• Lee Kuan Yew - When the American CIA tried to bribe him and a Singapore official Aug 1965

    Lee Kuan Yew - When the American CIA tried to bribe him and a Singapore official Aug 1965 https://youtu.be/vNQXLhIcPrc?si=1ozLTfG1MfNwvR_z
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  • A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons
    Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades. This publication was done by her colleague, Dr. Colodzin and presented at the Health Freedom USA War Council 2010 meeting. It describes an important timeline of development of advanced nanomaterials. It also describes Dr. Staningers study on samples from 24 individuals that were sent to 4 different toxicology labs and found the filaments were not biologic, but were silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates weapons grade nanomaterials. Please note that polymethacrylates are stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent, and researchers like Dr Geanina Hagima have found large quantities of Silicone in the COVID 19 vials. These chemical characterizations are important clues as to the overlap of COVID19 bioweapon and the historical advanced nanomaterials called Morgellon’s.

    GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control

    BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

    The paper was named


    by Benjamin Colodzin, Ph.D. I inserted some of the slides that were used for the original presentation. All of this research is important background information for our understanding of the current advanced nanomaterials warfare waged with the COVID19 bioweapons.

    Abstract: We are no longer children with an innocent hearts, who have read the story of Chicken Little and how the sky was falling. Well, the new Chicken Little who, graduated from Chicken Little 101 of the world knows that it is true – the sky is falling filled with not only just molecules of the air we breathe, but aerial emissions, smog, G.E.M.S., smart dust, smart motes, RDIF ID tags, and other debris. It is being sprayed day and night making “X’s, O’s, A’s and other grids in the sky over our global nations cities whether for weather modification, vector control, and/or aerial mass inoculations. Hear this - Chicken Little’s’ - of the world it is time for us to grow up and not be like the wooden boy Pinocchio. We must become real thinking scholars. All of us, who realize that any continuous exposure from even the simplistic contrails of a plane flying over head for long periods of time, will cause you to breathe “bad air,” that will eventually cause lung damage. It does not matter if it is carbon particles or nano composites laced with modified waterborne polyurethane (Styrofoam) mixed with modified food starch as an aerial dispersant. It can only make shiny white sticky goo in any healthy lung of an athlete, child, animal or even Chicken Little himself. This paper will outline and address aerial spraying through a time line that depicts the aerial emission events and ends with fellow human being’s thoughts on a simple form of consciousness for those who deploy aerial pollutive materials into our environment’s air, land and water ways.

    These were clinical samples from Morgellon’s victims

    And historic microscopic analysis of Chemtrail ingredients.


    1949: The first use of aerial spray operations under State and Federal mandates for vector control (insects, virus, etc.) beginning under the Geneva Act for Chemical and Biological Weapons of 1949.

    1949 – Present: Many subsequent amendments to the above Act, and parallel U.S. Acts including the 2001 Patriot Act, 2001 Space Preservation Act, and the 2005 Weather Modification Research and Technology Act, have expanded the authority to conduct aerial spray operations over U.S. territory for a wide variety of purposes.

    1954-1975: “Vietnam Era” U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia leads to military research, development, and deployment of aerial spray operations for a wide variety of military objectives on the largest scale yet seen, with the application of Agents Orange, Blue, White, Pink and Purple, etc., to millions of acres of Southeast Asian territory.

    1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and low altitude aircraft.

    1984: The U.S. documentary film SECRET AGENT, brings to U.S. audiences video footage of aerial spray operations in Vietnam and the United States, and interviews it includes with Vietnam veterans and their families about health consequences for people on the ground.

    1988: Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush allegedly gives secret orders to the CIA to revive the long-dormant MK-ULTRA mind control division, which had supposedly been ordered shut down by Congress in 1963. This division will reportedly be involved with human-implantable chip technologies, according to allegations made by Dave Larson in 2009 (see Larson in the 2009 Timeline).

    1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data as per START international agreements.

    1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by Secretary of Defense, James Baker).

    1992-93: TOS is supported by Clinton Administration

    1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate.

    2000: The Official Department of the Air Force response to queries about chemtrails reads in part: “the term “chemtrail” is a hoax that began circulating approximately three years ago which asserts the government is involved in a joint federal program of covert spraying of the public . . . There is no such thing as a “chemtrail” – the natural contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon. They pose no health hazard of any kind.”

    January 2000-July 2001: Clifford Carnicom receives the first official refusal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for his request to analyze sample(s) collected underneath an aerial spray operation (“Fibrous Substance Sample”; refusal letter requires 18 month response time form date of request.

    March 2001: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national) pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations, conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland.

    Cuppett alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was officially ratified by the U.S.

    January 2002: TOS is officially in force after Russia and Belarus complete their ratification processes.

    2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA (Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other biological active materials in the samples collected.

    Note: The difference between a contrail and chemtrail is the time limit. Chemtrails last for long periods of time in the atmosphere/skies.

    2004: First reports of an anomalous disease dubbed “Morgellons disease,” begin to surface. It is named “Morgellons” because its reported symptoms of fibers protruding from the skin are supposedly similar to symptoms reported in the 1600’s by a French physician named Morgellon. No one seems able to accurately diagnose what causes this mystery disease.

    2004-2006: the U.S. Center for Disease Control says that patients reporting these symptoms are most likely suffering from “delusional parasitosis,” and recommends people suffering with Morgellons to be referred to an psychiatrist for mental evaluation. CDC maintains this posture for four years in the face of mounting criticism and contrary evidence.

    2005: The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland. Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of specific chemical “chad materials.”

    2006: Samples of fibers and other materials are removed and collected from 24 particpants, located in various global locations. All 24 participants are reported to have anomalous Morgellons-like symptoms. The samples were sent to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (Integrative Health Systems, LLC), and analyzed by four (4) independent laboratories.

    Initial findings determine that the fibers are silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates. The findings also reveal no biological substances are present. Subsequent findings from these and additional samples taken from individuals within a wide geographical area of distribution all indicate the presence of advanced nano materials (extremely small manufactured materials). The nano materials are found to contain elements of patented weapons-grade nano materials. These weapons grade nano technologies are found in fibers removed from lesions in humans, as well as in fibrous “cotton candy” like material collected on the ground and observed floating down through the sky after aerial spraying operation in Texas, USA.

    2006-2008: Center for Disease Control continues to equate “Morgellons disease: with delusional parasitosis, and continues to recommend treatment by a psychiatrist.

    2007: Allegations – not confirmed – of a new federal policy allowing vaccine makers immunity from prosecution for damages from aerial spray operations conducting vaccine research on American public without permission (under guise of pathogen/biological countermeasures Homeland Security program).

    2007: “Under these (federal) acts and the current testing for pathogen countermeasures, the general public may be exposed to these countermeasures without permission for USDA Vector Control, Domestic Preparedness, and Weapons of Mass Destruction countermeasures.” (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)

    2008: Argonne Labs Midwest Center for Structural Genomics describes a protein structure they nickname “dragon protein” for its resemblance to a dragon’s head (molecular branding). A similar shape to this “dragon’s head” is revealed in the micrographs of fibers removed form lesions in patients with Morgellon’s symptoms (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s, private photomicrograph collection 2006 to present).

    2008: The CDC changes its policy about Morgellons syndrome. It stops defining this syndrome as a sign of likely “delusional parasitosis,” and defines it as a condition of unknown origin, possibly associated with Lyme’s disease. CDC announces it is forming a working study group for Morgellons, not due to report to the public until end of 2010 or longer.

    January 2009: (Science Daily) nanoscale Origami from DNA. Harvard University scientist reports “We can now build a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Functional devices should be possible.”

    (Actually, somebody already has built a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Eight years earlier in ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2000, 12 No. 24. December 15, “Silica Nanotubes and Nanofiber Array,” Dr. Wang describes various silicon based nano tubes that are used in nanotechnology. These are very, very small machines, to small to be seen with the naked eye, which can self assemble into larger machines. Currently these machines are being utilized in SencilTM technology by USC and licensed to Hewlett Packard and other companies. Note the shapes of Nano – Claw, Chinese Lantern, and tongued silicon tubes. These shapes are significant for all Chicken Little students because the same or similar shapes have been observed in micro photographs of materials removed form humans with anomalous Morgellons-like conditions.

    January 2009 – present: Obama Administration continues aforementioned policies of previous administrations. The consciousness that deploys aerial spraying operations against the American population does not seem to be much affected by the change in administration.

    March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the ‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans.

    June 2009: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) develops a text on the Guidelines for Advanced Nano Materials Exposure and Toxicology. It states that the document and toxicological risk assessments on advanced nano materials will be completed in 2013.

    June 2009: (6/11/2009) director-General Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization made the declaration of a Phase 6 “Pandemic emergency” regarding the spread of H1N1 Influenza.

    June 2009: Studies by College of Environmental Science and engineering, Ocean University, Qingdao, China show that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interaction with proteins and enzymes, demonstrating these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. These results confirm the findings of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger in USA:

    Wang, Z., Shao, J., Li, Fl, Gao, D., and B. Xing. “Absorption and Inhalation of Acetylcholinesterse by Different Nanoparticles.” College of Environmental Science and engineering. Ocean University of China. Qingdao, China. Chemical Sensitivity Network.

    © June 19, 2009. Recent studies conducted by the College of Environmental Sciences and engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China (Z. Wang, et. al.) have shown that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interactions with proteins and enzymes.

    Acetylcholinestease (AchE) is a key enzyme present in the blood, brain, and nervous system. Zang et al report significant results of absorption and inhibition of AChE by specific nanoparticle, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and single-walled carbon nanotubes, showing that these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity.

    July 2009: CIA Director Panetta briefs Congress about a secret CIA program never disclosed regarding surveillance and torture, running allegedly “from 2001 until the present.” Congressional investigation may or may not be forthcoming.

    September 2009: Reuters reported Verichip was given two exclusive patents for biosensors that detect viruses. They will be used as implantable virus detection systems in humans, and will combine with Verichips implantable human radio frequency device to track humans. The scope of this effort is made clear by the University of California – Industry Homeland Security Network notice 9/3/2009 about biological countermeasures, available at http://www.ucdiscoverygrang.org/homelandsecurity/hsmissionAreas/Biological.htm which says that smart dust sensors for removal of surveillance and detection of a variety of chemical and biological agents are the focus of programs at a variety of American institutions.


    “SMART DUST” is a generic name for systems that combine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and advanced communications systems (microelectomechanical sensors, or MEMS) for a variety of purposes. The online dictionary Wikipedia as of 2009 defines “smart dust” as “hypothetical” (it’s just an idea, we don’t have it yet).

    And yet, on its website, the company DUST NETWORKS writes: Dust Networks, the leader in standards-based intelligent wireless sensor networking (WSN), provides ultra low-power, highly reliable embedded systems to the world’s leading sensor manufacturers – market visionaries who recognize that “smart dust” embedded inside their sensors is the star of a paradigm shift in their market.

    The independent documentary film maker TANKER ENEMY has made a number of short You- Tube videos describing smart dust and showing its deployment over populated areas, including

    “Smart Dust in the Drinking Water, “ http://ww.youtube.com/v/ouQCSZ8MY2s&hl=it_IT&fs=1&ap=%252fmt%3D18%22%3E%C/ param%3Cparam

    “Smart Dust is Already in Our Environment,” http://tankerenemy.blogspot.com/2009/11/exposure-to-aerial-emissions-of-nano.html and ‘hildegarde staninger interview, parts one, two, and three (Out There TV) http://www.youtube.com/watc?v=JchfWlqbVxw&featrue-=related

    If that isn’t sufficiently convincing as to the reality of smart dust in our current and future lives, you can also check out Major Scott Dickson, U.S. Air Force, in his April 2007 Blue Horizon Paper a the Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College: ENABELING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE: THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST.


    “SMART DUST” is way past the “hypothetical” stage. It is increasingly a hidden facet of modern life.

    September 2009: Dr. Staninger, in presentation to the National Registry of Environmental Professionals of her findings regarding advanced nano materials and their observations in humans, warn: “Mankind is at the initiation point of determining the toxicological mechanisms from exposure to advanced nano microbic materials.”

    October 2009: History Channel presents a documentary entitled “Weather Weapons.” The documentary describes chemtrails and aerial spraying operations since World War II.

    December 2009: Morgellons Research Foundation, main steam information clearinghouse; for Morgellons patients, lists more than fifteen thousand humans reporting Morgellons symptoms in its database. In an online radio interview (2006), Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported an estimate of 60,000 symptom bearers in the USA, 100,000 world wide. Databases in Italy have estimated their population to have 5 per day new case, thus 1,825 new cases per year since 2006.


    In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support form private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration.

    December 2009: Preparation for the Winter Solstice 2009, Return of the Light:

    Early efforts underway to develop countermeasures hold real promise. It may really become possible to deactivate and/or mitigate this new modern assault upon our freedom to evolve our bioelectric and genetic capacities without the presence of un-invited parasitic-like machines in our bodies. Ultra-modern and ancient natural healing methods are being applied in far scattered corners of the earth, as we the people begin to realize this is actually happening NOW in many parts of the planet. Our bodies are reacting to it, and it is beginning to look like we may all live downstream of this “stuff” already.

    None of these space age technologies that are the new whiz-bang toys of aerial spray operations are essentially evil. They each have wonderful life-enhancing applications for which they could be used. It is only a matter of true intent and counter intent. We just need them to be programmed and regulated by a consciousness that values LIFE, that’s ALL.

    May the Return of the Light – bring purification to even the darkest corners of human consciousness.

    May we of the nations, tribes, and families find leaders who don’t want to remain silent and profess ignorance when the people are sprayed without permission; may we the people find the courage to defend our future generations, even if at a cost of one family at a time against this war upon the most beautiful creation in all the galaxies – LIFE.

    Ben Colodzin December 2009


    1. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP)

    2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025

    © October 18, 2006 (www.staningerreport.com)

    2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Fields in the Home, Workplace and Environment. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP)

    2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 ©

    October 18, 2006. (www.staningerreport.com)

    3. Staninger, Hildegarde. Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2007 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. NREP,

    P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © September 6, 2007. (www.staningerreport.com)

    4. www.rense.com Morgellon’s Radio Shows # 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 (Chem Trail &

    Morgellons © 2006 and 2007

    Radio Interviews of Jeff Rense with Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Rahim Karjoo, Dr. Edward Spencer, and Dr. Michael Castle and Morgellon’s Individuals.

    5. www.sciechimiche.com RAI Television show Rebus discussing Chem Trails, Morgellons, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s research and other related discoveries © 2007.

    6. www.cliffordcornicom.com Collection of Special Topic Research Projects and Papers on Chem Trails, Weather Modification and other related topics. © 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009

    7. http://www.luxefaire.com/devilvision/appxhtml/BappendixparticulatesB.html

    Appendix B: First Navy Particulate Patent, Barium Definition, HAARP and Con Trails

    (Chem Trails). US Application Number: US19774000490610 August 12, 1975 / July 22, 1974. Applicant: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. US Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Further referenced patents: US1619183* 3/1927 Bradner et. al; US2045865* 6/1936 Morely; US259188* 4/1952 Willcox: US3531310* 9/1970 Goodspeed et al. Production of Improved Metal Oxide Pigment; and USR0015771 * 2/1924 Savage (* some details unavailable).

    8. US Patent 4,686,605 Eastland, Bernard J. Assignee: APTI, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) January 10, 1985. Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and /or magnetosphere (HAARP).

    9. www.flyaria.com/documents/html/mission/crres/cr.htm NASA Press Kit (CRRES Press Kit) Combined Release and Radiation Effect Satellite (CRRES), NASA, Atlas I (Atlas/Centar- 69) Launch Vehicle. © July 1990




    11. http://us.mc826.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&... Dr. R. Michael Castle. The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth ~An Environmental Impact Overview~ updated 11/12/2007

    12 http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp_dangers.htm HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies by Carol Sterritt. © 12/2/2008.

    13. http://amphibiaweb.org/declines/ChemCon.html Chemical Contaminants © May 14, 2008

    14. http.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Storm_Fury. Project Storm Fury US Navy © 1961-1983

    15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?Project_Cirrus. Project Cirrus US Navy and US Army Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research and US Air Force, and US Weather Bureau

    Chicken Little 101 (002)

    279KB ∙ PDF file


    A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades. This publication was done by her colleague, Dr. Colodzin and presented at the Health Freedom USA War Council 2010 meeting. It describes an important timeline of development of advanced nanomaterials. It also describes Dr. Staningers study on samples from 24 individuals that were sent to 4 different toxicology labs and found the filaments were not biologic, but were silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates weapons grade nanomaterials. Please note that polymethacrylates are stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent, and researchers like Dr Geanina Hagima have found large quantities of Silicone in the COVID 19 vials. These chemical characterizations are important clues as to the overlap of COVID19 bioweapon and the historical advanced nanomaterials called Morgellon’s. GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima The paper was named CHICKEN LITTLE 101: A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING AND THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THOSE WHO ARE DEPLOYING IT. by Benjamin Colodzin, Ph.D. I inserted some of the slides that were used for the original presentation. All of this research is important background information for our understanding of the current advanced nanomaterials warfare waged with the COVID19 bioweapons. Abstract: We are no longer children with an innocent hearts, who have read the story of Chicken Little and how the sky was falling. Well, the new Chicken Little who, graduated from Chicken Little 101 of the world knows that it is true – the sky is falling filled with not only just molecules of the air we breathe, but aerial emissions, smog, G.E.M.S., smart dust, smart motes, RDIF ID tags, and other debris. It is being sprayed day and night making “X’s, O’s, A’s and other grids in the sky over our global nations cities whether for weather modification, vector control, and/or aerial mass inoculations. Hear this - Chicken Little’s’ - of the world it is time for us to grow up and not be like the wooden boy Pinocchio. We must become real thinking scholars. All of us, who realize that any continuous exposure from even the simplistic contrails of a plane flying over head for long periods of time, will cause you to breathe “bad air,” that will eventually cause lung damage. It does not matter if it is carbon particles or nano composites laced with modified waterborne polyurethane (Styrofoam) mixed with modified food starch as an aerial dispersant. It can only make shiny white sticky goo in any healthy lung of an athlete, child, animal or even Chicken Little himself. This paper will outline and address aerial spraying through a time line that depicts the aerial emission events and ends with fellow human being’s thoughts on a simple form of consciousness for those who deploy aerial pollutive materials into our environment’s air, land and water ways. These were clinical samples from Morgellon’s victims And historic microscopic analysis of Chemtrail ingredients. A HISTORICAL TIME LINE OF AERIAL SPRAYING IN AND BY THE USA HOME OF THE RED, WHITE & BLUE and UNCLE SAM 1949: The first use of aerial spray operations under State and Federal mandates for vector control (insects, virus, etc.) beginning under the Geneva Act for Chemical and Biological Weapons of 1949. 1949 – Present: Many subsequent amendments to the above Act, and parallel U.S. Acts including the 2001 Patriot Act, 2001 Space Preservation Act, and the 2005 Weather Modification Research and Technology Act, have expanded the authority to conduct aerial spray operations over U.S. territory for a wide variety of purposes. 1954-1975: “Vietnam Era” U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia leads to military research, development, and deployment of aerial spray operations for a wide variety of military objectives on the largest scale yet seen, with the application of Agents Orange, Blue, White, Pink and Purple, etc., to millions of acres of Southeast Asian territory. 1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and low altitude aircraft. 1984: The U.S. documentary film SECRET AGENT, brings to U.S. audiences video footage of aerial spray operations in Vietnam and the United States, and interviews it includes with Vietnam veterans and their families about health consequences for people on the ground. 1988: Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush allegedly gives secret orders to the CIA to revive the long-dormant MK-ULTRA mind control division, which had supposedly been ordered shut down by Congress in 1963. This division will reportedly be involved with human-implantable chip technologies, according to allegations made by Dave Larson in 2009 (see Larson in the 2009 Timeline). 1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data as per START international agreements. 1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by Secretary of Defense, James Baker). 1992-93: TOS is supported by Clinton Administration 1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate. 2000: The Official Department of the Air Force response to queries about chemtrails reads in part: “the term “chemtrail” is a hoax that began circulating approximately three years ago which asserts the government is involved in a joint federal program of covert spraying of the public . . . There is no such thing as a “chemtrail” – the natural contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon. They pose no health hazard of any kind.” January 2000-July 2001: Clifford Carnicom receives the first official refusal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for his request to analyze sample(s) collected underneath an aerial spray operation (“Fibrous Substance Sample”; refusal letter requires 18 month response time form date of request. March 2001: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national) pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations, conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland. Cuppett alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was officially ratified by the U.S. January 2002: TOS is officially in force after Russia and Belarus complete their ratification processes. 2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA (Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other biological active materials in the samples collected. Note: The difference between a contrail and chemtrail is the time limit. Chemtrails last for long periods of time in the atmosphere/skies. 2004: First reports of an anomalous disease dubbed “Morgellons disease,” begin to surface. It is named “Morgellons” because its reported symptoms of fibers protruding from the skin are supposedly similar to symptoms reported in the 1600’s by a French physician named Morgellon. No one seems able to accurately diagnose what causes this mystery disease. 2004-2006: the U.S. Center for Disease Control says that patients reporting these symptoms are most likely suffering from “delusional parasitosis,” and recommends people suffering with Morgellons to be referred to an psychiatrist for mental evaluation. CDC maintains this posture for four years in the face of mounting criticism and contrary evidence. 2005: The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland. Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of specific chemical “chad materials.” 2006: Samples of fibers and other materials are removed and collected from 24 particpants, located in various global locations. All 24 participants are reported to have anomalous Morgellons-like symptoms. The samples were sent to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (Integrative Health Systems, LLC), and analyzed by four (4) independent laboratories. Initial findings determine that the fibers are silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates. The findings also reveal no biological substances are present. Subsequent findings from these and additional samples taken from individuals within a wide geographical area of distribution all indicate the presence of advanced nano materials (extremely small manufactured materials). The nano materials are found to contain elements of patented weapons-grade nano materials. These weapons grade nano technologies are found in fibers removed from lesions in humans, as well as in fibrous “cotton candy” like material collected on the ground and observed floating down through the sky after aerial spraying operation in Texas, USA. 2006-2008: Center for Disease Control continues to equate “Morgellons disease: with delusional parasitosis, and continues to recommend treatment by a psychiatrist. 2007: Allegations – not confirmed – of a new federal policy allowing vaccine makers immunity from prosecution for damages from aerial spray operations conducting vaccine research on American public without permission (under guise of pathogen/biological countermeasures Homeland Security program). 2007: “Under these (federal) acts and the current testing for pathogen countermeasures, the general public may be exposed to these countermeasures without permission for USDA Vector Control, Domestic Preparedness, and Weapons of Mass Destruction countermeasures.” (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger) 2008: Argonne Labs Midwest Center for Structural Genomics describes a protein structure they nickname “dragon protein” for its resemblance to a dragon’s head (molecular branding). A similar shape to this “dragon’s head” is revealed in the micrographs of fibers removed form lesions in patients with Morgellon’s symptoms (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s, private photomicrograph collection 2006 to present). 2008: The CDC changes its policy about Morgellons syndrome. It stops defining this syndrome as a sign of likely “delusional parasitosis,” and defines it as a condition of unknown origin, possibly associated with Lyme’s disease. CDC announces it is forming a working study group for Morgellons, not due to report to the public until end of 2010 or longer. January 2009: (Science Daily) nanoscale Origami from DNA. Harvard University scientist reports “We can now build a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Functional devices should be possible.” (Actually, somebody already has built a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Eight years earlier in ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2000, 12 No. 24. December 15, “Silica Nanotubes and Nanofiber Array,” Dr. Wang describes various silicon based nano tubes that are used in nanotechnology. These are very, very small machines, to small to be seen with the naked eye, which can self assemble into larger machines. Currently these machines are being utilized in SencilTM technology by USC and licensed to Hewlett Packard and other companies. Note the shapes of Nano – Claw, Chinese Lantern, and tongued silicon tubes. These shapes are significant for all Chicken Little students because the same or similar shapes have been observed in micro photographs of materials removed form humans with anomalous Morgellons-like conditions. January 2009 – present: Obama Administration continues aforementioned policies of previous administrations. The consciousness that deploys aerial spraying operations against the American population does not seem to be much affected by the change in administration. March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the ‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans. June 2009: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) develops a text on the Guidelines for Advanced Nano Materials Exposure and Toxicology. It states that the document and toxicological risk assessments on advanced nano materials will be completed in 2013. June 2009: (6/11/2009) director-General Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization made the declaration of a Phase 6 “Pandemic emergency” regarding the spread of H1N1 Influenza. June 2009: Studies by College of Environmental Science and engineering, Ocean University, Qingdao, China show that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interaction with proteins and enzymes, demonstrating these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. These results confirm the findings of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger in USA: Wang, Z., Shao, J., Li, Fl, Gao, D., and B. Xing. “Absorption and Inhalation of Acetylcholinesterse by Different Nanoparticles.” College of Environmental Science and engineering. Ocean University of China. Qingdao, China. Chemical Sensitivity Network. © June 19, 2009. Recent studies conducted by the College of Environmental Sciences and engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China (Z. Wang, et. al.) have shown that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interactions with proteins and enzymes. Acetylcholinestease (AchE) is a key enzyme present in the blood, brain, and nervous system. Zang et al report significant results of absorption and inhibition of AChE by specific nanoparticle, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and single-walled carbon nanotubes, showing that these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. July 2009: CIA Director Panetta briefs Congress about a secret CIA program never disclosed regarding surveillance and torture, running allegedly “from 2001 until the present.” Congressional investigation may or may not be forthcoming. September 2009: Reuters reported Verichip was given two exclusive patents for biosensors that detect viruses. They will be used as implantable virus detection systems in humans, and will combine with Verichips implantable human radio frequency device to track humans. The scope of this effort is made clear by the University of California – Industry Homeland Security Network notice 9/3/2009 about biological countermeasures, available at http://www.ucdiscoverygrang.org/homelandsecurity/hsmissionAreas/Biological.htm which says that smart dust sensors for removal of surveillance and detection of a variety of chemical and biological agents are the focus of programs at a variety of American institutions. “WHAT EXACTLY IS SMART DUST?” “SMART DUST” is a generic name for systems that combine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and advanced communications systems (microelectomechanical sensors, or MEMS) for a variety of purposes. The online dictionary Wikipedia as of 2009 defines “smart dust” as “hypothetical” (it’s just an idea, we don’t have it yet). And yet, on its website, the company DUST NETWORKS writes: Dust Networks, the leader in standards-based intelligent wireless sensor networking (WSN), provides ultra low-power, highly reliable embedded systems to the world’s leading sensor manufacturers – market visionaries who recognize that “smart dust” embedded inside their sensors is the star of a paradigm shift in their market. The independent documentary film maker TANKER ENEMY has made a number of short You- Tube videos describing smart dust and showing its deployment over populated areas, including “Smart Dust in the Drinking Water, “ http://ww.youtube.com/v/ouQCSZ8MY2s&hl=it_IT&fs=1&ap=%252fmt%3D18%22%3E%C/ param%3Cparam “Smart Dust is Already in Our Environment,” http://tankerenemy.blogspot.com/2009/11/exposure-to-aerial-emissions-of-nano.html and ‘hildegarde staninger interview, parts one, two, and three (Out There TV) http://www.youtube.com/watc?v=JchfWlqbVxw&featrue-=related If that isn’t sufficiently convincing as to the reality of smart dust in our current and future lives, you can also check out Major Scott Dickson, U.S. Air Force, in his April 2007 Blue Horizon Paper a the Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College: ENABELING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE: THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST. http://au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/est/bh_dickson.pdf “SMART DUST” is way past the “hypothetical” stage. It is increasingly a hidden facet of modern life. September 2009: Dr. Staninger, in presentation to the National Registry of Environmental Professionals of her findings regarding advanced nano materials and their observations in humans, warn: “Mankind is at the initiation point of determining the toxicological mechanisms from exposure to advanced nano microbic materials.” October 2009: History Channel presents a documentary entitled “Weather Weapons.” The documentary describes chemtrails and aerial spraying operations since World War II. December 2009: Morgellons Research Foundation, main steam information clearinghouse; for Morgellons patients, lists more than fifteen thousand humans reporting Morgellons symptoms in its database. In an online radio interview (2006), Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported an estimate of 60,000 symptom bearers in the USA, 100,000 world wide. Databases in Italy have estimated their population to have 5 per day new case, thus 1,825 new cases per year since 2006. December 2009: MEGA CORRUPTION SCANDAL AT THE WHO. In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support form private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration. December 2009: Preparation for the Winter Solstice 2009, Return of the Light: Early efforts underway to develop countermeasures hold real promise. It may really become possible to deactivate and/or mitigate this new modern assault upon our freedom to evolve our bioelectric and genetic capacities without the presence of un-invited parasitic-like machines in our bodies. Ultra-modern and ancient natural healing methods are being applied in far scattered corners of the earth, as we the people begin to realize this is actually happening NOW in many parts of the planet. Our bodies are reacting to it, and it is beginning to look like we may all live downstream of this “stuff” already. None of these space age technologies that are the new whiz-bang toys of aerial spray operations are essentially evil. They each have wonderful life-enhancing applications for which they could be used. It is only a matter of true intent and counter intent. We just need them to be programmed and regulated by a consciousness that values LIFE, that’s ALL. May the Return of the Light – bring purification to even the darkest corners of human consciousness. May we of the nations, tribes, and families find leaders who don’t want to remain silent and profess ignorance when the people are sprayed without permission; may we the people find the courage to defend our future generations, even if at a cost of one family at a time against this war upon the most beautiful creation in all the galaxies – LIFE. Ben Colodzin December 2009 REFERENCES 1. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © October 18, 2006 (www.staningerreport.com) 2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Fields in the Home, Workplace and Environment. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © October 18, 2006. (www.staningerreport.com) 3. Staninger, Hildegarde. Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2007 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © September 6, 2007. (www.staningerreport.com) 4. www.rense.com Morgellon’s Radio Shows # 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 (Chem Trail & Morgellons © 2006 and 2007 Radio Interviews of Jeff Rense with Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Rahim Karjoo, Dr. Edward Spencer, and Dr. Michael Castle and Morgellon’s Individuals. 5. www.sciechimiche.com RAI Television show Rebus discussing Chem Trails, Morgellons, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s research and other related discoveries © 2007. 6. www.cliffordcornicom.com Collection of Special Topic Research Projects and Papers on Chem Trails, Weather Modification and other related topics. © 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 7. http://www.luxefaire.com/devilvision/appxhtml/BappendixparticulatesB.html Appendix B: First Navy Particulate Patent, Barium Definition, HAARP and Con Trails (Chem Trails). US Application Number: US19774000490610 August 12, 1975 / July 22, 1974. Applicant: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. US Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Further referenced patents: US1619183* 3/1927 Bradner et. al; US2045865* 6/1936 Morely; US259188* 4/1952 Willcox: US3531310* 9/1970 Goodspeed et al. Production of Improved Metal Oxide Pigment; and USR0015771 * 2/1924 Savage (* some details unavailable). 8. US Patent 4,686,605 Eastland, Bernard J. Assignee: APTI, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) January 10, 1985. Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and /or magnetosphere (HAARP). 9. www.flyaria.com/documents/html/mission/crres/cr.htm NASA Press Kit (CRRES Press Kit) Combined Release and Radiation Effect Satellite (CRRES), NASA, Atlas I (Atlas/Centar- 69) Launch Vehicle. © July 1990 10. http://lookupabove.tripod.com 2007 CHEMTRAILS OVER AMERICA 11. http://us.mc826.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&... Dr. R. Michael Castle. The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth ~An Environmental Impact Overview~ updated 11/12/2007 12 http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp_dangers.htm HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies by Carol Sterritt. © 12/2/2008. 13. http://amphibiaweb.org/declines/ChemCon.html Chemical Contaminants © May 14, 2008 14. http.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Storm_Fury. Project Storm Fury US Navy © 1961-1983 15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?Project_Cirrus. Project Cirrus US Navy and US Army Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research and US Air Force, and US Weather Bureau Chicken Little 101 (002) 279KB ∙ PDF file Download https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/a-brief-primer-on-the-history-of?triedRedirect=true
    A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons
    Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 16378 Views
  • Republican Bill Eliminates Covid ‘Vaccine’ Maker Protections to Unleash Wave of Lawsuits
    Frank BergmanSeptember 28, 2024 - 12:23 pm

    A new Republican bill seeks to eliminate the protections afforded to vaccine manufacturers that prevent them from being sued for killing and injuring citizens with Covid mRNA shots.

    The legislation was proposed by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ).

    Gosar’s bill seeks to “amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers and for other purposes.”

    Under the bill, all vaccine makers’ waiver of liability would end in a sweeping proposed legal change in the form of a rejection of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act.

    The legislation is titled, “End the Vaccine Carveout Act.”

    Gosar, a major supporter of President Donald Trump, represents a vast strip of heavily rural western Arizona that reaches the fringe western edges of the Phoenix suburbs.

    The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

    The NCVIA was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on November 14, 1986.

    The NCVIA’s goals were to:

    Ensure a stable supply of vaccines
    Stabilize vaccine costs
    Provide a cost-effective way to resolve vaccine injury claims
    Protect vaccine manufacturers from financial liability
    The VICP is a no-fault alternative to the traditional U.S. legal system for resolving vaccine injury claims.

    Individuals who believe they were injured by a covered vaccine can file a petition with the VICP.

    The VICP’s process involves the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters.

    The system provides compensation for medical care, rehabilitation, counseling, vocational training, pain and suffering, and diminished earning capacity.

    If a vaccine-related death occurs, surviving family members receive $250,000.

    The program is funded through the collection of a 75-cent excise tax on vaccine manufacturers for every dose of those vaccines that Congress includes in the program before they are allowed to pursue a civil action for an amount greater than $1,000.

    The VICP was created after lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and healthcare providers threatened to reduce vaccination rates and cause vaccine shortages.

    So, under this current law, persons injured from a vaccine must first seek and either accept or reject compensation from the VICP.

    Gosar’s package of documentation associated with the bill includes research into why the current laws create too many victims, compromised science, state-backed profit grabs, and more.

    Many people adversely affected by vaccines have no options.

    In civil cases outside of the VICP, for example, a plaintiff cannot earn compensation for certain “unavoidable” injuries.

    Additionally, any case that rests “solely” on a manufacturer’s “failure to provide direct warnings to the injured party” will simply be tossed out by the judge.

    Or on the contrary, a plaintiff must prove that the vaccine manufacturer either committed “fraud,” or intentionally withheld “information relating to the safety or efficacy of vaccines.”

    If a pharmaceutical company “failed to exercise due care” in following federal law regulating vaccines, the claim must be backed up “by clear and convincing evidence.”

    The current legislation from a consumer protection lens creates a nearly impossible bar to surpass for many classes of plaintiffs and places limitations on those who do suffer from injury or loss of life of a loved one, for example.

    Problematically, Gosar’s bill notes that “There is an unfortunate lack of science regarding the safety of vaccines.”

    For this claim of a lack of science behind the vaccines, Gosar’s bill includes a citation to The Institute of Medicine (IOM), renamed the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).

    NAM is a nonprofit composed of top medical and health professionals that was founded to assist the U.S. government.

    The organization published a report in 2011 entitled “Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality.”

    According to the bill’s supporting documentation, “Although federal agencies insist that vaccines are safe, there is an unfortunate dearth of science relating to studies exonerating vaccines from causing dangerous side effects.”

    Gosar’s bill calls on lawmakers to “end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers.”

    If passed, certain sections of the current law would be amended.

    It would allow full litigation for damages against pharmaceutical companies manufacturing vaccines.

    As a result, Covid vaccine manufacturers would face a wave of lawsuits from those injured by mRNA shots and the families of those who were killed by the shots.

    READ MORE – Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases

    Republican Bill Eliminates Covid ‘Vaccine’ Maker Protections to Unleash Wave of Lawsuits Frank BergmanSeptember 28, 2024 - 12:23 pm A new Republican bill seeks to eliminate the protections afforded to vaccine manufacturers that prevent them from being sued for killing and injuring citizens with Covid mRNA shots. The legislation was proposed by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ). Gosar’s bill seeks to “amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers and for other purposes.” Under the bill, all vaccine makers’ waiver of liability would end in a sweeping proposed legal change in the form of a rejection of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act. The legislation is titled, “End the Vaccine Carveout Act.” Gosar, a major supporter of President Donald Trump, represents a vast strip of heavily rural western Arizona that reaches the fringe western edges of the Phoenix suburbs. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The NCVIA was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on November 14, 1986. The NCVIA’s goals were to: Ensure a stable supply of vaccines Stabilize vaccine costs Provide a cost-effective way to resolve vaccine injury claims Protect vaccine manufacturers from financial liability The VICP is a no-fault alternative to the traditional U.S. legal system for resolving vaccine injury claims. Individuals who believe they were injured by a covered vaccine can file a petition with the VICP. The VICP’s process involves the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters. The system provides compensation for medical care, rehabilitation, counseling, vocational training, pain and suffering, and diminished earning capacity. If a vaccine-related death occurs, surviving family members receive $250,000. The program is funded through the collection of a 75-cent excise tax on vaccine manufacturers for every dose of those vaccines that Congress includes in the program before they are allowed to pursue a civil action for an amount greater than $1,000. The VICP was created after lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and healthcare providers threatened to reduce vaccination rates and cause vaccine shortages. So, under this current law, persons injured from a vaccine must first seek and either accept or reject compensation from the VICP. Gosar’s package of documentation associated with the bill includes research into why the current laws create too many victims, compromised science, state-backed profit grabs, and more. Many people adversely affected by vaccines have no options. In civil cases outside of the VICP, for example, a plaintiff cannot earn compensation for certain “unavoidable” injuries. Additionally, any case that rests “solely” on a manufacturer’s “failure to provide direct warnings to the injured party” will simply be tossed out by the judge. Or on the contrary, a plaintiff must prove that the vaccine manufacturer either committed “fraud,” or intentionally withheld “information relating to the safety or efficacy of vaccines.” If a pharmaceutical company “failed to exercise due care” in following federal law regulating vaccines, the claim must be backed up “by clear and convincing evidence.” The current legislation from a consumer protection lens creates a nearly impossible bar to surpass for many classes of plaintiffs and places limitations on those who do suffer from injury or loss of life of a loved one, for example. Problematically, Gosar’s bill notes that “There is an unfortunate lack of science regarding the safety of vaccines.” For this claim of a lack of science behind the vaccines, Gosar’s bill includes a citation to The Institute of Medicine (IOM), renamed the National Academy of Medicine (NAM). NAM is a nonprofit composed of top medical and health professionals that was founded to assist the U.S. government. The organization published a report in 2011 entitled “Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality.” According to the bill’s supporting documentation, “Although federal agencies insist that vaccines are safe, there is an unfortunate dearth of science relating to studies exonerating vaccines from causing dangerous side effects.” Gosar’s bill calls on lawmakers to “end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers.” If passed, certain sections of the current law would be amended. It would allow full litigation for damages against pharmaceutical companies manufacturing vaccines. As a result, Covid vaccine manufacturers would face a wave of lawsuits from those injured by mRNA shots and the families of those who were killed by the shots. READ MORE – Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases https://slaynews.com/news/republican-bill-eliminates-covid-vaccine-maker-protections-unleash-wave-lawsuits/
    Republican Bill Eliminates Covid 'Vaccine' Maker Protections to Unleash Wave of Lawsuits - Slay News
    A new Republican bill seeks to eliminate the protections afforded to vaccine manufacturers that prevent them from being sued for killing and injuring citizens with Covid mRNA shots.
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    **Discover the enchanting sounds of classical guitar with Adrian Danaila!** This playlist features mesmerizing performances by Adrian Danaila, accompanied by the talented soprano Ana Maria Miga. Enjoy a collection of beautiful pieces that blend classical guitar and soprano vocals, creating a unique and captivating musical experience. Perfect for relaxing, studying, or simply appreciating the artistry of classical music. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more amazing content!

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    (2) The Prayer (Short Instrumental). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__Q4hBb1bqY.
    (3) The Best of Liszt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=salrwSVWpC4.
    (4) YouTube Music. https://music.youtube.com/.
    (5) Music - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-9-kyTW8ZkZNDHQJ6FgpwQ.
    (6) YouTube Music. https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCStaiwu-FAgp_RC_tBiLh9A.
    (7) undefined. http://bit.ly/ChopinLiszt.
    (8) undefined. http://bit.ly/PeacefulClassicalPiano.
    (9) undefined. https://lnk.to/100PiecesClassical.
    (10) undefined. https://lnk.to/StoreHalidon.
    (11) White Christmas Classical Guitar Shorts Soprano opera music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzvl7lPA-JU.
    (12) Silent night classical guitar soprano voice shorts Ana maria Miga .... https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8mz2qt.
    (13) * Silent Night #Soprano #opera #classicalguitar #christmas *. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u_ZUDZRQBE.
    (14) shorts by adrian danaila classical guitar - Dailymotion. https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x7lcth.
    (15) #classicalguitarshorts #adriandanaila #piano #bass - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@classicalguitarshorts.
    (16) adrian.danaila - SoMee Social. https://somee.social/adrian.danaila.
    (17) undefined. https://vitamag.ro/.
    (18) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpAF2-5YEkE1.
    (19) undefined. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8k7v9o.
    Sure! Here's a description and some hashtags to help boost views for your playlist: --- **Description:** 🎸 **Discover the enchanting sounds of classical guitar with Adrian Danaila!** 🎶 This playlist features mesmerizing performances by Adrian Danaila, accompanied by the talented soprano Ana Maria Miga. Enjoy a collection of beautiful pieces that blend classical guitar and soprano vocals, creating a unique and captivating musical experience. Perfect for relaxing, studying, or simply appreciating the artistry of classical music. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more amazing content! **Hashtags:** #AdrianDanaila #ClassicalGuitar #AnaMariaMiga #GuitarMusic #Soprano #ClassicalMusic #MusicPlaylist #YouTubeMusic #GuitarShorts #RelaxingMusic #StudyMusic #InstrumentalMusic #Opera #MusicLovers #YouTube --- Feel free to adjust the description and hashtags to better fit your style or preferences! Source: Conversation with Copilot, 24.09.2024 (1) How to create and edit playlists in YouTube Music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxAnvOZzm9o. (2) The Prayer (Short Instrumental). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__Q4hBb1bqY. (3) The Best of Liszt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=salrwSVWpC4. (4) YouTube Music. https://music.youtube.com/. (5) Music - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-9-kyTW8ZkZNDHQJ6FgpwQ. (6) YouTube Music. https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCStaiwu-FAgp_RC_tBiLh9A. (7) undefined. http://bit.ly/ChopinLiszt. (8) undefined. http://bit.ly/PeacefulClassicalPiano. (9) undefined. https://lnk.to/100PiecesClassical. (10) undefined. https://lnk.to/StoreHalidon. (11) White Christmas Classical Guitar Shorts Soprano opera music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzvl7lPA-JU. (12) Silent night classical guitar soprano voice shorts Ana maria Miga .... https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8mz2qt. (13) * Silent Night #Soprano #opera #classicalguitar #christmas *🎄. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u_ZUDZRQBE. (14) shorts by adrian danaila classical guitar - Dailymotion. https://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/x7lcth. (15) #classicalguitarshorts #adriandanaila #piano #bass - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@classicalguitarshorts. (16) adrian.danaila - SoMee Social. https://somee.social/adrian.danaila. (17) undefined. https://vitamag.ro/. (18) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpAF2-5YEkE1. (19) undefined. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8k7v9o.
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    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
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  • Here's a description for your video:

    "Experience 'Silent Night' with a beautiful soprano voice and classical guitar. Perfect for Christmas! #anamariamiga #adriandanaila #shorts #SilentNight #Soprano #Opera #Christmas"

    Does this work for you?

    Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/17/2024
    (1) How to Play Silent Night (Easy Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9vK3c9WUyg.
    (2) Silent Night | Classical Guitar | Pete Smyser. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX3ouFWM2r0.
    (3) Silent Night - SOPRANO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7h4xJZCl8Y.
    (4) Silent Night - Michael Lucarelli (classical guitar) - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POvBX-tJlsQ.
    (5) Silent Night - Soprano - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lo4aq_Gd_0.
    (6) Silent night classical guitar soprano voice shorts Ana maria Miga .... https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8mz2qt.
    (7) Five fantastic versions of ‘Silent Night’ - The World from PRX. https://theworld.org/stories/2014/12/17/five-fantastic-versions-silent-night.
    (8) Silent Night (Duet for Soprano and Alto Solo) - Sheet Music Plus. https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/en/product/silent-night-duet-for-soprano-and-alto-solo-21379111.html.
    (9) undefined. https://smyser.com.
    (10) undefined. https://youtu.be/sppH4Wg2D-gTenor.
    (11) undefined. https://youtu.be/0cy1JVpOqO8Bass.
    (12) undefined. https://youtu.be/QpbkmTxm6eASoprano.
    (13) undefined. https://youtu.be/8lo4aq_Gd_0Score.
    (14) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpAF2-5YEkE1.
    Here's a description for your video: "Experience 'Silent Night' with a beautiful soprano voice and classical guitar. Perfect for Christmas! 🎶✨🌟 #anamariamiga #adriandanaila #shorts #SilentNight #Soprano #Opera #Christmas" Does this work for you? 😊 Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/17/2024 (1) How to Play Silent Night (Easy Fingerstyle Guitar Lesson). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9vK3c9WUyg. (2) Silent Night | Classical Guitar | Pete Smyser. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX3ouFWM2r0. (3) Silent Night - SOPRANO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7h4xJZCl8Y. (4) Silent Night - Michael Lucarelli (classical guitar) - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POvBX-tJlsQ. (5) Silent Night - Soprano - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lo4aq_Gd_0. (6) Silent night classical guitar soprano voice shorts Ana maria Miga .... https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8mz2qt. (7) Five fantastic versions of ‘Silent Night’ - The World from PRX. https://theworld.org/stories/2014/12/17/five-fantastic-versions-silent-night. (8) Silent Night (Duet for Soprano and Alto Solo) - Sheet Music Plus. https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/en/product/silent-night-duet-for-soprano-and-alto-solo-21379111.html. (9) undefined. https://smyser.com. (10) undefined. https://youtu.be/sppH4Wg2D-gTenor. (11) undefined. https://youtu.be/0cy1JVpOqO8Bass. (12) undefined. https://youtu.be/QpbkmTxm6eASoprano. (13) undefined. https://youtu.be/8lo4aq_Gd_0Score. (14) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpAF2-5YEkE1.
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  • "ভাগ্য যদি প্রথমেই লিখা হয়ে থাকে তাহলে দোয়া দ্বারা কি লাভ হবে?"
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    "ভাগ্য যদি প্রথমেই লিখা হয়ে থাকে তাহলে দোয়া দ্বারা কি লাভ হবে?" আমি উত্তর দিলাম- হয়তো ভাগ্যের মধ্যে এটা লেখা আছে যে, যা পাবে দোয়া করার দ্বারাই পাবে! -মাওলানা তারিক জামিল 🩵 #Allah #islamicquotes #dua #islamicreminders #islamicquotes #muslimsupremacy #islamicpost #mehedionion
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    **Adrian Dănăilă - Classical Guitar Masterpiece**

    Immerse yourself in the enchanting sounds of classical guitar with Adrian Dănăilă's latest performance! Watch as he brings a timeless piece to life with his incredible skill and passion. Don't forget to like, comment, and share to support amazing music!

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    (5) Sara pe deal : classical Guitar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8podgFGvUc.
    (6) O ce veste minunata -Adrian Danaila guitar -Ana Maria Miga Classical guitar O ce veste minunata Adr. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8k7v9o.
    (7) #classicalguitarshorts #adriandanaila #piano #bass - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@classicalguitarshorts.
    (8) Adrian Danaila #ClassicalGuitar #voice - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/c/AdrianadriandanailaguitarD%C4%83n%C4%83il%C4%83.
    (9) Colinde Romanesti #Classical Guitar shorts Adrian Danaila - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpMuVCvAnTQ.
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    --- 🎸 **Adrian Dănăilă - Classical Guitar Masterpiece** 🎶 Immerse yourself in the enchanting sounds of classical guitar with Adrian Dănăilă's latest performance! 🌟 Watch as he brings a timeless piece to life with his incredible skill and passion. Don't forget to like, comment, and share to support amazing music! 🎼✨ #ClassicalGuitar #AdrianDănăilă #MusicLovers #GuitarSolo #YouTubeShorts #MusicianLife #Guitarist #ClassicalMusic #MusicPerformance --- Feel free to tweak it to better fit your style or add any additional details! (1) How to Add a Description on YouTube Shorts (Best Method). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_VOKCWTQdk. (2) 10 YOUTUBE SHORTS HACKS | Unlocking Rapid Growth For Your Channel with .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agC7mcC7WoQ. (3) 14 easy tips to get more views on YouTube Shorts. https://uppbeat.io/blog/youtube/youtube-shorts-views. (4) Balada Fulgerată de Vânt Classical Guitar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8EbFh49r4s. (5) Sara pe deal : classical Guitar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8podgFGvUc. (6) O ce veste minunata -Adrian Danaila guitar -Ana Maria Miga Classical guitar O ce veste minunata Adr. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8k7v9o. (7) #classicalguitarshorts #adriandanaila #piano #bass - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@classicalguitarshorts. (8) Adrian Danaila #ClassicalGuitar #voice - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/c/AdrianadriandanailaguitarD%C4%83n%C4%83il%C4%83. (9) Colinde Romanesti #Classical Guitar shorts Adrian Danaila - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpMuVCvAnTQ. (10) undefined. https://www.facebook.com/adriandanail. (11) undefined. https://twitter.com/adriandanaila20. (12) undefined. https://www.dailymotion.com/adriandan. (13) undefined. https://www.tiktok.com/@adriandanaila. (14) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e6UZ. (15) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cIZZ. (16) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/@classsicalgu. (17) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C96My. (18) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezm_u. (19) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ir-IgY. (20) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8u_ZUD. (21) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PqpmwH. (22) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SNC_u7. (23) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9qVRpv. (24) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtsOI. (25) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45ki6. (26) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu6pI. (27) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2W9J. (28) undefined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH6C1.
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  • Story at-a-glance
    lack of vaccine safety studies
    In a stunning reversal, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, widely regarded as the godfather of modern vaccinology, has co-authored a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine1 (NEJM) acknowledging significant gaps in vaccine safety research and calling for increased funding to address these shortcomings.

    This admission comes after decades of the medical establishment insisting that vaccines are among the most thoroughly studied and safest medical interventions. In the paper, titled "Funding Postauthorization Vaccine-Safety Science,"2 they make a series of revelations that validate concerns long raised by vaccine safety advocates. In a commentary, Aaron Siri, managing partner of New York law firm Siri & Glimstad, writes:3

    "Wow. After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines are the most well studied products on the planet, they just penned an article admitting precisely the opposite.

    They just admitted vaccines are not properly studied — neither prelicensure nor post-licensure. They admitted, for example, 'prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes [and] follow-up durations' and that 'there are not resources earmarked for postauthorization safety studies.'"

    Key Admissions Shine Light on Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies

    One of the most striking admissions in the paper is the acknowledgment that prelicensure clinical trials for vaccines are inadequate for assessing safety. The authors state:4

    "Postauthorization studies are needed to fully characterize the safety profile of a new vaccine, since prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes, follow-up durations, and population heterogeneity. It is critical to examine adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) that have not been detected in clinical trials, to ascertain whether they are causally or coincidentally related to vaccination."

    This contradicts previous claims by vaccine proponents that clinical trials provide robust evidence of safety prior to approval. The admission that these trials have limited follow-up periods is particularly notable, as critics have long argued that potential long-term effects of vaccines are not adequately studied before they are approved and recommended for widespread use.

    "Let me translate," Siri writes, "the clinical trials relied upon to license childhood vaccines are useless with regard to safety since they virtually never have a placebo control, typically review safety for days or weeks after injection, and often have far too few participants to measure anything of value."5

    The NEJM paper goes on to reveal that there is currently no dedicated funding stream for post-approval vaccine safety studies in the U.S. The authors write: "Although the ACIP [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] acknowledges the need, there are currently no resources earmarked for postauthorization safety studies beyond annual appropriations, which must be approved by Congress each year."6

    This lack of consistent, dedicated funding is one reason why many important safety questions remain unanswered years or even decades after vaccines have been introduced. The authors admit that "Progress in vaccine-safety science has understandably been slow," citing delayed epidemiological evidence and incomplete understanding of biological mechanisms as key factors.7 But as Siri notes:8

    "Shameless to pretend you have not for decades ignored or attacked those calling for these studies while pretending a mountain of such studies showing the foregoing don't already exist … [and] shameless to pretend parent groups have not been yelling about this [funding] issue for decades only to be ignored and attacked."

    'Not Enough Evidence' to Determine if 76% of Vaccine-Related Health Outcomes Are Linked to Shots

    In a particularly revealing passage, the paper states, "In 234 reviews of various vaccines and health outcomes conducted from 1991 to 2012, the IOM found inadequate evidence to prove or disprove causation in 179 (76%) of the relationships it explored, illustrating the need for more rigorous science."9

    This statistic is astounding — for over three-quarters of vaccine-related health outcomes examined by the Institute of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine), there was not enough evidence to determine whether vaccines were causally linked or not. This flies in the face of repeated assurances that vaccine safety is settled science.

    The paper also notes that even for known adverse reactions to vaccines, the biological mechanisms are not understood. This includes serious conditions like Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with influenza vaccines and myocarditis linked to mRNA COVID-19 shots.

    Experts have long been calling for unbiased research in understanding the impact of vaccinations on children's health, but the reality is that public health agencies and vaccine proponents have not been interested in learning the truth. Siri writes:10

    "If they are really interested in the truth about what injuries vaccines cause and the rate at which these injuries occur, then they should welcome convening a bipartisan panel which could first review all the very concerning studies and hard data that already exists on this topic (often by scientists not on pharma's dole) and we could design additional studies together and have them run in the open so everybody has to live with the result.

    … Plotkin and company should welcome studies which can show vaccines have not contributed to the rise in chronic childhood disease (many of which are immune mediated diseases) from 12% of children in the early 1980s (when CDC recommended 7 routine childhood injections) to over 50% of children now (when CDC recommends over 90 routine childhood injections).

    And I think they do welcome such studies if they can assure that the outcome would show vaccines do not cause these harms. Alas, the reality is that (as they know) studies showing vaccines contribute to this rise already exist. But their goal, in any event, is not to really study safety. Rather it is to prove their prior assumption that vaccines are safe and harms are 'rare.'"

    Plotkin and his co-authors, while acknowledging significant gaps in vaccine safety science, propose increased funding by tapping into the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) trust fund. They note that this fund, generated by an excise tax on vaccines, has a surplus of $4.3 billion as of April 2023.11

    However, it's important to note the authors' stated motivations for proposing these changes. They express concern about "widespread vaccine hesitancy" and argue that slow progress in vaccine safety science has "adversely affected vaccine acceptance." In other words, their primary goal is increasing public confidence in vaccines — not critically examining safety issues with an open mind.

    Failure to Admit Decades of Lies, Gaslighting and Fraud

    Siri notes that the admissions in the NEJM paper directly contradict decades of assurances from the medical establishment. He writes:12

    "For decades, the medical community insisted vaccines are the most thoroughly studied product ever; for example, Dr. Paul Offit said, 'I think we should be proud of vaccines as arguably the safest, best tested things we put in our body.'"

    But, Siri argues, parents of vaccine-injured children and others who raised concerns about inadequate safety studies were "shunned and attacked by the medical community and health agencies" for years. The paper is a belated acknowledgment of what these advocates have been saying all along, albeit with dubious motives behind it:13

    "Plotkin and his disciples realize they can't cast voodoo on the public. They can't hide the truth. So, their only option is to try and co-op the truth they have lied about for decades by now admitting that the studies to show vaccines are safe do not exist.

    But in making that admission, they conveniently fail to admit that for decades they lied, gaslit, defrauded (and I don't use that word lightly) the public by claiming that vaccines are probably the most thoroughly safety tested products on the planet and that people should rest assured, no stone on vaccine safety was left unturned.

    … Their real agenda is plain, and it is not to study vaccine safety, but rather to confirm that which they already believe. This is crystal clear from the fact that, while their article admits the studies have not been done, they write in the same breath that serious vaccine harms are 'rare.' But if the studies have not been done, how do they know that?"

    Siri also points out that the authors ignore existing studies that have found evidence of harm from vaccines or their components.14 He argues that truly unbiased research would need to consider this body of evidence rather than starting from the assumption that serious adverse events are rare.

    Study Shows Vaccinated Children Have Higher Rates of Disease

    A study conducted by Dr. Paul Thomas and James Lyons-Weiler examined health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children over a 10-year period within a pediatric practice. Dr. Thomas had his medical license suspended due to his advocacy of informed consent for vaccinations.

    The research, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15 found that vaccinated children had higher rates of various health issues compared to unvaccinated children. These included:






    Respiratory infections

    Middle ear infection


    Breathing issues

    Behavioral issues

    Notably, ADHD was observed in a small percentage of vaccinated children but not in any unvaccinated children. The study also reported lower rates of autism spectrum disorder and ADHD in the practice compared to national averages. The authors suggested that unvaccinated children in the practice were at least as healthy as, if not healthier than, their vaccinated counterparts.16

    The researchers also emphasized the need for more independent studies on this topic, free from potential conflicts of interest with the vaccine industry, to better understand the relationship between vaccination and children's health outcomes.

    Proposed Solutions Raise Questions About True Motives

    For years, those expressing concerns about vaccine safety have been dismissed as "anti-science" or accused of endangering public health. The NEJM paper demonstrates that their core critiques — including regarding inadequate safety studies — were well-founded.

    The publication of this paper marks a significant shift in the public discourse around vaccine safety. By admitting to major gaps in safety studies and the slow progress of vaccine safety science, Plotkin and his co-authors have validated concerns that were previously dismissed by much of the medical establishment.

    However, the proposed solutions and the authors' stated motivations raise significant questions about whether this represents a genuine shift toward more critical examination of vaccine safety or merely an attempt to boost failing public confidence. Siri continues:17

    "After making the a priori conclusion that harms are 'rare,' ignoring all the existing studies showing harm, these folk have the audacity to want to raid the federal vaccine injury compensation fund to presumably pay themselves and their compatriots hundreds of millions of dollars to conduct the studies that would, no doubt, seek to confirm their prior conclusion that vaccine harms are 'rare,' while ignoring the studies that already show serious harm."

    What is clear is that the oft-repeated claim that vaccines are "the most thoroughly studied medical intervention" can no longer be credibly made. As this paper demonstrates, there is still much to learn about vaccine safety, and acknowledging this fact is an important step toward informed consent and transparent vaccination policies.

    Story at-a-glance lack of vaccine safety studies In a stunning reversal, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, widely regarded as the godfather of modern vaccinology, has co-authored a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine1 (NEJM) acknowledging significant gaps in vaccine safety research and calling for increased funding to address these shortcomings. This admission comes after decades of the medical establishment insisting that vaccines are among the most thoroughly studied and safest medical interventions. In the paper, titled "Funding Postauthorization Vaccine-Safety Science,"2 they make a series of revelations that validate concerns long raised by vaccine safety advocates. In a commentary, Aaron Siri, managing partner of New York law firm Siri & Glimstad, writes:3 "Wow. After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines are the most well studied products on the planet, they just penned an article admitting precisely the opposite. They just admitted vaccines are not properly studied — neither prelicensure nor post-licensure. They admitted, for example, 'prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes [and] follow-up durations' and that 'there are not resources earmarked for postauthorization safety studies.'" Key Admissions Shine Light on Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies One of the most striking admissions in the paper is the acknowledgment that prelicensure clinical trials for vaccines are inadequate for assessing safety. The authors state:4 "Postauthorization studies are needed to fully characterize the safety profile of a new vaccine, since prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes, follow-up durations, and population heterogeneity. It is critical to examine adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) that have not been detected in clinical trials, to ascertain whether they are causally or coincidentally related to vaccination." This contradicts previous claims by vaccine proponents that clinical trials provide robust evidence of safety prior to approval. The admission that these trials have limited follow-up periods is particularly notable, as critics have long argued that potential long-term effects of vaccines are not adequately studied before they are approved and recommended for widespread use. "Let me translate," Siri writes, "the clinical trials relied upon to license childhood vaccines are useless with regard to safety since they virtually never have a placebo control, typically review safety for days or weeks after injection, and often have far too few participants to measure anything of value."5 The NEJM paper goes on to reveal that there is currently no dedicated funding stream for post-approval vaccine safety studies in the U.S. The authors write: "Although the ACIP [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] acknowledges the need, there are currently no resources earmarked for postauthorization safety studies beyond annual appropriations, which must be approved by Congress each year."6 This lack of consistent, dedicated funding is one reason why many important safety questions remain unanswered years or even decades after vaccines have been introduced. The authors admit that "Progress in vaccine-safety science has understandably been slow," citing delayed epidemiological evidence and incomplete understanding of biological mechanisms as key factors.7 But as Siri notes:8 "Shameless to pretend you have not for decades ignored or attacked those calling for these studies while pretending a mountain of such studies showing the foregoing don't already exist … [and] shameless to pretend parent groups have not been yelling about this [funding] issue for decades only to be ignored and attacked." 'Not Enough Evidence' to Determine if 76% of Vaccine-Related Health Outcomes Are Linked to Shots In a particularly revealing passage, the paper states, "In 234 reviews of various vaccines and health outcomes conducted from 1991 to 2012, the IOM found inadequate evidence to prove or disprove causation in 179 (76%) of the relationships it explored, illustrating the need for more rigorous science."9 This statistic is astounding — for over three-quarters of vaccine-related health outcomes examined by the Institute of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine), there was not enough evidence to determine whether vaccines were causally linked or not. This flies in the face of repeated assurances that vaccine safety is settled science. The paper also notes that even for known adverse reactions to vaccines, the biological mechanisms are not understood. This includes serious conditions like Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with influenza vaccines and myocarditis linked to mRNA COVID-19 shots. Experts have long been calling for unbiased research in understanding the impact of vaccinations on children's health, but the reality is that public health agencies and vaccine proponents have not been interested in learning the truth. Siri writes:10 "If they are really interested in the truth about what injuries vaccines cause and the rate at which these injuries occur, then they should welcome convening a bipartisan panel which could first review all the very concerning studies and hard data that already exists on this topic (often by scientists not on pharma's dole) and we could design additional studies together and have them run in the open so everybody has to live with the result. … Plotkin and company should welcome studies which can show vaccines have not contributed to the rise in chronic childhood disease (many of which are immune mediated diseases) from 12% of children in the early 1980s (when CDC recommended 7 routine childhood injections) to over 50% of children now (when CDC recommends over 90 routine childhood injections). And I think they do welcome such studies if they can assure that the outcome would show vaccines do not cause these harms. Alas, the reality is that (as they know) studies showing vaccines contribute to this rise already exist. But their goal, in any event, is not to really study safety. Rather it is to prove their prior assumption that vaccines are safe and harms are 'rare.'" Plotkin and his co-authors, while acknowledging significant gaps in vaccine safety science, propose increased funding by tapping into the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) trust fund. They note that this fund, generated by an excise tax on vaccines, has a surplus of $4.3 billion as of April 2023.11 However, it's important to note the authors' stated motivations for proposing these changes. They express concern about "widespread vaccine hesitancy" and argue that slow progress in vaccine safety science has "adversely affected vaccine acceptance." In other words, their primary goal is increasing public confidence in vaccines — not critically examining safety issues with an open mind. Failure to Admit Decades of Lies, Gaslighting and Fraud Siri notes that the admissions in the NEJM paper directly contradict decades of assurances from the medical establishment. He writes:12 "For decades, the medical community insisted vaccines are the most thoroughly studied product ever; for example, Dr. Paul Offit said, 'I think we should be proud of vaccines as arguably the safest, best tested things we put in our body.'" But, Siri argues, parents of vaccine-injured children and others who raised concerns about inadequate safety studies were "shunned and attacked by the medical community and health agencies" for years. The paper is a belated acknowledgment of what these advocates have been saying all along, albeit with dubious motives behind it:13 "Plotkin and his disciples realize they can't cast voodoo on the public. They can't hide the truth. So, their only option is to try and co-op the truth they have lied about for decades by now admitting that the studies to show vaccines are safe do not exist. But in making that admission, they conveniently fail to admit that for decades they lied, gaslit, defrauded (and I don't use that word lightly) the public by claiming that vaccines are probably the most thoroughly safety tested products on the planet and that people should rest assured, no stone on vaccine safety was left unturned. … Their real agenda is plain, and it is not to study vaccine safety, but rather to confirm that which they already believe. This is crystal clear from the fact that, while their article admits the studies have not been done, they write in the same breath that serious vaccine harms are 'rare.' But if the studies have not been done, how do they know that?" Siri also points out that the authors ignore existing studies that have found evidence of harm from vaccines or their components.14 He argues that truly unbiased research would need to consider this body of evidence rather than starting from the assumption that serious adverse events are rare. Study Shows Vaccinated Children Have Higher Rates of Disease A study conducted by Dr. Paul Thomas and James Lyons-Weiler examined health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children over a 10-year period within a pediatric practice. Dr. Thomas had his medical license suspended due to his advocacy of informed consent for vaccinations. The research, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15 found that vaccinated children had higher rates of various health issues compared to unvaccinated children. These included: Asthma Allergies Eczema Sinusitis Gastroenteritis Respiratory infections Middle ear infection Conjunctivitis Breathing issues Behavioral issues Notably, ADHD was observed in a small percentage of vaccinated children but not in any unvaccinated children. The study also reported lower rates of autism spectrum disorder and ADHD in the practice compared to national averages. The authors suggested that unvaccinated children in the practice were at least as healthy as, if not healthier than, their vaccinated counterparts.16 The researchers also emphasized the need for more independent studies on this topic, free from potential conflicts of interest with the vaccine industry, to better understand the relationship between vaccination and children's health outcomes. Proposed Solutions Raise Questions About True Motives For years, those expressing concerns about vaccine safety have been dismissed as "anti-science" or accused of endangering public health. The NEJM paper demonstrates that their core critiques — including regarding inadequate safety studies — were well-founded. The publication of this paper marks a significant shift in the public discourse around vaccine safety. By admitting to major gaps in safety studies and the slow progress of vaccine safety science, Plotkin and his co-authors have validated concerns that were previously dismissed by much of the medical establishment. However, the proposed solutions and the authors' stated motivations raise significant questions about whether this represents a genuine shift toward more critical examination of vaccine safety or merely an attempt to boost failing public confidence. Siri continues:17 "After making the a priori conclusion that harms are 'rare,' ignoring all the existing studies showing harm, these folk have the audacity to want to raid the federal vaccine injury compensation fund to presumably pay themselves and their compatriots hundreds of millions of dollars to conduct the studies that would, no doubt, seek to confirm their prior conclusion that vaccine harms are 'rare,' while ignoring the studies that already show serious harm." What is clear is that the oft-repeated claim that vaccines are "the most thoroughly studied medical intervention" can no longer be credibly made. As this paper demonstrates, there is still much to learn about vaccine safety, and acknowledging this fact is an important step toward informed consent and transparent vaccination policies. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/08/05/lack-of-vaccine-safety-studies.aspx
    Unveiling Gaps in Vaccine Safety Research
    A world-renowned vaccinologist recently co-wrote a paper admitting significant safety cracks that were overlooked in the pursuit of mass-producing the shots.
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  • Comirnaty, liability, and how the HHS Conspiracy lies, cheats and steals from the public to hide vaccine injuries and useful treatments
    Dear readers, this is a "mistake" substack. My real site is merylnass.substack.com. Nothing more will be added to this site. Please subscribe at the other site.

    Meryl Nass
    If you receive or use a product that is under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and are injured, you cannot sue the manufacturer, whose liability has been waived by the government. The only possible way to obtain benefits is to apply to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). This waiver, and the CICP program apply to all EUA products: vaccines, drugs, masks, ventilators, COVID tests, monoclonal antibodies.

    When a vaccine is fully licensed, if it has not been placed on the childhood vaccine schedule, you can sue the manufacturer for an injury. A minority of vaccines fall into this category, such as typhoid and cholera vaccines.

    There is a second US government program that waives manufacturer liability for those vaccines that have been placed on the childhood schedule. It is called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), and it was established in 1986. All vaccines that CDC recommends for children or pregnant women (and the vast majority of vaccines administered in the US) fall into this category. Both the CICP and VICP programs are administered under the Health Resources and Services Agency (HRSA), a subagency of HHS.

    On August 23, 2021, FDA gave Comirnaty a license for people aged 16 and up. And on August 30, 2021, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted unanimously to put Comirnaty on the childhood schedule, and the CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, concurred. The USG was able to do this because the vaccine had been licensed for 16-17 year olds, who are still children.

    But before Comirnaty can enter the VICP program and gain its liability shield, there must be a 75 cent excise tax imposed on each dose. This money is what supports the VICP awards for injuries. There must also be a notice in the Federal Register. Perhaps surprisingly, neither an excise tax nor a Federal Register notice has been issued for Comirnaty.

    I confirmed this by checking whether Cominarty had been formally added to the childhood schedule, and according to the HRSA, which manages both compensation programs, it has not.

    So, if you actually received the licensed Comirnaty vaccine, correctly labeled as the brand-name product, and not the EUA Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine being fobbed off as licensed product, and you were injured, you would be free to sue the manufacturer for your injury.

    But it seems there is no licensed Comirnaty vaccine anywhere to be found in the US. Pfizer wrote, "Pfizer does not plan to produce any product with these new [Comirnaty National Drug Codes] and labels over the next few months while EUA authorized product is still available and being made available for U.S. distribution."

    So, if there is no licensed product being administered, and the EUA vaccine is shielded from liability under the CICP, there is no need to finish moving the product into the VICP, yet. The CICP offers stronger liability protection than does the VICP, and its maximum benefit, about $375,000, is a small fraction of the maximal VICP payout. Furthermore, moving the vaccine into the VICP when there isn't any vaccine to be found might create legal risks for the FDA and HHS.

    FDA issued a license for Comirnaty in order to enable vaccine mandates, which are illegal for EUA products, since EUA products are by legal definition experimental. (I have cited the EUA laws in earlier blog posts.) Yet FDA knew no licensed vaccine would be offered. This was a crime, a "bait and switch" on the American public. I wrote extensively about it the week of August 23, and in an article in The Defender coauthored with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on August 24.

    If you received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization, or received the Moderna (whose branded product, “Spikevax” was licensed on Jan. 31, 2022 but is also unavailable ) or J and J vaccine, you can't sue anyone. You have the right to beg HRSA for compensation for lost wages and unpaid medical bills, period. So far, HRSA and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program it administers have not paid out one dime for the approximately one million injuries and 20,000 deaths reported to VAERS for any COVID vaccine, nor a cent for any unreported injuries. In fact, they have not paid out a plug nickel for any injuries due to monoclonal antibodies, remdesivir, other COVID drugs, ventilators, tests, masks etc. that are all being used (a.k.a. shielded) for COVID under the EUA program.

    Look at the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program list of all the payments the CICP has made since it was founded. They have paid out a total of 29 claims since 2010. Over 6,000 (almost all related to COVID products) remain to be adjudicated. Note that the word "alleged" is used for both the countermeasure and the injury for which HRSA provided compensation. Even after HRSA provided benefits, HRSA has not admitted that an injury occurred nor that a countermeasure had caused it.

    Table 2. CICP Claims Compensated (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022) As of November 1, 2021

    “This table displays the alleged countermeasure, alleged injury and amount of compensation paid for each compensated CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2022.”

    Total amount paid to all CICP claimants since 2010: $6,076,087.47

    DHHS-HRSA have not admitted that a single injury was caused by a COVID vaccine, or for that matter by any COVID product used under an emergency use authorization.

    Similarly, CDC says it has not linked a single death to a COVID vaccine--not even when a recipient walked into the vaccination center but got carried out to the morgue.

    HRSA, FDA, CDC and NIH are all agencies within the federal Department of Health and Human Services. They have all gotten their stories straight. They know nothing and they are just following orders. This article will provide you with examples of how each of these 4 so-called public health agencies helped hide the truth, instead spreading identical false narratives. It made no difference which party was in power. Heil HHS!

    These agencies can't find a doggone problem in the 20 or so databases they are spending many $millions of your money to "study."

    Want to know the biggest conspiracy in the US right now? It is the HHS.

    FDA and CDC each have their own large sets of databases, about a dozen apiece, most of which they pay industry to access. They share management of the VAERS database, by statute. Why don't they share their other databases, since the taxpayer has already paid for them? One reason is that this gives them a reason to spend more loot, and to point fingers at each other when things aren't going well.

    FDA has access to a bunch of electronic databases it has termed the "BEST" Initiative, and it published a plan to use them to study heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, thrombocytopenia, etc. after COVID vaccinations back in July. Where are the results, FDA? What are you waiting for? (According to CDC, "More than 459 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through November 29, 2021."). It seems clear that we aren't going to be informed of FDA's findings until everyone possible has been vaccinated, at which point the results will be irrelevant.

    In October 2020, FDA's head of epidemiology and biostatistics, Steve Anderson, told us there were even more databases that would be studied. Here is what he promised would be studied:

    And here is a more recent FDA list of the databases FDA claims it is using to assess COVID vaccine safety, in addition to VAERS, which FDA and CDC jointly share:

    There was another system FDA promised to use to evaluate vaccine safety: PRISM. But we have heard nothing from PRISM regarding COVID vaccines, or anything else, lately. PRISM has disappeared.

    The Center for Biologics' Office of Biostatistics and Epidemiology currently has 11 fulltime staff and 4 vacancies. Did the honest analysts leave? The other eleven seem to be sitting on their hands. Myocarditis is the most obvious COVID vaccine-associated severe adverse event. It usually happens within 4 days of the second shot. It is most common in young males. It has been reported many thousands of times to VAERS. Understanding it ought to be a slam dunk.

    On August 23, 2021, FDA had the temerity to write to BioNTech that its [FDA's] capabilities were inadequate to assess myocarditis, so BioNTech would have to do it for them. Here is what FDA wrote about its inability to use VAERS and its many other databases to assess the myocarditis risk:

    As noted above, the FDA acknowledges that “We have determined that an analysis of spontaneous post-marketing adverse events reported under section 505(k)(1) of the FDCA [in other words, analyzing VAERS--Nass] will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.

    Furthermore, the pharmacovigilance system that FDA is required to maintain under section 505(k)(3) of the FDCA [in other words, FDA's many other databases that cost the taxpayer $zillions are also inadequate--Nass] is not sufficient to assess these serious risks.”

    NOT SUFFICIENT???? Is this a joke? All this data, plus software, plus a team of analysts, and FDA says it can't assess the risk of myocarditis, despite identifying thousands of cases?

    Unsaid, but implied, is that if FDA is incapable of understanding thousands of reported cases of myocarditis, it cannot or will not study the other serious adverse events that have been reported in conjunction with COVID vaccines.

    VAERS has operated for 30 years, collecting reports of vaccine adverse events. It averaged under 100 cases of myocarditis reported yearly until this year. Through November, CDC reports it received 1949 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis, just in those under 30. CDC didn't say what the total number of reports for all ages was.

    Somehow, FDA and CDC don't seem at all perturbed that the acknowledged reporting rate of myocarditis is over 20 times the average during the past 30 years. Why not?

    CDC has been even more shady in its analyses of safety as FDA, if that is even possible. Below, Nancy Messonier, then head of Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases at CDC, presented this list of databases that CDC would be using in the evaluation of COVID vaccine safety, on December 10, 2020. Apart from the V-safe database (which they stopped talking about last January, after it revealed that 1-3% of vaccine recipients required a doctor visit to deal with side effects), the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) (which somehow can't find any problems, not even myocarditis) and the VAERS database, all the other databases CDC promised to study have been MIA.

    NIH, whose job has never been to issue treatment guidelines, but instead to perform and fund research, suddenly took over the treatment guidelines for COVID early in 2020. It formed a committee of internal and eternal "experts" to make up the guidelines. How were they chosen? That is not clear, but what is clear is that 16 of these so-called experts had current or recent financial entanglements with Gilead, the maker of remdesivir. NIH and the US Army also owned pieces of remdesivir. A number of the experts had financial dealings with Merck. While NIH is the single biggest funder of medical research in the world, I cannot recall seeing a single study it funded on the safety of COVID vaccines. Yet somehow vaccines are its number one recommendation.

    It is not clear whether the NIH's guidelines committee is functional. The NIH has been sued to learn whether a vote was even taken by the committee regarding its ivermectin guidelines, which fly in the face of the evidence on ivermectin. And no one has answered the big question: how was NIH somehow authorized to issue treatment guidelines in the first place?

    Here is what has obviously occurred. All these agencies were told they had to keep quiet on vaccine problems (and perhaps problems of other COVID treatments), and they had to fiddle with their data or their analytic methods, or both, to get the required results. And there was to be NO BAD NEWS, no matter what. And no good news regarding generic treatments.

    As we have seen, the so-called scientists and physicians working as bureaucrats in these agencies all caved, sucked it up, did the dirty work, kept their jobs, and betrayed their oaths and the trust of the people of the USA and the world.

    Here is one example of their gross perfidy:
    Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH


    #COVID19 vaccines are safe for children 5-11. They have undergone the most comprehensive & intense safety monitoring system in U.S. history. To date, no serious safety concerns have been identified. Vaccination is the best way to protect children from COVID-19. Dec. 10

    Yet here is what her own agency found 6 months ago:

    And in Hong Kong, health authorities found one case of myocarditis in every 2700 boys aged 12-17 after their second shot. Apparently CDC Director Walensky thinks that is safe. Is she really a doctor?

    It is important to call out the criminals. I hope everyone knows HHS gave the CDC Director's husband's company a $5 million dollar contract in taxpayer money, with options for $12 million more, presumably if she behaves herself... at our expense.


    Comirnaty, liability, and how the HHS Conspiracy lies, cheats and steals from the public to hide vaccine injuries and useful treatments Dear readers, this is a "mistake" substack. My real site is merylnass.substack.com. Nothing more will be added to this site. Please subscribe at the other site. Meryl Nass If you receive or use a product that is under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and are injured, you cannot sue the manufacturer, whose liability has been waived by the government. The only possible way to obtain benefits is to apply to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). This waiver, and the CICP program apply to all EUA products: vaccines, drugs, masks, ventilators, COVID tests, monoclonal antibodies. When a vaccine is fully licensed, if it has not been placed on the childhood vaccine schedule, you can sue the manufacturer for an injury. A minority of vaccines fall into this category, such as typhoid and cholera vaccines. There is a second US government program that waives manufacturer liability for those vaccines that have been placed on the childhood schedule. It is called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), and it was established in 1986. All vaccines that CDC recommends for children or pregnant women (and the vast majority of vaccines administered in the US) fall into this category. Both the CICP and VICP programs are administered under the Health Resources and Services Agency (HRSA), a subagency of HHS. On August 23, 2021, FDA gave Comirnaty a license for people aged 16 and up. And on August 30, 2021, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted unanimously to put Comirnaty on the childhood schedule, and the CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, concurred. The USG was able to do this because the vaccine had been licensed for 16-17 year olds, who are still children. But before Comirnaty can enter the VICP program and gain its liability shield, there must be a 75 cent excise tax imposed on each dose. This money is what supports the VICP awards for injuries. There must also be a notice in the Federal Register. Perhaps surprisingly, neither an excise tax nor a Federal Register notice has been issued for Comirnaty. I confirmed this by checking whether Cominarty had been formally added to the childhood schedule, and according to the HRSA, which manages both compensation programs, it has not. So, if you actually received the licensed Comirnaty vaccine, correctly labeled as the brand-name product, and not the EUA Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine being fobbed off as licensed product, and you were injured, you would be free to sue the manufacturer for your injury. But it seems there is no licensed Comirnaty vaccine anywhere to be found in the US. Pfizer wrote, "Pfizer does not plan to produce any product with these new [Comirnaty National Drug Codes] and labels over the next few months while EUA authorized product is still available and being made available for U.S. distribution." So, if there is no licensed product being administered, and the EUA vaccine is shielded from liability under the CICP, there is no need to finish moving the product into the VICP, yet. The CICP offers stronger liability protection than does the VICP, and its maximum benefit, about $375,000, is a small fraction of the maximal VICP payout. Furthermore, moving the vaccine into the VICP when there isn't any vaccine to be found might create legal risks for the FDA and HHS. FDA issued a license for Comirnaty in order to enable vaccine mandates, which are illegal for EUA products, since EUA products are by legal definition experimental. (I have cited the EUA laws in earlier blog posts.) Yet FDA knew no licensed vaccine would be offered. This was a crime, a "bait and switch" on the American public. I wrote extensively about it the week of August 23, and in an article in The Defender coauthored with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on August 24. If you received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization, or received the Moderna (whose branded product, “Spikevax” was licensed on Jan. 31, 2022 but is also unavailable ) or J and J vaccine, you can't sue anyone. You have the right to beg HRSA for compensation for lost wages and unpaid medical bills, period. So far, HRSA and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program it administers have not paid out one dime for the approximately one million injuries and 20,000 deaths reported to VAERS for any COVID vaccine, nor a cent for any unreported injuries. In fact, they have not paid out a plug nickel for any injuries due to monoclonal antibodies, remdesivir, other COVID drugs, ventilators, tests, masks etc. that are all being used (a.k.a. shielded) for COVID under the EUA program. Look at the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program list of all the payments the CICP has made since it was founded. They have paid out a total of 29 claims since 2010. Over 6,000 (almost all related to COVID products) remain to be adjudicated. Note that the word "alleged" is used for both the countermeasure and the injury for which HRSA provided compensation. Even after HRSA provided benefits, HRSA has not admitted that an injury occurred nor that a countermeasure had caused it. Table 2. CICP Claims Compensated (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022) As of November 1, 2021 “This table displays the alleged countermeasure, alleged injury and amount of compensation paid for each compensated CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 through 2022.” Total amount paid to all CICP claimants since 2010: $6,076,087.47 DHHS-HRSA have not admitted that a single injury was caused by a COVID vaccine, or for that matter by any COVID product used under an emergency use authorization. Similarly, CDC says it has not linked a single death to a COVID vaccine--not even when a recipient walked into the vaccination center but got carried out to the morgue. HRSA, FDA, CDC and NIH are all agencies within the federal Department of Health and Human Services. They have all gotten their stories straight. They know nothing and they are just following orders. This article will provide you with examples of how each of these 4 so-called public health agencies helped hide the truth, instead spreading identical false narratives. It made no difference which party was in power. Heil HHS! These agencies can't find a doggone problem in the 20 or so databases they are spending many $millions of your money to "study." Want to know the biggest conspiracy in the US right now? It is the HHS. FDA and CDC each have their own large sets of databases, about a dozen apiece, most of which they pay industry to access. They share management of the VAERS database, by statute. Why don't they share their other databases, since the taxpayer has already paid for them? One reason is that this gives them a reason to spend more loot, and to point fingers at each other when things aren't going well. FDA has access to a bunch of electronic databases it has termed the "BEST" Initiative, and it published a plan to use them to study heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, thrombocytopenia, etc. after COVID vaccinations back in July. Where are the results, FDA? What are you waiting for? (According to CDC, "More than 459 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through November 29, 2021."). It seems clear that we aren't going to be informed of FDA's findings until everyone possible has been vaccinated, at which point the results will be irrelevant. In October 2020, FDA's head of epidemiology and biostatistics, Steve Anderson, told us there were even more databases that would be studied. Here is what he promised would be studied: And here is a more recent FDA list of the databases FDA claims it is using to assess COVID vaccine safety, in addition to VAERS, which FDA and CDC jointly share: There was another system FDA promised to use to evaluate vaccine safety: PRISM. But we have heard nothing from PRISM regarding COVID vaccines, or anything else, lately. PRISM has disappeared. The Center for Biologics' Office of Biostatistics and Epidemiology currently has 11 fulltime staff and 4 vacancies. Did the honest analysts leave? The other eleven seem to be sitting on their hands. Myocarditis is the most obvious COVID vaccine-associated severe adverse event. It usually happens within 4 days of the second shot. It is most common in young males. It has been reported many thousands of times to VAERS. Understanding it ought to be a slam dunk. On August 23, 2021, FDA had the temerity to write to BioNTech that its [FDA's] capabilities were inadequate to assess myocarditis, so BioNTech would have to do it for them. Here is what FDA wrote about its inability to use VAERS and its many other databases to assess the myocarditis risk: As noted above, the FDA acknowledges that “We have determined that an analysis of spontaneous post-marketing adverse events reported under section 505(k)(1) of the FDCA [in other words, analyzing VAERS--Nass] will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis. Furthermore, the pharmacovigilance system that FDA is required to maintain under section 505(k)(3) of the FDCA [in other words, FDA's many other databases that cost the taxpayer $zillions are also inadequate--Nass] is not sufficient to assess these serious risks.” NOT SUFFICIENT???? Is this a joke? All this data, plus software, plus a team of analysts, and FDA says it can't assess the risk of myocarditis, despite identifying thousands of cases? Unsaid, but implied, is that if FDA is incapable of understanding thousands of reported cases of myocarditis, it cannot or will not study the other serious adverse events that have been reported in conjunction with COVID vaccines. VAERS has operated for 30 years, collecting reports of vaccine adverse events. It averaged under 100 cases of myocarditis reported yearly until this year. Through November, CDC reports it received 1949 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis, just in those under 30. CDC didn't say what the total number of reports for all ages was. Somehow, FDA and CDC don't seem at all perturbed that the acknowledged reporting rate of myocarditis is over 20 times the average during the past 30 years. Why not? CDC has been even more shady in its analyses of safety as FDA, if that is even possible. Below, Nancy Messonier, then head of Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases at CDC, presented this list of databases that CDC would be using in the evaluation of COVID vaccine safety, on December 10, 2020. Apart from the V-safe database (which they stopped talking about last January, after it revealed that 1-3% of vaccine recipients required a doctor visit to deal with side effects), the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) (which somehow can't find any problems, not even myocarditis) and the VAERS database, all the other databases CDC promised to study have been MIA. NIH, whose job has never been to issue treatment guidelines, but instead to perform and fund research, suddenly took over the treatment guidelines for COVID early in 2020. It formed a committee of internal and eternal "experts" to make up the guidelines. How were they chosen? That is not clear, but what is clear is that 16 of these so-called experts had current or recent financial entanglements with Gilead, the maker of remdesivir. NIH and the US Army also owned pieces of remdesivir. A number of the experts had financial dealings with Merck. While NIH is the single biggest funder of medical research in the world, I cannot recall seeing a single study it funded on the safety of COVID vaccines. Yet somehow vaccines are its number one recommendation. It is not clear whether the NIH's guidelines committee is functional. The NIH has been sued to learn whether a vote was even taken by the committee regarding its ivermectin guidelines, which fly in the face of the evidence on ivermectin. And no one has answered the big question: how was NIH somehow authorized to issue treatment guidelines in the first place? Here is what has obviously occurred. All these agencies were told they had to keep quiet on vaccine problems (and perhaps problems of other COVID treatments), and they had to fiddle with their data or their analytic methods, or both, to get the required results. And there was to be NO BAD NEWS, no matter what. And no good news regarding generic treatments. As we have seen, the so-called scientists and physicians working as bureaucrats in these agencies all caved, sucked it up, did the dirty work, kept their jobs, and betrayed their oaths and the trust of the people of the USA and the world. Here is one example of their gross perfidy: Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH @CDCDirector #COVID19 vaccines are safe for children 5-11. They have undergone the most comprehensive & intense safety monitoring system in U.S. history. To date, no serious safety concerns have been identified. Vaccination is the best way to protect children from COVID-19. Dec. 10 Yet here is what her own agency found 6 months ago: And in Hong Kong, health authorities found one case of myocarditis in every 2700 boys aged 12-17 after their second shot. Apparently CDC Director Walensky thinks that is safe. Is she really a doctor? It is important to call out the criminals. I hope everyone knows HHS gave the CDC Director's husband's company a $5 million dollar contract in taxpayer money, with options for $12 million more, presumably if she behaves herself... at our expense. https://meryl.substack.com/p/how-4-hhs-agencies-conspire-to-lie https://donshafi911sars-cov-2.blogspot.com/2024/07/comirnaty-liability-and-how-hhs.html
    Comirnaty, liability, and how the HHS Conspiracy lies, cheats and steals from the public to hide vaccine injuries and useful treatments
    Dear readers, this is a "mistake" substack. My real site is merylnass.substack.com. Nothing more will be added to this site. Please subscribe at the other site.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 12184 Views
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  • Massimo Luciani - Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter:


    #GreatRedSpot #Jupiter #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #JWST #Infrared #Spectroscopy #NIRSpec #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #AtmosphericPhysics #Physics #Astronomy
    Massimo Luciani - Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter: https://english.tachyonbeam.com/2024/06/26/structures-found-in-the-great-red-spot-area-on-jupiter/ #GreatRedSpot #Jupiter #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #JWST #Infrared #Spectroscopy #NIRSpec #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #AtmosphericPhysics #Physics #Astronomy
    Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter
    An article published in the journal 'Nature Astronomy' reports the identification of structures in the planet Jupiter's upper atmosphere above the Great Red...
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  • Here is my simple review of Psoriasis Revolution. Traditional psoriasis treatments include steroid creams, light therapy, occlusion, and oral medications. However, these don't provide a permanent solution, and symptoms can return once you stop using them.

    To address this, medical researcher and former psoriasis sufferer Dan Crawford created a revolutionary ebook. His 7-step method claims to naturally cure psoriasis from the root and restore internal health balance.

    I decided to review Psoriasis Revolution because I suffered from psoriasis and tried many treatments without success. When I was diagnosed, I felt hopeless and depressed, dealing with symptoms like dry, flaky skin, inflammation, and red patches.

    Health consultant, and former chronic psoriasis sufferer teaches you how to:

    Stop Psoriasis and gain instant relief from the symptoms of Psoriasis, such as red, inflamed itchy skin, silvery scales, burning or bleeding that occurs around your joints and related discomfort in the next 7 days!

    Fix the root cause of your Psoriasis by holistically addressing the internal causes of this condition within 30 to 60 days.

    Reverse Pitted, Thickened, or Discolored Fingers Or Toe Nails

    Throw away your drugs, steroids and creams and feel more confident right away!

    Restore your natural inner balance and prevent untreated Psoriasis-related health issues such as Psoriatic Arthritis and keep them away forever!

    Lose extra weight, look younger, and feel healthier.
    Restore your energy levels and improve your quality of life dramatically... guaranteed!

    Are you struggling to get rid of Psoriasis? Are you frustrated by being unable to eliminate your Psoriasis or control your Psoriasis condition despite all your efforts? If you answered yes, then I know exactly how you feel, because I have personally gone through the same experience. I battled my severe Psoriasis for more than a decade until I finally found a cure and got rid of it permanently.

    You're about to discover what might be the most powerful Psoriasis system ever developed. With it, I have helped thousands of people just like you permanently cure their Psoriasis and achieve permanent freedom from all types of Psoriasis.

    My name is Dan Crawford and over the past 12 years, through a long process of trial, error, and experimentation, I've developed a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system backed by 47,000+ hours of nutritional research for eliminating Psoriasis for good. This is a very rare, unique and powerful Psoriasis healing system that very few people even know exists...

    If you have Psoriasis, besides the more conventional causes it is also possible that your Psoriasis is related to other risky conditions. The truth is that Psoriasis can be very dangerous if left untreated and can worsen with age. It is very common that the cause of Psoriasis is a problem with one of your internal organs. Psoriasis can also lead to other skin disorders such as fungal nail infections, athlete's foot, jock itch, bacterial infections and warts. Psoriasis can be aggravated into Psoriatic Arthritis. Moreover, psoriasis sufferers can develop cancer of white blood cells, a Heart Attack (due to inflammation found in Psoriasis), that can seriously endanger your life. A recent U.K study has clearly shown that psoriasis sufferers tend to have shorter lifespan (up to 20-30 years shorter than individuals who do not develop or treat psoriasis in a timely manner).

    The Only Holistic Psoriasis System In Existence That Will Teach YOU How To Permanently Stop Your Psoriasis, Eliminate red, inflamed itchy skin, silvery scales, burning or bleeding, Rebalance Your Body and Achieve The LASTING Psoriasis Freedom You Deserve!

    "Psoriasis Revolution (TM)" is a 250-page downloadable e-book, jam-packed cover to cover with all the secret Psoriasis cure methods and unique powerful techniques, and the step-by-step holistic Psoriasis system I've discovered in over 12 years of Psoriasis research. This program contains all the information you'll ever need to eliminate your Psoriasis permanently without anti-inflammatory creams or Corticosteroids, without using drugs or laser therapy, and without any side effects.

    Click the link below to get your copy and start your journey to being psoriasis-free! : https://tinyurl.com/3e8muw75

    #psoriosis #revolution #eliminatepsoriasis #chronicpsoriosis #naturalinnerbalance
    Here is my simple review of Psoriasis Revolution. Traditional psoriasis treatments include steroid creams, light therapy, occlusion, and oral medications. However, these don't provide a permanent solution, and symptoms can return once you stop using them. To address this, medical researcher and former psoriasis sufferer Dan Crawford created a revolutionary ebook. His 7-step method claims to naturally cure psoriasis from the root and restore internal health balance. I decided to review Psoriasis Revolution because I suffered from psoriasis and tried many treatments without success. When I was diagnosed, I felt hopeless and depressed, dealing with symptoms like dry, flaky skin, inflammation, and red patches. Health consultant, and former chronic psoriasis sufferer teaches you how to: Stop Psoriasis and gain instant relief from the symptoms of Psoriasis, such as red, inflamed itchy skin, silvery scales, burning or bleeding that occurs around your joints and related discomfort in the next 7 days! Fix the root cause of your Psoriasis by holistically addressing the internal causes of this condition within 30 to 60 days. Reverse Pitted, Thickened, or Discolored Fingers Or Toe Nails Throw away your drugs, steroids and creams and feel more confident right away! Restore your natural inner balance and prevent untreated Psoriasis-related health issues such as Psoriatic Arthritis and keep them away forever! Lose extra weight, look younger, and feel healthier. Restore your energy levels and improve your quality of life dramatically... guaranteed! Are you struggling to get rid of Psoriasis? Are you frustrated by being unable to eliminate your Psoriasis or control your Psoriasis condition despite all your efforts? If you answered yes, then I know exactly how you feel, because I have personally gone through the same experience. I battled my severe Psoriasis for more than a decade until I finally found a cure and got rid of it permanently. You're about to discover what might be the most powerful Psoriasis system ever developed. With it, I have helped thousands of people just like you permanently cure their Psoriasis and achieve permanent freedom from all types of Psoriasis. My name is Dan Crawford and over the past 12 years, through a long process of trial, error, and experimentation, I've developed a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system backed by 47,000+ hours of nutritional research for eliminating Psoriasis for good. This is a very rare, unique and powerful Psoriasis healing system that very few people even know exists... If you have Psoriasis, besides the more conventional causes it is also possible that your Psoriasis is related to other risky conditions. The truth is that Psoriasis can be very dangerous if left untreated and can worsen with age. It is very common that the cause of Psoriasis is a problem with one of your internal organs. Psoriasis can also lead to other skin disorders such as fungal nail infections, athlete's foot, jock itch, bacterial infections and warts. Psoriasis can be aggravated into Psoriatic Arthritis. Moreover, psoriasis sufferers can develop cancer of white blood cells, a Heart Attack (due to inflammation found in Psoriasis), that can seriously endanger your life. A recent U.K study has clearly shown that psoriasis sufferers tend to have shorter lifespan (up to 20-30 years shorter than individuals who do not develop or treat psoriasis in a timely manner). The Only Holistic Psoriasis System In Existence That Will Teach YOU How To Permanently Stop Your Psoriasis, Eliminate red, inflamed itchy skin, silvery scales, burning or bleeding, Rebalance Your Body and Achieve The LASTING Psoriasis Freedom You Deserve! "Psoriasis Revolution (TM)" is a 250-page downloadable e-book, jam-packed cover to cover with all the secret Psoriasis cure methods and unique powerful techniques, and the step-by-step holistic Psoriasis system I've discovered in over 12 years of Psoriasis research. This program contains all the information you'll ever need to eliminate your Psoriasis permanently without anti-inflammatory creams or Corticosteroids, without using drugs or laser therapy, and without any side effects. Click the link below to get your copy and start your journey to being psoriasis-free! : https://tinyurl.com/3e8muw75 #psoriosis #revolution #eliminatepsoriasis #chronicpsoriosis #naturalinnerbalance
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