• It Is Time for Freedom of Speech in the Freedom Movement
    We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day with each other~

    Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
    There, in my inbox, was another substack essay on nanotechnology….a thoughtful, serious piece discussing why we should not fall for the concept that nanotechnology can actually control human behavior and thought or the way that human beings conduct themselves.

    The discussion made a lot of sense. And so do the microscopists — those scientists, including chemists, pathologists, engineers, and others examining the “COVID vaccines,” the nanotechnology, the quantum dots, the “white clots,” the graphene oxide, and all else being found in human blood and various matter present in human injectables, ingestables, and breathables.

    [continue reading below]

    The dissenting author I read mentioned one of our other colleagues (colleagues being those fighters for freedom, liberty, biological integrity, health, science, and community). The dispute centered around the ability of any science to actually technologically control human thought. I winced as I read this.

    Not because I fully agreed or disagreed with either person, but because I knew human feelings would be stirred up, maybe hurt, maybe angered. Those feelings would swirl around the concepts of the debate, but also generally through the readers of each person and their colleagues. And those feelings can get in the way. Because the discussions, the disagreements, and the differences of view about the details and degrees of dangers are critical conversations.

    We should be having these conversations all the time.

    I am not going to parse that science debate in this essay in detail — that is for another time. I will say that the desire to control the thoughts and actions of others is a hallmark of dark “science” used by the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense divisions as well as some aspects of medicine and psychology. From the early psychiatric ice pick lobotomies in the 1950s to the psychosurgery experiments at some of the highest academic centers in medicine, including Harvard, Brown, Tulane, McGill, University of Mississippi, Wayne State, and many more, there have been attempts to modulate, deter, and control behavior. Dr. Breggin devoted several years of his life to putting a stop to the psychosurgery resurgence that began in the late 1960s into the 1970s.

    The Desire to Control is not the Same as Being Able to Control Human Thoughts

    The desire to control human thoughts and actions is not the same as being able to control human thoughts and actions. At this point, “what science can do is damage the human brain through various means — surgical, electrical, energy wave frequencies, blunt force trauma, and drugs,” according to psychiatrist Peter Breggin MD. He explains that a human being can be stopped, subdued, or deterred, just as the furious bull was stopped in its tracks in the arena by psychosurgeon Delgado, through electrical shocks in 1963. It came to a dead stop, shaking its head. The brain-damaging effect of the shock had paralyzed the beast momentarily without actually changing or averting his desire to charge. The shock was the equivalent of being stunned by a blow to the head. Dr. Breggin has examined this issue further in his new essay “The Elite Strategy to Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds and Willpower.”

    The Desire to Control May Lead to Attempts to Control

    We know the dark sciences and the deep state want to control people, populations, and “targeted audiences.” Whether or not they are successful, there appears to be little preventing them from attempting to establish control of people by inserting technology into their bodies, especially since there is such a delicious opportunity to experiment with inserting nanotech during the Great World Vaccination Drive of the COVID era.

    Why not drive the technology “forward” by seeing what human bodies can tolerate or survive in the way of foreign objects and substances? Who knows? If the objects and substances are small enough, maybe we can slip them by the body’s defenses? And who is to say no? The ethics division at the National Institute of Health is manned by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s wife. So it behooves us to ask questions, lots of questions.

    However, we must not succumb to the fear and terror propaganda that is certainly being salted into the mix of information we are consuming about possible mind manipulation. Those who wish to control us are using fear, promotion of false abilities, misdirection, and any other lies they can dream up to keep us frightened, intimidated, distracted, confused, and ineffective.

    So, what can we do?

    Team Freedom Needs to Speak Openly and Freely

    We, those of us who are on Team Freedom, need to be able to speak freely. To exchange ideas, data, and perspectives.

    We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day.

    We are on the cutting edge of politics, science, liberty, medicine, public health, sociology, psychology, public relations, and civics. We are all looking around corners, into back rooms, and examining issues, practices, and technologies that are being shepherded into our cultures, our bodies, and our environment over which we have had no say.

    We Have Had No Choice

    We have had no choice about whatever is in the injectable liquids that are contaminating various medicines, including what is coyly called the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

    We have had no choice about the substances put in our foods or our environments through geoengineering pollution or other forms of manipulations. We have had no choice about the use of energy frequencies like the 5G being launched. No choice about the littered landscape of Level 4 biolabs around the world. No choice about the engineered pathogens that definitely escape those labs from time to time, and no choice about whether they should be released upon the world for one reason or another.

    We have no choice about being a member of the United Nations or a member of the World Health Organization, and of sustaining them through our tax dollars.

    We aren’t being given any of these choices. Those topics are off the table, ‘Top Secret,’ ‘proprietary information,’ under “NDA” (non-disclosure agreement) or simply ‘embarrassing’ or a ‘distraction’ or a ‘trade secret.’

    We have certainly had no choice about the manipulations of information that are being disseminated throughout our societies every day via the controlled media except to turn that media on, or off but much of it is impossible to avoid.

    We have had no choice about the Department of Defense (DOD), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other alphabet agencies using psychological manipulation and propaganda to “win the hearts and minds” and if that fails, to control opinion and actions with foreign nations and foreign nationals. In reality, most of what goes on in the arena of experimentation on physical control of the mind is hidden behind the opaque Deep State curtain. Does the Deep State want to control? You betcha. Look back at the last four years. In country after country, especially the USA, all we see is control being exerted upon citizens, against tradition and constitutions.

    We have no say in whether the DOD and the CIA, the CDC, and the alphabets are directing their propaganda machines upon U.S. citizens. Are their propaganda activities in the U.S. ‘biting the hand that feeds them?’ NO? Then what hand is feeding them?

    Tell us, please.

    Are We Free Without Debate and the Free Exchange of Ideas?

    Push back. We must open our minds. Have lots of conversations, and lots of exchange of ideas, through essays, columns, via videos, zoom meetings, documentaries, debates, books, and live gatherings.

    We know personally that there are those among us who have been very engaged in trying to steer and stifle the debate. The thought-terminating concept is ‘do NOT speak about that subject — it will discredit you and ‘the movement,’ and you will look like a fool.’ Another deterrent that stifles debate is ‘don’t disagree — we need unity in the freedom movement.’

    A very big threat that has thrown a terrifying poisonous cloud over all of us is the dread of getting sued for $25 million dollars.

    That is not freedom. That is control.

    You Will Look Like a Fool….

    There is disagreement about whether censorship occurred in Stockholm during the “Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences” conference held January 21-22, 2023. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger was the last presenter for this conference, after which there was a closing panel made up of the afternoon group of speakers. That last panel included Astrid Stuckelberger, Geert Vanden Bossche, John Steppling (playwright), Pierre Kory, Richard Urso, Jessica Rose, and Philipp Kruse.

    Dr. Stuckelberger’s talk was titled “From Biology to Population: Evidence-Based Public Health Situations: Analysis, Lessons and Next Steps.” “Censorship occurred at point C when I presented the results of nanotech and oxide graphene in the vials,” she told SGT Report. Her slide asked, “Is the content [of the vials] biological or not?” It is reproduced below.

    Her primary point, as I understand it, is that the materials being found in the ‘COVID vaccines’ are non-biological in nature — they are synthetic biological matter. Therefore physicians examining and testing blood who are trained to view biological matter are going to miss the synthetic materials, both due to the small size and due to the compositions of the materials.

    Dr. Stuckelberger posted a video clip later sent to her by an attendee that shows Dr. Cole up on the stage after Dr. Stuckelberger’s presentation. Though not listed on the final panel, Dr. Cole took the stage, gestured for, and was given a microphone by event organizers and then made “a real quick comment.” This was allowed even though Dr. Stuckelberger’s presentation was cut short by the organizers (they say because they were out of time).

    “From what we’ve looked at, there are no nano chips. There is absolutely no graphene oxide in the hundreds of vials we’ve looked at,” declared Dr. Cole. Turning to Dr. Stuckelberger, he declared, “I respect that you did a beautiful presentation,” which appeared patronizing or at least awkward.

    Dr. Cole said, “At the end of the day, to focus on freedom and focus on the wonderful freedom fight that we all have together is what matters. Other things are red herrings, and it’s not relevant, and it’s a distraction to our cause… Scientifically based on the analysis done, we respectfully disagree, having looked at what we’ve looked at as a group from Austria, as a group from the United States, and if we focus on freedom together, that’s what matters… but the rest of it makes us look a little like we are out there.”

    Dr. Richard Urso added, “The lipid nanoparticle messenger RNA is so dangerous itself – It’s the number one thing right now that we know, the data is there….it’s affecting DNA damage repair, its affecting toll-like receptors and viral immune surveillance, it’s doing the blood clotting, it’s doing a lot of the things we already know, we have the data on it…” (At 3:15 on the video)

    Doctors Cole and Urso both claimed “it’s not useful to our cause to put red herrings out there.”

    The shortened last panel gave each speaker three minutes to summarize their views, and then the organizers said Dr. Stuckelberger and another presenter could not present as they were out of time. She was handed the mic anyway, and she said “they are afraid of what I am going to say.” Then she said that we are living in an apocalyptic time. “Corruption is not new, it has been there for ages, and it is time that we see it. We must all strive to become autonomous again and create autonomous communities. I wish you will build happiness and find ways to heal yourselves with natural remedies, and there are some. Try to build community with others who have the same spirit and heart as you,” she concluded.

    Watch the videos. Look at the body language. Dr. Stuckelberger was body blocked by one of the local organizers, John Steppling, who loomed over her during Dr. Cole’s ‘explanation’ about why she should not present her data on the presence of nanotechnology in the blood. Dr. Kory came on stage and added his on-stage presence to the discussion. Doctors Kory, Cole, and Urso are among the pillars of Dr. Robert Malone’s medical juggernaut.

    The upshot is that Dr. Astrid Stucklberger was interrupted, distracted, or body-checked by at least four men, including Dr. Cole, Dr. Vanden Bossche, John Steppling, and Dr. Kory, who also made his presence known when joining the others on stage.

    The entire event was professionally filmed and posted online by conference organizers, the Swedish organization called The Doctors’ Appeal. The conference organizers also posted a two-page non-attributed paper titled “What happened at the conference.” The organizers assert that there was “no intent to censor Dr. Stuckelberger, nor place her in an awkward position at the end of her talk,” and they apologized “unreservedly for any animosity she may have experienced during the closing moments of the conference…”

    But key moments of the controversy are missing from the official recordings documenting the period directly after Dr. Stuckelberger’s speech was abruptly ended and the final panel was convened. Another video emerged and is available, memorializing some of the missing minutes where Dr. Cole took the stage to dismiss Dr. Stuckelberger’s comments.

    Sage Hana provides a good condensed version of one of the first post-conference interviews done with Astrid Stuckelberger by Dr. Jane Ruby, and offers some interesting observations in his “Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, Dr. Jane Ruby Highlights #1–Details of her Stockholm presentation subject matter” substack published February 4, 2023. We first learned of the incident from happening upon Dr. Ruby’s interview of Dr. Stuckelberger.

    Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Daniel Nagase

    Suppression of ideas also occurred during a November 3, 2021, Zoom call between a number of Canadian medical colleagues, including Emergency Room physician Dr. Daniel Nagase. Dr. Robert Malone, from the US, was also invited to participate in that group Zoom meeting.

    Here are [Dr. Nagase] timestamps for interesting segments.

    40:30 Dr. Nagase: Backstory.

    45:30 Dr. Nagase: Cancer and reverse transcriptase.

    47:03 Dr. Malone: drops off call.

    57.53 Dr. Malone: comes back cautioning against speculating about reverse transcriptase.

    58:30 Dr. Malone: “We’re under intense pressure… we have to be super careful about our messaging and what we’re stating…not useful to speculate about things like integration [of DNA from reverse transcribed RNA]

    Dr. Malone was telling Daniel Nagase, MD, in effect, don’t talk about reverse transcription and DNA integration in that 2021 Zoom meeting. Dr. Malone interrupted and said, “We’re under intense pressure… we have to be super careful about our messaging and what we’re stating…[it’s] not useful to speculate about things like integration” [of DNA from reverse transcribed RNA].

    Imagine. If scientists, analysts, and the public had been able to speak, discuss, and argue, about these dangers, questioning which contents might be in the COVID ‘vaccines’ without being interrupted and silenced by others purporting to be on the side of freedom, what might we have accomplished at that time in convincing others to NOT submit to the toxic ‘COVID vaccines?’

    Trash-Talking on Twitter

    Former Vice President of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has been especially eloquent and outspoken about the elite’s global takeover via the World Economic Forum (WEF) and World Health Organization (WHO).

    Wide Awake Media reported:

    Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The so-called “pandemic” was planned and coordinated in advance, by unelected globalist bodies like the WHO and WEF, as a pretext to deliberately depopulate the planet via lethal mRNA injections:

    “We’re facing something much worse than an alleged virus. The injuries to people from these so-called vaccines… I wish I could tell you that it was accidental, but it wasn’t accidental. I’m convinced that these injections have been made to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately.”

    Source: TRUTH BE TOLD RALLY | London | March 25 | 1pm CET | 8am EST | Parliament Square | Childrens Health Defense

    In his comment, Dr. Yeadon echoed what many others have been saying and offering evidence about for some time.

    Dr. Malone tweeted back:

    “Show me the receipts or go home. Yeadon can talk like that all day long and get lots of clicks and likes. Preaching to the choir. But all it does is delegitimizes him with the persuadable middle. Do we want to win this, or are we just playing tiddlywinks? Proof or shut up.”

    Dr. Malone’s insults toward Dr. Yeadon should be no surprise, given that he has so often attempted to silence or sully other freedom fighters, including Peter Breggin, MD, Ginger Breggin, Dr. Jane Ruby, Peter McCullough, MD, Harvey Risch, MD, Dr. Paul Alexander, The Wellness Company, Red State Media, America Out Loud, other independent journalists, Dr. Brian Ardis, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Foster Colson, Clay Clark, Alex Berenson and others.

    Since 2022, Dr. Malone has increased his attacks involving much of The Wellness Company, Dr. Alexander, additional independent journalists, and reformers. Dr. Alexander himself has exposed two key instances where Dr. Malone maligned and discouraged others from having relationships with Dr. Peter Breggin – once when standing in the halls of the U.S. Senate prior to testimony, and once in a Brownstone email list among Brownstone members.

    Epidemiologist Paul Alias Alexander, Ph.D., is a Former Senior Advisor to Trump’s COVID Task Force and Former Advisor to WHO. He has courageously revealed in a recent substack column that during the Senate hearing that brought some of the top COVID critical scientists together, Dr. Malone was denigrating Dr. Peter Breggin, who was not present. Dr. Alexander reported:

    “I personally heard him, Malone, at a Senate meeting in Washington D.C. verbally ridiculing and smearing the Breggins to other scientists present. They were not there to defend themselves as he bragged about his lawsuit of $25 million against Dr. Peter Breggin and what he was doing against them. We run in similar circles. I was surprised he would do that in the Senate building (we were called there by Senator Johnson to discuss COVID and issues), and he was talking about his lawsuit on [the] Breggins as if it were a joke and a game, a sport, with listeners standing around enjoying a laugh. He poisoned the well, so to speak. He was trying to get the listeners to agree with him, yet they had no idea about the minutia. He was bragging, and it repulsed me. A joke on Dr. Breggin, who has done more for America and this movement than Malone could ever do?” [italics added.]

    The Biggest “Don’t Talk About That” Action

    The biggest “Don’t talk about that” action to date has been the $25 million dollar lawsuit against Peter R. Breggin MD, Ginger Ross Breggin, and Dr. Jane Ruby. The threats of a lawsuit and the official demand letter centered around an intellectual sociological/psychological debate of the validity of the so-called ‘Mass Formation’ or Mass Formation Psychosis concept, which we will be revisiting again in a separate column. The lawsuit complaint itself morphed into a litany of false allegations of defamatory statements. Some of the statements Malone attributed to Dr. Breggin were never uttered by Dr. Breggin. And none of the statements were defamatory. See our legal response and our amended response.

    We should all be aware at this time, four years into the takeover of the world, that those of us opposing the takeover are on the ‘outside.’ We are not part of the Good Club — the elite collection of billionaires and other entities who are implementing plans for controlling the world.

    We Can Do Science, Civics, Politics, Community, and Medicine the FREEDOM Way

    Whether you discuss nanotechnology or some other aspect critical of the official narrative, you are on the ‘outside.’ To those who are thinking about toeing the line set by the authorities, if you oppose masks, if you oppose lockdowns, if you mention ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, you are on the outside. You are on the outside if you are opposing the so-called COVID vaccines.

    So let’s embrace freedom. We can do science, civics, politics, community, medicine the FREEDOM way. Through debate, disagreement, challenging, arguing, and discussing. Be very suspicious of anybody trying to steer the conversation….of anybody trying to shut the discussion down, of anybody trying to grab the microphone when it is not their turn.

    Humanity is at risk. Be bold, be courageous, speak up…and listen to each other.

    We are not free, if we cannot speak freely.

    Find us at Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD

    Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com

    Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com

    Find us on Substack at: Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators

    Find our legal defense fund here: GiveSendGo - Dr Peter and Ginger Breggin Legal Defense

    It Is Time for Freedom of Speech in the Freedom Movement We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day with each other~ Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin There, in my inbox, was another substack essay on nanotechnology….a thoughtful, serious piece discussing why we should not fall for the concept that nanotechnology can actually control human behavior and thought or the way that human beings conduct themselves. The discussion made a lot of sense. And so do the microscopists — those scientists, including chemists, pathologists, engineers, and others examining the “COVID vaccines,” the nanotechnology, the quantum dots, the “white clots,” the graphene oxide, and all else being found in human blood and various matter present in human injectables, ingestables, and breathables. [continue reading below] The dissenting author I read mentioned one of our other colleagues (colleagues being those fighters for freedom, liberty, biological integrity, health, science, and community). The dispute centered around the ability of any science to actually technologically control human thought. I winced as I read this. Not because I fully agreed or disagreed with either person, but because I knew human feelings would be stirred up, maybe hurt, maybe angered. Those feelings would swirl around the concepts of the debate, but also generally through the readers of each person and their colleagues. And those feelings can get in the way. Because the discussions, the disagreements, and the differences of view about the details and degrees of dangers are critical conversations. We should be having these conversations all the time. I am not going to parse that science debate in this essay in detail — that is for another time. I will say that the desire to control the thoughts and actions of others is a hallmark of dark “science” used by the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense divisions as well as some aspects of medicine and psychology. From the early psychiatric ice pick lobotomies in the 1950s to the psychosurgery experiments at some of the highest academic centers in medicine, including Harvard, Brown, Tulane, McGill, University of Mississippi, Wayne State, and many more, there have been attempts to modulate, deter, and control behavior. Dr. Breggin devoted several years of his life to putting a stop to the psychosurgery resurgence that began in the late 1960s into the 1970s. The Desire to Control is not the Same as Being Able to Control Human Thoughts The desire to control human thoughts and actions is not the same as being able to control human thoughts and actions. At this point, “what science can do is damage the human brain through various means — surgical, electrical, energy wave frequencies, blunt force trauma, and drugs,” according to psychiatrist Peter Breggin MD. He explains that a human being can be stopped, subdued, or deterred, just as the furious bull was stopped in its tracks in the arena by psychosurgeon Delgado, through electrical shocks in 1963. It came to a dead stop, shaking its head. The brain-damaging effect of the shock had paralyzed the beast momentarily without actually changing or averting his desire to charge. The shock was the equivalent of being stunned by a blow to the head. Dr. Breggin has examined this issue further in his new essay “The Elite Strategy to Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds and Willpower.” The Desire to Control May Lead to Attempts to Control We know the dark sciences and the deep state want to control people, populations, and “targeted audiences.” Whether or not they are successful, there appears to be little preventing them from attempting to establish control of people by inserting technology into their bodies, especially since there is such a delicious opportunity to experiment with inserting nanotech during the Great World Vaccination Drive of the COVID era. Why not drive the technology “forward” by seeing what human bodies can tolerate or survive in the way of foreign objects and substances? Who knows? If the objects and substances are small enough, maybe we can slip them by the body’s defenses? And who is to say no? The ethics division at the National Institute of Health is manned by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s wife. So it behooves us to ask questions, lots of questions. However, we must not succumb to the fear and terror propaganda that is certainly being salted into the mix of information we are consuming about possible mind manipulation. Those who wish to control us are using fear, promotion of false abilities, misdirection, and any other lies they can dream up to keep us frightened, intimidated, distracted, confused, and ineffective. So, what can we do? Team Freedom Needs to Speak Openly and Freely We, those of us who are on Team Freedom, need to be able to speak freely. To exchange ideas, data, and perspectives. We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day. We are on the cutting edge of politics, science, liberty, medicine, public health, sociology, psychology, public relations, and civics. We are all looking around corners, into back rooms, and examining issues, practices, and technologies that are being shepherded into our cultures, our bodies, and our environment over which we have had no say. We Have Had No Choice We have had no choice about whatever is in the injectable liquids that are contaminating various medicines, including what is coyly called the COVID-19 “vaccines.” We have had no choice about the substances put in our foods or our environments through geoengineering pollution or other forms of manipulations. We have had no choice about the use of energy frequencies like the 5G being launched. No choice about the littered landscape of Level 4 biolabs around the world. No choice about the engineered pathogens that definitely escape those labs from time to time, and no choice about whether they should be released upon the world for one reason or another. We have no choice about being a member of the United Nations or a member of the World Health Organization, and of sustaining them through our tax dollars. We aren’t being given any of these choices. Those topics are off the table, ‘Top Secret,’ ‘proprietary information,’ under “NDA” (non-disclosure agreement) or simply ‘embarrassing’ or a ‘distraction’ or a ‘trade secret.’ We have certainly had no choice about the manipulations of information that are being disseminated throughout our societies every day via the controlled media except to turn that media on, or off but much of it is impossible to avoid. We have had no choice about the Department of Defense (DOD), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other alphabet agencies using psychological manipulation and propaganda to “win the hearts and minds” and if that fails, to control opinion and actions with foreign nations and foreign nationals. In reality, most of what goes on in the arena of experimentation on physical control of the mind is hidden behind the opaque Deep State curtain. Does the Deep State want to control? You betcha. Look back at the last four years. In country after country, especially the USA, all we see is control being exerted upon citizens, against tradition and constitutions. We have no say in whether the DOD and the CIA, the CDC, and the alphabets are directing their propaganda machines upon U.S. citizens. Are their propaganda activities in the U.S. ‘biting the hand that feeds them?’ NO? Then what hand is feeding them? Tell us, please. Are We Free Without Debate and the Free Exchange of Ideas? Push back. We must open our minds. Have lots of conversations, and lots of exchange of ideas, through essays, columns, via videos, zoom meetings, documentaries, debates, books, and live gatherings. We know personally that there are those among us who have been very engaged in trying to steer and stifle the debate. The thought-terminating concept is ‘do NOT speak about that subject — it will discredit you and ‘the movement,’ and you will look like a fool.’ Another deterrent that stifles debate is ‘don’t disagree — we need unity in the freedom movement.’ A very big threat that has thrown a terrifying poisonous cloud over all of us is the dread of getting sued for $25 million dollars. That is not freedom. That is control. You Will Look Like a Fool…. There is disagreement about whether censorship occurred in Stockholm during the “Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences” conference held January 21-22, 2023. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger was the last presenter for this conference, after which there was a closing panel made up of the afternoon group of speakers. That last panel included Astrid Stuckelberger, Geert Vanden Bossche, John Steppling (playwright), Pierre Kory, Richard Urso, Jessica Rose, and Philipp Kruse. Dr. Stuckelberger’s talk was titled “From Biology to Population: Evidence-Based Public Health Situations: Analysis, Lessons and Next Steps.” “Censorship occurred at point C when I presented the results of nanotech and oxide graphene in the vials,” she told SGT Report. Her slide asked, “Is the content [of the vials] biological or not?” It is reproduced below. Her primary point, as I understand it, is that the materials being found in the ‘COVID vaccines’ are non-biological in nature — they are synthetic biological matter. Therefore physicians examining and testing blood who are trained to view biological matter are going to miss the synthetic materials, both due to the small size and due to the compositions of the materials. Dr. Stuckelberger posted a video clip later sent to her by an attendee that shows Dr. Cole up on the stage after Dr. Stuckelberger’s presentation. Though not listed on the final panel, Dr. Cole took the stage, gestured for, and was given a microphone by event organizers and then made “a real quick comment.” This was allowed even though Dr. Stuckelberger’s presentation was cut short by the organizers (they say because they were out of time). “From what we’ve looked at, there are no nano chips. There is absolutely no graphene oxide in the hundreds of vials we’ve looked at,” declared Dr. Cole. Turning to Dr. Stuckelberger, he declared, “I respect that you did a beautiful presentation,” which appeared patronizing or at least awkward. Dr. Cole said, “At the end of the day, to focus on freedom and focus on the wonderful freedom fight that we all have together is what matters. Other things are red herrings, and it’s not relevant, and it’s a distraction to our cause… Scientifically based on the analysis done, we respectfully disagree, having looked at what we’ve looked at as a group from Austria, as a group from the United States, and if we focus on freedom together, that’s what matters… but the rest of it makes us look a little like we are out there.” Dr. Richard Urso added, “The lipid nanoparticle messenger RNA is so dangerous itself – It’s the number one thing right now that we know, the data is there….it’s affecting DNA damage repair, its affecting toll-like receptors and viral immune surveillance, it’s doing the blood clotting, it’s doing a lot of the things we already know, we have the data on it…” (At 3:15 on the video) Doctors Cole and Urso both claimed “it’s not useful to our cause to put red herrings out there.” The shortened last panel gave each speaker three minutes to summarize their views, and then the organizers said Dr. Stuckelberger and another presenter could not present as they were out of time. She was handed the mic anyway, and she said “they are afraid of what I am going to say.” Then she said that we are living in an apocalyptic time. “Corruption is not new, it has been there for ages, and it is time that we see it. We must all strive to become autonomous again and create autonomous communities. I wish you will build happiness and find ways to heal yourselves with natural remedies, and there are some. Try to build community with others who have the same spirit and heart as you,” she concluded. Watch the videos. Look at the body language. Dr. Stuckelberger was body blocked by one of the local organizers, John Steppling, who loomed over her during Dr. Cole’s ‘explanation’ about why she should not present her data on the presence of nanotechnology in the blood. Dr. Kory came on stage and added his on-stage presence to the discussion. Doctors Kory, Cole, and Urso are among the pillars of Dr. Robert Malone’s medical juggernaut. The upshot is that Dr. Astrid Stucklberger was interrupted, distracted, or body-checked by at least four men, including Dr. Cole, Dr. Vanden Bossche, John Steppling, and Dr. Kory, who also made his presence known when joining the others on stage. The entire event was professionally filmed and posted online by conference organizers, the Swedish organization called The Doctors’ Appeal. The conference organizers also posted a two-page non-attributed paper titled “What happened at the conference.” The organizers assert that there was “no intent to censor Dr. Stuckelberger, nor place her in an awkward position at the end of her talk,” and they apologized “unreservedly for any animosity she may have experienced during the closing moments of the conference…” But key moments of the controversy are missing from the official recordings documenting the period directly after Dr. Stuckelberger’s speech was abruptly ended and the final panel was convened. Another video emerged and is available, memorializing some of the missing minutes where Dr. Cole took the stage to dismiss Dr. Stuckelberger’s comments. Sage Hana provides a good condensed version of one of the first post-conference interviews done with Astrid Stuckelberger by Dr. Jane Ruby, and offers some interesting observations in his “Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, Dr. Jane Ruby Highlights #1–Details of her Stockholm presentation subject matter” substack published February 4, 2023. We first learned of the incident from happening upon Dr. Ruby’s interview of Dr. Stuckelberger. Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Daniel Nagase Suppression of ideas also occurred during a November 3, 2021, Zoom call between a number of Canadian medical colleagues, including Emergency Room physician Dr. Daniel Nagase. Dr. Robert Malone, from the US, was also invited to participate in that group Zoom meeting. Here are [Dr. Nagase] timestamps for interesting segments. 40:30 Dr. Nagase: Backstory. 45:30 Dr. Nagase: Cancer and reverse transcriptase. 47:03 Dr. Malone: drops off call. 57.53 Dr. Malone: comes back cautioning against speculating about reverse transcriptase. 58:30 Dr. Malone: “We’re under intense pressure… we have to be super careful about our messaging and what we’re stating…not useful to speculate about things like integration [of DNA from reverse transcribed RNA] Dr. Malone was telling Daniel Nagase, MD, in effect, don’t talk about reverse transcription and DNA integration in that 2021 Zoom meeting. Dr. Malone interrupted and said, “We’re under intense pressure… we have to be super careful about our messaging and what we’re stating…[it’s] not useful to speculate about things like integration” [of DNA from reverse transcribed RNA]. Imagine. If scientists, analysts, and the public had been able to speak, discuss, and argue, about these dangers, questioning which contents might be in the COVID ‘vaccines’ without being interrupted and silenced by others purporting to be on the side of freedom, what might we have accomplished at that time in convincing others to NOT submit to the toxic ‘COVID vaccines?’ Trash-Talking on Twitter Former Vice President of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has been especially eloquent and outspoken about the elite’s global takeover via the World Economic Forum (WEF) and World Health Organization (WHO). Wide Awake Media reported: Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The so-called “pandemic” was planned and coordinated in advance, by unelected globalist bodies like the WHO and WEF, as a pretext to deliberately depopulate the planet via lethal mRNA injections: “We’re facing something much worse than an alleged virus. The injuries to people from these so-called vaccines… I wish I could tell you that it was accidental, but it wasn’t accidental. I’m convinced that these injections have been made to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately.” Source: TRUTH BE TOLD RALLY | London | March 25 | 1pm CET | 8am EST | Parliament Square | Childrens Health Defense In his comment, Dr. Yeadon echoed what many others have been saying and offering evidence about for some time. Dr. Malone tweeted back: “Show me the receipts or go home. Yeadon can talk like that all day long and get lots of clicks and likes. Preaching to the choir. But all it does is delegitimizes him with the persuadable middle. Do we want to win this, or are we just playing tiddlywinks? Proof or shut up.” Dr. Malone’s insults toward Dr. Yeadon should be no surprise, given that he has so often attempted to silence or sully other freedom fighters, including Peter Breggin, MD, Ginger Breggin, Dr. Jane Ruby, Peter McCullough, MD, Harvey Risch, MD, Dr. Paul Alexander, The Wellness Company, Red State Media, America Out Loud, other independent journalists, Dr. Brian Ardis, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Foster Colson, Clay Clark, Alex Berenson and others. Since 2022, Dr. Malone has increased his attacks involving much of The Wellness Company, Dr. Alexander, additional independent journalists, and reformers. Dr. Alexander himself has exposed two key instances where Dr. Malone maligned and discouraged others from having relationships with Dr. Peter Breggin – once when standing in the halls of the U.S. Senate prior to testimony, and once in a Brownstone email list among Brownstone members. Epidemiologist Paul Alias Alexander, Ph.D., is a Former Senior Advisor to Trump’s COVID Task Force and Former Advisor to WHO. He has courageously revealed in a recent substack column that during the Senate hearing that brought some of the top COVID critical scientists together, Dr. Malone was denigrating Dr. Peter Breggin, who was not present. Dr. Alexander reported: “I personally heard him, Malone, at a Senate meeting in Washington D.C. verbally ridiculing and smearing the Breggins to other scientists present. They were not there to defend themselves as he bragged about his lawsuit of $25 million against Dr. Peter Breggin and what he was doing against them. We run in similar circles. I was surprised he would do that in the Senate building (we were called there by Senator Johnson to discuss COVID and issues), and he was talking about his lawsuit on [the] Breggins as if it were a joke and a game, a sport, with listeners standing around enjoying a laugh. He poisoned the well, so to speak. He was trying to get the listeners to agree with him, yet they had no idea about the minutia. He was bragging, and it repulsed me. A joke on Dr. Breggin, who has done more for America and this movement than Malone could ever do?” [italics added.] The Biggest “Don’t Talk About That” Action The biggest “Don’t talk about that” action to date has been the $25 million dollar lawsuit against Peter R. Breggin MD, Ginger Ross Breggin, and Dr. Jane Ruby. The threats of a lawsuit and the official demand letter centered around an intellectual sociological/psychological debate of the validity of the so-called ‘Mass Formation’ or Mass Formation Psychosis concept, which we will be revisiting again in a separate column. The lawsuit complaint itself morphed into a litany of false allegations of defamatory statements. Some of the statements Malone attributed to Dr. Breggin were never uttered by Dr. Breggin. And none of the statements were defamatory. See our legal response and our amended response. We should all be aware at this time, four years into the takeover of the world, that those of us opposing the takeover are on the ‘outside.’ We are not part of the Good Club — the elite collection of billionaires and other entities who are implementing plans for controlling the world. We Can Do Science, Civics, Politics, Community, and Medicine the FREEDOM Way Whether you discuss nanotechnology or some other aspect critical of the official narrative, you are on the ‘outside.’ To those who are thinking about toeing the line set by the authorities, if you oppose masks, if you oppose lockdowns, if you mention ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, you are on the outside. You are on the outside if you are opposing the so-called COVID vaccines. So let’s embrace freedom. We can do science, civics, politics, community, medicine the FREEDOM way. Through debate, disagreement, challenging, arguing, and discussing. Be very suspicious of anybody trying to steer the conversation….of anybody trying to shut the discussion down, of anybody trying to grab the microphone when it is not their turn. Humanity is at risk. Be bold, be courageous, speak up…and listen to each other. We are not free, if we cannot speak freely. Find us at Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com Find us on Substack at: Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators Find our legal defense fund here: GiveSendGo - Dr Peter and Ginger Breggin Legal Defense https://substack.com/home/post/p-138198485
    It Is Time for Freedom of Speech in the Freedom Movement
    We need to be disciplined enough to be present with the discomfort that comes with disagreement as we listen and communicate about all the critical issues of the day with each other~
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  • Jab-Induced Immune Fatigue (ADEx): An Insidious Gateway to Transhumanism and Human Control
    Is this intentional to pave the way for transhumanist implants through injecting our bodies with harmful nanoparticles and nanotechnology by weakening our immune system’s response to them?

    Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
    Twenty thousand VAERS deaths have now been reported to the FDA.1 In our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators,2 we document why there are at least 100 unreported deaths for every one death that gets sent to the CDC’s monitoring system, called VAERS. As a result, we almost surely now have at least 2 million deaths from the mRNA “vaccines” in America.

    Now we examine an overlooked method by which the COVID shots can cause physical ruination and death through exhaustion of the immune system, and how this will play into the ambitions of the global elite and especially the transhumanists.

    [continue reading below]

    Both SARS-CoV-23 and the COVID jabs4 can weaken the immune system, in part by impairing the function of critical T cells. While the CDC is willing to say that the disease of COVID-19 causes impairments of the immune system, the global predatory organization, of course, does not confirm vaccine-induced immune dysfunction and weakness.

    Nonetheless, as early as April 2022, four courageous researchers, Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, and Peter A. McCullough, documented complex COVID “vaccine” impairments to the immune system:5

    In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. … These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis [causing cancers]. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA “vaccines” questions them as positive contributors to public health. [Emphases added.]

    An editorial, “Repeated vaccination and ‘vaccine exhaustion’: relevance to the COVID-19 crisis,” was published online May 3, 2022 in Expert Review of Vaccines. According to the expert review, “The potential for repeated vaccination to cause vaccine exhaustion and, consequently, reduce protection against microbial infection merits further study.”6 They observe, “The European Medicines Agency has warned that repeat COVID-19 booster doses could adversely affect the immune response.”

    A June 5, 2022, article in Virology Journal reported:7

    Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible.

    An examination of the Lancet article shows that the global predators, who have been deeply involved in pushing the worst of the narrative, manage to make lemonade out of the lemons of vaccine-induced weakening of the immune system.8 The globalist Lancet declared that the waning effectiveness of the “vaccines” indicated the need for even more booster shots!

    Confirming Post COVID “Vaccine” Injuries.

    On November 10, 2023, a large group of scientists and physicians from Yale and several other universities published a study of the “Post-Vaccine Syndrome,” which described the experiences of 241 individuals who joined an online project called LISTEN at Yale from May 2022 to July 2023. The median time between the jab and the onset of symptoms was a mere three days, mostly spanning 1-8 days! This strongly confirms causation.

    The median age was 46, and 80% were female, which raises the threat of the affinity of jab-related spike proteins for the ovaries. In my experience, studies like this based on spontaneous reports from the victims are more likely to detect the range of adverse effects from medical treatment than any other research approach now available to us. After these adverse effects are identified, more focused studies can be used to estimate their frequency in the general population. The study summarized their findings:

    The five most common symptoms were exercise intolerance (71%), excessive fatigue (69%), numbness (63%), brain fog (63%), and neuropathy (63%). In the week before survey completion, participants reported feeling unease (93%), fearfulness (82%), and overwhelmed by worries (81%), as well as feelings of helplessness (80%), anxiety (76%), depression (76%), hopelessness (72%), and worthlessness (49%) at least once.

    Because these reports are coming from individuals rather than their healthcare providers or other outside observers, they are mainly psychological or emotional symptoms. As we shall see below, the CDC confirms that subjective symptoms of fatigue and brain fog are among the most common and most disabling from long COVID.

    It is important to compare these symptoms related to vaccination to the symptoms of long COVID since the “vaccines” reproduce COVID by forcing the body to make the deadly spike protein found on the virus. A list of post-COVID symptoms from the CDC overlaps with many of the above post “vaccine” symptoms.9

    The following chart compares three of the most common major causes of disability from Long COVID listed by the CDC, with the corresponding top 3 out of 4 symptoms from Post-Vaccine study LISTEN in brackets:

    Post-COVID: Tiredness or fatigue

    [Post Vaccine: excessive fatigue (69%)]

    Post-COVID: Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes called “brain fog”)

    [Post Vaccine: brain fog 63%]

    Post-COVID: Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    [Post Vaccine: exercise intolerance (71%)]

    In the general listings by the CDC of post-COVID symptoms, many are psychological, including depression and anxiety, and they too overlap with post-vaccine symptoms.

    Fatigue and brain fog seem to dominate the picture of both post-COVID and post-vaccine syndromes. With the exception of very serious medical problems, these symptoms of fatigue and brain fog are the most disabling. My own experience with COVID confirms these findings. After I was hospitalized for a very serious case of COVID-like illness for five days in early April 2023, I experienced several months of Long COVID, including severe fatigue in all aspects of living as well as “brain fog” in the form of a general reduction in my speed and clarity of thinking, and a lack of engagement in life, including with my family.

    Reports on post-COVID and post “vaccination” adverse effects, and my own personal experience with severe COVID, confirm my theory that all neurotoxins (poisons that affect the brain) produce a common endpoint that involves apathy, reduced engagement with life, and loss of mental acuity — and that these effects make us less sovereign and more controllable by authoritarians and totalitarians.

    I have most recently described my general observation that the elite have favored brain-damaging “therapies” for humankind since the 1930s with lobotomy and electroshock (ECT), followed by the crushing antipsychotic drugs in 1954 and the subtle SSRI antidepressants in 1989. My analysis is titled, “The Elite Strategy to Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds, and Willpower: Are they now purposely continuing to damage our brains, minds, and spirits.”10

    ADE and ADEx: Their Contribution to Post-COVID and Post-Vaccine Syndromes

    ADE is the acronym for “antibody-dependent enhancement.” The word “enhancement” is a bizarre euphemism for a deadly reaction in which an infection followed by a vaccine, or vice versa, a vaccine followed by an infection, combine to cause potentially deadly over-reactions of the immune system. Sometimes the deadly reaction takes the form of a cytokine storm, in which elements of the immune system called cytokines give excessive signals for more antibody responses.

    In medicine, there are examples where overstimulation of a system can harm it. Cortisol suppression is an example of organ or system exhaustion and potential failure from overstimulation of the system, in this case, from almost any form of psychological or physical stress.11 In two of my earliest solo publications, I used my own hands-on animal research to draw conclusions about how excessive levels of the “fight or flight” hormone, adrenaline, produce a feedback mechanism from the hypothalamus that causes a paradoxical fatigue after the initial over-stimulation during “fight or flight.”12

    ADE — the overreaction of the immune system to overstimulation — can cause immune exhaustion, which we are labeling ADEx. ADEx is one probable cause of Long COVID and post “vaccine” symptoms of frequent illnesses, fatigue and exhaustion, brain fog, and fast-growing treatment-resistant “turbo” cancers that occur when the immune system is weakened, often compounded by brain injury and mental dysfunction from the agents that compromise immunity.13 The potential adverse effects of a compromised immune system include those mentioned in the above quote by Stephanie Seneff and her coauthors: “neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response, and tumorigenesis.”

    But is ADEx purposeful? Can it accomplish something far more insidious than even cancer or death that meets the deepest needs of the elite globalists, the global predators?

    A More Insidious Purposeful Result of Immune Exhaustion (ADEx)

    Ginger Breggin may be the first to have recognized an even more insidious reason why the elite might want to weaken all of our immune systems. Their motivation is to enable transhumanism.

    The globalists are intent on remaking human beings to perform tasks that benefit the elite. They want better warriors to impose totalitarianism on humanity. They want super-humans melded with AI computers to advance their technology and to manage their technocracies — the totalitarian institutions run by technocrats under their control. They want fewer humans, and they want them to be more docile and obedient. They want humans willing to sacrifice their well-being without reservation, and they want billions of more docile and obedient humans to serve them without rebelling. Ultimately, these elite globalists, the Apex Global Hunters, want longer, healthier lives for themselves.

    What has this got to do with weakening the immune system?

    Suppressing the immune system is a core strategy in transplantation medicine. The single biggest challenge when introducing a transplant into a human body is that the body’s immune system will consider the transplanted organ or other substance to be foreign and, therefore, an invader requiring attack by antibodies and specialized cells.

    One of the transhumanistic goals, as being developed by Elon Musk, requires modifying the behavior of people with implantations of electronic receivers and transmitters in the brain.14 Many are concerned that the mRNA or DNA “vaccines” are also implanting metallic and other construction materials in our blood that can self-assemble nanoparticle electronic receivers and transmitters in our circulatory system that are potentially under external control. The Department of Defense is a part of the global elite, and for decades it has been experimenting with how to artificially enhance the capacity of soldiers. So has Communist China’s military. Immune responses that interfere with biomedical devices remain a challenge15 to these aspirations.

    As in transplants of hearts, faces, or other body parts, the immune system often must be weakened to avoid immune rejection of them. When most of us already have immune systems weakened by genetic jabs and COVID-19, including by exhaustion of the immune system (ADEx) — transhumanists will have broken a biological barrier to making their transhumanistic fantasies come true, from building human beings more able to serve and less able to rebel against them, to preserving their own healthy lives as long as possible.

    A New Threat That May Depend on Our Weakened Immune Systems

    Even metallic elements, which are being reported in “vaccines” and in the bloodstream, might be destroyed or rendered ineffective by the immune system.16 Reports of unidentified materials, including metals, have been increasingly reported in freshly drawn blood by Ana Maria Mihalcea17 and other experienced physicians and researchers.

    David Hughes wrote a lengthy, detailed scientific review concerning findings of seemingly active objects circulating in the blood and concluded with an ominous warning:18

    Between July 2021 and August 2022, evidence of undisclosed ingredients in the COVID-19 “vaccines” was published by at least 26 researchers/research teams in 16 different countries across five continents using spectroscopic and microscopic analysis. Despite operating largely independently of one another, their findings are remarkably similar and highlight the clear and present danger that the world’s population has been lied to regarding the contents of the COVID-19 “vaccines.” This raises grave questions about the true purpose of the dangerous experimental injections that have so far been shot into 5.33 billion people (over two-thirds of the human race), including children, apparently without their informed consent regarding the contents. Surprise findings include sharp-edged geometric structures, fibrous or tube-like structures, crystalline formations, “microbubbles,” and possible self-assembling nanotechnology. The blood of people who have received one or more COVID-19 “vaccines” appears, in case after case, to contain foreign bodies and to be seriously degraded, with red blood cells typically in Rouleaux formation. Taken together, these 26 studies make a powerful case for the full force of scientific investigation to be brought to bear on the COVID-19 vaccine contents. If the findings of these 26 studies are confirmed, then the political implications are nothing short of revolutionary: a global crime against humanity has been committed, in which every government, every regulator, every establishment media organization, and all the professions have been complicit.

    Some of the objects found circulating in the blood are metallic.19 The immune system will sometimes attack metals, including those that rub off on the skin. A weakened or exhausted immune system would be less able to resist small metallic objects in the bloodstream if the genetic “vaccines” were also weakening the immune system.

    Some of the foreign objects found in blood appear to have qualities associated with biomedical electrical devices. When larger versions of these devices are implanted for measuring or stimulating biological processes, the immune system can also fight them off if special measures are not taken.20 It seems reasonable that nanoparticle biomedical electrical devices would be much more vulnerable to attack by the immune system, again requiring measures to weaken the body’s immune response in order to protect them.

    Other Potentially Lethal Effects of Weakening the Immune System

    Making us unable to defend against harmful alien substances injected into our bodies along with the mRNA is not the only danger from weakened immunity or ADEx. The immune system not only fights off viruses, bacteria, and parasites, but it also fights off cancer cells and tumors.21 Some viruses have been identified as contributing to the development of cancer in immunosuppressed subjects after organ or stem cell transplantation, or with HIV infection.22

    How does one explain the increase in malignant tumors, including “turbo cancers,” being seen in people who have been given the mRNA “vaccines?”

    Within our own social community, we have seen too many cases of cancers that turn out to be larger, more widespread, less treatable, more rapid in development, and more fatal than expected. Doctors with great integrity are reporting the phenomena and being dismissed by establishment medicine.23

    Nor are cancers the only other potential illnesses that can result from lowered immunity. Skin, intestinal, and neurological problems can occur. But most obviously, bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections can become more frequent and more deadly.


    Have the global predators contrived their COVID genetic “vaccines” to cause deadly excessive immune overreactions, followed by vastly weakened immune responses? Have they done this purposely, along with all their other planned actions, like developing SARS-CoV in labs, spreading the virus around the world, outlawing early and effective treatments for COVID like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, pushing deadly treatments like Remdesivir and ventilators, enforcing injections of so-called vaccinations that have maimed and killed millions of people, and enforcing harmful and immune-compromising behaviors such as masking practices and shutdowns of schools, small businesses and churches?

    Specifically, those who are imposing their will on us, the Apex Global Predators, knew the pseudo-vaccines, which many are now accurately designating as bioweapons, were unsafe for even experimenting on humans, let alone flooding most of humanity with them. They knew excessive inflammatory reactions caused by storms of antibodies would injure and kill people, and they knew that a vast array of other adverse effects would occur.

    Did they also intentionally pave the way for transhumanist implants through injecting our bodies with harmful nanoparticles and nanotechnology by weakening our immune system’s response to them?24

    The answer is they did this purposely, exactly as they are knowingly and for their own benefit, systematically perpetrating all their COVID assaults on us, as we demonstrate in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.


    1 In a paragraph titled “Note of Concern to Colleagues, “Peter McCullough wrote, “As of August 25, 2023, the CDC has recorded 18,015 deaths reported to them in VAERS by healthcare professionals or pharmaceutical companies who believe the vaccine is related to the death. Approximately ~1100 deaths have occurred on the same day of vaccination.” If that were the number in August, it is probably over 20,000 now. The CDC purposely confuses the data by including reports outside the USA to their VAERS system but that is much less than half. U.S. On October 27, 2023, the VAERS system actually reported 36,501 reports of death associated with the COVID jabs, including a portion from outside America. www.openvaers.com/covid-data

    2 COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, Chapter 11.

    3 https://covid19.nih.gov/news-and-stories/covid-19-reduces-immune-response-covid-19-vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination | National Institutes of Health (NIH) and F Gao, et al. Robust T cell responses to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine compared to infection and evidence of attenuated CD8+ T cell responses due to COVID-19. Immunity DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.03.005(link is external). (2023).

    4 https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/eu-regulators-warn-frequent-covid-19-booster-shots-could-affect-immune-system and Frequent boosters spur warning on immune response – BNN Bloomberg

    5 Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, and Peter A. McCullough. Food Chem Toxicol. Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs. 2022 Jun; 164: 113008. Published online 2022 Apr 15. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2022.113008 Best link: Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs – PMC (nih.gov)

    6 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14760584.2022.2071705. Bold added to the quote.

    7 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9167431/

    8 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)00089-7/fulltext?s=09

    9 Guidance on “Long COVID” as a Disability Under the ADA, Section | HHS.gov

    10 https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/the-elite-strategy-to-physically

    11 05 kudielka ok (researchgate.net)

    12 Breggin, Peter. (1964) “The Psychophysiology of Anxiety.” Journal of Nervous Mental Diseases, 139, 558-568, 1964 thepsychophysiology.pbreggin.1964.pdf and Breggin, Peter. “The Sedative-like Effect of Epinephrine.” Archives of General Psychiatry, 12, 255-259, 1965. sedativelike.pbreggin.1965.pdf

    13 The Dreadful Effects of ‘COVID Vaccines’ Are Overwhelming – America Out Loud News

    14 https://www.americaoutloud.news/will-musks-neuralink-also-be-safe-and-effective-with-dr-peter-breggin/ and https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/FDA-Approves-Physical-Control-of-the-Mind-by-Musks-Neuralink

    15 Biomaterials: Foreign Bodies or Tuners for the Immune Response? – PMC (nih.gov)

    16 https://medbroadcast.com/condition/getcondition/metal-hypersensitivity

    17 My Interview With SGT Report On Darkfield Microscopy Findings Of Nanotechnology In Unvaccinated Blood And Rubbery Clot Investigation (substack.com)

    18 View of What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity (ijvtpr.com)

    19 (100) CV19 Bioweapon/Vax an Extinction Level Event – Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea (substack.com)

    20 https://www.nature.com/articles/natrevmats201776

    21 https://ashpublications.org/hematology/article/2021/1/287/482959/How-immunodeficiency-can-lead-to-malignancy

    22 Immunodeficiency-associated viral oncogenesis – ScienceDirect

    23 https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/he-pushed-hydroxychloroquine-three-years-ago-harvey-risch-and-false-claim-of-turbo-cancers-caused-by-covid-19-vaccines/

    24 See our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, with over 1,000 endnotes and many more citations within the notes.

    Jab-Induced Immune Fatigue (ADEx): An Insidious Gateway to Transhumanism and Human Control Is this intentional to pave the way for transhumanist implants through injecting our bodies with harmful nanoparticles and nanotechnology by weakening our immune system’s response to them? Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin Twenty thousand VAERS deaths have now been reported to the FDA.1 In our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators,2 we document why there are at least 100 unreported deaths for every one death that gets sent to the CDC’s monitoring system, called VAERS. As a result, we almost surely now have at least 2 million deaths from the mRNA “vaccines” in America. Now we examine an overlooked method by which the COVID shots can cause physical ruination and death through exhaustion of the immune system, and how this will play into the ambitions of the global elite and especially the transhumanists. [continue reading below] Both SARS-CoV-23 and the COVID jabs4 can weaken the immune system, in part by impairing the function of critical T cells. While the CDC is willing to say that the disease of COVID-19 causes impairments of the immune system, the global predatory organization, of course, does not confirm vaccine-induced immune dysfunction and weakness. Nonetheless, as early as April 2022, four courageous researchers, Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, and Peter A. McCullough, documented complex COVID “vaccine” impairments to the immune system:5 In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. … These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis [causing cancers]. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA “vaccines” questions them as positive contributors to public health. [Emphases added.] An editorial, “Repeated vaccination and ‘vaccine exhaustion’: relevance to the COVID-19 crisis,” was published online May 3, 2022 in Expert Review of Vaccines. According to the expert review, “The potential for repeated vaccination to cause vaccine exhaustion and, consequently, reduce protection against microbial infection merits further study.”6 They observe, “The European Medicines Agency has warned that repeat COVID-19 booster doses could adversely affect the immune response.” A June 5, 2022, article in Virology Journal reported:7 Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. An examination of the Lancet article shows that the global predators, who have been deeply involved in pushing the worst of the narrative, manage to make lemonade out of the lemons of vaccine-induced weakening of the immune system.8 The globalist Lancet declared that the waning effectiveness of the “vaccines” indicated the need for even more booster shots! Confirming Post COVID “Vaccine” Injuries. On November 10, 2023, a large group of scientists and physicians from Yale and several other universities published a study of the “Post-Vaccine Syndrome,” which described the experiences of 241 individuals who joined an online project called LISTEN at Yale from May 2022 to July 2023. The median time between the jab and the onset of symptoms was a mere three days, mostly spanning 1-8 days! This strongly confirms causation. The median age was 46, and 80% were female, which raises the threat of the affinity of jab-related spike proteins for the ovaries. In my experience, studies like this based on spontaneous reports from the victims are more likely to detect the range of adverse effects from medical treatment than any other research approach now available to us. After these adverse effects are identified, more focused studies can be used to estimate their frequency in the general population. The study summarized their findings: The five most common symptoms were exercise intolerance (71%), excessive fatigue (69%), numbness (63%), brain fog (63%), and neuropathy (63%). In the week before survey completion, participants reported feeling unease (93%), fearfulness (82%), and overwhelmed by worries (81%), as well as feelings of helplessness (80%), anxiety (76%), depression (76%), hopelessness (72%), and worthlessness (49%) at least once. Because these reports are coming from individuals rather than their healthcare providers or other outside observers, they are mainly psychological or emotional symptoms. As we shall see below, the CDC confirms that subjective symptoms of fatigue and brain fog are among the most common and most disabling from long COVID. It is important to compare these symptoms related to vaccination to the symptoms of long COVID since the “vaccines” reproduce COVID by forcing the body to make the deadly spike protein found on the virus. A list of post-COVID symptoms from the CDC overlaps with many of the above post “vaccine” symptoms.9 The following chart compares three of the most common major causes of disability from Long COVID listed by the CDC, with the corresponding top 3 out of 4 symptoms from Post-Vaccine study LISTEN in brackets: Post-COVID: Tiredness or fatigue [Post Vaccine: excessive fatigue (69%)] Post-COVID: Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes called “brain fog”) [Post Vaccine: brain fog 63%] Post-COVID: Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing [Post Vaccine: exercise intolerance (71%)] In the general listings by the CDC of post-COVID symptoms, many are psychological, including depression and anxiety, and they too overlap with post-vaccine symptoms. Fatigue and brain fog seem to dominate the picture of both post-COVID and post-vaccine syndromes. With the exception of very serious medical problems, these symptoms of fatigue and brain fog are the most disabling. My own experience with COVID confirms these findings. After I was hospitalized for a very serious case of COVID-like illness for five days in early April 2023, I experienced several months of Long COVID, including severe fatigue in all aspects of living as well as “brain fog” in the form of a general reduction in my speed and clarity of thinking, and a lack of engagement in life, including with my family. Reports on post-COVID and post “vaccination” adverse effects, and my own personal experience with severe COVID, confirm my theory that all neurotoxins (poisons that affect the brain) produce a common endpoint that involves apathy, reduced engagement with life, and loss of mental acuity — and that these effects make us less sovereign and more controllable by authoritarians and totalitarians. I have most recently described my general observation that the elite have favored brain-damaging “therapies” for humankind since the 1930s with lobotomy and electroshock (ECT), followed by the crushing antipsychotic drugs in 1954 and the subtle SSRI antidepressants in 1989. My analysis is titled, “The Elite Strategy to Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds, and Willpower: Are they now purposely continuing to damage our brains, minds, and spirits.”10 ADE and ADEx: Their Contribution to Post-COVID and Post-Vaccine Syndromes ADE is the acronym for “antibody-dependent enhancement.” The word “enhancement” is a bizarre euphemism for a deadly reaction in which an infection followed by a vaccine, or vice versa, a vaccine followed by an infection, combine to cause potentially deadly over-reactions of the immune system. Sometimes the deadly reaction takes the form of a cytokine storm, in which elements of the immune system called cytokines give excessive signals for more antibody responses. In medicine, there are examples where overstimulation of a system can harm it. Cortisol suppression is an example of organ or system exhaustion and potential failure from overstimulation of the system, in this case, from almost any form of psychological or physical stress.11 In two of my earliest solo publications, I used my own hands-on animal research to draw conclusions about how excessive levels of the “fight or flight” hormone, adrenaline, produce a feedback mechanism from the hypothalamus that causes a paradoxical fatigue after the initial over-stimulation during “fight or flight.”12 ADE — the overreaction of the immune system to overstimulation — can cause immune exhaustion, which we are labeling ADEx. ADEx is one probable cause of Long COVID and post “vaccine” symptoms of frequent illnesses, fatigue and exhaustion, brain fog, and fast-growing treatment-resistant “turbo” cancers that occur when the immune system is weakened, often compounded by brain injury and mental dysfunction from the agents that compromise immunity.13 The potential adverse effects of a compromised immune system include those mentioned in the above quote by Stephanie Seneff and her coauthors: “neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response, and tumorigenesis.” But is ADEx purposeful? Can it accomplish something far more insidious than even cancer or death that meets the deepest needs of the elite globalists, the global predators? A More Insidious Purposeful Result of Immune Exhaustion (ADEx) Ginger Breggin may be the first to have recognized an even more insidious reason why the elite might want to weaken all of our immune systems. Their motivation is to enable transhumanism. The globalists are intent on remaking human beings to perform tasks that benefit the elite. They want better warriors to impose totalitarianism on humanity. They want super-humans melded with AI computers to advance their technology and to manage their technocracies — the totalitarian institutions run by technocrats under their control. They want fewer humans, and they want them to be more docile and obedient. They want humans willing to sacrifice their well-being without reservation, and they want billions of more docile and obedient humans to serve them without rebelling. Ultimately, these elite globalists, the Apex Global Hunters, want longer, healthier lives for themselves. What has this got to do with weakening the immune system? Suppressing the immune system is a core strategy in transplantation medicine. The single biggest challenge when introducing a transplant into a human body is that the body’s immune system will consider the transplanted organ or other substance to be foreign and, therefore, an invader requiring attack by antibodies and specialized cells. One of the transhumanistic goals, as being developed by Elon Musk, requires modifying the behavior of people with implantations of electronic receivers and transmitters in the brain.14 Many are concerned that the mRNA or DNA “vaccines” are also implanting metallic and other construction materials in our blood that can self-assemble nanoparticle electronic receivers and transmitters in our circulatory system that are potentially under external control. The Department of Defense is a part of the global elite, and for decades it has been experimenting with how to artificially enhance the capacity of soldiers. So has Communist China’s military. Immune responses that interfere with biomedical devices remain a challenge15 to these aspirations. As in transplants of hearts, faces, or other body parts, the immune system often must be weakened to avoid immune rejection of them. When most of us already have immune systems weakened by genetic jabs and COVID-19, including by exhaustion of the immune system (ADEx) — transhumanists will have broken a biological barrier to making their transhumanistic fantasies come true, from building human beings more able to serve and less able to rebel against them, to preserving their own healthy lives as long as possible. A New Threat That May Depend on Our Weakened Immune Systems Even metallic elements, which are being reported in “vaccines” and in the bloodstream, might be destroyed or rendered ineffective by the immune system.16 Reports of unidentified materials, including metals, have been increasingly reported in freshly drawn blood by Ana Maria Mihalcea17 and other experienced physicians and researchers. David Hughes wrote a lengthy, detailed scientific review concerning findings of seemingly active objects circulating in the blood and concluded with an ominous warning:18 Between July 2021 and August 2022, evidence of undisclosed ingredients in the COVID-19 “vaccines” was published by at least 26 researchers/research teams in 16 different countries across five continents using spectroscopic and microscopic analysis. Despite operating largely independently of one another, their findings are remarkably similar and highlight the clear and present danger that the world’s population has been lied to regarding the contents of the COVID-19 “vaccines.” This raises grave questions about the true purpose of the dangerous experimental injections that have so far been shot into 5.33 billion people (over two-thirds of the human race), including children, apparently without their informed consent regarding the contents. Surprise findings include sharp-edged geometric structures, fibrous or tube-like structures, crystalline formations, “microbubbles,” and possible self-assembling nanotechnology. The blood of people who have received one or more COVID-19 “vaccines” appears, in case after case, to contain foreign bodies and to be seriously degraded, with red blood cells typically in Rouleaux formation. Taken together, these 26 studies make a powerful case for the full force of scientific investigation to be brought to bear on the COVID-19 vaccine contents. If the findings of these 26 studies are confirmed, then the political implications are nothing short of revolutionary: a global crime against humanity has been committed, in which every government, every regulator, every establishment media organization, and all the professions have been complicit. Some of the objects found circulating in the blood are metallic.19 The immune system will sometimes attack metals, including those that rub off on the skin. A weakened or exhausted immune system would be less able to resist small metallic objects in the bloodstream if the genetic “vaccines” were also weakening the immune system. Some of the foreign objects found in blood appear to have qualities associated with biomedical electrical devices. When larger versions of these devices are implanted for measuring or stimulating biological processes, the immune system can also fight them off if special measures are not taken.20 It seems reasonable that nanoparticle biomedical electrical devices would be much more vulnerable to attack by the immune system, again requiring measures to weaken the body’s immune response in order to protect them. Other Potentially Lethal Effects of Weakening the Immune System Making us unable to defend against harmful alien substances injected into our bodies along with the mRNA is not the only danger from weakened immunity or ADEx. The immune system not only fights off viruses, bacteria, and parasites, but it also fights off cancer cells and tumors.21 Some viruses have been identified as contributing to the development of cancer in immunosuppressed subjects after organ or stem cell transplantation, or with HIV infection.22 How does one explain the increase in malignant tumors, including “turbo cancers,” being seen in people who have been given the mRNA “vaccines?” Within our own social community, we have seen too many cases of cancers that turn out to be larger, more widespread, less treatable, more rapid in development, and more fatal than expected. Doctors with great integrity are reporting the phenomena and being dismissed by establishment medicine.23 Nor are cancers the only other potential illnesses that can result from lowered immunity. Skin, intestinal, and neurological problems can occur. But most obviously, bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections can become more frequent and more deadly. Conclusions Have the global predators contrived their COVID genetic “vaccines” to cause deadly excessive immune overreactions, followed by vastly weakened immune responses? Have they done this purposely, along with all their other planned actions, like developing SARS-CoV in labs, spreading the virus around the world, outlawing early and effective treatments for COVID like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, pushing deadly treatments like Remdesivir and ventilators, enforcing injections of so-called vaccinations that have maimed and killed millions of people, and enforcing harmful and immune-compromising behaviors such as masking practices and shutdowns of schools, small businesses and churches? Specifically, those who are imposing their will on us, the Apex Global Predators, knew the pseudo-vaccines, which many are now accurately designating as bioweapons, were unsafe for even experimenting on humans, let alone flooding most of humanity with them. They knew excessive inflammatory reactions caused by storms of antibodies would injure and kill people, and they knew that a vast array of other adverse effects would occur. Did they also intentionally pave the way for transhumanist implants through injecting our bodies with harmful nanoparticles and nanotechnology by weakening our immune system’s response to them?24 The answer is they did this purposely, exactly as they are knowingly and for their own benefit, systematically perpetrating all their COVID assaults on us, as we demonstrate in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. References: 1 In a paragraph titled “Note of Concern to Colleagues, “Peter McCullough wrote, “As of August 25, 2023, the CDC has recorded 18,015 deaths reported to them in VAERS by healthcare professionals or pharmaceutical companies who believe the vaccine is related to the death. Approximately ~1100 deaths have occurred on the same day of vaccination.” If that were the number in August, it is probably over 20,000 now. The CDC purposely confuses the data by including reports outside the USA to their VAERS system but that is much less than half. U.S. On October 27, 2023, the VAERS system actually reported 36,501 reports of death associated with the COVID jabs, including a portion from outside America. www.openvaers.com/covid-data 2 COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, Chapter 11. 3 https://covid19.nih.gov/news-and-stories/covid-19-reduces-immune-response-covid-19-vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination | National Institutes of Health (NIH) and F Gao, et al. Robust T cell responses to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine compared to infection and evidence of attenuated CD8+ T cell responses due to COVID-19. Immunity DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.03.005(link is external). (2023). 4 https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/eu-regulators-warn-frequent-covid-19-booster-shots-could-affect-immune-system and Frequent boosters spur warning on immune response – BNN Bloomberg 5 Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, and Peter A. McCullough. Food Chem Toxicol. Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs. 2022 Jun; 164: 113008. Published online 2022 Apr 15. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2022.113008 Best link: Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs – PMC (nih.gov) 6 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14760584.2022.2071705. Bold added to the quote. 7 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9167431/ 8 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)00089-7/fulltext?s=09 9 Guidance on “Long COVID” as a Disability Under the ADA, Section | HHS.gov 10 https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/the-elite-strategy-to-physically 11 05 kudielka ok (researchgate.net) 12 Breggin, Peter. (1964) “The Psychophysiology of Anxiety.” Journal of Nervous Mental Diseases, 139, 558-568, 1964 thepsychophysiology.pbreggin.1964.pdf and Breggin, Peter. “The Sedative-like Effect of Epinephrine.” Archives of General Psychiatry, 12, 255-259, 1965. sedativelike.pbreggin.1965.pdf 13 The Dreadful Effects of ‘COVID Vaccines’ Are Overwhelming – America Out Loud News 14 https://www.americaoutloud.news/will-musks-neuralink-also-be-safe-and-effective-with-dr-peter-breggin/ and https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/FDA-Approves-Physical-Control-of-the-Mind-by-Musks-Neuralink 15 Biomaterials: Foreign Bodies or Tuners for the Immune Response? – PMC (nih.gov) 16 https://medbroadcast.com/condition/getcondition/metal-hypersensitivity 17 My Interview With SGT Report On Darkfield Microscopy Findings Of Nanotechnology In Unvaccinated Blood And Rubbery Clot Investigation (substack.com) 18 View of What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity (ijvtpr.com) 19 (100) CV19 Bioweapon/Vax an Extinction Level Event – Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea (substack.com) 20 https://www.nature.com/articles/natrevmats201776 21 https://ashpublications.org/hematology/article/2021/1/287/482959/How-immunodeficiency-can-lead-to-malignancy 22 Immunodeficiency-associated viral oncogenesis – ScienceDirect 23 https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/he-pushed-hydroxychloroquine-three-years-ago-harvey-risch-and-false-claim-of-turbo-cancers-caused-by-covid-19-vaccines/ 24 See our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, with over 1,000 endnotes and many more citations within the notes. https://substack.com/home/post/p-139021796
    Jab-Induced Immune Fatigue (ADEx): An Insidious Gateway to Transhumanism and Human Control
    Is this intentional to pave the way for transhumanist implants through injecting our bodies with harmful nanoparticles and nanotechnology by weakening our immune system’s response to them?
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  • What is going on in the world? Malcolm Out Loud Interviews Dr. Peter Breggin
    Interview on the Voice of the Nation

    Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

    Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed

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    Dr. Breggin segment begins at 5 minutes

    By Malcolm Out Loud

    A wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Peter Breggin using his vast knowledge and experience. Dr. Breggin is known as “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for his many decades of successful reform work in mental health. He has published more than 20 medical and popular books, several coedited or coauthored by Ginger, including the huge bestseller Talking Back to Prozac. He has written more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and testified in court more than 100 times in many cases related to drug companies and medical malfeasance.

    In today’s episode of The Voice of a Nation, we’ll discuss the psychology behind college uprisings and what’s happening nationwide on America’s campuses. We’ll also talk about anti-Semitism and the global predators’ attack against the people.

    ‘Death to Israeli real estate,’ ‘Death to America’ signs found on NYU property, NYPD says

    New York Police Department officers broke up an “illegal encampment” at New York University on Friday, with cleaning crews called in to remove tents and sweep away the belongings of the protesters. “The NYPD proudly protects everyone’s right to free speech and peaceful protest,” Daughtry said in the post before sharing the signage. (Fox)

    Palestinian Flag Raised at Harvard University

    Anti-Israel protesters at Boston’s Harvard University raised Palestinian flags over University Hall in the Ivy League institution’s famed Harvard Yard on Saturday, according to school officials. The flags flew in place of the stars and stripes, sparking national outrage in the U.S. Harvard employees were called to remove the three flags, which flew over a statute of John Harvard, after a student spotted them around 6:30 p.m. (Los Angeles Magazine)

    What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era

    Even speech that I would find morally repugnant—the “whataboutism” that waves away the atrocities of Hamas and Iran and their terrorist collaborators—is, in a liberal democracy, free to be expressed. Christians, though, ought to be especially attentive to what’s happening to a society that increasingly seems, on the horseshoe extremes of the populist right and the activist left, to be driven toward the pull of the channeled rage of the mob.

    If history has shown us anything, though, it is how dangerous it can be when a collective meant to channel awe becomes instead a channel of a much more uncontrollable emotion—that of anger. In those chants, the individual is lost not in a mass but a mob. The energy that lights up such a gathering is not shared smallness in the face of something or Someone greater but what the Bible calls the “works of the flesh,” the drive to idolize the tribe by delighting in the darkest, most violent aspects of our fallen human nature. (Christianity Today)

    If free speech is to be protected, antisemitic speech must also be protected!

    Our own focus on the antisemitic hatred driving these riots tempts us to ban the hateful rhetoric rather than just the illicit actions of the rioters. Banning rhetoric itself, of promoted ideas no matter how vile, loathsome, or hateful, sets the stage for legitimizing the censorship of any other speech. Religion and political protest that oppose the ideology of the ruling party are thereby imperiled.

    If we are provoked by justified outrage to add laws “against antisemitic rhetoric” in response to these riots, we will have played right into the totalitarian designs of our Marxist enemies. The same rationale used “against antisemitic rhetoric” will then be deployed against speech deemed “transphobic,” “climate denial,” “anti-vax,” and any other political dissent. (America Out Loud)

    ‘This Is 1984’: Faculty Participation in Pro-Hamas Demonstrations a ‘Wake-Up Call’ for Americans, Professor Says

    University faculty have been joining pro-Hamas demonstrators in taking over US campuses over the past week, fueling concerns that higher education institutions have become hatcheries of dangerous, anti-Western political ideologies that foster hatred for Israel and could hasten a new age of antisemitism.

    At Northeastern University in Boston, professors formed a human barrier around a student encampment to stop its dismantling by officers, and at the University of Texas at Austin, members of the group Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine have openly called for the resignation of their president, Jay Hartzell, because he requested police assistance in restoring order. (the algemeiner)

    [Note by Ginger Breggin, May 6 2024: since this interview several instances of protecting the American flag on college campuses have taken place, including this event at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.]

    Dr. Peter Breggin is the co-author, along with Ginger Breggin, of the explosive book Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey. Breggin has uncovered a worldwide web of global predators, including Anthony Fauci, multi-billionaires, America’s most powerful corporations, the government agencies NIH, CDC, FDA, and Communist China. Find out more at wearetheprey.com.

    Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin are authors of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey

    Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD

    Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com

    Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com

    Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators

    What is going on in the world? Malcolm Out Loud Interviews Dr. Peter Breggin Interview on the Voice of the Nation Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | TuneIn | RSS Dr. Breggin segment begins at 5 minutes By Malcolm Out Loud A wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Peter Breggin using his vast knowledge and experience. Dr. Breggin is known as “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for his many decades of successful reform work in mental health. He has published more than 20 medical and popular books, several coedited or coauthored by Ginger, including the huge bestseller Talking Back to Prozac. He has written more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and testified in court more than 100 times in many cases related to drug companies and medical malfeasance. In today’s episode of The Voice of a Nation, we’ll discuss the psychology behind college uprisings and what’s happening nationwide on America’s campuses. We’ll also talk about anti-Semitism and the global predators’ attack against the people. ‘Death to Israeli real estate,’ ‘Death to America’ signs found on NYU property, NYPD says New York Police Department officers broke up an “illegal encampment” at New York University on Friday, with cleaning crews called in to remove tents and sweep away the belongings of the protesters. “The NYPD proudly protects everyone’s right to free speech and peaceful protest,” Daughtry said in the post before sharing the signage. (Fox) Palestinian Flag Raised at Harvard University Anti-Israel protesters at Boston’s Harvard University raised Palestinian flags over University Hall in the Ivy League institution’s famed Harvard Yard on Saturday, according to school officials. The flags flew in place of the stars and stripes, sparking national outrage in the U.S. Harvard employees were called to remove the three flags, which flew over a statute of John Harvard, after a student spotted them around 6:30 p.m. (Los Angeles Magazine) What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era Even speech that I would find morally repugnant—the “whataboutism” that waves away the atrocities of Hamas and Iran and their terrorist collaborators—is, in a liberal democracy, free to be expressed. Christians, though, ought to be especially attentive to what’s happening to a society that increasingly seems, on the horseshoe extremes of the populist right and the activist left, to be driven toward the pull of the channeled rage of the mob. If history has shown us anything, though, it is how dangerous it can be when a collective meant to channel awe becomes instead a channel of a much more uncontrollable emotion—that of anger. In those chants, the individual is lost not in a mass but a mob. The energy that lights up such a gathering is not shared smallness in the face of something or Someone greater but what the Bible calls the “works of the flesh,” the drive to idolize the tribe by delighting in the darkest, most violent aspects of our fallen human nature. (Christianity Today) If free speech is to be protected, antisemitic speech must also be protected! Our own focus on the antisemitic hatred driving these riots tempts us to ban the hateful rhetoric rather than just the illicit actions of the rioters. Banning rhetoric itself, of promoted ideas no matter how vile, loathsome, or hateful, sets the stage for legitimizing the censorship of any other speech. Religion and political protest that oppose the ideology of the ruling party are thereby imperiled. If we are provoked by justified outrage to add laws “against antisemitic rhetoric” in response to these riots, we will have played right into the totalitarian designs of our Marxist enemies. The same rationale used “against antisemitic rhetoric” will then be deployed against speech deemed “transphobic,” “climate denial,” “anti-vax,” and any other political dissent. (America Out Loud) ‘This Is 1984’: Faculty Participation in Pro-Hamas Demonstrations a ‘Wake-Up Call’ for Americans, Professor Says University faculty have been joining pro-Hamas demonstrators in taking over US campuses over the past week, fueling concerns that higher education institutions have become hatcheries of dangerous, anti-Western political ideologies that foster hatred for Israel and could hasten a new age of antisemitism. At Northeastern University in Boston, professors formed a human barrier around a student encampment to stop its dismantling by officers, and at the University of Texas at Austin, members of the group Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine have openly called for the resignation of their president, Jay Hartzell, because he requested police assistance in restoring order. (the algemeiner) [Note by Ginger Breggin, May 6 2024: since this interview several instances of protecting the American flag on college campuses have taken place, including this event at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.] Dr. Peter Breggin is the co-author, along with Ginger Breggin, of the explosive book Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey. Breggin has uncovered a worldwide web of global predators, including Anthony Fauci, multi-billionaires, America’s most powerful corporations, the government agencies NIH, CDC, FDA, and Communist China. Find out more at wearetheprey.com. Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin are authors of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators https://substack.com/home/post/p-144373089
    0 Comments 1 Shares 7737 Views
  • Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles are in COVID Vaccines; a new report says they are safe for humans....They are lying!
    Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
    SciTechDaily calls graphene oxide nanoparticles a “wonder material” that is now “verified safe” in humans by new research.1 It further declares graphene oxide is, in bold, “A revolutionary nanomaterial with huge potential to tackle multiple global challenges could be developed further without acute risk to human health, research suggests.”

    [Continue reading below]

    Imagine that—graphene oxide nanoparticles are “without acute risk to human health.” That would suggest it’s harmless in vaccines, at least in the short run. The medical-industrial-military complex seems bent on proving graphene oxide nanoparticles are safe — perhaps because critical researchers have discovered them hidden in COVID “vaccines.”2

    The defenders of graphene oxide nanoparticles are handicapped in making safety claims because a motherload of research going back many years finds graphene oxide and nanoparticles in general are harmful to multiple body organs, to cells, and even to life itself across a spectrum of species.

    The actual research study3 that supposedly proved the safety of inhaled graphene oxide nanoparticles was published in Nature Nanotechnology in 2024. It reports and dismisses the importance of their own findings: That the blood of the volunteers who inhaled graphene nanoparticles consistently caused clotting (thrombosis) when passed through arteries removed from people with pre-existing heart disease.

    Here is what the research scientists themselves conclude:

    The magnitude of the greater thrombogenicity after GO [graphene oxide nanoparticles] exposure was relatively mild and would be potentially of limited consequence, even in patients with pre-existing heart disease. Nevertheless, we recommend that characterization of the thrombogenic potential is included in experimental models used to develop risk assessments for graphene materials that may be of higher risk, or to consider higher exposure scenarios. [Emphasis added]

    The authors have no right to draw such benign conclusions, declaring that it would be safe “even in patients with pre-existing heart disease.” As noted above, the danger signs came from testing the blood of the volunteers who had inhaled graphene oxide on cardiac arteries taken from patients with heart disease. The conclusion should be that it is especially dangerous in patients with pre-existing heart disease.

    Given the surfacing of this risk in a very small study of humans, no further human studies and no commercial use of inhaled graphene nanoparticles should be allowed until further animal studies investigate this risk.

    To add to these concerns, thrombosis is one of the tragic outcomes of the COVID genetic jabs, which release graphene oxide nanoparticles into the cells and the blood along with the genetic material.

    The corruption of science today makes science entirely unreliable, in this case, whether we are reading a commentary in a science magazine or the research study itself.

    Summarizing the Limits of the Study

    Ironically, the study is largely worthless except as a warning about the potential clotting dangers of graphene oxide nanoparticles:

    (1) The study involved only 14 health volunteers, making it virtually useless as a proof of its general safety It takes not 14, but hundreds and preferably thousands of subjects to evaluate the safety of a potentially dangerous substance, already unleashed on the public. Nonetheless, the clotting problem was found in a statically significant number of the 14 volunteers, which make it an especially alarming and valid signal that should produce fears instead of optimism.

    (2) The authors boast that this is the first respiratory study of its kind, and yet they leap to dangerous conclusions about the safety of the graphene oxide nanoparticles.

    (3) The authors admit that their graphene oxide nanoparticles are far more “clean” or “pure” than those in commercial use, which makes the study less relevant to real-life use.

    (4) The authors largely ignore the vast existing literature on harm caused by graphene oxide nanoparticles and nanoparticles in general to living things, including mammals.

    Earlier Research Warns of Dangers

    A 2016 review of “graphene-family nanomaterials” (GFN) with 240 scientific citations came to ominous conclusions about their safety, citing numerous mechanisms of harm:4

    This review collects studies on the toxic effects of GFNs in several organs and cell models. We also point out that various factors determine the toxicity of GFNs… In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. … and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways.

    They note that lung studies are comparatively more available and have threatening results:

    In conclusion, the lung injury induced by GFNs has been studied in several studies, the results of which have demonstrated inflammatory cell infiltration, pulmonary edema and granuloma formation in the lungs.

    They also note that the dangers of graphene oxide have not been as well studied in other organs:

    However, only a few specific studies have evaluated in other organs, such as the liver, spleen, and kidney, and the injury symptoms… nor have the related behavioural manifestations been studied. The developmental toxicity of GFNs may induce structural abnormalities, growth retardation, behavioural and functional abnormalities, and even death. … However, based on studies of other nanomaterials toxicity, long-term GFNs exposure may be an important factor harming health [3 citations]. Therefore, the long-term study of GFNs is necessary.

    A September 2022 in-depth review of the literature on the toxicity of graphene oxide (GO) concluded:5

    One feature that needs more attention is toxicity; it was discovered that the concentration of GO affects whether or not it is physiologically harmful, which restricts its use in the field of medicine. It has been found that there are a lot of animal species for which GO showed some cytotoxic nature. This is one of the aspects that needs more study. GO can be functionalized quite easily. Therefore, there is a need for more research to find ways to reduce its toxicity.

    A 2024 study reviewed the toxic effect of all kinds of nanoparticles. Using nematodes as an animal model, they found that aging is a serious consequence.6

    Graphene and other nanoparticles enter into the cells of the body and can do harm in a wide variety of barely studied mechanisms. More specifically, studies have already documented that graphene oxide and graphene oxide nanoparticles are potentially highly dangerous to humans.

    Summary and Conclusion

    The research study we discussed that used 14 volunteers subjected to inhaled graphene oxide nanoparticles actually gives very serious warnings about increased blood clotting but the announcement of the article and the article itself claim to demonstrate the safety of graphene oxide. Meanwhile graphene oxide nanoparticles are being found throughout our environment and, thanks to the COVID genetic vaccines,7,8 in our cells and in our blood stream.

    Implications for COVID Vaccines

    Concerning the COVID genetic “vaccines,” for many additional reasons they should have been stopped within days of their release. Indeed, the Johnson and Johnson vaccine was withdrawn from the U.S. because of 9 deaths due to thrombosis,9 while the mRNA vaccines continue being promoted despite more than 18,000 reports of deaths to the CDC and FDA’s VAERS reporting system as of January 26, 2024.10

    As we document in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, the government backed the Moderna and Pfizer deadly injections because they were picked as far back as 2010 by Bill Gates as his favorite “vaccine” investments. Potentially hundreds of other vaccines were put out of business by the government picking Gates’ preferences.

    No one should take these genetic vaccines. And in general, all of us need to be alert and concerned that we are being inundated with nanoparticles and nanotechnology with potentially grave consequences, now and in the foreseeable future.

    Primary author Peter R. Breggin MD


    1 https://scitechdaily.com/wonder-material-graphene-verified-safe-in-groundbreaking-human-study/

    2 Here is the actual Pfizer document that mentions graphene oxide on page 7: 125742_S1_M4_4.2.1-vr-vtr-10741.pdf (phmpt.org). Here is an article discussing it: FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the Covid-19 Vaccines | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia-scientific.com). One scientist has identified it in all 4 vaccines: Dr. Robert Young Finds Graphene Oxide in All Four Vaccines and Other Disturbing Ingredients | The Liberty Beacon. Also see: https://d6scj24zvfbbo.cloudfront.net/f70819d756ae5bccc8a997b74aa0253a/200000404-ccb3dccb40/Dr-CAMPRA_DETECTS_GRAPHENE_IN_COVID19_VACCINES.%20NotOnTheBeeb.co.uk.pdf?ph=995abaf71c

    3 Andrews, J.P.M., Joshi, S.S., Tzolos, E. et al. First-in-human controlled inhalation of thin graphene oxide nanosheets to study acute cardiorespiratory responses. Nat. Nanotechnology. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-023-01572-3. First-in-human controlled inhalation of thin graphene oxide nanosheets to study acute cardiorespiratory responses | Nature Nanotechnology

    4 Ou, L., Song, B., Liang, H. et al. Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms. Part Fibre Toxicol 13, 57 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0013935124000100

    5 Yadav S, Singh Raman AP, et al. An Update on Graphene Oxide: Applications and Toxicity. ACS Omega. 2022 Sep 28;7(40):35387-35445. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c03171. PMID: 36249372; PMCID: PMC9558614. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9558614/

    6 Evaluating the adverse effects and mechanisms of nanomaterial exposure on longevity of C. elegans: A literature meta-analysis and bioinformatics analysis of multi-transcriptome data – ScienceDirect

    7 BREAKING: FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court – The Expose (expose-news.com)

    8 Graphene oxide as novel vaccine adjuvant – ScienceDirect

    9 FDA puts the brakes on J&J vaccine after 9th clotting death reported | Ars Technica

    10 COVID Vaccine Data – OpenVAERS

    Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles are in COVID Vaccines; a new report says they are safe for humans....They are lying! Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin SciTechDaily calls graphene oxide nanoparticles a “wonder material” that is now “verified safe” in humans by new research.1 It further declares graphene oxide is, in bold, “A revolutionary nanomaterial with huge potential to tackle multiple global challenges could be developed further without acute risk to human health, research suggests.” [Continue reading below] Imagine that—graphene oxide nanoparticles are “without acute risk to human health.” That would suggest it’s harmless in vaccines, at least in the short run. The medical-industrial-military complex seems bent on proving graphene oxide nanoparticles are safe — perhaps because critical researchers have discovered them hidden in COVID “vaccines.”2 The defenders of graphene oxide nanoparticles are handicapped in making safety claims because a motherload of research going back many years finds graphene oxide and nanoparticles in general are harmful to multiple body organs, to cells, and even to life itself across a spectrum of species. The actual research study3 that supposedly proved the safety of inhaled graphene oxide nanoparticles was published in Nature Nanotechnology in 2024. It reports and dismisses the importance of their own findings: That the blood of the volunteers who inhaled graphene nanoparticles consistently caused clotting (thrombosis) when passed through arteries removed from people with pre-existing heart disease. Here is what the research scientists themselves conclude: The magnitude of the greater thrombogenicity after GO [graphene oxide nanoparticles] exposure was relatively mild and would be potentially of limited consequence, even in patients with pre-existing heart disease. Nevertheless, we recommend that characterization of the thrombogenic potential is included in experimental models used to develop risk assessments for graphene materials that may be of higher risk, or to consider higher exposure scenarios. [Emphasis added] The authors have no right to draw such benign conclusions, declaring that it would be safe “even in patients with pre-existing heart disease.” As noted above, the danger signs came from testing the blood of the volunteers who had inhaled graphene oxide on cardiac arteries taken from patients with heart disease. The conclusion should be that it is especially dangerous in patients with pre-existing heart disease. Given the surfacing of this risk in a very small study of humans, no further human studies and no commercial use of inhaled graphene nanoparticles should be allowed until further animal studies investigate this risk. To add to these concerns, thrombosis is one of the tragic outcomes of the COVID genetic jabs, which release graphene oxide nanoparticles into the cells and the blood along with the genetic material. The corruption of science today makes science entirely unreliable, in this case, whether we are reading a commentary in a science magazine or the research study itself. Summarizing the Limits of the Study Ironically, the study is largely worthless except as a warning about the potential clotting dangers of graphene oxide nanoparticles: (1) The study involved only 14 health volunteers, making it virtually useless as a proof of its general safety It takes not 14, but hundreds and preferably thousands of subjects to evaluate the safety of a potentially dangerous substance, already unleashed on the public. Nonetheless, the clotting problem was found in a statically significant number of the 14 volunteers, which make it an especially alarming and valid signal that should produce fears instead of optimism. (2) The authors boast that this is the first respiratory study of its kind, and yet they leap to dangerous conclusions about the safety of the graphene oxide nanoparticles. (3) The authors admit that their graphene oxide nanoparticles are far more “clean” or “pure” than those in commercial use, which makes the study less relevant to real-life use. (4) The authors largely ignore the vast existing literature on harm caused by graphene oxide nanoparticles and nanoparticles in general to living things, including mammals. Earlier Research Warns of Dangers A 2016 review of “graphene-family nanomaterials” (GFN) with 240 scientific citations came to ominous conclusions about their safety, citing numerous mechanisms of harm:4 This review collects studies on the toxic effects of GFNs in several organs and cell models. We also point out that various factors determine the toxicity of GFNs… In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. … and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways. They note that lung studies are comparatively more available and have threatening results: In conclusion, the lung injury induced by GFNs has been studied in several studies, the results of which have demonstrated inflammatory cell infiltration, pulmonary edema and granuloma formation in the lungs. They also note that the dangers of graphene oxide have not been as well studied in other organs: However, only a few specific studies have evaluated in other organs, such as the liver, spleen, and kidney, and the injury symptoms… nor have the related behavioural manifestations been studied. The developmental toxicity of GFNs may induce structural abnormalities, growth retardation, behavioural and functional abnormalities, and even death. … However, based on studies of other nanomaterials toxicity, long-term GFNs exposure may be an important factor harming health [3 citations]. Therefore, the long-term study of GFNs is necessary. A September 2022 in-depth review of the literature on the toxicity of graphene oxide (GO) concluded:5 One feature that needs more attention is toxicity; it was discovered that the concentration of GO affects whether or not it is physiologically harmful, which restricts its use in the field of medicine. It has been found that there are a lot of animal species for which GO showed some cytotoxic nature. This is one of the aspects that needs more study. GO can be functionalized quite easily. Therefore, there is a need for more research to find ways to reduce its toxicity. A 2024 study reviewed the toxic effect of all kinds of nanoparticles. Using nematodes as an animal model, they found that aging is a serious consequence.6 Graphene and other nanoparticles enter into the cells of the body and can do harm in a wide variety of barely studied mechanisms. More specifically, studies have already documented that graphene oxide and graphene oxide nanoparticles are potentially highly dangerous to humans. Summary and Conclusion The research study we discussed that used 14 volunteers subjected to inhaled graphene oxide nanoparticles actually gives very serious warnings about increased blood clotting but the announcement of the article and the article itself claim to demonstrate the safety of graphene oxide. Meanwhile graphene oxide nanoparticles are being found throughout our environment and, thanks to the COVID genetic vaccines,7,8 in our cells and in our blood stream. Implications for COVID Vaccines Concerning the COVID genetic “vaccines,” for many additional reasons they should have been stopped within days of their release. Indeed, the Johnson and Johnson vaccine was withdrawn from the U.S. because of 9 deaths due to thrombosis,9 while the mRNA vaccines continue being promoted despite more than 18,000 reports of deaths to the CDC and FDA’s VAERS reporting system as of January 26, 2024.10 As we document in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, the government backed the Moderna and Pfizer deadly injections because they were picked as far back as 2010 by Bill Gates as his favorite “vaccine” investments. Potentially hundreds of other vaccines were put out of business by the government picking Gates’ preferences. No one should take these genetic vaccines. And in general, all of us need to be alert and concerned that we are being inundated with nanoparticles and nanotechnology with potentially grave consequences, now and in the foreseeable future. Primary author Peter R. Breggin MD References: 1 https://scitechdaily.com/wonder-material-graphene-verified-safe-in-groundbreaking-human-study/ 2 Here is the actual Pfizer document that mentions graphene oxide on page 7: 125742_S1_M4_4.2.1-vr-vtr-10741.pdf (phmpt.org). Here is an article discussing it: FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the Covid-19 Vaccines | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia-scientific.com). One scientist has identified it in all 4 vaccines: Dr. Robert Young Finds Graphene Oxide in All Four Vaccines and Other Disturbing Ingredients | The Liberty Beacon. Also see: https://d6scj24zvfbbo.cloudfront.net/f70819d756ae5bccc8a997b74aa0253a/200000404-ccb3dccb40/Dr-CAMPRA_DETECTS_GRAPHENE_IN_COVID19_VACCINES.%20NotOnTheBeeb.co.uk.pdf?ph=995abaf71c 3 Andrews, J.P.M., Joshi, S.S., Tzolos, E. et al. First-in-human controlled inhalation of thin graphene oxide nanosheets to study acute cardiorespiratory responses. Nat. Nanotechnology. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-023-01572-3. First-in-human controlled inhalation of thin graphene oxide nanosheets to study acute cardiorespiratory responses | Nature Nanotechnology 4 Ou, L., Song, B., Liang, H. et al. Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms. Part Fibre Toxicol 13, 57 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0013935124000100 5 Yadav S, Singh Raman AP, et al. An Update on Graphene Oxide: Applications and Toxicity. ACS Omega. 2022 Sep 28;7(40):35387-35445. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c03171. PMID: 36249372; PMCID: PMC9558614. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9558614/ 6 Evaluating the adverse effects and mechanisms of nanomaterial exposure on longevity of C. elegans: A literature meta-analysis and bioinformatics analysis of multi-transcriptome data – ScienceDirect 7 BREAKING: FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court – The Expose (expose-news.com) 8 Graphene oxide as novel vaccine adjuvant – ScienceDirect 9 FDA puts the brakes on J&J vaccine after 9th clotting death reported | Ars Technica 10 COVID Vaccine Data – OpenVAERS https://substack.com/home/post/p-142282349
    Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles are in COVID Vaccines; a new report says they are safe for humans....They are lying!
    SciTechDaily calls graphene oxide nanoparticles a “wonder material” that is now “verified safe” in humans by new research.1 It further declares graphene oxide is, in bold, “A revolutionary nanomaterial with huge potential to tackle multiple global challenges could be developed further without acute risk to human health, research suggests.”
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  • UN and WHO: Stooges of the global rapists of humanity...
    Neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators.

    Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
    Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed

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    [see below for write up!]

    The World Health Organization (WHO) is conspiring with predatory capitalists, predatory progressives, and communists to dominate the world. This theme gets robustly hammered home by Dr. Peter Breggin on the Peter and Ginger Breggin episode of America Out Loud PULSE.

    Tedros, the Director-General of the WHO, is beholden to two camps–what we call the Western and the Eastern Global Empires. The Western globalists include nearly all the presidents, premiers, and assorted rulers of the Western nations as well as the European Union (EU); billionaires like Bill Gates and organizers of the wealthy like Klaus Schwab; the global bankers and the CEOs of the global industries, including big tech companies; our Department of Defense and the Deep State; and nearly all the influencers and leaders of our Western institutions from education to the media.

    The Eastern Global Empire is easier to describe. The Eastern globalists are dominated by the Chinese Communist Party, which is building deep political and economic ties with other nations, not only in their region but even inside the West and the United States. The Communists are closely involved with and dominate the United Nations and the WHO. At the same time, Bill Gates and other Western predators try to get a stronger foothold into these socialist/communist organizations.

    The above is my background briefing for an hour-long interview with James Roguski, which becomes more robust as it proceeds. It takes place on our radio show on America Out Loud-Pulse, and it is also heard on our Substack and many other platforms.

    James Roguski has been studying the WHO’s attempts to use treaty-like agreements and amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) to exploit and impose control over the nations of the world. His website is a tremendous source of information.

    Today, he and I have a major but invigorating disagreement about what to emphasize or focus on regarding the WHO’s attempt to rule the world. Roguski’s emphasis is on the “capitalist predators,” and he provides important information on how the new WHO scam aims to work with the global banks and our Department of Defense to organize the world markets around the next “pandemic” or other worldwide threat. The scam will drain money from the people of the West into the global military-industrial and pharmaceutical complex under the guise of getting more vaccines to the poor around the world.

    This is globalism at its most ferocious, and the global banks were actually organized from the start to act on these vile, self-serving principles. The international banks believe they are taking from the rich to give to the people of poor nations. In reality, they are draining money from the taxpayers of the West and laundering it so that it goes to the global predators. In this manner, the global predators continue their ongoing rape of 99.99% of America’s citizens through higher taxes and inflation while enslaving the poor nations with bank loans they cannot pay off, turning them into perpetual debtors. Along the way, the criminal leaders of many of these countries also grow wealthier and more powerful.

    Roguski focuses on the machinations of the “predator capitalists,” while I view it as neither capitalist nor communist, neither for the individual nor for the collective—but for global predators. Some masquerade as “good” Communists and some as “good” Capitalists, but in reality, they have no allegiance to anything other than their own ambitions to grow wealthier and more powerful, with the ultimate glory of dominating humanity with their often-mentioned new world governance.

    For example, in contrast to Western pseudo-capitalist predators like Bill Gates, the head of WHO, Tedros, is not a “capitalist predator.” He is a thoroughgoing lifetime Communist thug put into power by Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping, in turn, is the leader of the world’s largest organization of thugs, called the Chinese Communist Party. Tedros does nothing without Xi Jinping’s approval. As an aside, the other largest organization of global thugs is probably the global banking system.

    The current assault on humanity requires that the globalists, on their way to world domination, destroy the constitutional democracies, especially America, as the most powerful. The America First anti-globalist movement is the biggest threat to their power.

    The global predators are using the WHO to weaken the people of the West while draining their wealth even more into the coffers of the ongoing global empire and will use it to further enslave the poor nations. This is neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators—take as much as possible for yourself while dominating everyone else.

    First published on AmericaOutLoud.news Feb 23, 2024

    Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD

    Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com

    Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com

    Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators

    UN and WHO: Stooges of the global rapists of humanity... Neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators. Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS [see below for write up!] The World Health Organization (WHO) is conspiring with predatory capitalists, predatory progressives, and communists to dominate the world. This theme gets robustly hammered home by Dr. Peter Breggin on the Peter and Ginger Breggin episode of America Out Loud PULSE. Tedros, the Director-General of the WHO, is beholden to two camps–what we call the Western and the Eastern Global Empires. The Western globalists include nearly all the presidents, premiers, and assorted rulers of the Western nations as well as the European Union (EU); billionaires like Bill Gates and organizers of the wealthy like Klaus Schwab; the global bankers and the CEOs of the global industries, including big tech companies; our Department of Defense and the Deep State; and nearly all the influencers and leaders of our Western institutions from education to the media. The Eastern Global Empire is easier to describe. The Eastern globalists are dominated by the Chinese Communist Party, which is building deep political and economic ties with other nations, not only in their region but even inside the West and the United States. The Communists are closely involved with and dominate the United Nations and the WHO. At the same time, Bill Gates and other Western predators try to get a stronger foothold into these socialist/communist organizations. The above is my background briefing for an hour-long interview with James Roguski, which becomes more robust as it proceeds. It takes place on our radio show on America Out Loud-Pulse, and it is also heard on our Substack and many other platforms. James Roguski has been studying the WHO’s attempts to use treaty-like agreements and amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) to exploit and impose control over the nations of the world. His website is a tremendous source of information. Today, he and I have a major but invigorating disagreement about what to emphasize or focus on regarding the WHO’s attempt to rule the world. Roguski’s emphasis is on the “capitalist predators,” and he provides important information on how the new WHO scam aims to work with the global banks and our Department of Defense to organize the world markets around the next “pandemic” or other worldwide threat. The scam will drain money from the people of the West into the global military-industrial and pharmaceutical complex under the guise of getting more vaccines to the poor around the world. This is globalism at its most ferocious, and the global banks were actually organized from the start to act on these vile, self-serving principles. The international banks believe they are taking from the rich to give to the people of poor nations. In reality, they are draining money from the taxpayers of the West and laundering it so that it goes to the global predators. In this manner, the global predators continue their ongoing rape of 99.99% of America’s citizens through higher taxes and inflation while enslaving the poor nations with bank loans they cannot pay off, turning them into perpetual debtors. Along the way, the criminal leaders of many of these countries also grow wealthier and more powerful. Roguski focuses on the machinations of the “predator capitalists,” while I view it as neither capitalist nor communist, neither for the individual nor for the collective—but for global predators. Some masquerade as “good” Communists and some as “good” Capitalists, but in reality, they have no allegiance to anything other than their own ambitions to grow wealthier and more powerful, with the ultimate glory of dominating humanity with their often-mentioned new world governance. For example, in contrast to Western pseudo-capitalist predators like Bill Gates, the head of WHO, Tedros, is not a “capitalist predator.” He is a thoroughgoing lifetime Communist thug put into power by Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping, in turn, is the leader of the world’s largest organization of thugs, called the Chinese Communist Party. Tedros does nothing without Xi Jinping’s approval. As an aside, the other largest organization of global thugs is probably the global banking system. The current assault on humanity requires that the globalists, on their way to world domination, destroy the constitutional democracies, especially America, as the most powerful. The America First anti-globalist movement is the biggest threat to their power. The global predators are using the WHO to weaken the people of the West while draining their wealth even more into the coffers of the ongoing global empire and will use it to further enslave the poor nations. This is neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators—take as much as possible for yourself while dominating everyone else. First published on AmericaOutLoud.news Feb 23, 2024 Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators https://substack.com/home/post/p-142037762
    UN and WHO: Stooges of the global rapists of humanity...
    Neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators.
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  • Heroic Japanese physician risks life and reputation to bring truth about mRNA vaccines
    documenting vaccine-caused deaths and diseases

    Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

    Professor Masanori Fukushima, a renowned physician in Japan, is the most senior medical oncologist in his country.

    Since the advent of COVID in Japan in early 2020, he has been trying to bring the most critical medical news to the medical and larger communities to improve patient care.

    In 2020, the professor received news about steroid use early in the treatment of COVID complications, and once he established new guidelines in June 2020, the COVID “death rate dropped dramatically.”

    Dr. Fukushima’s 2024 presentation was made to the Commissione Medico Scientifica Indipendente and posted on April 23, 2024. His commentary is a tour de force summary of issues surrounding the introduction of genetic vaccines. My summary of his presentation, with excerpts quoted, follows:

    *Turbo Cancer. “About what’s being called ‘turbo cancer’ — a type previously unseen by doctors, characterized by its incredibly fast speed. By the time it’s discovered, it is already in stage four, advanced cancer, and such cases are starting to sporadically appear in consultations. Thus, doctors began sharing information about these extraordinary cases that are different from before. So, this has gradually become the situation since last year or the year before that.”

    *Specific types of cancer – related to the vaccine are exhibiting excess mortality, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. Dr. Fukushima declared, “This phenomenon cannot be simply explained by disruptions such as early screenings being unavailable due to the pandemic or lost opportunities for treatment.”

    *Essentially murder. Dr. Fukushima said the COVID vaccine is “severe for healthy people, those who had never been ill before, not knowing when they might die, to be vaccinated and then die. It’s serious. It’s essentially murder, in the end.” He provided an example of a healthy young adult man who died “due to myocardial infarction following the abduction of his myocardium, five days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, when his wife tried to wake him in the morning, she found him dead. Naturally, the police were called, and he was taken to a university hospital where an autopsy was performed. The doctor who did the autopsy said that when he tried to remove the heart, it was soft and had disintegrated. The heart disintegrated. It became soft. Such cases exist, and even just one case like this shows how dangerous this vaccine can be. So from my perspective, it’s severe for healthy people, those who had never been ill before, not knowing when they might die, to be vaccinated and then die. It’s serious. It’s essentially murder, in the end.”

    *A crisis in medicine, science and democracy. “I am now deeply concerned not only about a crisis in medicine but also about a significant crisis in science and democracy. I am increasingly alarmed, as a scientist and a doctor, that this vaccine should not have been administered at the national level, and it should not have been approved and brought to market, I firmly believe, at this point in time, the idea that the WHO would lead a uniform vaccination program in countries with differing medical circumstances, habits, and systems is fundamentally flawed. Vaccination directed by the WHO across all these diverse conditions is fundamentally incorrect. Healthcare varies according to people’s lifestyle habits, medical systems, and the legal systems and cultures of their countries. Therefore, promoting vaccines on a global scale uniformly, whether they are genetic vaccines or not, is somewhat absurd.”

    *Genetic vaccines are useless. “Genetic vaccines are completely useless. Introducing genes into humans is gene therapy. It questions the rationale behind using such a method as a vaccine. When administering messenger RNA based on nanoparticles, it results in off-target effects. In fact, this includes the ovaries, and also affects the brain liver, spleen, and bone marrow, with the major concern being its migration to the bone marrow. Then there’s the impact on the ovaries and other reproductive organs.”

    *Spike proteins found a year later. Spike proteins are found detected in bumps in skin a year after vaccination. “The fact that spike proteins are detected in the skin with bumps even after more than a year indicates that the production of spike proteins is predictable. The issue of spike proteins, which shouldn’t persist for a year, indicates a severe problem. Recent findings, such as those from Kochi University in Japan, underline these issues suggesting WHO hastily promoted vaccines without proper review.”

    *More than 2000 have died. “In Japan, there are reports of over two thousand deaths. More than two thousand have died. They died because of the vaccine. There are 2,134 reported death cases. And this number wasn’t compiled by me. It’s a figure officially reported by the government and posted online. These are currently cases of death. Currently, there are tens of thousands of people who must see a doctor due to vaccine-related issues. 30% of these are suffering from ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) or CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). These conditions still lack a conclusive treatment.”

    *Dismissing damage is an act of evil. “Any efforts to dismiss these damages as if they didn’t happen are, frankly, the work of evil. This is a quintessential example of the evil practice of science.”

    *A Pandora’s Box of diseases unleashed. “It’s as if we’ve opened Pandora’s box and are now encountering all sorts of diseases. We’re facing them. Autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections. All of these, including rare and difficult diseases, even those rare conditions are happening. Even diseases unheard of are being encountered by ordinary doctors.”

    *Lipid nanoparticle delivery systems have failed. “This type of DDS (Drug Delivery System) utilizing lipid nanoparticles is a total failure. Therefore this vaccine was from the beginning based on misconception, misconduct, and evil practices of science, totally defective, founded on misconceptions, leading to a totally false production, a false product, I believe.”

    *Collapse of the science community. “As someone who was the first to establish pharmacology epidemiology in Japan, I feel responsible. Though I am retired, I still chair a research institute, and since science is my field of study, I continue as my mission, but now, coming to this point, all scientists are hesitating, and moreover, as panelists, they are engaging in censorship. This is the collapse of the science community. It’s a great defeat. Such things should never happen.”

    *Shine the light of science on genetic vaccines. “We must confront this directly again and shine the light of science on it….We should never again use such vaccines. This is a shame for humanity. It’s a disgrace that we did this.”

    Almost two years earlier, on November 25, 2022, Dr. Fukushima spoke at a press conference for families whose loved ones had died due to COVID vaccine adverse effects. He gave an explosive statement, which we have transcribed here.

    Dr. Fukushima has been extraordinary in his forthright warnings about mRNA vaccine harms and deaths. He has delivered at least two remarkable public speeches that have been videoed and translated into English, and we have now transcribed them in full.

    Dr. Fukushima has published over 200 papers and works in the Translational Research Informatics Centre Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation in Kobe, Japan. He is also Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, having retired as a medical oncologist after over three decades at Kyoto University Hospital and Aichi Cancer Centre.

    Dr. Fukushima’s latest scientific papers include a new paper titled “Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality from the mRNA Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan” and a new preprint paper highlighting blood transfusion concerns titled “Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures.”

    There have been massive protests in Japan over the increasing vaccine-related adverse events and deaths, and more protests are planned.10

    We urge scientists and other righteous people around the world to lend their appreciation and support to Dr. Fukushima. He is a bright star in a darkening firmament and inspires us for the future.

    Primary author: Ginger Ross Breggin

    Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD

    Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com

    Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com

    Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators

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    Blood money—noun–1: money obtained at the cost of another’s life. Moderna has just announced that they are doing clinical trials on their new mRNA heart attack shot that is delivered directly into the damaged heart muscle. This is despite the fact that mRNA/DNA treatments and platforms have never been approved except for emergency use, and since the pan…

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    Breggin warned very early about mRNA vaccine harms in our 2021 book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, as well as soon after in this radio interview.

    Genetic Menace of COVID Vaccines Disclosed

    Genetic Menace of COVID Vaccines Disclosed
    COVID “vaccines” may harm the human genome and pass on defects to future generations through male sperm warns MIT Senior Research Scientist Dr. Stephanie Seneff. This TV interview is the most disturbing and enlightening hour about the danger of the vaccines that Peter R. Breggin MD has done to date. The information disclosed suggests that women may in …

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    mRNA – Gateway to Nanotechnology Control of Human Beings

    mRNA – Gateway to Nanotechnology Control of Human Beings
    Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Pandora | iHeartRadio | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | RSS [continue reading below]Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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    Heroic Japanese physician risks life and reputation to bring truth about mRNA vaccines documenting vaccine-caused deaths and diseases Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin Professor Masanori Fukushima, a renowned physician in Japan, is the most senior medical oncologist in his country. Since the advent of COVID in Japan in early 2020, he has been trying to bring the most critical medical news to the medical and larger communities to improve patient care. In 2020, the professor received news about steroid use early in the treatment of COVID complications, and once he established new guidelines in June 2020, the COVID “death rate dropped dramatically.” Dr. Fukushima’s 2024 presentation was made to the Commissione Medico Scientifica Indipendente and posted on April 23, 2024. His commentary is a tour de force summary of issues surrounding the introduction of genetic vaccines. My summary of his presentation, with excerpts quoted, follows: *Turbo Cancer. “About what’s being called ‘turbo cancer’ — a type previously unseen by doctors, characterized by its incredibly fast speed. By the time it’s discovered, it is already in stage four, advanced cancer, and such cases are starting to sporadically appear in consultations. Thus, doctors began sharing information about these extraordinary cases that are different from before. So, this has gradually become the situation since last year or the year before that.” *Specific types of cancer – related to the vaccine are exhibiting excess mortality, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. Dr. Fukushima declared, “This phenomenon cannot be simply explained by disruptions such as early screenings being unavailable due to the pandemic or lost opportunities for treatment.” *Essentially murder. Dr. Fukushima said the COVID vaccine is “severe for healthy people, those who had never been ill before, not knowing when they might die, to be vaccinated and then die. It’s serious. It’s essentially murder, in the end.” He provided an example of a healthy young adult man who died “due to myocardial infarction following the abduction of his myocardium, five days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, when his wife tried to wake him in the morning, she found him dead. Naturally, the police were called, and he was taken to a university hospital where an autopsy was performed. The doctor who did the autopsy said that when he tried to remove the heart, it was soft and had disintegrated. The heart disintegrated. It became soft. Such cases exist, and even just one case like this shows how dangerous this vaccine can be. So from my perspective, it’s severe for healthy people, those who had never been ill before, not knowing when they might die, to be vaccinated and then die. It’s serious. It’s essentially murder, in the end.” *A crisis in medicine, science and democracy. “I am now deeply concerned not only about a crisis in medicine but also about a significant crisis in science and democracy. I am increasingly alarmed, as a scientist and a doctor, that this vaccine should not have been administered at the national level, and it should not have been approved and brought to market, I firmly believe, at this point in time, the idea that the WHO would lead a uniform vaccination program in countries with differing medical circumstances, habits, and systems is fundamentally flawed. Vaccination directed by the WHO across all these diverse conditions is fundamentally incorrect. Healthcare varies according to people’s lifestyle habits, medical systems, and the legal systems and cultures of their countries. Therefore, promoting vaccines on a global scale uniformly, whether they are genetic vaccines or not, is somewhat absurd.” *Genetic vaccines are useless. “Genetic vaccines are completely useless. Introducing genes into humans is gene therapy. It questions the rationale behind using such a method as a vaccine. When administering messenger RNA based on nanoparticles, it results in off-target effects. In fact, this includes the ovaries, and also affects the brain liver, spleen, and bone marrow, with the major concern being its migration to the bone marrow. Then there’s the impact on the ovaries and other reproductive organs.” *Spike proteins found a year later. Spike proteins are found detected in bumps in skin a year after vaccination. “The fact that spike proteins are detected in the skin with bumps even after more than a year indicates that the production of spike proteins is predictable. The issue of spike proteins, which shouldn’t persist for a year, indicates a severe problem. Recent findings, such as those from Kochi University in Japan, underline these issues suggesting WHO hastily promoted vaccines without proper review.” *More than 2000 have died. “In Japan, there are reports of over two thousand deaths. More than two thousand have died. They died because of the vaccine. There are 2,134 reported death cases. And this number wasn’t compiled by me. It’s a figure officially reported by the government and posted online. These are currently cases of death. Currently, there are tens of thousands of people who must see a doctor due to vaccine-related issues. 30% of these are suffering from ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) or CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). These conditions still lack a conclusive treatment.” *Dismissing damage is an act of evil. “Any efforts to dismiss these damages as if they didn’t happen are, frankly, the work of evil. This is a quintessential example of the evil practice of science.” *A Pandora’s Box of diseases unleashed. “It’s as if we’ve opened Pandora’s box and are now encountering all sorts of diseases. We’re facing them. Autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections. All of these, including rare and difficult diseases, even those rare conditions are happening. Even diseases unheard of are being encountered by ordinary doctors.” *Lipid nanoparticle delivery systems have failed. “This type of DDS (Drug Delivery System) utilizing lipid nanoparticles is a total failure. Therefore this vaccine was from the beginning based on misconception, misconduct, and evil practices of science, totally defective, founded on misconceptions, leading to a totally false production, a false product, I believe.” *Collapse of the science community. “As someone who was the first to establish pharmacology epidemiology in Japan, I feel responsible. Though I am retired, I still chair a research institute, and since science is my field of study, I continue as my mission, but now, coming to this point, all scientists are hesitating, and moreover, as panelists, they are engaging in censorship. This is the collapse of the science community. It’s a great defeat. Such things should never happen.” *Shine the light of science on genetic vaccines. “We must confront this directly again and shine the light of science on it….We should never again use such vaccines. This is a shame for humanity. It’s a disgrace that we did this.” Almost two years earlier, on November 25, 2022, Dr. Fukushima spoke at a press conference for families whose loved ones had died due to COVID vaccine adverse effects. He gave an explosive statement, which we have transcribed here. Dr. Fukushima has been extraordinary in his forthright warnings about mRNA vaccine harms and deaths. He has delivered at least two remarkable public speeches that have been videoed and translated into English, and we have now transcribed them in full. Dr. Fukushima has published over 200 papers and works in the Translational Research Informatics Centre Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation in Kobe, Japan. He is also Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, having retired as a medical oncologist after over three decades at Kyoto University Hospital and Aichi Cancer Centre. Dr. Fukushima’s latest scientific papers include a new paper titled “Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality from the mRNA Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan” and a new preprint paper highlighting blood transfusion concerns titled “Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures.” There have been massive protests in Japan over the increasing vaccine-related adverse events and deaths, and more protests are planned.10 We urge scientists and other righteous people around the world to lend their appreciation and support to Dr. Fukushima. He is a bright star in a darkening firmament and inspires us for the future. Primary author: Ginger Ross Breggin Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators Related Posts Now is the Time for a Ban on all mRNA and DNA Vaccines and Treatments Now is the Time for a Ban on all mRNA and DNA Vaccines and Treatments Blood money—noun–1: money obtained at the cost of another’s life. Moderna has just announced that they are doing clinical trials on their new mRNA heart attack shot that is delivered directly into the damaged heart muscle. This is despite the fact that mRNA/DNA treatments and platforms have never been approved except for emergency use, and since the pan… Read full story Breggin warned very early about mRNA vaccine harms in our 2021 book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, as well as soon after in this radio interview. Genetic Menace of COVID Vaccines Disclosed Genetic Menace of COVID Vaccines Disclosed COVID “vaccines” may harm the human genome and pass on defects to future generations through male sperm warns MIT Senior Research Scientist Dr. Stephanie Seneff. This TV interview is the most disturbing and enlightening hour about the danger of the vaccines that Peter R. Breggin MD has done to date. The information disclosed suggests that women may in … Read full story mRNA – Gateway to Nanotechnology Control of Human Beings mRNA – Gateway to Nanotechnology Control of Human Beings Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Pandora | iHeartRadio | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn | RSS [continue reading below]Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Read full story https://substack.com/home/post/p-145075915
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  • Blind Spots in "Who Really Runs the World" Podcast.
    Charles Wright
    Some months ago, I was contacted by Ginger Breggin requesting to do an interview with me. After agreeing not to discuss Robert Malone’s early cancer and mRNA research, we agreed to discuss the extremely worthy topic of Hospital Protocols. Around this time, however, I published an article “The United States should back Iran over Israel with Militar Force if it becomes Necessary,”to which the Breggins objected in a long, polite email, and canceled the interview.

    The United States should back Iran over Israel with Military Force if it becomes Necessary.

    The United States should back Iran over Israel with Military Force if it becomes Necessary.
    I’ll make this one quick. Iran is now launching strikes against Israel after Israel bombed Iran’s Embassy in Syria on April 1, 2024. Israel was deeply involved in the attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. The World Trade Center Towers were demolished using explosives and nano-thermite. The DEA

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    Before going much further, let me state that I greatly respect the research and reporting of both the Breggins and Sasha Latypova. We all have our “blind spots” however, myself included. This is not a personal attack against anyone; it is the high road of facts presented in a polite manner.

    I believe blind spots were first identified by Freud’s protege Carl Jung. Paraphrasing Jung based on my understanding, blind spots are things that you suppress consciously. These things stay in the subconscious and wind up controlling you subconsciously in ways you do not understand. The Breggins are of course psychiatrists and certainly understand the topic far better than I.

    Many people of the Jewish religion are having a difficult time coming to grips with the obvious Genocide in Palestine. For a people whose history includes being systematically exterminated, many just prefer not to consider that Benjamin Netanyahu, the modern version of Adolph Hitler, is doing the exact same thing to the Palestinians. When the fundamental beliefs you’ve held all of your life- your views of righteousness and evil, are challenged, it’s just too much for many people to bear, so they just block it out.

    As best I can tell, the process of psychotherapy involves drawing facts out of the subconscious into the conscious for consideration. I think the modern social media description of this process is “red pilling.”

    Today, the Breggins have published an excellent and informative interview with Sasha Latypova, titled “Who really runs the world? A stunning interview with Sasha Latypova.”

    Who really runs the world? A stunning interview with Sasha Latypova

    Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. First airing on AmericaOutLoud.news July 20, 2024…

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    2 days ago · 138 likes · 67 comments · Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

    An excerpt from Peter Breggin:

    17:40: The level we’re talking about now … is not the top. It’s the concentration camp Commandants. It’s the leaders of some Nazi sector. Way above them where the money is pooring down from, are the Global Predators of all kinds of sorts. We decribe the system of COVID-19 and the Global Predators. But it’s a giant system and these are the henchmen and women of the system.

    I’m not anti-Semetic, or anti any average person. Criticizing people based on their demographics and not their deeds is something I consciously try to avoid. As I say when I criticize Israel and their atrocities, it is not aimed at their DNA. I am a white American male, and anyone can find plenty of atrocities committed by white American males. Judge people by their deeds.

    But I also don’t care who I piss off: Republicans, Democrats, Russians, Israelis, Chinese, Americans, or whoever. To a certain degree, all the people of the world are evil and/or naive. The average person is divided against each other and triggered to kill the other by Globalists. I don’t play that game, and when I find it going on, I try to stop it. That means calling out the evil and naivety, which necessarily will hurt feelings no matter how politely I try to present it. “Divide and Conquer” is an ancient strategy of War presented by Sun Tzu. I choose to divide and conquer along the lines of Mankind versus Globalists, where the true front is. You have to show people where the front really is.

    So how is, Mr. Breggin, that Palestine can be considered anything but a huge concentration camp that Israel is exterminating?

    I hear no references to Israel or the Rothschilds in the interview about who’s really running the world. Meanwhile just look at the recent news. Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, with a near-certainty of victory over Joseph Biden, chose J.D. Vance to be his running mate the day after an assassination attempt against him. Vance clearly owes his choice by Trump to his “Israel First” agenda.

    Iran has become a nuclear counterweight to Israel in the Middle East, with capabilities demonstrated to penetrate the “Iron Dome” with missiles. Vance wants to “punish” Iran with methods that go far beyond the usual bombings.

    Politico reported that there were “Iranian” plans to assassinate Trump, as if Iran had anything to do with the mental state of a 20-year-old white kid in Pennsylvania or chose to hold a rally at a location with undefended sniper locations in close proximity.

    Along with the choice of Vance as Trump’s running mate after the assassination attempt, charges of mishandling classified documents were dismissed by a judge in Florida that same day, a dismisssal that received little press despite constant reporting on the charges against Trump earlier.

    Netanyahu has gone so far as to claim that Israel controls the Congress of the United States, and of course he’s right.

    How obvious do things have to be?

    They may as well state a Pledge of Allegiance to Israel.

    “I pledge Allegience, to the Rothschild’s nation of Israel, and to their power to promote me to the highest office in the United States with unlimited financing and press, and to their right to conduct Genocide and start nuclear Armageddon as prophesied in the Old Testament, and to blackmail or assassinate me if I do not do their bidding.”

    In other recent news, the International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel is an Apartheid state. It was never in question, as Benajamin Netanyahu made perfectly clear:

    Netanyahu, 2019: Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the nation-state law we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people — and not anyone else.

    Below are few excerpts of Sasha on the DOD from her interview with the Breggins.

    25:15. The US can occupy 15 military bases in Finland and in Sweden. … It’s occupation. This occupation has been since the end of World War 2. US has occupied Europe and gradually pushed these countries to give up their military, to give up their own defense, in exchange for protection. 2540. The Globalist role of the US Department of Defense is to hold guns literally to every government’s head so that they accept the Petrodollar.

    28:40. The DOD is the largest Globalist organization. For some reason everbody screams at WEF and Klaus Shwab, but they forget that that’s the enforcer.

    Fact check: True enough- at least that’s one aspect of the DODs role in world government. But is the DOD the highest level of world government, or are they merely the “henchmen” of the higher levels, as Dr. Breggin described?

    Sasha, I believe, was raised in the former Soviet Union. I was raised in a very conservative Patriotic area of the United States. We both probably have some bias and blind spots lingering from the Cold War. Who really runs it all? Where does it all lead?

    The Rothschilds, German descendants who established Israel and coordinated World War 2 and the Holocaust to kill Jews and drive them out Germany into the desert in Zion, control the Central Banking system of the world, which gives them the ability to print money for themselves and distribute it via “loans” to anyone they choose. They back people who do their evil bidding- people like Elon Musk, a frontman for the CIA’s secret MK Ultra (Minde Kontrolle- Ultra meaning “code break,” as in codebreaking measurable brain waves) research program, now becoming a public corporation, as Globalist immigrant to the United States, Elon Musk, takes over control of the DODs most advanced weaponry programs, including a low-altitude satellite grid that surrounds the globe).

    The government of Israel is controlled by the Rothschilds, as is the government of the United States and most other governments of the world. This is your top level. The Jesuits, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the CIA, the FSB, and whoever else you can think of are all the Rothschild’s “henchmen.”

    And why? Because the Rothschilds control the money supply, and who controls the money supply controls the world.

    Nathan Meyer Rothschild:

    Russia was once an outlier of the Rothchild’s world government. After World War 1, Russia refused to support the League of Nations, an effort at world government that preceded the establishment of the United Nations after World War 2. The Rothschilds conducted a coup in Russia in 1917 the Bolshevik (“majority”) Revolution.

    The primary financier of the Russian revolutionary movement 1905–1917 was Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn Loeb and Co (Rothschilds bank in the US)., New York. The reaction of bankers from Wall Street and The City towards the overthrow of the Czar was enthusiastic.

    The Federal Reserve, owned 90% by Rothschild banks, was established in 1911. The US bankers welcomed the Bolshevik Revolution and Karl Marx. Image below is from the book The Creature from Jekyll Island.

    The Bolsheviks assassinated the entire family of the Imperial Russian family, the Romanovs, women and children alike, so that none of their descendants could ever have a claim on Russian government again. Hate of the Rothschilds and Central Bankers still lingers and burns in Russia over this. The US DOD didn’t do it.

    I doubt you’ll ever find anyone you agree with 100% of the time. History lessons aside, of all the things that I have heard or read from Sasha, there is only one thing that I really take exception to: she said Dr. Pierre Kory was a “good person.” As far as I can tell, Dr. Kory has killed more patients than any doctor in the world in the name of “COVID” by using ventilators and drugs, and has led an effort to create an alibi for his crimes that Ivermectin cured the virus, when in fact Ivermectin reversed the effects of the deadly protocols used against patients hospitalized with a nonexistent virus. On Dr. Kory, Sasha and I must disagree. I would be glad to present evidence to her that supports my position. Much of it is already on my Substack in Kory’s own words.

    I’ll only touch the following issue very lightly. As many are aware, Sasha’s daughter has been in the news after calling for assassinations, and has been depicted with guns.

    It’s a sign of the times.

    We are in a social media age. Kids have access to microphones, cameras, and the internet and they say things that make us cringe, as always. “From the mouth of babes.”

    Here’s the questions that adults should be asking instead of worrying about a child: What kind of world are today’s adults leaving for future generations? Why does a 14-year-old child feel that there is no other recourse for Justice in the world other than violence? Why does the Department of Justice refuse to prosecute the mass murder of Americans with vaccines and hospital protocols, with countless reports of homicides all over social media? Why do more adults not demand that the Department of Justice hold the criminals accountable?

    America was founded on a bloody Revolution. Is that the only way to achieve Justice again? Sasha’s daughter hit a nerve in the public. Too many people are refusing to take action. Think about our nation’s future and what you are doing to shape it, and don’t waste your time arguing with a 14-year-old. Her mother will handle that any way she chooses, as is her right.

    But let’s talk about Che Guevara, hero of Revolutionaries worldwide. Sasha likes Che, a leader of the Cuban Revolution, and the enemy of the CIA. But was it really Guevara’s and Castro’s revolution?

    The following text is from the Central Intelligence Agency:

    In the 1950s, a young, charismatic Cuban nationalist named Fidel Castro led a guerrilla army against the forces of General Fulgencio Batista from a base camp deep within the Sierra Maestra Mountains, the largest mountain range in Cuba. Castro’s goal was to overthrow Batista, the US-backed leader of Cuba.

    After three years of guerrilla warfare, Castro and his ragtag army descended from the mountains and entered Havana on January 1, 1959, forcing Batista to flee the country. Castro took control of the Cuban Government’s 30,000-man army and declared himself Prime Minister.

    Remember the date of Castro’s entry into Havana: January 1, 1959.

    The following picture of Frank Stugis, aka “the Second Gunman on the Grassy Knoll,” is dated January 11, 1959. It shows Stugis over a trench dug to hold the bodies of 71 Cubans executed by firing squad.

    Sturgis had been in the Sierra Maestra mountains for some time.

    In March 1958, Sturgis opened a training camp in the Sierra Maestra mountains, where he taught Che Guevara and other 26th of July Movement rebel soldiers guerrilla warfare.[15] When Castro seized power, a rebel firing squad on San Juan Hill executed 71 of their opponents on January 11, 1959, into an awaiting 40-foot (12.2 m) ditch that had been opened with a bulldozer. Although Sturgis did not take part in the execution, he was photographed afterwards holding a rifle on top of the covered mass grave.[16]

    Sasha, do you really think a Revolutionary like Che can run around the Caribbean and South America toppling governments without the support and approval of the CIA?

    Sturgis was a member of Operation 40, led by George Bush Sr., a group of 40 agents devoted to drug trafficking from South America and taking over governments to achieve their objectives. Pictured here are some of the members of Operation 40 in Mexico City after the assassination of JFK. Barry Seal, George Bush Jr., Porter Goss, and Frank Sturgis. The picture was provided by Seal’s wife after Barry was assassinated by drug dealers after agreeing to provide information on the role of Bush Sr. in drug trafficking. Seal flew the getaway plane.

    Bush transferred from the Texas National Guard to Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, where Cuban pilots were trained in the “Bay of Pigs” invasion. Several Alabama residents of Maxwell also flew planes.

    The invasion of Cuba was weak, and Cuba knew they were coming. They were shot them down in parachutes. Cuba imprisoned many of them. My father was in the Navy in the time, on a ship in the Caribbean. His vessel was briefed about what was going on in Cuba, and told to stand by to potentially provide artillery support. The order never came.

    Someone from Maxwell told me once, after a conversation about the assassination of JFK, “but do you know why? It’s because he (JFK) left them there to die.” In my estimation, the invasion was designed to fail in order to give the US the boogeyman menace they needed for public support of massive funding increases for the DOD, not for the CIA to take out a leader that they had just installed in Cuba.

    Maria Lorenz, of Operation 40, became Castro’s girlfriend at the age of 19 after Castro’s (CIAs) coup.

    Marita Lorenz, the daughter of a German father and an American mother, was born in Bremen, Germany, on 18th August, 1939. Lorenz visited Cuba in February, 1959. Soon afterwards she began an affair with Fidel Castro and claims to have had his child. Later she was recruited by Frank Sturgis to work for the Central Intelligence Agency. In January 1960, Lorenz took part in a failed attempt to poison Castro.

    Hundreds of CIA attempts to topple or assassinate Castro always failed. Castro became a Communist boogeyman in the Americas, driving massive amounts of funding to the US Department of Defense to counter the red menace.

    the former head of Cuban intelligence, Fabian Escalante, told a British documentary team the CIA had tried to kill Fidel Castro more than 600 times, over a period of about 40 years.

    Below are Lorenz, Sturgis, and Lee Harvey Oswald. This still picture of a video has previously been described as somewhere in the Florida everglades. It may well have been on Useppa Island, however. Continuing with the CIA link:

    The Brigade was taken to Useppa Island, a private island off the coast of Florida that was secretly leased by the CIA.

    And of course this island would have been used for drug running. Porter Goss, member of George Bush’s Operation 40 which assassinated JRK, and future CIA Director, was a small boat operator who ran drugs through the islands between South America and Florida.

    Now the point here isn’t to bash Che either. He has a certain revolutionary sincerity that appeals to many people at times like these when the governments are known to be evil and killing their citizens. Che’s image below is the most reproduced image in history.

    Revolution is one thing, economic theory is another. At this point I must bore you with some economic theory. Communism is not a failure; communism is intentinally evil. Communism is command and control of an economy. Command and control systems, like the ones used in Germany and the United States in World War 2, can produce tremendous amounts of goods when that’s the goal.

    Now consider the massive starvation programs in China and the Soviet Union under Communism. In areas that were extremely fertile and could produce massive amounts of food, women in the Soviet Union lined up at stores in hopes for a piece of bread to feed their babies, and they didn’t get it.

    In college studying Economics shortly before the Berlin Wall fell, Communism versus Capitalism was presented as Capitalism being far superior to Communism based on incentives and rent seeking in free markets. While those things are undoubtedly true, the education never presented the historical context that Communism was designed to fail. It’s not Capitalism versus Communism in my view anymore, it’s Freedom versus Slavery. There is little difference between Capitalistic Monopoly and Communism. In one case, the government controls the means of production, in the other, Corporations control the government.

    Ernesto was likely recruited by the CIA in 1952 in Miami.

    HAVANA TIMES — Very little is known about the time Che spent in Miami. There’s not very much to know anyway. An accidental and forced stop, while he was traveling back to Argentina to get his medicine degree.

    When Che was in Bolivia, he was struck by the extreme poverty and disease of the people. I figure he was trying to divert some of the CIA’s cocaine trafficking profits to the poor people of Bolivia. The CIA’s cocaine trafficking program in Bolivia was led by Klaus Barbie, aka “the Butcher of Lyon,” a Nazi installed in Bolivia at the end of World War 2 in a negotiated merger between the OSS and SS to form the CIA.

    In the end, Che’s greatest claim to fame is that he wound up eating a bullet. Felix Rodriguez, also of Operation 40, helped Barbie track down and execute Che. Pictured below, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis awarding the “Governor’s Medal of Freedom” to Rodriguez. DeSantis is also, like most all prominent politicians, a public agent of Israel, that controls the highest levels of the CIA and all their associated child trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. He told Felix to tell Castro that “the Revolution lives on,” which to me, meant that he did not support Castro.

    Pictured below is Che with Mao Zedong, who starved tens of millions of Chinese with Communism. This is what it looks like when you play with the big boys. Selling out and compromising never works. Never.

    I’m sure all that on Che, Castro, and the CIA pissed everyone off in one way or another because it requires you to adjust your thinking somehow.

    Myself, I’m not in favor of armed Revolution in the United States, because we are hopelessly outgunned, and the “opposition” effort would be led by the enemy anyway, as it is today with the opposition led by Pierre Kory and Robert Malone against the mass homicide programs of vaccines and hospital protocols. I think Due Process in the legal system is our best option, but we are apparently going to somehow force them to do their job, and not expect them to do it otherwise.

    As for the Breggins, if you are ever willing to set our differences aside on Israel, I am still willing to discuss Hospital Protocols with you. I call this information below in support of the criminal complaint of the homicide of Danielle Alvarez “best effort to use Due Process and the legal system.”

    Hospital Protocols

    Information Supporting Criminal Complaint 990009-24 of Rebecca Charles provided to Nassau County District Attorney, New York Attorney General, and United States Attorney General

    Information Supporting Criminal Complaint 990009-24 of Rebecca Charles provided to Nassau County District Attorney, New York Attorney General, and United States Attorney General
    June 29, 2024 To: Anne Donnelly, District Attorney of Nassau County, New York 262 Old Country Rd, Mineola, NY 11501 ---------------- CC: Letitia James, Attorney General of New York Office of the New York State Attorney General The Capital Albany New York 12224-0341

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    As for Sasha, if you ever want to talk about Pierre Kory or Che, that would be great too.

    Charles Wright

    Blind Spots in "Who Really Runs the World" Podcast. Charles Wright Some months ago, I was contacted by Ginger Breggin requesting to do an interview with me. After agreeing not to discuss Robert Malone’s early cancer and mRNA research, we agreed to discuss the extremely worthy topic of Hospital Protocols. Around this time, however, I published an article “The United States should back Iran over Israel with Militar Force if it becomes Necessary,”to which the Breggins objected in a long, polite email, and canceled the interview. The United States should back Iran over Israel with Military Force if it becomes Necessary. The United States should back Iran over Israel with Military Force if it becomes Necessary. I’ll make this one quick. Iran is now launching strikes against Israel after Israel bombed Iran’s Embassy in Syria on April 1, 2024. Israel was deeply involved in the attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. The World Trade Center Towers were demolished using explosives and nano-thermite. The DEA Read full story Before going much further, let me state that I greatly respect the research and reporting of both the Breggins and Sasha Latypova. We all have our “blind spots” however, myself included. This is not a personal attack against anyone; it is the high road of facts presented in a polite manner. I believe blind spots were first identified by Freud’s protege Carl Jung. Paraphrasing Jung based on my understanding, blind spots are things that you suppress consciously. These things stay in the subconscious and wind up controlling you subconsciously in ways you do not understand. The Breggins are of course psychiatrists and certainly understand the topic far better than I. Many people of the Jewish religion are having a difficult time coming to grips with the obvious Genocide in Palestine. For a people whose history includes being systematically exterminated, many just prefer not to consider that Benjamin Netanyahu, the modern version of Adolph Hitler, is doing the exact same thing to the Palestinians. When the fundamental beliefs you’ve held all of your life- your views of righteousness and evil, are challenged, it’s just too much for many people to bear, so they just block it out. As best I can tell, the process of psychotherapy involves drawing facts out of the subconscious into the conscious for consideration. I think the modern social media description of this process is “red pilling.” Today, the Breggins have published an excellent and informative interview with Sasha Latypova, titled “Who really runs the world? A stunning interview with Sasha Latypova.” Who really runs the world? A stunning interview with Sasha Latypova Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support our work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. First airing on AmericaOutLoud.news July 20, 2024… Read more 2 days ago · 138 likes · 67 comments · Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin An excerpt from Peter Breggin: 17:40: The level we’re talking about now … is not the top. It’s the concentration camp Commandants. It’s the leaders of some Nazi sector. Way above them where the money is pooring down from, are the Global Predators of all kinds of sorts. We decribe the system of COVID-19 and the Global Predators. But it’s a giant system and these are the henchmen and women of the system. I’m not anti-Semetic, or anti any average person. Criticizing people based on their demographics and not their deeds is something I consciously try to avoid. As I say when I criticize Israel and their atrocities, it is not aimed at their DNA. I am a white American male, and anyone can find plenty of atrocities committed by white American males. Judge people by their deeds. But I also don’t care who I piss off: Republicans, Democrats, Russians, Israelis, Chinese, Americans, or whoever. To a certain degree, all the people of the world are evil and/or naive. The average person is divided against each other and triggered to kill the other by Globalists. I don’t play that game, and when I find it going on, I try to stop it. That means calling out the evil and naivety, which necessarily will hurt feelings no matter how politely I try to present it. “Divide and Conquer” is an ancient strategy of War presented by Sun Tzu. I choose to divide and conquer along the lines of Mankind versus Globalists, where the true front is. You have to show people where the front really is. So how is, Mr. Breggin, that Palestine can be considered anything but a huge concentration camp that Israel is exterminating? I hear no references to Israel or the Rothschilds in the interview about who’s really running the world. Meanwhile just look at the recent news. Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, with a near-certainty of victory over Joseph Biden, chose J.D. Vance to be his running mate the day after an assassination attempt against him. Vance clearly owes his choice by Trump to his “Israel First” agenda. Iran has become a nuclear counterweight to Israel in the Middle East, with capabilities demonstrated to penetrate the “Iron Dome” with missiles. Vance wants to “punish” Iran with methods that go far beyond the usual bombings. Politico reported that there were “Iranian” plans to assassinate Trump, as if Iran had anything to do with the mental state of a 20-year-old white kid in Pennsylvania or chose to hold a rally at a location with undefended sniper locations in close proximity. Along with the choice of Vance as Trump’s running mate after the assassination attempt, charges of mishandling classified documents were dismissed by a judge in Florida that same day, a dismisssal that received little press despite constant reporting on the charges against Trump earlier. Netanyahu has gone so far as to claim that Israel controls the Congress of the United States, and of course he’s right. How obvious do things have to be? They may as well state a Pledge of Allegiance to Israel. “I pledge Allegience, to the Rothschild’s nation of Israel, and to their power to promote me to the highest office in the United States with unlimited financing and press, and to their right to conduct Genocide and start nuclear Armageddon as prophesied in the Old Testament, and to blackmail or assassinate me if I do not do their bidding.” In other recent news, the International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel is an Apartheid state. It was never in question, as Benajamin Netanyahu made perfectly clear: Netanyahu, 2019: Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the nation-state law we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people — and not anyone else. Below are few excerpts of Sasha on the DOD from her interview with the Breggins. 25:15. The US can occupy 15 military bases in Finland and in Sweden. … It’s occupation. This occupation has been since the end of World War 2. US has occupied Europe and gradually pushed these countries to give up their military, to give up their own defense, in exchange for protection. 2540. The Globalist role of the US Department of Defense is to hold guns literally to every government’s head so that they accept the Petrodollar. 28:40. The DOD is the largest Globalist organization. For some reason everbody screams at WEF and Klaus Shwab, but they forget that that’s the enforcer. Fact check: True enough- at least that’s one aspect of the DODs role in world government. But is the DOD the highest level of world government, or are they merely the “henchmen” of the higher levels, as Dr. Breggin described? Sasha, I believe, was raised in the former Soviet Union. I was raised in a very conservative Patriotic area of the United States. We both probably have some bias and blind spots lingering from the Cold War. Who really runs it all? Where does it all lead? The Rothschilds, German descendants who established Israel and coordinated World War 2 and the Holocaust to kill Jews and drive them out Germany into the desert in Zion, control the Central Banking system of the world, which gives them the ability to print money for themselves and distribute it via “loans” to anyone they choose. They back people who do their evil bidding- people like Elon Musk, a frontman for the CIA’s secret MK Ultra (Minde Kontrolle- Ultra meaning “code break,” as in codebreaking measurable brain waves) research program, now becoming a public corporation, as Globalist immigrant to the United States, Elon Musk, takes over control of the DODs most advanced weaponry programs, including a low-altitude satellite grid that surrounds the globe). The government of Israel is controlled by the Rothschilds, as is the government of the United States and most other governments of the world. This is your top level. The Jesuits, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the CIA, the FSB, and whoever else you can think of are all the Rothschild’s “henchmen.” And why? Because the Rothschilds control the money supply, and who controls the money supply controls the world. Nathan Meyer Rothschild: Russia was once an outlier of the Rothchild’s world government. After World War 1, Russia refused to support the League of Nations, an effort at world government that preceded the establishment of the United Nations after World War 2. The Rothschilds conducted a coup in Russia in 1917 the Bolshevik (“majority”) Revolution. The primary financier of the Russian revolutionary movement 1905–1917 was Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn Loeb and Co (Rothschilds bank in the US)., New York. The reaction of bankers from Wall Street and The City towards the overthrow of the Czar was enthusiastic. The Federal Reserve, owned 90% by Rothschild banks, was established in 1911. The US bankers welcomed the Bolshevik Revolution and Karl Marx. Image below is from the book The Creature from Jekyll Island. The Bolsheviks assassinated the entire family of the Imperial Russian family, the Romanovs, women and children alike, so that none of their descendants could ever have a claim on Russian government again. Hate of the Rothschilds and Central Bankers still lingers and burns in Russia over this. The US DOD didn’t do it. I doubt you’ll ever find anyone you agree with 100% of the time. History lessons aside, of all the things that I have heard or read from Sasha, there is only one thing that I really take exception to: she said Dr. Pierre Kory was a “good person.” As far as I can tell, Dr. Kory has killed more patients than any doctor in the world in the name of “COVID” by using ventilators and drugs, and has led an effort to create an alibi for his crimes that Ivermectin cured the virus, when in fact Ivermectin reversed the effects of the deadly protocols used against patients hospitalized with a nonexistent virus. On Dr. Kory, Sasha and I must disagree. I would be glad to present evidence to her that supports my position. Much of it is already on my Substack in Kory’s own words. I’ll only touch the following issue very lightly. As many are aware, Sasha’s daughter has been in the news after calling for assassinations, and has been depicted with guns. It’s a sign of the times. We are in a social media age. Kids have access to microphones, cameras, and the internet and they say things that make us cringe, as always. “From the mouth of babes.” Here’s the questions that adults should be asking instead of worrying about a child: What kind of world are today’s adults leaving for future generations? Why does a 14-year-old child feel that there is no other recourse for Justice in the world other than violence? Why does the Department of Justice refuse to prosecute the mass murder of Americans with vaccines and hospital protocols, with countless reports of homicides all over social media? Why do more adults not demand that the Department of Justice hold the criminals accountable? America was founded on a bloody Revolution. Is that the only way to achieve Justice again? Sasha’s daughter hit a nerve in the public. Too many people are refusing to take action. Think about our nation’s future and what you are doing to shape it, and don’t waste your time arguing with a 14-year-old. Her mother will handle that any way she chooses, as is her right. But let’s talk about Che Guevara, hero of Revolutionaries worldwide. Sasha likes Che, a leader of the Cuban Revolution, and the enemy of the CIA. But was it really Guevara’s and Castro’s revolution? The following text is from the Central Intelligence Agency: In the 1950s, a young, charismatic Cuban nationalist named Fidel Castro led a guerrilla army against the forces of General Fulgencio Batista from a base camp deep within the Sierra Maestra Mountains, the largest mountain range in Cuba. Castro’s goal was to overthrow Batista, the US-backed leader of Cuba. After three years of guerrilla warfare, Castro and his ragtag army descended from the mountains and entered Havana on January 1, 1959, forcing Batista to flee the country. Castro took control of the Cuban Government’s 30,000-man army and declared himself Prime Minister. Remember the date of Castro’s entry into Havana: January 1, 1959. The following picture of Frank Stugis, aka “the Second Gunman on the Grassy Knoll,” is dated January 11, 1959. It shows Stugis over a trench dug to hold the bodies of 71 Cubans executed by firing squad. Sturgis had been in the Sierra Maestra mountains for some time. In March 1958, Sturgis opened a training camp in the Sierra Maestra mountains, where he taught Che Guevara and other 26th of July Movement rebel soldiers guerrilla warfare.[15] When Castro seized power, a rebel firing squad on San Juan Hill executed 71 of their opponents on January 11, 1959, into an awaiting 40-foot (12.2 m) ditch that had been opened with a bulldozer. Although Sturgis did not take part in the execution, he was photographed afterwards holding a rifle on top of the covered mass grave.[16] Sasha, do you really think a Revolutionary like Che can run around the Caribbean and South America toppling governments without the support and approval of the CIA? Sturgis was a member of Operation 40, led by George Bush Sr., a group of 40 agents devoted to drug trafficking from South America and taking over governments to achieve their objectives. Pictured here are some of the members of Operation 40 in Mexico City after the assassination of JFK. Barry Seal, George Bush Jr., Porter Goss, and Frank Sturgis. The picture was provided by Seal’s wife after Barry was assassinated by drug dealers after agreeing to provide information on the role of Bush Sr. in drug trafficking. Seal flew the getaway plane. Bush transferred from the Texas National Guard to Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, where Cuban pilots were trained in the “Bay of Pigs” invasion. Several Alabama residents of Maxwell also flew planes. The invasion of Cuba was weak, and Cuba knew they were coming. They were shot them down in parachutes. Cuba imprisoned many of them. My father was in the Navy in the time, on a ship in the Caribbean. His vessel was briefed about what was going on in Cuba, and told to stand by to potentially provide artillery support. The order never came. Someone from Maxwell told me once, after a conversation about the assassination of JFK, “but do you know why? It’s because he (JFK) left them there to die.” In my estimation, the invasion was designed to fail in order to give the US the boogeyman menace they needed for public support of massive funding increases for the DOD, not for the CIA to take out a leader that they had just installed in Cuba. Maria Lorenz, of Operation 40, became Castro’s girlfriend at the age of 19 after Castro’s (CIAs) coup. Marita Lorenz, the daughter of a German father and an American mother, was born in Bremen, Germany, on 18th August, 1939. Lorenz visited Cuba in February, 1959. Soon afterwards she began an affair with Fidel Castro and claims to have had his child. Later she was recruited by Frank Sturgis to work for the Central Intelligence Agency. In January 1960, Lorenz took part in a failed attempt to poison Castro. Hundreds of CIA attempts to topple or assassinate Castro always failed. Castro became a Communist boogeyman in the Americas, driving massive amounts of funding to the US Department of Defense to counter the red menace. the former head of Cuban intelligence, Fabian Escalante, told a British documentary team the CIA had tried to kill Fidel Castro more than 600 times, over a period of about 40 years. Below are Lorenz, Sturgis, and Lee Harvey Oswald. This still picture of a video has previously been described as somewhere in the Florida everglades. It may well have been on Useppa Island, however. Continuing with the CIA link: The Brigade was taken to Useppa Island, a private island off the coast of Florida that was secretly leased by the CIA. And of course this island would have been used for drug running. Porter Goss, member of George Bush’s Operation 40 which assassinated JRK, and future CIA Director, was a small boat operator who ran drugs through the islands between South America and Florida. Now the point here isn’t to bash Che either. He has a certain revolutionary sincerity that appeals to many people at times like these when the governments are known to be evil and killing their citizens. Che’s image below is the most reproduced image in history. Revolution is one thing, economic theory is another. At this point I must bore you with some economic theory. Communism is not a failure; communism is intentinally evil. Communism is command and control of an economy. Command and control systems, like the ones used in Germany and the United States in World War 2, can produce tremendous amounts of goods when that’s the goal. Now consider the massive starvation programs in China and the Soviet Union under Communism. In areas that were extremely fertile and could produce massive amounts of food, women in the Soviet Union lined up at stores in hopes for a piece of bread to feed their babies, and they didn’t get it. In college studying Economics shortly before the Berlin Wall fell, Communism versus Capitalism was presented as Capitalism being far superior to Communism based on incentives and rent seeking in free markets. While those things are undoubtedly true, the education never presented the historical context that Communism was designed to fail. It’s not Capitalism versus Communism in my view anymore, it’s Freedom versus Slavery. There is little difference between Capitalistic Monopoly and Communism. In one case, the government controls the means of production, in the other, Corporations control the government. Ernesto was likely recruited by the CIA in 1952 in Miami. HAVANA TIMES — Very little is known about the time Che spent in Miami. There’s not very much to know anyway. An accidental and forced stop, while he was traveling back to Argentina to get his medicine degree. When Che was in Bolivia, he was struck by the extreme poverty and disease of the people. I figure he was trying to divert some of the CIA’s cocaine trafficking profits to the poor people of Bolivia. The CIA’s cocaine trafficking program in Bolivia was led by Klaus Barbie, aka “the Butcher of Lyon,” a Nazi installed in Bolivia at the end of World War 2 in a negotiated merger between the OSS and SS to form the CIA. In the end, Che’s greatest claim to fame is that he wound up eating a bullet. Felix Rodriguez, also of Operation 40, helped Barbie track down and execute Che. Pictured below, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis awarding the “Governor’s Medal of Freedom” to Rodriguez. DeSantis is also, like most all prominent politicians, a public agent of Israel, that controls the highest levels of the CIA and all their associated child trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. He told Felix to tell Castro that “the Revolution lives on,” which to me, meant that he did not support Castro. Pictured below is Che with Mao Zedong, who starved tens of millions of Chinese with Communism. This is what it looks like when you play with the big boys. Selling out and compromising never works. Never. I’m sure all that on Che, Castro, and the CIA pissed everyone off in one way or another because it requires you to adjust your thinking somehow. Myself, I’m not in favor of armed Revolution in the United States, because we are hopelessly outgunned, and the “opposition” effort would be led by the enemy anyway, as it is today with the opposition led by Pierre Kory and Robert Malone against the mass homicide programs of vaccines and hospital protocols. I think Due Process in the legal system is our best option, but we are apparently going to somehow force them to do their job, and not expect them to do it otherwise. As for the Breggins, if you are ever willing to set our differences aside on Israel, I am still willing to discuss Hospital Protocols with you. I call this information below in support of the criminal complaint of the homicide of Danielle Alvarez “best effort to use Due Process and the legal system.” Hospital Protocols Information Supporting Criminal Complaint 990009-24 of Rebecca Charles provided to Nassau County District Attorney, New York Attorney General, and United States Attorney General Information Supporting Criminal Complaint 990009-24 of Rebecca Charles provided to Nassau County District Attorney, New York Attorney General, and United States Attorney General June 29, 2024 To: Anne Donnelly, District Attorney of Nassau County, New York 262 Old Country Rd, Mineola, NY 11501 ---------------- CC: Letitia James, Attorney General of New York Office of the New York State Attorney General The Capital Albany New York 12224-0341 Read full story As for Sasha, if you ever want to talk about Pierre Kory or Che, that would be great too. Charles Wright https://substack.com/home/post/p-146848221
    Blind Spots in "Who Really Runs the World" Podcast.
    Some months ago, I was contacted by Ginger Breggin requesting to do an interview with me. After agreeing not to discuss Robert Malone’s early cancer and mRNA research, we agreed to discuss the extremely worthy topic of Hospital Protocols. Around this time, however, I published an article “The United States should back Iran over Israel with Militar Force if it becomes Necessary,”to which the Breggins objected in a long, polite email, and canceled the interview.
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  • Who really runs the world? A stunning interview with Sasha Latypova
    Guest Sasha Latypova

    Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
    Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

    First airing on AmericaOutLoud.news July 20, 2024

    If I had a list of the top ten lifetime interviews, this would be competing for number one. It started out with me comfortably chatting with our guest, Sasha Latypova, about the role of the Department of Defense (DoD) in controlling Operation Warp Speed. She replied, in effect, “The DoD is the largest and most powerful globalist entity in the world.”

    She started talking about how the Defense Department has the largest army in the world and then began talking about its hundreds of bases around the world. Then, she talked about its hidden wealth that no one can calculate. Then we talked about its connections to… Well, I think you should listen to the show. I actually began to reformulate some of what I will be writing in our soon-to-be-announced book. Some ideas that had been rumbling around in my head and in Ginger’s suddenly gained great clarity and new emphasis.

    We believe that anyone listening to this discussion between the Breggins and Sasha Latypova will come away with a sharper understanding of what is going on in a world that seems to be collapsing around us.

    ~Peter R. Breggin MD

    Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD

    Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com

    Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com

    Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators

    Who really runs the world? A stunning interview with Sasha Latypova Guest Sasha Latypova Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS First airing on AmericaOutLoud.news July 20, 2024 If I had a list of the top ten lifetime interviews, this would be competing for number one. It started out with me comfortably chatting with our guest, Sasha Latypova, about the role of the Department of Defense (DoD) in controlling Operation Warp Speed. She replied, in effect, “The DoD is the largest and most powerful globalist entity in the world.” She started talking about how the Defense Department has the largest army in the world and then began talking about its hundreds of bases around the world. Then, she talked about its hidden wealth that no one can calculate. Then we talked about its connections to… Well, I think you should listen to the show. I actually began to reformulate some of what I will be writing in our soon-to-be-announced book. Some ideas that had been rumbling around in my head and in Ginger’s suddenly gained great clarity and new emphasis. We believe that anyone listening to this discussion between the Breggins and Sasha Latypova will come away with a sharper understanding of what is going on in a world that seems to be collapsing around us. ~Peter R. Breggin MD Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators https://substack.com/home/post/p-146832338
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  • WARNING! Your Detox System Is UNDER ATTACK: The War On Our Heroes of Detox: P-Glycoprotein (Pgp) and CYP3A4
    These Unsung Heroes of Detox Protect Your Body, Unless Someone Tricks You Into Shutting Them Off

    Tim Truth
    The body's ability to detoxify and defend itself against harmful substances is truly amazing. This article details two of the most amazing biological phenomenon related to detoxification I found while researching depopulation via mass poisoning operations. It revealed to me more than just a huge blindspot in the advice of the many quacks who never mention side effects or drug interactions, but also what appears to be a purposeful attack on our bodies’ key detox pathways for the purpose of increasing the toxicity of other poisons. In other words, drugs that shut down detox pathways are being pushed at large, and then other poisons that exploit the inhibited detox abilities are promoted that when combined complete the binary weapon.

    Among the vital molecules and enzymes involved in the amazing human body detox process, two proteins stand out for their key roles: P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4). These proteins are indispensable in protecting the human body from harmful toxins and poisons. They are both endogenous which means that they are naturally produced by our bodies (so there’s no money for supplement hawks to be made here)

    Our bodies continuously navigate a flood of incoming substances, many of which are toxins that could potentially disrupt or harm our systems. Pgp and CYP3A4 are crucial in protecting the body from such harmful compounds.

    P-glycoprotein (Pgp): The Cellular Bouncer

    P-glycoprotein, also known as multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1), functions like your own personal cellular bouncers - kicking out any troublemakers from your cells. Pgp is found in the cell membranes of various important tissues, including the liver, kidneys, intestines, and brain. Pgp actively pumps a wide range of substances out of cells which is absolutely vital for preventing the accumulation of toxic compounds within cells and our sanctuary organs like the brain.

    One of Pgp's most crucial roles is in the blood-brain barrier, where it prevents potentially harmful chemicals from entering the brain. By doing so, Pgp protects the central nervous system from toxins and drugs that could hamper neural function or cause catastrophic damage. Additionally, Pgp plays a significant role in drug metabolism and excretion, impacting the pharmacokinetics of many drugs and toxins.

    Pgp also protects other sanctuary sites in the body, such as the testes and placenta barriers, ensuring these critical areas remain free from harmful substances. Moreover, Pgp's action in the brain capillaries is a key mechanism for ridding the brain of toxins, keeping the central nervous system safe and functional.

    P-Glycoprotein Substrates and Inhibitors

    Pgp substrates are the substances that Pgp targets and pumps out of cells. Pgp substrates include a variety of drugs and toxins. Some notable examples include: ivermectin, mRNA vaccines (PEG is a substrate of Pgp), morphine, midazolam, remdesivir, HCQ … and there are many others. Pgp substrates are the drugs and toxins that accumulate in cells when Pgp is inhibited or genetically deficient.

    Pgp inhibitors, on the other hand, are substances that block the action of Pgp. When Pgp is inhibited, its ability to pump toxins and drugs out of cells and tissues is reduced, leading to increased levels of these substances within cells, potentially leading to terrible toxicity. Some notable examples of Pgp inhibitors include quercetin, CBD, THC, curcumin, green tea, milk thistle (silymarin), mistletoe, natto K2, ivermectin, curcumin (in turmeric), resveratrol (in grapes, wine, peanuts, blueberries and cranberries), grapefruit juice, caffeine, piperine (in black pepper), capsaicin (hot peppers), remdesivir, tannic acid, gingerol (in ginger), kratom, berberine, methylene blue, glyphosate… and there are many others.

    Anybody who has even remotely been paying attention the last few years should see that combinations of Pgp substrates and Pgp inhibitors have been pushed on the masses and next to nobody has warned people of the basic biology that is being exploited (I believe purposefully exploited)

    CYP3A4: The Poison Disassembler

    Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) is one of the most important enzymes in the Cytochrome P450 family, responsible for the metabolism (breaking down) of a vast array of toxins and drugs. Found predominantly in the liver and intestines, CYP3A4 metabolizes approximately 50% of all pharma drugs currently in use.

    CYP3A4 transforms lipophilic compounds into more water-soluble forms, facilitating their excretion from the body. This process is crucial for the elimination of various drugs, toxins, and endogenous substrates such as hormones. CYP3A4's broad substrate specificity allows it to handle a diverse range of chemical structures, making it a key player in the detoxification process.

    CYP3A4 activity can be limited by various factors, including genetic variables and interactions with other drugs called CYP3A4 inhibitors. These limitations can lead to differences in drug metabolism rates among individuals, affecting drug uptake levels and the risk of adverse effects. For instance, certain drugs, supplements and even foods can inhibit CYP3A4 activity, leading to increased plasma levels of co-administered drugs. Understanding these interactions is critical for optimizing drug therapy and avoiding potentially harmful drug-drug interactions.

    CYP3A4 Substrates and Inhibitors

    CYP3A4 substrates are compounds that the CYP3A4 enzyme metabolizes. A huge amount of commonly used medications and poisons are CYP3A4 substrates. By breaking down these substances, CYP3A4 works to minimize their accumulation to harmful levels in the body. CYP3A4 activity can be influenced by various factors, including genetic polymorphisms and interactions with other drugs. These variations can lead to differences in drug metabolism rates among individuals, affecting the risk of adverse effects. CYP3A4 inhibitors are substances that reduce the enzyme's activity, slowing the metabolism of its substrates. This can cause more drug uptake and for drugs to remain in the body longer, leading to increased toxicity.

    Examples of CYP3A4 inhibitors include grapefruit juice, certain antibiotics, methylene blue, caffeine, gingerol (in ginger), berberine, quercetin, milk thistle, elderberry, piperine (in black pepper), capsaicin (hot peppers), kratom, Ginkgo biloba, goldenseal, grape seed & CBD… and there are many others. Understanding these interactions is critical for avoiding potentially harmful drug-drug interactions.

    CYP3A4 substrates are drugs or toxins that are metabolized by CYP3A4 toxins are part of the detox process. Notable CYP3A4 substrates that are heavily pushed include: ivermectin, morphine, midazolam, remdesivir, HCQ, … and many others. Something like 50% of pharma drugs are CYP3A4 substrates.

    Implications For Pharmaceuticals & Supplements

    There are many potent over the counter Pgp inhibitors being pushed recklessly (I believe with bad intent). Likewise there are many toxic Pgp substrates that are being promoted in tandem. The combination of these can result in disaster.

    Similarly, numerous potent over-the-counter CYP3A4 inhibitors are being marketed irresponsibly. In addition, many hazardous CYP3A4 substrates are being promoted alongside them. This combination can lead to disastrous consequences.

    Nobody is being warned about the pharmacokinetics and the possibilities of severe drug interactions due to the inhibition of Pgp and CYP3A4.

    Always check the effects of what you are taking. I’ve seen so much foul play at this point that I don’t trust anything these poison pushers say anymore. I started actually researching all these weird supplements they are pushing and it screams that people are being deceived- tricked into consuming what amounts to terrible poison. They never show their work and they make the most vague ridiculous claims that upon closer inspection are clearly just invocations of dark psychology.

    My heart goes out to anyone who has fallen pray to the cacophony of awful medical advice on the internet and traditional media.

    I will debate anybody on the importance of Pgp and CYP3A4 and the harms of ivermectin - let’s set something up

    In future articles I will share more studies showing the increased accumulation of the substrates of Pgp and CYP3A4 when these detox pathways are inhibited, but to keep this article short and digestible, I will just refer you to prior articles I’ve written about Pgp and CYP3A4 with a focus on ivermectin which I have identified as a key tool for depopulation around the world:

    P-glycoprotein Deficiency (Genetic Or Drug Induced) & Increased Ivermectin Toxicity

    Pig Study Raises MAJOR Questions Of Dangers Of Combining Quercetin & Ivermectin

    Studies Find Quercetin & Natto K2 INHIBIT P-Glycoprotein; Will This Increase Ivermectin Toxicity Susceptibility?!

    Grapefruit's Irreversible Inactivation of Key Defense Against Toxic Effects Of Many Drugs (Ivermectin Binary Weapon)

    2 Concerning Studies: CBD & THC Enact Potent P-Glycoprotein Inhibiting Effects, Raising Very Concerning Questions About Heightened Ivermectin Toxicity For Marijuana Users

    WARNING! Your Detox System Is UNDER ATTACK: The War On Our Heroes of Detox: P-Glycoprotein (Pgp) and CYP3A4 These Unsung Heroes of Detox Protect Your Body, Unless Someone Tricks You Into Shutting Them Off Tim Truth The body's ability to detoxify and defend itself against harmful substances is truly amazing. This article details two of the most amazing biological phenomenon related to detoxification I found while researching depopulation via mass poisoning operations. It revealed to me more than just a huge blindspot in the advice of the many quacks who never mention side effects or drug interactions, but also what appears to be a purposeful attack on our bodies’ key detox pathways for the purpose of increasing the toxicity of other poisons. In other words, drugs that shut down detox pathways are being pushed at large, and then other poisons that exploit the inhibited detox abilities are promoted that when combined complete the binary weapon. Among the vital molecules and enzymes involved in the amazing human body detox process, two proteins stand out for their key roles: P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4). These proteins are indispensable in protecting the human body from harmful toxins and poisons. They are both endogenous which means that they are naturally produced by our bodies (so there’s no money for supplement hawks to be made here) Our bodies continuously navigate a flood of incoming substances, many of which are toxins that could potentially disrupt or harm our systems. Pgp and CYP3A4 are crucial in protecting the body from such harmful compounds. P-glycoprotein (Pgp): The Cellular Bouncer P-glycoprotein, also known as multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1), functions like your own personal cellular bouncers - kicking out any troublemakers from your cells. Pgp is found in the cell membranes of various important tissues, including the liver, kidneys, intestines, and brain. Pgp actively pumps a wide range of substances out of cells which is absolutely vital for preventing the accumulation of toxic compounds within cells and our sanctuary organs like the brain. One of Pgp's most crucial roles is in the blood-brain barrier, where it prevents potentially harmful chemicals from entering the brain. By doing so, Pgp protects the central nervous system from toxins and drugs that could hamper neural function or cause catastrophic damage. Additionally, Pgp plays a significant role in drug metabolism and excretion, impacting the pharmacokinetics of many drugs and toxins. Pgp also protects other sanctuary sites in the body, such as the testes and placenta barriers, ensuring these critical areas remain free from harmful substances. Moreover, Pgp's action in the brain capillaries is a key mechanism for ridding the brain of toxins, keeping the central nervous system safe and functional. P-Glycoprotein Substrates and Inhibitors Pgp substrates are the substances that Pgp targets and pumps out of cells. Pgp substrates include a variety of drugs and toxins. Some notable examples include: ivermectin, mRNA vaccines (PEG is a substrate of Pgp), morphine, midazolam, remdesivir, HCQ … and there are many others. Pgp substrates are the drugs and toxins that accumulate in cells when Pgp is inhibited or genetically deficient. Pgp inhibitors, on the other hand, are substances that block the action of Pgp. When Pgp is inhibited, its ability to pump toxins and drugs out of cells and tissues is reduced, leading to increased levels of these substances within cells, potentially leading to terrible toxicity. Some notable examples of Pgp inhibitors include quercetin, CBD, THC, curcumin, green tea, milk thistle (silymarin), mistletoe, natto K2, ivermectin, curcumin (in turmeric), resveratrol (in grapes, wine, peanuts, blueberries and cranberries), grapefruit juice, caffeine, piperine (in black pepper), capsaicin (hot peppers), remdesivir, tannic acid, gingerol (in ginger), kratom, berberine, methylene blue, glyphosate… and there are many others. Anybody who has even remotely been paying attention the last few years should see that combinations of Pgp substrates and Pgp inhibitors have been pushed on the masses and next to nobody has warned people of the basic biology that is being exploited (I believe purposefully exploited) CYP3A4: The Poison Disassembler Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) is one of the most important enzymes in the Cytochrome P450 family, responsible for the metabolism (breaking down) of a vast array of toxins and drugs. Found predominantly in the liver and intestines, CYP3A4 metabolizes approximately 50% of all pharma drugs currently in use. CYP3A4 transforms lipophilic compounds into more water-soluble forms, facilitating their excretion from the body. This process is crucial for the elimination of various drugs, toxins, and endogenous substrates such as hormones. CYP3A4's broad substrate specificity allows it to handle a diverse range of chemical structures, making it a key player in the detoxification process. CYP3A4 activity can be limited by various factors, including genetic variables and interactions with other drugs called CYP3A4 inhibitors. These limitations can lead to differences in drug metabolism rates among individuals, affecting drug uptake levels and the risk of adverse effects. For instance, certain drugs, supplements and even foods can inhibit CYP3A4 activity, leading to increased plasma levels of co-administered drugs. Understanding these interactions is critical for optimizing drug therapy and avoiding potentially harmful drug-drug interactions. CYP3A4 Substrates and Inhibitors CYP3A4 substrates are compounds that the CYP3A4 enzyme metabolizes. A huge amount of commonly used medications and poisons are CYP3A4 substrates. By breaking down these substances, CYP3A4 works to minimize their accumulation to harmful levels in the body. CYP3A4 activity can be influenced by various factors, including genetic polymorphisms and interactions with other drugs. These variations can lead to differences in drug metabolism rates among individuals, affecting the risk of adverse effects. CYP3A4 inhibitors are substances that reduce the enzyme's activity, slowing the metabolism of its substrates. This can cause more drug uptake and for drugs to remain in the body longer, leading to increased toxicity. Examples of CYP3A4 inhibitors include grapefruit juice, certain antibiotics, methylene blue, caffeine, gingerol (in ginger), berberine, quercetin, milk thistle, elderberry, piperine (in black pepper), capsaicin (hot peppers), kratom, Ginkgo biloba, goldenseal, grape seed & CBD… and there are many others. Understanding these interactions is critical for avoiding potentially harmful drug-drug interactions. CYP3A4 substrates are drugs or toxins that are metabolized by CYP3A4 toxins are part of the detox process. Notable CYP3A4 substrates that are heavily pushed include: ivermectin, morphine, midazolam, remdesivir, HCQ, … and many others. Something like 50% of pharma drugs are CYP3A4 substrates. Implications For Pharmaceuticals & Supplements There are many potent over the counter Pgp inhibitors being pushed recklessly (I believe with bad intent). Likewise there are many toxic Pgp substrates that are being promoted in tandem. The combination of these can result in disaster. Similarly, numerous potent over-the-counter CYP3A4 inhibitors are being marketed irresponsibly. In addition, many hazardous CYP3A4 substrates are being promoted alongside them. This combination can lead to disastrous consequences. Nobody is being warned about the pharmacokinetics and the possibilities of severe drug interactions due to the inhibition of Pgp and CYP3A4. Always check the effects of what you are taking. I’ve seen so much foul play at this point that I don’t trust anything these poison pushers say anymore. I started actually researching all these weird supplements they are pushing and it screams that people are being deceived- tricked into consuming what amounts to terrible poison. They never show their work and they make the most vague ridiculous claims that upon closer inspection are clearly just invocations of dark psychology. My heart goes out to anyone who has fallen pray to the cacophony of awful medical advice on the internet and traditional media. I will debate anybody on the importance of Pgp and CYP3A4 and the harms of ivermectin - let’s set something up In future articles I will share more studies showing the increased accumulation of the substrates of Pgp and CYP3A4 when these detox pathways are inhibited, but to keep this article short and digestible, I will just refer you to prior articles I’ve written about Pgp and CYP3A4 with a focus on ivermectin which I have identified as a key tool for depopulation around the world: P-glycoprotein Deficiency (Genetic Or Drug Induced) & Increased Ivermectin Toxicity Pig Study Raises MAJOR Questions Of Dangers Of Combining Quercetin & Ivermectin Studies Find Quercetin & Natto K2 INHIBIT P-Glycoprotein; Will This Increase Ivermectin Toxicity Susceptibility?! Grapefruit's Irreversible Inactivation of Key Defense Against Toxic Effects Of Many Drugs (Ivermectin Binary Weapon) 2 Concerning Studies: CBD & THC Enact Potent P-Glycoprotein Inhibiting Effects, Raising Very Concerning Questions About Heightened Ivermectin Toxicity For Marijuana Users https://timtruth.substack.com/p/warning-your-detox-system-is-under-attack?utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
    WARNING! Your Detox System Is UNDER ATTACK: The War On Our Heroes of Detox: P-Glycoprotein (Pgp) and CYP3A4
    These Unsung Heroes of Detox Protect Your Body, Unless Someone Tricks You Into Shutting Them Off
    0 Comments 1 Shares 6279 Views
  • "The End of Gout" is a comprehensive guide and program designed to help individuals manage and potentially eliminate gout, a type of arthritis characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, and tenderness in joints. The program is primarily centered around dietary and lifestyle changes, emphasizing natural methods to reduce uric acid levels, which are the main cause of gout attacks.

    Here are the key aspects of "The End of Gout":

    1. Understanding Gout:
    Causes: Gout is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood, which can form crystals in joints and tissues, leading to inflammation and pain.
    Risk Factors: Genetics, diet, obesity, certain medications, and other health conditions like hypertension and diabetes can increase the risk of gout.

    2. Dietary Recommendations:
    Foods to Avoid: High-purine foods such as red meat, shellfish, sugary beverages, and alcohol, particularly beer, which can increase uric acid levels.
    Foods to Include: Low-purine foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products. Cherries, in particular, are recommended due to their potential to reduce uric acid levels.
    Hydration: Drinking plenty of water to help flush uric acid out of the body.

    3. Lifestyle Changes:
    Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of gout attacks.
    Exercise: Regular physical activity can help manage weight and reduce uric acid levels.
    Stress Reduction: Managing stress through techniques like meditation and yoga can improve overall health and potentially reduce the frequency of gout attacks.

    4. Supplements and Natural Remedies:
    Vitamin C: Known to help reduce uric acid levels.
    Fish Oil: Anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce gout symptoms.
    Herbal Remedies: Some herbs, such as turmeric and ginger, have anti-inflammatory effects.

    5. Monitoring and Managing Gout:
    Regular Check-ups: Regular monitoring of uric acid levels and overall health with a healthcare provider.
    Medication Management: Understanding when medication might be necessary and how to use it effectively alongside natural remedies.

    6. Scientific Basis:
    The program often cites scientific studies and clinical evidence to support the recommended dietary and lifestyle changes. This includes research on the impact of specific foods and nutrients on uric acid levels and inflammation.

    "The End of Gout" program is essentially about empowering individuals with knowledge and practical strategies to manage gout through holistic and natural means. By focusing on diet, lifestyle, and natural supplements, it aims to provide a sustainable solution to reduce and potentially eliminate gout symptoms.

    "The End of Gout" program offers several benefits for individuals looking to manage and potentially eliminate their gout symptoms. Here are some key benefits:

    1. Reduction in Gout Symptoms:
    Pain Relief: By following the dietary and lifestyle recommendations, individuals often experience a significant reduction in the frequency and severity of gout attacks.
    Reduced Inflammation: The program emphasizes anti-inflammatory foods and supplements, which can help decrease joint inflammation and discomfort.

    2. Lower Uric Acid Levels:
    Dietary Changes: Adopting a low-purine diet can help reduce uric acid levels in the blood, preventing the formation of uric acid crystals in the joints.
    Hydration: Increased water intake helps flush out excess uric acid from the body.

    3. Improved Overall Health:
    Weight Management: The program encourages healthy eating and regular exercise, which can lead to weight loss and improved metabolic health.
    Balanced Nutrition: Emphasizing a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins contributes to better overall nutrition and health.

    4. Natural and Sustainable Approach:
    Natural Remedies: The use of vitamins, supplements, and herbal remedies provides a natural alternative to pharmaceutical treatments, with fewer potential side effects.
    Lifestyle Integration: The program's recommendations are designed to be integrated into daily life, making it easier to maintain long-term.

    5. Empowerment and Knowledge:
    Educational Content: The program provides detailed information about gout, its causes, and how different foods and lifestyle choices affect uric acid levels and inflammation.
    Personalized Strategies: Individuals can tailor the program's recommendations to their specific needs and health conditions, leading to more effective management of gout.

    Take Control of Your Gout Today with "The End of Gout" Program!: https://tinyurl.com/3nv4zvpf

    #endofgout, #healthcare, #uricacid, #managinggout, #remedies
    "The End of Gout" is a comprehensive guide and program designed to help individuals manage and potentially eliminate gout, a type of arthritis characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, and tenderness in joints. The program is primarily centered around dietary and lifestyle changes, emphasizing natural methods to reduce uric acid levels, which are the main cause of gout attacks. Here are the key aspects of "The End of Gout": 1. Understanding Gout: Causes: Gout is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood, which can form crystals in joints and tissues, leading to inflammation and pain. Risk Factors: Genetics, diet, obesity, certain medications, and other health conditions like hypertension and diabetes can increase the risk of gout. 2. Dietary Recommendations: Foods to Avoid: High-purine foods such as red meat, shellfish, sugary beverages, and alcohol, particularly beer, which can increase uric acid levels. Foods to Include: Low-purine foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products. Cherries, in particular, are recommended due to their potential to reduce uric acid levels. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water to help flush uric acid out of the body. 3. Lifestyle Changes: Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of gout attacks. Exercise: Regular physical activity can help manage weight and reduce uric acid levels. Stress Reduction: Managing stress through techniques like meditation and yoga can improve overall health and potentially reduce the frequency of gout attacks. 4. Supplements and Natural Remedies: Vitamin C: Known to help reduce uric acid levels. Fish Oil: Anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce gout symptoms. Herbal Remedies: Some herbs, such as turmeric and ginger, have anti-inflammatory effects. 5. Monitoring and Managing Gout: Regular Check-ups: Regular monitoring of uric acid levels and overall health with a healthcare provider. Medication Management: Understanding when medication might be necessary and how to use it effectively alongside natural remedies. 6. Scientific Basis: The program often cites scientific studies and clinical evidence to support the recommended dietary and lifestyle changes. This includes research on the impact of specific foods and nutrients on uric acid levels and inflammation. "The End of Gout" program is essentially about empowering individuals with knowledge and practical strategies to manage gout through holistic and natural means. By focusing on diet, lifestyle, and natural supplements, it aims to provide a sustainable solution to reduce and potentially eliminate gout symptoms. "The End of Gout" program offers several benefits for individuals looking to manage and potentially eliminate their gout symptoms. Here are some key benefits: 1. Reduction in Gout Symptoms: Pain Relief: By following the dietary and lifestyle recommendations, individuals often experience a significant reduction in the frequency and severity of gout attacks. Reduced Inflammation: The program emphasizes anti-inflammatory foods and supplements, which can help decrease joint inflammation and discomfort. 2. Lower Uric Acid Levels: Dietary Changes: Adopting a low-purine diet can help reduce uric acid levels in the blood, preventing the formation of uric acid crystals in the joints. Hydration: Increased water intake helps flush out excess uric acid from the body. 3. Improved Overall Health: Weight Management: The program encourages healthy eating and regular exercise, which can lead to weight loss and improved metabolic health. Balanced Nutrition: Emphasizing a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins contributes to better overall nutrition and health. 4. Natural and Sustainable Approach: Natural Remedies: The use of vitamins, supplements, and herbal remedies provides a natural alternative to pharmaceutical treatments, with fewer potential side effects. Lifestyle Integration: The program's recommendations are designed to be integrated into daily life, making it easier to maintain long-term. 5. Empowerment and Knowledge: Educational Content: The program provides detailed information about gout, its causes, and how different foods and lifestyle choices affect uric acid levels and inflammation. Personalized Strategies: Individuals can tailor the program's recommendations to their specific needs and health conditions, leading to more effective management of gout. Take Control of Your Gout Today with "The End of Gout" Program!: https://tinyurl.com/3nv4zvpf #endofgout, #healthcare, #uricacid, #managinggout, #remedies
    0 Comments 0 Shares 19649 Views
  • Smoothies and Weight Loss: A Delicious Path to Health

    In the quest for effective and enjoyable weight loss strategies, smoothies have emerged as a popular choice. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these blended beverages offer a convenient and tasty way to support your weight loss goals. But what makes smoothies such a powerful ally in the battle of the bulge? Let's dive into the world of smoothies and explore how they can aid in weight loss while keeping your taste buds delighted.

    The Benefits of Smoothies for Weight Loss
    Nutrient Density
    Smoothies are a fantastic way to pack a lot of nutrients into one glass. By combining fruits, vegetables, protein sources, and healthy fats, you can create a nutrient-dense meal or snack that keeps you full and satisfied. This helps prevent unhealthy snacking and reduces overall calorie intake.

    Portion Control
    Smoothies allow for easy portion control, which is crucial for weight loss. By measuring and blending your ingredients, you can ensure that you're consuming the right amount of calories. This helps maintain a calorie deficit, which is essential for losing weight.

    Many people struggle to drink enough water throughout the day. Smoothies, especially those with a base of water, coconut water, or unsweetened almond milk, contribute to your daily hydration needs. Staying hydrated can help control hunger and improve metabolism.

    Fiber Content
    High-fiber smoothies made with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you feel full longer. Fiber slows down digestion, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and reduces cravings, all of which are beneficial for weight management.

    Metabolism Boosters
    Certain ingredients, such as green tea, ginger, and cayenne pepper, are known for their metabolism-boosting properties. Adding these to your smoothies can enhance fat burning and support your weight loss efforts.

    Crafting the Perfect Weight Loss Smoothie
    To maximize the weight loss benefits of smoothies, it's essential to choose the right ingredients. Here are some tips for creating a balanced and effective weight loss smoothie:

    Choose a Low-Calorie Base
    Opt for low-calorie liquids like water, coconut water, or unsweetened almond milk. Avoid fruit juices and full-fat dairy products, which can add unnecessary calories and sugar.

    Incorporate Plenty of Vegetables
    Vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients. Spinach, kale, cucumber, and celery are excellent choices that blend well and add a nutritional punch without overpowering the flavor.

    Add Protein
    Protein is vital for muscle maintenance and satiety. Include a source of protein in your smoothie, such as Greek yogurt, protein powder, tofu, or nut butter. This will help keep you full and prevent muscle loss during weight loss.

    Include Healthy Fats
    Healthy fats are essential for overall health and can help keep you satisfied. Add avocado, chia seeds, flaxseeds, or a small amount of nuts to your smoothie.

    Be Mindful of Fruit Portions
    While fruits are nutritious, they also contain natural sugars. Use them sparingly and balance them with other low-calorie ingredients. Berries, apples, and pears are great options due to their high fiber content and lower sugar levels.

    Limit Sweeteners
    Avoid adding sweeteners like honey, agave, or maple syrup. If you need extra sweetness, use a small amount of stevia or monk fruit extract.

    Delicious Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes
    Here are a couple of smoothie recipes to get you started on your weight loss journey:

    Green Power Smoothie

    1 cup spinach
    1/2 cucumber
    1/2 green apple
    1/2 avocado
    1 tablespoon chia seeds
    1 scoop protein powder
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    Ice cubes
    Blend all ingredients until smooth and enjoy this nutrient-packed green powerhouse.

    Berry Protein Blast

    1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
    1/2 banana
    1 cup Greek yogurt
    1 tablespoon flaxseeds
    1 cup water or coconut water
    Ice cubes
    Combine and blend to create a refreshing, protein-rich smoothie perfect for post-workout recovery.

    Final Thoughts
    Incorporating smoothies into your weight loss plan can be a delicious and effective strategy. By focusing on nutrient-dense ingredients, proper portion control, and balanced macronutrients, smoothies can help you achieve your weight loss goals while enjoying every sip. Remember to pair your smoothie regimen with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep for the best results.

    Cheers to your health and happiness on your weight loss journey!
    Click Here-- https://sites.google.com/view/smoothiedietnew24/home
    #smoothie #smoothiediet #weightloss #weightloss recipe
    Smoothies and Weight Loss: A Delicious Path to Health In the quest for effective and enjoyable weight loss strategies, smoothies have emerged as a popular choice. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these blended beverages offer a convenient and tasty way to support your weight loss goals. But what makes smoothies such a powerful ally in the battle of the bulge? Let's dive into the world of smoothies and explore how they can aid in weight loss while keeping your taste buds delighted. The Benefits of Smoothies for Weight Loss Nutrient Density Smoothies are a fantastic way to pack a lot of nutrients into one glass. By combining fruits, vegetables, protein sources, and healthy fats, you can create a nutrient-dense meal or snack that keeps you full and satisfied. This helps prevent unhealthy snacking and reduces overall calorie intake. Portion Control Smoothies allow for easy portion control, which is crucial for weight loss. By measuring and blending your ingredients, you can ensure that you're consuming the right amount of calories. This helps maintain a calorie deficit, which is essential for losing weight. Hydration Many people struggle to drink enough water throughout the day. Smoothies, especially those with a base of water, coconut water, or unsweetened almond milk, contribute to your daily hydration needs. Staying hydrated can help control hunger and improve metabolism. Fiber Content High-fiber smoothies made with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you feel full longer. Fiber slows down digestion, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and reduces cravings, all of which are beneficial for weight management. Metabolism Boosters Certain ingredients, such as green tea, ginger, and cayenne pepper, are known for their metabolism-boosting properties. Adding these to your smoothies can enhance fat burning and support your weight loss efforts. Crafting the Perfect Weight Loss Smoothie To maximize the weight loss benefits of smoothies, it's essential to choose the right ingredients. Here are some tips for creating a balanced and effective weight loss smoothie: Choose a Low-Calorie Base Opt for low-calorie liquids like water, coconut water, or unsweetened almond milk. Avoid fruit juices and full-fat dairy products, which can add unnecessary calories and sugar. Incorporate Plenty of Vegetables Vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients. Spinach, kale, cucumber, and celery are excellent choices that blend well and add a nutritional punch without overpowering the flavor. Add Protein Protein is vital for muscle maintenance and satiety. Include a source of protein in your smoothie, such as Greek yogurt, protein powder, tofu, or nut butter. This will help keep you full and prevent muscle loss during weight loss. Include Healthy Fats Healthy fats are essential for overall health and can help keep you satisfied. Add avocado, chia seeds, flaxseeds, or a small amount of nuts to your smoothie. Be Mindful of Fruit Portions While fruits are nutritious, they also contain natural sugars. Use them sparingly and balance them with other low-calorie ingredients. Berries, apples, and pears are great options due to their high fiber content and lower sugar levels. Limit Sweeteners Avoid adding sweeteners like honey, agave, or maple syrup. If you need extra sweetness, use a small amount of stevia or monk fruit extract. Delicious Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes Here are a couple of smoothie recipes to get you started on your weight loss journey: Green Power Smoothie 1 cup spinach 1/2 cucumber 1/2 green apple 1/2 avocado 1 tablespoon chia seeds 1 scoop protein powder 1 cup unsweetened almond milk Ice cubes Blend all ingredients until smooth and enjoy this nutrient-packed green powerhouse. Berry Protein Blast 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries 1/2 banana 1 cup Greek yogurt 1 tablespoon flaxseeds 1 cup water or coconut water Ice cubes Combine and blend to create a refreshing, protein-rich smoothie perfect for post-workout recovery. Final Thoughts Incorporating smoothies into your weight loss plan can be a delicious and effective strategy. By focusing on nutrient-dense ingredients, proper portion control, and balanced macronutrients, smoothies can help you achieve your weight loss goals while enjoying every sip. Remember to pair your smoothie regimen with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep for the best results. Cheers to your health and happiness on your weight loss journey! Click Here-- https://sites.google.com/view/smoothiedietnew24/home #smoothie #smoothiediet #weightloss #weightloss recipe
    Smoothie Diet
    Delicious, Easy-To-Make Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss, Increased Energy, & Incredible Health!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 25407 Views
  • Smoothies and Weight Loss: A Delicious Path to Health

    In the quest for effective and enjoyable weight loss strategies, smoothies have emerged as a popular choice. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these blended beverages offer a convenient and tasty way to support your weight loss goals. But what makes smoothies such a powerful ally in the battle of the bulge? Let's dive into the world of smoothies and explore how they can aid in weight loss while keeping your taste buds delighted.

    The Benefits of Smoothies for Weight Loss
    Nutrient Density
    Smoothies are a fantastic way to pack a lot of nutrients into one glass. By combining fruits, vegetables, protein sources, and healthy fats, you can create a nutrient-dense meal or snack that keeps you full and satisfied. This helps prevent unhealthy snacking and reduces overall calorie intake.

    Portion Control
    Smoothies allow for easy portion control, which is crucial for weight loss. By measuring and blending your ingredients, you can ensure that you're consuming the right amount of calories. This helps maintain a calorie deficit, which is essential for losing weight.

    Many people struggle to drink enough water throughout the day. Smoothies, especially those with a base of water, coconut water, or unsweetened almond milk, contribute to your daily hydration needs. Staying hydrated can help control hunger and improve metabolism.

    Fiber Content
    High-fiber smoothies made with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you feel full longer. Fiber slows down digestion, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and reduces cravings, all of which are beneficial for weight management.

    Metabolism Boosters
    Certain ingredients, such as green tea, ginger, and cayenne pepper, are known for their metabolism-boosting properties. Adding these to your smoothies can enhance fat burning and support your weight loss efforts.

    Crafting the Perfect Weight Loss Smoothie
    To maximize the weight loss benefits of smoothies, it's essential to choose the right ingredients. Here are some tips for creating a balanced and effective weight loss smoothie:

    Choose a Low-Calorie Base
    Opt for low-calorie liquids like water, coconut water, or unsweetened almond milk. Avoid fruit juices and full-fat dairy products, which can add unnecessary calories and sugar.

    Incorporate Plenty of Vegetables
    Vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients. Spinach, kale, cucumber, and celery are excellent choices that blend well and add a nutritional punch without overpowering the flavor.

    Add Protein
    Protein is vital for muscle maintenance and satiety. Include a source of protein in your smoothie, such as Greek yogurt, protein powder, tofu, or nut butter. This will help keep you full and prevent muscle loss during weight loss.

    Include Healthy Fats
    Healthy fats are essential for overall health and can help keep you satisfied. Add avocado, chia seeds, flaxseeds, or a small amount of nuts to your smoothie.

    Be Mindful of Fruit Portions
    While fruits are nutritious, they also contain natural sugars. Use them sparingly and balance them with other low-calorie ingredients. Berries, apples, and pears are great options due to their high fiber content and lower sugar levels.

    Limit Sweeteners
    Avoid adding sweeteners like honey, agave, or maple syrup. If you need extra sweetness, use a small amount of stevia or monk fruit extract.

    Delicious Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes
    Here are a couple of smoothie recipes to get you started on your weight loss journey:

    Green Power Smoothie

    1 cup spinach
    1/2 cucumber
    1/2 green apple
    1/2 avocado
    1 tablespoon chia seeds
    1 scoop protein powder
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    Ice cubes
    Blend all ingredients until smooth and enjoy this nutrient-packed green powerhouse.

    Berry Protein Blast

    1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
    1/2 banana
    1 cup Greek yogurt
    1 tablespoon flaxseeds
    1 cup water or coconut water
    Ice cubes
    Combine and blend to create a refreshing, protein-rich smoothie perfect for post-workout recovery.

    Final Thoughts
    Incorporating smoothies into your weight loss plan can be a delicious and effective strategy. By focusing on nutrient-dense ingredients, proper portion control, and balanced macronutrients, smoothies can help you achieve your weight loss goals while enjoying every sip. Remember to pair your smoothie regimen with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep for the best results.

    Cheers to your health and happiness on your weight loss journey!
    Click Here-- https://sites.google.com/view/smoothiedietnew24/home
    #smoothie #smoothiediet #weightloss #weightloss recipe
    Smoothies and Weight Loss: A Delicious Path to Health In the quest for effective and enjoyable weight loss strategies, smoothies have emerged as a popular choice. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these blended beverages offer a convenient and tasty way to support your weight loss goals. But what makes smoothies such a powerful ally in the battle of the bulge? Let's dive into the world of smoothies and explore how they can aid in weight loss while keeping your taste buds delighted. The Benefits of Smoothies for Weight Loss Nutrient Density Smoothies are a fantastic way to pack a lot of nutrients into one glass. By combining fruits, vegetables, protein sources, and healthy fats, you can create a nutrient-dense meal or snack that keeps you full and satisfied. This helps prevent unhealthy snacking and reduces overall calorie intake. Portion Control Smoothies allow for easy portion control, which is crucial for weight loss. By measuring and blending your ingredients, you can ensure that you're consuming the right amount of calories. This helps maintain a calorie deficit, which is essential for losing weight. Hydration Many people struggle to drink enough water throughout the day. Smoothies, especially those with a base of water, coconut water, or unsweetened almond milk, contribute to your daily hydration needs. Staying hydrated can help control hunger and improve metabolism. Fiber Content High-fiber smoothies made with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you feel full longer. Fiber slows down digestion, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and reduces cravings, all of which are beneficial for weight management. Metabolism Boosters Certain ingredients, such as green tea, ginger, and cayenne pepper, are known for their metabolism-boosting properties. Adding these to your smoothies can enhance fat burning and support your weight loss efforts. Crafting the Perfect Weight Loss Smoothie To maximize the weight loss benefits of smoothies, it's essential to choose the right ingredients. Here are some tips for creating a balanced and effective weight loss smoothie: Choose a Low-Calorie Base Opt for low-calorie liquids like water, coconut water, or unsweetened almond milk. Avoid fruit juices and full-fat dairy products, which can add unnecessary calories and sugar. Incorporate Plenty of Vegetables Vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients. Spinach, kale, cucumber, and celery are excellent choices that blend well and add a nutritional punch without overpowering the flavor. Add Protein Protein is vital for muscle maintenance and satiety. Include a source of protein in your smoothie, such as Greek yogurt, protein powder, tofu, or nut butter. This will help keep you full and prevent muscle loss during weight loss. Include Healthy Fats Healthy fats are essential for overall health and can help keep you satisfied. Add avocado, chia seeds, flaxseeds, or a small amount of nuts to your smoothie. Be Mindful of Fruit Portions While fruits are nutritious, they also contain natural sugars. Use them sparingly and balance them with other low-calorie ingredients. Berries, apples, and pears are great options due to their high fiber content and lower sugar levels. Limit Sweeteners Avoid adding sweeteners like honey, agave, or maple syrup. If you need extra sweetness, use a small amount of stevia or monk fruit extract. Delicious Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes Here are a couple of smoothie recipes to get you started on your weight loss journey: Green Power Smoothie 1 cup spinach 1/2 cucumber 1/2 green apple 1/2 avocado 1 tablespoon chia seeds 1 scoop protein powder 1 cup unsweetened almond milk Ice cubes Blend all ingredients until smooth and enjoy this nutrient-packed green powerhouse. Berry Protein Blast 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries 1/2 banana 1 cup Greek yogurt 1 tablespoon flaxseeds 1 cup water or coconut water Ice cubes Combine and blend to create a refreshing, protein-rich smoothie perfect for post-workout recovery. Final Thoughts Incorporating smoothies into your weight loss plan can be a delicious and effective strategy. By focusing on nutrient-dense ingredients, proper portion control, and balanced macronutrients, smoothies can help you achieve your weight loss goals while enjoying every sip. Remember to pair your smoothie regimen with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep for the best results. Cheers to your health and happiness on your weight loss journey! Click Here-- https://sites.google.com/view/smoothiedietnew24/home #smoothie #smoothiediet #weightloss #weightloss recipe
    Smoothie Diet
    Delicious, Easy-To-Make Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss, Increased Energy, & Incredible Health!
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  • In today's world where the pursuit of a fit and healthy lifestyle is ever-present, the market is inundated with various products promising quick fixes for weight loss. Among these, the concept of slimming teas has gained considerable traction. One such product is the "All Day Slimming Tea," touted as a natural and effortless way to shed those extra pounds. But does it really live up to the hype?

    Proponents of slimming teas often highlight their natural ingredients, which typically include a blend of herbs and botanicals known for their purported weight-loss properties. These ingredients often include green tea, oolong tea, ginger, and various other herbs believed to boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and aid digestion.

    Advocates claim that incorporating All Day Slimming Tea into your daily routine can lead to significant weight loss without the need for strict diets or rigorous exercise regimens. They argue that the blend of ingredients works synergistically to promote fat burning and detoxification, leaving users feeling lighter, more energetic, and slimmer. Read More: https://tinyurl.com/mrxcj779
    #slimmingtea #weightloss #loseweight
    In today's world where the pursuit of a fit and healthy lifestyle is ever-present, the market is inundated with various products promising quick fixes for weight loss. Among these, the concept of slimming teas has gained considerable traction. One such product is the "All Day Slimming Tea," touted as a natural and effortless way to shed those extra pounds. But does it really live up to the hype? Proponents of slimming teas often highlight their natural ingredients, which typically include a blend of herbs and botanicals known for their purported weight-loss properties. These ingredients often include green tea, oolong tea, ginger, and various other herbs believed to boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and aid digestion. Advocates claim that incorporating All Day Slimming Tea into your daily routine can lead to significant weight loss without the need for strict diets or rigorous exercise regimens. They argue that the blend of ingredients works synergistically to promote fat burning and detoxification, leaving users feeling lighter, more energetic, and slimmer. Read More: https://tinyurl.com/mrxcj779 #slimmingtea #weightloss #loseweight
    0 Comments 0 Shares 8596 Views
  • Malone has smeared & slandered the leader of the COVID anti-lockdown & anti-COVID mRNA vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough @P_McCulloughMD & we ask why? When I was part of the Freedom Movement, we had weekly meet

    Malone has smeared & slandered the leader of the COVID anti-lockdown & anti-COVID mRNA vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough & we ask why? When I was part of the Freedom Movement, we had weekly meet
    -ings & yes, you saw me on stage with mRNA Malone, BEFORE I understood his greed & con & lies & he was beside himself how come he was not the leader of the anti-COVID & why it was McCullough?

    Dr. Paul Alexander
    Thats the little one sitting behind me on the Lincoln Memorial speech (btw, that day when we were in the holding tent, I overheard Malone telling someone he will be President of the United States one day, needless to say, I grew to understand the psycopathy that day that someone linked to the very mRNA technology that is in the mRNA vaccine that kills us, in that his work has Trump trapped now for he has to come out and say the vaccine is harmful, thinks that the voting public is that stupid):

    This Malone just does not get it, we understand the con, and there is a reason I will leave to McCullough to tell you, his supporters in his time, why McCullough will NEVER ever step foot on a stage where Malone is. Malone knows the distasteful wickedness he pulled.

    I mean, why would he Malone attack Dr. Mike Yeadon?

    Dr. Malone’s limited tolerance for criticism, along with his emphatic responses, has led to an increasing number of individuals and organizations subjected to his public denunciation.

    The list below, derived from Dr. Malone’s past X and Substack posts, details these entities:

    • Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin

    • Dr. Mike Yeadon

    • Sasha Latypova

    • Karen Kingston

    • Matthew Crawford

    • Dr. Ben Marble

    • Dr. Judy Mikovitz

    • George Webb

    • Sage Hana on Substack

    • America Out Loud

    • Dr. Jane Ruby

    • Red Voice Media

    • Stew Peters

    • Catherine Austin Fitts (The Solari Report)

    • J. J. Couey

    • Mary Holland (President of Children’s Health Defense)

    • The Wellness Company and its founder Foster Coulson

    • Dr. Kaitlin Kariko

    • Dr. Paul Alexander

    The Washington Post

    • Alex Berenson

    • Dr. Peter McCullough

    • And more. “The list goes on and on,” Dr. Malone has stated.


    Join 👇🏻
    Malone has smeared & slandered the leader of the COVID anti-lockdown & anti-COVID mRNA vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough @P_McCulloughMD & we ask why? When I was part of the Freedom Movement, we had weekly meet Malone has smeared & slandered the leader of the COVID anti-lockdown & anti-COVID mRNA vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough & we ask why? When I was part of the Freedom Movement, we had weekly meet -ings & yes, you saw me on stage with mRNA Malone, BEFORE I understood his greed & con & lies & he was beside himself how come he was not the leader of the anti-COVID & why it was McCullough? Dr. Paul Alexander Thats the little one sitting behind me on the Lincoln Memorial speech (btw, that day when we were in the holding tent, I overheard Malone telling someone he will be President of the United States one day, needless to say, I grew to understand the psycopathy that day that someone linked to the very mRNA technology that is in the mRNA vaccine that kills us, in that his work has Trump trapped now for he has to come out and say the vaccine is harmful, thinks that the voting public is that stupid): This Malone just does not get it, we understand the con, and there is a reason I will leave to McCullough to tell you, his supporters in his time, why McCullough will NEVER ever step foot on a stage where Malone is. Malone knows the distasteful wickedness he pulled. I mean, why would he Malone attack Dr. Mike Yeadon? Dr. Malone’s limited tolerance for criticism, along with his emphatic responses, has led to an increasing number of individuals and organizations subjected to his public denunciation. The list below, derived from Dr. Malone’s past X and Substack posts, details these entities: • Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin • Dr. Mike Yeadon • Sasha Latypova • Karen Kingston • Matthew Crawford • Dr. Ben Marble • Dr. Judy Mikovitz • George Webb • Sage Hana on Substack • America Out Loud • Dr. Jane Ruby • Red Voice Media • Stew Peters • Catherine Austin Fitts (The Solari Report) • J. J. Couey • Mary Holland (President of Children’s Health Defense) • The Wellness Company and its founder Foster Coulson • Dr. Kaitlin Kariko • Dr. Paul Alexander The Washington Post • Alex Berenson • Dr. Peter McCullough • And more. “The list goes on and on,” Dr. Malone has stated. https://palexander.substack.com/p/malone-has-smeared-and-slandered Join 👇🏻 https://t.me/DrPaulAlexander
    Malone has smeared & slandered the leader of the COVID anti-lockdown & anti-COVID mRNA vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough & we ask why? When I was part of the Freedom Movement, we had weekly meet
    -ings & yes, you saw me on stage with mRNA Malone, BEFORE I understood his greed & con & lies & he was beside himself how come he was not the leader of the anti-COVID & why it was McCullough?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7845 Views
  • Everything to know about the Health Benefits of Beets
    Some benefits of eating beets may include lower blood pressure and better athletic performance, among others. Eating beets raw or juicing and roasting them may be more beneficial than boiling them.

    Beetroots, commonly known as beets, are a vibrant and versatile type of vegetable. They’re known for their earthy flavor and aroma. Many people call them a superfood because of their rich nutritional profile.

    In addition to bringing a pop of color to your plate, beets are highly nutritious and packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds, many of which have medicinal properties.

    What’s more, they’re delicious and easy to add to your diet in dishes like balsamic roasted beets, hummus, fries, and salads, among many others.

    Here are 9 evidence-based benefits of beets, plus some tasty ways to increase your intake.

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    Beets boast an impressive nutritional profile.

    They’re low in calories yet high in valuable vitamins and minerals. In fact, they contain a bit of almost all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs (1Trusted Source).

    Here’s an overview of the nutrients found in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of boiled beetroot (1Trusted Source):

    Calories: 44
    Protein: 1.7 grams
    Fat: 0.2 grams
    Carbs: 10 grams
    Fiber: 2 grams
    Folate: 20% of the Daily Value (DV)
    Manganese: 14% of the DV
    Copper: 8% of the DV
    Potassium: 7% of the DV
    Magnesium: 6% of the DV
    Vitamin C: 4% of the DV
    Vitamin B6: 4% of the DV
    Iron: 4% of the DV
    Beets are particularly rich in folate, a vitamin that plays a key role in growth, development, and heart health (2Trusted Source).

    They also contain a good amount of manganese, which is involved in bone formation, nutrient metabolism, brain function, and more (3Trusted Source).

    Plus, they’re high in copper, an important mineral required for energy production and the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters (4Trusted Source).

    Beets are loaded with vitamins and minerals yet low in calories and fat. They’re also a good source of several key nutrients, including folate, manganese, and copper.

    Beets have been well studied for their ability to decrease elevated blood pressure levels, which are a major risk factor for heart disease (5Trusted Source).

    In fact, some studies show that beetroot juice could significantly lower levels of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).

    The effect appears to be greater for systolic blood pressure, which is the pressure when your heart contracts, rather than diastolic blood pressure, which is the pressure when your heart is relaxed. Also, raw beets may exert a stronger effect than cooked ones (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

    These blood-pressure-lowering effects are likely due to the high concentration of nitrates in this root vegetable. In your body, dietary nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, a molecule that dilates blood vessels and causes blood pressure levels to drop (9Trusted Source).

    Beets are also a great source of folate. Although research has turned up mixed results, several studies suggest that increasing your intake of folate could significantly lower blood pressure levels (10Trusted Source).

    However, keep in mind that beets’ effect on blood pressure is only temporary. As such, you need to consume them regularly to experience heart-health benefits over the long term (11Trusted Source).

    Beets contain a high concentration of nitrates, which can help lower your blood pressure levels. This may lead to a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.

    Several studies suggest that dietary nitrates like those found in beets may enhance athletic performance.

    Nitrates appear to affect physical performance by improving the efficiency of mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy in your cells (12Trusted Source).

    According to one review, beetroot juice could enhance endurance by increasing how long it takes to become exhausted, boosting cardiorespiratory performance, and improving efficiency for athletes (13Trusted Source).

    Promisingly, beet juice has also been shown to improve cycling performance and increase oxygen use by up to 20% (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).

    It’s important to note that blood nitrate levels peak within 2–3 hours of consuming beets or their juice. Therefore, it’s best to consume them a couple of hours before training or competing to maximize their potential benefits (16Trusted Source).

    Eating beets may enhance athletic performance by improving oxygen use and endurance. To maximize their effects, consume them 2–3 hours prior to training or competing.

    Beets contain pigments called betalains, which possess a number of anti-inflammatory properties (8Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).

    This could benefit several aspects of health, as chronic inflammation has been associated with conditions like obesity, heart disease, liver disease, and cancer (19Trusted Source).

    One study in 24 people with high blood pressure found that consuming 8.5 ounces (250 mL) of beet juice for 2 weeks significantly reduced several markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) (8Trusted Source).

    Plus, an older 2014 study in people with osteoarthritis — a condition that causes inflammation in the joints — showed that betalain capsules made with beetroot extract reduced pain and discomfort (20).

    Beetroot juice and extract have also been shown to reduce kidney inflammation in rats injected with toxic, injury-causing chemicals (17Trusted Source).

    Still, more studies in humans are needed to determine whether enjoying beets in normal amounts as part of a healthy diet may provide the same anti-inflammatory benefits.

    Beets may have a number of anti-inflammatory effects, although further research in humans is needed.

    One cup of beetroot contains 3.4 grams of fiber, making beets a good fiber source (1Trusted Source).

    Fiber bypasses digestion and travels to the colon, where it feeds friendly gut bacteria and adds bulk to stools (21Trusted Source).

    This can promote digestive health, keep you regular, and prevent digestive conditions like constipation, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), and diverticulitis (22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source).

    Moreover, fiber has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including colon cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source).

    Beets are a good source of fiber, which benefits your digestive health and reduces the risk of several chronic health conditions.

    »MORE:Living with diabetes? Explore our top resources.
    Mental and cognitive functions naturally decline with age, which can increase the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like dementia.

    The nitrates in beets may improve brain function by promoting the dilation of blood vessels and thus increasing blood flow to the brain (26Trusted Source).

    Particularly, beets have been shown to improve blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, an area associated with higher level thinking like decision making and working memory (27Trusted Source).

    Furthermore, an older study in people with type 2 diabetes found that reaction time during a cognitive function test was 4% faster in those who consumed 8.5 ounces (250 mL) of beetroot juice daily for 2 weeks, compared with a control group (28Trusted Source).

    However, more research is needed to determine whether beets could be used to improve brain function and reduce the risk of dementia among the general population.

    Beets contain nitrates, which may increase blood flow to the brain and improve cognitive function. However, more research in this area is needed.

    Beetroot contains several compounds with cancer-fighting properties, including betaine, ferulic acid, rutin, kaempferol, and caffeic acid (29Trusted Source).

    Although more research is needed, test-tube studies have shown that beetroot extract can slow the division and growth of cancer cells (30Trusted SourceTrusted Source, 31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source).

    Several other studies have found that having higher blood levels of betaine may be associated with a lower risk of developing cancer (33Trusted Source, 34Trusted Source).

    However, it’s important to note that most studies on the topic have used isolated compounds rather than beetroot. Therefore, further research on beetroot consumption as part of a well-rounded diet and cancer risk is needed.

    Some studies show that certain compounds found in beets could have cancer-fighting properties. Still, further research is needed to better understand this potential connection.

    Beets have several nutritional properties that could make them a great addition to a balanced diet.

    First, they’re low in fat and calories but high in water, which can help balance your energy intake. Increasing your intake of low calorie foods like this root vegetable has also been associated with weight loss (35Trusted Source).

    Furthermore, despite their low calorie content, they contain moderate amounts of protein and fiber. Both of these nutrients can make it easier to achieve and maintain a moderate weight (36Trusted Source, 37Trusted Source).

    The fiber in beets may also support digestive health, decrease appetite, and promote feelings of fullness, thereby reducing your overall calorie intake (38Trusted Source).

    Additionally, by including them in smoothies or other recipes, you can easily increase your intake of fruits and vegetables to improve the quality of your diet (39Trusted Source).

    Beets have are high in water, moderate in fiber and protein, and low in calories. All of these properties can balance your energy intake and improve your diet quality.

    Beets are not only nutritious but also incredibly delicious and easy to incorporate into your diet.

    You can juice, roast, steam, or pickle them. For a convenient option, you can purchase them precooked and canned. You can even enjoy them raw, either sliced thinly or grated.

    Choose beets that feel heavy for their size with fresh, unwilted green leafy tops still attached, if possible.

    Because dietary nitrates are water-soluble, it’s best to avoid boiling beets if you’d like to maximize their nitrate content.

    Are beets good for people with diabetes?

    Here are some delicious and interesting ways to add more beets to your diet:

    Salad. Grated beets make a flavorful and colorful addition to coleslaw or other salads. Try this recipe for Amazing Dressed Beets or a Beetroot, Orange, and Carrot Salad.
    Dip. Beets blended with Greek yogurt and fresh garlic make a delicious, healthy, and colorful dip. Have a go at this Beetroot and Honey Lemon Houmous.
    Juice. Fresh beetroot juice is typically better than store-bought versions, which can be high in added sugar and contain only a small amount of beets. Try this beetroot juice recipe, which uses carrot, apple, ginger, celery, and lemon for flavor
    Soup: Borscht is a popular soup in Eastern Europe and Northeast Asia. Try this classic recipe or this beetroot and tomato variation.
    Leaves. You can cook and enjoy fresh beet leaves similarly to how you’d use spinach. Get some ideas for cooking beet greens here.
    Roasted. Wedge beetroots and toss them with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs or spices of your choice. Then, roast them in a 400°F (205°C) oven for 15–20 minutes until they’re tender. Or try these Balsamic Roasted Beets.
    Beetroot is a delicious and versatile vegetable that’s easy to add to your diet. If possible, choose beets that feel heavy for their size with green tops still attached.

    Can you eat beets everyday?

    It’s always best to follow a varied diet.

    Eating a small amount of beetroot every day is unlikely to do any harm, but a high intake could lead to low blood pressure, red or black urine and feces, and digestive problems for anyone with a sensitivity to the nutrients. A high daily beet consumption may also mean you are not getting nutrients from other foods, however, so try to vary your diet.

    Always speak with a doctor before making significant dietary changes.

    Are beets a superfood?

    Some people call beets a superfood because they are rich in essential nutrients.

    Are beets anti-inflammatory?

    Beets contain betalains, a natural coloring agent with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some research suggests belatains may help reduce both symptoms and biological markers in the body related to inflammation (8Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source, 20).

    Can beets boost your sexual health?

    Beets contain nitrates and there is some evidence they may improve the body’s nitric oxide production (40Trusted Source).

    The body needs nitric oxide to open the blood vessels that are necessary for getting and maintaining an erection. This may make them suitable for people with erectile dysfunction, although there is no scientific evidence to confirm this.

    Can beets help with sexual function?

    Beets are highly nutritious and loaded with health-promoting properties.

    They can support the health of your brain, heart, and digestive system, are a great addition to a balanced diet, boost athletic performance, help alleviate inflammation, and possibly slow the growth of cancer cells.

    Best of all, beets are delicious and easy to include in your diet. For example, they’re a great addition to salads, side dishes, smoothies, dips, and juices.

    Everything to know about the Health Benefits of Beets Some benefits of eating beets may include lower blood pressure and better athletic performance, among others. Eating beets raw or juicing and roasting them may be more beneficial than boiling them. Beetroots, commonly known as beets, are a vibrant and versatile type of vegetable. They’re known for their earthy flavor and aroma. Many people call them a superfood because of their rich nutritional profile. In addition to bringing a pop of color to your plate, beets are highly nutritious and packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds, many of which have medicinal properties. What’s more, they’re delicious and easy to add to your diet in dishes like balsamic roasted beets, hummus, fries, and salads, among many others. Here are 9 evidence-based benefits of beets, plus some tasty ways to increase your intake. Share on Pinterest Beets boast an impressive nutritional profile. They’re low in calories yet high in valuable vitamins and minerals. In fact, they contain a bit of almost all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs (1Trusted Source). Here’s an overview of the nutrients found in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of boiled beetroot (1Trusted Source): Calories: 44 Protein: 1.7 grams Fat: 0.2 grams Carbs: 10 grams Fiber: 2 grams Folate: 20% of the Daily Value (DV) Manganese: 14% of the DV Copper: 8% of the DV Potassium: 7% of the DV Magnesium: 6% of the DV Vitamin C: 4% of the DV Vitamin B6: 4% of the DV Iron: 4% of the DV Beets are particularly rich in folate, a vitamin that plays a key role in growth, development, and heart health (2Trusted Source). They also contain a good amount of manganese, which is involved in bone formation, nutrient metabolism, brain function, and more (3Trusted Source). Plus, they’re high in copper, an important mineral required for energy production and the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters (4Trusted Source). Summary Beets are loaded with vitamins and minerals yet low in calories and fat. They’re also a good source of several key nutrients, including folate, manganese, and copper. Beets have been well studied for their ability to decrease elevated blood pressure levels, which are a major risk factor for heart disease (5Trusted Source). In fact, some studies show that beetroot juice could significantly lower levels of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source). The effect appears to be greater for systolic blood pressure, which is the pressure when your heart contracts, rather than diastolic blood pressure, which is the pressure when your heart is relaxed. Also, raw beets may exert a stronger effect than cooked ones (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source). These blood-pressure-lowering effects are likely due to the high concentration of nitrates in this root vegetable. In your body, dietary nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, a molecule that dilates blood vessels and causes blood pressure levels to drop (9Trusted Source). Beets are also a great source of folate. Although research has turned up mixed results, several studies suggest that increasing your intake of folate could significantly lower blood pressure levels (10Trusted Source). However, keep in mind that beets’ effect on blood pressure is only temporary. As such, you need to consume them regularly to experience heart-health benefits over the long term (11Trusted Source). Summary Beets contain a high concentration of nitrates, which can help lower your blood pressure levels. This may lead to a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. Several studies suggest that dietary nitrates like those found in beets may enhance athletic performance. Nitrates appear to affect physical performance by improving the efficiency of mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy in your cells (12Trusted Source). According to one review, beetroot juice could enhance endurance by increasing how long it takes to become exhausted, boosting cardiorespiratory performance, and improving efficiency for athletes (13Trusted Source). Promisingly, beet juice has also been shown to improve cycling performance and increase oxygen use by up to 20% (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source). It’s important to note that blood nitrate levels peak within 2–3 hours of consuming beets or their juice. Therefore, it’s best to consume them a couple of hours before training or competing to maximize their potential benefits (16Trusted Source). Summary Eating beets may enhance athletic performance by improving oxygen use and endurance. To maximize their effects, consume them 2–3 hours prior to training or competing. Beets contain pigments called betalains, which possess a number of anti-inflammatory properties (8Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source). This could benefit several aspects of health, as chronic inflammation has been associated with conditions like obesity, heart disease, liver disease, and cancer (19Trusted Source). One study in 24 people with high blood pressure found that consuming 8.5 ounces (250 mL) of beet juice for 2 weeks significantly reduced several markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) (8Trusted Source). Plus, an older 2014 study in people with osteoarthritis — a condition that causes inflammation in the joints — showed that betalain capsules made with beetroot extract reduced pain and discomfort (20). Beetroot juice and extract have also been shown to reduce kidney inflammation in rats injected with toxic, injury-causing chemicals (17Trusted Source). Still, more studies in humans are needed to determine whether enjoying beets in normal amounts as part of a healthy diet may provide the same anti-inflammatory benefits. Summary Beets may have a number of anti-inflammatory effects, although further research in humans is needed. One cup of beetroot contains 3.4 grams of fiber, making beets a good fiber source (1Trusted Source). Fiber bypasses digestion and travels to the colon, where it feeds friendly gut bacteria and adds bulk to stools (21Trusted Source). This can promote digestive health, keep you regular, and prevent digestive conditions like constipation, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), and diverticulitis (22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source). Moreover, fiber has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including colon cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source). Summary Beets are a good source of fiber, which benefits your digestive health and reduces the risk of several chronic health conditions. »MORE:Living with diabetes? Explore our top resources. Mental and cognitive functions naturally decline with age, which can increase the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like dementia. The nitrates in beets may improve brain function by promoting the dilation of blood vessels and thus increasing blood flow to the brain (26Trusted Source). Particularly, beets have been shown to improve blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, an area associated with higher level thinking like decision making and working memory (27Trusted Source). Furthermore, an older study in people with type 2 diabetes found that reaction time during a cognitive function test was 4% faster in those who consumed 8.5 ounces (250 mL) of beetroot juice daily for 2 weeks, compared with a control group (28Trusted Source). However, more research is needed to determine whether beets could be used to improve brain function and reduce the risk of dementia among the general population. Summary Beets contain nitrates, which may increase blood flow to the brain and improve cognitive function. However, more research in this area is needed. Beetroot contains several compounds with cancer-fighting properties, including betaine, ferulic acid, rutin, kaempferol, and caffeic acid (29Trusted Source). Although more research is needed, test-tube studies have shown that beetroot extract can slow the division and growth of cancer cells (30Trusted SourceTrusted Source, 31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source). Several other studies have found that having higher blood levels of betaine may be associated with a lower risk of developing cancer (33Trusted Source, 34Trusted Source). However, it’s important to note that most studies on the topic have used isolated compounds rather than beetroot. Therefore, further research on beetroot consumption as part of a well-rounded diet and cancer risk is needed. Summary Some studies show that certain compounds found in beets could have cancer-fighting properties. Still, further research is needed to better understand this potential connection. Beets have several nutritional properties that could make them a great addition to a balanced diet. First, they’re low in fat and calories but high in water, which can help balance your energy intake. Increasing your intake of low calorie foods like this root vegetable has also been associated with weight loss (35Trusted Source). Furthermore, despite their low calorie content, they contain moderate amounts of protein and fiber. Both of these nutrients can make it easier to achieve and maintain a moderate weight (36Trusted Source, 37Trusted Source). The fiber in beets may also support digestive health, decrease appetite, and promote feelings of fullness, thereby reducing your overall calorie intake (38Trusted Source). Additionally, by including them in smoothies or other recipes, you can easily increase your intake of fruits and vegetables to improve the quality of your diet (39Trusted Source). Summary Beets have are high in water, moderate in fiber and protein, and low in calories. All of these properties can balance your energy intake and improve your diet quality. Beets are not only nutritious but also incredibly delicious and easy to incorporate into your diet. You can juice, roast, steam, or pickle them. For a convenient option, you can purchase them precooked and canned. You can even enjoy them raw, either sliced thinly or grated. Choose beets that feel heavy for their size with fresh, unwilted green leafy tops still attached, if possible. Because dietary nitrates are water-soluble, it’s best to avoid boiling beets if you’d like to maximize their nitrate content. Are beets good for people with diabetes? Here are some delicious and interesting ways to add more beets to your diet: Salad. Grated beets make a flavorful and colorful addition to coleslaw or other salads. Try this recipe for Amazing Dressed Beets or a Beetroot, Orange, and Carrot Salad. Dip. Beets blended with Greek yogurt and fresh garlic make a delicious, healthy, and colorful dip. Have a go at this Beetroot and Honey Lemon Houmous. Juice. Fresh beetroot juice is typically better than store-bought versions, which can be high in added sugar and contain only a small amount of beets. Try this beetroot juice recipe, which uses carrot, apple, ginger, celery, and lemon for flavor Soup: Borscht is a popular soup in Eastern Europe and Northeast Asia. Try this classic recipe or this beetroot and tomato variation. Leaves. You can cook and enjoy fresh beet leaves similarly to how you’d use spinach. Get some ideas for cooking beet greens here. Roasted. Wedge beetroots and toss them with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs or spices of your choice. Then, roast them in a 400°F (205°C) oven for 15–20 minutes until they’re tender. Or try these Balsamic Roasted Beets. Summary Beetroot is a delicious and versatile vegetable that’s easy to add to your diet. If possible, choose beets that feel heavy for their size with green tops still attached. Can you eat beets everyday? It’s always best to follow a varied diet. Eating a small amount of beetroot every day is unlikely to do any harm, but a high intake could lead to low blood pressure, red or black urine and feces, and digestive problems for anyone with a sensitivity to the nutrients. A high daily beet consumption may also mean you are not getting nutrients from other foods, however, so try to vary your diet. Always speak with a doctor before making significant dietary changes. Are beets a superfood? Some people call beets a superfood because they are rich in essential nutrients. Are beets anti-inflammatory? Beets contain betalains, a natural coloring agent with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some research suggests belatains may help reduce both symptoms and biological markers in the body related to inflammation (8Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source, 20). Can beets boost your sexual health? Beets contain nitrates and there is some evidence they may improve the body’s nitric oxide production (40Trusted Source). The body needs nitric oxide to open the blood vessels that are necessary for getting and maintaining an erection. This may make them suitable for people with erectile dysfunction, although there is no scientific evidence to confirm this. Can beets help with sexual function? Beets are highly nutritious and loaded with health-promoting properties. They can support the health of your brain, heart, and digestive system, are a great addition to a balanced diet, boost athletic performance, help alleviate inflammation, and possibly slow the growth of cancer cells. Best of all, beets are delicious and easy to include in your diet. For example, they’re a great addition to salads, side dishes, smoothies, dips, and juices. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/benefits-of-beets#nutrients-and-calories
    9 Impressive Health Benefits of Beets
    Beetroots are a vibrantly colored, delicious, and nutritious vegetable with many health benefits. Here are 9 beet benefits, backed by science.
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