• In China, in honor of Putin's birthday, many drones painted his portrait....... В Китае в честь дня рождения Путина множество дронов нарисовали его портрет.
    In China, in honor of Putin's birthday, many drones painted his portrait....... 😳 В Китае в честь дня рождения Путина множество дронов нарисовали его портрет.
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  • A red sun unexpectedly emerged in the sky above Harbin, China

    Signs and wonders...

    🇨🇳 ☀️A red sun 👀unexpectedly emerged in the sky above Harbin, China ☝️Signs and wonders...🙄 @VoicesofRevelation1🕊
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  • A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons
    Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

    Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades. This publication was done by her colleague, Dr. Colodzin and presented at the Health Freedom USA War Council 2010 meeting. It describes an important timeline of development of advanced nanomaterials. It also describes Dr. Staningers study on samples from 24 individuals that were sent to 4 different toxicology labs and found the filaments were not biologic, but were silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates weapons grade nanomaterials. Please note that polymethacrylates are stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent, and researchers like Dr Geanina Hagima have found large quantities of Silicone in the COVID 19 vials. These chemical characterizations are important clues as to the overlap of COVID19 bioweapon and the historical advanced nanomaterials called Morgellon’s.

    GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control

    BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

    The paper was named


    by Benjamin Colodzin, Ph.D. I inserted some of the slides that were used for the original presentation. All of this research is important background information for our understanding of the current advanced nanomaterials warfare waged with the COVID19 bioweapons.

    Abstract: We are no longer children with an innocent hearts, who have read the story of Chicken Little and how the sky was falling. Well, the new Chicken Little who, graduated from Chicken Little 101 of the world knows that it is true – the sky is falling filled with not only just molecules of the air we breathe, but aerial emissions, smog, G.E.M.S., smart dust, smart motes, RDIF ID tags, and other debris. It is being sprayed day and night making “X’s, O’s, A’s and other grids in the sky over our global nations cities whether for weather modification, vector control, and/or aerial mass inoculations. Hear this - Chicken Little’s’ - of the world it is time for us to grow up and not be like the wooden boy Pinocchio. We must become real thinking scholars. All of us, who realize that any continuous exposure from even the simplistic contrails of a plane flying over head for long periods of time, will cause you to breathe “bad air,” that will eventually cause lung damage. It does not matter if it is carbon particles or nano composites laced with modified waterborne polyurethane (Styrofoam) mixed with modified food starch as an aerial dispersant. It can only make shiny white sticky goo in any healthy lung of an athlete, child, animal or even Chicken Little himself. This paper will outline and address aerial spraying through a time line that depicts the aerial emission events and ends with fellow human being’s thoughts on a simple form of consciousness for those who deploy aerial pollutive materials into our environment’s air, land and water ways.

    These were clinical samples from Morgellon’s victims

    And historic microscopic analysis of Chemtrail ingredients.


    1949: The first use of aerial spray operations under State and Federal mandates for vector control (insects, virus, etc.) beginning under the Geneva Act for Chemical and Biological Weapons of 1949.

    1949 – Present: Many subsequent amendments to the above Act, and parallel U.S. Acts including the 2001 Patriot Act, 2001 Space Preservation Act, and the 2005 Weather Modification Research and Technology Act, have expanded the authority to conduct aerial spray operations over U.S. territory for a wide variety of purposes.

    1954-1975: “Vietnam Era” U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia leads to military research, development, and deployment of aerial spray operations for a wide variety of military objectives on the largest scale yet seen, with the application of Agents Orange, Blue, White, Pink and Purple, etc., to millions of acres of Southeast Asian territory.

    1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and low altitude aircraft.

    1984: The U.S. documentary film SECRET AGENT, brings to U.S. audiences video footage of aerial spray operations in Vietnam and the United States, and interviews it includes with Vietnam veterans and their families about health consequences for people on the ground.

    1988: Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush allegedly gives secret orders to the CIA to revive the long-dormant MK-ULTRA mind control division, which had supposedly been ordered shut down by Congress in 1963. This division will reportedly be involved with human-implantable chip technologies, according to allegations made by Dave Larson in 2009 (see Larson in the 2009 Timeline).

    1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data as per START international agreements.

    1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by Secretary of Defense, James Baker).

    1992-93: TOS is supported by Clinton Administration

    1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate.

    2000: The Official Department of the Air Force response to queries about chemtrails reads in part: “the term “chemtrail” is a hoax that began circulating approximately three years ago which asserts the government is involved in a joint federal program of covert spraying of the public . . . There is no such thing as a “chemtrail” – the natural contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon. They pose no health hazard of any kind.”

    January 2000-July 2001: Clifford Carnicom receives the first official refusal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for his request to analyze sample(s) collected underneath an aerial spray operation (“Fibrous Substance Sample”; refusal letter requires 18 month response time form date of request.

    March 2001: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national) pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations, conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland.

    Cuppett alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was officially ratified by the U.S.

    January 2002: TOS is officially in force after Russia and Belarus complete their ratification processes.

    2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA (Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other biological active materials in the samples collected.

    Note: The difference between a contrail and chemtrail is the time limit. Chemtrails last for long periods of time in the atmosphere/skies.

    2004: First reports of an anomalous disease dubbed “Morgellons disease,” begin to surface. It is named “Morgellons” because its reported symptoms of fibers protruding from the skin are supposedly similar to symptoms reported in the 1600’s by a French physician named Morgellon. No one seems able to accurately diagnose what causes this mystery disease.

    2004-2006: the U.S. Center for Disease Control says that patients reporting these symptoms are most likely suffering from “delusional parasitosis,” and recommends people suffering with Morgellons to be referred to an psychiatrist for mental evaluation. CDC maintains this posture for four years in the face of mounting criticism and contrary evidence.

    2005: The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland. Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of specific chemical “chad materials.”

    2006: Samples of fibers and other materials are removed and collected from 24 particpants, located in various global locations. All 24 participants are reported to have anomalous Morgellons-like symptoms. The samples were sent to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (Integrative Health Systems, LLC), and analyzed by four (4) independent laboratories.

    Initial findings determine that the fibers are silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates. The findings also reveal no biological substances are present. Subsequent findings from these and additional samples taken from individuals within a wide geographical area of distribution all indicate the presence of advanced nano materials (extremely small manufactured materials). The nano materials are found to contain elements of patented weapons-grade nano materials. These weapons grade nano technologies are found in fibers removed from lesions in humans, as well as in fibrous “cotton candy” like material collected on the ground and observed floating down through the sky after aerial spraying operation in Texas, USA.

    2006-2008: Center for Disease Control continues to equate “Morgellons disease: with delusional parasitosis, and continues to recommend treatment by a psychiatrist.

    2007: Allegations – not confirmed – of a new federal policy allowing vaccine makers immunity from prosecution for damages from aerial spray operations conducting vaccine research on American public without permission (under guise of pathogen/biological countermeasures Homeland Security program).

    2007: “Under these (federal) acts and the current testing for pathogen countermeasures, the general public may be exposed to these countermeasures without permission for USDA Vector Control, Domestic Preparedness, and Weapons of Mass Destruction countermeasures.” (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)

    2008: Argonne Labs Midwest Center for Structural Genomics describes a protein structure they nickname “dragon protein” for its resemblance to a dragon’s head (molecular branding). A similar shape to this “dragon’s head” is revealed in the micrographs of fibers removed form lesions in patients with Morgellon’s symptoms (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s, private photomicrograph collection 2006 to present).

    2008: The CDC changes its policy about Morgellons syndrome. It stops defining this syndrome as a sign of likely “delusional parasitosis,” and defines it as a condition of unknown origin, possibly associated with Lyme’s disease. CDC announces it is forming a working study group for Morgellons, not due to report to the public until end of 2010 or longer.

    January 2009: (Science Daily) nanoscale Origami from DNA. Harvard University scientist reports “We can now build a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Functional devices should be possible.”

    (Actually, somebody already has built a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Eight years earlier in ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2000, 12 No. 24. December 15, “Silica Nanotubes and Nanofiber Array,” Dr. Wang describes various silicon based nano tubes that are used in nanotechnology. These are very, very small machines, to small to be seen with the naked eye, which can self assemble into larger machines. Currently these machines are being utilized in SencilTM technology by USC and licensed to Hewlett Packard and other companies. Note the shapes of Nano – Claw, Chinese Lantern, and tongued silicon tubes. These shapes are significant for all Chicken Little students because the same or similar shapes have been observed in micro photographs of materials removed form humans with anomalous Morgellons-like conditions.

    January 2009 – present: Obama Administration continues aforementioned policies of previous administrations. The consciousness that deploys aerial spraying operations against the American population does not seem to be much affected by the change in administration.

    March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the ‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans.

    June 2009: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) develops a text on the Guidelines for Advanced Nano Materials Exposure and Toxicology. It states that the document and toxicological risk assessments on advanced nano materials will be completed in 2013.

    June 2009: (6/11/2009) director-General Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization made the declaration of a Phase 6 “Pandemic emergency” regarding the spread of H1N1 Influenza.

    June 2009: Studies by College of Environmental Science and engineering, Ocean University, Qingdao, China show that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interaction with proteins and enzymes, demonstrating these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. These results confirm the findings of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger in USA:

    Wang, Z., Shao, J., Li, Fl, Gao, D., and B. Xing. “Absorption and Inhalation of Acetylcholinesterse by Different Nanoparticles.” College of Environmental Science and engineering. Ocean University of China. Qingdao, China. Chemical Sensitivity Network.

    © June 19, 2009. Recent studies conducted by the College of Environmental Sciences and engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China (Z. Wang, et. al.) have shown that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interactions with proteins and enzymes.

    Acetylcholinestease (AchE) is a key enzyme present in the blood, brain, and nervous system. Zang et al report significant results of absorption and inhibition of AChE by specific nanoparticle, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and single-walled carbon nanotubes, showing that these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity.

    July 2009: CIA Director Panetta briefs Congress about a secret CIA program never disclosed regarding surveillance and torture, running allegedly “from 2001 until the present.” Congressional investigation may or may not be forthcoming.

    September 2009: Reuters reported Verichip was given two exclusive patents for biosensors that detect viruses. They will be used as implantable virus detection systems in humans, and will combine with Verichips implantable human radio frequency device to track humans. The scope of this effort is made clear by the University of California – Industry Homeland Security Network notice 9/3/2009 about biological countermeasures, available at http://www.ucdiscoverygrang.org/homelandsecurity/hsmissionAreas/Biological.htm which says that smart dust sensors for removal of surveillance and detection of a variety of chemical and biological agents are the focus of programs at a variety of American institutions.


    “SMART DUST” is a generic name for systems that combine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and advanced communications systems (microelectomechanical sensors, or MEMS) for a variety of purposes. The online dictionary Wikipedia as of 2009 defines “smart dust” as “hypothetical” (it’s just an idea, we don’t have it yet).

    And yet, on its website, the company DUST NETWORKS writes: Dust Networks, the leader in standards-based intelligent wireless sensor networking (WSN), provides ultra low-power, highly reliable embedded systems to the world’s leading sensor manufacturers – market visionaries who recognize that “smart dust” embedded inside their sensors is the star of a paradigm shift in their market.

    The independent documentary film maker TANKER ENEMY has made a number of short You- Tube videos describing smart dust and showing its deployment over populated areas, including

    “Smart Dust in the Drinking Water, “ http://ww.youtube.com/v/ouQCSZ8MY2s&hl=it_IT&fs=1&ap=%252fmt%3D18%22%3E%C/ param%3Cparam

    “Smart Dust is Already in Our Environment,” http://tankerenemy.blogspot.com/2009/11/exposure-to-aerial-emissions-of-nano.html and ‘hildegarde staninger interview, parts one, two, and three (Out There TV) http://www.youtube.com/watc?v=JchfWlqbVxw&featrue-=related

    If that isn’t sufficiently convincing as to the reality of smart dust in our current and future lives, you can also check out Major Scott Dickson, U.S. Air Force, in his April 2007 Blue Horizon Paper a the Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College: ENABELING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE: THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST.


    “SMART DUST” is way past the “hypothetical” stage. It is increasingly a hidden facet of modern life.

    September 2009: Dr. Staninger, in presentation to the National Registry of Environmental Professionals of her findings regarding advanced nano materials and their observations in humans, warn: “Mankind is at the initiation point of determining the toxicological mechanisms from exposure to advanced nano microbic materials.”

    October 2009: History Channel presents a documentary entitled “Weather Weapons.” The documentary describes chemtrails and aerial spraying operations since World War II.

    December 2009: Morgellons Research Foundation, main steam information clearinghouse; for Morgellons patients, lists more than fifteen thousand humans reporting Morgellons symptoms in its database. In an online radio interview (2006), Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported an estimate of 60,000 symptom bearers in the USA, 100,000 world wide. Databases in Italy have estimated their population to have 5 per day new case, thus 1,825 new cases per year since 2006.


    In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support form private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration.

    December 2009: Preparation for the Winter Solstice 2009, Return of the Light:

    Early efforts underway to develop countermeasures hold real promise. It may really become possible to deactivate and/or mitigate this new modern assault upon our freedom to evolve our bioelectric and genetic capacities without the presence of un-invited parasitic-like machines in our bodies. Ultra-modern and ancient natural healing methods are being applied in far scattered corners of the earth, as we the people begin to realize this is actually happening NOW in many parts of the planet. Our bodies are reacting to it, and it is beginning to look like we may all live downstream of this “stuff” already.

    None of these space age technologies that are the new whiz-bang toys of aerial spray operations are essentially evil. They each have wonderful life-enhancing applications for which they could be used. It is only a matter of true intent and counter intent. We just need them to be programmed and regulated by a consciousness that values LIFE, that’s ALL.

    May the Return of the Light – bring purification to even the darkest corners of human consciousness.

    May we of the nations, tribes, and families find leaders who don’t want to remain silent and profess ignorance when the people are sprayed without permission; may we the people find the courage to defend our future generations, even if at a cost of one family at a time against this war upon the most beautiful creation in all the galaxies – LIFE.

    Ben Colodzin December 2009


    1. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP)

    2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025

    © October 18, 2006 (www.staningerreport.com)

    2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Fields in the Home, Workplace and Environment. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP)

    2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 ©

    October 18, 2006. (www.staningerreport.com)

    3. Staninger, Hildegarde. Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2007 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. NREP,

    P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © September 6, 2007. (www.staningerreport.com)

    4. www.rense.com Morgellon’s Radio Shows # 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 (Chem Trail &

    Morgellons © 2006 and 2007

    Radio Interviews of Jeff Rense with Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Rahim Karjoo, Dr. Edward Spencer, and Dr. Michael Castle and Morgellon’s Individuals.

    5. www.sciechimiche.com RAI Television show Rebus discussing Chem Trails, Morgellons, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s research and other related discoveries © 2007.

    6. www.cliffordcornicom.com Collection of Special Topic Research Projects and Papers on Chem Trails, Weather Modification and other related topics. © 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009

    7. http://www.luxefaire.com/devilvision/appxhtml/BappendixparticulatesB.html

    Appendix B: First Navy Particulate Patent, Barium Definition, HAARP and Con Trails

    (Chem Trails). US Application Number: US19774000490610 August 12, 1975 / July 22, 1974. Applicant: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. US Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Further referenced patents: US1619183* 3/1927 Bradner et. al; US2045865* 6/1936 Morely; US259188* 4/1952 Willcox: US3531310* 9/1970 Goodspeed et al. Production of Improved Metal Oxide Pigment; and USR0015771 * 2/1924 Savage (* some details unavailable).

    8. US Patent 4,686,605 Eastland, Bernard J. Assignee: APTI, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) January 10, 1985. Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and /or magnetosphere (HAARP).

    9. www.flyaria.com/documents/html/mission/crres/cr.htm NASA Press Kit (CRRES Press Kit) Combined Release and Radiation Effect Satellite (CRRES), NASA, Atlas I (Atlas/Centar- 69) Launch Vehicle. © July 1990




    11. http://us.mc826.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&... Dr. R. Michael Castle. The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth ~An Environmental Impact Overview~ updated 11/12/2007

    12 http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp_dangers.htm HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies by Carol Sterritt. © 12/2/2008.

    13. http://amphibiaweb.org/declines/ChemCon.html Chemical Contaminants © May 14, 2008

    14. http.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Storm_Fury. Project Storm Fury US Navy © 1961-1983

    15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?Project_Cirrus. Project Cirrus US Navy and US Army Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research and US Air Force, and US Weather Bureau

    Chicken Little 101 (002)

    279KB ∙ PDF file


    A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades. This publication was done by her colleague, Dr. Colodzin and presented at the Health Freedom USA War Council 2010 meeting. It describes an important timeline of development of advanced nanomaterials. It also describes Dr. Staningers study on samples from 24 individuals that were sent to 4 different toxicology labs and found the filaments were not biologic, but were silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates weapons grade nanomaterials. Please note that polymethacrylates are stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patent, and researchers like Dr Geanina Hagima have found large quantities of Silicone in the COVID 19 vials. These chemical characterizations are important clues as to the overlap of COVID19 bioweapon and the historical advanced nanomaterials called Morgellon’s. GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima The paper was named CHICKEN LITTLE 101: A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING AND THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THOSE WHO ARE DEPLOYING IT. by Benjamin Colodzin, Ph.D. I inserted some of the slides that were used for the original presentation. All of this research is important background information for our understanding of the current advanced nanomaterials warfare waged with the COVID19 bioweapons. Abstract: We are no longer children with an innocent hearts, who have read the story of Chicken Little and how the sky was falling. Well, the new Chicken Little who, graduated from Chicken Little 101 of the world knows that it is true – the sky is falling filled with not only just molecules of the air we breathe, but aerial emissions, smog, G.E.M.S., smart dust, smart motes, RDIF ID tags, and other debris. It is being sprayed day and night making “X’s, O’s, A’s and other grids in the sky over our global nations cities whether for weather modification, vector control, and/or aerial mass inoculations. Hear this - Chicken Little’s’ - of the world it is time for us to grow up and not be like the wooden boy Pinocchio. We must become real thinking scholars. All of us, who realize that any continuous exposure from even the simplistic contrails of a plane flying over head for long periods of time, will cause you to breathe “bad air,” that will eventually cause lung damage. It does not matter if it is carbon particles or nano composites laced with modified waterborne polyurethane (Styrofoam) mixed with modified food starch as an aerial dispersant. It can only make shiny white sticky goo in any healthy lung of an athlete, child, animal or even Chicken Little himself. This paper will outline and address aerial spraying through a time line that depicts the aerial emission events and ends with fellow human being’s thoughts on a simple form of consciousness for those who deploy aerial pollutive materials into our environment’s air, land and water ways. These were clinical samples from Morgellon’s victims And historic microscopic analysis of Chemtrail ingredients. A HISTORICAL TIME LINE OF AERIAL SPRAYING IN AND BY THE USA HOME OF THE RED, WHITE & BLUE and UNCLE SAM 1949: The first use of aerial spray operations under State and Federal mandates for vector control (insects, virus, etc.) beginning under the Geneva Act for Chemical and Biological Weapons of 1949. 1949 – Present: Many subsequent amendments to the above Act, and parallel U.S. Acts including the 2001 Patriot Act, 2001 Space Preservation Act, and the 2005 Weather Modification Research and Technology Act, have expanded the authority to conduct aerial spray operations over U.S. territory for a wide variety of purposes. 1954-1975: “Vietnam Era” U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia leads to military research, development, and deployment of aerial spray operations for a wide variety of military objectives on the largest scale yet seen, with the application of Agents Orange, Blue, White, Pink and Purple, etc., to millions of acres of Southeast Asian territory. 1974: U.S. Navy Secretary, acting for U.S. Government, patents a highly efficient powder contrail dispersing technology for emitting from high and low altitude aircraft. 1984: The U.S. documentary film SECRET AGENT, brings to U.S. audiences video footage of aerial spray operations in Vietnam and the United States, and interviews it includes with Vietnam veterans and their families about health consequences for people on the ground. 1988: Then-Vice President George H.W. Bush allegedly gives secret orders to the CIA to revive the long-dormant MK-ULTRA mind control division, which had supposedly been ordered shut down by Congress in 1963. This division will reportedly be involved with human-implantable chip technologies, according to allegations made by Dave Larson in 2009 (see Larson in the 2009 Timeline). 1989: The Treaty of Open Skies (TOS) is initiated by George H.W. Bush. This proposal will allow foreign pilots flying on United Nations aircraft to legally overfly U.S. territory; presumably to verify military data as per START international agreements. 1992: The Open Skies Treaty (TOS) is signed in Helsinki (signed for USA by Secretary of Defense, James Baker). 1992-93: TOS is supported by Clinton Administration 1993: TOS is officially ratified by the U.S. Senate. 2000: The Official Department of the Air Force response to queries about chemtrails reads in part: “the term “chemtrail” is a hoax that began circulating approximately three years ago which asserts the government is involved in a joint federal program of covert spraying of the public . . . There is no such thing as a “chemtrail” – the natural contrails are safe and are a natural phenomenon. They pose no health hazard of any kind.” January 2000-July 2001: Clifford Carnicom receives the first official refusal from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for his request to analyze sample(s) collected underneath an aerial spray operation (“Fibrous Substance Sample”; refusal letter requires 18 month response time form date of request. March 2001: Retired U.S. Army General Al Cuppett, a former insider of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, blows whistle to U.S. military Central Command about the presence of Russian (and possibly foreign national) pilots that are using United nations aircraft for their spray operations, conducted through aerial spray operations above the U.S. mainland. Cuppett alleges this activity dates back to 1993, when the Treaty on Open Skies was officially ratified by the U.S. January 2002: TOS is officially in force after Russia and Belarus complete their ratification processes. 2001-2006: Samples are collected on the ground underneath aerial spray operations and analyzed by numerous civilian investigators in the USA (Idaho, GA, and other locations), The samples reveal a wide variety of heavy metals, toxic chemical compounds, bioengineered fungi, and other biological active materials in the samples collected. Note: The difference between a contrail and chemtrail is the time limit. Chemtrails last for long periods of time in the atmosphere/skies. 2004: First reports of an anomalous disease dubbed “Morgellons disease,” begin to surface. It is named “Morgellons” because its reported symptoms of fibers protruding from the skin are supposedly similar to symptoms reported in the 1600’s by a French physician named Morgellon. No one seems able to accurately diagnose what causes this mystery disease. 2004-2006: the U.S. Center for Disease Control says that patients reporting these symptoms are most likely suffering from “delusional parasitosis,” and recommends people suffering with Morgellons to be referred to an psychiatrist for mental evaluation. CDC maintains this posture for four years in the face of mounting criticism and contrary evidence. 2005: The Weather Modification Research and Technology Act further legitimizes and expands rationale for aerial spray operation above the U.S. mainland. Thus, the Act includes regulatory statutes for vector control and mass aerial immunizations in addition to weather modification dispersion of specific chemical “chad materials.” 2006: Samples of fibers and other materials are removed and collected from 24 particpants, located in various global locations. All 24 participants are reported to have anomalous Morgellons-like symptoms. The samples were sent to Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (Integrative Health Systems, LLC), and analyzed by four (4) independent laboratories. Initial findings determine that the fibers are silicone based with a two part polyester resin of acryolin and methylmethacrylates. The findings also reveal no biological substances are present. Subsequent findings from these and additional samples taken from individuals within a wide geographical area of distribution all indicate the presence of advanced nano materials (extremely small manufactured materials). The nano materials are found to contain elements of patented weapons-grade nano materials. These weapons grade nano technologies are found in fibers removed from lesions in humans, as well as in fibrous “cotton candy” like material collected on the ground and observed floating down through the sky after aerial spraying operation in Texas, USA. 2006-2008: Center for Disease Control continues to equate “Morgellons disease: with delusional parasitosis, and continues to recommend treatment by a psychiatrist. 2007: Allegations – not confirmed – of a new federal policy allowing vaccine makers immunity from prosecution for damages from aerial spray operations conducting vaccine research on American public without permission (under guise of pathogen/biological countermeasures Homeland Security program). 2007: “Under these (federal) acts and the current testing for pathogen countermeasures, the general public may be exposed to these countermeasures without permission for USDA Vector Control, Domestic Preparedness, and Weapons of Mass Destruction countermeasures.” (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger) 2008: Argonne Labs Midwest Center for Structural Genomics describes a protein structure they nickname “dragon protein” for its resemblance to a dragon’s head (molecular branding). A similar shape to this “dragon’s head” is revealed in the micrographs of fibers removed form lesions in patients with Morgellon’s symptoms (Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s, private photomicrograph collection 2006 to present). 2008: The CDC changes its policy about Morgellons syndrome. It stops defining this syndrome as a sign of likely “delusional parasitosis,” and defines it as a condition of unknown origin, possibly associated with Lyme’s disease. CDC announces it is forming a working study group for Morgellons, not due to report to the public until end of 2010 or longer. January 2009: (Science Daily) nanoscale Origami from DNA. Harvard University scientist reports “We can now build a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Functional devices should be possible.” (Actually, somebody already has built a diversity of nanoscale machine parts. Eight years earlier in ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2000, 12 No. 24. December 15, “Silica Nanotubes and Nanofiber Array,” Dr. Wang describes various silicon based nano tubes that are used in nanotechnology. These are very, very small machines, to small to be seen with the naked eye, which can self assemble into larger machines. Currently these machines are being utilized in SencilTM technology by USC and licensed to Hewlett Packard and other companies. Note the shapes of Nano – Claw, Chinese Lantern, and tongued silicon tubes. These shapes are significant for all Chicken Little students because the same or similar shapes have been observed in micro photographs of materials removed form humans with anomalous Morgellons-like conditions. January 2009 – present: Obama Administration continues aforementioned policies of previous administrations. The consciousness that deploys aerial spraying operations against the American population does not seem to be much affected by the change in administration. March 2009: Dave Larson, former CIA biomedical technology program contractor, alleges that implantable biomedical devices have been deployed domestically for surveillance and torture under secret program reinstated by George H.W. Bush in 1988 and running unchecked and unreported to Congress through March 2009. Also alleges that government polices on the ‘war on terror” and detention were crafted specifically to avoid criminal prosecution for illegal use of these technologies against Americans. June 2009: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) develops a text on the Guidelines for Advanced Nano Materials Exposure and Toxicology. It states that the document and toxicological risk assessments on advanced nano materials will be completed in 2013. June 2009: (6/11/2009) director-General Dr. Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization made the declaration of a Phase 6 “Pandemic emergency” regarding the spread of H1N1 Influenza. June 2009: Studies by College of Environmental Science and engineering, Ocean University, Qingdao, China show that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interaction with proteins and enzymes, demonstrating these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. These results confirm the findings of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger in USA: Wang, Z., Shao, J., Li, Fl, Gao, D., and B. Xing. “Absorption and Inhalation of Acetylcholinesterse by Different Nanoparticles.” College of Environmental Science and engineering. Ocean University of China. Qingdao, China. Chemical Sensitivity Network. © June 19, 2009. Recent studies conducted by the College of Environmental Sciences and engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China (Z. Wang, et. al.) have shown that manufactured nanoparticles can be toxic via interactions with proteins and enzymes. Acetylcholinestease (AchE) is a key enzyme present in the blood, brain, and nervous system. Zang et al report significant results of absorption and inhibition of AChE by specific nanoparticle, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, and single-walled carbon nanotubes, showing that these nanoparticles may have neurotoxicity. July 2009: CIA Director Panetta briefs Congress about a secret CIA program never disclosed regarding surveillance and torture, running allegedly “from 2001 until the present.” Congressional investigation may or may not be forthcoming. September 2009: Reuters reported Verichip was given two exclusive patents for biosensors that detect viruses. They will be used as implantable virus detection systems in humans, and will combine with Verichips implantable human radio frequency device to track humans. The scope of this effort is made clear by the University of California – Industry Homeland Security Network notice 9/3/2009 about biological countermeasures, available at http://www.ucdiscoverygrang.org/homelandsecurity/hsmissionAreas/Biological.htm which says that smart dust sensors for removal of surveillance and detection of a variety of chemical and biological agents are the focus of programs at a variety of American institutions. “WHAT EXACTLY IS SMART DUST?” “SMART DUST” is a generic name for systems that combine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and advanced communications systems (microelectomechanical sensors, or MEMS) for a variety of purposes. The online dictionary Wikipedia as of 2009 defines “smart dust” as “hypothetical” (it’s just an idea, we don’t have it yet). And yet, on its website, the company DUST NETWORKS writes: Dust Networks, the leader in standards-based intelligent wireless sensor networking (WSN), provides ultra low-power, highly reliable embedded systems to the world’s leading sensor manufacturers – market visionaries who recognize that “smart dust” embedded inside their sensors is the star of a paradigm shift in their market. The independent documentary film maker TANKER ENEMY has made a number of short You- Tube videos describing smart dust and showing its deployment over populated areas, including “Smart Dust in the Drinking Water, “ http://ww.youtube.com/v/ouQCSZ8MY2s&hl=it_IT&fs=1&ap=%252fmt%3D18%22%3E%C/ param%3Cparam “Smart Dust is Already in Our Environment,” http://tankerenemy.blogspot.com/2009/11/exposure-to-aerial-emissions-of-nano.html and ‘hildegarde staninger interview, parts one, two, and three (Out There TV) http://www.youtube.com/watc?v=JchfWlqbVxw&featrue-=related If that isn’t sufficiently convincing as to the reality of smart dust in our current and future lives, you can also check out Major Scott Dickson, U.S. Air Force, in his April 2007 Blue Horizon Paper a the Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College: ENABELING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE: THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST. http://au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/est/bh_dickson.pdf “SMART DUST” is way past the “hypothetical” stage. It is increasingly a hidden facet of modern life. September 2009: Dr. Staninger, in presentation to the National Registry of Environmental Professionals of her findings regarding advanced nano materials and their observations in humans, warn: “Mankind is at the initiation point of determining the toxicological mechanisms from exposure to advanced nano microbic materials.” October 2009: History Channel presents a documentary entitled “Weather Weapons.” The documentary describes chemtrails and aerial spraying operations since World War II. December 2009: Morgellons Research Foundation, main steam information clearinghouse; for Morgellons patients, lists more than fifteen thousand humans reporting Morgellons symptoms in its database. In an online radio interview (2006), Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported an estimate of 60,000 symptom bearers in the USA, 100,000 world wide. Databases in Italy have estimated their population to have 5 per day new case, thus 1,825 new cases per year since 2006. December 2009: MEGA CORRUPTION SCANDAL AT THE WHO. In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support form private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration. December 2009: Preparation for the Winter Solstice 2009, Return of the Light: Early efforts underway to develop countermeasures hold real promise. It may really become possible to deactivate and/or mitigate this new modern assault upon our freedom to evolve our bioelectric and genetic capacities without the presence of un-invited parasitic-like machines in our bodies. Ultra-modern and ancient natural healing methods are being applied in far scattered corners of the earth, as we the people begin to realize this is actually happening NOW in many parts of the planet. Our bodies are reacting to it, and it is beginning to look like we may all live downstream of this “stuff” already. None of these space age technologies that are the new whiz-bang toys of aerial spray operations are essentially evil. They each have wonderful life-enhancing applications for which they could be used. It is only a matter of true intent and counter intent. We just need them to be programmed and regulated by a consciousness that values LIFE, that’s ALL. May the Return of the Light – bring purification to even the darkest corners of human consciousness. May we of the nations, tribes, and families find leaders who don’t want to remain silent and profess ignorance when the people are sprayed without permission; may we the people find the courage to defend our future generations, even if at a cost of one family at a time against this war upon the most beautiful creation in all the galaxies – LIFE. Ben Colodzin December 2009 REFERENCES 1. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © October 18, 2006 (www.staningerreport.com) 2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Fields in the Home, Workplace and Environment. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2006 Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © October 18, 2006. (www.staningerreport.com) 3. Staninger, Hildegarde. Morgellons: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) 2007 Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. NREP, P.O. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 © September 6, 2007. (www.staningerreport.com) 4. www.rense.com Morgellon’s Radio Shows # 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 (Chem Trail & Morgellons © 2006 and 2007 Radio Interviews of Jeff Rense with Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Rahim Karjoo, Dr. Edward Spencer, and Dr. Michael Castle and Morgellon’s Individuals. 5. www.sciechimiche.com RAI Television show Rebus discussing Chem Trails, Morgellons, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger’s research and other related discoveries © 2007. 6. www.cliffordcornicom.com Collection of Special Topic Research Projects and Papers on Chem Trails, Weather Modification and other related topics. © 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009 7. http://www.luxefaire.com/devilvision/appxhtml/BappendixparticulatesB.html Appendix B: First Navy Particulate Patent, Barium Definition, HAARP and Con Trails (Chem Trails). US Application Number: US19774000490610 August 12, 1975 / July 22, 1974. Applicant: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. US Patent Office, Washington, D.C. Further referenced patents: US1619183* 3/1927 Bradner et. al; US2045865* 6/1936 Morely; US259188* 4/1952 Willcox: US3531310* 9/1970 Goodspeed et al. Production of Improved Metal Oxide Pigment; and USR0015771 * 2/1924 Savage (* some details unavailable). 8. US Patent 4,686,605 Eastland, Bernard J. Assignee: APTI, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA) January 10, 1985. Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and /or magnetosphere (HAARP). 9. www.flyaria.com/documents/html/mission/crres/cr.htm NASA Press Kit (CRRES Press Kit) Combined Release and Radiation Effect Satellite (CRRES), NASA, Atlas I (Atlas/Centar- 69) Launch Vehicle. © July 1990 10. http://lookupabove.tripod.com 2007 CHEMTRAILS OVER AMERICA 11. http://us.mc826.mail.yahoo.com/mc/showMessage?fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&... Dr. R. Michael Castle. The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth ~An Environmental Impact Overview~ updated 11/12/2007 12 http://www.bariumblues.com/haarp_dangers.htm HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies by Carol Sterritt. © 12/2/2008. 13. http://amphibiaweb.org/declines/ChemCon.html Chemical Contaminants © May 14, 2008 14. http.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Storm_Fury. Project Storm Fury US Navy © 1961-1983 15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?Project_Cirrus. Project Cirrus US Navy and US Army Signal Corps, Office of Naval Research and US Air Force, and US Weather Bureau Chicken Little 101 (002) 279KB ∙ PDF file Download https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/a-brief-primer-on-the-history-of?triedRedirect=true
    A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF AERIAL SPRAYING - Weapons Grade Advanced Nanomaterials aka Morgellons And The Chemical Overlap To COVID19 Bioweapons
    Dr Hildegarde Staninger, Author of Global Brain Chip and Mesogens has been sending me a lot of historic scientific papers and presentations that she and her colleagues published over the decades.
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  • Empire’s War on Syria
    Basma Qaddour Interviews Dr. Ahmad Al-Durzi

    In response to Basma’s questions, Dr. Al-Durzi wrote the following:

    It was clear to every wise person in the world, in general, and in Syria, in particular, that what happened in the mid of March 2011 is that the world has become at a very dangerous stage, and the crisis that took place in Syria is only an extension of a large western project to control the Mediterranean Sea, and that the outcome of this crisis which was turned into a military form does not only target Syria but also forces that are against this project hegemony, especially Russia and China.

    Image: Dr. Ahmad Al-Durzi

    Actually, this is what happened when the United States of America pushed regional powers to intervene extensively in the Syrian war, depending on terrorists, who came from more than 80 countries in the world. The crisis did not stop at that point, but was accompanied by unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States of America and the European Union countries on Syria to push it to change its geopolitical position-which would leave effects and repercussions on Iran, Russia and China- and to loot the Syrian state’s main resources that are necessary for the continuation of life in what remains of Syria as the terrorist groups took control of the areas of the Syrian Al-Jazeera area – where the resources of oil, gas and the food basket of Syria are located— and to divert these resources to serve the terrorist groups and finance and attract them due to the huge amount of money flowing as a result of controlling these resources. …..The main goal was to push Damascus to change its geopolitical policy and to allow the Qatari gas pipes to pass through Syria to Turkey and then the EU countries with the aim of preventing the flow of Russian gas to Europe and be an alternative to it.

    These policies, which were based on terrorism and the theft of the Syrian oil and gas resources, have put enormous pressure on the Syrian state and on the lives of Syrian citizens, and led to an increase in poverty levels that have reached 92%, and caused major impacts on the Syrian demographics and changes in their lifestyles, and pushed more than 40% of the Syrian population to emigrate abroad, in addition to more than 10% of the internal demographic change through internal migration. These changes required the adoption of hard policies in accordance with the available resources to keep the existence of the Syrian state within the framework of the international and regional conflict. The adopted hard policies led to unprecedented rise in poverty rate which continues until this moment.

    Sanctions that are being imposed on Syria have greatly affected all groups of doctors, not just me. Medical work is no longer useful, so the majority of doctors have been forced to emigrate or work in Somalia and Iraq. Imagine that the number of doctors in Aleppo has decreased from 11,000 to 1,800, and in Somalia it has increased to 4,000 Syrian doctors.

    As for the Russian intervention in Syria, it was legitimate as it came upon the request of Damascus. It came at a critical moment when what remained of Syria was under threat. It prevented the multinational terrorist groups from moving to Iran, Central Asia, the South Caucasus and northwestern China, relying on terrorists who came from these regions.

    Image: Syrians wave Russian and Syrian flags during a protest against US-led air strikes in Damascus, Syria on 14 April 2018. (Photo credit: VCG Photo)

    The first goal of the Russian intervention in Syria was to eliminate multinational terrorist groups in cooperation with the Syrian Army, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Lebanese Hezbollah. These four parties formed an important axis to confront the US occupation forces that exist in Syria and to defeat ISIS terrorists. This has been achieved to a large extent.

    The second goal was to keep Syria united and this has been achieved to a reasonable degree at a military level as the geographic area that is controlled by Damascus expanded from 27% to 67%, while the sides of the Syrian Al-Jazeera are still under the occupation of the American army, which came illegally under the pretext of fighting terrorism, and the northwestern side of Syria is still under the occupation of the terrorist groups that are supported by the United States of America and Turkey, which is betting on achieving geopolitical gains at the regional level through the Syrian gateway.

    Although Russia is preoccupied with its war with Ukraine, which is actually a war with NATO on the Ukrainian scene, the effects of the Russian presence in Syria are still ongoing, with the continued presence of Russian forces on the ground and the continued Russian role in working to restore the unity of Syrian territory through the political aspect of the talks it is conducting with the forces in northeastern Syria or with Turkey to achieve reconciliation between Syria and Turkey based on the unity and sovereignty of Syrian territory, and to find solutions to dismantle the armed terrorist groups in the areas of the northern Aleppo countryside and Idlib, in addition to the areas located between Ras al-Ain al-Abyad in the Syrian Jazeera .

    I believe that the Russian role will continue despite the war in Ukraine, as Syria is an arena of confrontation with the United States of America, complementary to the Ukrainian arena, and also complementary to the Palestinian, Lebanese and Yemeni arenas, where the conflict with the Western side is escalating in these regions, and Russia has no interest other than to be a fundamental supporter of all the forces that exist in these regions in order to preserve its national security.


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    Get Your Free Copy of “Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War”!

    This interview was originally published on Mark Taliano.

    Dr. Ahmad Al-Durzi is a Syrian political analyst and expert in political issues on impacts of terrorism, sanctions and resources theft on Syrian people.

    Featured image: U.S. military vehicle runs past the Tal Tamr area in the countryside of Hasakah province, northeastern Syria, Nov. 14, 2019. | Photo: Str/Xinhua

    Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

    **Voices from Syria**

    Author: Mark Taliano

    ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

    Year: 2017

    Product Type: PDF File

    List Price: $6.50

    Special Offer: $5.00

    Click to order.

    Read here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/empire-war-syria/5869049
    Empire’s War on Syria Basma Qaddour Interviews Dr. Ahmad Al-Durzi In response to Basma’s questions, Dr. Al-Durzi wrote the following: It was clear to every wise person in the world, in general, and in Syria, in particular, that what happened in the mid of March 2011 is that the world has become at a very dangerous stage, and the crisis that took place in Syria is only an extension of a large western project to control the Mediterranean Sea, and that the outcome of this crisis which was turned into a military form does not only target Syria but also forces that are against this project hegemony, especially Russia and China. Image: Dr. Ahmad Al-Durzi Actually, this is what happened when the United States of America pushed regional powers to intervene extensively in the Syrian war, depending on terrorists, who came from more than 80 countries in the world. The crisis did not stop at that point, but was accompanied by unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States of America and the European Union countries on Syria to push it to change its geopolitical position-which would leave effects and repercussions on Iran, Russia and China- and to loot the Syrian state’s main resources that are necessary for the continuation of life in what remains of Syria as the terrorist groups took control of the areas of the Syrian Al-Jazeera area – where the resources of oil, gas and the food basket of Syria are located— and to divert these resources to serve the terrorist groups and finance and attract them due to the huge amount of money flowing as a result of controlling these resources. …..The main goal was to push Damascus to change its geopolitical policy and to allow the Qatari gas pipes to pass through Syria to Turkey and then the EU countries with the aim of preventing the flow of Russian gas to Europe and be an alternative to it. These policies, which were based on terrorism and the theft of the Syrian oil and gas resources, have put enormous pressure on the Syrian state and on the lives of Syrian citizens, and led to an increase in poverty levels that have reached 92%, and caused major impacts on the Syrian demographics and changes in their lifestyles, and pushed more than 40% of the Syrian population to emigrate abroad, in addition to more than 10% of the internal demographic change through internal migration. These changes required the adoption of hard policies in accordance with the available resources to keep the existence of the Syrian state within the framework of the international and regional conflict. The adopted hard policies led to unprecedented rise in poverty rate which continues until this moment. Sanctions that are being imposed on Syria have greatly affected all groups of doctors, not just me. Medical work is no longer useful, so the majority of doctors have been forced to emigrate or work in Somalia and Iraq. Imagine that the number of doctors in Aleppo has decreased from 11,000 to 1,800, and in Somalia it has increased to 4,000 Syrian doctors. As for the Russian intervention in Syria, it was legitimate as it came upon the request of Damascus. It came at a critical moment when what remained of Syria was under threat. It prevented the multinational terrorist groups from moving to Iran, Central Asia, the South Caucasus and northwestern China, relying on terrorists who came from these regions. Image: Syrians wave Russian and Syrian flags during a protest against US-led air strikes in Damascus, Syria on 14 April 2018. (Photo credit: VCG Photo) The first goal of the Russian intervention in Syria was to eliminate multinational terrorist groups in cooperation with the Syrian Army, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Lebanese Hezbollah. These four parties formed an important axis to confront the US occupation forces that exist in Syria and to defeat ISIS terrorists. This has been achieved to a large extent. The second goal was to keep Syria united and this has been achieved to a reasonable degree at a military level as the geographic area that is controlled by Damascus expanded from 27% to 67%, while the sides of the Syrian Al-Jazeera are still under the occupation of the American army, which came illegally under the pretext of fighting terrorism, and the northwestern side of Syria is still under the occupation of the terrorist groups that are supported by the United States of America and Turkey, which is betting on achieving geopolitical gains at the regional level through the Syrian gateway. Although Russia is preoccupied with its war with Ukraine, which is actually a war with NATO on the Ukrainian scene, the effects of the Russian presence in Syria are still ongoing, with the continued presence of Russian forces on the ground and the continued Russian role in working to restore the unity of Syrian territory through the political aspect of the talks it is conducting with the forces in northeastern Syria or with Turkey to achieve reconciliation between Syria and Turkey based on the unity and sovereignty of Syrian territory, and to find solutions to dismantle the armed terrorist groups in the areas of the northern Aleppo countryside and Idlib, in addition to the areas located between Ras al-Ain al-Abyad in the Syrian Jazeera . I believe that the Russian role will continue despite the war in Ukraine, as Syria is an arena of confrontation with the United States of America, complementary to the Ukrainian arena, and also complementary to the Palestinian, Lebanese and Yemeni arenas, where the conflict with the Western side is escalating in these regions, and Russia has no interest other than to be a fundamental supporter of all the forces that exist in these regions in order to preserve its national security. * Click the share button below to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Get Your Free Copy of “Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War”! This interview was originally published on Mark Taliano. Dr. Ahmad Al-Durzi is a Syrian political analyst and expert in political issues on impacts of terrorism, sanctions and resources theft on Syrian people. Featured image: U.S. military vehicle runs past the Tal Tamr area in the countryside of Hasakah province, northeastern Syria, Nov. 14, 2019. | Photo: Str/Xinhua Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research. **Voices from Syria** Author: Mark Taliano ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1 Year: 2017 Product Type: PDF File List Price: $6.50 Special Offer: $5.00 Click to order. Read here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/empire-war-syria/5869049
    Empire’s War on Syria
    I believe that the Russian role will continue despite the war in Ukraine, as Syria is an arena of confrontation with the United States of America
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  • Watch as Russian fighter jet nearly hits US F-16 near Alaska amid military drills, raises tensions
    Oct 01, 2024, 01:24:13 PM IST
    Watch as Russian fighter jet nearly hits US F-16 near Alaska amid military drills, raises tensionsAP
    In this Sept. 23, 2024, image taken from video, a U.S. Air Force F-16 operating under the direction of North American Aerospace Defense Command, conducts a routine intercept of a Russian Tu-95 aircraft in the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) when NORAD said a Russian Su-35 aircraft conducts an unsafe maneuver directed at the F-16. (Department of Defense via AP)
    A Russian Su-35 fighter jet came dangerously close to a US F-16 near Alaska on September 23, as confirmed by newly released video footage from the US military. The incident occurred just beyond US sovereign airspace, within the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), where the US routinely monitors and intercepts foreign aircraft that approach its territory. The close encounter drew condemnation from US military officials, who criticized the Russian jet for its unsafe maneuver.
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    General Gregory Guillot, the commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and US Northern Command, stated that the Russian pilot’s actions were reckless and hazardous. “The conduct of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and endangered all – not what you’d see in a professional air force,” Guillot said. He further explained that the US F-16 was flying in a “safe and disciplined” manner as part of routine operations to intercept the Russian aircraft that had entered the ADIZ.

    The incident comes on the heels of multiple Russian incursions into the ADIZ in recent weeks. The US has been closely monitoring the situation, especially given the broader context of growing military activity by both Russia and China in the region. While Russian aircraft have not breached US airspace, the increasing frequency of such encounters has raised alarms within the US military.

    US Response: Building Military Presence in Alaska

    US Senator Dan Sullivan, a Republican and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, highlighted the seriousness of the situation. He emphasized the need to strengthen the US military’s presence in Alaska and the Arctic to counter these aggressive maneuvers. “The reckless and unprofessional maneuvers of Russian fighter pilots — within just a few feet of our Alaska-based fighters — in Alaska’s ADIZ on September 23 put the lives of our brave Airmen at risk and underscore the escalating aggression we’re witnessing from dictators like Vladimir Putin,” Sullivan said in a statement.

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    In response to these provocations, the US has taken steps to bolster its military readiness in the region. In August, about 130 US soldiers, along with mobile rocket launchers, were deployed to Shemya Island, located approximately 1,931 kilometers southwest of Anchorage. The deployment was part of a week-long exercise aimed at deterring further incursions and demonstrating US capability to respond to any threats in the region.

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    Russia and China’s Growing Military Cooperation

    This incident comes amid increasing concerns over military cooperation between Russia and China, both of which have shown growing interest in the Arctic and its strategic significance. In July 2024, Russian and Chinese bombers flew together for the first time in international airspace off Alaska during a joint military drill. These exercises were part of a broader strategic alignment between the two nations, which has caught the attention of US defense officials.

    US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had previously expressed concerns over the Russia-China military partnership, particularly regarding China’s support for Russia amid the ongoing war in Ukraine. “This is a relationship that we have been concerned about throughout — mostly because we’re concerned about China providing support to Russia’s illegal and unnecessary war in Ukraine,” Austin said in a press briefing.

    Additionally, earlier military exercises involving both Russian and Chinese forces were observed in 2022 when a US Coast Guard ship discovered a formation of Russian and Chinese naval vessels, including three Chinese and four Russian ships, sailing near Alaska’s Kiska Island. This incident, coupled with the recent joint drills, has raised questions about the long-term strategic goals of both nations in the Arctic region.

    US Military Vigilance in the Face of Rising Threats

    The US continues to express concerns over the potential threat posed by Russia and China’s military activities in the region. While none of the recent incursions have resulted in the breach of US airspace, the repeated presence of Russian and Chinese forces near Alaska has prompted a more assertive response from the US military.

    As tensions escalate, officials in Washington are calling for enhanced military infrastructure and a stronger defense posture in Alaska and the Arctic. Sullivan, in particular, has been a vocal advocate for building up the US military’s capacity in the region, stressing that the situation is becoming increasingly volatile.

    The release of the video footage from the September 23 incident serves as a stark reminder of the precarious balance in the region, where US forces must continuously monitor and respond to foreign military activity just beyond their borders. With both Russia and China increasing their presence in the Arctic, the US military remains vigilant, prepared to defend its interests in a region that has taken on heightened geopolitical importance.

    Watch as Russian fighter jet nearly hits US F-16 near Alaska amid military drills, raises tensions Oct 01, 2024, 01:24:13 PM IST Watch as Russian fighter jet nearly hits US F-16 near Alaska amid military drills, raises tensionsAP In this Sept. 23, 2024, image taken from video, a U.S. Air Force F-16 operating under the direction of North American Aerospace Defense Command, conducts a routine intercept of a Russian Tu-95 aircraft in the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) when NORAD said a Russian Su-35 aircraft conducts an unsafe maneuver directed at the F-16. (Department of Defense via AP) A Russian Su-35 fighter jet came dangerously close to a US F-16 near Alaska on September 23, as confirmed by newly released video footage from the US military. The incident occurred just beyond US sovereign airspace, within the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), where the US routinely monitors and intercepts foreign aircraft that approach its territory. The close encounter drew condemnation from US military officials, who criticized the Russian jet for its unsafe maneuver. Tired of too many ads? Remove Ads General Gregory Guillot, the commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and US Northern Command, stated that the Russian pilot’s actions were reckless and hazardous. “The conduct of one Russian Su-35 was unsafe, unprofessional, and endangered all – not what you’d see in a professional air force,” Guillot said. He further explained that the US F-16 was flying in a “safe and disciplined” manner as part of routine operations to intercept the Russian aircraft that had entered the ADIZ. The incident comes on the heels of multiple Russian incursions into the ADIZ in recent weeks. The US has been closely monitoring the situation, especially given the broader context of growing military activity by both Russia and China in the region. While Russian aircraft have not breached US airspace, the increasing frequency of such encounters has raised alarms within the US military. US Response: Building Military Presence in Alaska US Senator Dan Sullivan, a Republican and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, highlighted the seriousness of the situation. He emphasized the need to strengthen the US military’s presence in Alaska and the Arctic to counter these aggressive maneuvers. “The reckless and unprofessional maneuvers of Russian fighter pilots — within just a few feet of our Alaska-based fighters — in Alaska’s ADIZ on September 23 put the lives of our brave Airmen at risk and underscore the escalating aggression we’re witnessing from dictators like Vladimir Putin,” Sullivan said in a statement. Tired of too many ads? Remove Ads In response to these provocations, the US has taken steps to bolster its military readiness in the region. In August, about 130 US soldiers, along with mobile rocket launchers, were deployed to Shemya Island, located approximately 1,931 kilometers southwest of Anchorage. The deployment was part of a week-long exercise aimed at deterring further incursions and demonstrating US capability to respond to any threats in the region. Growfast logo Artificial Intelligence(AI) Java Programming with ChatGPT: Learn using Generative AI By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program Artificial Intelligence(AI) Basics of Generative AI : Unveiling Tomorrow's Innovations By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program Artificial Intelligence(AI) Generative AI for Dynamic Java Web Applications with ChatGPT By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program Artificial Intelligence(AI) Mastering C++ Fundamentals with Generative AI: A Hands-On By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program Artificial Intelligence(AI) Master in Python Language Quickly Using the ChatGPT Open AI By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program Office Productivity Zero to Hero in Microsoft Excel: Complete Excel guide 2024 By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program Astrology Vastu Shastra Course By - Sachenkumar Rai, Vastu Shashtri View Program Data Science SQL for Data Science along with Data Analytics and Data Visualization By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program Web Development A Comprehensive ASP.NET Core MVC 6 Project Guide for 2024 By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program Office Productivity Mastering Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and 365 By - Metla Sudha Sekhar, Developer and Lead Instructor View Program Russia and China’s Growing Military Cooperation This incident comes amid increasing concerns over military cooperation between Russia and China, both of which have shown growing interest in the Arctic and its strategic significance. In July 2024, Russian and Chinese bombers flew together for the first time in international airspace off Alaska during a joint military drill. These exercises were part of a broader strategic alignment between the two nations, which has caught the attention of US defense officials. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had previously expressed concerns over the Russia-China military partnership, particularly regarding China’s support for Russia amid the ongoing war in Ukraine. “This is a relationship that we have been concerned about throughout — mostly because we’re concerned about China providing support to Russia’s illegal and unnecessary war in Ukraine,” Austin said in a press briefing. Additionally, earlier military exercises involving both Russian and Chinese forces were observed in 2022 when a US Coast Guard ship discovered a formation of Russian and Chinese naval vessels, including three Chinese and four Russian ships, sailing near Alaska’s Kiska Island. This incident, coupled with the recent joint drills, has raised questions about the long-term strategic goals of both nations in the Arctic region. US Military Vigilance in the Face of Rising Threats The US continues to express concerns over the potential threat posed by Russia and China’s military activities in the region. While none of the recent incursions have resulted in the breach of US airspace, the repeated presence of Russian and Chinese forces near Alaska has prompted a more assertive response from the US military. As tensions escalate, officials in Washington are calling for enhanced military infrastructure and a stronger defense posture in Alaska and the Arctic. Sullivan, in particular, has been a vocal advocate for building up the US military’s capacity in the region, stressing that the situation is becoming increasingly volatile. The release of the video footage from the September 23 incident serves as a stark reminder of the precarious balance in the region, where US forces must continuously monitor and respond to foreign military activity just beyond their borders. With both Russia and China increasing their presence in the Arctic, the US military remains vigilant, prepared to defend its interests in a region that has taken on heightened geopolitical importance. https://m.economictimes.com/news/defence/watch-as-russian-fighter-jet-nearly-hits-us-f-16-near-alaska-amid-military-drills-raises-tensions/articleshow/113843067.cms
    Watch as Russian fighter jet nearly hits US F-16 near Alaska amid military drills, raises tensions
    A close encounter between a US F-16 and a Russian Su-35 fighter jet on September 23 has escalated tensions over military activity in Alaskas Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). The US military released video footage of the incident, sparking condemnation from NORAD. The event follows a series of Russian air incursions and joint military exercises with China in the region, raising concerns over increased military cooperation between the two nations and the implications for US security.
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  • VIDEO: The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls”

    First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation.

    By now, those following the novel coronavirus epidemic are familiar with Event 201, the pandemic simulation staged by Johns Hopkins University in conjunction with the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, and other ruling-class heavy hitters in October. The media establishment has already picked the story clean, set up and eviscerated a straw man (“No, Bill Gates didn’t cause the coronavirus epidemic, silly conspiracy theorists!”), and convinced the group itself to issue a statement denying their exercise was meant to predict the behavior of the actual virus to follow.

    But few are aware that the epidemic playing out in China and two dozen other countries, including the US, is unfolding in line with a decade-old simulation titled “Lock Step” devised by the Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction with the Global Business Network. The scenario, one of four included in a publication called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” in 2010, describes a coronavirus-like pandemic that becomes the trigger for the imposition of police-state controls on movement, economy, and other areas of society.

    The Lock Step scenario describes “a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” In “2012” (i.e. two years after the report’s publication), an “extremely virulent and deadly” strain of influenza originating with wild geese brings the world to its knees, infecting 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million people in just seven months – “the majority of them healthy young adults.” It devastates global economies and ruptures international trade. But not everyone, the Rockefeller Foundation makes clear, is hit equally.

    Countries of Africa, southeast Asia, and central America suffer the worst “in the absence of official containment protocols” – it wouldn’t be the Rockefeller Foundation if someone wasn’t licking their lips at the thought of a mass die-off in the Global South – but western “democracies” also pay the ultimate price. “The United States’ initial policy of ‘strongly discouraging’ citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the US but across borders,” the report warns. But remove such obstacles as ‘individual rights’ and you have a recipe for surviving, even thriving in the event of a pandemic, the Foundation gushes:

    “A few countries did fare better – China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing-off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.”

    The message is clear – police state good, freedom bad. And other governments rapidly get the message, according to the simulation. First and third world nations alike follow suit by “flexing their authority” and imposing quarantines, body-temperature checks, and other “airtight rules and restrictions” – most of which, the report is careful to note, remain in place even as the pandemic recedes into the past. “In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems – from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty – leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”

    This global power-grab is facilitated by a frightened citizenry who “willingly gave up some of their sovereignty – and their privacy – to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability…tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight.” Everything from tighter biometric identification to stricter industrial regulation is welcomed with open arms. It takes over a decade for people to “grow weary” of the authoritarian controls imposed in the wake of the pandemic, and hints that even the civil unrest that ultimately manifests is focused on the developed world. After all, a popular uprising in the technocratic police state envisioned by the simulation would be all but impossible – as it will be in real life once 5G makes real-time total surveillance of all cities a reality.

    Pin the blame on the dragon

    It remains unclear what – or who – unleashed the novel coronavirus in Wuhan. The initial claim that it originated in bats from a “wet market,” in which live animals are sold and then butchered in front of the customer, couldn’t have been more perfect from a western point of view – wet markets are reviled in the West, where consumers prefer that the animal cruelty required to put meat on their tables happens behind closed doors. While wet markets would seem to improve food safety by making it impossible to sell “mystery,” mislabeled or expired meat, time and again they are fingered as disease vectors by the disapproving West, every time followed by calls to ban them entirely. However, the Huanan seafood market hadn’t sold bats for years, meaning – if the “wet market” hypothesis is to persist – an “intermediate host” species would be required to get the virus to humans. Snakes were nominated, even though scientists weren’t sure they could be infected by a coronavirus – it was more important that they eat bats and were sold at the market. Three weeks after the Huanan seafood market was shuttered and disinfected, a Lancet study put the last nail in the hypothesis’ coffin, revealing the first several coronavirus cases had no exposure to the market at all. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this has not discouraged the media from continuing to blame it for the epidemic.

    Beyond the disintegrating “official story,” rumormongers have pinned the blame on the Chinese government, suggesting that through malice or incompetence Beijing released a virus cooked up in a top-secret bioweapons program operating in the city’s high-security lab. The chief purveyor of this theory is Dany Shoham, an Israeli biosafety analyst, which should raise a forest of red flags in anyone familiar with Israel’s own experiments in gene-targeted biowarfare even before taking into account Shoham’s own history of fraudulently blaming Saddam Hussein’s Iraq for the 2001 anthrax attacks. Other outlets spreading this theory cite American biosafety consultant Tim Trevan, who opined in a 2017 Nature article – published before the Wuhan lab even opened! – that “diversity of viewpoint” and “openness of information” are both critical to the safe functioning of such a high-risk lab and alien to Chinese culture. The persistence of the “lab accident” theory of coronavirus’ creation thus owes more to cultural chauvinism and sinophobia than any fact-based clues.

    While many alt-media outlets have fingered Event 201 as the replica “drill” that so often coincides with a false flag event, few are aware that on the day after that simulation, the 2019 Military World Games kicked off in Wuhan, bringing 300 US military personnel to the city.

    As of February 4, there are over 1,000 times more coronavirus cases in China than outside of it, and the foreign cases appear to be ethnically Chinese where reported. This is not a coincidence – a recent scientific paper revealed the enzyme which serves as a receptor for novel coronavirus is produced by a certain type of lung cell found in “extremely large numbers” in Asian men compared to those of other ethnicities. Even more intriguingly, those lung cells are involved in the expression of “many other genes that positively regulating [sic] viral reproduction and transmission.” The paper’s authors stop short of suggesting the virus came out of a lab, instead drily observing that it seems to have “cleverly evolved to hijack this population of [lung] cells for its reproduction and transmission,” but one man’s clever viral evolution is another’s expert bioweapon development.

    Certainly, American researchers have been surreptitiously collecting Chinese DNA for decades. A notorious Harvard School of Public Health program in the mid-1990s drafted village medics to administer “free physicals” to locals “with asthmatic symptoms.” These “checkups” were conducted as part of a genetic project that also involved the US National Institutes of Health and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, supposedly aimed at “identify[ing] and characteriz[ing] genes that play a role in causing asthma and other allergic disorders.” It later emerged that the researchers had secured the required consent forms from neither the local experimental ethics board nor the test subjects themselves. A government inquiry was commandeered by an insider and squelched. Over 200,000 DNA samples were thus collected and spirited out of the country.

    US military literature has been lusting after genetically-targeted weapons for at least 50 years. The infamous Project for a New American Century, whose members have been steering the US ship of state into a series of icebergs since the George W. Bush administration, described gene-specific bioweapons as a “politically-useful tool,” part and parcel of the “new dimensions of combat” in which the future’s wars would unfold. In 1998, the year after PNAC’s formation, reports Israel was working on just such a weapon to target Arabs while leaving Jews untouched flooded the media – part PR campaign, part warning. And it is DARPA and other divisions of the US military, not the Chinese, that has been intensively studying bat-borne coronaviruses for years, even as their own high-security biowarfare labs are being shut down for shoddy safety procedures.

    Meanwhile, the likelihood of the Chinese government unleashing a genetically-targeted virus on its own population is vanishingly low. Unlike popular attitudes of “white guilt” in the West born of a hangover from colonialism, the Chinese do not traffic in racial self-loathing – indeed, outsiders have accused the Chinese of an unspoken, unshakeable belief in their own racial superiority, and regardless of whether that belief is problematic, it is unlikely to lead to intentional self-genocide. Even if behavior-correcting false flag was sought by Beijing in Hong Kong, where US-backed pro-“democracy” protests have raged destructively for months, such an event would not have been unleashed hundreds of miles away in Wuhan.

    Never let a good crisis go to waste?

    The real-life coronavirus is much less virulent than the pandemic described in Lock Step, with an official death toll of “just” 427 and a global infection toll of “only” 20,629 as of February 4, and the dead were mostly over 60 with preexisting medical issues. Economies worldwide are nevertheless in free-fall just like the simulation predicted. This drop is fueled by scare-stories percolating in establishment media and alt-media alike (the name of an actual article in ZeroHedge by a Rabobank analyst: “What if we are on the brink of an exponential increase in coronavirus cases?”) while videos of dubious origin appearing to show horrific scenes from within China keep the virus viral on social media. Adding to the fear is coronavirus’ lengthy incubation period, up to two weeks in which a carrier could be blithely spreading it to everyone they meet, creating a constant threat of a “boom” in cases just around the corner.

    China’s economy, of course, is being hit the worst, and the epidemic’s timing could not have been more disastrous from Beijing’s point of view, coming on the eve of the Lunar New Year holiday. At this time, some 400 million Chinese travel around the country to see family, mostly in the high-speed bullet trains that have their hub in – you guessed it – Wuhan. With much of this travel having occurred before the city was quarantined, cases are likely in their incubation phase all over the country, making today’s numbers look like a rounding error.

    Correspondingly, the situation couldn’t be better for the American ruling class: a pandemic that targets Asians striking China just when it’s most vulnerable is a powerful blow to the rising superpower. And in case anyone still believes the circumstances of the virus’ ascendance are merely an extended string of coincidences, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross took that plausible deniability and stomped on it last month, unable to stop himself from gushing that coronavirus would “help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America” in an interview with Fox News. Prefacing his victory lap by saying he didn’t “want to talk about a victory lap over a very unfortunate, very malignant disease,” he pointed out that businesses will be forced to take China’s inexplicable susceptibility to deadly viruses into account when reviewing their supply chains. Unmentioned, but adding to the perfect economic storm, was Trump’s signature on the USMCA trade agreement, supposed to bring in an extra 1.2 percentage points in GDP growth.

    “On top of all the other things, you had SARS, you had the African Swine virus there, now you have this,” Ross said, hammering home the point by linking coronavirus to other suspect plagues. Just as many scientists concluded SARS was a manmade bioweapon, many – scientists and statesmen as well as alternative media – have raised the alarm about coronavirus. Good luck finding any of their statements on Google, however. Facebook, Youtube and Twitter have been hard at work removing coronavirus “rumors,” and Google has memory-holed hundreds of search results regarding Chinese accusations of biowarfare. Even on platforms that don’t censor on government orders, the baseless claims from Shoham and other disinfo artists about Chinese biowarfare have muscled any comments from Chinese officials out of the way. Even the former Malaysian PM’s comments are obscured behind a Farsi language barrier – his original comments inexplicably missing from English-language media and reprinted only by Iran’s IRIB News Agency (this author can no longer even find the tweet that alerted her to those comments, but would like to thank that person).

    Coronavirus is not the doomsday epidemic it is being portrayed as by irresponsible media actors. But as the Lock Step scenario makes clear, one does not need massive die-off or victims exploding in geysers of blood in the streets to achieve desired social goals. It’s possible the novel coronavirus epidemic is a “dry run,” a test of both China’s readiness to handle an outbreak and of the international community’s reaction to such a plague. It’s even possible, though unlikely, that the epidemic was a mistake – that the virus escaped from a lab, likely American, by accident.

    It’s also possible the plague may suddenly become more virulent. Certainly the media buzz the first week of February is that coronavirus is close to being declared a “pandemic” by the WHO, which will necessitate the type of control measures hinted at in Lock Step and described more exhaustively in Event 201. From “limited internet shutdowns” and “enforcement actions against fake news” to government bailouts of “core” industries, mandatory vaccinations, property seizures, and other police-state provisions laid out in the Model State Emergency Health Powers Acts passed in many US states in the paranoid aftermath of 9/11, the totalitarian nature of these provisions is limited only by the imagination of the regime carrying them out. Once events proceed to that stage, it is extremely difficult to reverse them. We would be wise not to allow this to happen.


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    Helen Buyniski is a journalist and photographer based in New York City. Her work has appeared on RT, Global Research, Ghion Journal, Progressive Radio Network, and Veterans Today. Helen has a BA in Journalism from New School University and also studied at Columbia University and New York University. Find more of her work at http://helenofdestroy.com and http://medium.com/@helen.buyniski or follow her on Twitter at @velocirapture23. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

    VIDEO: The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls”

    First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation.

    Read here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/all-sectors-us-establishment-lock-step-deep-states-latest-bio-war/5702773
    VIDEO: The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls” First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation. By now, those following the novel coronavirus epidemic are familiar with Event 201, the pandemic simulation staged by Johns Hopkins University in conjunction with the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, and other ruling-class heavy hitters in October. The media establishment has already picked the story clean, set up and eviscerated a straw man (“No, Bill Gates didn’t cause the coronavirus epidemic, silly conspiracy theorists!”), and convinced the group itself to issue a statement denying their exercise was meant to predict the behavior of the actual virus to follow. But few are aware that the epidemic playing out in China and two dozen other countries, including the US, is unfolding in line with a decade-old simulation titled “Lock Step” devised by the Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction with the Global Business Network. The scenario, one of four included in a publication called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” in 2010, describes a coronavirus-like pandemic that becomes the trigger for the imposition of police-state controls on movement, economy, and other areas of society. The Lock Step scenario describes “a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” In “2012” (i.e. two years after the report’s publication), an “extremely virulent and deadly” strain of influenza originating with wild geese brings the world to its knees, infecting 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million people in just seven months – “the majority of them healthy young adults.” It devastates global economies and ruptures international trade. But not everyone, the Rockefeller Foundation makes clear, is hit equally. Countries of Africa, southeast Asia, and central America suffer the worst “in the absence of official containment protocols” – it wouldn’t be the Rockefeller Foundation if someone wasn’t licking their lips at the thought of a mass die-off in the Global South – but western “democracies” also pay the ultimate price. “The United States’ initial policy of ‘strongly discouraging’ citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the US but across borders,” the report warns. But remove such obstacles as ‘individual rights’ and you have a recipe for surviving, even thriving in the event of a pandemic, the Foundation gushes: “A few countries did fare better – China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing-off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.” The message is clear – police state good, freedom bad. And other governments rapidly get the message, according to the simulation. First and third world nations alike follow suit by “flexing their authority” and imposing quarantines, body-temperature checks, and other “airtight rules and restrictions” – most of which, the report is careful to note, remain in place even as the pandemic recedes into the past. “In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems – from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty – leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.” This global power-grab is facilitated by a frightened citizenry who “willingly gave up some of their sovereignty – and their privacy – to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability…tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight.” Everything from tighter biometric identification to stricter industrial regulation is welcomed with open arms. It takes over a decade for people to “grow weary” of the authoritarian controls imposed in the wake of the pandemic, and hints that even the civil unrest that ultimately manifests is focused on the developed world. After all, a popular uprising in the technocratic police state envisioned by the simulation would be all but impossible – as it will be in real life once 5G makes real-time total surveillance of all cities a reality. Pin the blame on the dragon It remains unclear what – or who – unleashed the novel coronavirus in Wuhan. The initial claim that it originated in bats from a “wet market,” in which live animals are sold and then butchered in front of the customer, couldn’t have been more perfect from a western point of view – wet markets are reviled in the West, where consumers prefer that the animal cruelty required to put meat on their tables happens behind closed doors. While wet markets would seem to improve food safety by making it impossible to sell “mystery,” mislabeled or expired meat, time and again they are fingered as disease vectors by the disapproving West, every time followed by calls to ban them entirely. However, the Huanan seafood market hadn’t sold bats for years, meaning – if the “wet market” hypothesis is to persist – an “intermediate host” species would be required to get the virus to humans. Snakes were nominated, even though scientists weren’t sure they could be infected by a coronavirus – it was more important that they eat bats and were sold at the market. Three weeks after the Huanan seafood market was shuttered and disinfected, a Lancet study put the last nail in the hypothesis’ coffin, revealing the first several coronavirus cases had no exposure to the market at all. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this has not discouraged the media from continuing to blame it for the epidemic. Beyond the disintegrating “official story,” rumormongers have pinned the blame on the Chinese government, suggesting that through malice or incompetence Beijing released a virus cooked up in a top-secret bioweapons program operating in the city’s high-security lab. The chief purveyor of this theory is Dany Shoham, an Israeli biosafety analyst, which should raise a forest of red flags in anyone familiar with Israel’s own experiments in gene-targeted biowarfare even before taking into account Shoham’s own history of fraudulently blaming Saddam Hussein’s Iraq for the 2001 anthrax attacks. Other outlets spreading this theory cite American biosafety consultant Tim Trevan, who opined in a 2017 Nature article – published before the Wuhan lab even opened! – that “diversity of viewpoint” and “openness of information” are both critical to the safe functioning of such a high-risk lab and alien to Chinese culture. The persistence of the “lab accident” theory of coronavirus’ creation thus owes more to cultural chauvinism and sinophobia than any fact-based clues. While many alt-media outlets have fingered Event 201 as the replica “drill” that so often coincides with a false flag event, few are aware that on the day after that simulation, the 2019 Military World Games kicked off in Wuhan, bringing 300 US military personnel to the city. As of February 4, there are over 1,000 times more coronavirus cases in China than outside of it, and the foreign cases appear to be ethnically Chinese where reported. This is not a coincidence – a recent scientific paper revealed the enzyme which serves as a receptor for novel coronavirus is produced by a certain type of lung cell found in “extremely large numbers” in Asian men compared to those of other ethnicities. Even more intriguingly, those lung cells are involved in the expression of “many other genes that positively regulating [sic] viral reproduction and transmission.” The paper’s authors stop short of suggesting the virus came out of a lab, instead drily observing that it seems to have “cleverly evolved to hijack this population of [lung] cells for its reproduction and transmission,” but one man’s clever viral evolution is another’s expert bioweapon development. Certainly, American researchers have been surreptitiously collecting Chinese DNA for decades. A notorious Harvard School of Public Health program in the mid-1990s drafted village medics to administer “free physicals” to locals “with asthmatic symptoms.” These “checkups” were conducted as part of a genetic project that also involved the US National Institutes of Health and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, supposedly aimed at “identify[ing] and characteriz[ing] genes that play a role in causing asthma and other allergic disorders.” It later emerged that the researchers had secured the required consent forms from neither the local experimental ethics board nor the test subjects themselves. A government inquiry was commandeered by an insider and squelched. Over 200,000 DNA samples were thus collected and spirited out of the country. US military literature has been lusting after genetically-targeted weapons for at least 50 years. The infamous Project for a New American Century, whose members have been steering the US ship of state into a series of icebergs since the George W. Bush administration, described gene-specific bioweapons as a “politically-useful tool,” part and parcel of the “new dimensions of combat” in which the future’s wars would unfold. In 1998, the year after PNAC’s formation, reports Israel was working on just such a weapon to target Arabs while leaving Jews untouched flooded the media – part PR campaign, part warning. And it is DARPA and other divisions of the US military, not the Chinese, that has been intensively studying bat-borne coronaviruses for years, even as their own high-security biowarfare labs are being shut down for shoddy safety procedures. Meanwhile, the likelihood of the Chinese government unleashing a genetically-targeted virus on its own population is vanishingly low. Unlike popular attitudes of “white guilt” in the West born of a hangover from colonialism, the Chinese do not traffic in racial self-loathing – indeed, outsiders have accused the Chinese of an unspoken, unshakeable belief in their own racial superiority, and regardless of whether that belief is problematic, it is unlikely to lead to intentional self-genocide. Even if behavior-correcting false flag was sought by Beijing in Hong Kong, where US-backed pro-“democracy” protests have raged destructively for months, such an event would not have been unleashed hundreds of miles away in Wuhan. Never let a good crisis go to waste? The real-life coronavirus is much less virulent than the pandemic described in Lock Step, with an official death toll of “just” 427 and a global infection toll of “only” 20,629 as of February 4, and the dead were mostly over 60 with preexisting medical issues. Economies worldwide are nevertheless in free-fall just like the simulation predicted. This drop is fueled by scare-stories percolating in establishment media and alt-media alike (the name of an actual article in ZeroHedge by a Rabobank analyst: “What if we are on the brink of an exponential increase in coronavirus cases?”) while videos of dubious origin appearing to show horrific scenes from within China keep the virus viral on social media. Adding to the fear is coronavirus’ lengthy incubation period, up to two weeks in which a carrier could be blithely spreading it to everyone they meet, creating a constant threat of a “boom” in cases just around the corner. China’s economy, of course, is being hit the worst, and the epidemic’s timing could not have been more disastrous from Beijing’s point of view, coming on the eve of the Lunar New Year holiday. At this time, some 400 million Chinese travel around the country to see family, mostly in the high-speed bullet trains that have their hub in – you guessed it – Wuhan. With much of this travel having occurred before the city was quarantined, cases are likely in their incubation phase all over the country, making today’s numbers look like a rounding error. Correspondingly, the situation couldn’t be better for the American ruling class: a pandemic that targets Asians striking China just when it’s most vulnerable is a powerful blow to the rising superpower. And in case anyone still believes the circumstances of the virus’ ascendance are merely an extended string of coincidences, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross took that plausible deniability and stomped on it last month, unable to stop himself from gushing that coronavirus would “help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America” in an interview with Fox News. Prefacing his victory lap by saying he didn’t “want to talk about a victory lap over a very unfortunate, very malignant disease,” he pointed out that businesses will be forced to take China’s inexplicable susceptibility to deadly viruses into account when reviewing their supply chains. Unmentioned, but adding to the perfect economic storm, was Trump’s signature on the USMCA trade agreement, supposed to bring in an extra 1.2 percentage points in GDP growth. “On top of all the other things, you had SARS, you had the African Swine virus there, now you have this,” Ross said, hammering home the point by linking coronavirus to other suspect plagues. Just as many scientists concluded SARS was a manmade bioweapon, many – scientists and statesmen as well as alternative media – have raised the alarm about coronavirus. Good luck finding any of their statements on Google, however. Facebook, Youtube and Twitter have been hard at work removing coronavirus “rumors,” and Google has memory-holed hundreds of search results regarding Chinese accusations of biowarfare. Even on platforms that don’t censor on government orders, the baseless claims from Shoham and other disinfo artists about Chinese biowarfare have muscled any comments from Chinese officials out of the way. Even the former Malaysian PM’s comments are obscured behind a Farsi language barrier – his original comments inexplicably missing from English-language media and reprinted only by Iran’s IRIB News Agency (this author can no longer even find the tweet that alerted her to those comments, but would like to thank that person). Coronavirus is not the doomsday epidemic it is being portrayed as by irresponsible media actors. But as the Lock Step scenario makes clear, one does not need massive die-off or victims exploding in geysers of blood in the streets to achieve desired social goals. It’s possible the novel coronavirus epidemic is a “dry run,” a test of both China’s readiness to handle an outbreak and of the international community’s reaction to such a plague. It’s even possible, though unlikely, that the epidemic was a mistake – that the virus escaped from a lab, likely American, by accident. It’s also possible the plague may suddenly become more virulent. Certainly the media buzz the first week of February is that coronavirus is close to being declared a “pandemic” by the WHO, which will necessitate the type of control measures hinted at in Lock Step and described more exhaustively in Event 201. From “limited internet shutdowns” and “enforcement actions against fake news” to government bailouts of “core” industries, mandatory vaccinations, property seizures, and other police-state provisions laid out in the Model State Emergency Health Powers Acts passed in many US states in the paranoid aftermath of 9/11, the totalitarian nature of these provisions is limited only by the imagination of the regime carrying them out. Once events proceed to that stage, it is extremely difficult to reverse them. We would be wise not to allow this to happen. * Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc. Helen Buyniski is a journalist and photographer based in New York City. Her work has appeared on RT, Global Research, Ghion Journal, Progressive Radio Network, and Veterans Today. Helen has a BA in Journalism from New School University and also studied at Columbia University and New York University. Find more of her work at http://helenofdestroy.com and http://medium.com/@helen.buyniski or follow her on Twitter at @velocirapture23. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research. VIDEO: The “Lock Step” Simulation Scenario: “A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls” First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation. Read here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/all-sectors-us-establishment-lock-step-deep-states-latest-bio-war/5702773
    VIDEO: The "Lock Step" Simulation Scenario: "A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls"
    First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation. By now, those following the novel coronavirus epidemic are familiar with Event 201, the pandemic simulation staged by Johns Hopkins University in conjunction with the World Economic Forum, …
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  • Mossad’s Exploding Pager Attacks and 9/11
    Over the last year or two, Hezbollah had become increasingly concerned that the cell phones used by its members were giving away their locations and allowing the Israelis to target them with airstrikes or missiles, so its leadership finally decided to shift most of its communications network to the use of old-fashioned pagers, which only receive signals rather than also emitting them.

    Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor
    September 25, 2024

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    For the last half-dozen years, Israeli-born Ronan Bergman has served as a reporter with the New York Times, and I’ve regularly heard him described as the best-connected American journalist in Israel, with especially close ties to that country’s powerful security services such as the Mossad, Shin Bet, and Unit 8200.

    Much of that reputation goes back to the 2018 publication of his book Rise and Kill First, a widely praised and highly authoritative history of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence service, as well as its sister agencies. As I wrote in early 2020:

    The author devoted six years of research to the project, which was based upon a thousand personal interviews and access to an enormous number of official documents previously unavailable. As suggested by the title, his primary focus was Israel’s long history of assassinations, and across his 750 pages and thousand-odd source references he recounts the details of an enormous number of such incidents.

    That sort of topic is obviously fraught with controversy, but Bergman’s volume carried glowing cover-blurbs from Pulitzer Prize-winning authors on espionage matters, and the official cooperation he received is indicated by similar endorsements from both a former Mossad chief and Ehud Barak, a past Prime Minister of Israel who himself had once led assassination squads. Over the last couple of decades, former CIA officer Robert Baer has become one of our most prominent authors in this same field, and he praised the book as “hands down” the best he had ever read on intelligence, Israel, or the Middle East. The reviews across our elite media were equally laudatory.

    If Bergman ever considers bringing out an updated, revised edition of that volume, I think that this newer text might devote an entire chapter to the very serious blow that Mossad recently struck against Lebanon’s Hezbollah organization though the use of booby-trapped exploding pagers, an operation at least as daring and successful as anything covered in his very thick 2018 volume.

    Although the Israeli government has not officially claimed credit for the attacks, no one doubts that Mossad was responsible and a dozen of their current and former defense and intelligence officials provided all the details to the New York Times.

    Over the last year or two, Hezbollah had become increasingly concerned that the cell phones used by its members were giving away their locations and allowing the Israelis to target them with airstrikes or missiles, so its leadership finally decided to shift most of its communications network to the use of old-fashioned pagers, which only receive signals rather than also emitting them.

    However, according to news reports by Bergman and others, the Israelis had cleverly anticipated that possibility, and several years ago they had established a front-company based in Hungary that produced pagers and other electronic devices under license from a Taiwanese manufacturer. Its initial products were entirely legitimate but Mossad was prepared for any sabotage opportunities that might eventually come along. So when Hezbollah placed its order for some 5,000 such pagers, the company provided them, but each device also contained a deadly load of high explosives and ball-bearing shrapnel. Then, at 3:30pm on Tuesday, September 17th all the pagers beeped for an incoming message, prompting their owners to pick them up, and exploded a few seconds later.

    The result was thousands of such simultaneous pager explosions across Lebanon and elsewhere, with reports of some 2,700 casualties, hundreds of whom were maimed or severely injured, together with about a dozen deaths. The following day, walkie-talkies that had been similarly booby-trapped also detonated as did as some solar panels, and although those numbers were much lower, another couple of dozen deaths were reported, probably because those larger devices concealed heavier explosive charges. All of this produced widespread terror across Lebanon, with everyone suddenly fearful of electronic devices, including reports that terrified mothers were unplugging baby-monitors from their cribs.

    Over the years, Hezbollah had become quite proud of its security, and the leadership freely admitted that this was the worst breach they had ever suffered, resulting in very serious losses. I haven’t seen reports that any of the organization’s senior leaders had been killed or wounded in the blasts, but given the huge number of casualties, I’m sure that at least some had been caught in the attack. Then, just a couple of days later, an Israeli airstrike destroyed a Beirut building, killing a high-ranking Hezbollah military leader and a number of his colleagues as they were meeting together, perhaps to plan a retaliatory strike against Israel. It’s obvious that Hezbollah has suffered a very bloody nose, and a major setback in its ongoing military conflict against Israel.

    Mossad certainly achieved a brilliant tactical victory, one that its members and pro-Israel partisans surely intend to boast about for years. But many aspects of the attack seemed very puzzling to me, and experienced military analysts wondered whether any long-term gains had been achieved.

    After Israel invaded Gaza in retaliation for the Hamas raid last October, Hezbollah and its Israeli enemies soon began trading cross-border fire, bombarding each other with missiles, rockets, drones, and artillery shells, and those exchanges have now continued for nearly a year. As a result, some 160,000 civilians on both sides of the border have fled their homes, with perhaps 60,000 of these being Israelis.

    With so many tens of thousands of Israelis having become internal refugees, displaced from their communities in the north of the country and spending the last year living in temporary accommodations, the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been under enormous political pressure to attack and invade Lebanon in order to drive the Hezbollah forces away from the border, thereby allowing those Israelis to return home. In addition, the most extreme religious elements among his supporters regard portions of southern Lebanon as part of Israel’s God-given lands and wish to see them conquered and annexed, with their local Lebanese residents expelled and replaced by Jewish settlers.

    However, the last time the Israelis launched a ground invasion of Lebanon in 2006, their forces suffered a severe defeat at Hezbollah’s hands, and during the last eighteen years that organization has become far more powerful, with many of its troops having gained a great deal of military experience during their successful intervention in the Syrian civil war. Meanwhile, a year of fighting against Hamas in Gaza has left the IDF exhausted, so despite Israel’s command of the air, it’s not at all clear how well such a ground assault would go. Moreover, Hezbollah has reportedly amassed an enormous arsenal of some 150,000 rockets and missiles, and these could be used to inflict devastating damage upon most of Israel’s cities and towns if it chose to do so.

    The combination of these two conflicting factors has led to repeated indecision on Israel’s part. For months, media leaks have reported that Israel had made the decision to invade Lebanon and that the attack was imminent. But nothing has ever happened, presumably because the military risks of such an operation were considered too great.

    Those booby-trapped pagers and other devices might have played an absolutely crucial role in an Israeli ground invasion. If they had all been detonated at the beginning of such an attack, Hezbollah’s forces would have been left dazed and confused, with their entire communications network knocked out, thereby preventing them from mounting an effective defense or retaliatory measures. This would probably have allowed the IDF to win a major initial victory on the ground.

    But instead those explosions occurred alone, with no invasion taking place. So Hezbollah has merely licked its wounds and is surely now putting in place a replacement communications network, presumably based upon a large shipment of carefully vetted pagers received from Iran or China or Russia. Israel thus lost the element of surprise, with little to show for it except wounding a large number of Hezbollah members. Thus, the exploding pagers merely produced a tactical victory instead of a potentially strategic one.

    This raises the obvious question of why the Israelis chose to shoot their bolt when they did instead of waiting until the pagers could be detonated in conjunction with a major invasion.

    According to media reports, the Israelis may have suspected that some Hezbollah members had discovered that the pagers contained explosives, and were thus faced with a use-it-or-lose-it dilemma, choosing to immediately detonate all the devices before they were discarded and the entire long Mossad effort was totally wasted. This is certainly possible, but given the extreme difficulty the Israelis had previously had in penetrating Hezbollah’s organization, I really wonder how they could have learned that a couple of Hezbollah operatives had discovered the explosives during the short time interval before the latter notified their top commanders and a quick order came down to junk all the pagers.

    My own guess is quite different. I think that the explosions indicate that despite media leaks to the contrary, the Netanyahu government had taken a firm decision to abandon plans for any ground invasion of Lebanon in the foreseeable future as just too risky. If any such invasion were now off the table, the pagers had lost their strategic value, so they were instead detonated for essentially political reasons. Netanyahu hoped that the serious damage and humiliation the attacks inflicted upon Hezbollah would provide his government with an immediate boost in popularity, helping to deflect the continuing anger over its lack of success in returning its displaced civilians to their homes in the north. Thus, under this interpretation, the pager explosions suggest that no ground invasion of Lebanon will take place.

    Meanwhile, Hezbollah’s military effectiveness hardly seems to have been crippled. Early Sunday morning, its forces fired off some 150 rockets, cruise missiles, and drones into Israel, bombarding areas far south of those they had previously targeted. The very tight Israeli censorship makes it difficult to estimate damage, but it sounds like Israel’s Iron Dome defenses failed to stop many of the projectiles, which inflicted numerous injuries and started large fires, while Hezbollah could probably keep these attacks at this level every day for the next several years, completely saturating and overwhelming Israel’s defenses. Thus, pager explosions or not, Hezbollah’s huge arsenal could easily level most of Israel’s cities while the Israelis still seem reluctant to tangle with its very formidable ground forces. So perhaps just as observers had suggested, the Mossad operation was merely a tactical Israeli victory with great propaganda value but little if any strategic significance.

    However, my own view is somewhat different. I think that the longer term strategic consequences of that exploding pager operation may be very negative for Israel.

    Although America’s fiercely pro-Israel mainstream media would never treat it as such, the sudden simultaneous detonation of those thousands of pagers all across Lebanon and some nearby areas obviously amounted to a gigantic terrorist attack, and was certainly seen as such by nearly the entire world. Indeed, some Lebanese have described it as their own 9/11.

    Hezbollah is one of Lebanon’s largest political organizations, and many of those pagers had apparently been distributed to its affiliated civilian members, who were obviously not legitimate targets of deadly attacks, especially in a country not at war. Non-military members of Hezbollah would have the same relationship to its fighters that ordinary Israeli civilians do to the IDF, and using explosives-filled pagers to attack the former is really no different than detonating a large car-bomb on a crowded Israeli street where soldiers gathered. If thousands of booby-trapped electronic devices had suddenly exploded all across Israel—or across the United States—the Western media would certainly have regarded such an attack as the most blatant possible example of massive, illegal terrorism.

    The Internet is filled with videos showing explosions in crowded Lebanese markets, and some of the dead victims were children. Pagers were used by the medical staff in Lebanese hospitals, and this was also true of the exploding walkie-talkies. Given the thousands of those sudden explosions and the enormous numbers of victims, many of whom were civilians, including women, children, and medical workers, I’ve seen this described as the world’s worst terrorist attack since 9/11, and that hardly seems an unreasonable appraisal.

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    Over the decades and especially during the last twelve months of the attack on Gaza, the Jewish State has become absolutely notorious for its endless, flagrant violations of international law and the rules of warfare, and this latest pager attack is merely a particularly egregious example of this. As the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported:

    A global treaty, which has been signed by more than 100 countries including Israel, bans “the use booby traps or other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects that are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material”.

    Most of the legal experts quoted by NPR took the same position, so it seems clear that the Israelis have further compounded their long record of flagrant war-crimes.

    Moreover, nothing like this had ever previously been attempted, and Israel’s Mossad operation may have dangerous consequences for the entire world. Now that this line has been crossed and everyone has witnessed the huge potential impact of this sort of deadly attack, others may decide to do the same given that the technology involved is easily available to every major country as well as many non-state actors. Apparently the high-explosive compound employed was very difficult to detect by scanning or any other means, so what would stop explosive-filled laptops or other large electronic devices from being used to bring down civilian planes in flight? The societies of America and the West are very soft targets, unused to the regular attacks that Israel has inflicted upon its Middle Eastern neighbors, so the deployment of booby-trapped electronic devices would have a hugely negative impact upon our way of life.

    The possible damage to the market reputation of Taiwan’s consumer electronics industry and that of other manufacturers aligned with the West may also be quite substantial. With Mossad having so easily taken deadly advantage of the security gaps of the contract manufacturers in those supply chains, what rational country in the Middle East would not factor that risk into its future orders? Huawei and other Chinese companies provide the full range of such products, with their quality at least as good and their prices generally much lower, while their devices would be almost totally immune to such sabotage. Over the last year, Israeli representatives have expressed ferocious public hostility towards almost all of the nations of the world, denouncing them for joining together in the series of near-unanimous UN votes condemning the ongoing genocidal rampage in Gaza. Many of these countries and organizations may begin to wonder if they might eventually be targeted in political retaliation, and therefore chose to be safe rather than sorry by switching their purchases of consumer electronics to Chinese vendors.

    For generations, the nations of the world have signed international protocols and treaties prohibiting exactly these sorts of terrorist attacks for exactly these sorts of reasons, so Israel’s endless violations of such standards may inflict a great deal of damage upon the peace and security of the rest of the world, eventually provoking huge international hostility. Israel has obviously now become almost universally recognized as a rogue, terrorist state, the worst sort of international criminal regime. Eventually the rest of the world may conclude that its continued existence poses too much of a risk to global peace and take concerted action to eliminate that threat, together with the entire population deemed responsible. Indeed, if not for the totally slavish subservience of America’s bought-and-paid-for political leadership, I think that such steps would have already been taken long ago.

    But although these negative strategic consequences for Israel’s long-term situation are obviously quite serious, I think they are actually far overshadowed by certain other implications of this extremely successful Mossad operation, which may have a more immediate and historic impact. This project certainly ranked as one of the most brilliant and effective covert strikes in the history of the world, with few other comparable examples coming to mind. Yet I think that exactly those characteristics may lead to Israel’s total destruction, perhaps even in the relatively near future.

    In many respects, this use of thousands of weaponized pagers to target the members of an opposing organization almost seemed much more like something produced by a Hollywood scriptwriter than anything carried out in real life. In many respects it straddled the line between representing a massive wave of simultaneous, targeted assassinations and a huge terrorist attack against the cities of a hostile country. Although neither Mossad nor any other intelligence service had ever tried any similar operation in the past, Bergman’s authoritative history does provide a very long list of past Mossad assassinations, as well as similar actions by the various Zionist groups prior to Israel’s creation. I think it is worth reviewing some of that material to get a better sense of the likely mindset of those involved in formulating this recent operation. Back in early 2020, I summarized some of Bergman’s important information:

    The sheer quantity of such foreign assassinations was really quite remarkable, with the knowledgeable reviewer in the New York Times suggesting that the Israeli total over the last half-century or so seemed far greater than that of any other nation. I might even go farther: if we excluded domestic killings, I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel’s body-count greatly exceeded the combined total for that of all other major countries in the world. I think all the lurid revelations of lethal CIA or KGB Cold War assassination plots that I have seen discussed in newspaper articles might fit comfortably into just a chapter or two of Bergman’s extremely long book…

    Israeli operatives sometimes even contemplated the elimination of their own top-ranking leaders whose policies they viewed as sufficiently counter-productive. For decades, Gen. Ariel Sharon had been one of Israel’s greatest military heroes and someone of extreme right-wing sentiments. As Defense Minister in 1982, he orchestrated the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which soon turned into a major political debacle, seriously damaging Israel’s international standing by inflicting great destruction upon that neighboring country and its capital city of Beirut. As Sharon stubbornly continued his military strategy and the problems grew more severe, a group of disgruntled officers decided that the best means of cutting Israel’s losses was to assassinate Sharon, though that proposal was never carried out.

    An even more striking example occurred a decade later. For many years, Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat had been the leading object of Israeli antipathy, so much so that at one point Israel made plans to shoot down an international civilian jetliner in order to assassinate him. But after the end of the Cold War, pressure from America and Europe led Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to sign the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords with his Palestinian foe. Although the Israeli leader received worldwide praise and shared a Nobel Peace Prize for his peacemaking efforts, powerful segments of the Israeli public and its political class regarded the act as a betrayal, with some extreme nationalists and religious zealots demanding that he be killed for his treason. A couple of years later, he was indeed shot dead by a lone gunman from those ideological circles, becoming the first Middle Eastern leader in decades to suffer that fate. Although his killer was mentally unbalanced and stubbornly insisted that he acted alone, he had had a long history of intelligence associations, and Bergman delicately notes that the gunman slipped past Rabin’s numerous bodyguards “with astonishing ease” in order to fire his three fatal shots at close range.

    Many observers drew parallels between Rabin’s assassination and that of our own president in Dallas three decades earlier, and the latter’s heir and namesake, John F. Kennedy, Jr., developed a strong personal interest in the tragic event. In March 1997, his glossy political magazine George published an article by the Israeli assassin’s mother, implicating her own country’s security services in the crime, a theory also promoted by the late Israeli-Canadian writer Barry Chamish. These accusations sparked a furious international debate, but after Kennedy himself died in an unusual plane crash a couple of years later and his magazine quickly folded, the controversy soon subsided. The George archives are not online nor easily available, so I cannot effectively judge the credibility of the charges.

    Having himself narrowly avoided assassination by Israeli operatives, Sharon gradually regained his political influence, and did so without compromising his hard-line views, even boastfully describing himself as a “Judeo-Nazi” to an appalled journalist. A few years after Rabin’s death, he provoked major Palestinian protests, then used the resulting violence to win election as Prime Minister, and once in office, his very harsh methods led to a widespread uprising in Occupied Palestine. But Sharon merely redoubled his repression, and after world attention was diverted by 9/11 attacks and the American invasion of Iraq, he began assassinating numerous top Palestinian political and religious leaders in attacks that sometimes inflicted heavy civilian casualties.

    The central object of Sharon’s anger was Palestine President Yasir Arafat, who suddenly took ill and died, thereby joining his erstwhile negotiating partner Rabin in permanent repose. Arafat’s wife claimed that he had been poisoned and produced some medical evidence to support this charge, while longtime Israeli political figure Uri Avnery published numerous articles substantiating those accusations. Bergman simply reports the categorical Israeli denials while noting that “the timing of Arafat’s death was quite peculiar,” then emphasizes that even if he knew the truth, he couldn’t publish it since his entire book was written under strict Israeli censorship…

    Having thus acquired serious doubts about the completeness of Bergman’s seemingly comprehensive narrative history, I noted a curious fact. I have no specialized expertise in intelligence operations in general nor those of Mossad in particular, so I found it quite remarkable that the overwhelming majority of all the higher-profile incidents recounted by Bergman were already familiar to me merely from the decades I had spent closely reading the New York Times every morning. Is it really plausible that six years of exhaustive research and so many personal interviews would have uncovered so few major operations that had not already been known and reported in the international media? Bergman obviously provided a wealth of detail previously limited to insiders, along with numerous unreported assassinations of relatively minor individuals, but it seems strange that he came up with so few major new revelations.

    Indeed, some important gaps in his coverage are quite apparent to anyone who has even somewhat investigated the topic, and these begin in the early chapters of his volume, which present the Zionist prehistory in Palestine prior to the establishment of the Jewish state.

    Bergman would have severely damaged his credibility if he had failed to include the infamous 1940s Zionist assassinations of Britain’s Lord Moyne or U.N. Peace Negotiator Count Folke Bernadotte. But he unaccountably forgot to mention that in 1937 the more right-wing Zionist faction whose political heirs have dominated Israel in recent decades assassinated Chaim Arlosoroff, the highest-ranking Zionist figure in Palestine. Moreover, he omitted a number of similar incidents, including some of those targeting top Western leaders. As I wrote last year:

    Indeed, the inclination of the more right-wing Zionist factions toward assassination, terrorism, and other forms of essentially criminal behavior was really quite remarkable. For example, in 1943 Shamir had arranged the assassination of his factional rival, a year after the two men had escaped together from imprisonment for a bank robbery in which bystanders had been killed, and he claimed he had acted to avert the planned assassination of David Ben-Gurion, the top Zionist leader and Israel’s future founding-premier. Shamir and his faction certainly continued this sort of behavior into the 1940s, successfully assassinating Lord Moyne, the British Minister for the Middle East, and Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN Peace Negotiator, though they failed in their other attempts to kill American President Harry Truman and British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin, and their plans to assassinate Winston Churchill apparently never moved past the discussion stage. His group also pioneered the use of terrorist car-bombs and other explosive attacks against innocent civilian targets, all long before any Arabs or Muslims had ever thought of using similar tactics; and Begin’s larger and more “moderate” Zionist faction did much the same.

    As far as I know, the early Zionists had a record of political terrorism almost unmatched in world history, and in 1974 Prime Minister Menachem Begin once even boasted to a television interviewer of having been the founding father of terrorism across the world.

    Indeed, I also recounted the remarkable history of Zionist and Israeli terrorism, some of which was covered by Bergman:

    Although somewhat related, political assassinations and terrorist attacks are distinct topics, and Bergman’s comprehensive volume explicitly focuses on the former, so we cannot fault him for providing only slight coverage of the latter. But the historical pattern of Israeli activity, especially with regard to false-flag attacks, is really quite remarkable, as I noted in a 2018 article:

    One of history’s largest terrorist attacks prior to 9/11 was the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Zionist militants dressed as Arabs, which killed 91 people and largely destroyed the structure. In the famous Lavon Affair of 1954, Israeli agents launched a wave of terrorist attacks against Western targets in Egypt, intending to have those blamed on anti-Western Arab groups. There are strong claims that in 1950 Israeli Mossad agents began a series of false-flag terrorist bombings against Jewish targets in Baghdad, successfully using those violent methods to help persuade Iraq’s thousand-year-old Jewish community to emigrate to the Jewish state. In 1967, Israel launched a deliberate air and sea attack against the U.S.S. Liberty, intending to leave no survivors, killing or wounding over 200 American servicemen before word of the attack reached our Sixth Fleet and the Israelis withdrew.

    The enormous extent of pro-Israel influence in world political and media circles meant that none of these brutal attacks ever drew serious retaliation, and in nearly all cases, they were quickly thrown down the memory hole, so that today probably no more than one in a hundred Americans is even aware of them. Furthermore, most of these incidents came to light due to chance circumstances, so we may easily suspect that many other attacks of a similar nature have never become part of the historical record.

    Of these famous incidents, Bergman only includes mention of the King David Hotel bombing. But much later in his narrative, he describes the huge wave of false-flag terrorist attacks unleashed in 1981 by Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, who recruited a former high-ranking Mossad official to manage the project.

    Under Israeli direction, large car bombs began exploding in the Palestinian neighborhoods of Beirut and other Lebanese cities, killing or injuring enormous numbers of civilians. A single attack in October inflicted nearly 400 casualties, and by December, there were eighteen bombings per month, with their effectiveness greatly enhanced by the use of innovative new Israeli drone technology. Official responsibility for all the attacks was claimed by a previously unknown Lebanese organization, but the intent was to provoke the PLO into military retaliation against Israel, thereby justifying Sharon’s planned invasion of the neighboring country.

    Since the PLO stubbornly refused to take the bait, plans were put into motion for the huge bombing of an entire Beirut sports stadium using tons of explosives during a January 1st political ceremony, with the death and destruction expected to be “of unprecedented proportions, even in terms of Lebanon.” But Sharon’s political enemies learned of the plot and emphasized that many foreign diplomats including the Soviet ambassador were expected to be present and probably would be killed, so after a bitter debate, Prime Minister Begin ordered the attack aborted. A future Mossad chief mentions the major headaches they then faced in removing the large quantity of explosives that they had already planted within the structure.

    Bergman’s weighty book constituted an extremely comprehensive if fully authorized history of Mossad’s assassination operations, and it also provided considerable coverage of its terrorist attacks. But as an important supplement to the latter, I would strongly recommend State of Terror published in 2016 by Thomas Suarez. Although it focuses primarily upon the Zionist terrorism that played such a central role in the creation of the State of Israel, it also provides some incidents from later years as well. Most importantly, it massively documents the complete ideological support for that technique found across all of the early Zionist leaders, who then continued governing that country during the decades that followed, even into the 1990s. Although the work is long out of print and used copies available on Amazon start at an outrageous $4,291, it may also be found at Archive.org.

    As I mentioned earlier, the sudden, simultaneous explosion of thousands of pagers all across Lebanon’s streets and cities was regarded as a gigantic terrorist attack by most of the world, probably the worst since 9/11. I very much doubt that any intelligence service other than Israel’s Mossad would have possessed the combination of skills, daring, and imagination necessary to successfully carry out such an operation.

    Indeed, the only terrorist attack in world history that seems even bolder, more complex, and more successful would be the 9/11 attacks themselves, whose 23rd anniversary just passed a couple of weeks ago. That brilliantly conceived and implemented terrorist operation inflicted enormous damage to America’s financial and military centers while easily circumventing our usual air defenses on that fateful day, and dramatically changing the course of world history.

    Yet oddly enough, while most of us freely admit that only an organization with Mossad’s superb resources, brilliance, and training could have carried out the exploding pager attacks, according to the official story, the even greater 9/11 terrorist attacks were merely the work of a rag-tag band of poorly-trained Arabs directed by an eccentric with severe health problems dwelling in an Afghanistan cave. The contrast between the supposed actors behind those two operations is so extreme as to defy rationality, and the recent events in Lebanon must surely raise 9/11 doubts even among the most credulous and gullible.

    For more than two decades, large numbers of highly-credible journalists, academics, and former government officials have expressed enormous skepticism about the official 9/11 story. As far back as 2006, former high-ranking CIA official William Christison characterized it as “almost certainly a monstrous series of lies.” Over the years, a substantial fraction of the entire American population has come to very similar conclusions, much like those long expressed by most of the rest of the world.

    But if the successful 9/11 terrorist attacks were not the work of Osama bin Laden and his small band of Arabs, then who was responsible? If the Israeli Mossad recently carried out what was arguably the second boldest, most successful terrorist attack in the history of the world, does that not suggest an obvious suspect?

    In the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the FBI quickly rounded up and arrested some 200 Mossad agents, many of whom had been found in the exact vicinity of the destruction, with five of them caught red-handed, celebrating the successful attack on the WTC towers. Over the years, I have discussed all of this at considerable length, including in an article published around the twentieth anniversary of the attacks:

    American Pravda: Seeking 9/11 Truth After Twenty Years
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • September 7, 2021 • 7,800 Words
    For those who wish to place all of this in the broader context of past Mossad operations, many of which were carefully excluded from Bergman’s lengthy but highly-selective account, I would recommend my extremely long article from early 2020, which is conveniently divided into a series of major sections:

    American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations
    Ron Unz • The Unz Review • January 27, 2020 • 27,300 Words

    From the Peace of Westphalia to the Law of the Jungle
    “Rise and Kill First”
    “Who Killed Zia?”
    “By Way of Deception”
    “The Other Side of Deception”
    “Final Judgment” on the JFK Assassination
    The Strange Death of James Forrestal and Other Fatalities
    The 9/11 Attacks – What Happened?
    The 9/11 Attacks – Who Did It?
    Important Historical Realities, Long Hidden in Plain Sight
    The Past Perspective of American Military Intelligence
    We also recently published a long article documenting the extremely strong evidence linking the Israeli Mossad and its American collaborators to the 9/11 Attacks. Although the style is somewhat breathless and there are a few minor inaccuracies, the volume of material presented seems absolutely overwhelming, and I would urge people to read it.

    Israel Did 9/11
    Wyatt Peterson • The Unz Review • September 12, 2024 • 13,300 Words
    Given the gigantic mass of very strong evidence implicating Israel and its Mossad in the worst attacks ever launched against the United States, the consequences when and if this becomes widely known are likely to be terminal both for the Jewish State and the bulk of its population.

    For a variety of different reasons, large portions of America’s political, financial, and media elites, both Jewish and Gentile, have bound themselves very tightly to support for that foreign nation. So unless they take strong steps to sever that connection in the loudest and most emphatic manner, they would probably share its fate.

    Mossad’s Exploding Pager Attacks and 9/11 Over the last year or two, Hezbollah had become increasingly concerned that the cell phones used by its members were giving away their locations and allowing the Israelis to target them with airstrikes or missiles, so its leadership finally decided to shift most of its communications network to the use of old-fashioned pagers, which only receive signals rather than also emitting them. Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor September 25, 2024 Audio Player EPub Format EPub Format⬇ For the last half-dozen years, Israeli-born Ronan Bergman has served as a reporter with the New York Times, and I’ve regularly heard him described as the best-connected American journalist in Israel, with especially close ties to that country’s powerful security services such as the Mossad, Shin Bet, and Unit 8200. Much of that reputation goes back to the 2018 publication of his book Rise and Kill First, a widely praised and highly authoritative history of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence service, as well as its sister agencies. As I wrote in early 2020: The author devoted six years of research to the project, which was based upon a thousand personal interviews and access to an enormous number of official documents previously unavailable. As suggested by the title, his primary focus was Israel’s long history of assassinations, and across his 750 pages and thousand-odd source references he recounts the details of an enormous number of such incidents. That sort of topic is obviously fraught with controversy, but Bergman’s volume carried glowing cover-blurbs from Pulitzer Prize-winning authors on espionage matters, and the official cooperation he received is indicated by similar endorsements from both a former Mossad chief and Ehud Barak, a past Prime Minister of Israel who himself had once led assassination squads. Over the last couple of decades, former CIA officer Robert Baer has become one of our most prominent authors in this same field, and he praised the book as “hands down” the best he had ever read on intelligence, Israel, or the Middle East. The reviews across our elite media were equally laudatory. If Bergman ever considers bringing out an updated, revised edition of that volume, I think that this newer text might devote an entire chapter to the very serious blow that Mossad recently struck against Lebanon’s Hezbollah organization though the use of booby-trapped exploding pagers, an operation at least as daring and successful as anything covered in his very thick 2018 volume. Although the Israeli government has not officially claimed credit for the attacks, no one doubts that Mossad was responsible and a dozen of their current and former defense and intelligence officials provided all the details to the New York Times. Over the last year or two, Hezbollah had become increasingly concerned that the cell phones used by its members were giving away their locations and allowing the Israelis to target them with airstrikes or missiles, so its leadership finally decided to shift most of its communications network to the use of old-fashioned pagers, which only receive signals rather than also emitting them. However, according to news reports by Bergman and others, the Israelis had cleverly anticipated that possibility, and several years ago they had established a front-company based in Hungary that produced pagers and other electronic devices under license from a Taiwanese manufacturer. Its initial products were entirely legitimate but Mossad was prepared for any sabotage opportunities that might eventually come along. So when Hezbollah placed its order for some 5,000 such pagers, the company provided them, but each device also contained a deadly load of high explosives and ball-bearing shrapnel. Then, at 3:30pm on Tuesday, September 17th all the pagers beeped for an incoming message, prompting their owners to pick them up, and exploded a few seconds later. The result was thousands of such simultaneous pager explosions across Lebanon and elsewhere, with reports of some 2,700 casualties, hundreds of whom were maimed or severely injured, together with about a dozen deaths. The following day, walkie-talkies that had been similarly booby-trapped also detonated as did as some solar panels, and although those numbers were much lower, another couple of dozen deaths were reported, probably because those larger devices concealed heavier explosive charges. All of this produced widespread terror across Lebanon, with everyone suddenly fearful of electronic devices, including reports that terrified mothers were unplugging baby-monitors from their cribs. Over the years, Hezbollah had become quite proud of its security, and the leadership freely admitted that this was the worst breach they had ever suffered, resulting in very serious losses. I haven’t seen reports that any of the organization’s senior leaders had been killed or wounded in the blasts, but given the huge number of casualties, I’m sure that at least some had been caught in the attack. Then, just a couple of days later, an Israeli airstrike destroyed a Beirut building, killing a high-ranking Hezbollah military leader and a number of his colleagues as they were meeting together, perhaps to plan a retaliatory strike against Israel. It’s obvious that Hezbollah has suffered a very bloody nose, and a major setback in its ongoing military conflict against Israel. Mossad certainly achieved a brilliant tactical victory, one that its members and pro-Israel partisans surely intend to boast about for years. But many aspects of the attack seemed very puzzling to me, and experienced military analysts wondered whether any long-term gains had been achieved. After Israel invaded Gaza in retaliation for the Hamas raid last October, Hezbollah and its Israeli enemies soon began trading cross-border fire, bombarding each other with missiles, rockets, drones, and artillery shells, and those exchanges have now continued for nearly a year. As a result, some 160,000 civilians on both sides of the border have fled their homes, with perhaps 60,000 of these being Israelis. With so many tens of thousands of Israelis having become internal refugees, displaced from their communities in the north of the country and spending the last year living in temporary accommodations, the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been under enormous political pressure to attack and invade Lebanon in order to drive the Hezbollah forces away from the border, thereby allowing those Israelis to return home. In addition, the most extreme religious elements among his supporters regard portions of southern Lebanon as part of Israel’s God-given lands and wish to see them conquered and annexed, with their local Lebanese residents expelled and replaced by Jewish settlers. However, the last time the Israelis launched a ground invasion of Lebanon in 2006, their forces suffered a severe defeat at Hezbollah’s hands, and during the last eighteen years that organization has become far more powerful, with many of its troops having gained a great deal of military experience during their successful intervention in the Syrian civil war. Meanwhile, a year of fighting against Hamas in Gaza has left the IDF exhausted, so despite Israel’s command of the air, it’s not at all clear how well such a ground assault would go. Moreover, Hezbollah has reportedly amassed an enormous arsenal of some 150,000 rockets and missiles, and these could be used to inflict devastating damage upon most of Israel’s cities and towns if it chose to do so. The combination of these two conflicting factors has led to repeated indecision on Israel’s part. For months, media leaks have reported that Israel had made the decision to invade Lebanon and that the attack was imminent. But nothing has ever happened, presumably because the military risks of such an operation were considered too great. Those booby-trapped pagers and other devices might have played an absolutely crucial role in an Israeli ground invasion. If they had all been detonated at the beginning of such an attack, Hezbollah’s forces would have been left dazed and confused, with their entire communications network knocked out, thereby preventing them from mounting an effective defense or retaliatory measures. This would probably have allowed the IDF to win a major initial victory on the ground. But instead those explosions occurred alone, with no invasion taking place. So Hezbollah has merely licked its wounds and is surely now putting in place a replacement communications network, presumably based upon a large shipment of carefully vetted pagers received from Iran or China or Russia. Israel thus lost the element of surprise, with little to show for it except wounding a large number of Hezbollah members. Thus, the exploding pagers merely produced a tactical victory instead of a potentially strategic one. This raises the obvious question of why the Israelis chose to shoot their bolt when they did instead of waiting until the pagers could be detonated in conjunction with a major invasion. According to media reports, the Israelis may have suspected that some Hezbollah members had discovered that the pagers contained explosives, and were thus faced with a use-it-or-lose-it dilemma, choosing to immediately detonate all the devices before they were discarded and the entire long Mossad effort was totally wasted. This is certainly possible, but given the extreme difficulty the Israelis had previously had in penetrating Hezbollah’s organization, I really wonder how they could have learned that a couple of Hezbollah operatives had discovered the explosives during the short time interval before the latter notified their top commanders and a quick order came down to junk all the pagers. My own guess is quite different. I think that the explosions indicate that despite media leaks to the contrary, the Netanyahu government had taken a firm decision to abandon plans for any ground invasion of Lebanon in the foreseeable future as just too risky. If any such invasion were now off the table, the pagers had lost their strategic value, so they were instead detonated for essentially political reasons. Netanyahu hoped that the serious damage and humiliation the attacks inflicted upon Hezbollah would provide his government with an immediate boost in popularity, helping to deflect the continuing anger over its lack of success in returning its displaced civilians to their homes in the north. Thus, under this interpretation, the pager explosions suggest that no ground invasion of Lebanon will take place. Meanwhile, Hezbollah’s military effectiveness hardly seems to have been crippled. Early Sunday morning, its forces fired off some 150 rockets, cruise missiles, and drones into Israel, bombarding areas far south of those they had previously targeted. The very tight Israeli censorship makes it difficult to estimate damage, but it sounds like Israel’s Iron Dome defenses failed to stop many of the projectiles, which inflicted numerous injuries and started large fires, while Hezbollah could probably keep these attacks at this level every day for the next several years, completely saturating and overwhelming Israel’s defenses. Thus, pager explosions or not, Hezbollah’s huge arsenal could easily level most of Israel’s cities while the Israelis still seem reluctant to tangle with its very formidable ground forces. So perhaps just as observers had suggested, the Mossad operation was merely a tactical Israeli victory with great propaganda value but little if any strategic significance. However, my own view is somewhat different. I think that the longer term strategic consequences of that exploding pager operation may be very negative for Israel. Although America’s fiercely pro-Israel mainstream media would never treat it as such, the sudden simultaneous detonation of those thousands of pagers all across Lebanon and some nearby areas obviously amounted to a gigantic terrorist attack, and was certainly seen as such by nearly the entire world. Indeed, some Lebanese have described it as their own 9/11. Hezbollah is one of Lebanon’s largest political organizations, and many of those pagers had apparently been distributed to its affiliated civilian members, who were obviously not legitimate targets of deadly attacks, especially in a country not at war. Non-military members of Hezbollah would have the same relationship to its fighters that ordinary Israeli civilians do to the IDF, and using explosives-filled pagers to attack the former is really no different than detonating a large car-bomb on a crowded Israeli street where soldiers gathered. If thousands of booby-trapped electronic devices had suddenly exploded all across Israel—or across the United States—the Western media would certainly have regarded such an attack as the most blatant possible example of massive, illegal terrorism. The Internet is filled with videos showing explosions in crowded Lebanese markets, and some of the dead victims were children. Pagers were used by the medical staff in Lebanese hospitals, and this was also true of the exploding walkie-talkies. Given the thousands of those sudden explosions and the enormous numbers of victims, many of whom were civilians, including women, children, and medical workers, I’ve seen this described as the world’s worst terrorist attack since 9/11, and that hardly seems an unreasonable appraisal. Video Link Over the decades and especially during the last twelve months of the attack on Gaza, the Jewish State has become absolutely notorious for its endless, flagrant violations of international law and the rules of warfare, and this latest pager attack is merely a particularly egregious example of this. As the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported: A global treaty, which has been signed by more than 100 countries including Israel, bans “the use booby traps or other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects that are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material”. Most of the legal experts quoted by NPR took the same position, so it seems clear that the Israelis have further compounded their long record of flagrant war-crimes. Moreover, nothing like this had ever previously been attempted, and Israel’s Mossad operation may have dangerous consequences for the entire world. Now that this line has been crossed and everyone has witnessed the huge potential impact of this sort of deadly attack, others may decide to do the same given that the technology involved is easily available to every major country as well as many non-state actors. Apparently the high-explosive compound employed was very difficult to detect by scanning or any other means, so what would stop explosive-filled laptops or other large electronic devices from being used to bring down civilian planes in flight? The societies of America and the West are very soft targets, unused to the regular attacks that Israel has inflicted upon its Middle Eastern neighbors, so the deployment of booby-trapped electronic devices would have a hugely negative impact upon our way of life. The possible damage to the market reputation of Taiwan’s consumer electronics industry and that of other manufacturers aligned with the West may also be quite substantial. With Mossad having so easily taken deadly advantage of the security gaps of the contract manufacturers in those supply chains, what rational country in the Middle East would not factor that risk into its future orders? Huawei and other Chinese companies provide the full range of such products, with their quality at least as good and their prices generally much lower, while their devices would be almost totally immune to such sabotage. Over the last year, Israeli representatives have expressed ferocious public hostility towards almost all of the nations of the world, denouncing them for joining together in the series of near-unanimous UN votes condemning the ongoing genocidal rampage in Gaza. Many of these countries and organizations may begin to wonder if they might eventually be targeted in political retaliation, and therefore chose to be safe rather than sorry by switching their purchases of consumer electronics to Chinese vendors. For generations, the nations of the world have signed international protocols and treaties prohibiting exactly these sorts of terrorist attacks for exactly these sorts of reasons, so Israel’s endless violations of such standards may inflict a great deal of damage upon the peace and security of the rest of the world, eventually provoking huge international hostility. Israel has obviously now become almost universally recognized as a rogue, terrorist state, the worst sort of international criminal regime. Eventually the rest of the world may conclude that its continued existence poses too much of a risk to global peace and take concerted action to eliminate that threat, together with the entire population deemed responsible. Indeed, if not for the totally slavish subservience of America’s bought-and-paid-for political leadership, I think that such steps would have already been taken long ago. But although these negative strategic consequences for Israel’s long-term situation are obviously quite serious, I think they are actually far overshadowed by certain other implications of this extremely successful Mossad operation, which may have a more immediate and historic impact. This project certainly ranked as one of the most brilliant and effective covert strikes in the history of the world, with few other comparable examples coming to mind. Yet I think that exactly those characteristics may lead to Israel’s total destruction, perhaps even in the relatively near future. In many respects, this use of thousands of weaponized pagers to target the members of an opposing organization almost seemed much more like something produced by a Hollywood scriptwriter than anything carried out in real life. In many respects it straddled the line between representing a massive wave of simultaneous, targeted assassinations and a huge terrorist attack against the cities of a hostile country. Although neither Mossad nor any other intelligence service had ever tried any similar operation in the past, Bergman’s authoritative history does provide a very long list of past Mossad assassinations, as well as similar actions by the various Zionist groups prior to Israel’s creation. I think it is worth reviewing some of that material to get a better sense of the likely mindset of those involved in formulating this recent operation. Back in early 2020, I summarized some of Bergman’s important information: The sheer quantity of such foreign assassinations was really quite remarkable, with the knowledgeable reviewer in the New York Times suggesting that the Israeli total over the last half-century or so seemed far greater than that of any other nation. I might even go farther: if we excluded domestic killings, I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel’s body-count greatly exceeded the combined total for that of all other major countries in the world. I think all the lurid revelations of lethal CIA or KGB Cold War assassination plots that I have seen discussed in newspaper articles might fit comfortably into just a chapter or two of Bergman’s extremely long book… Israeli operatives sometimes even contemplated the elimination of their own top-ranking leaders whose policies they viewed as sufficiently counter-productive. For decades, Gen. Ariel Sharon had been one of Israel’s greatest military heroes and someone of extreme right-wing sentiments. As Defense Minister in 1982, he orchestrated the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which soon turned into a major political debacle, seriously damaging Israel’s international standing by inflicting great destruction upon that neighboring country and its capital city of Beirut. As Sharon stubbornly continued his military strategy and the problems grew more severe, a group of disgruntled officers decided that the best means of cutting Israel’s losses was to assassinate Sharon, though that proposal was never carried out. An even more striking example occurred a decade later. For many years, Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat had been the leading object of Israeli antipathy, so much so that at one point Israel made plans to shoot down an international civilian jetliner in order to assassinate him. But after the end of the Cold War, pressure from America and Europe led Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to sign the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords with his Palestinian foe. Although the Israeli leader received worldwide praise and shared a Nobel Peace Prize for his peacemaking efforts, powerful segments of the Israeli public and its political class regarded the act as a betrayal, with some extreme nationalists and religious zealots demanding that he be killed for his treason. A couple of years later, he was indeed shot dead by a lone gunman from those ideological circles, becoming the first Middle Eastern leader in decades to suffer that fate. Although his killer was mentally unbalanced and stubbornly insisted that he acted alone, he had had a long history of intelligence associations, and Bergman delicately notes that the gunman slipped past Rabin’s numerous bodyguards “with astonishing ease” in order to fire his three fatal shots at close range. Many observers drew parallels between Rabin’s assassination and that of our own president in Dallas three decades earlier, and the latter’s heir and namesake, John F. Kennedy, Jr., developed a strong personal interest in the tragic event. In March 1997, his glossy political magazine George published an article by the Israeli assassin’s mother, implicating her own country’s security services in the crime, a theory also promoted by the late Israeli-Canadian writer Barry Chamish. These accusations sparked a furious international debate, but after Kennedy himself died in an unusual plane crash a couple of years later and his magazine quickly folded, the controversy soon subsided. The George archives are not online nor easily available, so I cannot effectively judge the credibility of the charges. Having himself narrowly avoided assassination by Israeli operatives, Sharon gradually regained his political influence, and did so without compromising his hard-line views, even boastfully describing himself as a “Judeo-Nazi” to an appalled journalist. A few years after Rabin’s death, he provoked major Palestinian protests, then used the resulting violence to win election as Prime Minister, and once in office, his very harsh methods led to a widespread uprising in Occupied Palestine. But Sharon merely redoubled his repression, and after world attention was diverted by 9/11 attacks and the American invasion of Iraq, he began assassinating numerous top Palestinian political and religious leaders in attacks that sometimes inflicted heavy civilian casualties. The central object of Sharon’s anger was Palestine President Yasir Arafat, who suddenly took ill and died, thereby joining his erstwhile negotiating partner Rabin in permanent repose. Arafat’s wife claimed that he had been poisoned and produced some medical evidence to support this charge, while longtime Israeli political figure Uri Avnery published numerous articles substantiating those accusations. Bergman simply reports the categorical Israeli denials while noting that “the timing of Arafat’s death was quite peculiar,” then emphasizes that even if he knew the truth, he couldn’t publish it since his entire book was written under strict Israeli censorship… Having thus acquired serious doubts about the completeness of Bergman’s seemingly comprehensive narrative history, I noted a curious fact. I have no specialized expertise in intelligence operations in general nor those of Mossad in particular, so I found it quite remarkable that the overwhelming majority of all the higher-profile incidents recounted by Bergman were already familiar to me merely from the decades I had spent closely reading the New York Times every morning. Is it really plausible that six years of exhaustive research and so many personal interviews would have uncovered so few major operations that had not already been known and reported in the international media? Bergman obviously provided a wealth of detail previously limited to insiders, along with numerous unreported assassinations of relatively minor individuals, but it seems strange that he came up with so few major new revelations. Indeed, some important gaps in his coverage are quite apparent to anyone who has even somewhat investigated the topic, and these begin in the early chapters of his volume, which present the Zionist prehistory in Palestine prior to the establishment of the Jewish state. Bergman would have severely damaged his credibility if he had failed to include the infamous 1940s Zionist assassinations of Britain’s Lord Moyne or U.N. Peace Negotiator Count Folke Bernadotte. But he unaccountably forgot to mention that in 1937 the more right-wing Zionist faction whose political heirs have dominated Israel in recent decades assassinated Chaim Arlosoroff, the highest-ranking Zionist figure in Palestine. Moreover, he omitted a number of similar incidents, including some of those targeting top Western leaders. As I wrote last year: Indeed, the inclination of the more right-wing Zionist factions toward assassination, terrorism, and other forms of essentially criminal behavior was really quite remarkable. For example, in 1943 Shamir had arranged the assassination of his factional rival, a year after the two men had escaped together from imprisonment for a bank robbery in which bystanders had been killed, and he claimed he had acted to avert the planned assassination of David Ben-Gurion, the top Zionist leader and Israel’s future founding-premier. Shamir and his faction certainly continued this sort of behavior into the 1940s, successfully assassinating Lord Moyne, the British Minister for the Middle East, and Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN Peace Negotiator, though they failed in their other attempts to kill American President Harry Truman and British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin, and their plans to assassinate Winston Churchill apparently never moved past the discussion stage. His group also pioneered the use of terrorist car-bombs and other explosive attacks against innocent civilian targets, all long before any Arabs or Muslims had ever thought of using similar tactics; and Begin’s larger and more “moderate” Zionist faction did much the same. As far as I know, the early Zionists had a record of political terrorism almost unmatched in world history, and in 1974 Prime Minister Menachem Begin once even boasted to a television interviewer of having been the founding father of terrorism across the world. Indeed, I also recounted the remarkable history of Zionist and Israeli terrorism, some of which was covered by Bergman: Although somewhat related, political assassinations and terrorist attacks are distinct topics, and Bergman’s comprehensive volume explicitly focuses on the former, so we cannot fault him for providing only slight coverage of the latter. But the historical pattern of Israeli activity, especially with regard to false-flag attacks, is really quite remarkable, as I noted in a 2018 article: One of history’s largest terrorist attacks prior to 9/11 was the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem by Zionist militants dressed as Arabs, which killed 91 people and largely destroyed the structure. In the famous Lavon Affair of 1954, Israeli agents launched a wave of terrorist attacks against Western targets in Egypt, intending to have those blamed on anti-Western Arab groups. There are strong claims that in 1950 Israeli Mossad agents began a series of false-flag terrorist bombings against Jewish targets in Baghdad, successfully using those violent methods to help persuade Iraq’s thousand-year-old Jewish community to emigrate to the Jewish state. In 1967, Israel launched a deliberate air and sea attack against the U.S.S. Liberty, intending to leave no survivors, killing or wounding over 200 American servicemen before word of the attack reached our Sixth Fleet and the Israelis withdrew. The enormous extent of pro-Israel influence in world political and media circles meant that none of these brutal attacks ever drew serious retaliation, and in nearly all cases, they were quickly thrown down the memory hole, so that today probably no more than one in a hundred Americans is even aware of them. Furthermore, most of these incidents came to light due to chance circumstances, so we may easily suspect that many other attacks of a similar nature have never become part of the historical record. Of these famous incidents, Bergman only includes mention of the King David Hotel bombing. But much later in his narrative, he describes the huge wave of false-flag terrorist attacks unleashed in 1981 by Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, who recruited a former high-ranking Mossad official to manage the project. Under Israeli direction, large car bombs began exploding in the Palestinian neighborhoods of Beirut and other Lebanese cities, killing or injuring enormous numbers of civilians. A single attack in October inflicted nearly 400 casualties, and by December, there were eighteen bombings per month, with their effectiveness greatly enhanced by the use of innovative new Israeli drone technology. Official responsibility for all the attacks was claimed by a previously unknown Lebanese organization, but the intent was to provoke the PLO into military retaliation against Israel, thereby justifying Sharon’s planned invasion of the neighboring country. Since the PLO stubbornly refused to take the bait, plans were put into motion for the huge bombing of an entire Beirut sports stadium using tons of explosives during a January 1st political ceremony, with the death and destruction expected to be “of unprecedented proportions, even in terms of Lebanon.” But Sharon’s political enemies learned of the plot and emphasized that many foreign diplomats including the Soviet ambassador were expected to be present and probably would be killed, so after a bitter debate, Prime Minister Begin ordered the attack aborted. A future Mossad chief mentions the major headaches they then faced in removing the large quantity of explosives that they had already planted within the structure. Bergman’s weighty book constituted an extremely comprehensive if fully authorized history of Mossad’s assassination operations, and it also provided considerable coverage of its terrorist attacks. But as an important supplement to the latter, I would strongly recommend State of Terror published in 2016 by Thomas Suarez. Although it focuses primarily upon the Zionist terrorism that played such a central role in the creation of the State of Israel, it also provides some incidents from later years as well. Most importantly, it massively documents the complete ideological support for that technique found across all of the early Zionist leaders, who then continued governing that country during the decades that followed, even into the 1990s. Although the work is long out of print and used copies available on Amazon start at an outrageous $4,291, it may also be found at Archive.org. As I mentioned earlier, the sudden, simultaneous explosion of thousands of pagers all across Lebanon’s streets and cities was regarded as a gigantic terrorist attack by most of the world, probably the worst since 9/11. I very much doubt that any intelligence service other than Israel’s Mossad would have possessed the combination of skills, daring, and imagination necessary to successfully carry out such an operation. Indeed, the only terrorist attack in world history that seems even bolder, more complex, and more successful would be the 9/11 attacks themselves, whose 23rd anniversary just passed a couple of weeks ago. That brilliantly conceived and implemented terrorist operation inflicted enormous damage to America’s financial and military centers while easily circumventing our usual air defenses on that fateful day, and dramatically changing the course of world history. Yet oddly enough, while most of us freely admit that only an organization with Mossad’s superb resources, brilliance, and training could have carried out the exploding pager attacks, according to the official story, the even greater 9/11 terrorist attacks were merely the work of a rag-tag band of poorly-trained Arabs directed by an eccentric with severe health problems dwelling in an Afghanistan cave. The contrast between the supposed actors behind those two operations is so extreme as to defy rationality, and the recent events in Lebanon must surely raise 9/11 doubts even among the most credulous and gullible. For more than two decades, large numbers of highly-credible journalists, academics, and former government officials have expressed enormous skepticism about the official 9/11 story. As far back as 2006, former high-ranking CIA official William Christison characterized it as “almost certainly a monstrous series of lies.” Over the years, a substantial fraction of the entire American population has come to very similar conclusions, much like those long expressed by most of the rest of the world. But if the successful 9/11 terrorist attacks were not the work of Osama bin Laden and his small band of Arabs, then who was responsible? If the Israeli Mossad recently carried out what was arguably the second boldest, most successful terrorist attack in the history of the world, does that not suggest an obvious suspect? In the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the FBI quickly rounded up and arrested some 200 Mossad agents, many of whom had been found in the exact vicinity of the destruction, with five of them caught red-handed, celebrating the successful attack on the WTC towers. Over the years, I have discussed all of this at considerable length, including in an article published around the twentieth anniversary of the attacks: American Pravda: Seeking 9/11 Truth After Twenty Years Ron Unz • The Unz Review • September 7, 2021 • 7,800 Words For those who wish to place all of this in the broader context of past Mossad operations, many of which were carefully excluded from Bergman’s lengthy but highly-selective account, I would recommend my extremely long article from early 2020, which is conveniently divided into a series of major sections: American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations Ron Unz • The Unz Review • January 27, 2020 • 27,300 Words From the Peace of Westphalia to the Law of the Jungle “Rise and Kill First” “Who Killed Zia?” “By Way of Deception” “The Other Side of Deception” “Final Judgment” on the JFK Assassination The Strange Death of James Forrestal and Other Fatalities The 9/11 Attacks – What Happened? The 9/11 Attacks – Who Did It? Important Historical Realities, Long Hidden in Plain Sight The Past Perspective of American Military Intelligence We also recently published a long article documenting the extremely strong evidence linking the Israeli Mossad and its American collaborators to the 9/11 Attacks. Although the style is somewhat breathless and there are a few minor inaccuracies, the volume of material presented seems absolutely overwhelming, and I would urge people to read it. Israel Did 9/11 Wyatt Peterson • The Unz Review • September 12, 2024 • 13,300 Words Given the gigantic mass of very strong evidence implicating Israel and its Mossad in the worst attacks ever launched against the United States, the consequences when and if this becomes widely known are likely to be terminal both for the Jewish State and the bulk of its population. For a variety of different reasons, large portions of America’s political, financial, and media elites, both Jewish and Gentile, have bound themselves very tightly to support for that foreign nation. So unless they take strong steps to sever that connection in the loudest and most emphatic manner, they would probably share its fate. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/09/mossads-exploding-pager-attacks-and-9-11/
    Mossad’s Exploding Pager Attacks and 9/11
    Over the last year or two, Hezbollah had become increasingly concerned that the cell phones used by its members were giving away their locations and allowing the Israelis to target them with airstrikes or missiles, so its leadership finally decided to shift most of its communications network to the use of old-fashioned pagers, which only receive signals rather than also emitting them.
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  • Ukraine and Israel: Two Stalinist Remnants - VT Foreign Policy
    September 23, 2024

    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    Ukraine and Israel: Two Stalinist Remnants:

    We’re going to blow up the world for this?

    By Richard C. Cook, Co-Founder and Lead Analyst, American Geopolitical Institute. Author, Our Country, Then and Now (Clarity Press, 2023)

    September 20, 2024

    Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill:

    Toward the end of World War II, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin were the two most powerful men in the world.

    It was the Soviet Union’s Red Army under Stalin that brought final defeat to the German Wehrmacht and had taken over almost all of Eastern Europe. Held back by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from launching its assault on France until D-Day, the U.S. Army nevertheless advanced to meet the Soviets at the Elbe River just west of Berlin.

    Roosevelt was no friend of Churchill. Roosevelt saw the British Empire as a relic of history to be gotten rid of as soon as possible, with Britain soon being forced to grant independence to most of its colonies, including the imperial crown jewel of India.

    Roosevelt and Stalin were as close to being friends as two such dissimilar figures could be. We know that Roosevelt’s administration was heavily staffed by Soviet sympathizers. Through Lend-Lease, the U.S. had quietly aided the building of the Soviet military machine so that it would be ready for Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa invasion in June 1941.

    Then in June1944 at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, less than a month after D-Day, Roosevelt’s negotiators succeeded in making the U.S. dollar the world’s predominant currency, displacing the British pound.

    At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, not only did Roosevelt agree to meet on Stalin’s home turf in Crimea, but he also gave de facto recognition to the Soviet Union’s occupation of Eastern Europe, though Stalin did promise elections that were never held. Another agreement at Yalta was to create the United Nations, where the Soviet Union was given a seat on the Security Council of equal status with the U.S., Britain, France, and Nationalist China. (In China, the government of Chiang Kai-Shek was overthrown by Mao’s communists in 1949.)

    Meanwhile, all Churchill could do was watch and fume. This had not been the plan. Churchill had every reason to hope that when Germany invaded the Soviet Union, the two totalitarian nations would destroy each other. Now Stalin stood like a colossus over half of Europe. And Roosevelt was going along.

    Truman, Britain, and the National Security State

    Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, two months after Yalta and a month before V-E day. Now Harry S. Truman, a virtual unknown on the world stage, was president. In what was a virtual palace coup, the pro-British forces within the administration took over.

    Truman was a cipher who first obeyed instructions in dropping the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Before he became president, Truman had not even been told about the Manhattan Project to develop the bomb.

    The purpose was not to force Japan to surrender—the Japanese were already prostate. Rather it was much more likely to warn and intimidate the Soviet Union. (After the war, a faction within the U.S. military wanted to nuke the Soviet Union immediately.)

    Over the next three years, Truman enacted all of the measures needed to create what became the permanent National Security State, including formal establishment of the CIA through the National Security Act of 1947. But what many historians view as the start of the Cold War and U.S./British disengagement from the Soviets as erstwhile World War II allies, was Churchill’s famous “Iron Curtain” speech of March 5, 1946, in Fulton, Missouri.

    It was also the British who took the lead in prevailing on the U.S. to fund the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, including West Germany, starting in 1948 and in bringing NATO into existence as an anti-Soviet alliance in April 1949. Finally, in June 1950 came the start of the Korean War, with armed conflict between the West and the Communist Bloc now the focal point of worldwide geopolitical affairs from then on.

    Stalin’s Reaction and the Creation of Ukraine

    Stalin reacted to the U.S./British actions with near-panic. Elections in the occupied Eastern European nations were cancelled, with single-party governments under the various national communist parties installed. These were backed by Red Army occupational forces. Yugoslavia also became a communist state allied with the Soviets under wartime leader Josip Broz Tito. In Greece, a communist uprising led to civil war from 1946-1949, leading there to a pro-Western government but an armed conflict nonetheless, one that left Greece in ruins.

    In reaction to NATO, the Soviets created their own alliance, the Warsaw Pact, fully in place by 1955. The Warsaw Pact was a collective defense treaty established by the Soviet Union and seven other Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania.

    The Soviets had already incorporated a tier of states along its western border that formerly had varying degrees of independence. These became “republics” within the overall framework of the USSR, including the three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to the north, Belorussia, or White Russia, further south, followed by the vast region of Ukraine, then the smaller entity of Moldova. These were all countries that became independent after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990-1991.

    The most problematic of these newly-formed nations was Ukraine, cobbled together by the Soviets from 1922 to 1954 from various antecedents, including the original Russian homeland around the one-time capital of Kiev. Much of eastern Ukraine consisted of lands conquered by Catherine the Great and peopled with ethnic Russians. In February 1954, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union transferred the Crimean Peninsula from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

    This was a measure said to be taken by Soviet Premier Khrushchev for “administrative” purposes. What it would later mean was that the giant Soviet Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol would be part of Ukraine when it gained its independence in 1991. Crimea would stay that way until Russia re-annexed it after the 2014 Maidan coup.

    Ukraine also was home to large numbers of Jews, who, along with Russians, Poles, and Belarusians, were subjected to massacres during World War II. Jews of Ukraine and Poland carried out large migrations to America, then to Israel, in the late 19th-20th centuries, lasting in Israel to the 1990s. As examples, many of the leaders of the Neocon faction within the U.S. are descendants of Ukrainian Jews, as is the Illinois Priztker family that is prominent in Democratic Party politics.

    In Western Ukraine are large numbers of people of Romanian, Hungarian, Polish, and other extractions, many becoming Soviet citizens only with the post-World War II redrawing of the map when Ukraine itself became a confusing mixture of nationalities, ethnicities, and religions.

    The Ukrainian Mess

    After the fall of the Soviet Union and the emergence of an independent Ukraine, Ukraine quickly became a mess.

    The various factions within what was now one of the largest and most heavily industrialized parts of Europe, along with a rich agricultural heartland, competed for dominance. This included Neo-Nazis left over from collaboration with Germany.

    The lines of conflict were drawn partly along the lines of pro-Russian vs. pro-Western influences. In fact, from the very end of World War II, Western intelligence services were at work in Ukraine, trying to swing the country in their favor.

    The West seemed to gain the upper hand through the U.S.-sponsored “Maidan” coup in 2014, leading to the creation of today’s regime. After 2014, with NATO arming and training the Ukrainian military, the situation soon devolved into an assault on the eastern Russian-speaking provinces, the Donbas.

    Russia responded by invading Ukraine in its February 2022 Special Military Operation. The West came to the Ukrainian government’s aid with weapons, funding, and anti-Russian sanctions, all to no avail as Russia’s industrialized military machine is now close to defeating Ukraine’s forces. The West also suppressed any Ukrainian interest in negotiating with Russia.

    Vlodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, is Jewish and has said he wants Ukraine to become “the ‘big Israel’ with its own face.” Under his presidency, over 100,000 Ukrainians, mainly gentiles, have died in the war. Persecutions against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have become common.

    The question now is whether Ukraine and its Western sponsors will accept defeat and move to a settlement with Russia based on agreement that what is left of Ukraine will stay out of NATO as a demilitarized neutral state, or whether Ukraine’s backers, mainly in Britain and the U.S., will go off the deep end and continue provoking Russia until a hot nuclear war results in Europe or beyond.

    The Soviet Role in Creating Israel

    I have no intention of reprising the entire history of Israel here. I will touch on the pertinent highlights, but I will add that I do not believe in concepts such as the “Chosen People,” etc. which I view as totally imaginary. I believe that every human being on the planet is divine in their essence, though it is up to each of us to develop that potential, and that helpers have been sent, some of whom have lived in a mortal form, to assist. For more on this topic, See here.

    I do not believe that an individual’s worth derives from his or her race, religion, nationality, level of education or income, social or occupational rank, or popularity. I believe one’s worth derives solely from one’s deeds. Thus a person who appears inconspicuous or unknown may objectively be worth more than a president, general, movie star, media personage, or billionaire.

    Nor do I believe that past wrongs to my ancestors give me the right to exact retribution from others. I have Anglo-Saxon ancestors whose lands were stolen by the Normans in 1066. Do I have a right to attack the present King of England? I have Native American ancestors of whom millions died at the hands of European invaders. Do I have a right now to steal the property of these invaders’ descendants? I also have Jewish relations through my extended family, and I am glad that so many Jews have found their own “Promised Land” in America. I don’t expect any payback for that.

    I am also very familiar with the history of the Zionist movement but wish to point out that it was the British during the 19th century who first came up with the idea of declaring Palestine a Jewish homeland. This was before Jewish Zionism even existed. The purpose was to gain control of the southern terminus of the “Mackinder Line,” extending from the Baltic Sea to the Levantine Coast, in order to have dominion over the Eurasian heartland. For more on this history, See here.

    The Zionist movement picked up speed after the British government’s Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised Palestine as a Jewish homeland. Britain obtained Palestine as a League of Nations “mandate” after the Treaty of Versailles brought World War I to an end.

    The problem then for the Zionist leaders was that Jews did not want to move to Palestine. Conditions were not great for farming, there were no jobs, and the indigenous Arab population did not want them. So during the 1930s, particularly with the worldwide economic slowdown, the Zionist project was looking at failure.

    In particular, American Jews, who had assimilated peacefully and happily in large numbers had virtually no interest in moving to Palestine, though some were willing to donate money to help European Jews who might emigrate. But even then, most European Jews who wanted to leave Europe were going to America. (When Hitler came to power he made an agreement with Zionist leaders to aid Jews in emigrating to Palestine.)

    Then came World War II, during which large numbers of European Jews lost their lives. Note, however, that within the Soviet Union, far more Christians than Jews had lost their lives during and after the Bolshevik Revolution that was largely run by Jews. See here.

    At some point toward the end of World War II, the decision was made for an army of Jews to travel from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to seize Palestine from its Arab inhabitants and establish the state of Israel. Because there were so few Jews remaining in Western Europe or living in America who wanted to move to Israel, those in charge resorted to scouring the refugee camps of Eastern Europe to find individuals who could literally be drafted and forced to go. See here.

    The invading Jews first fought against the British who were still holding Palestine as a mandate, now under the UN, then seized the lands of the Arab occupants, massacred thousands, and drove 700,000 off their land into refugee camps. This is called the Nakba. It has been going on ever since but became much worse after the events of October 7, 2023.

    A hypothesis

    I now want to present a hypothesis, knowing it is just that—a hypothesis.

    We know that at some point in the early history of the Soviet Union, Stalin decided to purge that element of the original Bolsheviks and their successors who favored worldwide revolution. One name for this faction was the “Trotskyites.” Trotsky himself, a Jewish leader of the Bolsheviks, was assassinated, presumably at Stalin’s direction, in Mexico in 1940. He had been expelled from the Soviet Union in 1929. During the period between the revolution and Trotsky’s assassination, the influence of radical Jews in the Soviet government gradually declined. (Trotsky did become a mentor to a faction of Jews in the U.S. who later became part of the Necons.)

    Also, in order to defeat Germany in World War II, the Soviets had to tap the deepest recesses of Russian national tradition, emotion, and inner strength. Russia became Russia once again, leading to the extraordinary development of science, scholarship, military prowess, and technology that has continued until today.

    But the radical Jews had remained a revolutionary force. My hypothesis is that because Stalin still wanted to get rid of them, when the dust settled from World War II, he decided to send them to Israel. They went, not as migrants, but as conquerors.

    It seems true that the most violent and extreme elements of the Israeli leadership have been Russian and East European Jews. The Soviet government assisted these people in getting to Israel and in drafting recruits from the refugee camps. They were also armed with weapons from the Czech munition plants then under the control of the Red Army. None of this could have been done without Stalin’s approval.

    The Soviet Union was the first country to recognize Israel in 1948. This was followed quickly by the U.S., with Truman being the recipient of large wads of cash from American Jews for his presidential campaign that year. See here.

    Nor did Stalin send them to become a Soviet fifth column in the Middle East. Israel quickly aligned itself with Britain, France, and the U.S., while the Soviet Union became partial to Nasser in Egypt and other anti-Western elements in the Arab world. The Non-Aligned Movement the Soviets supported drew heavily on these elements.

    That’s the hypothesis.

    Fast forwarding to recent years, no less an authority than former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter has said that when he visited Israel in the 1990s, society there was moving toward a peaceful accommodation with the Palestinians that would eventually lead to the so-called “two-state solution.” Ritter says what then happened was that a new influx of Jews from Russia arrived on the scene with what seems to me the same kind of violent intolerance shown by the original terrorists who created Israel in the first place.

    Ritter’s commentary is compelling. It was these new arrivals who began to take over the Israeli government and who are now the driving force in Netanyahu’s reactionary coalition that has conducted the Gaza/West Bank genocide and is agitating for an expanded war, starting with a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. This could readily escalate into a broader war involving the U.S. and Iran or a worse conflict with Russia, Iran’s ally.

    The positive side, at least for Russia, is that Russia may now have rid itself entirely of its violent Jewish partisans. Russia has also gotten rid of or disciplined those Jewish oligarchs who took part in the looting of Russia in the 1990s. The Jews who have remained appear to be loyal, productive, law-abiding citizens who enjoy good relations with the Russian government.


    World War III now threatens on two fronts—Ukraine and Israel. In both places, powerful forces are trying to draw the U.S. and the West into much larger conflagrations. In both places, a radical Jewish faction lurks behind the chaos—Zelensky’s government in Ukraine and Netanyahu’s in Israel.

    But both conflicts can be seen as Stalinist remnants of World War II.

    Why should the unfinished business of a long-dead Soviet dictator be allowed to determine the fate of the world today? Why can’t reasonable people from all sides now come together to repair these long-

    simmering tragedies so that the world can move ahead in peace, cooperation, and understanding?

    New eBook Available on Global Research


    Richard C. Cook is co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Space Shuttle, documenting his story in the book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023. Also see his Three Sages Substack at https://montanarcc.substack.com and his American Geopolitical Institute articles at https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/category/agi/

    “Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. Also download the Kober Press edition of The Book on the Living God here.

    Richard C. Cook
    Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and Lead Investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting his story in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private-finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. His latest book is “Our Country, Then and Now” (Clarity Press, 2023). https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/

    In this book, Mr. Cook postulates that our country has lost touch with its founding principles, among which is the Bill of Rights, which we must reaffirm to survive as a nation.


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    Ukraine and Israel: Two Stalinist Remnants - VT Foreign Policy September 23, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. Ukraine and Israel: Two Stalinist Remnants: We’re going to blow up the world for this? By Richard C. Cook, Co-Founder and Lead Analyst, American Geopolitical Institute. Author, Our Country, Then and Now (Clarity Press, 2023) September 20, 2024 Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill: Toward the end of World War II, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin were the two most powerful men in the world. It was the Soviet Union’s Red Army under Stalin that brought final defeat to the German Wehrmacht and had taken over almost all of Eastern Europe. Held back by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from launching its assault on France until D-Day, the U.S. Army nevertheless advanced to meet the Soviets at the Elbe River just west of Berlin. Roosevelt was no friend of Churchill. Roosevelt saw the British Empire as a relic of history to be gotten rid of as soon as possible, with Britain soon being forced to grant independence to most of its colonies, including the imperial crown jewel of India. Roosevelt and Stalin were as close to being friends as two such dissimilar figures could be. We know that Roosevelt’s administration was heavily staffed by Soviet sympathizers. Through Lend-Lease, the U.S. had quietly aided the building of the Soviet military machine so that it would be ready for Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa invasion in June 1941. Then in June1944 at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, less than a month after D-Day, Roosevelt’s negotiators succeeded in making the U.S. dollar the world’s predominant currency, displacing the British pound. At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, not only did Roosevelt agree to meet on Stalin’s home turf in Crimea, but he also gave de facto recognition to the Soviet Union’s occupation of Eastern Europe, though Stalin did promise elections that were never held. Another agreement at Yalta was to create the United Nations, where the Soviet Union was given a seat on the Security Council of equal status with the U.S., Britain, France, and Nationalist China. (In China, the government of Chiang Kai-Shek was overthrown by Mao’s communists in 1949.) Meanwhile, all Churchill could do was watch and fume. This had not been the plan. Churchill had every reason to hope that when Germany invaded the Soviet Union, the two totalitarian nations would destroy each other. Now Stalin stood like a colossus over half of Europe. And Roosevelt was going along. Truman, Britain, and the National Security State Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, two months after Yalta and a month before V-E day. Now Harry S. Truman, a virtual unknown on the world stage, was president. In what was a virtual palace coup, the pro-British forces within the administration took over. Truman was a cipher who first obeyed instructions in dropping the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Before he became president, Truman had not even been told about the Manhattan Project to develop the bomb. The purpose was not to force Japan to surrender—the Japanese were already prostate. Rather it was much more likely to warn and intimidate the Soviet Union. (After the war, a faction within the U.S. military wanted to nuke the Soviet Union immediately.) Over the next three years, Truman enacted all of the measures needed to create what became the permanent National Security State, including formal establishment of the CIA through the National Security Act of 1947. But what many historians view as the start of the Cold War and U.S./British disengagement from the Soviets as erstwhile World War II allies, was Churchill’s famous “Iron Curtain” speech of March 5, 1946, in Fulton, Missouri. It was also the British who took the lead in prevailing on the U.S. to fund the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, including West Germany, starting in 1948 and in bringing NATO into existence as an anti-Soviet alliance in April 1949. Finally, in June 1950 came the start of the Korean War, with armed conflict between the West and the Communist Bloc now the focal point of worldwide geopolitical affairs from then on. Stalin’s Reaction and the Creation of Ukraine Stalin reacted to the U.S./British actions with near-panic. Elections in the occupied Eastern European nations were cancelled, with single-party governments under the various national communist parties installed. These were backed by Red Army occupational forces. Yugoslavia also became a communist state allied with the Soviets under wartime leader Josip Broz Tito. In Greece, a communist uprising led to civil war from 1946-1949, leading there to a pro-Western government but an armed conflict nonetheless, one that left Greece in ruins. In reaction to NATO, the Soviets created their own alliance, the Warsaw Pact, fully in place by 1955. The Warsaw Pact was a collective defense treaty established by the Soviet Union and seven other Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania. The Soviets had already incorporated a tier of states along its western border that formerly had varying degrees of independence. These became “republics” within the overall framework of the USSR, including the three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to the north, Belorussia, or White Russia, further south, followed by the vast region of Ukraine, then the smaller entity of Moldova. These were all countries that became independent after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990-1991. The most problematic of these newly-formed nations was Ukraine, cobbled together by the Soviets from 1922 to 1954 from various antecedents, including the original Russian homeland around the one-time capital of Kiev. Much of eastern Ukraine consisted of lands conquered by Catherine the Great and peopled with ethnic Russians. In February 1954, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union transferred the Crimean Peninsula from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. This was a measure said to be taken by Soviet Premier Khrushchev for “administrative” purposes. What it would later mean was that the giant Soviet Black Sea naval base at Sevastopol would be part of Ukraine when it gained its independence in 1991. Crimea would stay that way until Russia re-annexed it after the 2014 Maidan coup. Ukraine also was home to large numbers of Jews, who, along with Russians, Poles, and Belarusians, were subjected to massacres during World War II. Jews of Ukraine and Poland carried out large migrations to America, then to Israel, in the late 19th-20th centuries, lasting in Israel to the 1990s. As examples, many of the leaders of the Neocon faction within the U.S. are descendants of Ukrainian Jews, as is the Illinois Priztker family that is prominent in Democratic Party politics. In Western Ukraine are large numbers of people of Romanian, Hungarian, Polish, and other extractions, many becoming Soviet citizens only with the post-World War II redrawing of the map when Ukraine itself became a confusing mixture of nationalities, ethnicities, and religions. The Ukrainian Mess After the fall of the Soviet Union and the emergence of an independent Ukraine, Ukraine quickly became a mess. The various factions within what was now one of the largest and most heavily industrialized parts of Europe, along with a rich agricultural heartland, competed for dominance. This included Neo-Nazis left over from collaboration with Germany. The lines of conflict were drawn partly along the lines of pro-Russian vs. pro-Western influences. In fact, from the very end of World War II, Western intelligence services were at work in Ukraine, trying to swing the country in their favor. The West seemed to gain the upper hand through the U.S.-sponsored “Maidan” coup in 2014, leading to the creation of today’s regime. After 2014, with NATO arming and training the Ukrainian military, the situation soon devolved into an assault on the eastern Russian-speaking provinces, the Donbas. Russia responded by invading Ukraine in its February 2022 Special Military Operation. The West came to the Ukrainian government’s aid with weapons, funding, and anti-Russian sanctions, all to no avail as Russia’s industrialized military machine is now close to defeating Ukraine’s forces. The West also suppressed any Ukrainian interest in negotiating with Russia. Vlodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, is Jewish and has said he wants Ukraine to become “the ‘big Israel’ with its own face.” Under his presidency, over 100,000 Ukrainians, mainly gentiles, have died in the war. Persecutions against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have become common. The question now is whether Ukraine and its Western sponsors will accept defeat and move to a settlement with Russia based on agreement that what is left of Ukraine will stay out of NATO as a demilitarized neutral state, or whether Ukraine’s backers, mainly in Britain and the U.S., will go off the deep end and continue provoking Russia until a hot nuclear war results in Europe or beyond. The Soviet Role in Creating Israel I have no intention of reprising the entire history of Israel here. I will touch on the pertinent highlights, but I will add that I do not believe in concepts such as the “Chosen People,” etc. which I view as totally imaginary. I believe that every human being on the planet is divine in their essence, though it is up to each of us to develop that potential, and that helpers have been sent, some of whom have lived in a mortal form, to assist. For more on this topic, See here. I do not believe that an individual’s worth derives from his or her race, religion, nationality, level of education or income, social or occupational rank, or popularity. I believe one’s worth derives solely from one’s deeds. Thus a person who appears inconspicuous or unknown may objectively be worth more than a president, general, movie star, media personage, or billionaire. Nor do I believe that past wrongs to my ancestors give me the right to exact retribution from others. I have Anglo-Saxon ancestors whose lands were stolen by the Normans in 1066. Do I have a right to attack the present King of England? I have Native American ancestors of whom millions died at the hands of European invaders. Do I have a right now to steal the property of these invaders’ descendants? I also have Jewish relations through my extended family, and I am glad that so many Jews have found their own “Promised Land” in America. I don’t expect any payback for that. I am also very familiar with the history of the Zionist movement but wish to point out that it was the British during the 19th century who first came up with the idea of declaring Palestine a Jewish homeland. This was before Jewish Zionism even existed. The purpose was to gain control of the southern terminus of the “Mackinder Line,” extending from the Baltic Sea to the Levantine Coast, in order to have dominion over the Eurasian heartland. For more on this history, See here. The Zionist movement picked up speed after the British government’s Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised Palestine as a Jewish homeland. Britain obtained Palestine as a League of Nations “mandate” after the Treaty of Versailles brought World War I to an end. The problem then for the Zionist leaders was that Jews did not want to move to Palestine. Conditions were not great for farming, there were no jobs, and the indigenous Arab population did not want them. So during the 1930s, particularly with the worldwide economic slowdown, the Zionist project was looking at failure. In particular, American Jews, who had assimilated peacefully and happily in large numbers had virtually no interest in moving to Palestine, though some were willing to donate money to help European Jews who might emigrate. But even then, most European Jews who wanted to leave Europe were going to America. (When Hitler came to power he made an agreement with Zionist leaders to aid Jews in emigrating to Palestine.) Then came World War II, during which large numbers of European Jews lost their lives. Note, however, that within the Soviet Union, far more Christians than Jews had lost their lives during and after the Bolshevik Revolution that was largely run by Jews. See here. At some point toward the end of World War II, the decision was made for an army of Jews to travel from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to seize Palestine from its Arab inhabitants and establish the state of Israel. Because there were so few Jews remaining in Western Europe or living in America who wanted to move to Israel, those in charge resorted to scouring the refugee camps of Eastern Europe to find individuals who could literally be drafted and forced to go. See here. The invading Jews first fought against the British who were still holding Palestine as a mandate, now under the UN, then seized the lands of the Arab occupants, massacred thousands, and drove 700,000 off their land into refugee camps. This is called the Nakba. It has been going on ever since but became much worse after the events of October 7, 2023. A hypothesis I now want to present a hypothesis, knowing it is just that—a hypothesis. We know that at some point in the early history of the Soviet Union, Stalin decided to purge that element of the original Bolsheviks and their successors who favored worldwide revolution. One name for this faction was the “Trotskyites.” Trotsky himself, a Jewish leader of the Bolsheviks, was assassinated, presumably at Stalin’s direction, in Mexico in 1940. He had been expelled from the Soviet Union in 1929. During the period between the revolution and Trotsky’s assassination, the influence of radical Jews in the Soviet government gradually declined. (Trotsky did become a mentor to a faction of Jews in the U.S. who later became part of the Necons.) Also, in order to defeat Germany in World War II, the Soviets had to tap the deepest recesses of Russian national tradition, emotion, and inner strength. Russia became Russia once again, leading to the extraordinary development of science, scholarship, military prowess, and technology that has continued until today. But the radical Jews had remained a revolutionary force. My hypothesis is that because Stalin still wanted to get rid of them, when the dust settled from World War II, he decided to send them to Israel. They went, not as migrants, but as conquerors. It seems true that the most violent and extreme elements of the Israeli leadership have been Russian and East European Jews. The Soviet government assisted these people in getting to Israel and in drafting recruits from the refugee camps. They were also armed with weapons from the Czech munition plants then under the control of the Red Army. None of this could have been done without Stalin’s approval. The Soviet Union was the first country to recognize Israel in 1948. This was followed quickly by the U.S., with Truman being the recipient of large wads of cash from American Jews for his presidential campaign that year. See here. Nor did Stalin send them to become a Soviet fifth column in the Middle East. Israel quickly aligned itself with Britain, France, and the U.S., while the Soviet Union became partial to Nasser in Egypt and other anti-Western elements in the Arab world. The Non-Aligned Movement the Soviets supported drew heavily on these elements. That’s the hypothesis. Fast forwarding to recent years, no less an authority than former Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter has said that when he visited Israel in the 1990s, society there was moving toward a peaceful accommodation with the Palestinians that would eventually lead to the so-called “two-state solution.” Ritter says what then happened was that a new influx of Jews from Russia arrived on the scene with what seems to me the same kind of violent intolerance shown by the original terrorists who created Israel in the first place. Ritter’s commentary is compelling. It was these new arrivals who began to take over the Israeli government and who are now the driving force in Netanyahu’s reactionary coalition that has conducted the Gaza/West Bank genocide and is agitating for an expanded war, starting with a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. This could readily escalate into a broader war involving the U.S. and Iran or a worse conflict with Russia, Iran’s ally. The positive side, at least for Russia, is that Russia may now have rid itself entirely of its violent Jewish partisans. Russia has also gotten rid of or disciplined those Jewish oligarchs who took part in the looting of Russia in the 1990s. The Jews who have remained appear to be loyal, productive, law-abiding citizens who enjoy good relations with the Russian government. Conclusion World War III now threatens on two fronts—Ukraine and Israel. In both places, powerful forces are trying to draw the U.S. and the West into much larger conflagrations. In both places, a radical Jewish faction lurks behind the chaos—Zelensky’s government in Ukraine and Netanyahu’s in Israel. But both conflicts can be seen as Stalinist remnants of World War II. Why should the unfinished business of a long-dead Soviet dictator be allowed to determine the fate of the world today? Why can’t reasonable people from all sides now come together to repair these long- simmering tragedies so that the world can move ahead in peace, cooperation, and understanding? New eBook Available on Global Research https://www.globalresearch.ca/world-war-iii-is-on-but-the-empire-has-already-lost-an-american-civil-war-looms-spiritual-transformation-is-the-only-way-to-prevent-extinction/5868285 Richard C. Cook is co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Space Shuttle, documenting his story in the book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023. Also see his Three Sages Substack at https://montanarcc.substack.com and his American Geopolitical Institute articles at https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/category/agi/ “Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. Also download the Kober Press edition of The Book on the Living God here. Richard C. Cook Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and Lead Investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting his story in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private-finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. His latest book is “Our Country, Then and Now” (Clarity Press, 2023). https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/ In this book, Mr. Cook postulates that our country has lost touch with its founding principles, among which is the Bill of Rights, which we must reaffirm to survive as a nation. ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/09/ukraine-and-israel-two-stalinist-remnants/
    Ukraine and Israel: Two Stalinist Remnants
    Ukraine and Israel: Two Stalinist Remnants: We’re going to blow up the world for this? By Richard C. Cook, Co-Founder and Lead Analyst, American Geopolitical Institute. Author, Our Country, Then and Now (Clarity Press, 2023) September 20, 2024 Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill: Toward the end of World War II, U.S.
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  • UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide
    Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)
    On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website.

    Following the publication of my article, I reported that Pfizer and Covid-19 vaccines are aerosolized (using graphene oxide lipid-nanoparticles) in a podcast on October 26, 2021.

    Fast-forward to July 14, 2023, when the FDA confirms that Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after being forced to publish confidential Pfizer documents by order of the US Federal Court.

    Here’s the Pfizer document:

    Here’s Karen Kingston’s Substack on the disclosure of graphene oxide in Pfizer’s poison death jabs.

    Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee has also revealed that up to 1/3rd Pfizer vials contained graphene oxide which Pfizer ignored.

    Please watch: BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent's Devastating Ingredients!

    Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide

    by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND)

    A shocking new discovery was revealed in April 2021, when Health Canada recalled over a million KN95 face masks containing the highly toxic industrial chemical called GRAPHENE. The poisonous masks came from China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd.

    Following the announcement, Spain recalled millions of masks containing GRAPHENE yet children worldwide are still being forced to wear these poisonous masks in schools.

    I wrote about the GRAPHENE based hydrogels back in April. They’re scientifically called “Nanotubes” or “Nanoworms” and they’re being used in face masks and PCR swabs: Masks And Covid Tests Contain Nanotech Vaccines Without Informed Consent.

    Global Research published this article entitled: Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance.

    GRAPHENE hydrogels are being intentionally marketed to kids as “nano-silver” and sold online in face masks. — See report.


    I was approached by the Spanish-speaking WikiLeaks / Anonymous group in mid-June and asked to look into La Quinta Columna’s extensive research into Graphene Oxide as the potential vector for Covid-19 drug delivery. I especially trust the Spanish Wiki-Anons because they stood beside me when I was wrongfully targeted and cancel cultured by black anons and obvious gatekeepers, in 2019.

    On June 25, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) broke the news on a Spanish television show — El Gato al Agua, that toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE had been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer “vaccine” analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra of Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna. The small group of Spanish researchers is headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano, Investigative Journalist Ramola D. revealed.

    On June 29th, Europe Reloaded covered La Quinta Columna’s analysis of the Pfizer serum under microscopy that was published by Orwell City.

    La Quinta Columna then released a game-changing report on June 30th, demonstrating that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum. It’s evident from La Quinta Columna’s website the amount of time they invested in researching GRAPHENE OXIDE.

    From Quinta Columna’s research, I learned that a company named Nanografi is manufacturing GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanotubes and intranasal vaccines for Covid-19 drug delivery. Nanografi also manufactures face masks! Now that’s very damning evidence!!

    Ramola D. then published an excellent article to The Everyday Concerned Citizen on July 5th, highlighting La Quinta Columna’s discovery and how GRAPHENE OXIDE causes blood clotting and magnetism.

    A second Spanish research team independent from Quinta Columna found GRAPHENE OXIDE as the predominant ingredient in AstraZeneca’s serum, reported State of The Nation.

    Dr. Jane Ruby, a medical professional of 20-years and a pharmaceutical drug development expert, picked up the story and discussed these vital revelations on the Stew Peters Show, on July 14th. She emphasized that the only reason Pfizer’s Covid-19 serum would contain over 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE “would be to mass murder people”.

    Dr. Ruby then returned to the Stew Peter’s Show on July 21st, to release more groundbreaking news about the horrific blood contamination of people who took the Pfizer and AstraZeneca injections. AstraZeneca by the way means “weapon that kills” in Sanskrit.

    A third research team from Argentina analyzed a vial of Moderna’s Covid-19 serum on July 21st and found that it contained 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE under spectroscopy, as reported by Orwell City.

    We now have not one, but three independent scientific studies establishing that the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca serum’s all contain over 98% to 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES!


    All the “Covid-19 vaccines” and now flu “vaccines” are manufactured using the same GRAPHENE OXIDE nano-technology.

    There are hundreds of videos online demonstrating how the vaxxed have become magnetized. The unvaxxed are also becoming magnetized by transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE is a nanoparticle. These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body, according to scientific reports.

    Global Research news channel is also covering Quinta Columna’s research and the magnetism phenomenon: Graphene Oxide Particles in Covid mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Magnetism?.

    World renown scientist and media mogul Mike Adams from Natural News, is also researching and reporting on this developing story where he reveals that: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene.

    This graphene-based fitness patch was developed under the EU’s Graphene Flagship, by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain can measure heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature.
    Nano-tech GRAPHENE OXIDE is superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain, as this scientific paper reveals.

    The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these). They can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely.

    The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called “The Graphene Flagship“ in 2019, spawning nine companies and 46 new GRAPHENE-based products.


    GRAPHENE OXIDE is already being widely used as an industrial chemical. We find it in electronics, aeronautics, energy, agriculture, cosmetics, medicine, textile production (also clothing), food processing, and buildings. The globalists intend to build “smart cities” using this nano-particulate substance and it’s already being sprayed on humanity via Bill Gates “smart dust”.

    Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Are Being Sprayed On Humanity

    GRAPHENE OXIDE has already been aerosolized for dissemination over populations through aerial spraying (chemtrails). Pentagon scientists developed the technology in a Kazakhstan bioweapons lab. Please see this video (2 min.).

    This NATO plane was filmed spraying GRAPHENE OXIDE from above. Please see the video (.17 seconds). And finally, this Italian study provides additional proof that we are being sprayed with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES.

    We’re literally being saturated with this industrial poison which has been intentionally inserted into everyday items such as face masks, food, clothing, water filtration, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, and more. It’s being used in the Covid-19 “testing” swabs and now we know it’s the key ingredient in the “Covid-19 vaccines”. This article highlights 60 uses of GRAPHENE.

    Here’s a one-minute video clip of Moderna’s CEO Stephane Brancel bragging to the World Economic Forum about it taking just two days to create their “Covid-19 vaccine”. How is that possible unless it’s synthetic?


    In recent years, GRAPHENE has been exploited in the biomedical field, particularly for DNA sequencing and the development of biosensors. It’s presently being used for gene delivery and to administer drugs into biological cells.

    This article by Natural News contains links to the exact science papers describing two decades of research into all this: IT’S REAL: Science paper documents “self-assembled magnetic nanosystems” for cybernetic biocircuitry interface and control systems in humans, including “DNA hydrogel” tech.

    Dr. Carrie Madej and I have been reporting on the GRAPHENE Oxide Hydrogels which allow for self-replication, disassembling, and reassembling, and ballistic drug delivery to cells. The programmable nanoparticles also pass through the blood/brain barrier, causing PRION (auto-immune disease).

    WATCH! Graphene Oxide Activates By Cell Phone EMF Frequency Radiation

    The GRAPHENE Hydrogels literally grow a new neural network inside the human body and do so extremely rapidly. This was observed by a Slovakia team of researchers.

    GRAPHENE’s thermal property and electrical conductivity make it a superconductor. The artificial neuron network can receive and transmit signals and can be externally controlled through 5G frequency and AI. GRAPHENE Family Nanoparticles contain drug-chemical payloads for mRNA “gene therapy” and it’s being deployed without Informed Consent. GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for Moderna’s “operating system” and the sad reality is that the vaxxed will transform into genetically modified humans rapidly after inoculation because the technology is very advanced.


    The first human genome project using GRAPHENE was initiated in 2001. GRAPHENE OXIDE was developed by CRSPR, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech as mRNA gene therapy to cure cancer but due to its cytotoxicity (cell death) in healthy cells, this highly toxic industrial nano-chemical was never approved for use in humans.

    CRISPR accelerated the development of the first Genome Sensor, the world’s first DNA search engine that runs on CRISPR-Chip technology. It can literally google genomes to detect genetic mutations and variations.

    The jagged edges of GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanoparticles are super sharp and super strong, easily piercing through cell membranes in human lung, skin, and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do quite serious damage in humans and other animals.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE is great for DNA sequencing (cutting and splicing of genes) and it’s perfect for evil eugenicists who want to pretend to be God’s and genetically enslave the rest of humanity. This substance is extremely dangerous to humans and to the environment.


    Europe Reloaded reports: “Graphene Oxide has a certain magnetic resonance band, beyond which it becomes excited, which in turn leads to rapid oxidization of the material. When the oxidization level exceeds certain body biomarkers, it triggers a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm, typical of “severe Covid-19” symptoms.

    At least 90 scientific studies show the toxic effect of GRAPHENE OXIDE in the human body produces the same clinical effects as Covid-19. These symptoms include programmable cell death, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, clotting, cytokine storms, thromboses, pneumonia (flu-like symptoms), inflammation of the mucous membranes, loss of taste and smell. It blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione, creates a metallic taste in the mouth, destroys the immune system, and magnetizes people, especially at the injection site.

    Please see: Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment

    Also see: Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

    GRAPHENE OXIDE Toxicity was researched and discovered to be a vector for transmission in mice, enabling Pfizer’s “self-replicating vaccines”.

    “The common administration routes in animal models include AIRWAY EXPOSURE (intranasal insufflation, intratracheal instillation, and inhalation), oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection. The major exposure route for GFNs (Graphene Family Nanoparticles) in the working environment is AIRWAY EXPOSURE, thus INHALATION and intratracheal instillation are used mostly in mice to simulate human exposure to GFNs.”

    Here’s a second peer-reviewed study confirming that Graphene Oxide toxicity transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed is airborne. This means GRAPHENE OXIDE is received from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed by inhalation.


    Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO)
    Cytotoxicity depends on the size of the GRAPHENE flakes and the content of oxygen. It’s possible to tweak the GRAPHENE to be more or less toxic. It is in fact possible to get GRAPHENE OXIDE in a clear liquid serum by reducing its oxygen content into a Reduced Graphene Oxide (RHO). By doing so, it will increase toxicity.

    Treating GRAPHENE OXIDE with hydrazine both removes the debris and reduces (both deoxygenations) the dark GRAPHENE sheets. Reduction of a clear GRAPHENE OXIDE solution using Sodium Dithionite will cause the microscopic GRAPHENE flakes to reappear “out of nothing”.

    Reduced Graphene Oxide is sold as a clear serum in India for example, here.

    Conclusion: DEMOCIDE

    These were never “vaccines” against a virus, instead all the time it was a secret nanotech project developed to reach and control the brains of the human population. People have been already magnetized with GRAPHENE which is present in masks, Covid tests, chemtrails, influenza, and Covid “vaccines”.

    We now have three comparative studies proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for the Covid-19 BIOWEAPONS drug/chemical delivery. These are not “vaccines” but mRNA gene therapies and industrial chemicals without authorized use in humans.

    The pharma cartel is finished! People will never trust big pharma again. These companies are making a killing poisoning us and terraforming our environment. Nanoparticles are programmed either for good and healing or for ill intent. These programmable robots aren’t just randomly used. This technology obviously got into the hands of the wrong people (eugenicists) or it was developed with the intent to Democide.

    GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector to carry the spike protein poisons that were cultivated in moths, enhanced, and weaponized in labs. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector for transmission into healthy cells by injection, air inhalation, and medical devices (masks, swabs, needles).

    Transmission is not caused by the shedding of viral loads because there is no virus. “Coronavirus” and Covid-19 are the distractions while governments conduct Democide on all the world’s population. This is a biological attack on our DNA. We are being literally saturated with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES and the only good news is that you can detox it out of your body.

    Our best legal teams, World Freedom Alliance and World Doctors Alliance have advised that we are now beyond Genocide and surviving a DEMOCIDE. This is an extinction-level mass culling. Genocide is when a government targets a specific demographic or religious group like Africans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims or poor people, for example. Democide is far worse than Genocide because governments are targeting the entire population of men, women, and children for worldwide depopulation.

    So please, STOP paying taxes at once! The only way this war will end is when we end it and the only way to do that is to stop feeding the Beast. We must march in droves to ALL federal, state, and local parliaments and city council buildings. Surround those buildings until government leaders come out. We must take back what’s ours. Remember, we own it all. We The People already have the legal backing of Reiner Fuellmich’s team at the World Freedom Alliance.

    Finally, I agree with La Quinta Columna’s assessment when they said, “Every person who has been inoculated with this substance with that graphene oxide nanotechnology has a fuse, dynamite, a time bomb that’s ready to explode by the activation of a microwave.”


    I have two published protocols for detoxing graphene oxide nanoparticles and for boosting immunity. My premium detox protocol and my affordable for all detox protocol.

    Please schedule a health consultation with me for customized protocol support.


    Please see: Latest news release from Quinta Columna here.

    Please see: FEMA whistleblower with Celeste Solum in her latest interview (very important!) on Frequency Wars, here.

    Please see: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Blows Whistle To Reiner Fuellmich and reveals that Covid-19 is aerosolized through the sweat glands.

    Please see: CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic

    Please see: The Vaxxed Are Being Liquefied & Spread On Crops (Video 1 min.)

    UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website. Following the publication of my article, I reported that Pfizer and Covid-19 vaccines are aerosolized (using graphene oxide lipid-nanoparticles) in a podcast on October 26, 2021. Fast-forward to July 14, 2023, when the FDA confirms that Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines after being forced to publish confidential Pfizer documents by order of the US Federal Court. Here’s the Pfizer document: Here’s Karen Kingston’s Substack on the disclosure of graphene oxide in Pfizer’s poison death jabs. Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee has also revealed that up to 1/3rd Pfizer vials contained graphene oxide which Pfizer ignored. Please watch: BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent's Devastating Ingredients! Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide by Dr. Ariyana Love (ND) A shocking new discovery was revealed in April 2021, when Health Canada recalled over a million KN95 face masks containing the highly toxic industrial chemical called GRAPHENE. The poisonous masks came from China’s Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. Ltd. Following the announcement, Spain recalled millions of masks containing GRAPHENE yet children worldwide are still being forced to wear these poisonous masks in schools. I wrote about the GRAPHENE based hydrogels back in April. They’re scientifically called “Nanotubes” or “Nanoworms” and they’re being used in face masks and PCR swabs: Masks And Covid Tests Contain Nanotech Vaccines Without Informed Consent. Global Research published this article entitled: Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance. GRAPHENE hydrogels are being intentionally marketed to kids as “nano-silver” and sold online in face masks. — See report. LA QUINTA COLUMNA I was approached by the Spanish-speaking WikiLeaks / Anonymous group in mid-June and asked to look into La Quinta Columna’s extensive research into Graphene Oxide as the potential vector for Covid-19 drug delivery. I especially trust the Spanish Wiki-Anons because they stood beside me when I was wrongfully targeted and cancel cultured by black anons and obvious gatekeepers, in 2019. On June 25, La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) broke the news on a Spanish television show — El Gato al Agua, that toxic GRAPHENE OXIDE had been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer “vaccine” analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra of Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna. The small group of Spanish researchers is headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano, Investigative Journalist Ramola D. revealed. On June 29th, Europe Reloaded covered La Quinta Columna’s analysis of the Pfizer serum under microscopy that was published by Orwell City. La Quinta Columna then released a game-changing report on June 30th, demonstrating that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the key ingredient in Pfizer’s “Covid-19 vaccine” serum. It’s evident from La Quinta Columna’s website the amount of time they invested in researching GRAPHENE OXIDE. From Quinta Columna’s research, I learned that a company named Nanografi is manufacturing GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanotubes and intranasal vaccines for Covid-19 drug delivery. Nanografi also manufactures face masks! Now that’s very damning evidence!! Ramola D. then published an excellent article to The Everyday Concerned Citizen on July 5th, highlighting La Quinta Columna’s discovery and how GRAPHENE OXIDE causes blood clotting and magnetism. A second Spanish research team independent from Quinta Columna found GRAPHENE OXIDE as the predominant ingredient in AstraZeneca’s serum, reported State of The Nation. Dr. Jane Ruby, a medical professional of 20-years and a pharmaceutical drug development expert, picked up the story and discussed these vital revelations on the Stew Peters Show, on July 14th. She emphasized that the only reason Pfizer’s Covid-19 serum would contain over 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE “would be to mass murder people”. Dr. Ruby then returned to the Stew Peter’s Show on July 21st, to release more groundbreaking news about the horrific blood contamination of people who took the Pfizer and AstraZeneca injections. AstraZeneca by the way means “weapon that kills” in Sanskrit. A third research team from Argentina analyzed a vial of Moderna’s Covid-19 serum on July 21st and found that it contained 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE under spectroscopy, as reported by Orwell City. We now have not one, but three independent scientific studies establishing that the Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca serum’s all contain over 98% to 99.5% GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES! MAGNETISM AND MIND CONTROL All the “Covid-19 vaccines” and now flu “vaccines” are manufactured using the same GRAPHENE OXIDE nano-technology. There are hundreds of videos online demonstrating how the vaxxed have become magnetized. The unvaxxed are also becoming magnetized by transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. GRAPHENE OXIDE is a nanoparticle. These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body, according to scientific reports. Global Research news channel is also covering Quinta Columna’s research and the magnetism phenomenon: Graphene Oxide Particles in Covid mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Magnetism?. World renown scientist and media mogul Mike Adams from Natural News, is also researching and reporting on this developing story where he reveals that: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene. This graphene-based fitness patch was developed under the EU’s Graphene Flagship, by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain can measure heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature. Nano-tech GRAPHENE OXIDE is superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain, as this scientific paper reveals. The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these). They can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely. The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called “The Graphene Flagship“ in 2019, spawning nine companies and 46 new GRAPHENE-based products. INDUSTRIALIZED GRAPHENE OXIDE GRAPHENE OXIDE is already being widely used as an industrial chemical. We find it in electronics, aeronautics, energy, agriculture, cosmetics, medicine, textile production (also clothing), food processing, and buildings. The globalists intend to build “smart cities” using this nano-particulate substance and it’s already being sprayed on humanity via Bill Gates “smart dust”. Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles Are Being Sprayed On Humanity GRAPHENE OXIDE has already been aerosolized for dissemination over populations through aerial spraying (chemtrails). Pentagon scientists developed the technology in a Kazakhstan bioweapons lab. Please see this video (2 min.). This NATO plane was filmed spraying GRAPHENE OXIDE from above. Please see the video (.17 seconds). And finally, this Italian study provides additional proof that we are being sprayed with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES. We’re literally being saturated with this industrial poison which has been intentionally inserted into everyday items such as face masks, food, clothing, water filtration, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, and more. It’s being used in the Covid-19 “testing” swabs and now we know it’s the key ingredient in the “Covid-19 vaccines”. This article highlights 60 uses of GRAPHENE. Here’s a one-minute video clip of Moderna’s CEO Stephane Brancel bragging to the World Economic Forum about it taking just two days to create their “Covid-19 vaccine”. How is that possible unless it’s synthetic? GRAPHENE OXIDE MEDICAL APPLICATIONS In recent years, GRAPHENE has been exploited in the biomedical field, particularly for DNA sequencing and the development of biosensors. It’s presently being used for gene delivery and to administer drugs into biological cells. This article by Natural News contains links to the exact science papers describing two decades of research into all this: IT’S REAL: Science paper documents “self-assembled magnetic nanosystems” for cybernetic biocircuitry interface and control systems in humans, including “DNA hydrogel” tech. Dr. Carrie Madej and I have been reporting on the GRAPHENE Oxide Hydrogels which allow for self-replication, disassembling, and reassembling, and ballistic drug delivery to cells. The programmable nanoparticles also pass through the blood/brain barrier, causing PRION (auto-immune disease). WATCH! Graphene Oxide Activates By Cell Phone EMF Frequency Radiation The GRAPHENE Hydrogels literally grow a new neural network inside the human body and do so extremely rapidly. This was observed by a Slovakia team of researchers. GRAPHENE’s thermal property and electrical conductivity make it a superconductor. The artificial neuron network can receive and transmit signals and can be externally controlled through 5G frequency and AI. GRAPHENE Family Nanoparticles contain drug-chemical payloads for mRNA “gene therapy” and it’s being deployed without Informed Consent. GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for Moderna’s “operating system” and the sad reality is that the vaxxed will transform into genetically modified humans rapidly after inoculation because the technology is very advanced. CRISPR The first human genome project using GRAPHENE was initiated in 2001. GRAPHENE OXIDE was developed by CRSPR, Pfizer, Moderna, and BioNTech as mRNA gene therapy to cure cancer but due to its cytotoxicity (cell death) in healthy cells, this highly toxic industrial nano-chemical was never approved for use in humans. CRISPR accelerated the development of the first Genome Sensor, the world’s first DNA search engine that runs on CRISPR-Chip technology. It can literally google genomes to detect genetic mutations and variations. The jagged edges of GRAPHENE OXIDE Nanoparticles are super sharp and super strong, easily piercing through cell membranes in human lung, skin, and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do quite serious damage in humans and other animals. GRAPHENE OXIDE is great for DNA sequencing (cutting and splicing of genes) and it’s perfect for evil eugenicists who want to pretend to be God’s and genetically enslave the rest of humanity. This substance is extremely dangerous to humans and to the environment. TRANSMISSION Europe Reloaded reports: “Graphene Oxide has a certain magnetic resonance band, beyond which it becomes excited, which in turn leads to rapid oxidization of the material. When the oxidization level exceeds certain body biomarkers, it triggers a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm, typical of “severe Covid-19” symptoms. At least 90 scientific studies show the toxic effect of GRAPHENE OXIDE in the human body produces the same clinical effects as Covid-19. These symptoms include programmable cell death, blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, clotting, cytokine storms, thromboses, pneumonia (flu-like symptoms), inflammation of the mucous membranes, loss of taste and smell. It blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione, creates a metallic taste in the mouth, destroys the immune system, and magnetizes people, especially at the injection site. Please see: Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment Also see: Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine GRAPHENE OXIDE Toxicity was researched and discovered to be a vector for transmission in mice, enabling Pfizer’s “self-replicating vaccines”. “The common administration routes in animal models include AIRWAY EXPOSURE (intranasal insufflation, intratracheal instillation, and inhalation), oral administration, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous injection. The major exposure route for GFNs (Graphene Family Nanoparticles) in the working environment is AIRWAY EXPOSURE, thus INHALATION and intratracheal instillation are used mostly in mice to simulate human exposure to GFNs.” Here’s a second peer-reviewed study confirming that Graphene Oxide toxicity transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed is airborne. This means GRAPHENE OXIDE is received from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed by inhalation. GRAPHENE OXIDE COLOR Graphene Oxide (GO) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) Cytotoxicity depends on the size of the GRAPHENE flakes and the content of oxygen. It’s possible to tweak the GRAPHENE to be more or less toxic. It is in fact possible to get GRAPHENE OXIDE in a clear liquid serum by reducing its oxygen content into a Reduced Graphene Oxide (RHO). By doing so, it will increase toxicity. Treating GRAPHENE OXIDE with hydrazine both removes the debris and reduces (both deoxygenations) the dark GRAPHENE sheets. Reduction of a clear GRAPHENE OXIDE solution using Sodium Dithionite will cause the microscopic GRAPHENE flakes to reappear “out of nothing”. Reduced Graphene Oxide is sold as a clear serum in India for example, here. Conclusion: DEMOCIDE These were never “vaccines” against a virus, instead all the time it was a secret nanotech project developed to reach and control the brains of the human population. People have been already magnetized with GRAPHENE which is present in masks, Covid tests, chemtrails, influenza, and Covid “vaccines”. We now have three comparative studies proving that GRAPHENE OXIDE is the vector for the Covid-19 BIOWEAPONS drug/chemical delivery. These are not “vaccines” but mRNA gene therapies and industrial chemicals without authorized use in humans. The pharma cartel is finished! People will never trust big pharma again. These companies are making a killing poisoning us and terraforming our environment. Nanoparticles are programmed either for good and healing or for ill intent. These programmable robots aren’t just randomly used. This technology obviously got into the hands of the wrong people (eugenicists) or it was developed with the intent to Democide. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector to carry the spike protein poisons that were cultivated in moths, enhanced, and weaponized in labs. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOPARTICLES is the perfect vector for transmission into healthy cells by injection, air inhalation, and medical devices (masks, swabs, needles). Transmission is not caused by the shedding of viral loads because there is no virus. “Coronavirus” and Covid-19 are the distractions while governments conduct Democide on all the world’s population. This is a biological attack on our DNA. We are being literally saturated with GRAPHENE FAMILY NANOPARTICLES and the only good news is that you can detox it out of your body. Our best legal teams, World Freedom Alliance and World Doctors Alliance have advised that we are now beyond Genocide and surviving a DEMOCIDE. This is an extinction-level mass culling. Genocide is when a government targets a specific demographic or religious group like Africans, Native Americans, Jews, Muslims or poor people, for example. Democide is far worse than Genocide because governments are targeting the entire population of men, women, and children for worldwide depopulation. So please, STOP paying taxes at once! The only way this war will end is when we end it and the only way to do that is to stop feeding the Beast. We must march in droves to ALL federal, state, and local parliaments and city council buildings. Surround those buildings until government leaders come out. We must take back what’s ours. Remember, we own it all. We The People already have the legal backing of Reiner Fuellmich’s team at the World Freedom Alliance. Finally, I agree with La Quinta Columna’s assessment when they said, “Every person who has been inoculated with this substance with that graphene oxide nanotechnology has a fuse, dynamite, a time bomb that’s ready to explode by the activation of a microwave.” DETOX I have two published protocols for detoxing graphene oxide nanoparticles and for boosting immunity. My premium detox protocol and my affordable for all detox protocol. Please schedule a health consultation with me for customized protocol support. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES Please see: Latest news release from Quinta Columna here. Please see: FEMA whistleblower with Celeste Solum in her latest interview (very important!) on Frequency Wars, here. Please see: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Blows Whistle To Reiner Fuellmich and reveals that Covid-19 is aerosolized through the sweat glands. Please see: CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid “positives” to push the plandemic Please see: The Vaxxed Are Being Liquefied & Spread On Crops (Video 1 min.) https://drloveariyana.substack.com/p/updated-graphene-oxide-the-vector
    UPDATED: Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide
    On July 28, 2021, I wrote the article entitled, Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide and published it on my Ambassador Love website.
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  • Highly evolved polio strain that infected Chinese boy suspected to have “leaked” from same Wuhan lab as COVID
    Highly evolved polio strain that infected Chinese boy suspected to have “leaked” from same Wuhan lab as COVID

    Another deadly virus is in circulation after the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in communist China "leaked" a new deadly strain of polio called WIV14 that infected a young boy in China's Anhui province.A paper from France's Pasteur Institute suggests that this new "highly evolved" strain of polio was more than likely developed at the WIV. It is said to be 99 percent similar to the Saukett A strain of polio used in laboratory settings and in vaccine production.

    Dr. Maël Bessaud, who led the research, says WIV14 probably came from the WIV or another facility that handles polio. The only other possible origins of WIV14 include a natural reservoir or another lab.

    (Related: Did you know that polio vaccines are responsible for unleashing RSV [respiratory syncytial virus] into the population?)

    U.S. taxpayer dollars must stop flowing to communist China
    If WIV14 did come from the WIV, then this is just more evidence that lab safety protocols at one of China's highest security-level biosafety facilities is sorely lacking and in desperate need of reform before another Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is unleashed upon the world.

    U.S. taxpayer dollars also need to stop being sent to the WIV to continue this type of research. Thanks to Tony Fauci and other career criminals, the WIV has been on the dole of U.S. taxpayer-funded grant money for many years, which it uses to develop deadly bioweapons.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) also sends cash to the WIV to fund projects aimed at enhancing the virulence of avian flu, as one example. The claim is that manipulating viruses to make them more deadly will help researchers to develop "cures" in the form of more vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs.

    The same study found that Peter Daszak, the Fauci-linked researcher whose EcoHealth Alliance group was accused of participating in the Wuhan lab leak of COVID, continued to receive cash from the U.S. government up until this year. Daszak used that money to tinker with exotic viruses sourced from bats, pangolins and other wild animals.

    The only reason Daszak is no longer on the U.S. taxpayer dole is because Rep. Brad Wenstrup's (R-Oh.) Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic successfully argued that Daszak was non-compliant with the grant terms of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in that he completely disregarded the warnings not to conduct gain-of-function research, which is illegal on U.S. soil.

    "The findings underscore the shocking unsafe state of global virology research," said Dr. Richard Ebright, a Harvard-trained molecular biologist, to the DailyMail Online about the research.

    WIV14 is believed to have evolved from a well-preserved strain of polio collected back in the 1950s for use in vaccine production. Somehow, it leaked from its source and infected a young child – and it could still be out there circulating.

    The close proximity of the WIV to the Anhui province where the WIV14 case was reported strongly suggests that the WIV is responsible for the release of this deadly new bioweapon.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) counted 125 positive samples of polio in Afghanistan last year, located to the west of China, along with 34 more -- so far -- in 2024. Afghanistan, Pakistan and even Gaza are said to be among the most prominent places where new strains of polio are appearing.

    In 2022, polio reemerged in the United States for the first time in more than a decade. According to reports, it was detected more than 70 times in New York's sewage. However, that could just be vaccine shedding.

    It sounds as though it might be time to shut down the Wuhan Institute of Virology for continuing to build and "leak" deadly viruses into the world. Learn more at Plague.info.

    Sources for this article include:




    Highly evolved polio strain that infected Chinese boy suspected to have “leaked” from same Wuhan lab as COVID donshafi911 Highly evolved polio strain that infected Chinese boy suspected to have “leaked” from same Wuhan lab as COVID Another deadly virus is in circulation after the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in communist China "leaked" a new deadly strain of polio called WIV14 that infected a young boy in China's Anhui province.A paper from France's Pasteur Institute suggests that this new "highly evolved" strain of polio was more than likely developed at the WIV. It is said to be 99 percent similar to the Saukett A strain of polio used in laboratory settings and in vaccine production. Dr. Maël Bessaud, who led the research, says WIV14 probably came from the WIV or another facility that handles polio. The only other possible origins of WIV14 include a natural reservoir or another lab. (Related: Did you know that polio vaccines are responsible for unleashing RSV [respiratory syncytial virus] into the population?) U.S. taxpayer dollars must stop flowing to communist China If WIV14 did come from the WIV, then this is just more evidence that lab safety protocols at one of China's highest security-level biosafety facilities is sorely lacking and in desperate need of reform before another Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is unleashed upon the world. U.S. taxpayer dollars also need to stop being sent to the WIV to continue this type of research. Thanks to Tony Fauci and other career criminals, the WIV has been on the dole of U.S. taxpayer-funded grant money for many years, which it uses to develop deadly bioweapons. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) also sends cash to the WIV to fund projects aimed at enhancing the virulence of avian flu, as one example. The claim is that manipulating viruses to make them more deadly will help researchers to develop "cures" in the form of more vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs. The same study found that Peter Daszak, the Fauci-linked researcher whose EcoHealth Alliance group was accused of participating in the Wuhan lab leak of COVID, continued to receive cash from the U.S. government up until this year. Daszak used that money to tinker with exotic viruses sourced from bats, pangolins and other wild animals. The only reason Daszak is no longer on the U.S. taxpayer dole is because Rep. Brad Wenstrup's (R-Oh.) Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic successfully argued that Daszak was non-compliant with the grant terms of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in that he completely disregarded the warnings not to conduct gain-of-function research, which is illegal on U.S. soil. "The findings underscore the shocking unsafe state of global virology research," said Dr. Richard Ebright, a Harvard-trained molecular biologist, to the DailyMail Online about the research. WIV14 is believed to have evolved from a well-preserved strain of polio collected back in the 1950s for use in vaccine production. Somehow, it leaked from its source and infected a young child – and it could still be out there circulating. The close proximity of the WIV to the Anhui province where the WIV14 case was reported strongly suggests that the WIV is responsible for the release of this deadly new bioweapon. The World Health Organization (WHO) counted 125 positive samples of polio in Afghanistan last year, located to the west of China, along with 34 more -- so far -- in 2024. Afghanistan, Pakistan and even Gaza are said to be among the most prominent places where new strains of polio are appearing. In 2022, polio reemerged in the United States for the first time in more than a decade. According to reports, it was detected more than 70 times in New York's sewage. However, that could just be vaccine shedding. It sounds as though it might be time to shut down the Wuhan Institute of Virology for continuing to build and "leak" deadly viruses into the world. Learn more at Plague.info. Sources for this article include: TheNationalPulse.com NaturalNews.com DailyMail.co.uk https://telegra.ph/Highly-evolved-polio-strain-that-infected-Chinese-boy-suspected-to-have-leaked-from-same-Wuhan-lab-as-COVID-09-13
    Highly evolved polio strain that infected Chinese boy suspected to have “leaked” from same Wuhan lab as COVID
    Highly evolved polio strain that infected Chinese boy suspected to have “leaked” from same Wuhan lab as COVID Another deadly virus is in circulation after the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in communist China "leaked" a new deadly strain of polio called WIV14 that infected a young boy in China's Anhui province.A paper from France's Pasteur Institute suggests that this new "highly evolved" strain of polio was more than likely developed at the WIV. It is said to be 99 percent similar to the Saukett…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4370 Views
  • Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have already held their first debate… on the Chinese internet

    #China - Boost
    Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have already held their first debate… on the Chinese internet #China - Boost
    0 Comments 0 Shares 889 Views 1
  • Kim Dotcom: I think you are a liar and a fraud Mr. Macron


    Telegram founder Pavel Durov has bee jailed for nothing…
    I don’t use Telegram but this is an attack against everyone… Stalin Starmer does the same as little Napoleon as little Hitler and the Bitch Ursula von der Hitler-Leyen.

    This has been going on for far too long.

    So I repost this from Kim Dotcom because he tells it like it is.
    And he speaks from my heart.

    I think you are a liar and a fraud Mr. Macron. The plan to destroy Telegram and arrest Pavel Durov was hedged by the US Govt years ago. You have given him citizenship for the purpose of trapping him in your jurisdiction to persecute him. This entire operation is driven and coordinated by your masters in the US.

    You are a puppet committing treason against your own people and the people of the European Union. The nature of the charges against Pavel gave it all away. Only the unhinged Biden DOJ would come up with such dirty lawfare against a well respected tech innovator and entrepreneur. You are just following orders.

    The US Govt declared war on those parts of the Internet that are not under its control. Anything that is not subject to the US deep state mass surveillance dragnet like its Silicon Valley big tech hostages must be assimilated or destroyed. Megaupload was the beginning, then TikTok, now Telegram and we know who’s next.

    The US Govt is manipulating the western media and user generated platforms to control the narrative in an effort to brainwash the masses.

    Only with mass propaganda could the US Govt execute its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and paint China as a supervillain. All in an effort to stop the expansion of BRICS, the multipolar powerhouse that is crushing the West.

    How inconvenient that Telegram was the major source of truth about what’s really going on in Ukraine, unmasking the evil face of the US proxy war against Russia. Don’t blame Pavel Durov for your own mistakes.

    You and your co-conspirators have failed. It’s over. The multipolar order is winning. US empire is doomed. You partnered with bankrupt fools instead of sophisticated chess players. You must know this by now.

    You turned against your own people. You bet your country on a failing and bankrupt system with an expiry date long overdue. You lost your gamble.

    You have abused your power. That is how you will be remembered when this house of cards comes crashing down on top of you, your co-puppets and your criminal puppeteers. That is your destiny. You should be ashamed.

    If you have any regrets let Pavel go.

    #Free Pavel Durov

    I thank my Friend Jao for this…

    Pavel Durov YGL 2017

    All information is vital.

    Thank you my friend.

    The one reason I never used telegram is because they use your telephone number and as such can triangulate your position.
    Same for Signal.

    What most people do not understand is this:

    Isreal and Unit 8200 create a lot of “Honeypots” which serve two things:

    A) Shield the criminal Jews from prosecution.

    B) Get others alike to be contained and arrested and / or Blackmailed.

    Perfect example the ANOM phone which was sold to criminals but it was a Honeypot.

    “Enter Anom ID” and a password, the screen reads. Hidden in the calculator is a concealed messaging app called Anom, which last month we learned was an FBI honeypot. On Anom, criminals believed they could communicate securely, with the app encrypting their messages. They were wrong: an international group of law enforcement agencies including the FBI were monitoring their messages and announced hundreds of arrests last month. International authorities have held press conferences to tout the operation’s success, but have provided few details on how the phones actually functioned.


    Speak Truth to Power!

    Please share far and wide


    Kim Dotcom: I think you are a liar and a fraud Mr. Macron Note: Telegram founder Pavel Durov has bee jailed for nothing… I don’t use Telegram but this is an attack against everyone… Stalin Starmer does the same as little Napoleon as little Hitler and the Bitch Ursula von der Hitler-Leyen. This has been going on for far too long. So I repost this from Kim Dotcom because he tells it like it is. And he speaks from my heart. I think you are a liar and a fraud Mr. Macron. The plan to destroy Telegram and arrest Pavel Durov was hedged by the US Govt years ago. You have given him citizenship for the purpose of trapping him in your jurisdiction to persecute him. This entire operation is driven and coordinated by your masters in the US. You are a puppet committing treason against your own people and the people of the European Union. The nature of the charges against Pavel gave it all away. Only the unhinged Biden DOJ would come up with such dirty lawfare against a well respected tech innovator and entrepreneur. You are just following orders. The US Govt declared war on those parts of the Internet that are not under its control. Anything that is not subject to the US deep state mass surveillance dragnet like its Silicon Valley big tech hostages must be assimilated or destroyed. Megaupload was the beginning, then TikTok, now Telegram and we know who’s next. The US Govt is manipulating the western media and user generated platforms to control the narrative in an effort to brainwash the masses. Only with mass propaganda could the US Govt execute its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and paint China as a supervillain. All in an effort to stop the expansion of BRICS, the multipolar powerhouse that is crushing the West. How inconvenient that Telegram was the major source of truth about what’s really going on in Ukraine, unmasking the evil face of the US proxy war against Russia. Don’t blame Pavel Durov for your own mistakes. You and your co-conspirators have failed. It’s over. The multipolar order is winning. US empire is doomed. You partnered with bankrupt fools instead of sophisticated chess players. You must know this by now. You turned against your own people. You bet your country on a failing and bankrupt system with an expiry date long overdue. You lost your gamble. You have abused your power. That is how you will be remembered when this house of cards comes crashing down on top of you, your co-puppets and your criminal puppeteers. That is your destiny. You should be ashamed. If you have any regrets let Pavel go. #Free Pavel Durov I thank my Friend Jao for this… Pavel Durov YGL 2017 All information is vital. Thank you my friend. The one reason I never used telegram is because they use your telephone number and as such can triangulate your position. Same for Signal. What most people do not understand is this: Isreal and Unit 8200 create a lot of “Honeypots” which serve two things: A) Shield the criminal Jews from prosecution. B) Get others alike to be contained and arrested and / or Blackmailed. Perfect example the ANOM phone which was sold to criminals but it was a Honeypot. “Enter Anom ID” and a password, the screen reads. Hidden in the calculator is a concealed messaging app called Anom, which last month we learned was an FBI honeypot. On Anom, criminals believed they could communicate securely, with the app encrypting their messages. They were wrong: an international group of law enforcement agencies including the FBI were monitoring their messages and announced hundreds of arrests last month. International authorities have held press conferences to tout the operation’s success, but have provided few details on how the phones actually functioned. https://www.vice.com/en/article/anom-phone-arcaneos-fbi-backdoor/ Speak Truth to Power! Please share far and wide Share https://substack.com/@fritzfreud/p-148241430
    Fritz Freud | Substack
    Drifter Musician Inventor Rebel Revolutionary. The "Hyperloop" is based on my Patent CPME0840812.080424. https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2009135389A1/en Please support me here: https://buymeacoffee.com/fritzfreud
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7603 Views
  • Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox Is a Side Effect of Covid ‘Vaccines’
    Frank BergmanAugust 23, 2024 - 12:54 pm

    A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox “outbreak” is a hoax and the “symptoms” are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.

    Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1.

    He explains that reports of a monkeypox “global emergency” from the World Health Organization (WHO) are part of a fearmongering campaign designed to scare the masses.

    Wodarg asserts that globalists are seeking to cover up the negative health impact of Covid shots while trying to profit from testing and treating monkeypox.

    He asks why other doctors aren’t questioning why people are being diagnosed with monkeypox based on a positive Rostar test.

    The Rostar test is an expensive product that pharmaceutical companies are profiting from.

    Meanwhile, share prices in companies that produce monkeypox vaccines are soaring following the WHO’s recent emergency declaration.

    “They’re scaring us again,” Wodarg said of the globalist medical establishment.

    “It’s a business exploiting the effects of the corona shots they pushed on us.

    “They’re using corona side-effects to create new schemes and scare us again.”

    Alex Jones of Infowars shared a clip of the interview translated from German to English.

    Jones says the video was from a German article titled:

    “Doctor: Monkeypox is actually shingles, a side effect of the Covid vaccines.”


    The German article states:

    “The main symptom of monkeypox is the rash that can look like blisters and is accompanied by severe pain.

    “This is also typical for herpes zoster, or shingles, noted doctor Wolfgang Wodarg earlier in an interview with Austrian broadcaster AUF1.

    “Shingles is a skin disease in which the affected person develops blisters on the skin that resemble chickenpox.

    “Shingles is also a known side effect of the corona vaccine.

    “Attorney Aaron Siri made sure that 390,000 reports from the monitoring system V-safe of the American health service CDC were made public.

    “It shows that 1 in 450 people reported shingles after vaccination.

    “According to Wodarg, the expensive PCR tests that pharmaceutical giant Roche has launched on the market to detect the monkeypox virus are not reliable.

    “He argues that they are now making people afraid of diseases that are actually side effects of the corona vaccinations.

    “The side effects of the Covid vaccines are being used to scare us about other conditions, the doctor stresses, who speaks of a ‘perverse industry.'”

    Dr. Wodarg is not the first leading expert to raise the alarm over monkeypox, however.

    As Slay News recently reported, world-renowned vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone has called on the public to “rise up” in the face of the “evil” that is pushing “psychological warfare” about monkeypox onto humanity.

    Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, warns that those behind the push to unleash monkeypox as the “next pandemic” are driving humanity to “the end of the line as we know it.”

    Speaking during a new interview with Alex Jones on Infowars, Malone declared that the people must “resist” the pressure from globalists to strip the public of their freedoms.

    He likened the situation to a “fight between good and evil.”


    Elsewhere during the interview, Malone described the monkeypox agenda as the “weaponization of fear.”

    He explained how infectious diseases are used to scare the public into compliance with unpopular policies.

    Malone also explained how monkeypox “war games were played out” three years ago.

    He noted that simulations for a monkeypox pandemic took place that were very similar to the coronavirus “war games” before Covid emerged.

    The comments from Malone come after another top official linked the Covid pandemic to warfare.

    As Slay News reported, former U.S. National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn blew the whistle just last week.

    He warned the American people that COVID-19 was created as a “bioweapon” that was unleashed onto the public in order to rig the 2020 election for the Democrats.

    Flynn explains how Covid was a bioweapon aimed at influencing the 2020 election to prevent President Donald Trump’s re-election.

    He also explains that the effort sought to alter future election systems to keep Democrats in power.

    Flynn, who served as the 24th U.S. national security advisor in the Trump administration, said:

    “The whole purpose of Covid was to make sure that the 2020 election was in the bag… once they did that, the real part of Covid, introduction of Covid, of the bioweapon by China, was to ensure that we could change our election system and process.”


    READ MORE – Major Study: Covid Shots Are SOLE Cause of Child Heart Failure Surge

    Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox Is a Side Effect of Covid ‘Vaccines’ Frank BergmanAugust 23, 2024 - 12:54 pm A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox “outbreak” is a hoax and the “symptoms” are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg issued the warning in a new whistleblowing interview with the Austrian outlet AUF1. He explains that reports of a monkeypox “global emergency” from the World Health Organization (WHO) are part of a fearmongering campaign designed to scare the masses. Wodarg asserts that globalists are seeking to cover up the negative health impact of Covid shots while trying to profit from testing and treating monkeypox. He asks why other doctors aren’t questioning why people are being diagnosed with monkeypox based on a positive Rostar test. The Rostar test is an expensive product that pharmaceutical companies are profiting from. Meanwhile, share prices in companies that produce monkeypox vaccines are soaring following the WHO’s recent emergency declaration. “They’re scaring us again,” Wodarg said of the globalist medical establishment. “It’s a business exploiting the effects of the corona shots they pushed on us. “They’re using corona side-effects to create new schemes and scare us again.” Alex Jones of Infowars shared a clip of the interview translated from German to English. Jones says the video was from a German article titled: “Doctor: Monkeypox is actually shingles, a side effect of the Covid vaccines.” WATCH: The German article states: “The main symptom of monkeypox is the rash that can look like blisters and is accompanied by severe pain. “This is also typical for herpes zoster, or shingles, noted doctor Wolfgang Wodarg earlier in an interview with Austrian broadcaster AUF1. “Shingles is a skin disease in which the affected person develops blisters on the skin that resemble chickenpox. “Shingles is also a known side effect of the corona vaccine. “Attorney Aaron Siri made sure that 390,000 reports from the monitoring system V-safe of the American health service CDC were made public. “It shows that 1 in 450 people reported shingles after vaccination. “According to Wodarg, the expensive PCR tests that pharmaceutical giant Roche has launched on the market to detect the monkeypox virus are not reliable. “He argues that they are now making people afraid of diseases that are actually side effects of the corona vaccinations. “The side effects of the Covid vaccines are being used to scare us about other conditions, the doctor stresses, who speaks of a ‘perverse industry.'” Dr. Wodarg is not the first leading expert to raise the alarm over monkeypox, however. As Slay News recently reported, world-renowned vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone has called on the public to “rise up” in the face of the “evil” that is pushing “psychological warfare” about monkeypox onto humanity. Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, warns that those behind the push to unleash monkeypox as the “next pandemic” are driving humanity to “the end of the line as we know it.” Speaking during a new interview with Alex Jones on Infowars, Malone declared that the people must “resist” the pressure from globalists to strip the public of their freedoms. He likened the situation to a “fight between good and evil.” WATCH: Elsewhere during the interview, Malone described the monkeypox agenda as the “weaponization of fear.” He explained how infectious diseases are used to scare the public into compliance with unpopular policies. Malone also explained how monkeypox “war games were played out” three years ago. He noted that simulations for a monkeypox pandemic took place that were very similar to the coronavirus “war games” before Covid emerged. The comments from Malone come after another top official linked the Covid pandemic to warfare. As Slay News reported, former U.S. National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn blew the whistle just last week. He warned the American people that COVID-19 was created as a “bioweapon” that was unleashed onto the public in order to rig the 2020 election for the Democrats. Flynn explains how Covid was a bioweapon aimed at influencing the 2020 election to prevent President Donald Trump’s re-election. He also explains that the effort sought to alter future election systems to keep Democrats in power. Flynn, who served as the 24th U.S. national security advisor in the Trump administration, said: “The whole purpose of Covid was to make sure that the 2020 election was in the bag… once they did that, the real part of Covid, introduction of Covid, of the bioweapon by China, was to ensure that we could change our election system and process.” WATCH: READ MORE – Major Study: Covid Shots Are SOLE Cause of Child Heart Failure Surge https://slaynews.com/news/top-doctor-blows-whistle-monkeypox-side-effect-covid-vaccines/
    Top Doctor Blows Whistle: Monkeypox Is a Side Effect of Covid 'Vaccines' - Slay News
    A renowned German doctor has spoken out to warn the public that the monkeypox "outbreak" is a hoax and the "symptoms" are actually side effects of Covid mRNA vaccines.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 6566 Views
  • Even GAZA KIDS as GATES’ Human GUINEA-PIGS! - VT Foreign Policy
    September 1, 2024

    $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
    Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.

    by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


    Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published

    Among the approximately 600,000 children displaced from their homes in the Gaza Strip (and now also from the West Bank after the new raids of attacks by the Israeli Army in violation of all international law as denounced by the UN) thousands of them have been ferociously injured by the consequences of the bombings that have also destroyed the hospitals where they could have been treated, and most of them are severely malnourished due to the criminal blockade of humanitarian aid imposed at the Rafah crossing by the Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu (hit by an international arrest warrant for war crimes).

    Infanticide Survivors must be Vaccinated but not Feeding

    They are the survivors of the diabolical infanticide committed by Israel that has claimed well over 15,000 victims, now perhaps almost 20,000, leaving thousands orphaned by their parents or with amputated legs or arms.

    In the midst of this satanic holocaust that makes Adolf Hitler look like an amateur, the main concern of the UN, increasingly a Non-Useful Organization, is not to impose a truce in any way to feed the children but to support Bill Gates’ global immunization project.

    The children of Gaza can continue to die of hunger or booze but they will be able to do so by being vaccinated against polio, thus becoming guinea pigs for a project that will measure the impact of vaccinations on a population that is dying of malnutrition, as already happened in the war in Yemen where tens of thousands of children died of hunger.

    “The United Nations has reached a provisional agreement with the parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for a humanitarian pause that would allow anti-polio vaccination in the Gaza Strip. This was told to journalists – reports Tass – by the representative of the WHO for the West Bank and Gaza, Richard Peeperkorn. “We have a preliminary commitment to specific humanitarian policies, during the vaccination campaign,” he said, “we call on all parties to suspend fighting to allow children and families to access health facilities safely.”

    Mainstream newspapers emphatically report.

    Truce for POLIO Vaccines Begins After Only One Confirmed Case

    “The much-vaunted polio vaccination campaign will begin on Sunday (September 1, 2024 – ed.) in Gaza. This was announced in a note from the Israeli government, followed shortly thereafter by a confirmation statement from Hamas. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has calibrated the words, commas, and spaces in the statement to avoid invoking a “truce” and a “humanitarian pause.” The operations, this is the only indication from his security cabinet, will take place in “certain locations” in the Strip “assigned” to health personnel,” writes the Italian bishops’ newspaper Avvenire.

    It is the first time in months that Hamas and Israel have reached an agreement that smells of respite. The last one dates back to the week between November 24 and December 1, 2023, when the parties agreed to release 110 Israeli hostages in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners.

    The turning point, now, is due to polio, which, completely eradicated in Western countries in the 1980s, was detected in Gaza’s wastewater as early as June.

    Abdul Rahman, 11 months old, whose left leg was partially paralyzed by type 2 of the virus
    “The first confirmed case in Gaza in 25 years concerns Abdul Rahman, 11 months old, whose left leg was partially paralyzed by type 2 of the virus. The photo showing him in a tent in the al-Mawasi refugee camp, asleep in his car seat with an older girl fanning fresh air on his face, has gone around the world. His mother, Niveen Abu al-Jidyan, said: “He had not been vaccinated because of our constant travel. When we left the North he was only one month old”» adds the article.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that the poor hygiene conditions of the camps, the heat and malnutrition are putting the lives of 640,000 unimmunized children under 10 at risk.

    ITALY & VATICAN ACCOMPLICES OF GAZA GENOCIDE (video). They Denounce the Horrific SIN, but not their Zionist Sinners Friends

    It is truly curious to note that the UN is capable of mobilizing a massive vaccination campaign obtaining an exceptional diplomatic result AFTER A SINGLE CONFIRMED CASE OF POLIO while it was unable to do anything to protect its workers, killed by the hundreds by the Israeli army, and 15,000 children exterminated by bombs supplied by the West, the USA and also by Italy to the Zionist government of Tel Aviv.

    UN Convoy Attacked by Israel: Humanitarian Activities in Gaza Interrupted

    As the American and Jewish Senator Bernie Sanders rightly pointed out, it is not anti-Semitism to condemn the Zionists guilty of a genocide of children.

    Zionists’ Kids-Genocide as Never in the Wars! Jew US Senator: “Is not Antisemitism to Point out the Racist Netanyahu Govt Killings’

    But the rhetoric of the Western mainstream that has seen Zionism proliferate thanks to Freemasonry and the Rothschilds continues to cling to the condemnation of ideology without being capable of mercilessly condemning an international criminal like Netanyahu by cutting off not only his ammunition but also his financial business.

    The EU sanctions on Israeli ministers are “unreal”. This was said by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani in Brussels, responding to the proposal of the EU High Representative Borrell against the politicians of the Zionist government who explicitly incited the depopulation of Gaza through bombings.

    Final Countdown to Complete 1948’s Nakba. Israeli Govt admits the ZioNazi Genocide’s Goal: Depopulate Gaza Strip

    As the vaccination campaign is about to begin, the UN itself is struggling more than ever.

    The UN’s humanitarian aid operations in Gaza have been suspended in recent days, following Israel’s new order to evacuate Deir Al-Balah in the central part of the Strip.

    A senior UN official said. “We are not able to work today in the conditions we are in,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “We are not going to leave Gaza because people need us there.” “We are trying to balance the needs of the population with the need for security and protection of UN personnel,” he added.

    FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines.

    Since the war between Israel and Hamas began in October, the UN has had to “delay or pause” its operations at times, “but never to the point of actually announcing that it can no longer do anything,” as is happening now, the official added.

    The Israel Defense Forces carried out an airstrike on a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza, aiming to target “armed assailants” trying to hijack it, but the charity that organized the aid said those killed in the attack were employees of the transport company it was working with. The convoy, organized by the US-based NGO Anera, was carrying medical supplies and fuel to an Emirati-run hospital in Rafah on Thursday evening.

    Its route had been coordinated in advance with the IDF. Preliminary reports say five people were killed in the attack. The airstrike on the convoy came hours after Israeli soldiers opened fire on a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle, clearly marked with United Nations insignia.

    13 Countries Join South Africa’s Case Against Israel on Genocide In Gaza

    Why did they find the path clear in the vaccination campaign?

    Simple because it is part of a global project launched by the usual Gates in 2023 that follows the one presented in Italy with the Rockefeller Foundation in 1999 from which the pilot project of the highly contested 10 mandatory vaccinations in school age in Italy was born.

    The Global Vaccination Project by UNICEF and Gates

    «The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with Immunization Agenda 2030 and many other global and national health partners, are today joining forces to call for “The Big Catch-up”, a targeted global effort to boost vaccination among children following declines driven by the COVID-19 pandemic» reports the UNICEF website in a statement dated 24 April 2023.

    WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

    «With over 25 million children missing at least one vaccination in 2021 alone, outbreaks of preventable diseases, including measles, diphtheria, polio and yellow fever are already becoming more prevalent and severe. The Big Catch-up aims to protect populations from vaccine-preventable outbreaks, save children’s lives and strengthen national health systems».

    While calling on people and governments in every country to play their part in helping to catch up by reaching the children who missed out, The Big Catch-up will have a particular focus on the 20 countries where three quarters of the children who missed vaccinations in 2021 live: Afghanistan, Angola, Brazil, Cameroon, Chad, DPRK, DRC, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Tanzania, Viet Nam.

    “Vaccinated at Higher Risk for Covid Infection and Hospitalization”. Vital, Heavy Study by Estonian University of Tartu

    The genocide in the Holy Land now allows the plan to be extended to Palestine. The meaning of the UN action is clear: in Gaza, children can die of bombs and hunger every day, as long as they die vaccinated as Gates wants.

    Just like the mRNA Covid genetic serums, however, anti-polio vaccines can also have serious adverse reactions.

    In India, a confirmed case of Polio triggered by vaccines


    Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
    prohibition of reproduction without authorization
    follow Fabio Carisio Gospa News director on Twitter
    follow Gospa News on Telegram





    Iran: “Gaza School MASSACRE latest outcome of US Unconditional SUPPORT for Israel”

    US Exploited ‘Loophole’ to Sell Weapons to Israel – Report

    LOBBY ARMI – 17. ITALIA COMPLICE DEL GENOCIDIO DI BIMBI A GAZA. Inchiesta RAI svela Affari di Crosetto con Israele. E spiega il Voto antiPalestina all’ONU

    NETANYAHU Now is really Like his Idol HITLER. Neither ONU or Western Godfathers can STOP his GENOCIDE

    ANGER ALSO IN EGYPT FOR ISRAELI GENOCIDE IN GAZA. Exclusive Interview with an Egyptian Journalist

    BAMBINI SENZA CIBO MA COL VACCINO… Criminale |pocrisia in Europa dove cresce la Fame tra Minori Cavie da Sieri Genici antiCovid

    Paris 2024 Olympics begin as Sports world reeling from LOSS of 400 PALESTINIAN ATHLETES in Gaza Extermination

    Fabio G. C. Carisio
    Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal.

    His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more…

    Most popolar investigation on VT is:

    Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon

    Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting.

    For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime.

    With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians.

    In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence.

    In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates

    His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others

    He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator.




    We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed
    In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.

    About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy
    Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT.

    Even GAZA KIDS as GATES’ Human GUINEA-PIGS! - VT Foreign Policy September 1, 2024 VT Condemns the ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINIANS by USA/Israel $ 280 BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation; $ 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State. by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published Among the approximately 600,000 children displaced from their homes in the Gaza Strip (and now also from the West Bank after the new raids of attacks by the Israeli Army in violation of all international law as denounced by the UN) thousands of them have been ferociously injured by the consequences of the bombings that have also destroyed the hospitals where they could have been treated, and most of them are severely malnourished due to the criminal blockade of humanitarian aid imposed at the Rafah crossing by the Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu (hit by an international arrest warrant for war crimes). Infanticide Survivors must be Vaccinated but not Feeding They are the survivors of the diabolical infanticide committed by Israel that has claimed well over 15,000 victims, now perhaps almost 20,000, leaving thousands orphaned by their parents or with amputated legs or arms. In the midst of this satanic holocaust that makes Adolf Hitler look like an amateur, the main concern of the UN, increasingly a Non-Useful Organization, is not to impose a truce in any way to feed the children but to support Bill Gates’ global immunization project. The children of Gaza can continue to die of hunger or booze but they will be able to do so by being vaccinated against polio, thus becoming guinea pigs for a project that will measure the impact of vaccinations on a population that is dying of malnutrition, as already happened in the war in Yemen where tens of thousands of children died of hunger. “The United Nations has reached a provisional agreement with the parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for a humanitarian pause that would allow anti-polio vaccination in the Gaza Strip. This was told to journalists – reports Tass – by the representative of the WHO for the West Bank and Gaza, Richard Peeperkorn. “We have a preliminary commitment to specific humanitarian policies, during the vaccination campaign,” he said, “we call on all parties to suspend fighting to allow children and families to access health facilities safely.” Mainstream newspapers emphatically report. Truce for POLIO Vaccines Begins After Only One Confirmed Case “The much-vaunted polio vaccination campaign will begin on Sunday (September 1, 2024 – ed.) in Gaza. This was announced in a note from the Israeli government, followed shortly thereafter by a confirmation statement from Hamas. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has calibrated the words, commas, and spaces in the statement to avoid invoking a “truce” and a “humanitarian pause.” The operations, this is the only indication from his security cabinet, will take place in “certain locations” in the Strip “assigned” to health personnel,” writes the Italian bishops’ newspaper Avvenire. It is the first time in months that Hamas and Israel have reached an agreement that smells of respite. The last one dates back to the week between November 24 and December 1, 2023, when the parties agreed to release 110 Israeli hostages in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners. The turning point, now, is due to polio, which, completely eradicated in Western countries in the 1980s, was detected in Gaza’s wastewater as early as June. Abdul Rahman, 11 months old, whose left leg was partially paralyzed by type 2 of the virus “The first confirmed case in Gaza in 25 years concerns Abdul Rahman, 11 months old, whose left leg was partially paralyzed by type 2 of the virus. The photo showing him in a tent in the al-Mawasi refugee camp, asleep in his car seat with an older girl fanning fresh air on his face, has gone around the world. His mother, Niveen Abu al-Jidyan, said: “He had not been vaccinated because of our constant travel. When we left the North he was only one month old”» adds the article. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that the poor hygiene conditions of the camps, the heat and malnutrition are putting the lives of 640,000 unimmunized children under 10 at risk. ITALY & VATICAN ACCOMPLICES OF GAZA GENOCIDE (video). They Denounce the Horrific SIN, but not their Zionist Sinners Friends It is truly curious to note that the UN is capable of mobilizing a massive vaccination campaign obtaining an exceptional diplomatic result AFTER A SINGLE CONFIRMED CASE OF POLIO while it was unable to do anything to protect its workers, killed by the hundreds by the Israeli army, and 15,000 children exterminated by bombs supplied by the West, the USA and also by Italy to the Zionist government of Tel Aviv. UN Convoy Attacked by Israel: Humanitarian Activities in Gaza Interrupted As the American and Jewish Senator Bernie Sanders rightly pointed out, it is not anti-Semitism to condemn the Zionists guilty of a genocide of children. Zionists’ Kids-Genocide as Never in the Wars! Jew US Senator: “Is not Antisemitism to Point out the Racist Netanyahu Govt Killings’ But the rhetoric of the Western mainstream that has seen Zionism proliferate thanks to Freemasonry and the Rothschilds continues to cling to the condemnation of ideology without being capable of mercilessly condemning an international criminal like Netanyahu by cutting off not only his ammunition but also his financial business. The EU sanctions on Israeli ministers are “unreal”. This was said by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani in Brussels, responding to the proposal of the EU High Representative Borrell against the politicians of the Zionist government who explicitly incited the depopulation of Gaza through bombings. Final Countdown to Complete 1948’s Nakba. Israeli Govt admits the ZioNazi Genocide’s Goal: Depopulate Gaza Strip As the vaccination campaign is about to begin, the UN itself is struggling more than ever. The UN’s humanitarian aid operations in Gaza have been suspended in recent days, following Israel’s new order to evacuate Deir Al-Balah in the central part of the Strip. A senior UN official said. “We are not able to work today in the conditions we are in,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “We are not going to leave Gaza because people need us there.” “We are trying to balance the needs of the population with the need for security and protection of UN personnel,” he added. FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines. Since the war between Israel and Hamas began in October, the UN has had to “delay or pause” its operations at times, “but never to the point of actually announcing that it can no longer do anything,” as is happening now, the official added. The Israel Defense Forces carried out an airstrike on a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza, aiming to target “armed assailants” trying to hijack it, but the charity that organized the aid said those killed in the attack were employees of the transport company it was working with. The convoy, organized by the US-based NGO Anera, was carrying medical supplies and fuel to an Emirati-run hospital in Rafah on Thursday evening. Its route had been coordinated in advance with the IDF. Preliminary reports say five people were killed in the attack. The airstrike on the convoy came hours after Israeli soldiers opened fire on a World Food Programme (WFP) vehicle, clearly marked with United Nations insignia. 13 Countries Join South Africa’s Case Against Israel on Genocide In Gaza Why did they find the path clear in the vaccination campaign? Simple because it is part of a global project launched by the usual Gates in 2023 that follows the one presented in Italy with the Rockefeller Foundation in 1999 from which the pilot project of the highly contested 10 mandatory vaccinations in school age in Italy was born. The Global Vaccination Project by UNICEF and Gates «The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with Immunization Agenda 2030 and many other global and national health partners, are today joining forces to call for “The Big Catch-up”, a targeted global effort to boost vaccination among children following declines driven by the COVID-19 pandemic» reports the UNICEF website in a statement dated 24 April 2023. WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy «With over 25 million children missing at least one vaccination in 2021 alone, outbreaks of preventable diseases, including measles, diphtheria, polio and yellow fever are already becoming more prevalent and severe. The Big Catch-up aims to protect populations from vaccine-preventable outbreaks, save children’s lives and strengthen national health systems». While calling on people and governments in every country to play their part in helping to catch up by reaching the children who missed out, The Big Catch-up will have a particular focus on the 20 countries where three quarters of the children who missed vaccinations in 2021 live: Afghanistan, Angola, Brazil, Cameroon, Chad, DPRK, DRC, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Tanzania, Viet Nam. “Vaccinated at Higher Risk for Covid Infection and Hospitalization”. Vital, Heavy Study by Estonian University of Tartu The genocide in the Holy Land now allows the plan to be extended to Palestine. The meaning of the UN action is clear: in Gaza, children can die of bombs and hunger every day, as long as they die vaccinated as Gates wants. Just like the mRNA Covid genetic serums, however, anti-polio vaccines can also have serious adverse reactions. In India, a confirmed case of Polio triggered by vaccines WHOLE ARTICLE CONTINUES HERE Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio © COPYRIGHT GOSPA NEWS prohibition of reproduction without authorization follow Fabio Carisio Gospa News director on Twitter follow Gospa News on Telegram MAIN SOURCES GOSPA NEWS – PALESTINE GOSPA NEWS – WAR ZONE GOSPA NEWS – WEAPONS LOBBY DOSSIER Iran: “Gaza School MASSACRE latest outcome of US Unconditional SUPPORT for Israel” US Exploited ‘Loophole’ to Sell Weapons to Israel – Report LOBBY ARMI – 17. ITALIA COMPLICE DEL GENOCIDIO DI BIMBI A GAZA. Inchiesta RAI svela Affari di Crosetto con Israele. E spiega il Voto antiPalestina all’ONU NETANYAHU Now is really Like his Idol HITLER. Neither ONU or Western Godfathers can STOP his GENOCIDE ANGER ALSO IN EGYPT FOR ISRAELI GENOCIDE IN GAZA. Exclusive Interview with an Egyptian Journalist BAMBINI SENZA CIBO MA COL VACCINO… Criminale |pocrisia in Europa dove cresce la Fame tra Minori Cavie da Sieri Genici antiCovid Paris 2024 Olympics begin as Sports world reeling from LOSS of 400 PALESTINIAN ATHLETES in Gaza Extermination Fabio G. C. Carisio Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal. His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more… Most popolar investigation on VT is: Rumsfeld Shady Heritage in Pandemic: GILEAD’s Intrigues with WHO & Wuhan Lab. Bio-Weapons’ Tests with CIA & Pentagon Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting. For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime. With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians. In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence. In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator. VETERANS TODAY OLD POSTS www.gospanews.net/ ATTENTION READERS We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully Informed In fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion. About VT - Policies & Disclosures - Comment Policy Due to the nature of uncensored content posted by VT's fully independent international writers, VT cannot guarantee absolute validity. All content is owned by the author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, other authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images are the full responsibility of the article author and NOT VT. https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/09/even-gaza-kids-as-gates-guinea-pigs-un-truce-for-vaccines-not-for-delivering-food-and-stopping-bombs/
    by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Subscribe to the Gospa News Newsletter to read the news as soon as it is published Among the approximately 600,000 children displaced from their homes in the Gaza Strip (and now also from the West Bank after the new raids of attacks by the Israeli Army in
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