gaza Strip. “We are forced to transfer all the patients and the wounded to the hospital’s old building,” Dr. Nahed Abu Taima, the Director of the Nasser Medical Complex told Al Jazeera. “Electric power was cut off from the entire medical complex,” he continued, describing how the raid is impacting the 450 patients at the hospital, many of whom are in critical condition. “Many patients in ICUs and those on oxygen supply, and also those on dialysis are left fighting for their lives.” Meanwhile, most medical staff has been forced to evacuate—including the Medicins Sans Frontiers (MSF) staff, leaving behind patients in critical condition. Israel’s incursion on the Nasser Hospital is part of a string of attacks targeting medical facilities and healthcare workers that have brought Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure to its knees, making it increasingly difficult to treat life-threatening injuries and carry out essential medical procedures. “After the bombing yesterday morning, our cadres reported an atmosphere of chaos, with an unknown number of dead and wounded,” Medicins Sans Frontiers wrote in a report on X, after their staff was forced to flee. According to UNRWA, 84 percent of health facilities in Gaza have now been impacted by Israeli aggression, and 70 percent of civilian infrastructure has been destroyed or severely damaged. “The Israeli forces set up a checkpoint for people as they left the compound, and one of our colleagues was arrested at the checkpoint,” MSF added. While the Israeli Army has claimed that their raid on the Nasser Hospital has lead to the arrest of “dozens of terrorists,” and could reveal hiding places of Israeli hostages, Hamas denies any presence at the hospital, emphasizing that they are not engaging in military activity near public or civilian institutions. There has been no evidence found of Israeli hostages. “We have repeatedly said the policy of our Palestinian resistance is and remains to distance public and civilian institutions and the health sector from any military activity.” Hamas said, in a statement. “We have asked the United Nations and relevant organizations on several occasions to bring an international committee to examine the hospitals and prove that Israel’s narrative is a lie. But our demands have not been heard.” Up until recently, there were around 10,000 displaced Palestinians sheltering in the Nasser Hospital, hoping that it would keep them safe from Israel’s bombardment. However, when the Israeli forces began their incursion a few days ago, people were forced to leave. Now, Israeli forces are storming the maternity unit of the besieged hospital—and so far, two women have given birth in these conditions, as dozens evacuate. Satellite imagery shows a border wall being constructed between Gaza and Egypt Those who are evacuating have almost nowhere left to turn. While Rafah, the southernmost district of the Gaza Strip is now home to more than one million displaced Palestinians, those who are sheltering there are preparing for a ground invasion—which several global leaders, including most recently those in Australia, Canada and New Zealand have all said would be “catastrophic.” “With the humanitarian situation in Gaza already dire, the impact on Palestinian civilians from an expanded military operation would be devastating,” Anthony Albanese, Justin Trudeau and Christopher Luxon said, in a joint statement. “We urge the Israeli government to go down this path,” it continues, echoing calls from countries like Spain and Ireland who have both recently applied pressure to the European Commission to review whether or not Israel is complying with human rights obligations in Gaza. New evidence of a border wall being constructed between Egypt and Gaza suggests that the Israeli army might be preparing to force Palestinians sheltering in Rafah to evacuate to the Sinai Desert, officially pushing them out of Gaza. It is already straining Israel’s relationship with Egypt; Egyptian officials are afraid that a massive exodus of refugees would strain the Egyptian economy in the short term, and that in the long term, Israel would not allow Palestinian refugees to return to Gaza, cementing another Nakba and obfuscating the Palestinian right of return. Families of hostages pressure government for a truce, Netanyahu rejects a Palestinian state Over in the West Bank, the Israeli military has raided more than fifteen homes in the town of Silat ad-Dhahr, arresting dozens of young men. Now, there have been at least 7,040 Palestinians detained in raids across the West Bank since October 7th, and at least 394 Palestinians killed and 4,400 injured in Israeli army fire. Meanwhile in Tel Aviv, families of Israeli captives are increasing pressure on the Israeli government to reach a ceasefire agreement with Hamas, accusing Netanyahu’s government of squandering an opportunity to release the remaining hostages. Dozens have started staging rallies outside of the Israeli Defense Ministry, echoing the international community’s calls for an urgent ceasefire, at least until the hostages have been released. However, the Israeli government is trying to avoid any possibility of a Palestinian state—and Netanyahu is quoted as saying that this would be a “huge reward” for Hamas. “We will in no way agree to this plan, which says Palestinians deserve a prize for the terrible massacre they carried out against us: a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich told Reuters, following the news that the United States is working with Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar on a post-war timeline that would involve establishing a Palestinian state. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-133-israel-cuts-electricity-to-critical-nasser-hospital-patients-forces-staff-to-evacuate/ https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/operation-al-aqsa-flood-day-133-israel.html
    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 133: Israel cuts electricity to critical Nasser Hospital patients, forces staff to evacuate
    Medicins Sans Frontiers reports “an unknown number of dead and wounded” following Israel’s attack on Nasser Hospital. UNRWA says 84% of Gaza health facilities have been impacted by Israeli attacks, and 70% of civilian infrastructure has been damaged.
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  • How British ‘charities’ are aiding Israeli genocide in Gaza
    Thursday, 01 February 2024 7:54 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 01 February 2024 8:33 AM ]
    By David Miller

    The genocide in Gaza is being perpetrated by the so-called ‘Israel Defense Forces’. The whole world is appalled. Yet, in the UK, there are organizations raising money to support the genocidal occupation forces.

    The Association for Israel’s Soldiers is based in occupied Palestine and claims to be the sole avenue through which donations can be made directly to IDF soldiers and IDF units. These donations come from Zionists in Palestine as well as from the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, France and the UK.

    The UK Friends of the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel Soldiers (AWIS) is a registered charity that is obliged by law to show public benefit. Its charitable objects include relief of need and suffering, advancement of education and provision of facilities for recreation of the occupation forces.

    It does this by providing Mobile Synagogues, recreational facilities for injured genocidaires, free holidays, free student scholarships, mobile Gym and rest and recreation facilities. Among the benefits are swimming pools including the one promoted in a video on Facebook in May last year. In the video, AWIS says they “created a swimming pool in the heart of the desert for the training base of the artillery corps.” Meanwhile, drinking water for Gaza has been cut off for more than three months.

    Each year, AWIS also puts on an “enlistment festival” for 30,000 recruits to the genocidal occupation forces.

    Guidance published by the Charity Commission states that it is a legal requirement that “any detriment or harm that results from [charitable purposes] must not outweigh the benefit.” Perhaps supporting genocide outweighs those purposes?

    Among the Trustees of the charity is Colonel Richard Kemp, a former British soldier said to have hateful views on Islam and Muslims. In December, the BBC was criticized for interviewing Kemp without reference to his role as a UK-AWIS trustee. In one recent interview with a pro-Israel blog, Kemp was quoted as describing the killing of civilians in Gaza as “necessary”.

    Another trustee is Josh Swidler, who is in the financial industry at a firm called Teamshares. Emphasizing the link between Zionists and Islamophobia, it turns out that Swidler was formerly one of the two directors of Henry Jackson Society Inc., the US fundraising arm of the Islamophobic British think tank.

    Research for Palestine Declassified, where I am the producer, has traced around twenty British charities that have donated to UK AWIS over the last twenty years. When we examined them we found that they tend to donate to a variety of Zionist causes. In particular, we looked to see which of the recipients directly supported the occupation forces, the so-called “Israel Defense Forces”, illegal settlements, Jewish supremacist sects, or Islamophobic think tanks. These four categories are a sort of Zionist funding bingo. Our research is presented in a table on our investigative Wiki database Powerbase under the title: “UK AWIS - supporters”. The data points there also link to profiles of each of the charities on the Powerbase website as well as the principal individuals involved and how they made their money. The list of charities is as follows:

    A. M. Charitable Trust
    C H (1980) Charitable Trust
    David and Ruth Lewis Family Charitable Trust
    Denise Cohen Charitable Trust
    G. R. P. Charitable Trust
    Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation
    Jack Goldhill Charitable Trust
    Lawson Beckman Charitable Trust
    Loftus Charitable Trust
    Family Foundations Trust
    R and S Cohen Foundation
    Rosenblatt Family Charitable Trust
    Stanley and Zea Lewis Family Foundation
    The J E Joseph Charitable Trust
    The Locker Foundation
    The Maurice Hatter Foundation
    The Peltz Trust (Dissolved June 2023)
    The Phillips and Rubens Charitable Trust
    The Phillips Family Charitable Trust
    Wigoder Family Foundation
    Of the twenty charities we have named which donate to AWIS, five in total have a “full house” sending money to at least one of each of the four categories of funding. We discuss these here at greater length.

    Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation which was created by Gerald Ronson, the convicted fraudster who runs Rontec, a company that operates over 250 BP and Esso service stations in the UK. These should be an urgent target for the BDS movement.
    Ronson also set up the Community Security Trust that runs point of the Zionist regime in the UK, spies on anti-Zionist Jews and deliberately confuses anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in line with the policies of the Zionist regime. Ronson has collaborated with Mossad for decades, through the CST (created in 1994) and before that its predecessor, the Group Relations Educational Trust. One of the charitable objects of the CST is that it will ‘promote research’ and ‘promote public education about’ extremism. In practice, however, Ronson promotes extremism via his family foundation. Among recipients of funding, in addition to AWIS, are:

    The extreme Chabad sect, which Ronson has been supporting for over 40 years.
    The Jewish National Fund and the Jerusalem Foundation, both of which are engaged in supporting ethnic cleansing and illegal settlement activity in Palestine.
    Islamophobic think tanks Civitas and Policy Exchange.
    These donations are further evidence that Ronson in practice supports extremism and genocide, rather than opposing them.

    Loftus Charitable Trust, set up by the Loftus family, which made its money from the watchmaking firm Accurist. The family sold the firm to Sekonda in 2014. As well as AWIS, it also funds the extremist Zionist sect Chabad Lubavitch and the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society. An interesting sign of the small and connected world of the Zionist business class is that the owner of Time Products, the parent of Sekonda to which the Loftus family sold Accurist, is one Marcus Margulies. His family foundation also funds illegal settlements via the Jerusalem Foundation, to which it gave £2.25 million in 2021. The Loftus Trust also gives to a long list of genocidal Zionist groups including the Community Security Trust, Jewish Leadership Council, Mitzvah Day, Stand With Us, UK Friends of IDC (the only private university in ‘Israel’), UKLFI Charitable Trust (which supports the lawfare group UK Lawyers for Israel), Union of Jewish Students, United Jewish Israel Appeal, Zionist Federation
    David and Ruth Lewis Family Charitable Trust, set up by the Lewis family which owns the River Island clothing chain. The charity also funds Islamophobic think tank, Policy Exchange and illegal settlements via the Jerusalem Foundation and the Jewish National Fund. In addition, the trust funds a range of extremist Zionist groups including Campaign Against Antisemitism, Community Security Trust, Jewish Leadership Council, Palestinian Media Watch, One Voice Europe, and United Jewish Israel Appeal.
    The Family Foundations Trust, set up by the UK property investor Richard Mintz. The charity has funded UK AWIS and another charity supporting the IDF – Beit Halochem, which we will discuss below. It has also funded the extremist sect Chabad-Lubavitch, the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society, and the Community Security Trust. Richard’s son and charity trustee Joshua co-founded the website Friend-a-Soldier, an online platform where soldiers can become ‘digital ambassadors’ for the occupation forces.
    Phillips & Rubens Charitable Trust, set up in 1969 by the accountant Michael Phillips and his wife Ruth. Phillips was at that time a partner in the accountancy firm Hacker, Rubens, Phillips & Young, which he ran with the late Stuart Young. Stuart Young would later be appointed chairman of the BBC by Margaret Thatcher, and was the brother of David (later Lord) Young who at one time chaired the board of trustees of The Peter Cruddas Foundation, which has funded the anti-Muslim think tank Policy Exchange. Lord Young and Michael Phillips were also both trustees of the Stuart Young Foundation along with the solicitor Martin Paisner, who is also a trustee of the Phillips & Rubens Charitable Trust and a large number of other Zionist and/or conservative foundations. The charity has donated to the occupation forces via AWIS from as early as 2009. It has also donated to British ORT, an “education” grouping that trains staff both in Israeli arms firms and in the occupation forces in “Israel”. It supports illegal settlements and ethnic cleansing in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) via the Jerusalem Foundation and Yad Sarah, and supports the Jewish supremacist Lubavitch Foundation and the following Islamophobic think tanks: Centre for Social Cohesion, Civitas, Henry Jackson Society. Naturally, it also supports a range of (Zionist) Synagogues (e.g. United Synagogue) and lobby groups including the United Jewish Israel Appeal and the Union of Jewish Students.
    UK AWIS is already under investigation by the UK charity regulator the Charity Commission. The investigation should widen to include the nexus of genocide-supporting charities revealed here. They should be shut down by the Charity Commission.

    In addition to AWIS, Zionist occupation forces are provided with millions in funding every year by other charities. These charities are almost wholly unknown.

    Palestine Declassified has unearthed new details on one of these charities called Beit Halochem. It is dedicated to raising money for what it calls ‘our’ heroes who have ‘fought’ to ‘protect the state of Israel’ – meaning members of the genocidal occupation forces currently engaged in mass killings in Gaza and throughout Palestine.

    Charitable objectives of the charity include the relief of ‘Adverse physical and mental effects suffered by individuals in Israel’. It doesn’t say so, explicitly, but it’s clear that the individuals noted do not include Palestinian civilians. As Beit Halochem says, its name ‘literally means “House of Warriors”.’

    This racism in the application of its ‘public benefit’ is one reason why this charity should be shut down by the UK Charity Commission.

    Another is that it violates the harm principle – the harm of supporting genocide clearly outweighs the benefit of rehabilitation of injured genocidaires.

    The Chairman of the charity is Andrew Wolfson, of the hugely wealthy Wolfson family. The family is best known for its ownership of the Next retail empire. Here is a picture of him with the genocidal president of ‘Israel’, Isaac Herzog, and the extremist advocate of the settler movement, the ambassador to London Tzipi Hotevely.

    The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust is named after his grandfather who died in 1970. Other trustees include his brother (Lord) Simon Wolfson, the Chief Executive of Next plc, and (Lord) Jon Mendelsohn, a key Israel lobby actor. The charity has donated over £600,000 to Beit Halochem since 2018.

    The charity also helps to encourage racism against Muslims by funding Islamophobic think tanks such as Civitas and Policy Exchange. It also funds the Jerusalem Foundation which is directly engaged in settlement activity and ethnic cleansing in East Al-Quds.

    Research for Palestine Declassified reveals that Beit Halochem receives funds and support from a range of other Zionist family foundations including the aforementioned Denise Cohen Charitable Trust, Family Foundations Trust, Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation, Loftus Charitable Trust, and The Locker Foundation, all of which also fund UK AWIS. Other charities involved include The Pears Family Charitable Foundation, Exilarch’s Foundation and Bluston Charitable Settlement. Here are some details on each of these three charities:

    The Pears Family Charitable Foundation is run by the Pears brothers once voted the worst landlord in the UK by viewers of a BBC consumer program. Their charity also funds Islamophobic think tank Civitas and Policy Exchange, the Zionist Council of Christians and Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Union of Jewish Students, the United Jewish Israel Appeal, and normalizing charities including Mitzvah Day UK, Solutions Not Sides, The Abraham Fund Initiatives. It has also funded the extreme ultra-Zionist Chabad sect, recently in the news for the illegally dug tunnels underneath their global HQ in New York.
    The Exilarch’s Foundation is run by David Dangoor, the property magnate who runs property firm Monopro which registered £121.9m assets in 2017-18. His foundation also funds the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society and ethnic cleansing in East al-Quds, via the Jerusalem Foundation as well as the Community Security Trust, the Faith and Belief Forum, the Tony Blair Institute, the Union of Jewish Students, the pro-Israel Jewish Leadership Council and the United Jewish Israel Appeal, the largest Zionist charity in the country.
    Bluston Charitable Settlement is run by Anna Josse, who co-runs private equity firm Regent Capital having established and run the Zionist foundation the New Israel Fund UK in the 1990s. She also helps to run Prism the Gift Fund which is a charity that operates and acts for a range of Zionist and other charities. Josse is a Manchester University graduate (after a stunt at a seminary in Israel) and former JSoc chair. She also worked at the Social Market Foundation think-tank. In addition to funding genocide via Beit Halochem, Bluston funds ethnic cleansing via the Jerusalem Foundation in occupied al-Quds and the Jewish National Fund.
    Among the testimonials on the Beit Halochem UK website is one from Ian Austin, the extreme Zionist and former Labour MP who has displayed a profile picture on X referring to Gaza with the words “Let Israel finish the job”.

    There are also tributes from the Board of Deputies, the Chief Rabbi and even Israel’s settler-supporting genocidal ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotevely.

    Overall, Beit Halochem is devoted to supporting the genocidal Israel occupation forces in Gaza in what appears to be breaches of UK charity law.

    We will pass the evidence we have unearthed to the UK Charity Commission.


    How British ‘charities’ are aiding Israeli genocide in Gaza Thursday, 01 February 2024 7:54 AM [ Last Update: Thursday, 01 February 2024 8:33 AM ] By David Miller The genocide in Gaza is being perpetrated by the so-called ‘Israel Defense Forces’. The whole world is appalled. Yet, in the UK, there are organizations raising money to support the genocidal occupation forces. The Association for Israel’s Soldiers is based in occupied Palestine and claims to be the sole avenue through which donations can be made directly to IDF soldiers and IDF units. These donations come from Zionists in Palestine as well as from the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, France and the UK. The UK Friends of the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel Soldiers (AWIS) is a registered charity that is obliged by law to show public benefit. Its charitable objects include relief of need and suffering, advancement of education and provision of facilities for recreation of the occupation forces. It does this by providing Mobile Synagogues, recreational facilities for injured genocidaires, free holidays, free student scholarships, mobile Gym and rest and recreation facilities. Among the benefits are swimming pools including the one promoted in a video on Facebook in May last year. In the video, AWIS says they “created a swimming pool in the heart of the desert for the training base of the artillery corps.” Meanwhile, drinking water for Gaza has been cut off for more than three months. Each year, AWIS also puts on an “enlistment festival” for 30,000 recruits to the genocidal occupation forces. Guidance published by the Charity Commission states that it is a legal requirement that “any detriment or harm that results from [charitable purposes] must not outweigh the benefit.” Perhaps supporting genocide outweighs those purposes? Among the Trustees of the charity is Colonel Richard Kemp, a former British soldier said to have hateful views on Islam and Muslims. In December, the BBC was criticized for interviewing Kemp without reference to his role as a UK-AWIS trustee. In one recent interview with a pro-Israel blog, Kemp was quoted as describing the killing of civilians in Gaza as “necessary”. Another trustee is Josh Swidler, who is in the financial industry at a firm called Teamshares. Emphasizing the link between Zionists and Islamophobia, it turns out that Swidler was formerly one of the two directors of Henry Jackson Society Inc., the US fundraising arm of the Islamophobic British think tank. Research for Palestine Declassified, where I am the producer, has traced around twenty British charities that have donated to UK AWIS over the last twenty years. When we examined them we found that they tend to donate to a variety of Zionist causes. In particular, we looked to see which of the recipients directly supported the occupation forces, the so-called “Israel Defense Forces”, illegal settlements, Jewish supremacist sects, or Islamophobic think tanks. These four categories are a sort of Zionist funding bingo. Our research is presented in a table on our investigative Wiki database Powerbase under the title: “UK AWIS - supporters”. The data points there also link to profiles of each of the charities on the Powerbase website as well as the principal individuals involved and how they made their money. The list of charities is as follows: A. M. Charitable Trust C H (1980) Charitable Trust David and Ruth Lewis Family Charitable Trust Denise Cohen Charitable Trust G. R. P. Charitable Trust Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation Jack Goldhill Charitable Trust Lawson Beckman Charitable Trust Loftus Charitable Trust Family Foundations Trust R and S Cohen Foundation Rosenblatt Family Charitable Trust Stanley and Zea Lewis Family Foundation The J E Joseph Charitable Trust The Locker Foundation The Maurice Hatter Foundation The Peltz Trust (Dissolved June 2023) The Phillips and Rubens Charitable Trust The Phillips Family Charitable Trust Wigoder Family Foundation Of the twenty charities we have named which donate to AWIS, five in total have a “full house” sending money to at least one of each of the four categories of funding. We discuss these here at greater length. Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation which was created by Gerald Ronson, the convicted fraudster who runs Rontec, a company that operates over 250 BP and Esso service stations in the UK. These should be an urgent target for the BDS movement. Ronson also set up the Community Security Trust that runs point of the Zionist regime in the UK, spies on anti-Zionist Jews and deliberately confuses anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in line with the policies of the Zionist regime. Ronson has collaborated with Mossad for decades, through the CST (created in 1994) and before that its predecessor, the Group Relations Educational Trust. One of the charitable objects of the CST is that it will ‘promote research’ and ‘promote public education about’ extremism. In practice, however, Ronson promotes extremism via his family foundation. Among recipients of funding, in addition to AWIS, are: The extreme Chabad sect, which Ronson has been supporting for over 40 years. The Jewish National Fund and the Jerusalem Foundation, both of which are engaged in supporting ethnic cleansing and illegal settlement activity in Palestine. Islamophobic think tanks Civitas and Policy Exchange. These donations are further evidence that Ronson in practice supports extremism and genocide, rather than opposing them. Loftus Charitable Trust, set up by the Loftus family, which made its money from the watchmaking firm Accurist. The family sold the firm to Sekonda in 2014. As well as AWIS, it also funds the extremist Zionist sect Chabad Lubavitch and the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society. An interesting sign of the small and connected world of the Zionist business class is that the owner of Time Products, the parent of Sekonda to which the Loftus family sold Accurist, is one Marcus Margulies. His family foundation also funds illegal settlements via the Jerusalem Foundation, to which it gave £2.25 million in 2021. The Loftus Trust also gives to a long list of genocidal Zionist groups including the Community Security Trust, Jewish Leadership Council, Mitzvah Day, Stand With Us, UK Friends of IDC (the only private university in ‘Israel’), UKLFI Charitable Trust (which supports the lawfare group UK Lawyers for Israel), Union of Jewish Students, United Jewish Israel Appeal, Zionist Federation David and Ruth Lewis Family Charitable Trust, set up by the Lewis family which owns the River Island clothing chain. The charity also funds Islamophobic think tank, Policy Exchange and illegal settlements via the Jerusalem Foundation and the Jewish National Fund. In addition, the trust funds a range of extremist Zionist groups including Campaign Against Antisemitism, Community Security Trust, Jewish Leadership Council, Palestinian Media Watch, One Voice Europe, and United Jewish Israel Appeal. The Family Foundations Trust, set up by the UK property investor Richard Mintz. The charity has funded UK AWIS and another charity supporting the IDF – Beit Halochem, which we will discuss below. It has also funded the extremist sect Chabad-Lubavitch, the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society, and the Community Security Trust. Richard’s son and charity trustee Joshua co-founded the website Friend-a-Soldier, an online platform where soldiers can become ‘digital ambassadors’ for the occupation forces. Phillips & Rubens Charitable Trust, set up in 1969 by the accountant Michael Phillips and his wife Ruth. Phillips was at that time a partner in the accountancy firm Hacker, Rubens, Phillips & Young, which he ran with the late Stuart Young. Stuart Young would later be appointed chairman of the BBC by Margaret Thatcher, and was the brother of David (later Lord) Young who at one time chaired the board of trustees of The Peter Cruddas Foundation, which has funded the anti-Muslim think tank Policy Exchange. Lord Young and Michael Phillips were also both trustees of the Stuart Young Foundation along with the solicitor Martin Paisner, who is also a trustee of the Phillips & Rubens Charitable Trust and a large number of other Zionist and/or conservative foundations. The charity has donated to the occupation forces via AWIS from as early as 2009. It has also donated to British ORT, an “education” grouping that trains staff both in Israeli arms firms and in the occupation forces in “Israel”. It supports illegal settlements and ethnic cleansing in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) via the Jerusalem Foundation and Yad Sarah, and supports the Jewish supremacist Lubavitch Foundation and the following Islamophobic think tanks: Centre for Social Cohesion, Civitas, Henry Jackson Society. Naturally, it also supports a range of (Zionist) Synagogues (e.g. United Synagogue) and lobby groups including the United Jewish Israel Appeal and the Union of Jewish Students. UK AWIS is already under investigation by the UK charity regulator the Charity Commission. The investigation should widen to include the nexus of genocide-supporting charities revealed here. They should be shut down by the Charity Commission. In addition to AWIS, Zionist occupation forces are provided with millions in funding every year by other charities. These charities are almost wholly unknown. Palestine Declassified has unearthed new details on one of these charities called Beit Halochem. It is dedicated to raising money for what it calls ‘our’ heroes who have ‘fought’ to ‘protect the state of Israel’ – meaning members of the genocidal occupation forces currently engaged in mass killings in Gaza and throughout Palestine. Charitable objectives of the charity include the relief of ‘Adverse physical and mental effects suffered by individuals in Israel’. It doesn’t say so, explicitly, but it’s clear that the individuals noted do not include Palestinian civilians. As Beit Halochem says, its name ‘literally means “House of Warriors”.’ This racism in the application of its ‘public benefit’ is one reason why this charity should be shut down by the UK Charity Commission. Another is that it violates the harm principle – the harm of supporting genocide clearly outweighs the benefit of rehabilitation of injured genocidaires. The Chairman of the charity is Andrew Wolfson, of the hugely wealthy Wolfson family. The family is best known for its ownership of the Next retail empire. Here is a picture of him with the genocidal president of ‘Israel’, Isaac Herzog, and the extremist advocate of the settler movement, the ambassador to London Tzipi Hotevely. The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust is named after his grandfather who died in 1970. Other trustees include his brother (Lord) Simon Wolfson, the Chief Executive of Next plc, and (Lord) Jon Mendelsohn, a key Israel lobby actor. The charity has donated over £600,000 to Beit Halochem since 2018. The charity also helps to encourage racism against Muslims by funding Islamophobic think tanks such as Civitas and Policy Exchange. It also funds the Jerusalem Foundation which is directly engaged in settlement activity and ethnic cleansing in East Al-Quds. Research for Palestine Declassified reveals that Beit Halochem receives funds and support from a range of other Zionist family foundations including the aforementioned Denise Cohen Charitable Trust, Family Foundations Trust, Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation, Loftus Charitable Trust, and The Locker Foundation, all of which also fund UK AWIS. Other charities involved include The Pears Family Charitable Foundation, Exilarch’s Foundation and Bluston Charitable Settlement. Here are some details on each of these three charities: The Pears Family Charitable Foundation is run by the Pears brothers once voted the worst landlord in the UK by viewers of a BBC consumer program. Their charity also funds Islamophobic think tank Civitas and Policy Exchange, the Zionist Council of Christians and Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Union of Jewish Students, the United Jewish Israel Appeal, and normalizing charities including Mitzvah Day UK, Solutions Not Sides, The Abraham Fund Initiatives. It has also funded the extreme ultra-Zionist Chabad sect, recently in the news for the illegally dug tunnels underneath their global HQ in New York. The Exilarch’s Foundation is run by David Dangoor, the property magnate who runs property firm Monopro which registered £121.9m assets in 2017-18. His foundation also funds the Islamophobic think tank Henry Jackson Society and ethnic cleansing in East al-Quds, via the Jerusalem Foundation as well as the Community Security Trust, the Faith and Belief Forum, the Tony Blair Institute, the Union of Jewish Students, the pro-Israel Jewish Leadership Council and the United Jewish Israel Appeal, the largest Zionist charity in the country. Bluston Charitable Settlement is run by Anna Josse, who co-runs private equity firm Regent Capital having established and run the Zionist foundation the New Israel Fund UK in the 1990s. She also helps to run Prism the Gift Fund which is a charity that operates and acts for a range of Zionist and other charities. Josse is a Manchester University graduate (after a stunt at a seminary in Israel) and former JSoc chair. She also worked at the Social Market Foundation think-tank. In addition to funding genocide via Beit Halochem, Bluston funds ethnic cleansing via the Jerusalem Foundation in occupied al-Quds and the Jewish National Fund. Among the testimonials on the Beit Halochem UK website is one from Ian Austin, the extreme Zionist and former Labour MP who has displayed a profile picture on X referring to Gaza with the words “Let Israel finish the job”. There are also tributes from the Board of Deputies, the Chief Rabbi and even Israel’s settler-supporting genocidal ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotevely. Overall, Beit Halochem is devoted to supporting the genocidal Israel occupation forces in Gaza in what appears to be breaches of UK charity law. We will pass the evidence we have unearthed to the UK Charity Commission. https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/02/01/719268/How-British-charities-aiding-Israeli-genocide-Gaza https://donshafi911.blogspot.com/2024/02/how-british-charities-are-aiding.html
    How British ‘charities’ are aiding Israeli genocide in Gaza
    The genocide in Gaza is being perpetrated by the so called ‘Israel Defense Forces’. The whole world is appalled. Yet, in the UK, there are organizations raising money to support the genocidal occupation forces.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 36503 Views
  • https://www.newsadvertisment.com/2023/12/pakistan-laments-rise-in-islamophobia.html
    Pakistan laments rise in Islamophobia in India on 31st anniversary of Babri mosque incident
    News advertisment is information, about current events, and all the news in the world's, news here you know, and we know,
    0 Comments 0 Shares 774 Views

    Mr. Ranjit Lal Madhavan is a writer from India who wrote an article (in his local Hindi language)
    It has been translated into a lot languages , including Arabic.
    The article explains the cause of the global war on Islam.


    ● The global drug trade is worth $321 billion a year.
    ● Worldwide liquor sales amount to $1,600 billion a year.
    ● The global arms trade is worth about $100 billion a year.
    ● The value of the prostitution trade in the world is about 400 billion dollars annually.
    ● The global gambling business is worth about $110 billion annually.
    ● Gold trade amounts to 100 billion dollars annually in this world.
    ● The computer games business is worth $54 billion annually worldwide.

    *Islam stands against it; That is, against a global trade with an annual market value of USD2685 billion dollars.*

    This trade is run by heads of international companies supported at least condoned by presidents, governments and intelligence services of major countries.
    If the world accepts Islam and its law by not selling alcohol, intoxicants and drugs, then the loss will be 2000 billion dollars in the drug and alcohol mafia trade!

    Islamic law, which forbids bloodshed, will also end the $100 billion arms mafia trade.
    Islamic law prohibits adultery, so it will end the prostitution trade, and the global white slave mafia will lose a trade with a market value of $400 billion annually. Hotels, entertainment centers, resorts, and tourism companies whose activities are based on prostitution will be closed, and porn sites that generate billions of followers will be closed.

    If the world applies Islamic law that prohibits gambling, the gambling mafia trade with a market value of $110 billion will end!

    If the world accepts the Islamic principle that a woman's nudity is defilement and an affront to her humanity and dignity, and her body is displayed as a commodity in exhibitions, then the $100 billion pornography mafia trade will end!

    These Islamic legislations and laws are tantamount to declaring war on this global trade, the lifeblood of the economies of superpowers.

    So Islam is fighting this world trade totaling $2685 billion.

    Will these international companies, left behind by governments and international mafia, welcome Islam and lay the red carpet for it without opposing it?

    Answer: No

    Therefore, it must wage war against Islam, which threatens its existence.

    This global mafia has bought the global media to make it their most important tool in distorting Islam and stigmatizing it as terrorism, until the world has seen Islam and terrorism as two sides of the same coin, and they have become entrenched in the hearts of people with what is known globally as Islamophobia.
    They marched around the world shouting that Islam is terrorism and produced many films to brand Islam as terrorism. And the world believed this lie launched by the global mafia media, and everyone said with one voice: Islam is extremism and terrorism.

    For this, they themselves bought some Muslims and made them mouthpieces for billions of dollars.
    Islam, which said that killing a person equals killing all people, has become, in their view, a religion of extremism!! The Almighty said in the writing of the wise..
    {For this reason We decreed for the children of Israel that whoever kills a soul other than for manslaughter or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed all people, and whoever saves it, it is as if he saved all people...}
    If fanaticism does not blind your eyes and hearts, then open your eyes and open your hearts and listen...how skillfully they have led you away from the word of Allah Almighty.

    How skillful are they in convincing your hearts that Islam is terrorism!!
    Unfortunately, some Muslims believed them and followed their path in combating the so-called Islamic terrorism!!
    This global trade will continue and the war against Islam will continue
    There will remain a very few who believe that Islam is the true religion of Allah.

    Information for you to be proud of your Islam. Doesn't it deserve you to publish so that other Muslims can become aware?
    Praise be to Allah, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of creation and messengers, our master Muhammad (PBUH) and his family and companions. (copied changed God to Allah & added PBUH) Welcome
    *WHY THE POWERS THAT BE HATE ISLAM* Mr. Ranjit Lal Madhavan is a writer from India who wrote an article (in his local Hindi language) It has been translated into a lot languages , including Arabic. The article explains the cause of the global war on Islam. *WHY ANTI ISLAM* ● The global drug trade is worth $321 billion a year. ● Worldwide liquor sales amount to $1,600 billion a year. ● The global arms trade is worth about $100 billion a year. ● The value of the prostitution trade in the world is about 400 billion dollars annually. ● The global gambling business is worth about $110 billion annually. ● Gold trade amounts to 100 billion dollars annually in this world. ● The computer games business is worth $54 billion annually worldwide. *Islam stands against it; That is, against a global trade with an annual market value of USD2685 billion dollars.* This trade is run by heads of international companies supported at least condoned by presidents, governments and intelligence services of major countries. If the world accepts Islam and its law by not selling alcohol, intoxicants and drugs, then the loss will be 2000 billion dollars in the drug and alcohol mafia trade! Islamic law, which forbids bloodshed, will also end the $100 billion arms mafia trade. Islamic law prohibits adultery, so it will end the prostitution trade, and the global white slave mafia will lose a trade with a market value of $400 billion annually. Hotels, entertainment centers, resorts, and tourism companies whose activities are based on prostitution will be closed, and porn sites that generate billions of followers will be closed. If the world applies Islamic law that prohibits gambling, the gambling mafia trade with a market value of $110 billion will end! If the world accepts the Islamic principle that a woman's nudity is defilement and an affront to her humanity and dignity, and her body is displayed as a commodity in exhibitions, then the $100 billion pornography mafia trade will end! These Islamic legislations and laws are tantamount to declaring war on this global trade, the lifeblood of the economies of superpowers. So Islam is fighting this world trade totaling $2685 billion. Will these international companies, left behind by governments and international mafia, welcome Islam and lay the red carpet for it without opposing it? Answer: No Therefore, it must wage war against Islam, which threatens its existence. This global mafia has bought the global media to make it their most important tool in distorting Islam and stigmatizing it as terrorism, until the world has seen Islam and terrorism as two sides of the same coin, and they have become entrenched in the hearts of people with what is known globally as Islamophobia. They marched around the world shouting that Islam is terrorism and produced many films to brand Islam as terrorism. And the world believed this lie launched by the global mafia media, and everyone said with one voice: Islam is extremism and terrorism. For this, they themselves bought some Muslims and made them mouthpieces for billions of dollars. Islam, which said that killing a person equals killing all people, has become, in their view, a religion of extremism!! The Almighty said in the writing of the wise.. {For this reason We decreed for the children of Israel that whoever kills a soul other than for manslaughter or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed all people, and whoever saves it, it is as if he saved all people...} If fanaticism does not blind your eyes and hearts, then open your eyes and open your hearts and listen...how skillfully they have led you away from the word of Allah Almighty. How skillful are they in convincing your hearts that Islam is terrorism!! Unfortunately, some Muslims believed them and followed their path in combating the so-called Islamic terrorism!! This global trade will continue and the war against Islam will continue There will remain a very few who believe that Islam is the true religion of Allah. Information for you to be proud of your Islam. Doesn't it deserve you to publish so that other Muslims can become aware? Praise be to Allah, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of creation and messengers, our master Muhammad (PBUH) and his family and companions. (copied changed God to Allah & added PBUH) Welcome
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10799 Views
  • Our Response in Crisis will Demonstrate Our Core Values as Muslims
    We feel hopeless and helpless witnessing all this violence. How we respond to these emotions will determine whether we are better human beings.

    Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism

    Every day, we are witnessing acts of violence, terrorism and extreme military campaigns that do not give any consideration to children, women and civilians and even to the international communities and laws.

    Be it coming from Hamas, who is seeking justice for the decades of oppression under Israel’s military occupation, or all the dehumanising acts by the Zionist Israeli military who are taking advantage of the incident on 7 October 2023 to justify their merciless military actions, further illegal expansions and occupation of Palestinian lands and the collective punishment of innocent Palestinians.

    We are witnessing how the sacredness of human life that has been bestowed by Allah s.w.t. has not prevented people of power and influence from exploiting that power and manipulating narratives to garner support by dehumanising the other side.

    All these cause us pain, stir our emotions, and evoke anger within us. We feel hopeless and helpless and sometimes lose our trust in the authorities. The emotions are sometimes confusing and suffocating, especially when we see images that shrink our hearts and send currents up our spines. These emotions are natural for us human beings who have been nurtured to have a good heart, respect lives and humanity, and trust in one another.

    Read: A Mental Health Guide for Those Grappling With The Crisis in Gaza

    Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism

    How we respond to these emotions will determine whether we are better human beings. We are defending the humanity of everyone. Violence and terrorist acts have no place in humanity. All Palestinians and Israelis have the right to live peacefully and in harmony. All of them have their rights to the necessities of life like water, food, safety and security.

    For youths, as we go about our daily routines and activities amidst the images, narratives of violence and hatred that are flooding social media, let us be mindful of our actions. Let us reflect and think through some of these principles and take them as our guidance in finding our emotional, psychological and spiritual balance and equilibrium.

    Violence Begets Violence, Hatred Begets Hatred

    Through this conflict, we observe that violence begets violence, and hatred begets hatred. This is a universal law. When violence becomes the heartbeat that defines a conflict, innocent civilians are the primary victims.

    Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism

    The current government of Israel is led by a Prime Minister and several ministers who are known for their far-right extremist ideologies. For example, Itamar Ben-Gvir, the current Minister of National Security, is known for his extremist views and advocacy for radical groups in Israel.[1] The government has clearly outlined its commitment to solidify the dominance of Jewish identity while continuing to suppress Palestinian rights in both Israel and the occupied West Bank. This is proposed through a governance system that establishes distinct tiers, perpetuating inequality across all levels. As a result, Palestinians have been deprived of their rights and protections, rendering them more vulnerable to violence and worsening the hardships they already face.[2]

    The leadership issues among the Palestinian people involve the disunity of several political groups governing Palestine, including Fatah, Hamas, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Palestinian Authority and various political parties. One of the key points of division among them is how to engage and interact with Israel. Does it involve violence and force, or do they pursue objectives via negotiations and diplomacy?[3]

    Simultaneously, we must also be cautious of irresponsible people who propagate hate speeches, instigate disunity among us and take advantage of the emotional instability of people to propagate their own agendas. We have seen how extremist individuals and groups have exploited the internet and social media to lure vulnerable youths into radicalisation.

    Read: How Does Social Media Influence Online Radicalisation?

    Emulate and Embody the Prophetic Exemplars

    To end this long conflict requires restraint, big hearts, compassion, justice, humility, and other values that define us as human beings. Therefore, we should embody these values of humanity instead of succumbing to what is portrayed by these conflicts. This is truly a test not just for the whole of humanity but also individually for ourselves as well.

    Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism

    Our best example to emulate and embody is the exemplary traits of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Let us reflect on this tradition, especially the collection of Imām al-Bukhārī, where a hadith[4] narrated by Khabbab Bin Al-Arat r.a. tells us how he asked Rasulullah s.a.w. to pray for the Muslims due to the intensity of the persecution they were facing in Makkah during the early days of Islam.

    The Prophet s.a.w. replied that the previous community of believers (of past Prophets) also faced persecution of such severity. Even when it intensified, they would not lose or abandon their faith.

    Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. then continued to prophesise that the lands of Sana’a and Hadramaut in Yemen would eventually be populated by Muslims. A prophecy that is proven true today without a doubt. This was a glad tiding to the declining situation of the relatively small generation of early Muslims.

    The hadith demonstrates to us the patience of the Prophet and the hastiness of the companions, at that time, who wanted to win over the people who oppressed them. The Beloved Prophet s.a.w, who is fully connected to Allah, assured the companions that Allah would grant them victory to the point that the route between Sana'a and Ḥaḍramawt would become safe.

    We Must Be Thankful for Allah’s Blessings Bestowed Upon Us in Singapore

    One way to be thankful for this blessing is to protect it. We must believe in the model of our Muslim community in Singapore. The fact that we are all able to carry on with our daily routines and activities in these difficult times does not come about by chance.

    As Singaporeans, we all have worked hard to develop trust with one another. We live amicably with our friends and neighbours who are of different races and religions, with the Islamic values of care, compassion, and trusting one another.

    We have lived peacefully with one another way before the coming of Sir Stamford Raffles to this island. We can see different places of worship within a neighbourhood or a street built way before Singapore’s independence.

    The peace and harmony we enjoy are rare commodities in this world. Let us all continue to be gracious Singaporeans to one another, believing in and trusting each other.

    As we advocate for our cause, let us ensure that we remain respectful and wise, avoiding personal attacks and hate speeches that could erode the trust we've built together.

    The Palestine-Israel Crisis Is Not a War Between Islam and Judaism

    Israel is not equal to Judaism. Israel is not equal to Jews. Simultaneously, Hamas does not represent all the Palestinians. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived peacefully in the land in the last century.

    The crisis involves territorial disputes, historical grievances, and differing claims to the land. While it has often been framed in religious terms due to the significance of the land to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, at its core, the issue is primarily about land, power, and self-determination.

    Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Abrahamic faiths

    Some of the rhetoric being played out on social media aims to create the impression for both the Muslim and Jewish communities that this conflict is a religious one. Some individuals employ religious symbols and the chant of "takbīr" in an effort to garner attention from the public.

    Others invoke end-of-time discourses when discussing this conflict. Such discussions are not limited to Muslims; they also involve Christians and Jews. These narratives have raised concerns as public sentiments among both Muslims and Jews have been mocked and condemned.

    Read: Dealing With Recurrent Claims About The End Of The World

    We must be wary of the rise of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia to the point that it could potentially cause tensions in our multi-religious country. More importantly, as we strengthen our faith for the Hereafter, let us pay attention to how Prophet Muḥammad s.a.w. advised us to navigate the signs of the end of times.

    Narrated by Anas r.a, from the Prophet s.a.w:

    “Even if the Day of Judgement is approaching and you have a palm shoot in your hand and can plant it before the Hour arrives, you should plant it.”

    (Adab Al-Mufrad)

    Do Not Underestimate the Power of Dua

    Never underestimate the power of dua (supplication) with a firm belief. It can change what you may have thought was impossible to change. Dua is never wasted. So, keep making supplications as it is a special gift that Allah has given to us. He is the Best Listener and He is always Listening.

    Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism, Dua, Supplication

    Keep knocking on the door of the Merciful, and it will open eventually. The key is to be patient. Allah knows when is the right time to fulfil our supplications and bring us relief. The Prophet s.a.w. said:

    “Supplication is the shield of a believer, a pillar of the religion and light of heavens and earth.”[5]

    The Prophet further taught us the best way we can carry out our supplication. He said:

    “Whomsoever has completed reading the Quran, ask Allah with it”

    (Narrated by Imam At-Tabrani)

    Based on the above hadith, we can make supplications for our brothers and sisters in Gaza, Palestine and for all humanity after reading ṣūrah al-Ikhlāṣ three times as reading this ṣūrah three times is equivalent to completing the Qurān.

    Let us make duā after every ṣolat for all those who are experiencing oppression to be given patience, perseverance and paradise for the sacrifices that they are experiencing.

    رَبِّ سَلِّمْ سَلِّمْ

    Oh Allah, save us, save us

    رَبِّ سَلِّمْ سَلِّمْ إِخْوَانَنَا فِى فِلِسْطِيْنَ

    Oh Allah, save us, save us, save our brothers and sisters in Palestine

    Read: Seeking Allah in Times of Distress

    As the crisis continues, we can be overwhelmed when we experience moments of incapacity to help, the loss of freedom of choice to voice our concerns and acts, and other types of emotions.

    This is where we seek refuge in Allah out of our sheer necessity with no other ulterior motive. All these emotions are His creations, and we turn ourselves towards Him with these emotions.

    As we turn ourselves towards Him, we acknowledge our weaknesses and inabilities and read a dua taught to us by Allah in Surah Ali-’Imran,

    حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ

    “For Allah suffice for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.”

    (Surah Ali-’Imran, 3:173)

    This was the dua read by Nabi Ibrahim a.s when he was catapulted into the fire. As he flew into the fire, he read this dua, and Allah commanded the fire to cool down for Nabi Ibrahim a.s.

    قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلَامًا عَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ

    We said, “O Fire! Be your coolness and safety unto Ibrahim”

    (Surah Anbiya, 21:69)

    Read: Dua Qunut Nazilah With English Translation

    Channel Our Energy Towards a Good Cause

    Work together with others in contributing towards humanitarian aid during this conflict. People in Singapore, regardless of race and religion, were able to raise almost five million dollars in humanitarian aid for Palestine in less than 2 weeks after the fundraiser by the Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to all) Foundation, or RLAF, was launched.

    Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism, Humanitarian, UNRWA, Help

    Always start something good within your means and circle of influence. For example, aside from making dua, donating and raising awareness about the crisis, we can also channel our efforts by volunteering at the mosque near our homes. Join the youth wing of the mosque and start supporting one another.

    Seek Guidance From Our Local Certified Asatizah

    As the conflict continues to unfold, we will continue to be bombarded with many different narratives. You may feel overwhelmed by the discussions and the emotions attached. Look for our local asātizah to process your feelings and thoughts. Go to the nearest mosque to seek help. Or you can look for a trusted adult to speak about your worries.

    Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism, Humanitarian, Safe Space, Discussion, AYN

    There are available channels for you to seek help, like the Asatizah Youth Network, mysafespace.sg, Asatizah Solace Care and others. Keep an eye on divisive speeches and extremist thoughts in virtual chat rooms or in social media platforms.

    Read: Ask An Ustaz or Ustazah Questions Through Anonymous Chat With MYSAFESPACE

    The Prophet always wants us to unite instead of being divided. Narratives that seek to plant the seed of hatred towards fellow Muslims and others are signs for us to distance ourselves from them.

    In conclusion, let us take the opportunity in this challenging time to explain and showcase the beauty of Islam. Let us elucidate the core principles and values such as Peace, Excellence, Mercy, Forgiveness, Justice and Wisdom that are contained in the Qurān and the exemplars of the Prophet s.a.w.

    Read: 4 Ways to Respond to the Suffering Faced by the Palestinian People

    References & Notes:

    [1] Ruth Margalit, Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s Minister of Chaos, The New Yoker, February 20, 2023. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/02/27/itamar-ben-gvir-israels-minister-of-chaos accessed on 8th November 2023.

    [2] Jonathan Guyer, Israel’s new right-wing government is even more extreme than protest would have you think, in Vox Journalism, 2023. https://www.vox.com/world/2023/1/20/23561464/israel-new-right-wing-government-extreme-protests-netanyahu-biden-ben-gvir, accessed on 8th November 2023.

    [3] Alexandra Sharp, A Guide to Palestinian and Other Anti-Israel Factions, Foreign Policy, October 10 2023. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/10/10/what-is-hamas-israel-war-palestine-fatah-hezbollah/ accessed on 8th November 2023.

    [4] Narrated by Khabbab bin Al-Arat, “We complained to Rasulullah s.a.w. (of the persecution inflicted on us by the enemies) while he was laying down (and resting his head on a cloth) under the shade of the Kaabah. We said to him, "Would you seek help for us? Would you pray to Allah for us?" He said, "A man from the previous nation would be put in a ditch that was dug for him, and a saw would be put over his head, and he would be cut into two; yet that (torture) would not make him give up his religion. His body would be combed with iron combs that would remove his flesh from the bones and nerves, yet that would not make him abandon his religion. By Allah, this religion (i.e. Islam) will prevail till a traveller from á¹¢an‘ā (in Yemen) to Ḥaḍramawt will fear none but Allah, or a wolf as regards his sheep, but you (people) are hasty” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

    [5] https://www.islamweb.net/ar/library/content/74/1701/index.php assessed on 8th November 2023.

    Our Response in Crisis will Demonstrate Our Core Values as Muslims We feel hopeless and helpless witnessing all this violence. How we respond to these emotions will determine whether we are better human beings. Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism Every day, we are witnessing acts of violence, terrorism and extreme military campaigns that do not give any consideration to children, women and civilians and even to the international communities and laws. Be it coming from Hamas, who is seeking justice for the decades of oppression under Israel’s military occupation, or all the dehumanising acts by the Zionist Israeli military who are taking advantage of the incident on 7 October 2023 to justify their merciless military actions, further illegal expansions and occupation of Palestinian lands and the collective punishment of innocent Palestinians. We are witnessing how the sacredness of human life that has been bestowed by Allah s.w.t. has not prevented people of power and influence from exploiting that power and manipulating narratives to garner support by dehumanising the other side. All these cause us pain, stir our emotions, and evoke anger within us. We feel hopeless and helpless and sometimes lose our trust in the authorities. The emotions are sometimes confusing and suffocating, especially when we see images that shrink our hearts and send currents up our spines. These emotions are natural for us human beings who have been nurtured to have a good heart, respect lives and humanity, and trust in one another. Read: A Mental Health Guide for Those Grappling With The Crisis in Gaza Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism How we respond to these emotions will determine whether we are better human beings. We are defending the humanity of everyone. Violence and terrorist acts have no place in humanity. All Palestinians and Israelis have the right to live peacefully and in harmony. All of them have their rights to the necessities of life like water, food, safety and security. For youths, as we go about our daily routines and activities amidst the images, narratives of violence and hatred that are flooding social media, let us be mindful of our actions. Let us reflect and think through some of these principles and take them as our guidance in finding our emotional, psychological and spiritual balance and equilibrium. Violence Begets Violence, Hatred Begets Hatred Through this conflict, we observe that violence begets violence, and hatred begets hatred. This is a universal law. When violence becomes the heartbeat that defines a conflict, innocent civilians are the primary victims. Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism The current government of Israel is led by a Prime Minister and several ministers who are known for their far-right extremist ideologies. For example, Itamar Ben-Gvir, the current Minister of National Security, is known for his extremist views and advocacy for radical groups in Israel.[1] The government has clearly outlined its commitment to solidify the dominance of Jewish identity while continuing to suppress Palestinian rights in both Israel and the occupied West Bank. This is proposed through a governance system that establishes distinct tiers, perpetuating inequality across all levels. As a result, Palestinians have been deprived of their rights and protections, rendering them more vulnerable to violence and worsening the hardships they already face.[2] The leadership issues among the Palestinian people involve the disunity of several political groups governing Palestine, including Fatah, Hamas, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Palestinian Authority and various political parties. One of the key points of division among them is how to engage and interact with Israel. Does it involve violence and force, or do they pursue objectives via negotiations and diplomacy?[3] Simultaneously, we must also be cautious of irresponsible people who propagate hate speeches, instigate disunity among us and take advantage of the emotional instability of people to propagate their own agendas. We have seen how extremist individuals and groups have exploited the internet and social media to lure vulnerable youths into radicalisation. Read: How Does Social Media Influence Online Radicalisation? Emulate and Embody the Prophetic Exemplars To end this long conflict requires restraint, big hearts, compassion, justice, humility, and other values that define us as human beings. Therefore, we should embody these values of humanity instead of succumbing to what is portrayed by these conflicts. This is truly a test not just for the whole of humanity but also individually for ourselves as well. Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism Our best example to emulate and embody is the exemplary traits of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Let us reflect on this tradition, especially the collection of Imām al-BukhārÄ«, where a hadith[4] narrated by Khabbab Bin Al-Arat r.a. tells us how he asked Rasulullah s.a.w. to pray for the Muslims due to the intensity of the persecution they were facing in Makkah during the early days of Islam. The Prophet s.a.w. replied that the previous community of believers (of past Prophets) also faced persecution of such severity. Even when it intensified, they would not lose or abandon their faith. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. then continued to prophesise that the lands of Sana’a and Hadramaut in Yemen would eventually be populated by Muslims. A prophecy that is proven true today without a doubt. This was a glad tiding to the declining situation of the relatively small generation of early Muslims. The hadith demonstrates to us the patience of the Prophet and the hastiness of the companions, at that time, who wanted to win over the people who oppressed them. The Beloved Prophet s.a.w, who is fully connected to Allah, assured the companions that Allah would grant them victory to the point that the route between Sana'a and Ḥaḍramawt would become safe. We Must Be Thankful for Allah’s Blessings Bestowed Upon Us in Singapore One way to be thankful for this blessing is to protect it. We must believe in the model of our Muslim community in Singapore. The fact that we are all able to carry on with our daily routines and activities in these difficult times does not come about by chance. As Singaporeans, we all have worked hard to develop trust with one another. We live amicably with our friends and neighbours who are of different races and religions, with the Islamic values of care, compassion, and trusting one another. We have lived peacefully with one another way before the coming of Sir Stamford Raffles to this island. We can see different places of worship within a neighbourhood or a street built way before Singapore’s independence. The peace and harmony we enjoy are rare commodities in this world. Let us all continue to be gracious Singaporeans to one another, believing in and trusting each other. As we advocate for our cause, let us ensure that we remain respectful and wise, avoiding personal attacks and hate speeches that could erode the trust we've built together. The Palestine-Israel Crisis Is Not a War Between Islam and Judaism Israel is not equal to Judaism. Israel is not equal to Jews. Simultaneously, Hamas does not represent all the Palestinians. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived peacefully in the land in the last century. The crisis involves territorial disputes, historical grievances, and differing claims to the land. While it has often been framed in religious terms due to the significance of the land to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, at its core, the issue is primarily about land, power, and self-determination. Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Abrahamic faiths Some of the rhetoric being played out on social media aims to create the impression for both the Muslim and Jewish communities that this conflict is a religious one. Some individuals employ religious symbols and the chant of "takbÄ«r" in an effort to garner attention from the public. Others invoke end-of-time discourses when discussing this conflict. Such discussions are not limited to Muslims; they also involve Christians and Jews. These narratives have raised concerns as public sentiments among both Muslims and Jews have been mocked and condemned. Read: Dealing With Recurrent Claims About The End Of The World We must be wary of the rise of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia to the point that it could potentially cause tensions in our multi-religious country. More importantly, as we strengthen our faith for the Hereafter, let us pay attention to how Prophet Muḥammad s.a.w. advised us to navigate the signs of the end of times. Narrated by Anas r.a, from the Prophet s.a.w: “Even if the Day of Judgement is approaching and you have a palm shoot in your hand and can plant it before the Hour arrives, you should plant it.” (Adab Al-Mufrad) Do Not Underestimate the Power of Dua Never underestimate the power of dua (supplication) with a firm belief. It can change what you may have thought was impossible to change. Dua is never wasted. So, keep making supplications as it is a special gift that Allah has given to us. He is the Best Listener and He is always Listening. Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism, Dua, Supplication Keep knocking on the door of the Merciful, and it will open eventually. The key is to be patient. Allah knows when is the right time to fulfil our supplications and bring us relief. The Prophet s.a.w. said: “Supplication is the shield of a believer, a pillar of the religion and light of heavens and earth.”[5] The Prophet further taught us the best way we can carry out our supplication. He said: “Whomsoever has completed reading the Quran, ask Allah with it” (Narrated by Imam At-Tabrani) Based on the above hadith, we can make supplications for our brothers and sisters in Gaza, Palestine and for all humanity after reading ṣūrah al-Ikhlāṣ three times as reading this ṣūrah three times is equivalent to completing the Qurān. Let us make duā after every á¹£olat for all those who are experiencing oppression to be given patience, perseverance and paradise for the sacrifices that they are experiencing. رَبِّ سَلِّمْ سَلِّمْ Oh Allah, save us, save us رَبِّ سَلِّمْ سَلِّمْ إِخْوَانَنَا فِى فِلِسْطِيْنَ Oh Allah, save us, save us, save our brothers and sisters in Palestine Read: Seeking Allah in Times of Distress As the crisis continues, we can be overwhelmed when we experience moments of incapacity to help, the loss of freedom of choice to voice our concerns and acts, and other types of emotions. This is where we seek refuge in Allah out of our sheer necessity with no other ulterior motive. All these emotions are His creations, and we turn ourselves towards Him with these emotions. As we turn ourselves towards Him, we acknowledge our weaknesses and inabilities and read a dua taught to us by Allah in Surah Ali-’Imran, حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ “For Allah suffice for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.” (Surah Ali-’Imran, 3:173) This was the dua read by Nabi Ibrahim a.s when he was catapulted into the fire. As he flew into the fire, he read this dua, and Allah commanded the fire to cool down for Nabi Ibrahim a.s. قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلَامًا عَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ We said, “O Fire! Be your coolness and safety unto Ibrahim” (Surah Anbiya, 21:69) Read: Dua Qunut Nazilah With English Translation Channel Our Energy Towards a Good Cause Work together with others in contributing towards humanitarian aid during this conflict. People in Singapore, regardless of race and religion, were able to raise almost five million dollars in humanitarian aid for Palestine in less than 2 weeks after the fundraiser by the Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Blessings to all) Foundation, or RLAF, was launched. Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism, Humanitarian, UNRWA, Help Always start something good within your means and circle of influence. For example, aside from making dua, donating and raising awareness about the crisis, we can also channel our efforts by volunteering at the mosque near our homes. Join the youth wing of the mosque and start supporting one another. Seek Guidance From Our Local Certified Asatizah As the conflict continues to unfold, we will continue to be bombarded with many different narratives. You may feel overwhelmed by the discussions and the emotions attached. Look for our local asātizah to process your feelings and thoughts. Go to the nearest mosque to seek help. Or you can look for a trusted adult to speak about your worries. Palestine, Israel, Hamas, Fatah, Crisis, Conflict, Middle East, Apartheid, Violence, Terrorism, Humanitarian, Safe Space, Discussion, AYN There are available channels for you to seek help, like the Asatizah Youth Network, mysafespace.sg, Asatizah Solace Care and others. Keep an eye on divisive speeches and extremist thoughts in virtual chat rooms or in social media platforms. Read: Ask An Ustaz or Ustazah Questions Through Anonymous Chat With MYSAFESPACE The Prophet always wants us to unite instead of being divided. Narratives that seek to plant the seed of hatred towards fellow Muslims and others are signs for us to distance ourselves from them. In conclusion, let us take the opportunity in this challenging time to explain and showcase the beauty of Islam. Let us elucidate the core principles and values such as Peace, Excellence, Mercy, Forgiveness, Justice and Wisdom that are contained in the Qurān and the exemplars of the Prophet s.a.w. Read: 4 Ways to Respond to the Suffering Faced by the Palestinian People References & Notes: [1] Ruth Margalit, Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s Minister of Chaos, The New Yoker, February 20, 2023. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/02/27/itamar-ben-gvir-israels-minister-of-chaos accessed on 8th November 2023. [2] Jonathan Guyer, Israel’s new right-wing government is even more extreme than protest would have you think, in Vox Journalism, 2023. https://www.vox.com/world/2023/1/20/23561464/israel-new-right-wing-government-extreme-protests-netanyahu-biden-ben-gvir, accessed on 8th November 2023. [3] Alexandra Sharp, A Guide to Palestinian and Other Anti-Israel Factions, Foreign Policy, October 10 2023. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/10/10/what-is-hamas-israel-war-palestine-fatah-hezbollah/ accessed on 8th November 2023. [4] Narrated by Khabbab bin Al-Arat, “We complained to Rasulullah s.a.w. (of the persecution inflicted on us by the enemies) while he was laying down (and resting his head on a cloth) under the shade of the Kaabah. We said to him, "Would you seek help for us? Would you pray to Allah for us?" He said, "A man from the previous nation would be put in a ditch that was dug for him, and a saw would be put over his head, and he would be cut into two; yet that (torture) would not make him give up his religion. His body would be combed with iron combs that would remove his flesh from the bones and nerves, yet that would not make him abandon his religion. By Allah, this religion (i.e. Islam) will prevail till a traveller from á¹¢an‘ā (in Yemen) to Ḥaḍramawt will fear none but Allah, or a wolf as regards his sheep, but you (people) are hasty” (Sahih Al-Bukhari) [5] https://www.islamweb.net/ar/library/content/74/1701/index.php assessed on 8th November 2023. https://muslim.sg/articles/our-response-in-crisis-will-demonstrate-our-core-values-as-muslims
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