The Truth About Disease No One's Talking About
It's simple and straightforward, we know what causes them all and that means we can fix them
Dr. Syed Haider
A simple line drawing showing a devilish baby sitting on one side of a scale and an angelic cherub sitting on the other side. The devilish baby has little horns, a mischievous smile, and a tiny pitchfork. The angelic cherub has a halo, wings, and a sweet expression. The scale is balanced, and the background is blank. The drawing uses light, thin lines to suggest details, with most of the area taken up by empty white space.
This is the truth about health and disease.
Most people either don’t understand where disease really comes from and how to get rid of it, or they’ve never really thought through what they do believe about it.
Once you think it through you may find that what you thought you understood or believed is not actually rational. Or maybe your approach to it is isn’t.
People aren’t always rational, and that’s fine as long as they know it.
But in the case of disease the powers that be have purposely obfuscated the truth for profit.
The truth itself isn’t profitable.
Now some people will already know what I’m going to spell out here, but in my experience they still don’t always apply that knowledge in practice, and the reason seems to be that they haven’t fully understood all the implications, and maybe they are still missing pieces of the full picture.
In any event it pays to examine the subject, especially since it’s so near and dear to us.
The one who reads through this and still persists in opposition to the principles outlined, without providing any rational argument against them, yet citing “authorities” and “science” as their support, seems to me similar to those distant ancestors who believed illness stemmed from evil spirits, and as their support cited the “authorities” and “science” of their own time.
A very minimal black and white line drawing of a newspaper cartoon showing a sick patient lying in a hospital bed in the background. In the foreground, an older doctor is speaking with two younger doctors about the patient. The drawing has only the suggestion of shapes with very light, thin lines and no large black areas. The background is completely white, with faint lines indicating the characters and setting. The cartoon has a light-hearted, humorous tone typical of newspaper comics.
Scientism isn’t actually science.
Calling it science doesn’t make it science.
The science supports what I’m going to outline here, and yet the implications of the clear, well-established and not that new science are ignored for profit and will continue to be ignored for profit as long as most people remain unaware of it.
So to get on with it: illness and health just come down to a balance between “toxins” and “nutrients”.
That’s because we live in a rational universe governed by knowable causes and effects.
More toxins, less nutrients: you get sick.
Shift the balance back far enough and eventually you get better.
That’s because the human body is designed to heal automatically when something isn’t preventing it and when it has the requisite building blocks at hand.
Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.
Cut yourself and you heal, you don’t have to apply healing cream to make yourself heal, you just do.
We used to think this didn’t apply to every tissue, like the heart or the brain were exceptions, and then we realized they can also heal and regrow, it just takes longer and may require more effort (with nerves the principle “use it or lose it” changes after an injury to: keep trying to use it or never regain it).
But if you keep cutting yourself in the same spot every day, you’ll never heal no matter how much Neosporin you slather on.
Cutting doesn’t sound like a toxin, so we should define what is meant by a toxin and a nutrient, at least for the purposes of this discussion, where I’m trying to categorize everything at a high level into two opposing buckets.
So what I mean by “toxin” is anything that opposes health and by “nutrient” anything that supports it.
What are all those toxins and nutrients?
How can we go about determining what they might be?
A useful framework for thinking about the question begins with considering that the optimal environment for the human body that should lead to a healthy state of being is the natural environment of this planet.
The environment the body is designed for, whether by natural evolution or intelligent design, or whatever your preferred world view might be.
If a space alien came from a distant planet with an entirely different environment what is the likelihood they would be healthy on earth or any other random rock in the universe? Obviously they are optimized for the environment they originated in.
The idea that something within that environment is by its very nature toxic to them would seem absurd.
Yet people here on earth think that the sun itself is toxic. Some dermatologists recommend applying sunscreen even if you’re just going from your house to the car, or your car to the office.
We know some humans live in physical and social environments closer to the optimal and are therefore much healthier on average. They are outdoors more, exposed to fewer industrial chemicals, eat cleaner, more natural foods. When they move to unnatural environments that foster disease, their health and the health of their offspring deteriorates.
Just like a fish in a dirty fishbowl will be less healthy than one in a clean fishbowl which will be less healthy than one in the ocean it was designed to inhabit, the same goes for human beings.
Improvement and moving concept with a goldfish jumping from a dirty aquarium to a clean one
So we don’t have statin deficiencies, we have environment deficiencies.
Most people would agree with a lot of what’s been said so far, excepting the sun perhaps, since it’s been so thoroughly pounded into us that it causes cancer, which brings me to my next point.
What makes this topic more complicated is that there are many toxins and nutrients that people don’t usually consider to be such, because they’ve been profoundly miseducated about the way the world works, because there was a time when science had not yet uncovered the mechanistic means by which all these things benefit and harm, so in our eternal hubris we assumed our ancestors were idiots and we knew better.
Now we actually do know better - than many of those in our parents and grandparents generations who thought they knew better than the people who came before who really did know better all along - but old lies die hard: one funeral at a time. And new truths are hard won, by slow awakenings, one doc at a time.
So, along with sunlight lets uncover some more misunderstood or even unknown toxins and nutrients.
On the “toxin” side: nocebo effects can come from your thoughts and beliefs. Negative emotions can physically harm you.
These aren’t fantasies, they are physical realities, because the mind affects the brain affects the body and it’s been proven time and again by real scientists, if you don’t believe it you just have to go read up on it, because not knowing it can kill you, or at least keep you very sick for a very long time.
There are also many other toxins that most don’t consider like pervasive heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, and various other chemicals, artificial light exposure, other non native electromagnetic field (nnEMF) exposures, etc (all of which can be avoided to some extent and in the case of those harbored within us, gotten rid of to a great enough degree that your body is no longer significantly harmed by them).
Image of It's the fluorescents.
On the “nutrient” side these are frequently disregarded: sun, relaxation, just turning off, real intimacy and a lot of it, deep sleep, grounding, timing of food, positive thoughts and emotions, nature in all its glory (eg “forest bathing”), fresh air, clean and perhaps even “structured” water, etc.
If people do become aware of these and become convinced they might have some benefit or harm in them, they still think to themselves: yeah, but how much can it really matter to me after all?
How much can it possibly move the needle?
The answer is surprising: seemingly insignificant things can sometimes make all the difference.
When a woman eats most of her calories can dramatically affect her risk of PCOS and it’s severity.
If she has bigger breakfasts and smaller dinners it lowers insulin resistance, raises ovulation frequency, and lowers testosterone levels.
A team of scientists from University of Aberdeen has found ways of controlling people's meals to compare the impact of a large breakfast or a large dinner.
How much intimacy you have in your life can mean the difference between having a heart attack or not (up to half the incidence of heart disease might be linked to intimacy alone).
How many intimate relationships you have is the number one predictor of how long you live.
Oh, yeah let’s not forget the much maligned sun.
AKA the glorious fusion-reactor-in-the-sky-energy-source for all life on this planet.
If the sun winked out everything, everywhere would die.
How much sun exposure a population has predicts all manner of health outcomes from diabetes to cancer to obesity to heart disease and more.
Not that more sun makes you sicker.
The more sun the better.
And it’s not vitamin D levels that make the difference, because profit driven supplement manufacturers made sure to get that hypothesis tested and it failed - i.e. supplementing vitamin D didn’t achieve the profound effects seen in populations that have high vitamin D due to sun exposure (sure, maybe they didn’t take enough, or took too much, but that’s one of the basic problems with supplementation - it bypasses the bodies feedback loops and can cause it’s own problems too - eg I’ve seen multiple patients who over supplemented D and ended up with immune dysfunction up to and including new autoimmune disease, even though autoimmune disease is thought to be caused by low D, that low D may actually be a helpful maneuver by the body due to the disease itself and evidence does not show improvement of autoimmunity with D supplementation, rather evidence suggests that supplementation worsens it!).
The point is that it’s definitely not just vitamin D that’s important in populations with high D, because in nature when you get vitamin D you get so much more than just vitamin D at the same time.
It is sunlight sufficiency that’s important, because sunlight that isn’t filtered by modern window glass (that blocks crucial invisible wavelengths) has dramatic biological effects beyond just raising vitamin D: it lowers blood viscosity, dramatically improves mitochondrial activity and health, improves sleep timing and depth, improves the gut microbiome, raises the right hormones at the right times, activates certain otherwise dormant hormonal pathways, and much more, probably including many things we still don’t fully understand.
And there are many more idiosyncratic relationships between seemingly insignificant lifestyle choices and your health that can be highly specific to you and not most other people.
But, the good new is that 95% or more of what you need to focus on is well known and basically generic to everyone.
So, if this is all rational and logical and doable, why don’t people believe it will work?
Why even after reading this will people still not do anything different?
Because they have heard the message every day of their lives in so many ways from so many people that the cause of disease is some deep mystery.
The old Nazi propaganda secret that’s not so secret any more: a big enough lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.
How many news articles have you seen in your life that bemoan the lack of understanding of xyz disease? What causes it? How to treat it? Scientists just don’t know!
We must spend more money researching it!
That’s just a big fat lie: the truth is the only thing the establishment doesn’t know is how best to monetize it, which is the sole purpose of every dollar of government-funded, industry-directed research.
We know what causes illness and health.
There are only so many things that populate a very short list that can possibly account for both.
PS. The basics are simple, but things do get complicated rather quickly, especially when people go to doctors who misinterpret their symptoms and labs as something “wrong” rather than as maneuvers around a bad situation that are usually benefitting the patient.
Patients are given wrongheaded “solutions” instead of addressing root causes and in many instances just helping the body in its attempt to overcome those root causes.
The body fighting off root causes is usually seen as a disease in itself.
One of the best examples of this being a viral infection - all the symptoms are due to your own immune system getting rid of the virus - suppressing those symptoms just lets the virus get a stronger foothold inside you.
Many of the symptoms we consider illnesses are similar attempts by the body to root out something that’s gotten in.
Resolving complex multilayered problems involving many previous wrong moves is like this:
Imagine a brash upstart chess player who has a couple years of study and gampelay under their belt goes to Central Park and sti down to play with one of the scruffy looking beggars. He thinks how hard can this be and bets big on the outcome. Quickly he realizes he has been taken for a fool and is far outmatched. The longer he plays the worse it gets. At some point he bows out and brings in a really skilled replacement to help him. The farther along the game is, the harder it will be for the skilled replacement to correct the situation.
In reality almost every doctor is playing checkers, not realizing their actually in a game of chess.
If you’re ready to let a grandmaster take over the board, the best in the world is Hakim Shabaz.
I’m not prone to hyperbole so when I say he is in a league of his own I mean it.
Practically speaking that will sometimes mean that what he recommends seems weird, but cell phones would have seemed weird 300 years ago, it doesn’t mean they don’t work, it just means we’re too far behind to understand what’s going on.
Either do the work to understand enough to believe deeply that the approach will work, or take a leap of faith.
Either way just do it.
Consult The Hakim The Truth About Disease No One's Talking About
It's simple and straightforward, we know what causes them all and that means we can fix them
Dr. Syed Haider
A simple line drawing showing a devilish baby sitting on one side of a scale and an angelic cherub sitting on the other side. The devilish baby has little horns, a mischievous smile, and a tiny pitchfork. The angelic cherub has a halo, wings, and a sweet expression. The scale is balanced, and the background is blank. The drawing uses light, thin lines to suggest details, with most of the area taken up by empty white space.
This is the truth about health and disease.
Most people either don’t understand where disease really comes from and how to get rid of it, or they’ve never really thought through what they do believe about it.
Once you think it through you may find that what you thought you understood or believed is not actually rational. Or maybe your approach to it is isn’t.
People aren’t always rational, and that’s fine as long as they know it.
But in the case of disease the powers that be have purposely obfuscated the truth for profit.
The truth itself isn’t profitable.
Now some people will already know what I’m going to spell out here, but in my experience they still don’t always apply that knowledge in practice, and the reason seems to be that they haven’t fully understood all the implications, and maybe they are still missing pieces of the full picture.
In any event it pays to examine the subject, especially since it’s so near and dear to us.
The one who reads through this and still persists in opposition to the principles outlined, without providing any rational argument against them, yet citing “authorities” and “science” as their support, seems to me similar to those distant ancestors who believed illness stemmed from evil spirits, and as their support cited the “authorities” and “science” of their own time.
A very minimal black and white line drawing of a newspaper cartoon showing a sick patient lying in a hospital bed in the background. In the foreground, an older doctor is speaking with two younger doctors about the patient. The drawing has only the suggestion of shapes with very light, thin lines and no large black areas. The background is completely white, with faint lines indicating the characters and setting. The cartoon has a light-hearted, humorous tone typical of newspaper comics.
Scientism isn’t actually science.
Calling it science doesn’t make it science.
The science supports what I’m going to outline here, and yet the implications of the clear, well-established and not that new science are ignored for profit and will continue to be ignored for profit as long as most people remain unaware of it.
So to get on with it: illness and health just come down to a balance between “toxins” and “nutrients”.
That’s because we live in a rational universe governed by knowable causes and effects.
More toxins, less nutrients: you get sick.
Shift the balance back far enough and eventually you get better.
That’s because the human body is designed to heal automatically when something isn’t preventing it and when it has the requisite building blocks at hand.
Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.
Cut yourself and you heal, you don’t have to apply healing cream to make yourself heal, you just do.
We used to think this didn’t apply to every tissue, like the heart or the brain were exceptions, and then we realized they can also heal and regrow, it just takes longer and may require more effort (with nerves the principle “use it or lose it” changes after an injury to: keep trying to use it or never regain it).
But if you keep cutting yourself in the same spot every day, you’ll never heal no matter how much Neosporin you slather on.
Cutting doesn’t sound like a toxin, so we should define what is meant by a toxin and a nutrient, at least for the purposes of this discussion, where I’m trying to categorize everything at a high level into two opposing buckets.
So what I mean by “toxin” is anything that opposes health and by “nutrient” anything that supports it.
What are all those toxins and nutrients?
How can we go about determining what they might be?
A useful framework for thinking about the question begins with considering that the optimal environment for the human body that should lead to a healthy state of being is the natural environment of this planet.
The environment the body is designed for, whether by natural evolution or intelligent design, or whatever your preferred world view might be.
If a space alien came from a distant planet with an entirely different environment what is the likelihood they would be healthy on earth or any other random rock in the universe? Obviously they are optimized for the environment they originated in.
The idea that something within that environment is by its very nature toxic to them would seem absurd.
Yet people here on earth think that the sun itself is toxic. Some dermatologists recommend applying sunscreen even if you’re just going from your house to the car, or your car to the office.
We know some humans live in physical and social environments closer to the optimal and are therefore much healthier on average. They are outdoors more, exposed to fewer industrial chemicals, eat cleaner, more natural foods. When they move to unnatural environments that foster disease, their health and the health of their offspring deteriorates.
Just like a fish in a dirty fishbowl will be less healthy than one in a clean fishbowl which will be less healthy than one in the ocean it was designed to inhabit, the same goes for human beings.
Improvement and moving concept with a goldfish jumping from a dirty aquarium to a clean one
So we don’t have statin deficiencies, we have environment deficiencies.
Most people would agree with a lot of what’s been said so far, excepting the sun perhaps, since it’s been so thoroughly pounded into us that it causes cancer, which brings me to my next point.
What makes this topic more complicated is that there are many toxins and nutrients that people don’t usually consider to be such, because they’ve been profoundly miseducated about the way the world works, because there was a time when science had not yet uncovered the mechanistic means by which all these things benefit and harm, so in our eternal hubris we assumed our ancestors were idiots and we knew better.
Now we actually do know better - than many of those in our parents and grandparents generations who thought they knew better than the people who came before who really did know better all along - but old lies die hard: one funeral at a time. And new truths are hard won, by slow awakenings, one doc at a time.
So, along with sunlight lets uncover some more misunderstood or even unknown toxins and nutrients.
On the “toxin” side: nocebo effects can come from your thoughts and beliefs. Negative emotions can physically harm you.
These aren’t fantasies, they are physical realities, because the mind affects the brain affects the body and it’s been proven time and again by real scientists, if you don’t believe it you just have to go read up on it, because not knowing it can kill you, or at least keep you very sick for a very long time.
There are also many other toxins that most don’t consider like pervasive heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, and various other chemicals, artificial light exposure, other non native electromagnetic field (nnEMF) exposures, etc (all of which can be avoided to some extent and in the case of those harbored within us, gotten rid of to a great enough degree that your body is no longer significantly harmed by them).
Image of It's the fluorescents.
On the “nutrient” side these are frequently disregarded: sun, relaxation, just turning off, real intimacy and a lot of it, deep sleep, grounding, timing of food, positive thoughts and emotions, nature in all its glory (eg “forest bathing”), fresh air, clean and perhaps even “structured” water, etc.
If people do become aware of these and become convinced they might have some benefit or harm in them, they still think to themselves: yeah, but how much can it really matter to me after all?
How much can it possibly move the needle?
The answer is surprising: seemingly insignificant things can sometimes make all the difference.
When a woman eats most of her calories can dramatically affect her risk of PCOS and it’s severity.
If she has bigger breakfasts and smaller dinners it lowers insulin resistance, raises ovulation frequency, and lowers testosterone levels.
A team of scientists from University of Aberdeen has found ways of controlling people's meals to compare the impact of a large breakfast or a large dinner.
How much intimacy you have in your life can mean the difference between having a heart attack or not (up to half the incidence of heart disease might be linked to intimacy alone).
How many intimate relationships you have is the number one predictor of how long you live.
Oh, yeah let’s not forget the much maligned sun.
AKA the glorious fusion-reactor-in-the-sky-energy-source for all life on this planet.
If the sun winked out everything, everywhere would die.
How much sun exposure a population has predicts all manner of health outcomes from diabetes to cancer to obesity to heart disease and more.
Not that more sun makes you sicker.
The more sun the better.
And it’s not vitamin D levels that make the difference, because profit driven supplement manufacturers made sure to get that hypothesis tested and it failed - i.e. supplementing vitamin D didn’t achieve the profound effects seen in populations that have high vitamin D due to sun exposure (sure, maybe they didn’t take enough, or took too much, but that’s one of the basic problems with supplementation - it bypasses the bodies feedback loops and can cause it’s own problems too - eg I’ve seen multiple patients who over supplemented D and ended up with immune dysfunction up to and including new autoimmune disease, even though autoimmune disease is thought to be caused by low D, that low D may actually be a helpful maneuver by the body due to the disease itself and evidence does not show improvement of autoimmunity with D supplementation, rather evidence suggests that supplementation worsens it!).
The point is that it’s definitely not just vitamin D that’s important in populations with high D, because in nature when you get vitamin D you get so much more than just vitamin D at the same time.
It is sunlight sufficiency that’s important, because sunlight that isn’t filtered by modern window glass (that blocks crucial invisible wavelengths) has dramatic biological effects beyond just raising vitamin D: it lowers blood viscosity, dramatically improves mitochondrial activity and health, improves sleep timing and depth, improves the gut microbiome, raises the right hormones at the right times, activates certain otherwise dormant hormonal pathways, and much more, probably including many things we still don’t fully understand.
And there are many more idiosyncratic relationships between seemingly insignificant lifestyle choices and your health that can be highly specific to you and not most other people.
But, the good new is that 95% or more of what you need to focus on is well known and basically generic to everyone.
So, if this is all rational and logical and doable, why don’t people believe it will work?
Why even after reading this will people still not do anything different?
Because they have heard the message every day of their lives in so many ways from so many people that the cause of disease is some deep mystery.
The old Nazi propaganda secret that’s not so secret any more: a big enough lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.
How many news articles have you seen in your life that bemoan the lack of understanding of xyz disease? What causes it? How to treat it? Scientists just don’t know!
We must spend more money researching it!
That’s just a big fat lie: the truth is the only thing the establishment doesn’t know is how best to monetize it, which is the sole purpose of every dollar of government-funded, industry-directed research.
We know what causes illness and health.
There are only so many things that populate a very short list that can possibly account for both.
PS. The basics are simple, but things do get complicated rather quickly, especially when people go to doctors who misinterpret their symptoms and labs as something “wrong” rather than as maneuvers around a bad situation that are usually benefitting the patient.
Patients are given wrongheaded “solutions” instead of addressing root causes and in many instances just helping the body in its attempt to overcome those root causes.
The body fighting off root causes is usually seen as a disease in itself.
One of the best examples of this being a viral infection - all the symptoms are due to your own immune system getting rid of the virus - suppressing those symptoms just lets the virus get a stronger foothold inside you.
Many of the symptoms we consider illnesses are similar attempts by the body to root out something that’s gotten in.
Resolving complex multilayered problems involving many previous wrong moves is like this:
Imagine a brash upstart chess player who has a couple years of study and gampelay under their belt goes to Central Park and sti down to play with one of the scruffy looking beggars. He thinks how hard can this be and bets big on the outcome. Quickly he realizes he has been taken for a fool and is far outmatched. The longer he plays the worse it gets. At some point he bows out and brings in a really skilled replacement to help him. The farther along the game is, the harder it will be for the skilled replacement to correct the situation.
In reality almost every doctor is playing checkers, not realizing their actually in a game of chess.
If you’re ready to let a grandmaster take over the board, the best in the world is Hakim Shabaz.
I’m not prone to hyperbole so when I say he is in a league of his own I mean it.
Practically speaking that will sometimes mean that what he recommends seems weird, but cell phones would have seemed weird 300 years ago, it doesn’t mean they don’t work, it just means we’re too far behind to understand what’s going on.
Either do the work to understand enough to believe deeply that the approach will work, or take a leap of faith.
Either way just do it.
Consult The Hakim